Complete Local News Of . A Population O f 18,556

-Val. XXI, No. 1095 ESTABLISHED 1924 HILLSIDE, N . J., TH U R SD A Y , OCTOBER 18, 1945 PRICE, FIVE C E N T S Discharged This Week Re-named .F.C. Willkm Q.^ Pimm,: of Itefense Couneil 835 Winchester avenue. To Clothing Post R obert B. Gyure, MM2/e, of 170 Victory Collection I» Silver avenue. ■J Set For January 7-31 ‘aised in Hillside, and Chester street. •William M. Raphael, of.2gl Wil- Nears Its Demise Uncertain Industrial 'WHEREAS, Hillside residents benefit directly from the w o rk of aBetH P. Dliphaht, WAVE, liamSbri. avenue, lobai Qfiairmaa of Regular Meetings End; Picture Reflected in the- ^agencies —ia —the ComasmimityT of 250 Rvan fftrecL tbe-^FrutedH'fational-^othing-Gol- Chest and Victory Fund, Piiblic Warned To ± Scouts To Continue i Poor Reports To D a ^ r Vet Building Fund rjes L. Sanford, ARM2/c, of lection for overseas”r3TirH.hig, pirn!" THEREFORE, we, the [m em bers springy has fcvepn asked by- Presi- Return Gas Masks Collection Of Paper " a change in thfe industrial pic- of the Township Committee, urge 1430. Parkview terrace. JPorce, Qt dent. Ttjarmn and Hertry 5.^ Kaiser ■The Hillside Defense Connell, ture since the- close ol the .war hes Renames Officers the Citizens- of -HiM&ide.-io gcmtvifrl gt. Bayftrd F. La Force, pf Holding its egularly sched^ ute generously t o this fund through ™' “tQ^serve~agafai asrioeal-chaiTman-in- in winding up most of its affairs g Monday night in th e ! [ brought -afrtm* a serious- situation Officers, of the Hillside War Vet­ 42Mertzavenper Monday night, in accordance the Committee established 'in. thp S/Sgt. Rayijdiond W. Engelstadterj, of 1519TW@plc s a abepnd nation-wide clptbing col­ ullciing, the Hillside De­ erans., Ivfomorlal Building-. Fy^d Township of' which Elmer ' F. Pe­ with an. order from tlie federal ll decided to gradually! tersen isCh airmail, :: -Sgtr O. V. Pearson, of 908 Haviland drive. lection foKoyerseas relief. hasgovern - jf f l Vietory Eaiid

••'Gloria Cowan Bride Announce Marriage Of Rose G. -Polka Openmg Meeting Of Announce Engagement - > . Brooklyn Girl Is Junior Women Get Of Newark Resident Of Miss Marion Mayes Coolidge P.T,A. Held Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Mayes, of Hilfeider’s Bride Plans For Season Miss Gloria Co^an, daugH^er The ^^C&lviirCdolifiie School F7EX. I2i7‘ Baker street, amiounce^e eii- S/Sp. AlBeW TCSfRfSld" and his ■=A-Ther~Juniar - - Woman’s-rGlub^-hsld- Mr. and Mrs. W. Cowan, of. had its first • regular meeting last gagement of their daughter, Marion; its' initial meeting of' the. year re^ Wednesday evening in the school bride, the former Miss Barbara ‘aWtericun;...... to COrp. John • B. Mirimaii»Jr., son cently at the Hillside Community ^afternoon at Irvington Pentecostal William • Krautblatt, new . princi- today to New Orleans, La.,- where H6use7 The various department Church to Gust&ve Frier, sqn, of; Mr. of 43 Temple place, Irvington. pal pf j h e gchool,. addressed more . Cprp. Miranan has j list Returned they wHl spend several days before- chairmen 'outlined . their plans for, “tiindTters. G. Frier, of 106. Stuyve- •than one hundred members. He to the( United States after serving going .to Lake Charled La., wh^r "thd. seasdn.^ ;. 7 ' •, [' sant avenue., Newark. The cere* “talked op 'the importance of unity with the 83rd Infantry Division in the' bridegroom is: stationed; Thejrhe^. - jCIIhoice of-.the members for -their |**aony was performed by Rev. between, parents and teachers in Germany. H e ' is expecting a dis­ the training of the child. Mrl. Nor- Wejje married -Sunday; afternool^aT 'JanJanuary i theatre party was the plotter, followed by a reception at charge on his return to' Fort Dix. man- Schuerie^ gave a talk on the Aperioh Manor, Brooklynj ^by sical, “Polonaise.’? Mis£ Janet Mor­ § the Veterans Hall iii Hillside^ Safety, stressing fire' prevention. Rev, Jacobs. Kleinberg, of Lahrel- ton : was hostess for the evening and *; The wedding was played Mrs. William Stewart o u tlied the. Girl Candidate For also directed 'a “Safety in Yoiir tcmy-L. ivr - 0yy: Mrs. Charles Becker and "Miss jpr|ncipleiS . for the’ attainment of Home—rprogrhm. ~ ■ — goals. Degred A t Cornell. ■ The sergeant is the son' of Mr. ' Rose Gqstiell was vocalist, , ITHACA, N. Y.—^Miss Copcetta ap,d Mrs. Samuel Rothfeld, of 403 ’ Joseph Scheu, assistant commis­ USE Miss Alina Frier, sister of 4he sioner of scouting, commended the R/ LaCorte, of 126 Wilder street, Schley street.’ The bride, daughter jygroom. was maid Dishonor and'Miss association for accomplishing the Hillside, N; J., is a candidate for of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Levin, important goal of promoting thp the degree of Bachelor of Arts at of Brooklyn, was attired in a white Our Only Newark Slei I t pGabe, both of Hillside, were brides children by orffinizing 1 iOCK STREET =• maids. a "cub pack and presented the meh^rnent ^n^uoday, O c^^2L elbow length sleeyes, and long white 664 / jm cuntoiT avenue ip phiiiip Miller, brother-in-law- oi charier and membership cards to Approximately 135 • seniors and. 75 gloves. She wore a finger-tip veil so ORANDS. n SCOTlAHt! 53 —the grodm, was best^man- and* John ailvanced students ar '• DROPS - USB ONLY A$DIRECTED ^Ushers. ' man; Hefiry Spinier, cubmarier, mund E. Day,, according to custom, 7 ^ e ’maid of honor, Miss Mildr6d ^r—■—The bride’s gown was 7of...jnoiisse- and Anthony Diamond, ’ assistant Will be-the commencement Speaker. Rothfeid, sister of-the bridegroom, ^line de soie and embroidered in cUbmaster. The Brays comprising 7-L4±ss—LaG&rte—^prepared-—a4—Sti- w oi^a-lim e—gown--- of marqui^ttri white satin and she wore a^Chanl fapk 197 are AjJtKur Rittleman, Mary’s High School. ' During her a lime^^and Purple headdress," and lace veil:held, with a*seeded Jack Rhinesmtth/Donald Shriner, college career she was a member purple accessories. -She' carried an fipearl coronet7 headdress. Her boil* ^Walter 7 Lasccov . •'Er^in Nadlejr, of Alpha Xi Delta sorority; the Cor- old-fashioned bouquet. - quet was—of—white^-roses- and or-* -Chariea. S ^g lew teh arles Cirrita. nellTRadio Guild, S/Sgt. Samuel Margolia, ol BOY-S: MENL jM d s.. Joliii pJmiKJiid,' RSnald^^Gtovamrer matie-Glub-^and- therN-ewman-Glub. -Breokl-ynT--a—eoustft— the—bridei She was also a member of the who returned from overseas service f7 The maid of honor Wore an apple Reberi-~Kn«)sko and..George Feer l -gieen taffeta gown and the brides­ They tiien gave the eub salute and* Women’s Junior Swimming ’ Oluh in the European area* last , week, HIL SIDE’S/ONLY HOBBY SHOP maid wore peach taffeta. All ..carried recited the promise an^, law," em" mm. was on tote publishing board of was the best-man. -A captured Nazi LO tlS F. HUPPEKT. Pron. fbouquets of .talisihan roses. titimg them to become Bobcats. ComeU Bulletin. • sword he brought back with him ■0 Mrs. W. Cowan, mother of__ Each cub was presented with his, was used to out the wedding cake. bride, wore a black dress Jrimmed. neckerchief and membership card,(Wins Beautiful Baby The. bride's mother was dressed Is N ow Open At ^d th - hiaok sequins^and .a coi Among guests present were Lor-^ in black, the bridegroom’s mother • of. talisman- roses. Mrs. G. 1 ing^Watts.vUmon, County B.S.A.; Contest At College te^gold^^Befe—woi^=QFGhidsr-G[£h© swpre a . black dress<. trimmed with' August Schultz, cubmaster Of Pack ' Miss Margaret Wargo, of Hillside, pride is a senior at ®t. John’s Uhl- 235 HOLLYWOOD AVENUE aqua and also Wore a Corsage o: 198; Frank Haefner, member and-LJ^-rBroWning,- of East 0r-- versity. Brookjyn.rookly Sergeant Roth- Opposite Woodruff Avenue talisman roses. Board of Education, and Mrs. Thom­ ange, Were judged tiie. “most beau­ feld was attend! amending me University The' bride is employed by the . MRS. JOHN.PETRENKO, JR. as Erwin,, first president of the as­ tiful babies?’ in. the contest at Mont­ of Newark/when he enlisted the Army Airf 'iKpudential Insurance Co,, of New- WUUa» Polka,- of 1321’ Myrtle months,- of which 34. were spent* at sociation. 7 clair State Teachers College to se- yCorpsC or^,/4Seiptember, 1942. Airplanes • Ships ^ Trains ark and is a graduate of Hillside Street, announces the marriage O ^i sea and in foreign duty. Before en­ . After the showing of| a; ^ sound lec.t, the best-lboking. members, of ^Hlgh School. Mr. Frier is employed tober 7 of his daughter, Rose Carole tering the service he was employed film on cubbing, a social hour fol-i the inooming class,-male and fe­ jby Benjamin Moore Paint Co. of Polka, to John Petrenko /Jr., son of by the Singer "•Sewing Machine ^Co. .lQwed. Mothers of first-grade pupils' male; during Freshman initiations G§s Motors ^Newark, • after -serving -3’4 years iifl Mr. and Mrs.- John Petrenko, of 542 of New York. He was well known were hostesses. recently. • 7 itlhe Pacific, T he. couple are spend! Leo street. The ceremony was per-, in local sports, at; one time haying Miss Wargo is the . daughter of Military Kits • Accessories mg their honeymoon in Canada. formed by* Rev. C. Morgan Wag­ played ■ football,' baseball and bas­ Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. “Wargo, of ner, .pastor of Calvary Lutheran ketball in Hillside and .Newark. Hillside. Gii-rWill 1445 Conipton terrace. She was Saybrook Names Two Churoh. '7 Get Drama Award graduated j lari June from Hillside ' "Miss Elsie Isbrtieht, dt Hillside, High School; where she was editor -was--^n^id^of—honop-~and—John—Al­ jadasgah President, Upper class members.' of the -Groups Of Delegates Norms Theatre Guild o fth e New. of^he-y-ee^bbok-and-a-membeEuof- brecht, of Hillside, was best man. phe Na|l5naL’‘ Honor, 'Society./ ‘ L S^brookodhobl P.T.A'. will send Tlie- bride wore a white skinner joirig To Convention Jersey State .Teachers College at ■Mrs. G. T. Leary and Mag. T, A, satin gown with a finger tip veil, Mrs, Harry Cohn, president Newark will receive on October 19, ' Halbert as delegates To" the Fall The crown, was a uutcn cap erteft. Chapt will Gujld keys for outstanding contri- gCeunty Council meeting to be held She .carried a spray of white' roses-. feuttons .to. Guild dramatic produc­ T T p r reca ps ffitt October 19 at the Second,. represent the chapter, at the -organi­ tions . during the past two years. • The maid of honor-wore an ice blue zation^ thirty-first annual conven- Photographs aM terian Church in Elizabeth from satin gown and carried red roses. .Students receiving the awards I L l x L REPAIRS ? 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Other executive A reception' was held "at Zatko’s tisn in Chicago, from October- 22 Will/include Helen Block, of Hill- TAKEN I N YOtFR HOME "board"members' who will attend are Hhll with relatives and friends from throtigh October 25, at the Stevens ride. -~v~—•'— ^ ^ -'Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Ran­ , Long Island,' Pennsy 1-1 Hotel. Nearly 1,000-rdelegates from] Children -j Family Groups dolph Chasman as alternates, Mrs. vania and . Ohio attending. The cou­ more than- 700. chapters and groups Serves On Teachers Weddings - {Parties - ,Portraits Passenger Kecaps $4.50 Up Carl Hexamer, president; Mrs., Rob­ ple spent' their honeymoon at Po- in 48 States‘wUl attend tp'*fflfip oilF Enlarging - Printing *ahd ert Morris,- ftjrs. William HSffner, a “win-the-peace” program. cono Manor and : throughout Penn-1 Freshman Committee •/ fteveloping Mrs,; Franklyh Rogers,, Mrs, L; G, s-ylv-ania. They ^will reside for--the “The Palestine situation and in­ GRADE “A” R U B B E R kTotten, Mrs. Richard Frank and deed-the whole future -of the Mid­ The freshman class-of the New present at the bride’s home. Jersey State Teachers College at MYRTLE PHOTO T Her Glasses Mrs. Frank Walker. , . Mrs. Petrenko is employed by the dle East have_now become a sub-“ fpSaybrook delegates to the state ject of world-wide concern,” Mgs.- Newark Will hold its first party on SERVICE PASSENGER REPAIRS, 50c UP New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. Her '(Jobber .19 . Loonvention in Ailantic»City_pctober_ r—lust-been—diseharged- Cohri said. ‘^With concentration 284 Long Ayje. , Hillside Add Charm ~23-25 will bie Mrs7“ Hexamer and. camps stiiL-filled“with hundreds of —N-an^—Zu-pnikr-of—Hil-lsider is-a chief petty, officer from the U. S: member of the entertainment, com­ Phond WA. 6-0563 TRUCK REPAIRS, $ 1.00 UP ; Mrs; Rogers, with Miss Marie Rose Coast Guar dafter serving 42. thousands of Jews who, have no Hosker and Mrs. Totten as alter- to go, with 'stories reaching mittee. She atlpeara at eaae be­ nates, and Miss L. Frances How- us daily of a recurrence7 offpofF cause she looks her* test gard,- principal. Season Opened By roms in ^Poland-, and- ’of \ dreadful Don’t Let Your Tires Get Beyond The problems brought abouF by ' dis-/ _JKith the glasses. ive Repairing Stage Hillside Ave. P.T.A. placement and economic ehaos in m helped her choose. The opening fall meeting of the almost every country in Europe, LAFFITOFF Hillside Avenue School P.T.A, .took, we feel that as Americans, we toust Bring them to a specialist- .for prompt and prope- ispeak- out on behalf of our tor.tured- ^tanumds place last Wednesday in the school brethren'if they are-to get what For Appointment repairs. New-tires are still ha'rd to-get aiKl wrl auditorium. 1 Mrs. Abraham. J, Merr they so richly deserve after a. dec- president^- welcomed all"“the ade.of-terrible trials—a-Liortie and O nly the ^ ^ O uajitu Phene B igelow 3-0258 continue so for some time. The- econumy of re members. Miss S ue. Savage, -prim I a country of their own.” Mrs. Cohn caping- has been, proven, as attested to by many :ipal, • introduced all the teachers, stated that plans-have been' made DR, FRED H. large fleet owners. — ^ nriud-ing-five- newm embers- oB-4fa*r to mobilize Hadassah’s • 150,000 ROEVER, JR. school's teaching staff. members -tnroughout the country and ( “all . other - Americans’ , both. |M rs . Florence Crater read the Optometrist president’s message. The program Jewish and non-Jewish, who wish to see justice done and a great 24 HOUR SERVICE for the ensuing year Was. outliriedi 237 CLINTON AVENUE by "Mrs. Merkin. wrong righted ,to help once and Mrs. Geojrge' Bennett-, Finance and for all to Bring about a final solu= r ^ G j i p . Elisabeth At*. Budget—Chairmsair'^F^ented-—the: tion of the’Palestine prnhlpm •> 117 <33road S t, Q i^abethy budget, which was accepted. The “convention wGI take action NEWARK, N. ), Mrs Goldsmith, War Ac*. to accelerate Hadassah’s medical, A&B Sales Corp. tivities and Post-'W’ar Planning child'welfare, vocational “ed i^tio h / Ignd recJamation and youth refugee Few laymen, just CKiirman, reported"' that 40 Buddy 39-53 LONG AVE., HILLSIDE Bags were sent to the battleship projects in -Palestine. A further; like you and me program will also be mapped out Can ANALYZE U.S.S, NeW Jersey, and thanked the I members for their cooperation, for increased, education and prepa­ a ■ policy! ration of ‘H a te ^ h 's members, in Phone EL. 2-9323 Smiles LaHit OH — s. Edward Moress gave her re- this country .foi, “more active ------"THESE Mksexplain on? the pkrentreducatiqn ferenee.- -vice-on- the-deniocratic -front.” The clauses that might Miss Edna Young \Bond gave Other highlights of the conven- . numb yotirhtciba!,f .very interesting and! enlightening be a memorial tribute to talk on /‘Sex. ^ucatiiph for Clr Miss -Henrietta—.Szold., drefi.” *i foufi^er of Hadassah, who died last February, and the announcement of Announcing the r ■Refreshments were servl COME TO SOLOMON’S FOR YOUR J/>u)u/uznce P.T’A.-'room by the hostesses, as­ & new Hadassah project' fo r. the sisted by. second and third grade Jewish National-gund, official land­ mothers; buying agency *for Palestine, to Winter Repair Needs The nfext Executive Boqrd meet­ make possible the redemption of a ing -will-be held at the- home-of plot^ of land for .the establishment pfLa-mew settlement forlTbturhlhg STOVE PIPE, PAINTS, HARDWARE, EfC. Mrs. Edward Krasny, of 142 West soldiers. L" - . Grand Re-Opening Mertz avenue, on • Wednesday', Oo» Coming Soon! tober 31, at 1 p. m., with Mr$,. Mil- The climax of the October ■ 23 ton Amslei- and .Mrs " George Ben­ program will come when Hadassah nett as hostesses. will- announce, in partnership with Radios the' American Friends of, the He­ brew University, the beginning of SOLOMONS Refrigerators Mother-Daughter a joint campaign -for $4,000,000 with OFTHE One of Hillside’s Good Stores” Appliances which to erect the first under-, Hallowe'en Party graduate medical , "school in Pales­ 1299 LIBERTY AVE. Wa. 3-9507 HILLSIDE Ironrite Ironers The executive board of the tine. The school -wiD be part of the Mother-Daughter Club of the Hill­ Hadassah Medical Center - on Mt. side "Avenue School .m et• at."the Scopiis^oMsMe *of_Jerusalem.' Mrs. < i. ■ PLUMBING FITTINGS Hillside Radio home of Mrs. William Duane, of Cohn stated that Hadassah- will in­ Asbury Packing Co. 356 Florence avenue, last. Thurs­ crease the. bed capacity of tile HARDWARE • PAINTS • DRYGOODS day. Plans were discussed for the Rothschild’ - Hadassah University and Record Shop Hallowe'en party to tee held today Hospital, one unit of the.. Medical SHOES • HOUSE FURNISHINGS 4n-4he-FL!iAr-^q&m7-r-— - ..Center, b.v 1QQ teaching -beds for. 231 Hollywood Avenue Hillside. N. J. 1275 Liberty Ave. After a short business meeting, the training of internes and stu­ refreshments 'were served by the dents. , , •.; j v WA 3-4055 hostess. ..=..' ---- , ■------—The_.organ law ti on will—also- pay PHONE EL. 3-9747 special—^attention— to- J~condrt^ons CALL AND DELIVERY ON among tJewish refugee children in RADIO AND REPAIR High School P.T;A. Europe; who, , it is hoped, will com SERVICE Delegates Selected tinue. to some to the Jlolj'’ Land HOLLYWOOD LIQUORS / under the auspices^, of’’ the Youth VJSIT OUR RECORD DEPT. Hillside High School P.T.A. will] Aliyah (immigration) movement of " & DELICATESSEN ■NEW!! NE W !! be represented at the state conven­ which Hadassah Is-''the official tion in Atlantic* City,, ffom October American representative. T H IS F R ID AY A N D S A TU R D A Y 249 Hollywood Ave., Hillside, N. J. You Don’t Have To. Say You’re 23 to 25,. by Mrs. Philip Henoch, HABRY BERGMAN, Prop. Sorry —-Judy Canova Mrs. Fred Sinzingfer, M rs/ Austin No Can Do —Xavlfcr Cugat k iley and Mrs. William M. Jla- SPECIALS!! LIQU(5r.SALE! If You Only Knew-^Bob Eberly phael . • Laird% Apple Brandy . **. F ifth $3.58 Horses Don’t Bet On People Association delegates to the Coun-I —-Korn Kobblers ty Council meetin'g iii Elizabeth Get The Hfllside Times at FRYING OR ROASTING CHICKENS...... 7. ,.3 9 c lb. Kinsey Blended Whiskey ...... Fifth .r Address Unknown—Gene Autry :<^teber^l#^will^be—MCTi-Henochv Martini Rossi Dry Vermouth...... Fifth 1.90 -Mrs-. - William Wheat^LMrs. Kiley, FRESH KILLED p-TPing Crosby & Xavier Cugat Mrs. “Fred t-GeMllusT' ,Mrs. Zina Heublein’s Manhattan Cocktails . . A. Fifth 3.78 Hong Kong Blues Lewis and Dr. Elsie McCliptock. ^ ■ AL HAUSER Bacardi Porto Rican Rum ...... T iF ifth 4.14 -—Hoagy Catemichael With - the aid of siudents and A Kiss Goodnight ffiends, the t'assdciatipn ■ has sent 30 Stationery GRADE A OR CHOICE BEEF Four Roses, Blend of Straight Whisk. Pint 2-67 —Randy Brooks & Orch. completed Buddy Bags to the U.S. •Phone EL. 2-4633 FOR FREE DELIVERY ;Xt Might as Well Be Spring New-Jersey. . SIRLOIN STEAK 7 . 43c lb. rr -f > . —Diek - Haymes Toys - Candy CMckery Chick I Lost My Job Again Hallowe’en Party Newspaper Delivery Whose Dream Are You?------BEST BUTTER .. , ...... ,,...... 47c lb. Stair In Your Eyes 11' Fur Eastern Star Hillaldft Chapter- a92Y Q.E.SLr. wiU. GRASSMANM..&KREH A FULL LINE OF CLA88ICALS “ WVXlE^:ivSKfUE“ hold a regular meeting, followed by a^Halkrwe’en party at M&sonic Hallr Oor. B loyLt, UK 2^023^ ENGINEERS FOR HILLSIDE 3.444 North Broad street, Friday 433 N. BROAD S T , ELIZABETH night, October 19. m ««m kl THE HILLSIDE TIMES'IM bSylkTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 18\1945 ifpfe?C Strong o ^ Tornadoes s Show ^ ssibiliti^ espite Defeat By Prang quarter were Lewis' interception of Marrucci JNTess Saratoga S? Qr pass« ibe blocking M. Marrucci Sternbach Opening; Matches In of a Hillside kick, with, neither Mantrom • • 119 111 157 To 2 7 4 3 , Leading At H alf Pannucci D’Amlano Sun Tube Alley Loop Covi’ello ' ' ■ *• 180 121 177 LOBLANCO ELECTRIC* . t^m being- able fo profit by these Scrapa: *' Lewis advantages.. Standing Of The Clubs Marsnick 114. .114 165' ELEOTRIOAIi WIRING — RADIO REPAIR Hillers Made Favorite “ ©avis: ' • Mitchell M. Ross 103 - 131 jiae hbld'ior'yg ____ FinaUy Davis broke through the D’Alonzo •’ s§ . -Pimm* We Solve Your Eleotrical Troubles Over W est Side Team P-lsyt, even push. iimside. line, and after .picking up Geyser 144,; 178 112’' l ^ ^ f f ^ l l i S h t t y , bw on the Substitutions -«-*Orangc5 McGar- By LESTER DCBOW good blocking, sprinted dowjh the Stepihenell, Rubfn, Farley, HURDEN.‘STREET HILLSIDE, N. 1 fourth down Scraps piled c™ Total * ; 688 027 702 ELizabeth 2-0145 - 11 Bursting forth fit the final' quar­ ilgMfor A. 00-ygrd touchdown, Pah? DWfipli,- - Wilson, Alfeirl, . Bennett, SCTtomage for the scoriifThe extra nucci, who figured in ev$ryrtw»in-~ Enterprise ter,, Orange S ig h 's’.-eleven *over- point w as missed, which later gave Samier, Capone,. Politi, F...Marrucci, Metallic 160 " 106 ~ 83 ning play, passed the ball, to Es-. Bryant., Hfliside: Welsh, - Getzoff, ' came the first half haaJMoip cf 7-6 Orange Ijuijs a scare. ' . . posito fo r :the conversion. Bangers .... 0 3 ' . 00.0 Hartley . ^115 117 125 Mastellon,' Heffner, Butnen, Lob- Kratz 1Q§’K i'50: 113 to outscore the tiring,'bat still game hillside- Moves', ., Orange Gets Going dell, Hogg. * .. Wasps won all- three games fror|- .Most • of the action the Rangers, Saratoga won two Korn 140... 137 4 189 H. SARNOSKI P„m>,t squad, 27-13, before a crowd Centered This was the start of the-deluger Orange^ * 0*- 0 7 14^-27 games from’ Enterprise and HOP- Peace | 105- 154 128’ of .5,000 Stomping speciatoTs. -ai, rwirm quarter . woodfisli Stadium Saturday,' J"' to move deep into its opponents’ with a-driving attack sparked by Scoring touehdowns-—Orange: Da­ Tolal ■ "TO ..9""BBS ■Ph;, ■ariS' the TorMaoes' third side. Pimm started it with a-gQ- D’Alonzo and Scrapa. " Scrapa vis,. Samle-r, . Sdrapa 2.- Hillside; Mitchell, Lewis. . .. , *______Hornets HOLLY.WQ’OD TAVER1 straight win,, to Hillside’s second Z2SC ru n down to -the - SrT 'rhr1 plunge'd the ball over from the 6 defeat in three starts. Although the Points a fte r t©uehdGwn&—Oranges 'Iaws I! T~133~7 TIB Htnm; -Mteiher with Lewis and and Pannucci successfully, kicked Esposito, Scrapa (passes); Marrucci Guariglia 110 256 HOLLYWOOD sguad succflnrbed to tfie Mitchell, oarfled the-balFVdn ten 116 156 HILLSIDE, N. J r power-laden Orange .backfield, It the extra point. ' * (kick). Hillside: Mitchell (kick). Buntele , ,. 11 174 162 148 plays .down to. th e 8. After plung- Davis and Ernie' 'Scrapa again Officials— Referee: Ohlson. Um- Heckeroth. ~ •; 128 147 C vc plenty cf trouble, scor­ ffig lor three downs without dueeea% 142 ing one more’touchdown against brought the-ball^intQ-^nemy—teiri-- pire: MoCormick.__ Head ^ lines: Kiss ,127 170 131 me Comet? tried a pass which was tory,_ where Samler_ plunged- for man: Lewis. Orange than any team this season. Entertainment Regularly Every Friday, incomplete, losing i f f >hall' on five plays, to cross the Hillside god! j/: .. • tii» first quarter saw--,to Torna- downs. ' .... - * a __ Total' 607 700 692 "3oes rscSlve th e ball and come ©range-kicked 'froirtTjeM M ^ Hillside Eagles Lexington Saturday and Sunday Nights • th» yard 'markers in -ttna-tor- inging the score up'to 27-8. d/ r t # j o e ^te^dvarmdUthe-dMl-l-niviy Comets Show Fight s^ie, aooring lo r six,, points? 25 yards from the gpal „ Open Alley Season jgiahnary^- - 116- -129 .1 1 0 But froin. here .pn**tul the fclU'Hill­ After stalling fo r two plays, the r -Hillside,-sho-win.g-s'oma--last--min^ Httlstde-Ea|jBS“npmed“tMSdfi46^ 80 side W over. ute. fight, retaliated, advancing the Pflug “ ------170“ -141— 1ST Comets finally clickdd. Joe Lewis season Tuesday at We Ratkiewjjcz. Tally On Pass , heaved a pass to Elmfr-MSSeftij1 In Bair-85" yards5'iflTlwdplaysr^ewiF Hollywood^A’Jeys. High man for 168 140 threw a -50-yard pass to “Bucky” _ After a sustained drive the Com­ the end zone to ev^jbuff' the ball tha sight was L. Kinny with an game. - Mitcjielr l stepped up and Mastellon, who came in as a sub­ average of 161.2. Indi^idtia ets tallied on a. pass play, making stitute; Mastellon. was dropped on the. Bittajapint^ Hillside threatened -the ball between the up- Wafa' aa followa: the Orange 35. Lewis, on one of R; Springer twice moreTiefofe the half, leaving ^ghtsj^Eihgmg^the-eFOwd^te-^hei^ lie best'team plays oT'the after­ the' field with Orange in a danger- feet, and'also setting'Hillside ahead J. Marsnick for- the only time in; the game. noon, ran with perfeot interference S. Joties idusi pmltlbn, -one point behind tile 35. yards, for- a- touehdowii- "in~the rival Comet siguad. — ; Kiiikteg Duel J. Bruder final seconds of the game. H. Cavalcante Hnmever tihe Tornadoes bounced • A h icking-du&i^then^ensuedrwithr “ Iirrtho 1dllrtWs- S al^ ay "^ tw een righiM® in the secoild Khif.'islie- C. "Kreshok ~ Tommy Pifnrn coniing 6uf„ oh top. Hillside and West Side, Uf Wood- S. Kreshok fng through the" Hillside lines • to Tommy let loose a 70-yard kick' field Stadium, the Comets are deft? Mitch the. Hillers for the three fatal Qil^Cg from his-own” 15 which-toddled off nitely favored. • L. Rinny touchdowns. , inches before the Orange line. This West Side not-only has dropped 'Hillside, still fighting in the d o s ­ was th e perfect tfbfljn corner 'shot all of |ts first three starts, but as ing seconds, tallied again before the' of the day, yet has failed to cross the goal line Playground Medals . final gun. once. ‘ .. ! po?e D’Alonzo started the tussle When they, fumbled on their ojyn This -will be Hillside’s first en­ Awarded Winners, for-Orange "by booting ‘ deep into 20, with HUlfi^Taking 'over. The counter with West Side, as the" At the"-first meeting- to enemy territory. The Chteets got Comet -squad couldn"! get started, Rough-Riders $re flllingMshe spot this season, by the Hurden.-Looker -Qtnlled op their own 20-yard line soiBob Hogg came in to attempt. left vacant in the Comet schedule School P.T.A. presentation of -the .by Orange’s forward . wail, • and a field goal. On the boot, the bah by - a too-frequently vanquished playground meaais wdn on tile Mil- were forced to. kick. Tomrpy Pimm was partially blocked, ending the Union team. • ? nicipal Playground this past Sum­ lifted the'pigskih to the ’{tornadoes’ threat' and the half -— Orange Hillside r mer were awarded to Don^ri Jupa :;om 40. Hillside Walked off the field be­ Esposito if Kessler* and Janet Baba, both , pupils of • On the n ex t play. Ernie .'Davis hind a_7ir04ea^r-but-Orange?s -power- -Diinn—%— - --- -Jaeobs- HurdensLonkfir. School. Tb e pre*-. \ tore around the Cornet line an d had already, left its imprint on the Peneck J. D’Amia'no sentation was made by Mrs. Eliza- swooped down the field to within tiring Comet boys. CuScinello Muniz j beth McCraith, • supervisor repre- 10 yards of pay- dirt. The Comet Highlights e a rly -in the thircfjDe Fasqtie Georgi senting“tlren;RecreatiOn~BoaTd7Jwho sponsored the playground. . 1 GIBBS’ LIQUORS HOMECOMING CELEBRATIOAS N ot a furlough— ^he’s hom e for good! S o come in to Gibbs’ where you’ll find your favorite brands. Let u s help you make your cele­ bration a success. We w ill be pleased to assist you. - ^ ' ...... - GOLDEN v i THREE WEDDING FEATHERS

Blended • RESERVE

IlT iiS k tey Fifth $3,90 Fifth $3.43 OVer 5 years old.

A Mend o f whiskey Choice - ingredients

which will strit every plus distilling _ skill taste—and. ’ inoxpeu- creates this, smooth­

er whiskey;— ~

Gallagher & Burton .... Fifth $3.47 . A PLEASING BLEND FOR ALL PURPOSES- 100 Proof Dunn’s Blend. Whiskey Fifth $3.79 HIGH I N P R O O F BUT LOW I N COST— PIN T $2.39 HOW! LET IIS WILD il) CALVERT SPECIAL ...... Fifth $3.4,6 SEAGRAg/«5” CROWN ...... • • • • • • • .Fifth $3.46 M-imism rwt D i n ALL PO PU L A R BR AN DS— AT ALL TIMES BEER ON ICE SOFA AND. fa b ric and BEHY - MARTIN COONAC Fifth »S1 TWO QHAIRS labor included ■ Imported F ro m Fran ce .....k..... I—-- CANADIAN € L U B ~ ...... ' *...... Fifth Hirart, Walker’s fifle blended Canadian Whiskey, 6 years, eld. ALL THIS IS INCLUDED! We’re specialists In furniture rejuvenation! Not only do we -Bottled Hiram t a l k e r ’s 'fine blended Canadian Government, __ reupholster, we virtually rebuild your furniture.... Just study 90.4 proof. We reglue and redowel framei. OLD,GRAND-DAD KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON the list at the left! .Give us a call, at EL.-2-2300, uneLour Your fumitdre it stripped of ~all old decorator will be glad to eome to your home, at your conven- . WHISKEY ...... i .Fifth- $4.83“ fabrics, fabric samples so you can -choose the fabric you l All exposed wood parts are reflnishkd, Galiforuia’s Finest! like to tone with your walls and rug . . . that' way you’re We replace or reset bottom with extra • -ALTA-v W INES : ...... • Fifth ' 89c BOUND to Be pleased! Convenient payment terms may be =strong--U)ebbing. '' Portj.. Shcirry, IMuscatel. —— .... ~ J 7 “ " L - arranged. Fifth Floor. 4 Now you cap. obtain th is excellent W irie^f a reasonable pnee. Springs are reset and hand-tied. . New fillings are added in amounts 're­ GIBBS’ LIQUOHS quired. Tightly woven linings are placed: over all FORPAMOUS BEAK D LIQUORSy^W ES^D CORDLALS seat platforms. Bar — Package Goods Frame* are repaired, tightened and metal braced. 1571-MAPLE.AVENUE-...... , ...... ' WA. 3-9560 ELIZABETH, N. J. Page Four THE HILLSIDE TIMES; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1^, 1945

Apartment Wanted A reqiiiem mass! was offered in St. tlve service In 1944 Mtft'the .ifim WANT ADS Peter’s Chapel, Newark, end 'in ter­ Junior High Doings Am y Release For Recreation Aides Pfc. Strimel Wins berwolf Division, M tdjsiglso the mesLelESBjKg. ment was in Gate1 of Heaven Ceme- Respond To Plea Help Wanted— Female ment wanted by‘veteran, and wife. teryr East Hanover?*' • The Science' Ebfccreirsion Club, Appeal! for "jimi^fneaders at. the; Mo children. WAveriy 6-270'7. -, • Mr. Fyans was. bom • in Newark under the sponsorship of Mrs ; Sa- screation 'Center has met with The Bronze Star and had resided in ' • Hillside 19 ReiUy, began its registrar Capt. W. F. Wacke^^ udh success; with five high school* P J.C .' Russell C. Strimel, ■ of 835 Wanted to Rent m s .,wai3,,i",empiyyed111 tor 22 Initiate Hillsider atual--.. registering WfhclfEistsr atrt#iuerfiaBT5eeK award-' years as. in the trust de­ istered to date. * Salem avenue, was honorably dis­ hvitiee. Assisting . Mrs.- Elizabeth In College Sorority partment of the main, office of the The program for the year’s activl? charged from the service this week McCraith are Ann Carstairs, !4-H ed the Bronzf1 Star. Medal fpr action Fidelity Union|Trust Co., Newark. ties is as follows: Qct. 17—7 p. im. Vivian Dena Llpschutz, daughter' at the 1260th Separation Center af Club work;. Lois Spitzberger, Anne while a member of 63rd Infantry of Mr. and .MrsnSsul Lipschub s survived. -by his wife, Mrs. to, ’8;30 .jp, m, "Seeiiig Stars and FpriJ Monmouth with a of 93 R ed Estate For^Sale Zellner, Anne M'arie Schirmer,, Girl Dlvisior.. The oita{ioa..rea(ls-.aj..^!}gj 3d:eviftW terrave, was IniSatert Mary J. -Tierney Fyans. • * on Parade,” a t the Newark points. He had been, in'the service Scouting,” and Thomas Flanagan, Museum* - lows: •— into pinlcom Chapter of sivm» A NEW BEIGE duplex house, Vft 37% monfiis, 22 of them overseas, wood” and -metal, work. Arrange* Delta: TSu Sorority, Wek - y £ , 2 Nov. 23—(Thanksgiving Recess). Capt. and MTS. Wacker w ill take* a "Russell CfStrtmfcl, P.F'.C^ |nlan- rooms, tile kitchen; bath, vesti­ vChurch Services mentis have beeq completed for1* a. University, Morgantown, w v a - bule. Guest and linen closets each shbrt vacation visiting Mrs. Wdbk- try Gqv ‘d,’ 265th Infantry .Regt.,fof' Vhurcllurch of Christ the King, Rev. supper meeting -on Thursday eve­ heroic achiefdernent in adtlofi On recently. Miss Lipsetffitz Is side. Nicely papered and painted. 's pareryta, Mr. and Mrs. ^Herbert ning a t tha- Center- when various loan J. Finnerty, pastor. I t ?s A D a t e ural History and the Ice Show, in L. Kile, at Hillsboro; N, H. Capt. April % ESS; tir® ^ i8 u iia t-et‘iBer- ■member of the Y.W.C.A. on camous ' - Brass'plumbing, extra nice high and club work Will «be/discussed and a and a member of the Hiilei-pounda“ ' dry basement with an outside en­ SundaSunday Masses at 7:30, 9, 10. and the afternoon, ,, . ,? Wackgr will* resume the practice of llchlhgen,1 'Germany. P.!F..e. Stri- Today *•/ report, -made - on club activities. • tio a .. _ trance. $9,950. Taxes, $275'. Rent $49 l a- m. Children’s mass at 9 Dec. 144-The annual Christmas medioto/here on November 1. lie New equipment together “ with mel, a member of a heavy machine each. Or $10,500 with, a 20x21 f t Congregational get-together of tea dance in the gym from 3 had been practicing teh years prior gun squad, while under enemy ma­ Hillside Presbyterian Church. new decoration in the kitchen add­ chine gun and, artillery fire, maneu­ large high cement block two-car Baptisms after the 11 o’clock through 5 p. m. with the high interruption of war. ed to -the enjoyment oU he new aflfig_g.ite.rv Sunday. . Chow mein luncheon ot Say brook school dance band in attendance, Wacker was regimental sur- vered his gun'io'a'position for de- • part IXenseh, broker, EL. bel Tananbaum, Myra Lybowitt, Ting" Meeting of trustees of First Bap­ Thursday before Judge. jailer. l , First Church of Christ, Scientist, ski arid' sttcW' party. • at Gallopinj Eileen Greenspan, Janet E#vo$k/ poeitions. By accurate fire he killed tist Church,1 , Hill CO Titrytllub:;. ‘ ed at ISalerno, Siqily, and was in three enemy, neutralized one gun, Bg tM d id - serve from rvtrjia^' it : PROPERTY FOR SALE! 1251 Fairmouni avenue, Elizabeth. _ Colleen R^ttiho.AFlorence Rodono Surrday *Schooi 9:30 a. -mr-M orn- Tomorrow May—An~ excursion to 'thg~T ra|K fiig-Naples^Foggla and- Romc-Am o ^.ptnrari the Other along with to November 8.,and’includeH VACANT business .stone home; Dedication of new organ at FirsT side Museum, Union. County Farffs, Italy where’Ee earried and. Barbara R Ip & r W r 'prispnersr??enabl'ing. ioUdSdng. ^ffiEffiMae.iRebeotfa-B~ ^Communicating rooms, dining ing service 11 a. .hi.' Midweek serv- Baptist Church. Woodcraft: and copper work for Goodstain, 233' Belloview terrace' for a stpdy of birds- and flower:. two battle stars, acting as battalion the boys in-'the afternoon have m et company to rfcove forwafS' WtdjXf- Monday Jun^-G rand finale": ,piehie’ - -at Surgeon of the Quartermaster Head­ t®ajilim;'tts' nusslon; • Ehnef Petersen, 54. 3alley avehlie’ enclosed porch; 2 entrances; 3 bOd- Sinai Auxiliary membership tea.. with much -success. Book' /ends, Henry . Bbia; 1,6083S® too'j^® E Olympic Park.. quarters with file Fifth Army. plaques, ash trays' and tie racks are and devotion .to dutw-a!iplayed"by' rooms; stall shower, and .an open Meeting of Maj. John A. Daven- Plan Book Fair He returned to this country Aug- p.p.<3. Strimel 7refleet - cradlt—upon ilhelmlna 'R. Mtter. 1034 loft;"radiator covers; blinds; oil; port Post 1722, V.F.W. among-some of the articles being abel H. Gustafsons 141 • -A Book Fair will J?e held No- >t 4, 1944, and was E^.N.T. consult- made by the boys fo r gifts, with’ a himself and upon thk Armed Forces big basement; 64x170 ft. lot, and 3 Tuesday ant at the 1262nd Separation Center of .the United StatesX^ - Clark 'street; Frank Poiteert, 502 garages. Theresa M. Rensen, Sole r^T30--av7-m. - graded sehooi—..and^ Township Committee meeting; vember 5-9 in the library, Actiyl- handcraft show planned‘for early Bloy street, and Bertha L, Tims "Broker, EL. 2-9833. Men's Bible Class. 10:45 ^ " m X ln ties wifi include display of‘ books Decefiiber; - - citatioR is sigr.edNby Briga October 26 __ fionedforeleVe^nd^h6lf^mohths. dier Cleneral F. M, Harris, tl, S 1442 Boffd. Street. XUg. 23-30 4he-exehange-of“ pulpits-throTrgh0«L ■ftjfiflgngge -sale ~pfdMothers Cir cle1 f-rom-LHSambsr-gep-dfr Companyj-lh^ thc--coLunty,JB£v._Fred E. Miles, of eluding current best' sellers!,- clas­ Army. — . — m ' OCCUPANCY^ SQQN ... of-Hi-liside^r-^byteriari-Churoh.— - Serves On Committee: P.F.C. Strimel is..the son of. Chas Nu-tlfey Methodist • Churchy • will October 27 sics, fiction,, non-nction, e|cr ~ BUY VICTORY BONDS SMALL 6-room home; big porch preach. 7 p. m-.*"9enior andr Inters TWo. oontests reviews and Q d ^ T a J J ^ T. Strimel,'who m um ed from ao ^ - and garage, on* 3 lots, on main Second day of Mothers Circle For CoUJge Play mediate Christian Endeavor. posters, with separate prices offered Be ye doers or the w ord,, ant Miss Lois iprane, daughter of Mr. . Street, with stores and’ .bus; .near- ummage sale. ' g for eighth and ninth grade winners^ schools; including Venetian blinds, **’ % October 29 hearers only,” James I:22.~Read and Mrs. A! C. Crane^ of 830 Je­ Calvary Lutheran Church, Rev; Prizes are offered by Bamberger’s. Matt. 7:2i-29i rome* avenue, is • a member qf the ’.storm sash, bookcases, fireplace and Rally v,t,,l3f**Hffiilside R'epubliban Community favorites—display of- C. Morgan Wagner, pastor._. groups. ~Be—yfe doers df~~ the wOrd-^-'i Settings committee-fo^-the-produc- "h big mirror, and^an ^ectric range; favorite books of leading families in Ito^cff^Noel-Goward^-playH^Blithe STARTING FRIDAY* OCTOBER 19 Rensen, Broker, EL. 2^-9833. i 9:45 a. m ., Sunday §chafrl,, H a . October 3L DoWir-ffirough: thercrilturi^-have m. Church worship, sermon, “Ar- me.;cornmunity. i | come, those words, an eye-opening Spirit at -Elmira^GelfegQi Elmira, Hillside Avenue _ School P.T.A- U PhOtography-^Club^Display-1—-Our WE WILL SERVE- - mor~ for TT6day7^-M6nday. 8 p. m. Board meeting. p§ challenge to Christians today. Con­ N. Yi The play, being given. Fri* Joint, social meeting of' the ladies November 2 Children. Read”—consisting of pic­ ditions about us.-make us wonder if day and Saturday by the senior Moving and Trucking tures taken both inside and outside] CLAMS ON HALF SHELL — SHRIMP and men a t the home of Mr. and L Hallowe’en dance of Calvin Cool-! we have bemi goqd hearers but.-pdor class ‘,is one of the activities of sen of school. ior weekend, a tradition a t‘the hoi STEAMED CLAMS AND CLAM BROTH PAUL’S Moving Trucking, Hill­ Mrs] John, Yamarick, at 1040 Potter idge School -P.T.A. % doers bf the, t^ord. ' avenue,1 Union. . ■ ’ Events Iduriryg; the fair' willj con­ Jesus was a Working servant of lege. side, N. J; Phone UN. 2-2017-J. November 5 sist of - books on display in library Paul Beier, 422 Yale Ave. Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Luther League Meeting of Hillside Woman’s Club* God. Every. day. and at every op­ devotional meeting! Cars will leave all week of November 5-9 for all I portunity^ He was a “cjoer. of the, Meeting of Junior. High School pupils in school. AUTO RECOVERED the church at 8:30 p. m. for the' P-.T.A. word,” And He, who made His ‘life Irvingtoh police I recovered . a■ LIBERTY INN P.T;Aj meeting afternoon Cfflpl&d an eXPressioir“Of 'H3s religiori, now Moving and Storage Lutheran ^Training School at St. November 6 vember -5. All -parents .are ifilvited 11:45 p. in. TUdsday- a’ sedan1 re­ BAR AND RESTAURANT Mark’s Church, Elizabeth. Meeting of George. yashihg|oh says to us: “Follow me.” That order ported stolen at l:01.p. m;;by- Jacob Thursday 10 a. m. Sewing groilp to visit the Bqok Fair. takes pretense and indifference out School P.T.A. Mrs/ Laeckie, book buyar of tj. ■Keller, of 98 Hefiden terrace, New HAND STORAGE C O ..— Moving meets a t1 the church. £S3g . November 7 of Christianity and makes it plain l{ had been parked on Maple' Business Men’s Lunch Served 11 sSO A. M. • 2 P. Mx. - lacking—Storage Modem Ware­ Bamberger 6c Co., windward! prizep [thgt there- 'is no such thing-as ..pas- Friday -‘4:15 p. m. Catechetical Turkey d inner"of Women’s -S q- to winners of contests. Pupils ojf avenue near the.Newark city.line houses, 609 W. Elizabeth Aye., Lin­ -Glassr— c.iety of Christian Service of Frank­ sive religion.' We cannot follow the den, Jefferson at- Dickinson. EL 7tlT p^e~in’all~M'Hside-schcjolB--WJli lin Memorial Methodist Church. be invited to visit the Book (Fair. Master urJess We are ,roporB o f the' ju ie n d l y CIRCLE TO MEET 145*8 .LIBERTY AVENUES ’------S------^ A T M S T T 3-9265 or EL. 2-2989. The First Baptist Church, Hill­ November 8 word Fnefraiy. Circle. of Hillside Court Parents.. _wilL have ap cmporEunity 1 "Be '/ye doers / of the' word’^ i n I side avenue at Harding terrace, ■ Bo.ard“;of-.Education meeting. to-' order books at th^jH T for Order of 'the Amaranth’, Painting and Decorating Rev. Raymond Marlow, pastor. . ' o Calvi: CoolidgeMeeting other 'words, l-ive your- religion. meet at the home: of Mrs. Anna Christmas presents,, etc. . L Nothing .is of value unless we use TONIGHT 7:30 p. m. Trustees' School P,TA« [ A ll parents ordering books at the Nelson,' of 91 Wildwood terrace; ^PAINTING, paper hanging and deft meeting at the church. . '1 November 9 it—noj* even religion. It is-not just Union-, on Thursday, ^October 25, at v Orating done reasonably. Free Fair will be. helping A.P.M. iLifprary- sometning beautiful to hear, splen- FRIDAY 8 “p.~im- Dedication ser­ Military bridge of J Fund! 30 percent of the Valtfe '■ of :3G p! m i rstrohschein, 1112 Liberty Ave., Hill. vice for the orgarf. Please see- de­ School P.T.A... did w bplieve. It ’ is something' to See Ray Hetzel when you are ready to Side. Call EL. 2-2913. 10-2! books bought will, be available at hear so well and to believe sol tails1 elsewhere. November 13 Bamberger’s for A.P.M. litjralfY to ; SORORITY HAS MEETING SUNDAY 0:45 a; jgj Sunday Guest Night of Junior . W oman’s strongly that it becomes a way of Omega; Sigma Psi 'Sordrity, Beta PAINTING, paperbanging and dec­ choose books. • life. Every day is full of opportuni­ orating. For quality work call School.—1‘1-ar-m^moimmg-worship; Club.------Chapter, recently held a meeting Mr. Peter Zondervan, of Grand Township .Committee meeting. the P.T.A. and Miss Silvefbe ties to beeorrje “^oers.” the home of Phyllis Radcuglio, of Ernest Stay, 367 Yale Ave,, Hill­ November 14 W!fi__do not hqve—the power tel side. Phone UN 2-5416. Rapids, Michigan, will be the guest the faculty. Paul‘street. Reports were presented speaker. 6:45 p. m. Young People. Saybrook P.T-.A. Fathers Night.,. help- others. - It is * God In us. We BUY NEW TIRES Junior Politics and plans discu^ied «for the pro­ 8-^pr m , Evening- Evangelistic ~ser- Meeting of Hillside Avenue P.T.A. doyhot have-tee wisdom Jo (guide posed trip to New York. “The Gospel in John • 2 November 16 The~following “ninth gradei s others." It' is Christ in us. We can­ 3:16.’ Military -bridge- - of ’ Saybrook busily' getting students to not ^spread cheerfulness ahd_joy. It We have Goodyear, Gillette, WAveriy 6-3092. -TUESDAY- Jg3P -them as candidates for presid1 mt of is, the Hoiy-Spirit -in us. The value, November *20 We Studeht CounQl: Jeriy Senader, ofpur. 'tivingr i^w hen7 God’s-name- Kelly-Springfield, U. S. Royal WEDNESDAY 3:15 Chil Board of. Health meeting. Robert Lilian, Mitdhell fECrasny, is glorified. Life is'a matter of prin-. Beauty Parlors drenis-WorldjCrusade. November 21 Miles Lazerwitz,,- Joseph Ambrose, ciple. Our- sphere may be narrow Nothing Wrong Hour of Power! In, the absence of 1 Board meeting of Hillside Avenue Joyce Reinhart and Anffiohy Klink. and oUr- tools’ humble, “b ut .if we NEW RAY Permanent Wave, en­ the-pastor, Ralph Walter will have PT.AI____ The following eighth grade student^ -arefajthfui; th^ffetis no failure. How RAY HETZEL tire head, $6.95. THUR RAY, charge of the meeting. Come. out November 26 are also running for office: Ray­ much Of the "Master- can others, .see With My Score entire head, $5.50. Wood’s Maple and hear his message. High School P.T.A. board meet­ mond Hall, Sanford Nacht,’!DpIoa|es in US? - ■/ Barber and Beauty Shop, 1554 ing. Smith and Bariy Torine. I j *‘l!e are-my friends, if ye do SUNOCO STATION Maple Ave., J?^3r6463. . . t . Hillside . Fresbytorlm Church, Students will do a- week:-pf~:cam Rev. George M. Runner, pastor. LIBERTY AND HILLSIDE AVES. 9:45 a. m. Qhurch School and the ballots are cast. Hext |we)Bk For Sale Men’s Bible Class. 11 a. m. Mrs each - candidate will speak are: the; r W Averiy 3.9848" George Priscott, of Menaul, “'New Mother-Daughter assembly, program prior to election. Free Instruction p \ CABINET SINKS • Mexico, will be the speaker. 7:30 H a llo w e ’en P a rty ___Liquid A ir ghyw At Knitting Shoppe r^Iainoleum-^tep-ki-t^h&n-sinks, vari- p r m r Yourtg People's service. gj| ous styles and sizes on hand, also A Hallowe’en party marked the Students were* fiscEatedM Gertru Suesserihan announces ---Thursday^ night-the-Men’s -Broth assembly program- held Tast [Wed- made to order. Allowance* for old-1 erhood-will meet.—:— first" meeting of the Saybrook plumbing. Tileboard, medicine cab- Mother-Daughter Club held yester- nesday "on liquid air. Boc rBafve^s Shoppe-at 224~ Winans-avenuet- W-om- WALTER R. LEE . inets. Metal slower’ stalls, bathroom " ly afternoon. Prizes wfere award- and bis wife explained the physical en whi> have never Hone, .a stitch of CHURCHES^ OF .CHRIST, . properties of liquid air, thenIdemoin- knitting can learn to work qutekljd fixtures. Complete lin e r iiew_ and SCIENTIST rto Dorothy Halburt for the pret­ Director of Funerals -Used plumbing. Community Build­ tiest costume, to Judy Sanson for. strated how it can be used!. Many with /the. free instruction offered. ing Supply Co., 100 Route 29, Hill- “DOCTRINE OF'ATONEMENT” the-franniest and Marion Schafrer common-objects lose or changeisome Enjoyable hours canrise/spent mak­ 1283 SALEM AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. J. vslde. WAveriy 3-6665. is the Lesson-Sermon subject for for the most original. Members g£ of their well-known properties ing fhard-to-get items, r such as E liz a b e th 8-4547 Sunday, October. 2t the executive- board served as host- when- they~ gome ini contact | with7 swe^ers. ^skirfsi—sodrar11^^ ; -M?S7 j Most people find it fairly 8 HAND STORAGE GO., Unclaimed GOLDEN- TEXT: "The Son of esses. liquid-air. For example, rubber be- ’ Suefcerman has a well stocked g easy to chalk up tine bowl- j* furniture outlet -— Jeffenon at an -hame not-tol-be ministered- comes brittle and fresh flow.Ms.ixxi' shoppe, and invites Hliiside women 2 lug records in our alleys. % Dickinson. Furniture for every ito, but to minister, and to rive mersed in liquid air become Brittle ' to* knit their own things. % Why? Our equipment is tops

EDGCOMB STEEL CORPORATION my hand ahd the. i of said,pert I float e t Collector of Taxes. AVENUE. TH^RSDAV,* FRIDAY, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 10, Jj0 TAXES GEORGE SANDERS,' GERALDINE PITZGEItADD AND ELLA RAINES Nape and Location STEEL .DISTRIBUTORS * Blue. David. 160 Bostoh Avenue ....» “UNCLE.HARRY” * . Dellosso, Marietta, 1082 Elmer Plaoe Urgently needed __" KIRBY GRANy *ANP LQIS CbLLlER IN/, Robert J., 87 Looker Street... Pol leas tro, Anna, 821 Long ■TENraOUSE RHYTHM” Sharpe, l|l&e, 366 Long Avenue ...... EXPERIENCED SHEAAMEN iDrop Shears) - Smith, Alice Orimme. 1103* Salem AVen SHEARMEN’S HELPERS MONITAY, TUESDAY^______OCTOBER 5 Strauss. Sidney, 471 Rloy Street ...... - ^ORKE||-UARS0Ty^TrD71TRTObK^T®CK^I?f FLOOR EAROR'(handling Steel Bars aind Sheets 1 Woznlak, John. High No. 2® ectlon of the Township Com- “THE VALUfet OF DECISION” ’ oT-tlie TownSKI^’ CoiS- Ore Township of Hillside. JINX F A lS R m M .l in ) M V I O'BRIEN IX Townshlp of Hillside. HOWARD J. BLOV|- HOWARD 1 Township merit. . “JAHITI NIGHTS” ASSESSMENTS Township CUrk Dot, 11-Nov. 1, i W i M f e ....,f. i — * ‘ — TtfelfflLiM ii t o I e s ^t t o I s p ^ y , o c r o t e • i l B B P "H-H-H-S-H-H-H' thorough -washing with a soap and field of chemical engineering while water bath to which either .pyre- Railroads Favor Mdtyczka will pursue studies lead­ Exempt Firemen In f Your Garden This W eek thrum or nicotine has been added Engineer College ' ing, to a degree in mechanical engi­ A soft'brush can be used to wash neering. Both w ere graduated from Annual Election the leaves and insects, Bulwinkle Bill Two residents of Hillside are Hillside High Bchool, The annual election of officers oi mnpng- the~.450 freshmen who have By FRED vp. OSMAN • ' winder..* J? not reasonable bflt there should-no harsh rubbing. Passage of the Bulwinklo' tfie Exempt Fireihen*s Association Union County A grittW al Agent to expect a great deal of bloom: but been matriculated thisu fall at New^ JMore Effective Than (Spraying (H. R, 2536) to determine which SON vAJET# ESTATE - was h eld0^|^rhursday w ith the -cron u me plants, mu used uuiy as ark College'of Engineering in the TUa, mUlliuJ Is Ukukxiy i&r pgonn^/ shall The -restate of Mrs;! Mary Mac- follpwiiwT being%hosen: President, f their favorite plants from T O ' Freshman — TK'5y. fire' ,a. source of material Jof cuttings' to effeetfere than trying to sprgy the trol of the regulation of railroads THtosH, \M6 diM . fleie August 3 i; • beds and borders to sunny 5®* tort in next year’s garden they and, other carriers is favorea by Raymond R! Vincent^ son of Mr. has been left: to her son,.Charles windows where ijjelKiollage w iu " ave served.a useful .purpose Ptjhts. Most house plant enttmsi- the Association of American Rail­ and, Mrs. LeRoy Vincent, of 207 B. Macintosh Jr., of 1414 North Georgj#Dorer; secretaS^fcnd treas- indoor Buy-Good Plants ,u'ato apt-to be unduly cautious rer, Park A.- Herr; daSgat© tb casional unfolding flower roads. In a pamphlet recently is­ Ryan street, and Henry Motyczka, Broad street, according to the will . and . g i K *raptically 't!}®',*ej^-way -to'be with, a sprayer, lest, they spatter sued, the .association Jdeclares: son of Mr. and Mrs. John Motycz- $led; with Surrogate Charles A. onvention. of . New Jersey Htgte s°toe of., the spray ohthem selvis ends adds a friendly nefe of color sure of-having ai fairly continuous “Representative Bulwinkle of ka, of 1272 Miriafh place. ©{to jr. this wepk/. He was- also “^eRby G* “n the family’s livtogro<®?. Geran- array of bloont ' on geraniums Sha ,the furniture. Bulbs Sre preb- North QaroHna . bas* introduced in Vincent will - take courses ih the named executor. *' tums toSSaS®; begonias' and many tawoughout-'-fhef^-wtetem- m b i S r ’is M y ., the -most sattsfactoryCtootse' Congress a bill to make more effec­ Mher familiar garden plants are to -buy-wstt-astablished-plants &om- plants from the standpoint 1 of tive and workable the system of 7 s;i worth bringing indoors » -there a local florist or nurseryman. Gbf- bloom, And this year we have :me regulated-ebmpetitfoh in the field ” a well ventilated, sunny place gj^uros mp^y^, ’indoors from the good news that bulbs from HoMad. of transportation which, vover the S « t them, and no time should be- garden will do, well, but 'they -can*- as well as thoBe -produced in 'this years, has been built up by Con­ now in digging, them .. . y hot. be counted on .for extensive* country are available. The flows# are already lormed within most of gress* The purpose of the bill Is . It, is essential to dig these .plants- l ^ o m ^ ’Feriis and foliage -plants' to clear up questions which have, the. spring-blooming bulbs, and. been raised as to how, arid by whom, KENT STORES and toe nights become cold. They 5? or" in a shady part of "TS’piuuuri m1 ratus-1? thocld be cut back severely before the garden _shquld =also_ be moved amount of. care. After they are vices of common, carriers shall be . tho.. p-re pnt.te4. and if they are indoors without any further deli pottedior usef indoors they should administered—-whether by an ex­ given good care they w ill probably l£ jt^ y ,sh o k , signs., op Krai** be kept in a cool, dark place Until perienced -agenoy—of Cimgr^ss, -the_ New Jersey’s Largest Cleaning Factory make a fair amount of growth cur-. sect injury,, the best remedy is the pom-8re--flHed' wrth' roet9r Then the -sturdily growing--plants are organized and' equipped .to ..carry, ready to be brought b l o g o the out a consistent and contipuing pol­ light and warmer tempferature. icy, or by the * confusing and con*: —They will. do-arir-Uesidh-falrly. "fliclihg^ctonndn^onsH^-^various- rich soil, kept well watered, / and Offers FALL SPECIALS J WE RESPECTFULLY URGE juries in different district courts, In' an atmosphere that is not too acting under the ahti-trust laws. THE CONSERVATION OF COAL dry. Paper-white narcissus. - hya­ —--CommorL carriers operate under cinths, tulips, • and many of me the provisions.: of TTRg Interstate Beautifully Dry smaller bulbs Win hlnUn nieply for :€tommeamB-Aebn3Yrr:me the Christmas season and through­ sponsibilities llnder this Act, they Buy Victory Bonds put tHe winter. DRESSES Cleaned and Pressed? find it#necessary to 'maintain co­ operative organizations and ar­ rangements for the ; joint handling Singi Congregation of matters of copimon concern. This W illiam Hale Coal Co. Rabbi, Eliezer Cohen. riecessaty has long been recognized FoiTfhg week” beginning Sunday. by responsible government authoil- 1374 Wberfcv Ave. Phone ITNionvjlle 2-2244 Hillside !Qctober~t21,Zthe_schedule of;: ser­ ties. as well—as by^ohippera and- vice at the Synogogue wifi- be as calf ll?fr Itrfeiu w contended^byrihe- CH LOAD DELIVERED IS CAREFULLY WEIGHED fpllowsL Anti-Trust .Division, of the Depart­ services, Sunday 8 a. m.; ment of Justice, however, that acts Monday, through Friday, 7 a/ffl.; and arrangements wftien- are neces­ Saturday, 8:45 a. 'm. sary and lawiul under the IntjsF^ IMincha services, Sunday through state Commerce Act are unlawful Thursday,-5-p. m.; Friday,- 4:55 p. under the Anti-Trust Act. m.!’Saturday, 4:40 p, m. . “Tihe railroads,, and other com­ Maariv services, Sunday through mon Carriers as well* are thus in Thursday, 5:30-p.-m.; Friday, Kab- ihe position "of being threatened H1LLSIDERS AND OTHERS bolas Shabbos' and Maariv imme­ Under one layr,for doing that with- diately "followihg 'the Mipcha ' ser­ outr-which they^ could not. properly WE THANK YQII FOR THE GRAND vice. • 0 1 meet their responsibilities . under TURNOUT ON OUR OPENING DAY Hebrew School' classes 'Sunday another law. Th§ shippers an5 the morning 9 to 12: .Monday through public, 'in consequence, are threat- Thursday 3:30 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. ened with~ltjsing the~great advan-- Children’si services, Friday ‘ 3:48 tages accruing, from the^efficient, p. m. and Saturday 9 :'45 a. m. and- orderly . national • system of V This Is Grand Opening Week Indies’ . Auxiliary Membership transportation Which, can exist only Tea, /Monday, October -22, at 8:30 under-'such -arrangements. .. We now have those long sought for items in stock.' p, m. Guest speaker,* Rabbi. Theo­ “The Bulwinkle Bill, by clearly dore- L„ Adams, _ of__Jersey_Clty. stating the intent of Congress, will We apologize for not being able to satisfy the de­ • Martin Mandel, son of M rr and" resolve'tec1 dilemma in which ~tbe Mrs! Max Mandel, of 253 Dorer carriers and the shippers now .find MEN’S- mand on our opening ejay. Now we are in-.a bet­ avenue, will become Bar' Mitzvah themselves as a result of ithe d e ­ ter position to- take care of your immediate needs during th'is Saturday morning ser­ ference of opinion between the De­ vice. partment of Justice’ on the ‘one on these items as listed, below; ’ hand, and the Interstate Commerce SUITS Commission# the shippers and the Electric Irons Gas Ranges Synopsis of Minutes carriers-ofi- the other, -. -“Thig differenee is pne..Which..can. Electric Broilers Oil Heaters of Board of Freeholders be finally and definitely cleared up only, by an expression from the Electric Heaters " Elect. Sump Pumps Congress TfselfrThat is the purpose- Heating Pads of ms- bill, as expressed by Mr. For Flooded Cellars Bulwinkle—‘the .removal of a great Baby Bottle Warmers part of tb.e uncertainty and confu­ Fluorescent Bed sion which has. hampered, and Table Electric Stoves wlfirirwiU 'hdmper,; the railroads to ! — Lamps ' .. a great extent if .tMS'oF some'aimi* Juice-O-Mat lar bill is fiot" pass^dJ’lThe situa- Ice Crushers Sun Lamps ’tjon ;he added,' ‘requires • arfQ de- . mands . .an immediat^^commonH BEAUTIFULLY DRY CLEANED Electric Clock® Floor Lamps, 3 Way sense reifiedy .* ' * carriersli AND SKILLFULLY PRESSED can not serve two piasters? thereMj PlllS Luslrotoiie Presto Cookers Boudoir Lamps fore, it becomes the {duty of the Congress to say which vovernmenj; Fuses Pin Up Lamps agency, or department, - shall have^ Plugs 2 Lite Fluorescent Bulbs Kitchen Fixtures ■ M E N ^ Fluorescent Bulbs Desk Lamps % The Human Element Household Service hell and E. Stephen Electr. Tape B ed Lamps By » . N. BOND irks, granting Frank The weather vane goes back dnd OVERCOATS 74c Searchlights Table Lamps iar, teftViL of abBenee, forth whichever way the wind CURTINS (per pair) . 49c Plus Lustrotone Batteries * Ash Tray Smoker blows. It is ornamental, and ftm to advising Henry C. look at, but does not furnish a Plain, Plus Lustrotone Extension Cords ‘ Stands standard to follow. WOMEN’S FUR Modem Kitchen Sinks Assorted Picture There is a difference between a BLANKETS crow and a starling. Both are -fine, Comb. Gas & Coal Frames blank birds and they do belong to TRIMMED COATS . . 1.49 the same family; ~bpt - they keep’ . . *. 29c Plus Lustrotone Ranges Medicine Cabinets apart, and I have not seen them'mix together top. much. They, even give their annual outings at different . . . 49c -MEN’S HATS . . :.39c times end in different'places. For, Plus Lustrotone Plus Lustrotone « Be First To Place Your Orders It is my belief (perhaps, false, but firm)* that the birds have a celebra­ educted from tion onceTydaf. 79c SKIRTS and SWEATERS 19c for This is a wonderful thing to see, Cotton, Plus Lustrotone ’lain, Plus Lustrotone for myriads of juicy worms appear­ and hundreds of ears of corn and WE STING HOUSE bushels of stolen cherries are con­ tion for the aged, In- sumed. The-crows have “their pet Laundromat, Refrigerators, Washers and oltfesns pf the County, -Public -Welfare jCqwl- picnic grounds and the f starlings have theirs. They leave a wake of Ironers, Dishwashers, Electric Ranges, grumbling, irate fandilirs in . their Deep Freezers path, hut it is fun to % starling or a crow! - There is a certain bird (and again I am, telling m y version), who al­ Same Day Service Gibson & Admiral Refrigerators * Ironrite ways . wants to’ attend, both parties, Ironers, Westinghouse, Admiral, Zenith, I ie can’t make Up " his mind whether he will be one bii*'d ,pr the Stpwart-Wamer, Fada, Olympic, Majestic Other. He,. therefore^ poses as both, If Requested so that he may have two picnics, And Other NationaUy Advertise! Radios he belongs to neither when there is trouble brewing. He is like And Phonographs Publio Wel- th weather vane —- whichever way the wind is blowing—-there he is. ALL MAKES OF VACUUM CLEANERS of Bridges, Drainage & Flood Traditional Good But,too, ndvlfllng of bids r*» no pne likes him or trusts him. Toasters, Coffee Makers, Sandwich Grills, r redecking with new steel The object oi .this- story was,to* Waffle Makers, Such As ; make a comparison with people we know, and I am sure that you Have Westinghouse, General Electric, Universal, guessed long before this. I inade^ UJ—r reenolder . Dudley for mu this story up-^there is not one word Manning Bowmah And Others Welfare Corn,mitte_e,. authorizing^ pf truth in it, but .if one person reading. it can tee a reflection* of Sunbeam Mjxnfasters — Duotherm Space himself therein, well* decide • to Heaters r— Water Coolers benefit by it. Join a force .and stick. There, may be two sides to Automatic H ot Water Heaters -* I story and I both m ^ 1 be right— but decide on one and stay .with Garbage Disposal Units Bridge. Bllsabe work for it*-"live for ito-die for it. R A D I O R E P A I R UN G BE SMART — SHOP IN HILLSIDE ANDREWS Moving & Trucking • PADDED VAN- ig two • temporary SAFETY o f .y o u r f u r n i­ Hillside Appliance t u r e Assu red N« Job Top Small or Too large Consolidated Road Department, e Boro of Garwood GALL US FOR n oF’Th'e"" TtoSJStr- = = REASONABLE RATES II.. call unanimotisly & Supply Co. Phone UNIonville 2-3157 1460 Che?ffiut Ave. Hillside, N. J. U18 NORTH BROAD^i'., HfLL,»IDE; N . Jrr- -Anthony Andrew#- Phage_Six THE HILLSIDE T1ME£^333U*SDAY; OCTQBEft 18, 1945

Klein, formed a part of the corn? mmmimtmimmmmimwimmmmmm hjittde whidh met in the Union Jim#, FimiiiiiiHiuiiiuiiiiuniiiiijmMiiMffl™ ior College; Cranford, tp arrange [News of Hillside High for an '^ail-day. American • foreign p i y •• ■■ ' -rj DOROTHY GRANT ======p o lic^onim m the school ’ oh De­ cember 12, At the meeting of tbe “WHERE l l F f WHERfi^TO GE^-iGOOD SERVICE” For division of Work ; reSpon- N.Y.U. for three years, has returned faculty advisors ‘. oni October i psmtv. Frank J, Hill, head-senior w.Hiiisrar'as.■r™pracrai. pnysieai' which Miss Soyd and Mr. Hill at­ yearbook advisory _ specified five education teacher with classes on tended, it was decicled to include Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.. the .students themselves in making (girls as members of the editorial He is . a graduate of Hillside’s class these, preparations. IKard—'Virginia Boone,. (gf^rn&n, Of ’38 and a former football star. 4 The Delta Beta group COMMUNITY with Florence M orris, Nedmi Levin, Ji. veteran of iwo Jima, he^served selected Jerry Gottegman ,*as their ^Dorothy Grant and Corinne Can? two years in the Marine Corps after, chairman. ' - :^or. * graduating from. Muhlenberg' Uni-, Dr. McKay, of the . Junior/Col­ The departm ental.. editors....are epsitjy1.-- lege, and; .Earl B. Kosecrans, of Ro­ ^Charles Bridfojd, manager of • the S.G.A. Dance. selle, are responsible for the. origin S.^ertising-^stai^ Sally. Gooen, club • Stanton Slhnott, johrf KelrJ^Loi^ of: the "idea for this BU forum group, SIN ESS mRE CTO R V ^Bcjitor; Jacqueline Fogel and Elaine JLessner • and . Elaine Flecker ar­ comprised of the social studies and Gross, co ^ t editors, afrd Elayne- ranged ' all preparations for the debating groups f j j the 19 high |pradkin, photography editor. -Ail schools in UnipA'Coiihl^r. (editors were1 req u ired . to- subne t j SLG.A, dahGe October 11, ,This was Senior Charue -Mancuso was se- Cleaners and Dyers of application to their st he first dance of the season, al- Appetizers, Pickle Products * Auto Service. Stations Use This Convenient Insurance — i|j lentari.- nritnhor 11 ag a mpmhpr nf the cheerleMffig tesfin. | ■ 7 Telephone Directory ' The. printer’s contract names Jan­ schedule for all the proms and New Uniforms ■ IRVING TABATOHNICK JOYET KATHRYN A. KELLER uary 1 as the dAte Oh which mate'- danqes. JA Y ’S AMOCO SERVICE —A -maroong^nd -white- Jacket is the- “TABS” Herring Products DRY CLEANERS General Insurance "jrial Tfgpst be- subm itted to him,— Hefen Fagowski and fttrth-Qutsatr HI 1.1. SILK AVE. COr- N. liEOAL ST. J~The Senior Counml chose the on ■ the door committee* admitted" new Pickled Herrin* at its Best cheerleaders. • Oh .the front of each WAverly 8-085A APPETIZERS, PICKLE PRODUCTS 1574 MAPLE AVENUE' ' 1444 NOETH TbROAD STREET :“jAc^demy Yearbook Photographers cmly S.G.A. members and their WA 6-1S12 1554 MAPLE AVE. Irving Tabgtchnick, 1554 Maple WAverly 6-2418 TELEPHONE:1 WAverly 3-8891 §tp take the individual pictures ^nd- guests. Joseph D’Amiano and Paul jacket- will be inscribed the own- Sp e cial Jrfce. BATTERY SERVICE eels name; and on the ba'ck will be Special Jrfcn for parties, ~ Ave., Hillside, WA. 6-1612. Complete and Efficient Service. the "group activity pictures, which Jansack were on the'cdat checking OrganUaftotns, M itm ahs PICK-UP AND DELIVERY are ^eirig’schedtiled-by the photog- committee! ~~ displayed—a—megaphone—and—the- ---- Re-oharglng — Rentals -----AUTO BODY WORK Jtrajxhy staff. * * . ^ In the center of the "gymnasium; word ‘‘Hillside.’’ For the basketball Brunswick Auto Body Co., Inc, 438 Facaltyv Advisors ,circled by a fence, -Bert Fishman season the girls will wear maroon Elizabeth Ave., Newark, BI 2-9537. and__whlt.e jumpers as „th9tin^-Uifi=. g (S^epteinber 25, seniors were played-the--pianor Harold T-jgdjjL the R. S. King, 5 M em Ave, Hillside, Electrical Appliances Pet Shops drums; Lloyd Lippih, the^bass; • i4nfo Body Work near N. Broad S t, WA 6-6548. -first informed - in -a- special—assem* TFerfy-GookT-the-sax^h^ierand-isob1 —;Sentoi3^havezselededrt.tJanie^bSt Bakeries bly of the commencement of prepa- -Bornstein^-the - -Violin.. These five Josephine Bentham and flerschei AUTO REPAIRS rations for the Epoch. All ofTKe" boys will play at .'ail school dances. Williams, the class play of ’46; Maxon Motors, Inc, 1444 Kortn ESsex 2-7733 - GUARANTEED “ -.yearbook faculty advisors were ^ “This Saturday, representattvesTof ~-firat:- "fey Broad S t, HlU«id«, W’A. 3-2832.- present: Walter Krumbiegei, fea­ AUTO COLLISION WORK ^ ^ A K E S t O Singers, Puppies, Turtles, Uoia the D.B.T., advised by Miss Rosine Brock'. Pemberton and also proved AUTO SERVICE STATIONS " ture;Leonard Buchiier, of clubs and BRUNSWICK Hillside Qenter Bakery WALLRAFF APPLIANCE Fish, Finches, young Canaries Boyd; will participate ifi the forum a success on the road. jay’s Amoco Service,' Hillside, Ave„ .sports; Mrs. Aimapiae Rudolph, on“ My Idea of Education” at Rut­ Tryouts for roles--were held'Mon­ AUTO BODY 0Q, INC. George cSfiebbe, Prop. MJetal Cages, Dog Blankets and data; Mrs. Clenjentine Johnson^] 1315 LIBERTY AVENUE eor. North Broad St,,. Hillside, & SALES CO. gers University. The debating club day and Tuesday , in tfee library. NEWARK Sweaters—All Suppliesr------rrbuBiness direetQr-s--Miss-^tory-JVlc^ -The—pl-ay—effers--opportuni^““fer- Fresh Cakes, Flea, Bread A Pastry WA. 3-9856. is sending another group to the an­ Dally. Keever, art staff; Mr. Hill, photog­ nual* Columbia University Forum eight girls and thirteen principal BAKERIES 1224 SPRINGFIELD AVE. raphy, arid Miss. MeKeever bnd Mrs. On' October 27. After both forums, boys, plug, ari addftiofial number, of Hillside Center Bakery, 1315 Lib­ IRVINGTON, N. J. WATTS PET SHOP Rudolph, proofreading and copyT .. the students plan to witness the non-speaking roles in the party erty Ave,-Hillside. . The art staff has developed‘the 1193 E: GltAND BTrSet” football games’ of, Refinishing of MotBf Cars BELTING, PULLEYS theme for the yearbook and an. ef­ g l Sell Football Pins Refrigerators - Radios jForuip. Arranged Betting, Pulleys Ehmb Supply Co, Route 29 and ELIZABETH fort-lias been-niade to secure acl- ' r To dbtain money far-new books Body and Fender Work John S t, Hillside, UN* 2-3093. KWc^fisements. F a i n t s may become- * • On October 1.0, Miss- Boyd and .’ SlatimatM Glvsn — Bendix Washing Machines three club members, Jerry Gotteis- arid projects, .the Library CoiuMIv BICYCLES AND REPAIRING Opposite Phone Co. I ||patrons, as they w ere last year R. S. KING UNlonvllle 2-3088 KEarny 2-0455. Frederick Goodrich, a student at man, Sylvia Mayer and .Herbert directed by Mfs v Nettie Estabrook, Thdail’s Bicycle Repair Shop, 1234 will sell wooden,^’ football pins in 5 MEKTZ AYE., near N. Brawl Woodruff Ave.. Hillside. EL 3-1349. the school, colors, toairoon and gfay. WAverly •- Ehrich Supply /Co. BUILDING, SUPPLIE8 The coTjncil--'membei?B‘intend: 4o sell- BELTING — PUUXY8 , Ruck Building'Materials, Inc., Fab- them - at' football games and in yan Pi. and Lyons Ave, Newark. Electrical Service Printers, Stationers homerooms for the price of 15c. MILL S U P P L IE a T / IWA 3-m200. DANIEL LEEDS MILLER,Inc To arrange the program^for the ROUTE SB A JOHN ST. HILLSIDE 'bi-monthly ; meetings on Tuesday. * Auto Repairs UBERTY RElNHAkD-MUELLER CO. 1356 NORTH BROAD ST. HILLSIDE, N.-Jt - Grace land Memorial Park, Kenil­ the French Glub^s program; chair­ worth, RO 4-5768. ELECTRTC^StPPnES man, -Dor-othy-Blattrdivided-tiie-elub Uoin* Repairs for Past 18 Years House Wiring; — Appliances PRINTERS - STATIONERS CLEANEBS AND DYERS Phones; EL 2-7123, WA 3-1938 . into four groups at the October Ask - for Tommy, expert on all 1 - Repairing- - Light Fixtures Q 2 HOLLYWOOD AVENGE meeting.-- She - will aid the groups makes of -cars, Modern equipment. Joyet Dry Cleaners, 1574 Maple Bicycle. Tires Parts Bicycles and Repairing [Ave, Hmslde, WA 6-2418. & Phone ELiEabeth 218882. [with the program preparation. Prestone, Zerone .Anti-Freeze Philip Terranova__ The first committee of Naomi : ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 1268 Liberty Aye. -UN.; 2-3157 Levin,' Sally Gooen, IBta'Feldman, MAXON MOTORS, Ifio;— TINDALL’S BICYCLE Wallraff Appliance & Sales Co., Silvia Mayer and Muriel Goodman 1444 N. BROAD ST. WA. 8-283* REPAIR SHOP 1224 Springfield Ave., Irvihgton, ES 2-7738. will; present the* program, for the Parts - Accessories m 4 Radio Service 'meeting-on Tuesday. October 23. Repalrin* ELECTRICAL SERVICE • Feed, Poultry and Dairy m&ty Electric Supplies, 12Q8 Lib- * STATEMENT 7[ertsr'Ave7i Hillside/. UN. 2-3157; WALD RADIO STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP Poultry, Dairy, Do* Food a t PHONE YOI|R MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC, FEED, KOULTRY AND DAIRY Records^ElectricjAbppances Required by the Acts of Concrete of Drake Coal Co., 343 Nye Ave., Irv- DRAKE COAL COMPANY .THOBBY SUPPLIES I ington, 'ES 3-5730. RADIO REPAIRING | WANT A D ^ 843 NYE AVE., IRVINGTON OtOfc NEW LOCATION —; PubUslied ^every TlinradDy at Elisabeth FLORISTS 3 2 * Building Supplies . ^ ESsez 3-5730_lie. WA - W‘ Stajje of New Jersey, * Nursery, 948 N. COAL FUEL OIL QG»nty of Union. ss.: ‘ 1 1 Broad S t, cot. King S t, Eliza­ RUCK 1 : beth, EL 2-3820. thQ 6S ute^t^eounS' aCesam- Building Materials, Inc. " FURRIERS ally appeared Sidney Silverstein, who" * Refrigerator Service having—bean—dnl-y—sworn aerinrrihiy—«TT- CONCRETE BLOCKS Fogel & Cefal, 242 Lyons Aye.. Florists law. deposes and says that he is the [Newark, WA 3-1565. publisher of „The Hillside Time's, arid Roofing - Siding - Insulation that the following is, to the best of his FABYAN PL. dc LYONS AVE. INSURANCE FUNERAL DESIGNS knowledge and belief a true statement Kathryn A. Keller, 1444 N. Broad Vincent’s Refrigeration UNITED NEWARK; N. J. WA 3-H200 -CUT FLOWERS ?hethaefo0Wsn |dSh,P’ manae:ement; _etcv of ^ S t; Hillside, WA 3-8801. PET SHOPS— 1 and Gil Burner .Service GROCERY CO. shown in the above caption, required DELAWARE VALLEY' ny the Act of August 24, 1912, as Watts JPet Shop, 1193 E. Grand S t NURSERY amended 4by the Act of; March 8, 1932, j Elizabeth, N ..J. Groceries embodied In section 637, Postal Laws ^ndRegulaUons. printed on t^e -reverse • Cemeteries PRINTERS, STATIONER8 . 1. That the. , names and addresses af; Reinhard-Mueller Co., 2 Hollywood Fresh Fruits, Vegetables 1110 Publisher, eidltor, managing .iditor, # j Ave., Hillside, EL 2-4882. and business managers are: RADIO SERVICE Foment Publisher—Hillside Times PubllhHW* URACELAND • ' Tracking Co.,^1443 North Broad ^Street, Hillside, Memorial Park Wald Radk>, 275'Lyons Ave., New­ CERTIFIED COAL ark, WA 3-2721. 1420 N. BROAD ST. • Kenilworth, N. I. A FINE SELECTION OF FUR .Editor—Robert KapUn, 1448 Ndrth FREE PERPETUAL UPKEEP REFRIGERATOR SERVICE i A. PETERPAUL . Broad St., Hillside. N. J. A Garden.of Sacred Memories In a JK>ATS AND JACKETS 158 Baltimore Ave., lullside Coke Fuel Oil Business Manager—Sidney Silverstein, setting of rare beauty and exquisite Vincent's Refrigeration and Oi Corner Mertz Ave. 1443 North. BroadUSt.,, H-Mls-Id-ej N. JT--- harmony. The cest Is surprisingly low [Burner Service, 207 Ryan St', Call WAverly 3-1565 EL. 3-5624 2. That the owner Is: The -Hillside with free perpetual care» EL 3-3289. Also Repairing - Remodeling — B U Y T T C T O R Y BOND S— Times Publishing Co., 1448 North Broads TELEPHONE HOselle 4-5758 Moving ■ Tradkin^ ^fer-HUiBid^.-N. J .^Robert Kajianr-acr TRUCKING Expreeeing ! Conan-t Street, Hillside, N. J . . Sidney A|. Peterpaul, 158 Baltimore Ave. FOGEL & CEFAL silverstein. 171 Pomona Aven«er_New- _ 243 LYONS AVI., Truok For Hire With Drivw ark, N. 3. Hillside, ELizabetti 3-5624. 3.^ That the known bondholders, knowledge and belief as to the circuit stances and conditions Under which owning or holding 1 per cent' or more stockholders and security holders who other^seenritf111 °f bon<1®’ mort*aSe8, or do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stocks and 4. . That the r. two paragraphs next .securities in a capacity-other than that oto^hofdots* ^d jK^fer|p of a bona fide owner; and this affiant n^ ealt°f th° HSf Wo reason to beilevs that any olnSr anyt contain not only the list pPWecfc- person, ..association, or , 68rporatiorir has hoiders and security holders as they any Interest • direct or indirect In the appear upon the books of the company said stocky bonds, or -other gecurities but also, In cases where the stockholder than as so stated by Publisher. any other . fiduciary relation, the nanji Sworn to and subscribed before me of the. person or corporation for whom this 8th day of October/ 1046. suoh trustee is* acting, la given j alio 1 that the said two paragraphs €pntaln MARGUERITE FICHTNER, GIRLS statements embracing affiant’s fill My commission expired Jurie |29,; lilOi Don’t Put li Off -- Apply Now PALACE TEA CARDEN while Good Jobs are Available CHINESE - AMERICAN RESTAURANT 11B6 E. Jersey St., Elizabeth — EL. 2-41S8 MACHINE OPERATORS Open For^Business As Usual Choice of Day or Night Shift * We were closed for two n^fllhs due to bur inability to *e* help Experience Not Needed arid to obtain our usual/hi*h quality meats due to rationing. We Are NOW SERVING‘The Finest Calibrators and Strengtheners QUALITY FOODS AND U. S. GOV’T. INSPECTED MEATS AT POPULAR PRICES—PROMPT SERVICE - , „ Experienced — Also Trainees LUNCHEONS FROM 50e — DINNERS FROM 70c WE CATER TO WEDDINGS AND SPECIAL PARTIES..... ; ASSEMBLERS BEAUTIFUL COCKTAIL LOUNGE No Experience — Good Pay From Start o Open 11 A M. — 2 A. M. — Geo. Chong, Mg#. ^ Light, Clean, Pleasant work v onjyarts for home radio sets GIVE HIM HIS CHANCE TRUSSES ELASTIC HOSIERY FINE CHANCE TO ADVANCE ABDOMINAL BELTS INCENTIVE PAYMENT PLAN A ll his life liefs ahead of Mm. You can Jielp to give him a SCHARFENBERGER’S . -MUSIC WHILE Y©U ’WORK ‘ good start. You help by contributing to the United War and 1141 Elizabeth Avenue Elizabeth, N. J ; '“ EU nbeth 2-2211 Community Qhest.' Your contribution will assist people at Medical Supplies > hom e and abroad, the young and the old, the soldier and General Instrument Corp. th e civilian. Won’t you help? Give Your Fair Share, _ -Now Serving The Peace Industries 829 Newark Ave., Elizabeth NEILL & SPANJER Tune in Station WAAT for the G. I. Program — United Wax and Community Chest Mahogany - WMte Pine and Hardwoods T ^ ^RHYTHM OF THE NATION-' | denoted by. PUBLIC SERVICI __ Every Eyening, Monday through Saturday, 10:05 to 10:30.... i860 Liberty Avenue Tel. UNionville 2-1717, t h e h i l l s i d e T i m e s , Th u r s d a y ,^Oc t o b e r 1945 u

Informed public opinion in the moot tent of all W ra in tn upon mlnrovern^ient.'.' [ fT* Supreme Court. HILLSIDE TIMES EDITORIAL PAGE

(Sijr l^Ulatiip (Utinra Purple Heart Award Gets Bronze Star Bronze Star Award Pilot Returning For, Lt. And&son For Frank Farrell Printed and t’ubliehed every Thursday at AA a special ceremony at Valley Sgt. F. L . Farrell, “of 167 Silver 1443- North Broad Street,1 Hillside, New Jersey. Forge General Hospital, Phoenix- by •j j e> M Jack J. Anderson/ of avenue, w as ’awarded th e Bronze 530 Tillman street, Hillside, N. J., Star Medal last week fo r meritor- THE HILLSIDE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY ' was awarded the Purple Heart for ftftls service in jeonneetio'n with faiil- •Sidney Silverstein ...... O...Business Manag. ,- wounds sustained in action against itary operations against the enemy Robert Kaplan ...... i...E d ito r • the enemy. The award was pre­ from October 19, 1944/ to April 18, Telephone WAverly 3-2465 sented by Lt. C6T. Seymour Fisher, 1945, in* France and Germany. Sgt. MC, . Executive Officer, Valley Farrell was in charge o f all cas­ "'O Forge* General Hospital. Lh Col* ualty reporting for the 379feh Infan­ SUBSCRIPTION RATER w J. Magers. Adjutant. reariShpH i try Regiment which is a part of the The TIMES will be sent to any part of the United States for ISElrin. the regular subscription price of $2.50 a year, single copies‘5 cento - Lt. Anderson is-the son of John land, France, Belgium, Holland and Postage to Canada and foreign countries must be added to these-rates. Fr. ^hderson/ of1 the 'above address. Germany and was returned home ;H-e--8er^ -:-hr- the^Fatfflc "Theatre yrith the 95 th Division last Jy|y. In COMMUNICATIONS Md was\ formerly employed as a ■ttddjtU)n to the Bronze. S tar M^dal, The TIMES is always pleased to publish letters and other Items clerk.. .He attended Newark. Arts Sgt slmrell has been aw arded'the .of interest Ip readers, and invites such.conoinuiiicatibns The name High Sehool. — - ’ Combat^ioiantryman’s Badge’ and ,nd address oj the TO ter must be glyen in every ease, not necessarily the-European Theatre of Operations ior publication, but as an evidence WgCK)dYath. Anohymous com- Medal with campaign, service atpVA; , Tmunications Will n6t be published. WINS CITATION

Realty Transfers CAPT. JEROME YELLIN JOHN R. PECKMORE HE NEEDS MORE THAN MEDICINE ■Capt. ‘Jerome Yellin, AA.F., 31- 1st ,Lt, John R. Pedkmore, ?qut ^E year-old son o f Mr. and Mrs. Simon ; Mr, - arid. -WMter H. lilrieman i of Marine terrace, atJhflL.northeast^ t. and Mrs. Harry L. Peckmpre, Medicine alone will not help a sick person get fo'.-Mr. aKd~Mrs: CharlBS^D7~Hirle^ erly •■side^ of Lake^tew drive; one Muhri^enuepreeentiy-hohL Yellin/ of 160; Grumfhan avenue, Is niaii/ ^dlvided^'one^lialf ill tergstrm5 iumlrig-'"thiB~ weekend-“from Iwo well. H e must be* free from all worry; and : tract in linfe of ably discharg6a fr6itt the ArmyT property at the ^intersection of the Jima, where h e served, as fighter Lakeview drive, 81.3^ feet from Ma­ ' ‘been awarded; the Bronze 3tar that’s where we come-in. Qur persona! loan ■** Southeasterly1 lik e- of ■ Hollywood’ rine terrace, and xme'traotjS^the. _ liot,and sqv^d^o?i.4pader. He was avenue" a n d - t^ line northeasterly^—line- -of...laW eview " -Ered^l- for m&Tthrlotii‘' service in promoted to captam Tast- Ji^ly-i —- ____ service will provide 4 ofeonant^eet,. drive, *97.15 f e e t from ,M ari5e ter-_ ^nriection with military operations •He holds th e D.F.C.j Air Medal -public Service Coordinated Trans-. Belgium^ Holland and Germany with three O ak Leaf Clusters and yon with the money „po,rt.Estate to Abram' F. Morris/ /ZJQSephine M.' Tartis,/ MdoW, to -£iu3in--October--25r--l944,-to-^J anuai^- ■credited w ith bringing d'oWn,dU6 ' needed tq pay doc* ^ ' Inc., property at the intersection of Mr. and Mrs. Isak Weisspian, prop­ 24j—1945.’ *■ Ja p planes. -He is a graduate," of the southerly’line of North Broad erty in the northerly line of Winans According to the -citation, “dur- Hillside High" School. tor and hospital bills v; dividing line between .a venue, 7Q..fftf>f. ftvym. WvndrrV7nr ig -this period Lt. Peckmore oom- “laMs'of’Piiblic- Service-rCoordinated- avenue. a - Landed~~d‘ :"mortar~sectibn of*~ ~fais~ when s i c k n e s s ,. company in a superioi; manner. H1b "Transport--and--lands of the estate ' Mr; arid M rs. E arl Rogers,'-toHMr? BUY VICTORY BONDS - strikes and you are of Abram P. Morris, Inc. ’age" and. complete dlsregard^ior” , ‘SGT. F. L.'FARftELL *--■ ~ and Mrs. John- S. Foulk, property personal safety in nKStablishing arid' ” Mrrand' Mrs. Raymond : C. ChesEi street. — — * for Northern France) cjentral GerT unprepared to meet .ton SrrrtcrMr r'afid "MtsT F. Imiannipg observation posts hdve en­ AND STAMPS 1 C-ity—Sayings and -Loan Associa- abled his splatoon' to return mortar many and the Rhl|nelan^i.- -gplafflan,-property known as .1265 -tion-to>Mr. and Mrs Maurim* M, . Sgt., Fa,rrell, forme r dhairman of the expense, W e ex- • Miriam place. H a r r y w . t r o s s -tar-gets-of-o-pportuidty-r-andl /Cucezzi; property, in the southerly Ibis ability; to effectively direct the The~Hillsiae RMfpationrBbafa and -tend—credit where, Mr. and Mrs. Valerian Surowitz, line of M cM ichael place, 116.42 feet ■•-/Harry WL Tross, coxswain, U. S. director o f the Elks Jimjior Baseball ■ to-Mrrand MI$, Joseph. Wiesenf eld, fire of his'weapons hqp insured the fro m Blriy a&feet. 5 8 ^ maximum support of the battalion -League,--mixed work With recrea- credit Is deserved. property known as 1029 Fairview —Township—of—HillsidF^to Thomas N^Hn-son-of--Mi^7dboui^TfbM//bf tion during his pekocT of occupati^ 'placet' -T- 337 Hollywood avenUe, has been ind assault troops. The bravery, A. Dwyer, property in the souther­ leadership * and devotion; to ' duty in Germahy after th e jeessation of Union Essex Service Oo.v to Mr, ly line of W ilder street. 80;84 feet w a rd e d a Navy citation and rib- hostilities. Evidence >of! this fact and Mrs. Abe Iftisbaum, property displayed by* Lt. rPeckmore were in -from Roanoke avenue; bon, it w ariearned herethis week/ [keeping with the finest traditions the accompanying [photo which THE HILLSIDE NATIONAL BANK known as 1547 Summit avenue. Mr. and/Mrs, .Mahnie Goldberg The citation, reads as follows: shows him teaching th e fine points "Dvrt&fos/M Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Semori. to of the armed forces o# the United and. others to Gladys Goldberg, “For excellent service in line of- States . and- reflected the highest of baseball to || Ipriteritial Jimlor Anne C. George, property in the property k n o ^ n as 254 Conklin'-ave- duty as a member of landing < ■edit on himself and the military Leaguers ih Biiren, Gepnariy. F ar­ B ittiM a A e y o U '" Member Member at Federal north line of Hurden.street, 345 feet attached i to an- assault transport [service.** • . rell .states, that ail tune! children in from Salem avenue/ Beter Fischer,- widower,--to—Mr. from January. 1944, to .March, 1945, Ebrope. became lyery fond of o u r iicka£Poi^ayaMi "Anna Cr George, widow, to Flor»- Peckmore algo holds the Federal Reserve System Deposit Insurance Corp. and^MrsrGerman-Fis^Jerrone -tract .during assault and..eapture -of Mar­ :an Defense . Ribbon"” with- -sporte-and-w'ere-GagelF to ■ par-ti&ipate __eMe_ A,'Hill, undivided 3/5 • interest in tfct^jwesterly line of North Broad shall Islands, Marianas Islands, star, Purple-Heart with Oak whenever thk|0co£®iqn (presented it- jn foregoing property. street;;^ feet ffqm Coe avenue and Palu, Leyte, Luzon and IWo Jima. self., Heinrich/- tie bp^, on the left, Leaf Cluster, Coinbat Infantryman’/S OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS, 7-8 P. M. Anna C. George, widow, iri Gloria one tract in -the westerly line of With" outstanding courage an d d e- Badge and E.T.U. Riblmn" "With 'caused some concern! in 'official ^Ssmonraindiviohd^2/5_Jntei,est-- irn JN iD ry^^ oad_^ treet^ =lQ2!i.ffiC„t from termination, h e rendered valuable hattle-stars, ...... ranks, however, iiyhen j he tossed foregoing .property. < Coe avenue.. assistance‘in* landing combat troops Peckmore trained with the /wild pitch, in the gljass window of Mr. andl^lrs. James- Rosensohn-tq ~~The~ Cooper Alloy Foundry Co.; and Vitally needed supplies and 44th Division at Fort Dix before the house occupied, by 1he ex-Nazi James ifoseQgohn, one tract' ih~f£flF to Industrial, Associates/ TricT/prop-- equipment- qnfrr; enemy ~Mlcl this coufitry entered the war. He mayor of -Bumnl i [' northwesterly.' line of Marine /ter­ erty imthe northerly line- of Sw efe "Beaches. Through his commendable !-enlisted in 1942 as a y.p.(j. arid ~ ' At present,'Fairpll! isj home"for"4U race, 130 feet from Lakeview drive; land _ avenue, interse5t$d by the achievement, and devotioir to^ duty1 days prio r to reporting to the 28th as commissioned at Fort Benning, - • Ut-*~ MHOOSIBR11-«OSi*t-:7‘ one tract in the northwesterly line easterly' line of - Indus jry ^street. J?' under enemy# fire, he- contributed G'a., in August, 1943, and went Infantry Division I Stationed at Camp" J A SAVING HABIT .. . SHOP AT materially to*the success of these overseas in August; 1944, as a mem­ Shelby, Miss. He expects to be dis­ PITAL INSURANCES POLl-,v | amphibloUs^assault operations. His, ber of the 104th Timberwolf Divli: charged before ytriej .first of n ex t CY pay big Hospital and Sur- . conduct gives evidence of his great year and' is anxjbjus| tp resume h: " gicaj bill*. INDIVIDUAL or / Szarko’s Liquor Store "value to-the naval sarviee.1-; He-^feeght in~the--Hollan.d- cam­ junior .'baseball j activities, which entire FAMILY GROUP pro- I 43X7 LIBERTY AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. 1.' iHARDWARE Tross has been in the Pacific 20 paign with British and • Canadian have been suspended: during th e Call WA 3-0659 tor Free quick drilrery pffst th ree years ; p tection. No examination. Bene- le Comer Williamson Avenue months. He has three ‘ brothers-. imops^ which-resulted in securing XT, XT, K KEGS BEER - - - COOLERS FOR H1RH service, F.F.G. Leroy TroSs, with Ifhe great port of Antwerp,. being fitiTpaid D 1 RfcfCT T O YOU! the ‘ 168th .Infantry, 34th" Division, Wounded in this campaign. He later Cub Pack Enjoys For the B EST in Hospital line of PAINTS,: Including KBMTONE, 1 1 who has -been_ in Italy_30_jnonfihs} fought through-the Siegfried Line. Iniurance— *get- ”HOOSIBR.” nm vn., NTT.BMAMir.T. Corp, Li B. Tross, with Ordnance On January 2r 1945, he received a Haire-Hounds Chase __ Phone me TODAY!____ HARDWARE — GARDEN TOOLS A SEED Jcut .hoW transferred to -the 80th In- battlefield prpmotiori to • first lie.u- • 'Cub. Eackl 197-fnjoyed:a Mo mile U. A PLUMBING SUPPLIES fantry Division, who has been over- tenanl He-fought through Germany , chkse*-of rhare aM riounds Sunday, J Best Foods Moderate Prices .SAKS. CALL DATE'S HARDWARE ®®as 20 months, _and Bvk.Jphn P. as .again Wounded after . A member of th e1 pack and Robr. HENRY MICHAELSON L APPLIANCES REPAIRED Tross, A.AF. engine mechanic sta­ crossing the .Rper River, spearhead­ e rt, Heun, rphairmail, were in |H I , GENERAL AGE^T SUPER DINER tioned at" Gulfport Field, Miss.- ing the -attack on Cologne, t lead. They started' at; B{uchanan and Lt. Peckmore is the husband of: Paul streets, Myjrig arrows and _ 170 HILLSIDE AVE. ROUTE 29 near BLOY ST. rni.IJi Edith Wester Peckmore and has two elusive signs asi'wujes. The rest HILLSIDE,-N. J. M anagement o f Gabriel A. Gabriel -John Jr. and • Douglas, His the'pack. acpompa|nied! bv Commit- WAverly 3-5353 60 ft. long and 20 ft. deep. Table ana counter service. brother, Harry P. Peckmore, is" tedmen Antribny Dfaihio-nd and Sc I Bring the family. You udll like our food and our seryL dth the A.A/F. in California, - s c Nadler,”. anj"4 Gubmajster Henr; Spingler, foljpw4d] somje time lhtei ‘b 4* ’M14* 4*4*4* »{* *1* 4* ENTERS NAVY 1 The h a re s m ffiem a; trterry chas Lee Edward Paul, 18, • son of Mr. up-end down ijUte, across a river ~ r r and Mrs. Irving Paul, of 1509 Cen­ apd along, muddy roads, but th' ter street, who" was graduated from hounds finally, daught u p with thei Hillside High Sehool last June; has preyr—They-j builth a n open fire 2 BIG FLOOR SHOWS NIGHTLY “eiflisted^ inrthe Navy “and reported" some reeted while' Otriers roasted Tuesday to New York for boot weenies, and a good tune was h a d SONNYCARROLL’S For Banquets or Parties—Large or Small training. * by all: - i] I j r Asfc/jtq jfe/p ca//s qo'ifooutfb "* Phone Bigelow 3-8826 For Reservations SUPPER CLUB 149 MEEKER AYE, NEWARK, N. J., Opp. Weequahio Park P o r • Firmer Gums, "D O N ’T WORRY, MOM! I’M DOING FINE!” ■ n t a t I? . ’ ENTERTAINMENT SAT. & SUN. NITES j From a soundproof telephone booth o f,special oonatruotipn to ' 1 1 1 1 El"|h»( . tr, by RAY at the Guitar, VINGE at the Piano arid 3 , ' ’ . -Yr_; RED on the Horn. 3 Brighter Teeth a Sparkling aocomraodate wheeiohair patients; th is wounded veteran is T A VFRN TASTY SANDWICHES — SHUFFLEBOARD j among the thousaMs of returning serVioeiaen oallihgl home from Afl-TEi liil 240 LONfi a Vi MUE. WAverly 3-9587 | Smile-use gen eral hospitals and'camps every, day. This is„the kind of ca ll . we believe you would want us to.give f ir s t p rio rity .

We Cater to Small Parties I PAN A and MASSAGE Cochrane^ EL- 3-9323 “HONEST, IT'S ME— IN PERSON!’ You can help a lo t te get 1274 North Broad Street COCKTAIL LOUNGE these happy c a lls through UT your smile on the credit may advise the "stimulation of faster by making your Pside—make it bright and at- Ipana an d massage." tractive as it can b e !...... Eaeh- time yon. jb tu sh your | own ^ong D istan oe|calls DELICIOUS PIZZERIA Don’t take chances w ith ^piok teeth, massage a little extra • few—and b r ief. -M-CIE-T-OM’S- Italian Tomato Pies -tooth brash.’’ Give your gums Ipana onto the gums. Ipaaa PARED IN OUR NEW MODERN OVEN ; the same regular care as you do Tooth Paste ^ d fttf p f d ^not only your teeth* . i to clean teetEout, with mas­ TAVERN 310 HILLSIDE AVEiNthi" 'WearTj&erty Ave;~ WHY NEW JERSEY If you should ever see "pink" sage, to . help your g u m s fo be* on your tooth br^shj/see your come firmer, healthier. LONG DISTANCE LINES ARE dentist at once.' It may hot be G et a tube-of Ip a n a today— BUSIEST IN HISTORY serioiis b ut get his advipe. Per­ and sta rt tonight w ith Ipana and . WE CATER TO PARTIES haps he’ll tell you that your massage. Let this sensible dental With calls reaching MEETING ROOM AVAILABLE gums are lazy—robbed of health­ routine help yefu to h a v e firmer out from Camp Kilmer, • T O N Y ’S ful chewing by tbday’i gums, brighter teeth — a spar- Port DIk and New Jer­ Andy so d more attractive smile. sey's great military TAVERN 245 HOLLYWOOD AVENUE hospitals to homes in- c . every^ part of the •/ nation, ■ LCNdTpjgTANCE W e ore still asking volume in {lew Jersey i s LIBERTY BAR & RESTAURANT you fo ‘'go easy” on long distance. ^TOw^mOTS-than =double=— 1 1 Business Men’s Lunch Served 11:30 a. m. - 2 p. m. BuF pfteris cro already made to ex­ that o f"1940. U pend facilitlei to again give every­ INN 1458 Liberty Ave.------W A . s 3-9576. | one t'.’.o Jast, efficient service that *H * * AJ-H 1111111 r i t r riiiL 111 wax cur standard before the wari N E W JERSEY^ BELL tf T T V F E A*T U R I N G - TELL-PilONE COMPANY THE intTNNY WALLACE AND HIS IPANA ACCORDION* TGTOTH PASTE 1425 N . Broad Street, Opp. Mertz. Are. t a v e r n Made in Hillside by Bristol-Myers Company >age Eight THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER i8j 1945 Cites Fallacies In Social Medieinie! A..MA. Official Favors Voluntary-Insurance f . -Some of the fallacies of so-called Socialized medicine” are discussed t in a h -article y' in a recent issue of- the Christian Science Monitor ^ by A. iSSUSimons, .forfher Assistant Di- . rector of the bureau-, of Medical b&onomics of the America*! Medi- | cal ^sociation. Excerpts from . the " article follow: . ; • |i$tfA$peals- for socialized medicine “ begin with evidence that sickness greater and medical -care ifl- /fefior iri the low income classes. This iio one -denies. But ■ this con- amoved where sickness insurance its m ost extensive and has been HbCKg* eat established...... “For many years, both before and after Sickness insurance, was adopt­ ed. m Great Britain, the official vital statistic^ have shown -those with assured-arid n adequate >Mcome have had the 'advantage ira longevity over the lower u.yom*i g roups. Similar ^statistics disclose the same Situation m practically aQT Other populations covered )py coni pulsory systems of sickness lfisur ance. “Next comes: evidence that ruril ^Mistricts have fewer, voider, and less ^p a-train ed physicians in propor­ tion to population tiffii the larger cities apd that toesb physicians must work- with -infer 1 ori^medical ’but the invariable, conclusion, that «sp-poUtiGaIly - operated system of in­ surance is. the remedy has no basis facts; • '> “A committee representing prac­ tically • dVery European country having sickness insurance • made a report on medical service in rural ^districts, to the International-Labor Office shortly, before* World War II. I . The conditions described are lust the same as those so often deline­ ated as existing in the rural United! States, and which are held to dem- —Qjistrate Jiherueed^or^ationai-siek--- -ness-msuFance.-—-- - “Everywhere: rural - S physicians were older,. fewer, with inferior education and l$ss ambition than urban practitioners, and they were -j&reed to work wito-moaeinade- ' quate facilities and to receive I ^smaller incomes. ."-“Advocates of. compulsory insur-l BP > " ance are.-just now making use Of tie large number of rejections by I draft boards in support of .their “8'™e' f■ B.vGr]|L, See T^cfiuSe. They'never break down those figures to show how many were re­ je c te d . for 'illiteracy’ ,in spite .of free and compulsory education, "" N« York and Chicago.. . the j if either is there usually any ’Men? tion of the percentage of physical "disabilities which cannot be pre- v; vented oir cured by medicaT care. “No one mentions the fact that j h e percentage of rejections is fixed a- Look a,, a,., ^ aienra. a * ™ , , a.., by .toe standards -of acceptance and ...that in. jio other Country are thesfe. so high as in the United States. If ...toe.standards required physical per­ fection,' few would be chosen. ~Sln<;e"j . the whole argument is designed to ■ prove that compulsory insurance . would reduce toe number- of rejec- t tions, it would seem natural to cite the many countries that have. op- •" e^ted.the sort of governmental sys­ tems that are being urged for aciop- jg tion'herfe as proof of the inferiority, of American medicine. rrV -Some of the leading. advocates & « ? ! And believe us, w e ’re Pr°ud to phi, host to to m any great fashion of governmental sickness-insurance are now pointing but in toe m^di- ■ cal service of the Veterans* A.dcun-' ^ P bration all to e weaknesses and " ’Worse. to which they; are blind in • compulsory sickness insurance. In both, the service is superficial, hur- “ d «. a J. W h o Co. C . to YODt jr ie d , impersonal, Scientifically anti- ; quated. L— *,J^he argument has- a--logical ---sound. There will he free access to ^physicians. Gertainly everyone will, i r t E * « TO ^receive regular ‘physical examina­ tions,’ and will go to hfe physician - -whenever a slight’discomfort may ^indicate an ‘incipient’ disease which might develop into ~ a dangerous Of lEJEtlMOETH tfa^ “No insurance system has ever .proposed regular comprehensive £ yyairninations. Their administrators /a ll shudder at toe . threatened cost. WE SPECIALIZE Insured persons do not seek medi­ cal care early in case of threatened disease. The reasfcfls thereof are :' pnt so’clear that it is safe to be reiJR SPECIAL SIZE dogmatic.. There is^ considerable - evidence of a lack oiT'ebnfidence .in toe judgment of toe physicians that . practice under government super­ b-vision. - JU N IO R 9 ; “There are. many things in the SIZES to 15 B U SE S 6, 47, 49, 5ft STOP A T DOOR field qf health that government can Especially designed for petite -•W OMEN’S SIZES 36 to 44 do, and that cannot be done, with- llBUraa ' .. Any bus will take you direct to R. J. GOERKE5 CO. . . s out governmental compulsion. Such " • • "firdleu of age, We'Ve “ 'P r i z e d shop that are sanitary measures. hnd a whole shop filled with caters to the mature figure o f at Broad and ^ e s t Jersey Btreets, Elizabeth. Ggptettef health results can Unmis­ takably be obtained in the United Juntos- fashions, ' average-to-heavier proportions - 'States through voluntary methods rather than by resort to ' compul­ s o r y sickness instance.” AN EASY DRIVE B1 • BRIEF MISSES 10+to 20+ Elected To Honor • HACE:siZESl6^ to26U Engineering Group- Sophisticated ]misses< fqshi . Bring the family, Drive idotyn N orth Broad Street, direct to a new slie sealed to fit you Especially-created fashions for - NEWARK, N. J.—Ku rt Nauerz, to- Elizabeth. 'son Of Mr. and Mrs, K arl Nauerz, tcho are five.feet.four or under. u>omen u>ith shorter - waistline . Of 281 Hillside avenue, Hillside, was aud-Mler-hip figures. one of four Newark College of En­ gineering students to . be inducted -tois fall intq the Gamma* Chapter PUENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE ; of New Jersey Of the honorary en­ • MISSES’ SIZES 16 to 20 gineering association,-Tau Beta Pi. • TEEN-SIZES lb to 16 p A junior at Newark College,. Nau- l! $?“ are ar* average-to-talkr At. West Jersey and Price Streets . R. J. Goerke Go. I erz qualified - f or; toe..honor,.’-the fashtop sophisticate, yotfil'find • Debtmn on the Fourth'Floor highest an undergraduate engineer specializes in yxiung fashion, for Free Parking Lot. can receive, by outstanding schblas- specialized dress, suit and coat *tic achievement, leadership and •alow. fellowship. ^N auerzu-is also president of the BKjtfent chapter of too American institu te of Electrical Engineers, O PE N EVERY TH U R SD A Y EVE]*[ING jatinruti professional ^engineering ; society- Thursday Night is family night at-R. J. Goerke Go.! Hear Freddy Sleckman’s -orchestra while you shop.

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