PDF EPUB} the Spirit That Gives Life the History of Duquesne University 1878 1996 by Joseph F
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Spirit That Gives Life The History Of Duquesne University 1878 1996 by Joseph F. Rishel Explore Duquesne's Spiritan Catholic Identity. Resources on Spiritans and Religion in Higher Education. Spiritan Resources. Daly, C.S.Sp., J. (Ed.). (1986). Spiritan wellsprings – The original rules, with commentaries, of the Holy Ghost Congregation. Dublin, Ireland: Paraclete Press. Farragher, S. P. (1992). Led by the Spirit: The life and work of Claude Poullart des Places. Dublin, Ireland: Paraclete Press. Gilbert, C.S.Sp., A. G. (1983). You have laid your hand on me…a message of Francis Libermann for our time. Rome, Italy: Spiritan Research and Animation Centre. Koren, C.S.Sp., H. J. Essays on the Spiritan charism and on Spiritan history . Bethel Park, PA.: Spiritus Press. Koren, C.S.Sp., H. J. (1983). Life began at forty: The second conversion of Francis Libermann, C.S.Sp. Dublin, Ireland: Paraclete Press. Koren, C.S.Sp., H. J. (1983). To the ends of the earth: A general history of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost. Pittsburgh, PA.: Duquesne University Press. Spiritan Horizons: A journal of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit . Published annually by the Center for Spiritan Studies, Duquesne University. Spiritan Rule of Life. Van Kaam, C.S.Sp., Ph.D., A. L. (1959) A light to the Gentiles: The life story of the Venerable Francis Libermann, New York, NY: Ad Press, Ltd. Duquesne University and Catholic Higher Education Resources. Burtchaell, J. T. (1998). The dying of the light: The disengagement of colleges & universities from their Christian churches.
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