Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Generated from: Editor CVN de FECYT Date of document: 28/02/2020 v 1.4.0 8c4676074e67ccbfb063ec8ab91881dc

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Summary of CV

This section describes briefly a summary of your career in science, academic and research; the main scientific and technological achievements and goals in your line of research in the medium -and long- term. It also includes other important aspects or peculiarities.

Resumen de la trayectoria científica - Índice h: 58 (Scopus) - Nº citaciones recibidas: 14.499 (Scopus) He participado como Investigador Principal en diversos ensayos clínicos fase I, II y III de diversos agentes antineoplásicos sobre todo en pacientes con cáncer de colon y cáncer de ovario. He contribuido a la fundación y desarrollo de la Unidad de Ensayos Clínicos del Servicio de Oncología Médica del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia, de la que soy director responsable. Desde 2004 se iniciaron en nuestro Servicio ensayos clínicos en fase I con fármacos experimentales administrados por primera vez en humanos en cooperación con institutos o empresas de carácter internacional. Nuestra contribución ha sido significativa en el desarrollo de múltiples compuestos dirigidos contra dianas moleculares específicas, tales como saracatinib (inhibidor de src), (inhibidor del factor de crecimiento derivado de la insulina tipo I) solo o en combinación con ridaforolimus (inhibidor de m-TOR), alisertib (inhibidor específico de Aurora-quinasa A), serdemetan (inhibidor de HDM2), MEHD7945A(un anticuerpo dual inhibidor de EGFR y HER3), Sym004 (un anticuerpo compuesto antiEGFR), ALN-VSP (un siRNA capaz de inhibir kinesina y VEGF), (un inhibidor puro de HER3) e ipatasertib (un inhibidor puro de AKT) entre otros. En este CVA se detallan los proyectos que contratados entre los años 2010-2015 han sido publicados en revistas científicas. También se detallan las guías clínicas elaboradas durante este periodo. He completado cinco proyectos FIS como investigador principal y he iniciado el sexto en 2019. He tutelado investigadores Rio Hortega así como otros recursos humanos para actividades de investigación y que, igualmente, se detallan en el apartado de aportaciones.

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General quality indicators of scientific research

This section describes briefly the main quality indicators of scientific production (periods of research activity, experience in supervising doctoral theses, total citations, articles in journals of the first quartile, H index...). It also includes other important aspects or peculiarities.

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Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez

Surname(s): Cervantes Ruipérez Name: Andrés DNI: 22923458W ORCID: 0000-0003-3806-3691 Date of birth: 31/01/1957 Gender: Male Nationality: Spain Country of birth: Spain Contact province: Valencia Contact address: C/ Pont del Moro, 3 Postcode: 46120 Contact country: Spain Contact aut. region/reg.: Valencian Community Contact city: Alboraya Land line phone: (+34) 961973838 Email: [email protected] Mobile phone: (+34) 626858757

Current professional situation

Employing entity: Universitat de València Type of entity: University Department: Medicine, Medicine Professional category: Head of Department Start date: 22/11/2017 Type of contract: Civil servant Dedication regime: Full time

Employing entity: Universitat de València Department: MEDICINA Professional category: Catedrático de Universidad Start date: 22/11/2017 Type of contract: Civil servant Dedication regime: Full time Primary (UNESCO code): 320713 - Oncology Tertiary (UNESCO code): 320599 - Other Identify key words: Medicine

Employing entity: Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Clínico de la Comunidad Valencia-INCLIVA Professional category: Director General Start date: 05/2017

Employing entity: Hospital Clínico Universitario Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions de Valencia Professional category: Jefe de Servicio Start date: 2015 Type of contract: Civil servant Dedication regime: Full time

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Previous positions and activities

Employing entity Professional category Start date 1 Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Jefe de Sección de Hematología y 23/03/2006 Oncología Médica 2 Hospital General Universitario de Alicante Especialista en Oncología 01/11/1987 3 Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Jefe de Servicio de Oncología Médica 01/07/2015 4 Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Especialista en Oncología 01/02/1988 5 Hospital General Universitario de Alicante Especialista en Oncología 01/11/1987 6 Free University Hospital Amsterdam Research Fellow 01/03/1986 7 Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia MIR 01/03/1982

1 Employing entity: Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Professional category: Jefe de Sección de Hematología y Oncología Médica Start-End date: 23/03/2006 - 30/06/2015 Duration: 10 years - 5 months - 1 day

2 Employing entity: Hospital General Universitario Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions de Alicante Professional category: Especialista en Oncología Start-End date: 01/11/1987 - 1988 Duration: 3 months - 1 day

3 Employing entity: Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Professional category: Jefe de Servicio de Oncología Médica Start date: 01/07/2015

4 Employing entity: Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Professional category: Especialista en Oncología Start date: 01/02/1988 Duration: 4 years - 19 days

5 Employing entity: Hospital General Universitario de Alicante Professional category: Especialista en Oncología Start date: 01/11/1987 Duration: 3 months - 1 day

6 Employing entity: Free University Hospital Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Amsterdam Professional category: Research Fellow Start date: 01/03/1986 Duration: 1 year - 8 months - 1 day

7 Employing entity: Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Professional category: MIR Start date: 01/03/1982 Duration: 4 years - 1 day

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University education

1st and 2nd cycle studies and pre-Bologna degrees

1 University degree: Diplomatura / Licenciatura / Grado Name of qualification: Médico especialista en Oncología Médica Degree awarding entity: Universitat de València Date of qualification: 28/02/1986

2 University degree: Diplomatura / Licenciatura / Grado Name of qualification: MD Medical Oncology Degree awarding entity: Universitat de València Date of qualification: 28/02/1986

3 University degree: Diplomatura / Licenciatura / Grado Name of qualification: Licenciado en Medicina Degree awarding entity: Universidad de Murcia Date of qualification: 20/06/1980

4 University degree: Diplomatura / Licenciatura / Grado Name of qualification: Bachelor Degree in Medicine Degree awarding entity: Universidad de Murcia Type of entity: University Date of qualification: 20/06/1980


1 Doctorate programme: Doctor en Medicina Degree awarding entity: Universitat de València Date of degree: 17/06/1987

2 Doctorate programme: Phd in Medicine Degree awarding entity: Universitat de València Date of degree: 17/06/1987

Specialised, lifelong, technical, professional and refresher training (other than formal academic and healthcare studies)

1 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistencia al EGFR Advisors' Network (EAN) Meeting for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), 14-15 marzo, 2014 End date: 15/03/2014 Duration in hours: 2 days

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2 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistancia al 21 Simposio Internacional TTD, Avances en el Tratamiento de Tumores Digestivos, Córdoba, 12-13 diciembre, 2013 End date: 13/12/2013 Duration in hours: 2 days

3 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistencia al curso 'Tratamiento Multidisciplinario de las Metástasis Hepáticas', Villa La Angostura (Argentina), 1-3 mayo, 2013 End date: 03/05/2013 Duration in hours: 3 days

4 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistencia al Personalized Medicine Symposium-Signalling Pathways, Sitges, Barcelona, 1-2 marzo, 2013 End date: 02/03/2013

5 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistencia al Personalized Medicine Symposium-Signalling Pathways, Sitges, Barcelona, 1-2 marzo, 2013 End date: 02/03/2013 Duration in hours: 2 days

6 Type of training: Course Training title: Asiste al Preceptorship Program Gastric Cancer Multidisciplinary management, standards of care, therapeutic targets and future perspectives (Berín, Alemania, 7-8 diciembre, 2012) Awarding entity: European Society of Medical Oncology Type of entity: University (ESMO) End date: 08/12/2012 Duration in hours: 2 days

7 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistencia a la reunión 'USCAP & AACR Highlights' Awarding entity: Roche Type of entity: University End date: 09/05/2012 Duration in hours: 1 day

8 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistencia al 7th European Scientific Oncology Conference (ESOC-7), Marbella, 17-19 octubre, 2012 Awarding entity: ECCO, ESMO, ESTRO Type of entity: Body, others End date: 19/10/2011

9 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistencia la 16 Simposio Internacional TTD, Avances en el Tratamiento de Tumores Digestivos Awarding entity: TTD, Grupo de Tratamiento de los Type of entity: University Tumores Digestivos End date: 12/12/2008 Duration in hours: 2 days

10 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistencia al XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Nuclear. 25-27 junio, 2008. Valencia, España. End date: 27/06/2008 Duration in hours: 3 days

11 Type of training: Course Training title: 7th Masterclass in Clinical Oncology Awarding entity: European School of Oncology Type of entity: University

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End date: 06/03/2008 Duration in hours: 6 days

12 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistencia al 7th Masterclass in Clinical Oncology organizado por la European School of Oncology in Sofia, Bulgaria. End date: 06/03/2008 Duration in hours: 6 days

13 Type of training: Course Training title: Asistente a la XVI Reunión Nacional de Cirugía. End date: 25/10/2007 Duration in hours: 3 days

14 Type of training: Course Training title: Acudió al curso de Pelican Cancer Foundation: The National MDT TME Development Programme. Valorado con 9 CPD por el Royal College of Surgeons End date: 13/10/2006 Duration in hours: 2 days

Language skills

Language Listening skills Reading skills Spoken interaction Speaking skills Writing skills English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 Catalan C1 A1 A1 A1 French C1 A1 A1 A1 Spanish C1 C1 C1 C1 English C1 C1 C1 C1

Teaching experience

General teaching experience

1 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte en el ESMO Summit Americas: Oncology Updates-from evidence to practices las siguientes charlas: Gynecologiscal Cancers-Highlights from ESMO 2015, GI Cancers, Non-colorectal cancers: Highlights from ESMO 2015. Type of programme: Cursos y Seminarios Impartidos End date: 08/11/2015

2 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Coordina y además imparte en el ESMO Preceptorship Programme Gastric Cancer las siguientes charlas: Welcome from ESMO, Epidemiology (including GE junction tumors) and clinical presentation, Case presentations from the audience, Case discussions based on ESMO recommendations/guidelines, What we have learned from recent clinical studies and where do we go from here? Future outlook, Closing remarks and take-home messages Type of programme: Cursos y Seminarios Impartidos End date: 05/09/2015

3 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Coordinador de Clinical Session Gastro-intestinal tumours (I) en Masterclass in Clinical Oncology, 25-29 abril, 2015, Sao Paulo, Portugal.

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Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 29/04/2015 Entity: European School of Oncology (ESO)

4 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Coordinador junto con R Cutait y E Van Cutsem de Tumour Board en Masterclass in Clinical Oncology, 25-29 abril, 2015, Sao Paulo, Portugal. Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 29/04/2015 Entity: European School of Oncology (ESO)

5 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte en Masterclass in Clinical Oncology, 25-29 abril, 2015, Sao Paulo, Portugal, la conferencia: Systemic treatment in early and advanced gastric cancers, 25-29 abril, 2015, Sao Paulo, Portugal Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 29/04/2015 Entity: European School of Oncology (ESO)

6 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Participa en Evidence based medicine in metastatic colorectal cancer workshop, Dubai (UAE), 17-18 octubre, 2014, impartiendo las siguientes conferencias: 'Critical review of international guidelines for mCRC' y 'Critical issues in the treatment of mCRC-Europe, United States and Middle East: a direct comparison', junto con Ciardiello F, Jaloudi MA, Lenz H. Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 18/10/2014

7 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte clases en el 11th ESO-ESMO course on Oncology for Medical Students: 'Supportive and palliative care', 'Epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, staging', 'Treatment', 'Clinical cases discussion' Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 25/07/2014 Entity: ESO (European School of Oncology) - ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology)

8 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte las siguientes clases: 'Literature Revision: What we learn from randomized studies and meta-anlaysis', 'Session 1: What we consider innovation vs state of art, the perspective of:-medical oncologist', Session 4: The house believes that for high risk tumor intensification is mandatory: How do we intensify chemotherapy in high risk tumors?', Workshops 4, Group C: Case discussion: High risk tumor, Session 5: The house believes that appropriate use of technology saves lives: How to evaluate chemotherapy delivery quality?', Workshops 5: Group B: Grant proposal' Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 11/05/2014 Entity: ESTRO (European society for radiotherapy and oncology)

9 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Impartición de 4 sesiones en el 10th ESO-ESMO Course on Oncology for Medical Students, Ioannina, Grecia, 20-26 julio, 2013: Supportive and palliative care, Epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, staging, Treatment and Clinical cases discussion Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 26/07/2013 Entity: European School of Oncology (ESO) & European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)

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10 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Docencia en el curso Evidence and new challenges in rectal cancer, Estambul (Turquía), 21-24 marzo, 2013 Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 24/03/2013 Entity: ESTRO School, European Society for radiotherapy & oncology

11 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Codirige además de impartir 5 sesiones en el Preceptorship Program Gastric Cancer Multidisciplinary management, standards of care, therapeutic targets and future perspectives (Berín, Alemania, 7-8 diciembre, 2012): Welcome from ESMO, Scientific introduction, Epidemiology (including GE junction tumors), Case presentations, Closing remarks and take-home messages Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 08/12/2012 Entity: European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)

12 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Codirige además de impartir 7 sesiones en el ESMO Preceptorship Programme Gastric Cancer Multidisciplinary management, standards of care and future perspectives (Berlín, Alemania, 11-12 octubre, 2013): - Welcome from ESMO - Scientific introduction - Epidemiology (including GE junction tumors) and clinical presentation, - Case presentations from the audience - Case discussions based on ESMO recommendations/guidelines - What we have learned from recent clinical studies and where do we go from here? Future outlook - Closing remarks and take-home messages Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 08/12/2012 Entity: European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)

13 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Codirige además de impartir 5 sesiones en el Preceptorship Program Gastric Cancer Multidisciplinary management, standards of care, therapeutic targets and future perspectives (Berín, Alemania, 7-8 diciembre, 2012): Welcome from ESMO, Scientific introduction, Epidemiology (including GE junction tumors), Case presentations, Closing remarks and take-home messages (Cursos y Seminarios Impartidos) Type of programme: Cursos y Seminarios Impartidos Type of teaching: In person theory End date: 08/12/2012 Entity: European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)

14 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Impartición de 4 se sesiones en el 9th ESO-ESMO Course on Oncology for Medical Students, Ioannina, Grecia, 21-27 julio, 2012: Supportive and palliative care, Epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, staging, Treatment of gastrointestinal malignancies and Clinical cases discussion Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 27/07/2012 Entity: European School of Oncology (ESO) & European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)

15 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Impartición de 4 se sesiones en el 9th ESO-ESMO Course on Oncology for Medical Students, Ioannina, Grecia, 21-27 julio, 2012: Supportive and palliative care, Epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, staging, Treatment of gastrointestinal malignancies and Clinical cases discussion (Cursos y Seminarios Impartidos) Type of programme: Cursos y Seminarios Impartidos Type of teaching: In person theory End date: 27/07/2012 Entity: European School of Oncology (ESO) & European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)

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16 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Profesor en el VI Congreso Internacional , VIII Congreso Nacional, XI Reunión de Oncólogos del ISSSTE, México DF, México, 24-25 abril, 2012. Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught End date: 25/04/2012 Entity: Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE)

17 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Profesor en el VI Congreso Internacional , VIII Congreso Nacional, XI Reunión de Oncólogos del ISSSTE, México DF, México, 24-25 abril, 2012. (Cursos y Seminarios Impartidos) Type of programme: Cursos y Seminarios Impartidos Type of teaching: In person theory End date: 25/04/2012 Entity: Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE)

18 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte 5 sesiones en el Balkan Masterclass in Clinical Oncology , Dubrovnik, Croacia, 11-15 mayo, 2011: Multidisciplinary management of liver metastasis, Case presentation and discussion with interactive voting (5 cases) 'The best care with limited resources', Gastric Cancer, Systemic treatment of advanced disease, Case presentation and discussion with interactive voting (3-4 cases) (Cursos de Postgrado Impartidos) Type of programme: Cursos de Postgrado Impartidos Type of teaching: In person theory End date: 15/05/2011 Entity: European School of Oncology y European Society for Medical Oncology

19 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte 5 sesiones en el Balkan Masterclass in Clinical Oncology , Dubrovnik, Croacia, 11-15 mayo, 2011: Multidisciplinary management of liver metastasis, Case presentation and discussion with interactive voting (5 cases) 'The best care with limited resources', Gastric Cancer, Systemic treatment of advanced disease, Case presentation and discussion with interactive voting (3-4 cases) Type of programme: Graduate Courses - Taught End date: 15/05/2011 Entity: European School of Oncology y European Society for Medical Oncology

20 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte 4 sesiones en el 7th ESO-ESMO Course on Oncology for Medical Students, Ioannina, Grecia, 24-30 julio, 2010: Supportive and palliative care, Epidemiology, clinical presentation diagnosis, staging, Treatment and Clinical cases discussion (Docència en segundo ciclo) Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory End date: 30/07/2010 Entity: European School of Oncology y European Society for Medical Oncology

21 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte 4 sesiones en el 8th ESO-ESMO Course on Oncology for Medical Students, Ioannina, Grecia, 23-29julio, 2011: Supportive and palliative care, Epidemiology, clinical presentation diagnosis, staging, Treatment of gastrointestinal malignancies and Clinical cases discussion (Cursos de Postgrado Impartidos) Type of programme: Cursos de Postgrado Impartidos Type of teaching: In person theory End date: 29/07/2010 Entity: European School of Oncology y European Society for Medical Oncology

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22 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte 4 sesiones en el ESO Course Oncology for Medical Students. 1. Supportive and Palliative Care 2. Epidemiology - Clinical Presentation - Diagnosis - Staging 3. Treatment of Gastrointestinal Malignancies 4. Clinical Cases discussion 25-31 julio, 2009, Ioannina, Grecia (Docència en segundo ciclo) Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory End date: 31/07/2009 Entity: ESO

23 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of the course: Imparte 4 sesiones en el ESO Course Oncology for Medical Students. 1. Supportive and Palliative Care 2. Epidemiology - Clinical Presentation - Diagnosis - Staging 3. Treatment of Gastrointestinal Malignancies 4. Clinical Cases discussion (Docència en segundo ciclo) Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory End date: 27/07/2007

Experience supervising doctoral thesis and/or final year projects

1 Project title: MECANISMOS DE RESISTENCIA PRIMARIA Y SECUNDARIA A TRATAMIENTO ANTIHER2 EN CÁNCER GÁSTRICO HER2 POSITIVO Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Josefa Castillo Entity: Universitat de València Type of entity: University City of entity: Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain Student: Valentina Gambardella Date of reading: 13/03/2018 European doctorate: Yes

2 Project title: ESTUDIO DE ACETILACIÓN DE PROTEÍNAS EN LÍNEAS CELULARES HUMANAS DE CÁNCER COLORECTAL KRAS MUTADO Y SALVAJE Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universitat de València Student: Desamparados Roda Pérez Obtained qualification: Suitable cum laude Date of reading: 2016

3 Project title: Factores pronósticos en el cáncer de recto localmente avanzado tratado con quimioradioterapia neoadyuvante seguida de cirugía. Valor pronóstico del Neoadjuvant Rectal Score y del nomograma de Valentini. Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Universitat de València City of entity: Spain Student: Susana Roselló Keränen Date of reading: 2016

4 Project title: Cirugía del cáncer de colon. Análisis de los resultados oncológicos en una unidad especializada Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Valencia Student: Gloria Gema Báguena Requena Date of reading: 2015

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5 Project title: ¿Es necesaria la quimio-radioterapia preoperatoria en todos los pacientes con cáncer rectal localmentez avanzado? Análisis de una serie consecutiva de pacientes estadificados preoperatoriamente, T2N+OT3 Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: València Student: Matteo Frasson Obtained qualification: Apto cum laude Date of reading: 2013

6 Project title: Evaluación macroscópica de la calidad del mesorrecto y estudio del margen circunferencial como factores pronósticos en el cáncer de recto Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: València Student: Mª Carmen Faus Alcañiz Obtained qualification: Apto cum laude Date of reading: 2011

7 Project title: Estadificación local del cáncer de recto. Subdivisión pronóstica de T3 según la ecografía rectal. Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Valencia Student: Pedro Esclapez Valero Obtained qualification: Sobresaliente cum laude Date of reading: 2005

8 Project title: Estudio de la prevalencia de mutaciones de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2 en mujeres con cáncer de mama menores de 41 años. Relación con los antecedentes oncológicos familiares y características clínico-patológicas Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Valencia Student: Isabel Chirivella González Obtained qualification: Apto cum laude Date of reading: 2004

9 Project title: Análisis Mutacional de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2 en mujeres con cáncer de mama precoz Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Valencia Student: Martinez Ferrandis Obtained qualification: Apto cum laude Date of reading: 2002

10 Project title: Análisi de Factores Pronósticos y resultados en la cirugía del cáncer de recto y sigma. Type of project: Doctoral thesis Entity: Valencia Student: Roberto Martí Obiol Obtained qualification: Apto cum laude Date of reading: 2001

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Participation in conferences with talks focused on teacher training

Name of the event: Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Colon-and-Rectal-Surgeons Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Philadelphia, PA, United States of America Date of presentation: 2005 Is endoanal ultrasonography useful to select patients with uT3 rectal cancer for adjuvant therapy?.

Other activities/achievements not included above

1 Description of the activity: Courses and Seminars - Directed: Cervantes A y Poveda A como coordinadores del curso Avances en Tumores Ginecológicos: Pacientes de alto riesgo y recaídas End date: 05/11/2013

2 Description of the activity: Cursos y Seminarios Dirigidos: Cervantes A y Poveda A como coordinadores del curso Avances en Tumores Ginecológicos: Pacientes de alto riesgo y recaídas End date: 05/11/2013

Scientific and technological experience

Scientific or technological activities

R&D projects funded through competitive calls of public or private entities

1 Name of the project: CeLac and European consortium for a personalized medicine approach to Gastric Cancer (LEGACy – GA 825832) Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium Entity where project took place: Fundación Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Investigación Hospital Clínico Valencia Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Cervantes A Funding entity or bodies: Comisión Europea-H2020 Type of entity: Unión Europea Type of participation: Principal investigator Start-End date: 2019 - 2022 Total amount: 3.577.431,25 €

2 Name of the project: PI18/01909 Medicina personalizada en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal localizado: abordaje multiómico de la Enfermedad Mínima Residual en biopsia líquida y modelos de organoides Entity where project took place: Fundación Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Investigación Hospital Clínico Valencia Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Cervantes A; Roda D Funding entity or bodies: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Type of entity: Public Research Body City funding entity: Majadahonda, Community of Madrid, Spain

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Start-End date: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021 Duration: 3 years Total amount: 141.570 €

3 Name of the project: PI18/01909 Personalized medicine in patients with localized colorectal cancer: multiómico approach of Minimum Residual Disease in liquid biopsy and organoid models Entity where project took place: Fundación Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Investigación Hospital Clínico Valencia Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Cervantes A; Roda D Funding entity or bodies: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Type of entity: Public Research Body City funding entity: Majadahonda, Community of Madrid, Spain Type of participation: Co-ordinator Start-End date: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021 Duration: 3 years Total amount: 141.570 €

4 Name of the project: IntraColor Evolution of resistant clones to novel target-directed drugs in colorectal tumors. A genetic and epigenetic study of intratumoral heterogeneity dynamics Entity where project took place: Fundacion Type of entity: Otros organismos Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia City of entity: Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Funding entity or bodies: Comisión Europea. DG Research and Innovation Type of entity: Unión Europea (RTD) City funding entity: Belgium Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: IntraColor AC15/00096 Start-End date: 01/04/2016 - 2019 Participating entity/entities: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia Total amount: 29.645 €

5 Name of the project: MoTriColor Molecularly guided trials with specific treatment strategies in patients with advanced newly molecular defined subtypes of colorectal cancer (MoTriColor) Entity where project took place: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes (IP INCLIVA); Josep Tabernero (Coordinador) Funding entity or bodies: Unión Europea

Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: 635342 MoTriColor Start-End date: 2015 - 2019 Total amount: 5.996.992 €

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6 Name of the project: PI15/02180 Enfermedad mínima residual en cánceres colorrectales de alto riesgo resecados. Valor de las biopsias líquidas en el seguimiento y análisis de la heterogeneidad tumoral Entity where project took place: Fundacion Type of entity: Otros organismos Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia City of entity: Unknown Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Nº of researchers: 9 Funding entity or bodies: Fondo de Investigación Sanitario. Instituto de Salud Type of entity: Otros organismos Carlos III City funding entity: Spain Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: PI15/02180 Start-End date: 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018 Duration: 3 years Participating entity/entities: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia Total amount: 80.465 €

7 Name of the project: PI15/02180 Minimum residual disease in resected high-risk colorectal cancers. Value of liquid biopsies in the monitoring and analysis of tumor heterogeneity Entity where project took place: Fundacion Type of entity: Otros organismos Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia City of entity: Unknown Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Nº of researchers: 9 Funding entity or bodies: Fondo de Investigación Sanitario. Instituto de Salud Type of entity: Otros organismos Carlos III City funding entity: Spain Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: PI15/02180 Start-End date: 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018 Duration: 3 years Participating entity/entities: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia Total amount: 80.465 €

8 Name of the project: Estudio de los factores pronóstico y predictores de resistencia a tratamientos diana en cáncer colorrectal derecho e izquierdo utilizando organoides como modelo preclínico de enfermedad Entity where project took place: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. City of entity: Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Cervantes A Nº of researchers: 13 Funding entity or bodies: Fundación Merck Salud Type of entity: Foundation Start-End date: 01/06/2017 - 30/05/2018 Total amount: 30.000 €

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9 Name of the project: Study of prognostic factors and predictors of resistance to target treatments in right and left colorectal cancer using organoids as a preclinical model of disease Entity where project took place: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. City of entity: Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Cervantes A Nº of researchers: 13 Funding entity or bodies: Fundación Merck Salud Type of entity: Foundation Type of participation: Principal investigator Start-End date: 01/06/2017 - 30/05/2018 Total amount: 30.000 €

10 Name of the project: INNACC00/18/001 Complementary actions to boost and strengthen innovation Entity where project took place: Fundación Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Investigación Hospital Clínico Valencia Funding entity or bodies: Agencia Valenciana de Innovación- AVI

Start-End date: 2018 - 2018 Total amount: 9.299,98 €

11 Name of the project: PINV15-156 Multicentre project to determine the mutational profile of patients with solid tumor cancer to guide the therapeutic strategy towards personalized medicine Entity where project took place: Fundación Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Investigación Hospital Clínico Valencia Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Cervantes A Funding entity or bodies: CONACYT Paraguay

Type of participation: Principal investigator Start-End date: 2017 - 2018 Total amount: 24.660 €

12 Name of the project: PINV15-156 Proyecto multicéntrico de determinación del perfil mutacional de pacientes con cáncer de tumores sólidos para guiar la estrategia terapéutica hacia una medicina personalizada Entity where project took place: Fundación Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Investigación Hospital Clínico Valencia Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Cervantes A Start-End date: 2017 - 2018

13 Name of the project: Prometeo/2013/005 Estudio traslacional sobre la hiperacetilación de proteínas como vía final de resistencia a fármacos anti-EGFR a cánceres de alta incidencia clínica Entity where project took place: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Nº of researchers: 4 Funding entity or bodies: Generalitat Valenciana Type of entity: Body, others City funding entity: Valencian Community, Spain

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Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: Prometeo/2013/005 Start-End date: 2013 - 2016 Total amount: 54.535 €

14 Name of the project: Prometeo/2013/005 Translational study on protein hyperacetylation as a final route of resistance to anti-EGFR drugs to cancers of high clinical incidence Entity where project took place: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Nº of researchers: 4 Funding entity or bodies: Generalitat Valenciana Type of entity: Body, others City funding entity: Valencian Community, Spain Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: Prometeo/2013/005 Start-End date: 2013 - 2016 Total amount: 54.535 €

15 Name of the project: PI12/02767 Hiperacetilación de riboproteinas heterogéneas nucleares (hnRNPs) como vía final de resistencia a fármacos anti-EGFR en cáncer colorectal Entity where project took place: Fundación Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Investigación Hospital Clínico Valencia City of entity: 46010-Valencia, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Nº of researchers: 7 Funding entity or bodies: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo de Investigación Type of entity: Otros organismos Sanitaria (FIS). City funding entity: Unknown Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: PI12/02767 Start-End date: 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015 Duration: 3 years Participating entity/entities: Hospital Clínico Universitario. Universitat de València Total amount: 74.415 €

16 Name of the project: PI12/02767 Hyperacetylation of heterogeneous nuclear riboproteins (hnRNPs) as the final route of resistance to anti-EGFR drugs in colorectal cancer Entity where project took place: Fundación Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions Investigación Hospital Clínico Valencia City of entity: 46010-Valencia, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Nº of researchers: 7 Funding entity or bodies: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo de Investigación Type of entity: Otros organismos Sanitaria (FIS). City funding entity: Unknown Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: PI12/02767 Start-End date: 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015 Duration: 3 years

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Participating entity/entities: Hospital Clínico Universitario. Universitat de València Total amount: 74.415 €

17 Name of the project: ACOMP 12/069 Mecanismos de resistencia a inhibidores de EGFR. Estudio epigenómico y de acetilación de proteínas en líneas celulares K-Ras mutado y salvaje y su evaluación en pacientes con cáncer de colon Entity where project took place: Fundacion Type of entity: Otros organismos Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia City of entity: Unknown Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Funding entity or bodies: Consellería de Educación de la Generalitat Type of entity: Otros organismos Valenciana City funding entity: Unknown Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: ACOMP 12/069 Start-End date: 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2012 Duration: 1 year Participating entity/entities: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia Total amount: 13.000 €

18 Name of the project: ACOMP 12/069 Mechanisms of resistance to EGFR inhibitors. Epigenetic and acetylation study of proteins in mutated and wild K-Ras cell lines and their evaluation in patients with colon cancer Entity where project took place: Fundacion Type of entity: Otros organismos Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia City of entity: Unknown Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Funding entity or bodies: Consellería de Educación de la Generalitat Type of entity: Otros organismos Valenciana City funding entity: Unknown Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: ACOMP 12/069 Start-End date: 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2012 Duration: 1 year Participating entity/entities: Fundacion Investigación Hospital Clinic de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA. Universidad de Valencia Total amount: 13.000 €

19 Name of the project: PS09/02480 Mechanisms of resistance to EGFR inhibitors. Epigenomic and acetylation study of proteins in mutated and wild KRAS cell lines, and their evaluation in patients with colon cancer Geographical area: National Entity where project took place: Fundación para Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions la Investigación del Hospital clínico Universitario de Valencia City of entity: Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes

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Nº of researchers: 5 Funding entity or bodies: FIS (Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias)

Type of participation: Principal investigator Code according to the funding entity: PS09/02480 Start-End date: 2010 - 2012 Duration: 3 years Total amount: 92.565 € Dedication regime: Full time

20 Name of the project: PS09/02480 Mecanismos de resistencia a inhibidores de EGFR. Estudio epigenómico y de acetilación de proteínas en líneas celulares KRAS mutado y salvaje, y su evaluación en pacientes con cáncer de colon Geographical area: National Entity where project took place: Fundación para Type of entity: Healthcare Institutions la Investigación del Hospital clínico Universitario de Valencia City of entity: Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Nº of researchers: 5 Funding entity or bodies: FIS (Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias)

Code according to the funding entity: PS09/02480 Start-End date: 2010 - 2012 Duration: 3 years Total amount: 92.565 € Dedication regime: Full time

21 Name of the project: Mecanismos de resistencia a inhibidores de EGFR. Estudio epigenómico y de acetilación de proteínas en líneas celulares KRAS mutado y salvaje, y su evaluación en pacientes con cáncer de colon Entity where project took place: Fundación Type of entity: Otros organismos Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia City of entity: Unknown Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Nº of researchers: 7 Funding entity or bodies: Fundación Gent per Gent. Conselleria de Sanidad Type of entity: Otros organismos (Generalitat Valenciana) City funding entity: Unknown Start-End date: 2009 - 2012 Duration: 3 years - 1 day Participating entity/entities: Fundación Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Total amount: 23.000 €

22 Name of the project: Análisis proteómico y metabolómico de linfocitos irradiados como factor predictivo en el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama. Entity where project took place: Universitat de València Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Nº of researchers: 6 Funding entity or bodies: FIS (Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias)

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Start date: 2004 Total amount: 65.895 €

23 Name of the project: ESTUDIO DE LA ASOCIACIÓN DEL CÁNCER DE MAMA CON POLIMORFISMOS DE BRCA1 Y BRCA2 Y GENES QUE PUEDEN MODULAR LA FUNCION TRANSCRIPCIONAL DE BRCA1 Y BRCA2. Entity where project took place: Universitat de València Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Nº of researchers: 6 Funding entity or bodies: FIS (Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias)

Start date: 2001

24 Name of the project: Proyecto para el estudio de las mutaciones de los genes MSH2 y MLH1, relacionadas con el cáncer de colon hereditario no asociado a poliposis. Entity where project took place: Universitat de València Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Funding entity or bodies: Sanofi-Recherche

Start date: 2001 Total amount: 54.000 €

25 Name of the project: DIAGNÓSTICO DE LA PREDISPOSICIÓN HEREDITARIA AL CÁNCER DE MAMA: ANÁLISIS MUTACIONAL DE LOS GENES BRCA1 Y BRCA2 EN MUJERES ESPAÑOLAS CON CÁNCER DE MAMA PRECOZ. Entity where project took place: Universitat de València Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Nº of researchers: 6 Funding entity or bodies: FIS (Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias)

Start date: 1998

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Scientific and technological activities

Scientific production

Publications, scientific and technical documents

1 Longo-Muñoz F; Argiles G; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Gravalos C; Pericay C; Gil-Calle S; Mizuguchi H; Carrato-Mena A; Limón ML; Garcia-Carbonero R.Efficacy of trifluridine and tipiracil (TAS-102) versus placebo, with supportive care, in a randomized, controlled trial of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer from Spain: results of a subgroup analysis of the phase 3 RECOURSE trial.Clinical & Translational Oncology. 19 - 2, pp. 227 - 235. (Spain): 2017. ISSN 1699-048X DOI: Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 11 Relevant publication: Yes

2 Smyth EC; Verheij M; Allum W; Cunningham D; Cervantes A; Arnold D; ESMO Guidelines Committee..Gastric cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 27 - Suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2016. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 7 Relevant publication: Yes

3 Gloria Baguena; Gianluca Pellino; Matteo Frasson; Javier Escrig; Franco Marinello; Alejandro Espí; Alvaro García Granero; Susana Roselló; Andres Cervantes; Eduardo García Granero. Impact of perioperative transfusions and sepsis on long-term oncologic outcomes after curative colon cancer resection. A retrospective analysis of a prospective database.Gastroenterologia y hepatologia. (Spain): 06/01/2020. ISSN 0210-5705 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 10

4 Nicholas Pavlidis; Fedro Peccatori; Matti Aapro; Alexandru Eniu; Rolf Stahel; Andres Cervantes; Franco Cavalli; Alberto Costa. ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology: Analysis and Evaluation of the Learning Self-Assessment Test.Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education. 16/12/2019. ISSN 1543-0154 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 8

5 Lillian M Smyth; Sarina A Piha Paul; Helen H Won; Alison M Schram; Cristina Saura; Sherene Loi; Janice Lu; Geoffrey I Shapiro; Dejan Juric; Ingrid A Mayer; Carlos L Arteaga; Macarena I de la Fuente; Adam M Brufksy; Iben Spanggaard; Morten Mau Sorensen; Monica Arnedos; Victor Moreno; Valentina Boni; Joohyuk Sohn; Lee S Schwartzberg; Xavier Gonzalez Farre; Andres Cervantes; Francois-Clement Bidard; Alexander N Gorelick; Richard B Lanman; Rebecca J Nagy; Gary A Ulaner; Sarat Chandarlapaty; Komal Jhaveri; Elena I Gavrila; Catherine Zimel; S Duygu Selcuklu; Myra Melcer; Aliaksandra Samoila; Yanyan Cai; Maurizio Scaltriti; Grace Mann; Feng Xu; Lisa D Eli; Melanie Dujka; Alshad S Lalani; Richard Bryce; Jose Baselga; Barry S Taylor; David B Solit;

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Funda Meric Bernstam; David M Hyman. Efficacy and Determinants of Response to HER Kinase Inhibition in HER2-Mutant Metastatic Breast Cancer.Cancer discovery. 05/12/2019. ISSN 2159-8290 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 22 Total no. authors: 47

6 Michel Ducreux; Lone Nørgård Petersen; Leopold � hler; Francesca Bergamo; Jean-Philippe Metges; Jan Willem de Groot; Jaw-Yuan Wang; Beatriz García Paredes; Emmanuelle Dochy; Sabine Fiala Buskies; Andrés Cervantes; Juan Manuel O'Connor; Alfredo Falcone. Safety and effectiveness of regorafenib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in routine clinical practice in the prospective, observational CORRELATE study.European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990). 123, pp. 146 - 154. 12/2019. ISSN 1879-0852 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 11 Total no. authors: 13

7 Johanna C Bendell; Tamara Sauri; Antonio Cubillo Gracián; Rafael Alvarez; Carlos López López; Pilar García Alfonso; Maen Hussein; Maria-Luisa Limon Miron; Andrés Cervantes; Clara Montagut; Cristina Santos Vivas; Alberto Bessudo; Patricia Plezia; Veerle Moons; Johannes Andel; Jaafar Bennouna; Andre van der Westhuizen; Leslie Samuel; Simona Rossomanno; Christophe Boetsch; Angelika Lahr; Izolda Franjkovic; Florian Heil; Katharina Lechner; Oliver Krieter; Herbert Hurwitz. The McCAVE Trial: Vanucizumab plus mFOLFOX-6 Versus plus mFOLFOX-6 in Patients with Previously Untreated Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma (mCRC).The oncologist. 30/09/2019. ISSN 1549-490X Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 26 Corresponding author: No

8 N Tarazona; F Gimeno Valiente; V Gambardella; S Zuñiga; P Rentero Garrido; M Huerta; S Roselló; C Martinez Ciarpaglini; J A Carbonell Asins; F Carrasco; A Ferrer Martínez; G Bruixola; T Fleitas; J Martín; R Tébar Martínez; D Moro; J Castillo; A Espí; D Roda; A Cervantes. Targeted next-generation sequencing of circulating-tumor DNA for tracking minimal residual disease in localized colon cancer.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 28/09/2019. ISSN 1569-8041 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 20 Total no. authors: 20

9 Vincenzo Valentini; Corrie Marijnen; Geerard Beets; Krzysztof Bujko; Berardino De Bari; Andres Cervantes; Giuditta Chiloiro; Claudio Coco; Maria Antonietta Gambacorta; Robert Glynne Jones; Karin Haustermans; Elisa Meldolesi; Femke Peters; Claus Rödel; Harm Rutten; Cornelis van de Velde; Cynthia Aristei. The 2017 Assisi Think Tank Meeting on rectal cancer: A positioning paper.Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. (Ireland): 17/08/2019. ISSN 1879-0887 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 17

10 Rastislav Bahleda; Antoine Italiano; Cinta Hierro; Alain Mita; Andres Cervantes; Nancy Chan; Mark Awad; Emiliano Calvo; Victor Moreno; Ramaswamy Govindan; Alexander Spira; Martha Gonzalez; Bob Zhong; Ademi Santiago Walker; Italo Poggesi; Trilok Parekh; Hong Xie; Jeffrey Infante; Josep Tabernero. Multicenter Phase I Study of Erdafitinib (JNJ-42756493), Oral Pan-Fibroblast Receptor Inhibitor, in Patients with Advanced or Refractory Solid Tumors.Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 25 - 16, pp. 4888 - 4897. 15/08/2019. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 19

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11 N Stjepanovic; L Moreira; F Carneiro; F Balaguer; A Cervantes; J Balmaña; E Martinelli. Hereditary gastrointestinal cancers: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 05/08/2019. ISSN 1569-8041 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 7

12 Nicholas Pavlidis; Fedro Peccatori; Matti Aapro; Christian Rolfo; Andres Cervantes; Rolf Stahel; Alex Eniu; Franco Cavalli; Alberto Costa. Changing the education paradigm in oncology: ESO masterclass, 17 years of continuous success.Critical reviews in oncology/hematology. pp. 102798. 01/08/2019. ISSN 1879-0461 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 9

13 Vandana G Abramson; Mafalda Oliveira; Andrés Cervantes; Hans Wildiers; Manish R Patel; Todd M Bauer; Philippe L Bedard; Carlos Becerra; Stephen Richey; Michael C Wei; Eric Reyner; John Bond; Na Cui; Timothy R Wilson; Heather M Moore; Cristina Saura; Ian E Krop. A phase Ib, open-label, dose-escalation study of the safety and pharmacology of taselisib (GDC-0032) in combination with either docetaxel or paclitaxel in patients with HER2-negative, locally advanced, or metastatic breast cancer.Breast cancer research and treatment. 31/07/2019. ISSN 1573-7217 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 17

14 D Roda; S Roselló; A Cervantes. Understanding the clinical behavior of relapsed colon cancers with microsatellite instability relative to BRAF mutations.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 26/07/2019. ISSN 1569-8041 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 3

15 Francisco Gimeno Valiente; Ángela L Riffo Campos; Azahara Vallet Sánchez; Sofía Siscar Lewin; Valentina Gambardella; Noelia Tarazona; Andrés Cervantes; Luis Franco; Josefa Castillo; Gerardo López Rodas. ZNF518B gene up-regulation promotes dissemination of tumour cells and is governed by epigenetic mechanisms in colorectal cancer.Scientific reports. 9 - 1, pp. 9339. 27/06/2019. ISSN 2045-2322 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 10

16 Cathy Eng; Tae Won Kim; Johanna Bendell; Guillem Argilés; Niall C Tebbutt; Maria Di Bartolomeo; Alfredo Falcone; Marwan Fakih; Mark Kozloff; Neil H Segal; Alberto Sobrero; Yibing Yan; Ilsung Chang; Anne Uyei; Louise Roberts; Fortunato Ciardiello. with or without cobimetinib versus regorafenib in previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (IMblaze370): a multicentre, open-label, phase 3, randomised, controlled trial.The Lancet. Oncology. 20 - 6, pp. 849 - 861. 06/2019. ISSN 1474-5488 Type of production: Scientific paper

17 Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff; Carolina Martinez Ciarpaglini; Josefina Ayala; Cinthia Gauna; Rita Denis; Ita Yoffe; Silvia Sforza; María Teresa Martínez; Alicia Pomata; Maider Ibarrola Villava; Sipan Arevshatyan; Verónica Burriel; Diego Boscá; Oscar Pastor; Ana Ferrer Martinez; Francisca Carrasco; Cristina Mongort; Samuel Navarro; Gloria Ribas; Andres Cervantes. Molecular profile in Paraguayan colorectal cancer patients, towards to a precision medicine strategy.Cancer medicine. 8 - 6, pp. 3120 - 3130. 06/2019. ISSN 2045-7634 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 20

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Total no. authors: 20

18 Gloria Baguena; Gianluca Pellino; Matteo Frasson; Susana Roselló; Andres Cervantes; Alvaro García Granero; Francisco Giner; Eduardo García Granero. Prognostic Impact of pT Stage and Peritoneal Invasion in Locally Advanced Colon Cancer.Diseases of the colon and rectum. 62 - 6, pp. 684 - 693. 06/2019. ISSN 1530-0358 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 8

19 Chanthirika Ragulan; Katherine Eason; Elisa Fontana; Gift Nyamundanda; Noelia Tarazona; Yatish Patil; Pawan Poudel; Rita T Lawlor; Maguy Del Rio; Si-Lin Koo; Wah-Siew Tan; Francesco Sclafani; Ruwaida Begum; Larissa S Teixeira Mendes; Pierre Martineau; Aldo Scarpa; Andrés Cervantes; Iain Beehuat Tan; David Cunningham; Anguraj Sadanandam. Analytical Validation of Multiplex Biomarker Assay to Stratify Colorectal Cancer into Molecular Subtypes.Scientific reports. 9 - 1, pp. 7665. 21/05/2019. ISSN 2045-2322 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 17 Total no. authors: 20

20 Carolina Martinez Ciarpaglini; Carlos Fernandez Sellers; Noelia Tarazona; Susana Roselló; Marisol Huerta; Desamparados Roda; Cristina Mongort; Antonio Ferrández; Samuel Navarro; Andres Cervantes. Improving tumour budding evaluation in colon cancer by extending the assessment area in colectomy specimens.Histopathology. 13/05/2019. ISSN 1365-2559 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 10 Total no. authors: 10

21 V Gambardella; T Fleitas; N Tarazona; J M Cejalvo; F Gimeno Valiente; C Martinez Ciarpaglini; M Huerta; S Roselló; J Castillo; D Roda; A Cervantes. Towards precision oncology for anti-HER2 blockade in gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 02/05/2019. ISSN 1569-8041 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 11 Total no. authors: 11

22 Guillem Argilés; Thierry André; Antoine Hollebecque; Aitana Calvo; Laetitia Dahan; Andrés Cervantes; Catherine Leger; Nadia Amellal; Ronan Fougeray; Josep Tabernero. Phase I dose-escalation of trifluridine/tipiracil in combination with oxaliplatin in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990). 112, pp. 12 - 19. 05/2019. ISSN 1879-0852 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 10

23 Nigel D?Souza; Michael P M de Neree Tot Babberich; Andre d'Hoore; Emmanuel Tiret; Evaghelos Xynos; Regina G H Beets Tan; Iris D Nagtegaal; Lennart Blomqvist; Torbjorn Holm; Bengt Glimelius; Antonio Lacy; Andres Cervantes; Robert Glynne Jones; Nicholas P West; Rodrigo O Perez; Claudio Quadros; Kil Yeon Lee; Thandinkosi E Madiba; Steven D Wexner; Julio Garcia Aguilar; Dushyant Sahani; Brendan Moran; Paris Tekkis; Harm J Rutten; Pieter J Tanis; Theo Wiggers; Gina Brown. Definition of the Rectum: An International, Expert-based Delphi Consensus.Annals of surgery. 08/04/2019. ISSN 1528-1140 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 12 Total no. authors: 27

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24 E Fontana; K Eason; A Cervantes; R Salazar; A Sadanandam. Context Matters - Consensus Molecular Subtypes of Colorectal Cancer as Biomarkers for Clinical Trials.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 23/02/2019. ISSN 1569-8041 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 5

25 A Borrero Palacios; A Cebrián; M T Gómez Del Pulgar; R García Carbonero; P García; E Aranda; E Elez; R López López; A Cervantes; M Valladares; C Nadal; J M Viéitez; C Guillén Ponce; J Rodríguez; I Hernández; J L García; R Vega Bravo; A Puime Otin; J Martínez Useros; L Del Puerto Nevado; R Rincón; M Rodríguez Remírez; F Rojo; J García Foncillas. Combination of KIR2DS4 and Fc?RIIa polymorphisms predicts the response to in KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer.Scientific reports. 9 - 1, pp. 2589. 22/02/2019. ISSN 2045-2322 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 24

26 Kyung Hae Jung; Patricia M LoRusso; Howard A Burris; Michael S Gordon; Yung-Jue Bang; Matthew D Hellmann; Andres Cervantes; Maria Ochoa de Olza; Aurélien Marabelle; F Stephen Hodi; Myung-Ju Ahn; Leisha A Emens; Fabrice Barlesi; Omid Hamid; Emiliano Calvo; David F McDermott; Hatem Soliman; Ina Rhee; Ray Lin; Tony Pourmohamad; Julia Suchomel; Amy Tsuhako; Kari M Morrissey; Sami Mahrus; Roland Morley; Andrea Pirzkall; S Lindsey Davis. Phase I Study of the Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) Inhibitor Navoximod (GDC-0919) Administered with PD-L1 Inhibitor (Atezolizumab) in Advanced Solid Tumors.Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 15/02/2019. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 27

27 Gilberto Lopes; Mariana C Stern; Sarah Temin; Ala I Sharara; Andres Cervantes; Ainhoa Costas Chavarri; Rena Engineer; Chisato Hamashima; Gwo Fuang Ho; Fidel David Huitzil; Mona Malekzadeh Moghani; Govind Nandakumar; Manish A Shah; Catherine Teh; Sara E Vázquez Manjarrez; Azmina Verjee; Rhonda Yantiss; Marcia Cruz Correa. Early Detection for Colorectal Cancer: ASCO Resource-Stratified Guideline.Journal of global oncology. pp. 1 - 22. 02/2019. ISSN 2378-9506 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 18

28 Ainhoa Costas Chavarri; Govind Nandakumar; Sarah Temin; Gilberto Lopes; Andres Cervantes; Marcia Cruz Correa; Rena Engineer; Chisato Hamashima; Gwo Fuang Ho; Fidel David Huitzil; Mona Malekzadeh Moghani; Ala I Sharara; Mariana C Stern; Catherine Teh; Sara E Vázquez Manjarrez; Azmina Verjee; Rhonda Yantiss; Manish A Shah. Treatment of Patients With Early-Stage Colorectal Cancer: ASCO Resource-Stratified Guideline.Journal of global oncology. pp. 1 - 19. 02/2019. ISSN 2378-9506 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 18

29 A Vogel; A Cervantes; I Chau; B Daniele; J M Llovet; T Meyer; J-C Nault; U Neumann; J Ricke; B Sangro; P Schirmacher; C Verslype; C J Zech; D Arnold; E Martinelli. Hepatocellular carcinoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 31/01/2019. ISSN 1569-8041 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 15

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30 Valentina Gambardella; Tania Tleitas; Andres Cervantes. Understanding mechanisms of primary resistance to checkpoint inhibitors will lead to precision immunotherapy of advanced gastric cancer.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 18/01/2019. ISSN 1569-8041 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 3

31 Juan-Miguel Cejalvo; Wolfgang Jacob; Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff; Enriqueta Felip; Alejandro Navarro Mendivil; Maria Martinez Garcia; Alvaro Taus Garcia; Natasha Leighl; Ulrik Lassen; Morten Mau Soerensen; Celine Adessi; Francesca Michielin; Ian James; Maurizio Ceppi; Max Hasmann; Martin Weisser; Andrés Cervantes. A phase Ib/II study of HER3-targeting lumretuzumab in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel as first-line treatment in patients with advanced or metastatic squamous non-small cell lung cancer.ESMO open. 4 - 4, pp. e000532. 2019. ISSN 2059-7029 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 17 Total no. authors: 17

32 Carolina Martinez Ciarpaglini; Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff; Valentina Gambardella; Marta Llorca; Cristina Mongort; Regina Mengual; Gema Nieto; Lara Navarro; Marisol Huerta; Susana Rosello; Desamparados Roda; Noelia Tarazona; Samuel Navarro; Gloria Ribas; Andrés Cervantes. Assessing molecular subtypes of gastric cancer: microsatellite unstable and Epstein-Barr virus subtypes. Methods for detection and clinical and pathological implications.ESMO open. 4 - 3, pp. e000470. 2019. ISSN 2059-7029 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 15 Total no. authors: 15

33 Florian Lordick; Radka Obermannova; Doris Vola; Jean-Yves Douillard; Keith Mcgregor; Eric Van Cutsem; Josep Tabernero; Fortunato Ciardiello; Andrés Cervantes. Educational needs in gastrointestinal cancer: a consensus position paper from the ESMO Gastrointestinal Cancer Faculty.ESMO open. 4 - 3, pp. e000533. 2019. ISSN 2059-7029 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 10

34 Claudia Cardone; Erika Martinelli; Teresa Troiani; Vincenzo Sforza; Antonio Avallone; Anna Nappi; Vincenzo Montesarchio; Francesca Andreozzi; Maria Biglietto; Filomena Calabrese; Roberto Bordonaro; Stefano Cordio; Giacomo Bregni; Antonio Febbraro; Rocio Garcia Carbonero; Jaime Feliu; Andrés Cervantes; Fortunato Ciardiello. Exploratory findings from a prematurely closed international, multicentre, academic trial: RAVELLO, a phase III study of regorafenib versus placebo as maintenance therapy after first-line treatment in RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer.ESMO open. 4 - 4, pp. e000519. 2019. ISSN 2059-7029 DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2019-000519 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 17 Total no. authors: 18

35 Gema Bruxiola; Juan-Miguel Cejalvo; Valentina Gambardella; Andrés Cervantes. In the literature: April 2019.ESMO open. 4 - 2, pp. e000513. 2019. ISSN 2059-7029 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 4

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36 Valentina Gambardella; Gema Bruixola; Federica Papaccio; Juan-Miguel Cejalvo; Andrés Cervantes. In the literature: August 2018.ESMO open. 4 - 4, pp. e000563. 2019. ISSN 2059-7029 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 5

37 Amelia Insa; Valentina Gambardella; Andrés Cervantes. In the literature: February 2019.ESMO open. 4 - 1, pp. e000490. 2019. ISSN 2059-7029 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 3

38 Angela Lamarca; Valentina Gambardella; Juan-Miguel Cejalvo; Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff; Andrés Cervantes. In the literature: June 2019.ESMO open. 4 - 3, pp. e000547. 2019. ISSN 2059-7029 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 5

39 Martinez-Ciarpaglini C; Oltra S; Roselló S; Roda D; Mongort C; Carrasco F; Gonzalez J; Santonja F; Tarazona N; Huerta M; Espí A; Ribas G; Ferrández A; Navarro S; Cervantes A. Low miR200c expression in tumor budding of invasive front predicts worse survival in patients with localized colon cancer and is related to PD-L1 overexpression.Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc. 32 - 2, pp. 306 - 313. 2019. ISSN 0893-3952 DOI: 10.1038/s41379-018-0124-5 PMID: 30206410 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 15 Total no. authors: 15

40 Ducreux M; Petersen LN; Öhler L; Bergamo F; Metges JP; de Groot JW; Wang JY; García Paredes B; Dochy E; Fiala-Buskies S; Cervantes A; O'Connor JM; Falcone A; CORRELATE Investigators. Safety and effectiveness of regorafenib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in routine clinical practice in the prospective, observational CORRELATE study. European Journal of Cancer. 123, pp. 146 - 154. 2019. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 11 Total no. authors: 14

41 Sabater L; Muñoz E; Roselló S; Dorcaratto D; Garcés-Albir M; Huerta M; Roda D; Gómez-Mateo MC; Ferrández-Izquierdo A; Darder A; Cervantes A. Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer. Challenges and controversies.Cancer treatment reviews. 68, pp. 124 - 135. 2018. ISSN 0305-7372 DOI: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2018.06.006 PMID: 29957372 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 11 Total no. authors: 11

42 Grothey A; Shah M; Yoshino T; Van Cutsem E; Taieb J; Xu R; Tebbutt NC; Falcone A; Cervantes A; other CanStem303 Investigators.; Borodyansky L; Li CJ. Clinicopathological factors influence diagnostic accuracy of clinical N staging for early gastric cancer.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 28, 2018. ISSN 0923-7534 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdx783 PMID: 30052795

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Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 12

43 González Martín A; Oza AM; Embleton AC; Pfisterer J; Ledermann JA; Pujade-Lauraine E; Kristensen G; Bertrand MA; Beale P; Cervantes A; Kent E; Kaplan RS; Parmar MKB; Scotto N; Perren TJ; ICON7 investigators. Exploratory outcome analyses according to stage and/or residual disease in the ICON7 trial of carboplatin and paclitaxel with or without bevacizumab for newly diagnosed ovarian cancer.Gynecologic Oncology. 152 - 1, pp. 53 - 60. 2018. ISSN 0090-8258 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2018.08.036 PMID: 30449719 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 10 Total no. authors: 16

44 Vogel, A.; Cervantes, A.; Chau, I.; Daniele, B.; Llovet, J.; Meyer, T.; Nault, J. -C.; Neumann, U.; Ricke, J.; Sangro, B.; Schirmacher, P.; Verslype, C.; Zech, C. J.; Arnold, D.; Martinelli, E.; ESMO Guidelines Comm. Hepatocellular carcinoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 29 - Supp 4, pp. iv238 - iv255. 2018. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 16

45 Smyth EC; Cervantes A. Immunotherapy is not for all comers in chemotherapy-refractory advanced gastric cancer. Better predictive biomarkers are needed.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 2018. ISSN 0923-7534 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdy331 PMID: 30137184 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 2

46 Gambardella V; Bruixola G; Cervantes A. In the literature: April 2018.ESMO Open. 3 - 3, pp. e000362 - e000362. 2018. DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000362 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 3

47 Gambardella V; Martin-Martorell P; Cervantes A. In the literature: August 2018.ESMO open. 3, pp. e000427. 2018. DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000427 PMID: 30233823 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 3

48 Cervantes A. In the literature: February 2018.ESMO Open. 3 - 2, pp. e000322 - e000322. 2018. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 1

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49 Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Gambardella V; Cervantes A. In the literature: June 2018.ESMO open. 3, pp. e000401. 2018. DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000401 PMID: 29942668 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 3

50 Roda D; Gambardella V; Cervantes A. In the literature: October 2018.ESMO open. 3 - 6, pp. e000447. 2018. DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000447 PMID: 30425846 Type of production: Scientific paper

51 Kaasa, Stein; Loge, Jon H.; Aapro, Matti; Albreht, Tit; Anderson, Rebecca; Bruera, Eduardo; Brunelli, Cinzia; Caraceni, Augusto; Cervantes, Andres; Currow, David C.; Deliens, Luc; Fallon, Marie; Gomez-Batiste, Xavier; Grotmol, Kjersti S.; Hannon, Breffni; Haugen, Dagny F.; Higginson, Irene J.; Hjermstad, Marianne J.; Hui, David; Jordan, Karin; Kurita, Geana P.; Larkin, Philip J.; Miccinesi, Guido; Nauck, Friedemann; Pribakovic, Rade; Rodin, Gary; Sjogren, Per; Stone, Patrick; Zimmermann, Camilla; Lundeby, Tonje. Integration of oncology and palliative care: a Lancet Oncology Commission. LANCET ONCOLOGY. 19 - 11, pp. e588 - e653. 2018. ISSN 1470-2045 DOI: 10.1016/S1470-2045(18)30415-7 PMID: 30344075 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 30

52 Rosello, Susana; Borras, Ricard; Cervantes, Andres. Maintenance with single agent bevacizumab fails to improve disease-control in metastatic colorectal cancer. HEPATOBILIARY SURGERY AND NUTRITION. 7 - 5, pp. 395 - 398. 2018. ISSN 2304-3881 DOI: 10.21037/hbsn.2018.08.02 PMID: 30498717 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 3

53 Roselló S; Blasco I; García Fabregat L; Cervantes A; Jordan K; ESMO Guidelines Committee. Management of infusion reactions to systemic anticancer therapy: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines.Annals of Oncology. 2018. ISSN 0923-7534 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdy158. [ Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 6

54 Gambardella V; Gimeno-Valiente F; Tarazona N; Martinez Ciarpaglini C; Roda D; Fleitas T; Tolosa P; Cejalvo JM; Huerta M; Roselló S; Castillo J; Cervantes A. NRF2 through RPS6 activation is related to anti-HER2 drug resistance in HER2-amplified gastric cancer.Clinical cancer research: an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. E-pub, 2018. ISSN 1078-0432 DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-2421 PMID: 30504425 Type of production: Scientific paper

55 Roselló S; Cervantes A. Neoadjuvant Score in locally advancer rectal cancer: Integrating downstaging in risk assessment and looking for new valuable end-points.Annals of Oncology. 2018. DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdy182

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Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 2

56 Ventriglia J; Petrillo A; Huerta Alváro M; Laterza MM; Savastano B; Gambardella V; Tirino G; Pompella L; Diana A; Iovino F; Troiani T; Martinelli E; Morgillo F; Orditura M; Cervantes A; Ciardiello F; De Vita F. Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictor of Poor Prognosis in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Patients Treated with Nab-Paclitaxel plus Gemcitabine: A Propensity Score Analysis.Gastroenterology research and practice. 2018, pp. 2373868. 2018. ISSN 1687-6121 DOI: 10.1155/2018/2373868 PMID: 29983708 Type of production: Scientific paper

57 Zaragozá R; Viña J; Cervantes A; García-Trevijano ER. New localization and function of calpain-2 in nucleoli of colorectal cancer cells in ribosomal biogenesis: effect of KRAS status.Oncotarget. 9 - 10, pp. 9100 - 9113. 2018. DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.23888 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 4

58 Dickler MN; Saura C; Richards DA; Krop IE; Cervantes A; Bedard PL; Patel MR; Pusztai L; Oliveira M; Cardenas AK; Cui N; Wilson TR; Stout TJ; Wei MC; Hsu JY; Baselga J. Phase II Study of Taselisib (GDC-0032) in Combination with Fulvestrant in Patients with HER2-Negative, Hormone Receptor-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer.Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 24, pp. 4380 - 4387. 2018. ISSN 1078-0432 DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-0613 PMID: 29793946 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 16 Citations: 1

59 Andreas Schneeweiss; Tjoung-Won Park Simon; Joan Albanell; Ulrik Lassen; Javier Cortés; Veronique Dieras; Marcus May; Christoph Schindler; Frederik Marmé; Juan Miguel Cejalvo; Maria Martinez Garcia; Iria Gonzalez; Jose Lopez Martin; Anja Welt; Christelle Levy; Florence Joly; Francesca Michielin; Wolfgang Jacob; Céline Adessi; Annie Moisan; Georgina Meneses Lorente; Tomas Racek; Ian James; Maurizio Ceppi; Max Hasmann; Martin Weisser; Andrés Cervantes. Phase Ib study evaluating safety and clinical activity of the anti-HER3 antibody lumretuzumab combined with the anti-HER2 antibody and paclitaxel in HER3-positive, HER2-low metastatic breast cancer.Investigational new drugs. 2018. ISSN 1573-0646 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 27 Total no. authors: 27

60 Gambardella V; Cervantes A. Precision medicine in the adjuvant treatment of gastric cancer.Lancet Oncology. 19 - 5, pp. 583 - 584. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/S1470-2045(18)30131-1. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 2

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61 Ibarrola-Villava M; Cervantes A; Bardelli A. Preclinical models for precision oncology.Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer. 2018. ISSN 0304-419X DOI: 10.1016/j.bbcan.2018.06.004 PMID: 29959990 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 3

62 Bruixola G; Caballero J; Papaccio F; Petrillo A; Iranzo A; Civera M; Moriana M; Bosch N; Maroñas M; González I; Pastor M; Cervantes A. Prognostic Nutritional Index as an independent prognostic factor in locoregionally advanced squamous cell head and neck cancer.ESMO OPEN. 3 - 6, pp. e000425. 2018. ISSN 2059-7029 DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000425. PMID: 30426973 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

63 Glynne-Jones R; Wyrwicz; Tiret E; Brown G; Rödel C; Cervantes A; Arnold D; ESMO Guidelinex Committee. Rectal cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 2018. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 8

64 Riffo-Campos ÁL; Gimeno-Valiente F; Rodríguez FM; Cervantes A; López-Rodas G; Franco L; Castillo J. Role of epigenetic factors in the selection of the alternative splicing isoforms of human KRAS in colorectal cancer cell lines.Oncotarget. 9 - 29, pp. 20578 - 20589. 2018. DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.25016 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 7

65 Patel UB; Cervantes A; Fernández-Martos C; Sclafani F; Cunningham D; Nilsson P; Brown G. Session 2: Are we ready for primary chemotherapy in rectal cancer: who, when, why?. Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 20 Suppl 1, pp. 56 - 60. 2018. ISSN 1462-8910 DOI: 10.1111/codi.14081 PMID: 29878678 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 7

66 Roda D; Ciardiello F; Cervantes A. Shortening adjuvant chemotherapy in stage III colon cancer: are we ready for a change?. ESMO open. 3, pp. e000392. 2018. DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000392 PMID: 29942667 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 3

67 Elez E; Quintanar T; Bosch-Barrera J; Corral J; Lainez N; Moreno V; Rodriguez CA; Gonzalez-Flores E; Cervantes A. The Medical Oncology resident mentor: situation and workload.Clinical & translational oncology : official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico. 2018. ISSN 1699-048X DOI: 10.1007/s12094-018-1923-3

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PMID: 30062521 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 9

68 Sobrero A; Grothey A; Iveson T; Labianca R; Yoshino T; Taïeb J; Maughan T; Buyse M; André T; Meyerhardt J; Shields A; Souglakos J; Douillard JY; Cervantes A. The hard road to data interpretation: three or six months of adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with stage III colon cancer?. Annasl of Oncology. 2018. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 14 Total no. authors: 14 Corresponding author: Yes

69 Normanno N; Cervantes A; Ciardiello F; De Luca A; Pinto C. The liquid biopsy in the management of colorectal cancer patients: Current applications and future scenarios.Cancer treatment reviews. 70, pp. 1 - 8. 2018. ISSN 0305-7372 DOI: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2018.07.007 PMID: 30053724 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 5

70 Roselló S; Papaccio F; Roda D; Tarazona N; Cervantes A. The role of chemotherapy in localized and locally advanced rectal cancer: A systematic revision. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 63, pp. 156 - 171. Elsevier, 2018. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 5 Corresponding author: Yes

71 Stiefel F; Kiss A; Salmon P; Peters S; Razavi D; Cervantes A; Margulies A; Bourquin C; participants .Training in communication of oncology clinicians: a position paper based on the third consensus meeting among European experts in 2018.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 29 - 10, pp. 2033 - 2036. 2018. ISSN 0923-7534 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdy343 PMID: 30412225 Type of production: Scientific paper

72 Peeters M; Cervantes A; Moreno Vera S; Taieb j. Trifluridine/tipiracil: an emerging strategy for the management of gastrointestinal cancers.Future Oncology. 2018. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 4

73 K Jordan; M Aapro; S Kaasa; C I Ripamonti; F Scotté; F Strasser; A Young; E Bruera; J Herrstedt; D Keefe; B Laird; D Walsh; J Y Douillard; A Cervantes. European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) position paper on supportive and palliative care.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 14/12/2017. ISSN 1569-8041 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 14 Total no. authors: 14

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74 Ana-Barbara García García; M Carmen Gómez Mateo; Rebeca Hilario; Pilar Rentero Garrido; Alvaro Martínez Domenech; Veronica Gonzalez Albert; Andres Cervantes; Pablo Marín Garcia; Felipe Javier Chaves; Antonio Ferrández Izquierdo; Luis Sabater. mRNA expression profiles obtained from microdissected pancreatic cancer cells can predict patient survival.Oncotarget. 8 - 62, pp. 104796 - 104805. 01/12/2017. ISSN 1949-2553 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 11

75 T Yoshino; D Arnold; H Taniguchi; G Pentheroudakis; K Yamazaki; R-H Xu; T W Kim; F Ismail; I B Tan; K-H Yeh; A Grothey; S Zhang; J B Ahn; D Chong; L-T Chen; S Kopetz; T Eguchi Nakajima; H Ebi; A Ohtsu; A Cervantes; K Muro; J Tabernero; H Minami; F Ciardiello; J-Y Douillard. Pan-Asian adapted ESMO consensus guidelines for the management of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer; A JSMO - ESMO initiative endorsed by CSCO, KACO, MOS, SSO and TOS.Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 16/11/2017. ISSN 1569-8041 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 20 Total no. authors: 25

76 Susana Roselló; Matteo Frasson; Eduardo García Granero; Desamparados Roda; Esther Jordá; Samuel Navarro; Salvador Campos; Pedro Esclápez; Stephanie García Botello; Blas Flor; Alejandro Espí; Carlotta Masciocchi; Vincenzo Valentini; Andrés Cervantes. Integrating Downstaging in the Risk Assessment of Patients With Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy: Validation of Valentini's Nomograms and the Neoadjuvant Rectal Score.Clinical colorectal cancer. 28/10/2017. ISSN 1938-0674 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 14 Total no. authors: 14

77 Saura C; Roda D; Roselló S; Oliveira M; Macarulla T; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Morales-Barrera R; Sanchis-García JM; Musib L; Budha N; Zhu J; Nannini M; Chan WY; Sanabria Bohórquez SM; Meng RD; Lin K; Yan Y; Patel P; Baselga J; Tabernero J; Cervantes A.A First-in-Human Phase I Study of the ATP-Competitive Akt Inhibitor Ipatasertib (GDC-0068) Demonstrates Robust and Safe Targeting of Akt in Patients with Solid Tumors.Cancer Discovery. 7 - 1, pp. 102 - 113. (United States of America): 2017. ISSN 2159-8274 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 21 Total no. authors: 21

78 Lieu CH; Hidalgo M; Berlin JD; Ko AH; Cervantes; LoRusso P; Gerber DE; Eder JP; Eckhardt SG; Kapp AV; Tsuhako A; McCall B; Pirzkall A; Uyei A; Tabernero J. A Phase Ib Dose-Escalation Study of the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Cobimetinib and in Patients with Previously Treated Locally Advanced or Metastatic Cancers with Mutant KRAS.Oncologist. 22 - 9, pp. 1024 - e89. 2017. ISSN 1083-7159 DOI: 10.1634/theoncologist.2017-0175 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 15

79 Tabernero J; Vyas M; Giuliani R; Arnold D; Cardoso F; Casali PG; Cervantes A; Eggermont AM; Eniu A; Jassem J; Pentheroudakis G; Peters S; Rauh S; Zielinski CC; Stahel RA; Voest E; Douillard JY; McGregor K; Ciardiello F. Biosimilars: a position paper of the European Society for Medical Oncology, with particular reference to oncology prescribers.ESMO Open. 1 - 6, pp. e000142 - e000142. 2017. ISSN 2059-7029 DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2016-000142 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 19

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80 Collins D; Jacob W; Cejalvo JM; Ceppi M; James I; Hasmann M; Crown J; Cervantes A; Weisser M; Bossenmaier B. Direct estrogen receptor (ER) / HER family crosstalk mediating sensitivity to lumretuzumab and pertuzumab in ER+ breast cancer.Plos One. 12 - 5, pp. e0177331 - e0177331. 2017. ISSN 1932-6203 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177331. eCollection 2017 Type of production: Scientific paper Position of signature: 8 Total no. authors: 10

81 Cervantes A. In the literature: April 2017. ESMO Open. 2 - 2, pp. e000193 - e000193. 2017. ISSN 2059-7029 DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2017-000193 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 1

82 Cervantes A; Terol MJ. In the literature: February 2017.ESMO Open. 2 - 1, pp. e000171 - e000171. 2017. ISSN 2059-7029 DOI: 10.1136/esmoopen-2017-000171. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 2

83 Tarazona N; Cervantes A. Liquid biopsy: another tool towards tailored therapy in colorectal cancer.Annals of Oncology. 2017. DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdx641 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 2

84 Roselló S; Blasco I; García Fabregat L; Cervantes A; Jordan K; ESMO Guidelines Committee. Management of infusion reactions to systemic anticancer therapy: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines.Annals of Oncology. 28 - suppl 4, pp. iv100 - iv118. 2017. ISSN 0923-7534 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdx216 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 6

85 Meulendijks D; Jacob W; Voest EE; Mau-Sorensen M; Martinez-Garcia M; Taus A; Fleitas T; Cervantes A; Lolkema MP; Langenberg MHG; De Jonge MJ; Sleijfer S; Han JY; Calles A; Felip E; Kim SW; Schellens JHM; Wilson S; Thomas M; Ceppi M; Meneses-Lorente G; James I; Vega-Harring S; Dua R; Nguyen M; Steiner L; Adessi C; Michielin F; Bossenmaier B; Weisser M; Lassen UN. Phase Ib Study of Lumretuzumab Plus Cetuximab or Erlotinib in Solid Tumor Patients and Evaluation of HER3 and Heregulin as Potential Biomarkers of Clinical Activity.Clinical Cancer Research. 23 - 18, pp. 5406 - 5415. 2017. ISSN 1078-0432 DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-0812 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 8 Total no. authors: 31

86 Arnold D; Lueza B; Douillard JY; Peeters M; Lenz HJ; Venook A; Heinemann V; Van Cutsem E; Pignon JP; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Ciardiello F. Prognostic and predictive value of primary tumour side in patients with RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapy and EGFR directed antibodies in six randomized trials.Annals of Oncology. 28 - 8, pp. 1713 - 1729. 2017. ISSN 0923-7534

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DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdx175 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 11 Total no. authors: 12

87 Emile JF; Julié C; Le Malicot K; Lepage C; Tabernero; Mini E; Folprecht G; Van Laethem JL; Dimet S; Boulagnon-Rombi C; Allard MA; Penault-Llorca F; Bennouna J; Laurent-Puig P; Taieb J; PETACC8 Study Investigators; Austrian Breast and Colorectal cancer Study Group (ABCSG); Belgian Group of Digestive Oncology (BGDO); Lone Nørgård Petersen; Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive (FFCD); Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer (UNICANCER); Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer Association Européenne de Recherche en On; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (AIO); Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dei Carcinomi dell'Apparato Digerente (GISCAD); Gruppo Oncologico dell'Italia Meridionale (GOIM); Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo (IOR); Gruppo Cooperativo Chirurgico Italiano (GOCCI); Gruppo Oncologico Nord Ovest (GONO); Gruppo Oncologico Italiano di Ricerca Clinica (GOIRC); Gruppo Cooperativo do Cancro Digestivo da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Oncológica (GCCD, AP; Grupo Español para el Tratamiento de los Tumores Digestivos (TTD); John Allen Bridgewater. Prospective validation of a lymphocyte infiltration prognostic test in stage III colon cancer patients treated with adjuvant FOLFOX.European Journal of Cancer. 82, pp. 16 - 24. 2017. ISSN 0959-8049 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejca.2017.04.025 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

88 Glynne-Jones R; Wyrwicz L; Tiret E; Brown G; Rödel C; Cervantes A; Arnold D; ESMO Guidelines Committee. Rectal cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 28 - Suppl 4, pp. iv22 - iv40. 2017. ISSN 0923-7534 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdx224 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 8

89 Flor-Lorente B; Báguena G; Frasson M; García-Granero A; Cervantes A; Sanchiz V; Peña A; Espí A; Esclápez P; García-Granero E. Self-expanding metallic stent as a bridge to surgery in the treatment of left colon cancer obstruction: Cost-benefit analysis and oncologic results.Cirugía Española. 95 - 3, pp. 143 - 151. 2017. ISSN 0009-739X DOI: 10.1016/j.ciresp.2016.12.014 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 10 Impact source: ISI Category: Surgery

90 Breugom AJ; Bastiaannet E; Boelens PG; Iversen LH; Martling A; Johansson R; Evans T; Lawton S; O'Brien KM; Van Eycken E; Janciauskiene R; Liefers GJ; Cervantes A; Lemmens VE; van de Velde CJ. Adjuvant chemotherapy and relative survival of patients with stage II colon cancer - A EURECCA international comparison between the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, England, Ireland, Belgium, and Lithuania.European Journal of Cancer. 63, pp. 110 - 117. (United Kingdom): 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 13 Total no. authors: 15

91 Cejalvo JM; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Ribas G; Burgués O; Mongort C; Alonso E; Ibarrola-Villava M; Bermejo B; Martínez MT; Cervantes A; Lluch A.Clinical implications of routine genomic mutation sequencing in PIK3CA/AKT1 and KRAS/NRAS/BRAF in metastatic breast cancer.Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 160 - 1, pp. 69 - 77. (United States of America): 2016. ISSN 0167-6806

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Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 10 Total no. authors: 11

92 Gambardella V; Tarazona N; Cejalvo JM; Roselló S; A Cervantes. Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of in the treatment of colorectal cancer.Expert Opinion On Drug Metabolism & Toxicology. 12 - 4, pp. 449 - 456. (United Kingdom): 2016. Available on-line at: <10.1517/17425255.2016.1156084>. ISSN 1742-5255 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 5

93 Ibarrola-Villava M; Fleitas T; Llorca-Cardeñosa MJ; Mongort C; Alonso E; Navarro S; Burgues O; Vivancos A; Cejalvo JM; Perez-Fidalgo JA; Roselló S; Ribas G; Cervantes A.Determination of somatic oncogenic mutations linked to target-based therapies using MassARRAY technology.Oncotarget. 7 - 16, pp. 22543 - 22555. (United States of America): 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 1949-2553 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 13 Total no. authors: 13

94 Van Cutsem E; Cervantes A; Adam R; Sobrero A; Van Krieken JH; Aderka D; Aranda Aguilar E; Bardelli A; Benson A; Bodoky G; Ciardiello F; D'Hoore A; Diaz-Rubio E; Douillard JY; Ducreux M; Falcone A; Grothey A; Gruenberger T; Haustermans K; Heinemann V; Hoff P; Köhne CH; Labianca R; Laurent-Puig P; Ma B; Maughan T; Muro K; Normanno N; Österlund P; Oyen WJ; Papamichael D; Pentheroudakis G; Pfeiffer P; Price TJ; Punt C; Ricke J; Roth A; Salazar R; Scheithauer W; Schmoll HJ; Tabernero J; Taïeb J; Tejpar S; Wasan H; Yoshino T; Zaanan A; Arnold D.ESMO consensus guidelines for the management of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.Annals of Oncology. 27 - 8, pp. 1386 - 1422. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 47

95 Dittrich C; Kosty M; Jezdic S; Pyle D; Berardi R; Bergh J; El Saghir N; Lotz JP; Österlund P; Pavlidis N; Purkalne G; ESMO/ASCO Global Curriculum Working Group.ESMO/ASCO recommendations for a Global Curriculum (GC) in medical oncology-edition 2016.Annals of Oncology. 27 - 8, pp. 1378 - 1381. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

96 Llorca-Cardeñosa MJ; Fleitas T; Ibarrola-Villava M; Peña-Chilet M; Mongort C; Martinez-Ciarpaglini C; Navarro L; Gambardella V; Castillo J; Roselló S; Navarro S; Ribas G; Cervantes A.Epigenetic changes in localized gastric cancer: the role of RUNX3 in tumor progression and the immune microenvironment.Oncotarget. (United States of America): 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 1949-2553 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 13 Total no. authors: 13

97 Meulendijks D; Jacob W; Martinez-Garcia M; Taus A; Lolkema M; Voest E; Langenberg MH; Fleitas T; Cervantes A; de Jonge MJ; Sleijfer S; Mau-Sørensen M; Thomas M; Ceppi M; Meneses-Lorente G; James I; Adessi C; Michielin F; Abiraj K; Bossenmaier B; Schellens JH; Weisser M; Lassen U.First-in-human phase I study of Lumretuzumab, a glycoengineered humanized anti-HER3 , in patients with metastatic or advanced HER-3 positive solid tumors.Clinical Cancer Research. 22 - 2, pp. 877 - 885. (United States of America): 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 9

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Total no. authors: 23

98 Riffo-Campos ÁL; Castillo J; Vallet-Sánchez A; Ayala G; Cervantes A; López-Rodas G; Franco L.In silico RNA-seq and experimental analyses reveal the differential expression and splicing of EPDR1 and ZNF518B genes in relation to KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer cells.Oncology Reports. 36 - 6, pp. 3627 - 3634. (Greece): 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 1021-335X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 7

99 Fleitas T; Ibarrola-Villava M; Ribas G; Cervantes A.MassARRAY determination of somatic oncogenic mutations in solid tumors: Moving forward to personalized medicine.Cancer Treatment Reviews. 49, pp. 57 - 64. (United States of America): 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0305-7372 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 4

100 Roselló S; Cervantes A.Non-surgical treatment of localized rectal cancer is an experimental option.Cirugia Espanola. 94 - 6, pp. 311 - 312. (Spain): Elsevier España, S.L., 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0009-739X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 2

101 Sclafani F; Brown G; Cunningham D; Wotherspoon A; Tait D; Peckitt C; Evans J; Yu S; Sena Teixeira Mendes L; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Thomas J; Begum R; Oates J; Chau I.PAN-EX: A pooled analysis of two trials of neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy in MRI-defined, locally advanced rectal cancer.Annals of Oncology. 27 - 8, pp. 1557 - 1565. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 12 Total no. authors: 16

102 Tarazona N; Gambardella V; Huerta M; Roselló S; Cervantes A.Personalised Treatment in Gastric Cancer: Myth or Reality?. Current Oncology Reports. 18 - 7, pp. 41 - 41. (United States of America): 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 1523-3790 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 5

103 Elez E; Hendlisz H; Delaunoit T; Sastre J; Cervantes A; Varea R; Chao G; Wallin J; Tabernero J.Phase II study of plus modified FOLFOX6 as first-line treatment in patients with locally advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer.British Journal of Cancer. 114 - 4, pp. 372 - 380. (United Kingdom): Cancer Research UK, 2016. Available on-line at: <10.1038/bjc.2015.480>. ISSN 0007-0920 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 9

104 Brotto L; Brundage M; Hoskins P; Vergote I; Cervantes A; Casado HA; Poveda A; Eisenhauer E; Tu D; A Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup Study of the NCIC Clinical Trials Group (NCIC CTG); European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Gynecologic Cancer Group (EORTC-GCG); Grupo de Investigación de Cáncer de Ovario (GEICO).Randomized study of sequential cisplatin-topotecan/carboplatin-paclitaxel versus

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carboplatin-paclitaxel: effects on quality of life.Supportive Care in Cancer. 24 - 3, pp. 1241 - 1249. (United States of America): 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0941-4355 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 12

105 Cherny NI; Kloke M; Cervantes A; Pentheroudakis G; ESMO Guidelines Committee. Reply to the letter to the editor 'How much evidence isn't in evidence-based guidelines?' by Johnson et al.Annals of Oncology. 27 - 3, pp. 550 - 551. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2016. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdv583>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 5

106 Sclafani F; Chau I; Cunningham D; Lampis A; Hahne JC; Ghidini M; Lote H; Zito D; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Begum R; De Castro DG; Wilson SH; Peckitt C; Eltahir Z; Wotherspoon A; Tait D; Brown G; Oates J; Braconi C; Valeri N.Sequence variation in mature microRNA-608 and benefit from neo-adjuvant treatment in locally advanced rectal cancer patients.Carcinogenesis. 37 - 9, pp. 852 - 857. (United Kingdom): 2016. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0143-3334 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

107 Van Laethem JL; Carneiro F; Ducreux M; Messman H; Lordick F; Ilson DH; Allum WH; Haustermans K; Lepage C; Matysiak-Budnik T; Cats A; Schmiegel W; Cervantes A; Van Cutsem E; Rougier P; Seufferlein T.The multidisciplinary management of gastro-oesophageal junction tumours: European Society of Digestive Oncology (ESDO): Expert discussion and report from the 16th ESMO World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona.Dig Liver Dis. 48 - 11, pp. 1283 - 1289. (United States of America): 2016. Available on-line at: . Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 13 Total no. authors: 16

108 Gruenberger T; Beets G; Van Laethem JL; Rougier P; Cervantes A; Douillard JY; Figueras J; Gruenberger B; Haller DG; Labianca R; Maleux G; Roth A; Ducreux M; Schmiegel W; Seufferlein T; Van Cutsem E.Treatment sequence of synchronously (liver) metastasized colon cancer.Dig Liver Dis. 48 - 10, pp. 1119 - 1123. (United States of America): 2016. Available on-line at: . Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 16

109 Cervantes A; Glynne-Jones R.Adjuvant Chemotherapy for rectal cancer after preoperative radiation or chemoradiation: One size does not fit all.Annals of Oncology. 26 - 4, pp. 617 - 619. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 2

110 Peeters M; Oliner K; Price TJ; Cervantes A; Sobrero AF; Ducreux M; Hotko Y; Andre T; Chan E; Lordick F; Punt CJ; Strickland AH; Wilson G; Ciuleanu TE; Roman L; Van Cutsem E; He P; Yu H; Koukakis R; Terwey JH; Jung AS; Sidhu R; Patterson SD.Analysis of KRAS/NRAS Mutations in a Phase 3 Study of With FOLFIRI Compared With FOLFIRI Alone as Second-Line Treatment for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.Clinical Cancer Research. (United States of America): 2015. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 23

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111 Ducreux M; Cuhna AS; Caramella C; Hollebecque A; Burtin P; Goéré D; Seufferlein T; Haustermans K; Van Laethem JL; Conroy T; Arnold D; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Cancer of the pancreas: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 12 Total no. authors: 12 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

112 Parker C; Gillessen S; Heidenreich A; Horwich A; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Cancer of the prostate: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 5 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

113 Fizazi K; Greco FA; Pavlidis N; Daugaard G; Oien K; Pentheroudakis G; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Cancers of unknown primary site: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

114 Sousa B; Furlanetto J; Hutka M; Gouveia P; Wuerstlein R; Mariz JM; Pinto D; Cardoso F; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Central venous access in oncology: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 9 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

115 Eichhorst B; Robak T; Montserrat E; Ghia P; Hillmen P; Hallek M; Buske C; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 8 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

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116 DiCosimo S; Sathyanarayanan S; Bendell JC; Cervantes A; Stein MN; Brana I; Roda Perez D; Haines B; , Zhang T; Winter C; Jha S; Xu Y; Frazier J; Klinghofer R; Leighton-Swayze A; Song Y; Ebbinghaus S; Baselga J.Combination of the mTOR inhibitor ridaforolimus and the anti-IGF1R monoclonal antibody dalotuzumab: preclinical characterization and phase I clinical trial.Clinical Cancer Research. 21 - 1, pp. 49 - 59. (United States of America): 2015. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 18 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 8.722

117 Cervantes A; Pentheroudakis G; Arnold D.Critical evaluation of the scientific content in clinical practice guidelines.Cancer. 121 - 11, pp. 1907 - 1908. (United States of America): 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1002/cncr.29261>. ISSN 0008-543X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 3

118 Dummer R; Hauschild A; Lindenblatt N; Pentheroudakis G; Keilholz U; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Cutaneous melanoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

119 Ibarrola-Villava M; Llorca-Cardeñosa MJ; Tarazona N; Mongort C; Fleitas T; Perez-Fidalgo JA; Roselló S; Navarro S; Ribas G; Cervantes A.Deregulation of ARID1A, CDH1, cMET and PIK3CA and target-related microRNA expression in gastric cancer.Oncotarget. 6 - 29, pp. 26935 - 26945. (United States of America): 2015. Available on-line at: <10.18632/oncotarget.4775.>. ISSN 1949-2553 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 10 Total no. authors: 10

120 Tilly H; Gomes da Silva M; Vitolo U; Jack A; Meignan M; Lopez-Guillermo A; Walewski J; André M; Johnson PW; Pfreundschuh M; Ladetto M; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL): ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 12 Total no. authors: 12 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

121 Roda D; Castillo J; Telechea-Fernández M; Gil A; López-Rodas G; Franco L; González-Rodríguez P; Roselló S; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; García-Trevijano ER; Zaragozá R; Cervantes A. EGF-induced Acetylation of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins is dependent on KRAS mutational status in colorectal cancer cells. Plos One. 10 - 6, (United States of America): 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1371/journal.pone.0130543.>. ISSN 1932-6203

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Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 12 Total no. authors: 12

122 Roselló S; Cervantes A. Extending neoadjuvant chemotherapy in rectal cancer.Lancet Oncology. 16 - 8, pp. 880 - 881. (United States of America): 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1016/S1470-2045(15)00092-3>. ISSN 1470-2045 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 2

123 Robak T; Matutes E; Catovsky D; Zinzani PL; Buske C; ESMO Guidelines Committee. Hairy cell leukaemia: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

124 Dienstmann R; Cervantes A.Heterogeneity of driver genes and therapeutic implications in colorectal cancer.Annals of Oncology. 26 - 8, pp. 1523 - 1525. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdv229>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 2

125 Baas P; Fennell D; Kerr KM; Van Schil PE; Haas RL; Peters S; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Malignant pleural mesothelioma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 7 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

126 Peterson DE; Boers-Doets CB; Bensadoun RJ; Herrstedt J; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Management of oral and gastrointestinal mucosal injury: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 5 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

127 d'Amore F; Gaulard P; Trümper L; Corradini P; Kim WS; Specht L; Bjerregaard Pedersen M; Ladetto M; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Peripheral T-cell lymphomas: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534

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Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 9 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

128 Macarulla T; Cervantes A; Tabernero J; Roselló S; Van Cutsem E; Tejpar S; Prenen H; Martinelli E; Troiani T; Laffranchi B; Jego V; von Richter O; Ciardiello F.Phase I study of FOLFIRI plus pimasertib as second-line treatment for KRAS-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer.British Journal of Cancer. 112 - 12, pp. 1874 - 1881. (United Kingdom): Cancer Research UK, 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1038/bjc.2015.144>. ISSN 0007-0920 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 13

129 Vannucchi AM; Barbui T; Cervantes F; Harrison C; Kiladjian JJ; Kröger N; Thiele J; Buske C; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Philadelphia chromosome-negative chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 9 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

130 Senkus E; Kyriakides S; Ohno S; Penault-Llorca F; Poortmans P; Rutgers E; Zackrisson S; Cardoso F; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Primary breast cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 9 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

131 Tarazona N; Navarro L; Cejalvo JM; Gambardella V; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Sempere A; Navarro S; Cervantes A.Primary paraesophageal Ewing's sarcoma: an uncommon case report and literature review.Oncotargets And Therapy. 8, pp. 1053 - 1059. (United Kingdom): 2015. Available on-line at: <10.2147/OTT.S80879>. ISSN 1178-6930 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 8 Total no. authors: 8

132 Sclafani F; Chau I; Cunningham D; Peckitt C; Lampis A; Hahne JC; Braconi C; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Begum R; Gonzalez De Castro D; Hulkki Wilson S; Eltahir Z; Wotherspoon A; Tait D; Brown G; Oates J; Valeri N.Prognostic role of the LCS6 KRAS variant in locally advanced rectal cancer: results of the EXPERT-C trial.Annals of Oncology. 26 - 9, pp. 1936 - 1941. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdv285>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 10 Total no. authors: 19

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133 Mayer RJ; Van Cutsem E; Falcone A; Yoshino T; Garcia-Carbonero R; Mizunuma N; Yamazaki K; Shimada Y; Tabernero J; Komatsu Y; Sobrero A; Boucher E; Peeters M; Tran B; Lenz HJ; Zaniboni A; Hochster H; Cleary JM; Prenen H; Benedetti F; Mizuguchi H; Makris L; Ito M; Ohtsu A; RECOURSE Study Group.Randomized trial of TAS-102 for refractory metastatic colorectal cancer.New England Journal of Medicine. 372 - 20, pp. 1909 - 1919. (United States of America): 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1056/NEJMoa1414325.>. ISSN 0028-4793 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 20 Total no. authors: 25

134 Dienstmann R; Patnaik A; Garcia-Carbonero R; Cervantes A; Benavent M; Roselló S; Tops BB; van der Post RS; Argilés G; Skartved NJ; Hansen UH; Hald R; Pedersen MW; Kragh M; Horak ID; Braun S; Van Cutsem E; Tolcher AW; Tabernero J.Safety and Activity of the First-in-Class Sym004 Anti-EGFR Antibody Mixture in Patients with Refractory Colorectal Cancer.Cancer Discovery. 5 - 6, pp. 598 - 609. (United States of America): 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1158/2159-8290.CD-14-1432>. ISSN 2159-8274 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 19

135 Juric D; Dienstmann R; Cervantes A; Hidalgo M; Messersmith W; Blumenschein GR Jr; Tabernero J; Roda D; Calles A; Jimeno A; Wang X; Bohórquez SS; Leddy C; Littman C; Kapp AV; Shames DS; Penuel E; Amler LC; Pirzkall A; Baselga J.Safety and Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of the First-in-Class Dual Action HER3/EGFR Antibody MEHD7945A in Locally Advanced or Metastatic Epithelial Tumors.Clinical Cancer Research. 21 - 11, pp. 2462 - 2470. (United States of America): 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-14-2412>. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 20

136 Marinello FG; Frasson M; Baguena G; Flor-Lorente B; Cervantes A; Roselló S; Espí A; García-Granero E.Selective approach for upper rectal cancer treatment: total mesorectal excision and preoperative chemoradiation are seldom necessary.Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. 58 - 6, pp. 556 - 565. 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1097/DCR.0000000000000349>. ISSN 1530-0358 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 8

137 Oza AM; Cook AD; Pfisterer J; Embleton A; Ledermann JA; Pujade-Lauraine E; Kristensen G; Carey MS; Beale P; Cervantes A; Park-Simon TW; Rustin G; Joly F; Mirza MR; Plante M; Quinn M; Poveda A; Jayson GC; Stark D; Swart AM; Farrelly L; Kaplan R; Parmar MK; Perren TJ; ICON7 trial investigators.Standard chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab for women with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer (ICON7): overall survival results of a phase 3 randomised trial.Lancet Oncology. 16 - 8, pp. 928 - 936. (United States of America): 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1016/S1470-2045(15)00086-8>. ISSN 1470-2045 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 10 Total no. authors: 25

138 Pentheroudakis G; Cardoso F; Arnold D; Sessa C; Peters S; Horwich A; Pavlidis N; Stahel R; Cervantes A; ESMO Guidelines Committee.The ESMO guideline strategy: an identity statement and reflections on improvement.Annals of Oncology. 26 - Suppl 5, pp. v6 - v7. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdv299>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 10

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139 Girard N; Ruffini E; Marx A; Faivre-Finn C; Peters S; ESMO Guidelines Committee. Thymic epithelial tumours: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

140 Kloke M, Cherny N; ESMO Guidelines Committee.Treatment of dyspnoea in advanced cancer patients: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines.Annals of Oncology. 26 - suppl 5, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2015. Available on-line at: . ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 2 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 9.269

141 Garcia-Carbonero R; Rivera F; Maurel J; Ayoub JP; Moore MJ; Cervantes A; Asmis TR; Schwartz JD; Nasroulah F; Ballal S; Tabernero J.An open-label phase II study evaluating the safety and efficacy of ramucirumab combined with mFOLFOX-6 as first-line therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer.Oncologist. 19 - 4, pp. 350 - 351. (United States of America): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1634/theoncologist.2014-0028>. ISSN 1083-7159 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 11 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.865

142 Glynne-Jones R; Nilsson PJ; Aschele C; Goh V; Peiffert D; Cervantes A; Arnold D. Anal cancer: ESMO-ESSO-ESTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu159>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 7 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

143 Glynne-Jones R; Nilsson PJ; Aschele C; Goh V; Peiffert D; Cervantes A; Arnold D.Anal cancer: ESMO-ESSO-ESTRO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Radiotherapy and Oncology. 111 - 3, pp. 330 - 339. (Holland): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.radonc.2014.04.013>. ISSN 0167-8140 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 7 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.363

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144 Glynne-Jones R; Nilsson PJ; Aschele C; Goh V; Peiffert D; Cervantes A; Arnold D. Anal cancer: ESMO-ESSO-ESTRO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 40 - 10, pp. 1165 - 1176. (United Kingdom): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.ejso.2014.07.030>. ISSN 0748-7983 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 7

145 Bellmunt J; Orsola A; Leow JJ; Wiegel T; De Santis M; Horwich A; ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Bladder cancer: ESMO Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu223>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 7 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

146 Coleman R; Body JJ; Aapro M; Hadji P; Herrstedt J; ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Bone health in cancer patients: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu103>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

147 Sehouli J; Pietzner K; Wimberger P; Vergote I; Rosenberg P; Schneeweiss A; Bokemeyer C; Salat C; Scambia G; Berton-Rigaud D; Santoro A; Cervantes A; Trédan O; Tournigand C; Colombo N; Dudnichenko AS; Westermann A; Friccius-Quecke H; Lordick F. with and without prednisolone premedication for the treatment of malignant ascites due to epithelial cancer: results of the randomised phase IIIb CASIMAS study.Medical Oncology. 31 - 8, pp. 76 - 76. (United States of America): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1007/s12032-014-0076-7>. ISSN 1357-0560 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 12 Total no. authors: 19 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.634

148 Ciardiello F; Arnold D; Casali PG; Cervantes A; Douillard JY; Eggermont A; Eniu A; McGregor K; Peters S; Piccart M; Popescu R; Van Cutsem E; Zielinski C; Stahel R.Delivering Precision Medicine in Oncology Today and in Future-The Promise and Challenges of Personalised Cancer Medicine: a position paper by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO).Annals of Oncology. 25 - 9, pp. 1673 - 1678. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 14 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

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149 Cherny NI; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of refractory symptoms at the end of life and the use of palliative sedation.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu238>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

150 Schrijvers D; Cherny NI; ESMO Guidelines Working Group. ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines on palliative care: advanced care planning.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu241>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

151 van de Velde CJ; Boelens PG; Borras JM; Coebergh JW; Cervantes A; Blomqvist L; Beets-Tan RG; van den Broek CB; Brown G; Van Cutsem E; Espin E; Haustermans K; Glimelius B; Iversen LH; van Krieken JH; Marijnen CA; Henning G; Gore-Booth J; Meldolesi E; Mroczkowski P; Nagtegaal I; Naredi P; Ortiz H; Påhlman L; Quirke P; Rödel C; Roth A; Rutten H; Schmoll HJ; Smith JJ; Tanis PJ; Taylor C; Wibe A; Wiggers T; Gambacorta MA; Aristei C; Valentini V.EURECCA colorectal: Multidisciplinary management: European consensus conference colon & rectum.European Journal of Cancer. 50 - 1, (United Kingdom): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.ejca.2013.06.048>. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 37 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 5.417

152 Cervantes A. Exploring better strategies for EGFR antibodies in colon cancer.Lancet Oncology. 15 - 6, pp. 549 - 550. (United States of America): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1016/S1470-2045(14)70137-8.>. ISSN 1470-2045 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 1 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 24.69

153 Geva R; Vecchione L; Kalogeras KT; Vittrup Jensen B; Lenz HJ; Yoshino T; Paez D; Montagut C; Souglakos J; Cappuzzo F; Cervantes A; Frattini M; Fountzilas G; Johansen JS; Høgdall EV; Zhang W; Yang D; Yamazaki K; Nishina T; Papamichael D; Vincenzi B; Macarulla T; Loupakis F; De Schutter J; Spindler KL; Pfeiffer P; Ciardiello F; Piessevaux H; Tejpar S.FCGR polymorphisms and cetuximab efficacy in chemorefractory metastatic colorectal cancer: an international consortium study.Gut. (United Kingdom): BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1136/gutjnl-2014-307234.>. ISSN 0017-5749 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 11 Total no. authors: 29 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 14.66

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154 Peeters M; Price TJ; Cervantes A; Sobrero AF; Ducreux M; Hotko Y; André T; Chan E; Lordick F; Punt CJ; Strickland AH; Wilson G; Ciuleanu TE; Roman L; Van Cutsem E; Tian Y; Sidhu R.Final results from a randomized phase 3 study of FOLFIRI {+/-} panitumumab for second-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.Annals of Oncology. 25 - 1, pp. 107 - 116. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 17 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

155 Waddell T; Verheij M; Allum W; Cunningham D; Cervantes A; Arnold D.Gastric cancer: ESMO-ESSO-ESTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Radiotherapy and Oncology. 110 - 1, pp. 189 - 194. (Holland): 2014. ISSN 0167-8140 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.363

156 Waddell T; Verheij M; Allum W; Cunningham D; Cervantes A; Arnold D; European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO); European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO); European Society of Radiotherapy; Oncology (ESTRO).Gastric cancer: ESMO-ESSO-ESTRO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 40 - 5, pp. 584 - 591. (United Kingdom): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.ejso.2013.09.020>. ISSN 0748-7983 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 10

157 Stupp R; Brada M; van den Bent MJ; Tonn JC; Pentheroudakis G; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.High-grade glioma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu050>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

158 Eichenauer DA; Engert A; André M; Federico M; Illidge T; Hutchings M; Ladetto M; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Hodgkin's lymphoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu181>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

159 Stoyianni A; Pentheroudakis G; Benjamin H; Cervantes A; Ashkenazi K; Lazaridis G; Pavlidis N; Spector Y.Insights into the epithelial mesenchymal transition phenotype in cancer of unknown primary from a global microRNA profiling study.Clinical & Translational Oncology. 16 - 8, pp. 725 - 731. (Spain): 2014. ISSN 1699-048X

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Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.077

160 Van Cutsem E; Cervantes A; Nordlinger B; Arnold D; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Metastatic colorectal cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu260>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

161 Reck M; Popat S; Reinmuth N; De Ruysscher D; Kerr KM; Peters S; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC): ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu199>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 7 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

162 Pentheroudakis G; Kotteas EA; Kotoula V; Papadopoulou K; Charalambous E; Cervantes A; Ciuleanu T; Fountzilas G; Pavlidis N.Mutational profiling of the RAS, PI3K, MET and b-catenin pathways in cancer of unknown primary: a retrospective study of the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. 31 - 7, pp. 761 - 769. (United Kingdom): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1007/s10585-014-9666-1>. ISSN 0262-0898 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 9 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 3.491

163 Fenaux P; Haase D; Sanz GF; Santini V; Buske C; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Myelodysplastic syndromes: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu180>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

164 Dreyling M; Ghielmini M; Marcus R; Salles G; Vitolo U; Ladetto M; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Newly diagnosed and relapsed follicular lymphoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu200>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 7

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Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

165 Dreyling M; Geisler C; Hermine O; Kluin-Nelemans HC; Le Gouill S; Rule S; Shpilberg O; Walewski J; Ladetto M; ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Newly diagnosed and relapsed mantle cell lymphoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu264>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 10 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

166 Delord JP; Tabernero J; García-Carbonero R; Cervantes A; Gomez-Roca C; Bergé Y; Capdevila J; Paz-Ares L; Roda D; Delmar P; Oppenheim D; Brossard SS; Farzaneh F; Manenti L; Passioukov A; Ott MG; Soria JC.Open-label, multicentre expansion cohort to evaluate in pre-treated patients with KRAS-mutant advanced colorectal carcinoma.European Journal of Cancer. 50 - 3, pp. 496 - 505. (United Kingdom): 2014. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 17 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 5.417

167 Taieb J; Tabernero J; Mini E; Subtil F; Folprecht G; Van Laethem JL; Thaler J; Bridgewater J; Petersen LN; Blons H; Collette L; Van Cutsem E; Rougier P; Salazar R; Bedenne L; Emile JF; Laurent-Puig P; Lepage C; PETACC-8 Study Investigators.Oxaliplatin, fluorouracil, and leucovorin with or without cetuximab in patients with resected stage III colon cancer (PETACC-8): an open-label, randomised phase 3 trial.Lancet Oncology. 15 - 8, pp. 862 - 873. (United States of America): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1016/S1470-2045(14)70227-X>. ISSN 1470-2045 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 16 Total no. authors: 19 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 24.69

168 Sabater L; Gómez-Mateo MD; López-Sebastián J; Muñoz-Forner E; Morera-Ocón F; Cervantes A; Roselló S; Camps-Vilata B; Ferrández A; Ortega J.Prognostic implications of the standardized study of resection margins in pancreatic cancers.Cirugia Espanola. (Spain): Elsevier España, S.L., 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.ciresp.2013.07.014.>. ISSN 0009-739X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 10 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 0.743

169 Breugom AJ; Boelens PG; van den Broek CB; Cervantes A; Van Cutsem E; Schmoll HJ; Valentini V; van de Velde CJ.Quality assurance in the treatment of colorectal cancer: the EURECCA initiative.Annals of Oncology. 25 - 8, pp. 1485 - 1492. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu039>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

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Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

170 Escudier B; Porta C; Schmidinger M; Algaba F; Patard JJ; Khoo V; Eisen T; Horwich A; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Renal cell carcinoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 25 - Suppl 3, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdu259>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 9 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

171 Sclafani F; Gonzalez D; Cunningham D; Hulkki Wilson S; Peckitt C; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Dewdney A; Wotherspoon A; Brown G; Tait D; Oates J; Chau I.TP53 mutational status and cetuximab benefit in rectal cancer: 5-year results of the EXPERT-C trial.Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 106 - 7, (United States of America): 2014. Available on-line at: <10.1093/jnci/dju121>. ISSN 0027-8874 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 8 Total no. authors: 14

172 Popescu RA; Schäfer R; Califano R; Eckert R; Coleman R; Douillard JY; Cervantes A; Casali PG; Sessa C; Van Cutsem E; de Vries E; Pavlidis N; Fumasoli K; Wörmann B; Samonigg H; Cascinu S; Cruz Hernández JJ; Howard AJ; Ciardiello F; Stahel RA; Piccart M.The current and future role of the medical oncologist in the professional care for cancer patients: a position paper by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO).Annals of Oncology. 25 - 1, pp. 9 - 15. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2014. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 21 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.04

173 Lordick F; Allum W; Carneiro F; Mitry E; Tabernero J; Tan P; Van Cutsem E; van de Velde C; Cervantes A.Unmet needs and challenges in gastric cancer: the way forward.Cancer Treatment Reviews. 40 - 6, pp. 692 - 700. (United States of America): 2014. ISSN 0305-7372 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 9 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.588

174 Cervantes A; Roda D; Tarazona N; Roselló S; Pérez-Fidalgo JA. Current questions for the treatment of advanced gastric cancer. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 39 - 1, pp. 60 - 67. (United States of America): 2013. ISSN 0305-7372 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 5 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.024 Journal in the top 25%: Yes

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Position of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

175 van de Velde CJ; Aristei C; Boelens PG; Beets-Tan RG; Blomqvist L; Borras JM; van den Broek CB; Brown G; Coebergh JW; Cutsem EV; Espin E; Gore-Booth J; Glimelius B; Haustermans K; Henning G; Iversen LH; Han van Krieken J; Marijnen CA; Mroczkowski P; Nagtegaal I; Naredi P; Ortiz H; Påhlman L; Quirke P; Rödel C; Roth A; Rutten HJ; Schmoll HJ; Smith J; Tanis PJ; Taylor C; Wibe A; Gambacorta MA; Meldolesi E; Wiggers T; Cervantes A; Valentini V.EURECCA colorectal: multidisciplinary mission statement on better care for patients with colon and rectal cancer in Europe.European Journal of Cancer. 49 - 13, pp. 2784 - 2790. (United Kingdom): 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.ejca.2013.04.032.>. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 36 Total no. authors: 37 Impact source: ISI Category: Oncology Impact index in year of publication: 4,819 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: No. of journals in the cat.: 41

176 Labianca R; Nordlinger B; Beretta GD; Mosconi S; Mandalà M; Cervantes A; Arnold D; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Early colon cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 24 - Suppl 6, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdt354>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 6.578

177 Gonzalez-Martin A; Gladieff L; Tholander B; Stroyakovsky D; Gore M; Scambia G; Kovalenko N; Oaknin A; Ronco JP; Freudensprung U; Pignata S; OCTAVIA Investigators.Efficacy and safety results from OCTAVIA, a single-arm phase II study evaluating front-line bevacizumab, carboplatin and weekly paclitaxel for ovarian cancer.European Journal of Cancer. 49 - 18, pp. 3831 - 3838. (United Kingdom): 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.ejca.2013.08.002>. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 12 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.819

178 Yan Y; Serra V; Prudkin L; Scaltriti M; Murli S; Rodriguez O; Guzman M; Sampath D; Nannini M; Xiao Y; Wagle MC; Wu J; Hampton GM; Wongchenko M; Ramakrishnan V; Lackner MR; Saura C; Roda D; Cervantes A; Tabernero J; Patel P; Baselga J. Evaluation and clinical analyses of downstream targets of the Akt inhibitor GDC-0068.Clinical Cancer Research. (United States of America): 2013. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 19 Total no. authors: 22 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 8.193

179 Balmaña J; Balaguer F; Cervantes A; Arnold D. Familial risk-colorectal cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines.Annals of Oncology. 2013. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

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Position of signature: 3 Degree of contribution: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Total no. authors: 4 Impact source: ISI Category: Oncology Impact index in year of publication: 7,384 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

180 Tabernero J; Shapiro GI; LoRusso PM; Cervantes A; Schwartz GK; Weiss GJ; Paz-Ares L; Cho DC; Infante JR; Alsina M; Gounder MM; Falzone R; Harrop J; White AC; Toudjarska I; Bumcrot D; Meyers RE; Hinkle G; Svrzikapa N; Hutabarat RM; Clausen VA; Cehelsky J; Nochur SV; Gamba-Vitalo C; Vaishnaw AK; Sah DW; Gollob JA; Burris HA 3rd.First-in-humans trial of an RNA interference therapeutic targeting VEGF and KSP in cancer patients with liver involvement.Cancer Discovery. 3 - 4, pp. 406 - 417. (United States of America): 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1158/2159-8290.CD-12-0429>. ISSN 2159-8274 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 28 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 10.143 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 9 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

181 González Martín A; Redondo A; Jurado M; De Juan A; Romero I; Bover I; Del Campo JM; Cervantes A; García Y; López-Guerrero JA; Mendiola C; Palacios J; Rubio MJ; Poveda Velasco A. GEICO (Spanish Group for Investigation on Ovarian Cancer) treatment guidelines in ovarian cancer 2012.Clinical & Translational Oncology. 15 - 7, pp. 509 - 525. (Spain): 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1007/s12094-012-0995-8>. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 8 Total no. authors: 14 Impact source: ISI Category: Oncology Impact index in year of publication: 1.276 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 162 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

182 Waddell T; Verheij M; Allum W; Cunningham D; Cervantes A; Arnold D.Gastric cancer: ESMO-ESSO-ESTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 24 - Suppl 6, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdt344>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 6.578

183 Sclafani F; Roy A; Cunningham D; Wotherspoon A; Peckitt C; Gonzalez de Castro D; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Eltahir Z; Oates J; Chau I.HER2 in high-risk rectal cancer patients treated in EXPERT-C, a randomized phase II trial of neoadjuvant capecitabine and oxaliplatin (CAPOX) and chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with or without cetuximab.Annals of Oncology. (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2013. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 12 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 6.578

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184 Mallone S; De Angelis R; van der Zwan JM; Trama A; Siesling S; Gatta G; Capocaccia R; RARECARE WG.Methodological aspects of estimating rare cancer prevalence in Europe: the experience of the RARECARE project.Cancer Epidemiology. 37 - 6, pp. 850 - 856. (United Kingdom): 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.canep.2013.08.001>. ISSN 1877-7821 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.558

185 Stahl M; Mariette C; Haustermans K; Cervantes A; Arnold D; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Oesophageal cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 24 - Suppl 6, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdt342>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 6.578

186 van der Zwan JM; Trama A; Otter R; Larrañaga N; Tavilla A; Marcos-Gragera R; Dei Tos AP; Baudin E; Poston G; Links T; RARECARE WG. Rare neuroendocrine tumours: results of the surveillance of rare cancers in Europe project.European Journal of Cancer. 49 - 11, pp. 2565 - 2578. (United Kingdom): 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.ejca.2013.02.029>. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 11 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.819

187 Glimelius B; Tiret E; Cervantes A; Arnold D; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Rectal cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.Annals of Oncology. 24 - Suppl 6, (Holland): Oxford University Press, 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdt240>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 5 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 6.578

188 Stark D; Nankivell M; Pujade-Lauraine E; Kristensen G; Elit L; Stockler M; Hilpert F; Cervantes A; Brown J; Lanceley A; Velikova G; Sabate E; Pfisterer J; Carey MS; Beale P; Qian W; Swart AM; Oza A; Perren T.Standard chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab in advanced ovarian cancer: quality-of-life outcomes from the International Collaboration on Ovarian Neoplasms (ICON7) phase 3 randomised trial.Lancet Oncology. 14 - 3, pp. 236 - 243. (United States of America): 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1016/S1470-2045(12)70567-3>. ISSN 1470-2045 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 8 Total no. authors: 19 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 25,117 Journal in the top 25%: Yes

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Position of publication: 3 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

189 Trama A; Mallone S; Nicolai N; Necchi A; Schaapveld M; Gietema J; Znaor A; Ardanaz E; Berrino F; RARECARE Working Group.Burden of testicular, paratesticular and extragonadal germ cell tumours in Europe.European Journal of Cancer. 48 - 2, pp. 159 - 169. (United Kingdom): 2012. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 10 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.061 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

190 van der Zwan JM; Mallone S; van Dijk B; Bielska-Lasota M; Otter R; Foschi R; Baudin E; Links TP; RARECARE WG.Carcinoma of endocrine organs: results of the RARECARE project. European Journal of Cancer. 48 - 13, pp. 1923 - 1931. (United Kingdom): 2012. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 9 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.061 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

191 Mallone S; De Vries E; Guzzo M; Midena E; Verne J; Coebergh JW; Marcos-Gragera R; Ardanaz E; Martinez R; Chirlaque MD; Navarro C; Virgili G; RARECARE WG.Descriptive epidemiology of malignant mucosal and uveal melanomas and adnexal skin carcinomas in Europe.European Journal of Cancer. 48 - 8, pp. 1167 - 1175. (United Kingdom): 2012. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 13 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.061 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

192 Pavlidis N; Stahel R; Pentheroudakis G; Cervantes A; ESMO Guidelines Working Group. ESMO Consensus Conferences: another source of ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines.Annals of Oncology. 23 - Suppl 7, (Holland): 2012. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 5 Impact source: SCOPUS Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.39 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

193 Schmoll HJ; Van Cutsem E; Stein A; Valentini V; Glimelius B; Haustermans K; Nordlinger B; van de Velde CJ; Balmaña J; Regula J; Nagtegaal ID; Beets-Tan RG; Arnold D; Ciardiello F; Hoff P; Kerr D; Köhne CH; Labianca R; Price T; Scheithauer W; Sobrero A; Tabernero J; Aderka D; Barroso S; Bodoky G; Douillard JY; El Ghazaly H; Gallardo J; Garin A; Glynne-Jones R; Jordan K; Meshcheryakov A; Papamichail D; Pfeiffer P; Souglakos I; Turhal S; Cervantes A.ESMO Consensus Guidelines for management of patients with colon and rectal cancer. A personalized approach to clinical decision making.Annals of Oncology. 23 - 10, pp. 2479 - 2516. (Holland): 2012. ISSN 0923-7534

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Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 37 Total no. authors: 37 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.39 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

194 Díaz-Rubio E; Gómez-España A; Massutí B; Sastre J; Abad A; Valladares M; Rivera F; Safont MJ; Martínez de Prado P; Gallén M; González E; Marcuello E; Benavides M; Fernández-Martos C; Losa F; Escudero P; Arrivi A; Cervantes A; Dueñas R; López-Ladrón A; Lacasta A; Llanos M; Tabernero JM; Antón A; Aranda E; on behalf of the Spanish Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumors (TTD).First-Line XELOX Plus Bevacizumab Followed by XELOX Plus Bevacizumab or Single-Agent Bevacizumab as Maintenance Therapy in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: The Phase III MACRO TTD Study.Oncologist. 17 - 1, pp. 15 - 25. (United States of America): 2012. ISSN 1083-7159 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 18 Total no. authors: 26 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 4.095 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 52 No. of journals in the cat.: 196 Relevant results: Revista perteneciente al 2º cuartil

195 Stoyianni A; Goussia A; Pentheroudakis G; Siozopoulou V; Ioachim E; Krikelis D; Golfinopoulos V; Cervantes A; Bobos M; Fotsis T; Bellou S; Fountzilas G; Malamou-Mitsi V; Pavlidis N.Immunohistochemical study of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition phenotype in cancer of unknown primary: incidence, correlations and prognostic utility.Anticancer Research. 32 - 4, pp. 1273 - 1281. (Greece): 2012. ISSN 0250-7005 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 8 Total no. authors: 14 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.713 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 145 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

196 Visser O; Adolfsson J; Rossi S; Verne J; Gatta G; Maffezzini M; Franks KN; RARECARE working group (Cervantes A entre ellos). Incidence and survival of rare urogenital cancers in Europe.European Journal of Cancer. 48, pp. 456 - 464. (United Kingdom): 2012. Available on-line at: <10.1016/j.ejca.2011.10.031>. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 5.061

197 Faivre J; Trama A; De Angelis R; Elferink M; Siesling S; Audisio R; Bosset JF; Cervantes A; Lepage C; RARECARE WG.Incidence, prevalence and survival of patients with rare epithelial digestive cancers diagnosed in Europe in 1995-200. European Journal of Cancer. 48 - 10, pp. 1417 - 1424. (United Kingdom): 2012. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 8 Total no. authors: 10 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY

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Impact index in year of publication: 5.061 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

198 Golfinopoulos V; Pentheroudakis G; Goussia A; Siozopoulou V; Bobos M; Krikelis D; Cervantes A; Ciuleanu T; Marselos M; Fountzilas G; Malamou-Mitsi V; Pavlidis N.Intracellular signalling via the AKT axis and downstream effectors is active and prognostically significant in cancer of unknown primary (CUP): a study of 100 CUP cases.Annals of Oncology. (Holland): 2012. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 12 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.39 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

199 Cervantes A.La investigación en la clínica: saber más para servir mejor. Eidon. Revista de la Fundación de Ciencias de la Salud.37, (Spain): 2012. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

200 Pérez Fidalgo JA; García Fabregat L; Cervantes A; Margulies A; Vidall C; Roila F; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Management of chemotherapy extravasation: ESMO--EONS clinical practice guidelines.Annals of Oncology. 23 - Suppl 7, (Holland): 2012. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 7 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.39 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

201 Pérez Fidalgo JA; García Fabregat L; Cervantes A; Margulies A; Vidall C; Roila F; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.Management of chemotherapy extravasation: ESMO--EONS clinical practice guidelines.European Journal Of Oncology Nursing. 16 - 5, pp. 528 - 534. (United States of America): 2012. ISSN 1462-3889 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 7 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - NURSING Impact index in year of publication: 1.685 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 11 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

202 Dewdney A; Cunningham D; Tabernero J; Capdevila J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Tait D; Brown G; Wotherspoon A; Gonzalez de Castro D; Chua YJ; Wong R; Barbachano Y; Oates J; Chau I.Multicenter randomized phase II clinical trial comparing neoadjuvant oxaliplatin, capecitabine, and preoperative radiotherapy with or without cetuximab followed by total mesorectal excision in patients with high-risk rectal cancer (EXPERT-C).Journal of Clinical Oncology. 30 - 14, pp. 1620 - 1627. (United States of America): 2012. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 15 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 18.038 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

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203 Capdevila J; Cervantes A; Tabernero J.New players in cancer therapeutics: focus on inhibitors of MDM2-P53 protein-protein interaction. Drugs of the Future. 37 - 4, pp. 273 - 281. (Spain): 2012. Available on-line at: <10.1358/dof.2012.37.4.1769833>. ISSN 0377-8282 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 3 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY Impact index in year of publication: 0,40 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 239 No. of journals in the cat.: 260

204 Santibañez M; Alguacil J; de la Hera MG; Navarrete-Muñoz EM; Llorca J; Aragonés N; Kauppinen T; Vioque J; PANESOES Study Group (como colaborador Cervantes A). Occupational exposures and risk of stomach cancer by histological type.Occupational and environmental medicine (London). 69, pp. 268 - 275. (United Kingdom): 2012. Available on-line at: <10.1136/oemed-2011-100071>. ISSN 1351-0711 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 10 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 3.215

205 Frasson M; Faus C; Garcia-Granero A; Puga R; Flor-Lorente B; Cervantes A; Navarro S; Garcia-Granero E.Pathological Evaluation of Mesocolic Resection Quality and Ex Vivo Methylene Blue Injection: What Is the Impact on Lymph Node Harvest After Colon Resection for Cancer?. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 55 - 2, pp. 197 - 204. (United States of America): 2012. ISSN 0012-3706 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - SURGERY Impact index in year of publication: 3.336 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 198

206 Cervantes A; Elez E; Roda D; Ecsedy J; Macarulla T; Venkatakrishnan K; Roselló S; Andreu J; Jung JA; Sanchis-García JM; Piera A; Blasco I; Mañós L; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Fingert H; Baselga J; Tabernero J.Phase I pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic study of MLN8237, an investigational, oral, selective aurora A kinase inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid tumors. Clinical Cancer Research. 18 - 17, pp. 4764 - 4774. (United States of America): 2012. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 17 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.837 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

207 Cervantes A. Preoperative chemotherapy for colon cancer is getting closer.Lancet Oncology. 13 - 11, pp. 1073 - 1074. (United States of America): 2012. ISSN 1470-2045 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 1

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Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 25.117 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 3 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

208 Pentheroudakis G; Krikelis D; Cervantes A; Vermorken J; Pavlidis N.Profiling clinical cancer research across the Atlantic: A review of research and its characteristics presented at ASCO and ESMO Congresses during the last decade. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 38 - 6, pp. 560 - 565. (United States of America): 2012. ISSN 0305-7372 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 5 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.024 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

209 Krikelis D; Pentheroudakis G; Goussia A; Siozopoulou V; Bobos M; Petrakis D; Stoyianni A; Golfinopoulos V; Cervantes A; Ciuleanu T; Fountzilas G; Malamou-Mitsi V; Pavlidis N.Profiling immunohistochemical expression of NOTCH1-3, JAGGED1, cMET, and phospho-MAPK in 100 carcinomas of unknown primary.Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. 29 - 6, pp. 603 - 614. (United Kingdom): 2012. ISSN 0262-0898 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 13 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 3.46 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 71 No. of journals in the cat.: 196 Relevant results: Revista perteneciente al 2º cuartil

210 Van Dijk BA; Gatta G; Capocaccia R; Pierannunzio D; Strojan P; Licitra L; RARECARE Working Group.Rare cancers of the head and neck area in Europe.European Journal of Cancer. 48 - 6, pp. 783 - 796. (United Kingdom): 2012. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 7 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.061 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

211 Díaz-Rubio E; Gómez-España; Massutí B; Sastre J; Reboredo M; Manzano JL; Rivera F; Safont MJ; Montagut C; González E; Benavides M; Marcuello E; Cervantes A; Martínez de Prado P; Fernández-Martos C; Arrivi A; Bando I; Enrique Aranda; Spanish Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumors (TTD).Role of Kras Status in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Receiving First-Line Chemotherapy plus Bevacizumab: A TTD Group Cooperative Study.Plos One. 7 - 10, (United States of America): 2012. ISSN 1932-6203 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 13 Total no. authors: 19 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES Impact index in year of publication: 3.73 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 56

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212 Garcia-Granero E; Frasson M; Pous S; Cervantes A.T4a and t4b colorectal cancer: what does this mean nowadays?. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 55 - 11, (United States of America): 2012. ISSN 0012-3706 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 4 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - SURGERY Impact index in year of publication: 3.33 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 198

213 Pavlidis N; Vermorken JB; Stahel R; Bernier J; Cervantes A; Pentheroudakis G; Audisio RA; Costa A.Undergraduate training in oncology: An ESO continuing challenge for medical students. Surgical Oncology. 21 - 1, pp. 15 - 21. (Holland): Elsevier, 2012. ISSN 0960-7404 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - SURGERY Impact index in year of publication: 2.136 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 53 No. of journals in the cat.: 198

214 Perren TJ; Swart AM; Pfisterer J; Ledermann JA; Pujade-Lauraine E; Kristensen G; Carey MS; Beale P; Cervantes A; Kurzeder C; du Bois A; Sehouli J; Kimmig R; Stähle A; Collinson F; Essapen S; Gourley C; Lortholary A; Selle F; Mirza MR; Leminen A; Plante M; Stark D; Qian W; Parmar MK; Oza AM; ICON7 Investigators.A Phase 3 Trial of Bevacizumab in Ovarian Cancer. New England Journal of Medicine. 365 - 26, pp. 2484 - 2496. (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 0028-4793 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 9 Total no. authors: 27 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL Impact index in year of publication: 53.3 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 1 No. of journals in the cat.: 155

215 Tabernero J; Dirix L; Schöffski P; Cervantes A; López-Martín JA; Capdevila J; Van Beijsterveldt L; Platero S; Hall B; Yuan Z; Knoblauch R; Zhuang SH.A phase I first-in-human pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of Serdemetan in patients with advanced solid tumors. Clinical Cancer Research. (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 12 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.74 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

216 Atzori F; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Prudkin L; Andreu J; Rodríguez-Braun E; Domingo A; Guijarro A; Gamez C; Rodon J; Di Cosimo S; Brown H; Clark J; Hardwick JS; Beckman RA; Hanley WD; Hsu K; Calvo E; Roselló S; Langdon RB; Baselga J.A phase I pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of dalotuzumab (MK-0646), an anti-insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor monoclonal antibody, in patients with advanced solid tumors. Clinical Cancer Research. (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 3

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Total no. authors: 21 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.74 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

217 Rustin GJ; Vergote I; Eisenhauer E; Pujade-Lauraine E; Quinn M; Thigpen T; Du Bois A; Kristensen G; Jakobsen A; Sagae S; Greven K; Parmar M; Friedlander M; Cervantes A; Vermorken J.Definitions for response and progression in ovarian cancer clinical trials incorporating RECIST 1.1 and CA 125 agreed by the Gynecological Cancer Intergroup (GCIG). International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 21 - 2, pp. 419 - 423. (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 1048-891X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 14 Total no. authors: 15 Impact source: ISI Category: Oncology Impact index in year of publication: 1.65 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 140 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

218 Dasí F; Navarro-García MM; Jiménez-Heredia M; Magraner J; Viña JR; Pallardó FV; Cervantes A; Morcillo E.Evaluation of the quality of publications on randomized clinial trials using the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement Guidelines in a Spanish tertiary hospital. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 18, (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 0091-2700 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 8 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY Impact index in year of publication: 2.91 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 84 No. of journals in the cat.: 261

219 Oaknin A; Roda D; González-Martín A; Chiva L; García-Donas J; De Juan A; Redondo A; Martínez S; García Y, Catot S; Ponce J; Del Campo JM; Cervantes A; Poveda A.Feasibility of a modified outpatients regimen of intravenous/intraperitoneal chemotherapy in optimally debulked stage III ovarian cancer patients: a GEICO study. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 21 - 6, pp. 1048 - 1055. (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 1048-891X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 12 Total no. authors: 13 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.65 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 140 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

220 Pavlidis N; Stahel R; Hansen H; Cervantes A.Fourteen years of evolution of ESMO Guidelines: from the minimum recommendations to the Consensus Conference-derived guidelines. Annals of Oncology. 22 - Suppl 6, (Holland): 2011. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 4 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.43 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

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221 Cervantes A.Growth factor receptor-related therapy for gastric cancer. European Journal of Cancer. 47 - Suppl 3, (United Kingdom): 2011. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 1 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.53 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

222 Chakravarty A; Shinde V; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Cohen RB; Dees EC; Burris H; Infante JR; Macarulla T; Elez E; Andreu J; Rodriguez-Braun E; Rosello S; von Mehren M; Meropol NJ; Langer CJ; ONeil B; Bowman D; Zhang M; Danaee H; Faron-Yowe L; Gray G; Liu H; Pappas J; Silverman L; Simpson C; Stringer B; Tirrell S; Veiby OP; Venkatakrishnan K; Galvin K; Manfredi M; Ecsedy JA.Phase I assessment of new mechanism-based pharmacodynamic biomarkers for MLN8054, a small-moleculre inhibitor of Aurora A Kinase. Cancer Research. 71 - 3, pp. 675 - 685. (United States of America): American Association for Cancer Research, 2011. ISSN 0008-5472 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 33 Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 7.86

223 Paz-Ares LG; Gómez-Roca C; Delord JP; Cervantes A; Markman B; Corral J; Soria JC; Bergé Y; Roda D; Russell-Yarde F; Hollingsworth S; Baselga J; Umana P; Manenti L; Tabernero J.Phase I pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic dose-escalation study of RG7160 (GA201), the first glycoengineered monoclonal antibody against the epidermal growth factor receptor, in patients with advanced solid tumors. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 29 - 28, pp. 3783 - 3790. (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 15 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 18.37 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

224 Rivera F; Galán M; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Vega-Villegas ME; Gallego J; Laquente B; Rodríguez E; Carrato A; Escudero P; Massutí B; Alonso-Orduña V; Cardenal A; Sáenz A; Giralt J; Yuste AL; Antón A; Aranda E.Phase II trial of induction irinotecan-cisplatin followed by concurrent irinotecan-cisplatin and radiotherapy for unresectable, locally advanced gastric and oesophageal-gastric junction adenocarcinoma. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 67 - 1, pp. 75 - 82. (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 0344-5704 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 18 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 2.83 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 84 No. of journals in the cat.: 196 Relevant results: Revista perteneciente al 2º cuartil

225 Chakravarty A; Shinde V; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Cohen RB; Dees EC; Burris H; Infante JR; Macarulla T; Elez E; Andreu J; Rodriguez-Braun E; Rosello S; von Mehren M; Meropol NJ; Langer CJ; ONeil B; Bowman D; Zhang M; Danaee H; Faron-Yowe L; Gray G; Liu H; Pappas J; Silverman L; Simpson C; Stringer B; Tirrell S;

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Veiby OP; Venkatakrishnan K; Galvin K; Manfredi M; Ecsedy JA.Phase I assessment of new mechanism-based pharmacodynamic biomarkers for MLN8054, a small-moleculre inhibitor of Aurora A Kinase. Cancer Research. 71 - 3, pp. 675 - 685. (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 0008-5472 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.86 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

226 Frasson M; García-Granero E; Roda D; Flor-Lorente B; Roselló S; Esclápez P; Faus C; Navarro S; Campos S; Cervantes A.Preoperative chemoradiation may not always be needed for patients with T3 and T2N+ rectal cancer. Cancer. 117 - 14, pp. 3118 - 3125. (United States of America): 2011. ISSN 0008-543X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 10 Total no. authors: 10 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 4.77 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

227 García-Granero E; Faiz O; Flor-Lorente B; García-Botello S; Esclápez P; Cervantes A.Prognostic implications of circumferential location of distal rectal cancer. Colorectal Disease. 13 - 6, pp. 650 - 657. (United Kingdom): 2011. ISSN 1462-8910 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 6 Total no. authors: 6 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 2.58 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 74 Relevant results: Revista perteneciente al 2º cuartil

228 Cervantes A.Rare cancers are not so rare: the rare cancer burden in Europe. European Journal of Cancer. 47 - 17, pp. 2493 - 2511. (United Kingdom): 2011. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 1 Total no. authors: 1 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.53 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

229 Gallego J; Cervantes A; Pericay C; Isla D.SEOM clinical guidelines for the treatment of oesophageal cancer. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 13 - 8, pp. 520 - 524. (Spain): 2011. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 4 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.33 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 153 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

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230 Pérez-Fidalgo JA; De Stefano A; Roda D; Roselló S; Cervantse A.Symptom relief with cetuximab for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Annals of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. San Lucas Medical, 2011. ISSN 2043-0221 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 5

231 Van Cutsem E; Dicato M; Geva R; Arber N; Bang Y; Benson A; Cervantes A; Díaz-Rubio E; Ducreux M; Glynne-Jones R; Grothey A; Haller D; Haustermans K; Kerr D; Nordlinger B; Marshall J; Minsky BD; Kang YK; Labianca R; Lordick F; Ohtsu A; Pavlidis N; Roth A; Rougier P; Schmoll HJ; Sobrero A; Tabernero J; Van de Velde C; Zalcberg J.The diagnosis and management of gastric cancer: expert discussion and recommendations from the 12th ESMO/World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 2010. Annals of Oncology. 22 - Suppl 5, (Holland): 2011. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 7 Total no. authors: 29 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.43 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

232 Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Hernández A; Martín V; Cervantes A.Treatment of cervical cancer: the importance of a multidisciplinary team approach. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 13 - 7, pp. 431 - 433. (Spain): 2011. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 4 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.33 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 153 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

233 Aranda E; Abad A; Carrato A; Cervantes A; García-Foncillas J; García P; García R; Gómez A; Tabernero JM; Díaz-Rubio E.Treatment recommendations for metastatic colorectal cancer. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 13 - 3, pp. 162 - 178. (Spain): 2011. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 10 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.33 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 153 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

234 Van Cutsem E; Nordlinger B; Cervantes A.Advanced colorectal cancer: ESMO Clinical recommendations for treatment. Annals of Oncology. 21 - Suppl 5, (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.452 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

235 Hoskins P; Vergote I; Cervantes A; Tu D; Stuart G; Zola P; Poveda A; Provencher D; Katsaros D; Ojeda B; Ghatage P; Grimshaw R; Casado A; Elit L; Mendiola C; Sugimoto A; D'Hondt V; Oza A; Germa JR; Roy M; Brotto L; Chen D; Eisenhauer EA.Advanced ovarian cancer: Phase III randomized study of sequential cisplatin-topotecan

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and carboplatin-paclitaxel vs carboplatin-paclitaxel. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 102 - 20, pp. 1547 - 1556. (United States of America): 2010. ISSN 0027-8874 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 14.697 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

236 Glynne-Jones R; Northover JMA; Cervantes A.Anal cancer: ESMO Clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow up. Annals of Oncology. 21 - Suppl 5, (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.452 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

237 Roda D, Cervantes A.Biomarkers in colorectal cancer: the future is getting closer. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 12 - 11, pp. 241 - 242. (Spain): 2010. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.254 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 147 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

238 Tabernero J; Ciardiello F; Rivera F; Rodríguez-Braun E; Ramos FJ; Martinelli E; Vega-Villegas ME; Roselló S; Liebscher S; Kisker O; Macarulla T; Baselga J; Cervantes A.Cetuximab administered once every second week to patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: a two-part pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic phase I dose-escalation study. Annals of Oncology. 21 - 7, pp. 1537 - 1545. (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.452 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

239 Stahl M; Budach W; Meyer H-J; Cervantes A.Esophageal cancer: Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, tratment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology. 21 - Suppl 5, (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 4 Total no. authors: 4 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.452 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

240 Balmaña J; Castells A; Cervantes A.Familial colorectal cancer risk: ESMO Clinical recommendations. Annals of Oncology. 21 - Suppl 5, (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.452 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

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241 Okines A; Verheij M; Allum W; Cunningham D; Cervantes A.Gastric cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, tratment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology. 21 - Suppl 5, (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 5 Total no. authors: 5 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.452 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

242 Van Cutsem E; Dicato M; Arber N; Berlin J; Cervantes A; Ciardiello F; De Gramont A; Díaz-Rubio E; Ducreux M; Geva R; Glimelius B; Glynne Joes R; Grothey A; Gruenberger T; Haller D; Haustermans K; Labianca R; Lenz HJ; Minsky B; Nordlinger B; Ohtsu A; Pavlidis N; Rougier P; Schmiegel W; Van de Velde C; Schmoll HJ; Sobrero A; Tabernero J.Molecular markers and biological targeted therapies in metastatic colorectal cancer: expert opinion and recommendations derived from the 11th ESMO/World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 2009. Annals of Oncology. 21 - S6, (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.452 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

243 Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Rivera F; Martinelli E; Rojo F; von Heydebreck A; Macarulla T; Rodríguez-Braun E; Vega-Villegas ME; Senger S; Ramos FJ; Roselló S; Celik I; Stroh C; Baselga J; Ciardiello F.Pharmacogenomic and pharmacoproteomic studies of cetuximab in metastatic colorectal cancer: Biomarker analysis of a phase I dose-escalation study. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 28 - 7, pp. 1181 - 1189. (United States of America): 2010. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 18.97 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

244 Baselga J; Cervantes A; Martinelli E; Chirivella I; Hoekman K; Hurwitz HI; Jodrell DI; Hamberg P; Casado E; Elvin P; Swaisland A; Iacona R; Tabernero J.Phase I safety, pharmacokinetics, and inhibition of Src activity study of saracatinib in patients with solid tumors. Clinical Cancer Research. 16 - 19, pp. 4876 - 4883. (United States of America): 2010. ISSN 1078-0432 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.338 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 16 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

245 Macarulla T; Cervantes A; Elez E; Rodríguez-Braun E; Baselga J; Roselló S; Sala G; Blasco I; Danaee H; Lee Y; Ecsedy J; Shinde V; Chakravarty A; Bowman D; Liu H; Eton O; Fingert H; Tabernero J.Phase I study of the selective Aurora A Kinase inhibitor MLN8054 in patients with advanced solid tumors: safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 9 - 10, pp. 2844 - 2852. (United States of America): 2010. ISSN 1535-7163 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 18 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.225 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 28 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

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246 Labianca R; Nordlinger B; Beretta GD; Brouquet A; Cervantes A.Primary colon cancer: ESMO Clinical recommendations for diagnosis, tratment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology. 21 - Suppl 5, (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.452 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

247 Peeters M; Price TJ; Cervantes A; Sobrero AF; Ducreux M; Hotko Y; André T; Chan E; Lordick F; Punt CJA; Strickland AH; Wilson G; Ciuleanu TE; Roman L; Van Cutsem E; Tzekova V; Colliusd S; Oliner KS; Rong A; Gansert J.Randomized phase III study of panitumumab with fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) compared with FOLFIRI alone as second-line treatment in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 28 - 31, pp. 4706 - 4713. (United States of America): 2010. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 18.97 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

248 Glimelius B; Pahlman L; Cervantes A.Rectal cancer: ESMO Clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow up. Annals of Oncology. 21 - Suppl 5, (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 6.452 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

249 García-Carbonero R; Gómez España MA; Casado E; Alonso V; Cervantes A; Gallego J; García Alfonso P; Juez I; González Flores E; Lomas M; Isla D.SEOM clinical guidelines for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 11 - 11, pp. 729 - 734. (Spain): 2010. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.254 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 147 No. of journals in the cat.: 185

250 Gatta G; Capocaccia R; Trama A; Martínez-García C; RARECARE Working Group. The burden of rare cancers in Europe. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 686, pp. 285 - 303. 2010. ISSN 0065-2598 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - BIOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.379 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 86 Relevant results: Revista situada en el 2º cuartil

251 Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Roda D; Roselló S; Rodríguez-Braun E; Cervantes A.Aurora kinase inhibitors; a new class of drugs targeting the regulatory mitotic system. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 11 - 12, pp. 787 - 798. (Spain): 2009. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.146 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 138 No. of journals in the cat.: 166

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252 Cervantes A.Continuing medical education (CME) or continuing professional development (CPD): a need, a challenge, but also a must. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 11 - 4, pp. 189 - 190. (Spain): 2009. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.146 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 138 No. of journals in the cat.: 146

253 Cervantes A.ECCO 15: 34th ESMO Multidisciplinary Congress in Berlin: a step forward o a high-quality global oncology forum. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 11 - 10, pp. 629 - 630. (Spain): 2009. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 1.146 Position of publication: 138 No. of journals in the cat.: 146

254 Bidard FC; Tournigand C; André T; Mabro M; Figer A; Cervantes A; LLedó G; Bengrine-Lefevre L; Maindrault-Goebel F; Louvet C; De Gramont A.Efficacy of FOLFIRI-3 (irinotecan D1,D3 combined with LV-FU) or other irinotecan-based regimens in oxaliplatin-pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer in the GERCOR OPTIMOX1 study. Annals of Oncology. 20 - 6, pp. 1042 - 1047. (Holland): 2009. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.647 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 166

255 Chibaudel B; Tournigand C; Artru P; André T; Cervantes A; Figer A; Lledó G; Flesch M; Buyse M; Mineur L; Carola E; Rivera F; Pérez-Staub N; Louvet C; De Gramont A.FOLFOX in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer and high alkaline phosphatase level: an exploratory cohort of the GERCOR OPTIMOX1 study. Annals of Oncology. 20 - 8, pp. 1383 - 1386. (Holland): 2009. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.647 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 166

256 Cervantes A.KRAS: factor predictivo de respuesta en primera línea de tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal metastásico. Revisiones en Cancer. 23 - Supl 1, pp. 32 - 33. (Spain): 2009. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

257 García-Granero E; Faiz O; Muñoz E; Flor B; Navarro S; Faus C; García-Botello SA; Lledó S; Cervantes A.Macroscopic assessment of mesorectal excision in rectal cancer. Cancer. 115 - 15, pp. 3400 - 3411. (United States of America): 2009. ISSN 0008-543X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 5.418 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 21 No. of journals in the cat.: 166

258 Sabater L; Calvete L; Aparisi L; Cánovas R; Muñoz E; Añón R; Roselló S; Rodríguez E; Camps B; Alfonso R; Sala C; Sastre J; Cervantes A; Lledó S.Neoplasias de páncreas y periampulares: morbimortalidad, resultados funcionales y supervivencia a largo plazo. Cirugia Espanola. 86 - 3, pp. 159 - 166. (Spain): 2009. ISSN 0009-739X

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Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

259 Rivera F; Galán M; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Vega-Villegas ME; Gallego J; Laquente B; Rodríguez E; Carrato A; Escudero P; Massutí B; Alonso-Orduña V; Cardenal A; Sáenz A; Giralt J; Yuste AL; Antón A; Aranda E.Phase II trial of preoperative irinotecan-cisplatin followed by concurrent irinotecan-cisplatin and radiotherapy for resectab le locally advanced gastric and esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 75 - 5, pp. 1430 - 1436. (United States of America): 2009. ISSN 0360-3016 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 4.592 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 166

260 Esclápez P; García-Granero E; Flor B; García-Botello S; Cervantes A; Navarro S; Lledó S.Prognostic heterogeneity of endosonographic T3 rectal cancer. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 52 - 4, pp. 685 - 691. (United States of America): 2009. ISSN 0012-3706 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - SURGERY Impact index in year of publication: 2.536 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 167

261 Tabernero J; Pfeiffer P; Cervantes A.Administration of cetuximab every 2 weeks in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: an effective, more convenient alternative to weekly administration?. Oncologist. 13, pp. 113 - 119. (United States of America): 2008. ISSN 1083-7159 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Oncology Impact index in year of publication: 6.63 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 15 No. of journals in the cat.: 143

262 Martín-Martorell P; Roselló S; Rodríguez-Braun E; Chirivella I; Bosch A; Cervantes A.Biweekly cetuximab and irinotecan in advanced colorectal cancer patients progressing after at least one previous line of chemotherapy: results of a phase II single institution trial. British Journal of Cancer. 99 - 3, pp. 455 - 458. (United Kingdom): 2008. ISSN 0007-0920 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 4.846 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 28 No. of journals in the cat.: 143

263 Vioque J; Barber X; Bolumar F; Porta M; Santibáñez M; de la Hera MG; Moreno-Osset E; PANESOES Study Group.Esophageal cancer risk by type of alcohol drinking and smoking: a case-control study in Spain.BMC Cancer. 8, pp. 221 - 230. (United Kingdom): 2008. ISSN 1471-2407 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Oncology Impact index in year of publication: 3.087 Journal in the top 25%: No Position of publication: 59 No. of journals in the cat.: 143 Relevant results: Revista perteneciente al 2º cuartil

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264 Santibáñez M; Vioque J; Alguacil J; Barber X; García de la Hera M; Kauppinen T; for the PANESOES Study Group (entre ellos Cervantes A). Occupational exposures and risk of oesophageal cancer by histological type: a case-control study in eastern Spain. Occupational and environmental medicine (London). 65, pp. 774 - 781. (United Kingdom): 2008. ISSN 1351-0711 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Impact index in year of publication: 3.302 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 158

265 Cervantes A.Panitumumab: una nueva opción en el tratamiento del cáncer de colon.Revisiones en Cancer. 22, Supl. 1, pp. 67 - 68. (Spain): 2008. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

266 Cervantes A; Roselló S; Rodríguez-Braun E; Navarro S; Campos S; Hernández A; García-Granero E.Progress in the multidisciplinary treatment of gastrointestinal cancer and the impact on clinical practice: perioperative management of rectal cancer.Annals of Oncology. 19, Supl 7, (Holland): 2008. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Oncology Impact index in year of publication: 4.935 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 143

267 CERVANTES A.The modern approach to managing locally advanced rectal cancer. Cancer World. 26, pp. 15 - 20. (United Kingdom): 2008. ISSN 2036-9468 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

268 Cervantes A; Roselló S; Roda D; Rodríguez-Braun E.The treatment of advanced gastric cancer: current strategies and future perspectives.Annals of Oncology. 19, Supl. 5, (Holland): 2008. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Category: Oncology Impact index in year of publication: 4.935 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 143

269 Ivorra P; Sabater L; Calvete J; Camps B; Cervantes A; Bosch A; Plazzotta C; Cassinello N; Arlandis P; Lledó S.Efecto de la quimioterapia neoadyuvante en los resultados de la cirugía de resección de las metástasis hepáticas de origen colorrectal. Cirugia Espanola. 82 - 3, pp. 166 - 171. (Spain): 2007. ISSN 0009-739X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

270 Martínez-Ferrandis JL; Soriano MA; Martinez-Romero A; Herrera G; Cervantes A; O'Connor JE; Knecht E; Armengod ME. Efficient selection of silenced primary cells by flow cytometry. Cytometry Part a. 71 - 8, pp. 599 - 604. (United States of America): 2007. ISSN 1552-4922 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.978

271 Cervantes A; Rodriguez Braun E; Pérez Fidalgo A. El tratamiento adyuvante y neoadyuvante del Cáncer Gástrico. Boletín SEOM. 48, pp. 30 - 31. (Spain): 2007. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

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272 Figer A; Pérez-Staub N; Carola E; Tournigand C; Lledó G; Flesch M; Barceló R; Cervantes A; André T; Colin P; Louvet C; De Gramont A.FOLFOX in patients aged between 76 and 80 years with metastatic colorectal cancer: an exploratory cohort of the OPTIMOX1 study.Cancer. 110 - 12, pp. 2666 - 2671. (United States of America): 2007. ISSN 0008-543X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.632

273 Cervantes A; Rodríguez-Braun E; Navarro S; Hernández A; Campos S; García-Granero E.Integrative decisions in rectal cancer. Annals of Oncology. 18 - 9, (Holland): 2007. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.875

274 Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Chirivella I; Günthner S; Cervera JI; March JA; Cervantes A.La encefalopatía hiperamonémica, una posible complicación por derivación urinaria tras citectomía radical. Revisión de la literatura a propósito de un caso.Actas Urológicas Españolas. 31 - 4, pp. 394 - 399. (Spain): 2007. ISSN 0210-4806 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

275 Cervantes A; Rodríguez Braun E; Pérez Fidalgo A; Chirivella I.La quimioterapia en el tratamiento del cáncer de esófago.Revisiones en Cancer. 21 - 2, pp. 102 - 112. (Spain): 2007. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

276 Cervantes A; Rodriguez Braun E; Perez Fidalgo A; Chirivella Gonzalez I.Molecular biology of gastric cancer.Clinical & Translational Oncology. 9 - 4, pp. 208 - 215. (Spain): 2007. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

277 Pavlidis N; Vermorken JB; Stahel R; Bernier J; Cervantes A; Audisio R; Pentheroudakis G; Costa A. Oncology for medical students: A European School of Oncology contribution to undergraduate cancer education. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 33 - 5, pp. 419 - 426. (United States of America): 2007. ISSN 0305-7372 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.539

278 Tabernero J; Van Cutsem E; Díaz-Rubio E; Cervantes A; Humblet Y; André T; Van Laethem JL; Soulié P; Casado E; Verslype C; Sastre J; Tortora G; Ciardiello F; Kisker O; De Gramont A.Phase II trial of Cetuximab in combination with Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and Oxaliplatin in the first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.Journal of Clinical Oncology. 25 - 33, pp. 5225 - 5232. (United States of America): 2007. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 15.484

279 Martínez-Ferrandis JI; Rodríguez-López R; Milne R; González E; Cebolla E; Chirivella I; Zamora P; Arias J; Palacios S; Cervantes A; Díez O; Benítez J; Armengod ME. Polymorphisms in TRAIL receptor genes and risk of breast cancer in Spanish women. Cancer Biomarkers. 3 - 2, pp. 89 - 93. (United States of America): 2007. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

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280 de Gramont A; Buyse M; Abrahantes JC; Burzykowski T; Quinaux E; Cervantes A; Figer A; Lledo G; Flesch M; Mineur L; Carola E; Etienne PL; Rivera F; Chirivella I; Perez-Staub N; Louvet C; Andre T; Tabah-Fisch I; Tournigand C.Reintroduction of oxaliplatin is associated with improved survival in advanced colorectal cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 25 - 22, pp. 3224 - 3229. (United States of America): 2007. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 15.484

281 Poveda A; Casado A; Cervantes A; Gallardo D; García García E; González Martín A; López García G; Mendiola C; Ojeda B. Treatment guidelines in ovarian cancer.Clinical & Translational Oncology. 9 - 5, pp. 308 - 316. (Spain): 2007. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

282 Cervantes A; Chirivella I; Rodríguez-Braun E; Campos S; Navarro S; García-Granero E.A multimodality approach to localized rectal cancer.Annals of Oncology. 17 - 10, pp. 129 - 134. (Holland): 2006. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 5.179

283 Navarro M; Dotor E; Rivera F; Sánchez-Rovira P; Vega-Villegas ME; Cervantes A; García JL; Gallén M; Aranda E.A phase II study of preoperative radiotherapy and concomitant weekly Irinotecan in combination with protracted venous infusion 5-Fluorouracil, for resectable locally advanced rectal cancer.International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 66 - 1, pp. 201 - 205. (United States of America): 2006. ISSN 0360-3016 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.463

284 Macarulla T; Valverde C; Ramos FJ; Casado E; Martinelli E; Cervantes A; Tabernero J.Emerging strategies in the treatment of advanced esophageal, gastroesophageal junction, and gastric cancer: the introduction of targeted therapies.Targ Oncol. 1, pp. 23 - 33. (United States of America): 2006. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

285 Aranda E; Abad A; Carrato A; Cervantes A; Tabernero J; Díaz-Rubio E.Guides for adjuvant treatment of colon cancer.Clinical & Translational Oncology. 8 - 2, pp. 98 - 102. (Spain): 2006. ISSN 1699-048X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

286 Macdonald J, Cervantes A.New horizons for gastric cancer: commentary. Ejc Supplements. 4 - 10, pp. 1 - 3. (United Kingdom): 2006. ISSN 1359-6349 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.396

287 Tournigand C; Cervantes A; Figer A; Lledo G; Flesch M; Buyse M; Mineur L; Carola E; Etienne PL; Rivera F; Chirivella I; Perez-Staub N; Louvet C; Andre T; Tabah-Fisch I; de Gramont A.OPTIMOX1: a randomized study of FOLFOX4 or FOLFOX7 with oxaliplatin in a stop-and-Go fashion in advanced colorectal cancer--a GERCOR study.Journal of Clinical Oncology. 20 - 24, pp. 394 - 400. (United States of America): 2006. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 13.598

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288 Chirivella Gonzalez I; Teruel Casasús A; Magro Molina A; Insa Molla A; Rodriguez Braun E; Cervantes Ruiperez A.Phlegmasia cerulea dolens in patients with testicular carcinoma. Actas Urológicas Españolas. 30 - 10, pp. 1043 - 1045. (Spain): 2006. ISSN 0210-4806 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

289 Cervantes A; Chirivella I; Roselló S.Tratamiento del cáncer epitelial de ovario avanzado.Formación Médica Continuada. 1 - 2, pp. 32 - 43. (Spain): 2006. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

290 du Bois A; Quinn M; Thigpen T; Vermorken J; Avall-Lundqvist E; Bookman M; Bowtell D; Brady M; Casado A; Cervantes A; Eisenhauer E; Friedlaender M; Fujiwara K; Grenman S; Guastalla JP; Harper P; Hogberg T; Kaye S; others. 2004 consensus statements on the management of ovarian cancer: final document of the 3rd International Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup Ovarian Cancer Consensus Conference (GCIG OCCC 2004)..Annals of Oncology. 16, (Holland): 2005. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.319

291 Stuart G; Avall-Lundqvist E; du Bois A; Bookman M; Bowtell D; Brady M; Casado A; Cervantes A; Eisenhauer E; Friedlaender M; Fujiwara K; Grenman S; Guastalla JP; Harper P; Hogberg T; Kaye S; Kitchener H; others. 3rd International Ovarian Cancer Consensus Conference: outstanding issues for future consideration. Annals of Oncology. 16, (Holland): 2005. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.319

292 Twelves C; Wong A; Nowacki MP; Abt M; Burris H 3rd; Carrato A; Cassidy J; Cervantes A; Fagerberg J; Georgoulias V; Husseini F; Jodrell D; Koralewski P; Kroning H; Maroun J; Marschner N; McKendrick J; Pawlicki M; others. Capecitabine as adjuvant treatment for stage III colon cancer. New England Journal of Medicine. 352 - 26, pp. 2696 - 2704. (United States of America): 2005. ISSN 0028-4793 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 44.016

293 Quinn M; Pfisterer J; Avall-Lundqvist E; Bookman M; Bowtell D; Casado A; Cervantes A; Grenman S; Harper P; Oza A; Pecorelli S; Pujade-Lauraine E; Trimble E; Vasey P; Wagner U. Integration of new or experimental treatment options and new approaches to clinical trials.Annals of Oncology. 16, (Holland): 2005. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.319

294 Maurel J; Cervantes A; Conill C; Salazar R; Martin-Richard M; Pera M; Manzano H; Chirivella I; Gallego R; Marfa X.Phase I trial of oxaliplatin in combination with cisplatin, protacted-infusion fluorouracil, and radiotherapy in advanced esophageal and gastroesophageal carcinoma.International Journal of Radiation Biology. 62 - 1, pp. 91 - 96. (United Kingdom): 2005. ISSN 0955-3002 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 1.923

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295 Hitt R; Lopez-Pousa A; Martinez-Trufero J; Escrig V; Carles J; Rizo A; Isla D; Vega ME; Marti JL; Lobo F; Pastor P; Valenti V; Belon J; Sanchez MA; Chaib C; Pallares C; Anton A; Cervantes A; Paz-Ares L; Cortes-Funes H.Phase III study comparing cisplatin plus fluorouracil to paclitaxel, cisplatin, and fluorouracil induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer.Journal of Clinical Oncology. 23 - 34, pp. 8636 - 8645. (United States of America): 2005. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 11.81

296 Gonzalez-Martin AJ; Calvo E; Bover I; Rubio MJ; Arcusa A; Casado A; Ojeda B; Balana C; Martinez E; Herrero A; Pardo B; Adrover E; Rifa J; Godes MJ; Moyano A; Cervantes A.Randomized phase II trial of carboplatin versus paclitaxel and carboplatin in platinum-sensitive recurrent advanced ovarian carcinoma: a GEICO (Grupo Espanol de Investigacion en Cancer de Ovario) study.Annals of Oncology. 16 - 5, pp. 749 - 755. (Holland): 2005. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.319

297 Abad A; Carrato A; Navarro M; Sastre J; Cervantes A; Anton A; Martinez-Villacampa M; Marcuello E; Massuti B; Aranda E; Manzano JL; Guallar JL; Diaz-Rubio E.Two consecutive phase II trials of biweekly oxaliplatin plus weekly 48-hour continuous infusion of nonmodulated high-dose 5-fluorouracil as first-line treatment for advanced colorectal cancer.Clinical Colorectal Cancer. 4 - 6, pp. 384 - 389. (United States of America): 2005. ISSN 1533-0028 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

298 Clamp A; Adams M; Atkinson R; Boven E; Calvert AH; Cervantes A; Ganesan T; Lotz J; Vasey P; Cheverton P; Jayson GC.A phase IIA study of the topoisomerase I inhibitor, exatecan mesylate (DX-8951f), administered at two different dose schedules in patients with platinum- and taxane-resistant/refractory ovarian cancer.Gynecologic Oncology. 95 - 1, pp. 114 - 119. (United States of America): 2004. ISSN 0090-8258 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.083

299 Cervantes A, Chirivella I.Oncological emergencies.Annals of Oncology. 15 - 4, pp. 299 - 306. (Holland): 2004. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.335

300 Aranda E; Carrato A; Cervantes A; Sastre J; Gomez MA; Abad A; Masutti B; Ribera F; Marcuello E; Pronk L; Balcells M; Diaz-Rubio E. Phase I/II trial of irinotecan plus high-dose 5-fluorouracil (TTD regimen) as first-line chemotherapy in advanced colorectal cancer.Annals of Oncology. 15 - 4, pp. 559 - 567. (Holland): 2004. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.335

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301 Rustin GJ; Quinn M; Thigpen T; du Bois A; Pujade-Lauraine E; Jakobsen A; Eisenhauer E; Sagae S; Greven K; Vergote I; Cervantes A; Vermorken J.Re: New guidelines to evaluate the response to treatment in solid tumors (ovarian cancer).Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 96 - 6, pp. 487 - 488. (United States of America): 2004. ISSN 0027-8874 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 13.856

302 Lledo SM; Garcia-Granero E; Dasi F; Ripoli R; Garcia SA; Cervantes A; Alino SF. Real time quantification in plasma of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) mRNA in patients with colorectal cancer.Colorectal Disease. 6 - 4, pp. 236 - 242. (United Kingdom): 2004. ISSN 1462-8910 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

303 Cervantes A; Georgoulias V; Falcone A.State of the art treatmentfor gastric cancer: future directions.European Journal of Cancer. 2 - Supl 7, pp. 40 - 47. (United Kingdom): 2004. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 3.302

304 Diez O; Osorio A; Duran M; Martinez-Ferrandis JI; de la Hoya M; Salazar R; Vega A; Campos B; Rodriguez-Lopez R; Velasco E; Chaves J; Diaz-Rubio E; Jesus Cruz J; Torres M; Esteban E; Cervantes A; others. Analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Spanish breast/ovarian cancer patients: a high proportion of mutations unique to Spain and evidence of founder effects. Human Mutation. 22 - 4, pp. 301 - 312. (United States of America): 2003. ISSN 1059-7794 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 6.328

305 Aapro MS; Van Wijk FH; Bolis G; ...; Rosso R; Marth C; Nooij M; Cervantes A; others. Doxorubicin versus doxorubicin and cisplatin in endometrial carcinoma: definitive results of a randomised study (55872) by the EORTC Gynaecological Cancer Group.Annals of Oncology. 14 - 3, pp. 441 - 448. (Holland): 2003. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 3.605

306 Alberts SR; Cervantes A; van de Velde CJ.Gastric cancer: epidemiology, pathology and treatment.Annals of Oncology. 14 - s2, pp. 31 - 36. (Holland): 2003. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 3.605

307 Anton A; Aranda E; Carrato A; Marcuello E; Massuttí B; Cervantes A; Abad A; Sastre J; Fernández Martos C; Gallen M; Díaz Rubio E; Huarte L; Balcells M.Irinotecan (CPT-11) in metastatic colorectal cancer patients resistant to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU): a phase II study.Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. 25 - 14671682, pp. 639 - 643. (Spain): 2003. ISSN 0379-0355 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: .456

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308 Martínez Ferrandis JI; Vega A; Chirivella I; Marín García P; Insa A; Lluch A; Carracedo A; Chaves FJ; García Conde J; Cervantes A; Armengod ME.Mutational analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in Mediterranean Spanish women with early-onset breast cancer: identification of three novel pathogenic mutations. Human Mutation. 22 - 5, pp. 417 - 428. (United States of America): 2003. ISSN 1059-7794 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 6.328

309 De Gramont a; Schmoll HJ; Cervantes A; Tournigand C.The evolving role of oxaliplatin in the management of colorectal cancer. Colorectal Disease. 5 - s3, pp. 10 - 19. (United Kingdom): 2003. ISSN 1462-8910 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

310 Van Cutsem E; Cunningham D; Maroun J; Cervantes A; Glimelius B.Raltitrexed: current clinical status and future directions.Annals of Oncology. 13 - 4, pp. 513 - 522. (Holland): 2002. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 3.114

311 Wagenaar HC; Colombo N; Vergote I; Hoctin-Boes G; Zanetta G; Pecorelli S; Lacave AJ; van Hoesel Q; Cervantes A; Bolis G; Namer M; Lhomme C; Guastalla JP; Nooij MA; Poveda A; Scotto di Palumbo V; Vermorken JB.Bleomycin, methotrexate, and CCNU in locally advanced or recurrent, inoperable, squamous-cell carcinoma of the vulva: an EORTC Gynaecological Cancer Cooperative Group Study. European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer.Gynecologic Oncology. 81 - 3, pp. 348 - 354. (United States of America): 2001. ISSN 0090-8258 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.2

312 de Gramont A; Figer A; Seymour M; Homerin M; Hmissi A; Cassidy J; Boni C; Cortes-Funes H; Cervantes A; Freyer G; Papamichael D; Le Bail N; Louvet C; Hendler D; de Braud F; Wilson C; Morvan F; Bonetti A.Leucovorin and fluorouracil with or without oxaliplatin as first-line treatment in advanced colorectal cancer.Journal of Clinical Oncology. 18 - 16, pp. 2938 - 2947. (United States of America): 2000. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 8.773

313 Pawinski A; Tumolo S; Hoesel G; Cervantes A; van Oosterom AT; Boes GH; Pecorelli S.Cyclophosphamide or ifosfamide in patients with advanced and/or recurrent endometrial carcinoma: a randomized phase II study of the EORTC Gynecological Cancer Cooperative Group.European Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology And Reproductive Biology. 86 - 2, pp. 179 - 183. (Holland): 1999. ISSN 0301-2115 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: .776

314 Diaz-Rubio E; Sastre J; Abad A; Navarro M; Aranda E; Carrato A; Gallen M; Marcuello E; Rifa J; Massuti T; Cervantes A; Anton A; Fernandez Martos C.UFT plus or minus calcium folinate for metastatic colorectal cancer in older patients. Oncology. 13 - s3, (Switzerland): 1999. ISSN 0030-2414 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.684

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315 Grimaldi C; Bleiberg H; Gay F; Messner M; Rougier P; Kok TC; Cirera L; Cervantes A; De Greve J; Paillot B; Buset M; Nitti D; Sahmoud T; Duez N; Wils J.Evaluation of antiandrogen therapy in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: results of a European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer multicentric double-blind trial.Journal of Clinical Oncology. 16 - 2, pp. 411 - 417. (United States of America): 1998. ISSN 0732-183X Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 8.228

316 Aranda E; Diaz-Rubio E; Cervantes A; Anton-Torres A; Carrato A; Massuti T; Tabernero JM; Sastre J; Tres A; Aparicio J; Lopez-Vega JM; Barneto I; Garcia-Conde J.Randomized trial comparing monthly low-dose leucovorin and fluorouracil bolus with weekly high-dose 48-hour continuous-infusion fluorouracil for advanced colorectal cancer: a Spanish Cooperative Group for Gastrointestinal Tumor Therapy (TTD) study.Annals of Oncology. 9 - 7, pp. 727 - 731. (Holland): 1998. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.867

317 Abad A; Massuti B; Blanco E; Carrato A; Maurel J; Cervantes A; Aranda E; Anton A; Vicent JM; Dorta J; Garcia de Paredes ML; Ariza A.Seventy-two hour epirubicin infusion plus quinidine in unresectable and metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas: a phase II trial.American Journal of Clinical Oncology-Cancer Clinical Trials. 21 - 2, pp. 151 - 154. (United States of America): 1998. ISSN 0277-3732 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: .867

318 Papiernik E; Keith L; Oleszczuk JJ; Cervantes A.What interventions are useful in reducing the rate of preterm delivery in twins?. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 41 - 1, pp. 12 - 23. (United States of America): 1998. ISSN 0009-9201 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: .799

319 Cervantes A; Mendiola C; del Campo JM; Massuti B; Casado A; Escobedo A; Moyano A; Ojeda B; Poveda A; Benito D. Dose-escalated paclitaxel in 1-hour infusion with a fixed dose of cisplatin in previously untreated advanced ovarian cancer: a phase II trial of the Spanish Group for Ovarian Cancer.Seminars in Oncology. 24 - 5, pp. 40 - 43. (United States of America): 1997. ISSN 0093-7754 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.325

320 Aranda E; Cervantes A; Carrato A; Fernandez-Martos C; Anton-Torres A; Massuti T; Barneto I; Garcia-Conde J; Baron JM; Diaz-Rubio E.Outpatient weekly high-dose continuous-infusion 5-fluorouracil plus oral leucovorin in advanced colorectal cancer. A phase II trial. Spanish Cooperative Group for Gastrointestinal Tumor Therapy (TTD).Annals of Oncology. 7 - 6, pp. 581 - 585. (Holland): 1996. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.736

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321 Aranda E; Cervantes A; Carrato A; Anton-Torres A; Massuti T; Fernandez-Martos C; Diaz-Rubio E.The Spanish experience with high-dose infusional 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in colorectal cancer. The Spanish Cooperative Group For Gastrointestinal Tumor Therapy (TTD).The Journal of infusional chemotherapy.6 - 3, pp. 118 - 122. (United States of America): 1996. Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

322 Lluch A; Azagra P; Cervantes A; Munoz M; Alberola V; Santabarbara P; Garcia-Conde J.Phase II trial of cisplatin and etoposide as first-line therapy in metastatic breast carcinoma.Oncology. 51 - 4, pp. 352 - 355. (Switzerland): 1994. ISSN 0030-2414 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 1.398

323 Cervantes A; Villar-Grimalt A; Abad A; Anton-Torres A; Belon J; Dorta J; Tres A; Camps C; Fonseca E; Massuti B; others. 5-Fluorouracil, folinic acid, epidoxorubicin and cisplatin (FLEP) combination chemotherapy in advanced measurable gastric cancer. A phase II trial of the Spanish Cooperative Group for Gastrointestinal Tumor Therapy (TTD). Ann Oncol. 1993 Nov;4(9):753-7.Annals of Oncology. 4 - 9, pp. 753 - 757. (Holland): 1993. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.064

324 Schuurhuis GJ; van Heijningen TH; Cervantes A; Pinedo HM; de Lange JH; Keizer HG; Broxterman HJ; Baak JP; Lankelma J.Changes in subcellular doxorubicin distribution and cellular accumulation alone can largely account for doxorubicin resistance in SW-1573 lung cancer and MCF-7 breast cancer multidrug resistant tumour cells.British Journal of Cancer. 68 - 5, pp. 898 - 908. (United Kingdom): 1993. ISSN 0007-0920 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.893

325 Cervantes A; Villar-Grimalt A; Abad A; Anton-Torres A; Belon J; Dorta J; Tres A; Camps C; Fonseca E; Massuti B; others. Etoposide (E) + epirubicin (E) + cisplatin (P) combination chemotherapy (EEP) in advanced gastric cancer: negative impact on clinical outcome. Spanish Cooperative Group for GI Tumor Therapy (T.T.D.).Annals of Oncology. 3 - 10, pp. 861 - 863. (Holland): 1992. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 1.917

326 Cervantes A; Busquier I; Llombart A; Garcia-Conde J.The autopsy in modern oncology: a quality assessment of clinical care.Annals of Oncology. 2 - 2, pp. 130 - 130. (Holland): 1991. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.25

327 Chorro FJ; Cervantes A; Merino J; Solano C; Blanquer J; Wassel A; Lopez Merino V.[Extrinsic compression of the right atrium due to a mediastinal germ-cell tumor]. Revista Española de Cardiologia. 44 - 8, pp. 553 - 555. (Spain): 1991. ISSN 0300-8932 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

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328 Schuurhuis GJ; Broxterman HJ; Cervantes A; van Heijningen TH; de Lange JH; Baak JP; Pinedo HM; Lankelma J. Quantitative determination of factors contributing to doxorubicin resistance in multidrug-resistant cells.Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 81 - 24, pp. 1887 - 1892. (United States of America): 1989. ISSN 0027-8874 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 3.596

329 Cervantes A; Pinedo HM; Lankelma J; Schuurhuis GJ.The role of oxygen-derived free radicals in the cytotoxicity of doxorubicin in multidrug resistant and sensitive human ovarian cancer cells. Cancer Letters. 41 - 2, pp. 169 - 177. (Holland): 1988. ISSN 0304-3835 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 1.209

330 Lluch A; Artero A; Cervantes A; Vicent JM; Codina G; Barrajon G; Rabena MT; Alberola V; Garcia Conde J.[Estrogen and progesterone receptors in cancer of the breast]. Medicina Clínica. 89 - 11, pp. 456 - 459. (Spain): 1987. ISSN 0025-7753 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

331 Lluch A; Pascual A; Cervantes A; Anton A; Martinez Agullo A; Avino J; Alberola V; Garcia-Conde J.[Treatment of locally advanced cancer of the breast]. Medicina Clínica. 89 - 1, pp. 7 - 10. (Spain): 1987. ISSN 0025-7753 Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal

332 Martínez MT; Roselló S; Cervantes A.Antimetabolites. pp. 53 - 68. (Switzerland): 2012. ISBN 978-88-906359-1-5 Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

333 Cervantes A; Roselló S; Rodríguez Braun E; Roda D.Cáncer gástrico. 2, pp. 177 - 196. (Spain): Momento Médico Iberoamerciana S.L., 2010. ISBN 978-84-937307-4-1 Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

334 Cervantes A; Roselló S; Rodríguez-Braun E.Cáncer de recto. pp. 267 - 276. (Spain): You & Us, S.A., 2009. ISBN 978-84-691-7043-4 Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

335 Pallardó Y; Cervantes A; Revert AJ.Estadificación del cáncer y valoración de la respuesta al tratamiento.pp. 1 - 12. (Spain): Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2009. ISBN 978-84-9835-162-0 Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

336 Cervantes A, Chirivella I.Tumores del estomago.pp. 115 - 120. (Spain): Tactics MD, S.L., 2009. Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

337 Cervantes A, Roselló S; Rodríguez E.Antiangiogenic drugs in ovarian cancer. pp. 91 - 98. (Spain): Publicaciones Permanyer, 2008. Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

338 Cervantes A; Insa A; Chirivella I; Roselló S; Escrig V.La quimioterapia en los cánceres de cabeza y cuello.1, pp. 135 - 143. (Spain): Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2008. Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

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339 Cervantes A, Chirivella I.Tumores del estomago.pp. 113 - 117. (Spain): Tactics MD, S.L., 2006. Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

340 Tortora G; Bergmann L; Lindh MB; Cervantes A; Dziadziuszko R; Eckhardt SG; Lenz HJ; Normanno N; Roda D; Scarpa A; Syrigos K; Tabernero J; Troiani T.ESMO Glossary in Molecular Biology of Cancer. pp. 1 - 163. (Switzerland): 2012. Type of production: Scientific book or monograph

341 Lluch A; Cervantes A (en calidad de coordinadores). Highlights from ASCO 2009. Cáncer de mama y cáncer de ovario.pp. 3 - 84. (Spain): Publicaciones Permanyer, 2009. Type of production: Scientific book or monograph

342 Cervantes A; Rodríguez-Braun E; Roda D; Roselló S.Ovarian Cancer Reports. ASCO 2009.pp. 3 - 20. (Spain): Publicaciones Permanyer, 2009. ISBN 978-84-9926-010-5 Type of production: Scientific book or monograph

343 Cervantes A; Rodríguez B; Pérez Fidalgo A; Bosch A; Roselló S; Chirivella I.Manuales Prácticos. Oncología. Cáncer gástrico. pp. 1 - 40. (Spain): Aran Ediciones S.L, 2007. ISBN 978-84-96881-04-4 Type of production: Scientific book or monograph

344 Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Cervantes A.Reply to 'Comment on: management of chemotherapy extravasation: ESMO-EONS clinical practice guidelines'.Annals of Oncology. 24 - 4, pp. 1129 - 1130. (Holland): 2013. Available on-line at: <10.1093/annonc/mdt024>. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Otras publicaciones en revistas Format: Journal Position of signature: 2 Total no. authors: 2 Impact source: ISI Category: Science Edition - ONCOLOGY Impact index in year of publication: 7.384 Journal in the top 25%: Yes Position of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 196

345 Cervantes A.New approaches to treating gastro-oesophageal cancer. Cancer World. 42, pp. 13 - 20. (United Kingdom): 2011. ISSN 2036-9468 Type of production: Otras publicaciones en revistas Format: Journal

346 Cervantes A. (en calidad de editor). International Oncology Updates. New treatments for ovarian cancer.pp. 1 - 98. (Spain): Publicaciones Permanyer, 2008. Type of production: Editor Format: Book

347 Cervantes A.ESMO Conference Lugano. Newsletter ESMO. pp. 1 - 2. (Switzerland): 2007. Type of production: Otras publicaciones en revistas Format: Journal

348 Cervantes A.Introduction from Dr. Andrés Cervantes ECLU 2007 Working Group Chair. Annals of Oncology. 18 - 9, (Holland): 2007. ISSN 0923-7534 Type of production: Otras publicaciones en revistas Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.875

349 Garcia-Conde J; Lluch A; Martin M; Casado A; Gervasio H; De Oliveira C; De Pablo JL; Gorostiaga J; Giron GC; Cervantes A; others. Phase II trial of weekly IV vinorelbine in first-line advanced breast cancer chemotherapy.Annals of Oncology. 5 - 9, pp. 854 - 857. (Holland): 2004. ISSN 0923-7534

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Type of production: Otras publicaciones en revistas Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 4.335

350 Audhuy B; Cappelaere P; Martin M; Cervantes A; Fabbro M; Riviere A; Khayat D; Bleiberg H; Faraldi M; Claverie N; Aranda E; Auclerc G; Audhuy B; Benhammouda A; Bleiberg H; Cappelaere P; Cattan A; Cervantes A; others. A double-blind, randomised comparison of the anti-emetic efficacy of two intravenous doses of dolasetron mesilate and granisetron in patients receiving high dose cisplatin chemotherapy. European Journal of Cancer. 32 - 5, pp. 807 - 813. (United Kingdom): 1996. ISSN 0959-8049 Type of production: Otras publicaciones en revistas Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: 2.017

351 Aranda E; Cervantes A; Dorta J; Blanco E; Fernandez-Martos C; Cruz-Hernandez JJ; Carrato A; Gonzalez-Mancha R; Garcia-Conde J; Diaz-Rubio E.A phase II trial of weekly high dose continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil plus oral leucovorin in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. The Spanish Cooperative Group for Gastrointestinal Tumor Therapy (TTD).Cancer Journal. 76 - 4, pp. 559 - 563. (United States of America): 1995. ISSN 1528-9117 Type of production: Otras publicaciones en revistas Format: Journal Impact source: ISI Impact index in year of publication: .826

352 Valentina Gambardella; Tania Fleitas; Andrés Cervantes. In the literature: December 2018.ESMO open. 3 - 7, pp. e000468. 2018. ISSN 2059-7029 Position of signature: 3 Total no. authors: 3

Works submitted to national or international conferences

1 Title of the work: Microsatellite instability status in gastric cancer: why and how? Name of the conference: 30th European Congress of Pathology City of event: Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain Date of event: 08/06/2018 End date: 12/06/2018 Ciarpaglini MCM; Fleitas T; Llorca-Cardenosa M; Mengual R; Gil M; Carrasco F; Mongort C; Gambardella V; Roda D; Susana R; Cervantes A; Ribas G.

2 Title of the work: A phase 3, double-blind, randomized study of pamiparib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in patients with inoperable, locally advanced, or metastatic gastric cancer that responded to platinum-based first-line chemotherapy Name of the conference: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2018 End date: 2018 Ciardiello F; Bang YJ; Bendell JC; Cervantes A; Brachmann RK; Zhang YT. "Journal of Clinical Oncology".

3 Title of the work: A phase 3, double-blind, randomized study of pamiparib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in patients with inoperable, locally advanced, or metastatic gastric cancer that responded to platinum-based first-line chemotherapy - Trial in progress Name of the conference: ESMO 20th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer

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City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2018 End date: 2018 Ciardiello F; Bang Y; Bendell J; Cervantes A; Brachmann R; Zhang Y; Raponi M; Farin H; Shen L. "Annasl of Oncology".

4 Title of the work: A two arm phase II study of FOLFIRI in combination with standard or escalating dose of cetuximab as first line treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer: Everest 2 final results Name of the conference: ESMO 20th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2018 End date: 2018 Chiritescu G; Dumon K; Mercade TM; Lang I; Vivas CS; Papai Z; Janssens J; Hendrickx K; Pracht M; Van den Eynde M; Taieb J; Moons V; Geboes K; Van Laethem J; Greil R; Cervantes A; Vergauwe P; Ferrante M; Vanderstraeten E; Fridrik M; Woll E; Limon M; Rivera F; Sagaert X; Tejpar S; Van Cutsem E. "Annasl of Oncology".

5 Title of the work: CanStem303C trial: A Phase 3 Study of napabucasin (NAPA) in combination with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) in adult patients (pts) with previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) - Trial in progress Name of the conference: ESMO 20th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2018 End date: 2018 Shah M; Grothey A; Tebbutt N; Xu R; Yoshino T; Cervantes A; Tabernero J; Taieb J; Falcone A; Xu B; Fontaine M; Borodyansky L; Van Cutsem E. "Annasl of Oncology".

6 Title of the work: Phase I multicenter, open-label study to establish the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of trifluridine/tipiracil (TAS-102) and oxaliplatin combination in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: 2018 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium City of event: San Francisco, United States of America Date of event: 2018 End date: 2018 Hollebecque A; Calvo A; Andre T; Argiles G; Cervantes A; Leger C; Valette A; Amellal N; Fougeray R; Tabernero J.

7 Title of the work: Phase Ib/II study of lacnotuzumab (MCS110) combined with spartalizumab (PDR001) in patients (pts) with advanced tumors. Name of the conference: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2018 End date: 2018 Calvo A; Joensuu H; Sebastian M; Naing A; Bang YJ; Martin M; Roda D; Hodi FS; Veloso A; Mataraza J; Baneyx G; Guerreiro N; Liao S; Rabault B; Fjaellskog ML; Cervantes A. "Journal of Clinical Oncology".

8 Title of the work: Safety and effectiveness of regorafenib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in routine clinical practice: Final analysis from the prospective, observational CORRELATE study Name of the conference: ESMO 20th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2018 End date: 2018

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Ducreux M; Petersen L; Ohler L; Bergamo F; Metges J; de Groot; Wang J; Paredes BG; Kumar N; Fiala-Buskies S; Cervantes A; O'Connor J; Falcone A; CORRELATE Investigators. "Annasl of Oncology".

9 Title of the work: Clinicopathological factors influence diagnostic accuracy of clinical N staging for early gastric cancer Name of the conference: ESMO 19th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 28/06/2017 End date: 01/07/2017 City organizing entity: Switzerland Grothey A; Shah M; Yoshino T; Van Cutsem E; Taieb J; Xu R; Tebbutt NC; Falcone A; Cervantes A; Borodyansky L; Li CJ.

10 Title of the work: A phase I dose-escalation of trifluridine/tipiracil in combination with oxaliplatin in metastatic colorectal cancer Name of the conference: 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 02/06/2017 End date: 06/06/2017 Hollebecque A; Argiles G; Andre T; Cervantes A; Leger C; Valette A; Amellal N; Fougeray R; Tabernero J.

11 Title of the work: CanStem303C trial: A phase III study of napabucasin (BBI-608) in combination with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), leucovorin, irinotecan (FOLFIRI) in adult patients with previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 02/06/2017 End date: 06/06/2017 Grothey A; Shah MA; Yoshino T; Van Cutsem E; Taieb J; Xu R; Tebbutt NC; Falcone A; Cervantes A; Borodyansky L; Li C.

12 Title of the work: Final results of the McCAVE trial: A double-blind, randomized phase 2 study of vanucizumab (VAN) plus FOLFOX vs. bevacizumab (BEV) plus FOLFOX in patients (pts) with previously untreated metastatic colorectal carcinoma (mCRC). Name of the conference: 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 02/06/2017 End date: 06/06/2017 Bendell JC; Sauri T; Cubillo A; López-López C; Garcia Alfonso P; HusseinMA; Limon ML; Cervantes A; Montagut C; Santos C; Bessudo A; Modiano MR; Moons V; Andel J; Bennouna J; Van Der Westhuizen A; Samuel LM; Krieter O; Rossomanno S; Hurwitz H; McCAVE Study Group.

13 Title of the work: Impact of tumor location on outcomes in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) treated with regorafenib (REG): An interim analysis from the prospective, observational CORRELATE study. Name of the conference: 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 02/06/2017 End date: 06/06/2017 Ducreux M; Öhler L; Scheithauer W; Metges JP; Dourthe LM; De Groot JW; Thaler J; Yeh KH; Lin JK; Falcone A; Punt CJA; Kalinovsky J; Fiala-Buskies S; Cervantes A; O'Connor JM; On Behalf of the CORRELATE Investigators.

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14 Title of the work: Análisis de toxicidad tardía en pacientes con carcinoma escamoso de cabeza y cuello localmente avanzado (CECCIa) tratados con quimioterapia de inducción (QTI) seguida de quimiorradioterapia (QRT) o biorradioterapia (BRT) Name of the conference: Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) City of event: Madrid, Date of event: 2017 End date: 2017 Iranzo A; Bruixola G; Tolosa P; Viala A; Aronés B; González-Barrallo I; Maroñas M; Cervantes A.

15 Title of the work: Gene expression changes responsible for lapatinib acquired resistance in HER2 positive gastric cancer cell lines: a microarray analysis Name of the conference: 3rd Molecular Analysis for Personalised Therapy (MAP) Conference City of event: Zurich, Switzerland Date of event: 2017 End date: 2017 Gambardella V; Castillo J; Gimeno-Valiente F; Tarazona N; Huerta M; Roda D; Fleitas T; Ribas G; Roselló S; Serna E; Cervantes A.

16 Title of the work: Prognostic nutritional index (PNI) is an independent prognostic factor in locoregionally advanced squamous cell head and neck cancer (LAHNSCC) Name of the conference: 42nd ESMO Congress (ESMO 2017) City of event: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2017 End date: 2017 Organising entity: ESMO Type of entity: European Society of Medical Oncology Bruixola G; Caballero J; Papaccio F; Petrillo A; Pastor M; Cervantes A.

17 Title of the work: SRC-S6 axis as a potential mechanism of resistance to anti HER2 treatment in gastric cancer (GC) cell lines Name of the conference: 3rd Molecular Analysis for Personalised Therapy (MAP) Conference City of event: Zurich, Switzerland Date of event: 2017 End date: 2017 Gambardella V; Sampera A; Castillo J; Sánchez-Martín F; Gimeno-Valiente F; Tarazona N; Roda D; Rovira A; Roselló S; Albanell J; Montagut C; Cervantes A.

18 Title of the work: A phase II study of the PI3K inhibitor taselisib (GDC-0032) combined with fulvestrant in patients with HER2-negative, hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer Name of the conference: American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2016, Chicago (EEUU), 3-7 junio, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2016 Dickler MN; Saura C; Richards DA; Krop IE; Cervantes A; Bedard PL; Patel MR; Pusztai L; Oliveira M; Ware JA; Jin H; Wilson TR; Stout T; Wei MC; Hsu JY; Baselga J."J Clin Oncol 34, 2016 (suppl; abstr 520)".

19 Title of the work: A phase Ib study of lumretuzumab, a glycoengineered monoclonal antibody targeting HER2, in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel as 1st-line treatment in patients with squamous non-small cell lung cancer

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Name of the conference: ESMO 2016, Copenhague, 7-11 octubre, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Copenhague, Denmark Date of event: 2016 Cejalvo JM; Fleitas T; Felip E; Navarro Mendivil A; Martínez-García M; Taus A; Leight N; Lassen U; Soerensen MM; Adessi C; Michieline F; Jacob W; James I; Ceppi M; Weisser M; Cervantes A."ANN ONCOL 2016;27; SUPP 6: vi119, 372P".

20 Title of the work: A prospective, observational trial to assess the safety and efficacy of regorafenib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in routine clinical practice (CORRELATE) Name of the conference: 18th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 29 junio-2 julio, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Spain Date of event: 2016 Michel D; Falcone A; Punt CJA; Svetlana K; O'Connor JM; Cervantes A.

21 Title of the work: CanStem303C trial: A phase III study of BBI-608 (napabucasin) in combination with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), leucovorin, irinotecan (FOLFIRI) in adult patients with previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: ESMO 2016, Copenhague, 7-11 octubre, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Copenhague, Denmark Date of event: 2016 Grothey A; Tebbutt N; Van Cutsem E; Taieb J; Falcone A; Yoshino T; Cervantes A; Borodyansy L; Li CJ."ANN ONCOL 2016;27; SUPP 6: vi206, 608TIP".

22 Title of the work: Final results of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic marker in advanced pancreatic cancer patients treated with Nab-paclitaxel plus Gemcitabine Name of the conference: American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2016, Chicago (EEUU), 3-7 junio, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2016 Ventriglia J; Huerta M; Laterza MM; Savastano B; Petrillo A; Gambardella V; Tirino G; Diana A; Febbraro A; Orditura M; Cervantes A; Ciardiello F; De Vita F."J Clin Oncol 34, 2016 (suppl; abstr e15737)".

23 Title of the work: Impact of tumor heregulin mRNA expression on outcome of patients with advanced/metastatic squamous NSCLC treated with lumretuzumab, a glycoengineered monoclonal antibody targeting HER3, in combination with erlotinib Name of the conference: ESMO 2016, Copenhague, 7-11 octubre, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Copenhague, Denmark Date of event: 2016 Meulendiijks D; Lassen U; Cervantes A; Han JY; Calles A; Felip E; Kim sW; Schellens JHM; Taus A; Sorensen M; Fleitas T; Bossenmaier B; Michielin F; Adessi C; Meneses-Lorente G; Ceppi M; James I; Jacob W; Weisser M; Martínez-García M."ANN ONCOL 2016;27; SUPP 6: vi118, 369P".

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24 Title of the work: Inhibition of PI3K pathway improves antiHer2 treatment efficacy in a panel of HER2 positive gastric cancer cell lines Name of the conference: ESMO 2016, Copenhague, 7-11 octubre, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Copenhague, Denmark Date of event: 2016 Gambardella V; Llorca-Cardeñosa MJ; Castillo J; Tarazona N; Huerta M; Roselló S; Ibarrola M; Ribas G; Gil A; Cervantes A."ANN ONCOL 2016;27; SUPP 6: vi4, 14P".

25 Title of the work: KRAS mutations in circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) in MIR-defined, high-risk, locally-advanced rectal cancer (LARC) patients from the EXPERT-C trial Name of the conference: ESMO 2016, Copenhague, 7-11 octubre, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Denmark Date of event: 2016 Sclafani F; Chau I; Cunningham D; Vlachogiannis G; Eltahir Z; Lampis A; Braconi C; Kalaitzaki E; González de Castro D; Wotherspoon A; Capdevila J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Begum R; Lote H; Mentrasti G; Hahne JC; Tait D; Brown G; Valeri N."ANN ONCOL 2016;27; SUPP 6: vi177, 525P".

26 Title of the work: Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio is a predictor of outcome in metastatic pancreatic cancer patients treated with nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine Name of the conference: ESMO 2016, Copenhague, 7-11 octubre, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Copenhague, Denmark Date of event: 2016 Ventriglia J; Petrillo A; Huerta M; Laterza MM; Savastano B; Gambardella V; Tirino G; Pompella L; Diana A; Febbrro A; Troiani T; Orditura M; Cervantes A; Ciardiello F; De Vita F."ANN ONCOL 2016;27; SUPP 6: vi234, 691P".

27 Title of the work: Safety and activity of the pan-fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) inhibitor erdafitinib in phase 1 study patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma Name of the conference: ESMO 2016, Copenhague, 7-11 octubre, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Copenhague, Denmark Date of event: 2016 Soria JC; Italiano A; Cervantes A; Tabernero J; Infante J; Lara PN; Spira A; Calvo E; Moreno V; Blay JY; Lauer R; Chan N; Zhong B; Santiago-Walker A; Bussolari J; Luo FR; Xie H; Hammerman P."ANN ONCOL 2016;27; SUPP 6: vi269, 781PD".

28 Title of the work: Stratification of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) treated with preoperative chemoradiation (ChR), according to Valentini's nomograms (VN) and the Neoadjuvant Rectal Score (NAR). External validation in a single institution Name of the conference: ESMO 2016, Copenhague, 7-11 octubre, 2016 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Copenhague, Denmark Date of event: 2016

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Roselló S; Frasson M; García-Granero E; Navarro S; Campos S; Jordá E; Esclápez P; García-Botello S; Flor B; Espi A; Cervantes A."ANN ONCOL 2016;27; SUPP 6: vi198, 584P".

29 Title of the work: A prospective, observational trial to assess the safety and efficacty of regorafenib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in routine clinical practice (CORRELATE) Name of the conference: ESMO 17th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, 1-4 julio, 2015, Barcelona Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2015 Ducreux M; Falcone A; Punt CJA; Majdi A; O'Connor JM; Cervantes A. "Ann Oncol 2015 Jun: 26, Suppl 4: P-311".

30 Title of the work: Assessment of associations between disease stage and toxicity with bevacizumab (BEV) in ICON7, a phase III trial of front-line carboplatin/paclitaxel (CP)+- BEV for ovarian cancer Name of the conference: 18th ECCO - 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress, 25-29 septiembre, 2015, Viena, Austria Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2015 Embleton AC; Perren TJ; Cook A; Kent E; Pfisterer J; Ledermann JA; Pujade-Lauraine E; Kristensen G; Beale P; Cervantes A; Farrelly L; Kaplan R; Parmar MKB; Oza AM. "Eur J Cancer 2015 Sep; 51 Suppl 3:2748".

31 Title of the work: Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis of PIK3CA and AK1 mutations in patients enrolled onto the phase 1b study of the PI3K inhibitor taselisib (GDC-0032) in solid malignancies Name of the conference: 106th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, EEUU, 18-22 abril, 2015 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Philadelphia, United States of America Date of event: 2015 Wilson TR; Savage H; Aimi J; Jin J; Parmar H; Hsu J; Krop I; Saura C; Cervantes A; Sachdev J; Patel M; Cejalvo J; Oliveira M; Winer E; Von Hoff D; Baselga J; Juric D."Cancer Res 2015 Aug; 75:2399".

32 Title of the work: Cáncer de colon y recto. Estrategia actual de manejo sistémico en cáncer de colon: enfermedad temprana y avanzada Name of the conference: XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Ocología, octubre 2015 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Cancún, Mexico Date of event: 2015 Cervantes A.

33 Title of the work: Deregulation of ARID1A, CDH1, cMET and PIK3CA and target-related microRNA expression in gastric cancer Name of the conference: 18th ECCO - 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress, 25-29 septiembre, 2015, Viena, Austria Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster

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City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2015 Ibarrola-Villava M; Llorca-Cardeñosa MJ; Tarazona N; Mongort C; Fleitas T; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Roselló S; Navarro S; Ribas G; Cervantes A. "Eur J Cancer 2015 Sep; 51 Suppl 3:2393".

34 Title of the work: EGF-Induced Acetylation of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoproteins Is Dependent on KRAS Mutational Status in Colorectal Cancer Cells Name of the conference: 18th ECCO & 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2015 Telechea-Fernández M; Roda D; Castillo J; Gil A; López-Rodas G; Franco L; Zaragozá R; Cervantes A; García-Trevijano ER.

35 Title of the work: Exploratory outcome analyses according to stage and residual disease in the ICON7 trial of front-line carboplatin/paclitaxel (CP) ± bevacizumab (BEV) for ovarian cancer (OC) Name of the conference: 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting, 29 mayo-2 junio, 2015, Chicago, EEUU Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2015 Gonzalez-Martin A; Oza AM; Embleton AC; Pfisterer J; Ledermann JA; Pujade-Lauraine E; Kristensen G; Bertrand MA; Beale PJ; Cervantes-Ruiperez A; Kent E; Kaplan RS; Parmar MMK; Scotto N; Mitchell L; Perren T. "J Clin Oncol 33,2015 (suppl;abstr TPS3634)".

36 Title of the work: GAIN-(C): Efficacy and safety analysis of imgatuzumab (GA201), a novel dual-acting monoclonal antibody (mAb) designed to enhance antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), in combination with FOLFIRI compared to cetuximab plus FOLFIRI in second-line KRAS exon 2 wild type (e2WT) or with FOLFIRI alone in mutated (e2MT) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Name of the conference: 2015 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, EEUU, 15-17 enero, 2015 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America Date of event: 2015 Bridgewater JA; Cervantes A; Markman B; Siena S; Cubillo A; García-Carbonero R; Sigal D; Aprile G; Cunningham D; Nadal C; Pericay C; Samuel LM; Hochhauser D; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Strickland A; Guizani C; Golding S; López-Valverde V; Ott MG; Tabernero J."J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl 3; abstr 669)".

37 Title of the work: Joint ESMO-SEOM Meeting. How to become successful as medical oncologist? (Mesa redonda) Name of the conference: XV Congreso SEOM 2015, 28-30 octubre, 2015 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2015 Cervantes A, Corral J.

38 Title of the work: Mentoring tutores y +MIR. Investigación (Mesa redonda) Name of the conference: XV Congreso SEOM, 28-30 octubre, 2015 Type of event: Conference

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Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2015 García-Carbonero R; Cevantes A; Martínez P; en calidad de coordinadores.

39 Title of the work: Nuevas opciones en 3ª línea en cánce de colon y recto mestastásico Name of the conference: XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Ocología, octubre 2015 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Cancún, Mexico Date of event: 2015 Cervantes A.

40 Title of the work: Nuevo programa formativo en oncología. Dificultades de implantación y retos de futuro. (Mesa redonda) Name of the conference: XV Congreso SEOM, 28-30 octubre, 2015 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2015 Cevantes A; en calidad de moderador.

41 Title of the work: Phase I study of investigational oral mTORC1/2 inhibitor MLN0128: Expansion phase in patiente with renal, endometrial, or baldder cancer Name of the conference: 18th ECCO - 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress, 25-29 septiembre, 2015, Viena, Austria Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2015 Voss M; Gordon MS; Mita M; Rini B; Makker V; Macarulla T; Smisth D; Kwak EL; Cervantes A; Puzanov I; Pili R; Wang D; Jalal S; Pant S; Patel M; Neuwirth R; Zohren F; Infante J. "Eur J Cancer 2015 Sep; 51 Suppl 3:354".

42 Title of the work: Phase III study of regorafenib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in RAS wild type metastatic colorectal cancer (RAVELLO trial) Name of the conference: 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting, 29 mayo-2junio, 2015, Chicago, EEUU Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2015 Martinelli E; Troiani T; Venturini F; Cervantes A; Douillard JY; Falcone A; Folprecht G; Köhne CH; Taïeb J; Tabernero J; Cardone C; Sforza V; Martini G; Napolitano S; Capuano A; Auricchio F; Ciardiello F. "J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl; abstr TP3634)".

43 Title of the work: Phase III study of regorafenib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in RAS wild type metastatic colorectal cancer (RAVELLO trial). Name of the conference: 2015 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, EEUU, 15-17 enero, 2015 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America

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Date of event: 2015 Martinelli E; Troiani T; Venturini F; Cervantes A; Douillard JY; Falcone A; Folprecht G; Köhne CH; Taïeb J; Tabernero J; Cardone C; Sforza V; Martini G; Napolitano S; Capuano A; Auricchio F; Ciardiello F."J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl 3; abstr TPS789)".

44 Title of the work: Prognostic effect of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in MIR608 in patients with high-risk locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC): Results of the EXPERT-C trial Name of the conference: 2015 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, EEUU, 15-17 enero, 2015 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America Date of event: 2015 Sclafani F; Chau I; Cunningham D; Lampis A; Hahne J; Braconi C; Peckitt C; Gonzalez D; Wilson SH; Capdevila J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Begum R; Brown G; Tait DM; Wotherspoon A; Eltahir Z; Yusuf-Adam S; Oates JR; Valeri N."J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl 3; abstr 581)".

45 Title of the work: Prognostic role of the LCS-6 KRAS variant in locally advanced rectal cancer: Results of the EXPERT-C trial Name of the conference: 18th ECCO - 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress, 25-29 septiembre, 2015, Viena, Austria Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2015 Sclafani F; Chau I; Cunningham D; Peckitt C; Lampis A; Hahne JC; Braconi C; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Begum R; González de Castro D; Hulkki. "Eur J Cancer 2015 Sep; 51 Suppl 3:2188".

46 Title of the work: Quality of life (QoL) during second-line treatment with FOLFIRI+/- panitumumab (pmab) in patients (pts) with RAS wild-type (WT) metastatic colorectal carcinoma (mCRC) Name of the conference: 18th ECCO - 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress, 25-29 septiembre, 2015, Viena, Austria Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2015 Sobrero AF; Price TJ; Cervantes A; Ducreux M; André T; Lordick F; Punt CJ; Hechmati G; Demonty G; Koukakis R. "Eur J Cancer 2015 Sep; 51 Suppl 3:2118".

47 Title of the work: RAVELLO trial: Phase III study of regorafenib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in RAS wild type metastatic colorectal cancer Name of the conference: ESMO 17th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, 1-4 julio, 2015, Barcelona Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2015 Martinelli E; Troiani T; Venturini F; Cervantes A; Douillard JY; Falcone A; Folprecht G; Kohne CH; Taieb J; Tabernero J; Cardone C; Sforza V; Martini G; Stefania N; Capuano A; Auricchio F; Ciardiello F. "Ann Oncol 2015 Jun: 26, Suppl 4: P-308".

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48 Title of the work: Role of RUNX3 expression in peritumoral inflammatory infiltrate of gastric carcinoma Name of the conference: 18th ECCO - 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress, 25-29 septiembre, 2015, Viena, Austria Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2015 Llorca Cardeñosa MJ; Fleitas T; Navarro S; Mongort C; Roselló S; Gambardella V; Ribas G; Ibarrola Villava M; Cervantes A. "Eur J Cancer 2015 Sep; 51 Suppl 3:2393".

49 Title of the work: A prospective, observational trial to futher assess safety and efficacy of regorafenib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (MCRC) in routine clinical practice (CORRELATE) Name of the conference: 39th ESMO Congress (ESMO 2014), Madrid, 26-30 septiembre, 2014 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2014 Ducreux MP; Falcone A; Punt CJA; Thaler J; Poehlein CH; Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 2014, 25 (Suppl 4):613TiP".

50 Title of the work: Adjuvante chemotherapy is standard high-risk rectal cancer Name of the conference: 7th European Multidisciplinary Colorectal Cancer Congress (EMCCC), Amsterdam, 23-25 noviembre, 2014. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Holland Date of event: 2014 Cervantes A.

51 Title of the work: Altered expression of CMET and PIK3CA are associated with primary gastric cancer Name of the conference: 39th ESMO Congress (ESMO 2014), Madrid, 26-30 septiembre, 2014 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2014 Fleitas T; Ibarrola-Villava M; Tarazona N; Cervera R; Mongort C; Navarro S; Roselló S; Ribas G; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 2014, 25 (Suppl 4):667P".

52 Title of the work: Analysis of KRAS/NRAS mutations in phase 3 study 20050181 of panitumumab (pmab) plus FOLFIRI versus FOLFIRI for second-line treatment (tx) of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: 2014 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, 16-18 enero, 2014, San Francisco, EEUU. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America Date of event: 2014 Peeters M; Oliner KS; Price TJ; Cervantes A; Sobrero AF; Ducreux M; Hotko Y; Andre T; Chan E; Lordick F; Punt CJA; Strickland A; Wilson G; Ciuleanu TE; Roman L; Van Cutsem E; Tian Y; Jung AS; Sidhu R; Patterson SD."Journal Clin Oncol, 2014;32(3)Suppl:LBA387".

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53 Title of the work: Impact of baseline covariates and prior therapy on the efficacy of second-line panitumumab (pmab) + folfiri vs folfiri treatment Name of the conference: 39th ESMO Congress (ESMO 2014), Madrid, 26-30 septiembre, 2014 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2014 Peeters M; Price TJ; Cervantes A; Sobrero A; Ducreux MP; André T; Lordick F; Punt C; Koukakis R; Terwey J, van Cutsem E."Ann Oncol 2014, 25 (Suppl 4):548P".

54 Title of the work: Joint Symposium with European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)-Borderline Resectable Colorectal Liver Metastasis, Systemic chemotherapy/biological Name of the conference: 34th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology in partnership with BASO 2014, Liverpool, 29-31 octubre, 2014 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Liverpool, United Kingdom Date of event: 2014 Cervantes A.

55 Title of the work: KRAS/NRAS and BRAF mutations in the 20050181 study of panitumumab plus folfiri for the 2nd-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: updated analysis Name of the conference: ESMO 16th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 25-28 junio, 2014 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2014 Peeters M; Oliner K; Price T; Cervantes A; Sobrero A; Ducreux M; Hotko Y; Andre T; Chan E; Lordick F; Punt C; Strickland A; Wilson G; Ciulenau T; Roman L; Van Cutsem E; Yu H; Jung AS; Sidhu R; Patterson S."Ann Oncol 2014,25(Suppl 2):PD-0002".

56 Title of the work: Panex: A pooled analysis of EXPERT and EXPERT-C, two trials of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) and chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in high-risk locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). Name of the conference: 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3 junio, 2014, Chicago, EEUU. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2014 Sclafani F; Peckitt C; Cunningham D; Evans J; Brown G; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Tait DM; Wotherspoon A; Thomas J; Oates FR; Chau I."Journal Clin Oncol, 2014;32(15)Suppl:3575".

57 Title of the work: Phase 1 study of biweekly (Q2W) anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody (mAb) mixture Sym004 in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) resistant to previous anti-EGFR treatment. Name of the conference: 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3 junio, 2014, Chicago, EEUU. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2014 Argilés G; Dienstmann R; Benavent Viñuales M; Cervantes A; Rosello Keranen S; Hansen UH; Ostergaard Skartved NJ; Horak ID; Braun S; Garcia Carbonero R."Journal Clin Oncol, 2014;32(15)Suppl:3551".

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58 Title of the work: Phase IB trial of RG7116, a glycoengineered monoclonal antibody targeting HER3, in combination with cetuximab or erlotinib in patientw with advanced/metastatic tumors of epithelial cell origin expressing HER3 protein Name of the conference: 39th ESMO Congress (ESMO 2014), Madrid, 26-30 septiembre, 2014 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2014 Lassen UN; Cervantes A; Fleitas T; Meulendijks D; Schellens J; Lolkemar M; De Jonge MJA; Sleijfer S; Mau-Soerensen; Taus A; Adessi C; Keelara A; Michielin F; Bossenmaier B; Meneses-Lorente G; James I; Jacob W; Weisser M; Martínez-García M."Ann Oncol 2014, 25 (Suppl 4):4440".

59 Title of the work: Phase Ib dose-escalation study of an Akt inhibitor ipatasertib (Ipat) in combination with docetaxel (Doc) or paclitaxel (Pac) in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) Name of the conference: 37th Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 9-13 diciembre, 2014, San Antonio, EEUU. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: United States of America Date of event: 2014 Isakoff SJ; Bendell JC; Cervantes A; Soria JC; Molife LR; Sanabria-Bohorquez SM; Punnoose EA; Jia SD; Patel P; Saura C."Cancer Res 2015 May;75(9) Suppl S:P6-12-02".

60 Title of the work: Phase Ib study of the PI3K inhibitor talesilib (GDC-0032) in combination with letrozole in patients with hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer Name of the conference: 37th Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 9-13 diciembre, 2014, San Antonio, EEUU. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: United States of America Date of event: 2014 Saura C; Sachdev J; Patel MR; Cervantes A; Juric D; Infante JR; Richards D; Sanabria S; Lu XY; Ware J; Wilson TR; Parmar H; Hsu JY; Oliveira M; Winer EP; Von Hoff DD; Baselga J; Krop IE."Cancer Res 2015 May;75(9) Suppl S:PD5-2".

61 Title of the work: Quality of life and bowel function in locally advanced rectal cancer patients treated with an intensified neoadjuvant regimen in the EXPERT-C trial Name of the conference: 39th ESMO Congress (ESMO 2014), Madrid, 26-30 septiembre, 2014 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2014 Sclafani F; Peckitt C; Cunningham D; Capdevila J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Thomas J; Tait D; Brown G; Oates J; Chau I."Ann Oncol 2014, 25 (Suppl 4):580P".

62 Title of the work: RAS mutations in EXPERT-C, a randomized phase II trial of neoadjuvant capecitabine and oxaliplatin (CAPOX) and chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with or without cetuximab (C) in MRI-defined, high-risk rectal cancer (RC) Name of the conference: 2014 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, 16-18 enero, 2014, San Francisco, EEUU. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America

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Date of event: 2014 Sclafani F; Gonzalez D; Cunningham D; Wilson SH; Peckitt C; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Wotherspoon A; Brown G; Tait DM; Oates FR; Chau I."Journal Clin Oncol, 2014;32(3)Suppl:489".

63 Title of the work: Relationship of RAS and TP53 predictive value for cetuximab (C) benefit: Results of the EXPERT-C trial. Name of the conference: 2014 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, 16-18 enero, 2014, San Francisco, EEUU. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America Date of event: 2014 Sclafani F; Gonzalez D; Cunningham D; Wilson SH; Peckitt C; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Wotherspoon A; Dewdney A; Brown G; Tait DM; Oates JR, Chau I."Journal Clin Oncol, 2014;32(3)Suppl:447".

64 Title of the work: Scientific Symposium: EURECCA: Mastering Multidisciplinarity in Colorectal Cancer Name of the conference: 34th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology in partnership with BASO 2014, Liverpool, 29-31 octubre, 2014 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Liverpool, United Kingdom Date of event: 2014 Cervantes A.

65 Title of the work: Tumour shrinkage and response outcomes during second-line panitumumab (pmab) + folfiri vs folfiri treatment Name of the conference: 39th ESMO Congress (ESMO 2014), Madrid, 26-30 septiembre, 2014 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2014 Peeters M; Price TJ; Cervantes A; Sobrero A; Ducreux MP; André T; Lordick F; Punt CJA; Koukakis R; Terwey J, van Cutsem E."Ann Oncol 2014, 25 (Suppl 4):546P".

66 Title of the work: Updated analysis of KRAS/NRAS and BRAF mutations in study 20050181 of panitumumab (pmab) plus FOLFIRI for second-line treatment (tx) of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Name of the conference: 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3 junio, 2014, Chicago, EEUU. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2014 Peeters M; Oliner KS; Price TJ; Cervantes A; Sobrero AF; Ducreux M; Hotko Y; Andre T; Chan E; Lordick F; Punt CJA; Strickland A; Wilson G; Ciuleanu TE; Roman L; Van Cutsem E; Yu H; Jung AS; Sidhu R; Patterson SD."Journal Clin Oncol, 2014;32(3)Suppl:3568".

67 Title of the work: A first-in-human trial of RG7116, a glycoengineered monoclonal antibody targeting HER3, in patients with advanced/metastatic tumors of epithelial cell origin expressing HER3 protein. Name of the conference: 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago, EEUU, 31 mayo-4 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America

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Date of event: 2013 Meulendijks D; Lolkema MPJK; Voest EE; De Jonge MJ; Sleijfer S; Schellens JHM; Fleitas T; Cervantes-Ruiperez A; Martinez-Garcia M; Taus A; Soerensen MM; Thomas M; Meneses-Lorente G; Adessi C; Di Scala L; Keelara A; Jacob W; Weisser M; Lassen UN. "Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 31, No 15_suppl (May 20 Supplement), 2013: 2522".

68 Title of the work: Clinical pharmacokinetics (PK) and translational PK-pharmacodynamic (PD) modeling and simulation to predict antitumor response of various dosing schedules to guide the selection of a recommended phase II dose (RP2D) and schedule for the investigational agent MLN0128 Name of the conference: 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago, EEUU, 31 mayo-4 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2013 Patel CG; Patel M; Chakravarty A; Gangolli EA; Barry E; Westin EH; Jessen K; Chitnis SD; Infante JR; Gordon MS; Macarulla T; Cervantes-Ruiperez A; Ibrahim Jalal S; Venkatakrishnan K. "Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 31, No 15_suppl (May 20 Supplement), 2013: 2567".

69 Title of the work: Final results of OV16, a phase III randomized study of sequential cisplatin-topotecan and carboplatin-paclitaxel (CP) versus CP in first-line chemotherapy for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC): A GCIG study of NCIC CTG, EORTC-GCG, and GEICO. Name of the conference: 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago, EEUU, 31 mayo-4 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2013 Cervantes-Ruiperez A; Hoskins P; Vergote I; Eisenhauer EA; Ghatage P; Carey M; Katsaros D; Poveda A; Provencher DM; Tu D; Stuart G. "Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 31, No 15_suppl (May 20 Supplement), 2013: 5502".

70 Title of the work: Interactive session with patient cases: patient with colorectal liver mestastasis (Mesa redonda) Name of the conference: 17th ECCO - 38th ESMO - 32nd ESTRO, Amsterdam, 27 septiembre-1 octubre, 2013 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Amsterdam, Holland Date of event: 2013 Cervantes A.

71 Title of the work: Interactive session with patient cases: patient with colorectal liver mestastasis (Roundtable discussion) Name of the conference: 17th ECCO - 38th ESMO - 32nd ESTRO, Amsterdam, 27 septiembre-1 octubre, 2013 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Amsterdam, Holland Date of event: 2013 Cervantes A.

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72 Title of the work: Long-term efficacy and pharmacodynamic parameter analysis in pretreated KRAS-mutant metastatic colorectal carcinoma (mCRC) patients treated with RG7160 (GA201), an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)-enhanced monoclonal anti-EGFR antibody. Name of the conference: 2013 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, EEUU, 24-26 enero Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America Date of event: 2013 Delord JP; Tabernero J; Garcia-Carbonero R; Cervantes-Ruiperez A; Gomez-Roca CA; Berge Y; Capdevila J; Corral Jaime J; Roda Perez D; Golding S; Oppenheim D; Soehrman Brossard S; Mancao C; Farzaneh F; Passioukov A; Manenti L; Ott MG; Soria JC. "Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium Vol 31, No 4_suppl (February 1 Supplement), 2013: 379".

73 Title of the work: Nuevos diseños de ensayos clínicos en fase temprana F 0-1 Name of the conference: IX Simposio Internacional de GEICAM: Investigación y clínica. Mirando hacia el futuro Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talk City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 2013 Cervantes A.

74 Title of the work: Open-label extension study of the RNAi therapeutic ALN-VSP02 in cancer patients responding to therapy? Name of the conference: Xth Spanish-Portuguese Conference on controlled drug delivery Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talk City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 2013 Cervantes A.

75 Title of the work: PI3K/AKT activation and response in phase IB: AKT inhibitor GDC-0068 with docetaxel or MFolfox6 in refractory solid tumors Name of the conference: 11th International Congress on Targeted Anticancer Therapies (TAT), París, 4-6 marzo, 2013 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Paris, France Date of event: 2013 Meng R; Molife LR; de Mattos-Arruda L; Hollebecque A; Isakoff SJ; Roda D; Yan Y; Cervantes A; Soria JC; Mateo J; Argiles G; Bendell JC."Ann Oncol 2013;24 Suppl1: 33-33".

76 Title of the work: Pharmacodynamic (PD) assessment of drug activity in tumor tissue from patients (pts) enrolled in a Phase I study of MEHD7945A (MEHD), a first-in-class HER3/EGFR dual action antibody, in pts with locally advanced or metastatic epithelial tumors Name of the conference: 2013 AACR Annual Meeting, Washington DC, EEUU, 6-10 abril, 2013 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Washington DC, United States of America Date of event: 2013 Juric1 D; Dienstmann R; Cervantes A; Hidalgo M; Messersmith W; Blumenschein G; Baselga J; Tabernero J; Roda D; Calles A; Jimeno A; Amler L; Stern H; Sanabria S; Penuel E; Pirzkall A. "Abstract number 3363".

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77 Title of the work: Proffered papers session: gastrointestinal malignancies-colorectal cancer II Name of the conference: 17th ECCO - 38th ESMO - 32nd ESTRO, Amsterdam, 27 septiembre-1 octubre, 2013 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Amsterdam, Holland Date of event: 2013 Cervantes A.

78 Title of the work: Proof-of-concept study of Sym004, an anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody (mAb) mixture, in patients (pts) with anti-EGFR mab-refractory KRAS wild-type (wt) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Name of the conference: 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago, EEUU, 31 mayo-4 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2013 Dienstmann R; Tabernero J; Van Cutsem E; Cervantes-Ruiperez A; Rosello Keranen S; Benavent Viñuales M; Kjær I; Pedersen MW; Ostergaard Skartved NJ; Flensburg MF; Horak ID; Garcia-Carbonero R. "Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 31, No 15_suppl (May 20 Supplement), 2013: 3551".

79 Title of the work: QTC prolongation assessment using concentration-QT analysis from a phase I first-in-humans study of an AKT inhibitor, GDC-0068 Name of the conference: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT)/Quantitative Systems Pharmacology-An integrating framework for translational medicine pre-conference, Indianapolis, EEUU, 5-9 marzo, 2013 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Indianapolis, United States of America Date of event: 2013 Budha N; Dresser M; Patel P; Funke R; Tatipalli M; Zhu J; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Musib L."Clin Pharmacol Ther 2013;93:S19".

80 Title of the work: Scientific Symposium: ESMO clinical practice guidelines - Introduction Name of the conference: 17th ECCO - 38th ESMO - 32nd ESTRO, Amsterdam, 27 septiembre-1 octubre, 2013 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Amsterdam, Holland Date of event: 2013 Cervantes A.

81 Title of the work: Updated survival analysis of EXPERT-C, a randomised phase II trial of neoadjuvant capecitabine and oxaliplatin (CAPOX) and chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with or without cetuximab in MRI-defined high risk rectal cancer patients Name of the conference: 17th ECCo, 38th ESMO, 32nd ESTRO European Cancer Congress, Amsterdam, 27 septiembre - 1 octubre, 2013 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Amsterdam, Holland Date of event: 2013

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Sclafani F; Cunningham D; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Peckitt C; Tait D, Brown G; González de Castro D; Chau I."Eur J Cancer 2013;49 Suppl 2:2168".

82 Title of the work: A phase I study of MEHD7945A (MEHD), a first-in-class EGFR/HER3 dual action antibody, in patients (pts) with locally advanced or metastatic epithelial tumors. Name of the conference: AACR Annual Meeting 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Juric D; Dienstmann R; Messersmisth W; Cervantes A; Blumenschein G; Baselga J; Tabernero J; Jimeno A; Calles A; Roda D; Xin Y; Kapp AV; Chandler GS; Prizkall A; Hidalgo M."CT-08".

83 Title of the work: A phase I study of MEHD7945A (MEHD), a first-in-class HER3/EGFR dual-action antibody, in patients (pts) with refractory/recurrent epithelial turmos: Expansion cohorts. Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A; Juric D; Hidalgo M; Messersmith WA; Blumenschein GR; Baselga J; Roda D; Dientsmann R; Calles A; Jimeno A; Sanabria S; Littman C; Amler LC; Pirzkall A; Tabernero J."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl:2568".

84 Title of the work: A phase I, open label, dose escalation study of oral mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor INK128 administered by intermittent dosing regimens in patients with advanced malignancies Name of the conference: AACR Annual Meeting 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Gordon MS; Chiorean EG; Burris HA; Macarulla T; Pérez-Fidalgo A; Martin M; Jessen K; Liu y; Le T; Rommel C; Berk GI; Bui LA; Infantet JR."CT-02".

85 Title of the work: A phase II, open-label study evaluating the safety and efficacy of ramucirumab combined with mFOLFOX-6 as first-line therapy in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): CP12-0709/NCT00862784 Name of the conference: 2012 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, 19-21 enero, 2012, San Francisco, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Gacía-Carbonero R; Rivera F; Maurel J; Ayoub JPM; Moore MJ; Cervantes A; Asmis TR; Schwartz JD; Ballal S; Tabernero J."J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl 4; abstr 533)".

86 Title of the work: A phase Ib study of the Akt inhibitor GDC-0068 with docetaxel (D) or mFOLFOX-6 (F) in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America

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Date of event: 2012 Saura C; Jones S; Mateo J; Hollebecque A; Cleary JM; Roda D; Zhu J; Musib LC; Patel PH; Cervantes A; Isakoff SJ; Soria JC; Molife LR; Tabernero J; Bendell JC."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl:3021".

87 Title of the work: Acetylation is increased in KRAS mutated colorectal cancer cells that are resistant to anti-EGFR therapies Name of the conference: 22nd IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and 37th FEBS (Federation of the Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), 4-9 septiembre, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Sevilla, Spain Date of event: 2012 Roda D; Zaragozá R; Fernández E; Torres L; García-Trevijano ER; Cervantes A."FEBS Journal 279SI, Supp 1: 311-312(P13-73)".

88 Title of the work: Catumaxomab with and without prednisolone in patients with malignant ascites due to epithelial cancer: Results from the phase IIIb CASIMAS study Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Sehouli J; Wimberger P; Vergote IB; Rosenberg P; Schneeweiss A; Bokemeyer C; Salat C; Scambia G; Berton-Rigaud D; Siena S; Santoro A; Cervantes A; Guastalla JP; Tournigand C; Colombo N; Dudnitchenko AS; Bondar V; Westermann AM; Lordick F."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl:e13097".

89 Title of the work: Clinical practice guidelines in rare solid cancers: A comparison across the two sides of the Atlantic. Introduction: ESMO Guidelines on rare cancers Name of the conference: ESMO 2012 Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Viena, Australia Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A; Casali PG.

90 Title of the work: Conferencia 'Salvador Lledó': Papel del cirujano en el cáncer de ano (Mesa redonda) Name of the conference: 29 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 12-15 noviembre, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2012 García-Aguilar J.

91 Title of the work: Conferencia 'Salvador Lledó': Papel del cirujano en el cáncer de ano (Roundtable discussion) Name of the conference: 29 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 12-15 noviembre, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2012 García-Aguilar J.

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92 Title of the work: Conferencia 'Salvador Lledó': Papel del cirujano en el cáncer de ano Name of the conference: 29 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 12-15 noviembre, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2012 García-Aguilar J.

93 Title of the work: Correlación entre factores pronósticos clásicos y sobreexpresión de HER2 y HER3 en el cáncer gástrico localizado Name of the conference: 29 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 12-15 noviembre, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2012 León C; López F; Martí R; Roselló S; Pérez Fidalgo A; Ortega J; Cervantes A:.

94 Title of the work: Correlation between classical prognostic factors and overexpression of HER2 and HER3 in localized gastric cancer Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Tarazona N; Navarro S; López-Mozos F; Martí R; Roselló S; Roda D; Mongort C; Cervantes A."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl:e14589".

95 Title of the work: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines 1. Chemotherapy extravasation discussant Name of the conference: ESMO 2012 Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Viena, Australia Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A; Pavlidis N.

96 Title of the work: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines 1. Questionnaire. Name of the conference: ESMO 2012 Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Viena, Australia Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A; Pavlidis N.

97 Title of the work: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines 2. Questionnaire. Name of the conference: ESMO 2012 Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Viena, Australia Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A; Pavlidis N.

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98 Title of the work: Final results from study 181: Randomized phase III study of FOLFIRI with or without panitumumab (pmab) for the treatment of second-line metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: 2012 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, 19-21 enero, 2012, San Francisco, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Sobrero AF; Peeters M; Price TJ; Hotko Y; Cervantes A; Ducreux M; Andre T; Chan E; Lordick F; Tian Y; Sidhu R."J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl 4; abstr 387)".

99 Title of the work: Final results of study 20050181: A randomized phase III study of FOLFIRI with our without panitumumab (pmab) for the second-line treatment (tx) of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Sobrero AF; Peeters M; Price TJ; Hotko y; Cervantes A; Ducreux M; Andre T; Chan E; Lordick F; Tian Y; Sidhu R."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl:3535".

100 Title of the work: Human pharmacokinetic (PK) characterization of the novel dual-action anti-HER3/EGFR antibody MEHD7945A (MEHD) in patients with refractory/recurrent epithelial tumors. Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Hidalgo M; Calles A; Juric D; Dienstmann R; Roda D; Messersmith WA; Blumenschein GR; Baselga J; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Jimeno A; Jin D; Bai S; Gurevich P; Nijem I; Holden SN; Davis JD; Halpern W; Pirzkall A; Xin Y."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl:2567".

101 Title of the work: Introduction to ESMO consensus conference - Why do we need guidelines? Name of the conference: 14th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 27-30 junio, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A.

102 Title of the work: Management of localized gastric cancer Name of the conference: ESMO 2012 Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Viena, Australia Date of event: 2012 Van de Velde C; Cervantes A.

103 Title of the work: Open-label extension study of the RNAi therapeutic ALN-VSP02 in cancer patients respondin to therapy Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference

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Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Alsina M; Tabernero J; Shapiro G; Burris H; Infante JR; Weiss GJ; Cervantes A; Gounder MM; Paz-Ares L; Falzone R; Hill J; Cehelsky J; Vainshaw A; Gollob J; LoRusso P."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl:3062".

104 Title of the work: Phase I/II study of Folfiri plus the MEK1/2 inhibitor pimasertib (MSC1936369B) as second-line treatment for kras mutated metastatic colorectal cancer Name of the conference: ESMO 14th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, 27-30 junio, 2012 Barcelona Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2012 Macarulla T; Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Roselló S; Van Cutsem E; Tejpar S; Prenen H; Martinelli E; Troiani T; Campana F; Laffranchi B; Jego V; von Richter O; Ciardiello F."Ann Oncol 2012 Jun;23 Suppl 4:27".

105 Title of the work: Phase IB dose-escalation study of the AKT inhibitor GDC-0068 with docetaxel (D) or modified Folfox6 (F) in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors Name of the conference: 37th ESMO Congress, 28 sept - 2 oct, 2012, Viena, Austria Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2012 Bendell J; Roda D; Mateo J; Hollebecque A; De Mattos-Arruda L; Meng R; Isakoff S; Molife LR; Tabernero J; Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 2012 Jun;23 Suppl 9:159".

106 Title of the work: Prognostic and predictive significance of pharmacogenetic analysis in patients (pts) with carcinomas of unknown primary (CAUP) Name of the conference: 37th ESMO Congress, 28 sept - 2 oct, 2012, Viena, Austria Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2012 Papadaki C; Pentheroudakis G; Cervantes A; Lagoudaki E; Petrakis D; Souglakos J; Braun ER; Georgoulias V; Mavroudis D; Pavlidis N."Ann Oncol 2012 Jun;23 Suppl 9:381".

107 Title of the work: Quality of life in patients with malignant ascites during catumaxomab treatment: Results from the CASIMAS trial Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Lordick F; Sehouli J; Vergote IB; Rosenberg P; Schneeweiss A; Block A; Salat C; Scambia G; Berton-Rigaud D; Siena S; Santoro A; Cervantes A; Guastalla JP, Tournigand C; Colombo N; Dudnitchenko AS; Bondar V; Westermann AM; Gonschior AK; Wimberger P."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl:e13095".

108 Title of the work: Selecting Therapy for Advanced Colorectal Cancer Patients. Name of the conference: 2nd Annual ESMO Oncology Summit. 10, 11, 12, & 13 de marzo. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication

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City of event: Delhi, India Date of event: 2012 Cervantes, A.

109 Title of the work: Session VII: Gastric Cancer (Chair of session) Name of the conference: 14th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 27-30 junio, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A.

110 Title of the work: Session VII: Gastric Cancer Name of the conference: 14th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 27-30 junio, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A.

111 Title of the work: Session XVIII: ESMO Consensus Conference: Interactive Session on Colorectal Cancer Guidelines (Presidencia de sesión) Name of the conference: 14th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 27-30 junio, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2012 Schmoll HJ; Cervantes A.

112 Title of the work: The GAIN-C study (BP25438): Randomized phase II trial of RG7160 (GA201) plus FOLFIRI, compared to cetuximab plus FOLFIRI or FOLFIRI alone in second-line KRAS wild type (WT) or mutant metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A; Markman B; Siena S; Pericay C; Aprile G; Bridgewater JA; Cubillo A; Waterston AM; García-Carbonero R; Kozloff M; McKendrick JJ; Samuel LM; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Strickland AH; Bencardino K; Moya I; Lutrino SE; Mancao C; Manenti L; Tabernero J."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl: TPS3637".

113 Title of the work: The impact of TP53 mutation on high-risk rectal cancer patients treated within the EXPERT-C trial, a randomized phase II study of neoadjuvant oxaliplatin/capecitabine (CAPOX) and chemoradiation (CRT) with or without cetuximab Name of the conference: 54th ASCO Annual Meeting, 1-5 junio, 2012, Chicago, Estados Unidos Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Dewdney A; Chau I; Capdevila J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Tait DM; Brown G; Wotherspoon A; Gonzalez de Castro D; Wilson SH; Chua YJ; Wong R; Barbachano Y; Oates JR; Cunningham D."J Clin Oncol 2012, 30(15)suppl:e14088".

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114 Title of the work: The role ESMO guidelines for patients and their impact on quality of care Name of the conference: ESMO 2012 Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Viena, Australia Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A.

115 Title of the work: Translational research with RG7160 (GA201) leads to a phase II clinical study in combination with FOLFIRI in 2nd line metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: AACR Annual Meeting 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A; Markman B; Siena S; Pericay C; Aprile G; Bridgewater J; Cubillo A; Waterston A; Paz Ares L; Soria JC; Temam S; Oppenheim D; Chick J; Carlile D; Golding S; Longauer Banholzer M; Passioukov A; Gerdes C; Soehrman S; Mancao C; Manenti L; Tabernero J."LB-220".

116 Title of the work: Uso de la quimioterapia perioperatoria en pacientes con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado Name of the conference: 29 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 12-15 noviembre, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2012 Léon C; Báguena G; López F; Martí R; Pérez Fidalgo A; Roselló S; Tarazona N; Ortega J; Cervantes A.

117 Title of the work: Uso y abuso de la neoadyuvancia. Nuevas perspectivas en la estadificación Name of the conference: 29 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 12-15 noviembre, 2012 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2012 Cervantes A.

118 Title of the work: An international consortium study in chemorefractory metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients (pts) to assess the impact of FCGR polymorphisms on cetuximab efficacy Name of the conference: 47th ASCO Annual Meeting, 3-7 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2011 Geva R; Jensen BV; Fountzilas G; Yoshino T; Paez D; Montagut C; Sougklakos I; Cappuzzo F; Cervantes-Ruiperez A; Papamichael D; Frattini M; Vincenzi B; Macarulla T; Loupakis F; Spindler KG; Qvortrup C; Ciardiello F, Tejpar S."J Clin Oncol 2011; 29(suppl; abstr 3528)".

119 Title of the work: EXPERT-C: A randomized, phase II European multicenter trial of neoadjuvant capecitabine plus oxaliplatin chemotherapy (CAPOX) and chemoradiation (CRT) with or without cetuximab followed by total mesorectal excision (TME) in patients with MRI-defined, high-risk rectal cancer Name of the conference: 47th ASCO Annual Meeting, 3-7 junio

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Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2011 Dewdney A; Capdevila J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Tait DM; Brown G; Wotherspoon A; Gonzalez de Castro D; Chua YJ; Wong R; Barbachano Y; Oates JR; Chau I; Cunningham D."J Clin Oncol 2011; 29(suppl; abstr 3513)".

120 Title of the work: EXPERT-C: A randomized, phase II European multicenter trial of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (capecitabine/oxaliplatin) and chemoradiation (CRT) with or without cetuximab followed by total mesorectal excision (TME) in patients with MRI-defined high-risk rectal cancer Name of the conference: 2011 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, 20-22 enero Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: San Francisco, United States of America Date of event: 2011 Dewdney A; Cunningham D; Tabernero J; Glimelius B; Cervantes A; Tait DM; Brown G; Wotherspoon A; Gonzalez de Castro D; Chau I."J Clin Oncol 2011; 29(suppl 4; abstr 360)".

121 Title of the work: Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer of unknown primary Name of the conference: European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress on integrating basic and translational sicence, surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, advocacy and care. Stockholm, Sweden, 23-27 septiembre, 2011 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Stockholm, Sweden Date of event: 2011 Stoyianni A; Gousia A; Pentheroudakis G; Siozopoulo V; Cervantes A; Bobos M; Fountzilas G; Bellou S; Fotsis T; Malamou-Mitsi V; Pavlidis N. "European Journal of Cancer 2011; vol 47 suppl 1: abstract 1132".

122 Title of the work: First-in-human phase I study evaluating the safety, pharmacokinetics (PK), and intratumor pharmacodynamcis (PD) of the novel, oral, ATP-competitive Akt inhibitor GDC-0068 Name of the conference: 47th ASCO Annual Meeting, 3-7 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2011 Tabernero J; Saura C; Roda Pérez D; Dienstmann R; Roselló S; Prudkin L; Pérez-Fidalgo JA; Graña B; Jones C; Musib L; Yan Y; Patel PH; Baselga J; Cervantes A."J Clin Oncol 2011; 29(suppl; abstr 3022)".

123 Title of the work: Immunohistochemical profiling of signalling pathways in cancer of unknown primary (CUP) Name of the conference: European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress on integrating basic and translational sicence, surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, advocacy and care. Stockholm, Sweden, 23-27 septiembre, 2011 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Stockholm, Sweden Date of event: 2011 Pentheroudakis G; Petrakis D; Gousia A; Siozopoulou V; Bobos M; Golfinopoulos V; Fountzilas G; Cervantes A; Ciuleanu T; Malamou-Mitsi V; Pavlidis N."European Journal of Cancer 2011; vol 47 suppl 1: abstract 1450".

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124 Title of the work: PI3K pathway inhibitors: what have we achieved and future directions Name of the conference: European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress on integrating basic and translational sicence, surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, advocacy and care. Stockholm, Sweden, 23-27 septiembre, 2011 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Stockholm, Sweden Date of event: 2011 Tabernero J; Dienstmann R; Cervantes A; Brana I; Alsina M; Rodón J."European Journal of Cancer 2011; vol 47 suppl 1: S85".

125 Title of the work: Phase I dose-escalation study of ALN-VSP02, a novel RNAi therapeutic for solid tumors with liver involvement Name of the conference: 47th ASCO Annual Meeting, 3-7 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2011 Cervantes A; Alsina M; Tabernero J; Infante JR; LoRusso P; Shapiro G; Paz-Ares LG; Falzone R; Hill J; Cehelsky J; White A; Toudjarska I; Bumcrot D; Meyers R; Hinkle G; Svrzikapa N; Sah DW; Vainshaw A; Gollob J, Burris HA."J Clin Oncol 2011; 29(suppl; abstr 3025)".

126 Title of the work: RNAi in humans: phase I dose-escalation study of ALN-VSP02, a novel RNAi therapeutic for solid tumors with liver involvement Name of the conference: 7th Annual Meeting of the Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society, 8-10 septiembre, 2011, Copenhague, Dinamarca Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Copenhague, Denmark Date of event: 2011 Vainshaw Ak; Cervantes A; Alsina M; Tabernero J; Infante JR; LoRusso P; Shapiro GI; Paz-Ares L; Schwartz G; Weiss G; Falzone R; Hill J; Cehlsky J; White A; Toudjarska I; Bumerot D; Meyers R; Hinkle G; Svrzikapa N; Sah DW; Burris HA; Gollob JA."096".

127 Title of the work: Result of interim analysis of overall survival in the GCIG ICON7 phase III randomized trial of bevacizumab in women with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer. Name of the conference: 47th ASCO Annual Meeting, 3-7 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2011 Kristensen G; Perren T; Qian W; Pfisterer J; Ledermann JA; JOly F; Carey MS; Beale PJ; Cervantes A; Oza AM."J Clin Oncol 2011; 29(suppl; abstr LBA5006)".

128 Title of the work: Sesión Plenaria (Mesa redonda) Name of the conference: XIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Málaga, Spain Date of event: 2011 Díaz-Rubio E; Cervantes A.

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129 Title of the work: Sesión Plenaria (Roundtable discussion) Name of the conference: XIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Málaga, Spain Date of event: 2011 Díaz-Rubio E; Cervantes A.

130 Title of the work: Sesión Plenaria Name of the conference: XIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Málaga, Spain Date of event: 2011 Díaz-Rubio E; Cervantes A.

131 Title of the work: Targeting the PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway with GDC-0068, a novel selective ATP competitive Akt inhibitor Name of the conference: 9th International Symposium on Targeted Anticancer Therapies, 7-9 marzo, 2011, París, Francias Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: France Date of event: 2011 Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Saura D; Roda D; Yan Y; Patel P."Annals of Oncology 2011; vol 22 Suppl 3: IL33".

132 Title of the work: A phase I study of the oral mTOR inhibitor ridaforolimus (RIDA) in combination with the IGF-1R antibody dalotozumab (DALO) in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors Name of the conference: 46th ASCO Annual Meeting, 4-8 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2010 Di Cosimo S; Bendell JC; Cervantes A; Roda D; Prudkin L; Stein MN; Leighton-Swayze A; Song Y; Ebbinghaus S, Baselga J."J Clin Oncol 2010; 28(15S)II:3008".

133 Title of the work: Aurora kinase inhibitors in clinical development Name of the conference: 6th European Spring Oncology Conference (ESOC), 22-25 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Marbella, Spain Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A."Clin Transl Oncol 2010; 12 extra 1:12-13".

134 Title of the work: Bases moleculares del cáncer colorrectal. Name of the conference: Curso Cáncer Colorrectal Avanzado, 4 agosto Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Córdoba, Argentina Date of event: 2010

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Cervantes A.

135 Title of the work: Biomarkers in early clinical development Name of the conference: 21st Meeting of the European-Association-for-Cancer-Research Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Oslo, Norway Date of event: 2010 Tabernero, J; Macarulla, T; Rodon, J; Capdevila, J; Elez, E; Cervantes, A; Baselga, J."EJC SUPPLEMENTS; 8(5):87-88".

136 Title of the work: Cáncer colónico: Estado actual del tratamiento oncológico. Neo adyuvancia y adyuvancia: ¿Cuándo, cómo y hasta cuándo? Controles: Secuencia y utilidad. Name of the conference: Congreso Argentino de Gastroenterología y Endoscopía Digestiva, 5-7 agosto Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

137 Title of the work: Cáncer de recto Name of the conference: Congreso Argentino de Gastroenterología y Endoscopía Digestiva, 5-7 agosto Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

138 Title of the work: Cáncer del recto estadificado preoperatoriamente como T2N+ o T3N-/+: ¿Es siempre necesaria la quimio-radioterapia neoadyuvante?(CO026) Name of the conference: Primer Congreso Ibérico Coloproctología, 5-7 mayo Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Badajoz, Spain Date of event: 2010 Frasson M; García-Granero E; Roda D; Flor-Lorente B; García-Botello S; Esclápez P; García-Granero A; Campos S; Cervantes A.

139 Title of the work: Cáncer gastroesofágico Name of the conference: Congreso Argentino de Gastroenterología y Endoscopía Digestiva, 5-7 agosto Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

140 Title of the work: Estado actual de las terapias sistémicas. Necesidad de personalizar las terapias. Name of the conference: 81º Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, 1-4 noviembre. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

141 Title of the work: Evaluación de la calidad de la cirugía y estaciones ganglionares en el cáncer de colon. Estudio preliminar. (CO015) Name of the conference: Primer Congreso Ibérico Coloproctología, 5-7 mayo Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Badajoz, Spain Date of event: 2010 Faus MC; García-Granero E; Adrianzen M; Frasson M; García-Granero A; Flor- Lorente B; Cervantes A; Navarro S.

142 Title of the work: Expression of DNA repair genes as biomarkers of outcome in epithelial ovarian cancer: a GEICO study Name of the conference: 35th ESMO Congress, 8-12 octubre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Milán, Italy Date of event: 2010 Poveda AM; Casado A; Cervantes A; Tarón M; Romero I; Bover I; González Martín A; Oaknin A; Ojeda B; López-Guerrero J."Ann Oncol 2010; 21, suppl 8:979PD".

143 Title of the work: Icon7: a phase iii randomised gynaecologic cancer intergroup trial of concurrent bevacizumab and chemotherapy followed by maintenance bevacizumab, versus chemotherapy alone in women with newly diagnosed epithelial ovarian (EOC), primary peritoneal (PPC) or fallopian tube cancer (FTC) Name of the conference: 35th European-Society-for-Medical-Oncology (ESMO) Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Milan, Italy Date of event: 2010 Perren, T; Swart, AM; Pfisterer, J; Ledermann, J; Lortholary, A; Kristensen, G; Carey, M; Beale, P; Cervantes, A; Oza, A. "ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY;21(8):2-3".

144 Title of the work: Identification of localized rectal cancer (RC) patients (pts) who may not require preoperative (preop) chemoradiation (CRT) Name of the conference: 46th ASCO Annual Meeting, 4-8 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2010 Roda D; Frasson M; García-Granero E; Roselló S; Flor B; Rodríguez E; Esclápez P; Campos S; García-Botello S; Cervantes A."J Clin Oncol 2010; 28(15S)II:3512".

145 Title of the work: Implicancias del diagnóstico molecular para seleccionar la adyuvancia. Name of the conference: 81º Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, 1-4 noviembre. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

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146 Title of the work: Molecular markers and biological targeted therapies in metastatic colorectal cancer: expert opinion and recommendations derived from the 11th ESMO/World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 2009 Name of the conference: 11th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2010 Van Cutsem, E; Dicato, M; Arber, N; Berlin, J; Cervantes, A; Ciardiello, F; De Gramont, A; Diaz-Rubio, E; Ducreux, M; Geva, R; Glimelius, B; Glynne Jones, R; Grothey, A; Gruenberger, T; Haller, D; Haustermans, K; Labianca, R; Lenz, H J; Minsky, B; Nordlinger, B; Ohtsu, A; Pavlidis, N; Rougier, P; Schmiegel, W; Van de Velde, C; Schmoll, H J; Sobrero, A; Tabernero, J. "ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY;21(6):1-10".

147 Title of the work: Neoadyuvancia en cáncer de esófago. Name of the conference: 81º Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, 1-4 noviembre. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

148 Title of the work: Panitumumab With Folfiri Vs Folfiri Alone: A Randomised Phase 3 Study For The Second Line Treatment Of Patients (PTS) With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (MCRC) Name of the conference: European Multidisciplinary Colorectal Cancer Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Nice, France Date of event: 2010 Andre, T; Peeters, M; Price, T; Hotko, Y; Cervantes, A; Ducreux, M; Chan, E; Lordick, F; Rong, A; Gansert, J."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY; 21(1):I13-I13".

149 Title of the work: Personalizing treatment - A new standard for prolonging overall survival in mCRC Name of the conference: 12th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, 30 junio-3 julio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A; en calidad de moderador.

150 Title of the work: Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) results from two phase I studies of the investigationsl selective Aurora A kinase (AAK) inhibitor MLN8237: Exposure-dependent AAK inhibition in human tumors Name of the conference: 46th ASCO Annual Meeting, 4-8 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A; Burris III A; Cohen RB; Dees EC; Infante JR; Fingert HJ; Shinde V; Venkatakrishnan K; Chakravarty A; Tabernero J."J Clin Oncol 2010; 28(15S)II:3031".

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151 Title of the work: Phase I PK/PD study of RO5083945 (GA201), the first glycoengineered anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody (mAb) with optimized antibody dependent cellullar cytotoxicity (ADCC) Name of the conference: 46th ASCO Annual Meeting, 4-8 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2010 Markman B; Gómez-Roca C; Cervantes A; Delord J; Paz Ares L; Soria J; Corral J; Hollingsworth S; Manenti L; Tabernero J."J Clin Oncol 2010; 28(15S)II:2522".

152 Title of the work: Preoperative T3 and T2N+ rectal cancer: is neoadjuvant therapy necessary? Name of the conference: Fifth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Coloproctology, 22-25 septiembre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Sorrento, Italy Date of event: 2010 Frasson M; García-Granero E; Roda D; Flor-Lorente B; García-Botello S; García-Granero A; Campos S; Cervantes A."Colorectal Disease 2010;12(3):P100".

153 Title of the work: Preoperative chemo-radiotherapy in t3 rectal tumors: is it always necessary? Preoperative classification with endorectal ultrasound is a prognostic factor Name of the conference: Fifth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Coloproctology, 22-25 septiembre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Sorrento, Italy Date of event: 2010 Frasson M; Flor-Lorente B; Esclápez P; García-Botello S; Espí A; López-Flor V, García-Granero E; Cervantes A."Colorectal Disease 2010;12(3):OP43".

154 Title of the work: Prognostic significance of gene expression profile in patients with carcinomas of unknown primary (CAUP) Name of the conference: 35th ESMO Congress, 8-12 octubre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Milán, Italy Date of event: 2010 Souglakos J; Pentheroudakis G; Papadaki C; Cervantes A; Petrakis D; Rodríguez-Braun E, Lagoudaki E; Georgoulias V; Mavroudis D; Pavlidis N."Ann Oncol 2010; 21, suppl 8:128P".

155 Title of the work: Puntos de vista: ¿En qué tumores se debe emplear la neoadyuvancia? (Mesa redonda) Name of the conference: Primer Congreso Ibérico Coloproctología, 5-7 mayo Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Badajoz, Spain Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

156 Title of the work: Randomized phase 3 study of panitumumab (pmab) with folfiri compared to folfiri alone as second-line treatment (tx) for metastatic colorectal cancer (mcrc): secondary endpoint results Name of the conference: 12th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, 30 junio-3 julio

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Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2010 Peeters M; Price T; Hotko Y; Cervantes A; Ducreux M; André T; Chan E; Lordick F; Rong A; Gansert J."Ann Oncol 2010; 21: O-0015".

157 Title of the work: Randomized phase II study of paclitaxel-carboplatin (pc) versus gemcitabine-carboplatin (gc) followed by paclitaxel-carboplatin (pc) in platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian carcinoma (psroc): a GEICO (Spanish Group for Investigation in Ovaran Cancer) study Name of the conference: 35th ESMO Congress, 8-12 octubre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Milán, Italy Date of event: 2010 González Martín A; Casado A; Arranz J; Rubio MJ; Calvo E; Beltrán M; Mendiola C; Sánchez A; Santaballa A; Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 2010; 21, suppl 8:980P".

158 Title of the work: Randomized phase III study of panitumumab (pmab) with FOLFIRI versus FOLFIRI alone as second-line treatment (tx) in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Analysis by tumor epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) staining. Name of the conference: 46th ASCO Annual Meeting, 4-8 junio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2010 Peeters M; Cervantes A; Strickland A; Ciuleanu T; Mainwaring PN; Tzekova VI; Santoro A; Johnson CW; Zhang A; Gansert JL."J Clin Oncol 2010; 28(15S)II:3565".

159 Title of the work: Selección del tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal avanzado Name of the conference: Curso Cáncer Colorrectal Avanzado, 4 agosto Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Córdoba, Argentina Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

160 Title of the work: Systemic chemotherapy for metastatic gastric or EGJ (cardia) adenocarcinoma: which drugs, which regimen, how many lines? Name of the conference: Excellence in Oncology, 18-20 noviembre. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Atenas, Greece Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

161 Title of the work: Visión del clínico oncólogo Name of the conference: 81º Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, 1-4 noviembre. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 2010

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Cervantes A.

162 Title of the work: Welcome and introduction (Corporate Satellite Symposia). (Presidencia de sesión) Name of the conference: World Congress On Gastrointestinal Cancer Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A; Van Cutsem E.

163 Title of the work: What is the reference cytotoxic regimen in advanced gastric cancer? The EU perspective Name of the conference: 12th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, 30 junio-3 julio Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2010 Cervantes A.

164 Title of the work: ¿Es siempre necesaria la neoadyuvancia en los tumores rectales T3? Impacto pronóstico de la subdivisión ecográfica preoperatoria. Name of the conference: XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, 8-11 noviembre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2010 Flor Lorente B; López-Flor V; Frasson M; García-Granero A; León C; Esclápez JP; García-Botello S; Espí A; Cervantes A; Navarro S; García-Granero E.

165 Title of the work: A phase 2 study of IMC-11F8, a monoclonal antibody directed against the EGFR, in combination with MFOLFOX6 chemotherapy in the first-line treatment of advanced or metastatic colorectal carcinoma. Name of the conference: ESMO Conference: 11th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer 24-27 junio, 2009, Barcelona, España Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2009 Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Delaunoit T; hendlisz A; Youssoufian H; Zhul J; Marshall K; Rowinsky E; Sastre Valera J."Ann Oncol 2009 vol 20, supl 7 PD-0007".

166 Title of the work: Clinical cases (gastrointestinal tumours) Name of the conference: ECCLU - Educational Cancer Convention Lugano, 2-4 julio, 2009, Lugano, Suiza Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2009 Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 2009 vol 20, supl 5".

167 Title of the work: Cáncer de ovario. Nuevos fármacos Name of the conference: XII Congreso Nacional de Oncología Médica, 21-23 octubre, 2009, Barcelona, España

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Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2009 Cervantes A.

168 Title of the work: Have we made progress in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer? Name of the conference: ESMO Conference: 11th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer 24-27 junio, 2009, Barcelona, España Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2009 Cervantes A.

169 Title of the work: Neoadjuvant treatment of rectal cancer: How and when to use it. Name of the conference: ECCLU - Educational Cancer Convention Lugano, 2-4 julio, 2009, Lugano, Suiza Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2009 Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 2009 vol 20, supl 5".

170 Title of the work: Neoadjuvant treatment of rectal cancer: how and when to use it. Name of the conference: ECCLU - Educational Cancer Convention Lugano, 2-4 julio, 2009, Lugano, Suiza Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2009 Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 2009 vol 20, supl 5, 4 IN".

171 Title of the work: Phase I pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) study of the selective aurora A kinase (AAK) inhibitor MLN8054 in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors. Name of the conference: 45th ASCO Annual Meeting, 29 mayo-2junio, 2009, Orlando, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Orlando, Florida, United States of America Date of event: 2009 Macarulla T; Rodríguez-Braun E; Tabernero J; Roselló S; Baselga J; Lee Y; Manfredi M; Liu H; Fingert H; Cervantes A."J Clin Oncol 27, No 15S: 2009 (May 20 suppl; abstr 2578)".

172 Title of the work: Presidential Session V-Best of 2009 Name of the conference: ECCO 15 - 34TH ESMO Multidisciplinary Congress, 20-24 septiembre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talk City of event: Berlin, Germany Date of event: 2009 Cervantes A.

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173 Title of the work: Randomized phase 3 study of panitumumab with FOLFIRI vs FOLFIRI alone as sencond-line treatment (tx) in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: ECCO 15 - 34TH ESMO Multidisciplinary Congress, 20-24 septiembre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Berlin, Germany Date of event: 2009 Peeters M; Price T; Hotko Y; Cevantes A; Ducreux M; André T; Chan E; Lordick F; Rong A; Gansert J.

174 Title of the work: added to standard chemotherapy (CT) as first-line treatment in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive advanced gastric cancer (GC): efficacy and safety results from the Phase III ToGA trial Name of the conference: ECCO 15 - 34TH ESMO Multidisciplinary Congress, 20-24 septiembre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Berlin, Germany Date of event: 2009 Cervantes A.

175 Title of the work: What is new in cancer colon treatment, advanced and adjuvant. Name of the conference: ECCLU - Educational Cancer Convention Lugano, 2-4 julio, 2009, Lugano, Suiza Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2009 Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 2009 vol 20, supl 5".

176 Title of the work: When to start treatment in a patient with metastatic rectal cancer? A case report Name of the conference: ECCLU - Educational Cancer Convention Lugano, 2-4 julio, 2009, Lugano, Suiza Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2009 Barrera JA; Miranda MJ; Bosch A; Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 2009 vol 20, supl 5, 53 PO".

177 Title of the work: A phase I, pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) study of weekly (qW) MK-0646, an insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF1R) monoclonal antibody (MAb) in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors. Name of the conference: 44th ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3junio, 2008, Chicago, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: United States of America Date of event: 2008 F. Atzori; J. Tabernero; A. Cervantes; M. Botero; K. Hsu; H. Brown; W. Hanley; T. Macarulla; S. Rosello; J. Baselga."J Clin Oncol 26: 2008 (May 20 suppl; abstr 3519)".

178 Title of the work: A phase II multicenter study evaluating the efficacy and safety of IMC-11F8, a recombinant human IgG1 anti- epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) monoclonal antibody (Mab), combined with 5-FU/FA and oxaliplatin (mFOLFOX-6) as first- line therapy. Name of the conference: 44th ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3junio, 2008, Chicago, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster

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City of event: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America Date of event: 2008 J. Tabernero; J. Sastre Valera; T. Delaunoit; A. Cervantes; A. Hendlisz; H. Youssoufian; E. K. Rowinsky; G. Wang. "J Clin Oncol 26: 2008 (May 20 suppl; abstr 4066)".

179 Title of the work: A phase III trial of cisplatin plus topotecan followed by paclitaxel plus carboplatin versus standard carboplatin plus paclitaxel as first-line chemotherapy in women with newly diagnosed advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) (OV.16). A Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup Study of the NCIC CTG, EORTC GCG, and GEICO. Name of the conference: 44th ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3junio, 2008, Chicago, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America Date of event: 2008 P. J. Hoskins; I. Vergote; G. Stuart; A. Cervantes; D. Tu; M. Carey; D. Provencher; D. Katsaros; P. Ghatage; E. Eisenhauer."J Clin Oncol 26: 2008 (May 20 suppl; abstr LBA5505)".

180 Title of the work: Claves clínicas en la evaluación del tratamiento en Oncología. Name of the conference: XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Nuclear. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 2008 Cervantes A.

181 Title of the work: Correlation of KRAS status (wild type [wt] vs. mutant [mt]) with efficacy to first-line cetuximab in a study of cetuximab single agent followed by cetuximab + FOLFIRI in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Name of the conference: 44th ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3junio, 2008, Chicago, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America Date of event: 2008 A. Cervantes; T. Macarulla; E. Martinelli; E. Rodriguez-Braun; F. Ciardiello; C. Stroh; J. Nippgen; J. Baselga; J. Tabernero."J Clin Oncol 26: 2008 (May 20 suppl; abstr 4129)".

182 Title of the work: Correlation of efficacy to KRAS status (wt vs. mut) in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) treated with weekly (q1w) and q2w schedules of cetuximab combined with FOLFIRI. Poster presentation 435 Name of the conference: 2008 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, January 25-27, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Orlando, Florida, United States of America Date of event: 2008 Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Ciardiello F; Vega-Villegas E; Macarulla T; Rodríguez-Braun E; Martinelli E; Stroh C; Nippgen J; Baselga J.

183 Title of the work: Dosing strategies for MLN8054, a selective Aurora A kinase inhibitor, based on pharmacokinetic modeling and simulations. Name of the conference: 20th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Geneva, Switzerland, 21-24 octubre 2008

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Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Ginebra, Switzerland Date of event: 2008 Lee Y; Eton O; Pappas J; Chen S; Paton M; Dees EC; Jones S; Cohen RB; Cervantes A; Tabernero J."European Journal of Cancer Suppl. Volume 6, issue 12, pages i-lxiii, 3-220 (octubre 2008) Poster 415.".

184 Title of the work: Efficacy of FOLFIRI3 (irinotecan 100mg/m2 D1,D3 combined with LV5FU) or other irinotecan-based regimens in oxaliplatin-pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer in the OPTIMOX1 study. Name of the conference: 44th ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3junio, 2008, Chicago, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America Date of event: 2008 F. Bidard; L. Bengrine; A. Figer; A. Cervantes; T. André; G. Lledo; M. Mabro; C. Tournigand; C. Louvet; A. de Gramont; GERCOR. "J Clin Oncol 26: 2008 (May 20 suppl; abstr 4059)".

185 Title of the work: Estrategias de tratamiento en cáncer colo-rectal Estadío IV (Mesa redonda) Name of the conference: 27 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 3-6 noviembre 2008. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2008 Cervantes A (en calidad de moderador).

186 Title of the work: Estrategias de tratamiento en cáncer colo-rectal Estadío IV Name of the conference: 27 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 3-6 noviembre 2008. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2008 Cervantes A.

187 Title of the work: Estrategias de tratamiento en cáncer colo-rectal Estadío IV Name of the conference: 27 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 3-6 noviembre 2008. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2008 Cervantes A (en calidad de moderador).

188 Title of the work: First-line therapy with cetuximab followed by cetuximab plus folfiri in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: Kras mutation status correlates with clinical outcome. Name of the conference: ESMO International Symposium: 10th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, 25-28 June, 2008, Barcelona, España Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Spain Date of event: 2008 Martinelli E; Macarulla T; Vega-Villegas E; Rodríguez-Braun E; Ciardiello F; Ramos F; Rivera F; Stroh C; Nippgen J; Cervantes A; Baselga J; Tabernero J."PD-019. Annals of Oncology, Vol 19, Suppl 6, 2008".

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189 Title of the work: Is there an optimal time to stop chemotherapy in patients with advanced colorectal cancer? Poster presentation 353. Name of the conference: 2008 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, January 25-27, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Orlando, Florida, United States of America Date of event: 2008 Chibaudel B; Pérez-Staub N; Figer A; Cervantes A; Lledó G; Artru P; Maindrault-Goebel F; Louvet C; Tournigand C; De Gramont A.

190 Title of the work: Locally advanced rectal cancer treated with preoperative chemoradiation: analysis of factors predicting recurrence and survival Name of the conference: ESMO Conference Lugano (ECLU) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2008 Pimentel P; Roselló S; Roda D; Bosch A; Navarro S; Campos S; Rodríguez E; Faiz O; García-Granero E; Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 19 Sup. 5, VI42".

191 Title of the work: MLN8054, a selective inhibitor of Aurora A kinase: final results of a phase I clinical trial. Name of the conference: 20th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Geneva, Switzerland, 21-24 octubre 2008 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Ginebra, Switzerland Date of event: 2008 Cervantes A; Macarulla T; Roselló S; Rodríguez-Braun E; Baselga J; Tabernero J; Liu H; Chakravarty A; Bowman D; Eton O."European Journal of Cancer Suppl. Volume 6, issue 12, pages i-lxiii, 3-220 (octubre 2008). Poster 279.".

192 Title of the work: MLN8237, an oral selective Aurora A kinase inhibitor: initial results of dose-finding pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic phase I study. Name of the conference: 20th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Geneva, Switzerland, 21-24 octubre 2008 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Ginebra, Switzerland Date of event: 2008 Tabernero Caturla J; Cervantes A; Elez E; Macarulla T; Roselló S; Rodríguez-Braun E; Stringer B; Shinde V; Danaee H; Eton O."European Journal of Cancer Suppl. Volume 6, issue 12, pages i-lxiii, 3-220 (octubre 2008) Poster 285.".

193 Title of the work: Multimodal treatment of resectable gastric cancer. The European view. Name of the conference: 10th World Congress on Gastrointestinal cancer. 25-28 junio, 2008, Barcelona, España. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2008

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Cervantes A.

194 Title of the work: Panitumumab (PMAB) administered with chemoradiotherapy (CRT) following induction chemotherapy (IC) in the treatment of patients (PTS) with loco-regionally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) Name of the conference: 33rd ESMO Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-16 septembre 2008. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Sweden Date of event: 2008 Tabernero J; Hitt R; Cervantes A; Rolland F; Valverde C; Lalami Y; Baselga J; Shepherd S; Gansert J; Vermorken J."Poster 690. Abstract book of the 33rd ESMO Congress, Annals of Oncology, vol 19, Suppl 8, page viii128".

195 Title of the work: Perioperative chemotherapy with oxaliplatin and capecitabine in resectable gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma (GEA). A multidisciplinary team approach in a single institution. Name of the conference: ESMO Conference Lugano (ECLU) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2008 Roda D; Roselló S; López F; Pimentel P; Martí R; Martín P; Bosch A; Llácer P; Rodríguez E; Cervantes A."Ann Oncol 19 Sup. 5, v166-v168".

196 Title of the work: Phase III study (20050181) of panitumumab (pmab) with FOLFIRI versus FOLFIRI alone as second-line treatment (tx) in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Pooled safety results. Name of the conference: 44th ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3junio, 2008, Chicago, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America Date of event: 2008 M. Peeters; G. Wilson; M. Ducreux; A. Cervantes; T. André; Y. Hotko; F. Lordick; S. Collins; M. Shing; T. J. Price. "J Clin Oncol 26: 2008 (May 20 suppl; abstr 4064^)".

197 Title of the work: Phase III study (20050181) of panitumumab with FOLFIRI compared to FOLFIRI alone as second-line treatment in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Preliminary safety results. Poster presentation 335 Name of the conference: 2008 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, January 25-27, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Orlando, Florida, United States of America Date of event: 2008 Peeters M; Wilson G; Hotko Y; Ducreux M; Cervantes A; André T; Lordick F; Collins S; Shing M; Price TJ.

198 Title of the work: Progress in the multidisciplinary treatment of gastrointestinal cancer and the impact on clinical practice: perioperative management of rectal cancer Name of the conference: 33rd European-Society-for-Medical-Oncology Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Stockholm, Sweden

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Date of event: 2008 Cervantes, A; Rosello, S; Rodriguez-Braun, E; Navarro, S; Campos, S; Hernandez, A; Garcia-Granero, E."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY;19(7):266-272".

199 Title of the work: Proyecto Vikingo Name of the conference: 27 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 3-6 noviembre 2008. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2008 Cervantes A.

200 Title of the work: The treatment of advanced gastric cancer: current strategies and future perspectives Name of the conference: Joint Annual Conference of the European-Society-of-Medical-Oncology/Japanese-Society-of-Medical-Oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2008 Cervantes, A; Rosello, S; Roda, D; Rodriguez-Braun, E."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY;1985):103-107".

201 Title of the work: Tumor regression grade after preoperative chemoradiotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer as a predictor of outcome. Name of the conference: 33rd ESMO Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-16 septembre 2008. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Sweden Date of event: 2008 Roselló-Keränen S; Faus C; García-Granero E; Navarro S; Rodríguez E; Pimentel P; Roda D; Esclápez P; Flor B; Cervantes A."Poster 423. Abstract book of the 33rd ESMO Congress, Annals of Oncology, vol 19, Suppl 8, page viii143".

202 Title of the work: Using biomarkers in phase II studies Name of the conference: 20th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Geneva, Switzerland, 21-24 octubre 2008 Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Ginebra, Switzerland Date of event: 2008 Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Baselga J."European Journal of Cancer Suppl. Volume 6, issue 12, pages i-lxiii, 3-220 (octubre 2008) Keynote lecture 31.".

203 Title of the work: Valor pronóstico del análisis de la calidad del mesorrecto en el manejo multidisciplinar del cáncer de recto. Name of the conference: 27 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 3-6 noviembre 2008. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2008 Muñoz Forner E; García-Granero E; Faiz O; Flor B; Cervantes A; Navarro S; Faus C; Cánovas R; Báguena G; Lledó S."O-182. Revista de cirugía española: Resúmenes de comunicaciones XVII Congreso Nacional de Cirugía".

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204 Title of the work: Who benefits from adjuvant therapy in B2 stage? Name of the conference: 10th World Congress on Gastrointestinal cancer. 25-28 junio, 2008, Barcelona, España. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2008 Cervantes A.

205 Title of the work: Who can benefit from chemotherapy holidays after first-line therapy for advanced colorectal cancer? A GERCOR study. Name of the conference: 44th ASCO Annual Meeting, 30 mayo-3junio, 2008, Chicago, USA. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America Date of event: 2008 N. Perez-Staub; B. Chibaudel; A. Figer; A. Cervantes; G. Lledo; A. K. Larsen; F. Maindrault-Goebel; C. Louvet; C. Tournigand; A. de Gramont."J Clin Oncol 26: 2008 (May 20 suppl; abstr 4037)".

206 Title of the work: ¿Tiene importancia pronóstica la localización anterior del cáncer de recto? Name of the conference: 27 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 3-6 noviembre 2008. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2008 García-Granero A; Muñoz Forner E; Faiz O; Flor B; Garcia-Botello S; Cervantes A; Navarro S; López-Flor V; García-Granero E; Lledó S."O-096. Revista de cirugía española: Resúmenes de comunicaciones XVII Congreso Nacional de Cirugía".

207 Title of the work: Biweekly cetuximab and irinotecan for the treatment of refractory metastatic colorectal cancer Name of the conference: ESMO Educational Conference Lugano (ECLU) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2007 Martin-Martorell, P; Rodriguez-Braun, E; Perez-Fidalgo, A; Chirivella, I; Insa, A; Cervantes, A."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY; 18(9):168-168".

208 Title of the work: Carcinoma de colon avanzado. ¿Tratamiento sistémico o resección del tumor primario? Resección del tumor primario. Name of the conference: XI Congreso Nacional SEOM. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A.

209 Title of the work: Cetuximab given every 2 weeks in patients with MCRC: A phase I safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics study Name of the conference: 9th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer

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Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2007 Vega-Villegas M; Cervantes A; Martinelli E; Casado E; Rodriguez-Braun E; Rivera F; Rojo F; Weber D; Baselga J; Tabernero J."Annals of Oncology. Vol.18, 2007 Supplement 7: VII31-VII31".

210 Title of the work: Cirugía del cáncer colo-rectal avanzado y recurrente. Quimioterapia sistémica o regional. Name of the conference: XVI Reunión Nacional de Cirugía Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Donostia, Spain Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A.

211 Title of the work: Diseño y análisis de ensayos clínicos: controversias en su interpretación. Name of the conference: II Aula Abierta Multidisciplinar en tumores gastrointestinales. Evolución y nuevas perspectivas en el Tratamiento de los Tumores Gastrointestinales. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Palma de Mallorca, Spain Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A.

212 Title of the work: Educational session: Multidisciplinary treatment of rectal cancer. Name of the conference: ESMO Conference Lugano (ECLU) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A.

213 Title of the work: Gastric cancer therapy: Could EGFR inhibitors play a role? Educational Symposium. Progress and Challenges in EGFR Inhibitor Treatment. Name of the conference: 9th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A.

214 Title of the work: Integrative decisions in rectal cancer. Name of the conference: ESMO Conference Lugano (ECLU) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Switzerland Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A."Educational Session, Supp. 9".

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215 Title of the work: Introduction: tackling the burden of gastric cancer Name of the conference: 9th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A.

216 Title of the work: Multidisciplinary treatment of rectal cancer Name of the conference: ESMO Conference Lugano (ECLU) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2007 CERVANTES A."Ann of Oncol 2007 18(supp.9)".

217 Title of the work: Optimal dose for an evey 2 week (q2w) cetuximab (C) regimen in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): a phase I safety, pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) study of weekly (q1w) and q2w schedules. Name of the conference: ECCO 14 The European Cancer Conference Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2007 Ciardiello F; Cervantes A; Vega-Villegas M; Casado E; Rodriguez-Braun E; Martinelli E; Rojo F; Baselga J; Kisker O; Tabernero J."Poster nº 3040".

218 Title of the work: Optimal dose of cetuximab administered every 2 weeks (q2w): A phase I safety, pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) study of weekly (q1w) and q2w schedules in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Los Angeles, United States of America Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A; Ciardiello F; Rivera F; Rojo F; Casado E; Rodriguez-Braun E; Martinelli E; Kisker O; Baselga J; Tabernero J."LB-352".

219 Title of the work: Pharmacokinetics of trabectedin in women with recurrent ovarian cancer. Name of the conference: ECCO 14 The European Cancer Conference Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2007 Del Campo JM; Pardo B; Cervantes A; González A; Parera A; Cuadra C; Lebedinsky C; Miguel-Lillo B; Soto-Matos A; Izquierdo MA."Poster nº 5034".

220 Title of the work: Phase I study of AZD0530, an oral potent inhibitor of Src kinase: First demonstration of inhibition of Src activity in human cancers. Name of the conference: 43rd ASCO Annual Meeting Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication

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City of event: Chicago, United States of America Date of event: 2007 Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Hoekman K; Hurwitz HI; Jodrell DI; Hamberg P; Stuart M; Green TP; Iacona RB; Baselga J. "Comunicación oral nº 3520; Journal of Clinical Oncology. Vol 25, Nº 18S".

221 Title of the work: Phase II trial of cetuximab in combination with fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin in the first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer Name of the conference: Annual Symposium of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology-Gastrointestinal Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Orlando, FL, United States of America Date of event: 2007 Tabernero, J; Van Cutsem, E; Diaz-Rubio, E; Cervantes, A; Humblet, Y; Andre, T; Van Laethem, JL; Soulie, P; Casado, E; Verslype, C; Valera, JS; Tortora, G; Ciardiello, F; Kisker, O; de Gramont, A. "JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY; 25(33):5225-5232".

222 Title of the work: Resection of liver metastases in colorectal cancer (CRC). Analysis of prognostic factors in an institutional series of patients managed by primary surgery or with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NC) in a multidisciplinary team approach Name of the conference: ESMO Educational Conference Lugano (ECLU) Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Lugano, Switzerland Date of event: 2007 Bosch, A; Sabater, L; Ivorra, P; Rodriguez-Braun, E; Perez-Fidalgo, A; Calvete, J; Camps, B; Chirivella, I; Cervantes, A."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY; 18(9):168-169".

223 Title of the work: State-of-the-art Lecture: 'Exploring options of Erbitux in early treatment of mCRC' Name of the conference: 3rd International Congress on gastrointestinal oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Crete, Greece Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A.

224 Title of the work: Tratamiento multidisciplinar del cáncer de recto. Name of the conference: XXII Curso de Cirugía General Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 2007 Cervantes A; Navarro S.; Martinez V; Alós R; Viciano V; García J.

225 Title of the work: A multimodality approach to localized rectal cancer Name of the conference: 31st ESMO Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Estambul, Turkey Date of event: 2006 Cervantes, A; Chirivelia, I; Rodriguez-Braun, E; Campos, S; Navarro, S; Graner, EG."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY; 17(10):x129-x134".

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226 Title of the work: Analysis of oxaliplatine reintroduction in patients with advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) treated with folfox 4 or folfox 7 in the Optimox study. Name of the conference: ESMO Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Istanbul, Turkey Date of event: 2006 Buyse M; Quinaux E; Cortiñas Abrahantes J; Tournigand C; Cervantes A; Figer A; André T; Tabah-Fisch I; De Gramont A."Annals of Oncology".

227 Title of the work: Evolution in the technique of treatment of the gastric tumours. Acute toxicity. Name of the conference: Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese-and -Latin-American-Association Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Leipzig, Germany Date of event: 2006 Pastor, J; Hernandez, A; Miragall, EG; Planes, D; Safont, MJ; Cervantes, A ."RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY; 81(1) Meeting Abstract 15.".

228 Title of the work: New Horizons for gastric cancer. Conclusions. Name of the conference: 8th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Spain Date of event: 2006 Andres Cervantes.

229 Title of the work: Optimal dose of cetuximab (C) given every 2 weeks (q2w): a phase I pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) study of weekly (q1w) and q2w schedules in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Name of the conference: ASCO Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Atlanta, United States of America Date of event: 2006 Tabernero J; Cervantes A; Martinelli E; Vegas-Villegas E; Rojo F; Perez-Fidalgo A; Casado E; Ciardiello F; Zubel A; Baselga J."Journal of Clinical Oncology".

230 Title of the work: Phase II trial of preoperative irinotecan-cisplatin (IC) followed by concurrent IC and radiotherapy (IC/RT) for locally advanced gastric and esophago-gastric junction adenocarcinoma (LA-G/EGJ-A) Name of the conference: ASCO Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Atlanta, United States of America Date of event: 2006 Vega-Villegas ME; Galán-Guzmán MC; Gallego-Plazas J; Cervantes A; Escudero P; Tabernero J; Massuti B; Alonso-Orduña V; Asensio D; Rivera F."Journal of Clinical Oncology".

231 Title of the work: SNPs associated with the genetic predisposition to develop therapy-related acute myelogenous leukemia after chemiotherapy for breast cancer. Name of the conference: ASCO

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Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Atlanta, United States of America Date of event: 2006 Guillem V; Mata M; Lluch A; González M; Esteve J; Nomdedeu J; Calasanz M; Cervantes A; Chirivella I; Tormo M."Journal of Clinical Oncology".

232 Title of the work: Surgery of colorectal metastasis in the Optimox 1 study. A GERCOR study. Name of the conference: ASCO Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Atlanta, United States of America Date of event: 2006 Perez-Staub N; Lledó G; Paye F; Gayet B; Flesch M; Cervantes A; Figer A; Bourges O; Andrés T; de Gramont A."Journal of Clinical Oncology".

233 Title of the work: Tratamiento multidisciplinario del cáncer gástrico localizado. Name of the conference: XIV Simposio Internacional Avances en el tratamiento de tumores digestivos. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - others City of event: Córdoba, Spain Date of event: 2006 Cervantes A.

234 Title of the work: Cetuximab in combination with oxaliplatin/5-fluorouracil (5FU)/folinic acid (FA) (FOLFOX-4) in the first-line treatment of patients with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-expressing metastatic colorectal cancer: An international phase II study. Name of the conference: 41st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Orlando, FL, United States of America Date of event: 2005 Rubio, ED; Tabernero, J; van Cutsem, E; Cervantes, A; Andre, T; Humblet, Y; Soulie, P; Corretge, S; Kisker, O; de Gramont, A. "JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 2005. 23(16) Supplement S:254s-254s".

235 Title of the work: Local recurrence in TME surgery with-out preoperative chemoradiation. Is the circumferential resection margin involvement an important prognostic factor? Name of the conference: Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Colon-and-Rectal-Surgeons Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Philadelphia, PA, United States of America Date of event: 2005 Garcia-Granero, E; Flor, B; Esclapez, P; Cervantes, A; Navarro, S; Espi, A; Garcia-Armengol, J; Garcia-Botello, S; Millan, M; Munoz, E; Lledo, S. "DISEASES OF THE COLON & RECTUM. 2005; 48(3):692-692".

236 Title of the work: Post-study treatment does not influence outcome in the X-ACT phase III trial of Capecitabine (X) vs. Bolus 5-FU/LV as adjuvant therapy for patients (PTS) with Dukes' colon cancer. Name of the conference: ECCO 13 THE EUROPEAN CANCER CONFERENCE Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Paris, France

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Date of event: 2005 Borner M; Cassidy J; Cervantes A; Koralewski P; Zaluski J; Schuller J; Husseini F; Teller S; Twelves C."p-634".

237 Title of the work: Preliminary results of the validation of a questionnaire to measure health related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients (P) with advanced colorectal cancer (CCRA-Qol). Name of the conference: 41st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Orlando, FL, United States of America Date of event: 2005 Benavides, M; Cervantes, A; Gil, F; Sastre, J; Tabernero, J; Perez, M; Vila, C; Marfa, X; Badia, X; Lizan, L. "JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 2005. 23(16) Supplement S:542s-542s".

238 Title of the work: A new measure for assessing health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patiens with advanced colorectal cancer (ACC)-'CCRA-QoL' Name of the conference: 29th ESMO Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2004 Benavides M; Cervantes A; Gil F; Sastre J; Tabernero J; Perez M; Vila C; Marfa X; Badia X And Lizan L."322-P".

239 Title of the work: A phase I study of radiation therapy (RT) with concurrent oxaliplatin (OXL), cisplatin (P) and protacted infusion 5-fluorouracil (FU) for locally advanced esophageal (ES) or gastroesophageal (GEJ) carcinoma Name of the conference: 40th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: New Orleans, LA, United States of America Date of event: 2004 Gallego, R; Cervantes, A; Pera, M; Manzano, H; Salazar, R; Conill, C; Maurel, J; Marfa, X; Gascon, P. "JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2004; 22(14):373S-373S".

240 Title of the work: An international phase II study of cetuximab in combination with oxaliplatin/5-fluorouracil (5-FU/folinic acid (FA) (FOLFOX-4) in the first-line treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) expressing Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR). Preliminary results. Name of the conference: 40th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: New Orleans, LA, United States of America Date of event: 2004 Tabernero, JM; Van Cutsem, E; Sastre, J; Cervantes, A; Van Laethem, JL; Humblet, Y; Soulie, P; Corretge, S; Mueser, M; De Gramont, A."JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2004; 22(14):248S-248S".

241 Title of the work: Irinatecan (CPT-11) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) concomitantly with preoperative radiotherapy (RT) in patients (pts) with locally advanced resectable rectal cancer. Updated results of a phase II study Name of the conference: 40th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication

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City of event: New Orleans, LA, United States of America Date of event: 2004 Dotor, E; Navarro, M; Vega, ME; Sanchez-Rovira, P; Cervantes, A; Garcia, JL; Suarez, M; Aranda, E; Asensio, D; Garcia, A."JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2004; 22(14):358S-358S".

242 Title of the work: Local relapse after total mesorectal excision (TME) for rectal cancer: a retrospective assessment of 255 patients treated in a single institution by a multidisciplinary team approach. Name of the conference: 29th ESMO Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2004 Cervantes A; Flor Lorente B; Chirivella I; Esclapez P; Navarro S; Lledo S; Espi A; Rodriguez-Braun E; Insa A; And Garcia-Granero E."293-P.".

243 Title of the work: OPTIMOX study: FOLFOX 7/LV5FU2 compared to FOLFOX 4 in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Name of the conference: 40th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: New Orleans, LA, United States of America Date of event: 2004 De Gramont, A; Cervantes, A; Andre, T; Figer, A; Lledo, G; Flesch, M; Mineur, L; Russ, G; Quinaux, E; Etienne, PL."JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY; 22(14) Suppl.S 251S-251S".

244 Title of the work: Optimox study: influence of reintroduction rate on survival Name of the conference: 29th ESMO Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2004 Tournigand C; Perez N; Buyse M; Cervantes A; Figer A; Lledo G; Manindrault-Goebel F; Andre T; Louvet C; Gramont A."344P".

245 Title of the work: Positive efficacy results of the X-ACT phase III trial of Capecitabine (X) vs. Bolus 5-FU/LV as adjuvant therapy for patients (PTS) with DUKES' colon cancer Name of the conference: 29th ESMO Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2004 Mckendrick J; Cassidy J; Van Hazel G; Twelves C; Wong A; Nowacki M; Croning H; Cervantes A; Et Al."276PD".

246 Title of the work: The value of downstaging in locally advanced rectal cancer after properative chemoradiation Name of the conference: 29th ESMO Congress Type of event: Conference Type of participation: 'Participatory - poster City of event: Viena, Austria Date of event: 2004

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Rodriguez-Braun E; Gracia-Granero E; Chirivella I; Esclapez P; Navarro S; Hernandez A; García Armengol J; Campos S; Lledo S; Cervantes A."292-P".

247 Title of the work: A phase II study of irinotecan (CPT-11) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) concomitantly with preoperative radiotherapy (RT) IN PATIENTS (PTS) with locally advanced resectable rectal cancer. Name of the conference: 39th Annual Meeting American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, IL, United States of America Date of event: 2003 Navarro M; Dotor E; Rivera F; Cervantes A; Sanchez-Rovira P; Garcia Jl; Gallen M; Balcells M; Garcia A; Pronk L."1235".

248 Title of the work: Estudio fase II randomizado, con valoración de calidad de vida (QOL), de carboplatino (C) vs paclitaxel-carbonplatino (TC) en pacientes (PAC) con recaída platino (P) sensible de cáncer de ovario (CO): estudio GEICO 0199 (Grupo Español de Investigación en Cáncer de Ovario). Name of the conference: IX Congreso Nacional SEOM Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Tenerife Sur, Spain Date of event: 2003 Gonzalez-Martin A; Calvo E; Bover I; Pelegri A; Rubio MJ; Arcusa A; Casado A; ...Cervantes A; Col."CO-51".

249 Title of the work: Folfox7 compared to Folfox4. Preliminary results of the randomized Optimox Study. Name of the conference: 39th Annual Meeting American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, IL, United States of America Date of event: 2003 Andre T; Figer A; Cervantes A; Lledo G; Flesch M; Maindrault-Goebel F; Mineur L; Russ G; Buyse M; De Gramont A."1016".

250 Title of the work: Improved safety results of a phase III trial of capecitabine vs bolus 5-fu/leucovorin (LV) as adjuvant therapy for colon cancer (THE X-ACT STUDY). Name of the conference: 39th Annual Meeting American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, IL, United States of America Date of event: 2003 Twelves C; Wong A; Nowacki MP; Cassidy J; Cervantes A; Koralewski P; Kroning H; Mckendrick J; Van Hazel G; Scheitauer W."1182".

251 Title of the work: Phase III study comparing cisplatin plus fluorouracil to paclitaxel, cisplatin, and fluorouracil induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer Name of the conference: 39th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, IL, United States of America Date of event: 2003

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Hitt, R; Lopez-Pousa, A; Martinez-Trufero, J; Escrig, V; Carles, J; Rizo, A; Isla, D; Vega, ME; Marti, JL; Lobo, F; Pastor, P; Valenti, V (; Belon, J; Sanchez, MA; Chaib, C; Pallares, C; Anton, A; Cervantes, A; Paz-Ares, L; Cortes-Funes, H. "JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2005; 23(34):8636-8645".

252 Title of the work: Predictors of response to pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in platinum pre-treated ovarian cancer (PPOC). A GEICO study (Spanish Group for Research and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer). Name of the conference: 39th Annual Meeting American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Chicago, IL, United States of America Date of event: 2003 Casado Herraez A; Gonzalez A; Cervantes A; Bover I; Poveda A; Alvarez I; Herrero A; Calvo E; Santaballa A; Ojeda B. "1942".

253 Title of the work: State of the art treatment for gastric cancer: future directions Name of the conference: 2nd Clinical Investigators Update Meeting on Gastrointestinal Cancer Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Tenerife, Spain Date of event: 2003 Cervantes, A; Georgoulias, V; Falcone, A."EJC SUPPLEMENTS. 2004; 2(7):40-47".

254 Title of the work: Tratamiento con imatinib en pacientes con leucemia mieloide crónica resistente o con intolerancia a interferón. Name of the conference: IX Congreso Nacional SEOM Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Tenerife Sur, Spain Date of event: 2003 Teruel A; Hernández-Boluda JC; Cervantes F; Steegmann JL; Villalon L; Conde E; Garcia-Conde J."CO-46".

255 Title of the work: Gastric cancer: epidemiology, pathology and treatment Name of the conference: Clinical Investigators Update Meeting on Gastrointestinal Cancer Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Cagliari, Italy Date of event: 2002 Alberts, SR; Cervantes, A; van de Velde, CJH."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2003; 14(2):31-36".

256 Title of the work: STI571 (GLIVEC) Therapy of chronic phase ph chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients resistant or intolerant to interferon alfa (IFN). Name of the conference: 7th Meeting Of The European Hematology Association. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Florencia, Italy Date of event: 2002 Hernandez-Boluda JC; Cervantes F; Alvarez-Larran A; Martinez-Climent JA; Costa D; Montserrat E; Garcia-Conde J."0986".

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257 Title of the work: Cuantificación en Tiempo Real del Mrna del gen HTERT de la Telomerasa en Plasma de pacientes con Cáncer Colorrectal Name of the conference: VIII Congreso de la SEOM Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 2001 Dasi F; Cervantes A; Lledó S; García-Granero E; Ripoll R; García-Conde J; Aliño SF."CP18".

258 Title of the work: Imatinib (STI571) therapy of chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) resistant or intolerant to interferon: results in 134 patients. . Name of the conference: 44th Annual Meeting American Society Of Hematology (ASH). Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Philadelphia, PA, United States of America Date of event: 2001 Cervantes F; Hernandez-Boluda Jc; Steegmann Jl; Villalon L; Alvarez-Larran A; Granda A; Martinez-Ruiz F; Lopez-Jimenez J; Alaez C; Garcia-Conde J; Montserrat E; Odriozola J."4817".

259 Title of the work: Imatinib Mesylate (STI571) in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase previously submitted to autologous stem cell transplantation. Name of the conference: 44th Annual Meeting American Society Of Hematology (ASH). Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Philadelphia, PA, United States of America Date of event: 2001 Cervantes F; Hernandez-Boluda JC; Odriozola J; Camos M; Vallalon L; Martinez-Climent JA; Del Campo R; Garcia-Conde J; Montserrat E. "4818".

260 Title of the work: Quimio-Radioterapia concominante preoperatoria con infusión continua prolongada de 5-fluorouracilo en pacientes con cáncer de recto localmente avanzado. Name of the conference: VIII Congreso de la SEOM Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 2001 Insa A; Cervantes A; García-Granero E Navarro S; Algás R; Espí A; Esclapez P; Garcia Armengol J; Garcia-Conde J; Lledó S."CP186".

261 Title of the work: Tratamiento con sti571 en pacientes con leucemia mieloide crónica (LMC) resistente con intolerancia a interferón (IFN). Name of the conference: XLIII Reunión Nacional de la AEHH. XVII Congreso de la SETH. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: La Coruña, Spain Date of event: 2001 Álvarez-Larrán A; Cervantes F; Hernández-Boluda Jc; Prósper F; Costa D; Martinez-Climent Ja; Solano C; Ferrer A; García-Conde J; Montserrat E."C-101.".

262 Title of the work: Análisis de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2 en mujeres españolas con cáncer de mama precoz. Name of the conference: IV Congreso Nacional de la FESEO

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Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: La Corunña, Spain Date of event: 2000 Vega A; Martinez JL; Ruiz-Ponte C; Barros F; Martin-Garcia P; Chaves FJ; Chirivella I; Lluch A; Cervantes A; Garcia-Conde J; Armengod ME; Carracedo A.

263 Title of the work: Irionotecan (CPT-11) en combinación con 5-FU altas dosis en infusicón continua (Pauta TTD) en cáncer colorrectal avanzado estudio fase I/II. Name of the conference: IV Congreso Nacional de la FESEO. 3,4,5 y 6 de Octubre Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: La Coruña, Spain Date of event: 2000 E. Aranda; A. Carrato; A. Cervantes; J. Sastre; A. Abd; F. Rivera; E. Marcuello; B. Massuti; J. Graupera; L.Losa; E. Diaz-Rubio.

264 Title of the work: Multinational analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Spanish women wigth early-onsert breast cancer Name of the conference: VIII Congress Aseica. .VII Congress SEOM.I Joint Meeting Aseica-Seom. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Sitges, Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 2000 JI Martinez; A. Vega; P Martin-Garcia; FJ Chaves; F. Barros; A Carracedo; ME Armengod; I Chirivella; J. Garcia-Conde; A. Cervantes. "I-07".

265 Title of the work: Multinational analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Spanish women with early-onset breast cancer. Name of the conference: The Second International Symposium on the Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Lillehammer, Norway Date of event: 2000 JI Martinez; A. Vega; P. Marin-Garcia; FJ Chaves; F. Barros; A. Carracedo; ME Armengod; I. Chirivella; A. Lluch; J. Garcia-Conde; A. Cervantes.

266 Title of the work: Análisis mutacional de loc genes BRCA 1 y BRCA 2 en mujeres españolas con cáncer de mama precoz. Name of the conference: I Jornada SEOM-ASEICA. VII Congreso Soc Esp Oncologia Medica. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 1999 Martinez-Ferrandis JJ; Martin-Garcia P; Chaves FJ; Armengod ME; Chirivella I; Sastre JM; Lluch A; Garcia-Conde J; Cervantes A."REVISTA DE ONCOLOGÍA Vol 1 supl 1.Abstr. A009".

267 Title of the work: Biweekly Oxaliplatin (OXA) Plus Weekly 48 H Continuous Infusion (CI) 5FU (TTD Regimen) in First Line Treatment of Advanced Colorectal Cancer (ACC) (Preliminary Results). Name of the conference: American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 35th Annual Meeting. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication

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City of event: Atlanta, GA, United States of America Date of event: 1999 Abad A; Navarro M; Sastre J; Cervantes A; Anton A; Marcuello E; Carrato A; Aranda E; Massuti B; Guillot M; Garcia M; Diaz-Rubio E; Mounejdi-Boudiaf L; Llados F; SANOFI WITNHROP."American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Vol.18.Abstract 1056".

268 Title of the work: Ensayo fase II de adriamicina liposomial en recaida de carcinoma de ovario con fracaso al tratamiento con platino. Name of the conference: VIII Congreso De La Asociación Española de Investigación Sobre el Cáncer. I JORNADA SEOM-ASEICA. VII Congreso Soc Esp Oncologia Medica. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Spain Date of event: 1999 Cervantes A; Garcia T; Martinez De Dueñas E; Insa A; De Paz L; Lluch A; Escrig V; Garcia-Conde J."REVISTA DE ONCOLOGÍA Vol 1 supl 1.".

269 Title of the work: Estudio Fase II sobre la adición de cisplatino a dosis altas de 5-FU en perfusión continua de 48 horas semanal en cáncer gástrico avanzado. Name of the conference: I Jornada SEOM-ASEICA. VII Congreso Soc Esp Oncologia Medica. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 1999 Cervantes A; Navarro M; Carrato A; Sastre J; Anton A; Vicent JM; Tabernero Jm; Escudero P; Aparicio J; Torregrosa MD; Rifa J; Maeztu I; Pellegri A; Campos C; Gravalos C; Diaz-Rubio E. Grupo Ttd."REVISTA DE ONCOLOGÍA Vol 1 supl 1. Abstr.119".

270 Title of the work: Estudio fase I de combinación de una dosis fija de carboplatino con paclitaxel y driamicina en primera línea de tratamiento de pacientes con carcinoma de ovario avanzado y citoreducción inicial suboptima. Name of the conference: I Jornada SEOM-ASEICA. VII Congreso Soc Esp Oncologia Medica. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Spain Date of event: 1999 Cervantes A; Poveda A; Gonzalez B; Massuti B; Balaña C; Insa A; Grupo Español En Investigación En Cáncer De Ovario (GEICO)."REVISTA DE ONCOLOGÍA Vol 1 supl 1. Abstr.178".

271 Title of the work: Estudio fase I/II de búsqueda de dosis de Irinotecan (CPT-11) en infusión iv breve combinado con una dosis fija de 5-FU en infusión iv de 48 horas semanal, en pacientes con tumores sólidos avanzados. Name of the conference: VIII Congreso De La Asociación Española de Investigación Sobre el Cáncer. I JORNADA SEOM-ASEICA. VII Congreso Soc Esp Oncologia Medica. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Spain Date of event: 1999 Aranda E; Carrato A; Cervantes A; Diaz-Rubio E; Balcells M; Cardenas M."REVISTA DE ONCOLOGÍA Vol 1 supl 1. Abstr.189".

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272 Title of the work: Factores pronósticos en carcinoma de ovario avanzado. Un análisis retrospectivo de 135 pacientes. Name of the conference: I Jornada SEOM-ASEICA. VII Congreso Soc Esp Oncologia Medica. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 1999 Cervantes A; Chirivella I; Insa A; Sastre JM; Martinez De Dueñas E; Garcia T; De Paz L; Lluch A; Ferrer JV; Garcia-Conde J."REVISTA DE ONCOLOGÍA Vol 1 supl 1. Abstr.180".

273 Title of the work: Phase I/II Study of Escalating Doses of Weekly Irinotecan (CPT-11) in Combination with 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) (48 H Continuous I.V. Infusion) in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors. Name of the conference: American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 35th Annual Meeting. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Atlanta, GA, United States of America Date of event: 1999 Aranda E; Carrato A; Cervantes A; Sastre J; Gonsalves Ml; Diaz-Rubio E; Balcells M; Cardenas M; TTD Spanish Group; Prasfarma. "American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Vol.18.Abstract 1064".

274 Title of the work: The Addition of Cisplatin to Continuous Infusion 5-Fluorouracil for the Treatment of Advanced Gastric Cancer. Results of Two consecutive Phase II Trials of the Spanish Group for Gastrointestinal Tumor Therapy (TTD). Name of the conference: American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 35th Annual Meeting. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Atlanta, GA, United States of America Date of event: 1999 Cervantes A; Navarro M; Carrato A; Sastre J; Vicent JM; Tabernero JM; Aparicio J; Escudero P; Rifa J; Torregrosa MD; Maestu I; Diaz-Rubio E; TTD GROUP."American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Vol.18.Abstract 1056".

275 Title of the work: UFT +/- Leucovorín como primera línea de tratamiento en pacientes con edad >72 años con cáncer colorrectal avanzado. Name of the conference: I Jornada SEOM-ASEICA. VII Congreso Soc Esp Oncologia Medica. Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 1999 Sastre J; Abad A; Navarro M; Aranda E; Carrato C; Gallen M; Marcuello E; Rifa J; Arcusa A; Massuti T; Cervantes A; Anton A; Fernandez-Martos C; Diaz-Rubio E."REVISTA DE ONCOLOGÍA Vol 1 supl 1. Abstr.122".

276 Title of the work: Dose-escalated paclitaxel in I-hour infusion with a fixed dose of cisplatin in previously untreated advanced ovarian cancer: A phase II trial of the Spanish group for ovarian cancer Name of the conference: Fox-Chase-Cancer-Center and Free-University-Hospital Investigators Workshop and Consensus Conference on Paclitaxel Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Puerto Rico Date of event: 1997

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Cervantes, A; Mendiola, C; delCampo, JM; Massuti, B; Casado, A; Escobedo, A; Moyano, A; Ojeda, B; Benito, D."SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY; 24(5):40-43".

277 Title of the work: Phase II non-randomized trial of intrapatient escalating paclitaxel over 1-hour infusion and fixed-dose cisplatin in advanced ovarian cancer Name of the conference: 10th International Meeting of the European-Society-of-Gynaecological-Oncology on Gynaecological Oncology Type of event: Conference Type of participation: Participatory - oral communication City of event: Coimbra, Portugal Date of event: 1997 DelCampo, JM; Mendiola, C; Massuti, B; Casado, A; Cervantes, A; Germa, JR; Moyano, A; Ojeda, B; Poveda, A; Benito, D."10TH INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. 1997; 317-321".

278 Title of the work: A multi-omic analysis for prospective patient stratification in localised colorectal cancer (CRC) Name of the conference: 43rd ESMO Congress (ESMO) City of event: Munich, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol; Japanese Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Llavero, N. Tarazona; Fontana, E.; Gambardella, V.; Gimeno-Valiente, F.; Castillo, J.; Calon, A.; Martinez-Ciarpaglini, C.; Peiro-Chova, L.; Huerta, M.; Zuniga, S.; Rentero-Garrido, P.; Monton-Bueno, J.; Roda, D.; Rosello, S.; Bellosillo, B.; Vivancos, A.; Nyamundana, G.; Montagut, C.; Sadanandam, A.; Cervantes, A."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, pp. 717 - 717. 01/10/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

279 Title of the work: A phase 3, double-blind, randomized study of pamiparib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in patients with inoperable, locally advanced, or metastatic gastric cancer that responded to platinum-based first-line chemotherapy - Trial in progress Name of the conference: ESMO 20th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer City of event: Barcelona, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Ciardiello, F.; Bang, Y.; Bendell, J.; Cervantes, A.; Brachmann, R.; Zhang, Y.; Raponi, M.; Farin, H.; Shen, L."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, 01/06/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

280 Title of the work: A phase 3, double-blind, randomized study of pamiparib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in patients with inoperable, locally advanced, or metastatic gastric cancer that responded to platinum-based first-line chemotherapy. Name of the conference: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting City of event: Chicago, United States of America Ciardiello F; Bang YJ; Bendell JC; Cervantes A; Brachmann RK; Zhang YT. "Journal of Clinical Oncology".

281 Title of the work: A phase 3, double-blind, randomized study of pamiparib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in patients with inoperable, locally advanced, or metastatic gastric cancer that responded to platinum-based first-line chemotherapy. Type of contribution: Scientific paper Ciardiello, Fortunato; Bang, Yung-Jue; Bendell, Johanna C.; Cervantes, Andres; Brachmann, Rainer Karl; Zhang, Yuting. "JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY". 36 - 15, 20/05/2018. ISSN 0732-183X, ISSN 1527-7755

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282 Title of the work: A phase III, double-blind, randomized study of pamiparib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in patients with inoperable, locally advanced, or metastatic gastric cancer that responded to platinum-based first-line chemotherapy Name of the conference: 43rd ESMO Congress (ESMO) City of event: Munich, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol; Japanese Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Ciardiello, F.; Bang, Y-J.; Bendell, J.; Cervantes, A.; Brachmann, R.; Zhang, K.; Raponi, M.; Farin, H.; Shen, L."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, pp. 265 - 265. 01/10/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

283 Title of the work: A two arm phase II study of FOLFIRI in combination with standard or escalating dose of cetuximab as first line treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer: Everest 2 final results Name of the conference: ESMO 20th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer City of event: Barcelona, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Chiritescu, G.; Dumon, K.; Macarulla Mercade, T.; Lang, I.; Santos Vivas, C.; Papai, Z.; Janssens, J.; Hendrickx, K.; Pracht, M.; Van den Eynde, M.; Taieb, J.; Moons, V.; Geboes, K.; Van Laethem, J.; Greil, R.; Cervantes, A.; Vergauwe, P.; Ferrante, M.; Vanderstraeten, E.; Fridrik, M.; Woell, E.; Limon, M.; Rivera, F.; Sagaert, X.; Tejpar, S.; Van Cutsem, E."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, 01/06/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

284 Title of the work: CanStem303C trial: A Phase 3 Study of napabucasin (NAPA) in combination with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) in adult patients (pts) with previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) - Trial in progress Name of the conference: ESMO 20th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer City of event: Barcelona, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Shah, M.; Grothey, A.; Tebbutt, N.; Xu, R.; Yoshino, T.; Cervantes, A.; Tabernero, J.; Taieb, J.; Falcone, A.; Xu, B.; Fontaine, M.; Borodyansky, L.; Van Cutsem, E."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, pp. 84 - 84. 01/06/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

285 Title of the work: Does tumour budding contribute to the molecular classification of colorectal carcinoma? Type of contribution: Scientific paper Martinez Ciaipaglini, M. C.; Oltra Sanchiz, S.; Carrasco Bailen, F.; Tarazona, N.; Mongort, C.; Rosello, S.; Roda, D.; Cervantes, A.; Navarro, S."VIRCHOWS ARCHIV". 473, pp. S12 - S12. 01/09/2018. ISSN 0945-6317, ISSN 1432-2307

286 Title of the work: First report of ZNF518B gene expression as a prognostic factor in colorectal cancer development: Role in tissue invasiveness Name of the conference: Conference on Molecular Analysis for Personalised Therapy (MAP) City of event: Paris, Type of contribution: Scientific paper Valiente, F. G.; Riffo-Campos, A. L.; Cervantes, A.; Lopez-Rodas, G.; Franco, L.; Castillo, J."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, 01/09/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

287 Title of the work: Integration of oncology and palliative care Name of the conference: 43rd ESMO Congress (ESMO) City of event: Munich, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol; Japanese Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper

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Kaasa, S.; Loge, J. H.; Albreht, T.; Bruera, E.; Caraceni, A. T.; Cervantes, A.; Higginson, I. J.; Jordan, K.; Sjogren, P.; Stone, P.; Zimmermann, C.; Lundeby, T."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, 01/10/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

288 Title of the work: Intraperitoneal chemotherapy (IP CT) after cytoreductive surgery benefits survival in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC): Results of a pooled meta-analysis including 9 randomized clinical trials (RCT) Name of the conference: 43rd ESMO Congress (ESMO) City of event: Munich, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol; Japanese Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Jimenez-Heredia, M.; Perez Fidalgo, J. A.; Morales Suarez-Varela, M.; Sanchis, J.; Aranda, M.; Cervantes, A."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, pp. 339 - 339. 01/10/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

289 Title of the work: Microsatellite instability status in gastric cancer: why and how? Type of contribution: Scientific paper Ciarpaglini, M. C. Martinez; Fleitas, T.; Llorca-Cardenosa, M.; Mengual, R.; Gil, M.; Carrasco, F.; Mongort, C.; Gambardella, V.; Roda, D.; Susana, R.; Cervantes, A.; Ribas, G."VIRCHOWS ARCHIV". 473, pp. S161 - S161. 01/09/2018. ISSN 0945-6317, ISSN 1432-2307

290 Title of the work: NRF2 activation via PI3K/AKT/mTOR/RPS6 causes resistance to anti-HER2 agents among HER2 amplified gastric cancer Name of the conference: 43rd ESMO Congress (ESMO) City of event: Munich, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol; Japanese Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Gambardella, V.; Gimeno-Valiente, F.; Tarazona, N.; Fleitas Kanonnikoff, T.; Tolosa, P.; Belda Moscardo, M.; Garcia-Mico, B.; Huerta, M.; Rosello, S.; Roda, D.; Cervantes, A.; Castillo, J."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, pp. 224 - 224. 01/10/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

291 Title of the work: Phase I multicenter, open-label study to establish the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of trifluridine/tipiracil (TAS-102) and oxaliplatin combination in patients (pts) with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Name of the conference: Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium City of event: San Francisco, Type of contribution: Scientific paper Hollebecque, Antoine; Calvo, Aitana; Andre, Thierry; Argiles, Guillem; Cervantes, Andres; Leger, Catherine; Valette, Aude; Amellal, Nadia; Fougeray, Ronan; Tabernero, Josep. "JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY". 36 - 4, 01/02/2018. ISSN 0732-183X, ISSN 1527-7755

292 Title of the work: RPS6 through the activation of NRF2 causes resistance to antiHER2 drugs in HER2 amplified gastric cancer (GC) models Name of the conference: Conference on Molecular Analysis for Personalised Therapy (MAP) City of event: Paris, Type of contribution: Scientific paper Gambardella, V.; Valiente, F. G.; Tarazona, N.; Roda, D.; Tolosa, P.; Fleitas Kanonnikoff, T.; Garcia Mico, B.; Huerta, M.; Rosello, S.; Martinez-Ciarpaglini, C.; Cervantes, A.; Castillo, J."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, 01/09/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

293 Title of the work: Real-world dosing of regorafenib (REG) in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Final results from the prospective, observational CORRELATE study Name of the conference: 43rd ESMO Congress (ESMO) City of event: Munich,

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Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol; Japanese Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper O'Connor, J. M.; Ducreux, M.; Petersen, L. N.; Oehler, L.; Bergamo, F.; Metges, J-P.; de Groot, J. W.; Wang, J-Y.; Garcia Paredes, B.; Dochy, E.; Fiala-Buskies, S.; Cervantes, A.; Falcone, A.; CORRELATE Investigators. "ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, 01/10/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

294 Title of the work: Safety and effectiveness of regorafenib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in routine clinical practice: Final analysis from the prospective, observational CORRELATE study Name of the conference: ESMO 20th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer City of event: Barcelona, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Ducreux, M.; Petersen, L.; Oehler, L.; Bergamo, F.; Metges, J.; de Groot, J.; Wang, J.; Garcia Paredes, B.; Kumar, N.; Fiala-Buskies, S.; Cervantes, A.; O'Connor, J.; Falcone, A.; CORRELATE Investigators. "ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, 01/06/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

295 Title of the work: Safety and efficacy of the PD-1 inhibitor ABBV-181 in patients with advanced solid tumors: Preliminary phase I results from study M15-891 Name of the conference: 43rd ESMO Congress (ESMO) City of event: Munich, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol; Japanese Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Powderly, J.; Cassier, P. A.; Cervantes, A.; Gao, B.; Gazzah, A.; Italiano, A.; Lin, C-C.; Luke, J. J.; Moreno, V.; Peltola, K.; Rasco, D.; Spira, A. I.; Tanner, M. M. E.; Tosi, D.; Afar, D.; Englert, S.; Parikh, A.; Reddy, A.; Vosganian, G.; Tolcher, A. W."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, pp. 144 - 144. 01/10/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

296 Title of the work: Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) in elder patients: No impact of age on overall survival (OS) in an unselected cohort Name of the conference: 43rd ESMO Congress (ESMO) City of event: Munich, Organising entity: European Soc Med Oncol; Japanese Soc Med Oncol Type of contribution: Scientific paper Perez Fidalgo, J. A.; Lopez, A.; Gambardella, V.; Navarro, S.; Iranzo, A.; Diaz Fernandez, N.; Tolosa, P.; Silvestre, A.; Iriarte Moncho, E.; Garcia Mora, M. C.; De la Paz, A.; Soler, J. J.; Cervantes, A."ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY". 29, pp. 593 - 593. 01/10/2018. ISSN 0923-7534, ISSN 1569-8041

Works submitted to national or international seminars, workshops and/or courses

1 Title of the work: Estrategias terapéuticas de las metástasis hepáticas de origen colorrectal. Planteamiento general de tratamiento oncológico (factores pronóstico, adyuvancia, neoadyuvancia) Name of the event: Actualizaciones en cirugía colorrectal Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 15/04/2015

2 Title of the work: Colorectal cancer and new therapeutic strategies Name of the event: 1st Joint Meeting UTSW Medical Center & School of Medicine and Dentistry UVEG, Valencia, 5-6 marzo, 2015 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain

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Date of event: 06/03/2015

3 Title of the work: Cáncer de colon: Resultados de los estudios FIRE-3, CRYSTAL Y CALGV Name of the event: XVII Simposio de Revisiones en Cáncer, Madrid, 11-13 febrero, 2015 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 13/02/2015

4 Title of the work: ¿Qué tratamientos y en qué secuencia podemos ofrecer al enfermo con cáncer de colon metastásico?, dentro de Coffe-share, Espacio de conversación con el experto Name of the event: Desafío Oncológico 5: más allá del genoma, Valencia, 3-4 diciembre, 2014 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 03/12/2014

5 Title of the work: Group 2: Guidelines workshop: Translating clinical evidence into guidelines Name of the event: EGFR Advisor's Network (EAN) for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), Lisboa, 14-15 marzo, 2014 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Lisboa, Portugal Date of event: 15/03/2014

6 Title of the work: Cetuximab asentando la mejor supervivencia. Cervantes A, Cruz Hernández JJ, en calidad de moderadores. Name of the event: XVI Simposio de Revisiones en Cáncer, 'Tratamiento médico del cáncer en el año 2014', Madrid, 12-14 febrero, 2014 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 12/02/2014

7 Title of the work: Fundamentos para la reclasificación en biotipos del Cáncer de Ovario. López Guerrero JA, Cervantes A, en calidad de moderadores. Name of the event: 3ª Jornada de Actualización en oncología, Cáncer de ovario: la biología molecular como modelo de desarrollo Type of event: Workshop Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 11/02/2014

8 Title of the work: Cervantes A, Antón A en calidad de moderadores. Controversia 1: Recto superior Name of the event: 21 Simposio Internacional Avances en el Tratamiento de Tumores Digestivos, Córdoba, 12-13 diciembre, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Cordoba, Spain Date of event: 12/12/2013

9 Title of the work: Moderador de la sesión 6: Optimising early pancreatic cancer management Name of the event: Pancreatic Cancer Forum, 2013, Madrid, 29-30 noviembre, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 30/11/2013

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10 Title of the work: Conferencia de clausura: Las sociedades médicas y su desarrollo en el ámbito europeo Name of the event: VI Encuentro Multidisciplinar de Sociedades Científicas, Alcalá de Henares, 8 de noviembre, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Alcalá de Henares, Spain Date of event: 08/11/2013

11 Title of the work: Bienvenida Name of the event: Avances en tumores ginecológicos: Pacientes de alto riesgo y recaídas Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 05/11/2013

12 Title of the work: Cierre Name of the event: Avances en tumores ginecológicos: Pacientes de alto riesgo y recaídas Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 05/11/2013

13 Title of the work: Optimización del tratamiento en pacientes en recaída de cáncer de ovario Name of the event: Avances en tumores ginecológicos: Pacientes de alto riesgo y recaídas Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 05/11/2013

14 Title of the work: Nuevas estrategias en el tratamiento del cáncer de recto Name of the event: Desafío Oncológico Valencia: La Oncología del siglo XXI, cambios en nuestros paradigmas, Valencia, 3-4 octubre, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 03/10/2013

15 Title of the work: Ponencia: Información al paciente de alternativas terapéuticas Name of the event: Jornada de debate: El sistema sanitario frente al cáncer. Una visión desde la Comunidad Valenciana. Valencia, 24 septiembre, 2013 Type of event: Workshop Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 24/09/2013

16 Title of the work: Quimioterapia de conversión en metástasis hepáticas Name of the event: III Curso de manejo multidisciplinario en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentina Date of event: 30/08/2013

17 Title of the work: Conducta del cirujano ante la respuesta a la neoadyuvancia Name of the event: III Curso de manejo multidisciplinario en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal

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Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentina Date of event: 29/08/2013

18 Title of the work: QT adyuvante en cáncer de recto. Objetivos y guidelines Name of the event: III Curso de manejo multidisciplinario en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentina Date of event: 29/08/2013

19 Title of the work: Visión clínica de biomarcadores en oncología, Barcelona, 9 mayo, 2013 Name of the event: II Conclusiones USCAP & AACR Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 09/05/2013

20 Title of the work: 13 Mini conferencia: metástasis hepáticas colorrectales pasibles de tratamiento en pacientes con metástasis extrahepáticas asociadas Name of the event: 3er Curso Internacional Indoors, Tratamiento multidisciplinario de las metástasis hepáticas colorrectales, Argentina, 1-3 mayo, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Villa La Angostura, Argentina Date of event: 03/05/2013

21 Title of the work: 14 Mini conferencia: neoadyuvancia-hepatotoxicidad y respuesta patológica Name of the event: 3er Curso Internacional Indoors, Tratamiento multidisciplinario de las metástasis hepáticas colorrectales, Argentina, 1-3 mayo, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Villa La Angostura, Argentina Date of event: 03/05/2013

22 Title of the work: 1ª Presentación y discusión de caso clínico Name of the event: 3er Curso Internacional Indoors, Tratamiento multidisciplinario de las metástasis hepáticas colorrectales, Argentina, 1-3 mayo, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Villa La Angostura, Argentina Date of event: 02/05/2013

23 Title of the work: 2ª Mini conferencia: Neoadyuvancia en metástasis hepáticas colorrectales claramente resecables Name of the event: 3er Curso Internacional Indoors, Tratamiento multidisciplinario de las metástasis hepáticas colorrectales, Argentina, 1-3 mayo, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Villa La Angostura, Argentina Date of event: 02/05/2013

24 Title of the work: 7ª Mini conferencia: neoadyuvancia en metástasis hepáticas colorrectales irresecables Name of the event: 3er Curso Internacional Indoors, Tratamiento multidisciplinario de las metástasis hepáticas colorrectales, Argentina, 1-3 mayo, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Villa La Angostura, Argentina

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Date of event: 02/05/2013

25 Title of the work: Guías ESMO en tumores raros Name of the event: III Simposio nacional de Tumores Raros: conceptos prácticos, Madrid, 26 abril, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 26/04/2013

26 Title of the work: Introducción y bienvenida Name of the event: Actualización y manejo de los tumores neuroendocrinos pancreáticos, Valencia, 23 abril, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 23/04/2013

27 Title of the work: Moderación primera mesa diagnóstica y cirugía p-Nets Name of the event: Actualización y manejo de los tumores neuroendocrinos pancreáticos, Valencia, 23 abril, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 23/04/2013

28 Title of the work: Terapias dirigidasen cáncer gastroesofágico Name of the event: IV Symposium GEMCAD 2013, Madrid, 18-19 abril, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 19/04/2013

29 Title of the work: Innovation and future of Oncology Name of the event: Oncoloy Summit, Lisboa, 9 marzo, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Lisboa, Portugal Date of event: 09/03/2013

30 Title of the work: ESMO Guidelines: How deep we go in personalized medicine Name of the event: Personalized Medicine Symposium-Signalling Pathways, Sitges, Barcelona, 1-2 marzo, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Sitges, Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 02/03/2013

31 Title of the work: New developments (Eisenhauer E, Cervantes A en concepto de moderadores) Name of the event: 9th International Symposium Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Optimal Therapy. Update Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 01/03/2013

32 Title of the work: Mecanismos de resistencia a inhibidores de EGFR. Estudio epigenómico y de acetilación de proteínas en líneas celulares KRAS mutado y salvaje, y su evaluación en pacientes con cáncer de colon Name of the event: Día Mundial del Cáncer (actos divulgativos Real Academia de Medicina de la CV, Fundació Gent per Gent de la CV, Junta Provincial Asociada de la AECC en Valencia)

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Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 05/02/2013

33 Title of the work: Conclusiones y cierre (Poveda A, Cervantes A) Name of the event: Mejorando el pronóstico de las pacientes en 1ª línea de cáncer de ovario. Valencia, 31 enero, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 31/01/2013

34 Title of the work: Mesa 2. Cáncer de ovario. De la investigación a la práctica clínica. (Cervantes A. en calidad de moderador) Name of the event: Mejorando el pronóstico de las pacientes en 1ª línea de cáncer de ovario. Valencia, 31 enero, 2013 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 31/01/2013

35 Title of the work: Moderador de la Mesa 2: Cáncer de ovario. De la investigación a la práctica clínica Name of the event: Mejorando el pronóstico de las pacientes en 1ª línea de cáncer de ovario Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 31/01/2013

36 Title of the work: Cambios en la metodología de investigación en la era molecular. Name of the event: Symposium pasado, presente y futuro del cáncer de pulmón Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 17/01/2013

37 Title of the work: When is chemotherapy in pN0 recommended? Name of the event: European Consensus Conference Colon & Rectum, organizado por EURECCA, European Registration of Cancer Care Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Perugia, Italy Date of event: 14/12/2012

38 Title of the work: When is neoadjuvant chemotherapy in resectable M+ rectal cancer recommended? Name of the event: European Consensus Conference Colon & Rectum, organizado por EURECCA, European Registration of Cancer Care Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Perugia, Italy Date of event: 14/12/2012

39 Title of the work: When will we recommend adjuvant chemotherapy in rectal cancer? Name of the event: European Consensus Conference Colon & Rectum, organizado por EURECCA, European Registration of Cancer Care Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Perugia, Italy Date of event: 14/12/2012

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40 Title of the work: What is important for oncologists to be present in a pathology report? Name of the event: European Consensus Conference Colon & Rectum, organizado por EURECCA, European Registration of Cancer Care Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Perugia, Italy Date of event: 13/12/2012

41 Title of the work: New antibodies targeting HER3 Name of the event: 7th European Scientific Oncology Conference (ESOC), Marbella, 17-19 octubre, 2012 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Marbella, Spain Date of event: 17/10/2012

42 Title of the work: Targeted treatment Name of the event: The 8th ESO Colorectal Cancer Observatory: Innovation and care in the next 12 months. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Barcelona, Spain Date of event: 30/06/2012

43 Title of the work: Colon Cancer Highlights Name of the event: AIOM post ASCO review: updates and news from the Annual Meeting in Chicago, Bologna, Italia, 16-17 junio, 2012 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Bologona, Italia, Italy Date of event: 16/06/2012

44 Title of the work: Visión clínica de biomarcadores en oncología Name of the event: USCAP & AACR Highlights Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 09/05/2012

45 Title of the work: La aproximación multidisciplinaria para el diagnóstico molecular en Oncología. Name of the event: Jornada 'El valor se crea en el laboratorio clínico' Type of event: Workshop Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 13/04/2012

46 Title of the work: Clinical practice guidelines to set standards at the European level Name of the event: Rare Cancers Conference, Improving the methodology of clinical research on rare cancers, Bruselas, Bélgica, 10 febrero, 2012. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Bruselas, Bélgica, Belgium Date of event: 10/02/2012

47 Title of the work: Tratamiento anti-egfr en el cáncer colorrectal metastásico: beneficio en relación a los subgrupos de pacientes Name of the event: XIV Simposio de Revisiones en Cáncer, Madrid, 8-10 febrero, 2012

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Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 08/02/2012

48 Title of the work: Adyuvancia o neoadyuvancia en tumores del tubo digestivo: adyuvancia y neoadyuvancia en cáncer colorrectal Name of the event: 82º Congreso Argentino de Cirugía Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 17/11/2011

49 Title of the work: Cáncer colorrectal: Abordaje personalizado para aumentar la resecabilidad en pacientes con metástasis de cáncer colorrectal en primera línea' Name of the event: 82º Congreso Argentino de Cirugía Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 17/11/2011

50 Title of the work: Estadio IV en cáncer de colon: ¿Resección del primario, sí o no? Name of the event: 82º Congreso Argentino de Cirugía Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 17/11/2011

51 Title of the work: Novedades en el manejo de neoplasias digestivas Name of the event: Ateneo Clínico Hospitalario . Hospital de Gastroenterología 'Dr Carlos Bonorino Udaondo', Noviembre 2011, Buenos Aires. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 17/11/2011

52 Title of the work: Mesa Redonda: Linhas de Orientaçao diagnóstica e terapêutica. ESMO Guidelines Name of the event: 12º Congresso Nacional de Oncologia Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Portugal Date of event: 13/11/2011

53 Title of the work: Ensayo Fase I en oncología. De la terapia empírica al tratamiento dirigido. Name of the event: Investigación traslacional oncológica Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 26/10/2011

54 Title of the work: Prolonging survivalthrough a personalized approach in mCRC Name of the event: Best of 2011 ASCO Meeting Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Taiwan Date of event: 10/07/2011

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55 Title of the work: A personalized approach to treatment in 1st line mCRC Name of the event: The 2nd Guangzhou International Symposium on Oncology Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: China Date of event: 21/05/2011

56 Title of the work: Cáncer de Ovario. Clasificación histopatológica y molecular. Las opciones de tratamiento de quimioterapia de primera línea Name of the event: Avances en el tratamiento del cáncer de mama, Valencia, 24-25 marzo, 2011. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 25/03/2011

57 Title of the work: Estrategias de tratamiento en recaídas platino sensibles. Implicaciones en la práctica clínica. Name of the event: Avances en el tratamiento del cáncer de mama, Valencia, 24-25 marzo, 2011. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 25/03/2011

58 Title of the work: Nuevos avances en el tratamiento de los tumores sólidos con fármacos anti-diana Name of the event: Simposio de Revisiones en Cáncer Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 10/02/2011

59 Title of the work: Aproximaciones al tratamiento preoperatorio y complementario en cáncer de recto Name of the event: 18Simposio Internacional TTD. Avances en el Tratamiento de Tumores Digestivos. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: A Coruña, Spain Date of event: 16/12/2010

60 Title of the work: Conclusiones Name of the event: Nuevas tendencias en el tratamiento del cáncer de ovario, Valencia 14 diciembre, 2010 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 14/12/2010

61 Title of the work: En calidad de coordinador de 'Nuevas tendencias en el tratamiento del cáncer de ovario' Name of the event: Nuevas tendencias en el tratamiento del cáncer de ovario, Valencia, 14 diciembre, 2010 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 14/12/2010

62 Title of the work: Anticuerpos monoclonales en cáncer colorrectal metastático: ¿Una nueva opción para la curación? Name of the event: Futuras posibilidades terapéuticas del cáncer de colon Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 28/10/2010

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63 Title of the work: Avances en la prevención y tratamiento de la enfermedad oncológica Name of the event: 10 anys amb tu, Hospital de la Plana Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Vila-Real, Spain Date of event: 21/10/2010

64 Title of the work: GC Her2+/Her-: New entities? Name of the event: 3rd LAROS Santiago, Chile, 1-3 septiembre, 2010 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Santiago, Chile Date of event: 02/09/2010

65 Title of the work: Something new in GC? Name of the event: 3rd LAROS Santiago, Chile, 1-3 septiembre, 2010 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Santiago, Chile Date of event: 02/09/2010

66 Title of the work: Preguntas sin responder: Necesidades de investigación Name of the event: Foro de Debate en Oncología, Formigal, Huesca, 7-10 abril, 2010 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Formigal (Huesca), Spain Date of event: 09/04/2010

67 Title of the work: Choice of cytotoxic agents. Have we reached the limit of conventional cytotoxic agents? Does the tumour site at the E-G junction make any difference to the selection of combination therapy? Name of the event: II EUNE Gastric Cancer International Workshop, Madrid, 25-26 marzo, 2010. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 26/03/2010

68 Title of the work: En calidad de moderador en 'Advanced Disease' Name of the event: II EUNE Gastric Cancer International Workshop, Madrid, 25-26 marzo, 2010. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 26/03/2010

69 Title of the work: Cáncer colorrectal: Enfermedad avanzada. Cervantes A en calidad de moderador Name of the event: 17 Simposio Internacional TTD. Avances en el Tratamiento de Tumores Digestivos. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Santander, Spain Date of event: 10/12/2009

70 Title of the work: Recursos de una unidad de fase I en tumores sólidos Name of the event: I Reunión Científica de SOLTI Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 28/11/2009

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71 Title of the work: Mesa Redonda: Carcinomatosis colorrectal. Cervantes A en calidad de ponente. Name of the event: III Reunión nacional de cirugía de la carcinomatosis peritoneal (GECOP) Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 06/11/2009

72 Title of the work: Mesa Redonda: Diagnóstico, estadiaje, opciones terapéuticas. Cervantes A en calidad de ponente. Name of the event: III Reunión nacional de cirugía de la carcinomatosis peritoneal (GECOP) Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 05/11/2009

73 Title of the work: Cancro do recto: Terapêutica multimodal-'Estado da Arte' em 2009 Name of the event: 5º Simpósio nacional de cancro digestivo Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Algarve, Portugal Date of event: 17/10/2009

74 Title of the work: El rol de Erbitux en el tratamiento personalizado del cáncer de colon metastásico Name of the event: Jornadas de Oncología y Cirugía Digestivas del NOA Type of event: Workshop Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Tafí del Valle, Argentina Date of event: 04/09/2009

75 Title of the work: Cetuximab en el tratamiento del cáncer de colon avanzado, ¿a quiénes y por qué? Name of the event: Simposio Cáncer de colon metastásico Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date of event: 02/09/2009

76 Title of the work: Cáncer de ovario platino-resistente. Name of the event: Foro de Debate en Oncología Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Sallent de Gállego (Huesca), Spain Date of event: 03/04/2009

77 Title of the work: Aurora kinases and polo kinases in cancer Name of the event: 1st Forum of novel investigators Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Carmona (Sevilla), Spain Date of event: 14/03/2009

78 Title of the work: Session 1: Biomarkers and early detection. Cervantes A en calidad de moderador. Name of the event: 7th International Symposium on 'Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Optimal Therapy. Update' Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 27/02/2009

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79 Title of the work: KRAS: Factor predictivo de respuesta en primera línea de tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal metastásico Name of the event: XI Simposio de Revisiones en Cáncer Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 04/02/2009

80 Title of the work: Estudios fase I con fármacos dirigidos a nuevas dianas moleculares Name of the event: Hepatocarcinoma: Neoplasia con posibilidades terapéuticas Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 28/01/2009

81 Title of the work: Terapia adyuvante. Name of the event: 6th Conference on Oncology Gastrointestinal Tumour Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Córdoba, Spain Date of event: 17/12/2008

82 Title of the work: Tratamiento quimioterápico post-operatorio en los estadíos II-III: Cuál es la mejor opción Name of the event: 16 Simposio Internacional TTD. Avances en el Tratamiento de Tumores Digestivos. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Málaga, Spain Date of event: 12/12/2008

83 Title of the work: Cetuximab y K-RAS: Hacia una terapia personalizada en primera línea en CCRM: Una posibilidad de curación. Name of the event: XXVI Congreso Nacional de Oncología Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: León Guanajuato, Mexico Date of event: 23/10/2008

84 Title of the work: Cáncer colorrectal mestastásico. Name of the event: XX Curso avanzado de oncología médica Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: San Lorenzo de El Escorial-Mad, Spain Date of event: 18/10/2008

85 Title of the work: Estrategias de tratamiento adyuvante en cáncer de colon. Name of the event: XX Curso avanzado de oncología médica Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: San Lorenzo de El Escorial-Mad, Spain Date of event: 18/10/2008

86 Title of the work: Magistral Lecture: neoadjuvant chemotherapy in gastric cancer. Name of the event: Nuove criticità e certezze consolidate nelle neoplasie della mammella e dello stomaco Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Reggio Emilia, Italy Date of event: 03/10/2008

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87 Title of the work: Tendencias de futuro en cánceres ginecológicos: ¿hacia dónde nos dirigimos? Name of the event: Foro de Cáncer de Ovario y de Cérvix 2008 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 25/09/2008

88 Title of the work: Indicaciones actuales de neoadyuvancia según la estadificación. Name of the event: XII Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Coloproctología. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 15/05/2008

89 Title of the work: Symposium: Resultados oncológicos de cirugía 'curativa' electiva y urgente del cáncer de colon. ¿Qué debemos mejorar? Name of the event: XII Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Coloproctología. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 15/05/2008

90 Title of the work: Impacto de los avances en el tratamiento del cáncer de ovario Name of the event: Actualización del tratamiento en cáncer de mama y cáncer de ovario Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 22/04/2008

91 Title of the work: Clinical case session: Colorectal and gastrointestinal cancers. Name of the event: 7th Masterclass in Clinical Oncology-2nd Masterclass in Oncology Nursing Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Sofia, Bulgaria Date of event: 03/03/2008

92 Title of the work: Clinical session Colorectal and gastrointestinal cancer Name of the event: 7th Masterclass in Clinical Oncology-2nd Masterclass in Oncology Nursing Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Sofia, Bulgaria Date of event: 03/03/2008

93 Title of the work: Patient-oriented multi-professional session Colorectal cancer Name of the event: 7th Masterclass in Clinical Oncology-2nd Masterclass in Oncology Nursing Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Sofia, Bulgaria Date of event: 03/03/2008

94 Title of the work: Panitumumab: una nueva opción en el tratamiento del cáncer de colon. Name of the event: X Simposio de revisiones en cáncer Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 14/02/2008

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95 Title of the work: Tratamiento complementario del cáncer colorrectal. Propuestas de mejora de resultados en el cáncer de recto operable. Name of the event: 15 Simposio Internacional TTD. Avances en el Tratamiento de Tumores Digestivos. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Alicante, Spain Date of event: 14/12/2007

96 Title of the work: Mesa redonda: Plataformas tecnológicas de medicamentos innovadores y atracción de I+D. La implementación hospitalaria de una unidad de ensayos clínicos en un servicio asistencial. Name of the event: Jornada de Investigación de la Conselleria de Sanitat. Investigar en salud con Europa. Type of event: Workshop Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 12/12/2007

97 Title of the work: Dr. Andrés Cervantes como discursor: Controversias en el tratamiento del Cáncer de Ovario. Name of the event: Foro de Cáncer de Ovario y de Cérvix Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 29/11/2007

98 Title of the work: Nuevas perspectivas en el tratamiento del cáncer de colon Name of the event: Cáncer de colon, un mejor futuro Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 22/11/2007

99 Title of the work: Conferencia magistral: Virus del papiloma humano (VHP) Name of the event: Hitos oncológicos: Lo mejor de 2007 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 20/11/2007

100 Title of the work: Farmacogenómica en cáncer de colon: Hacia un tratamiento individualizado. Name of the event: Estudio de mutaciones y polimorfismos: Aspectos básicos y clínicos. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 15/11/2007

101 Title of the work: Actualidades Erbitux en Cáncer Colo-Rectal (1ª línea) Name of the event: Actualidades en Terapias Blanco 2007 Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico Date of event: 13/10/2007

102 Title of the work: El papel de Erbitux en segunda línea de tratamiento. Name of the event: Simposio Satélite Merck Ebitux: Avances en el tratamiento del cáncer Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 04/10/2007

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103 Title of the work: Novedades en la reunión anual de la Asociación Americana de Oncología Clínica (ASCO-junio 2007) relacionadas con el cáncer gastrointestinal (ASCO-Junio2007) Name of the event: Curso de actualización sobre cáncer gastrointestinal. Type of event: Course Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Donostia, Spain Date of event: 21/09/2007

104 Title of the work: Welcome Name of the event: 6th International Symposium on 'Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Optimal Therapy. Update' Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 02/03/2007

105 Title of the work: Welcome Name of the event: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Optimal Therapy. Update. Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Valencia, Spain Date of event: 02/03/2007

106 Title of the work: Estado actual del tratamiento con cetuximab tras recaida a otra terapia y nueva pauta de administración quincenal. Name of the event: Simposio de Revisiones en Cáncer Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: Madrid, Spain Date of event: 07/02/2007

107 Title of the work: Cáncer de Recto. Name of the event: XVIII Curso Avanzado de Oncología Médica Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain Date of event: 04/10/2006

108 Title of the work: Estrategias de Tratamiento Complementario en Cáncer de Colon. Name of the event: XVIII Curso Avanzado de Oncología Médica Reasons for participation: Speaker City of event: San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain Date of event: 04/10/2006

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R&D management and participation in scientific committees

Scientific, technical and/or assessment committees

1 Committee title: Comité Científico de la 10th International Symposium Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Optimal therapy. Update Affiliation entity: Grupo Español de Investigación en Cáncer de Ovario. GEICO Start-End date: 03/2014 - 06/03/2015

2 Committee title: Comité científico del 21 Simposio Internacional Avances en el Tratamiento de Tumores Digestivos, Córdoba, 12-13 diciembre, 2013 Affiliation entity: Grupo TTD Start-End date: 01/01/2013 - 13/12/2013

3 Committee title: Miembro del Comité Científico del 15th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 3-6 julio, 2013 Affiliation entity: 9240 - European Society of Medical Oncology Start-End date: 01/01/2013 - 06/07/2013

4 Committee title: Scientific Committee for the 15th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer Affiliation entity: European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Start-End date: 01/01/2013 - 06/07/2013

5 Committee title: Comité Científico del IV Symposium GEMCAD 2013, Madrid, 18-19 abril, 2013 Affiliation entity: Grupo Español Multidisciplinar en Cáncer Digestivo (GEMCAD) Start-End date: 01/01/2013 - 19/04/2013

6 Committee title: Scientific Committee del Personalized Medicine Symposium, Signalling Pathways, Sitges (Barcelona), 1-2 marzo, 2013 Affiliation entity: European Society of Medical Oncology Start-End date: 01/01/2013 - 02/03/2013

7 Committee title: Comité científico del 9th International Symposium Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Optimal Therapy. Update, Valencia, 1 marzo, 2013 Affiliation entity: Grupo Español de Investigación en Cáncer de Ovario. GEICO Start-End date: 01/01/2013 - 01/03/2013

8 Committee title: Comité Científico del 14th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 27-30 junio, 2012 Affiliation entity: European Society of Medical Oncology Start-End date: 01/01/2012 - 30/06/2012

9 Committee title: Miembro del Comité Científico del 8th International Symposium Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Optimal Therapy. Update Affiliation entity: Grupo Español de Investigación en Cáncer de Ovario. GEICO Start-End date: 2011 - 2011

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10 Committee title: Scientific Committee Affiliation entity: Educational Cancer Convention Lugano Start-End date: 2009 - 2009

Evaluation and revision of R&D projects and articles

Name of the activity: Revisor de la revista European Journal of Cancer Entity where activity was carried out: European Journal of Cancer-ELSEVIER Type of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journals Geographical area: Internacional Start-End date: 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2012

Other achievements

Scientific societies and professional associations

Name of the society: Incorporación como Académico Correspondiente a la Reial Acadèmica de Medicina de la Comunitat Valenciana Affiliation entity: Reial Acadèmica de Medicina de la Comunitat Valenciana Start date: 01/12/2015

Summary of other achievements

1 Description of the achievement: Chair del Comité Educativo de ESMO desde enero 2016 Accrediting entity: European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Conferral date: 01/01/2016

2 Description of the achievement: Coordinación de la sección +MIR de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) hasta la actuzalidad Accrediting entity: Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) Conferral date: 01/01/2014

3 Description of the achievement: Other courses: Cervantes A, Ciardiello F, Taïeb J, en la Discussion d'experts européens: Données récentes et mise en perspective (9èmes Rencontres Nationales Merck Serono Oncologie Programme 'Cancers digestifs', París, 28-29 noviembre, 2013 Conferral date: 28/11/2013

4 Description of the achievement: Asistencia al III Simposio nacional de Tumores Raros: conceptos prácticos, Madrid, 26 abril, 2013 Conferral date: 26/04/2013

5 Description of the achievement: Asistencia al 29 Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, Madrid, 12-15 noviembre, 2012 Accrediting entity: Asociación Española de Cirujanos Conferral date: 12/11/2012

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6 Description of the achievement: Desarrollo clínico, asistencial y / o desarrollo tecnológico: Recertificación aprobada como médico oncólogo por ESMO-MORA Conferral date: 12/2011

7 Description of the achievement: Development: clinical, care and / or technological development: Recertificación aprobada como médico oncólogo por ESMO-MORA Conferral date: 12/2011

8 Description of the achievement: Other courses: Asistencia al 13th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer.22-25 junio, 2011, Barcelona, España Conferral date: 22/06/2011

9 Description of the achievement: Otros cursos: Asistencia al 13th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer.22-25 junio, 2011, Barcelona, España Conferral date: 22/06/2011

10 Description of the achievement: Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de ESMO desde enero de 2011 hasta la actualidad Accrediting entity: European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Conferral date: 01/01/2011

11 Description of the achievement: Miembro del Comité Científico de la III Reunión Nacional de Cirugía de la Carcinomatosis Peritoneal. Conferral date: 05/11/2009

12 Description of the achievement: Miembro del Comité Científico del 7th International Symposium on 'Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Optimal Therapy. Update' Conferral date: 27/02/2009

13 Description of the achievement: Miembro del Comité Educativo de ESMO desde enero 2001 hasta la actualidad Accrediting entity: European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Conferral date: 01/01/2001

14 Description of the achievement: Líneas de investigación: Predisposición hereditaria al cáncer de mama; 01/01/1997 -- Accrediting entity: Hospital clínico universitario de Valencia Conferral date: 01/01/1997

15 Description of the achievement: Research lines: Predisposición hereditaria al cáncer de mama; 01/01/1997 -- Accrediting entity: Hospital clínico universitario de Valencia Conferral date: 01/01/1997

16 Description of the achievement: Editor in Chief de la Revista Clinical & Translational Oncology. Designado por la Directora General de Ordenación, Evaluación e Investigación Sanitaria de la Conselleria de Sanitat (Generalitat Valenciana) como Experto del Área de Cuidados paliativos del III Plan de Salud de la Comunitat Valenciana 2010-2013

17 Description of the achievement: Miembro de la Comisión de Seguimiento de la Cátedra Sistemas Genómicos con efectos desde el 5 de octubre de 2012.

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18 Description of the achievement: Acreditado por la ANECA para presentarse a las pruebas como Catedrático de Universidad

19 Description of the achievement: Presidente ESMO Conference Lugano (ECLU) 2007

20 Description of the achievement: Presidente del Comité Científico del ECCO 14 de la categoría de cáncer gastrointestinal no-colorrectal.