FOUR BIG SYSTEMS FOR 300 RAILROADS L G C. kffmt* nan To (MFOFPOUCE Merge AH Eastern Reids Dofiie Tokyo’s S an tM i- TAKEN TO miSON iaiTUadenCilJtAnlii- bde Foor Great System^ W l W Carnot radM -Proteitr Lolled SATSHETOAIK I Mew Dp Te Carriers. Betfia (MHdal Takes From Tiado WiMa ika BriHih Midi LofgBO of Ihtiois. ARENOTSUPPOKIEDi WUhlngtOB, July 33.— (AP) — A ffis Bed By Sqaad id Sol- Conniomlraailk Akng new eouBoUdatloii plsui for the uiU« NanUng, C^ilna. July Xt— (AP) floatlon of 800 eastern railroads Into lEers and Led To Jafl. — The KlKUnln, nhEtiaan CoigretSBMD Says four great eystems now fests with News Agency, reported today that .■'74ra the carriers. “armed resistance without m^ect- Bat HaK MOGob t e a Bering July 33.— (AP)^Hugo ing dijdomatlc methods’’ is the It was put before them late yes­ Helmansberg, chief of the Berlin terday by the Interstate Commerce policy decided upon ty t|ie National­ Would Get Jobs. police, was tumtfled out of bed at 6 the dyanm lte^loslon wWoh tpok:».ltopw?i t c ( ll of^sevco l l ^ and destroyed the MO^foot ist govsrnmiBnt wltb Mg u d to what Commission which sought by yield­ it termed-:* "Jafiafam invasion'’ of OttoWa, Ont, Juty 32.—(AP)U‘ ing on some points and making new o’clock this morning by a squad of tolllboatAnx^ AlocandriaBay,Ni Y«-lspicturedhoo.. /lYrappe^In a.blanket,' W U^n McLean, 83, sddiers.and led away to the military is s w .b ^ brought asbore In a-speedboat vhich. rescued him from the fit Ig w r^ river aftM^ne imd the provlrm.of J< The Irish Free State and the Unldii suggestions to end years of wrang­ The agttiey said, that the govern­ >5T prison on suspicion of actions In con- n ^ lw tohs of dynamite, packed In a drill hole bn. the rocky'bottom orthAsbeiMn, had exploded prematurelv Washington, 4uly . 22.— (AP) — of South Africa gave itnowygii of ling over how consolidations Should and blown ths'drlU boat to bits. Ten persons were injury one was reported ihlssiql, ^ Y ment h^otdefed gov­ Repriosentatlva Beedy (R.. Me.) said badUag at the principle of profer-. traventloo of the presidoitlal decree ernor of J^kd Province, Chan]; be Greeted to preserve compStltlon, impeslhg martial law In Berlin. HslaO'IAaai’, former Manchurian In an interview today statistics do once .tariff g g ImpeileA'.. serve the publlo and save money. A major of police and a member ward Iord,'Ao mohnike '^troni; not support claims of anti-prohlffl- conference settled down te work to- The plan was not the oOmmlsslon’s of the Relchsbanner whose nune Is fMces“ f^idnet the Japanese. At the tioitists that the Idolization of day.. ■; original proposal just exactly two Carlbeigh were arrested with him, sfme time protests wots lodged at liquor would help the farmer A«i«i Helmansberg, one of the most the toxpayer. In thdobjectUm of the Irish F sm jrears and seven months earlier for Tdtyb and with the League of Na­ State, as voiced by Ssan T. Cntoibr. the establishment of five eastern popular members of the police force, ffer Beebty cited a etatisUcal summary was arrested on WednekUiy, idong bead of the delegation, m ere w as dn,- trunk lines; It was not the rail­ A small Japanese expeditionary prepared on the prohibition question, edio of brewing taulff war luh roads’ suggestion last October, one with Albert Grseslnski, commission­ force was sent'into JehOl seyera giving comparismis on grain produc­ tween the Free State and fbr four sterns, it ctmtained some er of the Prussian police, a^eu' days ago. Japanese aathorities sale tion and consumption, empl^rment, Cksesbudd and his Chief assistants ON PRESIDBIT’S ADDINS Britain over President De Valerias concessions and new allocations the that It was Intended, merely to taxation and the nation’s voting I'efuaal to'pay «iirii|<tif>ff |a commission hoped woxdd be accept­ refused to relinquish their jobs 'at resime Gonshlro Ishimoto,. a former strength. Greab^Britain. ed. the demand of General von Rund- Ji^panese army officer who had been This tabulation gave the average stedt who is In charge of the execu­ Bodies of Gardeder and N. C. Havenga, South Afiricu The New Plan captured by Jehol troops. annual gain consumption ih liquor minister of finance, emplmalxed.Qiat tion of martial law. They were lib­ •roduction from 1913 to 1917 as 32,- By the new plan, carriers would erated In a few hours. Expect No-TrouMe. South Africa could not subscribe te be-grouped under the Baltimore & Wdaidij Widow Foimd In The Japanese said yesterday tha: " 1,000 busfiels as compared' with a the theory of a self-contained The ^redfic charges against the Go ^Oq iVoliibition Qoes- th^ expected no trouble aa Jehb >tal average grain production in Ohio, Chesapeake & Ohio, Pennsyl­ police chief were not disclosed. hwUKted British Empire. vania and New York Central ^ e authorities had .promised to liberate tiiis period of 5,510,000,000 bushels. Lower Tvlff WfRs Delaware ft Hudson and the Sea­ Socialist Beatm Ishimoto within a few days. As-To Eo^oynient “None of its memboW,’’ he said; board Air Line would constitute in­ At Koenlgsberg last night Karl Jehol, really a province of Bmer Turning to possible emplo3mient “can exist In tradewith|n the Cem- dependent systems, wUle ttie Jaecker, Socialist membw of the Mongolia, lies on the Manchurian from the IdaUxation of. liquor, manweadth alone. If our Industilee Ptainsylvanla would be forbidden Reichstag, was severely beaten by a Is Legal Readent Bat Ifot a Moito Park, Calif., July 22. border and when the new state of aro to survive, tarilf wafia are ih- entry into New England. group of National Socialists des^te (AP)-r^A theoty that the attentions Manchoukuo was established ris- (Conttaraed On Page Two.) evitable but it Is oar duty to eba Yl^t would be the carriers a police escort which accompanied centiy was claimed by Manchoukuo how tor they can,be, lowered or him as he left a campaign meet­ of a gardener toward hia wealthy attitude toward the offered com>- WaShlngton, July 3i ^ ( A ^ _ Voter In State % Ap- aa a part of its territory. Recently where preferential enfrilaa c u hia promise coidd not be said. Officials ing. entylbyer may have resulted in the Chinese government circle has ex­ made through todse walie.v of the Baltimore ft Ohio and the There was another affray at Ham­ The -~r*1 parn nf thn iruiiii1ig|t|BT d e ij^ of/Mrs. Eidlth -Orr, Spencer pressed alarm over what they tam­ ROUTIAN PATERS FOr the test of the_Dg*nintons Ote New York Central found some burg where time poUounen «kl campaign dsfiMdng tuiiBndlaee^tt Wful;'Jobn.*.inano was held today aa ed JiqMui’a determination to-aeixe blunt ^ncqiosal of Prime Mlidstor^ > A'5 things worthy of cmnmendatiQn but sevm othwtt wfw lajmed. r - these two hlg^ b®*estlng 4 nd control of the provtaice. B ennett of Camula, a n d e In 'ppete-'^ The Bdehstag' Committee on gafia- pbl|^.tnvbBti(gated what ,tiiey'term­ hiad not oonu^tted themselves defin­ posribly ' donihiating-^queBtiohi of ed ft dM s^knd suicide. fhero were reports yeiteri|jr t^ Ing the conforenee-to lower <>«#• itely. guanUng the p ^ C s rights — tl|e VBhitfbrd,iju^^^ Sicr(AI?>Tr8 hic4 , rftifamg Kai^hek was retunring to DECURERORVARdaTs ciwn tariff w ilty to r the |U tf i|i party Btrategy: FMim ''Ylhcent CnOs, Filipino Nanking because of tha Jehol crisis. ' WbeA the roads in October pre- Bow far; wffij the [ Republiceiia - go Major > James';J..Tunney hetiame ae^ hokiiilky. investigatorii heard that Bznidro pteducts,' .wial received Wito ^ Y e d their four- party suggestion (Oentimilii'an Page Nine) . - -- --- ^ i------------------------Almrm and confurion were. repoVtec ia^pioral, a t le d a tto prinefaAa; 'ttcgr said if it were n ^ approved toward an r'affumarive bid. fqr^ the fatCTe8ted’in'p0Btten';evett;8Si- tojnarry tohavo^ been caused tiiroqAout-an -ptohibitioAvbte^! Andrhow fK'wll] Mzat-Bpescw, 62-y6Eff-old widowwiSow of northern. Cbiiia. ' ^ - ■ .'-•-After'W edid'Ttede' .. without change the plan woUld lSlL g o 'h i tha .. extant.'of thb;^mp,;li^ tw o | S That Stan AefioD Stanley Baldtein, heiad the Breaks 17 nnjstrtis Fraticlin Britlab "diriegiititei; - w aned ‘ thid Tbd new Sbhe^dwe wbidd > hagiMslari toteei. 'Bitoatti'te^'-htto’ «k- Iteila - pw^ oaed WabaSh-_______ lem* abrogate two anti-trust deci­ _ _ _ _ 'Gmoouijtis’.'ia tetE^^Ntt'^^W'teeMteem'we catrabt sions by authoriativ the PeBQsyi- m tog 'to Freiid4btr.~Rboverib y iia o C^cefiiiiig toh vania to abix«b the Wabash &e ahee apeec^';An|ii^ ‘ii.'AA;-he and It was Of- k 'diAuffeilr and 'btt w Baltimore and to ttte In gins ity -pfephfiutm he'ia ■Oda- . f u i .hie 'shotild' n^t'hiave Joim Wtdenred emplbyor. (Sruii Sadd 'ViaiTO .ancnnwiWBvera: Western Maryland. I on the:<ma pleas, tlu t -he a^pbihted to.the:staff of .tibvwnor rem^k^:' particular inteidf|' -ll Commissioners Ehurton and Mc- .W. K Ckqa^ , La B o a Bottvia, July 2»— (AP)— Chaiige of front Aram toA ll A" Manamy dissented from tiie entire show a ;deflnlto;perwmal" totiihatipn ' ,*^aybe I could do that too.’’ BblivUm-nOws^pets'-demanded'to-__ __ _ to the d^'-bide. Vat the. sisuxie tiiaae Major Tuonty, . however, Olear!^ From btiiar sources, police sadd ferbUte At Loatoa]tefaito pl^ while Bralnerd, Lee. and 2^ th at. he .accepts;- the 'submlssioh upithia.
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