NNEW YYORK SSTATE LLEEAASSHHEEDD TTRRAACCKKIINNGG DDOOGG LLIICCEENNSSEE GGUUIIDDEE New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources Acknowledgements Prepared by Gaye Somogie (Author) Bernadette LaManna (Editor) Natalie Sacco (Design) Photographs courtesy of Jolanta Jeanneney Special thanks are extended to the following who provided assistance and advice during the development of this guide: John Jeanneney (founder of leashed tracking dog program in New York State); Jolanta Jeanneney; Andy Bensing; DEC staff Joe Therrien (Special Licenses Program Unit Leader), Steven Hurst (Fish and Wildlife Services Bureau Chief), Gordon Batcheller (Wildlife Bureau Chief) and Lou Berchielli (retired Senior Wildlife Biologist). Obtaining Copies Copies can be downloaded at DEC’s website: www.dec.ny.gov/permits/25020.html To obtain a hard copy, please contact DEC’s Special Licenses Unit at 518‐402‐8985 or by e‐mail:
[email protected] 2012, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Joe Martens, Commissioner Kathy Moser, Assistant Commissioner for Natural Resources Patricia Riexinger, Director, Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources Doug Stang, Assistant Director, Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources Updated 3/13 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 1 A. HISTORY .......................................................................................................................................................