A Model Fish System to Test Chemical Effects on Sexual Differentiation and Development

By Diana M. Papoulias, Douglas B. Noltie, Donald E. Tillitt

ABSTRACT A model system was characterized which may be used as an in vivo screen for effects of chemicals or environmental mixtures on sexual differentiation and development of reproductive organs and . We evaluated the effects of a model environmental estrogen, ethinyl estradiol (EE2), on the d-rR strain of medaka, Oryzias latipes, using a nano-injection exposure. histopathology indicated that a single injection of 0.5-2.5 ng EE2/ can cause phenotypic -reversal of genetic males to . Sex-reversals could be detected as early as seven days post-hatch. Sex-reversed males had -typical duct development and the secondary sex characteristics we measured were generally consistent with , with the exception of a few EE2-exposed XX and XY females which possessed ambiguous anal fins. Using discriminant analysis, we determined that the presence or absence of the secondary sex characteristic, a dorsal fin notch, was a very reliable indicator of gonadal sex. No instances of gonadal were observed. Ethinyl estradiol also appeared to reduce growth but not condition (weight at a given length) and exposed XX females appeared to have a higher incidence of atretic follicles relative to controls. Our results suggest that estrogenic chemicals may influence sexual differentiation and development and that the medaka model is well suited to assessing these effects. (The complete manuscript of this work was submitted to the journal Aquatic Toxicology, December, 1998).

INTRODUCTION The d-rR strain of medaka, Oryzias latipes, is an ideal organism with which to observe the This study was part of an on-going effects of chemicals on sexual development and characterization of the d-rR medaka in which we differentiation. The males of this strain possess a are evaluating the effects of known estrogenic, sex-linked color for xanthathin deposition androgenic, anti-estrogenic, and anti-androgenic whereas the females are deficient in this gene chemicals on sexual differentiation and (Hyodo-Taguchi and Egami, 1989). The orange- development. red males and white females produced can be The recent focus on endocrine disrupting distinguished as early as two days post-hatch. chemicals (EDC) has led to extensive efforts to Based on extensive study of the effects of develop screening assays that detect exposure or natural and synthetic on fish sexual demonstrate effects of this group of chemicals on development, Yamamoto (1962) concluded that wildlife species (Ankley and others, 1998). sexual differentiation requires that the PGCs be However, to date, no test has been accepted that directed towards or by screens chemicals for effects on the primary germ exposure to an endogenous inductor substance, cells (PGC) with subsequent alteration of sexual possibly an androgenic or estrogenic , differentiation of reproductive organs and during a particular period in development. gametes. Such information is particularly Therefore, EDCs which are transferred to the important for those species (fishes, amphibians, during , and are available to birds) for which chemically- or environmentally- the developing embryo prior to hatch or sexual induced sex-reversal has been documented. differentiation, can pose a risk to the embryo. In this model, embryos of the d-rR strain of Embryo Injection medaka were exposed to a model EDC by nano- injection. Directly exposing the embryos closely Embryos were exposed following a slightly simulates maternal transfer of contaminants and is modified nano-injection procedure described by applicable for testing those EDCs which Walker and others (1996). Immediately prior to bioaccumulate and are lipophilic. injection, dead embryos or embryos that had The objectives of this report are to completed epiboly were replaced and the well characterize the response of the d-rR medaka to a water covering the embryos was exchanged for a sterile saline solution. Aluminosilicate capillary single exposure of ethinyl estradiol (EE2), a model environmental estrogen which is found in sewage tubes were pulled on a pipette puller to make needles with a 5-10 µ OD tip when beveled at a effluents. Effects on sexual differentiation are o assessed by comparing genetic sex to phenotypic 15 . Needles were filled either using a vacuum or sex of newly-hatched and adult fish. Effects on a pipettor. Triolein was used as the carrier sexual development are assessed through solvent and was filter-sterilized before use. Carrier solvent, working solutions, and evaluation of the gonadosomatic index, gonad and o gonadal duct histopathology, and secondary sex filled needles were stored at 4 C under nitrogen. characteristics. were injected with five concentrations (0, 0.005, 0.05, 0.5, 2.5, or 5.0 ng/egg) of EE2 dissolved in the carrier triolein or triolein alone. METHODS Injections of material were made directly into the oil globule using a picoinjector and micro- manipulator. The injected embryos were left in Test Organism the agarose at room temperature until the following day. The d-rR strain of medaka was a generous gift of Dr. Akihiro Shima, University of Tokyo, Embryo Incubation and Larval Japan. In this strain, either (r) or (R) are carried by the X or Y , respectively. Growout Crossovers or genetic imbalances occur at a rate Approximately 24 h after injection, the of about 0.005-0.5%, making color a reliable embryos were inspected for mortalities; survivors marker of genetic sex (Hishida, 1965). In addition were maintained in 27oC well water in 150-ml to the genetic marker, there is distinct sexual glass side-arm test tubes. Embryos were rolled in dimorphism in the medaka. Males are typified by the water during incubation by a gentle stream of a dorsal fin notch and a convex anal fin with a air. Upon hatch, the medaka larvae were held in serrated margin. Females lack the dorsal notch flow-through containers suspended in stainless and have a more concave anal fin with a smooth steel raceways supplied with a constant flow of margin. well-water until they reached maturity.

Preparation Fish Characterization and Procedures Eggs were collected in the morning soon Fish were identified as genetic males (XY, after fertilization the day before exposure. orange-red) or genetic females (XX, white), and Embryos were embedded in a solid 1% agarose then euthanized at 5 mm total length (TL) or as matrix which had been set-up in square 36-grid adults. Morphological observations and petri dishes. The agarose matrix provided the measurements were made on a total of 145 adult necessary stability for injecting the embryos. The fish averaging 30+2 mm TL and 0.26+ 0.06 g dish was then filled with well water and stored in body weight (WT). Larvae, whole adults, and o a cool place (~20 C) to slow embryo development mature were preserved in Bouin’s until injection (prior to completion of the gastrula solution. Fish of 5 mm TL were used to assess the stage). volume of the developing gonad and the number of PGCs. In medaka, as for many teleosts, Figure 1). The uninjected and triolein controls did gametogenesis ( division and not differ. While there was no significant effect differentiation) in females begins weeks before of EE2 on GSI of those fish that were not sex- that in males, making PGC number and gonad reversed (p>0.05), ovarian weights correlated volume useful indicators of male or female negatively and significantly with increasing dose phenotypic sex. Adults were measured (TL) and of EE2. weighed (blotted dry), and were used to assess growth, gonadosomatic index (GSI), sex-reversal, 0.015 gonad and gonadal duct histopathology, and development of secondary sex characteristics. 0.01 Volume of the early gonad was calculated 0.005 using image analysis (Optimas®) by digitizing the Mean GSI Mean area of serial cross-sections of the gonad of the 5 0 mm larvae, and computing a volume. The number Triolein 0.005 0.05 0.5 2.5 of PGCs in each cross-section were also recorded Ethinyl estradiol (ng/egg) by enumerating observable PGC nuclei. Histological analysis followed standard XY Mal es XX Femal es XY Femal es procedures for processing, dewaxing, hydration, and dehydration. All sections were cut at 7µ and Figure 1. Gonadosomatic index (GSI; gonad stained using a modified Masson trichrome stain. weight/(body weight less gonad weight)) for XY males, XX females, and XY females (mean + SD). The GSI for XX females was approximately ten times that of XY males, but was the same as that RESULTS for XY females (p<0.0001). There was no

significant effect of EE2 on GSI of those fish that were not sex-reversed (p>0.05). Growth and Survival Gonad and Duct Histopathology Survival from embryo to adult was greater than 60% for all but the 5.0 ng EE2/egg dose. Histological examination of the gonads of Only a 2% survival was observed at 5.0 ng the adults indicated that an injection of 0.5 or 2.5

EE2/egg. ng EE2/egg could cause complete sex-reversal in A general linear models analysis of the TL genetic males. The most effective concentration and body WT data indicated that neither weight for was 2.5 ng/egg. One anomalous nor length differed significantly within treatment sex-reversed female was observed at the 0.005 group among adult males, females, and sex- ng/egg concentration. No intersexes were reversed males (p>0.09). However, males tended observed. Degenerating or atretic were to be heavier than females at all doses, whereas observed in almost all the ovaries of the 0.5 and sex-reversed males were intermediate between 2.5 ng/egg dosed fish; few were present in the two these; both TL and body WT correlated negatively lowest doses, and nearly none were observed in and significantly with exposure to EE2 for males, the triolein or uninjected controls. Individuals at females, and sex-reversed males. the highest dosages of EE2 typically exhibited very small ovaries bearing a few late vitellogenic or mature oocytes, the remainder being Gonad Size previtellogenic. Both XX and XY ovaries Nearly all the female fish examined were in displayed the described characteristics. the pre- to early vitellogenic stage (Iwamatsu and In contrast, the morphology of the testes others, 1988). The GSI for XX females was appeared normal in nearly all specimens, with approximately ten times that of XY males but most having in the efferent ducts. was the same as that for XY females (p<0.0001; However, of six XY males treated with 0.5 ng EE2/egg only two individuals had testes resembling the controls, with all stages of germ phenotype although some feminized males and cells present and sperm in the ducts. The sex-stable females displayed them. Sex-stable remaining individuals had very few or no sperm in males bore longer and wider anal fins than did fish their efferent ducts. One individual receiving this which were either genotypically or phenotypically dosage appeared sterile, its testis was devoid of females. Anal fin growth in length and width germ cells. The testes of individuals exposed to appeared to be retarded in feminized males such

0.05 ng EE2/egg generally appeared less mature that overall shape was more similar to XX (most germ cells at early stages of females. The UGP of sex-reversed males were spermatogenesis) and with less sperm in their more female than male-like with respect to size. ducts than did those of the lowest dose or control Whether the abdomen was distended or not was groups. dependent on the stage of vitellogenesis in Sex-reversed males had typical female females. Except for the vitellogenic females, ducts, with separate openings for the genital and abdomen for both male and female urinary tracts. Ethinyl estradiol-exposed males was not distended. which were not sex-reversed possessed normal male morphologies, with the fusion of the urinary and gonadal ducts within the body cavity Primary Germ Cells occurring just proximal to forming a single Only data for 2.5 ng EE2/egg dose were urogenital opening. Ducts in all but the sex- assessed since the greatest percent of sex-reversals reversed fish seemed unaffected by the EE2 occurred at this dose. As expected, gonadal exposure. volumes and number of PGCs were greater in uninjected or triolein control females than control Secondary Sex Characteristics males, indicating that sexual differentiation had occurred in the 5 mm larvae (Table 1). Our objective was to discriminate between genetic males and females in order to identify sex- Table 1. Mean volume of gonads and number of reversals by their misclassification according to PGCs in medaka larvae injected as embryos with several phenotypic attributes. We conducted a ethinyl estradiol (n=5). Treatments sharing a letter stepwise discriminant analysis based on an overall are not significantly different (p>0.05). sample of 145 fish described by 9 attributes (anal fin convexity, anal fin serration, dorsal fin notch, Genetic a (XX) Genetic ` (XY) abdominal distention, all scored presence/absence; urogenital papilla [UGP] size, scored Dose Vol. Num. Vol. Num. ng/egg) (x10-5) PGCs+ (x10-5) PGCs+ incrementally from 1 to 4; anal fin length, anal fin mm3+SD SD mm3+SD SD width, TL, all measured in mm; body WT measured in grams). This analysis identified the Con. 17.2+3a 212+49d 5.3+.3c 40+4f 11 sex-reversals that occurred. The phenotypic attributes which together made significant Triolein 12.6+ 129+29e 4.5+1.6c 55+28f contributions to the classification included dorsal 3.6ab fin notch, abdominal distention, and TL. b ab e Our attempt to identify which of the 2.5 10.7+2.4 97+19e 12.6+4.2 132+27 external attributes were of most use in predicting the correct genetic sex also proved successful. A Gonad volumes and PGC numbers for EE2- repeat of the analysis above, using exposed females were also larger than those for phenotypic sex as the correct group designator, control males and not significantly different from correctly assigned our fish to functional values for triolein-exposed females. Males using only a single variable, dorsal fin notch The exposed to 2.5 ng EE2/egg had gonad volumes and remaining attributes, while informative, were PGC numbers similar to both triolein-control and insufficiently diagnostic. A serrated and convex EE2-exposed females, indicating that sex-reversal anal fin was generally consistent with male had occurred in these exposed males. DISCUSSION decrease gonadotropin levels (e.g. anti- gonadotropic substances), are believed to be the Our studies demonstrate that a single major causes leading to atresia (Saidapur, 1978). injection of EE2 into medaka embryos prior to the The high incidence of atresia we observed in EE2- period of sexual differentiation can result in exposed XX and XY females suggests that of males. To our knowledge, the embryonic exposure to EE2 may have disrupted the only estrogens which have been injected into fish development of gonadotropin-producing cells, or embryos are estrone (Gresik and Hamilton, 1977) in some other way impaired the release or uptake and EE (this study). 2 of gonadotropins. We demonstrated that EE -induced sex- 2 Development of male or female secondary reversal coincides with sexual differentiation and sex characteristics is influenced by the type of can be identified as early as a few days post-hatch. gonad present. Generally, these characteristics are In medaka, as in many teleosts, female and male male-positive, in that production by phenotypes are first differentiated based on the the gonad results in dimorphisms between males activity of their PGCs within 24 h after hatch. and females (Okada and Yamashita, 1944). Those PGCs which enter mitosis first are Estrogen does not induce development of identified as oogonia, while they are refered to as secondary , except for the spermatogonia in those larvae in which no UGP. Thus, a sex-reversed fish would be division is taking place. Up until this point of expected to display secondary sexual differentiation, the male and female PGCs are characteristics which would match its gonadal morphologically the same and are considered to phenotype and not its genotype. Although the be bipotent with respect to their fate as future secondary sex characteristics we measured (size sperm or ova (Reinboth, 1982). Our observations and shape of anal fin, dorsal fin notch, UGP, and of gonad size and PGC number indicate that sex- size of abdomen) generally followed the reversal has already occurred by the time the phenotype of the gonad independent of the genetic medaka larvae reached 5 mm in length (about six sex, we also found the anal fin was slightly more days post-hatch). The injected EE was present 2 ambiguous among a few individual XY females for at least eight days before and four days after and EE2-exposed XX females. hatch, at which time the yolk and oil droplet were There were lethal and growth-related effects completely absorbed. from exposure to EE in addition to effects on The relative potencies of EE compared with 2 2 sexual differentiation of the gonad and consequent other estrogens in effecting sex-reversal, either by development of secondary sex characteristics. nano-injection or via the diet, corresponds with Embryo mortality was 91% at the 5.0 ng EE2/egg their respective binding affinities for the estrogen dose with only two females surviving. We found receptor. This suggests that sex-reversal is no reports of EE -induced fish mortality in the induced through the estrogen receptor. 2 literature. However, E2, estrone, and estriol are all Given that only a single white (XX) male reportedly toxic when administered via diet at was found in the lowest treatment, we believe high concentrations (Yamamoto, 1961, 1965; that this individual was more likely to have been Yamamoto and Matsuda, 1963). Control XX one of the normal exceptions to the white female r r r R females tended to be less heavy (although not (X X ) and orange-red male (X Y ) color pattern significantly so) than XY males and the males, which is expected to occur at low frequencies in which were sex-reversed were smaller than the the d-rR strain population. XY males but larger than XX females. It also It should be noted that in our study, the appears that EE2 had a suppressive effect on gonads of treated fish displayed varying degrees growth, but not condition (the TL-body WT of pathology. Atretic oocytes were much more relationship). The length and weight of medaka common in the ovaries of XX and XY EE -treated 2 exposed, from hatch, to estrone in their food fish. Atresia is believed to be uncommon in showed a similar negative influence, and physiologically healthy females (Wallace and unexposed control males were larger than XX Selman, 1981). Factors such as environmental females (Fineman and others, 1974a 1974b). stress, poor nutrition, or stressors that could However, since the duration, timing of exposure, chemicals in wildlife: Environmental and route of administration of steroid were quite Toxicology and Chemistry v. 17, p. 68-87. different in the latter experiments relative to our studies, direct comparisons must be made Fineman, R., Hamilton, J., Chase, G., and Bolling, cautiously. 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AUTHOR INFORMATION Diana M. Papoulias and Donald E. Tillit, U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia, Missouri (Diana [email protected]).

Douglass B. Noltie, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.