Aid in Danger 24 February - 09 March 2021 Bi-Monthly News Brief

01 January-09 March 2021 Aid Worker KKA is now available in table format at the end of this document and for download on our website or on HDX.

Insecurity Insight continuously updates data on aid workers killed, kidnapped or arrested (KKA). Updated data includes new and historic reports identified in open-sources and verified security incidents submitted by Aid in Danger partner agencies. Past editions: 10-23 February and 27 January-09 February

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Safety, security and access incidents Incidents of threats and violence affecting aid workers and aid delivery. Africa Central African Republic February 2021: At least 49 security incidents against humanitarian workers or property were recorded throughout February by UN-OCHA, including one NGO staff member who was killed in Bambari town, Ouaka prefecture, and another who was kidnapped for ransom in Kaga-Bandoro, Nana-Gribizi prefecture on undisclosed dates. The largest number of incidents were reported in Ouham prefecture. Theft, robberies and lootings represented 53% of incidents. Source: OCHA

Democratic Republic of the Congo 23 February 2021: In Mbuji Mayi city, Kasai-Oriental province, a male aid worker working with the Belgian INGO Enabel was killed in unknown circumstances by gunmen. The incident happened in the evening. Source: Election-Net

01 March 2021: At Lukongo village, Fizi territory, South Kivu province, five aid workers were reportedly abducted by an armed group. The perpetrators looted the aid workers’ goods and released the victims hours later following the intervention of the FARDC. Sources: Actualite I, Actualite II, ACLED1, La Prunelle RDC and NRC

Ethiopia As reported on 02 March 2021: In Tigray region, national and international sources on the ground reported looting of humanitarian supplies and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. Although more than 80 aid workers received clearances to enter the region after long delays in authorisation by the government, their permits are for short missions or only for personnel returning to Tigray. Permissions for needs assessment missions remained pending with the authorities. Source: OCHA

Mali 02 March 2021: In Dogo village, cercle, region, three aid workers were abducted by unidentified perpetrators while on a mission in the locality. Source: Studio Tamani

Nigeria 01 March 2021: In Dikwa town and LGA, Borno State, as part of a targeted assault against the humanitarian community, ISWAP insurgents used explosives to breach the security of a UN Hub and then laid siege to the facility, forcing a group of 25 aid workers providing assistance to IDPs and guests to retreat to a fortified bunker. As they engaged in a fierce battle with troops, the perpetrators

Insecurity Insight – Monitoring incidents around the world affecting aid, health care, education, and protection.

abducted at least than seven aid workers, and torched or destroyed the UN facility and hospitals run by NGOs. In response, humanitarian support to nearly 100,000 people was suspended. Sources: AFP, Barron’s, France 24, HumAngle I, HumAngle II, HumAngle III, Nigeria INGO Forum, OCHA, Ripples Nigeria, Sahara Reporters I, Sahara Reporters II, Sahara Reporters III, Sahara Reporters IV, Solidarites, Twitter I and Twitter II Asia Myanmar 28 February 2021: In Monywa town, Monywa township and district, Sagaing region, police and Myanmar military soldiers arrested and detained an unspecified number of aid workers. They remained detained as of 1 March. Source: ACLED1

As reported on 02 March 2021: In an unspecified location, security forces have destroyed ambulances, medical equipment and internationally-recognised Red Cross flags, in addition to injuring medics, amid anti-military junta demonstrations. Source: RFA

03 March 2021: In North Okkalapa township, Yangon city and division, police stopped an ambulance belonging to the Yangon-based volunteer aid group Mon Myat Seik Htar, beat and kicked four medics on board as they were responding to a call, and shot out the vehicle’s windows. The police then took the men to Insein Prison. Source: RFA

03 March 2021: In North Okkalapa township, Yangon city and division, police assaulted and detained two members of the aid group We Love, but later released them. The officers also damaged their vehicle’s windshield and windows. Source: RFA

04 March 2021: In Monywa town, Monywa township, Monywa district, Sagaing region, police and Myanmar military soldiers arrested at least three aid workers who were working on a relief operation. Source: ACLED1

Afghanistan Around 24 February 2021: In Daykundi province, three aid workers from the INGO Afghanaid were attacked and wounded by gunmen, assumed to be militants Source: ACLED1 Europe Italy 04 March 2021: In Trapani, Sicily, after an investigation lasting almost four years, Italian prosecutors have charged 21 rescuers from three NGOs (Mediterranea, MSF and Save the Children), who were accused of collaborating with people smugglers after saving thousands of people from drowning in the Mediterranean Sea. Sources: Mediterranea, Reuters and The Guardian

Ukraine As reported on 02 March 2021: In Luhansk oblast, the first UN-organised aid convoy, containing 133 tons of shelter material and other relief items, reached the non-government-controlled region via the Shchastia crossing point. Source: OCHA Middle East and North Africa Islamic Republic of Iran 07 March 2021: Update: In Tehran, a British-Iranian woman, formerly an employee of the charity Thomson Reuters Foundation, was released from prison after being held for five years over spying accusations. However, she was subsequently summoned to court on 13 March, charged with spreading propaganda. Source: France 24

Syrian Arab Republic 24 February 2021: In Al-Hol camp, al-Hasakah governorate, unidentified perpetrators killed an MSF aid worker in the tent in which he or she lived. Source: MSF International

Insecurity Insight – Monitoring incidents around the world affecting aid, health care, education, and protection.

2 26 February 2021: In Al-Hol camp, al-Hasakah governorate, a fire of unidentified origin broke out in a tent at the camp and spread to adjoining tents. At least seven people were killed, including the daughter of an MSF employee. Around 30 people, including three MSF colleagues, were injured. Source: MSF International

Aid Worker KKA data for countries selected by ReliefWeb Aid workers reportedly killed, kidnapped and arrested (KKA) Data period: 01 January-09 March 2021 Download the data via our website or on HDX.

Aid Workers Aid Workers Aid Workers Total Aid Total KKA Killed Kidnapped Arrested Workers Incidents Affected


CAR 1 1 2 2

DRC 2 5 7 3


Mali 3 3 1

Nigeria 10 10 4

Somalia 2 2 2

South Sudan 7 1 8 5

Syria 2 1 3 3


Other countries 8 13 21 7

Total affected 22 20 14 56 27

Key Definitions Aid worker: An individual employed by or attached to a humanitarian, UN, international, national, or government aid agency. Killed: Refers to a staff member being killed. Aid worker(s) killed while in captivity are coded as ‘kidnapped’. Kidnapped: Refers to a staff member being kidnapped, missing or taken hostage. Arrested: Refers to a staff member being arrested, charged, detained, fined or imprisoned. The classification is based on reported but not independently verified information. The Aid in Danger project makes no independent judgement about the legality of any reported arrest or detention. Data collection is ongoing, and data may change as more information is made available. Where the number of aid workers affected is unspecified, one is counted. The countries above have been selected by ReliefWeb.

Insecurity Insight – Monitoring incidents around the world affecting aid, health care, education, and protection.

3 Mozambique: Vigil InSight Situation Report

This document provides an analysis of the current situation in the Cabo Delgado region in Northern Mozambique and the implications for aid agencies working in the area. Listen to the Vigil InSight Voiceover


• Insurgents, increasingly influenced by the Islamic State’s ‘Central Africa Province’ (ISCAP), launched rocket and mortar attacks for the first time in 2020. • Government security operations, supported by private security companies, have led to a drop in insurgents attacks in recent months. • International human rights NGOs have accused government forces of violent attacks on civilians accused of collaborating with insurgents and foreign private military contractors of indiscriminate firing at civilians. • The violence has increased humanitarian needs but puts key aid programmes related to food security, health and education in jeopardy. • Aid agencies remain at risk from the counter insurgency and militants who may seek to maintain momentum and score propaganda successes drive out the remaining non- Muslim population.

Dataset: 2020 Threats and violence against aid delivery data

Analytical report produced by DHC Gunn. For more information, contact

Platform supported by HawkSight

This Bi-Monthly News Brief comprises threats and incidents of violence affecting the delivery of humanitarian assistance. It is part of the Aid in Danger project, by Insecurity Insight. It is prepared from information available in local, national and international news outlets and online databases.

The incidents reported are not a complete nor a representative list of all events that affected the provision of aid delivery and have not been independently verified. All decisions made, on the basis of, or with consideration to, such information remains the responsibility of their respective organisations.

This document is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Insecurity Insight and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the U.S. Government, or Save the Children Federation, Inc.

Suggested citation: Insecurity Insight. 2021. Aid in Danger Bi-Monthly News Brief, 24 February - 09 March 2021. Geneva: Insecurity Insight.

1 Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) database attribution policy. Accessed 12 March 2021.

Insecurity Insight – Monitoring incidents around the world affecting aid, health care, education, and protection.