ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY DIVISION NEWSLETTER 14 MAR. 2016 If you need older URLs contact George at
[email protected]. Please Note: “This newsletter contains articles that offer differing points of view regarding climate change, energy and other environmental issues. Any opinions expressed in this publication are the responses of the editor alone and do not represent the positions of the Environmental and Energy Engineering Division or the ASME.” George Holliday A. ENVIRONMENT 1. CLIMATE ALARMISM ON STEROIDS, WE ARE IN A “GLOBAL CLIMATE CRISIS” You just gotta love the phrase “unprecedented shift in temperature”, as if somehow people aren’t able to handle climate shifts say, like the difference in average annual temperature between New York and Miami (which is far greater than that caused by climate change), or the fact that humans simultaneously inhabit Antarctica and Death Valley, CA. No,… http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/03/01/climate-alarmism-on-steroids-we-are-in-a-global-climate- crisis/ Don Shaw 1 2. JJDS Environmental is a full service Quality, Environmental and Safety consulting firm, formed in December 1999, which is dedicated to balancing legal requirements and cost. JJDS Environmental is a certified (SBA) small business located in Doylestown, PA (suburban Philadelphia); we are also a registered military (CCR), EPA, DOE, NASA and TDA contractor. JJDS Environmental's services include quality assurance and control programs, waste minimization/pollution prevention programs, safety and environmental auditing, compliance assistance programs, environmental permitting, USACE plan development and implementation, remediation services, construction oversight, start-up assistance, Environmental Management Systems, education and training programs, operator certification programs, peer review services, USACE/NAVFAC certified quality management, waste disposal contracting, expert testimony and contractor bid package preparation/evaluation.