Coss, Rogers, Leith Baugh-Dudley Act Is Bright Spot | Major League Box Scores | Advance hi National In Ragged Showing by Redskins YESTERDAY’S GAMES. By Lewis F. Atchison natured kid from Hammonton, N. Tennis Star Staff Correspondent J., was all over the field. 2 4-4 Gilmer came in for a measure Indians, 8; Nats, Phils, 6-1; Reds, Teen-Age LOS ANGELES, Aug. 2.—The W’g't'n AB. H. O. A. Cl’Isnd AB. H. O. A GAME. By the Associated Press had two workouts of praise for both his handling 3 14 1 6 0 1 ( Phil'hi* AB. H. O. A. Redskins light Yost,3b- M'chelllf <£»«’« of attack and his on de- Coan.lf- 6 2 2 0 B'd' 6 2 1 ( Mm-n.of 5 W’ 2 0 3 1 KALAMAZOO, Mich., Aug. 2.— scheduled today in the wake of a tackling 0 2 ( LAwrey.lf 4 13 6 13 0 3 Ashb’ 0 Seven second-round matches re- fense. Harry’s failure to com- 6 4 6 0 Rosen,3b 6 1 2 ( Wyhk.rf Sisler.lf. 3 13 0 bruising scrimmage which Coach Mele.rf-- 4 0 4 0 Easter,lb 3 2 10 C Ennis.rf. 3 8 2 0 mained as unfinished business to- plete many passes was not to his Hatt*n,.lb5*.. 6 Herman Ball called “disappoint- Mlch’le.2b 4 111 Oord’n.'lb 3 1 2 E Jones,3b 3 113 but rather to the 112 Ken’dy.rf 3 1 1 ( ?''ah"-b H’ 4 12 3 day as the national junior and Ball wasn’t to be discredit, credit 4 St ing.” trying 2 0 3 0 Hegan.c 4 8 8 1 se’n’k c 4 14 0 of men- Ivans,c- L’dreth.c boys’ tennis went brief flashes of the group previously Hudson.n 2 0 0 0 Wynn.p_ 4 1 0 ( OollaLlIb 4 0 2 6 championships coy. Except for tAdams. tioned. And when he came •Rb'ts’n 10 0 0 Miller.p. 3 111 into the third round. power and precision the squad was- Sima.p 0 0 0 0 K°n ty’P 0 0 0 0 up to make a tackle he tatewart 10 0 0 khmkCv 8 Only two seeded players failed ragged. charging ■’gleton.p 0 0 0 0 Smith.p o hit with the of a 200- •L’whller 1 to survive 75 singles matches Ball, however, had the satisfac- power Total* 36 10 24 4 Totals "86 1 llttTj Hetke.p. o Rain interfered on the pounder. tUsher.. 1 yesterday. tion of seeing his potential first- (Piled out for Sima In 8th. 0 a Livingston Surprises. 6th. Per’skl.p opening day Monday, causing string backfleld rumble downfleld ’Popped out for Hudson In ’s 010 010 000—2 Totals 40 pileup of first and second round almost unmolested during its short ball-carrying Washington _ 13 24 10 Totals 30 ~I 55 IS _ 001 231 lOx—8 was a but the Cleveland •Panned for Smith tn 6th. matches. turn in action. This quartet in- pleasant surprise, Rosen. tRan for Runs—Yost, Vernon, Doby. Landreth ln 8th. Among the winners were three cluded Bill long-armed Californian isn’t be- Easter. Jordan (2), Kennedy. Hegan, tPopped out for Ketke in 8th. , Dudley, Runs batted in- from ing considered seriously for such Wynn. Error—Yost. Cincinnati 800 010 000—4 Washington, D. C. Tim Harry Dowda and Pete Stout, al- Vernon Wynn, Kennedy (2). Hegar (2). 010 040 01 x—6 a role until he shows more con- <4). Easter. Two-base hits—Michaels Coss defeated John Sahratian of though Stout was nursing an ail- Vernon. Hegan .Wyrostek. Kluszewski. a back Easter, Dente, Kennedy, ■M.?tJ.ns-wBi7iTey’ Detroit, 6—0, 6—3, in the junior ing leg and got in only a few sistency. Strictly defensive Three-base hit—Hegan. Home, runs—Ver- S,sler' Ennis <2>. Ham- Wynn, Hegan. Double play— Boud- ?er- ““er. Error—Jones. Runs batted division first Ted Chuck Drazenovich heretofore, Livingston could help non, to—Wyrostek. round; Rogers plays. subbed reau to Gordon to Easter. Left on bases— Kluszewski. Stallcup (2), the team with 8. Bases on Ennis (3). Hamner, Scminlck (2). Two- won over Herbert Browne of Co- for him and gave a performance repeat perform- Washington. 12; Cleveland. hasc 4; off Sima. 1: off hit-—Miller. Three-base hits—Wy- ances in actual balls—Off Hudson. rostek. lumbia. S. C., 6—4, 7—5, in the that will have both Stout and Rob games. Wynn, 4. Struck out—By Hudson. 3; by Hamner. Home run—Ennis. Double 7. Hits—Off Hudson. 8 in 6 in- plays—Ryan to Stallcup to Kiusewskl, junior second and Malcolm still on a Wynn. Jones to round, Goode, hobbling sprained nings; off Sima, 3 in 2 Innings; off Single- Goliat to Waltkus. Left on bases NOTES—Clay Davis and Buster “Cincinnati. 11; Leith defeated Robert Ewing, jr.. looking to their laurels. ton. 0 In 1 Inning. Hit by pitcher—Wynn Philadelphia, 6. Bases ankle, Tilton were evicted from yester- (Yost). Winning pitcher—Wynn 01-5) S bal,?n-0ff Wehmeier. 3: off Miller, 2; of Smith 1. Wheeling. W. Va., in the boys’ On the Losing pitcher—-"Hudson (10-8). Time— Struck out—By Miller. 4; Dudley Go. day’s scrimmage for slugging. 1: by Hetke, 2; by Perkow- division second round. 2:42. ski. "^hijicier. was second Attendance—16,864._ 1. Hits—Off Wehmeier. 5 in 4*3 in- Watering Baugh and Dudley It their run-in. nings; off Smith. 2 Among the losers were the two in inning: off Hetke work together was a treat for eyes Lyle Button and Roland Dale also 3 Perkowski, 1 in 1 in- Dell brothers from Washington. Tigers, 7; Yankees, Ki?n»t»n7w 1n1Ufr-al3. ln. 8''3 innings: off that haven’t seen a Redskins’ at- roughed it up some. Nerves *> toning. Balk—Miller. Donald bowed before Pete Green N. T. AB. H. O. A Detroit. AB. H. O. A w?S5ii»ty«.? Jn tack move so in re- seem to be on edge as the Tribe 4 2 13 2f.2?,nk Etcher—Miller (10-2). Losing consistently Wopd’g.lf 4 0 11 Pitcher—Smith (1-2). of West Palm Beach, Fla., 3—6, Ris' 4 14 5' Prlddy.2b 3126 Time—2:36. cent years. Sammy threw to Bill, nears its physical peak. .. Coach 4 0 2 0 Kell,3b 4 2 0 1 4. SECOND GAME 6—1, 6—2, in the boys first round, Bauer.rf C3n natl sent him off-tackle and Ball had a list of names a yard Mile,lb 4 17 0 Wertz.rf 3 3 0 0 ; AB. H O. A Phila. AB. H. O A spinning Adams,3b and Peter went out before John DlM 4 0 4 0 Evers,If 8 16 0 2 111 Waltkus,lb 4 3 0 1 wide around the ends and the Vir- long of players guilty of infrac- 4 0 1 0 0 Berra c 3 2 4 2 4 0 6 0 Brownlow of South Euclid Ohio. tions of rules. His is Brown.3b 3 10 1 Kol' 3 0 11 0 O Sisler.lf 4 0 3 (1 ginia flyer hasn’t been stopped yet. theory 4 3 16 1 2 10 0 6—1, 4—6. 6—4, in the boys sec- Cole'an,2b 3 0 2 8wlft,c Ennis.rf 3 0 10 Dowda also looked sharp on line that the boys are pressing too •Henrlch 1 0 0 0 Trout.p 4 112 0 Jones,3b 4 0 12 ond round. Mrs. Joseph Kerr of Kenwood (left), winner of the class B Star Cup yesterday at Columbia 2 10 0 1 4 0 3 2 and with more work hard, trying to remember their as- Byrne.p Club with a receives the from B thrusts to- Pord.p 10 0 1 1 Lopata.c 3 13 0 Twelfth-seeded Ted Jax of Country 93-17—76, cup Mrs. Gilbert Levy, class tournament 0 the backfleld should be one signments and forgetting the snap Goliat,2b 2 0 14 chairman. Mrs. A. Loda was low with 94 Manor gether 12 O Hamtramck, Mich., and 13th- J. (right) gross winner after the player and Totals S3 ~6 24 14 Totals 31 11 27 Simmons.p 0 0 0 3 of the best the Tribe has boasted signal. Gene Pepper's de- 0 0 • Into double play for Coleman Candlni.p 10 0 seeded Jim Farrell of Kalamazoo, Mrs. Jack Howard of Belie Haven settled a tie at 94 without a —Star Staff Photo. Hit 0 aWhitman 1 0 0 playoff. fensive work is okay, but he needs tn Pth. o in recent years. : Mich., were eliminated in the more polish on offensive. Best New York_000 012 000—3 Totals 36 8 27 S Poufs'5 Heartening, too, was the de- 005 OOx—7 30°4027°10 junior division. Ben Bishop of block of the afternoon was thrown Detroit _I!_002 200 loo ion—4 Prid- iuJnftonatl- fensive work of Dudley, Dowda, Runs—Bauer. Mize. Berra. Upon. I Philadelphia- 000 010 000—1 St. Louis defeated Jax, the State by Len Szafaryn, whom the Chi- Wertz 12). Evers. Kolloway. Swift. i Ed John dy. Runs—Hatton, Lawrey. Usher. Stallcup. In- Mrs. Kerr Starts the Beach's Record 66 Stout, Quirk, De Lau- Error—Kolloway. Runs batted In—Cole- junior champion, 6—4, 9—7. Day Wrong, cago Bears, Green Bay and sundry Errors—Hammer. Jones. Runs Wertz (3). Lipon (2). Kail b?P,a j8’ 1 rentis and John Henry Hollar. man, Mize (2). ?Vted.Jn—R>'an, Howell. Lopata, Wyros- man Fox of Nashville, Tenn., eli- clubs still are ogling. Clyde (2). Three-base hit—Berra. Home runs— ,tek. Two-base hits—Waltkus. The latter two were line-backers to Hatton. minated 6—1. who was a Mize. Wertz (2. Double plays—Berra Three-base hit—Stallcup. Home run—Lo- Farrell, 6—1, 2—6, Goodnight, headache to Coleman to Mize; Wins for Perfect and Coleman; Rlzzuto pata. Cup Endina the starting Left on bases First-seeded Ham Richardson Wins Pro-Am Golf team, quarter- for the Redskins while Kolloway. Left on bases—New Sacrifice;;—Simmons. playing for Priddy to —Cincinnati. 7: Philadelphia, 5. Bases on Bases on balls—Off backed by Harry Gilmer, had York, 5: Detroit. 6. 2: Blackwell, 2. Struck of Baton Rouge, La., national she could ac- Green Bay, has developed into off Trout, 1. Struck ba;‘s-^°*l,.simmons’ Merrell divisions, although Byrne. 5; off Ford. 1; Simmons, 2: Blackwell. 5. Hits— By Whittlesey trouble running and passing Trout. 6. Hits—Off '2.-~^,By scholastic champion, led the jun- one was a -pass receiver for out—By Byrne, 2; by Off S mmons, 7 ln 3% Innings: 1 cept only prize, helped Innings; off Ford, 2 in 2‘■3 Candlni, Mrs. Joseph Kerr’s day was not against them. De who Byrne. 9 in 6%i to Konstanty. 0 in 1. Winning ior singles parade. He drew a bye by par golf on Columbia’s par Honors in Baltimore Laurentis, Baugh. The aspiring medico innings. Hit by pitcher—Trout (Berra). pitcher—Blackwell (10-11). too Losing pitcher promising yesterday, shortly hasn’t set the camp on fire since has a Wild pitch—Byrne. Winning pitcher— —Simmons (14-6). Attendance—34,728. in the first round and then won three holes. trick of coming from no- Trout Losing (11- after the Kenwood left the Special Dispatch to The Star (7-2). pitcher—Byrne Time—2:10. over player his arrival, was particularly im- where and unnoticed 6). Time—2:15. Attendance—54,087. handily Jamie Andrews of On the 4th, 8th and 16th Mrs. slipping into -—-—— first tee at Columbia Country BALTIMORE, Aug. 2.—Ralph pressive—even against certain Iowa City, Iow'a, 6—1, 6—3. Kerr made her 3s in a regula- a corner of the end zone to take Club In the Class B section of the veteran Suburban Club aimed at him. The tion but on the 13th the Beach, plays good- the ball. Red Sox, 7; Browns, 3 Dodgers, 21 -3; Bucs, 12-1 women’s District Golf Associa- manner, new Star Class B champion pro. put together a pair of 33s Boston. AB. H. O. A. St. L. AB. H. O. A COMPLETION OP JUNE 24 tion’s Evening Star Cup tourna- Cup Good'ivlf 5 2 3 0 Lenh’ 4 16 0 SUSPENDED GAME. Nats trusted a bit to luck. She was to shoot a record-breaking 66 Peakylib 8 0 2 4 Kokos.lf 4 0 0 0 P*b*h. AB. H. O. A. B'klyn. AB. H. O. A. ment. 2 4 0 Lollar.c 4 0 4 0 3 0 3 3 From short of the green with her tee : MM’ 5 Cox.3b 5 3 0 3 (Continued Page A-19.) On at Mrs. over his home course Headlined 3 4 12 0 arriving Columbia, yesterday Iteph’ 4 10 Wood.rf 2 0 2 0 Russell lf 3 2 3 0 shot and about eight feet over the Midgets Outdoors 4 3 8 0 4 0 5 0 3 3 2 0 Snider,cf 6 3 0 0 Kerr had locked her car door— 3 2 5!?ier;If be to win pro sweepstake honors in Doe»r.2b 4 13 1 St!rn’s.2b 3 3 BeII.rf 2 0 0 1 R'son,2b 6 4 3 3 will opposed by Conrado Mar- green in 2, some 50 feet from with Bill Leetch 4 12 0 4 2 11 W ake.rf 2 111 with the keys inside, a rather ag- Arllla.rf Furlllo.rf 5 4 1 0 rero. who dealt the Indians a 3-2 the Civic 4 0 5 0 Som’rs.3b 2 0 0 1 Mtgh.Sb 4 0 2 1 the cup. Mrs. Kerr proceeded to Federal, Golf League’s latts.c H' 6 3 10 o gravating way to start a At SARANAC LAKE. N. Y. (Spe- 3 10 1 day. Turner's 'arnell p 6 0 0 0 Marsh'll.p Schenz.2b 1 0 o 1 Cnella.c 6 4 8 0 defeat the last time he faced them. the ball into the hole for a Tonight chip annual pro-am tournament. Pai- cial) .—Here we are •Moss 10 0 0 C 4 2 8 1 Reese,ss 5 2 15 With that in mind, Mrs. Kerr took again in camp John'n.p 0 0 0 0 S land,3b 10 0 1 0 0 0 The Nats stumpy Cuban right- She finished with a A two-man team Branca.p 0 8 on the first hole and 7 on the ,3. nicely par ls 70 over the revised special match on Goose Island, lower Saranac Cast one Barney.p 10 1 layout. 0 0, hander will be going for his sixth on the 18th. Totals 3fTl027 ”5 Totals 33 7 27 4 0 3 1 B'head.p 10 0 0 second, and at that it 14 tough between members of the world- Lake, and glad to get set. It is Turner,c 3 3 point ap- Walter Romans, Baltimore in 8th. 13 2~ 0u u win. Lemon, with a season record •Popped out for Marshall Roe.p 0 o0 Tie for Low Gross Honors. a up McC’gh.c 0 0 0 0 peared she had wasted a day of Country Club pro, was second famous troupe of midget wrestlers, quite trip Boston _ 003 010 010—7 of will be for his Ch’bers.p 10 0 0 16-4, bidding and a lot of _ 030 000 000—3 annual leave from her State De- St. Louis D’son.p 0 0 0 0 ninth straight victory. Mrs. A. J. Loda of Manor Club, with 69. Tied with 70s were Mel including the smallest in the Runs—Goodman. Pesky. DI Maggio (2). Queen,p 0 0 0 0 partment position. nines of 46 and and Mrs. work to make tHopp 10 0 0 with 48, Shorey, Indian Spring; Harry Stephens (2). Dropo, Sternweiss Upton, Vernon accounted for both of world, features the weekly mat camp, but Sommers. Errors—Wood. Upton (2). Runs Papish.p 0 0 0 0 But on the third hole Mrs. Kerr Jack Howard of Belle Haven, with Griesmer, Bethesda and Fenner very tF’andez 110 0 the Nats’ runs last as batted In—Lenhardt (3), Dropo (2), night Wynn gave herself a to. She show at Turner’s Arena tonight. pleasant. Sun- Zarllla. DI Maggio. Doerr (2). Two-base Werle.p 0 0 0 1 talking 49 and 45, tied for low gross Satchwell, Front Royal, Va., 0 achieved his 11th triumph — as was hits—Dropo (2). Lenhardt. Di Maggio. Borowy,p 0 0 0 remembered she had been play- honors with 94s but settled the Country Club It will Low Low of Mon- day night Three-base hit—Doerr. Stolen base—Di SPh’lips 10 0 0 pro. pit Sky many as he got last year. Mickey ing in the WDGA tourna- spent with the Maggio. Double play—Pesky to Doerr to L'bardi.p 0 0 0 0 cup deadlock without a playoff. Mrs. Beach, who holds the old course treal, Canada, and Tom Left on bases—Boston. 14; Bt. slammed a homer Thumb, writer’s Dropo. second-inning ments for about seven years with- Mrs. record with a brother. Louis. 11. Base on balls—Off Parnell, 8; Totals 33 8 24 14 Totals 46 26 27 U Loda took low gross and 63. which he shot to the a en- 9: off Johnson. 1. Struck present Nats briefly out one, and it was about London, against Jimmy Little of Dr. Henry off Marshall. tHit into double play for Queen In 6th. winning Howard third low net with in 1932, was over par twice out—By Parnell. 6: by Marshall. 4. Hits 1-0 lead yes- tDoubled for Papish tn 6th. joyed and doubled in the time to take a title to Kenwood. Erie, Pa., and Mighty Fritz of Leetch, known —Off Marshall. 9 in 8 Innings; off John- SFlied out for 94-15—79. terday. He took a four on the Borowy in 7th. fifth to score Eddie Yost. aon. 1 In 1 Inning. Wild pitch—Marshall, inning From that point Mrs. Kerr’s 3 to his friends Pittsburgh _ 410 322 000—12 H. H. par second hole and a 6 winning pitcher—Parnell (8-7). Losing attended to Second net went to Mrs. on the Luxembourg. (1-2). Time—2:39. At- Brooklyn 017 105 07*—21 Wynn personally golf improved. She finished the as “Beany” be- pitcher—Marshall Haight of Bethesda with 51 and par 5 twelfth. Sky Low Low, the smallest of the tendance—4^883._ Runs—Rojek (2). Beard (3), Kiner (3), tying the score in the third when first nine in 50, but came back cause of his 6 Coogan (2). Castiglione. Turner. Cox (2). 46 for 97, minus 18 handicap Sharing pro-am honors with stands 44 he propelled a Sid Hudson pitch in 43 for a 93 pint-sized athletes, only foot 7 Inch Hodges (.3), Campanella (2), Reese (3). Roe. nicely and deducted Beach were Earl Errors—Werle, Kiner. Runs batted strokes for a net 79. Mrs. How- King from the Inches and 89 His White A's, 1 in—Bell, over the center field fence and 17 handicap strokes for a winning weights pounds. height, and Sox, 8; Coogan (4), Fernandez <2). Kiner (3), ard was followed Mrs. Washington Metropolitan Cox the Indians into a 3-1 lead third, by Police, partner weighs 105 and scales 47 PfcUa. AB. H. O. A. Chicago. AB. H. O. A Westlake, (2), Furillo (2). Hodges (2). forged net 76. and bright and early Joostss 3 10 3 Ca 5 2 16 Campanella (4). Russell, Snider (2). Reese. E. L. Foster of Army Navy, Lyman Howell of the Fire De- in the fourth when Joe Gordon Play Summer Rules. inches. Bin Leetch. Monday we got MeCky.lf 4 10 0 Phllley,rf 5 14 0 Robinson (4i. Two-base hits—Fernandez, and Mrs. Richard partment, with 62. Valo.rf 4 2 10 3 0 3 0 Furillo. Hodges. Westlake, Cox, Campan- Bob doubled 99-20—79 Johnny Fritz weighs 96 and is singled, Kennedy and The Class B were pounds under way to the lake. Ch’man.of 3 0 2 0 Zernlal.lf 3 12 0 ella. Three-base hit—Cox. Home runs— players called Musser, and Jim Schattman of Indian Spring, All-View, Frank 45 inches tall while Little the 4 0 13 1 Ro 4 0 10 0 Coogan. Turner. Kiner, Hodges, Robinson. Hegan tripled. on to play summer rules for the tips Harry Duso, host at Crescent 0 10 4 Sacrifice—Roe. 98-19—79. The ties In the net Miller, another Fire Hcock.2b 4 12 M’jeskl.3b 3 Double plays—Robinson to Department scales at 92 and stands our 0 4 13 0 to Hudson Loses Control. first time and the scores pounds Bay Camps on the lake, had Wahl.Sb 4 14 Masi.c Reese Hodges, Reese to Robinson to this year were match- contestant, were next 3 0 4 0 Pox.2b 3 14 79 bracket settled by in line 46 inches. Guerra.e 1 Hodges. Westlake to Coogan, Left on bases Hudson, who had walked only ran a trifle higher than usual. V2 Thompson boat all ready for us. B’tschy.p 10 0 1 Pierce,P 4 2 0 0 —Pittsburgh. 5: Brooklyn. )). Bases on cards. with 64. ing Ronald Meeker clashes with After with old friends Shantz.p 2 0 12 balls—Off Chambers, 2; off Queen. 1; off two battel's in 23 innings, lost all Most of them admitted they Vernon chatting •Lehner 0000 Borowy. 1; off Lombardi, 3; off Branca, 2; Mrs. Monsees won sixth net Shanks, Post Office, took semblance of control with two out would to summer Tony Morelli in the semifinal among the guides and anglers, we (Moses 0 0 0 0 off Barney, 5: off Bankhead, 3; off Roe, 1. prefer play rules, amateur sweepstakes honors with Struck out—By Dickson, 1: by Barney, 4; in the fifth. A1 Rosen and but in Class the ball with 96-16—80 and Mis. Walter while a pair of 30-minute prelims unloaded the car and carried our 24 17 Totals 34 ~9 27 II singled B. playing 73 for low Totals 32 ~5 by Bankhead, 1: by Roe, 3; by Lombardi, 96-16—80. gross. Harvey Yocks, list 1. Hits—Off Chambers. 7 in 2 innings then Sid walked four successive as it lies is somewhat of a mental Densmore, seventh, Mike Paidousis against Faro luggage down to the boat. •Lehner walked for Guerra In 9th. Baltimore won low (none out in third l; off Dickson. 3 in Vi That tie was settled a draw County Police, Rinaldo and (Moses walked for Shantz in 9th. batters and doubled to hazard. by Harry Finkelstein It took a inning; off Queen. 1 in H inning; off Pap- Hegan net with 66. George Gonder, Fire us quite while to shop Philadelphia _ 000 001 OOO—1 after they were even matching Lou Bemardi. ish, 1 in 1 inning: off Werle. 6 in I'H in- boost the Indians into a com- The heat wasn’t any help, against for as we into Chicago _ 123 002 OOx—8 had an 85 supplies bumped nings: off Borowy. 0 in % inning; off cards and also had the same Department, for low Branca. 3 fortable 6-2 lead. either. But 66 of the original Runa—McCosky. Carrasquel. Phllley. Lombardi. 7 in 2 innings: off They picked up gross and Herb Hamman’s 60 took many old friends and stopped to Sernlal. Majeski (2). Masi. Pox. Pierce. In 1 (none out in second); off Bar- Mrs. Albert Cohen of Inning another run off A1 Sima in the field of 68 started and two of handicap. chat. our Srrors—Guerra (2). Runs batted in— ney. 1 in 8 off Bankhead. 2 In 1 low net in class B. However, list prepared Innings; Woodmont was matched out of PblHey (2). Pox (21. Pierce, Masi (2). Inning (none out in sixth); off Roe. 2 In 4 sixth and Hegan upped the score them, Mrs. Paul Barefoot and Griffs' Records beforehand was finally and Pain. Two-base hits—Joost, (14-6). William Wiseman of filled, Qarraaquel. Innings. Winning pitcher—Roe Mrs. D. R. Monsees of the prize list with a 100-20—80. Washing- Valo. Three-base hits—Masi. Carrasquel. Losing pitcher—Werle (6-8). Time—3:24. to its final proportions with a Washington ton shot 95 for low BaMtng. we drove back out to Crescent base—Maleskl. M. J. gross in class AB R. H. 2b. Sb. Hr. Rbl. Pet. Home rut—Phllley. Stolen SECOND GAME. Golf and Country Club, used the Mrs. Torlinski, president where Sacrifice-—Fok. Left on bases—Philadel- seventh-inning homer. C, and John Singleton 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 .333 Bay, Bill, jr., was waiting for of the Women’s District Golf Magruther, Fire De- Onno 98 16 2 phia, 10: Chicago. 6. Bases on balls—Off Plttsb’h AB. H. O A. Brooklyn AB. H. O. A. The Nats show a 6-9 record old heat-combating trick of plac- 81 1 1 9 .318 us, having unloaded our duffle on Burtschy. 2; off Pierce, 6; off Shantz. 1. 3 0 3 5 3 0 3 3 and Mrs. Gilbert partment. was 4 strokes ahead Noren 312 61 97 16 6 8 61 .311 8 14 0 Russell.If 4 15 0 the but ing a cabbage leaf under their Association, Michael* 301 44 91 9 4 6 38 .303 the dock at Goose Stnfic out—By Pierce, 3: by Burtschy, 2: against Indians, they’d of Ted Huddleton, to Island. The trip Shantz. 2. Hits—Off Burtschy. 7 In Kiner.lf 4 111 3 12 0 Blass B Tournament Chair- Washington, Mele ... 261 84 78 10 6 9 63 .299 by no to work hats. Levy, to a us—. 4 0 2 0 Ro’son,2b 0 2 1 prefer reference their Yost _. 366 107 camp—always joy to S44 Innings: off Shantz. 2 In 54s innings, Bell.rt 2 officiated at the capture low net. Magruther had 68 14 2 9 37 .292 winning pitcher—Pierce (8-10). Losing O’C’ell.Sb 4 0 11 Furlllo.rf 3 110 at Municipal Stadium. Here they Mrs. Kerr’s score, low for the man, presenta- Vernon _ 256 84 73 11 1 4 46 .286 takes about 25 minutes. This is — a — 2:23. 4 2 12 Hod’ 3 0 5 1 66. Pearce. 7 0 2 0 0 0 pitcher Burtschy (0-1). Time Clione.2b both the net and tion. 0 .286 Phil' 8 16 1 Cam'lla.c 3 18 1 have been thumped six times in day in gross Contestants Sima 71 20000 .286 one of the loveliest lakes it has Attendance—8,079._ McC’gh.c 3 0 6 1 Cox.3b 3 0 12 from the Baltimore Robertson 88 14 24 3 2 0 9 .273 seven and in their last five ever been our fortune to Ch'bers.p 2 0 11 Palica.p 8 0 0 0 games City Police, Baltimore County Po- Stewart 262 32 70 8 8 3 29 .267 fish. Cards, 6; Braves, 1 •Hopp 10 0 0 games against Washington here Coan_ 165 28 42 6 1 6 26 .266 With towering mountains in the Law.p 0 0 0 0 lice, Baltimore Fire Department, Harris — 12 2 3 0 0 0 3 .250 St. Lewis. AB. H. O. A Boston. AB. H. O A. the Indians have clouted 13 hom- Post Office and Combs.. 102 19 25 1 0 0 5 .245 background all around, lovely 5 3 4 2 H tfleld.2b 4 0 2 3 Totals 31 ~6 24 12 Totals 27 4 27 8 Loses in Eastern Washington's Met- Dente 374 33 89 11 4 0 36 .238 ers. Girl tree-clad and dotted with 5 2 4 1 4 2 3 0 Negro Police Hudson 60 5140109 .233 shores, glav'o.3b •Plied for Chambers In 8th. ropolitan in the 0 played Musial.lf 4 2 0 0 Tg 4 0 0 Washington had its big chance Evans ._ 243 20 53 5 3 2 27 .218 heavily timbered islands mirrowed _ 000 OOO—1 Bl uzh'r.rf 5 0 3 0 Elliott.3b 3 0 0 1 Pittsburgh 010 tourney Haynes. 23 1 5 2 1 o 1 .217 0 Brooklyn 200 000 Olx—3 in the 8ch'd’t.2b 5 0 n 3 Gordon.If 4 4 0 to chase Wynn in the fifth inning to Nationals Ortiz .. 65 8 14 1 1 0 7 .215 crystal clear waters, it is 4 0 13 c 3 2 6 0 — Net Tourney, Ostrowski 138 19 29 3 1 17 .210 ss Cooper, Runs Try 4 Marion, Castiglione. Snider. Robinson. after Yost with a hard to Nelson,lb 3 19 1 Holmes,rf 4 16 0 Camnanelia. Errors—None. Runs batted opened single. Marrero. 38 3 6 1 0 0 3 .158 equal. 3 0 5 0 3 10 2 in—Furillo (2). Castiglione. Campanella. the Associated Press the day saw Herb Flam, third- Kuzsva 38 8 3 0 0 1 2 .079 Rice.c Gil Coan fanned but Irv Noren By We've gone at the fishing a Boyer,p 4 113 C'nman.p 2 0 0 0 Two-base hits—Furillo. Home runs—Cas- N. 2. seeded star from Pihos, Reagan to Okrie... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 •Marshall 10 0 0 tiglione. Campanella. Stolen bases— singled and Vernon doubled to SOUTH ORANGE, J„ Aug. Beverly Hills, Play Pitching. little easily, having learned from Hogue.p 0 0 0 0 Snider. Reese. Lett on bases—Pittsburgh. flash a Ip. H. Eb. So Os. Cg. W. L. score Yost. Sam Mele walked to —Althea Gibson is down, but she Calif., mighty rally to not to 6; Brooklyn. 2. Bases on bails—Off Pearce _ 38 36 29 12 2 0 1 0 experience things. B 13 32 6 27 0 off off Law. 1. overcome Tom Brown of San For Totals 5i ~9 27 Totals Palica. 3: Chambers. 1: fill the bases but Cass Michaels is far from out. Eagles; Humber! Back Haynes 66 77 28 10 6 0 6 3 The water in the lake is warm Struck out—By Palica. 8: by Chambers. 63 69 28 14 9 4 4 top • Panned for Chipman in 7th. tennis Francisco, 2—6. 8—6. This Consuegra 2 4; by Law 1. Hits—Off Chambers. .3 in 7 fanned and Sam Dente sent a Miss Gibson, first Negro 7—5, •y th* Associated Pres* Hudson_156 172 61 48 20 11 10 8 and the fish are far from surface Louis_ono 024 000—0 1 in 1 Inning. 0 0 innings; off Law, Winning in a was one for the books, Harris _ 63 47 30 27 5 5 010 000—1 routine grounder to Gordon at player ever to compete grass considering GRAND during the but come rt.oston_000 pitcher—Palica (4-3i. Losing pitcher— RAPIDS, Minn.. Aug. 1. Singleton _. 16 13 6 6 1 0 1 1 daytime, they Attend- Brown led at 3—0 in the second Buns—Glaviano (2). Diering. Nelson, Chambers <8-12). Time—2:02. second. court championship, received a —Pete star end of the Phil- Marrero —109 104 81 49 13 6 5 6 up to feed over the bars and ance—16,691. j Pihos, Kuzava __.121 114 72 62 13 5 6 7 along Rlee, Boyer. Cooper. Errors—Elliott. Harts- sound in the set. certain 11 eld (2). Buns batted In—Glaviano (2). i shellacking yesterday adelphia Eagles, has signed a one- Sima_ 23 28 7 4 3 1 1 8 shorelines in the late Slaughter. Diering. Holmes. Two-base hits INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. at Eastern title Gil Bogley of Chase ran NATS NOTES—The Nats, second round of the Chevy year contract after a brief hold- evening and after dark. So —Glaviano. Jethroe. Cooper. Three-base 5—.3: Buffalo, 3—1. far, Springfield, are the She was routed into trouble right at the start and our hit—Nelson. Left on bases—St. Louis. 9; Baltimore, 6—1: Toronto, 4—0. long last, recognizing tournament. by out. Terms were not disclosed. luck hasn’t been phenomenal, Boston. 6. Bases on balls—Off Boyer. 2: was a first-round victim of Syracuse. 12; Rochester, 6. National League. Scores of Mrs. Helen Perez of Encino, Calif., Mervyn Dick but we’ve caught of small- OS Chipman. 3; off Hogue. 1. Struck out— Jersey City. 2; Montreal, 1. Meanwhile, Humbert, vet- Probable Pitchers plenty Br Boyer. 4; bv Chipman. 3; by Hogue. 1. senior circuit will be 6—1. Rose of Australia, 4—6, 6—4, 6—1. AMERICAN LEAGUE. We PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. games 6—1, eran defensive end, arrived in mouths. put most of the fish Hits—Off Chipman, 8 In 7 Innings: off Washington at Cleveland (night)— Hollywood, 4; Seattle, 0. at Griffith Stadium when “I I haven’t had Mrs. Du Pont No Hpgue, 1 in 2 Innings. Passed ball—Cooper, posted guess just Wins. camp to hfelp bolster the injury- Marrero (5-6) vs. Lemon (16-4). back. big fellows yet, but we (4-2). Losing pit- Los Angeles, 7: Sacremento, 4. winning pitcher—Boyer the Nats return home 10. on said the four” In New York at have as cher—Chipman (5-6). Time—2:13. At- Oakland, 6; Portland, 2. August enough experience grass,” Meanwhile, “big riddled defense. He retired from Detroit—Reynolds (9-8) hopes does every angler. vs. Gray UO-4). San Diego. 8; San Francisco, T. Detroit will be the lone Miss Gibson, 22-year-old New women’s singles advanced to the active tendance—14J522. playing last year to take Boston at St. Louis (night.)—McDermott American team to Yorker. “I I can redeem my- third League keep hope round without dropping a a coaching job at the University (6-2) vs Wldmar (5-7) or Johnson (8-2). AMABICAN ASSOCIATION. the customers in the dark on Na- self in the National singles cham- set* of Arkansas. Philadelphia at Chicago—Schelb (2-6) Toledo, 4—16: Kansas City. 0—0. or Wyse (5-8) vs. Scarborough (8-12). tional League scores after the at Forest Hills.” Mrs. Margaret du Pont, national Indianapolis, 6: 8t. Paul, 2. Record Starts Tomorrow ponships In Philadelphia Frank Reagan's NATIONAL LEAGUE. Columbus, 8: Milwaukee. B. Entry Nats Cincinnati at Philadelphia (night)—Fox Louisville, 8; get around to it. Miss Gibson hasn’t forwarded champion from Wilmington, Del., wife announced the veteran de- Minneapolis, T. (5-8) or Ramsdell (5-8) vs. Church (4-1). Cleveland is service- her for the national compe- off Jean San admitting entry polished Doyle, fensive backfleld ace is en route St. Louis at Boston (night)—Brasle In Tam o'Shanter Golf Circus men in uniform free to all games. titon as yet, but it is expected to Diego, 6—2, 6—2; Louise Brough, to the Eagles’ camp after deciding (8-4) vs. Sain (14-7). That Pittsburgh at Brooklyn—MacDonald AUTO Sima returned to the Nats be accepted when she does. Beverly Hills, Calif., Wimbledon to remain with the team instead (5-4) vs. Roe (14-6). By the Associated Press witnesses before a grand jury in- 1 Chicago at New York (2)—J>ublel yesterday after going to Wash- will mark another milestone in queen, ousted Mrs. Patricia Stuh- of an accepting assistant coaching (4-4) and Lade (5-5) vs. Hearn Url) 2.—Golf’s wild- vestigation. Jansen CHICAGO. Aug. ington for observation. ... It her remarkable career. No Negro ler, Plainfield, N. J„ 6—0, 6—2; job at the University of Pennsyl- and (11-7). May, who parlayed an idea into SPOTLIGHTS est money scramble, the $75,000 was decided to delay an appen- player ever has participated in the Doris Hart, Jacksonville, Fla., dis- vania, his alma mater. a country-wide business engineer- EXPERT INSTALLATION & Tam o’Shanter extravaganza, be- dectomy until after the season. national outdoor championship. posed of Rhoda Hopkins, Wood- SERVICE ing enterprise, has been throwing Junior Golf Winners gins its 10-day run tomorrow with Wynn has belted two homers Miss Gibson earned her right have, N. Y„ 6—3, 6—1, and Mrs. L S. INC. his Tam tee parties since 1940. JULLIEN, a record entry of 400 men and this year, both against the Nats. for national title consideration Pat Todd, La Jolla, Calif., routed Bears Send Congressional Country Club’s 1443 P St. N.W. He contends he has given $320,897 Kenary NOrtfi 8075 women. Catcher A1 Evans and Manager this year when she gained the Mrs. Helen Rihbany, Boston, 6—2, junior golfers inaugurated their in tourney prize money in that To Richmond Rebels intra-club field All the game’s big shots, with Bucky Harris argued long, loud final round of the national indoor 6—1. days yesterday I period. His meet this time car- th« Associated Press with a nine-hole tournament. the exception of Ben Hogan, are and futilely that Gordon had been tourney, where she lost to Nancy Another women’s winner was By ries the biggest jackpot of all. Winners were Lee Plein In the ready to start the annual stampede j thrown out at the plate when Chaffee. Previously she won the Mrs. Ann Gray of Washington RICHMOND, Va., Aug. 2.—The Bobby Locke Entered. 15-16-year class with a for the richest prize list the sport he scored on Kennedy’s double in Eastern indoor crown. Given more who advanced to the third round Chicago Bears have sent James B. age 46; I AUTO LOANS I One of the special attractions Brewster in 13-14 with offers. the fourth. Evans’ nose was experience, she could go far. by beating Mrs. Gladys Heldman Kenary, former Harvard passing King 61; corralled by May is Bobby Locke, nudged against Umpire Ed Rom- Miss Gibson Lacks Control. of New York, 7—5, 7—5. ace, to the Richmond Rebels of Terry Lamb in 10-12 with a 58 to Hogan has always shunned the winner of the 1949 and 1950 Brit- aad $100 $2,500 mel’s mask in the furious debate. Against Mrs. Perez, No. 5 in There was one upset. Tenth- the American League. little Gordon Currey in the meet because of its carnival-like ish open. Locke was charged with 8-9 Prompt-Coart mourn Hudson later had words with United States ranking, Miss Gib- seeded Barbara Scofield, San Kenary, a 190-pounder, 6 feet with a 79 for the nine. atmosphere and probably would failure to appear in several U. S. Confidential Seroice Rommel over a strike which would son blew up. Her control was lam- Francisco, eliminated sixth-ranked 2 inches tall and 22 years old, was remain absent even if he were in tourneys and was banished last Private have fanned Kennedy in the fifth entable, and she netted or outed Shirley Fry, Akron, Ohio., 1—6, transferred here with a definite Auto Sales shape for the longest golf mara- summer by the Professional Golf- and prevented Cleveland’s three- most of the important points. 6—3, 7—5. tag that he is to be returned to REBUILT GENERATORS Financed thon conceived. ers Association. run inning. However, she displayed a service, There may be more surprises the Bears at the end of the season. A Complete Line of Rebuilt Parts, In- A confusing spectacle normally, The ban was lifted early this cluding Motors, Generators. /Carbure- Cleveland has blasted 115 volley and overhead that merely today with third-round competi- George Halas, owner-coach of tors, Fuel Pumps, ate. Columbia Credit Co. the Tam circus is even more be- year and Locke, who cleaned up homers this season, which need more polishing. tion including a dozen outstand- the Bears, told Rebel President A. G. S. REBUILDERS 2221 14th St. N.W. wildering in this, its 10th year. on the U. S. money trail previous- matches its 1949 output. Miss Gibson, now receiving ing matches. Harry C. Seibold he was sending 1929 14th St. N.W. NOrth 5000 Some 43 feminine shooters start ly, returns to these shores for the Open Daily. 8 to 8; Sat.* 8 to 8 P.M. ADoms 6429 Noren made a spectacular catch financial support from Boxer Kenary here only because of the Suns., 9 to 2 P.M. their phase of the 72-hole All- first time since his PGA run-in. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. at Larry Doby’s expense in the Sugar Ray Robinson and Band- presence of Johnny Lujack, Sid American tomorrow. At the same Six defending champions are re- Charles. 6: Macon. 4. first inning, leaping high against leader Buddy Walker, is a sopho- Augusta. 11: Columbus. 10. Luckman and other talented time, 253 professionals will try turning—Lloyd Mangrum, All- Savannah, 2; Greenville. 1. the fence to stab his drive and more at Florida A. & M. Columbia, 6; Jacksonville. 3. passers with the Bears. to qualify for 56 berths in the American pro winner; Johnny rob him of a homer. Yost has Miss Gibson’s defeat was only $20,000 main event. Friday will Palmer, "world” championship been hit three times in three one of yesterday's highlights. In bring the women’s second round pro; Frank Stranahan, All-Amer- games. the men’s the round for 141 am- division, thriller of BRAKES the first 1 and ican Babe HELMED I amateur; Zaharias, ateurs. Saturday, the All-Amer- women’s “world” pro; Grace While You Wait ican will be in full swing with Lenczyk, women’s "world” ama- flust 9 boles an'your best iron,too ? 76 pros, including 20 seeded stars, teur; and Louise Suggs, women’s playing their first round. All-American Open. FFor Authorized Of German fleer, the hole-some brew A $55,000 Pot at Stake. William Campbell of Hunting- j A week from tomorrow, the ton, West Va., is too busy cam- a bQ-N-Gr to relax YOU! $55,000, 72-hole, world meet be- paigning for the West Virginia goes way gins for 32 pros, 8 women pros, * State Senate to defend his “world” women amateurs, and 16 men am- amateur crown. 1 all of whom must have Among the entrants are Chand- £§.€EA>Jk— I ateurs, played in the All-American. ler Harper of Portsmouth, Va., SALES Promoter George S. May, the PGA champion and George Fazio and SERVICE 1 former Bible salesman, may or of the Woodmont Club of Wash- And Select Used Cars may not be around to lay his ington, D. C., who tied for the s usual fantastic side bets, which 1950 National Open title. Washington9 Largest Nash Dealer always have enlivened proceed- ings. A warrant for his arrest has been issued. The Tam o’Shanter president uAUTO glass <11 Maryland Ay*. S.W. At 6th «r Independence Ava. was charged with keeping gam- Capital Garage NEW LOW PRICES bling devices after the club was Installed While You Wait 1320 New York Ave. N.W. 9100 raided July 4. A truck load oi STerKng CLIFTS BRAKE SERVICE slot machines and some chance STANDARD AUTO GLASS 24-hour service e. & eovres no. i w. ■ 624 N St. N.W. HU. 5577 towing wheels were confiscated. Mas OPEN SATURDAYS ISee 6232 and Tam officials are wanted as m 2amemssse^szsss& MEtropolitoit VS*. \ * l » J y. A t