An Audio Visual Exploration on [ The Story of Shree Khol ]


The most widely used in eastern India is the khol. It is also called mridang, because it is made of clay, i.e. mrit or mud. The instrument is closely associated with Vaishnavite music in and . It originates from the Indian states of , Assam and . The Khol also known as a Mridanga (lit. "mrit+anga" = "clay body", not to be confused with ), is made of a special clay, which is available on the banks of the Ganges in Bengal and baked to turn it to terracotta. Some modern instruments are made with a fibreglass body and synthetic drumheads. The two-sided used in northern and eastern India for accompaniment with devotional music (). The Khol is usually used traditionally for accompanying and and also used in folk music, in spiritual songs, light classical songs and other devotional songs. It is played with palms and fingers of both hands. It is a barrel shaped asymmetrical drum. Its two faces are of different sizes, and it seems to resemble the ancient Gopuchha shape of , as described by Bharat in his Natya . The right face of the drum, which is three to five inches in diameter, has a high pitch and produces a metalic sound, whereas the left face, which is six to eight inches in diameter, produces a lower bass sound. Both the faces have two parts – Kinar, the outer part and the Gab, the central part. History In 15th century Assam, Vaishnavite saint-scholar used khol in his plays and during devotional activities. The instrument is used in Manipur and West too, when devotional music is played. This is used to accompany Bengali kirtans by medieval poets like , and Gyanadas. It is also used to accompany , one of the nine Indian classical dances .In the International Society for Consciousness (ISKCON, "Hare ") and in Gaudiya Vaishnava societies, the khol is the primary drum for and . It is very popular in the kirtans of Bengal, but it is also found throughout the northeast.

Khol Playing

SRI MRIDANGA [Shree Khol ] PRANAMA Before playing the khol player usually pay homage to Shree Khol with its pranam mantra which is as follows mridanga -rūpāya lavanam rasa-mādhurī sahasra guna samyuktam mridangāya namo nama The mrdanga is the very form of transcendental gracefulness and sweet enchantment. It has a thousand different qualities. I bow down again and again to the mridanga drum.

Khol is played with bare hands. The Taalis on both sides are struck to produce different Bols (Sound) of . According to tradition the Daina is to be played with right hand and the Bewa with left hand, exceptions of which are not accepted at the highest level. Bols or Swar The Bols or Swar (sound produced) in Khol are divided into three types ; Mulswar ( Principal ) , Juktaswar ( Combined) and Upaswar ( Additional) . Again these swars can be of two categories – Daina Swar and Bewa Swar. Principal and additional wars are also called xaral swar or simple swars. Baya Swar :(to be played with left hand) The Sounds made with left hand on the taali of Baya side are called Baya Swars. The main Bewa Swar are Bewa Principal Swars. Jha, Khit , Dhei Bewa Additional Swars Dhet or Dhit , Khi , Ka , Ga or Da Daina Swars ( to be played with right hand) The Swars produced by hitting the Daila Taali with right hand are called Daina Swar Daina Principal Swars : Dit ,Dao, Daina Additional Swars Ti or Na , Tin or Nin , Ra. Ta , Di Tri or Tir , Trin ,Dhin ,Thei Dhi, That or Thak etc

The khol invariably dangles around the neck of the player with the help of a strap and is played with fingers. The instrument is also very popular in and almost all the folk music forms of Bengal.

Objective The objective of this film is preserve, revive and propagate this rich form of in the country so that the young generation understand the richness of music and get influenced to learn it. It is not only performed with kirtan, but also now a days some Khol Player is performing it in solo , duet with , and also in fusion .


Few important and renowned khol players have been mobilized for this documentary film , in which these key persons will be performing and provide the necessary knowledge and guidance about this exquisite percussion instrument . I have already find out 4 major khol player , who will help me in demonstrating the various aspect of khol . I have also find out 2-3 important senior dancer who will help in demonstrating the use of khol in dance form of Bengal , Assam, Manipur , and Orissa. Similarly 2 very senior kirtan singer will also demonstrate the usage of khol in pala kirtan of Bengal. I have already started capturing the documentation part in a digital format . a major part of this film is involved in the process of making the instrument . I have already started capturing the documentation of the making process of shree khol. From may 23rd’ 2014 onwards I shall be moving in the different parts of Bengal including Mayapur[ ISKON Mandir] , Nabadweep, etc with my team crew for documentation of making process , usage of khol in kirtan etc. Also going to Assam on 12th june’14 for the documentation of usage of khol in Gayan –Bawan , Shatriya Dance etc.

Locale Kolkata, Mayapur, Nabadweep, Gwahati

Date The project has been started since 16th April , 2014. The first Day of shooting was 27th April. It will continue till end of August. Since there different aspects of khol to be documented. Hence it may get extended for few days. [ Another 16-18 days of shooting is left ]

Conclusion After capturing all the documentation, I shall go for the first phase of editing . After that music and dubbing will be done. Then the final phase of the editing will be done. The project expected to be completed by the end of October’2014.


I am furnishing some photographs of the shooting part

Details of the photographs .

1] Khol on making – 1st phase, 3rd day of shooting 2] Khol on Making – 2nd phase, 3rd day of shooting 3] Documentation photograph. 3rd day of shooting 4] Road show with Khol : 2nd day of shooting 5] One of The eminent Khol Player of Kolkata – demonstrating various aspects of Khol – Artist – Shree Rupen Ghosh -- 1st day of shooting. 6] Performance of Khol : In a Vaishnavite Mandir – 2nd day of shooting 7] A dancer performing with Khol – 1st day of shooting.

The Story of Khol By -- Asok Kr. Chattopadhyay P- 46 . L.I.C. Park P.O . – Sodepur Kolkata – 700110 Ph: 09088019690