Volume VIII Number 4 April, 1961

The New Frontier in Conserv atio n President Kennedy sent t.o Cone:;res s Febru::1.ry 23 a message which o utl i ned i n bot11 lJroad and s pe ci fi e terms a co mpre: 1en s:;..v a 1):,no3r;3 .r,1 for t he conservation and u se of A~€r ic a 1 s nat~ra l res ource.::;. Amor:s 1is sp ec ific :'eco rnmenr1a tions : Pro mpt enact uient of tte 1:!il ::ler~ss.::; ~3j_lJ_, e stab lishment of national s 2a.Ehore par };:s, stron ge r pro 0 rarr;s fo r· th e control of water pol l ution an d a ir pcllut ion, acceler~ted ecqu~sit~ .on of wetlands , and better care o:' t he pub2-ic domain la na s . He ca ~U_e d for an end to cor:tradictory pro 3 rams betwaGn f ede ral a~enc ies such a s the p res 2n t ser: s eless si "! tio11 t ha t s i?es t he D9partmE:mt of _l\3ricul t1-.1re s pend i:.10 mon2y for dra j_nc1.3e a!1d pe s ti ci cl e !Jro j s c-::.s t :12t l{ill v1ilclif e wh~le the Depart u ent o f Inter~or t r ies to s ~v e the mershes and prote~t wildlife . Tne Kennedy mess ar:;e on nat ura l r2sourc es de serves t ne ce.ref ul ~eadinc of every citi zen . If your newspape r didn't print it in f~ll, ask your Consressman to send you a copy.

Ea~d J;:a;--;le Film in Production The Laboratory of 0rnitholo .3y of Cornell Uni v :-~::--sity has announced it has in the maL::in3 a I:Jotion p ictur e co ve:;.~inc the habits , behavior, and pr3sent predicament of this ma0nificent bird. CooperatinG i!1 -pro­ duction of the fil m, to be tn color and with sound, are the Na tionR.l Park Service and Fish and ·rildlife Service, the Ha tional 1\udu :.--:on So­ ciety , Flor i da .l\ud.ut on Society, and the l\merican Euseurn of Natu ral His ­ to r y . The new film wil l be a memorial to the late Charles Bra ley, known the 11orld over as the 11Eac;le l-~an ". His bandinG and studies of the ea3l e ov er 25 years contributed [l"ea.tly to our is::no,·1led5e of the s pecies a:..')d ptovided a fund of facts th at will be drawn upon heavily in the contin ­ ental bald ea3le pro ject rec ently lau nched by the National 1\ud.ul:-on So­ ciety . His dau ghter , Jean Broley Patric, donated to the Labora to ry al l h er father's films and records . Dr . Arthur Ii . Allen, honorary Dire ctor, and Bay ard 1.-.r. Read , a member of t l1e Laborato ry, have contribL ,ted fi lm and will colla borate in edi tins the motion pi cture. i::i:r . F..ead has recent­ ly been in Alas l{a photocraphin G the concentr a tions of bald ea Gles in t hat area . It is expected the fil m will be ready for distribution on a rental or sale basis by next autumn . -- National Societ y News Releases . Comin~ Events at~ Glance Il~on. Apr. 3 8 :00 p.m. Board I-ieeting, Santa Clara hon . Apr . 10 8:00 p .m. San Jose Br anch Library ~ea . Apr: . 12 8:30 a . m. Sarato ga Sat . l\pr. '6.l-5 8 :00 a . m. Alum Roclr Park Fri. Apr. 21 8 :00 p .m. San Jose State Collese Wed. Apr. 26 8:30 a . m. Crystal Sprin3s Lake Fri . & Sat . Apr . 28 & 29 See Next rage :Haunt Diablo ~ , _

--- ,; t . > - 23 - April Calendar Board ..B~etin/'\ : Mon day , April .2 at the home of Dr. Evelyn H. Case, 2:;86 Homestead Rd ., Santa Clara ( CH 3-2467). The meetin 0 1·rill be­ c;in at 8 :00 p . m. sharp .

Re3ular Meetini; : Monday, April 10 , at 8:00 p . m. at the Rose r:-~r d ·:m Branch of San J·ose Public L1b!'ar::i, Da,na & Na.glee St:'.'ee-Ss. :.n'. L. RitJhard 1'iewaldt of San Jose State Collese, a former bc8..r c:l 'J'•_;if.~:le r and editor for Santa Clara Valley Audubon So c: ety. will l e ctur e on the Uhi te - crowned S}Jarr ou. He has be en s tud.yi~G th i s sp a r:C':)W for several years - usins mist nets and other modern aid □ to or ­ ni tholo3y . The membership has been looking forward to this resu lt of Dr. ~ewaldt ' s study for a lon 3 ti me . Don't miss it !

Sc re en Tour: Frjda:v , .tmril ~' 8 :00 p . m. at I-forris Dailey .Auditorilt'TI , San Jose State Colle 5e. Tickets are avnJ_lable at the door. I' .;,t-:'.'i­ c ia Bailey i·fi therspoon , housewife , author and naturalist of De::1~ 11 ver, Colora do will show "IC.:rn3aroo Ccntinent , which preser :.ts astonishin3 color motion pictures of Australian wi ldli fe . jn imals tha t lay eccs - t he duck - bi lle d platypus and the spiny echidna; lrnalas , Australian "te ddy bears" come to life; boundinc; lrnnc;aro os; the emu of cross word puzzle fame; all share the spotlisht in this s t ory of the cont i nent 11do1·m under 11 where even the ordinary is picturesque , the ext raordinary unbelievable .

Fie l g Trips : 1·.rednesday IIorninr; , April 12 , to the George P . Peterson proper ty near the upper end of Sanborn Road , in the hills back of Sarato::;a. Heet at 8 :30 a . m. in Saratoe;a , in the parldnt:; lot of t :-ie Sar·at or5a Villa c;e shoppin c; cent e r on Bis Basin '.·Tay. Leaders: Mr. c: i-irs . Harless :rio ser ( Ui{ 7- 4255). l( Saturday, .April'$, a trip to .Alum Roclr Parl{ east of San Jose on .Alum Rock .Avenue . Heet at the Youth Science Institute at 8 :00 a . m. Leaders: Emmanuel and 1-iary Taylor ( D~ 9- 3424) .

~-Tednesday 1-'.iornin(5, .Anril 26 , t o the Bunke r Hill Road area, near Crys­ tal Sprin3s Lalre. Fieet at 8 : 30 a . m. at the Las Pul5as Hater Temple on Canada Road, about 5 miles north of Foodside. Leader .: : 1-irs . Vir s inia Bothvrell ( DA 2-1 209) .

Friday Eveninr:. and Saturday, A12ril 28 and 29, we are invited to join with the Santa Cruz Bird Club on an over-ni 3h t trip to I-i:t. Diablo. There \·Jill be an owl prowl Friday ni .~ht . Early Saturday mornin3 , 6:30 a . m., wal{e up for the dawn chorus and birding by ear . After bre ak fast a re3ular birdinG trip wi ll s t a rt at 9:00 a.m •. The ,-rarblers should be migratin13 at this time . 0ver-nir:;ht campinc; char3e is 1)1. 00 and remember - it can be cold at ni ght, so come prepared . For furth e r details call Emmanuel Taylor ( DR 9-3424). - 24 -

Sprin~ Leadership Trainin 0 Course The training course for field trip leaders that was so success­ ful in the fall will be offered a3ain this sprinG by Dr. Tom Harvey of San Jose State College and 11:iiss Emily Srni th, fc nn er teacher there . Dr•, Harvey states that about half th e course content deaJ_s with the met hods of field trip leadership and about half is devoted to natL 1 ral tory information. As Extensj_on. Course Science Education 180 , the co;.lrse can earn for you a unit of collee;e credit from San Jose Sta t e . De tes for the course are planned to be April 15, April 29, Kay 13, I,1ay 27, June 10. Size of the class is limited to 1 5 members and n on­ members as registration permits . The first meeting on Ap:."il 15 u ::.11 be at the Youth Science Institute (formerly the Junior r-iuseL ~m) at 111urn Ro ck Park, San Jose , at 8 : 00 a . m. , but the lo cal e may ch ance after that . The fee for the course is ,-.7. 50 . If t c?.ken for credit an a dditional fee of ''.;2,50 _·,goes to San Jose State. For more detai l s a~.d re3 i stration, please call Dr. Evelyn Case, 2586 Homestead Rd., Santa Clara (CH 3-2457) . --J. T. New 1-iembers ~'Te are sorry that we misspelled t he name of one of the new mem­ bers last month . Note the correct spellin3, please: 11:i:rs. Harold Olesen". ~'Te welcome the followin3 new members this month: Mrs. Lloyd Robinson 550 Mariposa Ave., Mountain VieH Tftrs . Alice Cox 3544 Constance Drive, San Jose 28 Mr. Kenneth Kitajirna 2129 Randolph Drive #3, San Jose 28 l'-ir. Paul Ford 552 Llilitary ~ay, Palo Alto

--- Mrs .;elina Snow illembership Chairman

Charles ]2. Uilliams

r-ir. Charles D. 1:lilliams was born in Cleveland, Ohio, before the turn of the century and in the shadow of the Episcopal Cathedral where his father was Dean. 7he family later moved to Detroit when his father became Bishop of :r-,:ichigan. There Charles found himself mathe­ matically in the middle of e, family of nine lively children - with four older sisters ( as well as all the GOOd ladies of the Diocese) to 11 11 keep him in line • After Detroit University School , he attended Asheville Prep. in North Carolina, Kencan College (Ohio), and ~i .I.T. for i:;raduate work. In April, 1917, he sraduated from Kenr;an and imme­ diately joined the Navy for flic;ht trainint5. In 1lorld Har I he served in Enc;land, Ireland and France and in many other stations between then and his last Uorld 1·.rar II billet as Chief of Staff, Fleet Air 1"!in3 One, Olcinawa • .At the war's end he returned to shore duty in the District of Columbia, retiring in 1950, Mr . ~lilliams helped raise and launch four children, who in turn have presented him i·li th 11 3randsons and 3 c;rand -dau ghters, lir . and Mrs . Uilliams put 46,000 kilometers on a small French car in 1950-51 cruising around most of Europe and North .Africa where they saw and talked with many 11birders" from all parts of the world - findin3 them all most interesting people. He then spent five years helpinG to make jet aircraft engines in Detroit, retired - 25 - acain in 1956, came to and bought a lot. At this point he took a 9 months' trip around the world to be sure there was no better place to live, found none, so came home to Nenlo Parle and built a house. On .Audubon bird walks here he a.c;ain found Audubon members liv­ ing up to his highest expectations, so has served them as board mem­ ber and currently as president. ---C. 1'T. Audubon Cam"QScholarships .Available ~he Audubon Camp of California, held at the Su3ar Bo,-11 facilities on Donner Surnmi t, will again be conductinG five 2-weelc sessions be3in ­ nins next June 25th. Scholarships valued at ·:55,00, payinG half of the re3ular expenses, are available. This school offers the opportunj _ty to sain first-hand information about the 3eolocy , plants, and animals of the scenic Sierra Nevada. Two hours of collece credit may be earned by participants. Applicants must be 18 years of a3e or oldsr. Anyone d.esirin3 further information re cardinc; the Camp and the scholarsr..ips should write Dr. IL E. Hutton, Dept. of Biolo3ical Sciences, San Jose State Colle5e, San Jose, California Santa Clara Valley Audubon Scholar s hins for Death Valley '\:!est Coast :r-:ature School

Thes e have been awarded to the following San Jose State Colle3e students: Barbara Bainbrid3e Kenne th Bone Dena I·i . Dare Edw. J. Kelle r i-irs . Arlene Kruse Iliaureen I,1cTic;ue Hrs . Shirley Rein ius Errol Uilliams Judy Yamada (l,!adeline Ilse - Scholar­ ship from Vir. Theron Fox) --- K.H. Edi tor's Notes

THE UILDERNESS, A UARi'TI:t--:-8-- Just i ce ~Iilliam O. Douglas. 1"le have only a little time .' which to prevent our remainins natural heri tac;e fr om bein5 fed tin t o the hune;ry maw of the ind us trial mach ine. Some of the unmarked face of America's wilderness must be left as a refuge for man--as a place where he can escape the roar of machines and once more c;et on understandin3 terms Hith the universe.

Beneath a fine picture of tvro of the jolly birds, one reads: 11Reports from .Australia are that new settlers are shootinG the friend­ ly kookaburra, also known as the laughint:5 jacl{ass. Kookaburras inhabit open country in the Blue Mountains. The sociable birds' extraordinary lau chinG note, perhaps the most familiar sound in the Australian bush, is the source of their nickname. Strict conservation laws are desi3ned to protect the bird ,-rhich is a popular pet amont:5 frontier families. ---Palo Alto Ti mes 1/28

Respond as (Senerously as you can to National Audu bon's Sanctuary Fund appeal. Maintaining wild life sanctuaries and acquirin3 more of them is one of the most vital activities of the society. Ue can see their value ri3ht here in Bay - and the need for more in the Bay and amone5 the red woods. ---J.T. - 26 - " of Alcaltraz", the story of Robert Stroud, is being made into a motion pie ture , with in the title role. His mission is to free a prisonnr he has never seen. Stroud has been in the nation's tou~hest for ove r 50 years, 43 of them in soli­ tary confinement. He is also a self-tauGht cenius specializins in the diseases of birds . Thomas E. Gaddis' bio s raphy of Stroud came out 5 ye ars ago, but the film version is only now beins made after several delays . Gaddis said Federal Director James V. Be~nett has tried to stop the filmins. Producer , however , decided to ic;:1.ore the federal pressure. For the film , it cost ·'.)150 for worl cmen to con­ struct a copy of Stroud's first birdc aGe which he made with a razor b::.ade from an apple box over seven patj_ent months. The ,-mr lc is II shap ­ 11 ins into a visorous social commentary on the penal system in J\merica •

---C hristian Science r: oni tor 1/11 Camp Denali

For those interented in the nature lore of the Arctic-Alpine environment of the neu state of , Camp Denali , located on the North Boundary of HcKinley rarlc, lTill ac;ain conduct their 11T:Tilderness ~"!orlcshop 11 to explore, enjoy , and understand the tundra world of the north. After nine years of operation as a uilderness resort, Camp Denali last summer be13an to feature special sessions to attract the Alas! rnn visitor looki11 3 for more than the conventional tourist ap:.-.-·: preach to a vacation. Not attemptins t o be as academic as the Audubon camps, the Uilderness Uorlrnhop proGram is informal, unre3imented and fl exi ble to meet the special interests of the participants . The o,-m­ ers and opera tors of Camp Denali, 1• .'oody and Gh:ny Hood a:1d Celia Hun­ ter, report that last season's participants in the ~forkshop were J\u­ dubon members 100 ~ . The '.foods and ::iss Hunter presented a feature pro­ Gram on lllaslca at the Iiarch Audubon Conver..tion at Asilomar, California. In addition to the Uilderness 1!orkshop , tw o other special sessions ,-,ill be featured by Cnrnp Denali this cominc; su mmer . Th e y are the "Tundra Treks", to explore the bac !.c co ur~try of IicKinley Park by foot 11 from base camps, and the "Shutter Safari , for the serious wildlife photocrapher willinG and co.pable of leavinc the road to 11 capture" the spectacular ,·:ildlife of this rec;ion on film. Further information can be obtained by 11ri tine Camp Denali, Box 526, Coll s0 e, !ilaska . Those interested in II J\ Vacation on Horse back in the Hountains 11 will want to lmou more about 'I.'he 1 .rilderness Society 's projected trips in the western states. J\slc for th€ir description of 1111 i.'ay to the 11 1 iT'ld.. 1 .erness • (214 'i ' · P ,::,-=-•t ree .,_v, r\ 1", . H.. . , 1..·Tas h J.d·· v-rL,.:,l,on 7 , DC. • ) •

The Del ta is .§: ~1estePl} 2:ver~lades In the Delta, the marshy confluence of the Sacrament o and 3an Joaquin Rivers, boaters , fishermen and h 1-1:1ters have a labyrinth of better tha..'1. 1 , 000 miles of rivers, slo uc ·~1s , t .ays and coves for their outdoor delisht. The area, in addition t o bei::i .3 a scenic uonderland , is liberally studded ,-,i th small totms , bo a t harbors and liveries and anchorac;es. It is a bree clinG sround for striped 1)ass , and a thorour;h ­ fare for steelhead, salrno :1, sh a d and stur 0 eon. It also supports heavy upland came and ,.raterfo,·:l population. ..'hen in the name of flood con­ t rol, J\rmy Ensinecrs and the St a t e Reclamation Doard be5an systemati ­ cally strippinc Del ta levees of all trees and sro,·rths, The :S..'i:aminer - 27 - leapt to the forefront of a battl e to protect the recreational values II 11 of an area lcno,·m nationally as the Everclades of the '.1est • As a r .::;a;Jlt , at the present tims , strippin 0 operations have virtually s ::•c.~,,.,.d to a halt , and protective le.3isle .tion has been pr opos ed at both t ha State and Federal levels.-tl.R. ---S. F . Examiner 2/3 ~-.rhoneeds or ,·rants a complete memoership list of the local So­ ciety? ~-.1henan up - to - date one is ready 1-re can send you one. Please seL~ your requ est to the ejitor .

The Seventh Biennial UiJ.derness Conference is cominc .i\pril 7 & 8 , 196 1 to the Sheraton-Pal ace Hote l, San Francisco . 7he theme : The .i\merican Herita3e of Uildarness . The re is no comparable con servat ion meetinc; anyHhere in the world. If you Hould li lce to 30 , call the ea i­ tor for de tails. Let your state and national represente.tives how you feel about fresh air and. c;reenery . Then , l et them l;:now ac;ain . Letters from in dividuals are a biG factor in infl uenc in3 le c;islative action • .i\Gain the main issues: ~Iilderness Bill , Poin t Reyes i':ati onal Parle , Rainbow Bridc;e, Bi 3 Basin . ---J. T.