Abstract. We prove a general representation stability result for polynomial coefficient systems which lets us prove representation stability and secondary homological stability for many families of groups with polynomial coefficients. This gives two generalizations of classical homological stability theorems with twisted coefficients. We apply our results to prove homological stability for hyperelliptic mapping class groups with twisted coefficients, prove new representation stability results for congruence subgroups, establish secondary homological stability for groups of diffeomorphisms of surfaces viewed as discrete groups, and improve the known stable range for homological stability for general linear groups of the sphere spectrum.


1. Introduction 2 1.1. Homological stability with polynomial coefficients2 1.2. Representation stability with polynomial coefficients3 1.3. Secondary homological stability with polynomial coefficients4 1.4. Stability for polynomial coefficients5 1.5. Applications 6 1.6. Outline of the paper9 1.7. Acknowledgments9 2. Categorical and algebraic preliminaries9 2.1. Tensor products as coends9 2.2. Stability categories 10 2.3. Central stability homology and degree-wise coherence 12 2.4. Stability short exact sequences 15 2.5. Rings, modules, and Tor groups 15 2.6. Splitting complexes and the Koszul complex 18 arXiv:1910.05574v3 [math.AT] 21 Jun 2021 2.7. Polynomial coefficient systems 21 3. Polynomial modules and derived representation stability 23 3.1. Via central stability complexes 23 3.2. Via the Koszul resolution 28

Date: June 22, 2021. Jeremy Miller was supported in part by NSF grant DMS-1709726 and a Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant. Peter Patzt was supported by the Danish National Research Foundation through the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology (DNRF151) and the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme ERC Grant agreement ERC StG 716424 - CASe, PI Karim Adiprasito. Dan Petersen was supported in part by ERC-2017-STG 759082 and by a Wallenberg Academy Fellowship. 1 2 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

4. Stability with polynomial coefficients 33 4.1. Representation stability with polynomial coefficients 33 4.2. Secondary stability and improved stable ranges with polynomial coefficients 37 5. Applications 40 5.1. Moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves 40 5.2. Congruence subgroups 45 5.3. Diffeomorphism groups 46

5.4. Homotopy automorphisms and GLn(S) 50 Appendix A. A review of stability arguments and a heuristic overview of the paper 54 A.1. Homological stability with untwisted coefficients 54 A.2. Homological stability with twisted coefficients 55 A.3. Representation stability with untwisted coefficients 57 A.4. Representation stability with twisted coefficients 58 References 60

1. Introduction

1.1. Homological stability with polynomial coefficients. Consider a family of groups (or spaces) and maps between them:

G0 → G1 → G2 → · · ·

For example, Gn could be the nth symmetric group or general linear group. Such a sequence of groups are said to exhibit homological stability if the map Hi(Gn) → Hi(Gn+1) is an isomorphism for n large in comparison to i (n  i). Homological stability is a ubiquitous phenomena and has been instrumental in the study of group , moduli spaces, and K-theory. Since the early days of homological stability, it was noticed that it is not only desirable to know that the homology stabilizes with trivial coefficients but also important to know that the homology stabilizes with certain families of twisted coefficient systems. For example, Dywer [Dwy80] used twisted homological stability for general linear groups to prove finiteness results for A-theory.

Even if a sequence of groups {Gn}n have homological stability, it is not reasonable to expect that the homology will stabilize with arbitrary twisted coefficients {An}n. In particular, there must be some compatibility between the coefficients for different n. The usual condition on coefficients to ensure stability is called polynomiality. See Definition 2.40 for the definition we use which agrees with that of Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17], generalizing Dwyer’s work for general linear groups [Dwy80]. In addition to implying that Hi(Gn; An) is independent of n for n  i [RWW17], this polynomiality condition implies that the groups An have ranks that grow at most polynomially (or are infinite). There are several recent generalizations of homological stability such as representation stability and secondary stability. The goal of this paper is to develop a set of tools which will allow us to prove representation stability and secondary homological stability theorems for the homology of families of groups with polynomial coefficients. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 3

1.2. Representation stability with polynomial coefficients. There are many natural families of groups that do not exhibit homological stability; for example, the first homology of the pure braid group n ∼ (2) is given by H1(PBrn) = Z . In this case, the homology groups carry natural symmetric group actions which control the growth. In this and other examples, the homology satisfies representation stability in the sense of Church–Farb [CF13] and Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15], which is an equivariant generalization of homological stability. There are many related definitions of representation stability with the most basic being finite generation degree. Consider a sequence of groups

Q0 → Q1 → ..., and a sequence of ZQn-modules An with Qn-equivariant maps An → An+1. A sequence {An}n is said to have generation degree ≤ d if IndQn+1 A −→ A Qn n n+1 is surjective for all n ≥ d. In the previous example, An would be H1(PBrn) and Qn would be the symmetric group on n letters. Then A has generation degree ≤ 2. Finite generation degree is an equivariant analogue of the statement that the stabilization map is surjective in a stable range. There are also equivariant analogues of the range where the stabilization map is an isomorphism such as presentation degree. This is described in Section 1.4 and Definition 2.11. Before we can state our main representation stability theorem (see Theorem A), we need to review several notions used to state the theorem.

Usually, groups {Nn}n whose homology exhibits representation stability appear in short exact sequences

1 −→ Nn −→ Gn −→ Qn −→ 1 with families {Gn}n and {Qn}n satisfying homological stability. Such a short exact sequence gives a natural action of Qn on Hi(Nn; An) for any ZGn-module An. Examples of such short exact sequences include the pure braid groups together with the braid groups and the symmetric groups as well as congruence subgroups together with general linear groups over the integers and over finite fields. In the construction used in this paper, we in fact need the three sequences N = {Nn}n, G = {Gn}n, and

Q = {Qn}n to form stability groupoids (which are monoidal groupoids with some extra conditions, see Definition 2.1) and we need the maps of groups to come from monoidal functors. We assemble all of this information by saying 1 −→ N −→ G −→ Q −→ 1 is a stability short exact sequence (see Definition 2.18). Furthermore, we need a topological condition called H3 (see Definition 2.12) for braided stability groupoids G that was first introduced by [RWW17] to axiomatize homological stability arguments. It is also important in representation stability; see Putman–Sam [PS17], [MW20], and [Pat20]. There is a G G semisimplicial set Wn for every n ∈ N0 such that the set of p-simplices of Wn is given by Gn/Gn−p−1. G H3 is the condition that Wn is highly homologically connected in a range increasing linearly with n. Associated to each stability groupoid G is a category called UG (see Definition 2.4) which can be used to formulate notions of representation stability for sequences of Gn-representations. For Gn the symmetric group, UG is equivalent to the category of finite sets and injections FI studied by Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15]. A UG-module is a functor from UG to the category of abelian groups 4 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN and encodes a sequence of Gn-representations An and equivariant maps An → An+1. To state our representation stability result, we need one more condition called degree-wise coherence. We say that a stability category UG is degree-wise coherent if for all UG-submodules A ⊆ B, if B is presented in finite degree and A is generated in finite degree, then A is presented in finite degree. This algebraic condition is a weakening of regularity in the sense of Church–Ellenberg [CE17]. We can now state our main theorem on representation stability.

Theorem A. Let 1 −→ N −→ G −→ Q −→ 1 be a stability short exact sequence. Assume that G and Q are braided and satisfy H3 and that UQ is degree-wise coherent. Let A be a UG-module of finite polynomial degree. Then the sequence

{Hi(Nn; An)}n is presented (and hence also generated) in finite degree for every fixed i ∈ N0.

See Proposition 2.16 and Remark 2.17 for examples of groups where degree-wise coherence is known. The condition H3 is known for basically all families of groups that are known to satisfy homological stability. In Theorem 4.1, we give a quantitative version of this theorem. This is a generalization of a result of Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17] which shows that if G satisfies H3 and A has finite polynomial degree, then Hi(Gn; An) stabilizes. One obtains this result from our result by specializing to the case that the groups Qn are all trivial. An application of Theorem A is representation stability for the homology of the pure braid group with polynomial coefficients, such as the Burau representation (see Example 4.3). Perhaps surprisingly, this was not known before, even though the homology of the pure braid group was one of the examples which started the whole subject of representation stability.

Remark 1.1. In [Kra19], Krannich generalized the main stability results of Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17] to apply to families of spaces that are not classifying spaces of discrete groups. We expect that a similar generalization of Theorem A should be possible.

1.3. Secondary homological stability with polynomial coefficients. Secondary homological stability is a stability pattern for the unstable homology of groups or spaces exhibiting homological stability. The prototypical example of this phenomena is Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams’ result that the relative homology of mapping class groups with one boundary component Hi(Modg,1, Modg−1,1) stabilize as g increases by 3 and i increases by 2 [GKRW19]. In this paper, we show that the techniques of Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams [GKRWa, GKRW19, GKRWb] can be used to prove secondary homological stability with coefficients in polynomial UG-modules as well as improved stable ranges in classical homological stability with polynomial coefficients. Let G be a stability groupoid. Homological stability can be rephrased as the statement that the groups Hi(Gn,Gn−1) vanish in a range. Secondary homological stability is the statement that these relative homology groups themselves stabilize with respect to degree shifting maps in an even larger range. A secondary stability map of bidegree (a, b) is a certain kind of map that induces a degree shifting map


See Section 4.2 for a description. We show that secondary stability for untwisted coefficients implies secondary stability with polynomial coefficients if certain simplicial complexes called splitting complexes are highly connected. The nth splitting complex of a monoidal groupoid G is a semi-simplicial set whose set of p-simplices are given by: G Gn/(Ga0 × · · · × Gap+1 ). a0+···+ap+1=n We say that G satisfies the standard connectivity assumptions if for all n the nth splitting complex is (n − 3)-acyclic. We prove that the standard connectivity assumption combined with secondary stability with untwisted coefficients implies secondary stability with polynomial coefficients.

Theorem B. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d. Let λ ≤ 1 and c ≥ 0. Assume G satisfies the standard connectivity assumptions and that there is a secondary stability map f of bidegrees (a, b) which induces a surjection

f∗ : Hi−b(Gn−a,Gn−a−1) → Hi(Gn,Gn−1) for i ≤ λ(n − c) and an isomorphism for i ≤ λ(n − c) − 1. Then

f∗ : Hi−b(Gn−p,Gn−a−1; An−a,An−a−1) → Hi(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) is a surjection for i ≤ λ(n − c − max(r, d)) and an isomorphism for i ≤ λ(n − c − max(r, d)) − 1.

The standard connectivity assumption is satisfied for all families of groups known to exhibit secondary 1 homological stability or homological stability with stable range larger than slope 2 . It is one of the main technical conditions that allows the techniques of Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams to apply to a family of groups. See Theorem 2.38 for a list of some groups which are known to satisfy the standard connectivity assumption.

1.4. Stability for polynomial coefficients. Let G be a stability groupoid. The category of G-modules has a monoidal structure called the induction or convolution product. Using this monodial product, one can define rings, modules, Tor groups, etc. There is a formulation of representation stability in terms of vanishing of certain Tor groups. In Section 2.5, we describe how to associate to a UG-module Z A, a G-module called Tori (A, Z) whose vanishing controls representation stability for A. Concretely,

TorZ(A, ) = coker IndGn A → A  0 Z n Gn−1 n−1 n

Z and the higher Tor groups are the higher derived functors of this functor. The G-module Tor0 (A, Z) can be thought of as UG-module indecomposables or minimal generators of A. In particular, vanishing Z Z of Tor0 (A, Z)n for n > d is equivalent to A having generation degree ≤ d and vanishing of Tor0 (A, Z)n Z and Tor1 (A, Z)n for n > r is equivalent to A having presentation degree ≤ r. We say that A has Z ∼ derived representation stability if Tori (A, Z)n = 0 for n  i. See Proposition 2.31 for the relationship between these Tor-groups and resolutions of UG-modules. Derived representation stability is equivalent to A having a free resolution with each syzygy generated in finite degree. Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams [GKRWa, Remark 19.11] asked if polynomial UG-modules exhibit derived representation stability. We answer this in the affirmative if G satisfies H3 or the standard connectivity assumptions. 6 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Theorem C. Assume G satisfies H3 or the standard connectivity assumptions and let A be a polynomial UG-module. Then A exhibits derived representation stability.

While Theorem A and Theorem B are about stability properties for the homology of groups with polynomial coefficients, Theorem C is about the polynomial coefficients themselves. Theorem C says that the polynomial UG-modules have representation stability under mild assumptions on G. For example, the sequence of Burau representations have representation stability with respect to the action of the braid groups (see Example 4.3).

Remark 1.2. Theorem C was previously known in the case that G is the groupoid of symmetric groups, general linear groups of PIDs, or the symplectic groups of PIDs [Pat20, MPW19]. Those techniques do not apply to the braid groups (see [Pat20, Example 7.11]), or more generally any case where the stability groupoid is nontrivially braided monoidal instead of symmetric monoidal. However, the techniques of this paper do apply to the braid groups, which is in particular used in our study of moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves. Moreover, in Theorem 3.11, we give a quantitative version of Theorem C which improves the stable ranges given in [MPW19] in the case of general linear groups and the symplectic groups of PIDs. We recently learned that Andrew Putman has independently proven a theorem similar to Theorem 3.11 in the case that Gn is a general linear group or a symplectic group. This is used in his work on congruence subgroups of mapping class groups. We additionally prove Theorem 3.23 which further improves the stable range for Theorem C for many families of groups. This improved range is crucial for our applications to secondary homoloigcal stability.

1.5. Applications. We now describe a few applications of our general stability theorems.

Moduli space of hyperelliptic curves with twisted coefficients:

Let Hg be the moduli space of closed hyperelliptic curves (i.e. curves which admit a degree 2 map onto 1 P ), and Mg denote the moduli space of closed curves. We consider Hg as a closed substack of Mg.

Any representation of the symplectic group Sp2g(Z) defines a local coefficient system on Hg via the composition

π1(Hg) → π1(Mg) → Sp2g(Z).

The algebraic representations of the symplectic group are indexed by partitions, and we let Vλ be the local coefficient system on Hg associated to a partition λ. The following is a corollary of Theorem A.

Theorem 1.3. Let {Vλ}g denote the collection of local systems on the moduli spaces of hyperelliptic k ∼ k curves Hg corresponding to the partition λ. There are isomorphisms H (Hg; Vλ) = H (Hg+1; Vλ) for g  k which are moreover compatible with the natural mixed on these cohomology groups and with the structure of `-adic Galois representation obtained after tensoring with Q`. It is perhaps a bit inaccurate to refer to Theorem 1.3 as a homological stability theorem, as there are in fact no natural maps relating the moduli spaces Hg for different genera. Nevertheless, one reason to be interested in such a result is the following. By the Grothendieck–Lefschetz trace formula for stacks

(Behrend [Beh03, Corollary 6.4.10]), and using the fact that Hg is the complement of a simple normal 1 crossing divisor in a smooth proper stack over Z[ 2 ], there is an equality 1 dim Hg X k k X ∗ (1) q (−1) Tr(Φq | H (H ; Vλ ⊗ Q`)) = Tr(Φq | x Vλ ⊗ Q`), g,Q |Aut(x)| k x∈Hg (Fq ) REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 7 where Φq denotes the arithmetic Frobenius at the odd prime power q, Vλ ⊗ Q` denotes the lisse Q`- ∗ corresponding to the local system Vλ, and x Vλ ⊗ Q` denotes the stalk of this sheaf at (a geometric point over) x. For example, if λ = 0, so Vλ is the trivial local system, then the left hand side becomes the trace of Frobenius on the cohomology of Hg and the right hand side becomes the number of 2g−1 Fq-points of Hg weighted by their automorphisms (which turns out to always equal q ). Note that the right hand side can be calculated for any given q if one can make a list of all Fq-isomorphism classes of hyperelliptic curves of given genus, the size of their automorphism groups, and their Frobenius ∗ eigenvalues (which determine the quantity Tr(Φq | x Vλ ⊗ Q`)). Bergstr¨om[Ber09] studied the quantity (1) by very direct methods, using that all hyperelliptic curves admit an affine equation y2 = f(x) with squarefree f and summing over all f, and discovered in the process curious recursive formulas in the genus for the quantity (1). A particular consequence of Bergstr¨om’srecursions is that when q is fixed and g → ∞, the expression X k k (−1) Tr(Φq | H (Hg; Vλ ⊗ Q`)) k converges exponentially fast to a power series in q−1, which is in fact given by a rational function with all poles on the unit circle (and in particular it converges on the unit disk), depending only on λ. Moreover, Bergstr¨omgave an algorithmic procedure to compute this rational function for any λ, which has been carried out for all |λ| ≤ 30 (pers. comm.); the answers are highly nontrivial.

Given the above it is natural to expect that there should be homological stability for the spaces Hg with coefficients in Vλ, and that the rational functions calculated by Bergstr¨omare really giving the trace of Frobenius on the stable cohomology. A result of Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17, Theorem D] very nearly verifies this expectation, except they deal with hyperelliptic surfaces with boundary (i.e. the braid group) instead of closed hyperelliptic surfaces. Our Theorem 1.3 fills in this gap and shows that one also has homological stability for closed surfaces, which in particular (combined with an easy bound on the unstable Betti numbers, e.g. the one obtained from the Fuks stratification of the configuration space of points in C) implies that Bergstr¨om’scalculations are indeed giving the trace of Frobenius on stable cohomology.

Congruence subgroups: In [Put15], Putman proved that the homology of congruence subgroups satisfy representation stability as US-modules and asked if a similar statement was true with respect to the action of general linear groups. When the quotient ring is finite, this was resolved by Putman–Sam [PS17, Theorem G]. In the case that the quotient ring is a PID, this was resolved by [MPW19, Theorem C]. We extend the result, removing these assumptions on the quotient ring and improving all known stable ranges.

Let J ⊂ R be an ideal in a commutative ring. Let GLn(J) denote the kernel of GLn(R) → GLn(R/J) U × and let GLn(R/J) denote the group of matrices with determinant in the image of R → R/J. When U the map GLn(R) → GLn(R/J) is surjective, the homology groups {Hi(GLn(J))}n assemble to form U a U GL (R/J)-module which we denote by Hi(GL(J)). Recall that a UG-module A is presented in degree ≤ r if Z ∼ Z ∼ Tor0 (A, Z)n = Tor1 (A, Z)n = 0 for all n > r. The following is an application of Theorem C. 8 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Theorem 1.4. Let R be a commutative ring and J ⊂ R an ideal. Let U be the units in R/J which lift to units in R. Let t be the stable rank of R/J and s the stable rank of R. If GLn(R) → U U GLn(R/J) is surjective for all n, then the U GL (R/J)-module Hi(GL(J)) has presentation degree ≤ max(8i + 4s + t + 8, 4i + 2s + 2t − 1).

The range established here is roughly three times better than that of [MPW19, Theorem C]. See Bass [Bas68, Section 4] for a definition of stable rank.

Diffeomorphism groups: Let Diffδ(M) denote the group of C∞ diffeomorphisms of a manifold which fix a neighborhood of the boundary point-wise, topologized with the discrete topology. The cohomology groups of B Diffδ(M) are characteristic classes of flat bundles with fiber M and have many applications to foliation theory and realization problems. Let Mg,1 denote an orientable surface with one boundary component. Nariman δ [Nar17] proved that the groups Diff (Mg,1) have homological stability. We prove that they also exhibit secondary homological stability. The following is an application of Theorem B.

Theorem 1.5. There is a map

δ δ 1 δ δ 1 Hi−2(B Diff (Mg−3,1),B Diff (Mg−4,1); Z[ 10 ]) → Hi(B Diff (Mg,1),B Diff (Mg−1,1); Z[ 10 ])

3 3 which is a surjection for i < 4 g and an isomorphism for i < 4 g − 1.

Homotopy automorphisms and general linear groups of the sphere spectrum: In addition to proving a general secondary stability theorem for polynomial coefficients, we also prove a general theorem for improved stable ranges for primary homological stability with polynomial coefficients; see Theorem 4.8. We apply this result to study homotopy automorphism monoids. For X a based space, let hAut(X) denote the topological monoid of based homotopy automorphisms topologized with the compact open topology. Let B denote the bar construction for topological monoids. The space B hAut(X) can be viewed as the moduli space of spaces homotopy equivalent to X with a choice of marked point. Let Sd denote the d-dimensional sphere. We prove the following stability result.

W d 1 W d 1 Theorem 1.6. For d ≥ 3, the natural map Hi(B hAut( n−1 S ); Z[ 2 ]) → Hi(B hAut( n S ); Z[ 2 ]) is 2 2 surjective for i ≤ 3 n and an isomorphism for i ≤ 3 n − 1.

One model of the nth general linear group of the sphere spectrum is

_ d GLn(S) := colim hAut( S ). d→∞ n The following is a corollary of Theorem 1.6.

1 Corollary 1.7. Let S denote the sphere spectrum. The natural map Hi(B GLn−1(S); Z[ 2 ]) → 1 2 2 Hi(B GLn(S); Z[ 2 ]) is surjective for i < 3 n and an isomorphism for i ≤ 3 n − 1.

One reason to care about general linear groups of ring spectra is their connection to A-theory. They play a similar role in A-theory as classical general linear groups play in K-theory. Although not explicitly stated, the methods of Dwyer [Dwy80, Section 4] are sufficient to establish versions of these 1 theorems with a slope 2 stable range. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 9

1.6. Outline of the paper. In Section 2, we describe the categorical setup for our stability results. In Section 3, we prove Theorem C which states that polynomial coefficient systems exhibit derived representation stability. We use this result in Section 4 to prove our representation stability and secondary stability theorems with polynomial coefficients, Theorem A and Theorem B. Finally, in Section 5, we apply these general stability theorems to concrete examples and prove Theorem 1.3 Theorem 1.4, Theorem 1.5, and Theorem 1.6. In Appendix A, we give a summary of various kinds of stability arguments and give motivation for how one should think about the techniques of this paper. Readers interested in a qualitative and big picture view of this paper, should start with the appendix. Those who are instead only interested in rigorous proofs and precise statements should ignore the appendix.

1.7. Acknowledgments. We thank Zachary Himes, Manuel Krannich, Alexander Kupers, Rohit Nag- pal, Sam Nariman, Andrew Putman, Oscar Randal-Williams, and Robin Sroka for helpful conversations.

2. Categorical and algebraic preliminaries

In this section, we review the categorical framework for our stability results. Much of this setup has appeared in or is inspired by other papers such as [Dja12, SS, PS17, RWW17, Pat20, Hep20, GKRWa].

2.1. Tensor products as coends. We will describe a certain coend construction in this section, which can be thought of as the tensor product over a category. Let C be a small category. We write c ∈ C when c is an object of C and C(c, c0) for the set of morphisms from c to c0 in C. We call a functor from C to the category of sets a C-set and a functor from C to modules over a commutative ring K a C-module. A morphism of C-sets or C-modules is a natural transformation. In later sections we will freely use the analogous terminology also for C-chain complexes, C-simplicial sets, C-spaces, etc. op Given a C-module M and a C -module N, their coend is the K-module M ⊗C N defined as the coequalizer of the two maps

M 0 M M(c) ⊗K N(c ) ⇒ M(c) ⊗K N(c) c,c0∈C,f∈C(c,c0) c∈C given by m ⊗ n mapping to f(m) ⊗ n and m ⊗ f(n), respectively. op Similarly, given a C-set M and a C -set N, their coend is the set M ⊗C N defined as the coequalizer of the two maps a 0 a M(c) × N(c ) ⇒ M(c) × N(c) c,c0∈C,f∈C(c,c0) c∈C given by (m, n) mapping to (f(m), n) and (m, f(n)), respectively. These construction work analogously to the tensor product or the balanced product and have many useful properties. For example, the C-module

M ⊗C KC(−, −) is canonically isomorphic to M, where KC(−, −) is the “representable” Cop × C-module given by taking the free K-module on the morphisms in C. A more detailed introduction can be found in MacLane [Mac71, Chapter X] and [PWG, Section 2]. 10 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

2.2. Stability categories. In this section, we review the framework of stability categories used in [Pat20]. The following is [Pat20, Def 3.1].

Definition 2.1. Let (G, ⊕, 0) be a monoidal skeletal groupoid whose monoid of objects is the natural G numbers N0 with addition. The automorphism group of the object n ∈ N0 is denoted Gn = Aut (n). Then G is called a stability groupoid if it satisfies the following properties: i) The monoidal structure

⊕: Gm × Gn ,−→ Gm+n

is injective for all m, n ∈ N0. ii) The group G0 is trivial. iii)( Gl+m × 1) ∩ (1 × Gm+n) = 1 × Gm × 1 ⊂ Gl+m+n for all l, m, n ∈ N0. A homomorphism of stability groupoids is a monoidal functor sending 1 to 1.

The following is a special case of a definition of Quillen.

Definition 2.2. Let (G, ⊕, 0) be a monoidal groupoid. Let UG be the category which has the same objects as G, and its morphisms f : A → B are equivalence classes of pairs (f,ˆ C) where C is an object in G and fˆ is an (iso)morphism C ⊕ A → B in G. Two of these pairs (f,ˆ C) and (fˆ0,C0) are equivalent if there is an isomorphism h: C → C0 (in G) such that the diagram

fˆ C ⊕ A / B ;

h⊕idA 0  gˆ C0 ⊕ A commutes. We will denote the equivalence class of (f,ˆ C) by [f,ˆ C]. Composition is defined by ˆ ˆ [f, C] ◦ [ˆg, D] = [f ◦ (idC ⊕ gˆ),C ⊕ D] for f = [f,ˆ C]: A0 → A00 and g = [ˆg, D]: A → A0.

Remark 2.3. Let ∗ be the G-set that is a singleton for every n. Note that ∼ UG(−1, −2) = ∗ ⊗G G(− ⊕ −1, −2) as Gop × G-sets.

Definition 2.4. If G is a braided stability groupoid, then we call UG the stability category of G. We will denote the braiding by bm,n : m ⊕ n → n ⊕ m.

Example 2.5. The following is a list of some stability groupoids.

· Trivial groups 1 = (1)n∈N0 . Functors from U1 to the category of abelian groups are the same data as a graded modules over a polynomial ring Z[x].

· Symmetric groups S = (Sn)n∈N0 . The category US is equivalent to the category of finite sets and injections that is denoted FI by Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15].

· Braid groups Br = (Brn)n∈N0 .

· Pure braid groups PBr = (PBrn)n∈N0 . Note that this stability groupoid is not braided. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 11

· General linear groups GL(R) = (GLn(R))n∈N0 . If R is commutative and U is a subgroup of U the group of units in R, we let GL (R)n denote the subgroup of GLn(R) of matrices with U U U determinant in U and let GL (R) = (GLn (R))n∈N0 . The categories U GL(R) and U GL (R) are equivalent to the categories denoted VIC(R) and VICU (R) respectively by Putman–Sam [PS17].

· Congruence subgroups GL(J) = (GLn(J))n∈N0 for an ideal J. Note that this stability groupoid is generally not braided.

· Symplectic groups Sp(R) = (Sp2n(R))n∈N0 . The category U Sp(R) is equivalent to the category SI(R) of Putman–Sam [PS17].

· Mapping class groups of orientable surfaces with one boundary component Mod = (Modg,1)g∈N0 . See Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17] for more examples of stability groupoids and details on the monoidal structure and braidings.

The following proposition summarizes some results about stability categories.

Proposition 2.6. Let G be a braided stability groupoid. Then:

i) [RWW17, Proposition 1.8(i)] 0 is initial in UG. Let ιm denote the unique map from 0 to m. ii) [RWW17, Proposition 1.8(ii)] UG is a pre-braided monoidal category. That is, the diagram

idm⊕ιn m / m ⊕ n

bm,n ι ⊕id n m #  n ⊕ m

commutes. iii) [Pat20, Proposition 3.11(a)] Every map in UG is a monomorphism.

iv) [Pat20, Theorem 2.3] Let ∆inj,+ be the category of ordered finite sets and injective ordered

maps. There is a unique monoidal functor ∆inj,+ → UG that sends {0} to 1.

Lastly, we add one new technical observation that we will need later in the paper.

Lemma 2.7. Let G be a braided stability groupoid. Let f : l → m be a map in UG and n an object in UG. Then the diagram

idn⊕f n ⊕ l / n ⊕ m

bn,l bn,m   l ⊕ n / m ⊕ n f⊕idn commutes.

Proof. By construction of UG, we can find a morphism fˆ: (m−l)⊕l → m in G such that the composition

ι ⊕id fˆ l m−−→l m (m − l) ⊕ l −→ m 12 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN is f : l → m. Thus we can split the problem in proving that both squares

idn⊕ιm−l⊕idl idn⊕fˆ n ⊕ l / n ⊕ (m − l) ⊕ l / n ⊕ m

bn,l bn,(m−l)⊕l bn,m    l ⊕ n / (m − l) ⊕ l ⊕ n / m ⊕ n ιm−l⊕idl⊕idn fˆ⊕idn are commutative. The right square commutes because b is a braiding of G. For the left square, note that

bn,(m−l)⊕l = (idm−l ⊕ bn,l) ◦ (bn,m−l ⊕ idl) by the hexagon relation in a braided monoidal category. Using the pre-braiding property, we see that

idn⊕ιm−l⊕idl n ⊕ l / n ⊕ (m − l) ⊕ l

bn,l ιm−l⊕idn⊕idl bn,m−l⊕idl  )  l ⊕ n (m − l) ⊕ n ⊕ l ιm−l⊕idl⊕idn

idm−l⊕bn,l )  (m − l) ⊕ l ⊕ n commutes, which is the left square. 

The precomposition of bn,m gives a map UG(m ⊕ n, −) → UG(n ⊕ m, −) of UG-sets. The lemma shows that this is in fact functorial in m. But it is not functorial in m and n, unless b is a braiding of UG.

Corollary 2.8. Let G be a braided stability groupoid. Precomposing with the braiding gives an isomorphism UG(− ⊕ n, −) −→ UG(n ⊕ −, −) as UGop × UG-sets.

2.3. Central stability homology and degree-wise coherence. In this subsection, we recall the definition of central stability homology and how it relates to the generation degree of syzygies of a UG-module. To define this we need that G is a braided stability groupoid and we assume this for the remainder of this section. We recall the notion of central stability homology of UG-modules.

Definition 2.9. For a UG-module A, consider

A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ −1, −2)

op as a ∆inj,+ × UG-module using the functor ∆inj,+ → UG from Proposition 2.6 iv). In other words, it is an augmented semisimplicial UG-module. This gives rise to a UG-chain complex that we denote by G G G G Ce∗ (A). Call Ce∗ (A) central stability chains of A. We write Hei (A) for Hi(Ce∗ (A)) and refer to it as the central stability homology of A. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 13

Remark 2.10. The objects in ∆inj,+ are the integers n ≥ −1. Given an augmented semisimplicial op abelian group A• : ∆inj,+ → Ab, the associated chain complex C∗(A) is given by Cp(A) = Ap, so it is supported in degrees ≥ −1. Because the inclusion ∆inj,+ → UG sends n to n + 1, we get a degree shift in the indexing: C˜G(A) = A ⊗ UG(− ⊕ (p + 1), n) ∼ IndGn A p n UG Z = Gn−p−1 n−p−1 This is consistent with the notation in [Pat20].

In this paper, a UG-module is called free if it is isomorphic to the direct sum of representable functors

ZUG(m, −) for m ∈ N0.

Definition 2.11. A free UG-module is said to be generated in degrees ≤ d if it is a direct sum of representable functors ZUG(m, −) with m ≤ d.A UG-module A is said to be generated in degrees ≤ d if there is a free UG-module generated in degrees ≤ d that surjects onto A.A UG-module is said to be presented in degree ≤ r if A is the cokernel of a map P1 → P0 between free UG-modules P0,P1 that are generated in degrees ≤ r.

It will follow from Proposition 2.31 that these definitions of generation degree and presentation degree coincide with those given in the introduction. The following condition on a stability category will allow us to relate vanishing of central stability homology with the generation degree of syzygies of UG-modules. It is a condition that is known to hold for a variety of stability categories and implies homological stability. We will use it to establish representation stability results.

Definition 2.12. We say a stability category UG satisfies H3(k, a) if G ∼ Hei (ZUG(0, −))n = 0 for all n > i · k + a.

The following proposition is a list of a few stability categories that satisfy H3. This list is far from exhaustive and instead focuses primarily on those categories that will be relevant later in the paper.

Proposition 2.13. i) U1, US and UBr all satisfy H3(1, 1). ii) U GLU (R) satisfies H3(2, s + 1), where s denotes the stable rank of R.

1 ∼ Proof. For U1, note that Cep (ZUG(0, −))n = Z if n > p and zero otherwise. For n > p, the differentials 1 1 Cep (ZUG(0, −))n → Cep−1(ZUG(0, −))n are given by the identity map if p is even and by the zero 1 ∼ map if p is odd. Therefore Hep (ZUG(0, −))n = Z if p = n − 1 is odd and zero otherwise, and thus 1 ∼ Hep (ZUG(0, −))n = 0 for all n > p + 1. For the two cases US and UBr see [Pat20, Remark 5.6]. For U GLU (R) see [MPW19, Proposition 3.20 iii]. All of these results follow quickly from high connectivity results for certain CW -complexes due to Farmer [Far79, Theorem 5], Hatcher–Wahl [HW10, Proposition 7.2], and Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17, Lemma 5.10].  The following theorem links the generation degree of the syzygies of a UG-module to its central stability homology. See [Pat20, Theorem 5.7]. 14 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Theorem 2.14. Assume UG satisfies H3(k, a). Let A be a UG-module and d0, d1, · · · ∈ Z with di+1 − di ≥ max(k, a), then the following statements are equivalent. i) There is a resolution

· · · → P1 → P0 → A → 0

with Pi that are freely generated in ranks ≤ di. ii) The homology G ∼ Hei (A)n = 0

for all i ≤ −1 and all n > di+1.

Recall that a stability category UG is degree-wise coherent for all UG-submodules A ⊆ B, if B is presented in finite degree and A is generated in finite degree, then A is presented in finite degree. Equivalently, a stability category UG is degree-wise coherent if the presentation degree of a UG-module can be used to find finite bounds for the generation degree of higher syzygies (see e.g. [MW20, Corollary 2.36]). The following definition quantifies this.

3 Definition 2.15. A function Θ: N0 → N0 is called an coherence function for UG if all UG-modules A G G that have the property that He−1(A)n = 0 for n > g and He0 (A)n = 0 for n > r also have the property G that Hei (A) = 0 for n > Θ(g, r, i).

The following is a list of some stability categories that satisfy degree-wise coherence that will be used later in the paper.

Proposition 2.16. For G = 1, we can take Θ(g, r, i) = max(g + 1, r) + i. For G = S, we may take Θ(g, r, i) = g + max(g, r) + i.

1 ∼ 1 ∼ Proof. Let us first consider G = 1. Assume that He−1(A)n = 0 for all n > g and He0 (A)n = 0 for all n > r. 1 ∼ 1 1 The central stability complex is defined as Cei (A)n = An−i−1 and the differential Cei (A)n → Cei−1(A)n is the transition map for i even and the zero map for i odd. This implies that An−1 → An is surjective 1 ∼ for n > g and injective for n > r. Calculating central stability homology, we get that Hei (A)n = 0 for 1 ∼ even i if the transition map An−i−1 → An−i is injective, which it is if n − i > r. For odd i, Hei (A)n = 0 when the transition map An−i−2 → An−i−1 is surjective, which it is if n − i − 1 > g. Therefore, 1 ∼ Hei (A)n = 0 for all n > i + max(r, g + 1). S ∼ Now consider the case that G = S and let A be a US-module such that He−1(A)n = 0 for all n > g S ∼ and He0 (A)n = 0 for all n > r. This implies that A is generated in degrees ≤ g by [Pat20, Proposition 5.4]. Furthermore, A is presented in degrees ≤ max(g, r), because [Pat20, Proposition 6.2(c)] says that S S He−1 and He0 can be computed with the chain complex that is used by Church–Ellenberg [CE17] to compute FI-homology and FI-homology detects presentation degree by [CE17, Proposition 4.2]. Further, Church–Ellenberg [CE17, Proof of Theorem A] implies that the i-th syzygies are generated in degrees S ∼ ≤ i + g + max(g, r) − 1. Using Theorem 2.14, we deduce that Hei (A)n = 0 for n > i + g + max(g, r). 

Remark 2.17. In contrast to H3, degree-wise coherence is not known for many stability categories. Church–Ellenberg’s result for G = S was generalized to G = S n G by Ramos [Ram18]. In [MW20], U degree-wise coherence for G = GL (Fq) and G = Sp(Fq) over characteristic zero was established. The examples from this remark and Proposition 2.16 summarize the current literature. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 15

2.4. Stability short exact sequences. In this subsection, we introduce stability short exact sequences. This will be the context of our general representation stability theorem, Theorem A.

Definition 2.18. Let N , G, Q be stability groupoids and assume that G and Q are braided. Let F : N → G and F 0 : G → Q be homomorphisms of stability groupoids and assume that F 0 is symmetric. We call this data a stability short exact sequence if

1 −→ Nn −→ Gn −→ Qn −→ 1 is a short exact sequence for all n ∈ N0.

By [Pat20, Lemma 8.3], the actions of the groups Qn on Hi(Nn) for varying n assemble to form a

UQ-module which we will call Hi(N ). Moreover, if A is a UG-modules, there is a UQ-module Hi(N ; A) with Hi(N ; A)n = Hi(Nn; An). The following is similar to the spectral sequence Quillen considered to prove homological stability and was first used in this generality by Putman–Sam [PS17]. We use the formulation from [Pat20, Proposition 8.4].

Proposition 2.19. Let 1 → N → G → Q → 1 be a stability short exact sequence. Let A be a UG-module over K. There are two homologically graded spectral sequences converging to the same thing, 2 ∼ Q 1 ∼ ⊗p+1 G one with (Ep,q)n = Hep (Hq(N ; A))n and the other with (Ep,q)n = (KGn) ⊗KNn Heq (A)n. This gives the following corollary.

G ∼ Corollary 2.20. Let A be a UG-module with Hei (A)n = 0 all n > di. There is a spectral sequence 2 ∼ Q ∞ ∼ with (Ep,q)n = Hep (Hq(N ; A))n and with (Ep,q)n = 0 for n > max(d−1, d0, . . . , dp+q).

Proof. Consider the spectral sequences from Proposition 2.19. Let us consider the diagonal p + q = k 1 1 1 in the spectral sequence Ep,q: the entries (E0,k)n,..., (Ek+1,−1)n all vanish if n > max(d−1, . . . , dk). ∞ Thus (Ep,q)n vanishes on the same diagonals.  2.5. Rings, modules, and Tor groups. The category of G-modules has a monoidal structure known as the induction tensor product, or Day convolution. This monoidal structure allows one to define rings and modules in the category of G-modules. Using this, we describe a general context for representation stability. This is somewhat redundant with the framework of stability categories. However, we include both setups in this paper because some arguments and definitions are easier in one than in the other. We first give definitions and general properties about these notions and in the end of the section, we connect the Tor groups to generation properties of UG modules.

Definition 2.21. Let A and B be G-modules. We define the G-module

A ~G B = (A  B) ⊗G×G ZG(− ⊕ −, −), where G × G acts on A  B with the first G acting on A and with the second G acting on B. Remark 2.22. A more elementary way of writing the induction product is M (A B) =∼ IndGn A B . ~G n Ga×Gb a  b a+b=n The braiding induces a isomorphism that swaps the factors. The following observation can be found already in Joyal–Street’s original work introducing braided monoidal categories [JS86, p.11]. 16 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Lemma 2.23. Assume G is braided. Let A and B be G-modules. Then there is an isomorphism b: A ~ B → B ~ A induced by the braiding b of G:

(A  B) ⊗G×G ZG(− ⊕ −, −) −→ (B  A) ⊗G×G ZG(− ⊕ −, −)

(am ⊗ bn) ⊗ gn+m 7−→ (bn ⊗ am) ⊗ gn+m ◦ bm,n, which makes the category of G-modules braided monoidal with respect to ~.

This monoidal structure allows us to define ring and module objects in the category ModG of G-modules.

Definition 2.24. A G-ring is a monoid object in (ModG, ~G). Given a G-ring R, a (left/right) R-module is a (left/right) module object over that ring.

The main example of G-ring we want to consider in this paper is R = Z which sends all objects to Z and all morphisms to the identity on Z. The ring structure Z ~G Z → Z is induced by the multiplication map Z ⊗ Z.

Proposition 2.25. The category of left Z-modules is equivalent to the category of UG-modules.

Proof. Let A be a left Z-module and denote its structure map by µ: Z ~ A → A. Observe that ∼ (Z  A) ⊗G×G ZG(− ⊕ −, −) = A ⊗G ZUG(−, −) ∼ op because UG(−, −) = ∗ ×G G(−, −) as G × G-sets. Let B be the UG-module defined by Bn = An and if f ∈ UG(m, n) then f(am) = µ(am ⊗ f). It is easy to check that this is a well-defined and functorial assignment A 7→ B. Likewise, it is easy to find an inverse functor. 

A left Z-module can be naturally considered as a two-sided Z-module.

b−1 Proposition 2.26. Let A be a left Z-module. Consider A as a right Z-module via A~G Z −→ Z~G A → A. These two actions commute, i.e.

Z ~G A ~G Z / A ~G Z

  Z ~G A / A is a commutative diagram.

Proof. Let us consider A as a UG-module. Then the left action is given by

µ (1l ⊗ am) ⊗ gl+m 7−→ [gl+m ◦ (ιl ⊕ idm)](am).

Therefore the right action is given by

−1 b −1 µ −1 (am ⊗ 1n) ⊗ gm+n 7−→ (1n ⊗ am) ⊗ gm+n ◦ bn,m 7−→ [gm+n ◦ bn,m ◦ (ιn ⊕ idm)](am).

Notice that this is [gm+n◦(idm⊕ιn)](am) because UG is prebraided. We conclude that both compositions of the square are given by

(1l ⊗ am ⊗ 1n) ⊗ gl+m+n 7−→ [gl+m+n ◦ (ιl ⊕ idm ⊕ ιn)](am).  REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 17

If A is a UG-module, we will consider it simultaneously as two-sided Z-module via the actions described above. Next we introduce ~-products over G-rings.

Definition 2.27. If A is a right R-module and B is a left R-module, we define A ~R B to be the coequalizer of the two natural maps:

A ~G R ~G B ⇒ A ~R B. R Let Tori (−,B): ModR → ModG be the ith left derived functor of − ~R B : ModR → ModG.

If A is a UG-module and B a G-module, then A ~G B has a left Z-module structure given by

(Z ~G A) ~G B −→ A ~G B.

If both A and B are UG-modules, then this action descends to A ~Z B because of Proposition 2.26. Note that b: A ~G B → B ~G A is not Z-equivariant because in the codomain, Z acts on B. Note that b descends to a morphism b: A ~Z B → B ~Z A using the commutative diagram / A ~G Z ~G B / A ~G B / A ~Z B

(id b)◦(b id )◦(id b) =(b id )◦(id b)◦(b id ) B ~ ~ Z A~ ~ A Z~ ~ B b    / B ~G Z ~G B / B ~G A / B ~Z A where the equality comes from the braid relations.

Lemma 2.28. The swap b: A ~Z B → B ~Z A is Z-equivariant. In particular, UG acts on A ~Z Z via identity with isomorphisms and via zero with non-isomorphisms.

Proof. The following commutative diagram proves the first assertion.

Z ~G A~G / Z ~G A ~Z B −1 −1 b b ~idB  ( & / A ~G Z ~G B / A ~G B / A ~Z B O 6 8 idA~b Ð A ~G B ~G Z / A ~Z B ~G Z

The second assertion follows because that is how UG acts on Z. 

We will prove the same statement for the Tor-groups. To do this, we first will define an Z-action on Z Z Tor∗ (A, B). Let P∗ → A be a free UG-resolution, then the chain complex P∗ ~Z B computes Tor∗ (A, B). It is clear from the analysis above that the differentials are Z-equivariant (considering the left Z-action on P∗). From the previous lemma, we see that b: P∗ ~Z B → B ~Z P∗ is a Z-equivariant isomorphism, Z where the codomain computes Tor∗ (B,A). We thus get the following corollary.

Z Z Corollary 2.29. The swap b: Tor∗ (A, B) → Tor∗ (B,A) is Z-equivariant. In particular, UG acts on Z Tor∗ (A, Z) via identity with isomorphisms and via zero with non-isomorphisms.

We now give a connection between generation properties and the Tor groups of Z-modules. We first define the Z-module Z. 18 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Definition 2.30. Given a G-module X, let X+ be (X+)n = Xn for n > 0 and (X+)0 = 0. Let Z denote the Z-bimodule Z/Z+. The following is an analogue of Theorem 2.14 for Tor-groups.

Proposition 2.31. Let A be a UG-module and d0, d1, · · · ∈ Z with di ≤ di+1 for all i. Then the following statements are equivalent: i) There is a resolution

· · · → P1 → P0 → A → 0

with Pi freely generated in ranks ≤ di. Z ∼ ii) The groups Tori (A, Z)n = 0 for n > di.

Proof. Free modules are isomorphic to modules of the form X ~G Z with X a G-module with each Xn Z ∼ Z ∼ free as a ZGn-module. A standard argument shows that Tor0 (X ~G Z, Z) = X and Tori (X ~G Z, Z) = 0 for i > 0. Applying this fact and the hyper-homology spectral sequence associated to a free resolution shows that i) implies ii). Z ∼ Now we prove that ii) implies i). Let A be a UG-module with Tori (A, Z)n = 0 for n > di for all i. Let Xm be a free ZGm module with a choice of surjection Xm → Am and let Y be the G-module which is Xm in degrees ≤ d0 and 0 in higher degrees. Let P0 = Y ~G Z and let P0 → A be the Z Z natural map. Then Tor0 (P0, Z)n surjects onto Tor0 (A, Z)n for all n ∈ N0. It follows that the cokernel Z ∼ W = coker(P0 → A) has the property that Tor0 (W, Z)n = 0 for all n ∈ N0 and thus itself must be zero. This proves that P0 → A is surjective. Continuing, P0 is generated in degrees ≤ d0 and thus Z ∼ Tori (P0, Z)n = 0 for n > d0 if i = 0 and for all n ∈ N0 if i > 0. Let K0 = ker(P0 → A). The long exact sequence of Tor groups associate to the short exact sequence

0 → K0 → P0 → A → 0

Z ∼ Z implies that Tor0 (K0, Z)n = Tor1 (A, Z)n for n > d0. The same argument as before ensures the existence of a surjection P1 → K0 from a free UG-modules P1 generated in degrees ≤ d1. We proceed by induction.  2.6. Splitting complexes and the Koszul complex. In this subsection, we recall the Koszul complex of [GKRWa, Example 19.5]. We will need some details concerning its construction so we repeat the augments of [GKRWa, Example 19.5] here. We begin by recalling the two-sided bar construction.

Definition 2.32. Given a G-ring R, a right R-module A, and a left R-module B, let Bp(A, R, B) =

G p A ~G R~ ~G B.

The natural maps A ~G R → A, R ~G R → R, and R ~G B → B give face maps making B•(A, R, B) into a semi-simplicial G-module. If R is a unital ring, then B•(A, R, B) has the structure of a simplicial G-module via the unit map Z → R. Let B∗(A, R, B) denote the chain complex associated to B•(A, R, B) whose differential is the alternating sum of the face maps. If R is unital, let B¯∗(A, R, B) be the quotient of B∗(A, R, B) by the images of the degeneracies. The proof of the following proposition is the same as the analogous proof in the classical setting.

Proposition 2.33. Let R be a unital G-ring, let A be a right R-module, and let B be a left R-module. Then the following statements are true. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 19

i) B¯∗(R,R,B) → B → 0 is an exact sequence. ii) If Rn and Bn are free abelian groups for all n, then − ~G R and − ~G B are exact functors and thus B¯p(R,R,B) are flat left R-module for all p. ¯ ∼ ¯ iii) B∗(A, R, B) = A ~R B∗(R,R,B). ∼ ¯ iv) If R0 = Z, then B∗(A, R, B) = B∗(A, R+,B).

We then get the following corollary for R = Z.

∼ Z Corollary 2.34. Hi(B∗(A, Z+, Z)) = Tori (A, Z)

The following is a chain-level enhancement of Corollary 2.29.

Lemma 2.35. Let A be a UG-module. There is a zig-zag of quasi-isomorphisms of UG-modules between

B∗(A, Z+, Z) and B∗(Z, Z+,A).

Proof. Consider the double complex B∗(B∗(Z, Z+, Z), Z+,A) and its associated spectral sequences.

Note that B∗(Z, Z+, Z) is a free resolution of Z. Both spectral sequences collapse on the first page. One of the spectral sequences has

Bp(Z, Z+,A) in the row q = 0 and zero everywhere else on the first page. The other spectral sequence has

Bp(Z, Z+, Z) ~Z A in the row q = 0 and zero everywhere else on the first page. Together with Lemma 2.28, this implies that there is a zig-zag of quasi-isomorphisms ∼ B∗(A, Z+, Z) = A ~Z B∗(Z, Z+, Z) ← B∗(B∗(Z, Z+, Z), Z+,A) → B∗(Z, Z+,A).  We now recall the relationship between the reduced bar complex

∼ M Gn Bp(A, +, )n = Ind An0 Z Z Gn0 ×···×Gnp n0+···+np=n ni>0 and a semi-simplicial set known as the E1-splitting complex. It has previously been considered by Charney [Cha80], Hepworth [Hep20], and Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams [GKRWa, GKRW19, GKRWb].

Definition 2.36. Let

E1 G Sp (G)n = Gn/(Gn0 × · · · × Gnp+1 ). n0+···+np+1=n ni>0

This has the structure of a semi-simpicial set with ith face map induced by the map Gni × Gni+1 → E1 Gni+ni+1 . We denote this by S• (G)n.

The superscript E1 refers to the associative operad (or operads equivalent to it in various categories).

E1 The semi-simplicial set S• (G)n has dimension equal to n − 2. Recall that the reduced homology of the E1 realization of a semi-simplicial set can be computed by its augmented Moore complex Z[S∗ (G)n] → Z.

It is immediate that this complex is isomorphic to B∗+2(Z, Z+, Z)n. Thus we obtain an isomorphism

Z ∼ E1 Tori+2(Z, Z) = Hei(kS• (G)nk) 20 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN for i ≥ 0. As in [GKRWa], we make the following definition.

E1 ∼ Definition 2.37. We say G satisfies the standard connectivity assumption if Hei(kS• (G)nk) = 0 for E1 i ≤ n − 3. If G satisfies the standard connectivity assumptions, then we denote Hen−2(kS• (G)nk) by E1 Stn and call this the nth split Steinberg module of G.

Z ∼ The standard connectivity assumption is equivalent to the statement that Tori (Z, Z)n = 0 for i =6 n. This can be interpreted as Koszulness of Z. For G = GLn(R), the splitting complex is Charney’s split version of the Tits building. The name split Steinberg module is in analogy with the fact that the top reduced homology of the classical Tits building is the classical Steinberg module. The following theorem lists some groupoids that are known to satisfy the standard connectivity assumption.

Theorem 2.38 (Charney, Hepworth, Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams). For G = S, Br, GL(R) for R a PID, or Mod, G satisfies the standard connectivity assumption.

Proof. The case of GL(R) for R a PID is due to Charney [Cha80, Theorem 1.1]. The case of G = S or Br is due to Hepworth [Hep20, Proposition 4.1 and 4.11]. The case of Mod is due to Galatius–Kupers– Randal-Williams [GKRW19, Theorem 3.4]. 

Using the standard connectivity assumption, we will now construct the Koszul complex K∗(A) as a quasi-isomorphic subcomplex of B∗(A, Z+, Z). Let A≥m denote the submodule of A with  ≥m An n ≥ m An = 0 n < m. Consider the filtration ≥n−p FpBq(A, Z+, Z)n = Bq(A , Z+, Z)n. This gives us a spectral sequence

0 ∼ Epq = FpBp+q(A, Z+, Z)n/Fp−1Bp+q(A, Z+, Z)n = An−p ~ Bp+q(Z, Z+, Z)p, where An−p is the G-module that is An−p in degree (n − p) and zero elsewhere. This spectral sequence ∼ Z converges to Hp+q(B∗(A, Z+, Z)n) = Torp+q(A, Z)n. Because the degree of An−p cannot change and the standard connectivity assumption, we conclude that

1 ∼ Z Epq = An−p ~ Torp+q(Z, Z)p

Z Z E1 is concentrated in the row q = 0 as Torp+q(Z, Z)p vanishes unless q = 0, and then it is Torp (Z, Z)p = Stp . 1 Z Therefore E∗,0 computes Tor∗ (A, Z). We denote this complex by K (A) = E1 ∼ (A StE1 ) = (A StE1 ) ∼ IndGn A StE1 ∗ n ∗,0 = n−p ~ p n ~ p n = Gn−p×Gp n−p  p

E1 and call it the Koszul complex of A. Here, by abuse of notation, Stp also denotes the G-module that E1 is Stp in degree p and zero everywhere else.

Let us also describe the boundary map in K∗(A). In B∗(A, Z+, Z), the boundary map is given by the alternating sum of the maps induced by all ways of multiplying two adjacent factors into one factor. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 21

E1 Then Stp is in the kernel of Bp(Z, Z+, Z) → Bp−1(Z, Z+, Z). The restriction of the boundary map of

B∗(A, Z+, Z) to K∗(A) ⊂ B∗(A, Z+, Z) therefore fits into the commutative diagram

E1  A ~ Stp / Bp(A, Z+, Z) = A ~ Z+ ~ Z+ ~ ··· ~ Z+ ~ Z

(2) m~id   E1  A ~ Stp−1 / Bp−1(A, Z+, Z) = A ~ Z+ ~ ··· ~ Z+ ~ Z where m: A ~ Z+ → A denotes the multiplication map of A as a right Z-module. E1 We end this section by considering a UG-action on K∗(A). Because Kp(A) = A ~ Stp , we can use the UG-action described after Definition 2.27. Note that the inclusion

∼ Kp(A) ,−→ Bp(A, Z+, Z) = A ~Z Bp(Z, Z+, Z) is UG-equivariant with UG action on A ~Z B∗(Z, Z+, Z) induced by the action on A. Therefore, the differentials of K∗(A) are also UG-equivariant and the action on its homology coincides with the action Z of UG on Tor∗ (A, Z) as described in Corollary 2.29.

2.7. Polynomial coefficient systems. We now recall the definition of polynomial coefficient systems and describe their basic properties. We start with the shift endofunctor. Let (C, ⊕, 0) be a small monoidal category, then we can precompose a C-module A with the functor ⊕: C × C → C and we obtain the C × C-module

A ⊗C ZC(−, − ⊕ −).

Fixing an object c ∈ C, c Σ A := A ⊗C ZC(−, − ⊕ c) is a C-module and clearly Σc is an endofunctor on the category of C-modules. Note that from the construction it is clear that also Σ can be understood as a functor from C to the category of endofunctors of C-modules. So in particular, if there is map 0 → c in C, then it induces a morphism of C-modules

A = Σ0A −→ ΣcA.

Let G be a braided stability groupoid and A a G-module, then ΣpA is the p-shift of A. If A is a UG-module, then ΣpA is a UG-module whose underlying G-module is the same as the p-shift of the underlying G-module of A. We unambiguously also call it the p-shift of A. Additionally, 0 is initial in UG, so we obtain a canonical map A −→ ΣpA.

We will use the shorthand Σ for Σ1. Note that Σp = (Σ)p, the endofunctor Σ iterated p times.

Definition 2.39. Given a UG-module A, define UG-modules

ker A := ker(A → ΣA) and


Definition 2.40. We say that a UG-module A has polynomial degree −∞ in ranks > d if An = 0 for all n > d. For r ≥ 0, we say A has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d if (ker A)n = 0 for all n > d and coker A has polynomial degree ≤ r − 1 in ranks > d − 1. We say A has polynomial degree ≤ r if it has polynomial degree ≤ r in all ranks > −1.

Remark 2.41. Note that if A has polynomial degree −∞ in ranks > d, then (ker A)n = 0 for all n > d and coker A has polynomial degree −∞ = −∞ − 1 in ranks > d − 1. If A has polynomial degree ≤ 0 in ranks > d, then we require coker A has polynomial degree ≤ −1 in ranks > d − 1. This forces coker A to be polynomial degree −∞ in ranks > d − 1.

Remark 2.42. Recall that 1 denotes the braided stability groupoid whose automorphism groups are all trivial. Note that U1 ⊂ UG for every stability category UG by mapping the unique map from m → n to ιn−m ⊕ idm. We remark that the notion of polynomiality of a UG-module only depends on the underlying U1-module structure.

Lemma 2.43. Let A be a UG-module of polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d and p ≥ 1. Then ΣpA has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d − p.

Proof. This is clearly true for r = −∞. For r ≥ 0, it follows by induction because coker(ΣpA) =∼ p Σ coker(A). 

The following lemma appears in a very similar form in [Pat20, Lem 7.3(a)], but the notion of polynomial degree in that paper is slightly different than the one used here.

Lemma 2.44. Let A0, A, and A00 be UG-modules, where A0 has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d and A00 has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d − 1. Assume there are maps A0 → A → A00 such that

0 00 0 → An → An → An → 0 are short exact sequences for all n > d. Then A has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d.

0 ∼ 00 ∼ Proof. We prove this by induction over r. Let us start with r = −∞. This means that An = An = 0 ∼ for all n > d and thus An = 0 for all n > d. Let r ≥ 0 and consider the exact sequence

0 → ker A0 → ker A → ker A00 → coker A0 → coker A → coker A00 → 0

0 ∼ 00 ∼ ∼ coming from the snake lemma for n > d. Because (ker A )n = (ker A )n = 0 for all n > d,(ker A)n = 0 00 ∼ for all n > d. Because (ker A )n = 0 for all n > d − 1,

0 00 0 → coker An → coker An → coker An → 0 is a short exact sequence for n > d − 1. We can therefore apply the induction hypothesis, showing that coker A has polynomial degree ≤ r − 1 (−∞ if r = 0) in ranks > d − 1. This implies that A has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d. 

Lemma 2.45. Let A be a UG-module of polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d and p ≥ 1. Then p ∼ p ker(A → Σ A)n = 0 for all n > d and coker(A → Σ A) is of polynomial degree ≤ r − 1 in ranks > d − 1. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 23

p Proof. If An → (ΣA)n is injective for every n > d, then so is the composition An → (Σ A)n. This p ∼ proves that ker(A → Σ A)n = 0 for all n > d. We will prove the second assertion by induction over r. For r = −∞, then

∼ p p 0 = (Σ A)n → coker(A → Σ A)n is surjective for n > d − p, and thus coker(A → ΣpA) has polynomial degree −∞ = −∞ − 1 in ranks > d − 1. p i For r ≥ 0 and n > d − 1, coker(A → Σ A)n has a filtration whose factors are coker(Σ A)n = i i+1 p coker(Σ A → Σ A)n, because An → (ΣA)n is injective for n > d. Therefore, coker(A → Σ A) has polynomial degree ≤ r − 1 in ranks > d − 1 using Lemma 2.43 and Lemma 2.44. 

3. Polynomial modules and derived representation stability

In this section, we prove quantitative versions of Theorem C. These theorems give sufficient conditions for polynomial modules to exhibit derived representation stability.

3.1. Via central stability complexes. Our goal is to bound the following quantity:

3 Definition 3.1. Let ψ : (Z≥−1) → N0 ∪ {∞} be the smallest number such that for any polynomial UG-module A of degree ≤ r in ranks > d, then

G ∼ Hei (A)n = 0 for n > ψ(r, d, i).

Definition 3.2. Let A be UG-module. Let

X(A) = (A ⊗ ZUG(−1, −)) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ −2, −3)

op op be a UG × UG × UG-module, where we consider A ⊗ ZUG(−1, −) as an UG-module using the diagonal action. Using the inclusion ∆inj,+ → UG, we can consider X(A) as a bi-semisimplicial

UG-module with augmentations. We denote the corresponding double chain complex by X∗,∗(A) such that

Xp,q(A)n = (A ⊗ ZUG(p + 1, −)) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ q + 1, n).

(The index shift is explained in Remark 2.10.) Let X¯∗,∗(A) be the transpose of X∗,∗(A).

Proposition 3.3. For fixed q, there is a chain complex isomorphism

∼ G X∗,q(A) = (A ⊗ Ce∗ (ZUG(0, −))) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (q + 1), −). For fixed p, there is a chain complex isomorphism

∼ G p+1 Xp,∗(A) = Ce∗ (Σ A) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (p + 1), −).

Proof. The first isomorphism follows immediately the definition and the fact that the corresponding G chain complex to the semisimplicial UG-module ZUG(−, −) is precisely Ce∗ (ZUG(0, −)). The second isomorphism is considerably harder to prove. For simplicity, we replace p + 1 by p0 during the proof. First, we will first prove that

p0 0 ∼ 0 Σ A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ p , −) = A ⊗ ZUG(p , −) 24 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

0 0 as UG-modules for fixed p . Let al+p0 ∈ Al+p0 and f ∈ UG(l ⊕ p , n), then we send

al+p0 ⊗ f 7−→ f(al+p0 ) ⊗ f ◦ (ιl ⊕ idp0 ).

Let us first check that this map is well-defined for fixed n. To see this, let al+p0 ∈ Al+p0 , h ∈ UG(l, m) 0 and f ∈ UG(m ⊕ p , n). We need to show that (h ⊕ idp0 )(al+p0 ) ⊗ f is sent to the same thing as al+p0 ⊗ f ◦ (h ⊕ idp0 ). This is the case, as

f((h ⊕ idp0 )(al+p0 )) ⊗ f ◦ (ιm ⊕ idp0 ) = (f ◦ (h ⊕ idp0 ))(al+p0 ) ⊗ f ◦ (h ⊕ idp0 ) ◦ (ιl ⊕ idp0 ). That this map is UG-equivariant is obvious as on both sides it acts by postcomposition on f. Next, we 0 will describe the inverse map. So let an ∈ An, g ∈ UG(p , n) and gˆ ∈ Gn such that g = gˆ ◦ (ιn−p0 ⊕ idp0 ). Then, we send −1 an ⊗ g 7−→ gˆ (an) ⊗ g.ˆ

Asg ˆ only well defined up to precomposition with (h ⊕ idp0 ) for h ∈ Gn−p0 , we have to check that

−1 −1 gˆ (an) ⊗ gˆ = (ˆg ◦ (h ⊕ idp0 )) (an) ⊗ gˆ ◦ (h ⊕ idp0 ), which is clear from the definition of the coend ⊗UG. Again, this map is clearly UG-equivariant, as UG acts via postcomposition. The only thing left to check is that these maps are inverses. Let us start 0 with al+p0 ∈ Al+p0 and f ∈ UG(l ⊕ p , n). In this case, al+p0 ⊗ f is sent through both maps to

−1 gˆ (f(al+p0 )) ⊗ g,ˆ withg ˆ ∈ Gn such that

f =g ˆ ◦ (ιn−l−p0 ⊕ idl+p0 ) because then

f ◦ (ιl ⊕ idp0 ) =g ˆ ◦ (ιn−p0 ⊕ idp0 ). Therefore,

−1 gˆ (f(al+p0 )) ⊗ gˆ = (ιn−l−p0 ⊕ idl+p0 )(al+p0 ) ⊗ gˆ = al+p0 ⊗ gˆ ◦ (ιn−l−p0 ⊕ idl+p0 ) = al+p0 ⊗ f.

0 If on the other hand an ∈ An, g ∈ UG(p , n), andg ˆ ∈ Gn such that g =g ˆ ◦ (ιn−p0 ⊕ idp0 ), then an ⊗ g is sent through both maps to

−1 gˆ(ˆg (an)) ⊗ gˆ ◦ (ιn−p0 ⊕ idp0 ) = an ⊗ g. Using this isomorphism, we conclude that

0 ∼ p0 0 (A ⊗ ZUG(p , −)) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ −, −) = Σ A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ p , −) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ −, −) ∼ p0 0 = Σ A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ p ⊕ −, −). Next, note that using Corollary 2.8,

0 ∼ 0 ZUG(−1 ⊕ p ⊕ −2, −) = ZUG(p ⊕ −2, −) ⊗UG ZUG(−1 ⊕ −, −) ∼ 0 ∼ 0 = ZUG(−2 ⊕ p , −) ⊗UG ZUG(−1 ⊕ −, −) = ZUG(−1 ⊕ −2 ⊕ p , −) ∼ 0 = ZUG(−1 ⊕ −2, −) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ p , −). Since p0 ∼ p0 Σ A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ −, −) = K(Σ A), REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 25 we deduce the asserted isomorphism

∼ G p0 0 Xp,∗ = Ce∗ (Σ A) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ p , −). 

s Proposition 3.4. Assume UG satisfies H3(k, a). Let Ep,q(A)n denote the spectral sequence associated ¯s ¯ to X∗,∗(A)n and let Ep,q(A)n denote the spectral sequence associated to the transpose X∗,∗(A)n. Then ¯1 ∼ n−a ∞ ∼ n−a Ep,q(A)n = 0 for p + q < k − 1. In particular, Ep,q(A)n = 0 for p + q < k − 1.

Proof. We have that

¯0 ∼ G Ep,q(A)n = (A ⊗ Ceq (ZUG(0, −))) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (p + 1), −).

G The homology Heq (ZUG(0, −))n−p−1 vanishes for n − p − 1 > k · q + a since G satisfies H3(k, a). G Therefore, so does the homology of (A ⊗ Ce∗ (ZUG(0, −))) by the K¨unnethspectral sequence. The 1 ∼ functor − ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (p + 1), −) is exact, so we conclude that Ep,q(A)n = 0 for n − p − 1 > k · q + a. n−a In particular, they vanish when p + q < k − 1, because then n − a  p + kq = k(p + q) − (k − 1)p < k − 1 + (k − 1) = n − a − 1. k The second claim follows from the fact that the two spectral sequences both converge to the homology of the total complex of X∗,∗(A)n. 

Definition 3.5. Let A be a UG-module. Define

Y (A) = A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ −1, −) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ −2, −3) and consider it as a augmented simplicial-augmented simplicial-UG-module. Let Y∗,∗(A) be the associated double complex.

G G It is immediate that Y∗,∗(A) = Ce∗ (Ce∗ (A)).

s Proposition 3.6. Let A be UG-module and let Ebp,q(A)n be the double complex spectral sequence 1 1 associated to Y∗,∗(A)n. Then d1 : Eb0,q(A)n → Eb−1,q(A)n is the zero map.

Proof. Note that 0 ∼ Ebp,q(A)S = A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (p + 1) ⊕ (q + 1), n). Clearly, there is an isomorphism of abelian groups

0 ∼ ∼ 0 ϕ: Eb0,q = A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ 1 ⊕ (q + 1), n) = A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ 0 ⊕ (q + 2), n) = Eb−1,q+1.

h 0 0 We will prove that ϕ is a chain homotopy from the differential d : Eb0,∗ → Eb−1,∗ to the zero map. Recall that

h 0 ∼ ∼ 0 d : Eb0,q = A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ 1 ⊕ (q + 1), n) −→ A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ 0 ⊕ (q + 1), n) = Eb−1,q

am ⊗ (f : m ⊕ 1 ⊕ (q + 1) → n) 7−→ am ⊗ f ◦ (idm ⊕ ι1 ⊕ idq+1)

v q 0 0 and d = d0 − d1 + ··· + (−1) dq : Ep,q → Ep,q−1 is given by 0 ∼ ∼ 0 di : Ebp,q = A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (p + 1) ⊕ (q + 1), n) −→ A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (p + 1) ⊕ q, n) = Ebp,q−1

am ⊗ (f : m ⊕ (p + 1) ⊕ (q + 1) → n) 7−→ am ⊗ f ◦ (idm ⊕ idp+1 ⊕ idi ⊕ ι1 ⊕ idq−i). 26 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

From these definitions it is clear that

0 Eb−1,q+1 d ϕ di+1  0 0 Eb−1,q Eb0,q d d ϕ i  0 Eb0,q−1 commutes for 0 ≤ i ≤ q. Further the diagram

0 Eb−1,q+1 c ϕ d0  0 0 Eb−1,q o Eb0,q dh

h v v is commutative. Thus d = ϕd + d ϕ. 

We will construct a comparison map F : Y (A) → X(A) using the following lemma.

Lemma 3.7. There is a map

A ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ −, −) −→ A ⊗ ZUG(−, −)

am ⊗ f : m ⊕ p → n 7−→ f((idm ⊕ ιp)(am)) ⊗ f ◦ (ιm ⊕ idp) of UGop × UG-modules.

Proof. We first observe that the map is well defined on objects. For that, let al ∈ Al, h: l → m and f : m ⊕ p → n. Then

f((idm ⊕ ιp)(h(al))) ⊗ f ◦ (ιm ⊕ idp) = (f ◦ (h ⊕ idp))(idl ⊕ ιp)(al)) ⊗ (f ◦ (h ⊕ idp)) ◦ (ιl ⊕ idp), which proves well-definedness. op The map is clearly UG-equivariant. To check that it is also UG -equivariant, let am ∈ Am, f : m ⊕ p → n, and h: p0 → p. Then f((idm ⊕ ιp)(am)) ⊗ f ◦ (ιm ⊕ idp) ◦ h = (f ◦ (idm ⊕ h))((idm ⊕ ιp0 )(am)) ⊗ (f ◦ (idm ⊕ h)) ◦ (ιm ⊕ idp),

op which proves UG -equivariance. 

Definition 3.8. Using the map of Lemma 3.7, we define the comparison map

F : Y (A) = A⊗UGZUG(−⊕−1, −)⊗UGZUG(−⊕−2, −3) −→ (A⊗ZUG(−1, −))⊗UGZUG(−⊕−2, −3) = X(A).

This map of double complexes induces a map of spectral sequences. For polynomial UG-modules, it turns out to be an isomorphism on the E1-page in a range. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 27

Proposition 3.9. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d. Then

1 1 F : Ebp,q(A)n → Ep,q(A)n is an isomorphism for

n > max(d + p + q + 2, ψ(r − 1, d − 1, q + 1) + p + 1) and a surjection for n > max(d + p + q + 1, ψ(r − 1, d − 1, q) + p + 1).

Proof. We see that the map from Definition 3.8

1 ∼ G G p+1 ∼ 1 F : Ebp,q = Heq (A) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (p + 1), n) −→ Heq (Σ A) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (p + 1), −) = Ep,q is induced by the map G G p+1 Heq (A)n−p−1 −→ Heq (Σ A)n−p−1. We will prove that this is an isomorphism or a surjection in the asserted ranges. p+1 G Let B and D be the kernel and cokernel of A → Σ A, respectively. Since Cei is an exact functor G and Ce∗ is functorial with respect to UG-morphisms, we have an exact sequence of chain complexes:

G G G p+1 G 0 → Ce∗ (B)n−p−1 → Ce∗ (A)n−p−1 → Ce∗ (Σ A)n−p−1 → Ce∗ (D)n−p−1 → 0. Let E be the cokernel of B → A, which is incidentally the kernel of Σp+1A → D. As explained in ∼ G ∼ Lemma 2.45, Bn = 0 for n > d. That means that Ceq (B)n−p−1 = 0 for n > d + p + q + 2. From the long exact sequence associated to:

G G G 0 −→ Ce∗ (B)n−p−1 −→ Ce∗ (A)n−p−1 −→ Ce∗ (E)n−p−1 −→ 0, we conclude that G G Heq (A)n−p−1 −→ Heq (E)n−p−1, is an isomorphism for n > d + p + q + 2 and a surjection for n > d + p + q + 1. Further, D has polynomial G ∼ degree ≤ r − 1 in ranks > d − 1 by Lemma 2.45. Thus Heq (D)n−p−1 = 0 if n > ψ(r − 1, d − 1, q) + p + 1. From the long exact sequence associated to:

G G p+1 G 0 −→ Ce∗ (E)n−p−1 −→ Ce∗ (Σ A)n−p−1 −→ Ce∗ (D)n−p−1 −→ 0, we deduce that G G p+1 Heq (E)n−p−1 −→ Heq (Σ A)n−p−1 is an isomorphism for n > ψ(r − 1, d − 1, q + 1) + p + 1 and a surjection for n > ψ(r − 1, d − 1, q) + p + 1. G G G p+1 Therefore, the composition Heq (A)n−p−1 → Heq (E)n−p−1 → Heq (Σ A)n−p−1 is an isomorphism or a surjection in the given ranges. 

2 ∼ Corollary 3.10. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d. Then E−1,i(A)n = G Hei (A)n if n > max(d + i + 1, ψ(r − 1, d − 1, i) + 1).

1 1 1 1 Proof. In this case F : Eb0,i(A)n → E0,i(A)n is surjective and thus d1 : E0,i(A)n → E−1,i(A)n is zero 1 1 2 ∼ 1 ∼ G because d1 : Eb0,i(A)n → Eb−1,i(A)n is the zero map. Therefore, E−1,i(A)n = E−1,i(A)n = Hei (A)n.  28 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

We now prove a quantitative version of the H3 portion of Theorem C. Note that by Theorem 2.14 and Proposition 2.31, vanishing of central stability homology implies derived representation stability. Thus, it suffices to give a vanishing line for the central stability homology of poloynomial UG-modules.

Theorem 3.11. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d. If UG satisfies H3(k, a) G ∼ with k ≥ 2, then Hei (A)n = 0 for n > max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r).

Proof. We will prove the theorem by nested induction—the first over r and the second over i. G ∼ We first give a proof for r = −∞. We have that Hei (A)n = 0 for all n > d + i + 1 since central stability chains also vanish in that range. Let us now proceed with r ≥ 0 and assume the theorem is true for all UG-modules A of polynomial degree ≤ s < r in ranks > d and all homological degrees. Fix i ≥ −1 and assume that the theorem is true for all UG-modules A of polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d and all homological degrees j < i. In particular, max(d + j + 1, kj + a + s) ≥ ψ(s, d, j) if s < r, or s = r and j < i. G ∼ Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d. We will now prove that Hei (A)n = 0 G ∼ 2 for all n > max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r). By Corollary 3.10, Hei (A)n = E−1,i(A)n if n > max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r) because

max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r) = max(d + i + 1, max((d − 1) + i + 1 + 1, ki + a + (r − 1) + 1)) ≥ max(d + i + 1, ψ(r − 1, d − 1, i) + 1).

2 ∞ 1 We will prove that E−1,i(A)n = E−1,i(A)n in the asserted range. To do this, we will look at Ep,q(A)n for p + q = i and q < i and show that these groups vanish. Observe that

1 ∼ G p+1 Ep,q(A)n = Heq (Σ A) ⊗UG ZUG(− ⊕ (p + 1), n). p+1 1 ∼ Because Σ A has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d − p − 1, Lemma 2.43 implies that Ep,q(A)n = 0 for k≥2 n > max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r) ≥ max(d − p − 1 + q + 1, kq + a + r) + p + 1 ≥ ψ(r, d − p − 1, q) + p + 1.

∞ We finish the proof by invoking Proposition 3.4 that says that E−1,i(A)n vanishes for

n > max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r) ≥ ki + a. 

Remark 3.12. H3(1, a) implies H3(2, a + 1). Therefore, if k = 1 and if A is a polynomial UG-module G ∼ of degree ≤ r in ranks > d, we conclude Hei (A)n = 0 for n > max(d + i + 1, 2i + a + 1 + r).

3.2. Via the Koszul resolution. We now prove an improved stable range when G satisfies the standard connectivity assumptions. The arguments will be similar to those of the previous subsection.

Definition 3.13. Let A be UG-module. Define the double complex P∗,∗(A) = K∗(A ⊗ K∗(Z))n, where r UG acts on A ⊗ K∗(Z) diagonally and Pp,q = Kq(A ⊗ Kp(Z)). Let Fpq denote the spectral sequence associated to P∗,∗. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 29

We start the discussion of this section by showing that the spectral sequence of the double complex

P∗,∗ converge to zero in a range.

∞ ∼ Lemma 3.14. Fpq = 0 for p + q < n.

¯r Proof. Let Fp,q be the spectral sequence associated to the transpose of P∗,∗. Then ¯0 ∼ Fpq = Kp(A ⊗ Kq(Z))n.

From the standard connectivity assumption, the homology of K∗(Z)n−p vanishes in degrees ∗ < n − p. Using the K¨unnethspectral sequence, this implies that the homology of An−p ⊗ K∗(Z)n−p vanishes in the same degrees ∗ < n − p. Because Kp is exact,

F 1 ∼ H (K (A ⊗ K ( )) ) ∼ IndGn H (A ⊗ K ( ) ) ⊗ StE1 ∼ 0 pq = q p ∗ Z n = Gn−p×Gp q n−p ∗ Z n−p p = for p + q < n. 

We proceed by comparing this double complex to the following double complex.

Definition 3.15. Define the double complex Q∗,∗(A) = K∗(K∗(A)), where Qp,q = Kq(Kp(A)). Let r Fbpq denote the spectral sequence associated to Q∗,∗.

Note that this double complex is symmetric as proved in the following lemma.

Lemma 3.16. The braiding induces an isomorphism of double complexes swapping the two complex gradings of Q∗,∗(A). In particular, ∼ Kp(Kq(A)) = Kq(Kp(A)).

Proof. We see that

∼ E1 E1 ∼ E1 E1 ∼ Kp(Kq(A)) = (A ~ Stq ) ~ Stp = (A ~ Stp ) ~ Stq = Kq(Kp(A))

E1 E1 ∼ E1 E1 because Stq ~ Stp = Stp ~ Stq by Lemma 2.23. As the boundary maps are defined using the right Z-action on A, Proposition 2.26 shows that the braiding induces an isomorphism of chain complexes. 

s We now uses these lemmas and corollary to study the spectral sequence Fbp,q(A).

Proposition 3.17. Let A be a UG-module and assume G satisfies the standard connectivity as- ∗ sumptions. The spectral sequence Fb∗,∗(A)n collapses at the first page. For s ≥ 1, we have that s ∼ Z s ∼ Z Fbp,q(A) = Kp(Torq (Z,A)). In particular, for s ≥ 1, Fb0,q(A) = Torq (Z,A).

1 ∼ Z Proof. It is clear that Fbp,q(A) = Kp(Torq (Z,A)). By Corollary 2.29, all non-isomorphisms of UG act Z on Torq (Z,A) by zero. From Equation (2) for the differentials in the Koszul complex, we conclude that the d1 differentials are zero. To finish the proof, it suffices to show the differentials di vanish for i > 1. The quasi-isomorphism

K∗(A) → B∗(A, Z+, Z) induces a quasi-isomorphism


By Lemma 2.35, there is a zig-zag of quasi-isomorphisms of double complex maps between

B∗(B∗(A, Z+, Z), Z+, Z) and B∗(B∗(Z, Z+,A), Z+, Z). A zig-zag of quasi-isomorphisms of double com- plex maps induces an isomorphism on double complex spectral sequences starting at the second page. Thus, it suffices to show the higher differentials vanish for the double complex spectral sequences associ- ated to B∗(B∗(Z, Z+,A), Z+, Z). Note that B∗(Z, Z+,A) is a UG-module where all non-isomorphisms act via zero. This means that B∗(B∗(Z, Z+,A), Z+, Z) is isomorphic to B∗(Z, Z,A) ~G B∗(Z, Z, Z)). The double complex spectral sequence associated to B∗(Z, Z,A) ~G B∗(Z, Z, Z)) is a K¨unnethspectral sequence and hence collapses at the second page since the terms of the right tensor factor are free as abelian groups. 

We will now construct a map of double complex Q∗,∗ → P∗,∗. This map is induced by the map of the following lemma.

Lemma 3.18. There is map

∼ E1 E1 ∼ Kp(A) = (A  Stp ) ⊗G×G ZG(− ⊕ −, −) −→ A ⊗ (Z  Stp ) ⊗G×G ZG(− ⊕ −, −) = A ⊗ Kp(Z)

(an−p ⊗ wp) ⊗ gn 7−→ gn(idn−p ⊕ p)(an−p) ⊗ (1 ⊗ wp) ⊗ gn of UG-chain complexes.

Proof. We first check that this map is well defined. Let hn−p ∈ Gn−p and hp ∈ Gp. Then

(an−p ⊗ wp) ⊗ gn ◦ (hn−p ⊕ hp) = (hn−p(an−p) ⊗ hp(wp)) ⊗ gn is sent to gn(hn−p⊕hp)(idn−p⊕p)(an−p)⊗(1⊗wp)⊗gn◦(hn−p⊕hp) = gn(hn−p⊕idp)(idn−p⊕p)(an−p)⊗(1⊗hp(wp))⊗gn. The UG-equivariance is easy to see. E1 ~p To see that this is a chain map, we recall that Stp ⊂ Z1 with Z1 the G-module Z in degree 0 and zero in all other degrees. The differential is given by

~p−1 m~id ~p−1 A ~ Z1 ~ Z1 −→ A ~ Z1 . The above map is the restriction of the map

~p ~p A ~ Z1 −→ A ⊗ (Z ~ Z1 )

an−p ⊗ wp ⊗ gn 7−→ gn(idn−p ⊕ ιp)(an−p) ⊗ (1 ⊗ wp ⊗ gn). This gives a commutative diagram

~p ~p A ~ Z1 / A ⊗ (Z ~ Z1 )

  ~p−1 ~p−1 A ~ Z1 / A ⊗ (Z ~ Z1 ) that restricts to the assertion on K∗(A) → A ⊗ K∗(Z).  We see that this map induces a map of double complexes ∼ Qpq = Kq(Kp(A)) −→ Kq(A ⊗ Kp(Z)). We want to prove that this comparison map induces an isomorphism on homology in a range. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 31

3 Definition 3.19. Let η : (Z≥−1) → N0 ∪ {∞} be the smallest number such that for any polynomial UG-module A of degree ≤ r in ranks > d, then

Z ∼ Tori (A, Z)n = 0 for n > η(r, d, i).

The proof of the following proposition is modeled after the proof of Proposition 3.9.

Proposition 3.20. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d. Then

1 1 G: Fbp,q(A)n → Fp,q(A)n is an isomorphism when

n > max(d + p + q, η(r − 1, d − 1, q + 1) + p) and a surjection when n > max(d + p + q − 1, η(r − 1, d − 1, q) + p).

Proof. Let us first consider

F 0 (A) = K (K (A)) ∼ IndGn A StE1 StE1 . bp,q n q p n = Gn−p−q ×Gp×Gq n−p−q  p  q Using the braiding of G, we see that this is isomorphic to   G K (K (A)) ∼ IndGn Ind n−p A StE1 StE1 . p q n = Gn−p×Gp Gn−p−q ×Gq n−p−q  q  p

There is a noncanonical isomorphism from the above group to   M G StE1 ⊗ Ind n−p A StE1 . p Gn−p−q ×Gq n−p−q  q Gn/Gn−p×Gp Observe that the boundary maps in q-direction restrict to

G Ind n−p A StE1 Gn−p−q ×Gq n−p−q  q (with varying q) because p stays fixed. 0 For Fp,∗, there is a similar decomposition. First, note that   G F 0 ∼ IndGn Res n−q A ⊗ ( StE1 ) StE1 . p,q = Gn−p−q ×Gp×Gq Gn−p−q ×Gp n−q Z  p  q

Using the braiding, we obtain an inclusion of Gn−p−q × Gp × Gq into Gn−p × Gp and the induction factors as   G ×G G IndGn Ind n−p p Res n−q A ⊗ ( StE1 ) StE1 . Gn−p×Gp Gn−p−q ×Gp×Gq Gn−p−q ×Gp n−q Z  p  q

We now restrict the inner induction to Gn−p and get   G ×G G ×G G Res n−p p Ind n−p p Res n−q A ⊗ ( StE1 ) StE1 Gn−p Gn−p−q ×Gp×Gq Gn−p−q ×Gp n−q Z  p  q

G G ∼ StE1 ⊗ Ind n−p Res n−q A StE1 = p Gn−p−q ×Gq Gn−p−q n−q  q using Mackey’s double coset formula. Thus there is a noncanonical isomorphism   M G G F 0 ∼ StE1 ⊗ Ind n−p Res n−q A StE1 p,q = p Gn−p−q ×Gq Gn−p−q n−q  q Gn/Gn−p×Gp 32 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN and again, the boundary maps in q-direction restrict to

G G Ind n−p Res n−q A StE1 Gn−p−q ×Gq Gn−p−q n−q  q

(with varying q) because p stays fixed. Observe that the map of double complexes G restricts to a map of chain complexes

G G G K (A) ∼ Ind n−p A StE1 −→ Ind n−p Res n−q A StE1 ∼ K (ΣpA) q n−p = Gn−p−q ×Gq n−p−q  q Gn−p−q ×Gq Gn−p−q n−q  q = q n−p that is induced by the shift map A → ΣpA. Let B and C denote the kernel and cokernel of A → ΣpA, respectively. If we show that

Z ∼ Z ∼ Torq (B, Z)n−p = Torq (C, Z)n−p = 0

p in a range, then Kq(A)n−p → Kq(Σ A)n−p is a quasi-isomorphism in a range and thus     M G G M G StE1 ⊗ Ind n−p Res n−q A StE1 −→ StE1 ⊗ Ind n−p A StE1 p Gn−p−q ×Gq Gn−p−q n−q q p Gn−p−q ×Gq n−p−q q Gn/Gn−p×Gp Gn/Gn−p×Gp

E1 induces an isomorphism on homology because Stp is free abelian. For a precise formulation, let D be the cokernel of B → A which is also the kernel of ΣpA → C. ∼ Lemma 2.45 implies that Bn = 0 for n > d and that C is polynomial of degree ≤ r − 1 in ranks > d − 1. Thus

Z ∼ Torq (D, Z)n−p = 0 if n > d + q + p and

Z ∼ Torq (C, Z)n−p = 0 if n > η(r − 1, d − 1, q) + p. This implies that

Z Z Torq (A, Z)n−p −→ Torq (D, Z)n−p is surjective for n > d + q + p + 1 and bijective for n > d + q + p and

Z Z p Torq (D, Z)n−p −→ Torq (Σ A, Z)n−p is surjective for n > η(r − 1, d − 1, q) + p and bijective for n > η(r − 1, d − 1, q) + p − 1. Putting both maps together implies the assertion. 

Remark 3.21. A key feature of the proof of Proposition 3.20 is that we construct isomorphisms that are not equivariant. It would be interesting to know if there is an equivariant reformation of the arguments.

Similarly to Corollary 3.10, we have the following.

Corollary 3.22. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d and assume G satisfies ∞ ∼ Z the standard connectivity assumptions. Then F0,i(A)n = Tori (A, Z)n for

n > max(d + i, η(r − 1, d − 1, i) + 1, η(r − 1, d − 1, i − 1) + 2, . . . , η(r − 1, d − 1, 0) + i + 1). REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 33

1 1 Proof. Fix n > max(d+i, η(r−1, d−1, i)+1). In this range, we have that Fbs,i+1−s(A)n → Fs,i+1−s(A)n t t t is surjective for all s ≥ 1. Assume by induction that d : Fs,i+1−s → F0,i vanishes for n > max(d + i, η(r − 1, d − 1, i) + 1, η(r − 1, d − 1, i − 1) + 2, . . . , η(r − 1, d − 1, 0) + i + 1) for all 1 ≤ t < s. Consider the commutative diagram

s 1 s d s 1 Fb0,i(A)n = Fb0,i(A)n o Fbs,i+1−s(A)n = Fbs,i+1−s(A)n

  s  1 s d s 1 F0,i(A)n = F0,i(A)n o Fs,i+1−s(A)n = Fs,i+1−s(A)n.

s s s s s By Proposition 3.17, d : Fbs,i+1−s(A)n → Fb0,i(A)n vanishes and hence so does d : Fs,i+1−s(A)n → s s F0,i(A)n. By induction, we see that there are no differentials into the group F0,i for any s ≥ 1. Therefore, in the given range,

Z ∼ 1 ∼ ∞ Tori (A, Z)n = F0,i(A)n = F0,i(A)n.  We can now prove an improved version of Theorem 3.11 under the assumption that G satisfies the standard connectivity assumptions. The following is a quantitative version of Theorem C under the assumption that UG satisfies the standard connectivity assumptions.

Theorem 3.23. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d. If G satisfies the Z ∼ standard connectivity assumptions, then Tori (A, Z)n = 0 for n > i + max(d, r).

Proof. We will prove by induction that η(r, d, i) ≤ i + max(d, r) for all r, d, and i. The induction ∼ ∼ beginning is straightforward since Ki(A)n = 0 in a range if An = 0 in a range. Now fix n > i + max(d, r). We will assume by induction that the claim is true for modules ∞ ∼ Z of polynomial degree < r. By Corollary 3.22, F0,i(A)n = Tori (A, Z)n. However, by Lemma 3.14, ∞ ∼ F0,i(A)n = 0. This establishes the induction step. 

4. Stability with polynomial coefficients

In this section, we give tools for proving representation stability and secondary stability for families of groups with polynomial coefficients.

4.1. Representation stability with polynomial coefficients. In this subsection, we establish a general criterion for representation stability with polynomial coefficients. The following is a quantitative version of Theorem A.

Theorem 4.1. Let 1 −→ N −→ G −→ Q −→ 1 be a stability short exact sequence. Assume that UG satisfies H3(k, a). Let Θ be a coherence function for UQ. Let A be a UG-module of polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d. Let

g0 = max(d, a − k + r), r0 = max(d + 1, a + r + 1),

gi = max(d + i, ki − k + a + r, Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 1),..., Θ(g0, r0, i)), and

ri = max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r, Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 2),..., Θ(g0, r0, i + 1)). 34 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Q ∼ Q ∼ Then He−1(Hi(N ; A))n = 0 for n > gi and He0 (Hi(N ; A))n = 0 for n > ri. G ∼ Proof. In Theorem 3.11, we showed that Hei (A) = 0 for all n > max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r). By 2 ∼ Q ∞ ∼ Corollary 2.20, there is a spectral sequence with (Ep,q)n = Hep (Hq(N ; A))n and with (Ep,q)n = 0 for n > max(d + p + q + 1, kp + kq + a + r). Let

g0 = max(d, a − k + r), r0 = max(d + 1, a + r + 1),

gi = max(d + i, ki − k + a + r, Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 1),..., Θ(g0, r0, i)), and

ri = max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r, Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 2),..., Θ(g0, r0, i + 1)). s We begin with the case i = 0. Since there are no differentials into or out of the groups (E−1,0)n and s (E0,0)n for s ≥ 2, we have: Q ∼ 2 ∞ He−1(Hi(N ; A))n = (E−1,0)n = (E−1,0)n and Q ∼ 2 ∞ He0 (Hi(N ; A))n = (E0,0)n = (E0,0)n. ∞ Q ∼ It now follows from the vanishing line for (Ep,q)n that He−1(H0(N ; A))n = 0 for n > g0 and Q ∼ He0 (H0(N ; A))n = 0 for n > r0. Q ∼ Q ∼ Now assume we have proven that He−1(Hq(N ; A))n = 0 for n > gq and He0 (Hq(N ; A))n = 0 for 2 Q n > rq for all q < i. Recall that (Ep,q)n = Hep (Hq(N ; A))n. For q < i, it follows from this description of 2 2 the E -page and definition of the coherence function Θ that (Ep,q)n = 0 for n > Θ(gq, rq, p). This rules s s out differentials into and out of (E−1,i)n and (E0,i)n for s ≥ 2 and n sufficiently large. In particular, 2 ∞ (E−1,i)n = (E−1,i)n for n > max(Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 1),..., Θ(g0, r0, i)). ∞ ∼ Q ∼ 2 Additionally, (E−1,i)n = 0 for n > max(d+i, ki−k+a+r). Since He−1(Hi(N ; A))n = (E−1,i)n, it follows Q ∼ Q ∼ that He−1(Hi(N ; A))n = 0 for n > gi. An almost identical argument shows that He0 (Hi(N ; A))n = 0 for n > ri.  Corollary 4.2. Let A be a UBr-module which has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d. Then the

US-module H0(PBr; A) has generation degree ≤ max(d, r) and presentation degree ≤ max(d + 1, r + 2).

For i > 0, the US-module Hi(PBr; A) has generation degree   ≤ 2i−1 · max(d, r) + max(d + 1, r + 2) + 3 − 2 and presentation degree   ≤ 2i−1 · max(d, r) + max(d + 1, r + 2) + 3 − 1

Proof. We will use the stability short exact sequence:

1 −→ PBr −→ Br −→ S −→ 1.

It follows from Proposition 2.13 and Remark 3.12 that UBr satisfies H3(2, 2). From Proposition 2.16, it follows that Θ(g, r, i) = g + max(g, r) + i is a coherence function for US. We now apply Theorem 4.1. It is immediate that g0 = max(d, r) and r0 = max(d + 1, r + 2). We will prove by induction that

i−1   i−1   gi = 2 · max(d, r)+max(d+1, r+2)+3 −2 and ri = 2 · max(d, r)+max(d+1, r+2)+3 −1 REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 35 for i > 0. First note that gj = rj − 1 for all j < i by induction. Thus

Θ(gj, rj, m)

=gj + max(gj, rj) + m     = 2j−1 · max(d, r) + max(d + 1, r + 2) + 3 − 2

    + 2j−1 · max(d, r) + max(d + 1, r + 2) + 3 − 1 + m   =2j · max(d, r) + max(d + 1, r + 2) + 3 − 3 + m.

This implies that

gi = max(d + i, 2i + r, Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 1),..., Θ(g0, r0, i))

= Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 1)   = 2i−1 · max(d, r) + max(d + 1, r + 2) + 3 − 2 and

ri = max(d + i + 1, 2i + 2 + r, Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 2),..., Θ(g0, r0, i + 1))

= Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 1)   = 2j · max(d, r) + max(d + 1, r + 2) + 3 − 1.

From Proposition 2.13, it follows that US satisfies H3(1,1). Using Theorem 2.14 and ri − gi = 1, we deduce that Hi(PBr; A) is generated in degrees ≤ gi and presented in degrees ≤ ri as asserted. 

Example 4.3. Let Burn denote the Burau representation of Brn. By Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17,

Examples 4.3, 4.15], the sequence Bur = {Burn}n assembles to form a polynomial UBr-module of degree 1. Thus, Corollary 4.2 implies that the US-module H0(PBr; Bur) has generation degree ≤ 1 and i−1 presentation degree ≤ 3. For i > 0, the US-module Hi(PBr; A) has generation degree ≤ 7 · 2 − 2 and presentation degree ≤ 7 · 2i−1 − 1. Theorem 3.23 implies that Bur has generation degree ≤ 1 and presentation degree ≤ 2 as a UBr-module. Thus, it is reasonable to think of Bur as exhibiting a form of representation stability.

Remark 4.4. The exponential range produced in Corollary 4.2 can likely be improved to a quadratical range using ideas from [CMNR18].

Specializing Theorem A to the case Qn = 1, gives classical homological stability with twisted coefficients. In particular, Theorem A is a generalization of Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17, Theorem A]. This also follows from [Pat20, Theorem D] and Theorem 3.11.

Corollary 4.5. Let UG be a stability category that satisfies H3(k, a) with k ≥ 2. Let A be a UG-module which has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d. Then

Hi(Gn; An) −→ Hi(Gn+1; An+1) 36 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN is surjective for  max(d, a − k + r) i = 0 n ≥ max(d + 2i, max(k(i − 1) + 1, 2i) + a + r) i > 0 and injective for n ≥ max(d + 2i + 1, max(ki, 2i + 1) + a + r).

Proof. In this proof, we will use the stability short exact sequence

1 −→ G −→ G −→ 1 −→ 1.

From Proposition 2.16, it follows that

Θ(g, r, i) = max(g + 1, r) + i is a coherence function of U1. We now apply Theorem 4.1. Then

g0 = max(d, a − k + r) and

r0 = max(d + 1, a + r + 1) = max(d + 2 · 0 + 1, max(ki, 2 · 0 + 1) + a + r).

Next we want to prove

gi = max(d + 2i, max(k(i − 1) + 1, 2i) + a + r) and ri = max(d + 2i + 1, max(ki, 2i + 1) + a + r) by induction for i > 0. First note that g0 + 1 ≤ r0 and gj + 1 = max(d + 2j, max(k(j − 1) + 1, 2j) + a + r) + 1 ≤ max(d + 2j + 1, max(kj, 2j + 1) + a + r) = rj for all 0 < j < i. Thus

Θ(gj, rj, m) = rj + m = max(d + 2j + 1, max(kj, 2j + 1) + a + r) + m.


gi = max(d + i, ki − k + a + r, Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 1),..., Θ(g0, r0, i)) = max(d + 2(i − 1) + 2, max(k(i − 1), 2(i − 1) + 1) + a + r + 1) = max(d + 2i, max(k(i − 1) + 1, 2i) + a + r) and

ri = max(d + i + 1, ki + a + r, Θ(gi−1, ri−1, 2),..., Θ(g0, r0, i + 1)) = max(ki + a + r, d + 2(i − 1) + 1 + 2, max(k(i − 1), 2(i − 1) + 1) + a + r + 2)) = max(d + 2i + 1, max(ki, k(i − 1) + 2, 2i + 1) + a + r) = max(d + 2i + 1, max(ki, 2i + 1) + a + r).

An argument as in the proof of Proposition 2.16 shows the assertion.  REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 37

4.2. Secondary stability and improved stable ranges with polynomial coefficients. In this subsection, we prove that if the homology of a family of groups exhibits a certain form of secondary homological stability with untwisted coefficients, then it exhibits secondary stability with polynomial coefficients as well. We also describe how to use improvements to homological stability stable ranges with untwisted coefficients to deduce similar improved ranges with polynomial coefficients. We now recall some of the setup of secondary homological stability from [GKRWa, GKRW19].

Fix a commutative ring K and stability groupoid G. Let RK be the free K-module on the nerve of G. The monoidal structure on G makes RK into an E1-algebra. Let RK be a simplicial K-module which is homotopy equivalent to RK as E1-algebras but is strictly associative (see [GKRWa, Section

12.2]). We will view RK as a graded simplicial K-module with the nth graded piece coming from L Gn. Given a UG-module A over K, n(RK)n ⊗KGn An naturally has the structure of an E1-module over RK. Let RA denote a strict RK-module in the category of graded simplicial K-modules which L is homotopy equivalent to n(RK)n ⊗KGn An as an E1-module (see [GKRWa, Section 19.1]). Define

Hn,i(RK) to be the degree n part of πi(|RK|). Here | · | denotes geometric realization. We have ∼ that Hn,i(RK) = Hi(Gn; K). Similarly define Hn,i(RA) to be the degree n part of πi(|RA|). Then ∼ Hn,i(RA) = Hi(Gn; An). Let Sa,b denote the graded simplicial -module which is the quotient of the free -module on the K K K simplicial set model of the b-dimensional simplex modulo its boundary, where everything is concentrated a,b in degree a. We have that Hn,i(S ) vanishes unless n = a and i = b in which case we have K a,b ∼ Ha,b(S ) = . Let σ ∈ H1,0(R ) be the class of a point in H0(BG1; ). Let K K K K

1,0 σ · −: S ⊗ RK → RK be multiplication by a lift of σ. We have that σ · − is homotopic to the map induced by the inclusions ∼ Gn = 1 × Gn → Gn+1. Let RK/σ denote a RK-module homotopy equivalent to the mapping cone of

σ · −: RK → RK. Multiplication by a lift of σ also gives a map σ · −: RA → RA and we let RA/σ denote a RK-module homotopy equivalent to the mapping cone of this map (see [GKRWa, Section ∼ ∼ 19.2]). Note that Hn,i(RK/σ) = Hi(Gn,Gn−1; K) and Hn,i(RA/σ) = Hi(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1). In R K [GKRWa, Pages 192-193], they define a quantity Hn,i (RA) and prove it is naturally isomorphic to the hyper-homology groups Hi(Gn; K ⊗ B∗(A, Z, Z)n). The following is Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams R K [GKRWa, Theorem 19.2] and relates vanishing of Hn,i (RA) to improved stable ranges with twisted coefficients.

Theorem 4.6 (Galatius–Kupers-Randal-Williams). Let A be a UG-module over K, λ ≤ 1 and c ∈ R. R K If G is braided, Hn,i(RK/σ) = 0 for i < λn, and Hn,i (RA) = 0 for i < λ(n − c), then Hn,i(RA/σ) = 0 for i < λ(n − c).

We now apply this theorem to the case that A has finite polynomial degree.

Lemma 4.7. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d over K. If UG satisfies R K ∼ ∼ the standard connectivity assumptions, then Hn,i (RA) = Hi(Gn; K ⊗ B∗(A, Z, Z)n)) = 0 for n > i + max(d, r). 38 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Z ∼ ∼ Proof. Theorem 3.23 implies that Torq (A, Z)n = Hq(B∗(A, Z, Z)n) = 0 for n > q + max(d, r). Thus ∼ Hq(B∗(A, Z, Z)n ⊗ K) = 0 for n > q + max(d, r). The hyperhomology spectral sequence 2 ∼ Epq = Hp(Gn; Hq(B∗(A, Z, Z)n ⊗ K)) =⇒ Hp+q(Gn; B∗(A, Z, Z)n) ⊗ K) 2 ∼ implies the assertion because Epq = 0 for n > q + max(d, r). 

Combining Theorem 4.6 and Lemma 4.7 give the following.

Theorem 4.8. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d over K. Let λ ≤ 1 and c ∈ R. Assume UG satisfies the standard connectivity assumptions, G is braided, and that ∼ ∼ Hi(Gn,Gn−1; K) = 0 for i < λn. Then Hi(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) = 0 for i < λn − max(r, d).

Before we move on to secondary stability, we describe a few applications of this theorem.

1 Theorem 4.9. Let A be a polynomial US-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d over Z[ 2 ]. Then ∼ Hi(Sn, Sn−1; An,An−1) = 0 for i < n − max(r, d).

Proof. It is well known from calculations of the homology of the symmetric groups (see e.g. Cohen– Lada–May [CLM76, Section 1]) or from [KM15, Theorem 1.4] for M = R∞ that 1 ∼ Hi(Sn; Sn−1; Z[ 2 ]) = 0 for i < n.

The claim now follows from Theorem 4.8. 

1 Theorem 4.10. Let A be a polynomial U GL(Z)-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d over Z[ 2 ]. Then ∼ 2 Hi(GLn(Z), GLn−1(Z); An,An−1) = 0 for i < 3 n − max(r, d).

Proof. In [GKRWa, Section 18.2] Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams proved that:

1 ∼ 2 Hi(GLn(Z), GLn−1(Z); Z[ 2 ]) = 0 for i < 3 n.

The claim now follows from Theorem 4.8. 

We now give a general secondary stability theorem for twisted coefficients. A secondary stability map of bidegree (a, b) is a map of RK-modules f : R /σ ⊗ Sa,b → R /σ. K K K K Such a map induces a map

f∗ : Hi−b(Gn−a,Gn−a−1; An−a,An−a−1) → Hi(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) for any UG-module A over K. The following theorem appears as [GKRW19, Theorem 5.20] for G = Mod with a specific choice of secondary stability map but no changes to the proof are necessary for general G with the assumption given here.

R K Proposition 4.11. Let λ ≤ 1 and c ∈ R. Let A be a UG-module with Hn,i (RA) = 0 for i < λ(n − c). Assume UG satisfies the standard connectivity assumptions, G is braided, and that there is a secondary stability map f of bidegrees (a, b) which induces a surjection

f∗ : Hi−b(Gn−a,Gn−a−1; K) → Hi(Gn,Gn−1; K) REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 39 for i ≤ λ(n − c) and an isomorphism for i ≤ λ(n − c − a). Then

f∗ : Hi−b(Gn−a,Gn−a−1; An−a,An−a−1) → Hi(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) is a surjection for i ≤ λ(n − c) and an isomorphism for i ≤ λ(n − c) − 1.

Combining Lemma 4.7 and Proposition 4.11 gives the following theorem.

Theorem 4.12. Let A be a polynomial UG-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d over K. Let λ ≤ 1 and c ∈ R. Assume UG satisfies the standard connectivity assumptions, G is braided, and that there is a secondary stability map f of bidegrees (a, b) which induces a surjection

f∗ : Hi−b(Gn−a,Gn−a−1; K) → Hi(Gn,Gn−1; K) for i ≤ λ(n − c) and an isomorphism for i ≤ λ(n − c − a). Then

f∗ : Hi−b(Gn−p,Gn−a−1; An−a,An−a−1) → Hi(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) is a surjection for i ≤ λ(n − c − max(r, d)) and an isomorphism for i ≤ λ(n − c − a − max(r, d)) − 1.

Theorem B is the K = Z case of Theorem 4.12. We will apply this to the case of mapping class groups. For this application, [GKRW19, Theorem 5.20] would have sufficed. Theorem 4.12 has other applications such as secondary stability for braid groups with coefficients in the Burau representation.

Corollary 4.13. Let A be a polynomial Mod-module of degree ≤ r in ranks > d. Then

Hi(Modg−1,1; Ag−1) → Hi(Modg,1; Ag)

2 2 is surjective for i < 3 (g − max(d, r)) and an isomorphism for i < 3 (g − max(d, r)) − 1. Moreover, there is a map

Hi−2(Modg−3,1, Modg−4,1; Ag−3,Ag−4) → Hi(Modg,1, Modg−1,1; Ag,Ag−1) 3 3 which is a surjection for i < 4 (g − max(d, r)) and an isomorphism for i < 4 (g − max(d, r)) − 1. Proof. The homological stability portion of this corollary follows Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams [GKRW19, Corollary 5.2] and Theorem 4.8 and the secondary stability portion from Galatius–Kupers– Randal-Williams [GKRW19, Theorem A] and Theorem 4.12. 

Corollary 4.14. Let Burn denote the Burau representation of the braid group Brn. Then there is a map

Hi−1(Brn−2, Brn−3; Burn−2, Burn−3) → Hi(Brn, Brn−1; Burn, Burn−1) 2 2 which is surjective for i < 3 (n − 1) and an isomorphism for i < 3 (n − 1) − 1.

1 Proof. Recall that σ denotes a cycle corresponding to a generator of H0(Br1). Let Q σ denote a cycle 1 corresponding to the generator of H1(Br2) and let f : RZ → RZ denote multiplication by Q σ. This gives a map

f∗ : Hi−1(Brn−2, Brn−3; Burn−2, Burn−3) → Hi(Brn, Brn−1; Burn, Burn−1)

It follows from Cohen–Lada–May’s [CLM76] computations of the homology of free Ek-algebras that 2 2 f∗ is surjective for i < 3 n and an isomorphism for i < 3 n − 1 (see Himes [Him, Theorem 1.1]). By Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17, Examples 4.3, 4.15], the sequence Bur = {Burn}n assembles to form a polynomial UBr-module of degree 1. The claim now follows by Theorem 4.12.  40 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Remark 4.15. Corollary 4.14 applies equally well to the specialization of Burn to t a root of unity.

For t = −1, this gives the sympletic representation of Brn acting on a H1(Σn), as discussed in greater detail in the following Subsection 5.1. Computations of Callegaro–Salvetti [CS, Table 1] imply that the relative homology groups Hi(Brn; H1(Σn)) are often nonzero in the metastable range of Corollary 4.14. 1 In particular, slope 2 stability is optimal for braid groups with coefficients in the Burau representation specialized to t = −1.

Let Confn(X) denote the configuration space of n distinct unordered points in a topological space

X. The homology groups Hi(Brn; H1(Σn)) are relevant because of their relation with the homology of the space

2 En = {({x1, . . . , xn}, z, y) | y = (z − x1) ··· (z − xn)} ⊂ Confn(C) × C × C, which is the total space of the universal family of affine hyperelliptic curves. There is an isomorphism (see Callegaro–Salvetti [CS, Page 1]) ∼ Hi(En) = Hi(Brn) ⊕ Hi−1(Brn; H1(Σn)). Thus Corollary 4.14 specialized to t = −1 combined with Himes [Him, Theorem 1.1] implies secodary homological stability for the space En.

5. Applications

In this section, we apply our general stability theorems to concrete examples. Namely, we prove a twisted homological stability theorem for moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves, establish an improved representation stability stable range for congruence subgroups, establish secondary stability for diffeo- morphism groups of surfaces viewed as discrete groups, and prove an improved homological stability stable range for homotopy automorpihsms of wedges of spheres and general linear groups of the sphere spectrum.

5.1. Moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves. Let Mg denote the moduli space of smooth genus g curves over C, and let Mg,∂ denote the moduli space of smooth genus g curves together with a marked point and a nonzero tangent vector at that point. Both Mg and Mg,∂ are K(π, 1) spaces, where π is the mapping class group of a closed genus g surface, and a genus g surface with one boundary component, respectively. (For this to be true we should either work rationally or consider Mg as a stack or orbifold; we will prefer the latter perspective.) Gluing on a torus defines an embedding of the mapping class group of a genus g surface with a boundary component into the mapping class group of a genus g + 1 surface with boundary. Thus we get a continuous (nonalgebraic) map Mg,∂ → Mg+1,∂ , which is well defined up to homotopy. This map induces homological stability.

i i Theorem 5.1 ([Har85],[GKRW19]). The induced map H (Mg+1,∂ ; Z) → H (Mg,∂ ; Z) is an isomor- 2g−4 phism for i ≤ 3 . Algebraic geometers are often more interested in the case of closed surfaces. For this we need to consider the evident (algebraic) forgetful maps Mg,∂ → Mg; Harer has proved that the induced i i 2 morphism H (Mg; Z) → H (Mg,∂ ; Z) is an isomorphism for i ≤ 3 g [Har85, Bol12]. In particular, there i ∼ i 2g−4 are also isomorphisms H (Mg+1; Z) = H (Mg; Z) for i ≤ 3 . REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 41

i i Remark 5.2. Although Mg,∂ → Mg+1,∂ is not an algebraic map, H (Mg+1,∂ ) → H (Mg,∂ ) still preserves algebraic structures such as the mixed Hodge structure, the comparison isomorphisms with the algebraic de Rham cohomology and the ´etalecohomology, including the structure of `-adic

Galois representations. The reason is that Mg+1,∂ can be given a Deligne–Mumford style partial compactification in which a boundary stratum adjacent to Mg+1,∂ is isomorphic to Mg,1 × M1,1+∂ ; here Mg,1 is the moduli of genus g curves with a marked point, and M1,1+∂ parametrizes genus 1 curves with two marked points, one of which is equipped with a nonzero tangent vector. The complement of the zero section in the normal bundle of this boundary stratum is isomorphic to Mg,∂ × M1,∂+∂ with M1,∂+∂ the moduli space of genus one curves with two distinct marked points and a nonzero tangent vector at each of the marked points. After choosing a tubular neighborhood and a fixed point of

M1,∂+∂ , this defines a continuous embedding of Mg,∂ into Mg+1,∂ which coincides with the one defined up to homotopy by gluing on a torus in the mapping class group. Although tubular neighborhoods do not literally exist in algebraic geometry, the induced map on cohomology can still be defined purely algebraically via “deformation to the normal cone” (or “Verdier specialization”). See e.g. [HL97, Section 4].

There is a version of the Harer stability theorem for twisted coefficients, due to Ivanov [Iva93]. The stable range was later improved by Boldsen [Bol12]. See Corollary 4.13 for a further improvement to this stable range. An important example of a polynomial coefficient system is the following. There is a natural rank

2g local system on Mg,∂ given by the first cohomology group of the curve, and as g varies it defines a polynomial coefficient system of degree 1. Its r-fold tensor power with itself is a polynomial coefficient system of degree r; more generally, any Schur functor (for the general linear group or for the symplectic group) applied to the standard degree 1 coefficient system produces again a polynomial coefficient system. We denote these “standard” coefficient systems by Vλ; they are parametrized by partitions λ. Again one can ask what happens for closed surfaces. It is not true in general that

i i H (Mg; Vλ) → H (Mg,∂ ; Vλ) is an isomorphism stably. However, at least rationally it will be true that the Leray–Serre spectral sequence for Mg,∂ → Mg behaves predictably in a stable range also for coefficients in Vλ, and a i ∼ i consequence is that there are isomorphisms H (Mg; Vλ ⊗ Q) = H (Mg+1; Vλ ⊗ Q) for g large with respect to i (see Looijenga [Loo96, Theorem 1.1]). Moreover, these isomorphisms respect the natural mixed Hodge structure/Galois module structure etc., just as in the case of constant coefficients. It is natural to ask whether there is a version of the above story if one replaces the usual mapping class group with the hyperelliptic mapping class group, or in algebro-geometric terms, if we replace

Mg with the moduli space Hg of hyperelliptic curves. Again it is natural to consider the case of surfaces with boundary, in order to even have a stabilization map. We let Hg,∂ denote the moduli space parametrizing a hyperelliptic curve of genus g, the choice of a marked Weierstrass point (i.e. a fixed point of the hyperelliptic involution), and a nonzero tangent vector at the Weierstrass point.

The space Hg,∂ is again a K(π, 1), but the group π is now (as we will later explain geometrically) the

Artin braid group Br2g+1 on 2g + 1 strands, which we may think of as the hyperelliptic mapping class group of a genus g surface with boundary. In particular, the hyperelliptic analogue of Harer stability is 42 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN simply Arnold’s theorem that the braid groups satisfy homological stability [Arn70]. The hyperelliptic analogue of Ivanov’s theorem, i.e. homological stability for the braid groups with polynomial coefficients, is a more recent theorem of Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17, Theorem D]. Of particular interest are the “standard” polynomial coefficients systems Vλ, restricted from Mg,∂ to Hg,∂ using the evident embedding Hg,∂ ,→ Mg,∂ . The pullback of the standard rank 2g local system V1 on Mg,∂ to Hg,∂ , considered as a representation of the braid group on 2g + 1 strands, is precisely the reduced Burau representation specialized to t = −1, see e.g. Chen [Che17].

Remark 5.3. The inclusion Hg,∂ ,→ Mg,∂ induces a map of fundamental groups from the braid group to the mapping class group of a surface with a boundary component. This map, and the induced map in (co)homology, has been studied in several papers over the years, see e.g. [BH73, ST07, ST08, Che17, Bia].

Remark 5.4. Similar arguments as in the case of Mg,∂ imply the compatibility of the stabilization maps with mixed Hodge structure and Galois module structure. The partial compactification of Hg,∂ used is the one defined by admissible covers as in Abramovich–Corti–Vistoli [ACV03].

Now we may consider instead closed hyperelliptic surfaces. At this point we will restrict our attention to working rationally, i.e. we tensor all coefficient systems with Q. It turns out that the reduced rational cohomology of Hg vanishes for all g (see Remark 5.6), so homological stability for constant (rational) coefficients is uninteresting. But the cohomology of Hg with twisted coefficients is highly nontrivial in general and not much is known about it. Again there are no natural stabilization maps and the best i ∼ i we can ask for is that H (Hg+1; Vλ) = H (Hg; Vλ) for g  i. It does not seem easy to deduce from the results of Randal-Williams–Wahl the existence of such an isomorphism in the case of closed surfaces.

However if one knows not just homological stability for Brn with twisted coefficients but representation stability for the pure braid groups PBrn with twisted coefficients, then one can deduce homological stability for closed surfaces, too. The following is a corollary of Corollary 4.2.

Proposition 5.5. For a fixed i ∈ N0, the US-module

n 7→ Hi(PBrn; Vλ), is generated in degree ≤ 2i−1(2|λ| + 5) − 2 and presented in degree ≤ 2i−1(2|λ| + 5) − 1.

5.1.1. The various moduli spaces involved. For the proof of Theorem 1.3 we will need to work with several closely related moduli spaces, which we will define now. In the process we also explain why 1 Hg,∂ is algebraically isomorphic to the configuration space of 2g + 1 distinct unordered points in A up to translation, which explains in particular why Hg,∂ is a K(π, 1) for the braid group. A hyperelliptic curve of genus g is a double cover of P1 branched at 2g + 2 points. This gives a map of stacks Hg → M0,2g+2/S2g+2, where M0,n denotes the moduli space parametrizing n distinct ordered points on P1 up the action of PGL(2). The hyperelliptic curve is determined up to isomorphism by the location of the branch points; moreover, the automorphism group of the hyperelliptic curve is 1 a Z/2-central extension of the symmetry group of the configuration of branch points. This reflects the fact that Hg → M0,2g+2/S2g+2 is not an isomorphism, but a Z/2-gerbe, or in terms of geometric

1 If we want to be careful about characteristic 2 we are better off replacing Z/2 here, and in the discussion which follows, with the group scheme µ2. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 43 group theory, that the hyperelliptic mapping class group is a Z/2-central extension of the mapping class group of a sphere with 2g + 2 unordered punctures.

We let Hg,1 denote the moduli space parametrizing hyperelliptic curves with a marked Weierstrass 1 point, i.e. a distinguished ramification point of the canonical double cover of P . The space Hg,1 is a Z/2-gerbe over M0,2g+2/S2g+1, by the same reasoning as the preceding paragraph. 1 Let L denote the line bundle over M0,2g+2/S2g+1 given by the tangent space of P at the (2g + 2)nd ∗ 1 1 marked point. Note that L , the complement of the zero section in L, is isomorphic to Conf2g+1(A )/A , the configuration space of 2g + 1 unordered distinct points in A1 modulo translation. Indeed, given a point of M0,2g+2/S2g+1 we may use the gauge freedom to put the (2g + 2)nd marked point at infinity, in which case we are considering 2g + 1 distinct unordered points of P1 \ {∞} modulo the subgroup of PGL(2) fixing ∞ and moreover fixing a nonzero tangent vector at ∞. But that subgroup is simply the group of affine translations. ∗ ∼ 1 1 Now there is a natural map Hg,∂ → L = Conf2g+1(A )/A , associating to a hyperelliptic curve together with a nonzero tangent vector at a Weierstrass point its set of branch points and the corresponding nonzero tangent vector at the branch point which is the image of the distinguished Weierstrass point. This, however, is not a Z/2-gerbe—the factor of Z/2 arose previously since every hyperelliptic curve has the automorphism given by the hyperelliptic involution, but the hyperelliptic involution will not fix any nonzero tangent vector at a Weierstrass point. It follows that Hg,∂ → 1 1 Conf2g+1(A )/A is in fact an isomorphism.

Remark 5.6. It is easy to see from the above considerations that Hg has the rational cohomology of a point, as mentioned earlier. Indeed we obtain that

∗ ∼ ∗ S2g+2 ∗ S2g+1 H (Hg; Q) = H (M0,2g+2; Q) ⊆ H (M0,2g+2; Q) . 1 1 But the above discussion identified M0,2g+2/S2g+1 with the quotient of Conf2g+1(A )/A by the group Gm. It is well known that the rational cohomology of the braid group is the same as the cohomology of a circle, an isomorphism being given by the action of S1 on the configuration space by rotation. So

M0,2g+2/S2g+1 has the rational cohomology of a point, and then a fortiori so does M0,2g+2/S2g+2.

∼ 1 1 Remark 5.7. Another perspective on the isomorphism Hg,∂ = Conf2g+1(A )/A is that the line bundle L canonically acquires a square root when pulled back to Hg,1: a square root is given by the line bundle given by the tangent line of the hyperelliptic curve at the distinguished Weierstrass point. Using this, one may in fact identify Hg,1 with the Z/2-gerbe over M0,2g+2/S2g+1 parametrizing square roots of the line bundle L; see e.g. [Wei04, Section 2] for this construction. Now L is tautologically trivialized over ∗ ∗ ∼ L and then so is the pullback of the corresponding gerbe of square roots, so Hg,1 ×M0,2g+2/S2g+1 L = ∗ B(Z/2) × L . On the other hand this fibered product also equals the quotient of Hg,∂ by Z/2, acting by multiplying the tangent vector at the Weierstrass point with −1. But this action is trivial because ∼ ∗ of the hyperelliptic involution, so Hg,∂ = L .

5.1.2. Uniform multiplicity stability. Representation stability was first formulated by Church–Farb [CF13] in terms of multiplicities of irreducible representations stabilizing. Since the work of Church– Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15], this approach has generally gone out of style in favor of more categorical forms of representation stability. However, to prove Theorem 1.3 we will need to consider a kind of stability result for an S-module which does not naturally come from a US-module. This does not fit 44 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN neatly into the categorical formalism used in the rest of the paper, which will force us to switch back to this older form of representation stability. Thus we briefly review the theory here. In this subsection, all representations are assumed to be over Q and we will only consider representations of symmetric groups. Recall that the data of a US-module is the same as the data of an FI-module in the sense of Chruch–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15].

In characteristic zero, irreducible representations of Sn are in bijection with partitions of n and we denote the representation associated to a partition λ by σλ. Given λ = (l1 ≥ · · · ≥ lj) a partition of k and n ≥ l1 + k, let λn = (n − k ≥ l1 ≥ · · · ≥ lj) be the partition of n obtained by appending (n − k) boxes above the top row of the Ferrers diagram of λ. Let V (λ)n be the representation given by σλn for n ≥ l1 + k and 0 for n < l1 + k.

Definition 5.8. Let A be an S-module over Q. We say that A has uniform multiplicity stability starting at N if there are numbers cλ such that ∼ M An = cλV (λ)n for n ≥ N, λ and such that if cλ 6= 0 then V (λ)N 6= 0.

Definition 5.9. Let An be a Q[Sn]-module. We say An has weight ≤ N if An is isomorphic to a direct sum of Q[Sn]-modules of the form V (λ)n with λ a partition of k and k ≤ N. Let {An}n be a sequence with An a Q[Sn]-module. We say {An}n has weight ≤ N if each An has weight ≤ N.

Definition 5.10. Let A be a US-module. We say A has stability degree ≤ N if for all k ≥ 0 and n ≥ N, the natural map (An+k)Sn → (An+k+1)Sn+1 is an isomorphism.

The following is well-known and can be proven by stringing together results of Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15].

Proposition 5.11. Let A be a US-module over Q generated in degree d and presented in degree r with each An finite dimensional. Then A has uniform multiplicity stability starting at d + r.

Proof. Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15, Proposition 3.2.5] implies that A has weight ≤ g. Since A has generation degree ≤ g and presentation degree r, there is a resolution

P1 → P0 → A with P0,P1 free, P0 generated in degree ≤ d and P1 generated in degree ≤ d. Church–Ellenberg–Farb

[CEF15, 3.1.7] implies that P1 and P0 have stability degree ≤ r. Now, Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15, Lemma 3.1.6] implies that A has stability degree ≤ r. Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15, Proposition

3.3.3] implies that the sequence {A}n has uniform multiplicity stability starting at d + r.  The following lemma is perhaps known, although we do not know of a reference proving it in precisely this form. The implication (i) =⇒ (ii) is Church–Farb [CF13, Theorem 3.2].

Lemma 5.12. Let A be an S-module over Q, and let ΣA denotes its shift as in Section 2.7, i.e. ΣA = ResSn+1 A . The following are equivalent: n Sn n+1 (i) A is uniformly multiplicity stable. (ii)Σ A is uniformly multiplicity stable. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 45

Proof. Let λ be a partition of n, and σλ the corresponding representation of Sn. Pieri’s formula says that ResSn σ =∼ L σ , where the summation runs over all partitions µ that can be obtained by Sn−1 λ µ µ removing a box from the Ferrers diagram of λ. We may interpret Res as a linear map R(Sn) → R(Sn−1) between rings of virtual representations. This linear map is of course far from invertible, as the number of partitions of n is larger than the number of partitions of n − 1.

Note now that if either of the two sequences {An}n or {ΣAn}n is uniformly multiplicity stable then both sequences will consist only of representations corresponding to partitions whose corresponding Ferrers diagrams have at most N boxes below the first row, for some N. Then for n > N we have that the numbers of partitions of n and of n − 1 satisfying this restriction are the same. We may consider

Res as a linear map between the corresponding subspaces of R(Sn) and R(Sn−1), and this linear map is now invertible: indeed, the spaces are free abelian groups of the same rank, and the linear map is upper triangular with ones on the diagonal with respect to the bases given by partitions ordered by dominance. The conclusion follows. 

∗ 5.1.3. Proof of Theorem 1.3. We know that the cohomology groups H (Hg,∂ ; Vλ) satisfy homological stability as g → ∞ by Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17, Theorem D]. We will now prove the same for ∗ H (Hg; Vλ).

Proof of Theorem 1.3. Let Heg be the space parametrizing hyperelliptic curves with a total ordering on their sets of Weierstrass points, so that Hg = Heg/S2g+2. Now it is enough to prove that the sequence of ∗ representations of S2g+2 given by H (Heg; Vλ) is uniformly multiplicity stable since this will imply that ∗ H (Heg; Vλ)S2g+2 stabilizes. Similarly let Heg,∂ parametrize hyperelliptic curves with a total ordering on their set of Weierstrass points, as well as a distinguished tangent vector at the last Weierstrass point, so that Hg,∂ = Heg,∂ /S2g+1. Now note that the sequence of representations of S2g+1 given by H∗(Heg,∂ ; Vλ) is uniformly multiplicity stable, since they are simply the homology groups of the pure braid groups PBr2g+1 with certain polynomial coefficients, which satisfy representation stability by Proposition 5.5 and Proposition 5.11. Since the multiplicities of the irreducible subrepresentations of ∗ H∗(Heg,∂ ; Vλ) and H (Heg,∂ ; Vλ) agree, these cohomology groups are also uniformly multiplicity stable. We will deduce the result by combining this fact with the preceding lemma.

The circle bundle Heg,∂ → Heg induces a Gysin sequence

i i−1 i+1 i+1 · · · → H (Heg,∂ ; Vλ) → H (Heg; Vλ) → H (Heg; Vλ) → H (Heg,∂ ; Vλ) → ...

i−1 i+1 where H (Heg; Vλ) → H (Heg; Vλ) is multiplication with the first Chern class of the circle bundle.

The circle bundle is pulled back from Hg,1, so by Remark 5.6 its first Chern class vanishes rationally i ∼ i i−1 and we obtain isomorphisms H (Heg,∂ ; Vλ) = H (Heg; Vλ) ⊕ H (Heg; Vλ). These isomorphisms are clearly S2g+1-equivariant. Then uniform multiplicity stability for the sequence of S2g+1-representations ∗ ∗ {H (Heg,∂ ; Vλ)} implies the same for {H (Heg; Vλ)}. By Lemma 5.12, knowing uniform multiplicity ∗ stability for {H (Heg; Vλ)} considered as a sequence of representations of S2g+1 implies stability also considered as a sequence of representations of S2g+2, finishing the proof. 

5.2. Congruence subgroups. Let R be a ring and J ⊂ R an ideal. Recall that GLn(J) denotes the U kernel of GLn(R) → GLn(R/J) and that GLn(R/J) denotes the group of matrices with determinant × U in the image of R → R/J. When the map GLn(R) → GLn(R/J) is surjective, the homology groups 46 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

U {Hi(GLn(J))}n assemble to form a U GL (R)-module which we denote by Hi(GL(J)). We now prove Theorem 1.4.

Proof of Theorem 1.4. By Gan–Li [GL19, Theorem 11], as a US-module, Hi(GL(J)) is generated in degree 4i + 2s − 1 and presented in degree 4i + 2s + 4. By [MPW19, Theorem 3.30], Hi(GL(J)) is polynomial of degree ≤ 4i + 2s − 1 in ranks > 8i + 4s + 7. It follows from Remark 2.42 that a U GLU(R/J)-module has polynomial degree ≤ r in ranks > d if and only if its underlying US-module does. By Proposition 2.13, the category U GLU(R/J) satisfies H3(2, t + 1). By Theorem 3.11, we have that GLU(R/J) He−1 (Hi(GL(J)))n for n > max(8i + 4s + 7, 4i + 2s + t − 2) and GLU(R/J) He0 (Hi(GL(J)))n for n > max(8i + 4s + 8, 4i + 2s + t). U Because t ≥ 1 and the category U GL (R/J) satisfies H3(2, t+1), Theorem 2.14 implies that Hi(GL(J)) is presented in degree ≤ max(8i + 4s + t + 8, 4i + 2s + 2t − 1).  5.3. Diffeomorphism groups. In this subsection, we prove a secondary stability result for the homology of diffeomorphism groups viewed as discrete groups. Given an orientable smooth manifold M, let Diff(M) denote the topological group of smooth orientation preserving diffeomorphisms M → M topologized with the C∞-topology. If M has boundary, we assume that the diffeomorphisms fix a neighborhood of the boundary. Let Diffδ(M) denote the group Diff(M) topologized with the discrete topology. We first prove a secondary stability result for moduli spaces of surfaces with highly connected θ-structures. Then we use Mather–Thurston theory as in Nariman [Nar17] to deduce our results for diffeomorphism groups.

M1,1 M2,1

Figure 1. M1,1 ⊂ M2,1

Let M1,1 be an orientable genus one surface with one boundary component. Let Mg,1 be the g-fold boundary connect sum of M1,1 as in Figure 1. Let θ : B → BSO(2) be a fibration, let γ2 : ESO(2)×SO(2) 2 2 R → BSO(2) be the tautological bundle, and let V = ESO(2) ×SO(2) R be the total space. Given π : E → B and π0 : E0 → B0 vector bundles of the same dimension, let Bun(π, π0) denote the space of bundle maps from π to π0 topologized with the compact open topology. That is, an element of Bun(π, π0) is a map F : E → E0 covering a map f : B → B0 such that F restricts to give linear isomorphisms on REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 47

∗ each fiber. Fix F1 covering f1 in Bun(TM1,1, θ γ2) such that F1 can be connect summed with itself ∗ ∗ to give a bundle map in Bun(TM2,1, θ γ2). Let Fg ∈ Bun(TMg,1, θ γ2) be the g-fold connect sum of ∗ F1 and let fg : Mg,1 → B be the map that Fg covers. Let Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2) denote the subspace of ∗ Bun(TMg,1, θ γ2) of bundle maps that agree with Fg in a neighborhood of the boundary. The group ∗ Diff(Mg,1) acts on Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2) via the usual action of diffeomorphisms on the tangent bundle. There are natural maps

∗ ∗ ∗ Bunc(TMa,1, θ γ2) × Bunc(TMb,1, θ γ2) → Bunc(TMa+b,1, θ γ2)

∗ which are Diff(Ma,1)×Diff(Mb,1)-equivariant. Here Diff(Ma,1)×Diff(Mb,1) acts on Bunc(TMa+b,1, θ γ2) via the inclusion

Diff(Ma,1) × Diff(Mb,1) → Diff(Ma+b,1).

In particular, there are Diff(Mg,1)-equivariant maps

∗ ∗ Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2) → Bunc(TMg0,1, θ γ2)

0 ∼ for g ≥ g which we view as stabilization maps. Since π0(Diff(Mg,1)) = Modg,1, we have that ∗ Hi(Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2)) is a Modg,1-representation. The stabilization maps induce Modg,1-equivariant maps ∗ ∗ Hi(Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2)) → Hi(Bunc(TMg0,1, θ γ2)). ∗ Since Modg0−g,1 acts trivially on the image of this map, the representations {Hi(Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2))}g assemble to form a U Mod-module which will denote by V (i, θ) (see Randal-Williams-Wahl [RWW17, Proposition 4.2]). We will show this functor has finite polynomial degree. Before we can do this, we need to compare it to a space of sections of a bundle. Given a bundle π : E → Mg with preferred section σ : Mg → E, let Γc(π) denote the space of sections of π that agree with σ on a neighborhood of the boundary.

Lemma 5.13. There is a weak homotopy equivalence

∗ ∗ Γc((θ ◦ fg) θ) → Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2)

∗ where the preferred section of (θ ◦ fg) θ is the one corresponding to fg.

Proof. The setup is summarized in the following diagram:

γ∗θ θ∗V 2 V j / f γ2 Gg ∗ Fg θ γ2  θ  B j / BSO(2) TMg,1 d e θ◦fg

∗ θ (θ◦f ) fg g  (θ ◦ f )∗B M g ∗/ g,1 (θ◦fg ) θ

∗ ∗ ∗ Let Gg : TMg,1 → γ2 be the composition of Fg : TMg,1 → θ γ2 and γ2 θ : θ γ2 → γ2. Use Gg as the preferred bundle map to define Bunc(TMg,1, γ2). The natural map

∗ η : Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2) → Bunc(TMg,1, γ2) 48 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

∗ is a fibration. Let Φ: TMg,1 → θ γ2 be in the fiber of η over Gg and φ: Mg,1 → B the map of spaces which Φ covers. Using the universal property of the pull back (θ ◦ f)∗B, φ defines a section ∗ ∗ ∗ sφ ∈ Γc((θ ◦ fg) θ. Similarly, a section s ∈ Γc((θ ◦ fg) θ) defines a map φs = θ (θ ◦ fg) ◦ s and a cover ∗ ∗ Φs : TMg,1 → θ V by the universal property of the pull back θ V . This proves that the fiber of η ∗ over Gg is naturally homeomorphic to Γc((θ ◦ fg) θ). By [GTMW09, Lemma 5.1], Bunc(TMg,1, γ2) is ∗ ∗ weakly contractible so Γc((θ ◦ fg) θ) → Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2) is a weak homotopy equivalence. 

Proposition 5.14. Fix an abelian group A and n ≥ 2. Assume that the fibers of θ are K(A, n)’s. Then V (i, θ) is polynomial of degree ≤ i.

∼ ∗ Proof. Ignoring the Modg,1-action, V (i, θ)g = Hi(Γc((θ ◦ fg) θ) by Lemma 5.13. Since the tangent ∼ bundle of Mg,1 is trivial, in fact V (i, θ)g = Hi(Map∗(Mg,1,K(A, n)) where Map∗ denotes the based mapping space. Thus, the underlying U1-module of V (i, θ) is the same as the module considered in Cohen–Madsen [CM09, Example (2) in Section 1.1]. They prove that

g 7→ Hi(Map∗(Mg,1,K(A, n)) is polynomial of degree ≤ i. By Remark 2.42, this implies the assertion. 

∗ Let denote a choice of homotopy quotient functor. Let Mg,1(θ) = Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2) Diff(Mg,1).

This is the moduli space of surfaces with θ-structure considered by Randal-Williams [RW16]. There is a natural map Mg,1(θ) → B Diff(Mg,1) which forgets the θ-structure. Let B denote the fiber of θ.

Lemma 5.15. If θ : B → BSO(2) is 4-connected, then H2(Mg,1(θ)) → H2(B Diff(Mg,1)) is surjective.

Proof. We will show Mg,1(θ) → B Diff(Mg,1) is 2-connected. The fiber of Mg,1(θ) → B Diff(Mg,1) is ∗ Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2) so it suffices to show this fiber is 1-connected. As in the proof of Proposition 5.14, ∗ we have that Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2) ' Map∗(Mg,1, B). Since Mg,1 is 2-dimensional and B is 3-connected,

Map∗(Mg,1, B) is 1-connected.  ∼ Let λ ∈ H2(B Diff(M3,1)) = H2(Mod3,1) be a homology class that pairs with the first kappa class to give 12. Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams [GKRW19, Page 2] proved that the map inducing secondary stability agrees with the map induced by boundary connect sum with λ/10 if you work with coefficients 1 where 10 is invertible. For simplicity, we will prove our secondary stability result with Z[ 10 ]-coefficients even though an integral result is likely also true. 0 1 From now on, we assume that θ is 4-connected. Let λ ∈ H2(M3,1(θ); Z[ 10 ]) be a class that maps to λ/10. The Diff(Ma,1) × Diff(Mb,1)-equivariant map

∗ ∗ ∗ Bunc(TMa,1, θ γ2) × Bunc(TMb,1, θ γ2) → Bunc(TMa+b,1, θ γ2) described above induces a map

Ma,1(θ) × Mb,1(θ) → Ma+b,1(θ).

In particular, this gives a map of spaces Mg−1,1(θ) → Mg,1(θ) which lets us make sense of 0 Hi(Mg,1(θ), Mg−1,1(θ)). Plugging in the class λ gives us a map:

1 1 tλ0 : Hi−2(Mg−3,1(θ), Mg−4,1(θ); Z[ 10 ]) → Hi(Mg,1(θ), Mg−1,1(θ); Z[ 10 ]). We will show that this map is an isomorphism in a range. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 49

∼ 2 Lemma 5.16. Assume that B ' K(A, n) with n ≥ 4. Then Hi(Mg,1(θ), Mg−1,1(θ)) = 0 for i < 3 g and 1 1 tλ0 : Hi−2(Mg−3,1(θ), Mg−4,1(θ); Z[ 10 ]) → Hi(Mg,1(θ), Mg−1,1(θ); Z[ 10 ]) 3 3 is a surjection for i < 4 g and an isomorphism for i < 4 g − 1. Proof. For the first claim, consider the relative Serre spectral sequence associated to the fiber sequence

∗ Bunc(TMg−1,1, θ γ2) → Mg−1,1(θ) → B Diff(Mg−1,1) mapping to ∗ Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2) → Mg,1(θ) → B Diff(Mg,1). 2 This has the form Ep,q =

∗ ∗ Hp(B Diff(Mg,1),B Diff(Mg−1,1); Hq(Bunc(TMg,1, θ γ2)),Hq(Bunc(TMg−1,1, θ γ2)))

=⇒ Hp+q(Mg,1(θ), Mg−1,1(θ)). 2 ∼ It follows from the homological stability portion of Corollary 4.13 and Proposition 5.14 that Ep,q = 0 2 for p < 3 (g − q) and thus ∼ Hi(Mg,1(θ), Mg−1,1(θ)) = 0 2 for i < 3 g. The second claim is proven analogously instead using the secondary stability portion of Corollary 4.13. Here we uses a more sophisticated version of the relative Serre spectral sequence for the mapping cone of a chain-level lift of tλ0 . This is similar in spirit to the spectral sequence appearing in [KM18, Lemma 2.44]. 

Theorem 5.17. Assume that θ is 4-connected. Then ∼ Hi(Mg,1(θ), Mg−1,1(θ)) = 0

2 for i < 3 g and 1 1 tλ0 : Hi−2(Mg−3,1(θ), Mg−4,1(θ); Z[ 10 ]) → Hi(Mg,1(θ), Mg−1,1(θ); Z[ 10 ]) 3 3 is a surjection for i < 4 g and an isomorphism for i < 4 g − 1. Proof. The claim follows from Lemma 5.16 and induction up a relative Postnikov tower for the map θ. See Cohen–Madsen [CM09, proof of Theorem 2.3] for a similar argument.  The homological stability portion of the above theorem is a special case of work of Randal-Williams [RW16] but the secondary stability portion is new. We now prove secondary stability for diffeomorphism groups viewed as discrete groups. Extension by the identity gives maps of groups Diff(Mg−1,1) → δ δ Diff(Mg,1) so we can make sense of Hi(B Diff (Mg,1),B Diff (Mg−1,1)).

Theorem 5.18. We have that δ δ ∼ Hi(B Diff (Mg,1),B Diff (Mg−1,1)) = 0

2 for i < 3 g. Moreover, there is a map δ δ 1 δ δ 1 Hi−2(B Diff (Mg−3,1),B Diff (Mg−4,1); Z[ 10 ]) → Hi(B Diff (Mg,1),B Diff (Mg−1,1); Z[ 10 ]) 3 3 which is a surjection for i < 4 g and an isomorphism for i < 4 g − 1. 50 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Proof. Let θ be the natural map from Haefliger’s classifying space of orientable foliations of codimension + 2 to B GL2 (R) ' BSO(2). Nariman [Nar17, Lemma 1.13] showed there is a natural homology δ equivalence between B Diff (Mg,1) and Mg,1(θ). As explained in [Nar17, Remark 1.5], it follows from the work of Thurston that θ is 4-connected and so the claim follows by Theorem 5.17.  The homological stability portion of the above theorem is due to Nariman [Nar17] but the secondary stability portion is new and is Theorem 1.5.

Remark 5.19. Sam Nariman suggested to us that it might be possible to use the techniques of this δ subsection to prove secondary homological stability for discrete symplectomorphism groups Symp (Mg,1). δ A few difficulties arise. By the work of McDuff [McD82], Symp (Mg,1) is homology equivalent to a connected component of a space of sections of a bundle, not the entire space of sections. Plausibly this can be dealt with as in Nariman [Nar20]. Furthermore, the bundle map associated to this section space is only 2-connected, not 4-connected as is required here. However, it follows from work of δ Kotschick–Morita [KM05] that H2(B Symp (Mg,1)) → H2(B Diff(Mg,1)) is surjective which may be enough to make the arguments go through.

There are other natural families of subgroups of Diff(Mg,1) whose homology groups do not surject onto H2(Diff(Mg,1)), for example the extended Hamiltonian group of Mg,1. Likely these groups also exhibit some form of secondary stability but of a flavor different from that of B Diff(Mg,1) and δ B Diff (Mg,1).

5.4. Homotopy automorphisms and GLn(S). The goal of this subsection is to prove an improved range for homological stability for the monoid of homotopy automorphisms of wedges of d-dimensional 1 spheres with coefficients in Z[ 2 ]. Specializing this result to d = ∞ will yield homological stability for GLn(S).

Definition 5.20. Let X and Y be based spaces. Let Map∗(X,Y ) denote the space of based maps, topologized with the compact open topology. Let hAut(X) ⊂ Map∗(X,Y ) denote the topological monoid of self homotopy equivalences topologised with the subspace topology. The monoid structure is n n induced by function composition. We denote Map∗(S ,X) by Ω X. Let B denote the bar construction W d for topological monoids/E1-spaces. Let n X denote the n-fold wedge product of X. Let Σ+ denote the d-fold suspension functor precomposed with the disjoint basepoint functor.

W d Sending a homotopy automorphism to the induced map on Hd gives a map of monoids hAut( n S ) → GLn(Z). For d ≥ 2, this map is an isomorphism on π0. The action of the fundamental group on higher W d homotopy groups gives an action of GLn(Z) on πi(B hAut( n S )) for i ≥ 2. Extending a homotopy W d W d automorphism of n S to a homotopy automorphism of n+1 S via the identity map on the (n + 1)st W d W d sphere induces a GLn(Z)-equivariant map πi(B hAut( n S )) → πi(B hAutid( n+1 S )). W d Lemma 5.21. For d, i ≥ 2, the sequence {πi(B hAut( n S ))}n has the structure of a U GL(Z)-module W d which we denote by πi(B hAut( S )).

W d W d Proof. We say that a homotopy automorphism f : n S → n S is supported on a collection of d spheres T ⊂ {1, . . . , n} if f is the wedge of a homotopy automorphism of Σ+T with the identity on d W d Σ+({1, . . . , n}\ T ). Here we view n S as d  d  Σ+T ∨ Σ+({1, . . . , n}\ T ) . REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 51

By Randal-Williams–Wahl [RWW17, Proposition 4.2], it suffices to show that conjugation by an automorphism supported on the last m spheres acts trivially on the image of

_ d _ d πi(B hAut( S )) → πi(B hAut( S )). n n+m

This follows from the fact that homotopy automorphisms with disjoint support commute. 

We now recall Church–Ellenberg–Farb’s definition of FI]-modules [CEF15, Section 4.1].

Definition 5.22. Let FI] be the category of finite sets with elements of FI](S, T ) given by injections f : U → T with U a subset of S. An FI]-module is a functor from FI] to the category of abelian groups. We identify FI with the subcategory of FI] where we require that U = S.

We can view an FI]-module as an FI-module via restriction. The following follows immediately from [MPW19, Proposition 3.23] and Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15, Theorem 4.1.5].

Proposition 5.23. Let A be a FI]-module with generation degree ≤ r. Then the underlying US-module of A is polynomial of degree ≤ r in ranks > −1.

The proof of Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15, 4.1.7] gives the following.

Theorem 5.24. Let A be an FI]-module over K where the number of generators of An as a K-module is bounded by a polynomial of degree r. Then A has generation degree ≤ r as a US-module.

Combining Remark 2.42, Proposition 5.23, and Theorem 5.24 gives the following.

Corollary 5.25. Let G be a symmetric stability groupoid with a map S → G. Let A be a UG-module such that the US-module extends to an FI]-module. If the number of generators of An is bounded by a polynomial of degree r, then A is a polynomial UG-module in ranks > −1 of degree ≤ r.

The following is a special case of Hilton–Milnor splitting [Hil55].

Proposition 5.26. For d ≥ 1, there is a homotopy equivalence: ! _ Y  lm,n Ωd Sd ' ΩdS(d−1)m+1 . n m≥1 where lm,n is the rank of the submodule of the free Lie algebra on n generators spanned by m nested brackets of generators.

Corollary 5.27. Let L(m)n denote the submodule of the free Lie algebra on n generators spanned by m nested brackets of generators. For d, i ≥ 2, we have that  n

_ d ∼  M (d−1)m+1  πi(B hAut( S )) =  πi+d−1(S ) ⊗ L(m)n . n  i−1  1≤m≤ d−1 + 1 52 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Proof. Fix i ≥ 2. We have that ! _ d ∼ _ d ∼ _ d _ d πi(B hAut( S )) = πi−1(hAut( S )) = πi−1 Map∗( S , S ) n n n n n n  n ! ! !! l ∼ d _ d ∼ d _ d ∼ Y  d (d−1)m+1 m,n = πi−1 Ω S = πi−1 Ω S = πi−1  Ω S  n n m≥1  n ∼ M (d−1)m+1 =  πi+d−1(S ) ⊗ L(m)n . m≥1

The assertion follows because (d−1)m+1 ∼ πi+d−1(S ) = 0

i−1 for m > d−1 + 1. 

W d We now bound the polynomial degree of πi(B hAut( S )).

W d Proposition 5.28. For d ≥ 3 and i ≥ 2, the U GL(Z)-module πi(B hAutid( S )) is polynomial of degree ≤ i in ranks > −1.

Proof. We will first show that the mapping n 7→ L(m)n assembles to an FI]-module which we will call

L(m). It is clear that there is a US-module L(m) whose value on n is L(m)n. This US-module factors as the composition of the functor ZUS(1, −) with a functor Ab → Ab. By Church–Ellenberg–Farb [CEF15, Theorem 4.1.5], representable functors ZUS(m, −) are FI]-modules and thus L(m) has the structure of an FI]-module. We have an isomorphism of US-modules

_ d ∼ M (d−1)m+1 πi(B hAutid( S )) = πi−d+1(S ) ⊗ L(m) ⊗ ZUS(1, −). i−1 1≤m≤ d−1 + 1

W d m In particular, πi(B hAutid( S )) has the structure of an FI]-module. Note that lm,n ≤ n so the W d number of generators of πi(B hAut( n S )) as an abelian group is bounded by polynomial of degree i−1 W d ≤ d−1 + 2 in n. Corollary 5.25 implies that πi(B hAut( S )) is a polynomial U GLn(Z)-module of i−1 i−2 degree ≤ d−1 + 2. To prove the assertion, note that the floor of d−1 + 2 is at most i if d ≥ 3 and i ≥ 2.  W Remark 5.29. It is natural to study {πi(B hAut( X))} for more general spaces X. In general this will only form a US-module. Lindell and Saleh [LS] have shown that the rational homotopy groups Q W {πi (B hAut( X))} define a finitely generated US-module, for any simply connected X of finite type.

The following is a direct application of the work of Eilenberg–MacLane [EM54, Section 20]; also see Dwyer [Dwy80, Lemma 4.3].

Proposition 5.30. Let A and B be a polynomial module UG-modules of polynomial degree ≤ a and a·i ≤ b respectively. Then n 7→ Hi(K(An, j); Bn) is polynomial of degree ≤ j + b. REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 53

W d We now prove Theorem 1.6 which is homological stability for B hAut( n S ). This theorem is equivalent to showing that

_ d _ d 1 ∼ 2 Hi(B hAut( S ),B hAut( S )); Z[ 2 ]) = 0 for i ≤ 3 n n n−1 for d ≥ 3.

W d Proof of Theorem 1.6. Let Pr(n) denote rth stage of the Postnikov tower of B hAut( n S ) and let W d 1 Kr(n) = K(πr(B hAut( n S )), r). Let A be a U GLn(Z)-module over Z[ 2 ] of polynomial degree ≤ a in ranks > −1 . We will prove by induction that

∼ 2 (3) Hi(Pr(n),Pr(n − 1); An,An−1) = 0 for i < 3 n − a. Observe that

1 ∼ _ d _ d 1 Hi(Pi+1(n),Pi+1(n − 1); Z[ 2 ]) = Hi(B hAut( S ),B hAut( S ); Z[ 2 ]). n n−1 Thus establishing (3) establishes the theorem.

Since P1(n) = B GLn(Z), Theorem 4.10 establishes the induction beginning. Now assume we have proven the claim for all r < R for some R ≥ 2. Consider the relative Serre spectral sequence for twisted homology associated to the map of fibrations

KR(n − 1) → PR(n − 1) → PR−1(n − 1) mapping to

KR(n) → PR(n) → PR−1(n) where the first fiber sequence has coefficients in An−1 and the second has coefficients in An. This spectral sequence has its E2-page given by

2 ∼ Ep,q = Hp(PR−1(n),PR−1(n − 1); Hq(KR(n),KR(n − 1); An,An−1)) and converges to Hp+q(PR(n),PR(n− 1); An,An−1). Combining induction hypothesis, Proposition 5.28, and Proposition 5.30 shows that

2 ∼ 2 q Ep,q = 0 for p < 3 n − R · R − a. 2 ∼ In particular, this is true for p + q < 3 n − a, and thus Hi(PR(n),PR(n − 1); An,An−1) = 0 for 2 i < 3 n − a.  Recall that _ d ∼ colim Hi(B hAut( S )) = Hi(B GLn(S)). d→∞ n Hence homological stability for these homotopy automorphism monoids implies homological stability for B GLn(S)(Corollary 1.7).

Remark 5.31. It is an interesting question if a version of Theorem 1.6 holds for d = 1 or 2. For d = 1, W d B hAut( n S ) has the same homotopy type as the classifying space of the automorphism group of the free group on n letters and can be thought of as a moduli space of graphs. Hatcher–Vogtmann [HV98, W 1 4 Proposition 1.2] proved rational homological stability for B hAut( n S ) with a slope 5 stable range. 54 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

Remark 5.32. In work in progress, the first two authors and Alexander Kupers have established a 1 slope 1 homological stable range for GLn(Z) with coefficients in Z[ 2 ]. This will allow one to improve W d the stable range for B hAut( n S ) and GLn(S) to slope 1 as well.

Appendix A. A review of stability arguments and a heuristic overview of the paper

In this appendix, we give a review of past stability arguments and explain how to generalize them to prove the theorems of the paper. This appendix will not involve rigorous proofs and can be freely ignored by any reader who does not find it helpful or enjoy this style of informal discussion. Many technical hypotheses will be omitted. We will first sketch the standard proof of homological stability for a family of groups. Then we will talk about how to prove stability with polynomial coefficients and how to prove representation stability with untwisted coefficients. Finally, we will sketch an approach to representation stability with polynomial coefficients. This will involve showing the polynomial coefficients themselves satisfy a form of representation stability. Apart from the final subsection, most of this is a summary of arguments appearing in [RWW17, PS17, CE17, Pat20] and others.

A.1. Homological stability with untwisted coefficients. Consider a family of groups

G0 ,→ G1 ,→ G2 ,→ ... such as the braid groups, general linear groups, etc. To prove homological stability for these groups, one considers a chain complex

G Cn := Z ← Z[Gn/Gn−1] ← Z[Gn/Gn−2] ← ...

G This complex Cn is the reduced cellular chains on a certain CW -complex associated to the groups G Gn. In many examples, one can use combinatorial or topological techniques to prove that Cn is highly connected, in a range increasing with n. G The filtration of Cn by homological degree induces a filtration of the homotopy orbits

(CG) := CG ⊗L . n hGn n ZGn Z The resulting spectral sequence has the form of Figure 2.

d1 = ι d1 = 0 d1 = ι H3(Gn) H3(Gn−1) H3(Gn−2) H3(Gn−3)

d1 = ι d1 = 0 d1 = ι H2(Gn) H2(Gn−1) H2(Gn−2) H2(Gn−3)

d1 = ι d1 = 0 d1 = ι H1(Gn) H1(Gn−1) H1(Gn−2) H1(Gn−3)

d1 = ι d1 = 0 d1 = ι H0(Gn) H0(Gn−1) H0(Gn−2) H0(Gn−3)


The differentials on the E1-page alternate between being equal to the stabilization map

ι : Hi(Gm) → Hi(Gm+1) or the zero map. This implies that the E2-page has the form of Figure 3. If we want to prove stability in homological degree k, we should study the kth row of the spectral sequence; more specifically, we should prove that the kth row of the E2-page vanishes in a range increasing with n. By induction on k we assume that all rows below the kth vanish in a range on the 2 E -page. For n large enough, this rules out differentials into the groups coker(Hk(Gn−1) → Hk(Gn)) and ker(Hk(Gn−1) → Hk(Gn)), and all differentials out of these two groups leave the first quadrant. Thus, these groups agree with the corresponding values on the E∞-page. But by connectivity estimates G ∞ of Cn we know that the E -page vanishes in a range, and we deduce homological stability.

coker(H3(Gn−1) → H3(Gn)) ker(H3(Gn−1) → H3(Gn)) coker(H3(Gn−3) → H3(Gn−2))

coker(H2(Gn−1) → H2(Gn)) ker(H2(Gn−1) → H2(Gn)) coker(H2(Gn−3) → H2(Gn−2))

coker(H1(Gn−1) → H1(Gn)) ker(H1(Gn−1) → H1(Gn)) coker(H1(Gn−3) → H1(Gn−2))

coker(H0(Gn−1) → H0(Gn)) ker(H0(Gn−1) → H0(Gn)) coker(H0(Gn−3) → H0(Gn−2))

Figure 3. E2-page for untwisted homological stability

A.2. Homological stability with twisted coefficients. Consider a family of representations An of the groups Gn equipped with Gn-equivariant maps An → An+1. Now suppose we want to prove stability for Hi(Gn; An). Consider the chain complex:

CG(A) := A ← IndGn A ← IndGn A ← ... n n Gn−1 n−1 Gn−2 n−2 G We call this the central stability chains of A = {An}. For An = Z, this is the chain complex Cn considered when proving untwisted homological stability in the previous subsection. Considering the G 1 homotopy orbits Cn (A)hGn one obtains a spectral sequence with E -page of the form of Figure 4. This spectral sequence behaves in exactly the same way as the spectral sequence in the previous G subsection. If one knows that Cn (A) has vanishing homology in a range increasing with n, then one can use the same argument to prove homological stability with coefficients in An. Unfortunately this chain complex does not come from a combinatorially defined CW -complex. In fact, vanishing of the homology of this chain complex is roughly equivalent to the condition we call derived representation stability. Since it is often hard to check this condition, this approach is not commonly used; however, we will return to this approach soon. G One could instead just consider the chain complex Cn ⊗ An, which has vanishing homology in G 1 the same range as Cn . Taking homotopy orbits we obtain a spectral sequence with E -page of 56 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN

d1 = ι d1 = 0 d1 = ι H3(Gn; An) H3(Gn−1; An−1) H3(Gn−2; An−2) H3(Gn−3; An−3)

d1 = ι d1 = 0 d1 = ι H2(Gn; An) H2(Gn−1; An−1) H2(Gn−2; An−2) H2(Gn−3; An−3)

d1 = ι d1 = 0 d1 = ι H1(Gn; An) H1(Gn−1; An−1) H1(Gn−2; An−2) H1(Gn−3; An−3)

d1 = ι d1 = 0 d1 = ι H0(Gn; An) H0(Gn−1; An−1) H0(Gn−2; An−2) H0(Gn−3; An−3)

Figure 4. E1-page for twisted homological stability (using derived representation stability) the form of Figure 5. The drawback of this spectral sequence is that it seems to be designed for comparing Hi(Gn; An) with Hi(Gn−1; An), and we are instead interested in comparing Hi(Gn; An) with Hi(Gn−1; An−1).

H3(Gn; An) H3(Gn−1; An) H3(Gn−2; An) H3(Gn−3; An)

H2(Gn; An) H2(Gn−1; An) H2(Gn−2; An) H2(Gn−3; An)

H1(Gn; An) H1(Gn−1; An) H1(Gn−2; An) H1(Gn−3; An)

H0(Gn; An) H0(Gn−1; An) H0(Gn−2; An) H0(Gn−3; An)

Figure 5. E1-page of a not so useful spectral sequence

The spectral sequence of Figure 5 is nice since we can check that it converges to zero in a range. The spectral sequence of Figure 4 is nice because it has the desired E1-page. If these two spectral sequences were equal in a range, then we could profit off of the desirable properties of each spectral sequence. This is where the polynomial condition comes in. Unlike derived representation stability, polynomiality is often straightforward to verify.

Polynomiality implies that for large n, if n < m, then the map An → Am is injective and the sequence of cokernels {coker(An → Am)} is “simpler” than the sequence {An}. If “simpler” im- plied Hi(Gm; coker(Am → An)) = 0, then the two spectral sequences would agree and this would prove homological stability with polynomial coefficients. It is not true that we can assume that

Hi(Gn; coker(An → Am)) vanishes, only that it stabilizes. In particular, the spectral sequences of Figure 4 and Figure 5 do not in fact agree in a range in general. However, if one considers relative REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 57 versions, then they do agree in a range. One is led to considering the spectral sequence associated to

 G G  cone (Cn−1 ⊗ An−1)hGn−1 → (Cn ⊗ An)hGn .

1 This has E -page depicted in Figure 6. If the sequence of representations A = {An} satisfy the polynomial condition, then one can show in a range that the E1-page can be simplified to that depicted in Figure 7. The E1- and E2-pages of Figure 7 are easy to understand, and it is easy to see that the E∞-page of Figure 6 vanishes in a range. At this point we can run the same argument as in the case of constant coefficients, to prove homological stability with polynomial coefficients.

H3(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) H3(Gn−1,Gn−2; An,An−1) H3(Gn−2,Gn−3; An,An−1)

H2(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) H2(Gn−1,Gn−2; An,An−1) H2(Gn−2,Gn−3; An,An−1)

H1(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) H1(Gn−1,Gn−2; An,An−1) H1(Gn−2,Gn−3; An,An−1)

H0(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) H0(Gn−1,Gn−2; An,An−1) H0(Gn−2,Gn−3; An,An−1)

1  G G  Figure 6. E -page associated to cone (Cn−1 ⊗ An−1)hGn−1 → (Cn ⊗ An)hGn

H3(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) H3(Gn−1,Gn−2; An−1,An−2) H3(Gn−2,Gn−3; An−2,An−3)

H2(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) H2(Gn−1,Gn−2; An−1,An−2) H2(Gn−2,Gn−3; An−2,An−3)

H1(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) H1(Gn−1,Gn−2; An−1,An−2) H1(Gn−2,Gn−3; An−2,An−3)

H0(Gn,Gn−1; An,An−1) H0(Gn−1,Gn−2; An−1,An−2) H0(Gn−2,Gn−3; An−2,An−3)

1  G G  Figure 7. Simplified E -page associated to cone (Cn−1 ⊗ An−1)hGn−1 → (Cn ⊗ An)hGn

A.3. Representation stability with untwisted coefficients. We now change gears and discuss representation stability with untwisted coefficients. Consider a family of short exact sequences of groups


For example, this could be the pure braid groups mapping to the braid groups with symmetric groups as quotients. A way to try to prove representation stability for the Hi(Nn) as Qn-representations is G as follows. The chain complex Cn has an action of Nn, so one can consider the spectral sequence G 1 associated to (Cn )hNn . The E -page is depicted in Figure 8.

Qn Qn Qn H3(Nn) Ind H3(Nn−1) Ind H3(Nn−2) Ind H3(Nn−3) Qn−1 Qn−2 Qn−3

Qn Qn Qn H2(Nn) Ind H2(Nn−1) Ind H2(Nn−2) Ind H2(Nn−3) Qn−1 Qn−2 Qn−3

Qn Qn Qn H1(Nn) Ind H1(Nn−1) Ind H1(Nn−2) Ind H1(Nn−3) Qn−1 Qn−2 Qn−3

Qn Qn Qn H0(Nn) Ind H0(Nn−1) Ind H0(Nn−2) Ind H0(Nn−3) Qn−1 Qn−2 Qn−3

Figure 8. E1-page for untwisted representation stability

On the E2-page, the leftmost column is given by

coker(IndQn H (N ) → H (N )). Qn−1 i n−1 i n

Thus, the leftmost column measures the generators of Hi(N) := {Hi(Nn)} in the sense of representation stability. Similarly, the second column from the left measures relations. Let us try to run a similar argument as in the case of homological stability. Thus we assume inductively that all rows below the kth row are zero in a range on the E2-page, and we analyze the kth row. By the same argument as in the constant coefficient case, we deduce that the entries in the first two columns of the E2-page on the kth row are zero for n large enough. Note however that we can not immediately say anything about the third column or beyond, since a priori a nontrivial E2-differential may emanate from these entries. Since the first two columns measure generators and relations, what we can deduce is precisely that Hk(N) is presented in finite degree as a sequence of Qn-representations. To make this argument work inductively, we need that zeros on the left two columns on the E2-page propagate to the right as n increases. In other words, we need that if a sequence of Qn-representations is presented in finite degree, then it has derived representation stability. This condition on the groups

Qn is what we call degreewise coherence. It is currently only known for a few families of groups, such as the symmetric groups.

A.4. Representation stability with twisted coefficients. As before, consider a collection of short exact sequences of groups

1 → Nn → Gn → Qn → 1 and let An be a Gn-representation. Now suppose we want to prove Hi(Nn; An) has representation G stability with respect to the Qn-action. Taking the homotopy orbits Cn (A)hNn with respect to the 1 1 2 Nn-action gives a spectral sequence with E -page as in Figure 9. The E and E -pages can be analyzed REPRESENTATION STABILITY, SECONDARY STABILITY, AND POLYNOMIAL FUNCTORS 59 exactly as was done in the previous section. The problem is that in order to know that the spectral sequences converges to zero in a range, we need to know derived representation stability for A = {An}, which is hard to check.

Qn Qn Qn H3(Nn; An) Ind H3(Nn−1; An−1) Ind H3(Nn−2; An−2) Ind H3(Nn−3; An−3) Qn−1 Qn−2 Qn−3

Qn Qn Qn H2(Nn; An) Ind H2(Nn−1; An−1) Ind H2(Nn−2; An−2) Ind H2(Nn−3; An−3) Qn−1 Qn−2 Qn−3

Qn Qn Qn H1(Nn; An) Ind H1(Nn−1; An−1) Ind H1(Nn−2; An−2) Ind H1(Nn−3; An−3) Qn−1 Qn−2 Qn−3

Qn Qn Qn H0(Nn; An) Ind H0(Nn−1; An−1) Ind H0(Nn−2; An−2) Ind H0(Nn−3; An−3) Qn−1 Qn−2 Qn−3

Figure 9. E1-page for twisted homological stability (assuming derived representation stability)

As before, it is reasonable to expect that polynomiality should be a sufficient replacement for derived G G representation stability. If we had considered the action of Nn on Cn ⊗ An instead of on Cn (An), then we would have obtained a spectral sequence similar to Figure 9 except with Hq(Np; Ap) replaced with 1 Hq(Np; An) on the E -page. This spectral sequence does converge to zero, but has an undesirable 1 E -page. As before, we cannot immediately use the polynomial condition to replace Hi(Np; An) with

Hi(Np; Ap). In the case of untwisted coefficients, the spectral sequence we used came from considering

 G G  cone (Cn−1 ⊗ An−1)hGn−1 → (Cn ⊗ An)hGn . One might guess that we just need to replace G’s with N’s and instead consider

 G G  cone (Cn−1 ⊗ An−1)hNn−1 → (Cn ⊗ An)hNn . But as far as we can tell, this is not useful. The mapping cone works very well to measure homological stability, and this was useful when we were trying to prove homological stability. However, when we are trying to prove representation stability, we should replace “cone” with something that measures representation stability, like central stability chains. We remark, however, that

 G G  cone (Cn−1 ⊗ An−1)hNn−1 → (Cn ⊗ An)hNn is naturally a triple complex with one of the three directions concentrated in only two degrees. When we replace “cone” with central stability chains, we obtain something that is a triple complex in a more essential way. Triple complexes are hard to study. To simplify things, let us assume each Nn = 1

(and hence Qn = Gn). With untwisted coefficients, there is nothing interesting about H∗(1). However,

H0(1; An) = An, so representation stability for 1 with coefficients in A is the same as representation stability for A. Once we set Nn = 1, the triple complex become a double complex. This spectral 60 JEREMY MILLER, PETER PATZT, AND DAN PETERSEN sequence converges to zero as before. The polynomial condition lets us simplify the E1-page in a range. This is the reasoning that led us to study the spectral sequences used in Section 3 of this paper. The upshot is that this spectral sequence lets us prove that polynomial coefficient systems have derived representation stability. Once we have establish this we can go back and reconsider the spectral sequence of Figure 9. The only reason why that spectral sequence did not seem useful was we did not know if it converged to zero. With the polynomiality implies derived representation stability result, we do know that it converges to zero and thus we can profit off of its simpler E1-page. This is what we do in Section 4.


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