Bishop Knight-Bruce (1891–1894)
CHAPTER ONE OCCUPYING THE GROUND: BISHOP KNIGHT-BRUCE (1891–1894) In 1891 the Church of the Province of South Africa (CPSA), a daughter church of the Church of England, expanded into Central Africa. A diocese was created by the Provincial Synod for an area north of the Diocese of Pretoria, which ended at the Limpopo River. This diocese, “for Mashonaland and the surrounding territories”,1 was one of the largest Anglican dioceses in the world. It was roughly the size of France, two-and-a-half times the size of Great Britain (see Map 1, p. xx). The central area of the original diocese is today divided into the fi ve dioceses of the Anglican Church in Zimbabwe (Harare, Matabeleland, Mutare, Central Zimbabwe and Masvingo). Mashonaland itself was little known to the outside world in 1891 and undefi ned, other than by its general topography and the distribu- tion within it of Shona-speaking peoples (‘the Mashona’). At its centre was a large, high plateau, well-wooded and watered. To the north, the land fell away to the Zambezi River; to the east, in the region of the Manyika people rose a mountainous barrier beyond which lay the colony of Portuguese East Africa. Much of the area was dominated by two peoples of Southern, Nguni, origin: the Gaza, in ‘Umzila’s country’ to the south-east;2 and the Ndebele (‘Matabele’), in the south-west (see Map 2, p. xxi). Ndebele territory (Matabeleland) was itself bordered to the south- west, across the Ramokwebana and Shashe Rivers, by territory known as ‘Khama’s country’: Khama was the leading chief of a number of native polities which had come under British infl uence, as the Bechuanaland Protectorate, in 1885.3 To the south-east of Matabeleland and south- west of Gazaland ran the Limpopo River, which served not only as an ecclesiastical boundary between the new Diocese of Mashonaland and 1 ‘The Bishop’s Letter: Resolutions: Section VII’, CMSA 6:64 (April 1891), xxxi.
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