MNRAS 445, 3669–3673 (2014) doi:10.1093/mnras/stu1993

On the dynamics of volatile meteorites

S. G. Coulson,1‹ M. K. Wallis1 and N. C. Wickramasinghe1,2 1Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, The University of Buckingham, Buckingham MK18 1EG, UK 2International Research Centre, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya 20400, Sri Lanka

Accepted 2014 September 22. Received 2014 September 18; in original form 2014 July 22

ABSTRACT Canonical models for bolides in the atmosphere predict that fragile bolides break up at much higher altitudes than those actually observed. Here, we investigate the hypothesis that such fragile bolides may survive to low altitudes by a protective outgassing sheath of volatile ices

and organics that shields the from direct atmospheric heating. Downloaded from Key words: Astrobiology – methods: analytical – comets: general – meteorites, meteors, . Investigation of the tracks in aerogel formed by particles collected 1 INTRODUCTION from the comet 81P/Wild 2 indicated that the cometary dust con- Observational data of meteoroids show inconsistencies with the sisted of a mixture of cohesive, relatively strong particles as well models used to predict their behaviour. For millimetre to tens of as particles with a more volatile matrix containing smaller stronger metre-sized bolides, canonical models are unable to account for grains (Burchell et al. 2008). Similarly, modelling a Leonid mete- the survival of very fragile bolides to the lower altitudes as has oroid, Coulson (2003) predicted ∼90 per cent of the initial mass of been observed. The Maribo meteorite that fell in Denmark on 2009 cometary fragments are a composite of low-density material with January 17 had an entry velocity of 28.5 km s−1 and has been the remainder made up of denser carbonaceous material in order to

linked to the Taurids meteor stream, which itself is thought to be correctly describe its trajectory. by guest on November 6, 2014 associated with comet Encke (Haack et al. 2011). When recovered, Here, we consider a meteoroid consisting of a coherent carbona- the weak 25 g fragment appeared intact but fell apart when touched ceous matrix with pores filled with water ice and volatile organics. (Haack et al. 2012). The fragment has now been classified as a CM2 In the next section, we model the meteoroid in free-space at a solar carbonaceous chrondite. This is evidence for the ability of weak and distance of 1 au and calculate the rate of sublimation of volatile friable material to survive and fall as recoverable material prior to collision with the Earth’s atmosphere. meteorites. Disintegration of meteoroids descending through the atmosphere 2 A COMPOSITE BOLIDE IN FREE SPACE is usually described by a process of continual ablation where the energy used to heat the bolide is proportional to the cube of its speed We assume that the bolide was a typical cometary fragment, com- (u3) (Bronshten 1983); or by catastrophic fragmentation when the posed of volatile ices and organics held within as well as surround- ram (∼u2) exceeds the tensile strength of the body (Hills & ing a denser core of either a stone or chronditic-type material. For Goda 1993). Both these models predict that ∼1 m radii, low-density simplicity, we suppose that the initial bolide was spherical with a meteoroids must reach a minimum altitude of 80–60 km. radius a ∼ 1 m with an average density of 0.9gcm−3. Frequently, fireballs are observed at altitudes between 90 and 50 In free-space within the Solar System, such a cometary body is km above the Earth; however, other fireballs, such as the Tunguska heated by the Sun. At a solar distance R andanangleθ between bolide, appear to survive to much lower altitudes, exploding at ∼10 the Sun and a normal to the surface of the body, the energy balance km or less (Chyba, Thomas & Zahnle 1993). Here, we hypothesize equation is  that meteoroids which survive to lower than expected altitudes are − Fe τT (1 − A (υ)) cos θ Z (θ) L (T ) ∂T  composed of volatile ices and organics held within and surrounding = εσT 4 + B + K B  , 2 B  a denser core. The gases from outgassing, volatile material form R N0 ∂r r=a a sheath around the body thus protecting it from direct interaction (1) with the atmosphere as it decelerates. where F is the energy flux from the Sun, A(υ) is the effective Studies of cometary meteoroids suggest that rather than being albedo at a given frequency υ and τT is the total optical depth be- composed of a homogeneous material such as stone or chrondite, tween the Sun and the body. The energy from the Sun is dissipated they possess both volatile and high-density refractory components. through thermal radiation, sublimation of volatile particles from the body and conduction of heat throughout the body – the successive terms on the right-hand side of equation (1). Here, TB is the equi- E-mail: [email protected] librium temperature of the body, Z (θ) is the sublimation rate of

C 2014 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society 3670 S. G. Coulson, M. K. Wallis & N. C. Wickramasinghe the volatile material with a latent heat of sublimation L (usually a 3 MODELLING THE BOLIDE IN THE function of temperature) and thermal conductivity K. N0,εand σ EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE are Avogadro’s constant, the emissivity and the Stefan–Boltzmann On its fall through the low-density atmosphere, the bolide is heated constant, respectively. by direct impact from incoming gas molecules from the Earth’s At a distance of 1 au, a 1 m radius body has a temperature approx- atmosphere. These impacting gas molecules deposit energy in the imately equal the blackbody temperature of ∼260–270 K (Coulson surface as well as sputtering ice molecules (Coulson & Wickramas- & Wickramasinghe 2003) depending on the effective albedo. Sub- inghe 2003). If the bolide is travelling through the atmosphere with limation cooling and the subsequent increase in optical depth from a speed u, the sublimation rate is increased by ∼ 0.5ρ u3L−1, dust production through the release of volatiles lowers typical tem- atm where ρ is the density of the atmosphere (Coulson & Wickra- peratures of cometary bodies to ∼200 K at 1 au (Keller 1990). At atm masinghe 2003). such values of temperatures, energy losses from the body occur For a body entering the Earth’s atmosphere with the minimum principally by sublimation (radiation losses are lower by a factor initial speed of 12 km s−1, the increased sublimation from col- ∼50). lisions with incoming air molecules at an altitude of 100 km is The saturation pressure of the sublimating grains is given by the 1.5 × 1023 m−2 s−1, approximately three times greater than the sub- Clausius–Clapeyron equation    limation rate from thermally sublimating grains. For a body enter- ing the atmosphere with the maximum initial speed of 72 km s−1, = H 1 − 1 Psat Pref exp , (2) the sublimation rate is increased by two orders of magnitude to Rgas Tref T 3.1 × 1025 m−2 s−1. Downloaded from where Rgas is the universal gas constant and H is the enthalpy As the bolide descends, the increasing densities of the atmosphere change of sublimation increased by the enthalpy of vaporization and the outflowing gas lead to a transition from free molecular flow at temperatures above the melting point of the volatile material to hydrodynamic flow. This transition occurs when the total mean ≡ + (Coulson & Wickramasinghe 2003). free-path of atmospheric and sublimated molecules (λ λatm λg) Assuming that the volatile material can be treated as an ideal gas, is less than the bolide radius (λ

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The maximum temperature of the shocked gas near the stagnation point is of the order of 3 μ ∼ u2, (8) 16 kB where μ is the mass of the gas molecules. Using equations (7) and (8), the temperature of the shocked gas region is around 50 000 K for a 1 m radius bolide entering the Earth’s atmosphere with an initial speed of 12 km s−1,andadensity of 0.6 g cm−3. The bulk of the kinetic energy from the deceleration of the bolide in the atmosphere is dissipated through the heating of the shocked gas region rather than in heating the bolide. This cal- culation ignores the effects of ionization of gas molecules which would absorb a fraction of the energy, and so the values of 50 000 K should be considered an upper bound for the temperature of the Figure 1. Velocity profiles for 1 m radii bolides entering the Earth’s atmo- shocked region. Shocked gas temperatures of ∼ 104 K imply that sphere at angle of π/4 to the downward vertical and an initial speed of 12 − radiant heating through the aerosheath region is the primary means km s 1. The solid curve is for a bolide composed of a comet-like ice and organics with a density of 0.6 g cm−3. The dashed curve is for a higher of heat transfer to the body. −3 density bolide of 0.9 g cm . Downloaded from 4 TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION WITHIN − THE METEOROID than the minimum infall speed, 12 km s 1. Under these conditions, the deceleration of the body may be adequately described using Radiative heating of the bolide from the shocked gas can be de- equation (7). In the appendix, we present an analytical solution for scribed using a modified form of equation (1) the velocity profile of a meteor when gravity is significant. − ZL(TB) ak ∂TB Fig. 1 shows velocity profiles for bolides of radius 1 m entering e τeff,g σT4 = εσT 4 + + . (9) S B N 3K ∂t the Earth’s atmosphere at an angle of π/4tothedownwardver- 0 tical and an initial speed of 12 km s−1. The region of maximum The last term on the right-hand side of equation (9), the ther- deceleration in Fig. 1 occurs at an altitude of around 10 km, where mal conduction term, is described by the heat conduction equation, mechanical stresses on the body are greatest. If mechanical stresses which for spherical geometry takes the form   from deceleration are greater than the macroscopic strength of the ∂T 1 ∂ ∂T = k (r) , 0 ≤ r ≤ a (10) body, it will fracture. ∂t r2 dr ∂r After the transition to hydrodynamic flow has occurred, a bow for the internal temperature of a meteoroid of radius a,wherek (r) = shock of atmospheric and sublimated gas particles surrounds the  by guest on November 6, 2014 ∼ K forward hemisphere of the bolide at a distance of 0.5 m. There Cρ ,whereK is the thermal conductivity and C the specific heat are three distinct regions to consider: (1) a sheath of sublimating capacity. If k is assumed to be independent of r, then equation (10) particles, (2) a region of shocked atmospheric and sublimated gas reduces to a linear, parabolic partial differential equation. Solving particles and (3) a larger region consisting of unshocked atmo- subject to the boundary conditions spheric gases. = The sheath of sublimating gases behaves like the atmosphere of ∂t T (a,0) T0, a comet or non-magnetic planet in the . The bow shock and  1 3 L kBT stands-off ahead of the bolide, diverting the atmosphere around it. ∂t T (a,t) = TS (t) = ρmu (t) − n 2 kN0 2πmM The two protective properties compared with a ‘no sheath’ situation gives are as follows.

∞ n 2 (−1) 2a − nπk t nπr • The bow shock is not attached, so fracture due to pressure T (t,r) = T + T (a,t) e a sin 0 n πr S a gradients are much less probable. n=1 • The hot shocked gases make no direct contact and their ra- t ∞ 2 2 2nπk − nπk diative heating of the bolide is reduced by the optical depth of the n−1 a t + (−1) TS (t = 0) e sublimated particles. = ar 0 n 1 The saturation pressure of the sublimating molecules is greater nπr  × sin T t dt . than the maximum ram pressure exerted by the bow shock if the a S bolide temperature exceeds 300–400 K. The sheath thickness ex- Hence, we can associate a time constant τ with thermal conduc- tends at least one mean free-path (∼10−3 m at a temperature 300 tion within the meteoroid such that K) in front of the body, and from equation (6) is determined by the ∼ −1 a 2 speed of flow from the sheath into the tail ( 100 m s ). τ = . (11) Protected from direct impact by incoming air molecules, subli- kπ mation is limited by the radiative heating from the shocked gases. Inserting suitable values for the density, thermal conductivity The temperature of the shocked gas can be calculated from the and specific heat capacity for a 1 m radius meteoroid composed of pressure and density of the shocked region. Assuming that the at- ice gives τ ≈ 5 × 104 s. Typical meteoroid flight times through the mospheric gases are monatomic, the pressure of the shocked gas is atmosphere ∼100 s; hence, thermal conductivity is not significant 2 Ps ≈ 3/4ρatmu , and the velocity of the shocked gas is us ≈ 1/4u. in 1 m radius ice meteoroids.

MNRAS 445, 3669–3673 (2014) 3672 S. G. Coulson, M. K. Wallis & N. C. Wickramasinghe

The value of the time constant is not very sensitive to the composi- 4 3 tion of the meteoroid: τgraphite ≈ 1.2 × 10 sandτiron ≈ 4.1 × 10 s are still much greater than likely meteoroid flight times for 1 m bolides. Bodies with radii less than 5 × 10−4m are too small to sustain thermal gradients (Coulson & Wickramasinghe 2003). This gives a lower bound for meteoroid size where thermal conductivity is significant. From equation (11), we note that heat conduction is likely to be important for ice meteoroids with radii 5 × 10−4 m < a<1 × 10−2 m, and for iron and graphite bolides with radii in the range 5 × 10−4 m

Absorption of incident radiation by molecules is proportional to by guest on November 6, 2014 of the aerosheath is ∼ λ, the mean free-path of the ablating material. λ−1 (van de Hulst 1981), so that scattering is the dominant mecha- From equation (6), λ∼ 1 mm for bolide temperatures 200–400 K, nism by which the intensity of incident radiation is reduced at UV so that the presence of an aerosheath does not significantly extend wavelengths. the stand-off distance of the bow shock. Assuming that the shocked The energy balance equation for an ice bolide is obtained by region can be considered as an hemispherical shell of thickness modifying equation (9), so that the incident radiation spectrum is 1 a, which emits radiation as a black-body at a constant tempera- 2 given by the Planck function B (λ, T ∼ 10 000 K). Integrating (12) ture, for isotropic emission the fraction of radiation emitted into the over all incident angles θ to obtain the Rayleigh scattering cross- meteoroid is approximately 4/9. section σs gives If there is sufficient volatile material in the bolide, the majority ZL(T ) of the energy from radiative heating by the shocked gas goes into = = 4 + B σs (λ) B (λ, T 10 000 K) dλ εσTB (14) sublimating more volatile gases from the bolide. The rise in the N0 temperature of the bolide is strongly dependent on the composition λ of the molecules of the sublimated material forming the sheath. and from the results of the previous section the heat conduction Assuming that the bolide is composed purely of water ice, ra- term on the right-hand side of equation (9) can be omitted. diation from the bow shock will be scattered by the sublimating In the absence of any sublimating material surrounding the bolide, water molecules within the sheath. For typical bow-shock temper- the incident radiation flux in equation (14) can be approximated as atures ∼ 10 000 K, the wavelength of the incident UV radiation is a blackbody with the temperature equal to that of the bow-shock ∼ 1 × 10−7 m, much greater than typical molecular radii ∼10−10m. temperature (∼ 10 000 K) Under these conditions, radiation interacts with the ice molecules ZL(TB) through Rayleigh scattering (van de Hulst 1981). The intensity of εσT 4 = εσT 4 + . (15) S B N the radiation incident on the surface of the bolide is then reduced 0 by a factor of In this case, the thermal energy from the bow shock is balanced by a maximum sublimation rate of ∼ 1 × 1027m−2 s−1, corresponding 8πNα2  1 + cos2 θ , (12) to a maximum bolide temperature of ∼500 K. The energy loss due to λ4R2 radiation from the bolide is significantly less than the sublimation 4 where R is the distance between the shocked air and the surface of losses and so the εσTB term in equations (14) and (15) can be the bolide and N the number density of the sublimating molecules, ignored. approximately equal to the sublimation rate, Z ∼ 1 × 1023 for an Numerical integration of the incident radiation flux in equa- ice bolide at 273 K. α is the polarizability of the molecules which tion (14) using the Rayleigh scattering efficiencies calculated in

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Fig. 2 gives a sublimation rate ∼ 1 × 1023m−2 s−1, corresponding Ceplecha Z., Spurny P., Borovicka J., Keclikova J., 1993, A&A, 279, 615 to a maximum bolide temperature of 260 K. Hence, a sublimating Chyba C. F., Thomas P. J., Zahnle K. J., 1993, Nature, 361, 40 1 m radius pure ice bolide would lose <2 per cent of its original Coulson S. G., 2003, Ap&SS, 283, 275 mass during atmospheric descent. Coulson S. G., 2006, MNRAS, 372, 735 Coulson S. G., Wickramasinghe N. C., 2003, MNRAS, 343, 1123 As the more volatile fractions of the bolide are used up, the Haack H. et al. 2011, Meteorit. Planet. Sci. Suppl., id 5271 bolide temperature rises, the less volatile carbonaceous material also Haack H. et al. 2012, Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 47, 30 evaporates and the capacity to generate a protective sheath is lost. Hills J. G., Goda M. P., 1993, AJ, 105, 1114 At this point, the bow shock attaches and the bolide disintegrates Keller H. U., 1990, in Heubner W. F. ed, Physics and Chemistry of Comets. explosively. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 13 Sublimation is very effective in cooling the infalling bolide; it also Kremeyer Kevin, Sebastian Kurt A., Shu Chi-Wang., 2006, AIAA J., 44, shields the bolide from strong pressure gradients associated with the 1720–1731 attached bow (or limb) shock of a sheath-less bolide. Depletion of Van de Hulst H. C., 1981. Light Scattering by Small Particles. Dover, the surface volatiles reduces the optical depth from the aerosheath, New York consequently reducing the shielding from radiative heating. Raised Warren S. G., Brandt R. E., 2008, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14220 surface temperature and attachment of the bow shock to the body may all play a part in deciding the final break up. The bow shock APPENDIX travels through the bolide with a velocity approximately equal to that of the bolide (∼10 km s−1). The body is compressed by the Consider a spherical, non-ablating meteor of radius a, falling through the atmosphere under the influence of gravity and atmo- shockwave and then ruptured by the reflected shock from the rear Downloaded from − v face of the bolide so that fragmentation occurs within ∼ 10 4 s. spheric drag. If the speed of the meteor is written as a function of its path length through the atmosphere x, the equation of motion of the meteor is 6 CONCLUSION dv −a0x 2 v = a2 − a1e v (A1) The classical modelling of stony and iron meteorite falls cannot ex- dx plain the low-altitude break-up of a fragile meteorite. We propose with the initial conditions v = v0,x= x0, i.e. the meteor has an an alternative sublimation model, which applies to bolides with initial speed of v = v0 in free space prior to atmospheric decent. substantial fractions of water ice and organics within a low-density Here, matrix of porous siliceous material. The presence of a protective cos θ a = layer of sublimating material enables such fragile bodies to with- 0 H stand high thermal heating rates until either mechanical stress or the loss of volatile material results in catastrophic failure of the body. CD ρ0 a1 = 3 If the optical thickness of the ablating material drops, heating of a ρm the body may produce gases from vaporization of volatile compo- by guest on November 6, 2014 nents inside the body. Mechanical stress or explosion from igni- a2 = g cos θ, tion of gases may account for the disintegration process in bolides θ is the angle the meteor’s path makes with the downward vertical formed of volatile components held within an impermeable porous and g is the acceleration due to gravity. shell. − Writing f (x) = a e a0x , the non-linear equation (A1) becomes Our model assumes that the sublimation pressure increases as the 1 bolide descends through the Earth’s atmosphere such that the subli- dv v + f (x)v2 = a , (A2) mation pressure ≈ ram pressure and that the mass lost by sublima- dx 2 tion than the original mass of the body. Both these assumptions  which can be solved by means of an integrating factor 1 e2 f (s)ds are validated by our calculations. 2 to give The detailed transition from free molecular flow to hydrodynamic  a − − a − flow is a sensitive function of both the mean free-path of the sub- −2 1 e a0x −e a0x0 a2 −2 1 e a0x = 2 a0 ( ) + a0 v (x) v0 e 2 e limated molecules and the incoming atmospheric gas molecules a0 (Coulson 2006). The presence of an aerosheath is a further factor  to be considered in determining the altitude at which meteoroids 1/2 transition between flow regimes. × [Ei (X) − Ei (X0)] , (A3)

∞ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =− e−t where Ei is the exponential-integral Ei (x) t dtand X, −x cos θ We are grateful for the comments of the reviewer, Dr David J. Asher, 6 H ρ0 − x X0 are the dimensionless quantities X = e H , X0 = and the Scientific Editor that have improved this paper. cos θ a ρm 6 H ρ − cos θ x 0 e H 0 . cos θ a ρm Calculating values for the speed of a 1 m radius Polonnaruwa- REFERENCES type bolide with an initial speed of 12 km s−1 using equation (A3) Allen C., 2000, in Cox A. N., ed, Astrophysical Quantities, 4th edn. is consistent with ignoring the effects of gravity to within three Springer-Verlag, New York decimal places for altitudes above 15 km. Bronshten V. A., 1983, The Physics of Meteoric Phenomena. Kluwer, Dordrecht Burchell M. J., Fairey S. A. J., Wozniakiewicz P. et al. 2008, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 43, 23 This paper has been typeset from a TEX/LATEX file prepared by the author.

MNRAS 445, 3669–3673 (2014)