NOTES the Following Notes Refer to Sources Within a Particular Paragraph
NOTES The following notes refer to sources within a particular paragraph. The first number is the page number, followed by the the paragraph on that particular page. PREFACE Page l/paragraph 1 to 3 & page 2/paragraph 1. Diana Mosley interview, Paris, 28.4.00. N. Mosley 3. Skidelsky 545. CHAPTER ONE: 'TOMMY' 3/2-2 & 7/1. Mosley Papers, Diary of Maud Mosley, 1896, Nicholas Mosley deposit, Birmingham University. 3/3 & 5/1. Mosley 4. Bill Williams, The Anti-Semitism of Tolerance: Middle-Class Manchester and the Jews 1870-1900 in Alan J. Kidd and K.W. Roberts (eds.), City, Class and Culture: Studies of social policy and cultural production in Victorian Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1985. 4/1, 2 & 4, 5/1 & 3. Skidelsky 27-30, & Interests 189. Alan Kidd, Manchester, Ryburn, 13, 18-9 & 64-5. Manchester and Salford District Communist Party, Manchester, Centenary of Charter, Manchester: Blackfriars, 1938, 1. Sir Nicholas Mosley is buried in a Didsbury churchyard. 4/3 & 5/4-6. Mosley 3-19 & 329. Drennan 23. 6/1-2. Ibid. Mosley interview with Peter Liddle, 1977, Liddle Archive, Leeds University, & Alternative, 281. N. Mosley 2-3 & 32. Skidelsky 33-5. Gottlieb 178-9. 6/3. Lasch 32-8, 171 & 239-42, & Minimal, 18-9. 'Few things,' Mosley wrote, 'are more overrated than the effect of childish experiences on later life.' He charged psychoanalysis with the fascist insult of being 'feminine' for its 'negation of manhood and self-willt. It was attacked by Blackshirts as an 'occult science1. Mosley's own writings, however, contain numerous references to re-examination of his life in the light of analytical psychology.
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