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This article isprotected bycopyrig 10.1111/nph.15488 doi: lead todifferences version between this andthe ofPleasecite ar Version Record. this been and throughtypesetting, proofreadingwhich may thecopyediting, process, pagination AcceptedThis Contents Accepted: 28 August 2018 Received: 10 April 2018 0000 ArticleCorresponding author: Biosciences, College Nicholas Smirnoff and DominiqueArnaud metabolism Articletype : NICHOLASPROF. SMIRNOFF (Orcid ID : 0000 VIII. VII. VI. V. IV. III. II. I. Summary


article undergone hasfor and b accepted been review publication fullpeer


- Hydrogen peroxidesignalling Metabolicfunctions hydrogenof peroxide Control of hydrogen peroxideconcentration: howand where? Hydrogen peroxidetransport Production of Hydrogen peroxideand superoxide toxicity Measuring and imaging hydrogen peroxide Introduction 5630

- Commissioned Material 5602 of Lifeof and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, ExeterEX4 4QD, UK.

Nicholas Smirnoff

hydrogen peroxide: enzymesand subcellular locations

ht. All rightsht. All reserved.


[email protected]

and functions Tansley Review - 0001 - 5630

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in in plants

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CORE This article isprotected bycopyrig been extensively reviewed. This reviewis distinct in attempting to assess knowledgeour H of (H In recent years considerableattention hasbeen paid to the involvement I. , hydrogen peroxide Ke signalling roles. combined with detection of specificproteins modifiedH by resolution geneticallyof Quantification of the sourcesand sinks H of pr mechanisms arepoorly example during acclimation stress to and pathogen defence, hasreceived much attention butthe chloroplastand peroxisomeautophagy and pr lignification and, possibly, cell development and defence involvementby its in typeIII all of which havecell compartment removed by ,peroxiredoxin, glutathioneperoxidase and other apoplastic and mitochondria, plasma membraneNADPH oxidases, peroxisomal oxidases, typeIII H Summary 2 Introduction oteins oteins to the sulfenicacid form and, similarly to otherorganisms, this modification could initiate 2 O ywords:

AcceptedO Article IX. 2 References Acknowledgements - 2

is produced, based relays andtarget modify , receptor kinasesand transcription factors. )

and reactive associated oxygen species in(ROS) plantfunction. Consequently,the topic has

, peroxidase, Where next?Where

via oxidases. Intracellular transportis facilitated by aquaporins and H superoxideand superoxidedismutase, by electron transportin chloroplasts

- encoded H expansion

( - H 2 specific isoforms. Apoplastic H O 2 ht. All rightsht. All reserved. O 2 sensors such as HyPerand roGFP2 2 )

, via - 2 defined. H O H 2 ogrammed cell death. The roleof H 2 O is being im 2 - derived hydroxyl radicals. Excess H 2 O 2

oxidises specific oxidises residues of target proved by thespatial and temporal 2 - O like enzymes and ascorbateperoxidase,


will allowdeeper understanding its of

(APX). (ROS) 2 - O mediated polymercross 2

, superoxide,catalase,

influences ce

of hydrogenof peroxide - Orp1. These H 2 O ll expansion, 2

2 in signalling, for O 2 2 O

2 triggers 2 O

is 2 - sensors linking, 2 O 2

This article isprotected bycopyrig activity to providefast reaction rates,and isDAB notsuitable for livecell imaging.use The of these Amplex Red and (3,3’DAB reactivespecies (RS), including peroxinitrite dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate(CM dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate( Noctor quantifying imaging or H reagentssuch as AmplexDAB, Red and fluorescein pragmatic responseto a lackof practical alternatives. All commonly usedfluorescent colouredor methods are often applied without critical evaluation sufficientor controls. This si temporal resolution ROS havebeen extensively criticised for their lack chemicalof specificity and insufficient spatial and and spatial resolution Critical to understan II. metabolism and signalling (Sections VII and VIII). production, transportand removal of peroxide (Sections IV H of potentially signals that affectprotein modifications of cellular components. These modifications include oxidative damagebut are also production andarray the of consequences that arisein terms radicalof production and specificitycomplicated is by “downstream” formation. reactions nitric of oxide(NO H beused as a substrate and signalling moleculein a relatively controllable manner. Superoxide and relatively stablein biological systems compared to its usual precursor superoxide (O methods focuswith a genetically on consequently understandingour hampered. is Therefore we critically assessH physiological processes. This situationcaused is by the difficulty in measuring specificROS and (Fig.but a 1) largeproportion of possible H on function inthecontext itsof metabol 2 O

AcceptedMeasuringand imaging hydrogen peroxide Article 2 2

O , 2016) producti 2

et al. the review will coverpotential targets of H . A useful critical assessment CMof , 2016) 2 on areon therefore entangled, a situation further complicated by the production and O 2 ratherthan other forms of ROS. ROS comprise a set of chemically .

ding H (Winterbourn, 2014) The fluoresceinThe probes,for example dihydrofluorescein diacetate (H

(Gilroy 2 O - 2 diaminobenzidine) arefairly specificfor H 2 O

. (Kristiansen ), a), radical signalling molecule (Fig. At 1). the same timeproblem the of

2 et

metabolism and signallingreliable is measurement high with temporal

the , 2016) - literature refers to the involvement unspecifiedof encoded probes with imp

ism and signalling roles. To do this wefocus specifically as as function and geneexpression. To critically assess the functions ht. All rightsht. All reserved. H 2

DCFDA) etal. . Surprisingly, these warnings arelargely ignored and . Thewidely - H

2 (Winterbourn, 2014) DCFDA) react with a wide range r of , 2009; Šnyrychová - H

and 5 2

DCFDA hasbeen made - 2

based compounds should be usedwith care for O 2

- and superoxidetoxicity (Section III), the - used methods for measuring H (and - VI)and functions its in terms of - 6) chloromethyl 6)

Fig. roved specificity

et and reactive sulfur species


illustrates thepathways H of 2 O , 2009; Schmitt 2

butrequire peroxidase (Kristiansen - 2’,7’ 2

O (Section II) 2 adical

measurement tuation is largely a - distinctspecies 2 . -

2 ) hence) et et O - based ROS in 2 2 an FDA), . H , 2014; , 2009). d other d other

(DeLeon 2 it can O 2',7' 2 2 is O

2 -

This article isprotected bycopyrig Acceptedhas beensuccessfully stage inArabidopsis Exposito removing itsability to respond to H requiringuse the aof control such as SypHer, inwhich one of t Rodrigues Exposito HyPer and its variants have been widely fluorescence excitation ratio theof attached YFP, for oxidationH by hydrogen peroxide 2014) versions suchas HyPer thewas first genetically probeencoded with high specificity for H accessibility to substrates andpotential, redox providing specificity some to their oxidation. HyPer Grx1 improved coupling to GSH/GSSG,latest the version of roGFP2 is attached to producing differentsubcellular compartments glutathioneredox state (GSH)inratiometric a manner and ha usedwidely GFP Articlea high potential to solvesome of the problems associated with small molecule probes. Thefirst Genetically production extraction of tissue samples in plants,which range from 50 in tissue extractsis fraught with technical difficulty, leaving no consensus averageof concentrations (Winterbourn, 2014) widely an alternative visualisation. Luminol, which produceschemiluminescence when oxidised has been electron microscopy probefor H hasprobes been critically evaluated - roGFP2 . HyPer constructedwas incorporating by OxyR into - used to measure theextracellular “oxidativeburst” buthas complex a chemistry - - Rodriguez Rodriguez

etal. - 2 and encoded probes inwhich fluorescent proteins havebeen engineered detectto H O

(Gutscher 2 . Cerium (Ce

, 2017; Mullineaux scavenging. - based sensors (roGFP1 and 2) were modified withcysteine a pair to respond to 2 O -

sensitivetranscription factor, which contains a cysteinepair with high specificity et al. et al.

2 (Exposito . Finally, even the apparently simple task of measuring the H (Voothuluru Sharp, & 2013)

- resulting inadisulfidebond. The thiol targeted to peroxisomes -

3 and3 et al. , 2017) , 2013; Hernánde 3+

does notreveal ) forms) insoluble Ce(IV) perhydroxide which can be visualised by , 2008) HyPerRed - - Rodriguez 5000 nmol g . In somecases HyPer is prone to silencing beyondcotyledon the

et 2

. The environmentof in

(Schwarzlander O (Šnyrychová ht. All rightsht. All reserved. 2

butmaintaining pH response , 2018) - havebeen developed used invarious systems including plants

et z - - Barrera

1 the cellular and organellespecificities H for

fresh weight , 2013) . (Costa However,it has disadvantage a in being pH sensitive,

but confocal reflectance mi etal. allowingprobe the to beused ratiometrically.

et al. etal.

which could limituse its in plants. However,it et , 2009) , 2015; Exposito , 2008; Bratt circularly permuted (Noctor , 2010) - disulfideinterconversion changes the . Cerium chlorideis a potentiallyuseful ve been ve well validated in plantsin

(Bilan hecysteines has been replaced, 2

O and multiplesubcellular et


et (Matlashov


proteins determines their et , 2016) al. - , 2013; Ermakova Rodriguez , 2016) croscopy might provide YFP. OxyR is an .

etal. Moreover,


(Costa . 2

O To provide

et 2 , 2006)

, 201 co

2 et ncentration O , 2017; 2 5;

the etal.

and 2 , 2010; O E. coli 2

have , new

This article isprotected bycopyrig AcceptedProchlorococcus natural example of the importanceof defenceagainst H systems, particularlywhen pushed to the limit by environmental stresses.A striking removing superoxideand H nM) curve Valishkevych, 2016) occurs at micromolar butnot low millimolar Arabidopsis III. 2017) modification apoplastas the and lumen ER wherethe probelikely is to b current genetically activity theof antioxidant system concentration as observed for A po theso extent to which thesespecies interfere with Articlesystem. HyPer re external H H of not measureabsolute concentrations since the oxidation state theof probe is dependent on the rate Although genetically roGFP2 pH is not sensitive. Other variantsof H roGFP2 with the yeast peroxidasethiol Following fro compartments Hydrogen peroxide 2 tential disadvantage of constitutively expressed probesis that they could disturb H are remarkably similar O . Estimates for resting intracellular H .


- production (Gutscher

- peroxiredoxin Thiol peroxidases reactalso with hydroperoxidesand peroxinitrite reduction after a H 2 O growth is inhibited by 1 mM H 2 m HyPer,m new sensors based redoxon relays arebeing designed. A fusion of roGFP2 of

additions can calibrateHyPer

by HyPer(TriPer) is able to operatein the lumen ER of mammalian cells , which

transient expression in et - encoded proteinsunlikely are to work well in more oxidising compartments such versus

and thedata Claeysof - encoded sensors provide specificity and temporal i -

, 2009; Scuffi based probe andsuperoxide toxicity lackscatalase

thecapacity 2 (Seaver Imlay,& O 2 O 2 E. coli 2

is made clear is made byimpaired the function of mutantswith compromised (TPX)

exposure could exposure provideinformation aboutthe capacity of the thi . This problem could beavoided by inducible expression. The


etal. (Lim Orp1 (roGFP2 - ht. All rightsht. All reserved. peroxidase(KatG). cannot It grow unless naturally 2 and rate O 2

Nicotiana benthamiana

, 2018) etal. 2 sensors not reportedyet inplants are HyPerRed and a 2 O et O

(Huang & Sikes, 2014)

2 2001; Huang, concentrations 2

concentrations in (Claeys , 2014)

et al. of theof systemthiol to reduce the probe. Using

. roGFP2 (2014)also providehint a of this com

- H Orp1)allows H , 2014; Morgan 2


et and could causelonger term changes int 2 2

measurement O - Orp1promising is because,unlike HyPer,it 2 BK , 2014)

ecome fully oxidised.

is illustrated by the pico (Nakamura

et al.

E. coli (Exposito

. and observing the kinetics of 2 , 2016) I O n mammals and yeast

etal. 2

- and mammalian cells dependent oxidation of in vivo

et al. nformation H on , 2016) . requirementThe for - Rodriguez , 2003; Semchyshyn &

requires investigation. . (Mul A recent


cyanob (Melo ler plexresponse et 2

O - etal. 2 occurring

O 2 toxicity

2 et al. , 2017) acterium

(20 they dothey , 2017) - he 35 ,

ol ol .

This article isprotected bycopyrig as damage,two points are worth bearing in mind. Firstly,proteins contain sufficient methionine (Bechtold the various isoforms are more sensitive to high lightand increased show metabolicdisruption B type isoforms which use glutaredoxinor r as methionine high lightand ambient CO been identified in Arabidopsis catalase( constant (Table 1) and, consistent with reactionThe between methionineand H (Wheeler superoxide SOD mutants Ascorbatesupplementation rescues oxygen sensitivity, lifespan and amino acid auxotrophy of yeast showed that mitochondrial MnSOD is essential for female gametogenesis (Martinal., et 2013). leastat being consistent with FeStargetingsuperoxide. by theof TCA cycleenzymes aconitase and isocitrate dehydrogenase 2011) bleaching, while the cytosolicFSD1 KO had no obvious phenotype is cytosolic/nuclear. Knockouts of (Chu Hekimi,& 2009) oxidativestress and sometimes have decreased lifespan apoplast CuZnor and yeast SOD mutants susceptible to and H 2003; Wilkins (Section term toxicity H 2 Accepted Article O 2

et is removed by “helper” “oxidative stress”. . Mitochondrial MnSOD 2 O in plantshave not been extensively studied and theireffectshidden are withinblanket the 2 and arepresent in cytosol, chloroplast, mitochondria, peroxisomes VI



et al. et al. , 2005) ) is induced) and has physiological significancein pollen . Arabidopsis contains least at type5 A peptide methioninesulfoxide reductases and 9 dismutation to H

(Zyracka et al. et al. demetallation , 2015) , 2009; Laugier . Arabidopsis . Of the threeFeSODs inArabidopsis, two are chloroplastic (FSD2 and 3) whileFSD1 in plants. , 2011) , 2008)

buffersthem againstthe more severesymptoms of SOD deficiency. et

(Imlay,2013) ( Fig. . 2 . SOD mutants from yeast,flies and mice are usually more sensitive to

I P (J , 2005) t is nott known if thereare specifically

2 roteins c acques 1).

by both superoxideand H O lacking Cu/ZnSOD activity grow

antisense lines et 2

In somecases programmed cell death or autophagy of

(Table 1).is possible It that high ascorbate concentration

thetwo chloroplast isoforms causeslight sensitivity and severe

presumably becauseof appreciable its rate constant for , 2013)

et al.

ontaining FeS clusters and mononuclear iron centres are ht. All rightsht. All reserved. (Table 1). SODs area diverse setof enzymes containing Fe, Mn (Morris

this, cat2 2 O , 2015) . While methioninesulfoxide production generally is seen 2 , forming methioninesulfoxide, hasa relatively largerate ~ ) mutants that accumulateexcess H

havesomewhat impaired growth andinhibition show 400 proteins containing methionine sulfoxide have etal. . Methioninesulfoxide reductase , 2011) 2 O although 2 .

eductant leading amino acid to auxotrophy in The characterisationThe of knockout mut Specific t s

normally under laboratory conditions - - sensitive targets for superoxide notin stigma incompatibility (Morgan (Myouga argets of superoxideand H (Laugier C. elegans

et etal. (Pilon

etal. 2 , 2008) O , 2008; Zhang

, 2013) regenerates et 2

(Van Raamsdonk when exposed to , 2011) organelles , theformer . Mutants in (Dat




and 2 etal. E. coli O ants 2

, ,

This article isprotected bycopyrig covered in the following sections dependent protein must provide light/dark or circadian cues. signalling peroxisomal acyl enzymescould also generate Arabidopsis and Drosophila dependent manner. ROS (H carefully controlled. Flavin containing proteins arepotentially able to reduce oxygen inblue a light dihydrofluorescein dyes oxidisesthem, so investigations involving lightand ROS production mustbe potential concern in microscopy when R laboratory Consequently, nanomolar to low micromolar concentrations arefound inthe environment and H IV. reactive electrophile species (RES) evidenced by mutagenesis in Hydroxyl radicals initiate lipid peroxidation and cause protein carbonylation and DNA damageas generated by release of Fe reaction or Haber except inthiol peroxidases (Winterbourn, 2015) Superoxide physiological significance of methi the possibility of effects on susceptible methionine residuesnear in sites human the proteomegiving rise to oxidation nearbyof methionineresidues and therean is over system residuesfor them toused be catalytically 2 O

Accepted Article Productionofhydrogen 2

forms spontaneouslyforms from the interaction between , organic matter and light. (Levine


(Li (Li Imlay,& 2018) can react with

et - CoA oxidaseis impaired in light - Weissreaction (

et , 1996)

(Table 1) , 2017)

cysteinethiols to produce reactiveand undesirablethiyl radicals 3+ . . Secondly, serineand th

2 metabolic activity signallingor H (Consentino

O . Photochemical reactions producing superoxide and H from proteins followed byreduction its with superoxide or ascorbate. 2 E. coli O


O peroxide: enzymes peroxide: subcellularand locations but th ) production) from cryptoch 2 . Since yeas 2 . -

can give risecan give to thehighly reactive hydroxyl radical inFenton the and then and summarized in onine oxidation remainsestablished. to be Fig. are

SOD mutants eir significance ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

1). 1). formerThe reaction requires free Cu signalling molecules

O et via S probesare being used. Illuminating the H t lackst conventional photoreceptors, flavinanother 2

methioninesulfoxide reductase O , 2015; 2

in the lightand, it shownwas thata - induced H (Imlay, 2008) reoninephosphorylation is influenced by in vivo Arthaut Fig.

2 rome,a blue lightphotoreceptor, . (Veredas

is unknown. (Farmer & Mueller, 2013) 2




T representation of oxidation 2 . Lipid peroxidationa results range of

he routes production and downstream , 2017)


H , 2017) of H of 2 .

O Other flavin 2

is poorly reactive, 2 as an H O +


or Fe .

production However, the 2

O yeast mutant in 2 . 2+

O 2 -

. Fe are also aare also 2 containing

removing 2+

occurs inoccurs could be are - This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted Article 1. 2.

production activates NADPH transport (CET)has a simila instead of H al. photoreduction hasbeen identified in cyanobacteria, green algae and bryophytes oxygen to water production. photoreduction havebeen proposed which could actas “valves” to decrease H involvespecific proteins, this may repay consideration. Alternativeroutes of oxygen peroxidases( located superoxidedismutase reaction inhibitor DCMU suggesting isthat it formed downstream of PSII, mostlikely in the Mehler that most theof H (Mubarakshina Borisova has beendocumented from proportion electronsof reducing oxygen to form superoxideat PSI (Mehler reaction) vary photosystems chloroplaststhere are multiple potential sites superoxideof production conditions provide opportunitiesfor H production Chloroplasts and mitochondria source of NO of oilseeds ing forlikely photorespiration purinecatabolism, and synthesis someof hor photorespiration (glycolate oxidase), fatty acid oxidation (acyl site duringdepending redox on potential and degree solventof exposure of the active dehydrogenases vary considerablyin therelative amounts superoxideof reaction”“side specialised for compartmenting oxidase enzymes which produce superoxideand H Peroxisomes and glyoxysomes , 2017; Shimakawa

(Messner Imlay,& 2002) 1 - 5%

(Exposito (Mullineaux

of largeof electrochemical gradients across energytransducing membranes. These 2 P O . S

lastid terminal as well ection 2 1 and 2 (PSI and and PSII) the lyoxysomes,specialised a type peroxisomeof

. FDPs . FDPs are lacking inangiosperms whereit is suggested that cyclic electron (del Rio & Lopez but more recently a - 2 Rodriguez O 2 , VI

et al. providingpossibility the peroxinitriteof formation. productionblocked is byphotosynthetic the electron transport

in situ ). et al.

et al. Al

(Queval , 2017) thoughis it tacitly assumedthe that Mehler reaction doesnot r protectivefunction

- , 2018) oxidase(PTOX) accepts electrons from plastoquinol and reduces . In plants, superoxide/H

, inisolated chloroplasts and thylakoid membranes dependent CET et ht. All rightsht. All reserved. , 2012) assistconversion to H are organelles - are sites of intenseelectron transportactivity coupled with Huertas, 2016) . , 2017)

FDPs take electrons from PSI and reduce oxygen to water et

Oxygen photoreduction . role Recently, the useof stroma 2 O , 2007) 2 .

for generation Stromal electron transport chain

(Strand flavodiiron proteins (FDPs)in oxygen mones. Largefluxes of H boundeda single by membraneand

. Flavin and


and thylakoid membrane(stromal side)

fatty acidutilisation during germination 2

etal. O


via O - 2 containing oxidases and

2 et followed by reduction to water by

forming oxidases are involved in superoxide dismutation , 2015) . produ , 2017) Peroxisomesappear be to a - CoA oxidase), polyamineand . - M targeted HyPer hasshown cing . Relevantto this, H itochondria generate (ETC) 2 O

superoxideand such as 2

and H

are particularly . Estimates theof 2 2 O O

. In 2 2


2 produced O 2

as a 2


et 2 2 O

- 2

This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted Article 3.

have beenhave extensively reviewed and DAMPs). Molecular mechanisms activating NOX hormones (ABA, ethylene) and pathogen and damage associated mol production inapoplast the is induceda by plethora of stimuli suchextracellular as ATP, activation has been demonstrated 2014) the PM or ER example salt stress,superoxide/H regulatory proteins sensor kinases. mediated H membranepermeable, the proposed signalling roles for NOXs either require aquaporin and corroborativeevidence are needed. Given that superoxideboth is short specific not to NOX NOX functions but many studies have usedtheinhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) which is just not about be superoxide the extracellular space will depolarise the membrane, dismutation could increase apoplastic pH, activity perhaps using germin reactionfavoured is by low apoplastic pH butthere is also evidencefor apoplasticSOD Su 3). electrons to cytochromeslocated inchannel a formedthe by transmembranedomains ( andtermini. C The C superoxide inthe plasma membrane enzymes which use electrons from cytosolicNADPH to reduce oxygen to mammalian inthe neut (NOX). NOXsPlant apoplast and the complexityillustrated is in Plasma membrane and apopla Riemer complexesI, II and II superoxide and H peroxideproduction is followedits by rapid dismutation H to . N The

etal. 2 O , 2015; Huang, S - terminus ofhas NOXCa (Leshem 2

transport to the cytosol interactionor its of products wi Localisation inlipidcould rafts facilitatetheir interaction with potential

2 apoplast. Models predictsix membranespanning domains with cytosolicN O are

asis it a general (Hao 2 -

and flavin containing terminus hasbinding for sites NADPH and FAD. Reduced FADtransfers throughelectron the transport chain particularlythrough

et named respiratory burst oxidasehomologues (RBOH) after the

et al. , 2

- (Segal, 2016) ht. All rightsht. All reserved. et like proteins. The proton consumptionsuperoxid by 006) , 2014; Nagano st. st. rophil microbial defencesystem

(Qi 2 There are numerous routesto H , 2016) O

in vivo and RBOHDis internalised into PM vesicles

etal. 2 flavoprotein

2+ production occurs in cytoplasmic vesicles - binding and handmotifs EF Ca , 2017)

. (Potocky

. Mutants beenhave dehydrogenases and the RBOH


et al.

3. Aprominent3. sourceNADPH is oxidase

and involvereceptor inhibitor

, 2016) et al. via

so thatso

its regulatory N , 2012) - mediated transport of electron to

. Undersome conditions, for (Riganti

(Schwarzlander NADPH oxidase . NOX important

(Segal, 2016) 2 et al. 2 O O - 2 2 - ecular patterns (PAMPS dependent ROS

. Thisproton 2+ likekinases (RLKs), production inthe th extr , 2004) - - dep terminal domain

for understanding

et al. - endent lived and poorly . NOXs are

acellular function might

, cautionso (Hao respiratory derived from , 2009; e - requiring

etal. - Fig. ,

This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted peroxidase with the suppression of H causingpH a increasealso elicit “ROS” production elicitor/PAMP responses. In potato, comparison of various PAMPs and DAMPs shows that only those described by Bolwell growth (Daudi suggestsrole a for peroxidasesin thegeneration H of favouredhigh by pH and requiresreductant a Daudi radicals depending on the chemical environment ( (Section contains numerous typeIII peroxidaseisoenzymes with functions in cross NOX hasreceived high profileattention butthere are other sources apoplasticof H Article


et al.

(Sundaravelpandian influences on developmental defects as well as pathogen sensitivity Antisensesuppression of thetomato RBOH family produced plants with multiple surprising not that NOX mutants are relatively signalling events for which seminal work theon role of NOXinroothair growth in polargrowth is conserved across brown seaweeds, fungi and mammals but,following the involved in stomatal function and pathogen responses responses and systemic signalling (Foreman RBOHC and RBOHH/J function inpolar growth rootof hairs and pollen tubesrespectively extent in Table protein kinases (e.g. BIK1) and GTPases small (RAC/ROP). phosphatidic acid,

VII - ). However peroxidases are repo , 2012; Kimura derived H , 2012)

they arespecialised specificfor functions ina widerange processes.of For example, 2 .

(Rentel (Rentel etal.

, stomatal defences Arabidopsis hasisoforms 10 NOX with distinctexpression patterns and some to ’s group 2 root O , 2 2003; Boisson

production for “ROS” production NOX is required seem still obscure. Cell wallremodelling ( + et

- et calcium influxactivating calcium developmentstill are coming to light ATPase


is favoured by high pH consistent with thepH increasesreported durin , 2004) , 2014) , 2013; Mangano

activity ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

are candidates. Consistent with these mult . H The -

(Khokon Dernier

(Miller REF), rted to variously 2

which hasnot been identified. The ofuse mutants O


2 could etal.

generating reaction is notfully understood butis etal. Fig.

(Moroz et al. , 2013; Kaya, H. , 2010; Arnaud 2

O contribute to 3) , 2009) susceptible to environmental changes 2 , 2017)

(Chen & Schopfer, 1999; Kawano, 2003; or otherROSor duringimmune the response ? et -

dependent protein kinases(CPKs),

(F generatesuperoxide, H . RBOHD andalso Fare variously

(Sagi oreman . (Kadota , 2017)

The H The (Orman

Examples and referencesare given


the high pH to favour etal. et al. 2 . Isit feasibleNOX that


et al. etal. - 2 Ligeza , 2004)

, 2014) , 2017) production reaction linking cell wall polymers , 2003) , 2015)

et , while more , RBOHD in wound ,

andhair root iple functions,is it

2 . The role NOXof the S O 2 , ection

O 2 2016) . 2


The cell The wall and hydroxyl type III . VII

. , along ) or

g This article isprotected bycopyrig which are secret andinsects microbes. production by nectaries and trichomes consequencesfor growth, lignification, pathogen defenceand signalling peroxidase, CuAO,PAO, oxidised ascorbate) and removal (peroxidase) is emerging along with thereforeinfluence H Cell wall ascorbate oxidase maintains ascorbate ina relatively oxidised state,and its activity could unidentified oxidation productof ascorbate also inhibits peroxidase activity wi ascorbate(dehydroascorbate and 2,3 ascorbateof degradation incell the wall butis it also potentially relevantthat oxidation products of oxala and CO Someplants, for example cereals, contain apoplastic oxalate oxidase(germin) which produces H products formed by amine oxidases havenot been considered. tubes H reactivespecies Mutants or over 2016) apoplasticalso (PAO1). They havewide substrate specificity for polyamines Arabidopsis) are largely apoplastic, while PAOs (5 genesin Arabidopsis)are largelyperoxisomal but flavin (FAD) A number of other oxidaseslocated are in theapoplast including copper amine oxidases(CuAO), 2 O Acceptedth non Article 2 4. - te oxidase activity dependent stomatal

. Products amineof and

(Wu 2 producethe disulfide form a of 2 This process therefore generates H PDI, which in turn transfersdisulphide the bond to target proteins induceto correct folding. produces (ERO) anendo involveH bonds. The two means of oxidative cross linking which facilitates the protein folding processes that depend the on formation disulfideof Endoplasmic reticulum (Le (Le Deunff - enzymaticH

et - dependent polyamineoxidases (PAO)and

, 2010) - and use of mutants and polyaminefeeding suggests that they contribute to ABA and ed into the nectar anda nectary by NOX expression of various apoplasticamine oxidases confirm anincrease decreaseor in 2 O

etal. 2

(Bulleid, 2012) 2

2 Nectar O O . Thepote

(Membré 2 2 , 2004)

production. Overa production closure

H polyamine 2 . Arabidopsis hasafamily germinof . TheisER an oxidising compartment O - ntial signalling roles theof reactivealdehydes and theirfurther disulfideby reducing oxygen H to



(An (~30 . Infirst, the a FAD

(Kärkönen - ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

diketogulonate) candegraded be under apoplastic conditions et , 2000) (Peiffer µ

- oxidation are M) M) Cys peroxiredoxin or the form of a 2 , 2008; Gémes ll, a complex pictureof H O is formed 2

. In contrast, thesecond mechanism uses H b

et ut which may haveSOD activity. Oxalatea product is

et , 2009) , 2017) - via oxalate oxidase. CuAOs (~ genes10 in H co 2 via

O (Bezzi ntaining endoplasmicreticulum oxidase

glucose oxidase and a germin et 2

protein disulfide (PDIs) both a . may contribute to defence against nd analdehydeor amino aldehyde. Very interestingly, a currently

, 2016)

et 2 - O likeproteins, which do nothave 2 , 2010; Harper 2 for glutathioneand thiol groups O . Oxidised ERO then oxidises

and H 2

production (NOX, (Fig

(Tavladoraki (Kärkönen 2 3 O ) . 2

Extracellular production in pollen


etal. -

like protein , 2010) etal. 2 O , 2017) 2 H

to to , 2 O .

2 2 O

2 .

This article isprotected bycopyrig maiz in yeast between AtPIP2;1 is phosphorylatedOST1 by inresponseto ABA inbothrole waterand H induced stomatal closureand the apparentlymutants decreasedhave intracellular suggesting ROS a intracellular H movement inthe allowsmutant increased bacterial growth, presumablyby int H selectivity for H aquaporins usedby water are involved in H evidencefor the aquaporin dependence of an e activates the redox controlled transcription factor NF characterised. A mouseaquaporin 3 mutantimpaired is in NOX2/H (PIPs)and tonoplast(TIPs) andlikely most inthe chloroplast inner envelope channel proteins t of Like water,H V. 2 O

Accepted peroxideHydrogen transport Article 2 e roots,e implying that a possible oxidative modification to aquaporins decreasestheir water

, 2012; Bienert Chaumont,& movement from theapoplast to the cytosol during PAMP

in plantsis required. bond form dehydroascorbate, the oxidised form ascorbate,of in the ER could also facilitate disulfide removal of H the ER membrane in role storageprotein synthesis whichER/chloroplast is local (GPXL) extensive formation disulphideof links the EROpathway indeveloping soybean seedlings wherestorage protein synthesis involves an ER While the Arabid peroxidase( (Bienert maize plasmamaize membraneaquaporins inH 2 - O 2 localised peroxiredoxin (Aller and Meyer, 2013). O pathway 2 2


2 is relatively poor atpermeating membranesand its transportis facilitated by et

signalling 2 ation. Further investigation of the oxidative processes involved in protein folding

or or may beimpermeable to H G he aquaporin type. Plant aquaporinspresent are theon plasma membrane 2 O P , 2014) X 2

) which) then oxidise In plantsPDI. is it not known ifboth pathways operate. 2 in plants produced by the ERO system. Finally, investigated,but not the presence of opsis genomeopsis contain O

(Attacha 2

(Tian transport . High H

e is supported by theobservation that rice mutantsin OsGPX 2014) t al.

et ised, has noticeablydecreased grain filling, consistentwith a 2 O ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

(Grondin , 2016) 2

. Their presence otheron membranes is not well

concentration (~30 mM)decreases waterpermeability of , 2017) (Matsusaki 2 O . 2 At

s transportbut some forms may havegreater

(Matsusaki ntireH . GPX etal.

2 2 ERO2 and 13 PDIproteins, p O ip2;1 2 2

O (Almasalmeh et al. , 2015; Rodr L - 2  s

2 permeability was demonstrated by expression


mutants aremutants impaired in ABA or could be involved in (Grondin 2 (Hara , 2016)

signalling system. Most likely the same


- - However,there is strong evidencefor triggered immunity. Decreased H Chikuma , 2016) . Arabidopsis GPX


etal. et 2 O 2 -

, 2015) , 2014) etal. . The possibility of a GPX mediated signalling which


, 2017) there isthere no evidence for (Mubarakshina Borisova . . AtPIP1;4 facilitates , 2015) Thedifferences erfering with L . Int 3 is 3 attached to - , providing

and PAMP erestingly, - L 5, - like - 2 O 2

This article isprotected bycopyrig Acceptedtranslational modification has beenreported. Thereare numerous reports increasedof r increase inresponseto stressand insome cases control theirof enzyme activity by post H to likelymost restricted to peroxisomes. Ina nutshell, knockout mutants are generally moresensitive peroxidaseshave numerous isoforms and arefound inall subcellular compartmentswhile CATis theof peroxidases havebeen extensively reviewed are also GPX thioredoxin as reductant peroxidasesinclude peroxiredoxins plantscan develop very high ascorbateconcentrations inphotosynthetic tissues. thiolThe 2015) photosynthetic organisms but,along with ascorbate, are absent from cyanobacteria and ascorbateperoxidase (APX) and typeIII peroxidases. APXs arestrongly restricted to peroxihaem Most organisms contain multiple enzymes to remove H VI. Articleconf (Hara areAP3 physically associated which would facilitate movement H of 2016) andER cytosol is likelymost facilitated by aquaporins in mammalian cells investigated in this regard, little is known theirof role in other membranes. H aquaporins could influence lightsignalling. While the plasma membrane aquaporinsbeen have Rodriguez acetazolamide, photosyntheticelectron transport permeability aquaporinsof very is dynamicand could influenceH AtPIP2;1 beto internalised in endosomes permeability Control of hydrogen peroxideconcentration:and how where? L 2 i rmation inplantsand will , 2012) O s -

. Compared to animals, whereascorbate is not considered as a major player in H Chikuma buthas notbeen investigated inplants. Furthermore,in mammals NOX2 and 2 also

and stres candidates for H

et al. react with . Since dasesand thiol

(Ye (Ye Steudle,& 2006)

et , 2017) a membrane sesare that expected to increaseH chloroplast , 2015) o , it rganic hydroperoxidesand


(Iqbal O is possible that expression or gating of specific chloroplastenvelope 2 . -

based - sensing (Section The functionThe aquaporinsof in impermeable reagent thatblocks aquaporins - sourced H

require et . Interestingly,lower a concentration H of - peroxidases. Inplants,the haem peroxidasesare catalase (CAT) sourced H Prx , 2006; Navrot ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

the careful use of mutants and inhibitors

and glutathioneperoxidase 2

O (Wudick 2

influences nuclear H

2 VIII O 2

). The subcellular locations, properties and functions from isolated chloroplastsblocked is by

phospho etal.

et al. (Dietz, 2016; Maruta 2 O 2 2

, 2015) load. Transcripts some,of but not all, O , 2006; Attacha 2

H with twodistinct reaction mechanisms: lipid hydroperoxides. peroxidases Thiol 2 O

. Itappears that distribution and 2

transport 2 2 O O - 2 like 2 2

O and gene expression signalling.exit The of 2

into into the cytosol for signalling (GPX etal.


(Appenzeller needs furt

(Mubarakshina Borisova 2 O L , 2017) 2 ) enzyme 2 , 2016) O

(0.5mM) causes . 2


the aquaporin . her (Wheeler . Besides H

APX and thiol 2 - s which O Herzog - esistanceto 2

t betweent removal, (Exposito

et et use 2 O 2


- , ,

This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted Article 2016) stress resultas a of over 1. .

evidenceso far, i peroxisomesproducing are photorespiratory H catalase inperoxisomes plantsfloating H on evidencethat peroxisomesa are sinkfor H antisense or co peroxisomes was not determined. Contrary to peroxisomesacting a as so by DAB staining inintactleaves. However,this evidenceis weakbecause its sourcefrom al. supported by physical association between catalase and glycolate oxidasein rice resultssuggest that close enzyme association allows metabolitechannelling andalso is physical association spinachof peroxisomal leaf enzymes dueto closeinteraction of enzymes. Insupport thisof hypothesis (Heupel surprisingly (Mueller, 2000) peroxisomes actively oxidising acids fatty release H from peroxisomes 2016) they could also function as H assumption that peroxisomesevolved to removeor contain H peroxiredoxin in photorespiratory H peroxisomal APX3 mutant shows no obvious phenotypelowat lightintensity at which Addit Arabi the ultimate reductant). Peroxisomal catalase mutants been have extensively studied in removed without perturbingcellular the redoxstate (i.e. GSH and NADPH are not needed as affinity for H 1997) peroxisomes, to the extentit that is often associated Peroxisomes and glyoxysomes. ,

2016) dopsis and tobacco andits show key rolein H ionally to catalase, . Kinetic modelling of H .This high concentrationperhaps is required becausecatalase does not havea high

et al. . Salicylic aciddisruptsthis association and causesa small increase inH it appears to berelatively impermeablebased on catalaselatency assays 2 O , 1991) 2 - . . However, catalase is “ideal” inthe sensethat a largeflux of H suppression of - T t will beimportant to determineif peroxisomes are always net sinksor if plant expressing peroxidases, of particularlyAPX heperoxisomal membrane

(Poole, 1975) 2 2 O O . Therefore, retention inperoxisome the would be aided by channelling 2 2


production wouldlow be solution depleted it fasterthan could APX 2 2 ht. All rightsht. All reserved. O is O act as aact sinkfor extra CAT1 2 2 also associated peroxisomes. with In Arabidopsis, a

Catalase sources, particularly sources, f and, inbroad supportof thisprediction, isolatedliver rat production predicts that5% of H (Corpas , the major catalaseisoform in tobacco, provided

is present in 2 O

etal. 2 is


2 has O

(Narendra , 2017) 2 . 2

2 Given the poreslarge enough to allow O - O peroxisomal H

2 with crystalline structures 2

or signallingor very high concentration in

removal albeitat very lowconcentr CAT1 CAT1

requires corroboration.

et (Heupel Heldt,& 1


(Dietz, 2016; Maruta al.,et deficient mutants. Therefore contradictory natureof the 2 , 1997) O

(Queval 2 , 2006) , 2

thereis evidencefor

O it hasbeensuggested that (d 2 O 2

el Rio & Lopez produced would leak 2 . Leaf discs o

even when the

. etal. The single report of urce of H 994) , 2007) 2 O

(Kleff H 2

. These 2 O (Zhang Despitethe 2 ation

f wild is O 2 2 - O

. Huertas, detected 2


loss butloss , etal. -

type et , This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted Article 2.

P stroma (sAPX) and attached to the thylakoid membrane(tAPX) photosynt ascorbate) and peroxidasesthiol which together removeH Chloroplasts. Kneeshaw which could resultin controlled H that catalaseactivity can bemodulated a by number interactionsof and modifications, had somewhathigher H butno dependent protein kinase CPK8 dependent manner interact with LSD1,zinc a fingerprotein which is involved in cell death inpotentially a SA seems thatphysiological concentrations SA wouldof betoo lowfor directinhibition acid suggesting the possibility thatH are degraded severely high H Arabidopsis CAT2 and maintains catalaseactivity leaves absorption. Itis continuouslydegraded and synthesised inalight metabolitesneeds to be addressed. Catalaseis sensitive photoinactivationto chloroplasts the peroxisomal membranebegated? A subset of peroxisomesare also attached to peroxisomal responsesincrease the H perhapsso proliferation is necessary butnot s promoting peroxisome proliferation does notincrease salt tolerance mobility under ox peroxisomeactivity that will impinge thisquestionon are proliferation and increased peroxisome they can alsosources. be Interestinglystrong evidence a for specific signalling rolefor rx , GPX , 1995) , 2016)

t int the peroxisomes (Engel L 1 and1 7 are prominent thiol peroxidases inArabidopsis heticelectron transport et al. - . Sa

but indirect interaction may occur sourced H (Gao

et by autophagy The key componentsare APX (andhigh a concentration of its substrate 2 ltstress peroxisomecauses proliferation, butoverexpression of PEX11 , 2017) O

idative stresses and formation peroxuleof extensions 2 et

, 2006) production, for examplein


2 . etal. , 2016) O

2 O 2

andcytosolic a chaperone protein (NCA1) which interacts with 2 is demonstrated in y

as determined by BiFC assay leveldetermined as by DAB andprobes. DCF Itis therefore , 2015) (Shibata ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

andpotential the for channelled movement H of , although 2 O via . CAT3phosphorylated is and activated by the calcium 2


etal. O releasefrom peroxisomes

2 FDX O 2

2 will increaseduring responses. defence However, it

their source sinkor and can channels for H , 2013) both proteins as theultimate reductant. APXhas isoforms inthe ufficientfor salt tolerance. Do these cat2 east (Yuan

. Catalaseand APXare inhibited salicylic by (Li ,


peroxisomesbecome aggregated and et al.


interact (Zou , 2015) , 2017) 2 O

2 et et al.

using NADPH


(Costa . Underconditions of

in the nucleus and cyto (Dietz, 2016; Attacha - . Arabidopsis CAT1, and2 3 dependent m , 2017) , 2015)



(Rodríguez et al. . Other features of . A , 2010; and cpk8 , 2016)


et al. 2 annerin O bluelight

2 mutant mutant

- and other Serrano , 2010)

. 2 2 (Ruffer O

et - 2 likely Cys

sol in - - ,


This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted Article 4. 3.

could comprisean H inoccurs vacuolesdoes as a largeproportion theof type III peroxidaseactivity. Vacuoles transporters),inorganic ionswell as as sugars, amino acids and organic acids. Ascorbate around 90% of the cell volume and accumulates secondarycompounds ( Vacuoles asahydrogen peroxide sink. Morgan increasedhave superoxide/H proteins (UCPs) which allowdissipation ofproton the gradient. Mutantsin these processes water (analogous to chloroplast PTOX and flavodiiron reactions features: the alternative oxidase(AOX) which diverts electrons to oxygen and H equivalents producedchloroplasts. by To accommodate these fluxesand preventsuperoxide glycine metabolism as one theof sites photorespirationof (Jiménez glutathioneperoxidase and APXpresent are along with ascorbateand GSH in the matrix Huang, S signallingcase (in the thiolof peroxidases) havebeen well Mitochondria. singletof oxygen. presumably beneficial inremoving the potential for damaged chloroplasts to act as sources mutant can result inautophagic destruction (chlorophagy) with peroxisomes, severe oxidation chloroplastsof in high light,UVB (Kitajima P element through PTMs and geneexpression system. Involvement theof peroxidases thiol also allowsa potential signalling/chaperone synergistically sensitivemore chloroplas sensitivity to photo 2017) rx

by over . APXand ascorbate deficient ( 2 O

2 et

et et etal. production by over ts ists sensitive to photo - oxidation and sAPXbyof H , 2008) , 2016) , 1997) , 2010)

The enzymes re

- oxidativestress buta double mutant of the two 2 . 2


. , could allow transient H and onlysome key p

Plantmitochondria areintimately involved in photosynthesis,both in 2

scavenging uptake with facilitated by tonoplast a - 2 ht. All rightsht. All reserved. reduction of the electron transport chain thereare twokey (Awad O moving H 2

- and compromised photos oxidative stress and a triple mutant with tAPXis

etal. vtc 2

O ) mutants inArabidopsis havesomewhat increased In fully expanded cells, the vacuole comprises 2 O 2 , 2015) , whichpotentiated is byspecific a amino acidloop oints areoints summarised here. Peroxiredoxins, 2

in mitochondria and their relationship with (Dietz, 2016) 2 O 2 . This providesa

accumulation allowinga it

. Itis possible that inactivation of -

ynthesis reviewed and in oxidising red (Izumi , Section

multi et


- (Riemer radiation and inatAPX - Cys Cys - , 2017) layered IV via

quaporins. A with production of P ) )

rx ct asct a signal. As ABC and uncoupling


proteins in and is ucing

etal. H

2 O , 2015; 2

, 2006; removal removal

This article isprotected bycopyrig possibleit is thatscaffolding enzymes of producing and consuming Acceptedare endodermal proteins which provideplatform a for endodermal cell wall modifications. Therefore endodermis lignif apoplastic oxidasesand oxidation. Effects ligninon in mutants could derivefrom either activity. The other that the same(or different) isoenzymes peroxidasecan generate contribute peroxidase.for The source of scavenger impairedhave III type peroxidases formation potentially involves O then reactwith each other produceto polymeris pathogens. Lignification involves their most obvious function inmodifying the cell wall during development in responseor to Some theseof generate ROS (Section extensin and arabinogalactan proteins, contain hydroxyproline residues cell wall or vacuole ArticleRemarkably,Arabidopsis the genome encodes ~65 expressed typeIII hemeperoxidases, targeted to VII. Metabolic hydrogenfunctions peroxide of , 2013) to beto investigated in thiscontext. of lackingmutants vacuole localised peroxidase or with phenolic altered composition need could acta as light this proposal, peroxidaseactivity roseus Shamir, 2013) transported to the cytosol for reduction in exchange for radicalreduced is ascorbate by producing dehydroascorbate (DHA) which could be phenolicsubstrate is oxidisedH by

potassium iodide via . Critically, this process involvesCASP1 which isneeded for localisation of (Sultana

superoxide stem lignification identified all the components this of system ies

(Valério (Marjamaa

using peroxidase(

et . H

2 A detail ascorbate could also beinvolved (Section O H - 2 derived 2 , 2015; Tattini

buffer,extent the of their capacity far so lacks evidence and investigation O

et in spruce cell cultures 2 H


2 ed study of peroxidase and phenolicsubstrates in etal. O 2 (Shigeto , 2004) - oxidation 2 dependent laccases (copper oxidaseenzymes) or

H for for xylem lignificationnot is established. NOX activity could 2 , 2009; Berthet O ht. All rightsht. All reserved. IV 2 PRX

butinvolvement of specificisoforms is not established. Since ) but) they also oxidise a . They are generally N could provide

et et and phenolic 2 64)and NOX (RBOHF)as the

O of of monolignols in the cell wall to form radicals which 2

, 2015) using type III peroxidase.resulting The phenoxyl , 2015) ed lignin. The mechanism of monolignol radical conditions (Section


et al. . .Lignification inhibited is the by

H While itan is attractiveidea that vacuoles substrate 2 O , 2011) 2

(Ferreres as well as as well catalysing monolignol et -

glycosylated and, like cell wall

widerange sub of . s ascorbate (Fig , 2017) PRX

increase IV

H ). As well as thexylem, the

2 2, 2, IV et O

) it) is tempting to speculate 2 PRX superoxide


occurs inoccurs other cell types indica , 2011)

during 25 and ting animportant role 2 ) -

. Consistent with

Kim Catharanthus

strates and have drought H (Zipor & Oren / PRX H 2 H O 2 2

PRX O et O 2 H 71 - 2 pro 2 2 -

O dependent source 64. CASPs mutants mutants

2 and , 2016) ducing

high - (Lee .

This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted ArticleVIII. polysaccharidescission leading cell to wall loosening circumstances, apoplastichydroxyl radicals could take part (Price pathogen responses. Oxidative cross protein which formscross a to the characteristicpat pectins associated with polymerising lignin and possiblywith lignin the itself and this may contribute and response 1. Hydrogen peroxideHydrogen signalling

et al. transmembraneprotein located inthesec signalling, causing oxidation and inactivation (GPX3 system inplants limited evidencefor a complete it hasbeen suggested that these could actas H 2014) disulfideYap1 entersnucleus the whereit actsa as transcription factor prot cysteineforming sulfenic a acid. Thisreacts with its target protein Yap1, forming inter cascade in which a peroxidasethiol (Orp1 activetranscription f react with H peroxidases which contain data. In bacteria, fungi and mammals the em s pathogen responses are well signalling inguard root cells, hair and pollen tube established that production slowsdown. These features makea useful it signalling molecule and itis well (Marinho accumulate Intracellular signalling peculation , 2003) ein disulfide bonds which thenresolve to produce Yap1 with anintra s suchas defence . Plantshave a wide range of L 3) which interacts with ABI2,type a protein2C phosphatase

et . While

on howon transiently 2 O 2 , 2014)

tern cross of (

H (Mullineaux Fig. H 2 O 2 - O H

linked networkwith itself and pectins during wall development and 2 actor, thisso proteinboth is sensor and transducer. Yeast usesa 4)

2 2 . However,it will influencesgene expression across allgroups of organisms. - O . Being moderately long . . In spruce, the cationic peroxidasebinds to negatively charged dependent cross linking restrain will cell expansion, undersome and even form gradients a on cellular scale givenlocalised a source 2 E. coli

sensing and signalling operate low low - -

- linking et linking ht. All rightsht. All reserved. studied proceeesinvolving H

OxyRdirectly is oxidisedH by pKa thiol peroxidase , 2018) thiol peroxidasethiol cysteinethiols

(Laitinen via


isodityrosineuses extensin . Apotential example is glutathioneperoxidase )

re scavenged an by the

actsas the sensor andinitially is oxidised on one tory system

erging paradigm for H and enhanced growth (Miao et - 2 lived lived O - based sensing and signal transduction 2 growth, programmed death cell and

in a suitable chemical environment , 2017) sensors. Howeversensors.

in directed reactions et al. s in vivo

insubcellular most compartments and s

(Attacha , 2006)

in plants farexceeds theavailable . Extensina is structural wall 2

O (half 2 2 O

in ways. various However, 2 tioxidantsystem

. GPX anddisulfide the forman is - life ms H to s)

et - 2

(Richards specificperoxidases

O involved in ABA , at thispointis there L 2 3 is 3 most likely a

sensing involvesthiol , 2017)


particularlyin - protein disulfide.


so its function 2 O

when its

ABA 2 et

can , 2015) - , to

- like .

This article isprotected bycopyrig tethered to membranes and cytoskeleton show that H locations, including membraneanchored Isoforms of plantGPX (facilitating oxidation theof target), and the subcellular location H of thiol H For These modifications interactwith H otherwiserecycle oxidised CysteinesCRKs. are that H coupled to activation of cytosolickinases. (Idänheimo achievedcysteine by could be caused byprotein a unfolding responseto excessiveH al. (HSFs) canalso be redoxactive and have a wide range targetof genes Heat shockproteins (HSPs) are amongst thoseinduced H by chloroplast in plantsbuta number candidatesof are proposed. Rap2.4ais involved in light 2015) phosphorylation, cysteine ooxidation and, morespeculatively, methionine H known toinvolved be in H kinasehas its activity activatedH by is OXI1 a kinasethat influences roothair growth a 2 O Accepted, 2013; Perez Article 2

reactivity of specific proteins, the propensity sensorof and target proteins to interact to influencegeneto expression transcription factors must be modified for example by 2 . O 2 Redoxsensitive transcription factors and their target genes havenot been extensively studied O 2 synthesis during infection Pse potential H factors following H shows 2) increased sulfenylation proteins,of including protein sulfenylation using pulldowna Yap1 system or a ch in

2 to actasto a

oxidises specific cysteineresidues and that isthere route a to reduce oxidised cysteines or this contextis - u

located 2 et al. domonas syringae , 2006) - Salamo , 2014; Bourdais 2 n effective O . GPX - - rich receptor 2 - Cys

like proteins, which arepotential sensors sensors. sensors.

et al. contradictory regarding the cytosolic interaction GPXL3of with ABI2 L P 2 s could also actas sensors lipidof hydroperoxides. Detection of increased O 2 rx O 2 , 2014) . The disulfide. The form binds to 2

2 responses,dependent is OXI1 on l signal, there mustbe specificity and thiscould be generated by the


has been detected andhave may a functional roleinhibiting IAA Recently, sulfenylation tryptophanof synthetase during response to

et (Yuan - like kinases (CRKs) localised on the plasma membrane 2 2 . However,it should inborne be mind thatthe inductionHSP O O ht. All rightsht. All reserved. 2 2

, 2015; Lu . signalling

et H (Waszczak

(Attacha Currently, is nothere biochemical detail butit is assumed 2 O 2

, 2017) activation of MAP kinases (MPK3 andpreviously 6), also

et e.g. nd pathogen It inducedH by


etal. modified .

(Kovacs , 2016; Kimura 2 O , 2017) , 2014; Akter 2

concentration gradients can form - Cys 2 O

et by 2 . Modeling and the use HyPerof

thiol peroxidasethiol (Rentel 2 andshock heat transcription fact P O are present in various cellular gluthionylat rx 2 . Apoplastic H , 2016) emical trap for sulfenic acid(DYn


2 et O

et (Miller & Mittler, 2006; Jung

etal. 2

production and sensors. .

, 2017) oxidation , 2015)

, 2004) ion


responsiveness aof and transcription

2 and S O .

This would be indicating 2 . Ultimately, for

sensing may be

(Jacques - nitrosylat


( Fig. 2

(Warren O , 2008)

(Miao et al. 2

3 and ion ors )

, et .

. -

This article isprotected bycopyrig inhibition and high light (Bonifacio undersome conditions theseare more resistant to oxidative stress, consistent with acclimation related stresses.Various studies APX with and catalasemutants, oxidation, we must supposethat this resultsin acclimation to potentially toxicH SinceH suchhigh as lightand inducedH by repair processes. Morefocussed studies show do that APX and that inducea similar setof genes,including HSPs and glutathioneS conditions increaseH responses to pathogens, UV typesThe genesof most widely induced arediverse in function and are also associated with proposed butit is difficult to assesshow coherent they are overrange a of treatments and superoxide and hydrogen peroxide transcriptomedata have attempted to identify groups genes of with specificity for singletO Which2. genes are influ between chloroplastsand nuclei approach shows that 2 newof genetically subtleapproaches areneeded tounravel H may putH the twofold. Firstly, mutants control H plantsis problematic. Catalase mutants exemplify this point. They H expression specificco pollen tube growth doesnot cause cell death reactive oxygen formation inshank the of the tubewhile H 017) 2 Accepted ArticleO plant 2 , 2015) responsive genes responsive the problem posed by mutantsthat is extrapolation to function in wild type

combined with identification redoxof modifications to candidatesensor/target proteins. 2 O s 2 2


2 mpartments to addressspatial specificity include

adapt to thesepe etal. changesgene expression and directly affectsthe function of specificproteins cysteine by O to 2 . In poppy po

2 and that 2

O chloroplasts so farso outsideits physiological range thatpathological effectsare observed. More 2 , 2016)

a nd these genesare also controlled by other conditions that causeincreased H - encoded probes to follow H 2 H extreme excess O . Specifically, H 2

O 2 (Gechev encedH by

llencell tubes, death inducedself by in ROS scavenging or producing enzymes production (which is verfied i 2

(Fahnenstich induced gene - rturbationsremodeling by B andradiation, C ozone andother toxic chemicals, implying that these H 2 temperature O .

et al. 2

causes changescauses ingeneexpression and cell death.danger The is responses 2 O ht. All rightsht. All reserved. 2 , 2002) O 2

and is there an acclimatory response? 2 et

expression pretreatment increased tobacco resistanceto catalase 2 s O


, 2008) (Mullineaux

2 (Wilkins (Willems Likewise,ascorbate deficient

2 sensing and signalling andlikely are to inv O 2

inand space time . While theseapproaches areuseful to identify is

et facilitated by a closephysical association n some n some cases)or cause otherforms of damage

their et

et 2 , 2011) O redirection of transcriptome , 2016) 2 -

incompat the production atthe tip required for , 2018) thiol peroxidase

most recentlymost in suggest rice, that .Attempts at generating H show that catalaseis needed to may havepleiotropic effects - . Sets of transferaseslikely involved in

(Exposito .

i bility proteins involves glycolate oxidase . Secondly,the mutation vtc H 2 - O

Rodriguez mutants have higher M 2

2 expression is - O specificgenes are eta 2

exposureand - analyses of

olve et tissues. 2 ,

2 the O ,

This and

2 2 O

in use 2

This article isprotected bycopyrig resolution. At the sametime, moreincisive physiological measurements modifications andnew by H in role cell wall biochemistry. This will beaided sensitive by detection of oxidative protein forward molecular genetics approach h and one theof signals for photosynthetic compared to non H Wherenext? IX. assess the actual benefit. universally beneficial and morestudies underrealistic environmental conditionsneeded are to this kind are contrary to thewidespread assumption thatincreasing antioxidant defences is H 2 2 AcceptedO Article O 2 2 2. stomatal

playsa prominent rolein plants,particularly becausephotosynthesis providesan extra source concentration

which plantsgrown in natural fluctuating conditions benefitfrom systemic signalli determine H ABA NOX signalling mediatedNOX by response was dependent onRBOHD a systemic rbohD H conditions influences gene expression inremoteleaves. involvement The of superoxide or and high lighthas beenproduced Sincethen further evidence for systemic signallin acclimation” was identified and proposed to be dependent H on well known. Systemic sign Systemic signalling we need betterto understandbiochemical the details of 2 2 O O 2 2

- (Dubiella via in transmiting the signal issuggestedattenuated by response of the NOX mutant mediated systemic acquired acclimationinteresting is and future workshould guard cells will continue to serveuseful as model systems. . Recently, a Ca stomatal closure -

photosynthetic organisms along withspecialised a ascorbate peroxidase. H

howit interacts with other potential signals (e.g. jasmonic acid)and the extent to and greater basal resistance pathogens to 2+

et - dependent protein kinase,has been proposed, along involvement with of

it was shown that

. Systemic acquired resistance (SAR)in response to pathogen infection is , 2013b; Evans 2 O 2 as provided

probes ableprobes to providethe necessary ch alling high of lightresistance, termed “systemic acquired to the whole canopy ( - generated H

status and for stomatal movementsand ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

(Miller et

a powerful means of identifying the a

local - mediated “ROS wave”. , 2016; Devireddy

2 et al. O

applicati 2

and activation Ca of , 2009) Devireddyal., et 2018 g inresponse to wounding, heat,cold, salt on on of . Exposure


high ligh

et H 2 O 2 The possibleThe role of to cell cell

, 2018) and signallingwell as its as

emical, temporal and spatial

a target 2 2+ While than hitherto O t

channels and activation of stress et 2

(Karpinski . Thepossibility of

). This systemic high light the dominant “ , 2010)


leaf to the various can induce ”

, et al. are needed to . Results of t signalling o move ng. , 1999) a 2 O


is . This article isprotected bycopyrig AcceptedAwad J,Stotz HU,Fekete A,Krischke M,Engert C, Havaux M,BergerMueller S, MJ. 2015. AttachaSolbach S, D, Bela K,Moseler WagnerA, Schwarzlander S, M, Aller Muller I, SJ,Meyer AJ. ArthautL Arnaud Lee S, D, Takebayashi Y,Choi D, Choi J, Sakakibara Hwang H, I. 2017. Appenzeller Anjem A, Imlay JA. 2012. An Z, Almasalmeh KrencA, D,Wu B, Beitz E. 2014. S,Akter Huang J, Bodra N, De Smet B,Wahni K, Rombaut PauwelsD, J, GevaertCarroll K, Van K, References Articleinsightful comments. Michael J. Deeks contributed to our thinking includePhilip Mullineaux,M. colleagues whose hydrogen peroxidesignalling BiotechnologyThe and Biological Sciences Research Council provided funding for research on Acknowledgements attack may have a very differentphysiology, making translation to improvementcrop problematic. grown underfluctuating lightand temperature condit improves “stress resistance”. These effectsare revealed underlaboratory conditions while plants largenumber of studies assess the properties of mutants and transgenic plants. Aparticular concern isinterpretation of the

Jing W, Liu Y, Zhang W. 2008. Cysteineperoxiredoxins and thylakoid ascorbateperoxidase create a water membrane surfaces inArabidopsis thaliana. 2017. a consequence of the Ritz Klarsfeld T, A, etal. 2017. Arabidopsis. regulation reactiveof oxygen species homeostasis modula reticulum membraneis not sluggish. Kietzmann T, Laurindo F, Margittai E,etal. 2016. stress. Botany involved in abscisic acid permeability aquaporins.of Cellular& Proteomics BreusegemF, etal. 2015. - D,Jourdan Mteyrek N, ProcopioA, M, El -

Herzog C, Banhegyi G, Bogeski I,Davies KJ,Delaunay

Glutathione peroxidase Journal of Biological Chemistry

59 ,

Alistair M. Hetherington : : 815 important Plant Cell


825. (n

Mononuclear iron enzymesprimar are ot reviewed ot here)

contributions are not cited dueto lack of space. (BB/I020004/1

Drosophila 14

29 - induced stomatal closure in : 1183: : : 543


Hydrogen peroxidegenerated by copper amine oxidaseis FEBS JournalFEBS ht. All rightsht. All reserved. - - -

like enzymes cover five distinctcell compartment - Blue 559. 2 basedIdentification of 1200.

cryptochrome photocycle.

and - lightinduced accumulation of reactive oxygenis species

and BB/N001311/1) in which over Free RadicalFree Biology and Medicine

Structural determinants of the hydrogen peroxide 287

Imogen Sparkes

281 : 15544 - Esawi M,D'Harlingue A, BouchetP PlantCell Environment & : 647 i ons alongons with exposurepest and pat Marino -

15556. - Transit of H - 656. expressing single antioxidantgenes Vicia faba


We We thankthree reviewers for their y targets hydrogenof peroxide Arabidopsis . -


tes stomataltes immunity in Apologies - Moisan A, Forman HJ, Gorlach A, PLoS OnePLoS 2 . O Journal ofExperimental 2

acr - Rodriguez

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- : : : - - O NO peroxidases/catalase Peroxiredoxins/GPX/OxyR Fe enzymes Phenoliccompounds Methionine (Cysteine/GSH/Thioredoxin) Ascorbate This article isprotected bycopyrig summary NADPHof oxidase NADPH oxidaseactivity inresponse to environmental and developmental cues. See Fig. 3 for a These mechanisms providerapid a means activatingof inhibiting or superoxide/ H Table 2 producing hydroxyl radical. *Type III peroxidases catalase oxidation of phenolic compounds by 1). molecules. Nitric superoxide with thiols regenerated monodehydroascorbateradical and H contender for effectively removing superoxide the active.most Because ofrelatively its high concentration inplant cells, ascorbate coulda be 2 . - .

Accepted Article Abbreviations: GSH, glutathione, GPX,; SOD, superoxidedismutase. Examples of modulation NADPHof oxidaseactivity by a variety interactingof factors.

oxide oxide (NO


. is a ) verystrong sinkfor - related processes inthe apoplast.

10 10 - - 10 10 - 7x10 10 O

givesrise to thiyl radicals which arereactive and can damageother 2 . 5 10 6 3 5 -

; - -

10 10

10 ht. All rightsht. All reserved. 5

7 7 9

(SOD) vi


formation theof relatively stable and easily 2 O superoxide ( 2 * 30 (pH 2 1 (pH 2 H ** - 10 10 10 . On the . otherhand, the reaction of

- 2 2 O

7 7 3


7.5), 6 (pH

6) O

2 H . - ) 2

O giving rise to peroxinitrite

6) 2 .

**Haber Taubert Yin Winterbourn (2015) Schafer (2003) (1994); Buettner & Polle Junkermann& References Imlay (2008) (2002) Nauser& Koppenol Winterbourn (2015) Winterbourn (2015) Anjem Imlay& (2012) Winterbourn (2015); - 2 et Weiss reaction O 2

formation etal

( 2004

. (



(Fig. via )

This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted StRBOHB OsRbohB AtRBOHJ AtRBOHH AtRBOHF AtRBOHF AtRBOHD Article AtRBOHD AtRBOHC/RHD2 Isoforms

Calcium factors Interacting Calcium calmodulin 4 OST1/SnRK2.6 CIPK26 Calcium acid Phosphatidic DORN1 Nitric oxide XLG2 CPK5 BIK1 StCDPK5 OsRACK1 OsRac1

ht. All rightsht. All reserved. EF Activation through ? P phosphorylation Activation by EF Activation through Activation phosphorylation Activation by nitrosylation bindingS by Inhibition FAD of Activation phosphorylation Activation by phosphorylation Activation by EF Activation through on Effect activity phosphorylation Activation by Activation? EF Activation through

hosphorylation - - - - hand binding hand binding hand binding hand binding


stomatal ATP Immunity Immunity Immunity Immunity hairRoot growth processes Physiological Immunity Immunity Immunity growth Pollen tube Senescence PCD signalling Guard ABA cell signalling? Guard ABA cell Stomatal closure immunity - mediated

( Chen Yun ( Liang ( Dubiella ( ( Kadoda ( Takeda References ( Kobayashi ( Nakashima alet ( Wong Kaya Koo ( Sirichandra ( Drerup al ( Ogasawara ( Zhangal. et 2017 2016 2013a) 2014 2014 2008 2007 2009 2007 2009 2013 2008 2009 .

( 2012 et alet . et al

et alet ( et alet ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) et alet 2016

; etLi al. ; Nagano; ; Kimura etal


et alet etal

. ) et al. .

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et al 2017

. (


et alet 2014 et alet et alet .

. .

. et )

) . . .


This article isprotected bycopyrig the peroxidatic vs hydroxylicreactions, localisation while of redoxactive metals could direct OH scaffold proteins (CASPs in the question is howthe systemorga is H def PRX ascorbate Fe and OH PAMP perception and an unknown reductant. In other chemical environments, pathogen oxalate oxidase)and produced by apoplast and its relation Fig. transport. confirmed;grey rectangle, chloroplast producing enzymes; peroxiredoxin; like; MDHA, monodehydroascorbateradical; APX, ascorbate peroxidase;catalase; CAT, potential chloroplastto nucleusshown is the main sites H of Fig. radical; NO carbonate radical; GSH, glutathione; GSNO, nitrosoglutathione; somefor theof reactions areshown in Table1. site production.of Some of superoxide and H catalysedperoxidases. by finalThe reactivespecies, hydroxyl radicals,generated are from oxidise methionine It essentially unreactivewith as relatively unreactiveat cellular concentrations butdamages and Fe FeS containing proteinsand can Further re reacting with various cellular constituents to form reactive radicals (e.g. thiyl radicals from thiols). oxidases (Fig. 3).Superoxide exerts toxiceffects damaging by and Fe FeS containing proteins, by processes. Hydrogen peroxideis produced by superoxidedismutation (spontaneous and catalysed oxide. Fig. 2 O 2+

Accepted Articlesuperoxidedismutase ence. On the other hand, OH

2 2 1 3 uses H uses with H

mightattack invading organisms and, inthecase H of Superoxide,hydrogen peroxide

Sites of hydrogen peroxide Reactions superoxideof (O Superoxideis produced by oxidases(for example NADPH oxidase) and electron transport . . Non - (

activespecies (RS) generated are the by fast reaction between superoxideand NO. H associated molecular pattern mV (Asc) 2 2 . ; nitric; oxide; ONOO O O NADPH oxidase( - 2 2 ) in) each compartmentis enzymatic

in various cross linking reactions involved in cell wall organisation and pathogen (Fenton rea(Fenton SOD, superoxidedismutase. Yellowboxes . O 2 2 O 2 . - O

2 dismutation to H blue

by typeIII peroxidase ( 2 (with the aid redoxactiveof metals) and reactwith almost anything their at

production and scavenging ina typical plant ce ship dehydroascorbate ( circles, H SOD ction)generates OH

the resulting reactiveelectrophiles have signalling a role. Rate constants with NOX

) endodermis) or wall polymerscould directreactions and influence ), typeIII peroxidases(n - via , peroxinitrite; ONOOCO .

2 breaks ( cytosolichydrogen peroxide. . ) nised to provide reac 2 - H ) and) hydrogen peroxide (H , O the ER butcould bemore direct.

2 other other O 2 2 ht. All rightsht. All reserved. ( O transporting aquaporins; - 2 H peroxisometether also ) s 2 2

production p O ( is catalysed by

PAMPs olysaccharidesallowing cell expansion. O ER, endoplasmic reticulum; oxidases(e.g. Cu amine oxidasespolyamine oxidasesand 2

) ( indicated PRX

DHA and hydroxyl radical production and utilization in the NOX,NADPH oxidase; .

andfacilitated is by reduction Cuof R ). The ) ) ed arrows and outlineboxes

breakdown generatesH depends on the apoplast alkalinisation thatfollows ,

scavenging and transport.

( PRX Schwarzländer ot shown) ot and also directly released by some tion specificity.tion Attachment of CuZnSOD 2 - , ; s ; , nitrosoperoxycarbonate.

reaction H 2 O olid lines, reac 2 O 2

, initiate long distancesignalling. Akey 2 2

corbate and most thiols, except when O Superoxide 1 yellow removing enzymes O 2

) and) theirinteraction and, possibly,germin 2 , singlet oxygen; activated PRX The

ll. et al GPX, boxes,H , typeIII peroxidase; H

normal 2 O ., 2008 2 tions;

O ( glutathioneperoxidase 2 O 2 transport from in response to . Interaction of Cu , 2

. targets. CO - ) 2


Thediagram shows O dashed glutathioneredox and H ) . 2

; red; boxes,H Asc 2+ transportersnot

OH can


or Fe or . -

, PRX 2 and OH .

, hydroxyl O - as

likeproteins. produce O lines, with nitric 2 corbate;

3 are 3+

. to -

, Prx by .

and 2 + , . O

2 or or O 2 - 2 is 2 .


This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted peroxidase. shown Prx; 1 oxidisewide a rang peroxidasesHaem form a parallel H with H targets and the chemical environment of cysteines within proteins which modulatestheir rea in sensing and signalling can achievedsubcellular by location sensors,of propensity to interactwith glutaredoxin/glutathione) could reduce ta transcription factor, target proteins could be oxidised directly. Thioredoxin (or andthiol disulfidestate. This paradigm is conserved across eukaryotesbut, in as thebacterial OxyR example MAP kinases) other enzymesor whose activity or subcellular releasetarget a protein, which could be a transcription factor protein kinase/phosphatase(for sulfenicac sensors (bluearrows) Fig. Article peroxidasethiol peroxiredoxin; RLK,receptor kinase; GLP, germin eATP, extracellular ATP; peroxidase; CDPK, Ca linesshow activation, inhibition or i other variously activate NOXand enzymeshave also been measured inapoplastic fluid. Hormones (e.g. facilitated by location inlipidGlutathione, rafts. ascorbate peroxidase localisation NOXof and its interactors, including signalling receptors and aquaporins, may be phospholi pHa could be factor.NOX activity depends on activation by Ca cytosol. Howthe O regulatory properties. know if localisation. Nota

4 - Dual roleDual of thiol peroxidases (TPXs)as hydrogen peroxide Cys Prx; PrxII, PrxQ and glutathioneperoxidase 2

in this example); O MnSOD, Mn superoxidedismutase; NOX,NADPH oxidase (RBOH); PRX 2 . Cysteineand pase D), phosphorylation and Rop id form ofTPX a interacts a with targetprotein


or NOXor isoenzymes expressed in different cells have significantly differentcatalytic or like protein; GPX .

ll the depicted reactions to occur the sameextent indifferentcells butwe do not 2 e . -

of substratesof in and H 2+ .

P - TPXs includeperoxiredoxins and glutathioneperoxidase dependent protein kinase; DAMP, damage olyamine oxidase TRX FAD, flavin adeninedinucleotide; glutathione ( 2 PRX O , t - like kinase; Rop, Rho 2 L hioredoxin

, glutathioneperoxidase forming activity is activated upon stimulation is unknown, although

butthese interactions are notshown in thediagram. Red pecked 2 O the ht. All rightsht. All reserved. GSH 2

removal system and, in the case of apoplast ;

nteractions. ( ) rgetprotein disulfidesto terminate signalling. Specificity CAT PAO

are - GTPasebinding ,

) relatively c

activity depends polyamineon transport from the atalase - and GTPase plants of in GDP or GTP -

like. vacuoles. TPX AO, ascorbate oxidase; APX,ascorbate - ; like;

APX poorly reactive with H via GEF, guaninenucleotide exchange factor; The r

MAPK, mitogen (see Table (see 2 for references)

, a disulfidebond which thenresolves to

a scorbate peroxidase 2+ eaction mechanism of 2 , phosphatidic acid (produced by ( H - associated molecular pattern; 2 O ,

t 2

hiol peroxidases(e.g. 2 ) abscisicacid ( location changesbetween the and ascorbate recycling

scavengers (redarrows)and P PRX i , phosphate; - activ , utiliseH 2 - O like enzymes. The ated protein 2 -

bound (see (see Table 1). ; ABA PRX - 2 ) . Spatial , Cys Prx is O ,


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to to , ) - ctivity Cys ; TPX,; This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted Article ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted Article ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

This article isprotected bycopyrig Accepted Article ht. All rightsht. All reserved.

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