FREE Vol 36 Aug/Sept No 4 2014 Chesham Arms – inquiry adjourned (see page 26) (photo: James Watson) Editorial London Drinker is published ThaT There is also some progress here. On 2 July, on behalf of the Charlotte Leslie, the MP for Bristol North West, London Branches of CAMRA, the tabled the following Early Day Motion (no. 208 Campaign for Real Ale Limited, of 2014/15). and edited by Tony Hedger. “ThaT This House believes ThaT permiTTed Material for publication should preferably be developmenT righTs are leaving pubs in England sent by e-mail to
[email protected]. GIVE OUR PUBS A FIGHTING CHANCE vulnerable To demoliTion or conversion To a Correspondents unable to send letters to the f CAMRA is the Campaign for Real Ale, why range of reTail uses wiThouT planning editors electronically may post them to Idoes iT geT so involved wiTh pubs? The answer permission; furTher believes, in The lighT of Brian Sheridan at 4, Arundel House, Heathfield evidence from the Campaign for Real Ale, thaT Road, Croydon CR0 1EZ. is simple; beer – however iT is served – is essentially a bulk product and this can only be Two pubs a week are converTed To supermarkeTs, Press releases should be sent by email to properly served in a pub. Pubs are also a unique and ThaT These planning loopholes are
[email protected] parT of our culTural and archiTecTural heriTage conTribuTing To The loss of valued communiTy and are valuable in their own right for that. It is ameniTies; is concerned ThaT local people are For publication in October 2014, please send even worTh campaigning To save whaT are being denied a say in The fuTure of Their electronic documents to the editor no later than perceived as being bad pubs because they could neighbourhoods; and so urges the Government Monday 8 September easily improve under new ownership.