About the Contributors

Tetiana Shmelova, Doctor of Science, Professor of Department of Air Navigation Systems in Na- tional Aviation University (). Areas of Scientific Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Mathemati- cal Models of Decision-Making by operators in the Air Navigation System, especially in Emergency; Decision Support Systems; Research of Air Navigation system as Socio-technical system; Professional Effectiveness using Aviation Sociometry and ; and in aviation; In- formation technology and Informatics of Decision-Making in the Air Navigation System; Problems of Human Factors in aviation. Author of more than 300 scientific articles, books, methodical manuals, copyright certificates, guides, monographs in fields of aviation, , mathematics, the theory of system. Teaching courses: Decision Making; Mathematical Programming; Effectiveness of Air Traffic Management; Effectiveness of Unmanned Systems; Artificial Intelligence.

Yuliya Sikirda, Associate Professor of Management, Economy, Law and Department at the Flight Academy of National Aviation University. In 2001 has received a Master degree on speciality “Air Traffic Services” specialization “Air Traffic Control”. In 2004 has got a diploma of PhD in Technical Sciences on speciality “Automated Control Systems and Advanced Information Technologies”. In 2006 has received an attestat of Associate Professor of Management and Economy Department. Since 2014 is the member of the specialized scientific council for the defence of dissertations for PhD in Technical Sciences on the speciality “Navigation and Traffic Control”. The author and co-author of about 180 scientific works, including three manuscripts and more than 40 articles in specialized scientific publica- tions, three copyright certificates on computer programs, above 80 teaching and methodological works. Areas of scientific interests: increasing of the decision-making efficiency by the human-operator of the Air Navigation System in flight emergencies; assessment of the influence of aviation enterprises’ management environment factors on the activity of the Socio-technical System’s operator.

Arnold Sterenharz, Managing Director of ECM Space Technologies GmbH, Dr. Ing. Arnold Ster- enharz, will represent the company in the consortium. Relevant skills: Dr.-Ing., Master of Business and Administration. Experience in space technologies and partnerships with research companies in the field of GIS and EO systems, focusing on space tasks and services; administrative manager in 16 European educational and research projects: 7 TEMPUS projects, 3 Erasmus+ projects, an Erasmus Mundus project and 5 FP7 research projects.

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  About the Contributors

Azad Bayramov, ScD, professor Azad Bayramov has completed his MSc in Azerbaijan State Uni- versity, Physical faculty, Baku, Azerbaijan in 1975. He has defended his D.’s dissertation in 2000. He is currently serving as a professor in War College of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic. His research areas include development of technical systems, development of new detection methods of military objects and armoured fighting vehicles, mathematical modelling of combat activities. His contribution to the current study include quantitative assessment of invisible areas and military objects, modelling of UAV flights, comparison data.

Serhii Boiko, PhD, Head of the Department of Air Transport and Electricity and Control in Kremen- chuk Flight Colledge of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine). Areas of Scientific Interests: Systems of Power Saving and Power Consumption of Industrial Enterprises; Complexes of Distributed Generation Sources; Electric Power Supply Systems for Aircraft; Power Supply Systems for Airfields and Airports. Author of more than 100 scientific articles, 3 articles in Scopus, 21 patents of Ukraine on a utility model, 6 monographs in fields of aviation, power industry and avionics.

Viktoriia Chorna, PhD, Lecturer, Head of the Cyclic Commission in Kremenchuk Flight Colledge of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine). Areas of Scientific Interests: Man- agement; Power Supply Systems for Airfields and Airports. Author of more than 100 scientific articles, articles in Scopus, patents of Ukraine on a utility model, methodical manuals, monographs in fields of aviation, power industry and energy management.

Konstantin Dergachov is Head of the Department of Aircraft Control Systems of the National Aerospace University KhAI, Kharkov, Ukraine.

Serge Dolgikh has graduated from National Nuclear University in having published works on the topology of super-manifolds in the string theory. He went on to study Telecommunications Man- agement and at Coventry University, United Kingdom, having graduated with a Masters Degree in Operational Telecommunications. Serge has worked in the industry on a number of advanced projects in the domains of telecommunications and information technology maintaining interests in fundamental and applied science. His current research interests include machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, including unsupervised learning and self-learning systems, artificial evolutionary systems, information theory, and self-organizing systems. He has a number of publications in international peer- reviewed editions in these fields.

Elshan Hashimov, PhD, professor, colonel Elshan Hashimov has completed his MSc in Kharkov Military University, Ukraine in 1998. He has defended his PhD’s dissertation in 2000. He is currently serving as the head of Department of Adjunction and Military Sciences of War College of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic. His research areas include quantitative analysis of mountainous terrain by Geography Information Systems and photogrammetry technologies. His contribution to the current study include application GIS and photogrammetry technologies for research of invisible areas and military objects.

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Yurii Hryshchenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Avionics Department in National Aviation Univer- sity (Ukraine). Thesis in the field of pilots training for flights in special cases (1995). Research interests: flight safety and reliability of technical and ergatic systems. Author of 43 scientific articles. Teaching courses: Dependability of Avionics Systems, Technical Diagnostics of Avionics, Engineering , Ergonomics and Human Factor in Aviation, Fundamentals of Avionics Operation, Computer-Integrated Complexes of Flight and Navigation Equipment.

Mariia Kataieva is a Candidate of Technical Sciences, Lecturer in Computer Aided Electrical Systems and Technologies, National Aviation University. Has two degrees in economics, as well as standardization, certification and metrology. Defended dissertation on the topic “Methods of measuring geometric parameters of aviation parts” in the specialty “Devices and methods of measuring mechanical quantities”. Has more than 30 scientific publications in domestic and foreign scientific publications.

Volodymyr Kharchenko, Doctor Sc.(Engineering), Professor, Vice-Rector on Scientific Work of the National Aviation University, , Ukraine. Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Aviation University,member of the editorial board of the journal Gediminas Technical University. Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Honoured Worker of Sci- ence and Technology of Ukraine. : Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, Kyiv, Ukraine. Research area: management of complex socio-technical systems, air navigation systems and automatic decision-making systems aimed at avoidance conflict situations, space information technology design, air navigation services in Ukraine provided by СNS/АТМ systems. Publications: 570. Born in 1943 in the city of Oratov, Vinnytsia region. Education is higher, in 1967 he graduated from Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (now - National Aviation University), specializing in “Technical Operation of Aeronautical Radio Equipment of Airports”. He began his career in 1966 as radio engineering of the 2nd form of the Krasnoyarsk Joint Aircraft Division. In 1967-1968 he was an engineer of the Krasnoyarsk Combined Airborne Division. 1968-1969 - engineer of the Kyiv Combined Airborne Division of the Ukrainian Civil Aviation Administration. From 1969 to 1973 - postgraduate student at the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. In 1973-1977 he was a junior researcher at the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. 1977-1984 - Senior Researcher at the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. From 1984 to 1987, he was an associate professor at the Radiation Department of the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. 1987-1994 - Associate Professor of the Department of Aviation Radioelectronic Systems of the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. In 1994-1999 he was a professor at the Chair of Aviation Electronic Electronic Systems at the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. 1999-2000 - Professor of Aeronautical Systems Department, Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. September-October 2000 - Professor of the Department of Information and Diagnostic Systems of the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. From 2000 to 2001 he was the head of the department of aeronautical systems of the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. April-June 2011 - Head of the Department of Air Navigation Systems of the National Aviation University. Since December 2001 - Vice-Rector on Scientific Work of the National Aviation University.

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Heorhii Kuchuk was born on March 12, 1956. Education: graduated from Moscow State University in 1977, Master of Mathematics; Completed his PhD thesis in 1993, PhD “Operation of weapons and military equipment”; Completed his doctoral thesis in 2013, Full Doctor “Information Technology”. Position Professor of the Department “Computer Engineering and Programming” National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

Anatolii Kulik, Professor of the Department of Aircraft Control Systems of the National Aerospace University KhAI, Kharkov, Ukraine.

Nataliia Kuzmenko is a senior researcher of the National Aviation University of Ukraine. She obtained her Ph.D. degree of Engineering in Navigation and Traffic Control in 2017 from the National Aviation University of Ukraine. Nataliia is certified aviation security instructor by ICAO (ASTP/Basic, ASTP/ Instructors). She has had a traineeship in Tool Development for support to CAA/NSA at Regulatory Division within the Directorate Single Sky (Eurocontrol, Brussels). Current research projects include aviation safety, collision detection, and avoidance, artificial intelligence, Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems, video stream object detection and recognition, kernel density estimation, neural networks.

Lyudmyla Kuzmych is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of the Computerized Elec- trotechnical Systems and Technology of the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine. The field of researches is the analysis of the reliability of complex technical structures; methods and instruments of the measurement strains and deformations of the engineering structures.

Volodymyr Kvasnikov is an expert in the field of electronics. Ph.D. Engaged in engineering and scientific work. Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Honored Metrologist of Ukraine, Head of the Depart- ment of the Computerized Electrotechnical Systems and Technology at the National Aviation University.

Oleksandr Lysenko, Doctor of Science, Professor of Department of Telecommunication in National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine). Areas of Scientific Interests: Digital control systems, Optimal control systems, Operations research, Expert systems, Artificial intelligence, Reusable aerospace systems, Mobile sensor networks based on UAV and telecommunica- tion aeroplatforms. Author of more than 320 scientific articles, books, methodical manuals, copyright certificates, guides, monographs in fields of aviation, mathematics, the theory of system. Teaching courses: Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Digital Control and Information Process- ing Systems, System Analysis, The Theory of Decision Making, Operations Research, Mathematical Methods of Modeling and Optimization.

Marina Nozhnova is a lecturer in Kremenchuk Flight Colledge of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine). Graduated Flight Academy of National Aviation University (2013, Ukraine). Areas of Scientific Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Information technology and Informatics of Decision- Making in the Air Navigation System; Power Supply Systems for Airfields and Airports.

Ivan Ostroumov has been a faculty of Air Navigation Systems Department of the National Aviation University of Ukraine since September 2007. He obtained his Ph.D. degree of Engineering in Navi- gation and Traffic Control in 2009 from National Aviation University of Ukraine. Since then, he has

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been a research scientist and associated professor for National Aviation University. Since 2016 he has also served as navigation instructor at “Aviation Company Ukrainian Helicopters”. In 2017/2018 has being a Fulbright scholar in the school of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue. Also, he took part in several projects, including Supporting SESAR on GNSS Vulnerability Assessment by performing Space Weather Analysis (Navigation department, EUROCONTROL, Brussel) and E-learning course development (Institute of Air Navigation Services, EUROCONTROL, Luxembourg). His research theme is advanced methods for Alternative Positioning, Navigation, and Timing. Current research projects in- clude Methods and Algorithms of positioning by multiple navigational aids, Availability and Accuracy estimation of navigation.

Mario Boyero Pérez is an experienced engineer on European R&D programmes of ATM and U-space, mainly contributing to architecting solutions and the development of the framework of the European Air Traffic Management Architecture. Also supporting the development of the Virtual Centre concept as system engineer. With a background in Telecommunication Engineering having completed the studies in Spain and Germany.

Andrii Podorozhniak was born on December 17, 1965. Education: Kharkiv higher military aviation school of radio electronics, department of radio electronics, Degree in Radio Electronics (1983–1988); Kharkiv Military University, department of space systems, Degree in Space Systems (1992–1995); Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv Air Force University, PhD in Radio Engineering and Television Systems (2003–2006). Occupation: Associate Professor of the Department “Computer Engineering and Programming”, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Victor Romanenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Avionics Department in National Aviation Uni- versity (Ukraine). Thesis in the field of aircraft drive systems (1996). Research interests: flight safety, theory of automatic control systems, cavitation in fluid systems. Author of 62 scientific articles. Teaching courses: Automatic Control Theory, Fundamentals of Information Theory and Coding, Life Cycle Main Stages and Management of Avionics, Metrology, Standardization and Certification.

Yelyzaveta Sahun was born 1992 the 27th of February in Kirovohrad (now Kropivnitsky). Received the certificate of secondary education in May of 2009. The same year began to study at the State Flight Academy of Ukraine (now Flight Academy of National Aviation University). Graduated in 2014 from the Faculty of Management and Economy (Speсialty Air Transport) as a manager-economist. The same year started to work at Plant Hydrosila, JSC – gear pumps designing and manufacturing as a price economist. From September 2017 till nowadays is a post graduate student of Flight Academy of National Aviation University, specialty Air Transport.

Yurii Shmelev, PhD, Deputy Director of the College of Educational Work in Kremenchuk Flight Colledge of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine). Areas of Scientific Interests: De- velopment and Design of Aviation Training Complexes; Complexes of Avionics; Power Supply Systems for Airfields and Airports. Author of scientific articles, articles in Scopus, patents of Ukraine on a utility model, books, methodical manuals, guides, monographs in fields of aviation, power industry and avionics.

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Olha Sushchenko received her M.Sc. degree in gyroscopic devices and units from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine, in 1980, the Ph.D. degree in instrument-making from Research University “Hydraulic Device”, USSA, in 1991 and the Sc.D. degree in automation of design works from National Aviation University, Ukraine, in 2015. In 1980, she was a researcher at Kyiv Automatic Plant, Ukraine and in 2000 a faculty member at National Aviation University, Ukraine. Currently, she is a professor in the Depart- ment of Aerospace Control Systems at National Aviation University, Ukraine. She has published about 200 refereed journal and conference papers. Her research interest covers control systems, and inertial navigation. Prof. O. Sushchenko is a member of IFANG and IEEE.

Olena Tachinina, Doctor of Science, Professor of Department of Automation and Energy Manage- ment in National Aviation University (Ukraine). Areas of Scientific Interests: Digital control systems, Optimal control systems, Artificial intelligence, Reusable aerospace systems, Mobile sensor networks based on UAV and telecommunication aeroplatforms. Author of more than 120 scientific articles, books, methodical manuals, copyright certificates, guides, monographs in fields of aviation, mathematics, the theory of system. Teaching courses: Digital Control and Information Processing Systems, Mathematical Methods of Modeling and Optimization, Information Theory, Control of Complex Robotic Systems, Resource Management Automation.

Dmytro Tkachenko, Master of Air Traffic Services. Postgraduate student of the Air Traffic Services Faculty of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine. Education: Air Traffic Services Faculty of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine (2012). Workplace: Lviv Regional Branch of UkSATSE. Position: Air Traffic Controller. Re- search area: risk factors in Air Navigation Socio-technical System. Publications: 10.

Denys Vasyliev, PhD (Navigation and Air Traffic Control). Deputy Director of the Training and Certification Center, Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise (UkSATSE), Boryspil, Ukraine. Research interests: situation analysis and decision-making in air traffic management. Author of 45 scientific papers.

Volodymyr Vasyliev, Professor, Doctor of Science (Navigation and Air Traffic Control). Head of the Department of Aviation Radio-electronic Complexes, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Research interests: system theory, identification and prediction, data processing, decision- making sup- port systems in air navigation and air traffic management. Author of more than 150 scientific papers, methodical manuals and patents. Teaching courses: Mathematical Methods of Optimization; Methods of Mathematical Modeling; Computerized Data Processing Systems and Air Traffic Control.

Maksym Yastrub, PhD student at National Aviation University (with specialisation in Aviation Transport) and background in Air Traffic Management R&D programmes, mainly contributing to the development of the CNS and Airport architectures and enhancement and development of European ATM Architecture framework. The scientific interests are related to the use of enterprise architecture or system engineering techniques in aviation.