Enjoy a Long Weekend and See Great Opera Stars in ! November 16-19, 2017

San Francisco is always an enchanting city to Thursday, November 16. We fly to San Francis- visit, and when you can see great stars at both the co and transfer to the Whitcomb Hotel, a charming and , and recently renovated hotel on Market Street just and enjoy a tour of some of the beautiful surround- a few blocks from the opera house. Right outside ing countryside, it's a is a trolley stop which plus! will take you down- The Lyric Opera town, to the cable car, Guild has put together to Union Square, and a great trip for mid-No- to Fisherman's Wharf. vember. You will see two That night we will en- of today's finest stars, joy a group dinner at soprano Nadine Sierra a charming restaurant and tenor Michael Fa- near the opera house, biano, in one of the great then stroll to the San Romantic favorites of Francisco Opera for French opera, Jules Mas- Jules Massenet's most senet's Manon. You will popular work, Manon, Nadine Sierra Michael Fabiano also thrill to Puccini's starring Nadine Sierra lush score in his final op- and Michael Fabiano. era, Turandot, starring Of Sierra, the New today's most celebrated York Classical Review dramatic soprano, Nina wrote (reviewing her Stemme, paired with Rigoletto at the Metro- the ringing voice of one politan Opera), "her of today's rising tenors, buoyant, gleeful ac- Brian Jagde. count of the headline Both performances aria 'Caro nome' earned take place in the beauti- an extended ovation, as ful War Memorial Opera she showed beguiling House, one of the coun- coloratura and threw try's classic opera ven- Brian Jagde Nina Stemme in graceful ornamenta- ues. tion." Fabiano has risen But that's not all! You will also enjoy a concert to the first rank of today's tenors, and according to of the San Francisco Symphony starring legend- a Washington Post review, "his sound is heroic and ary violinist Pinchas Zukerman with conductor translucent, with no evident strain, and culminated Michael Tilson Thomas, performing the gorgeous in a showstopping performance of his aria." Beethoven Violin Concerto along with Charles Ives' memorable Symphony No. 4. Friday, November 17. During the day we take a We will also enjoy a tour of nearby Muir Woods tour of awe-inspring Muir Woods with its towering with its forest of gigantic redwoods, one of the coun- old-growth redwood trees, and then relax at several try's natural wonders, along with several wineries wineries in Napa Valley. We will stop for lunch in in 's historic and beautiful Napa Valley. Napa Valley (cost not included). That evening we go And...to top it off, you will have time to explore Davies Symphony Hall for Pinchas Zukerman, Mi- the charms of San Francisco on your own. Lobster chael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Sym- on Fisherman's Wharf, anyone? phony performing the Beethoven Violin Concerto Here are the details: (continued on next page)

RESERVATIONS - San Francisco Trip - November 2017 (please print legibly)

Full Names (as on driver’s license): ______Birth date(s) (required by the airline): ______Address: ______Phone: (____) ______E-mail address: ______[check one] □ Single Room □ Double Room, sharing with ______Any special dietary restrictions? ______To reserve your spot on this trip, please send this form and a deposit of $500 per person by Sep- tember 15, 2017. The remainder of your payment will be due on October 15, 2017. Please make your check payable to Lyric Opera Guild Trips and mail it to Don Dagenais, 5401 Brookside Blvd. # 503, Kansas City, MO 64112. If you wish to make your own air and/or hotel arrangements, let us know and deduct the air fare and/or hotel cost from your final payment (see trip cost summary on reverse side). and Charles Ives' Symphony No. 4. Of Zuker- man, the New York Times recently wrote, "he is a total hedonist at heart, and without press- ing or forcing his instrument he generated a warm, liquid sound that effortlessly filled the hall." Tilson Thomas is one of today's most in- ternationally renowned conductors.

Saturday, November 18. Today is a free day to explore San Francisco on your own. In the evening we return to the War Me- morial Opera House for Puccini's memo- rable Turandot, with the great dramatic soprano Nina Stemme and the powerful tenor Brian Jagde. The German periodi- cal Expressen said of Stemme's Turandot, "I do not have space for all of the superlatives I would sprinkle on this formidable perfor- mance." Jagde has been praised for his "nu- War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco anced acting and superb singing" (Voix de Arts) and his "trumpeting" high notes (New York Times). Tour Cost: This is the classic and colorful David Hockney Land Arrangements ...... $1,425 production of the opera. Expect a cast of hundreds! Airfare from and to Kansas City ...... $500 Total ...... $1,925 Sunday, November 19. We return to Kansas Added single supplement (if you want a City having enjoyed a memorable visit to San Fran- single room at the hotel)...... $265 cisco.

This trip includes: ♫ Round trip air fare between Kansas City and San Francisco. ♫ Bus transportation to and from the airport. ♫ Accommodations at the Whitcomb Hotel for three nights. ♫ Orchestra section seats for two San Francisco Opera performances and the San Francisco Symphony. ♫ Group meal on Thursday evening. ♫ Tour to Muir Woods and the Napa Valley wine country (lunch is on your own). ♫ All baggage and porterage fees, except for any bag fees the airline charges, which you must pay on your own. ♫ Tax deductible contribution to the Kansas City Lyric Opera Guild.

Cancellation Policy Your deposit and reservation constitute a contract If you have any questions please call for you to go on this trip. Upon receiving your our tour guide, Don Dagenais, at (816) deposit we will expend substantial sums to pay 444-7407 (evenings) or (816) 460-5715 for your costs of this trip. If you must cancel, you (days) or e-mail him at ddagenais503@ will still owe the balance of the trip charge, but we gmail.com. Thanks! will return whatever portion of your trip costs we are able to recover. We strongly recommend trip cancellation insurance to protect your investment in this trip. Please call your travel agent or check with trip insurance providers online.