AUTUMN 2()()6


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lronbridge weekend o Alsace Tour o conference award presentatio ns o Reigate's railway London waterway plans o Balmoral Bridge o ERIH . reg ional news AtA tronbridge Weekend Conference on Brewing AIA'::' fhis yeat's AIA honbridge Weekend Conference brewers were not concerned with county was held on 29-30 April on the subjea of boundaries, hence partly invalidating studi€s at INDUSTRIAL brewing. fhe weekend aftraded 12 people, who the county scale. Concluding, Mary noted the role ARCHAEOLOGY heard speakers on a good variety ol topics ol women as brewert knocking the stereotyped relating to the brewing iodustry. Glorious image. NEWS 138 weather for the Satuday afterooon lield visit For most people, vinegar is associated with around Coalbrookdale made up for the dismal Iish and chipt little thought being given to its Autumn 2006 results at the evening's afterdinner quiz! method of production. lim Smith has made a special study of the industry and offered a Ray Riley fascinating insight into the activity. Vinegar was 13 Henney Road, Eath BA2 2DR brewed by the Romans; different grains may be Chanmafl lntroducing the weekend, Mike Bone discussed used while there are three possible processes: School of Archaeoloqy andAncient History University the importance of beer in an age when water was fielding, stoving and quick, which was introdu(ed of tei.erter, Lelcester LEI 7RH impurg when brewing was an important source in 1824. By 1833 there were several large vinegar vi.e-Ch.iman Mike Bone ol employmeng and indeed when the public breweries on the south bank of the Thames using sunnysidqAvon clo5q Keyntham. Briliol Bs31 2UL house was a centre of social life for many people. the fielding process which is space extensive, He offered overview processes in requiring barrels to be stored often in the open Bany Hood an of the 9 Kennedy Park, Perer(uh€r, AberdeenASl4 oLE malting and brewing through a helplul flow chart Ior nine months. Tle best known is Sarson's and diagram. A particularly interesting point was brewery in Eermondsey, which Tim surveyed, 8ru.e Hedqe practice giving us the benefit of this work. 7 Clemert Close Wantaqe, oxfordshne 0X12 7ED the importance of domestic brewing; the lA Review €diror seems to have been common in West Yorkshire, The Saturday afternoon field trip was led by Dr David 6wln where it is conceivable the activity was designed Paul Belford, an archaeologist, who has been y Felin. Llanlly,iniRoad, PEn y 6roe!, Nani involved excavating water(ourses the Caernarfon LL54 6LY for consumption within the home. in in lA News tditot ln common with many other industries, vicinity of Coalbrookdale, Six ponds and their Pete. Stanier Dr brewing was placed on a substantial ,actory basis dams, some vestigial, were visited, many adiacent 49 Breach Lane,5hallesbury Do6ei 5P7 8LF (entury roads most the gathering had driven along Atliliated Socieries off i(er in the early nineteenth and brewery size to ol Prol Ray Riley gradually increased thereafter. espe(ially with the but never noticed, The last site, Upper Forge, was 8 s Keep, Claren(e Parade Soulhsea P05 3Nx Queen advent of the railway, allowing breweries to reach additionally the site of what was believed to be Conlerenae Secretary distant markets. Dr Lynn Pearson developed this the oldest excavated malting in the UK, dating 60 S(hool Lal]e Hill Ridware, Rlgeley Wsl5 3QN theme, showing how breweries expanded from 1612; nothing was to be seen, but it was Endangered Sites oflicer vertically, and where they could they purchased relevant to the conferen(e theme, and the 0r Mike Neve I Univ€rsity of Archaeology Unil, Universily adjacent properties, At an early date in the weather was marvellous, The after-dinner quiz gPL of Manchene( oxford Road, Man.heftr M13 nineteenth century some breweries in large took the form of an unseen examination, all the Librarian andA.(hivisl towns had become really substantial; by 1815 questions being about photocopied photographs. do lGlVT, lronbridge, Tellord, ShropshrrcIFS 7Dq Earclay Perkins in London was producing 300,000 ludging by the outstanding low scores the Publidty officer barrels a year. Once the railway came on the quizmaster had obviously overestimated brewery lonalhan Brggs knowledge; he runs the risk ofbeing replaced.The 46 Arowsm th Dnve, Slonehoute CLl0 2QR scene the size of the local market lost its Re.ordinq Awards Otf icer importance, allowing Burton on Trent to prosper, winner was Mary Miles. Dr Vrlo.ia Beauchamp led by Bass and Allsopp. ln 1870 Bass was I Pa6onage Court Pa6onaqe Cre(€nt Walkley, Sheffield 56 5Bl producing one million barrels annually - the 'I Sales ofJi.€r largest brewery in the world. As the size of Roger Ford breweries rose specialist architects emerged; one .t Barn Cottage Bridge Slreel, BridgnonhWVl5 6Al oI these was William Bradlord who designed 60 rtrtli' David Ald€(on {Heflraqe Link) breweries, including those at Hook Norton and l_-- Christ ne Ball Lewes. Dr Robed tan (8A Award, Harvey's at Something easily overlooked ,] Dr Pau Co lins {Parlnershipr) in the motorised age is the former imponance of accommodation for horses. lndeed, distribution David Lyne (Conservat on Award) tt4ichael Mesrenger probably employed more than brewing itself 0r [.4ary N4ills It is too often thought that particular places Dr Mrles oqlethorpe (TlCClH) general Paul Sauller (E FAITI'l) are uniqug when in truth there are Honorary Vi(€-Pr€tidenG prin(iples governing brewery activities Sn Neil Cossons iohn Hume Sluan 8. Smith irrespective of location. Using Somerset as an Liaison Ofticer example, Mary Miles raised the question as to AIA Oflice School ol Archaeoloqy ard Anoent Hilrory U,riverity of Leice(er, Lei.ener LEl 7RH why some breweries outgrew their local market E 0116 252 5337. Faxr0116 252 5005 and came to supply other towns as well as their own. The Anglo-Bavarian brewery at Shepton

www.industrial Mallet came to possess 250 agents around the country and delivered its beer internationally. the railway helped to keep distribution costs at a quality COVER PICTURE manageable level, while water was an .'.. Chinney of Sandy Mill, Rotlon, . issue, but Mary argued that the key was oe



lhe long tftk - all ot lN netes frcn the .onference .ente Receot didactic industial archaeology exciting note interest than the site iEelf Photo: Ray Riley Photo: RaY RileY The sunday morning session was introduced century as competition caused landlords to evidence of malting in the medieval period, and by Tony Yoward, who had made a video of the diversify. An increase in floor space was linking this to current archaeological findings. His relurbishment of a small one-man brewery the occasioned by lhe need to offer a room for (omments cenainly indicated the chronological Golden Lion, at Southwick in Hampshire, by the meetings, an area Ior billiards and for progression from 'dirt' to 'industrial' archaeology, Southampton University lA Group in 1985. lt was entertainment, out of which grew the music hall. and in this sense were thought provoking. no static exhibition, for beerwas actually brewed, The magistrates allowed brewers to build large Ihere were only two members' contributions. drunk and bottled, although for one day only. pubs in return lor the closure oI small premises, sarka Jirouskova from the czech Te(hnical Customs and Excise were unhappy with such a and specialist architects were usedto design truly University in Prague reported that about'1,000 one-off, but reason triumphed and Pro[ Asa eclectic structures which dominated the working breweries survive in the Czech Republic, and that Briggs was able to open proceedings. Beer has class areas in which they were erected. D€sign considerable state funding is being made never been brewed again, but at least the place is features were offered for Portsmouth, concluding available for preservation. Ihe architedure of the now a sales centre for specialist beer. Ihe video with interior plans lor a range of different plots. lt breweries shown was distinctively diflerent from certainly brought alive the hands-on work that is thought that l.K. Brunel initiated rational bar the British experience. Georqe Crutcher some lA groups undertake. design; he certainly drew sketches for Swindon commented on the fate of a wide range ol At the other end ofthe brewing process is the station, bleweries in Hampshire, London, pub. Ray Riley outlined some of the changing Andrew Davison brought the formal paper Buckinghamshire Dorset and oxfordshire since beer house and pub designs in the nineteenth sessions to a close, looking at the documentary the 1960s.


Thc 2006 AIA Annual Conference will be hclcl at Deugl s on tlrc lslc of Man oll 8- l0 Scptcmber. There is no Friday pre- conlcrcnce semirrar this ye'ar. but the rnain conttrence q ill bc lls usual ovcr thc u'eekend frorn Fridav evcning lo Sunday, *ith a post-confcrcncc adclitional progrtrnnle frorl Su|day to lhursclal'. l0 l-l Seplcrnber.

Thc AIA was loundcd in I 973 on thc I sle of M an and clespitc the prssage oi 3 -3 years thcrc is still r1r uch to see. Most f amous ly thcrc is the Ladl lsabclla. the largerl u'aterrhccl in Europe. 72fi 6in (2lm) diarneter. at Laxcy. Therc are nlany other mL'tal mining relics, as rvell as corn and lr'\lilc nills. Horse trilnrs still pll thcir tradc along Douglas Promenade antl lhe Manx Eleclric Railway takes a stunningly bcaulilul rourc'alonS lhc east coast. The surnmit ol Snaelell (62lnl) is still only accessible by the Snacfell Mountain Raihvny. 'l he lsle ol Mrn Railu al' from Douglas to Port St Mary operatcs tluring thc sunmer \r'itlr steant. On th. roads thc TT course has interesting tealurcs. As an isllnd. thc sca hts hacl it rnljor inf-lucncc. q ith cvidence tlf harbours, lighthouscs. shipbuilding. rr4rcwalks lntl kippcr rnroking. Tlrere is au cxccllcnt Ma time Museum at Castlctown. Tourisnr had a l,1]ajor impact since thc later Vickrrian periocl.

This conferencc rvill be hotel-bascd \\ ith lectures. dinnc'rs und accomrnodatioo nl the Claremont Holcl in Douglas. Both lhe Dcpartment of Tourisnr ilnd Manx National Herila_qe have assurcd us ol-r wamr welconrc on this lriendly and attractive island.

Join us on thc lslc of Mau in 2006. Booking details fronr:

The AIA Liaisorr OfTicer. AIA Office, School of Archaeological Sludies, University of Leiccster, Leicester LE I 7RH

I 0l l6 252 5337, Fax: 0l I6 252 -5005, e-nrail: [email protected]

INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 138 3 Report on the AIA visit to Alsace

fhe AIA spring visit to Alsace took place on 22-29 designed by German ar(hitects in the period of numerout and there are also rows of high quality April, and was based nainly in Strasboutg fron German rule betlveen 1871 and 1919, and was back-to-backs as well as terraces and semi- which a number of different tours were made. deliberately impressive. We had the afternoon to detached dwellings. All houses have reasonable Ou sincerc thanks go to Paul Sauher and Sue explore the city using Sue's tour notes. Both on gardens and the whole is generously laid out. Hayton lor devising thk vety interesting visit and this day and the two following evenings the Our final visit also involved a choice between naking all the arrangenents, which worked excellent tram service provided a restfulway back the Musee D'impression recording the calico extrenely smoothly. Additional thanks go to to the hotel, once one had mastered the printing industry lounded here in 1746, and the for the infornative guides she wrote fot us, and'ue intricacies o, buying a ticket. Strasbourg was Musee du Papier Peint which deals with the fron which I freely adnit I have cribbed most ol much more medieval than most ol us had wallpaper printing industry established inl792 the infornation below. Our thanks go also to the expected, and the archaeology was mercantile using similar technology. ln 1833 the local calico othet Paul, our driver, who lor a second year rather than industrial, but still lascinating, We printers formed a society to create an archive, drove us safely and with aplomb, despite the also discovered a wide variety of local lood collecting samples from all over the world. The renoteness of some sites down narrow lanes or specialities, served in enormous portions. aim was to inspire their designer, and in 1888 even tracks. 0n the Wednesday the visit started in they built this impressive museum to hold the earnest.Ihe first stop was in Colmar, again by the collection, to which have been added examples of David Alderton station, which retained traces ol Germanic script. printing machinery The wallpaper museum was Probably the most impressive building here was founded by the biggest manufacturer, lean Zuber. This year's visit required an even earlier start than the enormous and elaborate town water-tower, afirm which is stillin business,Again, itcombined la5! but nevenheless the (oach got off from 53 metres high. ilany of the public buildings preserved machinery with a fine collection of Victoria only a few minutes late, and a lengthy again showed Germanic influence. ln Mulhouse, wallpaper samples. journey brought us to our hotel in luxembourg by where we spent the rest oI the day, we (ould lirst lhursday saw us heading for the hilll and lor early evening. A line warm evening lured some of choose between the railway and the automobile La Mine Gabe Gottes (Gift of God). An the party to eat in the old town, perched above museums.Ihe formerwas in two parts, one a very enthusiastic young lady led us on an underground the junction betyveen two ravines and linked to conventional but good collection of locomotives tour ofthis preserved silver minq which managed the new town by some fine bridges and viaducts. and railway vehicles, the other more reminiscent to retain the feel of underground exploration The following morning we had an hour or so to of'steam' at Swindon, with a planned route and (hard hats, miners'lamps, wellies, walking along investigate the lA of Luxembourg city, using a video presentations using archive film to a flowing adit) with a clear presentation of the very uselul booklet written by sue Hayton. Most illustrate various aspects oI the railway history of te(hniques used in irs 400-year history. The mine people managed to see at least the rather Alsace including quite a lot on the railways in itselt had been opened in the sixteenth century impressive station and its two roundhouses, one wartime. and worked more or less continuously from the converted, one under conversion, before we We then visited the workers' housing in the eighteenth (entury to 1940. tunch was taken at joined the coach Ior the run to Strasbourg. Cite de Mulhouse, ereded behveen 1854 and the Ecomusee d'Alsacq a collection of some 70 Ihe hotel in Strasbourg was in a crescent 1900 as something oI a model development. buildings from the area, arranged as a rather opposite the station, the whole area laid out on Schools, a church and a market were provided, more convin(ing village than most British the grand scale, with the square currently being but as the housing was built to encourage owner examples. Sadly there was too little time to see refurbished.Ihe station proved well worth a visit, occupation, later individual house improvements the site thoroughly, but a large sawmill using a large and elaborate building with some have rather bluned any earlier uniformity. waler power to drive a vertical saw got my intriguing interior sculptures and a fine train 'Cluster'housing, of four houses occupying the attention. shed. Like all the stations we saw in Alsace, it was corners of a square block (as at DarleyAbbey) are

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WawpweQd veftkal saw al the E@nutee dAlsdce Subet diesel inside the khoenenboutg Fol pltoto: David Aldeftdl photo: David Alaletton

4 INDIJSTRIAL AR.HAE)L)GY NEWS 138 Our final official visit was to the village of Klingenthal, a major centre for the manufadure of sword blades. As in Sheffield, production units were small scale, but here the whole trade was organised by an entrepreneur and quality was controlled by an army officer. The more dedicated of the party saw everything but got soaked to the -il i:,*1 skin, while the less dedicated noted the looming ll black cloud and qot back to the coach before the | 'll rain staned! At least the coach was parked I opposite the main premises of the leading ?: entrepreneurt the Coulaux brothers. }- An interesting day ended with a wine- s--- tasting. A low arch, which looked as iI it might convert our coach to a charabanc, stopped us reaching our intended grower, but luckily we found Robert Blanck in obernai who. despite the lack of notice, made us very welcome.After a visit to his cellars (not very exciting though with some impressively large holding barrels), the Alsatian

Entance to the S.hoenenboutg Fod the nost eanerly fott of the Maginot Line wine we tasted proved quite good enough for Photo: David Aldenon most ol us to succumb to at least a bottle or t!vo, despite the problems of getting it home from vlctoria by public transpon, our Iinal complete day started with a visit to Schoenenbourg Fort, the most easterly fort of the interwar Maginot [ine. Because of shortage ol time, we concentrated on the centre oI the fort \. and did not visit the gun emplacements. What was obvious was an impressive attention to detail ,l i fr in the planning ol the fortress. Ihe entran(e was - protected by defence in depth, and the hean of 1 the fortress was buried deep underground. Here it had its own rail system, a Sulzer diesel powered I I generating pumpt Iiltered Etr .\ station, deep well with v t-. air supply to protect against gas anacks, living E I -.-] quarters, hospital, workshops ror maintaining the k plant and storage for munitions, food and fuel to last a siege of some months.Ihe effectiveness of I the design was shown when, despite a siege of T // several weeks and bombardment by shell and \ bomb, fewer of the ganison died than workers t E who perished during its conslrudion. Only one lhe Aevillet indi\ed plene on dE canaldu Mane au Rhin rcplaced 17lockt wha it was oqned in l 9 iraginot tine fonress was captured, the rest Photo: David Aldenon continuing to resist until alter the Petain government negotiated an armistice (effectively a a surrender) in June 1940. For many of us the next visit proved a pleasant surprise, as the Musee Francais du Petrole in Pechelbronn did not sound exciting. r Despite its small size, the introdudory film and F--_"-"""1-r the displays revealed not only the technical i I history o, the extraction of oil from oil-bearing )ia sandt but quite a lot oI the social detail, from the >- itinerant vendors of oil skimmed lrom pond r: H surfaces, to the effects on the village ol theAllied rt I air attack which destroyed the refinery in 19/14. I .f Pl- Oil had been collected lrom the surface of ponds fl; and marshes from very early times and was used .:l first lor lubrication and somewhat dubious t medicinal purposes. Oil was seriously extracted I after 1768 using sand lirst lrom underground \ qalleries, but later pumped out. ln this area was I p pioneered exploratory drilling for oil ('1813), and I it had the world's first school of oil technology. E*.,"r rt After lunch we made our way to the inclined Atzviller inclined plaoe winding engines I canal plane atArzviller on the Canal du Marne au Photo: David Aldefton Rhin. This opened in 1969 and replaced 17 locks

INDIJSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 138 5 ! t F t i \ L I -,: (tu K \ / i".. i&' r) I

.+ 't /i claude Chappe telegtaph tower Mechanisn in the Chappe telegraph tower Phota Davtd Aklenon Photo: David Aldefton on the steep climb out of the Rhine valley. Boats our final visit was to a restored Chappe became available for commercial messages. The are lowered 45 metres in a water-filled caisson semaphore tower. Claude Chappe demonstrated system flourished until the arrival of the electric down a transverse inclined plane. Although a practical semaphore system in 1792 and the telegraph in the 1840s and '50s. provision was made lor a second caisson, tratfic French Assembly enthusiastically seized on the Our final night was spent in lvletz, though has never been sufficient to justify the cost. The idea. The first messages were successfully there was no time for more than a quick look at only other transverse plane ever built was that at transmitted between Paris and Lille before the yet another very large Germani( railway station toxton in Leicestershire, opened in 1900. After end of the year. Chappe used a system of arms a and a huge railway water tower which many oI us visiting the power room with its huge electric good deal more complex than the British could see lrom our hotel rooms. 0n the following winding engines, we had a boat trip down the admiralty system (a tower of which we visited at day an uneventful but very pleasant run brought plane, and along to the Ioot of the old flight the AIA Guildford conlerence). ln the French us back to London on schedule. where the remains of the bottom lock could be system there were 196 combinations and, unlike seen, and back again. the Admiralty system, Chappe's telegraph AIA SALES The following items are available from the Sales officerl AIA REGIONAL GAZETTEERS INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVITW Cambridge & Peterborough [1.95 Devon f4.95 BACK ISSUES Derbyshire {5.50 Hert{ordshire & Lea Valley f5.50 Volunes I - Vl Kent f4.95 Nofth West Wales: tJ.95 Vol. l. No. 1j Vol. lll. No. 2; and Vol. Vll. No. 2: sold out Scotland, Forth & Clyde: f5.50 South East Wales f4.95 per set (16 issues):fl8.00 plus P + P f8.00 inland, PO.A. overseas Swansea; tl.50 West Midlands: f1.50 per volume (3 issues): f5.00 plus P + P f3.70 inland, f5.00 overseas P + P extra: one copy: f0.65 inland, f 1.15 overseas. per issue: f2.00 plus P + P f1 .00 inland, fl.80 overseas Two (opies: f1.00p inland, f2.00 overseas. Volumes Vll - Xl Three copies: f1.80 inland, f2.50 overseas per volumer t8.00 incl. inland P + P, add f3.60 ove6eas six or more copies: hall postage per issue; f4.00 incl. inland P + P, add f1.90 overseas Ten or more copiesr post-free (ex(ept Vol X No.2 (Textile, ard Vol Xll No.1 (Mining)r f4.50 incl.) Volumes XIV - XVlll TlCClfl 2000 Transactions f6.00 (half price) post free, per volume: f12.00 in(|. inland P + P add f3.60 overseas P&P overseas [2.60 per issue: f6.00 incl. inland P + B add fl.90 overseas Volunes XIX - XX (new fornat) AIA TIES (blue) €18.00 incl. inland P + P, add E2.60 overseas t6.95incl P+P Volunes V - XX set Half price @ f77.00 fA REVIEWS from Vol. XXI onwards are only obtainable fiom Maney Publishing, Hudson Road, Leeds LSg 7DL.

All pr,tes are for surface mailing A dis(ount i5 dvailable to 0oor.:ellers on dl, AIA publicdt.ons. Clpoue\ rnoJld oe rade payab,e to'rhe A\toudlion lor tndusttial Archaeotoqy and seit with orcJers to: Roger Ford, AIA Sales of{lcer, Barn Cottage, Bridge Street, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV15 6AF

The AIA accepts payments by the following credit cards:ACCESS VISA MASTERCARD Please write for sales slip


Change of Chairmanship and Liaison Officer r5 I shall be dropping out of the Chairmanship for a t year as I am giving up the Headship ofthe school of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Lei(ester on 1 September and then -! have two research fellowships to take up in 2006- 7- 7. Ihe first is a Gilder Lehrman Fellowship in h '.1 I Williamsburg in Virqinia and the second an All I Souls Visiting Fellowship in oxford after 7 I Christmas. 7 f These are to help me write, with L\ Eleanor Conlin Casella, the Cambridge Manualof I I Historical Archaeology, F which will of course \ ---=)t "( -l .'l'1 include some industrial archaeology! Mike Bone ) has kindly agreed to step into the breach from the lsle of Man Conference to the 2007 Conference in .._/ Preston, when I hope to take up the reins again I for my final year as Chairman. h*, lan West has also kindly agreed to take over I book reviews, period at least for the I will be in L. I the USA, and he can be contacted at the School ofArchaeology and Ancient History Simon Thomas, our Liaison Officer, left us on Mailyn Palnet ptesenting the 2005 Confercnce Award to ceoffrcy Claydon, prcsident of the hanway Museun Society, 30 June as his cycle training and courier a(tivities beside Southanpton 45, the horse tran ti5t acquied by the Societf photo: David Lyne were taking up more and more of his time. He has done a great deal for AlA, for example dealing trams and support vehicles, a cobbled street with restoration are to a high standard and the tram with subscriptions and direct debits as well as the re-erected buildings including the splendid falade ride and exhibrts (ombine history and fun in an many queries that now come to us by email. We of Derby Assembly Rooms, and a purpose-built unforced way. The Exhibition Hall presented as a wish him every success in his cycling work. I hope exhibition, workshop and library and archive trade exhibition is a wonderful idea and the statf that by September it may be possible to appoint Iacilities. are friendly, cheerful and communicative.' another Liaison officer but for the moment we TheAward was received by Geoffrey Claydon, The Museum is open daily lrom April to are using someone on a casual contract in the the President of the Society. We were lucky october and at weekends and half-terms for University who will be dealing with Simon's mail enough to strike Edwardian Day, when large much of the rest of the year see their website and emails for the moment. So, there may be - numbers of people were wearing Edwardian slight delays until we have someone more dress.Sadly, though, we missed the suffragette The lnitiativeAward, a cheque, was presented permanent in post. demonstration! An AIA member summed up the to the Friends ol Pleasley Pit, a far less well Marilyn palmet appeal of this l\4useum in the nomination forms known organisation that the Tramway lVuseum for this award, when he said: 'lt is a remarkable Society but one that equally relies volunteer Presentations on of the AIA creation over nearly 50 years on an initially effort and labour. This colliery was sunk in 1873 Conference and ln itiative Awards unpromising site. The preservation and as part oI the eastward move of the 200s The presentat on for the 2005 conference awards \ I took p ace on B lu y 2006. Since the President, Angus Buchanan, was fully occupied with Brunel events, the Chairman, lvlarilyn Pa mer, presented the awards, accompanied by David Lyne and Pau tn.5-t Co lns from AIA Council as we I as lan l\,4itchel and Stephen Newton from Derbysh re T Archaeoloqica Society who organ sed the 2005 I AIA Conference. The ma n Conference Award was presented I lJ to Crich Tramway Museum, where the de egates had spent an evening during the conferen.e. The lMuseum is situated in a disused quarry in Cr ch, a Tili site suggested to the founder members of the Tramway Museum So.iety by volunteers from the Talyllyn Raiway who were lifting rais from the .lr disused nanow gauge minera ra lway which t inked Clffe Quarry at Crich to the Clay Cross I Company's Iime ki n5 at Ambergate. The first tram acquired by the Society was a hoTse drawn tram ,i fon SoLlhdnpton and thr' wa, lhp trdn r- which pubic rides were first otfered n 1961. Since then, the site has been transformed with Prcsentation ol the 2005 lnitiative Awatd to gob Metcalfe, Chaiman of the Friends of Pleasley Pit, in f@nt of the rcstored covered accommodaton for a feet of over 50 Notth Winding Engine photo: David Aldefton


Nott nqhamshire and Derbyshire Coalfleld when Markhams & Co. Ltd of Chesterfield who had Sending book reviews it became necessary to explot deeper seams orig nally supplied the second engine and Please note that all book submitted for review received by Bob under a greater overburden.0riginally owned by rnodified the first. The award was should be sent to lan West, 5choo ofArchaeo ogy the stanton Coa and lron company, the colliery lMetcal{e, Chairman of the Friends of Pleasley Pit. and Ancient History, University o{ Leicester, werF ceased operation in 1983. The s te wa5 in danger Deeqates to tl-e A A Cor'erpnc" rr 2005 Leicester LEl 7RH. of being demolished but was isted Grade ll ln practically unanimous in nominating this site for 1986 and finally scheduled ten years ater. lt was the lnitiative Award. The site is usualy open on Regional news and by then very derellct and was on y rescued from Sundays and there are special events to mark further deterioratlon by the determination of a Heritaqe Weekend each September. lt is certalnly correspondents small group of volunteers who have succeeded in a site to watch for future developments, and I We welcome Fred Hamond (75 ocksley Park, gaining s!bstantia funding from the East personaly was astounded at the changes which Belfast BT10 oAs) who has agreed to take over as lVidlands Development Agency and Eng sh had taken pla.e slnce Peter Neaverson and I Reg onal Correspondent in lre and The services of Heritage. lt is to be the centrepiece, or perhaps visited the slte in 1992 when we were our reg onal correspond€nts are highly va ued and the gateway to, a Country Park created out of the researching our book on lndustrial Landscapes ol they al need your support. However, lA News is spo lheaps behind the co lery buildings. the East Midlands - we could not even get a a.ute y awar€ that there is st I a vacancy in South Described by an AIA member a5 'an decent plcture I West England. There is a so a long-stand ng b ack outstanding survival, both the engines and their lvery much enjoyed presenting these awards hole in the industr al Nonh East (Northumberland, the (ollipl is in a very st'i(rng po5l on to two very deserving sltes and hope that the Durham) where we are seeking sorneone who with its tall chimn€y, two engine houses and two 2666 19nfq1qr6q Awato\ d e d\ .uc(e5s{ul. cou d support the Northern England unusual concrete and cast-iron headstocks. The l\,,larilyn Palnet correspondent, who is based on the other side of engine houses contain two twin cylinder tl'p Ppnninp.l (o'rp on ne'rbprs. wil^oJl hpa'inq horlzonta enqines, the older of which has been from you \,!e don't get the news Please contact restored to working order with assistance from the Editor if you can help in any way.


frames and weav ooms, resu ting in a change that the be sustained by those Live and let live ! ng of employment for men a shift in the gender recently retlred and able to contribute to the Having read w th great nterest the responses to - ba ance in the workp ace, if that phrase s not organisatlon, as has happened unt I now. But we Roger Ho den's etter, '0ur fascination wlth considered 'esoter c verbiage' (Hughes, /,4 ilewr do have to remember that we are more than machines' f/,4 News 136), I thought it was about /Jr. What all th is means is that we need to think any other perlod so.iety addressing two time that l, as (to quote Roger) 'our one and only not about the ma(h nes themselves but audiences. 0ne is that fam lia r to us from our very Professor of lndustrial Archaeology', put my own lust about what their instal ation meant, both in popular Annual conferences and don't worry thoughts on paper. I am de ighted, as I am sure - terms of alterations to buidings and to working there are no pans to change that formatl The our Newsletter Editor is, that books and articles practices. archaeo terms, we are other s made up of young professionals n can stir ro many people into putting pen to paper. ln ogica contextua artefact Angus archaeologica contract units and curatoral As one of the previous Ediots ol lndustrial sing the or, as Buchanan sa 1972, 'assessing the archaeology who have come to realise the Archaeology Review, one did sometimes wonder d in sign ficance ofthose monuments in the context of mportance of the industrial her tage and want to if anyone out there ever read ltl social and technological hisroty' al know more about it, but who have been trained Lr(p lar West (ta Ne^t I t7).I ll inl ir rs very llndust 197 in a very different environment from those of us important that we understand the technology Archaealogy in Ritain, 2, 2A). lfully ac.ept the (riticism that the language who have been AIA members for decades. AIA that les behind the sites and structures with used in modern archaeologica writing is often Council has to try to sat sty both aud ences lf it is which we engage. I\4y earllest book was a study obscure. Andrew 5elkirk, Edtor n Chief of to remain a vibrant organisation, which is why of one of our earliest mach nes whlch was Cuffent Archaeology and the scourge of many the pre conference seminars (except n the lsle of developed for stocking knrtting in the reign of the eminent archaeologists, runs a column known as l\,4anl) are intended to consider recent research f rst Queen El zabeth (Franewark Knitting, Sh rc '1984). 'Gobbledegook corner'which ldo recommend to and thlnking in lndustr al archaeology and the Publications, Peter Neaverson and I readers of /,4 /VpwJ- He recently took to task for word'thinking'was chosen del berately. lt is also became fas(inated with the machlnes used for its dense phraseology a book entitled Prehi5lo,7 important that \\re continue to run occasional dressng tin ard lead Undustrial Archaeology Very Shoft lntrcduction (0UB 2003) by the new seminars, like the one which led to the Review, Val. 12, 1989, 20-39) and with the a Regius Professor Ar(haeology at oxford, Chris publication of Understanding the Workplace ard colliery pumping and winding engines at Gyn of Gosden, and, as in recent issues of /vervt this the framing of an academic research agenda Pits in South Wa es (/,4 ,qeview,13, No.1,199a,1- // has given r se to a spate of letters. However, and which has put us on a par with other perlod 14). But industrial sites do not exist outside speak teaches archaeology archaeological so.iet €s. Yet, at the same time, we human action; machines were made by people I as one who - prptri(rori( Fistorica indu\tridl 1 a have Annual Conferences in hand unti 2009 and and operated by people. To take Roger Holden's a1d - Lrniversity environment, that it is the language a ot more useful gazetteers ofstesl ow1 .pp, idl )t ored. tne rastdldtron o' powe. in familiar to students who flock in their hundreds think that AIA has been large y successful in textie mills, t is important to realise what a to conferences of the Theoretical Archaeoiogy marntaining this very d fficult balance between difference the addlton of a water wheel or a (TAG), our ln 2000, Neil made to the lives of the workforce. Group which was the birthplace of two audiences. Cossons, one of la's pl They had to contend with a power source that d d Case and Symonds' lndustrial Archaeology: the'o-"der. of oL, dis( ne. sounded d wdrn ng Diections not tire ike human or anima musce and this future castigated by Roger Holden, as when he compared industr al archaeology with we conferences (HAT (Contemporary often meant the introduct on of shift work as the I as to of rural and folk stud es, suggesting that both grew H I past entrepreneur sought to maximrse the return on Archaeology and storical Theory) which from the mourning of a recent and were his capltal installation. The powered machines maglne wou d alarm Roger even morel inherently'generational', in that as the foundlng But many young people do we at protaqonists a so, of course, enabled the weaker muscles but how see our died, so too had the lmpetus and worer own conferences? Those of us on Council hope commitment largely evaporated (Neil Cossons, rinb"r 'ingprs ol to oo"rdle 'pt-.i-g


Pespedives on lndustrial Archaeology, 2000, machlnes to provide goods or services which times; they should not be judged in our value 13). Ttrat this has NoT happened in industrial other people were prepared to buy to meet their system - which exists only in their future! archaeology is evident lrom the debate in the needs. My wish is thar people involved in the study pages of /,4 rVerys which has prompted this With the exception of some government-run of industrial history and archaeology would find a response! But we have to go on satislying both delence supply industries, allw€ study are private way to a broader appreciation of the business audiences. businesses, usually run by owner-managers who context ofthe subject they are studying. I suggest ln 2008, we are planning a ioint conference made the decisions required by th€ir businesses. that the basic issues have remained remarkably with our fellow society, lhe Society lor Post- All the business decisions in which lhave constant and they could try to find the way to this Medieval Archaeology, in conjunction with the been involved were made following broader appreciation by seeking the opportunity lrish Post-lvledieval Archaeology Group, and the considerations involving people - customert to talk with people who have business experience lndustrial Heritage Association of lreland, to take employees, suppliers, Iinanciert officials and and have interest in industrial history forward in an international context some oI the more. Although nowadays we have a specialist Richatd Hatuee ideas put lorward in Understanding the management jargon to refer to each of these ichard@haftree, Wo*place. Ihis meeting is appropriately titled different fields of consideration they still are, and 'Crossing Paths or Sharing Tracks', since SP[4A always were, about people and an assessment ol Paddington station also deal with the industrial period and we want their reactions to what the business was doing As someone with fond memories of Paddington to be able to work with them, not in competition and planning to do. Eusiness decision-making is station, I was amazed to rcad (lA News 137)thal with them. But also in 2008 we have a promised based on exercising judgement in the integration Span Fout the GWR'S Edwardian train shed, is Annual Conference in Wiltshire! So, AIA membert of strongly differentiated information, under threat of demolition, despite having Grade come to one or come lo both, but please support Surely we can all recognize that the subjects what your Council in their strenuous efforts to prevent we study and write about came into being I listed building status. Yet considering happened Brighton Pier, another Grade I industrial archaeology being a one-generational because ofbusiness management decisions made to west structure, I shouldn't perhaps be so surprised. event. in some past time by people assessing risks and in Britain is Heritage is too Marilyn Palnet opportunities and judging the behaviours of The trouble that houses historic AIA Chatnan others. We are usually looking at buildings, much associated with country and churchet rather the industrial society whi(h artelacts or records which provide snapshoG in than led us become the'workshop ofthe world'.We the story of a business. To appreciate these fully to do have our priorities wrong in my opinion, and it lA, a business approach we need to keep in mind their place in that story is the task of bodies like the AIA to fight for what lcame toAlA with a degree in metallurgy and the Ihis in turn calls lor a broadly based awareness oI remains o, the people's heritag€. experiences of a 36- year industrial management the business context of the subject of any Tim Mkkleburgh career with a major international group and 12 differentiated study. 33 Littlelield Lane, Grimsby years as a small Business Advisor in the local owner managers were usually strong Lincolnshirc DN31 2AZ Enterprise Agency, I have been disappointed to personalities, with different characteristics. ln read the comments on 'Understanding the common they had a first aim to avoid failure, a Workplace'and men versus machines versus second to achieve security and only after that lEditor's note: SAVE Btitaio's Heitage is one people with a sense oI sadness. were they able to go for growth and give luli body fighting hard for our heitage and iB Surely we know that all we study is the resull expression to their individuality. Many did not excellent report on Span Four is highly of the activities of people. People invented, reach security or groMh. They all behaved in reconnended - see lA News 131 , page I l, for designed, built, invested in and operated the ways true to themselves in the context of their detailsl PUZZLE CORNER

Ihe wreck ol an unknown wooden sailing vessel off tiftle Ganinick lsland in the lsles of Scilly was discovered by Todd Stevens and Phillip Roberts in 2005. Members /^\ ol the lslands Maritime Archaeological Group have measured a number ol _.6--r individual elements o, the cargo to produce basic sketches, but heavy concretion of the individual components of the cargo and their positions made accurate E measurements difficult. Many more objects still remain to be measured, drawn and I I identified, although some are difficultto get has been suggested that this may be a mid-nineteenth century wreck and the items oI the cargo could be mining equipment or even steam engine parts. But what are the objects? these sample sketches by Todd Stevens may give readers a clue. lf you have any suggestions, or wish to see more, please contact David Carter, e-mail: [email protected],uk, orTodd Stevent e-mail: todd@islesofscilly,

A, six-spoked coqged wheel 10ft diametei Sins wide il o c B. spoked sedion of 10ft cogged wheel c. cable-carrying wheelt apparentlyt6 on lhe site.3ft'l'lins diameter,5 rins ffi wide. /zr1_-1\ =H .-i..rl-f\ tEl D. Cylinder; broken into many pieces, approx 5ft long and 3ft Sins diameter tEl E. Solid cogged drive wheel, 3ft 4ins diameter =l!=rll F= E il EI t Pipe sedions of various sizes.Itis one is 6ft 1in long and 1ft 9ins diameter G. Solid iron piecs length 5ft 1oins, width gins -il pipe long and 1ft diameter. Many on site, H, Straight with end flanget 6ft 1in 3ins r-----s-17 1l ol varying sizes G N) H


Railway reaches Reigate quarries below Godstone Hill. Ihus The 'caves', the property oI conjunction with developers and the two centuries too late the railway, or at least some of its Reigate & Banstead Borough protits made are ploughed back into rails, reached Godstong presumably Council, are currently operated canals. At one time property was Twenty three of the 3-feet long cast- in the late 1830s or '40s. They are under license as a low-key visitor being sold to Iinance restoration iron 'tram plates' or rails of and/or known to have been in place by the aftraction by WClilS, There are four and maintenance but this is very similar to those of the Croydon, 1860s. The quarries are below the public 'cave days' each yeaq the last much a thing of the past. Now lverstham & Godstone lron Railway A22 almost 2 kms to the nonh of two lor 2006 being 15 July and 9 rental income is relied upon. (CMGIR), which operated in 1805- the village centre, whereas the September, with conducted guided ln West London a 26-mile between croydon and 38 originally intended terminus was to tours of the two sets of 'caves' on pound, without locks, stretches Irom Merstham, are now on limited have been about 500 metres to the the east and west sides of Tunnel Camden to Slough and this is an public display in Reigate, the south, at Godstone Green. Road, and also ol the Barons' Cave excellent stretch on which to intended terminus the line never A number oI the iron tram in the Castle Grounds. WCMS encourage commercial lreight reached. Ihey have been stored in plates lrom Godstone quarries came members also provide guided tours operation. At old Oak Sidings a new Croydon for some decades, belore into the care of the Croydon Natural Ior pre-booked groups on other commercial wharf is due to be which they had rormed part of a History & Scientific Society Ltd dates by arrangement. completed in.luly 2006 and could tramway system in the underground (CNHSS) some years ago and have The east and west 'caves' are in generate up to 300,000 tonnes of quarries at Godstone. been stored in the town from whi(h fact mines for silver-sand which was traffic per annum. Ihe 350-tonne Although, oddly, Reigate was the line started in 1805. Two ol taken to the Thames-side glass barges to be used have deeper not included in the company's these, along with Iour stone sleeper Iurnaces in the first half ol the draught than a traditional narrow name, the east Surrey town was the blocks, have for some years been on nineteenth century. They were boat and dredging is necessary lhe intended main destination oI the long-term loan to the Amberley commenced shonly after Reiqate's silt removed is polluted and has to CMGIR, authorised by its Ad oI Working Museum in West , road tunnel was opened in 1824 be treated belore disposal, and all '1803. This horse-drawn tramway where they are on display. As the (the oldest suNiving tunnel on a this is expensive. A new domestic- was in effect an extension o, the Society has been unable to make public road in the British lsles). Ttey waste transfer wharf at Willesden Surrey lron Railway, opened from any satislactory arrangements for fell into disuse as mines in about will generate further traffic. Wandsworth to Croydon in1803. any of the plates or sl€epers to be 1860 and were subsequently used 0n stretches oI canal with Ihe extension, however, was built displayed at Croydon, and has lost as stores tor beert wines and spirits; numerous locks a barge is at a only as far south as the chalk pitt the tenancy of its storage lacilities military stores in World War l; a rifle considerable disadvantage lime works and underground there, 23 plates have now been range; and air raid shelters and a compared with a motor lorry but building-stone quarries at removed to Reigate for storage and control centre in World War ll. Since there are lairly level stretches Merstham, where the junction was public display, where they are on the last war the west side caves elsewhere which are being to have been for lhe branch to long term loan to the Wealden Cave have been used as a corporation developed for commercial traflic. ln Godstone, and whence the main line and lvline Society.Ihere are at least store, and included for some years panicular Bow Eack Rivers will be was to have continued to Reigate. five different panerns of tram plate public lavatories (now closed) used to transport sea-dredged Ihese two Surrey plateways are now represented in this collection, as entered from Tunnel Road. aggregate and other building recognised as the wodd's second discussed by Bruce Osborne (Proc WCMS is now creating a materials to the olympic Park, site of and third public railways (the Lake CNH55, 17(3), 1982) and Peter museum in the east caves, with the 20'12 Games, and also to Lock Railroad near Wakefield being Bvgess (Proc CNH55,18(4), 1994). displays on sand-mining and Stradord City, a development being the first), although the first and The tram plates that have at last subsequent uset and aspects of built on a plateau 7 metres above second authorised by parliament. reached the town are now in the other local mineral industries. Ordnance is comparable in tunds ran out when Me6tham was 'caves' at Tunnel Road, about 500 Displayed items now include the size with Canary Wharf and reached, and so did the time limit metres north of the intended C[rGlR tram plates and (also on environt with a similar floor area within which the continuations to Reigate terminus at Bell Street, loan lrom CNHSS) some large pieces but not so high-rise. Building work Godstone and Reigate were opposite Reigate Priory. Similar of worked Reigate stone from a at the olympic site will occupy only authorised to be built. plates are on display opposite 'Ihe medieval undercroft at Surrey Iour years but it is intended that When the CM6IR closed and [eathers' in Me6tham village (not Street, Croydon. Further information there will be a substantial spin-off was dismantled, making way in on the original tramway line) and in about 'cave days' and group visits Irom the Games for local people in places for parts oI the new London the Rotary Club Field at Brighton may be obtained from Malcolm the shape of a Legacy - house & Brighton Railway between Road in Purley (on the original line). Tadd, t 01737 823456. building on a really large scale Coulsdon and Merstham, the iron More are at Wallington tibrary, Paul W Sowan covering a much wider area which tram plates and the stone sleeper Further plate rails once displayed at will take a funher decade and a half blocks were sold.A number of these the top of Merstham Hillon theA23 or so to complete. BW are to ensure second-hand tram plates were BW's big plans for (not on the original line)were stolen there will also be a boating legacy. subsequently laid as a tramway in in the 1970s. Greater tondon All this activity will generate the underground building-stone British Waterways has big plans for plenty o, commercial lreight traffic Greater London. llese include the for British Waterways and 100- encouragement oI freight traflic metre locks are planned which will Typc I with new 350 tonne barget the accommodate two 3so-tonne opening up of the 8ow Back Rivers barges at a time. Plans lor traffic to pleasure boating as part of the with 500-tonne barges have been development of the lower Lea shelved as impractical. the fixed Valley in connection with the 2012 bridges on the Great Eastern main Typc 2 olympics Games, financial line railway are not thought to be a lighr- *irh involvement with Public Houses and problem and an air draught of 3 numerous canal-side housing metres will be maintained. lt is also developments. British Waterways intended to work three barges fhe two basic types ol plate rail uted in the oodstone quadet Drawing: peter Buryess (BW) now acts commercially in southwards to the olympic Park

.IO ]NDUSTRIAL ARCHAEoLoGY NEws 138 NEWS from Picketts Lock on the River Lee work by nanow boat.Ihis might be they threaten buildings, and map Brunel plaque on the Navigation and domestic refuse ls to achieved in the case of housing built the extent ol the underground Balmoral Bridge be transported by water northwards on small islands without road workings that are often quite Ihe President of the AlA, Professor to the large incinerator-power access. A waterbus shuttle could be substantial. His slides oI the size oI Angus Buchanan, Dr Brenda station at Edmonton. run to the nearest underground some of these caverns where, and Buchanan, were join the British Waterways policy is to station. especially in parts oI Ken! chalk has able to party to 're-invent' the Waterways, although Generally the British Waterways often been extracted were quite on 29 May 2006 commemorate the unveiling ol a some critics have described BW as policy outlined above applies at staggering. I was rather glad that plaque to l. K. Brunel on the bridge 'boating mad'. Tle 2012 olympics National level. London is no my house was not on an estate at lhe entrance to Balmoral Castle. are seen as a'good driver'.lt is BW's differentlrom the rest ofthe country where a number of these collapses An article by the President and intention to maintain the character in the way that BW operates - it is had taken place. Stephen K. lones in lndustrial of Bow Back Rivers as lar as now a moneymaking concern. After a buffet lunch Alan Green Archaeology Reviewin 1980 (vol. 4, possible and to convert channels at Robert Can gave an interesting illustrated talk had present unnavigable into fully on the rise of industry in the no. 3, Autumn 1980, 214-226) drawn attention to the curious navigable waterways. The SERTAC 2006 Georgian period. within this period omission ol any relerence to the wateMays oI the lower Lea Valley this year's South East Region was the growth oI the ,actory bridge by Brunel's biographer5 and are to be an integral pan ol the lndustrial Archaeology Conference system due to the number ol the lack of any recognition of his olympic development and not just a wa5 held at the Chichester lvledical inventions that took place in a part in the project on the bridge backdrop. Howevei much of the Education Centre on 22 April. Tlere number of industriet especially the itself Ever since, there has been a traffic will be pieasure boats and was an overall attendance of iron and textile industries. Alan's quiet but persistent campaign to very little in the way of industry will around 200, and after a welcome by talk showed us many of the rectify this anomaly, and this has at survive. ln fact the almost total Air lvarshal sir Freddie Sowrey, the imponant changes that took place, last been achieved by the removal oI industry will be a really President of the Sussex lA Society, and the social effect on the life of presentation oI a plaque bY the major change. Erian Johnson of the Arnberley the working population as many o, lnstitution oI civil Engineers to the Ihroughout Greater London the working Museum described the Iirst them moved to the new industrial Aberdeenshire Council, which is number of new canalside buildings 25 years of this lvluseum. and the towns. An interesting sideline was responsible for the maintenance ol lor housing will be prodigious and changes that had taken place in that that these new factories became the the bridge.lhe plaque was unveiled, BW will be fully involved via time. The Museum occupies the subject oI 'tourism' by wealthy men moreover, by HRH the Duke of companies such as H20 Urban Ltd Iormer Amberley chalk pit that a and women curious to see the rapid Edinburgh, so that a singular who are building flats and a century ago was one of the largest changes taking place. omission has been handsomely canalside restaurant at Acton Lock, in the south east. From the 1840s to Vlc Mitchell oI Middleton Press correcled. Hackney. This site was lormerly a the 1960s, chalk was quarried and fame then spoke about industriet It seems likely that the Royal timber yard and work is to be burnt in kilns to make lime for past and present, in the small Family did not care much for the completed by Spring 2007. Currently mortar, for decorating and lor Sussex town of Midhurst. These functional girder that appeared on British waterways owns f200 agricultural use. Many of the included brick making, potteries, their doorstep. Ihey had fallen in million worth of such property. 8W buildings and kilns from that plastics and parts for motorcars. He love with the Scottish Highlands in will also be developing waterside industry still remain. After also included his own publishing the 18405 and bought the Balmoral inns in conjunction with Scottish & describing the history o, the site, enterprise, but lam sure that not estate in 1848. Ihe 'castle' which Newcastle Ltd. Brian then illustrated the growth oI many present knew that Vic had they built there. in Romantic Gothic Recently 8W acquired the the Museum that now includes been a dentist, and also an inventor style, gave them easy access to lnterchange Building to the west oI many elements including the especially oI items conn€cted with some splendid mountain country, camden Lock and they intend to re- railway and bus collection, the the dental profession. and lor some peace away lrom the open the canal basin underneath Electricity Hall, the museum of roads Ihe last speaker was Martin throng of public life in london.Ihey the building to boaters. lt was their and road making, the BT Conneded Wilson, the (hairman ol the were embanassed, howevei by the intention to reinstate the Iormer Earth exhibition and many more. Association o, [ondon Pumping presence of a public road on the canal basin in front ol the great The second speaker, Fred Heritage Attractiont who spoke south side ol the River Dee, and Cubitt Granary of 1852 at King's Stanford, gave us more detail about about the pumping heritage of took steps to diven it across the Cross but unlortunately this scheme the setting up ol the BT Conneded tondon including Kew crossnest river at the entrance to fieir estate. has failed. An extensive waterside Earth exhibition that focuses on the and Kempton Park. He also gave us Ihis required a bridge, and Prince development is being completed 'public face' oI telecommunications, some ot the history oI the Albert commissioned Brunel to around Paddington Basin (see // covering the development of the nineteenth century endeavour that provide one in 1854. News 134 page 14). this kind of telephone itself, along with the construded the water and sewerage The Prince had come to know 'dockland development' is work of the telephone operators system of London thereby the Engineer well, both through the ubiquitous nationally. and the various engineers. This eradicating the diseases and smells Great Western Railway, which At Three Mills the tide mill is to exhibition now comprises the most resulting from polluted water. A served Windsor, and the Great be put back to work. A wateMheel complete collection of telephone number ol these pumping stations Exhibition o, 1851, in whi(h they will probably be kept, restored to inslruments and overhead line are open to the public and Martin had both played an important part. working order for demonstration to insulators in the country hoped that in due course we would Brunel presented several options to visitors, but water turbines will be The last speaker before lunch all make the effort to visit. the Prince, and the latter chose a used elsewhere to generate was Harry Pearman who spoke on A This was a most interesting design which he lelt would be electricity. About 40 homes might be Mole's Eye view oI South East conference, well run by the elegant and economical. But when it supplied. The tide will still go England' and let us into the hidden organising soclety. Next year's was completed 1857, the through the Mill and the visual secrets of dene holeq chalk wells conference will be in the new Rural in surviving correspondence suggests appearance oI the buildings is to be and underground chalk pits. Harry's Life Museum at Readinq UniveBity, that serious criticisms were made maintained. job is to go and investigate and will be on saturday 2l April about the bridge, on account both of One wonders iI BW might make underground the sudden collapses 2007. its lack ol ornamentation and its it compulsory for people to go to of ground, especially those where .lohn Brcwn


elasticity, As a result, and possibly accessible and highly engaging for of the lndustrial Revolution,' while plans to expand throughout Europe. because of over-work and people of all ages.' Dr Mike Nevell, Director of the Anchor Points in Britain are at encroaching illness, Erunel appears l.K. Brunel designed the world's university of Manchester Amlwch (Mynydd Parys and Porth to have had nothing more to do first propeller-driven o(ean-going Archaeological Unit said the lind Amlwch), Birmingham (Jewellery with the bridge, and only a small steamship, which was launched here was'monumental'....this is where Quarter), Blaenavon (Big Pit plate recording'R. Erotherhood, in Bristol docks in 1843. After many the modern world beqins.' The National Coal Museum), Brad{ord Chippenham, Wilts' as the builder voyaqes she ended up as a hulk in programme also looked at the (Saltaire village), Brendord (Kew was placed upon the parapel. the Falkland lslands from where she appalling conditions oI workers' Bridge Steam Museum), Chatham Brunel's biographers seemed was salvaged and towed back to housing. (Historic Dockyard), Cromford happy to go along with this Bristol. in 1970. Subsequent long- (Derwent Valley Mills), Dundee omission, but it is one which term restoration has seen the hulk (Verdant Works), Gloucester (Docks discredited Brunel and the industrial transformed into a fine ship and ERIH and National Waterways Museum), anhaeology of Scotland, as it was since a recent t11.3m project, the ERIH is the European Route of Lanark (New Lanark Mills), Liverpool his only substantial work north of SS Great Britain appears to float in a lndustrial Heritage, a network of the (Merseyside Maritime Museum), the Border. The bridge is also of 'sea' oI glass. most important industrial heritage Llanberis (Welsh Slate Museum), considerable interest in its own sites in Europe. lt is the common link Manchester (Museum of Science right, as it represents an interim British Engineerium between them all, from disused and lndustry), Newtongrange stage in the emergence ol the production plants to industrial (Scotrish lvlining Museum), wrought-iron lattice-girder bridge reprieved landscape parks and interactive Northwich ([ion Salt Works), that was in the process ol becoming Following the sudden closure of the technology museums. The route's Penzance (Geevor Tin Mine), a maior artetact in the railways oI British Engineerium at Hove, Sussex, backbone consists of Anchor Sheffield (Kelham lsland Museum), the world. lt was this Iunctional and an auction planned by Bonhams on Points': the outstanding industrial Stoke-on-Trent (Gladstone Pottery '10 economical type of structure rather May included nearly 500 lots monuments in the former Museum), Swansea (National than the large 'truss' bridge like the from the ronathan Minns Collection, heartlands of the lndustrial Waterfront Museum), Tavistock Royal Albert Bridge over the Tamar, with many beautiful model steam Revolution in Britain, Netherlands (Morwellham Quay), Telford or even Robert Stephenson's tubular engines, etc. A private sponsor and Germany. ln the future, ERIH (lronbridge Gorge Museums), Britannia Eridge over the Menai halted the sale at the last moment, Straits, that came to dominate giving breathing space for a careful nineteenth century railway consideration ol the site's future. construction. So it was gratitying to see Hereford Waterworks Brunel's role in this important enterprise recognised at last in the refurbished l..r ^&-" plaque on the Balmoral Bridge.lhe 0n 25 lune Sir Neil Cossons, y-t*r& C unveiling took place in a bleak chairman of English, opened the a northerly gale, with sleet in the air, newly-constructed visitor centre and I but there was some fitful sunshine refurbished main building at the to give charm to a memorable Waterworks Museum in Herelord. occasion, marking an appropriate Ihe work received Heritage Lottery tribute to the Enqineer, the 200th Iunding in 2002. Work was delayed anniversary of whose birth we are when a sub-contractor went into IJ int!Fp,q** celebrating this year. receivership but Speller-lvetcalfe of Angus Euchanan l\4alvern stepped in and completed the conlract on time and within budget. The museum now has a dedicated education spa(e, a visitor Gulbenkian Prize for The new building at the Watewo*s Museun Herclod centre, a new engine gallery for Photo: Watewo*s Museun, Herclod Great Britain displays and an engineers' ln this year of Brunel celebrations, workshop. Future improvements it the great engineer's 55 Grcat include a building Ior a pumping *i*? pteseNed engine which was installed a I Eitain, in Bristol, has at ; won the Gulbenkian Prizp for wartime munitions factory to supply \ t I case Iire- rl museums and galleries. lt is water in of I encouraging for lA that last year's a T Gulbenkian Prize was won by Ihe Where the modern Big Pit mining museum at E Blaenavon in South Wales. Professor world begins I Robert Winston, chairman of the Screened on Channel 4 on 5 t judging panel, said:'fhe 55 Grcat February was a 'Time Team' Eritain got out unanimous vote for programme about the first Eri being outstanding at every level. lt (unsuccessful) steam-powered combines a truly groundbreaking cotton mill in lvanchester, dating \ t.' I piece oI conservation, remarkable from the early 1780s and excavated engineeing and fascinating social last year under a car park on Miller history plus a visually stunning ship Street. Resident Time Team ;i above and below the water line. archaeologist Phil Harding Sh Neil Cossons with D, Noel Meeke Moseun Chairnan, at the ollkial opening ol the new l\rost importantly, the is described the 'the prehistory [ship] site as Wateruorks Museun Euilding Photo: Waterwo*s Museun Herclord


Wakelield (National Coal Mininq well as the West Midlands Heritage Museum for Enqland) and Waltham Award. Ihe bridge is believed to be Abbey (Royal Gunpowder Mills). the oldest cast-iron structure in DOR HEA Ihe Anchor Points comprise the Britain carrying vehicles and the complete range of European strengthening work was considered REST IONS industrial history Ihey will also be to have been carried out with great the starting points lor a variety ol sensitivity and was a worthy winner. Regional Routes as well as D Transnational lheme Routes which Ceramics guide are currently being planned for Incorporatin rnest H (Engi rs ) (l[ Susse\ honoured in national textiles, mining, urion and steel, manufacturing, enerqy, transport reference book awards (;o f ,\ t) L and communication and water. Ihe file Gazetteer: A Guide to (o ( lnformation about ERIH can be Btithh file and Archhectutal .l/ Elr)'..1.\ t1..1 LS Iound on the websitet Cennics Locationsby Lynn Peatson was published in 2005 for the Tiles ReceDt contrlcts include igns lbr an almrrsphe rit and Architectural Ceramics Society rail$a1. and a replica ste corrloti\ e. r(str)rati(,n ol' Walter MacFarlane & by Richard Dennis, Shepton lll(' lead \culptures. re nd gilding ot the,\lber( Eeauchamp (5l2pp, with many Co. ltd \lcmorial bronze onser\ atil,n irork on illustrationt A5 paperback. ISBN 0 'l'urbinia. Members might interested Lion. Sans Pir Lr)c0rnoti1)n. ilnd e\ rrl be to 903685 97 3. f25.00) lt was runner- know Scottish lronwork the rest(,ration (,1 that the up and highly commended in the ulic catalirlquel toundation have just published a re(ent ISG (ClLlP)/Nielsen BookData history of Walter MacFarlane & Co, Relerence Awards for the Over I00 e\l)cr'renc(] Ltd, Saracen Foundry Glasgow with outstanding work of reference a reprint of plates from one of their (printed category) published in product catalogues.Ihe book is hard \ollhtln \\orks: \.'rr lioad. Whal.. Ilr,l!r. \,.r \r,,.1t,,':l 2005. The Awards are administered bound with gilt lettering per ( h..lrirr \Kli -T(i ( ,,f 1,r.t: Dave Ho,l,rr,I as the by the lnlormation Servi(es Group original. might be l. rolln) i rl I ii l.+ l.r: (01663) 7"34.521 Ihis company o, Cll-lP the Chartered lnstitute of considered to be the world's Library and lntormation Southern \\ork\: lli\ !'rside Business l'arl Sr \llr.\ Itord sl foremost architedural ironlounders. Professionalt and sponsorcd by the \nrrr'' l',Lrl. lln'rL,l. lls-1 ;l)D. (;eorl \\,rLLr' Ite Scottish lronwork Foundation Conla.r leading bibliographic information rrl - ,r ri- Fa\. tolll\91'11611 ( is the li I supplier Nielsen BookData. Since online resource architectural lor '1970, the Relerence Awards have ironwork made found in or recognised excellence, promoted and Devon get months? Please keep the AIA Scotland, funded by the Millenium awareness ol outstanding reference informed if you know ol local tund RIAS. new World Heritage Site - books and products, encouraged courses which we can publicise in lA Ihe book is available in the LrK lrnesco's Heritage quality and set industry standards. World News and the AIA website. Even if P&P sending a Committee, meeting in Vilnius, for f25 incl by The awards were presented at the you hear about one but aren't cheque the S(ottish lronwork Lithuania, announced on 13 ,uly to tibrary and lnformation Show NEC, planning on attending yourself. Foundation, 22 Alexandra Pla(e, that World Heritage status has been at a special ceremony on 26 April Please send details or a contact 1UN. granted to the Cornwall and West 5tnling, tK8 2006. address to the Editor. David S. Mitchell Devon Mining Landscape. The Ihe chair of the judging panel complex bid was submined back in described the book as'a superbly January 2005 and is made up of ten North Sea news illustrated authoritative guide to in mining landscapes from St Just near ADVERTISE A blaze in June damaged Sealand, a situ British tiles and archilectural tand's End to the Tamar valley in former World War ll anti-aircraft ceramics. As such it lills an West Devon. IN IA NEWS platform off the Essex and Suffolk imponant gap and will appeal to lvleanwhile, Iunding has been coast. The derelict platform was anyone interested in Britain's approved lor the development stage occupied and declared an buildings - historic or modern, the IA News reaches a wide oI an ambitious project to turn independent state in 1967 bur use oI ceramics in architecture and read€rship through direct Geevor Tin Mine in west Cornwall somewhat compromised 20 years the history of ceramics ciculation to into the UK's finest museum of hard subscriptions, later when British territorial waters manufacturing. lhe main rock mining.Ihis is considered to be afriliat€d organisrtions and were extended from three to twelve arrangement is geographically by the best preserved tin mining miles. Nevertheless the 'state' has county. Ihe individual entries are use in libraries. complex in Europe and linancial continued to exist, although not short and to the point but manage Advertising rates range backers include the Heritage Lottery recognized by the Eritish to pack in a lot of inlormation and tund and European Community from as liftle as f30 to government. derail. And at the €nd oI each entry obiective one. for a full page. are excellent bibliographies. A fl70 practical book to study or take on lnserts may be mailed with Coalport strengthening your good Where are those lA travels. Extremely value lA News at a rewarded for the quality and quantity of its courses? charge off30. Recent work by Shropshire County contents.' Where in the (ountry are public Council and the Borough of Telford For more inlormation on the courses on lA (day-schools, For further details, and Wrekin to strengthen Coalpon Tiles and Architectural ceramics practical, residential or weekly) Bridge has won the lcE west Society see being held by universities, WEA, or contact the Editor. Midlands Proiect Award 2006 as other organisations over the next 12


Scotland dismantled in a process that will the Tyne and at Rosyth, and the fact include carelul recording. that other countries tirst, apologies to regular readers such as Japan (on (Nagasaki) (Sydney) who were expecting to find this Not lar away the north side and Australia oI the River lrvine), the incremental appear to treasure their own Arrol regional report in the last issue ol // closureof Nobel's News as pafi of the annual Explosives'Ardeer cranes with more enthusiasm. good great reporting cycle. Your correspondent Factory has continued. The one ol the centres oI has was overwhelmed by end-of-year news is that the company industrial archives is situated not far administrative activity brought deposited its truly wonderful archive Irom Govan at Glasgow University repository, about by his new and varied duties, with the local Ayrshire Archive Services, which also and by his failure to multi-task Archives. Meanwhile, still Iurther accommodates the Business Renlrewshire Archives Council (BACS). effectively, so he greatly appreciates north in western of Scotland (lnverclyde), the tolerance and understanding the ownership of the BACS has for many years been an 'Greenock (built shown by the editor. Cut' during the important partner in the early '1820s) has recently been transferred permitting Ihis hat as always, been a very warning system the to lnverclyde Council, who now timely mixed year in Scotland. are recording of industrial sites partnership Commencing on a sad notq friends leading a to repair the and the rescue ol important and colleagues north of the border cut and its associated strudures archives. A key person in this with Historic Scotland and Heritage process has always been the Survey were very sad to hear of the death fhe blowing engine house at WateRide lottery tund support. ol Eric Watt, a prime mover in the officer, and it was therelore sad to honwo&s, Dalnellington, Aylthte. Aftet Moving eastwards along the lose Liza December the Dalnellington and Distict Conseruation Scottish lndustrial Heritage Society, Giffen last after years Trust went into liquidation following the and well known many AIA Clyde towards Glasgow it is sad to several of valuable service. to sudden cestation ol loaal authority lunding report that Barbush Mills in She has moved on to a post in leeds members. Elements of his therc ap concent about the site's luture lohnstone are to be demolished. ln University, her position has exceptionally valuable archive have but Photo: lohn R Hunq 1980, 5C570044 perhaps been gifted to a variety of relevant Glasgow itsell it is recently been filled by David Powell. institutions, and the most important inevitable that BAe Systems have Despite a period of major re- again applied to demolish the Arrol organisation, industrial photographs are to be Historic Scotland has local involvement in the giant copied lor deposit in the National cantilever crane at their Govan continued lo support industrial interpretation of the Eunavoneadar 5hipyard. The previous applications heritage Monuments Record oI Scotland. in a number of ways, both whaling station in Harrit and the Perhaps the most disturbing have cited the need to make space through its Historic Buildinqs and publication ol a technical advice pre-tabrication news of the year has been the Ior the of large Ancient Monuments inspectorates' note on Scottish lron Structures by pieces collapse and closure of the of warship, but somehow activities. Recent examples have Tom Swailes. This is a particularly Dalmellington and District demolition never occurred and the included funding lor the important piece oI work given the crane was used Conservation Trust, which had run still from time to consolidation of the Tullibody Old Irequent alarmist condemnation of time. Now it seems that the crane is the lormerWatersid€ lron Work5 site Bridge in Clackmannanshire, iron frames by unqualified near Dalmellington as industrial to be condemned to death once Iinancial support for surveys oI the assessors. ln this context, it is also again. This would be a shame given salt industry museum for many years. The in the Solway Firth and very good to see the excellent liquidation followed the withdrawal the destruction ol similar cranes on Brora in the north-east Highlandt website and associated database without warning o, local authority funding (by East Ayrshire Council), REGIONAL CORRESPONDENTS and has had many distressing consequences. these, perhaps 0f the Please support your Regional Correspondent by sending relevant material which may be of interest to our readers. most extraordinary was the auction of assets by the liquidator during Region 1: SCOTIAND Region 6: WALES Region 11: HOME COUNTIES which ,riends and volunteers of the Dr l\4iles oglethope, RCAH[/tt John Pat Frost, Castlering Ardaeology, 5 Oxfotdshhe, Redfordshire, Retkshte, museum bought back items that Sin(lair House, 16 Eernard Terrace, Castle Ring, Pontesbury Hill, Pontesbury I ucki ngha nshire and H enfotdsh he EH8 they had originally gifted to lhe Edinburgh 9NX Shrewsbury Shropshire 5Y5 oYA Henry Gunston, 6 Clement Close Wantagg oxfordshire 0X12 7ED Trust. there are also wonies about Region 2: IRELAND Region 7:WEST MIDIANDS the long-term future ofthe surviving Fred Hamond, 75 o(ksley Park, Bellast Shropshhe, Staffordshhe, West Region l2:50UTH EAST structures within the site, and BTIO OA5 Midlands, Waruickshire, Herelotd and ENGI.AND Historic Scotland are actively Region 3: NORTHERN ENGLAND Worcestet Hanpthte and tsle of Wight 5u ey, John Powell, lronb.idge Gorge Museum working to ensure that the blast- Cunbia, Notthumbetland, fyne and Sussex and Kent Trust, Coa(h Road, Coalbrookdale, Alan Thomas, 6 Birches Close, Epsom, Iurnace bank and associated blast- WeaL Durhan and Cleveland Telford TF8 7DQ Surrey KTl8 5.1G. Emaili a.h.thomas@ engine house do not suffer in the Graham Brooks, Coomara, Carleton, btinternet.(om ensuing period of uncertainty. Cumbria CA4 08U Region 8; EAST MIDLANDS turther nonh in lrvine, the Region 4:YORKSHIRE AND Dehyshirc, Nottinghanshhe, Region l3; WEST OF ENGLAND Lincolnshire, Leicestershhe and future of the Scottish Maritime HUMBERSIDE SoneBet, Avon, GloucesteBhire, Nofthanptonshhe Wihshte and Do6et l\4useum also seems to be uncertain, Nofth, South and West Yotkshie and David l-yne, 10 Somerville Road, N4ike Bone, Sunnyside, Avon Close, seems Hunberside and it now likely that the 5/ Leic€ster LE3 2ET Derek Baylisg 30 l\'luskoka Avenue, Keynsham, Bristol BSI8 ltQ Carrick (or City of Adelaidel is Bents 6reen, Sheffield 5l 7RL Region 9: EAST ANGLIA unlikely to be restored after the I Region 14: SOUTH wEsT Canbridgeshhe, Notfolk, and estimated fl0 million cost was Region 5: NORTH WEST ENGTAND Essex 'uffolk deemed to be prohibjtive. Ihis will ENGLAND Devon and Cornwall David Alderton, 48 Quay Street, VACANT be a major disappointment to many, Lancashie, Me5eyside, Greater Halesworth, Suffolk lP19 8EY not least the people oI South Manchestet and Cheshie Roqer Holden, Region 10: GREATER LONDON Australia whose forebears arrived in N. 35 Victoria Road, Stockport SKl 4AT Dr R. ,. [4. Car, 127 Queen's Drive, the ship over many decades. lt is I-ondon N4 2BB now likely that the vessel will be


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tNDUsTRIAL ARCHAEoLoGy NEws 138 15 REGIONAL NEWS encouragement from Norway, but initiative at Prestongrange was considerable alarm in April stood at the top of a steeply graded has since received generous support lndustrial Museum. The plan 2006 when the 'Hunters' wellington section ol reserved track down to form ToIAL E&P UK plq Scoftish involves applying for a large HLt boot factory occupying the former Cottontree, which still survives as a Enterprise Grampian, and the grant as part of the Living Arrol Johnston car factory at path with sections oI tram track in University of Aberdeen. Ultimately, Landmarks programme and readers Heathhall in announced use as posls at the top. Ihe line the aim is to ensure that the interested in more information that it had gone into receiveEhip, continued to Trawden village where industry itself retains the most should visit the project's website at but the business was recently there was a lurther section oI important re(ord material, and that, Several rescued by a consortium. reserved track which also survives this is stored in a central archive miles along the coast to the east ol Finally, the Scottish lndustrial as a palh and sections o, tram track facility, preferably in Aberdeen. The Dunbar, the Nonhern Lighthouse Archaeology Panel has now been are still embedded in the ground at extent o, the change now fa(ing the Eoard have deviated somewhat meeting for over 25 years, but like the upper end by the bus terminus, offshore industry is exemplified by ,rom their recent post-automation other UK panelt attendance has even though last used in 1928. the tact that Ardersier, one of the practice of selling off keepers' flagged, although the meetings Today, lrawden appears to be a main onshore construction yards houses. At Barns Ness, they are remain useful and still occur twice sleepy dead-end village and it may (near lnverness), is being converted selling the lighthouse itself, now annually. over the coming weeks, a be surprising that it ever had a into a residential and leisure that it has been decommissioned. hard core of members is going to tramway. But the tramway provided complex as part of the 'Whiteness' Back in Edinburgh, it has been a review the activities of the panel, a necessary transport service lor the project. lt is extraordinary to think relatively quiet year in industrial and will consider ways in which it workers at the large weaving mills that the UK offshore oil and gas termt but work has continued on can continue, including the use of which existed along its route. Ihere industry are already mutating into the RCAHIVS coal book, publication the web and email. ln particular, Ior is now little evidence of this aspect industrial archaeology, and it is beinq planned for June 2006 in many amateurs and professionals olTrawden's history; Hollin Hall Mill therefore all the more imponant pannership with the Scottish Mining with an interest in industrial was demolished last year, leaving that we take this opponunity to Museum. A broadsheet on New heritage, it is becoming increasingly only rragments of Black Carr and ensure the survival o, historic Lanark Mills and village has also difficult to attend panel meetings in Erook Mills although the village records belore they are destroyed as been published in partnership with the llesh, so the potential lor does contain many hand-loom the industry evolves. the Friends of New lanark, and the exchanging information via the new weavers' cottages. Scotland's capital city is also civil engineers Jacobs Babtie have inlormation technologies offers Elsewhere in the Pendle area, witnessing a major maritime donated the Sir Alexander Gibb tremendous opportunities. the chimney of Pendle Street shed, transition as Forth Ports winds down archive to the Royal Commission. Miles Oglethorpe Nelson, Ieatured in the 2004 North its lacilities in teith Harbour and the This contains a lot of wonderful West England rcpofi (lA News 130, 'Walerfront Project' plans to build material on Scottish engineering page 15) was demolished earlier the largest number ol residential projec6 but also includes a great North West England this year. Further south in Hyde, units since the completion ol deal of material relating to the rest It is perhaps ironical that in the last Greater lvanchester, the major part Scotland's last new town, of the UK, as well as prestigious l2 months the Government rerused of the Bayleyfield and Carrfield Milk livingston. lt remains to be seen overseas projects, such as the Kariba to support the construction of a complex has been demolished for how much of the harbour area's Dam. RCAHMS is also collaborating modern tramway system on housing re-development. This is a historic labric is successfully closely with the lnstitution ol Civil Merseyside, while also on significant loss sin(e, commen(ing integrated within the development. Engineers' Panel of Historic Merseyside a surviving relic oI in 1817, this vast site had been ln this context, it is heartening to be Engineering Works (PHEW) on the Britain's first street tramway system developed over a long period to able to report that the Scottish last in the series ol civil engineering was demolished. ln 1860 George serve the venically integrated textile Parliament's cross-party group on heritage volumes which, inevitably, trancis Train's Birkenhead Street business of Ashton Brothers and Architecture and the Environment is on Scotland. This is posing many Railway Company constructed a line encompassed spinning, weaving has been actively promoting the challenges, not least because it will from Woodside terry to Birkenhead and Iinishing, with a surrounding environmental benefits of the re-use be bigger than anything that has Park. Ihis horse-drawn route was (ommunity of houset schools and ol old buildings compared with high gone before. Publication is due in extended in the summer of the churches. The University ol (ost of new-build projects. Autumn 2006. following year to the top oI Palm Manchester Archaeology Unit Also in Edinburgh, it is perhaps Miscellaneous news items Grovq Oxton, where a depot and (UMAU)were able to survey the site worrying to see that the Caledonian include the opening oI the new stables were built. ln 1877 the line before demolition commenced. Also 8rewery maker oI wonderful and lvlontrose Bridge following the was taken over by the newly lormed in , UMAIJ were prize-winning beer (such as demolition of the owen Williams Birkenhead Tramways Company, able survey Monarch and Sandy Deuchars IPA) has been sold to reinforced concrete bridge last year. who ereded a new office building at Mills at belore demolition. Scottish Courage, who have in turn ln Lanarkshire, on€ oI the most the depot in 1879. This single-storey The demolition of Sandy Mill was shut the tountain 8rewery important structural engineering building, with'Birkenhead Tramway completed on Wednesday 15 (previously the home of 'Tartan companies in the UK, Motherwell Company' engraved above the door, tebruary this year when the 5p€cial'). Ihe Caledonian Brewery Bridge, has demolished its main survived until early 2006 when it chimney was demolished at about company remains independent from works in Motherwell. Attempts to was demolished and the site 1'1.00 in the morning. Fred Dibnah Scottish Courage, but the brewery contact the surviving management redeveloped Ior housing. The not being available any more, it was itself now makes a range ol new in order to discover the fate of the engraved keystone has been blown up rather than being felled by products, including the McEwans 70 excellent company archive have so preserved at the Birkenhead the Dinah method. and 80 shilling ales. Meanwhile, the far Iailed. Museum, tred Dibnah is now honoured by site of the tountain Brewery is likely ln Dumfries and Galloway, the Another tramway depot which a blue plaque on his house in to be re-developed as part ol a closure oI the nuclear power station has disappeared to be replaced by Radcliffe Road in his home town of major scheme exploiting the setting at Chapelcross is likely to induce housing over the last year is the . Paid for by the Bolton & of the terminus of the Union Canal recording activity, and it is hoped Standroyd depot at Colnq built in District CivicTrust, this was unveiled in Edinburgh. that the recording will also be 1921 but only used for trams until on the 30 March 2006 by the Mayor Funher atield, East Lothian possible at Dounreay in Caithness 1934, after which it became a bus ol Bolton, Cllr Frank White. lt reads Council is embarking on a maior (in the northern Highlands). Ihere depot until about 25 years ago. lt 'Home oI the late Dr Fred Dibnah


surveyed standing buildings at Lane builr in 1976. At the Ram Brewery r- End Mill in Heywood, Drydock Mill there are two Woolf-compound in littleborough, Acorn Mill in [ees, rotative beam engines of 1835 and Broad Oak Mill in Accrington, and a 1867 which at least until very railway goods shed at Summerseat recently were in working order. r in Bury Itey continued work on Along with the Iact that t. early industrial housing in the younger (ustomers are disinterested Manchester area by excavating a in real ale, a general interest in row of four blind back terraces lrom stationary steam engines is almost around 1800 on Greengate in cenainly coming to an end and the Hri iii luulx lllilr iltlll salford. But the highligh! which Wandswonh beam enqines are - ][lu also involved the Manchester likely to be offered to museums. r ltl]]]l l]]tllr llllllll Region lndustrial Ar(haeology Whether someone like Kew Bridge So(iety, was the three day'Time will take one remains to be seen but Team' ex(avation of Manchester's we are past the era when industrial gikenhead franwayt co. olfiae building first cotton spinning mill on Miller museums were taking large Street. lhis recovered the wheel pit exhibits. lndeed most museums are MBE Steeplejack. Honorary no photoqraphs were included and and engine bed of the 1781-2 mill. currently discarding such artefacts Doctorate: Aberdeen & Birmingham the headline referred to the Society one of the mysteries oI the site that at a scandalous rate. Universities, artist, draughtsman, as'train rans'l Work at the Bolton remains is how the water leat Ihe Ram Brewery is on the carpenter. slonemason, demolition Steam Museum continues and a system worked during the 1780s oldest continuous beer-making site expert, intuitive engineer, steam boiler house has been constructed and it is hoped that further work on in Britain but without a viable luture enthusiast, devotee of our industrial over the last year, although it will be this site will be possible. the retention of a lew of the most heritage, raconteur and television some time before they are in steam. Roget N. Holden historic buildings is as much as we celebrity. Revered son of Bolton. the museum is not yet open on a can hope for. At the Guinness 1938-2004.' The Council has regular basis, but those who wish to Greater London Brewery in West london demolition decided that the mine shaft he was see progrest or see the museum lor The historic Ram Brewery in has been proceeding quickly and all sinking in his garden without the firsttime, have an opponunityto Wandsworth is to close and the 5X- will probably be gone in a lew planninq permission can stay and it do so this year on August Bank acre site will be sold. ln 2003 weeks, may become part of - well, you Holiday weekend (Sunday and wandsworth town centre was the Guinness Brewery could be guessed it - 'The Fred Dibnah Monday, 27 & 28 August) or Sunday identified as a key area for demolished because it had a Experience'. 10 September (Heritage open Days regeneration and this must be a certificate of exemption from listing. Swan Lane Mills in Bolton, weekend) when it will be open lrom factor in the decision to sell, quite As if this case is not worrying which were vlsited by the AIA as around 1oam until4pm. lt is located apart from the fact that the demand enough, even worse is the situation part of the 2000 Manch€ster on Chorley Old Road, behind for traditional beer will almost regarding the commonwealth conlerence a year before they Morrison's store. The Bancroft Mill certainly dwindle into insignificance lnstitute, Kensington High Street. ceased cotton spinning, are now engine at Barnoldswick will aho be in a decade or so.The Brewery site is Ihis Grade ll. listed building might being redeveloped as the Swan in steam on the Sunday afternoon oI currently believed to be worth f80- be demolished lollowing an Aa of Centre and the company the Heritage open Days Weekend as 100 million and the decision to sell Parliament to de-list it. lf this undertaking the development were part of its regular steaming is an obvious business necessity. becomes a possibility, listing a generous enough last year to make programme; other dates are 1 Young & Co are to merge their building in the first place becomes a major donation to the Northern October, 22 october and 12 brewing operations wirh Charles rather pointless - a Constitutional [4ill Engine society. Although a November Wells who will produce Young's issue. Ihe de-listing oI imponant report appeared in the local paper, UMAU have had a very busy beers at the Eagle Brewery Eedford, buildings on grounds of financial this welcome publicity opportunity year as regards industrial for both the swan centre and the archaeology. ln addition to the mills Society was marred by the fact that noted earlier, they have also flI ,


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Keptone over the enlrance to the Birkenhead Tanwa's Co. ollice building - with nis- spellinq of 'frahway ih the singular Photo: Ken Caiotd fhe Ram Etewety, Wandswotth

INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 1J8 17 REGIONAT NEWS expediency is a Irightening prospect railway engineers of the day to 1993 for reasons oI public salety example of sensitive development. and the proposed Kensington complement Brunel's work, and the restricted headroom makes At least superficially the overall demolition would set a dreadtul matching the existing trainsheds the eastern side oI Paddington character ol the area has survived precedent. and expanding the spacious feeling Station gloomy and depressing. remarkably intact. Ihe Commonwealth lnstitute by ofthe station. So well does it do this What is above the deck is un(lear, At Kew Bridge Steam Museum Harris and Sutherland (engineers) that iI it is to be removed we may there appears to be access to this work on the Bull Engine is was designed and constructed well think the less ol lsambard's secret space but onlyVlP visitors are proceeding satisfa(torily. Since durinq 1960-62. lts hyperbolic original achievement. To later likely to be admitted here. South oI Christmas 2005 the installation of paraboloid roof in swept-shell tvventy-Iirst century eyes it might the buffer stops, as far as the throat the valve-gear has been completed (oncreie was the largest of its kind appear quite poky. through which pedestrians currently and a new steam pipe has been at the time and the building reflects The engineer responsible lor enter the station at its southeast fitted. At the pump end of the the post-colonial thinking oI its age. Span tour was Walter Young corner lrom Praed Street, the engine the repla(ement ol rotten It is regarded as one of the two Armstrong, who was the GWR new trainshed is lined with white plastic bottom spring-timbers has been most important buildings in London works engineer lrom 1904 to 1916. sheeting Iorming a false ceiling. undertaken and was completed by of its period. His work includes the whole chiltern Ihus it is quite impossible to see the early illar(h 2006. The early twentieth century route to Birmingham, viaducts in interior of Span 4 and the casual When the time comes to raise extension to l, K. grunel's Cornwall, new stations at Cardiff, visitor when asked is likely to the pump under steam these Paddington station in London, listed Gloucester, Truro, and Birmingham's respond - 'Span toui what span timbers will provide a Iirm base to Grade l, is threatened with Snow Hill and Moor Street. Moor Four?'A view of the exterior can be support wooden props that will hold demolition, to be replaced by an Street station Birmingham has had lrom London Street. up the pump assembly while the office development. Span Four is on recently been restored to a very high Span tour was the last great pole is cleaned and the gland re- the northeast side of the terminus standard and well illustrates trainshed to be built in Britain until packed. other tasks to be done and the general public may well Armstrong's ability to combine the 1990s and Nicholas Grimshaw's before the pump pole is raised think this part of the station is by aesthetics and engineering. A visit Eurostar terminus at Waterloo. Save include adjustments to the plug rod the great man himself - it is a good to Birmingham to see Moor Street Britain's Heritage have produced an and re-fitting the air pump drive- match and well done. as it is now can be highly A4 booklet in suppon of retention links along with several gauges and Tle decision to replace Span recommended. Span Four at and there is a campaign involving lubricators. lt was hoped to be able tour by an offi(e development Paddington was built during the eminent people. lt is hoped to report to steam the engine in April 2006. seems short-sited bearing in mind reign of King George V between turther in the next lA News. Anyone interested in working on the that in the near future more 1911 and '1916 and the contractors All this contrasts with the Bull engine should (onta(t Nick accommodation for trains at were Holliday & Greenwood, situation at King's Cross - St Morgan, 8 01462 441861. Paddington will be needed. If Currently the interior oI Span Pancras where it is reported that Ihe ambitious plans of Eritish Crossrail is built it is predicted that Four is obscured and the general Argent Estates Ltd intend to re-erect Waterways for Greater [ondon, Paddington will receive an extra 16 public is unlikely to appre(iate what all the three listed gasholder frames which include the development of trains per houl and generally the they might be loosing. lt is currently dismantled and in store freiqht traffic with new 350 tonne current trend is to run more trains impossible to make an adequate north ol Battle Bridge Road. These barges, the opening up of the Bow rather than less. The present photographic record at the moment Iormed the famous triplet and Back Rivers to pleasure boating as congestion at Birmingham New because o, the clutter. About twelve gasholder number eight, currently part of the development of the street well illustrates this. Ieet above pladorm level there is a still in situ, is to be moved to stand lower Lea Valley in connection with An argument put forward for deck of large boards supported on alongside the reinstated triplet. the 2012 Olympics Games, are the demolition ofSpan Four is that it scaffoldinq (a crash deck) which Furthermore excellent work has described elsewhere in this issue is just a pastichq but it is far better covers the whole area north o, the been done to the east oI King's (page 10). than that. Eminent pundits argue buffer stops, as lar as the end of the Cross station where the Regent Robeft Can that it was designed by leading trainshed. this deck was put up in Quarter, now opening, is a splendid z-r-. E---+--


I I t. tl trt cr f H t L a\

Paddinglon pedestrian entence to Span 4 thtough the throat Photo: R l M Caff Paddington Span 4 hon the nordr


Local Society and other periodicals received engineering was represented by the swindon Railway Works which employed thousands in its day. Tte swindon workers' village is one of the best of its type in the country other industries included paper, leather; snuff Abstracts will appear in lndustial Archaeology Review. and rubber. while hydro-electricity was generated on the salisbury Avon. impad Wiltshire's Cumbia lndustrial Hktory Society Bulletin,64, April 2006 Turnpike roadl canals and railways also had an on landscape and economy. Dorset lndustrial Archaeology Society Newsletter 15, May 2006 Grcatet London lndustrial Archaeology Society NewsletteL 222, February 2006 & 223, April 2006 Lancashire History Quarterly, 913, Winlet 2005 SHORT NOTICE Leiceste$hhe lndustrial History Society Newslene4 28, Spring 2006 Museum of Rath at Wotk ryewslefier, Winter 2005 fowpath Guide fhe Grand lJnion Canal fsout , by Nick Corble. Stroud: Piers: the Joumal of the National Pie6 Soclefl, 78, Winter 2005/6 Iempus Publishing. 2005. 240 pp, 110 illus. |SBN 0 7524 3539 6. fl2.99. SAVE Bti6in's Heritage Newsletter, November/December 2005 fowpath Guide fhe South Ortod Cana, by Nick Corble. Stroud:Tempus Suffolk lnduslrial Archaeology Society Newslefte4 93, [4ay 2006 Publishinq, 2005. 192 pp, 100 illus. ISBN 0 7524 32361. E'12.99. Surrey lndustrial History Grcup Newsletter,l51, May 2006 These two towpath guides lollow similar formats with an introdudion, flCCIH Bulletin, 31,Wintet 2005 and an overview consisting of a very briel (anal history and general Waterwods: News fiom the Waterworks Museum, Hereford, Autumn description oI the landscape through which the canal runs.The canal is then 2005 divided into sections. Each oI these has a set of subsectiont starting with Yorkshhe Histoty Quarterly,1112, Nouember 2005 & 11/3, March 2006 'Shapers'. This includes'Key tacts' (boatyardt water pointt winding points and locks), a route description, local history landscape, main seftlements, Books Received a(cess and transport details (usefully with phone numbers Ior bus and taxi firms). Following are'Basics'. By this term the author means shopping facilities, eating and drinking, and accommodation. 'Seeing and doing' Ihe following books have been received lor review ir lndust al Archaeology (including Review. covers local sights in some detail, culture and entertainment sports centres), and Iinally 'Sampling' includes walking (with one local walk golf fhe fertile Mills of Pendle and their steam engines, by ceoll described), cycling, riding, fishing and others such as clubs. contact details are liberally provided. Although only a localcould check the ac(uracy Shackleton. Ashbourne: Landmark Publishing. 2006. 432 pp, over 270 inlormation given, Mr Corble has accumulated a vast amount of photos and drawings. |SBN 1 84306 215 l. hardback f24.99. oI the useful information for the canal or towpath usei though inevitably very This book gives a detailed inlormation reliable might this history of the cofton industry in the regular updates will be needed to keep the - possibly be done via the web? only one thing let5 these guides down, the towns and villages of the Borough MILLS OF PEI'IDLE route maps, which are sketchy in every sense of the word, they are small of Pendle. lt covers in depth the TEXTILE AND THEIR STEAM ENGINES give For the walker with an 05 map, history of all 157 textile mills and scale and do not even bridge numbers. preferably lor the boater they do not provides details of the owners and l:25000, they might b€ adequate, but However, especially perhaps for the tenants who built and occupied replace Nicholson, as a supplement, more leisurely boater, they should prove very useful. them. These (ompanies created the bulk ol the employment in the area and were the driving force for the r growth and prosperity oI the towns ol the Borough. The book also concentrates on the means of THE BOOK HOUSE providing the power required to The leading industrial archaeology booksellers since particular drive the millt in the 1963 books on all aspects of technology & transport steam engine. Much technical data - is included with details of enqines Lrsts rssuso FnpE SEARCH SERvICE which, but for the author's research over many years, may have been lost - forever. ln order to assist the reader's understanding ol the textile mills and Our new shop is now open, near the top of the their machinery there are extensive introductory chapters covering their development, the prime movers which powered the machinery, and there is village street, adjoining Fallowfielel also a history of local steam engine makers.Ihe book provides a valuable The Book House, Fallowfield, Ravenstonedale, resource on the history of the Pendle district. Kirkby Stephen, Westmoreland CA17 4NG Wiltshhe in the Age of Steam, by Peter Stanier. Tiverton: Halsgrove Telephone and Fax: 015396-23634 Books. 2006. 152 pp, 267 illus, l5BN t 84114 549 1, hardback fl9.99. e -mail : mail@ t he bookhouse.c Although Wiltshire is renowned Ior its prehistoric monumentt this book shows how its industrial heritage is also surprisingly rich and diverse. Open daily except Sunday & Tuesday: lOam-5pm Nationally important sites include Brunel's Great Western railway and Box or visit our bookstall at many IA conferences Iunnel, or the Kennet & Avon canal with its majestic Ilight oI locks at Caen Hill, Iine aqueducts and the Crofton pumping engines. Trowbridge had important textile millt Wilton is known lor its carpets and there were also silk industries at Warminster and Mere. Underground quarries at Corsham and Chilmark furnished building stone, and there were limekilns, brickyards and even blast lurnaces for Wiltshire iron ore. Farming has left remarkable VISIT THE AIA WEBSITE water meadows, and industries based on agricultural produce were malting, brewing and corn milling by water or wind poweq as well as dairy u *rv. ind ustrial-a rchaeologl condensed milk and bacon produce. As well as local iron loundries, heavy


8-14 SEPTEiTBER 2{X}6 2006, ICSIM - Via I Maggio 23, i4 (rcroBEn 2fil6 19 MAY 2007 AIA ISLE OF MAI{ 05'100 Terni, ltaly. EMIAC 72 SOUTH WEST & SOUTH CO]'IFERET{CE Tel: 00397444407187 at Wirksworth, Derbyshire, the 72nd WALES REGION IA at Douglas, and a return to the lsle Fax: 00397,14407468 East Midlands lndustrial CONFERENCE SWWRIAC oI Man, last visited in 1973 when E-mail: [email protected]. Archaeology Conference will be on at Wf llington Rugby tl!b, the AIA was lounded. lt may not be the theme of the Railways and Wel ington, hosted by the Somerset 15 SEPTEMBER 2006 too late to book, so please contact Quarries of Wirksworth and is being A Socicty. Advan.e notice only. WORKS OF GENIUS: !.K. the AIA office (address on page 2). organised by the Railway & Canal BRUNEUS ENGIT{EERI G Historical Society. Further details 14-23 SEPTEMEEn 2(xr5 ACHIEVEMEI{TS AttID THEIR from Lane, TtcctH coI{GREss LEGACY RCHt c/o 141 Allestree x[t lnfornation for the diary at Terni, ltaly, the scientific part of at STEAM: lvuseum of the Great Allestree, Derby DE22 2PG. should be sent dircctly to the the 13th congress of The Western Railway in 5windon, a 't+t5 aPR[_ 2007 lnternational Committee for the symposium jointly organised by AIA IROI'IBRIDGE WEEKEI{D Editor as soon as it is available. Conservation of lndustrial Heritage English Heritaqe, the University oI at Coalbrookdale, the AIA affiliated Dates of mailing and la* dates will be held 14-18 September with Bath and Brunel 200. 0n the date ot societies' weekend on the subject of for receipt of copy arc given visits to surrounding industrial Brunel's death, practitioners and 'Roads: Characteristics and Forms of heritage sites, followed by post- researchers from different Transport.' Advance notice only. below. ltems will nornally congress tours. There is a wide- disciplines will present findings oI appedr in successive issues up 21 APRTL 2007 ranging programme o, academic recent research on topics such as SOUTH EAST REGIO IA to the ddte of the event. Please activities, scientific visits and events Brunel's adventurous bridge CO FENE CE that will allow participants to designs, his use oI cast iron, his ensure details are sent in if you at the Rural Life Museum, Reading establish contacts, exchange spectacular ships his wbh your event to be advised. and University. Advan(e notice only. information, and compare diflerent relationships with other engineers. experiences at both national and tor application and further international levels. Contact: information please contact Lucie Congress Secretary's office, TICCIH Pursell, e-mail: [email protected] ,1.I A Ti I

INDUSTRIAI. ARCHAEOI.OGY NIWS (formerly AIA Bulletin l55N 0309-0051) tssN 1354-1455

Editor: Dr Peter Stanier

Publkhed by the Association lot lndustial Archaeology. Contributions should be sent to the Editot, Dt Peter Staniet, 49 Ereach Lane Shaltesbury, Do6et 5P7 8Lf. *---r"* News and press releases nay be sent to the Editot ot the appropriate AIA Regional coffespondents. The Editot nay be telephoned on 01747 854707 ot e-nail: a ia n ews I e tter@ya h oo. co. u k.

finalcopy dates arc as follows:

I lanuary for February mailing z I April for May mailing 1 luly for August mailing 47,, 1 october for November mailing /) !il .l Ihe AIA was establithed in 1973 to Wnote tr, the study ot lndustial Archaeology ad :q, en.ouagc inprcved ttandards of recording, I rcsearch, conseNation and publication. lt aims to atsist d1d soppott rcgiooal ad specialist suvey groups and Mies involved in the eteh/ation of industtial monunenE to rcprcsent the intercsts of lndustial Archaeology at national level, to hold .onfeaMes ahd seninag and to p-tblkh the mults ol mearch. lhe AIA publishes an annual Review and quafterly News bullefin- Fufu1et details nay be obtained hon E Liaison officet, AIA Oflice s.hool of Archzeological Studies, Llnive6ity of Lei.ettet Leicesht LEI 7Rfl. Paradbe Hill Granite o arry, Kennay, Aberdeenshir, wat one ol abetdeenb most inpoftant sources of granite, having srpplied 0116 252 5337 Fax:0116 stone lor nany buildings and stru.turet including the fofth Eridge the RoyalLivet Ruilding in Liveryool, and fower Bridge in Landon A 252 5@5, Ptoduttion of dressed stone has now ceased, and buildlngs tuch at the wooden joineR'shop and the snithy are to bi denol'hed The views expre5sed in this bulletin are one ol iB last @ntacts was the supply ol gtanite lacing lot the new Scoftish pa ianeDt not necessa ly those of the Association Photo: Crown Copytight: RCAqM| 2005, Dp004t60 for lndustrial Archaeology.

20 @ Assodation for lndustrial Archaeology, August 2006 Registered in England under the companier A(t t94a (No. 1326854) and the charities a( 1960 (No. 277511) Registered office: ./o |GMT, Coach Road, Coatbrookdale, Teltord, Shropshire TF8 7De produced print by TBC Servie, Limited, Blandford Forum, Dorset DTtt 8ST