Vol. 3 Issue 3 JuneJune1998 1998 J OBS AND E DUCATION ¥ Animation on the Internet ¥ Glenn VilppuÕs Life Drawing ¥ CanadaÕs Golden Age? ¥ Below the Radar WHO IS JARED? Plus: Jerry BeckÕs Essential Library, ASIFA and Festivals TABLE OF CONTENTS JUNE 1998 VOL.3 NO.3 4 Editor’s Notebook It’s the drawing stupid! 6 Letters:
[email protected] 7 Dig This! 1001 Nights: An Animation Symphony EDUCATION & TRAINING 8 The Essential Animation Reference Library Animation historian Jerry Beck describes the ideal library of “essential” books on animation. 10 Whose Golden Age?: Canadian Animation In The 1990s Art vs. industry and the future of the independent filmmaker: Chris Robinson investigates this tricky bal- ance in the current Canadian animation climate. 15 Here’s A How de do Diary: March The first installment of Barry Purves’ production diary as he chronicles producing a series of animated shorts for Channel 4. An Animation World Magazine exclusive. 20 Survey: It Takes Three to Tango Through a series of pointed questions we take a look at the relationship between educators, industry representatives and students. School profiles are included. 1998 33 What’s In Your LunchBox? Kellie-Bea Rainey tests out Animation Toolworks’ Video LunchBox, an innovative frame-grabbing tool for animators, students, seven year-olds and potato farmers alike! INTERNETINTERNET ANIMATIONANIMATION 38 Who The Heck is Jared? Well, do you know? Wendy Jackson introduces us to this very funny little yellow fellow. 39 Below The Digital Radar Kit Laybourne muses about the evolution of independent animation and looks “below the radar” for the growth of new emerging domains of digital animation.