To Linden Six Ordinances Were Adopted on COO Was Appropriated
, i. a r, r. I LiNDsr;, j. B ^ u t y o r F o r p Y m m m Ije f InDen Th* LINDEN NEWS. Mtaklith«4 l»27, eombiaek with Tha LIND EN OBSERVER, aatablUhed 1920. Vol. Ill, No. 47 8 PAGES LINDEN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1958 Entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office at Linden, N. J. PRICE: 5 Cents LINDEN \Candidates Nine Ordinances Acted S C E N E g ^ ^ V « , t Fhylli.s E. Turtur, a Upon by City Council freshman at Glassboro State Col- lefre, w a ; recently nominated To Linden Six ordinances were adopted on COO was appropriated. They in V'ce President of her class. She i' inal reading, one was postponed cluded: .Ac(iui.®itipn and installation i.s a merrib -r of the t'la.sboro Con until June, and two were intro of a traffic light .signal at the cert Choir, wnich has gone on F.,rmer Cong. Harrison .A. Wil-| duced Tue.sday night by City Coun inter.section of Park .Ave., and Lin tour at Columbia University. Hams and Col. Jack D. Dunn, can- : cil. den Ave., $10,000; paving of Zieg Princeton, and at the .Amba.ssa- ! didates for the U. S. Senate an 1 F.)i- finally approved $155,- ler .Ave., from Roselle S t to Hu.s.®a (lor Hotel at Atlantic City. She Hou.-e respectively, will make an St. and Bergen .Ave., from Ziegler has assisted as a pianist in official vi.sit to Linden at 3 P.M.
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