This country report is prepared as a contribution to the FAO publication, The Report on the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources. The content and the structure are in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines given by FAO in the document Guidelines for Preparation of Country Reports for the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources (2010). These guidelines set out recommendations for the objective, scope and structure of the country reports. Countries were requested to consider the current state of knowledge of forest genetic diversity, including:  Between and within species diversity  List of priority species; their roles and values and importance  List of threatened/endangered species  Threats, opportunities and challenges for the conservation, use and development of forest genetic resources These reports were submitted to FAO as official government documents. The report is presented on www. as supportive and contextual information to be used in conjunction with other documentation on world forest genetic resources.

The content and the views expressed in this report are the responsibility of the entity submitting the report to FAO. FAO may not be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained in this report. Forest Genetic Resources Situation in

Final Report on Project TCP/MEX/3301/MEX (4)

Mexico 2012

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Mexico, January 2012

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers RUERXQGDULHV7KHPHQWLRQRI VSHFLÀFFRPSDQLHVRUSURGXFWVRI PDQXIDFWXUHUVZKHWKHURU not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.

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ISBN 978-92-5-107275-2

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Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy.

© FAO 2012

Inform elaborated by Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR) in colaboration with Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO).

Printing and graphic design: DANDA Thanks

This inform of Forest Genetic Resources in Mexico, is an overall effort coordination result from CONAFOR personal and FAO technical consulting team, supported by FAO Representation in Mexico and FAO Headquarter Forestal departament in Rome. In particular participated in this work Juan 0DQXHO7RUUHV5RMR9tFWRU(GXDUGR6RVD&HGLOOR/XLV$UWHPLR$ORQVR7RUUHV Fernando Miranda Piedragil, Yanet Biviana García Cruz, Octavio Salvador Magaña Torres, José Armando Alanís de la Rosa, Alfredo Nolasco Morales, (XJHQLD 0DUtD %DUED 5REHUW 6RItD &RUWLQD 6HJRYLD $XUHOLR 0 )LHUURV *RQ]iOH].DULQD/L]HWWH3pUH]9LOOHJDV(ULNDGHO5RFtR/ySH]5RMDV)UDQFLVFR -DYLHU1XxH]&DVWDxHGD&DUORV(*RQ]iOH]'RPtQJXH]*HUPiQLFR*DOLFLD García, Salvador Anta Fonseca, José Carlos Fernández Ugalde, state managers and personal of germoplasma at national level, by CONAFOR, and Javier /ySH]8SWRQ&DUORV5DPtUH]+HUUHUD-HV~V-DVVR0DWD0DUFRV-LPpQH]&DVDV Manuel Aguilera Rodríguez, José Ricardo Sánchez Velázquez, Dante Arturo Rodríguez Trejo, by FAO. We also thanks participation of other Institutions and Secretaries which SDUWLFLSDWHGLQSDUWLFXODUWR0DULR$JXLODU+HUQiQGH]DQG-RVp$QJHO/ySH] /ySH] IURP ),352'()2 *XVWDYR $ORQVR &DEUHUD 5RGUtJXH] IURP '* &25(1$)UDQFLVFR-DYLHU)UDQFRÉYLODIURP352%2648(3HGUR%UDMFLFK *DOOHJRV DQG -XDQ %DXWLVWD 5HQWHUtD $QLPD IURP ,1,)$3 0 LQ (QULTXH .DWR 0LUDQGD IURP ,( RI  *XDQDMXDWR -RVp 6DUXNKiQ .HUPH] DQG

The review and graphic edition was made by Ing. Jonathan Martínez Cortés and /LF$VWULGÉOYDUH]+HUHGLDSHUVRQDOIURP)$25HSUHVHQWDWLRQLQ0p[LFR

Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico V Index

Table Index IX Figures Index IX Annex Index XI $([HFXWLYHVXPPDU\ XII Chapter 1 Current State of Forest Genetic Resource diversity 1 1.1. Vegetation types in Mexico. 1 1.2. Genetic Diversity in forest species. 3 1.3. High priority forest species in Mexico 9 %HQHÀWVREWDLQHGIURPHFRV\VWHPVDQGIRUHVWVSHFLHV 12 1.5. Forest ecosystems and threatened species. 16 1.6. Risk analysis for loss of genetic resources due to catastrophes 18 1.7. Priorities to avoid the loss of genetic resources. 19

Chapter 2 In situ state of genetic conservation 21 2.1. Protected natural areas (PNA) in Mexico. 21 2.2. Forest areas with management plans. 23 2.3. Management units for wildlife conservation (WMU). 24 2.4. Conservation and promotion plans. 26 2.5. Strategies to maintain in situ collections. 27 Chapter 3 Ex situ state of genetic conservation. 31 3.1. Forest species included in ex situ conservation programmes 31 3.2. Ex situ conservation plantations established in the country. 32 3.3. Ex situ conservation infrastructure. 52 3.4. Arboretums and botanical gardens established in Mexico. 58 3.5. Use and transference of germplasm inside and outside the country. 60 'RFXPHQWDWLRQDQGRIÀFLDOFKDUDFWHULVDWLRQRIJHUPSODVP 61 3.7.Measures used to maintain and promote ex situ conserva- tion. 61

Chapter 4 State of the use and sustainable ordering of forest genetic resources. 65 4.1.Genetic improvement objectives. 65 4.2.Genetic improvement level. 65 4.3.Degree of use of reproduction materials in improved for- ests in the country. 68 4.4.Measures taken to promote the use of genetically improved material. 68 4.5.Programmes of participatory selection of forest trees in the country . 68 4.6.Information systems on forest genetic improvement. 69 4.7. Species in which germplasm exchange is possible. 70 4.8. Improved species from which germplasm can be produced on a commercial scale. 70 VI Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

&ODVVLÀFDWLRQRILPSURYHGUHSURGXFWLYHPDWHULDOEHLQJ used in the country. 71 4.10. Varieties produced in the country. 72 4.11. Public presentation of improved genetic materials. 72 4.12. Priorities to improve ex situ conservation. 72 Chapter 5 State of programmes, research, education, training and legislation in the country. 75 5.1. Institutions participating in the protection and promo- tion of forest genetic resources. 75 5.2. National genetic resources programme. 77 5.3. Judicial framework for strategies, plans and pro- grammes for forest genetic resources. 78 5.4. Support for the national forest genetic resources pro- gramme. 79 (GXFDWLRQUHVHDUFKDQGWUDLQLQJ 80 5.6. Opportunities for education and training in other coun- tries. 85 /HJLVODWLRQSHUWLQHQWWRIRUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHV 85 5.8. Agreements and international covenants in which Mexico participates. 86 5.9. Obstacles in the develpoment of relevant rules and laws for forest genetic resources. 88 5.10. Management of information systems in support of the sustainable use, development and conservation of forest genetic resources. 88 5.11. Sensibility towards the importance of forest genetic 89 resources. 5.12. Challenges, needs and main priorities for the main- WHQDQFHRUIRUWLÀFDWLRQRIDQDWLRQDOSURJUDPPHIRUIRUHVW genetic resources in Mexico within the next 10 years. 91 Chapter 6 State of regional and international contribution. 93 6.1. Thematic networks on forest genetic resources. 93 6.2. Needs and priorities for creating or fortifying national and international networks for forest genetic resources. 94 6.3. Other organisations and main results in those pro- grammes. 96 6.4. Mexican needs and priorities with regard to future inter- national contribution. 99 &KDSWHU)RUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHVDFFHVVDQGEHQHÀWV 101 7.1. Access to forest genetic resources in Mexico. 101 7.2. Access to forest genetic resources situated outside the country. 103 'LVWULEXWLRQRIEHQHÀWVGHULYHGIURPIRUHVWJHQHWLF resources. 105 7.4. Priorities for improving use and access for forest genetic resources . 106 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico VII

Chapter 8 Contribution of forest genetic resources to food security, reduction of poverty, and sustainable development 109 8.1. National priorities and contribution to forest genetic resources in economic, social and environmental aspects 109 8.2. Contributions of the management of forest genetic resources to the Millenium Development Goals 111 8.3. Forest species of importance to food security and the reduction of poverty. 113

Bibliographic references. 115 Annexes 125

Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico IX

Index of Tables

Table 1.1 Estimated types of vegetation and forest area in Mexico between 2002 and 2007, and loss of coverage during this period (FAO, 2010). 2 Table 1.2 Native species that have been genetically characterised. (SEMARNAT, 2012). 4 Table 1.3*HQHWLFGLYHUVLW\ +H ([SHFWHGKHWHUR]\JRFLW\ DQGFRHI¿- cient of differentiation (GST) in native species using aloenzimes. 7 Table 1.4*HQHQWLFGLYHUVLW\ +PWDQG+FS DQGFRHI¿FLHQWRIGLIIHUHQWLD- tion (GSTmt and GSTcp) in native species using molecular markers in mtDNA and ctDNA. 7 Table 1.5*HQHQWLFGLYHUVLW\DQGFRHI¿FLHQWRIGLIIHUHQWLDWLRQ *67 LQ Mexican species using nuclear DNA. 8 Table 1.6 Genetic diversity (P = percentage of polymorphic loci) in native species using RAPD. 9 Table 1.7 Prioritised species typical of coniferous forests. 10 Table 1.8 Prioritised species native in oak forest, jungle, hydrophilic veg- etation and xerophilic scrubland. 11 Table 1.9 Examples of forest species being effectively exploited. 12 Table 1.10 Volume of timber (thousands of m3r) exploited annually in the period 2000 to 2010 (SEMARNAT, 2012a). 13 Table 1.11 Volume of timber (thousands of m3r) destined for different products in the period 2000 to 2010 (SEMARNAT, 2012b). 14 Table 1.12 Quantity (tonnes) of non-timber products in the period 2000 to 2010 (SEMARNAT, 2012c). 14 Table 1.13 Surface area by type of vegetation supported by payments from the environmental services programme. 15 Table 1.141XPEHURIIRUHVW¿UHVLQWKHSHULRGWR 17 Table 1.15 Average yearly surface area affected by plagues and dis- eases. (SEMARNAT, 2011). 18 Table 2.1 Category and surface area of federal PNA (CONANP, 2011). 21 Table 2.2 Number of PNA and surface area in the years 2001 and 2011. 22 Table 2.3 Type of vegetation in Protected Natural Areas (CONANP, 2011) 23 Table 2.4 Forest germplasm production units registered by CONAFOR. 27 Table 3.1 Forest species and varieties used in ex situ convervation. 31 Table 3.2 Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. 33 Table 3.3 Bodies participating in ex situ conservation projects. 49 Table 3.4 Infrastructure for the storage of forest seeds. 53 Table 3.5 Arbetorums and botanical gardens by federal entity. 59 Table 3.6 Categories of support for the ProÁrbol 2012 programme, which allow the promotion of genetic forest resources. 62 Table 3.7 Selected species under the sub-category of support for the es- tablishement of areas for the production of forest seeds (A4-G), by species group. 63 Table 4.1 Main uses of species subject to genetic improvement. 65 Table 4.2 Report of sexual reproduction in active seed orchards (HSS) 66 Table 4.3 Report of asexual reproduction in active seed orchards (HSA) 67 Table 4.4 Report of active clone banks (BC). 67 Table 4.5&ODVL¿FDWLRQRIJHUPSODVPSURGXFWLRQXQLWVDQGIRUHVWJHUP- plasm considered in the “Mexican Standard” project on forest germplasm. 71 X Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 5.1 Bodies participating in the protection and promotion of forest genetic resources. 75 Table 5.2 Conservation and promotion projects of FGR 2001-2011. 80 Table 5.3 Educational institutions providing professionals with knowledge of forest genetic resources. 81 Table 5.4 Needs for normative instruments in forest genetic resources in Mexico. 88 Table 5.5 Printed material and courses given in all entities. 90 Table 5.61HHGVIRUVSHFL¿FVHQVLWLVDWLRQWRZDUGVIRUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHV in Mexico. 91 Table 6.1 Summary of the main activities carried out through diverse spe- cies and their products. 95 Table 6.2 Needs for international collaboration on forest genetic resources. 100 Table 7.1 Exchange of germplasm carried out with other countries in the last ten years. 104 Table 8.1 Potential contribution of forest genetic resources to the Millenium Development Goals in Mexico. 112

Index of Figures

Figure 1.1 Percentage of forest surface loss by type of vegetation in Mexico during the period 2002 - 2007: (BC = Coniferous Forest; BE = Oak Forest; BMM = Cloud Forest; SP = Evergreen Forest; SSC = Seasonal semi-decid- uous forest; SC = deciduous forest; SE = Thorny Jungle; VH = Hydrophilic Vegetation; OTV = other types of vegetation; MX = desert scrub; PA = grasslands; VI = induced vegetation) (FAO, 2010). 2 Figure 2.1 Most frequent forest species in federal PNA. 22 Figure 2.2 Surface area of WMU registered at national level (SEMARNAT, 2012c). 25 Figure 2.3 Localisation of management units for the conservation of wildlife. (SEMARNAT, 2012c). 25

Index of Annexes

Annex 1 Distribution of the variance in quantitative traits in several forest species in Mexico. 126 Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in 0H[LFRGH¿QHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25 127 Annex 3 Main forest species, scrubs and other plants that present forest environmental services or have social value. (CONABIO, 2011). 136 Annex 4 List of threatened forest species from a genetic viewpoint and type of threat. 139 Annex 5 Report of Protected Natural Areas at Federal Level. 140 Annex 6 Report of Protected Natural Areas at State Level. 165 Annex 7 Report of Protected Natural Areas at Municipal Level. 216 Annex 8 Report of Private Natural Protected Areas. 235 Annex 9 Forest Germplasm Production Units registered by CONAFOR. 237 Annex 10 Report of Botanical Gardens in the Mexican Republic. 258 Current State of Forest Genetic XI

Annex 11 Report of promotion and research on FGR projects during the period 2001-2011. 266 Annex 12Report of Educational Institutions in Mexico that include subjects related to the management of forest genetic resources in their programmes. The degree and subjects offered are indicated. 275 Annex 13National Directory of investigators who develop activities related to FGR. 278 Annex 14Report of acheivements obtained from Mexican participation in the work group on Forest Genetic resources from the North American Forest Comission (NAFC) and (FAO) (over the last 10 years). 283 Annex 15Forest species important to food security and the reduction of poverty. 285 XII Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico


PNA Protected Natural Areas FGB Forest Germplasm Bank TGSC Temporary Germplasm Storage Centre NAFC North American Forest Commission COLPOS Graduate College CONABIO&RPPLVVLRQIRUWKH.QRZOHGJHDQG8VHRI%LRGLYHUVLW\ CONACYT National Science and Technology Council CONAFOR National Forest Commission CONANP National Protected Natural Areas Commission FAO Food and Agriculture Organization Of the United Nations INFyS1DWLRQDO)RUHVWDQG/DQG,QYHQWRU\ INIFAP National Institute for Forest, Agriculture and Animal Hus- bandry Investigations LGDFS*HQHUDO/DZRI6XVWDLQHG)RUHVW'HYHORSPHQW LGEEPA*HQHUDO/DZIRU(FRORJLFDO(TXLOLEULXPDQG(QYLURQ- mental Protection LGVS*HQHUDO/DZRI:LOGOLIH RAPD5DQGRP$PSOLÀHG3RO\PRUSKLF'1$ FGR Forest Genetic Resources RNGF Forest Germplasm National Network UPGF Forest Germplasm Production Units Current State of Forest Genetic XIII

Executive Summary. The 19th meeting of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) took place in March 2009. At this meeting, FAO supported the recommendation of the Genetic Resources Commission for Food and Agriculture, and the panel of FAO experts on Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) to prepare a report on the state of genetic resources in the world, due 2013. This report was to be used as a refer- ence for national, regional and global action. The Committee urged member countries to collaborate with FAO and related organisations to create this report.

In order to create national reports, responsible focal points were designated for each country. For Mexico, Reforestation Management for the National Forest Commission (CONAFOR) was designated. Furthermore, participating countries were advised to incorporate the state of forest genetic resources into the report; considering their func- tions and values, describing related aspects of biodiversity, products and services provide, and the role they play regarding sustainable forest management, food security and the reduction of poverty.

For this purpose, during the month of May 2011, CONAFOR signed D6SHFLÀF$JUHHPHQWRI&ROODERUDWLRQZLWK&KDSLQJR8QLYHUVLW\3ULRU to the analysis and systematisation of this information, CONAFOR and the University convened major stakeholders in the conservation and enhancement of forest genetic resources in Mexico (federal and state agencies, research and educational institutions, plantation companies and independent researchers), to provide information and comments as to the functions and activities they carry out, generating a total of 200 queries.

The content of this report has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines established by FAO in the document entitled “Guidelines for the Preparation of Country Reports for the State of the World’s Forest XIV Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico Genetic Resources”, prepared in June 2010. Thus, this report includes 8 chapters describing the current status of FGR: biodiversity, conserva- tion projects and in situ and ex situ breeding, the use and management of genetic resources, research programmes, education and training, scope of regional cooperation and international rules governing access WRJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHVDQGEHQHÀWVDQGFRQWULEXWLRQWRIRRGVHFXULW\DQG poverty reduction.

(DFKFKDSWHULQFOXGHVSUREOHPVRUREVWDFOHVWKDWH[LVWLQ0H[LFR as well as strategies and priorities in the short, medium and long term to overcome them and to ensure the conservation and sustainable use RI)*57KHUHSRUWLQFOXGHVDVHWRIDSSHQGLFHVFRQWDLQLQJVSHFLÀF information on; priority forest species for reforestation, threatened species, Protected Areas, Forest Seed Production Units, an account of botanical gardens, research projects promoting conservation, and diverse information on FGR in relation to Mexico. This will serve as an information source to feed a database of forest genetic resources in Mexico. Current State of Forest Genetic 1


Current State of Forest Genetic Resource diversity.

1.1 Vegetation types in Mexico.

Mexico ranks 4th in the world for biodiversity and endemism (Mit- termeier et al., 1998). This diversity is distributed in thirteen major vegetation types (Table 1.1). The estimated forest area in Mexico was 146,118,323 ha in 2002 (FAO, 2010), whereas by 2007 it had changed to 144,529,211 ha (FAO, 2010). Desert scrub presented the greatest loss of surface area during the period 2002 - 2007 due to the surface area covered by this vegetation type in the country. Nevertheless, the loss was only 0.86% of the reported area of this vegetation type in 2002. Forests and grasslands registered the greatest relative decrease in surface area compared to the forest area of this vegetation type that existed in 2002.

Species of the Pinus genus, which represent 54 native species are the most frequent in coniferous forests in Mexico (Perry, 1991). Some examples of these species are Pinus montezumae, Pinus pseudostrobus, Pinus durangensis, Pinus douglasiana, Pinus devoniana, Pinus patula, Pinus maximinoi, Pinus ayacahuite, among many others. There are other genera growing in this type of forest as well, such as Abies, Pseudotsuga, Picea, Cupressus and Juniperus, which are represented by some of the following species: Abies religiosa, Abies guatemalensis, Abies durangensis, Abies mexicana, Abies vejarii, Abies concolor, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Picea chihuahuana, Picea engelmanii y Picea martinezii, Cupressus lusitanica, Cupressus guadalupensis, Juniperus dep- SHDQD-XQLSHUXVÁDFFLGD-XQLSHUXVFDOLIRUQLFD-XQLSHUXVPRQRVSHUPD-XQLSHUXV comitana and Juniperus gamboana (Rzewdoski, 1978). 2 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 1.1 Estimated types of vegetation and forest area in Mexico between 2002 and 2007, and loss of coverage during this period (FAO, 2010).

Vegetation type Area (ha) Loss†

2002 2007 (ha) %

Coniferous forest 16,468,771 16,442,279 26,492 0.16 Oak forest 15,327,532 15,315,459 12,072 0.08 Cloud forest 1,711,615 1,702,639 8,976 0.52 ‡Cultivated forest 0 33,014 -33,014 Evergreen forest 9,205,957 8,968,428 237,529 2.58 Semi-evergreen 4,392,514 4,236,321 156,193 3.56 seasonal forest Evergreen seasonal 16,797,362 16,474,631 322,731 1.92 forest Deciduous lowland 1,714,370 1,663,434 50,937 2.97 forest Hydrophilic vegetation 2,585,109 2,577,038 8,070 0.31 Other vegetation types 491,956 491,036 920 0.19 Desert scrub 58,086,760 57,585,728 501,032 0.86 Grassland 12,379,553 12,068,385 311,168 2.51 Induced vegetation 6,956,825 6,970,818 -13,993 Total 146,118,323 144,529,211 1,589,112 †Negative values represent an increase in the surface area: ‡ No data was reported on 2002. 4






of vegetation in 2002-2007 period 1

Percentage of lost forestal surface for type 0.5

0 BC BE BMM SP SSC SC SE VH OTV MX PA VI Type of vegetation

Figure 1.1. Percentage of forest surface loss by type of vegetation in Mexico during the period 2002 - 2007: (BC = Coniferous Forest; BE = Oak Forest; BMM = Cloud Forest; SP = Evergreen Forest; SSC = Semi-evergreen seasonal forest; SC = Deciduous Forest; SE = Thorny Jungle; VH = Hydrophilic Vegetation; OTV = Other Types of Vegetation; MX = Desert Scrub; PA = Grasslands; VI = Induced vegetation) (FAO, 2010). Current State of Forest Genetic 3

In Mexican oak forests more than 200 species of the genus Quercus grow (Challenger and Soberon, 2008), among these species are Quercus laurina, Quercus rugosa and Quercus macrophylla. Species of this genus are of high value for furniture, charcoal and wood (Garcia-Molina, 2008).

There is a high richness of species in the jungles, of which very few are being exploited. Cedrela odorata and Swietenia macrophylla are among the tropical species that have been used the most for commercial pur- poses. However, there are other tree species used for the extraction RIÀUHZRRGDQGDVKHGJHVVXFKDVGliricidia sepium, which grows in evergreen forests, and semi-evergreen forests, and is also found in de- ciduous forests. 3URVRSLVMXOLÁRUD and $FDFLDIDUQHVLDQD, among many other species, are representative of desert scrub. Rhizophora mangle and Avicen- nia germinans are part of the hydrophilic vegetation (Rzewdoski, 1978).

1.2 Genetic Diversity in Forest Species.

Mexico has no national policy to study or develop an inventory of genetic variation in tree and scrub species, and mechanisms for moni- toring the genetic loss and vulnerability of the species have not been established. However, through institutions such as the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the National Commis- sion for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO), which are federal agencies, some projects to determine the genetic diversity of forest species have been supported. These projects have been developed by educational and research institutions in the country. For example, CONABIO has funded 47 projects related to research studies on ÁRULVWLFLQYHQWRULHVDQDO\VLVRIVSHFLHVZLWKHFRQRPLFSRWHQWLDODQG useful species for reforestation (CONABIO, 2012). Existing pieces of work are mainly on forest species, which are categorised as at risk, and those with a restricted distribution. Genetic diversity of a few species of HFRQRPLFLPSRUWDQFHDQGZLGHGLVWULEXWLRQKDVEHHQTXDQWLÀHGVXFK as religious Abies, Pinus patula, Pinus oocarpa, Pinus greggii, Pinus pinceana, leiophylla Pinus, Pseudotsuga menziesii and Cedrela odorata (Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000, Dvorak et al., 2009; Gugger et al., 2011, Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2006, Ledig et al., 2001; Freaner Molina et al., 2001, Navarro et al., 2005 ; Parraguirre-Lezama et al., 2002, Ramirez-Herrera, 2007, Ramirez-Herrera et al., 2011, Rodríguez-Banderas et al., 2009). 4 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico Furthermore, some international institutions, such as CAM- CORE (International Programme for the Breeding and Conservation of Forest Species, formerly known as the Central American and Mexican Coniferous Resource Cooperative) and the Forest Service of the United 6WDWHVRI$PHULFD 86'$)6 KDYHSXEOLVKHGVWXGLHVRQLQWHUVSHFLÀF variation in Mexican species (Ledig et al., 2001, Dvorak et al., 2009).

Regarding methods for estimating genetic diversity (which is in- ferred by calculating expected heterozygosity, observed heterozygosity, number of alleles per locus and percentage of polymorphic loci), mo- lecular markers have been the most popular for tree species in the last ten years (Table 1.2). In the period 2001 to 2011, 41 studies describing the genetic diversity of 29 tree species, of which most belong to the genus Pinus followed by some species of the genus Abies, were published in indexed journals. In studies where allozyme genetic diversity (ex- pected heterozygosity) was used, the average result was 0.19, and ranged from 0.07 in Abies guatemalensis to 0.39 in Pinus lagunae (Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000; Freaner Molina et al., 2001) (Table1.3). Genetic diversity through isozymes found in Mexican species was similar to the genetic diversity (0.17) reported for most gymnosperms (Hamrick et al., 1992).

Table 1.2. Native species that have been genetically characterised. (SEMARNAT, 2012).

Species Characteri- Reference

Exotic (E) zation Native (N) o Molecular Morfologic Adaptative

Cedrela odorata N X X Navarro et al., 2005, X Sánchez-Monsalvo et al., 2003

Pinus oocarpa N X Viveros-Viveros et al., 2005

X Sáenz-Romero y Tapia-Olivares, 2003 X Dvorak et al., 2009 Current State of Forest Genetic 5

Table 1.2. Native species that have been genetically characterised. (SEMARNAT, 2012). (CONT.)

Species Characteri- Reference

Exotic (E) zation Native (N) o Molecular Morfologic Adaptative

Pinus patula N X Sáenz-Romero et al., 2011a Sáenz-Romero et al., 2011b X Dvorak et al., 2009 Pinus greggii N X López-Upton et al., 2000 X López-Locia y Valencia-Manzo, 2001 Parraguirre-Lezama et al., 2002 X López-Upton, et al., 2004 X Hernández-Pérez et al., 2001 X Gómez-Jiménez et al., 2010 Pinus leiophylla N X Rodríguez-Banderas et al., 2009 X Ramírez-Herrera et al., 2011 Pinus pinceana X X Ledig et al., 2001 X Molina-Freaner et al., 2001 X Favela-Lara, 2010 Pinus culminicola N X Newton et al., 2002 Pinus chiapensis N X Rowden et al., 2004 Fagus grandifolia s.m. N X Montiel-Oscura, 2011 Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2008 $ELHVÀLQFNLL N X Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2008 Abies guatemalensis N X Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2008 $ELHVKLFNHOL N X Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2008 Abies religiosa N X Gugger et al., 2011 Pseudotsuga menziesii N X Wei et al., 2011 X Mápula-Larreta et al., 2008 X Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2006 Picea chihuahuana N X Cuenca et al., 2003 Pinus nelsonii X Rodríguez-Banderas et al., 2009 Pinus chihuahuana X Moreno- Letelier y Piñero, 2009 Pinus strobiformis X Moreno- Letelier y Piñero, 2009 Pinus ayacahuite X Delgado et al., 2007 Pinus montezumae X 6 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 1.2. Native species that have been genetically characterised. (SEMARNAT, 2012). (CONT.)

Species Characteri- Reference

Exotic (E) zation Native (N) o Molecular Morfologic Adaptative

Pinus pseudostrobus X Delgado et al., 2007 X Reyes-Hernández et al., 2005 X Mápula-Larreta et al., 2008 X Viveros-Viveros et al, 2005 Pinus tecunumanii X Dvorak et al., 2009 Pinus radiata X Karhu et al., 2006 $ELHVÀLQFNLL X Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000 Abies guatemalensis X Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000 $ELHVKLFNHOL X Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000 Abies religiosa X Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000 Pinus coulteri X Ledig, 2000 Pinus lagunae X Molina-Freaner et al., 2001 Pinus muricata X Molina-Freaner et al., 2001 Pinus hartwegii X Viveros-Viveros et al., 2010 Taxus globosa X Ramírez-Sánchez et al., 2011 Picea mexicana X Flores-López et al., 2005 Current State of Forest Genetic 7

7DEOH*HQHWLFGLYHUVLW\ +H ([SHFWHGKHWHUR]\JRFLW\ DQGFRHIÀFLHQWRI differentiation (GST) in native species using aloenzimes.

G Species He ST Reference

$ELHVÀLQFNLL 0.11 0.27 Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000 Abies guatemalensis 0.07 0.12 Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000 $ELHVKLFNHOL 0.10 0.07 Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000 Abies religiosa 0.11 0.25 Aguirre-Plater et al., 2000 Pinus coulteri 0.15 0.17 Ledig, 2000 Pinus pinceana 0.17 0.15 Ledig et al., 2001 Pinus pinceana 0.37 0.25 Molina-Freaner et al., 2001 Pinus pinceana 0.23 0.16 Ramírez-Herrera, 2007 Pinus lagunae 0.39 0.19 Molina-Freaner et al., 2001 Pinus muricata 0.35 0.16 Molina-Freaner et al., 2001 Pinus oocarpa 0.10 0.00 Sáenz-Romero, 2003 Pinus hartwegii 0.12 0.11 Viveros-Viveros et al., 2010 Pinus greggii 0.12 0.38 Parraguirre Lezama et al., 2002 Fagus grandifolia subsp. 0.21 0.05 Montiel-Oscura, 2011 mexicana The (Hmt) diversity estimated with DNA markers of mitochondria in $ELHVÁLQFNLL$ELHVJXDWHPDOHQVLV $ELHVKLFNHOLL, Abies religiosa and Picea chihuahuana was very low, but not so in Pseudotsuga menziesii (Jaramillo- Correa et al., 2008 and 2006; Gugger et al., 2011) (Table 1.4). Most aver- age diversity (89%) detected with molecular markers of mitochondrial DNA, was distributed among populations. The entire diversity in Abies ÁLQFNLLand Abies religiosa through mitochondrial DNA is distributed among populations (GSTmt mt = 1.0) ( Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2008). The (Hcp) diversity average of Mexican species using DNA markers in chloroplast (cp) was 0.70, and ranged from 0.41 in Pinus montezumae to 0.94 in Abies KLFNHOL (Delgado et al., 2007, Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2008.) Table 1.4. Genentic diversity (Hmt and Hcp DQGFRHIÀFLHQWRIGLIIHUHQWLDWLRQ *STmt and GSTcp) in native species using molecular markers in mtDNA and ctDNA.

Species G R Hmt Hcp STmt GSTcp ST Reference

$ELHVÀLQFNLL 0.00 0.80 1.00 Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2008 Abies guatemalensis 0.04 0.93 0.81 Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2008 $ELHVKLFNHOLL 0.05 0.94 0.78 Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2008 Jaramillo-Correa et al., Abies religiosa 0.00 0.91 1.00 2008 8 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 1.4. Genentic diversity (Hmt and Hcp DQGFRHIÀFLHQWRIGLIIHUHQWLDWLRQ *STmt and GSTcp) in native species using molecular markers in mtDNA and ctDNA. (Cont.)

Species G R Hmt Hcp STmt GSTcp ST Reference

Pseudotsuga menziesii 0.59 0.79 0.77 0.56 Gugger et al., 2011 Pseudotsuga menziesii 0.48 0.91 0.92 0.29 Wei et al., 2011 Picea chihuahuana 0.00 0.42 1.00 0.36 Jaramillo-Correa et al., 2006 Pinus nelsonii 0.73 0.13 0.5 Cuenca et al., 2003 Pinus leiophylla 0.87 0.41 Rodríguez-Banderas et al., 2009 Pinus chihuahuana 0.51 0.14 Rodríguez-Banderas et al., 2009 Pinus strobiformis 0.86 0.27 Moreno- Letelier - Piñero, 2009

Pinus ayacahuite 0.56 0.10 Moreno- Letelier - Piñero, 2009 Pinus montezumae 0.41 Delgado et al., 2007 Pinus pseudostrobus 0.42 Delgado et al., 2007

The number of genetic diversity studies on Mexican species using mi- crosatellites is very limited (Table 1.5). (HE) Genetic diversity detected by microsatellites in four Pinus species in Mexico was high, and the majority was distributed within populations. Microsatellite markers are one of the molecular markers with the highest molecular polymorphism, however, their development is still expensive (White et al., 2007). 7DEOH*HQHQWLFGLYHUVLW\DQGFRHIÀFLHQWRIGLIIHUHQWLDWLRQ *67 LQ0H[LFDQVSH- cies using nuclear DNA. G SpeciesHE ST Reference

Pinus oocarpa 0.71 0.13 Dvorak et al., 2009 Pinus tecunumanii 0.65 0.08 Dvorak et al., 2009 Pinus patula 0.59 0.08 Dvorak et al., 2009 Pinus radiata 0.73 0.14 Karhu et al., 2006

In four Mexican species, estimated (P) genetic diversity using RAPD UDQGRPDPSOLÀHGSRO\PRUSKLF'1$ ZDVORZDQGWKHPDMRULW\ZDV distributed among populations (Table 1.6). RAPDs have the disadvan- tage of low reproducibility, presenting dominance, therefore, it is not possible to estimate some genetic parameters such as heterozygosity, (White et al., 2007). Current State of Forest Genetic 9

Table 1.6. Genetic diversity (P = percentage of polymorphic loci) in native species using RAPD.

SpeciesP GST Reference

Pinus culminicola 54 0.60 Favela-Lara, 2010 Pinus chiapensis 25 0.23 Newton et al., 2002 Cedrela odorata 0.67 Navarro et al., 2005 Fagus grandifolia 44 0.16 Rowden et al., 2004 Studies that quantify genetic variation in quantitative traits in Mexican species, as well as studies of genetic diversity using molecular markers, are very few in relation to the number of plant species reported in the country. In Mexico, only 12 studies have been conducted for six species and three genera to estimate genetic variation in quantita- tive traits in forest trees during the period 2001 to 2011 (Annex 1). Furthermore, these studies considered other adaptive features such as survival, length between knots, resin composition and wax content of needles. In the characteristics which have been studied, most genetic YDULDWLRQZDVIRXQGEHWZHHQUHJLRQVZKLFKPD\UHÁHFWDQDGDSWDWLRQ to dissimilar environmental conditions.

It is worth mentioning that, although in some forest species genetic diversity has been estimated, it is not possible to know whether it has changed. This is because genetic diversity has not been evaluated for a second time, nor has the same methodology been used. This creates the need to increase the number of studies.

1.3 High priority forest species in Mexico.

CONABIO recognizes 240 species that have potential for ecologi- cal restoration and reforestation, of which 233 are native and 7 exotic (CONABIO, 2011). On the other hand, CONAFOR considers 85 spe- FLHVWREHLPSRUWDQWDVGHÀQHGE\WKHLUHFRQRPLFHFRORJLFDODQGVRFLDO importance. Considering both lists yields a total of 294 forest species that can be considered as prioritaries for conservation, reforestation and restoration (Annex 2) (CONABIO, 2011; CONAFOR, 2011th).

However, in order to characterise genetic diversity and develop WHFKQRORJLFDOSDFNDJHVWKDWDOORZWKHHIÀFLHQWXVHRIWKHVHVSHFLHVZKLOVW LQÁXHQFLQJWKHLUFRQVHUYDWLRQLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRIRFXVHIIRUWVRQDVPDOOHU 10 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico number of species for conservation, considering that they are widely dis- tributed, representative of different ecosystems, and of high economic, social and ecological value in Mexico (Tables 1.7 and 1.8). It should be noted that efforts have been made to focus primarily on endangered species, which are included in NOM-059-Semanat-2010 (SEMARNAT, 2010). It may also be necessary to focus on species under exploitation, because they may be subject to genetic deterioration, which may in the future impact the acquirement of forest products.

Table 1.7. Prioritised species typical of coniferous forests.

Priority Reasons for Species priority Vegetation (Importance) Abies religiosa Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus ayacahuite Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus cembroides Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus chiapensis Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak, cloud forest Pinus devoniana Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus douglasiana Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus durangensis Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus engelmannii Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus greggii Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus maximinoi Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus montezumae Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus oaxacana Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus oocarpa Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus patula Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus pseudostrobus Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pinus teocote Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak Pseudotsuga Economic, Social and Ecological Conífers, oak menziesii Current State of Forest Genetic 11

Table 1.8. Prioritised species native in oak forest, jungle, hydrophilic vegetation and xerophilic scrubland.

Priority SpeciesReasons for priority Vegetation type (Importance) Avicennia germinans Economic, Social and Ecological Hidrophilic vegetation Brosimum alicastrum Economic, Social and Ecological Jungles: deciduous, semideciduous, evergreen, semivergreen and thorny Bursera simaruba Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen; desert scrub; grasslands Cedrela odorata Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: evergreen semi-evergreen, semi-deciduous, deciduous; forest: cloud forest Ceiba pentandra Economic and Ecological Jungle: deciduous, semi-deciduous, evergreen, semi-evergreen; forest: coniferous, oak Cordia dodecandra Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: deciduous, semi-deciduous Enterolobium Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: deciduous, semi-deciduous, cyclocarpum evergreen, semi-evergreen Gliricidia sepium Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: deciduous, semi-deciduous, evergreen, semi-evergreen Leucaena leucocephala Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: deciduous, semi-deciduous, evergreen, semi-evergreen Manilkara zapota Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: deciduous, semi-deciduous, evergreen, semi-evergreen forest: pine, oak Prosopis juliflora Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: thorny, deciduous, semi- deciduous; Mangrove; desert scrub Quercus laurina Ecological and Social Forest: oak, cloud forest, coníferous Quercus macrophylla Economic, Social and Ecological Forest: oak, coníferous, cloud forest; selva: semi-deciduous; grasslands Quercus rugosa Economic, Social and Ecological Forest: oak, coníferous, cloud forest Quercus virginiana Economic, Social and Ecological Forest: oak, coníferous; desert scrub; grassland Rhizophora mangle Economic, Social and Ecological Hydrophilic vegetation Simarouba glauca Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: evergreen, semi-deciduous, deciduous Swietenia macrophylla Economic and Ecological Jungle: evergreen, semi-evergreen, deciduous, semi-deciduous; Forest: oak Tabebuia rosea Economic and Ecological Jungle: deciduous, semi-deciduous evergreen, semi-evergreen; grasslands Tabebuia donnell-smithii Economic, Social and Ecological Jungle: deciduous, semi-deciduous, evergreen; Forest: oak 12 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico %HQHÀWVREWDLQHGIURPHFRV\VWHPVDQGIRUHVW species.

There are approximately 13 million people living in 23,000 ejidos and indigenous communities located in the forest ecosystem areas of Mexico (CONAFOR, 2009). Some of these have created community companies and use their natural resources in traditional ways. It is worth mentioning that logging is a major source of employment for the LQKDELWDQWVRIIRUHVWDUHDVDQGÀUHZRRGLVWKHPDLQVRXUFHRIHQHUJ\ for cooking and heating their homes. It is also noteworthy that there is a record of 420 timber forest species and 188 non-timber forest species under exploitation, most of these species are native, of which those in Table 1.9 are examples.

Table 1.9. Examples of forest species being effectively exploited.

Forests Jungless Desert Scrub

Pinus montezumae Cedrela odorata 3URVRSLVMXOLÀRUD Pinus pseudostrobus Swietenia macrophylla Prosopis laevigata Pinus durangensis Tabebuia rosea Euphorbia antisyphilitica Pinus ayacahuite Ceiba pentandra Agave lechuguilla Pinus patula Cordia alliodora Pinus douglasiana Bursera simaruba Pinus leiophylla Brosimun alicastrum Pinus maximinoi Abies religiosa Quercus laurina

1 Information given by SEMARNAT. Current State of Forest Genetic 13

The genus Pinus contributed 77.8% of the average production of timber during the period 2000 to 2010 (Table 1.10). The genus Quercus followed in importance with 10.2% of timber production. The beautiful tropical species accounted for 0.4% of production, while 5.8% were common tropical species. The main products derived from timber har- vesting during the period mentioned above were lumber, pulp, veneer and plywood, poles, piles, fuel and ties. The highest proportion was allocated to the production of lumber with an average rate of 68.2% (Table 1.11), and 10.7% of timber production went to cellulose, while 9.6% was for fuel production. From the above, it should be noted that timber production in Mexico registered a decrease of 35% in the period between 2000 and 2010.

Table 1.10. Volume of timber (thousands of m3r) exploited annually in the period 2000 to 2010 (SEMARNAT, 2012a). Other conifers

Genera Genera Other hardwood

Year Tropical Common Precious Total Pinus Abies Quercus

2000 7,507 412 37 919 188 45 323 9,430 2001 6,552 302 36 785 189 22 239 8,125 2002 5,305 219 34 659 170 23 255 6,665 2003 5,485 204 66 761 139 21 320 6,996 2004 5,110 206 48 623 331 34 366 6,719 2005 4,870 152 42 731 157 29 444 6,424 2006 4,923 112 74 777 100 38 457 6,481 2007 5,656 117 36 561 153 21 444 6,988 2008 4,811 128 40 501 70 18 601 6,168 2009 4,407 139 45 673 164 23 357 5,808 2010 4,564 164 48 715 152 28 446 6,117 14 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 1.11. Volume of timber (thousands of m3r) destined for different products in the period 2000 to 2010 (SEMARNAT, 2012b).

Total Year and Veneer Plywood Poles and Piles Fuel

Sawmill Sleepers Cellulose 2001 5,556 1,028 518 216 704 102 8,125 2002 4,378 801 355 231 611 289 6,665 2003 4,552 845 449 180 717 253 6,996 2004 4,737 711 328 243 574 127 6,719 2005 4,637 428 309 259 670 122 6,424 2006 4,430 660 309 253 690 139 6,481 2007 4,549 882 534 213 690 121 6,988 2008 4,348 547 424 202 546 101 6,168 2009 3,936 628 247 203 682 112 5,808 2010 4,442 450 299 185 722 19 6,117 On the other hand, production of non-timber goods showed a high OHYHORIÁXFWXDWLRQ 7DEOH )RUH[DPSOHSURGXFWLRQLQFUHDVHGE\ 115% in 2007 compared to 2001, while it decreased in 2008 and 2009. In 2010 the production increased compared to 2009. The main products REWDLQHGIURPQRQWLPEHUIRUHVWDUHDVZHUHUHVLQUKL]RPHVÀEHUVZD[HV gums and other (seeds, stalks, leaves and stems). Seeds, stalks, leaves and stems, among other products, accounted for an 87% of the average, while resin represented approximately 12% of production. Table 1.12. Quantity (tonnes) of non-timber products in the period 2000 to 2010 (SEMARNAT, 2012c).

Total Year Fibres Waxes Gums

Resins Others Rhizomes

2001 35,012 0 840 50 7 240,383 276,292 2002 35,781 281 1,135 392 11 105,908 143,509 2003 33,769 2 1,448 476 8 223,674 259,377 2004 24,107 10 2,332 780 122 405,746 433,097 2005 14,365 17 3,299 2,894 120 338,651 359,347 2006 14,303 1 1,324 364 122 150,248 166,363 2007 17,020 1 5,299 724 10 571,222 594,275 2008 17,272 0 2,457 236 45 59,949 79,959 2009 19,429 0 3,786 1,071 13 35,257 59,556 2010 18,805 1,559 4,079 2,083 115 41,554 68,195 Current State of Forest Genetic 15

From a global, system-wide perspective, forest ecosystems provide a large number of environmental services, which include the protection of biodiversity, scenic beauty, cushioning the impact of hurricanes on the coast, stability in hydrological and chemical cycles and habitat, amongst others (Hunter, 2002). Despite the importance of environmental services, DFDOFXODWLRQRIWKHLUEHQHÀWVKDVQRWEHHQSHUIRUPHGLQ0H[LFREXWLW is emphasised that CONABIO (2011th) collected information on the contribution of environmental services to 67 species (native and exotic) growing in different ecosystems (Annex 3).

In addition, since 2007, CONAFOR has initiated a programme of support through payment for environmental services based on vegeta- tion types (Table 1.13). Even when in terms of annual incorporated area it decreased by 42% during the period 2007-2011, the total area under this scheme exceeded 2.5 million hectares. Vegetation types with the greatest support, in descending order, are: coniferous forest (29.8%), deciduous forest (18.0%), desert scrub (17.2%), oak forest (13.7%), ev- ergreen forest (8.9%) and cloud forest (4.3%).

Table 1.13. Surface area by type of vegetation supported by payments from the environmental services programme.

Type of Surface area (ha)† Vegetation

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total

Coniferus foresr 181,430 117,883 163,224 101,177 105,839 669,553 Oak forest 101,432 64,715 79,036 75,558 48,787 369,528 Cloud Forest 63,176 26,416 36,093 18,668 15,295 159,648 Evergreen Forest 125,151 89,475 83,494 104,409 31,475 434,004 Deciduous Forest 86,704 89,590 79,087 101,812 64,033 421,226 Hydrophilic 58 26,388 17,568 26,598 6,313 76,925 Vegetation Bodies of Water 100 27,219 269 491 101 28,180 Desert Scrub 9,217 17,544 30,917 62,631 61,072 181,381 Grasslands 2,299 3,292 3,432 8,291 5,242 22,556 Induced Vegetation 8,496 6,088 7,267 6,066 4,575 32,492 Agriculture 33,037 16,248 13,618 25,672 11,457 100,032 Urban Area 382 1,144 1,936 1,815 718 5,995 Other types of 0 86 501 728 13 1328 vegetación Total 611,482 486,089 516,440 533,914 354,919 2,502,844 † Statistics provided by the Management of Forest Ecosystem Services 16 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico Additionally, forests, jungles and thickets in Mexico provide habi- tats for a diversity of wildlife and plant species that have nutritious and medicinal properties. In turn, they constitute a useful source of biodiversity for the development of new markets as well as mitigating global climate change. They act as traps for CO2, one of the gases held responsible for the greenhouse effect (CONAFOR, 2010).


Ecosystems located in the alpine and subalpine (in higher elevation mountains in Mexico) can be considered vulnerable (species such as Pinus hartwegii and Pinus rudis) to the effects of global climate change, illegal exploitation and human pressure on tree communities.

The cloud forest and high and medium evergreen forests are other ecosystems threatened by disturbances associated with productive activities, because of an estimated loss of surface area of about 50% since the sixties (Challenger and Soberón, 2008). With regard to coastal wetlands, they have been heavily disturbed by tourism development and activities associated with oil production, while the desert scrub and grasslands are threatened by unplanned grazing.

In Mexico, 987 species of plants are included in NOM-059-SEMAR- NAT-2010 in any category of risk (SEMARNAT, 2010). Among these, 117 species include trees and scrubs and are of forest interest (Annex 4). Some examples of species included in this rule that have isolated popu- lations, consisting of a small number of individuals are: Taxus globosa, )DJXVJUDQGLIROLD subsp.mexican, Picea engelmannii, Picea martinezii, chihuahuana Picea, Pinus pinceana, culminicola Pinus, Pinus nelsoni Pinus maximartinezii and Pseudotsuga menziesii, Acer negundo and Cedrela odorata. Additionally, there are small populations of species such as Pinus hartwegii and Pinus greggii, which may be in jeopardy due to the effects of inbreeding.

Changing land use is the primary agent of disturbance of FGR. The area of forests and woodlands declined at a rate of 155,000 hectares per year between 2005 and 2010 (FAO, 2010). Temperate forest accounted for about 6% of that loss, and the rest is presented in jungles. Similarly, areas of desert scrub and other vegetation (grass, tule, halophytic vegeta- Current State of Forest Genetic 17 tion, etc.) were replaced by other land uses at a rate of 84,000 and 92,000 ha / year respectively, during the same period. Despite the observed deforestation in the indicated period, it is worth noting that the rate of GHIRUHVWDWLRQKDVGHFUHDVHGVLJQLÀFDQWO\FRPSDUHGWRSUHYLRXVSHULRGV Fire is another threat to FGR. During the period 2001 to 2011 WKHUHZHUHÀUHVDIIHFWLQJKD7KHDYHUDJHDQQXDODUHD DIIHFWHGE\ÀUHZDVKDLQWKHPHQWLRQHGSHULRG(FRV\VWHPV dominated by desert scrub and grassland were the most affected, with average areas of 128,651 and 109,282 ha, respectively. The average IRUHVWDUHDDIIHFWHGE\ÀUHZDVKDDQGKDIRUDGXOWDQG \RXQJWUHHVUHVSHFWLYHO\ 7DEOH ,WLVQRWHGWKDWPRVWRIWKHVHÀUHV ZHUHVXSHUÀFLDO


Year Afected Surface Area (ha)† of Fires Number

Wooded Desert Grassland Total Surface area/ Scrub Fires

Adult Young

2001 6,340 18,809 53,440 64,630 136,879 21.59 2002 8,256 31,988 88,507 87,802 208,297 25.23 2003 8,211 66,676 21,586 130,287 103,900 322,448 39.27 2004 6,300 5,357 5,157 32,861 37,947 81,322 12.91 2005 9,709 17,324 15,376 117,848 125,540 276,089 28.44 2006 8,745 33,077 9,045 116,578 85,182 243,882 27.89 2007 5,893 7,214 7,935 69,332 57,180 141,660 24.04 2008 9,735 16,206 10,381 104,205 100,854 231,645 23.80 2009 9,569 34,883 7,892 130,274 123,295 296,344 30.97 2010 6,125 6,372 5,882 50,957 51,513 114,723 18.73 2011 12,113 51,155 20,112 520,874 364,264 956,405 78.95 † Data provided by the Fire Management of CONAFOR.

Another threat to forest genetic resources is the presence of pests and diseases. The average annual area affected by pests and diseases was 52,112 ha during the period 2001 to 2008 (Table 1.15). Bark beetles, defoliators and mistletoe contributed most to attacks on forest vegeta- tion (SEMARNAT, 2011). 18 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 1.15. Average yearly surface area affected by plagues and diseases. (SEMARNAT, 2011).

Year B D DE MOthers V Total By the root Cones

2001 1,801 452 10,011 1,896 1,059 ND ND ND 15,219 2002 750 733 5,060 312 119 ND ND ND 6,974 2003 4,455 2,223 27,172 10,246 3,686 1,996 0 1,028 50,806 2004 9,957 12,573 15,225 24,673 2,697 1,784 0 913 67,822 2005 5,123 20,665 22,184 17,042 4,814 0 1,533 1,683 73,044 2006 3,761 10,175 31,710 21,968 4,550 3,063 192 1,295 76,714 2007 4,035 11,831 15,588 23,269 0 3,523 275 656 59,177 2008 4,397 15,806 15,215 27,183 ND 2,223 1,902 413 67,139

B=Borers; D=Defoliators; DE=Debarker, M=Mistletoe; V=Vascular.

It should be noted that Mexico has not established a system of information on threatened species and the trends of these threats. However, the documentation of major threats to the species considered at risk in the NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 has been fostered through WKHIXQGLQJRIUHVHDUFKSURMHFWV$OVRLQFOXGHGLQWKHOLVWDUHVSHFLÀF guidelines for adding or removing a species from the list. Since 2012 CONAFOR has developed a methodology for understanding the effects of climate change on the potential distribution of forest species in order to understand the trends of threats form this effect on FGR, and thus propose a mitigation strategy (Garcia-Cruz and Sierra-Villagrana, 2012).

1.6 Risk analysis for loss of genetic resources due to catasrophes.

Mexico does not perform risk analysis as a state policy to determine the loss of FGR caused by natural disasters. However, when such phe- nomena occur, rehabilitation of forest resources is carried out with input from various federal programmes (ProÁrbol, Natural Disaster Fund, Temporary Employment Programme), in coordination with State Governments. Current State of Forest Genetic 19

To implement mechanisms in response to events which cause loss of FGR, some of the following are required:

‡ $OORFDWHVSHFLÀFUHVRXUFHVWRWKHDWWHQWLRQRIWKHDIIHFWHG)*5 ‡ Personnel trained in the management of these resources; ‡ Identify areas at greatest risk of catastrophe; and ‡ &ROOHFWDQGFRQVHUYHYXOQHUDEOHRUGLIÀFXOWWRKDUYHVWJHUP- plasm of tree species in the at risk category, to ensure its reproduction and establishment.

1.7 Priorities to avoid the loss of genetic resources.

‡ The following are priority actions to prevent loss of FGR:

‡ Taxonomically identify priority species as a basis for taking ‡ action for their conservation; ‡ Integrate a list of publications to identify uses and services; Assess and record biodiversity in forest ecosystems; Determine the (continuous or discontinuous) distribution ‡ of forest species to target resources to be allocated for their conservation; Quantify the genetic diversity of species using both molecular ‡ methods and morphological adaptability studies (studies of common environment); ‡ Determine the number of populations of priority species and their level of isolation; and ,QWKHGHÀQLWLRQRIFRQVHUYDWLRQRIJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHVSROLFLHV for technical criteria should be favoured.

In situ state of genetic conservation 21


In situ state of genetic conservation. 2.1 Protected Natural Areas in Mexico (PNA).

Among other purposes, PNA are intended to conserve habitats with minimal or no human intervention, and to promote the evolution of species within ecosystems.

In Mexico, the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP) is the responsible body for the management of federally owned PNA. Currently, 174 PNA have been enacted, covering a sum area of 25,386,748 ha, of which 20,775,926 ha are land and 4,610,822 ha are sea (Table 2.1)

Table 2.1. Category and surface area of federal PNA (CONANP, 2011). Category Surface area (ha)

Land Sea Total

Biosphere Reserve 9,077,760 3,577,030 12,654,790 National Parks 744,286 738,132 1,482,419 National Monument 16,268 0 16,268 Areas of Natural Resources 4,440,077 0 4,440,077 Protection Areas of Flora and Fauna 6,351,970 294,972 6,646,941 Protection Sanctuaries 145,565 688 146,252 Total 20,775,926 4,610,822 25,386,748 Over the last 10 years, 47 PNA were decreed. This represents an increase of 10,191,790 ha to the area of PNA existing in 2001. This increase mainly occurred in Biosphere Reserves and Areas of Flora and Fauna Protection (Table 2.2). 22 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 2.2. Number of PNA and surface area in the years 2001 and 2011. Category Surface area (ha) No. 2001 No. 2011 Biosphere Reserve 28 9,363,131 42 12,654,790 National Parks 57 618,020 67 1,482,419 National Monument 5 14,093 6 16,268 Areas of Natural Resources 2 255,117 7 4,440,077 Protection Areas of Flora and Fauna 19 4,943,994 34 6,646,941 Protection Sanctuaries 16 604 18 146,252 Total 127 15,194,958 174 25,386,748 As a result of the review of 70 PNA management plans, and infor- mation available on the websites of 41 PNA, 2,406 additional tree and scrub species of forest interest, which represent 56.5% of the 4,257 forest species estimated to exist in Mexico (CONABIO, 2011), were registered. ,QDGGLWLRQVSHFLHVZHUHDOVRLGHQWLÀHGLQWKHOLVWRISULRULW\ forest species recognized by CONABIO and CONAFOR (Annex 2).

It is also reported in this review that the species: Bursera simaruba, Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans and Cedrela odorata were present in a greater number of PNA (Figure 2.1). With regard to conifers, Pinus mont- ezumae and Pinus pseudostrobus recorded the highest frequency (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1. Most frequent forest species in federal PNA. 40 35 30 25 20

15 10


Specie´s frecuencie of ANP Specie´s frecuencie of 0

3DVLÀRUDIRHWLGD Cedrela odorata Acacia pennatula Bursera simaruba Manilkara zapota Acacia farnesiana Guazuma ulmifolia Conocarpus erecta Pinus montezumae Rizhophora mangle Sapindus saponaria Acacia angustissima Brocimum alicastrum Avicennia germinans Pinus pseudustrobusPithecellobium dulce Malvaviscus arboreus Byrsonimia crassifolia

Dendropanax arboreus Laguncularia racemosa In situ state of genetic conservation 23

In most of the PNA, more than one type of vegetation can be found. The vegetation of wetlands is found in 95 PNA, tropical deciduous forest and desert scrub vegetation was found in 79 and 75 PNA, respectively. Coniferous forest, which contributes to the increased production of wood products, grows in 46 PNA, while oak forest was found in 47 PNA. Cloud forest, despite occupying 1% of forest area, is protected in 19 PNA. Tropical rain forest is considered the richest ecosystem biologically and is represented in 37 PNA (Table 2.3).

2 2ÀFLR CN/0193/2011

Table 2.3. Type of vegetation in Protected Natural Areas (CONANP, 2011)

Type of Vegetation Number of Protected Natural Areas Total


Coniferous Forest 14 29 0 8 13 0 64 Oak Forest 11 17 1 6 12 0 47 Cloud Forest 9 4 0 3 3 0 19 Tropical Evergreen Forest 12 7 2 1 11 1 34 Tropical Deciduous Forest 29 14 1 4 19 12 79 Desert Scrub 26 13 3 7 19 7 75 Grasslands 11 9 0 5 11 1 37 Wetlands 35 22 2 1 24 11 95 Induced Forest 11 15 0 7 19 0 52 † ANRP= Areas of Natural Resources Protection; RB=Biosphere Reserve, NP= National Park, AFFP= Areas of Flora and Fauna Protection; NM= Natural Monument; S= Sanctuaries

There are federal PNA located throughout the country. The state of Quintana Roo has the highest number, followed Baja California and Baja California Sur (Annex 5). In addition to the federal PNA in Mexico there are 209 state PNA (Annex 6), 75 municipal PNA (An- nex 7) and 12 individual PNA (Annex 8).


Based on forest management plan outlines, the use of wood products and timber is authorised in order to prevent deterioration and ensure the sustainability of ecosystems under management. The use of authorised 24 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico products allows the owners and holders to earn income to meet their basic needs under the forest management plan, so that they become protectors and keepers of their own resources and also seek to improve the current conditions of their forest masses.

In 2009, 24.2% of forest and scrub areas were under a forest manage- ment plan (SEMARNAT, 2009). The number of authorisations for the use of timber products in the period 2001 to 2008 was 21,200, and 2,227 during the period 2001 to 2007 for non-timber products (SEMARNAT, 2009). The total number of permits issued is based on a forest manage- ment plan designed to ensure sustainability on that basis during the period WRKHFWDUHVXQGHUIRUHVWPDQDJHPHQWZHUHFHUWLÀHG primarily in temperate forests (CONAFOR, 2011b).


Through the Department of Wildlife, SEMARNAT promotes the conservation of vegetation through the establishment of Wildlife Management Units (WMU). These units are properties that the owners or holders operate in accordance with an approved management plan, which constantly monitors populations or individuals that are distrib- uted there. The overall goal is the conservation of natural habitat, wild SRSXODWLRQVDQGZLOGOLIHVSHFLPHQV7KHVSHFLÀFREMHFWLYHVRIWKH:08 may be one or more of the following: restoration, protection, mainte- nance, retrieval, reproduction, repopulation, reintroduction, research, rescue, shelter, rehabilitation, exhibition, recreation, environmental education and sustainable use.

WMU generate jobs and foreign exchange through binomial “con- servation-use”. Each unit generates an average of 25 (direct and indirect) jobs that contribute to the continuity of the evolutionary processes of wild species and the generation of environmental services. They also FRQWULEXWHWRWKHDEROLWLRQRIWUDIÀFNLQJDQGWKHLOOHJDOFDSWXUHRIZLOG specimens.

Within the environmental services generated by WMU DUHEHQHÀWV of social interest derived from wildlife and their habitat, such as climate In situ state of genetic conservation 25

UHJXODWLRQPDLQWHQDQFHRIK\GURORJLFDOF\FOHVQLWURJHQÀ[DWLRQVRLO formation, carbon sequestration, erosion control, plant pollination, biological pest control or degradation of organic wastes.

As of December 2011 10,855 WMU have been registered in an area of 36.14 million hectares, equivalent to 18.39% of the country (Figure 2.2). The location of these areas in the territory is included in Figure 2.3. Figure 2.2 Surface area of WMU registered at national level (SEMARNAT, 2012c).

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Millions of 6.0 10.0 12.7 14.77 17.57 19.16 21.42 22.7 24.05 26.33 28.13 31.32 32.86 34.95 36.14 hectares Registred surface (Millions of ha ha) cumulative total





1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Figure 2.3. Localisation of management units for the conservation of wildlife. (SE- MARNAT, 2012c).

Extensión UMA A 2011 0-10000 10001-75000 75001-230000 Esc 1: 13 000 000 800 80 160 Kilómetros DIRECCIÓN GENERAL 230001-519000 DE VIDA SILVESTRE 26 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico &RQVHUYDWLRQDQGSURPRWLRQSODQV


The federal government and some state governments promote the conservation of vegetation through payment support programmes for environmental services. In these programmes, the owners and holders UHFHLYHÀQDQFLDOFRPSHQVDWLRQLQH[FKDQJHIRUDYRLGLQJORJJLQJDQG conserving their resources. Starting in 2010, support is also provided IRUWKLVW\SHRIODQGXVHXQGHUDFHUWLÀFDWHRIJRRGIRUHVWPDQDJHPHQW Within this programme CONAFOR has supported 2,502,845 ha in the period 2007 to 2011. Such programmes are a good conservation strategy, where the owners and holders of forest resources are involved in conservation efforts.


CONAFOR has promoted the establishment of germplasm produc- tion units (seed area, seed stands and stands with species in the at risk category) in each state of the country. Currently there is a record of 210 germplasm production units in an area of 6,275 ha. (Table 2.4 and Annex 9). In 28 seed stands there are species in the at risk category in NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Note that phenotypically superior in- dividuals in these units are kept for quality germplasm, which is useful in planting programmes. Table 2.4. Forest germplasm production units registered by CONAFOR.

Entity Surface area (ha) Category

Seed Area Seed Stand with stand species in risk category

Baja California 191.9 3 4 Baja California Sur 15 0 4 1 Campeche 862.379 0 4 3 Chiapas 438.5 0 19 6 62 3 1 1 Colima 80.7 0 5 0 Distrito Federal 339 0 10 0 In situ state of genetic conservation 27

Table 2.4. Forest germplasm production units registered by CONAFOR. (Cont.)

Entity Surface area (ha) Category

Seed Area Seed Stand with stand species in risk category

Durango 118 0 1 0 Guanajuato 636.5 2 12 2 Guerrero 339.73 0 14 0 Hidalgo 17 3 4 0 Michoacán 134 0 10 0 Morelos 45.4 0 6 0 Nayarit 63.3 0 9 0 Nuevo León 35.05 0 4 0 Oaxaca 9 1 8 2 Puebla 54.9 0 3 2 Querétaro 24.43 0 3 0 Quintana Roo 299 0 6 0 San Luis Potosí 960 0 6 3 Sonora 220 0 9 0 Tabasco 59 0 7 0 Tamaulipas 117 0 5 2 128.09 0 8 1 Veracruz 242.94 0 5 4 Yucatán 593 0 8 1 Zacatecas 381.152 11 5 4 Total 6,275.07 171 28

6WUDWHJLHVWRPDLQWDLQin situ collections.


To monitor and evaluate the status of the populations of some spe- FLHVRIZLOGOLIHLQWKH31$ELRORJLFDOPRQLWRULQJRIÁDJVKLSVSHFLHV was initiated (CONANP, 2007). In early 2001 there were only two spe- 28 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico cies monitored in the same number of PNA, but in 2006 the number increased to 30 species in as many areas. Efforts have been focused on awareness of the biodiversity within PNA, having an inventory and forest genetic studies within these measures has not been considered.

To promote sustainable development and reduce environmental degradation, the federal government established Conservation for Sustainable Development (PROCODES) as an important strategy for conservation in the PNA. Additionally, it supports the Temporary Em- ployment Programme (PET), through which it provides employment for the population of the PNA.

In order to increase the income of the owners and holders of land in PNA, and thereby raise the interest of communities in the protection of vegetation, and reduce the destruction of protected ecosystem through LOOHJDOORJJLQJJUD]LQJDQGIRUHVWÀUHVWKHSD\PHQWIRUHQYLURQPHQWDO services to the owners of forest land within the limits of the PNA has been implemented. Additionally, in some PNA, Seed Production Forest Units (plus trees, seed stands and seed areas) have been established. For example, there is a record of 7 seed areas and 196 seed stands, from which 35 have species listed in NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010.

To carry out studies as a basis for making decisions, collaboration with educational and research institutions has been sought, which also promotes a culture of conservation, education and social participation.



‡ The allocated budget and staff are still inadequate in relation to the protection and promotional needs that the PNA demand.

‡ The growth of communities located within and close to PNA, and the scarce employment alternatives available, generate negative pressures on the natural resources thereof through the performance of harmful practices. These practices include il- In situ state of genetic conservation 29

legal logging of timber and non-timber, changing usage of soil, overgrazing and burning of grassland, and forest soil extraction.


‡ Consolidate the current PNA, and create others to increase the representation of ecosystem types protected in the PNA;

‡ Increase institutional linkage for the management and conserva- tion of forest genetic resources.

‡ In the restoration of disturbed areas, favour natural regenera- WLRQRYHUDUWLÀFLDOUHJHQHUDWLRQ SODQWLQJ WRHQVXUHUHFRYHU\RI native species (or disturbed sites adjacent to them) through the H[FOXVLRQRIOLYHVWRFNÁRRUVXUIDFHVFDULÀFDWLRQHVWDEOLVKPHQWRI herbaceous species to serve as nurse to the branch of tree species on sites with sparse vegetation, and the removal and relocation of seedlings (transplant to “root ball”).

‡ Establish more commercial plantations with native species in the areas outlying the PNA, through the conversion of land for agricultural use (including areas larger than 0.5 ha) with support schemes for the maintenance and payment of environmental VHUYLFHVGXULQJDWOHDVWWKHÀUVW\HDUV

‡ Provide technical assistance to communities living in areas close to the PNA in order to facilitate the restoration of established plantations to productive plantations. The purpose of this is to enable communities to legally seize plantations to satisfy their QHHGVIRUÀUHZRRGWLPEHUIRUFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGKRXVLQJDQG the marketing of forest products.

‡ Increase ecotourism projects in the PNA with the participation of communities, as a tool for sustainable development, cultural awareness, and conservation;

‡ Maintain and improve ongoing training programmes for person- nel assigned to PNA. 30 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico ‡ Increase the management of alternative sources of funding nationally and internationally, to develop productive projects for communities, conservation and research of the PNA’s FGR.

‡ Strengthen the following areas in research projects: size of geneti- cally viable populations, ecosystem biodiversity, patterns of ge- netic variation within and between populations of representative species, breeding phenology of tree species, natural regeneration practices, production and germplasm management, trends in changes of species and ecosystems as a result of climate change, genetic diversity of protected species, effect of alien species pres- ent in the areas and levels of isolation in species populations. Ex situ state of genetic conservation 31


Ex situ state of genetic conservation.

3.1. Forest species included in ex situ conservation SURJUDPPHV Information collected from 21 government bodies, NGOs, and the research and education of plantation companies shows that our country is currently working with 74 taxa (Table 3.1), from which 56 are native and 18 exotic. Of these 74 taxa, 44 are conifers (37 na- tive and 7 exotic), and 30 are hardwoods (19 native and 11 exotic) Table 3.1. Forest species and varieties used in ex situ convervation. 1 1 1 6FLHQWL¿FQDPH 6FLHQWL¿FQDPH 6FLHQWL¿FQDPH Origin Origin Origin Abies religiosa N Jatropha N Pinus leiophylla N platyphylla Abies vejarii var. N Khaya nyasica E Pinus N macrocarpa maximartinezii Amphiptergium N Khaya E Pinus maximinoi N adstringens senegalensis Astronium N Liquidambar N Pinus N graveolens VW\UDFLÀXD montezumae Bursera bipinnata N Moringa oleorifera E Pinus nelsonii Bursera glabrifolia N Pinus arizonica N Pinus oaxacana N Bursera linanoe N Pinus arizonica var. N Pinus oocarpa N stormiae Callophyllum N Pinus ayacahuite N Pinus patula var. N brasiliensis patula Cedrela odorata N Pinus ayacahuite N Pinus patula var. N var. veitchii longipedunculata Cordia alliodora N Pinus caribaea E Pinus pinceana N

Cunninghamia E Pinus caribaea var. N Pinus pinea N lanceolata hondurensis Cupressus N Pinus cembroides N Pinus pringlei E guadalupensis 1 N: Nativa; E: Exótica 32 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.1. Forest species and varieties used in ex situ convervation. (CONT.) 1 1 1 6FLHQWL¿FQDPH 6FLHQWL¿FQDPH 6FLHQWL¿FQDPH Origin Origin Origin Cupressus lusitanica N Pinus cembroides N Pinus radiata var. N var. orizabensis binata Dalbergia N Pinus cooperi N Pinus teocote N FRQJHVWLÀRUD Dendropanax Platymiscum N Pinus devoniana N N arboreus lasiocarpum Enterolobium N Pinus devoniana N Pseudotsuga N cyclocarpum var. cornuta menziesii Eucalyptus E Pinus douglasiana N N camaldulensis Eucalyptus grandis E Pinus N Sequoia E durangensis gigantea Eucalyptus grandis E Pinus eldarica E Sequoia E x urophylla sempervirens Eucalyptus E Pinus N Swietenia humilis N urophylla engelmannii Evenopsis N Pinus greggii var. N Swietenia N caesalinioides australis macrophylla Gliricidia sepium N Pinus greggii var. N Taxus globosa N greggii Gmelina arborea E Pinus halepensis E Tectona grandis E Guaciacum coulteri N Pinus hartweggii N Toona ciliata E Hevea brasiliensis E Pinus johannis N 1 N: Nativa; E: Exótica 3.2 Ex situ FRQVHUYDWLRQSODQWDWLRQVHVWDEOLVKHGLQ the country. The 21 agencies that develop projects for conservation and ex situ breeding have 180 tests together with, 21 sexual seed orchards (HSS), 5 asexual seed orchards (HSA), 5 clone banks (BC) and 4 seed areas, as described in Tables 3.2 and 3.3. Ex situ state of genetic conservation 33

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. 9 2 12 12 Body Responsible accesions sources 4 from 1 1* 13 2* 13 sources sources No. of stored Seed Bank No. of replicas each clones/family 15 (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or N N 2 187 individuals 7 N 2 297 individuals 7 NN 1 1 3 sources 3 sources 170 from 3 4 N N 2 2 sources from 2 54 N NN 2 25 sources HSA 1 clones 118 BC 1 40 clones with 8 Origin(1) . var Species Scientific name adstringens macrocarpa brasiliensis Abies vejarii Amphipterigium Astronium Abies religiosa Callophyllum Bursera linaloe Bursera glabrifolia Bursera bipinnata Cedrela odorata Cedrela odorata graveolens 34 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 2 15 10 10 10 Body Responsible accesions source 2*21 from 1 13 Guadalupe No. of stored 100 from isla Seed Bank No. of clones/family (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected sources from sources sources 6 sources other countries arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or NNN 1 1 3 sources 1 22 progenies 30 sources 15 15 8 NN 1 30 progenies 15 N 1 141 progenies from NN 1 73 progenies from 5 N 1 36 progenies from 3 N 2 20 progenies from 3 Origin(1) Species Scientific name Cedrela odorata Cedrela odorata Cordia alliodora Cunninghamia Cupressus Cedrela odorata Cedrela odorata Cedrela odorata Cedrela odorata Cedrela odorata lanceolata guadalupensis Ex situ state of genetic conservation 35

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 8 1 8 6 1 18 15 18 Body Responsible accesions source No. of stored Seed Bank source source 79 from 1 No. of clones/family from 28 families (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected 40 families arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or N 1 4 sources 54 from 1 N N HSA 1 65 individuals N 1 974 individuals from N 1 20 clones N 1N 30 sources N 1 30 sources 1 4 sources 54 from 1 N 2 133 individuals 7 Origin(1) Species Scientific name congestiflora caesalpinioides arboreus Ebenopsis Cupressus Cupressus Cupressus Cupressus Dalbergia Dendropanax lusitanica lusitanica guadalupensis guadalupensis arboreus Dendropanax Ebenopsis caesalpinioides 36 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 2 7 7 17 21 17 Body Responsible accesions No. of stored Seed Bank (bulk) and from 23 plantations families individuals No. of clones/family (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected (Argentina source) source); 13 families source / 3 Mexican 1 sexual parcel and asexual arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or EE 1 2 parcels 1 36 families (Brazilian E BC 1 10 clones 153 from E 2ASP 2 600 y 1000 EE 3 129 Selected trees 3 60 plus trees 17 17 N 2 10 sources 10 sources E1 Origin(1) Species Scientific name Eucalyptus grandis Eucalyptus grandis Eucalyptus grandis Eucalyptus Eucalyptus grandis Eucalyptus grandis Enterolobium camaldulensis cyclocarpum Eucalyptus urograndis Ex situ state of genetic conservation 37

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 7 7 7 2 17 17 Body Responsible accesions No. of stored Seed Bank 1* 13 sources No. of individuals clones/family (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected clones clones source, Brazil)/3 sources from Mexico 10 sources from 10 125 arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands 1 Collections, provenance trials Stads or E 1 4 clones E 1 420 individuals from 7 E 1 235 individuals from 7 E 1 36 families from (initial E 2ASP 700 y 1000 E 3 255 selected trees 17 E 3 60 plus trees 17 E N Origin(1) Species Scientific name Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus urophylla urophylla urophylla urophylla urophylla urophylla urophylla Gemelina arborea Gliricidia sepium 38 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 8 1 4 16 Body Responsible accesions 1*1* 13 13 No. of stored Seed Bank sources individuals No. of clones/family (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or E 1HSS 105 EE 1E 12 sources 1 3 sources 1BC 200 clones Bulk 10 19 8 E 1 18 progenies 15 E 1 2 sources N 2 346 individuals 7 N 1 5 sources 1BC 20 clones 30 from 5 E N 1 78 progenies from 10 15 N 1 1 source N Origin(1) Species . stormiae Scientific name Gmelina arborea Gmelina arborea Gmelina arborea Guaiacum coulteri Hevea brasiliensis Jatropha Khaya nyasica Liquidambar Khaya senegalensis platyphylla Moringa oleifera Pinus arizonica Pinus arizonica var Ex situ state of genetic conservation 39

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 7 2 4 4 11 15 15 Body Responsible accesions sources 5 from 1 source 19 from 1 source No. of stored Seed Bank No. of clones/family (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) P. caribaea, P. caribaea, P. P. specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected caribaea hondurensis y P. oocarpa. y P. sources arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or E 1 26 progenies from 5 E 1 Mixed: NN 1 3 sources NN 2 2 2 sources 14 progenies 15 N 1 1 source N 1 20 clones 44 from 3 N 1 15 progenies 15 Origin(1) . var Species . Orizabensis . veitchii Pinus cooperi Pinus devoniana Pinus cembroides Pinus cembroides Pinus caribaea Pinus caribaea Pinus ayacahuite Pinus ayacahuite Pinus ayacahuite hondurensis var var Scientific name 40 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 2 7 4 5 11 14 Body Responsible accesions No. of stored Seed Bank 30 from 1 source 1* 13 sources 3 from 1 source (superior trees) No. of clones/family (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected of individuals arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or E 1 1 source NN 2 51 families 24 in number Variables 1 HSA; BC 90 families 7 N N 1 1 source N N 1 5 sources 85 from 19 N Origin(1) Species . cornuta Scientific name Pinus eldarica Pinus douglasiana Pinus douglasiana Pinus durangensis Pinus devoniana Pinus durangensis Pinus devoniana Pinus devoniana var Ex situ state of genetic conservation 41

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 15 15 18 21 18 18 18 Instancia responsable semillas Banco de almacenadas procedencia 10 de 1 No. de accesiones de No. de procedencias individuos de individuos de procedencias procedencias individuos de clones/familia 3 5 6 una procedencia 266 (HSS) y asexuales (HSA) huertos semilleros sexuales Bancos clonales (BC), áreas semilleras Generación huertos, áreas semilleras en plantaciones (ASP), No. de bancos, greggii var. extraídas específicas (accesiones o No. de muestras árboles selectos, superiores o plus) greggii procedencias y australis de P. conservación arboreta o rodales de Colecciones, ensayos de procedencias, progenies, ensayos Rodales o E 1 Masal NN 1 4 procedencias 2 18 procedencias 11 6 NN 1 1 procedencia 4 21 progenies de 3 11 N1 HSS424 HSS424 NN1 HSS 1 20 Familias N 2 Mixto: 13 procedencias N HSS 2ª 1 N HSS 1 120 Origen(1) Especie Pinus eldarica Pinus greggii Pinus engelmannii Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Nombre científico 42 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 4 5 4 4 2 4 2 15 Body Responsible accesions No. of stored Seed Bank 23 from 2 92 from 3 sources 79 from 12 sources sources sources sources No. of clones/family (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or N 1 3 sources N N 1 1 source N N 9 120 progenies 170 from 13 N 4 20 sourcesNE 1 1 19 progenies 1 source 267 from 11 4 N 1 22 progenies 4 N 1 3 sources 4 N 1 1 source Origin(1) ...... var var var var var var Species australis greggii greggii greggii greggii greggii Pinus johannis Pinus hartweggii Pinus hartweggii Pinus hartweggii Pinus greggii Pinus halepensis Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Pinus greggii Scientific name Ex situ state of genetic conservation 43

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 2 5 4 2 4 4 2 14 15 15 Body Responsible source accesions No. of stored Seed Bank sources sources source source 300 from 16 1* 13 sources 30 from 3 133 from 7 sources 3 from 1 (superior trees) No. of clones/family 6 sources (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or sources (accesions or selected 8 arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or NN 1 4 sources HSS 1 families from 40 25 from 4 N 1 1 source 31 from 1 N N NN 1 1 source 1 6 sources 15 from 1 NN 1 1 source N 2 36 progenies from N Origin(1) Species Pinus leiophylla Pinus leiophylla Pinus Pinus leiophylla Pinus oaxacana Pinus nelsonii Pinus oocarpa Pinus montezumae Pinus montezumae Pinus maximinoi Pinus montezumae maximartinezii Scientific name 44 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 2 4 4 2 2 15 15 15 Body Responsible accesions No. of stored Seed Bank sources sources sources source source 70 from 3 15 72 from 3 sources sources No. of clones/family (HSA) gen. 39 families 87 from 1 gen. 23 families 15 gen. 31 families 10 from 1 nd rd th orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or N 2 4 sources 3 N N HSS 4 1 NN 3 10 sources HSA 1 HSS 1 clones 94 420 from 11 families 15 5 N N 1 1 source EN 1 1 1 source 40 progenies 16 from 2 N 1 12 progenies Bulk, from 2 N HSS 3 5 N 11 150 progenies 2 N HSS 2 4 Origin(1) var. Species Pinus patula Pinus patula Pinus patula Pinus patula Pinus patula longipedunculata Pinus patula Pinus pinceana Pinus pinea Pinus pringlei Pinus patula Pinus oocarpa Pinus oocarpa Pinus patula Scientific name Ex situ state of genetic conservation 45

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 3 2 5 14 14 14 15 19 Body Responsible accesions No. of stored Seed Bank superior trees) sources source source source (seed area) 147 from 7 sources sources 42 from 1 25 from 1 15 from 1 superior trees) No. of sources clones/family (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (1 source) (accesions or selected arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or NN 1N 29 progenies 2 35 progenies 38 from 9 N N1 HSS5 HSS5 NN1 HSA 1 60 clones 18 N 2 1 source N N 1 4 sources HSS 1 families. 8 from 12 89 Origin(1) Species Pinus Pinus Pinus Pinus Pinus Pinus pseudostrobus pseudostrobus pseudostrobus pseudostrobus pseudostrobus pseudostrobus Pinus Pinus pringlei Pinus pseudostrobus pseudostrobus Scientific name 46 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 2 2 2 15 15 Instancia responsable semillas Banco de 1* 13 1* 13 2* 13 almacenadas No. de accesiones Guadalupe, y 86 procedencias procedencias 78 de Isla 54 de 2 160 de 24 de Isla Cedros No. de clones/familia (HSS) y asexuales (HSA) huertos semilleros sexuales Bancos clonales (BC), áreas semilleras semilleras en plantaciones (ASP), huertos, áreas No. de bancos, extraídas específicas (accesiones o No. de muestras árboles selectos, superiores o plus) procedencias procedencias conservación arboreta o rodales de Colecciones, ensayos de procedencias, progenies, ensayos Rodales o E N 1 18 progenies de 3 E N N N 1 3 procedencias 4 N NN 3N 34 progenies de 3 2 361 individuos 3 10 procedencias 7 Origen(1) . var Especie sempervirens Sequoia Sequoia gigantea Pseudotsuga Pinus radiata Pseudotsuga binata Pinus teocote Pinus teocote Platymiscium Pseudotsuga Pseudotsuga menziesii menziesii menziesii menziesii lasiocarpum Nombre científico Ex situ state of genetic conservation 47

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) 2 9 10 10 Body Responsible accesions No. of stored Seed Bank 1* 13 1* 13 lots 6 sources 1* 13 1* 13 1* 13 No. of clones/family 15 replicas each (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or sources sourceias (accesions or selected arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or E 1 2 sources 20 E 1 2 sources Masal 19 E 1 2 sources 16 E E E N 1HSS 40 families 100 in 10 bulk N 1 36 progenies from 3 N 1 58 progenies from 5 N BC 1 30 clones with N 1 30 sources 8 N 1 40 individuals 21 N Origin(1) Species macrophylla macrophylla macrophylla macrophylla Tectona grandis Tectona macrophylla Tectona grandis Tectona Tectona grandis Tectona sempervirens Swietenia globosa Taxus Tectona grandis Tectona Swietenia Swietenia Swietenia Swietenia Swietenia humilis Sequoia Swietenia humilis Sequoia gigantea Scientific name 48 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.2. Ex situ plantations and conservation banks. (CONT.) Body Responsible accesions No. of stored Seed Bank No. of clones/family (HSA) orchardas, seed areas and Asexual Seed Orchards No. of banks, Clonal banks (BC), Plantation Seed Areas (ASP), Sexual (HSS) 5 BC; 21 HSS; 5 HSA; 4 ASP ASP 5 BC; 21 HSS; HSA; 4 plus) specific trials, No. of extracted trees, superior or (accesions or selected arboretrums or trials, progenies, conservation stands Collections, provenance trials Stads or E 1 2 sources 20 E 1 40 individuals 21 Origin(1) 115 N; 36 E115 180Accesions 3,665 21 Species Toona ciliata Toona Tectona grandis Tectona Scientific name Ex situ state of genetic conservation 49

Table 3.3. Bodies participating in ex situ conservation projects. 1 3 2 7 4 5 6 Code of the body [email protected] [email protected]; Dr. Miguel Ángel Angulo Escalante Miguel Ángel Dr. [email protected] Javier López Upton [email protected] Dr. Jesús Jasso Mata Dr. [email protected] Alejandro Reyes Ramos Ing. Dr. Cuauhtémoc Sáenz Romero Dr. M.C. Carlos Ramírez M.C. José Ángel López [email protected] Aguilar Hernández Ing. Mario [email protected] M.C. Celestino Flores López [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Av. San Juanito Itzicuaro, S/N, Col. Av. Carretera a El Dorado Km 5.5, Campo El Diez, Culiacán, Sinaloa, 80110. C.P. San Juanito Itzicuaro, Morelia, Mich. México. Calle Bruselas 626, PA Col. Calle Bruselas 626, PA 44190. Guadalajara, Moderna, CP Jal. Mendoza, Lote 11, Cuauhtémoc, Mendoza, Lote 11, 58020, Morelia, Mich. C.P. Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, Col. Calzada 25315, Saltillo, CP Buena Vista, Coah. Montecillo, Texcoco, Edo. de Texcoco, Montecillo, Morelia- Km. 9.5, Carr. Mich. Zinapécuaro, Tarimbaro, Uruapan, Mich. Participanting body Location Technical Contact Universidad Autónoma Agraria Administración del Programa de de Jalisco (FIPRODEFO) Desarrollo Forestal del Estado Nicolás de Hidalgo Fideicomiso para la Centro de Investigación en Departamento de Botánica del Comisión Forestal de Michoacán Bosque Cuauhtémoc, Justo Departamento de Bosques la Colegio de Postgraduados México-Texcoco, Km. 36.5, Carr. Unidad Culiacán (CIAD), Sinaloa IIAF. Universidad Michoacana de IIAF. Facultad de Biología la Alimentación y Desarrollo, A.C. Alimentación y Desarrollo, Universidad Michoacana de San Antonio Narro San Nicolás de Hidalgo 50 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.3. Bodies participating in ex situ conservation projects. (CONT.) 9 8 11 13 14 12 10 Code of the body [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dr. José Fernando De la Torre Sánchez Torre José Fernando De la Dr. Dr. Nahum M. Sánchez Vargas Nahum M. Sánchez Vargas Dr. M.C. Fortunato Solares Arenas M.C. Fortunato Solares Dr. José Ángel Prieto Ruíz Dr. Dr. Joaquín Gómez Tejero Tejero Joaquín Gómez Dr. Dr. José Vidal Cob José Vidal Dr. [email protected] M.C. Vicente Sánchez Monsalvo M.C. Vicente [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Campo Experimental “San Felipe Av. San Juanito Itzicuaro, S/N, Col. Av. San Juanito Itzicuaro, Morelia, Mich. Genéticos, Boulevard de la Tepatitlán, Biodiversidad 400, Jalisco. Km. 0.5, Carr. Zacatepec-Galeana, Km. 0.5, Carr. Col. Galeana, Zacatepec, Mor. Guadiana. Km. 5, Carr. Durango-El Guadiana. Km. 5, Carr. Mezquital, Durango, Dur. 15 de la Carr. Campeche- 15 de la Carr. Pocyaxum, Chiná, Camp. Bacalar”, Km. 3.5, Carr. Chetumal- Bacalar”, Km. 3.5, Carr. Chetumal, Q.R. Bacalar, Km. 18, Carr. Tezonapa- El Tezonapa- Km. 18, Carr. Ver. Veracruz, Palmar, Participanting body Location Technical Contact Agropecuarias y Forestales de la Nicolás de Hidalgo Instituto de Investigaciones Universidad Michoacana de San INIFAP Centro Nacional de Recursos INIFAP INIFAP Campo Experimental Zacatepec INIFAP de Campo Experimental Valle INIFAP Campo Experimental Edzna Km. INIFAP INIFAP Campo Experimental El Palmar. Ex situ state of genetic conservation 51

Table 3.3. Bodies participating in ex situ conservation projects. (CONT.) 17 18 15 21 20 19 Code of the body Dr. Jesús Jasso Mata Dr. [email protected] Dr. Juan Alba Landa Juan Dr. [email protected] [email protected] Viveros Héctor Viveros Dr. Ing. Javier Arcos RoaIng. Javier 16 [email protected] Ing. José Antonio Soto Ing. José Velasco M.C. Mario Valerio M.C. Jaime A. Cruz Román M.C. Jaime [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Oax. Palomares, Lombardo de Caso, SEDAGRO, C.P. 52141, Metepec, SEDAGRO, C.P. 2371999 Juquila, Oax. Rancho Guadalupe S/N, Conjunto Avenida 20 de Noviembre # 1110. 20 de Noviembre # 1110. Avenida Km. 116, Carr. Tuxtepec- Carr. Km. 116, Jalapa, Ver. Edo. de México. Colonia La Sabana, Las Choapas, Ver. C.P. 96980 Teléfono: 01 (923) Teléfono: 96980 C.P. Ver. Avenida 20 de noviembre # 1110, 20 de noviembre # 1110, Avenida Colonia La Sabana; C.P. 96980, Colonia La Sabana; C.P. Las Choapas, Ver. Tel.: (923) 237199 Parque Ecológico "El Haya", Jalapa, Ver. Participanting body Location Technical Contact (Empresa privada) Estado de México Protectora de Bosques del RCH S.P.R. de R.L. de C.V. de R.L. C.V. RCH S.P.R. PLANTEH S.A. DE C.V. PLANTEH S.A. DE C.V. Universidad del Mar. Puerto Escondido Mixtepec, REFORESTA MEXICANA, S.A. REFORESTA de C.V. (Empresa privada) de C.V. (Empresa privada) (PROBOSQUE) (Empresa privada) MADPREVER, S.A. de C.V. MADPREVER, S.A. de C.V. Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales de la Universidad Veracruzana 52 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico 3.3 Ex situ conservation infrastructure.

Currently, there are 37 forest gene banks (FGB) for medium-term storage and 17 centres for temporary forest germplasm storage (CAT- GF), which have a combined storage capacity of 235 tonnes. These facilities have trained technical personnel, and the necessary equipment and instruments for conservation and physical and physiological seed evaluation.

Banks and centres in educational and research institutons, which are mostly owned by public bodies, are intended to save seeds which supply plant nurseries for government reforestation programmes. Small batches are kept in these banks for projects on the conservation of genetic resources and breeding, as set out in Table 3.4. Ex situ state of genetic conservation 53

Table 3.4 Infrastructure for the storage of forest seeds. in storage Species or group of species Conifers and species of arid areas Broadleaved in arid areas. Broadleaved in tropical areas. and tropical weathers. Conifers and species of temperate and tropical weathers. Conifers in températe weather. Conifers and legumed. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Holder Holder (body, individuals or legal entities) CONAFOR. Ambiente e Historia Natural de Chiapas. Gerencia Estatal Baja California Sur CONAFOR. Ambiente e Historia Natural de Chiapas. Bioenergéticos de la Secretaría del Medio Saltillo, Coah. Bioenergéticos de la Secretaría del Medio Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas y Pecuarias Forestales, Ambiente Naturales de la Secretaria del Medio (CORENA). del D. F. 5 2 Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, 1.2 Gerencia Estatal Chiapas CONAFOR. Conifers and species of temperate 20 Dirección General de la Comisión Recursos (Tonne) B.G.F. El CachanillaB.G.F. 4 Gerencia Estatal Baja California Norte Ciencias Forestales Nuevo C.A.T.G.F. Vivero Vivero C.A.T.G.F. C.A.T.G.F. CastamayC.A.T.G.F. Las VírgenesB.G.F. 1 2.5 Gerencia Estatal Campeche CONAFOR. Gerencia Estatal Chihuahua CONAFOR. Broadleaved in tropical areas. Conifers in arid areas. SaltilloB.G.F. Facultad de B.G.F. 10 Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila.areas. arid in species and Conifers C.A.T.G.F. Rancho C.A.T.G.F. Rancho NuevoB.G.F. 2Ana Santa B.G.F. Instituto de Reconversión Productiva y 2 Instituto de Reconversión Productiva y El EsfuerzoC.A.T.G.F. CENID-COMEFB.G.F. 2 0.5 Gerencia Estatal Colima CONAFOR. Broadleaved in tropical areas. B.G.F. Vivero San Luis Vivero B.G.F. Tlaxialtemalco Forestal San José Viejo B.C. Entity Denomination* Capacity B.C.S. Camp. Chih. Coah. Coah. Chis. Chis. Chis. Col. D.F. D.F. 54 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.4 Infrastructure for the storage of forest seeds. (CONT.) in storage Species or group of species areas. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Conifers and species in températe weather. Conifers and species in températe weather. Conifers and tropical species. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Holder (body, individuals or legal entities) Facultad de Agrobiología de la Universidad Facultad de Edo. de México. (PROBOSQUE). Gerencia Estatal del Edo. de México CONAFOR. Ambiente y Recursos Secretaría de Medio Naturales del Estado de Guerrero. Comisión Forestal del Estado de Michoacán. Michoacana de San Nicolás Hidalgo, Uruapan, Mich. 0.1 (Tonne) B.G.F. GuadianaB.G.F. 3 Gerencia Estatal Durango CONAFOR. and species in arid Conifers B.G.F. MontecilloB.G.F. 3 Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, B.G.F. PROBOSQUEB.G.F. 5 Protectora de Bosques del Estado México C.A.T.G.F. ChilpancingoC.A.T.G.F. 3 Guerrero Vicente B. G.F. 3.87 IrapuatoC.A.T.G.F. Gerencia Estatal Guerrero CONAFOR. PachucaC.A.T.G.F. El Centinela 0.45B.G.F. Conifers and tropical species. Gerencia Estatal Guanajuato CONAFOR. 1.9 Gerencia Estatal Hidalgo CONAFOR. 3 Conifers and tropical species. Gerencia Estatal de Jalisco la CONAFOR. and tropical species. Conifers B.G.F. JilotepecB.G.F. 12 B.G.F. MoreliaB.G.F. 7 Comisión Forestal del Estado de Michoacán. B.G.F. PatzcuaroB.G.F. 1 Gerencia Estatal Michoacán CONAFOR y B.G.F. Facultad de B.G.F. UMSNH Agrobiología de la Entity Denomination* Capacity Mex. Mex. Mex. Dgo. Edo. de Edo. de Edo. de Gro. Gro. Gto. Hgo. Jal. Mich. Mich. Mich. Ex situ state of genetic conservation 55

Table 3.4 Infrastructure for the storage of forest seeds. (CONT.) in storage Species or group of species Conifers and species in temperate weather. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Latifoliadas de zonas tropicales. Conifers and tropical species. Holder (body, individuals or legal entities) Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás Hidalgo. Forestales (IIAF) de la UMSNH. del estado de Morelos. y Pesca de Oaxaca. 0.1 Departamento de Botánica del IIAF la 0.2 Gerencia Estatal Morelos CONAFOR.0.05 INIFAP. Campo Experimental Zacatepec, Mor., de zonas tropicales. Latifoliadas and tropical species. Conifers 0.1Agropecuarias y Instituto de Investigaciones 2.5Ambiente, Agua y Medio Estatal del Comisión 2Autónoma de Nuevo León Universidad Conifers and species of scrub. 3 Gerencia Estatal Nayarit CONAFOR. Conifers and tropical species. 0.05 Puerto Escondido, Oax. Universidad del Mar, Conifers and tropical species. 10 Gerencia Estatal Oaxaca CONAFOR. Conifers and tropical species. (Tonne) Mar Jauja Experimental Zacatepec Ciencias Forestales C.A.T.G.F. Vivero Vivero C.A.T.G.F. Campo C.A.T.G.F. B.G.F. "Tetela del "Tetela B.G.F. Volcán" BGF, Facultad de BGF, SantiagoB.G.F. 5 Gerencia Estatal Nuevo León CONAFOR. Broadleaved in tropical areas. B.G.F. Camichín de B.G.F. B.G.F. Santa María B.G.F. B.G.F. Universidad del B.G.F. Tequio El B.G.F. 40Agropecuario, forestal Secretaría de Desarrollo Atzompa Forestal Chapultepec UMSNH UMSNH B.G.F. IIAF de la B.G.F. B.G.F. Botánica de la B.G.F. Entity Denomination* Capacity Mor. Mor. Mor. N.L. N.L. Nay. Oax. Oax. Oax. Mich. Mich. 56 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.4 Infrastructure for the storage of forest seeds. (CONT.) in storage Species or group of species Conifers and tropical species. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Broadleaved in tropical areas. Conifers and species in temperate weather. Conifers and species in temperate weather. areas. areas. Broadleaved in tropical areas. Conifers and species in arid areas. Holder (body, individuals or legal entities) Ejido Peñuelas Pueblo Nuevo y Gobierno del y Pesca de Oaxaca. y Pesca de Oaxaca. y Pesca de Oaxaca. y Pesca de Oaxaca. y Pesca de Oaxaca. Secretaría de Desarrollo Agropecuario, forestal Secretaría de Desarrollo Agropecuario, forestal Secretaría de Desarrollo Agropecuario, forestal Secretaría de Desarrollo Agropecuario, forestal Secretaría de Desarrollo Secretaría de Desarrollo Agropecuario, forestal Secretaría de Desarrollo Estado de Puebla. Desarrollo, A.C. Unidad Culiacán (CIAD), Desarrollo, Sinaloa. Gerencia Estatal Sonora CONAFOR. 1 1 1 1 5 (Tonne) Mixe Sierra Norte Cañada Alta Mixteca Alta B.G.F. EstatalB.G.F. 20 C.A.T.G.F. Región C.A.T.G.F. Región C.A.T.G.F. Región C.A.T.G.F. Región Bajo C.A.T.G.F. B.G.F. El VergelB.G.F. 4 Gerencia Estatal Puebla CONAFOR. B.G.F. Peñuelas Pueblo B.G.F. C.A.T.G.F. "Ya'Axche"C.A.T.G.F. 0.5 Gerencia Estatal Quintana Roo CONAFOR. Broadleaved in tropical areas. B.G. F. Ignacio Pérez. B.G. F. 4 Gerencia Estatal Querétaro CONAFOR. Conifers and species in arid C.A.T.G.F. Tangamanga C.A.T.G.F. 0.18 Gerencia Estatal San Luis Potosí CONAFOR. Conifers and species in arid B.G.F. CIADB.G.F. 0.05Alimentación y “Centro de Investigación en B.G.F. HermosilloB.G.F. 3 Nuevo Entity Denomination* Capacity Oax. Oax. Oax. Oax. Oax. Pue. Pue. Q. Roo. Qro. S.L.P. Sin. Son. Ex situ state of genetic conservation 57

Table 3.4 Infrastructure for the storage of forest seeds. (CONT.) in storage Species or group of species areas. weather. weather. areas. Holder (body, individuals or legal entities) Gerencia Estatal Tabasco Gerencia Estatal CONAFOR 7 CONAFOR.Tamaulipas Gerencia Estatal and species in arid Conifers 7.5 CONAFOR. Gerencia Estatal Veracruz and species in temperate Conifers 0.1 Jalapa, Ver. Veracruzana, Universidad Conifers and tropical species. 1.5 Gerencia Estatal Zacatecas CONAFOR. Conifers and species in arid 235 (Tonne) Estrada Veracruzana B.G.F. COMESFORB.G.F. 4Tabasco Forestal del Estado de Comisión Broadleaved in tropical areas. B.G.F. Forestal Rio B.G.F. B.G.F. XocoyucanB.G.F. 2Tlaxcala CONAFOR. Gerencia Estatal and species in temperate Conifers B.G.F. Ing. José Ángel B.G.F. B.G.F. IIF de la Univ. IIF de la Univ. B.G.F. Bravo. C.A.T.G.F. RCHC.A.T.G.F. 0.1 Jalapa, Ver. DE R.L. C.V., RCH S.P.R. Broadleaved in tropical areas. B.G.F. San José Tecoh San José B.G.F. Enrique C.A.T.G.F. 6 CONAFOR.Yucatán Gerencia Estatal Broadleaved in tropical areas. B.G.F. El GuayacánB.G.F. 5 Broadleaved in tropical areas. Navar Hernández 54 Entity Denomination* Capacity Tab. Tamps. Tlax. Ver. Ver. Ver. Zac. Yuc. Tab. 58 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Development for the conservation of germplasm in the form of polen or tissue is incipient, even if the existing banks have facilities and conditions that allow the incorporation of computers to store this type of genetic material.

In addition to the banks, infrastructure and storage facilities for seeds previously described, the National Centre for Genetic Resources (CNRG), which began operation in 2010 is also in use. This centre is located in the municipality of Tepatitlán, State of Jalisco, which is in charge of INIFAP. The facilities contain advanced technology and equipment for long term storage of genetic material of the following types; aquaculture, agriculture, forest, microbial and livestock.

6SHFLÀFDOO\WKHIRUHVWVXEV\VWHPKDVWKHFDSDFLW\WRVDIHJXDUG in vitro accessions (ten test tubes by accession), 40,000 cryo-vials, each cryo-vial can store up to 10 meristems or “tripe” in liquid nitrogen tanks, and 93,300 accessions in 1 kg bags inside refrigeration rooms at -18 ° C, which sum a total capacity of 136,600 accessions in use. It DOVRKDVVSDFHWRWULSOHWKHFXUUHQWFDSDFLW\JLYLQJDÀQDOFDSDFLW\RI 415,800 accessions, only for the forest subsystem.


There are 57 arboretums and botanical gardens registered in 27 of the 32 Mexican states (Table 3.5). These arboretums and gardens include FROOHFWLRQVRISODQWVDQGRWKHUQDWLYHVSHFLHVRIVFLHQWLÀFQXWULWLRQDO medicinal and ornamental interest, as well as those categorised as at risk. Ex situ state of genetic conservation 59

Table 3.5. Arbetorums and botanical gardens by federal entity.

Entidad No.

Aguascalientes 1 Baja California 1 Baja California Sur 1 Campeche 3 Chiapas 3 Coahuila 2 Distrito Federal 4 Durango 1 Estado de México 4 Guanajuato 1 Guerrero 2 Hidalgo 2 Jalisco 2 Michoacán 2 Morelos 2 Nuevo León 2 Oaxaca 3 Puebla 5 Querétaro 2 Quintana Roo 1 Sinaloa 3 Tabasco 3 Tamaulipas 2 Tlaxcala 1 Veracruz 3 Yucatán 1 Total 57

In most of these areas public service is provided, in addition to the research, propagation and conservation taking place.

There are ongoing exchanges of experiences, information, speci- PHQVWUDLQLQJDQGGLVVHPLQDWLRQWKURXJKDQRQSURÀWDVVRFLDWLRQFDOOHG “Mexican Association of Botanic Gardens, AC”, of which most of the owners of the Gardens are members. The particular information for arboretums and botanical gardens is included in Annex 10. 60 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 3.5. Arbetorums and botanical gardens by federal entity. (CONT.)







0 Jalisco Puebla Sinaloa Hidalgo Oaxaca Morelos Yucatán Chiapas Tlaxcala Tabasco Durango Veracruz Coahuila Guerrero Querétaro Campeche Michoacán Tamaulipas Guanajuato Nuevo León Quintana Roo Baja California Aguascalientes Distrito Federal Estado de México Baja California Sur


In Mexico, there are no laws to prevent or restrict the use of germ- plasm in different regions or areas that belong to the farms where it is collected.

In terms of imports and exports, an important prerequisite is es- tablished in the Regulation of the General Law on Sustainable Forest 'HYHORSPHQWWRKDYHDSK\WRVDQLWDU\FHUWLÀFDWHLVVXHGE\WKHFRXQWU\ of origin of products and forest products (including forest germplasm). In terms of exportation of germplasm from Mexico to other countries, SEMARNAT is the federal executive body responsible for issuing phy- WRVDQLWDU\FHUWLÀFDWHVIRUFRQGXFWLQJLQVSHFWLRQVDQGUHVSHFWLYHFKHFNV Ex situ state of genetic conservation 61

Currently, CONAFOR has a project to create a Mexican Standard (NMX-Voluntary application) to encourage the production of forest germplasm with superior genetic quality of natural populations or unmanaged plantations, it is scheduled to sanction and approve dur- ing 2012.

:LWKWKLVVWDQGDUGWKHFODVVLÀFDWLRQDQGLGHQWLÀFDWLRQRIWKHVRXUFH of germplasm for physiographic subprovinces will be possible (INEGI, 2001). This is to ensure that future reforestation efforts for conservation and restoration are made with plants produced from germplasm derived from production units that are located in the same subprovinces as the lands to be reforested.


Based on the provisions of the General Law on Sustainable Forest Development and Regulation, the transportation of forest germplasm production units (orchards, testing, plantations, natural stands and seed areas) to storage centres and from these to the nursery or elsewhere, should be authorised under forest transport documents issued by SEMARNAT and/or tax receipts issued by the owners of the properties.

This documentation includes, among other things, the name of the property and its owner, the date of transport, the volume and/or weight RIIUXLWDQGVHHGVSHUVSHFLHVLGHQWLÀFDWLRQFRGHVIRUWKHFROOHFWLRQ permit (or approval of the respective forest management programme), and destination.

Forest legislation in force does not include provisions for characterisa- tion in terms of origin, phenotypic quality and/or genotypic germplasm.


Most conservation and breeding projects developed in the country have been funded by the federal and state government, through six-year 62 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico programmes that their respective administrations have implemented.

Over the past 10 years, the federal government has channeled funds for the protection and promotion of forest resources, increasing the amounts invested in previous decades through CONAFOR. In the cur- rent administration a programme called “ProÁrbol” operates through the federal government which is integrated into a single scheme to grant subsidies to owners of forest land with forest potential. The purpose is to develop measures that protect, conserve, restore and sustainably exploit the resources in the forests, jungles and arid zones of Mexico, and for the establishment, cultivation and harvesting of commercial forest plantations.

CONAFOR is the institution responsible for carrying out this pro- gramme. It operates by rules of operation. There is an annual call to establish the requirements, deadlines and procedures for the allocation DQGGHOLYHU\RIUHVRXUFHVWREHQHÀFLDULHV

In 2012 the operating rules include several categories of support related to the conservation, utilisation and genetic improvement of forest resources (Tables 3.6 and 3.7). Table 3.6 Categories of support for the ProÁrbol 2012 programme, which allow the promotion of forest genetic resources. Category of Support A. Forest development A1. Forest Studies A1.1 Particular or regional manifestation of environmental impact A1.3 Technical studies on the use of non-timber resources and forest germplasm collection A2. Forestry A4. Commercial forest plantations A4-G Areas for the production of forest seed (with phenotypic and/or genotypic selection) B. Conservation and restoration B1. Reforestation and soil B1.1 Reforestation B1.2 Maintenance of reforested areas B1.3 Protection of reforested areas B2. Environmental Services B2.2 Biodiversity Ex situ state of genetic conservation 63

Table 3.7 Selected species under the sub-category of support for the establishement of areas for the production of forest seeds (A4-G), by species group.

Native Conifers Introduced Eucalyptus Broadleaf Broadleaf

Pinus arizonica Amphiteringium Tectona grandis Eucalyptus adstringens camaldulensis Pinus ayacahuite Brosimun alicastrum Gmelina arborea Eucalyptus dunnii Pinus chiapensis Bursera aloexylon Eucalyptus globulus Pinus caribaea Cedrela odorata Eucalyptus grandis Pinus devoniana Ceiba pentandra Eucalyptus nitens Pinus douglasiana Cordia alliodora Eucalyptus saligna Pinus durangensis Cordia dodecandra Eucalyptus urophylla Pinus engelmanii Cybistax donelli-smithii Pinus gregii Prosopis glandulosa Pinus montezumae Prosopis laevigata Pinus patula Prosopis velutina Pinus pseudostrobus Phitecellobium ebano Pinus oaxacana Swietenia macrophylla Pinus rudis Tabebuia rosea Pinus teocote -XQLSHUXVÀDFFLGD

Like CONAFOR, governments in states with the largest wooded areas, or with potential for commercial forest plantation establishments, develop their own programmes of forest protection and development, including grants for similar projects supported by the federation.

In addition, CONAFOR encouraged each state to develop its own strategic forest programme, as a result, they now have such programmes, which will help to promote sustainable forest development.

Of particular note is the National Centre for Genetic Resources above, which has the following objectives for the forest subsystem:

‡ Help preserve and improve the FGR important to Mexico;

‡ Contribute to, and promote the sustainable use of FGR;

‡ Support collection actions, characterisation, enhancement, use and preservation; and 64 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico ‡ 9DOXHWKHFRQVHUYDWLRQRI)*5LQWKHVFLHQWLÀFFRPPXQLW\ and the general population.

Currently this research center is developing long-term conservation of recalcitrant seeds from tropical tree species through in vitro research protocols, minimal growth and cryopreservation, parting from somatic tissues. Protocols for storage of orthodox seeds from tropical species are also generated and validated in refrigeration rooms.

Internationally, Mexico continues to maintain its share in the North American Forest Commission (NAFC) since 1970, which has achieved VLJQLÀFDQWEHQHÀWVLQWUDLQLQJDQGH[FKDQJHRIH[SHULHQFHVWKURXJK the Work Group on FGR. State of the use and sustainable ordering 65



*HQHWLFLPSURYHPHQWREMHFWLYHV Most of the species subject to genetic improvement are mainly used for lumber production, (39 of 69 taxa of the genus Pinus found in Mexico) (Table 4.1). This is mainly due to the importance of this genus in eco- nomics and natural range in Mexico.

Table 4.1. Main uses of species subject to genetic improvement. Main use % Saw timber 59 Pulp wood 9 Food crops 9 Essential oils 4 Human Consumption 2 Forage 2 Conservation and restoration 4

Gums and resins 6 Christmas trees 3 Medicinal 2


Ex situ breeding programmes are emerging in Mexico, all of which are VPDOOLQVL]HDQGIDOOZLWKLQWKHFDWHJRU\QDPHG´ÀUVWJHQHUDWLRQµ 66 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico Of the 21 programmes that run breeding projects, there are 21 sexual seed orchards (HSS), 5 asexual seed orchards (HSA) and 5 clonal banks (BC) as described in Tables 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. Table 4.2. Report of sexual reproduction in active seed orchards (HSS). No. Seed No. of individuals, 6FLHQWL¿F orchards families and/or Responsible name body* Origin5 (HSS) sources

Gmelina arborea E 1 105 individuals 8 Pinus douglasiana N 1 90 families 7 Pinus greggii N 1 424 individuals 18 from 3 sources

Pinus greggii N 1 120 individuals 18 from 6 sources

Pinus greggii N 1 20 families from 18 1 source

Pinus greggii N 1 de 2ª gen. 266 individuals 18 from 5 sources

Pinus leiophylla N 1 40 families from 2 6 sources Pinus oocarpa N 1 15 families 5 Pinus patula N 4 de 2ª gen. 39 families 15 Pinus patula N 5 de 3ª gen. 23 families 15 Pinus patula N 1 de 4ª gen. 31 families 15 Pinus pseudostrobus N 1 8 families 5 Pinus pseudostrobus N 1 5 sources 19 Taxus globosa N 1 40 families 2 TOTAL 13 N; 1 E 21 HSS 1N: Native; E: Exotic *See Table 3.3. State of the use and sustainable ordering 67

Table 4.3. Report of asexual reproduction in active seed orchards (HSA).

6FLHQWL¿F Origin1 No. of Clonal No. of clones Responsible name Banks (BC) Body*

Cedrela odorata N 1 118 clones 8 Cupressus N 1 65 individuals 18 lusitanica from 28 families Pinus patula N 1 94 clones 2 Pinus patula N 1 64 families from 18 3 sources Pinus pseu- N 1 60 clones 18 dostrobus TOTAL 5 N 5 HSA See Table 3.3.

Table 4.4. Report of active clone banks (BC).

6FLHQWL¿F Origin1 No. of Clonal No. of clones Responsible name Banks (BC) Body*

Cedrela odorata N 1 40 clones from 15 9 replicas each Eucalyptus camal- E 1 10 clones 2 dulensis Hevea brasiliensis E 1 200 clones 8 Jatropha platy- N 1 20 clones 1 phylla Swietenia macro- N 1 30 clones from 15 9 phylla replicas each TOTAL 5 N 5 BC See Table 3.3. Most of these orchards and banks are based in research. Their current conditions mean they are still unable to intensively produce genetically improved seed for use in commercial forest plantations. It should be noted that in these orchards there is no available information on controlled crosses. 68 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

'HJUHHRIXVHRIUHSURGXFWLRQPDWHULDOVLQLP- proved forests in the country. Trials and established orchards with breeding purposes have been cre- DWHGUHFHQWO\DQGPRVWUHPDLQLQDQH[SHULPHQWDOVWDJH5HFHQWO\ÀUPV with greater economic capacity have started to use improved germplasm on their own.

0HDVXUHVWDNHQWRSURPRWHWKHXVHRIJHQHWL - FDOO\LPSURYHGPDWHULDO There are currently no policies or guidelines that require the use of geneti- cally improved material in plant production for reforestation with com- mercial purposes, forest cultivation, conservation, or restoration.

$VDÀUVWVWHSWRSURPRWHWKHSURGXFWLRQRI LPSURYHGJHQHWLF material, starting in 2011 CONAFOR granted subsidies to ejidos in forest lands with ongoing and historical sustainable management of their resources. These subsidies were granted across 5 different states for the establishment of 8 asexual seed orchards in order to graft trees from the following species: Pinus oaxacana, Pinus chiapensis, Pinus patula, Pinus engelmannii, Pinus durangensis and Pinus cooperi.

Aditional to this support, the Mexican Standards proposal for nurser- ies and forest germplasm is expected to 100% ensure plant production quality standards. This includes used germplasm, which must come from production units with phenotypic and/or genotypic selection, to improve survival and productivity of future plantings carried out in the country. 3URJUDPPHVRISDUWLFLSDWRU\VHOHFWLRQRIIRU- est trees in the country. In relation to the conservation and breeding of forest trees, the General Law on Sustainable Forest Development expects that CONAFOR, in coordination with the agencies of the federal public administration, will coordinate and promote the development of a National System of State of the use and sustainable ordering 69

Genetically Improvement Forest. This will be possible with the evalu- ation and registration of parents, creation of areas, seed orchards and seed banks and additionally, through sponsoring the operation together with state and local governments (with the participation of owners of forest land or holders of authorisations for forest resource use, timber and non-timber forest, afforestation and commercial forest plantations).

Without creating special programmes as stated by law, both the federal government through CONAFOR, and state governments, an- nually channel resources to organised producers in order to support the establishment of in situ and ex situ production units, storage facilities and gene banks. In recent years, this has included projects in the states of Chiapas, Durango, Guerrero, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz.

As a complement, some research and service educational institu- tions have been working on such projects in collaboration with forest producers. The work of INIFAP, the Graduate College, Universidad Autonoma Agraria Antonio Narro, the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo and Universidad Veracruzana (Table 3.2) should be highlighted.

In particular CONAFOR aims, to increase the establishment of asexual seed orchards in most of the entities over the next few years.

,QIRUPDWLRQV\VWHPVRQIRUHVWJHQHWLFLPSURYHPHQW During the period 1997 to 2001, the then Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries (SEMARNAP), operated a project called “Mexican Red Forest Germplasm” through the National Re- forestation Programmes (PRONARE). This was in order to promote increased genetic quality of germplasm used in the propagation of plants for reforestation, and thus assist in the conservation of the forest resources of the country (SEMARNAP, 1998). 70 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico During its term, this network had the assistance of the most ex- perienced research and training bodies in forest genetic improvement, CATIE and the Forest Service of the United States of America. As a means of communication and dissemination, a publication was issued and distributed in all states every three months. Its average circulation reached one thousand copies.

For the present year (2012), CONAFOR is promoting the creation of foundations for National Forest Genetic Resources. The purpose of these foundations will be to integrate and promote all of the production and genetic improvement carried out in the country. In addition, they will serve as a medium for dissemination and promotion to producers, researchers, public agencies, and research and educational institutions, both nationally and internationally.

6SHFLHVLQZKLFKJHUPSODVPH[FKDQJHLVSRVVLEOH Species considered in ex situ conservation projects, as well as species used in commercial reforestation and restoration seeds and vegetative parts are performed and can be arranged between institutions and producers through collaborative agreements, which specify the terms of trade.


Plantations intended for breeding are relatively recent and their areas of experimentation are small. For this reason, it is not yet possible to acquire germplasm on a commercial scale. However, it is possible to make agreements with the holders for the acquisition of small quanti- ties of materials used for testing and the establishment of orchards. State of the use and sustainable ordering 71 &ODVVLÀFDWLRQRILPSURYHGUHSURGXFWLYHPDWHULDO EHLQJXVHGLQWKHFRXQWU\ Currently, there is no RIÀFLDOFODVVLÀFDWLRQ for selected or genetically improved forest germplasm. To address this situation, the Mexican Standard project that CONAFOR aims to put into operation, once approved, LVDFODVVLÀFDWLRQ for Forest Seed Production Units (UPGF), and for the germplasm obtained from each of them, including the nine categories in Table 4.5.

7DEOH&ODVLÀFDWLRQRIJHUPSODVPSURGXFWLRQXQLWVDQGIRUHVWJHUPSODVPFRQ- sidered in the “Mexican Standard” project on forest germplasm. Group Category Code Germplasm code ,GHQWL¿HG8QLWV Seed Stand UPGF-I-RS GF-I-RS

Stand with species in UPGF-I-RECR GF-I-RECR the at risk category

Selected Units Seed Area UPGF-S-AS GF-S-AS

Sexual Seed Orchard UPGF-S-HSS GF-S-HSS

Asexual Seed Orchard UPGF-S-HSA GF-S-HSA

GF-S-BC Clonal Bank UPGF-S-BC

Elite Units Sexual seed orchard, UPGF-E-HSSCG GF-E-HSSCG Genetically proofed

Asexual seed orchard, UPGF-E-HSACG GF-E-HSACG Genetically proofed

Clonal Bank, Geneti- UPGF-E-BCCG GF-E-BCCG cally proofed 72 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico 4.10 Varieties produced in the country. To date there are no known records of forest tree varieties that have been developed in our country.

3XEOLFSUHVHQWDWLRQRILPSURYHGJHQHWLFPDWHULDOV There are no legal provisions regarding forest legislation. However, the proposed forest germplasm Mexican Standard provides that forest germplasm should leave storage centres properly packaged and ac- companied by a sheet, when dispatched to nurseries or other sites. The sheets should include, amongst other information, the location of the property where the germplasm was collected and the physiographic province to which it belongs, the category and nomenclature of the production unit, germplasm physical characteristics (weight, purity and number of seeds or propagules) and physiological characteristics (germination percentage and/or feasibility) of germplasm. 3ULRULWLHVWRLPSURYHex situ conservation.

‡ Promote the basis for the creation of National Forest Genetic Resources, in order to nationally integrate and promote breed- ing stock, and to increase the exchange of genetic material and experience with networks or systems in other countries.

‡ Establish policies to ensure that the annually hired facility that supplies governmental reforestation programmes produces while observing the provisions for the collection, transportation and storage of forest germplasm, provided by forest legislation. This is to ensure the accuracy of quality and origin, and that the material deposited in banks and storage facilities complies with these regulations.

‡ Manage the authorisation of the Mexican Standard for the production of FHUWLÀHGIRUHVW germplasm. Once it is approved State of the use and sustainable ordering 73

and operating, increasing the quality and productivity of fu- ture plantations will be promoted.

Establish differential pay for plants produced with FHUWLÀHG forest germplasm, depending on their level of selection or breeding, according to the International Standard for the pro- duction of FHUWLÀHGIRUHVW germplasm.

‡ In the concepts of support that the federal government grants in the form of subsidies, include support for the maintenance and management of ex situ and in situ production units, banks and germplasm storage centres.

‡ Promote coordination of the various levels of government in the country to unify and link efforts for conservation and en- hancement of forest genetic resources.

‡ Increase the delivery of training workshops for producers and technicians in each state, to induce the establishment and FHUWLÀFDWLRQRI production units and storage facilities in accor- dance with the proposed Mexican Standard of germplasm.

Programmes, research, education, training an legislation 75



5.1 Institutions participating in the protection and SURPRWLRQRIIRUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHV

Activities for the protection and promotion of FGR in Mexico are mainly carried out by public entities of the federation, and state gover- nments. To a lesser extent are the research institutions like INIFAP and universities that offer postgraduate courses related to forest resources, as described in Table 5.1

Table 5.1. Bodies participating in the protection and promotion of forest genetic resources. Level of Body Main activities participation

Secretaría del Medio Regulate and coordinate the na- Federal Ambiente y Recursos tional policy for protection, con- Naturales (SEMARNAT) servation and promotion activities in relation to forest resources. Procuraduría Federal Control and monitoring for de Protección al Ambi- the sustainable use of forest Federal ente (PROFEPA) resources.

Comisión Nacional Coordinates conservation, pro- Forestal (CONAFOR) tection and promotional activities Federal in relation to forest ecosystems.

Comisión Nacional de Administration, protection and Áreas Naturales Prote- promotion of natural areas at a Federal gidas (CONANP) federal level. 76 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 5.1. Bodies participating in the protection and promotion of forest genetic resources. (CONT.)

Level of Body Main activities participation

Comisión Nacional para Promote and coordinate activities Federal el Conocimiento y Uso for the knowledge and conserva- de la Biodiversidad tion of biological diversity. Operate (CONABIO) the National Information System on Biodiversity (SNIB). Instituto Nacional de Generate and disseminate knowledge Federal Ecología (INE) and information to support the formu- lation of environmental policies that promote sustainable development.

Instituto Nacional Develop conservation, research and Federal de Investigaciones forestry training projects. Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP)

Gobiernos de las 32 Administration, protection and State entidades federativas promotion of Protected Natural Areas in the state. Gobiernos de los Development of projects for the State estados de Chiapas, conservation, production and genetic Durango, Guerrero, improvement of forest germplasm. Jalisco, México, Micho- acán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla y Veracruz

Centro de Investigación Research and service activities State en Alimentación y related to forest resources. Desarrollo, A.C. Unidad Culiacán (CIAD), Sinaloa

Colegio de Postgra- Teaching, research and service ac- Regional duados tivities in relation to forest resources.

Universidad Autónoma Teaching, research and service ac- Regional Agraria Antonio Narro tivities relation to forest resources. Programmes, research, education, training an legislation 77

Table 5.1. Bodies participating in the protection and promotion of forest genetic resources. (CONT.)

Level of Body Main activities participation

Universidad Autónoma Teaching, research and service ac- State Chapingo tivities relation to forest resources.

Universidad Autónoma Teaching, research and service ac- State de Chihuahua tivities relation to forest resources.

Universidad Autónoma Teaching, research and service ac- State de Nuevo León tivities relation to forest resources.

Universidad del Mar del Teaching, research and service ac- State Estado de Oaxaca tivities relation to forest resources.

Universidad Juárez del Teaching, research and service ac- State Estado de Durango tivities relation to forest resources.

Universidad Michoac- Teaching, research and service ac- State ana de San Nicolás de tivities relation to forest resources. Hidalgo Universidad Nacional Teaching, research and service ac- Regional Autónoma de México tivities relation to forest resources.|

Universidad Veracruzana Teaching, research and service ac- State tivities relation to forest resources.


To date, a VSHFLÀFQDWLRQDOSURJUDPPH for FGR does not exist in Mexico. However, it is worth mentioning that in 2004 the National Pro- gramme for the Management of Forest Genetic Resources (PNMRGF) was developed by different parties involved in the management and conservation of forest genetic resources (government, educational and research agencies, among others). This programme LGHQWLÀHG four lines of action in the short and medium term: Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources, Forest Ecosystem Restoration, Research, Technological Development and Innovation, and Education and Training. 78 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico Despite being a well-structured and basic document for the conser- vation and enhancement of forest genetic resources, it was not pursued nor did it receive a budget on which to operate. It is absolutely necessary (in addition to generating a programme like this) to establish a National Forest Genetic Resources System to be responsible for monitoring and operating the lines of action in the short, medium and long term.

For the current year, 2012, CONAFOR intends to promote the creation of the basis for the National Forest Genetic Resources System in order to promote, integrate and disseminate conservation actions and promotion of FGR carried out in the country. This can serve as liaison between the public authorities, responsible forest producers, growers, germplasm marketers and researchers.


Mexico has a legal framework that allows the development of plans and programmes to promote permanent FGR established in the forest legislation.

For this purpose the General Law on Sustainable Forest Devel- opment provides in Article 132 that “... the National Forest Commission (CONAFOR) in coordination with the agencies RI WKHIHGHUDOSXEOLFDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ, will coordinate and SURPRWHWKHGHYHORSPHQWRI DV\VWHPRI IRUHVWJHQHWLFLPSURYHPHQW with the evaluation and registration RISDUHQWV; creating areas and seed orchards, IRUHVWQXUVHULHV and non-timber species, DQGJHQHEDQNV; sponsoring its operation through WKHJRYHUQPHQWVRI the states and municipalities; as well as the managers and owners RIIRUHVWODQG ZKRKROGDXWKRUL]DWLRQVIRUWKHXVHRI resources and non-timber IRUHVW, DIIRUHVWDWLRQDQG commercial plantations.”

To complement this, the Regulations of the Act provided in Ar- ticles 168 and 169, state that... “CONAFOR will coordinate and promote the IROORZLQJDFWLYLWHVZLWKWKHVRFLDOSULYDWHDQGSXEOLFVHFWRUVWKHQHFHVVDU\WHFKQLFDO assistance activities IRUWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQW DQGRSHUDWLRQRID systemIRUIRUHVWJHQHWLF improvement; the evaluation DQGUHJLVWUDWLRQRI parentsWKHFUHDWLRQRI seed orchards and areas, timber and non-timber species nurseries, DQGJHQHEDQNV; and that the SEMARNAT will issue WKHRIÀFLDO0H[LFDQ6WDQGDUGV to establish JHQHEDQNV Programmes, research, education, training an legislation 79

IRU DIIRUHVWDWLRQDQG UHIRUHVWDWLRQSXUSRVHVDVZHOODV protection and conservation RI IRUHVWJHQHWLF resources, promoting quality improvement by establishing production units RIWKHUHVRXUFH with the participation RIVWDNHKROGHUV´.

Meanwhile, the General Wildlife Law is to establish the concur- rence of the federal, state and municipality governments, within their respective powers, on the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife and its habitats. This excludes timber and non-timber resources, which are regulated by LGDFS, except when dealing with species or popula- tions at risk.

Although there is an appropriate legal framework, and federal and state contributions to the development of FGR have considerably increased, a plan or programme for these resources has not yet been ÀQDOLVHG with national and permanent character.

5.4 Support for the national forest genetic resources SURJUDPPH

For the period 2001-2011, there was an investment of 230.023 million pesos in projects and actions for the promotion of FGR. This investment LVVLJQLÀFDQWO\ higher than in past decades, with federal and state governments being the provider of the major entities (Table 5.2). 6SHFLÀFLQIRUPDWLRQ on projects is included in Annex 11.

Most of the resources provided by CONAFOR and state govern- ments have been earmarked for the infrastructure development of banks and germplasm storage centers, the establishment of production units, and training for technicians and producers. 80 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 5.2. Conservation and promotion projects of FGR 2001-2011.

No. of 46 Funding Body projects Total ($) Colegio de Postgraduados 3 839,500 Comisión Forestal de Michoacán 5 8,791,610 CONABIO 47 18,275,370 CONAFOR 10 114,310,210 CONAFOR-CONACYT 31 12,209,700 Fundación Produce, A.C. 1 1,477,700 IFS (International Foundation for Science) 1 106,676 INIFAP 33 30,232,791 Secretaría de Desarrollo Agropecuario del Esta- 6 2,092,250 do de México Secretaría de Desarrollo Rural del Estado de 4 217,500 Jalisco Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Natu- 2 12,000,000 rales de Guerrero Secretaría de Sustentabilidad Ambiental y Orde- 6 6,054,240 namiento Territorial de Puebla Secretaría del Medio Ambiente e Historia Natural de Chiapas 6 15,822,370 Universidad Agraria Autónoma Antonio Narro 7 243,630 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León 6 7,350,000 TOTAL 168 230,023,547 In the case of resources belonging to INIFAP, CONABIO, CONAFOR-CONACYT, universities and others, investments have mainly been for research projects, establishment of orchards and tests. (GXFDWLRQUHVHDUFKDQGWUDLQLQJ A. Education. In Mexico, there are 17 public education and research institutions that offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses that include courses or subjects related to forest genetic resources (Table 5.2). Programmes, research, education, training an legislation 81

Table 5.3. Educational institutions providing professionals with knowledge of forest genetic resources.

Institution Specialisation level

Colegio de Postgraduados (Texcoco, MA and Phd in Forest Sciences Edo. de Méx.) Colegio de la Frontera Sur (San Cris- MA in Connservation of Natural Re- tóbal, Chis.) sources. Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto (Pue- BA in Forest Engineering blo Nuevo, Dgo.) MA in Sustainable Forest Development Instituto Tecnológico de Perote (Pe- BA in Forest Engineering rote, Ver.) Instituto Tecnológico Valle de Morelia BA in forest Engineering (Morelia, Mich.) Instituto Tecnológico Superior de BA in Forest Engineering Irapuato (Irapuato, Gto.) Universidad Autónoma Agraria Anto- BA and MA in Forest Engineering nio Narro (Saltillo, Coah.) BA in Forest Seed Technology

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo BA in Forest Engineering (Texcoco, Edo. de Méx.) BA in Forest Restoration Engineering MA in Forest Sciences

Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua BA in Forest Engineering (Chihuahua, Chih.) MA in Sustainable Forest Development Sciences Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo BA in Forest Engineering León (Linares, N.L.) MA and PhD in Natural Resources

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de BA in Forest Engineering Hidalgo (Tulancingo, Hgo.)

Universidad Autónoma Indígena de BA in Biotechnologic Forest Engineering México (El Fuerte, Sin.) BA in community Forest Engineering

Universidad de Guadalajara (Zapo- BA in Natural and Agricultural Resources pan, Jal.) BA in Biology BA in Forest Engineering MA in Ecophisiology and Genetic Re- sources 82 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 5.3. Educational institutions providing professionals with knowledge of forest genetic resources. Institution Specialisation level

Universidad Juárez del Estado de Forest Science Engineering Durango (Durango, Dgo.) Environment Management and Natural Resources Engineering MA in Natural Sciences

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de BA, MA and Phd in Biology and Ecology México (México, D.F.)

Universidad Michoacana de San BA in Biology Nicolás de Hidalgo (Morelia, Mich.) Postgraduate degree in Natural Re- sources

Universidad Veracruzana (Xalapa, BA in Biology Ver.) MA in Forest ecology sciences. While there are several institutions training professionals with knowledge of FGR, the courses are scarce or very general (Annex 12). In some institutions these courses are offered as optional and not yet considered a priority in the curriculum. Sometimes there are courses on the collection of germplasm, seedling production and reforestation or biotechnology or genetic markers, without giving the appropriate approach for the conservation and breeding of FGR.

Graduate level students have a moderate interest in issues related to FGR, particularly when it comes to linking them to production aspects, such as forest genetic improvement. There is an estimated average of only three graduates annually with a curriculum on FGR.

The subjects taught in graduate programmes are mainly orientated to biotechnology or conservation issues. For example, there is training offered for biotechnological aspects as cultivation of tissue. However, this is without the study of subjects related to breeding in order to understand the role of the ÀUVWDVD tool in the propagation of selected genotypes. Molecular markers are taught without linking their applica- tion to productive use.

At a national policy level, a national strategy that meets the needs of education and training on FGR has not yet been established. To date, the strategy has been solely at the level of each institution or body, guided mainly by a few professionals and researchers who have knowledge in the subject. Programmes, research, education, training an legislation 83

The demand for trained professionals in FGR is moderate, and can be extended if plantation companies and federal and state governments establish advanced breeding programmes, considering the recruitment of specialists LQWKHÀHOG to help conserve and improve the genetic composition of FGR.


From the above institutions, the following are highlighted for their participation in applied research projects: the Graduate College (Co- legio de Postgraduados), Universidad Autonoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Universidad Vera- cruzana (Table 3.3).

INIFAP has the largest nationwide participation in the research and breeding of FGR. Meanwhile, CONABIO, CONAFOR and CONACYT SDUWLFLSDWHLQFUHDVLQJO\E\ÀQDQFLQJVWXGLHV and research projects (Table 5.1).

Apart from the researchers who work in government bodies and uni- versities, there are some researchers who work in companies, producer organisations and NGOs, as well as service providers or professionals who perform research projects related to conservation and genetic improvement. There is a directory of these researchers that might be considered in the National Forest Genetic Resources that CONAFOR has scheduled to promote in 2012 (Annex 13).


The state of FGR training is incipient. Technical personnel respon- sible for conducting management programmes and projects of plant production and reforestation, do not have appropriate training to per- form advanced breeding projects, and conservation of FGR.

Regulatory requirements for management programmes for forest resources have not been established to identify and conserve superior individuals, nor to establish production units with genetic selection or 84 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico breeding to regenerate harvested areas, and use the germplasm for the establishment of ex situ production units and commercial plantations.

During the last 10 years, CONAFOR has provided or funded training courses for technicians and producers on activities such as: FROOHFWLRQVWRUDJHEHQHÀWDQG seed analysis; management centres and forest germplasm banks. Few courses in genetic improvement of forest trees have been taught. Like CONAFOR, some state governments have also participated in the training of technicians and producers, among which are the states of Durango, Chiapas, Guerrero, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Puebla, Oaxaca and Veracruz.

In order to contribute to the training of technicians responsible for the management of forest resources and reforestation projects, it is necessary to include complementary subjects in the training work- shops, such as: Basic knowledge of tree improvement, Conservation of genetic resources, Genetic diversity, Establishment of production units, Germplasm management, Storage management and banking centrrs, ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQand selection of superior trees and Asexual propagation techniques of superior individuals.

Finally, to contribute to the sustainable use, conservation and en- hancement of FGR in Mexico, the following education and training are necessary inter alia:

Srengthen teacher training to a higher education level and update knowledge in aspects of FGR continuously.

Generate new curricula and strengthen existing ones, incorporating basic issues such as: Basic knowledge of genetics, Genetics in Con- servation, Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources, Population and Quantitative Genetics, Production and Management of Germplasm Units, Asexual Propagation Techniques, Forest Breeding, Biotechnol- ogy, Studies on Molecular Markers and their relation to Population Genetics and Genecology.

In parallel, the number of FGR specialist teaching staff should be increased, as well as the infrastructure of laboratories, greenhouses and equipment for research and the training of students. Programmes, research, education, training an legislation 85

Promote the exchange of experience and use of facilities, including educational institutions, to streamline available resources.

5.6 Opportunities for education and training in other countries.

There are no legal restrictions in Mexico for students or profession- als to be trained, or undertake postgraduate studies in FGR in other countries.

The Mexican government offers scholarships for postgraduate stud- ies at prestigious institutions, and short stays (3 to 6 months) abroad, for students and professionals, mainly in developed countries. To comple- ment this, the NAFC has supported Mexican students with courses and stays in Canada and the United States through research projects.

Although there are SURJUDPPHVRIÀQDQFLDODLGIRUVSHFLDOLVLQJ abroad, the main constraints in increasing the number of specialists in FGR remain; low level in the language of the country, and an inadequate academic foundation in forest resources.

5.7 Legislation pertinent to forest genetic resources.

During the last decade there have been no special circumstances which hinder the issuing of laws and regulations relevant to FGR in Mexico.

While there are no VSHFLÀFOHJDOSURYLVLRQV for FGR, laws and regulations applicable to forest and environment, in relation to the conservation and promotion of these resources are: *HQHUDO/DZRI(FRORJLFDO%DODQFHDQG(QYLURQPHQWDO3URWHF- tion (1988). Establishes the requirements and measures that should be observed in order to prevent and mitigate the negative environmental impacts that may result from the use of forest resources. General Wildlife Act (2000). Establishes the requirements for the protection, restoration and sustainable use of species considered to be in the at risk category, according to NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. 86 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico *HQHUDO/DZRQ6XVWDLQDEOH)RUHVW'HYHORSPHQW   Estab- lishes requirements for access, use, and germplasm collection in natural forests and plantations for commercialVFLHQWLÀFand restoration means. NOM-007-SEMARNAT-1997 (Revised 2003). Establishes proce- dures DQGVSHFLÀFDWLRQVIRU sustainable harvesting, transportation and storage of fruits, seeds and vegetative parts. NOM-059-SEMARNAT (2010). 'HÀQHV WKHÁRUD and fauna listed in four risk categories: “endangered”, “threatened”, “subject to special protection” and “probably extinct in the wild”.


To contribute to the conservation and promotion of natural re- sources, including forest genetics, our country has signed the following agreements and international conventions:

&RQYHQWLRQRQ%LRORJLFDO'LYHUVLW\&%' UDWLÀHGE\0H[LFRLQ 1993). The CBD has three main objectives: 1) the conservation of biological diversity, 2) the use of its components, and 3) the fair and HTXLWDEOHVKDULQJRIEHQHÀWV arising from the use of genetic resources;

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention for Biological Diversity (adopted in Montreal on 29th-DQXDU\DQGSXEOLVKHG LQWKH2IÀFLDO-RXUQDORIWKH)HGHUDWLRQRQth2FWREHU  This protocol is one of the CBD supplementary agreements aimed to ensure an adequate level of protection in the ÀHOGRIVDIHWUDQVIHU, handling and use of OLYLQJPRGLÀHGRUJDQLVPV resulting from modern biotechnology, that may have adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. It also takes into account risks to human health,VSHFLÀFDOO\IRFXVLQJ on transboundary movements;

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES). CITES is an international agreement be- WZHHQJRYHUQPHQWVWKDWZDVUDWLÀHGE\0H[LFRLQ,WVPLVVLRQLV to establish regulations governing international trade in threatened and HQGDQJHUHGVSHFLHVRI ÁRUDDQGIDXQDZKLFKVWDUWLQJOHG0H[LFR Programmes, research, education, training an legislation 87 to make various amendments to the Appendices in order to ensure bet- ter protection of FGR affected by international trade;

&RQYHQWLRQRQ:HWODQGVRI ,QWHUQDWLRQDO,PSRUWDQFH(VSHFLDOO\ DV:DWHUIRZO+DELWDW²5DPVDU Promotes the conservation of wet- lands and waterfowl by establishing natural reserves on them, taking appropriate measures for safekeeping based on its international terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology;

&RQYHQWLRQIRUWKH3URWHFWLRQRI )ORUD)DXQDDQG1DWXUDO6FHQLF %HDXW\RI WKH:HVWHUQ+HPLVSKHUH Its purpose is the protection of endangered species and wild species of America, while preserving spectacular geological formations and places of extraordinary or aes- WKHWLFEHDXW\DQGKLVWRULFDORUVFLHQWLÀFYDOXH

International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants - UPOV - Minutes 78 and 91. Requires parties to recognize and guarantee a right to the breeder of a new plant variety,or assignee, under the conditions laid down in the agreement;

Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Establishes an effective system of protection to all that have RXWVWDQGLQJXQLYHUVDOYDOXHIURPDVFLHQWLÀFFRQVHUYDWLRQRUQDWXUDO beauty standpoint;

International Plant Protection Convention. Sets the sanitary and phytosanitary measures that govern all the parties;

Kyoto Protocol (in force since 2005). Derived from the United Na- tions Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It includes among other commitments, actions of afforestation and reforestation, to reverse deforestation and disturbance of FGR;

The Nagoya Protocol. Derived from the Convention on Biological Diversity and adopted in 2010. It ensures the fair and equitable sharing of EHQHÀWVDQGDFFHVVWRJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHV $UWDQG DQGWKHDFFHVVWR WUDGLWLRQDONQRZOHGJHDVVRFLDWHGZLWKJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHVZKLFKEHQHÀWV indigenous and local communities by using their own knowledge (Art . 7). 88 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico 2EVWDFOHVLQWKHGHYHOSRPHQWRIUHOHYDQWUXOHV and laws for genetic forest resources.

In the last decade there have been no special circumstances that hinder the development of laws or regulations relevant to FGR.

Based on responses collected from the researchers and bodies con- vened to prepare this report, the following needs are considered in the short-term, according to Table 5.2.

Table 5.4. Needs for normative instruments in forest genetic resources in Mexico.

Necessities Priority Level

Not Applicable Low Moderate High

Improve the current FGR legislation IDFLOLWDWHVFLHQWL¿FFROOHFWLRQV X Improve the report presentation X requirements Consider the possibility of penalties X due to breaches &UHDWHVSHFL¿FUHJXODWLRQVIRU)*5 X Improve the effectiveness of regula- X tions for FGR

Increase cooperation among na- X tional authorities in respect of FGR Create a National FGR System X


Federal and state agencies in Mexico that are involved in the con- servation and promotion of FGR projects have ÀOHV or databases on projects that they perform or support. A system to integrate information at national level that is available to the general population is still missing. Programmes, research, education, training an legislation 89

Of the federal agencies that have more information about FGR, we can highlight the following: CONAFOR, which has information on most of the in situ production units, storage centres and germplasm banks; CONANP that has information on handling programmes, and protection and promotion activities carried out in the federal protected areas; and CONABIO, that has the most comprehensive databases on biogeographic species RIÁRUD and fauna at a national level, and paricularily about strategic forest species for our country, that are integrated into the National Information System on Biodiversity in Mexico (CONABIO, 2102nd). These include information on products obtained from them for industrial purposes, food, medicine, fodder, honey, craft, home construction, tool handles and wood for fuel. Re- search and educational instances, INIFAP, the Graduate College, the University of San Nicolas de Hidalgo, the Universidad Veracruzana and the Autonomous University Antonio Narro are more instances that have ÀOHV that perform research on FGR.

Promotion carried out by CONAFOR to form the basis of the sys- tem of National Forest Genetic Resources, will contribute VLJQLÀFDQWO\ to the national integration of databases and archives of the species, studies, and projects related to FGR, to promote sustainable use, con- servation and development.


There are no VSHFLÀF awareness programmes in Mexico for the conservation and promotion of FGR. The federal and state govern- ments include some dissemination activities to improve awareness of the importance of forest resources amongst the population of forests in their protection and development programmes.

Dissemination activities are primarily focused on informing people about the multiple EHQHÀWVRIWKHIRUHVWVDQGMXQJOHV, as well as damage FDXVHGE\IRUHVWÀUHV, illegal logging, pests and changes in land use.

To contribute to the environmental awareness of the Mexican popu- lation Tree Day (third Thursday in July) and the World Environment Day (5th June) are annually celebrated. During these events reforestation 90 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico and dissemination are undertaken in all states, with federal, state and municipal participation.

CONAFOR organises a relevant event called Expo-Forest, which is a national event that involves producers, processors, input suppliers, service providers, research and educational institutions, federal and state agencies, and other special guest countries. These events are widely promoted in host cities, obtaining the meaningful assistance of local people, and also from the rest of the states.

6SHFLÀFDOO\ for training and sensitisation of farmers and technicians during the period 2007 – 2011, CONAFOR has taught various training courses and distributed basic technical FGR manuals (Table 5.3).

Table 5.5. Printed material and courses given in all entities.

Title Presentation

Handbook of Ecological Zoning of Forest Species Technical manual and Application of Simulation Models of the Effect of Climate Change. 0DQXDOIRU,GHQWL¿FDWLRQDQG(VWDEOLVKPHQWRI Technical manual Forest Seed Production Units. ‘ Use and Conservation of Forest Genetic Re- sources. book Management of Forest Genetic Resources. book Forest Germplasm Video 1 CD Forest Genetic Resources Management. ’ 1 Course Forest Germplasm Banks Management. 1 Course Forest Genetic Improvement 1 Course Seed Quality Analysis 4 Courses Seed Collection‘Recolección de Germoplasma’. 4 Courses Ecological Zoning of Forest Species and Priority 6 Courses-Workshop Forest Seed Production Units (UPGF) Forest Germplasm Management (Climate Semi- 3 Courses arid, temperate and tropical National Meeting of Experts on the Management 1 Meeting and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources Based on the responses from the researchers and bodies con- sulted for this report, ZHKDYHLGHQWLÀHGDQGLQWHJUDWHG short-term awareness needs (Table 5.4). Programmes, research, education, training an legislation 91


Necessities Priority Level

Not Low Moderate High applicable

Prepare the information directed to X forest genetic resources Prepare communication strategies X focused on forest genetic resources Improve the Access to information on X forest genetic resources Improve the training and education X on forest genetic resources ,PSURYHFRPSUHKHQWLRQRIEHQH¿WV X and values of FGR Others: Establish strategies that ensure or increase the awareness X of the importance of forest genetic resources* Others: Involve more administrative units in the development of activities X for forest culture Others: Develop and implement a system to monitor and evaluate social X impact * Ensuring a strategy for comprehension and acceptance of the im- SRUWDQFHRI )*5ZRXOGLPSURYHWKHYDOXHRI WKHEHQHÀWVWKDWWKH\ bring to the population. &KDOOHQJHVQHHGVDQGPDLQSULRULWLHVIRUWKH PDLQWHQDQFHRUIRUWLÀFDWLRQRIDQDWLRQDO SURJUDPPHIRUIRUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHVLQ0H[LFR within the next 10 years. a) Promote and operate National Forest Genetic Resources, with subsystems or operational networks for education and training, research, production units, storage centers and gene banks.

b) The promotion and signing of agreements for state pro- motion and development of FGR.

c) Promote the issuance of regulatory guidelines and policies to identify and conserve superior forest individuals with forest management programmes to improve the quality 92 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico of new natural populations and to exploit the germplasm of these individuals for the establishment of ex situ testing and orchards.

d) Establish policies to support conservation projects, and research to consider the following priorities:

1. Assessment of genetic structure and diversity in prior- ity forest species.

2. Genetic improvement of forest species: genotype tests, selection and management of outstanding genotypes. Genetic engineering to incorporate desirable features.

3. Genecological zoning approach to Germplasm Pro- duction Units (UPG), considering climate change.

4. Vulnerability and adaptation to environmental change.

5. Basic issues such as reproductive biology, phenology, asexual propagation methods, including protocols considering tissue culture for mass propagation and conservation of endangered species, or those with problems in seed production.

6. Expand the research agenda for the species in which their value lies in obtaining non-timber products such as resinsRLOVÀEHUVfruits, food, medicine and ÀWQHVV of the species for restoration of disturbed land, ODQGÀOOV and deposits mine waste.

7. Sensitivity and adaptation of forest species to attack by exotic pests. State of regional and international contribution 93



7KHPDWLFQHWZRUNVRQIRUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHV During the last 10 years, Mexico has participated in thematic networks on FGR. The most common examples are the following networks: North American Commission (NAFC FAO), Forest Genetic Resources Network for Latin America (LAFORGEN), Forest Genetic Resources Network-FAO (REGENFOR) and BIOVERSITY. The benefits obtained from these networks have essentially been related to technical training at a higher level, although in some cases there are research collaborations on peripheral or research projects. To mention one example, the Work Group of the North American Commission (NAFC) on Forest Genetic Resources has developed technical manuals. These manuals include: the use and conservation of forest genetic resources and the management of forest genetic resources, which describes basic aspects of genetic resource conservation, management, evaluation and use of germplasm. It also includes the analysis of genetic structure in populations of forest trees, the zoning and transfer of germplasm, genetic designs and statistical methods for evaluation of tests, and the application of in vitro reproduction.

On behalf of the government, the Mexican Network of Forest Germplasm (REMGEFOR) was founded in 1997. It aimed to encour- age the improvement of the genetic quality of germplasm to be used in plant propagation for reforestation, and assist in the conservation of the country’s forest resources. The main function of this network was the coordination of activities with public, private and social bodies who collected, produced, stored, used and traded forest germplasm for propagation purposes. It also served as a link to information for all 94 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico members DIÀOLDWHGWR REMGEFOR. Subsequently, the network stopped operating as it was. Currently CONAFOR, has a Forest Germplasm Bank Network (SINBAG) which includes 18 banks and a Network of Forest Seed Production Units evaluated and found by CONAFOR (210). 6.2 Needs and priorities for creating or fortifying national and international networks for forest genetic resources.

‡ Know and systematise the joint effort of research groups and GHÀQHOLQHV of action. ‡ Create and strengthen national networks in the regions of North and Central America, and at other international levels. ‡ Find funding for the operation of FGR networks.

‡ Strengthen involvement with NAFC, LAFORGEN, IU- FRO (Latin American section) and universities in the south- ern United States and Canada, but especially with Latin America to promote the conservation of priority tropical species. In particular it is recommended for the Mexican delegation, which is comprised of three researchers, to par- ticipate in all meetings, both nationally and internationally. Strengthen the relationship with CAMCORE in order to obtain improved germplasm from Mexican species for the purpose of establishing progeny trials and seed orchards.

The Work Group on Forest Genetic Resources of the North American Commission (NAFC) has been the most successful in the conservation of FGR throughout the region. It collaborates with the U.S., Mexico and Canada, and has established training in both human resources and consulting for generated research projects and publica- tions (Annex 14). It also collaborates in the exchange of experience between the three countries. The CAMCORE cooperative has sup- ported some research projects, primarily on Mexican pines (Table 6.1) and human resource training, HYHQWKRXJKWKHEHQHÀWKDVEHHQJUHDWHU for this cooperative. Currently INIFAP is a member of CAMCORE. 6SHFLÀFDOO\ there have been collaborations with the Tropical Agriculture (CATIE) in exchange of seeds of tropical species, especially in Cedrela odorata, Swietenia macrophylla, Tectona grandis and Gmelina arborea. State of regional and international contribution 95

Table 6.1. Summary of the main activities carried out through diverse species and their products.

Name of the Network Activities Species involved COFAN 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Picea chihuahuana COFAN 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Picea engelmanii COFAN 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Picea martinezii COFAN 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Pinus pseudostrobus COFAN 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Pseudotsuga menziesii COFAN 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Pinus patula COFAN 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Pinus oocarpa COFAN-U de California 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Pinus coulteri LAFORGEN 1,2 , 3, 4, MAPFORGEN 3LQXVU]HGRZVNL USDA Forest Service 1,2,3,6 Pinus pseudostrobus UC MEXUS 1, 2, 3, 4 Pinus radiata var. binata UC MEXUS 1, 2, 3, 4 Cupressus guadalupensis UC MEXUS 1, 2, 3, 4 Quercus tomentella CAMCORE 1, 5 Pinus patula CAMCORE 1, 5 Pinus greggii var. australis CAMCORE 1, 5 y greggii CAMCORE 1, 5 Pinus herrerae CAMCORE 1, 5 Pinus pringlei CAMCORE 1, 5 Pinus tecunumanii CAMCORE 1, 5 Pinus jaliscana CAMCORE 1, 5 Pinus maximartinezii CAMCORE 1, 5 Pinus caribaea DANIDA 2, 5 Pinus chiapensis DANIDA 2, 5 Tectona grandis Instituto Forestal de Oxford 5 Gmelina arborea Gliricidia sepium CAMCORE 1, 5 Pinus maximinoi CAMCORE 1, 2, 5, 7 Eucalyptus urophylla CATIE 1, 5 Cedrela odorata CATIE 5 Swietenia macrophylla CATIE 5 Gmelina arborea CATIE 5 Tectona grandis CSIRO-Australia 1, 5, 4, 6 Pinus radiata Red Alfa (Europa-México) 1, 2,6,7 Pinus patula * Examples of activities: 1 Information exchange | 2 Development of technical guidelines | 3 Develo- pment of shared databases | 4 Establishment of strategies for genetic conservation | 5 Germplasm exchange | 6 Creation, presentation and execution of joint research projects | 7 Formation of human resources.

LAFORGEN was created as part of the collaboration between “In- ternational Bioversity” and the Forest Research Centre in the National Institute of Spain for Agriculture and Food Technology (CIFOR-INIA). 96 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico It was also supported by funds from INIA. The purpose of LAFOR- GEN is to link experts from different research institutes in Latin America working LQWKHÀHOG of genetic resources, including forests. Mexico has participated as a member of the Coordinating Committee. MAPFORGEN was established as a project of the Network and MAP- FORGEN is a database which can be accessed from “Google Earth” to locate 100 of the main tree species used in Latin America (for now), anyone can join network, providing information and obtaining location data and genetic information.

Funds to support short-term projects that enable collaboration between members of the Network have been obtained through LAFROGEN. This network has been active in developing guidelines for the Global Report on Forest Genetic Resources prepared by FAO. Mexico was present in at least three meetings (Costa Rica, Ecuador and Colombia), WKHÀUVWWZR meetings were for the Network and the third was a course on Focal Points in different countries. 6.3 Needs and priorities for creating or fortifying national and international networks for forest genetic resources.

The «Mesoamerican Biological Corridor-Mexico,” runs through the south of the country. It began in 2002 as a project with international funding (GEF-WB). It is linked to an effort to unite natural ecosystems through a “Mesoamerican Biological Corridor”, while preserving be- tween 10% and 15% of known plant and animal species, and leading to better opportunities and quality of life for the residents in 7 Central American countries.

Financing was completed in 2009 but the decision was made to keep it in CONABIO within the federal budget. This was considered to be a useful public policy to encourage the alignment of invest- ments in various sectors in the territory, for the maintenance of biodiversity, promotion of best resource management practices and local communities, in order to adapt to the negative impacts of cli- mate change. This project is developed through four strategic areas:

State of regional and international contribution 97

‡ Land management policies; ‡ Use, management and restoration of biodiversity; ‡ Monitoring and evaluation; ‡ Institutional strengthening.

Biological corridors are in the states of Campeche, Chiapas, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and connect a total of 26 federal, state and private PNA.

2WKHUFROODERUDWLRQH[DPSOHV % Through a cooperative programme between Canada and Mexico to implement and disseminate practices for sustainable forest man- agement, two “Model Forests” have been established in Mexico. The selected study area belongs to one of the two sites, which consitute the “Model Forest Network”. These sites are located in the states of Chihuahua (Chihuahua Model Forest), and Campeche (Campeche Model Forest). There is also a similar bilateral coopera- tion programme between the US and Mexico, where a selection of Forest Service specialists from both countries have set goals for maintaining genetic diversity in sustainable forest management. However, there has been no appropriate genetic analysis to dem- onstrate the sustainability of such management.

% CAMCORE has partially collaborated on research with partners INIFAP, the Government of Veracruz, and two private compa- nies (FOMEX and Sta. Genoveva). The latter organization in particular has carried out extensive collections of germplasm of various tree species, mostly Pinus. CAMCORE has been involved by advising on the establishment of test species, provenance and progeny, particularly with the Universidad Veracruzana, and improved testing material of Pinus patula and Pinus maximinoi with the Graduate College.

% CP-European Union Collaboration. Alfa Red performed a teacher training on wood characteristics of selected Pinus patula trees.

% 6SHFLÀFFROODERUDWLRQVbetween institutions with projects in Cali- fornia, USA, such as the University of California (UC MEXUS), 98 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico and various research insitutions in Mexico, worked on conserva- tion aspects of Pinus radiata var. binata, Cupressus guadalupensis and Quercus tomentella, endemic taxa from Guadalupe Island, and studies on genetic variation in pine from Baja California.

% There is the Placerville agreement (Dr. Thomas Ledig), with UAAAN and COLPOS, on projects for collections and studies of genetic variability in three Mexican species of Picea, all of which are in danger of extinction, and currently in Pinus coulteri. Also several Mexican researchers have been trained under this relationship, particularly in genetic diversity studies.

% Through NAFC there have been several instances of training at a technical and higher education level. Professors and researchers have come from the United States on several occasions to give FRQIHUHQFHVDWV\PSRVLXPVFRQJUHVVHVRUVSHFLÀFHYHQWVRYHU RQHRUWZRGD\VDVZHOODVFDUU\LQJRXWÀHOGWULSVWRH[FKDQJH ideas on FGR conservation. When the meetings of the genetic resource workgroup have happened in Mexico, CONAFOR tech- nicians have participated, incentivising work on FGR in Mexico, with the particular participation of Dr. Judy Loo and Dr. Tannis Beardmore in refresher courses, postgraduate and training, and human resources training.

% Because of these meetings, there are manuals or memories of the events that have been held (listed above), with chapters that range from germplasm collection, to conservation strategies of genetic resources. This work group has jointly conducted research on as- pects of species conservation in species such as: Picea chihuahuana, Picea engelmannii var. Mexican martinezii Picea, Pinus pinceana, Pinus coulteri, Pinus pseudostrobus, Pinus oocarpa and Pseudotsuga menziesii, and made proposals on assisted migration of tree species due to climate change. In particular, these have been made with Jerry Rehfeldt from the USDA Forest Service.

% Thanks to the Seed Physiology and Technology section of IUFRO, support was obtained for participation at an international gathering of seeds held in Taiwan in 2010. At this gathering, the presentation of a report on biodiversity and advances in the conservation of State of regional and international contribution 99

genetic resources and characteristics of certain Mexican species, germination and storage problems, took place.

% In the context of the forest genetic resources programme of FAO, there are some activities that include our country, such as the evaluation of ÀHOGWULDOV in arid and semi-arid on species of the genera Acacia and Prosopis, and the proposal for creating a network of mahog- any genetic resources in the Neotropics, which is based on a report by F. Patiño in 1997. However, neither of these activities is recent.

6.4 Mexican needs and priorities with regard to IXWXUHLQWHUQDWLRQDOFRQWULEXWLRQ


‡ Establish a national system that is functional for FGR.

‡ Establish and/or strengthen links with international networks.

‡ Obtain funding from international sources to strengthen and promote conservation activities and forest genetic improvement.

‡ Training at all levels (specifying topics and areas) indicating the basic required aspects, such as molecular markers, barcode for FODVVLÀFDWLRQRIVSHFLHV cited in other RG). The purposes of which are standardization DQGGHÀQLWLRQRI species, which is important for the work of collection and storage of accessions to the Forest Subsystem at the National Germplasm Centre.


‡ Develop databases on FGR.

‡ Develop human resources (training and development in the subject).

‡ Establish a work group WKDWGHÀQHVVWUDWHJLHV for short, medium and long term PDWHULDOÀQDQFLDODQGKXPDQUHVRXUFHV that meet 100 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico the points mentioned above. It is recommended that this work group should settle on the basis of meeting attendees for the FAO report and a group of researchers willing to collaborate. (Annex 10).

‡ Review, update and implement the Forest Genetic Resources Programme (CONAFOR, 2004) by all parties involved in the management and conservation of FGR.

Table 6.2. Needs for international collaboration on forest genetic resources.

Necessities Priority Level

Not Low Moderate High

Understand the state of genetic X diversity Strengthen in-situ conservation X projects Strengthen ex-situ conservation X projects Strengthen the use of forest ge- X netic resources Strengthen research X Strengthen education and training X Strengthen legislation X Strengthen the management of information and early alert systems X for forest genetic resources. Strengthen public awareness X Strengthen research on the impact X of climate change in FGR )RUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHVDFFHVVDQGEHQH¿WV 101



7.1 Access to forest genetic resources in Mexico.

FGR have great potential to generate economic, environmental and socialEHQHÀWVthrough their sustainable use and conservation. These EHQHÀWVKDYHQRWEHHQ as strongly recognised as those obtained from other forest products. However, they have helped to motivate the au- thorities of our country to promote the broadcast of legal and policy instruments, and to sign international agreements for the regulatation of access and the promotion of forest genetic resources. These regula- tions recognise the property of FGR owners at all times and in doing so prevent biopiracy of FGR.

As a result of the above, 10 international agreements have been signed. These agreements are described in paragraph 5.9 of this report, while nationally, 3 laws and 2 RIÀFLDO0H[LFDQ6WDQGDUGVKDYHEHHQLV- sued to regulate the access and the EHQHÀWVRIXVLQJ FGR, as described in subsection 5.8 of this Report.

6SHFLÀFDOO\ the General Law of Sustainable Forest Development promotes the sustainable use of forest resources, so that the economic DQGVRFLDOEHQHÀWV derived from their use and development are framed in the long-term and guaranteed for future generations.

The law also provides for the issuance of RIÀFLDO0H[LFDQ6WDQGDUGV, which set out WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGVSHFLÀFDWLRQV for the use of forest resources, considering the welfare of the population, conservation, protection, production, and development or restoration of these and 102 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico their ecosystems. It also considers the issue of distribution of SURÀWVLQ the sections of the standard that involve aspects of community forestry.

Under this regulatory framework, collection and storage of forest reproductive material must be undertaken in accordance with authorisa- tions issued by SEMARNAT. Forest reproductive material is transported through forest documentation issued by SEMARNAT, and/or invoices and referrals issued by the harvester.

Authorisations for the use of forest reproductive material are granted to holders of the premises, or to third parties, with a prior consent written by the owners or possessors, which includes; the purpose of collection, and recognition (where appropriate) of the rights of indig- enous communities, their property, knowledge and use of local varieties.

As a complement to the aforementioned legal instruments, in 2005 the Senate passed an Initiative of Access and Use of Genetic Resources, which was subsequently sent to the House of Representatives for discus- sion and approval (if applicable). It was turned over to the Commit- tees on Health and Environment, and is still pending. This law aims to improve access, use, development, conservation and protection of genetic resources, and DQHTXLWDEOHVKDULQJRIEHQHÀWV arising from commercialisation. It also sets out the terms to provide the minimum EHQHÀWV that these activities must contribute to the nation, and indig- enous and local communities.

It is also worth mentioning that SEMARNAT has been working on WKHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ, analysis and development of legislation to implement and fully exploit the provisions of the Nagoya and other international agreements.

Thus, and arising from this report, it is suggestedWKDWPRUHVSHFLÀF regulations for access to genetic resources DQGWKHEHQHÀWVKDULQJWKDW arises from their use should be contemplated. Fundamental aspects such as the safeguarding of genetic resources per se, and genetic resources related to traditional knowledge should also be considered. )RUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHVDFFHVVDQGEHQH¿WV 103 7.2 Access to forest genetic resources situated outside the country.

The exchange or acquisition of forest germplasm with other countries is not restricted in our country, provided the provisions of forest laws, environmental and health regulations are followed. The exchanges recorded to date have been conducted primarily by training and research institutions and private companies in order to establish trials and commercial plantations with genetically superior quality germplasm (Table 7.1). 104 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 7.1. Exchange of germplasm carried out with other countries in the last ten years.

International Bodies Local bodies

Central American and Mexico Co- Universidad Veracruzana; State of Veracruz niferous Resources Cooperative Government; Forest Programme in the Gradua- (CAMCORE) te College (CP); National Institute for Forest, Agriculture and Livestock Research, ‘Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrí- colas y Pecuarias’ (INIFAP) Main exchanged species: Pinus chiapensis, Pinus oocarpa, Pinus maximinoii, Pinus tecu- numanii, Pinus patula, Pinus greggii, Pinus caribaea y Pinus oocarpa.

Tropical Agronomic Centre for National Forest Comission ‘Comisión Nacional Research and Education. ‘Centro Forestal’ (CONAFOR) Agronómico Tropical de Investiga- National Institute for Forest, Agriculture and ción y Enseñanza’ (CATIE) Livestock Research. Instituto Nacional de In- vestigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP) $FTXLVLWLRQRIJHUPSODVPWRVXSSRUWEHQH¿FLD- ries of projects of comercial forest plantations: Cedrela odorata, Swietenia macrophylla, Tecto- na grandis y Gmelina arborea.

Private Businesses Businesses that carry out commercial tropical plantations: Acquired species: Swietenia macrophylla, Tectona grandis, Gmelina arborea, Eucalyptus urophylla, Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus glo- bulus, Toona ciliata, Khaya senegalensis, Acacia mangium, Azadirachta indica.

University of California (UC Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Na- MEXUS) Departament of Scien- turales (SEMARNAT), ce Industry and Resources in Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Prote- Australia. University of Califor- gidas (CONANP) nia Programme for the Conser- Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE) vation of Genetic Resources. Colegio de Postgraduados (CP) Commomwealth Scientific and Exchang of seeds of Pinus radiata. Industrial Organisation (CSIRO) )RUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHVDFFHVVDQGEHQH¿WV 105

Despite the mentioned exchange of germplasm, Mexico has not yet established a national policy or project that integrates and promotes the exchange of germplasm and experiences. Therefore, there is no national registry of the number of accessions that have been exchanged with other countries, and the only control is for the import authorisations, mainly from Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Haiti, Central African Republic and South Africa, according to the records of permits to import and export germplasm available to the SEMARNAT.

It should be noted that another goal of the CNRG is the establish- ment of treaties and agreements with other national and international centres, educational and research institutions who have similar objec- tives for the exchange of genetic resources. This will improve control and access to the register of exchange of accessions in and out of the country. 'LVWULEXWLRQRIEHQHÀWVGHULYHGIURPIRUHVWJH- netic resources.

The current General law of Sustainable Forest Development does not create any obstacles to achieving a fair distribution of the use of forest germplasm in favour of the owners of forest land, and of land with commercial or restoration plantations. This due to the fact that landowners are granted authorisations for collections of germplasm by this law.

Additionally, the law foresees that the departments and public or- ganisms who are in charge of enforcing the law (SEMARNAT), and promoting forest activity (CONAFOR), support economic resources via subsidies and technical assistance to forest producers. in coordina- tion with local governments (state and municipality), and other federal departments related to the forest sector. This is for the establishment of production units and genetic improvement, among other activities, and alongside the installation and operation of banks and forest germplasm storage centres.

Mexico currently lacks statistical information about revenues gener- ated from the use of forest germplasm. The following example allows 106 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico us to estimate the annual income generated by germplasm collected through the federal government from plant production for conserva- tion and restoration purposes: in 2011 there were 230 million plants that were used for an average of 23 tonnes of seeds, considering an average cost of $ 1,000 per kilogram of seed, the result a spill economy of $23 million, only in this example. It should be noted that a great part of the cost of seed is invested in the payment of wages used in the collection and processing of germplasm. Therefore, it also promotes an alternative source of employment in addition to those generated by traditional forest use.

Finally, it should be noted that during the last 10 years the federal government, through CONAFOR and some state governments, has FKDQQHOHGÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUWDQGWHFKQLFDODVVLVWDQFHLQWKHJURZLQJIRUHVW sector. They have particularly supported projects such as: the collection of germplasm, FGPU establishment, installation and operation of gene banks and collection centers. However, it is still necessary to work on PDQ\LVVXHVUHODWHGWRLPSURYLQJWKHGLVWULEXWLRQRI EHQHÀWVIURPWKH use of FGR whilst simultaneously encouraging conservation. 3ULRULWLHVIRULPSURYLQJXVHDQGDFFHVVIRUIRUHVW genetic resources.

‡ Below is a list of priorities to improve access and increase the EHQHÀWV obtained by the use of FGR:

‡ Promote the creation of the National Forest Genetic Resources System, in order to integrate and promote breeding stock na- tionally and provide a link to the exchange between domestic producers and networks in other countries.

‡ Establish mechanisms to ensure that the facility that is contracted annually to supply government reforestation programmes, pro- duces in accordance with the provisions on collection, transporta- tion and storage of forest reproductive material under forest law, so as to ensure the accuracy of the source thereof. )RUHVWJHQHWLFUHVRXUFHVDFFHVVDQGEHQH¿WV 107

‡ Manage the authorisation of the Standard for the establishment of production units and management of forest germplasm in order to improve quality and productivity of future plantations.

‡ Establish differential pay for plants produced with FHUWLÀHGIRUHVW germplasm, according to their level of selection and breeding.

‡ Increase ÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUW to producers for the establishment, registration and management of forest germplasm production units.

‡ $GYRFDWHWKHEHQHÀWVREWDLQHGIURPWKH use and exploitation of forest reproductive material among technical advisors and resource owners.

‡ With respect to the purchase of germplasm, give priority to forest producers who are governed by the existing legislation and have banks or storage centers, thus promoting the development of the forest germplasm market with genotypic and/or phenotypic selection.

‡ Ratify the Nagoya protocol while generatating laws and regula- tions under which which the protocol can be implemented.

Contribution of forest genetic resources 109




Extreme poverty, environmental degradation and loss of natural resour- ces are highlighted among priorities that require immediate attention in our country. To the extent that these priorities are addressed and resolved, the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources, based on forestry, favourable changes in equity issues, and insecurity will be promoted.

According to the Forest Strategic Programme for Mexico 2025 (PEF 2025), the management and sustainable use of forest resources plays an important role in reducing poverty and the degradation of natural resources. In the case of rural populations (the sector most affected by poverty), these resources have potential and growing development in activities other than agriculture, such as the collection and trade of germplasm, production and sale of handicrafts, and the extraction of materials of medicinal importance, ZKLFKGLUHFWO\EHQHÀW the owners of these resources with food and employment.

In a case study of rural populations in the Sierra Tarahumara (Azarcoya-Gonzalez, 2009), it was estimated that about 370,000 people depend on forest resources. They prefer to manage the forest for a range of purposes in addition to and aside from timber, due to the degree of 110 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico degradation that this activity presents. Degraded areas should be re- covered through the collection of germplasm in the region, to be used in conservation and reforestation efforts. Therefore, one can conclude that WKHEHQHÀWV obtained from FGR are part of the livelihood strategy in these communities.

Other studies (Bray et al., 2007) indicate that, when the forest did not show VLJQLÀFDQW levels of disturbance, indigenous people had no need to migrate to other regions due to the availability of trees alongside food security, activities such as hunting, FROOHFWLQJÀUHZRRG, medicines, leaves, fruits, seeds, mushrooms, medicinal roots and food, and the use of materials for making handicrafts. Products that met their basic needs were obtained and were also consistent with their cultural needs.

In the federal programme ProÁrbol, run by CONAFOR, the fol- lowing activities are included among others: support to promote forest development, community forestry, community-based conservation of biodiversity, conservation and restoration of forest ecosystems, and commercial forest plantation development. The programme has an estimated budget of over 2,000 million pesos, allowing the genera- tion of jobs (increasing the income of the population), conservation, restoration and utilisation of forest resources, thus providing a better organisational structure and consolidating more than 200 local, regional and national organizations.

The PEF 2025, includes the management of FGR to VLJQLÀFDQWO\ support:

‡ The preservation of genetic resources and biodiversity.

‡ The provision of material with desired characteristics in the support of reforestation and commercial plantations.

‡ The increase in revenues to domestic producers from the sale of germplasm with high genetic value.

‡ The provision of genetic material for the development of invest- ment in new medical and industrial products, which represent a potential for the development of industries with revenues of billions of dollars. Contribution of forest genetic resources 111

‡ The promotion, development and use of the most appropriate species and ecotypes for each forest region, and even by VSHFLÀF purpose, as it is a precondition for a successful reforestation programme.


7KHEHQHÀWV offered by FGR products are important and have indirect implications on revenue and sources of employment, ranging from the generation of food, medicine, handicrafts, etc., to products for rural consumption in different regions (PEF 2025). However, knowl- edge and potential use of PDQ\VSHFLHVLVVWLOOGHÀFLHQW7KH suburbs are more focused on the harvesting of timber, and most markets are not developed. In general, the use and development of FGR has not received the same attention as timber harvesting. Furthermore, the increase of research, training and GLVVHPLQDWLRQRIWKHEHQHÀWV for the use and development of FGR should be emphasised in addition to the development and implementation of techniques for collecting, process- ing, and market research to develop such products.

Although the precise value of WKHEHQHÀWV of FGR is unknown, its usable potential is known in jungles, forests, and arid zones (Toledo and Argueta, 1989). As it was considered that WKHEHQHÀWV obtained from the use of FGR could contribute some of the Millennium Development Goals (Table 8.1). 112 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Table 8.1. Potential contribution of forest genetic resources to the Millenium Develop- ment Goals in Mexico.

Objectives Potential Contribution of FGR

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and Germplasm sell contributes to increase hunger the earnings of owners and possesors of the forest resource. 2. Acheive universal primary There are no direct implications for the training use and development of FGR

3. Promote equality and autonomy There are no direct implications for the of women use and development of FGR

4: Reduce child mortality There are no direct implications for the use and development of FGR

5. Improve maternal health There are no direct implications for the use and development of FGR

6. Fight VIH/AIDS and other illness There are no direct implications for the use and development of FGR

7. Guarantee sustainability of the %\SURPRWLQJWKHEHQH¿WVWKDWWKHGHYH- environment lopment of FGR brings, communities are motivated and encouraged to conserve and use their resources sustainably. Si- multaneously, they conserve forest areas and reduce deforestation rates.

8. Promote a global association for There are no direct implications for the development use and development of FGR Contribution of forest genetic resources 113 )RUHVWVSHFLHVRILPSRUWDQFHWRIRRGVHFXULW\ and the reduction of poverty.

Mexico has a large number of arboreal species, scrubs and other plants (succulents, vines, etc.), Which are endemic in many cases. These species are considered important for food security or poverty reduction (Annex 15). Nevertheless, the importance of many other species remains unknown, so it is necessary to promote studies of their use and potential, taking into account indigenous knowledge.

There are more tree species that have medicinal, ornamental, and food potential to be studied in order to promote their use and marketing. As well as the development of markets, this could impact positively on reducing poverty and food security as well.

Current State of Forest Genetic 115

%LEOLRJUDSKLF5HIHUHQFHV $JXLUUH3ODWHU(*5)XUQLHU\/((JXLDUWH Low levels of genetic variation within and high levels of genetic differen- tiation among populations of species of Abies from southern Mexico and Guatemala. American Journal of Botany 87: 362-371. Azarcoya-González B. 2009. La Sierra Tarahumara, el bosque y los pueblos originarios: estudio de caso de Chihuahua, México. For- est tenure in Latin America. Forestal. FAO. forestry/54367/es/mex/ %UD\'0HULQR/\%DUU\' Los bosques comunitarios de México. Manejo sustentable de paisajes forestales. México, Secretaría de Medio Ambiente, Instituto Nacional de Ecología, Instituto de Geografía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible, Florida Internacional University. CDB. 2011. Primera reunión del comité intergubernamental especial de composición abierta para el protocolo de Nagoya sobre acceso a los recursos genéticos y participación justa y equitativa en los EHQHÀFLRVTXHGHULYHQGHVXXWLOL]DFLyQ0RQWUHDO&DQDGi de junio de 2011. Documento de delegación-México. &KDOOHQJHU$\-6REHUyQ Los ecosistemas terrestres. En Capital Natural de México, vol. I: Conocimiento Actual de la Biodiversidad. CONABIO, México, pp.: 87-108. CONABIO. 2011. Índice de especies. Disponible en: http://www. indice_especies.html. Consultado 28 de noviembre de 2011. CONABIO. 2012.3UR\HFWRVÀQDQFLDGRV'LVSRQLEOHHQKWWSZZZ FRQDELRJREP[ZHESUR\HFWRVSUR\HFWRVBÀQDQFLDGRVKWPO Consultado 26 de enero de 2012. CONABIO. 2012a. Sistema Nacional de Información sobre Biodiver- sidad de México. Disponible en: 116 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico institucion/snib/doctos/acerca.html. Consultado 26 de enero de 2012. CONAFOR. 2004. Programa Nacional para el Manejo de los Recur- sos Genéticos Forestales. Primera Edición. Zapopan, Jalisco, México. 35 p. CONAFOR. 2007. Anuario estadístico de la producción forestal. Disponible en: administrator/sistemas/archivoslasdemas/1295030069_ANU- ARIO_2007.pdf. Consultado el 29-09-2011. &21$)25 Inventario Nacional Forestal y de Suelos de México 2004-2009: Una herramienta de certeza a la planeación, evaluación y desarrollo forestal de México. CONAFOR. 2010. Visión de México sobre REDD+ hacia una estrategia nacional. Disponible en: http://www.conafor.gob. mx:8080/documentos/docs/7/1393Visi%C3%B3n%20de%20 M%C3%A9xico%20sobre%20REDD_.pdf. Consultado el 21 de enero de 2012. CONAFOR. 2011. Zonificación forestal. Disponible en: php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=11 (Consultado el 28 de septiembre 2011). CONAFOR. 2011a. Reforestación - Fichas Técnicas. http://www. ÀFKDVWHFQLFDV&RQVXOWDGDGHODOGHGLFLHPEUH &21$)25E Certificados de manejo forestal 2011. Dis- ponible en: docs/5/1775Padr%C3%B3n%20de%20predios%20con%20 FHUWLÀFDGRGH%XHQ0DQHMR)RUHVWDOSGI&RQ- sultado el 14 de enero de 2012. CONANP. 2007. Programa Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas 2007-2011. SEMARNAT. Distrito Federal. Disponible en: http:// CONANP. 2011. Áreas Naturales Protegidas. Disponible en: htt ( Current State of Forest Genetic 117

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a la sequía de plántulas de Pinus greggii Engelm. Revista Ciencia Forestal en México 26: 61-79. +XQWHU-50/ Fundaments of Conservation Biology. Black- Well Science, Inc. Massachusetts USA. 547 p INEGI. 2001. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía. Provin- FLDV\VXESURYLQFLDVÀVLRJUiÀFDV6HULHKWWSPDSVHUYHU LQHJLRUJP[JHRJUDÀDHVSDQROHVWDGRVGHÀQLFLRQHVGHÀQLF cfm?c=444&e=15. -DUDPLOOR&RUUHD-3-%HDXOLHX)7/HGLJDQG-%RXVTXHW 2006. Decoupled mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA population structure reveals Holocene collapse and population isolation in a threatened Mexican-endemic conifer. Molecular Ecology 15: 2787–2800. -DUDPLOOR&RUUHD-3($JXLUUH3ODQWHU'3.KDVD/( (JXLDUWH'3LxHUR*5)XUQLHUDQG-%RXVTXHW Ancestry and divergence of subtropical mountain forests iso- lated: molecular biography of genus Abies (Pinaceae) in southern Mexico and Guatemala. Molecular Ecology 17: 2476-2490. .DUKX$&9RJO*)0RUDQ-&%HOODQG26DYRODLQHQ Analysis of microsatellite variation in Pinus radiata reveals effects of genetic drift but no recent bottlenecks. Journal of Evol. Biol. 19: 167-175. /HGLJ)7 Founder effects and the genetic structure of Coulter pine. The Journal of Heredity 91: 307-315. /HGLJ)70&DSy$UWHDJD3'+RGJVNLVV+6ED\&)ORUHV /ySH]07&RQNOHDQG%%HUPHMR9HOi]TXH] Ge- netic diversity and mating system of a rare Mexican piñon, Pinus pinceana, and a comparison with Pinus maximartinezii (Pinaceae). American Journal of Botany 88: 1977-1987. /H\*HQHUDOGH'HVDUUROOR)RUHVWDO6XVWHQWDEOH /*')6  Dis- ponible en: ( pdf/259.pdf) /H\*HQHUDOGHO(TXLOLEULR(FROyJLFR\OD3URWHFFLyQDO$PELHQWH (LGEEPA). Disponible en: sBiblio/regley/Reg_LGEEPA_MPCCA.pdf 120 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico Ley General de Vida Silvestre (LGVS). Disponible en: http://www. /ySH]/RFLD0\69DOHQFLD0DQ]R Variación de la densidad relativa de la madera de Pinus greggii Engelm. del norte de México. Maderas y Bosques 7:37-47. /ySH]8SWRQ-$-0HQGR]D+HUUHUD--DVVR0DWD--9DUJDV +HUQiQGH]\$*yPH]*XHUUHUR Variación morfológica GHSOiQWXODVHLQÁXHQFLDGHOS+GHODJXDGHULHJRHQGRFHSR- blaciones de Pinus greggii Engelm. Maderas y Bosques 6: 81-94 /ySH]8SWRQ-&5DPtUH]+HUUHUD23ODVFHQFLD(VFDODQWH y J. Jasso-Mata. 2004. Variación en crecimiento de diferentes poblaciones de las dos variedades de Pinus greggii. Agrociencia 38: 457-464. 0iSXOD/DUUHWD0-/ySH]8SWRQ--9DUJDV+HUQiQGH]\$ Hernández-Livera. 2008. Germinación y vigor de la semilla de Pseudotsuga menziesii de México. Ra Ximhai 4: 119-134 0H]D6iQFKH]5\(2VXQD/HDO Estudios dasométrico del mezquite en la zona de las Positas B.C.S. INIFAP. Folleto &LHQWtÀFR1RS 0LWWHUPHLU5$10\HUV-%7KRPVHQDQG*$%)RQVHFD 1998. Biodiversity hots post and major tropical wilderness areas: approaches to setting conservation priorities. Conservation Biol- ogy 12: 516-520. 0ROLQD)UHDQHU)3'HOJDGR'3LxHUR13HUH]1DVVHU\( Alvarez-Buylla. 2001. Do rare pines need different conserva- tion strategies? Evidence from three Mexican species. Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 131-138. 0RQWLHO2VFXUD'.Estructura poblacional y genética de Fagus JUDQGLIROLD subsp mexicana. Tesis de Maestría. Colegio de Postgrad- uados, Montecillo, Texcoco Edo de México. 46 p. 0RUHQR/HWHOLHU$\'3LxHURPhylogeographic structure of 3LQXVVWURELIRUPLV(QJHOPDFURVVWKH&KLKXDKXDQ'HVHUWÀOWHU barrier. Journal of Biogeography 36: 121-131. Current State of Forest Genetic 121

1DYD&UX]<)-(VSLQRVD*DUFtD\*5)XUQLHU:KLWHODZ 2006. Niveles y patrones de variación química en resina de las ho- jas del género Abies del norte de México. Agrociencia 40: 229-238. 1DYDUUR&6&DYHUV$3DSSLQHQ37LJHUVWHGW$/RZHDQG- Merilä. 2005. Contrasting quantitative traits and neutral genetic markers for genetic resource assessment of mesoamerican Cedrela odorata. Silvae Genetica 54: 281-292. 1HZWRQ$&75$OOQXWW:6'YRUDN5)GHO&DVWLOOR\5 A. Ennos. 2002. Patterns of genetic variation in Pinus chiapensis a threatened Mexican pine, detected by RAPD and mitochondrial DNA ARFL markers. Heredity 89: 191-198. NOM-007-SEMARNAT-1997. Disponible en: (http://www.profepa. JREP[LQQRYDSRUWDOÀOHQRPVHPDUQDW pdf). 3DUUDJXLUUH/H]DPD&--9DUJDV+HUQiQGH]35DPtUH] 9DOOHMR+6$]StURV5LYHUR\--DVVR0DWD Estructura de la diversidad genética en poblaciones naturales de Pinus greggii Engelm. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana 25: 279-279 3HUU\-U-3 The Pines of Mexico and Central America. Timber Press, Oregon, USA. 231 p. 3ODQHVWUDWpJLFRIRUHVWDOSDUD0p[LFR² 3URWRFRORGH&DUWDJHQDVREUH6HJXULGDGGHOD%LRWHFQRORJtDGHO &RQYHQLRVREUH6HJXULGDG%LROyJLFD ( doc/legal/cartagena-protocol-es.pdf. Protocolo de Kyoto. Disponible en: vkp/kpspan.pdf. Protocolo de Nagoya. Disponible en: protocol/nagoya-protocol-es.pdf. 5DPLUH]+HUUHUD& Quantitative trait variation and alloenzyme diversity of Pinus pinceana. PhD Thesis. University of New Bran- swick. New Branswick Canada. 198 p. 122 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico 5DPtUH]+HUUHUD&.(3HUF\-$/RR/'

6iHQ]5RPHUR&-%HDXOLHXDQG*(5HKIHOGWD Variación genética altitudinal entre poblaciones de Pinus patula. Agrociencia 45: 399-411. 6iQFKH]0RQVDOYR9-*6DOD]DU*DUFtD--9DUJDV+HUQiQGH] -/ySH]8SWRQ\--DVVR0DWD Parámetros genéticos y respuestas a la selección en características del crecimiento de Cedrela odorata L. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana 26: 19-27. SEMARNAP. 1998. Red Mexicana de Germoplasma Forestal. Gaceta de la Red Nº 1. 78 p. SEMARNAT. 2009. Base de datos estadísticos, modulo de consulta temática: dimensión ambiental, recursos forestales. Subsecretaría de Gestión para la Protección Ambiental, DGGFS. Disponible en: html/mce_index.html#. Consultado el 14 de enero 2012. SEMARNAT. 2010.1250$2ÀFLDO0H[LFDQD1206(0$5- NAT-2010, Protección ambiental-Especies nativas de México de ÁRUD\IDXQDVLOYHVWUHV&DWHJRUtDVGHULHVJR\HVSHFLÀFDFLRQHV para su inclusión, exclusión o cambio-Lista de especies en riesgo. 'LDULR2ÀFLDOGHORV(VWDGRV8QLGRV0H[LFDQRV6HFUHWDULDGHO Medio Ambiente y Recursos naturales. Jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010. SEMARNAT. 2011. 6XSHUÀFLHIRUHVWDODIHFWDGDSRUSODJDV\HQ- fermedades forestales (hectáreas). Comisión Nacional Forestal, Gerencia de Sanidad Forestal. Disponible en: http://dgeiawf. RFORESTA06_01&IBIC_user=dgeia_mce&IBIC_pass=dgeia_ mce. Consultado el 23 de enero 2012. SEMARNAT. 2012a. Base de datos estadísticos, módulo de consulta temática: dimensión ambiental, recursos forestales. Subsecretaría de Gestión para la Protección Ambiental, DGGFS. En http:// mce_index.html#. Consultado el 14 de enero 2012. 6(0$51$7E6XSHUÀFLHGH80$UHJLVWUDGDVKDVWDHOGH noviembre de 2011. Subsecretaria de Gestión y Protección Ambiental. Dirección de Vida Silvestre. Disponible en: http:// 124 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico Documents/UMAS/Graf_SUP_301111.pdf. Consultada el 27 de enero de 2012. SEMARNAT. 2012c. Mapa de las UMA registradas hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2011. Subsecretaria de Gestión y Protección Ambiental. Dirección de Vida Silvestre. Disponible en: http:// Documents/UMAS/Mapa_301111.pdf. Consultada el 27 de enero de 2012. 7ROHGR90\$$UJXHWD La tradición contemporánea: transfor- maciones ecológico-agrarias en México, México Indígena 27: 3-9. 7UDWDGR,QWHUQDFLRQDOVREUHORV5HFXUVRV)LWRJHQpWLFRVSDUDOD $OLPHQWDFLyQ\OD$JULFXOWXUD Disponible en: http://www. 9LYHURV9LYHURV+%,7DSLD2OLYDUHV&6iHQ]5RPHUR-- 9DUJDV+HUQiQGH]-/ySH]8SWRQ$6DQWDFUX]9DUHOD\ *5DPtUH]9DOYHUGH Variación isoenzimática de Pinus hartwegii Lindl. en un gradiente altitudinal en Michoacán México. Agrociencia 44: 723-733 9LYHURV9LYHURV+&6iHQ]5RPHUR-/ySH]8SWRQ\-- Vargas-Hernández. 2005. Variación genética altitudinal en el crecimiento de plántulas de Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. en campo. Agrociencia 39: 575-587. :HL;-%HDXOLHX'3.KDVD-9DUJDV+HUQiQGH]-/ySH] 8SWRQ%-DTXLVKDQG-%RXVTXHW Range-wide chloro- plast and mitochondrial DNA imprints reveal multiple lineages and complex biogeographyic history for Douglas-Fir. Tree Ge- netics & Genomes 7: 1025-1040. :KLWH7/:7$GDPVDQG'%1HDOH Forests Genetics. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA. 682 p. Annexes 125


Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico Country Report 126 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Annex 1. Distribution of the variance in quantitative traits in several forest species in Mexico. ., 2003 ., 2001 ., 2011 ., 2010 ., 2005 ., 2005 ., 2011b ., 2011a et al et al ., 2000 ., 2004 et al et al et al et al et al et al ., 2006 et al et al Reference et al Nava cruz Navarro-Pereira Sánches-Monsalvo Viveros-Viveros Sáenz-Romero López-Upton 2001 López-Locia y Valencia-Manzo, López-Upton Hernández-Pérez Gómez-Jiménez Ramírez-Herrera Sáenz-Romero ST Q STR Q WP 2 P 2 - - 36.9 - 42.3 13.4 - 0.28 -588 -1324 -- 57.6 16.6- 53.3 13.3- 63.5 -- 6.8 - - 0.3 -- 0.32 - - 9- 21.5 - 0.54 12.6 ------29.3 -43 - -- 7- - -- 4.3- 57-- -- 5 -5.76- - - 41.3 - 35.5 7.7 - - 76 0.8 0.4 R 2 15.287.8 0 0.784.1 2.2 0.2 0.6 0.2 81.2 11.272.7 - 8.337.9 26.275.4 - - 6.5 - 1.7† 39.4 58.1 - - 38.2 10.5 3.4 0.57 0.38 Chemical composition of resin in leaves Height (62 days) Height (252 days) Base diameter Length between knots Height (5 years) Diameter (5 years) Height (180 days) Diameter (150 days) Height (8 months) Aerial dry weight (8 months) Height (6 months) Height (8 months) Height (16 months) Wood density Survival Height Diameter Volume Height Dry root weight (PSR) Aerial dry weight (PSA) PSR/PSA ratio Germination capacity Peak value Germination value Wax content Genera/Species Characterístics Cedrela odorata Pinus oocarpa Abies Pinus patula Pinus leiophylla Pinus pinceana Pinus greggii Annexes 127

Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in Mexico GHÀQHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25

Tree (A), other ligneous Species: Reasons for Prioritisation native (N); Priority Species (O) or Agave (Importance) (AV) exotic (E) Abies religiosa ONEcological and Economic Acacia berlandieri ONEcological and social Acacia cornigera ONEcological and social Acacia dolichostachya ONEcological and social Acacia farnesiana ONEcological and social Acacia mangium ONEcological and social Acacia retinodes ONEcological and social Acer negundo ANEcological and social Acrocarpus fraxinifolius ANEconomic and social Adelia barbinervis ANEcological and social Agave angustifolia AV N Ecological, Economic and Social Agave atrovirens AV N Ecological, Economic and Social Agave lechuguilla AV N Ecological, Economic and Social Albizia lebbeck AEEcological and social Alchornea latifolia ANEconomic Alibertia edulis ONEcological and social Alnus acuminata ANEcological and economic Alnus jorullensis ANEcological and social Alseis yucatanensis ANEcological and social Ampelocera hottlei ANEcological and social Amphipterygium adstringens ANEcological and social Anacardium occidentale ANEconomic and social Andira galeottiana ANEcological and social Andira inermis ANEcological and social Annona cherimola ANEcological and social Annona muricata ANEcological and social Annona reticulata ANEcological and social Annona squamosa ANEcological and social Apeiba tibourbou ANEcological and social Arbutus glandulosa ONEcological and social Arbutus xalapensis ONEcological and social Astianthus viminalis ANEcological and social Astronium graveolens ANEcological and social Atriplex canescens ONEcological and social 128 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in Mexico GHÀQHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25 &RQW

Tree (A), other ligneous Species: Reasons for Prioritisation native (N); Priority Species (O) or Agave (Importance) (AV) exotic (E)

Azadirachta indica AEEcological and social Avicennia germinans AEEcological, economic and social Bauhinia divaricata ONEcological and social Bernoullia flammea ANEcological and social Bixa orellana ONEcological and social Blepharidium mexicanum ANEcological and social Bocconia arborea ANEcological and social Brosimum alicastrum ANEcological, economic and social Bucida buceras ANEcological and social Bucida macrostachya ANEcological and social Buddleia cordata ONEcological and social Bursera aloexylon ANEcological and social Bursera excelsa ANEcological and social Bursera simaruba ANEcological and social Byrsonima crassifolia ONEcological, economic and social Caesalpinia coriaria ANEcological and social Caesalpinia gaumeri ANEcological and social Caesalpinea velutina ANEcological and social Calliandra calothyrsus ANEcological, economic and social Calliandra eriophylla ONEcological and social Calliandra grandiflora ONEcological and social Calophyllum brasiliense ANEcological and social Calycophyllum candidissimum ANEcological and social Carica papaya ANEcological and social Carpinus tropicalis ANEcological and social Carya illinoensis ANEcological and social Casearia nitida ANEcological and social Casimiroa edulis ANEcological and social Castilla elastica ANEcological, economic and social Casuarina equisetifolia AEEcological and social Cecropia obtusifolia ANEcological, economic and social Cecropia peltata ANEcological and social Cedrela odorata ANEconomic and social Ceiba acuminata ANEcological and social Annexes 129

Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in Mexico GHÀQHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25 &RQW

Tree (A), other ligneous Species: Reasons for Prioritisation native (N); Priority Species (O) or Agave (Importance) (AV) exotic (E) Ceiba aesculifolia ANEcological and social Ceiba parvifolia ANEcological and social Ceiba pentandra ANEcological and economic Cercidium microphyllum ANEcological and social Cercidium praecox ANEcological and social Chamaedorea elegans ANEcological, economic and social Chrysobalanus icaco ONEcological and social Chrysophyllum mexicanum ANEcological and social Cnidoscolus multilobus ONEcological and social Coccoloba barbadensis ANEcological and social Coccoloba uvifera A N Ecological, economic and social Cochlospermum vitifolium ANEcological, economic and social Cojoba arborea ANEcological and social Conocarpus erecta ANEcological and social Cordia alliodora ANEcological, economic and social Cordia dodecandra ANEcological, economic and social Cordia eleagnoides ANEcological and social Cornus disciflora ANEcological and social Crataegus mexicana ANEcological, economic and social Crescentia alata ANEcological and social Croton niveus ANEcological and social Cupressus guadalupensis ANEcological Cupressus lusitanica ANEcological and social Dalbergia granadillo ANEcological and social Dendropanax arboreus ANEcological and social Dialium guianense ANEcological, economic and social Diospyros digyna ANEcological and social Dioscorea composita ONEcological, economic and social Engelhardtia mexicana ANEcological and social Enterolobium cyclocarpum ANEcological, economic and social Eriogonum fasciculatum ONEcological and social Erythrina coralloides ANEcological and social Eucalyptus grandis AEEconomic Eucalyptus urophylla A E Economic 130 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in Mexico GHÀQHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25 &RQW

Tree (A), other ligneous Species: Reasons for Prioritisation native (N); Priority Species (O) or Agave (Importance) (AV) exotic (E) Eugenia capuli ANEcological and social Euphorbia antisyphilitica ONEcological and social Eysenhardtia polystachya ONEcological Fagus mexicana ANEcological and social Ficus carica AESocial Ficus cotinifolia ANEcological and social Ficus tecolutensis ANEcological and social Flourensia cernua ONEcological and social Fraxinus uhdei ANEcological, economic and social Gaultheria acuminata ANEcological and social Genipa americana ANEcological, economic and social Gliricidia sepium ANEcological, economic and social Gmelina arborea AEEconomic Guaiacum coulteri ONEcological and social Guatteria amplifolia ANEcological and social Guatteria anomala ANEcological and social Guazuma ulmifolia ANEcological, economic and social Haematoxylum brasiletto ANEcological and social Haematoxylum campechianum ANEcological and social Heliocarpus donnell-smithii ANEcological and social Hevea brasiliensis AEEconomic Hura polyandra ANEcological and social Hymenaea courbaril ANEcological and social Inga jinicuil ANEcological, economic and social Inga paterno ANEcological and social Inga vera ANEcological, economic and social Jacaratia mexicana ANEcological and social Juglans mollis ANEcological and social Juglans regia AEEconomic Juniperus deppeana ANEcological and social Juniperus flaccida ANEcological and social Juniperus horizontalis ANEcological and social Juniperus monosperma ANEcological and social Laguncularia racemosa ANEcological and social Annexes 131

Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in Mexico GHÀQHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25 &RQW Tree (A), other ligneous Species: Reasons for Prioritisation native (N); Priority Species (O) or Agave (Importance) (AV) exotic (E)

Larrea tridentata ONEcological, economic and social Leucaena esculenta ANEcological and social Leucaena leucocephala ANEcological, economic and social Licania arborea ANEcological and social Licania platypus ANEcological and social Licaria capitata ANEcological and social Lippia graveolens ONEcological and social Liquidambar styraciflua ANEcological, economic and social Lonchocarpus eriocarinalis ANEcological and social Lonchocarpus rugosus ANEcological and social Luehea speciosa ANEcological and social Lycium fremontii ONEcological and social Lysiloma acapulcensis ANEcological and social Lysiloma divaricata ANEcological and social Maclura tinctoria ANEcological and social Magnolia schiedeana ANEcological and social Malpighia glabra ONEcological and social Manilkara zapota ANEcological, economic and social Metopium brownei ANEcological, economic and social Mimosa tenuiflora ANEcological and social Morus celtidifolia ANEcological and social Muntingia calabura ANEcological, economic and social Myroxylon balsamum AEEconomic Nectandra ambigens ANEcological and social Ochroma pyramidale ANEcological, economic and social Oecopetalum mexicanum ANEcological and social Oreopanax xalapensis ANEcological and social Pachira aquatica ANEcological and social Parthenium argentatum ONEcological and economic Picea chihuahuana ANEcological Picea engelmannii ANEcological Picea martinezii ANEcological Pimenta dioica ANEcological, economic and social Pinus arizonica ANEcological, economic and social 132 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in Mexico GHÀQHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25 &RQW

Tree (A), other ligneous Species: Reasons for Prioritisation native (N); Priority Species (O) or Agave (Importance) (AV) exotic (E) Pinus ayacahuite ANEcological and social Pinus caribaea AEEcological and economic Pinus cembroides ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus chiapensis ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus devoniana ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus douglasiana ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus durangensis ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus engelmannii ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus greggii ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus halepensis AESocial Pinus herrerae ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus jeffreyi ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus lambertiana ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus lawsoni ANEcological and social Pinus leiophylla ANEcological and social Pinus lumholtzii ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus maximartinezii ANEcological and social Pinus maximinoi ANEcological and social Pinus montezumae ANEcological and social Pinus nelsoni ANEcological and social Pinus oaxacana ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus oocarpa ANEcological and social Pinus patula ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus pinceana ANEcological and social Pinus ponderosa ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus pringlei ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus pseudostrobus ANEcological, Economic and Social Pinus teocote ANEcological and social Piscidia grandifolia ANEcological and social Piscidia piscipula ANEcological and social Pithecellobium dulce ANSocial Platanus mexicana ANEcological, Economic and Social Platymiscium dimorphandrum ANEcological and social Platymiscium yucatanum ANEcological and social Annexes 133

Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in Mexico GHÀQHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25 &RQW

Tree (A), other ligneous Species: Reasons for Prioritisation native (N); Priority Species (O) or Agave (Importance) (AV) exotic (E) Plumeria rubra ANEcological and social Podocarpus matudae ANEcological and social Podocarpus reichei ANEcological and social Poeppigia procera ANEcological and social Populus mexicana ANEcological and social Poulsenia armata ANEcological and social Pouteria campechiana ANEcological and social Pouteria sapota ANEcological and social Prosopis juliflora ANEcological, economic and social Prosopis laevigata ANEcological and social Prosopis velutina ANEcological and social Protium copal ANEcological and social Prunus capuli ANEcological and social Prunus mexicana ANEcological and social Prunus serotina ANEcological, economic and social Pseudobombax ellipticum ANEcological and social Pseudotsuga menziesii ANEcological, economic and social Psidium guajava ANEcological, economic and social Psidium sartorianum ANEcological and social Pterocarpus acapulcensis ANEcological and social Quararibea funebris ANEcological and social Quercus candicans ANEcological and social Quercus castanea ANEcological, economic and social Quercus crassifolia ANEcological and social Quercus crassipes ANEcological and social Quercus gentryi ANEcological and social Quercus glaucescens ANEcological and social Quercus laeta ANEcological and social Quercus laurina ANEcological and social Quercus macrophylla ANEcological and social Quercus magnoliifolia ANEcological and social Quercus rugosa ANEcological, economic and social Quercus virginiana ANEcological, economic and social Rheedia edulis ANEcological and social 134 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in Mexico GHÀQHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25 &RQW Tree (A), other ligneous Species: Reasons for Prioritisation native (N); Priority Species (O) or Agave (Importance) (AV) exotic (E)

Rhizophora mangle ANEcological, Economic and Social Robinsonella mirandae ANEcological and social Salix bonplandiana ANEcological and social Salix humboldtiana ANEcological, economic and social Sambucus mexicana ONEcological and social Sapindus saponaria ANEcological and social Schinus molle AEEcological Schizolobium parahyba ANEconomic and social Schizolobium parahybum ANEcological and social Sebastiana longicuspis ANEcological and social Senna spectabilis ANEcological and social Sideroxylon laetevirens ANEcological and social Sideroxylon persimile ANEcological and social Simarouba glauca ANEcological, economic and social Simira salvadorensis ANEcological and social Simmondsia chinensis ANEcological and economic Spondias mombin ANEcological and social Spondias purpurea ANEcological and social Sterculia apetala ANEcological, economic and social Styrax ramirezii ANEcological and social Swartzia cubensis ANEcological and social Swartzia guatemalensis ANEcological and social Swietenia humilis ANEcological and social Swietenia macrophylla ANEcological and economic Tabebuia chrysantha ANEcological and social Tabebuia donnell-smithii ANEcological and social Tabebuia guayacan ANEcological and social Tabebuia impetiginosa ANEcological and social Tabebuia rosea ANEcological and social Talauma mexicana ANEcological and social Tamarindus indica AESocial Tamarix parviflora AESocial Taxodium mucronatum ANEcological and social Tecoma stans ANEcological and social Annexes 135

Annex 2 Priority species of trees, bushes and agaves for reforestation in Mexico GHÀQHGE\&21$%,2DQG&21$)25 &RQW

Tree (A), other ligneous Species: Reasons for Prioritisation native (N); Priority Species (O) or Agave (Importance) (AV) exotic (E) Tectona grandis AEEcological and social Terminalia amazonia ANEcological and social Terminalia catappa ANEcological and social Theobroma cacao ANEcological and social Tilia americana ANEcological and social Trema micrantha ANEcological, economic and social Trichospermum mexicanum ANEcological and social Trophis racemosa ANEcological and social Ulmus mexicana ANEcological and social Vatairea lundellii ANEcological and social Virola guatemalensis A N Ecological and social Vitex mollis A N Ecological and social Vochysia hondurensis A N Ecological and social Xylosma flexuosum A N Ecological and social Yucca elephantipes O N Ecological and social Yucca filifera O N Ecological and social Zanthoxylum kellermanii A N Ecological and social Zinowiewia concinna A N Ecological and social Ziziphus amole A N Ecological and social Zuelania guidonia A N Ecological and social 136 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Annex 3. Main forest species, scrubs and other plants that present forest environ- PHQWDOVHUYLFHVRUKDYHVRFLDOYDOXH &21$%,2 

Native (N); Environmental SpeciesExotic(E) services or Vegetation** social value (code)* Acacia farnesiana N 1; 2; 5; 7; 8; MX, SE, SC, SP, SSC, P 10; 11; 12 Albizia lebbeck E 1; 2; 7; 8 MX, SE, SC, SP, SSC, P Alchornea latifolia N 8; 11 BC, BE, BMM, SC, SSC, SP Alnus acuminata N 1; 2; 7; 8; 9 BC, BE, BMM, SC, SSP Anacardium occidentale N 1; 2; 8 MX, SE, SC, SP, SSC Annona muricata N 7; 8; 9 MX, SE, SC, SP, SSC Bixa orellana N 5; 8; 11; 5 MX, SE, SC, SP, SSC Brosimum alicastrum N 1; 3; 8; 10; SC, SSC, SP, SSP, SE 11; 12 Bursera simaruba N 1 SC, SSB, SP, MX, P Byrsonima crassifolia N 5; 7; 10; 11 BC, BE, BMM, SC, SSC, SP, SSP, MX, P Calliandra calothyrsus N 1; 2; 7; 8; SC, BE, BC 11; 12 Calophyllum brasiliense N 5; 8; 11; 12 BC, BE, SC, SSB, SP Carica papaya N 5; 8 SC, SSC Cecropia obtusifolia N 8; 11 SC, SSB, SP, SSP, MX, BC, BMM Cedrela odorata N 1, SP, SC, SSC, SSP, BMM, BE, BC Ceiba pentandra N 1; 2; 5; 7; 8; BC, BE, BMM, SC, SSP 10; 11; 12

Coccoloba uvifera N 2; 3; 5;10; SC 11; 12 Cochlospermum vitifolium N 5; 8; 10 SC, SSC, SSP Cordia alliodora N 1; 2; 5; 7; SC, SSB, SSP 10; 11; 12 Crataegus pubescens N 1; 5; 11 BC, BE, BMM, SC Crescentia alata N 5; 10; 11 BC, SC, SE, SSP, SSC, P Cupressus lusitanica N 1; 5; 11; 12 BC, BE, BMM, SC Dendropanax arboreus N 8 SC, SSC, SSP, BE, BC, BMM

*1=Soil and water preservation including catchment areas; 2=Soil protection; 3=Biodiversity preser- vation; 4=Cultural values; 5=Aesthetic values; 6=Religious values; 7=Fertility enhancement; 8=Soil recovery; 9='XQH¿[DWLRQ Live barriers; 11 = Shadow; 12 = Wind barrier %& Coniferous forest, %( Oak forest, %00 Mountain mesophyll, 6& Deciduous jungle, 66&  Semi-deciduous jungle, SP= Evergreen jungle, SSP= Semi-evergreen jungle, 6( Thorny jungle, MX= Desert scrub, VH= Hydrophilic vegetation P= Grassland Annexes 137

Annex 3. Main forest species, scrubs and other plants that present forest environ- PHQWDOVHUYLFHVRUKDYHVRFLDOYDOXH &21$%,2  &RQW

Native (N); Environmental SpeciesExotic(E) services or Vegetation** social value (code)*

Dialium guianense N1; 2; 12SP

Enterolobium cyclocarpum N 1; 2; 5; 7; 8; SC, SP, SSC 10; 12 Eysenhardtia polystachya N 8 BC, BE, BMM, SC, SSC, SP, MX Ficus carica E 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; MX, BC Fraxinus uhdei N 5; 8; 11 BC, BE, BMM, VH Genipa americana N 1; 2; 5; 10; SC, SSC, SP, SSP, SE, BE 11 BMM Gliricidia sepium N 1; 2; 5; 7; 8; SC, SSC, SP 10; 11; 12 Guazuma ulmifolia N 1; 2; 3; 5; 7; SC, SSB, SP, SE, BMM, VH 10; 11; 12 Hymenaea courbaril N 1; 5; 11 SC, SSB, SP, BMM, BE, VH Inga jinicuil N 1; 2; 5; 7; SC, SP, BMM 11; 12 Inga vera N 1; 5; 7; 10; SC, SP, SSC, BE, MX 11 Juniperus deppeana N 1; 5; 8; 10; BC, BE, P, SC 11 Larrea tridentata N 1; 10 MX, SC, SE Leucaena leucocephala N 1; 2; 5; 7; 8; SC, SP, SSC 11; 12 Liquidambar styraciflua N 2; 5; 8; 11 BC, BE, BMM, SC Manilkara zapota N 5; 8; 11 SC, SSC, SSP, SP, BC, BE Metopium brownei N 8 SC, SP, SSC, SSP, VH Muntingia calabura N 2; 5; 11 SE, SC, SP, SSP Myroxylon balsamum E 7; 11 BE, SC, SSP, SP Ochroma pyramidale N 1; 5; 8; 11; SP 12 Parthenium argentatum N 1; 7 MX,P Pimenta dioica N 8; 10; 11; 12 SP, SSP, SSC

Pinus caribaea E 1; 2; 5; 8; SP, SSP, SSC, SC 10; 11 *1=Soil and water preservation including catchment areas; 2=Soil protection; 3=Biodiversity preser- vation; 4=Cultural values; 5=Aesthetic values; 6=Religious values; 7=Fertility enhancement; 8=Soil recovery; 9='XQH¿[DWLRQ Live barriers; 11 = Shadow; 12 = Wind barrier %& Coniferous forest, %( Oak forest, %00 Mountain mesophyll, 6& Deciduous jungle, 66&  Semi-deciduous jungle, SP= Evergreen jungle, SSP= Semi-evergreen jungle, 6( Thorny jungle, MX= Desert scrub, VH= Hydrophilic vegetation P= Grassland 138 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Annex 3. Main forest species, scrubs and other plants that present forest environ- PHQWDOVHUYLFHVRUKDYHVRFLDOYDOXH &21$%,2  &RQW

Native (N); Environmental SpeciesExotic(E) services or Vegetation** social value (code)*

Pinus cembroides N 1; 5; 12 BC, BE Pithecellobium dulce N 1; 2; 5; 7; 8; MX, BE, SC, SSC, SSP VH 10; 11 Platanus mexicana N 5; 11 BMM, SC, SSC, SSP Plumeria rubra N 5; 10 SC, SSC, SSP Prosopis juliflora N 1; 2; 7; 8; 12 SE, SC, SP; MX

Prunus serotina N 1; 3; 5; 8; BC, BE, BMM 10; 11; 12 Psidium guajava N 1; 2; 5; 7; 8; SC, SSP, BE, BMM 11; 12 Quercus rugosa N 1; 2; 3; 5; 11 BE, BC, BMM, MX

Rhizophora mangle N 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; VH 11; 12 Salix bonplandiana N 1; 5; 10; 12 VH, SC, BE, BC

Salix humboldtiana N 1; 3; 5; 11 VH, SC, SSP, BE, BC, BMM Schinus molle E 1; 7; 8 SC, MX, P, BE, BC, BMM Schizolobium parahyba E 5 BC, SP, P Simarouba glauca N 3; 5; 7; 10; SP, SBC, SC 11 Simmondsia chinensis N 1; 7; 8; 9 MX Sterculia apetala N 1; 5; 10; 11; VH, SC, SSC, SP, SSP 12 Swietenia macrophylla N 1; 2; 5; 7; 8; SP, SSP, SC, SSC, BE 10; 11; 12 Tabebuia rosea N 1; 2; 5; 10; BE, BMM, SC, SSC, SSP, SP 12 Tamarindus indica E 2; 5; 11; 12 SC, SSC Trema micrantha N 3; 11 SC, SSP, SP, SSP, BC, BE, BMM

*1=Soil and water preservation including catchment areas; 2=Soil protection; 3=Biodiversity preser- vation; 4=Cultural values; 5=Aesthetic values; 6=Religious values; 7=Fertility enhancement; 8=Soil recovery; 9='XQH¿[DWLRQ Live barriers; 11 = Shadow; 12 = Wind barrier %& Coniferous forest, %( Oak forest, %00 Mountain mesophyll, 6& Deciduous jungle, 66&  Semi-deciduous jungle, SP= Evergreen jungle, SSP= Semi-evergreen jungle, 6( Thorny jungle, MX= Desert scrub, VH= Hydrophilic vegetation P= Grassland Annexes 139

Annex 4. List of threatened forest species from a genetic viewpoint and type of threat.

Type of Species Distribution threat* Surface Area (ha) Coverage Trees (ha) Trees the country percentage in Acer negundo IND‡ IND INDWide 7 Agave lechuguilla IND IND INDWide 1; 4; 13 Avicennia germinans IND IND INDWide 6; 7; 10 Cedrela odorata IND IND INDWide 3; 4; 7; 11 Conocarpus erecta IND IND INDWide 3; 6; 7; 10 Cupressus guadalupensis IND IND INDRestricted 1; 7; 8; 12 Cupressus lusitanica IND IND INDWide 1; 5; 7; 11; 13 Dalbergia granadillo IND IND IND Erythrina coralloides IND IND IND Fagus grandifolia IND IND INDRestricted 5; 7; Guaiacum coulteri IND IND INDWide 5:00 Laguncularia racemosa IND IND INDWide 5; 7; 13 Licania arborea IND IND IND Picea chihuahuana IND IND INDRestricted 7; 11; 12; 13 Picea engelmannii IND IND INDRestricted 7; 11; 12; 13 Picea martinezii IND IND INDRestricted 7; 11; 12; 13 Pinus strobus IND IND INDWide 1; 5; 7; 12 Pinus caribaea IND IND INDRestricted 7; 12; Pinus jeffreyi IND IND INDRestricted 7 Pinus lambertiana IND IND INDRestricted 7 Pinus maximartinezii IND IND INDRestricted 1; 7 Pinus nelsoni IND IND INDRestricted 7 Pinus pinceana IND IND INDRestricted 7 Podocarpus matudai IND IND IND

Pseudotsuga menziesii IND IND INDWide 1; 5; 7; 11; 12; 13 Rhizophora mangle IND IND INDWide 6; 7; 10 Tabebuia chrysantha IND IND INDWide 1; 7 Taxus globosa IND IND INDWide 1; 7; 12; 13 Vatairea lundelii IND IND IND Zinowiewia concinna IND IND IND †1=Degradation and reduction of the forest cover; 2=Degradation and reduction in forest ecosys- tem; 3=Unsustainable logging; 4=Vehicle increase; 5=Competition for land use; 6=Urbanisation; 7=Habitat fragmentation; 8=Exotic species introduction; 9=6RLODQGZDWHUDFLGL¿FDWLRQ Polluting emissions; 11=Plagues and disease; 12=)RUHVW¿UHV13='URXJKWDQGGHVHUWL¿FDWLRQ14=Increase in sea level; 15=Other; Â,1$ No data available 140 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO bushes. Abies Libocedrus Pseudotsuga Coniferous forest, rainforest, palms, scrubland and pine-oak forest. scrub, coastal dunes, desert scrub. Microphylic desert scrub, pine forest, halophytic vegetation of coastal dunes and mangrove. Microphylic desert scrub, pine forest, halophytic vegetation of coastal dunes and mangrove. California) Ensenada (Golfo de Location Municipalities Ecosystems decree 02-06-80 Baja California Ensenada Creation Type National Park 27-04-62 Baja California Ensenada. Pine Oak forest and bushes. National Park 26-04-47 Baja California Ensenada. Pines, Biosphere ReserveBiosphere Reserve 14-01-72 Baja California Sur 06-06-94 Mulegé Baja California Sur La paz y Los Cabos. National Park 25-04-05 Baja California Frente a las costas de Flora and Fauna Protection Areas National Park 19-07-96 Baja California Sur Loreto. Associations of mangroves and thorn Biosphere Reserve 05-05-07Biosphere Reserve Baja California 30-11-88 Ensenada Baja California Sur Mulegé Biosphere Reserve 14-04-05 Baja California Angeles, area Protected natural Canales de Ballenas y de Liebre Salsipuedes Constitución de 1857 Sierra de San Pedro Sierra La Laguna Archipiélago de San Bahía de Loreto Valle de los Cirios Valle Complejo Lagunar Ojo Isla Guadalupe El Vizcaíno El Vizcaíno Bahía de los Mártir Lorenzo Annexes 141

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Evergreen forest, evergreen tropical deciduous forest and pine oak forest. Submerged sea grass, mangrove forest, schoenoplectus acutus, riparian vegetation. Mangrove, arid scrub, evergreen rainforest, sub humid deciduous forest. High forest, medium and low evergreen, hydrophilic vegetation. Desert scrub and sarcocrasicaule sarcocuale, thorny deciduous forest Desert scrub, coastal dunes vegetation, marine and estuarine ecosystem. Coral reef. (antes Champotón y Figueroa, Tecpatan de Figueroa, Tecpatan Hopelchen) Tenabo y Campeche. Tenabo San Luis Río Colorado. Mezcalapa y Jiquipilas. Baja California: Mexicali. Sonora: Puerto Peñasco y Champotón. Espinosa, Cintalapa de Cabos. Sonora Location Municipalities Ecosystems California Sur, California Sur, Sonora y Sinaloa decree 06-06-94 Campeche Carmen, Palizada y 02-08-78 Baja California, 29-11-73 Baja California Sur Creation Type Biosphere Reserve 27-11-00 Chiapas Ocozocuautla de Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Biosphere Reserve 24-05-99 Campeche Calkini, Hecelchakan, Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Biosphere Reserve 23-05-89 Campeche Calakmul y Hopelchen National Park 06-06-95 Baja California Sur Frente Municipio Los National ParkFlora and Fauna Protection Areas 10-05-07 Baja California Sur La Paz Biosphere Reserve 10-06-93 Baja California y area Protected natural Selva El Ocote Laguna de Términos Laguna de Los Petenes Calakmul Islas del Golfo de Cabo Pulmo Archipiélago Espíritu Cabo San Lucas Alto Golfo de California y Delta del Río Colorado Santo California 142 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Cloud forest, moorland and scytalopus parkeri. Cloud forest, coniferous tropical rain forest. Pine, oak and mountain mesophile forest. Deciduous forest, oak, grassland. Mangrove, zapotonales lowland floodplain, tule-popals, lagoon systems and pockets of medium and low evergreen forest. Mountain rainforest, deciduous forest and fog creosote bush. Evergreen and deciduous forest, pine oak forest, riparian gallery bamboo thicket and savannah. Arriaga y Tonala. Arriaga y Mapastepec y Pijijiapan. Margaritas. Comaltitlán, Acapetagua, Jiquipilas, Cintalapa, Osumacinta, San Unión Juárez Independencia Corzo. Mapastepec, Villa Corzo, Mapastepec, Villa Pijijiapan y Siltepec. Corzo, La Concordia, Fernando y Chiapa de Location Municipalities Ecosystems decree Creation Type National Park 08-12-80 Chiapas Gutiérrez, Soyalo, Tuxtla Biosphere Reserve 06-06-95Biosphere ReserveBiosphere Reserve Chiapas 21-08-92 12-01-78 Mazatan, Huixtla, Villa ChiapasBiosphere Reserve Chiapas Ocosingo. Ocosingo y Las 13-03-90 Chiapas Evergreen forest. Albino Angel Acacoyagua, Biosphere Reserve 28-01-03 Chiapas Cacahoatan y Tapachula, Biosphere Reserve 06-06-95 Chiapas Villaflores, Villacorzo, National Park 16-12-59 Chiapas y La Trinitaria La area Protected natural Cañón del Sumidero Lacan-tun Azules Montes Triunfo El La Encrucijada Volcán Tacaná Volcán La Sepultura Lagunas de Montebello Annexes 143

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW mountain forest mountain forest Location Municipalities Ecosystems decree 23-09-98 Chiapas Ocosingo. Evergreen forest, mesophile 23-09-98 Chiapas Palenque.Y Ocosingo Evergreen forest, mesophile 21-08-92 Chiapas Ocosingo. Evergreen forest 29-04-80 Chiapas Tumbala. Evergreen forest 21-08-92 Chiapas Ocosingo Evergreen forest 21-08-92 Chiapas Ocosingo Evergreen forest Creation Type Sanctuary 29-10-86 Chiapas Tonalá Coastal dunes Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas National Park 20-07-81 Chiapas Palenque. Evergreen forest and induced grassland. Arista area Protected natural Playa de Puerto Naha Metzabok Chan-Kin Cascada de Agua Azul Agua Cascada de Yaxchilan Bonampak Palenque 144 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW natural grassland, pine and oak forests, halophytic and riparian vegetation. The zone characterises itself by presenting a high degree of endemism and wild fauna and flora diversity. Because of its physical and biological characteristics, it presents gradual changes in the ecosystems that make up the zone, as is case with forests and grasslands. This gives a wider diversity of species in this area given that the same species do not exist in adjacent ecosystems. It also has a vast extension of grasslands in great preservation conditions. sandbanks, relictual single complex system composed of sand dunes and silce dioxide. scrub and grassland. Microphyll desert scrub, grassland, pine oak forest. and desert scrub. Ojinaga. Location Municipalities Ecosystems decree Creation 07-11-94 Chihuahua Y Manuel Benavides 05-06-09 Chihuahua Juárez y Guadalupe Type Biosphere Reserve 08-12-09 Chihuahua Janos Includes different types of vegetation: National Park 02-02-81 Chihuahua Ocampo. Pine and oak forest, oak, desert Flora and Fauna Protection Areas National ParkFlora and Fauna Protection Areas 01-09-39 Chihuahua Chihuahua. Pine forest, oak, pine-oak, grassland area Protected natural Janos Samalayuca Cascada de Cumbres de Majalca Bassaseachic Médanos de Cañón de Santa Elena Annexes 145

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW halophyte, cacti, grassland. It does not have a wide variety of ecosystems, but it does have different plant associations: rosette desert scrub, microphyll desert scrub, submontane scrub, oak, pine, oak-pine and pine-oak orest Acuña, respectivamente Guerrero, Ocampo. Ojinaga y Manuel Benavides; Ocampo y Coahuila Coahuila Location Municipalities Ecosystems 11-03-39 Chihuahua Carichi, Bocoyna, 06-07-37 Chihuahua Temosachic 07-11-94 Coahuila Cuatrociénegas. Desert scrub, submontane 03-01-38 Chihuahua21-10-09 Madera, Chihuahua y 08/06/1949 07/11/2002 decree Creation Type Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas National Park 18-06-40 Coahuila Acuña. walnut, willow and alamo. Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Alamós, area Protected natural Cuenca alimentadora del Distrito Nacional de Riego 04 Don Martín, en lo respectivo a las Subcuencas de los Ríos Sabinas, Tutuaca Los Novillos Campo Verde Campo Verde Papigochic Río Bravo del Norte Salado y Mimbres Cuatrociénegas 146 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW scrubland. In the area of arid zone vegetation, halophytic, scrub, bush grassland, grassland. plus patches representing the Chihuahuan Desert with zacatal, riparian vegetation. The main vegetation types are: 1) Forest ayarín, 2) Oak forest, 3) Oak-pine forest, 4) Fir 5) Pine, 6) Pine-oak, 7) Creosote bush , 8) Microphyll desert scrub, 9) Rosette desert scrub, 10) submontane 11) Agricultural, 12) Cattle, 13) Forestry, 14) Induced grassland. Desert scrub, pine-oak forest, samandoca palm. Ocampo - - León Location Municipalities Ecosystems 14-08-81 Colima Comala 05-06-09 Coahuila Ocampo23-06-88 Scrub, microphyll and rosette scrub, Colima Comala 17-12-09 Coahuila y Nuevo 07-11-94 Coahuila Muzquiz, Acuña Y decree Creation Type Natural Resources Protection Area Biosphere Reserve 06-06-94 Colima National Park 05-09-36 Colima Cuauhtémoc y Comala. Pine, fir and oak, alpine pasture Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Natural Resources Protection Area Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas area Protected natural El Jabalí y 031 Las Lajas, en lo nacionales de riego respectivo a la Sierra Nevado de Colima Las Huertas Revillagigedo Archipiélago de Ocampo Cuenca alimentadora Maderas Del Carmen de Arteaga de de los distritos 026 Bajo Río San Juan Annexes 147

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Fir, pine-oak and Garrya forest. Cedar reforestation. manzanita scrub, marshes and riparian vegetation. Desert scrub, grasslands and halophytic vegetation. Madero Mojada y Francisco I. Obregón. y Álvaro Durango: Tlahualillo y Jiménez. Coahuila: Sierra Álvaro Obregón. Mapimi. Chihuahua: Location Municipalities Ecosystems Chihuahua y Coahuila decree Creation Type National Park 24-08-38 Distrito Federal . Artificial eucalyptus and cedar forest. National Park 23-09-36 Distrito Federal . Pine, fir and high moor forest. National Park 27-11-17 Distrito Federal National ParkNational Park 18-02-37 28-09-36 Distrito Federal Distrito FederalA. Madero. Gustavo Artificial eucalyptus and cedar forest.. Tlalpan. Induced reforestation. National Park 26-09-38 Distrito Federal Coyoacán. Eucalyptus, cedar and others reforestation. National Park 22-04-38 Distrito Federal y Biosphere Reserve 18-07-79 Durango Suchil y Mezquital. Grassland, oak-pine forest, pine Biosphere Reserve 27-11-00 Durango, Ajusco area Protected natural Cerro de la Estrella Cumbres del Desierto de los Leones El Tepeyac El Fuentes Brotantes de El Histórico Coyoacán Lomas de Padierna La Michilía Mapimí Tlalpan 148 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Pine-oak forest. Tropical deciduous forest. - Alarcón. Chilapa de Álvarez. Santa Catarina, Victoria, Santa Catarina, Victoria, Xichú Nayarit, Zacatecas Location Municipalities Ecosystems Aguscalientes y Durango, Jalisco, decree 08/06/1949 07/11/2002 Creation Type National ParkSanctuary 23-04-36 Guerrero 29-10-86 de Taxco Pilcaya y Guerrero National Park 30-05-64 Guerrero Sanctuary 29-10-86 Guerrero National Park 17-07-80 Guerrero Acapulco de Juárez. Tropical deciduous forest. Biosphere Reserve 02-02-07 Guanajuato Atarje, San Luis de la Paz, Natural Resources Protection Area Atengo y area Protected natural Cacahuamilpa 043 Estado de Nayarit, en lo respectivo a las Ameca, Ríos Juchipila, del Distrito de Riego Tlacoyunque Grutas de Tierra Playa de Playa Piedra de General Juan N. Guanajuato Colorada El Veladero Subcuencas de los Tlaltenango Sierra Gorda de Cuenca Alimentadora Cuenca Atenguillo, Bolaños, Álvarez Grande de Santiago Annexes 149

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Pine-oak forest and grassland. Pine-oak forest and desert scrub. Desert scrub, temperate forest, grassland, tropical rain forest. Fir and oak, pine-oak, cedar forest and grassland. mangroves, aquatic vegetation of lakes and streams, riparian vegetation, coastal dunes and desert scrub. Pine-oak and tropical deciduous forest. Metztitlan, San Agustín Metztitlan, San Pachuca. Huasca de Ocampo, Cocula y San Martín Grande, Eloxochitlan, Zimapan y Nicolás Flores. Metzquititlan, Metepec, Hidalgo. Tlajomulco de Zuñiga Zacualtipan de Angeles Zacualtipan de Location Municipalities Ecosystems 06-03-8004-08-82 Jalisco Jalisco Zapopan y Tala, Tenamaxtlan, Tecolotlan, decree Creation Type Biosphere Reserve 27-11 -00National Park HidalgoAtotonilco El Acatlán, 06-07-82National ParkBiosphere Reserve Hidalgo 30-12-93 27-05-81 Mineral Del Chico y Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Jalisco HidalgoProtection Areas La Huerta.Allende. de Tula Desert scrub. Deciduous forest, medium semi-evergreen, National Park 08-09-36 Hidalgo Jacala de Ledezma, area Protected natural (Comprende Barranca Barranca de Metztitlán El Chico Los Mármoles Tula Chamela-Cuixmala La Primavera Sierra De Quila de San Vicente y Cerro Vicente de San de Cangando ) 150 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Pine-oak, fir, cloud forest, medium semi-deciduous forest, savannah vegetation, riparian forest, oak forest. Autlán de Minatitlan, Comala. Tuxcacuesco. Tuxcacuesco. Toliman y Casimiro Castillo, Navarro, Cuautitlan, Colima: - V illa Angel Chiapas Location Municipalities Ecosystems Albino Corzo, Flores y Jiquipilas, 27-03-07 La Concordia, decree Creation Type Sanctuary 13-06-02 Jalisco La Huerta SanctuarySanctuarySanctuarySanctuary 29-10-86 29-10-86 29-10-86 Jalisco Jalisco 29-10-86 Jalisco La Huerta Jalisco Puerto Vallarta La Huerta Natural Resources Protection Area Biosphere Reserve 23-03-87 Jalisco y Colima Jalisco: area Protected natural Forestal "La Zona de Protección Frailescana" Mosca y Submarino) de Chamela (Islas La San Andrés y Negrita, San y los Islotes Los Islas e Islotes de Bahía Pedro, San Agustín, Pedro, San Playa Cuitzmala Playa de Mismaloya Tecuan Playa el Teopa Playa Mamut, Colorada, San Sierra de Manantlán Anegados, Novillas, Pajarera, Cocinas, Annexes 151

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Wetlands. Fir forest, pine, paramo high and zacatonal. pepper tree, casuarina and ash forest. cedar forest. Almoloya Atenco, Metepec Texcalyacac Mateo del Rio, Calpulhuac, San Temascaltepec, Coatepec Temascaltepec, Harinas, Villa Guerrero, Harinas, Villa y Zinacantepec, Almoloya Calimaya, Del Tenango Tianguistenco, de Juárez, Amanalco, Valle y Villa Victoria. y Villa Valle Location Municipalities Ecosystems respectivamente. en el Pacífico Norte, Golfo de California y 27- 11-02 Estado de México Lerma, Santiago decree Creation Type Flora and Fauna Protection Areas National Park 05-11 -37 Estado de México Texcoco. Ahuehuetes and artificial eucalyptus, Sanctuary 05-06-09 Localizadas en el National Park 15-04-38 Estado de México Naucalpan de Juárez. Artificial eucaliptus forest. National Park 25-01-36 Estado de México Texcaltitlán, Toluca, National Park 10-10-42 Estado de México Tenancingo. Pine, oak and cedar forest. National Park 29-08-39 Estado de México Amecameca. Artificial oak, eucalyptus, ash and area Protected natural Dorsal del Pacífico de la Cuenca Nixcongo Los Remedios Molino de Flores Nevado deToluca Desierto del Carmen o Ciénegas Del Lerma Ventilas Hidrotermales Ventilas Sacromonte Guaymas y de la Oriental Nezahualcóyotl 152 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Pine forest and paramo high and zacatonal. Fir and pine forest. Fir and pine forest. ochimilco. T erde, San Nicolás de eotlalcingo, San Salvador V Federal: Cuajimalpa Huejotzingo, San Felipe Tianguismanalco, Calpan, Tianguismanalco, Volcán. Tlaxcala: Texcoco y Ecatzingo. Texcoco Morelos: del Tetela Mexico: Chalco, Puebla: Tlahuapan, Nanacamilpa de Mariano Atlauta, Ixtapaluca, Mexico: Ocoyoacac y Villa Victoria. Michoacán: Victoria. Villa Zitácuaro. Arista y Calpulalpan. T El Huixquilucan. Distrito Los Ranchos y Atlixco, Chiautzingo, Tlalmanalco, Amecameca, -- Morelos Federal Location Municipalities Ecosystems Estado de México 21/10/1941 25/06/2005 decree Creation Type National Park 8-Nov-35 México, Puebla y National Park 01-ago-40 México y Michoacán de México: Villa Allende y National Park 18-Sep-36 México y Distrito Natural Resources Protection Area area Protected natural Popocatepelt Malacatepec, Tilostoc y Tilostoc Malacatepec, Iztaccihuatl - Bosencheve Insurgente Miguel Valle de Bravo, Valle Temascaltepec Hidalgo y Costilla Annexes 153

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Pinus , cloud forest, Quercus and pasture and secondary forest, with areas in good condition that provide habitat for diverse species of endemic flora and fauna. Temperate Ecosystems with Abies Parangaricutiro y Uruapan Ramos, Nuevo Location Municipalities Ecosystems 19-08-09 Michoacán Peribán de Tancítaro, decree Creation Type Biosphere Reserve 30-11-07 Michoacán - - SanctuarySanctuary 29-10-86 29-10-86 Michoacán Michoacán National Park 02-11-38 Michoacán Uruapan. Pine, pine-oak forest National Park 05-09-36 Michoacán Hidalgo y Queréndaro. Pine Forest and oyamel. National Park 22-02-39 MichoacánTzitzio Charo y Pine forest, scrubland and grassland National Park 08-03-41 Michoacán Tangancícuaro. Gallery forest, cypresses and willows. National Park 29-08-52 Michoacán Tlalpujahua. Cedar and eucaliptus artificial forest. Flora and Fauna Protection Areas area Protected natural Morelos Zicuirán-Infiernillo Barranca del Cupatitzio Cerro de Garnica Insurgente José Maria Lago de Camécuaro Rayón Pico de Tancítaro Pico de Playa de Maruata y Playa Mexiquillo Colola 154 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Fir forest, pine and oak. Pine, fir, oak, tropical deciduous forest. Pine, fir, oak, pine-oak and oak crasicaule Rosette scrub, tropical lowland deciduous forest. Fir forest, pine-oak grassland, juniper scrub. Subhumid deciduous forest. Ixtla, Jojutla, Ocampo, Zitacuaro Y Y Ocampo, Zitacuaro Tlalnepantla, Yautepec, Tlalnepantla, Yautepec, Totolapan. Tlayacapan y Aporo. Edo de México: Huitzilac, Cuernavaca, De Allende Y Donato Tepalcingo. Temascalcingo, San Temascalcingo, Senguio, Angangueo, Guerra. Tlaquiltenango, y Distrito Federal: . Tepoztlan, Jiutepec, Tepoztlan, México: Ocuilan Felipe Del Progreso, Villa Felipe Del Progreso, Villa Location Municipalities Ecosystems Distrito Federal 30-11-88 Morelos , México y decree Creation Type National Park 22-01-37 Morelos, y D. F. Tepoztlán. Morelos: National Park 27-11-36 Morelos y México Morelos: Huitzilac. Biosphere Reserve 10-11-00 Michoacán y México Michoacán: Contepec, Biosphere Reserve 08-09-99 Morelos Amacuzac, Puente de Flora and Fauna Protection Areas area Protected natural El Tepozteco El Lagunas de Zempoala Mariposa Monarca Sierra de Huautla Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin Annexes 155

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Pine and oak forest, tropical lowland deciduous forest. deciduous forest, mangrove and coastal dune vegetation. and oak forest. Etla. Andrés Huayapam, San Pablo Etla y San Agustín Pablo Etla y San Location Municipalities Ecosystems 24-05-99 Oaxaca Tlacolula de Matamoros Subhumid deciduous forest. 22-09-08 OaxacaTonalá Santo Domingo Toprical lowland deciduous forest decree Creation Type National Park 30-12-37 Oaxaca de Juarez, San Oaxaca National Park 09-07-37 OaxacaTututepec. San Pedro Tropical evergreen and lowland Flora and Fauna Protectio Areas Sanctuary 29-10-86 Oaxaca Sanctuary 29-10-86 Oaxaca Tonalá area Protected natural Chacahua Benito Juárez Lagunas de Chacahua Yagul Boquerón de Playa de Escobilla Playa de la Bahía 156 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Tropical deciduous forest, thorny forest, oak grassland and desert scrub. Caltepec, Cañada de Benito Juarez, Tepanco Tepanco de Benito Juarez, Teotitlán de Flores Magón, Teotitlán Coyomeapan, Zinacatepec, Juan N. Bautista Coixtlahuaca, Bravo, Tecamachalco, Bravo, Tecamachalco, de López, Santiago San Miguel Tequixtepec y Tequixtepec San Miguel De Villa Tepelmeme San Pablo Tequixtepec del Tequixtepec San Pablo Yehualtepec, Tlacoltepec Yehualtepec, Guerrero, Palmar de José Miahuatlan, Oaxaca: Santiago Miahuatlan, Coxcatlan, San Juan Buena Vista, Morelos del Distrito 3; Morelos, Chapulco, Chazumba, San Pedro y San Gabriel Chilac, y Zapotitlán Tehuacan Mendez, Totoltepec de Mendez, Totoltepec Distrito 2; Concepción Location Municipalities Ecosystems decree Creation Type Biosphere Reserve 18-09-98 Oaxaca y PueblaAtexcal, Ajalpan, Puebla: area Protected natural Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Annexes 157

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Tropical deciduous forest, thorny oak forest, grassland and desert scrub. Papalo, Santiago Papalo, Santos Reyes Mazatlan Villa de Flores Mazatlan Villa Xicotepec, Zacatlán, del Distrito 4; San Pedro Choconcuautla, Cuicatlán, Concepción Nacaltepec, San Pedro Santa María Tecomavaca, Tecomavaca, Santa María Ahuazotepec, Huauchinango, Juan Jocotipac, Valerio Trujano, Trujano, Jocotipac, Valerio Zihuateutla. Jaltepetongo y San Juan San Juan Bautista San Juan de los Cues, Galindo, Naupan, Tlaola, Galindo, Naupan, San Martín Toxpalan, San Toxpalan, San Martín Antonio Nanahuatipam, Papalo, Santa Maria Cuautepec de Hinojosa, Santa María Ixcatlan y Santa María Texcatitlan, Texcatitlan, Santa María Location Municipalities Ecosystems Oaxaca y Puebla 20-10-38 Puebla Acoxochitlan, decree Creation Type Biosphere Reserve 18-09-98 Natural Resources Protection Area area Protected natural Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Cuenca Hidrográfica del Río Necaxa 158 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Desert scrub. Coral reef. Tropical deciduous forest, tropical deciduous forest, desert scrub, oak scrub, grassland, forest, coniferous forest, cloud aquatic vegetation. Diverse ecosystems: freshwater, estuarine, marine and reef. Amoles y Landa De Huimilpan. costas del norte Estado de Quintana Roo, y teniendo como zona de influencia los siguientes municipios Lázaro Cárdenas e Islas Mujeres. Municipios de Solidaridad y Felipe Carrillo Puerto. Serra, Peñamiller, Pinal de Serra, Peñamiller, Matamoros. Location Municipalities Ecosystems decree Creation Type National ParkNational ParkBiosphere Reserve 07-07-37 27-07-82 Querétaro 05-06-09 Querétaro Quintana Roo Querétaro. Localizada frente a las Corregidora y Querétaro, Eucalyptus reforestation. Biosphere Reserve 19-07-96 Quintana Roo Blanco. P. Othon Coral reef. Biosphere Reserve 02-02-98 Quintana Roo Frente a la costa de los Biosphere Reserve 19-05-97 Querétaro Arroyo Seco, Jalpan de area Protected natural Sian Ka'an Arrecifes de Banco Chinchorro El Cimatario Ballena Tiburón Sierra Gorda Cerro de Las Campanas Annexes 159

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Rainforest-low and low medium flood, forest or mangrove red and squat mangrove. Tropical forest, mangrove and coastal dune vegetation. Flooded lowland, tropical forest, mangrove. coctal, coastal and halophytic. Coral reef. Medium and lowland evergreen forest, deciduous forest, mangrove, logwood, marshes, hillocks, coastal dune vegetation and reefs. Mujeres. Othon P. Blanco. Othon P. Juárez. Puerto. Location Municipalities Ecosystems 06-06-94 Quintana Roo Lázaro Cárdenas e Isla 17-11-94 Quintana Roo Felipe Carrillo Puerto y 03-05-05 Quintana Roo decree Creation Type Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas National ParkFlora and Fauna Protection Areas 27-11-00 Quintana Roo Blanco P. Othon Coral reef. National Park 23-04-81 Quintana Roo Felipe Carrillo Puerto. National Park 02-02-98 Quintana Roo Isla Mujeres. Mangroves, tropical deciduous forest, National Park 19-07-96 Quintana Roo Isla Mujeres y Benito National Park 02-02-98 Quintana Roo Benito Juárez. Coral reef. National Park 19-07-96 Quintana Roo Cozumel. Coral reef. Biosphere Reserve 20-01-86 Quintana Roo Cozumel y Felipe Carrillo area Protected natural Bala'an Ka'ax Cancún y Punta Nizuc Isla Mujeres, Punta Arrecifes de Xcalak Uaymil Balam Yum Tulum Isla Contoy Costa Occidental de Arrecife de Puerto Arrecifes de Cozumel Sian Ka'an Morelos 160 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW deciduous forest, lowland thorn and oak forest. lowland deciduous forest, medium semi-deciduous forest and desert scrub, marshes and lagoons. Zaragoza Location Municipalities Ecosystems Quintana Roo 29-10-86 Sinaloa 26-02-08 Quintana Roo 29-10-86 13-08-81 San Luis Potosí Vanegas 07-04-81 San Luis Potosí Armadillo de los Infantes y 27-11-00 Sinaloa San Ignacio y Mazatlán Tropical deciduous forest, tropical decree Creation Type National Park 22-09-36 San Luis Potosí de Reyes. Villa Pine-oak forest, desert scrub. National ParkFlora and Fauna Protection Areas 15-09-36 San Luis Potosí Río Verde. Pine forest, oak and grassland. Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Sanctuary 29-10-86 Sinaloa CV Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Sanctuary Biosphere Reserve 06-06-94 San Luis PotosíTamuin. y Ciudad Valles Medium and low evergreen forest, Sanctuary area Protected natural Gogorrón El Potosí Sierra la Mojonera Camacho Sierra de Álvarez Playa el Verde Meseta De Cacaxtla Playa Ceuta Tanchipa Playa de la Isla Contoy Sierra de Abra Sierra de Manglares de Nichupte Annexes 161

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Desert scrub. Pine-oak forest, fir and zacatonal. Deciduous forest, oak pine-oak forest and thorny scrub Swamps and marshes, medium low semi-evergreen forest and mangrove. San Luis Río Colorado. Calles, Puerto Peñasco y Macuspana. Álamos y Navojoa. Hidalgo, Contla de Juan , , María Morelos, y Tepatlaxco de Hidalgo . Tepatlaxco y Cumatzi, San Pablo Del Mazateocochco de José Teolocholco, Zitlaltepec de Teolocholco, Sánchez Santos, Trinidad Tzompantepec, Acuamanala de Miguel Monte y Tlaxcala. Puebla: Monte y Acajete Amozoc, Puebla, Location Municipalities Ecosystems 19-07-96 Sonora 22-09-0814-04-05 Tabasco Tamaulipas Tenosique High evergreen forest. decree Creation Type Biosphere Reserve 10-06-93Biosphere Reserve Sonora 13-06-02 Plutarco Elías General Sonora Hermosillo Aquatic; and in the land portion, scrubland. Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Biosphere Reserve 06-08-92 Tabasco Centla, Jonuta y Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Sanctuary 29-10-86 Tamaulipas Aldama National Park 17-11-37 Tlaxcala Tlaxcala. Ornamental reforestation National Park 06-10-38 Tlaxcala y Puebla Tlaxcala: Ixtenco, Altar area Protected natural Matlalcuéyatl del Río Bravo Desierto de Cuchujaqui El Pinacate y Gran Isla San Pedro Mártir Sierra de Álamos-Río Pantanos de Centla Cañón de Usumacinta Playa de Rancho Nuevo Laguna Madre y delta Xicoténcatl o 162 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Pine-oak forest, fir and zacatonal. Deciduous forest, evergreen tropical forest and cloud forest. Pajapan, San Andrés Pajapan, San Hidalgo, Contla de Juan Soteapan y Tatahuicapan Tatahuicapan Soteapan y Catemaco, Mecayapan, Chiautempan, Huamantla, María Morelos, y Tepatlaxco de Hidalgo . Tepatlaxco y Tuxtla, Santiago Tuxtla, Tuxtla, Santiago Tuxtla, de Juárez. Cumatzi, San Pablo Del Mazateocochco de José Teolocholco, Zitlaltepec de Teolocholco, Sánchez Santos, Trinidad Tzompantepec, Acuamanala de Miguel Monte y Tlaxcala. Puebla: Monte y Acajete Amozoc, Puebla, Location Municipalities Ecosystems decree Creation Type Biosphere Reserve 23-11-98 Veracruz Angel R. Cabada, National Park 06-10-38 Tlaxcala y Puebla Tlaxcala: Ixtenco, area Protected natural Matlalcuéyatl Los Tuxtlas Los Malinche o Annexes 163

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Pine, fir, oak, alder forest. Evergreen tropical forest, pine forest and mountain cloud forest. Pine and fir forest. Coral reef and halophytic vegetation. Chalchicomula de Sesma Calcahualco y La Perla. y Atzitzintla. Veracruz: y Acajete. Del Río y Alvarado. Del Río y Camerino Z. Mendoza, Atzacan, Nogales, Huilopan de Cuauhtémoc. Maltrata, Aquila, Rio Atzompa, Naranjal y Fortin, Ixtaczoquitlan, Blanco, Rafael Delgado, Acultzingo, Soledad Location Municipalities Ecosystems 05-06-09 VeracruzTuxpan y Tamiahua Coral Reef. decree Creation Type National Park 04-01-37 y Puebla Veracruz Tlachichuca, Puebla: National ParkNational Park 04-05-37 24-08-92 Veracruz Veracruz Ayahualulco Perote, Xico, Boca Veracruz, A Frente National Park 22-03-38 Veracruz Orizaba, Chocaman, Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Arrecifal Arrecifal area Tuxpan Protected natural V eracruzano Pico de Orizaba Cofre de Perote Sistema Sistema Cañon del Río Blanco Lobos- 164 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW)HGHUDO/HYHO &RQW Semi-ervergreen forest, floodable lowland, savannah. Mangrove vegetation on coastal dunes, hillocks, savannah, cattail marshes, reedbeds, lowland flooding and tropical lowland deciduous forest with cacti. Coral reef. Lowland deciduous forest, coastal dunes, mangrove. Maxcanu. Solidaridad. Quintana Roo: Yucatán: Celestún y Yucatán: Yucatán: Valladolid. Valladolid. Yucatán: Progreso. Tizimin. Frente Al Municipio de Frente San Felipe, Río Lagartos y Roo Zacatecas y Location Municipalities Ecosystems Aguascalientes 05-06-02 y Quintana Yucatán decree 08/06/1949 07/11/2002 Creation Type Natural Resources Protection Area National Park 27-11-00 Zacatecas Sombrerete Flora and Fauna Protection Areas Biosphere Reserve 27-11-00 y Campeche Yucatán Campeche: Calkini Sanctuary 29-10-86 Yucatán Biosphere Reserve 21-05-99 Yucatán National Park 14-04-87 Yucatán Mérida. Deciduous forest. National Park 06-06-94 Yucatán Yetel Yetel area Alacranes Adyacente a la Protected natural del Distrito Nacional de localidad denominada Riego 01 Pabellón Cuenca Alimentadora Cuenca Sierra de Órganos Río Lagartos Otoch Ma´Ax Ría Celestún Playa Dzibilchantun Kooh Ría Lagartos Arrecife Annexes 165

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO Body Resposible Aguascalientes Aguascalientes Secretaría de Medio Ambiente Secretaría de Secretaría de Medio Ambiente Planeación Urbana, Ecología Infraestructura y del Estado de del Estado de Thorn scrub, subtropical scrub, grassland, oak forest. Coniferous Forest, Scrubland. Dune vegetation, palm, guamúchil forest, mesquite, saltcedar, Aquatic vegetation: reeds and tular. spp), Acacia raxinus Quercus puntia spp), pomea spp), Arbutus spp), Huizache Coreopsis Cupresus spp), Nopal Prosopis spp), Oak ( spp), Ash ( ), huizache ( spp), Manzanita spp), Mezquite spp), Juniper ucca Populus spp). Quercus eduardii Pinus puntia uniperus enothera drumondii Acacia ydrocotyle vulgaris Arbutus Prosopis Arctostaphylos Acacia spp), Cedar ( Poplar ( Pine ( ( ( spp), Palo Bobo ( ( ( ( Euphorbia leucophylla Abronia maritima Proboscidea pilosa althaefolia ouvea and Bouteloa barbata farnesiand Scirpus californicus Salix lasiolepis allesia glabra Prosopis sp Typha dominguensis Lemna minor Ammannia coccinea Polygonum hydroperoides and Palm ( ( mcvaughii rydb dontoctrichum amplum crawford iguiera rosei greenm mezquite ( laevigata spp.) and Nopals ( spp.), Q potosina Q laeta y Q resinosa Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Los Cabos Gracia, Rincón María y Calvillo Pabellón de Arteaga, Jesús Jesús María de Romos, Entity Federal Sur Baja California Aguascalientes San José de Aguascalientes Aguascalientes, Category to Ecological Protection Monument Zone is Subject to Ecological Conservation Decree 26-02-04 Creation 28-05-08 Natural 24-05-04 Zone is Subject Protected Natural Area José del Cabo” Estero de San Cerro del Muerto Sierra Fría 166 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Sustentable Aprovechamiento Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Wet semi-evergreen tropical forest, medium dry semi-deciduous jungle, low dry forests. ybanthus sp Phyllostylon aematoxylon campechianum ook Malpighia lu Aelli L Gaud Leucaena Guaiacum sanctum Beaucarnea pliabilis Cholophora tinctoria leucocephala Lamde it brasiliense Cajan ex Brenth C MortonS Acacia gaumeri obtusifolia unth Blakeand icus Cedrela odorata L Brosimum alicastrum Bursera simaruba Caesalpinia gaumeri Caesalpinia mollis Ceiba schottii G sanctum Gymnopodium floribundum Lonchocarpus xuul Lonchocarpus yucatanenses Lysiloma latisili uum Maniilkara zapota Maytenus schippi Metopium brownei Mimosa bahamensis Piscidia piscipula Platymiscium yucatanum Pouteria campechiand Pouteria reticulata Pseudobombax ellipticus Spondias mombin Thounia paucidentata Bucida buceras Acacia angustisima Ateleia gumifera Bravaisia berlandieriana Bucida buceras Byrsonima bucidaefolia Cameraria latifolia Coccoloba cozumelensis Cordia dodecandra Croton icche iospyros bumeloides Erythroxylum rotundifolium Eugenia winzerlingii Eugenia spp L campechianum xuul M brownei and M zapota Escárcega Hopelchén, Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Campeche Champotón, Category Zone is Subject to Ecological Conservation Decree Creation 04-01- 11 Protected Natural Area Balam-Kin Annexes 167

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Sustentable Aprovechamiento Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y High evergreen forest, flooded low forest, low forest deciduous, evergreen lowland forest. M Piscidia sp., (jobillo), B (cascarillo), sp., (ramón), (tsalam) y Cameraria (cascarillo de Clusia (ja’abin), Calophyllum (tinto), M zapota B iphysa paucifoliata Thouinia paucidentata Esenbeckia (ja’abin), (guayacán), (pucté), (chechén) y Swietenia macrophylla Croton icche B buceras Metopium aematoxylon campechianum yperbaena winzerlingii Gymnopodium floribundum P zapota Sideroxylon piscipula Tabebuia chrysanthaTabebuia Bucida Clusia lundelli Caesalpinia foetidissimum rbignya cohune foetidissimum rbignya Byrsonima bucidaefolia Enterolobium cyclocarpum sanctum latifoliada iospyros bumelioides latifoliada iospyros vesicaria Gliricidia maculata campechianum bucidaefolia Malpigia lundelli Cameraria latifolia Sphinga Lonchocarpus castilloi Lysiloma latisiliLysiloma uum Astronomium graveolens cruentum Manilkara zapota buceras brownei platyloba Guettarda gaumeri Piscidia piscipula Aspidosperma megalocarpon A brasiliensis Lonchocarpus alicastrum Bursera simaruba Besucaren pliabilis Guaiacum Brosimum alicastrum hondurensis Pouteria amygdalina brownei (kanchunup), (tinto), (chicle), bajo), (naranjillo), (chaka’’), (dzizilché), Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Candelaria, Entity Federal Campeche Escárcega, Category to Ecological Conservation Decree Creation 04-01-11 Zone is Subject Protected Natural Area Balam-Kú 168 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Semi-evergreen Rainforest, Tropical Deciduous Forest. Pine Forest, Pine-Oak Forest. Tropical evergreen forest, tropical semi-evergreen Forest. Pine Forest, Pine-Oak Forest. Pine Forest, Pine-Oak Forest. Tropical deciduous forest, tropical semi-evergreen Forest, Pine-Oak forest, Cloud forest. (Mulatto). Quercus (Jobo). Acacia spp Cedrela Bursera excelsa (Oaks) Terminalia Brosimum Clethra (Ramón) y (Canshán) and B siamruba spp (Oaks) (Cedar), Pinus spp (Pines) and Quercus Manilkara zapota (Chicozapote), odorata (Quebracho), (Copal) y (Canshán), alicastrum Spondias mombin Pinus spp (Pines) and Quercus spp Pinus spp (Pines), spp (Oaks), amazonia Brosimum alicastrum (Ramón). crassifolia Quercus spp (Oaks) and macrophylla Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Margaritas Las Casas Las Casas Entity Federal Chiapas Gutiérrez Tuxtla Chiapas San Cristóbal de Chiapas San Cristóbal de Chiapas Ocosingo Terminalia amazonia Chiapas Chanal y Las Chiapas La Conocordia Pinus spp (Pines) y Quercus Category Area to Ecological Conservation Area to Ecological Conservation Recreational Park Recreation Center Decree Creation 04-05-72 Natural Typical 04-05-72 Natural Typical 28-03-90 Zone is Subject 06-07-94 Zone is Subject 31-07-74 Natural 27-08-80 Ecological Protected Natural Area Zaragoza Rancho Nuevo Bosque de Reserva Biótica Santa Felícitas El Zapotal La Concordia Coníferas Chanal Gertrude Duby Annexes 169

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia - Quercus orest uniperus orest Pine Forest, Pinus-Quercus- Tropical deciduous forest. Tropical Semi-evergreen Forest, Tropical Evergreen Forest, Tropical Semi-evergreen Forest. Bursera uniperus (Cojón de (Red Cedar), P (Pines) (Cedar), (Hule), (Cedrillo), (Camarón), Mortoniode Aron Clethra (Marquesotillo), Alvaradoa Swietenia humilis (Palo Mulato). Arbutus sp Terminalia amazonia andTapirira mexicana (Red Cypress) endropandx arboreus Candco te Calycophyllum candidissimum (Canelo), (Caobilla), amorphoides Cedrela odorata Platymiscium dimorphrandum (Hormiguillo) and simaruba pseudostrobus Quercus rugosa Q crassifolia (Oaks), (Madrones) and J sp Castilla elastica Cedrela odorata (Lion’s Paw), guatemalense Spondias mombin obo and Bravaisia integerrima Quercus oleoides Q elliptica (Oaks), (Canshán), suaveolens Siparuna andina tigre) (Duraznillo, Caobilla) Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Espinosa Entity Federal Chiapas Teopisca Pinus oocarpa, Chiapas Acala Chiapas Pichucalco Chiapas Ocozocoautla de Category to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Decree Creation 13-03-96 Zone is Subject 02-08-95 Zone is Subject 19-06-96 Zone is Subject 19-06-96 Zone is Subject Protected Natural Area El Recreo El Canelar Laguna Bélgica Finca Santa Ana 170 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Thorny forest, tropical deciduous forest, mangrove and Palms. Tropical deciduous forest, Oak Forest. Thorny forest, tropical deciduous forest, mangrove and Palms. Quercus forest Tropical deciduous forest, Tropical Semideciduous Forest. Bursera Q Sabal y B (Oak) (Palm), (Matilisguate) (Matilisguate) Cordia sp Sabal Acacia spp (Oaks), Avicennia Avicennia Sterculia apetala Sterculia apetala Pithecellobium (Madresal), (Madresal), (Palm) and (Palm) and (Mulato). Pithecellobium dulce (Copal) y (Guamúchil), Quercus sp Rhizophora mangle (Red Mangrove), germinans Conocarpus erectus (Botoncillo) (brown), (Guamúchil), mexicana Tabebuia rosea Bursera simaruba (Mulato), Sabal mexicana Lysiloma acapulcensis (Tepehuaje), (Quebrachos), And excelsa Quercus acutifolia peduncularis siamruba Rhizophora mangle (Red Mangrove), germinans Conocarpus erectus (Botoncillo) (Castaño), dulce mexicana Tabebuia rosea Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Suchiate Mazatán Entity Federal Chiapas y Tapachula Chiapas Villaflores Chiapas y Tapachula Chiapas Gutiérrez Tuxtla Acacia spp (Quebracho), Category to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Reserve Reserve Decree Creation 16-06-99 Zone is Subject 16-07-97 Ecological 16-06-99 Zone is Subject 07-06-00 Ecological Protected Natural Area Murillo Cerro El Gancho La Lluvia El Cabildo Amatal Mactumatzá Annexes 171

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN)- Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio (CONANP) Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Forest, Cupressus Forest, Quercus Pinus Pinus-Quercus Forest, Cloud Forest, Tropical semi-Deciduous Forest ( Forest) Tropical Deciduous Forest, Tropical Semi-deciduous Forest. Pine Forest, Pine-Oak Forest, deciduous tropical forest, cloud forest. excelsa Quercus Brosimum (Oak) (Cojon of Acacia (Palm), Cordia sp Cedrela Bursera Acacia spp Clethra spp (Colorado Cork) iospyros digyna (Ramon) (Quebracho), Bursera simaruba (Cedar) y Trichospermum Quercus sp (Oaks), Siparuna andina tiger), mexicanum Pinus spp (Pines) y spp Lysiloma acapulcensis (Tepehuaje), (Copal), (Mulato), (Zapote negro), pennatula Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Guandcastle) odorata alicastrum Bursera simaruba (Mulato), Sabal mexicana Lysiloma acapulcensis (Tepehuaje), (Quebrachos), And Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Albino Corzo, Motozintla, Guerrero y Mapastepec Unión Juárez Comitán de Domínguez Siltepec, El Porvenir, Ángel Porvenir, Acacoyagua, Monte Cristo de Tapachula Y Entity Federal Chiapas Escuintla, Chiapas Cacahoatán, Category to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Decree 22-11-00 Zone is Subject 13-12-00 State Park Chiapas 11-10-00 Zone is Subject Creation Protected Natural Area Loro-Paxtal La Primavera Cordón Pico El Volcán Tacaná 172 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Forest, Pine forest, cloud forest. Quercus Tropical Deciduous Forest, Tropical Semi-Deciduous Forest. Thorn forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Palms, Tropical Deciduous Forest secondary vegetation. Thorn forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Palms, Tropical Deciduous Forest secondary vegetation. Clethra Protium (Pine). lmus (Palo tinto) (Palo tinto) Quercus Cordia (Guandcastle). (Guandcastle). (cupape), (Palo baqueta) (Mano de león), (Mano de león), (Mano de Leon) Swietenia humilis (Copal), Pinus oocarpa Enterolobium Enterolobium aematoxylum aematoxylum Bursera simaruba Mulato Cordia bicolor endropandx arboreus campechianum and cyclocarpum Acacia pennatula (Quebracho), dodecanra copal oleoides Q peduncularis (Oaks), (Caobillo) and mexicana occidentalis endropandx arboreus and campechianum and cyclocarpum Bursera simaruba Mulato Cordia bicolor endropandx arboreus Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Catazajá Espinosa Entity Federal Chiapas Ocozocoautla de Chiapas La Libertad Chiapas Tapalapa Abies guatemalensis, Chiapas Playas de Category to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Decree Creation 03-11-06 Zone is Subject 03-11-06 Zone is Subject 3-11-06 Zone is Subject 15-11-06 Zone is Subject Protected Natural Area Cerro Meyapac Sistema Lagunar Humedales La Libertad Tzama Cun Pümy Catazajá Annexes 173

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Natural (SMAHN) Coahuila Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente e Historia Ambiente de Ambiente e Historia Pine Forest, Oak Forest and CloudfForest. Tropical Semi-Evergreen Forest, Tropical Evergreen Forest and Cloud Forest. Aquatic and underwater vegetation. Pine-oak forest of xeric scrub, desert scrub, micropyle, Desert rosette. Aquatic and underwater vegetation. (sauce) (sauce) Guarea Clethra (Memelitas). endropandx arboreus Taxodium mucronatum Taxodium mucronatum (Oaks) and reopandx xalapensis Quercus crassifolia Quercus laurina Quercus spp macrophylla pava), (Mano de leon), glabra Tapirira mexicand (Duraznillo, Caobillo) and Clusia spp Salix bonplandiana and (Ahuehuete) Quercus saltillensis Q greggii Agave lechuguilla Agave striata asylirion cedarsanum olina cespit fera ucca carnerosana Pinus cembroides Salix bonplandiana and (Ahuehuete) Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Las Casas Las Casas Las Casas Entity Federal Chiapas Berriozabal Cupania dentata (Cola de Chiapas San Cristóbal de Chiapas San Cristóbal de Chiapas San Cristóbal de Coahuila Saltillo, Arteaga Category to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Decree 15-11-06 Zone is Subject 01-02-08 Zone is Subject 02-02-08 Zone is Subject 07-03-07 Zone is Subject 08-06-07 Restoration Area Creation Protected Natural Area Zona de Alcanfores Restauración Zapalinamé Montaña La Kisst La Pera Huitepec Los Montaña María Eugenia Humedales de Humedales de 174 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible de Recursos de Recursos de Recursos Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Secretaría de Medio Profauna, A.C. Naturales del Naturales del Naturales del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Ambiente. Comisión Ambiente. Comisión Ambiente. Comisión Mixed forests, coniferous, oak and desert and rosette scrub. halophytic vegetation, aquatic and subaquatic vegetation (swamp) and terrestrial or riparian vegetation. ), ) ), ), spp.), ash ), trueno Quercus ), sauce ), araucaria sp., ) and some palm ), casuarina spp. and ) chapulixtle acaranda Eucalyptus Taxodium Salix bonplandiand Phoenix candriensis spp. Salix babylonica ashingtonia robusta Abies odonaea viscosa raxinus uhdei Ligustrum lucidum Araucaria heterophylla Casuarina e uisetifolia Pseudotsuga spp. Pinus ahuejote ( ahuehuete ( mucronatum ( llorón ( ( ( jacaranda ( mimosaefolia ( eucalyptus ( ( species ( and Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Coahuila Saltillo, Arteaga Distrito Federal Miguel Hidalgo NA Secretaría de Medio Distrito Federal Miguel Hidalgo NA NA Secretaría de Medio Distrito Federal Category to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Decree 07-05-92 Zone is Subject 15-10-96 Zone is Subject 10-06-92 Zone is Subject 10-06-92 Zone is Subject Creation Protected Natural Area Gregorio Atlapulco Chapultepec I Chapultepec II Sierra de Zapalinamé Tercera Sección Tercera Tercera Sección Tercera Ejidos de Xochimilco y San del Bosque de del Bosque de Annexes 175

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible de Recursos de Recursos de Recursos Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Secretaría de Medio Naturales del Naturales del Naturales del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Ambiente. Comisión Ambiente. Comisión Ambiente. Comisión Desert scrub, oak-pine forest. Desert Scrub. Secretaría de Medio copal spot tuna Oak white Acacia Prosopis Mimosa tepozán Pinus teocote eucalyptus odonaea Quercus ucca filifera ucca licorice Eysenhardtia and huizache mezquite chapulixtle Quercus spp Bursera cuneata pomoea murucoides pomoea puntia streptacantha tepozancillo Pittocaulon casahuate casuarina uña de gato yuca Buddleia cordata viscosa Buddleia parviflora Pittocaulon praecox crassipes Q rugosa Q laurina and Eucalyptus sp Cupressus lusitanica cedar Casuarina e uisetifolia polystachya schaffneri laevigata aculeaticarpa var Biuncifera Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Madero Entity Federal Distrito Federal Gustavo A. Distrito Federal Miguel Hidalgo NA NA Secretaría de Medio Distrito Federal Tlalpan Category to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Decree 20-08-02 Zone is Subject 28-06-89 Zone is Subject 08-10-94 Zone is Subject Creation Protected Natural Area Guadalupe Lomas Bosques de Las Sierra de Ecological Park de la Ciudad de México 176 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible de Recursos de Recursos de Recursos Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Naturales del Naturales del Naturales del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Ambiente. Comisión Ambiente. Comisión Ambiente. Comisión Desert Scrub, Oak Forest. Desert Scrub. Secretaría de Medio Desert Scrub, Pine-Oak Forest. ), ), sp.), Schinus ), Eucalyptus ), aile tepozán tepozán ) and huizache raxinus Cupressus Acacia ), pirú ( odonaea odonaea Quercus Quercus ), jacaranda Ligustrum Pittocaulon praecox ), nopal chamacuero ), Ash ( Sedum praealtum Casuarina chapulixtle chapulixtle Buddleia cordata y ), eucalyptus ( olina parviflora sp.) ) and alamo sp.), Acacia ( ), trueno ), white cedar ( puntia tormentosa acaranda mimosifolia pittocaulon tepozancillo pittocaulon tepozancillo Populus Acacia farnesiand Alnus Buddleia cordata viscosa Pittocaulon praecox crassipes Q rugosa Q laurina Buddleia parviflora viscosa Pittocaulon praecox crassipes Q rugosa Q laurina Buddleia cordata Buddleia parviflora pittocaulon ( tepozán ( B parviflora ( ( molle lusitanica camaldulensis ( ( casuarina ( e uisetifolia uhdei lucidum ( liveforever ( nolina ( Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Tlahuac Madero Entity Federal Distrito Federal Gustavo A. Distrito Federal Iztapalapa, Category to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Decree 09-06-06 Zone is Subject 03-11-94 Zone is Subject 24-10-97 Urban Park Distrito Federal Tlalpan Creation Protected Natural Area La Armella Bosque de Sierra de Santa Tlalpan Catarina Annexes 177

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado Estado de Recursos de Recursos de Recursos Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Gobierno del Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Naturales del Naturales del Naturales del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Ambiente. Comisión Ambiente. Comisión Ambiente. Comisión Desert scrub, oak-pine forest. Pine Oak Forest. Pine-Oak forest, considered relictual, with species considered endemic to Mexico, riparian vegetation. ), Pino tepozán odonaea Quercus Abies religiosa chapulixtle spp.) tepozancillo pittocaulon Pinus Buddleia cordata Buddleia parviflora viscosa Pittocaulon praecox crassipes Q rugosa Q laurina y Pinus teocote Picea Chihuahuand Abies duranguensis Pseudotsuga menzienssi are dominant Oyamel ( NA NA ( Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Magdqlena Alta Tlalpan y Contreras Entity Federal Durango Durango Gobierno del Distrito Federal Tlalpan Durango Pueblo Nuevo Distrito Federal Tlalpan y Milpa Distrito Federal Category Reserve Comunitaria Ecological Park Reserve Comunitaria to Ecological Conservation Resources Protection Area Decree 26-06-07 Ecological 30-03-08 29-11-06 Ecological 29-11-06 Zone is Subject 22-06-08 Natural Creation Protected Natural Area Topilejo El Tecuán Ecoguardas San Miguel San Nicolás Santa Bárbara Totolapan 178 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Instituto de Ecología Instituto de Ecología Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato del Estado de del Estado de del Estado de Oak Forest. Thorny forest. Desert scrub. Instituto de Ecología Pine uniperus , Tejocote farnesiand occidentalis Sabino Quercus Tepehuaje Cedar J Eysenhardtia Celtis pallida Prosopis laevigata Oaks Eysenhadtia raxinus uhdei Madrones Arbutus glandulosa Arbutus xalapensis flaccida castanea Quercus crassipes Quercus eduardii Quercus laeta Quercus laurina Quercus microphyla Quercus grisea Quercus potosina Ash Pinus cembroides Crataegus mexicand Capulin Prunus serotina Sauz Salix bonplandiand Taxodium mucronatum Granjeno Mez uite Prosopis laevigata Huizache Acacia palo dulce punctata Palo xixote Bursera fagaroides, palo dulce Eysenhardtia punctata. Tepame Acacia pennatula varaduz polystachya Lysiloma microphylla Palo blanco Albizzia Mezquite Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Santiago Valle de Valle Purísima del Felipe y Ocampo Rincón del Rincón y Entity Federal Guanajuato León, San Guanajuato Guanajuato San Francisco Category Monument Use Area Restoration Area Decree 21-11-97 Natural 04-11-97 Sustainable 02-12-97 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Siete Luminarias Sierra de Lobos Región Volcánica Presa de Silva y Áreas Aledañas Annexes 179

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Instituto de Ecología Instituto de Ecología Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato del Estado de del Estado de del Estado de Thorny forest Instituto de Ecología Tropical deciduous forest, desert scrub. Quercus forest, desert scrub. alo Schimus Tepehuaje Garambullo Prosopis laevigata Eysenhadtia Albizzia occidentalis Lysiloma divaricata uizache Acacia uizache mexicano Quercus aff molle, farnesiand Myrtillocactus geometrizans Mez uite Prosopis laevigata Pirul Madrones Arbutus glandulosa Oaks coccolobifolia Quercus castanea Quercus crassipes Quercus deserticola Quercus dysophylla Quercus fulva Quercus glabrescens Quercus laurina Quercus mexicand Quercus microphylla Quercus reticulata Quercus rugosa Quercus sideroxyla sauz Salix bonplandiand tejocote Crataegus mexicand Pines Pinus michoacand Pinus greggii Palo xixote Bursera fagaroides, palo dulce Eysenhardtia punctat, Palo Prieto Tepame Acacia pennatula varaduz polystachya Lysiloma microphylla P blanco Mezquite Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas Entity Federal Guanajuato Guanajuato Category Reserve Decree 16-12-97 Ecological Park Guanajuato Dolores Hidalgo 06-03-98 Consrevation 26-10-99 Ecological Park Guanajuato Creation Protected Natural Area Esperanza la ciudad de Las Fuentes Cuenca de la Megaparque de Dolores Hidalgo 180 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Instituto de Ecología Instituto de Ecología Instituto de Ecología Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato del Estado de del Estado de del Estado de Conifer and Quercus forest, desert scrub. Quercus forest, desert scrub. Conifer and Quercus forest, thorny desert scrub. enicno Bursera mezquite palo dulce Ceiba quebracho Quercus acebuche palo amarillo asylirion acrotrichum Oak Quercus laurina Prosopis laevigata pochote palo cuchara Buddleja sessiliflora Pinus cembroides Madrones Arbutus sp Quercus eduardii Quercus yamel Abies religiosa aile orestiera pillyreoides sauz Alnus sp rugosa Quercus crassifolia Red Pine Pinus hartwegii Prosopis laevigata aesculifolia Euphorbia fulva Lysiloma microphyllum huanimullo Lysiloma demostyachys Salix bonplandiana palmeri Madrones Arbutus glandulosa Oak resinosa Quercus microphylla Quercus laurina castanea pirimo erbesina pietatis Pine Pinus cembroides Quercus obtusata Quercus resinosa, Quercus grisea Quercus microphyla and Quercus coccolobaefolia Eysenhardtia punctatia cucharilla mezquite tepozan Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Juventino Rosas Iturbide y Tierra Blanca Unión Santa Cruz de Entity Federal Guanajuato San Diego de la Guanajuato San José Guanajuato Salamanca y Category Use Area Use Area Reserve Decree 06-06-00 Sustainable 06-06-00 Sustainable 06-06-00 Consrevation Creation Protected Natural Area Peña Alta Cuenca Alta del Pinal del Zamorano Río Temascatio Annexes 181

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Instituto de Ecología Instituto de Ecología Instituto de Ecología Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato del Estado de del Estado de del Estado de del Estado de Desert scrub. Desert scrub. Quercus forest, desert scrub. Desert scrub. Instituto de Ecología Palo varaduz sauce llorón Tepehuaje Tepehuaje Tepame Lysiloma Prosopis laevigata Prosopis laevigata Acacia pennatula Eysenhadtia Albizzia occidentalis Tepame Acacia pennatula varaduz Eysenhadtia polystachya Lysiloma microphylla blanco Mezquite Palo xixote Bursera fagaroides, palo dulce Eysenhardtia punctata Sabino Taxodium mucronatum Salix bonplandiand Eysenhardtia polystachya mezquite Tepehuaje microphylla Acacia pennatula Mez uite Prosopis laevigata palo dulce Eysenhardtia punctata, Palo blanco Albizzia occidentalis Mez uite Prosopis laevigata Tepame varaduz polystachya Lysiloma microphylla Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Santiago Entity Federal Guanajuato León Guanajuato de y Valle Yuriria Guanajuato Manuel Doblado Category Ecological Park Use Area Restoration Area Decree 30-07-02 Sustainable 19-09-00 23-02-01 Ecological Park Guanajuato Yuriria 13-11-01 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Yuriria y su Zona Yuriria Metropolitano Las Musas Parque Laguna de Lago-Cráter La Joya de Influencia 182 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Instituto de Ecología Instituto de Ecología Instituto de Ecología Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato del Estado de del Estado de del Estado de Quercus forest, desert scrub. Quercus forest, desert scrub. Coniferous and Quercus forest, desert scrub. Oaks varaduz timbe Tepame varaduz colorín tepame americana, palo blanco acebuche Palo blanco Lysiloma Lysiloma microphylla Eysendhardtia Acacia pennatula Erythrina Eysenhardtia polustachya Crataegus mexicana Prunus serotina Erythrina herbacea xixote Bursera fagaroides Ash ak Quercus spp aks Quercus rugosa Quercus raxinus uhdei orestiera phillyreoides Acacia pennatula Eysenhadtia polystachya Tepehuaje microphylla Albizzia occidentalis laurina Quercus mexicana Tepame varaduz Mezquite Prosopis laevigata, Tepehuaje varaduz polystachya Eyse Ahardtia polystachya Tepehuaje Lysiloma microphylla palo Pine Pinus montezumae Pinus pseudostrobus Pinus teocote tepozan Buddleja cordata Quercus castanea Quercus crassif lia Quercus crassipes Quercus deserticola Quercus laeta Quercus laurina Quercus microphylla Quercus obtusata Quercus rugosa aile Alnus acuminata Alnus jorullensis tejocote capulin Acacia angustissima Acacia pennatula Albizzia occidentalis cimarrón patol Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Jerécuaro y Cortazar, Jaral Cortazar, Silao y Celaya, Tarimoro del Progreso y Salvatierra. Guanajuato Entity Federal Guanajuato Guanajuato Municipios de Guanajuato Acámbaro, Category Restoration Area Use Area Decree 18-11-03 Ecological 30-07-02 Sustainable Creation Protected Natural Area Cubilete Agustinos Cerros El Sierra de Los Cerro del Gavia Culiacán y La Annexes 183

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Instituto de Ecología Guanajuato Guanajuato del Estado de del Estado de Quercus forest, desert scrub. Desert scrub. Instituto de Ecología Oak Oak Pírimo Acacia Palo Albizzia capuli Tepame Cedrela dugesii Acebuche Bursera palmieri Euphorbia fulva Bursera fagaroides Albizzia occidentalis Palo blanco Lysiloma divaricata Lysiloma microphylla suberosa iphysa Quercus candicans Senna polyantha Arbutus laurina celtis pallida Bursera adorata Quercus dysophila Crataegus mexicand Ceiba aesculifolia Ceiba aesculifolia Randia watsonii erbesina pietatis erbesina Acacia angustissima Eysenhardtia polystachia oak Quercus rugosa uanimullo Lysiloma orestiera pillyreoides Mez uite Prosopis laevigata Palo xixiote Palo cuchara Palo amarillo Palo fierro Timbe Tepehuaje Nogal cimarrón Crucillo amarillo Pochote Palo santo demostyachys pennatula occidentalis White Oak Oak laurelillo Quercus elliptica colorado Madrones Capul n Prunus Tejocote Granjeno dulce Papelillo Pochote Palo blanco Palo Prieto Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Yuriria Entity Federal Guanajuato Moroleón y Category Use Area Decree 07-05-04 Sustainable 25-11-05 Guanajuato Irapuato Creation Protected Natural Area Amoles Cerro de Los Cerro de Arandas 184 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Instituto de Ecología Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato del Estado de del Estado de del Estado de Desert scrub. Instituto de Ecología Quercus forest, Desert scrub. Desert scrub. Instituto de Ecología Pitayo Palo Bursera Madrones Prosopis Tepame Palo Prieto Palo blanco Timbre Copal Acacia schaffneri Schinus molle Tepehuaje Eysenhardtia mezquite Prosopis laevigata pirul Acacia farnesiand Acacia pennatula Albizzia occidentalis puntia spp puntia Quercus eduardi Quercus Varaduz aks Quercus castanea Quercus Tepame Acacia pennatula varaduz Eysenhadtia polystachya Lysiloma microphylla blanco Mezquite polistachya laegivata sp Albizzia occidentalis Lysiloma divaricata glaucescens Quercus mexicand Quercus macrophylla Arbutus xalapensis Acacia angustissima Acacia pennatula Mez uite Prosopis laevigata Huizache chino Huizache Tepame Stenocereus ueretaroensis Oaks resinosa Quercus potosina Nopal Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Category Restoration Area Use Area Restoration Area Decree 15-09-06 Ecological 25-11-05 Sustainable 18-08-06 Ecological Creation 30-12 -02 State Park Hidalgo Pachuca Desert scrub. SEMARNATH Protected Natural Area Soledad Purísima y su Influencia Ecological Park Cubitos Presa de Neutla Presa La Cuenca de la Zona de y su Zona de Influencia Annexes 185

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible SEMARNATH SEMARNATH Ejido y Secretaría de Medio Municipal y SEMARNATH Desarrollo SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH Ambiente para el Sustentable Oak forest. Presidencia Pine-Oak forest, Cloud forest, fir forest, Aile forest and Zacatonal forest. desert scrub. Desert scrub Ejido y , uercus iscolor strya spp Pine forest and reopandx Carpinus Pinus Abies, Pinus, Q Tilia Rhamnus icus Terstroemia Alnus acuminata Subs Arguta Meliosma hartweguii Cupressus lindley Polypodium sedum y Phoradencrom calyculatum Cupressus lindley Pinus Montezumae Camarostaphylis discolor subsp. virginiand Carpinus tropicales Tilia mexicand Abies flinckii Balmea stormae Pinus uxpán y Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Grande. San Gabriel, Zapotitlán de Vadillo, T Monte Zapotlán el Juárez Entity Federal Hidalgo Tepeapulco Hidalgo Tlanchinol Cloud forest. Propietario y Hidalgo del Río Tepejí Desert scrub. Colonos y Hidalgo Mixquiahuala de Category State Reserve State Reserve State Reserve State Reserve 11 Ecological 15-07- Decree 11-07-09 State Park Jalisco 03-02-09 Ecological 09-01-09 State Park Hidalgo Zempoala Desert scrub. Ejido y 20-09-04 Ecological 22-02-06 Ecological 06-09-04 State Park Hidalgo Mineral del Creation Protected Natural Area Colima Nevado de Bosque El Cerro El Tecajete Cerro del Ángel Finca Tegolome El Zoológico Ceros La Paila-El Bosque Mesófilo Hiloche Xihuingo 186 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Ambiente Ambiente Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Secretaría de Medio Urbanismo y Medio Desarrollo Ambiente para el Sustentable Tropical lowland deciduous forest, deciduous thorny forest. Oak forest, oak-pine forest, gallery deciduous forest, thorny scrub, induced grassland, introduced aquatic vegetation. iphysa floribunda ac uinia NA Subtropical scrub. Secretaría de Bursera jorullensis Celtis iguandea Cyrtocarpa procera pungens Malphigia mexicana Plumeria rubra Pseudobombax ellipticum Crataeva palmeri C tapia Guazuma ulmifolia Celtis iguandea Cordia dentata Bursera simaruba Lysiloma divaricata Phoebe tampicencis Acacia coulteri Beaucarnea inermis Lysiloma acapulcencis Cordia dodecandra Crescentia cujete Enterolobium cyclocarpum Caesalpinia vesicaria Ceiba cuneata aesculifolia iospyros Guaiacum sanctum ampea trilobata Maclura tinctoria Piscidia communis Lysiloma demostachys Bursera bipinnata Bumelia celastrina Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Castellanos Juanito de Etzatlán y San Ahualulco de Mercado, Escobedo. Entity Federal Michoacán Los Reyes Jalisco Ameca, Michoacán Marcos Category Preservation Area Preservation Area Protection State Area Decree 08-01-04 Ecological 16-02-10 Hydrological 12-01-04 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Varal Sierra del Águila Los Chorros del Agua Caliente Annexes 187

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Secretaría de Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Urbanismo y Medio Urbanismo y Medio Tropical lowland deciduous forest. Tropical lowland deciduous forest, Tropical lowland deciduous thorny forest. NA Secretaría de NA Librillo Copal Atigrado Carpinus Pine de Cirimo Palo de Edelweiss Gentiand Madrones ncidium tigrinum A raxinus sp Acacia inowewia concinna Candcoite, Palo blanco Bursera coyucensis Bravaisia integerrima Quercus sp Salix humboldtiana Casimiroa edulis Prosopis laevigata Taxodium micronatum farnesiana Arbutus occidentalis var villosa caroliniana Barranco calyculata Tilia mexicana Peniocereus tepalcatepecanus coalcomán Pinus rzedowski Eucalyptus globules Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Michoacán Parácuaro Michoacán Jiménez Villa Michoacán Tzitzio Michoacán Coalcomán Category Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Decree 14-03-03 Urban Park Michoacán Briseñas 14-01-04 14-03-03 14-03-03 Creation 11-11-04 Protected Natural Area La Eucalera de Manantiales de La Alberca de los La Chichihua Mesa de Tzitzio Espinos paso de Hidalgo Parácuaro 188 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Secretaría de Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Urbanismo y Medio Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Semi-evergreen forest. Subtropical scrub, pine oak forest, cloud forest. Pine forest, pine oak forest, deciduous forest. Subtropical scrub, pine oak forest, cloud forest. Acacia Acacia White Granjeno Pirual Nopal Casuarina Huizache tepame Casuarina puntia spp cedro Cedrela sp cedro Cedrela Pinus e uisetifolia Quercus obtusata Q castanea Q deserticola uhdei Q glaucoides raxinus angustisima Acacia farnesiana Co Aalia veluntia Schinus molle Cupressus lindleyi Cedar pennatula Pinus Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Michoacán Tacámbaro Michoacán Morelia Michoacán Morelia Category Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Decree 26-12-05 Natural Park Michoacán Chinicuila 28-01-05 Ecological 31-01-05 Ecological 26-01-05 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Agrícola Denominada la Huerta Guacamayas Ex Escuela Cerro Hueco y La Barrancón de las Cerro Punhuato Alberca Annexes 189

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Secretaría de Secretaría de Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Urbanismo y Medio Urbanismo y Medio Urbanismo y Medio NA Secretaría de Pine Oak forest, Oak forest and cloud forest Subtropical Scrub, Pine Oak forest, Cloud Forest Subtropical Scrub and Tropical Lowland Deciduous Forest, Gallery Forest Palo Ash Huizache Sauce Salix sp Cazahuate Zapote Huizache Prosopis sp Quercus sp Arbutus sp Symplocos Ash Retama Sabino raxinus ahdei raxinus Clethra Salix sp Riccinus sp Nopal) Pine reopandx pomea sp pomea raxinus sp raxinus Acacia sp Acacia sp Bursera bipinata B Cupressus sp Cedrela dugesii Litsea glaucescens Acacia sp Casuarina e uisetifolia Ceiba aesculifolia puntia sp iospyros xolocotzii raxinus uhdei acaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda Ash Casuarina Zapotillo Mazorco White Cedar Palo Avellano Madrones Cedar Mezquite Ahuehuete Copal Pochote Laurel Nogalillo Huizache Casahuate Higuerilla Sauce pomoea murucoides Pinus sp Taxodium mucronatum Eysenhardtya polystachia dulce cuneata B fagaroides B palmeri Tecoma stans blanco Taxodium sp Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Michoacán Puruándiro Michoacán Morelia Category Preservation Area Preservation Area Decree 15-06-06 Urban Park Michoacán Uruapan 13-01-05 Ecological 25-01-05 Urban Park Michoacán Jiquilpan 25-01-05 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Mintzita Salvador Bernal Parque Lic. Bosque Manantial La Murguía Ecological Park Agua Tibia-Jeroche Cuauhtémoc y Parque Juárez 190 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado. CEAMA Estado. CEAMA Ambiente Ambiente Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Gobierno del Gobierno del Thorn scrub and tropical lowland deciduous forest. Tropical Lowland Deciduous Forest. Deciduous forest, palms and secondary vegetation. Deciduous forest, Cardon. icus icus sp sp sp spp. Prosopis Prosopis Leucaena Leucaena sp sp Swietenia Swietenia Parota Parota aematoxylon Enterolobium Enterolobium Bombacopsis Bombacopsis Bursera Bursera Bursera Pochote Pochote Caobilla Caobilla sp y sp Lysiloma Lysiloma Guaje Amate Amate Guaje Mezquite Mezquite Sabal pumos

uinata uinata uliand Guamuchil Rojo Tepemezquite Guamuchil Rojo Tepemezquite) cyclorarpum sp sp humilis sp Pithecellobium dulce Pithecellobium flexicaule Phyllostylon brasiliense Acacia unijuga Bumelia laetevirens Bursera simaruba Esenbeckia berlandieri y icus Cordia sp. Pithecellobium dulce cyclorarpum sp humilis sp sp Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Tlaltizapán Ario Jiutepec, Yautepec y Yautepec Emiliano Zapata, Entity Federal Michoacán Huandacareo Michoacán La Huacana y Category Preservation Area Heritage Reserve Decree 26-01-05 Ecological 10-06-98 Reserve Morelos 19-09-05 17-02-10 Park Morelos Jiutepec Creation Protected Natural Area Negro Las de Tinajas Volcán El Jorullo Volcán Sierra Monte El Texcal Huandacareo Annexes 191

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado. CEAMA Estado. CEAMA Estado. CEAMA Secretaría de Medio Gobierno del Gobierno del Ambiente de Nayarit Riparian and secondary vegetation. Pine-Oak Forest, Oak forest, Oak-Pine forest, Cloud Forest. Tropical Lowland Deciduous forest. Deciduous forest. del Gobierno sp Rojo y spp. Pine forest,

Pochote Pochote sp Bursera Bursera sp Guamuchil Guamuchil sp Amate Amate sp Caobilla Caobilla

Red Cedar Ceiba Taxodium sp

sp sp Guaje Guaje icus Ahuehuete

Mezquite Mezquite Quercus

sp sp Leucaena Lysiloma sp sp Bursera icus icus spp Lysiloma Rojo

Guamuchil Guaje Amate Ahuehuete Tepemezquite Parota) Parota Palo dulce Rojo Tepemezquite Pithecellobium dulce Taxodium mucronatum Pinus Swietenia humilis Leucaena Swietenia humilis Leucaena Prosopis sp. mucronatum Cedrela odorata Ceibapentandra Enterolobium cyclorarpum Bombacopsis uinata Prosopis Enterolobium cyclorarpum Bombacopsis uinata Eysenthardia polystachya Pithecellobium dulce Pithecellobium dulce Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Tepalcingo Tepic, Xalisco, Tepic, San Blas Entity Federal Nayarit Morelos Cuautla Morelos Tlalquitenango, Category to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Reserve Decree 10-06-98 Reserve Morelos Tlaltizapán 31-03-93 Zone is Subject 31-03-93 Zone is Subject 18-06-11 Biosphere Creation Protected Natural Area San Cristobal Las Estacas Sierra de San Los Sabinos, Sierra de Huautla Santa Rosa y Juan 192 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Gobierno del Secretaría de Medio Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Ambiente de Nayarit Desert scrub, halophyte vegetation. Deciduous Forest, disturbed pine forest deciduous forest, halophytic vegetation. Desert scrub, micropyle vegetation. Rosette Desert Scrub. Micropyle desert scrub. Mesquite. Cristo Lechugilla Prosopis sangre de lourensia raxinus Larrea tridentata Prosopis sp Coniferous forest. Hojasén Ash silvestre Euphorbia sp rbignya guacuyule oeberlinia esPinesa ucca lorensia cernua atropha dioica uniperus gobernadora Gobernadora Atriplex canescens Leguncularia racemosa Conocarpus erecta Rizophora mangle Avicenia germinans Bursera arb rea Tabebuia crysantha cernua laevigata Larrea tridentata drago antisifyllitica Agave lecheguilla Larrea tridentata greggii Prosopis laevigata Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Nuevo León Aramberri Nayarit Compostela Nuevo León Aramberri Nuevo León Doctor Arroyo Nuevo León Aramberri Nuevo León Doctor Arroyo Nuevo León Aramberri Category Conservation Reserve Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Decree 24-11-00 Ecological 01-12-04 Biosphere 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological Creation 24-11 -00 Ecological Protected Natural Area Apanaco Puentes Salas Trinidad y Llano Trinidad Sierra de Vallejo San Juan y El Refugio de La Trinidad Sandía el Grande Acuña Annexes 193

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Pine forest. del Gobierno Tropical Lowland Deciduous forest. Micropyle desert scrub. Creosote bush, Pine Oak forest. Tamaulipeco thorny scrub. Oak forest. Oak forest, Coniferous forest. Abies vejari spp Coniferous forest. spp spp forest. Oak ypoxantha Pinus Pinus pseudostrobus Quercus virginiand Larrea tridentata oeberlinia filifera sPinesa ucca Prosopis laevigata Bumelia celastrina Acacia rigidula Cordia boisdieri Quercus emoryi Q cembroides Agave lecheguilla Auphorbia ansisiphyllitica Celtis pallida Pithecellobium dulce P Pallens Quercus mexicand Q greggii Q microphylla Arbutus xalapensis Quercus Cupressus Quercus Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Zaragoza Entity Federal Nuevo León Sabinas Hidalgo Nuevo León Mier y Noriega Nuevo León General Terán Nuevo León Mier y Noriega Nuevo León General Nuevo León Linares Nuevo León Iturbide Nuevo León Iturbide Nuevo León Doctor González Category Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Decree 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Campo Abajo Cañon Pino del Cerro de Santa Marta de San Elias Vaquerias Purísima Purísima Cerro del Peñón Las Flores (Bosque de (Bosque de Picachos* oyamel) enebro) 194 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Rosette desert scrub, Submontane scrub, Creosote bush, Oak forest. scrub, Submontane scrub, Oak forest, Oak-Pine forest, Pine-oak forest, Pine forest. Rosette desert scrub. Coniferous forest. del Gobierno Rosette desert scrub. spp Rosette desert Quercus spp asylirion texanum Agave asylirion texanum Agave asylirion texanum Agave lourensia cernua uniperus monticola lecheguilla echtia glomerata lecheguilla echtia Pinus lecheguilla echtia glomerata Cordia boissieri Celtis pallida Prosopis laevigata Larrea tridentata Pinus culminicola Abies vejari Pinus pseudostrobus P ayacahuite P hartwegii Pseudotsuga flahaulti Pseudotsuga macrolepis glomerata lecheguilla echtia Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Escobedo, El Carmen, Mina García Santa Catarina y Hidalgo, General Entity Federal Nuevo León Monterrey, Nuevo León García, Abasolo, Nuevo León García Nuevo León Galeana Nuevo León García Category Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Decree 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Mitras Sierra de las Sierra el Fraile y Sierra Corral de Cerro El Potosí Cerro La Mota San Miguel los Bandidos Annexes 195

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Micropyle desert scrub and Gypsophyllic grassland. Micropyle desert scrub and Gypsophyllic grassland. Tamaulipeco thorny scrub. submontane scrub, semi-evergreen forest. submontane scrub. Gobierno del Bouteloua Bouteloua Larrea Larrea sp.), species sp.), species ) and sometimes ) and sometimes uca uca alilyrium texanum elietta parvifolia cordia boissieri raxinus greggi boissieri raxinus Acacia berlandieri Caesalpinia texand mexicand iospyros Leucaena pulverulenta Pithecellobium pallens P mahogany Brahea berlandieri Quercus sillae tridentata formig forests of palms or yucas ( also presented: chasei Muhlenbergia villiflora y rankenia gypsophila also presented: chasei Muhlenbergia villiflora y rankenia gypsophila Celtis laevigata Bumelia lanuginosa Caesalpinia mexicand tridentata formig forests of palms or yucas ( Cordia boissieri Acacia rigidula Agave lecheguilla Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Allende y Cadereyta Escobedo Entity Federal

Nuevo León Galeana Gobernadora ( Nuevo León Galeana Gobernadora ( Nuevo León Linares Nuevo León General Nuevo León Santiago, Category Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation  Decree 14-02-02 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 14-02-02 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological 24-11-00 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Ignacio la Silla La Trinidad Cerro del Topo Llano de la Sierra Cerro de Baño de San (perrito llanero Soledad (perrito llanero) 196 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado. IEEDS Estado. IEEDS Estado. IEEDS Estado Estado. IEEDS Estado. Secretaria Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del de Desarrollo Agropecuario, Forestal y Pesca Desert scrub. Evergreen forest. deciduous forest. Micropyle desert scrub and Gypsophyllic grassland. Oak forest, Desert and Tropical Lowland Deciduous Forest. Tropical Lowland Deciduous forest and desert scrub. Prosopis Cedrela Ceiba Oak Pine Ceiba

Cedar y spp Mezquite Cordón, Quercus sp sp Copal, Ocotillo, Pochote, Jacaranda y Guaje Amate Higo, GuaPinel, Aguacatillo, Oak, Cedar, Palmas, Ceibas, Biznagas y Casahuate Pine, Ocote, Sabino and Palm Tropial Lowland Pinus odorata pentandra Guirisiña, Caoba, Guandcaste, Guayacán, Brasil, Oak, Ceiba y Granddillo Gobernadora (Larrea tridentata) and sometimes formig forests of palms or yucas (Yuca sp.), species also presented: Bouteloua chasei, Muhlenbergia villiflora y Frankenia gypsophila Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Juárez Cuicatlán Oaxaca de Espinal Bautista Cotzocón, Mixe Albarradas Entity Federal Nuevo León Galeana Oaxaca Juchitán y El Oaxaca San Juan Category Reserve Reserve Ecological Conservation Decree Creation 06-dic-97 State Park Oaxaca San Lorenzo 14-abr-07 Ecological 30-Oct-04 State Park Oaxaca 17-Jun-00 Ecological 13-Jun-05 Nuevo León 14-ene-02 11-Sep-08 Nuevo León 27-Mar-09 Urban Park Nuevo León Guadalupe 27-Sep-97 State Park Oaxaca San Juan Protected Natural Area (perrito llanero) Catarina Hierve el Agua Cerro del Fortín Ecological Park Regional del Itsmo La Sabana El Obispado Río Santa La Pastora Cerro Mee Ta La Hediondilla Annexes 197

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado. IEEDS SSAOT SSAOT Gobierno del forest Disturbed Pine-Oak secondary vegetation. Native shrubs. SSAOT Oak forest, desert and deciduous forest Prosopis sp Oak Quercus sp Disturbed Oak-Pine. SSAOT sp sp, oak, palms Deciduous lowland sp Mezquite Cordón, Pinus Cactus Pine, Oak Quercus sp Copal, Ocotillo, Pochote, Jacaranda y Guaje Quercus eopantlan Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Texmelucan, Juárez Texmelucan Cholula San Pedro molcaxac, Chiautzingo Huehuetlan el Tzicatlacoyan, Huaquechula, Atoyatempan, Atzompa, Huatlatlauca, Tochimiltzingo, Atlixco, T Grande, Diego la Mesa Ocoyucan Tepeojuma, San Tepeojuma, Entity Federal Oaxaca Oaxaca de Category Reserve Decree Creation 08-04-94 State Reserve Puebla02-05-11 State Reserve Amozoc Puebla Oak Oak-Pine. SSAOT 08-04-94 State Reserve Puebla San Martín 08-04-94 State Reserve Puebla08-04-94 State Reserve Puebla Puebla Pirul, eucalyptus SSAOT 08-04-94 State Reserve Puebla San Martín 25-12-10 Ecological Protected Natural Area Cerro del Cruz Blanca y State Park Lázaro Cárdenas “Flor del Bosque” State Reserve “Sierra del Tentzo” State Reserve Cerro Tepeyac State Reserve Cerro de Amalucan State Reserve Cerro Zapotecas State Reserve Cerro MeNAocinas Cerro del Fortín, Crestón 198 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado. Secretaria Estado. Secretaria del Parque Kabah, de Cozumel de Cozumel Benito Juárez, (FPyMC) (FPyMC) Fundación de Fundación de Ayuntamiento de Ayuntamiento Gobierno del Gobierno del SEMA, Patronato de Desarrollo de Desarrollo Agropecuario Agropecuario A.C. Parques y Museos Parques y Museos Semideciduous forest. and eciduous forest. Semideciduous forest, deciduous forest, coastal shrubs and mangroves. Semideciduous forest, deciduous forest, coastal shrubs and mangroves. Tropical deciduous forest, crasicaule desert scrub. Crasicaule desert scrub. , sp white white spp sp Prosopis Rhizophora Rhizophora Nopales

Acacia sp black mangrove black mangrove puntia A Garambullo Mezquite Huizaches 180 species are listed Myrtillocactus Red Mangrove mangle Avicennia germinans mangrove Laguncularia racemosa a plethora of palms, the outstanding one being Palma Chit Thrinax radiata and a plethora of orchids Red Mangrove mangle Avicennia germinans mangrove Laguncularia racemosa a plethora of palms, the outstanding one being Palma Chit Thrinax radiata and a plethora of orchids Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Marqués Ezequiel Montes y Tolimán Entity Federal Querétaro Huimilpan y El Quintana Roo Cozumel Querétaro Category Ecological Reserve Landscape Estatal Decree 08-11-95 Urban Park Quintana Roo Benito Juárez 22-05-09 Zona de 26-09-83 Natural Park Quintana Roo Cozumel 05-06-09 Protected 15-07-96 Ecological Park Creation Protected Natural Area Parque Kabah Laguna Tángano II Peña de Bernal Laguna de Chankanaab Colombia Annexes 199

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible SEMA SEMA SEMA SEMA Semideciduous forest, deciduous forest, coastal shrubs and mangroves. Semideciduous forest, deciduous forest, coastal shrubs and mangroves. Semideciduous forest, deciduous forest, coastal shrubs and mangroves. Semideciduous forest, deciduous forest, coastal shrubs and mangroves. white white white white Rhizophora Rhizophora Rhizophora Rhizophora Laguncularia racemosa Laguncularia racemosa Laguncularia racemosa Laguncularia racemosa black mangrove black mangrove black mangrove black mangrove Red Mangrove mangle Avicennia germinans mangrove a plethora of palms, the outstanding one being Palma Chit Thrinax radiata and a plethora of orchids Red Mangrove mangle Avicennia germinans mangrove a plethora of palms, the outstanding one being Palma Chit Thrinax radiata and a plethora of orchids Red Mangrove mangle Avicennia germinans mangrove a plethora of palms, the outstanding one being Palma Chit Thrinax radiata and a plethora of orchids Red Mangrove mangle Avicennia germinans mangrove a plethora of palms, the outstanding one being Palma Chit Thrinax radiata and a plethora of orchids Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Isla Mujeres- Benito Juárez Entity Federal Quintana Roo Quintana Roo Benito Juárez Quintana Roo Tulum Category State Reserve Roo Quintana Othón Blanco P. Zone is Subject to Ecological Conservation to Ecological Conservation Zone is Subject to Ecological Conservation Decree 24-10-96 02-02-98 09-08-99 09-08-99 Zone is Subject Creation Protected Natural Area X'cacelito X'cacel- Chetumal Santuario del Santuario de la Sistema Lagunar Laguna Manatí Manatí, Bahía de Chacmochuch Tortuga Marina, Tortuga 200 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible SEMA SEMA SEMA Semideciduous forest, deciduous forest, coastal shrubs and mangroves. Semideciduous forest, deciduous forest, coastal shrubs and mangroves. High semideciduous forest, semideciduous lowland forest, deciduous forest, coastal shrubs and mangroves. white , White Thrinax radiate Rhizophora of palms like asides from Laguncularia Laguncularia and black mangrove , Black Mangrove Thrinax radiata rchids Red mangrove Rhizophora mangle Avicennia germinans mangrove racemosa diverse kinds Chit and mangle Avicennia germinans Mangrove racemosa A great variety of timber trees Caoba Swietenia macrophyllaademas Cedar Cedrela odorata apote Manilkara zapota a great number palms the outstanding one being Palma Chit Thrinax radiata and great number of orchids Red mangrove Rhizophora mangle black mangrove Avicennia germinans white mangrove Laguncularia racemosa Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Morelos Entity Federal Quintana Roo Bacalar Red Mangrove Category Estatal Decree 01-04-11 State Reserve Roo Quintana Cozumel 01-04-11 State Reserve Quintana Roo María José 05-06-96 Urban Park San Luís Potosí San Luís Potosí 05-06-96 Urban Park San Luís Potosí San Luís Potosí 01-04-11 Ecological Park Creation Protected Natural Area Presa San José Miguelito. Sierra de Bacalar Parque Laguna Paseo de la Selvas y Wetlandes de Cozumel Sistema Lagunar San Miguelitp Chichankanab Ejido San Juan de Annexes 201

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Gobierno del Estado Secreraría de Recursos Naturales y Protección Ambiental. Gobierno del Estado Gobierno del Estado Secreraría de Secreraría de Recursos Naturales y Recursos Naturales y Protección Ambiental. Protección Ambiental. forest. evergreen forest. Evergreen forest. NA High evergreen y Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Teapa y Teapa Tacotalpa Charcas Entity Federal San Luís Potosí de Ramos, Villa San Luís Potosí Aquismón San Luís Potosí Huehuetlán San Luís Potosí Aquismón NATabasco Centro NA NA NA Category Place Monument Place Monument Interpretation and Living with Nature Centre Decree Creation 27-09-97 Special Reserve San Luís Potosí Guadalcazar 24-02-88 State Park Tabasco 27-10-00 Natural Sacred 15-03-01 Natural Sacred 15-03-01 Natural 15-03-01 Natural 19-12-87 State Park Tabasco Macuspana NA High and medium 05-06-98 State Park07-06-03 State Park San Luís Potosí Rioverde San Luís Potosí Rioverde 19-02-1987 05-06-1993 Protected Natural Area Golondrinas Ruta Histórico Blanca Viento y de la Viento Tabasco Huahuas Huiricuta y la Real de Sótano de las Sierra de Cuevas del La Hoya de las Parque Agua Yumka Palma Larga Mandntial Media Luna Fertilidad Guadalcázar 202 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Gobierno del Estado Gobierno del Estado Gobierno del Estado Gobierno del Estado Gobierno del Estado Gobierno del Estado Gobierno del Estado Secreraría de Secreraría de Secreraría de Secreraría de Secreraría de Secreraría de Secreraría de Recursos Naturales y Recursos Naturales y Recursos Naturales y Recursos Naturales y Recursos Naturales y Recursos Naturales y Recursos Naturales y Protección Ambiental. Protección Ambiental. Protección Ambiental. Protección Ambiental. Protección Ambiental. Protección Ambiental. Protección Ambiental. evergreen forest. vegetation. evergreen forest. evergreen forest. evergreen forest. vegetation. vegetation. Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Tabasco Tacotalpa Candcoite, Pio Medium and high Tabasco Nacajuca NA Hydrophilic Tabasco Teapa NA High and medium Tabasco Cárdenas NA Medium and high Tabasco Balancán Mangle, Chicozapote Medium and high Tabasco Centro NA Hydrophilic Tabasco Centro NA Hydrophilic Category Monument Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Decree 8-02-95 Ecological 8-02-95 Ecological 8-02-95 Ecological 24-02-88 Natural 10-06-00 Ecological 23-11-02 Ecological 05-06-93 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Ilusiones Laguna La Lima Yu-Balcah Cascadas de Grutas de Laguna El Laguna de Las La Chontalpa Reforma Coconá Camarón Annexes 203

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Estado Estado Estado Estado Estado Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Gobierno del Estado Secretaría de Recursos Naturales y Protección Ambiental. Secundaria Encino, Selva Baja Matorral espinoso y Caducifolia y Bosque forest. Deciduous forest, cloud forest, Pine Oak forest and desert scrub. Matorral espinoso y Bosque de Pino de Galería Selva Baja Selva Baja Caducifolia Caducifolia Encino, Bosque de spp. Vegetación sp., sp sp. and puntia sp and Brahea Quercus Quercus spp. y sp., sp., sp Pithecellobium dulce Beuecarnea sp Bursera simaruba Pinus Li uidambar Cedrela odorata Pinus Acacia Acacia spp. amd Pithecellobium dulce Sabal Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Victoria Jaumave Llera, Ocampo y Entity Federal Tabasco Comalcalco NA High evergreen Tamaulipas Gómez Farías, Tamaulipas Jaumave y Tamaulipas Abasolo Cordia sp., Prosopis Category Reserve Reserve Subject to Conservation Monument Protected Area Decree Creation 29-04-04 Ecological 13-07-85 Biosphere 19-11-97 Special Area 30-08-97 Natural 31-04-97 Urban Park Tamaulipas Reynosa 08-07-82 Ecological Protected Natural Area Río Playa El Cielo Altas Cumbres Bernal de Colonia Parras Laguna La Escondida Horcasitas de la Fuente 204 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Medio Ambiente Medio Ambiente Medio Ambiente Cloud forest. Secretaría de Cloud forest. Secretaría de Mangrove. Secretaría de ) ), ) ) and ) ), Persea Clethra Cocos ) y ), Mangle ), capulín Quercus ), mata Platanus ), zapote sp.) ), Chalahuite ), árbol de ), mango ), balsamina Rhizophora ), chicozapote dontonema Li uidambar ), higuerilla Persea Threma micrantha ) and Jinicuil ), Avocado ), Oaks ( ), Haya ( sp.), coco ( Carpinus carolineand Conocarpus erecta Tillandsia ), Marangola ( Guazuma ulmifolia nga jinicuil Mammea americand icus insipida ), Mangrove fern ), Black Mangrove Quercus xalapensis Castilla elastica nga spuria mpatiens balsamina Ricinus comunis Threma micrantha Acrostichum aureum Avicennia germinans Laguncularia racemosa y Manilkara zapota Mangifera ( palos ( omingo ( guázimo ( hule ( mexicand macrophylla (Inga jinicuil). nucifera ( Red Mangrove ( mangle ( Pepinque ( Oak ( Liquidámbar ( macrophyla Jinicuil ( sp.), Chinini ( schieldeand botoncillo ( and White mangrove ( Avicennia nitida ( ( sp), Ixpepe ( Jazmincillo ( callystachium ( ( bromelia ( Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Veracruz Coatepec Veracruz Banderilla Veracruz Boca del Río Category Conservation Reserve Conservation Decree 12-02-91 Ecological 25-11-99 Ecological Creation 0 5-05-92 Ecological Protected Natural Area Cerro de las Cerro de la Arroyo Moreno Culebras Galaxia Annexes 205

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Secretaría de Medio Ambiente Ambiente Flooded jungle, deciduous forest, medium jungle, mangrove Cloud forest. Secretaría de Medio ), ), ), ), ), ) ) ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), tule Croton sp.), Lippia Anaropogan ), lirio sp.), Red Pistia stratiotes Avicennia Cnidoscolus Lemna ), mangle sp.), hongos ). ), jonote Mimosa albida Acacia cornigera Chiococa alba Conocarpus erecta Cullybia ymphaea ampla ), White mangrove Acacia pennatula Ricinus communis ) Eichornia crassipes Pachira acuatica Ceiba pentandra Pithecelobium Pteridium a uilinium Lantand camara Trema micrantha ), sangregado ( Thalia geniculata ectandra ), palo gusano ( eliocarpus appendiculatus Avicennia nitida Pontederia sagitatta botoncillo ( apompo ( pesma ( and cola de venado ( bicornis draco myriocephala ( Mangrove Rhizophora mangle), Prieto Mangrove( germinans ( lechuga de agua lenteja de agua ( ae uinostialis popal ( ( acuático ( nenúfar ( zarzamora ( orozuz pochota ( capulín ( tronadora ( Bay ( ixpepe ( huizache ( higuerilla ( lignícolas ( and mala mujer ( multilobus cornizuelo ( Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Veracruz Tecolutla Veracruz Xalapa Category Conservation Ecological Protection Zone Decree 26-11-99 Ecological 23-09-86 Creation Protected Natural Area Fuerte Ciénega del El Garnica Tejar 206 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Cloud forest, riparian vegetaton, fallow and grassland. Successional vegetation. Coastal dunes. Secretaría de Medio ), ), ), ) ), ). ), haya También ), Ash riñonina ), liquidámbar Panicum sp.), jonote Lyppia ), pepinque Clethra Bocconia ) y tree fern Acacia pennatula ) and uganda grass ), siete hojas Quercus reopandx xalapensis ephelea mexicana eliocarpus donnel raxinus undei pomea stolonifera y Terminalia catapa Laguncularia racemosa Platanus mexicand Li uidambar macrophilla Carpinus caroliniand Pennisetun purpurem Candvalia rosae pescaprae Chamaecrista chamaecristoides y almond se observan acacias and Relict of white mangrove gordolobo ( frutescens ( huizache ( palo gusano ( myriocephala ( ( ( ( ( marangola ( mexicand ( maximum ( Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Veracruz Alvarado Category Conservation y Valor Escénico Decree 27-12-75 Urban Park Veracruz Xalapa Oak ( Creation 27-11 -86 Ecological Park Veracruz Veracruz Guinea grass ( 04-Feb-97 Ecological Protected Natural Area Perro Clavijero Medano del Isla del Amor Francisco Javier Annexes 207

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Cloud forest. Secretaría de Medio Bosque Mesófilo de Secretaría de Medio Cloud forest. Secretaría de Medio ); ), Cletrha Magnolia Anona ), ulmus Persea ), croto eliocarpus ), pepinque Li uidambar ), jacaranda ) magnolia ( ), chirimoya ( ), avocado ( ), marangola ( Quercus xalapensis Quercus xalapensis lmus mexicand acaranda minosifolia Carpinus carolineand ( ( (Croton draco) y appe Aiculatus cherimola macrophylla ( encino ( chalahuite (Inga spuria), coffee (Coffea arabiga), jinicuil (Inga jinicuil), banana tree (Musa paradisiaca), orange tree (Citrus aurantium), acuyo (Piper auritum), mala mujer (Cnidoscolus multibolus), gordolobo (Bocona frutescens), guava(Psidium guajava), enramador (Trichinia havanencis), huizache (Acacia farneucand) and gasparito (Erithrina americand) Oak ( liquidámbar ( macrophyla shiedeand americand Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Veracruz Xalapa Veracruz Xalapa Veracruz Emiliano Zapata Category Conservation and Improvement Recreation and Education Reserve Decree 23-09-86 Enviromental 28-11-78 Ecological 29-08-91 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Ecological Park Macuiltépetl Molino de San Pacho Nuevo Roque 208 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Secretaría de Medio Ambiente Ambiente Tropical evergreen forest. Cloud forest. Secretaría de Medio ), ), ), ), ), ), Psydium Musa amia ), Encyclia Anthurium nísperos ), palo pomoea Pachira sp.) and sp.), nga Platanus ), saquilandl ), chirimoya ), chachacalo ), oak Aristolochia guava ), begonia ), amargoso ), mozote Citrus sp Citrus and ), orchids ), and cicadas Bixa orelland Asclepias Aechmea sp.), passion fruit banana tree Quercus Salix taxifolia ), anturio ( Bambusa chalahuites ), apompo ( pomoea pescaprae e nga jinicuil nga ), mangroves Pinus Li uidambar macrophylla orange tree ), palo cuchara Tecoma stans Carpinus carolineand ), Oaks ( ), asclepia ( Thunbergia alata T fragrans Agave applandta ), quiebra platos ( ), willow ( ), aristoloquia ( bamboo betacea Cyphomandra Citrus limonia sp.), beech tree ( ). sp.), achiote ( ), bromelias ( lmus mexicand jinicuil Bursera simaruba Tillandsia usneoides Cedrella odorata e Aropandx arboreus Campylocentrun micranthum Pasiflora Ceratozamia mexicand Canna i Aica Rhizophorae mangle Laguncularia Annona cherimola Taraxacum mexicanum Melampodium divaricatum Senecio barba-johannis Begonia Tabebuia rosea Eriobotria japonica Coffea arabica cedar ( ( sp., EpideNArum sp, Laelia tibicinis, Oncidium sphacelatum, and Maxillaria densa, Pines ( ( mexicand ulmus( ( loddigesii spp.), riñonina ( stolonifera liquidámbar ( mulato ( ( racemosa nudicaulis y Tillandsia dasyliriifolia paixtle ( guajaba berenjena spurias paradisiaca lime tree maguey ( creepers ( ( scandens pentandra angustifolia ( ( ( ( ( pepinque ( tronadora ( ( a uatica Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Atzalán Entity Federal Veracruz Tlapacoyan y Veracruz Xalapa Category Reserve Education Decree Creation 30-10-80 Ecological 1 1-08-92 Ecological Protected Natural Area Río Filobobos y Predio Barragán su Entorno Annexes 209

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Secretaría de Medio Secretaría de Medio Ambiente Ambiente Ambiente Pine Oak forest. Secretaría de Medio Pine Oak forest. Oak forest, semievergreen forest. ), ) and Bursera iospyros Quercus Red Pine Chamaedora Alnus Pinus chamaite sp.) ilite Manilkara zapote y Oak Pinus patula palo mulato Brosinum alicastrum Pinus teocote Pinus Cedrela odorata and palm Quercus Pinus montezumae Alnus jorullensis Quercus oleoides Q Pinus patula Oak ( ilite ( jorullensis sp Ocote pseudostrobus pine Pine acalocote ayacahuite Oak sororia Q glaucescens Q peduncularis and Q Affinis ramón cedar chicozapote zapota elegans simaruba fern mexicand ephelea riojae Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Tancoco, Cerro Tancoco, Tepetzintla, Chicontepec Citlaltépetl, Tantima, Azul y Chontla, Ramírez Entity Federal Veracruz Las de Vigas Veracruz Ixcatepec, Veracruz Altotonga Red Pine ( Category Reserve Reserve Education Decree Creation 23-01-92 Ecological 02-03-05 Ecological 30-10-80 Ecological Protected Natural Area Monte Otontepec San Juan del Sierra de Río Pancho Poza 210 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Secretaría de Medio Ambiente Semievergreen forest ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ) and Brosimum ), ilama Tabebuia ), cruceta Myroxylon ), palo mulato ), palma Musa ). ), oak ( Cecropia Ceropegia woodii ), ojoche ( ), nacastle ), mafafa Chamaedorea sp Pachira a uatica Pithecollobium Bursera simaruba icus sp Piscidia piscipula Mangifera sp Gossypium ), zapote mamey ), bálsamo ( anthosoma robustum Randia watsoni Annona purpurea Enterolobium cyclocarpum Calocarpum sapota ( camedor ( telephone ( guarumbo ( obtusifolia ( mango ( banana tree ( paradissiaca alicastrum ( cucharo ( tortum ( balsamum ( cocuite ( tamán ( barbadense rosea amate ( o chaca ( apompo ( Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Veracruz Santiago Tuxtla Category Reserve Decree 11-06-91 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Tatocapan Annexes 211

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Desarrollo Urbano y Secretaria de Medio Ambiente Coastal dune vegetation, mangrove, seagrass, groups of hydrophytes, hillocks, cenotes and rejolladas vegetation, Savannas, low inundated forest, dry deciduous forest. aematoxylum campechianum eomillspaughia emarginata Alvaradoa iospyros cuneata ampea trilobata akits Coccoloba uvifera uva de mar Suriand maritima Tournefortia gnaphalodes Ernodea littoralis and Scaevola plumieri Bravaisia berlandieriand hulub Thevetia gaumeri Cordia sebestena andcahuita Sideroxylon americanum ac uinia macrocarpa Caesalpinia vesicaria Metopium brownei chechem Pithecellobium keyense Lantand involucrata Erithalis fruticosa Gossypium hirsutum Agave angustifolia Rhizophora mangle Avicennia germinans Conocarpus erectus Laguncularia racemosa Manilkara zapota icus sppmacrophylla Swietenia Tabebuia rosea Sabal yapa Bravaisia berlandieriand Metopium brownei Bursera simaruba Pisonia aculeata y Acrostichum aureum Byrsonima bucidaefolia and Crescentia cujete Acoelorhaphe wrightii Cameraria latifolia Metopium brownei Manilkara zapota Bursera simaruba Ceiba aesculifolia Cochlospermun vitifolium Conocarpus erecta albergia glabra acbaruenensis uinea macrocarpaberlandieriand Bravaisia elicteris Malvaviscus arboreus Guaiacum sanctum Caesalpinia gaumeri Acacia pennatula Metopium brownei Gymnopodium floribundum avardia gaumeri albicans atropha amorphoides Sideroxylon obtusifolium Mimosa bahamensis Bauhinia divaricata Caesalpinia yucatanensis Guazuma ulmifolia Ceiba aesculifolia Plumeria obtusa Pithecellobium dulce Beucarnea pliabilis and izyphus yucatanensis Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Hunucmá Entity Federal Category Decree 23-01-90 State Reserve Yucatán Celestún, Creation Protected Natural Area El Palmar* 212 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Desarrollo Urbano y Secretaria de Medio Ambiente vegetation, mangrove, seagrass, groups of hydrophytes, hillocks, cenotes and rejolladas vegetation, savannas, low inudated forest, deciduous thorny forest, deciduous forest. and aematoxylum campechianum Cameraria ac uinea macrocarpa Bravaisia hulub Thevetia gaumeri akits chechem Pithecellobium keyense Suriand maritima Tournefortia gnaphalodes Ernodea littoralis Scaevola plumieri Bravaisia berlandieriand Coccoloba uvifera uva de mar Cordia sebestena andcahuitaSideroxylon americanum acmacrocarpa uinia Caesalpinia vesicaria Metopium brownei Lantand involucrata Erithalis fruticosa Gossypium hirsutum Agave angustifolia Rhizophora mangle Avicennia germinans Conocarpus erectus Laguncularia racemosa Manilkara zapota icus spp Swietenia macrophylla Tabebuia rosea Sabal yapa Bravaisia berlandieriand Metopium brownei Bursera simaruba Pisonia aculeata and Acrostichum aureum Byrsonima bucidaefolia and Crescentia cujete Acoelorhaphe wrightii latifolia Metopium brownei Manilkara zapota Bursera simaruba Ceiba aesculifolia Cochlospermun vitifolium Conocarpus erecta albergia glabra baruenensis berlandieriand elicteris Malvaviscus arboreus Guaiacum sanctum Caesalpinia gaumeri Acacia pennatula Metopium brownei Gymnopodium albicansatropha floribundum avardia emarginata gaumeri eomillspaughia Alvaradoa amorphoides Sideroxylon obtusifolium Mimosa bahamensis Bauhinia divaricata Caesalpinia yucatanensis Guazuma ulmifolia Ceiba cuneata ampea aesculifolia iospyros trilobata Plumeria obtusa Pithecellobium dulce Beucarnea pliabilis and izyphus yucatanensis Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Entity Federal Category Decree 25-01-89 Reserva Estatal Yucatán Dzilam de Bravo Coastal dune Creation Protected Natural Area Dzilam Annexes 213

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Instancia responsable Desarrollo Urbano y Desarrollo Urbano y Secretaria de Secretaria de Medio Ambiente Medio Ambiente Ecosistemas Rejolladas, Selva Cenotes y Baja Inundable, Selva Mediana Agrupaciones de Vegetación de Vegetación Hidrófitas, Selva Baja Caducidolia Caducifolia ) ) y ) ), ) Xuul ), Akits ) y Ja’abin ), Bacalché ), Tsitsilche ), Tsitsilche Acacia gaumeri relevantes ), Chulul Bursera simaruba Phyllostylon Mimosa bahamensis Lonchocarpus xuul Gimnopodium floribundum Thevetia gaumeri Apoplanesia paniculata Piscidia piscipula Bourreria pulcra brasiliensis Senna villosa Lysiloma violacea Casimiroa Kanché ( elliptica Piscidia piscipula Catzin ( tetrameria aematoxylum obtusa Coccoloba spicata Caesalpinia gaumeri Bursera albicans simaruba avardia campechianum albergia Caesalpinia gaumeri ( ( glabra Mimosa bahamensis ( ( ( Box catzin ( Ceiba aesculifolia ( australis gaumeri Caesalpinia Enterolobium cyclocarpum latisili uum Guettarda Ceiba aesculifolia Plumeria Simaruba glauca itex jamaicense Phragmites Typha domingensisTypha Cladium Municipios Especies forestales Sotuta, Huhí Entidad Federativa Categoría creación 4-Jun-93 Parque Estatal Yucatán Santa Elena Chacah ( 5-Jun-94 Parque Estatal Yucatán Tekit, Homún, Decreto de protegida Área natural Yalahau Kabah Lagunas de 214 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Desarrollo Urbano y Desarrollo Urbano y Secretaria de Medio Ambiente Medio Ambiente Deciduous forest. Secretaria de Groups of hydrophytes, cenotes and rejolladas vegetation, inundated forest, deciduous forest. ) ), ), ), ), ) ) and ) and ) Box catzin ), Chulul Gimnopodium Bourreria pulcra Bursera simaruba Phyllostylon Piscidia piscipula Mimosa bahamensis Thevetia gaumeri Lonchocarpus xuul aematoxylum Acacia gaumeri Apoplanesia paniculata Tsitsilche ( floribundum ( Catzin ( ( Xuul ( Akits ( Ja’abin ( Bacalché ( Kanché ( brasiliensis Caesalpinia gaumeri Bursera albicans simaruba avardia Senna villosa Lysiloma latisili uum Guettarda elliptica Piscidia piscipula Ceiba aesculifolia Caesalpinia gaumeri Enterolobium cyclocarpum Ceiba aesculifolia Plumeria obtusa Coccoloba spicata Simaruba glauca itex gaumeri Caesalpinia violacea Casimiroa tetrameria campechianum albergia glabra Mimosa bahamensis Typha domingensis Cladium jamaicense Phragmites australis Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Homún, Tekit, Sotuta, Huhí Entity Federal Category Decree 05-06-94 State Park Yucatán 04-06-93 State Park Yucatán Santa Elena Chacah ( Creation Protected Natural Area Yalahau Lagunas de Kabah Annexes 215

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Desarrollo Urbano y Desarrollo Urbano y Secretaria de Secretaria de Medio Ambiente Medio Ambiente deciduous forest. Deciduous forest, semideciduous forest, semievergreen forest, medium deciduous forest, medium semideciduous forest, savannah and hydrophytic elements. Sarg Swartz L (L.) Sarg (Bunth) (Bunth) Caesalpinia iospyros iospyros Gaether Sabal yapa C Bursera Lam Gymnopodium Bursera Talisia Talisia L: Cordia Cordia (L: ) Gaether L Acacia gumeri Acacia gumeri L L H:B:& K) Radlk Lonchocarpus (H:B:& K) Radlk A. DC A. DC Rolfe Rolfe LSarg (L.) Sarg Jacq ex Beccarii Brosimun alicastrum Bros mun alicastrum Swartz Piscidia piscipula Piscidia piscipula right ex Beccarii Gymnopodium right L Benth Pitter, simaruba dygina acLonchocarpus yucatanensis Lysiloma latisili uum (L.) Benth Pitter Blake Pithecellobium albicans Benth Cedrela odorata Sabal yapa C Ceiba pentandra Ehretia tinifolia dodecandra Ceiba pentandra Ehretia tinifolia dodecandra simaruba dygina floribundum olivaeformis Cuazuma ulmifolia gaumeri Lysiloma latisili uum Enterolobium cyclocarpum Mimosa bahamensis Spondias mombin Guazuma ulmifolia Piscidia piscipula Pithecellobium dulce Acacia cornigera Bursera simaruba itex gaumeri Gymnopodium floribundum yucatanensis Lysiloma latisili uum Pithecellobium albicans Benth Cedrela odorata floribundum Blake olivaeformis Cuazuma ulmifolia Lam Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Oxkutzcab, Elena, Tekax yTekax Ticul Entity Federal Yucatán Mérida Savannah and Category to Ecological Conservation Decree Creation 01-11-11 State Reserve Yucatán Muna, Santa 04-10-04 Zone is Subject Protected Natural Area Reserva Cuxtal State Reserve Biocultural del Puuc 216 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW6WDWH/HYHO &RQW Body Resposible Desarrollo Urbano y Secretaría de INAH Medio Ambiente Deciduous forest, mangrove, coastal dunes. scrub, thorny scrub. NA NA IEMAZ Rhizophora mangle Avicenia germinans Laguncularia racemosa Conocarpus erectus Byrsonina crassifolia Crescentia cujete Manilkara sapota Brosimum alicastrum Thevetia sp Plumeria rubra Crescentia cujete Conocarpus erectus Bravaisia tubiflora Annona glabra Bucida buceras Calophyllum brasiliense Metopium brownei aematoxylum campechianum Thrinax radiata Typha dominguensis ymphaea ampla Plumeria obtusa Protium copal Cordia dodecandra Guaiacum sanctum Beaucarnea pliabilis Bursera simaruba Acacia gaumeri Mimosa bahamensis Selenicereus testudo Brosimum alicastrum Ceiba aesculifolia Enterolobium cyclocarpum Municipalities Relevant Forest Species Ecosystems Jeréz, Dzidzantún y Dzilam de Bravo Guadalupe Progreso, Ixil, Yobaín, Hunucmá, Ucú, Motul, Dzemul, Zacatecas y Sinanché, Telchac Puerto, Telchac Entity Federal Category Decree 07-03-01 State Park Zacatecas Villanueva White oak Oak trees, crasicaule 05-12-09 State Park Zacatecas Susticacán, Creation 19-03-10 State Park Yucatán Protected Natural Area Manglares de la La Quemada Ciénegas y Ruta Huichola Costa Norte de Yucatán Annexes 217

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO Body Responsible de La Paz Ecosystems Oak Forest Thorny scrub, Deciduous lowland forest, Oak Stone Pine forest, Fir Forest Desert scrub Mangrove H. Ayuntamiento Species Relevant Forest Quercus spp Abies religiosa Pinus cembroides Quercus spp Rhizophora mangle Laguncularia racemosa and Avicennia germinans Rincón San Francisco del José Iturbide La Paz State Baja California Category Municipalities Conservation Area of community interest 6-Jun-00 Guanajuato Blanca, San Tierra 6-Mar-98 Guanajuato Guanajuato 02-dic-97 Guanajuato Purísima del Rincón, 10-abr-08 Ecological 28-Jun-03 Natural Reserve Coahuila TorreónA.C. Biodesert, Decree Creation Protected Natural Area Ecological Conservation Area y de interés a la comunidad la área conocida como estero Balandra Ecological Reserve Sierra y Cañón de Jimulco Cuenca de la Esperanza Pinal del Zamorano Presa de Silva 218 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Ecosystems Thorny Scrub Stone Pine Forest , Oak Forest Pine, Thorny scrub and Crasicaule Oak Forest, Oak-Pine Forest Creosote bush, Thornless and Thorny Scrub Oak Forest, Mezquital, Creosote bush, Scrub Subtropical and Crasicaule scrub where a type of barrel cactus is distributed and threatened. Species Relevant Forest mezquite, huizache, nopal cardón, cuijo and garambullo Rosas Unión Felipe Cruz de Juventino Category State Municipalities 16-dic-97 Guanajuato Dolores Hidalgo 26-Oct-99 Guanajuato Rosas Juventino 6-Jun-00 Guanajuato Salamanca, Santa 02-dic-97 Guanajuato San Diego de la 4-Nov-07 Guanajuato León, Ocampo y San Decree Creation Protected Natural Area Mega Parque Las Fuentes Cuanca Alta del Río Cuanca Peña Alta Sierra de Lobos Temascatío Annexes 219

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Ecosystems Forest Ripiarian Vegetation Scrub, highlighting mezquite Oak Forest, Deciduous Lowland Forest and Crasicaule Bush Oak Forest Pine Oak Forest Species Relevant Forest Prosopis sp Quercus rugosa Q obstusata Q mexicand Q Crassifolia Q castanea Q laurina Q grisea Jerecuaro, Tarimoro Manuel Doblado Salvatierra Jaral del Progreso y Category State Municipalities Decree Creation 30-Jul-02 Guanajuato Celaya, Cortazar, 30-Jul-02 Guanajuato 7-May-04 Guanajuato Moroleón Yurira, Oak Forest 19-Oct-01 Guanajuato Yurira 23-Feb-01 Guanajuato Yurira Lakeside and 18-Nov-03 Guanajuato Silao, Guanajuato 21-Nov-97 Guanajuato de Santiago Valle Tropical Deciduous 19-Sep-00 Guanajuato Leon 17-Sep-02 Guanajuato Acambaro, Protected Natural Area Amoles Cerro de Los Metropolitano Gavia El Culiacan y La Parque Siete Luminarias Sierra de los Agustinos Las Musas Cerro del Cubilete Laguna de Yuriria Laguna de Lago-Crater La Joya 220 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible SEMARNATH Ejido y Ejido y Municipal y SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH Ecosystems Oak Forest and Pine Forest Mesophyll Forest Presidencia Tropical Deciduous Forest Pine Forest Scrub spp. Oak Forest and Species albergia paloescrito Relevant Forest Pinus spp Pinus Hinojosa Hidalgo Chapulhuacan Hidalgo Huautla Rainforest Ejido y Hidalgo Acatlán Oak Forest Ejido y Hidalgo Singuilucan Hidalgo Singuilucan Oak Forest Ejido y Hidalgo Cuautepec de Category State Municipalities Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area 13-dic-04 Ecological 06-dic-04 Ecological Decree 12-abr-04 Ecological 26-abr-04 Ecological 31-Oct-03 Ecological 18-ago-06 Guanajuato Guanajuato Forest Oak 31-ene-05 Ecological 25-Nov-0525-Nov-05 Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Irapuato Copal 15-Sep-06 Guanajuato Comonfort Lowland Thorny Creation Protected Natural Area Soledad Susto Presa La Purisima Cascada de Cerro Los Arandas Cerro Los Presa de Neutra Cerro El Aguacatillo Cerro El Cuenca de La Mixquiapan Cerro La Paila-El La Lagunilla Cuatenahualt El Campanario Annexes 221

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Propietarios y Ejido y Ejido y Ejido y Ejido y Ejido y Ejido y Ejido y Ejido y SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH Ecosystems Pine Forest Pine Forest Oak Forest Oak Forest Oak Forest Grassland juniper juniper Oak Forest and Pine Forest spp. Oak Forest and spp. Oak Forest and spp. spp.spp. Pine Forest and spp. Pine Forest and Pine Forest and Species Relevant Forest Pinus Pinus Pinus Pinus Pinus Pinus Hidalgo Singuilucan Hidalgo Nopala de VillagranHidalgo Apan Hidalgo ApanHidalgo Oak Forest and Apan Hidalgo ApanHidalgo Almoloya Hidalgo Almoloya Oak Forest and Hidalgo Singuilucan Oak Forest and Category State Municipalities Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area Ecological Preservation Area 05-dic-05 Decree 05-ene-09 05-ene-09 05-ene-09 05-ene-09 13-Jun-05 05-ene-09 05-ene-09 05-ene-09 Creation Protected Natural Area Estancia Tezoyo Cerro Nopala y La Alcantarillas Cocinillas La Gloria Coatlaco Rancho Nuevo San Mateo Cerro La Paila- Matías Rodríguez Tlajomulco 222 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible SEMARNATH SEMARNATH Ejido y SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH Ecosystems Pine Forest spp. Oak Forest and Species Pinus Relevant Forest Hidalgo Huichapan Desert scrub Propietario y Hidalgo Tepeapulco Hidalgo HuichapanHidalgo HuichapanHidalgo HuichapanHidalgo Huichapan Desert scrubHidalgo Huichapan Ejido y Desert scrub Ejido y Desert scrub Ejido y Desert scrub Ejido y Desert scrub Ejido y Hidalgo Huichapan Desert scrub Propietario y Category State Municipalities Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area 7-Jun-07 Ecological 7-Jun-07 Ecological 7-Jun-07 Ecological 7-Jun-07 Ecological 7-Jun-07 Ecological 05-ene-09 Ecological 05-ene-09 Ecological 05-ene-09 Ecological Decree Creation Protected Natural Area Rancho Huixcazdha Huixcazdha La Cañada Matías Rodríguez Bondojito Dandhó Dothí Mamithí Zóthe Annexes 223

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH Ecosystems spp. Mesophyll forest Ejido y Species Pinus Relevant Forest Ángeles Hidalgo HuichapanHidalgo Huichapan Desert scrub Propietario y Desert scrub Propietario y Hidalgo Atotonilco El Grande Desert scrub Ejido y Hidalgo Atotonilco El GrandeHidalgo Zacualtipan de Desert scrub Ejido y Hidalgo CalnaliHidalgo Huejutla Mesophyll forest Ejido y Rainforest Ejido y Hidalgo Chilcuautla Desert scrub Propietarios y Category State Municipalities Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area 7-Jun-07 Ecological 7-Jun-07 Ecological 04-dic-08 Ecological 04-dic-08 Ecological Decree 13-Jun-08 Ecological 13-Jun-08 Ecological 08-ene-09 Ecological 15-Nov-08 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area La Laguna Rancho Ñathu Arroyo Nogales Cruz de Plata Plan Grande Zacatepec Pirámides de Ecuatitla Asthar 224 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible SEMARNATH SEMARNATH SEMARNATH Municipio de Puerto Vallarta Ecosystems Medium semi- deciduous forest, Mangrove, Thorny Forest, Grassland, Aquatic and subaquatic vegetation spp. Mesophyll forest Ejido y Species Pinus Relevant Forest eliotropum eliotropum indicum ydrolea sPinesa Gromphrena n tida Trianthema portulacastrum Asclepias curassavica Batis mar tima curassavicum Bursera arb rea Crataevia tapia Laguncularia racemosa Melauthera niveaPluchea symphytifolia Pseudoconiza viscosa Merremia umbellata Acacia farnesiand Tutotepec Hidalgo San Bartolo Hidalgo Almoloya forest Juniper Propietario y Hidalgo Tepetitlán Desert scrub Ejido y Jalisco Puerto Vallarta Category State Municipalities Conservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area 8-Sep-11 Ecological 1-Feb-09 Ecological 1-Sep-09 Ecological Decree 27-Sep-00 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Chicamole El Sabino Rancho Golondrinas Estero El Salado Annexes 225

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Municipio de Puerto Vallarta Ecosystems deciduous forest, Mangrove, Thorny Forest, Grassland, Aquatic and subaquatic vegetation Species Relevant Forest icus padifolia Acacia hindsii Enterolobium cyclocarpum Mimosa pigra Pitecellobium lanceolatum Prosopis juliflora Acacia macrantha Pitecellobium dulce Sida rhombifolia Trichilia trifolia insipida icus citrifolia icus Ludwigia octavalis Portulaca oleracea Rhizophora mangle Salix humboldtiand Solanum ferrugineum Solanum tampicecense Solanum sp Guazuma ulmifolia ualtheria indica Avicennia germinans Lantand c mara Pistia stratiotes Asclepias curassavica Cyperus sp Sporolobus splendens Acrocomia mexicana rbygnya guacuyule Eichhornia crassipes Typha domingensis Jalisco Puerto Vallarta Medium semi- Category State Municipalities Conservation Area Decree 27-Sep-00 Ecological Creation Protected Natural Area Estero El Salado 226 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Zapopan Municipio de Ecosystems Tropical Deciduous Forest, Oak Forestand Rocky Vegetation Species Relevant Forest echita jaliscand echita pedicellata alea versicolor var nvoluta esmodium Cheilanthes aurantia Coreopsis cyclocarpa Cosmos landii Liabum angustissimum Trixis hyposericea Asplenium pringlei Cheilanthes palmeri Bidens cordylocarpa Pitcairnia karwinskiand Crotalaria mexicand skinneri var curtum Cologania jaliscand Mimosa minutifolia Schrankia jaliscensis Cheilanthes pallens Cheilanthes grayi Cheilanthes longipila Agave guadalajarand Guardiola mexicand Er ocaulon jaliscanum Acacia Jalisco Zapopan Category State Municipalities Protección Hidrológica 7-Oct-04 Área Municipal de Decree Creation Protected Natural Area Barranca del Río Santiago Annexes 227

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Zapopan Zapopan Municipio de Municipio de Ahualulco del Mercado Municipio de Ecosystems Tropical Deciduous Forest, Encinar, Oak Forest with Grassland, Pine Forest, Gallery Forest, Natural Induced Grassland and Secondary Vegetation Tropical Deciduous Forest, Oak Forestand Rocky Vegetation Thorny Forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Quercus Forest (Oaks and oak), mixed Quercus forest (pine or pitch pine) and Gallery Forest Species Relevant Forest ND Taxodium mucr natum Pinus devoniand Pinus oocarpa Selaginella lephidophyll E uisetum hyemal Spondias purpurea Annona longiflora Tecoma stans Ceiba aesculifolia villaregalis abenaria tr fida Andropogon pringlei Mercado Jalisco Ahualulco del Jalisco Zapopan Jalisco Zapopan Category State Municipalities Protección Hidrológica Hidrológica de Protección Interés Municipal 7-Oct-04 Área Municipal de 24-Feb-07 Formación Natural Decree 24-Feb-07 Área Municipal de Creation Protected Natural Area Barranca del Río San Esteban–El Bosque El Nixticuil- Santiago Piedras Bolas Diente 228 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Zapopan Municipio de Ecosystems Tropical Deciduous Forest, Encinar, Oak Forest with Grassland, Pine Forest, Gallery Forest, Natural Induced Grassland and Secondary Vegetation Species Relevant Forest ndigofera densiflora ndigofera jaliscensis Pseudobombax palmeri Bursera copallifera Bursera fagaroides Euphorbia dioscorioides Euphorbia graminea Euphorbia heterophylla Euphorbia ocymoidea Quercus castanea Quercus laeta Quercus magnoliifolia Quercus resinosa Acacia famesiand Acacia pennatula Eysenhardtia polystachya Leucaena macrophylla Lysiloma acapulcense Pithecellobium dulce Prosopis laevigata Salix bonplandiand Salix taxifolia Guazuma ulmifolia Jalisco Zapopan Category State Municipalities Hidrológica Protección 24-Feb-07 Área Municipal de Decree Creation Protected Natural Area San Esteban–El Bosque El Nixticuil- Diente Annexes 229

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Guadalajara Municipio de Ecosystems Pine Forest and Oak, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Thorny Gallery Forest, Tular, Floating Vegetation and Submerged Vegetation Species ieterlea m xima abenaria ypoxis fibriata Relevant Forest Bletia campanulata Boconnia Stenorrhynchos Taxodium bracteosa Malaxis Lemna aff Prosopis laevigata Bessera elegans mucronatum ae uinoctialis Moussonia elegans Aristolochia pringlei Begonia angustifolia Spiranthes Tillandsia Aristolochia Begonia tapat a Clethra rosei Bletia greenmaniana dasyliriifolia Jalisco Guadalajara Category State Municipalities Hidrológica Protección 26-Jun-07 Área Municipal de Decree Creation Protected Natural Area Colomos Bosque Los 230 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Medio Ambiente y Medio Ambiente y Medio Ambiente y Puebla Puebla Puebla Querétaro del Municipio de del Municipio de del Municipio de Servicios Públicos Servicios Públicos Servicios Públicos Mpio. de Secretaria del egetation Secretaria del Ecosystems Tropical Deciduous Forest, Desert Scrub Srasicaule, Oak Forest, Submontane Scrub Introduced, Aquatic vegetation Species Willow, bald Cypress, Ash Relevant Forest Conserved Oak Forest. 226 reported species of flora, 4 are included in NOM- 059- SEMARNAT-2001 Puebla PueblaPuebla Oak Puebla Forest Oak Silver Poplar, Secretaria del Querétaro Querétaro Category State Municipalities Ecological Preservation Area Municipal Ecological Preservation Area Municipal Zone is Subject to Ecological Conservation Decree 30-ago-06 14-Sep-10 11-Nov-10 Puebla Puebla Acacia, Poplarv Native 14-Sep-10 Creation Protected Natural Area de Chapulco Microcuencas Parque del Barranca de Zona Occidental de La Calera Tlapacoyan Centenario Laguna Annexes 231

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body dinación dinación Responsible Querétaro Querétaro Mpio. de Estatal de Estatal de Ecología Ecología Mpio. de Ecosystems Tropical Deciduous Forest, Desert Scrub Crasicaule Tropical Deciduous Forest Wetland Municipio Gallery Vegetation Coor Gallery Vegetation Coor Species Relevant Forest Alnus Alnus reported have been reported from which 2 are at risk Rhizophora mangle spTypha ymphaea sp cordata resnus uhdei cordata resnus uhdei Querétaro Querétaro 13 Flora species Querétaro Querétaro 22 species of flora Tamaulipas Tampico Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Apetatitlan Category State Municipalities Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Ecological Preservation Area de Centros Población con subcategoría de Parque Intraurbano Zona Especial sujeta a Ecological Conservation Area Subject to Ecological Reserve y UMA Ecological Preservation Area de Centros Población con subcategoría de Parque Intraurbano 5-Oct-98 25-Sep-06 25-Mar-92 12-Sep-03 Decree 19-May-09 Creation Protected Natural Area Ecological Park Público Diego Muñoz Camargo (La Cueva)” Jurica Poniente Jardín Botánico Tizatlán Laguna La Vega Laguna La Vega Escondida Cañada Juriquilla 232 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Panuco Municipio de Estatal de Estatal de Ecología Ecología Ecosystems Semi-Evergreen Forest Juniper Forest Coordinación Juniper Forest Coordinación Species Relevant Forest uniperus deppeana uniperus deppeana alicastrum), amate or higuer (Ficus tecolutensis), guásima (Guasuma ulmifolia), palo mulato (Bursera simaruba), palma real (Scheelea liebmannii), mahogany (Phitecelobium arbóreum), palma apachite (Sabal mexicana), cornizuelo (Acacia cornijera), copite (Cordia dodecandra), jícaro (Crescentia cujete), chijol Veracruz Pánuco ramón (Brosimun Tlaxcala Terrenate Tlaxcala de Solidaridad Tetla Category State Municipalities Area Subject toEcological Reserve Area Subject toEcological Reserve Conservation Decree 13-ago-97 Creation 12-Nov-02 17-Nov-99 Ecological Protected Natural Area Pitzocales Teometitla Santuario del Loro Huasteco Annexes 233

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Panuco Municipio de Ecosystems Semi-Evergreen Forest Species uelania guidonia Relevant Forest uiebrahacha Acacia Piscidia piscipula Enterolobium Bromelia sp palo Thevetia thevetiodes Psidium guajava Gliricidia sepium oak Tabebuia rosea oak Tabebuia sp agave Agave sp nopal opalea elhule Castilla stica ventosidad Croton nitens nogalillo tule Typha dominguensis guandcastle ciclocarpum card n gusano Lipia miriocephala rama tinaja Trichillia havanesis matatena guaje Leucaena glauca guava unijuga cocuite Veracruz Pánuco Category State Municipalities Conservation 17-Nov-99 Ecological Decree Creation Protected Natural Area Santuario del Loro Huasteco 234 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Ecosystems Savannah, and Deciduous Lowland Forest Species B Radlk B latisili uum L Relevant Forest Ceiba pentandra L Ceiba Ehretia Gaether tinifolia L Cordia dodecandra A C Bursera simaruba L Sarg iospyros dygina ac Lonchocarpus yucatanensis Lysiloma BenthPitter Acacia gumeri Blake Piscidia piscipula L Sarg Pithecellobium albicans Bunth Benth Bros mun alicastrum Swartz Cedrela odorata L Sabal yapa C right ex Beccarii Gymnopodium floribu Aum Rolfe Talisia olivaeformis Cuazuma ulmifolia Lam Yucatán Mérida Category State Municipalities to Ecological Conservation 13-Jun-29 Zone is Subject Decree Creation Protected Natural Area Zone is Subject to Ecological Conservation "Reserva Cuxtal" Annexes 235

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDVDW0XQLFLSDO/HYHO &RQW Body Responsible Municipio Forest, Forest, Ecosystems uniperus Quercus Thorny Scrub Grasslands Species Relevant Forest Category State Municipalities 7-Mar-01 State Park Zacatecas Cd. Cuauhtémoc Cedar Decree Creation Protected Natural Area El Cedral 236 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3ULYDWH3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDV Body Responsable Private Private Private Private Private Ecosystems Oak, Thorny scrub Gallery Vegetation Oak Pine Forest Oak Pine Forest Oak Pine Forest Pine Forest Private Pine Forest Private Pine Forest Private Species Relevant Forest farnesiana; Q. grisea; Prosopis ayacahuite ayacahuite, Pinus ayacahuite, Pinus rudis rudis Forestiera laevigata; Quercus potosina, Salix babylonica Pinus Pinus Pinus Pinus patula, Pinus patula, Pinus patula, Schinus molle Quercus rugosa Quercus rugosa Quercus rugosa tomentosa; Acacia pseudostrobus, pseudostrobus, pseudostrobus, Arista Arista Arista El Llano de Mariano de Mariano de Mariano lientes Tlaxcala Category State Municipalities Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Ecological Reserve Conservation area Aguasca- 06 ND Tlaxcala Tlaxco ND Tlaxcala Tlaxco NDNDND Tlaxcala Nanacamilpa ND Tlaxcala Nanacamilpa Tlaxcala Nanacamilpa Tlaxcala Tlaxco 07-dic- Decree 6-Jul-94 Area Subject to Establishment Protected natural area Nuevo Grande Fracción II San Isidro Rancho Fracción IV en que se dividió La Ciénega Santa Clara el Corte Santa Clara el Corte Santa Clara el Corte El Pilon Área de Protección Águila la Fracción I de Hacienda Tlacotla, lote 4 Real del Cerro de Juan el Annexes 237

$QQH[5HSRUWRI3ULYDWH3URWHFWHG1DWXUDO$UHDV &RQW Body Responsable Ecosystems Pine Forest Private Pine Forest Private Pine Forest Private Pine Forest Private Pine Forest Private Species eana pp Relevant Forest ayacahuite, Pinus ayacahuite, Pinus ayacahuite, Pinus rudis rudis rudis Pinus patula, Pinus patula, Pinus patula, Pinus patula Pinus Juniperus de pseudostrobus, Tlaxcala Tlaxco Category State Municipalities Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Area Subject to Ecological Reserve Ecological Reserve ND Area Subject to ND Tlaxcala Altzayanca ND Tlaxcala Tlaxco NDND Tlaxcala Tlaxco Tlaxcala Tlaxco Decree Establishment Protected natural area "Rancho Nuevo" y resto del Fracción I de la Ex Hacienda Segunda fracción del predio Fracción I de San Jose "El Conjunto Predial el Tecajete, Fracción IV en que se dividio la Fracción I de Hacienda Tlacotla, lote 6 Tlacotla "Rancho el Pardo" Las Águilas y Santo Tomás predio "Tlacota II" Manantial" 238 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 31 31 31 31 15 1 19.9 1 Surface area(ha) Municipio de Comondú Dolores, Municipio de La Paz, de La Paz, Santos, Municipio de La Paz Testerazo. Tecate Ejido Francisco R. Serrano (San Ejido Sierra de Juárez. Ensenada 15 1 Ejido Sierra de Juárez. Ensenada 20 1 Ejido Sierra de Juárez. Ensenada 100Ejido Heroes del Desierto, Poblado El Delegación de San Antonio, Municipio 1 Ejido Erendira. Ensenada 7 1 Matías). Ensenada NI Domicilio conocido, María Auxiliadora, NI Santa Gertrudis, Delegación de Todos NI San Francisquito, Delegación de Los N/A Lote No. 4, Colonia Alvarado. Mexicali 15 1 Canoa Pinitas Escolar Alacrán Parcela Marcos, Rancho, Cuevitas, Paraje La Rancho El Potrero de Predio Las Predio Las San José del Rancho Parra, lneya tesota ucca schidigera Prosopis palmeri Prosopis glandulosa Pinus muricata Pinus jeffreyi Prosopis juliflora divaricata Lysiloma Pinus uadrifolia Calocedrus Tecoma stans Tecoma decurrens Entity Specie(s) Name Location Baja California Baja California Baja California Baja California Baja California Baja California Baja California Baja California Sur Baja California Sur Baja California Sur Baja California Sur company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or C. Enrique Martínez Hernández S.P.R. de R.L. S.P.R. Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal del Comisariado Ejidal Impulsora Forestal Sta. Eduwiges Ejido Sierra de Juárez. Presidente del Ejido Erendira. Presidente del Ejido Francisco R. Serrano. Ejido Sierra de Juárez. Presidente del C. Ricardo Meza Duarte Ejido. Heroes del Desierto. Presidente C. Rogelio Parra Mora. C. Felix Domínguez Avilés C. Bernandino Mendoza Murillo Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Annexes 239




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 31 11 91 11 1 5.5 1 0.529 1 Surface area(ha) Ejido Matamoros, Escárcega, Domicilio Conocido, Ejido Mitzitón, Villaflores, de San Cristóbal las Casas, Cristóbal de las Casas, Mitzitón (Camino al Cerezo). Domicilio Conocido, Ejido Mitzitón del Municipio Antonio, Municipio de La Paz Hecelchakán, Ejido Mitzitón del Municipio de San Ejido Picos del Municipio de Tres NI Ejido El Rosario, Delegación de San NI Ejido Matamoros Escárcega 250 1 NI Ejido Nuevo Becal, Calakmul, 200 1 NI Ejido 20 De Noviembre, Calakmul, 200 1 NI Ejido Miguel Colorado, Champotón, 200 1 NI Fracc. de de Uso Común, Tierras NI Predio San José Yohaltún, NI Ejido Pich, Campeche, 10.85 1 NI Mitzitón (Camino al Chivero). NI NI Ejido Picos. Domicilio Conocido, Tres ochoterenae y Pinus Cercidium floridum Cedrela odorata Swietenia Swietenia Cedrela odorata Acrocarpus Swietenia Guaiacum sanctum Pinus ayacahuite fraxinifolius Pinus oocarpa Pinus oocarpa var macrophylla macrophylla macrophylla oaxacana Entity Specie(s) Name Location Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Campeche Campeche Campeche Campeche Campeche Campeche Campeche Baja California Sur company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or C. Isaac Ortega Geraldo del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Matamoros. Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Nuevo Becal. Presidente del Ejido 20 de Noviembre. Presidente Ejido Miguel Colorado. Presidente Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Matamoros. Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal José del Carmen Chi Chan Comisariado Ejidal Martin Castillo López Ejido Mitziton. Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Mitziton. Presidente del Ejido Picos. Presidente del Tres Comisariado Ejidal del Comisariado Ejidal 240 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 30 1 70 1 12 1 113 1 3.8 1 1.21 1 1.55 1 35.9 1 8.92 1 Surface area(ha) Ejido Coapilla del Municipio de Ejido Coapilla del Municipio de Conocido, Ejido Capitán Luis A. Vidal Ranchería Guadalupe del Municipio Conocido, Ejido Sierra Morena del Ejido El Rodeo del Municipio de del Municipio de Siltepec, Municipio de Villacorzo, Ranchería Plan de la Reyna del de Tapachula, Coapilla, Coapilla, Espinosa, Siltepec, Municipio de Ocozocoautla del Municipio de Villaflores, Conocido, Ejido Nueva Independencia Conocido, Ejido Villahermosa del Conocido, Ejido Villahermosa NI Ejido Coapilla, Domicilio conocido NI Ejido Capitán Luis A. Domicilio Vidal. NI Ejido Coapilla, Domicilio conocido NI Ejido Sierra Morena. Domicilio NI Plan de la Reyna, Domicilio conocido NI Guadalupe, Domicilio conocido NI Ejido El Rodeo, Domicilio conocido NI Ejido Domicilio Villahermosa. NI Ejido Nueva Independencia. Domicilio uezalteca pinnatifrons Pinus chiapensis guatemalensis Pinus maximinoi Chamaedorea Swietenia Tabebuia donnel- Tabebuia Chamaedorea Abies smithii macrophylla Pinus oocarpa Pinus chiapensis Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Entity Specie(s) Name Location Chiapas Chiapas company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Coapilla. Presidente del Ejido Coapilla. Presidente del Ejido Capitán Luis A. Vidal. Ranchería Plan de la Reyna, Ranchería Guadalupe, Propietario: Ejido Sierra Morena. Presidente del Ejido El Rodeo. Presidente del Propietario: Lorenzo Ruiz Sergio Gerardo Cerda Ocaranza Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Presidente del Villahermosa. Ejido Nueva Independencia. Comisariado Ejidal Annexes 241




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed Surface area(ha) NI Municipio Comitán de Domínquez 8.8 1 NI Municipio Marqués de Comillas 40.65 1 NI Municipio Marqués de Comillas 6.76 1 NI Municipio Comitán de Domínquez 13.57 1 NI Municipio de Huehuetán 25 1 NI Municipio de MotozintlaNI Municipio de Ocozocuautla 5.11 4.5 1 1 NI Municipio de Pijijiapan 3.2 1 NI Municipio de PichucalcoNI Carranza Municipio de Venustiano NI Municipio de Tapachula 8.92 1.11 1 2.5 1 1 NI Municipio de Ocosingo 2.6 1 alicastrum ialium macrophylla macrophylla augustii Pinus oaxacana Swetenia Swetenia Pinus oaxacana guianense Tabebuia donnel- Tabebuia Pinus devoniana y Cedrela odorata Tabebuia rosea Tabebuia P oocarpa Cedrela odorata Cedrela odorata Cedrela odorata Chamaedora ernesti- Brosimum smithii Entity Specie(s) Name Location Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas Chiapas company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Las Carolinas. Daniel Alegría Arrazola Alegría Las Carolinas. Daniel Finca Santa Ana. Secretaría de Medio Finca Santa Comisariado Ejidal Pérez Ejido Abelardo R. Rodríguez. San Isidro. Efraín López Martínez La Corona. Soriano Gómez Ruíz Efraín A. Gutiérrez. Joselino Méndez Huehuetán. Daniel Alegría Arrazola Ejido Motozintla. Presidente del Ejido Manuel Velasco Suárez. Ejido Manuel Velasco Toala Ejido Presidente del Tapachulita. B.C. Rivera Elchachi. William Toledo Ejido Naha. Presidente del Ambiente y Vivienda Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal 242 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 61 16 1 2910 1 1 12 1 16 1 12 1 Surface area(ha) Ejido Paraje Piceas, Tutuaca, Arrayanal Minatitlán, Temosachic, El Largo y Anexos, Madera, Comunidad Estapilla Madera, Conocido, Ejido El Largo y Anexos, Conocido, Ejido Madera, El Alto de Dolores, Domicilio El Largo y Anexos, Madera, NI Chachamuris, Domicilio Conocido, NI El Carrizo, Domicilio Conocido, Ejido NINI Los PP Alpes, Arteaga, Ejido Santa Rosa, Saltillo, 6 10 1 1 NINI El Refugio, Saltillo, PP NI San Caarlos, Cuatrociénegas, PP Lote 1 de la Seccción ,Ex hacienda, 2.4 4.6 1 1 NI Predio El Riego de la Comunidad el NI La Salada, Tecomán, 3 1 NI NI El Cuatro, Domicilio Conocido, Ejido NI Ing. Emilio Flores Calderon, Domicilio NI Municipio de Jitotol 13.9 1 Picea chihuahuana Pinus arizonica Picea mexicana Pinus cembroides Agave atrovirens Prosopis glandulosa Crescentia alata Guazuma ulmifolia Gliricidia sepium Pinus engelmannii Pinus arizonica Pinus arizonica Pinus tecunumanii Colima Colima Colima Chiapas Entity Specie(s) Name Location Coahuila Coahuila Coahuila Coahuila Chihuahua Chihuahua Chihuahua Chihuahua Chihuahua company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Anguiano Campos, Presidente del Comisariado Ejido Presidente del Tutuaca. Lic. Orta Verastegui Yuliana Ejido El Largo y Anexos. Presidente Ejido Santa Rosa, Sr. Saturnino Ejido Santa Rosa, Sr. Ejidal Ing. Angel R. Cepeda Dovala C.P. Carlos Héctor Tovar Lopez Carlos Héctor Tovar C.P. C. Gildardo Armando Gallardo C. Léodan Enciso Figueroa C.Magdalena Guizar Díaz del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Madera. Presidente del Ejido El Largo y Anexos. Presidente Ejido Jitotol. Presidente del Ejido El Largo y Anexos. Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Annexes 243




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 29 1 9.7 1 Surface area(ha) Ixtlahuacán Comunidad Estapilla NI Delegación Magdalena ContrerasNI 14 Delegación Tlalpan 1 57 1 NI Delegación Milpa Alta 148 1 NI La Ejido Las Conchas, Tunita, NI Lote 1 de la Seccción ,Ex hacienda, NI Delegación Tlalpan 89 1 NI Delegación Tlahuac 6 1 NI Delegación Magdalena Contreras 17 1 Pinus montezumae Quersus spp microphyllus y S Babilonica Psimphoricarpos microphyllus microphyllus Abies religiosa Caesalpinia Caesalpinia coriaria Abies religiosa Abies religiosa Montezumae y Pinus hartweggii P montezumae Salix bonplandiana Abies religiosa spp Pinus hartweggii y Pinus hartweggii P Symphoricarpos platyloba micropillus Quercus Pinus teocote Symphoricarpos Quersus spp Symphoricarpos Colima Colima Entity Specie(s) Name Location Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or México, D.F. Presidente de Bienes México, D.F. Tomas Ajusco. Delegación Tlalpan. Comunales Delegación Tlahuac. México, D.F. Delegación Tlalpan. México, D.F. Anguiano pueblos). Del. Milpa Alta. México, D.F. Presidente de Bienes Comunales D.F. Presidente del Comisariado D.F. C.Ramón González Mungía Comunidad de San Miguel y Santo Comunidad San Miguel Topilejo. C. Gildardo Armando Gallardo Comunidad de Magdalena Atlictic. Comunidad de Milpa Alta (nueve Delegación Magdalena Contreras, Presidente de Bienes Comunales Ejido San Andrés Mixquic. Ejido San Nicolás Totolapan. México, Ejido San Nicolás Totolapan. Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Presidente de Bienes Comunales 244 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 71 91 91 91 91 91 100 1 Surface area(ha) uriria Y El Carricillo, Atarjea Casacuarán, Fraccionamiento del Predio Rústico Las Mpio. San Dimas, Veredas, El Carricillo, Atarjea y Anexos, Mpio. Guanacevi, Pueblo Nuevo, Ejido El Carricillo, Atarjea NI El Mezquital Grande, San Pablo NI Delegación Xochimilco 2 1 NI Delegación Tlahuac 2 1 NI Delegación Tlahuac 2 1 Ni Delegación Tlahuac 2 1 NI Área Natural Protegida, El Pinal, Ejido NI Corralitos, Ejido Pueblo Nuevo, Mpio. NI Chiqueros y Anexos, Ejido Chiqueros NI Cielito Azul, Lote 4 del P.P. NI Área Natural Protegida, El Puerto, NI Área Natural Protegida, El Pinal, Ejido S Babilonica y Prosopis laevigata Salix bonplandiana Salix bonplandiana Quercus spp Salix bonplandiana Pinus devoniana Pinus durangensis Pinus cooperi Pinus arizonica Pinus cembroides Pinus teocote Alnus jorullensis Entity Specie(s) Name Location Durango Durango Durango Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal Distrito Federal company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Delegación Tlahuac. México, D.F. Ing. J. Jesús Camargo Cintora Delegación Xochimilco. México, D.F. Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Saniago Tulyehualco. Ejido San Francisco Tlatenco. Delegación Tlahuac. México D.F. Ejido San Nicolas Tlatelco. Ejido San Pedro Tlahuac. Delegación Toulet Ejido Pueblo Nuevo. Presidente del Ejido El Carricillo. Presidente del Alfonso Gerardo Fernández de Castro Ejido Chiqueros y Anexos". Ejido El Carricillo. Presidente del Ejido El Carricillo. Presidente del Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Tlahuac. México, D.F. Presidente del Tlahuac. México, D.F. Annexes 245




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 40 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 10 1 2.5 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 Surface area(ha) Felipe de Lima, Guanajuato Rinconcito, Juventino Rosas Miguel Allende Casacuaran, Yuriria Luis de Los Agustinos, Acámbaro Casacuaran, Yuriria Almoloyan, San Felipe Josè Iturbide seco, Blanca Tierra NI Cuartos del Bravo, Ejido El San NI El Paisano, Comunidad Santa Rosa NI El Rinconcito, Comunidad NI Mogote Largo, Ejido San Pablo NI Sierra de Los Agustinos, Ejido San NI La Alameda, Ejido Blanca, San Tierra NI Las Ejido San Pedro Vacas, NI Mogote Largo, Ejido San Pablo NI Las Biznagas, Comunidad Arroyo NI El Gato, Comunidad Capulín, San NI Coapango, Mpio de Chilpancingo. 16 1 NI Las Joyitas, Mpio de Leonardo Bravo. 16 1 NI Los Bajitos, Mpio Técpan de Galeana. 30 1 pseudostrobus platyacanthus Agave salmiana Quercus laurina Quercus rugosa Albizia plurijuga Pinus Prosopis laevigata Pinus cembroides Lysiloma divaricata Lysiloma Pinus cembroides Echinocactus Pinus devoniana Pinus maximinoi Pinus oocarpa Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero Entity Specie(s) Name Location Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato Guanajuato company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Ing. Marco Antonio González López C. Jorge Hernández Baeza Ejido San Pablo Casacuaran. C. J. Guadalupe Huerta Pérez Ejido San Pedro Almoloyan. Ejido El Bravo. Presidente del Ejido San Pablo Casacuaran. Ejido San Luis de Los Agustinos. C. Ausencio Ledezma Becerra C. Juan Pablo Rodriguez Acosta C. Toribio Félix Viñez Ejido Las Joyitas. Presidente del Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Los Bajitos. Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal 246 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 16 1 10 1 10 1 Surface area(ha) Benitez Mpio. General Heliodoro Castillo Tlacotenco, Mpio. General Heliodoro Castillo NI San Miguel, Mpio. de Chilpancingo 10 1 NI Las Compuertas, Mpio. Coyuca de NI Los Bajitos, Mpio Técpan de Galeana. 70 1 NI San Fco Oztutla Mpio de Copalillo. 9 1 NI Mezquitlán Mpio de Copalillo. 9 1 NI Ahuacuotzingo 60 1 NI Santiago Tlacotepec, Anexo Izotepec, NI Santiago Tlacotepec, Anexo Pinus maximinoi Pinus maximinoi Pinus maximinoi pseudostrobus Bursera linaloe Bursera linaloe Swietenia humilis Pinus Pinus devoniana Entity Specie(s) Name Location Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Mpio de Coyuca Benitez. Ejido San Miguel, (SEMAREN), Mpio Ejido Las Compuertas, (SEMAREN), de Chilpancingo.Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Los Bajitos. Presidente del Bienes Comunales Bienes Comunales de San Fco Bienes Comunales de Mezquitlán. Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Ahuacuotzingo. Presidente del Bienes Comunales de Santiago Comisariado de Bienes Comunales Oztutla. Presidente del Comisariado Bienes Comunales de Santiago Presidente del Comisariado de (SEMAREN), Presidente del Tlacotepec "Anexo Izotepec", Tlacotepec "Anexo Tlacotenco" Comisariado de Bienes Comunales (SEMAREN). Presidente del de Bienes Comunales Annexes 247




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed


Category Seed Area Seed 51 41 41 41 8.53 1 8.53 1 Surface area(ha) de Zimapan Nuevo, Mpio. de Almoloya comunales la Encarnación, municipio Benitez Nuevo, Mpio. de Almoloya Chilpancingo restauración,Municipio de Metztitlán NI Coapango Mpio de Chilpancingo 38 1 NI Agua Hernández, Mpio. de NI Santa Rosa de Lima, Mpio. Coyuca NI San Cristobal, Mpio. de Chilpancingo 16 1 NI Plantación con fines de NI Paraje Los Sedasos, Ejido Rancho NI Paraje Piedra Ancha , Ejido Rancho NI Paraje en cerro colorado, Bienes NI Santa Barbara, Mpio. de Chilpancingo 12.67 Pinus oocarpa Pinus ayacahuite Pinus oocarpa pseudostrobus Pinus herrerai Pinus maximinoi Pinus maximinoi Pinus maximinoi Pinus greggii Pinus rudis Abies religiosa Pinus cembroides Pinus maximinoi Pinus michoacana cornuta y Pinus Hidalgo Hidalgo Hidalgo Hidalgo Entity Specie(s) Name Location Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero Guerrero company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Coapango (SEMAREN), Mpio de Chilpancingo. Presidente del Ejido Agua Hernández, (SEMAREN), Ejido Santa Rosa De Lima (SEMAREN), Mpio Coyuca de Benitez. Ejido San Cristóbal. (SEMAREN), Ejido Santa Barbara (SEMAREN), Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Fontezuelas. Presidente del Ejido Rancho Nuevo. Presidente del Ejido Rancho Nuevo. Presidente del Bienes comunales La Encarnación. Bienes Comunales Mpio de Chilpancingo. Presidente del Mpio de Chilpancingo, Gro. Presidente del Comisariado de Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Mpio de Chilpancingo. 248 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 91 91 91 91 91 91 Surface area(ha) Cupatitzio, Uruapan Aguililla Aguililla Nvo. San Juan Parangaricutiro San Juan Parangaricutiro Tangancicuaro NI Municipio de Zacapu 16 1 NI Municipio de Zinapecuaro 16 1 NI Huecahuaxco, Ocuituco 4.1 1 NI Predio los Robledos, Dos Aguas, NI Predio los Robledos, Dos Aguas, NI Predio Parque Nacional Barranca del NI Ejido La Majada, Periban 9 1 NI Comunidad IndÍgena Patamban, NI Predio las pilitas, Pátzcuaro 9 1 NI Condembaro. Comunidad IndÍgena NI Ziraspan. Comunidad Indigena Nvo. NI Municipio Salvador Escalante 12 1 pseudostrobus pseudostrobus Pinus montezumae Pinus Pinus pseudostrobus Pinus Pinus michoacana pseudostrobus Pinus douglasiana pseudostrobus var cornuta Pinus rudis Pinus montezumae Pinus Pinus Pinus montezumae Abies religiosa Morelos Entity Specie(s) Name Location Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or La Caja, El Madroño y el Té Presa del Gachupín Ejido Huecahuaxco. Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Bienes Comunales Mich. Presidente del Comisariado de Tzin Tzún. Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Hilda Gutierrez Estrada Hilda Gutierrez Estrada Propiedad Federal Ejido la Majada. Presidente del Bienes Comunales C.I Patamban. Presidente del Joaquin Arreola Estrada C.I Nvo. San Juan Parangaricutiro C.I Nvo. San Juan Parangaricutiro Cañada de los Tejocotes, Ejido Felipe Cañada de los Tejocotes, Mich. Presidente del Comisariado de Comisariado de Bienes Comunales Comisariado Ejidal Annexes 249




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 2.6 1 Surface area(ha) Ixcuintla NI Buena del Monte, Cuernavaca Vista 3.2 1 NI El Limón Cuahuchichinola, Tepalcingo 5.1 1 NI San Miguel Huajintlan, Amacuzac 8 1 NI Ejido El Ahuacate, Ixtlán del Río 26 1 NI La Puente de Ixtla Tigra, NI Ajuchitlan Santiopan, TlaquiltenangoNI 15 Rancho Quemado, Santiago Ixcuintla 10 5 1 1 1 NI COPLAMAR, RosamoradaNI Ejido del Cora, Santiago Vado 5.4 1 NI Jalpa Grande, Jala 15.6 1 acapulcensis y Amphipterigyum polystachya polystachya Quercus rugosa Lysiloma Crescentia alata Bursera linanoe Gliricidia sepium Eysenhardtia Eysenhardtia Gliricidia sepium Swietenia humilis Pinus devoniana adstringens Nayarit Nayarit Nayarit Nayarit Nayarit Morelos Morelos Morelos Morelos Morelos Entity Specie(s) Name Location company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Comisariado de Bienes Comunales Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Ejidal Ejido Buena Vista del Monte. Ejido Buena Vista Ejido El Limón Cuauchichinola. Ejido San Miguel Huajintlan. Bienes Comunales Ejido La Tigra. Presidente del Ejido La Tigra. Jalpa Grande, Anexo de la C. I. San Ejido Ajuchitlan Santiopan. Productos Forestales del Ejido Vado C. I. San Diego del Naranjo. Ejido El Ahuacate. Presidente del del Cora. Presidente Comisariado Productos Forestales del Ejido Vado del Cora. Presidente Comisariado Presidente del Comisariado de Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Jerónimo Jomulco. Presidente del 250 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 21 21 21 11 21 Surface area(ha) Ixcuintla Ixcuintla Ixcuintla Santiago Jocotepec Ixtlán de Juárez NI Ejido del Cora, Santiago Vado NI Ejido del Cora, Santiago Vado NI Ejido Cañón de Vacas, Aramberri 14.38 1 NI El Barretal, Bustamante 0.32 1 NI Ejido del Cora, Santiago Vado NI Ejido Cieneguillas y Crucitas, Galeana 10.35 1 NI Ejido Marquezado, Ahuacatlán 2.7 1 NI Ejido La Encantada, Zaragoza 10 1 NI Paraje La Alicia, Ejido San Jacobo, NI Paraje Las Calaveras, Comunidad ura polyandra polystachya pseudostrobus Pinus Myrospermum Enterolobium Tabebuia rosea Tabebuia Pinus cembroides Pinus hartwegii Eysenhardtia Cedrela odorata Pinus oaxacana cyclocarpum sousanum Nayarit Nayarit Nayarit Nayarit Oaxaca Oaxaca Entity Specie(s) Name Location Nuevo León Nuevo León Nuevo León Nuevo León company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Presidente del Comisariado de Ejidal Ejidal Ejidal Ejido Cañón de Vacas. Presidente del Ejido Cañón de Vacas. Productos Forestales del Ejido Vado Cadena C. Luis Clemente Villarreal Ejido Cieneguillas y Crucitas. del Cora. Presidente Comisariado Productos Forestales del Ejido Vado Productos Forestales del Ejido Vado Ejido La Encantada. Presidente del del Cora. Presidente Comisariado del Cora. Presidente Comisariado Ejido Marquezado. Presidente del Sociedad Manantial del Tigre (S.P.R) Sociedad Manantial del Tigre Comunidad de Ixtlán Juárez. Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Bienes Comunales Annexes 251




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 31 11 12 1 Surface area(ha) Teococuilco de Marcos Pérez Teococuilco Chignahuapan Tamazulapam del Progreso Tamazulapam NI Paraje Rancho Obispo, Comunidad de NI Ixtlán de Juárez ND 1 NI Paraje El Arco, Comunidad de NI Concepción Pápalo ND 1 NI San Juquila VijanosNI San Miguel El GrandeNI ND TlaxiacoNI ND Fracc. III Ex - Hacienda de Atlamaxac, 1 1 ND 1 oaxacana oaxacana Pinus pseudostrobus Prosopis laevigata Pinus chapensis Pinus oaxacana Pinus oaxacana Pinus patula Pinus Pinus patula Pinus Pinus patula Abies religiosa Puebla Oaxaca Oaxaca Oaxaca Oaxaca Oaxaca Oaxaca Oaxaca Entity Specie(s) Name Location company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Presidente del Comisariado de Bienes Comunales Presidente del Comisariado de Bienes Marcos Pérez. Presidente del Comunales Comunales Alta. Presidente del Comisariado de Comisariado de Bienes Comunales Comunidad de Ixtlán Juárez. Comunidad de Teococuilco de Comunidad de Teococuilco C. Rovelio Cruz Rodríguez Comunidad de Concepción Pápalo. Comunidad de San Miguel El Grande. Comuneros H. Cd. de Tlaxiaco. Anselmo Gutierrez Alpizar Comunidad San Juquila Vijanos, Villa Presidente del Comisariado de Bienes Presidente del Comisariado de Bienes Comunales Bienes Comunales 252 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 61 11.9 1 7.93 1 4.22 1 12.28 1 Surface area(ha) Bonfil, Ejido Jacal de La Piedad, de Montes, Comunidad Chavarrias de Montes, Comunidad Los Juárez Chignahuapan Antonio Matlahuacales, Chignahuapan NI Ejido San Antonio Matlahuacales, NI Arboles sobresalientes, Ejido San NI Santa Fe, La Caldera, Ixtacamaxtitlan 9 1 NI Ejido Xonacatla, Ixtacamaxtitlan 15 1 NI Municipio de Chignahuapan 1 1 NI Predio El Cajete, Municipo Cadereyta NI Predio La Adarga, Municipo Cadereyta NI Predio El Salto, Municipo Amealco de NI Área de Plantación COPLAMAR 61 1 NI Área de Plantación COPLAMAR 29 1 NI Rodal Natural 42 1 menziesii menziesii ayacahuite pseudostrobus Pinus patula Pinus Pinus Pseudotsuga Pseudotsuga Pinus patula Pinus rudis Abies religiosa Arbutus xalapensis Swietenia Swietenia Swietenia macrophylla macrophylla macrophylla Puebla Puebla Puebla Puebla Puebla Entity Specie(s) Name Location Querétaro Querétaro Querétaro Quintana Roo Quintana Roo Quintana Roo company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido San Antonio Matlahuacales. Ejido San Antonio Matlahuacales. Antonio Macias Aburto Ejido Xonacatla. Presidente del Ejido Peñuelas, Pueblo Nuevo. Comunidad Los Juáre. Presidente del Comunidad Chavarrias. Presidente Ejido Jacal de la Piedad. Presidente Ejido Solferino. Presidente del Ejido Ramonal Rio Hondo Anexo Nachicocom. Presidente del Ejido Garantias. Presidente del Tres Comisariado Ejidal del Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Annexes 253




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 91 91 91 18 1 250250 1 1 250150 1 1 Surface area(ha) Catorce Catorce Catorce Papagayos, Cd. del Maíz Papagayos, Cd. del Maíz El Naranjo, Naranjo Papagayos, Cd. del Maíz NI Rodal Natural, Caoba 51 1 NI Rodal Natural 25 1 NI Rodal Natural Chichan ha 91 1 NI Domicilio Conocido en NCP NI Domicilio Conocido en NCP NI Bachoco el Alto, Etchojoa 31 1 NI Domicilio Conocido en Minas Viejas, NI Domicilio Conocido en NCP NI Domicilio Conocido en Maitines, El NI Comunidad Sta. María del Refugio, NI Coxcatlán Tachiquil, 15 1 NI Comunidad Sta. María del Refugio, NI Comunidad Sta. María del Refugio, erocactus pilosus ucca filifera Manilkara zapota Swietenia Brosimum Brosimum Quercus rugosa Abies religiosa macrophylla y Prosopis juliflora alicastrum Cedrela odorata alicastrum rosea Tabebuia Quercus rugosa Cedrela odorata Prosopis laevigata Sonora Entity Specie(s) Name Location Quintana Roo Quintana Roo Quintana Roo San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Comisariado Ejidal Ejido X-Hazil y Anexos. Presidente Ejido Garantias. Presidente del Tres del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Caoba. Presidente del Ignacio Martínez Palomo Ignacio Martínez Palomo Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Bachoco El Alto. Presidente del Policarpio Nigoche Netro Barrón Porto Valentín Juan Acosta Guerrero Sabino Mayorga Catarina José Inés Goméz Jiménez José Inés Goméz Jiménez José Inés Goméz Jiménez Comisariado Ejidal 254 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed Surface area(ha) NI Ejido La Pila. Tacotalpa 2 1 NI Ejido Luis Echeverria. Tenosique 1 1 NI Ejido Carrillo Puerto. Frontera 23 1 NI El Salto, Rayón 20 1 NI Ejido Carrillo Puerto.Frontera 1 1 NI El Guacho, Nacori Chico 14 1 NI Pico de la India, Nacori ChicoNINI Las Piedras Bolas, Opodepe,NI Huasabas El Horror, 18 Paraje La Joya, Yécora 25 1 30 9 1 1 1 NI Las Padercitas, Arizpe 71 1 NI El Polvorón, San Ignacio Río Muerto 2 1 abebuia rosea pomoea glandulosa T macrophylla glandulosa Swietenia Cordia alliodora Swietenia Swietenia Coursetia Pinus engelmannii Pinus durangensis Prosopis velutina Agave angustifolia Pinus engelmannii Prosopis juliflora Coursetia macrophylla macrophylla arborescens macrophylla Swietenia Sonora Sonora Sonora Sonora Sonora Sonora Sonora Sonora Tabasco Tabasco Tabasco Tabasco Entity Specie(s) Name Location company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Comisariado Ejidal C. Porfirio Váquez Jiménez C. Montejo de la Cruz Vicente C. Manuel Ovando Hernández Cesar David Contreras Loustaunau C. Alvaro Napoleon Bellizia Alvarez Ejido Mesa de Tres Ríos. Presidente Ejido Mesa de Tres Rancho San José del Real Arturo Amavizca Herrera Ejido Forestal Presidente del Yecora. Ejidal El Guacho. Presidente del Margarito Neyoy Robles Ignacio Pesqueira Taylor Comisariado Ejidal del Comisariado Ejidal Annexes 255




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 91 21 20 1 16 1 16 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 Surface area(ha) , Municipio de Jaumave. r Aguila Municipio de Miquihuana. Municipio de Miquihuana. de Miquihuana. Municipio de Bustamante. Tenosique Bustamante. Tacotalpa NI La Pasta, Ejido San José del Llano, NI Felipe Ángeles, Ejido NI Magdaleno Ejido Magdaleno Aguilar, NI Hermoso, El Nacimiento, Ejido Valle NI Colonia Agrícola La Peña, Municipio NI Ejido Las Antonias, Municipio de NI Ejido Malpaso. Huimanguillo 10NI Ejido los Rieles de San Jose. 1 NI Ejido Cerro Blanco 5ta Seccion. ectandra ucca filifera uniperus flaccida menziesii Prosopis laevigata Pinus cembroides Pseudotsuga gaumeri Swietenia Pseudobombax ellipticum Pinus nelsonii Brosimum Brosimum Swietenia rosea macrophylla alliodora Tabebuia salicifolia itex macrophylla Cordia alicastrum alicastrum Tabasco Tabasco Tabasco Entity Specie(s) Name Location Tamaulipas Tamaulipas Tamaulipas Tamaulipas Tamaulipas Tamaulipas company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Comisariado Ejidal Comisariado Ejidal Ejido San José del Llano. Presidente Ejido Magdaleno Presidente Aguilar. Ejido Felipe Ángeles. Presidente del Colonia Agrícola La Peña Ejido Hermoso. Presidente del Valle del Comisariado Ejidal del Comisariado Ejidal Ejido Las Antonias. Presidente del C. Claudio Julian Ramírez C. Luis Felipe Madrigal Hernández C. Ruben Amilcar Quetz Tzec Comisariado Ejidal 256 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 91 31 16 1 30 1 47 1 2.46 1 Surface area(ha) epeticpac, Totolac. T Pobladores de México, Municipio Santiago Soto La Marina. 3650, Tlapacoyan Giralda, Xalapa Xico Calpulalpan. NI Pobladores de México, Ejido NI Ejido San Jose Villarreal, Terrenate.NI Ejido Acopinalco del Peñón, 9 Tlaxco. 9 1 1 NI Ejido Acopinalco del Peñon, Tlaxco. 9 1 NI San Cristóbal, Tlaxco. 1.17 1 NI El Rosario, Tlaxco. 2.46 1 NI San Bartolomé del Monte, NI La Soledad, Tequexquitla. 6 1 NI San Pedro Ecatepec, Atlangatepec. 80 1 NI NINI El Paraíso, Las Vigas Vivero Ejido Ingenio El Rosario, Mpio. de 36 1 NI Privada de La Cartuja # 21, Fracc. NI Aldama S/N, Col. Miguel Hidalgo. C.P. uniperus deppeana uglans pyriformis menziesii pseudostrobus Abies religiosa Ebenopsis ebano Pinus ayacahuite Pseudotsuga Pinus Pinus montezumae Pinus ayacahuite Pinus cembroides Amelanchier Pinus patula Abies religiosa Pinus chiapensis denticulata Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Veracruz Veracruz Veracruz Veracruz Entity Specie(s) Name Location Tamaulipas company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal C. Carlos Osorno García Ejido Pobladores de México. C. Benito Rodríguez Briones C. Carlos Osorno García C. Alejandro Gonzalez Garcia C. Álvaro Ramírez Luna C. Lino Castro Estulco C. Isaías Cueto Aguilar C. José Máximo Macias González C. Juan Ramírez Jiménez Gaudencio García Miranda Arturo Samuel Solís Vorrath Yolanda Ededmira Bandala González Yolanda Armando Peña Ventura Annexes 257




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

Category Seed Area Seed 21 100 1 7.95 1 1.85 1 113.14 1 Surface area(ha) Huatusco, C.P. 9410. Huatusco, C.P. Mesa de Laurel, Ingenio El Rosario, Mpio. de Coatepec Atzalan Tabi, Ticul Mpio. de Zacualpan NI Reserva del Zapotal, Tizimín 30 1 NI Domicilio Conocido S/N, Comunidad NI Ancho Las Cañadas, Coxolo, Mpio. de NI Domicilio Conocido Tepataxco 2 1 NI Domicilio Conocido, La Prensa, Mpio. NI Domicilio Conocido Ejido Canalejas, NI Área Natural Protegida, Hacienda NI Pocoboch, Calotmul 15 1 NI Cuncunul,Cuncunul 18 1 NI Chechén, Tecoh 30 1 NI Hacienda Chaua, Tunkas 200 1 NI Reserva del Zapotal, Tizimín 50 1 NI Chunhuas, Tekax 100 1 uglans pyriformis Brosimum alicastrum wrightii Pinus ayacahuite Cordia alliodora Pinus chiapensis Pinus patula Platymiscium Cedrela odorata Platymiscium Piscidia piscipula Enterolobium Manilkara zapota Acoelorrhaphe cyclocarpum yucatanum yucatanum Yucatán Yucatán Yucatán Yucatán Yucatán Yucatán Yucatán Yucatán Veracruz Veracruz Veracruz Veracruz Veracruz Entity Specie(s) Name Location company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or M.C. Maria Andrade Hernández Comisariado Ejidal Fructoso García Carmona Adan Nieva Murillo Ricardo Romero González Valerio Osorio Mota Valerio Wenceslao Olvera Wenceslao C. Manuel Polanco Meneses Ing. Melo Granados Martinez Victor SEDUMA C.Tiburcio Castro C.Tiburcio Ejido Presidente del Tecoh. Gobierno del Estado de Yucatán Prof. Jorge Lizama Góngora (Dr.Eduardo Batlori Sampedro ) (Dr.Eduardo M.C. Maria Andrade Hernández 258 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




species in species

Stand with Stand Seed stand Seed

1 1 Category Seed Area Seed 71 171.48 1 Surface area(ha) del Oro del Oro SUBTOTALTOTAL 11 183 36 230 NI Reserva del Zapotal, Tizimín 50 1 NI Villanueva 50 1 NI Ejido Reforma y Anexos, Concepción NI Ejido Concepcion del Oro, Concepción NINI San Jose de Carbonerillas, Mazapil Pueblo Juchipila Viejo, 26.6 50 1 1 NI Barranca de Guadalupe, Valparaiso 5.62 1 NI Barranca de Guadalupe, Valparaiso 8.61 1 NINI Banco de Los Arados, Valparaiso Ejido El Astillero, Valparaiso 31.422 30.42 Manilkara zapota Pinus cembroides Atriplex canescens Pinus johannis Pinus pinceana Pinus maximartinezii Pinus ayacahuite Cupressus lusitanica Pinus leiophylla Pinus devoniana Yucatán Entity Specie(s) Name Location Zacatecas Zacatecas Zacatecas Zacatecas Zacatecas Zacatecas Zacatecas Zacatecas Zacatecas company owner in charge Body, Institution, Individual or del Comisariado Ejidal del Comisariado Ejidal M.C. Maria Andrade Hernández Otoniel Escareño Hernández Ejido Reforma y Anexos. Presidente Ejido Concepcion del Oro. Presidente San Jose de Carbonerillas Pueblo Viejo Barranca de Guadalupe Barranca de Guadalupe Banco de Los Arados Ejido El Astillero. Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal Annexes 259


Aguascalientes Jardín Botánico Rey Netzahualcóyotl Aguascalientes, Ags. Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes Gerardo García Regalado, Gerardo García Regalado 0.12 Campus Universitario 1989 Cacti, succulents and rosette, ornamentals, IUXLWUHJLRQDODQGPHGLFLQDOXVH7HDFKLQJVWXG\LQJWKHORFDOÀRUDFRQVHUYDWLRQDQG propagation.

Baja California Jardín Botánico Todos Santos Ensenada Jardín Botánico Todos Santos, A.C. Horacio de la Cueva Salcedo/ José Pedro Arce Serrano Calle Obregón =RQD&HQWUR(QVHQDGD%DMD&DOLIRUQLD R¿FLQD )UDFFLRQDPLHQWROD(VFRQGLGD -DUGtQ    

Baja California Sur Jardín Botánico,QVWLWXWR1DFLRQDOGH,QYHVWLJDFLRQHV)RUHVWDOHV Agrícolas y Pecuarias/Rigoberto Meza Sánchez

Campeche Jardín Botánico Regional del Carmen Cd. del Carmen, Camp. Grupo Ariete Ecológico-Universidad Autónoma del Carmen 22.00 Colonia Renovación. Costa sur de la Isla del Carmen. 1993 Regional fruit, native plants, leguminous trees that are part of the arboretum, medicinal plants, palms and aquatic species, tropical VXFFXOHQWV SLWD\DVDQGDJDYHV (QYLURQPHQWDOHGXFDWLRQFRQVHUYDWLRQDQGSURPRWLRQ of native plants. NA

Campeche Arboretum Subprograma de Mejoramiento de Áreas Verdes Programa Ambiental Institucional Yum Kaax Campeche Centro de Estudios en Desarrollo Sustentable y Aprovechamiento de la Vida Silvestre Universidad Autónoma de Campeche Av. Agustín Melgar s/n C.P. 24039 Campeche,

Campeche. Campeche Jardín Botánico de Hampolol, Campeche Universidad Autónoma de Campeche

Chiapas Jardín Botánico “Dr. Faustino Miranda” Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis. Secretaria de Medio Ambiente e Historia Natural. Teresa Cabrera Cachón / Tomasa Ortiz Suriano 4.40 Calzada de los Hombres Ilustres s/n. Oriente de la Ciudad. Zona Centro de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, a orillas del Río Sabinal 1949 Predominant vegetation in the central region of Chiapas, medicinal and ornamental naturalised exotic species. Important families: Sapotaceae, Moraceae, Bignoniaceae and Boraginaceae. Also contains threatened types such as Chamaedorea palms and cycads. It has more than 900 VSHFLHV.QRZOHGJHRIWKHÀRUDRIWKHVWDWHFRQVHUYDWLRQPDQDJHPHQWDQGVSUHDGRI regional species and education and diffusion.

Chiapas Jardín Botánico Regional El Soconusco Tapachula El Colegio de la )URQWHUD6XU (&2685 (&2685$SGR3RVWDO&DUUHWHUD$QWLJXR$HURSXHUWR Km 2.5. C. P. 30700 Tapachula, Chiapas.

Chiapas Jardín Botánico de la Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas 9LOODÀRUHV )DFXOWDGGH&LHQFLDV$JURQyPLFDV&DPSXV8QLYHUVLGDG$XWyQRPDGH&KLDSDV Carretera Ocozocoautla-Villaflores km 84.5. A.P. #78 C.P. 30470 Villaflores, Chiapas.

Coahuila Jardín Botánico “Gustavo Aguirre Benavides” Saltillo, Coah. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro 4.00 Km. 7 Carretera Saltillo-El Oro, Zacatecas. Sur GH6DOWLOOR9HJHWDWLRQJURZLQJLQWKLVVLWHHPSKDVLVLQJWKHIDPLO\RI&DFWDFHDH in the state of Coahuila, which presents vulnerability to extinction. Its collections FRQVLVWRIDERXWVSHFLHV$UHDVRIURVHWR¿ORXVVFUXEGHVHUWPLFURSK\OOKDORSKLOLF 260 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico submontane and Opuntia desert as well as zacatal areas, forest and mountain J\SVR¿OOLFJUDVVODQG,WKDVULGJHVIRUWKHH[KLELWLRQRIHFRQRPLFSODQWVFDFWXVIRGGHU medicinal and pinetum. Species conservation, research, environmental education and dissemination of knowledge about species and their ecology. NA

Coahuila Jardín Botánico “Jerzy Rzedowsky Rotter” Torreón, Coah. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila 3.00 Campus Universitario, sobre el periférico o libramiento GH7RUUHyQ\6DQWD)p0LFURSK\OOVFUXEYHJHWDWLRQRI/DUUHDWULGHQWDWDZLWK DSSUR[LPDWHO\WUHHVRI$FDFLDIDUQHVLDQGDQG3URVRSLVMXOLÀRUD7KHUHDUHDERXW 50 species in their collections. Basically dedicated to education and outreach, especially on living plants and herborised samples of native vegetation from the region RI/DJXQDGH&RDKXLODDQG'XUDQJRDVZHOODVVRPHH[DPSOHVRIUHJLRQDODQQXDO and perennial crops. NA

Distrito Federal Jardín Botánico de la Benemérita Escuela de Maestros México, ')%HQHPpULWD(VFXHODGH0DHVWURV$FDGHPLDGH&LHQFLDV1DWXUDOHV&DO]DGD 0p[LFR7DFXEDHVTXLQDFRQODDY0DHVWURVGHOHJDFLyQ0LJXHO+LGDOJR') 11330 1985 Collection of 200 specimens representing 33 families and 84 genera, all arranged taxonomically in 7 areas: herbs, medicinal, ornamental, horticultural, cacti, fruit and Pinaceae. Awareness in students through the love of nature, applying strategies to form habits for conservation and the preservation of ecological balance. NA

Distrito Federal Jardín Botánico Medicinal “De la Cruz Badiano” 0p[LFR') )DFXOWDGGH(VWXGLRV6XSHULRUHV)(6=DUDJR]D81$01$$Y*XHODWDR1R (MpUFLWRGH2ULHQWH,]WDSDODSD0p[LFR')&ROOHFWLRQRIPHGLFLQDO SODQWVUHSUHVHQWHGODUJHO\E\$VWHUDFHDHDQG/DPLDFHDHIDPLOLHVLQWKH&XHQFDGHO Valle de Mexico. Develop conservation through a series of medicinal living plants in the Cuenca del de Mexico. Generate interest in the preservation of medical and botanical NQRZOHGJH3URSDJDWHWKUHDWHQHGPHGLFLQDOVSHFLHVLQWKHUHJLRQ1$'LVWULWR)HGHUDO

Jardin Botánico del Instituto de Biología México, D.F. Instituto de Biología-UNAM, &G8QLYHUVLWDULD&LXGDG8QLYHUVLWDULD0p[LFR')1DWLRQDOFROOHFWLRQVRI agaváceas, crassulaceae and nolináceas. It also houses other taxonomic types of cactus, Opuntia, orchids, dahlias. Other issues, such as medicinal plants, ornamental rock-dwelling, water and a small arboretum. It has served in the cultivation of tissues of the cactus Mammillaria san-angelensis and the orchid Bletia urban, both native and endangered species. To investigate the diversity use, management and FXOWXUDOVLJQL¿FDQFHRI0H[LFDQÀRUDLQJHQHUDO,QSDUWLFXODUVRPHSODQWIDPLOLHV $JDYDFHDH &DFWDFHDH &UDVVXODFHDFH 2UFKLGDFHDH DQG RWKHU UHODWHG IDPLOLHV  $OVRWRSURPRWHWKHLQVLWXDQGH[VLWXFRQVHUYDWLRQRIÀRUDDQGWRGLIIXVHNQRZOHGJH WKURXJKWKHVFLHQWL¿FFRPPXQLW\DQGVRFLHW\ZZZLELRORJLDXQDPP['LVWULWR)HGHUDO

Jardín Botánico Centro de Información y Comunicación Ambiental de Norte América (CICEAND)0p[LFR')&HQWURGH,QIRUPDFLyQ\&RPXQLFDFLyQ$PELHQWDO de Norte América, A. C. / Ma. Inés Delgado Rodríguez Av. Progreso #3, Planta baja. &RO'HO&DUPHQ&R\RDFiQ&30p[LFR')  


Estado de México Pinetum “Maximino Martínez” Texcoco, Edo. de México Universidad Autónoma Chapingo 3.50 Km. 4.7 Carretera Chapingo Tequexquinahuac. 1985 Collection of Mexican conifers. Its main goals are to concentrate the greatest number of native Mexican species on a plantation to support teaching, university research and e forest culture of citizens, in addition to conserving threatened and endangered species, and the details of its origin.

Estado de México Jardín Botánico de la Reserva Natural “Xochitla” Tepotzotlán, (GR GH 0p[LFR )XQGDFLyQ ;RFKLWOD $XWRSLVWD 0p[LFR4XHUpWDUR 6DOLGD D 7HSRW]RWOiQ )XQGDPHQWDOO\ ZDWHU SODQWV DQG RDNV  ,WV PDLQ REMHFWLYHV DUH to ensure the permanence of a green area of 70 ha for man to reunite with nature, reforestation with native tree species in the valley of Mexico and the country, to form different arboretum and demonstration gardens, and generating an ecological recovery model based on its characteristics and local environmental issues.

Estado de México Jardín Botánico ENEP-Iztacala (UNAM) Tlalnepantla. Edo. de 0p[LFR8QLYHUVLGDG1DFLRQDO$XWyQRPDGH0p[LFR)(6,]WDFDOD$Y'HORV%DUULRV 1ž/RV5H\HV,]WDFDOD7ODOQHSDQWOD(GR'H0p[LFR&31'&ROOHFWLRQRI different species including the families cactaceae, crasulaceae, agavaceae, liliaceae and zamiaceae the best represented vegetation of our country. Also has examples from other countries. Its objectives are primarily educational. Supports teaching and research at the Department of Botany, as well as local school groups.


Guanajuato Jardín Botánico “El Charco del Ingenio” San Miguel AlleNAe, Gto. &DQWH$&3DORPDVQ=RQD&HQWUR6DQ0LJXHOGH$OOH1$H&ROOHFWLRQRI cacti with 500 species, one of crassulaceae with 153, one of agaváceas with 40 and represented in smaller amounts, nolináceas, bomacaceae and cycadáceas. Plus a list RIQDWXUDOYHJHWDWLRQLQWKHKDVPRUHWKDQVSHFLHV3URWHFWDQGSUHVHUYHWKH natural heritage that “El Charco del Ingenio”represents. Develop a botanical garden dedicated to dry and semi dry areas in Mexico.



Hidalgo Jardín Botánico “Cubitos Ollintepetl” Pachuca, Hgo Consejo Estatal de Ecología del Gobierno del Estado 3.5 Cerros “Cubitos” y “Zopilote”, Zona conurbada de Pachuca y Mineral del Monte 1998 232,300 examples of 80 species from the +LGDOJXHQVH'HVHUW +LGDOJRDQG4XHUpWDUR &DFWLDQGLQFOXGHVWUHHVLQDULGPHVTXLWH and acacias zones. It also includes a collection of 1500 coniferous trees from 39species 262 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

WKDWIRUPDVPDOOIRUHVWDQGRQHRISLQH 3LQHWXP IURPWKH3LQHWXP³0D[LPLQR0DUWLQH]´ Chapingo. It has a plantation of endemic Cypress Cupressus guadalupensis (Cedar *XDGHORXSH ,WVPDLQSXUSRVHVDUHNQRZOHGJHRIDULGDUHDVSURPRWLRQRIFRQVHUYDWLRQ ecoproductive projects and education programmes.

Hidalgo Jardín Escolar “Maguey Azul” Tula de Allende Cruz Azul UNAM del Centro Educativo Cruz Azul / Edel HernáNAez Cid Calle Tula #104, Col. Poblado en Ciudad Cooperativa Cruz Azul. C.P. 42840 Municipio Tula de AlleNAe, Hidalgo.

Jalisco Jardín Botánico “Jorge Víctor Eller TownseNA” Zapopan, Jal. Universidad $XWyQRPDGH*XDGDODMDUD$Y3DWULD/RPDVGHO9DOOH=DSRSDQ-DO 9LOOD8QLYHUVLWDULDVSHFLHVRIVHPLDULGDUHDV7KH\DUHUHSUHVHQWHGE\WKH Cactaceae, Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Crassulaceae, Agavaceae and Euphorbiaceae families. Its objectives are to conduct studies on taxonomy and distribution of Mexican plants, supporting the teaching of botany in addition to cultivating and propagating threatened or endangered Mexican species.

Jalisco Jardín Botánico de Vallarta Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco Vallarta Botanical *DUGHQV$&5REHUW3ULFH0yQLFD/RPHOL&DUUHWHUD)HGHUDOWUDPR9DOODUWDD Barra Navidad km 24 Ejido de las Juntas y los Veranos Municipio Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco.

Michoacán Jardín Botánico del Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas (CIECO) Morelia, Mich. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Campus Morelia / Santiago Arizaga y And Claudia Nepote Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro No. 8701 Col. Ex- +DFLHQGDGH6DQ-RVpGH/D+XHUWD&30RUHOLD0LFKRDFiQ

Michoacán Jardín Botánico “Cerro Punhuato” Morelia, Mich. Secretaría de Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente de Michoacán Escarcha #272 Col. Prados del Campestre C.P. 58290 Morelia, Michoacán.

Morelos Jardín Etnobotánico del INAH-Morelos Cuernavaca, Mor. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 3.5 Matamoros No. 14 1979 The main collections contain cacti, orchids, medicinal, ornamental, food and condiment plants, plus an arboretum with low forest vegetation of the State of Morelos. Contribute to the UHFRJQLWLRQRIHWKQRERWDQ\ ZLWKDQHPSKDVLVRQ0H[LFDQKHUEDOLVP FXOWXUDOKHULWDJH through a representative exhibition of living medicinal plants withgood presentation, and an extensive and innovative educational programme.

Morelos Jardín Botánico “San Isidro” Yecapixtla, Mor. Private NA Carretera

Nuevo León Jardín Botánico “La Yuca” 0RQWHPRUHORV1/%LRSDUTXH³(VWUHOOD´ AC 1.3 Carretera nacional del entronque a Rayones, a 9 km de Montemorelos 1998 About 2,400 examples of about 120 species of cacti and other succulents, including specimens of the Agavaceae, Crassulaceae and Nolinaceae families. It also has a small collection of medicinal plants and a regional nature interpretive trail with submontane scrub and gallery forest. The mission of this garden is principally the conservation of the biological diversity in its environment, including programmes for the evaluation DQGUHVWRUDWLRQRIGHJUDGHGHFRV\VWHPV)RUH[DPSOHWKHSUHVHUYDWLRQSURJUDPPH Annexes 263

RIQDWLYHÀRUDZKLFKLQFOXGHVWKHSURWHFWLRQRIFHUWDLQHQGDQJHUHGVSHFLHVH[LVWLQJ in submontane areas of scrub and desert scrub. It promotes the sustainable use of resources through the sale and propagation of native species and ecotourism. ND

Nuevo León Jardín Botánico “Efraím HernáNAez Xolocotzi”  /LQDUHV 1/ 8QLYHUVLGDG$XWyQRPDGH1XHYR/HyQ.P&DUUHWHUD/LQDUHV&G9LFWRULD NPDOVXURHVWHGH/LQDUHV7KHEHVWUHSUHVHQWHGIDPLOLHVDUHFDFWLOHJXPHV euphorbiaceae and agavaceae. It has approximately 182 species in his collection. &RQGXFW ÀRULVWLF HFRORJLFDO V\VWHPDWLF DQG KRUWLFXOWXUDO VWXGLHV ,W KDV EUHHGLQJ programs for threatened or endangered species as well as education and dissemination among the local population to promote the idea of conservation and management of renewable natural resources. ND

Oaxaca Jardín Etnobotánico de Oaxaca  2D[DFD 2D[ )XQGDFLyQ +DUS (OX Gobierno del Estado 2.00 Reforma s/n Zona Centro. Ex convento Dominico de Santo 'RPLQJR,WKDVVSHFLHVRIDJDYHVFDFWLDQGEXUVHUDV,WVREMHFWLYHVDUH diffusion, education and conservation through propagation. atrac_turisticos/centro_cultural_stodomingo.htm

Oaxaca Jardín Botánico Regional “Cassiano Conzatti”6DQWD&UX];R[RFRWOiQ Oax. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional &DUUHWHUDD=DDFKLOD&XLODSDQ6DQWD&UX];R[RFRWOiQGHVYLDUVHDOFDPLQRGH +RUQRVSRUHOIUDFFLRQDPLHQWR9LOODV;RFR,WVPDLQFROOHFWLRQVDUHUHSUHVHQWHG by 150 species of cacti and other succulents, a section of useful plants and a pond with aquatic plants. The objectives are basically research, preservation and dissemination, keeping or maintaining collections of plants from different ecological and cultural resources for educational purposes, in addition to breeding programmes and ethno- botanical studies.

Oaxaca Jardín Botánico “La Ceiba” del Centro Educativo Cruz Azul Centro Educativo ³&UX]$]XO´&ODXGLDGHORVÈQJHOHV0RUDOHV%ROyQ$OOHQGHVQ&RO3URJUHVR/DJXQDV Oaxaca.

Puebla Jardín Botánico “Luise Wardle de Camacho” Valsequillo, Pue Private 4.00 Carretera a Valsequillo, en la desviación al Oasis. A un costado de Áfricam Safari 1993 Plants native to desert scrub, cacti and the national collection of oaks also has about 500 species. Promote outreach, education, conservation and research on the QDWLYHÀRUDRIWKHVWDWHRI3XHEODDQGIRUPDWLRQRIWKHQDWLRQDOFROOHFWLRQRIRDNV1'

Puebla Jardín Botánico “Helia Bravo Hollis” Zapotitlán Salinas, Pue. Comuneros GH=DSRWLWOiQ6DOLQDV.P&DUUHWHUD)HGHUDO7HKXDFiQ+XDMXDSDQ )ORUDDQGIDXQDSURSDJDWLRQRIFDFWLDQGRWKHUQDWLYHVSHFLHV7KHRQO\IRUHVW RI1HREX[EDXPLDWHWHW]R)RVWHUWKHDSSUHFLDWLRQRIORFDOÀRUDDQGWKHLUWUDGLWLRQDO XVHV DQG SRWHQWLDO VKRZLQJ WKH ERWDQLFDO VLJQL¿FDQFH RI WKH7HKXDFDQ 9DOOH\ WR contribute to the conservation of threatened or endangered species. Apart from being a research centre for educational and recreational purposes. http://zapotitlanmagico. com/jardin_botanico.html

Puebla Jardín Etnobotánico “Francisco Peláez R.”, San Andrés Cholula San Andrés &KROXOD(PSUHVD5RVPDULQXV 3DUWLFXODU &DOOH6XU1R%DUULR6DQWR Niño, a 7 cuadras del zócalo 1993 It houses the largest collection of Old World plants LQ0H[LFR,WKDVRYHUGLIIHUHQWKHUEV)RFXVHGRQSURPRWLQJSODQWFRQVHUYDWLRQ through the transformation of the relationship between humans and plants, especially those considered useful for medicinal, culinary, aromatic, dye or other purposes It promotes in the audience a reminder of the pleasure of living with plants, and learning 264 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico to integrate into plants their daily lives before urbanisation and loss of contact with the world.

Puebla Jardín Botánico de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla “Ignacio Rodríguez Alconedo” Valsequillo, Pue. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla 3.00 Boulevard a Valsequillo. A la entrada del Campus Universitario, frente al área deportiva 1987 Different trees, especially oaks and plants of tempered regions. 7KHEHVWUHSUHVHQWHGIDPLOLHVDUH)DJDFHDH/HJXPLQRVDHDQG&RPSRVLWDH7KH main objectives of this garden are: education, research, diffusion and conservation.

Puebla Jardín Etnobotánico “Quetzalcoatl” Cholula, Pue. Reserva Ecológica =DSRWHFDV$&  0DUJDULWD7ODSD$OPRQWH  3RQLHQWH  %DUULR GH 6DQWLDJR Mixquitla San Pedro Cholula, Puebla.

Querétaro Jardín Botánico Regional de Caderayta “Ing. Manuel González de Cosío”&DGHUH\WD4UR&RQVHMRGH&LHQFLD\7HFQRORJtDGHO(VWDGRGH4XHUpWDUR (MLGR)XHQWHV\3XHEOR1XHYRDOVXUGH&DGHUH\WDGH0RQWHV1DWLYHVSHFLHV IURPWKHVWDWHRI4XHUpWDURZLWKDZLGHGLVWULEXWLRQRQGU\DQGVHPLGU\ODQGVLQWKH centre of the country; arboretum with native tree species and yucca growing. Spread ethno-botanical knowledge about the species on display, whose use is medicinal, food, industry, craft, forage, ornamental and common. publicaciones/publi_prodigios/jardinb_cadereyta/galeria.htm

Querétaro Jardín Botánico de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro Querétaro, Qro. 8QLYHUVLGDG$XWyQRPDGH4XHUpWDUR1'&DPSXVGHOD8QLYHUVLGDG1'&DFWL 7HDFKLQJERWDQLFDQGQDWLYHÀRUD1'

Quintana Roo Botanical Garden Jardín Botánico “Dr. Alfredo Barrera Marín” 3XHUWR 0RUHORV 45 &ROHJLR GH OD )URQWHUD 6XU (&2685   &DUUHWHUD Cancún-Tulúm, a 1 km del cruce a Puerto Morelos 1983 Epiphytes (orchids DQG EURPHOLDGV  PHGLFLQDO SODQWV RUQDPHQWDOV FDFWL DQG DJDYiFHDV +DV  ethnographic exhibits. The best represented families are orchids, legumes, euphorbia, cacti, aroids. There is a regional collection of medicinal plants and 31,317 plant species. Protection and propagation of regional species, to maintain documented scientific collections for research. Also promotes education and outreach on conservation and ethnography of Mayan culture, and the development of programmes and activities of education, recreation and ecotourism through workshops, conferences and event organisation.

Sinaloa Botanical Garden Jardín Botánico “Benjamín F. Johnston”/RV0RFKLV 6LQ 6RFLHGDG -DUGtQ %RWiQLFR GH /RV 0RFKLV ,$3  %OYG$QWRQLR 5RVDOHV Col. Americand. Parque Sinaloa 1929 Exotic plants from Asia, Africa and Australia. ;HURSK\WHVLQWKHUHJLRQDQGVWDWH5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVRIWKH)DEDFHDH5XELDFHDH Moraceae, Arecaceae and Bigoniaceae families. Increase the collection and preservation of regional and exotic plants, as well as the protection of endangered species. Promote the study, preservation and dissemination of plant diversity through courses and guided tours, and to interact with national and international jb for the exchange of knowledge and experience.

Sinaloa Jardín Botánico de Sinaloa Culiacán, Sin. Sociedad Botánica y Zoológica de Sinaloa 10.00 Av. Américas 2134 Col. Villa Universidad 1980 Over 300 species of all types; exotic, native and traditional, with emphasis on ornamental species. 5HSUHVHQWV HFRV\VWHPV VXFK DV WURSLFDO MXQJOH GHVHUW DUWL¿FLDO ODNH DQG WURSLFDO Annexes 265 deciduous forest. Has an oriental pavilion with old bonsais as well as bodies of water to show water plants. Education through spreading to create culture of conservation and preservation of nature, in addition to combining and reconciling nature with art. ND

Sinaloa Jardín Botánico del Acuario Mazatlán, Sin. Gobierno del Estado de 6LQDORD 1$$Y GH ORV 'HSRUWHV D  P GH$YGHO 0DU =RQD &RVWHUD   VSHFLHV RI 3DOPDH /HJXPLQRVDH (XSKRUELDFHDH =DPLDFHDH %LJQRQLDFHDH and Apocynaceae families in the form of and arboretum. Education through recreation and protecting nature through living elements (existing flora and IDXQD  WKDW KHOS WR FUHDWH D UHFUHDWLRQDO DWPRVSKHUH DQG HGXFDWH YLVLWRUV 1'

Tabasco Tropical Agricultural Garden Jardín Agrícola Tropical “Puyacatengo” Teapa, Tab. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Centro Regional Universitario del 6XUHVWH6DQ-RVp3X\DFDWHQJR1'9HJHWDWLRQLQWKHDUHDHVSHFLDOO\IUXLW trees and collections of Poaceae. Training support on tropical agriculture for students at the Universidad Autonoma Chapingo.


Tabasco Botanical Garden Jardín Botánico Universitario “José N. Rovirosa” 9LOODKHUPRVD7DE8QLYHUVLGDG-XiUH]$XWyQRPDGH7DEDVFR 8-$7 .P Carretera 180 Villahermosa-Cárdenas. Dentro de las instalaciones de la División $FDGpPLFDGH&LHQFLDV%LROyJLFDV0DLQFROOHFWLRQVRIVSHFLHVRIDURLGV palms, cycads, legumes, malvaceae, orchids, bromeliads, ferns and cacti, water and semi aquatic plants. There is a socioeconomic collection of forest, fruit and ethno- botanical interest. There is also, one hectare of Haematoxylon campechianum Environmental education, recreation and disclosure. Establishing ex situ and in situ SURJUDPPHVIRUWKHFRQVHUYDWLRQRIHQGDQJHUHGÀRUDLQWKHVWDWHZZZXMDWP[

Tamaulipas Botanical Garden Jardín Botánico “Andcahuita” Ciudad Victoria, Tmps. Club de Jardinería, Ecología y Diseño Andcahuita A.C. Alma Rosa Guerra de 5RFKp'HQWURGHO3DUTXH5HFUHDWLYR&XOWXUDO6LJOR;;, /OHUDGH&DQGOHV&LXGDG 9LFWRULD\HO0DUJHGHO5LR &LXGDG9LFWRULD7DPDXOLSDV 

Tamaulipas Botanical Garden Jardín Botánico “Las Piedras” Ciudad Victoria, Tmps. Jardín de Piedra A.C. Sergio Guillermo Niebla Álvarez Carretera-Victoria- 0RQWHUR.P(MLGR/DERUFLWDV³/D7HTXLOHUD´9LFWRULD7DPDXOLSDV

Tlaxcala Botanical Garden Jardín Botánico de Tizatlán, Tlaxcala Tlaxcala, Tlax Coordinación General de Ecología, Gobierno del Estado de Tlaxcala Antiguo Camino Real a Ixtulco s/n C.P. 90100 Tlaxcala, Tlax.

Veracruz Botanical Garden Jardín Botánico “Francisco Javier Clavijero” ;DODSD 9HU,QVWLWXWRGH(FRORJtD$&.PFDUUHWHUDDQWLJXD;DODSD&RDWHSHF Owns 1,200 species and 2 national collections: cycads and bamboos. Also collections of fern and orchids. Regional medicinal plants, and propagation of threatened species in the mesophyll forest To maintain a documented collection of living plants that VXSSRUWVWKHVFLHQWL¿FLQYHVWLJDWLRQFRQWULEXWHVWRWKHNQRZOHGJHDQGFRQVHUYDWLRQ of plant biodiversity and that is a resource for activities related to education, diffusion and sustainable development. 266 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Veracruz Ecologic Park Parque Ecológico “Paso Coyol”. Is not appropriately D ERWDQLFDO JDUGHQ &yUGRED 9HU 3DWURQDWR GHO 3DUTXH &DOOH  VQ HQWUH DYHQLGDV  \  )UDFFLRQDPLHQWR %HOOD 9LVWD  ([RWLF DQG QDWLYH VSHFLHV from the cacti, agavaceas zamiaceae and palm families. Conservation of plant species in the Veracruzana Cordoba region, environmental education as a tool for conservation, and planting native seeds for the live germplasm bank. ND

Veracruz Botanical garden of the Biology Station Jardín Botánico de la Estación de Biología de la UNAM “Los Tuxtlas” Catemaco, Ver. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México NA Carretera de Catemaco a Montepío ND Tree and bush species in the tropical jungle. Conservation and teaching.


$QQH[5HSRUWRISURPRWLRQDQGUHVHDUFKRQ)*5SURMHFWVGXULQJWKHSHULRG  $71.90 $17.20 $70.00 $21.00 $100.00 $100.00 $880.00 $100.00 $3,475.40 $3,670.80 $114,310.21 Subtotal CONAFOR Gutiérrez Raúl López Velázquez VILLA DE LOS NIÑOSVILLA A.C.; Dr. M.C. Jesús Gustavo INIFAP; Salazar García INIFAP; M. C. Edith Villavicencio INIFAP; Postgraduados-U. Tlaxcala, Dr. Gerencia de Educación y Capacitación Programa Forestal del Colegio IIAEC, A.C. M.C. María Cristina Programa Forestal del Colegio Colegio de INIFAP- Biol. Miguel Ángel Bello INIFAP; Gerencia de Educación y Capacitación Gerencia de ReforestaciónGerencia de ReforestaciónGerencia de Reforestación $12,000.00 Gerencia de Reforestación $14,300.00 Gerencia de Reforestación $32,200.00 $3,000.00 $52,600.00 Ruiz Moreno González de Postgraduados de Postgraduados (Cirimo), (Nurite). Schlecht.) asylirion Tilia mexicand Taxus globosa Satureja macrostema Project Schl. Et Cham. in Veracruz. (Toronjil) and Pinus patula Germplasm Bank, Villa de los niños. Conservation of germplasm and definition seed transference zones for Manipulation techniques for ornamental, threatened or endangered cacti. 2 training courses on forest germplasm management 2 training courses on forest germplasm management and plant production Equipment of FGB and UPGF Maintenance of FGB and UPGF Acquisition of Germplasm Establishment of seed orchards. 54 courses and workshops given to technicians producers during the period 2001-2011 (undetermined amount) Strategic conservation and genetic improvement of Pseudotsuga spp. Conifer in Tlaxcala and the central region of country. Development of technologies for the growth and micro propagation of medicinal species in temperate climates: Agastache mexicand Generation of technology for the in vitro production cedarsanum Establishment of seed orchards with superior genetic material Pinus patula and greggii Geographic variation of the content taxa and propagation selected material from the Mexican Yew ( Financing Body Responsible Body (Miles) Total CONAFOR (2006-2011) CONAFOR-CONACYT CONAFOR-CONACYT 2003 CONAFOR-CONACYT 2004 CONAFOR-CONACYT 2003 268 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRISURPRWLRQDQGUHVHDUFKRQ)*5SURMHFWVGXULQJWKHSHULRG  &RQW $60.00 $80.00 $16.20 $233.20 $160.00 $160.00 $260.00 $144.00 $160.00 $400.00 $160.00 Hernández Méndez Salvador Medina Cervantes Cervantes Patiño Valera ITF; Lic. Santiago Solís Sánchez Jorge Cantú VegaINIFAP; $96.00 $104.00 Gaona COLPOS; Dr. Jesús Vargas COLPOS; Dr. M.C. Elías Ortíz INIFAP; INIFAP; M.C. José Isidro Melchor INIFAP; UACH; Guillermo Mendoza de la UABC; Dr.ICA Tomás UANL; Dr. Andrés Eduardo FUEGO MAYA, A.C. ; Fernando Universidad veracruzana; M.C. UNICACH; M.C. Clara Luz Micelí ECOSUR; Dra. Susana Ochoa CUCBA U de G; Mena Munguía CUCBA Estrada Castillón Castelan Marroquín Salvador Andrés Rivera Fernández Pinus (oyster mushroom) clones S.T.Blake. Muell. Arg.) in the ) in two regions of the state Pleurotusos treatus Project Eucalyptus urophylla in north-eastern Mexico. evea brasiliensis Cedrela odorata Pinus ayacahuite Taxus globosa Mart. In its natural area of distribution in Veracruz Effect of the level and type competition for stimulation genetic parameters and the behavior of Selection of Red cedar ( Grafting protocol of Determination of seed stands in tree species the lowland the Biósfera La Sepultura reserve, Chiapas, México. of Veracruz and their response to growth promoting rhizobacteria. Determination of population attributes and productivity chiapensis and Puebla. Validation of new rubber ( Establisment of seed areas for mahogany and cedar in the state of Yucatan. humid tropics of Mexico. Plant diagnostic of seed areas and natural stands in the “Región del Salto” of the Pueblo Nuevo, Durango municipality. Management and conservation of the Natural Mezquite populations in Northern Nuevo Leon. Study of the phenology forest species with potential interest for economic, elologic and conservation uses. Development of techniques for the growth and use medicinal species with the greatest demand in temperate forests of Tlaxcala state. Plantations of Implementation of technology to produce in the indigenous community of Cucapa el Mayor, en Mexicali, B.C. Financing Body Responsible Body (Miles) Total CONAFOR-CONACYT Annexes 269

$QQH[5HSRUWRISURPRWLRQDQGUHVHDUFKRQ)*5SURMHFWVGXULQJWKHSHULRG  &RQW $285.00 $208.00 $190.00 $400.00 $240.00 $230.00 $100.00 $18,275.37 $12,209.70 Subtotal CONABIO Subtotal CONAFOR-CONACYT Jesús Marín Hernández Santacruz Irabien la Garza López de Lara INIFAP; M.C. María del Pilar de INIFAP; UABC; Resp Admon. Edgar Dr.INIFAP; del Niño Teresita FUEGO MAYA, A.C. ; M.C. U de G; M.C. Antonio Mora INIFAP; Dra. SusanaINIFAP; Azpíroz CONABIO $18,275.37 Dr. María Luisa Osorio RosalesDr. $60.00 Dra.INIFAP; del Niño J. Teresita CICY; Dra. Luz María Calvo CICY; Cristhian Casillas Ibarra Patiño Fernando Valera Marín Hernández Rivero Hilda Susana ) sp). Encyclia Quercus Lem.); ): a species Taxus globosa from three experimental Tabebuia donnell-smithii Rose Lippia graveolens Crysoporthe Project Beaucarnea recurvata spp. Eucalyptus (La Llave and Lex.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae) in the Characterisation of mezquite populations in North-Eastern Baja California. In vitro conservation and Molecular Characterization of adenocaula Municipality of Temascaltepec, México. Genetic variability through molecular markers in native populations and spring commercial plantations. ( in the Soconusco, Chiapas. Identification and establishment of Community Forest Germplasm Production Units in the area of corridors from Mesoamerican Biological corridor-Mexico, in Chiapas. 47 Projects of floristic inventories, computerisation collections, analysis of species with ecomomic potential, useful for reforestation and publications. Techniques of vegetative propagation in oak species. ( Conservaion and use of the ( non-timber economic forest species in the WMU "3 de mayo" of the community of Loma de Rigal, Emiliano Zapata, Veracruz. Analysis of the accumulation in vitro taxol under different conditions. Biological bases for the management, propagation and conservation of mount oregano ( plantations of of high importance in Yucatán state. Molecular characterisation of Financing Body Responsible Body (Miles) Total CONAFOR-CONACYT CONABIO 270 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRISURPRWLRQDQGUHVHDUFKRQ)*5SURMHFWVGXULQJWKHSHULRG  &RQW $289.50 $839.50 $450.00 $100.00 Villa Castorena Ma. Magdalena Villa Benavides Meza Héctor Mario $350.00 Bautista Efraín Velasco $950.00 $1,264.00 Sánchez Monsalvo VicenteSampayo Maldonado Salvador $3,579.00 $1,417.00 Morales Nieto Carlos Raúl Prieto Ruiz José Ángel $1,536.00 Ríos Saucedo Julio Cesar $4,000.00 Prieto Ruiz José Ángel $1,520.00 $500.00 Programa Forestal del Colegio Programa Forestal del Colegio Programa Forestal del Colegio de Postgraduados de Postgraduados de Postgraduados Subtotal COLEGIO DE POSTGRADUADOS . (D.F.) Euphorbia Abies religiosa and Project Pinus hartwegii genus in the región of Libres and los Llanos de . (Durango) Lupinus Pinus arizonica Pinus durangensis y englemannii Technological package to asexually produce timber forest species of: (Chihuahua) Productive potential of timber forest species validated by CONAFOR for the establishment of commercial plantations in Tamaulipas. Establishment of seed orchards with superior genetic material in the región of Zacatlán-Chignahuapan, Puebla. Determination of forest diversity in the Valleys Serdán and Libres in the state of Puebla. Genetic and morphological diversity agronomic behaviour of the Serdán, Puebla Predictive models of production non-timber forest products. (D.F.) Regional selection of genotypes the main tropical forest species for the establishment of commercial plantations. (Veracruz) Production and productivity in nurseries forest plantations of the . (Durango) Generation, validation and/or development of technnologies for the sustainable management of productive chain mezquite in central-northern Mexico.(Durango) Development of a module for the transference technological package applying reforestation methodologies and producing plantlets under nursery conditions. (Durango) Techniques for the production of seedling antisyphilitica Introduction of sources for the restoration forest in decline Federal District. Financing Body Responsible Body (Miles) Total INIFAP Colegio de Postgraduados Annexes 271

$QQH[5HSRUWRISURPRWLRQDQGUHVHDUFKRQ)*5SURMHFWVGXULQJWKHSHULRG  &RQW $2,106.40 Solares Arenas Fortunato $264.00 Ávila Rolando Ayala $120.00 Miguel Tena Melitón Vega Arredondo Gómez Alberto $126.00 $276.00 Sierra J. Santos Tristán Guerra De La Cruz Vidal $96.00 $1,175.93 Villavicencio Gutiérrez Eulalia Villavicencio $1,138.00 Gutiérrez Vázquez Benito Natalio $1,000.00 Martínez Domínguez Perfecto Alfaro Reyna TeresaCervantes Mendivil TeodoroPrieto Ruiz José Ángel $450.00 $850.00 Hernández Cruz José Miguel Velásquez $1,404.50 Miguel Valle Agustín $250.00 $841.90 Project Proyecto in the state of Puebla. in the state of Tabasco. evea brasiliensis Establishment of an investigation network for the sustainable Management of tropical jungles in Quintana Roo. Identification of ornamental, native and introduced non-timber forest species with potencial for production in the Huasteca Potosina. (S.L.P.) Validation of timber and non-timber forest species with potential in the state of San Luis Potosí. Establishment and registry of germplasm production units in the state of Chiapas. Collection, characterisation and production of ornamental cacti. (Coahuila) Diagnostic and evaluation of the main non-timber species economic importance in Tamaulipas. Collection, multiplication and establishment of agaves for industrial purposes in Chihuahua. Integrated strategy for the sustainable management of forests of Pseudotsuga menziesii Inventory of wild agave populations and commercial plantations in Sonora. Methodology for the establishment and management of forest germplasm producing units in Durango. Technological transference in the multiplication of new clones of Transference of technology for plant production and restoration of forest areas in Tlaxcala. Plant production with species in dry and semi-dry areas the state of Chihuahua. Technology to improve priority forest species productivity in deciduous lowland forest. (Morelos) Financing Body Responsible Body (Miles) Total Instancia financiante Instancia responsable (Miles) Total INIFAP 272 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRISURPRWLRQDQGUHVHDUFKRQ)*5SURMHFWVGXULQJWKHSHULRG  &RQW $686.20 $240.00 $30,232.79 Subtotal INIFAP Leonardo Martínez Salvador MartinGarcía Rodríguez José $913.33 Fuentes López Martha Elena $304.80 Cortes Cruz Moisés Alberto $405.67 Cristina Gómez Cárdenas Martin Alarcón Bustamante Manuel $125.50 $107.00 Gómez Cárdenas MartinZamora Martínez Marisela $1,362.50 Maya Martínez Aixchel $442.07 Villanueva Díaz José Villanueva $431.00 (linaloe) Taxodium ) through the integration of Bursera aloexylon Project ypsiphyla grandella ten) in Cuenca del Rio San Pedro Mezquital. Euphorbia antisyphilitica Generation of cellular lines Swietenia macrophylla resistant to Meliceae Boe ( the gene BT (CRGF-JALSCO). Patterns of distrubution and indicators productivity for the use and conservation of forest species in dry areas. (Chihuahua) Development of strategies and technologies for the sustainable use of timber and non-timber resources. (Durango) Proposal of the methodology to formulate national inventory of Analysis of the situation in plantations, tree species with status and the uses for charcoal in Campeche. Production of linaloe plants and design the prototype for distillation of essential oils. (Oaxaca) Management agency for innovation in maguey mezcal production in the districts of: Ejutla, Miahutlán, Ocotlán and Zimatlan in Oaxaca. Technical and socioeconomical evaluation of the process reforestation using natural regenerating Plantlets (Chihuahua). Characteristics and properties of from the states of: Guerrero, Puebla, Oaxaca and Morelos. (Puebla) ucronatum (Durango) Population dynamics of sabino and ahuehuete ( Financing Body Responsible Body (Miles) Total INIFAP Annexes 273

$QQH[5HSRUWRISURPRWLRQDQGUHVHDUFKRQ)*5SURMHFWVGXULQJWKHSHULRG  &RQW $243.60 $700.00 $417.60 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,700.00 $3,391.61 $8,791.61 $1,355.09 $5,736.08 $2,520.00 $5,550.00 $15,822.37 Comisión forestal del Estado de Comisión forestal del Estado de Comisión forestal del Estado de Comisión forestal del Estado de Comisión forestal del Estado de Instituto de Reconversión Instituto de Reconversión Instituto de Reconversión Instituto de Reconversión Instituto de Reconversión Instituto de Reconversión Productiva y Bioenergéticos Productiva y Bioenergéticos Productiva y Bioenergéticos Productiva y Bioenergéticos Productiva y Bioenergéticos Productiva y Bioenergéticos Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Michoacán Subtotal COMISIÓN FORESTAL DE MICHOACÁN Subtotal COMISIÓN FORESTAL Project Subtotal SRÍA. DEL MEDIOSubtotal SRÍA. DEL DE CHIAPAS NATURAL AMBIENTE E HISTORIA Creation of 9 studies for the Register Germplasm Production Units. Construction of the State Forest Germplasm Bank. Creation of 15 studies for the Register Germplasm Production Units. Rehabilitation and operation of two forest germplasm banks acquisition of native species forest germplasm. Fitogenetic diagnostics of priority watersheds. Training technicians and producers on forest germplasmy Production and conservation of forest germplasm. Management and operation of 3 seed areas. Conservaiton of germplasm in priority species. Awareness and conservation of priority forest species in Michoacan. Forest genetic improvement (bank and production units). Financing Body Responsible Body (Miles) Total Estado de Michoacán de Chiapas Secretaría del Medio Comisión Forestal del Ambiente e Historia Natural 274 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

$QQH[5HSRUWRISURPRWLRQDQGUHVHDUFKRQ)*5SURMHFWVGXULQJWKHSHULRG  &RQW $796.95 $400.00 $400.00 $800.00 $575.00 $460.00 $200.00 $350.00 $300.00 $555.00 $227.25 $3,082.29 $6,054.24 $2,092.25 Estado de México Estado de México Estado de México Estado de México Estado de México Estado de México y de Suelo y de Suelo y de Suelo y de Suelo y de Suelo Dirección de Desarrollo Forestal Dirección de Desarrollo Forestal Dirección de Desarrollo Forestal Dirección de Desarrollo Forestal Dirección de Desarrollo Forestal Dirección de Desarrollo Forestal Protectora de Bosques del Protectora de Bosques del Protectora de Bosques del Protectora de Bosques del Protectora de Bosques del Protectora de Bosques del de Suelo and and Pinus greggii Pinus hartwegii Pinus greggii Subtotal SRÍA. DE MEDIO EDO. DE MÉXICO AMBIENTE DEL Project Subtotal SRÍA. DE SUSTENT. AMB. DE PUEBLA ORD. TERRITORIAL Y propagation of in vitro sp. Eucalyptus camaldulensis y globulus sp. Protocols for in vitro propagation of: Fraxinus uhdei and Paulonia Techniques for producing layering in Pinus patula. Establishment of the second generation seed orchard Pinus greggii Protocol for the Techniques for the propatation of: de Pseudotsuga Techniques for asexual propagation and tissue culture Chiranthode Aron pentadactylon Equipment and operation of the germplasm bank. Lab equipment and operation of the germplasm bank. Facilities and equipment for drying processing germplams. Operation of the germplasm bank. Drying oven and bank operation. Bank operation. Bank operation. Financing Body Responsible Body (Miles) Total Ordenamiento del Territorial Ambiente del Estado de Secretaría de Secretaría de Medio Estado de Puebla Sustentabilidad Ambiental y México Annexes 275

$QQH[5HSRUWRISURPRWLRQDQGUHVHDUFKRQ)*5SURMHFWVGXULQJWKHSHULRG  &RQW $12.50 $35.00 $50.00 $106.68 $106.68 $243.36 $243.36 $120.00 $217.50 $7,500.00 $1,477.70 $1,477.70 $4,500.00 $7,350.00 $7,350.00 $12,000.00 $230,023.55 (FIPRODEFO) (FIPRODEFO) (FIPRODEFO) (FIPRODEFO) ANTONIO NARRO ANTONIO Fideicomiso para la Desarrollo Forestal Desarrollo Forestal Desarrollo Forestal Desarrollo Forestal Programa Forestal del Colegio Programa Forestal del Colegio Dirección Forestal de la Fideicomiso para la Fideicomiso para la Fideicomiso para la Dirección Forestal de la SEMAREN, Gro. SEMAREN, Gro. Administración del Programa de Administración del Programa de Administración del Programa de Administración del Programa de de Postgraduados Postgraduados SUBTOTAL FUNDACIÓN PRODUCE,SUBTOTAL A.C. Pinus pinceand Subtotal UNIVERSIDAD DE NUEVO LEÓN AUTÓNOMA Pinus greggii NIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA AGRARIA Subtotal IFS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE FOUNDATION Subtotal IFS INTERNATIONAL Subtotal SRÍA. DE DESARROLLO RURAL DEL EDO. DE JALISCO DEL Subtotal SRÍA. DE DESARROLLO RURAL Project Eucalyptus urophylla Pinus oocarpa Subtotal SRÍA. DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DE GUERRERO REC. NATURALES Y Eucalyptus urophylla Eucalyptus urophylla E ucalyptus grandis y Pinus douglasiand Variation in morphological and adaptative traits their relationship to the population size and density of Demonstrative trial with: Pinus caribaea Pinus caribaea hondurensis Clonal trial of Clonal trial of E ucalyptus urograndis 15 tests in Training, equipment and collection to holders of 9 production units. Establishment of 9 production units and 1 germplasm bank. Conservation and Genetic improvement of TOTAL Financing Body Responsible Body (Miles) Total Naturales de Guerrero for Science Ambiente y Recursos estado de Jalisco Secretaría de Medio Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro IFS International Foundation Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Secretaría de Desarrollo Fundación PRODUCE, A.C. Rural del gobierno 276 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico


Colegio de Postgraduados (Texcoco, Méx.) Postgraduate degree in Forest Sciences Germplasm Management )RUHVW*HQHWLFV )RUHVW7UHH*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW Conservation Genetics

El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (San Cristóbal, Chis.) Masters Degree in Conservation of Genetic Resources Management Conservation Genetics Evolution and systematic Conservation biology

Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (Saltillo, Coah.) Bachelors degree in Forest Engineering )RUHVW*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW )RUHVWVHHGDQGQXUVHULHV Bachelors degree in Seed Technology Production of forest species

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (Texcoco, Méx.) Bachelors degree in Forest Engineering Plant Phisyology Bachelors degree in Forest Restoration Engineering Management and conservation of protected areas )RUHVW%LRWHFKQRORJ\ Management and conservation of strange and endangered species Masters degree in Forest Sciences )RUHVW*HQHWLFV )RUHVW*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW In vitro propagation of forest species

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (Linares, N.L.) Bachelors degree in Forest engineering Conservation Biology )RUHVW*HQHWLFV )RUHVW6HHGVDQG1XUVHULHV Masters degree in Natural Resources )RUHVW*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (Pachuca, Hgo.) Bachelors degree in Biology )RUHVW*HQHWLFV Annexes 277

Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México (El Fuerte, Sin.) Bachelors degree in Biotechnological Forest Engineering Molecular Biology Tissue culture of forest species )RUHVW*HQHWLFV Molecular Markers )RUHVWWUHH*HQHWLF(QJLQHHULQJ Genetic Improvement of Forest Trees Population Genetics Degree in Community Forest Engineering )RUHVW*HQHWLFV )RUHVW*HUPSODVPDQG1XUVHULHV0DQDJHPHQW 3ODQWSK\VLRORJ\DQG)RUHVW*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW

Universidad de Guadalajara (Zapopan, Jal.) Bachelors degree in agronomy )RUHVW*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW 4XDQWLWDWLYH*HQHWLFV Molecular Biology Genetic Engineering Engineering degree in Agricultural and Natural Resources Genetics and Evolution Bachelors degree in Biology Genetics Population Ecology )RUHVW*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW Masters degree in Ecophysiology Sciences and Genetic Resources )LWRJHQHWLF5HVRXUFHV Ecologic genetics Bachelors degree in Forest Engineering Genetics )RUHVW*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW0HWKRGV 6HOHFWWRSLFVRQ)RUHVW6HHGV 6HOHFWWRSLFVRQ)RUHVW*HQHWLFV Bachelors degree in Biology Genetics Management and conservation of natural resources Plant Biotechnology Applied biotechnology

Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (Durango, Dgo.) Bachelors degree in Forest science engineering Biotechnology Engineering in Environment and Natural Resource Management Forest Genetics Biotechnology Genetic Improvement topics ,QWURGXFWLRQWR4XDQWLWDWLYH*HQHWLFV Masters degree in Natural Sciences )RUHVW*HQHWLFV 278 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico


Universidad Autónoma Nacional de México (México, D.F.) Bachelors degree and Postgraduate degrees in Biology and ecology Selected Genetics Subjects Conservation Genetics Population Genetics Biotechnology Genetics )LORJHRJUDSK\ 4XDQWLWDWLYHJHQHWLFVDQGHFRORJ\ )LORJHQHWLFLQIHUHQFH )LORJHQHWLFUHFRQVWUXFWLRQPHWKRGV Natural selection and adaptation )LORJHQHWLFLQIHUHQFH Molecular Evolution

Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (Morelia, Mich.) Bachelors degree in Biology Introduction to quantitative genetics Genetic Improvement Topics Postgraduate degree in Natural Resources )RUHVW*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW 4XDQWLWDWLYH*HQHWLFV )RUHVW*HQHWLFV

Universidad Veracruzana (Xalapa, Ver.) Bachelors degree in Biology Genetics

Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto (Pueblo Nuevo, Dgo.) Bachelors degree in Forest Engineering )RUHVW*HQHWLFV 0DVWHUVGHJUHHRI)RUHVW6XVWDLQDEOH'HYHORSPHQW )RUHVW*HQHWLF,PSURYHPHQW

Instituto Tecnológico Valle de Morelia (Morelia, Mich.) Bachelors degree in Forest Engineering )RUHVW*HQHWLFV

Instituto Tecnológico de Perote (Perote, Ver.) Bachelors degree in Forest Engineering )RUHVW*HQHWLFV

Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Irapuato (Irapuato, Gto.) Bachelors degree in Forest Engineering )RUHVW*HQHWLFV Annexes 279


José Delgadillo Rodríguez'U%RWDQ\)DFXOW\RI6FLHQFHV8$%&3URIHVVRU &RRUGLQDWRURIWKH%&0(;+HUEDULXP%DMD&DOLIRUQLD  ([W MGHOJDMRVH#JPDLOFRP&DOOH1R&RO$]WHFD(QVHQDGD%&)ORULVWLFV and ecology of of the Northern Baja California coniferous forest, in San Pedro Már- tir, Vegetación de Sierra de Juárez.

Selene Aguilar Aguilar Dr. In Agricultural Sciences Private research and consul- WDQF\5HVHDUFKHU%DMD&DOLIRUQLD  \VHOHQHBDD#\DKRR Juventud Democrática 2000 No 1011 Mexicali, B.C., C.P. 21358 Genetic improvement, Ectomycorrhizal, Management of germplasm.

Joaquín Gómez Tejero$JURQRPLVW'U6HHG)RUHVWU\,1,)$35HVHDUFKHU &DPSHFKH  JRPH]MRDTXLQ#LQLIDSJREP[NP&DUU&DPSHFKH Pocyaxum, Campeche c.p. 24520, China, Campeche Management of germplasm, mahogany, cedar and gmelina.

Jorge Luis López Torres0&)RUHVW6FLHQFHV,QVWLWXWR7HFQROyJLFRGH&KLQi5H- VHDUFKHU&DPSHFKH  -ORSHWRUUH#\DKRRFRP'RPLFLOLR&RQRFLGR Chiná, Campeche Demographic analysis and genetics of threatened plant species for conservation and resource management.

Neftalí Ramírez Marcial Dr. Botany Ecosur Investigator Chiapas nramirezm@eco- Carretera Pandmericana y Periférico Sur s/n, Barrio María Auxiliadora, San &ULVWyEDOGH/DV&DVDV&KLDSDV&3&RQVHUYDWLRQDQGUHVWRUDWLRQRIIRUHVWV

Jesús Miguel Olivas García'U)DFXOWDGGH&LHQFLDV$JUtFRODV\)RUHVWDOHV 8$&+5HVHDUFKHU&KLKXDKXD  MROLYDV#XDFKP[ .P carr. Delicias-Rosales, Cd. Delicias, Chih. Apartado Postal 33000 Testing of prog- eny, genetic improvement in forest species and provenance trials.


Juan Pablo Jaramillo-Correa%LRORJLVWDQG'RFWRULQ)RUHVW6FLHQFHV,QVWLWXWRGH (FRORJtD±81$03URIHVVRU5HVHDUFKHU'LVWULWR)HGHUDO    MDUD- [email protected] Circuito exterior s/n. AP 70-275. Ciudad Universitaria, 81$00p[LFR')0ROHFXODUJHQHWLFVRISRSXODWLRQVSK\ORJHRJUDSK\ conservation of genetic resources, conifers.


José Ángel Prieto Ruíz Agricultural engineer, specialising in forests. Dr. Nursery DQGSODQGWDWLRQIRUHVWV,1,)$35HVHDUFKH'XUDQJR   280 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico [email protected] Km 4.5. Carr. Durango-El Mezquital. Durango, Dgo. Seed Management, plant production establishment of tests for species and/or pre- cedences.



José Ángel López López%LRORJLVW0&),352'()25HVHDUFKHU-DOLVFR     DQJHOORSH]#¿SURGHIRRUJP[ &DOOH %UXVHODV 1RDOWRV Col. moderna, C.P. 44190 Seed orchard Management for Pinus douglasiand and clonal bank.

Javier López Upton Engineer Specialized in forests. Phd in Genetic Improvement Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas Professor Researcher México   ([WXSWRQM#FROSRVP[.P&DU0p[ 7H[FRFR 0RQWHFLOOR 7H[FRFR 0p[ &3  *HQHWLF LPSURYHPHQW TXDQWLWLYH JHQHWLFV conservation of genetic resources, and germplasm management.


Jesús Jasso Mata Agriculcure engineer specialized in forests PhD in genetics Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas Professor Researcher México   ([WMHMDPD#FROSRVP[.P&DU0H[ 7H[FRFR 0RQWHFLOOR7H[FRFR0H[&3)RUHVWJHQHWLFVJHQHWLFLPSURYHPHQWVSH- cies phenology, seed orchard management.



Nidia Nasser Pérez Biologist Phd in genetics Universidad Autónoma Nacional GH0p[LFR3URIHVVRU5HVHDUFKHU0LFKRDFiQ  )D[   [email protected] María de Guido Morelia, Michoacán, 58090, México Molecular Genetics, Ecologic Genetics Population genetics. Annexes 281


Antonio González Rodríguez Biologist, Dr. of ecology Centro de Investigaciones HQ(FRVLVWHPDV81$05HVHDUFKHU7LWXODU0LFKRDFiQ  DJURGULJ# Antigua Carr. a Pátzcuaro 8701. Col. ExHacienda de San José de /D+XHUWD0RUHOLD0LFKRDFiQ&RQVHUYDWLRQJHQHWLFV¿ORJHRJUDSK\ELRLQ- dicators, parasitic plants.

Cuauhtémoc Sáenz Romero Doctor of sciences Instituto de Investigaciones Ag- URSHFXDULDV\)RUHVWDOHV ,,$) 8061+3URIHVVRU5HVHDUFKHU0LFKRDFiQ    ([W  )D[  FVDHQ]URPHUR#JPDLOFRP .P  &DUU0RUHOLD Zinapécuaro TaríMAro Michoacán 58880 México Genetic resource Management, JHQHWLFYDULDWLRQDOWLWXGLQDOJHQHWLFV]RQL¿FDWLRQDGDSWDWLRQWRFOLPDWHFKDQJH

Nahum Sánchez Vargas Doctor of sciences UMSNH Professor Researcher Mi- FKRDFiQ  ([WQVDQFKH]Y#\DKRRFRP.P&DU0RUHOLD Zinapécuaro, TariMAro, Mich. Establishment of sexual and clonal conifer seed or- chards and progeny and seed collection studies .


Roberto Lindig Cisneros Dr. of management of land resources Centro de Inves- WLJDFLRQHVHQ(FRVLVWHPDV81$03URIHVVRU5HVHDUFKHU0LFKRDFiQ   UOLQGLJ#RLNRVXQDPP[$QWLJXD&DUUHWHUDD3iW]FXDUR1R0RUHOLD0L- choacán, CP 58190 México Reestablishment of populations in ecologic restoration sites.




Marco Aurelio González Tagle'URI)RUHVW6FLHQFHV)DFXOWDGGH&LHQFLD)RUHV- WDOHV8$1/3URIHVVRU5HVHDUFKHU1XHYR/HyQ  H[W PDUFR WDJOH#JPDLO&DUU1DF.P/LQDUHV1/0H[LFR%LRORJLFDOFRQVHUYD- tion, population genetics, germplasm management. 282 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico

Horacio Villalón Mendoza'URI)RUHVW6FLHQFHV)DFXOWDGGH&LHQFLD)RUHVWDOHV 8$1/3URIHVVRU5HVHDUFKHU1XHYR/HyQ  ([WKRUDFLR YLOODORQ#JDPLFRP&DUU1DF.P/LQDUHV1/0p[LFR %LRORJLF conservation, population genetics, germplasm management.

Fortunato Solares Arenas Msc oinmanagement and conservation of deciduous IRUHVW,1,)$3&DPSR([SHULPHQWDO=DFDWHSHF 5HVHDUFKHU 0RUHORV   3820; Ext. 118 [email protected] Car. Galeand-Zacatepec; Km 0.5; Zacatepec, Mor. Germplasm management of priority speces in the deciduous forest.



Rafael F. del Castillo Sánchez Dr of genetics and plant ecology IPN CIIDIR Pro- IHVVRU7LWXODU2D[DFD  H[WIVDQFKH]#LSQP[+RUQRV 1RFKHEXHQD6DQWD&UX];R[RFRWODQ2D[DFD*HQHWLFHFRORJ\DQGSRSXOD- tion genetics. Ecology and forest conservation.

José Vidal Cob Uicab)RUHVWHQJLQHHU'URIIRUHVWELRWHFKQRORJ\,1,)$35H- VHDUFKHU4XLQWDQD5RR  &HOFREMRVH#LQLIDSJREP[ .P&DU&KHWXPDO%DFDODU&3&KHWXPDO4XLQWDQG5RR6HOHFWLRQDQG improvement assisted by molecular markers. Ex situ and in situ conservation. In vitro propagation.


Miguel Ángel Angulo Escalante Dr. of pharmacology and toxicology Centro de in- vestigación en alimentación y desarrollo, A.C.. Unidad Culiacán CIAD Researcher 6LQDORD  PDQJXOR#FLDGHGXP[GHRFWXEUH&RO/RPDVGHO Sol, Culiacán, Sinaloa Inventory of plants with medical, food or bioenergetic pur- poses from the state of Sinaloa.

Luisa del C. Cámara Cabrales$JULFXOWXUHHQJLQHHU'URI)RUHVWUHVRXUFH0DQ- DJHPHQW 'DFELRO 'LY $FDG &LHQFLDV %LRORJLFDV  8-$7 3URIHVVRU5HVHDUFKHU 7DEDVFR([WOFDPDUD#KRWPDLOFRP'LYLVLyQ$FDGpPLFDGH Ciencias Biológicas, UJAT. Km. 0.5 Carr. Villahermosa-Cárdenas. Entronque a %RVTXHVGH6DOR\D&39LOODKHUPRVD7DE0DQDJHPHQWRIVHHGVFRQVHU- vation of genetic resources, stands and seed orchards. Seed and fruit production.


7OD[FDOD  \JXHUUDYLGDO#LQLIDSJREP[.P&DU7OD[- cala - Chiautempan, Col. INAustrial, Sta. And Chiautempan, Tlax. C. P. 90800. Ba- sic sinvicultural studies with conservation and Management putposes. In situ con- servation of forest genetic resources in températe weather.

Gema Lilia Galindo Flores Msc Plant Biology Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala 5HVHDUFKHU7OD[FDOD  JHPDJDOLQGR#PVQFRP.P$XWRSLVWD 6DQ0DUWtQ7H[PHOXFDQ7OD[FDOD610SLR'H6DQ)HOLSH,[WDFXL[WOD&3 Propagation of species of forest interest. Production of bioinoculates (Ectomycor- UKL]DOIXQJL 


Virginia Rebolledo Camacho Biologist. Docotorate in science nand Biotecnology RI3ODQWDV,QVWLWXWRGH,QYHVWLJDFLRQHV)RUHVWDOHV8QLYHUVLGDG9HUDFUX]DQG5H- VHDUFKHU9HUDFUX]  ([WYUHEROOHGR#XYP[3DUTXH(FROyJL- FR(O+D\D&DUUHWHUD$QWLJXD$&RDWHSHF61&3;DODSD9HU)RUHVWELR- technology, forest species genetic conservation. 284 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico


Symposium in memory of Dr. Basilio Bermejo Velázquez on the “Use and Conser- YDWLRQRI)RUHVW*HQHWLF5HVRXUFHV´LQ-DODSD9HUDFUX]WK1RYHUPEHU 2QWKHVW6HSWHPEHUDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOV\PSRVLXPRQ³)RUHVWU\DQGWKH conservation of forest gentic resources for sustainable forest Management” as a SDUDOOHOHYHQWWRWKH;,,ZRUOGIRUHVWU\FRQJUHVV

On the 18th October 2004, a symposium on “Potential effects of global warming on forestry and genetic resources” at the Universidad de Michoacán, Morelia, México.

Training course in “Management and production of seeds and forest plants for con- VHUYDWLRQ DQG JHQHWLF LPSURYHPHQW´ LQ WKH &()2)25&21$)25 FHQWUH LQ &G *X]PiQ-DOLVFR0p[LFRGH0DU]RGH

Main Publications (2001-2010): Ledig, F.T., M.A. Capo-A., P.D. Hodgskiss, H. Sbay, C. Flores-L., M.T. Con- kle and B. Bermejo-V. 2001. Genetic diversity and the mating system of a rare Mexican Pinen, Pinus pinceand, and a comparison with Pinus maximartinezii (Pina- FHDH $PHULFDQ-RXUQDORI%RWDQ\$YDLODEOHDWKWWSWUHHVHDUFK

Ledig, F.T., P.D. Hodgskiss and V. Jacob-Cervantes. 2002. Genic diversity, mat- ing system, and conservation of a Mexican subalpine relict, Picea mexicand Mar- tínez. Conservation Genetics 3: 113-122. Available at: pubs/24299

Sáenz-Romero, C., Snively, A. and LiNAig-Cisneros, R. 2003. Conservation and restoration of pine forest genetic resources in México. Silvae Genetica 52 (5-  $YDLODEOHDWFVDHQ]#XPLFKP[

Sáenz-Romero, C. and Tapia-Olivares, B. L. 2003. Pinus oocarpa isoenzymatic variation along an altitudinal gradient in Michoacan, Mexico. Silvae Genetica 52 (5-  $YDLODEOHDWFVDHQ]#XPLFKP[


Vargas H., J., B. Bermejo V., and F.T. Ledig (eds.) 2004.0DQDJHPHQWRI)RU- est Genentic Resources. SecoNA Edition. Graduate College, Motecillo, Edo. de 0p[LFRDQGWKH1DWLRQDO)RUHVW&RPPLVVLRQ=DSRSDQ-DOLVFR0p[LFR$YDLODEOH at: [email protected]

Viveros-Viveros, H., Sáenz-Romero, C., López-Upton, J. and Vargas- HernáNAez, J. J. 2005. Altitudinal genetic variation in plant growth of Pinus pseu- GRVWUREXV/L1$OLQ¿HOGWHVWLQJ$JURFLHQFLD  $YDLODEOHDWFVDHQ]# Annexes 285

Sáenz-Romero, C., Guzmán-Reyna, R. and Rehfeldt, G.E. 2006. Altitudinal genetic variation among Pinus oocarpa populations in Michoacán, México; impli- cations for seed zoning, conservation of forest genetic resources, tree breeding DQGJOREDOZDUPLQJ)RUHVW(FRORJ\DQG0DQDJHPHQW$YDLODEOHDW [email protected]

Jaramillo-Correa, J.P., J. Beaulieu, F.T. Ledig, and J. Bousquet. 2006. Decou- pled mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA population structure reveals Holocene col- lapse and population isolation in a threatened Mexican-eNAemic conifer. Available at: [email protected]

Sáenz-Romero C., G. E. Rehfeldt, N. L. Crookston, P. Duval, J. Beaulieu. 2009. Estimations of climate change in Michoacan: Implications for the agriculture and IRUHVWU\VHFWRUDQGIRUWKHFRQVHUYDWLRQRIWKH0RQDUFK%XWWHUÀ\-RXUQDORI3RSXODU Science and Technology of the State Council for Science and Technology of Mi- choacan C + Tec. Series 3, notebook numer 28. Available at : [email protected]

Sáenz-Romero C., G. E. Rehfeldt, N. L. Crookston, P. Duval, R. St-Amant, J. Beaulieu, B. A. Richardson. 2010.6SOLQHPRGHOVRIFRQWHPSRUDU\ and 2090 climates for Mexico and their use in understanding climate-change im- SDFWV RQ WKH YHJHWDWLRQ &OLPDWLF &KDQJH ± $YDLODEOHDWFVDHQ]#

Martiñón-Martínez, R.J., J.J. Vargas-HernáNAez, J. López-Upton, A-Gómez- Guerrero, H. Vaquera-Huerta. 2010. Response of Pinus pinceand Gordon to GURXJKWDQGKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHVWUHVV5HY)LWRWHF0H[$YDLODEOHDW [email protected]

Ledig, F.T. G. E. Rehfeldt, C. Sáenz-Romero , and C. Flores-López. 2010. Pro- jections of suitable habitat for rare species uNAer global warming scenarios. Ameri- can Journal of Botany 97:970-987.

Sáenz-Romero, C., Ruiz-Talonia, L.F., Beaulieu, J., Sánchez-Vargas, N.M. and Rehfeldt, G.E. 2011. Genetic variation among Pinus patula populations along an DOWLWXGLQDO JUDGLHQW 7ZR HQYLURQPHQW QXUVHU\ WHVWV 5HYLVWD )LWRWHFQLD 0H[LFDQD   $YDLODEOHDWFVDHQ]#XPLFKP[

Wei, X.-X., Beaulieu, J., Khasa, D.P., Vargas-HernáNAez, J., López-Upton, J., Jaquish, B. and Bousquet, J. 2011. Range-wide chloroplast and mitochoNAr- ial DNA imprints reveal multiple lineages and complex biogeographic history for 'RXJODV¿U7UHH*HQHWLFV *HQRPHV$YDLODEOHDW-HDQ%HDXOLHX#

Sáenz-Romero, C., Beaulieu, J. and Rehfeldt, G.E. 2011. Altitudinal genetic variation among Pinus patula populations from Oaxaca, México, in growth cham- bers simulating global warming temperatures. Agrociencia 45: 399-411. Available at: [email protected] 286 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico



Conservation and Conservation

and tools and

Rural construction Rural


Christmas trees Christmas Handicrafts


Gums and resins and Gums Essential Oils Essential


Pulp wood Pulp Saw wood Saw

X X Honey

XX X X Firewood and carbon and Firewood


Forage Medicinal


edible parts parts edible Fruits, seeds or seeds Fruits, XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX X XX X XX X XXXX XX X XX X XXXXX X X X X X X

var Scientific name Use for food security Use for the reduction of poverty iu iet e iu ui t e ue t ui ie u e s e t i esi i s ei i siu istu siu ii uiu us u i t ies e i i s ies e ii ix e u se siuse i u e t ee et ei iu eiiu Annexes 287




Conservation and Conservation

and tools and

Rural construction Rural


Christmas trees Christmas


Gums and resins and Gums

Essential Oils Essential

Pulp wood Pulp Saw wood Saw



XX XX X X Firewood and carbon and Firewood


XX XX Medicinal


edible parts parts edible Fruits, seeds or seeds Fruits, X XX X XXXX X XXXXXXX XX X X X XXX XX XXXX XXX X L. Scientific name Use for food security Use for the reduction of poverty i e e tiett e ei e e tes t s i i esii ei s u u i i i i se iu et iu ei uu ui i u essus i e i i us e ei i us u i i i us i eu e eu e eu e es u e t uieus ee uieus Ete u iu EuEse tus u e st ti sis 288 Forest Genetic Resources Situation in Mexico




Conservation and Conservation

and tools and

Rural construction Rural


Christmas trees Christmas


Gums and resins and Gums Essential Oils Essential


Pulp wood Pulp Saw wood Saw


Honey Firewood and carbon and Firewood


XX Medicinal


edible parts parts edible Fruits, seeds or seeds Fruits, XXXXX XXX XXX XX X X ut var sp Scientific name Use for food security Use for the reduction of poverty s is us s is es i t is e i s is u i teiu ettu teiu ue us i us ii e us e sis i i us ei e us ui us i e ii sis i i us ei us seu ii st es us i us i us x i us te ui us te e te seu tsu e iesii it e e iu e Annexes 289




Conservation and Conservation

and tools and

Rural construction Rural


Christmas trees Christmas


Gums and resins and Gums

Essential Oils Essential

Pulp wood Pulp Saw wood Saw



Firewood and carbon and Firewood

Forage Medicinal


edible parts parts edible Fruits, seeds or seeds Fruits, XXX XXXXXX XX X XX XXXXX X X X Scientific name Use for food security Use for the reduction of poverty i us i i i us e eui se eui iete i uiete i is i i e i si u i eiu sis te u i et u es u s iie