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Minutes of the Parish Council held on 17th October 2019.

Present :- Mr R Gomm (Chairman) Miss J Duffy Mrs S Carhart Mrs J Stuttaford Mr A Elderfield Mr N Morris Mr M Pollard Mr D Powell Apologies :- Mrs M May In Attendance :- Mr R Buscombe ( Councillor), Mr P Cooper (LDP) & Mr P Bordeaux Minute Number 1/10/19 Declarations of Interest. Mr A Elderfield declared an interest in Planning Application number PA19/08079. 2/10/19Public Participation. Towan Pond. Mr P Bordeaux expressed his concern at the poor condition of Towan Pond, he volunteered to carry out some research on the steps needed to remove the invasive weeds from the pond and return it to a valuable wildlife area. The St Merryn School has confirmed that studying the wild life at the pond can be included in the curriculum. Mr Bordeaux hoped to set up a working party and resister the project as a charity, Mr Bordeaux was thanked by the Chairman and assured of the support of the Council. Planning Application Number PA19/08079. Mr A Elderfield outlined the details of the application for a mixed use development at Inn. Planning Department has been consulted, and the scheme will contribute to affordable housing in the Parish. 3/10/19 Matters arising from the Minutes. Vandalism PCSO Clive Wherry has reported that the persons lighting fires on the Playing Field have been identified an spoken to. Minutes. Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 19th September 2019 be approved and signed by the Chairman. 5/10/19 Local Development Plan. Mr Paul Cooper gave an update of the progress of the Plan. It is hoped to carry out a public survey shortly. 6/10/19 Planning :- Following consideration of plans received the following responses be sent to Cornwall Council :- PA19/07315 – Trevose House, Trevose, – The Parish Council needs to declare an interest in this application. PA19/07324 – Land North of Azure, St Merryn – The Parish Council objects to this application for the following reasons:- By setting aside the grassland area that came forward in the previous application for more dwellings, it is circumventing the rounding off policy by not completing the piece of land in its entirety, and thus keeping the proposal below 10 dwellings which would trigger the requirement for 40% on site housing. In addition a proposal in completion of the site by developing the whole site with the current density would make it more than 10 dwellings and would make the development a major development, thus making the proposal a major development in an AONB, of which the NPPF states there should be no major development in an AONB. For these reasons the Council does not support the proposal as a Policy 8 site under rounding off. It should be assessed as a Policy 9 rural exception site, thus providing on site affordable housing as the previous approved application provided. PA19/07984 – Land East of Rosemerrin, – Supported

PAGE 368 PA19/08079 – Harlyn Inn, Harlyn Bay Road Harlyn – Supported. PA19/08602 Land North East of Ocean View – Supported, subject to the three houses be given more space. PA19/08933 – Higher Harlyn Caravan Park, St Merryn – Supported. PA19/08312 – Treyarnon House, Treyarnon Bay – Supported.

7/10/19 Correspondence. Remembrance Service. It was agreed that the Chairman would lay the wreath and Councillor Mrs S Carhart would read the lesson. Allotments. A letter asking for support from the Council to cut the perimeter hedges was received from the Allotment Society. It was decided to consider this when preparing the proposed budget for the financial year 2020/2021. Bottle and Can Recycling. It was decided to support the scheme to introduce automatic recycling machines when installed in England. 8/10/19 Financial. To Pay :- 17.10.2019 102339 Situ8 Ltd. – LDP 2,880.00 17.10.2019 102340 Waverley Gardeners – Grass cutting & Verges 706.00 17.10.2019 102341 Cormac Solutions Ltd – Toilet cleaning 557.93 17.10.2019 102342 H Hampton – Clerks salary 707.50 17.10.2019 102343 H Hampton – Clerks expenses 11.11 17.10.2019 102344 Mr R Cowling- Maintenance 80.00 17.10.2019 102345 Bazeley Construction Ltd – Phase 7 27,200.00 17.10.2019 102346 St John Ambulance - Donation 25.00 17.10.2019 102347 Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust – Donation 25.00 17.10.2019 102348 Miss M Gill – Poppy wreath 18.00 17.10.2019 102349 Chris Colwill – Fencing 1,090.00 17.10.2019 102350 S W Water Ltd. – New connection 1,684.80 9/10/19 Amenity & Sports Pavilion. Due to the confidential nature of the business it was proposed by Mr N morris and seconded that the Council goes “ into Committee” all agreed The financial appraisal of the building project was discussed, it was proposed by Mr N Morris and seconded by Mr D Powell that S W Water be paid to provide a new improved connection, all agreed. It was decided to obtain a price to alter the position of the gate to the car park area.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25 pm
