Re1Release Abatement Mea (RAM)Ptan AmendmentN. 2&tStat RRepnrN. RTN2-0016646. 40 HaywardStreet Franklin,Massachusetts

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hisNIARINCoiiainisomaprt h seafpia u enngnt o|hIr Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2 RECNu 1 2 2007 DEC for

RTN 2-0016646

Franklin DPW Facility 40 Hayward Street Franklin, Massachusetts

December 2007

Prepared For:

Franklin Department of Public Works 257 Fisher Street Franklin, MA 02038

Prepared By:

Comprehensive Environmental Inc. 64 Dilla Street Milford, MA 01757 Table of Contents

Section Page

1.0 Introdu ction ...... I 1.1 RAM Responsibility...... 1

2.0 Description of Site Conditions and Surrounding Receptors ...... 2 2.1 Description of the Site Conditions...... 2 2.2 Surrounding Receptors...... 2 2.3 Initial Site Investigation...... 3 2.4 Description of the Release ...... 3

3.0 Status of Response Operations...... 4

4.0 Significant New Site Information & Data ...... 5

5.0 Objectives and Implementation Schedule...... 7 5.1 Objectives ...... 7 5.2 In-situ Treatment Evaluation ...... 8 5.3 Specific Plans...... 8 5 .4 S ch edu le ...... 9

6.0 Monitoring Plan ...... 9

7.0 Management of Remediation W aste...... 11

8 .0 P erm ittin g ...... 1 1

9.0 Licensed Site Professional Opinion...... I I

List of Figures

Figure 1. Site Locus Map Figure 2. DEP Priority Resource Map Figure 3. Site Plan

List of Tables

Table 1. Summary of Remedial Additive Monitoring Data Table 2. Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results

List of Appendices

Appendix A MassDEP Approval for In-situ Treatment Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Reports Appendix C Updated Health & Safety Plan for In-situ Treatment Appendix D Waste Disposal Documentation Appendix E BWSC-106 Form Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646

1.0 Introduction Comprehensive Environmental Inc. (CEI) is filing this Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan Amendment and Status Report on behalf of the Town of Franklin for the property located at 40 Hayward Street in Franklin, MA. The April 2007 RAM Plan outlined the remedial activities to address petroleum impacted soils that included the excavation, removal/stockpile, and testing for off-site recycling or on-site recycling with off-site reuse of petroleum impacted soils at the site. The RAM Plan also included the dewatering, treatment, and discharge of impacted groundwater from the excavation during the contaminated soil removal activities.

A RAM Amendment was submitted in June 2007 and outlined the specific plans to incorporate the use of injection wells for in-situ hydrogen peroxide treatment of impacted soils remaining beneath a portion of the DPW garage building. Impacted soils in the vicinity of soil boring B-205 could not be removed as part of the RAM excavation activities without compromising the structural integrity of the building. The June 2007 RAM Amendment Plan was also submitted to provide notice of the increased volume of soil remediation waste and that sufficient financial resources exist to comply with 310 CMR 40.0030, as outlined in 310 CMR 40.0442(5).

This RAM Amendment and Status Report has been prepared in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0444 and 40.0445 of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). The purpose of this RAM Amendment is to incorporate the use of potassium permanganate to address the dissolved fraction as part of the current in-situ treatment program that was approved August 13, 2007. The use of this chemical was not specifically outlined in the June 2007 RAM Amendment and requires written approval by MassDEP, as outlined at 310 CMR 40.0046(3).

The proposed modifications and status update to the June 2007 RAM Amendment are outlined below by section, as applicable. Sections that remain unchanged are noted and the original RAM Plan text is shown in italics for reference. 1.1 RAM Responsibility No Change. The responsibleparty for conducting the response action as discussed herein is: Robert Cantoreggi,DPWDirector Franklin Department of Public Works 257 FisherStreet Franklin,MA 02038 Phone: (508) 520-4910 Relationship to Site: Operator

Page 1 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646 2.0 Description of Site Conditions and Surrounding Receptors

21 Description of the Site Conditions No Chanee. The site is located at 40 HaywardStreet in Franklin, Massachusetts and a locus map is provided as Figure1. The site consists of approximately 8.78-acre and is owned by the Town of Franklin with DPW administrativeoffices located at 257 Fisher Street, Franklin, MA. The Highway Facility consists of a garage building, two salt sheds, and a fueling station. The garage building houses the Highway Department offices, vehicle maintenance area, vehicles, and equipment. The onsite fueling station is used to fuel all Town owned vehicles. The site is serviced by public water and sewer utilities. Southwest of the primarygarage building are two buildings that house equipment and materialsfor the Franklin Water Department. The larger of these two buildings is referred to as the former DPW Garage and southwest of this building is the area subject to the release described herein, referred to as the site. According to DPW representatives,fuel dispensingpumps and undergroundstorage tanks were located at this building.

The site is bounded by vacant land and HaywardStreet to the north, wetlands and forested land to the south and west, and the MBTA railroadto the east, beyond which are commercialproperties. The FranklinAnimal Control building, Water Treatment Plant and DPWAdministrative Office building are located to the east/southeastof the site. According to the U.S. Geological Survey topographicquadrangle map of the area (Franklin Quadrangle,1997) the site consists of an elevation of approximately 236feet (72 meters) above mean sea level, and with rising elevations to the north, southeast, and east of the site. Mine Brook abuts the site to the west andflows in a northerly direction from the Miscoe Brook past the site to the Charles River. The U.S. Geological Survey maps indicate that regionalgroundwater flow is generally toward the north,flowing along the similar direction as Mine Brook Localized groundwaterflow direction in the immediate vicinity of the release area is toward the west, but may vary as a result of heterogeneous subsurface conditions. 2.2 Surrounding Receptors No Chanze. The subject site is located in a commercial area of Franklin, with nearby businesses to the east along Hayward Street and Fisher Street. Abutting sites are owned and operated by the Town of Franklin beyond which is the MBTA rail line. To the south and west are forested land, wetlands and Mine Brook. Beaver Pond is located approximately 1,250 feet west of the site. The Town of Franklin has two public water supply wells located approximately 500 feet southwest of the site and the site is currently located within the Zone II groundwaterrecharge areafor these wells. Protectedopen space and estimated habitat of rare wildlife in wetland areas are located in close proximity to the site. Additional receptor information is provided on the DEP PriorityResource Map included as Figure2.

Page 2 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646 2.3 Initial Site investigation No Chanee; refer to the April 2007 RAM Plan for Figures, Tables and Appendices. Rizzo conducted a subsurface site investigation to assess the extent ofpetroleum impacts observed during utility work at the site. On December 14 and 28, 2006, Rizzo installed 43 soil borings in which 6 were completed as groundwatermonitoring wells. The soil borings were installed to assess the extent ofpetroleum impacts at the site. The locations of the soil boring/ monitoring wells are depicted on Figure 3. Soil headspace screening results indicated elevated petroleum compounds in soils (>100 ppm) at numerous locations and Rizzo collected selected soil samplesfrom across the impacted area. Soil samples were submitted to a laboratoryfor analysis of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and extractablepetroleum hydrocarbons (EPH), including target analytes. The soil analytical results indicated that the limit of impacted soils is adequately defined and petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations at soil boring B-205 (7') exceed the Reportable Concentrationsfor Category S-1 and S-2. Headspace screening results are provided in Table 1 and the soil analyticalresults are summarized in Table 2, and the laboratory analyticalreports were included in the RAM Plan dated April 2007.

On December 15 and 28, 2006 the monitoring wells installed by Rizzo were sampledfor VPH and EPHincluding target analytes, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). The results of the groundwatersampling are presented on Table 3, and the laboratoryanalytical report is included in Appendix A. The groundwaterresults exceeded the MCP Reportable Concentrationsfor category GW-1 (RCGW-1)for petroleum related compounds at monitoring locations MW-1, MW-3 and MW-5. Release and site conditions are discussedfurther in Section 2.4. The inferred groundwaterflow is depicted on Figure4. 2.4 Description of the Release No Chanze. As discussed in Section 2.3, petroleum related compounds have been detected in soil and groundwater at concentrations that exceed the MCP Reportable Concentrationsfor soil category S-1, S-2 and groundwater category GW-1. Petroleum compounds detected at the southwest portion of theformer DPW Garage indicate that a historicalrelease of gasoline occurred in the vicinity of theformerfuel dispensing equipment and/or the former undergroundstorage tanks (USTs). According to on-site representatives,this equipment was decommissioned in the early 1980s and no records are available with the FranklinFire Departmentpertaining to these USTs. The extent ofpetroleum impacted soil is adequately defined and is generally associatedwith the groundwatertable elevation. Petroleum impacted soils arepresent beneath a portion of the former DPW Garageat a depth of 7 feet and headspace screening indicates that soils are impacted at approximately 0.5 feet below grade at boring B-1 16; therefore, some variation in the impacted horizon is present at the site.

One VOC (tetrachloroetheneor PCE) was detected in monitoring well MW-1, located just off the southwestern side of the former DPW garage,at a concentrationslightly above the RCGW-J standards. This VOC is commonly associatedwith solvents that may have been used at the site in the past. PCE was not detected in soil samples in the Page 3 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646 vicinity of MW-1; therefore, the residual dissolvedfraction appears to be limited in extent.

PAHs in groundwater were detected at concentrationsgreater than the RCGW-1 standardsat location MW-3 and do not appear to be associatedwith the aforementioned petroleum impacted area. Most of these compounds were not detected within the investigatedpetroleum source area and are more likely associatedwith coal ash containingfill and/or urbanfillmaterials at location MW-3. It is unlikely that the apparent impacted groundwaterat this location is associatedwith the migration of dissolved-phase petroleum productsfrom the formerfuel dispensing/storagelocation. 3.0 Status of Response Operations The status of response actions since the June 2007 IRA Amendment/Status Report are discussed below with respect to soil and groundwater.

Soil As discussed in the June 2007 Status Report, excavation activities were completed and contaminated soils were removed to meet the Method I S-1/GW-I standards. Excavated soils were recycled on-site under a Beneficial Use Determination for reuse as daily cover at an approved landfill facility. The disposal weights and facility information are discussed further in Section 7.0.

An in-situ treatment program was completed at the site to address the small area of contaminated soil beneath the southwest corner of the old DPW garage building. MassDEP approved the use of hydrogen peroxide for in-situ treatment of soils and groundwater on August 13, 2007. A copy of the MassDEP approval is included as Appendix A. A total of eight (8) injection wells and four (4) monitoring wells were installed by Soil Exploration Corp. with CEI oversight on August 30, 2007. The locations of injection and monitoring wells are depicted on Figure 3. Injection wells were installed with a screen interval that straddled the impacted horizon (6-8') beneath the building. Injections wells are 2" diameter with a full grout seal.

One round of peroxide treatment was conducted on September 19, 2007 and approximately 825 gallons of hydrogen peroxide (H202) at 11-12% was delivered to the injection wells. MassDEP was present on-site during initial field activities that involved the delivery of Fenton's reagent. Groundwater monitoring to evaluate the treatment program was conducted on September 19 & 20, 2007. The results of the initial in-situ treatment program are discussed further in Section 4.0. The need for additional in-situ treatment and modifications to incorporate potassium permanganate are discussed in Sections 4.0 and 5.0.

Groundwater Groundwater treatment using the fractionation tank, bag filters and the granular activated carbon (GAC) vessels ceased in early June 2007 and the remaining spent carbon was shipped off-site on June 15, 2007. However, groundwater treatment continued at the Bay Sump location depicted on Figure 3 to address impacted groundwater migrating from

Page 4 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646 beneath the building. As part of backfill activities, a lateral perforated pipe was installed in a stone bedding just outside the building, parallel to the outside wall and at an approximate elevation of 7' below grade. A low flow (<10 gpm) 2-drum GAC treatment system was installed on June 13, 2007 and operated during normal work hours. A permit modification was submitted to the Charles River Pollution Control District (CRPCD) to discharge treated water from this system to the on-site sanitary sewer system. This system will be operated concurrent with the proposed groundwater treatment activities discussed in Section 5.0.

As mentioned above, four groundwater monitoring wells (2" dia.) were installed to approximately 12 feet below grade with approximately 10 feet of screen to intercept the groundwater table. Groundwater monitoring wells were surveyed to an arbitrary benchmark and groundwater elevations were measured on September 19, 2007 prior to in-situ treatment activities. A round of post-treatment groundwater samples was collected on October 18, 2007 to collect the first round of post-excavation groundwater sampling and evaluate the effectiveness of the aforementioned in-situ treatment program. The locations of the monitoring wells, groundwater elevations and estimated groundwater flow direction are depicted on Figure 3. 4.0 Significant New Site Information and Data In-situ Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment Activities As discussed previously, CEI completed a single round of in-situ treatment on September 19, 2007 using hydrogen peroxide (H2 0 2). Approximately 550 gallons of Fenton's Reagent (to enhance the oxidation) was delivered to injection wells INJ-I through INJ-5 to establish a radius of influence, as measured by a pH at or below 2.0 at nearby injection /monitoring wells. The Fenton's Reagent consisted of approximately 12 gallons of sulfuric acid (93%) and 200 pounds of ferrous sulfate mixed with 550 +/- gallons of clean water. Once a radius of influence was established, as monitored by field conditions, approximately 825 gallons of hydrogen peroxide (H20 2) at I1-12% was delivered into injection wells INJ-1 through INJ-8 located in the southwest corner of the DPW garage building (reference Figure 3). Site activities were conducted in accordance with the plans outlined in the June 2007 RAM Amendment and August 13, 2007 approval by MassDEP.

Field monitoring before, during and after in-situ treatment activities was conducted using a peristaltic pump, flow through cell and multi-meter for pH, conductivity, oxidation/ reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen and temperature. Reaction of the H20 2 and contaminants in soil/groundwater was monitored using headspace screening and groundwater parameters at nearby wells. An effective radius of influence and chemical delivery rate were estimated based on temperature change, for example, at MW-7 (3.9 "C), MW-8 (2.1 'C) and INJ-6 (5.5 "C) over a period of approximately 3 hours.

Headspace readings in monitoring wells showed a range of28 ppm to 135 ppm at INJ-8 and INJ-4, respectively, within approximately one hour of H20 2 injection. This information indicates that the oxidation reaction (i.e., contaminant destruction) and heating of the impacted media resulted in off-gases. It is important to note that

Page 5 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646 atmospheric monitoring was conducted in the building and treatment/work area using an OVM and no VOCs were detected in the building during treatment activities.

Groundwater monitoring was conducted to evaluate the concentrations of remedial additives before and after in-situ treatment activities in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0046. This data is summarized below in Table 1 and laboratory data sheets are provided in Appendix B. Iron and sulfate were monitored before and after in-situ treatment activities due to the addition of ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) (i.e., Fenton's reagent). The data indicate that the concentrations of iron and sulfate increased significant within the treatment area, following treatment activities on September 19, 2007 and as expected. Iron impact was observed at the nearby downgradient monitoring well MW-7. Pre and post-treatment monitoring data at MW-2R, which is the furthest downgradient monitoring location, indicate that sulfate and pH remain relatively unchanged and within background conditions. However, the iron concentration is elevated and appears to represent a data anomaly. It is worth noting that a stormwater detention basin was constructed within the last six months adjacent to MW-2R and approximately 0.71" rain occurred on October 19, 2007, versus the extended dry period that occurred up to September 19, 2007. Based on the limited volume (-200 lbs. FeSO4) and distribution area for in-situ chemical treatment, a significant impact at MW-2R (-175' downgradient) is unlikely. Groundwater at this location will be evaluated as part of future monitoring activities.

Table 1. Summary of Remedial Additive Monitoring Data Location Bay Sump MW-7 MW-2R Groundwater Standards (314 CMR 6.00) Date 7/6/07 10/19/07 10/19/07 9/19/07 10/19/07 pH 6.5-6.6 4.3-4.3 6.2-6.3 6.4-6.6 6.5-6.7 6.5-6.8 (or within 0.2

______background range) Iron (mg/L) 2.08 35 22.4 <0.06 26.4 0.3 Sulfate (mg/L) 43 238 36 32.2 39 250 Notes: pH is based on field monitoring data (range) during well sampling activities. Groundwater standards are a secondary maximum contaminant level for aesthetic purposes (e.g., taste) and to evaluate treatment needs.

An initial post-treatment groundwater sample was collected from the Bay Sump on October 2, 2007 to evaluate the effectiveness of the initial H202 treatment. This data is summarized in Table 2 and shows that the VPH fractions decreased below the GW-l standards, as compared to the results of the May 23, 2007 sampling event. Laboratory data sheets are provided in Appendix B. This information indicated that petroleum concentrations in groundwater decreased as a result of in-situ treatment activities; however, the Bay Sump is a groundwater collection sump and not a representative monitoring well. Therefore, a groundwater sample was collected from INJ-5 on October 18, 2007 the data shows that the concentrations of CI I-C22 aromatic, C9-C1O aromatic and C5-C8 aliphatic hydrocarbon ranges exceed the GW-1 Standards. Tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected slightly above the GW-l standard at INJ-5.

Page 6 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646

As presented in the April 2007 RAM Plan, elevated petroleum hydrocarbons were detected at MW-I, as well as PCE slightly above the GW-1 standard. Monitoring well MW-8 was submitted for analysis of PCE to validate the extent, if any, of the dissolved fraction and no VOCs were detected. Monitoring data at MW-6 did not detect any VPH/EPH hydrocarbon fractions, consistent with historical data at this location that shows the impacted groundwater is limited to the southwest portion of the building. Overall, the data indicates that further treatment is needed to address VOC concentrations in groundwater (i.e., dissolved fraction) beneath the building. Additionally, it does not appear that a source of PCE exists due the low concentration and residual mass. Based on this information, the use of potassium permanganate is appropriate to address the dissolved fraction. in subsequent treatment round(s). This information is discussed further in Section 5.0.

Post-Excavation Groundwater Monitoring A round of post-excavation groundwater monitoring was conducted at well locations MW-2R, MW-3R2 & MW-6 for analysis of VPH/EPH hydrocarbon fractions and none were detected. Also provided in Table I is the data at collection Sump-1, showing that groundwater quality met the GW-1 standards immediately following excavation/ restoration activities at the removal margin. This data shows that the GW-l standards have been met following excavation and dewatering activities.

MW-3R2 was also sampled for PAHs by EPA Method 8270 due to the results from past sampling events. The sample was collected using low flow techniques and field filtered to remove any particulates. No PAHs were detected in the groundwater, indicating that the PAHs previously detected were associated with soil particulates and the presence of coal ash observed during drilling activities by Rizzo and CET.

5.0 Objectives, Specific Plan, & Implementation Schedule

5.1 Objectives The objectives of the April 2007 RAM Plan remain and currently include the following: on-site treatment of impacted groundwater and discharge to the sanitary sewer system; and post-excavation groundwater monitoring. The proposed remedial measure under the June 2007 RAM Amendment included the installation of injection wells and in-situ treatment using hydrogen peroxide to address impacted soils located beneath the southwest corner of the DPW garage building. Specific approval was obtained from MassDEP due to the proximity of the public water supply, as outlined at 310 CMR 40.0046(3). As discussed in Section 4.0, further treatment is needed to address VOC concentrations in groundwater (i.e., dissolved fraction) beneath the building. The use of potassium permanganate is appropriate to address the dissolved fraction in subsequent treatment round(s). If Fenton's Reagent and hydrogen peroxide are used at the site in the future, treatment activities will be conducted as outlined in the June 2007 RAM Amendment and consistent with the MassDEP approval dated August 13, 2007.

Page 7 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646 - The DPW Garage will be vacant with doors open to provide adequate ventilation during treatment activities. This is also discussed on page 8 of the June 2007 RAM Amendment. As discussed in the updated December 2007 HASP in Appendix C, if site monitoring indicates that a hazardous atmosphere is present, workers must evacuate the area and evaluate site conditions, as discussed with the Site Safety Officer (SSO) and LSP. Additional ventilation using an industrial fan may be required to continue work and can be installed at the rear door of the building to draw fresh air into the bay doors and through the building. " The December 2007 HASP outlines emergency procedures for addressing site conditions that result in a hazardous atmosphere, reaction, fire or explosion. These procedures are outlined in the HASP, beginning on page 5. Specifically, if the in-situ treatment activities result in excessive heat or a violent reaction, all treatment activities (i.e., chemical injection) will cease until site conditions have stabilized. m A water source will be on hand for cooling the reaction if it gets too heated. This will consist of a garden hose with adequate pressure from the adjacent DPW Facility. a Groundwater treatment will continue before and after the treatment process using the recovery sump (Bay Sump) along the southwest portion of the building to collect and treat any residual groundwater contaminants. - Monitoring will be performed during and after the injection of the potassium permanganate, as discussed in Section 6.0. 5.4 Schedule Chemical injection will be conducted shortly after DEP approval is obtained and confirmatory groundwater sampling will be conducted within 2-3 weeks following injection, once site conditions have stabilized and based on the presence of the KMnO4 within the subsurface. The need for further treatment will be evaluated at that time. Confirmatory soil sampling beneath the building will be conducted based on the results of the groundwater monitoring activities. A second round of post-excavation groundwater monitoring will be conducted concurrent with the final post-treatment monitoring for the in-situ treatment program.

Pending the results of the in-situ treatment program and groundwater monitoring activities, the anticipated schedule for submitting a RAM Completion Statement and Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement is before April 6, 2008. The goal for cleanup activities is to achieve the S-1/GW-1 standards for soil and GW-1 standards groundwater and submit a Class A-2 RAO.

6.0 Monitoring Plan In-situ Chemical Treatment The proposed in-situ chemical treatment program will deliver KMnO4 (~4% solution) to existing injection wells at the southwest portion of the DPW garage building. The monitoring requirements are outlined below:

Page 9 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646

* Groundwater conditions will be monitored at injection and observation wells to evaluate the radius of influence, as indicated by the presence/ absence of KMnO 4 (e.g., pink color). " Consistent with the RegenOx Manual, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH and ORP will be measured upgradient, within and downgradient of the proposed treatment area before, during and after treatment activities. " Field parameters will be monitored periodically over the injection period to ensure that a significant exothermic reaction does not occur. " Historical monitoring data indicates that the water table is approximately 2.5 to 3 feet below grade in the vicinity of the treatment area; therefore, groundwater elevations will be monitored continuously to regulate the chemical delivery rate and minimize any temporary mounding within 2 feet of the ground surface and to prevent flooding or breakout to the ground surface. * As discussed in the December 2007 site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) in Appendix C, periodic ambient air monitoring of the treatment area and the breathing zone will be conducted during sampling and in-situ treatment activities to ensure no significant VOCs (<1 ppm) are present. " The December 2007 HASP (see Appendix C) outlines procedures to help prevent site conditions that result in a hazardous atmosphere, reaction, fire or explosion.

Additionally, monitoring will be conducted at observation wells to ensure that the groundwater conditions at the furthest downgradient monitoring location (50 feet or greater) do not exceed the Massachusetts Groundwater Quality Standards (314 CMR 6.00). Based on the proposed injection program and remedial additives, this includes the following parameters for Class I Ground Waters:

Manganese Shall not exceed 0.05 mg/L pH In the range of 6.5-8.5 standard units or not more than 0.2 units outside of the naturally occurring range

The value for manganese is a secondary maximum contaminant level and does not present a risk to the water supply. Additionally, due to the limited treatment area and volume of chemical proposed, the chemical additives associated with the in-situ treatment program is not anticipated to significantly impact water quality or the public water supply. These parameters are in addition to those required to demonstrate compliance with the MCP Method 1 GW-l standards.

Groundwater Treatment Effluent monitoring and sampling will be conducted for the groundwater treatment system to comply with the monitoring requirements and numeric limitations specified by the CRPCD.

Confirmatory Groundwater and Soil Sampling Confirmatory groundwater samples will be collected following in-situ treatment activities to confirm that the applicable cleanup standards have been achieved. This will also include a second round of post-excavation groundwater monitoring. Soil samples will be Page 10 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646 collected from the vicinity of B-205 and analyzed following groundwater monitoring activities.

7.0 Management of Remediation Waste Impacted groundwater from the bay sump treatment system will be treated using a granular activated carbon (GAC) system that discharges to the Charles River Pollution Control District (CRPCD), in accordance with the industrial permit obtained for the site (permit No. 2007-01LF). Any spent media from this groundwater treatment system will be sent off-site to a licensed facility for recycling and/or disposal as a non-hazardous waste. On June 15, 2007 the remaining portion of the dewatering treatment system (used during excavation activities) was removed and 4,000 lbs. of spent GAC was shipped off- site to a certified receiving facility. A copy of the waste profile is included in Appendix D.

From June 14, 2007 to June 22, 2007, 4,149.05 tons of processed soil generated as part of the on-site BUD activities was removed from the site and shipped to the Wheelabrator Waste Management facility in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts for reuse as cover material. 201.07 tons of soil tailings (e.g., rock & debris) generated during the processing activities were shipped on August 1, 2007 to the Waste Management Turnkey facility in Rochester, New Hampshire for disposal. On August 29, 2007, 162.62 tons of soil screenings generated as part of the on-site BUD activities were removed from the site and shipped to Brox Industries, [nc., Dracut, Massachusetts for recycling. Copies of the Bill of Lading (BOL) and weight tickets are included in Appendix D. No further soil excavation and disposal activities are anticipated at the site.

8.0 Permitting An industrial discharge permit was obtained from Charles River Pollution Control District for the discharge of treated groundwater from the site. A copy of this permit is included in the previously submitted RAM Plan dated April 2007 and the RAM Amendment Plan dated June 2007. The proposed in-situ chemical injection using potassium permanganate requires written approval from MassDEP due to the proximity of the public water supply, as outlined at 310 CMR 40.0046(3). If Fenton's Reagent and hydrogen peroxide are used at the site in the future, treatment activities will be conducted as outlined in the June 2007 RAM Amendment and consistent with the MassDEP approval dated August 13, 2007. No other federal, state or local permits are needed to conduct the RAM activities proposed.

9.0 Licensed Site Professional Opinion Ongoing response actions at the site are being conducted in accordance with the MCP at 310 CMR 40.0440 and the June 2007 RAM Amendment Plan. Based on the results of the September 19, 2007 hydrogen peroxide treatment, further treatment is needed to address VOC concentrations in groundwater (i.e., dissolved fraction) beneath the building. The purpose of this RAM Amendment Plan is to outline the specific plans to incorporate the use of potassium permanganate into the in-situ remediation program. Page 11 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Amendment No. 2 & Status Report No. 2, RTN 2-0016646

Due to the proximity of the site to the Town's water supply wells, the proposed remedial program requires written approval by MassDEP, as outlined at 310 CMR 40.0046(3). Once approved, remedial actions will be conducted at the site to meet the target cleanup standards for Method 1, category S-I/GW-I and GW-l standards.

Pending the results of the in-situ treatment program and groundwater monitoring activities, the anticipated schedule for submitting a RAM Completion Statement and Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement is before April 6, 2008. The project has an end goal of a Class A-2 Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement. DEP form BWSC- 106 for the RAM Amendment and Status Report is included in Appendix E.

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TIMOTHY P. MURRAY ARLEEN O'DONNELL Lieutenant Governor Commissioner

Town of Franklin RE: CRWSC -Franklin 257 Fisher Street Franklin Department of Public Works (DPW) Franklin, MA 02038 40 Hayward Street

RTN: 2-0016646

Attention: Robert Cantoreggi, DPW Director

Anolication of Remedial Additives Anroval

Dear Mr. Cantoreggi:

The Department of Environmental Protection ("the Department" or "MassDEP") is in receipt of the Release Abatement Measure Plan (RAM Plan) submitted on June 13, 2007, by Comprehensive Environmental Incorporated, on behalf of Town of Franklin Department of Public Works for the above-referenced property, ("the Site"). This plan was submitted for MassDEP approval to perform in-situ chemical oxidation as part of the proposed remedial response actions to be conducted in an area located within 800 feet of a public water supply well. In accordance with 310 CMR 40.0046, "Application of Remedial Additives", this response action requires written MassDEP approval. This letter serves to inform you of MassDEP's response to your proposed application of remedial additives.

Brief Summary of Response Actions and Regulatory History

On April 6, 2007, MassDEP received a Release Notification Form (RNF) from you providing notification of a release of oil and hazardous materials in the soil and groundwater at the Site. A RAM Plan was submitted on April 6, 2007 and proposed the excavation of contaminated soil and the treatment of contaminated groundwater encountered during excavation activities. A small area of contaminated soil remains beneath the southwest corner of the DPW garage building.

This information is available in alternate format. Call Donald Ml. Games, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. . Phone (508) 792-7650 - Fax (508) 792-7621 - TDD # (508) 767-2788 10 Printed on Recycled Paper Application of Remedial Additives Approval Page 2 40 Hayward Street, Franklin 2-0016646

Proposed Application of Fenton's Reagent

The proposed remedial measure under this RAM Amendment includes the installation of injection wells and in-situ treatment using hydrogen peroxide to treat residual inipacted soils located beneath the DPW garage building.

The RAM Amendment also provides notice that an increased volume of soil will be generated and that sufficient financial resources exist to comply with 310 CMR 40.0030. The current estimated volume is 2,900 cubic yards.

Due to the limited spatial extent of residual contaminated soils, a one-time application of hydrogen peroxide is anticipated to treat residual contaminated soils at the site. However, an additional round of treatment may be conducted if required. Monitoring wells will be installed upgradient and downgradient of the treatment area to monitor injection activities, as well as conduct post treatment groundwater sampling. The treatment process will begin using a one- time injection of sulfuric acid (~15 gal.) and iron sulfate (-50 lbs.) per 275 gallons of water to lower the pH and provide the iron catalyst for fenton's reagent. The iron sulfate and sulfuric acid will be pumped into the injection wells using standard delivery equipment to reach the desired radius of influence across the treatment area. This will be followed by an injection of hydrogen peroxide. Monitoring in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0046 will be performed during and after the injection of the hydrogen peroxide.

Approval of Remedial Additives Application

In accordance with 310 CMR 40.0046, Application of Remedial Additives, written approval from MassDEP is required for the application of Remedial Additives within 800 feet of a public water supply well. This letter serves to inform you that MassDEP has reviewed the proposed response actions and approves of the application of Remedial Additives.

Please submit to MassDEP the required Status Report(s) for the duration of the remedial activities. Please include all monitoring data and an opinion regarding the effectiveness of this treatment process. MassDEP shall be notified a minimum of seven days prior to the initial application.

. The performance of these remedial activities may not constitute final remediation of the release. Release conditions should be evaluated to determine whether further remediation is necessary. This approval is limited to the provisions set forth in 310 CMR 40.0046, "Application of Remedial Additives".

This release of oil shall not be deemed to have all the necessary and required response actions taken unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release have been eliminated and a level of No Significant Risk has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L. c.21E and the MCP. Application of Remedial Additives Approval Page 3 40 Hayward Street, Franklin 2-0016646 In the event that Site conditions change, MassDEP will be notified immediately with a proposed course and schedule of response actions to address the circumstances. Please conduct all response actions in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0000 and adhere to the time lines contained therein. This approval is limited to 310 CMR 40.0000 and MassDEP's current policies and does not relieve you from your obligation to comply with other permitting requirements.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Stephanie Kelley of this office at (508) 767-2841. Sincerely,

AUG 1 3 2007 Diane T. Belliveau, P.E. Date Section Chief Compliance & Risk Reduction Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup

DTB/PAS/slk cc: Franklin Board of Health Richard Cote, Corporate Environmental Incorporated, 64 Dilla Street, Milford, MA 01757 Database [RAM/APWRIT-SM] File II a I II I I I I I I ii I U II I I I I I APPENDIX B

Laboratory Analytical Reports Geotlbs. Inc.|

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 GeoLabs, Inc. 45 Johnson Lane Jason Guertin Braintree MA 02184 CE I Tele: 781 848 7844 64 Dilla Street Fax: 781 848 7811 Milford, MA 01757

TEL: (508) 482-5557 FAX: (508) 482-5445 Project: 229-5 Location: Franklin, MA Order No.: 0707102

Dear Jason Guertin:

GeoLabs, Inc. received 1 sample(s) on 7/6/2007 for the analyses presented in the following report.

There were no problems with the analyses and all data for associated QC met EPA or laboratory specifications. Analytical methods and results meet requirements of 310CMR 40.1056(J) as per MADEP Compendium of Analytical Methods (CAM).

Ifyou have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call.


Jim Chen Laboratory Director

Certifications: CT (PH-0148) - MA (M-MA015) - NH (2508) - NJ (MA009) - NY (11796) - RI (LA000252) CLIENT: CEI Project: 229-5 CASE NARRATIVE Lab Order: 0707102


Physical Condition of Samples

The project was received by the laboratory in satisfactory condition. The sample(s) were received undamaged, in appropriate containers with the correct preservation.

Project Documentation

The project was accompanied by satisfactory Chain of Custody documentation.

Analysis of Sample(s)

No analytical anomalies or non-conformances were noted by the laboratory during the processing of these samples.

I, the undersigned, attesi under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: Position: Lab Director

Printed Name: Jim Chen Date: July 17, 2007

Page 2 of 2 C0 'U


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Friday, October 12, 2007 GeoLabs, Inc. 45 Johnson Lane Rich Niles Braintree MA 02184 CEI Tele: 781 848 7844 64 Dilla Street Fax: 781 848 7811 Milford, MA 01757

TEL: (800) 725-2550 FAX: (800) 331-0892 Project: 229-5 Location: Order No.: 0710104

Dear Rich Niles:

GeoLabs, Inc. received 1 sample(s) on 10/9/2007 for the analyses presented in the following report.

There were no problems with the analyses and all data for associated QC met EPA or laboratory specifications. Analytical methods and results meet requirements of 310CMR 40.1056(J) as per MADEP Compendium of Analytical Methods (CAM).

If you have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call.


Jim Chen Laboratory Director

Certifications: CT (PH-0148) - MA (M-MA015) - NH (2508)- NJ (MAOM9) - NY (11796) - RI (LA000252) CLIENT: CEI Project: 229-5 CASE NARRATIVE Lab Order: 0710104


Physical Condition of Samples

The project was received by the laboratory in satisfactory condition. The sample(s) were received undamaged, in appropriate containers with the correct preservation.

Project Documentation

The project was accompanied by satisfactory Chain of Custody documentation.

Analysis of Sample(s)

No analytical anomalies or non-conformances were noted by the laboratory during the processing of these samples.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: ; Position: Lab Director

Printed Name: Jim Chen Date: October 12, 2007

Page 2 of 2 -J m -l-


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Wednesday, October 10, 2007 GeoLabs, Inc. 45 Johnson Lane Rich Niles Braintree MA 02184 CEl Tele: 781 848 7844 64 Dilla Street Fax: 781 848 7811 Milford, MA 01757

TEL: (800) 725-2550 FAX: (800) 331-0892 Project: 229-5 Location: Franklin DPW Order No.: 0710041

Dear Rich Niles:

GeoLabs, Inc. received 1 sample(s) on 10/3/2007 for the analyses presented in the following report.

There were no problems with the analyses and all data for associated QC met EPA or laboratory specifications.

Analytical methods and results meet requirements of 310CMR 40.1056(J) as per MADEP Compendium of Analytical Methods (CAM).

If you have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call. Sin e e

J hen oratory Director

Certifications: CT (PH-0148) - MA (M-MA015) - NH (2508) - NJ (MA009) - NY (11796) - RI (LA000252) CLIENT: CEI Project: 229-5 CASE NARRATIVE Lab Order: 0710041


Physical Condition of Samples

The project was received by the laboratory in satisfactory condition. The sample(s) were received undamaged, in appropriate containers with the correct preservation.

Project Documentation

The project was accompanied by satisfactory Chain of Custody documentation.

Analysis of Sample(s)

No analytical anomalies or non-conformances were noted by the laboratory during the processing of these samples.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my lc owledge a d belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: 7 Position: Lab Director

Printed Nam Jim Chen Date: October 10, 2007

Page2 of3 GeoLabs, Inc. ReportedDate: 10-Oct-07

CLIENT: CEI Client Sample ID: Bay Sump Lab Order: 0710041 Collection Date: 10/2/2007 11:30:00 AM Project: 229-5 Date Received: 10/3/2007 Lab ID: 0710041-001 Matrix: GROUNDWATER

Analyses Result Det. Limit Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

VPH- FRACTIONS ONLY - MADEP VPH Analyst: MR Adjusted C9-C12 Aliphatic ND 75.0 pg/L 1 10/4/2007 Hydrocarbons

C9-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons 155 75.0 pg/L 1 10/4/2007

Unadjusted C5-C8 Aliphatic 174 75.0 pg/L 1 10/4/2007 Hydrocarbons Unadjusted C9-C12 Aliphatic 203 75.0 pg/L 1 10/4/2007 Hydrocarbons Surr 2,5-Dibromotoluene FIDl 113 70-130 %REC 1 1014/2007 Sum; 2,5-Dibromotoluene PI) 99.6 70-130 %REC 1 10/4/2007

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detectel at the Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside recovery limits Page 1 of I C, I, 1 - o .= 03 0) a. a a CD CD C, -c ~c CD 3r a C a CD 0 CD I' 43 C C 3 . 0 C. en 0 h C, 0 C C, -7 CD K C = p0 .. 0

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to -t S3 --.- A r

(.t±il I I ~. Tuesday, October 30, 2007 GeoLabs, Inc. 45 Johnson Lane Rich Niles Braintree MA 02184 CE Tele: 781 848 7844 64 Dilla Street Fax: 781 848 7811 Milford, MA 01757

TEL: (800) 725-2550 FAX: (800) 331-0892 Project: 229-5 "uU UuLn. r i 1 INii or vYv Order No.: 0710297

Dear Rich Niles:

GeoLabs, Inc. received 3 sample(s) on 10/22/2007 for the analyses presented in the following report.

There were no problems with the analyses and all data for associated QC met EPA or laboratory specifications.

Analytical methods and results meet requirements of 310CMR 40.1056(J) as per MADEP Compendium of Analytical Methods (CAM).

If you have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call. Sincer

JimChen ,,1boratory Director


CT (PH-0148) - MA (M-MA015) - NH (2508) - NJ (MA009) - NY (11796) - RI (LA000252) CLIENT: CEI Project: 229-5 CASE NARRATIVE Lab Order: 0710297


Physical Condition of Samples

The project was received by the laboratory in satisfactory condition. The sample(s) were received undamaged, in appropriate containers with the correct preservation.

Project Documentation

The project was accompanied by satisfactory Chain of Custody documentation.

Analysis of Sample(s)

No analytical anomalies or non-conformances were noted by the laboratory during the processing of these samples.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my d : nd belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: Position: Lab Director

Printed Name: MChen Date: October 30, 2007

Page 2 of 2 01 s-C C ma a to C-

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01 tw U a< - > OC -aie 0 0 -z -e x 3) 4 0 01 0 01 4 C C S .s 0 x 01 li I u , oi C 0 m -1 V., C -6 U) 0o V/ 0 IL.. a: U)02 C, 4l a Thursday, October 25, 2007 GeoLabs, Inc. 45 Johnson Lane Rich Niles Braintree MA 02184 CEI Tele: 781 848 7844 64 Dilla Street Fax: 781 848 7811 Milford, MA 01757

TEL: (800) 725-2550 FAX: (800) 331-0892 Project: 229-5 Location: Franklin DPW Order No.: 0710277

Dear Rich Niles:

GeoLabs, Inc. received 4 sample(s) on 10/19/2007 for the analyses presented in the following report.

There were no problems with the analyses and all data for associated OC met EPA or laboratory specifications.

Analytical methods and results meet requirements of 310CMR 40.1056(J) as per MADEP Compendium of Analytical Methods (CAM).

If you have any estions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call.

Si r

Jim e Lab atory Director


CT (PH-0148) - MA (M-MA015) - NH (2508)-NJ (MAGD9) - NY (11796)- RI (LA000252) CLIENT: CEI Project: 229-5 CASE NARRATIVE Lab Order: 0710277


Physical Condition of Samples

The project was received by the laboratory in satisfactory condition. The sample(s) were received undamaged, in appropriate containers with the correct preservation.

Project Documentation

The project was accompanied by satisfactory Chain of Custody documentation.

Analysis of Sample(s)

No analytical anomalies or non-conformances were noted by the laboratory during the processing of these samples.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obt hing the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my<;*ledWA nd belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: Position: Lab Director

Printed Na Date: October 25, 2007

Page 2 of 4 CLIENT: CEI Project: 229-5 CASE NARRATIVE Lab Order: 0710277

VPH Methods

Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH 04-1.1 Method for Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 04-1.1

Carbon Range data exclude concentrations of any surrogate(s) and/or internal standards eluting in that range.

C5-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons exclude the concentration of Target Analytes eluting in that range. (MTBE, Benzene, Toluene)

C9-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons exclude concentration of Target Analytes eluting in that range (Ethylbenzene, m&p-Xylenes, o-Xylene) AND concentration of C9-CIO Aromatic Hydrocarbons.

CERTIFICATION Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the VPH Method followed? YES Were all QA/QC performance/acceptance standards achieved? YES Were any significant modifications made to the VPH method, as specified in Sec. 11.3? NO

I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowl ge, accu te and complete.



DATE: Octob 25, 2007

Page4 of4 GeoLabs, Inc. Reported Date: 25-Oct-07

CLIENT: CEI Client Sample ID: INJ-5 Lab Order: 0710277 Collection Date: 10/18/2007 1:50:00 PM Project: 229-5 Date Received: 10/19/2007 Lab ID: 0710277-004 Matrix: GROUNDWATER

Analyses Result Det. Limit Qual Units DF Date Analyzed

VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS - SWB260B Analyst: JG Benzene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Bromobenzene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/2312007 6:05:00 AM Bromochloromethane ND 2.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Bromodichloromethane ND 2.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Bromoform ND 2.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Bromomethane ND 2.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Carbon Disufide ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Carbon Tetrachloride ND 2.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Chlorobenzene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Chloroethane ND 5.00 pg/L 10/2312007 6:05:00 AM Chloroform ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Chloromethane ND 5.00 pg/L 10123/2007 6:05:00 AM cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.500 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Dibromochloromethane ND 2.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Dibromomethane ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Ethylbenzene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.500 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM lsopropylbenzene 17.6 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether ND 5.00 pgiL 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Methylene Chloride ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Naphthalene ND 20.0 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM n-Butylbenzene NO 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM n-Propylbenzene 141 50.0 pg/L 10/23/2007 1:51:00 PM sec-Butylbenzene 27.2 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Styrene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM tert-Butylbenzene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Tetrachloroethene 5.98 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Toluene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM trans-i,2-Dichloroethene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.500 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Trichloroethene ND 5.00 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Triclorofluoromethane ND 5.00 pg/L 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM pg/L Vinyl Chloride ND 2.00 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM pg/L Xylenes, Total ND 5.00 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 110 70-130 %REC 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Sur 4-Bromofluorobenzene 92.3 70-130 %REC 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Surr: Dibromofluommethane 117 70-130 %REC 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM Sum: Toluene-d8 80.1 70-130 %REC 10/23/2007 6:05:00 AM

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte deteced below quantittion limits ND Not Detectol at the Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside recovery limits

Page 6 of 7 0 bE

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007 GeoLabs, Inc. 45 Johnson Lane Rich Niles Braintree MA 02184 CEL Tele: 781 848 7844 64 Dilla Street Fax: 781 848 7811 Milford, MA 01757

TEL: (800) 725-2550 FAX: (800) 331-0892 Project: 229-5 Location: Franklin DPW Order No.: 0710398

Dear Rich Niles:

GeoLabs, Inc. received 1 sample(s) on 10/26/2007 for the analyses presented in the following report.

There were no problems with the analyses and all data for associated QC met EPA or laboratory specifications. Analytical methods and results meet requirements of 310CMR 40.1056(J) as per MADEP Compendium of Analytical Methods (CAM).

If you have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call.


Jim Chen Laboratory Director

Certifications: CT (PH-0148) - MA (M-MA015)- NH (2508)- NJ (MA009) - NY (11796) - RI (LA000252) CLIENT: CEI Project: 229-5 CASE NARRATIVE Lab Order: 0710398


Physical Condition of Samples

The project was received by the laboratory in satisfactory condition. The sample(s) were received undamaged, in appropriate containers with the correct preservation.

Project Documentation

The project was accompanied by satisfactory Chain of Custody documentation.

Analysis of Sample(s)

No analytical anomalies or non-conformances were noted by the laboratory during the processing of these samples.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: i?, # Position: Lab Director

Printed Name: Jim Chen Date: October 30, 2007

Page 2 of 2 GeoLabs, Inc. Reported Date: 30-Oct-07

CLIENT: CEI Client Sample ID: MW-8 Lab Order: 0710398 Collection Date: 10/18/2007 12:30:00 PM Project: 229-5 Date Received: 10/26/2007 Lab ID: 0710398-001 Matrix: GROUNDWATER

Analyses Result Det. Limit Qui Units DF Date Analyzed

VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS - SW8260B Analyst: JG Chloroethane ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Chloroform ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Chloromethane ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.500 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Dibromochloromethane ND 2.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Dibromomethane ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Ethylbenzene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.500 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM lsopropylbenzene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Methylene Chloride ND 500 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Naphthalene ND 20.0 pg/L 10/30/2007 1131:00 AM n-Butylbenzene ND 500 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM n-Propylbenzene ND 500 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM sec-Butylbenzene ND 500 Pg/- 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Styrene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM tert-Butylbenzene ND 500 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Tetrachloroethene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Toluene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM trans-I13-Dichloropropene ND 0.500 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Trichloroethene ND 5.00 pg/- 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Trichlorofluommethane ND 5.00 pg/- 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Vinyl Chloride ND 2.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Xylenes, Total ND 5.00 pg/L 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM- Sur: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 97.3 70-130 %REC 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Surr 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 70-130 %REC 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 113 70-130 %REC 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM Sum Toluene-d8 108 70-130 %REC 10/30/2007 11:31:00 AM

Qualifiers: B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte detected below quantitution limits ND Not Detected at the Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside recovery limits

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PROJECT NAME: Franklin DPW Facility, Historical Gasoline Release Remediation SITE LOCATION: 40 Hayward Street, Franklin MA SITE CONTACTS and PHONE NUMBERS: Company Contact Office Phone Cell Phone Franklin DPW Robert Cantoreggi (508) 520-4910 (508) 328-9718 Franklin DPW Denise Zambrowski (508) 520-4910 (508) 922-3231 Comprehensive Environmental Inc: Rick Cote (800) 725-2550 (603) 494-0964 Comprehensive Environmental Inc: Rich Niles (800) 725-2550 (603) 494-1768 Comprehensive Environmental Inc: Jason Guertin (800) 725-2550 (978) 833-2271 Comprehensive Environmental Inc: Vincent Paradeau (800) 725-2550 (617) 899-0865 Soil Exploration Corp.: Dennis Gallant (978) 840-0391

WORK DESCRIPTION: Work under this project includes the remediation of gasoline impacted soil and groundwater in the vicinity of the southwest portion of the former DPW Garage. Work at the site will include the following: . Installation of soil borings / monitoring wells (as needed) - Groundwater sampling of on-site monitoring wells . In-situ Hydrogen Peroxide treatment within the vicinity of the DPW garage building . In-situ Potassium Permanganate treatment within the vicinity of the DPW garage building . Pumping and treatment of groundwater from the vicinity of the DPW garage building

Site locus maps and site plans are provided in the attachments. On-site activities are being conducted under a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0440 and an Industrial Sewer Discharge Permit with the Charles River Pollution Control District (CRPCD). Contaminants of concern are related to petroleum products, primarily gasoline. If additional site contaminants are encountered, they will be addressed in accordance with this HASP, as appropriate, and as directed by the Licensed Site Professional and/or the Site Safety Officer. Physical hazards include heavy equipment operations, in-situ hydrogen peroxide treatment activities, wet/slippery conditions and extreme weather conditions. PROJECT PERSONNEL & RESPONSIBILITIES: Site Owner & Ouerator Franklin Department of Public Works Responsibilities Robert Cantoreggi Contract & project oversight Denise Zambrowski On-site coordination & compliance


Licensed Site Professional, Engineering, Monitoring & In-situ Treatment Comprehensive Environmental Inc. Responsibilities Rick Cote Licensed Site Professional (LSP) & engineering Rich Niles Project manager, on-site coordination, compliance & Site Safety Officer (SSO) Jason Guertin SSO, on-site oversight, environmental monitoring & compliance support for the LSP Vincent Paradeau In-situ chemical injection technician Drilling & Injection Well Installation Soil Exploration Corp. Responsibilities Dennis Gallant On-site drilling for installation of injection wells

APPROVAL: I have read, understood and agree to comply with the provisions set forth in this Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan (and attached documents) and as reviewed in the Health and Safety briefing by the Comprehensive Environmental Inc. Site Safety Officers.

Approved By: Rich Niles

Jason Guertin Comprehensive Environmental Inc Signature Date

Site Personnel Signature Affiliation Date


SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located at 40 Hayward Street in Franklin, Massachusetts and a locus map is provided as Figure 1. The site consists of approximately 8.78-acre and is owned by the Town of Franklin with DPW administrative offices located at 257 Street, Franklin, MA. The Highway Facility consists of a garage building, two salt sheds, and a fueling station. The garage building houses the Highway Department offices, vehicle maintenance area, vehicles, and equipment. The onsite fueling station is used to fuel all Town owned vehicles. The site is serviced by public water and sewer utilities. Southwest of the primary garage building are two buildings that house equipment and materials for the Franklin Water Department. The larger of these two buildings is referred to as the former DPW Garage and southwest of this building is the area subject to the release described herein, referred to as the site. According to DPW representatives, fuel dispensing pumps and underground storage tanks were located at this building.

RELEASE BACKGROUND Petroleum related compounds have been detected in soil and groundwater at concentrations that exceed the MCP Reportable Concentrations for soil category S-1, S-2 and groundwater category GW-1. Petroleum compounds detected at the southwest portion of the former DPW Garage indicate that a historical release of gasoline occurred in the vicinity of the former fuel dispensing equipment and/or the former underground storage tanks (USTs). According to on-site representatives, this equipment was decommissioned in the early 1980s and no records are available with the Franklin Fire Department pertaining to these USTs. The extent of petroleum impacted soil is adequately defined and is generally associated with the groundwater table elevation. Petroleum impacted soils are present beneath a portion of the former DPW Garage at a depth of 7 feet and headspace screening indicates that soils are impacted at approximately 0.5 feet below grade at boring B- 116; therefore, some variation in the impacted horizon is present at the site.

One VOC (tetrachlcroethene or PCE) was detected in monitoring well MW-1, located just off the southwestern side of the former DPW garage, at a concentration slightly above the RCGW-1 standards. This VOC is commonly associated with solvents that may have been used at the site in the past. PCE was not detected in soil samples in the vicinity of MW-i; therefore, the release appears to be limited in extent.

PAHs in groundwater were detected at concentrations greater than the RCGW-1 standards at location MW-3 and do not appear to be associated with the aforementioned petroleum impacted area. Most of these compounds were not detected within the investigated petroleum source area and are more likely associated with coal ash containing fill and/or urban fill materials at location MW-3. It is unlikely that the apparent impacted groundwater at this location is associated with the migration of dissolved-phase petroleum products from the former fuel dispensing/storage location.

Page 3 FRANKLIN DPW REMEDIATION SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN SITE-SPECIFIC FORM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY, 40 HAYWARD STREET In-Situ Treatment Activities In general, the application of chemical agents will be conducted in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0046. The in-situ treatment activities will utilize one of the following chemicals for oxidation of contaminants: potassium permanganate (4% solution) or Fenton's reagent (ferrous sulfate & sulfuric acid) and hydrogen peroxide. The injection wells, treatment area and monitoring locations are depicted on Figure 3. The primary component of in-situ treatment program include: . Injection wells (2" diameter) installed using a push-probe style rig with an expendable drive point. . Wells were completed with a screen interval that intercepts the petroleum impacted zone (5 to 8 feet below the garage floor) and an adequate seal up to grade. . Monitoring wells (2" diameter) are located upgradient and downgradient of the treatment area to monitor injection activities, as well as conduct post-treatment groundwater sampling. . The treatment process for hydrogen peroxide will begin using a one-time injection of sulfuric acid (-15 gal.) and iron sulfate (-50 lbs.) per 275 gallons of water to lower the pH and provide the iron catalyst for fenton's reagent. The iron sulfate and sulfuric acid will be pumped into the injection wells using standard delivery equipment to reach the desired radius of influence across the treatment area. This will be followed by an injection of hydrogen peroxide (e.g., <25 psi injection of

-550 gallons H20 2 at ~ 12-15%). . The treatment process for potassium permanganate consists of injecting 550-gallons of a 4% solution. Potassium permanganate will be transferred to the subsurface by passive injection (gravity feed) using a low flow siphon. The siphons and tubing for chemical delivery will have an adequate seal to prevent spillage. . Groundwater treatment will continue before and after the treatment process using the recovery sump (bay sump) along the southwest portion of the garage building to collect and treat any residual groundwater contaminants. . Monitoring will be performed during and after the injection of the hydrogen peroxide and/or potassium permanganate.

Hazard Reference EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT Waste Types: X Liquid _ Solid __ Sludge X Vapor Waste Characteristics: X Corrosive - Ignitable Radioactive X Volatile X Toxic X Reactive

Unknown __ Other Persistent

Page 4 FRANKLIN DPW REMEDIATION SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN SITE-SPECIFIC FORM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY, 40 HAYWARD STREET Specific Substances of Greatest Concern: Compounds Present in GW and/or Soil that Exceed Reportable Concentrations are Outlined in the Attached Tables. NIOSH Chemical Guide and National Safety Council Sheets are attached for more information related to the primary contaminants of concern. NIOSH sheets are also included for the chemicals used in the in-situ injection program (hydrogen peroxide, iron sulfate, sulfuric acid, and potassium permanganate). As shown in the attached tables, substances of concern are associated with petroleum releases and have been identified through previous sampling and site assessment activities by RIZZO, and CEI as discussed. in the June 2007 RAM Plan Amendment. However, the greatest potential concern is associated with in-situ treatment during injection activities since sulfuric acid, iron sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, and potassium permanganate will be used at the site. The handling, mixing, and injection into the on-site wells represents, the greatest hazard due to the risk of spills or chemical reactions that may result from improper handling or injection. If any unidentified hazardous substances are encountered during site activities, the SSO must be notified immediately and the LSP contacted. At this time, the SSO or LSP representative will evaluate site conditions. Methods and Frequency of Surveillance: Surveillance methods include air monitoring of the breathing zone using an organic vapor meter OVM Model 480B and visual observations for . The SSO will conduct periodic ambient air monitoring of the treatment area and the breathing zone during in-situ treatment, drilling, and sampling operations. The organic vapor meter will ensure workers are not exposed to high levels of VOCs. Visual observations will confirm that the dust has been properly controlled. Work may continue as long as no dust is present, air monitoring indicates VOCs are below the threshold (see below). SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS (check one) X No attempt will be made to enter manholes, tanks, or any other confined areas.

Other: Medical Surveillance: X No site specific medical surveillance is required for this task. Medical surveillance required as specified: Medical surveillance is not necessary since workers are not expected to be exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards as discussed in 29 CFR 1910.120(f)(2). However, if a worker shows signs of having been injured or overexposed to hazardous substances or health hazards, the employee will have a medical examination as soon as possible (29 CFR 1910.120(f)(3)). Emergency Situations Personnel Responsibilities During Emergencies: The SSO has primary responsibility for and implementing corrective measures in response to an emergency situation such as an uncontrolled air release or fire/explosion. The SSO will direct on-site personnel and shall do the following: 1) Direct on-site personnel to withdraw from the area while traveling at a right angle to the upwind direction. All site workers are to be in Modified Level D PPE (only) and will not have respirators.

Page 5 FRANKLIN DPW REMEDIATION SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN SITE-SPECIFIC FORM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY, 40 HAYWARD STREET 2) Direct measures to protect public health and the environment, by controlling the emergency to the extent practical and securing the site. 3) Contact appropriate emergency response crews, such as fire and police departments, and notify appropriate federal, state and local agencies. 4) Conduct follow-up decontamination/treatment for equipment and personnel as directed by the SSO. 5) Address causes of incident, implement corrective actions and prevent recurrences. Emergency Site Control: In the event of an emergency, the SSO will discourage any unauthorized personnel from entering the site. If necessary, the SSO will contact the proper authorities. Personnel Injury: If on-site personnel require emergency medical treatment, the following steps will be taken: 1) Evaluate the nature of the injury, and 2) Decontaminate to the extent possible before administration of first aid or movement to emergency facilities. First Aid Procedures: Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash immediately with water. Use soap if available. Inhalation: Remove from contaminated atmosphere. Administer artificial respiration, if necessary. Transport to hospital. Ingestion: Never induce vomiting in an unconscious person. Also, never induce vomiting when acids, alkalis, or petroleum products are suspected. Contact the poison control center. Equipment Failure: In the event that air monitoring equipment fails to operate, all personnel will exit the work area immediately. Emergency Information

AMBULANCE: Phone: 911 CLOSEST HOSPITAL: Milford Whitinsville Regional Hospital, 440 E Central Street, Franklin, MA Phone: (508) 528-6622 DIRECTIONS* FROM 40 HAYWARD STREET: 1. DEPART 40 HAYWARD ST, FRANKLIN - go 0.3 mi 2. Turn Right on CENTRAL ST[RT-140 - go 1.6 mi 3. Arrive at 440 E CENTRAL ST, FRANKLIN

*See map in the attachments.


POISON CENTER: Regional Center for Poison Control and Prevention, 300 Longwood Ave, IC Smith Building, Boston, MA 02115 Phone: (800)222-1222

NEAREST PHONE: On-site personnel are equipped with field phones that can be used for emergency response. Additional phones are located in the adjacent Highway Department facility. CONTINGENCY PLAN: All site personnel shall be prepared in the event of an emergency. Emergencies can take many forms, including illnesses or injuries, chemical exposure, fires, explosions, spills, leaks, releases of harmful contaminants, or sudden changes in the weather. The following sections outline the general procedures for emergencies. On-Site Emergency Equipment: Emergency equipment will be located in the on-site equipment trucks and will include fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and an eye wash kit.

Emergency Response Protocols 1) Upgrade site response activities and levels of protection as part of the HASP, in accordance with OSHA requirements of 29 CFR 1910 and 1926. 2) First-aid should be administered while awaiting an ambulance or paramedics. Any person who becomes ill or injured on-site must be decontaminated to the maximum extent possible. 3) In the event of an air release of toxic materials, the local authorities should be informed to assess the need for evacuation. In the event of a spill, sanitary districts and drinking water treatment facilities may need to be alerted. 4) In the event of fire or explosion, the local fire department should be summoned immediately and appropriate federal, state, and local agencies are to be informed, and emergency response plans are coordinated. 5) Protect the public and the environment, including isolating and securing the site, preventing runoff to surface waters, and ending or controlling the emergency to the extent possible. Air Monitoring & Responses

OVERALL HAZARD: _ High _ Medium X Low _ Unknown

AIR MONITORING PROCEDURES Air monitoring shall be provided, in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.120 (h) to identify and quantify potential airborne hazardous substances in order to determine the appropriate level of personnel protection. For this HASP, air monitoring for soil and groundwater (i.e., in-situ treatment activities) will include OVM during the treatment activities to validate that no significant concentration (<1ppm) of VOCs are present in the work area and visual observations for dust.


_ Hnu TLD Badge X OVM Radiation mini-alert Photovac _ Explosimeter _ Draeger Tubes & Sample Pumps _ 02 meter Victoreen Radiation Detector X Other: Visual

Work Area Monitoring and Surveillance Protocols: Air monitoring will be conducted, using an organic vapor meter OVM 480B during the in-situ treatment activities to evaluate potential off-gassing in the work area. If readings are present, personnel will evacuate the work area until the proper changes in the safety procedures can be addressed. Visual observations will be used to detect any unusual conditions that may require monitoring.

Monitoring Equipment Calibration: All air monitoring equipment shall, per manufacturer's recommendations, receive field calibration before each daily use. The air monitoring equipment onsite, the OVM 580B, will also be serviced for gas calibration as needed with the contractor or service company keeping all service records.

Documentation and Recordkeeping: A daily logbook shall be maintained by the SSO to record site activities and air monitoring results as needed. The SSO and Project Manager will record in-situ treatment notes, and groundwater sample collection information.

Health & Safety Action Levels The designated level of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the site is Modified-Level D. Due to the nature of the contamination and known chemical hazards, continuous air monitoring will not be necessary. However, OVM readings of greater than I ppm for 15 minutes or an initial 5 ppm reading of total volatile organic compounds in the breathing zone will require workers to exit the work area to an upwind location until vapors dissipate.

If the organic vapor meter shows 1 to 5 ppm of an unknown organic vapor sustained for 5 minutes above background in the breathing zone, the SSO will consult with the LSP, if necessary, to develop an approach to address site conditions in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.120. Work may continue once petroleum vapors have dissipated and air monitoring demonstrates that the work area is safe. The chemicals used in the in-situ treatment (hydrogen peroxide (35%), sulfuric acid, iron sulfate, and potassium permanganate(4%)) warrant the modification of the standard Level D PPE.

The use of a chemical resistant suit, chemical resistant boots, chemical resistance gloves, and chemical resistance face shield and goggles are required for the handling of the treatment chemicals.


Level of Personnel Protection Table 1 shows a brief summary of the PPE required for all onsite workers. No level C, B, or A is authorized for this project, as part of this HASP.

Table 1. Summary of Level D Personnel Protective Equipment Modified-Level D Protection Use Modified-Level D Protection

______Equipment Modified-Level D protection shall be used under Modified-Level D protection equipment shall the following conditions: consist of the following: 1. Work activities include handling, mixing I. Standard work uniforms or coveralls and injection of chemical reagents during (minimum pants and long sleeves), steel-toe treatment activities; safety boots; 2. Work functions have the potential for 2. Chemical resistant suit; chemical resistant splashes on skin contact with hazardous boots; chemical resistant gloves; concentrations of harmful chemicals; 3. Work functions preclude immersions or 3. Chemical resistant shield and safety direct handling/contact of harmful glasses; chemicals; 4. No detectable concentrations or airborne 4. Ear plugs (as needed); organic are present. 5. Hard-hat Level D Protection Use Level D Protection Equipment Level D protection shall be used under the Level D protection equipment shall consist of the following conditions: following: I. Standard work uniforms or coveralls (minimum pants and long sleeves); Concentrations of airborne organic 2. compounds do not exceed background (1 2. Steel-toe safety boots;

No visible dust is present in the breathing 3. Gloves (as needed); zone; Work functions preclude splashes, Lv immersion or the potential for unexpected 4. Safety glasses; inhalation of, or contact with, hazardous Concentrations of harmful chemicals. 5. Splash shield (as needed), 6. Ear plugs (as needed); . N7. Hard-hat.


To reduce the accidental spread of hazardous substances by workers from the contaminated areas to non-contaminated or clean areas, work zones for specific types of operations should be delineated, and the flow of personnel and equipment among the zones should be controlled. Approximate work zones delineated for the site are as follows: * Exclusion or Hot Zone - the contaminated area at the southeast portion of the former DPW Garage, as shown on the attached site plan. * Contaminant Reduction Zone - the area where decontamination takes place, adjacent to the Hot Zone. * Support Zone -- the non-contaminated area where workers should not be exposed to site contaminants, primarily vehicle and equipment staging areas.

Access to the Exclusion/Hot Zone and Contaminant Reduction Zone will be limited to the SSO and authorized workers. Since PPE of Modified-Level D only is required for all site activities, no PPE changes are to be made upon entering areas that have been designated as Exclusion/Hot Zone areas or Contaminant Reduction zone. Care should still be taken, to prevent treatment chemicals, residuals, debris and/or water from leaving the work area,



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10 3 NIOSH POCKET CHEMICAL GUIDE SHEETS NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149): Hydrogen peroxide i CDC/N]OSH Page 1 of 2

National Institute for occupational Safety and Health Search NIOSH I NIOSH Home I NIOSH Topics I Site Index I Databases and Information Resources I NIOSH Products I Contact Us NIOSH Publication No. 2005-149: September 2005 NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards NPG Home I Introduction Synryms & Trade Names I Chemical Names CAS Numbers mbr I Appendices Search CAS 7722-84-1 Hydrogen peroxide

H202 RTECS MxO9OOOOO Synonyms & Trade Names. DOT ID & Guide High-strength hydrogen peroxide, Hydrogen dioxide, Hydrogen peroxide (aqueous), Hydroperoxide, 2984 140 (8-20% solution) Peroxide 2014 140 (20-60% solution) 2015 143 (>60% solution)

Exposure NIOSH REL: TWA 1 ppm (1.4 mg/r 3 Lirnit SIOSHA PEL: TWA 1 ppm (1.4 rng 3

IDLH 75 ppm See: 772841 Conversion 1 ppm = 1.39 mg/r 3 Physical Description Colorless liquid with a slightly sharp odor. [Note: The pure compound is a crystalline solid below 12*F. Often used in an aqueous solution.] MW: 34.0 BP: 286 $ FRZ: 12*F Sol: Miscible VP(86 F): 5 mmHg IP: 10.54 eV Sp.Gr: 1.39 F.P: NA UEL: NA LEL: NA Noncombustible Liquid, but a powerful oxidizer.

' Incompatibilities & Reactivities Oxidizable materials, iron, copper, brass, bronze, chromium, zinc, lead, silver, manganese. [Note: Contact with combustible material may result in SPONTANEOUS combustion.] Measurement Methods E OSHA ID126SG See:NMAMorOSHA Methods Personal Protection & Sanitation (Seeprotection) First Aid (see procedures) Skin: Prevent skin contact Eye: Irrigate immediately Eyes: Prevent eye contact Skin: Water flush immediately Wash skin: When contaminated Breathing: Respiratory support Remove: When wet or contaminated Swallow: Medical attention immediately Change: No recommendation Provide: Eyewash, Quick drench Respirator Recommendations NIOSH/OSHA Up to 10 ppm: (APF = 10) Any supplied-air respirator* Up to 25 ppm: (APF = 25) Any supplied-air respirator operated in a continuous-flow mode* Up to 50 ppm: (APF = 50) Any self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece (APF = 50) Any supplied-air respirator with a full facepiece Upto75ppm: (APF = 2000) Any supplied-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode Emergency or planned entry into unknown concentrations or IDLH conditions: (APF = 10,000) Any self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive- pressure mode (APF = 10,000) Any supplied-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure I mode in combination with an auxiliary self-contained positive-pressure breathing apparatus Escape: (APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted canister providing protection NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149): Hydrogen peroxide ICDC/NIOSH Page 2 of 2 against the compound of concern/Any appropriate escape-type, self-contained breathing apparatus Important additional information about respirator selection Exposure Routes inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact Symptoms rritation eyes, nose, throat; corneal ulcer; erythema (skin redness), skin vesiculation; bleaching hair Target Organs Eyes, skin, respiratory system See also: INTRODUCTlON See ICSC CARD: 0164

NIOSH Home I NIOSH Search | Site Index I Topicst I ContactUs NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-151) : Iron salts (soluble, as Fe) IC... Page 1 of 1

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Exposure NIOSH REL: TWA 1 mg/m3 Limits OSHA PELt: none IDLH N.D. See: IDLH INDEX Conversion Physical Description Appearance and odor vary depending upon the specific soluble iron salt. Properties vary depending upon the specific soluble iron salt. Varies

Noncombustible Solids Incompatibilities & Reactivities Measurement Methods NIOSH 7300, 7301, 7303, 9102; OSHA D121, ID125G See: NMAM or OSHA Methcds Personal Protection & Sanitation (See protection) First Aid (See procedures) Skin: Prevent skin contact Eye: Irrigate immediately Eyes: Prevent eye contact Skin: Soap wash Wash skin: Daily Breathing: Respiratory support Remove: No recommendation Swallow: Medical attention immediately Change: Daily

Respirator Recommendations Not available. Important additional information about respirator selection Exposure Routes inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact

Symptoms Irritation eyes, skin, mucous membrane; abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting; possible liver damage

Target Organs Eyes, skin, respiratory system, liver, gastrointestinal tract


NIOSH Home I NIOSH Search | SiteIndex I Topjic List IContact Us NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-151): Sulfuric acid I CDC/NIOSH Page I of 2 11' COCii Hm U92II&I"CDer C elObic NationalInstitute for Occupational Safety and Health Search NIOSH I NIOSH Home I NIOSH Topics | Site Index I Databases and Information Resources I NIOSH Products I Contact L NIOSH Publication No. 2005-161: Septemt NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards NPGHome Introduction _Synonys_&_TradeNnRes I ChemicalNames I CAS Numbers RTECS Numers I Appenices I Search 'CAS 7664-93-9 Sulfuric acid

H2SO4 RTECS wss6ooooo Synonyms & Trade Names DOT ID & Guide Battery acid, Hydrogen sulfate, Oil of vitriol, Sulfuric acid (aqueous) 1830 137 1831 137 (fuming) 1832 137 (spent)

Exposure NIOSH REL: TWA 1 mg/m3 Limits OSHA PEL: TWA 1 mg/m3

IDLH 15 mg/m 3 See: 7664939 Conversion Physical Description Colorless to dark-brown, oily, odorless liquid. [Note: Pure compound is a solid below 51 *F. Often used in an aqueous solution.] MW: 98.1 BP: 5549F FRZ: 51 OF Sol: Miscible VP: 0.001 mmHg IP: ? Sp.Gr: 1.84 (96-98% acid FLP: NA UEL: NA LEL: NA Noncombustible Liquid, but capable of igniting finely divided combustible materials. Incompatibilities & Reactivities Organic materials, chlorates, carbides, fulminates, water, powdered metals [Note: Reacts violently with water with evolution of hee Corrosive to metals.] Measurement Methods NIOSH 7903; OSHA _D113, ID1_65SG See: NMAM or OSHA Methods Personal Protection & Sanitation (See protection) First Aid (See procedures) Skin: Prevent skin contact Eye: Irrigate immediately Eyes: Prevent eye contact Skin: Water flush immediately Wash skin: When contaminated Breathing: Respiratory support Remove: When wet or contaminated Swallow: Medical attention immediately Change: No recommendation Provide: Eyewash (>1%), Quick drench (>1%) Respirator Recommendations NIOSH/OSHA Up to 15 mg/m 3 : (APF = 25) Any supplied-air respirator operated in a continuous-flow modeE (APF = 25) Any powered, air-purifying respirator with acid gas cartridge(s) in combination with a high-efficiency particulate filterE

(APF = 50) Any chemical cartridge respirator with a full facepiece and acid gas cartridge(s) in combination with an N100, R100, or filter. Click here for information on selection of N, R, or P filters. (APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted acid gas canister havin N100, R100, or P100 filter. Click here for information on selection of N, R, or P filters. (APF = 50) Any self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece (APF = 50) Any supplied-air respirator with a full faceplece Emergency or planned entry into unknown concentrations or IDLH conditions: (APF = 10,000) Any self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other PC pressure mode (APF = 10,000) Any suppliecl-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressL mode in combination with an auxiliary self-contained positive-pressure breathing apparatus Escape: NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-151): Sulfuric acid I CDC/NIOSH Page 2 of 2

(APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted acid gas canister havin self-containec N100, R100, or P100 filter. Click here for information on selection of N, R, or P filters/Any appropriate escape-type, breathing apparatus Important additional information about respirator selection Exposure Routes inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact stomatis; dental erosion Symptoms Irritation eyes, skin, nose, throat; pulmonary edema, bronchitis; emphysema; conjunctivitis; skin burns; dermatitis Target Organs Eyes, skin, respiratory system, teeth


NIOSH Home I NIOSH Search I Siteindex I Topic List I Contact _Us Page 1 of 7 [OTASSIUM PERMANGANATE jvlSDS Number: P6005 ***** Effective Date: 02/13/06 ***** Supercedes: 08/10/04

24 Hour Emergecy TIphon.: 901-40-2151 CHEMTREtC: 1-800-424-93O

M SDS Material Safety Data Sheet / ":613'11.640AN___ Outside U.S, and Canada r= IChemtre: 703-5273887 From: Malllnckrodt IBaker, Inc. I 1 Mallfick dt JT.Baker NOTE:CHEMTEC,CAUTadtomt 222 Rod School Lano 4 CHENICALS , Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 s n rtis vne: enca*aman A cvolvir a c a:;p n, expcrsur. dr aotc-nr

All ron-cenrgenocy quer icns rshould bie dirccd to Ctus1erne Se-vico (t-80O5S2-2537) for ass1arco,


i. Product Identification E Synonyms: Permanganic acid, potassium salt; Condy's crystals CAS No.: 7722-64-7 Molecular Weight: 158.03 I Chemical Formula: KMnO4 Product Codes: J.T. Baker: 3227, 3228, 3232 * Mallinckrodt: 7056, 7068

. Composition/Information on Ingredients

I Ingredient CAS No Percent Hazardous

I Potassium Permanganate 7722-64-7 90 - 100% Yes I . Hazards Identification

Emergency Overview


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SAF-T-DATA(tm) Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) ------Health Rating: 3 - Severe (Life) I Flammability Rating: 0 - None Reactivity Rating: 3 - Severe (Oxidizer) Contact Rating: 3 - Severe (Corrosive) I Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES & SHIELD; LAB COAT & APRON; VENT HOOD; PROPER GLOVES Storage Color Code: Yellow (Reactive)

Potential Health Effects

Inhalation: Causes irritation to the respiratory tract. Symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath. High concentrations can cause pulmonary edema. Ingestion: Ingestion of solid or high concentrations causes severe distress of gastro-intestinal system with possible burns and edema; slow pulse; shock with fall of blood pressure. May be fatal. Ingestion of concentrations up to 1%causes burning of the throat, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain; 2-3% causes anemia and swelling of the throat with possible suffocation; 4-5% may cause kidney damage. Skin Contact: Dry crystals and concentrated solutions are caustic causing redness, pain, severe burns, brown stains in the contact area and possible hardening of outer skin layer. Diluted solutions are only mildly irritating to the skin. Eye Contact: Eye contact with crystals (dusts) and concentrated solutions causes severe irritation, redness, blurred vision and can cause severe damage, possibly permanent. Chronic Exposure: I Prolonged skin contact may cause irritation, defatting, and dermatitis. Chronic manganese poisoning can result from excessive inhalation exposure to manganese dust and involves impairment of the central nervous system. Early symptoms include sluggishness, sleepiness, and weakness in the legs. Advanced cases have shown symptoms of fixed facial expression, emotional disturbances, spastic gait, and falling. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: No information found.

4. First Aid Measures

Inhalation: I Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention immediately. Ingestion: I If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give large quantities of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately. Skin Contact: I Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention immediately. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Eye Contact:

file-//I-\229-Franklin,%20MA\5%20-%20DPW%20Remediation\RAM%20Amendment%2012-07\Upda... 12/11/2007 OTASSIUM PERMANGANATE Page 3 of 7 Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately.

15. Fire Fighting Measures I Fire: Not combustible, but substance is a strong oxidizer and its heat of reaction with reducing agents or combustibles may cause ignition. Contact with oxidizable substances may cause extremely violent I combustion. Explosion: Strong oxidants may explode when shocked, or if exposed to heat, flame, or friction. Also may act as I initiation source for dust or vapor explosions. Contact with oxidizable substances may cause extremely violent combustion. Sealed containers may rupture when heated, Sensitive to mechanical impact. Fire Extinguishing Media: I Use water spray to blanket fire, cool fire exposed containers, and to flush non-ignited spills or vapors away from fire. Suffocating type extinguishers are not as effective as water. Do not allow water runoff to enter sewers or waterways. Special Information: In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode.

16. Accidental Release Measures

Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate area of leak or spill. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Spills: Clean up spills in a manner that does not disperse dust into the air. Use non-sparking tools and equipment. Reduce airborne dust and prevent scattering by moistening with water. Pick up spill for recovery or disposal and place in a closed container. US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802.

37. Handling and Storage EKeep in a tightly closed container, stored in a cool, dry, ventilated area. Protect against physical damage and moisture. Isolate from any source of heat or ignition. Avoid storage on wood floors. Separate from incompatibles, combustibles, organic or other readily oxidizable materials. Containers of this material may I be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (dust, solids); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product.

8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Airborne Exposure Limits: - OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 5 mg/m3 Ceiling for manganese compounds as Mn 2 file://I:\229-Franklin,%20MA\5%20-%20DPW%20Remediation\RAM%20Amendment% 012-07\Upda... 12/11/2007 Page 4 of 7 1 OTASSIUM PERMANGANATE - ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 0.2 mg/m3 (TWA) for manganese, elemental and inorganic compounds as Mn Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices,most recent edition, for details. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): E If the exposure limit is exceeded and engineering controls are not feasible, a half facepiece particulate respirator (NIOSH type N95 or better filters) may be worn for up to ten times the exposure limit or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest.. A full-face piece particulate respirator (NIOSH type N100 filters) may be worn up to 50 times the exposure limit., or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency, or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. If oil particles (e.g. lubricants, cutting fluids, glycerine, U etc.) are present, use a NIOSH type R or P filter. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full-facepiece positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. WARNING: Air-purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Skin Protection: E Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/or full face shield where dusting or splashing of solutions is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area.

9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance: I Purple-bronze crystals. Odor: Odorless. Solubility: 7 g in 100 g of water. Density: 2.7 pH: No information found. % Volatiles by volume @ 21C (70F): 0 Boiling Point: Not applicable. Melting Point: ca. 240C (ca. 464F) Vapor Density (Air=1): 5.40 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): No information found. Evaporation Rate (BuAc=l): No information found.

file://l:\229-Franklin,%20MA\5Vo20-%20DPW%20Remediation\RAM%20Amendment%2012-07\Upda... 12/11/2002 I OTASSIUM PERMANGANATE Page 5 of 7 10. Stability and Reactivity I Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. I Hazardous Decomposition Products: Toxic metal fumes may form when heated to decomposition. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Powdered metals, alcohol, arsenites, bromides, iodides, phosphorous, sulfuric acid, organic compounds, U sulfur, activated carbon, hydrides, strong hydrogen peroxide, ferrous or mercurous salts, hypophosphites, hyposulfites, sulfites, peroxides, and oxalates. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flames, ignition sources and incompatibles.

11. Toxicological Information

Investigated as a mutagen, reproductive effector. Oral rat LD50: 750 mg/kg.

------\Cancer Lists\------\---NTP Carcinogen--- Ingredient Known Anticipated TARC Category

Potassium Permanganate (7722-64-7) No No None

12. Ecological Information

Environmental Fate: No information found. Environmental Toxicity: Dangerous to the environment. Very toxic to aquatic organisms; may cause long term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

313. Disposal Considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. I Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.

114. Transport Information Domestic (Land, D.O.T.) file-/I-\229-Franklin,%20MA\5%20-%20DPW%2ORemediation\RAM%20Amendment%2012-07\Upda... 12/11/2007 OTASSIUM PERMANGANATE Page 6 of 7

Proper Shipping Name: RQ, POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE Hazard Class: 5.1 UN/NA: UN1490 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 1 1OLB

International (Water, I.M.O.)

Proper Shipping Name: POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE Hazard Class: 5.1 UN/NA: UN 1490 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 11 OLB i15. Regulatory Information

----- \Chemical Inventory Status - Part 1\------Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia

Potassium Permanganate (7722-64-7) Yes Yes Yes Yes

------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 2\------Ca nada-- Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phil.

Potassium Permanganate (7722-64-7) Yes Yes No Yes

------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part l\ ------SARA 302------SARA 313------Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg.

Potassium Permanganate (7722-64-7) No No No Manganese co

------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 2\------RCRA- -TSCA- Ingredient CERCLA 261.33 8(d)

Potassium Permanganate (7722-64-7) 100 No No

Chemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12 (b): No CDTA: Yes SARA 311/312: Acute: Yes Chronic: Yes Fire: Yes Pressure: No Reactivity: No (Pure / Solid)

Australian Hazchem Code: 2Y Poison Schedule: S6 WHMIS: This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR.

file://I:\229-Franklin,%20MA\5%20-%20DPW%2oRemediation\RAM%2OAmendment%2012-07\Upda... 12/11/2007 1'OTASSIUM PERMANGANATE Page 7 of 7 16. Other Information

NFPA Ratings: Health: 1 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Other: Oxidizer Label Hazard Warning: I DANGER! STRONG OXIDIZER. CONTACT WITH OTHER MATERIAL MAY CAUSE FIRE. CORROSIVE. CAUSES BURNS TO ANY AREA OF CONTACT. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. Label Precautions: Keep from contact with clothing and other combustible materials. Store in a tightly closed container. I Do not store near combustible materials. Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. I Do not breathe dust. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Label First Aid: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while E removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give large quantities of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. In all cases get medical attention immediately. Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. U Revision Information: MSDS Section(s) changed since last revision of document include: 3, 11, 12. Disclaimer:

Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION.

Prepared by: Environmental Health & Safety Phone Number: (314) 654-1600 (U.S.A.)

file://I:\229-Franklin,%20MA\5%V20-%20DPW%20Remediation\RAM%20Amendment%2012-07\Upda... 12/11/2007 NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149): 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene I CDC/NIO... Page 1 of I

National Institute for EN$Occupational Safety and Health Search NIOSH I NIOSH Home I NIOSH Topics I Site Index I Databases and Information Resources I NIOSH Products I Contact Us NIOSH Publication No. 2005-149: September 2005 NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards NPG Home I Introduction I Synonyms &_Trade.Names I ChermicatNames I CAS Numbersj RTE$SNumbers I Appendices I Search CAS 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene

C RTECS DC3325000 6H3(CH3)3 Synonyms & Trade Names DOT ID & Guide Asymmetrical trimethylbenzene, psi-Cumene, Pseudocumene [Note: hemimellitene is a mixture of the 1,2,3-isomer with up to 10% of related aromatics such as the 1,2,4-isomer.] Exposure NIOSH REL: TWA 25 ppm (125 mg/m 3) Limits OSHA PELt: none IDLH N.D. See: _DLH INDEX Conversion 1 ppm = 4.92 mg/m3 Physical Description Clear, colorless liquid with a distinctive, aromatic odor. MW: 120.2 BP: 337*F FRZ: -77*F Sol: 0.006% VP(56*F): 1 mmHg IP: 8.27 eV Sp.Gr: 0.88 FI.P: 112*F UEL: 6.4% LEL: 0.9% Class II Flammable Liquid Incompatibilities & Reactivities Oxidizers, nitric acid Measurement Methods OSHA PV2091 See: NMAM or OSHA Methods Personal Protection & Sanitation (See protection) First Aid (See procedures) Skin: Prevent skin contact Eye: Irrigate immediately Eyes: Prevent eye contact Skin: Soap wash Wash skin: When contaminated Breathing: Respiratory support Remove: When wet or contaminated Swallow: Medical attention immediately Change: No recommendation

Respirator Recommendations Not available. Important additional information about respirator selection Exposure Routes inhalatior, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact Symptoms Irritation eyes, skin, nose, throat, respiratory system; bronchitis; hypochromic anemia; headache, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, incoordination; vomiting, confusion; chemical pneumonitis (aspiration liquid) Target Organs Eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, blood See also: INTRODUCTION See ICSC CARD: 1433

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C RTECS Ox6825000 6 H3(CH13)3 Synonyms & Trade Names DOT ID & Guide Mesitylene, Symmetrical trimethylbenzene, sym-Trimethylbenzene 2325 129

Exposure NIOSH REL: TWA 25 ppm (125 mg/m 3) Limits OSHA PELt: none

IDLH N.D. See: IDLH INDEX Conversion I ppm = 4.92 mg/m3 Physical Description Clear, colorless liquid with a distinctive, aromatic odor. MW: 120.2 BP: 329*F FRZ: -49*F Sol: 0.002% VP: 2 mmHg IP: 8.39 eV Sp.Gr: 0.86 FLIP: 122F UEL: ? LEL: ? Class il Flammable Liquid Incompatibilities & Reactivities Oxidizers, nitric acid Measurement Methods OSHA PV2091 See: NMAM or OSHA Methods Personal Protection & Sanitation (See protection) First Aid (See procedures) Skin: Prevent skin contact Eye: Irrigate immediately Eyes: Prevent eye contact Skin: Soap wash Wash skin: When contaminated Breathing: Respiratory support Remove: When wet or contaminated Swallow: Medical attention immediately Change: No recommendation

Respirator Recommendations Not available. Jmportant additional information about respirator selection Exposure Routes inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact Symptoms irritation eyes, skin, nose, throat, respiratory system; bronchitis; hypochromic anemia; headache, drowsiness, lassitude (weakness, exhaustion), dizziness, nausea, incoordination; vomiting, confusion; chemical pneumonitis (aspiration liquid) Target Organs Eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, blood See also: INTRODUCTION See ICSC CARD: 1155

NIOSH Home | NIOSH Search I Site nde To Lis Contact Us NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149): Ethyl benzene I CDC/NIOSH Page I of 2

NationalInstitute for Occupatio al Safety and Health Search NIOS H I NIOSH Home I NIOSH Topics Site Index I Databases and Information Resources [ NIOSH Products I Conta ct Us NIOSH Publicat ion No. 2005-149: September 2005 NIOSH Pocket Guide to Che mical Hazards NPG Home I Introduction I SynonyRs_& Trade Names I ChemicalNames I CAS Numbers I BTE__Numer sI Appendices I Search CAS 100-41-4 Ethyl benzene

CH3CH2 6 H-15 RTECS DA0700000 Synonyms & Trade Names DOT ID & Guide Ethylbenzol, Phenylethane 1175 130

Exposure NIOSH REL: TWA 100 ppm (435 mg/m 3) ST 125 ppm (545 mg/m 3) Limits OSHA PELt: TWA 100 ppm (435 mg/m3)

IDLH 800 ppm [10%LEL] See: 1_00414 Conversion I ppm = 4.34 mg/m3 Physical Description Colorless liquid with an aromatic odor.

MW: 106.2 BP: 277 4F FRZ: -139 $ Sol: 0.01% VP: 7 mmHg IP: 8.76 eV Sp.Gr: 0.87 FLP: 55F UEL: 6.7% LEL: 0.8% Class IB Flammable Liquid: Fl.P. below 73*F and BP at or above 1000F. Incompatibilities & Reactivities Strong oxidizers Measurement Methods NIOSH 1501; OSHA 7 1002 See: NMAM or OSHA Methods Personal Protection & Sanitation (See proActon) First Aid (See proedures) Skin: Prevent skin contact Eye: Irrigate immediately Eyes: Prevent eye contact Skin: Water flush promptly Wash skin: When contaminated Breathing: Respiratory support Remove: When wet (flammable) Swallow: Medical attention immediately Change: No recommendation

Respirator Recommendations NIOSH/OSHA Up to 800 ppm: (APF = 10) Any chemical cartridge respirator with organic vapor cartridge(s)* (APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted organic vapor canister (APF = 25) Any powered, air-purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge(s)* (APF = 10) Any supplied-air respirator* (APF= 50) Any self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece Emergency or planned entry into unknown concentrations or IDLH conditions: (APF = 10,000) Any self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive- pressure mode (APF = 10,000) Any supplied-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary self-contained positive-pressure breathing apparatus Escape: (APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted organic vapor canister/Any appropriate escape-type, self-ccntained breathing apparatus Important additional information about resprator selection Exposure Routes inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact Symptoms Irritation eyes, skin, mucous membrane; headache; dermatitis; narcosis, coma NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149): Ethyl benzene I CDC/NIOSH Page 2 of 2

Target Organs Eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system See also: INTRODUCTION See ISSC CARD: 0268 See MEDICAL TESTS: 0098

NIOSHHome l NIOSHSearch Site Index | TopicList | ContactUs NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149) : Tetrachloroethylene ICDC/NIOSH Page 1 of 2

National Institute for occupationai Safety and Health 1.11R MEATI...PEL.R Search NIOSH I NIOSH Home | NIOSH Topics I Site Index I Databases and Information Resources I NIOSH Products I Contact Us NIOSH Publication No. 2005-149: September 2005 NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards NPG Horne |_ntroduction Synonynis & Trade Names I ChemicaNames CASNumbers RThCNumbers I Appendces I Search CAS 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene RTECS KX3850000 CI 2C~CCI 2 Synonyms & Trade Names; DOT ID & Guide Perchlorethylene, Perchloroethylene, Perk, Tetrachlorethylene 1897 160 Exposure NIOSH REL: Ca Minimize workplace exposure concentrations. See Appendix A Limits OSHA PELt: TWA 100 ppm C 200 ppm 300 ppm (5-minute maximum peak in any 3-hours)

IDLH Ca [150 ppm] See: 127184 Conversion 1 ppm = 6.78 mg/m3 Physical Description Colorless liquid with a mild, chloroform-like odor. MW: 165.8 BP: 250*F FRZ: -2 F Sol: 0.02% VP: 14 mmHg IP: 9.32 eV Sp.Gr: 1.62 FLP: NA UEL: NA LEL: NA Noncombustible Liquid, but decomposes in a fire to hydrogen chloride and phosgene. Incompatibilities & Reactivities Strong oxidizers; chemically-active metals such as lithium, beryllium & barium; caustic soda; sodium hydroxide; potash Measurement Methods NIOSH 1003; OSHA 1001 See: NMAM or OSHA Methods Personal Protection & Sanitation (See-protection) First Aid (see pedures) Skin: Prevent skin contact Eye: Irrigate immediately Eyes: Prevent eye contact Skin: Soap wash promptly Wash skin: When contaminated Breathing: Respiratory support Remove: When wet or contaminated Swallow: Medical attention immediately Change: No recommendation Provide: Eyewash, Quick drench Respirator Recommendations NIOSH At concentrations above the NIOSH REL, or where there Is no REL, at any detectable concentration: (APF = 10,000) Any self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive- pressure mode (APF = 10,000) Any supplied-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary self-contained positive-pressure breathing apparatus Escape: (APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted organic vapor canister/Any appropriate escape-type, self -contained breathing apparatus Important additional information about respirator selection Exposure Routes inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact Symptoms Irritation eyes, skin, nose, throat, respiratory system; nausea; flush face, neck; dizziness, incoordination; headache, drowsiness; skin erythema (skin redness); liver damage; [potential occupational carcinogen]

Target Organs Eyes, skin, respiratory system, liver, kidneys, central nervous system

Cancer Site (in animals: liver tumors]

See also: INTRODUCTION See ICSC CARD: 0076 See MEDICAL TESTS: 0179 Page 1 of 2 NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149) : Toluene I CDC/NIOSH

National institute for A Occupational Safety and Health I Contact Us Search NIOSH I NIOSH Home I NIOSH Topics I Site Index I Databases and Information Resources I NIOSH Products 2005 NIOSH Publication No. 2005-149: September NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards NPGHorne Introduction ISynonyms_&TradeNares I ChemcgiNames I CANurmbers I RTECS_Numbrs Appnices Search CAS 108-88-3 Toluene C RTECS XS5250000 6HCH 3 Names. DOT ID & Guide Synonyms & Trade 1294 130 Methyl benzene, Methyl benzol, Phenyl methane, Toluol 'Exposure NIOSH REL: TWA 100 ppm (375 mg/m 3) ST 150 ppm (560 mg/m 3) Limits OSHA PELt: TWA 200 ppm C 300 ppm 500 ppm (10-minute maximum peak)

IDLH 500 ppm See: 108883 Conversion 1ppm = 3.77 mg/m3 Physical Description Colorless liquid with a sweet, pungent, benzene-like odor. 0 MW: 92.1 BP: 232F FRZ: -139OF Sol(74 F): 0.07% VP: 21 mmHg IP: 8.82 eV Sp.Gr: 0.87

FIP: 40 *F UEL: 7.1% LE L: 1.1% Class IB Flammable Liquid: FI.P. below 73*F and BP at or above 100F. Incompatibilities & Reactivities Strong oxidizers Measurement Methods NIOSH 1500, 1501, 3800, 4000; OSHA 111 See: NMAM or OSHA Methods

Personal Protection & Sanitation (See protection) First Aid (See procedures) Skin: Prevent skin contact Eye: Irrigate immediately Eyes: Prevent eye contact Skin: Soap wash promptly Wash skin: When contaminated Breathing: Respiratory support Remove: When wet (flammable) Swallow: Medical attention immediately Change: No recommendation

Respirator Recommendations NIOSH Up to 500 ppm: (APF = 10) Any chemical cartridge respirator with organic vapor cartridge(s)* (APF = 25) Any powered, air-purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge(s)* (APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted organic vapor canister (APF = 10) Any supplied-air respirator* (APF = 50) Any self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece Emergency or planned entry into unknown concentrations or IDLH conditions: or other positive- (APF = 10,000) Any self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand pressure mode (APF = 10,000) Any supplied-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary self-contained positive-pressure breathing apparatus iEscape: (APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted organic vapor canister/Any appropriate escape-type, self-contained breathing apparatus Important additional information about respirator selection Exposure Routes inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact Symptoms Irritation eyes, nose; lassitude (weakness, exhaustion), confusion, euphoria, dizziness, headache; dilated pupils, lacrimation (discharge of tears); anxiety, muscle fatigue, insomnia; paresthesia; dermatitis; liver, kidney damage NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149): Toluene I CDC/NIOSH Page 2 of 2

Target Organs Eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, liver, kidneys See also: INTRODUCTION See ICSC CARD: 0078 See MEDICAL TESTS: 0232

NOSH Home I NIOSH_Search Site Jndex I TopjcList I Contact Us Page 1 of 2 NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149) : m-Xylene I CDC/NIOSH

NationalInstitute for iu- LMA i Occupational Safety and Health I Contact Us Search NIOSH I NIOSH Home I NIOSH Topics I Site index I Databases and Information Resources I NIOSH Products September 2005 NIOSH Publication No. 2005-149: NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Search NPG Home I Introduction Synonymsn &Trade Names 1 ame CAS Numbers I RTECS Numers I Appendices CAS 108-38-3 m-Xylene C H RTECS ZE2275000 C6 4(CH 3 )2 Names DOT ID & Guide Synonyms & Trade 1307 130 1,3-Dimethylbenzene; meta-Xylene; m-Xylol 3 3 Exposure NIOSH REL: TWA 100 ppm (435 mg/m ) ST 150 ppm (655 mg/m ) Lirits OSHA PELt: TWA 100 ppm (435 mg/m3)

IDLH 900 ppm See: 95476 Conversion 1 ppm = 4.34 mg/m3 Physical Description Colorless liquid with an aromatic odor. MW: 106.2 BP: 282*F FRZ: -54*F Sol: Slight VP: 9 mmHg IP: 8.56 eV Sp.Gr: 0.86 FI.P: 82F UEL: 7.0% LEL: 1.1% Class IC Flammable Liquid: FIP. at or above 73*F and below 100*F. Incompatibilities & Reactivities Strong oxidizers, strong acids Measurement Methods NIOSH 1501, 3800- OSHA 1002 See: NMAM or OSHA Methods Personal Protection & Sanitation (See protection) First Aid (See procedures) Skin: Prevent skin contact Eye: Irrigate immediately Eyes: Prevent eye contact Skin: Soap wash promptly Wash skin: When contaminated Breathing: Respiratory support Remove: When wet (flammable) Swallow: Medical attention immediately Change: No recommendation

Respirator Recommendations NIOSH/OSHA Up to 900 ppm: (APF = 10) Any chemical cartridge respirator with organic vapor cartridge(s)* (APF = 25) Any powered, air-purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge(s)* (APF = 10) Any supplied-air respirator* (APF = 50) Any self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece Emergency or planned entry Into unknown concentrations or IDLH conditions: other positive- (APF = 10,000) Any self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or pressure mode (APF = 10,000) Any supplied-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary self-contained positive-pressure breathing apparatus Escape: (APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted organic vapor canister/Any appropriate escape-type, self-contained breathing apparatus Important additional information about respirator selection

Exposure Routes inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact Symptoms Irritation eyes, skin, nose, throat; dizziness, excitement, drowsiness, incoordination, staggering gait; corneal vacuolization; anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain; dermatitis NIOSH Document: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2005-149) : m-Xylene ICDC/NIOSH Page 2 of 2

Target Organs Eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, blood, liver, kidneys See also: INTRODUCTION See ICSC CARD: 0085 See MEDICAL TESTS: 0243

NOSH Home | NIOSH__Search I Site Index ITopcList IContactUs MAP & DIRECTIONS TO MILFORD WHITINSVILLE REGIONAL HOSPITAL, FRANKLIN, MA Page 1 of 1 LOCAL Directions to Franklin, MA 02038-1374 YA-IlOOE Mop. Summary and Notes Add your notes here... START p 40 Hayward St, Franklin, MA 02038- 2153 FINISH p Milford Whitinsville Regional Hospital (508) 528-6622 440 E Central St, Franklin, MA 02038- 1374

Total Distance: 1.8 miles, Total Time: 4 mins (approx.)

Distance P 40 HAYWARD ST, FRANKLIN, MA 02038-2153 1.Start at 40 HAYWARD ST, FRANKLIN go 0.3 mi 2. Turn Q on CENTRAL ST[RT-1 40] go 1.6 mi 3.Arrive at 440 E CENTRAL ST, FRANKLIN

P 440 E CENTRAL ST, FRANKLIN, MA 02038-1374 Distance: 1.8miles, Time: 4 mins

When using any driving directions or riap, it's a good idea to do a reality check and make sure the road still exists, watch out for construction, and follow all traffic safety precautions. This is only to be used as an aid in planning. APPENDIX D Waste Disposal Documentation Envirotrol Inc. El Item #: P.O. Box 61 (For intamnal use only)[ 432 Green St. Sewickley, PA 15143 199 Phone: 412.741.2030 Fax: 412.741.2670

nt Carbon Identification Sheet

Envirotrol Facility 24e Street Ext. and 31" Street 118 Park Road Beaver Falls PA, 15010 Darlington, PA 16115 724.843.9054 OR 724.827.8181 EPA ID: PAD980707087 EPA ID#: PAD987270725 Franklin DPW Facility 1) a.) Generator: Franklin DPW Site: Street Mailing Address: 257 Fisher Street Site Address: 40 Hayward Franklin, MA 02038 Franklin, MA 02038

MP5085204910 c.) Contact Name: Denise Zambrowski d.) EPA ID #: 520-4910 e.) SIC Code 4231 I.) Phone #: (508)

2) Stream Type: 5 Waste Water (WW) E0 Solvent Recovery (SR) 0 Potable Water (PW) El SVE (AF) 0 Ground Water (GW) 0 Chem. Processing (CP) 03 Food Processing (FP) 01 Other El Water Treatment (WT) 0l Air Filtration (HVAC) C3 VOC Control (AF) groundwater 3) Application Systems Description: Spent granular carbon used in liquid phase treatment for VOCs In

4) a.) Carbon Type: ] Lignite o Coconut 0 Granular b.)Mesh: 8x30 El 4x10 El 4x6 Q Coal 5 Wood El Pellet 0 12x40 0 6x1 6 0 Other o Impregnated C 20x50

c.) Annual Usage: lbs d.) System Fill Quantity: 4"" lbs e.) Current Volume: lbs

f.) Will reactivated Carbon be retumed to the generator? 0 Yes E] No 5) Handling: 0 Bulk C Drum C Adsorber Q Bulk Bag [Q] Other

I***REGULATORY INFORMATiON**** (Please check all that apply to the Spent Carbon Tendered to Envirotrol Inc.)

6) Isthe spent Carbon a RCRA Regulated material as per 40 CFR 261 or is the Spent Carbon a hazardous waste as per 25 PA Code 261? Yes / No A. Isthis Spent Carbon Contaminated with a Listed Hazardous Waste? Yes 7/ No B. Is the Spent Carbon a Characteristic Hazardous Waste? Yes / No I) Toxicity Characteristic Yes No 11) Reactive Yes No Ill) Corrosive 11 Yes [21El No El Yes No iv) Ignitable /0 7) Does the spent Carbon contain any of the following: A. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (IPCs) Yes No B. Dioxins and/or Furans Yes 0 No C. Pesticides or Herbicides (ifyes, provide more information in Item 9) Yes No D. Halogenated Compounds Yes No E. Sulfur or Cyanide Containing Compounds Yes No F. Heavy Metals Above Background Yes /INo G. Radioactive Material Above Background Yes No 8) a.) pH: 0 <2 0 7 o >12.5 b.)Flash Point: [ <70 o 141-200 E Open Cup 2 - 4 0 7.1 -10 o 70-100 0 >200 E Closed Cup O 4.1 - 6.9 5 10.1 - 12.4 o 101-140 o No Flash

Revised: 12/11/2003 Page 1 of 2 BP-4-1 *Spent Carbon Composition**

9) Constituents: % By Weight RCRA Waste Code Activated Carbon 85 N/A Water (Moisture) 15 N/A Organic Contaminants (list below)

inorganic Contaminants (Metals) 0 Check if none considered background levels (Please enter the percentage amount) Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium VI Lead Selenium Total Chromium Silver Other

Changes in loading and/or composition warrant completion of a new form. Attach a material safety data sheet for each constituent listed above. Attach appropriate laboratory analysis. Generators retain the title to spent Carbon

10) Certification of Documents by Generator I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. Official: Depise Zambrowski Title: Environmental Affairs Coordinator

Signature: N. Date: 6/13/07

11) Generator 41rI d Indemnification Agreement I ee that: Initials A) The spent Carbon material described in this "Spent Carbon Identification Sheet" does not contain greater than 50 PPM polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) nor any dibenzo-p-dioxins in concentrations exceeding 20 PPB in 2.3,7.8- TCDD Toxicity Equivalents (TEs) on the Carbon as may be calculated by the application of the most recent Toxicity Equivalency Factors (TEFs) as published by the USEPA; Initials 9) The influent to the spent Carbon material described in this "Spent Carbon Identification Sheet" did not contain greater than 50 PPM of Polychlorinated biphenyis (PCBs); Initials C) Denise Zambrowski (Generator and/or Authorized Agent) hereinafter referred to as "Generator" agrees to defend and hold harmless Envirotrol from all liabilities, claims, losses and obligations, whether known on the date of this agreement, arising out of, resulting from, or relating to either (i) misrepresentation of material facts, whether irtentional or unintentional, made under this Agreement or (ii) any violation by the Generator of any statute, ordinance, or regulation, or (iii) any other governmental requirement relating to the manifesting and certification of and other information relating to the physical and chemical characteristics of any materials sent to our facility, including regulatory certification required in the generation, treatment, storage, transportation management or disposal of any materials sent to, managed or processed by Envirotrol. Generator acknowledges that Envirotrol must rely on the Generator certification of all chemical and physical characteristics of hazardous substances manag pro se by Envirotrol.

A) ______B) Environmental Affairs Coordinator in f n oroGenerators Atozed Agent Tile

C) D) Denise Zambrowski /5- l oat. Name of Generator or Generators Ahozed Agent

Revised: 12/11/2003 Page 2 of 2 BP-4-1 @6/27/2007 01: 45 5084789211 UNITED RETEK CORP PAGE 02/03

Please Remit to: WheelabratorMillbury Inc. Wheelabrator Millbury Inc. A P 0. Ro 845603 Boston, MA 02284-5603 331 Southwest Cutoff Read Mrltury. MA 01527 (508) 791-8900 (508) 752-5483 Fax

PILL TO: United Retak Corp INVOICE NUMBER: 12925 ATTN: Mtark Noack INVOICE DATE: 6/19/07 21 Trotter Drive TERMS: Net 20 Days Medway . AA 02053 PAGE: 1

Ticket Date Time In Time Out Caitler Product GIV

331567 05!14/07 7:05:50AM 7:13:01AM Mobile Excavating Revenue Generated 35.83 331568 06,14/07 7:3S:20AM 7 09'32AM Mobie Excavating Revenue Uenerateio 35 27 32111 05t14 07 12:00:00AM 9-25:41AM Mobile Excavating Revenue Generated 331b1 ( 0604/07 12:00.00AM 9 43.*4AM M~bilr 8cavot ng Reverue Generaleil 36 '3 331657 06,14/07 12:00:00AM I1:27.38AM Mcbile xcavatng Reverue Generai 32 83 316t9o 12:03:00AM 12:44.19PM Mobile Excavating Reverue Generaled 33.21 331723 06114/07 12:00:00AM 1.50:5aPM Mobile Excavating Revenue Generated 37.,4 331744 0614/07 12:00:00AM 2:$5:29PM Mobile Excavating Revenue Generated 32 21. 331$09 06/15/37 12:00 00AM 6 44:40AM Mobile Excavating Rvexjue Generated 33.63 331813 0615/07 12:00:00AM 650:47AM Mobile Excavating Revenue Generale? 3603' 331044 O)VI6/07 1 3:00:00AM B;34:A 1 ANA Mobile Elcav.ifo Revenue Generated 37 62 33194B 06' s07W 12:00:00AM 8: 39 11AM Moblie Excavating Revenue Generater. 31.47 331908 06/15/07 12:00:00AM 1:23:09AM Mobile Excavating Revenue Generateic 37.08 331912 06/15/07 12:00:00AM I -:25;03AM Mobile Excavaling Revenue Uenieralso 38.35 331972 D051507 12.0:00AM 1:36:58PM Mobie Excavating Revenue Gererated 36 37 331/5 0(15/07 I2:00:00AM 1:39.32PM MlA~ice Excavating Revenue nknied 37.63: 331997 06/15,07 12:00:00AM d:35:49PM McManus & Sons Trvcking Revenue Genrcated 29.96 331996 06/15107 12:00:00AM i::38:33PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 27 89 3f1999 06/15/07 12:00:00AM ,. 37:10PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 31.88 332000 06/' 5107 12:00 O0AM 2:37:39PM McManus & Sons Twoiung Revenue Generated 35.12 332001 06/1 5/07 12:00'00AM 2:38:361PM McManus & Sons IrUCking Revenve erejsiod 3:.61 332002 05/15!07 12:00:00AM 2: 39:17PM McManus & Sons Twcking Revenue Generated 32,11 332003 06(15?07 I2;00:00AM 2:30:47PM McManus & Sons TrOkln o Revenue Generated 29.63 332006 06/1 Sf07 12:00:00AM 2:40:25PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 26.26 332007 06115107 12:00:00AM 2:41:01PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated, 31.16 332009 06/1/07 12:00:00AM 2:41:36PM McManus 5 Sons Trucking Revenue Generated - 32.fb 332010 06/15/07 12:00:00AM 2:42:07PM McManus & Sons Tmcking Revenue Generated 32.90 332012 LUb11W07 12:000AM 2:42:36PM McManus & Sons Tucking Reveunn Gtinerted - 30.53 332014 08/1/07 12:00:00AM 2:43:20PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated - 34.56 33201 08I S/?07 12:00:00AM 2:43:54PM McManus & Sons TruckIng Revenue Generated - 34.0Q 332047 06115107 it:00;00AM 4;10:49PM MoManus & Sons Trocking Revenue Generated- 31.48 332040 06/15/07 12:00:00AM 4:11:27PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 31,65

F,,. -- *-..a at 06/27/2007 01:45 5694789211 UNITED RETEK CORP PAGE 03/03

Please Remit to: A Wheelabrator M1Ilbury Inc. Wheelabrator Milibury Inc. A wi. aMnnI COIWay P.O. Box 843003 Boston, MA 02284-5603 331 Southwest Cutofl Rod Millbry,MA 01527 (508) 79-890C (508) 752-5483 Fax

BILL TO: United Retek Corp INVOICE NUMFIFR: 12925 ATTN: Mark Noack INVOCE DATE- 6/19/07 21 Trctter Drive TERMS: Net 20 Days Medway, MA 02053 PAGE 2

Irvoico Total 1'06493 Ton

TCtal Invoice --- >

Billing lor period 6/11/07 - 6/16/07

-Sn A-t~~

2 1 06/26/2007 21:57 5084769211 UNITED RETEK CORP PAGE e2/05

Please Remit to: 4 Wheelabrator Mibliury Inc. Wheelabrator Millbury AVfte MangemrermCorny Inc. a*6 P.O. Dox 645603 331 Southwest Cutoff Road Boston, MA 02284-5603 Millbury, MA 01527 (A6Rj 701.8000 (508) 752-5483 Pax

BILL TO: United Retek Corp INVOICE NUMBER: 12987 ATTN: Mark Noack INVOICE DATE: 21 Trotter Drive 6/26/07 Medway, MA 02353 Net 20 Days PAGE I

Ticket Date Time In Time Out Carrier Product QOy

332189 06/11/07 1200:00AM 6:56:23AM Ulo Trucking Revenue Generated' 35.55 33?im 0618/07 7:05:4'4AM 7:5:04AM E & D E#erpases Revenue Generated 40.57 332205 06/18/07 7:30:15AM 7,30:24AM TP MORBITO Revenue Generated' 36.16 332244 06/18/07 12:00:00AM 9: 2:24AM E & D Enterprises Rfvenue Oeneraten 27098 332248 0/1 8/07 12'000:0AM 9:25:03AM Ulto Trucking Revenue Gonerated 36 23 33225' 06/18/07 12:QQ;00AM 9:23:22AM E & D Enterprises Revenue Generatec 3797 332260 06/14/C 12:00:00AM 45:58AM 9 E & rU 1:nterpritez Revenue Generated 6.71 332261 8/07 06/1 12:0C:00AM 952:12AM TP MORBITO Revrenue Genereted 33.88 332301 0518/07 12:00:00AM 11:24:04AM E & D Enterprises Revenue Ge-leteoed 19.54 332314 06/18/07 12:00:00AM 11:50:12AM Ullo Tsucking Revenue Generated 38.53 332316 06/18/07 12'00:00AM 11:55:26AM E & D Enterprises Revenue Generated 41.35 332321 06/18/07 12:00:00AM 12:01:57PM TP MORSITO Revenue Generated 30.33 332347 06/18/07 12:00:00AM 1:16:33PM E 4 D Enterprises Revenue Generated - 41.3S 332364 06/1/07 12:00:00AM 1:3;:42PM e D Entrprises Nevenue Generated- 36.44 332373 06/18(07 12;00:00AM 2:C4:22PM Uno Trucking Revenue Generated 37.65 332379 06/18/07 12:00:00AM 2:D9:03PM TP MORBITO RovAnue Generated 38.64 332436 06/18f07 12:00:00AM 4:00:02PM McManus & Sans Trucking Revenue Generated - 32.54 332438 06/18/07 12:00:00AM 4:00:44PM h4cManus & Sons Tricking Revenue Generated 29.11 332440 001/;OT 12:00:00AM 4:0 1:44PM McMenus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 31.09 332441 06/18107 12:00:00AM 4:02:35PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated, 32.15 332443 06/18107 12:00:00AM 4:3:31PM M.4anuo & Son. Truddog Revenue Generaltet 31.09 332444 05/18/07 12:00:00AM 4:04:12PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Gererated - 34.07 332445 00/18/07 12:0:00AM 4:05:03PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 332448 06/18/07 12:0000AM 4:05:45PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 34.67 332474 00/19107 6:55:34AM 6:55:46AM A-1 Trucding Revenue Generated, 36.75 322475 060/07? 12:C:00OAM 0:0S:41AM Mobile Excavating Revenue Generated, 32.94 332476 06/19107 12:00:00AM 7:01:04AM Mobile Excavating Revenue Generated 32.81 332478 06/19/07 7:07:34AM 7:08:00AM Mobile Excavating Revenue flnrotad - 32J0 332508 06/19/07 1Z00:0AM 8:53:2AM Mobile Excavaling Revenue Generated' - 34.96 332510 12:0:0QAM 9:00:57AM Rerenue Generated - 39.31 e nu Generated' 33.95 332515 RnuMenerted. 38.90 0 06/2P/2007 21:57 5084789211 UNITED RETEK CORP PAGE 03/e5

Please Remit to: A WheelabratorAMIIlbury Inc. Wheetabrator Milibury Inc. A ene fen pt j P.O. Boi 845603 Boston, 331 Southwest Cutoff Road MA 02284-5603 Millbury, MA 01627 (08)791-8900 (508) 752-5483 Fax

BI..L TO; United Rotok Corp INVOICE NUMBER. 12S117 ATTN: Mark Noack INVOICE DATE: S126/07 21 Trotter Drive TERM.: Medway, MA 02053 Nut 20 Days PAGE: 2

Ticket Date Time In Trne Out Carrier Product Qty

332544 06/19107 12:00;00AM 10:47:03AM A-I Truckng Revenue Generated' 42.90 332555 06/19/07 12:00:00AM 11:12;22A. Mobile Excovating Revenue Generated' 33.72 332 59 06/19/07 12:00:00AM 11:22:33AM Mobile Excavating Revenue Generated 38.60 332561 06/19/07 12:00:00AM 11.,29:5$AM Mobile Exc'ag Revenue Generated 39.63 3323V 06/19/7 12:00:00AM 12:42:21PM A-1 Trurng Revenue Generaled 42.59 332597 06/19/O7 12:00:00AM 12:56;32PM Mobile E zvstig Reven''e Generaecl 36 53 332601 06/19/07 12:00:00AM 1:1 3:45PM Mobile Ex02v2:ing Revenue Generated 40.65 06/19107 12:00:00AM 1:19:31PM Mobile Excevating Revenue Generated 36.98 6/19/07 12:00:00AM 3-5B:01PM McManus &Sons TrucKing Revenue Generated 30.50 332690 06/19/07 12:00:00AM 3:59:30PM McManus & Sons T'ucking Revenue Generaled 31.36 061s0/ 12:0U:QAM 4 UU:UI-M MCManus & $ons TrLuiWing Rtviuv ae,,eated- 34A7 332693 06/19107 12:00:00AM 4:00:49PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 34.68 nN1407 12-00:00AM :1PM McManus & Sons Trutkino Revenue Generated- 32.10 332591 06/1 9/07 12:00:00AM 4;02:11PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 33.87 332697 06/19/07 12:00:00AM 4:02:35PM McManus &Sons Trucking Revenue Generated' 37.44 332694 06/19/07 12-00:00AM 4:03:40PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated, 33.99 332728 0620/07 12.00;D0AM 6:59:17AM W L French Revenue Generated, 33.38' 332729 00/20/07 7:01:30AM 7:02:11AM VNL French Rpvenie Generated 32.97 332732 06/2007 12:00;00AM 7:07:45AM WL French Revenue Generated 33.11 332733 06/20/07 7:12:13AM 7:12:29AM W L French Revenue Generated- 30.29 332764 0/20/07 12-000AM El:56:41AM W LFrench Revenue Generated' 32.81 332767 06120/07 12:00:00AM 9:00:27AM WL French Revenue Generated- 35,82 332774 06/20/07 12:00:00AM 9:1515AM W L French Revwut Gterated 34.79 332777 0620/07 12:00:00AM 9:20:15AM W L French Revenue Generated, 32.49 332821 06t20/07 12:00:00AM 10:52:d2AM W I Frnrh Revenue Generated I 36.84 332825 06/20/07 12:00:00AM 11:01:26AM W L French Revenue Generated ' 36.47, $3236 06/20/07 12-00:00AM S11:10:20AM W L French Revenue Generated ' 34.88 332835. 06/20/07 12:00:00AM 11:1&0&AM W L French Revenue Generated' 332872 06/20/07 12:00:00AM :OtOSPM W L French Revenue'Generated' 40.71 332875 00/20/07 1:04:07PM -. VWL Fench Revent ralnratad g1.21; 1:11.19EM W L French Revenue Generated

1:19:5PM W -fn Reenue Generated.- 66/25/2007 21:57 5084789211 UNITED RETEK OJRP PAGE 04/05

Please Remit to: A Wheelabrator MIllbury Inc. Wheelabrator Milbury Inc. AV*s', y.. P.0. BdX U45603 331 Southiwest Cutoff Road Boston, MA 02284-6603 Milhzry, MA 01527 (508) 791-8900 (508) 752-5483 Fax

BILL TO: United Retek Corp INVOICE NUMBER: 12907 ATTN: Mark Noack INVOICE DATE: 6/26/07 21 Trotter Drive T ERMS: Medway, MA 02053 Net 20 Days PAGE: 3

Ticket Date Time In Time Out Carrier Product 0ty

332920 06/20'07 12:00:00AM 2;44:24PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 31.36 332921 06/20/07 12:00:00AM 2;45:04PM McManus & Sons Truckig Revenue Generated 30.50 332922 06/20!07 i 2:00:00AM 1:45:55PM McManus &Sons Trucking Revenue Genera:cd 35.48 44 Y2b UbIU!0/ 12:00:00AM McManus K Sons I ruckn'q Kevenue Generated 332927 06120/07 12:00:00AM 2:53:02PMl McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 32.17l 33292 06/20!07 12:00:00AM 2:53:55PM McMAnus & Sons Truckin; Revenue Generated 3d.83 332931 05120/07 12:00:00AM 2*55:34PNM McManus & Sons Truckino Revenue Generated - 33.38 332932 06/20/07 12:00:00AM 2:$0:14PM McManus & Sons Truckiri Revenue Generated

333190 06/21/07 12:00:00AM 4:08:32PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated + 36.25 333192 06121!07 12:00:00AM 4:09:17PM McManus &Sons Truckcg Revenue Generated 31.2 333194 0=/21/07 12:00:00AM 4;10:44PM McManus & Sars Truuki'ay Rove v* Gentuated 22.62 333196 06/21/07 12:00:00AM 4:12:09PM McManus &Sons Trackng Revenue Generated 32.37 333198 06/21/07 12:00:00AM 4:12:35PM McManus &Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 31.21 333199 06/21/07 12:00:00AM 4:13:04PM McManus & Sons Truickig Revenue Generated, 31.53 333200 06/21 fQ7 12:00:00AM 4:13:34PM McManus & Sons Trickig Revenue Generated + 21.01 333201 0/21/07 12:00:00AM 4:14:01PM McManus & Sons Tricking Hevenje Generated 29.28 333202 06/21/07 12:00;00AM 4:14:33PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 23L04 233203 06/2107 12:00:00AM 4:15:11PM Ml'Manus 9 Son- Trucking Revenue Generated 22.06 33204 06/2 1/07 12:00OO0AM 4:15:40PM McManus S Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 31.84 333206 06/21/07 12:0-OOAM 416:12PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated 36.31 333424 06/22/07 12:00:00AM 2;56;38PM MeManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated- 30.60 333427 06/22'07 12:00:00AM 2-57:25PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated' 34.29 33s342S 06/22)07 12:OOOAM 2a:7:04PM McManus & $ons Tiuckh ii Revenue Generated 33,03 333430 06/2207 12:00:OOAM 258:34PM McManus & Sans Trucking Revenue Generated ' 32.43 333431 06/22/07 12:00:00AM 2:9:07PM McManus &Sons Trucking Revenue Generated * 33,85 333432 06/22/07 12:00:00AM 259:46PM McManus & Sons Trucking Revenue Generated ' 32,85 RETEK CORP PAGE 05/e5 06/26/2007 21:57 5084789211 UNITED

Please Remit to: A Wheelabrator Millbury Inc. Whelabrator Millbury Inc. P.0. Box 845603 Boston, MA 02284-5603 331 Southwest Cutoff Road Milibury, MA 01527 (508) 791-8900 (508) 752-5483 Fax

BILL TO: United Retek Corp INVOICE NUMBE 12967 ATTN: Mark Noack INVOICE DATE 6/26/07 21 Trotter Drive TERMS Net 2& Days Medway, MA U2053 P -= 4

Invoice ToI 3,084.12 Ton

Total Invoice ---

Billing for per iud 6/18/07 - 6/23/07

... . -.. - t .

0LO -

to Eucot ^ C I

C M o c 0. do 3 to C cc 1:0 00 .. 0 to Li rz wrD o >to co -- _j 0 - < 0t < co k I- aE C CID -- l C 0 (0 .Q Lx a+-: -Q, 0 0 0c: SC, a. , 0 z' aC I- In ; j C a: L 00e -- o 0 I- ' ni- r- C. c.- C >. > cO'"3Colr LLIi Lu r -1 a: - ru - Ct- S I- I- IL C..Ul I EU C) M o - - r I (0 QC - 'Lu I n-


C0 iA(7 RQPEr C t$) Carrier's No. arrersrr a Nm:rRL r ( El/SR lE RESCEIVED,SublO to Ile clasaicaliors and dills ib ebect tn the dite of the issue o this ill at lading,

-(4Date) t )Lr -07 FROM at i inieneueal imadkdItIc d r ho - Irww d eil tIt -r-.n ieatg mderolnd Ih ctidai..ibelI,. inrrperi r'li.dcodariquasuieid .LIoIllnd tIdi If ald a carryn IS" iNUI pbitue d er y al iesitienr. d t in es.osrL "sne rho..tehon ihr aoi lhis imri~'acta ncarm;: an. pe. m e (triimwa in eooe of 1p'lk lay no .. m e .ie'uriju.iiee In snd a, io each camno f all io mo oiipeity icr IlJ in 5ytih inr nnaien. ir- iin iihe irtrof i '.lnzIrhwa 1Tcratino, olhenrnein deiner 0 amirrni catrit in Ihe'ile la' il. desliuin i i m-iI'i agre. til uJid 3nnrsmrir furher'I.l:li. a- P-'re- Ifd11srnhdtasi'tdo.miektiritmoie Irt--i erct Isut.:.f issa ritodm-wee~rinushimn.irhonnneppealrnircarirolwfc.iirenl .lod,111IM - .'aeingii'orthin-niI n.1d m a lm'iam th-- rr' 1n-A Irri ,m - aielporrn,iniiiiiusQn.%pontr itglli ifIli, t .IInIjii'1 bill ladrag meludio;eAt il n 'ino.- hbe noeL loha r. ft sa eiglIif ith thre cli fatolingi tktiduaniiood iier liack enlire lus lie fanira wcith all hlr1 4~~~~~~~~iicerm' arci,'ndaim. of de ind tO 41ie

(Miliaset 01addoessIggerpusli 0ficabe10cey) tI 1Nm D.hi ioi o diliurt if nii19o roeoi it litbelned ton le oi(ir waIiu Consigned Hz M TO et I' ftAr rheamner ,iall ihl mae ikhicay 0 ii ntsi COCo enoirc I Ghunbo, lne I.t. lears'CODrbil.peartrom corilbri .Inam.. if - ioroir prndood m m430, Soc 1. D i i City n..n ii 1 es5 nan et di-ann m ien t Dele r sa ia ewclf dese y /S'7 tcrt -Ad=rs*

C. 0. D. chargeS lob Delivering Carrier - Carar Vehicle Initials and No.- Paid by O3Shippo- 3 Consijno Collect on Delivery $. And Remit to it ante .1x is rioprip l- e. Strel _Cily state oil'lilehl*hotigi 'Wucri fSuabect Class CrieCk Kndet PackgIa.Oeotpi;L : :Irs.5:'c o ho.andiEcepos i oconia Role Cekr

in prqrncn,,n of lhoe .lhari 0ri te

I or , ofM____> ein ie i gen w

?N _ _

I til Li , .J 41 im-iniolli.L-ir irli, I I A h l' inn I (Iitori.-.ioi'Wai- seith~L'nle

M on~r tt~ l r , el a, allA nil

he i NuI-W hlte n h teindIepen.1l cn a le onipierarroqtioo iinuslo -,piltally ieor oe n liearen'der 'clatoe lil Cli a utib ritlr elMi at ladeoapprodin Iia-iie

'ih nrmin de 'I d tIm re.1 liah or LI nieLurrl I. herbIi r ell ly u1t l t*-hiner ib tere i

r-0.17 enl L/i/6& /fe7?'k Shipper, Per- r Peomnam.enlposIi,!Iice 7 ~f )t add250 Cf SiliPPOt. l,4r/1,O 4 /s4 O~z0 Per I-. in) 4M3.

o . c

I-- Ci *0 4 IC awi-- 01 0. C I-n (D o (D _-,E 5o . r - to -- CC ',11 a I x +- Q -r .- I - -Y a -Ca 0 4C- , a 0> - CCo ICICLS C)C ~L I- C 2.05 - 0 4 C Cr0 )- > M 0 - o 0 C M C0 070--.. --- to - L3 m w 0 C -- !'' r.a I.

.-...... w co Q i C z, I

STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING- SHORT FORM ORIGINAL -NOT NEGOTIAB-E Shipper's No. 0 ... .. Carrier's Name: i ' CA QY 7,.. N Refly -7t±8,/ Carrier's No. RECEIVED subject to the classilicatans and aurills in alect on the date of Ie issue oethis Mil of ladng.

at -- (Date)1- / 07 FROM 11. . c. corr 111cir aii c IsmI n ' I o coos oforded- IIkuc , 'If ain it AA ign' i dn 4 dt I i h ia , dd. o sid eg n Oiir crd iort i beinicdertood 11"coas "lmcri oirccici ,iciioaoylo,-I d i 11 l-1111,1- n- r1i A - - , 0. inS] , icaci . dd i , p c s lc iomcoan0ocinlsifttitd.amowaterehchtly hill0ictio the cii l asi ieaig ik ticc o [sc r crpninc irc on e si tu i e 1yci i er1 cain~cl aircslttn carry t o u it hr coii ii tl rcco s t

uc vrn ciT nbhi iios rfiiihn ost1 Sip r cut hehlie ilia c a oe n [ surw ic be h crm. cid csndiltisrsf .li1n coic biil i o lccr, mrdsdir to s end C ]rete. oc ai i ech olaiooc p a im icsr -. andc fifchiomdsicacl tiedtadictamlocroipnmrscsOoclcrsctlintwdylieslacaoro docnion it litiam -- Mai ortrut edden erprpoesc nttlco~i idy1 Sjc it i c i 7iinti cf Ciot nnit i toisncniotiduiiotcciall4 d i 11ii-Ad, biti-n m. i I.

* oncollom on ollti Soso hoes iinlilr -0 l c oep br o e ooo5000's 0000 im eior cooa n tidore i m 0 a so.1.I c anno m ailrA ccs sc netinion A IetiIIn'f1c.nco_ Steet a w r City Iofnf. e NP, Mc. A'I Zi As .M . 0 1County- Deiey lt p

Tout tedin crly wtm shperdlsfres ami gorrcrg rsproido fo defAery anroate

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials and No. C. 0. D.Chargesi10 s Paid by I f Stipper 0 Consignee Collect on Delivery $ __And Remit to if c:h.crgso .it ini 0e proocd. trimi r ol""i*ict"ciirc l"tho"l n-Stree:City State

Sli ind ci Fa )C.Dcliipiile ot ides Speci araks - c ep -i f roi W csi Co

ioci iFiaPtly in pr ynIofb the drirei h 7,~ jo~ __ ___ cspty de rl'ldnt icr enAr

II . t srhirt


1 Ii ibre c it1iners ca d fcor loin niciproico

.. makro stificte hern. cord alU o-1hr iccurcsiicoregeoscoriotOcs iuncciocuoi~le1 f titlici tilorm fresihr 5.cticiin eon cd lis 5 al-ite Nastucci Mcinir -ighiclt C: l is m-o T500iu'p tiriniptroii1 Ilcci .lf r.10 ccla3it isco cirt . 1 i~tc~naa honocc ~nc oco,p~t 07 ci~sr 4c. is a~ OM~rO i writmioii 1,t ,1piiouere aIjicdwan orrpt cirhilt ofladmgo upritd tic ho- linil

nceerta.'iIkij reltaItrt'tIWpcpr-f IN, mi Mi rlN islflt I d lhr thNkippirtolse ttc1t..InE ndio

nefrtrr RT Shipper Pernt Pneranet-ik /e adidress i /ipper.& t I e , O s It

co C4N* (D 0C InLO M

> 1 0 (9 G')S - ~rVn I Co 1 (9 i. --u InM0t CM a S -o 1- 0- >1 C Osn ICC 0 IA -- lo r-- Inc 0) e C oa Ca C n--tn I- -M in ODe 0: a L '4D -U C L. hi-l a CtL (' C C-, a, C -o --- -a o ar .. C" c.-- eC I iu crt a, C C- s- o -a li C-- w a: In t -J -J a: : S- 0 o) - <: C. w -o: >i


Carrier's Name: 'I' UC.L 5'TW Sid. {/' (f t 9) Carrier's No. RECEIVED.subject to the classiicatioris and lardis in ellect on thie dateof the Issue o tils Billol lad ng, at(ate) /-/4/-07 FROM iidoimircsr(iieoword coap|s n me .Ikheopvy declisislca. 1 ppariitnt e441 d iti*,ltianloyaiiatrwi0 it ,,IcntJ , luflkoqgf unkmt s, mp.andI deriioed&,asheloadauwicb 4 nrLli5L twltr , idbW y it rhrmtitsc"ata aseamrig sor'mroaptilai i yss,,,,fthr pien undr lwam t apecs it o arr t itso(sualplaceof delncoay a ail o simai. a i(,icitus rUne t cd pto rt taener fal l iflanyfln nimt sriain he territod hi a y raatfie ,itrise i tkhLoIo an er' cari sor l,,touieh inoAl deurriam Its m~tiI a tectlas t echt ,' c arri toa or r hg'ttrlifen Duiohc ht~ii oflcid ramielo desluioilmtnd acic cad,pa aytioa- intereisti all ortas of s.ud iruly.itrst enettticeomhe ontioticaeui &till Ibe wtui1ti .11ialea11a~ittac,,ilams ii u i s a rlat r n t. 11in tohe appbcale mitor camrcliifintaiot or ird hfr%i' asortarrterdililint. Dill.or LaditC setfri l i~t Iti itbIt Untio 'temghi ilacricali, akn ,: oftI ito e t 'ai n t. a h A er forth er L:nrilT wlsh poat sirlesnsirtaliit thi shli rmeii ni, 5hrnIwontby cert hal hre i rae, cl- r il | he imitniani cmdim d1 'Ie sail b,,lt e lodir ni-, raw ihineim ilu' sac ihetirt. sot in she i:mhtnatita - (144ler sirot arduiesctar purpo'so ed nahsslcaon ij Sbchirm o icn 7 of samtioa if this .tncttitt in b delieds ti it conqigneessilhaot onsigned TO ltt iisame aro11 nssr 6noCtan01 ol1.oty5 mt~arts. hhhiors'CO'rmsih a are n siga'sramonaaontar ts oordedinileo 0s ec..l r

Detnation 9 o______.______N______y_

c/C- County.ld~~~~~~~t- I, , wctorltk l-e.d-11 ~~Delivery SaeP4 l. - i 'mil as 9 -7~ (TL''i''4 -. Address*

DelivenrngCanrier CarorVehcle Initlals andNo, C. 0. D. Chargeso o

asippe by onig Collect on Delivery S ______And Remit to

i - a are . r tio ilb r ad. .

00, :taO e Sta

ct~a Cun HM 10idPacimgoDfescrtphana lArliceSpecialrs.amlJExcoplions tocorrecrin

htoacmc ca'la' eher

1 m11. dlf . :-. T (A.i oripicum fo .od.A 1.1Al a iik'te 1.-1 U n hia tlsaic m - 4e.a.Rsaf ihe .its .ir bll S ihs .. r ed h ,., ot tel I 1 ls. NUE~ Wh.relertiseminoliperiarlili~d ce-o ielym rsiiawdud egulefaen r .e..s.a -1 ii ~ otIl,.4o .1i Wtfinsoi se 41 ud c m l w I

.$[heduwaina~bi s, atpeshadmrt icr eliaanuoia ih lil iJ, lllautchOdv rit 1 .wsip-swellci.

11w,ugrestd 'er ttetared 'alue of thr rwprly In heda nlrslInC .tate~ .il th Lipper' Ito ibvnn rtngim

P1e.-rj . mnet i ll li aIale4 i)h -I, Shipper, Per " 1 Agent


odkostNoo,t w atrr ~ c 1'QLfayvi J U -t ot

.r rN- 0- IL) C e - ILDr- o n+ -- - Cq, C IhhCe Ci.i-* C.. .A C d _x C som z 17, L -, .. (U -o e C ar 0 CD S II 0o C. L oc C- E +' :1o 0 0 -) U11, - 0 > Cn L CM n 1 - 3 a C e -m ' C- 0 CmC _j ,-- C-c D c,- e x:n S C a- S - taer-- SC In .- I- 0: U) to Lu GO - o- u us -,- E- 5- -I a: 3: _cn w z r-


Carrier'sName: rcT C-u Carrier's No. FEoEvEDaust " o the classiticalions and tars in elleo afi the dateo the ssue of this i alolading,

a -- Dat) -- n - 0 '7 -FRO AMlaid j . la 1,5 a c-a i .. a pl s a la, 1c-e1 a doFad r o an ne -l tnohrnl .wh hii-'raia cmr ~ier a r l i i e . e ra a n. i a l hl hill . . ,:. 'a ila m aor,- - l, ,,... a i- n ar e ir a rai

t an a 1Lue f, wn fal r t v h e ie la i i - tii alhich itlgnerrhes.rmcal, tr hcyab cr.i'tl l t fa., m . iina ia h narm I ., oin liutiin I , a r'..d l i o "iiling t, n u -~~~-i sc-Rar..Inhdi'sjcieiswirii all 'V Mhaaila nt in, puLIasg r i lflC tanon il) iu tico ao iectiol etc'T r cu. n . ir It Ic-I tsi i hl i, i11. .l hi1-aislnn mili u1 Consigned TO 1Jcakio lrl Draivell Sipmriti. trlit CCl D mastieoappear Ioelae caoona n's , name or is olnrise pioided a Itrn 430. So, I" all a ra alaer , i OnI Colc aon .a maIrr fw'~hiari all Ctr t c it =.ldlha n D ation orc.- /-S ma Delvery Zip graa i 41"" ""b -T4Address lt hptna riuili *Ton edoinir nni'lenshipprdornirloandg 5,armngtaidis piawieaordei e1atisa

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials and No. C. 0. D, Chares to be Paid by

Collect on Delivery $ And RFemit to 0Slipr Consgne

ll ire 10-l rpiaul.1 1nr, a l me qctlo'impliar.ilic

Itaceinli iin*pply

'pnyrallas ai i l ob1e rr"m ..

s letCbud

I ipautuinuseeakiswledgecsenty

lChaaenaii neiali p.t'tia' lit a'tra ar

Thore ,aav it1ic' aaLiti 1.l a m la r i hr I .'

rnullilCt l lanli le d biic irc winfiril rin mahi CliwiaaiatCanli E1d," i alteli aimiecti 'rll ~ii rta: hital's ft Ntm tM o TShirPar' n ar ei uf a:nmp liaSpiri eIIil ftacmana elt epi l naasiiMt.r'r,IbelmhitIlInatl ito laWin luslain 1,aliceriuuniirl'aWai erimnc lf ll dung appaimed ha tha latcrss' Noi--Wtnrm th ae n depend:ralm isa anniaricai reslumi mo atse odoir.A in mins air epd at dai it.c ar ti. aeralesy Of 5

-Ibe gfre't inca derlaI ,tainiit t eeui. herein ,iet-htira staleli byp hail iper an lie nt itr'itCcl"lI

I)~ Shipper, Per Agent

C ' V4 m e AA J'P& - Per addrss r ,.,|2. \ 'T 6-"Tk T- 6-1- Ia- co Ce

S " co C0 (O$e- - - In I- -nl OIa I -- UCCM - )a 0o -

fl oa:- 5- A M'-Wfa oO ,-e C M) 0 .f0 l (in 1- Dol-ae I >--NcI f 0~s 0>in (3> n 'I - C)W-I Cill 0 -

ca to o i H o o -cccc a

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- - U 1- CI -. _

C: c a cal-

hpprS D e) r S TR.IGHT BILCa FLA l- IG-SH RFRO11N1.-NNGO___5 Xa

_ Carrie's Nae:_'_ U ShippCa r's No__

RECEIVED, suibject to h1o classihcatiors and iarins In ois .,e date at Ito0 jsu of thiis Bi al lading,

U FRM 1 irMaei -.

- c , usisrn ho ' s ahw y e at an ineh innreie ih ut m a ten r r it nae d i i i nid inseo carohe rrictir Bilca .1 ni und tithmstesing il 40 Urtoirm fltilinDanr -E anlins - llmu taperbfr ogd nmorl.ew .1 shed , iss.u.e .hii (: EVD OnubjecttorieliveryasishatmentsiLon I amu)Frs hi l Ciasnit,,nr la 'the e ain i o f 1hiis I asi o i.r t t aiitsimdasi ea i r)h'.iiio soa's ou - iehanlas.rt anitiaios ne'i'lta~ na m oos nd1mar ~ e ' sced s talrand andet 0 0

M d osir oNilpim n is reC onne

Desination Ct Deat C q-DTe nnOn hhin1, a d . IT

(*T o ind ir ariy whr lappor do n amdgoviemnlari: prowda a dsaryiher a i ball

Delivering Carrier . It Trr,_._II._htCar or Vehicle Initials and No. C. 0. 0. Chlares ao be Paid by Shipper Consgrc Collect on Delivery S Remt to .And

.. iu l re ar'e ins I karpuid. narhe r S ta te "''Ia l 'i' itrs . .. a''.j. . 4 1'1 -. Stre e t . C ity Na 5 Wj(II SubecL Cass Chock iuh HM. KiredofPackag. Do e ireAri.leSpecIlas and Ea tia th Carecint c.Rait Column

.....1rppa, uw t 11e-lan e n h -IC - - - R'o pririerl d hetcnnaunerhi -r7-) 162 ______C~-C

i~or0,,-. wi au.r 'r

hii aiuiaed:PlI,.ir

ifaminiathispreiiateohb tt' lirpr1n th

I. ' nuker,"t ial therfn, al. al "her rosirinuar inic 41 at 4h lst.antils Frinhi Ciawrflt~a-uread slushu of iet Naliurnal Mluler

'iissy~aao.ont.-sal~siiar~n~oii~oanq i.0 at.s h bdi tli r l a dera e Fdi - i'it o it Maif-- i, c T I N .. t i I Ia "ed al nik nt amert .ais er IrIri a s si m . Ih e hl r .ire s m taig I af bd11 'i admg5 aprieard by ire nritals Ts and i TKC, irarni t Ito 1br .11 ousicei ir ekh ,"efltui th lit, lpa tI last S, .e .. iis ti

I, ) J rA \ 2to4W. Shipper, Per. co (c co c., S 0 c'2 C .01 C" * it

Ob. I r 0

Sa r0 0 O f- >4nCC- C _J 0 -a -- 0- z - > 0) -- M0 0) ate J - , CI+ e Of - .- l: a- a:- c0 c .- -e S C I- 011-0 0 >1 CrCl S C a F- I arDC'oSD:+- r W< J "'C3,va r -o 1- In C- I-- I; , .... - 2J r to -r a: -. w C- .. J a: N. w w o 4: a.


Carrier's No. Carrier's Name: T -u t,\ / - Ir U %\ . RECEIVED. subject to tho classitiaians and rea[Mf .aa.c n IlhdalofthessunOlhthB otIadig 3tDate) FROM- r o;ndeoaribed bele. ntappreilgoid iier. estiri a sie.d wcelms~c~ c~'~' Fcn..

d. aerh w -d,0sla6,e =,lo n rhean ei h h af ] side ue in I ralam sc~eitaiiit'flllrV i miiai t lati a dl l a.d twnultrr ha' Ie ,h 01 n al If keen 1, an '.ed10i~. 111p.... I-e L'nfet l.teII,.,v~ lii r a IItn lsS I i ~ ~tnia tiI'OI~iialoi ' ua aim iIe e1 j, eir 1 1 Ia -1 tsIa I 1a'ig sae a a censes at he so (n,,ra, 4,h aft the c, r ,c 'rfcc I srid li alr Consigned TO f~ML~ 4T Onconbcsra~cilayhSlrfipen,.irthuite'~CDO'matsp.ehraflersignneasrimaa climeraiscrvid eilist. . Se -. estinatiorn I UlSt '',caA r City

1i t r e 4 c,-,_r eoiintv state ciSA '1Si/ zip ----e rn - Detivery Address* (ITo ha tl.n odyrn t s dessanid gve 0rn 1aIpod C1del rptheraL)

C. 0- D. Chages to be Delivering Carrier - Car or Vehicle Initials and No. Paid by o Shipper 0 Consigne Collect on Delivery S And Remit to P"CMacpby C0h. D. harges obe

State Strey OR

H M.dK i ofPackarp. Dr iptini Arird .5poc atlfrks.ed ephes 11r1r Ccf r tt State ,A 1 4 Cr u ft\. a UO mplrepnraynctt r isel' imitn


(lia spilt i,.natianre ladWen, cola Li. c1 ll Ij II

oint lin e orecica m, lct unh riimrlb

bnnInlat,', acrttiale bheta., afdil11 'lice .equreme,na'c Hta 41 if tde ulnar Irgeirl Clnarifcaia and] ltole altf it, Naltwuat Mointi tii.'th oItlfili nl ne . le 0 i d itt. -iIlialre ,. :u tnimevetfarlI rerli anIarrrync,..lrl a eend thhio Jm~U tel t irer cirrr-o prs lf il oftlhanapr.e.d by ilhe 1mir'nale N~si- tVlc eheraldereieuanfuesiPn are rime diimeInt ate e ral lhor.Limg nreed Israndtb iir piay. ('iue~rae .nnmeiirif .1 1he. sigredlcr lceeddtei rtc e rsr herIrpp'fhelbarSpre~leally inlrl h hllpper.t i~s t'-cell' U______

)tJrmt Q.-Ar.'th iL Lf_ _ Shipper, Per n Agent

ad re yTJip o'zOS3 Perk \' CM C* cc, NM .0 C a Col 1 In t.gC"O I- I t 'C 0 KzHoJo 0 ( a R oo CC ---- o > L0 Kr J 0--S O 10 - - CC r-e C, C * C O- 0 +,ua > 0 - o Oa +- - -O 0-. a.C-3 m +-u we0- o 0 C-, 2 C Lc' c +) C - C cu C LU u-r COf X> a: a: CL O' c ..Q S co0j rI- S C a: I) 0 0 S. C - 0 0 -: -- od 0: C, Pt -J a: < ,


Carries No. Carrier's Name: CC - Ur U RECENED, subject to the cassificationis and tarils in effect on 1to date a ha issue i this ild of lading. -Date) FROM at bel fu 11h utu I io r, hal dsrbei'cs g r:r <',er la Id mi a n nrf . Iio iorat'yt ataprn a rerr m uddn . Ifl e eIru hI au 'oe r om mna u$$e~~~~er$$ fI. tt oraI toflhebrem, [h~aboj lii c,,ehe l a n atia a n lae t trrla o it T nctio 1 di1 e iat ci>no deI u ~ me .m ail~tl er, ia ba k o heim a d 0 or alee eat rsai ocirlure.Tuira.aptanoarist*kosh

1.rt , "a -'ul, .,I .npcn 'imu the dvatr aiwooiorys, ies Orlira-cio-muuap1ortatstomcoiett '.h~~~reur 'm .... ,omIrr anrof-1,the.:ognashl mors la ip l de tas h.a t n 1i ri 7 otln,6. uur,& nneinnar.T h I. .. . r.,an- r. nl t f -1"1 rf Consigned TOilJ~ .Q A 9 W"Iaianoe adostlt t.issciasttaoc ,ttloataooaaieatoteai~~aiititttfllSI TI,; lzeee-z tiotoa.ta"at a a Destination U'o'" r qdoi -city //ktwte,.446r' -Zip Delivery .amate 3e'S .(Jc Add ress (aTeha lionty whoaiellippardoeransano pvmit anis paovid eerdelorer ceo.) Carrier - Car or Vehicle Initials and No. C. 0.D. charges to be Delivering Paid by 0 Shipper Cconsigns. Collect on Delivery S - - -- And Remi to . it ctamge te la Ito prat nd. trite atr o*",io~~eboli~rll Giak Stale Streel tY OrFsalo Column "10. Kmndil Packttje. Osor"TClitOAncitt, SPaCtafinfars, rd teptrisOt Orern].)

~T~- /Cctc- &D 5 it praymlna el th e clingac te lt ..r'.l;as Aet at' l o 65T3 t_

v .isi fi o ,taka u: I n lyti - "'

thn umebal "I hr l .oliltor toae t~r it adl t

l make's5 cndifae dcrea. aeid alt iiter reqannat eaaltr a t e 4al to as t uIteaa Orealola iCra.,fiaao jed Itl t mOths Naliaseal I ,1toro

ishperno ecpnno t in o he a r -. latti. tailaturl td tll at ladng appvote.hby te Lnirloar SlLU-WflowtiS, rotandpendeiro pe ioaa ,acq a ired otaeiif i m e tr a.1eoatrde lctated an-o Oltr ctoo

The ic'o d or sltarel sakie rhe protpety I. hee. s lo iPeeIalI r tasted In ahetdprer taVa 4 e4 n o- edee our lsi

Lp Tric ~er o PereA_ -Agent CM to C. t- I CL -J (u, eIn c30

- o ct 60 cm0 a >t0 a n x U -- o ( I- C C C C)J CD E. -o Ex- e a ' - CIE 10~ -- covv C- . Or Ox aCI M > C.) C-0 a:-iaC e --- X: IV e - to Go a r- .-. fS r- o a: F- owLd I- LIl U -- CO ... al: .... a: a In m


Carrier's Name: T\ C.. cfL Carrier's No. RECEIVED. subioct to tho classications and tais in of-r -- - le at lIh issue his B:11 of lading, 3 at -- (Date)S6-- n - D-7 FROM iinpoint chsicdb lilrn asgcrnii illIII,~nnp anod neninonds n&Ikinnt efiintel. ullO kas ...... nil). ni n'tl nidcntmn'I 161.,ne F In .0 .. it all, -isi~ led .1snvicn -aluid nhinntn' ie t nn II- i . i asl gel nia.y~ m ieir e.- .innen till uie l e In ilde, . .. i....nnb s-ntiol:=ri) it,iai-Inl1.eiliilCsy st ,J i"ino le.InFn elih I ~nnnninn.lnaerQ,iit.hih111.1ei . v. "i'tsial gncmla .n nar.rIn[4h " tIt .. aid ll ,I ll) A nacai iIrliiti sr nunte..,rniirfln a iJ,iertnartl i n l eiij. ii detnenniansl naii- eroIl n.r ipl n.,ninjanoii. 1 ... It r1nt mIll~ici~nnnlmnana1.r .eal e' hs lci.e . u old4 ..... niirniino ny fa .~... -iylnioin IIIii-a hnnnkrtihol.aintinsnniiinsaIhftinlkiintaoli... le srsie If ni r rit s I, iea innt.naihii'mintrlm d du rio lihle ofti ldirne a.t e dmn i Ii - ri dttsi f hiit'a ili ii i diI Isia 2'11n s1. ci sdnironjin: du, arehe nier.... acrec ro i, *saned ad aedIds alorl lb hei.if in n i a. ad.htitl liOt3p o f o.niallononly) Sidipair S-it iotn 7 n1f narlitiao15i, luiin ship- o i- l c eid d le . so p iniist hr twed io the stinmsno~ elu lc. c ncomeiiaretetmipnir, 1he eansinrmi C o ns ig n e d T O si,liell ing lenit The sariei 'tisloa tiot n deliscry tikin cDsi ato a ncmysbnpmmci lon ccnrCC .iniapport on efl asoth n wionndndiltom 0 a . sir dli mniiciiiilluoi panenni iil trih amIt al a, riaunta Destinatinn______Street t W City 0 Zip { elvery & Gl- r n ______Address* illts U, d kin cng caonstpr de,,, it- anline, Ig Pin i l. irvntsr .t ,llany nels

Delivering Carrier - Car or Vehicle Initials and No. C. 0. D.chinaes Lobe Paind by Collect on Delivery $ And Remit to DSiripper 0 Consigno

I nh . :e i, , pepail, nrte ist urtimphernoe. int i'Prepad'' _we__jectStreet CityC Slate

IM Kindof Pacrjil. Doscin 0a Allca1. S Col Matks d &copbions to'orm ft r Rats C n,'km

I Y r in (Ireaymniernll il th nlisiri"5 in time

Acd orCinerL

(lnkmiginalitut ekaidscdlOSi tmly th-lomi piepaii

o /o

u adit ne- ni i .

?.i~r-val~n~t.&niiUia.4i~ooita~tdlnLatnod anA nne bnsrn Smar- clide litn. asid l oniner

ICoinaic and Rue I ~n ihe Naimoal lmr Icrpi niificanti: T i b i i Ic4 t ad I a r rnb i t. n'i1tiper",imninn in tin il stnuin. ant a nil .f biI nil lEding apprnlsed y heits, iisnia CIlonmelteCilulum1 The d or deihred l f it la t prty heo ll .erety .peorally tain l b the ilhipper 1is be nit rorrl. P-r

t b, A irT' E CYtrt l (-4- Shipper, Per Agent

P oroa seriire r C- J-AV OC-OS3 Per

addesoio~pe,10'T .~)1AC ~ u C201 cnJ04 a) e7 -er- to r .I. 0-o O.2 LO -- M

E 0 I 0

M o o - a-ato ca--U cm Cl z I o 0- Ca.l S


Carrier's No. Carrier's Name: -'C U C \'1 4 s, RECEIVED.sublect 1o the dassificaokis and lariffs in effect ai the dale of the isoo of thisBll oi lading. at -Date)- FROM slh imn.whi said compnaiwt h m uwl coybcirus Iald hepr i bedIn. .iiparcr.upemiddr. ... e c ic tr.,, coitron af its Jf paages cmkomoi, mailc& . i ddcu oi ls 0Slyd nrd ua c fdlvr si etr , - , .l d tra, -aiot ayak'.,11ae ene' r mmas:, in y pTsco .- h aundr th .. m u .g0e *a . car =o 11 !u.i im i, allrc , Ixm a , - aa . . = dr II.ul.s~~- 2,;- 11 l o m rdistlorr tlgroi saidor p 1myct umu l -1-4.i r ausolaIii~rriccn~ioii.e.IIt~ici . no rrierhm,I -Il Iw I 101 .", - i 'ci.' feioy .. pl Cj.roimhe. 10 rriro., L.diwin','m.ui ,i n- es]r eJai;-soi h lenliti,,r. Ici disaui IV, .1reillal.a ufe j carrie itoall or irtei4 orrt~ou ebs rtif ctlhe l.errm , Iir --1i eai , o u.i rbill If e~a nh " - it an itet na o f 1, os r be r ,ua Iy ( n ea bl i r ar. u 1Im:1-t d s tai.n .r af f i his i t r shcmmn or a!,ftt'itapcr h rhrbycriis 1 lt t fashar w l he ...... -~oin aaTof osia-o of 1he s,0.045,id M,1 anof Is -1c n.m anuul b- .le a emlh a ck hr-.1 fee Suijc'ih dt .- u .e 1 ciii,~oa .1-1. ai - aocr sui ede ttresenu im r h l m ros ri l eaiccne lrladilimitf...... sub,", 10 ut 7 of citriaton. if 0has, p melt isto be dodiscred to ihe coseuiiorecih0' creiilconoo siir, Ire criglc'r shadi Consigned TO_.. A rY - adtess toe , lhe ioie, chall nOw mal., eloily of iht0 C Colecta o elnoy Shipmems. hae ors'CO must a reccr b. signee umorasbeoilso piidatio mn 30., s I. 'li isc bl xi0 'ipini iiud paycri of irigil id idl Destination Streeta Aeirc- eml ntu Statel . Zip Delivery 4Cer Coea - I Address* (*To to Med innly whto luitdeCroandg e Ignials prnde orodlivsy theat.

Delivering Carrier - Car or Vehicle initials and No. C. 0. D.Charges to be Pald by Collect on Delivery S And Remtil to D Shippr 0 Consignee i .imt are Iio i, reard. Wle e -I"'.-T.le, ro P,,d.

State (991 'Joe City Weiha{lalect Cass Check No fPcgDaamIu all eiilMa ~iEcius Paekages HM~I Onlee Packaga,DoscarocnlhrticsSconi Aakis.and EKOcephns lacercti~o) ar le Cohe

P rcreydwieihetreab.,

iseau , 1.1p-d rore'er,. c

si,-i.,mct oo iorm Ote~t hi'it t'otlitIdia' oJcmie 'J oro C, StateMiinot~mgepn themmu ~od.sitirep b b rc a1eri 11&d-'ss relh

* mfe iOim or .peckificmi dgiierth '10 maerf erlcsddeil. d i nte

regei'heo Ic U.-41 I nic te mberm F-(h .loifigion a l l e af te Nailrno ini r

fi et0 ~ierouhu m

ti-r- I (2Tr I Ov- Shpper, Per Agent luAma-r aen poC offic PA ' 4 N- a 2b 3 Per Go

C02CI t o- t - d - 0 Cit -. to .o--

- - lc S 6 I SQ S s--u S L,am eO) r -to o >in rn- -' r--D C --. r'---Sl 0C z Ea ) -M,0* *" 5 -a r 0 w z - ... C OD( 'I ... i a0 I:-: .- c - a-L Q C -a -i) e 4- I- -l- 0 0 s r, &. a 3C ,- 4U ,- C) C,- C C COD-C':E" ,_ r yl) CU Lu Cu) - ILL N so -j 2-C -J , to 4 C' a:

f13LLUF'L NGY ditM ------ORIGINAL - NDTNEGOTIABLE Shipper's No. o O 'k

Carder'sName: - c . G't .o S k Carrier's No. RECEIVED, sublject to the classmleations and arilis In efet II, the dale ol ie issue of ltls Bill of lading.

'a- -Date) o'7 FROM Fepl';llleI'bcd lIao Irt a.n ll dir., 1ep a IIIed enllSt.adoriin of comiisnFor pkagotnuI .k . marke. oalcl .Ill d c an. iu. hihI idama(i, llni-romany, bTmu.n;od hitgiin riinant i snmig run h eri corOiNsonht11hp'nnniof te ly rlyi umlttracl o~aes1l arrylki iisall pae iif del.aasi deisgii5 ifnlltris nfallit wai~li jn, h ey mme

- orl I1) msh Fuefom reiog Cli'icaLmuin i cl'kel en lie 'lain a'rail rnl-ear | sflshg si e ien. F lsis inr iprmenf, ~2 iF iisitheriistntbleimotor carr e dasii ,nm ii uni l lif thssotor,r'iasishiponen,. -- h iensetrI.ndc llrl 1mln.dhna- & .in -sIiFdlipnere I..i.i...Ib fr

la'i( S1. ii$7l.... , igilli . .i i" IgI,- d rse add ss harpu pssn n ol m.1 delierd to theeoniceI ithnst rsein ISILruinin'liwift cerrig* 0001nlt Consigned T t 0M 4 OnCoec i noDnvlSyihpnlnlle Ich er C' a,sppear toliecarsip loo s or eas othlerwis proiradin lae 430. Sec. 1 If' ''""' ilupnb waait biru ecta ryb m l Destination Street- City' iilJ&r cTsrs Comnty- State q t zip Routeji3lwhaC OptcrsrAddres ndvrrilrfp_ godreyhra. I 4*nt iS In nl 11. ont .~s utnd , daoInnF r taill o,i s , ,y Ihee Delivering Carrier. Car or Vehicle Initials and No. C. 0. D. Cnargs lo be Pad by Collect on Deliver S And Remit o 0shipper ICnsfgnee

itAlr. a : z e p e ai rs i Stree city- State ''1 i'ns.

M Kind af Pacal, Descripler 31 AOcJos. SpCal dark. iExceptOW3 ai

Iab Cauponenta, Rain ol enshon th

lreattttl cr

pfl ilinlidherconidye rPe

fli 4t /nff I I .;'.sOIh IrIlr iax

1h-11mt, pr. is1 1. n,"o .l

_- ie .nlin, t .I Fn I. Ililtn furr the liSIhr tASS io r n l ssnsllrt pi'roliCl i " i t opeI IuIi'i-orem s,bfhn fr c Cle aailaisin an,'f 'nlen ohs, the iaimnatKslinr

- litrt4 , iorn ne oktimobdv n5 ' iim isf aiity . i tli anar nii w en tSii'S ool.C~ lmln llas'r ri' acgri*ipen 0 1 trsta5 adIn S~ atitie' s r niflhi-n e tliefp; olaon iiajias

The agred 1 dlaredA ntal If tl roerty iserb lmrt''.erfialltated 6y'h olinirI oti lrtc'i a bl l lin ~'nelhe siirperto e etleceeinaipe QrrRhirin0r Per____Agen______

gPe in poslolice 4 "1""O ''re N&Aj A-h | Per 00 0 r

2E iC M-e 'w * CLC02 01 I- I - t. I C or:1 "a 'a" O3 Ci1a4 -. a el > G) Co (9 50(1li ID. ad t- 51- w a,- - e +>11- -u C- C', ---

I- % - WIWI (4 21 C: - 0 _I

-D - -

- m-urtblie giby Ilille in.i n Innair in po uoie rencil,- orlin -- - CarbonaindretaiedbythIAggt . - Shipper s No -- lCarrier's Name: Ffer- (7 m Ca\ SF 9 Center's No. RECEIVEDi subject to the classilialtions and tariffs in elloctln li1i date t the issue o is ill o lading. a(Date) FROM r// O 1 1bai.'u unksA e,.W nolko corn . n odi5 h uoo',laL flu au'd vea 'tin-

.r.r fall .. f o f d nta' in A d oo~oot 1", oos dOe as meuss m s n l on to'trowls In ro - of l ro7 y tid'siiSm li"er l iat*)II I hmliutivL ad a to ek ao c on i n Uni hai rlpco &.aitl ols ins apjuroo sotd mse. tosil1 a sm d ifmilt ami rodmoul c aleln is hooffr l ifaerrojtklia d haimkr lull be sutp- t ai 15,a d u 1 Ae i urtIa lui tia t 1 . atno MisdPiol srons.otllwahloth trOrer ot's w~bayoocronto.. nterwlsein gdeliserl*sl.inaiuirIflhl1.eelmuteto .uItalel tl , r CI uu :: pli dat~tlen alo eintutr itfiton effuid roetoisition,. andt as os ia. asstonreamijlmalodter1 a tid lI*y. lagtWeryl rl (1 ) i m Iihel Utirm aro :ls C luicaislsil 0170 si hon ih- a d oe r. 11 h Mta toil or 13.llhi of tLadog he reby a ctlicso Int hell Ia miloar .. lk t Ih e nt 5 .ondstis ad ilu: s bil or lollmn. 1Ind.iW M 1 -i thn. 6= n ti 1 k teris si eni i te e isun ti tai w ic eIrt t he jtrewt ioutn~o

tiet liddrE":Csnire OsrdpeponiOsrosta.ill lo i n l (rusll lola Consigned TO / R.4 / 7 AK itr~m430.Sec. 1. - S0ot1 m It...... ball11 ...... atunn ln *he apar beie cnfleas drumoduss ho hswisu vdedltn 3 n Cc lo3 rrDOriOryShimemi, mtocs"cmonusi loM/ .Detinr _ ret .5 ,qU1- City L KC#&:ic TnOT. - State 7fZip v, Addrys Route .I., llfg t paeos llp d&'W., U' I itU~i ii~p~ (.*.o be in on4 Wim s0500, duti I

Car or' Vehicle Initials and No. C. 0. D. Charge to te 19ekvering Carrier Paid by OShipper QConrgnee couect on Delivey $- And Remit to if r ses ar i i rr i ite !amp r- -To ia t - city - - State

C iec *ultt .. p HM. Kd doPacki go.DesenpI lAnodas. Sper FAs. soed EmtaOs

--r; -( Q- A\ tros~orreom oieitl)lt-rlle tlnuitGis 'imh I I 1$ n in lulll t1 Ltlgla 5Ioia.dIll.e11m. 1,1, stet11 I-wjk) b_

- npo-l sgAnter he

this Orderenciarust

as ~ ~ ~ ti ili rI l de 'smr an u am ntap w ir, IIof 1l aw -- ( f -ShipprPe

5.a1 d ust ope r rk-snppr2e tin (s4r /ph t 1libid rtcm o Rs/?f/$ |/?f ,1r6 cocn aC

0C - o t O>-At I

=: nC- a DOe

So .=meo .! I-- a yin 0-S 0-e * x -m C.)c z U. w C) Vez > o o a 0) mixL C, e 0 -C -) - -0- C) C Ix N- w C X S C n D a: & S > I- C o C cb I a: en a: .- -j a.. C- - a: a- In - <: i z 7n -C

STRAIGHT Bi OFLADING- SHORT FORM ORIGINAL -NOTNEGOTIABLE 0 and Shipper's No. 0 -.. Carriers No. Carrier's Namne: .\ RECEIVEDs aci to the classilcations andIdis in elleci I he dna iIne Issue of th is Il of adn, Date) 5-3 -0 7 FROM LhroasbOrle1o ottro1 . ac t .om td ras .. t o i o. itin 1ri -ti a on rr ml il e n17. 1r111 ute erJoaniufl'sai.0rporeerol l er i rut l wo atlsa dslfa er1k a l uIdl dred a., ach nb r f a lc l my lbhrl ut tisyn diria. eaig flr nact ur ,,tC1 rporat11wl t i ,Ioss lbnflhe l rfldr a lhl vrl rofcs, r wh ihe ,eirit hf I wl' rer tom. (Iothe n0 ik-11 da1 hn l ih m ; es t r orme c relmacr uiopI slh Ij l1 all'thntoa',m.. nrv-, robicbr...... bib..br1o1b , bt~nto .11 or- .1,o -ot c* ',o... .. V oho rarin(Z lr 1- 1' iloa LEIIt_4

cif, namtfic h ilh gaent he raoralllmcin l,i, (ls pme olt -~~r Ddiofhehn u h itao - Ihnhe da er ~a m oariffm ubo oieonour memL eldelas nog~e idu S 1111 1. 1 1b b61_o C onsigne T O1"I . od .A. kC±2so-h00 rn: - 1 "1 1 t q, li laittr,...bottl.loI.arbckio11111l'flcO5 romis o the e rO Ahe m- ob B DensinTOS-7ln IiI-la' anol Ifnhi01 al Detnto -______Street U, / -City j-Sr r County-.... Delivery-Sate A A..in15±S 1!9 Zip ______

Routs 17% Sr o -i"o. Adrls*- 4 -To0c II[ ,nonly len sl1p dertIe arid5 mai 1011s 04 0 o S e r dollweeyl o int CarorVehicle Initials and No. C. 0. D. chares. o he Pad by I Delivering Carrier 0 Shipper C consignee U Collect on Delivery S -- And Remit to Ifcharge. areh Inhpropild. wrti or cam rrl .Wr.wls Street

H. Kimt lPackoag o,Casc ae r itrics. 5 1 . ont ,andEontloo

itc m r lh b l11|>rn I--~-_____r rpatrnteki bo d le. [1 h

i~Ilidg riutch a l m cli tl

S Ilhe libercoliem wd r ur ih p, an ih .,. Criica t a' fei. in the ,boIn boot.r .tiicbb r h. lie V rana inhr reqoirmo oi niloar 4i 11thUIlaon rb.-. Icatifch.Ca,.iFm an tila o k S irlM

r'eIppg\'ciirirli to hci, of -tacoP. ,'la Part alweii: oll ol in .. rprad by lih haU.,l "Irb1hpmm0ctwen nar t aboutsyill al.Ihelaraloe lioatilialiiIafl.',11hIOI t d llmi arliesk -a lltricr iliacp N0EE-heretrraresskpesbitanie.4-lyrmrc~tsedt e okli....n . ..d.. dn.. em~ Cobmbomn inion pe r Tentroedo rdeecls elt l t r fho I perty i. t11ebipn il lyc'rat h , ll'rIierr eoterredltg

\ IJ C T" ICP_ Shipper. Per Agent

Permanent post-e or \ '"- L NN addresaofshmppe, _2~ td 01tw'4C.A 82'b\3 ' Per Cm 40 C2 a cv, C0

C. to ( cm cS - 'i' C - a. b---.tSC in o > to 10 . x o - N c 0S c C -C Ma L -C=-o .~ C. W~ ID x 0 -' *C E +nc - S < 0 -- 0 EE- m C) +=- - - S mC - In w S 3D2 o3o) I- o 0 com I- a- I- C) -J a: a-- .0 -J -j .: -- I-


Carriers-Name: P1Y / 0 ? Carrier's No. RECEIVED, ole ca at n effectn Lheodatel tho issueothis oladng. FROM 1a, tot ii, utoo plaen Linnhnr et lId e nion. f mn t n rilr, d ne Ihs - rotr orte ermis rwihih 1000terrisorrSs bSgtwav upgrramsi , aie to Joint, to a t'r iamir og te rairdtoainin lot said -i istueiitaraeasa 1a .r. ..i n ll oryetn sdpeney In i a tnntit ofsaik t dsinai,on a o h par L aa a . i -mtit i nirrIt .. li ora11y siIf pt.1yti i e in- hr pearmed heender stall tr utbre t'l o eol s andh sooniilhamof theUniaflorm D iO ,in S aoighi Dil , .ina .m i,rt Iln m...rn dn r reek CIsiifioa. to i t ef.. m the d at r ra , i tisi anlr alrspmiIr a i. r[) in lhe saphctblernokr, cotter simtia ism~' or taro? 1f t, isao meme arrier shlpotment. Ship.r heo,,ycertifl hat Iis 0oniao ..i a le ienn. ol ondiliamns of lhe -ad tit df inhng,ol ise hack troiod theorl cifuth mth classutiun air iantT whili roenrn hie iruinpetianofiliisswhimen. Sldtc iirmatdcmNtniioh1 Ictiledii abhih brott amla cc tir ine t l ,a tdliiroonoc

(Maidc slicotaddress iorpurpoesoaricalianon1ai I Sal t ho 5e 1 In'erlo ito al thi1s .h'ia sh all , ih r oonO ,r Consigned TO W4 ' iee t,1-L3 ,EA For"? O i . cele r OnC61elcanDibvSthOpmntis. hiei i , eC0mustppnaTrhWfosotessignnmeeoo j r s meMn o pro i nrnednion 13 . sht'" mcese ' " f im.oc r c il panr i r nl d to o i c i l Destination eAA #te Cliv W County. bf(f6 Te'( Deliverya A 01 45 Zp Route - 1n es(- kCaofI -Address* (+Toiebiedienlwiladsperdairnaridava mgiafisrow~foref1iyliernst.) Delivering Carrier - Car Cr Vehicle Initials and No. C. 0. D. cirges lobe Paid by 0 Shipper a cersignono Collect on Defivery$5- And Remit to Hr l.iirges are ito Ic irevaioil. coatie o Street 1 Citv State No Weisi't(Subjctd Clans Cleck - iM K.d olPackae. es np i nOmi a 0 AndCop n aEccu an) rRote Cum

rr ymn.oaiaoo n the chae1t oel itt, tpn y deornbedr hereonni

Pr riniratmr lcroickow sleilcny al a.iiur.t 1rtcp.1i)n Chargps Advvictn- lyri c (. find .1


*-he cihieiai kir 1hlit rpmes coed 0, tfrm o 'he specificailooos w for ot''hein i' omk,, ra ilticac itereai ad oil orhto

tpe i ar in it.,f l amlinot Fini -e & dn of',, roii 'y. NOI -I Who re thr rte so t idmoi w1te. di-nprrc ,'qmrdhti er a hio , t Wrter'inteadco apteod by 1hr

Oh cr oa airarrd Loa asafewirlirrisyIhc-r,oer i floe g i sa t e by (letklepertobI, e'n o r.edhng Jar f// el Ke T Shipper, Per Agent

adildresnsipr '''' ? ttf 41eav,,4t AT u -t# Per I Cb U -U Cs, cj er-r-- Cl h-i C)Wfl U CE, 0 - . S. S 3 1.. -M- I.- - C9 N+" a, S 4, .4 0 >o 03 -n CI)C .A 2 C - so00 W- (a,o Io: x n C >1 C, e >U ag ' >- > * - "0 CD 0 C a o3 eo. a:+. ) C C - .- 4 ' +- *0 Q, C: - - 43 -D (043I 00 0: ' a -e=. -) a) Z @3 a ! . 1- 3: C a m --- -u C > C\1 c 0 r hli W co "n CD i S - Lii mU A- Lu e C 0)N r - o. - - o4 a: Ue

-- -r. L 2, -

STRAIGHT BILL OFLADING- SHORT FORM -NOTNEGOTIALE 11111[- c= 2 131 _ .Ii, II Carrier'sName: r M'ic tvLO Carriers No. -RECEIVED. subject t. the classilfitians and arisin effect on the date of the isuo 01 ths ail of ladtrng,

b -rEqEIVEO. tuhis mrct to l eam aso i~cls tisno purl m i n prho or edole ci 'mdr h crimsIartstoca isstu11e pac i-cll- ly lo:dsesmBii.lln n moahfd, lkrbd' hghayrl t - e 7 FROM e _prers _ _ _,rI _ _ h. _ N_ n __dit_ aa,f _eri_ _y _( _hihwepeatmIe,adrY Iv o Irie e o.titeC Larrir r e _n0 ror-hir_p 7 S d_ rIe _ at_iiElmiligrc _ _criei a_ _ N, _al s n (_lp wd_ctr eral I i aly reri

0,001~Ii 10010hinaic ni In1 sh1.' tIithoitnohi IIIonllrlor I.w 1o fIIt U'i.'ono "I'ti -it I.h 1 00d1

(Marsooaiddrer tarrpuposcsd roiadier.iaraento ljecit Osec-1 7 ' IoIIdIits. I iI ip m o e l~oaad to hlle Cimoslilwfitloio Consigned TO-W'WC ft 1 AT06,1 OtniCalrcton Dekvay St:1pems.51eleIrstO D~tu-t ppoarIr torec ora rmo rsS t S rovideiem430,5Sc.1.. ho C r,,shIlN l ."I,.,iIr dehr1.. zr In nP ,liopmoilewhout paymt l igt~ alt .01 'Oto,"o i' uro Destiination ___Rimee #7') , fits, Dtirnaei State /N a 4'S Zip Route ,?;c.e(/ . Address [*Te belredin onlywhoritlperdestratsndgovotrnmg ils posido fordeivorfI t., rit) lAi b'eo i to "n' -i

Delivering Carrier Carer Vehicle Initials and No. C. 0. D.Choege lobe Paid by Collect on Delivery S - And Remit to - O shpper 0 Consgnre

10 "wla",c art- I. l.- irp 1i, irniI, Ii"C'J~pO ''''T'"' ______Street city Stale

HA K ' icage.DOescrion Aitie. Speaabl's, sndExcpi toC l-- C."',

Ir mi'r ,tctt'oorlslyo U - /7e / 19 C49,d hn'uoeloms ep'disee"

fl-5) ...... pr-en n f lieII lmi gd U thu 4Oiuataaed

A a I 'Imform i l looseiat . im 'tlu i ltheon leur oakcrs certifical thorcon, and all t h tcumi mntlall 'i Otsle 41 of he ti-lrm lrerght 'lch'i, oatoiio' t~e5o h ama oo

rip-n, h o hlrpera0 imrno 0 '50 l ie P or p. loi aparn I I n l Appe1 ITmcra

Shipper, Per rAgent

Pernranen4ps i-ol i addres hope 114 2-IA 41 Obo aq APer C) CO CM co M~ O0c LCl --(00)4 i-ri- CD( 01 C"


M CIO) co toeoo n -o ec . to -jC . 2 O x In -- U - 0 C( U C 0 .0-130 ;'lC 0 C C o a U - I- (U s-oc M Cr 0 I- C3S M M-n C ll Exo - ." w --- 0 I- a: Do x LIl I- 0 a I s- - a: 40 <1: (z - - w CD C-, C

I'T-"7T-r11-'ar'.rr rioC T- usWoe i etet'll r Ceotoi.rddroane11hyrhoAgeeefln Shiptper'sSh pe s No. rC

Carder's Name: 4 - Carriers No...*t- RECEIVED, s.bed 1 the daissificatioils and rhie in area tin the date .a the Ilssle o this Bill o lading. I- o5r tfl- , A at __I(ate) _Fn 'r ~ ~ rrr.Jv rI~ rlil ooneil-h~n-'loo u rydsc d a pal i ordir ice as noi Il an l od-nan of i Il Io is . . . lad,-nIe r d t e 1o il o a t n. . . . n l i a r a ra o tt a e dt f n I i i r i e o f r r i i - ' or ato enn andtI als e ejac n y r av i i rat m ta :r frt a t t tr ml.eet stl im. .r . iaoaiff tn eI applcabiel 4: motr ha ricann t.a aI y Ius rr , hipmet oo'ii'lid t flahilh I dannin .rtain whi .ren,Sn~rttnncot." h, toolboi tdoran iot ont1tau ftiss m - o, Innf I t l ,I i1a m "'e1 f tdIe uid bhiu t lai Mimedn ihne mI nho ac . Ihroo. an ,slkiadedloeeenmctt l ppr- Icc dirhnwIndidsoiprl- 'al rs tre, adtriorpurpr.1 aenaliiklionn") I Totntiot"tt bedeitn rdi toeerin enWla.ii net abotoltto. fIr ". Ilttne. I=s it~laltie ~ sta iii~oi Consigned TO w ' A 6 I 7 (y cK Se. .ho arat. int not niat dtotty Iit OnCoteotoller elsnh msr.. i hatlt ncoDpea appear.bataece sn amearas a r im o ov 0dinltenm, . "''Pa -iv -I-uestlnarlo' te Ill IF e rouny_ _ _ State M A 04 LZip (-'2 -Cony Delivery F7oute P! 57 Rnf1r Address* (*T7 bn liled in onl wlenshipr dnorroSand sOtei.g touti ride In, ddiey aIoa) Initials andC. No.0. D. charges to be Carder - Car or Vehicle Delivering Paid by E Shipper Carsignee Remit to. Collect on Delivery S _ And 15 charges ean in he pirtht writ oft samp hore. "IT. lI Proepai Sareea: City Slate | u ct Cass Caeck NoW 11

5- - oI - U l ,-l- ,xI ftrieo ord,' iaa,i0a, eole t.o.i tr.y

pr r oe e rcIn i,

__-LL - g-C 7

nat Ihmanoi geson Agrehil n iea shIieIfr - I, fe .

___ Srriei/q A _

".qa lee rit 4i or ie ona Feh

Cn ,om ert eittt I hr,. e ina )eetoaotutei 4 o tetttts-fob lmhote is mesem ,irteie cht i t oip ers it n t lia osi or li i.1. lfto notum~aslteletqs o tcantyr de iettliI idi rilmtI lyorot~'f'i oagreatwr:1ot auitnIb5Ieriifcrt. - of toill .f m ont e piresd h lt h r k itite NOThe rte u isagicrcyknietor a.ohiuPrse' eird egt 5I rtng

1hea d.derared..n ile re proryl in ... nteentlimi1-er4e-eiell7naledbycheoblpptrrobe

r .A ikesS frgTIfk if.e , / - hlppeiP er

Permanent pol-oice 2 / 7 dreosi ohioer.- r| z-$r c.J--


0 -0 C - I- (')-Q

to1 0 m -1- c Ir f i a:::: a) >

o n coe0 C) 0 D .0- x-t c- c-IO -- SLL

u m, .u --- ,j c c0 o to - 0 O OLD-G "L-O ofl-J 0 - - I cu C-- U i - C- OCI - --- < Z -C W 0DoO Q '3:- C. > oa Sfaight Bill of Lading-snort i-orm &KShbaaoL

(Name of Carrer. Carriers No. RECEMDIE~s Sje6t to the t a ofthe issue o! the Bil of Lading. at--d ..- 7Pf From !1~thero l t1rb dbeowIlepreQocodm. or~xanta:snctd (contenisarendndillonofconlonfiorakaunknvan),miked '|amligrced ddes dadE1dbefawhsaidcanier (Thu'rddceiorkleing urdestood toaghl'nrtli cetena arog crny person or corporate.n in possosson 04l wl poveruy ridor the cornacc) 05ise to eary to -a usual plac 0r ad*ary at sold desimnari. ilon ha reut. otherwiseecartradiertnotherterntsaiddestirvkalin.Itislao0 rriitey agreed,as to each cairlr llor any of1W0 said propery -se ad iony partion ci sald lauta to destination. and as to each party at sny - lat 5 trleod in a ertay of said properly, -hi-everyservicetotnepsrliodsubjectohesofeunshallba0 tetitnd Ml Uri modsiadi0

thidhperb by cartifleusathes rilir withare earm,andcandlfansatlthesaid btierinlag, including ihe.a onthebackthretfsstfortlthijleclaseicdon ortilti~ehtgvrnametrsansoneiltd. shipmarn. and t drmandcoredhtlner aier. Aead by thipper artd for hinuds enidsigst

oretde alPeddrerngstattd g -rros ifernddrey* - * TobaflladIn ly whenshilpperdunme endgaveingffs alidftrdeltiyThrar,. Route q

eivering Carrer Aas Car or Vehicle initials No.


______chargarott r di *, i~elr

n-Per r ega - st aWd chare . a adae nnerd o labld, adaPppecdare toorortrsd. I ~~ ______",_ __

SHIPPERS CERIFICATION: This Is Coodi BDy thai the a "Teire bod

rust S~dIdrtonoibedT Packaged. nenvied end SIGNATURE ______TITLE ______

Iran__ __ FrdgttCWassotcatvon. P

uespe s o betweentwo potsby a are water-. t law requires tian the be of lading ahuall steas wheftheri IiS 'crtres or shippers weight.' ... SIM N Not h rotlh. raesis depndent on valu, shipers ea requited to stale specifiay in writing this egreedot declared vowu ofute Property. C.O.D. AxsQt

alt Shipper Total Charges eCORRECTWElGHT IS - nS I otherificeos requirements set loth inof Mhe thebo. consolidated rmakers crtilltte Freight classification.thereon, and hipper, Per gent, . r

' pasieoffice'eddress o ' Plormainent slipper 7 / Cm 1~ C13

GCo citc C) CI '0) r - t, OI 1I cv- Cn Cc -L mo''-

a) C -n .a o >11 -j 5. CC S a X to n 0C -0 t e C In 0 Ma C C0 F-M C * >- -- i 1 I.. z a CC L- C C, - 3 -> -n . O j C aC CUz C - 2

" 2 ec L BI 6J1 ILL U1 Oi 0- 4- 0 ..- -j


3 Carrier's No. Carrier's Name: f e4z// C.C gje ox/ RECEIVED.subje rI the classifications and uantil in effect o the date cl the issue o this Bill of lading, FROM at 4 0 aDilo e / I d - t ii od eidm . -rti as.l.,d u ,entieei -IId Inh i imeun nl li ydeaih d Ii .rnarent 5 dtiVp11tissl 'latemityaeas toeaci iiofnal o ,a .,4 .dra4.y icrii ha hoanyare -- dr h iuie iaca o l eso acorpoin eti iau f nlldIi toantthn I. boerd , arier -coOites e 2.s s.orae am he erury or s i, n ki opeea onothieaoiloidelhior in e 1ormed kemidershtbe subijec 1 i lhe rr, a ii sun iii . e Unill p eii- l-nm s ~, 'I r ere l a nIii rlemILIAtaLsil ,er Inu I Ie- ith elrlmbI-m r camnrdaniealk i ialE ilT ir a il f as 1 eachpv sii bit, ens l e tas aufn I I hI sheet u h leotS 1ihe bathe e ci, et fr.i i ihe l IIsifir aua n e ieraleal h Ii e lra a wst . ho an c l i f "c u I or il... incd j.- L,t i te huoampiA Ii el i.a cd1felf and i n auiynii in K- n.l - l or stool rTi di, . Secton I Iediinn. ddres Ior lprp y

Consigned TO- tfrkeZI Atc u crh he, pa Imin prei i n at Npe . e roo -n. lag llti CO rlapsala econosgresnaaooas ahee430 odSec.I iiod i.nrn O n tlcral rn DeliveryS A. .t .1 h t - o - - Street 5 A 'city Destination .. inenas ii ove4neoa., tat/ s/l zip Delivery ra.r'LIo'o~hippoer n onigie Address* Route .temf are, ing isprri2.d lo, dolweey ibtent)a t (Te to lein i oly whrs iperdstsndg9.em bra and No. C. 0. D. Cleirgos 1. Delivering Carrier Car orVeh icle Inilials PInd by o3Shippon 0 Consoignlee Collect on Delivery S And Remi to .tiite'etTi I, I'intaml State Street City

H I Kindol Palag. Deepoi o Antels specal amEetions SCaKcilOn or ale Cailrnn

ilitccards io'ly Imprepaymesn ,r the ciMrpc5im the prnperty dia-'rilaed eeily

Agiei o Cabhcr

-41, i.,en'e nWI Ih ,,~alin . I , ... ires ai. ...-eI

rtid ifine ten "d A ba, bAi' 'li nbis itrhe f rs oamli 1:4:4o forEaemn

him nl re ercirfiecile liCicail. jet all l'10ise

r .h reda.Ci|aoofitealial iei ittic Side'd , t Stiea0e i r FrenditCLiiificai.' iSiapro cpn 10' u i li er ilmp. Oi 2 I5'1 Ietailnaw ppmed y he lat oisaiao s e i1neprirert. NIillI-Whew lherot depejtiint iiufti'app enysrlerd hi cesesriallymw~it.OigiferacinotIO nlcmedM1 M0 s ie i he shipper tii he 'lnat f rnl 3he anon s d~nrebzdjau o fi nthe prnerryel Is hert4ic ipeellild """" .6 te'ek Cl/ti Shipper. Per___7 rgent

= hK,,zlr- T-4- P M Per Original-No t NegIot1bStraight Bill Of Lading-Shor Form-

(Name of Carrier) Carner's No RECEIVED subjeat to the 5cationd tariffs in ifert on thi date of the issue of the ti of Ladi.n -- N at 11o~d - a~ -t? From - - haepayd sobedbelw.o anignadoteaephsasrad ituo .cn ftakdcorliged anddatredsh1inientd below .wnc dcarerthewd calrer bhinguadenloadthoighoultis 'p an tho rate to sa desnala 1is ondOF rnonig ony seran .r cOrpoa"an In - hpa"sryORr = o can=rc agr to cany Mi. u-.p orR dally d id dalionir. ar c. Iru, omais In dVr 1. aneh r aer r Wfald proeryi. atevcyere.tabapaerdn naa da Re ubjectinI -mjvagy ooed. asi o etan er 0 WeOIaid pnyd M aralla ora arty pre, e os lo anddlnalFon R and oec, paty a any Fi mantaesldi na any in thu applcal moari erclssifcaton orlarlillitis ehalanrad codalonal oh e Uniforrn Domsail Straightel of taMtnrIOh (1) hoUnitrm Frtighl CIsiicalar ho ofnedon the dale hoeld hl ids hoa rol or amrawn wtershpmernl, or (2)

shh ear c stintfi elsfamilia~rwlihaltihtanO edluztiolthskbll ofiadIpndkaludinghoassenhbckdrdr, stfert n~ htalacsle~nartrifwihgventhueltaepoaII ofdohstsmentttnd I hta atrma and eendlllenarc-herby agreed-lby iesisfdperrt-nsaptad for ltnmaala-dhit aslon., Consigned tIsA.dnlfwsea-r sra.ea~amrf

-e oStat9 Z-nty heAddresr I CalnfIRin am, slspa dash"FIR.ate g"ohsstltg atta ptcafor dIalay, theroat.

Delivering Carrier -- Car or Vehicle Initials 4 - No. su e aCE adi7 If ti a SNO. H4AZARDOOUS D'VilNOA~CE PE ASn OrIN VEJGHT CLASS Z SlackjooS' . PACKAGES MATERMS DESCRIPTION OFARTICLES SPECIAL MARKSANDEXCEPTIONS StBJECTT CORR.) RRATE Fer a I ne. e t=andesmobarIhas ---r rgtanconnainor shall .g Va r .a sas "1" a I. VAR,Phe mtte adamanftethot poyttat at

I. -- t(alturleofConsIgnor) Ith obge ars Inh paad,rts or j.7; .ram phl,- abPr-par Raceived$s______-..o p r m c. .

N ______-Agatntercattar. (The oignotre hors scknoeledes -eonlynie ssuntaprnsahd4 -- Charotaodviancad: SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This Is to artly that te aboveto unud Smalerils er properly deatid, descrnbed, packaged, maimao Fnd SIGNATURE TITILE - labeled, and Oae In proper condition lor ran oration accding to the applicable regulatlns of Me OpartmenTranaportatio.. -. C.O.D. SHIPMENT l* the, sihmentrnoves between two potts by a confer by water, the law requires that he Nil of liadirg shal state whether it is arriersor shipper's weight." iShlooia imprntsa in leu br wtamp; not a pant of al of LadIng opproved by the Interstate Conmece Commisslon. Note. ere the rate is dependent an value, shippers are required to stIte specillcally In writing the agreed or declared value of the properly. C.O.D. Amt- SThe agreed Wrdeclared value of the property is horoby ipeolfloolly slated by the shlpper to be not exceedlngo . THIS S-IPMENTISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. ;Thefibre boxes used for tids shipment conform to the spec- ications set tort In the box maker, certiticata thereon. and all Shipper Total Charges COARECTWEIGHT IS iBS. otherrequiremets at the Cansolidated FreiohiClassification. Pe U Shipper er nt; Per

Permanent post of!o eaddress-of si ipper Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill oftLading-Short Form

(Nane of Carler0 Carrie's No RECEIVED, su jeCt to the classificatips and tariIII~~t n effect on the date of the issue oae-o'Dol the Bill of Ladi ~Z_igjg an tr . at,/. ,:d# U 3 Fromn tspycpor-y barsnboa i ipr god ordar,except as nctc(vlnt n crdtion flcise packagesunitrintna wlked, conasigned -n deaedt as idicalejfbaltr, which said CSAi&r (theva wollfareelig unditadoedthrloughOtit1hl

ee any person er erpmoalln rn poessin at propatty eawle lha-ermet) agroe 1a carry ais usoi pnel oteivety at salddoearto, lc imte, oterwisa todail to eoser cnsre e en to said desta'Jwt is aasale the ai rr. a gated. as t oadieleeria lr a ny drpry-rl enproosirueo etiainad oaipryaayioreetdnloranytyrteeddoopapeny,1hateveryserviid ,cetbdabaperformdedoonorttndtersi-mibeestbjectitor cie tera -n coanions or OheUnliorm Darntst s1ralgtg Bli tadtgaifotti i nfrn rih caalcainLeftc niladl hrni i sa ale ati-aerspnnthrp i h plinltatrcrie lsiicla r ai f shsl .Shtppe reby carttine a t teis fmlarwetisti e tem n o iln fli o d lla ding, Inuigioso hmclteef s ot r h lnltarnc altwihgvm h rnprtla filssdiet n armnal term and ond'ens el herby agreedIa by an ahlpar a accepted for dmeelf and iaa

lvConsigned tI1dL ennel e4a.4ttD'~r verry g

Delivering Carder Car or Vehicle Inlitials - No. NO:. HAZRDOUS 'WIH CLS ni"JrT.Ia PACKAGES /ATERIALS DESCRIPTION OFAHTlCLESPECIAL MARKSAND EXCEPT1ONS E C ROR RATE a .1 c b to coa. teI=re ft'sorslnorm shaesagesg tar 11 is Sorttwihut pei af

ch arta wriar

- csoeph."ro t o e .wrt

aneWed i abroad P". ad

-- enn- Agnecasir.

sihe imtat. hers acknolaeedge. only te monts prepid.) charge" advanced: SHIPPERSCERTIFICATION: This to certify thathe above-narned -- t materials arepoopery classfied, described. pack ged. marked and SIGNATURE TITLE a labeled,and arein proper condition for lransaon according to the applicb1e.rd,,ldlart hefD.paitieof Tranepoulalton. * aIlthe shipment movs between rwo pons by a carrIer by ater,. the law reqidres that the bill of adng shall state whether it is cariser's or shippers welght.e .O.. EaNTntoate marce Commisson. Sap.inertnts InolIeapf stmepnot a of Bt of L-dCOgapp.D.HIM by aoteerI deendn v i era are r to e pa l in th reed ec eof the propery. C.O.D. Arnt Thegrdrdeclaredvalueof theproperty hereby specificallystted by the shipper to be not exceeding to (ho TH1S SHiPMENT IS CORRECTLYDESCRIBED. *"The ibr boxesused for Fts hilpmeni cortforrn spe ifkbaions set forth in the box natkers crtifiate thereon, end all Shippor Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT IS Ls otherrequiramentsoltheConsoldated FreightClassifilon. Per

hipper, Per nL r

Permanent post office address of shipper C) 00 oDO to c0 sr- h-iinC, 02

c4 (a to 0- u- C C') C a0-- e o > In 4- + CMo- o--o - C a) 40 N- - 3C ( L-- z > o0 E 3 oe s w' -- 4- - C +- (Y-m 0 >% xn to ) tuL -- C 0 0 -w C ..- l n- CM4-I-M co- LaUm-L Mn- m C -a -coa - m 0 a: --(3 al r ow x- -J a: I- -In -J a: -4: --- > m C) -:- E-.- 3 OriginaFot Negota le Straight BIllof Lading-Short Form S oppel-. iM: Shippers

(Name of Carried Carier's No RECEIVED, subjed to the classicaions and tari is effect on the date of the issue of the Bi d ratt 1947; From p r the oonydewsbd bev inoner order, ezcopitas noted tcnoii andoniar o elielsdopaitligea Lttthriwn rarked,. ernsigad ad dor'lied sndildblo mlikaicrirph odcrrerbngudriodIiuhuths - _cnic as rnain my pran o rora'er In passasia cis piopauly under lhacordracQ) aeoes 1n ary toil.5 usual~r s icel delivory as said darstinbtin, liorn is ratil, alherwisc lo eliver to eri the r aitdesirin.ItisneIhroutaLto duall~y sgrnd, as to iach a r f at nr ay of saidproperty tier of orariy perin of tid rol todesifraori, aind asto loe pary oa' pylime htrwrod Irt all or arly of said propery -hl every sarvice. tb pefooled hnrdrdr shlltbes.ulica|1a t ermsandcodtor Ili Unitor Dorne Satagttlwl at Ladmg sat toria (1) inUnforrn Froight l a ln irt ren hi e date Iart , Wt aralror r lt n pim t, or (2) kir the o m a a r atoicn or rlit it isIs, u marrhpiet . * Skipperhureycentiflslathlarmlittarflth alttheteno. -n candtlnsfieMki tirading.fridinga thoe an thactlieefarntethinlne dsmmlstitertwriffwihgiernsth. braortation aimthsshipmans, and -dtantmend cendiensseh areeedtoabmhhippor todonceped farteasdhis asiris Cons gned to

Destinatio ~ StaPW ZipSd521s o nty - AddreS* otTbe15dianlytestiltpperreu ranvrnsg tsl aprovide for del eryIhwreof


The cnar at ot snerd -SHitPPoRd WdO pea i rsa

material makare aduan prperty clssipiedsdescrieeapackged, abeledandareriacordingto th proer conitionIorgtrastortaion applicableenspornaoion reulationsorih.epar-mentor I, ______AgentOr Caslier.

mar en heant ru odge

A charge adined:

The agreed or declared value of the property Ia hereby epevfnny stated by theshipper bnotexceedutoterinu.di

THIE SHIPMENTIS CORRECTLY DESCRIED " The ibre boxesused tor this shipment conorm to ie specM-te aiepicons aet fort in the box makters c , on CORRECTWEiGHT is Ls. other requiremnts at the Cosioidated Frsigtl Classitication. er Sp Total Chirtes

Yi~ ec

V.'! -3,4t*t~b CM

CV3 m- (C C (C ( 0 c) I- (CD '10 C, CM 10 - 0 see cSeNi .3a C .n om' - o)C4)W -j n0--moo> t -C m 0@ z - o +I" -- r - LO 0 CLL -j- cv c w- C t0.. lx M0 0E w C 03- 0 3- XX0 SI-w2 m 0 a SS C, C se L .n C-,- LU m (D M tX -L

I- I-- cc C-) n --- I- C - C Lo ccCC 0 -r --- cC Ct C-. CL F- Original-Not Negoil Straight Bill of Lading-Snort Form Np ori9li"'''-No. .. Cati per's NO. Nane of Carrier) -arners No lECIBIUMD shjectiot d lica n tani f lct an the date of the issue of the ill of

h ordrdar beinundrsgod Swoughoutthia asroedf (comts adeondim bi o~reenis00l'ckaes imrnan),rnarked. ctnsignd and desled ainiad b lw.ich seaii or esaee-y es bealaw. inppreri nodorder, ascep aoter cariw en O. roulsin raid desknalitn ItI cutontaeries to canryto ils usi place 0r dalaryv81 aad desiti.en n roue. ethes to dlir IC -coen as e anypenim ert rlin in eoselanof the olepertyLnden to oeilca o serred huerje sha 00 aeMoos I an anyof said plopornyever olior anypariln ofsad routel0 desliaion. endaslo cacti party strany Or nlasi rnnall or any of pa~rptty duatenny e mksalyagtueceai elondh raier of or fti is at alors5a pr in to appbien maer cfaaicotocnoriAarftliis I+ omt1,m nd :erterais er rhs unlonoDsosite straiht ai igk sot rerth (lin Uninrmngt d icla ole in elfaet en ha dole fliroo, fll-aershimenl.O nishgovernmtheiranpedin of hil.hlpmernir ond Dver Slpper rbycodfstih-teltaat aitiall Lks Om.sordeondiftitosofSa f oltgla d hjbgud00iman hiba ck horeof. atiferthirnthiitcIltrellerortif - ad enanodilanbsa eagreedltobyihlippoft and-aseepindfotrise lifhiaig

Cons gidt-- .-. o erairmatddi essrsn-Forittianry)punpmessrof Cnsigndtt 71 ont 0 Destination..~ gt~ 4 L-,- tyt ~i Address-

Route- No.A Delivering Carrier - Car or Vehicle Initials 3 II ul ft leadang it cntuunlo HAzAnDous i~rlfJFCT~lC4 CLASSI DESCRIPT101'iOFARTGlES, SPEC1ALMARKS ANOEXCEPTIONS bye~erodr d ori n. o the M PACKAGES A A - DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES. SPECIALMARKSAlto eqpelar. 0.W e. rg al W te. S = .ad~dlnoy "- e, PI efhetepede

______~~1-/______erapedtie t -Papot.

Raceds hd


fioaluoos cheeakaedge. 'elfo - I- -- I cargsdvaad: SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This Isto certify tial the abovle-named .materialsaore paopertyclassili d,described, packaged, marked and SIGNATURE - TITLE labeled, andare in pmprcOnditioni to transportatin acardirng to the applicable regulations of the Departmnl ofTransporation.. C.O.D. SHIPMENT Ithe shiprent maovesbet ween Iwoports by a carrerbywter the lawreqidres that the bil of lading shall state whether it is "cariets orshipper's weight u of stamp; not a port of Bll of Lading approvedby the Interstate Commerce ComnIssion, of the property. C.O.D. Ant No ta-Wherethesrateisde** iMprImprints in Ie ent on ush prm arereulred tostate specical inr iting the agreed or declared value noagreed or declaredv lue oftftepiroperly Ia hereby Spcutleally elathidby the shIpper to bWnot excreeIng Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT ISCO RRECTLY DESCBIBED. rhe fibe boxes waed for thiis Shpment conform to the anti- inichic n t fatf in the her m ea cresterthereon, andall -iperpp Total Charges. other requirenens of the Consolliaed Freight Classiflcation. Per CORRECT WEIGHT IS A - Shipper, Per I Permanent post office address of shipper 0


c C',

-'D I-

0. a &-a > o en in , -J L- CJ M-43 C Eu a x 4C\I 43 z o r > -, C, co)C) 0 CcX 4e u-i 0 -j

C'J- - "O o o C S -- e -u tS C -g;n-QDt <') Cr C Ci 0 In

co F- nL a: <- 0 ti-i LLCS -J I- C-, a: w m a. -3

I Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form ShlppersNo.

(Narne of Carner Carrier's No RECEIVED sub tothe classif tio d tanffs afect onlhp date of the issue of the Bill of Lading, at # L&1903227 From t--r, 4 tiapopetydsenedblosnaplarntgadaler scelaaactd~crrintski oicatnisdfpaekagesunknow markedosigneridanddslinadosnhlabfl b wichsadcanierjlbewardcarrierbeurii-gnderoodthreoul rie cort s meanig any pes, or coroabi. rn pasesmon or he pnpmrty unde he ease) agmes In cny t l usual place of dolamry said d gtinIa, Is oulS, olheise 10 dover Is aiher casr on tse usaidisIldirinon. reully arod. s each an At oa or sny a said piOpty aver aI ary porteone' said roe In desai, andas Ia each paty a any e tioinesiod irt Mti r n ao sai popiloy, lat evIry serie the prM adsoeundraIsibesubject fth imsend cruidtol r of Mh urt nesl Sr.ght B df Lad04 sal et orih (1) in UniaI, Fregh Claunacton in elet on e the data h , If is rad or raikSate shpment. or I) In h appi io iararclassictoncuirtlsis i MotorcamrrpinentSlpur herebyctlies that he slaunmliarwIt lIlth tense andcondal of thI Maibi of lading incldig eeia on. hack iheref, set IortS In lhe csflcatonortll wilich oe1aM ithe trarspodslen atIS ahWlser.end lireidtersand ccenr are rmbyagrad Io bytheshlipparnd acceptadforlmsteltandhisamlgn.

Consged eliv --

Destinatlo - S ZIp County 'aAddress*5 :~:.~ aA,1 , ~"Tabe Il ed In only ien shdsprdenes endasoanming tertir. piroe.o dlveory thereoft Route


--- m T acUleanteakLesieyt

-Sur Ine sOa(ConsIgnori behavelobeId.wer

WV'lb. sharge

SHPESCRIA INThislspto crt that theabovehname

mtrlaae clsife,Iy ecibd ae, nd SGATR TSL eld

______- 0* d. amountrrepald.)

3SHIPPERSCERRTICTION: INs Isto certiffy applicablergusagionsoreehepartmenov thetriation the &aove-md mtaterialSaWS prly dossified, destuibed, pacimied, merrked end SIGNATURE TITLE ______labeled. andam In Proper coidiilon tort ranspahbon accordIng to lb. appl icabergiafns of te Dpa Inea cTransgporlsllon ... SIMN * t lfdienshipent roves betweentwo pars by carder water, the law requires that the bill of lading shall state whlthr It is "carter's or shipper's walght" * S e es Imprints In lieu of stamp; not arpet of Bil of Lading approved by the interstate CommeeComassen. N5t r therate is dendent on value, shippers are rac ured to state speci in wrltng the agreed or declared The agreed or declared value value o1 the property. COD. Amt of the property Is hereby specifically stated by theshipper to benot exateding Foo adace THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DECRIBED. **The Careboxes uSad! for Ihs shiprmnt ssolorm 10the spsc' ti lihoris sot forth incImbox Makrs stsrtfifcato t.napaln hat g;e oagr CRETWITISL3 other requirernis of the Co~nscilkated Freight Clirtloi. Per hlt. ToaCare Shipper, P r- Ageedg s.f ionaionsos mcnr fffertheinfshppb4x Paeranent post sfice addIress of shilpper 3 cv- CV

0D - - zc o L jE c- Q+-0 2 . 0) is S mm 'l C) 0)MTs (D a > in I-0C3 C Cl, -J Os is 4 C Ex= (VC +D-- to en c z 'I) C-, - x: 0 0 r O- 0CZ r- 0, cx +--- 0 o a 0 -- .- -j :Eu ---aU 0 -u<)1 Srm- om x c 0 ft m > *U 4a000 O e cx is c 0 LIn C)0 (1) 0 ccx I- 0 SCS r cn


I, Original-Nt Negoliable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shippees No. o 9

(Name of Carrier) Carriers No. RECEIVED, subject to the classi icationr and 'ais i effect an the data of the ise of the Bil of Ladng. at Rs r.. "- t r/M-f.. ke 14&6w-7 Fromn f-Aka O Ihnpropeny canmond bae, in apparntgood cydor. mcept as noted coieres oan dmr of con of sadaens u0nnOwn), matedl. onnd -n deslined asl idicajed Delw, wihesnad camr Imawa wor armrtrgIrStroIgOUInilrridersfland conra nsmaatrg ny porsonOr cnrpoation a possesio or e proponiyorder Ienrctll~ arae goomrry la i alsusal place of alirory at said desiuran, ii onl it nil.. odense. lo dolvlr lereier Onler or I IondsaiddcstlenJCtla rmutuanly4red, as0 ea~c7cr ala or ny of saidproper.y ,ver .l ar ay portjn of said rule dnsnaln nd sasa in ry atanyltmo ite oita l r ay of said pmyrt. aeryaWaRblecbeanallipetarastlrndarrse*c 00murnoaf cornlbfrpj at ma Unirarm oetic Straight Bl01 o adir -e loran (1) in tirtami Fighst Ctnssiiceo i oniet o e Wdae herol dl instarilt or z rcailr shipmand, at ggin bther se. i oa nsitreafdsorcafsriiadlasammainrmn I mOoomer Innpment Shlaper hereby cerr tsmhe ailler adhall -h terra and eandilafn.a .Ihs Said bll of Sading. ieudingp Ohese en tihe bamb ikra. at fori, fri t inamnidealifan a wrld, r:c goena the. transpfroenandNpment,atRils stheanidttnr1tanand ltiloare harubyg'grandto bythe ippneradaceptodfor blrsenfadhiassi.. Consigned to 7=0r\4'r . oc--O - ..

Is~- t j (JC2C. Delivery Destination - 4Wat- County Alib Address* f . I onlr..n.sflpprIdnlvery dasr anrdgaywung r prvidmfr thetf. lae S1_T_

No. Subia tSo non I' cdtlWan, ,i to a = anw a dail", if cosigxe wsehrmame dn th - arst ansilnab higrorm haM T1e caer T bal notae dil"t Mf its *lrpment without payment et relihxan - ther swfulchnargn.a

tegnanas at OGanstgnter) f t.rgobeopsicd . rit tam inere,"ro b- Prepaid."

heaers 11 ta~ yInOpr nt afthechare m, a limort.

AgntOr Cashwttr

R, ae signrasehers Ckaovmladgs t.y the saSla prel

SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This is tocrity that teabove.nnnared marialsas are properly classilled. described, psckaged, markea ad SIGNATURE TITLE labeled. and are in proper condition for transpotaion accoltirgto tte appicablo regulations of the Depamoent of Transportation. I ih a shipment moves between owopans by a carrier by water. the law requires that the bill of lading shell slat. whrther it Is "carriers or shipper's weighi, C.O.D. SHIPMENT Shippers Imprints InlIeu of stamp; not a pat of Bill of Ladnig approved by the Intertae Commene Coarmssion. NotWhereInhe rate is dependent on value, shippers are reqa-ed to staoe specifically in writing the agreed or declared value of the property.C.0.0. Amt The agreed or declared value of the property to hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding Collection Fee IN ThISSHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. * The fibre boaes used for this hpentI conforn to the spac- ificatons set forth in the box makers certsil lfhereon, and all - Shipper Total Charges CORRECT VETGHT IS + cuter requirements of the Consolidnled Fre'gl iaicador, Per-4. 4 Shipper, Per J) - tPer

Permanent post office address of shipper r

UcN a, 0 - I -rC

co cp S -o om cm C Cl SI CM CV sa - C. -J I o - C., -C z In U0, a ix C., CM - e- -- I-s a m- r'zIx-00 Z3 e S o -m A c- eN W 4 Co 4.. C-I 0 W) o > in x a M:Doci a- o cc a 0 c oEo cr 1-30 a, a Z D M- w a 0 C 0 -LJ U, In '. 0 - 0 '5 SW LI II- D C-, 3: wz ca3I o 3- I -c IA Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shipper's No.

(Name of Carrier) Carrier's No RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs jn effect on the date ofjhe issue of the Bill oFLading. at 1w srn -:; 4.AJ AA. . "} From TrAk .J / thvtnE6ydasenbtn be. in lpparontgoaser ecpt asnaiad (cariartsa rt conatiift cuiisa spaciagesidauirntTparked&coristgnedand dns||idaOs idiclad bae. whirt sadclarier (USOwrariterbtlagtlidestood bIuea~ni tin con ac as marac any permofn r corporasan inpseson of the impiy urnlsr elmcoara) ago, to cary inll niuaplia of dgdliey at -ai dotioiter Sits rote, atiitis Io dohlrlarirenir I. oraid h lt rora osid creadratio iis rraalyagred, a fl Wticme , any adkiroetymram onpr~d f~Ypoa said ratullodsatidn.and as ineackhpawrtanayhmeeintworasd edaor arynY *idsrpety *hateveryservcfooperfionded ersh~maacsuerltoat tie terms andCaenteans alt lis Unir Demostc Sirargt St of Lad~ng -e fort (I) in Urdiair Froight clssdicie in efract on nie data hereol. ie 'as a aora raiwater ahipmet, or (ain tllalartfcilahntaiathissoaappldaalinlotrcatreri shippe fhrby certifist ht lal wit theignns endcondlilri. of Ue gild bil ladirg, Irdutegthese on the back irof, set lorth in the cft.lidaon f tlcin hi govrfa th- trrimpuafiofn cl i. mr, and di.gaitrnead ntres erbyagreedtabythentipar andaceptadforhiesliodiaSadgna

Cosirgrnd to ,L ~ O 4 TrO -r4.''

DeiI=Waryi~l~ 55=5501 =flsita5Ct roofin.aklan. SWv*L. 5 M.A Statea £onigeAddress-rZip-tdnty *TobertiedInedywinenipperdasiteodcanamigtwrll.provls.efordetneryithfrl. Route T._ _ __4

Delivering Carrier - Car or Vehicle initials No.

f DESCRIPTION OFARTICLES, SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS ATE am a TOSeu ... n a.' cdionti n he PACTGE~p MtALI ISUBJETOCORR OR t h is bnbil o be dlandto wh .ra a rsid, wriana r ee, s ongeid esan tic

Melisdlne c it a lemd I -as C Pr

~at idat. .

ar= h i es e hieclenselsd SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: Th;is to crifythat Ithe above-named materiais are propoly ciassified. descrted, packaged, maded and SIGNA TURE TITLE labted, and am in proper cordilion for trnatOraion accorning to the applicable regulationsofthe OeeanimanlofTransportation. I heshipment moves bewen Iwo osby carier by water. the lawreire the Nill of lading shallstat wheihotis'carri or stppersweight." Sh~perImrins i liu o stmp;flo a en t Lading aroad by,the Interstate Comm. rcCoinpadn.i Non homr a is dapeiera on ae. shippern are hacired to stale sciicaly in wri thu agreedor der us ae tha property. C.O.D. Amt The agrad or declared value of the property I hereby spechficaly slated by the chipper to be not exseeding Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. The ire boxes used for thipment cor l iticalions set forth in the box makers celicate thereon. Shipper Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT IS _.S. other requirements of the Conoidated Freight Classticabo

Shipper, Per A ent, Per S5"q ") :E rt .;-q"- It/ 4 - Permanent post office address of Shipper . I c- C', cv- CoI c1 flfr C I 'n- a- C a to0 toe O. CS) xx co *c 0 > t0 c L EA C -J a NW LY -a C -J I.. C o- . 0- C-, C, co 0 x C I- Ix 0 0 .4- C I ma, -a -.. 4-- 4, .0 i- 4, z C -4- C 3 Un- a c-e at CnMzS Ooo 0 zz c, Ix Lu ix C I- C, 0') cm U) V C Co - a S r cn r C, C., uJ z w 23- 23 II Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shipper'sNo

(Name of Cardern Carriers No RECEIVED, sVject to the classifications; and tfis irl effect on the date j the issue of the Bin of Ladi. at -"f e m 19-e t, AA. A 7From no.. Dn fWtp rrdasod toc. s bpier gaodrd. cet nad (:or andcnatdlian Mr otera orparkafes i tmad. can0i0gnedandd.stieo a iad bw wh'ith ad na (Powerd cri nang wnotrttood l.r.ct'lOuAtlh =irdacta nfnn ny eona o ctonrtin In gosesian erthe ropory tane ahotentael) egroesln tal o lMs usual placs of defirrry Utat gdeanlon, it rcn ilouts. Olherwiso to dniil - iiatalher Ci e iultOsalddaetintma.ate frrtuoaly h usda car artm r ony said ropary ovraiy pr iori ai sad ilad I dMsrralin, ard as lo c parrty iar lia teld I kdb rya l ald mtprpity. ttl Mery ItentO bc perlormneset'atashrbarurder |hI ana ar d oenddimlnWsOh Uniorn orm Straight hit of .adrrg d attn or( In Uniorm fruight clnasdtion in olect of tit dathril. hi 1s a ra Or afra-ar amnt, r h in .a ansliail noit eanar clasioatonortar.ta tr aion crr ser i ten. Shipp.rhsrety netr ri. th . laimr Met an the iMrMen d conditans. t te aald li oI radsig.c Imdrifa tha. n ,ae back thref, fot trh t. ls**dcollon or Matrir du lgeg... thorthisIrapern.ltnal.hism iithe maid.t.e and c n.t10nsa rereby agreato bythe sippr crd sceptad Corfirner nd h s asMigna. Consigned to - AA- & Alo L.uan.-i Afdtautc~, Ma11Din sfl, putue- ' 61a Dolivery Destination cad It state L Z ,41O0ffor3 -I ..o .. smnvppr raes ngovaming ranMtpr do r d twry ti.-.t. I.Route 6z ST- j ,A Y, A t W I;- Delivering Carrier No. /Y"L uibrlaw W secutn rt cani. aC bill or sag. Wt ths ist edelivered toth mcnsagna fnout recor,. -n he an oo .anali alglINe The ami sha al anta. deltutry of la hpet lihout p*renot af reight -n alt ierw tawhi uhargeg. Par

(St!alar at Ottnsgnar) It arI r . a a pIMalIid, write r arkap hr, lu he Preptad.

Pp y ars

Th iagnalur. hone scknontedg..

=Mmgesadvaed. SHIPPERS CET[FICATION: This isto cortify Iattho above-nzmed materials are properly dassitred, deacbed. paco od, marked and SIGNATURE labeled, and arein proper condnion form an ortatn accordrg to Ih TaE - applicableretilationsoftheDeparmontoransportation. SHIPMENT -If the ahipmont movesbetween two ports by a crrer b wattl the law reqtras that the b'i of lading 'Ihal slate whether it is caers or shippers weigh.C.O.D. "Shipprs iprintaInleuatamp~not a part of oft.dIngrapproved bythe InterstaeCommerce Commission. Nole.Where the rate is dependent on vaIue, shippers arerequired to stale spectilcaly in wraing the agreed or dedored value of the property. C.O.D. Armt The agred or deelred value of the property In hereby speciicayattaed by the shipper to be not excaldrng Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. The Tibrebes used for iis hirment conform to lhespec- it Ions sat torh In the box makers certificate thereon,. and atl Shipper Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHT IS -LSe Ither raquirmentsofthuConsolidatedFreghtClassiicaio. Pr- Shipper, Per 4JP It Pa t- f I7 )prc 4 Permanent post office address of shipper co r 1-- -. U. C c c ' - o -- i. c c c 0

2n=..-m .Dui- aee -

... - - L0*COn.- r gC... u f Cucm m zf x **"OZ SC- - - a- C+.(DCm aC .- LL -- g J as :| . - . R (x M - m I .. in C. - m ) . - C 0- . C- g


rn- CD 0

co (0I co'r1j(3 - a w ''C' . w l'. - Shippers No. CnrO rName of Carrler) L Camiers NO JL------, a n su ailS la drect on the date of the issue of the Bi of Ladin. at er -sr ~ r. d 6 From /- A\ -i gracey danla bol ow. is apanatiodoir.ii a nm -fotd (onna ama i- anliwr f er c padkagne unm.s).rmenakd wsrilnd a- est a s irde bolow.whith -ai eAM tst -i coDmr beuig rcaricedtimuggtastus a rcasmaal -n persn or capwrln bn pasalnr -h p..pprny ur idrhe arraI) Mg- - ainy Ia11s rud|b ofecar lly a- -i destinafdon, if ts rout otisretl o deine to Sintar lauw muthe TMIisdsl'olt.enset ontreadcnala es of nif syamesirad h peit -r Iein s e d. , i unirarmu r-rwgn asicn. i d en - e ityS harmyt i a d k. ri CCr f r S-aar spmWer. -r (2 h ct s - bseseemir mr eid Sae ainsSnthet

rn lerri r sirmei.

te saiantsen-aunltlis nesneragsreest by thipperand eanpiedraroeastromuNsan=. 1 Consined o .x{ns~cko cA-nrror sekArqc kmoYC- at coanse-or pt~o ra". ctineflflnoay. Jlo itinunn Ccao, ur7SteOa n27 ..CUrtv Or

Jelvering Carrier A r $ .. -- Cai' or Vehicle initials ______No. ______NO. HAZADOUS' *WEIGHr CLASS I f PACKAGES MATERIALS OESCRPTION OFARTC[ES,SPECLALtMSANMECEPONS ISUOllCTmCann.1 ORATE eensz ihr w? 5bf-et to me. fi". fm'A. -O foeles -~on a -- dsew ow,

nahe s rra sanharga n. hos imnoatr as hegWn

this . Is be . m

(IV i natmtved $ ______ts phproente mecharges


chargeesnuncdned; SHIPPERS CERTIFICAT1ON: Ti istohcinty tat bove-nrmed .eatials are properly classdied. desenbed, packagod, marked ind SIGNATURE TITLE Ibeled. and arelti proper cnditon for t raban accosng to the I 3 plicable regulations of the Divarmn of 'csportation. If the shipment movs betwoon two pors by a carrie walter. the lawenuirst th the bill of lading shall stote whether It is 'airft or shrppers veight. C.O.D. SHIPMENT Shippor's imprints In lim.a of etmp not a Far fBIll of Lading approved by the interstate Commerce Commission. NoteWhare the rale is depenteont on value. sh pra am required to state speoicety In writing the agreed or doclred value of the property. C.0.D. Amt Re agreed or declared value of he property Is hereby specifically stated by the shipper ia be not armeding Collection Fee ThISSHPMENT ISCORRECTLY DSCRIBED. The ibre bores usad for this shipment corror to the 5 I Iicatons set forth i, Uebox makescertifite tereon, andal Shipper I Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHFi IS '.B. oter raqurements of the Consolidated assiica

Shipper, Pc A 7 / s !AN, it/j AA, mennanent post office address of shipper CDCOO .o (Do

CMC 0 J 0

E(D - c - . -

aDC - , . (3 C S)C' J . a: t--.. O- 1- 0-- -0 C) (D (D - 0. 0x

A M - - 0-C" LOSLDMLc >aa wC.j (4 . ON =J. C-3e0 C Co -rn 1 0 ,n 0 ~ 0 0- (fl-CDox 00x (U)- C~ ~- 3 EM- IID Oo o OLC-- Iaw.-LJC Orig al-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shipper's No. 0 (Name of Carrier) Carriers No ECW ub'ect to th classiri onsand rifts in effect on the date of the issue of the Bill in *at -7 / ~it ~,OlL jU) /I - tr )?Fro~Y2rG/Uj rUL hadpelyosa-nedbcw, m ppaeio Ider, excesas rnd icomemssand onrfr.cfns el oackge urnfnsmmddcnsigedr0* dened rnoejd ewai said. sm too cnact Banennwg any person or co vn I. p an at en smporly u cartac) .grant te in y oil. usualsn pi if doway at saa dsinatio, ir n a a , elhir.Ie is doinir to another ca t n h roll. to Irisdestnansamd msnuussaapeed, as I oah canfsi ter rydsadpropaoer alranypir aid, ruleldesmtionandstoachpatyayii d all eranyt f T aidpro0Wdy thlfywrnn in bmperfosrred oundr shalbOd o-t a n trs d c ar n of theUnio nae Sirag t W f tsacig W hare (1) in Un"r.. FreigiolSSCL in t oMn dale banrer Ib s a ted ra tWiowr ior a de at Senate in sr lorti rnet r cas ort , oasti testcams, titmpeir Shiprhereby Cetib oa r In. familaw wit ai the and codilan.a tei Mf the .ad bil W hadn. Incitiding Utose an th botk erea , Set fto W the dasifecalo or rlfr widch gsma me atspotselnandsfae0dsaf - thesdtermand carid don. - artheby . by'. shippersataccepted forlinmeandthas.algas.

Consigned to - allarstrs analrealn asige-&esoipoese or ,lnatiitry.)

Destinat SaoiT.Sa Zip ounty U it4-r Address* b. oldin nly when sipper isan g rd Route

Delivering Carrier rck ~s~ern Car or Vehicle Initials ______NO., iNtl. rWA'ILJI.JVOl PACKGES MATERIALS DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES,SPECIAL MARKS ANO EXCEPTIONS TE (SUBtJE OtfCORR1ff enegnwttoan reorasn thet ~Mgt,de cnsJse asall algn U e na enotake dalbcS Wi - altinret oyin t of Pi, rS, Sada Sni P om f.

Agot -- ther ca-near.. Ser

tcot ea m e a a w tee r

Pagr dvncd

SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This Isto crrtly that the aboveriamed materiel are properly classified, doebed, packaged, markediBnd SIGNATUE. labeled, aid are n proper condition for Iransportan according to the TITLE app'acabe equlations of theDepartment of Transportation. *If the shipment moves betwen two parts bya carrier by w|or, thelw requires that he bil of lading shall stale whether it Is'carier's or slippers weight* CO.D. SHIP MEN T ShIpper's Imprints In Ieu of stamp; not a prt of Oil of lading approved by the Intdrstate Conmnerce Commistelon. Nots-Whee the rate isdependent an valun, shlppors are reqL:ird to state spedireally In witing Mteagreed or dclared value or the property. C. r.D. Arit . The sgreed or declared valuo or the property I. hereby spcmically stated by the shipper to be not exceedIng Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRISED. - The fibre boes used for this shIpment conlarm to the spec- Sttiins net forth In the bo makers certificale thereon, and all Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT IS as. aIher requirements of the Consolidated Fretght Classification. I hipper

fhipper, Per at-______

Permanent post office address of shipper I . O7NteyUJ Straight Bill of Lading Short Form Shippers No.

(Name of Carrier Carries No RE su ' Je ;7; sil sa tariffs in effect an the date of the Issue of the Bill of Lading.-. at )§ jb jgtdat From itrdnenibe Uulaw. nspInlo Ue orpt i and oia of.oniltsa l packa.reiknn). roneigried rnee andiar down s deao. .hhal earne mv.wrd .me boingrerstond eotn Iia - nex anig any peron or c eofron Ir posneaeon ci th er maorty unor lhe oracol gee r. l carry I a ual Pla 0 d eeade ali on roe olinf,. l do*,in analher bai n on ale Ias S-. idanoanhisI ni. aocad icnrSle arle Eidpropealy o i p orlni a)ny Rl egeai s t dcosti mo. aed nsio e hptaly anyl a i bered t a sa ryoxesiopnay, h mIavey aern be o speiored blaraleniabteatoAbe, Onelhlnia r meSlieagt~inrtedigatforda tiIin Uafrm reitnasaletoneicfeinthedalaharlor. ishedlailStrMrVitMaers*tlfilAmk(2ii apfilemlor roamcasasicaliorlandiussa - asar retshearmet. Shippertreaty cr51".. that et tfeler e all the S e"m. o1dth a hel of relas. te*g Shve an m -eeWalter, wseat ftsjJ catwheel~oi re Rb urith someoaneet ae .f twe selpiot. Vt'Sspmraly alen d h els N byitape, .a aced Ue obrelaani til exdig. Consigned to ( a-o'c-- nn~e~nst~n~~f'P k iSIIlJYVfei&&1%a..ld5e'serc..lstgner-.-ForpfJrp0as.-efnouUcitJl-rMnly.}

"To betled i only when eWsperderer. rid govneing tdrsmprevlde forddalvery harmo.

Route f , Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials NO I PAC HGESMATERD DESCRIPTIOJ OFARTICLES. SPECIAL. MAAKSAND EXCEPHONS WEIMGIT I CLASS Z t ana o 7nconmine o toaLaden , If tyh e PACKAGEMAERAL (SUEE OCORR.I OH T hfc e be detun aon. a M hEAgeent rera a= s lxlUr x to shaell Mg.

P sr

u reig are o edg n- QA~ 1

_ _ _ _ _ I- Aget orcadne:

oridy e nOoale.) SHlPPERS CEHTIATION: This is to cedify that the above-named ctr3gnadved: materials ar. prareiy classuied. described, paitaged, Marlied and SGAU tabeled.andar proper condition ortranpormatocodinglsotMe -INTR IL - P applicable regulasions of the Denarten "f p..arl~atio. * Wthsipmaent moves beween mwports by a carrierbg Water. the law requires that the bill oi ladig shall state whether it is 'Corrient or shipper's weight.'' C.O.D. SHIPMENT ** h per'imprints In Ile. .f stamp;net a Fart of Blil of tading approved by the Interstate Comnmerce Commislon. Note re the rate is dependent an value, ppers are requered to stae specifically in writing the agreed or declared value af the property. The aigreed or diclared value of arhe propet in hereby specfically elated by the shapper to be not exceding, C.O.D. Ant

THIS SHIPMENT ISCcORECTLY DESCRIBED. ** Thefibro boxes used for this ahipment caofonr to he spec- Collection Fee cations sot forth In ih box makmer certificate theeon, and all CORRECTWEIGHTIS LBS. ather oquieeneis of the Consolidated Freight lssificaio-. Sipper Total C;haes IIs Shipper, Per gen er-

Permanent post office address of shlpp li co En Cvo0-

CIo om

o mcLrn 0. S am -3om- i 03 N N .4- o > m 0 Ci i CI C r, -J - cmMo > -C S0 z i 04 C (A Im L. N L. (A co ca 0 c.o e L C-, C to o -j N C -I C - G x M a -n 0: m- m 0 -- I-g I. - co C E -mco c... 0 C)r C 0 ..a C,U C x , , c - 0 ooLIn C-e (DnCzJ C u aawe = zz mSy C cn U) * I--n o~ CD I-- 'u 10 -J .-. , a natNot NegotSab traight BIll of lAding-Short Form No.QLNL

Naste of Carier . Cariets No HE 0, Eu e tohe assi~fcad n tari Ifecton deof th is Prueofmthe tlti f. at =;P Fromn LS3 Iraptfly daiolded belowi prent good Srorr.eaeot anoctad conl9it andg1ierninlinlirn 0rpackagxsi5Od) nkn it),mlecerioxengganddetiegd OSild tlewrich M4AfldcEMi. edonieragbefigynldOrSIod l~thlluglsi atraaai a m ;e arryperson or Crpnrai s on inix' posesio f n rny smae, -h Ccnrasl agras bo carry rodis usual cla at dlivery ir -ak dnismaton,- if n its i r a sioilenro To sensor Ia antherlireloideemari.ons1s-i11tiscarrler mu ilu~y arted. sto tt maeral a M r ay as sad vpsopmryower arn ponlMory saki etd m odesi Ed aand Wslo each tay It any tim eikaot Wrn al ri old ropety han Every sarcel be paloreMdhmrxndwealsuijectreasatbe diV remsAnd condiits oiho Unifrm Dorosic Straighl of Ladimesvar "r (1) in uiorm Freih lasnain s to ct in o l e dale hert. d is is a ela . wae ltimert. Or (2) in the applicable m r anlr clanifiectiIsaorlenlie ea torruaiment . -hier erby crerife Mst he f fllrlo aoWeheeroe end onloec ofthm nd bill Mding, ainadn e on e baethckiere setfrt Inthe laatheii a orturltrhAgv ethe mrnsprorJsen eln .hisaime., rod voliteiedfoassis, rheci.deteersu rsnd Ala Conneignedrto -d AA, A - ~(Maller t~astrecs llatofeenos-neee., e e -

-- *** - S t p courity--' Address*

Del vering Carrier i . &Car or Vehicle Initials No._


I ,- t,olectionree

5UpplyhIprepaym 7 ten a dllhargaes TtaCargessesa O terg.fen m. i m orsd, vole a.

t 'AN =n.wilxeveovr ltcsees

On pdie motminhaptUpeld _

Chimns* Orxst SHPPERS CERTIFICATION: This is Ietnfy that the above-ncmed r 4 }F / ern ias ore property classited, described, packaged, marked and SIGNATURE TITLE V labeed~ndarincorconditionfdrran ortaian accordingCo sb~u~rtzn arc riotion the applicable regulatonms of the Datetonrrain g " '1theshipmentmovesbetweent wopans byaaie waxer thilaw reusthat the bill of jading shall satewhetherItiscamrso shippe'tsweight SHIPMENT Shippe'splnInlie of stamp; not a part of of ziding approved by the itaratite Commerce Commstion. C.C.. dependent on valle. shipers am moqured to stat specificatly in wnting the agreed or declarndvalue ol tho property. Sagreed or dctr value of the property Is hereby specifeialty Wtald by the shipper to be not exceedirig Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESC18EO. The txee doxes used!lo this shipment conlrm to the stoo d Itations set fcrh in he box maues euijilcat mhereon, and alt Shipper Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT 1S -- , LS. c harnrqouments of the Consolidated Freight Classfiction P h Peer I CS 't~,'A.,Aae e Maat nnt postf address of shiper 1 M I e o o~ cI Conlc CL

N E 0 0

'- nom M, m m, a, CL CD -n CDj T, 'a L c- C -a cc 0 >in I- ux m 0 (X Zo (1) c C-, C Sem U) I- C 0 - - < 0 4-. M0 0 ) -n IC) In- -a C IC CO ) C - z CL C 0U U:3.- CCD cofl(Nm cx I- w CD - C I- U) 0 Cd) r- I- m -C I- C) S -j S U) Cy a C-, C., m Cii 5- II II 11 .gotNegotlable Straignt Bill o Lading-Snort Form Shipper'sNo. P (!d41 IFarP 1 (Name ol Carder) CarrietsNo RECEIVEDsubject to I e assificaios priffs in effect on the date of the issue of the Bill of Ladt at,, t A2V . t"" t.Ab ')17 19-4-?,'From &"'""_ r7/_.2 it'copeny detiediflilw iparent gocd order. excepi as id IceentsM ancano ctets ot seekfgts uakraan.ia, akd inon~rod anddos bnod as mriniaed 1belo. whicaid caer (1t word camr badng undlerslood thiughalnati cotacanaoInG anypeserIOrcrpon in possasona pray Un~orth co oaro rryboIs ualplaocI dtiseru ad desimtiri:Inl r.u . oterota 10 diner lo r arslr on ih rout. ln sahddettinalim It. s INlUaJ*yag-rsef aloo es =cameau rany of saidproerty ore -uer any pnon at -a roule todastinale. andas to -ac partyat anyIuna bnited ilSl or anyal said prooeny.Ihat osry sevce Io b- oformed laraunder tsall be sujec anlo the lterr end caensrs of the Unramu OumeltioSirutgN 3i ofLadkeart i (1)Jin Unilra. FrigN Claseito sne LOn n dale tisrool. It a Iis la rat ail rlni omant. or (2) in lt ppetle miotCamaclasslit niatadors mo ai~scneahoaai ship~perhernby senit tee sa (amiliarwah t 15the fea acodtilan emthe sald tI of1adiri.. Inhingdbuathesei tiacit thntsea forsnt casdsfleati or tasltttttde govetos the teanortgn a nisntp,t and thmesaid terme and conditlona re hruby agdlt byUna ulupper, aid aserd for Itinsatit id Neasl.

Consigned tan orseiel addes cl contlgna.-r-raprpoaee atneftaeati l.)

Destinallo stap county Addressi Statfqaz~c"To7be fld Inonly when. ahippe, eSlare. arid setnrdng tarit. prove rordanvery iheratf

el'.1, . Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials No. ND. HAZARDOUS -EG11 LS PACKAGES MATEPIALS DESCRIPflOM OF ARTICLES, SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS - (SUBJECTSOCbRRb Oto TEStrin Ie ce Uad t delv redto e {- o te -de test n eely -ent .Oh wyag

gmt - llslm isidgaea.

____~~c______u d_

Agfentor ca omter.


SHIPPERS CETIFCAPCoN: ts Is to ceitly that the above-iamed arga va rr~rasa. errvtsyfn.dd . adpcrmdmnak~,rpe! ,ieand dhdnr~ndmte a~ - 75 11111 d4., -)YF DR ///A labrted. aardwe in propert condtion for Iran Isportaton accordiag to the ItATIR TITLE aonaicable regulations o the Doepartmet of Transportation. C.O.D.SHIPMENT 'tithe shipment moves betweentwo Potsby acarrier by war, the law rquire u etht the bill oF lading shelf stale whetlar it is 'carries or shippetsweight" "Ship pets Imprints In ilet or stamp: not a p art of DilU or Laing approved by the interastee Commeoree CommIssion. Note-Wbere the roaeIs dependent on value, shippers ar requred to state specifically In writing the agreed ardeclared va the property. COD. A The agreed ordeclared value of the property Is hereby Spaeteticaly stated bythe shipper to be not exceeding Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. "The ibre botes used for tis shipmnt conolm to the spot- incalions set Fortlhin the box maters cetdical thereonand all - Shne Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHTis a oth~errecutaments of thenConsoltdated Freight Classfication. Pe

Shipper Per t ri:_ er

Permanent post offIce address of shipper C co C2 CM t (Do c C10

0 -

r 0 a +- I cv CS) -E M cc - M col0aC ECD -J o-'I -< 'S - C ) CD An C-, C+--S - 0c-to ac cm 0 0 (D:3M I-um c 0 CC L - cr Qmt n C z .. C V, C.) C I-M co ly amL U ni- cli Lx C' C Cl I- o C C -r. Co C C-,Lx Ie I- 0 CM - (S -J Lx LU (0 cc m S- _= etible Straignt ill oT:'Laaing-nort Form - esNo. ft ~ ~~~~~(Narroe of Cenrr)nCnesNo_____ Caier's No RECE D, subict to the flaiclons and arian effect an the date of thAissuLof the Bit a Ladin.. j -.- at8/- A 4 rttrom 4S theflmOplyOascned telow. 85 aaa d'od otder, exceSa mind leatnsndWI WlIanIo cmm i packages unknow). r~ikd conSig 'd and detined as mndilod bieor, wrlich sad 5 c amthe aed carri' tiig odorstoodthototis 15rirct as rnonin any psoan or tcworale In Dosses a the grtperly under he cotracl agroesoen t o l 110pafo ely atak di liriobeion.ddwy on-ids roule. fact rUlia 1'I de ie to analhar cani a~ er -r e0tidtetnlon,rteloid .- ,,rlukly agreed. Mbsaea miiacoat mrany 04ovpsoparyerll r anypeitien l fmSdraulo to desl1tirml -n galo sacf purly Starl -sl klirel allwigyofelld1500rty Uta la y IaBw be pfPimd tweetordor-slisllbesalect184 .leineadonlonsof oeUfrmnOomesatcle s t Bil Mal Leanamsr (1 nUnlan, Frightbcl etIn fect i deerteol. Ifta- ai or a rerusm arli I in theperolorcre ircaortartMlsa - h to clipmem Shtpper henaly earurinaatiat he I. Iamuler wit a0Ue te od nnrdUene of the -ai bliet ladIfh, lachadlng ils on the-bA tt iflhattintl btici~tberterlf ltih goemse tMteqIranpoo elptswmeAand

al 4ltarn. bydtgeeemhlgpr ahareof, TItb. n y when.s-ipparbdealred rlifs providarfor dasli.ery D etiltatio st crty Id des Route

Delivering Carrier q yr. or Car or Vehicle Initials No. NO. HAZnRDOUS WEIrIOAUHT ICLASS.I Sgowl 1. Sat.e~ IW adan DESCRIPTON OFARTICLES. SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTlONS RWCUNTTh COn1ni R RATF 1 onsignee udc ou rcors o n - he = ar r o a li alp lt. The "r dt n mle de. r at I. tha e wlr se,weeert Reehre seaonoWetd as her. theta

ote a a roon Ae en r ltle.lhg

P.r g " gs n ua h a te e d Chases adivnoet SHIPPERSCERTIRCATION: Thisistocorythatl e bov-rened ralerias are proerty classified. descbed. packaed. markei and TTLE - labeled, and are n proper condition for tran otatin according to the 9 - $ ______appicsable regulations of iho Dopartment of ransporladotn. C.O.D. SHIPMENT 1* the shipment moves between twoports by a carrier water. he law renturoaesthat the bill of lading shall state whether it is carrier's or shippers weight:' S* ers Imprinta In lieu of stamp; not a pan of stll I ladng appmed by the Interstate Comestrce Comlslson. Notehere the rageis dependent orrvalue shiper are rqLired to slate sperfical In Wriltg te agreed or dectased vlus of ihs propety. C.O.D. Amt The agreed or declared value of theproperty shereby apecincally stated by t. stsper to be not exceding Shir Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " The libis boses used for hiS shipment cortfon 'a the spec. fications set forth in the box makers cerdicae thereon, and all - Shipper ITota Charges- CORRECT WEIGHT IS ILBS. other requirements of the Consomidated Freight CPasiicaton. er

Shipper,P Per jp : U Permnanent post fficte address of shipper CI cMm 0, to * U) IMal LOtmo m" a

M a S a a -a a, S In . 0 > in C13 0 m -J Co- C! N4.,- , 0 0 0( co m e N.. --- -n crCD e CU o . (DC&JE W.-t CL u S x L n x u CaCD . "E cor- o LU cm LuI I-0 ly Ix aU riafBIlNot Negotiable Straif gill Lading-Short-of Fbrm Shapers No. l::"-i WMarnn of Carier Carriers No RECENED;su 5 to the elass s tariffs in e nhe f theissue of the Bi a aborg atFro /1 rFo comac asttaiwayvtir~er in eorora naasse . nrundar macrna .ato canyb atS placetof d*ey Sad daseniana ats r .uas nreso sdoar o antro n mout t saddelinIo ntlually egroot as Oachcrrf al or my oiled ropohy one al or m n asid route to desineon. and uslo eaen pary l ew . inte rooad in al crty oa sm proseny mat oy scrm, to - netaedaiheraderbeecstoabs dhe Orfian or o t UnamOoent Sramhn Bil0o LsdingtA0 toe ( i IUno omrFrm t Classificationbi oinre t o daste orer, ift it a erva redxwalr ip inkrt ar 3 fri e macao noleor ir caisitn onISala metoerarha ao,. s spre"Mtaa t WeideI. famliarth As the . nd cniflas. lon . aadbittf a adie s glctg thire on O-ea tssef, -ol ex rinal i M ap seslnoswornt a - rasnnthethaet somain. and C.a- urreg nst nAtt--he -esed b-. oi d id Consigned to

/ / A fl.~ 6 3.De'veer tret .da..f consign .- etr ptrotm ernenion enly Destination Siap County Address* TuteaeedlinnlywheneNipper desirsandgerrnindie rteltwrytthnt

Defivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initiats No. , / WU T TE PACKAGES MATERIALS DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES, SPECIAL MARKS ANDEXCEPTIONS Ofthss ai dMsal . In Wil ISIJCTO_ CPR_ _ = .' nm eadtoeat to OnUe Wtotbot Flyan a,

I gnpre tr hcare I I L-1 U

-charO artdt eld:rn C/ r-

Agnt Or Cashetr.

Per I SHIPPERS CERUFICATION: This is to certiy ithat te above named I \ Yr---&,,Iv meertalsareotroperty dasdifod.described, packaged. mrkad and labeled, and are rn proper conditjon for Iras oritron accoring to the SIGNATURE9 TfTLE aDplicable regiatlOns of the Deparment of Tansportaion. * if the shionont moves between two prts by a carner by Water, tie law reqire that the bill of lading shall staie whether it is "carrerta or shaippers weight. C.O.D. SHIPMENT SShipper Imprints tn iu of srtamp; not a part of Bill oi Lading approved by the Interstate Commerce Cormisaon. Nole-Where h tl Is dependent an value, tippars are requred to stale spectlicaly in wintjngthe agreed or declared value of Me property. The agreed or declared value of the property Is hereby aracitcatly stated by the stipper to be not exceading Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. i The fibre bases used for this shipment conort, to the spec- rrations set forth In the box maler cerirficate thereon, and all Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT IS tas. other requitements of the Consodated Freight Classfication. I Pr

Shipper. Per- ent, -#~ct Atrj27 , , Permanert post office address of shipper

27,&Q1S 4tA C.' C. C. C WD l- cn 0 (l*

> 0 r) 0 eg 10g a,L. cm co a. 1" C-l cu ' O c' r"'-- -a CD - o- o > Un cm (a E 0 o - - co ( -C u C- 2 .a < L co a, t cvm (a no -c 0n0 r > M -U > a -- +-- -c3 OVU 0 N 2, In XD (fl M, LM X U- 3- 1~- CV En r) c 0 li C 1*4 I- wU -J -J -- 0 C-) -J z Iii m Original-Not Negotable orign C 1 Laalng a li-0e"(o 7-Shipper's No._ _ . .. (Name of Carrier) Carrier's No RECEIVED, subject to the dassi catons a latiffs if on the d of the issue of the Bill of L4gWg at*/..r f , }2l/4n"r From 4 lha portdesobed: ,1iappperrgonarde fxepanidicantoritsandeni iemudateioadragkeesulnknowws'aoarked. amnoaad ddomnned -invtlatad beoow anidaenrtthewordrarerbngnderstotglhrog e contac, ansnmaaamoany perond o orporatlerohn pos ser at Oreproperty undr thecontracJ agenstcn to s usutral pnac a dltrsery a sai dsstnaion 0055it relAie, OStliris In dolirer ia armtrcarer -r thre In -asdeinajon.Itis madesngrent asioeachcrar il oarrlye -alpqoponyowrarm 5 ny penioal o attrool odesticioenresehrpasy toeroristid friarnot i si'dproperty. Bratevelysercto beppiwrrsdhenader taI iabbjctitot' tlo lma alid contiansof 1die UniokonDorrEStSu SuuJghi Gill of Ltein sotl orth(it) in Urolr Freigfhi Clasalednti in electt o dale hieren, i tme s a rail or a rail-wulr thpirrr, or {2t In the asstianle mlotaoritnHtlaoriLscashsileancer rrtia rcamar Wht ..

lhe ns andctndlin r g d . parted St lt rnlitaif n Bidh i lgs. I' Consigned to . IDes ..n.t/ Qls-se 7167 Cer Addrdervsr Route


Is ti e ri meca.fiiiya 1IS a I*7 II- a e - w a-Omt aretrar- t J()JL4 JQ - Agentsarcamee.- .r

~ -

I I ii

Pr tirnowehdg S

C - = cheos.asdvanc ed:

matorials areCERTIFICATiON: property classited. This decaee,is In earely ackaged. that themarked abovenrinedand SIGNATURE IISHIPPERSlabeled. and ae in proper condition fo tranpornation acrording to the TITLE appiltoilo regulations of the Department of Trainsportation. I;-.UOJ rlMs - * Ithe shipment moves between twoports by 8 carrier by at. the law requires that the bi o lading shall state whether it is crriers or shippers weight: C.O..1HIENT . Shl per, imprints In lleu of stamp; not a Part of Sill of L.aing approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Note-Whore he rale is dependent cn value. shPperm are requide to tato specifially in wnrng thre agreed ordoclared value of te property. C.O.D. Amt The agreed or declared value of the property Is hereby opellically stated by Mh shipper to be not exceeding Collection FeeCharges __ THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY OESCRIBED. " The fibre boxes used for this shipment conlorm to te Spec- ilictons set forthin the box nakeas certificate thereon, and all Snooter Total Charges- CORRECT WEIGHT IS LBS. o'ther reqirmentsof the Consolidated Freight Classification Per Shipp r, Per ~~~~Age , Pr c rzi-a, m26V,', Permanent post office address of shipper 04 C-3 M

0 0 - . . S a I I- I (SI t 2 = Olco ICS) '

,0 0o -J a C3, I a (S C9 - (D (S o>n 0 0--cs S I- GeC- .. 4- -J U-MCCle C~ I- doa O-M Mc a C , C. .c C - 'M> 0 amS o, In cer .. -cI-o o-' M > C,, g -a U, a 0-a) o I- a a Ma - co zI - -u ow c CP -n

0 C- I CM cyw - Z Co - in ix In cm (0) w z C-,

'I r Orfiginal-Nat Negotiablre Stra ,k 05 riNBil of Lading-Short Form No.Shipper's

(Name of Carrier) Camers No * AECEIVED subject to the classificatioris d tar irpn ect n the dale of the issue of the Bill of Lad]n at C irnns,as .. iCtFrom )-

canct as maamg any aesmiar ctoraen n ossesan ol t psp era, e tona) agres ta cary 1iota usuat pieceofa delivary at said desalin, sr n ts rout, efinmos to deliser enter namr Ont to auis la said Itdesnmaionis mflUiiay agreed 0itoeach eria aBl o any Or said prop~tr i 0e li Ur any eamelo sad route a sinlianM,,and as go each .fly at y bin iainad Irli a Grtay eke otDcoel. -ha eveey seri to benglrtoafshalnDesofrnedherirnder ls laesand acmlkra ci its UnifornCentestic 5Selta as oflr.g tal tonht I) fin Undorni Irregrtclasujcauen in etocton the dale belnof, ilithis 'sC ar or aleatkr slprai. Or Ia) fin tho iaibeirfthsisacamercasalinttorarmalr soharoiershipment Shippg sne y crule.T tat Is rame va all the erms and at nien esa billt lading, includlng tase en the back teref, sat eita ls caessiicalln er lrt ln guname the trnpartaersismnt,andti. th esaldlermeaindcon enna bsagreedto bynteshippar d t a r forsaasdhi M t.anigna. ./

Consignedrto n ---

nctInnInn K j/ Stat Addressr b-County prs *te - ied InOnIy "nen asipper deskes and avrn ng ina pnvids fer delesayenretr. 'URoute A

Delivering Carrier - v-:7,-'e 'T inp r- 12 - Car or Vehicle Initials - No. _____ NO. PRDUS DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES. SPECIAL.MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS WEIGHT CLASS iacrt, - dIVtd ton i-i- frst , udlta ns is ul ci. 0


I___ -a V -Xp isn' -

* _ N _

Carlgr ier feinsdg

materials areCERTIFICATION: properly dassfied. Th dascrbed,a tily Packaged. thtIeeov-re marked and SIGNATURE ISHIPPERSlabeled, and are in proper condition for transporlation according to the applicablerogidationsof theDepartnentoi ransporration. II ~as. a--..- * Ifthe shipment moves between twopars bya c=ner by watEf,the lawrequires that the bill of lading shallslate 'aawher it Is"cafiers or Shipper's Wight. C.O.D. SHIPMENT " Spper's imitnts In lieu of staem; not a par of Bill or tidIng approved by th Intarntae Coamrnce Commission. Note-Where eis rate is dependent on value, shippers are reqired to state specicawl In wheng the agreed or declared value al the propterty. C.O.D. Anti The agreed or declared value of the property Ia haby speeldlcalty sated by the shyppsr to be ne exceeding ---- - Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLYDESCRIBED. "The fibre boestused for s shlpent conformto lespec' Iications set forh in the bo akeers cornficata thereon, and all Shipper Total Charges CDRRECTWEIGHT IS rS I ctherraquirements atlhe Consolidated FreightClasifcaiorl. Per- - Zer f r ipp e r Pe r Permanent post office address of shipper Original-NotNegotiable Straignt B1ill of Lading-Snort Form Shippers No. O 0 C INameof Carier Carriers No RE o '5 UI ns and S W 1 effect on the date of the issue of the Bill ofjgiding. at t . "ignig From tf t--'.,,,co7//n .Sttoa) , .a.4.. the poory dnsd bta. in apparent g~dwure, aicepias novle con ~tee r dido conednts ackagesunknon,m arkod, consigrredand de slnatdcated below. WIdgthsai cmr [mh o canirott ndtOfuruiioIl fes crac5tas malbr sy prsn or careahn n la nsfesina ofithe pn'pany undr ah. conera= .agesocany1toits iaA plae of dStiay asaid doisiae, if an 0s rOut. Otheres to dolier to anoer camer on the'04 rid Itisgtotniosimn. mutualyagead, asa eac carir ofaM or any al taid prmpd oera a r any pa foita a l e 1o deflan and as 10 Oath p.ty at any tirat inl*reStd In off mrany of id proponfy, that Uvery 0e0ic 10 be ptelmd-lnIWafounbesitbfline- ihefcrms andcandiof at rho tr D aaghot Bilz at ttai daast farm () in Io Freight Clsmil in aon "ln daehoro, If Me i a rad or OIradwalor M aperitIw 0r (4 d)nhpOtl meOfitr caar MlLtaortfsaih mtoroarishtent, siper herebycerlfes thath It fhmular ilth all tho teand. - condhiong Of he a i I , inadintg thi i M n theback thflof, daet In th cassifiutton or use eliftligoverna slhe trigasprrowinofeOfMsmeni,il*and th. saidtm. andcnditione hereby greed to bythe Obisper and .cptd forWhomeelf rnd himasigns,

Consigned to o5______,. 0 je;street ditreSs al consignfea-For purposes atanticlesn ona~ risatinatioln- . .. "bflldn Ctat f tc-IlaAddrehssp o'eaywhnuhy~rehccd ooen n ne rvd etdliverySMLre Route - ' AA 4 Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials - No. suba .l.esohreendaneoa deal.e bil of hers. If Ugh s r i to b daiteirsd so W h ceateignee witOla reoue an sihe .. I, orrl n in0. mca rriter thal ot mse deilvtey 0$ W. shilpment Wthou- payment or



thrae rI ibepropen, wr or

Raceited s rian Ip nmof elf. olarnms

Aganier Casienr.

P.r frhe aignalaru bere aeknowfedgas onlytie amounts prepaid.b

cisruessadva:Imad. SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This is to cosny that he above-r amed malnenalaeproperly tfe & d~rnn wlnnn anftfn labered, and are in proper cordition for transportatn according to the .l:_ - applica ble regulations of he Departmenl of TransportatiorL _ *J|1 !he shipment moves between two paris by a camer b waor. the law requires that the bil of lading shall statewhether it is "carielr's or shippers weight Shippers Imprints In ieu of stamp; not a part of il of tading approved by theInterstate Commerce Comrission. Note-Whero lte rate is dependent on value, shippers are required to stateWpciaiclly in writing the agreed or declared value of the property. COD. Ami The agreed or declared value of the properly Is hereby peciffically staned by the shipper to be not exceeding THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " Tho fibro boxes snd for this shipment conform to the sp jo ications set arti Inthe bat mkers ceificate tharo, and all - Shipper Total Charges CORECT WEIGHT IS L.BS. other requirents ofteConsolidatedFreightClasslication.

Ship er Per Agen er

Permanent post office address of shipper P- C.i mC Mo 0 CF * 4 m

cc zce S -- omo--Mos x 0 C C a) a) ta-C co S - -n C2 t -J oc>o m 0 (a -C .. . z e m e -t a CS)4 Ca C Ar C 0 0 0 co S- L < 4-. C C-j u cc- co z O)D=D N z Sw CC L CEA m J w m IA- c-- a)

to, N~ Z3 0 'I ft ms F- w ELC w -j LU -J Ar -C u z C-) It3- I-- I I O riginal-N~ot Negotiable Etra- tOal Straj~ 'o aaing-rsnortFormCanrsNShillr' Fr II. Name of Carrier CarnrS No RECE ~Daubje tto the cliss ctions and taiffsin :on the at theissueof the Billof Lading at .5 o ,.14F > From De ropr d helo, Ii' gosd aid. ecpt as naid (correnits and t n irtrm dd caignad - a d dsd sla . . amer fae weid a rg rtood auqlheuiI, a cI n st s matn any porma or c. aton i poseti ie h ioly n der le 1 oic aed. to .cry t dai ual plre delsery at a a d de tltrt is en a l s r ole. hrwise in dle O Mndr cIrrie a - rrniaillged. et - achi animra t ito - ralmoperty aeralarnysteinalme-dtouts I.dinsiailbi.a-das to mul paw al anyamainmlroslad itafora tidprop en e trselv obeopedtirned lin iiah be sjmct Iaall tem terms -n cndli e Uionm Oafhste straigt all cl Lain set lr. (t) enUnjoer Freh casulara a lec rarr at. daleshusatei Is is aatri te a as pelr sier or (2} in ae rn~ote r camer cleaiteaon orIfienatIan! mtor eirs ars supperDlersy crgest salIts I fie l Wlelr wIad In tue rs and codaltta i s s - aell Whelr, idatt me s he beck thers.f, - lerin nibs drean ld i whein gomerns thebtra sportenalpmnores,ndotthits OrWed tronnsa nd lt eas sre t aruby em end etan-himes. ConsIgnel t/7&4-0, - ~a-d.*,y

r'Ine~ -Al AtA2.M&tZ4 Sta Zip at7 AE&~'ref~ ie ett eFrptn a ucdt a rebefil AZd-ywhenshipperdameirn gvering tads prvdefordeagry r *Route .Itl

Delivering Carrier- (0,/-C Car or Vehicle initials


-- -- 2Z1 re~s - enf s. Dott osfs. t . p"pyme fense the h e ensgra t a ena onr -

It shgat.n tognbe peaial wr

e- necdth gwar, 't be Pa..ped s' = ,agentarcshierse.sws

it daeareaargenhart adCed: citn ax-,dle

el h mut repa

SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION:Thi Is to cmnliy th at the above-raamed ad ~ ~ ndarspcprnibed. parar ed o ne ao ano h SIGNATURE TITL appicbleeglatnsfth~ ranfrtmelofansprtai, om C.O.D. SHIPMENT Itlhe s~pmenrt mvebetween two Paneby acameorb w te..lawretirhatlthebig ofllading snallMIDatiwhellheritishe rag rieshipper'sweight? " h esiprints In floor of stampi; not a rt, of Bli of Laing approved by the Interstate Caomecl Commission. Noeler h ate is dependent on value, sh ppers are requied 10 seals Speeifically in wtrilinghegedordcadvalBfthpopry CfO.D.Armt Teareordeclared value of the Property 1. hereby sPocinecally srtatedl by the shipper ao be not expanding - THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. TheIbre boxes used forthis shipment condormto the spec- ficalian set forth in the box nalkerscertficale tliereon, and all Shipper Total Charges CORRECTWEIGRT IS _ i ns other requirments or the Consoildated Freight Classlcaion. I Per

- hi9or, Per Agen er

Permanent post office address of shipper Cx" m 0)

0 . coCI G o2 to CS) to u0 c m oo aM

Va ox uOI .0 4)L M0~o>1 - l tovg C . .0 Cu

~- m C -~0c 0 CD a a) L- U (S 0of o .- :C ~o p to _n > 0 ~ cv CVUI 4

42 00) .-- -u t~tj (S LL tol C'2C0 uX CO :r. Original-Not Ne otable if ignt Bill Of LaCing-Short Form ShippetsNo. e..9 (Natre of Carier Carries No RECEIVFO sub to the ct ficatjns and tari 'n effect orn the date of the Issue of the Bill of Ladi at f-: . a -f l , ... 4)0L. 4trfC l7 FromI A' peimerdoeut a belowa.apprenr god ordermoore d cremt uandr maem onieal roageunnrwe mraid,Wcosignd addenLriad s imridcatedew. wlch aid carier (ihae cer tnmgundanaoou IQem oxr asmeaoon ay personor onealt i pssneso t o l odemy uender the conrl ag mre a caty to s ual placa or delivery W smid demai, ien is roule alhotwso a odier ti ar 1er amer o o 0ams-durenial Imraa~slfr agedata tachcarner of l er an ai said Pppoy oer lit wr y porten et sad reel. in dasstatorn, lrt -s to eac parly at iy -ii intorested in al Cr mty Ci said proptiny thaeder elvishadlbetirueadtoermedhrcuidorines ire tedrms a Q condins o . ryi nt Oames Sdraightery, oldng set lri {eon n Fiht clssicalioe t l h n e data rens i ar or o'ral-water sorneri, or 2 rthe oicbe rnalr carter clasp-ctiortisorani4is retocairn rsoiirnn. Strpper herebyserinOs (tat hel. arumnierwli slt e. fernasend caoslonre it.orte bebof ladlng,intldng thosein'the Oiati teael, -e forthIa Uhe cleisltlaaion ortifli wid, gaer rieteirsonsetaton of his sipmeant, and tle sid lnne-n cor diifonsa aeekambya o bytb teAspper arda .cceptedfrNmelaf andida amigna,

Consigned t1:4 iS-erp ( e~~di oolflanner prpss.n.iaunry nestinatin-aA - ' SW4$4& 4gp curimtyrnrnty Cc Addressto


Delivering Carrier ? Car or Vehicle Initals No. NO. NARrOUS' 'WEIGIT CLASS SOJOI to Seedon7 Cl onrinnans or PACICApSl rJATFPPIALS DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES. SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS ISUBJECT TO CORRI , bel of ,ngI or OR RATF e d t e e ... lterteeared Ie odnie / I I[ L The Committemaka del drym t 6 aia conta.dwitce penhimt of eareturs reatl =arg . i ' per 1 It- I t42N\ A tTh U icagee ra 0-bejld dwrite or

-- aeehied * ______toay I pome or be a tigd..

SHIPPERS CERTIFCATION; Thi Is Io certify that the above-nUmed materials are properly clasaeid. desenbed, packaged. marked and SIGNATURE TITLE labeled, and are 1nDroper condtn for tranSoortaiLong accordng to the a appicable tegulations oha Dearfn ment of transpottation. C.O.D. SHIPMENT * 1 1hoshipmnt meeasboiwe'n iwo ports by a carner by waler the law requires that the bil of lading shalt stat wheher its 'canes or ohtppets weigh

Nate-Whore 1ne rate is dopendant on vaue, pper e requiled to stale speciialty in wrlting the agreed or declared value of the property. C.O.D. Amt Tha11 Shiper's agreed or Imprines declared in valuelieu of of inmp; tho property not a artof61Is hereby Ot~idingapprvedbyepecflcaly stated by the theIntertateCommercComision. shipper lobe not exceeding oiotion CFee THiS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. The fibre baxes used for this shipment contors to rha to. ilfcal set farth in the box malsers corificale thereon, and al - Tot al Chare CORRECT WEiG-T IS LS. Icrther requirements olthr Consolldaeder Freighii Classificaion

;erj Per Z ? 1,;Ajent.,13 - U (LC Permanent post office address of shipper En

a) CWio

CCL (V3I :It \

cc a . - M

-- ~-02' m Eo<-C- a CR e- o CW a - LD

04 2: -- LC c , a: w - - - 0 . 0 b-0C C M -- . CCLIco ID ) 0H

O n- -- - tor 0) 0~ IJ SF eC-I) M Q) LiiM w 0-( CN >S 3 3 C a 4 cr i9 CV H W=yx 0 4) CmE C.) MN- l EU 'S "S -J


o- If) 0 z aEcxr- |s 3 o GnO ~CMo--oI 0 a a o >I0 0--a, . C, -J ow.- In -c =01-c * 0-M - 41 CS cn 4D O 0 -- CM .c In C, x+- Ox S3 )% - - G 0 OVO 0 ) c S > o 3. a, a, 0 43 0-01 .-- -U L't ) C - C mI ~ I- -, um oC- *C (- n C a, ix 0x o o C to a cx -- J Ccx a Ca a, <0 w Original-Not Negotiable Straigt ii OT Laing -Snort Form. Shipper's No.

eQ ~(Nao~ of Carrier) Carriers No RECELME. Slbjeet tI ile a fi U. nI Iflofs;feot ontlog of the sue of e Bit of . ItA- From , 4 . t Is'roperlydesao, mnappanlgoorderaixcepta nlnenand condooro nremolpackwgosustnk mrnli egnsenadend doosir aitridtow.nIItisoidilmera:lhiawide'nr ovlguridarmlsino outfs cornet s rneanre~ any poio or coeiprton In pasamo ele nroparty under ic contraci) agrees acany lom a e sual pi alinoy Ct seid desiireo, ifonits rout,. odihaise to diIvmr to San on citroulasaiddasknratmanII:1thl muluallycogree, aineacrri eor Oflmeranyofad popoety ovor orr poln ofSAMi nuto odestnrt, an aslo eh paain aty r ip talesindin aller aofiod proerl. #al ery sariae eperforedliumudersa becsuelecta tho terms,and coalilors Dl the Ukniion asIhc Straigi aEl of Lingl sol Inr (tin trUilnn FreilitCaiaian innston thedat horet i . la a ad or a raroator rharnrut, or (2) In mo aptenal meite tarne lacanr WaliosiftiaS mtor arr Ihipweot. shilppr hrsy cart mile s er la 1 atur t ter and - c it s of saId it of i evn gIldriidding those on irl beat thtat, -t farth in te alesdilloel O tiff wih goisme trtanpoterosWcitznhlandaierit. thealidten.andcondtIonstarehor agrd toby teafdpparopteodfor an igra,

r''nsigperd to .. /D CosgeoMall feage..anr .tee ddrma. .'n,.of caalge.-Foronl.alnalulfafienpiirpose Deliveary nnnlf-1? Stt co amzti < countA c ai desa-, p y "o bexfiled Mnentry when "iper desrer Grnd govning tf pride fr dealr sharedt. Route

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials

NO, 9AAROUS -WEIGJT CLASS /iul oOnsC PACKAGES MTERIALS DESCRIPTION OF ATlLS, SPECIAL MARKS ANDEXCEPTIONS ISUBJECT TOCORR ORRATE big a iver,~ldIwO0 It ate congnat e beut refor ni ti e TreeWar ctie~ "~I ratafleisiguth sell alga l.1

-The adresall not ma a idenry of

irighIm . od e ilwful cag.

- ,J rlcp~c.1~Med ga a f 'aOnedaor)

______1 - Mrelvel S Pt I~(floQ I__ Agait or CashIer. Pit

(Thsialslrar,.acknoewiedgos I I- J i) 1 I only the mamntc rpa~id SHIFPEHS CERTIFICATION: Tis isto curtlfylhat o atote-named mtedri's are properly clsSIFiOd. described. padcngod, markedand SIGNATURE TITLE labelod. and aro in proper condiion for teransportaion accordIng tloe TIT" applcable retIallons of the Department of Transportation I t hoo sh pmentmoans betweon Iwo pcrs by a carlier b wat3r. the law requires that thebill of lading ahalstale whether it is carrier' orshippersweight" Shprim n tIn Ileot of stamp; not a pao ati i of Lading approved by te InterstateC Commer mi Crnsalon. Note ere the rate is dependent on value shippers are required to state specf aly In writing it agreed or declared value ci the property. Tho agreed or declared value et the properly Ishereby specifically stated by s Shipper to be not exceeding - Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRCSTLY DESCRBIED. " The fibre boxes used for this shpmint conort to the spec- ticeions set forth in the box makerscearilioat thereon, and a Sippe Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHT iS Othe o-lher requirements of thaConsoldated FreightClassficartion. Per- Speri Age Per

Permanent post office address of shipper cc CMJ cm Cm c -- C C) C- am Io - DC.) U- C)

C, , > oE N- - Ear--- a Cw< Is S - C3 +. to CI C- b--'f CIDCi oC co -- to) (a N .- o > in CeW - (D Cz -J +- -a Co x A z L C m -cm w < LL C. w o t en (W ~ a-- -c 0 0 mr - e, I- -- a DC L-0- 0 S- I- L C LCJ 0 +n --n a 0-M, 0 In- - Cf L-O . C - 0 a: - -- o to c m wt2 U' D c LU (S Cg N oa D C cu I-- w (n0- -- -J (0 C- -i I- S ( 3 - r - o , 0: hi Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill oT Lading-Short Form Shippers

(Name of Carrier) Carriers No St 11U LO~MS fto VJb' h1 dI L ~~~t flI lol' I~i t h f fi foUI ILS OU RECENVED, sut to t e el if cat s an taifinpato adte01 sue0he810p at ,V 3Iid2d // /; .&4 , From d I') Pts, erpary dnesend benw,intapprent gdrd'rdrac t o as rld (comter ISo Cflut iti o f l cints et ckge U*JinkrO. mlunked, n an ddoic CS ttxtaid p#ill, willa"daiOer, (ta. wood camerlacng MtarsiendrIus IIclrctas m~arin any pern mrceporvliorr itn 0posstsIi ofldh. prottarly undor the ccCilanj ogrets to Jnuy la it usual 4aan 0l de&lkrl at said dnslinalcs onnlt leot.s da h I doaur., ae Jtoarethe.enm,ciniIul-0idanbinamon,r nmt ouygreed.550ocadcnel c n o Walpropuntyer a d'any ponaler oaid iua to desnfli and astoe cch penyat f tontrninulesadt 0 inatlrla e id parpety. tat deveryrve tabepformednduder chatbes uticoall tia trnand -onatmtis af Lthe Unilann Damiaane Ssaigt BW CA tading tlt cr4,ho thu) intn Freight Oassilcationffl lit s th aii n - rcu. Ile lin a ad er a talewre iliprint,. 0r (2 inc nieIlsmpleisamultrtarillicarirdlactio rrelcrcmeshimn. Shnperhere cfrn iet habelatfle-itar*the Itemlend cunoitndwatttoe netdb t ltcaig, tracuding thns. anlhb bl thereotas fadh inthedassltinor tffwilth goera. 'the tranpeneerthin sdipe n, an.~ d tescldtareasand cdtonsamn herebyagreed ta bytu thlpnraneeesred fer hiende nd hisn as.s

Consigedt ~~'~ ~ A.4n-Z~ar ( at ddress of cnsigfn-r purposes at Inetication aiy) Destinatlr Stat 7i C ounty L A .. driesse 5Rcu, . . , ~ , TrebefillaIt.anynes idsper daes.,and ecnhrdng lari.irovidstaor denetry Ierett.


SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: Thisis to cetty that the above-tnaned raterials are propertly classified. descntbed, packaged nrked and SIGNATURE labeled,and are in proper condtion for transportation according to he apploable requlatons of the DepaTment of Transporiation. C.O.D. SHIPMENT ! Uthe shipment moves between twopats by a caner by water, the law requireslhal theabill of lading shall slat whether it carrier's crshpper's weight" : ShIppers imprints In tlea 0f stamp; not a part of Bil of Lading approved by the Interstate Commerce Commnslol ai thg propeny. state bpcificlly In writing te agreed r declared value C.O.D. Amt ENcte-WherTha agrued orherate declared is dependantvalue of the on property value, Ia shtppers herebayopocilfically are required staled to by the shipper to be rnot etxcoeding Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. The -r. bores used torthis shipment contorto ath. spec- icattons sat orti in the box maker, cerificate thereon, Mnd ali Shipper Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHTIS WSs. otherraquirementsoftheConsolidaedFrefgtClasfication.

p r, Per nA Per 2S Permarent post office address of shipIper N Cj aMM cv I Dn - Lo c r-cor- 0 i-I m~ 0 r Ien

co co o> -- ao3m r- 0 0 CD -n 0 L -J . If C C n u - C o o- C, ci to~I C., S c t.. 4- Euso r-u 0 >1 0 '4 0 -n -C_,oU 0 -n U- --- - ," z r 3e C (iLL C a co (om.r 0 xeM me

LtJ ID 0 I- 0 co0 In c-CV F- In 0 -C -j CD w F- U r (D -J r a, r C, -J at u- C, m c-' (41 Z In Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill Of Lading-S nort Form Shippers

(Name of Carrier)Carrier's No REC, subt to the clasificatio df car e ont date ofthe issueofthenill of La

'e'utias enc a in . lma capwrain in pbssessior.ed the p poyun ete cl oin o eany tol ants punsplc delivesy o at aild destlni. ae, In i ue ne athwse i deliver tsro h cnitoeml s adds o asroeenemaser tan yorsaid pprnyverlcayeinrarusaa non,ape l aa lsdt~ ndmisNfnd - scpanlymoan Dalmarinte inan tingIntoaresa rd e yoisaldprapeny.lh-teveYseWiCOanbspedmed hsndershabnieDoocilur iea-n estiaditin rhc Sliald Bioeftantg ste frIt) Minktiler Freight Csiiton i irecton i.eda horetr itl eis s rail* t a r .lpeni, Wor (2 i e appire lc uehsifisdc~rrer Ssippe mrlnbyeernlff ltmt~at e s amlfIthetjU (e ns ad-c elofmsaid bileorladtin, inhg s ihr, sairinthe edls~asaieraesif iflavems thetuareunofts elpme, -n Ia . dlrean od~n -r -otl .ged1ytshpper anmipd MfrWinaned heeaaigna

__ Con9Adessd* ecninm-rrupssanictnny Tabsled ftcilywhens fppadsei.os-gevemhriadtfra providtefordell..ryitereer Routo

Delivering Carrier CY-.14 Al _ Cars ors Vehicle nMit s C HAZARGDOEUS N. UPACKAGES MATEIUAL OECt1DDESCRPTDN ; L F ARTICLES. SPECIAL MARKS ANDS(CEPTIONS 'WEIGHTr CLASS _ neci snto Ve ilare - l fi pmIentll l rne, It Iof I h r e. , - lhet - rl "atu eil anraran sgnor

-i hao.r a oaned

Agtamact e

Per 1-

SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This ic cerull hit the ebove-numed materials are Proferty classlied. described, packaged, markec and SIGNATURE labeled,and fppercndionfrnortaon accordirgtolhe TITLE applic ble r egltons of the Departmontr Trnsportation.pp rC.O.D. SHIPMENT I hu shirertmes bewe". porns bya.carrier by water, the law requirasn ihat the bill of lading shball sutte"hther it is carries or shippers weoight" Note-Whera the rate Is dependent on value hppers er required to asLe spegcily In writng the agreed or declared valu t tie property. .. D. Amnt The agreed or declared value of property is hereby specificlly stated by the shipper to be not .xceeding fibre boxes used l~ Ibis shipment conlolto to 11WSpeC- I- THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIOED, I Tita Collection Fee. THIS SHIPMENTIS CORRECTLYDESCRIBED, LE " The fibre bhoes used for 'ications sot forth in the box makers cediticatethis shipment thereon, andconlonn at' - o the sp=C- CORRECTWEIGHT IS Shipper Total Charges a ther requkements of ha Consolidated reightClassificaton. Per

I ... .e .s. Perrnanent post office address of shIpper CM c0 I to t IcO O m C., CL I -z -- 6 i a C co a am- O-I C. 0

GD CS) GD 0. Co -J E 4- -J lem CD 43 -J cm -a C a) 00 I- z 43 o NX - c 0n o oj CD C-, C 4- 4- < -c I- co 43 a gq . I.. -D C 0.- C -n or I- z C 03 0-M) .-. - C Cu CL Li-

Lu uJ = CD 43 m CF) Cd, 3 cm a) -4 C') C C C I- U S 00 r CID C-, r C-, LI ujz (JD Lii

II--- OriginaNot Negot ble Straight Bill Of Lacing-Short Form Shippers No.

- (Name of Came,) Carriers No RECEIVED, subject to the classificatioynjnd tariffs in efect on the date of the issue of the Bill of Ladin at ?: 42w -Cf ar#A4-fH.eilr Fromn ,,f t / 0 lha pprngood ftar.ucopt as.el. l oeistca ondi irsete lsoes a n ad d.sdanaae. belw rdlaa ca et oCArner berg undarod neOugnuL IlS conrc 0asn g any personar cnipranor in ason df th rispeny under oe cntrai agees to crry In 11 usua place ot dolry . saed d .stinnuari, rm n1 la. .tise Io d ... .o anomer carrer On tosddeihiaan.heoIt mulall0yagreed, euset in a cctfel crany of saidroperxyo, ever ior ay pcnon e aid intdesination. and s lm ead, paryat any isterooindkfril or any fsaal propety.ta everyervice0tobe petnrma-IsiijeclIobeersmrsll h term a cndtormsof th Urnler Dotst strineeBl at Sky l fad tg set kr In ( t) in Unfrm Fi t cass io In e ton the date ret.i i0h i crlor a1 rtI-wl.r 5Nieni. Or o!r in ria upptclc anmtrcif.rdssiamnorlaw,Isa moatornrior sipmer1. ShIpperhrby enerarlfst e. l" famller with a3 the term and catdiloani of hf said bl W Ilreldng, rit0u ie those h bia llenete. f rtM In Mthaslication er tlth govenhe ytranpdrtadonolsmaen.elthinend Uhesah terms and cardlona ra herebyagraed to byh aftWer Ind ccelted for klnee -m hieoftgnete Consigned - :5. (Matl5l., s e " - pr atin canonny4 DestinaioT sbtet p 4 1e lpgpntylpr. AddreZ*

Route 4 B4 1 . eb tdI ~lw~i lttedaruWtgnt dispeiefratsr t~~t

Delivering Carrier C Car or Vehicle initials - No. gutlai to iiction 7 et ondans o DESCRIPTION OF AlTILES, SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS W .beb dle r the casuiIet wio meusn en im cfn cangnor "Ialffgt Mer The anise she nte .nke delivery of Ulsa hjsmnt wiliogt paymendIt of reghi aneas mtiercaitit chirns. par

(tilgnaau or ,anumstel i . pre , wits or ie lnre,"'Tab-p P lbe

Bfnfited I to ly n propvrrien of thaarges aniapropert yaerbed feen



on :"lys amrounseara;d.) chtgnes avancedt SHIPPERS CERTIFICATiON: Thisis to certy thal the above-named desrted, marked and mater;eas are property classified, packaged, -- "'- - - labeled, and are in proper condition for trans portston according to the SIGNATURE TIT.E appklabe requlations of the Department Transportation. of C.O.D. SHIPMENT If th shipment movoebetweon two parts by a carrer bywater, the law requires 1hat the bill ol lading shall stale whether it Is 'carriers orshppers weight Shippers imprints in leau of clamp; not a part of Eli of Lading approved by the instereste Commerce Commialon. Note.Where the rain is dependent on value, shippers a.e required to stale specifically In writing the agreed or declared value of the property. C.O.O.Anit The agreed or declared value of the property Is hereby spetcilically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding - THIS SHIPMENT I5 CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. "The rre boxes wsed for this shipment conform to the spec- Shipr Collection i rations sot forth in the box makers certificate thereon, and all Shipper iTotaflCharges-Fee CORRECT WEIGHT IS ii e other reqsirments of the Consalidated Freight Catsslifcatlon.

tr Per - ... ent, Peri

Permanent post office address of shipper P- In CO Ic c w

3 Cc 0 M

-as-1=2 == 112O s- MO a-L.c = 0 l r---

0 iMM u02 .3: CLi 10 QD. 03 im a o 0 >o- 0-0 C C*c x-QO -- () ot u UlM0) 0 - -<~ --- L t Du II o ero *a - .c- x o-o L3 C)

D(D m LU :z

n .. a o Original-Not Negotiable Bill Straight of Lading-ShborfForm ShippersNo. Co 2 - rVfNae al oCarrier) Carriers No- RECE D, subj the classifi ons and tariffs irlVe at rR I the #-.bca'.,tI the issue 'Z7 of theFrom ri 0!WAO Lad g. 2-- Ah emnertytesrcnbd below.kiiprmn i o er/axaet a. nolied lusorns and condif, oanlaotso psackias unknowni, maajkod, cosegn-d destind AS mnted below wrh -ai cair (ISe wesd carn betin t'-unideealoodilmughoul cnAdrct 5s raenrg anypaeo or coilqratir Inposseanon of theprOa5ry wide? -i etenaagreeU toenny to Ii it ui plac at delisey at Said dastina. Ifwnits mule, edinrw e to dotivmr to anatir carner on die rou.'Itiissaiddestraton. mulairy seagds o eaclcariereodal orany or saidm rpertymwerator aypscrno tfsad- raotodstinala. an uas t npartyat any timeniresin inaeiaycier pmpertyc mhtvey servicto b perforniedliareaeorshaltelsubwaeLoad ci ole termand cndses ot Ueuinr OomestiSiraghi to or Ladas),o faIn (1I in Unilann Frit clssilicaian di efai a' the date erme,iUtisis6ari. cr oeriwatslpmn. er(2) ks theaphebi rnelar eWnetr cisaiai e aI 4lio is

Shilppr hery certnhs Ushait mefa ilirih all the turme and usnmdlana af tme aid bLO af lang Lncluding thme ise bark emren, set rai In the classiratetnn er 'arir whier, goenehiSiistspmani.andeorrmn*taro Lhe-l rmeend anlluine ar hersby sgreed to by the elspwe ad acmpted roridteliand t his a alat .

Coneslrier - s -O" r--

Reunati SAdd reSS*aede f~ *tohIlted Inr ly~whenihipar dssireaand govfedg btt arlfolfondelley thermo. Route ao1>-1/)&5

Delivering Carrier Cne 9 Car or Vehicle Initials No. Sted 'e a SGat I ci canate'e at PACKAGESPACAGESOMUSMATERIALS DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES, SPECAL MARKS MAD EXCEPTIONS a e bin at fon . it Mi. SUliECTTOCDRRAI O TE It r-g d ylirne W oe (nae e re hs . Os, We Ine c Se ehet mot sed. ritM e or Odep xes pent Wf

__::-) It ___l__ Agentorash or llI se al p~ed utea __ I __

ge no. C ldbes AL

SHIPPERSCERTIFICAT[ON: This is to crnify thatthe above-namet matrialsarc prorty classiied. described packaged. marked and !abelto, arid are in proper corifian for tranpohaton accordig to the SIGNATURE ______it a3picabso iegulations of the Department o Transportation. I the shipmenI moves between Iwoports bya carr Iy water, the lawrequires that ihe till oflading sha' state whoiher its 'carrier's mrshippeas weight.' C.O.D. SHIPMENT "Shper's Imprna in It.. IStMp,; not a partelf adnaprvdbthinest Cm reCmiso. Note-Where the rateis dependeont Or value, shippers are required to tate Specifically inwrirtig the agreed ordeclared value aithepoperty. CO.D. Ant - Theagreed or declared value of the property I. hereby st l ciLy stated by the shipper to be not exceeding Collection Fee THISSHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " a (bre boxes used for INs shipment conform to the Spec- -icaniori st torth in box the makers certficato thereon, and all Shipper Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHT Lss, ctherregulremrentsoftheCornsolidated Freightassifiaion.

t Per 1 _ c2,, /Shipper Per_ _ Permanent post office address of shipper CI

CNI CV3Cv, C ISom 01 II -C'U > - o m~x- U-) mot*- 0 cm S oIsm > in I- 0-rn LO 0 -J co co -a C .. L N m> L CD C z som 0 C, C.) -c Go It o e 0ix C Ix Mv C C0 0 4-'-0 0 a L 0 -a SI < Cf -a V C, C N- U-3 x C (n -

Nane of Carrier) Cerners No RECElID. subjectJo the lassifications and tiffs In eff o the d to f the issue of the Bill of Ladin . at f o./j' W., : From At ,.; ' x / /2 ,/ Cractd eann ary pceori or caora a ingognaaon el the prorfy tnder tha C1ace agoeesin cary lo it Uu i la ier .da~iyny a' .8ki desitinrena Sl o ita lutt. 0weiie - dehI ab..h Ina rt o rt ih otisas to s-i Itis rastiar tantrooty dotes cedo. n arems d o er eeaspi as n oed (caien s d aes cteraentt and coesoint *aed coeand - douin d as ipbisid bthr,, rd ad cmer w. oru rerng monorstood Tnroutgainta

-la~ shiera asrt iesthal he 05 s 15 ilie 0 ki g ait p n lh o a n d coniltn o f n en e b0HI d inding. toudn nla .n lhefac ihlealdi 01 ry4 sa d ethh the cig y.ilanl rary -tisipiron,laibrtllgils1rnpeod .'rrer"fit qsAa whebe

wrortadrmmre'leluao ppofartuesanany Consigned toy diyw idas ondesnger provideardeliehrof. oos~~~~:ra1;o,.~~1G A.szz...e 4 f Sit"!tZp~A d s adde vamlegcFrst..aneIi.arderof

Routes - f da~Ol WS Ipa al

Deliveringa Carrier ______Car or Vehicle Initials Net Initials No I AZARDOUS I DESCRIPTION961- fOPARTICLES. SPECIAL MARKS ANDor EXCEPilONS Vehicle WEIGHT CLASS licculs n e. 1 ccaife. ofW SIeCTomOCOR. O R a as g ditorda re

=i. a e aone'l rat ihselleery at Ths, flm.s wtma sre .nal of Per

strao aontgnarl If kerewernee p~rid. wre. or

lhosped n prpsme___ttecharg - - W. ! Wlr M cdvtre.

affir at Osal..a

HIPPERS CERIFICATION: This is to cartity aet the above-named Chare advanced: alertals are properly dassified, described, oackaed, marked andih beled, and are propercoriditon for transportaton according to the SIGNATURE ppcableregulaions ataODeparnenofTransporiation. C.OD.SHIPMENT * If the sh;pmont moves beiwenntwo posts by a carrier b water, the lawrequires that the bill olading 3 erit is carriers or shippD wightN "Shpersirtrinilotsodsaop; noto aar t 11 fLading aproved by the lnterasteComr cCouiiflrewot. lte-Whre Verate is depandent on value, sipper am required to stale specificalyin wriing heagread or dedaredvalue of the property CO.D. Arnt a agreed or declared value of the property s hereby spelfically stated bythe shipper in be not exchding IN THISSHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRISED. Thefibre boxes used for tie shipment conloarrn oMesp. Collection e lications sealorth inithebox makter carlctetf oroon,and all Shipper Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHT IS LS.other rqeulemnts of the Consolidated Freight Classification. Per Shipper. Per ni, Per

Permanent post office address of shipper LO C ) uC 00 0 . ED( (Dt 'jl C', =4

a n C I _a 1 (3 MJCD -- LO o m-r C3 1-0 1 't co(D to - E o S- 0 > C C. .$ - w C .. . j - o L-- - c C.n- 0 < a: - +.D CJ n IDC ' b. XiU 4 - I. Z Q m -- - mc o > 0 CL < L& 0 m C ) (5 0

-- L. c - e o Mo 2C;..z t x 0s 3 0 (T S C (MM02>

CU F L )C)S . - CO ~ w<

CD a) -jm

iv-~- Original -NtNegotiae Sf- aght, Bill of Lading-Short Form Shlppets

(Name of Carrir1 Carriers No RECW,D subject to the classlicationand tariffs I,ffct on the dale ofthe issue of the Bill ofgng,

at -A A~.,~3cw2n!) From ,4f b $ $10 te pre denemed belselli ela good or et as ntIed 0:oneni IIil~~o a cIs fackagea urlknamtij iiiosind and cfsm asid enid atIlow wih, tid omiji (theu wodcamer tamp Lreersla Itiragott contracn tiameaning anry personi r pfonan in nosesion of tie pply tmter e is c o rira agesl c C o is usua pi dalry at a dosbInajon, ari noue. eare nlive, to eretht caneroiBltosaddesonetiononte'orit ratiaty egren.Osto -achairier es a any ls-orpever ailrany pean oraadoina doalinaton.arldast ioeacaanyany-im fnia hi-inat aa-m psopany. - taey servito bepefmeedhIseander shal - ejojeilaa IItheteiram and ennaroa Sat Imnr omesh5rigltil 0 f idigsaitnh (In Umtiloirm Freight Classificaionvin dlotton le data heleol.iftdhs sea ra ra.waler sttet, r(}in. ihn applicemoar casmcascallwsnh'tai:for Srparlheevjnnarihat hea smllarrdtth alt lhabrrme and condittans of Usesaid bi fi atradIng. Includi.ngIoe on tihe backt thrsen& -nu tea Ithe claetsian or twrtl whicu geem. UIJs trnsperadnenandonts.arsimard.

Consigned - -i - III 09g's- ~~ilorstreat e . eteCansigone.-Forplapas mos t aireeati lly) Destination AA-7 . Zip County be- Addr a* fT l be Wed in ony when Walpper deiner and gavemirg torln. proid. for riuary thereof. Route

Delivering Carrier ' I 3r or Vehicle Initials No. CLASS PACOGES HARDOS DESCRIPFION OF ATCt.ES. SPCIAL MIKS AND EXCEPTIONS 'WEIG3HTISUJETO OR~noR Ale weibed to bae, us dal e tore c .,lass unaueican ifha te-n.a .. g be ane *de = 1en Iso t " . be . de Mn I tl V mrsuee. e nae wetho rt rese onther of e hware leto pa d o 6~~~ iJ 6 *- trelgo - al stee ta d. ,dbg.

.eclvi l S ie hill______II ______Ii R .Iz in a aecie IN) ______- P., Ag Cashier..r

Chrasedvanrced: SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: Thsis to cenvify that the above-named materials are propery classified. dsenbed, packaged, marked and SIGNATTTL labeled. and are in proper condition for tran lin according to ... applicable rgualtions of the Opartment of r =sportain. Ithe shipment moves betweon two ports by. carrier bywaer, h lae requires that the bill of ladling shal slate whether its 'cariles orshipperswighL C.O.D. SHIPMENT .Sh p e Imprints In lieu of stamp; nota paI of Oit oLadlng approved by the Interstate CommerceCommiaaloI INote erehe rate qsdependent on value,shippers are required to stale speoically In writing lhe agreed ordedared value of the propety. C.O.D. Amt The agreed or declared vatue of the property is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " The libre boxes used lor this slupment ccnrm to the spec- ications set forth in the box makers crtilicate thereon, and all r Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT IS -8 other reqiroment of tho Consolideaed Freight Classfrication.Shippe

fl , ~ j j ...- hpe Per - Agyt, Per~ t C a7S~4~~~ > 7>i~s~#51" ~ 729ca Permanent post office address of shipper . ______C

0 - C., hl N-W

_Co C, S S enS N- *1* CD o >mn ( 1 0 -j 0--(D -n 'C LCVj I-. z IIID 4- S -LCD C C-, C-, (U >-- cr (0 0 in 00 a I.. -n enna 0 ) cl 0 I- (U -c wo ILo 0 I- (-7 I- z '3 -m 0 C -u C, 0 (DflNSm X x: Mr Lii N- 0 S ED S 0t Cl) 0 CV I-LI I- 0 r w 0) 0 a: I- a: C-, N C (Li Z Lii CD C-, U Oiginal-Not Ne tiabIe raegntBill of Lading-Short Foer ShpN.

(Narme of Carrir) Carriers No RECEI sub to Ihe cia fl tionsud tariffs A St on te of the issue of the Ill of Lading-, at .1 . From .,.. e .. U eatdropercstoe telow.iriappangooaod.ern oplsni oo(contouis rid conildto nier S faikaeunkrmsn), 0Trked.c~oignodan ddstirled sndcaoedbelow.wht~i0 drriprh.rdcairognesodiogairi comact as mesty person or corporaior irn possesonO it propany under Cm cordri)t agres to ariy tof15a plaetn of difary ol said dodlintlan, ift mil reol, OeInwi to dno ft oo Cath Of'ieilosaidonIs-tedelinotn,la r~efly agrocodas to eachcarrerialo r ny of sa id property oae ell mr an paror o said rot, to dstir'd imd as aooac perly lnary ile Intermsimd 6,n ay ety -ai propery tt a, ery tie lofootntosallbosujectrorrrdfidndr mmsoar idcris ofli Unldorm Domeslic Sreight Beo adta of th () 6,riUnitform Freigli Classilinion irt uaot o hndol horeol, ift! isnaail or0 a bMalbe SsIrnarf, o (2) Irm ha aplmbie rnioraoniKeriailimlonisaorsa1adiO rrrar caer, smreotire. di, te momswesd woenhd ur tr ndomd ommd~y0,~hlami tat.malgo .Shipper herelyc colthat htte m frfamir=1all thte terms and enfilm ofth aiod bloc atoo a bdin, aun ihoso cn tho bnctherteof.ssigns. oet farth heIb. ciseflcllan or tanoif whtti governstheandofsdhpmrd,transprtoilonthI. he .. rwteilsertf nd hm o~~~ to rConsigned very Destination stt p- County- -d d ..- Address*

Route b i'dhonlywhn appgdbn gd

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials - No. -- 0 * NO. HAZAROOUS I WVEIGHT itAS* 0stoo oodt.o PACGES M A DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES. SPECIAL MARKSAND EXCEPTIONS ISUBJE O C OR O TE . OR AT e dtdhdtott

I nmsel-the tut eftola 1. str --- y-,, a p- Tacarieshlto-make doltaryof- -r eightend e Mio rg..

(gire a rsnln r tocaearg e b pr a.i is. or


mnspor_ C A Sent IrCMa Tr. Rabtttdd S ______mor inaorin .=in~~~~~~~prpe tnorth trnatte plyinpr - HS(ThalDnatoa. lin Fee sadgs - Onty the oamutat prepald.)

SHIPPERS CERTIFRCATON: Tsi ssto conrty that ho Soe-named -o"a-Chargesdvanced rt'terials are properly classi~ad, described packaged. marked and SIGNATURE - TITLE______Obetd, and orein proper condition for ran accrdingBortioui to h the applicabloeregulations Dmpartmenta ofhse Transmporton.C.D.S PMN - "f (ho sipmentaimoves betweon two ports by a carror b tto, bhlaw requires that the hiollIdintg shollstatewhether itla oarrior'or ehipper' weight"C * Shlnr' mp ruinto In lou of samp; not a part of 5tH of Lading upproved by th Interstate Commerce Commissiefon.- 3 Notsy-W herertois dopensdanteonvalue, shippoters rrqured tosatle pecificllyinwritigthe agreed or doctared valuo othe property. 0... Amt The agrend or declared value of the property Is hereby spoecflcally satted by Ste shipper to be not exceedig

TiS SHIPMENT JS CORAECTLY DESCRIBED. I he libre boxes used for this shipment cionir to the spcI ilcitn sot farth in tie box makers cartilicato thereon, and efSipper Total Charges .CORRECTWEIGHTis , other requirementsot the Consoldated Freight Classilcafian

IPermanentpost off Ice address of shipper a, In Cal to

zc C- I-

0 >W)- c-O-. - S C _ - m-o fn om- >M 0 Ce r 0 -- = +' -j a


DM - 1 w 0 0t - 2_

M- OD w 0-M ) - LDDCJE0- al 0-M Com -> -.

a: --

m a .- O riInaia N Negotiwe . Straight Bill10t Lading-Short Form --- .Shipper's No.1 - - -Name'oCarrier) Carrier's No.- RECEIVED.-sub o the glassifficatig and tariffsn ect on the dale of the issue of the Bill of Ladi 4t |749 ; '" From -. Pipelty doscribedbael. Ir appret gadd order, except as roles (conte~n Sconiion at inei el packagts urlnkl fiim.d consiged =ad destned a indeanid tx110, Weki car( wo d carrier buslinoughotudesoodbeing ntraci -as ran any person 0r terglrai in possesakior cih iprty undur Iri. contrac) grons in ny Lo it. se manpi ci dellway at naid diostaico it on Os 'cute etcrA0 to dems toM ono aso el It niitJ*a egreed, as toonh orrierart eranyorcidtproperlyoer renrienaadroutaodesilation.aridass enchpanytytimeiy ni rsllnalor arg 01s sai dproparty,thateOvelyserin. obepeirl tnsdheuii calio htteole ftmof#1eUtion D~omsicSiraghillofLding nOS soetlti (I) in UniIIr Figaht Camsdlcinn Lillit on dhe de herof, ift Ilaraile ort ralaor sipment, cr42) In he eppiablenwmlo aro claseniantiesisar nankcdnrn -shpperrin esrifilatsfrnoIliallflwtrmndmndlonofthealitbflanricudingthhsecnthaeboekthernot,nsstlsrithetld...ttIetlaortarit'whichgovnmstht 1 trnpratierfllshi ieantnd to4nald tatnn. -cordlitonaser agieediaby - .idpparn - ccepthdleorbaimsl dlamin Conslined to i ~ ~ a t i~

Destination Sta ___Coiw -~ _Counrystedenateortege.-ForplerpAddress* oudoiduroerdy) - Tb aionlywtian iper dales andeaming '*fireuprovief ord.rivery heret. Route..(/ n

II.Delivering Carder- - -- - Car or Vehicle Initials -- No. NO. HAZARDOUS ' pg~ ~ ~WEGt{TLAS $IM te Sin 7~ wodn..O PACKAGES MTRiA DESCRIPTIOFARTI . SPECIALMARSANDECEPTIONS (SUbECT CORR. NRATE P lail . mens t

; -- T ri to th analero tr -shn t sinen of -9 %L >- P r an . an M tihan. Aim.. Pditpnt= -Io - - - -- ni lt-- e(galnad. Wlelo .-

Rlaeolvd 6

| Agentr catile. - - - -p. P. The elguoorhermskr*iotsldges -n amours prepaldl SHPPERS CERTIRCATION: This isto certify that the aboui-nimed - - -chagesardeuced materialsea proerly dassilled, described, pagaed, mared and- SIG labeled, and wre n proper condtor, for Irna ortealn according to the - NATURE TITLE applicaleegulations oftheDepaltment ohTransportatiit. * 11heshipment Movae between twoports bye carrier by waler, Ihelaw.equires tat the bill or ading shall Nate whelher t is 'carries or shippers weight.- C.O.D SHIPMENT ShIMlppmd am En liuo.t6p:nta-a of Sir of Lading approvaedby the Interstate Commences Comnhiale. NoTe re t a doe nd va I ppeaom urnod to state specibicy in wntng ho ngweo dclaed viue of the property. C.O.D. Amt Tbs agreed or declared talue o tho, property Is hereby spocifcally aaed by the shipper to be not exceding

THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED, The ie boxls used for this shipment conform to the spec - Gllection Fee . iicaoins set torh in the to remakersconilicala thereon, a Shipper Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT ES -iLis other requiremnts of the Consotiated FraghtClssification Shipper Tota..Charges


Permanitn post office address of shipper CD C,.' C4 co CV3

CL 0 CW C- 0.j to( -~Er-LO CD 4m0 I- 41 (' I- o >11) S U-fl -o CD~i I- -J C C9 0 (3 -C C( 4~ c a) -D r!0 -D C I-. C9 (D -M C- C-) C W-4 a_ w D nCMz: - Go I- CI v0 to 0 a: I- Lii :1: -J a: C., -J a: ci: Lu LU m C-) II Original-Noegoegabale straighltBill of Lading-Short Form S (Name of Carrier) Carriers No EC D.sub toathei catls and s 'i effect a a date of the issue of the BIl1 of Ladin.

lie r.apeflydoesnbod bein-i ordr xcepi as noihd (canteaan caerto -~~~~~~~~~c oneFrmhingdanda of padcages ~~~~~~~~~olmean),ald2= osge nioadbfosa, rddsdda rdctdblw nthc i alur ae ~-h edcrirbimnd a nemndUruhut~oajgtn a0 i ccbac as mraroig anyoerson or corporajionin possessionoftihn loperly under the. ccrtriac agrees 1o cany aolat usia placa of delivery at said dOSlation. l Ito sh roure, clhawis to d.lve to ath carierdeslinnsan,11isonsaitnitorcoa rmua:eira.ted as to ac r~anier ofS ay 01 said pelry en o -lir any parlinI n mitse d to dalsnation, -rl atoh prt'y at any - trieetores nd r er army of said popety, th rf a ervice inne peirtormedshatbesubiat-ahirener Oesotamfla codlsditis Urifrin DomesioStralfit lld ofttading etochith 1in Untiorm Freidal Cslafiicalien I effon thedalo hereto l tis Is a raiwo a raikwalor spet. or 5 . Irlhe ppicable a.u41iacasskfcatinormolcrwcaier

Consigned to --

Sttt2lp - County .4 24Ccr..._ Address*______Ru statw0A -ro wnin nly ahenWhipperdereasa nd gurng huts proen W dunnythe ao1. PRolute I&- -

Delivering Carrier - - Car or Vehicle Initials NcL, NO,. HAZARDOUS -WEIf(NO RTCE PCMKnJXETOS'IGHT CLASSle tt PACKAGESMATERIALS DESRIPTIONOFATCLS,SPECALMAMSANECEPONS ISUBJECTTO CORR. OR RATE W dwi tt - er h itoandaderl a -- a)Ign------ori-gn -1 _ __ __0'_ The u~ .05 sired arera ot are

labeofd.n a r n r r n i- Agsne tiroCse rter.

Charge wPavricd: applicaberegulatonnly hlipartmountsransprtationinO~s oxinhoe wU~t teron ad ittal Chan rgpyet ehra

ranuinuaar.C.O.D.SHIPMENT IfShlpper'aimdisnlutampinot, eargih hoe vomel P ar byaart oeof8ltoi'Lading y per yhapprovedaneu btheIiresate rMth e hlo Wil Commercesha l d Commnission.lare d valeolthar ctrew p orty1. C.O..D.tAm HISeSharPMeT In COeCTLDECfBD "tm- Thea o f11" fibapr ox Ued or thIse shipmecnfrhe Comspn- N~leWhirafrecda~andntovatre~ppgaeiicadtion are forthcl in gi the gr c orticat hiedn vande at -ecrn~" CTReCWGHS LgedO elrdVleO h . V.MBS. sp regucllyaem entSofhiptMe nnstlldaed ediglassificatiori Col|ction F-ee gou rl beilogg hstilpper Total Charges

Permanent post office address af shipper IK Lo i, - r"D. CM

e 02 C ol-C 0 -- Ur) 0) m C

- f 1- Q. (O. CS)m SWS 0ms)- 0 nm, m m LL a i- n a . I s CM (DM am xC 4 co o c cc w o go cm T mo > -O > 1- fl O-Z - -0 wnc- r - >c < m M O - r- +'* -- ; xo - + L. - C - 0 C> 0 -- 3A C l +- 0- a .-- - o e U J ( / (UW al- C a z < o OV -- )m m 0) -- t - C C3 I00 o ti C2 - c 0 - -w r3 CD a.m - to (nm OrIginal-NotNegatiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form t At -ShippesNo.

(Name of Carrir Carrier'sNo______RECEIVED sub to the c M t Ieffect on the date of the issue of the Biiof Lfiwg at. From ~~' 'e'ersdame beine, iawfpentooodoerdar, eacept asroned(1airlbldcnrolcnl~t~ ents o packawsamnri). arked nsind and dstined asbndcated belawvwhmhsad cauter th~eword canier bne unidorlod throughoutmis anrnditas iang ay pfemoner cermorfationIi posseo er th property un- Incnrc agest IarytC 'vatowCy050o0. eICr ciir of o any wof property eviealr -uulp eo aier tsdddsLal n le issueetehrtoaohrcasraoawslS,1imoIaddsma said any 1 orlri -id rulea to dation. and usn laoch nary It any im. ntaestod In i Cerny of said propwh, lautedy 501* to be perfrnoderlftatoaubjocsail ie and ,inn Uniloemi Siraight es o oei Bil of tading set lorth {1) in Unrarm Frigt Clatlian in ofelet o b de amtcIW ti ia roil or a roawat.r ipnti or (2)inte apptiabe manerooan ndOeffrcaerosismert tatidaor1hiisiatmllion Shipperheeby crtaillallat he IsaiiltMomai s a il n adirig, thtas -baitero, the do idelrrand eadloanar-he byqang byliMppcrend ucepted frhmlonelhhsI aldiding enit eeatfort o Inf f oin lallion Ortmr tIWe wh ernsthe transprlOai0Oil. shipmeeW.and

Consgned to .- , i t 4s t --- /4a/ 4...o n .

- (_nty4anarAd re* are.sotsin e---rprpene O rmanaaaryArees

a~'oteSlued Intvwni eltpr de sad goam naig ipoaeadkrteer Route Delivering Carrier -- kZ i ar or Vehicle InitIals


- gn re caara s, a

-. h.r- pentgrusk d.itfourna

A- lSnthre ymentalthrm

Agentor caler.

- heres ed-ge0

SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This is tn ceniy that the above-inared malerials are poprly classified, described, packaged, marked and SIGNATURE TITE abeled,and praslnp econditIon for trnsportalonaccordng to the ppliable regulatiorsol the Departmentr d Tran.spolatio lithoshipment moves between iwo ports by acarierby water. the law requires tha the it ollediring shall stale wtheritscanietaorshippr'wight C.O.D. SHIPMENT Shlppo's Impints In l a. f stomp; not a part of Bill of .ading approved by the interstate Commerce Commission. NoteWre therate is deendent ari value, shipper e required In statwspecificeay in writing the agred or declared value of the property. C.O.D. Am The agreed or declared lue of the propenty l. hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. "Tie ibre boxes u.ed for this m c tothe spec Collection Fee iicalons set forth tn the box makers ceolificale thron, and alt - p T CORRECTWEIGHTIs -Us other requromenits of the Consolidated Freight Classilcation. P Spper TotalCharges

U S Per -

ofIce .1Pemmflentpost address of shipper - P-

cm ti. C.) to c CM 0

(c CV O m. w~u I cD 40 C~lcm 4 n e Q. 0) Co C - .- o > 10 --m , C -J 0-- I.. C 3S X L C 4, z C -0 a LO 0 Cr 0 .- x ci ' tM X 0 4 -C M04- 0 - co C +- -j i +- - 5 3 o 03 -U 0 >. CI _c I- a, In V M= S > a ao CrJ+aI- 3 0 0 S ) a o D~3lu x LU to Sr LU ceC w

CO& Wa, I I- aL .-- 0 .-. ZUf) U) -j -I LLCS " r Lw F Original-Not Negotiab 2 Straight Bill of Lading-Short'Form Shlpp No. 2 .-

(Name of Carrier Carrier's No -RECEIVED,s lect to theliRlRicgations and tif effect on the de of the ssite of the Bill oLLgging. at -. '. g ' st 2..- // C' rc O 7 From f"77.)' C se ~ ydgeotedbelsn.a 'e-rgaentgtod order, eceptesieed (|len ad ondi ratl of p9iegde em arlned. oranegid and duelenad is indioied bel&, Whid sonf ier-{i wfrd carNrer tirg LndWIIOddthiof1eulII cnc eeasarany persrs o crapelmin passensnoof theproperty .,rdet lhe cnree) ogrees to ny tells sual pians ofallery at a de.s . i a, tens in therise In delver it another c-at eu sad desinala. i rrtnnhayage'r. lo ead caier oftll ors'y ofaaid propfryovr at or enyportinof sairatei todailrain andas10 ach patyi ary In'i Tiased lt il r tnyof aidproperty,- hary sane ia berertgnmed hersundar shal be sujecto a wagreers s .. cerne ofm U nt, omesadcSlai Bil of Ladng sut f (i) i Unli rmtilght cassiiclan in nit he dale ueol tea rail or araillsar pinrti. or (2 eIte epplicae metor crier c "issialb orastailli staaii,&ChmtdKrini S..pper heruby eetities halst hIs amilla with slt the les end conditions .l tre said bell o ing, Iactudlag thest ene 0le bck fhereo.nt s "et a i tisa dulonien er tenlllwhich gevinrerresshtpmn,srdWnteelwtrsporten - ea -emnd onen r rbys hyor e s h ) d eestd er hxerlasad lisi. e selgns. Conedigned l -- -- stoe.aiddse..'atenlgree-Frpurposes atfaneationely. naetniian .,oei 4 . c te '71p countr Le Addreas a Tae IacId n wrlyssalperdomlstnd-guremng tarIIfSprovsdefordtiiesfy lhereof. Route &aecrPoz t7= 4,*sc rr' 4A

Dllveting Carrie, ,, £ani~-, Car nr Vehicle Iitit ioK-%7/ft . e NO. HAZARDOUS WEGT CAS 7 subjct toSudde cnifiesl PACIQGES DESCRiCNOF ARTICLES, SPECLALMARKS ANDEXCEFTIONS S E TOORR ORLATS " - l osnN ebe deivnerd 1. til cninee eeltteA mcr. es the

The car.rshall notfrekedevmerof -ft spenal ofwirnsi slnere

per"..t~zv'w Aesontortbepraiid, iear = .mp =,re be-Prp .

I Racet nahdhoo

ReestofS ______.) S Agrit atcasitlar.

gTneentr her sheeedges

Clarg. edvaoead: SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This Is to cartiy that the aboveneod I materials are property dessified. descuibed, paekaged, meritedand SIGNATURE labeled. and are in proper conditiln for tranralion arding to the applcable regulations fthe Department o ransportatior, of Iadine shallslMie al,whether a-ces illis b taurdesorhppeftwoga. panis we Ch.O.DmtSHIPMENT...SIM N * ifthe hiprent ovesbetwento ranpots bocarif wot. the. low ruuiree that the bill r erne de Ifenseh d pa - ShMippersprints In lieu, of stamp; not a pail of Bill of Loding approved by thme intettet Coritnrses, Commission. Not-wieeiieales eenestanveilu, shippersaume rquireda to state speclaily lift wilting tie agreed or declared value of tlo property. C.0.D. Amt UThe agreed or declared vlue of the property i hereby specdfically stated byMhe shipperto be not exceeding THIS SHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. "" rie libre boxes used for ihis shipmen conforn to he spec- tcains set loit in the boln makerscerificate thereon, and all Shipper Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHTIS - a other requirm of the Consolidated Freight Classifaiclion.

I Shipper, Per gent r -4 Af% ||- Permanent post office address of shipper C*

II 0

r( mJ U 1- 0 .) -I c = m x43i a> - - II~4'-f 0 > Eo CD o InIw mf C 0 £ u DO Xq- -e -L C0 ) I 0) u Lu L - L :CSL l 0-0L f W- 20 >x. c U) c a M C0 , 0 M0 - z- O

~~3= c'Q)-c =fVz c- a: 0 cLLJ nu r wca-u -( U ~~~~~u -Original-Not igotlabe Straight Bill of Lading-Shor Shippers No Fotm

-(Name of Carrier) . *- Carriers No. Ladi the classijs and ta effect an the date of the issue of the Bil of 'I . REMIED. to 1

ce meitg yoanor 0r opmori pse el I- popery unde Il contel) mgros t ary tHs usalplceat delveyat o d dasinastella x rmramiy gras 10 ad - are oelecll Srsro said 5l nol. aenise iC drain antarr couler on the oad destralson his propertynoer eny poaio of -ai maulstodfoelnsilorn, andms to -ai pany at any irn, ieriod inaler any of raid &o a n ens ofn the UnilannDetlSagt eLadog property ihas wuy nervic la be padlemerie herraderoalnsihat l -e folh (1 in itarFelgrhr Cetoirralloe n btilet madahenS.f it ma oral or arail-water shipiani. or(2 In the slcable trator currier j rinnfrahornhr.e. lasstcasion or riibtsisa - S~efifit nntbyaulllgift he na~~w~ill'"Unsrcidiftni Oft waildbsoaaf r h,tteente becktbergat. Me "OIinM. dsnarnereineenn litwlattoeth.eloo n

Consigned t . aSiretoddregg Seamilanerporsesaseofnoatlolnanly

Desination Statee-tp....13 ..Countyil & rz± Address" Rout - r t Iledtont er.n eid ppr detng ee da.m as are previde Inr dednueytinr.s


fuarW nst. hall derdtheo le h - al atmerwur"

{ - - ral riot akeddS

-gnt or Caner.


SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This is to cattily that theabovenoiede-omrgo nad - nterials are properly classried, described,pecitned, marced and labeled, and are I proper ndiion for transpoatalin accordong to the SIGNATURE -_ ap.pableregulaotrow 5lonsf theDeprlmetu of ranspcrtalon. - I the shipment movesbetween twoprs byaCarrierby water. Mhelawergures ta1h bl bill ading Sha sate etherit is cariets or shipperswelgh. C.O.D. SHIPMENT Shrats imprini in lieu of stamp; note part or Biof LadIng approved by the nate Conmmrce CommEslon,. Note erhe magioda' ecarde d eendeov.u of he pat rr sperin nmbyre bepeclifty statdi bytne hippern i lobstheagred not cedingor deared valuof the property, C.O.D. Amt THI5SHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. *The lre boxes used for this shpmenit cCeonr to the -. ee- ficalions set forth ine ox maler cerl korean, nda Shipper Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHT IS atherr mquirements of the Co lidae Freight Class1tcation. hPrp pe r fg. per, Per Per Permanent post offiee address of shipper n 7 C-4 in C4J CC co o o Co C93 C 10(00) 0 - - I- CDWCI 10-C., . cm - e, o a - .D) 0 cn C S0 -n C)l co LU -J -o -- ' C', C +- z IO 43 z" C, m lx CD xD LO 0 o >1- I 0 03 010- CD aCD to4 C-- Um Cw c 01 X: -- 3 CUT: -D a: CDS~ I- S. C - u - _ - C-o -- co - y, -n Z :3

U-- -- I p i gina4tNegotiable Staight Bill of Lading-Short Forms

- ______(Name of Carrie) Carriers No ECH subect to the crassificationsad tariffs goe t on th date of the Issue of the Bill oft at # c - 7From he lpt dba blowiafpfi good ae, .xp anatoCrc intcdo of WconnI of paloigas f nkior ed. cong and delidasniat basw ih saidarrim r (di wrd cair beg undIda hnghout lill tac ncaiega pwrfonocraion Inpoasasohin vlho propNly hecontracl) aea Is canyto i uura sceldlitoryoat deliallon, tf a rout. therwis HOden to enoir cadrenth. rAnto omi doshrationit0 - msnulu~nlyred~astouachcrranlruanyorsoidpetyooralluonypoagtondinout.tdaindalon,an~dastoechpartyalany teirlWOistdinlo ranyolsaidpropny.tsha0t~iarvetobOpfrmdherwungfrsheibhaaulsoelioel - etinms andandtins teUmiOooslStraght Bil of Lutrgsollacih (I) In Unilarm FrItChraal&iaio imlc oediotloro. itis s flril r rfoadirnlrsnw hiprlr 1) 5 ho plienlam rtoarrierdasilicator Isariditioa rS~ipe _4rat -t -*: Shipperhnrbycrllelsthuttisftmfianth llIOamandenditie oflI..said bilot ladinkcludirghas. onthasbact slferth riths cimnaaflion ci artO ihthgovernmstleirnspfltiajonof thOahlpmnt,and - be ,,. aierm andridansh fd lad tha .lppar nmre epied tarhinmseli an dle signst

Cntigned to- -- - forstreel.ddreu afoin rpssaanefldaellaoly.) -- ToI arhi nywhen attlpperdderao and ori]dagta .arovide ntrdeivalry ra

Delering Car or Vehicle Iiials - -M No. -


t-otn - a lotna, kI de y e

-I atcgnr bi eardgsa

SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: Tis is cify thatthe tM.s.aboyenamned p~re, cl~rd~d~bPsaddonfadan i la1beled,maeral andaeIniproprdlianflotreans ae roery lasiie, esriie, sta acaccordling e, nake tothe ad SIGNATURE plicablr iulnions ofh te ar oft adin g - Ifthe shipment moves betwe e wopors by a carrer byivaer, ihelawreqUirethat the bil of ading ehellstlaewhetheritis -ari I'sorshippliftweight"-blo.n -wo C.O.D. SHIPMENT ** SIppefa Imprints In lau of stamp; not a pant of ejli It Ladping poved by the intertato Commerce Conmision. Nota-Where theorado is dependent on value, shippors are requjired to slate spocificaty In writng tha agrued or diclared value of the property. C.O.D. Aim It agreed or deciated valus of the property Is hereby speillfically stated by the shipper to be not xceding - - THIS SHIPMENTIS CORRECTLY DESCRI1ED.- The ibem botes used forlissipment cantorm ihs spec-- - ifications set forth in the box makers ceticate therso end. l - COR ACT WElGHTIS IR other requirements of the Consolidated Freight Classilfiaton. r

Ae ,er

Peminejnt pc16t office acidress of shipper CM a, U)Ct) C.3

- a cv Uo- m 0. I - 43 C.) o > 1) -J -c 0--o 5 CVj z -e nP a) > a 4u- nec 0 re co N- -o Er -- 0 m3 0 1 m C' a cm a ) -C -D ED m cL M: -, c C El LM

Name of Carrier) -anors No RECEIVED sued to the lassific d a Ieffect on the dateofhe issue o m the Big of Lad atZo 4 wb '-9t&'" From Q6 be iiopadn ad~. d belo. iapparecgood orctt amnld cer'aSn rs ncoenerselpakae unimonk ed,consgned aid deslined esIndictedbelw, wisid crier howrd caerw undesod oghoultI corrnt as mtregl err pasn qocrraon in posoeson ed diopmery under the contracxiogres intcarry lo a, usat l dkaiery a sid daueon, ifo br is o lerwise 1o darew to are carr on the rea si dossrato, Its asfly egred,as to each carie o.f any f-ail poperty orl . ry pti.n of A nra .dsttoii a antea- pansy at andil propeiy, dhal ary serel be erfarred hereunr ha bo suact lt .i O11res and c dan e. o the Unfm, orrnesli Sraight O i of LaWiti set lolh (1) In Unlorr Fridgil Clssi'icatio i f ct on ie das hrest. i th M sa ral r a solter l rnerl, or(2) appliaiiaemotsrorler1.trisoraclssoficadan otairams drrpiet.

di. elttmtnnmos'dsori~l~snset~s .ad~U athdhi~tcludbtdte~o lit rttrastfthtddrenmelcaVortatgitdd dorpturportssrtftl tificastipeenlyi Cnaelrne'tl 2 -- Cnsrine to ca <-/in asnt 7 'ot Seetremlg n-$i opn dnttlo i -e- robeSt)gldi nuartylyf Addressip-pdragovemils roviderordeliverythereof.

KDeivering Carrier -.. .C Car or Vehicle Initials No. NO.P DSCRPTONOFARTICES SPECIALARKSAND EXCEPTIOfS S WEIGHT CLASS "an se. 7 oem PACIKA05S MATERIALS NO ~ SS0ISUBJECT TOCORR. ORRATE YZ.isInilbedase.tio -mlnor, c.o ael aga in. Thonoend tned wbe deliver,of /m .crrman . add..e I Per (1Signatine5r Ccnnmgrior

- icd h re. Ibeprouald -rnor I -I *m "nto r**'


I -- adrTiagalrp sp.rsgmentltda

(Th hmle speedg

-- Chargbadvaned I SHIPPERS CERTFICATION: Thisso tcerti that the above.narnemd materials are properly dassilfed, described, packaged, markedand SIGNATURE TITLE labeled, and ar propercondiloin fr renspartat'on according to the applicable rglaetiosofhe Departmento rtrsporation. C.O.D.SHIPMENT the shipmentmoves berweon two posts by a carrier by watier,the law requires that dhebill aflading shall stae whetlher It IsR"arers or sitppers weight " - ipper's Imprints In lieu of stamp: not a pat of liof L.ading approved by the Interstate Cornmmrce Comistdon. Note-Whore the eatsis dependent onvalue, shippers are required I0 statespecifialy In writing the agreed or declared value of the property. C.O.D. Ant IIThe areed or declared vale. of the proparty Is hereby speciflcally stated by the shipper to be not exceeding Collecton Fee . THISSHIPMENT ISCORRECTVY DESCRIBED. " The tibre boxes used for this shipment conform to the spec- iricausois setforth inMei box rems centilet thron, rid .1l Shipper Total Charges I CORRECTWEIGHTIs L. other requlrements of theCaonolldated Freight Cassl ction. er, Per ent, P

of shipper office address Permanent post C=' cvi 0)0


m0- c'J- I

~cCIcv'- e)m o--C a.0>1 -- -

Mvs CF - x~~ c- ota-v->1 rm :CMiWCW, D- V) c uI-0 0 0- : em a 12 WDCJI -c-e.C ) WLU Mr~ --

CC cl dpeerse D

-md~~beS ______

labeed, cor nding oete rope coditin - fo-trngentn -. THIS SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: this isto Certiy that the~ aboe-named~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hpmn~ ona~ ~ ISntCORCTYDSCch.argesmbmmuedfrIN ~ ~ ~ ~ o pSyinprep - raterdnesdnialsare prrycdwlasrled,(fesrifbad, pa W,marked and SIGNATURE TITLE appliableSHPShp rulation(CEmRinCTaIN of the DepeiendentThuif tfm~ot of rtl ortdign.e-o Blbs aofu-r.rdn -ppovd bthritertaeomeyfommssen Ifthe shipd rntmovte len tw pot acriers;b Wbywaer. the law requires that the billtling ad state whether It is "urrel'r shlippet weight.-C.DSHPET Nt. d, the rate s dependent on value, shtppers are required to states pecifay In wriling the agreed or declared vols of the property. COD. Al Thagreed or dcflared vue of the properly Is hereby lpecifically staed by th, shipper to be not exceeding Collection Fee If ti h 1n (he boxm n er ro n al Shipper Total Charges U CORRECTW GHTIS _M re ofthe Coondideted FreighP ant Per 4.Ipper, Per Permanent post office address of shipper Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form ShpesNo. &7

. .- - - (Nameof Carrier) Carrier's No. RECEIVED sb' tothe classii tions .tauiffs In off the ate ithessuofthe Eill of Ladgg. at From ino-dcta a adro oo goodorder, cpownt. d. osried nd destied aW ndcoved bWlow, wh said tare (Ibs worlrier being undfr.lood toutourl cont as rnrai en-pcear ar corporilon in pensoof ele, rorpolty runerIIh rcnrel) agreesc90Cary1alts umol place of dolvry at noid deillntlen, or enits rrout.,trherwise to dteme to ancw lroler atn hmouan 10 Sak deslriatln.It ruag auree at eac0h c1ral erarg Oc Blad opcrtyaowal manEry palrn 01 med roue lo datiatl B-d.BtIDnach part no any t|t irersied in' at owrf soled nirwer, et2. akuy tewie to be aetfomed0h.4aobjt1itoihonrundsrbe t barnsnod crod3or h0Unifonn SovSragtBa o triga otfrh (1) in Untarr FreightClasai oa sloaon lhe dt hoof. i i Is a ral eler. a aWatr sent or (2) he apeari r cloassajienonor latis is a -oaior.Oatl.pi I * Shippereruby catrtlat toolhetstarlrtmlar ih iaminandcwoditiosothemid btoll1 ladloig.laclnding ihomeat thbbncthrf, -o ta llitthetaatb5einerartltwhich goaro bn ernorajan ori dthitspmnsode t meal armsand klooslutrms a o by pprmod ft W d forhi moalodmosi n Consigned to -= -- . I strftiddlesaofcnojwigee-Fa osrpaspseotnrenalt.) n;ner.,// e., d s ... ery Destinatlo atW ~~p&fao.r-_ _ *To -e iluI only en moopperdesres an govemrig Osrfrt. preostde for deliverytheeof. Route


-10 gnarsolshtfall gAh

-- _ > ~ 0 0aneer - 0auro osgnr

Agent. orCashier.

SHIPPERS CERTFICATION: This is to Cortif that the saovnamned -..... m rsa labeledararwe .proper condilon for tr accoing 1. the SINATURE TITLE -n clasnmldmdscrn applicablergeguafrisofthooeparirnnrt off s"portation.CODS PM N *fKthe shipmenttmoves betweenr two Parts by a CarrierI water, tha LawreqlirestRhat Mhebill ofIlding shallsttewholhor it is 'carriers or shippers weight.-COO SIM N

"i ' """*emuired"W I."wroin" the agee" or detannius "-arho rtI C.O. Arnt .heareed or deared..aW. ofhe PropertTahareb,secific.lly lltsibd by (h be not exceeding It to theo TH-fS SHlPMENT Is COFIRECTLY DESCRIBED. " The fibre bomes used for tlhis shnipment cnfonn s;eClctoFe --Incaoris set forth inthe boXmakers caf arstereonr andall Shipper Tal Charges 'U COfECTWEiGlrs - -o-therLES requkamernts af the Consolidatd Freight Clasificaion. -a1 ant P

Permanent post office address of shipper CCl

a. 0-

HO 0' Qm IF- l C0-tm IE- oVCV LO. O Em a. -u C.4Cj ~ = O- C) 4 04-'e A ' -010.. ECL r- IN= w TaO> m c ua a , ex s n E U c - - G -- L M-

J- CL- L.C~ e *-a3 G - Original-Not NegotiaIe Siralight 5lli Of Lading-Short SHIPP ra No.

(NamenofCninrl Carre t' No RECENEFO cto thej onsad aiffs ine nt th f the issue of the Bill of .- From I. the proparty dbtd bow. in dodnd&r, Oxcept s noted icontets and al ionisatpadulgs. unkown, ed. consigned ad dineda inclOd below, whic taid caridr (pus - ort caiar being tnderstood iruhuatt. -contset as ienng any ero n wrcopoalonEn passsmin ei the psepary unede in t agre, ta cay in is usi placo at dtoiwy at saiddstliationi. to alsroute, othnsi to delivr to anoeher ennta en the rolo 0o said dettirtlid, it I muyswjugcd a to eacharotr oll croanl ti sid pronoriyoaver nor Mry pedton el said toulo to dsilt. man as in ach pfityd any im liirasted inol or any of aid prepetty, ihaey sere tooaf-ehendershadsulperformedbe1 * ie im, and codria ci i Unilomt Deon~ Siral B ot t.adingo aut mar (I) in Unirm Froeight Cia, in ellOcI 00the dals heral, ' liis ao ral at a rail 'watcr shoipmen tor ( ihe appliabiateaorclasicadoiinrdminecarrier nao cane ahipnai. - Eipper huin by carilles il,.hei. immlonr wiltsmi eM lama. -n condinlens drle said hille tf albi. ghcludinp uhos e n -h back hrefst dlorik In th. aaalicaion ar larif? wichmiadeonofhleshIpment,branspennetsthe II -he aid ternmaanid eendillan. arc agrned to by Ut, shipper acete for Immel arl -d aagim, Consg , n4? - ~~sites. coofutn- e puosef mt a .ony.) DDestination StatV qtZIp' whty ddres* I *To be li dl anonly when alilpprasiran -r gawming uti? proide tordensvary tntf

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials No. NO. HAZARUOUS WVFIOHT CLASS 1 uc to s o ion at--.e PACKAGES MATERIALS DESCRIPTION OFARTICLES,SPECIAL MARKSAND EXCEPIONS (SUBJECT TOCORR.O RTE sp A be dadnr4 Mi. II .. sg nual .. e s On -

2 - P-erp,L-kstaratnt oa s alitejys of PsP II (istat-eia a Ladn gner).

I -ap -ds. -eca d agstoraer.

.. ..-. . e V

The signatan. hers sdnewfedgs. l the amounts preplad.) chargesavand SHIPPERS CERTIFICATtON: This Is to carly that the abovo-named Ii mateials ampr aiy clessafed. described, packaged, marlid and SIGNATURE TITLE haed, and are. nproper condition for Vran italen accoling to the S applicable regulations of the Dpiarinent of ransportaln. C.O.D.SHIPMENT iSh o ecarrer r the r resh bl oang shot state whother It iscarer's or shippers weight.C fsolrrimntnaInp lie n beoftaatip; otby noats art ofrito Lading approvalsit bytMe finterstae Cnmerce Commlsinw. N rhr is dependent on value, shiopers armrequied to slate specilically In riIng th agreed or declared value of te property. I The agreed or declared value of the property is hereby atpecilcally stated by the shipper to be not exceeding THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. TheCollection Fee icalians storth in the box rakers certiltcat thereon, and all - Shipper Tota Charges I CORRECT WEIGHT iS Ig other aquiremerts of the Consolidated FralhthiCassihction. r e zN- .- , 4-Agnt Per i~g -- - -16- Shppr.Per 1 S Peuanent post offlee address ofshipper to C2 CI C4, cv, C 0 in UU ~ ifO - qg wInD'M5; M.j ) 4P Q. C 130 co 0 > in) CD

C C C -J 0- - C9 C, D x> 0 C, EZL L (N 0-- 0 0V 0 )1 a: o a- Ov- I- C) C - 4 C) C,

U, 0 a: (n lii F- lii I- -J ZE C-, -J a: -J a: C, S I U c 4: uj iii m 0 O1rigina weotl Straight Bill Of Lading-Short Foirm SeA

(Name ofCarer Carrier's No RECFVED subject e clas ticalons and tariffs In effect on the date of the issue of the Bill of Lading. atH-S>%&O )r, ??MiA('t4.4 A/hf 40Bk-7 From Vl-:a#/,4w',/ thepropaenydescribeode., inapaert goodorndrascan Eled(uorlafesnd condilien oIcontentsoftpacisaesaurikron), marked, contigdaddstnedf indicaed beklir,which said coan ie lhed caerrbalng undarsteodhnougourI, contractas maning aypano or coration In posession cf thepeparty uner 11e conarail) agreestocenry t ils usual paceto delivery ae said deslnatnt aon ts rolie, othrdne to dae.,In tle i lat ee ior in teisruesidestinlnit rulyagneed intona-hcarder of aloary ofsaidpropenyo a 5 rany pean i otad roilloandest*inal naetch party atany et rsin d inallranyci saktropeny. lintevey secobe peformdhereunder shelbesubiecimall the tennmsand coa os celeWrirmnDamnicStrigbl Eli'. el Ladig aet forl h t)In inor reight classiicaiankin loat oen ih. dale hereafa.I ells la e rdo a ru-aershimwnt, or (El fin RIo appicablncaicallonIIsacariecrthienailormar-

-: Cosipprfgyneds Ihate imlear-withall the tai and eardltjons t he said bleaftlading, Iatfludinlae on ome back enet, -a fortehin Oie dsamatneallan la rho ich goema RIs treapartatranabtlpment,andOdeof Consigned to -

D-nflo -Arstret*ddrelcnalgnea-&rpuposnaolncadenonly.)

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials No. NO.. H ARDDUS ATE DESCRIPTION OF ARTCLS,SPECIAL .ARKS AND EXCEPTIONS suJCTocorRs OR PACKAGES MATERIALS soebalenP e scneWtonIuret Mon

Al lf,= hol gateert itL~~t~z~r. - The supin ssatl -u makedelivery ci ali aslep emurhl y of aset a fe le sIchanget

(ilgnaaureof Cotanir

toc angeht hprepa ltae rg


Flatelsed3 eWe" .. ___ AeAoentarcasipr.

______- Pe'r bie elpnalurehIr. aknowtedgeh only Ilpsaans pvetlbn.) - chargs adeaned: SHIPPERS CEIRTRFCATION:This Is to carilly that the above-aedo a.od; r. aerfl ed dasadlbd pa~agd .c g othe SIGNATURE applicableo regtationap applcabe rgulefon orme epeumen oftras~orsbo. ~'t'C.O.D.hone.e"ToetPMEnpraT SHIPMENT Ne rshipt Mys ne o p a crirbwate, i , re the a ae rae a aelteprorii perr i

The agreed or declared vle of the proporty l hereby spellcsly elated by tsliaeppor to be not eaceoding COllectIOn Fee --- THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. The (ibre boxes used for this shipment coraorm to lm spec- Ilcatlons Saltot irLthe box mak*r. celificata throon, and all Shipper To-a- CORRECTWEGHT 1 sg other requirements of the Consolidated Frelt Classiicaton. Charges

Shipper, Per cc cm,

't ~0

E CC')=10--0 CC'M a..f o> >-- O.-f 4C .l04r w. . w cMe. o w. to Mc O>cC- L ID - M o -a - ccc - w m-x ~ cm I3 Iy a 3 - CCw+' -E

I. - M0 N :) C. c UZ 0dA LUc J( m m cc , x _...

- C _ a0 - -a .co o I . - 3 > Not go t raIght Bill of Lading-Short Form Shippers No. rn,

N ai rat Cardr)i. Carrier's No RECEIVED, subfect tot clas tions an riffs in effect on the date of the Issue ofthe Sol of Ladin. - fi at s / -edd7Frm ?w P soodrohout. tdwicairrcaIthealcamriaegigutide m arle t co n higne d a d desunadaseidiatiew c o n en of c o an s o packagas u rd ma srn, cetiact as rnoonmg any person er corporalon ir posasesra ofntg the proptrlyo d runder- er mei p iac agreesas noledla ry 10( 5sgon tunta tnt plaee orn ddoeely at akI daflflttsn, 0 it s roule, otironkcain dvw ser na carrlar ena the roula to astd deslnaa.11Is mat prr descr ed b ine, in ap p aen i - maaly d. as in anch carrn of atorany er said propeory over a any porti o nf Spad ua to deserae, anda e .eah pony a airy limarneastad n aer anyo le proper. hat tray sieko be anlaTesuelecneaohamudraoal h t. and conidnaeer theUnitemrn Doetr Straillt Odt.1Leen iet ri(1) to Urfr Freighcla assfcion efdc on t daa en , ia i a rai r a ,i .o ar a hrprnt .. S hn eha Or ) ppcab in mtaher Ca classdrmtonoartarlih SNpnhresyceaernl1t ea labmillarnelh athe tiermi and cordons eM lre Said bl of tad, includhngOthse an th bak therf, l loti in the cletostination oraify wkitge t h adsportslianeitfient,andof accep eforhnd anlone nan

jConsinedon -tol teddrus cigne-r urpes r roelialenly.) Destination Et 7e n onmh Address* Tain beied lin ontylean shipper desire andgoitng tarls pro e ror dalivey te.

- Delvering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials - ______No.n _____ NP Sutis. iteo, I candfdena A HAZARDOUS DESCRIPTION OFARI1CLES, SPECIALMARKS AND EXCEPTIONS = lop.a br to ldi,n i w PAC-AG - 'l stitnae a th deuatsdIn the c.Onsgor ashalsign the The caier eaatiae male danlnvey of th d aonm lawfulapoolt

(rare na Wr ottsger leu hs

Reneiwed(Tealnatu 3 0eraknwledge

Aganrtar cean'er.

Per aMp ib "Toi Pe Id. r asatdv re:

SHiPPERS CERTFPCATION- This isto cent that he above-named tsrials rar properly classiffied, deserted. packaged. markedSIGNATURE and aboled, and are mn proper condition DormfransortaIjon aording to the apilcable regulations of theDepartmant afransportation. C.O.D. SHIPMENT If the shtmsnl moves between two ports by a carrier by wate-. the law requires that thebill of lading shall slate whether it is carrlrs or shipper's weight. " Sha 'a lermprints In lIeu af stamp; not a part of Oill of tading approved by the interslate Commarrce Commission. Note- are the rate is dependenton value, slippers are required to state specitcaty in writing the agreed ordeclared value of the property. C.0.. Ant - The agreed or declared value of lhe property is hereby speelically stated by the shipper lobe not ,xceeding e THJSSHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. "The ibre boxes used for this shipment cont in o thespec- h-pprCoTection liicallons set forth in the box makers certiicate leron,. and al ol~pr Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT IS - L olhr reqauraronts or the Consolidated Freight Clssricaton' Per-

Shi per, Per gePer

Permanent post office address of shipper - CM,cJ

M, CI InO CVlm C'C. ) C., t1 * LO-Mn 0a- In-C C NM Eua 0 fOCD C C. EU Q C; (a -J 0 > Lo - -J o)0aLO 0--In LCD - La - om z ..) -n 0, C" 0 o Q C" 0 oi- 02 0 .. e) o- a)0 - - 0L I- 0 43 'C .-- -m > oL -- a r X5 0 i0 ,0 V) C i or cc i 0-M- 0. Co) C - 4 -i o 0 I- uJ (Df =3 Mr a. Ixm 'a gooo 43 = x m (0 0 I- 0 5(0 0 Lii Z I- OrigInal-N1ot: Negoi ble Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shippers No. CIS-

Cariers No

RCEIVED sub ettoth c sifi an d ffect on the date of the issue of the Bill Of ngiging, at ... /Vf 16-0s: >FromnDA e p si b np g rr prof Id packagesun , mad cosrd ri d n Ic b , a aryperson er orratio a prseses ar oppndMy nder iheennrace ees towne sentnngcary Ia ites. su ea rdt delivery aIt Is rsallygrea 5io e c cer af al r sayof saidPreserry ea er any porlion sadt destination,ati a io mUds party al any lam tie d r, lel r any said proern. thal Svery lec ls be arrud herit idshlamsebeIltta lhe trms aridconditons of rte Undorrmest Siraightatio Ladingset sarth (I Iri Uriresir Freight Classlialia n aslle en Int data hierel, It I sa Ore or araa shiprrut, or 2) iri -h appicable rioter-aeliorthissocanierclasaeiin m-Arc ispen. Shsipperhareby ertifles anthaet is mltar with all thseterrr' nd oriiOrrer of theisad btlI or iadin, incldirr thoseane bac in*rof et teethIra lhe cleastlicadan ertariff Stifit geam, Ol tIrnspotgan cthe snipsent,arnd t sadlermamodcodlins srshauebya Io bytha aispperand arbisaiad ts eslgns..

Consigned to t no aed dl.ear saiegnnse worupmselfialounneeciyr Qtntdm)Sl County &'c- dres.- aRoute7 *Tob 11sdInondyniasipper desIresend seentrirtsprovidsr-rdeltvery heren. Delivering Carrier 1C 2 Car or Vehicle initials No-


naewll shesse

Ag end .. sier. a

toeo herm owbiFarges meth a e s tesrly deal d e ce e. p Agwstorearw

whe weas, essinwaee

eel;i1wenst. preprs.

Per r mdvancas d. USHIPPERSCERTIRCATION: This is to CielityM thlle above-flamed Imtanale croperty cassiid ocipcrd , , akdad SIGNATURE TITLE______I abeled. and are in proper condition for transprthaeln accordiig to the apolioa eulations a lhe Departrent an sporsation. C.O.D. SHIPMENT '11 lie stiPment moves between two ports by a caner by water, the law requires that the bil of lading shag sats whether it is "carriats or shipper's weght.C Shipper'. Imprints In lleu of stamp; not a part of Bitl of Lading approved by the inlerstat. Commerce CommissIon. Nolewher srhe raj is deoendert onvalue, shippers are required to stale specificaffy in writing the agreed ordodared value of the property. C.O.D. Amt The agreed or declared value of the property Is hereby spelfically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding oection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " The fibre boses used for tiis shipmen conn to tre sp ilicatrons sot frth i 'he box mae'sceRtineae ereon, and glpper Total Charges CORRECT WEIGH TIS - ,S other requirements of the Consolidated Freight Classificaton.

Shipper Per Per 11 P2-7 dt .~a Permanent post office address of shipper t-

C-3 to c CV3C I ~CC NN0(a o . co C Xc CC,

CM T.3- CD2 co C CD. m

-.-- Go C --g a - - ---

cm N O - 0 C ) I- C 7- - CM 0 Xn rD en co M0--S -C ()


U WHEELABRAWB MILLBURY INC. AWaste Management Company 331 Southwest Cutqff Road Mil.1buies.MA 91527 (508) 791-8900 Fax (508) 752-5483 6/1/2007 7:28: 328942 BILL TO: 631259 United Retek Corp 21 Trotter Drive Medway, MA 02053

CARRIER: MURGO D Murgo Trucking PRODUCT: 80003 37.71 Ton Revenue Generated Cover

WEIGHTS lb Ton Scale 3 Gross: 112040 56.02 Tare: 36620 18.31 Net: 75420 37.71

WEIGHMASTER: Debbie Gerber VEHICLE: 1271 19

ORIGINAL Original-Not Negotiable tralight Bill of Ladcing-ShonForm.

~L -~ iNarmeo of Carrier) Carries No RECEDUED. suj ct to the cd ifications and tariVnhffect on the date of t issue of the Bill of Lad at- From . thsonc rrlrds alapckaets urnen),rhared conignd enddetwi sidaed balow at isaidc arfrle-rcreing tudedroughoutuit Co-teco s na ioriary germ o cogrsten hi ianusi of ih taopeety uncder ie tumne) agres 1- eny totis-Iua pinc V duawy at -ai dateenti, a. en s roue. aeniie to dtmer la annter carier art the rin to -al I0Cnso.4les ewnw'igro. ssto cocrier del'Jratosaidprneayoemrsloerany pol t ifd rordo0slocsaitand asoach porty SrlydieInigresladihnadoreny adaid plopterl.uinereysrvi tlt.epdifunnadhteeidor sr~ oeia tie treandocordtonsctee tnrmntDoatStrslraghtt BillofLadirrysear tlit (1) iUrilern freght ctasiddon i ei ent the doelseot diiSl ini orl rhim ppecabe emta air casiliona.anidedis

Snr pserherebycerlf la rahe Isfaminarwwwith allsiinnn rdodtiers at thteesd bahaeftadirg iceudingtheaa enta-bsak ierse, set rbin thedslfilnlbldtorltadhegemarri te rnsportuen ofdthisushpment,sand te r id ;ennis ad seuillione ee hnere9redby thj shipper end ancepied for himet an tsl esaiir.t Consigned to . A$6t Q ostry' eddrmseerleengme-$mrpurpetessarrormmatluefly Des5r. -tin Ste p- County'Ad y If -Adderess-* Te - Il eit In ly witn. shpper dn mndgerdr dfrh proelde lr deteany itere. .7 Route

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials No. SANO HAZAR AL UGHT CAT S=bac to y of rtl at PAC"MS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES. SPECIAL MARKS AND ECEPTIONS ORI ALUSR fSUOEcTomtO is . r daiiseed n L- the U heel er rrpeis t e i

ell =-=h intill- Pown, d 'I flenanea at Caneigner) ens to - e writs r

thi s e bed.errie . / cu \.Y

SHIPPERSCERTIFICATIN: This certily tha the above-rlamed materials are propedy classified. described, packa ed. marked and SIGNATURE TITLE labeled, and are in proper condition for tram rtolnaccordig to the applicable regulations of he Department Transportetion. Pe-r *Ithe shipment moves between two ports by a carrier Water, the law requtes tathe billofleding shel stalswhetherit is carriersorshipper' weight." ..D . IPMENT Shippers imprints in tee of stamp; not a pait of BI of Lading approved by the interstate Commoerce Commission. Note-here the rate is dependent on value, snippers are required to state specltically in writing the sreed or declared value of the property. COD.Anl - The agreed or declared veluc of the property Is hereby specifically stated by the ehlpper o be not exceeding THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRISED. " te libre bores used for this shipment conMom. to the a ec- li.catins setforth in the b makers cica there, en a ChargesTot CORRECT WEIGHT IS LSS. other requiraernd offts Consoldated Freight Ciassicatlon. I Pered (Te at eeekoShipperw Permnpn p TitadChargesp__ Permanent poslt office address of shipper iOIginal-NotNegotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form No

(Name of Canier) Carriers No REiCt io tariffs r on th the Issue of the Bill of Ladifnq, .

ih, proparny dselibotw. in aper1 goad ord. ascuptasnold (:Dnlersncnlrln of oatsofpacagsntedtsni, malk d, consaigned asitdstined asmidtaldbel owv wiTch seeanmar he wrd canteaing undeslad trugiautitr a I ras t ealn any p0or t orporalim inossanlei onf the psic~ely eader eoe coant) agrtos ta cuay la i usudl lac. of darer a- Slid detinnain, Stmeltsrm outaeise to debir to ensa earner in th, roule tla medGeterlatorr C s nfl awecd.arll eccar toi , ofr r ora sid protarly er s tranypason t sad tousl so deilonari a sech porty, alny ll inerested ia oranrl a lnedary.ste reveryrehop ersor mtiedhorndersaiteoItLMtoall lhi e' end condifiesof elte Undrrn Deamste Sfil t i Atdig sefal ier 1 indoofrm FroigN cOasjsieio 0U ontr die date hioreof. iti die ea rot or at manier CtepreiAm, tor (2dia t1 pplcable Fnnormftar:sittsaorclansictionl-m

Ule aid melars ad co enttlan ryernagteby d ocepied for Nomiel nd Nola asIgns.

toonMgned Stat wZI -oty Addres CTabe ied Innety when'tAppetrdesiraridgaoveer.rgtorispra dratymer. Route

Delivering Carrier A ______Car or Vehicle Initials ~~~."g~No. / hI. NO. IAZARDUS DESCRIPION OF ARTICLES. SPECIALMARKSAND EXCEPTIONS ond dae f c PAC.KACES; tMATEPIALS ESUr.TTOCO1n OGlRATF V U atort at rrepa ymem' n tc tie

m. Ar ntof


ce agoen er Caiet. e i

char gesadv ad sM Ttsal Char

pt~Caio oll 0eier F retdch

ASeigfltr e. (anole. e

S I- -- - SHIPPERS CERTlFICATION: Th istoceni thetheabove-named Smatialaisare proporly classified, dscrbad, packaged, marked and laboled. and art in prapur cond tion for transporttin according to the SIGNATURE T aoplicab regulationts of the Oeoartment of Transoortation. * lithe shipment moves betwen two ports by acarrier bywater, the law requires that the bill of lading srai state who4V.r ij1srior' or shippers weight! C.0.D. SHIPMENT Shippers Imprints In lieu of star; not a part of BEtiof Lading approved by the Interstate Cormeces Comrillseoi. Note-Where the role is depoenelt onvalue, shppers arerequired to stlate specifically in writing the agreed or declared value of the property. C.O.D. Ami The agreed ., declared value o the property Is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding -. Collecilon Fee THis SHIPMENT 15 CORRECTLY DESCRIOED. o The fibre boxes used farENs shipment conInsma sp0: MePC jications Setforth in the box mekerscerifficate thereon.and Shipper Charges- CORRECTWEIGHT IS - LBS. ofither rnqulirrrments .1 le Cnsolidated Freight Classilication. P jTotal

.. -hipper, Per A e

Permanent post office address of shipper Original-Not Neg tiabl Straight Bill of Lading-Short Farm Shippe scNo.

IName of Carrler) Cariar's No REC Epubject to," clasapstions and tariffs in effect on the date of the issue of the Bill 0 ding at 7m/Jby 1 FromhflAlLh) A #I l) Orpapenyddeed bill&ji appa.rbo ood rder. srceptasrnole'(::arietrlson cenasnen ow;otni l pacsois unknomb mred. consgned ar desanadsrnclod beowhicsasicandr (thewaercaimr bemg unflrsmfdwonra e eni a i ary person a s:origraer km postesiar the reopory midr, ane of ther corraci) oee n o ary lots "et ileen of deliery ci -ai desnnion, its mluallyare sto~ aeelcamer ciar rye sidrertyvoaereicr ira rlo, clirerise e te dasv toueddesrrao.,rart.o5nirenriie ary parlo adnjle ls dinstiminand as 1 ech panyeu riy lmeht ein .elerestdi raofsoad perytflt luy srviea nils - , rhamsted ofena the ti nssS lillhil asl Iadirg sat (i) in itJnhirmreigh,Cinsiinalinin af ioepwrfenidt hunder als Ssubject1ls elh asridai h re i a railorPo rp er lnin, or (a n o pp ai n a caliar er r157 hes is a Spcherbycsrnttm est he a555 r . Ilh eli nn lt' adasemo|| g04 , to sin ddnruUseam I th ls bockij - dac i tset r 15* the astricaalln or tariff which gerir emi ransputaoleshipet,tndidlsaf

Consigned to A adhm Sie mohg o" m

Destination zaddrt2s Addresrter siA/st To be1Wiledlinenlysen- tpp.e deir,..sande..vemn arrsprovide for duevery morsea. Route -, I

Delivering Carrier - Car or Vehicle initals No.


- - mes- eauentaksadeliouryar this paymet al

ss dosid, wri ar

Afte epaymentPl-es rg

Agio sher.


SHIPPERS CERIRCATON: This istocrlfythtie above-rMmed marinals are pr0pary ciass.Ifid deenbod. packaged mari and abcled. arld are in proper -cndicn for transportation aecordtng 1o the SIGNATURE - TITLE applicable requations of the Department f Trasprtbation.s Itonsporaaimoesion.emo prt by If the hpmeot moves betwee iy biater; the lawdneuis that the bi th lading shall state whers ppers weight SHPM N hper's Imprints in liof o stamp; noL par of ilU at Lading approved by interstate Commerce Commission I Norehere the rate is deoendent on value. shippers are required to state specifially in writing the agreed or declared valus of the property. The e~roed iir declaredl valuseof the property Is herebryapeciilcelly Staled by me shtipper to be irot exceedlang C.O.D. Ant

THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. "The Jbr boxes used for thi shipment cerlfor to the spec -uiiection Collection FeeFee ______ifiations set forth in the box makers ceutilcate thereon, and all CORRECT WEIGHT s -LBLS, other requirements at Mhe Consolidated Freighi ClassIfication. Sh ppar Total Charges ipper, Per nt, Per

ermaranent post office address of shipper I t N

CV 0~ , to mm -~ o 4 mn

. m 0* 1a

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2a , Cl1 co 0 LO -a c CD ISD 12C a. CS) U CJCl) C -c SI -a oCco 0 I- Ch o r C L C MS 03 C-, C -) x o U- 04> z E U Cloc Q C SC .,.. 0 0 4-' CL 0 C -a CooM c (a z C sM M.... (D 0 I. CS > C (D4 a. CD 0 LU3 mmI ci . -I - w I- --C CO -C F'- w I- U O cc r c- r c in - m w z W



a 4 w-20 ib ei 90'6o fl/-r

at L

V T r, 6 f 1u SI

-T WEIGf 61- , -- GHh T------~ pOPY- V.t?~ 47 4r4~Th% ~ ~ ~

To ReodrdCaToll-ree-800-421-122K BILL F2LADING. 1-800-762 7329 "7 PorFAXTolI-Fre

Sip~ L2J.L Or g n .NiNegot able Straight Bilof Lading-Short FOrm NCarners NoN_ C sIbet eCss n i dtarsfef tonhedae s heBIO za Sfvlyif )k4 *A jrO From -rn lJA wlowl. trafld, cenepen dest nr emaa ar beoo . Isdt nee er Wo deriflnA M Wg 0 Yealdacd alo near hreg e d a yt h W pt p ri nd .c andc lop i oepntenla padfl helt doodaten itotsmMV0ed~wOdoInbincu~mcrrontott,oK wti&~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~kp ifre)pi~a~pn~tiP~1~lOtOcrif wsmrttuu ,nro4d tat to~d bea pent Oljd aatu itjot a jt f Vgrue.a4 eac nr,inm onto , pa to drn mou nmwinton0 f ca mO Wo douscr.4 nohrawtay- b ott to 0 mawosdwrawy met nary4 ,, 2" Vdilala 61 7)d Oum.MtW erond No C f a pp, vr0o n O~nfVi onV ~nV a I-O , ehicineMiny~ erin Caer P-.1 OADellv tn esrl trdat.go in whe e I et -co it p d def." mA i no mnd oein Az~eAaenp o r -'lcs o reabyctetond lejon tIra yctit .pTtrVn g ao toa thr ossAReicLEr SPCIAL MStAzRKiS.ADECPIN ebeUi PA E KAMA E'A'M--. -.- A Lg

1rvte s nCluoveret eWc rrr4 lathe l rCh Oar o Yehicle I ' r O'itials 2rr'O tp ' Weight. - NO- h rAti S pESpERnvTuON arS q OFr AR1Css SPECrALaglONS MoD EstEap S'EupoTpC C OAS A m aftnnd Tt.. I THIS H MTENTtS CeRREG Y D B "

cePlr hSignursa C e em rt peostalcosdp omsi"s

frrveeigner nVg. etolt "I.

SHIPPERS~~~~~~b~ae IsWcdytmm ~~ ~, -SIIIAINTi _ _ __dsibd~aca _ad_ Sheperhlral harge Wy _ _ i'ma _ _ _ "eal aMretnd e = to the SIGNATURE

. .nr TILE. I ;.lct . p -_. ercndio f.. Ons acrigtfh -. aaagrin th e Doewtment 1 appl~cble rgrioansof C.O.D. SHIPMENT, at ipparg Weight'"V If e shtimfert mmse between Nwoports bye a ter k7ywater, thelaw reqa that theblU of lading &hall slats Whtrthe, ItIs tcardsirlor ,NS Marinr~t~nltoan,~fo~Je tIlI of Ladingoapproved byla We trto Conunaco CoWhnloaton th aeI eeneto au; ppersamaMouled to statd specificallyi1 ridfth aigreed or dactad Vattie otthe property...... 60"m . ha agreed ra, lts. v of Oh.m property Is hereby Fanacallly smated by the shippaort be nt acedng. . - ______Collection Fee -se :or %Lt ote9'neIontrpc. 'THIS SHIPM:ENTISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. *The libre bohes lraOfns st tib Infe onbomakers ceationed Itertion. end all Shipper, TotalChre

I - ~Sipper, Per_____ BILL OF LADING 'To Reorder Cal Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 orFAX Tol-Free 1800-762-7329 i VIKINOFFICE PRODUCTS Forrn No FB3 Orf~nI.otNeotabeo inao0-Negotlable SSiprsN.2traight Bill of Lading-Short-Form -

(Name of Carderi Cariers No RECEIVED, subject to the classiti dons and tariffs in effec o e date of the Issue of the Bill of Ladgjn2g - 1 At isA:er $ a.S/Ch4 ./w- ? From -~ tudropolydesatdbe.ein Spluent ad n e s coeaixtrsndc~ rond noicar eaaa cao hrtw name coondoseeds-odaied hs. vedr . flsalacuar ivwtdcanitbeingurdarslooamtwou e~tU otrI nessreagany parsoner coportai n a session el *e poper tnoer diecarsaa ftres to cyto n ia l utate ort dailvery at ama dasannan. :r oi n srOe. olermse to delver 10 an0te carricr on *smoruststoden*ssemsa-ft * reatuay au.e - as 1 - mncreter o l orarry at sate popely over ad a' any paun ol -oi rous to dcau non and'bs o pa s aa anory tam brnsd hi aft at any oft eai oropeny. tnat everry snco 10 to tOeulorrotrersbiacahnl:1betona lstietersa odnsla noown Oteacdals,, a t Lmfradgoat frt (I) LI UndormFrghgtt Claasrcatonin tueci on e daa rirl sisie i a rati ate raltwastalsmnt, or(2 in thopiale rornoar ncardnnworatirltt4 tro

si* - Svoraureboeulesdaht hes fiir .flai hlarmsanacondlfmea.a idebt at td.Isgi ncudIn a 0 e ie Iathra, sest*ibsmumt -in iath cImnt aatlatie rinmihitc fte rn porta~eelian ott.thishipenliand tealirmeendcnaltan.nsarehereby aeedtatlyth. niperandaracetfonisel tendble ain.- In - Cnsignerd Consned lobecia &t&o .. r -s.srI rstetddressof canalgne-or purpoistsotfatatinray. Destination - State OIa - ddres - - -- -eeditivetyba

Drrlivenn Carer -Z. . Car or Vehicle Initials - No. --


I-ate.ueSt a s pe~d w he

- -enr'a Agn Realod -

I - Ag 0ent o a te - cnt0agetdacent


ste am. . ioreftt~a SHIPPERS CERIFICATION: T Into carlily thatIthe above-named * materialsar eraFdly classifiedi daaebed, packagad, maked and SIGNATURE TITLE a - tabled, end n proper conditon for raspotatin ac:rding to lhe applcabtaregulatiotsor1heDapartmentofranpartalc - 0SIPMET- I[ the shipmentmoves betweontwo paris bya carrier t: waterthe lawrequires Veathe bUPat lading 'hat state whether it is catrieets or shppr weight" - " orskIprintainieuofstamp not a tofIorLading approvedby h0interstateCommoreoCommilton. - No ethe rateis dependent onvalta, sh ppersera required ostate speificaly Inwritingt ds agreed or declared value of he property. I . . . The agreed or dacicred value at the property 1s hereby epecinoely slated by thU ipper to be not exceeding THIS SHIPMENT S CORRECTLY DESCIED bes ed r ts shipment colo to spec- CORREC itions st orth in the box makers certificats thaeron. and all S er Total Charges CONaECTWEIGHT 15 o her requkements aohe Conaolldfted FralgttClassllction Shipperi Per 7 R4 er 5hee V. Pe.rmnent post office address of Shipper cI FL VNW' S TNUCK Sl - iIHREWdS$URVN W(t, 6--1-20W CERTiCIFIED SCLE

1NB413OUND: lkwtv58u lb 40 to I H--

11366bW Iti SEEENI ib DRIVE 4686W lb -~NDEN

LOOP 1D 1w13

1mCkPfN .

Will8H NtELJE1eH 21.0uo SILL OF LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-8004211222 i-!VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No FB3 or FAX.Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329

Original-iNot!Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form . Sppes N

CarrierS No. {Name of Camerl

RECEIVED; auhect to theclassd atlon and tarisn effecton the date of the issue of the Bd of Lading at f e: 7 2. f N /( Ir a 4 4. 0/ Froma c o pe wad he tan! rndawooal t iofa II, tic cnnI ds te low, in seferent good g nder. Meet as n u n "t ctsiraonmn d, horat lad a.1 r orna a)i.dl d san, 1mit neaa e a a s neir onditos r a oy g byh bp and anoep iter fr mmt =t enM o ays ta ag e aas p t tr t and diiit. f an on .% .nm. to dlr t sie l an 1 t rp a tory atilygasae. . go -ut card. tt at a.e atsaid peapey .ar a- nry porb. ofed ci. .n daline, ndi as a ia py .m -t rornatod ~hd an , " y . l sird etr. o- adr itena l nneF pu ito W wiaen . nead ._. a enn dwuniirt Ootskstuideitototstot - i II in UnmbmrFratlbt~i~cl in glean ra to awk Iet Wttte l1Wuailm~a lpini, Wt (2It t eppotf.en turhcne anmafaortl unibseI


D/iai 'i zaM A r Address s

Delivering Carrier CarorVehicle Initials gNo.t NPECIAIARICS ANDWEIGN1* GLASS7ihltifoidUla NO IAZnOUS *. DESCRIrnONOFAMfCISS EXMOCEPONS nonETO ORi~f5J i aI sli,tit PAC&AES MATERIALS ______CORR.)____ OR.imt. tne

or Route te Ii W. atnut t r ltai Ilns .Ir and Owndntion lablad r rpr orranrncding

Ahe n1r asl t ak datefy

Gor se.i ewten pntts S~~~~~Mdgi n ERSeERlF af 1Wm

1 - AeoreCuultlur.

ChargQa~f lst avancadt

* nl - -at -ips4


applIcab9eregulationsofuthe Departmbentof rporawoni epplabt ragilaion or so epelmen or occidin totheC.O.D. SHIPMENT *f Ile shipment Moves between W Parts by a cenmer by er Waths law require hat the bll of lading shall state whether it is 'carriel's or 01pper's weogh' *Sh par's imprints In lieuaotamp; not a part of Bill at Lding niproved bytheiterstte CominercCmmiasjon.. Not.- ierethe ra dpen den on vnu, er ar. requird to stain specifically In wrling the agre.d or declared valu .1 the propnerty. -.. D .m The agre or dehe ,au Mftepopd ey spcia y by the shipper Wo be nal exceeding - - * 'S~ppes ImtlntBil orLad~ginsliedol aprovesamp;notepartl by statedf. ShippterCnsToeralCoChargesit THIS SHIPMENTIS CORRFECTLYDESCRIBED). The Mibe W."e usd for tis shipment cowrto Inhe spW -olcff e

CoRRECTWEIGHTS - --.- ierp-

CO5-)C t la eurmoso X heCrwdtdFagICasfcuot 4GTi Shipper, Per

P emenen post office address of shipper BILL OFLADING -- To ReorderCall Toll-FrGd1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FE3 or FAX TollFree 1 -00-762-7329 ------OrIginal-Not Neollab . Straight BIIof Lading-Short ShippeFsoNO.

- Carriers No ID tName of Cara RIECEIVEDsubject to the classiflications ad tariffs In effect an the date of theissue a the Bill of Lcting, - at eyrat;. UPS, . S.I From -. Af\/ . es ml da s -~adbl~~awlalrbeoiesodfolm eupaffnatoo olw: na mgoodoiesapt osnofid (c~lotSaenoeo it.cipcrgstarul ate.cneandcotdornlonedlsiac -...... he nd hidnhac gheaslo~~thsa ohr aatoe artntortesidelacr rnilh g emci e nnp saotn o rt edipme en ipp cstodett lsot e SfamigI ~Mid tessea t s I)h d em thr ola ssid

adssdnnande-andmtoa.- resaby aeedto byde=ohppnm end earp a med -hisessgn.- Consigned to - t l .nr. V ~Delivery ed n ,4-tr - nok. u tyddress - robeamedin onlywhen shipper deubksaendigaveningerial provideldivery therent-


can-,la1- cartetrneacititael dua.., nU

OW ielo an o ra

- Z ' ar w

-- -e n5ev-

-- 6 - M.e.

can ho. .. taad-

SHIPPERSiCERTIRCAT1ON: Th lsandcr thattheoabove-nad meao=s4are :tyctasstled. descrbed, edmerkedand SIGNATURE TITLE $ labeledand aern proper condition for trensportation according to Uhe -1 -- -. sa, ,,s.t-ir,,rrmat rr iartriniel~r1C.O.D. SHIPMENT ar b water, the law requIes that the bill alading Sha state whather it Is carriers or ippers weight. ' ibhe sh imetr sobetween two parts by a carT - " shl ers Imprinta in lieu of soap; non a rt of Bil a Lading approved by itt Interstate mm orco Conmssotn. Noe- W 1Mrethrate is dependent orn vae, shippers ar'rgbiredto slatespcifr l in writi ie agreed or declafed aUs of the prmpcry. CO.O. Ant .Theareed or declared vale. of the propoty Is hereby specillaly elated by t " 'hippeo be notIeeeding Collection Fee ______I______tothe__Spec. ThSSHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. The flres bases used for thi ShipmentofostUespc ifirltrons sor, in the b t makers sitiflate taeron, and Wi Shipper Total Charges CORRECTwGGrT is - S. other requaements or the Consolidaled reiht Classifiation. Shipper, Per

Permanent post office address of Ipper c gb



10560 Jb STEERING 3792I lb DRIVE S43340 lb TANDEM


F1i-) _ w G b.10Qt GH


U BILL OF LADING ,N To Reorder CallTolFree1-00-421-1222 or8FAXToll-Free 1-800-762-7329. a VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Forn No. FB3 Oi i-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form ShippersNo

(Name of CarmerI Cariets No RECEIVED ubject to the classficalons and taiffs in effect on the date of the issue of the Bil of Ladln at 1!,4 5 // AC1A0 r_.? 1W2jVf From ' 0 ias podesebdew hippare goodardoco. eptesnlfcmmneracoradiadlaeisoapackageswukown)mrel arsnederadadshied asmdiated baeld whichsn'cler (twrdcmr leing uderstondthroughaA tawp 1ion ils r to in othierhaonhelousaddesabptiois corac asniiaardig any pareoas er colpa n p nwepa s o a i proper ty unerls cot5srac tage s anyio 10 1 uil pac of datively at said deslinalen, inuie olheise tds ucoe oamd herunderadi bie eablenl inatoatnyl isapoertyhaelrwy sennenhb clasictanortaritisisa h tann.-n condUonsetetlttdanOn Dmst SrdginBla oftadsag acttaint I1) Ira Undaarin eetCasohelle toacpaWymayanyw1 eecon the dalahe wimsad Sher nrsil ardor ernul-waertf pet (r2) In lheapplicable in~retrier 3 0 tor oanyar5 ed pmpanyavalalor-rperanhacidrouosaddsfnslanand 9 gea flooeachcarir .* munraly .,rhi - ConegnedM *iJAtc6At (Shv'c dmoobqadooe ehipmnt,tale mhprVeQbyefiOnShthailrwith si te I~ers and~aaf thseid bit ar lading. linding thaw ains bettdthere.oftaattorhitheiahi~fl a r alfi whIch GoaVmi the trnpartairn afaid isskl - rmaa dten Ieshmily toby th.siari andnsanpt.4far Itssril ealfnh Itt5

"" E"or aupriraaiaddresso acoensneaorpuswswsefneetiricallannry)

nato '965 .t~ . stt / %ouroTbe1Ued ni anly wiren asrpper dealk.. and gosvaming Utrtie preldde fer daliverytheraf

A h- t a segoanyr cn aar.a,

bestinatio -0.xS sltm2p 'tempClnlv- hemto-Pm-p

ieiga dt e an lwes) chargefil..bTecceh.dvancedcai.ede .0vON. . ______-~ Reei S

agerHtorc asiteCr.


SHIPPERS CERTICATON ThD i r i that ho -L n-md E PIeWofills matertls are psley casosied, described, ackeged, meriked and. SIGNATURE o r d m g t o l bhTITlE$ e . p r t a t io n a c ~ n d i io n l a Coll on appaie rgulatons the DepatrnentI p r o eror Trportatn c o C l ab e ld n d a r e I *ia Ifth hipnent moves between twoatsby acoaderty war the aw requires that the bill of lading shall state whalerrt a cameirs orshipperswegight SHPMN "Sh paet imprirte In lieu of stamp: note art or ei of Lading approved by the Interstate Commerce Commtrnlson. Note-Whre the rate is dependet on valu,sh r arer roqired to state speffcafy In writing the agreed or declared value of tho property.CDAsa Th. agreed or decard vlu, or the propert isherelby specIflcaly sttd by teshipper to be not exceeding - THIS SHIPMENT ISCORECTL Y DESCRiBED. "Th ibie boxesused for this shprnent coniorm to te specC ficallons wet forh in ci bt makers certieicate thepon. end all Shipper Total Charges labeled,_and§ Wepp in prpenLnd anfor _ _ % re CORRECT EIGH-T IS ES other requiremaents of tho Conoidated Freight Classdicabain. Pe I puumwo~mD ~tfhmsak;F I ihhpetmvsbme Pm epsofficeaddress .prsb o adrc .a ha qieta hilo aigsa tt hte ti'wio hpeswih.

U~ .. emrnsI Of@rp o ato 1,o aigapoe yMnesr omreCmnb - H YNNW. Y RUCI -ITUP 6-1Cm--2s.51 UP CENT FbEiY SCAL;

NIBOUND 100526 lb

-( 178w 1 l STEERIN 42M60 lb DRIVE 46640 lb TANWDEM4

LOOP AD 1074

COPY Z bSj iLAH a. I

©- BILL OFIADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free.1.-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FBZ3 or FAX Toll-Free -00-762-7329

Original-Not Negotlable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shipper'sNo. C16 S

uNaN eof Camort Carriers No RECE bffs In affect an the date of the issue of the El1 of Lad at f-E0;rb.6LC trAoro" a } ,ll±2no From htASlk i s C led(ntnis andenliaia canint alpadngesanl aArd, consignedand dsberdendicad an heid oin o eiundearod g operly descibedeowinapparent goodorder W xcpt ta oule o dOrwar an~ierCairdrOndiUg riosD aiddrstnatlls eikad a agyconar oprat M possasandw of apoywundr ea caracp agrees l to rry la s usual plaeol deiarry i sid-dexisimatn.l oi als tsoridprtth~~tstaay onicolbbS partrmiad hmarounderh bolgectiout mulu at ofrafilrairs taiproparty OmallararOafporamofeeld n todesibrtan. ndas toeach oeity stangyiruintetintalla a allyn catar r an te da, teadifs Is a rdi orb ratwater shipmen, or(2) Wn ih app lia atrirdini,lasntlaonstear e er n candons iorhe Unioorn anmae Sualta at of L tg nd fr (1) Irn Uniorfn Freigt Ciaislcafin afot afOthismdpdent,and SSjhircby cta.,s that ha la 1rili, wth al thetermse and cadimtste solai or1 lad1ng. ladiding te asn be back theraar.t toh W n illsati d otn or rilte wndnt geramS ulleOspertaan thaeldend cdtosrbeayretbyhsiprndaccaptcd ohmaattand~acalgna. Cons gnedto ,-n a~Delivery Destination s __ 4~Address*unt n . o t A7p'rnt To -. ed liny whn ed~teend odarrbsminla. peldo tardualse Are.f

Route 3 T

.- No. Deliveriln Carrie A MrJ1 5. Car or Vehicle Initials NO.T .t:,or CLASS .7ar n OFARTCI.ES,SPEC1ALMARKSANDEXCEPTIONSORMTEly(Sus.JcrTCORAtrJm. PACKAGES MATEIAS I D.scRIPTION gcgesanbaut ricurs on het

Patr.-s-aentarwithutlar. n W Par

oenythea s tprpl.

- -- Chanrg adv ianed SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This is to cert that the abmonmed mterialseproperlycdussited descIbed. acai and SIGNATURE .. -- TITLE- bmrked la dadarenproperscondtpnfortn t n-acordingothe. oue's or shippers weight! ... SIMN - t *teshientmoves between two portsbyacarier water, the law requires thatthie bill of Lading shaillstateswhether ~ani Si .ImprintsInIntaatamp;nota aroil oftading approved by h lnterate ommere -Commissons Not. er 9 ateais depenudenetrenvaltue, rsaergrdtosaeseicainwingteaedordcrdvluofheppry.C OO A The agred or declated value of the Property Inhereby spectfrcaly statd by mshipper to be net excending-- THIS SHIPMENTIS CORRECTLYDESCHIBED. Thanfibre bxes usd for this shlpmeart conlonrn to the Spein iiaians set. orth in the box makers ertiicae tlShipper Tota g Charg Conhseidated Freightslas CORECTWEGHTIS .os. otherrequirents ofthe Shipper, Per AA. Permaent post office address of shipper In EVN1FiE) sCi-)L

3IPJ$UUN tim 8t1s lb

10760 lb STEERING 4120Z lb DR10E 51620 lb TANDEm


7-JIG - _ _ I _- i - _. BitLOF1ADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VI1NG OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free 1-600-762-7329

' Original Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Nb. Al'JUSppl' Nuteos:A Mal1(NsCarriNo n-ruc~lameo RECENsub_ t the lcatlons and tariffs ISe ofarn the date or the Issue of the Bill ofLading atf , , ,, .;7 From thasproperty descried b8,tlko ~sp x , d. d aa oxrpl asxted isnant dinonit fpaduesoat m Washlk neleoda coregnadnd d asi indatdblotw,. w s anid arift e t i rer d biriegrnasthgthla'dainto anyrertu= - -~ni ti wlx o dohnan and condias d #1e Unfm DoncStright 8of .dngto storth () koIn n~n Frtetlasiflcden in act.onrUe daiste ao he eori h s a .ra r niwter slp~mnt ad,(2 si obkoap ld Ciabiloiorcrercasliatonortriti11isa im~mafOr grisdoatondanddaof atovsraflsMyshatioO n Sh- i bnosuycrmatat he limmIsethalal leformsandwodionsofthesaid bitorlading touutaoingmaonthebickthreof, .. tiorbitiasamcationrtmrutwhichg a stheiglpostgaolt~thishiment~and assign - l i~ C.NI ayare d tovh aond ,ciedlriietdhls Ihetaiuten ca andsoib rdwi.."ilt-th. De'''sotb nddataonaigse-orurn2& 6ri9ir tinnly Uery ______~ ConsgnedrinetinaiIan ~ a citt - dressrrirre tOndriu ARoultdenyhnsipresrangvaiitlirpoletrei-rieet

Delivering Carrier C Amu Car or Vehicle IIINo. HAZARDOU WE GHT CLASS Omt a oln. asO POES ELS DESCRPTION OFARTICIBS, SPECIALMARS ANDEXCEFPTIONS (SUBECTTCORRL ORRATE at diyss to te e.-.-' con~ ~sign s thutsecols th. C.n w451,aaft ensig nos).'. ft

-e - -bp- t rdtsr 3 /7(c

AgeerWCashier oi. .ntflm PO p&

SHIPPERSCEATIFCATION: ThIsstocertdy thatthenbove-named TITLE ac eaed e r r d rt r a d a d SIGNATURE laeld and0 a esaplcalreuabnothspateno Prser onrinflon 101rnsportaton.I pun Tft acatros, g Wi w th ooeat ua ot, ,~,luol ,'l eswll

"Shp araImrinta tnlieuofstmp: not a tofBlof Ladi provadby teinterstateCominarceCommIssIon erethe tide entonvalue rarrqured ttate O wenicalh in rlaingth eareedordeclaredvause property COD. Arnt The agreed or declared u, of the property Is heraby specifically statd by th s ipper to be not excoeding Cotoalon Fee This SaHtPMENTIS CORRECTLY DESCRIOED. The fibre boxesesd for this stipasert conform 1 ho sp - diations set ort in-the box mntarcnllcabe thereon a l ShprTotal Charges - CORRECT WEIGHT IS |IS. other requirementsaol the Consolidated Freight Classcaion Pa

hipper, Pe

Pemanent post office address oI shipper F.N dTuCK591UP 6-1 j-2ww7 LLklFiE-L ScALE


Si EHM1NG 4i60 lb DRf VE t53600 lb TNDEM KarvAJ 197060 lb GROSS t/9(0 (e6ko

;copy BILLOFLADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. F63 -I or FAX Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329 ------Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shpprs h cIAAdA (Name of Caier) Carriers No effect on the date of the issue of the Bi of Lad at , 7".Q $7 107 From -

rtruct as eanbitig anSersa ofl r corporaisonIn possession The at peary ender thecordec1] agres 0e many 1rols usual since or dsvay a1 ad daatnation, a on its roule, 0thaie to doaie la enother cariar -hdelslint1tosaidosnroue menluallyagmed, as to ecba meraedi'wratosald propyoar at:asor any ponioafsaldrososdosteroaien and amnae panyat arytatimnnted ioreaolsalpfropehy taiewyarntaoopoeermd hersundar statbe subbatias Moars end onaton of -U DaoislscSrag lo L aig set fit (1)in Uiorrn Freight Clasaoiction ir vcit an ie o haitA i lhis a a tal fl- at eIt iprira, or (2) i the applate maer carro cliilcaton tsifieieq

i Sla tirotbit t enrpperh ratyan ca~tsthss It ItatraMll rten ndeor narofthe asds||lortd g Iriftdingihnaeonotibackmteruef.aotftarthlnliaclasislienerintaifwhichg avarnstbetransparanactinlstapuentand

Consigned tIf 2X/ Detiatoa stint addre or coaligne-For ppeTs ftifeatkin only )

Ref"tTa tippI1 n dsir e wrrd nghtl pvtd. fardsttvirylhitr.


adeAenrtabs dlar. t

II eatiteno eltsi ta ede- - 0 Cneorr hergcandveacsell nli II 3 .~r-i - I SHIPPERS CERTFICATION: This to certifylhattheabove-named materiasae propery classified, descrbed. packae d, marked and SIGNATURE TIRE labeled,andare n proper conditionortranportat naccordirg.o the 'U applicableregulations of tho Department of Transpoalatio.- t tithe shpmentmoves btween w pornsbya corner b( water, the lawrequiresattthabill oflading shll stat whether It iscarlt'arshippets egtht. St = es Imprints In lieu of stamp; not a art of Bit I Lading p proved bythe interstate Commerce Commission. nThagree i s ent o value esa u ec in ti th agrd decled value of the property.CODA

THIS SHIPMENTIS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. The ibre boxes used for this shipment conform to the .pao- ieons set forth in the box makers cerificate thereon, and aCharges CORRECTWEIGHTIS -8 other requirements of tie Consolidated FreghPtClasstlicaion. ent Per r 4 .. Spp Per - Permanent post office address of shipper t -


INBOUND 119 __1 4-5- S. /k - .0i85 lb TER' ING sQ 4 1-10 lb mRIV 4; - 5t58s-r io fiWNDEM 'C LOOP 11) 1L89

mt an 2

'CRSTWEXGH 48.00 REWEibH al.jg ~COPY BIL 'OF'ADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 IKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Farm No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free 1-800462-7329

O .arIginal-NotNegotiable -Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form shpp.,s

Camerrs No .Name of Carrer) RE D sub tothe casiflcationtjlarl in e on the dale of the Issue of the Bill of Lading r Y .. OL.AL 254,._ r. 0 o-~~~ 'A" 4 :-' Aen..Fromn*. -4-- coegn.d d s iiisaidd cceM i deeeardCkborodfleugidsat- & Aotydosbtd belowhi eppsaerd god cidr except as . .a, erts erd c.l ooG Ieoi of pacagsunkroeri} rnerl6 and deln iden terrise to deanseto anoliser caruce entrtstesaiddeshdestralw'nis pa sn or cnoalain la im or e proparr urger Jhe conac egeal nes to r o s a:i placedc doisery seaMr destha-lo,, ases cat a nas posseato laevery c lobs peitrmeaworurderrentoea1be agreed. esto cart caner of a'lat ny of aid pmreparry over J alltoypertce o oa. loadem is ad alos Pea p i any ,dlf.riresd tor orly oi -~e proporr~f suolect esady ot 1 ater enldrracnl. tO5iappftlinrlan.obtri-1tccaliOnlettoaorliMU1i $iraliM Ido a. e ' lott1 (iIril) i l 1tn rih C c a4 iai a's ocl or s datael hoee. li usiastral sren .Ut1ena'iad(rdr ac'r.3c eli Untloim ora-li 0 or St an go'wenetbst.nponegeo or le etlpas.l end Shtpaheby cuddiles U-a - is btte inla v all the tarms and coedaons afth sol a or ladInsieiducnitase orsnthesbiak ltrat seelot In lbsctaslfleeie nie sa eemsso condions -re n sgreed ti by - ppa rd ecopted tor ara Wnd Waessin Consignod U .,. a . . ------(--alaor erentaressatorconuisae t rpossoiofnaotent aiN SDe ivery. Destinatio Cos iStatnat Zip nty Address 1.1. Route . -- -T befnnedn onily cbnebpper detrosanadgavingnirlais 1 grtavie loaslitvurytertot RouteB e g= c9 ..-

Car or Vehicle Initials NO. Delivering Carrier ... SimAt 4 .Z odnas WEOIHADOSGoT CLASSSbtitWofeanea I NO. MATADS DESCRIFION 0F ARTICIES SPECAL MARKS ANDEMCEPTONS SUBj T CORR). _RWe ad a thatsa, . OR T. e a nt he

-g snant n ousn I - -- -- o nsdttteroi Oa stgr

(ia slhegature rnlwd.

I enRymaamourraropewae SHIPPERS CER11FICATION: -This is to certify that the abeantaed materials are property classlliidi described. packaged, Marked and SIGNATURE -TITLE- s-- inbeled and era inpropearandition lartm trnpration according tothe nnnfrahn raisitln nfthe epatmet alTraspotallrl.- -C.O.D. SHIPMENT * I th shmet ove bewee tw prtsby cari r wteri the law requirestat the bill al iading shall state whether itiscrirso hpei eight"- *Shipper's impfinta In linet of amrp; not a ra ofl 01of Ladling approvred by that Interests Commerce Commission.t Not-Werth rtaa epedet n alu; aar reuiedtost speed.Ialy in writing the .gread or declared value of the property - C.O.D. Amnt -- The GORREC1ransportntor t. agreed or declared value of se property

THIS SHIPMENT* IS CORRECTLYih simnwoposbyacrie DESCRIBED.mvsbiso ywaeIs.lwrquaaThtiThe libr boxes used rthis shipm-ncoadnabilo Paerl-wahnIti arir r hpes egt ilications set forth in ths toxomakers certicate th er eonandall Shipper Total Charges CpoRECT rWl TthrequirenhethepdatedFrepIhrClassifiocrn t Cn S

I Pernianent post office address of shipper U FLYNNL S TRUCIt STOP *SHRWEWSBUHV j1543 5-2wk7 gt MA CET ifED SeCLL

.NdCOJNLW 110it I

l06L8 lb sFE E RIs'Ns I 422&v) lb DRIVE - 5i28 L TRANDEN I LOOP 11 1092 I - ~ ncinan 2 Ii FIHSY WEIOH $L. QW RIEEIGH 1.0 *~coPY I I I I I Ip I I I CERVTl FED sCA~

1NBOUtO 1'039%0 lb QoC,6A (a-r

1W500 lb STEEIN5 426jb lb DRUVE 5w90s 10 TAu s

N L-.0 Ali 1w93

Qicmam , - 'BILL'OF LADING To Reorder Call Toil-Free1-600-421-1222 V191NGOFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAXTol-Free 1-00-762-7329

Original- ot Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form ShoppoesS

(Name of Camier) Carries No. RECEI DP. subleg to the classi tio rid tanfs tryli orn the dade of the issue of the Bill o aig oat if 1eLFrom. lie ioprtydeened elw ,. faen gooddder excepta .ad ceroands c ontnlaounlia of packages unknat) markeod caruugned and desied a8 inditd bleteW.wilch sad5ca (le rdarsderbtalnnderlsodt~ughicullas cenoaci os nmg anypror copora.llri nprassasore lhe property imder#1e comrat} agrewslo oary Ios sa placeel diary ol soiddetaliion. i on ts oute; othorisie 10 alvir to anslwer canter Onthe rollte todetiation.Itosaid unitusll agraadas to- oahcrrieofatloransy clea-propootyover!llarwry proanof-salo tto destinaboanandasmaea-hpasty at ary llae rsed inaoil or anyof reapoty. hstovery iert.ic olotled W d!aroundrsabesulil o.a- . he lemsnandtirdns ordiha uain DOmosla SiragMt il orLadingoettutret Isl Unilarm FrdgtAClassifeaton in eisi an ihmdasarof, Itua is amriloreai a piralhiplr, or,(2) in, the appinfmrcielea~tlaadnfliiorhilaa

Siyoheraby coatfl -- that e faitnflnar wi al thtrm aridonditions of OSma Idbill entualing, rsullitng those on hbai ertatrrbirit 1 r arnilegvri bsrnpoainlfM hinnad

dlmald mande-enditIon. --read te byte iehipper nd ecceptbdfar IdIIetI and hl CarMi. --

De vathear,ery ... -nest-arl Stte 4fT.IX~Z' Contny Addres* -'-r beflledI nlsywhenshipe la. ndgon ens atrdaprd frord telley ierno. Rolute 7

Delverig Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials -- ______No.______. H AZAROS DESCRIPTON OPArTICLES,SPECIALMARSANDXCEPtONS . SUBJECTCOR O R K. A a. described p , SIGNTUR TITLE - - .hd

'be_ aal am . ,The crtertanao not make delaroyaro .

-pfstw--- I W o

- - gntsoPehht

SSHIPPeS CERTF)CATON: Tiode at erlify that t e above-namedof. . .lratsphat aco,.aodga atertals arepropedy classilled, desceed, packlaged, arkid and SIGNATURE TITE labeledand ar.ti proper condillon or transCportlan according tn the applicabte regulatIonso hT ofTranIpMitatin.- fepartmvent I he shipmentrnoves between two ports by a carrier by wjator. lthelaw requIres-that the bIll 01 adIng shall atatewsheteru ItI"carriers or shipper'sweight" OD SIM N *Shlpper'almprinlsInalieu of samp; not a partel lliotLading approved by tIthetateeCommerce Cormtsslon.. Nte.Whero the rale Isdepenadent on valUe,%A&?~ apera.-~~rer are required to aslae specifically In writing tho agreed or declared value olthe poprty. -... . m - The agreed or declared vau of the property thereby specifically stated by te ahipper tobe not excpeding ' -Fee ThiS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRISED. "The fibre boxes used for inis shipmemn conform t0 the spec. fications act fcih In the -box mnaker. CerVlicatethereon. rad all ______CORRECT WEIGI{T _auIs.. oiler reqodremurt ofthe Coindto I Perh bsicdn ~pr oa hre hi per, Per snt;!C

PermnCent post office address of shipper

C.,D S.M N -- Is an acimowledgement tat . Bill of Lading has been Issued and Is rot tMeoriginal "n or Lading, not This Memorandum . copy or duplicate. covering e property semed herein, and Is intended solely lor 91ing or record. sNo.

L H A ?AMUS (Name of Carrier Carriees No. RECEIVED, sub; I to the clasjiications and tarits n effect on the date of the receipt by the carde.oI he propertyfes ibed in e rigin Bill of Lading, at Jak22L .A t 4-n //2 i-y> 7 From -I) , Z4, lsli'prpety der blortc parit ood6rer. le caept srrio 5ifn acondielo ofloilrents o pacigukaoa r,,rriarhed, coisi gotrid anlddoa od asindkiatd btliawhichaid carnto {ltawod cariobeingundtrminddvIhtughinitthi cntraci as meaiig aniy peratier corpoalien Inpossotarl ar ihe prDOny under tihecerllract) igrDs go cany to ils tInual place of dalirtry 01 said d5tlinatin. Il en lIs route, othOIrAO la dehrl nihtoVarOilsaidoslinl,camlettharelneis mutua'y egroed, astoeach catrtie t lw any orisaidpropollymtaer at ray paraai aid rouloa1 s de airiand as each panly alanylilma ,ntedin allor aetrat poety. itat paey GOrielebeI perlirmedelobeagtjicah~erundmrsatl Via tesan d oaldlgions ali tla~ e riorn osltoi Sai el ofLadmgnsrt Ionta in run Fij eighj V~VCLas1cl nafied en tho dat11erei, V thists a rail at a rai-water dipmtia, or (2) In lhe applicabie molor cariter claasiraiiIhislsaVtilIlorr

'i lte at tar Iffwhliilgoverneattheiranspertatierihisehipmanei,and -- tIn s agraed in by shipper a f ar hl laaff and his asalgUns,bet lncludln theme e te back thereat, set eorth slIcaion theali~e~Sh co ppounds, irehy cartlfesboth arhereby thaet hae stamillar thewihall, lIh liermsnid 1spd and ea neei tion tte sale ei lading, 0 *duzAid t-Y7 - on ge do - IDaor t a ress ignae-Fer pai ntrpas of icelaw only) g Delivery beounty-- .Sta Zbe Stenei " Countynonl A dress* ~mitm m ftmth fr:.1vnta Route

Delivering Carrier , Car or Vehicte Inias No, CarleorVeraiel, Inaitialso a H~znsOS e st to o n at l lunn, i Ios DESCHIPTION OF ARTICLES, SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS ISU.IFT.,*IGHT TOnI m OfR~i R O 7R ATE9I PACKAGES ahipreats go bedeundt b --- Inttamat 14310 th ee hel mud'. oshvl .et. i ~..r - i ' 6-Si .is sliet wriest payent at freiht and in et knMful Marges.

-tgnatuealo anenr) ______I dep d, edgor smumph,ta haoge IN beP.eV ad

ecelediS to VelyI,p m iiniija

______I i Agant Cr Cashier.

______I (Theiglnatur here acknonledgea enty theaemoebntprasplad charges edvanced: SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: Thi to certily that thea tboa-named labeled, and .0a.are in properPooy condilior. tranpantIon -Pibtc~.dn acc[Ofding.te o theSIGNATURE -TITLE -I applicable regulations Ofhe Depatmental Transpoation. C.O.D. SHIPMENT - i the sipmnent maves between two ports by a carrie- bywater, the law requires that the bill o lading shall state whether it is 'carllers or shippers weight' Ce ShIpper's tmpris in lieu of stamp; not a part of Btll of Ladting approved by the interstate Commerce Commislelen. Note-Where the rate is dependent on value, shippers are tequard i0 stale specifically in writing the agreed or declared value of the property. COD. Art-- The agreed or declared value of the property is hereby specitically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding C

THIS SHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " The fibre bores used for this shipment conform to te spec- rilcations set foth in the box makers certificate than and allSpper es CORRECTWEIGHT IS LBS. other requretmentso fthe Consolidated FreightCassiliction. e

_Shipper, Per L%______-q-. q..ant, per tz~~~L- rW' (2t Permanent post office address aaifIpper Ct " 3 ( t,--1rt.&uit eil iF1ED SCALE

I NfiUND~iI 186 lb

S i9620 iU STEERING 446A lb DNUJE 53QU 1ly TriANDEM


ocnanus .3

I Iids M11 ,0 - WALWz zlM 31 .t 'BILL OF LADING To ReorderCall Toll-Free 1-800-4 -1222 VIKNG OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAXT611-Free 1-800-7627329 ------1 ...... -- - -. -. --- -- OriginabNot Negotiable. Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shippers No. 0

Namn of CamrJ Candimes No RECWEDsu stecto the classlficat ns and ta effect an the date of the issue ofthe Bil of Ladin at li acaa7 19| '? From A |-- ougall theopdesaIbed below.hIl g~ l ezceptasmAud (caniania ard condillof cntetis ofpackages umitwmrkod, conisgned and deslned as ndicated bahl,# Wanh aid carght wuoldcar being undnistna eatr.etanig any pernonrcorporda lnpoastsinofa pruperyunidmr m onimacflagree.t Larr toy its a plac alnoly aand dennifn Its uruu~o~t'whas todclivrt 10asihca rrano ue insidds4a0ma * asiy egred. asla - one ci eator aryofad ppe oat ariypteon ofsai ceute to dsinazle. and as oeac pany at any timeo itshied in all or any cl soid proprly, -ha evuy sonicoeub. parlrandhnudrsalteubet1al nutor narrelsgliallnileis..orilti I th. femsand condtoosd terDmetrighn t io Ladingus fadh (1)Irs Uruform reghtiClssilla o i ic an dlerIa IfrMis b rali ra ral-water lupmnt or tZ in ele oppiclial aN end Shipperebycwlrnaa. thai hsireaie~ w tshatn. maad ocnditia.m or dn saidbill or iedlog, intudinl thema on tse Oactdhrauf SalIon In the dtlasilialin or tlifltedth gasnmes ransportaton o thestllpmerd, en . r -ancodansra byt ablppernd-sceaptedftorhlmesifandhitsalgit-. 7 ConsIgned tot t - I prmgelrpgalt nrstreeddrsosotrwson-Fmrpurposesaitnodlletion only.) 2" Delvery Destlnation; -t/dz 6 AO-tditi44> StW ,2 5 t Adress* -'tctndnnra ~ltyEfd In C arluetrstheretapiyderIordeliveryuboeiperdaniaeeoo Route

Delivering Carrier M 11 Car or Vehicle Initials _No.


-__ ___ Awe, I.~as 'b a f Conrigtner)

ePi etr iS 'To 9 l

rnada~awack o4josed ~ t. nddecried iGNTUR -phro anttchrsd pasr

SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: ThiaIs to carty thatea o-narnedhovo-oiod Mmtrals amePfmy cflalueddescdibed, acka marked and SIGNATURE ITLE labeled. and r per cardilon for ran On accrding to the applieblereguations of eDepattment of ihansportatuan. *lithe shipment nmovesbetwen wo plrts by acrner water. the lawrequires that the bill of lading shall state whether it is cardersor shippers weight.' **Si pa Imprints In lief stmmp- not a of Bil of Lading approved bythe interstate Commerce Commission. Notore the rain isdepndant ow value a ra required to stale specifically In wrting the ageesd or declared value of the propartyC The agreed or deolared value of the property I hereby specifically stated by the shipper to benet asceeding THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. Theeibr boxes used for this shipment conform to the spec- ilcatons set rnth In the box makers cIIeifcate thereon, and al TotalCharges CORRECT WEIGHTIS LBS. other requirements of the Consolidated Freight Classificatiori. r,Per Agent-Per

permanent post office address of shipperC CII HIMN IL CODAm Icuua1s

I 'BILL OF.AOING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Freed -100-762-7329

Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form No . . (Nm oAarr CSmiers No Carriers No I E ED sub othec vifacab tao sa on t s ofthe ise of the Bill of cakd atganypmmo~or so hiarido lopnetywn.colsu to mall olls motpark nfd*, enda d tmto.I edns ;atedme t n oaor bie ni i oat oddtan i noMeallygeed asbeach candarealaloreny of soad popany otxll or anypotdon orasaldalendestination mndestoo ech patty 00any m-dehroeuInaS rany fseddpr.pany al 8,1*50 peoran ouil hlbnade lhetaeradceidns oflthelorm Domestio eSraghdBll oftoa gb -c llrthi inUliarm Freigid Classilicn in ltioon the dale herof || tia is a rallor aralbewarr hipmani. o {' 2) Mri ehpplcableilobtanauwcanlerdakscallanormr *Shipperhfraby cM1illalht hotis lsiltlar ullh allin tim end anlcndlkms ui ld of iadknr, Includirg of ill thorse cu -h bach thereaf. tt loth i6 ko deasailieon or tadl? wita goerts theatmandilasipmtenltanpflrta ta aidbrminaand cadni'ae agreedN0 by shipsarrnde4spldfortneillandlis Igni. Consigned to riedain eaae stint eddres af Cfeang-Forparponofasadficailananly) Deiatlo 0 it ____ h 1A--- Addres* Ta bellied beIn ueobawWspprdeutnnnsod aovenqt; bumnsPtosdsfeorfter eelw. Route

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle initials No. NO. HAZARDOUS .. EIGHT :.CLASS 3Sle71codte. PACIGES M RLS DESCRIP1ONOFARTICLES, SPECIALMARKSANDE(CEPTIONS SUB oCORRO R0 .coalgnee 'anIhOt rour. on to -. OA nor l spr edralgaela -'- cme n a ne o a s M.ty

altaauthersrais diuu W -p ' shp Wdw

la-11aOtonsignor)Wbt 7hvnW.Is,041 = to ,splpa"T 1ti-Pre..Id.

. .- ...... iS stlprepao nil tho4.0chargoes

Apontoraan er


-eg sad: SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This isto carti that the above-namned maenals are proberiy classiied, desecbed, packaged, marked and labled, ad are Inproperconditlonfortranporationacordingtolhe SIGNATURE TTLE applicableregulatis ofhflDepadmsntofTranspodaton. - *It ac shiprnent nioe between two-parts by acerrier tvywater, the law reqire. that the bill of lading shalt state whether it is 'carrlea' or-shiipper's weight? "'Shiper. Imprint. In Eleo of etampm not a pat of Sill of Ldtng approved bythe Interstate Commerca Comisaton.-- C.O.D. SHIMEN Nolo-wlremthe rate is dependent on valus, shippers ars required to slale space ttin wing ft agreed or declared valua of the propetty.CO .An The agreed or declared value of the property la htereby epeclfically etated by the shipper to be not exceeding- This SHIPMEFit SCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. "'he fibre-boxesused for tis~shipmerit caoi otheSpec- Cleto e Ilicaton, stforth in the box rmaker, certificate tharon, ad alt Total Charges CORAECT WEIGHT IS -LPS- - c -oilier ragtamantasotthe Consolidated Freight Classilicaion.Sipr re

..-- pe~r, PerA t r

Permanent post office address of shipper

It .. 1an acunoldgemrent that a a1m1orLading Mas been9 Issued andaSnor IM, Orrginal bar taLrig, nor Ths ,Memorandum . copy or duplicate, covering Mhe property named herein, and Is intended soely for riling or record. Shppers No

Name of Carrier) Garnet No. RECEIVED sufreac1 the ci sIficalions and tariffs n ect n the dale a the receipt by the carrier of the properydescribed in the Original-Billeo Lading, at Z / ig9. ' From ' fl-7 ... /

as, p. arwya a nsr h dA alyngt ancannc. arol Or rd m ae n it is a roil or a rai-waner oheipri,Or (2) in the applicble motorcamier dcailicatin or .a 1N tan -bhetarms endoion s ot aeUdlrm DOrete Stralht giltor Ladiigset tort [t) i UnilormFretgN Classtlicatics in elect enle dale hereer,this set h .1 M in hlassstlaeflionr ftalit ales gavene thetrapetortilanofslipmh.1andnei, Shipperreby cart|.en am is reillar wilh nt, tar. ad conditl are id will t iedine, hiidin Ihos. en e back thereat, tar. the saId armaand c'ndite e terebyagee to bythcstlpperad acceptedtartimaelf ands elesg. '.1, X2k.. ~ ~ / Consigned . ------laltlorasirestaddres atrcensIgerFtpurpose, fattiileetan enlt.) - - -Tbiln eDelivery Destinatill Sta' ZIP= Cou~nty' -a 4~> Address- U /_ . 6" Route

- 2 etieemgitelaiSeNo. e Deliverin Carrier4 Car or Vehicle Initials adele * f AERIS DESCR1PTONOFARTICLES. SPECIAL MARSANDESUBJECO CORRAL OR Rs ...... N-'I . .- e 1ine btA- waursea ,-2 c =nsn "r th c nsi lreha sgnthe ee shalat maa daeary W - Mie ipment salmut peynet of SreIghtaInd all oderthrrliher.

p ald,wrIte or I e e P b

eeIvedS ______

Agent arCashIer.

er the sigtntue here acnimoledes ntly the.smounts prepettdl tite bxesuse fo 1,1 alipmnt onlottito he pec TI-SC SIIPENTISe m CRRETLYDas~is~O. chars adsianrd: SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This IS to cartily that be abovnanaed materia areproperly classified, describedl pactaged, marked and SIGNATURE TITLE labeled, andare inproper condilion for transporlalin according to the applaeabiaregurationsollhe Ospartment ciTranseporlalivn. C.O.D. SHIPMENT it the siprent movesbetween two ports bya calrier bywater, the law requires that he bil oflading shall state whether it is 'canies or shIppers weight." Shippers Imprits In lIau of stamp; not a part of 13111 of Lading approVed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Note-Welere the tae is dependent on value, shippers are required to state specicadly in writing the agreed or decanedvalue of the property, C.O.D. Amt The agreed or declared value ofithe property, I hereby Specifically stated by ths shipper to be not anceeding Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENTIS CORRECTLY]ESCRIBED, ;jbTheb lRa; eed Qo-ti aiimn Iofr ications setfrth in lte box makers certilicaMe theireon, and all 0tese-- Shipper Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHTIS LB& othernequirementS OruMeConoildatodFreightcassilication. Per

Shipper, Per n e r

Permanent post office address of shipper ( ) r( To Reorder CallToll-Free 1-800-421-1 222 BILL OF LADING 2 yIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAXTol-IFreeBO 10-762-73 9

OriinNt ble Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shippers No ShNppersBo rI!ia~qM t lab, -- - -(Name of Carrieri - -Carrier's No.

RECEI Du e to the ciasslfi anand tardf in effect on the date of the issue of the Bil Of Lagl g.0 aA eZ la r,, /hf/ From - h tsa id deinatlor It is * roanaea narem'pcrnlion il, peesoramothe proetttdar Le conrct) casts to calry lna adsulace of dahoayeat-ai destnaton,itean la ao, olhernti o dd~ir tolhcater on tedt eclo to epartned harmunderelhn be aubacetoof mualus are. -to - Catrderaf altr ayatsaldpropal ty 'or el rany poal to taid rourtt deaain, endaslto -c parlyal any -rukitarosted in il arany oftaId propert. thatlmory t llma a railwalor shipmomtor (2 11ri lhplcabldal c errcseratbinortenirIem Sle tmesndcondtlon alte Uniloan DornasuSbaight 0m o1 Ltdig setinith (I) IiIruform Freight calasmton An eftct onl *e data hot. iseder which goemaiautraeporltainetaandaeltsmaee, Shppsr herby sertlfles thuthe s blarehti atnh a2 etaerm end condilhasth id bloldng, ncdthoe aentht eak eara, eel lasttintbe e nalittadenterlatdir S-waintrmsaad dlml-eaty age. ta bythatnipernd pled Is netsend-m algra.em,

.. . .. --- (Mailaer atuddrame onigee-Fprsastrndflritioeny.) n ,s~tnth 4 Address* - -rbean 5Usda Maydwhenttpdss andi a vaehiameprdst.Idwtery heaer.

Destinatiot -1-4a I4'M Eut 1saeo Addresstos isdfW e calebadtlaig.d it I Delivering Carrier i Car or Vehicletnitlis ~No. EXCEPIONS CLASS "' .1ARTICLES, 1 AADU SPECIAL DESCPFON MARK

Paagp bnair e Prad M -/- - g _




SHIPPERS CERITFtCATION: This is to cenify that the abov-named materials arepropedy classatied, descdbed, packaged. marked and SIGNATURE - IlE- abeledmddr an r rprcniinfrtasa tiao iodng 1. the SINTRTTL applicable reidations the Departmento1Tansportatlon. -o-t- C.O.D. SHIPMENT *It the shipment moves betweento ports by-acarder b water, the law requires tha the billof lading shall state whetheri is carders orhippea waight." *13 Sh er'a imprint in oeu of stamp; note eart of ll of Lading approved by th Intesirsto Comerce Commisalon Nal.- ea the rate is dpendeant on value, shipper arwe rquiredto mtat speclfically In writing the aged or declared value of the property. Toteogroed or; decad valu ofte proprty is hereby epseolaelY stated by lt.e chipper tWbe, not axo..dng Collection Fee al THIS1 SHIIPME T IS CORRECTLYD SCRIED , tical-The ons Obre eetboxes orm in used lh. box to,make this cnto s ipm thereon,et confor aid m to the spec. StoNpperTotal Charges Classilicsion. CORRECTWEIHT IS - -..- - s. otherrequremems othe Consolidated Freight S erPer - e nt P r

Permanent post office address of shlp(for 1-LVNN'S TRUCK SiDP SHREWSBURY, NA W1545 6 -1I8-20vi7 CERT1FIED SC-LE 7:18AM

SNBOUND 103440i lb /90

1w7700 1o SfEERING 4940 lb DRiV/E 49800 lb TANDEN



REW~iG 31.0 FIRST WEiGH "i8.kJ

'COPY BILL OF LADING To Reorder CalI Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Fire 1-80762-7329 OrigilnauirtrNegitable Straight Bill of. Lading-ShortF m ~h~es No;

(Name of Caaer Carrier's No -.. RE ED subject4 to the clasailcalli nd Ianffs in ea on the ao the issue of the at /43s> operand tanyIt n~ Iufnhedasitoad il h~di 4v 'ta e wactduottltb:' Fro 0Ae/, / r_ /xf. agLwyand oae act) agoto ary iwtotusue plci dkwtadtno 1Mca oal.1 eut dwsen i aosddit t cnar eetas to en antern ther rr m pasaey n e or oely u o nre coti ot gres to d crnyon. and a ehd plaeny at de iel atera ed Itttanon i od oier p ill Mye a Mto d el Mayvero Milasotoatadernilen hem and d s car rt e daUnerh D Chmisul ii 1tt5 Ldbrl eer rth (i1) In Undrm Freight Cl aion in awejtct an Midtheae th In a ad or a rai-water shipan or (21 itn hi applieatlMtordcarrrsilicationtarNa

SIhuntadendacrudlansarelt-abyn tat by te.shippr andDhacae ffarerneitahila e ign

0estination A r es tatt Routetah5uty!!C.r ~ flE2f Tb SdIadnonly seien SppardsrBnd- gonsmiogunfit. proUld~ler ddissely hmc

* Delvering Carrier / z2A. Z 4 Car or.Vehicle Initials No PACKAGES MARS DESCRF110OF ARTICLES, SPECIALMARKSANDEXCEPTIONS OECH CLASS PACKAGES MATERIALS (SUBJEC TOCCRq . R RATE. M1. hPOdSt e 0.for to e U // zagf jo sm i... ethstco ______~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ______-eal sheel a eary a

igt Pa nteraworhjr ags.o ar/ofiUD a: a'il-aO or dose.

|Per - s//---- 49sAjM-.,p Age n torb t,asl ita---

toe gplylap ra nted;hchre

a aedgaso sare-uae

SHIPPERS CERTTIFICATION TIgeIsto Certif thetihabMe-rfl iaed oleto mTIalSTHIS ar S-__S sppey 9 ORCL DSRBD T g_ claslied. desebed. packaged, marked and SIGNATUREriigt h TITLE -. Agentorh d l a c Orand M .tiu. a ______cond in for trans are in proper c aeled and ______TaE .C.O.D. SH IPMENT *0lairh ur shp iav.s betweentwanparts byacarrieb ater, the la requres thedtde be of lading shalt sMate whathar it is "carner's atrshipper's weight- "...S IM N "SO OralImprints ialieu of stamepi nota artof Oill of Lading a pod by the brdrate Commverce Commotation. Note- hrt rate dependeritnvalue ararrqutredt pe cicayin rngth gr The earad or declared value of the proporty ahIereby spevlfically ataed by the shipper to be not exceeding______THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRCTLY OESCRIBED. *'m Th'bra beas used for isla shipment conform to thl ec-Ioieaull. Wlicatons sat forth in die boxt makets erllicate thereon, and all Shrpper Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHTIS LBne other rquirements of the Consolidated Froight Classification. Pa

Permanent post offlice address of shipper FLYNN S -RUCk HTIOP SHRWEWSB3UR6 Y, 0164 E LE IlFIED SCALE


364u lb 4140 Ab DRI VE 50480 lb TANDEI

44 lb GROSS /o2 4L; / "--"9 ( J -- _ICO

FX~S( w~l5iA ~4. ~aw Rd--EL16H t~1?IV.4

COPY BILL OFLADING ToReord6r Call TolbFree 1-800-421-1222. VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FM- or FAXTolI-Fr6eI-800-782-7329

OriginalNot Negotiable Straight.Bi of Lad ing-Short~ Form Shppe~N0~

rNaeof Carrier) Cariers No RECEaVED, sb tts Oct of the ssue of the Bill of Ladin aty ' Tq r rise7Pom ')f-

coraract asmening any prsn e opaorin In passassion oftha proponyaoder the conral)~ egrecsin carryto its unleplace o dolveryat sa- desottnaln irs anis rau.tiasto dobese inllr to anoe carder5 On the so.t to sakdladstmedtan Tuiaj agiend. as to eac coner ofas oranyf atid property-vrl at anypaon ao said louie 0 dintalli andaato ac pony at any arnalrnerostod in aa rry ot sald proporly Sial aOey seraico io b- poriurod tarameioatasiubjcta dhtirnts d condftonscttr th oarmiorm rnsil Stlrah oftLading etfaith (1) in Unikwrn Fraight clasilcatln tIrlallcionim datshero illl Ilas, rat mra rai-waerpatr napplcb I #in tl nioflhrcnlrclassaifatioor. amtdaileusIs shipperherey csuijIa tihe la rmtir id, 11t ts I-n aund eandliane ert ih alhiase ang, Iitlmtdlig thoa. an Ou, back rierat matfthit in thim clasiliallaora tasr tuiil gavuemea trmnpfralniishpmeunlr-arndCr haes1terna canditons -- ers d byt r a scepted o hamelf andlaeasigns. I ed tAsa rConsigna rcao gnes- Fe purpo as o f lot 0 n1y4 rattrat~ /71plmon -f resos woslv doore.1* "Tobeitan I Gadrywher- -nabppdashenandgnaeringteadchprmIda or deflaytilract iutP,

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle initials No. NP A HAZArDLS DESCRIPiONOFARTICLESrSPECALMARSANDEXCETONS U E T CORFL R RTE ars t *PACKAES MTERlALS UT______CC ___ .k la ifItais aressigtns - e s -

Uis an amost I Ib dhqe

/ rw-.- go

Q m~~~mnrpcheacrsh~pd . . I .er A h I SHIPPERS~~~~nlbl CETFCAIN Thisoa WitsponpOrsid

mateals arpro rcasiad,dasenbed, psaagd marked and . SIGNATURE TITLE labeled, endera n Proper condiion for ran rration according totie s opplicable ragialkmorscithe Peparmentol lraportaioni lithe shipent movas betweentwo ports bya carner bywater tho law requires that the bil of lading shall tatoewhether ils carmer's or shippet we ght " "*Sh e Imints lnu f rt a l Bill of Lading approved by the Intarstalb Comrnerce Commiatntalon. . Not'e- Mrte rate Isdependenti n on Valuean pf a armreqred to stat spec11ically inwrillngte agreed or declared value of the property..C agreed or doolsmadivaues of the propetty aierfj spcifially swatemby timeshipper be not axceading .MAn d ., Collection, Fee ThIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. The tibre boxes used for this shlpmnit conlonn to the spe- Ificalans set [ari in e box makers crlhlicate tharoni and all Shipper Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT i9 H 3 other requirements of the Consoldoed Fraight Classilicalion. -hn'7 A. C/fC// ;~taa t~r~ I_ ntpPiper ______Permaoent post ffice address of shipper I U FLYNN'S TRUCK ST1UP SHREWSBURY,a MA01545 b-1t3-e CERAIFIED SCALE

INBOUND 1103600 lb q/to I.


LUOP 1- 1119

4R' E1GH 4t.a o E$E 1 0H $1. ',IL


1% iLOF LADING To IReorder Call Toll-Free 1-8O-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329 --- ,,. -..-...... ------. ------S Original-NotNe otlabe Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shippe - - - . Shippers No. (Namne of Carer) Carriers No RECEI sultpf [cassAf I on, aaao the isseo theBal of 6q.;

ipprly dascriled h wna good ordecevis noted (onlntncdl c~onr f pacage rnwn, marted nsd ado de sdsdicled belo n dimklSamdar (twde alrorbeindgundabod hroo uthis 5ia snkaifrn any pln roo n in p s srthp eymihnr )g soay apcnd y d n tnln u, ls a ranhr nrnb utde r n.s

* etatents arnd conditornsaof th Uitorm Dome~sse rlgtBi rtdig aSoth()giu oraregtclsilrnn neleto iidle arc m sIBrooiosat Umraliibr r(2 nDi ppiai$mlr ~rer cRoialClllonor caldoIlnefeais hereby ca rils iabyohe l bam tie hte emnd dcopl fth ai al o ddriinluagrhsea le aisUaroe etfrl l he soldala r alilwih olm 11tasprtdn fthsnhpmn,.n


* ne latitn Stat ip... nm / . Address

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials; No.

PACKAGES HTRIS DESCRPTION OFARTICLES. SpECA.MARkscANoECEPTIONs: inullECTCOR ORRTE efrelgn vlhae rtss. aas. - Thcetir taR rnd ry t */ I J / ,iz 50 r) , le an d osi- t - - alga.ns-~ t.Npzent tle& "aelita t S praffl a chWasm a /0&f1 3 4c

Sal tilrr

- iolao ae Ioaspier. tlee

Per (Tealgsu.Iosanwtde

Charge.advanced: SHIPPERS CERTIFCATION: This is to carify that the above-narlted maledalsareup classiled, described,-packaged;rarked and SIGNATURE TITLE tabeledand arenprpr meian for troartatio ccording to the aplcabllareguhaionsothaDeparrimentiof ranspoaria. -- C.O.D. SHIPMENT Ifthe shipment moves bolwoentwo ports by a carrlar twatr, the law requires that the bill of lading shall state whether it is carriers or shippers weigh. Shiper's imprints In Hal of stmp; not a part of Oil of t.ading approved the intetale Commec, CommtSolon. Note.Veretheraie is dopondeni onvalue. ers are required to state se ty in wiling the agreed or daclared value of the property. CO DA. I- Th, agreed or declared valu. of the prop t heray speciinally statd bythe shipper to be not exceeding ColleCion e - THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " The libreoxes used or this shipmerit cnoln to thespec- isaians set forth In he boxmakers certilice therson.and ll Shippar Total Charges CORRECT WEIGKT IS - - .. other requiement the Consolidated Freight Classication. P

na tr Shipp Pfer Permhanent post office address of shipperO FLYNNI0 S TRUCK SiOP


? -

- INBOUND 10634w lb C o

15 ib SfEERIN6 f3,20 lb DR1VE 32:76tib TANDEM

L~UOP 1 1123


r-1-SCi-lAlED GALE

p.NLjUND 98L b

IW/bO ib S[EE14±I A41abw lb 9R1U q686i lb ANDEN

L0ip ID 1114


lOPY-- - -- BILLOF LADING To Reorder Calf Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX-Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329

Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Ladig-~Short Form~~e A

(Narne of Carder) Carrier's No.

Ihaartooet, dsoted b.ldIensparebgoodaorder, --eptanaiad (erdntonnsa i asriaerlmof packaget srnswr. mared, onsandndttsne asrtslbobeh'ithcaltdcar wlartthaardcamn ar mgnertagoihAmi - coietas nmstrinery prann or cororflIn' pessionc of -hvaael under thecortaciogrees in artl ils usualp~lan Of deltmory-e said damtritn irt ot a, aten.. ise dallar la srolrter en 0rie ola e aman 1ti inulualyagoreed, astocadccrf atareryof ad ppon rrly paen-of aidasodtei dr.e andidech'patt ny nirie211iraglimilit-iery aldproerty. - altyrvia hit. paterircdheorudershalibtesuroecto aa he termsand caondioh Uridatrrste SraghtB i3 dirg sotfat (it Urdam Freigttcassuican ofin ellec an 1o d hnld lis tarasore riwter ittirr. or(2) In the appable mle anir assaon Br oaii Ii n Cormershpment.- -o shippne rty omnia- h Iftarrwithalthetinigs -nridttrs sa--adidlatdg. netiadithms. CO -ue sat bs In idet llnrttrtNdir hgUetbe transoftn tilpipmt id IItsaiddtermaandmnilIlin Ierensety sored lie shsIpper bn1dseomptadfor hiilf aidhliltsin - .- Consgnedte/i~aAt'~&-t Zead-cqy?~9e I-

r -ddress e - rebelisdlal senshippWrdenko. -dgowatoglngtdpraiuiderardowvrythrrof, /A.SI-

Delivering Carrier- X. UIW Os Car or Vehicle InitIals No. -- NO. H RDOUS DESCRIPTION OF ATICLES SPECIAL MARKS AND ECPTIONS WEIHT CLAS PACKAGE MATERIALS (SUBJECT TOCORRJI OR RATEFV owbe dahudwde". nosr thisIi / CA s h .29. I6 AJC. Z 22t Les Li .3F__ nir' onershell wit Wak debiy at -e e inha pre i.a at

(ne lahialefulea r .

It I -_-L Ignanovsas o d4 w.n itgn or

ne ipr athecharges .Rr -lceWd

Agenor canbier.

.- --- -PPer,-

SHIPPERS CERTIFICATON: This Ist cerrly that the abovenmed todails re property clasflod. dsnibod. packaged, raried and SIGNAmURE TITLE aboled, and are in proper condition, for tran otabon acording to the appliable reguatoions or theDeparmintr Csortaton *lfthme Thipmont movs between two pons by a carrerb water. the law requiras that the bill F lading shal state whether it is -carriers or shipput's weighLS SHIPMENT ! Shippets imprnts in leu of clsamp; not a part of 81 of Lading opproved by th mintrostoat Coerca Commiion.-- NOe-Whrs the rate is dependan on a volu., shippers are required to ta spocificatly in writing tMe agroed or doeared vlue of the Property. C.O.D. Amt The agreed or dactared value of the propity t. hereby opeadlcally seated by the ohipper to be not exetedltig THis SHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " Th fre boeused for ti shipment ctonrn to the spot- Ifloatn sot forth in the box rnakes crficate thereon, arid a 1 Shipper Total Charges ORRECT WEIGHTIS -ES. Iother requireents of the Consofdated Fraight ClawadIation.

Shipper, Per Per Permanent post office address of ab'pper r FL VNN 'I3UCK i I 'i-0 5-18-2l/iSHREWSBi~URY,PslHs 9E2 CEITiFLED SCHLE

LU PILD 1114

lb STEERING Id9bj1W7tO0 lb DRiVE S51280 lb TANDEN

AibtL% 1b GROHS 34QL6|, (vrfre M SINv~&H3.1

jY __ BILL OF LADING To Reorcer Cat Toii-rree i 300,21.1:: VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. F83 orYFXToL-Free 1-800-762-7329

Original-Not Nagotiale Straight Bill Of Lading-Short Form ShippetsNo

(Name of CamerI Carriefs NO RECEIVED, subject to the afi catg andtariffs in effect on the date of the isue of the Bil of Laiir a/)4 4/'awL& ~ 1%Q7From -it #4{/ './p yp&Fo tiopreari dmened el s tn rert goad alder enm1n-s notad (ctA. conddiorrofromanis ofpadne ctlnl. anruttlil coralgred siddsirnid es,,fltilbo l eo mmii xsid !n ta -o cans O~ein e 'ortood dwuxtiow t 01. t a rring ri pEsOnor colninman In poshessn fte prosaney u nder o f mcyn g to wry to I ual lacal ekw yn smid destui.*n, ir an als s ndee la da to rmanarmr en ihnu rute to saiddmstrisn,Is T- a~msavagre d mlaac ernarafwapor arsdpropatymucrllrny parionedr dal ddtatn. inda - incp rarry -mblteld i caloenofid k pir Sa y mueltwtlys ervcolpeorm he rnudwriil beiwiclt al r, !emesadc oidmo lmeu r rOMenrr Srr il grit pe o aii td tt (tg athni .rr"h th.e. infit rlaonIh d flnSW etnheer tmi-u$lisitspiA. or ( Wim opia nernr M es arItid d r h sa

T u shippera ar r . h i a il e ta . ss or - said bla ot bag.ineininng U en Ohebetkote , settfat it i at ti llwt or eril! whth gonrns Otit tranmpotlin P t lilt hm entpo..mod theIssoldtaseni on d anar-batsearemedtohby - rlps errd epiedrulo aiandisri f- ieassig Cn...n n er r4AddAonsigne-Frpp lriatiny

Destinat Pit neDre n

Deliverng Carrier /././g. T Car or Vehicle Initials -- No. 7A5 W N. HAZARDOUS %YEJGHT CLASS S-4 t 701caaan m _____ 0.lmmiIt-i 'ACKAGES ATERIA DESCRIFPIONor ARmLtES, SPECIAL MAIS AND EXCEPIONS fSUB.T O COR. OIPIATE . , b t C er t o dirxitI . rito

-I ShAgnent a pithr. M

______-L#J-t9-27. h~eryofTngpir,admrns

appacabe regultionstotme DepnmentCofnfporttion.

hirrmlutr. rate " d

SHIPPERS CERTICATION: This 1s tocartiyThe that theabovnrnted.agrent decinen"Par. u medals ar e d dscribed, Pakaged, marked and SIG.NURE TniE or abld. and a c In for a t ion a oding to the

" Shl par mns nlieu ofm stamp; n ot rt il of LadIng oppro,,od by0 Ifinitst CommanceCommission. Tem ostdoffie vaThesof hpdpger T ouspecificallyme prby stted by the shippr to notx edingf -lle t i s

S SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. **The librenn used ts shipment c o thes lor ,.icationsI forthThe In hmskers box cnd r thrt thatt Shtppe CORRECTWEIGHT IS r ne other reirnts of the Coaoled Freght Cltssi.cation.IPer Shipper1Toaerge.._____ r g n ~ e- ~S7 i~ S 4 ~ &gentererer- h i p p e r , P e Perrant post offiee drless of shIpper ''


7fI F RUCK s op


M42t0130 lb £'XNVE

LOOP i 1

i :H pA 'i N:J'i &H tj, was PY FLYN' TRCKSTOP L G9 u11 SHRWSBR V in 01545 4E+TIF.E SCALE


10&du!'_ ib -~g

II 40ftiW lb DRIVE Bj43 t4:W lb T.zIajvp

U Ai14W.6mm 1b GR0-S II IYO0 0 nl ) FfT3 W[IGH 117 x2, ~ REW4EAUH SL.1* I I II II II II

II II II BILL OF LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIARNG OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 Or FAXTall-Free 1-8O-762-7329

Original-N Negolpble Straight Bill of Ladig-Short Form sNo. (Name of Camer) Caiers N' RECEIVED subIet to the itirns and in a ofecton the date of the issue of the 1Bllfa T. atJ x~.,Q 1 Q W ' From / /. lunlirnely anrme tiow m dpst oodad, ecei a r~mdicon- a'rid of rcort~n t5 hga neMQniein,. rrubec cnors10d -datimed as keialod bieo bid' *a camsar et onrrier be r nrteed LritutoI innflract its liig any pfrson or cterpenhay ir pOssfldon co pwagrty trdle tie ctc open to cary ato e is e d ciaty Si -ea doiatul. mwtaoirnan 10 dedier en nier caer ten Uie roeulaidsnlitdaieeutntt qvtmsnac -eam h ens"S=SSZ)1 FmmmmWrdal e __ to terewd ce rie oUaim Oamnincstidngilt -et Lack-g sota t li0etrkillar rrolgmist ic:r aSetd an me da nt it UI - ha ra| $.ar arbae densrzr as i h icae molar came claiicaun or ,ir:1U11il,.

aper hmebcirlifes ha he rwhh an Ueterm adteraee - le enldbI of ldta e an e-bck f -rSaf, s sna cdtamifeatorei 0firt hdle ges e trapnportn of n Sami.e, nd

n igneddn -to

- -- a -ti.- -- -C 6 21*Tr Adin r niodmmadlvriger~pndfreieyhr

L elering Carrier- Car or Veile Initial-s No.


-- _ _ (t__ _ _ _a nor unneignor

M S-0d0 rite r

. RaedS 0t. es

.1 .... .t as.p.p n-ihe hage

IPPEnS CErTF9CATION: This stoert that the abaonarned

pfthcble rguatici oe Deparrnant f sspotation, C.O.D. SHIPMENT S-ithe ,hipmentrnoves bewon two podsbyea cavrler by water,. the law requMe hat j7R~CT~lGTthe big ofI lading LB. ohe~ew~nrl shalloflieor~otdledmedls tas whather it tancaun.s "cmrier'S Or Shipper' weight. ota C are de ShIppes Impdnt in lieu of stamp; not a paot or fil of Lading epprovod by the Interate Commerc. Corniiiori. la-Wero the rate is dependnon value, p perp s re regtured to stame specically In writing hfe agreed or declared vaReoOf the Propety.. C.O.D. * agreed or declared vale of the property tahereby Speciffcally seted by et shipper to be not exnding TIS SHIPMENTIS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. Thei bra boxes ase d frthsipmen rm es Collection F tilstions set tolth In the box marso carlifdat ia thereon, and aI r

hipPer, Per U tzc_ Permanent post office address or shipper I--. FLNIS HNUCK STOP


iNbUUND lfod800 lb

Anf/io1 S TEii~iNu 44200OW lb DRIVE

LOOGP 1i0 1-- 7

5~~ WA (H - . E E 1iH Il ., 0i


INBOUND 1sO3986 i

10920 lb STEERING 4222W lb DRIVE t5840 lb TANDEM

LUOP ID 1139

£~ t~dibH ?:t-.MuL mt-JL6H $1 .eiF PYI;NNU Ip BILL OF LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free 1 -00-762-7329.

Ori na-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form

I /YI:LYAj&JU4 iNane of Carrer) Carrier's No. RECEIVED, subject to the cisifi sand injflect on the date of the issue of the 1I of Lati at.A. e A)/ 19--';c/y / From ... )1 vtipenoesnbed blow .surenoieanider.6epas al d(ein-fce'nonowdenis o ssuinon,mkseen.cis1rdan desimed ad atialer whict - canurewrmitertaingundrnadtrrugInSu noetat omainganypersor corporal.n inpossems alt petider the cmracl oen tocany toels sal plaeor darirely maa dealninirn il n s Ecas, as tao dee to waoher ramrn t tige t said Uesfinatco.itis mtutuatlyagreed, asitoachmt'rOafgharmyersaid proparlyover aicrony pertlr ofrsaimulaitodtest-n ndato -orty staryllmeirlwreostwal-tY or1nyC wot~pry -halery aM obe perotrmed serertiallbcuflltala &hoteas and ccanditiers of lhe Untifo Sderns Stralgl Bl oi Ladisig Lt-fores (1) tn Urliemr Freih Clesadicalori in etlef en the dae heat I lhs s t rile d a rail.alra twpetr 21 in ihclasscalrwortiltnUbeu6ntmalarcadaap mo.trrierabOipen...- shipperrebvcerltthlatthetsltambiar.faltth.eterma ndcondteens-ofthesald blearading ndudlngloeasanthsebacttern. SlfothitnUse elaasineUdaorbititthiagfvemiret~anp~tEn 0fiNr .hipmeni,end II es.atdtmreman raahre ry rnds acufrnimtrh ndItsasagna. I O-U5

Stat- Ibe dd relwss'preleadoeagadipodfresrteafitpo tfCountyAddr

Delivering Carrier t'fU s Car or Vehicle Initials -No.- eA - -a _w_ _ __ _ NO. [HAZARDOUS stues fi itt h lo PACK(AGESSMATRInALSI DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES, SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS -rTn rR Tf

re. u fn , rod e'tat"W? ra da ikeeset t S -'1. 4 Go Pe-dhe .elW suied-. Me Rteli. dotletyi .1 Ittslieethier beA C t Per

/29g F CSheosn of CaeriIgsfl.



tO imiprp soseesd. oei eeos ew) Chargesedvned: SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: Thi is to crtify thatthe aove-named materials are properly classdied, destbed. packaged, marked and SIGNATURE TITLE labeled, and are in propercondition for treasdation according tothe apptiablArgulaions of the Doparitmentor Transponartn. C.O.D. SHIPMENT - the shipment moves baiween two part, by a carrier bywatr, the law requires that the bilt of lading shall slate whether it is 'camners or shippers weight! I "SShIpper's Imprint. In lieu af @tamp; not a pat of Bil of Lading approved by the interstate Commerce canmsaiot.. Note-Where the rate is dependent on value, shippers are requIred to state specifically in writing the agmod or declared varueof the propery. C.0.D. Amit Th' agreed or declared value of the properly Is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exeolding Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CCRPECTLY DESCRSED.j" The hire boaesused for il shipmni conform to the spe- I Iications set forth in the box matker,conicata thereon, endl Shipper Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT IS S. other rlqurements .1 Iho Consilidaled Freight Cinssification' Per....-- Shipper, Per

Permanent post office address of shipper am . LVPJI' TR1UCK bTtiP SiHNEWSBURY~ng4 et5*t CERI 1FIED dCfALE


iA992 lb STEERING 9SS8j ib DHIVE 742 lb ft-NDENr

LUup .tu jg -N PY I BILL OF LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX Tol -Free 1-800-762-7329

Original-Not Negotiable . Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shippers

11 4Erq, ROj'a iName of Caraerl Carriers No RECEIVED, sub to the classification nd tan in naet on e of-the Issue of the Bill of Ladi . at $ ,2:' 7From thallroparrydesnried belkneri e~~Mgoadwee eiaiestanlad (contnt irdndconieitateon weimisi. sunulen) melked cosadndaineda dnadbeta. efehde -framerthwori Canertang urittoodd&votihoues c ct islee nttl g any perscner cetlhignI psesi oe~t-l e o nder ft catiledi-oaealto-cany to ls usal p-c of ellsy et -ai desikltila airtls rout, altcteilelo. de=6ve1 to t cant, asrdie rolrndeiatonsaid1o-Ills n atecn rvierof Srcanp ataad propeneyonerata any pottlasnof aidrusttaldmtintbllenaaiead pmeriyangintend in - a asipryge- eevy earwceobe peermedbe'rnmderske -olbeDemat lrmiestysrge1il esrlona ssdeie Uim ssrne, aa t- akfnslmm fitaansschii.SneelrltIat Il~s~iwjb ,varev)in, .od -M0c4 rtcssarzthetiysi. aciorni un aiiin rpeLnrn Dmsl tagiUE aing it ck b rt tle*Frih Cisicla t i e e -ack norilIesz ae rai Mt ral-wal aashi tells w)Inimappca, otor smnir casscalir 1at it ii isnd

I h. eMiI p . - - -Cosietcon . greed h Xp0 r a -- - - - A -- 0 De flerj('- Destinalo Ste 7Zp Conty - Addrase _ To i mo tsy lstirs n r Wpdesiproedeterdolhe tha r.

Route , -

Delivering Carrier- S Car or Vehicle Initials No.

- DESCRIPTION OFARTCLES, SPECALMARS-AND EXCEPrIDNS - _ieoif i r S . I ads c GES TMATIALS (StIBJTECTrTO CORR.I CLASCRATEI eb .,v halt as tWe / II- ,0 68 -*'s a - - . t e pre deder a Prr

_____ II 1 .//n~9O .7. It stiflesre tobepafttf rctso aReceiedpiei Iia ynal ______I-.

II- ___ . (53Cc ,.od

Aget rcaner h-K __

aittl ertnta hrepeldied 4-

HIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This s to eeoify that the above-named tanials ur properly dasdied, described, packaged, miarkedand SIGNATURE 1,l1d, and are la proper condition for transportation according to the TITLE apisaguiltorns of the Dopariment of TranspC..tDn. S *1 Ithe shipment moner betweein twio ports by a camner byI trn h n eursta h ilo aigsadaeewasri s"are' rsiprswih. ShIppers Imprints in Reu adstamp; not a pan of aill of Leding approved by the Interstate Commerce Comiasion. teertheratelserdedoivalue sippersa ereqired to state speeically in wrtingte agreedordeclaed ractusth property. COD.Amn agreed or declarec va. of th. pperty Ishereby specilleally stated by the shipper to be not exceeding THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY OESCRi8ED. "The ibre boxes used for this stpent t Collection Feetohp. iications set forth in the boxmaers certlict hron, nd en Shipper Total Charges MEORRECTWEIGHTIS -. OS. erinetreqirments of ie Consolidated Freight CInlscon P per, Per nt--

Permanentpt icfe address of shipper BILL OF LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free .-800-762-7329 Origina eabl Straight Bill argiI-N I N II of Lading-snort F Shippers.orm No.6 (Name of Carnier) Carres No RECEmLD su ectto th e las ificatvgsand tariffs eton the date of the issue of the Bill of - -t .t/ 1 mu From emopeny deCsend below,in appant good oder, enmpes ed bostn'- an anti'na coxneru or ~~ ijnekagts unka area: conied an deens *S indiented nelCk, Mihts - driamr (Ma flO cant Owng mIainedSnthroughon I cnvraci ameflrnrg any peimner cfUorprn inoos sssanaomprponytrne earledi GgefiocanytoilI usual piee-ar dey asiasinaGbOiT WIr 5OTO dinrtoancurmc Sier n mentosaid dtesalin.||is arumise mulny In co anrer clgor ony01sa-alpbopery owera oranly petrl, ofsald roc to danti, ar - sue erl alyieii raadndrar yalse tln t oIyg id prop , n ony;1ha ely1el oo- perfarindherel.l-r be-su*ojetaM - In inas and conddeonsalofhe Urniormn Domnale Siral a cBi sae Engin I teh , t)inkUnlar Fnlght C105aisolt in diuCIUo dda 5tda , ti i eOr WAm onimbw eErrfpiitn. 0r-12) in thBappiairumioliiteanic25laionrlang -loer easiershiprnent. - Shpper hserby carns. that hie tferilnr silits li) thelm uurn i csedttlens cr he Gls 5* ij of Maint;, IaCtsedhig tiI en t, UbcC i rteel r . 60 t t011 .rhanini dStll~C0fitts a or eof-n90lftreilptnstitfdhlti'ripeliiintsU er imth nd ltsigit.. condlionaroery tast 9 by helpprentccepted 3ansignerinsaold temd t - - a

aretraWtaddra egneW-ForprAddresp roeaedinanlyrwhn eh.. oend .ittn n t esidasswdetnny ryaen. IRoute6 Delivering Carrier / Car or Vehicle Initials No.. NO. HAZARDOUS DESCRIPTION OFARTICLES SPECLALMARKSAND EXCEPTIONS T n waeandli (.rof

nt prhpipsi I rent thstra aish writ

11". JZ dt9b

he herpeawa dgeSYISO f ===- -, ;tee.

sAigeaigr a- r. sidwadix


PWHIPPERSCElFTIRCATION: This is tocetly that thue above-namned aterials areproperty classited, described, packaged, sre toread SIGNATURE TITLE beted.and are in proper condition .or tran orttion according to lhe applicable regultins of the Department of rportoaion. IPMENT SItthe shipmert moves between two ports by carner bwaer. the lawrequires tht the bil of lading shalt stale whether it is carriersorshipparsweinht ?O SH Shipper'sImprints In lieu of stamp; not , part of G1 of Lading approved bythse Interstate Commerce Comisresion. rlUhte.Where the rate is dependent an value, sh:ppers are required to state specifically in wttng the agreed or declared value of the property. c agreed or declared vaue of the property Is hereby speciteally stated by the shIpper to be not exceeding THIS SHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY t)ESCABED. " Th fibreboxes usedFor this shIpment conorn to the s Ifications set lorIh in the box makers certificae thsreon. and lI Shipper Total Charges [ORECrW IGTrS me olhorraquiremints ofthe ConsolidatedFreightClassiflcation. hII per, Per Per

I ,i I Permanert post office address of shipper / '-it FLY.NN' -SITRIjCK q bHNEWSbUiYR V,'NA tj-395

l dat-ir; CrtUTIF iED SWlLE

LOOP 1 's I4:

lb STEEtaN&, 43400 Ab DRIVE 54826 lb TANDEi /0 qo00 me4w-n Lb...c'za'.

( ~77

PY." 4 z..~ l'I BILL-OF LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Forrn No. FB3 or. FAX Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329 igina Straight Billof Lding-ShortFormr o

(Name of Carder) Carmers No RECIED, subject t he el ficati and tariffsjn effect on the date of the issue of UheSill of Ldn i t -. 4t..e 4b'+-.. . . e,-M ke..Yo>7 From *..,<.. 2) Pfe/ HEcunirar.t as rniaarmi any 5arin r corporain in posses'o af ahe proney undwer the on ars Io cary to it tad pen at desy at -si dmiatic iton Ils rogie, eerwie to dassera aalar amrn0saiddsnun,Itisheueen n.Aua'fy sored.astao hmai r yrev id prteyowerm an y patener.adanl itsiatn-anas -a patya lillm intaaladrhi trmydunadprsay sneysevic Inbe peienherendw tr annbes ato Sn coa omt mdt ceonba Ce*I~~~ ty g c mest alhtise ta r g st,a i) ituntlmarvrim ossimtimalk i et amda numk e. Itfbta i a S raltcrst wrari-ae hpel r(2J s hdttontpp lcabe melrcritrdclsllnaor

Eantsp rherebw a ifs ae sfmlJlars ns ri rsandpnt codia r n i o ldnanddnmsam acracrmsailenr.inaeetrwlnsvm eerasameomanset n

Cansignedtotn axse i DlIvering carrierCar or Velncle Initials eNo iv01un 4 0: Dle peyis Routeuo DestiIne SibiiIlbi *PACLGES gAAROU DESCRIPION OFAIICE. SPECIALMARn(SANDEXCEPTIONS f5CB CORR.I 0 RTE. asiqe Inha- recourea on the

IrnlanianN alat.r.. Inwed II-.c i w ri o r I- C27'/-Y-

hiP5Sflt 1t0the cius

Ientor Castier.


CPP ERTIFICATION: Thiis. tcartiy that theabovo.narnad at"as ee ed, described, packaIGAhd,rredand SG Th ITIE prpe cdilo "=r r an on according 1oth lOcpcabereguiationaataeandai heOupafrten tof rnsportalion. *Iftheshipmentrnova betwentwo portsbyacatrirrb walerthe lawrequrs that the bill oflading shallstatewhetherd is'caries or shippersweight! C.O.D. SHIPMET Sd Jpers Impeint In Ile tr atemp; nots pat of Bil of Lading appmved bythe intesntate Commtrce Commission. e erethe rateisdependent onvalue, ahpera required to statewspcriallylin wlingo heaed a rdeclard value cr the property. C. A a agreed or declared value of the prope7ty 9 hereby apecificany aimedby Uteshipper lob. not eending ThiS SHIPMENTIS CORECT.Y DESCRIBED. a boxes used for this shient confor, to 0he spec- - - ifications sotforth in the boxmakers carlfit theron, and aI To Chges ORRECTWEIITS es. ote, requirements nfte Conooldated Fruight C!assalran.

Age" Ppr rcr . .S&rdppo' __ Pemnniotofe adeso bpeiPermannt pos offi, addresrofhiPpr aPer.d S TRUCK STOP * SHR~EWSBUR~fY, bjlA14 CERTIFIED10 bC#ALE

1NBOUND 10166w lb

Iwmw i ERINGIa 4eTJh4k lb DIVk 4t6r,0W41 lb 1iWDEn

L u- 21) il4!uW


'Izopy __H 3_._ _ikiistH _. BLL OF. LADING To Reorder Call Toil-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No FB3 or FAX.Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329 Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form

INarne of Caritr-. No RECIlyjD;sub totheclassificlensand effect the date itheissueollheilLadiN at ,t- 410.r 1r ?7From 'C- h &Ir OPenYdartled below. i a dbo rd,-a=pt -snatd Icotfn an condalen of cmens af packwg e na*amc, consanna and desidred as tirtd~ctc balan, wah -adae chte wor carimrbaingundrstod-illuhut ' -- as moaning anyparscr er cobrtini posseo of properw cnre itac the uader asslb a agmsn y to its naf Cic of deey et sidd dasion, i0f o l ose., Othn'e io deSbr to nttr crirc -n usne to saiddeisla'alenito esilysareestosencamwrofallerarycrsaidproperty oer-alaorary perlon drote tadIWasin andscpanyalanrybimalmered inatoraniy Crsd ppry, anVimesreiceoba pwrfurmd knendar -enai ous hetienand araionacl iherofrmoOom1cfragtBSafuiisnattin IlinuireanFrWIgNOGafCias kdiriteneeedaletfleres*1slaadratei-atnrtpmets~lrInktee0pia. maforanitrebtaseraftthssa- - ct mal erfeshipmt. !r~ - --t -5 am ddk mrt Shipper herebyeardifes ialhe tafemllhrtttisan teneriadsonme sok,,, itef le ~ l ad latgectuadineon di.buck Viereo. stfftetinthieelenioasta0trf hlshgevemuri.-brnsperialceathlcashipmeiii and

rilaccpt er trttsamils-asts.- eaidlarmentd endlncit sbyerereed bytheaaipper ICorsignefd to-n~

Destinatla ___ Sta ZP County Adress be flohedIn ."y I'. Sh~per uau ca esuna. ul.pdafrdyteat Route "


ondIsitq,*hat late ___ Sr-mw L's ti a al -l doni tO w ______1~~~~

_ ___ I_ te . p .yin re le tli curges

A _____ -e

ttnsanse oi Cntiorl

II ___I I_____ - 'I______P h - 1

mnaterials are property clasiied. to cerliypackaged, that the above-neried marked CETIFICAION-.Thisdescribed. and SlGNATURE ITLtE ______S lebeled.PPERS and areIn proper condtonl for trn5 fnltln accordig to the appitrablertgultationtsofthe Dapartmatof ronsportation. :.lithe shimet Moves betwern two pals bya courbwtr h a ~ia a h ita a~gsslaseter r it det's or shippers meight.- C.O.D. SHIPMENT Shipper Imprnts in Ileu of stamp; not o art of Bll of t.ding spprved by the interstai Commerce COmmtlaon. Note-Where the rate is deteindent on value, ppors are requked to state spectfically in witing the agreed or declared value a the popoty. C.0.. Ant The agreed or doctored value of the proporty a hereby specifically stated by the shIpper to be not exceeding THISSHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. - *The fbre bses used for this slpent conform to the spec-C ilicalons set oih i the bat maker rlca thereon nd all TO Chages CCRRECTWEIGHT IS Msr other renuirements of tio Consotidated Freight Classification. P ug - Spper, Per -g ant ar - _t4_49' 12Q Permanent post office address of shipper/ Epv


1fz054w lb STEERINti INS2/ z lo DRIVE S. lb TANDEM

tSBWI ib. GROs' 4e060 Al (7- w 14

/ty0MMJ 6 & WEIG ii sT -E - ,- - BILLOF- LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FE3 or FAX Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329

Original-Not Negotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form - -Shipper's No.196 (-

(Name of Carlier) Carrier's No su to the classifications aia4ffs In off on th ate of the issue of Leadi- at - A ga From - heop'ortey desrnted bl parR goo r dar. sipt a. nld i oateni s oni f 0f cern s of paskees uiiknm, iared, consg d an d 11ed as ielcled aeiw, welich said Cer se sld cer baineMnlehstunorsaendiheg c a .fre manin M ny pen r. crpoen nsessoon of the p ario:Irl u ad te i a t o o ef in is usual pae dei l M y at aid d In .11m o ts m e r s" , desi to ime ct t e s eM tualy agrn oreed, r n es Me erallaranyi rse I ropenyo n .ra Crsty peron s ereold- -Msta in, rd s eo rvdhpr yanMyl - ier esid inol ron 1 ld p roperly.,Um erytelcolbbsopssrrmdaherunereshamctsoallb theena n odlon s lc lhe Unilenn DemaiioSirnigt Bill0 tfLairigsethin (t) in Unirina ieit nClainon nlc t on the drnas herO.f , t. a a t ra Brarke afimi ne nt, ortqnr in lthe albnoil ra r I~ clsim i.alo|lliInrisalis Irelorcarners o .it s tpperhrbyerths - a. I. toiiarn ieI sia e en d an dnicos crth sae bla - ang, iclutgthese -n the - Tn oet toolb in tle ctaohitalke newr esl t s w e li, ih ap , at th. akmnt, n IIh-saidtarmsand condillans ar-beesbyegrendta by Oshisperndesd frhsn M iensgn - .t -sa- -7 r6r igriar7in

Destinatla StateZp puny m Address * Ta -n Alednonly wen shippw deim-n goeomingterns proM.dtar datt'.ry Imersa. Route

DlIverin Carriert L~r&5S Ca r Vedicle iiso -No. ______Dellverin Carrier AY4 Car or Vehicle Initials HAZARDOUS DESCRPfCN OFARTlCLES, SPECIALMARKS AND EXCEPTIONS . *WEIGHT MIcSS. I v/ re tfIami. I( sees IN PACAGEGSMATIAI3t ISUBJECTTOCOR on PATh I ni C Wt dreur4s t - 3.. i~ & ~ r-<47 TasAqqo kA&Z Pere [Ir -- a geeCoons lr eCens n O fl wlieShsi - ntdeoro

II __-_


Per -yra (lseign- - er e eseootdge.

HIPRSCERTIFICATIONJ: This is to carlity that the above-rnamed atonial, are proen isle.dsrhd alne. dn n

. ' bled and eain ptopnrcond:ionfto, rtsoorltinaccordinganfrte ;Nt;'~dh Intha ote INIVlSGATURE TITLEi . 1 applcable reguilions or the Depanrent of Trastiporltion. . I the shipment moves betweon two ports by a caniter by water, the iaw requires that the bill of lIding shall sate whter it is "carrios or shippors weiglt. C.O.D. SHIPMENT S p' Imprinta in lieu of stamp; not a parts or it of Lading approvad by the Interstate Conmeone Commission, . rthe rate adependent onv aus shiporeaera aueand In.we ecileallySeenibed In inengthe agreed ddaod.. *a oth propy. an thea greehreb or opeiffiall,OC~mdvlue sttedf te prperty te isipla, tobe ot CoavlectCollctioFee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLYDESCqISED. ** The tiro boes modfor lis shpment confom to the spec- ifications set forthIn the box me r tific reon. and allTotal Charges OECT WEIGHITS l owher requirements of the Consolidated Freight Classificaion.

Sh pe Per II~ -4/-K IIPermanenfpost office address of shipper

t ..

i-' iNNI' S T RUCK S TO1 SNiEWSSURY, if-a tolS&b t tp'- c wlV . CLNTIF1hn SUALE

I NBICUIND 115540 - l b 9dcJD r ]' oh

10~5WW'o I STEERING 445§0 lb DRII!E batS4V ;n fMNlEN

LUU lb I14/.

II ~ ,s~PLAA - sICiif-INiU is

PtY BILL OF-L G To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Forrn No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free1 -800-762-7329 r F Sh-i-p-p-e-r-s---- IdrIginiaINregot Or- --t -- - O a-d-g-- ble -. Straight Bil~ol o ading-shofl Form hIrSNo. ii ~1 k774 Shippers_ INarne of Cariner) Carrers No REC /. suoetouotassificatlons andtas ffect on the date of the issue of the Bill of Lading. -at .n w 2)/ 19* :7h From 7?.5_zt t- 4W/ rflciopsney deneubo i aert godorder qcept as rnoid (conm angeon l omois l pkgs unnlutam . insud ate desAed MawnaisldSe. Acsd c amswor camerIt.vohuandtoeg onrta -i rnin, anyprsn m corpaeeri npson of seproperty unaer mreconnrsctgrees to uanytoe usa pieceer eatisy -l -ad teeon -en rmfas. oflrm e dease In aoSlor die on mihe souls lo aid desubindln.Itoi hwsasiy .greed.n oac ae ra r i lsdpolryo as btorest ay i-poer i y poni at orsd rons t dOStin.o- an d1 5 ese Wn at r rn hnongi eyd getr~l C sieryt. Btts e 51ry cnic bo pareinrmecolStilli:ufcb-lonerSatirde arn n ondale~hns elmeuifnI Owsomanc olgh aig a ntot inh )a urrmronCatdios sr efdmal ~nera.i nsearl m ar -rin t sore 2 d . ~i tw appla -. r cam cisissOi odtaild iiii a shipper breby certifiest he is Faeinar with aa the leuris endcondidtran of 0:e maidbit er tedin. biclidhig ies -enbthech ti. -e faria In -l clrnter er -ariofir gonm -ri entislsionta or irle smt. sa ' t sl. mte"dd hess -btsby areto by Via shippr awpredlor imeif end Iles esign. t on ned tosign - - oriirrel addrs*sor nmrie purposes eroaurtation otl

Destlnafto -6- Sa, zcAdes *-eb- m drenupmkstdg, rninterispn eraurytrser

Delivering Carrier Car orNVehicleoitials- No. HAZ4ROUB MARKSAND XEPTal5 *WE1GH CIASS / DESCR(PnONOFARTC.ES SPECIAL ehoibte a of Iabg It tile c EI MAISII I1TFCtTDCMc 1 -ORMWATE nea. aeti re onm ai .0ec.,.. .i o. ThY ,qz4rn5 lwtfo thr consgar thel sign Vhe Iws Theanete -al ake5 CdUery r

mtnutther h

ste ri b Pea dwsr

tastni id prpvs n t h fs

C.SD.AgtiwageStr $Cnlrror Cashiert.

r neyareei are lsdt.

Chaysvacs: IPP CEflFtCATION: This ist certily thatthe abwegnamed le~Id, ada pni ondition for airoiatn ac dg th it SIGNATURE -TTE applicable regtlations of the oftraspoutation. Department C.O.D. SHIPMENT *lfithes~ipmentmrovesbetweentwo prisbyaecarierbyvwater-thne wrequresrhetthebllol[adlngshail statewbhertiis'crrhorshippswigt." ilt pers Irprints In lieu of stmp not a art of Bill of LadInga proved by thes Interstate Comm~nerc. commisalon. e-hrethe rateis dependent onvalu, i erarequired to st ate specificaly I11writingthe egrewdor dedered Vflue of the property. C.O.D. Amt ______s agreed or declared value of the properly Ihreby mpeeltcaly staled by the shipper to be not exceedinig ~Collection Fee _____ THiS SHIPMEmr IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. "the fr boxes used ror Mihs shipment confrm to the rlICLJ~lili DOOCXITTUOIS~n~t~tBtnervn.Sli El 1n spec- c Inifrhn the makers certificte thereon, andpe Il TtlC ags RPECT WEIGHTIS _ Las other requierments of the Consolidated Freight CsiedS

iA -- Shipper, Per -ent, Per arat 2 ota cadeso 4~hpe 7.. (is *-0L


INBOUND 1W4s6w lb

(I i0200 .b STEERING 4a4u lb DRIVE 5S&+2SW iD TA4NflEN

1 LLJO' 1D A147

F ± HS in i6 t'C EWE 6H $1A. Gir)


I To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Fornn No. F83 or FAXTOII-Free 1-800-762-7329

o-In ------Staigh--i-- of- adi- Short Fom - Shipps- -- Orriin aeg*,ble Straight Bill of 'Lading-Short Form hpesanoR

IN (Name of Cartie Carriers No. RECED. ect to the classifications and tari finjffect on the date of the issue of the Bill of - at-rz, .. $- /)180e-w7 From " (Sheanaciirbtl'udefltdrougrirFes w ,tmarked,cndand'edadidic tastr ic h a-ia c ao as meln ny prscarpa a bi posssMonehe opely tinderi ft olrialesh o cry atoisa ceo deliveky aMtsad dsotriatonA nits rt, ohurselorMpfcksageu da!vr In n n mer e ol & MWdeslinoa,. ees "op a nld (cinI S Wconmacacin mUt'randynsalltgemd4asito doseed tcni-hcarrdner n-bpar rgoandarster.caryci eaip opertla- ralorany purwenois-idte todatanlinaaridtastehtyaterbirt l 'eMinArtry ofaidrpOrty.-aeyWevioobe perirred herasnrshatbesulgedtioe- the inrrn andcontillos cf theUnrr Ocnsli S aiaal Lngq st orl it) inUnfor Feighirlt in et ed dateh~ eret i i sai ra efl hprnt or~ 12ir dim be m ar anier celiasr orlanB if ti isea shipper htby cerufle. that-hetueteifar trl-l lhe lerad cndtha ofthe-faid bill of eding tndialing ho.en the-baltteract .e fwrhn thecasnit rtedesfbhe wtnlwhcha goathe bransporbaen er hla.Iismern.and Sthe W aidan caandon ert ogeedto by tOe shipper endaSep torhi ags. Consigned to / /WACtr -Sbj~~ Delivery StatrtZrtdZdscCnsuntyignepupa Address"., -rb neiolwhoenshipperdtesend gaunentaib ervide rdeitey thereof. oute

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials -No. HAZARDOUS I Sblet ia couO t PPACArl NO DESCRIPTON OF ARTICLES. SPECIALMARKS AND EXCEPTIONS isutrc~flCosnWGT~ ORCLASS fA= b eISOa, It Mr mtWneralu . the - -' - I AS n 2S E' o IAY. 2" The et all - uaf. delw, Wa Sigatur. e lC nagnor)e gg, h IEII 1 1. gmeircaniger nce d. . ha - Adve I-i prgttj~Ieayeteft hecares te "he.b Pnt4

1- _

HIPPERS CEfmFICATiON: This s to certify that the above-arnad Ia rials areproodrly dassified. described. packaged, marked SIGNATUREand TITLE bla ed, and areIn proper conditlon for transponalon according to the appilcabie regultions of theDepartrnnof Transportaion. C.O.D. SHIPMENT - tithe shipment movesbetween twoparts by a carrie by water. the law mequires tfht the bill of iading shall stale whether it is camf or stippers weght Shippers imprints I1 lieu of tamp: not a prt of Bi Ioading approved by the Interstate Commerce Commsison. ate-Where the ratoIs dependent on value, shipper, are reqmued to stoic specifically in writrng the agreed or deciated vnoue of the properly. C.O.D. Amt a agreed or declared value of the property In hereby specmftcanuy ateted by the shipper to be nat exceediig Collection Fee THiS SHIPMENT iS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. FThe fir boxes tie for Od. shiirnent cordom, V = the spec' iilations set forth In the box maker certlc thereon, and Aii Total Chargee ORRECT WEiGHIS ige otherr quirements a the Consiidated Freighilassiijon ,

.. per, Per

Permanent post office address of shipper - H vNN'iTfOCK S4ilp


iNBfOuND 1J2a60 l b

Itr'l0i 1b SFEERINL 40WO lb DM1VYE 614M ib Tf4NOEPI


Fhilt WtIiUH Pb.. &jin 5L5iwala s i. -e

Y_ _ BiLL OFLADING To Reorder CallTol-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3. or FAXTCl-Free 14800-762-7329,

OrIgIna N lab Straight Bill of Lading-S hort Form Shipper'sNo.

IName of Camer- Caie No RECEIED, suje the IIionjyadtariffs on a /fthe ise of Bihead ofLa at y-2~r From

aiapeldmbedbol'&inaparl good warar t and Icunand no ce t of padgin lnWs. skadled.Cnaigan d atand tind flad heit, nd. - tD., inr rc anaM.ldUwynOuiu armetasnicnig ri sese o oreilin-n pssusanof the pioperty unde one ceract aga i-a y =wvo-ts imal pato delsey ald dcastanat o if les.fu olaide to dher 1o aIhr cairler on -i rad to -aidamaot.illa thetensaicrdllnaerth UdlnnDoesa.SragiBilofLain et arh-t)in Utidanrigh Cslfla I iconin ataaci e dIs henil. iis aa rodoruarad-eator dilaenter Sib1n th plicale mlnw minrclatml rwi or t.. aiorar s hiprrnt. -h- - 5hppur herbycarrne. stasf a imil- -lra hetamsadeonedfrna -od th olsd ttlail nhiatding araf. - hel - Sirof. atfortel -liniefniianaor arthich g le ataaptatiola thi- eldpnnt,and y C thtssid armsad-condition n t iynoby .lph en dp Naih ad hs sn - -

onelgned toL6' * t-o/Deliv -esti r dp f r Doiinatfom r. - -99 7{ - runi- U Adrines

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle initIals Nn


- - nr2adelitherawfu.l0mrta hi" - tMt.Stilp OR naEu arwin o

_ _ sW- _ _ _ _ _d


gunt ercashlier fi at -. nmin n

Chaget sadvance HIPPERS CERTIFlCATION: Th Is to cantify that Meabov-namred altials ar- properly classified. described, palcngo, marked and SIGNATURE ~ITLE bled, and are in proper conditioan n, on oding to the applcabe regulations oathe0eparminta of Tansportation. C.O.D. * the shipment moves between Iwoparts by a carrier bwater, the tawrequires that the bil of lading hall statewher I Is 'carriers or shippers weight." SHIPMENT I Sh pars aImprints in lieu of Wamp; not a part of Bli of Lading approved y Inntotatn Conmerco Cominisslon. ota-t e the rale todependent on value, s ppers aMerquired to state Specicaly in wiling the agreed or declared value of the property. C.O.D. Arnt 1,e agreed or declared value of the property Is hereby apeclfically stated by the shipper to be not oceedtrlg TItSSHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. The ibre boxes used tor this shlpment conm to thI Clt WealIons set forthin the tox maker certificte hreon. alTll CORRECT WEIGHT IS asS otterraqureinnts of Ma Consotldaled Freight COssricaion J Shipper

Shipper, Prrlge/ e

Permnanent post office address of shipper

11______BILL OF. LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1400421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329

origtrhat Billof Laing-Short CormS

(MNmn f nrrinri . Camne's No RECEIVED, su 'ect to thncl ligns and taa ailet on the date of the Issue of the Bill of LOdin -H - - -- 7at , a7 ~ j fty. J.&' 2 ff} / t;a/JfFrom #~t.&rz.I - -- 6 iarmpsrty eenadbtla. rpaser goodnider, ecap. 0 nemed(centni andcoird ne ui of e dr adiges naml kn nsignedgad deained as Iae4 be. wrhcr 'aid eging (C wind canCting nder t hrodadb uirgl- rn- consa1asming any peo or corpaud.r inpcazesuinrl of em property under toe contraci) ageicny la Ils usad fila of- delistey at amid destil d an in role, aliria 1n denern anoher carer is-lrell10siddesliainten fhe terand condiansof a's UlDomedOe.Staight dt f Ladgecainrh(t) in UniamFrigt cbsiana noecetwintae dala herae. if INaua miwer aikwtripmarml.~ Ir () ft the a..~. rilrcrp asnalian orlte a 11tileisi mecter camer tflpmac. Shipper herelby sns.n thathe Isfamiter wlanso tmeteens - nd ' adtona- meid bt r lacingaidith. an t. kstkux nut -e faih In lbs dsliiton or twid? whic gnt th brapaitmann -r inpana, -n Ies aidtifrmend cedrsn areb agre eto b y her a stadrlathliat lasuieseleu. Consigned to6-

Sla(MseCrZtZipsa Addresn lr bealiad Inonlywhentimipperdea den ing aott idter -delhwrythaa . 6 I. IRoute 43 4 a£i?.T Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials No. * NO. HAZARDOU wwI~ ~lS1 PACKAGESI MATRIALS I DESCnIPTIONCFARTCLES, SPECIALMARKSAND EXCEPI1ONS (suancr TCL S o TF.

~~j" $ d ) - m~a indestenri makedinty o

-ianissota ayaderag

fsatkd --

SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This 13 to ceri that theOve-nmed- marihals ar ppy eodeseibed, pai k dard ed- SIGNATURE TITLE !abeldand are in Proper cenditten for trans rtton ccrin appijabl rgilations oftheepartmni ransportatoC oh .. S MN T It the shipment moves between two ports by a carrier b water. the law requires that the bill of lading shall slate whether it isterder's or shipper's weight? Shlppers Imprintis in Lou of stamp; not anart of ili ot Lading approved by te Intertete CommeraceOCOmmIalon. NotoVthere ho rate Isdependont onvalue. ppers are required to ale specifically In wrting the agreed or declared valueof the property. C.O.0. Ani Theagreed or declared value of the propory is hereby spearianmly mte by the shipper to be not exceeding THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECrLY DESCRIBED. "The fibre boxes used lorthi shiment conormo to the spec- Iications set forth in the bat maker. curle thereon,and alSh TaC CORRECTWEIGmIS* 1.0 ot euirmetsof eCosoldtedFreight ClasificatAr. r csr

P n pparr, Per ant

Perrnanent porst office address of shipper BILL OF. LADING To Reorder Call Tol-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Forrn No, FBS or FAX Ton-Free 1-800-762-7329

S 4 e .Straight Bi of Lading-Short Form Iignal-Not______AAI NegotiaY/~U 4 (Name of Canier) Carriers No. RECENEWD, sub jct tothe s a dtr t a n he aeo the isu ifthe Bill of liigD-

From -- flhe Dropnydsebcd baeam apartood rder, ezcagtas noted (co-iteni-nd dondai ri et qvenia of packageusnknosi, rnared cored and dalmed asindid aled bt.. which s edwma lire - ei abg trcine nlhlwpthi I colact amnkiganege personcr caportion pinrSme. rth-rpamly undersh o15eracninsto carrye10 ItIliPlacSo daltreryeSidisitii.n 5an as ue calmistd tsr nte aiere ts oitlaid dsWnll. h1is agrs.5 ted. al0 -accanierof . al o a taad properly-o tere paprlan of said romdato dtinlieand - s t, -ac partysi Aim- itesld in aSotr-ay5 srpenpoty. Sratavilly .wic to O padcmied heruner-he-Sbeuiat -i theeinilandeonlisafieUni atirnStcSiaghl~Aaeta.fings f rarto Unitlas rmsghir' snifinletoortihedaleheren m aitier aiastar sealeraatiio2n eeicblnlan-crdrcaetfatorinifasi0

stippernhereby rerlltee ,1 iht eairwhtretelS.trm,,aidandtlonsf cle saksbWilutladlag, inctlig taaeeth-baskUIItertastfat -ni crneanm oriartrt ii* rSW nmiestapor-tiniantrist hetnd 13e andiertndndemis- tdtr heru agreed te slitper~tarid ecsepteddfor imsit-ansesigsr . - -- . nIignr -his D e s- d-eest S s-ilerPurgaes ef aneWllan a ta p- Cowunty .. Add * l's be tilted Hun ady siamn anipp a r n gterlnf provtd. - delierythsraar oute .Di

Delivering Carrier*hD RtN CL Car or Vehicle inilas Nn- Car or Vehicle Initials No - I~~~~VdgCLS PAC GE DESCRIPT-IONOFARTICILES. SPECIALMAAMSANMDEXCEPTIONS ifi we 05 = 05* sonarss withou recurn on Me

.. _ goriada all rotr Ind lW he to sthionetsw.nstornrion an

necivd AgenSWAiwr o car Ier. om"

IAani slir

charged advanced:______

Chao.vere It IPPERSCERT[FICATION: The isto certify that the aboveramed teriaisamperltydssifed. dascribed. packaged, uitarkedemd led, and are It proper condition for i t accoring to she SIGNATURE TITLE appicable rogualtions of the Department of Tnsportation; If theshipment moves between Iwo ports bya camer by water. he law requires that the bil of ading shal stale whether 4 is carries or shippers weght. Shpets Imprints In lIeu of semp; not prt of aIll of Ldtng approved by tIe Intersate Commerce Comatusian. e, Orel rate isdependent on value, persare required soslate specifically in wnting the agreed or declared value of tMeproperty. eagreed or deCoaredvalue of the property ls hereby epecifically stated by he ehipper to be not exeneding THIS SHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. Thefibre boess used for this shipment conform tl the pec- ificalons setforth in the bonmaker, ceftoicat Cleron, Snd afl RECT WEIGHT iS ILB other requirements of Mhe Corsolidated Freight Classification. Per ... Shi p;F Per

Permanent post oc ress of s ippr i*m If BLttO LADING To.Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OF1,CE PRODUCTS FormNo. FB3 or FAX Tol[-Free 1-800-762-7329

Origi I Straight.Bill of Lading-Short Form Shipper's No. =4/S (Name of Carrer) Carrimas No- RECEIVED, subj toie clas ifications tariffs in on the of the issue of the Bill of Ladf- -at 7,4 9From * - p'adenydeenbed below,ir panmgo odiramcapl as note (cmnientsar i cnf 'ontenta at paedigrs unolaormTa rarked. coraned an danrd aS imilaed blow, wiedsa- oears t mecwd enmer bing unauaoird I1IOUgties Idemnme rnsalun any person r in pse a- reparty rau t lac s- n , rwie as wua the ear - ro ta p o doliry at ds ar u run o to in to anro wer a n the route to sd deW. iaw tin midnagisreeas Inachcietsllrnyosaipropeniyonea anypartionuofsmiue todVetratd aacesdipartyel any ttuetmwastad in alwnyatsaidproerly -atevysinrcetnbepfarlrmed Paeun, ershbemunpeceloam dis '-i and coaarm e thUnforr Damese Sraigt Bil l 1,adag ret forli -(I) at Unifor Frelt Cas uallen fr ale t e i-date hnef ilthi is a a t r ar rilEna t~fienat r 2 in t la~ hcbe rn:=,rrw rtiriditssclassairesenora

wimelrand i ei asn sand~ areP oran efor tpurp tiCooi-gned no tanayt Dentlnaflo-,,.arett A dress -~oute eei. . e. ., e

4 ~ Delivering Carrier - -v 'CZA & K.) Car or Vehicle Intals HAzAfOUSl WEIGTT CLASS Pa

(Sigocand~aeusr~wd nature 7 euntidnoean m.. nutartes obe dreda ~rtar

"nelgtnielfAllCO a taaelycnrymenraithechargeth

Agent oer csier.ons own inws.-l-nifta r t o


Csphr advLaetd:

FIPPERSCERTIFICATION: This is to crtythat the bovenarned

a ' dn dt bed, accadr, e othe SIGNATURE TITLE sColection- ee applicable regulations orthie Depariment ofTranspornio. Il the shipment moves between two ports bya canter b water, the law requires that the bill of lading shol state whether it is crrier' Cr shippets weight' Sh per's insprintsin lieuof stampt A partof Sit of Lading approved by the Islnterst ComnmerceCommission. Mhrethe rate is dependent on value. shppers are required Io state speciia'y in writng thu ageed or declared value of the property. a agreed or declared value of the property Is hereby npecificaly aited by the shipper to be not exceeding

THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. "The litre boxes used for this shipment conform to te spec- ificrations se forth in the ohanmnakerscretia th on, andaall Shppar T oralhargesa weORRECTWElGHT IS -s oherregaarementsahConsdaeFreightlassification. IPr

ZShlpper, P lenmy

Pemanent post office address of shipper A.e~-( j FI. vhu :-i !RUUK WiUup BI-HREWU45-VU-, Ilk 3t11i4t 4 1ICERIwlD SCsAL

.NBJUND 1116bL lb

(1093e lb STEEPING *+11600 lb DRIVE j61Elb A

LOO ID 1167


-I I lLL OFLADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or.FAX Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329

OrIginal-NotNegotiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form Shipper'sNo. 9t

..... I-E - NameofCarrierf Carriers No RECEVED, sub ectto the lassificaltons and farin effeco the date of the issue ofthe Billof Ladt at-/,2ry" From (t / . th aoportr describod belwi pprrgood onter. snota as noiad (caruerastifddcohdioin d contrac t ptasga, unkon, maked ctrnigned - anstnd a, itndae vkin, ihsaid carr (tie wald carn.i beingwirdanohn'iths flcontract astsnning any personor corporanmt pocssoar of *ihe n prpet rt thle *C noires t oary Ia ts usalpace or delsey at said dstminllan n a veus. otherwis I dole nur lam anal~rcre C a ol, to-adsnltis rnituly agreed.= I~nc-carcad frsaidsoon e r arny poutkiriofsad mutlaindesindr,and attnoah-pattyaIany lrnelnitrestsdtr ialyloyfsad ropwn.1Mat ateryssinbepeafod Iereund -cratoeujetlad 'flnInms and enar fler h m Oarni tihtgl O-i or Lading melirae (tn tiirFrihclsllaonn rc nihdtehlr ftis1-arrera-aersiumorn Urfludautete.Wdlhs.etgaa a snwdpmI w SI If p~lP.icaIemortarricecaIIUssrridadi...,se mitrtcaarrsihsa.-- Sanlderncnnnsa erebagreieby~llajsIppterannadcunpaidfrla art fandhessgtndtdas.ath aktntgtanoIahfat~snfltao~t~dbwin~'OiStPM~

cle'adIn aflas- eyegdIsb-alpc - - -oapttaditoe trdmnsomfs *nidlimlie snlyt 3Consigned toa pnr ______49Difivery ~ o DesilnalAo ______SCounty e Ru to WTo befi ledinnly hensAddress* .pprds-nonunngtqdfs pridd.rdliseryIheref,

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials No. - PNCK A ZADDS *WIGHT ECLASS7 smiscus. o isnan. PACKAGESNOA HAZARlDUSMATRIALS ______DESCRIPTION OFARTICLES, SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS ( 'BJECT CORR S .. gATEO______I/___"_MeVI. r." o pesrs -- an....ehI w,-i.*orms.. . the

--- 11ams shll ehpt rmaeda f

3 ______(Sgntr atcaonaignor)


SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This 13stocorty that the bovnamned areals are property classified, described. packagead, marked and SIGNA TURE TITLE appcblegulationsofhoDepatmnfIr-p-na.n.abeled, and are in proper conditin for transepoation accerding U Mhe t the shipment mos beNwn twoparts by by co water, the law requires tat the big o lading shall state whather It s "caiers or shippers wight. C.O.D. SHIPMENT " S3[pars Impdns In lieu of stamp; not a It Of Bill of Lading approved bythe Interatet Commerce Commission. Noe-Wherte rote is dopendnit onvilues. hppeore are rquird to stato speclry in witing te agreed orddeared valus of the property. The agraed or declared value of the property I. hbrby upechlfcally mstted by i shpperto b not exceeding TIRS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " The p-bre bx used ejfris shipmerdt c t h CpiFe

O RECTWilica onsset foth in l. b ox ae certificatethereon . nd a l Per PeAcnCC

Perrranent post office address of ipper - / ii FLYNNIS TRUCK STOP SHREWSDUR/ MA 01545 CERTIFIED SCALE

I LNLAOUND aW0r000 lb


I0 lb DNOGe 53286 * I MDEM

LUt3P ID 1I 1

£ 1 . N EWEI &ii1. Vi tPY

li------.------BILLORLADING - - To Reorder Call Toli-Free 1-800-421-1222 VIING OFFICE PRODUCTS Forrn No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free.1-800-762-7329

Origi-tytiable Straight Bill of Lading-Short Form ShiprsNo.

I. -NameofCarier. CarriersNo

RECEIVED. sgbect to the ci ifaus and ifri effect on the date of the issue of the Bill of LaUa . at A( 49"z?7 From __ /3 Ir , . IIthremensadwraperbeadas melreg arypersoneor bb,a ierotson nt ar mdrder inposesicn or Ste-propersnderant amad(4.iesIt ae odtaion,srmant geeaalmnitia an opeackagesnimu).mredoisipy ln as placeof dolmay at ed-ai enddeindsmdicaeddola:rron as rmft, beow.wid.ha oteaeseI loe ncarrier(ft Inera -rdemarbobngundescame rn e to sai nuntgaldnlinaftio. ai1t0i inytaiy agre& laslto sarcheai aeyr- dpnpvrty ergraierany prton.rdiei o deslintliorenloechtatylm nim ied tnaary ersnid poery. -nteeyserviclob perierrned hermeder shadbe sujeoa. - l ermsand condtndeaer nilantDa us tg Str iei f talg setblo, (I~n 1iL100Fr eCiCla sinclat eean Msdat eorl-la banrailo rtklmah rlmerit wr{(2 in te plcale trecarecasshmlwon iiliths is mlotorcamrierhnret. smprhebeariuetht.attemer theem. wdeendoaee bltdinaIfi iinairess OneneOLms.tfoert teao -rtt rilweh

esdI .d.gede. s-rn hrasin - -- r -ira-la

Destination Sfat ny- -W . abrsadlinly nba shipper deetrnee ornnvat.. aproveleeror deniveny erta.

Route -

a Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials - Noa ______*WEIGHT CLASS tect I.Stonee- ranisenra *PACKAGES DESCRIPTION OFARTlCLES SPECIALMARKS AND EXCEPTIONS -flgURCjTTn 'RR -A k ittr - X1 II S 4w Mae be deeeedi , a The inaspwaextn ra or Or. 1 xet sh teaty I~42e~r 2 ?ttt-nt.n *. VI, 3~o IISS __ l xcgte etted

the widnedt bweeetorte or P it,. oePeai U _

I_ _ ___ - Rulved s

R __ Ut Aet orcasher ______I (Tewnadereroe lxeedges It

matenelsare propely classified, described, packaged. merked and SIGNATURE TITLE labeled,SHIPPERS and CERTIFICATION: arein proper condtion This is forto transporlatilncrtily that theave-nrtmed acordng to the applcabea rogulations attho Dopadmont Transportaliar. 11 the hshIent movebewen r,,o parts bya cnear bywitta,, tire alqine that the bill of ling sh~all satse wheller Itis parners di shrippers weight.- C.O.D. SHIPMENT I .S osImpriurts In leu of satamp; noteapeel of BlIt ofLading epprovodrby tMe Interstate comndsoca ommissioln. NoteWet he latd Is dependeont value, shipper, are re trad to ete pocilcsly in wrting re agreed ordec,.rnd sll i'aris o sppet st. COD. Amt The agreed or declared value of the property is hereby speclficaly stated by the shipper to be not exceeding Collection Fee THIS SHIPMENT IS CORREGrLY DESCRIBED. ficattonsThe fibre set funrtboxs usedin thefor this box makersshiprnent cerficat ciroren ientiron, to Mhe se-and all Shippr Total Charges .CORREC WEIGHTIS - ther regtureaens the0. ConolideaerightClassificat .. - Per Agen Per Z jper, P n-26aneno stoffic r Permtanentf past office address of shipper /


INBOUND -.108160 lb

10700 ii SrEERING lb. DRIVE 4i36w in rANOEM

LDP lb 117


-f-s- Lki1lbH we.:3 NtI -flL 6H 41.tuW

OPY - To Reorder Call.TOl-Free 1-800-421-1222 IL OF LADING TS F NF F AXT dLF. 1-80762OO2 El rik U orm o. 3 or -o e

'I Original-Not Ne abi Straight, Bill of -Lading-Short.Form Shppr Noy t(

I. /!1c/'IAMQS iarame of Cirri Carriers No RED, sub t to the cl 1mi cjjrs andtar i ffect on the date of the issue of the 8t of Ladig.- at.., 2/ < d From LML"" 49 tie mropetndesoited beloh ,, a ppart godc orde, excptr rotld (caiia and coAdkat at oierls of packagattk aimd. soailsed and destined as tikled.ifew, Picch nld mot Itin Ard Wa bong undersooPufugnoateis c0rr5ac - mearlng any persn er crpeaao in enn ofl ea fi ropery uer tie cuerc ages 10ocary Io 1s ural plac of delisly et said deslinetnlo It n ou, o msi ar ie to deller 10 nitasaidrouteloNa-Cntidemirain.cotw nusntySge. 0 at enawmeof alterenthyai d ewagnyaversiaronygoleon faidrtme odet'etinandue aditatamyins mlrad In aor-anwarsddprupsty.cha avuryservlailmboPformdnetif1disagb-lfcttball ia itrm.-n corilna at thelUrian.m DomestnSIraigt sattaadingj metformf{t~tnUnfar Fagy 'rn ~ a insih e et ri tie date btroof, i hs ia re rla ersitereshipmenw or (2) dn-thncbl ooinrie caalaa or tarrdltnsa moitorcamraIpS n -2Shippnrfhrbyenwtle~let fanarttllerthe l.tornaandearlitinsfesdUsaid ltnndadremngthoseodnU'CedMNW ttettflhn~idSISi~lt c0sii00nra~rh~ miranai=pmSn10ICIU thsipanni,and thesaid tessand romitIlonstit~a e hagreed - elp.and bytieshIpper aida pied forhhnstalfandi-sg- -- -

Consignedt-- -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~~~~e-e - . Seaedraarasg" -epreasaniiainny Destinatnr -- i4 t W 7n.'Onry Addreas-

Rooutented In-wheranipper desbestnd gotemingbltnprovdel nryteet

Delivering Carrier- Car or Vehicle Initials ._ -No. WEIGHT1 CLASS DESCRIPTION OFARTCLES, SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS - - PACKAESIMTmAS SUBECTTOCOR.M ORAXTE CeIS .dnC o0 ennaupl wehot rae.ra en ma -Las snalnseas

- bttre eluntwi h arge

Agent Sr ashiar. h-r.. -l

c hsre ege 'U IISHIPPERSmalteals areCERTIPOATON; properly classified. Th,is described, ato ceartify pack bated.maked Me abova-natiod and TITLE I labeled, aid are in proper condition for trans n accordIng to the SIGNATURE applicable regulationsPolhieeartment nspwratlo . C.O.D. SHIPMENT " If the shipment moves between twoports by a carrier bywator. the law roquiras tat he bIl of lading shall ste whether it Is "caner's or shippers weight." C' ShProbp ent In lieu Of stmp note Sof Bill f Loding appovedI by the Interstate Commerce Comiiont. Note-I 'r te rats is dependent on value, ah pper, ate required to state speclically in wnting the agreed or declared value of the property.C.O.. Amt The agreed or declared value af the property Is hereby Specifically statad by eheshipper to be not exceeding Collection Fe THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED . * The fibre base, wased for this shipment contorns to the spec- ictions set forth in the bo makerscerificate thereon,end alt Shipper Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT IS i o thar rquiremens of the Consoldtad Freight Cassifiction. Sci P1, Per -zz p en Per- oe Q Perrmanent post office address of shipper BILL OF LADING to Reorder Call Toll-FreeI-800-421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Forrn No. F83 or FAX ToI!-Free1-800-762-7329

Original-Not Negotiable Sta tBilo aing-oSfi 1 Fom Sipr . .w.. 'Shipper' No,

(Name of Carrier Carters No. RECEI sub to the ca and lan ie effect on he date of the issue of the Bill of Ladlng

Srepreey dooensod baon tome gpineloo sor.w nsti as roed 0nn' aina c cem.n at pedagfl utnullndnetSe, canugnu - Us -eme .s baco , teonn ancZmer mo vas c om unwetooo buno est aa'*3Cd As may-g any pl nsn orcareatol, il Paossal r oie -~ei unr1tM*waa-Or 1 cortac agre Pin Cany fuel :0 o90f ifl 4s rt I tas ptu dis - dtw1 60Inati irtl4e" to depie to Mehr cmflr n t@i rou! to saidFomlit..&-h/) )z.dflsm*iaft rrasuy ame-. toan camer cilae oraor~ :a saouy -m os orany poilia er ears o d osanfulnas er et any w any -m Suted inai any or ad opttr. -r emy cavne to -o perenmd here*rde snal e sudctot

rilac er usedmet 5I*.u

Consignsd to 46i.& tZ = W~

Destination - Stat p CcOnty - 'Address" yeTa-Cn ealylwew.nadward. - eenagefts pacies toreerntetrt.

Route 46 9 - - I. Delivering Carrier lue, Car or VehIcle Initials lun- ANOH4AZARDOUS WEGT C CLASS PACKAGES MATERIAS! DESCRIPflONOFARI1CLES, SPECALMARKSAND EXCEPFIONS ns a Isse. it n . ECTOCOR.)OR RATE ~ r.. 4

n,. etite-s etis. c. t en.. paed id LL __77cr Ak/F .. I i- nee~e s ~edt (Sgua s limeron s,~

proodu ~le "'Mrpae,1 Pnel



-r dim lrimd

SHIPPERS CEFITIRCATION: Thr is i atify that the above-snmedI i aterials am property ctsasrltod. rescaimed, packaged. mrkted and SIGNATURE TITLEI labeled,and are in pioee sordidon for vsa nan a~ding to te app:icable rmulations of the Deaartmest of Tansportaion. I'f It shiprmnt movea beteen wo ports bya carrierbye water. thelaw requires Ilt the ill of lading tAll slats whether it Is "cauria/s or ippe's weight.- UShyia Imprints An lietu of suamp; not a fuen t Dil of Loedingapprovd by the Antertluts Coituttirt Comssieon. Note-Whre the rate Is dependent onvalue shlppers are required tstae spec ficay nwrg heagied ordeclared vate ofthe property. The agreed or declared value of tIheproperty Is hereby specificaily stated by Ihe shipper to be not xcednl- THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRieE. "The fib boxesused for this shipment conomn to mhe speD- ilcalions sel forth In the ba makers cartifcatetreon. and all Sipp fCORRECTWEIGHT IS iUas other requirements of the Consolklatsd FreightCasificaIniPer m aQ (--i7- z6A4 ~ Zl Permanent post office address of shipper i L1;NN" 1 RUCK, SILP


I INNoUND 75S4W - b, I

I 198E lb STEERING 5538ot lb DRIVE

II LOOP fu 110I. I it ! '~Z, sd.6s ipy I *BILL OF LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-800-421-1222 IVIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Forn No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free 1-'800-762-7329

Negotiable ~Original-Not StraigIhtbillfII ad0ing-Shor Form ShppersNo. 0

I. INaran of Caner) Camiers No RECEIVED. sub to the c s ations and tariffs in ee4on the date of the isasof the Bil of Ld n J, .Sa7 From P nmronydesonbsd bolaw nappmentlodd'a. ~sammntd~cnfnisndcbanl Cifaanolpackagswunimorfl ~ikeosignadsnddntesdeasmnrsa tsonewhichtalmwlcamorwaresebagerom ivogtnutes canract s finng anypesori mr orporallOn In poSsessiflrt tf ie proerety undert tha ibnrac) agress to Camry lo 11o usa plvea al dey -lsi dMedomu d wr-a 10ut1 oa'awiss l delbur to amonr collmtoaidesnagonIt00n44li nauwluy gedstto rnenederof .strsnyoaidpropetwltroer rao eti a ruteoaulanio.ans-oeaho-tany dmainlastedinallerSy-mproat.eavey ssee ptopraam nli.rsIabe merestroS tie 1arrhsard condmtonse h nflnDmsr.tagtBto aigmIrht) nlrn d~tho mctebeh 51Ia~-tfI)nk lstrigt Casicin i alcLtit oehmC fUlBi a 'p~i boe glber10I*CfnWtWI 'msnth t8|Caovs11rtf'1ppoCtlaewfolaie molor cemnerishrpmrvn SNppurtersby .arnfs tts. bei tfanlarwthi all lhbsrs andaa ecunolin ofu Ibn50i biliOf ladtng,intkidin iessa the bak liaref t tlIa ths tomanon rtstdfle4dcl ,gomth tasptaon f detandtpmet. the maidten,,,n cont~naashereby r-edtsby thmeshtppe*adncpedo NIai lsusn. Cnine5 -d s4 dre mdnE-F aApdn o s r n lses Destinatig,, -. State.p County d'" fAddress* 'Tob- lUsd Inerlyeus mpper datke andgaeantrrmnsdfrs rteef

Delivering Carrier _ Klm Car or Vehicle Initials ____No. _____ -WBGHT Sblen Ced i C ESI HAZARDOUS DESCRIPTION OFARTICLES, SPECIALMARKS AND EXCEPTIONS tspc rma,. CLSSI/ PACGS MATERIALS be damrdneOu I/ I'40 bs vn-psemr sle Moro 7-.4rOA


heosa edgeslwau



SHIPPERS CERTIFICATFON: This is o cority that theabov-naned maedalsare property dassiied, described, pacikagmd,markeeand laboied, and are in prover condition fortranspo ratian according to the SIGNATURE TITLE m oppicablo roulatirons of to Deparment of Trtrbalcloin. C.OD. SHIPMENT " It le slilpment movesbetween two ports by a crier water,thelaw requresthat the bi..,lluding sha sle whelherit is 'crisrs or shipper's weigh Iush iper, imphrnts In teu ermttump; not a paort of liot Laing approved by the Interstate CommerceComnison. Note-Vare therats s dopendent onvalue, shi ers arereuad to sts speca lly in switing the agreed or de red value of the property. C.O.D. Ant! The agroed or doctored valumof tha property Imhereby specificsily eated by the shipper to be not exceeding Collection Fee.. THIS SHIPMENT IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED The fibre boxes used for this shipent canlonin to the spon- lications set forthin the box makers certifIcatethereon, an all Shipper Total Charges CORRECTWEIGHT)S '.LS. otherrqusreeents ofthe ConsolifatedFrightCassiicadon. 1 Ship r Agen '6 Pernmanent post Cfice address of shipper )t V - I ( w I ~FLYNN' S THUCK- $&I UP- b--1-207SHNEWSUYiR Fjf 5 y- CERTIFIED SCALE

INBOUND 72280 lb

1928 lb STEIIN t5%kuW lb UfR1.

L~UJP III !.1it

Lranti 4

F6±b f &s5jH -:B ts w ojeHaLO PY BILL QF LADING T Reorder Cal Tolree 1-B0042-tm VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Forrn No. FB3 oreFAXTodr-Free 1-800-762-7329

Originable: Straight: Bill of Lading-Short Form ShiQpOes No. 6 1

O na N(Na e of C arrerl C anse N o RECEIVED, subec1 to the clij;ions and In affect on the date of the Issue ci the Biofl gg, at 4'/r" From h-'') , P zl.-

cotac as meoanif aly pane carpendlan ipos ari a f d ie pre ry uder -l cnac ages to cy la ris mjua place 01. dely -i sad d tsintr, ioa roul. atoaia - las -ior ane -,n arr -l roulai-madnsitallo *ulkaM~agweed,astoa hcardraaNermnof saldprsr~er alora nygn 5OrSfI uOIS11d raultlsion.*andaaloosdchpary sanytimafetdhiallerwordedealtpopetyhmissySerlteIlabepetdtonneeudmranli be sau ojel UfIer ni-d carditio l ho Urtler oanse irCit Mlealtadtqngaet fl (1)i Urinrrn Frght Cslicaa k ldgiel Vdal fairlt h raia mSaitrt.alalnhar iti, t) iUu kanlmo,.dfeacallnmo tendd J t s a

shlspnrhariby tae.nst ha IeIrseditvhar snenaandcnd~innat --ee o .btltiskdin 0. mera banflSoraelfarthislath. n ear mtarlitlch gaaf amnrstaatanfll mal paa.and mco rshipnani

Destination rratWdis ipns.Address

Delivering Carer Car or Vehicle iniials.- No.


Me ntuatagar

n es ,-ma

-- rd -aser -1.Er


Halsare properly ilad, denrbed, p e-. kd and SGNATURE beledt.and ore anproper candliton fo transprtatio naoing to theSINTRTTL

-ffIhJ E ErIpeAo.ESbThis wo poIs by iacrer wat he llernhlawrequrethat1.billo ading shalimawhheatis-earror shippe's weight.- Shiersmprntanifucstamnp; not a Parof SofiLading approvE byhE Interstatearnecomimisla.Spippe- Per i re phoper rat u t. aeh , arquird Idt S cIl 0inwriing th a edordaladvalu nfthe property.C.DA P~~~manentnaurtere her eally stated by hapo shipper to fdgeadessfshpe beo exceeding HIS SHPMENT IS CORRECTY DESCRIBED. **.The ibr boras used for thl shpment conform to Fee spTC- Icfations sEt forth in Ite box rnamr certiict thr . 1 andpe Toallh 9 ORRET WEGHT I ne thmerireireet of the Conolidated Frelghft Clasification. FLVNN' S TLRlK slUP SWREWSBUHY, MA .1545 6-. 207 CERTIFIED SCALE

INBOUND 711 lb

19660 lb STEERJiLNb 6I320a lb DRIVE

LU0io Lu 12/z

ilBEtlan 4

YFRfTF WEEKGt-..b.! / aR4JEiiGi $1.,WA



II II BILL OF LADING To Reorder Call Toll-Free.1-800421-1222 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Form No. FB3 or FAX Toll-Free 1-800-762-7329

Original-NotNegotiabie Straiaht 7/ 77/6 Bill of Laaing-Short Form Shipper's No.

'Narme of Carrier) C.,arries lo RECEIVED sujectlto th ci sfiNaft and tar inatect an the date of the Issue of the Bill of Ladi - at A fzyjj ;; From , ,O , i jf hnaiopery cesenhedibobi.enappank er d r ailoidrecptannriedrrininlmnd oeo aoernaci paconu nin).'a.*k edasgaatned in d cted balow. t.i'aad canalr(Ihewrd aldertimguttniod lwaugniolw1ho .nnac as nimeel ay ccoora, pofasano paan-or in athe, prely under the-cor ac) gint cany t. a1=nual pba al demivy tr mid desie.a if ka its u: v.k wi n deliver in anlhr - c t r o dle*tnuosni.

. de oera,and cosailons oWthe Uniem CrrsaliSbroit WIlor ladri sot forlh(1)-i -UniwornFreight Clsotl ff it M athriee daoe arnt, if Nti is a Meai hnawaser shipme;a, ! rieappiti Moo cader claatalion r innad4uMisS maler cumrshtrnmi.. - Shipperharnhy erl~flnoatheI. amuarwihn-thela ma..andeeldillenr -tile idhitifl ading, LacudnteloSani-- ba lUaeo- sefthintnleclstftcadmrifelhiidgQO -the laparhatIf' ddClpmni and -- t. Elgaiterms rid caedlnie Srilli- Ntipperart plddfar rimenidasene - - -wkn

Consigned t - -- - - { oeirosladdioratonins.w ugneet Waftflonlyw Dnetinatinn S7 Jt4 n r -nnt r Adrsr-

Rotei - - -

Delivering Carrier Car or Vehicle Initials No.


a to preId,alwrner

- A

. mgetaCaafttrdmcase.

ie glfhr wede

Coan,--d-om, SHIPPERS CERTIF1CATION: This is to certify that Me abovaoned fmoials a properly clssified, described, paed.maried and SIGNATURE beled, and re n proper Canditin for transporelt n according to the TITLE applibIe regulations of the Department of Transportation. If the shipment mmvesbetween twopenis by a Cmiw. by water, the law regtires that the bill of lading shall stat Whether It Is 'Cunties or shnppes weight. C.O.D. SHIPMENT Shlpper's imprints In lieu of stamp; not a rat Bit of Lading approved by the Interste Commerce Commission. Nole-Wher. the rate is dependent on valua, shippers are required to state spetatty In wrlling the agreedor dickered value of the property. Co.D.Amt The agreed or dectored Maue of the property In hereby epecfeially elated by the shipper to be not exceeding

* - THISSHIPMENT ISCORRECTLY DESCRIBED. " The fibre boemusad for this shlpment conIom to the spec- -nanes st ort In lhe box makers certicsla thereon. enda ll Shipper I Total Charges . CORRECTWEIGHTIS ' other requiremens of ihe Consolidated FreIght Classification.

Agent Per Shi ppe P Pmranent post offlce ad Ires of shipper ii 7. ro~c~r~~ awl

t4 Sp- 0 j1 C9 0 1:11 hA


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Ss 1le Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 0U IWWN L Release Tracking Number* BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) E 016 646

A. LOCATION OF SITE OR DISPOSAL SITE WHERE REMEDIATION WASTE WAS GENERA ED: Franklin DPW Facility Release Name (optional): Street Street: 40 Hayward Street LocationAid: Fisher 02038 City/Town: Franklin ZIPCode:

Date/Period of Generation: 8/28/07 to: 8/28/07

Additional Release Tracking Numbers Associated with this Bill of Lading: not needed. * Note: If this Bill of Lading is the result of a Limited Removal Action (LRA) taken prior to Notification, a Release Tracking Number is B. PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: of Public Works NameofOrganization: Town of Franklin Department Tide: DPW Director NameofContact: Robert Cantoreggi Street: 257 Fisher Street 038 02 City/Town: Franklin State: MA ZIPCode:

Telephone: (508) 520-4910 Ext.: C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: [7] RP or PRP Specify: [ Owner F Operator ] Generator [ Transporter Other RP or PRP: E Fiduciary, Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21 E, s. 2) Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21E, s. 5(j)) Other Person: If an owner and/or operator is not conducting the response action associated with the Bill of Lading, provide on an attachment the name, contact person, address and telephone number, including any area code and extension, for each, if known. D. TRANSPORTER OR COMMON CARRIER INFORMATION: Transporter/Common Carrier Name: McManus Trucking Brian McManus Owner Contact Person: Brian Mcanus Title:

Street: 329 West Main Street ZIPCode: 01532 City/Town: Northboro State: MA

Telephone: (508) 393-6295 Ext.: - - E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION: Operator/Facility Name: Brox Industries, Inc.

Contact Person: Erik Stevenson Title: Manager Street: 1471 Methuen Street 01826 MA ZIP Code: City/Town: Dracut State:

Telephone: (978)805-9744 Ext.: Type of Facility: Asphalt Batch/Cold Mix [ Landfill/Disposal K Incinerator K Temporary Storage (check one) Asphalt Batch/Hot Mix D Landfill/Daily Cover D Other: Landfill/Structural Fill K] Thermal Processing D EPA Identification # MAD985276559 018590 Division of Hazardous Waste/Class A Permit #: NEW Division of Solid Waste Management Permit #:

Actual/Anticipated Period of Temporary Storage (specify dates if applicable): to: Reason for Temporary Storage:

Revised 10/3/94 Page 1 of 3 Aug 27 07 09:30a Town of Franklin 508-520-4939 p.3

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup

BILL OF LADING (pursuant to310cAR40.0030) Re 13u 4 r

E. RECEMNG FACiUTYITEMPCRARY STORAGE LOCATION (continued: Temporary Storage Address.

Street:. -- ,

ZIP Code. City/Town: State. F. DESCRIPTION OF REMEDLATION WASTE: (check all that apply' Conternsia ed Media (checi all that apply): Soil Q Groundwater O Surface Water (0 Othe:_ Contaminated Debris (check all that apply): 0 Vegetatlon or Organic Debris O DemclilionlConstruction Waste Q inorganic Absorbent Materials () Otheir. p Nor-haiarcous Uncontainered Waste (check all thatiapply): 0 Non-aqueous Phase Liquic Q Other:. Non-hazardous Containerized Waste (Cleck all that apply: O TenABoitomssnludges o containers C) Drums n Engineered impcucments Q Otner i Waste il Trips of Cortamination (check all tha: apply): 7 Gasoline Diesel Fuel n l2 CilI #4 Oi I[ #5 Oil nOter: 1 Kerosene Jet Fuel

Eswmated Volume of Materials: CubicYards: .10D Tons 150 o -he- Contaminant Source (check coefspectfy); F Transportaton Accident E Lnderground Storage Tank 0 Other: . Fill Response Action Associated with Bill of Lading (check one): f immadiale Response Action 7 Release Absteient Measure F Utiy-Related Abatement Measure Limited Removal AcIoni Comprehensive Response Action E Other Rernediation Waste Cnareterization Support Documentalion attached; 3 Site History Information Sampling end Analytical Methods and Procedures Labora:ory Data Field Screening Da:a If supporting docwmntatior is not appended, provide an attachment stating thedate and in c.rrecticn with what docunent such information was previoJaiy submitted to DE . GG. LICENSEDSrFE PROFESSIONAL(LSP) OPINION: 3 Name of Organization- Corrt-eendve Environ-entp Tnc,

LSP Name: Richard Cote Title: . TSP

Te-ephonie: . !A00!i 7)S- );; Ext i n

I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally axernired and am familiar with this sutmittel, includirg any and sii documents accompanying this subm-ittat. In my professional opinion and juigment based upot application of 2 (I) the standai of care in 309 CMRU4.0 (t). (ii) the applicable provisioris of 309 CMR 4.02(2) and 3), and (lii) the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(5),

to the best of my krowtecge, information and belief, the assessment actions uncbrtakarn to characterize ine Remodiation Waste which is (are) the subject of this submittal for acceptance at the facility identified In Ils suitmiil comply with the appit le provlaions of 3'0 CMr4.00co. and such faclity is permilted to accept Remediation Waste having the characteristips decribed in this -re tat significant penalties may result, IncluoinG, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, if I submit nrmation which IW f rate or materialy occinlte.

RICHARD LSP Signare: Sea C SCOTE rA Date: A ;2 No.2359

Ltcense Number: 7C9 o

'age 20of2 Resisud 1013/4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number* BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) Re .. k Number

H. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS BILL OF LADING: I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information ined herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. Iam aware that there are significant penalties, including, b not li to, >ossible fines and imprisonment, for willfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information.

Signature: _ -- Date: _ 7 c, 2 Name of Person (p int) Ro ert Cantoreggi

Revised 10/3/94 Page 3 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012B Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030 RIGINAL Release Tracking Number SUMMARY SHEET / OF - L LOAD INFORMATI y S- , f Transporter Representative: ti Load 1: Date of Shipment: pmntl/7inCfZ 7Dt I fRcit Time ol Receipt eAMv El PM Zmf ]P Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration (if any): ,5 c;1-P

d,69V 'In%- Load Size (cu. ydls t 3 3,0ad Load 2: Signatiur ofeative:R ingFaciyfl S

Date of Shipment: f Shipment 6/7 ~~~A C PM Dt fRcitK P Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration (ifany): 5-i-v

Load 3: Signatureepre~fvVRc~n aii~ trg ers e~

Date o Shipment: Shipment:Reipt:~2- It Load Size (cu. d.t!9 -, PMM _AM Truck/Tractor Regis Registration (ifany):

onc1,7 , .3 A,i-rjO j5A DPM0 / 2 r AM PM Load 4: SignatiureLoad6: of fTrantoreSgnatureTrnspoter epreentaivetive ReceivingReceiving FaciliorTtaryFacility rmorary Storagetorage Representative:

Date of Shipment: rimeof S pment: Dateof.c,- hipmnt:Timeof hipmnt:Date6 2~Load ofSize Receipt: A(cu, ydsiC Timel of Receipt: e -Date [] wE]of Receipt:P. Time of Receipt E]AM PM Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration (if any): Load Size (cu. yds.Jton)

LoaLoad A6: 5: SignatiureSignatiure of TransporterTransporter RepresRepre : ReceivingReceiving Facility/emporaryFacility/Temporary StorageStorage RepresenttiveRepresentative:

Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment: Date of Receipt: Time of Recept 2 7723 i Load Size (cu. ydsi) 32i 0 D.(D AM A ]4M .Date of Receipt: Time of Receipt: EAMD AM DPMPM Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration (if any): X 2 , Load Size (cu. Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment: Daeo.eep:Tmyds./n): fRcit

Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration (if any):

DateiofdReceipt9Timegof Receip

J. LOG SHEET VOLUME INFORMATION: Total Volume Recorded This Page (cu. Repree na6v 62 Total Carried ForLard (cu. ydsJons): Total Carried Forward and This Page (cu.y62 62-

Revised 10/3/94 Page 1 of 1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012C Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) O"RIGINA beleaseTracking Number SUMMARY SHEET OF - 01664

K. SUMMARY OF SHIPMENTS: Daily Volume Shipped ydsJtons): Date of Shipment: Date of Receipt: Number of Loads Shipped: (cu.

1z~07 89 027___

Summary Sheet Total Shipped:

Bill of Lading Total Shipped (only if different):

Revised 10/3/94 Page 1 of 2 Pursuant to applicable laws, responsibility for compliance with any and all state and federal guidelines, including, without implied limitation, any applicable weight restrictions remains with driver and/or employer. By accepting this receipt, driver and employer acknowledge being informed of the total weight of loaded vehicle, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Brox Industries, Inc. for any damayesor liability arising therefrom. 100% REC=C BLE - THIS PRODUCT MAY HAVE BEEN PRODUCED USING REGULATED RECYCLABLE MATERIALS - 100%A RECYCLABLE

BROX IN4DUSTRIEB; INC. 08/2'3/2007 1471 METHUEN STREET DRACUT, MA. 01826 Ticket # 978-8a5-97832:FAX:978s-805-9716& 741733 I 12:5u Customer: 6237 Job: 2--0016646 Truck: Tvoe: EUNITED RETEK CORPORATION -PCS- PO# 07-17 MCMANUS 21 TROTTER DRIVE TOWN OF FRANKLIN DPW 40 HAYWARD STREET License # MEDWAY MR 02053 FRANKLIN, MA P.0. #: Check k: 0one: PICKUP Trucker #: PRODUCT ID PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 038 INCOMINC PCS SOILS 28.16 Ton

SL4ads 4 Accum.kAim unt:. 129.33 Ton

IN GROSS: 97/,540 1b (Scale 6) P,T. TARE: 41.220 1b (Scale 6) NET: 56,320 lb

Weighnastey N~awe: MARK HO DRACUT MASS. PiritReceived Nauc: By: Driver Names

9 -y

74< - A 4743391 all state and federal guidelines, including, without implied limitation, any applicable weight restrictions remains with driver and/or employer. By accepting this receipt, driver and employer acknowledge being informed of the total weight of loaded vehicle, and agree to hold harmless and indemnity Brox Industries, Inc. for any damages or liability arising therefrom. 100% RECYCLABLE - THIS PRODUCT MAY HAVE BEEN PRODUCED USING REGULATED RECYCLABLE MATERIALS - 100% RECYCLABLE

BROX INDUSTRIES INC. 1471 MIETHUEN STREET DRACUT, MA, 01826 Ticket *4 10:55 97 &-B05-72FX:978-85-97i6 741675

Customer: 6237 Job: 2--0016646 Truck: Type: UNITED RETEX CORPORATION -PCS- P0# 07-17 MCMANUS 21 TROTTER DRIVE TOWN OF FRANKLIN DPW 40 HAYWARD STREET License #t MEDWAY MA 02053 FRANKLIN, MA P.0. #: 7one: PICKUP Trucker #:


Loads: .3 Accum. Amount: 101. 17 Ton

IN GROSS: 110 360 lb (Scale 6) P.T. ARE: 41,220 lb (Scale 6) NET: 69.140 lb

Plant Name: DRACUT MASS. Weightmaster Name: MfARK HOOD .-C- Received by, ___ Driver Namle

A 4743346 Pursuant to applicable laws, responsibility tor compliance with any and all state and federal guidelines, including, without implied limitation, any applicable weight restrictions remains with driver and/or employer. By accepting this receipt, driver and employer acknowledge being informed of the tgtal weight of loaded vehicle, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Brox industries, Inc. for any damagesor liability arising therefrom. 4 100% RECYCLABLE - THIS PRODUCT MAY HAVE BEEN PRODUCED USING REGULATEp RECYCLABLE MATERIALS - 10%RECYCLABLE

BROX INDUSTRIES INC. 108/29/2007 1471 METHUEN STREET DRACUT, MA. 01826 Ticket # 978-8805-9782:FAX:978-805-9716 741642 S09:58 Customer: 6237 Job: 2-0016646 Truck: Type: UNITED RETEX CORPORATION -PCS- PO# 07-17 MCMPNUS 121 TROTTER DRIVE TOWN OF FRANKLIN DPW 40 HAYWARD STREET License #; MEDWAY MA 02053 FRANKLIN, MA PO. #: Check #: Zone: PICKUP Trucker #:


Loads: 2 Accum. Amount: 66.60 Ton

IN GROSS: 108,340 lb (Scale 61 OUT TARE: 41,220 lb (Scale 6) NET: 67, 120 lb

Plant Name: DRACUT MASS. Weighmaster Name: MARK HOOD Received By: Driver Name:

A 4743322 Pursuant to applicable laws, responsibility for compliance with any and all state and federal guidelines, including, without implied limitation, any applicable weight restrictions remains with driver and/or employer. By accepting this receipt, driver and employer acknowledge being informed of the total weight of loaded vehicle, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Brox Industries, Inc. for any damagesor liability arising therefrom. 100% RECYCLABLE - THIS PRODUCT MAY HAVE BEEN PRODUCED USING REGULATED RECYCLABLE MATERIALS - 100% RECYCLABLE

BROX INDUSTRIES INC. I 08/29/2007 1471 METHUEN STREET DRACUT, MA. 01826 Ticket # 08:27 978-805-9782:FAX:978-805-9716 741602


Loads: 1 Accum. Amount: 33.04 Ton

IN GROSS: 107,300 lb (Scale 6) I OUT TARE: 41,220 lb (Scale 6) NET: 66,080 lb

Plant Name: DRACUT MASS. Weighmaster Name: MA Received By: Driver Nat

A 4743290 ruboo.Il. .. J O1*F.iUOL.)iL baalIVO IOI Ii I lv .VI MM~10tCVI OilY --- U all state and federal guidelines, including, without implied limitation, any applicable weight restrictions remains with driver and/or employer. By accepting this receipt, driver and employer acknowledge being informed of the total weight of loaded vehicle, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Brox Industries, Inc. for any damages or liability arising therefrom. 4100% R BLE - THIS PRODUCT MAY HAVE BEEN PRODUCED USING REGULATED RECYCLABLE MATERIALS - 100% RECYCLABLE

BROX INDUSTRIES INC. 08/29/2007 1471 METHUEN STREET DRACUT, MA. 01826 Ticket 13:36 978-805-9782:FAX:978-805-9716 741755

Customer: 6237 Job: 2-0016646 Truck: Typei - UNITED RETEK CORPORATION -PCS- PO# 07-17 MCMANUS 21 TROTTER DRIVE TOWN OF FRANKLIN DPW 40 HAYWARD STREET License #- MEDWAY MA 02053 FRANKLIN, MA P..O. #: Check #: Zone: PICKUP Trucker #:


Ton Loads: 5 Accum. Amount: 162 ,. 62

IN GROSS- 107,800 lb cale 6) PT. TARE: 41,220 lb ( cal e 6) NET: 66,580 lb

Plant Name: DRACUT'MASS. Weighmas er Name: MRRK HOOD Received By: Driver Name: . (- I.



A 4743408 APPENDIX E

BWSC-106 Form Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup

RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM - 0016646 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 (Subpart D) A. SITE LOCATION: 1. Site Name/Lotinn Aid- Franklin DPW

2. Street Address: 40 Hayward Street

3. Cityrrown: Franklin 4. ZIP Code: 02038-0000

5. UTM Coordinates: a. UTM N: 4661147 b. UTM E: 19300574

F86. Check here if a Tier Classification Submittal has been provided to DEP for this disposal site. F- a.Tier IA E] b. Tier IB El C.Tier IC fl d. Tierli DEC 1 2 2007

7. If a Tier I Permit has been issued, provide Permit Number:

B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply)

1. List Submittal Date of Initial RAM Plan (if previously submitted): 4/6/2007 (mm/dd/yyyy) F- 2. Submit an Initial Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan. a. Check here if the RAM is being conducted as part of the construction of a permanent structure. If checked, you must specify what type of permanent structure is to be erected in or in the immediate vicinity of the area where the RAM is to be conducted. b. Specify type of permanent structure: (check all that apply) [l i. School ii. Residential F iii. Commercial

iv. Industrial El v. Other Specify: KJ 3. Submit a Modified RAM Plan of a previously submitted RAM Plan. 4. Submit a RAM Status Report.

with a RAM Status Remedial Monitoring Report. (This report can only be submitted through eDEP, concurrent Report.)5. Submit a a. Type of Report: (check one) F] i. Initial Report [: ii. Interim Report iii. Final Report b. Number of Remedial Systems and/or Monitoring Programs: A separate BWSC106A, RAM Remedial Monitoring Report, must be filled out for each Remedial System and/or Monitoring Program addressed by this transmittal form. E 6. Submit a RAM Completion Statement. Fl 7.Submit a Revised RAM Completion Statement.

8. Provide Additional RTNs:

Eli a. Check here if this RAM Submittal covers additional Release Tracking Numbers (RTNs). RTNs that have been previously linked to a Primary Tier Classified RTN do not need to be listed here. This section is intended to allow a RAM to cover more than one unclassified RTN and not show permanent linkage to a Primary Tier Classified RTN.

b. Provide the additional Release Tracking Number(s) covered by this RAM Submittal. H-LIThE H-W

(All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above)

Revised: 2/16/2005 Page 1 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM - 0016646 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 (Subpart D) C. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT RAM:

1. Identify Media Impacted and Receptors Affected: (check all that apply) a. Air b. Basement c. Critical Exposure Pathway d. Groundwater e. Residence f. Paved Surface [] g. Private Well [] h. Public Water Supply [ i. School j. Sediments

k. Soil nl1. Drain m. Surface Water [ n. Unknown o. Wetland p. Zone 2

q. Others Specify:

2. Identify all sources of the Release or Threat of Release, if known: (check all that apply) a. Above-ground Storage Tank (AST) E] b. Boat/Vessel c. Drums d. Fuel Tank

e. Pipe/Hose/Line ] f. Tanker Truck g. Transformer h. Under-ground Storage Tank (UST)

i. Vehicle j. Others Specify:

3. Identify Oils and Hazardous Materials Released: (check all that apply)

a. Oils b. Chlorinated Solvents c. Heavy Metals

d. Others Specify:

D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (check all that apply, for volumes list cumulative amounts) 1. Assessment and/or Monitoring Only f 2. Temporary Covers or Caps 3. Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials 4. Temporary Water Supplies 5. Structure Venting System 6. Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents 7. Product or NAPL Recovery 8. Fencing and Sign Posting 9. Groundwater Treatment Systems 10. Soil Vapor Extraction F 11. Bioremediation 12. Air Sparging

Revised: 2/16/2005 Page 2 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106

RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM . 0016646 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 (Subpart D) D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS (cont): (check all that apply, for volumes list cumulative amounts) 0 13. Excavation of Contaminated Soils X a. Re-use, Recycling or Treatment El i. On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards

X ii. Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards 2766.0 3 / 108.41 iia. Receiving Facility: Wheelabrator Waste Town: Shrewsbury State: MA lib. Receiving Facility: Brox. Industries, Inc. Town: Dracut State: MA iii. Describe: Processed soil El b. Store i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards l ii. Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards

iia. Receiving Facility: Town: State:

iib. Receiving Facility: .. Town: State: c. Landfill i. Cover Estimated volume in cubic yards 134.0 5

Receiving Facility: Waste Management Turnkey Town: Rochester State: NH

ii. Disposal Estimated volume in cubic yards

Receiving Facility: _- Town: State:

14. Removal of Drums, Tanks or Containers:

a. Describe Quantity and Amount:

b. Receiving Facility: Town: State: ^

c. Receiving Facility: Town: State: El 15. Removal of Other Contaminated Media: a. Specify Type and Volume: -

b. Receiving Facility: -- Town: State:

c. Receiving Facility: -- Town: State: El 16. Other Response Actions:


El 17. Use of Innovative Technologies:


Revised: 2/16/2005 Page 3 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC1 06 Number RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) Release Tracking TRANSMITTAL FORM - 0016646 Pursuant to 210 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 (Subpart D)

E. LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: Iattest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of (i) the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1), (ii) the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2) and (3), and 309 CMR 4.03(2), and (iii) the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3), to the best of my knowledge, information and belief,

> if Section B of this form indicates that a Release Abatement Measure Plan is being submitted, the response action(s) that is (are) the subject of this submittal (i) has (have) been developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii) is (are) appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s) as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (iii) comply(ies) with the identified provisions of all orders, permits, and approvals identified in this submittal;

> if Section B of this form indicates that a Release Abatement Measure Status Report and/or Remedial Monitoring Report is being submitted, the response action(s) that is (are) the subject of this submittal (i) is (are) being implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii) is (are) appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s) as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (iii) comply(ies) with the identified provisions of all orders, permits, and approvals identified in this submittal;

> if Section B of this form indicates that a Release Abatement Measure Completion Statement is being submitted, the response action(s) that is (are) the subject of this submittal (i) has (have) been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii) is (are) appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s) as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (iii) comply(ies) with the identified provisions of all orders, permits, and approvals identified in this submittal:

Iam aware that significant penalties may result, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, if I submit information which I know to be false, inaccurate or materially incomplete.

1. LSP#: 2359

2. First Name: Richard 3. Last Name: Cote

4. Telephone: (800) 725-2550 5. Ext.: 302 6. FAX:

7. Signature:

8. Date: '? 9. LSP Stamp: (mm/dd/yyyy) RCHARD 8 COTE rCtVNo.2359

Revised: 2/16/2005 Page 4of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106

RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM-0164 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 (Subpart D)

F. PERSON UNDERTAKING RAM: 1. Check all that apply: E a. change in contact name b. change of address E] c.change intheperson

Works 2. Name of Organization: Town of Franklin Department of Public

3. Contact First Name: Robert 4.Last Name: Cantoreggi

6. Title: DPW Director 5. Street: 257 Fisher Street

9. ZIP Code: 02038-0000 7. City/Town: Franklin 8. State: MA

10. Telephone: (508) 520-4910 11. Ext: 12. FAX:


F 1. RP or PRP 0 a. Owner b. Operator E c. Generator d. Transporter

E e.Other RP or PRP Specify:

F 2.Fiduciary, Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21 E, s. 2)

3. Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21 E, s. 5(j))

] 4. Any Other Person Undertaking RAM Specify Relationship:


1. Check here if any Remediation Waste, generated as a result of this RAM, will be stored, treated, managed, recycled or reused at the site following submission of the RAM Completion Statement. You must submit a Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan along with the appropriate transmittal form (BWSC108).

2. Check here if the Response Action(s) on which this opinion is based, if any, are (were) subject to any order(s), permit(s) X and/or approval(s) issued by DEP or EPA. If the box is checked, you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof.

3. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the implementation of a Release Abatement Measure.

4. Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect, e.g. Release Address/Location Aid. Send corrections to the DEP Regional Office.

5. If a RAM Compliance Fee is required for this RAM, check here to certify that a RAM Compliance Fee was submitted to DEP, P. O. Box 4062, Boston, MA 02211.

X 6. Check here to certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts, d ata, and other information is attached.

Revised: 2/16/2005 Page 5 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM 2 - 0016646 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 (Subpart D) . CERTIFICATION OF PERSON UNDERTAKING RAM:

1. I, Robert Cantoreggi , attest under the pains and penalties of perjury (i) that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form, (ii) that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained in this submittal is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete, and (iii) that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. I/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisan t~r 'fully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information.

2. By: 3 Titl . e: DPW Director Signature

4. For: Town of Fr n Department of Public Works 5. Date: 1/// /V7 (Name of person or entity recorded in Section F) (mm/ddlyyyy)

6. Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section F.

7. Street:

8. City/Town: - 9. State: 10. ZIP Code:

11. Telephone: 12. Ext.: 13. FAX:


Date Stamp (DEP USE ONLY:)

DEC 1 2 2007

Revised: 2/16/2005 Page 6 of 6