tain, for he was within an easy hail. by-ordmar! He man be extraordinary And "Ye were saying, mem?" says play. Gillane is a small place on the far com* in Brightviile," con tinned Bonifere, *« then. and beg»n THE DAVID BALFOUR. stilly. IfI hal the time I would gang he: and the searyful wife went on. side of the Nesa, the folk of DirVeton go to "Freens o' Alan, "GAZETTE" BOOM. moved about. "We would wans you verw straight hack and a however, he paid her with a their business in the inland fields, and immediately to wade forth in the shallow ranch." * try turn athimmysei'. Presently, he (A Heqnd to "Kldnape4.") The man must be a provost." half-crown piece, and the mart go forth those of straight to the water toward the boat. "Davie," said, It is hard to say what the outcome haven, pausing, are ye no coming? lam woald "You silly fellow," said I, "you forget after the change. sea fishing from their ST< that few "Darie, by have been had not Hastings' pood anjN»l swier to leave ye." [Copyright, 1«93, Flare! Scott Mines.] it was just me." "Was it him with the red head?" asked parts of the coast are lonelier. But I fin disguise) stood outside and ruled * Fife, Hastings "Na,"' said he, "hut three times." Alan. mind, as we crawled upon our tadlies into "Will he land me in then?" I Frank came down to his office loudly for the proprietor, which BY . the and asked, my heart beat with hope and on Wednesday he summons "When ye ken yourselt that I am fair "Ye have it," said I. multiplicity ot heights hoiiows. and morning and found upon obeyed and left the young man alone. incompetent." 1 cried. "What did I tell you in the wood?" he keeping a bright eye upon ail Aides, and terror. his desk thirteen copies of the Brightviile "Is this the be?;nnin«?" mused be hearts there "Csptaln," savs Alan, "will ye no give that "Well. 1 never heard tell the equal of cried. "And yet it's strange he should our hammering at our iribs. Gazette. Being a man of no superstitions love-smitten. press-r;dden a*h« such shining the ; sea, this friend o' mine a cast across the individual Part 11. it," said he. he.-e. too! Was he his lane?" was a of sun and he did not attach any premonition of rose from the table. "Will every man I "I promise the thine, Alan," "H; for what see," such a stir of the -wind in the grass, and land bim in the kingdom under cloud ill know come yon one s Ice-lane I could luck to the number, but on up and inspire me w:th mur. said I. "The next time - that we fore- I. and such a bustle of down-popping rab- of night?" opening the derous thoushts! Am I to said lan' me got first one he found a paragraph be hounded father, I'll be better learned. You shall "Did he gang by?" he asked. bits and up-flving gulls, that the desert "Wi'this wes' win'? and circled with and driven desperate because a (Copyrlpht. 1*93. by Robert Louis me doubt you aboard? Ye're daft, my buckie?" a blue pencil mark, tuppenny Jftevenson.l not continue to bear the disgrace of- a "Straight by." said 1, "and looked seemed to like a place alive. ; No snd-his brain clouded ?no, a five-cent?newspar>er prints a ways a says the captain. as false CHAPTER Xlf.?').* TIT* AOAIH friend that cannot strike." neither to the right »or left." it was in all well chosen fc-r secret he read: item about my private affairs? I W jsh next had kept; "He'll pay ye well; he's rich," said I WITH ALAN. "Aye, the time!" says he. "And "And that's queerer yet," said Alan. embarkation, if the secret «een It is understood that Mr. Frank Hasting*, the had a supply of good old Arabian maiedic. when will that b«, I would like ken ?" sticks in my mind, Davie, that we and even now that it was out, and the Alan. popular young lawyer, tions dispose of It was likely between 1 and 2, the moon to "It breath, sir," la aoon to wad Mlu Dor- I couid without irjnry to "Well, Alan, I have had some thoughts should ije stirring. But where to??deil place watched, we were ab'.e to creep un- "Ye may spare your said othy Lawrence. ray conscience. May the foul tiend (as strongish tlv ©fl I have said) was down; a of that, too." said I, "and rny plan in bae't! This is like old days fairiy,"cries he. perceived to the front of the sand hills, the captain. with your mother-in-law'* wrack of cloud, hear that, said He read the paragraph over again, bones' "May wind, carrying a heavy this: I 's my opinion to be called an ad- "There is one big differ, though," said I. where they look down immediately on the "Ye Davie?" Alan. and gre*n devils hold your " then glanced often eyelids at had set in suddenly from the west, and vocate. "that now we have money in our packets." beach and sea. "I hear that," said I. at the remaining dozen pa- of Isis, stood was pers, each night! May?spirit but lam in we began our movement in as black a "That's but a weary trade, Davie," says "And another big differ, Mr. Balfour," But here Alan came to a full stop. He part of a second where he addressed in a different hand. hard lock!*' Alan, says he, "that now we have dogs at our "Darie," said he, "this is a kittle pass- to his knees in the salt water, hesitating. night as *ver a fugitive or a murderer "and rather a biagyarfl one forby. "Confound it," be mattered, biting hi* Then he went forth to beard the lion. A, Ye would be in than They're on the scent; they're in fuil aee! As long as we He here we'r® safe; but "He that will to Cupar, maun to Cupar," under rtnd the wanted. The whiteness of the path guided better a king's coat tall. said lip, while a tint of rose spread from good ci?ar pieaaant air restored that." cry, David. It's a bad business and be I'm nane sae muckle nearer to my ship or he, and, swashing in deeper than his his equanimity, and he didn't feel ns into the sleeping town of Broughton, we waist, was hauled into the skiff, ear to ear, "I'd like to know who did that. half "And no doubt that would he the way damned to it." And he sat thinking bard, the coast of France. And as snon as which ns savage as he wanted. As he neared thence through Picardy, and beside my to have cned with a look of his that I knew well. stand up and signal the brig, it's another was immediately directed for the ship. Frobably the asinine editor, who wants to the us meet," I. "Hut as you'll run the office he saw Mr. Lawrence's light old acquaintance, the gibbet of the two be in King Lewie's coat ane all ar- the nearest band to shedding tears, good deal at random, and with some and He had gone to Brightviile to study up his "Hello. Frank," he called, cheerily "An advocate, then, have to be," "There, sir," says he to me, "I think ranged to take us, that's true. Bat they'll seemed to myself the most soli- man's trampling of the harvest, and stumbling it'll I deserted suits for the winter, and in the grasping the young hand. "On the continued. "And I think it a more suita- that will be the shortest road for us. And have arranged for our coming from the tary lad in . With that I turned coming Bameerrand,l'll be bound. and tailing down upon the banks, we made ble trade to ye, woman; east, and here we are thVir west." the meantime bad made love to Miss Law- Nevermind for a gentleman that wad three here's good by my braw upon my back uponrthe sea and faced sand now ?I've tixed it and there will be a de- our way across country and won forth at beauty I'll no forget thou the cinnamon "Ay," said Alan. "I wish w* were in hills. was signt rence. The position was reversed shortly times disarmed. But the of the and of There no or sound of nial on Saturday. Now, get in here and last upon the iinkv, bt?gy mainland that thing is this, that one of the best colleges water." some force, and this was a battle, we man; the sun shone on the wet sand and ?that is, the law business occupied the pick no your valise on the bonnily I'll way to th« they call the Figsate Whins. Here, nnder for that kind of learning?and the one We went out by way of the woman's would have outmanoeuvred them. the dry, the wind blew in the bents, the meantime, finally there was no law busi- house. We'll keep you for a days kale and up the fields. But it is nae, and way it is, is lew a bush of whin, we lay down the remainder where my kinsman Piirig made his stud- yard, a lane among Davie, the gulls made a dreary piping. As I passed ness. Then he returned town and took now that you are here. Nonsense," ies?is the of in Alan looked sharply to all sides, and see- a wee thing less inspiring to Alan Breck. higher up the to he of that night and slumbered. College Leydcn, Holland. beach the sand lice were up law again, with the echo of a "no" continued, as Hastings drew back. Now, what say vou, Alan? Could not a ing we were in a little hollow place of the I swither, Davie." bopping nimbly about the stranded tan- must come. The drty called us about five. A beauti- ringing ? "You We'll show these cadf-t of h'oyn! From £» pet a furlough, slip country, out of view of men, sat down. "T:me flies, Alan," said I. gies. The devil any other sight or in his ears, decided no. that people don't morning it was,the high westerly wind sound repeated that we care a snap ful over the marches, and call in upon a Ley- "Now for a council of war. Davie," said "1 ken that."Baid Alan. "I ken nae- in that unchancy place. And yet I knew had been after an inter- what they say about us. They still blowing strong, but the clouds all den student ?" he "But. first of all, a bit lesson to thing else, as the French folk »av. But were folk val of hours, and was can ye. there there observing me upon twenty-four ?deny the engagement, and at the same blown away to Europe. Alan was already "Well, and I would think he could!" Suppose that I had been like you, what this is a dreidful case of beids or tails. O! some secret purpose. They were no sold- evidently sincere. I'or six weeks after time say that are spending if I you your time sitting up and smiling to himself. It was cried he. "Ye see, I stand well with mv would yon old wife have minded of the could but ken where your gentry iers, or they would have falien on and he had deserted the green country at the Lawrence stronghold. colonel, Drummond-Melfort; and, pair of us? we gone out by were!" taken us ere now; Wrist better my hrst sight of my friend since we were Count that had doubtless they were he devoted himself to law?dry, musty way could there be to stop the evil what's mair to the purpose. I have a the back gate. And what does she mind "Alan," said I, "this is no like you. It's some rogues my X>arted, and I looked upon him with enjoy- common hired for undo- law, that wouldn't let him forget his ideal tongues? Come, now, get in;"and forth- cousin of mine lieutenant colonel in a reg- now? A fine, canty, friendly, cracky got to be now or never." ing; perhaps to kidnap, perhaps to mur- with Hastings was into the ment. He had still the same big greatcoat by force contrast. was at the begin- huttled wagon. iment of the Scots-Dutch. Naeihingcould man, that suffered with the stomach, "Thi« is no me, quo' he," der me outright. From the position of of It It was not an enviable on his back; but (what was new) he had poor body! and was real of the seventh week that he found position?but yst be mair proper than what I would get a ta'en up about sang Alan, with a queer face, betwixt those engaged the first was the most ning not so bad if she would understand. a pair of knitted boot hose down leave see Col. Ilal- the good brother. O man, David, try and from the on now to Lieut. Stewart, of shame and drollery. likely; what 1 knew of their charac- papers his desk. "Yon were going to -ieny the report, above the kne<*. Doubtless these were in- kett's. And Lord Melfort. who is a very learn to have some kind of intelligence!" "Neither you nor me, quo' he, neither you nor ter and ardency in this business I thought "To thunder with all country editors," eh?" asked Mr. Lawrence suddenly) for disguise; but as the day prom- scientific kind of a man, and writes books "I'll try, Alan," said I. me. the second very possible, and the tended Wow, ua, Johnnie me," blood to be warm, he made a most unsea- man! neither yoa »or ran coid about my heart. ised And then of a sudnen stood figure. tie straight I had a mad idea to loosen my sword in sonable up where he was, and, with a handker- the though very "Well, D»rie," said he, "is this not a scabbard; for I was unfit chief flying in his right hand, marched to sfbnd up like a gentleman, to Here is aday that looks blade bonny morning? down upon the beach. I stood up myself, blade, 1 thought I couid do some skaith m the way a day ought to. This is a but lingered behind him, scanning the a random combat. But I perceived in change of it from the belly ot my hay- sand hills to the east. His appeamnce was time the folly ofresistance. This was no stack: and while you were there sottering at first unremarked, Scougal not expect- doubt the joint "expedient" on which and sleeping I h».ve done a thing that ing him so early, and my gentry watch- Prestonerange and Fraser were agreed. ing on the other side. Then thr-y awoke The first, I was very sure, had done some- maybe Ido over seldom." on ooard the Thistle, and it seemed "And what was that?" said I. the* thing to secure my life; the second was Dad all in readiness, for there wa* a pretty likely to have my said scarce slipped in some con- "Oh, just said prayers." he. second's bustle on the deck before we saw trary hints into the ears of Neil and his "And where are my gentry, as ye call a skitt" put round her stern and begiu to companions, and if 1 were to show bare them ?" I asked. puil lively for the coast. Almost at the steel I mi-rht play straight into the hands kens," say he, "a nd the short same moment of time, and peri> ins half of my worst enemy and seal my own "Gude 3 away and of it is that we must take our a mile toward (iillane j*e|s, the doom. long a man for Up with your foot soles, figure of appeared a blink upon These thoughts brought me to the head chance of them. a sand hill, waving with his arnis; of the Fortune, once of and, beach. I cast a look behind; the Davie! Forth. again it! thougn he was gone again »he same boat was the a honn walk we are like have." in nearing brig, and Alan fitw Atid y to ilash, the guils in that part continued a his handkerchief a So we went eus t by the beach of the sea, for farewell, which I litlie longer to fiy wild. replied to with the waving of my hand. toward where the salt pms were smoking Alan had seen this, doubt there not looking straight But Alan himself was shrunk to a small in hy the E*k mouth. No was to seaward at ship and skiff. my blink of the thing in view, alongside of this pass a bi-ordinary bonny morning sun "Itmaun be as it said he, when in on Arthur's Seat and the green will." I that lay front of me. Iset my hat hard had told him. "Weel may yon bositie row, on my head, clenched my teeth, and and the pleasantness of the day apj>e"ared or my craig'li to thole a among have rnseing." went right before me up the face of the to set Alan nettles. That part of the beach was *nd "I like a general," saiV> lover to where he edge of altairs. But for auld, cauld, dour, of my spoils. copies, which estimate the and pub- is. It is a dual existence?the man is asked. of it." on Giliane Sands." division The last discus- editor proud, the said "the to in cried, you're at all right deidly courage I am not fitto hol-,1 a can- sion was very violent and eager, so that lisher declared to be false, though he lover humble. However, there "Faith," he, best I conld. We hud a haddock our breakfast "Alan," I "if dle Look npon was no for it, Whiles 1 plnvedat the knucklebone*. Musselburgh, where it amused me there'll be'folk there and to spare. to yourself. at us two here once I thought they would have quarreled; never gave the exact tigures. Its columns help thought Frank, as the I'm vastly It'll the sand. am I, be gate was he »n extraordinary good hand the to hear Alan, llis great coat and be small service to crack heads." Here fair botching to on the heeis of which their company contained a summary of everything that reached and resigned himself at boot off; here's you that to the inevitable. knucklebones, but its u poor of hose were remarkable this ay be (for all I ken) in two parted, the bulic of them returning west- happened seven days previous to its issue, piece busi- extremely "Itwould a satisfaction, though," minds of it whether The young lady received ness playing with naebody to admire ye. warm morning, and some hint says Alan. "But bide a bit, bide a bit; you'll no stop. Do ward in a troop, and only thre%. Neil and and the movements of eveevbody within him graciously. perhaps I vou think that I do that, or of She was even glad to see he imag- And whiles 1 would songs." of an explanation had neen wise, but I'm thinking?and thanks to this bonny j coufd would? two others, remaining sentries on the range its eagle eye were duly chron- him, make Alan Firstly, because I fine when told his were they about ?" says went into that matter like a or, and wind?l believe I'm still achance Nome? have got prisoner. icled therein. It published things ined. and her lather of "What I. business, west courage that "Oh, about the deer and the I should rather say, like a diversion. He of it. this the and would not daur; and sec- "1 could name one who would be verv existed only in the editor's imagination, blood-thirsty desire she laughed right mer- heather," It's way, Davie. I'm no trysted because am rily. was the same in her Bays he, "and altout the engaged the wife of the house with with till the ondly, I a man of BO much ill pleased with your day's work, Neil where there was lots of room for lots of But she man- ancient old good this man Srougal gioaming would see ner?evidently unchanged in her chiefs that are ail by with it long syne, some compliments upon the of comes. But," says he, "if I can get a bit penetration and ye damned Duncanson," said I, when the rest had things to exist, but it was never sued mind?- rizzorit|g first." and not even the proverbial straw cams and just about what songs are about in our haddocks, and the whole of the rest of of a wind out of the west I'll be there as moved away. for libel because the transient res- ye're coming, is cried. in along. He sat opposite to her at And then I would make our stay held her in talk a cold he long a? he says, "and fur ye "It's there it?" I He assured me answer I should be idents didn't think it worth while, lunch whiles about that." lie-to "Ah, man you wile your and discussed life with all the &raphicness feneral.elieve 1 had a set oi pi;es and I was had taken on his stomach, gravely relating behind the Isle of Fidra. Now, »f your Alan, can old tenderly used, tor her knew he was "ac- and the townsfolk were only too wives, but you never can wile me. of an actual liver?whereas he hau really playing. 1 played some grand ail maimer of symptoms and sufferings, gentry kens the place, they ken the time But quent wi* the leddy." happy to figure in its columns. springs, I'll get only existed lately. He said and 1 thought I played them awful bonny; and hearing with a vast show of and forbye. Do ye see me coming, Davie? this much own. If I could on This was all our talk, nor did any other But the very people in Brightviile who lots about interest with you, and captain-man nothing. For a after 1 vow w biles that I could hear the all the old wives' remedies she could sup- Thanks to Johnny Cope and other red- board your son of man appear upon that portion of didn't want to be immortalized weekly in little while lunch the sequel set me Fife, it be proud man conquered, and he grew of them! But the great affair is that it's plv him with in return. coat generals, I should ken this country* would ashore in would the coast until the sun had gone down cold type were the ones about whom the then done with!" left Musselburgh of the more making of my business. I among the Highland mountains, and the editor wrote, for that intelligent journal- BO dull and gloomy that Miss Law- We before the first like the back my hand; and if ye're could walk rence was obliged With that he carried me again to mv ad- nmenenny coach was due from Kdmburgh, ready lor another bit run with Alan Bieck, round from there to Stirling gloaming was beginning to grow dark. At ist reasoned that the duty thev owed to to flee from a ventures, he heard all for (as Alan a inshore, with nobodv to meddle me." which hour I was aware of a long, lean, society at large outweighed their prospective tete-a-tete and leave him which over again said) that was rencounter we'll can cast back and come objec- to the tender mercies of with more particularity an I we might very well al- down the seaside Dirieton. "And that's precisely what rrjy cap- bonny-like Lothian man of a very swarthy tions. As everybody lived out of doors in her father, extraordinary avoid. The wind, to again by If tain'li not who took him out to at the approval, swearing at intervals that I was though still high, was very mild; the sun the ship's there we'll try and get on board do," returned Alan. "Iken; countenance, that came towards us among summer the editor could observe their look "a character of caliant." lie's a queer fish. But I'll tell ye what the bents on a farm horse. movements, and his heart was sad when new chicken house. They played tennis t a story to divert them, the poor was leared he had gone home to Linton. passed, and stick to it. I lons within, and torth into the court and The Brightville hotel enjoyed the ad- syne to your that 1 wrola lambs! It's what ye should learn to at- Not -only that, but he expended some kinswoman thence into a tumble-down scone hall. vantage that nearly all country hotels are stumble at no risk. T>o ye mind of tuat ? my conductors built bleßsed with?that is, tend to, David; ye should get the princi- breath (of which he had uot very much) Here a brisk fire in a near proximity to ple?; it's like a trade. Now, if this ?the night Red Colin fell, it wns. No the nudat of the pavement, for there the railroad. Alt night long freight trains had to curse his own misfortune and my stop. been a young lassie, or onvways stu- more I will then. Here I I'reston- was a chill in ttie night. My rumbled up and down, and if'there chanced bonnie. pidity, which was said to he its cause. graivge life; to be she would never have heard tell of my promised me my if he's hands were loosed. I was set by the wail to lie an intermission of trains an engine "Them that cannae the he mansworn, here I have to die." the and that stood under stomach. Dave. Hut ainee they're too tell truth," 11 in inner end, (the Lowiander Hastings' window would old to !>?? io<"» tliev a' observed to myself as we went on agrain, "Aweel, aweel," said Alan. having produced provisions) I was given invariably let off steam as an interlude set up to be All this apotecaries. W hat do 1 ken? They'll be "should be ay mindfu* to leave an honest, time we had seen or hessrd no oatmeal bread and a pitcher of French So it went through the long hours of the just the <»od made them, lee more of our pursuers. In truth we had brandy. This done, I was left once more night until the young man way I suppose. handy behind thern. It folk dinnae caught them their anathematized ib.it 1 think a man would be gomerai Davie, unawares; whole party alone with my three Highlandmen. They the editor, the inventor of the a ken what ye're doing, they're terri- (a* to steam en- that did nae g.v.tring of four small islets, they liked the looks of us. lea«t effect upon hitn, though he would ye in Corrynafciegh. too. And awt'ul, for she ta.ked w ;th auction. i and the tire low. My feet were now loosed, found reiiet in sleep. the trick The ringheth, The I.amb, Fidra and Fyre- Alan, it g.adly have surrendered at a single word roe times It's a upshot was that I fell in a muse, Whoever had betrayed wts not and I was carried tnrough the ruins and He awoke little and t times ?three disarmed! deep brough. notable by their diversity of size the he refreshed full of a from Dorothy. Mrs. Lawrence, however, my character that learned look nc forth of the win low on the road, captain; was in the sk'.fl himself, down the clifFside by a path to wild ambition to see :ii-£T.v-e upon and shape. Fidra is the most p.irticu'ar, steering and precipitous Mr. Hawkins. It was had something to sav. aim; and scarce marking what 1 saw. Pres- stirring up the oarsmen like where found a fisher s l>oa: in a an overpowering ye! Here, stand up, out with your being a strange gray islet of two h;~ I haven desire, but he curbed it ?'No, Frank," was her remark, "it would d place ent.y. h*u any beeß humps, a man with heart in h s employ. Al- of the rocks. This I was had on board in order to a \e.-hal walk no step be von thin looking, they might made the more conspicuous by a piece of he of, eat little breakfast. As he be better to stay. We were going to Mrs. do and have H-en me t<- start. ready was near m and the boat scour- and we t egan to put forth from the sat at tt;e the tit on the road tiil ye can yoursei* ruin; and I mind that, as we drew closer shore table hotel proprietor Poindeiter's to a tennis party tomorrow, "We pit a fomentation to his the ing?already Alan's face had tlamed crim- in a hne starlight. entered with that m»- inair credit." feet." to it, by some door or of the?e with the b&lf-sliding step so sun?- and seeing vou driving this morAing she midsummer w:fe was saving, "an.l a het stone window son excitement of his deliverance, (Tobt ContinurcL) gestive of the "A'an," s.ud I, "this is to ruins the *ea peeped through like a man's when friends feiine race and t>eculiar to a has sent word fur to come. Itook the lis w ame, and we gie i him and our in the bents, either in hotel man. you madness. Here is no time for fencing frooa hyssop eye. I ndt-r the iee of Fidra there is a liberty of accepting for yon. You can '* water of and tine, cieati despair to see their prey escape as The aeste*t end bust preparation to color the "Good lessons. pennyroyal, ba.- good anchorage dav ; Mr. Hastings," congratulations off and gel " in westerly winds, and with Si hope wmaSers Is Buckingham's l»ye. was his laugh all \u25a0 Andie, n.i to that," ai- sam ot sulphur for the hoasr there, me of scaring massed greeting. I cannae well say he from a far way off, we couid tne a "We are soon to lose one of our ahead of the i>aper. People won't talk so And "Sir," says cutting very in, see suddenly shrill cry of several voices. imttcii *l ut three times, man! you 1. quietly Thistle ridmc. This sound Tbe Cnion Pacific is ttteonly traaacontlneatal Brightville belies, I see." Brightville much ifyou come with us instead of seem- - arising from what appeared »' -.tiding th«-re like a straw bogie and rin- "there a mend ot mine gone by the Ihe shore face rucuiog two belies!?luokily the potato was too hot to If in of these isites is aito- to be a quits deserted coast, was really Una taroufia trains daily iroaa the ing to run away. you should go now M i. -:o let. h vour ain sword like a doggie house." gt trier wa>te. Here Norihweii 10 Uiaaai, kanea* City, at. Uuii and admit of an immediate and dis- might say ' is no dwelling of men very daunting, and in the vehement thev something unpleasant." - sae? the men boat CLioafoaaJ ail points tan; claimer. lia K-ket'napkin! David, this man "1# that een repbes A an, as and scarce any passage, or. at most, of held Modern equip- Mrs. Lawrence put it very nicely, for i it of water insiantlv ment, :a-t nine »u,l the &e»t of aervice. must MHneuuog e.to^ether though wtic a tiung BIUAA account. I tuuie v.»ii.a*cu lUiiuiiig 'licaet "I hope you are going to make vour res- there was the least doubt but what be at Uitir "tt a wl lit" out ibe I*lowcviid A. V. ageaw not wauui, lax a puxiiea oi lL» year ai ituui, luvy wouid gossip ft great deal, and out of