
ARTICLE OPEN Squeezing-enhanced Raman

Yoad Michael1, Leon Bello1, Michael Rosenbluh1 and Avi Pe’er1*

The sensitivity of classical methods, such as coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) or stimulated Raman spectroscopy (SRS), is ultimately limited by shot-noise from the stimulating fields. We present the complete theoretical analysis of a squeezing-enhanced version of Raman spectroscopy that overcomes the shot-noise limit of sensitivity with enhancement of the Raman signal and inherent background suppression, while remaining fully compatible with standard Raman spectroscopy methods. By incorporating the Raman sample between two phase-sensitive parametric amplifiers that squeeze the light along orthogonal quadrature axes, the typical intensity measurement of the Raman response is converted into a quantum- limited, super-sensitive estimation of phase. The resonant Raman response in the sample induces a phase shift to signal-idler frequency-pairs within the fingerprint spectrum of the molecule, resulting in amplification of the resonant Raman signal by the squeezing factor of the parametric amplifiers, whereas the non-resonant background is annihilated by destructive interference. Seeding the interferometer with classical coherent light stimulates the Raman signal further without increasing the background, effectively forming squeezing-enhanced versions of CARS and SRS, where the quantum enhancement is achieved on top of the classical stimulation. npj Quantum Information (2019) ; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41534-019-0197-05:81 1234567890():,;

INTRODUCTION sensitivity of measurement, since it dominates over and obscures Quantum-enhanced measurements utilize the unique correlation the weak resonant Raman signal from the target molecule properties of non-classical light for highly sensitive detection. (protein). The fundamental limit to the sensitivity of standard Common examples include NOON1 and squeezing-based2,3 inter- CARS is, therefore, the noise associated with the non-resonant ferometers that employ entangled quantum states to achieve sub- background, indicating that suppression of this background is a shot-noise phase sensitivity. This enhancement can be useful for major goal for CARS spectroscopy, and several methods have measurements of extremely weak signals, with a crowning been proposed in past research to address it: Pulse shaping was 13 example being the detection of gravitational waves.4,5 A major applied to reduce the peak power of the exciting pulses (and field that can greatly benefit from sub-shot-noise detection is hence the non-resonant background), epi-CARS that detects only Raman spectroscopy, which is widely used for chemical sensing,6–8 the back-scattered Raman signal14 (which is primarily resonant), due to its ability to identify the molecular contents of a sample and polarization CARS that rejects the non-resonant signal based based on its Raman fingerprint spectrum. Raman spectroscopy is, on polarization.15 All these methods rely on some specific therefore, an ideal contrasting method for chemically-resolved property of the sample/light to suppress the background, and microscopy9 with no prior preparation or fluorescent tagging of even with ideal suppression, all classical detection methods are the target molecule required. However, the major challenge for ultimately limited by shot-noise. In stimulated Raman spectro- Raman sensing is the relative weakness of the Raman response, scopy (SRS),16 only the resonant Raman response is observed, which is orders of magnitude weaker than fluorescence, and may through sensitive measurement of the weak nonlinear gain that often be obscured by the shot-noise of other stimulated light- the Stokes field experiences in the presence of a strong pump. matter interactions. While SRS is free of the non-resonant background, its sensitivity is In coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS),10 a Raman fundamentally limited by the shot-noise of the coherent sample is excited by a strong pump wave (frequency ωp) and a Stokes seed. Stokes wave (idler, frequency ωi) that interact within the sample to Here, we propose and present the theoretical analysis of a fi generate an anti-Stokes (signal) wave at frequency ωs = 2ωp − ωi sample-independent con guration for measurement of the via four-wave mixing (FWM). When the frequency difference resonant Raman response beyond the shot-noise limit, by between the pump and Stokes field matches a molecular recasting the typical measurement of the Raman intensity into a vibration/rotation in the sample, the generated anti-Stokes field quantum-enhanced estimation of the nonlinear Raman phase. In is resonantly enhanced, indicating that the Raman frequency shift our proposal, we place the Raman sample between two phase- of the signal (with respect to the pump) acts as a molecular sensitive optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs)—forming a non- fingerprint. However, since FWM is a parametric process,11 non- linear version of the well-known SU(1,1) interferometer (Fig. 1a), resonant FWM can also occur via virtual levels, resulting in a non- which employs the squeezing of the OPAs17,18 to measure an resonant background that is not chemically specific.12 In diluted induced optical phase shift beyond the shot-noise limit (see a brief samples, where the target molecule is surrounded by large overview of the SU(1,1) interferometer in the Methods and quantities of background molecules (e.g., a protein dissolved in comprehensive reviews in ref. 3,19). By probing the Raman water within a biological cell), the non-resonant background from interaction in the sample with broadband two-mode squeezed the environment (water) can become a major limiting factor to the light (see Fig. 1b), generated via FWM in the OPAs,20 the resonant

1Department of Physics and BINA Center for Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel. *email: [email protected]

Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales Y. Michael et al. 2

Fig. 1 Squeezing-enhanced Raman detection in an SU(1,1) interferometer. a The standard SU(1,1) interferometric detection of a linear phase: Two phase-sensitive OPAs of equal gain and opposite pump phases are arranged in series (balanced configuration). OPA1 amplifies signal- idler pairs at the input (vacuum), while OPA2 is shifted in pump phase to exactly reverse the amplification of OPA1 and return the light back to its original input state. When a linear phase shift θ is introduced, the cross-cancellation of the amplifiers is no longer complete, and additional light is detected at the output. This light directly corresponds to the induced phase shift, which is detected with sub-shot-noise sensitivity due to the squeezing of the OPAs. b Our scheme for squeezing-enhanced Raman detection: The Raman sample is introduced into a balanced SU (1,1) interferometer. The sample acts as a phase-sensitive parametric amplifier that induces a phase shift into the interferometer, and therefore generates some light at the (previously) dark output, as explained in the text

fi fi ^ 1234567890():,; signal of the sample is enhanced by the squeezing ratio of the eld. Using the eld operators of the signal and idler as;i, we can fi fi ^ ^ ^y OPAs, while the non-resonant background is completely elimi- de ne the quadratures of the two-mode eld as: X ¼ as þ ai and π ^ ^y ^ 23,24 nated by destructive interference due to the inherent /2 Y ¼ iðas À aiÞ (See Methods and ref. for additional informa- difference in the phase response between the resonant and tion). The two-mode quadratures represent the cosine and sine non-resonant interactions. This configuration effectively forms a oscillation components of the combined signal-idler field and 21,22 quantum-enhanced version of interferometric CARS. form a pair of conjugateÂÃ variables, which obey the standard Our theoretical analysis of this squeezing-enhanced Raman commutation relation X^; Y^ ¼ 2i. As previously stated, an OPA spectroscopy method is organized as follows: Section “Squeezing- amplifies one quadrature X^ ! Xe^ G and attenuates the other enhancement of spontaneous Raman spectroscopy” highlights Y^ ! Ye^ ÀG, and the quadratures evolve as shown in Fig. 2 for each the squeezing enhancement of the resonant Raman signal by amplifier. The two OPAs are arranged in a “crossed” configuration, analysis of a resonant Raman sample placed inside a lossless SU where the quadrature attenuation axis of OPA2 matches the (1,1) interferometer. Section “Complete suppression of the non- amplification axis OPA1 and vice-versa, such that OPA2 exactly resonant background” analyses the additional effect of a non- reverses the squeezing of OPA1 (equal gain, see Fig. 2b). The resonant interaction in the Raman sample, by distinguishing orientation of the amplification/attenuation axes of the OPAs (and between the non-resonant background and the resonant signal, the Raman sample) is determined by the relative phase ϕr = 2ϕp − which yields complete elimination of the background due to the (ϕi + ϕs) between the pump and signal-idler fields. This relative inherent ±π/2 phase difference between the resonant and non- phase is a tunable parameter that can be controlled by adjusting resonant interactions. Section “Coherent seeding of the inter- the phase of either the pump, signal, or idler (for example, by ferometer: squeezing-enhanced CARS and SRS” introduces coher- adjusting the path of the beams). The squeezed signal-idler pairs fi ent seeding of the interferometer by classical elds, showing that generated in OPA1 (with a relative phase ϕr = 0) interact the squeezing enhancement of section “Squeezing-enhancement parametrically with the Raman sample at an intermediate relative ” of spontaneous Raman spectroscopy can be added on top of the phase ϕr = π/2. In practice, this relative phase could be achieved classical stimulation of the Raman interaction. This squeezing- by changing the optical path of the beams, but if OPA1 and OPA2 enhancement can be applied to any classical Raman method, such generate non-resonant light (for example, by using Photonic as CARS and SRS. Finally, section “Detection sensitivity in the Crystal Fibers25), then the resonant Raman amplification of the ” presence of loss incorporates loss into the analysis, both internal sample will occur at ϕr = π/2 with no additional phase adjust- and external to the interferometer, which is a critical consideration ments required (see section “Complete suppression of the non- for experimental realizations of any squeezing application, resonant background” hereon for further discussions about the showing that the scheme maintains its sub-shot-noise sensitivity resonant and non-resonant interactions). This relative phase is even with practical levels of loss, as long as the phase of OPA2 is translated to an amplification axis of 45° with respect to OPA1, appropriately tuned. which in-turn rotates the squeezing ellipse. OPA2 then amplifies at an opposite relative phase ϕr = π, which without a Raman sample will completely reconvert the signal-idler pairs back to pump light RESULTS (leaving a vacuum output). In the presence of a Raman sample, Squeezing-enhancement of spontaneous Raman spectroscopy the cancellation is incomplete, elevating the signal intensity at the The Raman sample, which can be considered as a weak parametric output above zero (from its initial vacuum state). amplifier via Raman-based FWM, is placed inside a nonlinear Let us first calculate the light intensity (number of photons) at interferometer that is composed of two external OPAs (see Fig. 2a the output of this squeezing-enhanced Raman configuration. for illustration), where each OPA amplifies one quadrature (and When passing through the amplifiers (and the sample), we can use attenuates the other quadrature) of the two-mode signal-idler the input-output relations of the field operators at each

npj Quantum Information (2019) 81 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales Y. Michael et al. 3

Fig. 2 Overview of the signal-idler two-mode quadratures within the squeezing-enhanced Raman configuration. a Conceptual illustration of the scheme, where photonic crystal fibers represent the OPAs. b, c Show the two-mode quadrature dynamics of the light throughout the different amplifiers for resonant and non-resonant interactions respectively. The top line of graphs in b, c portrays the quadrature map of the two-mode light at various locations along the interferometer, and the bottom part shows the amplification/attenuation axes of each amplifier (indicated by arrows pointing outwards/inwards). OPA1 and OPA2 are set in a crossed (orthogonal) configuration, and are assumed to be ideal squeezers. In the resonant case b the Raman sample is set to a relative phase of ϕr = π/2 (45° amplification axis), which rotates the squeezing- ellipse of the two-mode light, resulting in non-vacuum output. The transparent ellipses/circles illustrate the state of the light in the absence of a sample, where the output returns exactly to the input state (vacuum). c For a non-resonant Raman sample, the relative phase is ϕr = 0, indicating that the amplification axis of the non-resonant sample is aligned with that of OPA1, and the two-mode ellipse is not rotated, but rather further squeezed in the same direction. The non-resonant gain gnr unbalances the interferometer by effectively increasing/decreasing the gain of OPA1 G1, which can be negated by tuning the gain of OPA2 to G2 = G1 + gnr amplifier:24 first after OPA1, which rotates the quadrature amplification axis of the Raman sample to 45°, and a second time after the sample, ^ð1Þ ^ð0Þ ^yð0Þ; as;i ¼ Aas;i þ Bai;s (1) which sets OPA2 orthogonal to OPA1. The total accumulated relative phase for the FWM light before OPA2 is, therefore, ϕr = π, ^ð2Þ ^ð1Þ iπ=4 ^yð1Þ Àiπ=4; = = as;i ¼ Cas;i e þ Dai;s e (2) indicating that in the absence of a Raman sample (C 1, D 0), the scheme is reduced to the standard SU(1,1) interferometer with ð3Þ ð2Þ iπ=4 yð2Þ iπ=4 complete destructive interference. With the Raman sample added, a^ ¼ Aa^ e þ Ba^ eÀ ; (3) s;i s;i i;s a nonlinear phase shift is induced by the resonant response of the where A and B represent the operation of the OPAs: A = cosh(G) Raman sample, and photon number at the signal output is (see and B = sinh(G), with G the gain of the amplifiers, and C and D are Methods for derivation): associated with the Raman sample, C = cosh(g ) and D = sinh(g ) DE r r ^ð3Þ 2 2 2 with g the gain of the Raman sample (assumed for now to be Ns ¼jDj ðjAj þjBj þ 2jAjjBjÞ r (4) purely resonant and narrowband). The relative phase between the ¼ sinh2ðg Þcosh2ð2GÞ: pump, signal and idler varies throughout the different parametric r amplifiers, and is adjusted such that the two external OPAs are Equation (4) shows the signal at the output of the interferom- orthogonal to each other, with the Raman sample set to an eter, and highlights the increase in the overall signal due to the intermediate phase of ϕr = π/2. Thus, we apply a π/4 phase to stimulation of the Raman sample by the two-mode squeezed light both the signal and idler fields (accumulating to ϕr = π/2) twice: generated in OPA1, whose noise is then eliminated by OPA2. We

Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales npj Quantum Information (2019) 81 Y. Michael et al. 4 can compareDE the result of Eq. (4) to that of spontaneous Raman amplification process, and in the quadrature picture, performs on- ^ð3Þ 2 emission: Ns ¼ sinh ðgrÞ, which corresponds to setting the axis amplification (see Fig. 2c). OPA2 is set as before to negate the OPA gain to zero G = 0. Thus, Eq. (4) illustrates the coupling amplification of OPA1, this time with different gain G2 ≠ G1. The between the parameters of the sample (C, D, g ) and the number of photons at the output is then: r DE parameters of the crossed amplifiers (A, B, G), creating an effective ^ð3Þ 2 : Ns ¼ sinh ðG1 þ gnr À G2Þ (5) squeezing-enhanced signal, but with no added background (the nr non-resonant background can be eliminated by tuning the gain of Setting the gain of OPA2 to G = G + g will null the non- the external OPAs, as we explain in the next section). Thus, 2 1 nr resonant output completely. although the sample is stimulated by the FWM light of OPA1, the In practice, real Raman samples will have both resonant Raman interferometer conceals this stimulation completely, acting as an gain from the molecule of interest and non-resonant gain from effective black-box, which to an external observer appears just like background molecules (e.g., solvent). For simplicity, we assume a spontaneous Raman scatterer, but with a higher effective here that the Raman sample is composed of a target substance (squeezing-enhanced) signal. An analogy from the field of that produces a resonant Raman signal, surrounded by a uniform interferometry can be given here: In standard Mach-Zender SU medium whose vibrational resonances do not overlap with that of (2) interferometers, the sensitivity of the interferometer is limited the target molecule, such that it produces a non-resonant by shot-noise, but can be improved by seeding the unused port of background (in our example, below the resonance). We can think the interferometer with squeezed light, resulting in “squeezing- of the sample as a mixture of many infinitesimal parametric enhanced” estimation of phase. In the scheme proposed here, we amplifiers that perform either resonant amplification at ϕ = π/2 or place the Raman sample between two-mode quadrature-squeez- r non-resonant amplification at ϕ = 0 with some unknown order- ing OPAs: OPA1 generates squeezed light that stimulates the r ing. The resonant and non-resonant gains obviously do not Raman interaction in the sample, while OPA2 attempts to commute, but since the gain of the entire sample is small unsqueeze the light back into vacuum. The overall result is a “ ” compared to the OPAs (gnr, gr << G), it is fair to neglect the cross- squeezing-enhanced detection of the Raman signal. As will be interaction between the resonant and non-resonant gains within explained in section “Coherent seeding of the interferometer: 2 2 ” the sample ðsinh ðgrÞsinh ðgnrÞÞ compared to the interaction of squeezing-enhanced CARS and SRS , this effective Raman black- the sample with the external OPAs. Specifically, we can see from Eq. box remains applicable also for stimulated Raman techniques, (5) that the two extreme possibilities of ordering the gain in the such as CARS and SRS, by seeding the interferometer with a sample - either setting the non-resonant gain entirely before the coherent idler (rather than vacuum). resonant gain (adding slightly to the gain of OPA1 G → G + g )or It should also be noted that due to dispersion, the Raman 1 1 nr entirely after the resonant gain (decreasing slightly G2 → G2 − gnr), sample will also induce a linear phase shift which is not Raman- both lead to the same gain balancing outcome—increase G to specific. Control over this phase is possible using other dispersive 2 26,27 compensate for gnr. Thus, the effect of ordering within the sample media, as shown in ref. effectively negating it. must be of higher order, and we may neglect it for weak samples. We, therefore, treat the sample as two separate parametric Complete suppression of the non-resonant background amplifiers (resonant and non-resonant) that are placed in series, In the previous section, we considered only the contribution of the which yields the following photon number at the output: DE resonant Raman process to the output intensity. The Raman ^ð4Þ 2 2 : response of the sample is generally complex with respect to the Ns ¼ sinh ðgrÞcosh ð2G2Þ (6) pump drive, and its phase varies spectrally across the resonance The result of Eq. (6) remains similar to Eq. (4) even in the from ϕr = 0 below resonance, through ϕr = π/2 on resonance to ϕ = π 28 presence of the non-resonant background, which is now fully r above resonance (not to be confused with the phases of suppressed, indicating that the interferometric scheme still the interferometer). The imaginary part of the Raman response is behaves as a spontaneous squeezing-enhanced Raman black- associated with the Raman absorption/gain, which is maximal on box. Based on this result, we can assume in the upcoming sections resonance, whereas the real part of the response is associated that the non-resonant contribution is canceled by gain balancing. with dispersion, which is nulled on resonance, just like a driven 29 Additional information about the unbalanced interferometer is two-level system. Thus, we should treat the Raman sample as a provided in the Methods. parametric amplifier capable of two separate amplifications simultaneously: First, the resonant, phase-shifting amplification at ϕ = π/2 (discussed thus far) and an additional non-resonant, Coherent seeding of the interferometer: squeezing-enhanced r CARS and SRS non-phase-shifting amplification at ϕr = 0 (or ϕr = π above resonance). In the two-mode quadrature representation, this Let us now examine the CARS response of our squeezing-enhanced amplification occurs “on-axis” with the amplification axis of OPA1, Raman configuration from section “Squeezing-enhancement of and acts as direct extension to the gain of OPA1 (see Fig. 2c)—it spontaneous Raman spectroscopy” by subjecting it to a strong 32,33 amplifies the same quadrature (the same relative phase) as OPA1, coherent idler input. Note first that by simple extension of the indicating that the non-resonant contribution can be completely treatment in section “Complete suppression of the non-resonant nulled by varying the gain of the OPAs. This concept is similar to background”, we may assume that the non-resonant background is the experiments of Lupke30 and Lee,31 where the non-resonant suppressed by gain balancing of the external OPAs, and consider background of the sample was canceled by placing an additional, only the resonant response (the stimulation affects both the OPAs non-Raman FWM medium, whose non-resonant background and the sample in the same manner, leaving the gain balancing destructively interfered with the background from the sample. unchanged). This assumption holds true regardless of the input The scheme proposed here benefits from the background stateDE of the signal or idler. The output photon number of the signal ^ð3Þ cancellation in combination with the inherent squeezing of the Ns for the seeded configuration |0s, αi〉 (input of vacuum signal, external OPAs to enhance the Raman signal. strong coherent state idler) is then (see Methods for derivation) To observe this background cancellation mathematically, let us DE first consider a purely non-resonant sample: after passing through ^ð3Þ α 2 2 2 ; Ns ¼ð1 þj ij Þcosh ð2GÞsinh ðgrÞ (7) OPA1 (with gain G1), the sample performs non-resonant amplifica- tion with gain gnr and at a relative phase ϕr = 0. This phase is which is directly equivalent to the expression of standard CARS identical to that of OPA1, which effectively extends the same with the additional enhancement of the Raman signal due to the

npj Quantum Information (2019) 81 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales Y. Michael et al. 5 squeezing inside the interferometer, and with full inherent transmission coefficient |t|2, and the loss term (right, proportional suppression of the non-resonant background. to |r|2) which corresponds to amplification of the vacuum by To consider our scheme for SRS, let us examine the increase in OPA2, and causes direct elevation of the dark fringe level. Since intensity (photon number) of the idler beam: this term does not depend on the Raman sample, it limits the DE sensitivity of the measurement. The noise associated with the ^ð3Þ α 2 1 α 2 2 Ni Àj ij ¼ ð1 þj ij Þð1 þ coshð4GÞÞsinh ðgrÞ background due to loss is: 2 (8) 2 2 2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi α : 2 ¼ð1 þj ij Þcosh ð2GÞsinh ðgrÞ σ ^2 ^ loss ¼ Ns lossÀ Ns loss In contrast to CARS, SRS requires lock-in detection to separate (12) 1 2 : the Raman signal from the coherent idler input, but in principal, ¼ 2 jrj sinhð2GÞ fi both methods bene t from the squeezing-enhancement of the Equation (12) represents the background noise of the dark signal due to the OPAs. ‘ ’ fringe, which limits the ability to detect the small Raman signal. Consequently, the Raman black-box concept, which claims that Note that plugging Eq. (12) and the derivative of Eq. (11) into the interferometer can behave exactly like a normal Raman Eq. (9) results in a diverging expression for the sensitivity g2 for sample but with an enhanced signal due to the squeezing, min exactly crossed amplifiers (ϕr = π). Thus, the optimal working extends also to stimulated interactions. The squeezing effect on point of the interferometer (defined as the relative phase between the sample appears only internally between the crossed OPAs, the OPAs where the sensitivity is optimal) may vary with the and an external observer will not be able to differentiate the ideal 2 internal loss. This behavior is shown in Fig. 3a, which displays gmin interferometer configuration from a simple, high-signal resonant ϕ ϕ = π + ϕ ‘ ’ as a function of the phase of OPA2 ( , where r ) for Raman sample (unless he can look inside the box ). various loss values. For no loss, the optimal working point (defined ϕ 2 ϕ = as the value of which bestows a minimum on gmin), is opt 0, Detection sensitivity in the presence of loss as expected. Once loss is introduced, ϕopt increases due to the Let us now evaluate the sensitivity of measurement for our dark fringe noise. However, the squeezing enhancement still suggested scheme under practical conditionsÀÁ by calculating the improves the minimum detectable gain below the shot-noise limit 2 minimum detectable resonant Raman gain gmin of the sample in even in the presence of considerable losses, as long as the phase the presence of photon-loss. This sensitivity can be calculated by of OPA2 is tuned appropriately. Figure 3b introduces coherent error-propagation analysis: seeding of the idler port for various intensities (number of 2 photons) with constant 20% loss. The stimulation partially N^2 À N^ g2 s s ; compensates for the effect of loss, improving the sensitivity plot min ¼ 2 (9) ϕ d ^ in two ways: First, It pushes the optimal phase opt towards the dg Ns jg¼0 ideal case ϕopt = 0, and also reduces the minimum detectable gain 2 which states that the variation of the signal must be comparable gmin. This improvement occurs because the seeding also to the noise of the output intensity. stimulates the external OPAs to generate more signal-idler photon For the ideal seeded configuration, where no losses are present, pairs, thereby increasing the total number of correlated photons the sensitivity is (see Methods for derivation): that probe the sample. Note that in our analysis, we mostly focused on the 2 1 ; interferometer itself and on the way it interacts with the Raman gmin ¼ 2 2 (10) 4cosh ð2GÞð1 þjαij Þ sample, using the most straightforward detection—direct intensity measurements at the signal port. It is also important to consider which is similar to the minimum detectable phase of the standard other detection methods, such as: parity detection41,42 which is SU(1,1) interferometer,34,35 and indicates the detection of a single ideal for loss-free schemes, homodyne measurement43 which output photon during the finite measurement time. achieves higher sensitivity for the seeded interferometer, para- Both internal loss (between the two OPAs) and external/ metric homodyne23 which is optically broadband and robust to detection loss (after the interferometer) affect the sensitivity of detection losses, or a truncated interferometer39,44 which may be measurement, although in a different manner. External loss takes preferred if the parametric amplifiers are lossy. In the Methods, we place after the nonlinear interference and does not affect the also discuss measurement at the idler port using lock-in detection squeezing, thereby reducing the measured signal by a loss factor | 2 36,37 (squeezing-enhanced version of SRS). The calculations can also be rext| , identical to the effect of losses on classical light. Internal 45,46 loss, on the other hand, hinders the quantum correlations carried out using Fisher information analysis, which extracts between the signal and idler, effectively diminishing the squeez- the phase from positive-operator valued measure, rather than ing,38,39 which in-turn degrades the contrast of the nonlinear through the error-propagation method we discussed here. interference and elevates the dark fringe level (along with its associated noise), resulting in a lower detection sensitivity. DISCUSSION Let us calculate the average photon number and the noise associated with the dark fringe (background) due to internal losses We presented a new method for Raman spectroscopy, which for exactly crossed OPAs. We use the standard modeling of loss as utilizes the squeezed light inside a nonlinear interferometer to a beam-splitter (BS) placed inside the interferometer,40 where enhance the resonant Raman signal and to suppress the non- resonant background in the most general Raman sample. This vacuum may enter through the unused port of the BS. We apply fi “ ” the BS loss to the ideal squeezing-enhanced Raman scheme, con guration can be considered as a Raman black box with a α 〉 squeezing-enhanced signal that is compatible with any standard seeded with a strong (classical) coherent state | i for the idler, — and obtain for the resonant signal: Raman technique spontaneous or stimulated, CARS or SRS. DE Being a “black box”, it is applicable in combination with any other ^ð4Þ 2 α 2 2 2 2 2 ; classical interference scheme that may be used to enhance the Ns ¼jtj ð1 þj ij Þsinh ðgrÞcosh ð2GÞþjrj sinh ðGÞ (11) detection or to filter out noise as is the case in many variations of where r represents the loss and t the transmission inside the Raman spectroscopy.47 The generality of this squeezing- interferometer (|r|2 + |t|2 = 1). Equation (11) shows two contribu- enhancement along with its resilience to loss and to experimental tions to the measured signal at the output: the resonant Raman errors, deem it highly applicable for any field where spectroscopic signal (left), which is similar to the lossless case, is reduced by the detection of trace-chemicals is needed.48

Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales npj Quantum Information (2019) 81 Y. Michael et al. 6 ω ω ω sÀ i the frequency of the pump) and ¼ 2 is the frequency separation. We start from the electric field operator of a two-mode (signal and idler) oscillation:

Àiωst Àiωi t EðtÞ¼ase þ aie þ c:c; (13)

where as,i are the annihilation operators of the signal/idler modes at frequencies ωs,i. The standard procedure is to rewrite the electric field in single-mode quadrature components using the standard definition of single-mode quadrature operators for the signal/idler modes Xs;i ¼ as;i þ y y fi as;i and Ys;i ¼ iðas;i À as;iÞ, which de nes the quadratures of each mode, yielding

EðtÞ¼ XscosðωstÞþYssinðωstÞ (14) þXicosðωstÞþYisinðωitÞ; Since the signal and idler are generated symmetrically around the degenerate carrier frequency Ω (the pump frequency in FWM), their frequencies can be written as ωs = Ω + ω and ωi = Ω − ω, which allows to rearrange the electric field of Eq. (14), using simple trigonometric manipulations: 1 EðtÞ¼ ½ðXs þ XiÞcosðωtÞþðYs À YiÞsinðωtފcosðΩtÞ 2 (15) 1 ω ω Ω þ 2 ½ðYs þ YiÞcosð tÞþðXi À XsÞsinð tފsinð tÞ We can now identify:

X2MðtÞðXs þ XiÞcosðωtÞþðYs À YiÞsinðωtÞ; (16)

Y2MðtÞðYs þ YiÞcosðωtÞþðXi À XsÞsinðωtÞ; (17) as the cosine and sine quadrature components of the combined two-mode electric field, but now with respect to the common local oscillator at the carrier frequency Ω, just like the standard case of a single-mode field. Specifically, when the intensity difference (Xi − Xs) and phase sum (Ys + Yi) are squeezed, this is equivalent squeezing of one two-mode quadrature, just like single-mode squeezing with the same squeezing ellipse. The only difference compared to the standard degenerate squeezing is that the Fig. 3 Sensitivity of the squeezing-enhanced Raman scheme two-mode quadratures in this definition are explicitly time-dependent. compared to the shot-noise limit, for two different signal-idler y We can now re-insert the single-mode quadratures Xs;i ¼ as;i þ as;i and inputs: a vacuum, and b seeded by a coherent idler, where the gain y Y ; i a ; a into Eqs (16) and (17) to obtain: of the OPAs is fixed at a moderate level of G = 0.7 (6.65 dB of s i ¼ ð s i À s;iÞ y Àiωt squeezing). The minimum detectable Raman gain in the sample X2MðtÞ¼ðas þ a Þe þ c:c; (18) (relative to the shot-noise limit) is shown for various configurations i of seeding and internal loss as a function of the phase of OPA2 (at ω Y t i ay a eÀi t c:c; (19) ϕ = 0 the OPAs are exactly crossed). For each curve, the points 2Mð Þ¼ ð s À iÞ þ highlighted with a circle represent the ideal working point of the fi y y which directly leads us to the de nition of X ¼ as þ ai and Y ¼ iðas À aiÞ. interferometer. a Shows the sensitivity of the unseeded scheme This definition is elegant because it describes within one unified relative to spontaneous Raman spectroscopy (0 dB) for various framework both two-mode squeezing and single-mode squeezing and values of internal loss, indicating that sub-shot-noise sensitivity can transfers intact the intuitive picture of squeezing of the quadrature map be obtained with practical levels of internal loss (up to 30%). from the single mode onto the two-mode case. Mathematically,Âà the two- b shows the sensitivity of a Raman interferometer with fixed internal mode quadratures obey the standard commutation relation X^; Y^ ¼ 2i loss (20%) when seeded with various intensities of a coherent idler just like single-mode quadratures, and evolve in a parametric amplifier just α 2 = ^ ^ ^ ^ (| i| 0, 10, 100, 1000). Note that all sensitivities are shown relative like the standard squeezing operation, with X ! X eG, Y ! Y eÀG fi α 2 out in out in to the shot-noise limit at their speci c seeding level (1/| i| ). Clearly (where G is the squeezing ratio). Although the two-mode quadratures are fi the seeded con guration maintains substantial reduction below the non-Hermitian X ≠ Xy, the two-mode quadratureÂà is a measurable quantity, shot-noise limit with practical levels of internal loss (and showing an since it commutes with its Hermitian conjugate X; Xy ¼ 0 indicating that y y improvement over the unseeded case) both RefXg¼X þ X ¼ðXs þ XiÞ and ImfXg¼iðX À XÞ¼ðYs À YiÞ are Hermitian and can be measured simultaneously to provide the complete quadrature information. A more expanded study about this two-mode METHODS terminology along with its detection is presented in.23 In the following section, we first provide a short overview of the two-mode quadratures discussed in the text. We then review the SU(1,1) inter- Review of the SU(1,1) interferometer ferometer, and derive its squeezing-enhancement of the measurement of Interferometric measurements allow for highly sensitive detection of any a linear optical phase. We then derive in more detail the major quantum physical phenomenon that induces an optical phase shift. The phase expressions presented in the article: the average photon number at the sensitivity of an interferometric scheme depends on both the illumination fl signal output and its uctuations (noise), the minimum detectable gain source and the configuration of the interferometer: Standard SU(2) with coherent seeding of the interferometer, and with internal loss. To interferometers, such as the Michelson or Mach-Zehnder, achieve a phase analyze the robustness of the proposed Raman interferometer to θ2 — sensitivity ð minÞ of 1/N the shot-noise limit, when fed with coherent light experimental imperfections, we provide additional results for non-ideal (N—the average number of photons that traversed the interferometer configurations, such as unbalanced interferometric detection or inaccurate during the detection time). SU(2) interferometers can surpass this limit orientation (phase) of the Raman sample. when the unused port of the interferometer is fed with squeezed light. The SU(1,1) nonlinear interferometer is a fundamentally different type of interferometric detector, where nonlinear gain media (OPAs) replace the Two-mode quadratures beam splitters, and squeezed light is generated within the interferometer The basic description of the signal-idler oscillation consists of two fields itself without the need to feed it externally. Additionally, the SU(1,1) ω ω ω Ω s þ i 49 with frequencies s,i where ¼ 2 is the center frequency (and, in FWM, interferometer can be robust to detection losses.

npj Quantum Information (2019) 81 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales Y. Michael et al. 7

In a parametric process, the direction of energy transfer - from the pump Finally, OPA2 is set orthogonal to OPA1 (a total relative phase of ϕr = π), to the signal and idler or vice-versa—depends on the relative phase and accordingly we once more apply a π/4 to the signal and idler: fi between the pump and a signal-idler pair, such that either ampli cation π= π= a^ð3Þ ¼ Aa^ð2Þei 4 þ Ba^yð2ÞeÀi 4: (26) (ϕr = 0) or attenuation (ϕr = π) of the signal-idler pair occurs. The two OPAs s;i s;i i;s of an SU(1,1) interferometer are arranged in series with opposite phase, The photon number at the final output can be calculated using the where the attenuation axis of OPA2 matches the amplification axis OPA1 relation betweenDE the operators before and after interferometer, while and vice-versa (setting ϕ = 0 in OPA1 and ϕ = π in OPA2). Thus, if the gain r r ^yð0Þ^ð0Þ ^ð0Þ ^yð0Þ applying 0s; 0i a ; a ; 0s; 0i ¼ 0 and ½a ; ; a ; Š¼1, resulting in: of both OPAs is equal, the output quantum state of the light remains DE s i s i s i s i unchanged from the input (unless the phase of the light is altered between 3 3 3 N^ð Þ ¼ hj0 ; 0 a^yð Þa^ð Þji0 ; 0 the amplifiers). Indeed, when the standard SU(1,1) interferometer s s i s s s i θ 2 2 2 measures a linear phase shift between the two OPAs (assuming vacuum ¼jDj ðjAj þjBj þ 2jAjjBjÞ (27) input for now), the number of signal (or idler) photons at the output is sinh2 g cosh2 2G ; given by: ¼ ð rÞ ð Þ  The minimum detectable Raman gain is calculated using an error- θ ^ 2 2 ; propagation analysis, demanding that Ns SUð1;1Þ¼ sinh ð2GÞsin (20) 2 2 N^2 À N^ g2 s s where G is the gain of the OPAs. The second moment is: min ¼ 2 (28) d ^ ÀÁ Ns jg ¼0 ^2 4 4 θ dgr r Ns SUð1;1Þ ¼ sinh ð2GÞsin 2 ÀÁ (21) where the numerator represents the background noise and the 2 2 θ : þ sinh ð2GÞsin 2 denominator represents the relative change of the signal intensity as the Raman gain is varied. For the ideal, lossless case, we obtain: If noÀÁ phase shift is present, the output is vacuum (identical to the input), qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ^ ^2 with N ; N ¼ 0 , allowing signal detection which is background-free. 2 s s ^2 ^ 2 2 ; (29) The phase sensitivity, obtained by error-propagation analysis (see Eq. 28 Ns À Ns ¼jCjjDjðjAj þjBj Þ for additional details), is given by: d ^ 2 2 2 2 Ns ¼ 2jCjjDjðjAj þjBj Þ ; (30) N^2 N^ θ2 his Àhis ; dgr min ¼ 2 d N^ j jjdθhis θ¼0 (22) both terms approach 0 at gr = 0(D = 0, C = 1) but their ratio is finite. 1 1 ; ¼ 2  2 taking the limit of g → 0, we obtain: sinh ð2GÞ Nsq r 1 where N is the number of squeezed signal and idler photons generated 2 : sq gmin ¼ 2 (31) inside the interferometer. The result of Eq. (22) shows sub-shot-noise 4cosh ð2GÞ scaling, allowing for super sensitive phase detection (ideally Heisenberg sensitivity of 1=N2 ). sq Seeded configuration Ideal squeezing-enhanced configuration The calculation shown in Eq. (31) can be generalized for the seeded configuration. In the main text, we present the result for a coherent idler fi We start by expressing the output eld operators (creation and seed |α 〉 used as the input to OPA1. The calculation for this case is fi i annihilation) of the signal and idler as a function of the input eld conceptually the same as the unseeded case, but applied to a different operators in a three-stage propagation: through OPA1 (optical parametric input. The average of the photon number requires no additional amplifier), through the Raman sample, and last through OPA2. Assuming assumptions, and is given by: an undepleted (classical) pump, the signal-idler field operators evolve in an DEDE 50 ^ð3Þ ^yð3Þ^ð3Þ OPA as Ns ¼ 0s; αijas as j0s; αi ÀÁ (32) ð1Þ Δqz ð0Þ 2 2 2 ^ ^ ¼ð1 þjαij Þsinh ðgrÞcosh ð2GÞ; as;i ¼ coshðGÞþi 2G sinhðGÞ as;i γ (23) Ipz yð0Þ which forms a squeezing-enhanced signal for CARS. Alternatively, the þ sinhðGÞa^ ; ; G i s average photon number at the seeded (idler) port is given by: DE h where G is the gain of the OPA, Δq = Δk + 2γI is the total phase mismatch, p ^ð3Þ 1 α 2 α 2 comprised of the bare phase mismatch Δk = 2k − k − k and 2γI the Ni ¼ 4 3j ij À 1 þðj ij þ 1Þ p i s p à (33) nonlinear phase induced by the pump (Ip is the pump intensity and γ is the 2 2 Áð2cosh ð2GÞcosh ð2gr ÞÀcoshð4GÞÞ ; ð0Þ yð0Þ Kerr nonlinear coefficient), z is the length of the medium, and a^ ; , a^ ; are qs iffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffis i where Eq. (33) shows the amplification of the idler. In SRS, the net fi γ2 2 Δq2 fi the eld operators before the OPA. The gain is given by G ¼ z Ip À 4 . ampli cation of the idler is measured via lock-in detection. The expression For simplicity, we assume perfect phase matching, Δq = 0. This assumption for SRS is then: DE is not critical for the calculation, which can be carried out just as well with ^ð3Þ α 2 1 α 2 2 fi fi Ni Àj ij ¼ ð1 þj ij Þsinh ðgr Þð1 þ coshð4GÞÞ any phase mismatch, and served only for simpli cation of the nal 2 (34) expression. From a practical point of view, OPA1 and OPA2 can be phase 2 2 2 ¼ð1 þjαij Þcosh ð2GÞsinh ðgr Þ: matched across a broad spectrum with careful designing of the nonlinear medium, while phase matching in the Raman medium depends on the Following the same steps of Eq. (31), the minimum detectable gain for nonlinear properties of the sample itself. We may now define the seeded case is: the parameteres A ≡ cosh(G), B ≡ sinh(G). Using Eq. (23), we can express 2 1 : the field operators at the output of OPA1, the Raman sample and OPA2 gmin ¼ 2 2 (35) 4cosh ð2GÞð1 þjαij Þ with the field operators at the input. OPA1 performs amplification at ϕr = 0, such that:

^ð1Þ ^ð0Þ ^yð0Þ: Robustness to loss, unbalanced detection and phase inaccuracy as;i ¼ Aas;i þ Bai;s (24) Loss between the two OPAs can be treated as a beam-splitter, which mixes fi fi ^ð2Þ ^ð0Þ The Raman sample then follows up on the ampli cation of OPA1, but at the eld operators as;i with an additional vacuum mode bs;i , indicating φ π ^ð3Þ ^ð2Þ ^ð0Þ a relative phase of r ¼ 2 and different gain parameters (gr, C, D). Thus, we that the operators at the entrance of OPA2 are as;i ¼ tas;i ± rbs;i , where t, r apply a phase of π/4 to both the signal and the idler as we propagate the are the amplitude transmission and reflection coefficients of the assumed operators through the sample: beam-splitter. The number of photons is given by: DE ð2Þ ð1Þ π= yð1Þ π= ^ð4Þ 2 2 2 2 2 ^ ^ i 4 ^ Ài 4: N ¼jtj sinh ðgrÞcosh ð2GÞþjrj sinh ðGÞ; (36) as;i ¼ Cas;i e þ Dai;s e (25) s

Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales npj Quantum Information (2019) 81 Y. Michael et al. 8

Fig. 5 Robustness to imprecision of the optical phase of the Raman sample: The sensitivity of the squeezing-enhanced Raman scheme compared to the shot-noise limit for the balanced configuration, when the phase of the Raman sample deviates from ϕr = π/2 for θ > 0. The interferometer is set to be balanced with G1 = G2 = 1 and internal loss is set to |r|2 = 0.15. The sensitivity remains close to that of the ideal case for small deviations (up to π/8)

behavior depends on the exact ratio between the resonant and non- resonant gains.

DATA AVAILABILITY All the data and calculations that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

a Fig. 4 Sensitivity of the squeezing-enhanced Raman scheme CODE AVAILABILITY compared to the shot-noise limit for the unbalanced configuration, 2 The code used to calculate the results given in this paper will be made available from calculated with G1 = 1 and no loss (|r| = 0). b Sensitivity of the unbalanced configuration with internal loss of 15% (|r|2 = 0.15) the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

and the background noise is: Received: 14 April 2019; Accepted: 9 September 2019; qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 1 N^2 À N^ ¼ jrj2sinhð2GÞ: (37) s loss s loss 2

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