DOSBARTH 3/4M ACTIVITIES Tuesday 26th January 2021

Our topic this week is: The Royal Family

English: Queen Elizabeth II is Britain’s current monarch (the head of the Royal Family). Using the PowerPoint slides on pages 3-6, I would like you to have a go at completing a fact file about her. I have put a template on page 7; you can either copy this, print it out and fill it in, or make your own.

Maths: You have all been sending me such fantastic Maths work, it is clearly far too easy for you!! So, are you ready for a challenge today?

Can you put the notable events of Queen Elizabeth’s life in order? Start from the first event (the smallest number) and you should end with the most recent event (biggest number). You can either copy them onto a piece of paper or, if you have a printer, you can print them out from page 8, cut and stick them in the correct order. Tip – start with all the dates in the 1920s, then move up a decade to the 1930s, then the 1940s and so on.

(First) 1926 – Queen Elizabeth was born.

(Last) 2012 – The Queen celebrates her Diamond Jubilee for 60 years on the throne.

1948 1982 1936 2011 1960 1926 2012 1964 1950 1981 2002 1977 1947 1984 1952 Topic: The Imperial State is what Kings and Queens wear just after they have been coronated. It is the crown that looks a little bit like a .

It has over 2,900 precious stones, including diamonds, sapphires, and rubies.

Although nobody knows exactly how much the is worth, it is rumoured to be valued at at least £3 million!!!

The Queen only wears the Imperial State Crown during certain events, meaning it is not worn much at all. Instead, she wears beautiful , , and less formal .

Can you design a crown or for the Queen to wear? Draw it on a plain piece of paper, and use lines (with a ruler!) to annotate and describe what each part of the crown or tiara is (such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, gold, silver, etc.). For example:



Gold Sapphire

Velvet Remember to email me any work you complete, you can take a picture of it or send it me from your Hwb account, my email is [email protected].

I am missing you all so much and absolutely love seeing the work you send me! I hope to see you all very soon.

Miss Lloyd x

Fact File


Date of Birth:

Spouse (husband or wife):

Children: Number of years

she has been

Queen for:

Date she became Number of

Queen: grandchildren:

Number of great-grandchildren:

1948: Her first child is born – Prince Charles.

1982: Her grandson is born – Prince William.

1936: Elizabeth’s father becomes King.

2011: Her grandson (Prince William) marries Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge.

1960: Her third child is born – Prince Andrew.

1926: Queen Elizabeth was born.

2012: The Queen celebrates her Diamond Jubilee for 60 years on the throne.

1964: Her fourth and final child is born – Prince Edward.

1950: Her second child is born – Princess Anne.

1981: Her eldest son (Prince Charles) marries Princess Diana.

2002: The Queen celebrates her Golden Jubilee for 50 years on the throne.

1977: The Queen celebrates her Silver Jubilee for 25 years on the throne.

1947: Elizabeth marries Prince Philip.

1984: Her grandson is born – Prince Harry.

1952: Elizabeth’s father dies so she becomes Queen.