The Voice of Notre Dame
Senate Approves $12~000 Budget · ·· . ·. · · By Bob Lumpkins ·· · · and passed without question. The StudentSenatepassedabud- Other larger expenditures, like get of $19,363,24 at its meeting of those of the AcademicCommiss- November 2. ion, attracted only slight scru- - The budget was actually consid- tiny, Along with these routine al e red, section by section, at two locations, though, were several meetings, the first on October 27. controversial measures,- notably Overall, nearly nine hours were NSA and NFCCS, which occupied spent considering the measure. much of the Senate's tirre, , This budget meeting, like all The National Student Associa others, was marked by the usual tion question was settled at the picayune squabblings. · At one first of the budget meetings, after point, the Senate argued for 10 some 1 lf4 hours of debate, A minutes on whether to allocate $15 group of senators, led by Bob Ste or $20 to print up cards for the wart and Barry McNamara., at Rider's Board; but on one mem- tempted to pull Notre Dame out tioned the next item on the bud- of the organization, largely on ac get, $325 for the Student Govern- count of its leftist i>oliticallean- ment banquet, ings. On the whole; however, debate However, strong backing by Stu- was relevant and thoughtful, and dent BodyPresidentJohnGearen, the meeting proceeded at a rea- who suggested that we stay in and sonable rate, Many of the appro- try to assume a position of ... priations, such as for Student leadership, helped the pro-NSA Senators Kirschen, Bender, Crutcher, Mi:zdden, Murphy, Mulvihill, and junior Class President Government administrative ex- supporters win their$650 alloca John Phillips listen as John Darrouzet speaks against continued participation in NFCCS.
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