FOUR BIG SYSTEMS FOR 300 RAILROADS L G C. kffmt* nan To (MFOFPOUCE Merge AH Eastern Reids Dofiie Tokyo’s S an tM i- TAKEN TO miSON iaiTUadenCilJtAnlii- bde Foor Great System^ W l W Carnot radM -Proteitr Lolled SATSHETOAIK I Mew Dp Te Carriers. Betfia (MHdal Takes From Tiado WiMa ika BriHih Midi LofgBO of Ihtiois. ARENOTSUPPOKIEDi WUhlngtOB, July 33.— (AP) — A ffis Bed By Sqaad id Sol- Conniomlraailk Akng new eouBoUdatloii plsui for the uiU« NanUng, C^ilna. July Xt— (AP) floatlon of 800 eastern railroads Into lEers and Led To Jafl. — The KlKUnln, nhEtiaan CoigretSBMD Says four great eystems now fests with News Agency, reported today that .■'74ra the carriers. “armed resistance without m^ect- Bat HaK MOGob t e a Bering July 33.— (AP)^Hugo ing dijdomatlc methods’’ is the It was put before them late yes­ Helmansberg, chief of the Berlin terday by the Interstate Commerce policy decided upon ty t|ie National­ Would Get Jobs. police, was tumtfled out of bed at 6 the dyanm lte^loslon wWoh tpok:».ltopw?i t c ( ll of^sevco l l ^ and destroyed the MO^foot ist govsrnmiBnt wltb Mg u d to what Commission which sought by yield­ it termed-:* "Jafiafam invasion'’ of OttoWa, Ont, Juty 32.—(AP)U‘ ing on some points and making new o’clock this morning by a squad of tolllboatAnx^ AlocandriaBay,Ni Y«-lspicturedhoo.. /lYrappe^In a.blanket,' W U^n McLean, 83, sddiers.and led away to the military is s w .b ^ brought asbore In a-speedboat vhich. rescued him from the fit Ig w r^ river aftM^ne imd the provlrm.of J< The Irish Free State and the Unldii suggestions to end years of wrang­ The agttiey said, that the govern­ >5T prison on suspicion of actions In con- n ^ lw tohs of dynamite, packed In a drill hole bn. the rocky'bottom orthAsbeiMn, had exploded prematurelv Washington, 4uly . 22.— (AP) — of South Africa gave itnowygii of ling over how consolidations Should and blown ths'drlU boat to bits. Ten persons were injury one was reported ihlssiql, ^ Y ment h^otdefed gov­ Repriosentatlva Beedy (R.. Me.) said badUag at the principle of profer-. traventloo of the presidoitlal decree ernor of J^kd Province, Chan]; be Greeted to preserve compStltlon, impeslhg martial law In Berlin. HslaO'IAaai’, former Manchurian In an interview today statistics do once .tariff g g ImpeileA'.. serve the publlo and save money. A major of police and a member ward Iord,'Ao mohnike '^troni; not support claims of anti-prohlffl- conference settled down te work to- The plan was not the oOmmlsslon’s of the Relchsbanner whose nune Is fMces“ f^idnet the Japanese. At the tioitists that the Idolization of day.. . . ■; original proposal just exactly two Carlbeigh were arrested with him, sfme time protests wots lodged at liquor would help the farmer A«i«i Helmansberg, one of the most the toxpayer. In thdobjectUm of the Irish F sm jrears and seven months earlier for Tdtyb and with the League of Na­ State, as voiced by Ssan T. Cntoibr. the establishment of five eastern popular members of the police force, ffer Beebty cited a etatisUcal summary was arrested on WednekUiy, idong bead of the delegation, m ere w as dn,- trunk lines; It was not the rail­ A small Japanese expeditionary prepared on the prohibition question, edio of brewing taulff war luh roads’ suggestion last October, one with Albert Grseslnski, commission­ force was sent'into JehOl seyera giving comparismis on grain produc­ tween the Free State and fbr four sterns, it ctmtained some er of the Prussian police, a^eu' days ago. Japanese aathorities sale tion and consumption, empl^rment, Cksesbudd and his Chief assistants ON PRESIDBIT’S ADDINS Britain over President De Valerias concessions and new allocations the that It was Intended, merely to taxation and the nation’s voting I'efuaal to'pay «iirii|ff |a commission hoped woxdd be accept­ refused to relinquish their jobs 'at resime Gonshlro Ishimoto,. a former strength. Greab^Britain. ed. the demand of General von Rund- Ji^panese army officer who had been This tabulation gave the average stedt who is In charge of the execu­ Bodies of Gardeder and N. C. Havenga, South Afiricu The New Plan captured by Jehol troops. annual gain consumption ih liquor minister of finance, emplmalxed.Qiat tion of martial law. They were lib­ •roduction from 1913 to 1917 as 32,- By the new plan, carriers would erated In a few hours. Expect No-TrouMe. South Africa could not subscribe te be-grouped under the Baltimore & Wdaidij Widow Foimd In The Japanese said yesterday tha: " 1,000 busfiels as compared' with a the theory of a self-contained The ^redfic charges against the Go ^Oq iVoliibition Qoes- th^ expected no trouble aa Jehb >tal average grain production in Ohio, Chesapeake & Ohio, Pennsyl­ police chief were not disclosed. hwUKted British Empire. vania and New York Central ^ e authorities had .promised to liberate tiiis period of 5,510,000,000 bushels. Lower Tvlff WfRs Delaware ft Hudson and the Sea­ Socialist Beatm Ishimoto within a few days. As-To Eo^oynient “None of its memboW,’’ he said; board Air Line would constitute in­ At Koenlgsberg last night Karl Jehol, really a province of Bmer Turning to possible emplo3mient “can exist In tradewith|n the Cem- dependent systems, wUle ttie Jaecker, Socialist membw of the Mongolia, lies on the Manchurian from the IdaUxation of. liquor, manweadth alone. If our Industilee Ptainsylvanla would be forbidden Reichstag, was severely beaten by a Is Legal Readent Bat Ifot a Moito Park, Calif., July 22. border and when the new state of aro to survive, tarilf wafia are ih- entry into New England. group of National Socialists des^te (AP)-r^A theoty that the attentions Manchoukuo was established ris- (Conttaraed On Page Two.) evitable but it Is oar duty to eba Yl^t would be the carriers a police escort which accompanied centiy was claimed by Manchoukuo how tor they can,be, lowered or him as he left a campaign meet­ of a gardener toward hia wealthy attitude toward the offered com>- WaShlngton, July 3i ^ ( A ^ _ Voter In State % Ap- aa a part of its territory. Recently where preferential enfrilaa c u hia promise coidd not be said. Officials ing. entylbyer may have resulted in the Chinese government circle has ex­ made through todse walie.v of the Baltimore ft Ohio and the There was another affray at Ham­ The -~r*1 parn nf thn iruiiii1ig|t|BT d e ij^ of/Mrs. Eidlth -Orr, Spencer pressed alarm over what they tam­ ROUTIAN PATERS FOr the test of the_Dg*nintons Ote New York Central found some burg where time poUounen «kl campaign dsfiMdng tuiiBndlaee^tt Wful;'Jobn.*.inano was held today aa ed JiqMui’a determination to-aeixe blunt ^ncqiosal of Prime Mlidstor^ > A'5 things worthy of cmnmendatiQn but sevm othwtt wfw lajmed. r - these two hlg^ b®*estlng 4 nd control of the provtaice. B ennett of Camula, a n d e In 'ppete-'^ The Bdehstag' Committee on gafia- pbl|^.tnvbBti(gated what ,tiiey'term­ hiad not oonu^tted themselves defin­ posribly ' donihiating-^queBtiohi of ed ft dM s^knd suicide. fhero were reports yeiteri|jr t^ Ing the conforenee-to lower <>«#• itely. guanUng the p ^ C s rights — tl|e VBhitfbrd,iju^^^ Sicr(AI?>Tr8 hic4 , rftifamg Kai^hek was retunring to DECURERORVARdaTs ciwn tariff w ilty to r the |U tf i|i party Btrategy: FMim ''Ylhcent CnOs, Filipino Nanking because of tha Jehol crisis. ' WbeA the roads in October pre- Bow far; wffij the [ Republiceiia - go Major > James';J..Tunney hetiame ae^ hokiiilky. investigatorii heard that Bznidro pteducts,' .wial received Wito ^ Y e d their four- party suggestion (Oentimilii'an Page Nine) . ------^ i------Almrm and confurion were. repoVtec ia^pioral, a t le d a tto prinefaAa; 'ttcgr said if it were n ^ approved toward an r'affumarive bid. fqr^ the fatCTe8ted’in'p0Btten';evett;8Si- tojnarry tohavo^ been caused tiiroqAout-an -ptohibitioAvbte^! Andrhow fK'wll] Mzat-Bpescw, 62-y6Eff-old widowwiSow of northern. Cbiiia. ' ^ - ■ .'-•-After'W edid'Ttede' .. without change the plan woUld lSlL g o 'h i tha .. extant.'of thb;^mp,;li^ tw o | S That Stan AefioD Stanley Baldtein, heiad the Breaks 17 nnjstrtis Fraticlin Britlab "diriegiititei; - w aned ‘ thid Tbd new Sbhe^dwe wbidd > hagiMslari toteei. 'Bitoatti'te^'-htto’ «k- Iteila - pw^ oaed WabaSh-______lem* abrogate two anti-trust deci­ _ _ _ _ 'Gmoouijtis’.'ia tetE^^Ntt'^^W'teeMteem'we catrabt sions by authoriativ the PeBQsyi- m tog 'to Freiid4btr.~Rboverib y iia o C^cefiiiiig toh vania to abix«b the Wabash &e ahee apeec^';An|ii^ ‘ii.'AA;-he and It was Of- k 'diAuffeilr and 'btt w Baltimore and to ttte In gins ity -pfephfiutm he'ia ■Oda- . f u i .hie 'shotild' n^t'hiave Joim Wtdenred emplbyor. (Sruii Sadd 'ViaiTO .ancnnwiWBvera: Western Maryland. I on the:

* — X ...... • ' .' ^vi '■>■' ■■ ‘ ■-.;;■■■ ';\'".f' >'' - ■. -:■■■’■-%:■:>. - /.fix IVAGBTVO r M*W0HWaw».BW5roj|g — 7 Chdfite Chttplin Imitations A a automdWto fa e a ^ toward ' As Sons Prepare For Movie Dehut Manchester, wa# lef^psrked on the dde of the rmUl j^ ^ a iu it o f the Hocksnum W ver ’ on'iOddle !tfolljf iwiuJ Tfmili OnvfWBy who Turnpike yesterday, ^ w w first Boston# ^ a^U wh«n he ia i’t w iltln f, hae a noticed about 3 o^dbdc and as it had not been moved teoin the neaitkm •r: aloe Job on Ua hands. at 9 o*cioek last night the pS oO te later It is to write a screen story to fesp '^vestigated. The car was looked. pvin tore two little boys he hasjievar Reports o f its being ist the —"»t I tenna of n _ been, two very famoiis little ' boys, place came in later and at o f a tern o f 06 liiK ed W sad their mother, who is equilly By DEXTER TSinii •/ it was decided to tow it in, btttiAen • - mm Jim pier wbll'kBown. It laths story that will the police went to the bridge to get MBA Serylee Writer initiate the two' ypiinf sons of the ear it was not tbixa, havteg . C3iarles dunlin to their tether’s been driven 'away. The ow n er'~ S I' anqy aviators shot a plaae I^ esslon . the car was a resident o f Los An- 3400 miles Away and — shoal groufida. A a d o r ARted tMs , . Craven, irittlng in his office at the geles, acMrding to the Ucense plate. U t the bulTiheye! ; , n Uy itenrAid « i^ Z ''' ' t ftu4k> the other mbrninc* sdoaitted Thiirs win tuTT’fir.f 1 they and what has be- 'y fish towtefl^aa snmty|B%,lMM 1 9 he hadn’t the Sh&itow at an idea Tjf* •■aiyersaw I has becmne of them? Their ^ y.- . • ■r.y...y I fathdms-oYline. " What sort o f stoiy he wotild write. masF for PMilck litter, te SvIare Xieut. Lester J. la When it iqmeared tim ftte had b ^ 9mo txhaustod, a man pot out ai But he was smilhigly unworried. O U UUM. 1 " I know m get it written^” he ' “The mechanical Job o f put­ A settlement having teen reach­ I t was five years ago thte June ting a story on paper never worries , teat tbqr Junqped-aboard their bte Eh'and w iu a ll' sneed mkt ed In the attachment placed cn' the Iaway"from toe violiiity tettS l£ ^ ‘ me. The only questicn in my mind Vanity Fair Gift Sh^ at 749 Mstn plane and soared a m y from Ode- . i»r wiU the studio like it? But ~ land, caLj bound ter Hawaii over' I villa p. _C^tate_^ said Streep the ownejr of the store is tbs-swordflah toivtfd the dbi^'n aeSo haven’t any oohtrot over that, so today moving the^stock from the tte Maer route on: which the gd - u ^ t ’s the UM of worrsdng?” fld it Cfemt Rodgers faced death. and a ludf, tom^ it tSIBSd CS Ms store to. :Hartford and the placa Will captor> dartiiig at tte , ' Craven, .author of 14 plays, Ih be vacated. - fUnce ffiqr aimed at that little many of which he has i^ipeared, has clusteg of islands out in the broad d j ^_jnstbefmr...... liw attr*' 1 * The men ot toe Malvina.B. ape - had experience entitling him to free- Mary F. Ferguson o f 8 Padfic, they must navigate per^ f fectly. A nristake te' two degrees not eurprised tte it toe echooiMlrr dm from worry in that regard or South Main street, wfil leave tomor­ liarlse, out of New Lotion, Ogoi, ’ any other pertaining to his craft row afternoon for Ghioago, where te cdculations woidd le t, them lieiled to oapture toe fish. For te Fca recently completed filming of She ^ be Jotajd usrtate I addiiiolt to toe dory and twwfciw Of his ’The First Year,” and several b y her'niece. Miss Item lt Shorts, of fravo. [tte M idim tte Ate was other of his plays have been screen­ Lincoln, Nebraska. Tteetosr they ^ missed toe islands, tte rteir beaieliir '^ ^ naine ef tte ed. . will motor out to that d ty where landng t>laee would te 8600 lia rls e . And, coippared to some, of the Miss Shorts is teacher of phyyips I tstOior, at the S^m on Zs- T* dramatic tasks he has handled, the ahd chemistry in the High [lands,^ But toey bad fud enough confection o f a screen story for Lita Miss Ferguson plans totnend toe l S** tosm only ths. 2400^mil4s Gray Chiydin and Charles Spencer, remainder of toe summer wito her ^ Hawaii,.so t ^ y could nbt fall. 3 t i , and Sidney Earls is mere rou- niece. They were expert pilots. . Malt* tine. land, snlisting in tte army air . Craven may have no idea as yet eorte during the World War, took on the type o f picture he'B write, to uyteg . naturally. Hegenteiger but has definite ideas on what it GLORIFYING had had. almost as .much estefl- ’(^ fitte d Fro»'lSte;io4*. will not be. The chief o f these la entei And both had been te puaea Sidney Earle ChapUa and Ghailes Spencer Chaplin, Jr., sons of practically every day ter years. I Beedy.. said t fiS T llit e '' tilMOfiOO W ^' that it will in no way rescend to the poor taste of trading on the suocefs OharUe Chaidln, are preparing for ilieir debut in films wlfli their moth­ YOURSELF I Their plane soared on, malntaln- woriurs in toe UteM > St4es eO whom 9,000,000 are eSttetetiMHo t e o f the youngsters’ tether. er, Ltta Grey Chaplin (below) divorced wife of the film oomediaa; 1 I ing a speed of approximately 100 Chaplin has announced plans to enter legal objectien to their appear* miles an hour deamte' wind, occa­ unemployed. . i > I ’ve seen the boys in newsreds," There are faces that manege 'Tet toe total woitere te tite he sqrs, ’’and they're a clean-cut, aaee on the screen. make a place ter toemsdves sional- banka of teg and treaebsr- toe beatify nlcture ?“ • currenti of air that buffeted I liquor buteeae betere prohlbltles attractive pair of Uds. That’s how was only 499,000, k vety OHeS theyll be presented, Just as they lift toelr eyebrows with toe ^ gh t[m o n tscS stiu a ff are. eeatege of our pfefi ' deiT^ ^ am^ surprlae,surprise. A hSTto^ t^ ployaMBt” te aaid. *1 don't know yet whether Ifiss KHU EMPLOYER, people te^e been bom wito eye­ Beady said tte tsIhiTittlofi Grey will play their mother in the OBITUARY I brows that are . dark, luxurious and by toe 30 hour mark, toey peered anxiously ahead, trying to teoov- jtho.imuial averi ■ - film—she may be cast as their aunt, wdl-ahaped. More people -teve to U918 . to m i a oi; a friend, or Just as a young wo­ COMMIS SUICIDEachieve them. er those little black smears on toe blue horisen that they knew toey which |341,00,C man in the story. AH that has to be FUNERALS First of all, when you hbSin to must reach. revenue and 189,00098 ^(sdded.” (Cokittened From Page One raise your eyebrows ter beauty, do tetmierim.Tlte oiMimiw teiiU|, not pluck them. That mode is out' As they paesed toe 34 hour mark Craven, on the stage since he was WllUam Stiles toe luspenie waa jierve-wraeklng. with a total cost of ail govefBiis three years old, and a member o f a tors in the second story of a garage Beauty must be natural and t o ^ It was almost unbearable. And In 1918 of 13,900,000,000 and e f $1 temUy full of stage names, acted for The funeral of William Stiles of is nothing more artificial a 126 Hollister street will be '^held at building. A bullet bad ' m fired then toey saw a faint outline of— B lam of tte trase-Fadflo air trail to Hawaii, lieat Lester J. MUt- 000,000,000 in 1980. f the screen in fate "The Very Idea,” through her'head at close range. thin lln. 5 eyehrawn uid n S S t a J r ^ S * “ it his home tomorrow afternoon at 2 something. It became plateer and Albert Hegenlterger lower oen- "This tahulatkm shows tte t lii produced as an early talkie, but has o’clock. Rev. F. C. Allen and RSv. Vlano’s body, also shot through the toey breathed sighs of relief. than eyebrows that are Just begin­ 1919 tee FedOrU Jte'eruM nt edi- no acting jdans ^ r his present so­ W. M. Woodward will officiate. The head; was la a machine ahop on. the They landed at Wheeler Field, shown la oenter, they, took off on t heir thHTHwg mght, Bdow. v i—.*-- leeted 1483,000,OOOln .lIqnof tstesl” journ. body will be taken to Rollinsford, N. first fioor. Ths pistol from v w d i ning to grow, out Of course, if a Honolulu, in 26 hours and 60 min­ stray hair grows where it- should nant Hegenberger Is pietnrcd (rl ght) btoadeaetlaS^from a pieni^ Btedy said. ’T e t in 1988 r t e d ^ t e H., ter burial Saturday. both bullets had been fired lay by utes. -They had navigatodpesfeot- as nscsssaiy to balanea; tte^FrtaMl bis body. ^ not it is all right to pull i t . out ^ ' BOY IB ■USPBOTBD ly and piloted perfeotte. Toey bad I budget aggregiitod 11418,006,000. ] But that has nothing to do with bit toe mll’s-eye! the plucking process. te toe'-days that haye passed Bew Orleans, July 82.— ( A P ) — GERiprMAYpf rNOLE>A8 BXEODTGB Use an oil on your eyebrows to NO SERVICES SUNDAY A: 13 year old boy was arrested for since toey Were applauded lo lust­ Daily Health keep them strong and soft and lux- ily ter that fe a t ttey. have been in boom queetlMitaig here today after his Roaring Gap, N.^ C., July 23. utfant Massage too ii^ I f you want lo play up toe arch Maitlisad and Hegenberger^ nnee o f albumin. - New York, July 22.—(AF) — said, howe^-tem;; ba w t e j^ ^ . effect darken toe eyebrow morel blasers of toe air trail t e Hawall-r It occurred to investigators in toe Frederick Brooks,, of .toe rfni’-hiqgi iniprffiiaed -Wuh Gow* JteRUtfm 'D^ right in toe center. they started young, as fiyws, an<| University of Wisconsin that there firm of Brooks Brothers, 14ft bto es-' Rooatyrit'SvlSifteite^^^ Give your «yee toe proper set- both bid fair to fly for many years must be some basis ter the faUure tate-of undetermined value to hlk) eept thu -Dtriiawye***:’ 5 ing and trust toem'to say toe right to come. of toe kidn^, revealed in tofii maQ- thing. ner. They, therefore, studied 47 filed today. Brooks died Monday. ) . He said that nich aa rldhig. a bieyole, celves personM; effects and a lite | abeHt..twriMff thyt. '1**%*t* "**** Chester, PA, July ;32— (A P ) — nnuing around an indoor., track s estate in securities. working on « rowing maOhins; Afterher deato lgob^^ to teppn& teose.te 'power. Thomas Brennan, a Providmeo. of toe securities _go. to toe cbil-; ipen ^S inctst rt tlrte fias____ inr R. I., steel broker, reported to police te aome 16 per cent d£ cases.there ^ and toe other half to six ffrand^ | j^ to fr ig h tte ^ waa albumin in a sample of fluid here today toe loss o f a money belt j ciumrra. lo f toe-goivenimrafc” '’"^t3iL. containing |21,400. before toe beglnning .of toe exerctee The residuaty estate is. divided* He said he checked out o f a hotel which appiurently did not ihersase equally among toe childzen, Harold greatly after exercipe. and, in fact, in New York yesterday and dt- « r BRUCE CAdOM and Wintorop B. Brooks, o f T/?ng ■ir,T rccUy here. When he reglsMed at was rMuced in stone instances. On Island, and Ates, May B. Wan, rt' DEPICTS STRAIN ON NERVES the other hand, QTH per cete of 'LogaiL #W/-Vk ^'' hotel hers he nbtieed toe loss of I OF WAR AVIATORS FrovUlBnoe, R# L. . . lBM ty -8. Gay,prei the belt toose iromen who ted no- albumin . 7)he grandcbndrra who receive before exercise developed the ap- Inunager .of-ae Gay.Gbiri^i After communicating with toej "Portrait of an Airman” TeHa Story one-twelfto each at toe widths New York hotel authorities vtooi said pearapee of albumin after exerdso*^ tend upra bra dMto, are Frederi^ of Flyer*e Strvgite to Keen Dnrteg exercise there is a marked . Idand. Creek'ndne'-ifcHl they knew nothing at toe b e^ Bren­ H IsSonlly .elevation of toe pulse pressure,"an Anne aH4 Eleanor-BtoOte, o f Long I erations Auxust £ nan left imm^diai^ for that dty. inereaiM In toe rate of toe drcula- Mski^ate Ash^ Frederick, and tween 75 ara.ter Probal^ there are, somevteere; tion and a shunting of the blocfd John W. wan, of Frovldenoe. ) definite .periods . ; 7” STICKY FBOFOSEnON certain W u ld . War aviators who from toe interior o f toe body to toe Los Angdes^Leroy W. Cast, have not yet written bobks about active muscles and toe skin. landscape ensteoer, was up against World War aviators.Thdr num­ Muscuter exercise stimulates the • • a HOME for a stickler. He had to mova a 86- bers are dwindliag, however; glvb metabolism, or chemical interebange foot castus plant 400 milee. With a them time, and t o i ^ all be au< in toe body, and at toe aamg tone crew of five men, Gast braced toe toora ‘ produeea beat U the exerdso ie In “im tftH aaAm rsicip*:; 12-ton plant with eeaflddiBg of The newest One bn toe lis t. Is severe enough toe amount of heat the bride to 6e .... wood, successfully loaded it on a Philip Arnall, who contributes "P o r­ produced may exceed toe amount of truck and trailer, for Shtyment here# trait at an Airman,” an oeeasiamlly heat^ usually lost by toe body and, S' ^ — -^ exdting novSl about a young Img- s a result toe temperature iiseSr' lishman.who beeasae an aes. Ordinarily there ia a balanee -be- Mr. AteaU’sbsvovrtartadontas an tween toe amount of activity, eaiv officer In a home datense battallbn rled on by toe U dn ^ and by toe J 'r .>> ' ' , . 4fter file honemoon, then tlie Kome" aniioiiiice. in England. T1rtng.uf toe monotony^ skin. When large amounts o f water W' .rite. wito .. of his Job, he appilM for tratefer to are being lost torou ^ th4 sUb inich ments. Will YOUR bride really be "at HOME” in an aviation ariiobl— skd, to bis sur­ as occurs-during exerdas^ toe kid­ V.. ■'■V- ^ EPP16. io o B e V»QH prise, wasneoaptod. neys become reisUva^ inactive. X -S:'> SS'-'XC;-?' From toat momept toe World When toe'exerdse stops, the bal­ a honM of hw very own? Yon can easily arrange *IMI • js w s a r - Wisr as t e ~ t e t e was oonoerned ance in too tempecatinn la. re-es* rpsedvad ttejU into a'- aootost b f tablirtied pt Alower ietel, toe pres­ tkat Utfie matter rigflit now... .Real Estate prices tween U s Job andlda Mrves. sure falls and toe drcuiatlon is slug­ ^' v> • - " d m y First t e served an pilot on n sort gish until suffideat time elapses for at Shutfie Une, tsking nsw p lo es to a re-estabilshment te te o te ' tee and terns are lower than fiieyVe been in many years Itanoe to t tte fightoiir men. Then blood prteure at t t e ' o f tee te was ordered to: a eombat patrol teart^ beat and after the heart brat and yw’U And fiiat HOMS'for YOUR bride to be and went m to tte H ^ ; later he rhig this period ad te iteamiilate i i m beearoe a fliit e eemmander and de- the eSDa of the. k U b ^ i -teen te\ A! , vOMed into an SiHil fighter f t when drculatioo la rratorod td te r- ‘'J k i ! aonriderabte fiuas; A t toe ete of mal,>tee lOlmmiB raewpra tte boote Ba find him back in fly, teepK^ rairdN ItaglaBd, aatterks teai pQm at afi ’* n y ffmdj- MADG^ inrANs, teattemqaateMBt S t s m T IN THE REAL ESTATE barn ae auttiy « * A agpeidalty ■ '•r'T I books by aadteottt waMbna fte' wteaa u tesys ate ite|-pp t e tln d ^ AMOtra- ersvttea goa teifld feSbabty m ite art akd ebteeteeirity to bear GeMWjn* s o m W s tr o f a TffitmtliTt ifa SECTION OF THE HERALD Mayer T W - " m i i — _ iBid r n ■. u r , t'i' . ■ iSiteteki "-vviMcar.MjaiouruninmaMMsv-ff'-wt'fSnO'wiwA-wev^ ■>': '■'^■'v^'■ > .'•r'l

' *.'.v '’ /A- '■■eAii» p^-wuAoa nQIrkt-wA-ttadir. way ii4> tha iUa MMoa aad'iriU-xoiuBd oiit a 0?>n July »^(A F)r-^' ,«V.» - ' i a ♦ .u HU d o i p ’' four yMT.pnlyiim of linooM i h ^ ■ , q * i' • ^ I « ^ U :U ) l i a m i ^ ' te d ^ r#p;r. •>. 2*-4a , -■ H )- fall UL rnfriijr|||i|||ihi' iwoMrvit^Bjiii^diftalMB'by Oil yew WmnTIDSfAU; I HihlaAiliMiM''sa# Itfmail' pliBf tmitiMlly ^ will' 1- ■ofMnii r .pi «fW ; o f ^ jaiaid ______>n|or r ■ . . ' -i..' ' ' ■ ' pMt. telthful<‘r^p«o* w bn .erowSi^toe O m p .4 6 ^ ^tha 'bid;' baaa cif bid B altti/ tlM in where ha i i to;>toubp A fire - Jifiy — ■P t to^tlM-Wtitotoa’. M ^ ^ whleh Atnmhnm lineolB lived-frm wii \ u t)niN nilB T m t ^ P m siIc Ruth. Wtokbam ofr South 1181 to.lliS t.; remnai^f.of old'ftono foundatloni Maag itotto was a reopt giiast' At f lib oliBiala Mtofiht t o ^ to find avar, wara rapOftod daniatoiuly ill Sh b i Appreciate Then. U p to w p tl where they are spending a 824-828 Main St. Tel. 6161 week with Mr. Lawton's relatives. South Mancheator Official League Baseball Ftahermen A tt^ tien t ;Mi’. and Mrs. Calvin C Bolles and 'S|ie, ' EACH When New sisOf hew stitch, guarantood 27 inu- daughter, Jeanne, are spending their V- •, i;<- vadatioa of a week at Cape Cod. 29-t40-21 Bought in Pair Sells elsewhere at $1.25. Sale Sx ^S'Federated ohU'xsh and Sunday All flshlhg eqnipniMit InclndW Rr**'* Bi^ool held their annual picnic last If bought in doaon lets, $7.25 6 9 c Wsdnesday at BUsabeth Park, Hart- Rods, Lines* P lm Nets, Tm^ 'H oros i fRtd^ with one hundred and thlrty- Balt Falls, Baskets. ■ ^ ^ tofS -^present. The d t y was., a per- fset day and the park so very beau­ ^ Staa .BlqlibofOar Esdi Ftor. Tobo tiful tlmt all enjoyed a .love^ tim9. i m m r F o n , Ohowoiet 8J0 ^ 8 6 G o l f B a lls CMmes'. and -stim to -were enjoyed ■CSmvPtot ,i- 8A7 a c t .79 ■ ■ Cri^e^'/'Sets; after a bountiful dinner was.serrtod ^ 4 6 0 4 1 Fold, Ghevnlet ZM 7.08 SO J)ictator Brand. Guaranteed 18 Holes, 4 Ban sets, i^tly striped aad wi to aU, and the bus left at 4:80 for 88z«.tfi-16 Whlpjwt Wlllyz, Ohevrolet 4J8 8.82 V V .90 ^w. Sise and W ^ t Regulaf price 39c. their homes in Wapplng. Fprft' Plymoiith proofed, aheDaeed MaB^ and The Ways and Mhans co'mmlttee 80xi.76$l0 PPthi4.'Pb’hbuth 4A0 8A0 .18 SslO PriC0 •eeeaeeeeaeeeeaeccee hig hly season ed wo<^ 'y 'n l Dfi4he Pototoo 4*88 &48 LOO Dozen lots, $3.25 per dozen. Sale Price ...... South Windsor held a /ei success- .Nap* Essex, Dodge, DeSoto « fid meeting at the home of the chair­ Graham ^ man, Mrs. George Willson, on-MOn-' 80x0.00-20 Mmh, Essex 4.48 a is 1.05 day evening. The members selected $8x6A5-U Bee, QldsnieUle, Ohxyslw 4A8 9M .08 Chfldren’s G olf Irons 35|^.., Sale, prices-'each i'.. ■everal ' attractive varieties o f ChHstmas Cards which they are ■w planning to sell in the tail. They Cope to again raise money enough Boys’ K nickeri and Shorts for a school soup kitchen during the M p ’ s Bold winter months. Well Tailored Of Extra strong Fabrics. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman and 6 Ply RIVERSIDES Regular frice 49c. ■ K n id i^ '’.'^'^ family of Pleasant Valley motored to Marlborough Where they visited Sale Price Extra fine quality. Re^lar A g O A relatives and friends this week. C

.ARTIST IS BANKRUPT Boys' Sailor, Pants. Shirts imd Shoils; ■' j New York, July 22.— (A P )—' James Stewart Carstairs, interna­ Sise EACH Wh«) White Duck. Sizes 8 to 14^ Sold ^where Rnp rcsistfaig Rayon. EheiHitoreyitolFdy tionally known but now bankrupt in a fwr $1.00 as higii,fis.69c artist, bid a bitter goodbye to art 3 M ;S 0 ^ 2 1 Boiqtht in Pairs: and antiques tod^ hut the Sale Price Sale Price 3 GhrinoitB ’ .. that grieved him most was an.indig- Bity suffered by his 800-yeapold m bedstead. Carstairs complained of those SWnils Any Comparison—Fu% who capto to bid or stare at an Bloe and wiU^ auction. , ■ Guaranty!. At mim^FORDS and C E S ^O L ^ . Sfip on I^PC.. Regular i^ce ^ “ They sat on the bed o f Charles Regular price 59c.' ' .. ■- -O.ih. n ,” he cried. "The bed I wouldn’t •58c. Sale Price ...... 1. ;. Sale Price m ■■ let any one so aauch as touch ’’ - ; ' ...... A'" ' Furniture, first editions . and ' paintings for which '.he expected to 'aito ■' ~ get at least 260,000 so ld -to r" mily BiyHStob $7,000, he was informed yesterday. $8x4J76-18- ; W | i i l ^ W ^ SAs- 1SJ6 4 .4 * a e s V / I ^ o U ptoe to tlglA to ass$m year _ ___ « . ■ * tOjSBS H n nJBA SOAOO-U' a ss l a s r 9 M op^^ PXitiOjll ' a i t ; M ^ClotibCbtlili ■ iiiY-, -M - " t n £Bn^parate coip a d ip l^ me. e|i^:t.,tiiDe 'he- ^ 'l j * - . '■* ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■'.-W.'- Boat. iiy.ep'tf^wpW ^iBig^ 'UPriapim^^iaihtolpi^^ ^ .* •’•J' * ■ ■st i - ' ’,v 'i I' ” - ■ - I'J,. " U - i ll f III ’m m

I, - ■ Y P X G B f O T m j SwCBEsrim iviBniRi W^'X' aa«Ni h m liir i r iiiip ia m omnwsEUJiK SDNSH SERVICES -y- i r iii' onuKHDinuD TO RE CONCUIDED nmKflinrBK ■■•*•■♦". - ■— - w- • 'ii Adana Hmk •lb A d o Yoang Pio|de of' North End »■ I . floi^tiag To Condnot Sondny j$tm'—- ’>.4^ •# • « t IS.1L SorVicos Two More Woeki. Ihiktt Manger, HewcT«r, Nte Rrd N ithiil Store AlUid^fEiua »•••*«:*•••«. Toimg pe^e of the North Am Can Am Jrtw - O'* • • • •• • bE** • C ^ N r t B a nd T..... to tab b Released e f Charge e f Methodiet iQpworth League and Center Lemb — 6A er ^ sot BC|Sl| ' cf toe Ueaxwratie Parity, is Christian Endeavor sodety, sponsor­ A tt RaA S tn d* ' U-Bhrer* 460 — t r iitaet toe OmaokaUa ing the Sunday sunset hour services, Am-BttBlt *'••••««a'*«•••••••*•'' 'S Coxsi Triad A m TS l and T U .... iJtatomal ...... Siiert-Wdi^lag Petrons. have decided to continua them for at SneO Local Jobs. !•••••••• itoosevdt becaihe tiw eandi- least two additional evenings. These Am Tob B.r ..-..-.4. land Mlg and TItla... Am Wot .Wka . NOW Btft. Trtist...... meetings havs all been hdd out­ tbe for Israel PomerasRa, who has the doors at the North Anacooda ■-•..'.•.....'...w.... fi. West HartfM Trust.. Signs of increased building activ­ t tchlapn , X6JR Inmaaea Btac BldUURIN ’ bread counter oonoessloa at the and have been well attended & ity In Manoheater are found In the tttaial proUam, Wtafid fifxre to Mr; the iiiiW tipiittlilito^tobW oellent ipeakera and muslo have u bu rn • V s • A « s' ■ • • b « • « 6614 AetUA Oasui^ ...... Farts; July' 22.— (A P )— m s - Popular Maxketi w is found guUty fact that nine building permits, Balt and Ohio t Life • ...... worto Vineo^'Jr^ Auievleafi and Ropeevelt’s campaign was seen in Mder toe been provided by the ooaunlttee. in tlie visit .toot atott to toe executive by Judge Raymond A. Johnsoir in e and the programs havs been p u n t in g to $6,010, were issued Beiidlx •••.••••.'^.....4. . . 6! ‘Aetna Fface aeaeaaaeae- WimMedro ehimplto, today fie- ef toe East Skto during the past week. These Both Steel'..4 ifi; AntolhobDe nmnalcn cC O w l (May. preaideat of police court this moning ef selUn|: !ul to old and young. foOtSfi lM ald nbna, rsfiktag ^ipg to ttfiiM)’ mits mclude alteratto .of the Barden Cam . General. German rtor. 6-3. 6-3, ,0-0, 6d toA Ytobm Itatifie taOsoad.. A Warn- unmarked bread. Re was lined |S6 '. J. L. Barton (rfHautford'wUl be the guest speaker Sunday evening at the center whhfii'wul be occupied Cen Pac u $4 Bartfoid.Flre e • a a • a • « ^togivSihe UnttM Statei aa of other, ran oSlciaiS’ have met yeara wlT he and costs. An appsal to the at 7 o’dook. For years he has been by the F im National Stores, Ine. Caae (J. L ) •.•.a...... -fipjb _ Fire > • e a a • a even break in the first day ef irttlN- Rooeevdt during receWt July 29, at 8 0*1)*dodi,. ber term at the Hartford a popular speaker at Everyman’s Ths contract haa bqen awarded to Cerro De Paooo ...... fi r«d-Steam Boiler play-in toe tater-sme Davis nowitba he aatO, fibd^ be added ttet noynced tod the Ideal Coostruotion Company Of Chea ond'Ohlo • • 0*0 • • • a'A 4. . . ItM nteeblx Flra.,ae««ae*a4 to toe near foture he , otyceied. to' Superior Court was taken and Bible classes, and at gatherings at Cup finaL / the state prison at Wethersfield. He Hartford for^alteratioDB to the first Gluyder • -«**oobbaoa« aa m a b-o > - 1% ^ fe U ire confer with r^resentativea at toa who wto eulthorlsed to cash bond of $100 was posted. is also president of the . Baptists’ floor of the building, owned oy Coca Oda • e a*« a.o* • a • a «« • «« - •0?4 P M DtiBttra Stocks Paris, Jute i:^(AP)~Gottfried raH&oad Brotlmhoods to ge* their at toe last meeting jtoe James Bruno, manager of the Layman’s assodation.of Conntetic- Bender Brothers, woA wiu Qd BolV' .«...... >!-014 Cona. Etac S ^ '* • e a a • 86 version at toe rallroadif problems. provide a large storSi aa the present Oona Gas Y Cona'PowvV.x...... so Von Qraaul Bwfoy Seated iriu* Wante tt to ' Popular Raricet, who was charged ticut. and hlB message will be well 89 4 » a ditoiet; tototo, with short*wRghting customers worth hearing. ^ front, and dividtag partition betwaen Oonf Can . . 22(4 Ctoeeawlcli, WAG. pfd. — Shields, T-6, 6-T, 0-4. 8-6 to 1 the two storearhiui been taken out. Corn Prod’ gliR HartfordElee ...... 46 Isaae an aeon-OS f i i through his agen\ Michael Hayes, The final Sunday evening in July, Genumy aviity to a -flyhig' start in tost aitaratiiauiiaiy was given a suapended Judgment The building hiui been furnished Drug 29% BArtford Gee ...... ,, 32 its Davis Qip a^es with the United CONDtoSSmODES the speaker will be Rev. Alfred. with new Lally c^umna opd atruo- Du Pont ,,, 2414 upon payment of court costs Clark, rector of Grace Episcopal dq, -.j^d. 38 41 States to decide ’the” chailrager for tural steel, a new wood floor, plate Eastman Kodak- d A a • a a b,a a« « • . 60% BNETCb;...... 84 the international‘tennis trophy M d $12.65 when evidence presented church. East Haven, fmd formerly glass show windows with ti^ welght was an assistant minister at St. M a ^ s by ;»bence. ______. -JWty a x—(AP)— An at toe ReC, wir play space. There will also be tile Else Auto U ta ...... - Am Hardware ....7,.* * ^!^ 17. *1116 difoat of the American star error rather than intentional. ■ Episcopal church in thia town. A walls and a tile VMtibule and heat­ Elec Pow and L t »aabaaaaaae ‘Am Hosltoy ...... } d . deetite ecxdnassr e f ttm Datfhy Goa henae toe to>uto Testimony special invitation is extended to 8t ing will be by oteam. Fox Film A a a*a'a-a a e a e'O'b as a « was a distinct' u ^ t as the United A Etactiie Coatyany on a pea to 'rhta ' wbrk- inn Mary’s parishioners to take this op­ Arrow-B. and.B,'com.. 4% States bad been fovored to sweep ' . -Pomerants’s case took the long­ An addition will be erected at the Gen Elec .. pfd - 4.4 ...... flDot of toe AsMcleen Bnto Oeoe- I to complete tyid as-i portunity of'greeting Mr. Clark. Gen Foods thr series againOt toe winnerr of the pany wire mill on GOnal aOreet oaily to Giftonher toe olt^ito est time. He was defended by Reu­ rear of the building frame con- aaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaa fnd. Speaeto.. — European none. ’ ‘ ben Taylor, at Hartford, and com- atructiem with a concrete founda­ Gen Motors Brass. . pioded tob moratng shatto to togto latototatety:^ tion, a clapboard exterior and slag Gillette . do, pfd...... Von Qraam, steady stylish player light and .power along t i e ____ MOfisub* ^ainants were Milo Griffin, sealer out-numeuvered and out-thought the of weights and measures for Hart< roof, one story high. Gold DUat e a a a a a a a.« k e e a a a a Case. Lockwood a B - - street section of the d ty ior a solttM for toa jitoNlMto.tot^ Other permita are for a two-car Hershey OoUas Co ...... tan Ametieaa- youngster whose od. *niree caMea cenveirgi a at ford county, Napoleon Fournier, In­ PHYSICAL EXAM speed and pdwer were offset by spector for the State police and garage at 717 ToUand Tu m i^e , be^ In i Harv . eeapaaaleaaai Cdt’s Firearms condenser and tangiiee cf ii***f~ John J. Zekas, a member of the mg built by Felix KOBeilch; a two- IntNlck ... Eagle. l 40Ck streaks of Mdness which lost him adored flame shot from toe oew* iB«tyo«tod*toi:'toe'' int T d and T d valuable points. State police force. Griffin, the first FmtCAMPGKlScar garage for Frank Nachkoiteki •aaaaaaaaaeee Ftoilr Bearing^------denser after toe explosion irntt tot owartod'ta'.lito totoM toi to tesWy, said that he tbok 12 of 30 Hawthorne street, being built Johns MaavlUe • eA a a'a aaaeeeaa FuUtr Brush, Class A . After F n ^ had lost toe first set enrrent was turned off. The po)e wOa Iqr loaves of bread from the counter by Elmo.AnnulH; encloslDg of a Kelvlnator Gray T d Tay Station 18 and-trailed 4-5 in. the secqnd Wemop- set on lire and toe firemen were Mui weighed them. Three were orch for Bert Moseley of'86 Brook- Kenneoott a • a a e a.a a a a < Bart 1^ O oolty...... Prentice, American Davta City cap­ summoned on a stiD alarm to ex- Slightly under weight, he said. Seld street, by the Paramount Im­ Kteug and To n HortmanaTob, com... tain, consulted With OiieldB and tlngnisb names wlddi tLxaatan-^ wetuaL WCt% ttod 1. ft o t o f provement Corpofation of Hartford: Lehigh Val Coal do. pfd ...... Frank dumged hia style- of play, ed a mitottiide of otoair witea btohar the bunding fton toe ’ Pomerants admitted he sold the Go t o ll^ Lehigh Val.RWy bread. There was no weight mark and alterations and additions, includ­ Inter Silver ...... rnohed the net Wad won the obt bnt ity on the.pde.*A short cintyit caus­ ing tearing down a barn and moving Ugg and Myers B ...... 47% do, pfd ....4.*-*.... he lost his touch In toe next-act, ed toa> exptodon ' wMdi liook the ing on the wax paper wrapper, bron Mimday Loew’s ...... 19% Griffin testihed. There is a state For Two a.carriage s h ^ on Taylor street by Landers, Frary A Clk after leadag 4-2 and let the Gtt^ grotmd In the vldidty of the pde E. R. Machell. ^ LoriUard » a a 0.0 a ' New Brit. Mch. com.. man player pm off four straight law that bread must be marked as M c K e ^ ’Tin do, pfd ...... and was beard for severd Idodcs. ‘ to weight. games. A m u Weeks Get Health Rating. Mont Ward Mann A Bow, Ctass A ' Ellsworth Vinee, Jr., United Statai I t Weighed 11 Poands Nat Biscuit ■••teeaSai do, dass B ...... TK B Wit______u M p d s Nat cash Rsg North and Judd ...... and Wimbledon champion, meets Dr. Inspector Fournier said that he Dealel Prenn, Genma ace, in the Fan River, Maas., Jttly;22;^ (A P ) weighed 12 loaves at one time Forty-three girls, fourteen from Nat Daily » e a a a a a < NUss Bern Pond ..... to New the north end and the rest from the New York, July 22.— (AP)— With Nat Pow and L t .... PedK Stow and Wilcox second rtnglas ; encounter. The win­ — The Uhfted Rityca Mins leeumed their combined weight was ner of the series win cbellesge Work todity'wfter'eieveral weeks Idta* south end, were given a physical rails providing the motive power, N Y Central ...... » e a a a a a a. RussdIMig e s • • • e • I poands. He said he had warned the Ranee for the .city next: week-end. ‘ Mtato. market about sdllng unmarked examination by Dr. D. C. T . Moore and oils the fuel, the Stock Market N Y N H and H ...... ness with a force Of 300 workers. bread on April 13.» 2Sekas bought today, preparatory to starting for a negotiated another modest grade to­ North Amer 1 T% broad from Pomerants, he testified, two week’s vacaUon at the Kiwanis day, getting up close to the peak Noraada ...... 14% Stoifianl^Sw #«•••• and there was no weight on the Kiddies Camp at Hebron on Mon levels of June. Packard ; ...... i% 4(k, pfd., guar., • e wrapper. day. The gMB wlU be driven to the l%e announcement of the Liter- Parsm PUb »eeeaaaaeeaase Smytoa Mfg Oo Attorney Taylor, representing camp in automobilea Ity membm of state Commerce Commiaaloc’c; ap­ Penn ...... Taylor and Fenn .... — Pomerants, offet^ in testimony im the Kiwanis Club, leaving the rail­ proval of the four-party eastern PhUa R (^ C and TorriUgton ...... 24 HUItKfl QUAMTITitS AH! U M >TW advertisement which appeared road depot and the High School at trunkline merger, with only minor Phillips. Pete .. . Underwood Mfg Co . . 10 o’clock.. modifications ef toe executives’ plan, Pub Serv N J .. . Union Mfg C o ...... — The Herald offering the bread al Radio ...... five cents a loaf. Prosecutor Hatha- On the return trip from the camp, had a beneficial effect upon toe car­ U S Envdope, isom... — the Kiwahlans will bring teick the rier securities generally, and oCa Radio Keith .... »ef*«ee«ee ita pfd ...... 60 m y objected to this evidence anf Rem . Rand ...... Veeder Root ...... — his objection was sustained. It was forty-three boye who have spent the improved in response to first sam-; paat'two weeks there. A general at­ plea of first half earnings. Rey Tob B ...... „ YYhitlock CoO Pipe . . . — maintained by Pomerants that the Sears Roebuck...... 18% JJhY9B*ms Co. $10 par 40 bread y four young wom­ more. Delaware and H u d ^ nor­ en who have had 'much expcrltncc St Oil Cal ... Evasive mally a- wider mover, advanced St OU NJ ..A. t • A • S 0 • with children, during the remaininf' more than 2. New Yofk Central and \ In his finding Judge Johnson sab two weeks of camp. They are: Miss Tex Corn .....4...... Pomerants was evartve and evi­ Pennsylvania rose about 1-2 point. Timken Roll Bear ...... Marlon Browning, Miss ThSlma Among otow U|||M Badflc dently was not telling the trttth in Carr, Miss Olive- Smith and Mtow Trons-Amerlcf ...... some of his statemtets. The fpet re­ and Santa so. Union C a rb l^ -J| .;...j’|S;./.,;’. Dorothy Armstrong. In the dls, Staafiirdi ci;Ci^S SHOES the lamb $1.00. The lamb weighed ed as encouraging. The upturn took By ASSOOIATBD PRESS 1-8 perent certificates of indebted- five pounds and a half ounce.. The with a circus that "played” WiUi- toe graeral level, as measured nera aoatti^'on August L TOUT Uka tooss trim-fittiin Blaok Kid cost should have been 96>oents he rnantic. He is Steve Berk, formerly averages, up close to the peak of toe Amsr Slip Pow ...... onaritraps and tied wltb.thalr aovel triia- of Union street. A newraaptr clip­ mtojg of pto seal grato and reptile. They iV said. Sealer Griffin was waiting for early June rafiy, which greeted toe Asad Gas and Bite a a a a a i^a 0 a 9 Additional advaactaof 9006,000 to ping from Fort Davis, ’Tnas, tells at bsautffulty and thay'rs r m valuat at Zekas outside and he went into the formation of tof. Morgan-sponsored Cent Stat Elec •eeesdeeeesfs railroads to permit tha paym nt of Of Berk being bitten by a rattle­ 8ia sS $ »6* market s|m1 tested the sesles. He snake which made him unqonscious bond investing corporation. The ad­ Cities Sendee interait bdviibeefi aiitoonxad by tba ssid in court that the scales were for six hours. ^ vance received considerable help Elec Bond and Mhore Railroad Credit Corp., it wae an­ standard. ■ from the manner. In which the list Goldman Sachs eeeeeeeseeaei nounced by B; G. Bueklaud, preal- Clerk Testifies Berk, who Is 26 years old, was received second quarter aarnlngs Hudson Bay d n t of toe corporation. W ith tbera Outatandingi Sah Michael J. Hayes who made the bitten by the snake when be went leading to tbs 'bnduiion that the Nlag Hud Pow ...... out into the yard to discover what advaneoa toe amount of loans sals sold that he worked for the less favorable cxblbita had b a » dis­ Psnn Road 0000000000 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 was causing the dogs to bark. air autoortsed to tiu earriars Ity toa market three or four days a weelb counted In advance In many cases. Stand Oil Ind. a a a 9 f.a ##«••••• oorporattott baa bate raisad to |80«- He said he had no knowledge the He found tlMy had somathlng bay- Unit Founders eesessei e e • f • < CHILDREN’S ^O ES The earnings report of Atlantic 018,000. Tbsy'ra tos best sboss we could. peaHhty scales were out of adjust mt or ad. Investigation ltd to hia being United Gas ^00,00000 000000000 bitten in the palm of his hand. Berk refining for ths second quarter and Interest requirements of the car­ offer at tbis low p ^ . Oxforda^io' that he had short-weighted anyona first hah’ provided riers UP to August 1 havs ben pro­ He told the prosecutor upon ques­ hod presence of mind enough to etntya and btob tooss of calfskto, p o in t’ wind some stout flshline around his advance esttmatoa indicating that GANGSfSB MUBOSB8 vided for. ood alb. AU wito solid Isatbsr fiolBw: tioned that ns did not work on the improvement in gaslca of guilty of a charge of evading Bitytiot toinister and Watauga income tax paymen|s. New Britain Water Simly Works BKAXTH” MOBS > ^ ^ “ 2 ^ € 1 CQ g*” ***^ , Passanisl Fays in Wolcott *at fAke Oonmouaea. oeunty Bdj^blleaa elaetton offidM. of tan and bdgwtoto A A 0* 11$ ^ *.« Charles PspsanM, of New B rit­ A number of workers tn m Tbom- TOPTM ItolfiOmiD Ward baa ben snepstaBid among Hd ...... ^ W m a v U ^ ain, who was fined $226 Ind costs $00 GET efbarif to ^tycar to e qtteatioaing in r.i aston .were brouRdit to toe scene Managua, Nlraragua, Jute 2^, - a case Cluuglng Oleetfon frand in IMFOBTBD SAN- ^ ‘ ^ for transporting liquor and for ^at ai^bt to reUeve the exhausted a a 9,a a 4 0 9 4 a' m mf m Iw • passing stop signs and who was giv­ Boston, July 22.— (A P )— Officials (A P I—^Fernando Enrique rSanehe the 1980 primaries. Tbs case is to DALB of of the Eastern Maasaebueette Street fire-fighters from tUs district, moot member of a pronUnnt fOmUy of coins' August calfakin. N o w 'T.. ONMipMni-rand V ’ en until today to pay appeared in lallway Company announced today ^ rrtiom arc back at work again O to-^ M b io a h A i court this morning and ^ d a total today. A path a mlla long, wide Leon, qaao tonw totoy oftir a H a w n fo to G a a d at U i Iwma to BLACK . .0 A X JT Of $248fi2 so that he would not that through a readjustment of the month of captivity to^tto haods of toa-LaaiUl orasi aaoHon.^ toot SANDAI4 , O ttbutoW seniority rMidattons of ths roadsi enouA to admit paange of on au- G ^ X - have to go to JaU tomobtla, has been cut txcm ths tosUtgnts.Tns ’wnity-paid'6 i,ooa tocough toa b t o w fik a aiwtgim. bsCL N o w ...... - • n 1 s v V 800 man wUi be given wmfc starting ransom for H a lelena. ------aMHwr - MVpnMT to blacklock (» 0 ^ If”’ nsxt Sunday. Southington reaWvolr lata *tha It was a month of ]}• «MO]lEBN MA- taacalf:,..;«.,-i«> BfANOHTRlA BBCMCE Heretefw carmen a i^ bus . man woods, bringing tha water carrten aaid,. and for days H e emitore took* had ths right to work seven ditys a W l y within a mile of the fire;; t o toraagb ^ Jitoila dnd Jdna ou Bhanghai, July 22.— (AP)— Dls- M o r to the eutUag ~ef this path week If they so dertted. Starting the track beartim water coolfint nmla-back to todr .enn!toto to toe mrtehes from C3ilnese sources in Sunday thoy can work:ao more than toountatoAi • $ pair »e#.seeeeeeei L O K- ^ Harbin said today that the govern­ six days. M nearer than two mUes of 80& MMCo rnfip • pHHft XIfrom WBITB K ip BOBOS Of btaek or cir ment of ManChnlnio Is a se­ Eire w ird n s notd today that OiPBBAGffBIIA PUMPS. # 1 A Q tan calf rious financial deficit The first CHAUFFEUB ABBBSTED to m seemed email pimnect of get-, TO V IS IT : Ibw Ybck C lly Wto> waa fo n nn- toig toe fire under . o(mnfbl>wltbcmt h e a l*,.. n A s w ir nolQ 'A *'■.4 budget is oqMcted to provide ap- ^ O i M l t S -. 7 61 tnadmate^ $20,000,000 income, but New Have^Juty i22.— (A P )— M. the . old of A heavy rain. ' * ^ * S d are estbpated at about < Perkins, 82, who said be is Cbau^ SOiyaoMbid. four for DeoBtCSaiMBM W. ’lin d o ll CgEYTAIJiy SBEiai ^O EC H ~ in bis. dotbss S ?% i9 y The heavlsst item Is the outlay of Tale, wtoM arrested early tafbif on P ^ J d y ^ - ( A P ) . - - Maurioo; ter the War DspartmiBt whldi win a chhige of driving whfle tntoad<^ Qwnilier, the actor,.todisy filed A ru i about | l0,06lMIP(t. There abe is ad after-hia autoambfla had kaoek- item of $14)00.600 for the matn- over a strM „BghL,Ps: W ef Realty P u-'n’s coqrt lit onider 1600 bond f o t ^ heartag next It.w u said at the Palace of .JUA> iu n ./ o | ii^ of the new ' 'PSffiasr. and d|j^g98 .fo^dsss M

■A' rasd,^sheit .ds’undsr- IBUflL .^ . ■' >*r- obnkte 3 0 a Condition O f W o o d l^ ;. Shfntum VEill ‘^^osd. Shoulders ate b ^ oO^ for 4 -H ’, I Vf, - miles. . v • bring toled ‘ ' tf .'i but 'ifi » f State Roads Rooto Nb. 15^-Durhaagu lilld ie - Route ^Ns^* v 1 4 ^ ^ ■i , - town a^rttfiis..*GhioUldlmi^ Road conditions and detours. m Cheate(vXi^. miles^^of (^ iS H lN IteprcMMiBtiTfr To oiled tor 4 miles. : ^ wateritound^ materirin. .und.r: eon- ’'-Ahiwt/«)in,--nhll': the state of Connecticut made nec- to »ir, i - I Be Here For Demonstration; Doriism. Durham >u|uUDetown structioto^lito driay tb toaffio;; ' . ejwary by highway construction, re­ r^Dril.ltoyri<*intooi.‘ OMn te ...... tetoAeoNteodvi Seniors Out ^Qualify. ,For pairs and olUng announced Iw the road. Sfiould(ue are tor Route NA liar^^Baat Haddriri. itoto^Att'ntefoU- riwith one^r ils madto pdiritliMtildni 2 miles. •,'■ ■ ' iAtovto%'toria;':Shouldete ato being Ib itin g . Conneotieut Highway D«putment VBkite G t o !^ - to^teatodito’^ to as of,July 20, 19S2. Middletosro. .Mlddleto^ -^ Dur­ Oiled tor.8;.,miies.'' ■' *;. ■ * ' lrici|[toto rooostitottfto:-but Bre.lastti Route No. U. 8. 1—East Lyme. ham road. Shoulders atol>etaig- oUM Bast ’ Bkitoptoin;,, .traffic.' . ' 'j .'?'' / ttva o< the American Red Croaa, a being oiled for 3 miles. 1 Hill toad,; Shoulders ato bring'oued . .W etoto under construction but opm to.'traf- fte.%:ndie:>;; ; N to B utford.'Tow n HiU.'rbad la 3 PUriirof wa1 ma ------lifesaving demonatratlon will be Route No. U. S. 1 -A—Stratford, fio. bei%.oiIcd fto';l,'mile.' conducted at .Globe .Hollow, or In West.’ HavteC Hillr-toaA macadam Ane mda *te lengto*' <3iritb* ’d t e '...... oiNto^ tor Bamue avenue. Concrete pavement ring, grading a ^ '^ toktiriteir -riil’ Rekbuil^. Rrited teuto g r ir ^ 'to r - oaie of rainy weather, at the Recre* about miles In length under con­ Route No. 2(K-Hartiand. Rlyteton Shoultenw' are bring s oiled for 5 Qotol.'Hid.road'Abput^l:.' 'of road is bring ofied for nUlea iverin.>ttoRI^ .. about «2to dalles to l e n ^ on gravri surface- ondte eops^etiori aUon Indoor .pool. struction. No delay to traffic. 6 miles.-* • 'v, JbhiimMi totato'btoiteil. to tlw Thla alao will be an opportunity Route No. 25—New: MUfonLvNew . HiurthmA '^ v e aecti(p Na isTr^toteltolxy. riald toed,,^ uM|te (toteteimtion. ' Ai toUto on the Bacon roto. Grabring, for an aeplora to qualify for an ex­ way from. Main street to Intersec­ Mfiford-Uttofirid rokd. Shobklers er Scirari torii. Shouldtes are being gnritog :aM - torialling culytets. '^■^fB5Mbte8?pL'-the.-a^ anil aminer’s rating, giving them the oiled tor roBri • = ‘Patriy five nrito to tion of Routes IJ. S. 1 and I'A are being oiled foi; to ;tra0e.'No.dria^; -’0 | ^ to-traftos^' ' -* 'y f ■1.' jaand-abm*'^ -- - —- pbiw to end paaa atuddita in • k -y' * - .| 815 feet bituminous macadam. No Route No. 2fi-^N(nwalk. ‘New Ca­ Route No. ihiP-BtoomfielA StouH ‘vtot^ Cltor yiew'r^ ;v4hi^btodk:: Rtver- - read. < A- loose tite.tonriUr. Ufesiaviiig. detours, and no delay to traffic. naan avrihn.,.Shbdttors ate " being bury road/ ^igriden -ara being pil­ __ 'fteroto'-bi" . H la hqped that all the members ,W0dd .^I^;,xri)^-,TWQ ; ahd'dns-. -|pm .vri A mfieto leqgtoto * CSeyriand,^ Jiil^ '2 2 ;^ (A P )^ T h e MUford, Post road cut-off. Rein­ oltod 2 - nfiles. ed for-1 mile. ■' ' , JiaB,mllea'.ad loose ato'vndte .undto oonitraction but b j^ to traf­ international- t Sttoeotypers : vriid' iririteVftohbst a c^'the aenior llferaavlng corps Route No. -rBethany. New Ha­ Iliad- niltorto-tttieHmi)s<-" tito- atogs bo on hand to hrip' this the first forced dohteete pavembnti about 3 68 Route!No. 2p2-^PomtoBt-KUU^T oolufteuctidh'but Open. to. hmffto./ fic.: Jnectrotyptes' UiUon of. Norite mlliss to length 1s under construc­ ven road. ShoUlderis are being oiled ly. A 'hridge over QrinebauS, 'tear • ^Killingwqrth;' RriisC •.ifriit < Hill Sbarein. Hotoer. road- Looae grav- Amerlto Was to-tetord today fato'* 'terB. A.'OiMte,\r0oeivsd two daas .evier. conducted here in Man ...... tion. No delay to traffic. No detours. for J.^-miles. ‘ . and a section toe'Ponoftet-^ill- al. road about. % mile . t o length. tog the ilveHlasr'week as p solution cheater, a success. . >qa^ Chestnut HUl road[i#d . Semiat of tbe~pante atririwn were Frcm the public viewpoint It Will Route No. 2—Colchester. New Middlebury. N au^tuck .toad. ingly roid, waterbound maeadato ham xosd.. ^oto/sebtioh nbdite. jcroad;and..Nlnto • > !^ e different approaches will be Route No; 70—Cheshire. Whter- 'J.984.conventionf Kahsas Gi^.bav-^ QVtote,' said fai» toai|iyi4^< /g a . had Route No. U. S. e—Bolton. WUh der cbnsteuction but o^ u tb trsffiiB. demonstrated, curies and also mantic-Coventry-Hartford r o a d. bury road. Shoulders are being oil­ ftoe, length atb'iut 2H 'n dlesto‘ un' Dlstrici TVro xbQiw.°^ rrilcd'gnyri tog been chqsen prettoualy fo r 1938. saved an toaOhlptonariti^saQnping it breaking of frjont and back stran- ed for-Im ila Corhtoril. Great BIL Looee gny- dij^ constenction, rough' . grarihg;^ rtod iuider crimfcraOQon'^biit opeh'to from tahlte andlsafriiOBd jaaumig Shoulders ais behig ..oiled for 3 Merideu. Hanover atreet. Shoul­ el surface (me'irileviii’Ienito* ----- to. Itoal tnuRp. “ : traffic. ■ >' gliBb, double grip on arms iand the miles. lt~mto'satetedsL’ liha eeniits or>^ proper way to use the prone pres- ders are being oiled tor 1 mile. face and dndnato tohsteuOr Rhtetoille road.. , Gravri Washington. WykehOm^Rias road.. "BBD* JOHNSON SAILS narily required betWf,en?w!oOd and r rbap»"- Wlllimantic road. Shoul­ Route No. 82—‘^ e m . Norwich' tion. Oton to teafllc. CoUege'dttori, swfhoe, length' about % m |Ie, is un- Gravri'surface About one: infie. in gl00i(^.. r.- aure of rteuscltatlon, vddch may be ders are b e ^ oiled for 2 miles. required from any cause that para­ Hadlyme road is bring oiled.-,for 3 Looee sutface,.''ah6ut w e .inPe " in dte'-'eonk^ci^to,. rougl ^ 1«B ^. Grading and grabring.u6pen Ne Yorii, July 22.—(AP)—Hen- lyses the human dlaphram and Manchester. Wlllimantic - Coven- miles. length. Criibbing, ridding ;and to’ Gshup to'-trasie;'Valley, road.:G n^'sur- -'ry: (Red); Jtiuulen,' fb m te srilor ■ - ■' ' MATCH IN* MdifBiSiF ' s t ^ breathing. tiyrHartford. road. Shoulders are Route No. 88- 7Yem-rRoute 67 " toward . Gariter iBegri'entry Into toe country. '. Lunch. : . . ' f •- ' miles. , ing oUed for 5 miles- I EvanbtoB, XU.', July. *2,— (A P )-r Route No. U .: S. 7—Norwalk. l^ute No. 87—Briton - Andover. V , t iTho poUcp department’s schppl of Danbury-Norwalk road. Shoulders Harttord-Willimahtlc .tiunpikri A S* i pn^Ucal auto drlylng for women are being oiled for 8 miles. inch gravel surfdce road about 600 ;held commencement yesterday with Route No. 9—Bloomfield. Tariff- feet in length to under constiubtion ieveiythlng-lovely but the valedic­ vlUe road. Shoulders are being oiled but open to traffic. tory. for 1 mile. Route No. 91^Chaplin. Williman- < The womw voluntarily took the Route No. 10—Cheshire. Hamden tic 'road* Should^cto are being-piled •fiouase in. how to tmvei the stjeeta ■roa^ Shoulders are being oiled for for 5 xhOes. ' v with least possible danger to drivers 2 miles. - Bastford. Wmiznantlc roaiL-Sioul- deatrians*. - . .Avqn. College .Highway. Shoul- , ders are being :olled' for 3 miles. kih; .dtesvare being oiled ndle. v ‘^.‘Route No'. TlSt-^tetotord. ':L^ng ill^ g from the Idly curious as Slinsbury. Ccdlege ^Highway. Ridge road. About 3% mllei iDf coh- I the apu esandhattons were - ti^en. ShoTfiders are bring oiled for .Crete pavement under construction. ! on a pracU^ street, all but two of miles. ' Open to trafSc. U ' the ten caiwdates passed. Route No. 14^Bast Hampton. Route No. 144-^Essea. Ivptyton > But even the successful were dls- Ekist Hamptoh-Portland road is be­ road. Shouldera are bring oiled fqr ■ concerted wten. their police Instruc- ing oiled for ^ mile. Shoulders are 1 mile, itors cheerily'farewelled with: being oiled for 3 miles. Route No. 145—^Westbrook. Horse i “Well, we’ll be s^hg you.” Marlborough. Marlborough - East Hill -road. A waterbound macadam \______. ■■ •'

H i

”BLSCnUC;Btot” U tto popnlar same for mb' y i^. uiuHdcto'.abnifam'-l^^ wUto rcobid Ah Mmri to d^lirib. A iliirltin! !■ en pnglrioWInS pnU dtaoCim'VQlaDe^aad-latmritijr of boong* -la ’thi^o - ^ 'taitoi. fowari^doctbri-iatlte (now ;iydob:iu31criii''J ■ ,b«taatl-'knbric*'saaoltoo.’; . ■ ’i f -

MEW: N e w OASOLIMIf J ‘ .OASPUNC^ ,aASOLINg;L OAgOLlilB R OASOLIMIX •AtOLHIB^kl i!i ■ - , ■'V' > ■ V.;-; ...... , sv l>me^*S‘Mmes^Siz& • I . -.Si ■V- Yop’ll probably hold ,. • - v;.*v V i yoos b r e ^ when you ask 'frigfiOLiNirto > if 5 to toe‘Street price, for bfdinarily ydd’a pay * j ‘ ^ r ’* ■ '' '"V-i a dollar, ^ e models are : rili&ogiii'" fasdnating; Tote to loog ' UAgOkfllri'rjC:: at them makes you feel ...... _ ■ co o i.,, Lavrns, :':«AttfttNC^V’* y ^ . ' • '■ ■M- Ikieties, percales. ^ I kjrip to:PU t;M ^

•AFOLIlfrit^ T™** Fin ]|i£k out * IJ ij i5 T V i : ^ won eriBqr tHpi * aASttCtiiB^N- ovm roiatt’tMtforboth SAVE MORE BY* ' ■. V- ■ ..... Ypu| BUYING TWO FOR Eveiy Dmt Brand N«wl ,.r "Evory Dr4ts fast Colorl Evaiy' Drofii Wcirlfc HiOOl EvWy Drois A Stylil: SvecBtil

^ S p ed a l I '>?i0 F.V tissEs-';.. fee *> '■.''A . f-t- 'iT; >. ,J’: >1 m m

fH/-. . tflitid Ip R M ' ;'. M tto ta lB a h u R y t o iif i« tlif pur>raifeuarion VMttloB oli flf thi wfUr foaBpuy’f. la- iMiBt. V fw tAtg QintUi ■vMtftly a UtOf «tn a hoc, InuMd day to ^0^ I \ F u M U im si)______v u oooHdoratloa of tho eofto aad ttM tii ao tfiN to ho t e ou^- M U U LU~ i PSUKriNO CUMPAMt, (Ma d u fo n to poUtlool proitife lavohriid ffoitlfjBi or Idou |Aovt I f Mlpod m U a boll to tho “BOfotta»|that iroa’t>ho aoodod rif.. '«>M. WtttCiijrdv IaWfcniiiy. Blit '*. ‘ ■yjp^anre mmant are this 7000*0 roUif. yrohtoai win ho f f in iff OfifiM I, lift -MBA Borrloo Writer BOADBIDB ■BW ABBAim INOL Boloo dttleult ooooo.dofflep^ Wilson aad • •• 'a • ‘ -Y :< ^ Anyoao who doos aroeh awCottaf iHator, hM thogr woro bat a Washlagtnn. Speaker Jack Oar-J the torch for ir has joined with Governor isgTiMg y S a ? % «!S throufh tho opoa road oooatiir ragfootlM o f w l ^ tho ooai- \ ii.- Roosevelt in- s&aking the ~ 1983 The elehysfie has not- huut ho oonvlaeod that s ^ proo> 1 ^ wlator win,ho if a huolawi mln^ sharply drawn tor mai^ ; preskteatlal campaign loMc'^ mon pority—doproosloa or ao doproaMoal^ doon’t ooeay fury oooa, or If there is a growing, belief &• jSy& V SU -:::u :::::::r« and more Hks a struggle between n - -Hiwaltfl oTorjr roadstdo lunohrooai | ■llhoiiroioo oKoot of N a a ior. to visit him. They talked for about entiy would benefit tlw /■r • tea greasy, poorly cooked, unpalatable la lt your aaiao aad address, olthor an hour on subjects which were un- chants, manufacturers and fkrneiiB. fOr publioatloB or aot, as you' do* revealed. His argument.tor it Is k e ^ on ^ M o N r Aotit Borooo of Oirooio* and Indigestible. sirs. ' The two men became good the posslDly misguided but oeitaia- But things are looking up. The friends during the World Wer, ly popular theory that the govern.- ■troia ^ a u a s Oewpoor, loo. exceptions are ^ t as rare now as when Rooseveit was assistant secro ment has been doing too muA fw OSOOtaoS so. 00 ososfliol BOOK rooeoBiibiiitr tary of tha navy in the Wilson ad­ *M tmarraohtm • they used to be; furthermore. It Is the banka and rauroaiu and net IdfortioOBMoto la ministration and Garner was an ac­ enough "for the littie toUowswho j B^aias loraic comforting to notice that the man I N N E W y O R K tive membeT' of the very important need It most." who has the good sense to operate House Ways imd Meuu eonunittee. The Hoover reMy is lo mudh | nUDAT, JULY 82. one of these exceptions almost lo< Knowing. w «l enough that an im­ orthodox donseryatism—the govern­ portant p i^ of Republican etrategy ment mustn’t go Into the genmAl BUTINO WATER v.H.bly proqin.. I would he to decry "radlcaUBm,” 'the banking businese and auoh a ra d M Soma BMakbors of tho llaaehoster For the motorist, who Is a (ratty | budkllng, adventurous crew for .itiie two eaadidatee neveriheleis have experiment might end dleastrou:^. Taxpayers' League at a mootlag of leaped forth at the very outaat In long-suffering dtlsen, seoh learns 9 ^ Beep a sordU of honor attempta to demonstrate that tw rs that body Wodaosday sight sooaied The Oase In tiie East ii the party of the masses of de- In past conservative^progreeslve I porturbod lost their loaders, Soloot' keen eye aad when he spies a road- ard. rssslon victims, including the contests, such as the *Bnwi| £farmers and small buriness .men, as •OB Sherwood O. Bowers and Traak side restaurant that Is neat and! In jagre Mack letters a new entay fights and Wilson’s second cam­ ! V. WUManu bo aot flvoa credit for opposed to the phrty of the "Mg In- paign, the conservatives have had i clean la appearance, with a bit of |ka^ Ju^bee^ppste<^ It ree^ teresto.” theimetrength In the east and tae j startiog procoodlags towards pos* grass about Its walls, screens on Its "Bplgotty Andy—ace! •• Both eidsi will be Hinging a lot progressives In west and sdiith. Nq other Identification! slUo purchase of tho South Man windows, not too many advertislag oflyhooey In this fight, which will A similar lineup was obeerved in I Chester Water Ckimpany's plant. It remain a political rather than a so­ the Smlth-Roosevelt fight at the signs nearby aad some slight evi­ And here's the story: For sev­ cial-economic struggle even if one is to bo hoped that those aombers Chicago convention. Ropsevelt'a dence of decent taste In Its architec­ eral years letters have been com party does aeem more liberal than managers are confident, of carrjdng will aot forgot that they dostro all ture, he loses no time In stopping to Ing Into the work-a-day newsreel the other. Some progresBives will some of the Mg Industrial states, | « tho credit when, aad If, the question rooms of Paramount, written la btet Hoover and some conservative! buC some of them believe he can sample Its wares. I ludicrous pidgin dialect that was 4-pi«ce colomnl ^ u p , sHsteM nbov«, in cu«y maple Is flaally brought before the town will desert the Democrats, whemas win with a solid south and a solid vinecfg. Bad, To be sure, he Is sometimes dis­ I sometimes hM English and some­ millions la each party will atay put west if necessary. dreager, chest and ditefisink taWe, tor action. When all the facts are times good Spanish. W as 1189.00 • •see appointed. But the disappointments regardless of economic appeM. Few It looks as If -most of the large eeeeaee. e. ee ••eeeeeeeee > e e « e e e f known, they probably will want the are fewer than they were three or The writer of these missives o f prominent conbervatlvea among the business Interests would support $89.50 fered to imdertake deeds of high Democrate will be soared Into the the Hoover-Curtis ticket, but tnito 4-piece HlFrim group of maple with ;;l)laelr> decorations. Board of Bolootmon to take the four years ago. The unpretentious adventure reminiscent of the \Rlch Tw in 0 Q Q credit—or blame. RepuMloan fold by Roosevelt’s so- seems to be a toss-up as to many beds., dressdr and chest o f draViWfiTs. W as $127.00 little places where you can buy a ard Harding Davis talte. You oaued "radicalism." eastern electoral votes because, as The Taxpayers' committee made really good meal aad eat It In pleas know—Latin-Amerloan revolutions, was net the case in prevleui con­ soldler-of-fortune aad romance for "Party of Hope " no unusual-discovery when'' they ant surroundings are getting more I ilMjfVion'a servative-progressive struggles, the The letters came from But the Democrats, taking full east hah been badly hurt by depres­ 119.80, Maple veneered poster heard "ruawrs" that the water nuBMrous. Chile. bSdi ,»• «• • • »'«* t % * e « s s e •••' • advantage of the issue which sion and the Demooratio puty, $9.75 system owned by Obeaey Brothers Aad hew they stand out In the ^ ^^*ose ofHoes that perch hard times have given them, obvi­ heretofore quite ary in south and was for salA They merely uaoov 117.60 8-drawsr bracket toot ously are Mttlng themeelves up as west, comes now with a dripping eheiti e e t e « e.4 tees ered an old story. iThree years age the party of hope. Traditionally Wit repeal plank eepedally designed phant, he never forgets. He tells Shap as "Splgotty Andy." Kls let- more liberal than the RepuMioane, to appeal to the eaat 158^00 Queen. Anne Kneehole when talk ot distnots consolidation his friends about the good places, he ters were so highly amusing they lowboy « • • • I « I was rife here much consideration goes back to them himself: and frequent correspondence. $27.50 was given to the possibility of com xraduallv thsv build u« a By»the way, as a P. S. to each of 1 he city’s outskirts. Not so Andy! tiai. That would cure the greater I 87.00 OvM top dreaslBf table ^ a u a u y tney build up a patronage Andy's letters would be an api bench'...... 7777;...... , Maiag the Borth aad south end that lasuTM their permaaeaoe. - for raw film. Free, of ooursel ro r He had set up Me oamerar—and gone part of Latin Amerioa’F Ills. $5 J5 OB oraaklngi —Robert H. Patohin of W. R. sewer systems. Then It was em There are, of oourse, too many he was going to be a free laaoe |M.009«drawer The searohing party found his Grace A Co., New York. phaslaed ^ t the water system aad Chest<«B-oheit i^eeeeet'eeeeeoeeee- roadside lunchrooms already. But' lullet riddled body slouched over $59 the sewer system eervlag the South there are not too many good ones; i xhe Big Ohaaeet he camera. His hand was frosen We must never oonieat t6 a< low­ ering ot the standard- o f living, but I Menohester area would go hand la and the host who knows what good A few months m o Andy wrote to the crank. OPEN WEDNESDAYS UNTIL NOON hand. wo must Insist that it ahn|l hold flin dly that he had" Slaved his dol- The other day a tin of film oamo all people. I tm no friendAC p i^ D - ThsN are iaany aagles to the aad purohased an up-to-date out of Chile. The projection room olism and 1 do not want ehufty. r » ------———, ww ww I iiMiadA Wm qaMMel “ gang threw up their hands. The drater plaat quMtlca that would re­ stay la buriaeM tor a long, —Mri. Fraaklla D .' Roosevelt,, long teat to oover commercial subjects 11m was uieless. It was shot wife of Demooratio prealdeatiiu VC^VINS BROiraEilis. me. quire oareful oonslderatloB. First while. and that sort cf thing until thr "big through with holes. nominee. all, iceaohester must make up its chance" came. Splgotty Andy’s only newsreel mind that It wants municipally MO 0KB B Weu; It did comet will never be shown. I believe In giving a man (la jail) dispatches tMd of revolu enopgh to. eat. and eo long as I ’m owned utilities. The Herald has al Police records offer few things | But Ms epitaph might have been tion la CBtilSv lasurreotos had selaed able to I’m going to do It You can Ways epp9sed and will vehemently found OB the honor soroll of -the more shocking than the case of the Santiago and wiped out the old newsreel boys when they met at cut the cost, down' ao you’ll feed a flight a ^ actloB that will put any New York suspect who died follow- regime. lUBoh the other day. man like a dog, but I ’m not going * part of the goverameat, mualolpal. to do It without a fight ' | lb, ui by iss A l I have said, It read almply: -—Sheriff John Sulamann of Cleve­ State or fikleral, Into'huslaeBB, be —died, according to phyMolaas, o f a Yoric offices suddeiw recalled “Splfttty Andy—Ace camera man." land. l|l a monopoly or a competitive ea- broken larynx, which was Incurred Why7 ^ ? This GILBERT SWAN. terprlN. The Taxpayers' League whfle he was la the pOUceestation. ^ ■ «'»tlo B of the Retired? Don't )ut It that way. has insiauated that there has been cub reporter aad the Mg story! I ’ve had a tin oan ied to the end ot It Is quite beside the point to re­ A oaMe went out to A n ^ tell­ my coat tall. much polltloal p^wtiawdllng la Man­ mark that this suspect was, all in ing him to go to I t No reply came. —B th rib ^ Stewart, oonunlssion- chester. Why would It, then, create all, an uadeslraMe dtlaea, that he Days passed and stlU nO answer. er of U bor etatistlce tor the ah opportunity for more town Jobe South sAmerioan branches - were Department of Labor for 48 wa# accused of an atrodous crime queried. years, S^3»> vrtth thflr resultant Mekerlag and aad that the evidence oonaeotlag Oh, Anite hadn’t even waited to qaterlag for favor? ilm with It was exoeedlBgly strong. I **i*^i^'•.He had rushed for a press it la correeted, makea then 1« m aui- Not long ego the presldeBt of the The only fact that oounts Is the fact paw, stuck it In his h at mada'hur- It Is apparent that nothing will HEROIC BESoilB Health and D iet oeptible to poteonlng from ried arrangements to gte films out save ui ftom a moi^ serious crash I f you have, been to the vietalty 'taxpayers* League warned the cltl- hat a man who, by law, was en< Denver, Colo. - When firemen through the lines aad had dashed ban we already experienced where poison oak topreaent. It la a ^ h *" la town mMtlag against votlag Itled to the presumption of Inao- off on the l^els c f the Mtreatitig stumbled through the emoke-filled " A i d v i c e good plan to wash.the iM n tor care*, further head Issues. He pictured cence was beaten to fieath because troops. Mcept del|hlte stenfe o f revolt among home of Mr. and M n. Will Ryan,, fully with soap land water and-fol­ the maases or the rue of a new they came upon an inert form. Plck- By Or; Ffiank tUUCoy' bankruptey Just ahead If Maaches- he refused to coafos. tfil aO wordi More days pass­ low It with some aikaUne eohitldn, ed. The New York headqus^ters Ind of leaderaMp m American pub- “ P lo fa w ey rushed such as Mcarbbnato of^boda, o f toe ter assumed hay more debts for fu­ As long: as such things can hap 0 life. outride. They laid the body down urged a second inquiry. FOlSON SUHAOH. alcohol. In order to wash off thef ture generatloBs to pay. A desire >SB, no man Is entlrdy safe. And — Rteve, president, American on toe lawn and gathered around to oily Irritant A ablution, to aeetata Federxtion of FuU FasMoned J) - to purchase a mOllon dollar water Fade-out! see it there were any signs of Uto. Durifig toe aummeif Maimii nwi^ of lead |a effeotive to nifn^ caaes. as long as brutality remains the Hosiery Workere. Suddenly toe rictimsh»3Sred. « d doesn't exactly ooladde Somehow Andy had thought that pflofte will, go toriilkes and pidMod H the pblSohlnF appears to the chief, card In the fiolicemaa's deck, a newsreel man. was immune from Its. eyes oj^ensd. 'Then came a feint, vHth thahstand. Muhldpally-owBed A pfoipetous world without a'' “chsep, chr-'------» form' o f iteihtog- red spots, the fo t our efforts at law enforcement will 1 attack—tlM . a press oara was totounii tide woods and' nttetotatni hrirteg trMtmriri wfli :ba found itr water plaate do pay la some In­ iroeperoua Latin America Is an Im- vlved and a n«m®ber o f thelh w lU be/ af- remain feeble, stupid and grossly Cross fisg. He had tol- Tke first , great need of burnt fective: Go Immediatiuy to a bath­ stances but not la all. Zf memory iBoompetent ' lowed the government trOopi. They le situation is a recovery In the tooted frith pelioalhg fidm mmo room and prepare A -weMc K^telon had kept OB gdng, retreatmg »tove after tos Ryans serves us correctly IL. Isn't so far from demand tor aad value of oommodl- left toe house..- variety of poisoaoua Maate of the of lye water, bring tory carefonwi back that the voters la the a t y of riim ^ ttoud. *M o pianto are to use ovof. .one teaweponful to dry ANOTHER ABIBNDMENT lyu to A quart ot water, and-dn ^ l^artford put up.a hue and* cry over When you speak of Rwwwnifiy the apply apiutton to th n a to btorhato the costhf Its pleat. The rates pai( eonititution, thla summer and fall, W hat They W anted— and W hat They Got! It to n veaail bnpidAthe batii tuto a private concern for water may N ext take a-w am ahowefi. «r most of your hearere 'rrill take It pimU It may not b into the tto to wato’-ao tbat '^'the:, - cause a fuas aad stir, espedally In for granted that you are talking Theae plaate vaty oonaUifaMy to pklB to'wet an over; Tton reato over times of distress hut nowhere near as^pnoa to dlffextot todaude® about the proMMtion law. But it is and are'known by yarioua nattoa and dip a .niff briiak toto the lye as much as the added taxes a town- worth remembering that another iMuttbn. For two^'or. thrto aieondi owned plant would cause. vigoreuriy bmah the affected parte amendment to toe constitution Is and for aevoral tooheaaronad wiiere The string to the offer has always now pending, end it la an auMnd- ^ to a totokt. fisdan and have tha rash alMWATUa.ntote ho wadh- V- Y. been the South Manchester Sewer three tehto to the fiMigd to the ment that deserves to pass la Jig todtern united pd oft tomtedlatriy often ttooappll- \ I, adjacent eatloD, or ^ lyo artt -aaF into^^ district I f the town should take time. T W d to P e over both plants the first demaai! Ikla.'' Una tha- toMi^Bhowtoto. lap; This is toe 30th nmeadment—the h i ■ hftetePd' the mefoo tha body etofolatdiy M ^ •Caot'^drlaiii ritekhm.'tor- that would come from the property "teme duck” amendment, as It is item to tub to foiterrir tto itoNm had ,«llteaV- owner ^would be that the 80 per cent lo m thaAtha called—which would set forward toe lotnn in the A te s the otfofid deppiy foto 5a!lito to 1ttia sewer charge be cancelled. Then tnatm riittoay not remeivo iOi;-to w Inauguration of a newly eleoted ahrito la CM t o ______ta il .a n d tetoaa, do, after tha aboea .tfoat; the town .would dther have to makft president to toe first week /in Janu­ may hato leavea to ftv f a i'. aevea’ BMBt paint the affected pnrtf twice tlM water systein pay for the aewer ary and abolish those eongresrional htoia. T h ^ - Jf known Aifiy with a mfid a^ttoh and 4*trlct or start assnsslnt the sev­ eeeslona la whloh polificlaae . who atengentoo. to'potiufiii foa ■r eral property owners for the service have already been, rejected at the to per front foot of property owned. thia polls meet to make laws tor. the na­ j Picture yourself owning a home tion. Y ' tUtteate may' 1 t o te the South Maaohester areal It Already more than half a doaen ptoit ttoafltebi^to|«fo^fo^^ to tenutepy dayd. ' eft' * is all: paid fo^ aad you alt bark ■tatea have ratifiad thia amendment, -4 K:*'' - Imppy that there are no further and toe rest should do do before an­ (tebts to pay on the prlhdpaL The other year iM papMd. Leltelntors tw n busrs the ^ t c r aad sewer must be reminded that the amend­ •, r (fiPoto .ffoiera Mtmfk-' m ptaats arid finds It must assess the ment is badly Beaded, even timugh teutoBtoi .i Ritea users of the aewer system to help eaiUMa ^r.»- Ji, +-j_, ■ puMlc attention may be fpeuded bn to tfo i pay for it It wouldn’t be very more spectaoular issues. pleasant to- have to pay ip^inim Ahoutlte»1teifA‘' . f: ' ' mpney for, soasettring yim took tor tie Sjl^tedw ai yoUrs when you bought In yeeterday*a Open fMnun col- t d .ctetop'' ^ ^ buUt your hems. Yet that would usms iqipeared the fin t reqmto* to ttute ^ ^ A p p ^ without douit ^ Tlie HariUrs Md tor yigfientlnns fid - Jiust how. the kndsrs of the Tax- to. ways and mdana o f kwidilng the ts fim f figure the town town’s n k ef pmUfMpa Old omnllbf otedd iaplte xphitey on the water Altitengk wo .oaMtet iuk- L:>'T aoribe to aeverat o f /Mn. OpreUne Britten^ HteoMdii .on the dire of the iKDOiSelafcli iter MAMaSSSTSB SVSM1N6 HSBAU), SOOTS UANCHBRSB, OOMM, A.

sary repairs wUl be made on the AOVBRTlMffMlINT ADVDRfniRBMMirr , Ugh" ■ tSBSIon ■ iMli line. The ■ RockviUe- - - OnZENSiP SCHOOL HnUllEADBIS W U liaiaatle.liglitiiggitle OMBpaigr O o o m i^ WEIHERiil; HD6 ROCKVILLE this ahaonBfMMBnbday’aadCMMBt fiNbxv'a s( it would oBty offset m C rystal P LA N N Eb N WOMEN TOBEHONORED ~ake users. A. f f Newt / Dr. Msite At N tells 8 tet8-Wifi8 E4«e^l8B8l Pro- SAVINGS BANKS HOLD Dr. J. Ilal^ Morin of tUs city Is U ouip0 t rt V t R aostytf from at Oaoty Crass, Nlsstle, whsra hs plwsaiw w r ragIstiatleBS la tbo gnuH Iff PirwpgnitioB For To Award OIBcia] Recopj- win senrs for Us weeks. For fonr MMl year aadiv Juty 1 noctldn li Oitnifd. THEIR ANNUAL SESSIONS works bswIU aqt asm sat hispsetor to tram |l i Fimtr Ca 6 SHfMst GiBtt tap piarioaf yinr ^ of th# canty aad commendny Au­ 4Tko W sM eu______A otato-wldf schod of dttoeaship tkm For AdmTcniMU h AH Ofllee» Re-Eleeted At gust 14 hs wU ssrvs as CMtaiu in Butoaora 'tfraoMd fram to R*M|iilm Far Wawb A sbort-toatyend golfer bad (Sberidau.Hetel) glroi a 88,840. aad aaadldataa flMSttag la plaaaad Mectingg Thif Wcfk—Stfitc- to# llltb Vst Reginrsat, Osoifs ■pent s m arter of an hour im- Riaea that tfate aa it Hat by tba Coaaaetletlt Laagua of Wi «i- Bartlstt of tUs elty will ssrvs wloi Dpotfli^^lfOBgaatifla pMora piao- Aiding Rural Ufe. minitf Indfeatt Good Condi­ ■ucoawfimy bnsfi^ tor a loot ftvse lueter to sv( aa Votan aa a aaijor part of tbo tion. Dr. Mbrlu during . tbs last two ban, whan as s id ^ la^ aeat- Lavalou If a'V( odYoErralatldB tor FraSriok A. RsMirri b AcHm. weeks. ed OB the links eaSad out to not a gys or Bartlott, North Attlobora, a oaadl- pro d oefloa work of tbo eivaalaa- dato for tbo lUpriUleaa aontlaatlbB tloB. Tbo oobod win tube ^ m o ob . Storri, July 2 2 ^ OutfteodiBf Turtira Osugkt Mm, 'Theuss m#» sir, but would William Maxwell has been sslect- X bo broaklBg tba h m fdr otato ao d ^, tbo aftoraopa aad avrabm of Oeto- daronee Wotborril of 181 Itadcrfbip IB MTieultural affairf and Gams Wardsn Bnisst Wright an- klU/U ___fty la bar If ia Now Havsa. Tms program ed prealdsBk of the Savings Bank of you wbsra It Isr'—Patoitaidsr. m o t roM ott aavl- atraot, a fPrmor gsrgoaat la Ceai- BootrlbutUnu to rural welfare la Bounoedt on Thursday that 109 aro preferred agaiaot the win ba a part of tba ragular aaaaal (jloooeeticut will be officially ttcog- Roekvllls at a meeting held this turtlsp b%ve bean secured from throe pravidM latyK uoa , ^ atata ooavaatlOB of tbo loaguo puy O, 108ad iafiatry. 8ftb Diri- of Tollahd/Qdtbtty ponds. Wardsn Tou CUB kssp your flus rugs ftom woM>elotliw irSd-Mafo^lwt of the eoaotwlio etooaMra nixed Tburaday, July 28, when tfie week. Other offieers are as foUowat wsariug by using Ri«g Oualilons, sold City of Obattaaoqga aad Craeiao ichodulod tor Oetobar 18 aad 14. 2®“' ^ 5?^ w««H'6d aoUoo Connecticut Africultural Collefe Henry Meyers is In charge of the ▼W.Yenr. popniar, If- Talba by ttyarta oa aucb aubjaeta fram tbo War DopariJaear that bo Vice Presidents, Parley B. Leonard, by WanlBS Brotbsrs. If iu old rug w ftb wwto'ooUidad off Xalaad May will five honorary recofnltlon to work. To date 76 have been taken is sbowkw wsar, a Rttg'Ousbkm wlQ 87 witb a leas of four ttvao. a t gororanoat aooaomy, uaantyloy- baa biOB awarded tba Purpio Heart leadere in afrlcu ltu re and ru ral Ufe. Lebbeus F. Bisaell; seerstary'and from' Bolton pond, 2% fram Bolton turned-up brim aad up trin|Bfiag. aisat rallaf aad oomptataUea, aad daeorattoa witb two oak otustori tar treasurer, Arthur T. Bissell! assis­ Notch p ^ , and • from Walker's prolong Its life. Ia etsudard rug Null, Masi.—'fIvo-BMotod, sebooa- The purpoee of tbli award la to s isas, s s ,M_____ 2 ft aaad t%KUm it,, Rug or Naaty, greuadod five vrarx ago totaraatloBal pelldaa of tbo Ualtod tbroo weuada raeolvod to aetiea to bring to the attention of the public tant treasurer, Edward L. New- Reservoir. The last two plaess bavs CusbIOBs______a rsprtesd 16J6 aad •tataa will amploBMat tbo optotoaa PYaaoo to 1918, the eignificaace of the life w on and marker; assistant treasurer, Ken­ been abisut dsarsd out of the large 96M, Ptoeburxt O n m iw ijf baa a f»- at Naatariiot, ewept by fin. H i oBbotod to CoBtyaity O, Jnao 6, rsdueod from $7M and |7AO. fraiMag variety le College. 1|bb eoek- of eaadidatos for atajo aad aatioaal acbievemente<<'of tboee who have neth M. White. Directors, Arthur T. turtles. Tbs largest eaitybt to date BiMtoa—Josopb Raagor, Holyoke, offfoa aa to tba paraaiouBt.Jaauaa of 1917, aad ombarkfd for f t y m oa helped materially to impreve the Bissau, WUliam Maxwell, David A. In the country wns 48 pounds. PfPPety,.eacel. mombor of'tbo ooatraettog fina of tbo "Adriatlo'' Oetebor 87,1817, Big aad Bold **®t with IMtover aieate or ae a po­ tbo ftato aad aatioaal eatpaafgaa. etatux of rural life in thin itate. Sykes, Parley B. Leonard, (3eorge P. Buttdiug FOWBlti Nsedsd Catyor Ranger Centynay, fbuad DameaatratioBa of ballot aiark- rivtog to Uroraool, Novoatoor d. The honorary recognition program Organdlss ws'ra talking about, tato eu^tute.' Xtie 160 per ^ dofd to a botsl rooat Wsndbiser, S. C. Cummings, Charles At a rseent mcstlng of tbs Com­ when ws say bty aad bold.___ to Us attmtioB at the mect- ths neck. have over .two mllUoa aerte jm lead ey to gorommoat Mra. Horbort throughout the whole period. Tbia the meeting finds the bank in good Knox imlfb of Farmington la 18., ' ia the ninth conaecutlve year that Inr that permits had been asked for to peaaute. That ebimde like, .a, lot Bostoa—Frod Fritalo, 68, fbuad soimd condition. Mrs. Aldsa fguily stabbod oa a aldowalk aoar ebalrmaa of tbo dopartmont. Tbo I08ad wont toto aetloa oa tbo tjbe State College la honoring rural buildings, some of wUcb were al­ Pstltjsaa’s NSW of peeaute to ue. Which reafiade ue ChoffliB-do-OaBM soetor February leaderahlp. The cuatom waa Inati* People's Saving Bank ready built. ’The Mayor called atten­ Frsneb Beauty Sbop^ (Johnson tor Peaant Butter bla botoo. For uao during tbo pra-oloetion Judge John E. Fisk was reelected Block) will be openin aU day W sdnss- Bostoa—Polieo tovootigato attack period tbo loaguo baa rovlaad Ita 14, 1918, aad tbroo days latsyr 1» tuted at Farmera’ Week in 1924. tion to toe fact that on general wqs gasiMd aad asat to a Frwoa The plan waa borrowed from Wla* president of the People’s Savings piRndpals toe city should object to days during tbs summer, as a spa* f-2 eup butter or other fkt OB Mrs. Mary E. Molloiuiauor, 84, nandbook, 'Tarty Machinoty'' by Bank at its annual meeting. Other dal eoBvsnlenes for store clsncs. widow of Emil MoUtabautr, oao- Rath M. Dadeurtaa. Tbia booMot bospltal at Brioao, Fraaeo. Back to oonain where twenty-two yeara ago toe practice of buUding before a per­ . 1-2 eup peaaut butter tbo itoM agaia oa tba Toul fraat bo the CoUege of Agriculture of the officers reelected are: Vice Presi­ ’The Sboim Is also open every ora- 1 cup sugar tlBM loader of tbo Kaadol aad forma a baady digoat of oloetloa 41 mit is granted. In case of emer- HMfda fodoty. lawa aad party rulea. waa gaasad agato on Pobniuy 87 Unlveralty of Wiaconaln inatituted dent, Frederick N. Belding; secre­ fenty, he pointed out, that one can Bing untif 8 p. m. Dial 8068. 2 eg g s an honorary recognition policy aa a tary and treasurer, J. Everett 8 raps sifted soft-wheat flour Boeiqa — Drasxt J ., Ooultsoa, Mra. Henry M. Townsbend of Now aad tba taoopital a t Fal- go to the Aldermen or Couneilmen Teariess proBtiaoat to Ropublleaa dreloa, to Haven Is ebalrmaa of arraagomonts aiso-Calvadoa juatll April 10,1918; tribute to outatandlng rural leader* North. The following directors were of the wards in wUeb toe work is 4 teaspoons bMciag powder tfilp. reelected: John E. Fiuk, John E. If you peal onions under krator, 1-2 teaspooB salt opoB lottor ehargoa Jotaa Riebard- for tbe league eonvonUon. Members la ths Avgoaao Poraat battlo la > Ih Connecticut, honorary recogni­ Fahey, Thomas F. Rockwell, A. Le- done and possibly secure consent to either bolding them under tbs 1 oUp miflk •OB, roeoatty-oloetyd Ropublleaa Na- of the eommltteo planning the pro­ October 81,1918, bo roeolvod a gu» start, but all construction work must faucet or In a pan of water, you tloaal eommittetmaa, with toaaatog gram of the coBvontion are lira. sbot wound to tbo log aad waa aoat tion amounta in a way to an agricul­ Roy Martin, George Amo.d, Jr., be done after toe permit is granted. 1 teaspoon vanilla tural baU of fame. Men and women Frederick J. Cooley, Frederick H. won’t get that stinging in the eyes. ^eam together fat, peanut butter % dial to ro-eloct Oovoraor ray (D) Edward H. Lorana of Hartford, to Base Hospital No. 19 to Vlelty, ^ 0 by example and by inieliigent Holt, John P. Cameron, John Kuhn- Mrs. Mary 0. Boras ^ n g tv , a. Qa., July 22.—(AP) toe horse. The horse kicked and in­ A tellsr handed out toe small for­ the meal. 'Saturday, July 28 Tbia la a —And army of green and yellow jured toe farm.hand who was treat­ tune in ready oa^,,the thief ilgB^d Buffalo—Galen Starr Rosa, who WW tu re of* grasshoppers has started a march ed for an injured knee by Dr. T. F. a receipt wlto a fictitious name and sought unsuooeaXfully' to be gover­ or Suldayit^ J i^ 24 fbi!id.-oa Saturday. nor of Ohio on thaDemocratlo ticket through middle Georgia leaving be­ O’Loughlin. vanished: K s r u w m G hind It a tr^ of barren fields. The horse was also injured and Tha theft occurred last Saturday last year, lunuhaHaM In a speech Wheat, cotton and com crops was taken to West’s bam for toe but was kept secret here the wants of . the Ammcan SundBy,;iuty k4 ' P E R M A N E tr e SPECIAL F!OR THIS WEEK have been attacked by the pests. dav. people aa: "A Job, 'a glara of beer— Mice Leila Ohuroii m aad lota of le tt^ Mone.” , WAVES KILLS ms FRIEND Miss LeUa M. CSiUKfii, noted London—r When the Kkif and FRim ptoDjENG pageant dtrector .and author, is serl Queen give a party thty r e ^ g!ly Boston, July 82.—(AP)—An argu­ ously Ul at her home In the Fitch/ a phrty. There wen 7AOO guMts ' : $ 4 ^ ment over who.posaeased the great­ at the garden party at toe peJaise Block. She has been lU for several yesterday. The guests dined from er capacity for food ended fataUy weMu although many of her friends Thera lx xtUl imtoh time to ea- FOB BAUD BT tB B 'S tlia to N lito a Ipng friendahip between prederico a long buffet Their nujeiities were were not aware of the fact. Miss satisfied with tea;i . . )sr jL*titomaaeaL‘ MUn 'a ^ - Pr|ns|o, 56 and Pasquale Sciarclfa, Church has directed many plsys qnd iM ^itypoUtmratat 6Si pageants in mrioqs Wttss In Oon- 9e|olt Wla —That dollar bill PHxslc^s body lay in the morgue necticut and o|;^r p|at«» todfy and po)]ee s^d Sdimlto con­ , Fewer Ot fatplNlay l ^ u t y N o o k fessed he/euA t with his Mend last The eleotrib power eHn. be It flstoraifa could be off a t CiysUiL "A .-T?-

■ •‘?i A' ■ •' • ' i " ? ■ ’ » \r PAGE EIQflf ./ MANCiustrrEE I V l S n ^ lQ B ^ ^ ^OUTB MANGBS8n9» CONN. EBD)AY* JtJLY 2M861^ Gould Calls McChiskeU Courageous

\ ,r : H E W n r PITCHES HOW OLYMPIC STADIUM WILL LOOK WHEN ATHLETES BEGIN BIG SHOW ONEHITGAME Eiuliiraiij^ and S p ^ > ANDWINSHI Match His Co^idence Lone Tally Conies On r s o x s t a r t After Two Are Ont Fol-| I ED AiMctiiid^SpMii FifUM Rtoai lowed By Many Misphys. m i D i G GAMES ******* AtUetei W 1 Swiqf la d Jack Hewitt, speed ball artiit for the Pilots, knocked on the door of I JoH^ a d J ob n s Led At­ EwiTtliipf Frim the Hall of Fame laait nifht but Doortender Ernie Dowd refused him tack Sesitan RcgiD Meiers Up aai E uisiiif admittance. Hewitt pitched hitless ball against the Crescents for six Fairtli Phcc. Minihoa Innings until Dowd came to bat in the fatal seventh and singled over Ey ALAN 60100 Zapatka’s head for the only hit the . (1^ Associated Press) Crescents got. The Pilots won 1 to Tke Boston Red Sox, up to a 0. • few weeks ago a demoralised I-W^-AMelea, July 88-( A P ) — Hewitt and Herb Wright engaged team that threatened to break aU Except that toe pursuit more varied and mteresl in a pitching duel with Wilght hold­ axlatlng records for games lest, tarestiag;'toere ing the Pilots to four hits. Although ^ t prospect of any oom- Hewitt pitched superb ball the m abowfiig. distinct signs of im. bmation of talant atroag uinuali to Pilots won the game on two breaks TUa remarkaUe photogmirii-drawliig provemaut under the guidance of prevent Finland from tolSgm m and other neoessary oonatmetion has been ways for the broad Jump and hop, step and such as are always bound to come shows grapUeaUy how (Hympio Stadlam at of jthe stadlam at the same time, with the Markf McMaaui. if not all, of the Oljrmpio fumUax in tight games like these. pianned to penult competitors to be in ac­ Jump on both the north and south sides of exception of the Javelin throw. Bings (or kooors from 1600 ratKeex m» to and Ias Angeles wUl look this snnnner when the field. The west end will have the Jave- Smead Jdley and Roy In the third inning Wogman tion in all parts of the huge bowl at the the dlacUs, hammer and weight events wlU In^ding tha claario maraSito athletes from aO parts of the wtwld begin same time, lending the effect of a, many- Ite throw mnway, a pole vaolt p ii s high be in the center of the field. The track for JobfiMB - hitting bettor tbfw they Tha ^ l o Bxscaa have, an t abms whiffed, "Chuckle” Smith Hied to jump pit and a shot put ring, and the same did, and tba young pltchen com- short and "Shorty” Maloney wingioti t t e l ^ CHyn^le ganaas. Runways, pits ringed circus. Thus there are pits and run- the races Is 400 meters around, vriiloh Is star mUers to this Olymtoc party, events will be contested at the opposite end slightly less- tium a quarter-mUe. hig threuffh, th ^ have won 10 of Induding Lotolock c f New H t e - to left field. Wright repeatedly their laet 88 contests aqd have threw to Tierney at first base to 1 ^ , Thomas of Eaglead. JblloweD, ^ ^ ^ t out but once in the last O r o ^ v and Cufiaiafham of Che catch Maloney but failed to do so. XT. 8. A. Polaad has one Of thoM Finally Wright threw one past Tier­ McManue la depending on a eet ^ t lM , a conqueror of Paavo ney and Maloney went to aeoond. Foreign War Veterans OLYMPIC of youngetere to puU the Sox out Nurmi, in Jannuae Huseetoakl, toSM Maloney dashed for third on the Eastern Boxers Win Qf tha ruck. Larry Boomdr, the «date for long diataaea hcaoea next play and went all the way honu rooUa who yesterdey hdd the wd qeemaay with what proved to be the winning YaWa to two htta to aevm In- have atto^m had maa t o r . the run, when "Gyp” Gustafson threw PROGRAM atngs, la hla latest find. As wau as m ts i, eepeetany to the'maratoto. the ball over McConkeys head at Ti^Play BaD Tonight ha buried yeetarday Boeiaer hae Yet aboqt aU moat of them hrUl get third. Reach Semi-Finals yet to receive credit for a big The Crescents made a good bid to Parade o* Natlons-^uly 80, after during tola year’s Olympiad wIB he noon. - ^ ------— ------league vtotmy. Old Wiley Moore a rm view of the f^tof Pbas. tie the score in the lart inniny v went the last two framts la whlto Dowd singled and then stole second Weight lifting—In Olympic Audi- of Caeveland In the second round. Even without coumlag on toe Meet West Side ( M h Time- Wins First National tpriiua, afternoon of July 31 and tba Sox caass from bdiind to win eminent Nurmi, the ^ton a have and third only h/ be left stranded Ontr One htercoBegiate Flynn advanced with a decision over 8 to 8. smepectlve aad probeBle wlamrula when Billy Dowd and Eddie Boyce evening of Jidy 30 and 81; lendng. Claude Ricketts of the U. S. Navy. Golf Tournament I State; Aimory, mornings of Aug. i, The Wadiington Saaatora re­ Bbury Larva, 1009 metar chatotoon; both fanned the breeze and Gustaf­ Up Gene For Willinni- Annapolis but the tiitereoUegiata gained fourth plabe in the AoMri- Tlovo Loukda, steepleehaaa egato- son filed to left ending one of the 5, 6,. 8,10 and 12, afternoons of July Rnler, He Being Tnhne welterweight ctuunplon, Lewis, was 81 and evenings of July 30 and 81. I League by beating Datroit 5 pkm; Lauri Lehtinan, record-break­ best ball games ever witnessed at forced to take second call to Andrew to 4 in tbelr finaL MOato Waaver ing youngster,. Volmari Xeo-BoUo to the West Side Oval. tie Ceiteii little Liter. Wrestling—Olympic Auditorium, Bozzano of San Frandsep. bad tha Tigers etoppad after tha Oresoents mornings and evenings of Aug. l to Hearywelj^t Martin tha 6,000 and 10,000 meter runo, and 7, indusive. Caserio, heavy hitting middle­ first Inning. MartteUn aad Totooton, in the «... AB R H PO A E weight, punizhed Otis Ludlow c f Lob Falkoski, I f ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 Track and Field Athletics—Olym­ The S t LouIb Brawno btOka their marathon. If Nurmi is ruled A. U. chamtUonkt Jot lead to 8H gamaa. Europe. Neat o f toe British, or Pilots the coming games with Gold Star Yachtingu-Los Angeles Harbor, being among those defeated in quar­ „ , AB R H PO A B Post, V. F. W. of WllUmantlo. afternoons Aug. S to 12, inclusive. Romberg. Ldng Beach. Caltf. J h ^ Maloney, o ...... 8 1 1 1 8 1 0 ter finals last night P e ^ New Orleans. Harry OortasI, The vets will play s | ^ next —Olympic Swimmhtg Pater D*Ale8Udro of Washington, Portland, Ore. ' the stretch, finlahere with a riml Wilkinson, rf ..... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Wednesday night at TUcottvlUe Stadlupa, mornings and afternoons Itiok” like RalloweB and iteaM s Hewitt, p ...... 8 0 0 0 1 0 of Aug. T, 9 and 12. Pa., 112 pounds; David Stoop, Al­ US pomide Ye»terday*» Stars with the TaloottvUle town team and toona, Pa., 118 pounds; Bobby Gold­ Henry Bums. Cambridge. M or Lovdock will have n goodohasoe Zapatka, s s ...... 8 0 1 1 0 0 by the first week of August the WU- Gymnastics — Olympic Staduim, to win. Mahoney, I f ...... 8 0 1 2 0 0 llmantle series will open. It is ex­ stein, Washington, D. C., 136 pounds Joseph Lang, Son Franclseo. , By too Aasootatod Press. Werner, cf ...... i o 0 0 0 0 mornings of Aug. 8 to 12, indusive; and A1 Lewis, Washington, Pa., 147 La Barba, Oakland. Joseph < Lahttoan, a powatfuUy W tt pressed that several old-time baU afternoon and evening of Aug. 10. torino, Batavia. N. Y. youngster regarded by Ftoas as tha Robb, lb ...... 2 0 0 2 0 0 tossers now with Gold Star post will pounds, all national intercollegiate Walter Stewart, Browne — Hddi "aeomid Nurmi." may try the 1600 Wogman, 8b .... 2 0 0 0 0 0 James O’Hare, sales manager, Boxing — Olymplo Auditorium, champions, were beatu by out­ 186 Ponoda be on hand for the t n y in August. Hartford Division First National mornings of Aug. lO and 11, after­ Athletics to four hits to win, 6 to but Ida bast event to- the iUMO Smith, 2b ...... 2 0 1 8 1 0 The team that will face the West siders. Holman WUUams, Detroit Louis 8. Stores, Inc., is pictured above with noons and evenings of Aug. 9 and 13. Stipo, Baltimore. Anthony Muscaral- meters. In this, he i^peass to .a Sides tonight will Include the follow­ the President C. H. Farnsworth FootbaU—Aug. 8, night game. Jimmy Martin, New York, 118 Larry Boemer. Red Sox—Allow­ class 1^ hlmsdf, havbm a|toa4y Totals ...... 21 1 4 21 8 0 ing players: Ray Smith, Howard pounds, and Homer Brandis, San « ’ ****ins, N. Y. John Hines, ed slugftog Yanks only two bits to Score by Innings: Trophy won at the Second Annual Rowing—Long Beach Marine Sta­ San Pedro, CaUf. shattered Nurmi’s woM regostt by Sentiff, Pop Edgar, Neal Cheney, Golf Tournament of First National dium, mornings and afternoons of Francisco, 176 pounds, both A. A. U. iveatontogs. Pilots ...... 001000 0—1 Archie Kilpatrick, Harry Mathlason, titleholders, were eliminated. '' 186 Pounds Joe C ro m Senators—Hla threa Crescents...... 000000 0—0 Stores, held Wednesday, July 20 at Aug. 9 and 12, and afternoon of Nat Bor. FaU River, Mass. (Na­ Bill Sehleldge, Harry Roth, Jack the Woodland Golf Course at Au- Aug. 18. SaUca Wins hits and two runs enabled Sanators Hits, off Hewitt 1 in 7 Innings, Jennsy, Hairy Bellucci, George Ted- tional A. A. U. champion). James to' Udr D e ^ t , 6 to 4. rhiuzaatism he w entM a^ Wright 4 in 7 inninga; sacrifice hit, bumdale, Massachusetts. First Equestrian Sports—Riviera Coun­ Loins SaUca cc Srccklyn, Na­ McCarron, SomarvUle^ Mass. Nor- ford, "Cap” Peterson, Carl Ander­ National eexoutives from the entire try Club, Santa Monica, afternoons Pta T rm o r. and Uoyd Wanar, crutdiee for montha. E. Dowd; stolen bases, Wedner, Ma­ son and others. tional A. A. U. 112'pound king, won bert Meehan, San Frandsea David Plrataa—Thair hits after two wa Iso-Hono flfuris to loney, E. Dowd 2; left on bases, New England States participated in of Aug. 10 and 11, and afternoons of his way to tba sesri-finals. 1^ did Kirchenman, Lodi, The West Sides will have their the tournament.' The cup was won Aug. 18 and 14. out to the ninth scuttled PhUUee. LShttoan’e only raal oonmattt Crescents 2, PUots 8; base on h»ii. regular team In the field with the Nat Bor, FaU River, Moss., light­ 147 Pounds 5,000 zattore, w ^ tha fiSo off Hewitt 2, off Wright 2; struck for the first time by Gregory Skelley Shooting—SSysian Park, mornings weight; Edward Flynn of New Or­ exception of the regular pitcher. of Bridgeport and will remain for Charles Cravotta, Unlontowa, Pa. I tryout wtonar, Ralph BUI. Ofsgen out, by Hewitt 18, by Wright 4; and afternoons of Aug. 12 and 18. leans, welterweight; and Fred Cas- Bob Sawyer, Buffalo. N. Y. Edward JUNIOR BASEBALL product,^ eon hqm tor nothing .het- umpires, Carroll and Altken. another year in Connecticut at the Closing Ceremony—Olympic Sta­ Hartford headquwters. erio o f Chicago, middleweight all Flynn, New Orleans, (Natioual A. tim Oan fourth or fifth nlaee. NINE SniO K E HOLE dium, afternoon of 14. A. A. U. titla bem rs. A. U. champion). Andrew Boziano, Irish Ntoe Xso-Hdlo alzo ntoy. run: tha The only in tercoll^ ta rider to San Frandseo. AB.R.H.PO.A.B. steaplechaie and 10,000 matart^ to corns through was Douglass HUl of 160 Penndi SulUvan, e which he wUl have a good ehanna to DETROIT aO W N S YET HE CARDS 74|PRESIDENrS CqP MATCH Tulans Univsrsity, ranking heavy­ Ray Bohannon, U. 8. Navy, An- P. Kdgar, l b ...... 4 lead, the paids home. HeandlAUrt f How They Stand ) weight napoUz. Fred Caserio, Chicago, (Na­ F. Bsldwto, of ...4 Virtaaen wUl be the.|1nnlsh flSw* J. Lovett, § » ...... 8 Bridgeport, July 22.— (AP) — SectionaUy, the east and the far tional A. A. U. champion). Dd itea to tlto lo n | ^ M m traek rtwen HAY-OFF NECT WEEK west tied placing contsstanta in the O Sullivan, p ...4 If Lebttoen should dedde to non- WILL PLAY HERE Playing a brand of golf befitting his ‘nD8TBRDAT*B RESULTS Smith, Los Angdss. Carmen Barth, role of defending Champion, Dick',, . semi-finals with 11 each. The mid­ Clevdand. B. Chadwick, 8b . .8 I ceatrate on s e e l ^ other bomnrs. It west brought through five and the 178 Pounds B. SuUivaa, 8b ..8 waU may ba tor Ptotond. Clud of Mill River entered the sec- Johnson-Benson„ Semi-Final ■Amaricu Leagoa I 147 t o end day of play in the Brooklawn souUi three. W. R. Recbler, Bolt Lake City* l^vett, If ...... 8 brtb tha 6,00(1 and 1 0 ,0 ^ hriwaat t In consideration for the loyal fans Cannot Be Played This Boston 8, New York 2. irorbert Meehan, a University of MeCartb]^ rf ....8 ualaza KuaodeUd ’rf Country auV s invitation tourna­ S t Louis S, PhUadalpbla 8. Mk ^ s k , Chicago: John MU|sr, who faithfully support the West ment today with a 68 to his credit Week— 10 Chamber Matches San Franclseo boy, took tbs meas­ Detroit Joe Beiuett, Padfio ffaet T. O Tom . e ...8 or Ribaa. at A rgi^na hsealhi ®de League, the committee has de­ Washington 6, Detroit 4. ure of GoldAtein. A left bander, T. Loney, r f ...... 8 through. for the qualifying round. Played. (Only games scheduled). San Pedro. cided to postpone next Thursday The Mill River player won medal Meehan’s style puiiled Goldstein Heavywdgbt , Tba FtonsjrUl hava to 'ftoltoB night’s game between the Pilots and honors in the opening round yester­ National Leagoa throughout but tbe^ former also con­ Fred Feary, Stockton (National 81 11 15 81 18 8 I with Jaa MoCltiskiy 7'iOttt|i Mon* the Echoes in order that the Man­ n ie Johnson-Benson ssml-final Pltteborgh 8, Philadelphia 2. cheater. Conn., and InpOiaui day as he cllp j^ three strokes off golf match in the President’s Cup tributed the heavlM* punching. It A. A. IT. champion). Doylaw HUl, chester Gems may have the diamond par figures to equal the course rec­ (Only gams scheduled). was tha third dafsat foi the Uni­ varsity, to the 8,000 nieCto for the big attraction—the Detroit tournament at the Manchestw International Leajroe Tulane, New Orieons. (National Xa- R.R.PO.A.B. ord recently set by Bob Ellis of Ctojmtry Club will not be played off versity of Antfin^a student in more tercoUegiate ohauplea). Fraads Gone, 8b . . . ohaae. Tba Amerieaa toroea h a^ao Clowns. This league game will be Brooklawn. d u d met stem com­ Buffalo 9, Montreal 8. than 100 fights. mors oourlgeaua or datormtoad pari played Saturday, July 80. ^ tll sometime next week. Harry MeCrlnkley, U. 8. Navy, Armapdis. UpphMott, is-rf 8 petition today in his first round Newark 6, Jersey a ty 4. Sumlse Psdmgs Frank ConnaUy, Fresno. Bovello,.If-o .....8 tonnar than this oQUega btyi «iw match with Bobby Grant, state B ew n went to New York today on (Only games scheduled). jhW'thtt wduvBftOt ndt# busteess and will Im gona fbr the W. R. Hschlsr of Balt Lake City Orandi,p-lf 4 mMfsiK hin amateur champion, who shot a 74 week-end. The match will probably turned out'to be a surprise package R. Jarvis, If-e ....4 N E W YORK in the qualifying rotmd. A nine on be played Tuesday or W ^ esday t h e 8TAND1NGS- of leather |^ves too b}g for Brandis I PI* lps, o f ...... Nurmi ahould run the the eleventh hole marred Grant's Amerlou League I field it he* to' " Every 2 Hoars. otherwise splendid csrd. night. The winner wlU meet Harry to handle, n s A. A. U. light heavy- CHOCOUTE^HEA P ln u f, lb ...... I ! pete. Otoerwtoe It ta be Megson in a 86-hole match for *ho w. p a weight leader received more of a Hublard, ss-ff ...8 Charley Cli 1981 Stats Cham* cup. New Y ork ...... 62 battering than he handed out I a flna toteraatwnal___ trilb $2.50 one way, $4.50 round trip|piS^?ed^{* 7i take second E^ladelpbla...... ss HaattoS9,,8b .....8 I the ntroag Ptwfito and Center Travel Bureau I honors u d whs foUowedfoi by Bert Ten first-round matches have Cleye'ud ...... S8 SallM ecored an easy victory over C h lw . July 88.—(AP)— Kid CtordnMr, i f .....0 ime toSutog toSwduiti^ Rssnlk, New Haven dty cham­ b w played in the Chamber of John Aguirs of Lps Angeles but bis Siocolate is to defend hie Junior H. Jarvis, c t .....1' as Paul Da Bnnm ef Nair _ . Dial 3864 Whahington...... s i pion, who shot a 78. ^mmerce tournament Dr. Howard Detroit ...... 48 < 112 pound n m ^ mate in the inter- Ightweigbt ohamtoonablp against Germany, Sahala. aad ItIbaS. Boyd beat Winston TurUngton 2 ooUeglata raws A'Lasaadro, was de> Eddie Shea of Obfeago at the Chi- t 6 It 7 8 American trlo^ ll^ealgaa, C up; Harry Benson beat Howell Che­ S t Louis ...... 40 • ftated by JamM Perrin cf New Or­ ^ ete^um Auguit 4. The bout Chicago...... 80 i I • e 4 4 e e 860 080 S - ffl Miohelaeo, to eanoeded no i ney 4 and 8; Ernest Roy beat A1 leans. will be at 10 rounds. Irish Nina. a a e« 69 a o'# 004 418 X-U an Outsida ohaaM to ptoog' Xtoofia 4 and 8; William 8. Hyde Bopton ...... 28 ( Joe Lang of gaa Frandsoo edged Natioual L e a ^ « w ^ * “ 4 2; Dr. D. out rugged Jimmy Martin after a C- Y. Moore beat William 8 w tough bout la the bantamweight SPORT CHATTER Summer Clearance Sale and 1; John G. Echmalian beat Pittsburgh...... so' j Chicago .I t . , . , (.11 48 ' class and Joseph Ontbrino of Bata­ The M a i^ t a r L$0Um, baU team i “ P* Arthur A. Boston ...... 47 ^ via, N. T., poimded out a dedslon ]^*y .tha Lagion team, from ^ o fia beat Austin (Aan«y.4 aad 8; over the reoent lateroouegtate win­ RoekviUe to a rrtum game Satur- o f USED CARS J. C. Cary beat Scott S i m 2 and PhUadatohia...... 46 ^ ner, David Stoop. S t Louw ...... 48 ^ ^ afterneon a l the. fou r Acrea 1; Jay Rand beat F. T. BUsh Br., 2 ffWtOn Kaye Md 1. The G. B. W illls-Herb^ B. Brooklyn...... -42 4 In todr prevloua aniDoun^ Man­ New York ^e• • t t • • XmprtMlnff fans as the olau o f the chester was toe victor by a scant A t Greatly Reduced H o ^ aU avan on .the U ght^ght group, Bor chalked up a dneinnatl • eaeae'ea* m w||^ of one run the s o ^ being 6 18th u d there h u bau no jday-off. teobnleid knookout ever Joe B a ^ 1930 Buick Sedan btsmatiaaal LMfua 1929 Buick Sedan _ • W. I* iDONA^AGAlNSr Newark ...... 61 88 1927 Buick Coach Buffalo , 6 7 41 Baltimore ...... S4 44 1925 Buick Coupe BOXING TOO OFTEN Monttaal 49 46 1930 Nash Sedan RoohAftar ...... SO 49 BETTS 6AEAUB # ThiM CM t of CiOrtte'. iM¥r vqttomivit Hartford, JUly 22.—(AP)—Tbomu Jamey City ...... 47 66 1931 N ash Coupe Donohue, State athletlols oommls- R w ld ln f,...... 48 68 RUDSON-ESSEX SALEM AND SERVICE. noner has Issuad u ultimatum that ...... 84 62 dial 1928 Chrysler Roadster I boxers may not fight cftsnsr t t u USED CARS once in-four days. t o d a y t To a m b s 1930 Essex Sedan [ ^Declaring ha woqld anforce the Amorioaa League IMO FORD ROADSTER Heel' M known to - only Convertible Coupe I b « ^ code, Dcoohua Nfused to per^ Philadalidtia at Washington. 192$ ESSEX COACH , IT nut George Courtney to appear in A Boitoa at Naw Y o tii 1928 HUDSON BROUGHAM 1927 Chevrolet Sedan bout at Atlutib City next Mionday (Oaljr games aehadalad) 1981 HUDSON MDAN mikW thtf {^ttcuv^ *nd again at Naw ^ v u Thuraday. ^Nattaanl Lsagna And if Courtney boxes in A tlu - New York at Boston. 1927 C H E m iS r COACH; tto a ty Monday,” ha aald 'Tm wlU Brotidya at Philadelphia. 1982 B8SHX SEDAN not be parmittad to appear in Oon- *^e«gy*H fbolban. a junior I ***^ ;3^:P*attloe tosaerrewi T 6 l8 8 1 $ ISO. I . BBtirs, . V n -rwWw ; -J ■ m - -jj} f i W ^ 'i V i i I ■


I H ' FOOD 6 MARK / ■■

of necessity elapse before the large decision of the T. C. C. on the fdiir ARVELOUB HOSPITAL NOTES FOUR BIG SYSTEMS groupings of railroad mileage, the partyplan:. ; V . Ter many .yeatii lie made a par­ tions of the countiy. moat comprehchaive plan of its kind "The Interstate Commerce Com­ ticular H a^ of tiMi sltili^ up of ^Hia widow, the fornsr Edith a ANHATTAN ever attempted in the history of the mission’s recent d e m ^ in the four fimtiooi and dutifs or large indus­ Nagel, of Buffalo, and three chil­ Mrs. Caroline McFarlane of 156 FOR 3 0 0 RAILROADS trial erganiastlons, and tn^ this ‘ B y — — Main street was admitted and Sam­ railroads, can be completed. party plan for construction Tof DIES W n ew YORK dren, John A. Jordon, M iristta Jor­ (Coallaned :rom Page One) raUroads im tIN eikt' Ikbuld have a diofk as wm as atoog other hass ha dan and Mrs. Beajamla M;, Cutler^ OA1NK8 uel Keamei of 177 Spruce street. •Were Prepared beneficial siffAct upou the' ginsfal served nmay sd tito large oetpors^ Miss Louise Dewey of 43 Stephen survive. Steps have already been taken, raUroad rituitiiar kblds out ^ w York, Jisy^ 22.—(AP)— street, Ruth and Constance Hunt of ing company owned by the New Ha­ they said, in furtherance of the plan N«w York^I have Juat eeen ven, has another 26.18 per cent substantial'b^efiCs fdf tke future; managemeel ■omethiag I never saw before on 181 Pine street and Hany Lidne of even before its pubUpation.^ Daniel "The queitidn . of New B^and conwitot, died euddeniv It tiij 40 Foley street were discharged. Manhattan Inland—a truck-load ol' Willard, president of the Baltimore railroad couroUdation has been lift gw toent tost night He^ wu 85 live, bellowing cowe. The hospital tocsil ahd adenoid MABH3DT BBA O IIO N and Ohio, pointed out that approxi­ open for further sta ..»»»■»..«‘. «,«* • * * • river, for Krieger had been seen at each » • t « • esf e e e « \ '\ the city dock in the evening and hla Celery, Bfa^awy CagCakit ear had been left nearby. In the bunch ...... OvHome Made mead, ad kiiida d o fta ...... machine there was a bottle marked Iceberg Lettuce, 6 c 2 0 c 3 ' ^ : : i 5 c .. 3 loavea for . y aSPC 25c poison. head )••••••••'4 eee< . 1 Krifger had been manager of a Beeto, h^ to^fhd faib and '■^daSOn '• ».* «'.♦ fit.'• ■tore two months. 2 d e bunoh • •■•eeeeeeeeeee'a C arrots, ^'nHikfort Balia and X.', \ -y, •■■•■■wietySsSpwiBiMsSSL^^ BOSTON, MASS. bunch •teeeeeeeeeeesei ChoeoLfo Fudge P arsley, C a t t a g a R i ^ Every Two Hourfl bunch . . . tayorCake $2.50 O ranges, each O d o M dozen . . . l••ee•••et Center Travel Bureau Cantaloupes, ■ » * f?!>. rfT‘r?> 5 ^ Tf?. 4-f.' n - r . ' j f . . ^'W>''\‘', ,1. " ,-’J?* ■'■ '’^■ ./ - ■ • ■• 1:3 ■ • ' '. . '•» ' .-:- PAGE-TEN — MANCHESTER EVENING ^ S R A ^ .^ g p ^ MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRp)AY; JULT'22,193A

g ^ [ g ^ i i O 3 \

I '#%“> 4 » L'y G 5 TPAGE iS S H.W will be fbO ov^ by . toe showing of Home Week at toe State C oU ^^ COKUY CONFERENiX TO STUDY college UvestoNt. July 24 to 29. - Through the week work have made things tough for &L A supper for ministers of rural HOBOES HONOR HOW toe hoboes, who work only when '9 i9 3 zm t special interest notings wffl be they fed Uke i t W1U.SBEAMADE MUi STATEX RURAL NEBIS churches and niembers of the Ex­ held. Several thousand Connecticut . * • ■ < • > tension Sendee of the Connecticut term men and women are *<«rerted ; CtoNnnati, O., July 2 2 ^ (A P ) —- J ,ic - • • •- t • Agricultural . (^Upge, wiU be hNd to attend. All meetings are open to Beside railway water tA«ir« and-to scAi^OBErns FULL K. OF a DEPUTY Thuraday dvrat^. 'This wffl be fol­ toe public. BEGIN HEBE tii?6pAS Will Be Hdd'At Storrs'Chiir^ f’jimgles’’ box cars and “ ikiip ■ t , MONA MOBAN who anmiorte it woiild be merely to the extent of Next Week — To Enrich lowed ty (Useussions and demon­ •New Iteven, Juty 22 -rr (A P ) — strations of rejigipus drama and houses’’ the nation’e hoboCs- paused Ifed- Previoosly Served Unex/ her mother, invattd tether, UtOe eta- the most censehmtive of invitations. ASSASSINS SENTENCED Louis Scaranb, shot in' toe chest as Farm Areals 'Social Re­ pageimtty to toCJufal edmmunity. today to pay tribute to their depart^ ' pired Tehn — la Appoint^. ter, K U T T , and iie'ec^4orwell b r ^ > sources. he s b ^ at the' dibor .of Mrs. Anton- Wf BUD, is determined to marry for Though Mona bad been with the The combined county choruses un­ B erlin, July 22.— ( A P ) — T w o men ed leader and benefactor — James By State Depaty MidligaD. firm for t ^ years she had npt laid der toe direction of G. Lortog Bur- who attempted to assassinate WRtiii E!ads How.. etto pefia R(>cC(^8iai«rtinent show­ w ^ t h and pooltioii. She is reoe^ ■ Storrs, July 22—A rural church well of Waterbury, wffl give a re- ttontot for a WaO Street law Arm ey on Bany until a month ago. It Luther, preNdent of the Reichsbank; t This .was the se(x>nd' anniversary ed slight Imprarament today as po­ State Deputy WffllOm J. Mulligan, Ntal of ‘"Ihe Holy, City.’’ of toe death of How,' a Harvard and In Die office sees mMi of Die n u q o ^ that iie had displeased conference broad and nmmunity con­ worth Congregational churches. The .“King” of; toe hoboes, passed toe about the time afficerairdeased M n. deputy for toe Fourth District >D:/ and coal dealer, h u retomed home. torates. He was only slightly wound­ Shea was appointed as District Here hei was back again, confi­ ditions and planning for the enrich­ morning sesNons Will be occupied ed. ' word along the cross ties to "com­ Delia'RoccO’s thrCe-soins, who, had Stove disappeared three years ment of the s(xdal resoiurcea to Con­ with research repots on social and mune toe toy with spirit of the men been takto ifito: <^to(ty with thdr Deputy a year ago following thb earlier and it was rumored he was dent,'gay afid the despair of that death of District Deputy Charies portion of the debutante list favor­ necticut’s c o u n ^ areas. religious . cunditipns to toe rural who established toe teternational motoer shortly Otter-toe shooting at ■ in prisiMi thoo|^ Mona never be­ The conference is the first of the life o f; Conneetiout Among those CHAPLAINS e l i m i n a t e d Brotherhood Welfare AssoNati(m 2 a. m. Shea of Hartford to fill. toe uneiS lieved this. ing older men. Twenty-eight seemed kind to Connecticut and is iwHng that every hobo, tramp and bum pired term. ’The app(fintment now to many'of them the beginning of who wffl appear on top program are The woman,-howevier, still was She meets him on her way to conducted to cooperation with the Santiago, ChUe, July 22.— (A P) might eat” made is for a full* term. the senile, stage in manhood. Dr. AWcolm.Danli of. toe Hartford held incommunicado for furtoCr woHt (me morning. Steve is hand- Connecticut Federation of Chiirches. Theological Seminary and toe Yale — All chaplains to toe Chilean army Ths organization How establish­ guestioifing. 'Police were woriUng eiMiie; well dressed and manner­ “As I live!’' B a r^ Towusen-’ an- The conunlltee to (fiiarge represent­ Divinity Schqol, G- Davis, were suspended from duty today by ed is not faring so well, it was re- on toe theory that jcaloudy caiised ed. Mona rrtoetaaDy agrees to dine nqimced in well simulated surprise. ing the federation consists of Rev. toe ministry of war pending a dcr veale NOW GO ON WITH THE STtMtT she starts, she moves— ’’ Hueston of the South WilUiigton of Health, and DA Wetor A. Rap­ ruling was made to eliminate privi­ leges held by toe church acting CHAPTER m Mona sidd dryly, “Burne-Jones. Federated Church, Dr. J. Quinter port, assistant professor of BottioellL Pve heud all that.’’ Miller of Hartford; secaretary of the soNNpgy at the State CoUege. through toe chaplains over sNdiers Mona’s day in Garretson, Lawton federation; Rev. J. Ctoriand Wag­ of all faiths. Religious services to The young'mandropped his ban­ The conference on rural (fiiurches A Amesbury’s exclusive office was tering. “Miss Moran, I braved the goner of toe Storrs ChutNi, and the army wffl be permitted when filled with a sense of important is scheduled as port of Farm and desired. The circus has left town hut the fun is just beginning today elements and the hour ostensibly to J. L. Hypies, professor of soNology deeds accomplished. It was a world ask (fid Stroud for an advance. Ac­ and education at toe State College. in which success, like (x>rrect man­ tually it was to ask you to dine with Every church interest to toe state ners, was taken for granted; where me. Any evening, any hour, any has been invited to attend toe con­ men were warlords with brisk, con time. Only the sooner, why the ference vtoich 'has been piArmaH ^s fident, conquering steps. qideiker.’’ much for toe layman as for the Everybody's Market Nergy.i The first session of toe con­ Mona met few strugglers infiamed Hsi eyes followed the movements by a glorious ambition that drove ference'will begin at 10 a.' m. on ' Values that will make everybody smile and be happy when of her hands about her desk '^ursday, July 28. 'The discusNons them toward ultimate success. These straightening a few |>apers. mmi had achieved, were still achiev­ will center about descriptions of they realize the wonderful sayings today! Here they are! ‘Tve iMen for heaven knows how significant devNopments to toe ing. FpUure was a word ^ius litDe to long where, there wasn’t a soul to be associated with them as the wore work of the. Church of rural Con­ poverty. talk to except my partner. Of course necticut Those appeaitog o n toe “A ROYAL TREAT*’ there were a few other white men morning program InNude Rev. H. Laml O'Laf’u BUTTER lb. 22* They came from that world to but they worked for me. When they H. Tompkins of toe Colchester Con­ which Mona asphred—^Diat cool, (xm weren’t (fiieating me—or trying to gregational chunto. Rev. Oliver' W. Ask for it at yotir. local dader or neighborhood LENTTS NATIVE fident world from which fragrant, —^they' yessed me. No white women Bell of toe Hasardville M. E. FANCY NEW attracDve women weulng costly at all. Church, Rev. (Seorge B. GHlbert of store or phime ^rect to ns. furs now and then ^;>peared to “Think of it! Never sitting at a toe Middlesex Archdeau»nzy, Dur­ wrest their lords from the mcac table vdDi a woman. Never tsiiring ham; Rev. A. E. Bailer of the CORK! APPLES! ttoru of affairs to attend tea, a polo to one oir dancing with one.’’ His Bantam and UtchfiNd M. E. game, or shopping tour. smile grew lioyish. "Have pity on Churches. Defivered in Iceless Containers Mona knew that nature had en me! Dine with me somewhere anc • The afternoon programs will be to 25^^ d o z . lb . dowed her with as much real beauty conjunction with toe Honorary let’s go places and d6 thtogs!’’ Fancy Forms and Cakes on Order. (Yellow Bantem) Eating and opoidiig. as any of these women possessed. The sincerity in his voice touched Recognition Exercises of Farm and Often enough had she seen an eye­ Mona but she met it fiippanty. ‘.‘My Home Week when toe State College lash flicker at her own loveliness, mother told , me never to trust men offiNally recognizes toe rural lead­ enhanced rather than subdued by who a^ked me out to'dine.’’ ership of tvfo or three Connecticut her quiet gown. Frequently as she “Does that mean I am never to .persons. Dr. Robbins Barstow, president of toe Hartford Seminary CAMTALOUFES! »■ 10* bent her head to announce Mm. see you?’’ . Thus-and-So’s arrival she could Foundation, will be toe speaker of. Royal Ice Cream Co. sense the sharp intake of breath as Mona raised demure eyes. “You the day. The address will be fol­ DELICIOUS SUGAR FANCY NEW the import of her own beauty struck are getting quite an eyeful now. ‘ lowed by toe presentation of Con­ . . Michael Orfitelli, Prop. home. “A very aatiafaetp^ eyeful,' but necticut’s own rural play, “. . And • Thou’’, written by Walter Stem- With callers, both men and v;o- N '' G^uzetson or Lawton or what- 27 Wtoren St.. Tel. 8942, South Manchester PLUMS! ONIONS! mons, head of toe editorial depart­ you-ONUhim may . b a r^ out -here men, Mona was al(x>f, buidnesslike, ment of toe State CNlege. The play and soft-voiced. She whi' a paiit iSf any jntoute and Z’U have to. barge 90 d o z . the excellent Garretson, La'^on back behind the *^01000 and ask for : S n*. 15* Amesbury maove my business to a rival firm!’’ wrist and throat pure and startling bQDBT SIRLOIN against the sombre richness of the Thty both smiled at that. His PEANUTS! LETTUCX! fiat mahogany desk on which her lustoess was as tied up as though tiny pad, blotter, and pencils, finely le had not yet emerg^' from the .*•- sharpened, rested beDde a shining cradle. People said there was a spite FOWL * I*. STEAKS « S* b e a d 22 CJfiimsBffa .■n'nmvn 22 French telephone. Nause to the will. OUT FROM STEER BEEF it was Mona’s duty to interrogat “Can’t you break that rule just SWEE’T JUICY visitors, separate the wheat from once?’’ the young man went on RIB END the chaff, send some away without pleading. ‘Tm not really a client. offense, delay others, convey this Pm a UabUlty. Do say yea! I swear and that message to this and that lu be d o^ here every momtosr ORANGES! d... Ip e person with just the correct touch. until you a g r e e !’’ " PORK An office boy moved through a BIABYLAND . DEUdOUS " There was a switchboard opera­ suently swinging door, dropped a tor within, safe in a frosted glass paper on Mona’s desk and disap­ SMOKED cage, but she transferred the most peared to spread the' information CUCUMBERS! Hkney BaUMolont difficult of her supplicants to Mong. toat Townsend, Jr., was proposing Mona invariably answered all to Miss Moran. for Mr. Garretson and Mr. Ames­ Mona lifted her tlphon. “Mr. S h o u l d e r s e a c h . y C e a c h bury. Mr. Lawton had unusual in­ Stroud, please. Mr. Barry T(>wa- dependence and frequently he an­ send calling.’’ swered his own. Barry lifte • dMs hat and stick f r e s h l y g r o u n d L fi ^ R F ^.G Y BARTLETT, “I am sorry. Mr. Amesbury sees from a chair and saunterea after no one without an app(fintment... .. the office W y. I ’l see if I can find Mr. Laviton for changt your P|SARS'! ' -doz*. y o u ---- Who is calfipg, please ?____ ^ n ^ ^ h e tossed over his'shoulder Mr. Garretson is to (^inference. with .'the flashing smile. “W ait and . .NAIJVB. ■ , ^ ^ ; cannot be disturb^. Tii see that he see. You are getog to dine with me NATIVBGBEEN.^ . • receives the message .... Yea, Mrs. and don% forget it!’’ Thajrer, Mr. Lawton has a Nosing “Yeah?’’: breatbed Mona to her­ at 11. I can get you 15 minutes at self, smiling, too. “Well, maybe— ’’ CappotEorBeeti! CAlteAGE! 11:80.’’ 'Hie Fates were iaxvbtog. For Ibat 15 minutes would begin at just how soon was to come 40 b u n (d i 12:15, with luck, and last an hour, about suiprised Barry even as it ..... '2*'-Bb' topped by luncheon a. the Savarto. was a shbpk to Mona. LAMB CHOPS Mrs. Thayer was a (Uinrming widow. (To Be OPnDaned) NAjiXi^:SUBiMEB CALDfiORI^ S E ib^B ‘TU let you know the moment he arrives, Mr. Garretson .... No, Mr. Lawton, the Bankers’ Qub lunch- AETIBIPS MABKET S^OASH! eno is Wednesday-----Yes, Mr. ORAram UlT! Amesbury, ru see that you do not Oiicago, July 23— (A P )—Culture LAMB or is preparing to invade Grand Park. miss your tra in ....’’ : e a c h ■ Summer “hobo haven’’ on the leke- 4 I k s . jjp 'e a c h .:-; The Nevator clicked and the door frbnt. VEAL swung open. The light faded as the . ChiesM artists whose products , ^ LARGE S 1-2 SIZE CANS ' ' ■ RLUB BOHMiN door Nosed again behind its out­ are moWtog Nowly to Nty s e rie s going passenger, and the car droned on its way. announce tiiiBy w ill o ffer their w ares to an outdeor mart in the park the Setting the tolephone back to its FeAc t e s .v :: SidiS Opossiiigl, second week in August LEG OF plgee, Mona I smiled mechanically at Groceries, Noffiing, dental treat­ the newcomer. Her heart was-to a ment rent adranoes or anything 2 c a n s , JjJo: pint. . ^ . tumult which he coifid have been Nse will be aecqpted to ex(fiiange PM?ANUT BAB' Barry Townsend, the wild young man of the firm, nsphaw a t one of their fiuet lucrative

■ m ^

KAMOHBSnER BVSMliro HBBALD. t(»rra IliwtiHkaiPRi ti^ 'M D A T / fVJ ' •<' • *• of broUod bom: .toMtod eortol Mi-j ttaw. Jli^irltnei b ii^ h ^ tbit 4f /ite i .rHI KmiORISFOIRID cullr aepliiSuoe. tfti ipyw,ldiid',^r«Mitbttle ab ^ io C M o tM i -'.sAdN^ «* d ooi> PIPM ut p< rial In honor of Jcmaiia Wolfgi)ag| toS^f‘^JC^«mofOT "Aaiericaa r Meaplog5 SSSg*‘"i^^ ^Mok-ltoaat: I wtoS tu j., tT BVCWWatewed ^w ed'S ralalaa. i.— ’ I daytoy aiaaer axenu). I ’«* mOm wcog and what be to:the p»chopathlo Lunch—*Green peaa In turnip P*ahi water until tender but not soft ures>Xpan take to overcome it? ” von Goethe, Germany's noted poet, a o irs tw. 1 Va«wia PmImS ward of the Xioa AagelSoSeral cupa; stuffed celery|ripi oUvea. enough ^ hereJast Much. TOimer—Baked ^ ck ra or Belgian P>n a sufficient quantity of freah baUaa to6 warmly, and this Is gen- Tht aMi[ld*h Uneefc ^ e u p fo . Netbkig POIloe were forced-to break down Hare; asparagus; Jliul*of lettuce, gw n pe|s, using only enough arally the cause of the baby aweat- Haranggual, Sumatra, has a dog- beiU r for M l eup m awdL The lew- » door vmiCh had bean locked from tomatoes and cucumbers; apricot to keep from burning, and penmt- tag; The baby wUI sweat If too many meat market where bousewlvas can] eel pfko e if ' seeeem < the outside to arrest Monks yester* —mo ting it to evaporate entirely aS' the covers are used while she is sleep- biqr their f^ivorlte caning meat. ' Wfnnflaj [peal flnlsh cooking. Season with hot liO ^ and her uncle. ^ “«yIwStimSina^atBwed°OT^^ tmSjrSp,°*^tSpm»*^^*a L a r M son. are held on a worthleas Check whMt^muftai^ _ j^j^p ot t,^tter and a generous ebarge in San Diego. 1 Lunch—Berries . and cream, ”o Lprinklihg of chopped parsley. Serve TM *T locked the door and took the I sugar. ] with a earnisb • of pimento kay with m .," O t«*> toM poUM. '1 DtojBv^lay .toUi: rap have been caring for Monks on his grated carrots and turnips; s ^ of wlfe^s orders and have been follow- shredded raW spinach; sliced pine- Vegetab^ prepwed and serv^ln ttg her Instructions.” apple. ^ | small cotorfiil pp^ona hyy ajHp- The search for Monks started I Toaaday | tinct appeal to chtidren, sad mothets LAND O ' vAien the Boston bank handling thsi Breakfast—Gotfave^^haese* fresh I will find the extra Mtort requteed 91300,000 crust fund of whlMi *"**** ”^e“ for such methods well wortii while. 93 Kort Swtet Crtam Monks is the heneflclaryiclary demanded‘ T ^«K _ The coustaat UTglug hud fOTclng of U. S. Gov*l C t r ^ d an Investigation whenen It was leann- ■ Hmch-r ^ Green com, buttered to “eat ttelr vege^es” BUTTER may be eliminated gradually by a «*. PoHb, ODtMrt the whwl •“ ._____ Frtih V2 pint. ent on a check mads payable “ y* QUBSTIONS AND AN8WEBS Daily iWatson and ropposedW sl^ e d by Wednesday J . Heavy Cream * and cashed by Mrs. Monks Breakfast—Qoddled eggs; Melba] . (Bih«r and Gas^ m i ' tesst; stm^ pears. . k Question: Mrs. Hilda S. writes;- Fancy J ~ " Lunch—ics cream (1-2 pmt por-1' Blaekbtrry, Apricot ^f^erry'or Strawberry S |L t r g ■ BEECHNUT k r a Bt ^ . Ideal Pint g«r First / I C O F F m B Mayomaaiae ■“S3* 29* \ 'A n o m i ll 9-IE. PACKAGE SWEET MIXED Quart Jar Markits k PRUNES PICKLES OLD HOMESTEAD 2414 lb. 15« *5* Pastty ' for G k tt and pastries B b f j ' GRAPE-NUTS p e a n u t ' 2-Lb. Jar FINAST 24 ENGLISH—1 pkg. Uneeda Crackers Free! 1 9 ^ if ( ^ c i i w l M r s (Msabic Spring Puritan Kfolt ‘{.A* k99 C M E B B E Z 3 e e a c h lb PRIZE URMbOAS /Ig CXmPLBTB Lamb Legs 2 S ^ Plain Rye Bread Boneless even, or pet roast Caggpta S a BREAD Belmont Bread •«"* Li LOAF f C SPAGHETTIPINNEBS ZRc lb Shetd or Unilieed—While ALL FLAVORS 8 t a i n s m it Fxe' 2 1 ^ Fencymiik^ad. ; ^ ^ « > * * N . B. C. SuDans 90 ex.. JELLO 3 p k g s . 3 t S a leaf FOIIIL lb /* N . B. C. \ 9 “* i5 « STRICTLY LOCAL FRESH / i V. tatoaa Deiace — Whole or either and MAKES DELICIOUS ICED TEA large size Ms lb AUNT JEMIMA lb . l O e HAMS I 09 ji t f « P K 6 PANCAKE FLOUR l i e Se » At Our Fish Dppsrtilipnt« ...... , Cut Green !or. W ax Beens «wro«> KARO 8 TRUP ^bbsatp lOc Fr,iX Tintfw^ - 0 g d Fovea— L a m ___ ■ < ‘ " H A D B O C lt FANCY EHfll N vpT IN BONED AND ROLLED ; M h % ALL FAT BEHOVER Freshiy-shegd FANCY YORK 9TATE ICAN 3 t » 9 5 « PEA S T.M ak FREE RE0. SSAL IRANO S 130

b o n e l e s s FANQYLEAN Fresh FriiiP ami Vegefoblci at aN Ceniblnat(en and pTOcpy .itereii « SOAP gPICIALS:» Freak M k R o B E t Y e a l OetofOfl S o ^ - ^ ' # Ban WC MOBEi S SU FR E B fE GBOTEAWEiaS. | iM MMOIIS 04i^A»^^l|k<>El7c V Ealfa i LamPIiOgE 27* I b 1 “ 1 % Lim:T«|IP;S»^ SWIFTEPREMlOlf CBKOE A YBlfflllL Lifebuoy' , '•JX" PIARS l!PeDeV-„ i^9m t|NP8U F; 1b Ivory' Som’^iV -'.' 50tSti*:, B A t e i i ^ I • S ’ 'm #0> mm

. I I : i*V k »4 •

?-v. >-■•• ■ . i r '*«c 1 -.-4 •••.:. ■ ■ ■■ ^■*-. 5*'i» a- ‘ - v-x PAGE ITW BL® ^y.'-, ■ m herbiHufy .apart. nUGONTRAa V-. ' . ■/‘f. Et v :•> iv.: ''.-'rW. ■; /.i- 7- • 'tiS : - ■ '• ' • . one must corns fir w the ^^ANSWERSSim anibatlled 1 fanl^a avar at f ^ withvtboas gentlaaint of the shidioa whoc .t ^ uem atid 7- others li0w to ^e^'Joita: vn -'•T T " TYPISrS DREA|« A s tu ^ MhiM^e, . atindling the boulevard w^ a^ta^ th^ aay> hy SeOsiSof Grad Jiny Edmes Pdice- i'r- *: 1 ’ a vidtor from the old home town. Bblljnirood.-^TlMre'i aa advantafe “And a^at are y . - ! • “Knocked ’em d ^ . a t tbe Palkois.” ^ t lo n jv a a being given to the pos- j and a dotted-Une document, leap to the aftMSKWn.aiad obatinuing until CP y t f fjO m he^yyv c h o i ee Recently rettnned and was dbOity: of pwJuty todi'etmeata sign. Dorothy waited a week, shown the' w l^ Her commmit: the- ^ 0 y ' was enbauirted. The thinking It over, and when she sign­ “Suite! Fifl—sbe knocked’em. Bd- n ^ d sale of tim stew indicated that agslnat pbUcemdi- eb ai^ with ed she had a r ^ contract. die—^he was.dead!” It suppliBa a ikqjHilar deiSfutd aad niumr, aaaault''and conspiracy'to 0 Fi p « B i d Dorothy, whose screen career ttw .of the dinei^ said obstruct justice.' ' ' ' today it would offer thaatew as kmg * four tfoopen aa- algned with 'him to supersede coim- giving event-r-a real sale that rheans blond.” She has a piquant fresh- malioioudy. D ial 3864 ty detectives- tit'JOie inveatlgatiep, buying so much for so little money. gatkerad iifihrmstitoi today not oply on tile stork case but also abmit 3UNNYF1ELD : PINEHURST PHONE SERVICE another alleged pdttee ben'^ig. UNTIL 8 :30 TONIGHT. Similar Caae CORNiD Since Sto^k died charges have FAM ILT FUlUR ■>«“ been made that Michael Leo Chirillo, 4 9 « Bondess Sugar Cured Milk Fed White who was arrested cm an assault SUGAR chaige by obe of the detectives ac­ Silvtobroric Buttw 2 lbs. 4^ cused c f batting StarA was also HAMS beatepvby ppUbe. Gbirilld asserted 1 0 lbs. 4 2 c W eighing 71*2 to 3 Ifaa. last night that he was beaten in the presence (ff Aasistant District Attor- Spedal , Weiiddng hist under % lbs. nfcy Martin W. Littleton, Jr., who n «e Swansdown was the chief witness against tiie' QuMity police in the John Doe hearing in­ 1 5 t o - 2 5 c to the-Stark death. YOUR CHOKE OR ANY SOI C A K E FLOUR lb. 6 2 c each Littleton declined to. comment on A law p i ^ OB hama oi this $1.21 pair the Qdrillo allegationa today but grade and renponber It la absa- Inspector Frank King; who said he lutely honeleaa—easy to oaijip. The flneat lot o f brdlan we w £ present when Chirillo was ques­ * 1 3 c 4e a ponsd octra on bahraa of TWO FOR 25 these hams. have bad ttte year. tioned, . asserted that tiie prisoner Gold Medal * merely suffered froni.hyatotto. Wltti year brdler servet “Wken he was told what ^ charge Tuna Fish suitena m's 2 « W M 2 S < C A K E FLO UR G m be^ Sauce against him was and bow apdoratit | 7 . . . lOe^Sld l|k was and what tbertstoilt#; migktH be,” King sa l^ ” he Chili SaiMt 2 boM. 25< 2 3 c Currant JeUy...... fe e ja r pieces.” Nice Bntt of- Cdery.. 10c andlSc bunch A private physician who treated { Sandwich Spread Chirillo said he had abrasions of the 2 Ian 2 5 < face, bask and rij^t side. A Offer Yon 2 Cookie A Qim day speefaa on Bac at the lowest price we have Ceylon Tee 2 p k g s - 2 5 c ^CIALS over offered Hiis quality ■ FSaah from Uie oven. Orange Pekoe Tee H’t 2 p k 9 E 2 5 < Bind Off UN ARE DROWNEti Assorted Din Pickles Nubb*: 2 to* 2 5 c Marshmallow Pontiac, Mk^-i July. S3:— (^ P )- PORKcenter CHOPS Sardines Topm ast 2 caM 2 5 c Cotddes A daeid lake transformed suddenly j BEST ; CilT FRESH FOW L winds into a , death trap Salmon eoh.. im , h*. Fifif Dip Cookies 2 9 c lb. was bdng d r « g ^ ‘today fbr the 2 cans 2 5 c bo^ea of at least ten paraona. be­ Ge^dSiMd ' Larne Clean, Oresldy lieved to have perished as. they] K lb. GaUfbmia . ^died were seeking relief from a hot sum-1 1 Grahams w Lunch mer day. THREE FOR 25' One bo^y waa recovered last I C radiers .... S5c 2 lb. box Oranges Oranges Blueberrifes n ii^ t before daAneas ati^>ed the I Soda Cradeera 25c 2 lb. box a e a i^ • - * 3 cans 2 5 c ...... 39c 2 lb. box The hod^ waa that e f a white I PORK CHOPS Saltinen 2 9 c doc. 3 9 c doz. 2 5 c qt. man, vrauam Buna, about S8|, of ■;-^BE$T LEAN:.BLADE. ■ Detibit tnna negraea, two of them Ivbry Soap (io.«.) 3 bm 2 5 c N n r L a rg e women, ara mtoting and bdieved to | Fun Pin ts have periakad. Rke Crispies . POTATOES Shoulders of 12< tux nrall LAMB R. Sw Salad BUYS NEW CHAIN 2 8 c peck N«fw Ym±. July 3S.->(AP)—First I ■ ..JSW LTS-. 3 cans k 5 c and * l;2i DRESSING Natkmal Stona, Incn amieaiiped to­ Bonad a|M laBsd. day, that it' keid acqidred far cash LAMB LEGS MarslHnellows *w*i1”* and p n i^aae moiMiy bhBgations the 1 jar Of Bi^t Jelly feet GiNUINE SPRING of thtt Cfovirdale Oonqgauy- Peas I(hm; No. 2 ean with c«di abo^Mer. Tbe price paid for tke diatn waa not 3 cam 2 5 c «*PINEI atatod. n N E H u n m The capfverdnla OaBapeny waa « Tontoloes Iwiis No. 2 can 3 cam 2 5 c Ptnebvat SntoidBy Cliquot Ale - Ig ^ and kaa bean.1 SPICED LOIN ^piedal . 117 atorea mad.asariwto In Buffet hulls 3 Cms 2 5 c H ew Hampatibre, Voineiit I Sweet. Infixed and ~***TmTTninriHii. Wax Uinich Rolls 3 i«Hs 2 5 c 4 9 c lb. $ 1 .4 9 * Gbariee H. Faraawoifh. pxeaident| A new ooM aaeal -yon know Pic^iM c f F In t Natianal. arid Ms eonmany pTATO SALAD Jar Rin^S Cleed unk 3 PtoE 2 5 c how good «nr aplood unip. IMS qt bnnrd jan. rid not aataoM tevanaibOtty for the apleed Mn la made t GkinM ui^ll^ wa» BY OUR manofaotuter. Spaghetti 3 cam2 5 c Olives wMdi kaa bean amfing the I 2 3 c Glovwtdalo eoagpeay. HO aoM aU Try a 1-2 lb, 25c. a fo fba futon would be Upually fee. ' auppSad ftom thaSoenarvOla, Ifassn 3 3 c ’" * ' « f F liM 'Ifo th m l Storisa. Asserted Cold Cuts IMU PWdW.iitc.qt. FOUR FOR 25' l-21b.25c ■QUb tiwk,' Swordfish Sintog Beans.: ma PotBoairts Hertford, Jbiy S lr-(A f»)_A half an:aBB--W:D;iB^Bf dralh . mpatbtoer a o f al Ckranser ■ OM Dirtc^ « PET-LU B E a. aad tke thne o f .>coa I mencblnx Tdlet of tha ___ __ Com leiM No. 2 0011^ 100% Pure Penn. nil.' ...... “m i ard T. I . M I o . Oeurt-Uds^l ' - • ->OX B r i H e Motor Oil ■ bchoftbef regetaUes are prfeei aa tiw leinat of what v e iy lo w . cutliv Attonioy -.Wtiaon Jaidaen K e tc h u p Qwkor Maht 8 -o k . 2 **^" * " $ 1 .0 7 ' ' ~ A aaiS Hot whic Beete f.b o it Ropof— ------, Serdinies nnoPetor Heavy S. A E. 40. * Special . ....>aM ofto not^n ayn^ I 7 vertlaed this aame oO as a bto n e- tty iritk ; tha jM keni : n e £ ^ i dal at f LS6 for t galloaa. Nfftive motor mri tootod'lko. hriB , 0 ^ 1 4 0 - f 0 ' V. oar. wUlw.oBo of ibo strike . >7 ‘' ,.v . Cucumbets Spinncli, Wax Benai, Vf ■ B TO iklnm ..-,** a d r ie e ^ .a,| L ^ of Lamb crerid of kbpatfijM). CiBoll J d ^ .’Waf^-anqiMpidad JudgnMat I • - Pot Roasts ImaK'nkw' flh r >- V ea l Roasts \

Veal Chops or Cotleta r - - r - P o iit R o a ^ .V '.V ' 'iv ■( !S*»y , - , . > r R ib O r a l ttdalA tka <»d Orit tote__ _ Iktiln tilt gaafoT^ LABG E C O I»f»r e list ' ■ :-.V4^ S -T' ' [!ALa , ^ . '»T-» 8-' C 7 4 .• f r -ft o. ^ A ! 1A n ' FflllGONnUCT one mtint hM e come 1h^ j m i m t m e i6l*tthklvrnnlts. «|E_e*w|e eititiffp, evsr at fend wlu m tlea^ of the studios wlw' till them others liow to do ttie|r :Johs: TYPISTS DREAH ▲ studio ekhiMciye, . strolling t^ boulevqfd^ wgs li^itsd, tb ^ say, by Sfc Gh 'Dipw Sdb 45 of a vLdtor from the-old home town. f f BellsnvtBQdv-oTlien’i aa advaiitafe "And what are y w dpiag dowr ’Ops After Admtise- IB rtmalniog ‘‘unttsoerered” on ' a the tourist asked. ' - "Sh-h-h!" mofdied the other. "I quMe lot for two^ years. % teU my folfcp bask kuhe I have a Boti Ip’the HofaU. ' Dorothy WllsQii« heroine ef one of . nmte> but—don’t td l .any­ those unbelierabhe real-Ufe stories one—Fm a super^rl” of Hollywood learned enough ^out diner sold a tdtal of . MtoeMa, N. Y., July 22.— (A P ) — J u t Wifi* movies and movie oontraets when ive beef stfws at tea bents T b o ‘ Cfantod Ju ty ' c o n tiib ^ ,001!^ ^ of tnS.nMent' Flfl Dpf- each yebtllrday,.nioet' of them after 5 she was employed as a. studio stm* say^lEdmund Xkxire^Vlctor. HcLagPen The H lnld iq^peared bn the street Motion today , of W thM • . '» t ographer ^ keep her head the day personal .appearance tour: an.:advtftiMinent to the u il^ ;aaw1ttog a de- in his "The Age of Consent,” had fropi thi m a m a riv^, at liiwlafam prompM by an editorial , to Tues- tobtive’a, mother, tynied w a is ts for come to Los Alleles from her home ymterday wap identlfled todi^ as day*e issue of, The Heiuld, which 18 poHeemen he auggeatod that evir town, Minneapolis, two years before. that of. Wiliiain H. MeCaul^, 60- stated that eueh a stow was being dcnee also be given the G ra^ Jiuy "I was working in Chicago, and yean-dd baker, who disappeared sold prOfitaMy to New York. The ctoicemtog the' tsuthfolness unfisr decide to see the world. I saved from his hoiUe hare last Ifv c h 28. Silk City ^ e r was quick to reapond oath of the defendants. g l50 out of my stenographer’s sal-, Alter McCauley’s <|iawpesraa|e idtb a slinUar .offer to Manchester >Amt ary, and came out here. The warrahta dbari^ some of his-clothing was found on a^ the reaiiits btya ' out The men with ' second degito 'itouiderr "I waa lucky. 1 found a Job in two rocks in the gorge, near the JTivil’B Herald’s conation thht a ten cent seven w ^ seochd aihMilt, i t . A ll Markets weeks through an employment agen­ Hole, police said., Coroner W. L. beef stisw ebuld be bold auceessfully (ill 18 wltbtcimsidrscy, and D i^ ty fs cy. It was in a studio. Draper said today he would isiue a, lo ca lly. X^Uce Chief S^ank . Tappen with ■ V ‘i "Back home most of us think of certificate stating death was duetto niflact of duty and Mtog toi deeel- picture people as. being unreal. It drowning. was thrilling to work so doae to Sfifentists haUeve that birds pre sory to a aeij^ murder., them. And then— tiiis happened,' an bffshoot of active reptfies. ; Defense iSiiida she rdates with normal enthusiasm. Aonomu DBQPim , -Bdvtord Editrom,’ ebipeel of the “Happened to me! Fve been up in New Haven, July 22,A(AP) - r - . ciouBty phBoe force's , benevolent as-' the douds ever since— ^Tve forgot­ David M. Rtchman, referee, in bank­ ODEIEGT SERVICE TO spdation, announced’that the or- 0V|M on SQT aoAST ruptcy, today/dropped his threaten­ gSifizrtiein would if necessary W ’ f ' ' I ten how to type, - en.” PORTLAND, ME.' Ordinarily, “forgetting I how to ed contempt acfica agaiuet Samud doneto Ibi to asanre able Plenty of money/eavih^specrals sti^ ■ ^ ^npe" wouldn^ be wise. These Bbi^ite, attorney; and Frapk L. 7to0 a;/mrj.;.p> defeaie.' wait for you in ^is gseat A&P vaiue» ^' screen dnderillaa often .hear that !N ^ I^ ,^a witness. Re.sald after a State Fmee lie u t fhramia 8. Mc^ midnight stroke too soon. review of their statemwts, he de- CfiitcT i W e l Bnrtaa Garvey and-the>four, trecfpers as-, giving event—a real sare that ' But Dorothy isn’t “Jiut another dded they had not been ms^.c elgaed with Uto to supersede coun­ buying so moeh for so little mpn^ X' blond.’’ She. has a piquant fredi- maliciously. Dial 3864 ty detectivla^ toyeslAgation, gathered iifihrtostiQn todiy not opiy ■.‘r. on ;the Stork case' hut alto c^boiit SUNNYSIEED ; PINEHURST PHONE SERVICE another alleged ptdtee btoittoff* Similar Case , • UNTIL 8 :30 TONIGHT. tSinee Stark died charges havC; been made that IHcbael Leo who was arrMtod on ah assault Bondess Si^(ar Cored ebatye by one of the detectives ac­ ButUX 2 Ibtv. SUGAR cused of beating Stark, was also bcatohvl>y pi^oe. ChirlUd asserted last night that he was beitoen to the 10 lbs. 42c WdgUl«71.2t61ll|lb presence (ff Assistant District Attor­ ney Martin W. Uttleton, Jr., who Ptoe B peelal ,. Weighing Just under 2 lbs. . was the chief witness against Jim Ouam y 15 to. Swansdown police in the John iDoe hearing in­ vewt: oidiCE o i’a n y i M to the-Stark death. . CAKE FLOUR o2 c ea«h Littleton declined to. copament cm A lew fstoe im haaw ^ this $1.21 pair the Ohirillo allegations today but c grade and renumber It Is abee- Inspector Frank IQng; who said he Ib. Ml .^ C Intely boneless—easy to carjfp. w. £ present whendhirlllo was ques­ TWO FOR 25 The finest lot of broUers we . f .1 4e a ponnd extra on halvep o t have had Oris year. tioned, . asserted that tiie prisoner these hams. merely suffered from, hysteria. Gold Medal * W ith yonr broiler server "When be was told what the charge Tuna Fish •nxaiw h > 2 Griuberry Saoee" [ egatost him wee and how aisious^t CAKE FLOUR ... 1^ £id(t I and what thtls^^ CMli Sallee XtMk:ks<' be,’’ Mng sal^ '•he J(m ;a^ ajl' r . ->4? iaACHINI SUCID Dauy Haiiis 29e^ Corraat Jelly.. — JSe jar pieces.” Sandwich Spread Ptf Nice Bntt Ihids of Bom* Celery. . lOe andl8c bonch A privato physician who ttoatod 2 if f Chirllio said ha had <^braaions of the face, baek tad right side. Ceylon lorn y*’» 2 pks>-25«' W Offer Yoo 2 C o o k ie A (me ^ apcciil '2Sci Sardines Topmast Marshmallow c lb. Poiitiao, MUjb,, July. 22> - (iA P )— aiST CENtIR. cilt 2 MM 254 A xdaeid lake tranffonned euddtoly Cookies byAigh.,winds into a.,death trap Salmon cohm m , K'« 2 MM 25c Fig Dip Cookies FRESH FOWL 2 9 e lb . was bMng dragged ' today tor the bodies of at least ten pwtons. be­ l O c Good Sised Large Clean, lireihly lieved to hato ' perished as they i Ic lb. Ctuifbhiia . CaUfonda idekod were.siektog relln from a hot sum TRREE f o r 25 m ar d a y. ' Grabama or Lmieh One body was recovered last C ra c k b ra .... 35c '2 lb . b o x Oranges Oranges BlueberrijM night before dSrkness stopped the 3 2 search. « IP R K CH O PS MM Sc So^ Crackers 25e 2 lb . b o x 2 9 c doz. The boity was that of a .white IIST LIAN BLAOI Ivo ry Soap ( 10 . M . ) S a ltin e s ...... 39c 2 lb . b o x 3 9 c doz. 2 5 c qt. man, tyilltom Bums, >about 2$, ot ,• j ' ^ Wf.25c Detttot Ntoa nagroee, two q f' them N e w I m e womah, art m lsHfif and believed to R keC rispifs . 3 pksi.154 Faff Pints have perlidtod. Lux • m all POTATOES Shoulders of Ft li LAMB R. S. Salad 'BUTS NEW OBAIZr ■ w n s" 2 8 c peck , New York, July 22.— (A P .)— F ir s t DRESSING Nattoaal Storas, bo., aaneusped to­ ftilA and day. that it 'hs4 ao^rad tor cash Msirshimllews ' Boned and roDod. aud pntohsae aonsy ohltyattons the I « 1 Jw o/%nt%y free storss of the Glovirdaie Compahy. ffbas. ' )e>w; No. S 'eon 2, «!ik' 2I« with each i|KMilder. Ihe priee piud for.tha ohato itoa not stotad. ' . te n iS fe ss leiia, Ne; t ean 3 Milii 2 S< PINEHURST! T h a C9j0!Nrdato Ctonpany waa as- Pinekarat Sitnrday toUlshSd M Fton a | io and has bssa Buffet FruBs Sptcial I Cliqnot Ale o p s n t ls f 2T7 storss and tosAsts to 3 cfeM.'XS* SPICED LOIN MSins, .NSW Haapshivs, Vsraent Wax Lunch Rolls 3 roHi 25 c Sweet.Sfixed and Maasachusatts. 4 9 c Ib. $ 1 . 4 9 * ’“ pfaaldsnt Ja r R ings Good Luek PiSlltes e o B ty U y 3 pb^25c A. new cold meat—you know gr to r th s bow good our spiced ham is* This qt. burrel.jarg. lA W o Q q f e n '-'iv/iAAni'syt . ■ cMiR S p a g h e tti . FGuiee-Amkrlesn spieed loin Is made by the lame t Oatohridgs, itoM., ware- 3 MM 25 c mannfaotnrer. wUeh has been lerwag the Olires oeapsay. , HS aild all T r y a 1-2 lb , 25c . to tha ftttun would be 1 the .SoaMWille, / i ; - 3 3 c'*^^ Ftoit N atk^ Sims. FOUR FOR 25 Aswrted Cold Cute DiU 1-2 lb. 25c Hostdis m ry Block G h U . BIOT IH HApnPOBp ' Siffihg 'Beans. (MB', v4.''cccte.;25c _ ^._i_^_ tlieqe,v : P o t" ■. ffiirtfSrd, ;M y ^ (A * if-A hidf. C ljM ltte f , Old Biutcih 4 folb ..;... dosia,tyapMhiaeto of s trik e union 4 cnm 25c 2 5 c lb. pet lube haahots and the thrso idss of■ - I, I-



Price Festival** aanahtad to' ap- days with ifiiiirch’ at ham Bteekbuzi), proadmatelF H 80: SveryosM It to be male, Oora thfi BSS. COVBITRY eprapUment^ op the fine' coopera* DAILY RADIO PROGRAM . M m Qtaee » JOMB^ A, tSMertwnt theiF iloBt , of this fibrn gttl fifh at tbL_ ^ wStft " ffe n at the ConasetfcM Mrs. Arthur Roaengunt Mlsara Miss Muvaret Elliott of Man­ oaiidle UgAmr aervlee 1 ^ TIlaiFS- B sf...... lege where they hiWS'hiEii.- jFRIDAYf. tY 12 (Oe|^trtf. Cent. Kaet. Grace, have been spending:, a fssir Rev. ECr.‘ Jones of PtytSouth m 4dS— B:4S~Ma(llson Clnoera—e out FrUhW, July 88. Tbs net prooseda et , ths “Cut OBBes Bebd,. B nadP WiagtiM, WB- as 218 Rhode Islands. NIO>WlAP NETWORK vtB:M— eioo—ttci Qary. conasro out* ^ (HBBtam*]*D ^^ht Saving Thne.) •A»1C — ■aati Ktati went,wjMrf weel wtlu 8tls— Siipo^atn Jenea* orol^'out. yjat ertac woahwoahtrtl wfl wluwj tnw I:45~ 6148—Oonnle Bcawell—o out ViOMI______WOBSj ei Po ICo sat i!8zifnSw""'frt:*i!a.:i 4:00—Betty Mpe^rt, decorator. , ...... i...... 88»SSSVf Melody Maaio—Dixie: Danee—west 4:16—Sunset Hoiu>—Moahe Para- Onifoottoner’s...... wlba katp webo woay.xiyr cxgw o r b 8:80—8i80— rifO^ymphenyrilO—Sympheinf Oreh.Oroh.—o to a MneOeFs* COUTH — wrvn wptt.wwno via wjata 7:00— 8:00—Week • End Program — nov, director; Charles KOlmtr, bAr- vfliUwaun wlod warn eono mb Basic; U. 8. Army Band—Dixie itone. srjSs wamb kToo vky vfaa vbap kpro 7:80- 8:30—Leon Belaeee Orehestra sraalktbaktha 7H8— 8:48—Plane Team—o to o 4:57—Connecticut Motor Vehicle Sjmtiiktiti iSugar 8:00— 9:00—Shilkret Orchestra—o to » Pepartment Bulletin. komo 8:18— 9:18—Adventurea In Health 5:0GP-Eunice Wright Bnndt, ■ tar 8:30— 9:30—Quy Lombardo Ory—o to •< pianist. Cent. Beet. 9:00-10:00—Little Jack Little—o to o' 3 i^ * 2 ^ liOU— 1:00—Ttiraa Shades of Blue 0:18—10:18—oaneliioOanemg by Sea—o to o 6:16—Program from New Yoirk. 3 . ^ 1 7 * Ills— SilS—Blleen * BlU-^et only, 9:80—10:30—1ariew Symphony—o to o 6:80—Happy, Go u d Lucky, nov­ Also maeayottL ‘ Sanitary pddkoA 1:80— tiao—Woman's Radio Rewew 10:00—11 lOO-illlngtenSIlln8ten*a_____ Band^ . to o S 1:00— 8:00—Betty Moore—Also aoUth 10:30—11:30—Krueger Orohes.—o to e elty trio. SOUTH MANCHESTER - CONN 1:18— S’.IB-rMusTo Iw MsIody Three 11:00—12:00—Dance Hour—wabo only 5:45—Thomea . Wall, baritone; 1:48— 8:48—The Lady-Next OUor 11:30—12:30—Week-End, Prog.—o rpLj 6:00—Bulletins. — iwo— 4d)0—La Trie—east only i i u — 4t18—To be anneunoed . NBC-WJZ NETWORK | 6:06—Serenading Strings. Sift— 4:48.-j oe White, Irish Tenor BASIC CHAIN—Eaeti wjs (key) wbx*‘ 6:80*-— 2:0(^Radlo • Troubadours Men About Tow^ la anotiier reasmi vriqr sboppSra rash to E tal^ each Saturday.. D ozou and dosena of attractive apeetals liw SSasortoW. 10:80—11:30—Ti^ y Black^ Orchestra 1:30— 2:30—Piano MMds« Lea Sima 0:00—Night C9ub. 1:45— 2:40—Kogan OPch.—Also coast Below are listed Just a few of the many, nsuiy values to be foifiid In, tkese basy, food departments Shop and save at CB8*WABC NETWORK 8:10— 8:1O-Radi0 Guild Play—o to a 0:86—MoAe I^ranov, director; Hale’s. . . . •ASIC CHAIN—Eaeti wa 3:18— 4:18—Danes Masters—Also o •with ZBzed octet urado woko woao waab wnga^. 8:30— 4:80—The SIrtging Lady — east 10:80—Orchestra with Outstand­ wkro whk ekok wdro wean only: Old Pappy-^nidwaat only MORNING LDXCBP vneBTA»LBS -wjas wean wfbl wspd wmal: 8H8— 4:45^-Qrpnan Annie ■ east cnlyi ing Soloist wbbm wgn wfbm kmbo wooo Km( 4:00— 8:00—Tranter Brothers,- Songs 11:00—Bulletins. Cudahy’s Puritan iKAST AND CANADIAN — wpe wph 4:18— 8:18—Pre-Art String Quartet 11:02—^Russ Columbo and his Or­ ,‘wlbw^tuw wheoWI8VW wibswiiMi vfeawAe« woreworo‘ efrbciru ckkc ekkc 4:48— 8:48—Lowell Thomas — east; LnsdonsRlpe m xiE — west wfsa wbro wbt wded Orphan Annie—midwest repeat chestra. knox fcliB wreo wlao wdsu wtoo krla 8d)0— 0:00—Amos 'n' Andy — east: 11:16—Vincent Lopez’s Orchestra. C O F F E E 2 lbs. wrr ktrh ktsa waco kfjf^wqam wdbo The Singing Lady—midwest repeat , erdae wblr wbas wtar wobj wflw wwva 8t15-- 8:15—Imparsenatlens-^ to o 18:00 Midnight—Weather; Atlan­ Fregh ground or in bpm. , , MIDWEST —wbcm wsbt wcah snnbd 6:30— 6:30—Stebblns Boys—c to e tic Coast Marine Forecast Cantaloiiiies wuq wkbh kfab vfisn kaej. wibw kfh 8:46— 6:48—Jones A Hare—Also south wmt wnax wkbn 6:00— 7:00—Leonard Joy's. Orchestra 12:08 A. M.—SUent HAM Hnle^ Local Strletiy Fresh' MOUNTAIN-^vor kls kob kdyl 6:30— 7:30—Candle Lightin’ Time PACIFIC COAST—khj knx koin kgb 7:00— 8:00—Friendship Town—0 to e te^ k oM ^ y kvl kern kmj kfbk kwg 7:3(L- 8:30—Roy Shield’s Oreh..^ to o Many wonder at the huge number 2 lor 2 3 * 8:00— 9:00—The Country Doctor of people, just acihing for a cbance 1KIO— 2:00—The Grab Bag—o to o 8:16— 9:16—Irene Taylor. Contralto to step into some congressman’s doz. Oslifomin OantalenpeB. , IdIO— 8:00—8aion Orchestrar-o to o 8:30— 9:30—Love Songs and Dances EGGS IHS—8:48—Franklin's Oreh,—o to o 8:45— 9:46—To be anneunoed shoes. Maybe that’s the only pros­ ipound 18:18— 4:18—Qeo. Hall’s Oreh.—c to o 9d)0^10:00—Pioksns Sisters — basle: pect they have of getting a pair. Hundreds of dozens sold every wedb Not a fat a 8:80— 4:30—Skippy—For east only . Amos 'n' Andy—Repeat for west (w h ole) . >3:48— 4:48—Plane Pictures e to o 9:16—10:16—Sodero Cenesrt Orchestra a bad one. Every egg gnaraateed. te be aa advertised. !4K)0— SiOO—aat out 10:00—11:00—Cab Callemy Orchestra 4 :1 ^ 8:18—Tueker’a Orth.—o out 10:15—11:18—Southern Symphonies Hale^e Own AHIk ■ 10-os. leaf 4:80— 8:30—Skippy—mid vrert repeat 10:30—11:30—Jones A Hare—coast only Oelldous sugar cured, skinned Orangoi doz. 19* HOLLYWOOD back bam. SmaU bams. Cot any Sweet, Jol^ and seedless...... way yon wish wltii sUees out of tbs MARKET center if yon so desire. Tnsty CaUloialb hot or cold. B R E A D (lo6% purcy 381 East Center S t Comer Parker. DiBT4233 I3ie most popular item In the “Self-Serve.’* Abent 6A00 loni Grapefruit 6 >f«r 1 9 o WDRC WBZ-WBZA Newton Robertson’s Crullers and B ^ Hartford, Conii. ISM Springfield — Boston NEW MEALY Country Roll ‘ Friday, July SS. Friday, July 88. POTATOES / DOUGHNUTS Honoy Balte Plain, twisted, sugar or J^y. Also individoal coffee cakee at 8 for liOie. j(12a8toni Daylight Saving Time.) 4:00—Orchestra. 2 0 ^ fo r 1 0 lb 8. sale In the center of toe grocery lor yoor oonvenlenoe. 5:16—George Hall’s Orchestra. 4:15—^Harmony Trio. , BUTTER 3 2 5 * ^ 6:80—“Skippy.” 4:80—Stock T^change Quotations. Grote and WeigM’s 6:46—Piano Pictures. 4:45—Orchestra. 6-6 Hl Fowl OaUenin^ 6:00—John Kelvin, Irish Tenor. 4:58—Baseball Scores. 6tt0l| A**S«9S9e«9 $1.38 6:16—^Tommy Tucker’s Orchestra, 5:00—Agricultural Markets. „ jNativeFsfvl ' 2 ,ib». SS* t 6:80—Baseball Scores. 5:15—^Betty Coe, contralto. e a c h ...... IRAraCFURTERS ih. 2 2 * Poarn'. 6 x 0 , 3 9 * 98c Made from 100% pure meat IngredlentB. '* 6:86—Tommy TUcker’s Orchestra. 5:30—^Nursery Jingles, songs and Fresh Frankforts Ploraas County pears 6:46—Chandu the Magician. Stories. Beet grade eomriry rril Irateer. lb...... Ivanboe 1« 8-oz. jar p L ja r 7:00—Sid (3axy, baritone. 5:45-i-Little Orphan Annie. 15c Faney .. 7:16—Isbam ^nes’ Orchestra. 6:00—^Time; Weather; Sports Lean Pot Knovrii fer He Sne, uniform Mgk 'i 7:46—Connie Boswell, songs. Review. B oM te...... 15c'25c M a y o n n a is e quaUly. ' 8:00—^Professor Henry McElmore. 6:10—Backstage at the “Met” Sbonlder Steak 5 lbs. 25* . 8:16-|£ingln’ Sam. 6:15—^The Monitor Views the Ground i#es9e*e94«4«e 25c Qofwtjars 40e. Special-low “ Sdf-Berte? price. C esidager eating. 8:80—OnAestras, Mede CSiorus; News. Tender Bib Boasts j|oloists; Helen Board, Elvan Evans. 6:30—Ray Meyers, narrator. lb...... 23c Fresh Boasted 9:00—Orchestra: Nathaniel Shil> 6:45—^Today’s 'News — Lowell Ck)untry Club NATIVE SWEET feret, directing; Dixie Jubilee Sing- Thomas. Small Daisy Ham irs. 7:00—^Time; AmOs ’n’ Andy., l b ...... 28c Pnanutn qt. Cookie Dept. Small Spring Legs Lamb 9:80—To the lAdies, Leon Belas- 7:15—Royal Vagabonds — Ward SODAS CampbeU’s Bo’s Orchestra; Tito Guizar, Mexi- Wilson. EXTBA SFBdAL Spoeiald Com (Bsn Tenor. 7:30—Comedy Sketch. Our Large Loaf 9:46—ETay and Braggiottl, piano 7:45—^Billy Jones and Ernie Hare. % Ig. bottles 25* Pnrk.Beaufl Atiantio Lonob iuor. '• 8:00—Leonard Joy'a Orchestra. Bread AU flavors. Contents only. . dos. 10:00—Music That Satisfies; Alex 8:80—^Poe’s Tales. Crackers .. box 25c Pore Lard Country aub 5 25* dray. 9:00—^Friendship Town. (f-peusdLbox) New . 10:16—Dr. Herman N. Bimdeseo, 9:30—^Roy Shield’s Orchestra. MaxweU Hobse Royal Assorted A.dventures in Health;* “The Wor- 10:00—Country Doctor—Phillips Beyejrages . . 2 for 35c C offee...... P u n fruit beverages. Large F .F . V. iler.” > Lord. Free Bunnlng ' Potatoaf 10:30—Guy Lombardo and his 10:30—Love Bongs and Dances. bottle. DoMortn 3pkgs.25c peck 25* , Salt S • O • Canaihans. 10:45—Springfield Repuhlioas ..a...;...... ,. . All popular flavors. Cookies, tin 6 43c Home Made Broad and CUguot Club (Blsewbere at 680). Fancy Sununer 7 m iO —Little Jack Little. News Bulletins. Large Size ' ^ 11:15—Dancing by the Sea. 11:00—Time; Weather;. Sports B lsoolto...... 2 for 23c 11:30—Columbia Symphony Or- Review.. Fresh Bhwberry SoBstaine Assaited SQuaak ghestra. 11:15—Joe Bines’ Orchestra. : P ie s ...... RiUdO E pkgs. 37* each 4* Cookies Sunbeam SUeed, 2 1-2 size lb; 19c White Stalk GoldMedfl] Fineapiplo ^ 16e Celery bunch 9* •> \ FLOUR Cannins Jorn Native SMITH'S GROCERY I bag Popular Itamn Baetf PHONE 5114 2 NORTH SCHOOL ST. Frai^eo-Amerloan etoagbettl, t tins .... 25e BallMason All purpose “Utehen tested’’, Maseot Tomatoes, 8 cans ...... 860 Native flour. 84 1-8 pound bag. l-2^Pint8 ...... 69c 10 lbs. _ t (No. 8 slae can-) .. • x Washburn ft Crosby’s Asaortod dioeolates, lb.;...... 88o G uaranteed GoldBledal (Hand dipped) ' Kilts ,. . 7^ Carrot# Ebupches 5 * SUGAR FRESH FOWLS.• ! Mr. Goodbar Milk Ohooeiato, 8 bars . . . .Uo ; BlkKIiiiek (Large alze bar ) Qnflorts ...... 89^ Nattya FLOUR Carnation EBlk, o a o ...... 60 43c Smoked Shoulders. 12c 1$. SbilOSld.Seleoted BOlk, eaa ...... 6e Bean# q tg * ^•31« Puritan MarshmoUows, 8 pkgs. ••••• I80 Ideal Graen pr wax beans. Pot Roast of Beef 25c-30c lb. QgM Medal (S-SmoO' pkg-) ' 241-2 lbs. (i9c First Prise Sods Bxlraots, 8 bottiea .. 860 l-2Pints...... 79c (tie per bottle. Asawtad. flavors.) leeh org Com Flakes Rib Roast Beef.. .22c-30c lb. Chdee Flour Mascot Maine Sweet Corn, t oaaa . . ; .860 Connecticut VaUey (No. 8 slae am). pints ------89c Lamb Legs ...... 28c Ik Bt^.Glney’p Boetfnid Beets, S onns . . . .85o ZforlSc P*Vv27« (No. $ ,eaa.) IKniUdes OMtatitkgk, ...... 86e ^ m u r t s k 4 • s o 99c Large Lamb Stew,, ...... 12^2 1^ Wheatinn Ohio Mbtwieo, 6 boxeo ...... 190 Winrosster Salt, 8 eartens .....r.;... 860 Pfurowsis...... pound iOe He koad Roast Veal. • s.s.#.i*e

•' .*■ 1. •. r - • -r ' •- '• i- 'V,'"?!*' i •i ,,, n* , / , . .Ji. • f • ( ' i.i' h-:r v T Read Ihe pe

.W.'ASL'U LOST AND FOUND A i APi uQ u^roB s^ :vi ’P o u n d — o n TOLLAND Sttraat,^ icANBimw^wX'm'itotd. • , 00m ; Hamilton gold watch, chain, and jX )R RBNy— '«^m‘taaaBMht bddaa, 8 iahm, pbud and grova. •■r Ufanchester knifa. H. H. Sponcar, RFD No. 8. Prlca 89900. 81 caih. Zdaal for With all Improvamanta' apd garaga, teuHata; 8684. •Bm iing H erald Rookvllla or ManOhaatar. Tti. Roaa- rant 83b. Inqiilra 'at ' 104 CUatM dalalO-d. •traat PQRTBR.BTiMODT’SBOnON; Oopi- OiASSIFIB L08T-THUR8DAY avaplng, atadl fortaUarlittla home, 4 rooms on d D ^ RI TRI T S I ES E ia M B ^ ihaft fo lf atlok, Wisard maka No. FOR RBNT-^ 6 ROOM,' tanaipaiit . l i t floor,- and--floor imflnlihad, ------. . ' € k e Taai Ago ... 7. Ratum to 86 Brookflald itraat with ImprovamantaIn and garaga. Xn- house wired for alaotrldty, dW It may be aoma time bafbra tta Ooehat's victory oval- Coast alac sToraca werda to a Use. Talapbona 4905. Raward. quirt, II mdrldgo atrial...... water, wall graded lot 60’xl60.' last ranuttil’ la facordad. la the ava Franoa tha dr " Ssltlala. auaabora asd abteoTiatlosa Price 11900. eaihr 1600. Everett T. east-west tangle over timing S 8-3 trluavh over - •aeh oeast aa a word asd aomporad Has Betferd Mcdulm'i flaaL chaUimfi round werda aa two worda IClalstaa eeat Is FOR RENT—6. ROOM FLAT With M c K ii^ , , 98 Foatar atraat Tal. methdds amund the clnd4r pathi. pileo of throe Uaoa. ^ ^ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALRI garage, good qoadltlOa, -gbod lopa* 8980, ' The oontrpveny broto wjth a imiwim t a i^ . Coehat daiaiaUd X4so ratoa por dap for traaaloat tlott, price 880.1lunilre W, I. Hyide, loud: blast after the interooUeglate ^ B ^ y Austin .and tthan taataad TiB xIhrtli MatSainm Is with Jaequaa Bfugnqn to win tha WtoetiTO^ Maieh — If, Mif___ ^ _ 938 Main itreetrTelephfli^' 4418., - A. A. A. A. Bhampipnahlpa, held at Oaab Cbarco FOR BALB—1927 Chevrolet Coach Berkeley,. Cal., where ffie wistem- douWaa. 0 ConaooatlTO Paya 7 otaleta| I------ou 176. Inquire at 4< Proipect B^wbt FOR RENT—HALF HQXTiU], five 4ri Chai^ged that eaetem olockera FishiTsSecimd Best Bd 1 Cosaoeattye Paya •• • oU 11 Ota rooms, ^ th bath and1 all modem leaapd .backward by. timing Frank , N iu n u m L ^ Five Yaora Ago ToAiy' — 1 Pay ,••••,••••••••• ••11 eto "II, 'vzeta T r a c fe School B atttaff-ftnl Waaar, Plrataa, haavywal^t nhainplon 'iafiUTDa-' All erdera for IrrMmUr Isaortlena MOVING—TRUOlUNG— Im^rovemepis, garage, OB Orove W ylm in .9.9 aaconda fo r ^ a final Fer :0Hiiiipiei.. A64; will bo tfuurt^ at tho oso time rata atraet Tel^hooe 6^ ^ W 100 yard daah and *'Rad'* . vRaab-aama aa'yaatarttay. Spoeualibtoa for lost tons every • ^ R A G B League Baooril in u aaoonds flat for the day advertjialBp ^ves apes ropueit <, qidnad his tiila. Tha Ade ordered, tor three! or el* daya SILVERLAira SUiS LZNB, operas, FOR RENT-^. ROOM apartlAeat, 120-yard high htrdles final. ' .’AianuoAN '' attractively funiiahed. All coh- The powarfiflmaotrlo team eulOy aecaptad and lmsMdlata& and atopped before the third -or fifth ed by Perrett A Olensey. ..TerM- ' The tlmihg of the eaiWom. vet-, -Joe MeCluakay's graatait oppod- Batting-Foxg, At^tlei,^A72. claimed Mika Ito fig u A ta i Bair day wUl be eharced only for the veniencea. 109' Foster, street defeated, the Caxpantiy team 18 to eranir'lt was cluliuad by wait coast tloa hi thd. o o n ^ Olympics is sx- tual nsmber of tlmoa the ad appear* nala—Charter Oak and Main 8, behind Wormatadt’s affaotiva Raat iama-«i yantarday. ad. eharctoc at the raU earned, bat Btreeta, State -and Front gtreeta critics,, also cheated BiU Carr of paotM to be furnished by Elnlind BO allowapoe or rofanda m U nude it p l^ , Wofstadt aUowld only four even a l^ttfr record than hla 4T> in Ha^ord. • Schedule‘ ot trlpi ob­ Its, 'and it was hii second victory, athletes.. Tbs btat Finnish bet this q^vYaan AlP Todays Fm^' on alx time ada atopped after the tainable -Tom driver.' Chartered MODERN a Ft . A -l ' qondltlon, 67 S ■aoonda .for the 440 . in which ha L Kramer, daan of Uoycla ' laoasA Wadsworth street, 1st. floor. over the Carpapby-^ CrloWski waa Ban Eastman. year la Vemerl Toivonen who won torbldar*: Ulaplay linea not Pullman But ■. Sb'rviM, , Special. nlrkad for nine bits, two of them be­ The 'Fbmtaa tHmipad the Giants equalled the world.record of I s m T aolA ' ‘ • pad'tlei to'. aiby ^Idt'^l^tlm atea H&um? That was my first l o ­ the steepleOhaie tryouts in that to gata a tie wiffi thb'Senators for leeimds for onsHfixth of a mile in The HeVald. will not be Ireapoit^ble FOR RENT— 4 ROOM flat, modem ing home runs by Karsbls and tion, to aU the squabbli^, too,-but country with ease. He la 24 years •the. ohamplonsl^'bf the flint half bis laat effort before definitely for more than one Ineorreot inaertwh^ ^Tu^ahbd on r^ueat. Xm^he-3068, improvements, inquire at 86 Spruce Adams. Loose pla^hg on the part (rid, three more than the Manchester of any adverttaenieht ordered for' ■^‘8880,8864v'''^';,, Ueten to John T. (Terry) McGtovem of the i aaaon. lhara will be a play­ tiring from competition. He was more thanione tiple. • street. of the Carpen^ in the fifth iw«iwg of ComblL a veteran of these iueets,' lad. off ;^aaday to decide the winner of given m ai» gifts and a great.(nHi- The ifiWj^frtenl ..oifilaalon of Incor­ ORNERAL TRliCKINa.. 10oalf''aad contributed eix/uheamed runs for as to the eaetem viewpoint: In the 1928 Olyinpice at Amste^ the. flsbt half. It be necbfeaiy non from 20,000'people who watabed-^^ rect paUloaCoB#aa no*of .»%*advertialna V w«-we»e^pe will « — be — FOR-RENT—O' ROOM tenement the Eleetridani. Adame and Karubie dam three, athletes from Finland rectified b^ duoellntlon of the long dkitaace ihovlng, 'ifvbry' aer'^ “Why should we want to ' take for tha foUowlng i ^ e n to nport hla last race at the Newark Vel(>- charce mi^M tor tbb eervioe 'endered. vice. Modem trucka, experienced all modem Improvementsl steam h it bard for the Electric, while 8d - anything away, from tiiese boys on ■wept , the 8,000 meter eteeplechaae. at Cbartar Oik street. Tuesday drome. ^ All adtertleemente muit oonfprm men, guaranteed prompt delive.'y, beat, gar^e. Inquire 26', Florence bek, Wilson and'McAdam shown for the ebaet who have done eo many This- year TOivo Loukols, winner of morning, in. order that each team In Btyle^-oopy and typoarapv. wlt^h street the Carpenters,. the 1998 event, did not even make EQUAL BIGHTS FOB W O ftE N o renulatlohe enforced Iw' the TOblleh- - all. g o ^ inaured while in .transit brillianrthings, in track an(d fl«^7 ihe team, according to Infon^tion mAy haverita fuU quota of players. era and . 'they reserve the '^naht to Our affiltatiott with United' Vans The undefeatec- Drafting team So far as the talk of a 'congpirato’ Thb. ltst-of.playen:fQllowS: Sena- IN NATIONAL AIR BACBB edit, revise or reject any copy con­ FOR R lto^ lB O Q M 'F L A T with chalked up another victory over'the prepered by the Consulate (Senera) Service' nieanB ^bwer rates 3n .fur­ ie concerned, it is aU the buxik but r,f Finland who haa, dispatched book- ton : peQa fera, Cook, D. Cowles, T, sidered eb^tlenabUK „ niture,'moving' to distant poln^. or Without hhat, all improvements, Machiniete 8 to 8, thereby retaining it la a fact that for a long tiine,'-inie ,Cowles, McCarthy, Muldoon, Kurlo- (AP)—Because wometa CLOSnra TOURS^lasslfled ade to 8creene.,8hifle8. 60 Pine street Ri- Uieir leadership in the Trade School ietS^dlAUug with records o f all lead­ -Will be admitted, to aU events- 'fin be publwed same,^ day must be re­ Dally tn ^ to New York, b a g g ie coast eprlntera have been gettUg ing Flimii^jithletes to newspapers. Iwjcs, WUte, ‘Becbio, AUcsi, Johnson. ceived by. tS o'clock noonf Seturdays delivered,direct to steainabip piers. qulre upfitii^re. Znierdeputmeht League. Lennon, off on-Vrhat we call.a- 'rolling’ or iBecdo, Tieniey, Anderson. Beld\Hn. the national air race calendar :Ator I0;3f a. who pitched a no hit, no run game Here is whK the booklet bae to say Before Contracting for sjli^ce ^ t perfect start about. Finland’s entrants in the PU»tss;VKose.;Sl|inamoh, Moore- gust 27-September 6, tlnyll havb^sr SFHONBilfOl^" . our eatima^ -.Phone SQES, 8860, FOR Rpnv-o Ro o m f l a t , first last Friday, allowed eight ecattered house, Greene. Packard, better"bredc^ than the men. floor,,ataam hm t all modem im­ “In other'words they. Ime^ tbe ■teepltchaes: .ITANT . 8864, 'PMi^tl A Glenney; ine. ' hits, and after the second i«wi|iy starter waa going to give them 14-8 : "Vemeri Toivonen won the Fin­ iObuchowekl, BeUamy, " Savwlck, All events, tor the first time ta Ads are accepted over the telephone provements, 829 Bast Center hfBld' the Machlhiats ecordess. “Red** Ruesell, Taggart, Reimer, O’Leary, the hietoty c f the clasilc, wfli ; -be street Tel. 8068. and the gun. An anticipatory start nish eteeplechaae tryouts for Loe at the CHAROS RATE ylven above Kilpatrick., apd Haberem wer> the if it can be ap.descilbed, meam at AngeMe With sovereign ease, achiev­ lEtafipb’. . open to wbmen fUersT^but'*-’ twOP. as a convenience to advertisers, but REPAIRING U heavy ’ hitteri for , Drafting, 1: : ; 'The-Staadliig events will be exiribsTVely tor tab’ the CASH RATES will be accepted as FOR RENT—TWO, .THREE and 4 least a yard on the.getaway in favor ing. the ■ almost incedlble < time of FULL PAYMENT If paid at the bust- while v^Wcate,.-;ae; usual, was the 6f“the*T^prttitiBf. ' ------3.59.6;-After the event had be3b • «6. 0v.- ’0 3 his entipe-bod3r-4s -past- StaeB^ebkaae in 1928.. so thoroughly siBnamon, 2b.{v.. 8 8 8 0. a : 1 Births o o'duo oboe o.P.o eooeeooo e.a.Aqo e 'A Haberern. o' l ^ ’^^ltMukbla wto - bo^pilled to Moorebouse, 8b '. . 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 «,•••••••••••.»••• 0 M SutrS PRESSBD’60c; also altera- k.<«..3 2 '2 '6 mark. FOR r e n t — m o d e r n f o u r ."alUont,. I f 3 break off'* the'run. Sayerlck, es . . ^ . . ! a 0 1 0 1 TROJAN OLYMPIC WINNERS MRPri^?M o 0 ' C 'tiiona and 'repairing. William “(Combine thla with the favorable Dsatht • wo b ••• •’‘•••8C* ••••••'*• 8 •• • D GirMaason, 10 North Fairfield atireeit rpom ^ tenemient 98 Charter Oak Zdanls,.cf ...... O “Toivonim'.ts now 24'years of age Lovett, p ...... a ..8 1 3 a 0 DATE TO OABIBS OF lo ll ■tart and it will mean at least one- and hallim m Labtk the same town Green, cf ...... 4 3 1 0 0 0 -Los Angelea ■ (AP)—University of CRrd of Thsttlts «••••••••••.••••• B West Side. etreeit - between Spruce and Main. Le^s, 3b ...... ;3 1 2 0 1 1 fifth of a eeoond, on, the average, In oidsbao »••.••••• bRCW B Apply 701 Main street McCarthy, SB ....1 0 0 0 0 0 as -OVe 'Andersen, who won the BeUamy.^o ...... 4 -1 3 14 1 6 Southern California, located at the Lost and!; Found bbsbbbbbbb'bbbiib I in faster, time. Tt’a important when bronie medal for the-steeplechase Ohuahowf^, lb . . 8. 1 8 4 l i 0 boat dty tor the 1988 OlymFlcA Annoanectnents. ,0.0 0 b «.b b * b b b b Wb b b I you conalder that world records can Porsonalai .3C.I I COURSES AND'CLASSES r e n t HUNTINQ?—Ten ua what 23 8 10 16 6 6 at Ameiexdam. ilvonen has al< Taggart, rf .... 8 0 0 0 0 0 placed its first sato. on an Olympic .Antoasoblles you want we'U take care, of it for now be broken by a tenth of a aec- ready begun to practlee running and BprloO, If ...... a 0 1 Q 1O 0 team in 1913. . V AutomobUbs for Bale ...... 4 BflAUTY CULTURE—Bayp .While Machine Shop ond, ’” he trained together with Andersen, Paekbrd,:lf ..... 0 0.0 0 0 0 Fred (Ktng) KUiy went to AutoaohUbS for Sibharge b b S you without charge. R. T. McCann, AB.R.H.PO.A.B. le a n ^ . Oqlta^ free. Hartford 69 jpinteii'eUreet. Ihd 7700. gotten In Biakeley* which was the caupe of hia trying Stockholm to win the high, hurdle Auto AeMteonob—Tlfes < Acadjimymy of Hiainartaiaiai,Hiaina 688 Schaffiir, 8b .L 1 1 0 0 0 Now^ Uatan tb the invalid but noha- to olear' ohstablba as well, in 1980 Totals ...... 35.13 11.31 6 3 Auto RbjMrlnf—Fainting ..tV.. 7 Yolt cf ...... 8 : 0 1 1 0 0 . 0 race 20 yeara'ago. Charley Pad­ Auto Etondols*1 •• 4 • s...... t •••• ee 7-A Mairf street Hartford.' ■ rd. ^ A . ■ 6 ROOM lENiBMBNT. aH‘'tmpf6va- thalass amphatio Mr.. Dink Tamplei^ Bfid 1981 ha was capable of treaten- CMakta (9) dock with a flrat in the 100 me AutOB— Ttuek • menta, garage. goM location, rent Petronis, If ...... 2 0 1 2 0 0 ton,- Stanford’! famoua track coach:. Iht Zjoqkola, but-dost-by a illm Petricclo, 8b,.,,;8 1 0 0 1 0 Autob*8?pr‘BSye ...... li.-W'ti. I Kovls, sa ...... 1 1 1 0 0 0 and lecond In the 800 'waa'.tha n« Qaragbb—8brvlob>-fitbragb. ..,,; 10 reasonable, 82 Walker stmet In­ “Thasa aaatem timari elmply margin in the fMflib\ Now he la H. Squatrlto, ah .3 l 1 1 l a winner, In 1980.- In 1984, B Motoreyulbb—Blarelbb ^ .11 RLECTmCAL' APPLIANCES quire 30 Walker. Tel. 7268. Rykowski, c .....2 0 1 5 0 0 showed themielvea up when they unbeatable by any Famish steeple- Smith, I f ...... 3 1 0 3 0 1 Houser took first places hi taa sh^ Vfantbd AutoB-4 lotoroyolbB'. . II -R A D IO 4tt Hines, r f ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 gave tae. tlmee they did at Berkeley, bbaser. ' B. Squatrlto, O '..‘ 3 0 0.10 0 0 and dlsoua aad'lB 1988 alx Trojaria Vastaess and PyotMatonal lorvleeB , * ■ ‘______• Kaish,. Ih .2 0 0 6 0 0. Bublneos BervloM Offeobd ...... II FOR RENT—FIVE AND 81X room They ,clocked Wykoff, Slmpson'tand . . “This spring he further .did wall Haraourda, sa, p 8. 0 0 .0 .0 0 mads the teqin. / ^ Heuoehold lervloei OSbred ..,,..ll-A FOR BALE—7 TUBE Freshman tenementa, with all' n ^ r e im* Blohiaa, 8b 1 1 0 0 1 others in 9.6 fbr the 100 in the 6dat«>,J n the qroee-country ohamplonehlpa. Pauline, lb...... 8.0,0. 8 .0 0 It la Coach'liiitoCkomweB's a # Building—Contraoting . .. t.«k ra^, perfect 8l 6.pA V provemanta. (imuiia • at; 147' ifiaat daklel, -P.' •. k %«»»'.l 0. 1 ^.0. *.1 0 They timeu Wykoff and Hardy, cf ''puttlngTun-a hard i^ h i' a^itoat Phillips,.of...... 8 0 :1 0 0 0 UtloB to eata^w SoothffB Florlstb-^Turtbriob ...... ,i . CaU 46 Bast Mtddle^Tl^pilM.' a ; Oentar street or t ^ b d i a 7864.' Gill, rf i . l 6 " 1^1 0 0 Ha led when t ^ couple Funeral PIrbotoro 4,' Qbraell in 9.7 eased up, in the' itoil- Shleldge, rt ..... 8; 0 0 0' 0 :0 tornla aa the grtataat'uhlvaririita Hbbtlng—Plumhlng—Rbbflng .«« Jacquenlln. finals out here, but in the toal, were 300 m. from the tape, but had Zwiok, p, IS ...... 3 0 0 3 0 .1 Olyinplo point wtonar- of' tha liait Xasurbnob ...... FOR RBNT-4 BOOM' tenement 16 I 8 1 where Wykoff unquestionably ran to eubtait to Nurmt'a deadly ftnlah. dacada. Mllltnbry—Prbssmbklng ...... with aU improvements, heat and Drafting Dept...... 181 18—8 ona of his flneit racea and deolilve* Ia n year Tolvonen'a beat time for Totals ...... 38 8 3*17 8 4 Moving—Trucking—Storagb . . . HOUSEHOUMMiODS 51 garage. 169 Sumihit street Phone Machine Shop ...... 810 00—8 the 8,000. meters dlatanca waa 16.06, Score by Inxilngs: -i-, Painting—Papering ...... iy beat Hardy aa well .ui Bob Kleael, kS PretebsioBal Bervlcea b b b b b b b!b*w 8987. Two base nita, Lewis: three base what was the tlmeT It waa 9.9 and. wharaaa thla* year ha ihould be Giants .iti...,*..... 000 008 0^* 8 HSpniFlnC abbbbibbbbbbbbbbbib'bb hits, Haberem; hits, off Lennon 8, capabla of covIMxig tha distaaca in PlratM ...... 681 040 X—18 Tanerlag—Pyblng^Oleanlng . . . FOR SALE—SILENT GLOW oU NEW.BUZLDZNQ. Just-oqmplfited, If that isn’t a laugh,. I'never k^d about 14.40. I have som e very: Tellbt Qcods and Mrvlce ...... burner. Inquire at 44 Proipeot S t Jaokial 10; laorifloa hlta, Lucai; left one. '* . ^Enrico out, hit by. batted ball. four beaiitlful rooms, 820; alio four on bases. Drafting 7, Machine 4; “Marttt MatUalnan had the honor ' T hm babe hltii, H. Sqhatrlto; hits Wantbd—Business Bsrvloa i...... and five rooma |16>818, 8 Walnut Not even the electrical “timing of being cboaaa aa a newcomer for sirable single hDaeifs; « Biaeattonal base on baUs,- off Lennon 8, Jakial 4; camera," which showed 9.89 sec- off Zwlck 6, HarabVirda 6, Lovett 8; Couraaa and Classss eebeeeaeeee MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 near Pipe. Inquire Tailor Shop. tha Flnlah O ^ p ie team and haa baas on halla off ^ o k 6, Hara- Prlvats ZBBtrueuoB eteeeeaaaeei Telephone 6080. hit by- pitcher, Zdanii by Jakial! onda for Vl^kofTs final 100 could bean antarad for tha 8,000 matara f o r r e n t . DueiAjrPanola bbeebbbbbeeeaeeieweaee«blt*A ■truck out, by Lennon 8, Jakial 8; ooivlnoe Mr. Templeton and the biuda 6, Lovett 8; struck out by Muslobl—Prematte ...... ______ONE USED ELECTRIC water itaaplaohaaa. Ha la 86' years old, Bwlek 4, Harahuiyla ,4. Lpvett. 18; FOR RBNT^-FOUR room tenemeat, ima, 1:90; umplraa, Panciara and other westamera that the clocking the youngait .tf ,tk* MatUalpan SAMUEL NELSON Wantsfi—iBstruettoB ...... ii pumping lyitsm, A. a* 1-FH. P. Ihi. umplrM, Stevenson and Johnston. Ptnenelbl motor. Z. M. Qark, Wall atraat, 80. w*th Improvements, near school, wasn't “rotten In Berkeley.'' brothara. At the prqVloua Olympic ’’ ' 869 Mata strait Bends Itooka—Mortgage! m . Coventry. rept i;7..68 1-8 School street Tei. Keane Oute'in Gamaa two oldaf, brothara -ware la BustnasB OpportunltUa ...... Bleotrlo Shop Seetbh tooa Obma Seldom Money to Loan ...... 7898. To make things aU the more con­ tha Flanlah taaip, via., Kalla-fbr tha ■bln nni lltuattoM " AB.R.H.PO.A.E. genial, Mr. Thomas Keane of Syra­ 10.000 niatara and Jukka, for tha OolutAhua, (Rrio (AP)—For tha Kelp Wantbd^ema bbbbibbb WANTED—TO BUY 56 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tbPemePt all Adams, e ...... 4 4 8 7 0 1 cuse, in hli day perhaps the great­ 400 matara hurdlai. fln t time In, 87. years Oohimhua haa Help Wutbfi-Mblb bbbbbbbbbbib improvemepta, 897 Spruce street Jolomonson, 8b . .4 1 1 8 0 1 est of all profeealonal nprintera, 'Martti appaari to poaaaa Xalla’a a horn and brad Scotch golfer pro- Rblp WMtbd—Male_ - ^__ ^ or4 Pamalb .. .. CASH FOR BROKEN GOLD Jewel­ Apply upstairs on premiMi. Karthii, as ...... 4 8 8 0 8 .0 ■taytng power and JuVka'a tkiU at faaaloBal. Ka la 'Bob Snuth, of Zn« PROVlDBN(a!i%L ^ Agents Wantsfi ...... I t - A ry, brldgework, fall teeth, watohea putooly proclaimed hit own bel;|ef Bltuattons Wantsfi—Fsmals .. . . . If Sendrowskt, 8h ••4 8 1 0 0 0 thkt nO' man can reiato fun the 100 hvrdllBff and by eomblBiBg tha two dlan Springs. ln~1896 whan tha Bltubtlons Wantsfi—Mala ...... M or silver. Highest prloei paid. FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tane- Wormstedt, p . . . .4 8 1>0 4 8 haa ..davaiopad into a ataaplachaiar. only couraaa at Odumhua ware the STripsPsttr. Bmpleymbnt ...... 40 maat aeoond floor, all improva­ yard! in 9.6 lecondi, the preaent Live Itock—Pats—Peulty^Tsktelsa Write for detw i. Unlt•d^ Gold Re­ Donahue, lb .....4 8 1 6 0 0 llatad world -'soord mark. . Martti h u not yet had time to Arlington and. Uolumbua another |2 OM wsFi $8.50 r6aiid4>lA Pegs—Btrfia—Pats . labbib'ibi fining Works, 1 Btapon' stfest manta, 187 West Middle Turnpike. Stoutnar, I f ...... 8 1 1 0 1 0 aehlaya'. wonderful times on tha native Scot taqght nuttmantl of tha Boston, Mass. Inqulra flrit floor. Forthwith the oout oritloi Jumpr CiRttrTrsYhl Biirtie i Llv> 9toek-Vbkielss ibbbbbbbbbb McConni^I, rf ....4 0 0 0 0 8 ed all over Mr. Keane, much to his track, but at oroa-oountry running game. Hla'nama wa» Smith, too— Poultry anfi^luppllba ...... bbbbbbbbbb Lelhman, of ...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 ha haa bean well to the fere during Alax Smiths Dial.8864 Wantbfi — Psts-»Poultry«^toek L BUY ALL KIND8 of hpusehulU perional .enjoyment, and when' last the lu t two yeari- Martti MatUu- . . Far Iblb—Mtaabllaaboub ■sen around the hotel lobbiu the Artlolss for Sale...... 41 Koodi, fdmiture ato. Bgttiir prloea ROUSES H)R RENT 65 i e i o l l o 7 7 nea la- employed on- the State Rall- Boats anfi Aeossiories 41 paid it you call or ihite' Nathan battle waa itlU on. Bullfilng M^srlals...... 47 Carpentry Shop wtoi* Liverant, Colchester, Conn. Tele­ FOR RENT-SIX ROOM hoilM, Plamoads—Watchei-~Jswslry ., 41 phone 97. AkR.H.PO.A.B. ilsetrleal ApBltaneaa—Rafilo ... 41 with gU .lBiprovements, one mi&ute WUien, 8 b -lf...... 8 1 1 1 0 0 IVBNOB OOUBSB BABY £^4l anfi Pkbfi 40-A Oarl JesMb AoeHaaaar.: S i'**? Farm—Palry Prefiueti 80 from BiW post offtee. Zhqutra 18 Betbak, Ib-o .....8 1 1 7 1 1 Kottsbholfi OooM, , '....1...... II ROOMS WITHOUl HOARD 5 Wadsworth street Laahlnika, lf-8b ..8 0 0 0 1 8 Blarrlti, France (AP)--G61f k u ANTiquB AUdnoii . Maehinsm anfi Toola...... ii A. 0|4owakl, p-as 8 1 1 8 8 8 become too easy in the'oiMoB' of iBrIyV Amerl^'fuxnltura. glaia- Musleal Xfistrumants || SINGLE ROOMS or luttfi in JohB- FOR RBNTw-TWO SINOLB beuiM. Mallon, cf ...... 7 0 1. 0 0 1 the membera of the eomflilttab of ward; ato. Orqat,jvaNety df avaiy- los Block with modern Inu^ve-' six rooms each and ona 9 room. aU lilOpF^^IULCOCHeSN ...... *« XoalowsU, 8b . . . .8 0 6. 0 '0 9 the Blarfita Golf ,.C9ubi-and..IBey thlBS;at .tha hpm 6'df:l^.1>9rl^da \ ...... IT menti. Phone Harrison 6917 or IntprovMoanta.. Apply ^ Edward J. McAdam, I h ...... 8 0 0 8 1 0 are consldetlBf the additton of sev- Kpught Habron Oraan, Oona. - Rain Wantsfi—To Buy ...... u Janitor 7686. IML Pteene 4648/ BeememBeaifi—Hetela—Beaerts M. OrlowakI, aa-p 8 0 0 8 1 0 eral bupkersikers to maka the couraa or ahlna. _ _.^^ltbatauiaati Zvanieka, If ...... 0 8 0 0 0 0 more iportiBg%. Tm A July 96i 99 a* Mh D. 0. T...... »» ROOMS WITUOU'I. BOARD 55 StjDURBAN FOR RENT 66 ^Vahh, 0 ...... O 0 0 0 0 0. iS S jly • t'rt& iw rii-•.'1 , 24 *8 118 "7 10 SW SiSSVSffiu-:;:::::; FOR RENT—8 FURNISHED room! FOR BBn t —4 ROOM houaa on t » with light houaakaaplhg'prtvilagai, Oaipantry Ihep ...... 008 11— 6 •IV Real Bstatb Far Rent Laka atraat watar and alaotrldty, Elaotrlo I h o y ...... 810 66—16 Apartments, Flats, Tsnsmsnta .. alao garaga. Inquire 14 U RuiaaU rant |18.-PhOBa 6970.______Buslasss^ Leeatrona for Rsat 6 b a Itraat. Three base ' Uti, Adama; home . Lik« To SiiliP ? Houiia for Rant .. bbaiaiaeai ruBi« Adams, Xanhis; hits, off ■uburban for Rant ...... Tbidaa of real aetata or pataoul propiniy ___ ' SUMMER ROMES ^ Wematadtd, M. Orlewski 7, A. aa a dawo or partial payiaani bn Mdlttw Btgrftg'Ti ^tantsfi to Rant ...1,11...... AFAKTMl«^N'i'S—F L A T S ir* OrlowsU 8; laorlfloa hits, Bolomon- Daalra|da-tatat-Bara waitor»-|ood iw In qB g a»d-fld2i5 aeA'i Real intata For lata F O R im N T 6? ioB,. St6utBar;'st61aB basaai Iclbak, Apartmeni Building ter lalo TENEMENTS 61 a too .aainiita rlda from town...... Buslnais Properlyreporty lo rt f iaTa~ ' T.. FOR RENT—BALANCE of aaaaSi, Zvaaieka, Adams 8, Sokmonson, Farms siTd Lend for Ills FOR RENT-MAIN 8TRBBT, 771, modam 7 room eottaga, Whlta Xarshli, Wontotadt; left on baaai OaD 8180 or 64U for appolotaMni iloutbi for gale ...... lix room flat prloa vary raaionaUt. Ihfldb B4aeh, raduoad rates.. Call Blaetrio 0,- Oarpantey 8; hue on Lots for lals ^a^t^a^bsbiaaaeeta Inqulra Btata Barvlea BtaUon, 771 Resort Prensrty for lals • a • a 6886er6976, balla.'fiff WoTBUMdt 1, M. Orlewski Suburban fSr lals ...... bbbbibbbaaaaaa MaJn atraat. * ,. « * . It hit hyrpttlohar, aathak'hjr Woffli- Rsal Batata for Bxehanga a a a a a a FOB-BENT-OOTTAOIM at Oiy Btadtk Xvaalokl by ' Wwautadt; ■ ,,':':/r-'^"-^Ow»ersnd‘D€V6lop6r; ''' W antad—Real Batata .aibbbbbbssai...... FOR RENT—6 ROOM tanamant ■til Laka, to waak, moRth or laa- ■trubk out, by^Wormitadt'T, M. Of- Real-Esitatt;'*'-■ •‘'lutlprsiict Lesal Notices ...... 71 wiUv.aH improvamanta and garaga. ■on. Louia Xealoh, talaphoni. 861-6 lewald 7, A. Oflawakl l ; tlma, 1:18; Apply at 166 Birch atraat Roj^vUla. umplraa, Volquardaan; Orowlay.


(BEAD;,fBB S ^ ^ N OOlOB -f| “Don't ?at tilt flat ho«pa run 'laal XMaa Irtok. It dangkt ? THit '‘ uPtm OAIBV' I'M AK TriN A . I TB.U. Y0M n t > a'way,’’ etiralalmad ;tha o s ^ r .''^ * U Boouty unawm tmd> tartm ^tto HO*. HUM.'l OH OH.. HBBI BHBB m j m N o . IB >MOMBT..OP A L L .. OIIXV...IT WDNT THAT POOL MAID, just;nli^, If you will lot htm'^raoo '.nta-ha.flaw.* ..-•«. ; WHAT A SVkU. eO M If AUNT KATB. THAT BILiy^lMlSTnE UAH if BE LONG KIOW.. arwnd^;froo'6rho;oaB.bic ..... : It.:gBfjra tho. ota«taqiflta h’troat, R llD l^ JUiir - I KNOW WHAT. • tWJiffTEp TtaLK... 1T|9 NOT* MY “Hrlovaa to. klqk*hia btals up ^ o a ho eama .down upon h ta j^ ^ . HAD. NOW BOB THAT MBANB.. RAUPr.. M077MW high. Wo^iitatOht h ew .'aas^ raoo A Klies LONG dMUL; 'J M M bit . EOeO ;B H A k l.. h a b _,w a r n b d . hlto by. H ytoft«a.roal.nm nrldar NAP. AUL^i«R THB HBN!..— , ltw4Uto'a-al|httoaoo.“ < V i gtoi % d o I rmrftary: boat.'' h id 'l add S(9outy.. '!thia.^i^'0f tail rest can alM‘ba^' a:-llttla':rlda^'I don't think ru ride kng« „ "rn ramar aqcn ‘^^% a hbfWTliiiavn hfidliatoid^ ■MfYta^d flip,, bttt(ao!W' Z ddat know ’’whatai ta l%Bp:tatortlto-) 6aO'i^t..i|!a,vOaR]^t e ^ t a d i ^ qaytiitaff Roani 'bat.wa ; 'J cp tlff^ btad." Om « WWto , ta tapa j.*. your i :t;iidtata: Mi'bb?

V l l : /; -V Tj) V- ^A»V \ r,.^ - ^ ^ *■ •Tv'#^'' .M’ " r .V/ C V,(■V • r

> * # » 'y - • , s,~ t. ( 1-11:/' i,k> ■! .'U >. Si'J?. m ‘■1^. I V ;i, i iftvt • 'Ll. .1 'i. •V.. < ‘ .)». ;-»*v c>:r <■ ' • r »' ^4* TH 6 PIUVAIUNOHWW W. WKffMWW W O w ST PpWN AfMBWtA’K ttfttr I r; ■ 1 , > J t A aI? WdL «***■»«■ If• court BMUP* butjUW ej^ btfoir, I^ial—I know Wo one or the other. : I , v ;.j , ytadeSiUtti|f tli2®?sI?thoy^re now,' Mutter. Bow Meity Clothef MeliigtttlnK len mnd Tour Wife Etas She Always Buys a Lot Mdre the lOnute Tou Offer to (Heihlng jounf daughter of • TUke Her on a IMp. vilto. m s voa,' 'tm tL ' IvoirjBown woman speared at her -ttasaw nwiwr-- N u t q — kome recently wearing an ouflBiid* ThW say the drabant never for­ ' mvwAV 9.-* Hh hat: gets. Hu»-ths dianees are .Ifll e i v / s a s A AM MASbM A*iftf A B S o iU tW O / Metteal-IQndad Mbther-^'Where never fOrget this administration. e i u n V f Vd you get that h a tf laA xif e w .'.**VtfriPAVi S jV -— DasttbMr—I bought tt. Two friends dining a t a down­ — n c H i t i W R Mother (eneering)->l«o you dMat town club were discussing the ro­ V V e i - T I they add tt to y ^ ^ mance of a common acmiaintance. »■- .VO'AAMS ‘ifciiiiint.— The Firab—Dorothea ie very de­ Do Ton Remeniber ’Why Bade voted to him, ian’t ahe? A K a U ea L eM i9 i^->^tMei0 tm ti4 gVhen Mother Put a Chair Along- Tha Other She’s bead over heele VAbmeiA*! — A4 B S jM il Bide the Bed to keep Ton From in love with him. She fU tn g Out? ahe quit emoking. and Uhe’U qtdt lifAir SF A VeWOtMW - •» ^ sw em ^ .AeedcVf->^ities -m rr Jb a . Mack—Tm bothered with a BtUe wart Fd like to have removed. Here lies the body, of T^niliam Braoe; •Dr. WiUiama—The’dlvwce lawyer He sore was ana line feUa, li at the aeeohd door to your left He eald in his sleep: 'T love you, Grace,” . Our Idea of a disappointed wife is But his wife’s name Stella. m One who took her man for hotter or WOI foT'worse and foimd that he wasn’t An Inmortaat Position Is the Re­ nfhh good. sult of a Sntall Way, DOtag tbs little Details Oarefuliy Mountain Guide—Be careful not and well, and Then Being Prepared lo Odl here. I t is dangerous. But to Accept the Greater Reepooitblll- If you do fan, remember to look to Ues. _ tt e left M 3 ^ ffet a most wonder­ ful view. She—I heard yOu had some Qou- ble with lumbago. . . . Little Theodore was alwan an in- He-^No; that wasn’t her name. qnlaltive child. One day Theodore and Ids mother went to a wedding. A few more of tbeee Mg league Aa the bride and groom walked basebUl,llstfe encounters and th^rll stately down the aisle, little Theo­ need a referee as well as an umpire dore chirped: S t every game. . Tbeodwe—Oh, mammj^ why does thw bride wear a whiti^ gown at . Reports of that national Pro? t f e i r hiMtion party convention at ih- n s Mother—Because white stands dlaaapolia made pretty dry read­ far purity, darling. ing. IMSHHU ..Theodore (after being silent for k . moment)—Ooh, mamma, then Detroit judgv has ordered' a why must the groom- always wear man not to speak to his wife for Mack? . two years. That’s nothing; lots o f husbands don’t get a chance to . Dumb Dora—Isn't Bill Just won- get a word in edge-wise, ansrway. iderful? He’s already been promoted tOi held marshal. S(X)RCHT 8MIEH • Horsefeathersr-What!. From pri- DOBPT BLAME THEM S sf6 j| C T m x !«Kt«'to iield marshal in two months.? Dumb Dorarrpid.I say flOld mar- The Bore: I t is now recognised a i an undshlable fact that, Hke many other qualities, stupidity is heredl- tary. R j^ per LU.eW»T.< Fanny Says The Bored: That’s a nice way to ftoTwssnBr talk about your' parents!—^Le Petit Bleu, Paris. Tttiw K c ^ 'y m ? / rW ATSRM E- wEwoti'rmDiuE P M U M A P ^ ! MAD^mmNio N o w ,m N 0 cr LADDER. fVIISiCOM HER ONE CHANCE LiADSOFFONitD A WHIN \Ne w e n t f<\ovEisibue o n it U Mabd: It was quite thrilling at IPWCMAVeiD PUT LmET4t ON& AiOMEtTUE >MAU.QD the movies. A man proposed to me ALLRiev 6RT1OAL0WCE . MAalTWvitMa. 'kiM i ift the dark—a perfect stranger. . jiUHOL^ led g e. r Marie: Really! And when is the MOMTEZUMA wedding?—^The Htunorist \ M tX R CASTLE (N^ARl- 20NAUSED YOUNG ROMANCE lU REE LADDERS WHIGM WERE. A young undergraduate was bo- RUUJED UP AT ing taken to task for having ex?, Nieirr SO ceeded his leave by two days.' < ENEMIES . “Well,” said the professor, “udmt COOIDNT have you to say "for* yourself?’*" “I’m awfully sorry," replied the 6C r IN studenj^ “I really couldn’t get back before. I was detained by most im­ portant business.” “So you wanted two more days of grace, did you?" WASHINGTON TUBBS D “No s lr -o f Gladys!’’—Tit-Bits. By; Cram OUT OUR WAY By WUlianui NECESSARY He: Fm afndd I must get a wife I s a with some money. She '(candidly): You’ll hardly get m n t CONVICTS Ni€ TiRRifiBp. AND HELPLESS- ' Ton can see a lot of almost any her with anything else.—^Ths Hu­ glH at the beaches these days morist ■ UNTIL Tue cR A ieo sk ipu g r makes the mistake Of THEUSJ1N6 WS REVOLVeR THRU A yoRTMOLS. WE OOTTIM.' “TUb IR AiKir >40 HAIR G tT T u t«4 HO\}R B.WRS/ I S T H e f » ? nairLu . ViHv/ M IGHT HAV/E. MON MEU! 2EV gra b MV' umarmer FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS I AM LOST.' DO y o u HE.C.P L/OOR A VHCAy M6A9T By Blosser I m mmqii C.wes CLOEIEO CO TTOHT a m ’ x'M AscAiprr A la. TH*"TTMtt i Va 1 MlOrKT SE l. v O jrfV a ,ybOR MJELL, MERE .SHE So bS^ VEAW...IF THAT >NAS A 0(P?OP VMS'LL SOOM RKJD My PACKASE I'D h ave OM TAVPUXlR OUT VNHAT IS W OPEUSb IT LOKI6 ASO»« -AA.V paei^A<«« /A s b e ! *meRE»^THe d o o r BELLI!

f iHAVT- u w o t OUKll aw EVE , AU. TOfiETHER-' sa c r e B leu! i almojalmos FOR AM ; P0E6ET l E SHOTGUN. EVE, MEN.


.U' A REV THROW OlEN The. doors .^ UTTIE BREAIVVING J| f "^AT CSRSAlM DEATH iS JUST AROUNb THE CORNER. u ttssy fE MAO&^T»lcrt*EtoRM amsufWMSwstf / ri L is SALESMAN SAM Where the Bbme Lies! m NJSa.NORR/ AW...VOU OPA^i'OPEM THE MEAfJtiME ORAR '\JCS€W,Voo ^ . B'taDfe wiH/copi m oRowii' AA» rtHiflrif IS THAOVilKtt A MSIL OP T in t I TURM AR00R6.X / CORNCit X plTlM t4f GlRlP CVCS7 ‘tlH C . ,V tilRHP O ty h W A tSOTH j - - I ■ rr AND L srs V SK A VA ) ONy HC COH«S ALOMO- AH' SSS WKMirS J FIRST- (K^Ysnsy aroukio himsap. CPRNCR.I^v AUWHtfSTim A SMBA)4 WCl iDBA? . ^6o b s WMItri 1 Ai* ^. FiwT.y t s r

h o t

o r/ ‘ A

I. A. n P ^ iiliHRBlE . V-.- ’''U-'' y^\A • M»«A ■ !>•«' »•-

IM N d U M lS S ^^q$Bpt»oo^ • ' IV ■ ' ,V Dm - A D uee Otvair Hgr Mm Mm m m : . m ■ s t 5 ® m u F A sm ora D a n d m o d d u t ^ ; A V fbr,top— - iniGrl>:l^p;To New ■oath WladMr At «M NflW 80M of IW j Bip I jttMtleet,'Hii^ t. Mid­ Ob Kmbov Street. item BMer Reimer, auperlntMidM^ xd . 1^)6W esPerfontt( TOKOBBOW mOBT, 8 P. IL : indOok'iko^kMgtaSk SVw the past. the the V GennaB* adhopl, 'idkh ;AUMd W’ - on • V .n ‘ ' ^ ChanM To SATURDAY MGBT Good Plaee, Good nm e, Good fleer* tcfwn of MBB6heetor*hie W bain i s ^ , sti|MBliit«i|ideBt Of tho^ Bdgf « Adnrieeiea 85 Oeote. lag ^ . Mlknl Xteproved iNo from acailatifoi^ ^ liibeOhool, aro\ih ;0hixgo of ar- much of a niOh la surpHse i Bfiute bv Oidarot recogaiaad |ta:m^d«moi:fidti^^ the MeCABITBPS OBOHBnBA ,vwm'hold iu YSg^ rangeinenia'^for the ‘ teai^^dh^'the^different tenta’and AppoM^V^to tiw voluntary petl- -about' !40’ of ’ tbste Much fevorebb oonunent. hie ular.niNi , t at 7;80*o’okKdi. diseaae haa lii^ wldaMiMd o m al­ pchooi pidnio a t tlw Obodoraa nUDD TAFLOB, Pran^ter. been heard regerOnp the ueeof tloMat loa^iigA.the^truoIm at the e U ^ tldte^inrlMuitao^^ Xincoln Mends. Thsittaie was- . . ___ mt. « ^ ------’BicBlnird Plaoe; most ovary aecttoi *8^ thetaa oiiufch toniorrow, ^ and art fnisd' with: iKMttBf*' awbUBlaf Danolnff From 9 to 1 (D. A T.)' eaet aide of Center Springs F ifh ~ last lin . At ttha'pr^Mont’tteae the grounds *hbt. night at the ^taae; of Mar^ Adndnloii 40 owta. along Valley etreet tor idaygrownds TIm 'Sachem'xeqiieotsdrte other outdoor gaaaas had Ike tasEk- benr" attend'^ aa'^this <'Adbpt|oii> da* diaeaae ie at, low 'ehh^wlffiJ tDorothy *ButtlA'head^of tha todk;a5vantage of thO phorti^umi O. Weber of Winter steoet A special m O e ^ of tha stock- . Morris and Co., — ij, ...... tbam. local Publio Health Nureeif isawcMr b hotelS;in town and ------, “Frank Chaney, hdldera . of tUa Pdllflh Ql^ocery oon- tioB, nas returned to her duties aft­ Wn toe rshow when it plays in Mirw Earl A. Camm o f guBimlt street paiw win ba held'tohmrrow avenihg Jr., -aoutli ' MenOnester.: 8129; and ^ his f l a ^ . Miss Msrlorlc An- er a six weekir vibation sprait with Britain, today. The short time it ^ o r w Co.^ Xne.^ Hartford, 8160. at 8;80 %t Turn ban, Ifiirth street her fatherdn («ndon, and' in s l i ^ would take to make the trip be­ dsrtoa of'Church street left early •vwybpdy lritte«rt«l;w ^ be wel- B g g cm of- Iho , etooklifald^ is ' The flbte 'msetmg'Of creditorB will this moralagi fot Mdiftiial, Canada, aeeiiig in both England and ' tween Manchester and New Britain be hMd’at.7S0tMaln s ^ t iB a M o i^ to'he^preaent linA . • ere they wttl ipead a week with was the cau^ of the alow-up and ari Tussosy, July 26, at noon. aM Andiortods undle.

I • ' . » “ V Batting Ciqpa For olea^g'iu of wUte Shoes. . Ea«y A good asKirtmsnt of gay colored bathing te aaa.'

Clearance . r - . T for Mid-Segson Wear

• . A With A Sporting

($1.95 to^ $2.95 Griulcs) Tou Win be intrigued lay theee new White Sum m er -HbitcFcpes ^ f or sports hats—Hand 'the pride is intriguing, top. Only 81.29. ,W e have ia-. ' « rolf CrepM i —for street eluded many of our regular 81.90 Fabric Slb-(Hit ^ r in t a and 82.95 nupabera. There are suob —for resort delightful .ety(ea for mid eeaeon wear—roughettes, fette^ iiovelty 69c straws, panamas, softlea. White Our 81.00 vatte fabric slip-ons ^ yew suiBBW^i^^ to look faded,and drab? There aad.oolora. now 69c. 6-button length. Scal­ '' watki'of hotwinnmer da^ ahead. T I ^ are Just the frocks loped -ends. At this price it will you U want jo r lstojnimmer Wear la town... .a tS e beach... .for vaca- pay you to hav^ a couple of pairs SHOES V Hats—Main Floor, center. • tor aummer-Stitohed back. Uon d w ahead. Sporty Rttle erepoe with gay Jackets.. . .cool aleeve- Issa flat orepto. ,. .colorfiil Uttle xnints. Quality you'd expect to Main Fldor, right Ui dreeies twice this amount ' w «na Women who insist on all marked, at quality at a price wear ^ give-away prices Smart Silks, HateV Tou wouldn’t think Buch'BBUurt little could be soi Inexpensive—but wait 'til you see $2.95 White kid sandals and pumps, also them., White, paiMs, prints. Silk Hose linen sandals, Cuban- and Louis ' ' heels, regular $5 to $7 for ^aleVf Bilk’ Frodss—MMo F rear. fpr apoirts choose— 3.95 Can^stidk Striped

PfP l|p Your Wardrobe Don't, buy your hoaleiy Just Anklete Patent Strap Sandals, with Cuban B* for price vSlohe. Insist on heels, regular $6 for, pair ...... O o U l l lese Lovely getting' the 'utenoat in qual­ ity. That's why Hale's 64o They're so Btoey . and gasH-theaa stoekiBgs art such leaden in candyrtiok a trij^ anklets in red, town—easy oo the pPeket- yellow, green and blue. Finest White Sport Pumps and Ties, white book and the ut-.. cotton.. Women and girl* are se­ buck with black calf trimming, moet la quality- lecting them for tennis, golf tod plus etylA Sheer beach wear. Siess 9, 91-2 and 10. regular $7. Cuban heels. chiffbns tod me­ Mein Floor,< righ t iPair . ( M l . dium - lervioe, 4.95 weights. Newest suntan shades. At Two Special Prices for Saturday 8 1-2 t o 10. Black Calf Pumps, unlined, Cuban B« Hosi^-p..^ heels, regular ?6.00 for, p a ir ...... O o U U Main Floor, rwo or three.of thstfs g ^ UtUe cottons wUl liven up your wardrobe fpr the. rbmainlng summit days.' Street Floor linens, meshes, voUes,' dlmlttss, Woadelotha.. Qever Agaiit^we Maiiafaeturcr’S' Overatodt models. Colorfaat Ali'fOrmerly much more. oliPerthoae

High grade ootton froeks now ^ n oed to 82.74. Here StjiU'a f^'"aM ort^^ left arf eyelets, linens, Importi^'.voUm , dimities, dotted ROOMS ROOMS iwlss, hiaadkerohief linens and rlbbonettes. Nelly tble group—baby ijngs, womm's Don, Tpnoboy and Hubrite i^ e ls ^ -a ll known fo r rinn, m 0 ’s rihga, SoUd gold ahdl, ohromi flnlih,'.pIatlnold and ■tyle and quality. iterliBg. ^ Tailored and TMhimod NAVEN’S INN Hato’si Cotton Frocks—Main Floor, center. $1,00 97 Kingstowne Road NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. L The beat bathing Peurls* A Step from the Beach. 8 l* S 9 50c auit value in townr We'va reHDrdereid and. re-ocdcred on> theaa CATHERINE NAVEN sUps—we Just oat^t hays enough of thsnu ; The best—looUag thrse-steand NELLIE NAVEN y • . • . I^Qsrtaialyard^v macviloUa yaluas at pearl psoklaoss—«they go so wall 81W ‘ W t o .itoSiM Whan 82.9T w as with most svaythtig. Neat toi^dfred rhinsstona olasp. To olosa-out at 1 0 0 % W ^ I Bd goiod^ yMuf tor auoh. quality.,* 60o. tod tailored. to 44. White, flesh, tea- *Simulated. , Main Floor, fron t MASON WOKK \( ’ ^ 1^ SUpS^lto Floor, roar. N e v e r of every dsscriptioii. B e fo r e / Reasonable Prices. To; Clo89 (^f! LOUIS GARRONE 96 School St Td. 72221 littioBoys* Xf you're aa aotiva swlm- If' RUBBER you’U like them Sleeveless they are hunt fpr .wuuwt.^.^and they are, PAPER HANGING M tolanfdr those whp Wash Suits HEELS Just'Uke^to tounge on the< EnjOgrahookfrom ■bfaeh. ...OuBtQflMra‘.tell.Us $ 2 . 0 0 ' " “ ^ " daUy thpy are the beSt $6i MiSQ u d $6 HthegTve eew at 82AS. , Htic’t JArsiry Interior and Exterior Paintiiig.^| \, [ ■ Tha- nsiNst,' *, tebet' dtaouasad' 1|PD% purs wool. Plain ($l^to^i$1.49 Grades)^ books avaUabid atgtels’arCBtouiat- 15c Alpha Painting Co. v^eaa and the aaw Evilo tos little inu 2 to 6 must lag libeary tor So a day. Mem . FlMiit9406 gytoavas. White, navyr have a couple of thsss alesvelsss art oin biwt aiUaiw- oaiiea Attached suite fto lator nutoBfr.* Adorable . V k . j' I of aaoh book- atir in t m models. Stur^ ttbrlos. Color- teJBOur; by Eteaaor For men, women and chil­ test All aajl: 8L49. grades. dren. Goodyear, 0*SnlU- C o te o n '.SUter,^lti NoRfi- 'O taVO gd . . . . . , ....4 . ’ ' ■ , te'Hite ter a Tan, nte-Edge, Firestone good "finds." In this teoss-out sate d i :Kuto4. by ,F. and Hood. gteds oorasta... F o r S a le . . Nsmo-flsx, Modavt and N atqiW jjK Bring your ahoes in now . r .yid.j Foundadou^girdim odd ■ ■■ and take adTiatage of Native Sw e^'Cpm .an af|M la senh'iiyla,' • " this bargain. Bed JUMqdb«nl(M V Fine * k ^ A*’' j - . . .Off .fpr *. *. • .but bS'fura. PSACHES have a CGwebj, S i i ^ ido/aunapa.tobD 8l4Kti