



Ohio University's

Sesquicentennial Year A stone marker sfantls inconspicwously behind Memorial Auditorium.

Not many notice it. A small, square frame structure was pushed up in the wilderness there 1 50 years ago. It sheltered three stsdents and a profes- sor~-the beginning of Ohio University. The marteer looks up to Cutler Hall,

bttitt in 1816 and still standing in the mlddl vered building of the university.

dangerous White Mule, which hod its lair, days, in secret places in our valley

earned for victims It might paralyze. ^ victories the noble hungers won: triumphs must be credited the monster.

,t It was a truly noble fight y not doubt. Or do you think we may? e grumbled. ossips mumbled,

Why they do It we don't know." ^outh protested, en suggested, ell us, then, where CAN we go?" Though they pleaded. No one heeded. A pIctu7'fe-4hQlwill moke you_shrink'=^ Critics who had been so violent -Arises if you stopTrt-tiiink And had chlded How shocked would be ftioKpioneer Now subsided, nnasseh Cutler, the pulpiteeT l^und it better to be silent. tnom, the general so respected But the students. they cO»kinow be resurrected Scorning prudence To view the sndmelul degredation MadST>tQld and shrewd suggestion. That marks our youn^et^neration. "Build o ploy- Tlieyji-stare, A day-and-night spoT! There's the answer , And swear to our qu

it ill begotten Our means are scanty, holly rotten But we'll ante Are^ll modern educators Extra dough at registration Who D^ray their alma maters Till we've succeeded And lendSijpport ri"^9^ting the needed ~ To lorms of 5Bort • Funds to start the excavation. That tend to mdise our youth effeminate We honor, now, that class of forty-eight. And ill the fun oncMhought collegiate. Whose courage launched the project now achieved, Who How happy were thoseS^ays of simple habits dreamed a dream and out of it conceived When youth found joy in>sjntemplating Nature! The plan we now are met to celebrate. Two by two they strolled acrb^^the bridge. With heort-felt thanks we now congratulate Their The steps directed toward oui\ulfural rival, planning group who confidently weaved The state asylum, with its lovely coj^npus. A pattern for the dream so few believed Where keen-eyed Nature lovers might discover And no one thought so soon to consummate. The bright-eyed daisy or the violet. Deep reverence for those wizards of finance. Or possibly some bloom a bit less modest. Our President and treasurer ef al. Meanwhile some souls much more adventurous Than, whom there surely are no competenter. Set forth in quest of things more stimulating. Thank Heaven for the happy circumstance Bold hunters, they, who sought with splendid courage Thot brought together this Inspired cabal That fearsome To build beost, that match for hunter's skill. our beautiful Ohio Center.

Prof. C. N. Mackinnon February 18, 1954 You flip the pages of history and the people

and places come to life. Out of the past comes the

beginning of a future; the formation of the first

university in the Northwest territory. These things The Green Adventure accomplishes vividly.

Suddenly the bustle and conversation of the audience fades into silence as the Sesqulcentennial Seal appears on a translucent screen. The dim out-

line of the Bunch of Grapes Tavern in Boston is

seen in the background. It is like a painting coming

to life. The final and life-like colors are added when

the first words are spoken.

Men in bright costumes of the past, with lace Col. Aaron Burr Gen. Ru(us Putnon at their collars and sleeves, make a decision amid

the revelry of the Tavern. There is to be a university

in the wilderness. To New York comes the news of the land-grant made by the government.

Then the story moves west to Ohio. Marietta,

where the new settlers, typified in Dr. Perkins and

his family, endure the pains and adventures of pioneering, hiere an Indian uprising occurs, and THE QREEN ADVENTURE the death of their child dramatically moves the Remew by Ahmed Essa and Kdtfiv Dengter audience.

Then, finally, on to Middletown (later Athens), on the banks of the Hockhocking. And gradually

the beginnings of Ohio University: the first building,

the three students who enrolled the first year, the first two graduates— just to mention a few "firsts." Written specifically for the Sesqulcentennial by Charles Allen Smart at the request of President The ploy ends appropriately, looking into the Baker, the work is on historical panorama, rather future with its rise of coming generations. than a ploy. Smart has failed to adapt the lucidity of his prose to the presentation of drama. Rather

lengthy, it has its dramatic, as well as dull and

burlesque moments. The play has its finer moments, too, which effectively present the human side of history.

Both the production and direction, however, are almost flawless. The presentation reached the Lydia Perkins Dr. Eliphoz Perkins height of realism in the fort scene, vividly presenting

the fullness of frontier life. The players must be commended on their fine performances. Daniel

Logan, as Dr. Perkins, is convincing and sincere,

as is his wife, played by Patience Linker. Christopher Lane, director, excellently handles the difficult job of unifying the production. Much of the impact of

the presentation is gained through the sets and special effects of Cosmo Catolano and the cos- tuming of Elizabeth Andersch.

The best of compliments go to the children in the play, who stole the show and won their way into ttHi'tiit IiH'i the hearts of the audience. Smart discusses his play's premier.

The Perkins' entertain some dignitaries.

Dr. Cutler proposes a move to the west.

Dr. Perkins treats his first "pioneer."

First commencement honors two graduates.


Despite the festivities of a Sesqui- centennial year, the basic reason for the existence of o university wasn't overlooked. Classes went on as usual. And figures had to be taken into account, whether they were the precise, cold calculations of a scientific undertaking or the soft curves considered in a fine arts course. Students were also given ample opportunity for cultural development in this special year. In addition to regular concerts. Dr. Ernst von Dohnanyi, famed conductor and composer, conducted the Ohio University

Symphony in the first presentation of his "American Rhapsody," written in honor of OU's 150th anniversary. 1954 Lounge


Faculty Lounge


>'«•», Main Lobby

1804 Lounae This is the Center in more ways than one. It was kept constantly in mind when organizations planned their functions. From this core and around it revolved student activity, whether it was a cup of coffee between dosses, moments of relaxation listening to music, a stolen kiss in one of the lounges, or a routine business meeting, a conference on childhood delinquency, a banquet, an appetizing meal, or o formal dance. Even the Sesquicentennial centered in this building when it was dedicated as part of the program.

Frontier Room 1

it 1

i- .JhiiD Koom Faculty Club


Ballroom When a student sits in a class and

waits for the bell to ring, at least he has

the consolation of knowing that it will

ring. That's more assurance than stu- dents of by-gone days had. For bock

when school bells were in vogue, even

in college, pranksters were ever present.

From the bell in old Cutler Tower extended a rope, which hung down to

the janitor's closet on the first floor. Every hour the rope was pulled to ring the signal for class exchange. More

than once it was late. This usually sig- nified o missing rope. Only a short, frayed remmont would remain. And another student culprit had apparently

accomplished his "job."

Installed in 1820, the old bell now

stands silent within the tower. Its use- fulness has been replaced by automatic

bells. Cutler Tower, itself, has under- gone the evolution of a university's age.


Bv k'litliv Denqjer

14 In addition to rearing up as a symbol of scholarly pursuit, it took on on added duty in 1914. The clock was installed then to tick off the hours of a school day. Later electric lights were added to illuminate it at night. Steel beams have been rushed to the assis- tance of the hand-hewn logs which still support its original structure.

Generations of students have gazed out its windows over a physically chang- ing campus. Their names are crudely enshrined in its wooden frame. Evi- dently "Monica and Welsch" didn't realize that "47" would some day be meaningless without the "18" before it. Cutler Tower has remained through the years, and has seen even more than the hopeful founders, Monosseh Cutler and Rufus Putnam, along with early pioneering students, dreamed it would. —

"Every minute s bu The English was 5y easy, but oooh, that psych! . Last night's meal? Icky

already having butterflies in my stomach CAROiyN COMES

I brought everything along —even dishes. All the kids at home who were going to Wesleyan were buying

dishes to eat on. So I

thought, "Gee, I wont to eat, too."

I couldn't help crying

a little when Mom and Dad

left. I was ready to go

well, no, I didn't want to

go home. But I didn't wont them to leave either.

Then I saw a guy from

home. It's so good to see

someone you know! I love

my roommate. I was afraid

we wouldn't like the some

things, but Liz Is wonderful. She didn't know how to

say my name until the third day, and then she got up the nerve to ask me. The

Oh, hello "They do neck in the lounge?" nhe s a riot . Just can't decide about sorority. That dress was sharp. , Mmm. he's nice!

'Which table? . . . What course? . . . Why? . . . Ughhh.' TO COLLEQE

first night in the dorm was great. Everyone kept run-

ning in. We rearranged

the room. It was terrible

at first. All we knew about making curtains was that we needed two pieces.

There's so much to do here,

it's a good thing I love to

be busy! ... I got a tetanus shot twice. The nurse was so busy talking, she turned

around and stuck it in me

again. I was so mod! And those tests .... they were

horrible. I was so tired at

the I just went down the last page— 1,2,3,4—and

blacked out the little spots.

3ut I love it here!

'What "You and the night and the music ." . . The "You" was that special per- son in your life, the "niaht" was Oc- tober 10th and the "ni^^" was of Dic^6i!fi\tz. ^s wh^j^e sp^ctsl^tsss ^ST-f BELL, BOOK AND CANDLE

From Broadway to Athens, Ohio, and still a success, came Bell, Book, and Candle.

In this modern version of witchcraft any- thing is probable, as well as real and fantastic.

The University Theater chose this play to make its debut this year, and the witch proved enchanting, both to the audience and the book publisher she cast a spell on. Even behind the scenes the bewitching theme prevailed. Dr. Elizabeth Andersh, cos- tumiere, added a fiendish tilt to Gail Snod- gross' eyebrows, converting her to the witch named Gillian hlolroyd. She pleasantly charmed Robert Sches- venter, who was commendable as Shepherd Henderson, the guy who remains under her spell even after she denounces witchcraft. Under the direction of Cosmo Catalano; Joyce Young, Lou Spiegel, and Charles Husson livened up the action of the plot. ik ^ FOOTBALL Sunday night, October 4, a crowd of students lingered patiently outside the OU Center building. They were waiting for a bus to pull around the corner. Their vigil was rewarded.

'Round it came, with its cargo of weary, worn, and surprised OU football players. They had suffered a defeat

in their first clash with a new opponent. Harvard University. But they received

a welcome home rally like they

hadn't seen in years.

Green skirts and white sweaters lashed through a quick "O-hl-l-O." The throng's response was quick to bounce off the bricks of the building

and spill into the air for blocks around. A new spirit was born —a spirit that was to prove fruitful.

Captain Duke Anderson grinned,

"You don't know how good it made us feel."




Individuals In Action

Freshman Football Ds, pardon me, mis—why, Bill! You ton o™a gun! How are you?"

imped shoulder, an apologetic giarm^, and a sudden gleam of recognition ow more than one OU buddy he used to meet

r 10 o'clock curfew.

to sit with us to nee Kent."

. their way through

c^pwd to^he stadium and squeeze in between packed spectators who are too busy having fun to care whether or not their toes are being stepped on and smashed. The men discover the extra 20 pounds they've added won't allow them to

fit in the limited area they used to fill. Next door spectators move over a

little. They're down. Then they're up.

. . Memories . Confusion . . . Floats . . .

Memories ...... Parade Queens . . .

Band . . . Memories — hHOMECOMING.

The team got a shot ol morale lor greoter strength.

{%^WJ The Sigs claimed title o( victor in house decorations! Second only to the Sigs, Sigma Nu had o winner, too.


First place trophy went to ADPI Alpha Gam "sock" theme took second

Some hard work gave first to PIKA. *> jT

"' /

, / /

"Clear the cafeteria! Move the hall

furniture back! It's Homecoming!"

And every available space was filled with dancing couples who had come "home" to their new abode at the

OU Center. The ballroom atmosphere . .. overflowed with the people who

spilled into the halls and cafeteria. « One fellow was bruised four times

trying to protect his girl from the

campus "cat." This jitterbug felt that, despite the subdued swaying of some

1 000 couples about him, he just couldn't pass up a "hot" number like "Stardust" to exhibit his talents. But nobody cared. Why should they? We'd beat Kent 40 to 21. We'd relived past experiences with alums we hadn't seen for two or three years. We had a lovely queen, a wonderful dance, a terrific orchestra—in a bright, new building. Homecoming! Wotta day! Queen Suzie was elected

by an all campus vote, the

first one in several years at OU. Eighteen year old Miss

Turpin is a sophomore from Arlington, Virginia. Miss Joy Grill, sophomore from Toronto, Ohio, and Miss Kathy Dengler, senior from Zahesville, Ohio, were

elected to the royal court. -»-* 'I guess you'll have

to fix it like this." LITTLE MAN AMONQ QIANTS His team were the champs for the first time in OU's

six years of Mid-American Conference play. Carroll C. Widdoes became "Ohio College Coach of the Year." With a characteristic calm and objectivity he viewed the final winning game against Bowling Green.

"The team didn't ploy one of its best games, but it did

win. It was just like any other game of the season except

it's the one that really counted."

This is a man interested in the individual athlete. The

score doesn't count as much as the effect it has on the player. His men must mointain scholarship, too. This, he

feels, comes first, athletics, second. Thus a little man builds champions. ^4i *

Caesar's triumphal marches couldn't have been better

Although the scoreboard registered 7-7, Bobcat fans were going wild. They invaded the Redskins' stamping grounds, marching right up the middle of the street to the tune of "Stand Up and Cheer."

This was the climax of the season and the most decided "victory" had won, as evidenced in the joyful "near hysteria" of the 500

OU migrators. For the first time in seven years we had shown Miami we could give them a fight. And our chances for the Mid-American championships were virtually clinched. The boys played their hearts out. Who can explain the wonderful feeling?

The fans knew it. Sawchlk Wih-on Lawrence

The Toledo Gloss Bowl was the scene of the clash between OU's

Bobcats and the Toledo Rockets in the opening of the 1953 football

The is caught for a decisive gain. pass season. This was the first of a nine gome slate which included only our home gomes.

The Bobcats cleaned up the Roc-

kets in fine style with a 26-0 score, and then moved on to hlarvard, where they suffered a 16-0 defeat. The only league game dropped was

the season's last, a 9-6 loss to the conference's new initiate, Marsholl College.

Fans got their first chance to see

the Bobcats in action at the home opener game with Western Reserve.

Scoring twice within the first 21 minutes, OU trampled the Redcats 39-0. Reserve averaged only 55 inches a carry.

A Bobcat plows through that line!

28 It he can shake that tackle, he'll have an open field.


F. Underwood C, Wilson T. Ascani J. Lundberg D. Wafson

29 It's a kick! The crowd goes wild. Will the Bobcats score?

E. Ahlberg S. Maschino W. Rogers T. Jackson

/iij-TTr TT^i;,.^ T-K T'nK!;:t;f :^

,|||H «j I « I I • f J

Music is hall the spirit—Every- one "Stand Ud ond Cheer. "

"Will he?"

30 OU's 40-21 Homecoming victory over Kent State doused the hopes of the Golden Flashes for

finishing with their first undefeated season in history.

Kent scored in the first ten minutes of the gome, but OU rallied to defend the goal line that had not been dented previously by any league opponent. End Lou Sovi/chik owaed the 10,417 onlookers with

his brilliant catches. He snagged five aerials, two of them with one hand.

Following this victory, the biggest obstacle in the way of gaining the league championship was

Miami. The Bobcats came through with a 7-7 tie,

virtually clinching the conference crown. In the last quarter Guards Schwab and Penrod stopped the

threatening Redskins on the OU two-yard line.

Ascani's 22 yard dash in the third period hit pay dirt for an OU score. 'H D. Spellmeyer R. We D. Anderson L. Carney .derick


'• - J:i '



iiiiiiiii III I iiiwiii—iiiiiiiiiiiiKiiniiiiiiniiiliiii nil III III III iiiiiii I mn^MM

Go Ohio! And go he did— right through for the first down!

Halfbacks Les Carney and John Ohman set a precedent by

becoming the first to tally two

touchdowns In o single game,

when OU outclassed Western J. Wotkins B. Patter Michigan 67-12. The Bobcats racked up 577 yards to 158 for Western Michigan.

In the season's seventh gome, underdog Morris hfarvey went down to a 38-7 defeat. The Bobcats struck early when they hauled the pigskin over the goal

line in the first four plays. This

set the pattern for the day.

32 D. Anderson

T. Lee S. Greiner G. Hickinbofham C. Houk


J. Deckman C. McBrlde John Brommer Charles Saponaro Charles Skipton Fred Peters Roger Kreager

He'll never make that first down.

' i

''**^- -^*')

Bob Winkler Glen Thaler

ou Honors were heaped on the Bobcats.

Lou Sowchik, left end, received honorable mention on the associated Press All-

Western team and copped first team

laurels by unanimous vote in the Mid- American Conference squad. OU gained four other Mid-Am berths. They were "Duke" Anderson, center; Bob Penrod,

right guard; Tom Ascani, right half; and

Bill Frederick, . On the second team were Guard John Schwab, Tackle Stan Moschino, and Fullback Ted Jackson, hlonorable Mention went to end Frank Underwood, Tackles Sam Greiner and Ron Weaver, Quarterback Larry Lawrence, and hlalfbock Les Carney. The Bobcats voted Penrod their outstanding lineman, Ascani most valuable back, and Sowchik the most valuable player.

They were up and down and trying to go around.

They're all rarrying that boll



Although the Bobkittens dropped their

first game to the West Virginia Mountaineers 35-12, the bounced bock to Coach Frank Richey talks it over with the captains. snow under Ohio Wesleyon's eleven 39-0. Wendell Jackson scampered 55 yards to score, and Andy Scarpelli broke through

the center of the line to race 50 yards for the marker. A poss from Al Christopher to Sal Merolla covered

52 yards for another T. D.

The offensive pov/er of Marshall's Thundering hHerd was slowed to a crawl by OU's hard charging lines and fine pass defenders. Marshall was held to a net

gain of only 29 yards. In the following gome, a bruising contest against Miami, the Bobkittens were edged 13-7. The finale of the season was an upset favoring

Marshall to the tune of 13-1 6. S \K.m^^Se^Smi, -imi^ ^^SC' ^SK^

B^^ m ^

"What kind of footboll are we ployin', Girls?"— "Guts!!"

' — "What do we wanna see today? "A

little blood!"

These gals meant business. For seven gruelling weeks they shaped up with every- thing from deep knee bends to the Randolph

Shuffle for this cancer fund benefit game.

The first day of practice a fullback was told to go out flat. The boll was snapped. De- terminedly, the novice player took three steps out and threw herself to the ground, face down. The coach looked puzzled. She queried, "You did say flat didn't you?"

But after two hours practice per day, five days per week, two top-notch teams were molded.

Lett: Powaer Bowi King Joe Kubinyi. Right: Despite pioys iilie this, Fuzzy mainstay Dietz Dengler with her mighhy hurling arm and skill in deception, and Pi Phi Lou Laldlow's notoble speed, the score remained 0-0. The spirll' of love envelops oil


y p^ OV POST

Pat Ordovensky Editor

Myron Henry John Gooch News Editor Copy Editor Sports Editor

Ralph Brem Circulation Staff: Dave Lucos, Candy Anderson Beth Rimonoczy, Gene Vejslcky, Copy Staff: Seated on floor: Charlotte Schwimmer. Earl Dun Don Bennett, Gene Kerns, Ted Second Row: Bob Kirsop, Dudley Kircher, Terry Fern Salzmon Neuhaus, Tom Owens. Perkins, Allan Zombie, Douglas Murphy. Frank Carlson

40 Every Tuesday and Friday the OU

Post lets all the students know what's happening on the campus. This means that Monday and Thursday nights are long ones for the staff members who round up the news.

Newsbeats include every organi-

zation, and a thorough coverage oi

OU sports is contained in the paper. Reams of copy cross the editors'

desks by way of the office staff. Cir- culation and advertising keep many

students busy, as all unite their tal- ents to bring you the OU Post. A

Sue Watson Assistant Editor

Charles Corpenter Richard Clapp Art Editor Editor

Kathy Dangler Copy Editor

Max and Lyn deliberote darkroonn duties.

James B. Colson Photography Editor ATHENA

Don Wickerham Business Manager Problems, problems—always problems. And since the photographers are the artists of the staff and, therefore, feel they must be endowed with the most native ability, they always have the best solutions. Like the time Bob Goodman re-worded the copy. Something had to be done about the sen- tence that said, "Because of the early morn- ing hikes on which Pershing Rifles go, that's what makes a crock drill teom."

Photographer Goodman "fixed" it.

"Because of the early morning hikes Persh- John Mierzwo ing Rifles go on, that's what makes a drill Soles Monoger team crack."

So it goes. Business Manager Wicker- ham frets about the bills that are slyly slip- ped on his desk while he's out. The books keep getting heavier to balance all the time. Mierzwo, the sales man, stays up a night to get promotion letters out to Moms and Dads. For that's where the money is. (Con't. on next page

Don Kramer Advertising Manager

Richard Broby Dorkroom Monoger Photo Editor Colson tries to determine what

his staff member means on a photo identi- Copy Staff: Seoted on floor: Penny Harness, Florence Wafson. First Row: Dave Harrison, Shirley Dobbs, Allan Zambia, fication sheet which lists "persons standing Dorothy Crafts, Robert Pratt, Judy Lacey, Lew Hodges, Julie in fourth row. You see, the picture has two Sturgiss. Second Row: Ahmed Essa, asst. copy editor; Jeanne Stoats, Ann Yakshevich, Jim Moray, Warren Worthley. rows, both seated. Kramer attempts to keep

photo equipment off his desk long enough

to paste up ads. Sue Watson is trying to help everyone. At regular intervals Editor

Clapp Is yelling. And the copy editor is

burning the midnight oil to turn out material

like this. It's all a part of the headaches, fun, and experience of being on your year-

book staff.

Secretarial Staff: First Row: Sue RuuBbLn, v^oiu Art and Production Staff; Janet Fitzgeroio, Gretch- Jurenek, Betty Reese, Marilyn Altman, Arlena Mc- en Hossenlopp, Mary Lou Redding. Second Row: Guigan, Joanne Nichols, Mlm Pestel. Second Row: Pat Kurtz, Jan Weeks, Jean Sheppard, Susie Phyllis Edelman, Mary Lou Evens. Lynn Phillips, Turpin, Myrdith Sherow, Ardy McKinlay. Peta Glenna Wooley. Absent when picture was taken Winter, Pat Zinsmeister, Richard Leo Kasper. were Georgeann Zuck and Theo Wysocki.

44 Advertising Staff: First Row: Carole Cipro, Beo Palmer, Norma Sales Staff: First Row: Celia Gottdiener, Connie Stephenson, Valerie Jensen, Dorothy Ruland, Rosolind Hull, Cozod, Carole Fray. Second Row: Tish Corbin, Babs Gail Stiles, Nancy Christner, Susie Turpin. Second Row: John Svoboda, Connie Binegar, Shirley Ryan, Betty Reese,

Sinclair, Marilyn Rassie. Sally Tibbits, Bill Zeh, Gerald Horns- Carol Boyd. Third Row: Joe Kasinec, Bill Tesmer, by, Tom Cole, Betty Reese, Richord Fowler, Charles Skipper, Gerry Dinger, Ed Sundberg, Alan Guttman, Dave Art Williams. Wonsetler.

Photography Staff: First Row: Dorrell Muething, Tom Atkins, Don Shotwell, Lyn Kleinhoffer. Second Row: Robert tvloyer, Tom Richards, Ed Schwyn, Jim Karales. Third Row: Jim Ertner.


Darkroom Staff: Byron Shu- maker, Max Perlowin, Dick Graybill. Helen Fry. \ 'HI V

Barbara McKenno

Louise Greenwald

MImi Bornes

Carol Godfrey

Attendants: Jeanne Fell, Nevada She Carol Kessinger

Marilyn Chandler

Myrna Chertoff

Jackie lemple bally Richards Miss Barbara Jainshig of Alpha Gamma Delta, was Dick Powell's choice for the 1954 ATHENA Queen. 0«JI

John Sollay Student Station Manager

When you turn your radio on and find the dial set at WOUI, you can be sure that you'll hear a well-planned program produced entirely by students and broad- cast fronn one of the most modern college

studios in the United States.

The staff's big-time schedule on a excellent oppor- Alice Swoim small-town scale provides Traffic Director tunity for the students who will some day be writing, directing, acting, and engineer- ing on a full-time basis.

In one room a teletype ticks off the news of the day as radio news students

prepare it for broadcasting. Another room

is the studio from which an interview pro-

gram is going out over the sound waves.

The man in the control room is ready to commercial, as a nearby Gene Gildow switch to the Chief Engineer disc jockey looks up platters for his

next show. WOUI is on the air!

David Lodde, music librarian; Lou Spiegel, sports director; Becky Brooks, asst. traffic director; Chet Martin, chief an- nouncer; Shan. Donohoe, asst. continuity director.

Jocelyn Cody Continuity Director

Carlton Benz Program Director


Directors of the Program Board: Doris Sponseller, Dick Farrell, Dove Cowan. Marge Sahlin, Barbara Johnston, Dick McQuillin, Mrs. Bixler, Dave Moore.

Starting from scratch and building up its program, activities, and poli- cies; the OU Center Program Board aimed to adjust to the needs of the Seated: Dottie Brandeberry, Marilyn Altman, Tonn Snnith. Lois Hey, students as it began its first year of Georgia Trakas, Valeria Jensen, Mrs. Bixler, Barbara Johnston, Dick operation in the new Center. McQuillin, Charles Frank, Dave Cowan, Larry Long, Larry hHorper. Standing: Doris Sponseller, advisor: Marilyn Paulsen, Margaret "I've got a complaint," was a Sahlin, Mary Jane Kelley, Sally Hallol, Loyal Bemiller, Dave Moore, familiar phrase to the group in early Don Hart, Dick Fowler, Dick Farrell, Jan Tullls, Jane Carter. fall. But the "gripes" thinned out as the year waned. The board with- stood the criticisms and got things running smoothly.

And this is no easy job. They must organize and coordinate all activities conducted in the Center. This includes recreation — bowling, pool, cards — cultural development, tours, public relations activities, and social events. I

Her door is always open to reveal a woman behind the desk whose

smile is worm and sincere. Any Dean MARGARET DEPPEN imaginary barriers that exist between student and dean disappear immediately when her

friendly glance is felt.

Miss Deppen is never too busy to see any student who has problem. She

is a friend to every woman ottending OU. B MIND OF MAN f^


A college dean of men must be interested in students—their problems, their ambitions, and their capabilities. This Dean MAUREL HUNKINS is a brief statement, but it connotes a

wealth of background, understanding, in-

itiative, and hard work on the part of a

man in this position. Dean hiunkins has the wealth of character to match these qualities.


b>' Bob Kah,

J ohn Caihoun Baker, president of dormitories or the Ohio University Ohio University, doesn't often hove Center, where he will chat with tfie opportunity to don the jacket undergraduates. Students are his and jodhpurs he's pictured in on first interest: work, tre- the page opposite. hHis o "The happiest part of being job, leaves mendously demanding president," he soys, "is getting to him little time to partake of eques- know students." trian pleasures. And for students, the president riding Yet his love of horseback is by no means an inaccessible of the person- is quite indicative man. Anyone con talk with him ore ality both students and faculty by making an appointment a few that is dynamic familiar v/ith, one hours or a day in advance. Mr. surprisingly energetic, but and Baker is ready to discuss problems pres- somehow always casual. The and to offer needed advice: addressing a con- ident, whether planning of the Sesquicentennial "I think a person in my position banquet vocation, leading a list of year. Working closely with faculty should do all he con to help people upon his speakers, or mounted and administrative committees on achieve their goals in life. The at ease favorite jumper, is o man a schedule begun five years ago, problem in education is not only of where he is going. and sure he has used his imagination to to train students, but to also get With reference to his riding, he commission works such as Charles their sights up. I wont to see stu- medicine. great Allen Smart's "The Green Ad- says, "It's my A dents ready to grasp the oppor- I'm on a horse venture" and Ernst von Dohnanyi's nerve tonic. When tunities that their stay at Ohio

riding. I don't hove "American Rhapsody." The Ses- I think about University prepares them for." to live with my worries." quicentennial planning has occu- Mr. Baker is doing all he can pied much of what, otherwise, Baker's office in Cutler Mr. by putting his responsibilities as would have been spare time, yet hHall is also a manifestation of per- president foremost. Perhaps this is he manages to keep up with his sonality. Something is "homey" most evident not in a listing of riding. about it. A round table, sitting in buildings erected or scholarship center on a warmly- "In fact," he says, "I've been the room's funds expanded since his arrival colored rug, serves as o desk. doing more riding lately. The upon the campus, but in some of six greater the pressure of my work, Scattered around are wooden- his more personal remarks: backed chairs and two easy chairs. the more I ride to relax." "I have all too little of the time sofa in the left corner usually A Dr. Baker has another from of I would like to have to spend with has a hat and coot draped over escape from the burdens of his my family . . . of its arms and a set of blue- one job; long, nocturnal walks. The six "I prints lying on its cushions. There retreat occasionally to a small foot, one inch, slender figure is in the fireplace. The room in the attic of my home, are ashes often seen briskly striding about metallic grey, smooth-lined dicta- where I con get away from the campus or adjacent streets of the sill phone awhile and do my work." ting machine on window Athens after dark. The walks are behind the desk seems a bit out always punctuated with "hello's" It looks like Mr. Baker will con- of place. or "good evening's" to passers-by. tinue to do a lot of horseback

riding while he is president of Ohio It is from this office that the hie may pause for a while on an president has directed the complex informal visit to one of the men's University.


Degree requirements and university procedures as defined

in college bulletins ore some- times as difficult to decipher as the technicalities of a law book. The Ohio University Bulletin

is no exception. That's why the men pictured here are confronted with so many horrassed students. They must "translate" the com- plex structure of bulletin language

and interpret it for the con- fused ones. Occasionally they must point out the fine print at the bottom of the page which adds another requirement that has been overlooked by the unwary student. These deans handle the administrative affairs of OU's

six undergraduate colleges.

50 Rush Elliott deon of University College E. J. Taylor H. E. Benz dean of Applied Science acting dean of Education

W. H. Feniel actina dean of Commerce

Earl C. Selgfred dean of Fine Arts The mid-century mark found you plunged in worries

about the nature and level of difficulty of your first college final exams. Now, four years later, you've had so many finals you no longer quake at the thought. You

merely sit down in a comfortable chair, or sprawl across your bed with a textbook and a spiral notebook

full of snatches from the prof's lecture, and settle down for

an all-night session. And when you reach this stage,

it's hard to channel your thoughts away from reveries of the great times you've had here and the genuine friendships you've mode, (vlaybe you realize how your ideas have been changed and matured, how your capacity for appreciation has been broadened, your personality developed, and the seeds of your future

planted. It has been only four years, but they're probably

among the richest and fullest years you will live.



^^% J

52 Lois Firestone vice president

Jim Betts president Dick Pilot vice president

Kathy Dengler secretary

Dick Farrell treasurer

Norma Haddad historian

53 First Row: William John Abraham, BSC; Marilyn Abram- BSC; Mary Atheorn, BFA; Allan Balllie, BSME; Patricia son, BSHEc; Mary Ann Adams, BFA; Ruth Janelle Adcock, Baird, BSEd; Gerald Baker, BSME. Fourth Row: Patricia BSEd: Charles Alford, AB; Harold Allen, BSEd; Jerome Baker, BSHEc; Russell Balser, BSME; Grace Banks, AB; Alpiner, BFA; Norman Amidano, BS. Second Row: Carol Barbara Barger, AA; Bill Barlow, AB; Verrill Barnes, BSEd; Anderson, BSC; Lowell E. Anderson, BSEd; Raymond An- Worren Barnett, BSEd; Raymond Borrick, BSEd. Fifth Row: dolsek, BFA; David Arcangel, BFA; Marcio Arcangel, Doris Elaine Barrows, BS; Mory Borthelemy, BFA; Charlotte BSEd; Nora Arias, AB; Athena Armatas, BFA; Elizabeth Basneft, BSEd; Robert Baucher, BSC; Melvin Bauer, BSCE; Armstrong, BSHEc. Third Row: Glenn Arnold, BSJ; Virginia Bernard Beardmore, BSA; Audrey Becker, BFA; Thomas Arnold, BSSS; Stephen Aronstein, BSC; Thomas Ascani, Beebe, BS.

54 4.. Siif^ Jfk^ii 1^ First Row: David Belden. AB: James Bell, AA; Edson Perry Janet Boulis, AA; Marilyn Bowers, BSEd. Fourth Row: Wm. Bendler. BS: Allen Bendo. BFA; Carlton Benz, BFA; Ruth Alfred Bowman, III. BS; Patricia Brady, BSHEc; Dorothy Berger, BSHEc; Ellen Bertell, Jo BSEd; Bernard Big, AB. Brondeberry, BSEd; Judith Bresler, BSHEc; Donald Brill, Second Row: Jerry Bishop, BSEd; Karl Bishop, BSC; Leo- BSC; Dale Britenbucher, BFA; William Brookes, BSEd; nard Black, BSEd; Miriam Jeanne Black, BSEd; John Wm. William Brooks, BSA. Fifth Row: Carl Brown, BSME; Charles Blaettnar, BSC; Rod Blahnik, BFA; Barbara Blommel, Brown, AB; Edward Brown. BSC; Neal Brown, BSC; Patricio BSHEc; John Bock, BSIE. Third Row: Lois Boettler, BSEd; Bruck, AB; Ruth Bryan. BSEd; Claryce Buck, BSEd; Frieda Laurence Bollinger. BS; Harold C. Bolton, BSME; Bernard Buer, AB. B. Borden, BFA; Samuel Border, BFA; Phyllis Borling, BSEd;

55 Sally Buesch, AB Watson Burnfield. BSC Kenneth Burns, BSC James H. Burrows, BSA

Harold Byers, BSEd Thomas Cables, AB Joceiyn Cady, BSJ James Caldwell. BSEd

Duone Cameron, BSC *«« «;( I Mario Commarano, BSAE Edgar Canfield, BSEd Albert Carlson, BS

' md§ : Mifc

Malcolm Carmin, BSC Carol Casperson, AB Marilyn Chandler, BS Eugene Chapman, BSC

Robert Chapman, BSC Ronald Chapman, BSC

EIti ChiondussI, BFA Elmer Chicky, BSIE

John Cirino, BSC Richard Clapp, BFA Charlotte Clark, BSEd Helen Clark, BFA

David Clayton, BSEd Joanne D. Clements, BSHEc Donna Corinne Clutter, BSHEc Simon Cohen, AB

RitaColosurd, BSEd Carole Collins, AA Horace Collins, BS James Colson, BFA William Comley, BSEd Paula Cone, BSEd Shirley Cook, AB William Coolc, BS

Lois Ann Copelond, BSC Janet Corn, AB David Cowan, BSEd James Cox, BSC

Marcio Crolg, AB Elmer Cravens, BFA Robert Craver, BSC Richard Cretcher, BFA

Lawrence Crist, BSEd James Crowie, BFA H. IsabelleCullen, BSEd George Curnutte, BFA

Daniel Dailey, BSC Ronald Daly, BSEd Harold Dougherty, BSEd Donald Davis, AB

Humberto Gomzalez D'Costa, BSAE Nancy Dean, AB James Deaver, BFA P.Wayne Deeble, BS

Jean Delargy, BSEd Kothryn Dengler, AB Robert Dennis, BS Joan Devine, BSJ

Arnold DiCioccio, BSC Morcia Dickerson, AB Laverne Diehn, BS Kalu Dike. BS Marilyn Dllley. BSJ Dante DiMichaelangelo, AB Shirley Donahoe, BFA Terry Donaldson, AB William Douglass. BFA

Howard Jannes Drasler, BSC Grace Elaine Dressen, BFA Edmund Duffley. BSCE Richard Duncan, AB Earl Dupre. BSC

Joseph Eachus, BSEd

Janet Earl. BSEd Donald Ebersbach, BSC Edward Eckfeld, BS

Ira Ehrenkranz. AB

Shirley Eighmy, AA Joan Eirich, AB

Ha Lee Elliott, BSEd

Frank Ellis, AB

Richard Ellis, BSEE

Stanley Eisner, BSC Frederick Embleton, BSC Wolter Emmert, AA Philip Enoch, BFA Ahmed Essa. AA

David Evans, BSEd Donald Evans. BSCE Martha Evans, BSEd Juliana Evers. BSEd Saburna Louise Ewing, BS

Carl Eycke. BSC John Farcas, BFA Don Fanslow, BSJ Richard Fossberg, AB Edward Feldmon, BFA

58 enry Fillnier. BSEd

Jean Finzel. BS Lois Fireslone, BSJ

Eleanor Fixler, AB

Richard Fleitz, BSC

James Flenning, BSCE Merritt Flom, BFA Donold Flowers, BSC Clyde Fobes. BSC Virginia Fogg, BSEd

Alonzo Folger, BSA Ronald Foliano, BSIE Jean Forrest, AB Eleanor Foriney, BSEd Jo Anne Fouch, AA

Richard Fouss, BSEd Barbara Fox, BSHEc Victoria Francis, BFA Charles Frank, BSEd Marianne Frank, BFA

Michael Freeman, AB Charles Frey, BSC Helen Fry, BFA Laurel Fuelling, BFA William Fuller, AB

Dick Gal, BS Nancy Gallagher, BSJ Robert Gannon, BSME Roger Garrett, BSC Susan Goskill, BSSS

James Gotts, BS Robert Gecsy, BS Gretchen Gelbach, BSEd JohnGibbs, AB Chester Gibson, BSAE


il First Row: Eugene Gildow, BFA; Barbara Gindy, BSEd: Richard Goodrick, BSJ; Sol Gordon, BSEd; Margaret Ronald Glassheinn, BSA; Rabert Glick, BSC: James God- Jeannine Gottfried, BSSS; Lyndall Grandstaff, AB; Richard dard, AB; Jo Ellen Goddard, AB; Louis Goldring, BFA: Granfield, BFA; Nona Green, BFA; Angelo Gregorio, BS. John Gooch, BSJ. Second Row: Richard Goodrich, BS;

Wil- First Row: Sam Greiner, BSME; Joseph Griffin, BSCE: BSC; George Strlmbu. AB; James Hoenel. BSEd; Keen Grosenbouah, BSC; Buddy Gross, BSC; Richard liam Haffner, BSC; Darrel hialliday, BSC; Nancy Hamil- Guthrie, BSC; Ellen Guzley, BSEd; Adele Hober, BSJ; ton, BSEd; Roger Hadley, BSCE; Beryl Hannon, BSEd. Norma Haddod. AB. Second Row: Thomas Haddox,

60 t^f^ First Row: William Hansen, BSEd: Warren Harmon, BSEd: BSEE; Wllma Heibel, BSEd; Robert Heidler. A_ Patricio Hart, Thomas BSEd: James Hartley, BSC; Theodore Hort- Heinleln, AB: Sidney Heldman, BFA: Michoei He nry, BSC: mon, AB; Phillip Horwood, BSCE; Corl Hathaway, BSA; Myron Henry, BSJ; Jane Herbert, BSEd. Barbara Havener, BSEd. Second Row: Thomas Hayne,

First Row: Idoclolre Herbst, BSEd; James Herman, BSC; Holter, BSC; Harry Holzlnger, BSEd: Vincent Hope John Hermann, AB; Joyce Herrold, AB; Thomas Hess- BSAE: Edward Hopkins, BSME; William Host, BSci ler, BSC; Lois Hey. BFA; Richard Hobiitzell, BS; George Nancy Householder, BSEd; Anne Huffman, Hoerter, BSEd. BSJ. Second Row: Mary Hogan, BSHEc; Paul

61 First Row: Tom Hughes, AB; Irma Husmann, AB; Donald BSJ; Donna Kohn, BFA; Jeon Kohn. BSEd; Robert Kail, Huhlar, BFA; Lydia Hydu, AB; Carolyn Isch, BSHEc; Mari- BSEE; Donald Kalbough. BSC; Joseph Kail, MA; William lyn Isch, BSHEc: Robert Jacks, BSME; Sarah Janusz, BSEd. Kavander. BSAE. Fourth Row: Mary Keller, BS; Shirley Kel- Second Row: JoAnne Jarvl, BFA; Madeline Jin, AB; Bar- ler, AB; Mary Jane Kelly. BS; William Kelsey, BSC; Barrett bara Johnson. AB; Douglas Johnson, BSC; Gordon Johnson, Kemp, BSC; Elizabeth Kidd, BFA; Margaret Killion, BSEd; BS: Ann Nancy Jones. AB; Blaine Jones, BSC; Richard Mary Ann Kinsella, BSEd. Judson. BFA. Third Row: George Kobat, BS; Robert Kahan,

62 ^THii

First Row: David Kinter, AB; John Klecan, BSEd; Ann Knappenberger, BFA; Donald Knox, BSEd: Robert Kober. AB: Delbert Koch, BSC. Second Row: Oleta Nolene Koch, BS: Arthur Komorowski, BSA: Eleanora KomyatI, AB: Joseph Kovocs, BSC: John Kovelan, AB: Jeanne Kraushaar, BFA. Third Row: Edward Kreutz, BSEd: Joan Kritzell,

BSEd: Robert Krizner, BSIE: Robert Krohn, BSC: Joseph Kubinyi, BSC: James Kumpf, .,^i:.V^^;&.., BSC. Fourth Row: Robert Kutscher, BFA: Mary Lou Laidlow. BSHEc: Robert Lamont, AB: Kenneth Lampman, BSEd: Jo Anne Larter, BSSS: Henry Law, BSC.

63 if^ ^ f:s~


First Row: Lorry Lawrence, AB; John Lax, BSC; Cora termoRn. BSCE; Robert Lifter. BSC; F'ujti I Livingston, BSC. Layaou, AB; Kay Layden, BFA; Daniel Lechner, BSC; Betty Third Row: Charles Lochary, BS; William Loclhort, BSC; King Lee, BSHEc; Richard Leffler. BSC; Robert Lehman, Nancy Lohr. BFA; Ralph Lowenstein, BFA; Arthur Luem- BS; Alice Leist, BFA. Second Row: Harvey Levenfhal, BSC; pert, BSEE; Fronces Lykins, BSEd; Mary McAllister, BSEd; Seymour Levine, BSAE; Richard Lewis, BSME; Joanna Ley, Kester McCain, BSA; Thomas McCain. BSC. BSEd; Douglas Lindsley, BSC; Karen Link, BFA; Louis Lis-

64 Il


'Put your left foot ir, left foot ou

First Row: Slilrley McCove, BSHEc; Rex McClure BSC Mann, BSEd; Frank Moragos. BSC; Vincent Morctietti, Madeiyn McDermott, BSEd; Sfiirley IvIcDonald. BFA- Mich BSAE; Cfiester oel McKenno, BSC; Martin, BSJ; James Mortin, BSC Third Alan McMullen, BS; Isabel McTovlsf, Row: Anna Bl-A: Donald Mackay, Matis, BSC; Sfiirley Mattfiews, BSfHEc- Janet BSC: Clarence Maclcey, BSC Sec- ond Moxton, BSEd; Kenneth Meade, BSME; Robert Meadows Row: Dorotfiy Mogneson, BSHEc; Alan Magyar BSC; Fred Meek, BSEd; John Meeks, BSC; BSME: Lorry Mohrer, AB: Jofin Gabriel Mellini Malscfi, BSC- Sfiirl ey BSEd; Jomes Metzger, BSC.

65 First Row: Joan Mlday, AB; John Mierzwa, BSCh; John Mihelick, BSCE; Chester Mil- ler, BSAE; John Miller. AB: John Miller, BSME. Second Row: Mary Millhuff, BSEd; Andrew Minarchek, BSEd; Shirley Montgomery, BFA; Mary Luella Montoya, AB; Charles Moore. AB; Eleanor Moore, BSCHEc. Third Row: Lois Ann Moore, BSHEc. Jane Morley, BSEd; David Muffler, BS; Dorothy Murphy, BSEd; Betty Lou Myers, BSEd; William Naegel, BSC. Fourth Row: Lucille Mass. BSEd; Norma Naylor. BFA; Douglas Neebuhr, AB; Doris Newmark. BSHEc; Robert Nicholas, AB; Joan Nierman. BSEd.

66 Flrsf Row: Esther Noble, BF^ •• Noonan, BSME Jane Roger Paulson, BSC; Paul Pavelka, BSC ; Lenoro Peck. Norris, BSEd: Frederic Norton, BFA; Herbert Nowak BFA BSEd: Dello Perez, BSCE; Catherine Pesta, BSHEc; Miriam Carrie Noxon, AB; Phillip Nye, BSC; Robert Ookes BSC Pestel, BSEd. Fourth Row: Bruce Peter, BSC; Corinne Peters. Second Row: Shoron Oldfleld, BSSS; Richard Olsteln, _, BSC BS: Patricia Peters, BSEd: Philip Peters, BSJ: Shirley Phores. Karol Ondlck, BSEE: Patrick Ordovensky, BSJ; John Oro.,, AA: Charles Pickering. BSC: Richard Pilot BSJ; Norman AB; Joon Outzs, BSEd: Bessie Owens. BSEd; Donald Papner,' Pischke, BFA. BSEd. Third Row: Mary Patrick, AB; Eugene Potzke, BSAE';

67 James Pittenger, BSME Jacqueline Plenf, BSEd

L. James Pochurek, BSC Harry Popovich. BSC Barbara Porter, BSHEc

Richard Porter, BFA George Powers. BSC Jose Preciodo. BSME Robert Price, AB Alexander Prislopsky, AB

Despina Psaltoki, BSC Victor Ptak, BSC Marolynn Purdy, BSJ Gladys Purdy, BSEd Kenneth Radcliffe, BSC

John Raiser, BSAE Marilyn Rossie, BSEd Beverly Rawlins. AA

L, Dewitt Reed. BSC Stanley Regen, BFA

James Relss. BSC Eldon Remy, BS Frank Reynolds, BSEd John Rhoads, BSEd Charles Rice, BSME

Sally Richards, BFA Borboro Ridenour. AB Mary Louise Riepenhoff, BSEd Elizabeth Ritchie. AA

Elizabeth L. Robe, AB

William Rogers, BSEd Glenn Romanek, BFA Robert Romonello, BSME William Ronk, BSEd Sondro Rose, BSJ

68 Gloria Rosenthal, AA Ronald Rothman, BFA Helgo Rothschild, AB Anthony Rotolo, BSEd Richard Rouce, BSC

Marlene Rumbaugh, BA Joan Davis Runyeon, BSEd James Runyeon, BFA Kenneth Russell, BSC Stepen Ruth, BSC

Niles Soori, BSC Richard Soger, BSEd Donald Sammons, BSC Hitoshi Sato, BSJ Lou Sowchlk, BSEd

Winifred Saxon. BSEd Emery Schoeffer, BSC Thomas Schaub, BSC Herbert Schieman. BFA Elizabeth Louise Schiller. AB

Phyllis Schnell, BSEd Margaret Schurrenberger, BSHEc Joyce Schoenberger, BFA Dorothy Schoeni, BSEd Carlton Schramm, BFA

Guy Schrickel, BSEd Marilyn Schuler, BSJ James Schwelkert, AB Robert Scott, BSEE Edward Seabold, BSJ

Patricio Secrest. .-'i^^i

First Row: Herman Silbiger, BSCE; Marvin Silver, Smircina, MS; Allison Smith, BFA; Glenn Smith. AB; Ernest Silvestri, BFA; Ethel Simon, BFA; John BSCE; Patricia Smith, BSSS; John B. Smith, BFA; Sinclair, BSJ; Jack Sipe, BSEd; Frances Sirkin. John C. Smith, AB; Pat E. Smith. BSEd; Robert BSEd; Diane SkarupskI, AB. Second Row: John Smith, BFA.

70 !S(r Pf-^^^

First Row: William Soeller, BFA: Victor Solomon, Second Row: Owen Stiegelmeier, BSC: Ruth Ellen MS: George Spagno. BS; Alan Keith Sprouse, Stone, BFA; Richard Stork, BSA; Jerry Stought, BSC; William Stafford, AB; Frederick Stehr, BS; BSC; Gertrude Stowers, BSEd; Sollie Strine. AB; Warren Stevens, BSJ; Jean Stevenson, AB. Neil Stroth. BSEd: William Sturgill. BSC.

First Row: Barboro Svobodo, BSEd; Marlyn Swat- Second Row: Jacqueline Temple. AB; Daniel Thom- zel, BSEd; Virginia Sweet. AB; Jo Ann Swimmer, as, BSC; John Tillman, BSC; Mildred Tobey, AB; BSEd; M. June Swingle, BSEd; Sally Synan, BSAE; Shirley Todd, BSC; Anthony Tolbert, BFA; Mary Margaret Taylor, BSC; Wallace Taylor, BS. Tolles, BFA; Charles Topper, BSCh. Betty Ann Toslenson, BSHEc Dolores Trontanella, AB Mary Anne Troup. BSEd Yosuko Tsuchihashi, BSEd

Ramon Turmon, AB Kenneth Uhle, BSC Barbara Ulrich, BSEd Frank Underwood, BSC

James VanCamp, BSC Jack VanLear, BSAE Dana Vibberts, BFA Roland Von Osinski, BSAE

Howard Wode, AB Glenn Woggy, BSEd Mary Ellen Woldeck, BSEd Jock Walker. BSC

Kenneth Walters. BSC Mary Walters, BSEd Gilbert Wamsley, BSEd Paul Wanstreet, BSC

Allen Wapnick, BSC John Ward. BFA Sally Word, BSEd Joseph Wordlaw. BSC

Edward Warren, BS Marilyn Waugh, BFA Donald Weiss, BSC Sonio Welsh. BSJ

Beverly Wendlond. BFA Alfred Weston, BSEE V.June Wetherell, AB Charles Gene Wetherholt, AB


Hf David White, AB Lloyd White. BFA Ralph Donald Wicbrhom, BSC Carol Wigal, BFA

Beltlelee Wlgner, BSHEc Frederica Wiley. BSHEc John Wilhelm. BSC Alan Williams, BFA

Donald Willioms, BSAE Horry Williams, BSME Jomes Williams, BSC

Charles F. Wilson, BSEd

Charles M.Wilson, BSEd Leon Wilson, BSC Nancy Wilson, BSEd Sandy Wilson, BSEd

Glen Wince, BSA Jacqueline Wisby, BSEd John Wisniewsici, BS Herbert Wojclk. BSC

Frederick Wolf, AB Williom Wolfe, BSC Ronald Wolfson, AB David Wonsetler, BSEd

Potty Woods, BSEd Betty Joy Wyott. BSEd Richard Wynn. BSCh Morvin Yerkey. AB

John Young, BSEd Joyce Young, BFA Barbara Zawada, AB Marlene Zepp, BSEd

73 mAA«K

;i fTf '-i?^




71 / JHpTV c^A-

,fC Betts stretched ever'y ab thot ball, and OU made two more points.

OU's basketball Bobcats wrote a winning season into the record books for

the first time since 1951, and only the lack of team depth and one big man prevented them from achieving a truly great year. Time and again skyscraper opponents dominated our offensive backboards, preventing the ball-control so necessary to Coach Snyder's well-drilled, deliberate style of play, hlord fought

games were lost in the final seconds after key men had been eliminated on fouls, but when the smooth trio of Betts, Sawchik,

and Murphy was intact and in form, victories were plentiful, and sparkling impressive.

75 After an initial loss to Illinois' nationally ranked cagers, the Snydermen caught fire to down highly regarded Marietta, 83-72. Impressive victories over Ohio Wesleyon, 85-67, and Washington and Jefferson, 65-57, followed before the Bobcats bowed to the Marshollmen 71-67. After that heart-breaker, the Bobcats recovered immediately, and prospects for on outstanding season were bright as Kent State, Gannon, and Buffalo University were driven into the hardwood by scores of 70-57, 69-65, and 62-58. Defending champion Miami tossed a 92-80 wrench into the machinery, but the Bobcats recovered to trounce Kent State 89-77 and post a creditable 7-3 record at mid-season.

Coach Jim Snyder

Jack Duschinski Dick Garrison

Ralph Nuzun Lemuel Nixon Don DelCorsio Dick Miller Dick Murphy Jim Betis

76 Strawser pivots and tosses to Sowchik, whose long


Form shows through in on "athletic orobesque.


First Row: Bill Evens, Fred Arand, Bob Evens, Ed Walton, Tom Pos- sen, Stephen Lozaroff. Fred Moore. Second Row: Coach K. A. Blosser, Don Sifft, Bob Chapman, Henry Pell, Bob Pratt, Fred Lowe, Bill Oppenheimer, Harold Dougherty, assistant coach.


u „-'j„n never lets up In his demonstrotioni.. Ana ine leorn, wnether watching or osking questions, olso ^how unceasing determination. That's what champs are mode of.

The with John Botuchis Bobcats ran away their initial meet as Juan Moya they thoroughly clunked Fenn College, 60-24. Paul Kroh OU swept every event and captured two second Homer Hunt place finishes. Ohio Wesleyan and Wilberforce Tod Potter also fell before the tankmen in their triadic Tom Hartley meet, 67-24-9. Only the 300-yard medley relay Lorry Long slipped out of their first place grasp. OU's

first defeat occurred at the hands of the University

of Pittsburgh, with Pitt topping the spirited Bobcats 46-38. FRESHMAN TEAM

First Row: Bob Kotur, Bud Nameth, Dove Marshall, Dove Warren, Barney Andrev/s, Max Krecic. Second Row: Bill Letche, coach; Dick Price, John Clifford, Allen Brooks, Richard Snouse, Bob Axline, manager: Hal Foyer, manager. As timers and coaches discuss technicolltres. tankmen observe style. It pays off in owords, like the Alex Steve Friendship Trophy, presented here by BG's coach.

Then OU copped six of a possible ten firsts in

downing the Indianapolis Athletic Club. The Jim Borkdull victories of OU Tankmen were increased by a Dick Wilson

first place in the Mid-American relays. After Tom Richmond Glenn Romanek sinking Bowling Green, 61-23, they sent Oberlin Don Michael College down to defeat, 51-33, for the third DickOistein consecutive year. The Bobcats then dunked Kent, Sandy Wilson. Bill Comley 60-24, and ended the regular season with a victory

of 6 1 '/2-22'/2 over Miami. At the conference title meet, OU tankmen captured their second straight Mid-American crown.

Tommy Thomas, coach Bill Letsche. asst. coach BASEBALL

First Row: Roy Thompson, Hoyt Hothowoy, Gordon Griffey, John Lesniok, Dick King, Dick Hummel, Ron Nokosugi. Second Row: Jason Shepord, manager: Dick Murphy, Dick England, Jack Mehl, Mike Henry, Tommy Biskup, Don Lundstrom, Bill Fredericks.

Third Row: Bob Wren, coach: Bill Biggers, batboy: Gene Ifeon, Lorry Morrison, John Bier, Ralph Nuzum, Joy Hornsby, Andy Chonko, Dick Fishbaugh, Bill Rogers, Harold "Doc" Dougherty. Duke Anderson was not present when the picture was taken.


First Row: Tom Andrews, John Capello. Second Row: Jerry Imes, Earl Haley, Sam Wharton, Bob Boucher, Dave Arcangel, Erlond Ahlberg, Rudy Koletic. Third Row: Gerry Grabner, Frank Nixon, Norm Keehn, assistant coach: "Yam" Yomone, assistant cooch: Duaine Joes, James Johnson, coach. Fourth Row: John Pangle, Sy Davis, Ron Ramlow, John Yuhos, Joe Manion. With traditionally fine Bobcat ten-

nis, baseball, track, and golf teams prepared for winning sea-

sons, tfie spring sports program at OU headed for another banner year. Under the direction of Coach

Nellis, the tennismen worked hard to improve yast year's successful season. They were led by lettermen

Bill Lagonegro and Paul Cowen, and included several promising sophomores. Coach Johnson's track team boasted seven lettermen and a host of former state champions who guaranteed the best thinclad

season in years.


First Row: William Long, Paul Cowen, Bill Logonegro, Dave Bowman. Second Row: A. A. Nellis, advisor; James Leach, Carl Hutchison, Roger Fenneman. Dick Nellis, Paul Wood. Joe Saggio was absent when the picture was taken.


First Row: , Dick Rouce, Scotty Russell, Dick Guthrie, Lettermen Leonard, Guthrie, and Jock Algeo, Dick Small. Second Row: Kermit Blosser, coach: Bud Dawson, Tom Welch, Warren Worthley, Dick Garrison, Tom Jones, Small led the Bobcat golfers, who Roy Leonard. played with a previous record of three straight Mid-American Con- ference Championships. The Blosser-

men looked just as good in 1954. OU's baseball Bobcats also had a

Mid-American Championship to re- tain. Coach Wren's replacement problems were adequately solved by such prospects as Ray Thomp- son, Dick Fishbaugh, and Jay

Hornsby; and the return of All-

American Dick Murphy, infielders Bill Frederick and Tom Biskup, out- fielders Dick England and Harry Kessel, and pitching aces Jock

Mehl and John Bier.

83 First Row: Bob Bloom, Leon Wilson, Bob Vonn, Lynn Fuller, Ron Weaver. Second Row:

Howie Hoehn, Harold Ifft, Bob Korbon, Lou Marino, John Cormody, Poul Jagers. man- ager; Frank Reynolds, manag- er; Fred Schleicher, coach.


OU's grappler gains control.

Watch that three-quarter Nelson!

Despite lack of experience and an emphasis on "building for next year," OU's wrestling

team turned in a creditable season, un- covering several brilliant young grappling prospects. Two wins over Earlham College,

27-5 and 29-5, an 1 8-8 victory over Bowling Green, and a 38-0 whitewashing of Mar-

shall College highlighted the season. A strong fourth place finish in the MAC championships painted a bright future for next year's squad. Tom Rudo was confer- ence crown winner, with Leon Wilson, John Weins, and hlowie hHoehn consistently placing high.

84 INTRAMURAL DIRECTORS. First Row: Howard Henderson, Thornton Nichols, Charles Schmidt, Norman Downs, Bobby Stephenson, Bob Gardner. Second Row: Kenneth Zemon, Richard Fouss, "Yam" Yomone. A. H. Rhoads, faculty director; Howie Dickens, Gory Klein. Ronald Wade, Paul Kroh.


TABLE TENNIS CLUB. First Row: Pedro Herrero, Jack Rhoads, From football, king of thie fall season, advisor; Tom Smith, president; Manfred Kulessa, vice president; wfiose cfiampion was Wesley Founda- Tony Berohn, Heber Eikelberry, John Brohord. Second Row: Al tion, to volleyball in tfie Spire, Le Tuan Anh, Phil Wiley, Bill Griffin, Jo Higginbotham, spring, with tfie secretary; John Kemp, Harry Sharp, Ron Taylor, Mary Jo Cornelia, crown taken by tfie Delts; not excluding George West. tfie "Sure Shots," winners of the bosleet- ball program, and including swimming, tennis, softboll, wrestling, and many more activities, the intramural organization

registered another successful year in

campus athletics. For the first time, with the opening of the Center recreation

rooms, bowling, table tennis, and bill- iards became important sports for camp- us athletes. Golf was also added, making a total of 20 sports on the program.

Director Jack Rhoads promises as many

sports as there are teams and men in-

terested in participation.

"No sport," says Rhoads, "will be left

out if they want it."


The crowd faded back from the center of the ball- room floor to give place to 32 straight-walking, uniformed men. Thirty-two sabers pointed sky- ward, forming a military archway over the royal path of the honorary colonel and her attendants. The men stood at attention while the band played a fanfare. As the crowd hushed, the choice of the ROTC men came over the microphone.

'Miss Diane Natole, honorary colonel for 1954."

Diane marched under the sabers to the bandstand, to receive her trophy as leading lady of the annual

Military Ball. She is a sophomore from New Or- leans, La., and o member of Chi Omega sorority. The lieutenant colonels were Betty Kovacs of Cleveland, o freshman from Lindley Hall; and Suzie Seigfred, a sophomore from Athens,

representing Alpha Delta Pi sorority. r #


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One hundred sixty-four girls and—for the first time—a man, presented a Sesqui- centennial theme in the Prep Follies, show

business in 1804. Fortunately, the man, after giving the prologue, disappeared and was never seen again.

The girls, pledge classes of the ten sororities on the campus, came on stage singing and swinging to a variety of melodies from the "Arkansas Traveler" to "Yankee Doodle," and included such special numbers as "Frankie and Johnnie" and "Casey Jones."

All 164 participants crowded the stage at the end of the performance to sing the finale, "So Long."

Every (ollies has a pony chorus. "Shorts Ahoy" lor Pi Phi sallc Chi O sings ol the South. PREP FOLLIES

This time it's the ADPi's. How did he get in here? Sigma Kappas revive the old hoe-down.

89 - • wji

'?- f- ' r" From the pre-show rustle ot Horatio Applegate's hoop-

skirts (hHorafio is a hoopskirt

manufacturer), Phil Peter- son's singing ensemble,

: Mary Joyce's donee chor , and Vincent Jukes' whip,

emerged this year's Fine Arts Council production of Bloomer Girl. Starring Kay Layden as Evelina and Bob Schesventer, the grand old man of the OU stage, as Jeff Calhoun, the show com-

bined light, fast-moving com- edy, pleasant music, a splendid OU Post review by Ivlyron hienry, and what seemed to be a pleased audience.


92 aid,;

Bloomer Girl revolves around father Horatio, played by Marv Yerkey. Most of the action is carried on by his sister, Dolly Bloomer, his wife, five daughters and their husbands, two servants and hlerpel Saunders, who was outstanding as Jeff's slave,

Pompey. They all become in- volved in Dolly's crusade for women's rights.


One word that has probably never

been considered in o semantics course at OU, but which might well

provide a wealth of material in such

a study Is J-PROM. Nothing else could have more associated mean-

ings to students than those five let-

ters arranged in that particular order. The word connotes weeks of planning, hours of rehearsing, cos-

tume making, and float building. It

implies six days of intensive cam-

paigning, skit performances at the

housing units, sororities, and frater-

nities; open houses, and parades. It means study after midnight or not atoll.

Chuck Bell and Art As- pengren were co-chairmen

of J-Prom this year.

Pele Winler, Icing Delta Tau Delta

)ick Speilmeyer James Bostoncic Dave Heinrick Dana Vibberts George Thon

Jack Sipe Bud Schoeffe John Bier John Copeila Rod Biohnik Lorry Mohrer lill Hansen Michael Freerr Dick Pilot


The dance itself is a finale whicfi highlights the selected candidates. This year trophies

were also awarded for the best skits. The queen and king of the biggest social event of the year were Lois Firestone from Salem and Pete Winter, from Klrkwood, Mo. On the courts were Mary Tolles of Mansfield

and Lynn Schuerlein, of Berea, and in a

three-way tie for men's court, Michael Free-

man, Wooster; John Bier, Sandusky; and

Rod Blahnik, iviansfield. Best skit awards went to Alpha Xi Delta and Phi Kappa Tau.

Lois Firestone, queen Alpha nr^^Delta PI Souter-Finegon's band provided the music. Margoret Catonzoro Lyn Schuerlein Belty Con Janice Moore Jeanne B'o.it

O Long Rito Morfin Phyliss Borling Dottle Boettner Janet Maxtor Helen Fry Jo Devlne Renee Weisman Mary Tolles

95 Is the kitchen sink there, too? The judges had difficulty deciding. The stamp goes on her "lily white.

"What time do you pick up your dote?" "Have

you got his corsage ready yef?" These and similar

questions echoed through the girls' dorms on the

night of Coed Prom. TWIRP (The Woman Is Re- quested to Pay) season had come to the OU camp- us once again. The girls did the dote making,

bought the tickets, picked up their dates, and pro- vided homemade corsages. Zany corsoges were COED PROM the order of the day. They were judged for their originality and beauty, and four prizes were award- ed, hlowie Chapman's orchestra provided the music for the dance where the theme" "Me and My

Shadow" was carried out. All girls had I 2:30 per-

mission and, in addition, it was "penny-a-mlnute" night. By paying a penny for each extra minute the

girls were allowed one o'clock permission.

Prize Winners: Pot Cotonzoro and Bob Bunting, second-place most original cor- sage; Jan Bush and Tom Hlgginbotham, first-place most original; Joann Sylvester and David Kurtz, first-place most beaufi- lul; and Jean Rider and Larry Long, second-place most beautiful.

96 "Gromps, you can't keep death up a tree forever."

" "Yes, Boy. It's olways you and Gramps together.

A generally high-caliber local cast provides an evening

that mokes death a laughing matter in Paul Osborn's

ploy. All revolves around Gramps, who keeps Mr. Brink, up a tree. No one can die while he's there. Also Involved is seven-year-old Carl Gustavson, as Pud, whom "ON BORROWED TIME" Gramps wants to keep from the clutches of Aunt Demetrio. John Lamberson, as Gramps, displays a polish not often seen in campus productions, and young Gustavson remains likeable to the very end. Robert Marsden's

sets and Virginia hlohne's direction ore first rote. It's a good play and one in which the cost, as well as the audience, dies laughing.

"Now what was it I told you to tell your aunt, Lad?" EAST GREEN




H O U S I }^ Q fj

Vo"» ^, m IN UPWARD . . . BEYOND . . . AND BEYOND . . .

bv Ahmed Essa

East-Greeners look upward toward wider horizons, toward the future, and toward infinity as

they gaze up the stairs leading to the campus. It's

Q tough climb, as life, itself, usually is.

These students, climbing up the stairway to classes, movies, dances, dates, etcetera, average on ascent of 150 feet a day. This amounts to ap- proximately 33,000 feet per school year, well over

the height of the highest mountain in the world, Mt.

Everest in the Himalayas, which is 29,002 feet.

With sun, rain, and snow, the weather con- ditions are very similar to those of the Himalayas.

Adding to this sleet, ice, and slippery ground gives practically the same Himalayan hazards.

Take the time when the snowfall was heaviest

the first day of March. A student had a narrow escape when the branch of a tree come crashing

down. Another man had to return to his room to

change his messed-up clothes — he hod slipped on the way up.

The descent, also averaging 33,000 feet per

school year, is almost equal to the greatest known

ocean depth, 35,640 feet, or exactly six times the

depth of the Grand Canyon, which is 5,500 feet.

And some of the students have been living on the Green for years!

100 With the construction of the Barracks in 1945 developed one of the most active organizations on campus, the East Green Council. A very im-

portant facet of East Green is the social phase,

and it is handled aptly by the Council. With the ultimate rise of the larger dormitories on the

Green, social plans for the "E.G.ers" will be necessarily developed and expanded.

This year featured many exchange dinners with the girls' dorms, free movies on Wednesday nights, the largest hayride ever held on the cam- pus, and the Spring Formal, an all-campus dance which features one of the top orchestras in the nation.

Lost year the campus swayed to the music of Buddy Morrow's band Chow time's best in any man's language. Michael Henry, president, and other officers. Bob Kober, Jim Schweikert, and Conrad Chesser, lead the group.

First Row: Jock Bonning. Jason Sheppard. Ken Spirko. Second Row: James Ratcllff, John Zimmerly, Roman Scholtz, Robert Kober. Jerry Alpiner, Robert Wren, advisor; John Wood, James Schweikerf, William VanNostron. Third Row: Michael Henry, Dick Reid, Conrad Chesser. Fourth Row: Walter Emmert, Dick Doso, Gerry Dinger, John Warafka, Joe Honna, Gary Hall, Charles Corbol, John Watson, Scott Allen, John Shiandussee, William Kistler, Tom Roper.


'i Social Council. First row: Jerry Lyons, Dave Cowan, Bob Gioliano, Howard Wade, president; Dave Harrison, Ed Sundberg. Jim Runyeon. Second row: Joe Soggio, Bob Scheuerman, Steve Kinney, John Bro- hard, Jim McCoy, Don Stringer, Gary Koser, Paul Wickert, Andy Ferine, Feter Nungesser, Dennis Finkbohner, Kenny Horst.

Scott Quadrangle is the largest dormi- tory at Ohio University. Originally called

Men's Dorm, it now houses 650 mole fresh- man students. The Quod operates much the

same as a large hotel, with its own eating

and recreation facilities.

In addition to housing the large num- ber, the Quod furnishes many services for

its residents to ease them into adjustment to their home away from home. There ore several smokers designed to acquaint the men with each other. Record dances are Home was never like this! held at which Scott men introduce their dates to the dorm.

102 Supplementing the record dances are the winter and spring formols. These annual affairs feature colorful decorations and music by the top campus musical organiza- tions For these nights the dorm cafeterio dons a new look to provide an appropriate setting for the events.

To give residents of the dorm an oppor- tunity to meet members of the women's dorms, exchange dinners ore held through-

out the year. One of their big activities is the publication of their own newspaper, which is relished for its originality and humor.

A fountain from out of nowhere odds beauty.


Floor Counselors: First Row: Bob Rodriquez, Bill Zefi, Hal Bolton, Doc Dougherty, Harry Sharp, resident manager; Jim Runyeon, assistant resident manager; Art Williams, Dick McQuillin. Second Row: Lou Goldring, Johnny Sullivan, John Turk, Hubert Filusch, Dick Zelina, Ted Hartman, Art Aspengren, Dove Horner, Marvin Yerkey, Bob Buehler, Tom Fillmer.

103 Lindley, the largest, but nonetheless

friendly, women's dormitory opened its doors to visitors many times this year. The openhouses, the Winter Formal, and the Cherry Pie Dance were among these oc- casions.

The girls also entertained themselves

with a hialloween Skits Night, St. Patrick's Day party, and the formal Christmas dinner. Second semester newcomers to Lindley were guests at a Sesquicentennial party.

The TKE Aquacade and Sigolympics

attracted many representatives from this

dorm. Leading the 375 girls was President Nancy Jones. Other officers were Shirley Brooklyn isn't the only place where o tree grew. Babbit, Marilyn Gearhort, and Peg Taylor.

Marion W. Mair is the resident counselor.


House Organization. Front Row: Shirley Bobltl, Nancy Phllp, Joyce Wade, Barb Harding, June Roseberry, Sarah Schramm, Rita Frelier, Sally Hughes. Second row: Arline Pollsen, Jane Mechling, Alice Sutkaitis, Donna Myers, Jeanne Stoats, Nancy Jones, Shirley Buntz, Nancy Pearce, Marion Mair, advisor; Marilyn Georhart, Kathy Rinehart, June Nolond. Third Row: Bea Coy, Maria Zerkowitz, Jean Kohn, Pennie Hendrick, Joan Brown, Carolyn Dale, Shirley Johnson. Jean Zerckel, Idaclaire Herbst, Charmo Mason, Peggy Taylor, Ginny Stoner, Phyllis Edelmon. Florence Watson, Sally Carlson, Rita Patton, Carol Beran, Sue Latin, Mary Raby.

104 First Row Seated: Ellen Guziey, fvlu'y bt^rriuru, ciuine ivleiec, oeho Gottdiener, Pat Woods, Mary Louise Evans, Joyce Osborn. Second Row Seated: Margaret Lehmann, Doris Piatt, Fritz Wiley, Doris Newnnark, Charlotte Clark, Joan Sheon, Isabel Mc- Tovish, Nancy Christner. Standing: Sue Nelson. Dorothy Ballas, Barbara Harasimik, Dorothy Ruland, Mari Ann Smirgo, Mary K. Foreman, resident counselor; Eleanor DIley, Virginia Norris, Bette Van Buskirk, Mona Tryon. Judy Williamson, Shirley Eighmy, Marion Stinchecum. Marie Davidson, Mary Ann Kinsella, Pat Bennett, Donna Riegler.


Talent nights, the Christmas formal din- ner, the Christmas Dance, o Tavern Dance,

"Pitch it a little lower. Then we con oil sing. and open houses are annually included on the social agendo of the many busy hloward Hall residents.

hHowever, life is not all play and no' work for these gals. Their house council not only provides government, but also fosters fellowship and unity and contributes to the social development of the dorm. The group assists the university and student govern- ment organizations to maintain high scholas-

tic and social standards.

Fritz Wiley is president of hloward

hHoll. Other officers ore Doris Piatt, vice president; Doris Newmark, secretary; and Charlotte Clark, treasurer. Mrs. Mary K.

Forman is resident counselor.

105 Duff, Shirley Frasier, Bet- _ w: J. .. in t:i ich, Jane Hlnton, Martha Evans, Margaret ty Jones. Shirley Beldon, Cynthia Myers, Dorothy Brumbaugh, advisor; Marcia Craig, graduate Ellie Sleno. Second Row: Ann Burket, Norma Froncescangeli, Jo Dove, assistant; Mary Lou Montoya, Mary Ann Robotton. Third Row: Kathleen Slottery, Lu Stouffer, Doris Goldman, Mary Jo Nelson, Jackie Gray, Nancy Wilson, Elaine Edel- Kertes, Muffet Ryder, Margaret Cotanzoro, Marie Peren, Dottie Motion, Merle berg, Dottie Hassfeld, Carol Hubbard.


in this Sesquicentennial year, girls of Boyd Hall hove a special reason to be

night to finish it. proud. Their dormitory is closely tied in with It took a sleepless first OU's history as it is named for the v/omon graduate of the university, Margaret Boyd.

The oldest and smallest dorm on the atmos- campus, it is known for its friendly phere and high spirit.

Its list of activities is long and varied with the Christmas formal as the highlight

of the year. Other important events were the "Pink Elephant Club" open house, Mag- gie Boyd Day, when all the girls dressed for

dinner in the style of Maggie's Day, and outings to Lake Hope and Old Man's Cave. Supervising the planning and arranging were Mary Montoya, president, with Nancy Wil- son, Marcia Craig, and Martha Evans. Miss

Dorothy Brumbaugh is the resident counselor.

106 More than 200 girls called Bryan Hall "home" and hHead Resident Patricia Kelly "Maw." Many good times were had there,

and all will remember the Christmas party when the girls gave "Maw" a ukulele and she played and song for them. Other events

which will stand out in the minds of the Bryanltes are the winter formal dance which

has as its theme, "Angel's hieaven;" and the formal Christmas dinner complete with shrimp appetizers. Another big occasion was the Apple Polishing Dinner to which the

girls invited professors. And not to be for- gotten are the many impromptu parties with

songs by the dozen and long lines of girls doing the bunny hop.

That's quite a tall tale he's telling. Officers are Betty Lou Schiller, Sue Watson, Marilyn Bowers, and Pat Cleary.


First row: Dorothy Crafts, Delpho Linscott, Margie Kobe!. Bess Earenfight, Marge McFarland, Nancy Bower, Jeanne Kraushaar, Liz Morris, Fern Salzman, Rosie Hull, Lennie Hobbs, Lina Klein. Second row: Janice Moore, Sherry Coseo, Pat Cleary, Marilyn Bowers,, Betty Lou Schiller, Sue Watson. Lee Toole, Patricio Kelly, advisor. Third row: Marlene Weber, Foye Broido, Shirley Axe, Jeanne Higby, Vera Estee, Norma Bennett, Margie Klllian, Jocelyn Cady, Rebecca Brooks, Edythe Reinker, Alice Joseph, Delia Greco. Trudy Thomsen, Elaine Lee.

107 The unique privilege of living in the newest dorm on the campus, First Row: Anna Matls, June Wetherell, Bessie Owens. Joyce Noftzger, Beo Abrenica, Mary Kay Jewell. Renee Weisman, Helen Lettofsky. Myrna Cohen, complete with sun decks and roomy Wilma Heibel, Jane Norris. Second Row: Vicki Francis. Sally Dodge, Mori- suites with both, belongs to the 54 alien Westerlield, Barbara Semat. Eleanor Andaloro, Jean Finzel. Lucy Hib- bitts, Marjorie Geiser, Audrey Becker, Jean Forrest, Jo Ellen Bertell, Miriam coeds who call the O.U. Center f.'ioyer, Bea Aranow, Fran Sirkin, Sue Shehadi. Dorm home. Besides having the con- venience of living above the Cen-

ter's spacious facilities, the girls have the added distinction of being the only dorm on the campus with no regulated quiet hours.

This encouragement of self-respon-

sibility is fitting in an uppercloss

dormitory, and its success is evident

in the fact that the girls hod the highest combined point overage of the women's dormitories. They odd

that only an elevator is needed to complete their comfort. Officers at the "penthouse" ore president Mar- lene Rumbaugh, and Mary Jane Kelly, Mary Millhuff, and Corlnne Peters.


First row: Sue Latin, Doris Piatt, Kathleen Slottery, Marion Stinchecum. Second row: Mary Sue Montoya, Nancy Wilson, Betty Lou Schiller, Patricio Kelley, advisor; Janet Max- ton, Shirley Bobitt. Third row: Margie Killian. Marlene Weber, Frederica Wiley, Margaret Cotonzaro, Mary Jane Kelly, Marlene Rum- bough, Nancy Jones, Idoclaire hierbst.

Competition runs high among the five wom-

"May I walk you home?" he asked. en's dormitories. Each is trying for top honors "Why, yes. That would very in academic standing, athletic contests, and other be nice," she replied.

competitive activities, but all such feeling is ab- So they ambled across the campus, post Memorial

sent at Interdorm Council meetings. Auditorium, and up the steps toward Bryan fHall. hie hesitated at the front walk. Interdrom Council consists of representatives from each of the five dormitories. To correlate "Just follow me down this alley," she directed.

the activities of the major women's housing units hie looked puzzled and wondered if he were safe. is its main purpose. The highlight of their efforts Over the bricks, around the corner, and behind the Ag is the annual Interdorm Formal. "Top O' the Eve- building they went. ning" was the theme of the March dance this "Whew!" he heaved a sigh of relief. There was a year. house there—a big, white one. This was his introduc- Betty Lou Schiller is president, and Mary tion to Welch Cottage, the most obscure house on the Sue Montoyo, secretary-treasurer. campus. The girls report the seclusion permits them to

study all the time. They celebrated twice, with a hlallo-

ween and a Christmas party. Officers are Jo Miller, Alice Frye, and Pat Bowsher.


First row; Borbora Robinson, Julio Might, Carol Rohde, Sollie Foraker, Dietz Dengler, Ro Ferro, Second row: Alice Frye, Doris Durkot, Joan Miller, Betty Vaught, Pat Bowsher, Third Row; Lenore Ganek, Shirley Anderson, Kay Line, Joan Hunter, Joan Newbert, Betty Snow, Doneece Patton, Eleanor Ewing, Juonito Hill, Jan Buckholz Virginia Darnell, proctor. First row: Peggy Raub, Georgia Thomsen, Joan Outzs, Modelin Jin. Second row: Carol Wigol, Beth Rinnanoczy, Sandy Deeds, Erlko Uhl, Esther Noble, Mary Mc- Allister, Jonet Boulis. Third row: Marilyn Rassie, Marlene Davis, Bev Rawlins, Sharon Jo Bradley, Carol Jean Fervier, Suzanne Stickmon, Terry Argie.

SLOANE COTTAQE At 9:50 each night the lights from hHoword Hall brightly illuminated College Street. They

rules but not their neighbors across "We don't do anything," is the connment followed the — the street, College Street Cottage. Detective of a Sloans Cottage coed concerning the Nancy Boettner, alias proctor, never did discover group's activities. And if you've ever passed the porch light bulb. cottage on any nice day, the crowd on the who was loosening the

is evidence of this fact. front porch College Street Cottage is typical of any

girls' housing unit. It has the sweet little girl with But actually they must spend lots of time crush on a big campus leader, the pinned studying, for they are always seen with books a girls who hod "lots in common" to talk about, the under their arms. At any rote, they manage gal who cleans only her third of the room even if the to squeeze birthday parties and bridge games rest of it looks like o setting from "Grapes of into the day's agenda. Wrath," and the social chairman who tidies her The officers in charge of "non-" activities room for room inspection. The other days it s at Sloane Cottage are Terry Argie, Peggy hard to walk through it. Officers ore Kathy Dengler, Marilyn Rassie. Raub, and Julie Sturgiss, and Fran Growhosky. COLLEQE STREET COTTAQE

First Row: Jane Ballog, Barb Campbell, Shirley Blazina, Ruth Diley, Jean- ne Richt, Barb Grow, Fran Growhosky, Nancy Boettner, proctor. Second Row: Yasuko Tsuchihashi, Julie Sturgiss, Alice Wright, Inez Peterson, Tresa Bethardy, Mary Jo Cornelia, Kathy Dengler.

110 _<^^ <^^f^

First row: Jean Matson, Carol Melnen, Elvo Kaufman, Betty Morehouse, Gini Helm, Angle Swede, Donna Barnes. Second row: Alice Armstrong, Martha Marquis, Elaine Quillen, Ruth Berger, Donna Ball, Doris Roth, Ardy McKinloy, Sally Kladney. Third row: Myro Andres, Juanita Colegrove, Shirley McDonald, Pa- tricia Brady, Sara Zebold, Dorothy Creswell. Beverly Sommerfeld, Jo- ann Frazier.

COURT STREET COTTAQE When the girls who live in Bryan Annex are asked what they think about their Ohio University Not many people find themselves in home, they promptly answer that they are a display window often, but every time "one big, happy family." the girls of Court Street Cottage sit in If you were looking for Bryan Annex, their lounge, they ore on display. For you would directed to the floor be basement this housing unit is a reconverted res- of the Agricultural Building. There you would taurant with a huge front window. Their find the girls." For entertainment during "Annex only protection is a big, big curtain. the year they have their annual Santa Clous And behind that curtain they celebrate party and Mothers' Weekend activities. Several each girl's birthday. birthday parties at various intervals add an extra touch to the Bryan Annex social life.

Elected as president this year was Jane

Morley. Other officers are Gail Stiles, Ronnie Garcia, and Doris McBride. BRYAN ANNEX

Front row: Eleanor Satter- field, Jo Hale, Fran Grin- stead, Sherry Richards, Helen Clark, Barbara Blommel, Paula Hoyne. Second row: Helen Sutton, Gerry Godby, Barbara Johnson, Jane Mor- ley, Alice Tillman, proctor; Doris McBride, Gail Stiles. Jean Allen, Glee Showers. Third row: June Kuhns, Bar- bara Gindy, Marjene Whip- l:ey, Esperanza Garcia, Bev- erley Short. Fran Eggers, Carole Cipro. Nevada Shell, Sally Synon, Fran Rogers. Greek life is a part of college tfiat forms ties and provides memories whicfi linger on long after the campus fias chianged and the familiar names on the

fraternity roll have given place to new ones.

It's a port of youth at its gayest, when costume parties are the craziest and campaigns are the most fervent.

And it's the bond of friendship that develops when people live together, help each other out, and share in the work and fun of cooperative undertaking.




FRATERNITIES Q R E E K S Lett table: Carol Boyd. Marilyn Schuler, Sally Hallol, Helen Bled- soe, Pat Smith, Ann Knappenberger, Vilmo Boros, Sonia Welsh. Right table: Alice Leist, Dorothy Brumbaugh, Barbara Bowman, Helga Rothschild, Helen Lettofsky, Shirley Cook, Sondra Rose, Mary Tolles, Mary Waldeck. Standing: Ann Miller, Lee Elliott, Athena Armatas, Margaret Deppen, advisor; Barbara Zawada.


Today in Korea another orphan

is just a little bit happier.—Why?

Because as one of its many worthwhile projects for the year, Pan hiellenic Council has put into effect a new program of adopting a Korean orphan, with each

sorority taking a month when it

will keep her well-supplied with

lots of cheer and happiness.

Also, o workshop was held in the

fall and, of course, the annual Greek Week festivities "went off"

in fine fashion, when Pan hiel joined with IPC to sponsor the affair. Athena Armatas, Pot Smith, Barb Zawada, and Lee

Elliott lead the group.

114 The year— 1977; the place—New York. You're walking down the

busiest street in the nation when those

names on the marquee hit you. Why, they're the composers who wrote

the script and score for the first student composed show at OU! And any future OU alum who sow the

Greek Week musical this year will

remember it. The fraternity presidents,

in conjunction with Pan hHel, made a success of the whole Greek Week, inducing the Comic Field Day and tie formal dance.

I his group sets the policy govern- INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL ing campus fraternity men and is an arbitration board for all disputes. They provide board each year for an exchange student. Leading

the group are Bill hloffner, John Meeks, and John Mierzwa.

First Row: Dave Dieieny, Herman Silbiger, Bill Hoffner, John Meeks. Joe Dando, advisor; John Mierzwa, Don Huebner. Second Row: George Strimbu, Dave Heinrich, Alan Williams, Chester Miller,

Donold Weber, Bill Culbert, Gerald Hornsby, John Lax, Lou Spiegel,

Pat Helms. Third Row: Bill Schultz, Sam Greiner, Robert Giick, Simon Cohen, Jim Handley, Andy Markiewicz, Dom Musitano, Ira Ehrenkronz, Frank Lee, Russell Balser, Al Short, Charles Carpenter,

George Mitchell, Pat Ordovensky, Bill Stofford, James Morey, Larry Lawrence.


First Row: Rita Modesitt, Fran Rogers, Barbara Guth, Pamela Doner, Barbara des Lauriers, Jo Miday, Carol Bee Sun- dermon, Shirley McCave, Glee Show- ers, Mary Ellen Waldeck, Joyce How- ard, Athena Armotas. Second Row: Eleanor Sctterfield, Nancy Hedges,

116 The concert ends. The artists leave Memorial Aud- itorium and approach a warm-looking red brick house

graced by tall, white pillars. A number of girls whose charm surpasses that of their house, are waiting to admit them. They are ADPi's.

The reception for Community Concert artists is an

annual affair at the Alpha Delta Pi house. Another

"annual" for them is the Sweetheart Formal, where all new pledges are honored. The Founders' Day celebration

is a special event for this group since it is the oldest

sorority in the United States.

A new trophy adorned their mantle this year as they

went "Swinging on Victory hiill" with their float of

the same name. It won first prize in the Homecoming competition.

President is Athena Armotos. Other officers include Mary Anne Troup, vice-president; Lynne Angelo, secretary; and Nancy hiedges, treasurer.


Shawelter, Barbaro Judy Byers, Carol Sieglred, Foraker, Erika Uhl, Sallie Adsit, Morcia Dlcterson, Barbara Lundberg, Mary Anne Troup. Doneece Lois Firestone, Marilyn Clarke. Fourth Row: Lynn Patton, Solly Henderson, Rosalie Gondek, Carol Relneke, Agnes Thornton, Susie Selgfred, Carole Jean Fervier. Barbara Lanphear. Third Row: Donna Shermon, Solly Wilson. Carol Casperson, Shirley Evans, Nevada Shell, Marcla Cobourn, Mary Lou Johnson, Caryl Baker, Frltzle Williams, Betty Redding, Lynne Angelo, Joan Newbert, Sollle Vaught, Marilyn Swanton, Phyllis Sietatycki.


scene The corner of Court and President Streets was the of much "hustle-bustle" activity this fall. The AEPhi's were preparing their prized possession, a newly-acquired home, for opening in the spring semester.

With interest focused on redecorating, the girls devoted birthday little time to social entertainment. But the anniversary of Alpha Phi chapter, in February, called for a celebration. A "Baby Party" honored the four-year-old group, with rattles and childish pranks providing the girls and their dates with many laughs.

This year the chapter was hostess to the visiting notional president of Alpha Epsilon Phi.

Subdean Renee Weisman assisted Dean hielga Rothschild hard work. in steering the chapter through a year of Myrno Chertoff closely budgeted the finances while Thelma hHertzberg kept o strict account of all fraternal proceedings.


119 The golden hue emanating from the Alpha Gam house

this year wasn't a mirage. It was merely a reflection of the Golden Anniversary of Alpha Gamma Delta. And

these girls do something with their gold, not only in the

abstract, but also in the concrete. Much of their tangible gold goes toward the treatment of cerebral palsy sufferers. A sock party, at which socks were

raffled, contributed to the fund.

The Anniversary Boll and a reunion banquet with the alumnae helped create the abstract "golden glow." A hHolloween party, complete with ghosts, witches, and pumpkins, rounded out their activity program.

Wearing the president's gavel this year is Sondra

Rose. Assisting her are Pat Kurtz, first vice-president; Nona Green, second vice-president;

Nancy Evans, treasurer; El Fixler and Mildred Tobey, corresponding secretaries.

^^ l^t^ ^'i^lk ^rrn^ f* ^ -<

Guif- First Row: Carole Wilson, Sondro Rose, Barbara Jan Tullls. Elinor Sleno, Beth Abbott, Rosemary Metzger, Nancy Riegel, Loretta Schultis, Beverly Ire, Linda Von Arsdale, Susie Lyons, Lois Snyder, Black, Carole Fischer, Chormo Mason, Janet Carolyn Dale, Dotty Brazovltch. Third Row: Liz Eleanor Fixler, Weeks, Nanci Ellis, Joan Brown, Janet Johnson, Bowser, Patricio Dovitt, Gail Barton, Lynn Schuerlein. Second Row: Ardith McKinlay, Melva Mink, Nona Green, Bev Brown, Ellen Tullls, (vlartha Rauschenberger. Jo Dove, Jane tvlorley, Pat Kurtz, Jane Barrett, Rosolind Hull, Carol Boyd,

120 V ^^^ ,< ..•


Annie Bogardus. Fourth Row: Minnl Farmer. Jone Roseberry, Beverly Trithart, Jonie Wisby, Barbara Jainshig, Mary Atheorn, Patience Linker, Jackie Wisby. Nancy Evans, Barbara Williams. Sherry Rlchords, Mildred Tobey, Virginia Shetter.


Early last year fifteen girls with initi-

ative, perserverance, and old-fashioned "gumption" met, determined to help solve o problem on OU's campus. They knew each sorority was limited to 55 members.

They realized this meant over 1,000

girls could not pledge, even If they wanted

to. They talked it over with Prof. George

Starr Lasher, who is active in Greek

affairs. A little encouragement was all they needed. They petitioned CAC.

Now, after the second successful year of their probationary period, they can be recognized officially and work towards

affiliation with a notional organization. That'll be the day! Everybody's rooting for you Alpha Theta! Officers are Barbara Bowman, Marie Simon, Charlotte Basnett, and Betty Clark.

122 First Row: Marie Simon, Nancy Warren, Janet Maloney, Judy Gibson, Cynthia Nuber, Barbara Bowman. Second Row: M. Jeanne Black. Margie Quay, Sally Frondorl, Mary Lou Poor, Jane Mech- ling, Nancy Dean, Lydia Hydu. Third Row: Miml Barnes, Betty Lou Clark, Pat Madden, Charlotte Basnett, Alice Leist, Ethel Virgin, Molly Sanborn.

123 The chatter ceases in the "Fuzzy"

living room as o tall, blonde girl with an impish grin finds her way toward the piano bench. Post

experience tells the girls they're in for some big entertainment. For

this sister of theirs is Shirley "Gus" Guisinger, who has aimed at fame

with her renditions of hillbilly classics OS only she con do them. The music majors cringe, but "Gus"

is never daunted! And the spirit of fun and friendship within the



First Row: Phoebe Raney, Barbara Johnston, Kcth- ryn Dengler, Miriam Pestel, Pat Zinsmeister, Solly Richards, Geraldine Coot, Beth Rimonoczy, Virg- inia Huerkamp. Carolyn Augustine, tvlorya Mason, Janis Dengler, Marilyn Altman, Sandra Deeds, Mary Tolles, Donna Mock, hielen Clark. Second Row: Barbara Grow, Shirley Guisinger. Georgeann Zuck, Antoinette Ondis, Myrdith Sherow, Greta Greenwood, Julie Sturgiss, Allison Smith, Virginia

124 Alpha Xi circle can put up with anything—even Shirley's singing.

In front of their crest-topped fire- place they meet to laugh, play, work, and plan together. Some- times they even cry together, as

over the 0-0 tie in the annual Powder Bowl game. This year's plans included a winter formal. Founders' Day banquet, Rose Dance, and continued contribution to the

Well Child Clinic In Indiana.

Leading them is President Mary

Tolies, and other officers, Sally Richards, Allison Smith, Kathy Dengler. and Betty Anderson.

nette Kellerbouer, Lou Helser. Margaret Stewart, Betty Reese. Marianne Frank, Jeanne Richt, Joan Bay, Marilyn Douglas, Ann Knappenberger, San- dra Miller. Barbara Coy, Mickey Wilson, Sydney Helm, Jo Ann Cornell. Elaine Austin, Barbaro Clark. Kaye LaFollette. Wotson, Ro Ferro, Betty Lou Hoyes, Betty Ander- son. Nancy Reed, Barbara Reeder. Third Row: Morjorie Sisk. Patricia Cleory, Janet Kapl, Nan-

125 Top Row: Sylvia Gray, Susan Hallof, Sharon Oid- fleld, Mary Patrick, Diane Natole, Susie Turpin, Helen Fry, Liz Armstrong, Solly Hallof, Lorrie Wil- son, Marilyn Schuler, Mary Lou Evans, Barbara Westerfield, Lois Petty, Barbara Darling. Morlene

Weber, Chi Omega barn party. Second Row: Jan Bush. Jeanne Fell. Dottie Schoeni, Pat Baker. Sally Tibbits, Frances Grinsteod. Dottie Magneson. Mad- elyn McDermott, Jean Newlond, Jean Hackett.


Shouts and screams emitted from the Chi O house. The windows rattled

and the walls bulged. What was all the commotion?

"We did it! We did it!" the cry was exuberant.

Yes, they did it again. And another

Chi O queen was added to the list of '53-'54 queens at OU. Among the titles

claimed in the royal house are homecoming queen. Susie Turpin; honorary

colonel of Military Ball, Diane Natole;

and Athena queen attendant, Jeanne Fell.

But the girls have not forgotten others. They presented their annual Chi Omega Economics Award and entertained the

campus with a party in the Chi O barn.

Marilyn Schuler led the group in presenting

an art festival, two formal dances, and many informal parties. Other officers ore Jean Sheppard, Pat Baker, Margie HHoobler, and Sharon Oldfield. Nancy Rutherlord. Marge Hoobler, Jackie Hunt, Sollie Strlne, Jane Longford. Pat Headlee. Nancy Householder, Barbara Swan, Shirley Barnhill, Solly Hughes, Joyce Galloway, Nancy Hamilton, Sue Robeson, Sydney Overman, Thea Wysockl.

Judy Jennings, Sandra Foster, Rhoda Hoffman, Llnaomoe Conner, Connie Cozed, Cora Ann Mor- gan, Mrs. O. U. Terrill, Mary Nee. Third Row: Jean Sheppord, Bobbie Morgan, Joanne Clements

)>» «c ^^A v

Top Row: Ann Ward, Beverly Crates, Diana Lees, Third Row: Mory Jane Klott, Jean Wingenfeld, Norma Haddad, Marilyn Torgersen. Sheila George, Solly Carlson, Florence Watson, Nancy Klatt, Mortha Saunders, Barbara Zawado, Donna Denis. Beverly Short, Loile Lovett, Joyce Roy, Phyllis Betty Pieratt, Geri Brancato, Jean Rider. Second Borllng, Gerry Beach, Marilyn Smith, Jane Kuhns. Row: Shirley Phares, Janice Amstutz, Clarissa Fourth Row: Pat Dostol, Rieta Sagor, Rita Patton, Schaeier, Shirley Potier, Morjorie Kephort, Jackie Lyn Grandstoff, Martha Chase, Shirley Cook, Mar- Plent, Sue Clark, Diane Goebel, Mary Hogan, ianne Smirgo, Helen Simon, Diane Skarupski, Joan Marilyn Huheey, Carole Godfrey, Shirley Ryan. Buzzard, Eileen McNeely, Pat Schneider.

128 PHI ML/

It's still early to say, "Goodnight.'

Many varied impersonations of the age-old Santa Clous have been seen by

everyone, but on one night in December probably one of the most humorous ond

feminine of all Saint Nicks descended the chimney at 35 North College Street. With

Shirley Ryan donned in the traditional

white beard and red suit, the Christmas party provided an evening of fun and laughs

for all the Phi Mus.

Barb Zawada led the group in an active year of dinners, parties, and dances. Especially memorable events were the

Carnation Boll and Founder's Day Banquet.

Assisting Barb were Phyllis Borling, Norma hiaddod, Rieto Sogor, Jeanne Rider, and Shirley Cook.

Rush parties have their quiet moments, too. First Row: Sonia Welsh, Joyce Herrold, Sandy Goulder, Mary Ann Clarlc, Sally Word, Carole Locke, Jeannie Gottfried, Patricia Cox, Phyllis Folk, Marilyn Paulsen, Sue Watson, Betsey Johnson,

Peterson, Jill Ensminger, Jenny Carpenter, Shirley Carolyn Cunningham, Suzanne Colbert. Third Row: Keller, Betty Lee, Penny Hendrlck, Arleen Mc- Lou Loidlaw, Maureen Kelley, Anne Hubbard, Guigan, Jane Carter. Second Row: Barbara Fox, Martha Dee Morrison. Ann Miller, Leila Merrill. Kay Woolfitt. Nancy Smith, Joanne Nichols, Vivian Sally Davis, Diana Welch. Lois Pringle, Marilyn

A harmonious, "song-fested" group performs. Chandler, Lois Schuette. Donna Lang, Marcia Rebert. Fourth Row: Karen Link, Bernetta Close, Carole Bennett, Margaret Sahlin, Jo Ellen God- dard, Karen Erdmann, Jonetta Dunloevy, Sklppy Thornton, Margene Gilson, Kris Moore, Carole Aydelotte, Kay Sears, Shirley Stork.


"Aw, girls don't know anything about football."

If you said this within earshot of the

Pi Phi house you would be challenged im-

mediately, for these girls are vigorous com-

petitors in the annual Powder Bowl football game, which benefits the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund. At Powder Bowl time both pledges and actives trudge down to the athletic field to practice kicking, passing,

in the dancing. and new plays. What's more, the girls evi- dently learn their lessons well, for they

hold the edge in games won.

Other major activities for the first na- tional women's fraternity founded at OU are winter and spring formal dances and a sole given to raise money for the settlement

school in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Sonia Welsh is president this year. She

is assisted by other officers, Jo Goddard, Pat Cox, Shirley Keller, and Barbara Fox.

131 "Look who's here , SIQMA KAPPA

Another day—and to bed.

First Row: Shirley Giesler, Nancy Campbell, Shirley Blozina, Lee Elliott, Linda Dunn, Margaret Warmel- ing, Janice Judkins, Freda Morogos, Judy Brown, Saundra Howard, Donna Markell, Marilyn Ristau, Shirley Anderson. Second Row: Mary Lee Bomeli, Joyce Furrey, Marilyn Woods, Maralynn Purdy, "This place is turning info the infirmary annex," a Sigma Kappa grinned.

In the corner of her room leaned a pair of crutches. This seemed to be Sigma Kop- po season for broken legs, sprained ankles, twisted feet, and even patches over eyes.

Despite it all they managed to get to a Christmas party to see—not Santa Clous,

but "Santo Baby." The traditional red suit,

white trim, and whiskers were traded in for a white night shirt and bonnet. A spring formal, exchange parties, and aiding an

American farm school for girls in Athens, So we leave the lovely isle of Sigwa-Kopki. Greece, were a part of the group's program this year. Lee Elliott, Rita Colosurd, Sharon Gamwell, Joyce Schoenberger, Judy Brown,

Judy Nelson, and Irma Husmonn ore offi- cers of Sigma Kappa.


'^ m ^ 9 T \

Janet Fitzgerald, Bea Gordon. Gerri Hodgins Suzanne Corbin, Carol Rhode, Bev Mollman. Pat Barbara Robinson, Peg Polley, Betty Wyott, Shar Miller. Fourth Row: Ruth Ann Dlley, Carol Jo on Gamwell, Tresa Bethordy, Diane Gorretson, Colosurd, Judy Nelson. Sue Gaskill, Joyce Schoen- Third Row: Janet Broun, Betty Snow, Dorothy Mo berger, Gall Stiles, Bev Barrett, Rita Martin, Phyllis han. Mary Lou RIepenhoff, Judy Evers, Hedy Henss Schnell, Pat Stebbins, Joan Hunter, Irma Husmann, Marcia Gossmon, Joan B. Miller, Rita Colosurd Bettie Wigner.


First Row: Janet Cunningham, Carol Bottoms, Mar- Ruth McGraw, Patricia Finlen. Second Row: Jean- jene Kistler, Beverly Wendlond, Marilyn Dilley, nette Hoff, Shirley Mann, Laetitia Corbin, Foye Peggy Day, Solly Synan, Sarah Janusz, Pat Smith, Cooper, Joan Kritzell, Jane Craggs, Frances Eg- Suzy Shepard, Helen Bledsoe, Mary Lois Stern, gers, Diana Coffinberry, Kay Layden, Jean Newell, Glenna Woolley, Barbara Scott, Sandra Smith, Carol Walker, Carol Jurenek, Donna McCauley,

134 Picnicing and swimming at a Lake Hope out-

ing, dancing at their Stardust formal, and mas- querading and guessing at the costume party were a few of the occasions that caused the Zetas to have a successful and interesting year.

One of their favorite social events is the annual

steak and beans dinner. At this feast steak is served to the actives or the pledges, depending upon which have earned the highest grade averages during the semester. The other group gets beans.

As a philanthropic project Zeta Tau Alpha provides aid to the treatment and care of cerebral

palsy. Alpha Pi Chapter was established on this

campus in 1922 to "intensify friendship, to promote such deeds, and to mold such opinions as will con- duce to the building up of nobler and purer woman-

hood in the world."

Serving as officers this year are Pat Smith, president; Lois hley, vice-president; Betty Corwin, secretary; and Barbara Svoboda, treasurer.

They're floating down Homecoming Porade.

If- ^ / ^

Ann McMillen, Jeanne Higby, Delores Steinbren- bara Groppe, Barbara Finlen, Jacqueline Temple, ner, Donna McCleary, Mary Jane Pitcher. Third Jane Remley, Phyllis Madden, Helen Fleischer, Row: Ceil Franke, Lois Hey, Betty Corwin, Corinne Jane Rice, Gloria Johns, Georgia Trakos, Angela Clutter, Joan Nierman, Annamae Grogan, Bar- Russo, Beverly Marmo, Mary Ann Shroyer.

135 jc;

First Row: Russell A. Balser, Art Vermillion, Ron H. R. Collins, Charles Atkinson, Wm. J. Shepherd. McCowen, Charles Pinney, Dick Gibson, Edward Second Row: John A. Wilhelm, Dove Beato, Jim Sonnmer, Glenn N. Smith, Allen Snyder, Fredrick Shannon, Ken Heichel. Robert Gluliono. Horry Hunkler, Glen Thaler, John Jewett, Franklin D. Lee, Hogquist, William A. Bowman, Lee Gibson, Wolly

136 OU isn't the only institution celebrat- ing a birthday this year. Acacia joins the

ranks with the advent of its fiftieth anniver-

sary. In fact, you must have noticed that

these men were getting a little heavier. Those anniversary banquets ore bound to show sometime.

But the men get many chances to work

off excess energy in their Junior Olympics, two formal dances, and varied house parties. And one time of the year when

everyone goes "all out" is in the perform- A futuristic Homecoming float. ance of their annual minstrel show.

"Man, oh, Man. Dot's real gone, Rasmus." And their audiences testify that

"dot is real gone!"

hlolding the head positions ore Russ Balser, Eldon Remy, Frank Lee, Ed Sommer, and David Bilsing. ACACIA \^^^^


klkk^k^ RublcL G. W. Davenport, Walt Kutscher, Jomes Willioms, Richord E. Porter, Howard E. Wade, BarWuN, Ronald Hogquist, George Thorne, Robert Dave Bilsing, William Hannen, Norman Lannlng, E. Kutscher, Eldon Remy. Third Row: Tom Fillmer, Charles Lohr, Charles Thompson, Eric Johnen, Russell Smith. Robert McCune, Dick Randall, Nevin Allan S. Balllie, James R. Crowie, Wayne Deeble.

137 Swinging it the hord woy .

Singing alter an evening out.

Everyone knows that gambling and im- personating falsely are not very desirable things to do. But the Alpha Kappa Lamb-

das persist, anyway. It seems they just

won't stop. And it's only because they're

so fun-loving. No, they'll never stop hav-

ing their casino parties and Halloween masquerades.

But they temper them with a few other things, such as the annual Tri-state Day at which chapters from Ohio, Indiana, and

Illinois get together. A note of even greater dignity was added to their activities on the occasion of the Christmas banquet, party, and dance. Their "Winter Wonder- land" prevailed over everything, even the following day when there was an open house and reception for the Board of Trustees. Officers are David Dieterly, Jim Bostancic, John Pangle, Art Aspengren, and Gene Stout.

138 w ^m0-

They couldn't make if (or the row below: Dominick Colo, David Morr, and Phil Coin.


^k First Row: Barry Nauts, Hermon Silbiger, Gene Stout, Richord Duncon, Loren Troescher, David Dieterly. Second Row: James Finalyson, John Pan- gie, Art Aspengren, Bob Mokren, Lou Sperry, James Bostanic.

139 a oull session

Before bed, the guys eat and have

First Row: Dick Riley, Dick Smail, Byron Kelly, Lundberg, Jerry Lyons, Roland Chandley, Carl Blaine Jones, Russell Foreman, Win Hawley, Hothoway, Richard Leffler, John Powell, Eugene Charles Rice, James Goddard, Ted Lotz, Pete Vejsicky. Third Row: Lorry Harper, Dave Lucas, Mihelicl, Dean Circle, Bud Dawson, Bill Haffner. Micky Filbert, Gerald Hoff, Bill Somerviile, John Second Row: Dan Nash, Dick Maxwell, Don Ben- Bolin, Jim Smith, Norman Roberts, Conroth Leath- nett, Dick McQuillin, Tom Owen,, Don Bobo, Dove erman, Jim Pittenger, Dick Ellis, Bill Frederick, Dick

140 Poet Poe and the guys got together on this one.

This is the fraternity of manly men who

like to do things up primitively, as at their talked-about Tahitian party—or who like

to let their ladies know that chivalry StorL Fourth Row: Tony Rotolo, Jerry Kinnone, Charles Skipper, Bill Mason, John Callahan, Jim isn't all gone, by relinquishing their house David Lenington, Ted Neu- hlollinger. Bud Morlock, to female guests on a turn-about night. hous. Bud Schoeffer, Jim Hartley. John Bounds, Everything especially for the Tom Lee. was prepared ladies' comfort, even the literature which

was left to occupy their minds in case drowsiness came slowly.

The pledges worked overtime to re- move the sand from the floor after the Tahitian party. They were clearing the way for a new carpet. Their Sweetheart Dance and winning second place for hHomecoming float highlighted the year. Officers are Haffner, Jim Goddard, Blaine Jones,

Bud Schoeffer, Bill Frederick, and Jerry Kinnane.

BETA THETA PI First Row: John Vucelich, Charles Stemen, Al Sul- livan, David Belden, Gary Dean, Dana Vlbberts Jim Bittengle, Elmer Martin, advisor; Alan R. Wil- liams. Second Row: Donald DeLongo, Dick Hub- bard, Michael Poppe, Richard Conrad, Joe Daw- son, Allen R. Baker, Niles Saari, Jack Honeck.


"Say, that's something!"

142 George T. Arthur, Herbert A. Schlemon. Third Row: Tom Vichnick. Bruce Cole, Richard Horner. Phillip Krocic, Angelo Gregorio, Myron G. Seyerle, James Mourer, Russell N. Baird, advisor; Joseph Gregory Tulencik, Fred Schwartzman.

The Sesquicentennial year was a mem- orable one for Chi Delta Tau. As OU chim-

ed forth its 150th birthday, this organization

marked the end of its first year as a recog-

nized social fraternity. Although founded in November, 1952, the group passed a year Sesqui shows in Chi Delt float. as a trial period before being recognized

officially by CAC in January, 1953. It is the eighteenth, and the youngest social fra- ternity on campus.

A year of "firsts" for Chi Delta Tau was highlighted by their first Founders' Day

Banquet and the first Spring Formal to be

held in their house at 15 North Congress Street.

Alan Williams led the group past its

first milestone. Assisting him were John hlon- eck, Richard Harner, and Richard Hub- bard.

143 First Row: Jack Smircina, Kean Grosenbough, John

Miller, Ronald Tompkins, Ronald Punkar, Bill Griffin, Michael Samorgya. Dave Fisher, Richard Farrell, Robert Yocom, Ed Tardif, John Dewier, Norman Szabo, Tom McMillan, Don Kramer. Second Row: Warren Bornett,

John Sinclair, Charles Lochary, Bill Lagonegro. Denny

A gay party at the glowing fireside,

t's "smashing" prediction.

144 fn O- ^ ^ Q~

ki^ Grady, Loyal Bemiller, Hank Schnobel, Roger Swardson, son, Donald Stroup, Pete Winter, Wotson Burnfield, Tom Paul Wachter, Donald Weiss, Tom Terhune, Di- Bob Cole, Bill Kovander, Norm Wright. Fourth Row: Bill Doug- Cioccio, Don Williams, Alex Prislopsky, Dick Goodrich. lass, Bill Katcher, Carl Hurd, Charles Moore, Tom Hessler, Third Row: Donald Seymour, Dick McClaine, Jim Mc- Alan Cooper, James Keinath, Robert Strawser, Dick Fow- Laughlin, John Blaettnor, Larry Crist, Alonzo Folger, ler, James Deloney, Bruz Roettger, Pete Wittick, Dick De- Robert Schurdak, Rlchord Bartholomew, H. Richard Wat- Long, Dick Goodrick, Bob Heidler.

if you remember seeing several persons walking toward President Street wearing "Flapper" costumes and knee-pants, you recall the annual Delt Circus party. If you attended DELTA TAV DELTA the J-Prom parade or the Circus party, or look to the average grades of campus frots, you know Delta Tau Delta.

Beta chapter of Delt ploys on important part in OU fraternity history. It is the oldest chapter in continuous existance.

The Winter Formal is one of the top affairs for the Delts. President of the group is Don hlort. Pete Winter, Dick Fowler, Bob Strauser, and Pete Wittick assist him.

145 First Row: John Mierzwo, Lee Webb, Bud Guen- ther, Fred Embleton, Raymond Andolsek, Wayne Holderman, Bill Smith, Jerry Shaveyco, Robert Smith, Karl Bishop, Don Fanslow, Sam Border.

He's not as vicious as he looks.



Everyone was "living it up" that night. Second Row: Gordon Rick. Nick Dinunzio, Chris Third Row: Pete Shlmrok. Dove Hysell, Lou Marino, Chocos, Louis Listermonn, Roy Barrick. Jim Dono- Ed Wood, Bob Livingston, John Cirino, Al Mc- von. Holdaln May, Jon Weins, Tom Brown. Lorry Mullen, Earl Shoemaker. Jim Reiss, Bert DIuzen, Tibbols, Robert Lomont, Jock Sipe, Joe Soggio. Fred Bachert, Robert Boucher, Andrew Morkiewicz.

Something new in television perhaps? The couples were admitted by a doorman. Their coats were checked, and they were escorted by the head waiter to their reserved table. They got the feeling one gets upon entering a club such as the Copacabana or Stork

Club. This feeling continued until a dim hum was heard. It continued to get lounder and then— crash! The sound of a bowling ball knocking

down pins reminded everyone that he was in

the basement of Eagles hiall at the Lambda Chi Nite Club Party.

The boys at 45 Mill had a complete year with other social events and projects such as the hHeart Fund campaign. President John Mierzwa, along with Jack Sipe, Earl Shoemaker, , Ed Wood, Sam Border. Karl Bishop, and Ray Barrick, led the group.

147 %JfM

hJ^ First Row: Chuck Harrison, Richard Lee Miller. Frederick C. Wolf, Jr., Roger Fenneman, William Harry Semple, Chip Mutchler, Gerald Hvizdak, Repasky, Dave Neutzllng. Dave Carter. Third Row: John N. Wilson, Al Grover, Harold Bolton, John Tom Schaub, Gabe Mellini, Jim Caldwell, Dan A. Duschinski, Gene Wefherholt, Lee Leprick, Wolf. Roy Gerrell, Sam Whorton, Jerry Imes, George Mitchell. Second Row: Al Short, Ralph Allen E. Jones. Richard Hummel, John Nuhn. John Cater, Howard James Drasler, Don Lundstrom, Smith, Dino Bello. Darrell Morris, Paul Wickert, Glen Hickinbothom,

Phi Delts point with pride to the foot that o member of their fraternity has won the J-Prom crown eight years of the last nine. The third oldest fraternity on the campus, OU's chapter, Ohio

Gamma, was founded here in I 868 and has initiated over 1000 men.

Annually the Phi Delts present the Phi Delt

Follies, while in January they dance at their Winter Formal. At Christmas time, kids from the Childrens' hlome are brought to the house. This always

goes over big with the little ones. Among other affairs are a Barn Party and a Roaring 20's Party.

Perhaps their biggest event of the year is the She Delta Theta party, when Phi Delt dates are put through a mock pledge period starting the Wednesday before the party, and ore then formally initiated into She Delta Theta on Saturday night. First Row: Don Barry, Dick Davis, John Bier, Don Leading the organization this semester were Christopher, Ted Shaffer, Dave White, Lloyd Wit- tenmyer, Tom Balding, Harry Weinbrecht, Henry Jim Deaver, president; Gil Camp, reporter; Spring. Frank Nixon. Ronald F. Chapman. Second Tom Balding, secretary; Ron Chapman, treasurer; Rog Fenneman, historian; and Al Short, social chairman.



Their Christmas has been brightened by Phi Delts.

i^J^Jsk^M Row: Jack Leuschel, John Gibbs, Dave Honnnn, ner. Tihrd Row: Joe Barone, Pi- Hank Eldon Lown, Larry Long, Dicic Abbruzzese, Richard Mayer, Hank Roenigk, Jim Ogden, Tom Cables, E. Guthrie, Jock Kubach. George Voss, Gilbert Jack Shere, John Evans. Bob Litter, James R. Camp, Jr., Dick Johnson, Bill Rogland. Don Pap- Deover, Frank Reynolds, Kenneth Boll. Paul Jessee.

149 A surprise awaited one of the fellows at the

Phi Ep's Jock Frost Frolics last fall. During the entertainment he was called forth and told by the social committee that he hod been nominated for the "Sweetest Fellow Award." And the award: a box of sugar!

The Phi Eps have their serious side, too. In the spring of lost year they won the Scholarship Award for having the highest scholastic average

among the fraternities. Then this fall they won

the award a second time, making it two

semesters in a row.

In March the local chapter acted as hosts iiomburg. to the Phi Eps annual Mid-western Conclave.

Another annual activity is the Spring Formal.

The officers were Lou Spiegel, president; hHarvey Loeb, vice-president; Gary Bassin, treasurer; and Leonard Schulman and Abram Figarsky, secretaries.

First Row: Ronald Lipson, Louis Spiegel, Abe Fig- Joel Levine, Al Wopnick, Gory B. Bossin, Harvey arsky, tvlike Blumenthal, Dove Scheen, Robert Co- Leventhal. Third Row: Martin A. Cohn, Neal hen, Gil Erlechmon, Myron Henry. Second Row: Brown, Jim Leon, Martin A. Shiffman, Burt Lobock, Jack Waldorf, Ira Ehrenkranz, Jerome Mann, Stan- Ralph J. Lowenstein, Bernard Borden. Ronald Roth- ley Regen, Richard Fossberg, Sonford Himmel, man, Leonard P. Schulman, Harvey Loeb. ^M^

P fcr ^ IP

150 "Get the eyes, too


151 First Row: Robert Koraffa, Pat Ordovenslcy, John fly, Don Huebner. Second Row: Karl Johns, Bob Copella, Corlton Benz, Ron Sibiha, Ron Follano, Rodriguez, Carl Andreono, Dennis Garweil, Rudy Joe Kail, Gil Polansky. Paul Rodder, Ron Von Os- Koletic, John Bock, George Spogno, Williann insiti, Don Mestnik, Richard Zelina, Ralph Coschig- O'Connor, Don Czech, Tom Mayer, Henry Rocco, nano. Art Sepeta, Douglos Neebuhr, Edmund Duf-


This is the best atmosphere for study.

One evening last winter the Phi Kappa house was turned into a Santa Claus

workshop. It was A Nite in Toyland, their

Winter Formal. Santa and his elfs got to- gether and showed the guys and the gals how a teddy bear was put together.

The biggest event of the year for the men of Phi Kappa, however, was their

annual Province Ball. This gala affair brought

together all Ohio chapters of Phi Kappa.

Of course, there was the Monte Carlo party when the house was turned into a gambling casino with game tables.

President for the fall semester was Don hluebner and Mike Ambrose for the spring semester. Among the officers of the year were Roy Abraham and Nick Monastra.

152 Phil Tanski, Dante DlMichaelongelo, Jerome Swartz, brose, Thomas Vorndron, Joe Manion, Gene Car- Arnold DiCioccio. Ed Lukacevic, William Zeh. ratelli, Korol Ondick, Robert Hillenbrond, tvlarvin Robert Gonnon. Third Row: Joseph Griffin, Tom Kabo, Dick Mullen, Bob Luthringer, Norbert Miller, Keane, Ray Abraham, Niclc Monastra, Mike Am- Jim Herman, Richard Melster, Bud Merkel, Al Litzler.

"What do you think of Thomas' course?"

There's nothing like o gab session First Row; Jim Handley, Paul Holter, Art Komorowski, Dom Musltono, Tom Geib, Ken Skala, Clifford hlouL Second Row: Jerry Bishop, Ronald Aungst, Cliff fHead, Clem Mihoci, Paul Wanstreet, Douglas Lindsley, Jerry Vondeveer, E. Smith, Earl Dupre. Third Row: Howie Chapman, Dick Cornell, Vic Solomon, George Curnutte, Art Luemnprt Corl A. Muck, Richard Hoblitzell, Luther Jones, Don McKay.

The Skulls' contribution to ffomecoming was novel. Nationol installotion will never be forgotten.

During the Sesqulcent-ennial year Ohio

University added another national fraternity to its family of social organizations. On November 29, Alpha Delta Omega became the Beta Zeta

chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma which had its beginning

at University of in 1 850. The addition

of Phi Kappa Sigma gave the campus its seventeenth national, social fraternity.

The initial year was highlighted by the Black

and Gold Formal and, of course, that first Founders' Day Banquet. Other top events for the newest of the "big league" fraternities were the hialloween and Military Parties. The Personality Party

brought its share of laughs and red faces. Each

member received a gift that characterized his personality. Ken Skala's gold brick brought the most comment.

Phi Kappa Sigma won a league title in the intramural football competition

Jim hHandley led the group, aided by Dom Musitano, Ken Skala and Ed Jones.


155 The fireplace is center ol attraction on cold nights.


First Row: Larry Lawrence, Richard Morrison, Tom Evans, Fred Peters, Jack Wales, Warren Harding Williams, Jim Cox, Ken Uhle, Bob Price, Bob Block, Jack Algeo, Don Reppa, Jock Fryen, Tom Houen- Tom McCain, Mike McConn, Ron Berger, Owen stein, Ivan Hanson, John Sockl. Third Row: William Zidar, Lowell Anderson, Second Row: John Wis- Kelsey. Bruce Peter, Bob Richmond, Bob Lawson, niewski, Trevor Huth, Dick Wagner. Bob Shaw, Don Mack Sauer, David Brizius, Gary Waylond, Perry

156 Another chapter was added to Phi Kappa Tau's long history as they celebrated their 44th

year on the campus. In honor of the occasion

William hi. Sideler, one of the original founders,

came bock to his alma mater as a guest

speaker at the Phi Tou banquet March 1 5.

Also, the Phi Kappa Tou Domain Conference

was held here this spring, with seven chapters attending.

Larry Lawrence had the job of guiding the

group through its yearly activities which featured a winter and spring formal, the hiillbilly hlobble, and the Bowery Brawl. Assisting Larry in his

duties were Bob Price and Ken Rodcliffe. A buddy helps him out.



Bendler, Jack Seigle, John Waralka, Jock Moyer, Jerry Kowolewski, Ken Rodcliffe, Ken Wilhelm. Fourth Row: Paul Wood, Ray Golli, Russ Koenitzer, Bob Lucas, Andy Palinkas, William Shultz, Doyle Ross, Bob Hempfield, John Shephard, Don Sharp,

Larry Broun, Dick Rouce, Ralph Ezzo, Bill Burdick.

157 First Row: Simon Cohen, Joseph Becker, Arthur Klttoy, Stephen Arowsfein, Glenn Gontt, Marvin Silver. Second Row: Robert Click, Robert Kohn, Seynnour Levlne, Walter Fleishacker, Alan Sandler, Edward Greenwald, Ralph Longer, Edward Feld- man. Third Row: Lorry Mohrer, Richard Lehman, Tom Polen, Stanley Eisner, Thomas Kramer, Wayne Boose, Bornett Task, Kenneth hooT'

Looks like the police raided a Phi Sig party recently. They v/ere having a Las Vegas Party, with gambling tables, chips, and heavy bets. Some

guys had all the luck. They were surprised, however, because the Phi Sigs had pre-arranged with the Athens police to raid the party. Just when the going was good, the police stepped in and "arrested" the gamblers.

Then there was the time they had a "Moulin Rouge" party with only Toulouse-Lautrec missing, and they had to get someone else to take his place and impersonate him.

The Phi Sigs entered the year holding the

All Campus Tennis Championship and also took

port in all intramural sports activities.

They had a Spring Sweetheart Dance where the Sweetheart of the Phi Sigs for 1953-54 was chosen.

Officers include Simon Cohen, Lorry Mohter, Bob Click, Art Kittoy, Max Perlowin, and Ed Greenwald. PHI SIQMA DELTA

A tribute to American heroes.

'Man! Are these needles sticky!"

159 It's doubtful that they're all on key


The "boys from Parkersburg"

have moved to Athens! Pi Kappa Alpha, led by Chet Miller, put

the lid on a great year when they moved from "way out" to their new house at 8 Church Street.

"It's big, white structure—our Immaculate palace!" Lyn Kleinhoffer describes proudly.

The men of Pi Kappa Alpha used "OU Rolls On" as a theme for their Homecoming float. They rolled away with top honors and a trophy

to prove it. On their activities

list was the Pi Kappa Alpha "Dream Girl" formal dance and a Sesquicen- tenniol Founders Day banquet.

First Row: Dick Pilot, Sari Baughman, Carl Brown, Buddy Gross, Ron Parsons. John Mitchell, Bob Scott, Bill McCauley, Marv Klinect. Second Row: Larry Bollinger, Ecugene, Iteon, Lyn Kleinhoffer, Phil

160 The Pi Kappa Alphas didn't by-poss Lake Hope in their program for the year, either. Early in the spring they made it the location for a picnic outing. Swim- ming and a big potluck dinner were a part of the day's festivities.

Their new house was certainly initiated to the antics of an active fraternity, as evidenced by these events and other novelty parties and informal get-togethers. One of these was a "Gay Nineties" party, complete with costumes and decorations. Assisting Chet in his duties as head man ore Dick Pilot, vice-president; Bob Scott, secre- tary; and Don Weber, treasurer.

The tree makes it cozy.

It was worth all the work!

Peters, Chet Miller. Ray Bollmeyer, Tom Wurz, Dick Coramella, Ron Wilson. Third Row: Don Car- min. Bob Oakes. Bruce Bryant, John Smith, Ernest Anderson. Paul Borenok, Jim Bell. Dwight Sockett, Don Weber.

161 larmony—wil feeling II

It's a mechanical infonfryman. SIQUA ALPHA EPSILON

Soft lights and nice music


'It's gotta be a straight. I'm broke

Warren Stevens, Jim Reynolds, George Van Niel, Bob Nicholas, Ed Nemec, Harry Williams, Del Koch, Fourth Row: Bob Post, Bruce Burton, Steve Kinny. Paul Loemker. Roger Hadley, Jim Holmquist, Ed

Sundberg, Bob Dole, George Strimbu. Bill Cook, John Johnston, Jack Van Lear, John Lesniak. 1^*' ,J rf«.J ITj b^

'"^^1 ^'^'^ ^"^^"^

First Row: Dicl; Nellis, Kenneth Lompman, DlcL Row: Charles Bell, Dick Salisbury, Ronold Phillips, Dexter. Honner Hunt, James Noonan, Paul Cowen, Chuck Carpenter, Duone Cameron, James Sheri- David Lodde, James Morey, Robert Craven, Ray dan, Cliff Knorr, Bill Brookes, Jack Rhodes, Warren Leonord, Dale Selzer, Jim Pochureic, Edward Kol- Worthley, Bill Fischboch, Dick Fleitz, Morv Yerkey, vereld, John Kornick, Art Pittock, Al Herr. Second Rex McClure, Ray Thompson, Norm Pitschke. Third

164 December, smallest yet most important month for the Sigs, was blasted into being by the Sig Carnival. Echoes of singing and noise-

makers still ring from the Armory, and it will probably be next year before every bit of

confetti can be swept from all the campus corners.

To moke amends for the riotous weekend, a Work Day campaign was waged. The Sigs canvassed Athens residents for donations to

CARE, and in return did any work the donor wanted done. Over $300 was collected. A Christmas party for needy children. Sweetheart Dance, and Siglympics completed the year. Officers are Jim Morey, Rocco Maori, Jim Leonard, George Appunn, Dick Dexter, Scotty Russell, and Ed Minister. SIQMA CHI fe*'%> MJ.

^ f T^j ~ ' ^c^ *'^TP ^*^ *r^ 1 "? *^

Row: Lorry Kovonaugh, Tom Hartley, Scott Russe John Solisbury, John Robbins. Don Elewski, Bil John Blair. Rocco Macri, Jim Welker, Don Carew, Niepert, Bill Tesmer, Bob White, Carl Eyche, How-

Bill Rogers, Jim Gatts, Ron Roberts. Dick King, ard Hoehn, Jim Leonard, Tom Baker. Wallace Leon Wilson. George Appunn, Jock Smith. Ridge Tayler, Dove Kinter, Michael Freeman, Ron Harp- Shannon, Paul Kroh. Fourth Row: Don Michael, ster, Ed Minister.

165 Lights flashed and the apparatus stood ready to shoot anyone across the street. Then three men stepped out from

behind it. Their coat collars were turned up. Were they dangerous? No, not really. They were Sigma Nus, and the explanation

of oil this was simple.

A replica of o huge flash camera covered the front of the Sigma Nu house during hlomecoming weekend. With the slogan, "Our Team Will Click," they won

Mistletoe can do wonders. second place for house decorations. In February each man gave 10 hours work for their Service Week, to help the community.

Sportswise, the chapter traveled

to Miami for their district basketball tournament. They wound up the social cal- endar with the annual White Rose Formal. Officers are John Lax, Joy hlornsby, SIQMA NV John Murcheck, and Charles Frey.

First Row: John Lax, Bill Kozie, George Herren, Thomas Ascani, Bruce Tipton, Dale Dommin, Henry Law, John tv/lurchek, Fronit Castle, Robert Winkler. Arthur Thomas, Jim Cusock, Paul Pavelka, Jesse Black, Ronald Weaver, Gerald Hornsby. Second

166 Did Mom and Dad look like this?

Ji^A^i^ irnfei^i Mt^

Row: Carlton Schramm, Keith Knight, Don Wicker- Sawchik, Bob Meadows, Jerry Stought, Charles hom, Joseph Carpino, Bob Barber, Kenneth Cole, Frey, Ellsworth Holden, Tom Welsh, Stan Moschino, Jim Wolfinger, Bill Butler, John Botuchis, Don Blun- Charles Karikos. Dick Fishbaugh, Don Holub, Don dell, Mike Stronz, John Dunnelte, Richard Beck. Dailey, Roy Turmon, Duane Burkholder, Phillip Bill Clift, Daryl Dent. Third Row: Ronald Daly, Lou Enoch.

167 First Row: Harold Dougherty, Dole Britenbucher. Hughes, Chuck Noe. Second Row: Alan Mogyor, Bob Hutcheson, Don Boettcher, Tom Hoyne, Gene Herb Wojcik, Jim Fisher, Pot Helms, Steve Ruth, Hoyden, Ron Nokotsuji, James Bonks, Bill Stafford, Don Johnson, Steve Hill, Leonard Hitchin, Fred Dick Britton, Joy Gerding, Frank Wotkins, Thomos Meek, Ned Sharp, George Cooper, George Red-

fZ^ \i^ P«i r^) -^-1 ^^-*^

^ D. D ^ Cx rj

r^x r\ r®*i f^ f^


It's something to be proud ol.

168 din, Ed Foster, John Medovich. Third Row: Herb Nowak, Diet Onions, Dick Miller, Tom Worcester, Dave Bowmen, Chuck Kraus, Albert Tonimuro, Ed Noe, Lee Paulson. Steve Au, Bob Frederick, Sever- ance Kelley, Ed Foster, Dick Oberdier, Bob dinger.

Of all the fraternities on the campus, Tau Kappa Epsi- lon knows best to attract of how o bevy bathing beauties. The stands perked up ond took notice.

No fine is necessary for required attendance at the Teke- quade. The men turn out in force to conduct this swimming

Olympic for the coeds. A traveling trophy is awarded to the sorority and housing unit which make the most points in the competition. And a Teququeen was selected.

In May Alpha Beta was named chapter of the month by the national organization. Dave Dickens was also hon- ored by the national magazine as one of five best historians.

The Founders' Day banquet in November, winter for- mal, TKE Princess Formal, and a Skid Row party high- lighted the year. Officers under President Bill Stafford are Steve Ruth, Jim Banks, John Medovich, George Coop- er, hierb Wojcik, Dove Bowman, Tom hlughes. 14t^

First Row: John Meeks, John Tillman, J;hr B' n ti :i carino, Owen Stiegelmeier. Roger Smith, John Norm Amidano. Ed Eclcleld. Fred Hoskins, Phil Gia- Dolezal, Ron Sogroves. Third Row: Bill Naegel. vasis, Paul Bandy, Glenn Arnold, Lynn Fuller, Bill Keith Sprouse. Robert Nicoll. Lloyd White, Andy Wolfe. Ron Kelly. Second Row: Joe Kubinyi, Sam Minorchek, Chuck Naegel, Tony Berohn, Tolly Greiner, Lloyd Lopez, Victor Ptok, Dan Lechner, Morogas, Bob Kober, Carl Zeno, Ron Hall, Ron William Schlouch, Charles Serpen, George Mos-

Spirits were high at the winter formal.

"Meet our friend, girls." You just can't tell what's going to happen at the Theta Chi house. Thanksgiving

vocation was proof of this. Two of the

" brothers came back to school with "Mrs.'s. -^C'^- The fraternity was surprised. The grooms were surprised. And many

coeds were disappointed with the loss of

Bill hHonsen and John Brammer.

Theta Chi sponsors the noted Alpha Xi-Pi Phi Powder Bowl game, a yearly event which has earned considerable sums for cancer research. The annual winter and spring formals, Mordi Gras, and hiawaiian parties sparked the social calendar. OU's Sesquicentennial was highlighted at

their Regional Corral here in May. Officers are John Meeks, Keith Sprouse, Ron Hall, and Walter Strom.

Curtice. Fourth Row: Bob Krizner. Don Davis, Conrad Ewers, Vince Morchetti, Ed Brown, Jim Hall, Don Brobander. Bill Hansen, Frank Marogas, Walter Stror^^ Roger Wood, Jim Campbell.

The house is back there somewhere. THETA CHI


ORQANIZATIONS After leaping through the window of the CAC meeting room, laden with arguments why fraterni- ties should be able to use the country club for

dances, John Meeks lost a decision in a close ten round championship scrape with the committee. Suffering visably from body bruises, Meeks retired to his corner and, as a parting gesture of good sportsmanship, blew up the room.

Actually, most gatherings of this group, which has the great responsibilities of allocating money for most of the important campus activities, approv- ing the campus calendar, and granting permission

for new clubs to organize, are less stormy than the

country club incident, yet just as important.

hieaded this year by Dean Maurel hlunkins, CAMPUS AFFAIRS CAC is comprised of five faculty members; Dean Margaret Deppen, Dr. R. hi. Gusteson, Marguerite COMMITTEE Appel, Charles Smith, and Julia Nehls; and five student members; Jo Miday, Lowell Anderson,

Mary Lou Evans, Pete Shimrak, and Dave White, all

of whom have done superior work in their obviously

difficult positions.

Front Row: R. H. Guste;on, Mary Lou Evans, Marguerite Appel, Julio Nehls. Second Row: Lowell Anderson. C. L. Smith, Dove White, Maurel Hunkins, Morgoret Deppen, Jo Midoy, Pete Shimrak.

174 First Row: Lourel Fuelling, Howard Wade, Mary Anne Troup, Fred Stehr, Don Davis, Joyce Schoenberger, Fran Growhosky, Dick Mc- Quillin. Second Row: Dove White, Lowell Anderson, Mary Lou Evans, Gerry Dinger, Dick Small. Lyn Grancfstaff, Jo Miday, Pete Shimrok, Athena Armatos. Dave Kamchi, Mike Henry, Pat Ordoven- sky. Third Row: Pete Winter, Art Aspengren, George Mitchell, Jay Hornsby, Deon Margaret Deppen, Dean Maurel Hunkins.

Remember back in October when Jack Webb had everybody whistling "Dragnet?" Student Council brought Ray Anthony and his musical aggregation to Memorial Audi- torium, and a packed house heard the "man with the horn" play his rendition of this top hit and many others. This was just one of Council's many services to OU. As the weeks passed students saw Political Week, the STUDENT COVNCIL Christmas Program, Mothers' Weekend, Campus Chest Week, hlonors and Awards Convocation, and many other events con- ducted through the student governing body.

Council was lead by Dave White, Low- ell "Duke" Anderson, Mary Lou Evans, Laurel Fuelling, and Dave Kamchi.


Seated: John Zimmerly, George Mitchell, George Spagno, Dean Maurel Hunkins, John Bowman, Pete Shimrak, Larry Lawrence, David Kamchl. Standing: Bob Goebler, Bob Kahan, Bob Strowser, Jim Schweikert, Buddy Gross.

Change is inevitable. Progress

isn't. But MUPB decided to make it so when they took a forthright

stand this year on a very contro-

versial issue. As a result of their

efforts, for the first time in OU's history the hlomecoming queen was elected by the entire male stu-

dent body. In addition, as sponsors of the hlomecoming festivities, they moved the annual parade from 'Good suggestion. Glad you brought it to us.' Court Street to the stadium.

This organization, responsible for

coordinating all men's activities on the OU campus, added to Betty

and Bill Bobcat's social enjoyment with Registration hlop, Migration Day, Leadership Banquet. Aiding Pete Shimrak, president; were Larry Lawrence, John Bowman, Dave Kamchl, and Jack Kabat.

176 The air is hot and stifling. The tension grows as the discussion becomes heated: ." "But it's only proper . .

"Are we here to be proper or practical?"

." "Weill! . .

The debate rages. The question?—to wear hose on Wednesday night or not to wear hose on Wednesday night; to be inside at 10 p.m. or to be inside at 10:30 p.m. These are the things over which Jon Tullis, Standards Committee

Chairman, must tear her hair out. For all these questions are aired at the First Row: Jean Zerckel, Lyn Grandston, F: j;, Grow- of assembly meetings Women's League, hosky, Pat Kurtz, Eleanor Fixler, Betty Schiller. Second the women's governing body. Row: Dorothy Schoeni. Miss Deppen, advisor; Athena Armatas, Susie Turpin, Jo Midoy, Paulo Hoyne, Lou In addition, the group sponsors panel FHelser, Jan Tullis, Barbara Zowodo. discussions to clarify campus social customs for freshmen, Coed Prom, Housemother's Tea, and Leadership

Recognition Service. But, mainly, they're our lady governors! WOMEN'S LEAQUE

The League Assennbly meet- ings give any OU coed a chance to voice opinion.

177 Their song might be "hieigh-ho, hleigh-

ho, it's off to work we go." And the singers wouldn't be seven dwarfs, but 36

capable men. If ever a group of guys

deserves a pat on the back, it's these members of Blue Key.

One of the most often repeated bits of conversation concerning events on campus

is, "Who's helping with this job?"

"Blue Key.—Who else?"

They were selected by their fraternity members because they ore workers. Also, they are scholasticolly capable and

good leaders. This is proved by the

list of achievements they amass throughout the year. Christmas time finds them decorating the campus. The fraternity pledges owe their Inter-fraternity Pledge BLUE KEY Council and Queen Dance to Blue Key. They hove a Comic Field Day, and usher at convocations.

Officers are John Klecan, Al Wapnick,

Lee Paulson, Dick Pilot, and Chuck Pickering.

First Row: Philip Peters, Lee Paulson, John Klecan, Allen Wapnick, Dick Pilot, Chuck Pickering, Ellsworth Holden, Ray Abraham, Simon Cohen. Sec- ond Row: Elva Smith, John Mierzwa, John Meeks, John Gibbs, George Spagno, Ron- ald Hall, Lou Spiegel. Third Row: Chuck Carpenter, Rod Blahnik, John Bier, Bob Mead- ows. Fourth Row: Tom Fillmer. Frank Lee, Alex Prislopsky, Tom Lee, Art Aspengren, Jock Sipe. Jim Handley, Dave Bowman, Dick McQuillin, Loyal Bemiller.

178 First Row: Mary Athearn, Fritz Wiley, Jo Miday, Barbara Za- wodo. Second Row: Jean Shep- pard. Kay Loyden, Ka.hy Dengler, Jo Goddord, Nancy Dean. Third Row: Marilyn Schuler, Laurel Fuel- ling, Lyn Grandstoff, Nancy Jones, Janice Bixler, Greta Lash, advisor; Doris Sponseller, Margaret Dep- pen, Mrs. O. A. LaFollette, ad- visor.

MOTAR BOARD Just a little bit of Paris comes to Athens every spring— in the form of Mortar Board's Parisian Book Sale at the campus

gate. These senior honor society girls, selected for scholarship, leadership, activity and service, worked industriously on OMICRON DELTA KAPPA their Dean Irma Voigt Scholarship Fund, helping foreign students in their studies, and giving a tea and "Sesqui breakfast" for their alumnae. Officers are Jo Goddard, Kathy Dengler, Nancy Dean, It's rather difficult to convince a con- and Kay Layden. firmed Republican that more than one

political party exists. Nevertheless, ODK

is a group of determined men who will not waste even the lighter part of their meetings. They have not stopped "working"

on Dean Fenzel all year, although no apparent progress has been reported.

But the members of this Torch Circle,

which is formed to recognize outstanding

leadership among senior men, will

not be daunted in o single year. Look to the future men!

They looked that way when they spon- sored a Sesquicentennial preview meeting

for all campus presidents. The annual Torch Sing and the tapping of new members are also among their more serious undertakings. This year they played host for the biennial conference of ODK's Central Province. Jim Betts leads the group, along with Dave White, Asst. Dean Joseph Dando, and Pete Shimrok.


First Row: Agnes Thornton. Alice Swaim, Ann Knoppenberger, Mary Sue LaFol- ette, Janet Weeks. Key Woolfitt. Jan Tullis, Lucile Phillips, advisor: Doris Plott, Lou Helser. Second Row: Edna Warmon, Margaret Catonzaro, Sally Hallof, Shirley Bobitf, Judy Brown, Rita Mortin, Margaret Sohlin, Mary Lou Evans. Patricio Cox.

Cutler's chimes fill the air. Two men "Shakers here—won't you please buy are ambling across the campus green. one?"

With that rushed One says, "On the eleventh hour of the a Chimes member to poor, unsuspecting male eleventh day of the eleventh month J-Club up a who taps eleven outstanding junior men. was waiting to enter the football field. You are one of these." The selected man Hie paid a quarter, got a green and white

has been honored for his activities on shaker, and was all set for the game. campus, plus maintaining a 2.5 average. Other projects of this honorary for

Member J. N. Morey reports the group has sophomore women who have excelled in business meetings that dispense with leadership, service, and scholarship business, and discussions on philosophy, are a party for transfer students, teas,

politics, religion, and fried squid. and ushering at commencement. Officers

Officers are Dave White, Chester Martin, are Jan Tullis, Kay Woolfit, Mary Sue and Alex Prislopsky. LoFollette, Doris Piatt, and Jan Weeks.


First Row: George Mitchell, Dick McQuillin, Dave White. Dick Goodrick. Second Row:

Bill Haffner, Harry Sharp, Ben Bader. Lou Spiegel. Don Huebner, Tom Lee. Third Row: John Gibbs, Charles Frank, Art Aspengren. Jer- ry Kinnane, Jim Gotts. Jim Betts, Pete Winter, Jim Dil- ley, Chester Martin, Jim Morey, Alex Prislopsky, Dom Musitano.

180 First Row: Dorothy Om- woke, Monica Boczek, Belin- do Hording, Joonne Rusche, Helen Lehman, Hedy Henss, Sally Carlson, Elaine Me- ec, Eleanor Doiley, Marilyn Sleek, Marilyn Paulsen, Jane Carter, Joyce Furrey. Sec- ond Row: Gloria Rosenthal, Harriet Sugarman, Gail Beckwith, Nancy Evans, Jeanne Stoats, Barbara Wil- liams, Helen Croutcher, Ruth Ellen Sands, Dort Rulond, Elaine Lee. Fern Solzman, Carol Andrews, Betty And- erson, Ardlth McKlnlay, Nan- cy Christner, Diana Schultz. ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA Phi Eta Sigma, men's counterpart

"You've got o 3.5! That's won- to Alpha Lambda Delta, is a derful! Alpha Lambda Delta, reward to those freshman men here you come." who have attained a 3.5 cumulative

This is the cry that can be heard average. With Alpha Lambda in freshman dorms when second Delta they conduct a tea for semester grades are out and the freshman men and women on fruits of studiousness become scholarship. The two also entertained apparent. Officers this year are Athens High School's National Elaine Mesec, president, Sally Honor Society students. Carlson, Eleanor Dailey, hiedwig Leading them are Tom Balding, hienss, Helen Lehman, and Mike Samargya, Roger Hodley, Marilyn Steck. and Art Vermillion. PHI ETA SIQMA

First Row: Dove White, Roger Hodley, Tom Balding, Michael Samargya, Art Vermillion, Leroy Martin. Second Row: Theo Lewis. Fred Schwortzman, Dove Baker, Ralph Brem. John Collahan, F. D. Kershner. advisor; Williom Repasky, Dick Gibson, Gil Erlechmon, Sanlord Hlmmel, Robert Shurdok, Mike Mc- Conn. Third Row: Robert D. DlCiocclo. Kenneth Burns, Charles Marr, Benjamin

E. Boder. John Johnson, Ralph Coschig- nono, James E. Cox, Frank L. Daniels, Charles Pinney. Bill Zeh, Robert R. Mc- Elroy, Edward Homer. Harvey Loeb, Rlchord Christensen. John Dolton. Alex Prlslopsky.

181 Sesquicentennials aren't the only things that con happen on campus to

make someone happy. In Command Squadron, for example, those elite of of basic A.F.R.O.T.C. cadets are "walking on air" because at last their group has been accepted for the National Command Squadron. Since

late in '51, when OU's division was

founded, those "men-in-blue " have waited, hoped, and dreamed. Now that

it's here, they have a near-perfect right to be extra happy.

During the past two years. Command COMMAND SQVADRON Squadron hasn't been inactive. Ray Acus' command rolled right along,

from the Military Boll to the annual trip to Wright-Patterson Air Base.

Other leaders are Art Ross, execu- tive officer; Bob Rodriquez, Richard Christensen, and Ronald Nakatsuji, general staff officers.

son. Fifth Row: Michael Samargyo, Don Czech, Ronald First Row: Dick Nellls, Joe Hanno, Leroy Martin. Keith Roberts, Henry Roenigk. Standing: Ronald Nakatsuji, Bob Gochneour, Lorry Horper, Steve Kinney. Second Row: Bill Rodriquez, Richard Christensen, Arthur Ross, Ray Acus.

Griffin, A! Banholzer, Jack Nemec, Art Gibson, Darrell Mor- Joseph Garvey, Bill Stone, Dale Works, Andre Sauvageot, ris, Charles Burley, Bill Cloypool. Third Row: Richard Riley, Ronald Wade, Gory McCune, Dean Pratt, James Homer, Bud Morlock, Jon Tipton, Art Vermillion, Dave Beoto, Robert Bob Denlson, Steve Hill, Richard Walter, Bob Roll. Dick Post, Gordon Riclc. Fourth Row: Dove Dever, Jim Leach. Oberdier, Martin Cohn. John Callahan. B. J. Kelley, Tom Jock Moyer. Robert dinger, Roger Fenneman. Dick John- Williams, Gordon Griffey.


First Row: E. Martin Herbert M. Nowak, Blaine Jones, Dick Ellis, Bud Schaeffer, Tom Brown, Major Joseph Ferris, advisor. Second Row: Allen R. Baker. John Mierzwo. Jerry Kinnane, Earl Shoemaker. Fred Emblefon, Bud Davenport. Pete Wittich. Third Row: Richard E. Porter, Michael Freeman, Robert Livingston, Alan R. Williams, Art Aspengren. Richard Hornar. Lee Webb. Fourth Row: Tom Y. Hartley, John Wilhelm. Dole Selzer, Paul Wcchter, Jr.. Tom Cole, Al Carter, Frank Lee. Fifth Row: Paul McLaughlin. Don Brill, Don Shotwell. Bob Smith. John Blair, Gordon E. Hortzell, James A. Busch. Sixth Row: Phil Peters, Ben Boder, Wayne Krause.

"Aristocracy of the air ot Ohio University, and

aristocracy in many other important undertakings." The

organization? Arnold Air Society, naturally. And if

you think this vigorous outfit is a dull one that did nothing but attend Squadron Commander Bud Schaeffer-

controlled meetings and listen to arid lectures on

cloud banks and turbo-jets, you're in for a surprise.

The John P. Robbins Squadron, named for the first

Ohio University officer killed in World War II, maintains an active association with the Civil Air Patrol. They ore Headquarters Squadron for the second area of the

national society, which covers six states and the

District of Columbia, and joins several parades.

And, in addition to this, they are co-sponsors of the

annual Military Boll. Dull organization, indeed!

Other officers are Tom Brown, Myron Seyerle, Dana

Vibberts, Dick Ellis, Blaine Jones, and Herb Nowak.

183 —

First Row: Jim Busch, Paul Mc- Laughlin, Jim Schweikert, Dave Clayton, Jesse Black, William Wolle, Glenn Smith, Diane Gar- retson, Ralph Antrim, George Davenport, Nevin Wiilioms, Har- vey Dunlap, Robert Nicholos, James Van Camp, Donald Koi- bough. Second Row: Steve Au, Clem Mlhoci, Robert Karbon, Harry Combes. William Hudson, Horrell Vanis, Philip Coin. James Sibbring, Third Row: Dick Max- well, Roger Humbert, Jim Craig, Richard Krupke, John Robbins, Jack Wilson, Gene Vejsicky.

It's 6 a.m. and oil the world Is asleep

or all of Athens is asleep—or almost all

of Athens is asleep. Who's breaking the early morning silence with a muffled PERSHINQ RIFLES "tromp, tromp, tromp?" No, worried

Citizens and Students, the Red Invasion is

not upon us. They're the men of Pershing

Rifles going through the customary practice

and hiking that make a crack drill team. They come out for the average layman to lead the Armed Forces Day Parade and form the color guard at football games. This group develops the highest ideals of the military profession and

recognizes men with a high degree of

military ability.

First Row: William Weaver, Ralph Ulbrich, Chuck Dishon, First Row: Theodore Eckert, Dick Brown, Bill McNlcol, John Clifford, Bob McCammon, Gaylen Kline, Clark Higgins, Ronald Stockwell, William Perry, Tom Shollcross, Tom Bill Hommon, Dick Lembright, Bob Prother, Louis Riekert. Roper, Bud Henderson, Mel Kibler, James Riffell. Se- Second Row: Philip Olive, Eldon Lawn. Roy Heltlond, Wen- cond Row: Charles Stemen, Ken Riley, Andrew Tyiek, dell Dillon, Gus Wolas, Phil Rees. Dick Green. Jim Jamieson, Cal Kroushaar, Dean MacFodden, Charles Archbold. Vin- Don Fitzgerold. Charles Friend, Fred Treesh. Third Row: Dean cent Rosati, Bill Hilz, Tom Bush, John Schwon. Third Lucas, Ray Dovies. Richard Hunter, Roger Hadley. Don Lee, Row: Dick Kehl, Leonard Gaydor, Edward Busick, Edward Jerry Knox, Don Clark, Larry Logon, Jack Strimbu. Roaer Walters, Jason Sheppard, Rox(ord Saylor, Thomas Berly, Pendell, Von Sauter. Jack Tibbitts, Bob McBurney, Jim Parr, Ronald Lankford. First Row: Frank Lee, George Strimbu, Bill Coon. Philip Peters, John Cirino, William Wolfe, Jim Schweikert, James P. VanCamp, Hal Bolton, Robert Livingston, Nevin R. Williams, Robert N. Smith, Gory B. Bossin, Paul G. Mc- Laughlin, Dave Clayton.


Soldiers may not like airmen, and airmen may look down on soldiers,

but there is one time they agree to come together on common

ground. And that's in Scabbard and Blade, the organization dedicated to developing the qualities of good and efficient officers, whether they are groundmen or air men. The members must also have leadership qualities and scholastic


Much of their socializing is done

at the Military Ball, which they

co-sponsor with Pershing Rifles. Leading Company A-8 of Scab-

bard and Blade this year are Captain James VanCamp, First Lieutenant Dave White, Second Lieutenant James Schweikert, and

First Sergeant hial Bolton.


Puffs of blue smoke curled gently around the curtains of Memorial Auditorium. Murky mists shaded the stage, and an audience sat wide-eyed. From behind their test tubes stepped the members of the Chemistry Society to present

their Chemical Magic Show. Who said science has done away with superstition? To further the interests of chemis-

rry, the society has sponsored many speakers and a field trip to Battelle Research Company in Columbus, hlolding master tubes are Tom Beebe, president, assisted by Ronald hHommon, Gordon Johnson, Mary Jane Kelley, and Mary Repor.


If you ever see a boy with a huge load of engineering books, wearing a large pendant that

looks like part of a railroad trestle bridge, you'll know he's a Tau

Beta Pi pledge, hie has also written an essay and taken on engineering test to qualify for

membership. The group is planning on award for the out- standing senior in engineering. Officers are Thomas Lee, president, and Mark Kalagidis, Louis Owen, Tom Hayne, Mel Baur, and Phil hlorwood.

First Row: Mario V. Commorano, Thom- Kalagidis, as F. Hayne, Memorial Thomas Lee, Louis Owen, James Hayes, Robert Thorngate. Standing: Charles Rice, John T. Noonan, Melvin Bauer, Phil Harwood, A. E. Baldwin, Robert F. Kail.


Fiijt Row: Paul Arnett, Arthur Foltz, Paul Harlomert, Tom Hayne, John Raiser, Paul Bandy, Hap Shamblin, Keith Gochneaur. Second Row: James Fleming, Delio Perez, Jumberto D'Costo, Ernest Anderson, Richard Hornar, Robert F. Kail, Mario V. Cam- marano, Benjamin Bader, Wayne Krause, Leroy Martin, John Zimmerly. Third Row: George Poffenbarger, Robert Linn, Kenneth Meade, Louis Rielert, Hal Bolton, Carl Brown, Dick Zelina, Hugh Watkins, Dean Shecrn. Mel Bauer, Claude Minadeo, Phil Norwood, Robert Graham, Al Bonholzer, George Batcho, John Dunn. Hegbeyt Urkofoor, Paul Wachter, Don Hart.

Some people dream of sugar plums. Others fancy money and cars. Maybe sometimes even a pretty

girl creeps into the picture. But after four or five years of haunting

the halls of the Engineering Building, the OU Engineers undoubtedly dream of nothing but slide rules and the figures associated with them.

If so, their dreams came true

ot their Engineer's Ball this year. A huge, moveable slide rule was the center for their decorations. They hod on open house for high school seniors, and mode exhibits for National Engineers' Week. Officers of OU's branch of the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers are: Mario Cammorano, Benjamin Bader, Richard hHarner, and Wayne Krause.

187 Firsr Row: Don Anderson, Jerry Glovin, Robert Wendt, Neil Stroth, Richard Daly, Second Row: Edgar Canfield, Herald Brown, Warren Harmon, Ronald Daly, David Long, Harry Holzinger, David Borth- olow, Frank Reynolds. Third Row: Robert Elseo, Marcus Albright,

John Young, Don Stringer, William Clift, Joe Eachus, Bill Philobaum.


The annual Christmas party, picnics, and trips to local industries sparked the Sesquicentennial year of the Industrial Arts Club. Students from local schools were given an opportunity to see demonstrations and discuss problems v^ith the future industrial arts instructors at their open house. Officers are Ronald Daly, presi- dent; Warren hiarmon, vice presi- dent; hlorry hHolzinger, secretary; David Long, treasurer; Ed Canfield, reporter; and Donald Perry, advisor. In commenting on the human in- terest aspect of the American So- ciety of Mechanical Engineers, Chairman John Noonan reports that "nothing human ever happens at our meetings." Apparently they believe in being consistent with their profession. Nevertheless, they did break the bonds of the "mechanically" minded when they took their field trips, met to discuss problems, see movies, and hear lectures concerning their field, and attended the regional con- ference at Wayne University. Other officers are hfarold Bolton, vice chairman; Al Magyar, secre- tary; and Ben Bader, treasurer. FLYING "O"

First Row: Shirley Babitt, Joyce Schoenberger, Jackie Plent, Beryl Hannon, Jean Finzel, Jane Herbert, Char- lotte LaTourette. Second Row: Betty Lou Schiller, Dorty Spechalske, Myra Kemp, Kate McKemie, Shirley Sidle, Seated: Jane Roseberry, Dietz Dengler, Jone Jeanne Kraushoar. Langford, Shirley Phares. Standing: Karen Erd- mann, Shirley Stork, Peg Polley. Kate McKemie. SORORITY SPORTS WOMEN'S RECREATION ASSOCIATION

"Poison Ivy, Poison Ivy," rang the theme

song of eleven girls as they hiked back to-

ward campus. But despite it all, the outlook was pleasant for them. These members of Women's Recreation Association had their

cabin all cleaned and were ready to plan their yearly program of overnight outings, square dances, and awards play days, WRA SPORTS BOARD banquet. First row standing: Shirley Guislnger, Sue Clark, This year's big events were the Buckeye Joyce Bachtis, Myro Kemp, Lu Stouffer, Mary Ber Field Hockey Association tournament and a nard. Sue Howley. Second row standing: Barb

f ^1 f Zupko, Nancy Philp, Pat Woods, Dorty Spechalske, I XL picnic tor the treshmen women. I he group ^^^^ Reinker "fosters true sportsmanship and furthers in- terest in wholesome recreation activities."


First row: Joyce Bachtis, Joyce Schoenberger. Second row: Dietz Dengler, Myro Kemp, Mary Lee Boneli, Jan Moore, Pat Woods, Joan Miller. First Row: Nancy Von DerWerl, Pat Woods, Charlotte LaTourette, advisor; Carmen Colebank. Second Row: Vicki Krohn, Donna Riegler, Mary Ann Kinsello, Dorty Spechalske, Myra Kemp, Nancy Philp, Shirley Bobitt, Mary Bernard, Sue Clark. WRA CABIN BOARD


First Row: Irma Hussmon, Jean Kahn, Georgia Trakas, Marilyn Rossis. Victoria Francis. Second Row: Betty Kovocs, Jone Remley, Peggy Polley, Mary Ann Robatin, Patricia Synan, Phyllis Logsdon, Nancy Wones, Barb Darling, Corole Folk.

To "glow" with enthusiasm is fine,

but to glow because of sunburn is not so pleasant, as the Tennis Club mem-

bers can testify. Sunburn and sore arms identify them when spring prac-

tice begins. But the inward glow

of gaining entrance in the Ohio Women's Intercollegiate Tennis Tour- nament offsets any outside shine. The

tournament was held here last year.

Spurring them on is President Georgia Trokos, with other officers Irmo hlussmon, Jean Kohn, Vicki Francis, and Marilyn Rassie.

191 First Row: Jim Barkdull, Pete Wolf, Homer Hunt, Tom Asconi John Copello, Ron Foliano, Bob Penrod, Sam Greiner. Second Row; Jim Leonard, Dan Lechner, Horry Kessel, Ron Weaver, Dick England, Lou Sowchik, Mike Henry, John Bier. Tom Rich- mond, Larry Long.

First Row: Bill Lagonegro, Frank Underwood. Leon Wilson, Charles Wilson, Dave Arcangel, Jim Laughlin. Donald Seymour, Paul Cowen. lom Lee, Duke Anderson. Second Row: Chuck Bell, Tom Hartley, Dick Smoil, John Botuch- is. Bob Bloom, Phil Nye, Howard Hoehn, Chick McBride, Dick Mur- phy, Jim Betts, Bill Frederick, Bill Hoffner, Ted Jackson. Bob Strow- ser. Lorry Lawrence. Dick Olstein Glen Romanek, Harold Dougherty, Bob Boucher, Bob Wren, odvisor.

VARSITY O It Is only a matter of seconds between the high diving board and the water surface. On

"Hi, there, Dad!"—Dad's Day . . . "Rah! the night of Finnette initiation these seconds

Rah! Rah!"—the pep roily . . . then comes the were filled with shouts of their slogan, which

"Varsity 'O' Follies" . . . It's Vorsity "O," the hod to be completed before the big splash spirit of university life spelled with o great big made by each girl breaking the surface. Tor- O, good fellowship, and clean sportsmanship. rents of words, as well as torrents of water, These men, who hove earned their "O" ran rampant that evening. in varsity athletics, also sponsor the Home- Finnettes joined Dolphin Club to stage an coming dance every other year. annual water show and a special swim show

Officers ore Jim Betts, president; Bob for high school students. Vicki Krohn is presi- Boucher, secretary; Duke Anderson, treasurer; dent, with Carol Jurenek, Lino Cline, and Ann and Walt Bednorsky, chairman of initiations. Bogardus completing the roster of officers.


Seated on board; Janet Greve, Lino Klein. Bev Black. Dotty Hoffeld. Nan Childs, Borbora Schmuck, Alice Bart- mer, Pat Finlen, Bernetto Close, Mor- gene Gilson. Standing behind front row: Betty McBane, Gail Stiles, John Baker, Eieonor Holl, Barbara Mor- gan, Annette Bogardus. Other stand- ing row: Ann McMillen, Corol Lee Myers, Justine Anderson, Marilyn Horig. Judith Holmes, Norma Brandt. On ladder seated: Barb Finlen, Carol Folk, Tish Corbin, Liz Morris. Front Row; Carol Jurenek, Vlcki Krohn, Joyce Bochtis, Josn Buzzard, Rita Potton. DOLPHIN CLUB

First Row: Joan Niermon, Shirley Guisinger, Helen Fleischer, Jane Herbert, Patricio Bolrd, Corinne Peters, Pot Smith. Kay Manual, advisor; Jeanne Fell, Beverly Sommerfeld. Second Row; Belinda Stouffer, Karen Erdmonn, Mickey Wilson, Betty Corwln, Shirlee Ryan, Rosemary Giuffre, Beth Abbott, Alice Sutkoitis, Morlene Davis, Nancy Smith, Peggy Stanford, Anne Hubbard, Gail Barton. Third Row; Mary Jo Nelson, Nancy Wilson, Betty Snow, Janet Ruxer.

A young gentleman v/as seated among many spectators at the natatorium. The water rippled gently with the graceful, synchronized movement of twenty pairs of arms. The talkative young man didn't realize the rest of the audience was hushing. His voice carried over the muffled din. "Man! What kind of bait do you use to catch fish like that!" The ensuing general laughter was great enough to result in one red face that day. The thing that prompted his remark was the

Dolphin Club, performing in their annual water show. Their exhibit of synchronized swimming and water ballet is designed to stimulate campus-wide interest in swimming and diving. The Dolphins sponsor a swimming party for the OU Varsity swim team. The men do water ballet and have races. They usually lose the races, but win the Dolphins! Officers are Pot Boird, Jane Herbert, Shirley Guisinger, and Pat Smith.

193 First Row: Shirley Mateer, Carol An- thony, Vera Estee, George Curnutte. Eleanor Andaloro, Maria Zerkowifz, Sydney Clark, Eloise Rousch. Second Row: Dea Roe Dunn, Ruth Gilbert, Floyd Berke, Jack Greenwold, Lois Schneider, Janet Fitzgerald. Jim Rat- cliff. Guy Schrickel, Joan Swortz. Third Row: Bill Smith. Tom Smith, Marion Robinson. Curt Herring, Bar- bora Morrow, Okey Cook, Richord Hoblitzell, Betty Snow, Phyllis Mad- den. Sandy Reltmon, Pete Kontos, Fred Attanosio, Cliff Meints, odvisor.


Occasionally o girl walks across the

campus in blue jeans and a T-shirt. All those who see her coming veer away from

her path because she is carrying a fencing

foil. Then there are those fellows who wake

up in the morning with their hands covered

with cuts and bruises. They tell their room- mates and friends that they were involved Scaramouche probably began this way.

in Q fencing duel the night before.

Don't be fooled. The girl isn't danger-

ous and the other fellows in the duel aren't dead. They just belong to the Ohio Univer-

sity Fencing Club, which persuades girls

to switch from hot-pins to fencing foils. This

is in the form of encouragement of amateur fencing.

Following the German tradition, some of the more capable members of the club fence with sabres, which are heavier.

Among the activities are tournaments

and a fencing clinic in Columbus.


Each year Campus Religious Council conducts an emphasis program which in- cludes convocations, speakers, and discus- sion groups for the benefit of the entire stu- dent body. This year it was United Nations

Week, sponsored in conjunction with Inter- national Club and Campus Affairs Com- mittee.

The council also plans a mid - week chapel in Music Hall each Wednesday and a weekly religious radio program over

WOUI. Officers of this group, which co- ordinates the efforts of religious organiza- tions, are Virginia Fogg, Don Davis, Marilyn First Row: Don Davis, Virginia Fogg, Morilyn Bowers. Second Row: Bowers, and Art Aspengren. Alice Swaim, George Poffenbarger, Barbara des Lauriers, Frances Nevins, Don Riechers, Ginny Stoner. Ramon Dunlope, Beverle Mc- Kenzie, Dove Beofo, Randall Phillips, The Reverend Edwin Eshelman, Morguerite Appel, advisor. Third Row: Ray Abraham, D. J. Beckert, odvisor; Doris Roth, George Droch. Gordon Johnson, Robert Scott, Shirley Ann Stocker, Ruth Ellen Sands, Edith Wray. advisor; Erma Anderson, advisor; Ronald Rothmon, Winnie Soxon. Jim Dilley, James Cox. CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION

Founded in 1949, the Canterbury

Association is a movement of Episcopal

and Orthodox students. Its purpose is to strengthen the Christian commitment of students who ore within the church

and to present Christianity In a mature

manner to the unchurched. In addition to religious activities, the group meets for supper and discussion Sunday eve- nings and has various social functions.

Charles Lochory Is president of the organization. Other officers Include David Bowman, Greta Greenwood, Roger Swordson, and Mary Lou Ane-

wolt. The Reverend Phil Porter, Jr., Is an advisor for Canterbury Association.

First row: Frances Nevins, Rosolind Hull, Judy Ewell, Alice York, Judy Buswink. Second Row: The Reverend Phil Porter, Jr., Barbara Henry, Lou Anewolt, Janet Zebold, Mary Sanborn. Joanne Rusche, Beryl Hannon, Marion Stinchecum, Shirley Matthews, Chuck Loch- ory. Third Row: Evangelos Kofou, Mai Rabbey, George Perpin- ias, Jim Chaffee, Tom Hughes, Dove Henry, George Cooper, George Poffenbarger, Bill Fischback, Nick Gabriel. Dove Dieterly, Don Williams, Takis Lymberopoulos, George B. Mitchell, Dave Bow- man.

195 Wesley Players depict a bit of "way bacic when,'

Cotton skirts and plaid shirts!


196 Going away to school is a rather frightening

experience at first. Everything is new, and there ore so many thing to do and join! you recog- nize that not only the educational aspect, but also the social and spiritual ones can be found here.

Wesley Foundation fulfills the need of Methodist preference students for a spiritual educa-

tion. Its many activities—monthly parties, open houses, vespers, retreats, and speakers—also afford a friendly comradeship that takes away the formal atmosphere. Talent development

is fostered through the Wesley Players and the Wesley Choir, which took a tour during Easter vacation. Officers are Art Aspengren, Tom Hein-

lein, Patty Yates, Clarence Mackey. The Rever- ends John M. Versteeg and Edwin Eshelman guide the group.

197 First Row: Janet Weeks, Marilyn Paulsen, Pot Ben- nett, Mary Sue LaFollette, Doris Piatt, Beverly Chain, E. Llewellyn Robe. Second Row: Janet Corn, Sue Perk- ins, Marlene Davis, Barbara Defenbaugh, Elaine Drees- sen. Eleanora Komyati, Mary Athearn, Lois Moore, Fritz Wiley, Edna Warman.

Celebrating their twenty-fifth anniversary on this cam-

pus, the members of Kappa Phi had a full year. For the

first time they sponsored a three day "Marriage Confer- ence." With o membership now exceeding 175, they pro-

vided big sisters for girls at the children's home, hod Christ- mas and Easter project meetings, and helped sponsor a KAPPA PHI

missionary in Pakistan.

On the social side, the Methodist group held an An- niversary Party and a Pinata Party. Officers are Mary Atheorn, Ellie f(omyata, Mary LaFollette, Janet Corn, Moralynn Purdy, Llewellyn Robe, Sue Watson, and Joci Cady. Did sne ever m

198 Each month the Methodist Church base- ment serves as o setting for weekly meetings and social functions of Sigma Theta Epsilon, the religious organization for men of Meth- odist preference.

Winning the intramural football champ- ionship was a big achievement for these

men this year. The annuo! spring sweet- heart dance climaxed a busy schedule, which included a regional conference here.

Founded at OU in 1934, STE strives

to organize life around good, Christian ideals. President Ellsworth hlolden led the

group along with other officers hlugh Gilli- lon, Dick Robe, Jim hlaenol, Dave Muffler,

First Row: Carl Sims, advisor:' Edward Warren. Jim Tolbert, and Chuck Wilson. Second Row: Hugh Gillilon, Ned, E. Fogle, Ellsworth Holden, A. S. Bowling advisor: The Reverend Ed- win F, Eshelman. Third Row: Richard Robe, Robert Chapman, Charles M. Wilson, James A. Haenel. Richard E. Lewis, Scotty Mason., Jr., Dave Muffler, Jim Tolbert.


First Row: Ronald Brandon, Lee Wurster, Carl Baker, Zeryl Ashcroft, William Butler, Gerald Wiblin, Ronald Chrisley, David Mclntyre, Keith Johnson, Roy Turk, Hap Shamblin. Second Row: Bill Robinette, John A. Raiser, Verrlll W. Barnes, Charles W. Topper. Bob G. Gardner, Neal E. Hearn, Carmen A. Frogole, Richard HIaves, Roland HIaves, Keith Tron. Thomas Bush. Robert English. Third Row: Clair Kissel, Gerry Dinger, Randall Phillips, Hubert J. Fllusch, Robert Neff, Barry Nouts. Ronald Davis, Gaylen Kline, Donald Hesson, Mitsuo Nokoniishi, Donald Quinn, Paul Bandy, Carl Drake. Clarence Mackey, Donald Santee. William Kistler. Bernard Hickman, Kenneth Fisher, Ed Jones, Bill Gill.

199 Front Row: Carol Lee Myers, Janet Payne, Peggy Roub, Bill Waller, Bob Emmons, Mrs. James Cox, James Cox, John Mitchell, George Sands. Second Row: Janet Maxon, Phyllis Madden, Marllin Hall, Phyllis Peterson, Anno Conaway, Dorothy Bloha, Mono Tryon, Mory Lee Schupp, Shirley Ann Stocker, Mar- ilyn Woods, Larry Thornton. Third Row: Ernest Anderson, Eleanor Ewing, Larry Wert, Jim Dilley, Fred Treesh, Nancy Kress, Joanne Sylvester, David Kurtz. Yashuko Tsuchihashi, Mary Louise Evans, Alice Lee Wright. Fourth Row: Sally Synan, Jerry Bishop, Georgia Thomsen, Juanita Hill, Fred Stehr, Carol Ger- wig, Judith Salthouse, Jean Boefticher, Ruth Ellen Sands, Janet Boulis, William Barger, Bob Heidler, Larry Loyd. Fifth Row: Fred

Kuckuck, Dick Green, Anne Downing, Bill Tay- lor, Eleanor Dailey, Elmiro Loyogue, Clarence Parker. The Reverend Chet Marquis, Don Davis.

Work can be fun. That is what some of the Westminster boys have learned as a result of their weekly Sunday suppers and the remodeling of the Westminster hiouse. For Sunday suppers they are made WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION to wear aprons and do lots of potato peel- ing. Unfortunately, many cut fingers can be found. Dishpan hands are becoming common, too, for there are dishes to be washed.

This industrious group spent 12 hours First Row: Juanita Hill. Don Davis. The Reverend Chet Marquis, director; Fred Stehr. Second Row: tiling one room alone in their house. Charles Frank, Jim Dillev. JoAnne Lorter, Anne Besides remodeling, they helped in serv- Downing, Bob Lafollette, Jim Cox. ices at old-age homes and small churches that cannot afford full-time pastors.

They entertained Hillel Foundation with a wiener roost, and were hosts at the Annual Leadership Training Conference.

Officers of the Presbyterian sponsored group are Don Davis, Patsey Peters, Nita

hiill, and Fred Stehr.

200 Student participation was one of the main features of tHillel this year. They con- ducted services, even giving the sermons.

Included in the program was the hiillel For- um, which helped to further religious educa- tion and appreciation of religious values. Channukkah and Purim Dances were also held. Officers are Ron Rothman, Gary Bas- sin, Elva Kaufman, Malcolm Klaiman, Gloria

Rosenthal, Kaufman. . Thelma Firsl P ., .. ; Feldhan, Sandy Asnien, Marilyn SI(olnik, Lenny Ganek, Elva Kaufman. Second Row: Mai Klaiman, Gary Bossin, Harriet Sugormon, Ron Rothman, Gloria Rosenthal, Larry Mahrer, Gill Erlichmon, Rabbi Lichtenberg.


First Row: Al Miller. Al Ranen, Dan Roth, Fred Schwartzmon. Second Row: Ron Rothman, Rabbi Lichtenberg, Marilyn Abromson, Harriet Sugormon. Third Row: Bea Smiley, Joan Feldhan, Winnie Saxon, Sol Gordon, Thelma Heim, Elvo Kaufman, Rochelle Levanthal, Larry Mahrer. Second Row on Steps: Marilyn Skoinik, Harriet Krosin, Judy Gorber. Fourth Row: Gloria Rosenthal. Sandy Asnien, Sondra Horwitz, Harry Rosen, Gil Erlichmon, Don Model, Rita Frieler, Eileen Gerdy. Fifth Row: Faye Broido, Gary Bossin, Jim Leon, Mol Klai- man. Sixth Row: Lorry Prigosin, Lawrence Steinsopir, Lenny Ganek, Sandy Reitman.

201 PHI cm DELTA

The women's branch of Westmin-

ster Foundation, this Presbyterian sponsored organization spends most

of its time with the needy children of the community. A "Yellow Rose" pledge tea and a wiener roast are among their activities. Officers ore Kay Woolfitt, Bess Earenfight, Joyce Osborn, Shirley Stocker, Georgia Trokos, Sarah Janusz.

Front Row: Jane Mechling, Nancy Kress, Kay Woolfitt, Shirley Ann Stocker, Georgia Trokas. Joyce Osborn, Bess Ann Earenfight, Marilyn Woods. Mono Tryon. Second Row: Martha Rauschenberger, Mimi Farmer, Betsy Johnson, Jean Boetticher, Judy Wolff, Dorothy Crafts, Trudy Thomsen, Phyllis Logsdon, Marilyn Steck, Mary Louise Evans. Third Row: Bobs Svoboda. Carol Gerwig, Judith Salthouse, Margie Chambers. Phyllis Peterson, Pamela Walz, Mary Jane Hawn, Marilyn Hall, Sandy Loche. Morgene Gilson, Sue Robeson, Janice Moore. Fourth Row: Sarah Jonusz. Joan Niermon, Alice Anne Leist, Joy Butter- worth, Bette Von Buskirt, Carol Steuernagel, Suzanne Stonsbury, Sue William- son. Retto Semons, Juanito Hill, Eleonor Ewing, Chloe Woodard.


Each week members of the Christian Science Organization met to discuss the

problems they encountered in their col- lege affairs. The year's program included picnics, outings, and a lecture by a noted member of the Board of Lectureship of the Ivlother Church. Officers are Dave First Row: Marlene von Delden, Warren Worthley, John Beato, John Jewett, and Warren Worth- Jewett. Marcia Segesman. Second Row: Shirley Redding, ley. Dove Beato, John Sommers, Donna Mack.

202 Front Row: Blllie Heldman, Ken Heichel, Erika Uhl, Lito Meints, Marilyn Isch. Nancy Warren, Jean Zerckel, Carolyn Isch, Ginny Stoner. Second Row: Gordon Johnson, Laurel Fuelling. Lynn Yurick, Henry Roenick, Don Rlechers, pastor; Roman Scholtz, Robert Wendt, Ross Paulson.


Religion is discussed over Cokes.

Each Sunday night members of the Lutheran Students Association meet to discuss various topics and to hear talks given by faculty members. The evening's program is expanded every fourth Sunday to include a fellowship supper prepared by the stu- dents themselves.

Socializing was done at several Friday night parties. An innovation this year was the organization of morried couple's group. As a part of their service work, the association gave a hlolloween party for children of the Athens Children's hHome.

Marilyn Bowers wielded the president's gavel, assisted by officers Clifford Meints, Eloise Rousch, and June Swingle.

203 First Row: Ruth Murdoch, Roselie Thomp- son. Ann Mack, Martha Purdin, Marilyn Vickers, Barbara Cormichael, Shirley Todd, Donna Ingram. June Noland. Roberta Bay. Janice Roush, Harriett Berry. Second Row: Betty Roynor, Shir- ley Frazler, Corinne Clutter, June Steele, Rita Nojonen, Lisbeth Koskinen, Ruth Valentine, Sarah Hull, Ha Pickens, Paul- ine Fierce, Shirley Trainee, Jonis Dean, Norma Bennett.


"Service to the church" is the motto of "Ye of the salt of the campus" is the

Koppo Beta, and the girls carry it out theme around which the Baptists built

every Sunday by operating a nursery dur- their program this year. Sponsoring group ing church hours. They also assist the conferences and issuing a monthly paper, secretary by doing clerical duties. "The Disbach," were two of their main

Group officers ore Shirley Todd, June projects. Steele, Ruth Murdock, and Norma Bennett. Leading the group are Virginia Arnold,

Reverend J. B. Maffett is pastor of Kappa Don Williams, hiarriett Berry, and Ken-

Beta. neth Meade. George A. Droch is advisor. BAPTISTVISCIPLE STUDENT FELLOWSHIP f^Maik^

First Row: Betty Roynor, Ruth Mur- dock, Jonis Dean, Clarabel Owen, Harriett Berry, June Noland. Second Row: Shirley Frozier, Frieda Buer,

Don Williams , Virginia Arnold, Har- old Brown, Ellen Fogle. Ilo Pickens, Dick Cormichael, Corinne Clutter, Mortha Purdin, Third Row: Morlene Rumbaugh, Marilyn Borden, Normo Folio, Judi Wolfe, Sarah Schramm. Donna Ingram. Ruth Valentine, Al- bert Holtsberry, Ron Ginger, Louis L. Owen, George A. Droch. Fourth Row: Richord Hornor, Charles Marr,

Art Vermillion. Bill Philabaum.

204 •mi YWCA

Front Rov/: Mary Ellen Woldeck, Lou Helser, Joyce Schoenberger, Sharon Gamwell, Marilyn Paulsen. Second Row: Carol Jurenek, Erma Anderson, advisor; Beo Gordon, Mary Anne Troup, Judy Brown, Kay Layden, Shirley Monn, Edith Wray, advisor; Joan B, Miller. Standing: Joan Nlernnan, Ginny Huerlcamp, Ruth Ellen Sands, Joan Kritzell, Ann Knoppenberger, Sylvia Polhamus, Shirley Stocker.

Registration comes, and you need two more books. You check at Logan's and the New freshman women aren't allowed College Book Store. The bill would be to feel insignificant and alone—the YWCA $10.25. You have $8.50. It's a familiar sees to thot. It officially welcomes them to story with only one answer — the YMCA the campus and introduces them to new Book Exchange. friends at its annual First Nighter Party.

Even in the summer the girls keep busy writ- At Memorial Auditorium students can ing to incoming freshmen to tell them about trade in their old books and buy used ones college life. at greatly reduced prices. Additional ser- vices of this group are the sponsoring of o Among the many other activities of freshman camp and interdenominational this service organization ore Prep Follies, campus-wide Christmas and Easter services. Thanksgiving and Christmas services, and a recognition service for its members. Judy Robert Scott, Art Vermillion, Gerry Brown, Mary Anne Troup, Kay Layden, and Dinger, Art Pullon, Barry Nauts, and Chester Shirley Mann are YWCA officers. Miller are officers of YMCA.

Center: Clarence Parker, William Perry, James Kelly, Roll Zerges, John Watson, Chester Miller. Second Row: Ralph Ulbrick, Roderick Ondis, Stan Ulland, Barry Nauts, Art Vermillion, Robert Scott, Gerry

Dinger, Bill Philobaum, Art Pullon, Rich Peters, Rick Schwaim.


First Row: Janet Miller, Marlyn Swat- zel, Sandy Comstock, Irene Dahmer, Martha Dee Morrison, Patty Yates. Second Row: Edna Warmon. Mary Bartheiemy, Virginia Fogg, Jean Lee, Ruth-Ellen Stone, Marjorie Groh, Marcia Coburn. Third Row: Car- ol Rice, Sidney Heldman, Sarah Schramm, Grace Morley advisor; Patricia Hort.

The works of contemporary American The concerted aims of these two groups composers were given very satisfying treat- is to advance the development of music in ment tkils year at the American Music Con- America and to promote understanding and cert presented by Sigma Alpha Iota and musical progress among its members. SAI Phi Mu Alpha. This was the most important officers are Mary Bartheiemy, Edna War- event of these two national music fraterni- man, Jean Lee, Marlyn Swatzel, Patty Yates, ties. Sydney hHeldman, and Ruth-Ellen Stone. Ted Stuart, Dave Noble, Chuck Frank, John SAI celebrated its thirtieth year on this Ruff, Roy Barrick, and Allan Zinn are the campus with a Charter Day, which was leaders of Phi Mu Alpha. attended by many alumnae. Phi Mu Alpha was founded here that some year, in 1924.


Front Ro«/: Mcrlyn G. Ross. Allan Zinn, P. L. Peter- son, director; Ted Stuart. Charles Frank. John Ruff, Ray Barrick. Second Row: William Lockwood,

Norm Lanning, Fred Meek, Bill Gill. Marv Yerkey. John Mitchell, Richard Judson, Gilbert Wamsley. Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons passers-by and neighbors of Music hiall con hear the blended voices of the Ohio Univer-

sity Men's Glee Club ringing from within.

And these grueling, yet enjoyable prac- tice sessions, directed by Dr. Philip Peterson,

have certainly paid off for the group. In addition to their regular Christmas and

Spring concerts, this year they went on tour.

A four day jaunt between semesters kept President Jerry Stought, Business Man- MEN'S QIEE CLUB ager Dave Lucas, Librarian Allen Zinn, and the entire Glee Club on their musical toes. The group traveled to Cleveland, Youngs- town, Pittsburgh, and Washington, D. C, where they sang at high school concerts and especially for Ohio University Alumni As-

sociations in those cities that they visited.

208 It was concert night, and pretty young ladies in light, frothy formals were hustling about behind the curtains. On a table in one of the dressing rooms was a flower box addressed to Miss Evangeline Merritt, direc- tor of the Women's Glee Club.

She hastened to slip off the ribbon and draw forth the cord within the box. It was written in a soft, flowing hand by one of her feminine lovelies.

". . . and we promise to sing with our guts in it tonight!" WOMEN'S QLEE CLUB

And that's what they have to do for Miss Merritt. She's determined to get "feel- ing" and "spirit" into Glee Club perform- ances, even if it takes foot stamping and snorting, jumping onto the table, or simply yelling at the girls to "put your guts into it!" But the ones who have strong enough con- stitutions to stick it out love her for it. They give a Christmas and Spring Concert. Of- ficers are Mary Barthelemy, Mary Nelson, and Dot Schoeni.


"Where words fail, music speaks." These could hove been the sentiments of Dr. Ernst von Dohnonyi, eminent composer, conductor, and pianist, when he con- ducted the Ohio University Symphony

Orchestra in the premier performance of

his "American Rhapsody," dedicated to Ohio University and to President Baker for the Sesquicentennial. The orchestra, under conductors Deforest Ingerham and Karl Ahrendt, presents two annual concerts. Officers are Ray Barrick, John Ruff, Sidney hieldman, hielen Lehman, and Ted Stuart.


A.. X

Neither snow, rain, heat, gloom, nor night can stop these couriers

sf melodious harmony as they march valiantly for Ohio University.

Indeed, it is a rare situation when

a band is forced to refrain from its half-time show because of climatic

conditions. Yet one gets a thrill by just watching a band maneuver grow from a sketch on paper into

the actual performance as it pro- cedes down the chain of command from the general director, Charles Minelli, through the lieutenant colonel drum major to the lowly

private in the last row. Football

season just wouldn't have the same

spirit without a band. And this year, Mr. Minelli's marching music- makers certainly added that extra flavor.


First Row: Edna Warman, Shirley Sidle, Patty Yates, Ruth-Ellen Stone. Second Row: Sarah Schramm, Joan Lee, Harriett Sopp, Ruth Ellen Sands, Janet K/laloney, Sidney Heldman, Bar- bora hiarding, Marlyn Swatzel, Dort Ruland. Belinda Harding, Morjorie Groh, Nancy Peorce, and Janet Miller. Not pictured ore Shirley Dachtier and Anno- moe Grogan.

TAU BETA SIQMA Not to be outdone by the women, the men musicians must be honored, too. They do just as During its awards banquet in the spring, much marching, and probably more "play- Tou Beta Sigma presents pins, letter sweaters, ing." Their true aim is not only to promote the and OU blankets to two, three-, and four-year college band and its activities, but also to band members, respectively. The women's stimulate leadership. Kappa Kappa Psi joins national band honorary participates in the High Tau Beta Sigma in sponsoring the High School School Band Day and the Varsity Night Show. Band Day and also, has on annual picnic. This group is the sister organization of of this Kappa Kappa Psi. Charles Frank stands at the helm group, assisted by Roy Barrick, John Ruff, and Leading the activities is President Edna John Mitchell. Worman. She is assisted by officers Patty Yates, Shirley Sidle, Ruth Stone, and Marlyn Swatzel. Advisor is Band Director Charles Minelli. KAPPA KAPPA PSI

First Row: Charles Pinney John Sommers, Severance Kelley, Ron Owens, Paul Mc- Laughlin, Norm Lanning. Sec- ond Row: Fred Meek, John Mitchell, John Ruff, Charles Minelli, advisor; Charles Frank, Ray Barrick, Richard Randall. Third Row: William Hudson, Edward Potokar Jack Lester, Don Hoddad John Epperly, Charles Mare, Myron Seyerle, Charles At- kinson, LeRoy McBane.


Most people worry about their debits and credits. This accounting honorary publishes a journal about

them. Maybe this is their solution to

problems of confusion, for if some campus organizations are madcap,

Beta Alpha Psi is definitely an excep-

tion. The group is a staid and sober

outfit, which simply meets, talks shop, and listens to other accountants speak. They also have an annual banquet and take field trips to large business concerns. Officers are Clyde Fobes and Margaret Taylor.

First Row: Shirley Robert E. WItchy, Todd, - honorary member; Doris -' • Sponseller, Macil Via, Clyde Fobes,- Gary Bassin, Margaret Taylor, ' Second Row: Donald Wiclcerhom, E, E. Ray, advisor: Dean William'lie H. Fenzel, James E. Martin, George Powers, Harry Kessel, Dwight Gaskill, Kenneth Walters, Warren Reininga, advisor.

First Row: Ned Schall, Sole Johns, Richard Durbin, John Gray, Jim Reiss, Lee Paul- SOCIETY FOR son, Karl Bishop, Don Brill, Dick Onions, John Cirino, Dick Oberdier, Earl Dupre, William Wolfe, Bill Stafford, Steve Ruth, Gene Hoyden. Second Row: Ken Radcliffe, ADVANCEMENT Bill Farnick, Paul Korchar, Demos Hadjiyanis, Jim Herman, Don Dailey, T. R. Barn- hart, John Randall, E. T. Hellebrandt, advisor; Ned Sharp, Al Spira, Don Sammons, Elva Smith, Joe Kubinyi. John Moisch, Chorles Pickering. Standing: Karl Johns, Tom OF Hoddox, Don Flowers, Bruce Cole, Jim Heady, Ted Hartmon, William Bright, Paul Wood, Ron Berger, Alfred Wolfe, Robert Livingston, Ron Slblla, John Sutter, Ichiro MANAQEMENT Seto, Elmer Fait, Samuel Miller. Robert Chapman, Dick O'Donnell, Edward Hopkins, Kenneth Meade, Jerry Stevens.

One campus organization that might fool people is the Society for Advancement of Management. Although it sounds small, it is on active group of some 60 members.

Their meetings are high- lighted by speakers from busi- nesses in cities throughout the state. On their monthly field trips they journey to places such as Columbus and Par- kersburg to observe manage- ment in action. This spring they sent twelve representa- tives to the national S.A.M. conference in New York.

213 First Row.- D. H. Stright. S. A. Rose, J. L. Vondeveer, Walter L. Honno, John Dolton, Joe Wiseman, B. W. DeVeou. Second Row: Richard Soger, Nodine Davis, Wllnna Parr, Arthur Komorowski, Harvey Dunlap, Bernard Beordmore, William Ronk, Dave Neutzling. Third Row: William M. Brooks, Kester McCain, Scotty Mason, Ron Gloss- heim. Glen Wince, Verne Grubb, David Mingus.


Homecoming just wouldn't be hlomecoming

if it weren't for the goily colored mums for Mom. Eocfi year Alpha Omega Upsilon, the

agricultural society, arranges and sells these cor- sages that moke mothers and sweethearts look even

prettier at this important game. They also provide corsages and floral decoration for dances and parties. Treasurer Joe Wiseman jumps for They hove to build as well as grow things. joy when he hears that flowers aren't tabooed at the dances.

The 393 acre University Farm furnishes agri-

culture students with the facilities for practical

experience in their forestry, gardening, landscaping, poultry, and the many other studies that compose farm management.

The proverbial green thumb was especially

evident this yeor as AOU grew badly needed multi- floral roses for surrounding forms. Walter L.

hHonno is president of the organization.

214 First Row: Robert Hempfield, Mich- ael Henry, Victor Ptak. Kenneth Burns, Paul Holter. Second Row: De- witt Reed, John Lax. John Wood, Lloyd Lopez, Don Weiss, John Hon- euk, John Warafko. Third Row:

Bill Kennord, Andy Perine, Charles Thompson, Bob McCune, Keith Ber-

lin, W. James Wood, Arthur Ross. Fourth Row: Walter C. Strom, Rob- ert Krizner, M. E. Harlan, Fronk Watkins, Dick O'Donnell, Glenn E. Roush, David L. Henry. Fifth Row: W. H. Reininga, advisor, H. Popo- vich. Jerry Kinnane, Dean Pratt, Don Riffle. John Randall. Sixth Row: James Van Camp, Jos. A. Romig, Robert Zampino, Joseph Kovacs, Niles Saori, Charles Stemen, John Watson. Seventh Row: Arnold Di- Cioccio. John Schwab, Richard H. Conrad.

Realizing that life in this evil and mercenary

DELTA SIQMA PI world is a constant struggle for the finer things in

life — money — the secretaries of the future The Delta Sigma Pis take field trips to gather to discuss the intricate means of finding various factories in the Athens area in order and holding jobs. To cope with the personal to get first hand information about their field hazards of secretarial work, subjects such as "The of endeavor. In this way the members of this science and strategy of intercepting and counter- national professional commerce and business acting any of your employer's suppressed de- men's fraternity can observe the world of busi- sires" are discussed with much gusto. So girls, ness in action. if you want a life of eternal bliss, join the secre- Founded at New York University, the tarial club. Martha Evans, Shirley Mann, Carol Delta Sigs were established here in 1925. Vic- Siegfried, and Morcia Dickerson lead the group. tor Ptak was president of the group this year. SECRETARIAL STUDIES

First Row: Kathleen Sauer, Joanne Nichols, Beverly Crates, Virginia Ash- ton, Jan Buckholz, Joan Newbert, Dottie Brandeberry. Jo Anne Fouch, Gloria Lewis. Shirley Davis, Martha Ann Marquis. Second Row: Darcy Crispin, Nancy Porter, Elaine Beltz, Beo Gordon, Carolyn Heffken, Bon- na Sue Beaer, Carol Siegfried, Con- nie Cozod, Marguerite Appel, Mar- tha Evans, Sollie Adsit, Shirley Mann, Ann Ragon, Phyl Fry, Joan Baker. Third Row: Barbara Metzger, Jane Mutzner, Shirley Derry, Gerri Hod- gins, Sue Gaskill, Margaret Warm- eling, Jeonnine Gottfried, Lynn Smith, Ann Richmond, Mary Ann Kinsella, Carolyn Jacoby. Donno McCauley. Martha Chase, Pot Cotonzoro, Ger- ry Beach, Mary Lawrence, Martha Giles, Saroh Janusz, Carolyn Green, Carol Brandt. Fourth Row: Marion Palmer, Joyce Kost, Jean Boetticher. Virginia Arnold. Shirley Phares, Helen Simon. Kathy Lund. Ella Mae Davis. Lois Loub, Lou Potton. Carol Alexander, Shirley Sidle.

215 Gone are the days when honne economics hrsr Kow: bally bynan. meant learning how to Margaret Perry, Beverly Pennay, Kathleen Slattery lish Corbm, Shirley Belden, bake biscuits Angle Bozekas. Second Raw: Judith Bresler Bev and sew hems in skirts. Barrett Nancy Warren. Allyne Bane, Betty Tostenson, Juonlta Hill Elaine The modern homemaker must be a Kertes, Marilyn Steck. Phyllis Mclnfurf, Valerie Jensen, Sally Flawers, Barbara Barger. scientist, psychologist, auditor, and a

score of other things if she wishes HOME ECONOMICS to be as well prepared as these CLUB young ladies.

They learn all about textiles, nu- trition, child development, consumer buying, nursing, home furnishings, and bacteriology. Two organizations

promote the interests of these girls. They are the hlome Economics Club and Phi Upsilon Omlcron, notional honorary society. Phi Up shows color slides of the campus and the hlome

Eg Department at high schools in

Ohio. They also bake and sell fruit It's mealtime at the Home Mananempnt Housi cakes at Christmas and have on an- nual cook-out breakfast.


"Let's try Iried chicken.

Eye appeal is important. If even helps the taste!

First Row; Ruth Murdoch, June Roseberry, Sally Synan, Judith Bresler. Second Row: Carolyn Isch, Shirley McCove, Vivian Roberts, Mary McAllister, Mari- lyn Abramson. Third Row: Dorothy Magneson. Fritz Wiley, Doris Durkot, Pot Baker, Carol Boyd, Marilyn Isch, Lois Moore.

PHI VPSILON OMICRON Ewing 5 is a big, neutral-colored,

unimpressive room. It hides in on un- obtrusive corner of Evving basement.

It had nothing that would suggest

special significance. But it's "home"

to these people. For home is where

many memories lie. And more of

their memories are stuck in crevices

behind the pipes that line the ceiling

and walls of that room than in any other.

This is the place where most OU journalists begin and end their col- lege careers. From the time they start diagramming 30 sentences every night and learning how to use constructions such as "a noun used adverbially modified by two non- Women's professional journalism honorary. attributive adjectives and a preposi- First Evelyn Kennedy, Mrs. L. J. Hortin, advisor; Vera W. Gllespie, ad- Row: tional phrase," to the day when they visor; Maralynn Purdy, president; Morilyn Dilley, Marilyn Schuler, secretary; Kothy Dengler, treasurer; Mary Lou Evans. Second Row: Sondra Rose, Julie can write a convincing editorial, an Sturgiss, Bess Ann Earenfight, Jocelyn Cody, Adele Haber, Beverly Chain, appealing ad, and a salable feature Rita Martin, Margaret Catanzoro, Evelyn Tropp, Helen Sutton. story, they develop an affinity—or a repugnance — for Ewing 5. There

THETA SIQMA PHI may be other rooms in between, but none hove struggled through so much with so many aspiring young jour-


Turnbull, Hortin. and Lasher like this maq layout.

The type must fit the space.

218 Men's professional journalism honorary

First Row: George Starr Lasher, advisor; Mel Slotchoff, Phil Peters. Dick Goodrick, Ron Henry. Warren Stephens. L. J. Hortin, advisor. Second Row: Bob Kohan, Walter Rosinski; George Hoerter. Chet Martin, Don Fanslow Pete Shimrack.


Actual experience is gained at the Athens Messenger

Life's Wilson Hicks demonstrates lay-out

219 Scribes, a journalism club, was established three years ago to guide and encourage fresh- man and sophomore journalism students. Each year the organ- ization conducts a panel discus- sion to answer the questions of students, concerning future courses and job opportunities and problems.

One of their projects is a bi- annual issue of "Post Scripts," a newspaper about journalism at OU, written for alumni and high school students. Scribes

president is Ralph Brem. Fred Yoder, June Roseberry, and

Dick Graybill assist him in First Row: Janet Anderson, Ann Mock, Strode, Douglas Wol^er, Dorothy hlass- office. Lina Klein, Sandy Jones, Delia Greco, field, Justine Anderson, Marilyn Swan- Fred Yoder, Ralph Brem, June Roseber- ton, Shirley Dobbs, Tom Teepen, Allan ry, Dicic Graybill, Joanne Rusche. Sec- Zombie. ond Row: Ralph Gordon, George



First Row: G. T. LeBoutillier, Robin Crispin, Humberto D'Costa, John Smith, Frederic Norton, Eltl Chiandussi, Marcio Gossman, A. C. Denison, advisor. Second Row: Sally Tibbits, Ronald Punkar, Chinchoi Kambhu, George Van Niel, Jay Klein; Robert Flick, Bill Coco, Frank Lee, Ed Rohrer, Bruce Wessel- mann.

It's hard to tell at present whether or not the Architectural Society has any

Frank Lloyd Wright's in the offing, but

they have done much in the lost nine years to promote on ever-growing in-

terest in architectural courses here.

Designed as a liaison between pro- fessional men, instructors, and students, the society sponsored field trips to ob- serve actual construction work. The regular meetings included lectures, ex-

hibits, and an important idea-inter- change.

Charting the activities this year were John Chaindussi, Fred Norton, and John Smith.

220 "I got my 'wires crossed' again," said A. Student Bobcat, when his exam paper was labeled 'D' instead of 'B.'

"Why can't I be like those Chi Rho Betas?"

They can't afford to cross their wires — maybe their earphones, but never the wires. For this is a professional radio fraternity.

Formed to recognize outstanding persons in radio, they sponsor a pledge initiation banquet and a tea to stimu- late interest in their organization among radio majors.

As a special Sesquicentennial event, the group produced a weekly radio program saluting honoraries at

OU. In charge of tuning the dials this year was President Carlton Benz, as- sisted by Tony Tolbert, Alice Leist, Audrey Becker, and John Pezzoni.

First Row: Shirley Donahoe, Alice June Leist, Carlton Benz, Audrey Becker, Alice Swaim. Second Row: John Solloy, Charles Orr, John CHI RHO BETA Pezzoni, Jim Tolbert, Roman Syrold, Gene Gildow.


Bringing honors to OU is a habit with Tau Kappa Al-

Seated: Rosemary Bernard, advisor: L. C. Stoats, advisor: Jerry pha, naMonal forensic honor- Alplner. Alice Swaim, Jim Dilley, Gordon Wiseman, advisor. Stand- ary. Since 1930, OU repre- ing: Celio Gottdiener. Nancy Dean, Gil Polonsky, Louis Spiegel, Vic Ptak, Jon Tipton, Ken Skalo, Dove While. Fran Growhosky, Jo sentatives have won 29 state Midoy. championships in extempora- neous speech, interpretation, and debate. Besides strengih- ening vocal chords, TKA con- soles defeated visiting teams with teas and open houses,

and was host this year to the State Women's Individual Events Tournament and to the International Debate Team from India. Officers ore Jerry Alpiner, Alice Swaim, and Jim Dilley.

221 Firsf they decide what effect they want to create. Technical crews get busy on if.

The minute you step into the Green Room ot the Speech

Building or backstage of the theatre, you feel as if you're In another

world. It's a place where everyone is related. The bond is formed and made stronger by the innumerable common ex- periences, misgivings, heartaches, and triumphs which they share.

Some times they even have the same butterflies in their respective stomachs. Such things as these make them a "family," make the theatre the theatre, and moke show people warm, sensitive, and sympathetic.


First Row: Agnes Thornton, Diana Schultz, secretary; Jack Randall, vice president; Pat Linker, president; Nevada Shell, treas- urer; Bruce Roach, Don Hutslar. Second Row: Nancy Dean, Donna Kahn, Potsie Peters, Tom Snnith, Polly Roy, John Lom-

berson. Virginia Hahne is advisor.

222 Make-up men add the physicol illusion. And actors create the emotional ettect

Here at OU we have, as too few people realize, one of tfie finest college teclnnical theatres in the country. The quality of the department was challenged by the particularly ambitious job of producing The Green Adventure, which maintained the high standards set in the past. Undoubtedly, after directing it, Christopher Lane feels ready to attempt a DeMille epic, complete with a cost of thousands. Two OU theatrical organizations are Footlighters, a service group, and National Collegiate Players, on honorary recognizing juniors with outstanding theatrical background.


Seated: Donna Kahn, vice president ond treasurer: Jack Randall, Elizabeth J. Kidd, president: Victoria Froncis. Norma Noylor. Standing: Louis Spiegel, Charles Husson, Don Hutslor. Kay Layden, secretary: Ro- bert Morsden. Robert Schesventer, Agnes

Thornton, Tom J. Smith. Advisor is Christ- opher Lane.

223 Photographers taking pictures of any- thing and everything are a common sight at OU. The photography department is a recognized part of the university. In fact, ^^i/m OU is one of three schools in the United States to give a degree to a student who has a major in photography. Advanced work in portraiture, color, and commercial photography turns the amateur "shutter- bug" into on accomplished professional.

Top men in the field are often brought to the campus to present lectures and conduct clinics.

The Camera Club is open to all interested students, its purpose being to promote Interest in photography as a con- structive hobby, a creative art, and a worth while occupation. The group sponsors outings In the fall and spring.

Directing the club are Lloyd White, president; KelchI Nakamoto, vice president; Isabel McTavIsh, treasurer; and Jeanne Kraushaar, secretary. First Row: Keichi Nakomoto, Isabel McTovish. Marie Simon. Dave Archangel. Second Row: Donald Hutslar. Jeanne Kroushaar. Elaine Dreessen. Third Row: James Busch, Herbert Schieman, Jim Deaver. Clarence White, advisor: Betty Truxell. advisor: Ralph Lowenstein, Chic Donchin. Al Carter. KAPPA ALPHA MV

A banquet, a trip to Washington, and a round table discussion with nationally knov^n editors highlighted Koppo Alpha

Mu's fifth year on this campus. In February Graflex Magazine's Robin Garland spoke

at its dinner for photo-journalism students. Easter found the group traveling to

Washington to visit the photo department of the United States Navy and other

points of interest in the copitol.

KAM, a photo-journalism honorary,

co-sponsored the visit of former Life editor,

Wilson hiicks, and John Whiting, editor of the Flower Garden. These men con- ducted a workshop program for photo

and journalism students. Officers this year ore Jim Deaver, Elaine Dressen, Jean Kraushaor, and Dona Vibberts.


First Row: Sue Watson, Betty Vaught, Mar- ilyn Johnson, Sallle Foraker. Second Row; Nancy Campbell. Sandra Howard, Myrna Cohen, Frieda Buer, Myrna Kursh, Nan Childs. Third Row: Suzie Seiglred, Mary Ann Clark, Karen Erdmann, Mary Joyce, advisor; Alice Sutkaltis, Elaine Mesec, Joyce Furrey, Jane Hutchinson.

Orchesis sometimes has problems thof present Then there was the time when they had to take amusing moments and hectic backstage pictures. a costume made for a primitive dance and re-style

At present the organization is trying to build up its it for a blues number. Never before would they have costume department. Until they reach their goal, believed 'High Andes" could be changed to

different girls often have to wear the some costumes "Slaughter On Tenth Avenue." In spite of the pit-

for consecutive dances during performances. The falls, Orchesis made a tour of two high schools and

situation gets nearly critical when three dances are two colleges in Southeastern Ohio, appeared in

to be performed in ten minutes with about 20 sec- many campus shows, and gave a spring concert. onds between each one for o change. Only the Officers are Myrna Cohen, Sue Watson, Elaine

humor in the predicament saves the day. Mesec, Joyce Furrey, and Nancy Campbell.

226 First Row: Mary Tolles, Jean Sheppard, Sally Rich ords. Second Row: EInner Cravens, Mary Athearn, Professor William H. OIpp, advisor; Jack Green- wald, Betty McBane, Joan Nierman. Third Row: Richard Kosper, Chuck Carpenter, Jan Tullis, Pat Kurtz, Sally Hollof, Jan WeeU, Virginia Huerkomp, Greta Greenwood. Sam Nass, advisor.


Delta Phi Delta's annual art exhibit is

a big attraction to both students and citi- zens of Athens. Mothers may benefit from

it, also, for it is held In the li- brary during Ivlothers' Weekend.

And the group holds a special award

In store for two persons who, as Miss

Work might describe it, "hove arrived."

Special recognition Is given to the most outstanding freshman and senior

In the field of art.

Guiding the strokes of all were Jean Sheppard, president; Mary Athearn, vice- president; Betty McBane, corresponding secretary; Joan Nierman, recording sec- retary, and Sally Richards, treasurer.

227 The International Club this year played

a prominent part in the events of the United Nations week. During the Week, the United Church Women of Athens gave their an- nual International Dinner for the group. Dr. Walter Kotchnig, state department official who served with both UN and UNESCO, INTERNATIONAL CLUB addressed the assembly.

The Club concluded the Week with a Tambola, a combination all-campus dance and Mardi Gras. Students from various parts of the world performed their native dances.

Working toward closer association of students from abroad and American stu- dents, the Club held a series of meetings where the emphasis was on educational entertainment. These included a Christmas Party, the annual Exhibition and a spring picnic.

Officers ore: P. Clarence Parker, Jr.,

Bernard P. LeBeau, and Esperanza Garcia.


Had it not been for the superior fore-

sight of the good Lord to create for this plenteous earth the German Race, there would be no German Club, hlowever, he

did, and there was, so it is. At informal tavern meetings drinking songs and yodels

are sung by both frauleins and fuhrers in the animated styles of the old masters of the

crockery steins. As you can see, the meet-

ings for this group are a pleasure, rather than o chore as they study the linguistic and culturalistic qualities of their ancient fore-


First Row: Belinda Harding, Jane Rebmann, Nancy Flnnegan, Sonia Nylen, Hedwig Henss, Dr. P. G. Krauss, advisor; Dr. J. A. Hess, ad- visor; Charles Green, Betty Lou Schiller, Joyce Kast, Carole Sherman, Virginio Sweet, Ruth Ellen Sends. Second Row: Jim Rotcliff. Robert Wenger, Joseph Paternost, Leonard Hltchin, Charles Serpan, Don Willioms, Herbert Eglie, Eric Johnen, Ralph Cater, Adam Bors, George Brehmer, Richard Maxwell, Robert Bass, George B. Reddin, Jr., Ivan Boh, Harry Branch, Robert E. Karaffa, Arnold H. Rotner.

First Row: Barbara Semat, Mary Sue LaFollette, Joseph Eachus, Dottie Brandeberry, Margaret Felsinger. Ann Mumma. advisor; Nancy Jones, T. C. McCrocken, Marilyn Bowers, Jane Norris, Lois Hey, Adrienne Sharp. Second Row: irmo Husmonn, Janet Maxton, Mono Tryon, Doris Piatt, Jo Miday. Lou Helser, June Wetherell, Harriett Sapp, Elaine Lee, Joan Runyeon, Judy Brown, Ruth Bryan, Ida Claire Herbst, Shirley Axe, Nancy Hedges, Kay Woolfitt, Ann Knoppenberger, Betty Myers. KAPPA DELTA PI

Founded on this campus in 1923 by Dr. T. C. McCracken, Kappa Delta

Pi had the distinction of having for its founder and advisor the national pres- ident, hie served in this capacity 23 years. Keeping in mind its purpose, to encourage high professional, intellect- ual, and personal standards among ed- ucators, Omega chapter has almost completed a scholarship fund from which an annual award of $300 is given for graduate study. Leading the meetings ore President Nancy Jones, and Marilyn Bowers, Dottie Brande- berry, Jane Norris, and Margaret Fel- singer.

229 First Row: Bob Gaebler, Nick Gabriel, Charles Turpin, Jim Dilley, Glenn Waggy Dove Cowan, Elmer Cravens, Clyde Zarkos, Jock Piotrowsky, Ed Canfleld. Second Row: Donald Tanner, John Barnes, George Bienstadt, Gordon Johnson, Fred Stehr, William Eville, Robert Wendt, August Strachovsky, David Long, Ned Winter, Bob Richards, Sherman Robinson, Bob Wenger, Ken Riley. Allen Baker, Ed Seabold, Lou Goldring.

Every year MIA-ers from Ohio State, Marshall, MIA and OU meet at Lake hHope for a big picnic.

A special feature of the outing is the softball tournament between Marshall and OU. OU men

hate to admit it, but Marshall seems to be a

little better on the base pads than they, Marshall

being the perennial v>/inner.

This group is designed to provide a social and cultural background as a complement of col- lege education for independent men.

Every student at some time or another enjoys MIA movies at Memorial Auditorium on Wednesdays and weekends for 20 cents. Pro- ceeds ore given to the Student General Fund, and the building and scholarship funds. Annual activities include a Sweetheart Dance and the

Cinderella Boll. In October they were host to the six-state East Regional Independent Social As- sociation. During Spring vacation they sent dele- gates to the notional convention at Cornell Univer-


230 First Row: Laurel Fuelling, president: Patricia Kelly, advisor. Second Row: Jean Zerckel, vice-president: Jonelle Adcocic, correspond- ing secretary: Marilyn Isch, recording secre- tary: Helen Croutcher, treasurer.

Active on campus since its founding in 1945, the Women's Independent Associa- tion has done much to provide a social and recreational program, a low-cost organization, and a means of represen- tation for unaffiliated women.

When the Eastern Regional Convention of the National Independent Student As- sociation chose Ohio University as

its site for meeting in October, WIA was hostess to schools from Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio.

The Student Center was the scene of

the WIA-MIA Cinderella Ball, where the ballroom seemed to be turned into a fairylond for Queen Joan Sylvester.

In the spring semester, their own queen WIA reigned at the Sweetheart Ball.

First Row: Sonyo Manly, lanelle Adcock, Laurel Fuelling, Patricia Kelly, Hazel Koehne, Carole Collins, Stella Paterno, Mary Borthelemy, Janet Boulis. Second Row: Betty Durivoge, Ellle Rausch. Carole Dillon, Nancy Seabold, Marilyn Isch, Lynn Yurick, Jean Zerckel. Helen Croutcher, Carolyn Isch, Cora Loyaou, June Swingle, Janet Collins, Judy Brandt.


Some day, long after you've grad-

uated, you'll probably visit your child's school. Suddenly, you'll be surprised

and you'll turn to your youngster and

say, "hley, I went to college with your teacher."

Some of the teachers who might be ieoching your children belong to the Future Teachers of America, where the

members utilize the learning of the past with their present efforts that they may be the teachers of tomorrow. Officers

ore: Eleanor Dailey, Carole Dillon, Bill Taylor and Sue Schlote.

F.rst Row: Susan Sch_:_, Mj:, I ^ b.i:._, r':;: „.j Lmith, Judith William- son, Carolyn Dougon. Second Row: Margaret Swartz, Ann Rowan, Morlene Rensi, Joan Voscek, Nancy Ziel, Carole Dillon, Eleanor Dailey, Margaret Felsinger, Robert Gilliland, Arleen McGuigan, Carolyn Cunningham, Glenno Shinnery, Helen Hudecek, Anne Huffman, Morjorie Moore. Third Row: Bob Gladman, Sol Gordon, Mary Ann Kinsella, Dorothy Blaha, Frances Ann Woodward, Noncy Brondstadt, Joyce Osborn, Barbara Harasimlk, Catherine Cornett, June Peak, Lucy Singhaus, Mina Mingus, Monica Boczek, Dorothy

Limerick, James Brannen, Bill Taylor, Ann Yakshevich, William Thaxton, Janet Maxton, David Wilson, Harold L. Brown.

First Row: Chris Miller, Roman Scholtz, E. J. Taylor, Malcolm Klalmon, Ron Hoguist, Bob Cohen, Dominick Colo, Dorsey Gilliam. Second Row: Larry J. Loyd, Don W. Duncan, Donald K. Siler, Douglas L. Siler, Jack Piotrowsky, Howard Hommel, David A. Kamchi, Richard Habnor, Al Spiro, Michiel de Wit, Ed Hopkins, John Sowers. ALPHA PHI OMEQA

These men have become members of Alpha Phi Omega so that they could be of service to the student body and faculty, and to the community and na-


Their ideals are the out- growth and supplement to the beliefs that form the basis of Boy Scouting.

Leading the group throughout the year was President Dove Kamchi. Assisting him were Richard hlarnor, Romon Scholtz, and Micky DeWit.


First Row: Jean Ann Newland, Selma Schlote, Eleanor Satterfield, Ann Rowan, Sue Robeson, Babs Svoboda, Beth Abbott, Mary Louise Evans. Jane Remley, Shirley Axe. Second Row; Sally Day. Miriam Pestel. Mary Kothryn Wetherell. Shirley Ann Stocker. Pat Schneider, Donna Wagoner, Mary Ann Painter, Mary Ann Klnsella, Ann Yal<- shevlch. Janet Moxton. Patricia Adams, Nancy Wilson. Third Row: June Kuhns, Fran Eggers, Marjene Kistler, Glenna Wooley, Barbara Harding, Maddie McDermott, Rieta Sagar, Marjorie Sisk, Gail Barton. Fourth Row: Fran Rogers, Doris McBride Marilyn Denzer, Ruth Bryan, Jeanne Higby, Betty Myers, Marilyn Bowers, James Brannen.

The children were told fo draw Christ- mas pictures. Many drew the Holy Family. Officers: First Row: Nancy Wilson, treasurer; Rieta One boy pictured a baby in a crib and Sagar. president; Sue Robeson, social chairman; standing nearby, a modern teen-ager, com- Jean Ann Newland, publications chairman. Second plete with sweater and bobby sox. The Row: Ruth Bryan, vice-president; Marilyn Bowers, teacher was puzzled. secretary; Marilyn Denzer, publicity chairman.

"Johnny, is this Mary?" she queried. "Oh, no," he retorted, "Mary and Joseph went to the movies. That's the baby sitter." Things like this ore what put chuckles in the job that these Childhood Education Club members are planning to do. They are united to help further the interests of education, and their activities include serv- ices for children. OUR ADVERTISERS ^he cJ^amborn studio

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Ohio University is the only university in

the United States offering a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a Master of Fine Arts degree in photography. There are other schools which give degrees in photography, but none of them hove approached it as I a fine art.

These photographs were token by OU photography students who ore members of the Athena staff. In being mode an art, photography is the medium through which they combine the unities of the arts, and is an outlet for emotional expression. These potential artists have chosen the photo- graphs on these pages as their best. a. Donald Shotwell b. Edward Schwyn c. Darrell Muethlng d. James B. Colson e. Robert B. Goodman

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Zanesville, Dhin FEATURE CREDITS

ART Page

1 , 14, Charles Carpenter . . 1 , 7, 1 5, 27, 3 1 33, 38, 44, 49, 74, 76, 79, 173, 174, 178, 179, 210, 225

Pete Winter 2, 3, 4, 5 Mary Athearn 35, 216 Jean Sheppard 40, 56, 59,63,65,69, 73, 113,219,227 Pat Kurtz 52, 54, 92, 98, 193

Mary Lou Redding All Greek art, 1 16-171 Art Vermillion 183, 185 Jan Weeks 18, 197

PHOTOGRAPHY Page Tom Atkins 14 Dick Clopp 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 90 Jim Ertner, Tom Richards, Dick Clapp 92, 93

1 1 , , Bob Goodman. . 6, 7, 14, 5, 16, 7, 20, 2 1 25, 47, 48C, 50, 51 87 Don Hutslor, Keichi Nakamoto 19, 97 Lyn Kleinhoffer 53 Jim Karales ... 234

Darrel Muething . 3, 26, 80, 81, 86, 222, 223 Lamborn's Studio 46, 94, 95 Byron Schumoker 4

Ed Schwyn . 218, 219

Don Shotwell 3, 8, 9, 48D, 77, 98, 99, 1 12, 113, 172, 173, 216, 217

Tom Richards . , 5 Don Shotwell, Darrel Muething 18


The editors of the 1954 Athena extend their grateful appreciation to their advisors, A. T. Turnbull, Clarence

White, and Charles Smith, to their staffs, and to John Gooch, Sherman Owens, for their generous assistance in the production of your yearbook.

The cover for the 1954 Athena was designed by Charles Corpenter, a junior in the College of Fine Arts. Mary

Athearn, a senior in the College of Fine Arts, designed the end sheets.


Arthur, George. Polnesvllle 143 Barrett. Beverly. Wouseon 133

Ascani. Thomas. Canton 29, 54, 166. 192 Barrett. Beverly. Porkersburg. W. Va. 121 216 199 Abbott, Elizabeth, Akron 120, 193. 233 Ashcroft. Zeryl. Cleveland Borrlck, Raymond. Coshocton 215 207. 212 Abbruzzese. Richard, Colunnbus 149 Ashton. Virginia. Athens 54. 146. 54 Abraham, Roynnond, Athens. 152. 178. 195. 205 Ask. Enoch. Akron . Borrows. Doris. Stewart .148 Abraham. William, Athens 54 Asnien. Sondro. Cleveland Borry. Don. Clevelond

. 231 Abramson. Marilyn. Cleveland ...54.201. 217 Aspengren. Arthur. V/otervliet. Mich. . , Borthelemy. Mary. Mossillon 54. 207. 180. 183 .145 Abrenlca. Beatrice. Honolulu. T.H 108 103. 139. 175. 178. Bartholomew. RIchord. Elyrio 198. 227 .188 Acus. Raymond. Cincinnati 182 Athearn. Mary. Athens .54. 120. 179. Bortholow. David. Coshocton 45 .192. 205 Adams. Mary Ann. Cleveland 54. 205 Atkins. Thomas. Corey Bortmer. Alice. Collingswood. N.J. 137. 212 .186 Adams. Patricio. Johnstown 233 Atkinson. Chorles. Athens Barton. Donald. Adelphi 194 233 Adcock. Jonelle. Zonesville 54. 231 Attanosio. Frederick. Newark. N.J. Barton. Gail. Youngstown 120. 193. T.H 169. 184 54. 123 Adsit. Sollie. Laliewood 117. 215 Au. Stephen. Honolulu. Bosnett. Charlotte. Lowell 125 .229 Ahlberg. Erlond. Conneaut 30 Augustine. Carolyn, Foirview Park Boss. Robert. Cincinnati 213 . 154 201. Albright. Marcus. Circleville 188 Aungst. Ronald. Findloy Bossin. Gory. Youngstown. .. 151. 185. 189 Alexander, Corolonn. McConnelsviIle 215 Austin, Eloine. Moriemont , , 125 Batcho, George, Toronto ...... ,187. 54 Axe. Shirley, Ashville 107. 229, 233 Euclid 54, 147. 192, 82 . Robert. Alford, Chorles, Borberton . Boucher. 224 86. 187. 189 Alford, Albert. Borberton 186 Axllne, Robert, Zonesville 80, Bauer. Melvin, Ashland . 54. 160 Algeo. John. Athens 83. 156 Aydelotte. Corole. Doyton 131 Boughmon, Carl. Canton 125 . Allen. Fron 229 Boy. Anita. Morietto . . B 204 Allen, Harold 54 Boy. Roberta. McArthur 129. 215 Allen, Jean. Shaker Heights 111 Bobbitt. Shirley. Cleveland Beach, Geraldine, Lowell 205 Alle Scott 101 104. 109. 180 190, 191 Beolko, Steven, Cleveland 147 214 Alpiner. Jerome. Mossillon 54. tOI. 221 Bocliert. Frederick, Coshocton Beardmore, Bernard, Fultonham 54, 202 Altmon. Marilyn. Boy Village Bochlis, Joyce. Athens 190 Beoto, David. Westlake ...136. 182. 195. 215 44. 48. 48A. 90. 125 Boder. Benjomin. Cincinnati Beoer. Bonno Sue. Chester 167 Ambrose. Michael. Cleveland 152 180. 181. 183. 187. 189 Beck. Charles. Tiltonsville 221 Amidono. Norman. Cleveland 54. 170 Boggerly. Elizabeth. Schenectady. N.Y.. . 205 Becker. Audrey. Rochester. N.Y. ..54. 108. 158 Amstutz, Janice. Celino 128 Boillie. Allan. Steubenville 54. 137. 181 Becker. Joseph. Clevelond Heights 181 Andoloro. Eleanor. Canton 108, 186. 194 Boird, Patricio. Ashland 54. 193 Beckwith. Nino. Avon. N.Y. 186 Anderson. Betty. Moriemont 125. Baker. Allen. Lowell 143. 183. 230 Beebe. Thomos. Zonesville 54. Anderson. Carol. Geneva-on-Loke 40 Boker. Carl. Zonesville 198 Behrendsen. Wayne. Sandusky 162 143 Anderson. Don. Ripley, W. Va 32, Boker. Caryl. Struthers 117 Belden. Dovid. Polnesvllle 55. 181 216 Anderson, Ernest, Athens .. 160.187.189. 200 Baker. Dovid. Belle. W.Vo Belden. Shirley. Windham 105. 192 Anderson, Janet, New Salem, Pa 220 Boker. Gerald. Mansfield 54. 189 Bell. Chorles. Huntington. W.Vo. 32A. 164. 32 Anderson, Justine, Northfield ...41. 192. 220 Boker. Glenn. Terroce Pork 165 Bell. Jock, Borberton Anderson, Lowell, Locklond Boker. Joan. Ashtobula 192. 215 Bell. James. Liverpool 55. 161 149 32A, 54, 157, 174, 175, 192 Boker. Nyemo 229 Bello. Demetrlo. Columbus 217 215 Anderson, Shirley, Kirkwood, Mo. ...109, 133 Baker. Patricio. Bexley 54. 126, Beltz. Eloine. Euclid 178 Andolsek, Raymond, Euclid 54. 146 Balding. Thomos. Newark 31. 149. Bemiller. F. Loyal. Mansfield 48A. 144, Andreano, Carl. Clevelond 152 Baldwin, Arthur, Athens Bendler. Edson. Lokewood 55. 156

- 55 111 . I I I Pittsburgh, Andres, Myro, Chicago, III. Ball, Donna, Po Bendo, Allen, Lokewood Andrews. Byron. Athens Ball, Kenneth, Warren 149 Bennett. Carole. Columbus 130

Andrews, Carol, Rossford Bollos, Dorothy, Clevelond .105 Bennett. Don. Youngstown . 40 Andrews, Tom, Dayton 82 Bollog, Jane, Cloirsville .110 Bennett. Donald. Rocky River .140 107. 204 Anewolt, Mary Lou, E. Cleveland 195 Bolser, Russell, Lilly, Po 54, 115, 136 Bennett. Norma. Hirom Angelo, Lynne, Pittsburgh, Pa 117 Bondy, Paul, Portsmouth 170, 187, 199 Bennett. Patricio. Uhrichsvllle 105. 198

Anh, Le Tuan, Saigon, Viet-Nom 85 Bonholzer. Alfred. Cincinnoti 167, 182 187 Benz. Corlton. Springville. N.Y.,48. 55. 1 52, 221

Anthony, Corol, South Euclid 194 Bonks. Edwina. Cleveland 229 Beron. Carol. Parmo , 104 Banks, 54 Shaker Heights ,213 Apple, Rennee, Cleveland Heights 1 18 Grace, Cincinnoti Berger. Ronald. Appunn, George, Lokewood 165 Bonks, James, Homburg, N.Y. 168 Berger, Ronald. Dayton .157 Arond, Fred, Cincinnati 19 Bonnlng. Jock, Formdole 101 Berger. Ruth. Toledo 55. III ,194 Aranow, Beatrice, Erie, Po 108 Borenok, Paul, Clevelond 161 Berke. Floyd

Arcongel, David, Cleveland Heights Barber, Warren, Cleveland 166 Beringer. Charles. Youngstown - . 186

54, 192, 225. 82 Barger, Borboro, Mt. Sterling 54, 216 Berlin. Keith, Portsmouth . 215 Arcongel, Marcio. Cleveland Heights 54 Borger. Frederick. Zonesville 200 Berly, Thomas, Meadvllle, Po. 184. 191 Barkdull Jomes, Shelby 81, 137, 192 Bernard. Mary. Utico 105, 190 Archbold. Charles, New Matomoros . 184 Argie, Thereso, Cleveland no Borlow, Billy, Senecoville 54 Berohn, Anthony, Clevelond 85, 170 Bornes, Donna, Harriett, 204 . 111 Berry, Hocking Arias, Nora, Fajordo, P.R. . 54 Liverpool Armotos. Athena, Canton Barnes, John, Akron 230 Bertell, Jo Ellen, Newark, N. J 55, 108 Bornes, Cleveland 110, 133 54, 114, 1 17. 175. 177 MimI, Sandusky ._,, 46. 122 Bethardy, Treso, Armstrong. Alice. Springfield 111 Barnes, Verrill. Jackson 54 199 Bells, James, E. Liverpool .,.,53. 76, 180. 192 Armstrong. Elizabeth, Columbus 54, 126 Bornett. Warren, Shoker Heights 54 144 Bienstadt. George. Lokewood 224. 230 Arnett, Paul. McArthur 187. 189 Bornhort, Theodore, Athens 213 Bier. John. Sandusky. .. .82. 95. 148. 178. 192 Arnold. Glenn. Norwood 54. 170 Barnhill, Shirley, Lokewood 127 Big, Bernard, Athens 55 Arnold. Virginia. Ashland 204. 215 Boron, Sondro, University Heights 119 Bilsing, Do^Id, Sandusky 136 Aronstein. Stephen. Woodmere. N.Y. ...54, 158 Barone, Joseph, Sandusky .148 Binegor. Connie. Wingett Run ... 45

258 71

Bishop. Jerry. Mansfield 55. 154, 200 Brandt, Carol. Steubenville 215 Cameron. Duane. Cleveland 56. 164 Bishop. Karl, Alexandria 55. 146, 213 Brandt. Judith, Steubenville 231 Commorano, Mario. Poterson, N.J

Bislcup. Tom. Youngstown 82 Brandt. Norma, Corona, N.Y. 192 56, 186, 187. 189 Bittengle, James. Shadyside 143 Branhaf, Donald 162 Camp. Gilbert, Sandusky 149 Black. Beverly. Alliance 120. 192 Bronnen, James. Bethesda 232, 233 Campbell, Barbara. Williomsport 110 Black. Leonard, Toronto 55, 167, 184 Braun. Janet, Parma Heights 108, 132 Campbell, James. Canton 171 Block, Miriom. Everett. Pa 55. 94. 122 Braun. Lawrence, Cleveland 157 Campbell, Nancy. Columbus 132, 226

Black, Robert, Alliance 156 Brehmer, George, Wellington 229 Confleld, Edgar. Cleveland 56. 188, 230 Bloettnar, John, Pomeroy 55, 144 Brem. Ralph. Pittsburgh. Pa 40, 181. 220 Contleny, Carolyn. Lima 16 Blaha, Dorothy. Mentor 200. 232 Bresler, Judith. Cleveland 55. 216, 217 Copello. John, Clevelond. .41, 82, 95, 152. 192 Blahnik. Rod, Mansfield 55, 95. 178 Bright, William, Columbus 213 Caramella, Richard, Parma Heights 161

Blair, John. Chillicothe 164, 183 Brill. Donald, Hamilton 55. 183. 213 Carbol, Charles, Lonslng 101 Blazlna. Shirley, Garfield Heights ,110, 132 Britenbucher. Dole. Parma 55. 168 Corew. Donald, West Milton 164

Bledsoe. Mary. Dayton 114, 1 34 Britton, Richard 169 Carlson, Albert, Brooklyn, N.Y 56. 163

Blommel, Barbora. Doyton 55. Ml, 192 Brizius, David. Greenfield 1 56 Carlson, Frank. Stanchfleld, Minn 40 Bloom. Robert. Kensington, Pa 84, 192 Brohord. John, Newark 85, 102. 170 Carlson, Sarah, Cleveland 104. 128, 181 Blosser. Glenna. Shelby 224 Broida. Faye, Bridgeport 107. 201 Cormichoel, Barbara, Athens .204

1 Blumenthal. Myer, Athens 50 Brookes. William, Lokewood 55 Cormlchael. Bernard. Urbona . 204

Blundell, Donald, Cuyahoga Falls 1 67 Brooks. Alan, Norwood 80 Carmin. Malcolm, Chillicothe 56. 160 Bobo. Donald. Connellsville. Pa 140 Brooks, Rebecca, Bucyrus 107 Cormody. John, Springfield 84 Boccabella, Catherine. Bellaire 205 Brooks. William, Continental ....55. 165. 214 Carney, Lester. Steubenville 32 Bock, John, Lokewood 55. 152 Brown, Beverly. Lokewood 120 Carpenter. Charles, Canton Boczek, Monica. Cleveland 181. 205. 232 Brown. Carl, Youngstown 55. 160. 187 42, 115, 164, 178. 227

Boettcher, Donald, Cleveland 168 Brown, Charles E.. Steubenville 55 Carpenter, Jenny, Parkersburg, W. Va. ...130

Boetticher, Jean. Adena 200, 202, 215 Brown, Charles T.. Blanchester 147, 183 Carpino, Joseph, Tlltonsvllle 166

Boettler. Lois, Chatham. N.J 55 Brown. Edward, Lyndhurst 55. 1 70 Corrotelli. Eugene, Brooklyn, N.Y 77, 152 Boettner, Dorothy 94 Brown, Herald. Jackson 188. 204. 232 Carter, Allen, Bellefontaine 183, 225 Boettner, Nancy, Clevelond 110 Brown. Joan, Chillicothe 104, 121 Carter. Dovld, Shaker Heights 149

Bogardus. Annette, Berea 121. 1 92 Brown. Judy. Amherst 132, 180. 206. 229 Carter, M. Jane. Pittsburgh, Po

Boh, Ivan. Cleveland 229 Brown, Neal. Palnesville 55. 1 50 48A, 131, 181

Bolen, Jacqueline. Paden City, W. Va 229 Brown, Richard, Youngstown 184 Casperson, Carol. Warren 56. 1 1

Bolen. Phyllis. Athens 229 Brozovlch, Dorothy, Toronto . .41, 121. 205 Castle. Frank, Bellefontaine 167

Bolin, John. Athens 140 Bruck, Patricio, Cleveland 55 Cotolono, Charles. Cleveland 205

Bollinger, Laurence. Zanesville 55. 160 Bryan, Ruth, Cleveland 55, 229, 233 Cotonzaro. Margaret, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Bolmeyer, Ray, Rock Creek 161 Bryant. Bruce, Cleveland 1 60 41. 94, 106. 109. 180, 205, 218 Bolton. Harold, Hamilton Buck, Cloryce, Athens 55 Cotonzaro, Patricio. Pittsburgh, Pa

55, 103, 148. 185, 187. 188 Buckholz. Janet, Cleveland 109, 215 96, 205, 215 Bomeli, Mary Lee, Ashland 132. 190 Buehler, Robert, Doyton 103 Cater. Ralph. Zanesville 148, 229

Boose. Wayne. New York, N.Y I 58 Buer, Frieda, Cleveland 55, 204, 226 Chacos, Chris, Coshocton 146

Borden, Bernard. Cincinnati 55. 150 Buesch. Solly, Parma Hts. . . 56 Chaffee. James. Long Bottom 195 Borden, Marilyn. Georgetown 204 Bunting, Robert. Buchtel 96 Chain, Beverly. Dayton 198, 208 Border, Samuel, Iowa, N.J 55, 146 Buntz, Shirley. Logan 104 Chambers, Morjorie, Jefferson 202

Borling. Phyllis. Cleveland 55. 94, 128 Burdick, William, Cleveland 157 Chandler, Marilyn, Lokewood ...46. 56, 131 Boros. Vllma, Cleveland 114 Burket, Florence, Everett, Pa. 106 Chondley, Roland, Dayton 140

Bors. Adam. Cleveland 186, 229 Burkhotder. Duane, Conneoutvllle. Po 167 Chapman, Eugene, Hortville 56, 163 Bostancic, James, Neffs 95, 139 Burley. Charles, Zoleski 182 Chapman, Howard, Springfield, Moss 154

Bottoms, Carol, Springfield 1 34 Burnfield. Watson, Athens 56, 145 Chopmon, Robert, Ripley 56, 199, 213

Botuchis. John. Cincinnati 167. 192 Burns, Kenneth, Foirvlew Pork 181 . 215 Chapman. Robert M., Newark 79

Boulis. Janet, Deshler 55, 110. 200, 231 Burrows, James. Warren 56. 1 62 Chapman, Ronald. Coolville 56, 149 Bounds. John. Hebron 141 Burton. Bruce. Pickerlngton 162 Chose, Martha. Albany 128. 215

Bowers, Marilyn, Ashville Busch, James, Marion 183, 184. 225 Chertoff, Myrna, East Liverpool 46, 1 19 55. 107. 195. 229, 233 Bush, Jon, Portsmouth 96. 126 Chesser. Conrad, Newark 101

Bowman, Barbara, Chesterhill 114, 123 Bush, Thomas, Belpre 184. 199 Chiondussl. Eltl. Youngstown Bowman, David, Canton Busick. Edward, Steubenville ... 184, 205 56. 101, 205. 220 168, 178, 195, 83 Busslan. Carolyn, Roselle, N.J. 205 Chiara. Kenneth, Shoker Heights 205

Bowman. John, Columbus 1 76 Buswink, Judith. St. Clolrsville 195 Chlcky, Elmer, Canton 56 Bowman, William, LucasvlUe 55, 136 Butler. William. Chagrin Foils ,,167, 186, 199 Childs, Nancy, Cleveland 192, 205, 226 Bowser, Elizabeth. Berea 120 Butterworth. Joyce. Marion 202 Chonko, Andrew, Parmo 82 Bowsher. Potricio. Amonda 109 Buzzard. Joan. Toledo 129, 192 Chrisley, Ronald, Roseville 199 Boyd. Carol. Hudson 45, 114. 121. 217 Byers, Harold. Hannibal 56 Christensen. William, Ironton 167, 181, 182 Bozekos. Angellne, Conton 216 Byers. Joanna. Warren 116 Christner, Nancy, Steubenville

Brobander. Donald, Clevelond 1 70 41, 45. 105. 181 Braby, Thomas. Des Moines, la 43 Christopher. Donald, Columbus 149

Bradley, Sharon, Madison, W. Va 110 Cables. Thomos, Clevelond 56, 149 Cipro, Carole, Chagrin Foils 45, 1 1 Brady. Patricia, Philodelphia 55, Ml Coco, Wllliom. Lorain 162. 220 Circle, Dean, Gollipolis 140

Brammer, John. Zanesville 33 Cody. Jocelyn. Columbus ,. .48. 56, 107, 218 Cirino, John, Cleveland 56. 147, 185, 213

Brancoto. Geraldine, Euclid 129 Coin, Philip. Cambridge 139, 184 Clapp. Richard, Flint. Mich 42, 56

Branch. Harry, Latewood 229 Coldwell, James, Gallipolis 56. 149 Clark, Betty Lou, Marletto 122

Brandeberry. Dorothy. Coolville Colentine. John, Athens 186 Clark, Chorlotte. Alliance 56, 105 48a. 55, 215, 229 Collahan, Hiram. Jackson 140. 181, 182 Clark, Donald, Cleveland 184

Brandon, Ronald, Logan 199 Colo, Dominick, Cleveland 139. 232 Clark, Helen, Cincinnati 56, Ml, 125 Bfondstadt, Nancy, Avon 232 Colvo, Juan, Valencia. Spain 229 Clark. Mary Ann. Charleston, W. Va.. 130. 226

259 1

Clark. Susan. Boy Villoge 128. 190. 191 Crates. Beverly. Boy Villoge 128. 215 Dengler, Kothryn. Zanesvllle Clark. Sydney. Athens 125. 194 Cravens, Elmer, Cleveland .. .57. 205, 227. 230 25, 41, 42, 53. 57. 110, 124, 179, 218

Clarke. Marilyn, Dayton .., M7 Crover, Robert, Youngstown 57. 165 Denis, Donna, Middletown 1 28

Claypool, Clarence. Wellston 182 Creswell, Dorothy, Cedarvllle Ill Denison, Robert. Rutland 1 82 Clayton, David, Los Angeles, Cal Cretcher, Richard. Bellefontaine 57 Dennis. Robert. Moumee 57, 162 56. 184, 185 Crispin, Darcy, Columbus 215 Dent, Daryl, Athens 1^^

Cleory. Patricio. Cleveland 107.124 Crispin, Robin, Columbus 163. 220 Danzer, Marilyn, Waldo 233 Clements, Joonne. Wadsworth 56. 126 Crist, Barbara, Canal Winchester ...... 41 Derry, Shirley, Alliance 215

57, 144 ... 1 1 195 Clifford. John, Glenellyn. Ill 80, 184 Crist, Lawrence, Thornville des Louriers. Barbara, Portsmouth. 7, 186, Cllft. William. Dayton 167. 188 Croutcher. Helen, Dayton 181, 231 Dever, David, Portsmouth 182 dinger. Robert. Findlay 41. 169. 182 Crowl, John. Dover 137 Devine, Joan, North Qlmstaod 57. 94 Close. Bernetto. Cincinnati 130, 192 Crowle. James, Cleveland 57 deWIt, Michiel. Curagoo N.W.I 232 Clutter, Donno. Athens 56, 134. 204 Culbert, William. Columbus 115 Dexter, RIchord, Shaker Heights 164 Cobourn. Marcia, Toledo 116, 207 Cullen, H. Isobelle, Portsmouth 57, 108 DiCioccio. Arnold, Steubenvllle Coffinberry, Diana. Los Alomos, N. Max. ..134 Cunningham, Carolyn. Akron 131. 232 57. 153, 205, 215

1 . 181, 205 Cohen, Myrno. New York. N.Y.. . 108, 19. 226 Cunnlnghom, Janet, London 134 DiCioccio, Robert Steubenvllle. 145,

Cohen, Robert, Cleveland Heights .150, 232 Curnutte, George, Portsmouth . 57. 154. 194 Dickens. Howard, Dayton 85 Cohen, Simon, Shoker Heights Curtice, Ronald, Elyrlo 171 DIckerson. Marcia. Canton 57, 117

56. 115, 158. 178 Cusock. James, Salem 1 67 Diehl, Mary, Chesterhill 46 Cohn. Martin. Orange. NJ 150. 182 Czech. Donald, Loroin 152. 182 Diehn, Loverne 57 195 Colasurd. Corol. Navorre 1 32 DIeterly, David, Zonesvllle ..115. 139, 186. 229 Colasurd. Rita. Navarre 56. 133 Dike, Kalu. Port Horcourt. Nigeria 57.

Colbert. Suzanne, Glouster 131. 205 Diley, Jane. Canal Winchester 105 Cole. Bruce, Dlllonvale 143, 213 Dohmer. Irene. Petersburg, W. Va 207 Diley, Ruth, Canal Winchester MO. 152 230 Cote. Kenneth, Wilmington 166 Doiley, Donlel. Portsmouth 57, 167, 213 Dllley. Jomes. Athens. .. 180. 195. 200. 221 .

Cole, Thomas, Cleveland 45, 145. 183 Dalley. Lucile. Bloomingdole 181, 200, 232 Dilley. Marilyn, Athens 41. 58. 134, 218

Colebank, Carmen, Clendenin, W. Vo 191 Dole. Corolyn, Akron 104, 121 Dillon. Carole, Clevelond 231. 232 Colegrove, Juonlta Inez Ill Dalton, John, Cuyahoga Foils ..181. 214 Dillon, O. Wendell, Cleveland 184 153 Collins, Carole, New Motamoros ... 56, 231 Daly, RIchord. Pormo Heights 188 DiMichaelongelo. Dante. Youngstown . .58. Collins. Horace. Bornesville 56. 137 Daly, Ronald. Lakewood 166. 188 Dinger. Dovid. Cleveland Collins, Janet, Lucasvllle 23 Daniels. Frank, Mansfield 181 45, 101, 175, 199, 206 Closon. James. Boldwinsville 42,56 Darling. Borboro. Mansfield 127, 191 DInunzIo. Nicholas, Cleveland 146

Combes. Horry. McNabb. Ill 184 Darnell. Virginia, Cincinnati 109 DiPlacido, Guy, Conneaut 205, 229 Cornelia. Mary Jo. Shaker Heights ...85, 110 Dorr, James, Ironton 167 DIshon, Charles, Lancaster 184 Comley, William. Athens 57. 81 Doso, Richard, Cleveland 101 DIuzen, Bert, Parma 147 Comstock, Sandra. Lima 41. 207 Dougherty. Harold, Glenford Dobbs, Shirley, Akron 44. 220 '08 Conaway, Anno, Bridgeport 200 57. 79, 82. 104. 168, 192 Dodge, Solly, Columbus ... -

1 62 . Cone. Paula. Porkmon 57 Davenport, George, Pittsburgh, Pa Dole. Robert. Cincinnati , . Conner, Llndomoe, Cleveland Heights ...127 137, 183, 184 Dolezol. John, Cleveland 171

1 66 Conrad, Richard, Hamilton 142. 215 Dovldow, Robert, Rockvllle Centre, N.Y 186 Dommin, Dale, Pormo .

Cook, Geraldine, Berea .... 124 Davidson, Vesta. South Point I OS Donahoe. Shirley, Cambridge 58, 221 Cook, Richard, Lyndhurst .. 194 Dovies, Raymond. Mople Heights 184 Donaldson, Terry. Athens 58 Cook, Shirley, Cortland 57, 114, 128 Davis, Don, Clrdeville. .57. 170. 175. 195, 200 Donchln. Charles. New York. N.Y 225 Cook. William. Athens 57. 163 Davis, Ella. Zanesvllle 215 Doner, Joy. Chlllicothe 117 Coon. William. Port Clinton 162, 185 Davis, Marlene, Youngstown ...110, 193, 198 Donovon, James. Pomeroy '47 Cooper. Alan, Cleveland 144 Davis, Nodlne, Athens 214 Dores, MIrcille, Paris, France 229 Cooper, Foy. Van Wert 134 Davis, Richord, Sandusky 148 Dostol, Patricio, Richfield 128 Cooper, George, Marine City, Mich.. 169, 195 Davis. Ronold. Alliance 199 Dougon, Carolyn, Chesterhill 232 Cooper, Robert, Chordon 224 Dovls. Solly. Athens 130 Douglas, Marilyn, Sterling 125 Copelond, Lois Ann, Cleveland 57. 108 Davis, Shirley. Jacksonville 215 Douglass, William, Youngstown 58, 144

Corbin, Laetltla. Worthlngton. . . 1 34, 192, 216 Dovis, Sylvester. Cleveland 82 Dove, Joanne, Youngstown 106, 120

Corbln, Suzanne, Barnesvllle 45. 133 Davitt, Patricia, Steubenvllle 120 Dowler, John, Athens 1 45

Corcelll, Diane, Cleveland 205 Dowson. Joe, Jocobsburg 1 43 Downing. V. Anne, Clrdeville 200

Corn. Janet, Detroit. Mich 57, 198 Dawson, John, Washington Court House. . 83 Downs, Norman. Orient 85 Cornell. JoAnn, Mt. Vernon 125 Day. Peggy. Cincinnati 134 Droch, George '95 Cornell. Richard, SIstersvIlle, W. Vo 154 Day, Sidney, LeRoy 233 Drake, Carl, Roseville .. .199 Cornett, Cotherine, Shady Lane 232 D'Costa. Humberto Colombia Drosler. Howard 58, 148 Corwin, Elizabeth, Yellow Springs 94, 134, 193 57, 187, 189, 220, 229 Dressan, Grace. Alhombra. Col. ..58. 198,225

Coschignono. Ralph. Cleveland 153. 181 Dean. Gory, Nelsonville 143 Duffley, Edmund, Lakewood 58, 1 53 Coseo. Helen. Columbus 107 Dean, Janis. Mineral City 204 Duffy, Margaret, Shaker Heights 106 Cowan, David, Steubenvllle. .48A, 57. 102. 230 Dean, Nancy. Akron 57. 123, 179, 221.222 Duffy. Robert. East Liverpool 41

Cowan, Paul, Elkhart, Ind 164, 192. 83 Deaver. James, Zanesvllle 57, 149. 225 Dun, Eorl, Columbus 40. 224 Cox, Jamas C, Porkersburg. W, Vo 156 Deckmon, Joel, Malvern 32B Duncan. Don. Troy 232

Cox, James E,. Cleveland 181 Deeble, P. Wayne, Belpre 57, 137 Duncan, Richard, Stephenson. Va 58. 139 Cox, James W. Steubenvllle 57. 195, 200 Deeds, Sandy. Michigan 110 Dunloevy. Janetta, Cos Cob, Conn 130

Cox. Potricio, Dayton 130, 180 Defenbough, Barbara, Laurelville 198 Dunlop, Harvey, Flushing . 184, 214 Coy, Barbara, Shaker Heights 104, 125 Delaney, James, Falrvlew Park 145 Dunlope, Ramon, Eaton ... 195 Cozad, Connie, Wapakoneta 45, 127, 215 Delorgy, Jean, Athens 57, 205 Dunn, Deo Roe, Doyton .194 Crafts, Dorothy. Cleveland ..41, 44, 107, 202 DelCorso, Donald, Waynesburg 76 Dunn, John, Oberlln 187 Croggs. Betty. Dayton 134 DeLong, Richard, Glouster 145 Dunn, Linda, Youngstown 133

Crolg, James. Canton 184 DeLongo, Donald, Powhatan Pt 147 Dunnette. John, Glouster 1 67

Crolg, Marcia, Troy 57, 106 Dangler, Janis, Zanesvllle. .. .37. 109, 125, 190 Dupre, Eorl, Mansfield 58, 155, 203

260 Dupuy, Chrisfiane, Paris, France 229 Fanslow, Donald, Clevelond 58. 146, 219 Frank. Marianne. Elyrio 59, 124

Durbin, James. Barberton 186 Forcos. John, Hubbard . 58 Fronke. Helena. Ploinfield, N. J 134

Dorbin, Richard. Athens 213 Farmer. Miriam. Newark 1 20. 202 Frozer. Kenneth R., Gollipolis 186 Durivage. Betty. Rossford 231 Fornick, William. Athens .213 Frazier, Joonn, Barberton Ill

Duflot, Doris, North Royolfon 109, 217 Farrell, Richard. Shaker Heights .48A, 53. 145 Frozier, Shirley. Corrollton 106. 204 Duschinskl. John. Portsmouth 76. 148 Fassberg. Richard. Spring Valley. N.Y.. .58. 150 Frederick, Robert, Confield 169, 189 Feer. Ursula. Cleveland .229 Frederick, William, Farmersville

Feldhon, Joan. New York, N.Y .201 32, 141, 192, 82 Eachus. Joseph. Gollipolis 58. 188. 229 Feldman, Edward, Cleveland Heights.. 58. 159 Freeman, Michoel, Wooster .59. 95, 165. 183

Eorenfight, Bess, Conton 107. 202, 218 Fell, Jeanne. Pittsburgh. Po.. .46, 126. 193. 229 Freiier, Rita. University Heights 201

Eorl. Janet. Portsmouth 58, 108 Feitis. James, Springfield .163 Frey. Carole. Morion 45 Ebersboch. Donald, Pomeroy 58 Fennemon. Roger. Mansfield ....83. 148. 182 Frey. Charles. Chillicothe .59. 166 Eckert, Theodore. Berea 184 Ferro. Rose. Euclid 109. 125 Friend. Charles. Falls Church, Vo 134 Eckfeld. Edword, New Philodelphio Fervier. Carol. Clarksburg, W. Va....ilO, 117 Frogale. Carmen. Gollipolis 199 58, 170, 186 Fierce, Pauline .204 Frondorf. Solly, East Liverpool 123 N.J. Edeiberg. Merle, Hudson Heights. .106 Figorsky. Abrom, Irvington. N.J 150 Fry, Helen. St. Paulo, Brazil.. 45, 59. 94. 126

Edelmon, Phyllis. Cleveland 41, 44, 104 Filbert. Arthur, Dayton 140 Fry. Phyllis, Lokeview 215 Eggers. Frances, Shoronvilje II, 134. 233 Fillmer, Henry, Martins Ferry. .59. 103. 1 37. 178 Frye. Alice. Huron . . 109 Eglie, Herbert. Minerva 229 Filusch. Hubert, North Royolton 103, 199 Fryen, Jock 157 Ehrenkranz. Iro, Hillside. N.J 58. 115. 150 Finkbohner. Dennis. Dayton ,102 Fuelling, Laurel, Cleveland 58, Eighmy. Shirley. Ashtabula 105 Finlayson. Jomes. Ashtabula 139 59. 175. 179. 231 Eikleberry. Heber. New Mofamoros 85 Finlen, Barbara, Canton 1 34, 192 Fullen. William, Vinton 59 Eirich, Joon. Euclid 58, 106 Finlen. Patricio. Canton 135. 192 Fuller, Willord. Portsmouth 84, 171

1 64 Elewski, Donald. Parma Finnegan. Nancy Bolivar 229 Furrey, Joyce, Dayton 132, 181, 226 Elliott. 132 Ila, St. Marys, W. Vo 58, 114, Finzel. Jean, Westloke 59, 108, 190

Elliott. Somuel. McConnelsville 189 Firestone, Lois Ann. Salem. .41, 53. 59. 94. 117 Ellis, Frank, Madison 58 Fischboch. William. Woynesville ..,.165, 195 Ellis, Nancy. Athens 121 Fischer, Carole. Lokewood 120 Gabriel. Nicholas, New York. N.Y. .195. 230 Ellis, Richard. Marietta 183 Fishbough, Richard. Pickerlngton ...82. 167 Goebler. Robert. Cleveland 1 76. 230 Ellis, Richard. Huron 58, 141 Fisher, Dave. Wadsworth 145 Goffin, Eleanor, Bloomfield. N. 119 Elsosser. Constance. Mills 205 Gates Fisher. James. Minersville 168 Gal. Dick, Cleveland 59 Elseo. Robert. Circleville 188 Fisher. Kenneth, Belmont 199 Gallagher. Nancy, Chardon 59 Eisner, Stanley. Cleveland 58, 158 Fitzgerald, Donald. Garfield Heights ... 184 Galloway. Joyce, Cleveland 127 Embleton. Frederick, Staten Islond. N.Y Fitzgerald. Janet. Cleveland 44, 133, 194 GoK Kent, Medina 41 58, 146, 183 Fitzpotrick. Dale, Maple Heights 186 Gomwell. Sharon. Glouster 133, 206 Emmert, Walter, Somerset 58. 101 Fixler. Eleanor. Wadsworth 59, 120, 177 Gonek. Lenore, Newark, N.J. .109. 119. 201 Emmons, Robert. East Liverpool 200 Fleischer, Helen, Soxonburg. Po 135, 193 Gannon. Robert. Summit, N.J. 59, 153 England, Richord. Lancaster 82. 192 Fleishhacker. Walter, Yonkers. N.Y 158 Gontt, Glenn. Mt. Vernon 159 English, Robert. Scio 199 Fleitz. Richard. Newark 59. 165 Gorber, Judith, Cleveland Heights .. 201 Enoch. Philip, Circleville 58. 167 Fleming, James, Alexandria 59. 187. 189 Garcia. Esperenzo. Mexico 111. 229 Ensminger. Jill, Mansfield 130 Flick. Robert. Conneout 167. 220 Gordner. Robert, N. Lawrence 85,199 Eppele. Florence, Cleveland 205 Flom, Merritt. Louisville. Ky 59 Garretson. Marjorie, Memphis, Tenn, .133, 184 Epperly. John. Hinton, W. Vo 212 Flowers. Donald. Portsmouth 59. 213 Garrett, Roger, Circleville 59 Erdmann. Karen. Lokewood. .130. 190, 193, 226 Flowers, Solly. Clarksburg. W. Vo 215 Garrison. Richard, Corning . 76. 83 Erlechmon, Gilbert, Cleveland ..150. 181. 201 Fobes. Clyde. Geneva 41, 59. 213 Gorwell. Dennis, Lorain ... 152 Ertner. James. Hoddon Heights. N.J 45 Fogg. Virginia. Eaton 59, 195, 207 Goskill. Dwight. Athens 213 Essa. Ahmed, South Alrico 41, 44. 58. 229 Fogle. Ellen, Dayton 204 Goskill, Susan. Wellston 59. 132. 215 Estee. Vera. Waynesburg 107. 194 Fogle. Ned, Dayton 199 Gotts. James 59, 1 65, 1 80 Evans. David. Athens 58 Folger. Alonzo. Cincinnati 59. 144 Goydor, Leonard, Porma Heights . . . 184. 205 Evans, Donold, Donora, Po 58, 156, 189 Foliano. Ronald, Cleveland . 28, 59, 153. 192 Gearhort. Marilyn, Belpre 109 Evans. Donna. Porkersburg, W. Vo 116 Folio, Norma, Hopedole 204 Gecsy, Robert, Athens ... 59 Evans. John, Athens 149 Folios, Herb, Cleveland 205 Geib, Charles. Millersburg . 154 Evons. Martha. Stockport 58. 106. 215 Poller. William 189 Geiser. Marjorie. Lancaster 46. 108 Evons, Mary Lou, Chesterlond Foltz, Arthur. Oberlin 187 Gelbach. Gretchen. Cleveland 59 44. 105. 127. 174, 175, 180, 218 Foor, Mary Lou. Potoskalo 123 George, Sheila, Gollipolis . .128 Evans. Mary Louise. Kingston Foroker, Sollie, Dover 109, 117, 226 Gerding, Joy, Cleveland 169 200. 202, 232. 233 Foreman. David, Zonesville 186 Gerdy. Eileen, University Heights 201 Evans. Nancy. Akron 120, 181 Foreman. Russell, Cincinnati 140 Gerrell. Raymond. Mansfield 148 Evans. Robert. Boltimore 79 Forrest. Jean. Parma Heights 59, 108 Gerwig. Carol, Marion, III 41, 200, 202 Evans, William, Kingston ... 79 Fortney. Eleanor. Bridgeport 59 Giavasis, Phil. Canton 1 70 Evers. Alicia. Newark ... 58. 133 Foster. Edwin. Huntington. W. Vo 169 Gibbs. John, Athens 59. 148. 178. 180 Everson. Robert. Brilliant .230 Foster. Sandra. Belmont, Moss 127 Gibson, Arthur, Woodsfleld ...136. 181. 182 Ewell, Judith, Euclid ... 195 Fouch, Jo Anne, Canton 59, 215 Gibson. Chester. Cleveland 59. 136 Ewers. Conord. Bellville 170 Fouss. Richard. Warner 59, 85 Gibson. Juonne. Conneaufville. Pa 123 Ewing, Eleanor. Akron 109. 200. 202 Fowler, Richard H., North Royolton Giesler. Shirley. Cleveland 132 Ewing. Saburna, Cambridge 58 45, 48A. 145 Gilbert. Ruth, Louisville. Ky 194 Eycke, Carl, Chillicothe 58. 164 Fox. Barbara. Akron 59, 130 Gildow. Eugene, Elbo 48, 60. 221 Ezzo. Ralph. Cleveland 157 Foyer. Hal, Fairview Pork 80 Giles, Martha. Malto 215 Francescangeli, Norma, Cleveland 106 Gill. William. Toledo 199, 207 Francis, Victoria. Gilliom, Cleveland . .59. 108. 191, 223 Dorsey, Dayton 232 Fait. Elmer. New 213 Frank, Chorles, Athens Gillilon. Hugh. N. Royolton 199 Folk, Carole. Toledo 130. 191. 192 48A, 59, 180, 200. 207, 212 Gilliland. Robert. Upper Sandusky 232

261 ,

Wopakoneto . . . ,61 , 103.213 Gilson, Margene, Athens 130, 202 Grosenbough, Kean, Canton 60, 144 Hortmon, Teddy, 111 60, 160, 176 Hartzell. Gordon. LodI 183. 186 Gindy, Borbora. University Heights. . .60, Gross, Buddy, Cleveland

, , 186, 187. 189 Ginger, Ronold, New Paris .204 Grover, Alvln, Ook Horbor 148 Harwood. Phillip, Savannah .61 220 1 Hossleld. Dorothy. 106, 192, Girsch. Lorraine. Yonkers, N. Y. ... .205 Grow, Barbara, Cincinnati 110, 24 Toledo Heights Hothowoy, Carl. Franklin 61. 141 . Shaker Giulrano. Robert, New Motamoros , 136 Growhosky, Frances, Hathaway. William H., Gallon 82 Giuffre, Rosemary, Perth Amboy, N. I 10, 175, 177, 221 .157 120, 193 Grubb, Robert, Thornville 214 Houenstein, Thomas, Wouseon ..

Cincinnati .... . 205 Gladrnon, Robert, Troy 232 Guenther, Gerord, Shaker Heights ...146, 205 Houer. Antonio, Hans, 229 Glassheim, Ronald, Rockov ay Bch., N.Y.. Guisinger, Shirley Ashland 124, 190, 193 Houet, Curacoo 60, 214 Guth, Barbara, Independence 116 Havener, Barboro, South Webster 61, 108 190 Glauin, Jerry 188 Guthrie, RIchord, Athens 83, 60, 149 Hawley, Susan Howley, Winston, 140 Glick, Robert, Clayton, N.J 60, 115, 158 Guttmon, Alan, Cincinnati 45 Columbus Cleveland 202 Gochneour, Keith, Dorset 162, 182, 187 Guzley, Ellen, Cleveland 60, 105 Hown, Mary, Hoyden, Charles, Bremen 168, 213 Godby, Geraldine, Zanesville 1 I I Hayes, Betty, CIncinnoti 125 Goddard, James, Connellsvllle, Pa.. . 140, 160 H Hayes, James, Athens 187 Goddard, Jo Ellen, Athens 60,130, 179 Ill, 177 Godfrey, Carole, Lynchburg 46, 129 Hober, Adele, Fremont 60, 218 Hoyne. Paulo, Canton Goebel, Diane, Monroeville 128 Hobnor, Richard 232 Hoyne, Thomas, Cleveland Heights 187 Goehring, Donna, Niles 229 Hockett, Jeanne, Springfield 127, 205 61, 168, 186,

Head, Coy, Cleveland 1 54 Goldmon, Doris, Yonkers, N. Y ,106 Hoddod, Donald, Morletto 212 Patricia, Kirkwood, 126 Goldring, Louis, Cleveland Heights Hoddod, Norma, Clevelond 53, 60, 128 Heodlee, Mo 60, 103, 230 Hoddox, Thomas, Athens 60, 213 Heady, James, Athens 213 Paris 199 Golene, Patricio, Cleveland 205 Hodjiyonis, Demos, Cyprus 213, 229 Heorn, Neol, Ashville 116, 229 GollI, Raymond. Lakewood 156 Hodley, Roger, Sobino 60, 162, 181 184 Hedges, Nancy, Carolyn, Millfield 215 Gondek, Rosalie, Garfield Heights 117 Hoenel, James, Polnesville 60, 199 Heffken, 108 Gooch, John, Dayton 40, 60 Hoffner, William, Dayton Heibel, Wllmo, Waverly 61, Goodrich, Richard. Zanesville 60. 145 60, 15, 141, 180, 192 Heichel, Kenneth, Mansfield 136, 203 Goodrlck. Richard. Cleveland Hogqulst, Horry, Seville 136 Heldler, Robert, Athens 61, 145, 200 Y. 60. 145. 180, 219 Hogqulst, Ronald, Seville 137, 232 Heim, Thelmo. Rockville Centre, N. 119, 201 Gordon, Beatrice, Roscoe 133, 206, 215 Hole, Rlto, Cleveland . 1 1 I Heinlein, Thomas, Logon 61 Gordon, Jr., Rolph, New Lexington 220 Holey, Earl, Peoria, III. 82

Heinrich, David, Fairvlew Pork . 95, 115, 163 Gordon, Sol, Cleveland 60, 201, 232 Hall, Eleonor. Canton . 192 Raymond, Independence 184 Gossman, Marcia, Dayton 133. 220 Holl, Gory, Millersburg 101 Heltland, Heldman, Sidney, Marietta 61, 207. 212 Holl, . - 170 . Zanesville 28, Gottdlener. Cello, Cleveland Heights , James, 45, 105, 221 Holl, Marylln, Worthlngton 200, 202 Heldman, Wllda, Marietta 203 Helm, Virginio, Cleveland 111, 124 Gottfried, Ivlorgaret, Athens ...60, 130, 215 Holl, Ronald, Columbus 171, 178 Goulder, Vivian, Rocky River 130 Hollidoy, Dorrel, Pearl River, N. Y 60 Helms, Potrick, Jackson 115, Grabner, Gerald, Mentor 82 Hallof, Solly, Kirkwood, Mo Helser, Louise. Kalomazoo. Mich. 48A, 114, 126, 180, 227 124, 177, 180, 206, 229 Grady, Roger, Cleveland . . 144 Hallof, Susan, Kirkwood, Mo. 126 Hempfleld, Robert, Mansfield .156, 215 Graham, Robert, Ashtabula . 187 184 Grondsloff, Lyndoll, Wilmington Homer, James, Murray City ., .181, 182 186 Henderson, Bud 85 60, 128, 175, 177, 179 Hamilton, Nancy, Scorsdole, N. Y. 60, 127 Henderson, Howard, Lynchburg Granfield, Richard, Worren 60 Hamm, David, Cleveland 148 Henderson, Sara, New Athens 117 Graves, Margaret, Albertson, N.Y 205 Hommon, Ronald, Greentown 186 Hendrick, Pennle. Chllllcothe 104. 131

. . 195 Gray, Daniel, Dayton 213 Hondley, James, Mansfield -.-115, 154, 178 Henry, Borbora Honkins, Foye, Ironton 41 Henry, David, Athens 195, 215 Gray, Jacquelln, Dayton . . 106 Henry, Michael, Byesville Gray, Silvia, Kirkwood, Mo 126 Hanno, Joe, Syrocuse, N.Y. 101 182 61, 82, 101, 175, 192, 215 Grayblll, Richard, Dayton 45, 220 Honno, Wolter, Athens . . 214

Steubenville - - 40, 61, 151 219 Greco, Delfino, Cambria Hts., N.Y Honnen, William, Steubenville 136 Henry, Myron, Hedwig, Union. .J. .--133, 181 229 - . Henss, N 107, 205. 220 Hannon, J. Beryl, Cleveland - 60. 190 195 Green. Carolyn, Steubenville 215 Hansen, William, Canton 61, 95 170 Herbert. Jane, Nelsonville 61, 190, 193

Green, Charles, Wellington 229 Hanson, Ivan, Clevelond 157 Herbst, Idoclalre, Garfield Heights - , 104, 109, 229 Green, Nona, Athens 60, 120 Haroslmlk, Barbara, Toronto 105, 205, 232 61, 213 Green, Richard, McConnelsvIlle 184, 200 Harding. Barboro, Cleveland 104. 212, 232 Herman, James, Mossillon 61, 153,

- . 61 Greene, MIchoel, Syracuse, N.Y ,162 Harding, Belinda, Cleveland 181, 212, 229 Hermann, John, Athens . Greenwald, Edward, Potchovee, N.Y .158 Hording, Warren, Cleveland 156 Herr, Alan, Parma 165 Greenwold, Jock, Canton 194, 227 Horlg, Marilyn, Cincinnati 192, 205 Herren, George, Lakewood .166 Horlamert, Paul, Shaker Heights 187 Herrero, Pedro Pablo. Colombia 85. 229 Greenwald, Louise. Yonkers. N. Y. . . 46 Harlan, Melvin, Athens 215 Herring. Curtis. Euclid .194 Greenwood. Greta, Washington, D. C 1 24 221 Herrold. Joyce, Lancaster 61, 130 Gregorlo, Angelo, Chicago, 111 60, 143 Hormon, Warren, Circlevllle 61 188

Grelner, Sam, Columbiana Hornar, Richard, Warren ..142, 183, 187, 204 Hertel, James, Euclid . . 205 Heights 119 . , Hertzberg, Thelmo, Cleveland 32A, 60, 115. 170, 192 Harness, Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa, . 44 Greve, Janet, Dunkirk, N.Y 192 Harper, Lorry, Mansfield 48A, 140, 182 Hessler, Thomas, Toledo .. 61, 144 199 Griffey, Gordon, Conneaut 82, 182 Horpster, Ronold, Pormo . . 165 Hesson, Donald, Newport Harrison, Hey, Lois, Heights, Griffin, Joseph, Lakewood 60, 152, 189 Charles, Columbus - 148 Porma Griffin, Thomas. Lakewood 205 Harrison. David. Cincinnati 44, 102 41,48A, 61, 134,229 Griffin, William, Mansfield 85, 144, 182 Hart, Donald, Mansfield 48A. 187, 189 Hibbltts, Lucy, Portsmouth 108 148 Grill, Joy. Toronto 25. 205 Hart, Patricia, Winchester 61, 207 Hicklnbotham. Glen, Chllllcothe ,.32B, 96, 199 Grinstead, Frances, Canton Ill, 126 Hort, Richard, Cleveland ,205 Hickman, Bernard. Belpre Horting, Higby Jeanne, Chilllcothe 107, 135. 232 Grogan, Annomae, Chllllcothe . 134 James, Dayton ,224 Groh, Morjorle, Dover 207, 212 Hartley, Jim, Tipp City 61, 141 Higginbothom, Virginia. Cincinnati ....41, 85 Groppe, Borbora, Wheeling, W. Vo 134 Hartley, Thomas, Akron ....80, 164, 183, 192 HIgglns, Daniel, Athens 184

262 . 7

. 133 Bereo Hill. Juanito. CirclevlUe , 109, 200, 202. 216 Hunter, Joan, Painesvllle .109, Jones, Ann Nancy,

Hill. Srephen, Pomeroy 168. 182 Hurd, Calvin. Cleveland 144 62, 104. 109, 179, 229 Hillenbrand, Robert, Cleveland 152 Husmonn. Irma, Wllioughby. .62, 133, 191,229 Jones, Betty Lou, Cleveland 106

Hilton, Borboro, Springfield 108 Husson, Charles, Charleston. W. Va...I9. 223 Jones, Blaine B., Jackson 62, 140, 183

Hilz, William, Middletown 184. 205 Hutcheson. Robert, Lancaster 168 Jones, George Edwin, Madeira 199

Himmel. Sonford. Cleveland 150. 181 Hutchinson, Carl, Thomosville, Go 83 Jones, Luther Edmond, Cadiz 1 54

Hinton, Jane, Woodstock 106 Hutchinson, Jane, Maiden. W. Va 226 Jones, Sandra Sue, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.. . .220 Hifchin. Leonard. East Sporto 168, 229 Huth, Trevor, Navarre 156 Jones, Thomas, Columbus 83 HIaves. Richard. Cleveland 199 Hutslar, Donald, Yellow Springs Joseph, Alice, Shaker 107 Hiaves. Roland. Cleveland 199 62, 222, 223. 225 Joseph, William, Youngstown 186 Hobbs. Lennie, East Liverpool 107 Hvizdak, Gerald, Pleasant City 148 Josten, Martina, Athens 41, 205

Hoblltzell. Richard, Willlamstov^n. W. Va., . Hydu, Lydia, Spencer 62, 123 Josten, Patricio. Athens 41, 205 61, 155. 194 Hysell. David, Columbus 147 Judklns. Janice. Bainbridge 133 Hodges. Lewis. Cincinnati 44 Judson, Richard, Wethersfleld, Conn.. .62, 207 Hodgins, Geraldine. Mentor 133, 215 Jurenek, Carol Ann, Cleveland I Hoehn, Howard. Cleveland 84, 165, 192 44. 135. 192. 206 Hoerter, George, Valley Streann, N. Y. 61,219 Ibonez. Alvaro, Vallucia, Spain 229 Hoff. Gerald. Dayton 140 Ifft, Harold. Youngstown 84 K Hoff. Jeannette, Cincinnati 135 Imes, Jerald. Franklin 82, 148 127 Hoffnian, Rhoda. Mansfield I no, George. Clevelond 205 Kabat, George Jule. Athens 62

Hogan, Mary. Upper Sandusky 61. 128 Ingraham, Clyde, Chilllcothe . - 163 Kabo, Marvin, West Mifflin, Pa 153

Holden, Ellsworth. Cleveland ...166. 178, 199 Ingram, Donna, Marietta . . 204 Kohan. Robert, Flushing, N.Y

Holdermcn, Wayne. Dayton 146 Iris. Mahmut, Tokat, Turkey . . . 229 41. 62, 176. 219 Hollinger. James. Medina 140 Isaacs. Kenneth. Brooklyn. N.Y 159 Kahn, Donna, Erie, Pa 62. 222, 223 Holmes. Judith, Marietta 192 Isch, Carolyn. Perrysburg 67, 203, 217.231 Kohn. Jean. Cleveland 62, 104. 191

Holmqurst, James. Massillon 1 62 Isch. Marilyn, Perrysburg. .. 67. 203. 217. 231 Koll, Robert F., Athens 62, 186. 187 Hoiter. Paul, MIddleport 61, 154, 215 Itean, Eugene. Falrvlew Pork 82, 160 Kolagidls, Memorial, NE Canton 186

Holtsberry, Albert. Louisville 204 Kalbaugh, Donald Paul. Painesvllle . . ,62, 184 Holub. Donald, Lyndhurst 167 Koll, Joseph Edward. Cleveland 62. 152

Holzinger, Harry. Cleveland 61, 188 Kambhu, Chinchol, Bangkok, Thailand . . . .220 Hommel. Howard, Clayton 224, 232 Joblonskl, Patricio. Newburgh Heights .205 Komchi. Dovid A.. New York, N.Y Hommon, William. Piketon 184 Jacks, Robert. Porkersburg. W. Va 62. 189 175. 176, 229. 232 Honeck. John, Mt. Vernon, N.Y 143.215 Jackson, Theodore. Springfield 30. 192 Kopl, Janet Mary, Cleveland 124 Hoobler. Morgie. Canton 126 Jacoby, Carolyn, Worthlngton 215 Koralfa. Robert Ellos, Toronto 152. 229 Hope. Vincent, Hemlock ... 61 Jagers. Paul Dale, Athens ..- 84 Karales, James Harry. NW Canton 45

Hopkins, Edward R.. Shawnee 232 Jolnshig. Barbara Ann. Clevelond 46,47. 120 Korban, Robert Warren, Cleveland. . 84, 184 Hopkins, Edward W., Athens .,, ,61, 189. 213 Jokulin, Sonio, Cleveland 108 Karlkos. Charles John. Cleveland 31, 167 Horner, David, Cleveland 103 Jamleson, James Alexander. Shaker Heights Koser, Gory James, Cleveland 102 Hornsby, Gerald. Cincinnati. .82, 115. 167. 175 184 Kasinec, Joseph. Weirton. W. Va 45

Horst, Ralph. Lawrence 1 02 Jonke, Carole, Cleveland 186 Kasper, Richard Leo. Springfield ....44. 227 Horwitz. Sondra, Cleveland 201 Janusz, Sarah Jeonette. Duncan Falls .... Kost, Joyce Marie, Canton 215, 229

Hosklns, Fred. Portsmouth 1 70 62. 134. 202. 215 Katcher, William Thomas, Cleveland 144

Hossenlopp. Gretchen. Toledo 44 Jarvl. JoAnne A.. Conneaut 62 Kaufman, Elva, Cleveland Heights Host. William. Belmont 61 Jennings, Judith Anne, Belmont, Mass 127 Ill, 119, 201

Houk, Clifford. Troy 155 Jensen. Valerie Elaine. Lorain. . . .45 48 A. 216 Kavanaugh, Lawrence R., Silver Lake. N. Y. Householder, Nancy, Athens 61, 127 Jessee. Paul Richard, Sandusky 149 164

Howard, Joyce. Dayton 117 Jewell. Mary Kay. McArthur 107 Kavander, William F., Martins Ferry... 62. 145 Howard, Soundro, Elyrla 133, 226 Jewett. John Frank, Sandusky 136, 202 Keane. Thomas Mortln, Cleveland 152

Huang. Charles, Malaya 229 Jin, Madeline Korshlong. Elyrio. . .62, I 10, 229 Keehn, Norman, Monroe, Mich 82 Hubbord, Carol, Lakewood 106 Jin, Paul Kovchor, Taipei, Formosa 229 Kehl, Richard Byron, North Lima 184 Hubbard. Charles, Nelsonville 142 Joes. Duolne 82 Keinath. James Philip, Newark 145

Hubbard, Elizabeth. Urbana 130. 186, 193 Johnen. Eric L., CIncinnoti 137. 229 Keller, Mary Joan, Belpre 62 Huber, Bernice, Franklin 205 Johns. Gloria A.. Franklin 135 Keller, Shirley Ruth, Columbus 62. 130 Hudecek. Helen. Toledo 205, 232 Johns, Karl Anthony, Barberton 152, 213 Kellerbauer, Nannette. Toledo 124 Hudson, William, Lima 184, 212 Johns. Sale H., Toronto 213 Kelley, Maureen, Nelsonville 130 Huebner, Donald, Cleveland .41, 180 Kelley, 115, 153, Johnson, Barbara. Cuyahoga Falls . Severance, Dunbar. W. Va.. . . 169. 212

Huerkomp. Virginia, Moriemont, . 124. 206,227 62, 111. 229 Kelley, Thoburn, Chilllcothe 189 Huffman, Anne. Cedarville 61. 232 Johnson. Donald Milton. Clevelond 168 Kellis, John George, Mesto Chios, Greece .229 Hughes, Nancy, Cinclnnoti 205 Johnson, Douglas Scott, Poland 62, 163 Kelly, Byron, Dayton 140. 182 Hughes, Solly, Beaver, Pa Kelly, 104, 127 Johnson. Elizabeth Anne, Columbus . .131, 202 James, Xenia 206 Hughes, Rodney, Mlllersport 186 Johnson. Gordon Lee. Middleport Kelly, Mory Jane, Chilllcothe Hughes. Thomas. Athens 62. 169, 195 62, 186, 195, 203, 230 48A, 62. 108, 109. 186 Huheey, Morilyn Jane, Cincinnati 129 Johnson, Irene, Portsmouth 225 Kelly, Ronald E., Girard 171 Hull. Rosalind, KIrkwood, Mo Johnson, James Keith, Sissonville, W. Vo...l99 Kelsey, William, Rocky River 62, 156 45, 107. 121, 195 Johnson, Janet Maye, Akron 121 Kemp. Barrett, Dayton 62 Hull. Sarah. Crooksville 204 Johnson, John, Quaker City 181 Kemp, John, Milford 85

Humbert, Roger, Mansfield 184 Johnson, Richard S., New Boston ....149,182 Kemp, Myra Ann, Madeira 190, 191 Hummel. Richard. Kennard, Clevelond 82, 148 Johnson. Shirley Jean. Toledo 104, 1 1 William Lee, New Plymouth 215 Hunkler, Fredrick. Bornesvllle 1 Kennedy, Evelyn Kiric, 36 Johnston, Barbara Andrea, St. Cloirsville. . Athens 218 Hunt. Homer, Canton 80. 164, 192 48A. 1 24 Kephart, Marjorle, North Fork, Va 128 Hunt. Jacquelin, Mentor 126 Johnston, John R.. Lakewood 1 63 Kern, Gory, Louisville, Ky 186 Hunter. Charles. Portsmouth 184 Jones, Allen, Jackson 148 Kerns. Harold. Circlevllle 40. 186

263 1 1

200,202 Lehman, Helen, Athens ... . . 181 Kertes. Elolne. Solon 106, 216 Kress. Noncy. Defionce 63 Lehman, Richard, Toledo .158 Kessel, Harry. Parkersburg, W. Vo.-..l92, 213 Kreutz, Edward. Athens Margaret, Rochester, N. Y 105 Kessinger, Carol. Portsmouth 46 Kritzell, Joan. Elyrio 63, 134, 206 Lehmonn, 170, 215 Leist, Alice, ..64, 114, 123, 202. 221 Kibler. Melvln. Cleveland 184 Krizner, Robert, Maple Heights, 63. Amanda 142 Folrvlew Park 184 Kidd. Elizabeth Jone. Dayton 62. 223 Krock, Philip, Powhatan Point Lembright, Richard, 165 Lenington, David, Brazil 140 Killian, Margaret, Mount Vernon, N. Y Kroh, Paul, Canton 80, 85. 62, 107, 109 Krohn, Robert. Shaker Heights 63 Leon, James, Cleveland 150. 201 192 Clevelond 83. 165, 192 Kindel, Donna, Cincinnati 41 Krohn. Vicki, Clayton ...191, Leonard, James.

. 201 Leonord, 83. 165 King, Richard. Parma 82, 165 Krosin, Harriet, Cleveland Ray, Clevelond

1 84 149 King, Thomas, Conneout 162 Krupke, Richard, Youngstown Leprlch, Lee, Salem .. 163 Kinnone. Gerald. Rocky River Kubach, John, Sandusky 149 Lesniak, John. Cleveland 82, ...212 41, 140, 180, 183. 215 Kubes, Doris, Cleveland .... 203 Lester, John, Chauncey Kinney, Stephen. Utica 102, 162, 182 Kubinyl, Joseph, Ashland ... 36, 63, 170, 213 Letsche, Wllliom, Athens ., 80, 81 Lettolsky. Helen. Cleveland .- 108, 114. 118 Kinsella, Mary Ann, Youngstown Kuckuck, Frederick, Mortlns Ferry 200 201 62, 105. 191. 215, 232, 233 Kuhns, June. Lakewood Hi, 129, 233 Levonthol. Rochelle 148 Kinter. David. Middletown. Va 63, 165 Kulesso, Manfred, Germany 85 Leuschel, Jock. Willoughby 151 Kircher, Dudley, Dayton 40 Kumpf, James, Cincinnati 63 Leventhal, Harvey, Youngstown 64, 150 Klrsop. Robert, Cleveland ... 40 Kursh, Myrna, Cleveland 226 Levlne, Joel, N.Y York 64, 158 Kissel, Cloir, Ashtabula 199 Kurtz, David, Oberlin 96, 200 Levine, Seymour, New

. . Nelsonvllle Klstler, Marjene, Stockbridge, Mich. Kurtz, Patricio, Lancaster, Pa. Lewis, Gloria, .215 199 (See Whipkey) 134, 233 44, 120, 177, 227 Lewis, Richard, Yorkvllle .. 64. Kutscher, Robert, Massillon 63, 137 Lewis, Donald, Thomosville .181 Kistler, William Norvan, Newark, 101 , 199, 1 86

. . ... 64 Kittoy. Arthur. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y 158 Kutscher, Walter, Mossillon 136 Ley, Joonno, Chauncey 205 Kladney, Sally Ann, Cleveland Ill Ley, Patricia, Chauncey Klaiman, Malcolm, Clifton. N.J 201, 232 Llberoti, Dolores. Bellolre 205 232 Klatt, Mary Jane. Towson, Md 128 Limerick. Dorothy, Hamilton 64, 154 Klatt, Nancy, Towson, Md 128 Locey, Judy, Huron 44, 186, 205 Llndsley, Douglas, Lakewood 109 Klecan, John, Athens 63, 162, 178 LaFollette, Kaye, Garrett. Ind 1 25 Line, Katherine, Elyrla 131 Klein, Gary, Berea 85 LoFollette, Mary Sue, Athens ...180.198,229 Link, Koren, Athens 64, 6, 222 Klein. Jay. Beacon. N.Y 220 LaFollette, Robert, Fremont 200 Linker, Patience, Baltimore, Md 189 Klein. Lina, Solon 107. 192. 220 Lagonegro, William, Elmira. N.Y. 83, 144, 192 Linn, Jomes, Crestline Klelnhoffer. Lynwood. Detroit. Mich. ..45,160 Lahr. Charles, Upper Sandusky 137 Llnscott. Deltha. Columbus 107

LIpson, Ronald, Cleveland . ISO Kliesch. Rolph, Wheaton, III 224 Laidlow. Mory Lou. Rocky River... 37, 63, 130

. . , .64, 146, Kline. Gaylen, Republic 184, 199 Lomberson, John. Glen Cove, N.Y. ,,.97. 222 Listermonn, Louis, Cincinnati 189 149 Klinect, Marvin. Cleveland 161 Lomont, Robert, Cleveland 63, 147 Litter, Robert, Chlllicothe 64. Knappenberger, Ann. Cincinnati Lompmon, Kenneth, Chordon 63, 164 Litzler. Albert. Cleveland 153

63, 114, 125. 180, 206, 229 Lang, Donna Jean. Cuyahoga Falls , . . .131 Livingston, Robert. Portsmouth Knarr. Clifford, Mansfield 164 Lang. Lllo. Los Angeles. Colif 94, 229 64. 147. 183. 185, 213

1 Longer, Ralph, Yonkers, N.Y 1 59 Lobock, Morvln. Jamestown, N.Y 50 Knight, Keith, Quaker City . 166 Longford, Harriett, Kirkwood, Mo. ...126. 190 Lochary. Charles, Pomeroy 64, 144, 195 Knox, Donald, Bellaire . . 63 Knox, Jerry. Mt. Vernon 184 Lankford, Ronald, Marletto 184 Locke, Sandra. Hamilton 130, 202 Kobel. Marjorie. Canton 107 Lonnlng, Norman, East Liverpool .137, 207. 21 2 Lockhart, William, Crestline 64 207 Kober, Bob, Cincinnoti 63, 101. 170 Lonphear, Barbara, Cleveland Heights. . . . Lockwood, William, Elmira, N.Y Koch, Delbert, Logan 63. 163 41, 117 Lodde, David. Mansfield 48, 164

Koch, Oleta, Rockbridge ... 63 Larter, Jo Anne. South Webster 63, 200 Loeb, Harvey, Cincinnati . 151, 181 Latin, Suzanne, Cleveland Heights 109 Loemker, Paul, Cleveland 162 Koehler, Helen, Hudson . . 205 .104, Koehne, Hazel, Madeira 23 Loub, Lois, Cleveland 215 Logon, Lorry, Muncle, Ind 184 Koenltzer, Russell. Willoughby 156 Loughlln, James, East Liverpool 192 Logsdon, Phyllis, Hamilton 191, 202 Kofou. Evongela. Thessalohiki, Greece Law. Henry, Perrysburg 63, 166 Lohr, Nancy, Cuyohogo Falls 64, 108 195. 229 Lawn, Eldon 184 Long, David, Springfield 188, 230

Kohn, Robert, Brooklyn. N.Y 158 Lawrence, Larry, Whitehouse Long, Lawrence, Lakewood . .48A. 80. 96. 149 Koletic. Rudolph. Clevelond 82, 152 28, 64, 115, 156, 176, 192 Long, William. Wyoming 83 Kolvereld. Edv^ard, Medina 165 Lawrence, Mary, Beverly 215 Lopez. Lloyd, Cleveland ... 170, 215 Komorowski. Arthur, Bedford ....63. 154, 214 Lawson, Robert, Bay Villoge 156 Letter, Marlette, Cleveland ...205 Komyoti, Eleanora, Cleveland 63, 198 Lax. John, Athens 64, 115, 166, 215 Lotz, Theodore, Worren 140 Kontos, Peter. Clevelond 194 Loyogue. Elmira, Philippines 200 Louis, Joseph, Parma Heights 205 Kornlclc, John, Lakewood 165 Layoou, Cora, Findloy 64, 23 Lovett, Yvonne, Athens 128 79 . 1 Grantsville, Koslclnen, Lisbeth, Ashland, Ky 204 Loyden, Kay, Cleveland .64. 34, I 79, 206, 223 Lowe, Frederick, W. Va

Kovocs, Elizabeth, Cleveland 191 Lazaroff, Thomas, Mosslllion 279 Lowenstein, Ralph, Cincinnati . . .64, 150, 225

Kovas, Joseph, Cleveland 63, 215 Leach, James, Athens 83, 182 Lown, Eldon, Mansfield 148 Leatherman, Gale, Limo Loyd, Lorry, Mount Vernon 200, 232 Kowolewski, Jerome, Lorain 1 57 140 Lebeau, Bernard, Seine, France Lucas, Arnold, Akron .... .184 Kozie, William, Cleveland 1 66 229

. . 156 Kramer, Donald, Terrace Park 43. 145 Lechner, Daniel, Mineral City . . . .64, 170, 192 Lucos, George, Euclid

Kramer, Thomas, Shaker Heights 158 Lee, Betty, Fremont . .131 Lucas, David, Medina ... 40. 140

Krone, Barbara, University Heights 205 Lee, Donold, Athens .184 Lucas, James, PIqua ... , , . 186 Kraus, Charles, Nev^bury 168 Lee, Franklin, Marietta Luempert, Arthur, Cleveland 64, 154

Krause, Wayne. Sandusky 183, 187, 189 115, 136, 178, 183, 185, 220 Lukacevic, Edward, Pleosont Valley 1 53

Kraushaar, Calvin, Brooklyn Heights 184 Lee, Jean W., ' Pomeroy 207 Lund, Kathy, Morietto 215 Kraushaar, Jeanne, Cleveland Lee, Joan, Portsmouth 107, 181, 212, 229 Lund, William, Willoughby 162 117 63, 107, 190, 224, 225 Lee, Thomas, Fremont. . 141 , 178. 180, 186, 192 Lundberg, Barbara, Chatham, N.J Kroeger, Roger, Port Clinton 33 Lees, Diana, Clevelond 128 Lundberg, John, Dayton 29, 140 Krecic, Max, Euclid 80 Leffler, Richard, Morion 141 Lundstrom, John, Canton 82, 148

264 Luthringer, Robert, Parkersburg, W. Va. . . 153 Manion, William, Columbus 82, 152 , Clem. Cleveland 154, 184 Lyicins. Francis. South Webster 64, 108 Manly. Sonya, McConnelsville 231 Alan, Cleveland Heights 201

Lymberopoulos, John, Athens, Greece Mann, Jerome, Franklin Square. N.Y 150 Her. Ann. Rocky River 114. 130 195. 229 Mann, Shirley, Somerton ....65, 134, 206. 215 Her, Chester. Kingston, N.Y. .115. 161. 206

Lyons, Calvin, Jackson 102, 140 Morogas, Aristotle. Canton 1 70 Her, Christian, Dayton 232

Lyons, Suzonne, Columbus 121 Marogas, Frank, Canton 65, 1 70 Her, Jonet, Mansfield 207, 212 Marogas. Freda, Canton 133 Her. Joan, Sandusky 133, 190, 206 Mc Morchetti, Vincent, Laurelton, N.Y. ,..65, 170 Her, John. E. Liverpool 66, 144 Marcuson, Doris, Clevelond Heights 119 Her. John W., Zonesville 66, 189

McAllister. Mory, Pileton 64, 110. 217 Morioni, Richard, Brooklyn, N.Y 77 Her, Kothryn. Jackson ... ,109

Mcbane. Betty. Cleveland 108, 192, 227 Marino, Louis, Clevelond 84, 146 Her, Norbert, Sidney .. .153

Mcbane. LeRoy. Wellsville 212 Markell, Donna, Mentor 133 Her, Patricio. Wopokonefa .133 Morkiewicz, McBride. Charles. Columbiana . 192 Andrew, Cleveland 115, 147 Her. Richard. Tompo. Flo. 76. 148

McBride. Doris, Ashtabula Ill, 233 Mormo, Beverly Ann, Brockenrldge. Pa. . 135 Her. Richard. Mansfield ...168

Marquis, 1 1 Ann, . . . Martha , McBurney. Robert. New Salem, Pa 184 Senecavjlle. 1 215 Her. Samuel. Duncan Falls 213

McCain. Kester, Portsmouth 64. 214 Marr, Chorles, Andover ..139, 181, 204, 212 Her, Sandra, Mansfield 125

McCain. Thomas. Canton ... 64 Morsden, Robert, Decatur, III. 223 llhuff, Mary, Portsmouth 66. 108 McCammon, Robert. Athens 184 Marshall, Gaither, Ashtabula 80 nodeo, Claude. Chagrin Foils 187 Martin. Chester, Cleveland McCann. Michael, Lokewood 156, 181 narchek, Andrew, Canton 66, 1 70 McCauley. Donna, Uhrichsville 135. 215 48, 65. 180. 219 nek. Melvo, Akron ... ,120 McCauley, William, Uhrichsville 161 Martin. James. Athens 65. 213 rgus, John, Glouster 214 McCave, Shirley. Salem 65. 117. 217 Martin, Leroy, Chester 181, 182, 187 ngus, Mino, Glouster 232

McClaine. Richard. Columbus 144, 156 Martin, Rita. Dayton 94, 133, 180, 218 nlster, Edword, Allison Pork, Pa 165 McCleary. Donna, Newark 135 Moschlno, Stonley, Dayton 30, 167 tchell, George, Conton 186, 195 Mash, Carol, McClure, Rex, Piqua 65, 165 Mansfield 205 tchell, George E., Albany McCowen. Ronald. Wheelersburg 136 Moson, Chorma. Middleton 104, 120 115. 149, 175, 176. 180 McCoy. James, Wilmington 102 Mason, Moryo, Morietto 125 Mitchell. John. Athens 161,200,207.212 McCune. Gory. Athens 182 Mason, Scotty, Jr.. Peebles 199. 214 Modesitt, Rlto .Parkersburg. W. Vo 116 McCune. Robert. Trafford. Pa 136.215 Mason, William, Warren 140 Mohan. Dorothy, Dayton 106, 132. 205 McDermott, Modelyn. Mateer, Shirley, Punxsutowney, Po Youngstown 194 Mokren. Robert. Cleveland 1 39 65. 126. 233 Motis, Anno, Corning 65, 107 Mollff. Sylvlo, Cleveland Heights 119

McDonald, Carolyn. Cincinnati 186 Mofson, Jean, Chauncey Ill Moll. Ethel, Xenio 108 McDonald. Shirley, Clevelond Matthews, Shirley, Bornesville 65, 111 65. 195 Mollmon, Beverly, LImo . . . . 133

McElroy. Robert. III Maurel, Jeon, Rodez Aveyron. Chicogo, 181 France ...229 Monostro, Natale, Canton 1 52 MocFadden, Dean. New Morshfield 184 Maurer, James, Nelsonville 143 Montgomery, Shirley, Monsfleld 66 McForlond, Margaret. Lexington ....107, 186 Maxton, Janet, Lokewood Montoyo, Mary, Parkersburg, W. Vo McGraw. Sara, Newtown 135 65, 94, 108, 109. 200, 229, 232. 233 66, 106. 109 Maxwell, McGuigon. Arleen. Dayton 44. 131. 232 Richard, Columbus ....140, 184,229 Moore, Charles, Columbus 66, 144 Mclnturf, Phyllis. Athens 216 May, Edward. Cleveland 147 Moore, David, Cincinnati 48A Mclnlyre, David, Powhotan Point 199 Mayer, Henry, Cleveland 148 Moore, Eleanor, Warren 66, 131 Mayer, Miriam. McKenna, Barbara. Canton . . 46 Columbus 107 Moore, Janice, Columbus ,,.94. 107, 190, 202 Mayer, McKenna, Michael. Akron 65 Robert. Mount Vernon 45 Moore, Joel. Woverly 79 McKenzie. Beverle, Mayer, Thomas, Euclid Cincinnati 195 1 53 Moore, Lois Ann. Spencer 66, 198, 217 McKinlay, Ardlth, Sylvonio. .44. 111. 120, 181 Meade. Kenneth. Cincinnati. .65, 187, 189.213 Moore. Marjorie. Monchester 232 McLaughlin, Paul, Springfield Meadows. Robert. Mulberry 65, 166. 178 Morehouse. Betty. Lokewood Ill Mechling, 144. 183, 184, 185. 212 Elizabeth, St. Clolrsvljfe Morey, Jomes. Berkley. Mich McMonus, Audrie, Erie, Pa 1 86 104, 123, 202 44. 115. 165. 180 McMillan, Thomas, Falrvlew Park 145 Meek, Fred, Bucyrus 65, 168, 207, 212 Morgan, Barbara, Youngstown 120, 192 McMillen, Anna, Cadiz 135, 192 Medovich, John, Maple Heights 169 Morgan, Cora Ann, Pittsburgh, Po 127 Meeks, McMullen, Alan, Eiyria 65, 147 John, Canton. 65. 115, 170, 178 Morley, Jone, Clevelond 66, 111, 120 Mehl, McNeely, Eileen, Hamilton 129 Jock, Parkersburg. W. Vo 82 Morlock, LeRoy, Medina 140, 182 Melnen, McNicol, William, Liverpool Carol, Toledo | 184, 186 | ] Morris, Dorrell, Monsfleld 148, 182 Meints, Clifford. McQuIllIn, Richard, Toledo Fort Wayne. Ind 186 Morris, Ellzobeth, Mosslllon 107. 192, 186 Melster, Richard, 48A, 103, 140, 175, 178, 180 Newark, N.J 153 Morrison, Larry. Trimble 77, 82 McTavIsh, Isabel, Germant Mellck. Roger. Somerset .65. 105. 224 225 77 Morrison, Mortho. Athens 1 30. 207 Melllnl. Gabriel, Clevelond M Heights. , .65, 148 Morrison, Richard, Bay Village 156 Mcclc, Donna, Mencln. Lorefto, Lokewood 125, 202 Cleveland . . 205 Morrow, Borboro, Canton 194 Macic, Phyliss. Menill. Vincent. Utica East Lake - 41. 204, 220 162 Moscarino. George. Cleveland 1 70 Merkel, Mockay. Donald. Brecfcsville 65, 155 Frank, Tllfonsvllle 153 Moya, Juon, Bronx. N.Y. 80 Mackey, Merrill, Clarence, Painesville 65, 199 Leila. Dayton |30 Moyer, John, Sandusky 157. 182

Macrl, Rocco. Mesec, Elaine. III. Canton 1 64 Cicero. ..105, 181, 205. 226 Muck, Corl, Pittsburgh, Pa. 154 Madden, Margaret, Mestnik. Donald. Amanda 1 23 Walton Hills 153 Mueller, Inge .229 Modden, Phyllis, Metzger, Barboro, Cincinnati . . Akron 120. 215 Muefhing, Dorrell. Columbus 45 Metzger. 135, 194, 200, 229 James, New Lexington 65 Muffler, David. Springfield 66, 186, 199 Magneson, Dorothy, Michael, Donald, Cleveland. . .65, 126, 217 Canton 81, 164 Mullen, Rlchord, Lorain 153 Midoy, Mogyar, Alan, Cleveland 65, 168, 189 Joan, Conton Murchek, John, Sharon. Po 167 Magyar, RoseMorie, Clevelond 205 66, 117, 174, 175, 177, 179, 221. 229 Murdock, Joonn. Hamden 204. 217 Mohrer, Larry, MIente, Lita Cleveland ....95. 65, 158, 201 203 Murphy, Dorothy, S. Webster 66 Maisch, Mler7wa. John, Logan 65. 213 John. Cleveland Murphy, Douglos. Conneout 40, 222 Malaga, Donald. Euclid 162, 186 43. 66, 115. 146. 178, 183, 186 Murphy, Richard. Cinclnnoti 76, 182. 192 Moley, John, Steubenville Might, Julia. Troy 205 [Qg Musltano. Dominic, Compbell. . . 1 15. 154, 180 Moloney, Janet, Jackson 123, 212 Mlhellck. John, Euclid 66. 141 Mutchler. Dwight. Athens 148

265 1

Mutzner. Jone. Covington 215 O'Connor. William. Columbus 152 Perkins. Carolyn, Molto .. - 198

Myers, Betty Lou, Dayton 66, 229. 233 O'Donnell. Richord, Dennison 213, 215 Perkins, Terry, Chordon . 40 Myers. Cord Lee, Wilmington, DeL ..192, 200 Ogden. James. Mansfield '49 Perlowin, Max. Brooklyn. N.Y 45 Myers, Cynthlo. Morion 41, 106 Ogens. Anita. Newark. N.J. 119 Perpor. Joon, Euclid 205 Myers, Donna, Zonesvllle ,104 Ohmon, John. N. Canton 31 Perpinios. George. Athens, Greece ... 195. 229 Myers, Jerry, Cleveland 229 Oldfield. Sharon. Athens 67. 126 Perry. Morgoret. McArthur 216 Olenek. Anthony. Elyrio 205 Perry. Wiliiom. Xenio 184, 186,206 N Olive, Philip, Somerset 184 Pesto. Catherine, Mingo Junction 67 Olson. Charles, Tocuboya, Mexico 229 Pestel. Miriam. Columbus ...44, 67. 124. 233 Nodel. Donald. Cleveland 201 Olstein. Richard, Huntington, N.Y. -67. 81, 192 Peter. Bruce, Lokewood 67, 156 Dorothy. Tiffin .181 Peters. Corinne. Newark, N.J. ...67. 108. 193 Noegel. Charles, Chagrin Falls . 170 Omwoke. Ondick. Korol. Lorain 67, 152 Peters, Fred. Sandusky 33 Naegel, William, Cleveland , 66. 170 222 Naltzger, Joyce. Dayton 101 Ondis, Antoinette, Athens 124 Peters. Patricio, Toronto 67. Notomoto. Kelchi. Howaii 224, 225 Ondis. Roderick, Athens 206 Peters, Philip, Athens Notoniishl, Mitsuo, Cleveland 199 Onions. Richord. Youngstown 168, 213 67. 160, 178. 183. 185. 219

Nakatsoii, Ronald. Hawaii 82, 168. 182, 229 Oppenheimer, Elmer, Portsmouth 79 Peters. Richard, Athens 206

Nometh. Noel. Loitewood 80 Ordovensky. Patrick, Lima Petersen. Inez. Perrysburg . -41. no

Nash. Charles. Lokewood 140 40, 67, 115. 152. 175 Peterson, Phyllis, Athens . . 130. 200. 202 Noss. Lucille. Athens 66 Oross, John. Wodsworth 67 Petlowony. Esther, Parma 205

Pettit. Shirley. , , Notole, Dione, New Orleans. La 87. 126 Orr. Chorles. Athens 22 Lokewood 186 127 Nauls. Borrington. Toledo 139. 199. 206 Osborn. Joyce. Springfield 105, 202. 232 Petty. Lois. N. Olmsteod Pezzoni. Noylor, Normo, Cleveland 66. 223 Outzs. Joon. Clevelond 67. no John, Monongahelo. Po 221 Nee. Mory, New Philadelphia 127, 205 Jvermon. Sydney, Morion. Ind 127 Phores, Shirley, Eaton 67. 128. 190. 215 Arthur, Brilliant .. .188. 204. Neebuhr, Douglas. Painesville 66, 153 Owen. Clorabel 204 Philabaum, 206 Neff. Robert. Combridge 199 Owen. Louis, Mt, Vernon 186, 204 Phillips. Lenobelle. North Royolton 44 Phillips. Rondoll. 199 Nellis. Richard. Athens 83, 164, 182 Owens, Bessie. Cleveland 67. 101 Hudson 195, Nelson. Sue. Corning 105 Owens. Ronald, Cincinnati 163, 212 Phillips. Ronald. Newark 164 140 Philp. Nancy, Romson. N.J 104. 190, 191 Nelson. Judith. Euclid - 132 Owens, Thomas, Lima 40, Pickens. Nelson. Mary Jo. Clinton, lo 106. 193 Ila. Cincinnati 204 Nemec. Edword. Auburn, N.Y. 163 Pickering. Charles, Moriefto Nemec. Jock, Bay Village 182 67. 162. 178. 213 Pidwerbesky. Clarence, Toronto. Conodo .186 Neuhaus. Theodore. Rocky River , , 40, 140 NeutYJing. David, Athens 249. 214 Painter. Ann. Mt. Vernon 233 Pierott. Betty. Middletown 129 Nevins. Frances 195 Polinkos. Andrew. Boy Village 156 Pilot, Richord. Clevelond, -53. 67, 95. 160, 178 Pinney, Charles, Zoleski 136, 181, 212. 229 Newbert, Joan. Cleveland 109, 117, 215 Palmer. Beatrice, Cleveland 43 Piotrowsky. Newell, Jean, Westloke 134 Palmer. Marion, Belmont 215 John, Athens 230. 232 Pischke. Pittsburgh, Newlond, Jean Ann, Lakeview .126. 232, 233 Pangle. John. Ashtabula 139 Norman. Po 67. 165 Pitcher, Mary Jone, Plainfield, N. J 135 Newmork. Doris. Youngstown 66. 105 Papner. Donald, Cincinnati 149 Piftenger. East Liverpool 68. 141 Nicholas. Robert. Warren 66, 163. 184 Porker. Philip, Liberia 200, 229 James. Piltock. Arthur, Cleveland 165 Nichols. Joanne, Mansfield 44, 130, 215 Parr, James. Coolville 184 Nichols. Thornton, Alexandria 85 Parr. Wilmo. Athens 214 Plott. Doris, Cumberland. Md. Ronald, Cleveland 160 105. 109. 180. 198. 229 Nicoll. Robert. Cleveland - 170 Parsons, Niepert, William. Lokewood 164 Poser. Jane, Lokewood 205 Plent, Jacqueline, Maple Heights. 68. 128, 190 Pochurek. Jomes, Solon . 79 68. 165 Niermon, Joon, CIncinnotI - Passen, Thomas. Columbus Poffenbarger. 66. 134. 193, 202. 206. 227 Pastor, Charlotte. Ashtabula 205 George. Charleston, W. Vo. 195 Nixon, Fronk, Lokewood 82. 149 Paterno. Stella. Cleveland . 231 187, Polansky. Loroin 221 Nixon, Lennuel, Pittsburgh, Pa. 76, 229 Poternost, Joseph. Cleveland 229 Gilbert. 152, Polen, E. Cleveland Noble. Esther. Columbus 67. no Patrick. Mary. Athens 126 Tom. 158 Noe. Charles, Cleveland 168, 169 Patterson, Bernard, Marietta 32 Polhamus. Sylvia, Ft. Wayne. Ind 206 Noguchi, .^kiro, Tokyo. Japan 229 Potton. Doneece. New Boston 117 Polley, Peggy, Sclotoville 133, 190, 191 Nojonen. Rito, KInesville 204. 229 Potton, Mary Lou, Akron 215 Pol'sen. Arllne. Pormo 104 Popovlch, Horry. Library, Po 68, Nolond, Dorothy, Dayton 41, 104. 204 Patton, Rito, Springfield 104, 192 215

Noonon. Jomes. Canton 164 Potzke. Eugene. Racine, Wis 67 Poppe. MIchoel, Belloire . . - . 142

Noonon. John, Athens 67. 186. 189 Poulsen, Marilyn, Athens Porter, Barbara, Columbus , 68 Norinsky. Doris. Newark, N.J 229 48o. 130, 181. 198. Porter. Nancy, Steubenvllle 215 Porter. Richard. Circleville 183 Norris, Jane. Ironton 67, 101, 229 Paulson. Roger. Elkhart. Ind 68, 136. Norris. Virginia, Logon 105 67, 168, 178, 213 Post. Robert, Lorain 162. 182 Potokor, 212 Norton. Frederic. Worthington 67. 220 Paulson, Ross, Elkhart, Ind 203 Edward, Cleveland Nowak. Herbert. Cleveland Heights Povelko, Paul, Mingo Junction 67. 167 Potter, Shirley. Borberton 128 Poyne. Frederick, Ironton 162 Potter. Tod .80 67. I 68, 183 Noxon, Carrie. Columbus 67 Poyne. Jonet, Kitts Hill 200 Poulos. Louis, Worren 229 Nuber, Cynthia, Dayton 123 Peak. Margaret. Clevelond 232 Powell, John, Nelsonville 141 Peorce. Noncy, Newark 104. 212 Powers, George, Jacobsburg 68, 213 Nuhn, John, Cleveland . 149

Nungesser, Peter. Hudson 101 Peorlmon. Horriet, Brooklyn, N. Y. - 118 Prother, Robert, Dayton 41. 184 Peck. Lenora. Cleveland 67, 108 Prott, Dean. Ironton 182, 215 Nuzum. Ralph. Athens . -76 82 Nye, Phillip, Athens 67, 148. 192 Pell. Henry, Columbus 79 Pratt. Robert. Chesopeoke 44. 79 Nylen. Sonio. Amherst 229 Pendell, Roger, Dayton 184 Preciodo, Jose, Bogota, Columbia .,. .68, 189 Pennay, Beverly. Kingsley. Po. 216 Price. Richard, NIogora Foils, N.Y 80 Penrod. Robert. New Lexington 192 Price, Robert, Tipp City 68, 156 Peren. Morie. Foirborn 106 Prigosin. Ivon, Youngstown 201

Ookes, Robert, Chillicoihe -67. 161 Perez. Delio, Miami. Flo 67. 187. 189 Pringle, Lois. Chagrin Falls 130

Oberdier. Richord. LoRue 168. 182, 213 Ferine. Andrew. Corning . . 101, 215 Prislopsky, Alexander, Clevelond

266 68, 145, 178, 180, 181 Resnick. Helene. Cleveland

Psaltoki, Despina. Chios, Greece 68, 229 Reynard. Nathan. Mingo Junction , , Ptak, Victor, Cleveland 68, 170, 215, 221 Reynolds. Frank. Nelsonville ,68. 84. 149, Pullen, Arthur, Cincinnati 206 Reynolds. James. Kenmore. N. Y, 162 Punlcar, Ronald, Conneaut 144, 220 Rhoods. John, Circleville ,68, 165

Purdin, Martha. Cedarvllle 204 R: Carol, Jackson 207

Purdy, Gladys, Jackson 68 Rlice, Charles, Belmont ,68. 140, 186, 189

Purdy, Maralynn, Jackson . , , ,40, 68, 132, 218 R'ice, Jane, Jackson , 135

, Putnam, Celia, Wellsville 41 Rl chords, Robert, Monsfield , 230

Rlichards, Sally, Povonia 46, 227 R chords, Sharon, Thurman 121 Rlichards, Thomos, New Lexington 45 R chmond, Ann, Clyde 215 Ouoy, Marjorie, Chagrin Falls Rlichmond, Robert, Newark 156 Quillen, Elaine, Ashville Rlichmond, Thomas, Clyde 81 192 232, Quinn, Donald, Minjo Junction 199 R cht, Jeonne, Mariemont ,110, 124

R ck, Gordon, Lorain 146 182

R'lidenour. Barbara. Lancaster , 68

Rlider. Jean. Bowling Green , , , ,96, 129 Rabies, Mai 229 Rliechers. Donald. Belmont. Wis. 195 203 Raby, Mary, Washington, D. C, 104 Rtiegel. Noncy. Canton 120 Rabby, Mo! 195 Rliegler. Danno. Conton 105 191

Rocco, Nick, Worren , 229 Riiekert. Louis. Cincinnati , , , , 184, 187

Rodcliffe, Kenneth, Athens , , , , 68, 157, 213 R Donald. Plottsburg. N. Y. 205

Rodder, Paul, Cleveland 152 Rliepenhoff. Mary Lou. Wellston 68, 132, 205

Rlliffell. Ragon, Ann, Lorain 215 James. Springfield , 184

Ragland, William, Lokewood 149 Riliffle. Donald. Athens 215

Roiney, Gerald, Avon Lake , 205 R iley, Kenneth. Morietta 230

Rililey. Raiser, John, Athens, Greece Richard. North Royolton , , 140, 182

68, 187, 189, 199 Rllimanoczy. Elizabeth. Cleveland 40, 110, 124

Romiov/, Ronald, , , Cleveland 82 Rlinehart. R. Kathleen. Marietta , , . 104

Randall, Jock, Canal Zone , 222, 223 R!istau. Marilyn. Cleveland 133

Randall, John, Athens , , 213, 215 Rlitchie. Elizabeth. Cleveland 68

Randall. Richard. Shelby . , ,136, 212 Roach. Bruce. Athens ,222 Ronen. Alan. Cleveland Heights 201 Robotin. Mary Ann. Wickliffe 106, 191 Raney. Phoebe. Euclid 124 Robbins. John. Mansfield 154, 184

Ronville. Bonnie. Foirborn 41 Robe. Elizabeth. Athens 68, 198 Rassie. Morilyn, Lokewood ,,. .45, 68, 110, 191 Robe. Thurlow. Athens 199 Rotonodaros, Choroen, Bangkok, Thailand 229 Roberts. Normon. Springfield 140

Ratcliff, James, Portsmouth 101, 194, 229 Roberts. Ronald. Mansfield 165, 182 Roub, Margaret, Youngstown 110, 200 Robeson, Susan, Mt. Vernon Rousch, Eloise. Plain City 194. 231 44, 127 202, 233

Rauschenberger. Martha. Akron 120. 202 Robinette, William, Toronto , , 199

Rawlins. Beverly. Combridge 68, 110 Robinson, Borbara, Toronto . , 109, 133

Ray. Joyce. Alliance , , 128 Robinson, Morion, Cleveland 194 Ray. Polly. Zanesville 222 Robinson, Sherman, Piqua 230 Raynor. Ruth. Springfield. Moss 204 Rocco, Henry, Clevelond 153 Rebert. Marcia. Chorleston. W, Va 131 Rockwell, Ronald, Westlake 41

Rebmann. Jane. Potchogue. N. Y. 229 Rodriguez, Robert, Cleveland ,103 152, 182

Reddin. George. Findloy 169. 229 Roenigk, Henry, Clevelond , 48, 182, 203 Redding. Mory Lou. Loroin 44. 117 Roettger, Herold, Lockland 145

Redding. Shirley. Cleveland 202 Rogers, Bruce, Lorain , , , 186 Reed, DeWitt, McConnelsviHe 68, 215 Rogers, Frances, Cadiz Ill, 233

Reed, Nancy, Lima 125 Rogers, William, Phillipsburg, N. J.

Reeder, Borboro, Webster Groves, Mo. , . 125 30, 68, 165 Rees, Philip, Newark 184 Rohde, Corol, Dayton 133 Reese, Elizabeth, Marietta 44, 45, 124 Rohrer, Edgor, Woterlord 220

Regen, Stonley, Flushing, N. Y. , 68, 150 Roll. Robert, Zanesville 182

Reld, Poul, Portsmouth 101 Romonek, Glenn, Akron 68, 81, 192

Reinoth, Gudrun, Athens 229 Romonello, Robert, Lucosville ,68. 189 Reineke, Corolynn, Youngstown 116 Rondelli, Raquel 229

Reinker. Edythe, Lokewood 101. 190 Ronk, William, Athens 68, 214 Reinker. Roper, Jomes. Euclid 186 Thomas, Middletown , 101, 184 Reiss. James. Coshocton 68. 147. 213 Rosati, Vincent, Brooklyn, N. Y. ,184, 186

Reitmon. , , Rose, , Patricio, Sondford. Clevelond Heights Independence , 205 194. 201 Rose, Sondro, Glouster 68, 114, 218 Remley. Jone. Massillon Roseberry, 135. 191. 233 June, Belvidere, N. J. , , 220 Remy. Eldon. Mansfield 68. 137 Roseberry, Margaret, Athens ,120, 217 Rensi. Morlene. Smithfield 232 Rosenthal, Glorio, Clarksburg, W. Vo

Repar. Mary. Barberton 186 .69, 181, 201

Reposky. William, Akron 149. 181 Rosinski, Wolter, Ei le. Pa, 219 Reppa. Donald. Lokewood 157 Ross, Arthur, Dover 162, 182, 215 ' . . 5

Norfolk, Vo. ...70, 144, 192 Sloan, Roberta. Clorksbung. W. Vo 119 Souter. Von Gordon. Middletown 184 Seymour, Donald. 70, 129 Slotchoff, Mehrin, Eost Potrerson. N.J 219 Sowvogeot. Andre. Akron — 182 Shaffer. Clorissa. Atlanta, Go 149 Smoil. Richord. Boy Vllloge Sa.ch"<. Lob. Clevelond. .28. 69. 77, 166. 192 Shoffer. Theodore, Royland 184 83. 140. 175. 192 - Shollcrcss, Thomas, Cieveiond 5-.-- •. -^d Ne» York, N.Y.. .69. 195. 201

I8'»- Shsn'blin Happy Augusta. Portsmouth . . Smiley. Beatrice. Cleveland Heights 201 S: z Minerol 15"' 1S3 19? Smiroldo. Rosemary. Wadsworth 205 S^ __ . - i"t- Day*o" 69. 95. 141. Homell, N. Y. '36 Ctevelond ^0 144 Sdioll. Ned. Pouldmg 213 Shannon, Jomes. Smircino. Jock. East

1 24 Sdioub. Thomas. Combridge 69, 149 Shonnon, Ridge. Confield - — Smith. Allison. Youngstown 70. N. Y 229 N. .,..108 Scheen. David. Cincinr>aH 150 Shapiro, Corol, Brooklyn. Smith. Edith. Seneco Folk, Y Heights. .70, 229 IBS. 213 Schesventer. Robert. WTckliSe " 223 Sharp. Adrienne. Clevelond Smith. Bvo. Zanesville 178. 157 '0, 189. Scheuerrnan. Bob. Pormo Sharp. Donold, Lakewooo Smith, Glenn. Marietta 136, Shorp, Horry 85 Smith. Horold. Glenfc-t 140 Schlemon, Herbert. Cleveiood . 213 224 69. 143. 224. Shorp, Ned, Morion , o* Smith. Joe. Dayton 103 149. 160, 220 Schiller. Hizaberti. Dayton Shorp. William, Athens Smith. John B, Zanesville ...70,

70. 146 . ^? 165 69. 101. 109. 177. 190. 229 Shaveyco, Jerome, Lyndhtrsr Smith, John C Clevelond

163 . 1 29 Sdilauch. Williom. EudJd 170 Show. Richard, Rocky River '0. Smith, Morilyn. Coshocton '55 229 Schlote. Selmo, Canton 232, 233 Show, Robert, Rocky Rrver .. Smith, Morlene. Doyton Shcwcker. Borbara, Dover ... iI6 Smith, Noncy. Nelsonville 130. 193. 232 Schmidt. Oiarles. New Motomoras , 85 Schmuck. Borbaro. Clevelond — 192 Shean, Joan, Roosevelt. N. Y 105 Smith, Pot, Lebanon 70. 193 187 Schnobel, Harry. Doyton 145 Sheom, Deon, Uhnchsvitle Smith, Pot E. ^0 lOI. 224 Schneider. Lois. Cleveland '94. 205 ShehodI, Susan. Sea Girt. N J.. . .70. Smith. Pot. S.. Columbus 134. 205. 232 222 Schneider, Patricio. Horri-:- 29. 233 Shell, Nevodo, Hamilton 46. 111. 115. Smith, Robert N., Elyrio 70, 147, 183. 185 135 171 SchneX Phyllis, Troy 69, 133 Shepord, Suzy, Athens ...,....,-.. Smith. Roger, B.. Yo-jngstown Shepherd. John, Rocky River 44. 70. 155 Olmsteod Fc' 135 Schp'^rrenberger, Margaret, Youngstown.. . 69 Smith, Sondra, 137 Schoenberger, Joyce, Sandusky Shepherd. William. Corrollfon Smith. Thomos C„ Alliance - 4SA 69. 133. 175. 190. 206 Sheppord. Joson. Gollipolis 82. 101, 184 Smith. Thomos J.. Ashens ... .85, 194, 222, 223 Schoeni. EJofOthy. Navarre 69, 126, 177 Sheppard. Jean, Kirkwood, Mo. Smith, Virginia. Pr. Pleasoni, W.Vo 215 70. 125. 179. 227 Schc tz. Rotnon, Clevelond 101 232 Smith, WilGam A., Washington C. H Sc*'ro'^m, Carlton. Mofietta 69, 166 Shere, Cari, Columbus -70. 149 147. 185. 194 154 Schramm. Soroh, Marietta .104.204.207, 212 Sheridon. Jomes, New Boston Smn'ga. Marianne. Bedford 105. 128

Sherman, Carole, Clevelond - 229 Schrlckei. Guy. Onclnnoti 69, 144 Snide. Richard, Columbus - - 205 124 SchueHein, Lynn, Berea ^- Shenow, Myrdith, Athens 44, Snodgrass, Goll, Mosslllon 19 Charleston, 121 Sdiuette, Lois, Fairview Fz Shetter. Virginia, W. Vo Snouse, Richard. Springfield 80

ShlTTmon, Martin, Cieveiond Heights 1 50 Schuler, Morilyn. MonsSe'd . Snow. Elizabeth. Elyrio

Shlmrok. Peter. Cleveland - . . . 59, 114 ; ; ; 3 Snyder. Charles, Athens 135 219 Sch^lmon, Leonard, Soothompt: ;^ 70. 146. 174, 175. 175. Snyder. Diane. Huron 186 ~3 Shinnery. Glenno 232 Scr.'fs. Loretta. Akron - Snyder. Lois. Canal Winchester 121 Shoemoker, Earl, Niles 70, 147, 183 "' Schutz, Dlor.o, Mansfield ------: 222 Soeller, Wil'Iom, Athens . 224 115, 148 Schumaker. Byron. Wopokcneto 45, 224 Shcrf, Ale.onder, Columbus Solomon. Victor. SteubenvIHe ~ 154 'S6, Shcrr, Beverley, Chorieston, W. V0..-.III, 128 Schjpp. Mory. Dennlson 200 Somerville. Wl.llam. Porkerso. 3 " . wg...140 Foirview Pork 183 Sch.jrdok. Robert, Cleve'cr 45. 181 Shotwell. Donold, 45, Sommer, Edword, Marnns Ferry 135 Showers. Glee. Crooksvr'e 111 117 Schwab. John. Doyron - 1' 215 Sommerield. Beverfy, Cleveland. .1 1 1, 193. 205 Shroyer. Mory. Greene' 135 Schwolm. Richard, Ashtcc - - 226 32. 95

Shuhz. William. Doyton : 115, 156 Sommers. John P.. Kent 202.212 Shumate. Borboro. Webster 70 Sorge, Sheila. North Olmsfeod 205 ;;i S'bbring, James, Zanesville 184 Sowers. John. Nelsonville 232 SIblho, Ron, Mosslllon 0. 152, 213 ScnweiKert, . Jomes. Manetra Spogno. George. Cleve'ond- .71. 152. 175, 178 Sidle, Shirley. Ashland 70. 190, 212, 215 : - 69 -O' 55 Spechalske. Dorothea. Bereo 190. 19!

• Siegfried, 117, : - - : - cr.-. Carol, Clevelond 215 Schw-- Spellmeyer. RJciKard. Cincinnoti Slelorycb", Phyllis, Cleveland 117, 205 ^205 32. 95. 190. 191 Schwy-, Ea*G,-a. 5r,ar. -5 SIfft. Donald. Canton 79 Sperry. L_ Louis. Youngstown 139 Slibiger. Herman, Curacao N ~ Scott, Barbara. Elkhart. Ind. . 35 -' Speigel. Louis. Shoker Heights Scoit, Robert, Clevelond 69, 161, 193. 206 ; - - 229 19, 48. 115. 150, 178. 180. 221. 223 ' Scyoc. Eor!, Sandyville, W. Va 189 Siler, Done - : 232 Spirtj. Albert, FolHawn. N.J. S5 213.232 Siler. < - Seobc'd, Edword, Bedford i- 23a 231 Doi.^ :;: - . 232 Splrko. Kenneth. Cleveland .101 Sears, Kay, Cincinnati 131 Sihrer, Morvln. Clevelorui Heights 70. 159 ... .165 Sihrestri, Ernest. Totowa Boro, N. J, .... 70 Sprogue. Budd. Beverly Secrest- Potriclo, Ripley - - - 59. 108 Spring. Henry. Toledo 149 SegesT>on. Janet, Canton 202 Simon. Ethel, York, Pa 70. 122. 225 Sprouse. Alon. Monessen. Pa 71, 170 Seldman, Sally. SKoker Helghs .59.108.119 Simon. Helen. ChilHcothe I2B 215 -- Staots, Jeanne. Ripley, W.Vo.. .44. 104. 181 Selgfred. Suzonne. Athens 116. 226 Sincloir, John. Clevelo": 205 23" Siaftord. Bill. Corrollion 71, 1 15. 158. 213 Selgle, John. Rocky River 156 Singhous. Lucy. S:"c - Stoptord, Peggy Ann. Wooster 193 Seier, Dale, Medina 165. 183 Sipe. Jock. Akrc '.- Stansb^ry'. Sjiorne, Marietta 202 Sermons, Henrleito Uniontown. Po .,.202 Sifiin. Fronces. Stouffer, E. Luanda, Mt. Gileod 106, 190 Semot Barbaro Bushing, N. Y.. ..69, 101. 229 SIsk, Morforle, Youngslcwn 124, 233 Stouffer, H. Belindo, Mt. Gileod 193 Serron, Potrclo. Woterford 186 Skola, Kenneth, Mople Heights 154, 221 Stebbins. Patricio. Porkersburg. W, Va..-.133 Se-nple, Harry. Athens 59, I4S SkorupsH, Diane, Clever-- -.70, 128 Steck. Marilyn. Upper Sandusky.. 181. 202. 215 Seoefo, Art Roy, Clevelond 69 153 Skipper. Chorles, Da>tc- 45, 140 Steele. June, Mansfield 204 Serbin, Cotherine. Clevelond -05 Skipton. Chorles. Marietta. - 33 Skolnik. Marilyn. Cleveland 201 Stehr. Frederick. Athens 71.175,200,230 Sergent, Morgaret, Monroe . - '56 119 . Boine, Lcro'- 205 Steinberg, Rose, Eiyria Serpon, Charles. Shaker Heights. '7C, I So, 229 Skrepich, 215 Stelnbrenner. Dolores, Doyton 135 Seto, Ichiro. Shinogawo Tokyo 213 Slatter,, Kathleen, Trc . ;= 109, Heights.. 201 E-'incr. C'eve'a"c .106, 120 Steinsopir, Laurence. Clevelond Seyerle, Myron, P- : 143, 212 Sleno,

268 Stemen, Charles, Columbus Turpin, Sara, Newburgh, N. Y 142. 184, 215. 229 25, 44. 45, 126, 177 Stephens, Worren, Porf Clinton ... 71, 162, 219 Tonlmura, Albert, Honolulu, Hawaii ... 168, 229 Tylek, Andrew, Cleveland 184, 205 Stephenson, Bobby, Logan 85 Tonner, Donald. Carey 230 Stephenson. Norma, Parma 45 Tanski. Philip, Maple Heights 153 u Stern, Mary Lois, Genevo 135 Tardlf. Edward, Medina 145 Stevens, Jerome, Alliance 213 Tosk, Bornett, University Heights 159 Uhl. Erlko, Rothwoy, N.J 110,117,203 Stevenson, Jean, Cleveland 71 Taylor, Hubert. MIddleport 200, 232 Uhle, Kenneth, Bay Village 72, 156 Ulbrlch, Ralph, Athens 184, 206 Stevernagel, Corol, Cincinnati 202 Taylor, Margaret, Painesville . .. .71, 104, 213

Stev/art, Margaret, Bridgeport 124 Taylor, Ronald, Zanesville 85 U I land, Stanley, Cincinnati 206 Ulrich, Barbara, Massillon 72 Stickmon, Suzanne. Clarksburg, W. Va. ... 1 10 Taylor, Thomas, Toledo 205 Underwood, Frank, Steubenville ...28. 72, 192 Stiegelmeier. Owen, Berea 71, 1 70 Taylor, Wallace, Parkersburg, W. Va...71, 165

Stiles. B. Gail. Levittown, N. Y Teepen, Thomas, Cincinnoti 220

.. .45. Ill, 133, 192 Temple, Jacqueline, Clayton, N.J...46, 71, 134 Terhune, Thomas 145 Stinchecum, Marlon, Belief, Del. . 105, 109, 195 Valentine, Ruth, Marietta 204 Sleeker, Shirley, Mansfield Tesmer, William, Shaker Heights 45, 164 Thaler, Painesville Von Arsdale, Linda, Newark 120 195, 200, 202, 206, 233 Glen, 33,137 ThoKton, William. Kyger .. .232 Van Buskirk, Bette Ann, Logon 105, 202 Stockwell. Ronald, Athens 168

Von Camp, James, Chorlestown, W, Vo.. . . Thomas, Arthur, Conton . . 167 Stone, Ruth, Leesburg 71, 207, 212 Thomas, Daniel, Gallipolls 71 72, 184, 185, 215 Stone, William, Murray City 182 Thompson, Charles, Circlevllle 137, 215 Von Delden, Morlene, Clevelond Heights. .202 Stoner. Virginia, Massillon 104, 195, 203 Thompson, Ray, Conton 82, 165 VanDerWere, Nancy, Cleveland 191 Stork. Richard, Dayton 71, 141 Thompson, Roselle, Hebron 204 Vondeveer, Jerry, Troy 1 55, 214 Stork, Shirley. Dayton 131, 190 Thomsen, Georgia, Pennington, N.J Vanis, Harrell, Geneva 184 Stought, Jerry. Thornville 71, 166 no, 186, 200, 229 Van Lear, Jack, Athens 72. 163, 189 Stout, Gene, Erie, Pa 139 Thomsen, Gertrude, Madeira 101, 202 Vonn, Robert, Newark 84 Stowers. Gertrude. I ronton 71 , 108 Thorne, George, Elyria 95, 137 Von Nlel, George, Loroin 162, 220 Strachovsky, August, Lakew^ood 230 Thorngate, Robert, Martins Ferry 186 Von Nostran, William, Canton 101 Strawser, Robert, Columbus. .77, 145, 176, 192 Thornton, Agnes, Wheelersburg Voscek, Joan, Cleveland 232 Strimbu, George, Dover ....60, 115, 162. 185 116, 180. 222, 223 Vought, Betty Lee, Cincinnati ...109, 117. 226 Strimbu, Jock, Dover 1 84 Vejslcky, Eugene, Cleveland 40, 141, 184 Thornton, Betty, Toledo 1 30 Strine, Sollie, Canton 71, 126 Thornton, Larry, Clrcleville 200 Vermillion, Arthur. Athens Stringer, Don, Beverly 101, 188 Tibbals, Lawrence, Elyria 147 136, 181, 182. 204. 206 Strode, George. Athens 41, 220 Tibbits, Sally, Mentor 45, 126, 220 Vibberts, Dana, Columbus 72, 95, 143 Strom. Walter, Euclid 171, 215 Tibbitts, Jack, Parma Heights 184 Vichich, Tom, Powhatan Point 142 Stromfeld, Lois. Bloomfield, N.J 118 Tibbs, Norman, Lancaster 229 Vlckers, Morilyn, Athens 204 Stronz. Michael, Wodsworth 167 Tillmon, Alice, Cleveland Ill Virgin, Ethel. Unlonfown, Pa 123 Stoth, Neil, South Webster 71. 188 Tillman, John, Lakewood 71, 170 Volos, Gust, Canton 229 Stroup, Donald. Warren 145 Tipton, Bruce, Springfield 166 Von Oslnskl, Roland, Conneaut 72, 153 Stuart, Theodore, Zanesville 207 Tipton, Jon, The Plains 182, 221 Vorndran, Thomas, Wlckliffe 1 52 Sturgill, William, Crooksville 71 Tobey, Mildred, Salisbury, Md 71, 121 Voss, George, Cleveland 149 Sturgiss, Julianne, Marietta. . .44, 110,124, 128 Todd, Shirley, Blue Ash 71, 204, 213 Vucelich, John, Shodyside 142 Sugormon, Horriet, Passaic, N.J. .41, 181,201 Tolbert, Anthony, Yorkville 71, 199. 221 Sullivan, Alfred, Pennsboro, W. Vo 186 Tolles, Mary, Mansfield Sullivan, John, Dunbar, W. Va 103, 142 71, 94, 114, 125, 227 Sundberg. Edv/ard, Painesville. . . .45, 101, 162 Tomka, Potricio, Loroin 205 WacMer, Poul. Youngstown 145, 183, 187 Sunderman, Carol, Pittsburgh, Pa 117 Tompkins, Ronald, Glouster 144 Wade, Howord, Orville 72, 101, 136, 175 Sutkaitis, Alice, Toledo 104, 193, 226 Toole, Aileen, Rochester, N. Y 101 Wade. Joyce. Garfieid Heights 104 Sutter, John, Loroin 213 Topper, Charles, Ashtobulo 71, 186, 199 Ronald, Athens Sutton, Helen, Bernardsville, N.J Wade, 85, 182 Torgersen, Marilyn, Bowling Green 128 Waggy. Glenn, Dover ... 72. 230 41, 111, 218, 229 Tostenson, Betty Ann, Cambridge 72. 216 Wagner, Richard, Lakewood 156 Svobodo, Barbara. Madeira Trainer, Shirley, Buckeye Lake 204 Wogoner. Donna. McConnelsville 233 41. 45. 71. 202, 233 Trakas, Georgia, Cleveland . Woldeck, Mary, Worren 72, 114, 117, 206

Swaim, Alice, Youngstown. . . .48, 180, 195, 221 48A, 135, 191, 202 Wales, Jack, Dayton 156 Swan, Barbara, Charleston 127 Trantanella, Dolores, Dayton 72 Walker, Carol, Cincinnati 134 Swonton, Morilyn, Greenville ....41, 117, 220 Tropp, Evelyn, Westloke 41. 108, 218 Walker, Douglas, Athens 220 Swardson, Roger, Cincinnoti 145 Travis, Edna, Ashtabula 205 Walker. Jock, St. Clalrsville 72 Swartz, Jerome, Loroin 153 Treesh, Frederick, Pittsburgh, Pa.- .41, 184, 200 Wallor, William, Athens 200 Sworiz, Joan, Lorain 194 Trlthart, Beverly, Peoria, III 120 Walter. Richard. Zanesville 182 Swortz, Margaret, Upper Sandusky 232 Troescher, Loren, Athens ... 139 Walters. Edward, Ironton . , 184 Swotzel, Marlyn, Pomeroy 71, 207, 212 Tron, Keith, Dayton , 1 99 Walters, Kenneth, Athens . 72. 213 Swedo, Mary. Toronto Ill Troup. Mary Anne, Pleasantvllle. . 72, 175, 206 Walters, Mary, Troy 72 Sweet, Virginia, Chevy Chose, Md 71, 229 Truxell, Betty, Athens 225 Walters, Thomas, Cool Grove 167 Swimmer, Jo Ann. Port Clinton 71, 108 Tryon, Mono, Athens 105, 200, 202, 229 Walton, Edward, Dayton 79 Swingle, M. June, Philo 71, 231 Tsuchlhoshi, Yosuko, Tokyo. Japon.72, 110,200 Wolti, Charles, Massillon 205 Sylvester, Joonn, Athens 96. 200 Tulencik, Joseph, Toronto 143 Waltz. James, Massillon 205 Synon, Potricio, Lakewood Ill, 186, 191 Tullis, Ellen, Athens 120 Walz, Pomelo, Maple Heights 202 Synan, Sally, Lakewood Tullis, Jane, Athens. .. .48A, 120, 177, 180, 227 Womsley, Gilbert, Athens 72. 207 71, 200, 216, 217, 229 Turk, John, Cleveland 103 Wanstreet, Pool, Clarksburg. W. Va....72, 154 Synek, Teresa. Warrensville Hts 186, 205 Turk, Roy, Newark 199 Wopnick, Allen. Cleveland 72. 151, 178 Syroid, Roman, Akron 221 Turman, Romon, Lorain 72, 167. 186 Warofko, John. Cleveland 101, 157, 215 Szobo, Norman, Maple His 145 Turpin, Charles. New York, N. Y 230 Word. Ellen, Garden City, N. Y 128

269 Ward. John. Clevelond Heights 72 Wiley. Frederico, Byesville Wood, Wolter, Poinesville 215 Word, Solly. Cortland 72. 130 73, 105, 109, 179, 199 217 Woodard, Chloe. Dunkirk 202 Wordlow, Joseph, Wharton. N. J 72, 167 Wiley. Philip 85 Woodard. Frances, Logon 232

Wormon, Edna. Mt. Vernon . I 80, 199. 207. 212 Wilhelm. John, Holyoke. Moss. Woods, Marilyn. Mt. Vernon . . 132, 200, 202 Warmeling, Margaret. Cleveland Heights 73 136. 157. 183 Woods. Potty. Logon 73 05. 190, 191

133. 215 Williams, Alan. Madeira. Flo. Woolfitt, Katharine, Pt. Pleosont, W. Vo. . . Worren. Dove, Portsmouth 80 73 115, 143. 187 130. 180. 202, 229 199 103 Woolley, Glenno. N, Lawrence. Worren. Edward. Toronto 72, Willioms, Arthur. Mingo Junction. . 45, 44. 135, 233 Warren. Nancy. Clevelond 122, 203. 216 Williams, Barbara, Athens 124. 181 Worcester. Thomas, E. Liverpool 168 Wotkins, Frank. Athens 169. 215 Williams. Donald. Cambridge Works. Dole. Clevelond 182 Wotkins. Hugh. Dayton 187, 189 145, 195, 204., 229 Worthley, Worren. Monsfield. 44, 83. 165.202 Wotkins, Jock, Parfcersburg. W. Va 32 Williams. Donald. Troy 73 Wright, Alice, Lowellville 110, 200 Watson. Borbora. Moriemont 125 Williams. Frederico, Columbus 117 Wright, Norman, Mansfield 145 28 73 163 Wurster. Elyrio Watson, Dove, Middletown , Willioms, Harry, Youngstown Lee. 186. 199 Watson, Sue. North Royalton Williams, James. Athens 73 Wurz. Thomas. Cleveland 161 42, 101, 131, Williams, Nevin, Eaton 136. 184, 185 Wyott. Betty, Cincinnati 73, 133 Wotson. Florence. Huntington, N.Y Williams, Patricio. Athens 205 Wynn. Richard, Portsmouth 73 44, 104. 128. 205 Willioms, Rito, Powhoton Point 113 Wysocki. Dorothea. Lakewood 127 145 182 Watson, Hayword, Columbus Williams Thomos, Lakewood 1 56. Watson. John, Girord 101, 206, 215 Williamsin. Roger. Akron 186 Wough, Marilyn, Columbus 72 Williamson. Judith. Martins Ferry .105, 232

156 202 Yokshevich. Anno. . Woylond, Waylond. Lakewood Williamson Sue, Morietto . Steubenville .44. 232. 233 192 Weover. Ronald, Franklin 32,84.167. Wilson, Corole. Lakewood 120 Yomone, Minory, Puuhino, Hilo. Hawaii . . .

Weover. William. Richmondole 186 Wilson, Charles F.. Morietto. .29, 73, 192, 199 82, 85 184 73 . . Patricio, Weaver. William, Middletown - Wilson. Charles M.. Morietto Yates, Jockson 207, 212 Webb. Clarence. Athens 146 Wilson, David. The Plains 232 Yerkey. Marvin. Dayton 73. 103, 165, 207 Weber. Donold, Clevelond 115, 161 Wilson. John. Columbus 148. 184 Yocom, Robert. Rocky River 145 Weber, Morlene. Modeiro 101, 109. 127 Wilson. Leon. Porkersburg, W. Vo. Yoder, Frederick, Pittsburgh, Po 41, 220 Weeks. Janet, Quincy ... 44. 20, 180, 227 28, 73, 84. 127, 165. 192 York, Alice, Portsmouth 145 Weimer, Wayne. Cleveland 205 Wilson. Mariano. Lakewood 125, 193 Young, John, Hamden 73, 188 Weinbrecht, Horry. Springfield .77, 149 Wilson, Noncy, Sioux City, lo Young, Joyce, Pleosont Hill 19. 73 Weins, Jon, Shoker Heights 147 73. 106. 109, 193, 233 Younker. Daniel. Greenville 186 Weisman. Renee. New York. N.Y. Wilson, Richord. Conton 81 Yuhos. John 82 94. 101, Wilson. Ronald. Worren 161 Yurlck. Lynn, Clevelond 203. 231 Weiss, Donald, Ashtabula 72. 145, 215 Wilson. Sally. Chagrin Foils 81, 117 Weitzmon. Borbora, Lyndurst 119 Wilson, Sondy, Canton 73 Welch, Diana, Porkersburg, W. Vo 130 Wince. Glen, Jacksontown 73, 214 Welker. Jomes. Monsfield 164 Wingenfeld. Jean. Cleveland 128 Zombie, Allon, Clevelond Heights Welsh, Sonlo, Ashland 72, 114, 130 Winkler, Robert. Chillicothe 33, 167 40, 41, 44, 220 Welsh. Thomos, Xenio 83, 167 Winter, Fronklin. Upper Sandusky 230 Zompino. Robert, Cleveland 215 134 Wendlond, Beverly, Cleveland 72, Winter. Peter. Kirkwood. Mo. . Zorkos. Clyde, Bedford 230 Wendt, Robert. Cleveland 188, 203 230 44, 95, 145, 175, 180 Zowado. Borbora. Cleveland Weng, Shu Tuan. Toinon. Formosa 229 Wisby, Barbara, Botovio 120 73, 114, 128, 177, 179 230 Wenger. Robert. Bluffton 1 86. 229 Wisby. Jacqueline, Botovio 73, 120 Zebold, Jonet, Lakewood 195 Wert, Lorry. Mansfield 200 Wisemon. Charles. Patriot 214 Zebold, Soro. Shelby Ill Wesselmann. Bruce. Athens 220 Wisniewski, John. Cleveland 73. 156 Zebrowskl. Zblggie, Athens 189

West. George. Detroit, Mich 85, 224 229 Wittenmyer, Lloyd E.. Cleveland 73. 156 Zeh. William. Lorain 45, 103, 153, 181 Westenborger, Gene. Lancaster 186 Wlttick. Edword. Mt. Sterling 145, 183 Zelina, Richard, Loroin 103, 153, 187 Westerfield, Borbora. Youngstown .127 Wojcik, Herbert, Pormo ...73, 168 Zemon, Kenneth, Garfield Heights 85 Westerfield. Mariellen. Youngstown .101 Wolos, Gus 184 Zeno, Carl, Canton 171 Weston. Alfred. Homden 72 Wolf, Daniel. Lakewood Zepp, Morlene, Cleveland 73

Wetherell. Mary. Malta 233 Wolf. Frederick, Lokewood . 73, Zerckel, Jean. Cleveland

Wetherell. June, Zonesville .41, 72, 101 229 Wolfe, Alfred, Portsmouth . 213 104, 177. 203. 231 149 204 Zerges. Rolf, Wetherholt, Chorles, Gallipolls . 72, Wolfe, Judith, Danville Cincinnoti 206 171 Wharton, Samuel, Belpre 82. 148 Wolfe, William F., Athens Zerkowlt!. Morio. Clevelond . .104. 194, 205

Whipkey, Morjene Kistler, Stockbridge, Mich. Wolfe, William L., Athens .73. 184, 185, 213 Zickofoos, Herbert, Chillicothe 187, 189

Wolff, Judith, Clevelond .202 Zldor, Owen. Maple Heights . 157 White. David, Athens Wolfinger. Jomes. Lancaster 167 Zlegler, Ann, Parma .205

73, 149. 174, 175. 180, 181. 221 Wolfson. Ronald, University Heights 73 Ziel, Nancy. Cleveland . . 232 White. Lloyd. Indianapolis. Ind.. .73. 170, 224 Wones. Nancy. Dayton 191 Zimmerly, John. Cleveland 101. 176, 187 73 White. Robert, New Lexington 164 Wonsetier. David. Youngstown 45 , Zinn. Allan, Sistersville, W. Vo 207 Wiblin, William, Belpre 186, 199 Wood, Edward. E. Liverpool 147 Zinsmeister. Patricio. Clevelond 44, 124 Wickerhom, Ralph, Peebles .43, 73, 166, 213 Wood, Jimmy, Wilkesviile 167 Zoldok, Rosemorle, Cleveland 186. 205 Wickert, Paul, Chorleston, W. Vo. .101. 148 Wood, John, Bethesdo 101, 215 Zuck, Georgeonn, Morion 124 Wigol. Carol. Porkersburg, W. Va 73.110 Wood, Poul, St. Marys S3, 156, 213 Zupko, Barbara, Perth Amboy. N.J Wigner, Betlielee, Cleveland 73, 133 Wood. Roger, Bethesdo 171 186, 190, 205


A Pershing Rifles 184 Phi Chi Acacia 136 Fencing Club . 194 Delta 202 Phi Advertising 234 Finnettes . .192 Delta Theta 148 Phi Eta Alpha Delta Pi 116 Football . 28 Sigma 181 Phi Alpha Epsilon Phi 118 Footlighters .222 Epsilon Pi . 150 Freshman Phi Alpha Gamma Delta 120 Week . 16 Koppa 152 Phi Alpha Kappa Lambda 138 Future Teachers of America 232 Kappa Sigma . 154 Alpha Lambda Delta 181 Phi Koppa Tau 156 Alpha Omega Upsilon 214 Phi Mu .... 128 German Club 229 Phi Alpha Phi Omega 232 Mu Alpha . . 207 Golf 82 Phi Sigma . Alpha Theta 122 Delta . 158 Alpha Xi Delta 124 Greek Week 90 Phi Upsilon Omicron 217 American Society of Civil Green Adventure, The . 6 Pi Beta Phi 130 Pi Engineers 1 89 H Kappa Alpha 160 American Society of Powder Bowl 36 Hillel Foundation .201 Mechanical Engineers 189 Prep Follies .

Homecoming . . . 22 Architectural Society , , 220 Home Economics Club Arnold Air Society 183 .216

Howard Hall . . Athena, 1954 42 105 Scabbard and Blade 185 Scott Athena Queen Dance 46 Quadrangle . 102 I Scribes ,220 Industrial Arts Club . B Secretarial Club 215 Interdorm Council . 109 Senior Officers 53 Baker, Dr. John C. 49 Interlroternity Council 115 Seniors . . 54 Baptist Disciple Student International Club 228 Sesqulcentenniol 2 f-ellowship 204 Intramural Sports 85 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 162 Baseball 82 Sigma J Alpha Iota . 207 Basketball 74 Sigma Chi J 164 Bell, Book, and Candle 19 Club . 180

Sigma Delta Chi . Junior Prom 219 Beta Alpha Psi 213 94 Sigma Koppa Junior Varsity 132 Beta Theta Pi 140 Football . 35 Sigma Nu 166 Bloomer Girl 92 K Sigmo Theta Epsilon 199

Blue Key . , 178 Sloone Cottage Kappa Alpha Mu 225 I 10 Boyd Hall ^ 106 Kappa Beta ... 204 Society for the Advancement of Bryan I Annex 1 1 Management Delta Pi . 213 Bryan Hall Koppa 229 107 Student Council Koppa Kappa Psi 212 . 175 Koppa Phi Swimming 80 Symphony Orchestra 210 Camera Club 224

Campus Affairs Committee 174 Lambda Chi Alpha . 146 Tau Beta Pi Campus Religious Council 195 Lindley Hall 104 . 186 Tau Beta Canterbury Club 195 Lutheran Student Association 203 Sigma 212 Tau Chemistry Society 186 Kappa Alpha . 221 Chi Delta Tau M Tau Kappa Epsilon , 142 168 Childhood Tennis Educotion Club . .233 Men's Independent Association 230 83 Chimes Tennis Club 191 . 180 Men's Glee Club 208 Theta Chi Chi . Omega 126 Migration Day . . 27 170 Theta Sigma Phi Chi Rho Beta 221 Military Ball 86 218 Track Christian Science Society 202 Mortar Board ... 179 83 Christmas 38 Men's Union Planning Board 176

Cooch Widdoes . 26 Varsity O Coed Prom 96 N 192 College Deans Notional Collegiate . 50 Players . . 223 w College Street . Cottage 110 Newman Club . . 205 Welch Cottage .... 109

Command Squadron , . 182 Newspaper Ball . Wesley Foundation 196 Court Street Cottage 1 I 1 Westminster Foundation Cutler Hall 200 . 14 Women's Glee Club Omicron .209 Delta Kappa . 179 Women's On Independent Association 231 Borrowed Time . 97 Women's League | 77 Orchesis 226 Dean of tvlen , . 48D Women's Recreation Associotlon 190 OU Band Deon of Women 48C 21 1 WOUI 48 Delta Phi OU Center 10 Delta . .227 Wrestling 34

Center . , Delta OU Dorm . 108 Sigma Pi . .215 Delta Tau Delta OU Center Planning Board 48A . 144 OU Engineers 187 YMCA Dolphin Club . , . .193 206 OU Post . 40 YWCA 206

East Green 100 Pan Hellenic Council 1 14 Zeta Tau Alpha 134


S-i-lJilUELEt J£IE»£J

M & JL iSi Ki 1 51 p,i """1 *11!