New models for extreme gravitational systems

Nuevos modelos asociados a sistemas gravitacionales extremos



Jorge Gigante Valcárcel


José Alberto Ruiz Cembranos

Madrid 2019

©Jorge Gigante Valcárcel, 2018 New models for extreme gravitational systems

Nuevos modelos asociados a sistemas gravitacionales extremos

Author: Supervisor: Jorge Gigante Valc´arcel Jos´eAlberto Ruiz Cembranos

Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica, Facultad de Ciencias F´ısicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

To all my family. A toda mi familia.


This work has been supported by the MINECO (Spain) Project Nos. FIS2014-52837- P, FPA2014-53375-C2-1-P, FIS2016-78859-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) and Consolider- Ingenio MULTIDARK Grant. No. CSD2009-00064.


Abbreviations IX

Abstract XI

Resumen XIII

1 Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries 1 1.1 Motivation and generalities ...... 1 1.2 Riemann-Cartan : the space-time torsion ...... 4 1.3 Poincar´egauge theory of ...... 6 1.4 Motion of test particles in the Poincar´egauge theory ...... 10 1.5 The Dirac equation in the presence of torsion ...... 12 1.6 Teleparallelism ...... 14 1.7 Gravitation with non-propagating torsion: the Einstein-Cartan theory 16

2 Vacuum solutions of the Poincaré 19 2.1 The Baekler solution: torsion and confinement type of potential . . . 19 2.2 New torsion black hole solutions in Poincar´egauge theory ...... 27 2.3 Extended Reissner-Nordstr¨omsolutions sourced by dynamical torsion 45 2.4 Fermion dynamics in torsion theories ...... 53

3 Singularities and stability conditions 73 3.1 Stability and singular geometries ...... 73


3.2 Singularities and n-dimensional black holes in torsion theories . . . . 79 3.3 Stability in quadratic torsion theories ...... 99

4 Einstein-Yang-Mills systems 115 4.1 Introduction to Einstein-Yang-Mills theory ...... 115 4.2 Einstein-Yang-Mills-Lorentz black holes ...... 127 4.3 Correspondence between Einstein-Yang-Mills-Lorentz systems and dy- namical torsion models ...... 133

Conclusions 139

Appendices 143

A Expressions of the Poincaré gauge field equations 143

B Torsion and curvature collineations 147

C SU(2) gauge in static and spherically symmetric space- times 151

Publications 155

Bibliography 157 Abbreviations

BH Black Hole

BK Bartnik McKinnon

BR Belinfante Rosenfeld

EC Einstein Cartan

EH Einstein Hilbert

EYM Einstein Yang Mills


LC Levi Civita

PG Poincar´eGauge

RC Riemann Cartan

RN Reissner Nordstr¨om

YM Yang Mills



A large number of classes of modified theories of gravity have been developed for a long time. They have attracted much attention from physicists, since they show different aspects concerning gravitational interaction. In fact, these aspects may extend the role of gravity not only at large scales but at microscopic regimes, so that they have been systematically related to fundamental issues such as the occur- rence of space-time singularities, the loss of renormalizability or the origin of the accelerated expansion of the universe, among others. Despite the successful predic- tions and the highly tested accuracy of General Relativity (GR) in describing the gravitational phenomena, the absence of an appropriate explanation for these issues has stimulated the investigation of new alternative models of gravitation. The extension of the conventional approach can be addressed by the introduc- tion into the gravitational of higher order corrections depending on the alone. Such a procedure preserves the geometric structure of the space-time and potentially yields new propagating degrees of freedom related to metric, which means that not only the phenomenological compatibility with GR must be consid- ered by the new framework but also the viability of its stability conditions. On the other hand, it is also possible to define a more complex geometry by the modifica- tion of the affine connection. Namely, the Levi-Civita connection of GR is subject to the fulfillment of two independent constraints: the conservation of the metric tensor under parallel transport and the vanishing of its antisymmetric component. Hence, in this case there is an increase in the number of degrees of freedom contained in the connection, which can involve new geometrical and dynamical effects in the space- time. Furthermore, from a theoretical point of view, the resulting post- can be related to the existence of a new fundamental symmetry in na- ture by applying the gauge principles. This scheme leads to the appearance of new theories of gravitation, such as the Metric-Affine or the Poincar´eGauge theory. In the present thesis, we use these notions to investigate the nature and the implications of the space-time torsion in the framework of the Poincar´eGauge the- ory. Thereby, we deal with a metric-compatible asymmetric connection and analyse the foundations and viability of different models within this framework. First, in Chapter 1, we present an introduction of the specific motivations to consider a post-

XI Riemannian regime, by emphasizing the most relevant consequences and differences from the standard case of GR. The intrinsic relation between torsion and the spin density tensor of matter is especially remarkable. It is also worthwhile to stress the potential effects of the on the propagation and motion of Dirac particles, as well as its dynamical contribution to the geometry of space-time. In this regard, we describe in Chapter 2 the most relevant configurations provided by a dynamical torsion in a vacuum space-time. These types of scenarios allow an assessment to be made of the possible roles assumed by torsion and furthermore of the characteristic effects involved in its interaction with matter fields. We present new black hole solutions for both the cases with massless and massive torsion, which introduce significant corrections to the Schwarzschild solution of GR. The existence of a dynamical axial mode related to torsion highlights the relevance of these solu- tions, since this is the unique component implicated in the interaction with Dirac fields, according to the minimal coupling principle. On the other hand, the new geometry can modify additional fundamental constraints, such as the appearance of space-time singularities or instabilities. Therefore, in Chapter 3, we revise the singularity theorems of pseudo-Riemannian geometry and study this issue within the new framework, in order to extend their general applicability and address the appropriate changes in the presence of torsion. By focusing on a particular set of as- sumptions, we also perform an intensive analysis to find new ghost and tachyon-free conditions related to torsion, which must be satisfied by the Lagrangian coefficients to avoid unsuitable instabilities. Finally, in Chapter 4, we extrapolate the external symmetries provided by post-Riemannian geometry to construct new models within the Einstein-Yang-Mills theory of internal symmetry groups, which focuses on the interaction between gravity and non-Abelian gauge fields. Indeed, the search of a correspondence between both approaches allows the simplification of the complexity involved by the highly nonlinear character of these elements, which in turn facili- tates the obtention of different non-Abelian exact solutions to the field equations. Appendix A is devoted to the expressions of the general field equations induced by curvature and torsion in the gauge formalism, which associate both geometrical quantities with the energy-momentum and spin density tensors of matter. In ad- dition, the space-time symmetries applied to simplify the extreme difficulty of the field equations and to categorize the resulting new black hole solutions are present in Appendix B, whereas a detailed derivation of the SU(2) gauge connection in static and spherically symmetric space-times is shown in Appendix C. The results achieved in this thesis provide new bases and methodologies to de- scribe and measure the possible existence of a space-time torsion in the universe. Since this quantity appears to be directly connected to the intrinsic angular momen- tum of elementary particles, it is expected to generate negligible effects at macro- scopic scales. Therefore, the focusing on extreme gravitational systems that may intensify such effects is especially relevant to overcome these observational issues.

XII Resumen

Un gran n´umerode teor´ıasde gravedad modificada se ha venido desarrollando desde hace d´ecadas. Debido a las m´ultiplespropiedades te´oricasque proporcionan al campo gravitatorio, ´estashan atra´ıdola atenci´onde muchos investigadores desde sus inicios. Dichas propiedades pueden modificar el papel de la gravedad y extenderlo, no s´oloa gran escala, sino tambi´ena un r´egimenmicrosc´opico,por lo que se han venido relacionando sistem´aticamente con cuestiones fundamentales como la ocurrencia de singularidades en el espacio-tiempo, la p´erdidade renormalizabilidad o el origen de la expansi´onacelerada del universo. A pesar de las exitosas predicciones de la Teor´ıa de la Relatividad General (GR) y de su car´acterpredictivo altamente probado, la ausencia de una soluci´onadecuada a estas cuestiones ha estimulado la investigaci´on de nuevos modelos alternativos de la gravedad. La extensi´ondel marco te´oricoconvencional puede realizarse mediante la intro- ducci´onen la acci´ongravitacional de correcciones geom´etricasde orden superior de- pendientes del tensor m´etrico. Este procedimiento preserva la estructura geom´etrica del espacio-tiempo y agrega nuevos grados de libertad a la teor´ıa,lo que significa que no s´oloes importante asegurar la compatibilidad con GR desde un punto de vista fenomenol´ogico,sino tambi´ensu propia estabilidad din´amica. Por otro lado, tambi´enes posible definir una geometr´ıam´ascompleja introduciendo nuevos grados de libertad en la conexi´onaf´ın.En concreto, la conexi´onaf´ınde Levi-Civita presente en GR satisface dos ligaduras, al implicar la conservaci´onde la m´etricabajo el trans- porte paralelo y omitir la inclusi´onde una componente antisim´etrica.Los grados de libertad geom´etricosresultantes al liberar el cumplimiento de cualesquiera de estas dos condiciones, sumados a los ya existentes en el marco te´oricoest´andar,pueden dar lugar a nuevos efectos din´amicosen el espacio-tiempo. Desde un punto de vista te´orico,esta nueva geometr´ıapostRiemanniana puede relacionarse con una nueva simetr´ıafundamental aplicando los principios de invariancia gauge. Este enfoque ha dado lugar al nacimiento de nuevas teor´ıasde la gravitaci´on,como la Teor´ıaM´etrica Af´ıno la Teor´ıaGauge de Poincar´e. En la presente tesis, usamos estas nociones para investigar la naturaleza y las posibles implicaciones derivadas de una torsi´onespacio-temporal en el marco de la Teor´ıa Gauge de Poincar´e. De esta forma, consideraremos una conexi´onaf´ın

XIII asim´etricaque preserve la m´etricay analizaremos los fundamentos y la viabilidad de diferentes modelos sujetos a estas directrices. En primer lugar, en el Cap´ıtulo 1, introducimos detalladamente las motivaciones para considerar un nuevo r´egimen postRiemanniano, destacando sus consecuencias m´asrelevantes y sus diferencias con respecto al caso est´andarde GR. En este sentido, la relaci´onexistente entre el tensor momento angular de esp´ınde la materia y la torsi´ondel espacio-tiempo es especial- mente destacable dentro de este nuevo marco te´orico. Asimismo, se˜nalamoslos posibles efectos din´amicosproducidos por la torsi´onen la propagaci´onde part´ıculas de Dirac y en la propia geometr´ıadel espacio-tiempo. A este respecto, en el Cap´ıtulo 2, describimos las configuraciones geom´etricasm´asrelevantes originadas por la ex- istencia de una torsi´ondin´amicaen el vac´ıo. Estos tipos de escenarios permiten evaluar las propiedades f´ısicas de dicha magnitud geom´etricay sus efectos en la interacci´oncon la materia. El hallazgo de nuevas soluciones de tipo agujero ne- gro, asociadas a los casos con torsi´onno masiva y masiva, se incluye tambi´enen este cap´ıtulo. Estos resultados muestran correcciones significativas a la soluci´on de vac´ıode Schwarzschild de GR proporcionadas por la torsi´on. La existencia de un modo de torsi´onaxial din´amicoaumenta la relevancia de estas soluciones, al tratarse de la ´unicacomponente de la torsi´oncapaz de interaccionar con campos de Dirac, de acuerdo al principio de acoplamiento m´ınimo. Por otro lado, en el r´egimenpostRiemanniano, otras condiciones fundamentales pueden verse alteradas, como la ocurrencia de singularidades o de inestabilidades f´ısicas. Por tanto, en el Cap´ıtulo3, revisamos los teoremas de singularidades presentes en la geometr´ıa pseudoRiemanniana y estudiamos su generalizaci´onal caso con torsi´on.Del mismo modo, imponiendo una serie de restricciones sobre la torsi´ony la m´etrica,llevamos a cabo un exhaustivo an´alisispara determinar nuevas condiciones de estabilidad de la teor´ıa,las cuales pueden describirse mediante sencillas ligaduras entre los coefi- cientes del lagrangiano. Por ´ultimo, en el Cap´ıtulo4, hacemos uso de todas estas nociones te´oricasde invariancia gauge asociadas a simetr´ıasexternas para construir nuevos modelos de campos de Einstein-Yang-Mills asociados a simetr´ıasinternas, los cuales describen la din´amicade campos gauge no abelianos en espacio-tiempo curvo bajo el marco de la GR. La b´usquedade una correspondencia entre ambos en- foques permite simplificar de manera notable su complejidad matem´atica,provista por el car´acter altamente no lineal de sus elementos, lo que facilita la obtenci´onde diferentes soluciones exactas a las ecuaciones de Einstein-Yang-Mills. El Ap´endiceA contiene las expresiones generales de las ecuaciones de campos inducidas por los tensores de curvatura y torsi´onen el formalismo gauge, las cuales asocian estas magnitudes geom´etricas con los tensores de energ´ıa-impulsoy densidad de esp´ınde la materia. Las simetr´ıasespacio-temporales aplicadas para simplificar la complejidad de estas ecuaciones y para categorizar las nuevas soluciones de tipo agu- jero negro se presentan en el Ap´endiceB, mientras que en el Ap´endice C se muestra en detalle el an´alisispara la obtenci´onde una conexi´ongauge de SU(2) simplificada, en presencia de un espacio-tiempo curvo est´aticoy esf´ericamente sim´etrico.

XIV Los resultados alcanzados en esta tesis proporcionan nuevas bases y metodolog´ıas para describir y medir la posible existencia de una torsi´onespacio-temporal en el universo. Al tratarse de una magnitud directamente conectada con el momento angular intr´ınsecode las part´ıculaselementales, se espera que en general produzca efectos despreciables a gran escala. Por lo tanto, el estudio de sistemas gravita- cionales extremos que puedan intensificar sus efectos es especialmente relevante a la hora de intentar superar estas limitaciones observacionales.


Chapter 1

Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries

1.1 Motivation and generalities

Since the early twentieth century, General Relativity (GR) has been established as the theory that best and most deeply describes, from a phenomenological point of view, the gravitational field and its interaction with matter. Since its inceptions, the theory formulated by completely modified the general understanding of the universe. The most fascinating postulate assumed by Einstein’s approach was the fact that the universe itself acquires a non-vanishing curvature due to the presence of gravity and matter fields. Furthermore, its theoretical bases led to the conclusion that this effect is naturally modulated by the energy-momentum properties of matter, in a form that it is preserved in all reference frames, according to the principle of general covariance [1]. From a mathematical point of view, the model was developed in terms of Rie- mannian geometry by establishing a correspondence between space-time and a dif- ferentiable endowed with a curvature tensor, which is associated with the gravitational field. Such a description involves the existence of a metric tensor and a metric-compatible affine connection in a form that all the geometrical quantities defined on the manifold can be expressed in terms of them. These elements enable the definition of the distance and parallel transport concepts within the manifold. Thereby, one of the assumptions of the theory is the vanishing of the antisymmetric part of the affine connection, so that it can be written in terms of the metric tensor:

1 Γλ = gλρ (∂ g + ∂ g − ∂ g ) , (1.1) µν 2 µ νρ ν µρ ρ µν where latin and greek indices refer to anholonomic and coordinate , respectively.

1 2 Chapter 1. Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries

This type of connection is called the Levi-Civita (LC) connection and it is straightforward to verify the metric-compatible property because of the vanishing of the of the metric tensor 1:

∇λ gµν = 0 . (1.3)

In addition, this structure involves the existence of a curvature tensor depending on the metric tensor alone:

λ λ ρ [∇µ, ∇ν] v = R ρµνv , (1.4) where:

1 ∂2g ∂2g ∂2g ∂2g ! R = λν + ρµ − λµ − ρν +g (Γω Γσ − Γω Γσ ) . λρµν 2 ∂xρ∂xµ ∂xλ∂xν ∂xρ∂xν ∂xλ∂xµ σω ρµ λν ρν λµ (1.5) These geometrical foundations are enclosed with an action principle to describe the dynamic properties of the gravitational field and the energy-momentum of mat- ter. Namely, the Einstein-Hilbert (EH) action was formulated as an invariant func- tional of first order in the curvature tensor which, together with the action of matter, give rise to general field equations by performing variations with respect to the met- ric tensor 2:

1 Z √ S = d4x −g (L − R) , (1.6) 16π m

1 Z √ δS = − (G − 8π T ) δgµν −g d4x , (1.7) 16π µν µν where, additionally, the Ricci tensor R and the R constitute the µν √ δ(L −g) R √1 m Einstein tensor Gµν = Rµν − 2 gµν and Tµν = 8π −g δgµν defines the energy- momentum tensor. This construction encompasses the appropriate Newtonian limit and conservation laws in virtue of the divergenceless of the Einstein tensor. Furthermore, it establishes

1The covariant derivative of a general world tensor is defined as follows:

µ1...µm µ1...µm µ1 ρ...µm µm µ1...ρ ∇λT ν1...νn = ∂λT ν1...νn + Γ ρλT ν1...νn + ... + Γ ρλT ν1...νn ρ µ1...µm ρ µ1...µm − Γ ν1λT ρ...νn − ... − Γ νnλT ν1...ρ . (1.2)

2Notice that we will use Planck units throughout this work (G = c = ~ = 1). 1.1. Motivation and generalities 3 a complete correspondence between gravitation and the geometry of space-time by assigning the physical trajectories to a geodesic motion in absence of external forces [2]. A large number of further implications were also originally studied and predicted by scientists by means of the theory, like for example the , orbital precession of macroscopic bodies, deflection of light, gravitational redshift and lensing, time dilation or the existence of black holes (BHs) and gravitational waves, among others [3]. All these events have been systematically tested even nowadays, providing a strong supporting evidence of its accuracy and precision [4, 5]. Nevertheless, from a theoretical point of view, there exist additional issues that presumably require going beyond GR towards a more complete theory of gravity. Some of these fundamental problems are the impossibility of renormalizing the EH action unlike that given by other quantum field theories and the existence of un- avoidable space-time singularities [6, 7]. Numerous attempts have been accomplished to address these questions and for- mulate an improved modified theory of gravity, even in the framework of Rieman- nian geometry [8–10]. Many of these new schemes, in fact, modify the gravity action by aggregating higher order corrections, which are at least quadratic in the curvature tensor. But additional modifications can be introduced in the realm of post-Riemannian geometry, which incorporates new degrees of freedom into the geometric structure of the manifold. Specifically, as mentioned previously, the an- tisymmetric and non-metricity components of the affine connection are assumed to vanish in the standard case, but this situation changes in the presence of an affinely connected metric space-time. In such a case, the components of the affine connection are expressed in the following way 3:

˜λ λ λ λ Γ µν = Γ µν + K µν + L µν , (1.8)

λ where K µν represents a metric-compatible component depending on the antisym- λ metric part of the connection and L µν is related to non-metricity. By defining λ ˜λ ˜ T µν = 2Γ [µν] as the stressed antisymmetric component and Qλµν = ∇λgµν as the non-metricity part of the affine connection, then the previous quantities are written as follows:

1 Kλ = (T λ − T λ − T λ ) , (1.9) µν 2 µν µ ν ν µ

3We use notation with tilde to denote quantities depending on torsion and without tilde for the torsion-free components of such quantities. 4 Chapter 1. Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries

1 Lλ = (Qλ − Q λ − Q λ ) . (1.10) µν 2 µν µ ν ν µ

Note that these post-Riemannian components possess a tensorial character, whereas the Riemannian part of the connection still changes inhomogeneously under an in- finitesimal coordinate transformation xµ → x0µ = xµ + ξµ:

∂xλ ∂x0σ ∂x0ω ∂2x0ρ ∂xλ Γλ → Γ0λ = Γρ + . (1.11) µν µν ∂x0ρ ∂xµ ∂xν σω ∂xµ∂xν ∂x0ρ

λ Then, the antisymmetric part T µν of the affine connection always transforms λ as a tensor and it is called torsion tensor, whereas the resulting piece K µν on the connection is called contortion tensor. On the other hand, the tensorial nature of the metric and the covariant derivative is appropriately induced on the non-metricity component. In analogy to the rest of the extended theories of gravity, these geometrical char- acteristics define additional scalar invariants into the gravitational action and hence modify the dynamical aspects provided by the gravitational field. Nevertheless, it is expected that these higher order corrections produce neglected effects at low energy scales and thus they are remarkable only around extreme gravitational systems.

1.2 Riemann-Cartan manifolds: the space-time torsion

The particular case of an affinely connected metric manifold with a metric-compatible connection is named Riemann-Cartan (RC) manifold. Hence, these types of topo- logical spaces are characterized by a vanishing non-metricity tensor:

λ Q µν = 0 . (1.12)

The resulting geometric structure is then provided by a metric tensor and an asymmetric affine connection that preserves lengths and angles under parallel trans- port. Since the affine connection is directly connected to the definition of the covari- ant derivative, the presence of an antisymmetric component within such a connection introduces deep geometrical consequences. First, it is straightforward to notice the change on the commutation relations of the covariant derivatives:

˜ ˜ λ ˜λ ρ ρ ˜ λ [∇µ, ∇ν] v = R ρµν v + T µν ∇ρv , (1.13) 1.2. Riemann-Cartan manifolds: the space-time torsion 5 where:

˜λ ˜λ ˜λ ˜λ ˜σ ˜λ ˜σ R ρµν = ∂µΓ ρν − ∂νΓ ρµ + Γ σµΓ ρν − Γ σνΓ ρµ . (1.14)

Thereby, it is important to distinguish between the Riemann curvature and the RC curvature. The latter also satisfies its proper Bianchi identities in the RC space- time 4:

˜λ ˜ λ σ λ R [µνρ] + ∇[µT νρ] + T [µν T ρ]σ = 0 , (1.16)

˜ ˜λ ω ˜λ ∇[σ|R ρ|µν] − T [σµ|R ρω|ν] = 0 , (1.17) and allows the existence of a non-vanishing antisymmetric component of the Ricci tensor:

1 1   1 1   R˜ = ∇ T λ + ∇ T λ − ∇ T λ + T λ T ρ + T T ρλ − T T ρλ . [µν] 2 λ µν 2 µ νλ ν µλ 2 ρλ µν 4 µλρ ν νλρ µ (1.18) Furthermore, the torsion tensor provides a sort of displacement of vectors along infinitesimal paths that generally involves the breaking of standard parallelograms, in a way that their translational closure failure proportionally depends on the men- λ λ λ tioned tensor [11, 12]. Suppose two vectors 1 and 2 at a given point x , then the following identity describes the open contour of the infinitesimal parallelogram constructed by them in the presence of torsion:

 λ λ 0λ  λ λ 0λ λ µ ν x + 2 + 1 − x + 1 + 2 = T µν 1 2 , (1.19) 0λ 0λ λ with 1 and 2 the resulting vectors obtained by the parallel transport of 1 and λ λ λ λ λ λ λ 2 , at the point of coordinates x + 2 and x + 1 , in the direction of 2 and 1 , respectively. This quality represents an important and singular geometrical effect, since it cannot be yielded by any other quantity, but only by the torsion tensor. In addition, these features allow the establishment of an equivalence between torsion and defects of three-dimensional crystal lattices [13–15]. The RC manifold then may be considered as an effective geometrical construction arising

4Note that the torsion tensor also implies a non-trivial relation under the following exchange of indices of the RC curvature: 3 R˜ − R˜ = R˜ + R˜ + R˜ + R˜  . (1.15) λρµν µνλρ 2 λ[ρµν] ρ[µλν] µ[ρλν] ν[ρµλ] 6 Chapter 1. Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries from a microscopic structure endowed with dislocation defects, which are described by torsion in the limit where they form a continuous distribution. In order to establish a general classification of torsion, it can be decomposed into its respective irreducible parts under the Lorentz group [16, 17]. Namely, a trace λ vector Tµ, an axial vector Sµ and a traceless and also pseudotraceless tensor q µν:

1   1 T λ = δλ T − δλ T + gλρε Sσ + qλ , (1.20) µν 3 ν µ µ ν 6 ρσµν µν where ε ρσµν is the four-dimensional LC symbol. From a phenomenological point of view, this sort of geometrical classification can be associated with a large number of physically relevant configurations, such as the minimal coupling between the Dirac fields and the axial vector or the vanishing of its tensorial modes in a spatially homogeneous and isotropic universe, as is assumed by the cosmological principle [18, 19]. By taking into account these notions, it is possible to construct a large class of scalar invariants from the RC curvature and the torsion tensor and define a modified gravitational action in the framework of the RC geometry. It means that the RC space-time constitutes the kinematical arena of every type of extended theory of gravity with torsion. On the other hand, the dynamical aspects of torsion also depend on the order of such geometrical invariants included in the Lagrangian. Specifically, the full linear case describes a non-propagating torsion tied to material sources, whereas higher order corrections describe a Lagrangian with propagating torsion, which generally involves dynamical effects in vacuum.

1.3 Poincar´egauge theory of gravity

From a theoretical point of view, the most consistent and successful description of torsion is formulated in the framework of the Poincar´eGauge (PG) theory of gravity [20–22]. Just as its name indicates, this theory represents a gauge approach to grav- ity based on the semidirect product of the Lorentz group and the space-time trans- lations, in analogy to the unitary irreducible representations of relativistic particles labeled by their spin and , respectively. Then not only an energy-momentum tensor of matter arises from this approach, but also a non-trivial spin density tensor that operates as source of torsion, providing an appropriate correspondence between the respective gauge potentials and their corresponding field strength tensors. Hence, the model requires gauging the external degrees of freedom consisting of rotations and translations, which are represented by the Poincar´egroup ISO(1, 3). This means that a gauge connection containing two principal independent variables is introduced in order to describe the gravitational field as a gauge field. These 1.3. Poincar´egauge theory of gravity 7 quantities constitute the gauge potentials related to the generators of translations and local Lorentz rotations, respectively:

a ab Aµ = e µPa + ω µJab , (1.21) a ab where e µ is the vierbein field and ω µ is the , which satisfy the following relations with the metric and the affine connection [23]:

a b gµν = e µ e ν ηab , (1.22)

ab a bρ ˜λ a bλ ω µ = e λ e Γ ρµ + e λ ∂µ e . (1.23)

Thus, the vierbein field and the affine connection act as translational and ro- tational type potentials, respectively. Moreover, the mentioned gauge connection associated with the group ISO(1, 3) defines a 2-form curvature, Fµν = ∂µAν − ∂νAµ − i[Aµ,Aν], which can be expressed in the following way:

a ab Fµν = F µνPa + F µνJab , (1.24) a a a ab ab ab ab ab with F µν = ∂µe ν − ∂νe µ + ω µe bν − ω ν ebµ and F µν = ∂µω ν − ∂νω µ + ac b ac b ω ν ω cµ − ω µ ω cν .

As with other well-known gauge theories, the field strength tensor character- izes the properties of the gravitational interaction, which in the PG framework are potentially modified by the presence of torsion. In particular, it is related to the torsion and the curvature tensor as follows:

a a λ F µν = e λ T νµ , (1.25)

ab a b ˜λρ F µν = e λe ρ R µν . (1.26)

Hence, whereas curvature is related to the rotation of a vector along an in- finitesimal path over the space-time, torsion is related to the translation and they appropriately constitute the field strengths of the rotation and the translation group, respectively. In contrast with the regular Yang-Mills (YM) theories of internal symmetry groups, the complexity provided by the external symmetry group ISO(1, 3) allows the definition of a greater number of scalar invariants from the curvature and torsion tensors. From a theoretical point of view, these types of geometrical quantities 8 Chapter 1. Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries are essential since they yield kinetic and interaction terms into the gravitational action. In general, by excluding parity violating terms, it is possible to construct six independent quadratic scalar invariants of curvature and three of torsion, besides the linear one given by the Ricci scalar. Therefore, the most general parity preserving action quadratic in the field strength tensors can be written as 5:

1 Z √  S = d4x −g L − R˜ − a R˜2 + (a − a ) R˜ R˜µνλρ + a R˜ R˜λρµν 16π m 1 3 1 λρµν 2 λρµν ˜ ˜λµρν ˜ ˜µν ˜ ˜νµ +a4RλρµνR + a5RµνR + (a6 + 4a1) RµνR  λµν µλν λ µ ν +α TλµνT + β TλµνT + γ T λνT µ , (1.27) where a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, α, β and γ are constant parameters. Although the theoret- ical and experimental research for restrictions on the values of these coefficients still persists, they are in principle subject to the requirement of a viable set of stability conditions and to the constraints given by the experimental evidence. In any case, for deriving the field equations, it is possible to dismiss one of the coefficients asso- ciated with the scalars of curvature and reduce the set of parameters by applying the Gauss-Bonnet theorem in four-dimensional RC space-times, without loss of gen- erality [25, 26]. Specifically, the following combination quadratic in the curvature tensor acts as a total derivative of a certain vector V µ in the gravitational action:

√  ˜2 ˜ ˜µνλρ ˜ ˜νµ µ −g R + RλρµνR − 4RµνR = ∂µV . (1.28)

Then, in order to derive the general field equations of the quadratic PG theory it is sufficient to perform variations with respect to the gauge potentials, resulting the following outcome:

ν ν X1µ + 16πθµ = 0 , (1.29)

ν ν X2[µλ] + 16πSλµ = 0 , (1.30) ν ν where X1µ and X2[µλ] are tensorial functions depending on the RC curvature and ν ν the torsion tensor, which are defined in Appendix A, whereas θµ and Sλµ are the canonical energy-momentum tensor and the spin density tensor, respectively, which are defined as follows:

√ ea δ (L −g) ν √µ m θµ = a , (1.31) 16π −g δe ν 5For an exhaustive study on the class of quadratic PG Lagrangians including parity violating terms, see reference [24]. 1.3. Poincar´egauge theory of gravity 9

√ ea eb δ (L −g) ν λ√ µ m Sλµ = ab . (1.32) 16π −g δω ν

This variational procedure is a direct consequence of the gauge invariance of the Poincar´egroup, whose non-Abelian nature is also present in the physical model in virtue of the highly nonlinear character shown by the field equations (1.29) and (1.30). In addition, the canonical energy-momentum tensor derived from this ap- proach is not generally symmetric in the presence of torsion and the spin density tensor is antisymmetric in its first pair of indices. Moreover, it is straightforward to obtain from the field equations the following conservation laws for these tensors:

ν ρλ ˜ λρν ∇νθµ + Kλρµθ + Rλρνµ S = 0 , (1.33)

µ σ µ ∇µSλρ + 2K [λ|µS|ρ]σ − θ[λρ] = 0 . (1.34)

Thereby, both quantities act as sources of gravity and represent the translational and rotational currents, respectively. They constitute the natural generalization of the conserved Noether currents associated with the external translations and rotations of the Poincar´egroup in a -time, as expected [27]:

ν ∂νθµ = 0 , (1.35)

µ ∂µJλρ = 0 , (1.36) µ where Jλρ is the total angular momentum density, which is decomposed into an orbital part and an intrinsic part (i.e. the spin density tensor):

µ µ µ Jλρ = Mλρ + Sλρ , (1.37) µ µ with Mλρ = x[λ θρ] the resulting orbital angular momentum density, whose diver- gence is trivially proportional to the antisymmetric part of the canonical energy- momentum tensor:

µ ∂µMλρ = θ[ρλ] . (1.38)

Since the addition of total derivatives into the total Lagrangian preserves the invariance of the mentioned conservation laws, it turns out that the canonical cur- rents are not uniquely defined and it is possible to establish fundamental relations between them. In particular, as is shown, the canonical energy-momentum tensor 10 Chapter 1. Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries generally contains an antisymmetric component even when the notions of curvature and torsion are neglected (i.e. in the framework of ), but it is possible to relocalize it by applying a symmetrization procedure [28]:

λ λ Tµν = θµν − ∂λSµν − 2∂λS (µν) . (1.39)

In fact, we denote such a symmetric quantity as Tµν because it was also shown that, by replacing the ordinary derivatives by torsion-free covariant derivatives, it actually coincides with the energy-momentum tensor defined from GR [29]. In virtue of this procedure, it is also common to designate this tensor as the Belinfante- Rosenfeld (BR) energy-momentum tensor. The generalization to RC space-times gives rise to the following expression [30]:

? ? λ λ Tµν = θµν − ∇λSµν − 2∇λS (µν) , (1.40) ? ˜ ρ with ∇λ = ∇λ − T λρ. Thus, whereas the symmetric BR tensor represents the energy-momentum dis- tribution of matter in GR, this situation does not hold in the PG theory of gravity due to the dynamical character of the spin density tensor in the presence of torsion. On the contrary, such a role falls on the canonical energy-momentum tensor, so the symmetric energy-momentum tensor of GR must be replaced by this quantity.

1.4 Motion of test particles in the Poincar´egauge theory

As previously stressed, the presence of a space-time torsion generalizes the conserva- tion laws associated with the energy-momentum and spin density tensors of matter, in such a form that these currents completely coincide with the ones derived from GR when the latter vanishes:

ν ∇νθµ = 0 , (1.41)

θ[µν] = 0 . (1.42)

This result is a direct consequence of the deep relation existing between the torsion field and the intrinsic angular momentum of matter in the realm of the PG theory, where it operates as a source of torsion. It means that it is crucial to 1.4. Motion of test particles in the Poincar´egauge theory 11 distinguish between the motion of spinning and spinless particles when considering the physical trajectories of test bodies from this approach. Indeed, neither the curves of extremal length given by the geodesic equations:

d2xµ dxλ dxρ + Γµ = 0 , (1.43) ds2 λρ ds ds nor the straightest lines defined by the parallel transport of a vector to itself in terms of the autoparallel equations:

d2xµ dxλ dxρ + Γ˜µ = 0 , (1.44) ds2 λρ ds ds can represent the general motion of matter in the presence of a space-time torsion. Conversely, whereas the former can only be related to spinless particles, the latter does not distinguish between particles with a different spin and then the torsion tensor affects the motion of particles with and without spin in the same way. An appropriate expression, however, can be obtained by the conservation laws (1.33) and (1.34) by integrating over a three-dimensional spacelike section of the world tube involving the particle and employing the semiclassical approximation [2, 31]:

Z Z √ µν 3 0 µ λρ√ 3 0 ∂ν −g θ d x + Γ λρθ −g d x Z √ Z √ µ ρλ 3 0 ˜ µ λρσ 3 0 = − Kλρ θ −g d x − Rλρσ S −g d x , (1.45) with:

Z √  d Z √ ∂ −g θµν d3x0 = θµt −g d3x0 , (1.46) ν dt by the Gauss theorem. Then, by defining the four-momentum pµ and the net spin angular momentum Sλρ, of the particle with four-velocity uµ, in terms of the proper time s along its world line:

dt Z √ pλuρ = θλρ −g d3x0 , (1.47) ds

dt Z √ Sλρuσ = Sλρσ −g d3x0 , (1.48) ds the expression (1.45) involves the following equations of motion: 12 Chapter 1. Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries

dpµ + Γµ pλuρ + K µpρuλ + R˜ µSλρuσ = 0 . (1.49) ds λρ λρ λρσ

As can be seen, an additional generalized Lorentz force emerges depending on the intrinsic angular momentum of matter and the torsion tensor, which is contained in the RC curvature and the contortion component. This force potentially yields deviations from the geodesic trajectories and it represents another fundamental dif- ference with the standard approach of GR. In this sense, it is straightforward to check that, for spinless matter (i.e. Sλρ = 0), the equations of motion reduce to the same geodesic equations of GR. Nevertheless, since the spin of elementary particles is of the order of the Planck constant, it is expected that the strength of this force yields effects too tiny to be measured, as occurs in the context of other well-known gravitational theories framed beyond GR. From an experimental point of view, this means the difficulty in proving the possible existence of a non-vanishing dynamical torsion in the space- time. Moreover, it has been argued the possibility of measuring torsion effects by making use of a macroscopic rotating gyroscope (i.e. a gyroscope with vanishing net spin) [32]. Even so, the insufficiency of these types of arguments has been systematically pointed out because of the uncoupling between torsion and the orbital angular momentum of such gyroscopes [33, 34]. This situation changes when a polarized system with a net elementary particle spin is considered, although this possibility still requires more research and development, in order to generate an appreciable effect on its trajectories [35–37]. On the other hand, torsion is induced on the vierbein field by the field equations and thereby it can also operate on the geodesic motion of ordinary matter via the LC connection. This fact may involve additional effects to detect the possible existence of this geometric field.

1.5 The Dirac equation in the presence of torsion

The Dirac equation describes the wave function of spin 1/2 particles. It represents a crucial tool to analyse the influence of gravity on these sorts of particles. From a mathematical point of view, although general coordinate transformations do not have spinor representations, these fields can be described by the representations (0, 1/2) L(1/2, 0) associated with the Lorentz group [38]. Therefore, a Lorentz spin connection ωµ is introduced in order to establish a well-defined covariant Dirac equation and to provide the dynamics of the spinor fields on a general space-time:

ab ωµ = i ω µ [γa, γb] , (1.50) 1.5. The Dirac equation in the presence of torsion 13

ab where ω µ coincides with the Expression (1.23) when the coupling with torsion is considered and γa are the four constant Dirac matrices. Then, it is possible to perform the following covariant derivative of a Dirac spinor:

˜ ab ∇µΨ = ∂µΨ − ω µ [γa, γb]Ψ . (1.51)

In the minimal coupling, the ordinary derivative is simply replaced by this sort of covariant derivative, which includes the torsion tensor and therefore it can operate on Dirac spinors. Thereby, the generalized Dirac Lagrangian of a spinor with mass m minimally coupled to torsion is written in the following way [18]:

i   L = Ψ¯ γµ∇˜ Ψ − ∇˜ Ψ¯ γµΨ − 2imΨΨ¯ , (1.52) Dirac 2 µ µ where Ψ¯ = Ψ†γ0 is the Dirac adjoint. By performing the hermitian conjugation of the Expression (1.51) and multiplying by γ0 from the right, the identity (γa)† = γ0γaγ0 implies the covariant derivative of a Dirac adjoint:

˜ ¯ ¯ ab ¯ ∇µΨ = ∂µΨ + ω µΨ[γa, γb] , (1.53) and separates the metric and torsion contributions into the Dirac Lagrangian as follows:

i   L = Ψ¯ γµ∇ Ψ − ∇ Ψ¯ γµΨ − eaµeb ecρKλ Ψ¯ {γ , [γ , γ ]} Ψ − 2imΨΨ¯ . Dirac 2 µ µ λ ρµ a b c (1.54) Therefore, in the minimal coupling, the interaction term between torsion and the Dirac spinor depends on the anticommutator {γa, [γb, γc]}. It is possible to compute this factor by considering the properties of the product of three gamma matrices:

d 5 γaγbγc = ηabγc + ηbcγa − ηacγb + iabc γdγ , (1.55)

5 i abcd where γ = 4!  γaγbγcγd is the fifth gamma matrix, that additionally satisfies the following properties:

 † γ5 = γ5 , (1.56)

 52 γ = I4 , (1.57) 14 Chapter 1. Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries

n o γ5, γa = 0 . (1.58)

By taking into account these conditions, one obtains the following outcome:

d 5 {γa, [γb, γc]} = 4iabc γdγ , (1.59) which means that the mentioned interaction term constitutes a totally antisymmetric quantity coupled to the component of the Lorentz spin connection depending on torsion:

i   L = Ψ¯ γµ∇ Ψ − ∇ Ψ¯ γµΨ + 2iλρµνT Ψ¯ γ5γ Ψ − 2imΨΨ¯ . (1.60) Dirac 2 µ µ λρµ ν

Indeed, the resulting Dirac Lagrangian can be expressed in a more compact form in terms of the axial component of torsion:

i   L = Ψ¯ γµ∇ Ψ − ∇ Ψ¯ γµΨ + 2iΨ¯ γ5γµS Ψ − 2imΨΨ¯ . (1.61) Dirac 2 µ µ µ

This result yields an explicit interaction between torsion and Dirac spinors de- pending on the axial vector alone, so that the presence of the rest of the irreducible parts of the torsion tensor does not alter itself. Such components may only enter implicitly in the interaction if they are induced on the vierbein field present in the Lagrangian. On the other hand, since there is still no experimental evidence on the existence of the torsion field, the formulation of other Lagrangians non-minimally coupled to torsion may be viable [39, 40]. These types of configurations introduce corrections into the interaction scheme and enable an active role of the additional modes of torsion in the presence of fermions.

1.6 Teleparallelism

As was indicated previously, a general PG model of gravity is commonly charac- terized by the presence of both curvature and torsion by means of RC geometry. Nevertheless, certain degenerate cases arise when the restriction of vanishing some of these quantities is applied. For example, the linear PG Lagrangian reduces to the conventional EH Lagrangian if the condition of a vanishing torsion tensor is im- posed, which means that the resulting approach is completely determined in terms of Riemannian geometry (i.e. in terms of the LC connection). On the other hand, it 1.6. Teleparallelism 15 is also possible to construct alternative gravity theories with torsion by imposing the vanishing of the curvature tensor alone. This condition is fulfilled for a non-trivial set of values of torsion that cancels the RC curvature. Indeed, the RC curvature (1.14) can be expressed as the sum of the Riemannian torsion-free curvature and a post-Riemannian component depending on the torsion tensor:

˜λ λ λ λ λ σ λ σ R ρµν = R ρµν + ∇µK ρν − ∇νK ρµ + K σµK ρν − K σνK ρµ , (1.62) which means that it vanishes identically when the following constraint is satisfied:

λ λ λ λ σ λ σ R ρµν = ∇νK ρµ − ∇µK ρν + K σνK ρµ − K σµK ρν . (1.63)

In terms of the affine connection, it is straightforward to find a solution for this equation by imposing the vanishing of the Lorentz spin connection. This choice ab cancels the Lorentz gauge curvature F µν and hence the RC curvature tensor, since both are related by the Expression (1.26). The resulting connection is called the Weitzenb¨ock connection and thereby it provides a gauge theory of gravitation for the translation group [41–44]:

˜λ λ a Γ µν = ea ∂νe µ . (1.64)

The absence of curvature enables the definition of a path-independent parallel transport within the manifold, which involves the notion of parallelism of vectors at different points. In addition, since the relation (1.63) allows the torsion-free curvature tensor to be expressed in terms of torsion, it is possible to construct a gravitational action equivalent to the EH action of GR up to a divergence term, which does not contribute to the field equations:

1 Z √ 1 Z  S = − R −g d4x = T T λµν + 2T T µλν − 4T µ T ν λ 16π 64π λµν λµν µλ ν 8  √ √ − √ ∂ T λµ −g −g d4x , (1.65) −g µ λ with:

λ λ a a T µν = ea (∂νe µ − ∂µe ν) . (1.66)

The resulting model is then completely expressed in terms of the torsion tensor of a Weitzenb¨ock space-time, which means that such a quantity replaces curvature 16 Chapter 1. Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries in order to describe the gravitational field. Likewise, the corresponding energy- momentum tensor derived from this approach does not act as a source of curvature, but as a source of torsion. From a phenomenological point of view, teleparallelism provides an equivalent description of gravity to GR in terms of the mentioned translational field strength tensor, which is shown to be completely determined by the vierbein field. This fact reveals that curvature and torsion are simply alternative ways of describing the conventional gravitational field. In this sense, teleparallelism does not involve new physics related to torsion. Nevertheless, both approaches are conceptually different, since the geometrical correspondence existing in GR between curvature and gravitation does not hold in a teleparallel model based on torsion. Indeed, following the geometric structure of GR, the trajectories of free-falling particles present in a curved space-time results in a geodesic motion depending on the LC connection:

dpµ + Γµ pλuρ = 0 , (1.67) ds λρ ˜µ whereas the introduction of a Weitzenb¨ock connection Γ λρ with vanishing curvature derives straightforwardly in the following expression [45, 46]:

λ ˜ µ µ λ ρ u ∇λp = Tλ ρ p u , (1.68) λ ˜ µ dpµ ˜µ λ ρ where u ∇λp = ds + Γ λρ p u is the four-acceleration of the particle in the consequent Weitzenb¨ock space-time. Then, the equations of motion are modified in a form where the torsion tensor plays the role of a gravitational force operating on the particle, instead of a purely geometrical effect such as the one given by curvature in the regular case.

1.7 Gravitation with non-propagating torsion: the Einstein-Cartan theory

Another singular case of the PG theory arises when the higher order corrections present in the Lagrangian are excluded from the final scheme. Indeed, in the same way that the EH action is related to the Ricci scalar depending on the metric tensor alone, in a first-order approximation it is possible to generalize this action by means of the Ricci scalar defined on a RC space-time, providing the so called Einstein- Cartan (EC) theory [21]:

1 Z √   S = d4x −g L − R˜ , (1.69) 16π m 1.7. Gravitation with non-propagating torsion: the Einstein-Cartan theory 17 where:

1 1 R˜ = R + T T λµν + T T µλν − T µ T ν λ − 2∇ T ρλ . (1.70) 4 λµν 2 λµν µλ ν λ ρ

In this case, the Lagrangian contains, besides the torsion-free Ricci scalar and a total derivative, a particular combination of the three independent quadratic scalar invariants of torsion, that are computed into the field equations by performing vari- ations with respect to the gauge potentials, as usual. Accordingly, this analysis lead to the following field equations:

˜ Gµν = 8π θνµ , (1.71)

ν λσ ρ λν ρ λσ ν λν δµ g T ρσ − g T ρµ − g T µσ = 16π Sµ . (1.72)

The first equation provides higher order corrections in the torsion tensor to the Riemannian component of the Einstein tensor. Consequently, it generally involves the existence of a non-vanishing antisymmetric component of the canonical energy- momentum tensor. In addition, the second equation associates directly the torsion and the spin density tensor of matter sources by an algebraic relation, rather than by a differential expression for the torsion field. This leads to a non-dynamical character for torsion under the EC theory, which prevents this quantity to propagate in a vacuum configuration and forces it to vanish when the spin density tensor is zero. Therefore, it can only generate physical effects inside spinning matter and influence directly on other sources through a spin-spin contact interaction. Furthermore, the standard decomposition (1.40) of the canonical energy-momentum tensor into the totally symmetrized energy-momentum tensor and the spin density tensor allows the vierbein equation (1.71) to be rewritten as the standard Einstein equation of GR with an additional geometric correction quadratic in the torsion ten- sor (i.e. in the spin density tensor since both torsion and spin are directly related by Equation (1.72)). Indeed, within this model, it is straightforward to express torsion as a tensorial function of the spin density tensor as follows:

λ  λ λ ρ λ ρ  T µν = 8π 2Sνµ + δ µS νρ − δ νS µρ , (1.73) whereas the Einstein tensor in the presence of torsion is split into its torsion-free component and an extended piece depending on torsion in the following way: 18 Chapter 1. Introduction to post-Riemannian geometries

1   G˜ = G + ∇ T λ − ∇ T λ − ∇ T λ − 2∇ T λ µν µν 2 λ µν λ µ ν λ ν µ ν µλ 1  1  + T λ T ρ − T λ T ρ − T λ T ρ + T λ T ρ − T λ T ρ λ 2 ρλ µν ρλ µ ν ρλ ν µ ρν µ λ 2 ν ρ µ  1 1 1  + g ∇ T ρλ − T T λρσ − T T ρλσ + T λ T ρ σ . (1.74) µν λ ρ 8 λρσ 4 λρσ 2 λσ ρ

Then, the relation existing between the torsion-free Einstein tensor and the BR energy-momentum tensor is linked to a higher order correction quadratic in the spin density tensor itself:

 2 Gµν = 8π Tµν + O S . (1.75)

In virtue of the general construction of the EC theory, such a correction is also proportional to the square of Einstein’s gravitational constant, which implies that the possible effects derived from the EC torsion may only be measured under the most extreme macroscopic conditions. Chapter 2

Vacuum solutions of the Poincar´e gauge theory

2.1 The Baekler solution: torsion and confine- ment type of potential

On account of the general PG field equations (1.29) and (1.30), the propagating character of torsion demands the presence of higher order curvature terms in the gravitational action. Indeed, the variational procedure derived from these terms gives rise to a set of differential expressions for the torsion field. This means the possible existence of a propagating torsion even in absence of matter sources (i.e. in physical configurations with vanishing energy-momentum and spin density tensors). From a fundamental point of view, this feature represents a deep aspect in the nature of torsion, which may also produce significant effects under these conditions in the geometry of the space-time. In particular, Birkhoff’s theorem of GR establishes that the only vacuum solu- tion to the Einstein field equations with spherical symmetry is the Schwarzschild solution [47]. However, in the realm of PG gravity, this theorem is satisfied only in certain cases [48, 49]. Then, by considering the general PG Lagrangian with dy- namical torsion, the approach leads to a large class of gravitational models endowed with a vacuum structure where an extensive number of particular and fundamental differences may arise. This fact evinces that the search and analysis of exact solu- tions are essential in order to improve the understanding and physical consequences of this field. One of the most primary and remarkable solutions is the so called Baekler solu- tion [50]. It constitutes an exact vacuum solution with propagating torsion, which refers to a PG Lagrangian whose limit to the regular gravitational model takes place

19 20 Chapter 2. Vacuum solutions of the Poincar´egauge theory in the framework of teleparallel geometry to a first approximation [51, 52]:

1 Z  1  √ S = − 2T µ T ν λ − T T λµν − R˜ R˜λρµν −g d4x , (2.1) 32π µλ ν λµν 4κ λρµν where κ is a coupling constant provided by the supplementary and presumably very weak gravitational interaction. Thereby, the action is divided into a first term con- nected with the long-range Einstein type of gravity that comprises the Schwarzschild solution and a YM-like factor depending on the curvature tensor that introduces slight corrections to this approach, which means a richer structure than the one present in Einstein’s theory. The corresponding field equations associated with this model are then described by the following system:

1   δ ν 2T λ T ρ σ − 4∇ T ρ λ − T T λρσ + ∇ T λ ν + ∇ T νλ 4 µ λσ ρ λ ρ λρσ µ λ λ µ 1 1  = δ νR˜ R˜λρτσ − R˜ R˜λρνσ − Kν T ρ λ − K T λρν , (2.2) 4κ 4 µ λρτσ λρµσ λµ ρ λρµ

 ν ρ λ λν ρ µ λν νλ ˜ λρν λ ˜ σρν σ ˜ λρν 2κ δµ T ρ − g T ρ + T µ − Tµ = ∇ρRµ + K σρRµ − K µρRσ . (2.3) As can be seen, in the limit of teleparallelism, the curvature tensor disappears from the variational equations and torsion operates as the unique geometrical quan- tity describing the gravitational field. Furthermore, the resulting Lagrangian with vanishing curvature encompasses the Schwarzschild metric as a solution and it presents an agreement with the standard tests of GR up to the fourth order in the post-Newtonian approximation [53]. In fact, although the expression of such a Lagrangian does not coincide exactly with the one given by the equivalent version of GR in teleparallelism, its deviations do not yield any difference for the case of static and isotropic space-times. Accurately, these deviations can be computed by the subtraction of the mentioned Lagrangians:

1 Z   √ S = T T λµν − 2T T µλν −g d4x , (2.4) 64π λµν λµν or, equivalently:

1 Z √ S = S Sµ −g d4x , (2.5) 128π µ 2.1. The Baekler solution: torsion and confinement type of potential 21

where the axial mode Sµ of torsion vanishes for such static and spherically symmetric Weitzenb¨ock space-times [54]. Consider the line element and the tetrad basis of these types of geometrical systems:

2 2 2 dr 2  2 2 2 ds = Ψ1(r) dt − − r dθ1 + sin θ1dθ2 , (2.6) Ψ2(r)

q dr tˆ rˆ θˆ1 θˆ2 e = Ψ1(r) dt , e = q , e = r dθ1 , e = r sin θ1 dθ2 ; (2.7) Ψ2(r) with 0 ≤ θ1 ≤ π and 0 ≤ θ2 ≤ 2π. In that case, as is shown in Appendix B, the intrinsic relations between curvature and torsion involve further symmetries on this tensor, which must also satisfy the following condition:

λ LξT µν = 0 , (2.8) in order to ensure that the covariant derivative commutes with the Lie derivative and preserve the invariance of the curvature tensor under isometries. By following these remarks, the static and isotropic torsion acquires the following structure [49, 55]:

t T tr = a(r) , r T tr = b(r) , θk T tθk = c(r) , θk T rθk = g(r) , ˜ θk aθ˜ k b T tθl = e e θl a˜˜b d(r) , ˜ θk aθ˜ k b T rθl = e e θl a˜˜b h(r) , t T θkθl = kl k(r) sin θ1 , r T θkθl = kl l(r) sin θ1 ; (2.9) where a, b, c, d, g, h, k and l are eight arbitrary functions depending only on r; k, l = ˜ 1, 2;a, ˜ b = 3, 4 and a˜˜b is the two-dimensional LC symbol. Thus, in the framework of teleparallelism, the additional requirement given by the presence of a Weitzenb¨ock connection fixes the supplementary condition (1.66) on the torsion tensor, which re- duces the number of degrees of freedom mentioned above and involves the vanishing of the axial vector. On the other hand, the additional gravitational interaction given by a non- vanishing curvature tensor provides a confinement type of potential in the weak-field 22 Chapter 2. Vacuum solutions of the Poincar´egauge theory limit proportional to κr, besides the Newtonian one yielded by the conventional gravitational field. Hence, this confining contribution arises in the linearized ap- proximation resulting from the traces of the variational system of equations (2.2) and (2.3) by including the energy-momentum and spin density tensors of matter sources:

ν µ µ ∂µT ν = 4πT µ , (2.10)

1 T ν µ + ∂ R˜µν = 8πSµ ν . (2.11) ν 4κ ν ν

Differentiation of Equation (2.11) leads this expression to the following equation:

˜µν µ ν µ ∂µ∂νR = 16πκ (2∂µS ν − T µ) . (2.12)

Thereby, the usual decomposition of the vierbein field into the background field related to the Minkowski metric and a linear perturbation:

1 ea = δa − ha , (2.13) µ µ 2 µ allows the previous equations to be rewritten in terms of perturbative fields of the gauge potentials:

µ ν µν µν µ ∂µ∂ h ν − ∂µ∂νh − 2∂µω ν = 8πT µ , (2.14)

λ µν µ ν µ ∂λ∂ ∂µω ν = 16πκ (2∂µS ν − T µ) . (2.15)

Finally, by applying the d’Alembert operator on Equation (2.14) and the har- (µν) µ ν monic coordinate condition 2∂νh = ∂ h ν, it is straightforward to obtain the following differential equation of fourth order, besides the supplementary Equation (2.15) for the spin connection:

µ ν λ ν µ µ µ ν ∂µ∂ ∂ν∂ h λ = 16π (∂ν∂ T µ − 4κ (T µ − 2∂µS ν )) , (2.16) which allows the computation of the perturbative gauge potentials in terms of the energy-momentum and spin density tensors by elementary integration. The semiclassical perfect fluid with intrinsic spin angular momentum (1.48) is associated with the following traces of the material tensors [56]: 2.1. The Baekler solution: torsion and confinement type of potential 23

µ T µ = − ρ , (2.17)

µ ν S ν = 0 , (2.18) where ρ is the matter density, which in the weak-field approximation describes a mass m concentrated in an arbitrary point of coordinates r. Then, by substituting the expression of the traces of the material tensors into the previous system of equations:

∆ ! ∆∆hλ = 64πκm 1 − δ(r) , (2.19) λ 4κ

µν ∆∂µω ν = 16πκm δ(r) . (2.20)

By standard integration it is straightforward to find the following weak-field solutions:

4m hλ = − + c + 8mκr + c r2 , (2.21) λ r 1 2

4mκ ∂ ωµν = + c , (2.22) µ ν r 3 with rmin ≤ r ≤ rmax, whereas c1, c2 and c3 are integration constants determined by boundary conditions in this domain. Apart from the Newtonian potential associated λ with torsion in h λ, the additional pieces depending on r allude to a confinement type of potential related to the curvature tensor, which points out the existence of new type of exact vacuum solutions distinct from the Schwarzschild solution of the standard case. These solutions must then fulfill the general field equations (2.2) and (2.3) as- sociated with Lagrangian (2.1). In virtue of the highly nonlinear character of these equations, additional symmetry constraints are particularly imposed, as the pres- ence of a static and spherically symmetric space-time. In such a case, the metric and torsion tensors acquire the form (2.6) and (2.9), respectively. Thereby, besides the two functions associated with the metric, the SO(3)-symmetrical torsion contains eight degrees of freedom, which means that the problem of solving the variational equations turns out to be still very complicated and additional restrictions are re- quired. Specifically, two principal constraints are also applied in order to simplify the problem. First, a reflection invariance is imposed on the torsion tensor (i.e. torsion 24 Chapter 2. Vacuum solutions of the Poincar´egauge theory is invariant under the group O(3)), which involves the vanishing of the functions d(r), h(r), k(r) and l(r). In addition, the so called double duality ansatz allows the cancellation of the derivative of the curvature tensor in Expression (2.3) and the simplification of this equation [57]:

1 R˜ =   R˜αβγσ + 4κ g g . (2.23) λρµν 4 λραβ µνγσ µ[λ ρ]ν

By contracting indices, this restriction also implies the constancy of the Ricci scalar:

R˜ = 12κ , (2.24) which means that all the possible solutions derived from this ansatz share this geo- metrical constraint. In particular, the Baekler solution can be easily found with the following components of the metric and torsion tensors:

m m m m a(r) = , b(r) = , c(r) = − , g(r) = ; (2.25) r2Ψ(r) r2 r2 r2Ψ(r)

2m Ψ (r) = Ψ (r) ≡ Ψ(r) = 1 − + κr2 . (2.26) 1 2 r

Therefore, the metric is a Schwarzschild-de Sitter type and carries both torsion and curvature. Indeed, the components of the latter can be represented by the m function Φ(r) = rΨ(r) and the following matrix:

  1 0 0 0 0 0      0 1 + Φ(r) 0 0 0 Φ(r)       0 0 1 + Φ(r) 0 − Φ(r) 0  ab   F cd = κ   , (2.27)  0 0 0 1 0 0         0 0 Φ(r) 0 1 − Φ(r) 0    0 − Φ(r) 0 0 0 1 − Φ(r) where the components of the six rows and columns of the matrix are labeled in the order (01, 02, 03, 23, 31, 12). As can be seen, the correction given by the new parameter κ to the conventional gravitational field acts as a in the field equations and the system reduces to the Schwarzschild solution of teleparallelism in the limit where 2.1. The Baekler solution: torsion and confinement type of potential 25

κ → 0. Hence, it shows the expected behaviour of the gravitational potentials presented previously and fulfills the standard tests of GR. In addition, it can be generalized in the presence of external Coulomb electromag- netic fields generated by both electric and magnetic charges qe and qm, respectively, by replacing the metric function Ψ(r) in the following way [58]:

2m q2 + q2 Ψ(r) = 1 − + e m + κr2 . (2.28) r r2

Furthermore, the same class of solution with double duality properties and con- finement type of potential can be extended to the axisymmetric case by considering a SO(3)-symmetrical torsion [59–62]. These results improve the understanding on the new gravitational interaction considered by the action (2.1) and confer the role of an effective cosmological constant to curvature, even when a pure constant parameter is not present in the Lagrangian. On the other hand, other exact vacuum solutions related to different PG models uncovered by Birkhoff’s theorem have been additionally found [63–66]. Some of them are not totally determined by the respective variational equations, giving rise to solutions with a high geometrical freedom and depending on arbitrary functions. This fact notably reduces the appropriate physical consistency of these models, in contrast with the particular quadratic PG theory studied above. Finally, a large number of works on cosmology and gravitational radiation have also been accomplished in the framework of the PG theory. They implement the dynamical aspects of the torsion field into the gravitational arena and show in general interesting differences with respect to the standard regime, such as the transfer of the metric singularities to the torsion tensor or the acceleration pattern for the expansion of the universe analogous to the one given by a cosmological constant, among others (see [22, 63, 67, 68] and references therein).

JCAP01(2017)014 hysics P m solution in the le a ic ron stars t ar ity when the first Bianchi solution shows a Reissner- 10.1088/1475-7516/2017/01/014 massless torsion. This theory vided by the torsion field. It tr¨om-de Sitter solution when se de Madrid, doi: nstant are coupled to gravity. strop A and Jorge Gigante Valcarcel [email protected] a,b , osmology and and osmology C 1608.00062

gravity, modified gravity, astrophysical black holes, neut We derive a new exact static and spherically symmetric vacuu cembra@fis.ucm.es rnal of rnal

ou An IOP and SISSA journal An IOP and 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl Departamento I, de Te´orica Universidad F´ısica Compluten Av. Complutense s/n, E-28040 Madrid,Faculdade de Spain da Ciˆencias Universidade deCampo Lisboa, Grande, P-1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal E-mail: b a c ArXiv ePrint: framework of the Poincar´egauge fieldis theory built with in dynamical identity such of a the type formNordstr¨om model geometry that is with allows fulfilled ais to Coulomb-like by also recover curvature the pro shown General totaladditional the Relativ electromagnetic curvature. fields existence and/or of The a cosmological a co generalizedKeywords: Reissner-Nords Received September 15, 2016 Accepted December 24, 2016 Published January 9, 2017 Abstract. Jose A.R. Cembranos New torsion black holePoincar´egauge theory solutions in J

JCAP01(2017)014 ]. 1 2 5 8 1 10 11 13 tensors of h attention elegant and promising nifold (i.e. a manifold dations of the angular mo- ffers depending on this crit- ravity, the understanding of ]. cations are continually being angian: whereas the full linear 10 e it may be expected to have it theory of classical gravity from ons still unsolved by the theory, matter or inflation in the very pin of particles to the torsion of ational interaction as a purely mber of experimental evidences er, in standard GR, it does not , des the existence of propagating ition, the role of torsion depends gravitational waves from a binary 9 rinsic angular momentum of mat- rn astrophysics and cosmology [ n laws in presence of a dynamical lysed possible modifications of the ing material sources), higher order – 1 – ]. Nevertheless, extensions of GR have always attracted muc ]. Indeed, within this model, both energy-momentum and spin ]. 2 8 6 , – 7 3 In this sense, Poincar´eGauge (PG) theory provides the most Another open issue consists in providing correctly the foun Furthermore, the vacuum structure of the space-time also di mentum of gravitating sourcesspace-time and within its the suitable same conservatio framework.ter must Specifically, the be int represented byassociated a with spin a density fundamental tensorcouple geometrical and to therefor quantity. any distinctive Howev geometricaltheory property, according so to it these is lines. ana due to the deep relatedas fundamental concepts the and formulation open questi ofspace-time a singularities consistent or quantumearly the field Universe nature approach [ to of g dark energy, dark gravitating matter act ason sources the of order the of interaction.case the In involves field a add strength non-propagating tensorscorrections torsion included describe (i.e. in tied a the to Lagrangian Lagr spinn with dynamical torsion [ extension of GR,endowed in with curvature the and torsion), frameworkthe in space-time of order [ to a couple the Riemann-Cartan s (RC) ma 1 Introduction General Relativity (GR) is the most successful and accurate 5 Equations of motion 6 Conclusions A Energy-momentum conservation 2 Quadratic Poincar´egauge gravity model 3 Field equations 4 Solutions the last century.geometrical effect Its of outstanding thehas space-time description exalted together it of as with the the a fundamental large theoretical gravit basis nu for mode Contents 1 Introduction ical role, especially when a certain class of PG models provi Even nowadays, itsreviewed elemental and tested, foundations as in and theblack case further hole of system the impli recent [ discovery of JCAP01(2017)014 by µ,ν (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) ]: 13 3). Therefore, and greek , (1 a, b ISO iefly present the general s, we briefly introduce the = 1). f freedom consisting of rota- nifold) and without tilde for fold connected to our model. ly symmetric and static vac- ~ le. Latin . r hand, we also stress that it resented in appendix A. which reduces to ordinary GR energy-momentum tensor, the . A general demonstration for gical constant within this con- rces nor electromagnetic fields this contribution of the torsion tion to our model. Field equa- tical solution within this frame- r´egroup describes a Reissner-Nordstr¨om s theorem for GR and different = riables is introduced in order to bλ tablishing that the only vacuum tion, is satisfied only in certain -momentum tensor of matter. in this framework, the Birkhoff’s e rst Bianchi identity. Only in such c ively. We use notation with tilde nted and analysed in section IV. In st particle in such a space-time are µ m-de Sitter solution endowed with nal Coulomb electric and magnetic , , respectively: nd the torsion field contribution, in ute the gauge potentials related to ∂ = ab λ G J ˜ Γ within the RC manifold [ a µ e ab + ω , ρµ + ab λ a η ˜ Γ P ν – 2 – the spin connection, which satisfy the following µ b bρ e e a µ e µ λ ab a a = e e ω µ = = A µ µν g ab ]. In this work, we consider a particular PG theory described ω and the affine connection 12 , g 11 is the vierbein field and µ a e This work is organized as follows. First, in section II, we br Before proceeding to the main discussion and general result a gauge connection containingdescribe two principal the independent gravitational va field.the generators These of quantities translations constit and local Lorentz rotations where relations with the metric indices refer to anholonomicfor and magnitudes coordinate including basis, torsiontorsionless respect objects. (i.e. defined Finally, we within will a use RC Planck ma units ( 2 Quadratic Poincar´egauge gravity model A model of PGtions gravity and requires translations, gauging which the are external represented degrees by o the Poinca solution with spherical symmetrycases of is the PG the theory Schwarzschild [ solu torsion modes in vacuum. Specifically, Birkhoff’s theorem es a Lagrangian of first andwhen second torsion satisfies order a in general thea condition curvature connected case, terms, to it the loses fi theorem its is physical relevance. not Ituum satisfied is solution and with shown a dynamical that torsiontype new with emerges. configuration analytical characterized This SO(3) exclusively solution for spherical its mass a mathematical foundations of PGtions theory and paying analyses spetial ofclasses atten general of PG solutions theories beyond arework, the shown as in Birkhoff’ well section as III. its Ourfields natural new with analy a generalization non-vanishing to cosmological include constantsection exter are V, prese we obtainequations from the of general motion conservation forFinally, law a of we test the present particle the belongingthe conclusions to conservation of law a of our RC the mani work energy-momentum in tensor section is VI notation also p and physical units to be used throughout this artic analogy to the electric charge in Maxwell’s theory. Thus, by field to theare space-time necessary geometry, to neither generateis other always this physical possible type sou to ofboth find solutions. electric a and generalized On magnetic Reissner-Nordstr¨o struction. the charges, Finally, as othe the well equations as ofobtained with motion from a for the a cosmolo respective general conservation te law of the energy JCAP01(2017)014 − − ν cµ (2.4) (2.7) (2.6) (2.8) (2.5) (2.9) A b spec- (2.13) (2.10) (2.12) (2.11) µ ω ∂ ν = ac and the so ω µν + F the generators µ ]. Furthermore, ab ab 14 J ω . ν ∂ . etric-compatible con- ρµ − ) σ ν variant derivatives for a bd or along an infinitesimal ˜ Γ h tensor characterizes the nstruction arising from a J ab σν ω gives rise to the pattern of , ac µ λ η λ ∂ ˜ Γ v ]. In this sense, it is expected − ρ = ion and it has deep geometrical − hich are described by torsion in , ˜ ∇ 16 ac e torsion and the curvature of the mmutative relations: , framework are potentially modified J ρν µν ab , ven in the absence of matter fields). . µν J σ db µν ab 15 ρ ms on the manifold [ ˜ µν Γ η µν , F T λ λρ σµ − ab ˜ R + νµ K λ F ρ ρ λ ad ˜ Γ + b v J , and T + e + λ λ cb a µν bµ η ρµν a a P e λ ρµ – 3 – e e λ ν λ + µν ˜ R ˜ Γ = = a ab , =Γ bc ν ] ω J F = ∂ c µν µν 3) gauge field strength tensor defined by µν − P λ , ad − = a , λ b v ab η [ bν ] ] ˜ F (1 ( Γ a ρν e F ν , µν µν µ [ i λ 2 ˜ F iη ∇ λ ˜ Γ , ab ISO ˜ µ Γ µ . ω ∂ ρ ˜ ] = 0 ] = ] = ∇ v + b [ bc cd = = 2 µ ρµ , P a are the components of the torsion and the curvature tensor re ,J ,J a e λ a µν over a RC manifold in the following way: ν P ab ρµν ˜ Γ are the generators of the space-time translations and P [ λ µν ∂ [ J λ λ [ = 0). Moreover, it can split into the Levi-Civita connection a T v + − ˜ λρ R P ν λ ˜ R µν a v g ] takes the form: e µ ν λ µ ∂ ∂ ˜ and ∇ , A = µ = . λ µν A [ v λ µν cν i µ a b T − ˜ ω ∇ Additionally, Then, the corresponding Hence, whereas curvature is related to the rotation of a vect Note that in a RC manifold the affine connection constitutes a m These components modify the commutative relations of the co As in the case of other known gauge theories, the field strengt F µ µ A ac ν called contortion tensor in the following way: general vector field with path over the space-time,implications, such torsion as breaking is infinitesimal related parallelogra to the translat of the space-time rotations, which satisfy the following co that the field strengthdislocations density tensor in defined terms of within a dynamical this torsion RC (i.e. manifold e the RC manifoldmicroscopic may structure be endowed regarded withthe as dislocation limit an where defects, effective they w geometrical form co a continuous distribution [ nection (i.e. ∂ with tively: where ω properties of the gravitational interaction,by that the in presence the PG ofspace-time torsion. as In follows: particular, it is related to th JCAP01(2017)014 − ] for (2.15) (2.17) (2.16) t the µλν (2.18) (2.14) 19 T 1 for odd µνλρ ˜ − R , λµν T  2 1 λρµν νµ less torsion in ˜ R ˜ + R ) 2 µν c λµν ˜ R 2 T d + 2 are denoted by parenthesis 1 λµν r contributions are only q + c is sourced by the spin of ]: ]. Especially, torsion can T lassified by the decompo- ...a these constants vanish and 1 4 µν , 20 1 18 + 4 a ˜ R , + 2 A ssless torsion: s it is remarked above, we are d ρ µν sorial modes in a spatially ho- = 0 mological principle (see [ t term. As it is well known, the sor. From a phenomenological n the action because in such a 17 where the first Bianchi identity ˜ [ n quadratic in the field strength es, such as the given by a general , R σ + nct contributions: a trace vector, , ρλ , ] ics from the standard theory and ly considered in this work. owever, there exist more complex ) 1 associated with a large number of ] ρ q ) en the Dirac fields and the totally 1 se, so it does not contribute to the ensor d ( T q ), then the Lagrangian leads to the q ( d λ π 1 λ π ( is +1 for even permutations and + ...a T ∇ 1 ...a 1 4 π ...a a 2 [ δ = 0 µν (1) [ A ] (1) π − − π λµρν a σ 2 a + ˜ and A R T ˜ µνρ R ) A R [ π q δ ) λ + π = 2 ...a ˜ ] X π R λρµν d 1 ! X ˜ a – 4 – R ˜ ,...,q 1 νρ q ( R ! + 1 q 2 λ A c 1 = of 1 T = d ) = µ ( q + ] π [ q q 4 1 ˜ ∇ ...a ...a 1 ...a 1 a 1 − + ( a λρµν a [ ] ˜ A A R R A µνρ − [ λρµν λ m ˜ ˜ R R L 1  c are four constant parameters. Note that in order to construc g + − 2 d √ x 4 ), we can use the identity d and 1 Z 2.14 ,d π , which allows to rewrite the general PG Lagrangian with mass 2 1 λ 16 ,c ν 1 ν c = T In addition, both curvature and torsion tensors can also be c In the basic version of the PG theory, the presence of torsion In the elementary case where torsion does not propagate, all According to the first Bianchi identity in a RC space-time [ S The symmetric and antisymmetric parts of a generic covariant t µλ 1 µ with: and brackets, respectively: T sition into their irreducible parts under the Lorentz group terms of the torsionless Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian. a more detailed accountsystems and that alternative require classifications). the non-vanishing of H static the and rest spherically of the symmetric mod space-time, which is deep sum of the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangianlatter and is the a Gauss-Bonne topologicalfield invariant in equations the and four the dimensional theory ca coincides locally with GR. be divided into threean irreducible components axial given vector by andpoint disti of a view, traceless this andphysically sort of relevant also situations, geometrical pseudotraceless classification such ten antisymmetric can as be part the of coupling the betwe mogeneous torsion and isotropic or universe, the as vanishing it of is assumed its by ten the cos matter, so that itit introduces achieves new a independent dynamical characterist tensors. role defining In an this invariantdue Lagrangia work, to we the focus existence of on this a kind PG of model non-vanishing whose and also second ma orde where the sum is taken over all permutations permutations. and the action leads tointerested the in standard the Einstein presencecase, theory. torsion of However, becomes higher a dynamical. orderof GR Furthermore, curvature still in terms holds the i for limit the total curvature (i.e. where Expression ( JCAP01(2017)014 = 0. (3.3) (3.2) (3.4) (3.6) (3.7) (3.8) (3.5) (3.9) (3.1) (3.10) (3.11) (3.12) (3.13) σ ] ρ λ , . , T  ρν νρ ˜ ˜ µν R R [ λρµν ρλν ˜ σ ρµ ρµ R σ T λ λ ˜ R + K K − ] λρµν ˜ − − . R νρ 1 νλρ  λ λρ ρλ . c ]. Indeed, the following σ ˜ ˜  T ng geometric quantities: µ R R ˜ + µ 22 R torsion tensor, but a less nsor character induced by [ V νµ ordinates on the manifold,  µρ µρ , µ ˜ ˜ ∇ ν ν R ression above without loss of µρ ∂ 21 µνλρ σ K K − he physics equations depending = ˜ R , − − K  µν ically symmetric vacuum solutions − λν νλ ˜ R ering GR. νµ ˜ ˜  λρµν R R λτρσ  ˜ R ˜ R ˜ R µρ µρ ρσν ) µν , , µν ρ ρ 2 µ ˜ ˜ σ R c R ˜ , , 1 R K K 4 λρτσ λρν d + ˜ − + + R ρνλ λρ ρλ σ : − 1 ν + µ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ c R R R R σρ ρσ , , µ νσρ V ˜ ˜ δ R R (2 µρ λρ λρ µρ – 5 – µ 1 2 µνλρ ˜ ˜ σ σ 2 1 R R ˜ λµρν σρ σρ R ˜ ν ν R λρτσ τσλρ ˜  λ λ R K K − = 0, Birkhoff’s theorem is satisfied only in certain − ˜ ˜ µ µ R R σρ δ δ K K − − m R ν ν 1 1 2 2 λ λρµν µ λρµν L µ µ ˜ λσρν − R λρτσ λρτσ ˜ K δ δ − − R σρν ˜ R ˜ ˜ 2 R R m + ρνσ + + + µ c ν ν λν νλ ˜ ˜  L 2 R R ˜ ˜ + µ µ λν νλ  R R ˜ ]. We observe that our particular PG model does not generally λρσµ R δ δ ˜ ˜ g σρ σρ ρλν R R ˜  1 1 4 4 λµ λµ R µ µ λ λ 12 µ − , ˜ ˜ g R R , ˜ − + − R √ K K ν − x + + −∇ −∇ 11 µ − + 4 + δ √ d λρ ρλ λρ ρλ µ 2 λρνσ λνρσ νσλρ R νλρ ˜ ˜ ) reduces to the regular gravity action when ˜ ˜ R R ˜ ˜ ˜ R R λρν R R R Z µ ρ ρ − ρνλ µ ˜ R π ∇ ∇ ˜ ˜ ν λµρ λµρ R  R 1 2.14 ν ν ρ ρ ρ ν ν λρµσ λρµσ λρµσ µ 16 µ µ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ R R R R R ∇ ∇ R δ ∇ δ ======) is locally equivalent to the following action: S ν ν ν ν ν ν λν λν λν λν λν µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ 2.14 1 2 1 2 3 G 1 2 1 3 2 T T T In the absence of matter, i.e. Before computing the vacuum equations, we define the followi It is worthwhile to stress that all these quantities have a te H H C C C Y Y the Expression ( 3 Field equations In order to derive the field equations, we may simplify the exp Note that thisconstraining expression condition does fulfilled by not this imply quantity for the recov vanishing of the generality applying the Gauss-Bonnet theorem in RC spaces [ satisfy this theorem, so theto analysis of the new field static equations and spher is necessary. term is a total derivative of a certain vector Then ( cases of the PG theory [ the nature of theon curvature and them the retain torsion the tensors,according so same to that the form t principle independently of of general the covariance. choice of co JCAP01(2017)014 is ab ]: ǫ (3.19) (3.14) (3.18) (3.17) (3.15) (3.16) (3.22) 23 , . , 12  ) 2, and ν ; (3.20) , λν µ 2 µ 2 are [ 2 dθ = 1 H x, 1 Y µν 4 θ − λ − ν k,l T gd µ sin λν 1 − r forming variations with µ H √ ment and the respective 1 ( = .  t degrees of freedom and it 1 Y 2 ν ˆ θ d  ab 1 = 0 (i.e. the Lie derivative in onents of d +2 , cal torsion case, where only four , e 2 δω ν µν sion tensor. It means the possible 1  , , µ − λν 2 2 λ ) ) 3 r µ r , T T ( ; (3.21) dθ ( λν 2 rdθ ξ 1 1 ) d h 1 µ θ L θ 2 . . X θ = 3 c , , , , 2 ab ab bλ 1 ǫ ǫ ) ) C ˆ + θ e l l r r ) 1 θ θ ( µ ( ) sin 2 c ) sin = 0 = 0 = 1 2 = 2 1 b b c g r c a r , + sin e e vanishes), in order to preserve the symmetry , l l ( e , e ( ν ν θ θ ) ) k l 2 k k 1 + ] a b a b ) 2 (2 r µ k k r + – 6 – µν 1 ( r θ θ aθ aθ ( kl kl 1 dθ µλ − ( c ν [ a b δ δ e e ǫ ǫ λ 2 ν 2 X a 2 T dr for all other combinations for for µ Ψ ======r X δe 2 l l l l l l ν p θ θ tr tr on − T +2(2 tθ tθ , rθ rθ , , k k t µ 2 r θ θ ) k k ξ c k k 0 1 1 = T θ θ t r T θ θ r 2 λν ( ˆ r +1 − . X T T T T T T µ 2 +2 dr µ π 2 ν    Ψ 2 a C µ e 2 = ≤ − 1  c are arbitrary functions depending only on r; dt, e 2 2 2 T l ab ) 1 θ Z ǫ dt r c − ( ) π ≤ 1 r 1 and λν +4 ( 16 Ψ 1 ν µ 1 µ p = C G and 0 1 = = Ψ 2 c δS π ˆ t 2 − e ≤ ds = = 4 1 θ ν λν µ ≤ µ 1 a,b,c,d,g,h,k 2 Then, the field equations are derived from the PG action by per On the other hand, the static spherically symmetric line ele In addition, torsion must satisfy the condition As can be seen, the SO(3)-symmetrical torsion exhibits eigh X X so that they constitute the following system of equations: where: with 0 respect to the gauge potentials: tetrad basis are chosen as: the direction of the Killing vector where properties of the system. Then, the only non-vanishing comp the totally antisymmetric Levi-Civita symbol, given by: allows us to consider theexistence most of general more expression complex for the solutionsdegrees tor than of the freedom O(3)-symmetri survive. JCAP01(2017)014 (3.26) (3.25) (3.23) (3.24)  ] . ] µλν [ νρ [ ρ ) in order to ˜ r ˜ f the solution, ]. In our case, R R νρ 26 Ψ( + λ , ] ≡ K 25 ) ) ρνλ [ 1 r µ d ( 2 ˜ R + , able solutions that may rst term of the equation  ; ; 2 C manifold recovered its c alent to the relation:   ; terature to simplify the form + = 0 Note that, in order to reach µνρ rmined system with different ction involving these torsion )=Ψ 1 , ν dr dr r c  G models containing an O(3)- K , given by the following vector hly nonlinear system involving onnection [ ( l curvature, as remarked in the ) strictions substantially simplify ) ) b 2 n vanishes identically, but only sociated with the torsion tensor (4   1 in linear approximation read r νµ r r c e in the standard Einstein-Maxwell ) ) ( ( ( b − 2 3 ition: suitable solutions must take T r r b 1 2 a 1 1 λ  ]  Ψ Ψ + Ψ( Ψ( ) ∇ λµ r [ µ  s = Λ 1 ˜ − R r p a Ψ( 1+ 1 µρ ϑ   ρµνλ −∇ − ρ ˜ λ R )+ + + 1 T r  ( − νµ + dt dt c ] T ) in the weak-field approximation: – 7 – ν 1] µρ )+ [ referring to the mentioned orthogonal coframe can . r )+ νλρµ ∇ ˜ ( R − 2 r ˜ 3.16 bc µ R λ a ( )+1] ) ′ a  dθ r r ∇ )] µρ F 1 r rc ; + θ K µνρ 1 [Ψ( [Ψ(  λν 1   K sin )= d 1 ν r 2 2 1 1 6= 0. rdθ r c ( + T 1 b [1+Ψ( µ = = = = d = 2  ∇ ˆ t ˆ r 1 2 ] ˆ + ˆ θ θ µ 2 1 ϑ ϑ 2 λρ ϑ ϑ [ ∇ ]. Especially, besides to its considerable simplification o c = ˜ R 24 + ρ ˆ r ˆ t 1 ∇ ˆ t c ) F 1 d + 2 c + is an integration constant. 1 c p (4 This orthogonal coframe has already been used in previous li Nevertheless, it is possible to impose an additional restri Then, by neglecting torsion terms of second order, only the fi At the same time, any solution In addition to a cosmological constant, we only focus on suit In terms of the torsion components, this constraint is equiv of the Baekler solution,symmetrical that torsion [ belongs to a different class of P satisfy the Maxwell’s equations inthe the problem. RC manifold. In any Thesea case, re large the number of field degreesclasses equations of of constitute freedom solutions. a and We hig itan will forms require appropriate an a form underdete final referred additional to cond the rotated basis components by taking the trace of eq. ( it has the advantage ofwe leading expect to a that conformallyMinkowski the flat values Lorentz for rotated c the Lorentz vanishingand of connection then the defined the free remaining on parametersthis physical as the limit, configuration it R reduced isthe to not fulfillment GR. of necessary the thatprevious first each section. Bianchi component identity of of GR torsio for the tota where contributes. The equations of motion for the torsion tensor exist in presence of Coulomb electricframework and of magnetic GR, fields, so as the solutions are restricted to verify Ψ for theories with 4 be written as follows: fields: JCAP01(2017)014 (4.2) (4.3) (3.27) (3.28) , r 1 . 2 ) r − , ; )Ψ( ; )= r r ; ( ( ;           ) k ) 2 2 r  r  r r ( ) ( ) = 0). 2 2 llowing relations: d r r h )= ( 0 0 ( vanishes.  c r κ/ κ/ )] νλ g of the three independent ) ( r ; . p  ν r ry, supported only by the )] − − ) ar solutions (excluding the 1 T ; r r   Ψ( 2 , l Ψ( 1 , g ) ) )-symmetric vacuum solution 2 r µλ )  r r Ψ( ) − r 2 Ψ( ) ( ( r − source. The new contribution is µ r 2 l )=0; (4.1) r 0 0 r k − r ( 1 2 κ/ T −  ( . on: a  κ/ )] Ψ( ) l 1 )Ψ( − r = r )]  r 2 − 1 )+[1 ( 2 r 2 r κ ) Ψ( Ψ( h − )= )= )+[1 ( r 1 r /r µλν r r r d ) Ψ( ( d 0 0 − . Indeed, this parameter determines the ( ( 1 ( − − 2: r T h  c κ ( / − ) 1 + [1 − g 1 )]  r  d r ) [1 )= 1 2 λµν )] − m r r r 2 r r T Ψ( 1 ) − 2 ( r − 2 r )+ 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ψ( ) ( – 8 – = r , k = − l κ/ r ( ( ) κ/ 2 1+  , d k b r , c − c [1+Ψ( ) ) 1+ λµν )]  r κ ) r  2 2 [1+Ψ(  r 1 ) T Ψ( r r r ) = 1 ( r 1 2  r 2 1  2 2 2 ′ Ψ( 0 0 r 1 1 2 )Ψ( 2 1 Ψ − λµν Ψ( = 4 and = κ/ κ/ r Ψ( T / ( 2 = 2 = ˆ 1+ 2 ˆ 1 θ g θ ˆ ˆ r t [1+Ψ( 2 d 2 ˆ )= )= ˆ 1+ θ θ − 1 1 r r ˆ   ˆ 0 0000 0 0 0 0 ˆ 0 0 0 t ˆ r θ θ − κ/r ( ( 2 2 2 2 ˆ ˆ  θ θ r r 1 1 − = )= 2 2 2 1 −F F F −F ) is completely fulfilled and the constant r 1         ( c ======ˆ 3.25 r 1 2 1 1 2 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ , b ˆ t θ θ θ θ θ θ , c ˆ ˆ t t cd ˆ ˆ r r 1 1 ˆ r ) ˆ ˆ ) ) θ θ 1 2 2 1 r ˆ ˆ r r ˆ ˆ ˆ t θ θ ab ˆ F θ θ r ( ′ , h F F F F F F F Ψ r κ 2Ψ( )Ψ( r ( a )= )= r r = 0), the components of the torsion tensor must satisfy the fo ( ( d a )= r r This solution describes a type Reissner-Nordstr¨om geomet Therefore, in order to obtain a class of suitable non-singul We find out that these constraints also involve the vanishing ( b quadratic torsion invariants (i.e. with 4 Solutions By taking into accountcan be all easily these found remarks, for the following SO(3 intensity of the strength tensor corresponding to the torsi metric and torsion fields ratherproportional than to an the electric square or magnetic of the new parameter Hence, the relation ( point JCAP01(2017)014 - ]. are 32 (4.5) (4.4) , 31 ]. dφ. 33 = 0 is ful-  σ ] ˆ φ ρ ˆ θ λ ]. Nevertheless, θJ T exhibits a similar 29 he same structure µν a , [ ), we note that any ϑ trasts with the alter- σ 28 + cot ]. Furthermore, some T ). It is also shown that  r pective signs define the 30 3.28 ˆ + ( φ ˆ t ] 2 . istence of a non-vanishing J mponents in the order (01, νρ 2 ation requiring the absence ed [ ] for a recent overview). r λ − fferent approaches [ e charges and it is possible to ferred to ing principle. Then, it is easy lism differs from these results 6=Ψ al structure only when the pa- 3 Λ eteness in various of the men- ˆ produced by both electric and T 35 φ m the Schwarzschild geometry. [ shing components yield an inert ) ˆ r solving the field equations it is ) by the following expression: µ ) and ( cally flat. So the corresponding rk. In existing literature, partic- [ r r J + ssue. ( he present case, there is a unique ion where this limit is carried out vity to GR, but in terms of torsion ) involves a vacuum configuration ˜ s Minkowski values within the RC  ∇ 1 k connection and it is constructed mbinations for the purely massless y the rest of the PG models present he commented conclusions [ 2 m 3.25 2 1 q ) is equivalent to the Einstein-Hilbert  2.14 + θ 3.2 2 e 2 q r + +sin 2 dθ κ 1  d – 9 – ˆ θ ˆ t J + ]. Teleparallel Gravity is the gauge theory for the − m r ˆ 34 θ 2 ] or only the ghost-free condition [ ˆ r J − 27 1 2 + = 0. In such a case, although the rest of the non-vanishing com ) = 1 dr , respectively. For this purpose, it is assumed that photons r κ ˆ φ m ˆ θ q Ψ( J ) r and κ Ψ( e r q + = 0 and it does not depend on any other magnitude in such a case: dt κ ˆ φ ˆ θ switches on and the torsion becomes dynamical. This fact con J r κ κ − As can be seen, the term derived by the dynamical torsion has t It is also straightforward to notice that the condition Additionally, the expression for the Lorentz connection re The values above for the Lagrangian coefficients and their res This solution can be trivially generalized to include the ex On the other hand, by following our constraints ( = ˆ A 02, 03, 23, 31, 12). where the six rows and columns of the matrix are labeled the co the torsion decreases atNewtonian infinity limit and is the satisfied metric by is the asymptoti solution as demanded by di than the terms provided by the electric and magnetic monopol filled for this solution when property to its counterpart ofmanifold the for Baekler solution. It take native ways of recovering the regularin gravity action previous given literature, b suchin as the the mentioned framework Baekler of solut teleparallelism [ In this sense, the stability of these models is still an open i one and the GR approach isRC totally spin recovered. connection These and non-vani curvature,rameter which emerge to the physic translation group based onin the such a curvature-free form Weitzenb¨oc that providesso an that equivalent description there of exist gra conceptual differences between them (see it has also beenwhere shown the that highly the nonlinear Hamiltonianother constraint authors effects forma have of pointed thetioned out analyses, PG several reaching theory important mistakes are contradictions and with includ incompl t other combination for thedescribed constant parameters strictly of by eq. thecombination ( Schwarzschild that metric. allows Hence, a inIt vacuum t is configuration different the solution fro Reissner-Nordstr¨om possible above. to demonstrate Moreover, this statement by even for the case Ψ strength and properties of the torsionular field results in containing the a PG framewo certainPG set theory of have viable been coefficientof co developed both under ghost and the tachyon linear modes field [ approxim ponents of the torsion tensor still remain, the Action ( cosmological constant Λ andmagnetic Coulomb charges electromagnetic fields decoupled from torsion asto it extend is the dictated solution by the by minimum modifying coupl the metric function Ψ( JCAP01(2017)014 (5.3) (5.4) (5.2) (5.1) lation r solution of , ) must be fulfilled for , rticular PG model is ): = 0 6= 0) and its associated ′ 5.2 3.2 x , = 0 structure of spherical and 3 µν laced by a general affinely ′ g σ x type of geometry and other ses of spinless and spinning q. ( , nnot experiment deviations 3 u λ gd ws to obtain the equations of ′ ing the expression above over ˜ affine gauge (MAG) theory of − ∇ x λρ result differs from our PG solu- arities between the torsion and gd 3 t quantities. = 0 S sor, which can involve a vacuum √ ly to the torsion field. Switching disappear from the metric tensor, − µ olving the particle and employing .e. on the PG field strength tensors, cipal conservation law of the total equation of motion: tensor vanishes. This fact together lutions fall completely on the non- gd cal constant onto a common space- he torsion field can even exist when √ λρσ λρσ − ]. Nevertheless, the so called gravito- µt λρσ s of motion within the RC space-time S S by a general affine connection. θ √ ˜ µ R µ 39 , λρ Z + θ λρσ λρσ 38 λ d dt λρ ˜ ˜ R u R µ ρ = p Γ + Z ′ µ x + ρλ Z – 10 – 3 λρ ′ θ d x µ + K  3 ′ ]: x λρ + µν 3 gd 41 ρ K d , u − gθ  λ + √ − 40 p µν µν √ ρλ λρ θ derived by the invariance of Action ( θ gθ ν µ µ ν − ∂ µν ∇ λρ √ θ ]. Indeed, analogous results were found out in terms of the di +Γ Z K ν µ 37 ∂ Z , ds dp , the solution reduces to the Sitte Reissner-Nordstr¨om-de Z + 36 κ is the spin density tensor. λρσ S It is worthwhile to stress the further relation between this An analysis for the achievement of this result based on our pa affine gauge group [ ordinary GR as expected.the Thereby, electromagnetic this fields, solution even shows though simil they are independen well known post-Riemannian approaches,gravity, where such the as RC the space-timeconnected metric- and metric the manifold PG with group non-metricity condition are (i both rep due to the Gauss theorem and by neglecting surface terms. As e time. Therefore, theseeven factors though involve the geometrical electromagneticoff effects field is the not parameter coupled directe collect these three contributions along with the cosmologi matter. For this purpose,energy-momentum it tensor is critical to deal with the prin connected to our PG model must distinguish between both clas from their geodesic trajectories, the respective equation any integration volume, it is equivalent to the differential 5 Equations of motion As any test particle or physical field uncoupled to torsion ca metricity field, so that wheneven the in latter presence vanishes those of terms ation non-vanishing since torsion the structure component. Reissner-Nordstr¨om provided by This the t connection is metric-compatible andwith the non-metricity the mentioned achievementsstatic of solutions the in MAG gravitational point theories out characterized a richer electric and gravito-magnetic terms present in all these so and the shear charges configurationReissner-Nordstr¨om associated in this with context the [ non-metricity ten with where shown in the appendixmotion A. for The mentioned a conservation test lawa particle allo three in dimensional such space-like section athe of RC semiclassical the space-time approximation world by [ tube integrat inv JCAP01(2017)014 , λ u (5.5) (5.6) ∝ λ p ]. 42 ]. In this sense, 44 = 0 and , orsion in the space- λρ 43 S ional interaction of the small at astrophysics or perimentally the possible MAG. assless torsion based on a scribed by the PG theory the four-momentum of the ical role of torsion is frozen the vacuum structure of the µ g of such a theory of gravity, f matter originate in general, a the Levi-Civita connection. t body [ p field equations and thereby it s of GR. us, this force potentially yields t of the well known PG models. les and light rays [ eories endowed with vanishing sufficiently oriented elementary . xtreme gravitational systems as nsity tensor in the most macro- tter with ′ oach allows the torsion tensor to y, distinct classes of solutions can , -time. Nevertheless, it is expected oof’s theorem within the standard x ′ ith microstructure and to establish al systems, such as the one present ]. All these achievements allow to 3 y, the respective point charges have x generally non-geodesic motion turns 3 45 ds the MAG theory when the motion gd gd − − √ σ √ ρ u u λρ λ S p – 11 – Z Z dt dt ds ds = = λρ λρσ θ S its four-velocity. Therefore, the presence of a dynamical t µ is the proper time along the particle world line, u s This fundamental difference might be used in order to prove ex Presumably, the effects of this type of geometry are also very Here, Further analyses can be performed by comparing the gravitat out to be another essential difference with gravitational th time and the interactiona between generalized the Lorentz curvature force anddeviations acting the from on the spin this geodesic o trajectories. type of Of matter. course, this Th torsion, such as ordinary GR. Nevertheless, for spinless ma where we have used the following definitions the equations of motion reduce to the same geodesic equation well known consequences on the geodesic paths of test partic existence of a non-vanishing dynamicalto torsion yield in too the tiny space effectsAdditionally, to torsion be measured, is as inducedcan occurs on with also the operate the res on vierbeinIn the particular, field for geodesic by a motion the standard geometr of Reissner-Nordstr¨om ordinary matter vi of a rotating and deformable test body is considered [ cosmological scales, because ofscopical the bodies. vanishing However, of thisneutron the situation stars spin may or differ de black holes aroundspins. with e intense In magnetic such fieldsmodulates and a these events. case, it is expected that the RC space-timeit is de especially interesting their natural extension towar systematically study the behaviour ofadditional gravitating matter differences w between a largein extreme our gravitation PG model and the one previously mentioned supported6 by Conclusions In the present work,gravitational we model have directly investigated connectedvia the to the PG first GR theory Bianchi when withconstitute identity. the a m In dynam dynamical the degree generaltheory of case, may freedom. differ this from We appr the haveexist shown Einstein’s besides theory that the and, Schwarzschild specificall solutionframework given of by the GR. Birkh Hence,the in search order and to analysis improve the of understandin exact solutions are fundamental. and spin and the orbital angular momentum of a rotating rigid tes particle and JCAP01(2017)014 and κ n field, which he existence of a suit- . loyed in previous works ensive MAG framework is v Vasilev for helpful discus- orsion field is expected to in) projects FIS2014-52837- s generating a distinct class s been typically categorized the torsion field contribution tter configuration is also ob- tz for the RC curvature, often are derived and the differences RK CSD2009-00064. J.A.R.C. s solution provides a Reissner- btained in this work show the ons and the vacuum structure tended models of gravity, such equirements, we have obtained off’s theorem of GR. hing cosmological constant are hed off. Therefore, the solution ]. Furthermore, the recurrence uce notably the difficulty of the eld equations into a very highly depending on a parameter understanding and applicability. oles with intense spin densities. ees of freedom and the solution current universe, such as extreme erences are also very important to 48 agnetic fields. It is expected that osmology will be studied in future he Einstein-Maxwell framework to- ch as axisymmetric space-times. , ns of our solution. Their theoretical 47 – 12 – Jose Castillejo award (2015) ]. Its existence shows the dynamical character of the torsio 46 Finally, the equations of motion for a general test particle The large degree of symmetry assumed and the requirement of t The corresponding generalized Si Reissner-Nordstr¨om-de The foundations presented in this article have also been emp We would like to thank Prado Martin Moruno and Teodor Borisla Acknowledgments with the geodesic trajectories ofunderstand GR the are physical stressed. properties These andconsequences diff further or implicatio observational effects inwork. astrophysics and c sions. This work has beenP, supported FPA2014-53375-C2-1-P, and in part Consolider-Ingenio by MULTIDA the MINECOacknowledges (Spa financial support from the for the analysis andas the the achievement well of knownflexibility exact Einstein-Yang-Mills solutions and theory. in usefulness ex The of results the o method described in [ of the fundamentalalso schemes remarked. derived by Itprovided our shows by these analyses deeper approaches, in relations whichSpecifically, improve between the their the the ext physical role soluti into of earlier the eppochs non-metricityrepresent present a of larger in the number of MAGgravitational universe, physical ha systems scenarios, whereas even described in by the our neutron one stars or of black the h t able electromagnetic-like vacuum structure analogousgether to with t the use ofhighly a nonlinear convenient nature rotated present basisa allow in new to the static red theory. type andNordstr¨om geometry spherically Under with symmetric these a vacuum SO(3)-symmetrical r solution. torsion Thi tained when external electromagneticincluded, fields by analogy and with ais the non-vanis perfectly standard distinguishable case.reduces from to In the the this standard rest scheme, presents case of when similarities its between physical dynamical the degr these role torsion similarities is and switc still the remain electrom in more general systems, su can even be inducedof on solutions, the beyond metric the tensor Schwarzschild scheme via and the the field Birkh equation it has been deduced withoutemployed in the use previous of literature thesimplified in double system order duality [ to ansa restrict the PG fi JCAP01(2017)014 .  . i λµρ λµρ    i   ν ν  σν (A.3) (A.5) (A.4) (A.6) (A.1) (A.2) ˜ ˜ R R ˜ σν σρ R νσλρ ν ν νσλρ νσλρ i ˜ ˜ R R ˜ ˜ − νσλρ ˜ R R ∇ ∇ R . 2 ˜ − νµ 2 − R   νσ ˜ 2 R ˜ − +2 − νσ R ρλ ρλ ρσ ˜ −  R ˜ ˜ ˜ R R R − λρµω λµ    νλ , can be intro- ˜ ˜ − λνρσ R − λνρσ R λνρσ ρ ν λ ˜ µν νλ ν ρλ ˜ ˜ R λνρσ R λρ R ˜ ˜ ρ νσ λρ ∇ K . ˜ R  ∇ R ˜ − R R λµ 2 ˜ R ω K  −   +2 − +2  2 −  σων +2 νλ K πS = 0 µν − λρνσ λρ  λ ˜ νρ +2 . R ˜ ˜ ˜  +2 ˜ R ˜ R R + R 16  λρνσ R νρ λρνσ  λρ ree divergence acting on  − ˜ νρ ˜ ˜ − λρνσ R d express the torsion-free R R ˜ − − λρσ σρ − R ν ˜ ing terms, we obtain the ˜  R  R µ S + 4 λν ˜ − ρν ∇ R   − νσλρ ˜ λρων ˜ νλ = R ∇ λσρν R νωσ ˜ ρν R ˜ ssociated with our model can  ˜ ˜ − ρν   R R R λ λµρ ν λρνσ ˜ ˜ R λρσµ R ˜  ] ˜ ν λµρν λρνω R λρνσ ρλ λν R ˜  µσ +2 ρσ R  − ˜ ˜ ˜ +2 ˜ ˜ µ R R σ R R R ν µλ π + ˜ ω [ R µ ˜  ∇ λν − K ∇ σµ λν λ 2 λρµσ  1 2 ∇ +2 K σ σ λ , ˜ ˜ λνρσ ω − λρ R R δ λ 2 1 X λρµν + 16 ˜ K ν  ˜ R + νσλρ  o K R + νσω ˜ 2 ∇ ˜ λµρ o R + ˜ ∇  R  σρ ν R − +2 + λµ 2 − ν ν 2 ˜  + λµ R ˜  ˜ ∇  R R ∇ ρµσ ˜  − R − ν +2 − ν λωµν νσλρ σρ ρ  λ λµ λρνσ σρν νλ ∇ ˜ ˜ λρωσ νσλρ ∇ ˜ R ρσ ˜ R R ˜ +2 ˜ ∇ ˜ R R ˜ R ˜ ω R  ˜ R R  ωνσ R −  ˜ ρσ R λρµν − −  ωσλρ λ +2 νλ − νµ ρλ + ρλ ˜ ˜ ˜ ρσ ω ˜ ˜ +2 R R R − λνρσ R – 13 – ω λν λν R ˜  ˜  R µ R  ˜ ˜ ν R R K K −  − λσρν ν ∇ ρλ λνρσ νρ −  νρσ K ων ˜ 2 ˜ R ˜ λνρσ + ˜ + λρµν R ν λν R λν R λρ ω ρ + ˜ λρ − ˜ R ˜ ˜ ˜ ν ∇ R R R R −∇ − ˜   K R − −   h − K  λµ + − νω λωνσ ωρµν ˜ λωρσ λρ R ˜ ρν ˜ ω R R λρµω +2 ˜ ˜ λρνσ λρνσ +2 +2 ρµσ ˜ R ˜ R +2 R R ˜ ˜ ˜ −  λρνσ R µ ρµ R R λ  +2   ˜ νσρ ν λρ µνλρ λσ R ˜ R ω  ∇ λρ R νω σν ων − ˜ ˜ νλ ν ν ˜ R R ˜ ˜ ω ˜ R n R ˜ R K ω − R ρλ µ − R µ ∇ 1 +2 ∇ ˜  −∇ − R K K + ∇ d and the contortion tensor: σ +2 λ − m ∇ λσρν − ων δ  ων + λρµν + ˜ +  λµρ L λσρν R ˜ ρ λν ˜ ∇ λρωσ ˜ λρ R ˜ ρλ ρνσ λσρν  ν R R ˜  ρλ ˜ ωρνσ R ˜ K ˜  R ρµσ ˜ R 2 R  ω ˜ R ˜ g λρσ ˜ σ  R R λ µ R h  ˜ ν λ λρωσ δ R S ν λρµν ων − − ν ˜ ∇ h ˜ − 1  R ∇ λρµσ λµ = R ρ ˜ 4  ∇ R ∇ ˜ d  √ λρµσ λρ R ω µν λρ σ λν K ˜ ρµσ ν ˜ λµ R x R λρσµ ˜ + σ K λ ω R ω ˜ λµρ ˜ ν ˜ λ 4 ∇ ˜  ∇ R δ R  λρωσ  ˜ ν d K λρµσ R 2 ∇ K ˜  π R 1 2 2 ˜  ˜ = R +2 +2 R 1 − + − in terms of 2 1 −  d + +2 + Z 1 +2 + =16 d ∇ π = ν 1 λρµν = µ ν 16 ν ˜ 1 R µ µ Thus, by simplifying the resulting expression and rearrang First, we focus on the differential form of Riemann tensors an The information of the additional field equation We can obtain this result by the computation of the torsion-f σ 1 1 X = ν X ∇ X ν ∇ ν S ∇ ∇ where following equation: operator be obtained directly from the PG Lagrangian: A Energy-momentum conservation The conservation law for the total energy-momentum tensor a duced in the equation above with the result: the vierbein equation: JCAP01(2017)014   λ ωρ λρ ν ˜ R (A.8) (A.7) (A.9) ν λρ ˜ R (A.10) (A.11) (A.12) ˜ . 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Physics Letters B 779 (2018) 143–150

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Physics Letters B


Extended Reissner–Nordström solutions sourced by dynamical torsion ∗ Jose A.R. Cembranos a,b, Jorge Gigante Valcarcel a, a Departamento de Física Teórica I and UPARCOS, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28040 Madrid, Spain b Departamento de Física, Universidade de Lisboa, P-1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We find a new exact vacuum solution in the framework of the Poincaré Gauge field theory with massive Received 1 September 2017 torsion. In this model, torsion operates as an independent field and introduces corrections to the vacuum Received in revised form 27 November 2017 structure present in General Relativity. The new static and spherically symmetric configuration shows a Accepted 29 January 2018 Reissner–Nordström-like geometry characterized by a spin charge. It extends the known massless torsion Available online 6 February 2018 solution to the massive case. The corresponding Reissner–Nordström–de Sitter solution is also compatible Editor: M. Trodden with a cosmological constant and additional U (1) gauge fields. Keywords: © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license Black Holes (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP3. Gravity Torsion Poincaré Gauge theory

1. Introduction

The fundamental relation of the energy and momentum of matter with the space–time geometry is one of the most important foun- dations of General Relativity (GR). Namely, the energy-momentum tensor acts as the source of gravity, which is appropriately described in terms of the curvature tensor. In an analogous way, it may be expected that the intrinsic angular momentum of matter may also act as an additional source of the interaction and extend such a geometrical scheme. Poincaré Gauge (PG) theory of gravity is the most consistent extension of GR that provides a suitable correspondence between spin and the space–time geometry by assuming an asymmetric affine connection defined within a Riemann–Cartan (RC) manifold (i.e. endowed with curvature and torsion) [1,2]. It represents a gauge approach to gravity based on the semidirect product of the Lorentz group and the space–time translations, in analogy to the unitary irreducible representations of relativistic particles labeled by their spin and mass, respectively. Then not only an energy-momentum tensor of matter arises from this approach, but also a non-trivial spin density tensor that operates as source of torsion and allows the existence of a gravitating antisymmetric component of the former, which may induce changes in the geometrical structure of the space–time, as the rest of the components of the mentioned tensor. This fact contrasts with the established by GR, where all the possible geometrical effects occurred in the Universe can be only provided by a symmetric component of the energy-momentum tensor, despite the existence of dynamical configurations endowed with asymmetric energy-momentum tensors [3,4]. Accordingly, a gauge invariant Lagrangian can be constructed from the field strength tensors to introduce the extended dynamical effects of the gravitational field. In this sense, it is well-known that the role of torsion depends on the order of the mentioned field strength tensors present in the Lagrangian, in a form that only quadratic or higher order corrections in the curvature tensor involve the presence of a non-trivial dynamical torsion, whose effects can propagate even in a vacuum space–time. Likewise, the distinct restrictions on the Lagrangian parameters lead to a large class of gravitational models where an extensive number of particular and fundamental differences may arise. For example, in analogy to the standard approach of GR, it was shown that the Birkhoff’s theorem is satisfied only in certain cases of the PG theory [5,6]. Indeed, the dynamical role of the new degrees of freedom involved in such a theory can modify the space–time geometry and even predominate in their respective domains of applicability. The

* Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: cembra@fis.ucm.es (J.A.R. Cembranos), [email protected] (J.G. Valcarcel). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2018.01.081 0370-2693/© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP3. 144 J.A.R. Cembranos, J.G. Valcarcel / Physics Letters B 779 (2018) 143–150 search and study of exact solutions are therefore essential in order to improve the understanding and physical interpretation of the new framework. A large class of exact solutions have been found since the formulation of the theory, especially for the case of static and spherically symmetric vacuum space–times, where one of the most primary and remarkable solutions is the so called Baekler solution, associated with a sort of PG models that encompass a weak-field limit with an additional confinement type of potential besides the Newtonian one [7], giving rise to a Schwarzschild–de Sitter geometry in analogy to the effect caused by the presence of a cosmological constant in the regular gravity action [8]. Furthermore, additional results have also been systematically obtained for a large class of PG configurations, such as axisymmetric space–times, cosmological systems or generalized gravitational waves (see [2,9–11] and references therein). Recently, the authors of this work found a new exact solution with massless torsion associated with a PG model containing higher order corrections quadratic in the curvature tensor, in such a way that the standard framework of GR is naturally recovered when the total curvature satisfies the first Bianchi identity of the latter. This construction ensures that all the new propagating degrees of freedom introduced by the model fall on the torsion field, so that this quantity extend the domain of applicability of the standard case. Thus, it was shown that the regular Schwarzschild geometry provided by the Birkhoff’s theorem of GR can be replaced by a Reissner–Nordström (RN) space–time with RC Coulomb-like curvature when this sort of dynamical torsion is considered [12]. This result contrasts with other post-Riemannian solutions, such as the derived in the framework of the Metric-Affine Gauge (MAG) theory, where the non-metricity tensor can involve an analogous vacuum RN configuration [13,14]. In addition, it is reasonable to expect that such a configuration may be extended for the case where additional non-vanishing mass modes of the torsion tensor are present in the Lagrangian, in order to analyze the equivalent PG model with massive torsion. As we will show, we have found the associated RN solution with massive torsion and generalized the previous approach according to the scheme performed in that simpler case. This paper is organized as follows. First, in Section 2, we introduce our PG model with massive torsion and briefly describe its general mathematical foundations. The analysis and application of the resulting field equations in the static spherically symmetric space–time is shown in Section 3, in order to find the appropriate vacuum solutions for the selected case. In section 4, we present the required new PG solution with massive torsion and extend our previous results related to the massless case. We present the conclusions of our work in Section 5. Finally, we detail in Appendix A the geometrical quantities involved in the vacuum field equations associated with this model. Before proceeding to the main discussion and general results, we briefly introduce the notation and physical units to be used through- out this article. Latin a, b and greek μ, ν indices refer to anholonomic and coordinate basis, respectively. We use notation with tilde for magnitudes including torsion and without tilde for torsion-free quantities. On the other hand, we will denote as Pa the generators of the space–time translations as well as Jab the generators of the space–time rotations and assume their following commutative relations:

[Pa, Pb] = 0 , (1)

[Pa, Jbc] = i ηa[b Pc] , (2) i [ Jab, Jcd] = (ηad Jbc + ηcb Jad − ηdb Jac − ηac Jbd) . (3) 2 Finally, we will use Planck units (G = c = h¯ = 1) throughout this work.

2. Quadratic Poincaré gauge gravity model with massive torsion

We start from the general gravitational action associated with our original PG model and incorporate the three independent quadratic scalar invariants of torsion into this expression, which represent the mass terms of the mentioned quantity: √ 1 4 ˜ 1 ˜ 2 1 ˜ ˜ μνλρ ˜ ˜ λρμν S = d x −g m − R − (d1 + d2) R − (d1 + d2 + 4c1 + 2c2) Rλρμν R + c1 Rλρμν R 16π L 4 4 ˜ ˜ λμρν ˜ ˜ μν ˜ ˜ νμ λμν μλν λ μ ν +c2 Rλρμν R + d1 Rμν R + d2 Rμν R + α Tλμν T + β Tλμν T + γ T λν T μ , (4) where c1, c2, d1, d2, α, β and γ are constant parameters. The field strength tensors above derive from the gauge connection of the Poincaré group ISO(1, 3), which can be expressed in terms of the generators of translations and local Lorentz rotations in the following way:

a ab Aμ = e μ Pa + ω μ Jab , (5)

a ab where e μ is the vierbein field and ω μ the spin connection of a RC manifold, related to the metric tensor and the metric-compatible affine connection as usual [15]:

a b gμν = e μ e ν ηab , (6) ab a bρ ˜ λ a bλ ω μ = e λ e ρμ + e λ ∂μ e . (7) The affine connection is decomposed into the torsion-free Levi-Civita connection and a contortion component, which transforms as a tensor due to the tensorial nature of torsion since it describes the antisymmetric part of the affine connection:

˜ λ λ λ μν = μν + K μν . (8) Thus, the presence of torsion potentially introduces changes in the properties of the gravitational interaction and it involves the fol- lowing ISO(1, 3) gauge field strength tensors: J.A.R. Cembranos, J.G. Valcarcel / Physics Letters B 779 (2018) 143–150 145

a a λ F μν = e λ T νμ , (9) ab a b ˜ λρ F μν = e λe ρ R μν , (10) λ ˜ λρ where T μν and R μν are the components of the torsion and the curvature tensor, respectively: λ ˜ λ T μν = 2 [μν] , (11) ˜ λ ˜ λ ˜ λ ˜ λ ˜ σ ˜ λ ˜ σ R ρμν = ∂μ ρν − ∂ν ρμ + σμ ρν − σν ρμ . (12) Therefore, within this framework, torsion appears naturally related to the translations whereas curvature is related to the rotations, as expected. Furthermore, both quantities can decompose into distinct modes by computing their irreducible representations under the Lorentz group [16,17]. Specifically, torsion can be divided into three irreducible components: a trace vector Tμ, an axial vector Sμ and a λ traceless and also pseudotraceless tensor q μν : λ 1 λ λ 1 λρ σ λ T μν = δ ν Tμ − δ μTν + g ε ρσμν S + q μν , (13) 3 6 where ε ρσμν is the four-dimensional Levi-Civita symbol. Hence, each of the cited modes can be massive or massless, what can be implemented in the general action of the theory by introducing the corresponding explicit torsion square pieces, as it is shown in the Expression (4). Then, the extended field equations can be derived by performing variations with respect to the gauge potentials, as usual. In addition, the resulting system of equations can be simplified without loss of generality by the Gauss–Bonnet theorem in RC spaces [18,19]. Namely, the following combination quadratic in the curvature tensor acts as a total derivative of a certain vector V μ in the previous gravitational action: √ ˜ 2 ˜ ˜ μνλρ ˜ ˜ νμ μ −g R + Rλρμν R − 4Rμν R = ∂μV . (14)

Thereby, this constraint allows to reduce the gravitational action and to obtain the following system of variational equations: ν ν X1μ + 16πθμ = 0 , (15) ν ν X2[μλ] + 16π Sλμ = 0 , (16) ν ν where X1μ and X2[μλ] are tensorial functions depending on the RC curvature and the torsion tensor, which are defined in Appendix A, ν ν whereas θμ and Sλμ are the canonical energy-momentum tensor and the spin density tensor, respectively: √ a − ν e μ δ m g θμ = √ L , (17) 16π −g δea √ν a b − ν e λe μ δ m g Sλμ = √ L . (18) 16π −g δ Aab ν These quantities act as sources of gravity and constitute the natural generalization of the conserved Noether currents associated with the external translations and rotations of the Poincaré group in a Minkowski space–time [20]. Indeed, it is straightforward to note from the field equations above the fulfillment of the following conservation laws:

ν ρλ ˜ λρν ∇νθμ + Kλρμθ + Rλρνμ S = 0 , (19) μ σ μ ∇μ Sλρ + 2K [λ|μ S|ρ]σ − θ[λρ] = 0 . (20) Therefore, the canonical energy-momentum tensor generally contains an antisymmetric component even when the notions of curvature and torsion are neglected (i.e. in the framework of Special Relativity): ν ∂νθμ = 0 , (21) μ μ ∂μMλρ + ∂μ Sλρ = 0 , (22) μ μ where Mλρ = x[λ θρ] is the orbital angular momentum density, whose divergence is trivially proportional to the mentioned antisym- metric part of the canonical energy-momentum tensor: μ ∂μMλρ = θ[ρλ] . (23) Thus, as it is shown, there exists a complete correspondence between the main currents of matter sources and the space–time geometry in the framework of PG theory. However, the theoretical construction present in GR encodes all the possible geometrical effects, derived by the presence of the gravitational field, only into the symmetric part of the canonical energy-momentum tensor of matter. Specifically, it postulates the symmetrized Belinfante–Rosenfeld energy-momentum tensor as the unique material quantity coupled to gravity [21]:

λ λ λ Tμν = θμν −∇λ Sμν −∇λ S μν −∇λ S νμ , (24) and omits from the gravitational scheme all the possible dynamical contributions provided by the rest of features of matter. Some remark- able implications derived by this post-Riemannian approach involve the prevention of space–time singularities and the generation of an accelerating cosmological expansion in terms of the torsion field, among others [22–26]. In this sense, apart from its potential influence in 146 J.A.R. Cembranos, J.G. Valcarcel / Physics Letters B 779 (2018) 143–150 the cosmological and astrophysical arena, the space–time torsion represents a fundamental quantity that may improve our understanding on the correspondence between geometry and physics, what it means that any kind of dynamical aspect associated with it may be crucial to identify its different roles or to detect it. Concerning the vacuum structure of the theory, the material tensors above vanish and it is sufficient to deal with the following system of equations:

ν X1μ = 0 , (25) ν X2[μλ] = 0 . (26) It is straightforward to note that the standard approach of GR is completely recovered when the first Bianchi identity of such a theory ˜ λ is fulfilled by the total curvature (i.e. R [μνρ] = 0) and all the mass coefficients of torsion vanish. However, in the massless torsion solution [12], it was shown that such a limit can be obtained by switching off the dynamical axial component of the torsion tensor, so that even for the case where both the trace vector and the tensorial component of torsion are massless, the same procedure may be trivially applied in presence of a massive axial component of torsion.

3. Space–time symmetries and consistency constraints

In order to solve the vacuum field equations of the theory for a static and spherically symmetric space–time, we consider the corre- sponding line element and tetrad basis as follows: dr2 2 = 2 − − 2 2 + 2 2 ds 1(r) dt r dθ1 sin θ1dθ2 , (27) 2(r) ˆ ˆ dr ˆ ˆ t r θ1 θ2 e = 1(r) dt , e = √ , e = rdθ1 , e = r sin θ1 dθ2 ; (28) 2(r) with 0 ≤ θ1 ≤ π and 0 ≤ θ2 ≤ 2π . The intrinsic relations between curvature and torsion involve that the latter is also influenced by the space–time symmetries and it λ λ must satisfy the condition ξ T μν = 0 (i.e. the Lie derivative in the direction of the Killing vector ξ on T μν vanishes). Indeed, this constraint ensures that the Lcovariant derivative commutes with the Lie derivative, what in turn preserves the invariance of the curvature tensor under isometries. Therefore, the static spherically symmetric torsion acquires the following structure [6,27]:

t T tr = a(r), r T tr = b(r),

θk = θk T tθl δ θl c(r), θk = θk T rθl δ θl g(r), θk = aθk b T tθl e e θl ab d(r), θk = aθk b T rθl e e θl ab h(r), t = T θkθl kl k(r) sin θ1 , r = ; T θkθl kl l(r) sin θ1 (29) where a, b, c, d, g, h, k and l are eight arbitrary functions depending only on r; k, l = 1, 2, and ab is the two-dimensional Levi-Civita symbol: ⎧ ⎨ +1 , for ab= 12, = − = ab ⎩ 1 , for ab 21, (30) 0 , for all other combinations.

These symmetry properties strongly reduce the possible classes of solutions, but even though the field equations constitute a highly nonlinear system involving a large number of degrees of freedom, so that the problem turns out to be still very complicated and further- more underdetermined. In fact, one of the features associated with a large number of PG models is the existence of a high geometrical freedom, where it is possible to find solutions depending on arbitrary functions and thereby underdetermined by the variational equations [28–30]. It is worthwhile to stress that, for the particular case given by the presence of a dynamical massless torsion, the traceless of the tetrad field equations requires the vanishing of the torsion-free scalar curvature, which in turn represents a strong geometrical constraint involving the degrees of freedom of the metric tensor alone. Furthermore, in presence of an external Coulomb electric field, the compati- bility with the Maxwell field equations in spherically symmetric space–times requires the additional constraint given by 1 = 2, so that in this case the geometry acquires the form of a RN space–time and such a type of arbitrariness does not emerge, in contrast with other PG models with explicit torsion square pieces. In this sense, as previously stressed, we simply extend our previous results with massless torsion to a generic PG model with these torsion square corrections, what it means an easy way to obtain solutions due to the analyses performed in that simpler case. On the other hand, it is worthwhile to emphasize that the existence and unicity of solutions within these torsion models can be established under appropriate energy conditions [31]. J.A.R. Cembranos, J.G. Valcarcel / Physics Letters B 779 (2018) 143–150 147

According to the massless torsion scheme, it is always possible to impose an additional constraint by applying the weak-field approxi- mation for the torsion tensor through the trace of Eq. (26). This restriction ensures that our PG model appropriately encompasses such a limit. Then, by neglecting torsion terms of second order, the equations of motion for the torsion tensor in linear approximation read + + + μ ν νμ νμ 2α β 3γ 2 ν ∇μ∇ T λν +∇μ∇ν T λ −∇μ∇λT ν = T λν . (31) 4c1 + c2 + 2d1 In the special case where 2α + β + 3γ + 2 = 0, it turns out that the mass modes of torsion do not contribute to the weak-field approximation and then this constraint reduces to the following relation among the torsion and metric components:

 p 1(r) b(r) = rc (r) + c(r) + , (32) r 2(r) where p is an integration constant. In analogy to the massless torsion case [12], we demand the condition 1 = 2 ≡ (r) to guarantee the compatibility requirement with external electric and magnetic fields, as in the standard Einstein–Maxwell framework of GR. Finally, we also require the avoidance of a a a b undesirable singularities from any solution F bc referred to the rotated basis ϑ =  be given by the following vector fields:     ˆ 1 1 ϑt = [(r) + 1] dt + 1 − dr ; 2 (r)     ˆ 1 1 ϑr = [(r) − 1] dt + 1 + dr ; 2 (r) ˆ θ1 ϑ = rdθ1 ; ˆ θ2 ϑ = r sin θ1 dθ2 . (33) Accordingly, in order to avoid geometrical divergences in the roots of the metric function (r), the following relations among the torsion components are taken into account:

b(r) = a(r) (r), c(r) =−g(r) (r), d(r) =−h(r) (r), l(r) = k(r) (r). (34)

It is worthwhile to note that these constraints involve the vanishing of the three independent quadratic torsion invariants. Namely, in terms of its irreducible components:

μ μ λμν TμT = Sμ S = qλμν q = 0 . (35) Furthermore, the additional quartic torsion invariants also vanish under these conditions:

μ ν λ μνρ λ μνρ λ μνρ TμTν S S = T Tρ qμνλq = S Sρ qμνλq = T Sρ qμνλq = 0 , (36) λμν λμν λμν λμν TλTμTν q = Sλ Sμ Sν q = TλTμ Sν q = Tλ Sμ Sν q = 0 , (37) μνλ ρσ μνλ ρσ μνρ λ σω λων σ ρμ Tσ qμνρ q qλ = Sσ qμνρ q qλ = qμνλ q qσω q ρ = qλσμq q ρν qω = 0 . (38)

4. Solutions

By taking into account the previous remarks, the following constraints among the metric and torsion components are necessarily imposed together with the field equations and the basic space–time symmetry properties, in order to establish an appropriate physical consistency to the regarded PG model:

1 = 2 ≡ (r), (39)  p b(r) = rc (r) + c(r) + , (40) r b(r) = a(r) (r), c(r) =−g(r) (r), d(r) =−h(r) (r), l(r) = k(r) (r). (41) Note that these requirements do not demand the additional assumption of the double duality ansatz, usually considered by many au- thors due to its strong simplification of the field equations into a particular easier form [32]. Indeed, from a physical point of view, there is not any compelling reason to apply such a higher restriction, but a particular mathematical reduction in the difficulty of the computations, what in certain cases usually involves a loss of accuracy and generality that are incompatible with other possible configurations. Then, the original model is appropriately simplified, and the following SO(3)-symmetric vacuum solution can be easily found for =− =− = 1 − =− c1 d1/4 , c2 d1/2, α 2 (1 β) and γ 1:    (r) wr  (r) (r) wr 1 wr a(r) = + , b(r) = + wr , c(r) = + , g(r) =− − , 2(r) (r) 2 2r 2 2r 2(r) κ κ d(r) = , h(r) =− , k(r) = l(r) = 0 ; (42) r r(r) with 148 J.A.R. Cembranos, J.G. Valcarcel / Physics Letters B 779 (2018) 143–150

2 2m d1κ (r) = 1 − + , (43) r r2 (1 − 2β) w = . (44) d1 It is straightforward to note that the solution belongs to the special case where the contribution of the mass modes to the weak-field approximation of the torsion field is negligible. Then the relation (32)is completely fulfilled by taking p = 0. In addition, the trace vector = 1 and the tensorial component of torsion remain massless whereas the axial mode becomes massless for β 2 , what it means that our previous RN solution with massless torsion is recovered in such a case. This is an expected result, since it is shown that the dynamical behavior of torsion falls on the mentioned mode. Indeed, the axial component of torsion acts as a Coulomb-like potential depending on the parameter κ, which is related to the existence of a spin charge, in analogy to the relation between torsion and its spinning sources. Its geometrical effect is induced on the metric tensor by modifying the regular Schwarzschild vacuum structure of GR with the RN space–time associated with the following RC curvature tensor: ⎛ ⎞ − w 00 0 0 0 ⎜ 2 2 ⎟ ⎜ 0 − w χ−(r)/2 − χ+(r)(κ/2r ) 0 − χ+(r)(κ/2r ) −w χ+(r)/2 ⎟ ⎜ 2 − − 2 ⎟ ab ⎜ 0 χ+(r)(κ/2r ) w χ−(r)/20 w χ+(r)/2 χ+(r)(κ/2r ) ⎟ F cd = ⎜ ⎟ , (45) ⎜ − κ/r2 00− 1/r2 + w/2 00⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 0 χ−(r)(κ/2r2) − w χ+(r)/20 −3w ζ(r)/2 − χ−(r)(κ/2r2) 0 w χ+(r)/2 χ−(r)(κ/2r2) 0 χ−(r)(κ/2r2) −3w ζ(r)/2 where the six rows and columns of the matrix are labeled the components in the order (01, 02, 03, 23, 31, 12) and the following functions have been defined: wr2 χ±(r) = 1 ± , (46) (r) wr2 ζ(r) = 1 + . (47) 3(r) Then, according to the first Bianchi identity in a RC space–time [33], the solution reduces to the standard Schwarzschild geometry of ˜ λ σ λ GR when ∇[μT νρ] + T [μν T ρ]σ = 0, namely when the parameter κ of the axial component vanishes. It is also straightforward to notice the absence of singularities, excluding the point r = 0, in the six independent quadratic scalar invariants defined from the curvature tensor, as expected from relations (34): 4 2 R˜ 2 = 1 + 6wr2 , (48) r4 ˜ ˜ λρμν 4 2 2 2 Rλρμν R = 1 − κ + 2wr 1 + 3wr , (49) r4 ˜ ˜ μνλρ 4 2 2 2 Rλρμν R = 1 − 2κ + 2wr 1 + 3wr , (50) r4 ˜ ˜ λμρν 2 2 2 2 Rλρμν R = 1 − κ + 2wr 1 + 3wr , (51) r4 ˜ ˜ μν 2 2 2 2 Rμν R = 1 + κ + 6wr 1 + 3wr , (52) r4 ˜ ˜ νμ 2 2 2 2 Rμν R = 1 − κ + 6wr 1 + 3wr . (53) r4 On the other hand, the solution leads to a specific set of values for the Lagrangian coefficients, which should additionally define a viable and stable gravitational theory. According to the unitary and causality requirements, this consistency demands the absence of both ghosts and tachyons in the particle spectrum of the model, what has been systematically carried out by distinct approaches for the case of massive propagating torsion as well as for the case with zero-mass modes, where extra gauge symmetries can appear besides the fundamental Poincaré gauge symmetry [35,36,34,37–40]. Nevertheless it should be noted that, apart from some particular differences and disagreements in their conclusions, all these approaches are not developed as perturbative analyses around any specific curved background which may be induced by the presence of a dynamical torsion, but on a rigid flat space–time where the possible effects of the torsion field are completely neglected. In fact, as can be seen, within our PG model the presence of a non-vanishing propagating torsion modifies the vacuum structure with the above RN geometry, where the axial component of the torsion tensor emerges in the metric tensor and hence it cannot be unilaterally excluded from the background. Furthermore, it is straightforward to note from (31) that our PG model encompasses a weak-field approximation for the torsion field that cannot be separated from the background space–time (i.e. the torsion-free covariant derivatives of the Expression (31) cannot be replaced by ordinary derivatives). Therefore, there exists a strong limitation around the cited stability studies, what it means that future analyses should be performed in order to examine the stability of these types of PG models. Additionally, the solution can be naturally generalized to include the existence of a non-vanishing cosmological constant  and Coulomb electromagnetic fields with electric and magnetic charges qe and qm respectively, which are decoupled from torsion under the assumption of the minimum coupling principle. This simple extension is obtained by modifying the metric function (r) by the following expression: J.A.R. Cembranos, J.G. Valcarcel / Physics Letters B 779 (2018) 143–150 149

2 2 2 2m d1κ + q + q  (r) = 1 − + e m + r2 . (54) r r2 3 Thereby, the solution shows similarities between the torsion and the electromagnetic fields, even though they are independent quan- tities. Note that it is referred to an extensive and regular PG theory, unlike other monopole-type solutions that can be constructed by modifying the model towards a different approach embedded within the complex Einstein–Yang–Mills theory [41]. The mass factors present in the solution may also involve corrections in the motion of spinning matter. Nevertheless, these deviations from the geodesic motion of ordinary matter are expected to be very small at astrophysics or cosmological scales, because of the vanishing of the spin density tensor in the most macroscopical bodies. This situation may differ around extreme gravitational systems as neutron stars or black holes with intense magnetic fields and sufficiently oriented elementary spins. In such a case, it is expected that the RC space–time described by the PG theory modulates these events. In addition, the influence of the mass of torsion on Dirac fields depends on the coupling considered between these and the torsion tensor. For Dirac fields minimally coupled to torsion, it turns out that only the axial vector carries out the interaction, whereas the trace vector and the tensorial mode are completely decoupled [42]. However, as can be seen from our RN solution, the parameter of mass associated with the axial mode falls on the rest of components of the torsion tensor, what it means that its effects may only be induced on Dirac fields non-minimally coupled to torsion.

5. Conclusions

In the present work, we have extended the correspondence between torsion and vacuum RN geometries in the framework of PG theory with massive torsion. This correspondence was first stressed in a previous work for the particular case given by a dynamical massless torsion alone, that can be associated with a PG model that contains quadratic order corrections in the curvature tensor [12]. Similar foundations were also introduced in [43,44]in order to find an alternative method to solve the Einstein–Yang–Mills equations in extended gravitational theories. We investigate its generalization to the case with non-vanishing torsion mass modes by including the respective explicit torsion square pieces in the gravitational action. Then, we obtain the corresponding RN solution with massive torsion by imposing the appropriate space–time symmetries on the metric and torsion tensor, as well as additional consistency constraints in order to avoid all the possible unsuitable singularities and encompass the weak-field limit associated with torsion in a framework compatible with external Coulomb electric and magnetic fields, as in the standard case of GR. In this scheme, the dynamical role of the torsion tensor is carried out by its axial mode, in a way that this mode can be massive or massless, whereas the mass modes of the trace vector and of the tensorial component remain vanishing. The presence of such a non-vanishing mass modifies the rest of the torsion components of the solution and it may introduce deviations in the trajectories of spinning matter. Nevertheless, it is shown that for the case of Dirac fields the non-minimal coupling to torsion is necessary. Even though, it is expected that the possible consequent effects are negligible at macroscopic scales and they may become significant only at extremely high densities. Finally, the corresponding Reissner–Nordström–de Sitter solution with cosmological constant and external electromagnetic fields is also obtained, by analogy with the standard case. The existence of these sorts of configurations reveals the dynamical role of the space–time torsion and provides new features associated with this field, what involves a richer vacuum structure of post-Riemannian gravitational theories endowed with both curvature and torsion.


The authors acknowledge F. W. Hehl for useful discussions. This work was partly supported by the projects FIS2014-52837-P (Spanish MINECO) and FIS2016-78859-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), and Consolider-Ingenio MULTIDARK CSD2009-00064.

Appendix A. Expressions of the field equations

ν λν The Lagrangian (4)imposes the vanishing of the tensors X1μ and X2μ in vacuum, whose expressions can be written as: ν ˜ ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν ν X1μ =−2G μ + 4c1 T 1μ + 2c2 T 2μ − 2 (2c1 + c2) T 3μ + 2d1 H1μ − H2μ + α I1μ + β I2μ + γ I3μ , (A.1)  λν λν λν λν λν λν λν λν λν λν X2μ = T μ + 4c1C1μ − 2c2C2μ + 2 (2c1 + c2) C3μ − 2d1 Y 1μ − Y 2μ − α Z1μ − β Z2μ − γ Z3μ , (A.2) where it is given the explicit dependence with the following geometrical quantities: ˜ ˜ ν ˜ ν R ν Gμ = Rμ − δμ , (A.3) 2 ν ˜ ˜ λρνσ 1 ν ˜ ˜ λρτσ T 1μ = Rλρμσ R − δμ Rλρτσ R , (A.4) 4 ν ˜ ˜ λνρσ ˜ ˜ λσρν 1 ν ˜ ˜ λτρσ T 2μ = Rλρμσ R + RλρσμR − δμ Rλρτσ R , (A.5) 2 ν ˜ ˜ νσλρ 1 ν ˜ ˜ τσλρ T 3μ = Rλρμσ R − δμ Rλρτσ R , (A.6) 4 ν ˜ ν ˜ λρ ˜ ˜ λν 1 ν ˜ ˜ λρ H1μ = R λμρ R + Rλμ R − δμ Rλρ R , (A.7) 2 150 J.A.R. Cembranos, J.G. Valcarcel / Physics Letters B 779 (2018) 143–150

ν ˜ ν ˜ ρλ ˜ ˜ νλ 1 ν ˜ ˜ ρλ H2μ = R λμρ R + Rλμ R − δμ Rλρ R , (A.8) 2 ν λρν νλ ρ νλ 1 ν λρσ I1μ = 4 TλρμT +∇λTμ − K μλTρ − δμ Tλρσ T , (A.9) 4 ν νρλ ρλν λν νλ ρ νλ λν 1 ν ρλσ I2μ = 2 TλρμT + TλρμT +∇λT μ −∇λT μ + K μλ T ρ − T ρ − δμ Tλρσ T , (A.10) 2 ν ν ρ λ λ ν ν ρ λ 1 ν λ ρ σ ρ λ I3μ = 2 T μλT ρ −∇μT λ − K μλT ρ − δμ T λσ T ρ − 2∇λT ρ , (A.11) 2  λν ν λσ ρ λν ρ λσ ν T μ = δμ g T ρσ − g T ρμ − g T μσ , (A.12) λν =∇ ˜ λρν + λ ˜ σρν − σ ˜ λρν C1μ ρ Rμ K σρ Rμ K μρ Rσ , (A.13) λν ˜ νλρ ˜ ρλν λ ˜ νσρ ˜ ρσν σ ˜ νλρ ˜ ρλν C2μ =∇ρ Rμ − Rμ + K σρ Rμ − Rμ − K μρ Rσ − Rσ , (A.14) λν ˜ ρνλ λ ˜ ρνσ σ ˜ ρνλ C3μ =∇ρ R μ + K σρ R μ − K μρ R σ , (A.15) λν ν ˜ λρ ˜ λν ν λ ˜ σρ ρ ˜ λν ν ˜ λρ λ ˜ ρν Y 1μ = δμ ∇ρ R −∇μ R + δμ K σρ R + K μρ R − K μρ R − K ρμR , (A.16) λν ν ˜ ρλ ˜ νλ ν λ ˜ ρσ ρ ˜ νλ ν ˜ ρλ λ ˜ νρ Y 2μ = δμ ∇ρ R −∇μ R + δμ K σρ R + K μρ R − K μρ R − K ρμR , (A.17) Z1 λν = 4T λν , (A.18) μ μ λν νλ λν Z2μ = 2 T μ − T μ , (A.19) λν λν ρ ν λσ ρ Z3μ = g T ρμ − δμ g T ρσ . (A.20)


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Fermion dynamics in torsion theories

J.A.R. Cembranosa J. Gigante Valcarcela F.J. Maldonado Torralbab

aDepartamento de Física Teórica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28040 Madrid, Spain. bDepartment of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa. E-mail: cembra@fis.ucm.es, [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. In this work we have studied the non-geodesical behaviour of particles with spin 1/2 in Poincaré gauge theories of gravity, via the WKB method and the Mathisson-Papapetrou equation. We have analysed the relation between the two approaches and we have argued the different advantages associated with the WKB approximation. Within this approach, we have calculated the trajectories in a particular Poincaré gauge theory, discussing the viability of measuring such a motion. arXiv:1805.09577v2 [gr-qc] 14 Jun 2018 Contents

1 Introduction1

2 Mathematical structure of Poincaré gauge theories2

3 WKB method3

4 Mathisson-Papapetrou method5

5 Raychaudhuri equation8

6 Calculations within the Reissner-Nordström geometry induced by torsion9

7 Conclusions 14

A Acceleration components 15

B Acceleration at low κ 16

1 Introduction

There is no doubt that General Relativity (GR) is one of the most successful theories in Physics, with a solid mathematical structure and experimental confirmation [1,2]. As a matter of fact, we are still measuring for the first time some phenomena that was predicted by the theory a hundred years ago, like gravitational waves [3]. Nevertheless it presents some problems that need to be addressed. For example, it cannot be formulated as a renormalizable and unitary Quantum Field Theory. Also, the introduction of spin matter in the energy- momentum tensor of GR may be cumbersome, since we have to add new formalisms, like the spin connection. These problems can be solved by introducing a gauge approach to the gravitational theories. This task was addressed by Sciama and Kibble in [4] and [5], respectively, where they started to introduce the idea of a Poincaré Gauge (PG) formalism for gravitational theories. Following this description one finds that the connection must be compatible with the metric, but not necessarily symmetric. Therefore, it appears a non- vanishing torsion field, that is consequence of the asymmetric character of the connection. For an extensive review of the theories that arise through this reasoning see [6]. Since these kinds of theories were established, there has been a lot of discussion on how would particles behave in a spacetime with a torsion background. In the case of scalar particles, it is clear to see that they should follow geodesics, since the covariant derivative of a scalar field does not depend on the affine connection. In addition, by assuming the minimum coupling principle, we have that light keeps moving along null geodesics, as in the standard framework of GR. This is because it is impossible to perform the minimally coupling prescription for the Maxwell’s field while maintaining the U (1) gauge invariance [7]. Therefore the Maxwell equations remain in the same form. The most differential part occurs when we try to predict how particles with spin 1/2 should move within this background. This question deserves a deeper analysis, mainly because these kinds of physical trajectories differ from the ones predicted by GR, and if we are able to measure such differences, we will be devising a

– 1 – method to determine the possible existence of a torsion field in our universe. Furthermore, if we know the corresponding equations of motion we can also calculate the strength of this field, although we already have some constraints thanks to torsion pendulums and cosmography observations [8,9]. In [10] we find a comprehensive review of all the proposals that have been made to explain this behaviour. Nevertheless, even nowadays there is no consensus about which one explains it more properly. Here, we will outline the most important suggestions: In 1971, Ponomariev [11] proposed that the test particles move along autoparallels • (curves in which the velocity is parallel transported along itself with the total connec- tion). There was no reason given, but surprisingly this has been a recurrent proposal in the posterior literature [12, 13]. Hehl [14], also in 1971, obtained the equation of motion via the energy-momentum • conservation law, in the single-point approximation, i.e. only using first order terms in the expansion used to solve the energy-momentum equation. He also pointed out that torsion could be measured by using spin 1/2 particles. In 1981, Audretsch [15] analysed the movement of a Dirac electron in a spacetime • with torsion. He employed the WKB approximation, and obtained the same results that Rumpf had obtained two years earlier via an unconventional quantum mechanical approach [16]. It was with this article that the coupling between spin and torsion was understood. In 1991, Nomura, Shirafuji and Hayashi [17] computed the equations of motion by • the application of the Mathisson-Papapetrou (MP) method to expand the energy- momentum conservation law. They obtained the equations at first order, which are the ones that Hehl had already calculated, but also made the second order approxima- tion, finding the same spin precession as Audretsch. In order to clarify these ideas we organise the article as follows. First, in section2 we introduce the mathematical structure of PG theories, and establish the conventions. Then, in the two following sections we review the WKB approximation by Audretsch and the MP approach by Nomura et al., comparing them and presenting the reasons to consider the former for our principal calculations. In the fifth section we present the Raychaudhuri equation in the WKB approximation, and use one of its parameters as an indicator of the strength of the spin- torsion coupling. In section6 we compute the acceleration and the respective trajectories of an electron in a particular solution, and compare it with the geodesical behaviour predicted by GR. The final section is devoted to conclusions and future applications.

2 Mathematical structure of Poincaré gauge theories

In this section, we give an introduction to the gravitational theories endowed with a non- symmetric connection that still fulfills the metricity condition. The most interesting fact about these theories is that they appear naturally as a gauge theory of the Poincaré Group [6, 18], making their formalism closer to that of the Standard Model of Particles, therefore postulating it as a suitable candidate to explore the quantization of gravity. We will use the same convention as [15] in order to simplify the discussion. Since the connection is not necessarily symmetric, the torsion may be different from zero

ρ ρ Tµν = Γ[µν] . (2.1)

– 2 – For an arbitrary connection, that meets the metricity condition, there exists a relation with the Levi-Civita connection ˚ ρ ρ ρ Γµν = Γµν + Kµν , (2.2) where K ρ = T ρ + T ρ T ρ (2.3) µν νµ µν − µν is the contortion tensor. Here, the upper index˚denotes the quantities associated with the Levi-Civita connection. Since the curvature tensors depend on the connection, there is a relation between the ones defined throughout the Levi-Civita connection and the general ones. For the Riemann tensor we have

R˚ σ = R σ + ˚ K σ ˚ K σ K σK α + K σK α. (2.4) µνρ µνρ ∇ν µρ − ∇ρ µν − αν µρ αρ µν By contraction we can obtain the expression for the Ricci tensor

R˚ = R + ˚ K σ ˚ K σ K σK α + K σK α, (2.5) µρ µρ ∇σ µρ − ∇ρ µσ − ασ µρ αρ µσ and the scalar curvature

R˚ = gµρR˚ = R + ˚ρK σ K σKρ α + K αK σ. (2.6) µρ ∇ σρ − ασ ρ σρ µα Here we have just exposed all of these concepts in the usual spacetime coordinates. Nevertheless, it is customary in PG theories to make calculations in the tangent space, that we assume in terms of the Minkowski metric ηab. At each point of the spacetime we will have a different tangent space, that it is defined through a set of orthonormal tetrads (or vierbein) α ea , that follow the relations

µ µ νa µν a a µb ab e aeµb = ηab, e ae = g , eµ eνa = gµν, eµ e = η , (2.7) where the latin letters refer to the tangent space and the greek ones to the spacetime coordi- nates. It is clear that if these properties hold, then

a b gµν = eµ eν ηab. (2.8)

All the calculations from now on will be considered in gravitational theories characterized by this geometrical background.

3 WKB method

In this section we summarize the results obtained by Audtresch in [15], where he calculated the precession of spin and the trajectories of Dirac particles in torsion theories. The starting point is the Dirac equation of a spinor field minimally coupled to torsion

µ˚ 1 α β δ i~ γ µΨ + K[αβδ]γ γ γ Ψ mΨ = 0, (3.1) ∇ 4 −   where the γα are the modified gamma matrices, related to the standard ones by the vierbein

α α a γ = ea γ , (3.2)

– 3 – and Ψ is a general spinor state. It is worthwhile to note that the contribution of torsion to the Dirac equation is propor- tional to the antisymmetric part of the torsion tensor, therefore, a torsion field with vanishing antisymmetric component will not couple to the Dirac field. This is usually known as inert torsion. Since there is no analytical solution to Equation (3.1), we need to make approxi- mations in order to solve it. As it is usual in Quantum Mechanics, we can use the WKB expansion to obtain simpler versions of this equation. So, we can expand the general spinor in the following way

i S(x) n Ψ(x) = e ~ ( i~) an (x) , (3.3) − where we have used the Einstein sum convention (with n going from zero to infinity). We have also assumed that S (x) is real and an (x) are spinors. As every approximation, it has a 1 limited range of validity. In this case, we can use it as long as R˚− λB, where λB is the de Broglie wavelength of the particle. This constraint expresses the fact that we cannot applied the mentioned approximation in presence of strong gravitational fields and that we cannot consider highly relativistic particles. If we insert the expansion into the Dirac equation we obtain the following expressions for the zero and first order in ~:

γµ˚ S + m a (x) = 0, (3.4) ∇µ 0   and 1 γµ˚ S + m a (x) = γµ˚ a K γαγβγδa . (3.5) ∇µ 1 − ∇µ 0 − 4 [αβδ] 0 We then assume that the four-momentum of the particles is orthogonal to the surfaces of constant S (x), and introduce it as p = ∂ S. (3.6) µ − µ Then, if we stick to the lowest order, as a consequence of Equation (3.4), the particles will follow geodesics, as one might expect. But, what happens if we consider the first order in ~? For the explicit calculations we refer the reader to [15], we will just state the definitions and give the main results. To obtain the equation for spin precession we have considered the spin density tensor as

ΨσµνΨ Sµν = , (3.7) ΨΨ where the σµν are the modified spin matrices, given by i σαβ = γα, γβ . (3.8) 2 h i Then, we can obtain the spin vector from this density 1 sµ = εµναβu S , (3.9) 2 ν αβ where εµναβ is the modified Levi-Civita tensor, related to the usual one by the vierbein

µναβ µ ν α β abcd ε = e ae be ce dε , (3.10)

– 4 – and uµ represents the velocity of the particle µ µ dx µ u = = x0 . (3.11) dt Via the WKB expansion, we find that we can write the lowest order of the spin vector as

µ 5 µ s0 = b0γ γ b0, (3.12) where b0 is the a0 spinor but normalised. With these definitions, we can compute the evolution of the spin vector

uα˚ sµ = 3K[µβδ]s u . (3.13) ∇α 0 0 δ β On the other hand, the calculation of the acceleration of the particle comes from the splitting of the Dirac current via the Gordon decomposition and from the identification of the veloc- ity with the normalised convection current. Then it can be shown that the non-geodesical behaviour is governed by the following expression

ε ~ αβ ν aµ = v ˚εvµ = Rµναβb0σ b0v , (3.14) ∇ 4mesp e where Rµναβ refers to the intrinsic part of the Riemann tensor associated with the totally antisymmetric component of the torsion tensor: e λ ˚ λ αλ Γµν = Γµν + 3T[µνα]g . (3.15)

Unlike most of the literature exposede in the introduction, the expression (3.14) does not have an explicit contortion term coupled to the spin density tensor, hence all the torsion information is encrypted into the mentioned part of the Riemann tensor. Finally, it is worthwhile to note that the standard case of GR is naturally recovered for inert torsion, as expected.

4 Mathisson-Papapetrou method

In this section we will study another way to obtain the evolution of the spin vector and the acceleration of a test body. It was first explored by Mathisson [19], and later formalised by Papapetrou [20], while studying the motion of extended bodies. Normally, the equations of motion are calculated using the energy-momentum conservation law. Nevertheless, in an extended body we need to integrate this tensor over the spacelike surface orthogonal to its movement. We can simplify that by applying a multipole expansion and regarding only the lower-order terms. This approach was considered in the single-point approximation by Hehl in his well-known article [14]. In addition, Nomura, Shirafuji and Hayashi developed the pole-dipole approximation, also known as the Fock-Papapetrou method in GR, in [17]. In order to develop this method we consider an extended body, whose center of mass describes a timelike trajectory defined by Xµ(s), with velocity uµ(s), where s is the proper time. For the vector describing a general point of the body we will use the notation yµ. Then, the vector that goes from the center of mass to any point of the body will be denoted as δxµ = yµ Xµ, having δx0 = 0. With these− remarks, we can define the following integrals over the spatial hypersurface orthogonal to the trajectory: M µν = u0 T µνdx3, (4.1) Z

– 5 – and M ρµν = u0 δxρT µνdx3, (4.2) − Z where T µν denotes the energy-momentum tensor. Indeed, these quantities are known as the monopole and dipole moments. The rest of the multipole moments can be defined just by adding another δxµ to the (4.2) integral each time. If we assume that our extended body is small, then the integral in the multipole moments will be very small. In this sense we introduce the single point approximation

M µν = 0,M ρµν = 0, ... , (4.3) 6 and the pole-dipole approximation

M µν = 0,M ρµν = 0,M λρµν = 0, ... . (4.4) 6 6 For the first approximation, one obtains the following equation after integrating the energy- momentum conservation law dpµ 1 + Γ˚ µM νρ KρµνM RρµσνN = 0, (4.5) ds νρ − [νρ] − 2 νρσ where pµ is the momentum and N νρσ is known as the spin current, that is defined as

N ρµν = u0 Sµνρdx3, (4.6) − Z with Sµνρ being the variation of the matter Lagrangian with respect to the spin connection. ρ µν σ µνρ Through integration of ∂ν (x T ) and ∂ρ (x S ) it can be calculated that

M µν = pµuν. (4.7)

On the other hand, we define the intrinsic spin as

µν µνρ S = N uρ, (4.8) and consider that the momentum is proportional to the velocity, as in the WKB approxima- tion, hence M[µν] = 0. (4.9) Thus, we can obtain the single-point approximation equations, that we have adapted to the convention used in the WKB method

uν sµ = 0, (4.10) ∇ν ρ 1 ρσ λ aµ = u ˚ρuµ = RµλρσS u , (4.11) ∇ 2mesp µν S uν = 0. (4.12)

The first equation provides the evolution of the spin vector, the second one shows the ac- celeration term and the last one constitutes a consistency constraint, known as the Pirani condition [21]. This condition is usually imposed in order to solve the propagating equations, and assures the conservation of mass along the trajectory. Nevertheless it is not a consequence of a conservation law, since although it is a sufficient condition for mass conservation, it is not

– 6 – a necessary one. Furthermore it cannot be derived from any other general equation involved by the theory, only by assuming the appropriate estimations such as the WKB method, in which this condition can be naturally derived from Equation (3.4). Nevertheless, this approach provides some remarkable consequences, as already pointed out by Nomura et al. First of all, the equation of the evolution of the spin vector does not coincide with the resulting one from the WKB approximation. Secondly, and more important, in the single-point approximation the spin density tensor vanishes for Dirac particles, due to the antisymmetric character of the mentioned tensor. Therefore, under these conditions, the Dirac particles would just behave as spinless particles. Such a result is an implication of the introduction of the Pirani condition, and it is often used as an argument to analyse its implementation [6]. That is why we will explore the next order in the multiple expansion, known as the pole-dipole approximation. In this case we have the following equation, obtained by integration on the spacelike surface of the energy-momentum conservation law dpµ 1 + Γ˚ µM ρσ ∂ Γ˚ µM ν(ρσ) K µM [ρσ] + ∂ K µM ν[ρσ] RσµνρN = 0. (4.13) ds ρσ − ν ρσ − ρσ ν ρσ − 2 ρσν In a similar way as in the previous approximation, the values of M µν and M µνρ can be ρ µν σ µνρ ρ σ µν obtained by integrating ∂ν (x T ), ∂ρ (x S ) and ∂ν (x x T ) over the spacelike surface. Now the equations can be modified by the criteria previously explained, in order to reach the WKB assumptions. Nevertheless, in this case, the fact that the momentum is proportional to the velocity does not imply the vanishing for the evolution of the spin density tensor. After applying the mentioned conditions one obtains

uα˚ sµ = 3K[µβδ]s u , (4.14) ∇α δ β 1 1 m uε˚ uµ + Kµρσuε S ˚µKνρσ S u R Sρσuλ = 0, (4.15) esp ∇ε 2 ∇ε ρσ − ∇ νρ σ − 2 µλρσ µν S uν = 0.   (4.16)

As we can see, the equation of the spin vector has the same form than the one obtained via the WKB approximation, therefore the first problem with the single-point approximation is solved. Also, in this case, the antisymmetry of the spin current tensor does not imply the vanishing of the spin density tensor, so that the resulting trajectory will be non-geodesic, as expected. On the other hand, we can observe that all the differences with the single-point approx- imation vanish when we set the axial component of torsion to zero. This occurs because in the third term of Equation (4.15) the two non-antisymmetric indexes are contracted with an antisymmetric tensor, therefore

( µKνρσ) S u = µK[νρσ] S u . (4.17) ∇ νρ σ ∇ νρ σ   Hence, if we have inert torsion this term vanishes, since the axial mode is proportional to the totally antisymmetric contortion. Moreover, Equation (4.14) recovers the form of the single-point approximation, which means that the Equation (4.9) is now valid, and so the second term of Equation (4.15) vanishes. As previously stressed, these conditions imply that the Dirac particles will follow geodesics. Now that we have studied the two approaches, we can see which one is more appropriate in order to calculate the acceleration and trajectories of Dirac particles. First of all, it is clear that the single-point approximation of the MP method must be discarded, since it does not

– 7 – reflect the appropriate coupling between gravity and spin. One could think that the pole- dipole approximation is the one to follow, since it stipulates a non-geodesical behaviour and having inert torsion implies geodesical one, which is compatible with the minimally coupling prescription for Dirac fields. Nevertheless, even imposing the Pirani condition (which is controversial from the start) the set of Equations (4.14)-(4.16) is not complete, in the sense that the number of unknown quantities is higher than the number of equations. The reader might not agree with us in this point because, if we count the mentioned expressions we see that the set is completed. The question is that we have already simplified those equations, particularly the one that gives us the spin vector evolution. In the MP method, this equation is subject to an arbitrary constant, that is usually set to 1 for Dirac particles, in order to obtain the same results of the WKB approximation. So, in the end, the MP method by itself gives us an ambiguous result. On the other hand, the WKB method gives an explicit expression for the spin density tensor, that can be derived from Quantum Mechanics, and also the evolution of spin is directly given without assuming additional constraints beyond the WKB expansion. Therefore, the Pirani condition does not need to be imposed, it holds naturally by applying this method. That is why we have chosen this approximation to study the Dirac particles from now on. First of all, we will see this non-geodesical motion applied to a congruence of curves.

5 Raychaudhuri equation

One way of studying the consequences of the non-geodesical behaviour is to analyse the evolution of a congruence of the resulting curves throughout the Raychaudhuri equation. Also, this will provide more clues about the singular behaviour of these particles, and will help us to assure previous conclusions reached by the authors in [22]. It is known that Killing vectors define a static frame that will allow us to measure the dynamical quantities with respect to it [23]. Nevertheless, in general, an arbitrary spacetime will not have Killing vectors, therefore we do not have a preferred frame to measure the acceleration. In this case, the best one can do is to measure the relative acceleration of two close bodies, which is studied by the analysis of the behaviour of congruences of timelike curves. If we observe the evolution of a congruence of curves, we will study the Raychaudhuri equation. To obtain this equation, we decompose the covariant derivative of the tangent vector of a congruence of curves, B = ˚ v , into its antisymmetric component ω , known µν ∇ν µ µν as vorticity, a traceless symmetric σµν, usually referred as shear, and its trace θ, also known as expansion, such as 1 B = θh + σ + ω , (5.1) µν 3 µν µν µν where hµν is the projection of the metric into the spacial subspace orthogonal to the tangent vector. Then, it can be seen that [23]

dθ 1 vρ˚ θ = = θ2 σµρσ ∇ρ ds −3 − µρ + ωµρω R˚ vρvϕ + ˚ vν ˚ vµ , (5.2) µρ − ρϕ ∇µ ∇ν   which is the equation under analysis.

– 8 – Then, if we substitute the acceleration given in Equation (3.14) into the Raychaudhuri equation, we obtain

ρ˚ dθ 1 2 µρ µρ ˚ ρ ϕ ~ ˚ µ αβ ν v ρθ = = θ Σ Σµρ + ω ωµρ Rρϕv v + µ R ναβb0σ b0v . (5.3) ∇ ds −3 − − 4mesp ∇   It is clear that the only difference with respect to the geodesical movemente is the acceleration term. Let us analyse it in more detail:

˚ Rµ b σαβb vν = ˚ Rµ b σαβb vν + Rµ ˚ b σαβb vν ∇µ ναβ 0 0 ∇µ ναβ 0 0 ναβ ∇µ 0 0   + R µ b σαβb ˚ vν, h  i (5.4) e ναβe 0 0∇µ e where we have used the Leibniz rulee for the covariant derivative. Let us study the different contributions separately. For the third term we have that: 1 Rµ b σαβb ˚ vν = Rµν b σαβb ˚ v = Rµν b σαβb θh + Σ + ω . (5.5) ναβ 0 0∇µ αβ 0 0∇µ ν αβ 0 0 3 µν µν µν   Sincee the two contractede indexes µ and ν of thee Riemann tensor are antisymmetric and the tensors h and Σ are symmetric we have that:

Rµ b σαβb ˚ vν = Rµν b σαβb ω . (5.6) ναβ 0 0∇µ αβ 0 0 µν One interesting feature is thate if we consider a congruencee orthonormal to an spacelike hy- persurface, the shear is null, therefore this term of the Raychaudhuri equation is identically zero. For the first and the second one we cannot find any simplification. In any case, the appearance of focal points will occur when

R˚ vρvϕ A vν, (5.7) ρϕ ≥ ν where ~ ˚ µ αβ Aν = µ R ναβb0σ b0 . (5.8) 4mesp ∇   As explained at the beginning of this section, thise term gives us the contribution of torsion to the relative acceleration between two spin 1/2 particles, making it a good indicator to see the difference with respect to a geodesical behaviour. Therefore, we can make a more rigorous approach to the singular behaviour of these particles. In [22] the authors claim that the appearance of n-dimensional black/white hole regions was a good criteria for the occurrence of singularities, even for the Dirac particles, given that the difference with the geodesical movement were not so strong near the event horizon. Now we can say that this will be a good criteria as long as Aν 1, which is what we expect in plausible with Dirac particles. 

6 Calculations within the Reissner-Nordström geometry induced by tor- sion

In this section we will calculate the acceleration and trajectories of electrons in a Reissner- Nordström solution obtained by two of the authors in the framework of PG field theory of

– 9 – gravity, with the following vacuum action [24, 25]: c4 d d S = d4x√ g R˚ + 1 R Rµνλρ 1 R Rλρµν 16πG − − 2 λρµν − 4 λρµν Z  d 1 R Rλµρν + d R (Rµν Rνµ) . (6.1) − 2 λρµν 1 µν −  The exact metric of the solution is 1 ds2 = f (r) dt2 dr2 r2 dθ2 + sin2θdϕ2 , (6.2) − f (r) −  where 2m d κ2 f (r) = 1 + 1 . (6.3) − r r2 From now on we will consider d1 = 1, which simplifies the computations. In order to know the total and modified connection we need to have the values of the non- vanishing torsion components, which are:

t a(r) f˙(r) Ttr = 2 = 4f(r) ,   ˙ T r = b(r) = f(r) ,  tr 2 4    T θj = δθj c(r) = δθj f(r) ,  tθi θi 2 θi 4r   (6.4)  T θj = δθj g(r) = δθj 1 , rθi θi 2 − θi 4r    θj aθj b d(r) aθj b κ T = e e εab = e e εab ,  tθi θi 2 θi 2r     θj aθj b h(r) aθj b κ T = e e εab = e e εab ,  rθi θi 2 θi 2rf(r)  −  where we have made the identification θ1, θ2 = θ, ϕ , εab is the Levi-Civita symbol, and { } { } the dot ˙ means the derivative with respect to the radial coordinate. Also, since the definition of the torsion tensor in the mentioned article differs from our conventions, all the components are divided by 2 with respect to the ones in there. Now, with the components of the metric and the torsion tensors, we can calculate the modified connection and therefore the Riemann tensor of Equation (3.14), in order to obtain the acceleration. Moreover, we know that the b0 and b0 are the lowest order in ~ of the general spinor state Ψ. Then we can use that the most general form of a positive energy solution of the Dirac equation for b0 and b0 is [26] α cos 2 iβ α e sin 2 α iβ α b0 =    ; b0 = cos , e− sin , 0, 0 ; (6.5) 0 2 2   0         where the angles give the direction of the spin of the particle

−→n = sin (α) cos (β) , sin (α) sin (β) , cos (α) . (6.6) 

– 10 – Before calculating the acceleration, let us use this form of the spinor to calculate the corresponding spin vector. Using Equation (3.12) we have 0   sin (α) cos (β) f (r) − sin(α)cos(β) sµ =   ; s = 0, , rsin (α) sin (β) , rsin (θ) cos (α) .   µ √f(r)  sin(α)sin(βp)   r     −       cos(α)csc(θ)   − r    (6.7) With all this we can calculate the acceleration for the special case of the solution. To ease the reading of this paper, the acceleration components can be found in the AppendixA. It is worthwhile to note that the only components of the torsion tensor that contribute to the acceleration are those related to the functions d(r) and h(r). This is important, because if we set the κ constant to zero, any torsion component does not contribute to the acceleration. Therefore, in this case the torsion tensor is inert, since the axial vector is zero, as expected. On the other hand, The above expressions are complex and it is difficult to understand their behaviour intuitively. In this sense, it is interesting to study two relevant cases that simplify the equations: Low values of κ: • If we consider a realistic physical implementation of this solution, in order to avoid κ naked singularities, we expect low values of the parameter ξ = m2 . Indeed, ξ is the di- mensionless parameter which controls the contribution of the torsion tensor. Therefore, if we consider the acceleration, we can see that it is a good approximation to consider only up to first order in an expansion of the acceleration in terms of ξ. These results can be found in the AppendixB. Asymptotic behaviour: • It is interesting to study what happens at the asymptotic limit r , in order to observe what is the leading term and compare its strengh with other→ ∞ effects on the particle. We obtain the following: 2 t m ξ~ lim a sin(α) sin(β)θ0(s) + sin(θ) cos(α)ϕ0(s) , (6.8) r →∞ ' 2mespr 2  r m ξ~ lim a sin(α) sin(β)θ0(s) + sin(θ) cos(α)ϕ0(s) , (6.9) r →∞ ' 2mespr θ m~ 2  lim a mξr0(s) sin(α) sin(β) + m ξ cos(α) r 3 →∞ ' 2mespr − 2 + mξt0(s) sin(α) sin(β) + m ξ cos(α) 

2 sin(α) cos(β) sin(θ)ϕ0(s) , (6.10) −  ϕ m~ csc(θ) 2 lim a mξr0(s) m ξ sin( α) sin(β) cos(α) r 3 →∞ ' 2mespr − 2 + mξt0(s) cos( α) m ξ sin(α) sin(β) + 2 sin(α) cos(β)θ0(s) . (6.11) − Where we have used the viability condition (6.18), because as we will see, that is a neccesary condition for the semiclassical aproximation.

– 11 – 1 We can observe that the time and radial components follow a r− pattern, while the 3 angular components follow a r− behaviour. Hence, in the first components the torsion effect goes asymptotically to zero at a lower rate than the strength provided by the conventional gravitational field. Meanwhile in the angular ones, it goes at a higher rate.

It is interesting to analyse the two components of the acceleration that are non-zero in GR, aθ and aϕ, to reach a deeper understanding. They read

θ m~ sin(θ) ϕ r a κ=0 = s r0(s) + 2s ϕ0(s) , (6.12) | 3 2m 2mespr 1 − r  q and ϕ m~ csc(θ) θ r a κ=0 = s r0(s) + 2s θ0(s) , (6.13) | 2m r3 1 2m esp − r   q where we have used the expression of the spin vector (6.7) to simplify the equations. As we can see, the form of the two equations is very similar, and can be made equal by establishing the identifications sin(θ) csc(θ), and ϕ θ. For two of them we observe that the spin-gravity coupling acts as a cross-product↔ force,↔ in the sense that the acceleration is perpendicular to the direction of the velocity and the spin vector. Now, to measure the torsion contribution in the acceleration we shall compare the acceleration for κ = 0 and for arbitrary values of κ. In this sense, we define a new dimensionless parameter as the fraction between the acceleration for a finite value of κ and the one given by κ = 0:

aµ Bµ(κ) = . (6.14) aµ |κ=0 As we have stated before, the viability condition (6.18) implies that

cos(α)θ0(s) sin(α) sin(β) sin(θ)ϕ0(s) = 0, (6.15) − so at and = ar vanish identically. This means that we cannot study these two compo- |κ=0 |κ=0 nents of the Bµ parameter. Nevertheless, we can still measure it in the angular coordinates. Let us explore two examples, that are shown in Figure1. There we represent different compo- nents of Bµ in function of κ for a fixed position and two different spin and velocity directions.

As can be seen, this gives rise to some interesting features, that we would like to address. First of all, it is worthwhile to stress that there is nothing in the form of the metric or in the underlying theory that stops us from taking negative values of κ, in contrast with the usual electromagnetic version of the solution. We can observe that as we take higher absolute values for κ we find that the acceleration caused by the spacetime torsion is directed in the opposite direction of the one produced by the gravitational coupling, reaching significant differences for large κ. This is expected since we have chosen a strong coupling between spin and torsion.

Now, we go one step forward and calculate the trajectory of the particle, using Equa- tion (3.14) and having in mind the spinor evolution equation (3.13), which can be rewritten as vµ ˜ b = 0. (6.16) ∇µ 0

– 12 – Figure 1: We have considered a black hole of 24 solar and a particle located near the external event horizon in the θ = π/2 plane, at a radial distance of 2m + ε, where ε = m/10. The position in ϕ is irrelevant because the acceleration does not depend on this coordinate. For the Bθ case, we assume that the particle has radial velocity equal to 0.8, and that the direction of the spin is in the ϕ direction. The rest of the velocity components are zero except t 1/2 for v = (8.8κ + 0.3)− . It is clear from (6.12) and (6.13) that we can only calculate the relative acceleration in the θ direction. For the Bϕ case the velocity is in the θ direction, and has the same modulus as before. Again, the rest of the components are zero except for t 1/2 v = 1.3(8.8κ + 0.3)− . The spin has only a radial component, therefore the acceleration would be in the ϕ direction.

For the exact Reissner-Nordström geometry supported by torsion, we find several interesting features. First, in order to maintain the semiclassical approximation and the positive energy associated with the spinor, two conditions must be fulfilled:

f˙ (r) Lf (r) , (6.17)  where L = 3.3 10 8 m 1, so that in the units we are using the derivative of f (r) is at least · − − two orders of magnitude below the value of f (r). The other one is rβ b0σ b0 vβ = 0. (6.18) The first one is a consequence of the method that we are applying: if both curvature and tor- sion are strong then the interaction is also strong, and the WKB approximation fails. This one is a purely metric condition, since it comes from the Levi-Civita part of the Riemann tensor, so it will be the same for all the spherically symmetric solutions. The second one is the radial component of the Pirani condition, that was explained in section 4. We have solved the above equations numerically for different scenarios, obtaining the results that are shown in Figure2.

We have chosen the same trajectories analysed in the discussion of the acceleration. That discussion shows that any difference from the geodesical behaviour in the radial coordinate would be an exclusive consequence of the torsion-spin coupling, with no presence of GR

– 13 – (a) Trajectory at 35 km of the event horizon. (b) Relative position between the two particles.

Figure 2: For this numerical computation we have used a black hole with 24 solar masses and κ = 10, with the electron located outside the external event horizon in the θ = π/2 plane. We have assumed an electron with radial velocity of 0.9 and initial spin aligned in the ϕ direction. All the rest of the initial conditions are the same than the ones presented in Figure1. terms, since the acceleration term in this coordinate depends on κ. Indeed it is possible to have situations under which the geodesics and the trajectories of spin 1/2 particles are distanced due to this effect, even by starting at the same point. If we are able to measure such a difference experimentally, we could have an idea of the specific values of the torsion field present in this particular geometry.

7 Conclusions

Motivated by the lack of consensus on how Dirac particles propagate in torsion theories, we review the two main formulations for this purpose and compare them. We reach the con- clusion that the WKB method is more consistent for the mentioned task, since it does not need any additional condition, like the Pirani one, in order to solve the resulting equations. In addition, it seems a better approach to treat the intrinsic spin dynamic from the Dirac equation than from a classical equation like the MP one.

After that, we have written the Raychaudhuri equation for the spin particles and defined a new parameter to measure the non-geodesical behaviour. In contrast with just the acceler- ation given by Equation (3.14), this parameter constitutes a well-defined physical criterion in order to distinguish observationally the existence of a non-zero torsion, since it quantifies the difference of the acceleration with respect to the geodesical one measured by nearby observers.

Finally, we have applied the WKB method to a specific geometrical solution of PG grav- ity and analysed the results. Within the asymptotic behaviour at large distances, where the WKB approximation holds, the torsion effects are typically much smaller than the contribu- tion given by the Levi-Civita connection. Therefore, it is interesting to find scenarios where this component is not present. In this particular case, we have found a cross-product behaviour of the gravitational interaction, i.e. an acceleration induced that is perpendicular to the spin

– 14 – direction of the particle and to its velocity when torsion is absent. Therefore differences from geodesical behaviours in other directions can only be consequence of the torsion contribution. With this fact in mind, we have found a situation where we can appreciate qualitative differences between the geodesical movement and the trajectories of spin 1/2 particles, as shown in Figure2. However, this different dynamics needs an important magnitude of the torsion coupling in order to be observed. To have a realistic situation that can be explained through the studied metric, we would need a neutron-star like system, where we have a large concentration of spin aligned particles due to a magnetic field inside the star. In such a case, we could try to observe the difference of angles between photons and neutrinos coming from the same source behind the neutron star. This and other studies will be analysed in future works following the computations developed in this article.

A Acceleration components

Here we present the components of the acceleration calculated following the prescription discussed in section6.

κ~ κ 2mr + r2 at = sin(α) cos(β)r (s) 3/2 − 2 0 − 2 κ 2mr+r2 (r r 2mespr − r2

θ0(s) [sin(α) sin(β)(r  m) + κr cos(α)] − −

+ sin(θ)ϕ0(s) [cos(α)(m r) + κr sin(α) sin(β)] (A.1) − )

2 r ~ κ 2mr + r 2 2 3 2 a = r − θ0(s) cos(α) 2m r mr 3mκr + κ −2m r4 (κ 2mr + r2) r2 − − esp − ( r 2 4 2 3  2 2 3 κ r + κr + κr sin(α) sin(β)(m r) + sin(θ)ϕ0(s) sin(α) sin(β) 2m r + mr − − − + 3mκr κ2 + κ2r4 κr2 + κr3 cos(α)(m r) −  −  −  2 2  + κ sin(α) cos(β) κ 2mr + r t0(s) , (A.2) − ) 

~ sin(θ) aθ = 2 csc(θ)r (s) cos(α) 2m2r2 mr3 3mκr + κ2 κ2r4 + κr2 3/2 0 − 2 − − − − 4m r7 κ 2mr+r ( esp − r2     2 3 2 κ 2mr + r + κr sin(α) sin(β)(m r) 2r κ + 2mr r sin(α) cos(β)(2mr κ) − 2 ϕ0(s) − − − − " − r r  

κ csc(θ)t0(s) (sin(α) sin(β)(r m) + κr cos(α)) , (A.3) − − #)

– 15 – ~ csc(θ) aϕ = 2r (s) sin(α) sin(β) 2m2r2 mr3 3mκr + κ2 κ2r4 + κr2 3/2 0 − 2 − − − 4m r7 κ 2mr+r ( esp − r2     2 3 2 κ 2mr + r κr cos(α)(m r) + 2r κ 2mr + r sin(α) cos(β)(κ 2mr) − 2 θ0(s) − − − " − r r  

+ κt0(s) (cos(α)(m r) + κr sin(α) sin(β)) (A.4) − #)

B Acceleration at low κ

Here we display the acceleration components at first order of the dimensionless parameter ξ = κ/m2, as indicated in section6.

2 t ξm ~ 2m a = sin(α) cos(β) 1 r0(s) −2 m r(r 2m) 1 2m " r − r esp − − r  q  2 +(m r) sin(α) sin(β)θ0(s) + cos(α) sin(θ)ϕ0(s) + O ξ , (B.1) − #  

m~ 1 2m r − r a = 2 cos(α)θ0(s) sin(α) sin(β) sin(θ)ϕ0(s) 2qmespr − 2  ξm ~ 2 θ0(s) 2r sin(α) sin(β)(m r) + cos(α)(2r 5m) − 4 2m − − 4 mespr 1 " − r  q 2 + sin( θ)ϕ0(s) 2r cos(α)(m r) + sin(α) sin(β)(5m 2r) − − 2m 2  + 2r sin(α) cos(β) 1 (r 2m)t0(s) + O ξ , (B.2) r − r − # 

θ m~ cos(α)r0(s) a = 4 + 2r sin(α) cos(β) sin(θ)ϕ0(s) −2mespr  1 2m  − r 2q  m ~ξ 2 + r0(s) 2r sin(α) sin(β)(m r) + cos(α)(2r 3m) 5 2m − − 4mespr (r 2m) 1 " − − r  q 2m + r sin(α)(r 2m) 2 cos(β) sin(θ) 1 ϕ0(s) 2 sin(β)(m r)t0(s) − r − r − − !# + O ξ2 , (B.3) 

– 16 – ϕ m~ sin(α) csc(θ) sin(β)r0(s) a = 4 + 2r cos(β)θ0(s) 2mespr  1 2m  − r 2  q  m ~ξ csc(θ) 2 + r0(s) 2r cos(α)(m r) + sin(α) sin(β)(3m 2r) 5 2m − − 4mespr 1 (r 2m)" − r −  q 2m + r(r 2m) 2 sin(α) cos(β) 1 θ0(s) 2 cos(α)(m r)t0(s) − − r − r − − !# + O ξ2 . (B.4)  Acknowledgments

This work was partly supported by the projects FIS2014-52837-P (Spanish MINECO), FIS2016- 78859-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), Consolider-Ingenio MULTIDARK CSD2009-00064. FJMT ac- knowledges financial support from the National Research Foundation grants 99077 2016-2018 (Ref. No. CSUR150628121624), 110966 (Ref. No. BS170509230233), and the NRF IPRR (Ref. No. IFR170131220846).


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Chapter 3

Singularities and stability conditions

3.1 Stability and singular geometries

Besides the study of fundamental symmetries and exact vacuum solutions provided by a particular theory of gravitation, it is crucial to analyse other consistency prop- erties of the new framework, like the occurrence of space-time singularities and physical instabilities. In this sense, it is expected to achieve an extension of the standard results and theorems referred to these issues in GR, when the presence of a space-time torsion is assumed. Primarily, from a mathematical point of view, it is a well-known fact that under certain regular conditions every pseudo-Riemannian manifold inevitably develops space-time singularities, in a way that its respective geodesics cannot be extended to arbitrary values of the affine parameter [7, 69]. This geodesic incompleteness can be trivially and independently classified as timelike, null or spacelike 1, in function of the nature of the distinct geodesic curves defined within the differentiable manifold. Then, the standard singularity theorems focus on three kinds of critical conditions, in order to characterize the generic situations under which the system irremediably develops singular points:

• Global consistency on the causal structure.

• Energy constraint.

• Gravity strong enough to trap a region.

1On account of the physical irrelevance of spacelike geodesics, only timelike and null geodesic completeness are really interesting from a physical point of view.

73 74 Chapter 3. Singularities and stability conditions

First, the requirement of a coherent causal structure demands the absence of closed timelike curves, in order to ensure a well-defined chronological order where every event is appropriately preceded by a cause. In addition, it ensures the existence of a family of hypersurfaces orthogonal to a set of congruences, for the case of timelike geodesics as well as for null geodesics, which means the vanishing of the vorticity tensor associated with these types of congruences [70]. The second kind of condition underlays from a restriction on curvature that produces a significant convergence of neighbouring geodesics. It may be expressed in terms of the following inequality involving the Ricci tensor and an arbitrary non- spacelike vector vµ:

µ ν Rµνv v ≥ 0 , (3.1) which in turn, for timelike geodesics, can be trivially related to the energy-momentum tensor via the Einstein field equations of GR:

µ ν µ ν Tµνv v ≥ T µv vν , (3.2) or, weakly, for null geodesics:

µ ν Tµνv v ≥ 0 . (3.3)

Indeed, for ordinary matter satisfying the relations above, it is straightforward to appreciate the attractive nature of gravity in terms of the Raychaudhuri equation [71]. Namely, for a congruence of timelike geodesics parametrized by proper time τ, the propagation equation reads:

dθ θ2 = − − σ σµν + ω ωµν − R vµvν , (3.4) dτ 3 µν µν µν and for a congruence of null geodesics with affine parameter p:

dθ θ2 = − − σ σµν + ω ωµν − R vµvν , (3.5) dp 2 µν µν µν where θ, σµν and ωµν denote the expansion scalar, shear and vorticity, respectively. Therefore, since the shear and vorticity tensors are purely spatial, the evolution of a set of congruences with vanishing vorticity is characterized by an irremediable decrease of the expansion scalar and a natural convergence of geodesics. Finally, by the third kind of condition, there must exist a closed spacelike surface such that the respective ingoing and outgoing null geodesics orthogonal to it converge and thus they get trapped inside a succession of surfaces of smaller area. This surface 3.1. Stability and singular geometries 75 is then called closed trapped surface and is a reflection of the mentioned attractive behaviour of gravity, provided by the energy conditions above, when the density of matter reaches a critical value. Thereby, different combinations and possibilities involving these principal condi- tions give rise to a breakdown of the geodesic completeness present in the space-time manifold. For example, the original version of the Penrose theorem includes the fol- lowing relation among the cited general conditions [72]:

Theorem 1. Every space-time characterized by a pseudo-Riemannian manifold M endowed with a metric tensor g cannot be null geodesically complete if:

µ ν µ i) Rµνv v ≥ 0 for all null vectors v . ii) There is a non-compact Cauchy surface H in M (i.e. H is intersected by every inextensible and non-spacelike curve exactly once).

iii) There is a closed trapped surface J in M.

Likewise, the posterior Hawking theorem considers the following composition [73]:

Theorem 2. Space-time is not timelike geodesically complete if:

µ ν µ i) Rµνv v ≥ 0 for every non-spacelike vector v . ii) There exists a compact spacelike three-surface S without edge.

iii) The unit normals to S are everywhere converging (or everywhere diverging) on S.

It is important to note that these general conditions lead to a geodesic incom- pleteness even without the requirement of solving the gravitational field equations and, furthermore, without the presence of a particular space-time symmetry. It means that any kind of deviation from a special symmetry existing in a system can- not prevent the appearance of singularities. On the other hand, their geometrical implications can be trivially applied in two essential situations: the final configura- tion after the gravitational collapse of stars and other massive bodies, as well as the initial state of the present universe. Additional types of singular events uncovered by the concept of geodesic in- completeness, such as particular divergences of scalar invariants defined from the curvature tensor, may appear within a space-time manifold. The existence of this wide variety of space-time singularities evinces, however, that GR is not a complete 76 Chapter 3. Singularities and stability conditions gravitational theory, since it loses its consistency and predictability in such points. In this regard, it is expected that these issues may be regularized in the realm of a quantum field theory of gravity. In the same way, the inclusion of higher order corrections into the gravitational action may potentially introduce fundamental instabilities, namely ghosts and/or tachyons that violate unitary and causality, respectively. From a mathematical point of view, the presence of ghost fields in the particle spectrum of the theory is related to Lagrangian densities with negative kinetic terms, which leads to a classical Hamiltonian unbounded from below and to a set of states with negative norm in the quantum regime, whereas the existence of negative mass terms indicates a tachyonic behaviour characterized by an inadmissible propagation faster than light. In order to prevent these problems, at an initial approach, the Lagrangian co- efficients must satisfy the appropriate restrictions in the linear field approximation. For this purpose, a linearization procedure is applied over the gravitational action around a particular background space-time and the resulting dynamic terms are analysed. This procedure has been carried out by different authors in the framework of quadratic PG theory around the Minkowski vacuum by the spin-projection operator formalism, which allows the corresponding geometrical degrees of freedom to be split into different spin modes in a systematic way and enables the evaluation of the signs of the poles of the propagators and of their associated residues. The resulting states are then denoted as J P , where J and P refer to spin and parity, respectively. In general, by considering the possible massive character of torsion, the analysis also distinguishes between the completely massive case and the case with zero-mass modes. The latter involves additional gauge symmetries in the linearized regime that reduce the available physical degrees of freedom of the particle spectrum, which means that these cases must be examined separately [74]. The results for the viability of the theory with massive torsion are shown in table 3.1 [75–77], where the quadratic Lagrangian (1.27) has been rewritten by the Gauss- Bonnet theorem and by a reformulation of its coefficients to simplify the expressions of the propagators:

1 1 L = L − λR˜ + (2p + q − 6r) R˜ R˜µνλρ + (2p + q) R˜ R˜λρµν m 6 λρµν 6 λρµν 2 + (p − q) R˜ R˜λµρν + (s + t) R˜ R˜µν + (s − t) R˜ R˜νµ 3 λρµν µν µν 1 1 + (4a + b + 3λ) T T λµν + (2a − b + 3λ) T T µλν 12 λµν 6 λµν 1 + (2c − a − 3λ) T λ T µ ν . (3.6) 3 λν µ 3.1. Stability and singular geometries 77

The same analysis can be achieved by canceling the fourth order pole in all the spin sectors for the case with massless torsion [78]. In this sense, the Lagrangian acquires the following structure:

1 1 L = L − R + (q − 4r) R˜ R˜µνλρ + (2r + q) R˜ R˜λρµν m 6 λρµν 6 λρµν 2   + (r − q) R˜ R˜λµρν − 2rR˜ R˜µν − R˜νµ . (3.7) 3 λρµν µν

Alternative works focusing on the occurrence of the mentioned extra gauge sym- metries related to a torsion field with zero-mass modes and neglecting the require- ment of vanishing fourth order poles reach completely different stability conditions [79–82], which means that there still exists an important disagreement around these models. Furthermore, as previously stressed, they are not developed as perturbative analyses around any specific curved background which may be induced by the pres- ence of a dynamical torsion, but on a rigid flat space-time where the possible effects of the torsion field are completely neglected. In this sense, the stability conditions of the PG theory is still an open issue. 78 Chapter 3. Singularities and stability conditions

Parameter relations Particle content p = 0 a + b = 0 s + t = 0 2+, 0+, 0− p = 0 a + b = 0 s − 2r = 0 1−, 0+, 0− p = 0 a + b = 0 r − 2s = 0 2+, 1−, 0− p = 0 a + c = 0 s − 2r = 0 1+, 0+, 0− p = 0 a + c = 0 r − 2s = 0 2+, 1+, 0− p = 0 a + λ = 0 s + t = 0 1+, 0+, 0− p = 0 a + λ = 0 r − 2s = 0 1+, 1−, 0− q = 0 a + b = 0 2p − 2r + s = 0 2−, 1−, 0+ q = 0 a + c = 0 2p − 2r + s = 0 2−, 1+, 0+ 2r + t = 0 a + c = 0 2p − 2r + s = 0 2−, 0+, 0− p = 0 a + c = 0 a + λ = 0 1+, 0− p = 0 s + t = 0 2r + t = 0 0+, 0−

Table 3.1: Conditions for a ghost and tachyon-free linearized PG theory. The additional constraints for the available spin modes are given by: 2+ : 2p − 2r + s > 0, aλ (a + λ) < 0; 2− : p < 0, a > 0; 1+ : 2r + t > 0, ab (a + b) < 0; 1− : p + s + t < 0, ac (a + c) > 0; 0+ : p − r + 2s > 0, cλ (c − λ) > 0; 0− : q < 0, b > 0. JCAP04(2017)021 hysics P le ic t ar doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2017/04/021 strop A osmology and and osmology C 1609.07814

GR black holes, modified gravity In this work we have studied the singular behaviour of gravitational theories with rnal of rnal

ou An IOP and SISSA journal An IOP and 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl Departamento de Universidad F´ısicaTe´oricaI, Complutense deE-28040 Madrid, Madrid, Spain E-mail: , cembra@fis.ucm.es , [email protected] [email protected] c Received January 20, 2017 Revised March 7, 2017 Accepted March 28, 2017 Published April 11, 2017 Abstract. non symmetric connections. Forof this purpose singularities we based introduce ondefined a the new inside existence criteria a for of spacetime theing black/white of appearance hole the arbitrary regions complexity dimension. ofwith of arbitrary We Teleparallel the codimension discuss Gravity, this particular thentorsion prescription torsion models. we by theory analyse increas- under Einstein-Cartan theory, study. and In finallyKeywords: this dynamical sense, we start ArXiv ePrint: J.A.R. Cembranos, J. Giganteand Valcarcel F.J. Maldonado Torralba Singularities and n-dimensional black holes in torsion theories J JCAP04(2017)021 = 0 t = 0 of the Schwarzschild metric r = 0 in the Schwarzschild metric and r is the Planck length, so we need to have into p l – 1 – . This kind of behaviour appears mainly because r q K = , where in the Schwarzschild metric. For this reason, another cri- 2 p V 1 l M = 2 r Already in the first solutions of Einstein equations there are “places” where the com- In General Relativity (GR), one might expect to observe singularities when the com- = 0 of the Coulombian potential account the quantum effects,situations which where are this not behaviourcase of considered is the in given “singularity” in as this a theory. result However, of there the are chosen coordinates. This is the teria, proposed by Penrosephysical [1], interpretation is of used this toor condition define disappear is a out the singularity: of existenceassure nothing. geodesic of that free incompleteness. This there falling is The is observers “strange” a that enough singularity. appear to consider itponents a of sufficient the condition curvature to tensorsin diverge, the (FLWR) metric, like Friedmann-Lemaˆıtre-Robertson-Walker in butwas it a was consequence thought of that thein this excessive classical symmetry of mechanics the ororem solutions, . as was it made The occurs by in firstequation, Raychaudhuri many which attempt [2] situations is of essential in in provingPenrose 1955, the a formulated in later the singularity development an first of the- article singularity singularitya theorem theorems. where recent that review Ten he does years see introduced later, not [3]).a his assume singularity. It any famous This symmetry is theorem [1] alsois showed (for the that also first the present to singularity under use in non geodesic symmetrical incompleteness gravitational in collapses. the definition of the theory is notprevious valid example in the the singularity consideredparticle arises region as due or a to we point have the and assumed fact neglecting a the that simplification. quantum weponents effects. are In of considering the the thethat tensors charged the that curvature describe is higher the than curvature of the spacetime diverge. This means 1 Introduction In a physical theory, a singularityused is commonly in known the as description a “place”r of where the some system of the diverge. variables For example, we find this in the singularity in Contents 11 Introduction 2 Singularity theorems in General33 Relativity Black hole regions6 4 General aspects of theories5 with torsion8 Singularities in Teleparallel8 Gravity 6 Singularities in Einstein-Cartan theory 7 Singularities in dynamical torsion8 theories Conclusions 10 14 16 JCAP04(2017)021 . 3 D (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) com- 3 D energy conditions = 0, and symmetric, 2, are encoded in the / µν g ρ + 1) ˚ ∇ . D ) ( 2 µν g D σ ∂ − , . µσ ρ νµ g µν Γ ν g = 0 of the FLRW metric, but this time is a ρ ∂ − t ∇ + ρ µν = Γ νσ – 2 – g ≡ µ ρµν ∂ ( ρ µν M T ρσ g 2 1 = 2 components in a D-dimensional Lorentzian manifold, as it / ρ µν Γ ˚ . The rest of degrees of freedom, 2 reside in the antisymmetric part + 1) / D 1) ( − D torsion D (Pattern singularity “theorem”). If the spacetime satisfies: ( 2 tensor D . ρ νµ Γ ˚ A metric has The same happens with the singularity in Let us stop for a moment and analyse the configuration of the theorems. When the In general, all singularity theorems follow the same pattern, made explicit by Senovilla = 1) A condition on the curvature. 2) A causality condition. 3) An appropriate initial and/or boundary condition. ρ µν This is the unique connection that is covariantly conserved [9], Γ ponents which are, in principle, completely independent degrees of freedom. Out of the is a symmetric 2-covariant tensor. On the other hand, a general connection has singularity theorems are derived, nothat assumptions is, are made the on one the thatThis underlying links means physical the that theory, matter they and areEinstein-Hilbert energy valid, not content action. with only It for the GR, structure isusing but of worth the for the mentioning all spacetime. field that the equations modifications the that of first change condition the the can theory, be obtaining reformulated what is known as the components, which is known as Then there are null or timelike inextensible incomplete geodesics. consequence of a theorem statedphysically by realistic Hawking conditions, a all year past laterevery directed [4], timelike which particle geodesics predicts of have that, finite under theconditions length, three Universe therefore are (hence that the thethan Universe action cero, itself) of which had theglobally it a Ricci hyperbolic is beginning. tensor and interpreted over The therewe as a have mentioned is timelike said the that an vector attractive the is hypersurface conditionsexpansion nature are greater with of of physically or the positive realistic, gravity, since Universe equal initial that it [5], was expansion. the the measured convergence the Universe Although condition accelerated is in fails. [6]: Theorem 1.1. These conditions are dependentto of another, the e.g., considered in theory, GRf(R) therefore they theories there are they are formulated will some in extra differLorentzian terms terms manifold, from of related we one to the have to the energy-stress endow curvatureto tensor [7]. it only, be with Since while an the we in affine are Levi-Civita structure, working which one, in is a as implicitly it assumed is postulated in GR, given by the Christoffel symbols [8], non-metricity One might wonder if itto is be possible different to modify fromit the zero, is, gravitational i.e. although theory postulating we by setting have a these to connection tensors take that into it account is some considerations: not Levi-Civita. Certainly ˚ JCAP04(2017)021 Σ (1.4) (2.1) = 0). ρµν M (does not vanish at q is the tangent vector to the and µ (of the spacelike hypersurface .  p λ p ∂ ∂t T µ . With this established we can see T , parametrised by its proper time = γ ν γ µ , X (orthogonal to a spacelike submanifold ν T ρ v p µ = 0 (1.5) µνλ ∇ R µν µ − g v ρ to the the point that vanishes at ), where = ∇ t a different acceleration, given by γ ) = γ ρ – 3 – ( ν ρ v γ s a Jacobi field on γ X ν points. ∇ ν T ( µ ∇ , which is equivalent to the metricity condition ( µ ρ T v conjugate is the orthogonal deviation vector (that represents the displacement be a geodesic emanating from is the four-velocity of the curve µ ). If acceleration is to keep a meaning [10], it is necessary that the  γ s µ and/or ( ∂ ds is conjugate (focal) along ∂s dx µ q ). Let x q = = of this equation is called a focal ν µ µ v ) = X s X ( γ This is why wealthough will there only has considertensor connections been different that from work fulfill zero, done this like condition in in [9] from modified (for now theories a on, review that ofnomenology, set these since theories the the see non-metricity under [11]). action this may change, therefore bea leaving invariant spacetime the with or field linear equations differ vector unchanged. only distortion This [9] by is or the a teleparallel case Gravity divergence of (TEGR) term [10]. for every vector field where as same metric isparallel-transport considered the all metric, along that the is curve. In other words, the connection must Let us consider a family of geodesics The problem of whether this kind of points will appear or not can be addressed in 2. A different connection does not necessarily leads to a theory with a different phe- 1. Every connection assigns to a curve ). Then a point ) if there exists a non-zero Jacobi field on The latter casetheories, deserves while some at the attention, sameuse as time, in it it more is is complicated a ones. one good But example of to first, the first let apply simplest2 us the review cases methods the that of singularity we Singularity this theorems will theorems in kind GR. in of It General seems logical Relativity that sincethis we are section generalizing the the most singularityand theorems general of Galloway ones. GR, we [12], This introducebased is in that on the predict the case existence the ofthe of two occurrence demonstration trapped recent is, of theorems submanifolds like due ofappearance singularities, in arbitrary to almost of i.e. co-dimension. Senovilla every singularity incomplete The theorem, geodesics, main finding key the of conditions for the family and towards an infinitesimallyequation near geodesic). These vectors follow the orthogonal deviation Σ A solution what we understand by conjugate and focalDefinition points: 2.1. Σ and vanishes at two different ways.the In Raychaudhuri equation, the which physics gives orientated us literature the evolution [8, of13 ] the it expansion is in studied a congruence by means of JCAP04(2017)021 , θ H −→ and (2.4) (2.2) (2.3) −→ W ), where (that clearly n −→ ( P AB , and trace part , , K B )) as  w ) is the contraction of (using the Levi-Civita µ AB , q , into its antisymmetric A shear n 0 for all posible normal v −→ γ γ µ v ( ν v ) < ν . = ˚ ∇ n µ −→ ) ν AB ˚ ∇ (Ω (Σ µ ( n v n γ K −→ along  = H ( T = µ AB µ A θ − n ∈ , µν ˚ K ∇ e ) =0 −→ B ν from a submanifold u µν ≡ | + + ω µ W ) ϕ ρ M N v du + V,W n −→ tangent to Σ , and the same for ρ i [14]. If ∇ form. It is based on the idea that the set ( v ρ σ µν θ µ v −→ −→ . σ N is just the proyector to Σ. ρϕ , usually referred as n W : µρ ] A ρ ˚ R σ + )( µν n e µν −→ ), can be treated as a manifold. , b ν −→ N σ − µρ , having ν µν P = 0 at Σ. – 4 – V σ Hessian = γ µ V : [0 µρ u θh P, q − ω ∇ 1 3 γ =0 2 µ νρσ = 0, u µ µρ at Σ. θ

= N ,Ω( u ω 1 3 is the inverse of the first fundamental form of Σ in the R A µ ( q µ of the submanifold Σ, and is the part of n h − + µν E −→ N b , taking AB B µ A 0 . In = γ γ e − Z ν B µ e v with the one-form ds dθ µ A e ) = = = AB µν A , such as θ g v ) to a point , where K −→ , traceless symmetric ρ p ν B = V,W ˚ ∇ ( ρ E = γ v µ A I AB = 0), P E γ u vorticity ( expansion AB γ V −→ mean curvature vector is the projection of the metric into the spacial subspace orthogonal to the tangent ≡ shape tensor = : vector fields tangent to Σ. : vector fields that are the parallel transport of : geodesic vector field tangent to : future directed vector, perpendicular to the spacelike submanifold Σ. A A µν µ µν v µ : geodesic curve tangent to : affine parameter along −→ h e E n −→ γ vectors, Σ is said to be a future trapped submanifold. −→ u N connection), satisfying that spacetime, P Expansion of the submanifold Σ along the is the On the other hand, in the mathematical literature [14] this is solved in the context of There is an explicit expression for this form, but before we write it we have to familiarize , known as • • • • • • • • [12]. µν w ω also known as where where vector. Then, it can be seen that [13] −→ of curves (not necessarilyderivative of geodesics). the tangent To vector of obtain a this congruence of equation, curves, we decompose the covariant which is the socumstances called the expansion Raychaudhuri goes equation.gate/focal to point With minus [8]. that, infinity, which we is can the predict equivalent ofvariational under calculus, having what by a cir- using conju- the so-called of all piecewise smooth curve segments includes the case ourselves with the notation. Letwe Σ can be define a [12]: spacelike submanifold of arbitrary co-dimension, then Now we can express the Hessian of two vector fields JCAP04(2017)021 , , 0 is the , then c < ) Σ . Using T n , then the − Σ is future null m ( ) , given that the 0 for every non-  ≡ 0, where c 1 ) ≥ and a closed future M, g ≥ ν ( n timelike convergence = −→ S in a Lorentzian man- v ν ( µ u v θ v µ m strong energy condition v γ µν . , then µν . If γ R = Σ T Σ q on N −→ null convergence condition a causal curve orthogonal to 0 (2.5) γ ≥ of arbitrary co-dimension such that the if and only if the Hessian is semi-positive at or before νσ γ Σ P γ ρ (Σ) is compact. N + µ – 5 – E N along is proportional to Σ µνρσ V −→ R be a future-pointing normal to µ only if n contain a non-compact Cauchy hypersurface be a spacelike submanifold of co-dimension ) ) = 0 of arbitrary co-dimension. If the curvature condition holds along Σ be a spacelike submanifold and Σ M, g Σ , and let ( V,V Let n . When applied to timelike vectors it is known as the ( does not have focal points along µ γ If the chronology, generic, timelike and null convergence conditions hold Let v Σ I Let . The equivalent of the timelike convergence is the , and for the null one the weak energy condition, µν T T 2 1 , while in the case of null ones it is called the ≥ , then there is a point focal to ν γ v Every inextensible causal geodesic contains a pairThere of are conjugate not points. closed timelike curves (chronologythere condition). is an achronal set Σ such that Now we can review the generalization of the H-P theorem: The reader might be wondering what is the connection between the Hessian and the To assure the appearance of focal points to a hypersurface of arbitrary co-dimension Σ, This condition can be interpretedBased as on a this focalisation manifestation theorem, Senovilla of and Galloway the prove a attractive generalisation of character the of The second theorem is based on the Hawking-Penrose lemma, which is valid for arbitrary µ v • • • µν spacetime is causal geodesically incomplete. It is an established result [8, 13 ] that the first statement holds if spacelike vector trace of the energy-momentum tensor. Theorem 2.5. and there is acurvature condition closed holds future along trapped every submanifold null geodesic emanating orthogonally from conjugate and focal points. The nextTheorem theorem 2.2. clears all doubts [15]. Senovilla and Galloway develop a curvature condition. Proposition 2.3. ifold of dimension and the curvature tensor satisfies the inequality along curve had arrived so far. gravity. Penrose and Hawking-Penrose theorem.geodesics: The first result predicts theTheorem incompleteness 2.4. of null geodesically incomplete. dimension, that states that this three conditions cannot all hold: condition every future directed null geodesic emanating orthogonally from the submanifold definite, having trapped submanifold the Einstein field equationstum we tensor can rewrite theseT conditions in terms of the energy momen- JCAP04(2017)021 , − J , the . J + and J + is isometric , that means J , and so that 0 if there is an , which can be is said to be a M M  , is defined to be ∩ naked is said to contain ˜ g 0 on B . This boundary is . ) U , ˜ J µν M, g if there is an asymptot-  2 = , which is a concept that M, g ( ˜ M = Ω ∂ µν , such that 0 ˜ g event horizon is globally hyperbolic. J ˜ V of black hole region . 0 U respectively. conformal compactification asymptotically flat , such that , that are regions of the spacetime that once . The ˜ ) M + , such that – 6 – ˜ J V on acquires a future and a past endpoint on be two spacetimes. Then . ( , is known as the . Also, if the Ricci tensor is zero in a neighbourhood is composed by two null hypersurfaces, ⊂ − Ω  J with smooth boundary . cosmic censorship conjecture M ˜ g J J ∂B ˜ M is said to be black holes on M ˜ ) ∩ M, past null infinity )  (future) strongly asymptotically predictable if and only if the following properties are met: asymptotically empty 6= 0 + and a neighbourhood M, g J M Ω ( ) and ( 0 and d be an asymptotically flat spacetime with conformal compactifica- − ) , g ) 0 J First of all, it has to be proven that the existence of closed trapped is called M ( M, g . conformal infinity M, g ( ( M M and its boundary, , with asymptotically simple is not contained in ˜ ) A strongly asymptotically predictable spacetime Let of Let A spacetime M + M U ⊂ J ( . Then ˜ and its gradient V −  ˜ J g future null infinity is an open submanifold of − ˜ M, M usually denoted Ω = 0 the spacetime is said to be This definition does not require the condition of theNow endpoints we of can establish the what null we geodesics, understand by a black hole: Sketch of the proof. In a conformal compactification, In order to establish the definition of black hole, we need to introduce two more con- M  1. 2. There exists a smooth scalar field J = meaning that this kindtotically of spacetimes predictable, can then be the singular. singularities are Nevertheless, not if naked, a i.e. spacetime is areDefinition asymp- not visible 3.4. from a black hole if B submanifolds leads to thelemma existence [12]. of an Once achronalexplained set the in with [13]. H-P the lemma properties is mentioned in proved, the this3 theorem can be Black easily hole deduced, regions We as know from it experience, is e.g. thegeodesics Schwarzschild leads metric, that to the the existence appearance of incomplete of null an observer enters them, itgeodesics. cannot leave. This is This usually appliesPenrose known to introduced as all in the timelike 1969. and It null curves, basically not states that just singularities cannot be conformal compactification of that they cannot bemathematically? seen by The an answer lies outsidedefined in observer. as the However, [18]: concept how of can we express thisDefinition concept 3.1. If additionally, every null geodesic in of spacetime is called known as cepts [8]: Definition 3.2. ically empty spacetime to an open set open region Definition 3.3. tion JCAP04(2017)021 , 0 + is in + (Σ). J + ˜ V c < + ∈ J ) J 1 n q . If the . ∩ J / ∈ − M M 0 (Λ) m i of ( in + is closed, where J ≡ B m be the maximum )  , the point of the 0 n C −→ i M ( , we would have that ) . This means that it there is a null geodesic θ ∩ n ˜ that does not intersect ˜ M V ) ˜ (Λ). With respect to the − M + + + , that are regions that particles m J J  ( E − − ∈ J J q /  + J ∩ − (Λ), there is an open neighbourhood + M (Λ) is closed in J . From basic topology we have that the = + / ˜ is in the black hole region ∈ [12]. Now, let ( V J B 0 µ Σ i ⊂ n – 7 – M (Λ) and therefore , i.e. ∩ . Therefore it follows trivially that ) + ) + I M + . This clearly leads to a contradiction, therefore the J ∈ 1 (Λ), so in the compactification ( C J ( q + − − J (Λ), and so, an open region of E J . Furthermore, using the theorem 51 of O’Neill [14], we see + q is connected, it follows that there must be a point be a strongly asymptotically predictable spacetime of dimension J ) . In addition, a closed subset of a compact is also compact, + ˜ V (Λ) = J ). Then, in the conformal compactification ) on the compact Σ. Then, using the proposition 3.5, we have that + M, g + ⊂ n ( Σ with −→ ( J ∂J ( θ ⊂ Let − is also a null geodesic orthogonal to Σ with no focal point of Σ, but now . On other hand, we know that the spatial infinity Λ J . Since ∅ cannot intersect γ + ∈ , 6= p Σ J Σ and Λ M + a closed future trapped submanifold of arbitrary co-dimension ⊂ is strongly asymptotically predictable, there is a globally hyperbolic region of Σ (Λ). In the proof of the generalised Penrose theorem we used that in a globally ∩ J g This proof is similar to the one of proposition 12.2.2 by Wald [8]. Let us suppose , then M + that does not intersect Σ This proposition will help us to study the singularities in theories of gravitation that Intuitively, we think that a particle in a closed trapped surface cannot scape to 0 Analogously, it can be defined a past strongly asymptotically predictable space time, and then the propo- (Λ). It is known that a connected set cannot contain a subset with no boundary (except (Σ) ∂J i 1 connecting is future complete [8]. Although, since Σ is future trapped one has + + , and , as otherwise we would have that cannot enter, only exit. of J for the emptynot set equal and to thein set itself)hyperbolic spacetime [19]. As we have already proved, include torsion. But first, let us introduce the main aspects of these theories. sition would predict the existence of white hole regions, that this null geodesicq must be orthogonal to Σ and not contain any focal point of Σ before intersection of two closed sets is closed, therefore Λ = Σ contains all of its limit points, therefore since γ assumption is false. γ clearly Λ metric for any future-pointing null normal one-form so from theLorentzian compactness geometry of that, Σset in we is a deduce closed globally that [8], hyperbolic Λ so, space, is in the compact. this causal case, future It we of is have a an that compact standard result of meaning that it istrue part in general. of In theof the black black next hole holes proposition region when we establish we of the have the a conditions spacetime. that closed ensure future Nevertheless,Proposition the trapped this existence 3.5. submanifold is of not arbitrary co-dimension: curvature condition holds alongfrom every future directed null geodesic emanating orthogonally value of all possible every null geodesic emanatingaffine orthogonally parameter from reaches Σ the will value have a focal point at or before the n Proof. that Σ intersects J compactification where thein future the (past) causal complete future spacelike of geodesics any end point (begin), in is not Since the compactification such that JCAP04(2017)021 (4.5) (5.1) (5.2) (4.4) (4.3) (4.1) (4.2) − − , , . µν σ  µσ µσ µν σ µα α α − ρ K σ ν µ ρ K K K σρ K T σ ρ , ˚ ∇ αρ αρ σρ K ˚ σ σ , ∇ − , α µν + ρ ρ µ ν a b K K + K ρ ˚ ∇ K h h µ ν µρ σ µ µ + + + T a µρ − − σ ∂ K ρ h ρ − ν µρ µρ a α α R K αρ , it is possible to define a connection known as µν ab h ρ σ ˚ ∇ µ η a K K µν = ρ K – 8 – ˚ ∇ h = − T = αν ασ σ ασ σ = Γ µρ σ − µν ˚ ρ K R 1 2 K µν µνρ K µν σ µρ g Γ ρ µρ − − = − R R Γ ˚ g = = µν = ρ ˚ µρ K R µνρ σ ˚ R ˚ R tensor. is the Lorentz-Minkowski metric, and using the usual definition, as seen in equa- ab η contortion Since the connection is not necessarily symmetric, the torsion can be different from Since the curvature tensors depend on the connection, there is a relation between the All the theories thatthe we only will change consider would be from the now underlying on physical will5 theory. follow these geometrical Singularities properties, in TeleparallelTEGR Gravity is a degeneratetranslation case group of only. thethe Poincar´egauge theories, Any usual since gauge internal it theory gaugetetrad is models including field a in these [22]. gauge many transformations theory Given ways, a will of the nontrivial the differ most tetrad from significant being the presence of a etebokconnection Weitzenb¨ock tion (1.1). that presents torsion,Levi-Civita but connection, no taking curvature. into account that With the this metric tetrad can field be expressed we as where can also construct the and the scalar curvature where the upper index˚denotesthe expression the for the Levi-Civita Ricci quantities. tensor By contraction we can obtain where zero. For an arbitrarybetween connection, it that and meets the the Levi-Civita metricity condition, connection there exists a relation is the ones defined throughout thetensor Levi-Civita we connection have and [21] the general ones. For the Riemann 4 General aspects ofIn this theories section, we with introduce torsion non the symmetric geometrical connection background that of still gravitational fulfills theoriesthese the that theories metricity allow condition. a is The thatmaking interesting their they fact about formalism appear closer naturallyit to as a that of good a the candidate gauge Standard to theory Model explore of of the Particles, the quantization and Poincar´eGroup of hence [20], gravity. making JCAP04(2017)021 (5.3) (5.6) (5.7) (5.4) (5.5) (5.8) is parallel µ v , ) σ σρ T µν g , + L , ν = 0 σ µ  , δ σν ν  . ν νµ T µ + µνρ T µρ T = 0 ht ρν g 4 σ of the gravitational field. Although this is ν S πG v µνρ + hc 8 4 µ S ρµ c πG σ  ∇ 4 νρµ Γ 4 µ µ – 9 – πG v ∂ 4 − K hc (  16 πG . hc 4 1 2 σν ˚ = L − µ = ≡ , endowed with a conformal compactification, is said to L ) = hS ν µ L µρν σ ht S ∂ M, g ( − : these are the curves in which its tangent vector . For spacetimes in which we can define a conformal boundary, = superpotential R µνρ S , and  A spacetime µ a energy-momentum pseudotensor h det is the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian of GR. Since they are equal except for a total = ˚ L h Autoparallel curves transported to itself, that is: The relation between these two connections is given by equation4.1). ( The Lagrangian In GR we have considered geodesic incompleteness as a criterium of the appearance Using the relation between the and Weitzenb¨ock the Levi-Civita connection in equa- Before continuing, it is useful to define two important classes of curves, which coincide The field equations can be obtained by taking variations of the Lagrangian. Expressing • density of this gravitational theory can be written as where where is the canonical the simplest framework forthat a we theory will with useand torsion, in can it be more is applied general helpful in cases. for all the introducing In theories theof that of methods singularities, sense, gravitation. the basedobservers. next on considerations the Therefore, are fact we general, theory wish that that to causal we modify geodesicsof are this are the considering. criteria affine the by parameter We trajectoriesphotons) terms of will is of of at say different free-falling these least from that trayectories one our in curve spacetime that the is follow any singular free-falling if observer the (including domain as the ones considered in3, section thisDefinition can 5.1. be stated in the following way: which is usually known as tion) (4.1 we can express this Lagrangian as be singular if at least one non-spacelike curve has an endpointin outside the the case conformal infinity. of the Levi-Civita connection [24]: where divergence, the same fieldcan equations be arise. seen for Therefore example it when one is studies athem the theory in junction pure equivalent conditions spacetime to [36]. form, GR, we as have it JCAP04(2017)021 and (5.9) p (5.10) (5.11) (5.12) . Then M ∈ p, q , , , is a geodesic with no point conjugate . = 0 = 0 γ σ σ = 0 = 0 v v ρ ρ σ locally maximizes the length between σ v v v v ρ γ ρ µ ρσ µ ρσ v v Γ ˚ µ ρσ ρσµ + Γ + Γ – 10 – ˚ µ µ + + Γ dt dt dv dv µ µ dt dt dv dv be a smooth timelike curve connecting two points . γ q : these are the ones that extremise the length with respect to the Let and p between p over smooth one parameter variations is that the necessary and sufficient conditionq that to which only takes into account the symmetricExtremal part curves of the connection. metric of the manifold.metric, and It not on iswe the worth recall torsion. a mentioning standard In that result order the from to length LorentzianTheorem see geometry, only 5.2. what that depends are can be the on used equations the as of a these definition: curves Then, the differential equations of these curves are the same of the Levi-Civita geodesics: The differential equation ofparameter: the autoparallels is, under a suitable choice of the affine It is particular interesting to discuss this issue for photons. It has been stated that This discussion is more general. In fact, the equivalence between TEGR and GR means • The trajectories ofcurves free-falling in observers general. inobservers, theories Nevertheless, scalar in different particles, TEGR from is they GR [22]: do. do not The equation follow of these motion for free falling which is equivalent to Therefore they followconnection. extremal curves, which areMaxwell equations the do autoparallels notthe electromagnetic couple of field to is the torsionUsing able in the to Levi-Civita the couple relation to between minimalthat torsion the approach. the without Levi-Civita teleparallel violating However, and version gauge in the ofMaxwell’s connection, invariance Maxwell’s Weitzenb¨ock TEGR [10]. one equations equations can in are verify completelygeodesic the equivalent equation with context of the GR, of usual and GR. so This the causal meansthat structure all that is the the they singularity samecausal move theorems as convergence developed according in and in GR. to the GRfor the apply the curvature Riemann to condition and this remainequations Ricci theory the (4.3), tensor also. (). 4.4 same, change Therefore, as although the discussed the in expression the previous section,6 specifically in Singularities in Einstein-CartanThe theory Einstein-Cartan (EC) theorytorsion of [23, gravitation24 ]. is The the main most reason to recognised introduce theory this that theory is includes the fact that it allows to consider JCAP04(2017)021 (6.5) (6.1) (6.2) (6.6) (6.7) (6.4) (6.3) + µσ α K . αρ σ  K µα σ + K σ µρ σρ α α µσ T K K ρ ν µν δ ασ − σ Σ ρ − , . κ , ˜ K σ, 0 αρ σ 1 2 µν = − µνρ νσ K ≥ ˜ σ T ≥ κ κτ ν µν µσ ρ ασ µ σ σ ν v δ v = = µ K K Rg µ v – 11 – + ρ 2 1 v µν + ρ ∇ µν µνρ ˚ µν G ˜ − µν σ S ˜ + σ σα T σ µν µρ K = σ R α ρ K ∇ µν σ  S (1) gauge invariance, the Maxwell equations are the same as µρ g − ∇ U 1 2 µρ + = Σ µρ . And for the weak energy condition we have ˜ σ µν ˜ σ µν . The geometrical structure is the one analysed in4. section ) part and the rest, and we change the torsion terms by means of equation (6.2), g is the combined energy-momentum tensor µν ρµν = µν ˚ G λ σ σ R Now, by using equation (6.4) we can write the energy conditions. The strong energy The field equations are obtained by varying the Lagrangian of this theory with respect In any case, even for trajectories decoupled from torsion, energy conditions are modified. Since it is impossible to perform the minimally coupling prescription for the Maxwell’s condition can be expressed as to the metric and the contortion: and where where ˜ It is interesting notingGR, that as one when would the expect, torsion since the is contortion zero, tensor involved one in recovers equation the (6.5) also energy vanishes. conditions of massive spinning fields inGR. a This theory natural arises way, whenterm while searching maintaining for a all gravitational the Lagrangian experimental linear in success the of curvature where ˜ in GR. Therefore,is they determined move by followingprocedure, the null it metric extremal follows structure, curves,torsion that just and as particles so like well, with sinceThis in the no means the GR. causal that spin, covariant structure Also, the derivative representedallow test of from by us particles a the scalar follow to scalar minimally the fields,convergence field generalise and geodesics couple do the is of trivially curvature not just the conditions thethe Levi-Civita remain feel its Levi-Civita the singularity connection, partial Riemann same, which theorems. derivative. it and just Ricci changes tensors, Just the as expression like given for Although by in the equations curvature TEGR, (4.3), condition (4.4). thefact is that causal the same the assubstitute field in equations everywhere GR, are spin theseCivita different. with conditions ( change torsion. Since due equation to Now the (6.2) we is split purely the algebraic Einstein we tensor can into the Levi- obtaining is the modified torsionthe tensor. free-falling observers, At in this order point, to we establish might somefield wonder singularity while what theorems. are maintaining the the trajectories of JCAP04(2017)021 (6.8) (6.9) (6.10) (6.11) represents f of the particle by µ , s ϕ function v ρ v , ρϕ  σ R v ρ − v ) µ µν ρσ S K , + + ρσ . λ µρ s ρ v ω ν v v ρσ µρ )( µν s σ S µν µνρσ µρ λρσ S  = µ σ – 12 – 1 2 ρ b + R − µν  = 2 µρ S f θ µ ω s 1 3  µ v − + ( ~ m ρ ˚ ∇  = ρ C v dθ dτ = = is the mass of the particle, and we have made explicit the Planck = is the internal spin tensor, related to the spin µ a θ m ρ ρσ s ∇ ρ v is the totally antisymmetric Levi-Civita tensor, which is normalised with the is a tensor that is usually defined through the following relation with the modified is defined throughout the total connection. Then, the equation can be expressed as is a constant, µν µνρσ  C S µν So far we have analysed the singular behaviour of photons and spinless particles, but In those two approaches, the argument is based on the modified Raychaudhuri equation All the analysis of these trajectories up to this point, which are reviewed in [27], have B where constant. The tensor where square root of thea metric, linear as it combination is ofpending usual different on in contractions the a of analysis Lorentziantensor the chosen. manifold. in tensors The brackets The is connection involved also in withLevi dependent respect the Civita of it and expression, the is linear analysis, de- calculated combinations but the of it is Riemmann torsion always related one quantities. constructed with the it is more interestingbeen to addressed in study the thethe literature, behaviour singular mainly of following behaviour spinning twothe of approaches. fields. modified particular The Raychaudhuri This cosmological first equationHajicek question one for models is [25] has non using to (for already symmetric the study acosmological connection energy models derived review that by conditions of are Stewart and singularity thisit and free. approach is Nevertheless, see necesary they [24]). come toGR, to have and These the regions conclusion to studies with that avoidtheorem try high for the to EC spin singularities. obtain theory density plausible basedcriteria On to on to observe the the be incompleteness a other sufficient of behaviour to hand, autoparallel establish different Esposito curves. the from He [26] singularfor considers proved character non-symmetric this a of metric connections. a singularity spacetime. Thea main change difference in comes, the asnow one antisymmetric would part expect, of from the decomposition mentioned in equation (2.2), since where follows: torsion tensor [26] The problem with this reasoninglels is curves that of the the spin totalof particles connection, do this so not there kind follow mightcuriosity in be of general of situations curves autoparal- where knowing but there which isknow no is incompleteness study the singular how we Raychadhuri spin can equationof expressing, trajectories. for gravity. making the an Nevertheless, study spin valid test one for particles. all could the have We Poincar´egauge theories a will the thing in common: after some algebra, they can all be expressed in the form JCAP04(2017)021 , n is a , then (6.13) (6.12) M Σ . If the curvature , ), while for white . 0 + M  ≥ σ J in ( v ρ ϕ − i v m v σ J ρ µ v v ρ ρσ v ρϕ K µ ˚ R ρσ + − λ K v µρ + ρσ ω λ s v µρ ω ρσ λρσ µ s + b R  λρσ is not contained in µρ µ µ σ b . Nevertheless, there are some issues with this R ˚ ∇ µ M µρ – 13 –  v σ  f h ~ − m µ 2  ). This is exactly the extended definition of singularity ˚ θ ∇ − 1 3 C  J − + ~ ( m = +  J C would not have endpoints in the conformal infinity, hence ds dθ be a strongly asymptotically predictable spacetime of dimension − ) = M ϕ v θ ρ ρ M, g v ( ˚ ∇ ρ ρϕ v ˚ R Let is not contained in a closed future trapped submanifold of arbitrary co-dimension M It is clear from the previous analysis that spinning particles do not follow extremal When writing the Raychaudhuri equation we choose to make it with respect to the Levi- From a physical point of view, one might wonder if one of the incomplete timelike curves Σ approach. First oforientation all, for this is allknow only the for valid test the for particles, singularity congruencesa theorems hence of in sufficient curves limiting GR condition that the thatthat for have the analysis. allow the the existence same us of appearance On spin considering to focal/conjugate of non-geodesical the reach points behaviour, singularities. other is a the not theorems hand,are contradiction We that no with we allow also longer us the need valid, topropose completeness make and global another that of we approach, contradiction conditions the based cannot onin predict curves. the an the result arbitrary Since singularities. of Lorentzian the we manifold. That appearance are is of why black/white hole incurves. regions this However, independently article of how we curves, torsion affects since these they particles, they are willpoint) massive follow nothing timelike and can we be assume fasterunder than that what circumstances light locally we (null (in have geodesics).the non-geodesical a Hence, definition timelike normal it singularities. of neighbourhood would an For bewe of that, n-dimensional interesting we a conclude black/white to recover that hole see given ifcurves in (including this section3. non-geodesics) kind From that offor this do structures the definition, not exist case have in endpoints of in our black the spacetime, holes, conformal the we infinity, would spacetime since have timelike that must hold for every timelike vector that we have given in section5.Theorem Considering 6.1. this, we establish the following theorem: Civita connection, since itand in is this analogous way we to avoidthat introducing the in new mind expression terms to we in the have terms decomposition that in of equation the (2.2). total With connection, Using this equation we could predictof the this appearance timelike of focal/conjugate curves, points just in by a congruence imposing a generalised curvature condition holes, and condition holds along every futuresome directed null timelike curves geodesic emanating in orthogonally from singular spacetime (definition 5.1). actually represents the trajectorythe of non-geodesical a behaviour, spin we particle. seeendpoints that in From the the equation only conformal (6.10), possible infinitynear which way is represents the that that all event there the horizon, arewhy trajectories huge we which have values consider in of it the a aparticles, curvature more since physically and physically it plausible torsion relevant is theorem scenario strongly for it related the is to singular the not behaviour actual of possible. trajectories. the spin This is JCAP04(2017)021 and (7.5) (7.1) (7.6) (7.2) (7.7) (7.3) (7.4) a P , = 0  ] ν µλ [ . + 2 ) Y  bd ν J . µ λρµν − i 2 ac ] ν ) R η H µλ [ νµ − 1 − R − λρµν ν Y ac ν µ µ R − J  , 1 1 2 1 c db ab T H µν d η 2 J + c R µ 1 − − ( − ] d ab + ν ˚ R ad µν ω ν µλ + µνλρ [ µ J − R 3 1 ν + R 1 µ cb T C d a 3 η 2Λ 1 ) P T c h 2 + – 14 – + λρµν µ ) g c a 2 , R bc is the spin connection [32]. The generators e − ] c + 2 + c ) J µ 2 √ ν λµρν 1 = + P µ c ad c x ab b δ R 1 µ η [ 4 c ( ω a + Λ d A , i 1 1 2 2 (2 iη + (2 c λρµν Z ] ν − − (2 R 2 µλ ] = ] = 0 ] = [ 2 1 4 c πG b = 2 , which are related to the translations and Lorentz rotations c bc cd µ ν + − C 16 µ ,P 2 A ,J ,J a ˚ c G a = P ab P [ − [ J S [ ] ν µλ [ 1 C 1 c 2 is the vierbein field and µ a e In this section, we will study a PG theory of gravity, hence it has the same geometrical The field equations can be derived from this action by performing variations with respect follow the usual commutation relations: ab With that procedure we obtain the field equations: background explained in section4, with the following vacuum Lagrangian32]: [ 7 Singularities in dynamical torsionSo theories far, the twoas torsion Poincar´eGauge Gravity theories (PG) thatthis [24, we premise].28 have is analysedand The because are reason torsion we part why tensors, can of thereform and construct a of are therefore a set a many a sum large of theories ofbe general number theories all under arranged gravitational of known available invariants to Lagrangian invariants of obtain from properstability has different dimension. of the the gravitational a The curvature complicated theories large coefficients class (for in the of some sum these criteria can PG on Lagrangians the see election [28–31]). and One interesting feature aboutGR. this Then, theory it is is thatthe if expected torsion we to tensor set alone. involve the slight torsion modifications to to be the zero,to standard we theory the recover in gauge termsgenerators potentials of of the Poincar´egroup in the following way: and where J JCAP04(2017)021 (7.9) (7.8) (7.10) ,  , therefore . , ˚ G ρλν νρ ρν σ R R R ρµ ρµ − λ λ K K νλρ − − σ R ρλ λρ  R R µρ µρ µρ σ ν ν K K K − − − ,  νλ λν T ρσν R R 0 (7.11) λαρσ 1 2 µ R µρ µρ ≥ ρ ρ R . ≥ ν K K , − µν ν v , λρασ T v µ , , + + σ µ v R λρν λρ ρλ νσρ = v ν σ ρσ σρ µν µ ρνλ µ R R , , R – 15 – δ µν T R R µν R R T 1 2 λρ λρ µρ ˚ G σρ σρ µρ σ R R λ λ λρασ ασλρ σ − σρ ν ν K λ µ µ K K R R K δ δ ν ν K − µ µ 1 2 1 2 − δ δ λσρν depend on the Riemann and torsion tensor and their + . λρασ λρασ µ − − R + + µ σρν  R R v µ ρνσ ν ν λν νλ νλ λν µ µ . R R ρλν λρσµ R R δ δ µ R R µ 4 4 1 1 σρ v R µ µ σρ λµ λµ λ R λ ˚ ˚ ∇ ∇ R R − + − K K − T,H,C,Y − − + + + + ρλ λρ λρνσ λνρσ νσλρ νλρ λρ ρλ µ µ R R R R R λρν R R ρ ρ ρνλ R µ  ˚ ˚ ∇ ∇ R R λµρ λµρ ν ν ρ ρ ρ ν ν λρµσ λρµσ λρµσ µ µ ˚ ˚ ˚ δ δ ∇ R ∇ R R R ∇ R ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ν ν ν ν ν µ µ µ µ µ λν λν λν λν λν 1 1 2 2 3 Strong energy condition: for every timelike vector Weak energy condition: for every null vector µ µ µ µ µ In equation (7.6) we have already isolated the Levi-Civita Einstein tensor These conditions depend on some intricate functions of the curvature tensor, and it It is interesting to note that in GR a vacuum solution always meets the energy con- 2 1 3 2 1 T T T H H • • C C C Y Y This leads us to the energy conditions for this theory: As we have explained, the onlyThis difference means between that this the theory curvature and conditionsthe EC remain appearance are the the of same, fields and black equations. so holes. does Nevertheless, the proposition the about energywe conditions can change. consider the right side of the equation as an effective energy-momentum tensor makes us thinkconditions that directly probably calculating it themetric. torsion-free is However, Riemann expressing better and themthe in in Ricci theory. this this tensor form of case makes the us (and considered realise also ofditions. in some curious EC) In facts this to about coefficients theory evaluate in a though, the way the that the2 situation spacetime (closed is contains a trapped different. closed surface) trapped For submanifold and example, of yet codimension we be can a arrange singularity the free spacetime. This is impossible for a contractions: where the functions JCAP04(2017)021 = 10 = 0) 0 (7.13) (7.12) K µν R . = 0 µσ α K αρ σ K − µρ α , K = 0 ασ σ µν K – 16 – ˚ G + µσ σ K ρ ˚ ∇ − µρ 2. Since this is a black hole solution, we can study the singular σ / 1 K σ d − ˚ ∇ = 2 c 4 and / 1 d = 1 and the rest to be zero. Then it is easy to see that the previous equation holds. − The interesting fact is that, although the metrics are the same as in GR, and hence very Although this was a rather special case, it is possible to recover some famous metrics Let us now explore a specific case. First, we set all the coefficients to zero except for 00 1 = . Observing the field equations, we see that the second one can be solved by setting the K 1 1 behaviour of spin particles within this framework. 8 Conclusions In this work weof have studied singularities how to tohave theories extend first the of tools reviewed gravitation used twopurposes, that in modern include the GR singularity to torsion. interesting deduceobtain theorems part the to In by predict about appearance order Senovilla the these to existenceresult and of to theorems study Galloway. focal prove is that, the points For proposition of of the we our 3.5, black/white a curvature that hole spacelike gives condition regions submanifold. us ofhave We that the arbitrary have analysed necessary dimension they used three conditions in that particular for aresults the spacetime. theories. to appearance GR, With In although that the the established,In expression we case EC for the theory of curvature we TEGR tensorsthe have change, we results seen as have proved one that obtained in might forhole expect. equivalent GR. minimally as For coupled an the indicator scalar rest of fields of the and particles, singular photons we character we of consider can their the use trajectories. existence of In this black/white case we also obtain − Therefore, with a suitableof connection GR we can in recover a all torsion the theory. metrics ofwell the vacuum known solutions spacetimes thattheory describe is satisfactorily different, many physical anddiffer from situations, so GR. the the Nevertheless, underlying as matterto we scalar have and seen, fields energy we and can contentmetric photons, still and and is apply the the the the GR black motion same, singularityblack/white hole theorems hole of formalism the regions for particles conditions would the will ofthe be rest the presence of the of particles. appearance same torsion as of Since does in the timelike not GR. and change So null the inwith singular singularities this a behaviour case, and more of we general the canof election spacetime. establish the of authors that the [32], where coefficients.c a This Reissner-Norstr¨omsolution is is found the setting the case coefficients of to a be recent solution by two At first sight, onetensor, might hence think obtaining that a the torsion-free only spacetime. solution However, to let this us equation for is example a take zero contortion which is the vacumm field equation in GR. This means that flat Ricci solutions ( d Ricci tensor to be zero. In that case, the first equation is just: recover the same metrics thatthe GR. However, equations this is that not relatethis true for statement the an would Ricci arbitrary be connection, tensor true since with for connections the that Levi-Civita follow one the must equation hold. Therefore, vacuum solution in GRRicci (if tensor is the identically generic zero. condition holds), since in this kind of solutions the JCAP04(2017)021 (1998) A 295 (1998) (1965) 57 30 ]. 14 116 Class. Quant. Grav. SPIRE , IN Astron. J. , Gen. Rel. Grav. , Phys. Rev. Lett. , Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Observational evidence from , (1955) 1123[ 98 ]. Phys. Rev. , – 17 – SPIRE IN ][ The 1965 Penrose singularity theorem ]. SPIRE collaboration, A.G. Riess et al., IN ][ ]. arXiv:1410.5226 Relativistic cosmology. 1. Singularity Theorems and Their Consequences SPIRE The Occurrence of singularities in cosmology. 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Regular Article - Theoretical Physics

Stability in quadratic torsion theories

Teodor Borislavov Vasileva, Jose A. R. Cembranosb, Jorge Gigante Valcarcelc, Prado Martín-Morunod Departamento de Física Teórica I, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Received: 13 July 2017 / Accepted: 24 October 2017 © The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract We revisit the definition and some of the char- at the quantum level given that they have another indepen- acteristics of quadratic theories of gravity with torsion. We dent label, that is, the spin. Whereas at macroscopic scales the start from a Lagrangian density quadratic in the curvature energy-momentum tensor is enough to describe the source of and torsion tensors. By assuming that General Relativity gravity, a description of the spacetime distribution of the spin should be recovered when the torsion vanishes and investi- density is needed at microscopic scales. Moreover, there are gating the behaviour of the vector and pseudo-vector torsion macroscopic configurations that may also need a description fields in the weak-gravity regime, we present a set of neces- of the spin distribution, as super-massive objects (e.g. black sary conditions for the stability of these theories. Moreover, holes or neutron stars with nuclear polarisation). In this spirit, we explicitly obtain the gravitational field equations using a new geometrical concept should be related to the spin dis- the Palatini variational principle with the metricity condition tribution in the same way that spacetime curvature is related implemented via a Lagrange multiplier. to the energy-momentum distribution. Torsion is a natural candidate for this purpose [4,5] and an important advantage of a theory of gravity with torsion is that it can be formulated 1 Introduction as a gauge theory [6–8]. Since 1924 many authors have considered theories of General relativity (GR) radically changed our understanding gravity in a Riemann–Cartan U4 spacetime. In this manifold of the universe. The predictions of this elegant theory have the non-vanishing torsion can be coupled to the intrinsic spin been confirmed up to the date [1,2]. In order to fit extragalac- density of matter and, in this way, the spin part of the Poincaré tic and cosmological observational data, however, the pres- group can change the geometry of the manifold as the energy- ence of a non-vanishing cosmological constant and six times momentum tensor does it. The first attempt to introduce tor- more dark matter than ordinary matter have to be assumed sion in a theory of gravity was the Einstein–Cartan theory, in this framework [3]. In addition, the observed value of this which is a reformulation of GR in a U4 spacetime. In this cosmological constant differs greatly from the value expected theory the scalar curvature of the Einstein–Hilbert action for the vacuum energy. On the other hand, while the strong is constructed from a U4 connection instead of using the and electroweak forces are renormalisable gauge theories, Christoffel symbols. However, the resulting theory was not that is not the case for GR, and the compatibility of GR with completely satisfactory because the field equations relate the the quantum realm is still a matter of debate. Given this situa- torsion and its source in an algebraic way and, therefore, tor- tion, there has been a renewed interest in alternative theories sion is not dynamical. Hence the torsion field vanishes in vac- of gravity, which modify the predictions of GR. uum and the Einstein–Cartan theory collapses to GR except A particular approach to formulating alternative theories for unobservable corrections to the energy-momentum ten- of gravity involves an extension of the geometrical treatment sor [4]. In order to obtain a theory with propagating torsion, that covers the microscopic properties of matter [4]. It should we need to consider an action that is at least quadratic in the be noted that the mass is not enough to characterize particles curvature tensors [4,6–11]. Moreover, an important advan- tage of adding quadratic terms 2 to the Einstein–Hilbert R a e-mail: [email protected] action is the possibility of making the theory renormalisable b e-mail: cembra@fis.ucm.es [9]. In addition, it can be shown [4,6] that, considering a c e-mail: [email protected] gauge description, the torsion and curvature tensors corre- d e-mail: [email protected] spond to the field-strength tensors of the gauge potentials of 123 755 Page 2 of 16 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755

a ab ˜ the Poincaré group (eμ ,wμ ), which are the vierbein and nection Γ provides three main characteristics: curvature, tor- the local Lorentz connection, respectively. Thus, a pure 2 sion, and non-metricity. Combinations of these quantities in R gauge theory of gravity has some resemblance to electroweak the affine connection generate the geometric structure [5]. In and strong theories. GR it is assumed that the spacetime geometry is described by From an experimental point of view there have been many a Riemannian manifold, thus the affine connection reduces attempts to detect torsion or to set an upper bound to its to the so-called Levi-Civita connection and the gravitational gravitational effects. One of the most debated attempts was effects are only produced by the consequent curvature in the use of the Gravity Probe B experiment to measure tor- terms of the metric tensor alone. Nevertheless, in a gen- sion effects [12]. Nevertheless, this experiment was criticized eral geometrical theory of gravity the gravitational effects because torsion will never couple to the gyroscopes installed are generated by the whole connection, which involves a in the satellite [13]. Therefore, this probe cannot measure post-Riemannian approach described by curvature, torsion the gravitational effects due to torsion. On the other hand, and non-metricity. In this scheme, there are many ways to other unsuccessful experiments aimed to constrain torsion deal with torsion and non-metricity due to different conven- with accurate measurements on the perihelion advance and tions. For that reason, it is important to set the conventions the orbital geodetic effect of a satellite [14]. The experimen- and definitions used throughout this work. Thus, the notation tal difficulty is the need of dealing with elementary particles assumed for the symmetric and the antisymmetric part of a with spin to obtain a maximal coupling with torsion. tensor A is In this paper we present a self-contained introduction to 1  quadratic theories of gravity with torsion in the geometri- A(μ ...μ ) ≡ Aπ(μ )···π(μ ), (1) 1 s s! 1 s cal approach (gauge treatment is not considered). We partly π∈P(s) recover well-known results about the stability of these theo- 1  A[μ ...μ ] ≡ sgn(π)Aπ(μ )···π(μ ), (2) ries using simple methods. Therefore, we simplify the exis- 1 s s! 1 s tent mathematical treatment and reinforce the critical dis- π∈P(s) cussion as regards some controversial results published in respectively, where P(s) is the set of all the permutations the literature. of 1,...,s and sgn(π) is positive for even permutations The paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2 we present a whereas it is negative for odd permutations. general introduction to the basic concepts on general affine In the first place, the Cartan torsion is defined as the anti- geometries and introduce the conventions used throughout symmetric part of the affine connection as [4,15–17] the paper. In Sect. 3 we present our main results. In the first place, we consider a Lagrangian density quadratic in the cur- μ μ T ≡ Γ˜ . (3) vature and torsion tensors. In Sect. 3.1 we discuss the dif- ·νσ ·[νσ] ferent methods presented in the literature to obtain the field Note that a dot appears below the index μ to indicate the equations and explicitly derive them in the Palatini formal- position that it takes when it is lowered with the metric. As ism. In Sect. 3.2 we obtain conditions on the parameters of the the difference of two connections transforms as a tensor, the Lagrangian necessary to avoid large deviations from GR and Cartan torsion is a tensor. Thus, from now on we call it just instabilities. Then, in Sect. 3.3, we analyse the Lagrangian the torsion and emphasise that it cannot be eliminated with a density with the aim of setting necessary conditions for avoid- suitable change of coordinates. ing ghost and tachyon instabilities. The conclusions are sum- In the second place, non-metricity can also be described marized in Sect. 4. We relegate some calculations and fur- by a third rank tensor. This is ther comments to the appendices: in Appendix A we include the Gauss–Bonnet term in Riemann–Cartan geometries; in ≡ ∇˜ , Appendix B we include detailed expressions necessary to Qρμν ρ gμν (4) obtain the equations of the dynamics using the Palatini for- ∇˜ malism; in Appendix C we discuss the source terms of these where is the covariant derivative defined from the affine connection Γ˜ . The non-metricity tensor is usually split into equations; and, in Appendix D, we include relevant expres- 1 ν ωρ ≡ Q sions for the study of the vector and pseudo-vector torsion a trace vector 4 ρν· , called the Weyl vector [18], and fields around Minkowski. a traceless part Qρμν,

Qρμν = wρ gμν + Qρμν. (5) 2 Basic concepts and conventions It should be noted that there are manifolds with non-metricity The geometric structure of a manifold can be catalogued by where the cancellation of the ωρ or the traceless part of Q the properties of the affine connection. A general affine con- are demanded. 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755 Page 3 of 16 755

Since the general connection Γ˜ is asymmetric in the last Thus, the torsion field can be rewritten as two indices, a convention is needed for the covariant deriva- μ ···μ tive of a tensor. Let A·1 ··· · rν ···ν be the components of a tensor α 1 α α 1 ασ ν α 1 s T·βμ = (Tβ δ μ − Tμδ β ) + g σβμν S + q·βμ . (12) type (r, s), then 3 6 ˜ μ ···μ μ ···μ ∇ρ A 1 r ≡ ∂ρ A 1 r The introduction of these new geometrical degrees of free- · ··· · ν1···νs · ··· · ν1···νs r dom leads to the generalisation of the usual definition of the μ μ ˜ i μ1·λ·μr [∇ , ∇ ] = + Γ·λρ A· ··· · ν ···ν curvature tensor in the Riemann spacetime, ρ σ V 1 s μ ν i=1 R·νρσ V , by the following commutative relations associated s with a connection Γ˜ : λ μ ···μ − Γ˜ A 1 r . (6) ·ν j ρ · ··· · ν1·λ·νs = ˜ ˜ μ ˜μ ν α ˜ μ j 1 [∇ρ, ∇σ ]V = R·νρσ V + 2T·ρσ ∇α V , (13) It is important to emphasise the syntax of the lower indices in the affine connections, that is, the index ρ of the derivative where the curvature tensor reads is written in the last position in the affine connection. ˜μ = ∂ Γ˜ μ − ∂ Γ˜ μ + Γ˜ μ Γ˜ λ − Γ˜ μ Γ˜ λ . Using the definitions presented in this section, the general R·νρσ ρ ·νσ σ ·νρ ·λρ ·νσ ·λσ ·νρ (14) connection Γ˜ is written as [4,15,19] Using Eq. (7), the curvature tensor can be rewritten as ˜ μ μ μ μ Γ·νσ = Γ·νσ + W·νσ , (7) ˜μ μ μ μ λ R·νρσ = R·νρσ +∇ρ W·νσ −∇σ W·νρ + W·λρ W·νσ μ λ μ −W W·νρ , (15) with Γ·νσ the Levi-Civita connection, ·λσ μ with R·νρσ the curvature tensor of the Riemann spacetime, μ 1 μρ αβγ ∇ Γ·νσ = g Δσνρ∂α gβγ , (8) commonly called the Riemann tensor, and the covariant 2 derivative constructed from the Levi-Civita connection. On the other hand, the generalisation of the two Bianchi which is expressed in a compact form by the permutation identities can be computed from Eq. (14). Taking into account tensor [20] Eq. (3), the new Bianchi identities are αβγ α β γ α β γ α β γ ˜μ ˜ μ λ μ Δσνρ = δσ δν δρ + δν δρ δσ − δρ δσ δν , (9) R·[νρσ ] = 2∇[ρ T·νσ] − 4T·[νρ T·σ]λ, (16) ∇˜ ˜α =− λ ˜α . μ [μ| R·β|νρ] 2T·[μν| R·β|ρ]λ (17) and the additional tensor W.νσ defined by the following expression: Moreover, it is well known that not all the components of the curvature tensor (14) are independent. By definition, this ˜μ   tensor is antisymmetric in the last pair of indices R·νρσ = μ μ 1 μ μ μ μ W·νσ = K.νσ + Q·νσ − Qσ·ν − Qν·σ , (10) ˜ 2 R·ν[ρσ]. A simple calculation using Eq. (15) shows that

μ ˜ λ where K.νσ is called the contortion tensor, R(μν)ρσ =∇[ρ Qσ]μν + T·ρσ Qλμν. (18)

μ μ μ μ K.νσ = T.νσ − Tν.σ − Tσ .ν . (11) Thus, when the connection is set to be metric-compatible, the curvature tensor is also antisymmetric in the first pair Note that Qρμν is symmetric in the last two indices, while of indices. The symmetry of the curvature tensor under the μ T·νσ is antisymmetric in these indices. However, the contor- exchange of pair of indices depends on the torsion and non- μ tion, K.νσ , is antisymmetric in the first pair of indices. This metricity tensors. In general, for non-trivial values for those property ensures the existence of a metric-compatible con- tensors, this symmetry does not hold. However, there are nection when the non-metricity tensor vanishes. particular conditions under which the exchange symmetry is Furthermore, it is useful to write the torsion through its recovered for non-trivial values. three irreducible components. These are [19] From now on we consider a metric-compatible connec- tion, focusing our attention only on curvature and torsion. μ We denote by a hat the objects constructed from a metric- (i) the trace vector T.νμ ≡ Tν; ν αβσ ν compatible connection with torsion: (ii) the pseudo-trace axial vector S ≡  Tαβσ ; α α =  (iii) the tensor q.βσ , which satisfies q.βα 0 and  αβσ ν Γ ≡ Γ˜  .  αβσ = (19) q 0. Q=0 123 755 Page 4 of 16 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755

All the conventions and identities that we have already pre-  1 μνρ g =−λR + (4a + b + 3λ)Tμνρ T sented are, of course, still valid. The Ricci tensor and the L 12 1 νρμ scalar curvature are obtained with the usual contractions, + (−2a + b − 3λ)Tμνρ T  σ  μν  Rμν = R·μσν and R = g Rμν. However, the absence of 6 1 λ ·μρ symmetry in the exchange of pair of indices in Eq. (14) allows + (−a + 2c − 3λ)T T  ·μλ ρ the Ricci tensor Rμν to be non-symmetric. Indeed, the anti- 3 1  μνρσ symmetric part of this tensor is + (2p + q)Rμνρσ R 6   ρ ρ ρ ρ 1  ρσμν R[μν] = ∇ρ(T·μν + δ μTν − δ ν Tμ) − 2Tρ T·μν . (20) + (2p + q − 6r)Rμνρσ R 6 2  μρνσ In view of this identity, a modified torsion tensor can be + (p − q)Rμνρσ R 3 defined  νσ  σν + (s + t)Rνσ R + (s − t)Rνσ R , (24)  ρ ρ ρ ρ T ·μν ≡ T·μν + δ μTν − δ ν Tμ, (21) with λ, a, b, c, p, q,r, s and t the free parameters of the theory. The particular combinations of the parameters that appear in and a modified covariant derivative can be introduced, the Lagrangian density have been chosen for convenience without loss of generality. Note that the scalar curvature is  ∇ρ ≡ ∇ρ − 2Tρ. (22) also included, which is the only term present in the Einstein– Cartan theory. The procedure to obtain the field equations Hence the antisymmetric part of the Ricci tensor is rewritten of this Lagrangian density is summarized in Sect. 3.1.In as addition, parity violating pieces can also be assumed in a natural way in the Lagrangian density leading to interesting  ρ results; see Refs. [8,22]. R[μν] = ∇ρ T . (23) ·μν In this work we are interested in the stability of theories of gravity with dynamical torsion that avoid large deviations It should be stressed the importance of this modified deriva- √ μ √ μ from the predictions of GR where this theory is satisfactory. tive for vectors, since ∂μ( −gA ) = −g ∇μ A , for any μ In this spirit, we focus on quadratic theories, because that vector A . is the minimal modification leading to dynamical torsion, and we will not assume that all the components obtained by the irreducible decomposition of the torsion necessarily 3 Quadratic theory of gravity propagate. In order to study the stability of the theory, we will focus on two regimes where the metric and torsion degrees As we have already argued in the introduction, we are going of freedom completely decoupled from each other through to consider an action that is quadratic in the curvature tensor, the consideration of the following conditions: in order to obtain a theory with propagating torsion [4,6–11]. Excluding parity violating pieces, a total of six independent (a) GR must be recovered when the torsion vanishes. scalars can be formed from the curvature tensor (14) and (b) The theory must be stable in the weak-gravity regime. its contractions. In addition, three other scalars can be con- structed from the torsion tensor (3). On the other hand, the Gauss–Bonnet action is known to lead to a total divergence Note that condition (a) implies both that the general relativis- in a 4-dimensional Riemannian manifold and, therefore, it tic predictions will be recovered when the torsion is small and does not produce any contribution through the variational that the theory is stable at least when the torsion vanishes. process of the action. It is worth noting that the Gauss–Bonnet This condition will be imposed in Sect. 3.2 by means of the Lagrangian does not contribute to the field equations even in a geometrical structure of the manifold, whereas the second Riemann–Cartan geometry [6,21].1 Therefore, the terms R2, condition will be investigated in Sect. 3.3 considering the  σν  ρσμν propagation of the torsion modes in a Minkowki space. Both Rνσ R , and Rμνρσ R in the Lagrangian density are not independent. Throughout this work, we are going to consider conditions have been studied separately in the literature using the quadratic Lagrangian density from Poincaré gauge theory different approaches; see Refs. [6–8]. of gravity, as written in Refs. [6,7,10,11]. This is 3.1 Field equations

1 We include the definition of the Gauss–Bonnet action in the presence of the torsion and check this property in Appendix A, since incompatible The field equations of the Lagrangian density (24)haveto definitions are used throughout the literature. be obtained, as usual, from a variational principle where the 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755 Page 5 of 16 755 action is extremised with respect to the dynamical variables. ˜ ˜ κ 1 κ αβ ˜ μν − (∇κ − 2Tκ )Λνμ· − Λμν· g ∇κ gαβ =˜τμν, (27) However, different sets of dynamical variables can be chosen E 2 ˜ ·μν ·μν ˜ ·μν and different field equations will be obtained accordingly. On τ + 2Λτ = Στ , (28) P˜ μν one hand, the metric and the affine connection can be taken ∇ρ g = 0. (29) as completely independent variables. Then the field equa- tions are obtained from varying the action with respect gμν Note that the metricity condition is obtained as a field equa- ˜ σ 2 and Γ·μν. This is called the Palatini formalism. On the other tion from the variation of the action with respect to the hand, the connection can be taken to be metric-compatible Lagrange multiplier. The definitions used in the above equa- tions are from the beginning. Hence, the field equations are obtained √ ∂ − varying with respect to g and T ,ortog and K .Thispro- ˜ 1 g g μν ≡ √ , (30) cedure is sometimes called the metric or Hilbert variational − ∂ μνL E g g   method. The Palatini and Hilbert methods are known to differ ·μν ∂ g 1 √ ∂ g only on the constraint on the symmetric part of the connec- ˜ ≡ − √ ∂κ − . τ Lτ g L τ (31) ˜ σ σ μ μ P ∂Γ˜ −g ∂(∂κ Γ˜ ) tion Γ(s)·μν = Γ·μν − Tν.σ − Tσ .ν; that is, they differ on ·μν ·μν a Lagrange multiplier for the metricity condition, see Refs. ˜ The tensor μν could be considered as the generalisation of [23,24]. Therefore, the two methods coincide without impos- E the Einstein tensor for the Lagrangian density g, as it con- ing the Lagrange multiplier when after solving the field equa- L tains the dynamical information of the metric. Analogously, tions the related quantity turns out to be zero. In addition, a ˜ ·μν the tensor τ is the generalisation of the Palatini tensor. third method consists in treating the theory as a gauge theory. P The source tensors are the energy-momentum tensor This may be seen as being more natural, since the variables are the gauge potentials (e a,w ab). The field equations in √ μ μ 1 ∂ −g (g, Γ,Ψ)˜ this formalism can been found in Refs. [8,10]. τ˜ ≡−√ M , μν − L∂ μν (32) Let us use the Palatini formalism with the metricity con- g g dition implemented as a constraint via a Lagrange multiplier and the hypermomentum tensor Λ to obtain the field equations. The total Lagrangian density of the theory can by written as ∂ ( , Γ,Ψ)˜ ˜ ·μν M g Στ ≡− L , (33) ∂Γ˜ τ ρ ˜ μν ·μν = g + M + Λνμ· ∇ρ g , (25) L L L as defined in Refs. [20,27]. Now, taking into account the expression of g in Eq. (26), with g from Eq. (24), M the Lagrangian density for matter L L L Λ ρ the generalized Einstein and Palatini tensors are fields minimally coupled to gravity, and νμ· a Lagrange ⎛ ⎞ multiplier. The use of the Lagrange multipliers in theories of ∂ ηρβγ f λα 1 ηρβγ ˜ =−λ ˜ + ⎝ T − ⎠ λ α gravity has been studied in Refs. [20,25,26]. For the sake of μν G(μν) μν gμν f λα T·ηρ T·βγ E ∂g 2 T simplicity, we rewrite the Lagrangian density g as L ⎛ ⎞ ∂ ηρσβγ δ ηρβγ f λα 1 ηρσβγ δ =−λδ γ βδ ˜α + λ α + ⎝ R − ⎠ ˜λ ˜α , g α g R·βγδ f λα T·ηρ T·βγ μν gμν f λα R·ηρσ R·βγδ L T ∂g 2 R ηρσβγ δ ˜λ ˜α + f λα R·ηρσ R·βγδ, (26) R (34) ˜ ηρβγ ηρσβγ δ where G(μν) is the symmetric part of the Einstein tensor, and with the permutation tensors f λα and f λα defined   T R  in Appendix B. This decomposition factorizes g in parts ˜ ·μν νμ· ν ˜ μλ 1 αβ ˜ μ L τ =−2λ T σ + δσ ∇λg + g ∇ gαβ depending purely on the metric and parts depending on the P 2  connection—those are the permutation tensors, and the cur- ˜ μν 1 μν αβ ˜ − ∇σ g − g g ∇σ gαβ vature tensors and the torsion tensors, respectively; thus, the 2 application of the Euler–Lagrange equations is straightfor- ∂ α ∂ ˜α ηρβγ λ T·βγ ηρσβγ δ ˜λ R·βγδ ward. The field equations for the Lagrangian density (25) +2 f λα T·ηρ + 2 f λα R·ηρσ T ∂Γ˜ τ R ∂Γ˜ τ are ⎛ ·μν ·μν⎞ √ ∂ ˜α 2 ⎝ ηρσβγ δ ˜λ R·βγδ ⎠ −√ ∂κ −gf λα R·ηρσ   , 2 −g R ˜ τ It should be stressed that, for the Palatini method, the general con- ∂ ∂κ Γ·μν nection Γ˜ should be considered. Then the conditions of metricity and of being torsion-free must be implemented via Lagrange multipliers. (35) 123 755 Page 6 of 16 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755   κ λ  · λβ  respectively. The full expressions of these tensors in terms − 4∇ ∇ Rλ(μν)κ + T(μ| Rλβ|ν)κ of the free parameters of the Lagrangian density are shown  2  αβ·λ  ασλ in Appendix B. + (p − q) 2Rα(μ|βλR |ν) + Rαλσμ R ν As the metricity condition has arisen as a field equation, 3  ·λασ 1  αβλσ from now on we can consider a metric-compatible connection − Rμαλσ Rν − gμν Rαβλσ R 2 Γ. Then the field equations (27) and (28) reduce to  − ∇κ ∇λ  − ·λβ   κ 2 Rκ(μν)λ 2Tκ Rβ(μν)λ μν − ∇κ Λνμ· = τμν (36)  E ·λβ  ·λβ  ·μν ·μν ·μν + 2T Rν)βλκ − 2T Rκβλ|ν) τ + 2Λτ = Στ . (37) (μ (μ| P  λ  λ  1  αβ To obtain the final expression for the field equations, the + (s + t) Rμ· Rνλ + R·μ Rλν − gμν Rαβ R Lagrange multiplier Λ must be solved from Eqs. (36) and  2 κ λ    (37). To this end, note that a generic third rank tensor A can + ∇ gμν∇ Rκλ + ∇κ R(μν) − ∇(μ Rν)κ always be written as  1 λ  1 λ    − ∇(μ| Rκ|ν) + T(μ|κ· R|ν)λ − Tκ(μ· Rν)λ μνρ 2 2 Aαβγ = Δβαγ Aμ(νρ) − A[μν]ρ (38)  1 λ  − T(μν)· Rκλ μνρ ρ 2 where Δβαγ is defined in Eq. (9). As Λνμ· is symmetric in the first two indices, we can solve from Eq. (36)  λ  λ  1  βα + (s − t) Rμ· Rλν + R·μ Rνλ − gμν Rαβ R 2    1 αβγ   κ λ  Λμνρ = Δνμρ Σα(βγ) − α(βγ) . (39) + ∇ gμν∇ Rλκ 2 P   + ∇κ R(μν) − ∇(μ Rν)κ Thus, the field equations become  1 λ    − ∇(μ| Rκ|ν) + T(μ|κ· Rλ|ν)  1 αβγ κ   2 μν − Δνμκ ∇ Σα(βγ) − α(βγ) = τμν , (40)  E 2  P 1 λ  1 λ  αβγ   − Tκ(μ|· Rλ|ν) − T(μν)· Rλκ Δνμκ Σ[αβ]γ − [αβ]γ = 0. (41) 2 2 P 1 αβγ κ  These are the general expressions of the field equations of = τμν + Δνμκ ∇ Σα(βγ) (42) any theory of gravity with metricity and torsion. This set of 2 equations is obviously equivalent to the equations obtained from a Hilbert variational principle over the variables (g, K ) and or (g, T ), as can easily be checked. Now, taking into account the calculations showed in Appendix B for the Lagrangian  1 density (24), these equations are −2λT νμτ + (4a + b + 3λ)T[τμ]ν   6 κ    −λ  − ∇ 1 G(μν) 2 T (μν)κ − (−2a + b − 3λ) T[μτ]ν + Tνμτ 6  1 αβ· ·αβ 1 + (4a + b + 3λ) 2TαβμT ν − Tμαβ Tν + (−a + b − 3λ)gν[τ Tμ] 12  3   1 αβρ 2 κ  ·λκ  − gμν Tαβρ T + (2p + q) ∇ Rτμνκ − Tν Rτμλκ 3 2     2 κ  ·λκ  1 βα· 1 βρα + (2p + q − 6r) ∇ Rνκτμ − Tν Rλκτμ + (−2a + b − 3λ) TαβμT ν − gμν Tαβρ T 6 2 3     4 κ  κ  ·λκ  1 1 α + (p − q) ∇ Rκ[τμ]ν − ∇ Rν[τμ]κ − 2Tν Rκ[τμ]λ + (−a + 2c − 3λ) TμTν − gμν Tα T 3   3 2 κ   λ  + (s + t) 2gν[τ ∇ Rμ]κ − 2∇[τ Rμ]ν + Tν·[τ Rμ]λ 1  αβλ· 1  αβλσ + (2p + q) 2Rαβλμ R − gμν Rαβλσ R   ν κ   λ  6  2  + (s − t) 2gν[τ|∇ Rκ|μ] − 2∇[τ| Rν|μ] + Tν·[τ| Rλ|μ] κ λ · λβ − ∇ ∇  +   4 Rκ(μν)λ T(μ Rν)κλβ = Σ[τμ]ν . (43)  1  βλα· + (2p + q − 6r) 2Rα(μ|βλR 6 |ν) For an interpretation of the right sides of both field equa- 1  λσαβ − gμν Rαβλσ R 2 tions, see Appendix C. 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755 Page 7 of 16 755

3.2 Reduction to GR assume that they are the only non-vanishing torsion compo- nents for a minimal modification over the FLRW background. We want to obtain a theory which reduces to GR when the Under these considerations, we will now impose the absence torsion vanishes. Thus, the theory will not only be stable in of ghost and tachyon instabilities for the theory given by the this regime, but it will also deviate only slightly from the Lagrangian density (24). The quadratic Riemann and torsion predictions of GR when the torsion is small. Note that when terms that appear in this Lagrangian density are computed in the torsion is set to zero, the usual Riemannian structure is Appendix D. recovered. Therefore, the Riemann tensor is now symmetric As we consider only the vector and pseudo-vector tor- under the exchange of the first and the second pair of indices sion components in Minkowski spacetime, the Lagrangian and the Ricci tensor is symmetric. From the first Bianchi density (24) reduces in this regime to an ordinary vector identity (16), it follows that and pseudo-vector field theory in flat spacetime. A general μ   quadratic action for a vector A in flat spacetime comes from μνρσ μρνσ α Rμνρσ R − 2R = 0forT·βγ = 0. (44) [32–34]

μ ν ν μ μ ν Then, when T = 0, the Lagrangian density (24) becomes = α∂μ Aν∂ A + β∂μ Aν∂ A + γ∂μ A ∂ν A − , (46) L V   =−λ +( − ) μνρσ + μν . μ g = R p r Rμνρσ R 2 sRμν R (45) where is a possible potential for A . However, not all the L T 0 V kinetic terms are independent from each other. The terms From this expression, it is clear that GR is recovered when with factors β and γ are related by   T = 0 if and only if p = r and s = 0. This is the only choice √ √  4 μ 2 4 ν μ of parameters that leads to GR when the torsion vanishes. −gd x (∇μ A ) = −gd x ∇μ Aν∇ A Note that the same conclusion can be extracted from a  + μ ν , different and longer approach. That is, considering the field Rμν A A (47) equations (42) and (43), it can be concluded that this is the as can be seen from Eq. (13). Thus, in flat spacetime these only choice of parameters that produce the Einstein equations terms are related by a total derivative. On the other hand, as is of GR when the torsion vanishes. The same conclusion was well known, the Hamiltonian density of a system is obtained reached in Ref. [8]. by performing a Legendre transformation. For this vector system, it is 3.3 Stability in Minkowski spacetime μ ˙ = π Aμ − , (48) It is well known that the Lagrangian density (24) contains, H L + ˙ μ along with the usual 2 , up to six new modes or where Aμ ≡ ∂0 Aμ are the generalized velocities and π the torsions. These are 2+,2−,1+,1−,0+ and 0−, in the repre- π μ ≡ ∂ canonical momenta defined as L˙μ . The canonical P ∂ A sentation S where S is the spin and P is the parity of the momenta of the Lagrangian density (46)are mode. A physically meaningful restriction is to demand the P μ ˙μ μν 0 μ0 α theory to be stable in all the S sectors; see Refs. [6,7,28– π = 2α A + 2βη ∂ν A + 2γη ∂α A , (49) 30]. Quadratic theories in the curvature and torsion tensors are usually treated as a gauge theory, hence the variables or written in terms of the components of the four-vector, considered are the gauge potentials of the Poincaré group a ab π 0 = (α + β + γ) ˙0 + γ∂ i , (eμ ,wμ ). Then the stability analysis is made through the 2 A 2 i A (50) i ˙i ij 0 construction of the spin projection operators. π = 2α A − 2βδ ∂ j A . (51) In this work, however, we consider the metric formula- Then, performing the Legendre transformation (48), the tion. We will examine the decoupling limit between the tor- Hamiltonian density reads sion and curvature degrees of freedom. Thus, in view of Eq. μν = ημν ημν (π 0 − γ∂ i )2 (πi + β∂ )2 β (15), we focus on the case where g , with 2 i A 2 i A0 ij = − + FijF the Minkowski metric. For the sake of simplicity, we do H 4(α + β + γ) 4α 2 not consider the purely tensor component of the torsion in 2 2 i 2 + α(∂i A0) − (α + β)(∂i A j ) − γ(∂i A ) + , (52) Eq. (12). As the only torsion components compatible with a V Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) universe with Fij = 2∂[i A j]. Unfortunately, the kinetic energy of are the vectorial T i and pseudo-vectorial Si components [31], this system is unbounded from below and, therefore, suffers we assume that they are the minimum non-vanishing compo- from ghost-type instabilities whatever the signs of α, β and γ nents that should be taken into account in this framework. In are. This behaviour confirms that vector theories suffer from the spirit of investigating only slight modifications of GR, we ghost-type instabilities if all the degrees of freedom of the 123 755 Page 8 of 16 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755

μ ∂ four-vector A propagates (see Refs. [32,33]). Hence, a nec- π μ ≡ g = 2( + ) 0μ( ) + 1η0μ ∂ α . S L 2r t F S q α S (56) essary condition for the absence of this kind of instabilities ∂(∂0 Sμ) 9 3 is to make the scalar mode non-dynamical. Alternatively, the Written in terms of the scalar and vectorial degrees of free- vector degrees of freedom can be frozen and propagate only dom of the four-vectors we have the scalar mode, but this corresponds to a scalar theory rather than a vectorial one. To remove the scalar mode, the free π 0 = 32( − + )∂ α , T p r 2s α T (57) parameters of the theory must be chosen in such a way that 3   32 the canonical momenta given in Eq. (50) vanish. Since ∂ A0 πi = ( + + ) ˙ i − ∂i 0 , 0 T p s t T T (58) i 9 and ∂i A are independent quantities, the only possibility to 1 cancel out the contribution of ∂ Ai to the canonical momenta π 0 = ∂ α, i S q α S (59) of the scalar mode is to set γ = 0. In addition, α + β = 0is 3   πi = 2( + ) ˙i − ∂i 0 . also needed to remove the contributions of the two remaining S 2r t S S (60) kinetic terms in the Lagrangian density (46) to the dynamics 9 of the scalar mode. With these conditions, the kinetic terms As here we have two fields with their own kinetic terms, we in the vector Lagrangian density becomes a Maxwell-type need to ensure that neither of them introduces a ghost. Thus, μν 0 0 Fμν F that only propagates the spatial degrees of freedom to remove the scalar T and pseudo-scalar S degrees of of the four-vector Aμ. This conclusion is in agreement with freedom, we consider p−r +2s = 0 and q = 0, respectively. the well-known fact that the only ghost-free vector theory Then the Hamiltonian density reads in flat spacetime is the Maxwell–Proca Lagrangian density. 9 (πi )2 8 Then the Hamiltonian density can be positive-defined with =− T − (p + s + t)F (T )Fij(T ) g ( + + ) ij α =−β<0. For a more detailed discussion on this item H 64 p s t 9 (πi )2 see Ref. [34]. 9 S 1 ij − − (2r + t)Fij(S)F (S) Back to the Lagrangian density (24), when the metric cor- 4 2r + t 18 responds to the Minkowski spacetime the expression reduces + πi ∂ + πi ∂ + ( , ). T i To S i So T S (61) to V The kinetic energy can be bounded from below with the extra 16 μ ν 16 ν μ g = (p + s + t)∂μTν∂ T + (p − 2r)∂μTν∂ T conditions of p + s + t < 0 and 2r + t < 0 for the vecto- L 9 9 rial and pseudo-vectorial torsion fields, respectively. These 16 μ ν 1 ν μ + (p − r + 5s − t)∂μT ∂ν T − t∂μ Sν∂ S conditions are summarised in Table 1. 9 9 On the other hand, we now require the absence of tachyon 1 μ ν 1 μ ν + (2r + t)∂μ Sν∂ S + (3q − 4r)∂μ S ∂ν S instabilities. In the first place, we consider the weak torsion 9 18 fields regime, that is, the regime where the quadratic terms 8 μνρσ + (p − q − 3t)ε ∂ρ Tμ∂ν Sσ − (T, S), (53) in torsion fields lead the evolution of the potential. Thus, the 27 V potential in the Lagrangian density (54) takes the form where (T, S) are potential-type terms of the torsion fields; V see Appendix D. As discussed previously, the free parameters 2 μ 1 μ p, q, r, s and t must be carefully selected to produce ghost- (T, S) =− (c + 3λ)TμT − (b + 3λ)Sμ S + (3); free kinetic terms, i.e. Maxwell-type kinetic terms for the V 3 24 O (62) trace four-vector T μ and pseudo-trace four-vector Sμ.After suitable integrations by parts the expression above simplifies see Appendix D. Note that the mass terms in an action to for a vector field comes from a potential of type V (φ) ∝ 8 μν 1 2φ φμ 2 g = (p + s + t)Fμν(T )F (T ) 2 m μ . Hence, the roles of the masses m for the vector L 9 and pseudo-vector torsion fields are played by the combina- 1 μν 1 μ ν + (2r + t)Fμν(S)F (S) + q∂μ S ∂ν S tions of the coupling constants b, c and λ. For these combi- 18 6 nations, the correct sign must be taken for the spatial compo- 16 μ ν + (p − r + 2s)∂μT ∂ν T − (T, S). (54) nents to avoid tachyon-like instabilities. In our convention, 3 V φ φμ = φ2 − φ 2 + λ + λ μ 0 , then the combinations c 3 and b 3 Since we have two dynamical fields, there are two canonical must be positive to ensure a well-behaved vector and pseudo- momenta. These are vector sector, respectively (see Table 1). In summary, with ∂ these simple arguments we have found a set of conditions π μ ≡ g = 32( + + ) 0μ( ) T L p s t F T ∂(∂0Tμ) 9 for the ghost and tachyon stability of the Lagrangian density (24) at the decoupling limit and the weak torsion regime, 32 0μ α + η (p − r + 2s)∂α T , (55) 3 summarized in Table 1. 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755 Page 9 of 16 755

Table 1 Conditions over the free parameters of the Lagrangian density (24) for stability and reduction to GR when the torsion vanishes T μ Sμ Description

Ghost-free p − r + 2s = 0 q = 0 To remove the scalar/pseudo-scalar mode and to ensure a p + s + t < 02r + t < 0 well-posed kinetic term Tachyon-free (Weak torsion) c + 3λ>0 b + 3λ>0 To have a positive-defined quadratic potential (2) V Tachyon-free (General torsion) p + 3s = 0 p + 3s = 0 To cancel (4) andtomake (2) positive-defined V V c + 3λ>0 b + 3λ>0 α Reduction to GR when T·μν = 0 p − r = 0 s = 0

8 α β In Refs. [6,7], Sezgin and Nieuwenhuizen provided a − (2p + 3q − 4r + 2s)Tα S Tβ S detailed analysis of the stability of the Lagrangian density 81 8 α β (24) for the weak torsion field regime. These two articles were − (p + r + 4s)Tα T Sβ S . (63) the first systematic stability analysis of this kind of theories, 81 made with the spin projectors formalism, and they are a key As there are terms mixing the vector and pseudo-vector fields, reference point in this issue. The conclusions they showed we note that the potential can be diagonalized in the following − for the 1 torsions are compatible with those obtained here. basis: Their ghost-free condition is the same we have obtained ⎛ ⎞ α here, and the tachyon-free condition is compatible. On the Tα T +   (4) ⎝ α ⎠ (4) α α α other hand, for the 1 sector both conclusions are, how- = Sα S V Tα T Sα S Tα S , (64) V α ever, incompatible. While the condition obtained for a well- Tα S defined kinetic term for Sμ in this section is 2r + t < 0, they claim that 2r + t > 0 is needed. It is worth noting that other ( ) ( ) with V 4 a3× 3 matrix. The eigenvalues of 4 are authors have suggested that the analysis carried out by Sez- V gin and Nieuwenhuizen is not restrictive enough to ensure a λ =−8 ( + − + ), ghost- and tachyon-free spectrum; see Refs. [28,29]. In fact, 1 2p 3q 4r 2s (65) 81   in Ref. [28] the authors pointed out that they even obtain √ λ =−79 − + + , a different expression of the spin projector operator for the 2 p r 2s A (66) 72   pseudo-vector mode. Furthermore, they argue the relevance 79 √ λ =− p − r + 2s − A , (67) of considering the additional condition for the absence of 3 72 p−4 poles in all spin sectors, which is not done in the anal- with ysis of Refs. [6,7]. In Ref. [35], Fabbri analyses the stabil-  ity of the most general quadratic gravitational action with 1 A = 586249p2 − 1168402pr + 586249r 2 torsion and Dirac fields by demanding, in addition, a con- 7112  sistent decoupling between curvature and torsion that pre- + 2349092ps − 2332708rs + 2357284s2 . (68) serves continuity in the torsionless limit, concluding that the only non-vanishing component of the torsion is given by the For a positive-defined quadratic form, the three eigenvalues pseudo-vector mode and that parity-violating terms are not must be positive. Since we are only interested in the vec- allowed in the Lagrangian density. Nevertheless, due to some tor and pseudo-vector torsion degrees of freedom, we can lack of clarity in the existing literature, a deeper analysis of assume p − r + 2s = 0 and q = 0, which are the conditions the origins of these differences is not available yet. found for making the scalar and pseudo-scalar mode non- Let us now go beyond the weak torsion regime when dynamic, respectively. Then the expressions of the eigenval- analysing the potential . Thus, higher orders in the potential ues reduce to V can dominate its evolution. The highest order that appears in the potential is quartic, symbolically (4), 16 V λ = (p + 3s), (69a) 1 81 8 (4) 64 α β λ =− (p + 3s), (69b) (T, S) =− (p − r + 2s)Tα T Tβ T 2 81 V 27 8 1 α β λ = (p + 3s). (69c) − (p − r + 2s)Sα S Sβ S 3 108 81 123 755 Page 10 of 16 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755

Table 2 Compatibility of the stability conditions studied in this paper. the metric degrees of freedom in the regime where there are In the first column we show necessary conditions for a theory propagat- no torsion modes. Therefore, we have imposed the require- ing vector or pseudo-vector torsion to be stable. Those conditions have ment that the only term independent of the torsion is con- to be implemented (at least) by the inequality contained in the second  column when the vector mode propagates and by the conditions of the tained in the scalar curvature R, obtaining two conditions for last column when the pseudo-vector also propagates the parameters of the general quadratic Lagrangian. Summary T μ Sμ On the other hand, we have investigated the stability of the torsion when the metric is flat, following an approach that dif- p = r = s = 0 c + 3λ>0 q = 0 fers from the usual techniques used in the literature. We have t < 0 b + 3λ>0 focussed attention on the stability of the vector and psuedo- vector torsion components in Minkowski because they are the only components that propagate in a FLRW spacetime [31] from the torsion irreducible decomposition. Therefore, it is It is easy to see that these eigenvalues cannot be positive at the not necessary to consider the purely tensor component if we same time for any combination of p and s. Hence, the quartic are interested in “minimal” modifications of the predictions order in the potential in Eq. (61) is unstable and, therefore, of GR. We have studied the stability of these fields analysing this order must be removed to obtain a stable theory. This the Hamiltonian formulation of the theory to ensure a ghost can be done taking 3s + p = 0. Furthermore, the third order and tachyon-free spectrum in this regime. Thus, we have in the potential is not present once we consider that GR is obtained several conditions for the parameters of the gen- recovered when the torsion vanishes. Therefore, when we eral quadratic action with propagating torsion that we have take p = r, s = 0 and 3s + p = 0, there are only quadratic summarized in Table 1. Moreover, we have contrasted the terms in the potential. Thus, the potential is stable under the conditions obtained in the weak torsion limit of this regime same conditions as those obtained in the weak torsion field with those already presented in the literature [6,7,28,29]. As approximation with the additional constraint of p + 3s = 0; we have discussed in detail, the disagreement with the con- see Table 1. clusions of Ref. [6,7] regarding the pseudo-vector field may On the other hand, we should stress that the stability anal- be due to the arguments exposed in Refs. [28,29]. It should ysis developed in the literature is usually made using a weak be stressed that, after the first approach, we have gone beyond curvature approximation for the metric. However, our stabil- the weak torsion approximation, obtaining the general condi- ity analysis is made in the limit where the degrees of freedom tions for the stability of the vector and pseudo-vector torsion of the torsion are completely decoupled from those of the fields in Minkowski spacetime. metric. For this purpose, we have considered that GR is recov- In summary, we have found the most general subfamily of ered when T = 0 and we have investigated the stability of the Lagrangian density (24) that is stable in both decoupling the torsion in Minkowski flat spacetime, assuming that only regimes. This is described by the vector and pseudo-vector modes propagate. These con- ditions are combined and summarized in Table 2. Therefore, =−λ+ 1 ( + + λ) μνρ we expect that the conditions obtained, which are found to g R 4a b 3 Tμνρ T L 12 be necessary and sufficient for the stability in this regime, are 1 νρμ + (−2a + b − 3λ)Tμνρ T necessary but no longer sufficient conditions for the stability 6 of the theory when both curvature and torsion are present. 1 λ ·μρ  [μν] + (−a + 2c − 3λ)T·μλTρ + 2t Rμν R , (70) 3 where b +3λ>0, c +3λ>0, and t < 0, and we restrict our 4 Summary study to theories where only the vector and pseudo-vector torsion components of the irreducible decomposition propa- In this work we have investigated a quadratic and parity pre- gate. serving action with curvature and torsion [6,7,10,11] in order to obtain a stable theory of gravity with dynamical torsion. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge Y. N. Obukov for For this purpose, we have analysed two regimes where the useful discussions. This work was partly supported by the projects degrees of freedom of the metric and those of the torsion FIS2014-52837-P (Spanish MINECO) and FIS2016-78859-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), and Consolider-Ingenio MULTIDARK CSD2009- are completely decoupled. The assumptions made in those 00064. PMM was funded by MINECO through the postdoctoral training regimes are also motivated by looking for theories of which contract FPDI-2013-16161 during part of this work. the predictions are expected not to be in great disagreement with those of GR. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecomm On the one hand, we have assumed that the theory reduces ons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, to GR when the torsion vanishes. This implies the stability of and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755 Page 11 of 16 755  √ to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative (2) 4 32 ν ρ α β S = d x −g (∂ρ Tν∂ T − ∂α T ∂β T ) Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. GB 9 Funded by SCOAP3.   2 α β β α 64 α β − (∂α S ∂β S − ∂α Sβ ∂ S ) + ∂α T Tβ T 9 27   + 4 ∂ α β + α β Appendices α T Sβ S 2S Tβ S 27  8 μνρσ +  ∂ν Sσ ∂μTρ . (A.7) Appendix A: The Gauss–Bonnet term in Riemann– 9 Cartan geometries After integration by parts, the expression above leads to a We have noted that there is no agreement about the expression total divergence. Taking the torsion to be zero at the boundary (2) of the Gauss–Bonnet term in a Riemann–Cartan manifold of 4, SGB is identically zero. Finally, the third term on the U (3) (∂ ,∂ , , ) throughout the literature, probably due to several misprints. r.h.s. of Eq. (A.6), SGB h T T S , is analysed using Eqs. Therefore, in this appendix, we present the correct expression (D.27), (D.28) and (D.29) for the torsion part and (A.3), (A.4) for the Gauss–Bonnet action. This is and (A.5) for the metric dependent part. Thus,   √  √   (3) 4 α μν α 4 2  σν  ρσμν S = d x −g 4 h∂α T − 4∂μ∂ν h ∂α T SGB = d x −g R − 4Rνσ R + Rμνρσ R . GB    32 σμ α α (A.1) + ∂σ ∂μh ∂α T − h∂α T 3    8 ρ ν μσ ν One can easily check that this is the correct order of + ∂ρ∂ν h∂ T − ∂μ∂ν h ∂σ T . (A.8) the indices focussing attention on the vectorial and pseudo- 3 vectorial torsion fields in the weak curvature approximation. Note that there are no mixing terms between ∂h and ∂ S or ST, In this regime we have as expected from parity conservation. After some algebraical ( ) manipulations and integration by parts, the equation for S 3 gμν = ημν + hμν, GB vanishes. Hence, we have checked the invariance of an action μν = ημν − μν . g h (A.2) upon addition of the action (A.1) in the weak curvature limit. As was pointed by Nieh [21], the Gauss–Bonnet term will Let us now prove that, order by order in the fields hαβ , Tα and remain invariant even in a curved non-flat metric gμν.But, Sα,theterm(A.1) leads to a total divergence. The expressions μ for this work, the invariance in weak field limit is sufficient. of R·νρσ , Rνσ and R in terms of h are well known in [36]. These are  μ 1 μ μ ρ μ R·νρσ = ∂ρ∂ν h σ + ∂ ∂σ hνρ − ∂ ∂ hνσ Appendix B: Variations in the Palatini formalism 2  μ − ∂σ ∂ν h ρ , (A.3) The Palatini formalism for varying the action consists in tak-   μν ˜ σ 1 μ μ ing the metric g and the generic connection Γ·αβ as the Rνσ = ∂μ∂ν h σ + ∂σ ∂μh ν − hσν − ∂σ ∂ν h , (A.4) 2  dynamical variables. So, it is useful to rewrite the action in μν R = ∂μ∂ν h − h , (A.5) terms of those variables. Some useful well-known relations μ for considering that variation are with  = ∂μ∂ . Then, from Eq. (15), it is clear that in √ the action (A.1) will appear a Gauss–Bonnet term for the αν αν 1 μν gμαδg =−g δgμα,δ−g =− gμνδg . (B.9) Levi-Civita connection, terms quadratic in torsion and a term 2 mixing torsion and h terms. This action can be expressed as Thus, one can easily obtain ( ) ( ) S = S 1 (∂h) + S 2 (∂T,∂S, T, S) GB GB GB √ √ √ ( ) 1 αβ ˜ ˜ α + 3 (∂ ,∂ , , ). ∂μ −g = −gg ∇μgαβ + −gΓ·αμ . (B.10) SGB h T T S (A.6) 2 The first term on the r.h.s. of this equation is known to be Let us know consider the variation of the action written in invariant. Nevertheless, this invariance can be proven with terms of the Lagrangian density (26). This is an explicit calculation from Eqs. (A.3), (A.4) and (A.5) with the appropriate boundary conditions on h. The second term γ βδ ˜α ηρβγ λ α g =−λδα g R·βγδ + f λα T·ηρ T·βγ is calculated with the results of Appendix D. It can be seen L T ηρσβγ δ ˜λ ˜α that + f λα R·ηρσ R·βγδ, (B.11) R 123 755 Page 12 of 16 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755

∂T α   where the permutation tensors are ·βγ = 1 δαδμδν − δαδν δμ , ˜ τ τ β γ τ β γ (B.17) ∂Γ·μν 2 ηρβγ = 1 ( + + λ) ηβ ργ f λα 4a b 3 gλα g g ∂ ˜α T 12 R·βγδ κ α μ ν κ α μ ν   = δγ δτ δβ δδ − δδ δτ δβ δγ . (B.18) 1 γ η ρβ ˜ τ + (−2a + b − 3λ)δ δα g ∂ ∂κ Γ 6 λ ·μν 1 ρ γ ηβ + (−a + 2c − 3λ)δ δα g , (B.12) Then, taking into account the definition of the torsion and 3 λ curvature tensors, Eqs. (3) and (14), respectively, the general- ηρσβγ δ 1 ηβ ργ σδ f λα = (2p + q)gλα g g g ized Einstein and Palatini tensors of the quadratic Lagrangian R 6 density (24) read 1 γ ρ ηδ σβ + (2p + q − 6r)δ δα g g 6 λ  ˜ =−λ ˜ + 1 ( + + λ) αβ· 2 ηγ ρβ σδ μν G(μν) 4a b 3 2TαβμT ν + (p − q)gλα g g g E 12  3 ρ ·αβ 1 αβρ + ( + )δ δ γ ηβ σδ − Tμαβ Tν − gμν Tαβρ T s t λ α g g 2 ρ γ ηδ σβ  + (s − t)δλ δα g g . (B.13) 1 βα· + (−2a + b − 3λ) TαβμT ν 6 In order to compute the complete generalized Einstein  1 βρα tensor in Eq. (34), the following expressions are needed: − gμν Tαβρ T 2   ∂ ηρσβγ δ 1 1 f λα 1  + (− + − λ) − α R = ( + ) δ ηδ β ργ σδ a 2c 3 TμTν gμν Tα T μν 2p q μ ν gλα g g 3 2 ∂g 6  ρ γ ηβ σδ σ η ηβ ργ 1 ˜ ˜αβλ· ˜ ˜·αλσ + δμ δν gλα g g + δμ δν gλα g g + (2p + q) 2Rαβλμ R ν − Rμαλσ Rν  6  − ηβ ργ σδ gαμgλν g g g ˜ ˜α·λσ 1 ˜ ˜αβλσ  + Rαμλσ R ν − gμν Rαβλσ R 1 η δ γ ρ σβ 2 + (2p + q − 6r) δμ δν δλ δα g  6  + 1( + − ) ˜ (μ|βλ ˜βλα· + δ σ δ β δ γ δ ρ ηδ 2p q 6r 2Rα R|ν) μ ν λ α g 6   1 2 ηγ ρβ σδ − ˜ ˜λσαβ + (p − q) −gλμgανg g g gμν Rαβλσ R 2 3  η γ ρβ σδ ρ β νγ σδ 2 αβ·λ + δμ δν gλα g g + δμ δν gλα g g + ( − ) ˜ ˜ + ˜ ˜ασλ  p q 2Rα(μ|βλR |ν) Rαλσμ R ν σ δ νγ ρβ 3 + δμ δν gλα g g   ˜ ˜·λασ 1 ˜ ˜αλβσ η β ρ γ σδ − Rμαλσ Rν − gμν Rαβλσ R + (s + t) δμ δν δ δα g λ 2 σ δ ρ γ ηβ   + δμ δν δλ δα g ˜ λ ˜ ˜λ ˜ 1 ˜ ˜αβ  + (s + t) Rμ· Rνλ + R·μ Rλν − gμν Rαβ R η δ ρ γ σβ 2 + (s − t) δμ δν δλ δα g    σ β ρ γ ηδ ˜ λ ˜ ˜λ ˜ 1 ˜ ˜βα +δμ δν δ δα g , (B.14) + (s − t) Rμ· Rλν + R·μ Rνλ − gμν Rαβ R , λ 2 ηρβγ ∂ f  λα 1 ηβ ργ (B.19) T = (4a + b + 3λ) −gλμgανg g ∂gμν 12    + δ ηδ β ργ + δ ρδ γ ηβ  μ ν gλα g μ ν gλα g ˜ ·μν νμ· ν ˜ μλ 1 αβ ˜ μ τ =−2λ T σ + δσ ∇λg + g ∇ gαβ 1 γ η ρ β P 2 + (2p + q − 6r)δλ δα δμ δν 6 ˜ μν 1 μν αβ ˜ −∇σ g − g g ∇σ gαβ 1 ρ γ η β 2 + (−a + 2c − 3λ)δλ δα δμ δν . (B.15) 3 1 ·μν + (4a + b + 3λ)Tτ For the calculation of the generalized Palatini tensor in Eq. 6   (35), we need the following expressions: 1 μν· νμ· + (−2a + b − 3λ) T τ − T τ 6 ∂ ˜α   R·βγδ α μ ν α μ ν μ α ν 1 ν μ μ ν = Γ˜ δ δ − Γ˜ δ δ + Γ˜ δ δ + (−a + b − 3λ) δτ T − δτ T ˜ τ ·τγ β δ ·τδ β γ ·βδ τ γ ∂Γ·μν 3  μ 2 ˜ − Γ˜ δ αδ ν, + (2p + q) ∇κ − 2Tκ ·βγ τ δ (B.16) 3 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755 Page 13 of 16 755   1 αβ ˜ ˜·μνκ ν ˜·μλκ let us take + g ∇κ gαβ Rτ − T·λκ Rτ 2 √  √ √   δ − ( ,∂ , ,Ψ) ∂ − ∂ − 2 ˜ g M g g T g M κ g M + (2p + q − 6r) ∇κ − 2Tκ L = L − ∂ L δgμν ∂gμν ∂(∂κ gμν) 3    √ 1 αβ ˜ ˜[νκ]·μ ν ˜[λκ]·μ ∂ −g M + g ∇κ gαβ R τ − T·λκ R τ = 2 ∂ μνL   g  √ ·(βγ ) + 8( − ) ∇˜ − + 1 αβ ∇˜ ˜·[κν]μ ∂ − ∂Γ p q κ 2Tκ g κ gαβ Rτ −∂κ g M α , 3 2 ·(βγL ) ∂(∂κ μν)  ∂Γα g − ν ˜·[κλ]μ T·λκ Rτ (C.23)   ν ˜ 1 αβ ˜ ˜μκ + (s + t) 2δ ∇κ − 2Tκ + g ∇κ gαβ R τ where different tensors have been defined in Eqs. (8), (32)  2  ˜ 1 αβ ˜ ˜μν ν ˜μλ and (33). This leads to − 2 ∇τ − 2Tτ + g ∇τ gαβ R + T·λτ R  2  √ ν ˜ 1 αβ ˜ ˜κμ δ − ( ,∂ , ,Ψ) + (s − t) 2δτ ∇κ − 2Tκ + g ∇κ gαβ R 1 g M g g T 1 αβγ κ  −√ L = τμν+ Δνμκ ∇ Σα(βγ) .  2  −g δgμν 2 ˜ 1 αβ ˜ ˜νμ ν ˜λμ − 2 ∇τ − 2Tτ + g ∇τ gαβ R + T·λτ R . (C.24) 2 (B.20) The r.h.s. of Eq. (C.24) is exactly the expression on the r.h.s. of Eq. (42), while the l.h.s. is similar to Hilbert’s definition of the energy-momentum tensor (C.21). Indeed Appendix C: Source tensors τ + 1 Δαβγ ∇κ Σ μν 2 νμκ α(βγ) is the generalisation of Hilbert’s definition of the energy-momentum tensor to the Riemann– In order to understand the r.h.s. of the field equations (42) and Cartan U spacetime. (43), it is necessary to make a distinction between the Hilbert 4 On the other hand, Σ[τμ]ν is related to the contortion ten- definition of the energy-momentum tensor and the definition sor, which is the remaining part of the connection, see Ref. carried through in Eq. (32). Hilbert’s definition is made in a [27]. Thus, the r.h.s. of Eq. (43) corresponds to the spin dis- Riemannian 4 spacetime and, therefore, there is a depen- V tribution tensor dence of the matter Lagrangian density on ∂g introduced by the Levi-Civita connection. This definition is √ ·μν ∂ M (g,∂g, T,Ψ) Sσ ≡− L , (C.25) 1 δ −g M (g,∂g,Ψ) ∂ σ τμν ≡−√ L K·μν −g δgμν  √ √  1 ∂ −g M κ ∂ −g M =−√ L − ∂ L . (C.21) as defined in Refs. [4,27]. −g ∂gμν ∂(∂κ gμν)

Nevertheless, in the Palatini formalism this dependence on ∂g does not exist, since the matter Lagrangian depends on Appendix D: Vector and pseudo-vector torsion in the g and Γ˜ as independent variables. Therefore, the energy- weak-gravity regime momentum tensor is as in Eq. (32). This is μ √ In this appendix we are going to take the vector T and ˜ μ 1 ∂ −g M (g, Γ,Ψ) pseudo-vector S torsion components as the only non- τ˜μν ≡−√ L . (C.22) −g ∂gμν vanishing torsion fields and calculate the expressions needed for the analysis carried out in Sect. 3.3. There is a clear difference between the two definitions. Assuming that the only non-vanishing components of the However, when the metricity condition is implemented, torsion tensor in the decomposition (12) are the vector Tμ and the connection Γ˜ becomes Γ = Γ + K and, therefore, there pseudo-vector Sμ torsion components, the expression for the appears a dependence on ∂g in the definition (32). The term contortion tensor (11) can be rewritten as αβγ κ  Δνμκ ∇ Σα(βγ) in the r.h.s. of Eq. (42) takes into account this new dependence, which is not present in the original μ 2 μλ 1 μα γ τ K.νσ = g (Tν gλσ − Tλgνσ ) + g ανσγ S . (D.26) definition of μν. To check the consistency of this argument, 3 6 123 755 Page 14 of 16 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755

1 α β 16 α β Under this assumption, the curvature tensor (15) takes the + Sα S Sβ S + Tα T Sβ S form 108 81  + 8 α β , μ μ 2 μ μ Tα S Tβ S (D.31) . = . + ∇ρ(δ σ ν − ηνσ ) 81 R νρσ R νρσ T T  3   σν μ μ Rνσ R −∇σ (δ ρ Tν − ηνρ T ) g=η 4  48 α β + ( − η α)δμ = ∂α T ∂β T Tσ Tν νσ Tα T ρ 9 9  − ( − η β )δμ + μ( η − η ) 1 α β β α Tρ Tν νρ Tβ T σ T Tρ νσ Tσ νρ − (∂α Sβ ∂ S − ∂α Sβ ∂ S )   18 1 μα β β + η ανσβ∇ρ S − ανρβ∇σ S 4 μνρσ 160 α β 6 +  ∂μ Sσ ∂ν Tρ + ∂α T Tβ T   9 27 1 μα λδ τ γ τ γ + η η αλρτ δνσγ S S − αλστ δνργ S S 64 β α 10 α β 36 − ∂α Tβ T T + ∂α T Sβ S  27 27 1 α γ μ μ − T S (δ σ ανργ − δ ρανσγ ) 4 μ ν 64 α β 9 − ∂μTν S S + Tα T Tβ T μ γ γ μα 27 27 + 2T S ρνσγ − 2Tν S η ασργ  1 α β + ημα λ γ (η  − η  ) . + Sα S Sβ S T S νσ αλργ νρ αλσγ (D.27) 108 μ 16 α β 8 α β The Ricci tensor is obtained by the usual contraction R.νμσ , + Tα T Sβ S + Tα S Tβ S , (D.32) 81  81    μνρσ   2 α Rμνρσ R =η Rνσ = Rνσ − 2∇σ Tν +∇α T ηνσ g 3 32 16   = ∂ ∂ρ ν + ∂ α∂ β 8 β 1 α β ρ Tν T α T β T + Tν Tσ − Tβ T ηνσ + ανσβ∇ S 9 9 9 6 + 2∂ ∂α β + 1∂ α∂ β 1 μα λδ β γ α Sβ S α S β S − η η αλσβδνμγ S S , (D.28) 9 9 36 8 μνρσ +  ∂ν Sσ ∂ρ Tμ  νσ  and the scalar curvature R = η Rνσ , 9 128 ρ ν 128 α β − ∂ρ Tν T T + ∂α T Tβ T 27 27  = − ∇ α − 8 β − 1 β .   R R 4 α T Tβ T Sβ S (D.29) 8 α β α β 3 6 + ∂α T Sβ S − S Tβ S 27 8 α β 8 α β As we want to get a set of stability condition on the param- + ∂α S Tβ S − ∂α Sβ T S eters of the theory when gμν = ημν, we take the expression 9 9 64 α β 1 α β of the curvature tensors (D.27), (D.28) and (D.29) to compute + Tα T Tβ T + Sα S Sβ S the scalars in the Lagrangian density (24). These are 27 108 24 α β 48 α β  + Tα T Sβ S + Tα S Tβ S , (D.33) 2 α β 64 α β R  = 16∂α T ∂β T + ∂α T Tβ T 81  81 =η ρσμν g 3 μνρσ  R R g=η 8 α β 8 α β + ∂α T Sβ S + Tα T Sβ S 32 ν ρ 16 α β 6 9 = ∂ρ Tν∂ T + ∂α T ∂β T 9 9 1 α β 64 α β + Sα S Sβ S + Tα T Tβ T , (D.30) 2 α β α β 36 9 − (∂α Sβ ∂ S − ∂α S ∂β S )  9  νσ  = 16∂ ∂μ ν + 32∂ α∂ β Rνσ R =η μTν T α T β T 8 μνρσ g 9 9 −  ∂ν Sσ ∂μTρ 9 1 α β β α + (∂α Sβ ∂ S − ∂α Sβ ∂ S ) 128 ρ ν 128 α β 18 − ∂ρ Tν T T + ∂α T Tβ T 27 27 4 μνρσ +  ∂μ Sσ ∂ρ Tν 8 α β 16 α β 9 − ∂α Sβ T S + ∂α Tβ S S 27 27 160 α β 64 μ ν + ∂α T Tβ T − ∂μTν T T 64 α β 1 α β 27 27 + Tα T Tβ T + Sα S Sβ S 27 108 10 α β 4 μ ν + ∂α T Sβ S − ∂μTν S S 8 α β 32 α β 27 27 − Tα T Sβ S + Tα S Tβ S , (D.34) 81  81 64 α β  μρνσ  + Tα T Tβ T Rμνρσ R 27 g=η 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:755 Page 15 of 16 755

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123 Chapter 4

Einstein-Yang-Mills systems

4.1 Introduction to Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

Einstein-Yang-Mills (EYM) theory constitutes the general framework to describe the nature as well as the interaction of non-Abelian gauge fields and conventional gravi- tation. Thus, this theory describes the phenomenology of YM fields [83], such as the electro-weak model or the strong nuclear force associated with quantum chromody- namics, in the presence of a curved space-time and it represents the most natural generalization of the Einstein-Maxwell theory. Therefore, in principle, the search for non-Abelian systems and heterogeneous BHs in the framework of GR would be admissible. Nevertheless, according to the no-hair conjecture, the structure of a stationary BH is completely determined by its mass, its orbital angular momentum and its Abelian charge, which means a strong conjectural restriction on the possible existence of BH configurations endowed with YM fields. Despite this assumption, a large number of EYM BHs were systematically found out and classified as counterexamples that manifestly violated it, showing up a notable and richer structure than the ones expected from the Abelian sector [84]. From a mathematical point of view, a gauge field over a pseudo-Riemannian manifold M is associated with a G and is described by a connection 1-form A in the principal bundle P (M, G), which takes values on the :

a Aµ = Aµ Ta , (4.1) with Ta the respective generators of such Lie algebra, which satisfy the following completeness relation:

c [Ta,Tb] = ifabc T , (4.2)

115 116 Chapter 4. Einstein-Yang-Mills systems

where the coefficients fabc are the so called structure constants. The gauge connection (4.1) defines a covariant derivative on the tangent bundle of G and a 2-form gauge curvature F , which constitutes the YM propagating field playing the role of carrier of the interaction:

Dµ = ∇µ − i [Aµ, · ] , (4.3)

Fµν = ∂µAν − ∂νAµ − i [Aµ,Aν] . (4.4)

Then, by considering an arbitrary vector vλ, the following commutation relation is satisfied:

λ λ ρ h λi [Dµ,Dν] v = R ρµν v − i Fµν, v . (4.5)

The behaviour of these components under a gauge transformation S ∈ G:

0 −1 −1 Aµ → Aµ = S AµS + iS ∂µS, (4.6)

0 −1 Fµν → Fµν = S FµνS, (4.7) allows the construction of minimal coupling actions by the standard procedure:

1 Z √ S = − (R − tr F F µν) −g d4x . (4.8) 16π µν The metric tensor and the gauge connection represent the main variables in this approach and their variations lead to the general EYM equations:

µν Dµ F = 0 , (4.9)

Gµν = 8πTµν , (4.10) 1  1 λρ ρ where Tµν = 4π tr 4 gµνFλρF − FµρFν is the energy-momentum tensor asso- ciated with the YM field. Furthermore, the divergenceless of the Einstein tensor implies the same for the energy-momentum tensor of the YM field, which also sat- isfies the following identity from its propagating equation (4.9):

µν DµDν F = 0 . (4.11) 4.1. Introduction to Einstein-Yang-Mills theory 117

Indeed, this quantity is proportional to the contraction of the commutator of the covariant derivatives and the gauge curvature, which vanishes identically since the Ricci tensor constitutes a symmetric quantity in Riemannian geometry and the commutator of two field strength tensors is zero:

1 i [D ,D ] F µν = R F µν − [F ,F µν] . (4.12) 2 µ ν µν 2 µν

In order to solve the EYM field equations, it is possible to simplify the problem by applying a suitable set of internal gauge transformations that preserve the invariance of the gauge connection under space-time symmetries [85]. Specifically, the change 0 in the gauge potential Aµ → Aµ = Aµ − LξAµ under the infinitesimal coordinate transformation xµ → x0µ = xµ+ξµ can be compensated by the following infinitesimal gauge transformation:

0 ˆ 0 Aµ → Aµ = Aµ + ∂µω − i [Aµ, ω] , (4.13) ˆ where ∂µω − i [Aµ, ω] = LξAµ implies the equality Aµ = Aµ in the present gauge. Such a gauge condition represents a strong constraint for the covariant component of the connection that can be solved in special cases, like the one given by the gauge group SU(2) in the presence of a static and spherically symmetric space-time (see Appendix C for a detailed resolution within this context). In this sense, the final expression for the gauge connection acquires the following structure [86]:

A = p(r) τ3 dt + u(r) τ3 dr + (v(r) τ1 + w(r) τ2) dθ1

+ (cot θ1 τ3 + v(r) τ2 − w(r) τ1) sin θ1dθ2 , (4.14) with p, u, v and w four arbitrary functions depending on r and {τi}i=1,2,3 the gener- ators related to SU(2), which obey the standard commutation relations:

k [τi, τj] = iijkτ . (4.15)

In addition, besides the strong simplification provided by this symmetry con- dition, the remaining group of residual gauge transformations still preserves this ansatz and may restrict even more the number of degrees of freedom involved in iα(r)τ3 0 the problem. In this case, the gauge transformation V1 = e with α (r) = u(r) 3 allows the vanishing of the spatial component Ar without changing the structure of (4.14). Thereby, the corresponding gauge curvature associated with this simple ansatz reads: 118 Chapter 4. Einstein-Yang-Mills systems

0  2 2  F = p (r)τ3 dr ∧ dt + v (r) + w (r) − 1 sin θ1τ3 dθ1 ∧ dθ2

+ p(r)(v(r)τ2 − w(r)τ1) dt ∧ dθ1 − p(r)(v(r)τ1 + w(r)τ2) sin θ1 dt ∧ dθ2 0 0 0 0 + (v (r)τ1 + w (r)τ2) dr ∧ dθ1 + (v (r)τ2 − w (r)τ1) sin θ1 dr ∧ dθ2 . (4.16)

By taking into account the EYM equations and setting the third component in µ1 the Lie algebra of the expression DµF equal to zero, it is straightforward to obtain the following restriction involving the spatial components of the gauge connection:

v(r) = k w(r) , (4.17) where k is a constant. Then, this expression must be fulfilled in order to satisfy the mentioned EYM field equation. Furthermore, in virtue of this constraint, it is ikτ3 possible to apply a new residual gauge transformation V2 = e that vanishes the 1 2 components Aθ1 and Aθ2 , which means a new decrease in the number of degrees of freedom contained in the gauge potential. The two remaining components p(r) and w(r) can be directly related to the electric and magnetic components of the YM field. Indeed, the standard definition of such components:

ν Eµ = Fµνu , (4.18)

√ −g B = λρ F uν , (4.19) µ 2 µν λρ particularized in the rest frame of reference, gives rise to the following outcome for a static and spherically symmetric space-time with line element (2.6):

0 E1 = p (r) τ3 , (4.20)

E2 = p(r)w(r) τ1 , (4.21)

E3 = p(r)w(r) sin θ1 τ2 , (4.22)

v 2 u 1 − w (r)uΨ1(r) t B1 = 2 τ3 , (4.23) r Ψ2(r) 4.1. Introduction to Einstein-Yang-Mills theory 119

0 q B2 = − w (r) Ψ1(r)Ψ2(r) τ1 , (4.24)

0 q B3 = − w (r) Ψ1(r)Ψ2(r) sin θ1 τ2 . (4.25)

Therefore, the case p(r) = 0 describes a purely magnetic configuration and then constitutes a special system within this theory. In fact, two types of purely magnetic non-Abelian solutions to the static and spherically symmetric EYM field equations can be found: a self-gravitating solitonic solution derived by Bartnik and McKinnon (BK) and a hairy BH solution discovered by Bizon [87, 88]. Consequently, they are related to different boundary conditions, namely to regular and singular conditions, respectively. First, by introducing a pair of free parameters a, b and the ADM mass M, the BK solution acquires the following structure for the degrees of freedom contained in the metric tensor and the gauge field:

 2 3 8b3r5 6  2b r − 5 + O(r ) , if 0 ≤ r  r¯  m(r) = (4.26)  2  a −4 M − r3 + O(r ) , ifr ¯  r ,

 2  3b2 4b3  4 6  1 − br + 10 − 5 r + O(r ) , if 0 ≤ r  r¯  w(r) = (4.27)    2    a 3a −6aM −3 ± 1 − r + 4r2 + O(r ) , ifr ¯  r , where the metric functions have been redefined for convenience in the following way:

2 Ψ1(r) = σ (r)Ψ2(r) , (4.28)

2m(r) Ψ (r) = 1 − , (4.29) 2 r and the function σ(r) is completely determined by the EYM equation:

σ0(r) 2w0 2(r) = . (4.30) σ(r) r

Then, it is possible to match the two regions at the pointr ¯ by a numerical extension and to obtain a globally regular solution for a discrete family of values of 120 Chapter 4. Einstein-Yang-Mills systems

n an bn Mn 1 0.8933 0.4537 0.8286 2 8.8638 0.6517 0.9713 3 58.9290 0.6970 0.9953 4 366.2000 0.7048 0.9992 5 2246.8000 0.7061 0.9998

Table 4.1: Parameters of the BK solution.

the parameters, which can be labeled by a natural number n (see table 4.1 to check the first values of the family {an, bn,Mn}, from n = 1 to n = 5). The geometry shows three principal regions that evince the richer structure pro- vided by the interaction between gravity and non-Abelian gauge fields: a high den- sity region characterized by an intense YM field strength, a near-field zone where the metric is approximately a Reissner-Nordstr¨om(RN) type with unit magnetic charge and a far-field region where this charge decays asymptotically to zero and the metric resembles the Schwarzschild geometry with mass Mn. The balance be- tween the attractive component of the gravitational field and the repulsive forces applied by the SU(2) field allows the existence of this equilibrium configuration and prevents the formation of singularities in the space-time. As can be seen from Fig. 4.1, the contrast existing between these zones becomes even more remarkable for higher values of n, where it is worthwhile to stress the fast increase of the ADM mass and the corresponding transition to heavier self- gravitating states within this context. Furthermore, this parameter also provides the number of nodes of the function w(r), which moreover is bounded within the interval [−1, 1]. The BH configuration also constitutes a discrete family of solutions and presents the same geometrical pattern with the cited transition zones, but it includes the existence of a regular event horizon provided by the following singular boundary conditions:

 2 r2 − w2 −1    h ( h ) 2  r3 (r − rh) + O (r − rh) , if r ≈ rh  h Ψ2(r) = (4.31)   2M 2a2 −5  1 − r + 3r4 + O(r ) , if rh  r , 4.1. Introduction to Einstein-Yang-Mills theory 121

Figure 4.1: Obtained from [84]. w(r) and the effective mass m(r) for the lowest BK solution.

 3 2 whrh(wh−1)  2  wh + 2 (r − rh) + O (r − rh) , if r ≈ rh  r2 − w2 −1  h ( h ) w(r) = (4.32)    2   a 3a −6aM −3 ± 1 − r + 4r2 + O(r ) , if rh  r , where the parameter rh indicates the location of the event horizon of the solution and wh the value of function w(r) at r = rh. In addition, the interior region in the vicinity r ≈ 0 of the essential singularity can be numerically matched by three distinct types of local solutions (see [84] for further details on interior solutions). The existence of these regular and BH solutions constitutes the first example of a self-gravitating system coupled to a non-Abelian gauge field and also the first manifest violation of the no-hair conjecture in the framework of the EYM theory. Nevertheless, a large class of analytical and numerical studies have been shown their instability under small spherically symmetric perturbations and, furthermore, in the nonlinear regime [89–92], which strongly questions its validity as a viable configuration in nature. On the other hand, from a theoretical point of view, a large variety of extended solutions to the EYM equations have also been systematically found by different authors, including the application of higher rank non-Abelian groups or the incor- poration of a cosmological constant and external fields into the general action, such as the and the Higgs fields [93–99], which represents a considerable number of examples and theoretical illustrations within this field. 122 Chapter 4. Einstein-Yang-Mills systems

All these solutions can be formally classified by attending to the algebraic prop- erties of the YM field. In the same way that the Petrov classification of the conven- tional gravitational field describes the algebraic symmetries of the Weyl tensor [100], the Carmeli method establishes for the YM field an analogous result according to its distinct eigenspinors and eigenvalues [101, 102]. Specifically, this method takes into account an eigenspinor equation for the following gauge invariant spinors defined from the non-Abelian gauge field 1:

ηABCD = ξ(ABCD) , (4.34)

1 ξ =  E˙ F˙  G˙ H˙ (f f ) , (4.35) ABCD 4 AEB˙ F˙ CGD˙ H˙ µ ν where fABC˙ D˙ = τAB˙ τCD˙ Fµν is the spinor equivalent to the YM strength field tensor written in terms of the generalizations of the unit and Pauli matrices, which establish the correspondence between spinors and tensors, whereas the dotted and undotted indices run from 1˙ to 2˙ and 1 to 2, respectively. These quantities define, among others, the following invariants of the YM field:

AB P = ξAB , (4.36)

ABCD G = ηABCD η , (4.37)

CD EF AB H = ηAB ηCD ηEF , (4.38) where the parameter P relates to the previous spinor fields by means of the expres- sion:

P ξ = η + (  +   ) . (4.39) ABCD ABCD 6 AC BD AD BC

In such a case, by introducing a symmetrical spinor φAB, the corresponding CD 0 equation ηAB φCD = λ φAB provides the set of eigenspinors and eigenvalues of 0 0 the spinor field ξABCD by the relation λ = λ +P/3, where the root λ can be directly computed by the characteristic polynomial:

1The YM spinor field satisfies the following symmetry properties:

ξABCD = ξBACD , ξABCD = ξABDC , ξABCD = ξCDAB . (4.33) 4.1. Introduction to Einstein-Yang-Mills theory 123

p(λ0) = λ0 3 − Gλ0/2 − H/3 . (4.40)

Hence, the classification scheme of the principal spinor ξABCD reduces to the alternative and simpler classification of the totally symmetric spinor ηABCD. The distinct families of eigenspinors and eigenvalues allow the YM field to be catego- rized in a systematic way, which in fact improves the physical understanding of the EYM solutions. In table 4.2, the possible algebraic symmetry types are displayed, according to the number of degenerate eigenvalues and linearly independent spinors, as well as to the value of the invariant P . Note that, for each symmetry type, it is possible to express the quantity ξABCD in terms of up to four arbitrary one-index spinors LA,MA,NA and KA. This algebraic structure points out the existence of different degenerate levels, in the sense that possible transitions with a consequent loss of generality can occur (see diagram 4.2). The particularization to the purely magnetic SU(2) gauge field in a static and spherically symmetric geometry can then be accomplished by computing the com- ponents of the associated YM spinors and their gauge invariants. By considering the line element defined by Expression (2.6) and the gauge curvature (4.16) with p(r) = v(r) = 0, these components are:

η1111 = ξ1111 , (4.41)

η2222 = ξ2222 , (4.42)

1 (w2(r) − 1)2 ! η = − Ψ (r) w0 2(r) , (4.43) 1122 12r2 r2 2

ξ1111 = ξ2222 , (4.44)

1 (w2(r) − 1)2 ! ξ = Ψ (r) w0 2(r) − , (4.45) 2222 4r2 2 r2

1 (w2(r) − 1)2 ! ξ = Ψ (r) w0 2(r) + , (4.46) 1122 4r2 2 r2

Ψ (r) w0 2(r) ξ = − 2 , (4.47) 1212 4r2 124 Chapter 4. Einstein-Yang-Mills systems

P IP λi 6= λj ∀ i, j = 1, 2, 3 3 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(AMBNC KD) − 3 A(C D)B

I0 λi 6= λj ∀ i, j = 1, 2, 3 3 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(AMBNC KD) P IIP λ1 6= λ2 = λ3 2 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(ALBMC ND) − 3 A(C D)B

II0 λ1 6= λ2 = λ3 2 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(ALBMC ND) P DP λ1 6= λ2 = λ3 3 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(ALBMC MD) − 3 A(C D)B

D0 λ1 6= λ2 = λ3 3 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(ALBMC MD) P IIIP λ1 = λ2 = λ3 1 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(ALBLC MD) − 3 A(C D)B

III0 λ1 = λ2 = λ3 1 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(ALBLC MD) P IVP λ1 = λ2 = λ3 2 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(ALBLC LD) − 3 A(C D)B

IV0 λ1 = λ2 = λ3 2 φAB l.i. ξABCD = L(ALBLC LD) P 0P λ1 = λ2 = λ3 3 φAB l.i. ξABCD = − 3 A(C D)B

00 λ1 = λ2 = λ3 = 0 3 φAB l.i. ξABCD = 0

Table 4.2: Carmeli types for the YM field.

and the characteristic polynomial for the spinor ηABCD acquires the following form:

2 λ0 (w2(r) − 1)2 ! p(λ0) = λ0 3 − Ψ (r) w0 2(r) − 12r4 2 r2 3 1 (w2(r) − 1)2 ! + Ψ (r) w0 2(r) − . (4.48) 108r6 2 r2

CD 0 Hence, in general, the eigenspinor equation ηAB φCD = λ φAB gives rise to a simple eigenvalue:

1 (w2(r) − 1)2 ! λ0 = − Ψ (r) w0 2(r) − , (4.49) 1 3r2 2 r2 and to a degenerate eigenvalue:

1 (w2(r) − 1)2 ! λ0 = λ0 = Ψ (r) w0 2(r) − . (4.50) 2 3 6r2 2 r2

The transformation λ = λ0 + P/3 can then be applied by the calculation of this parameter and, consequently, the classification of the YM field can be achieved: 4.1. Introduction to Einstein-Yang-Mills theory 125

Figure 4.2: Diagram of classification of YM fields.

(w2(r) − 1)2 λ = , (4.51) 1 2r4

Ψ (r) w0 2(r) λ = λ = 2 , (4.52) 2 3 2r2 with:

1 (w2(r) − 1)2 ! P = 2Ψ (r) w0 2(r) + . (4.53) 2r2 2 r2

i) λ1 6= λ2 = λ3

In this case, there exist three linearly independent eigenspinors and a non- vanishing gauge invariant P :

       1 0 1 0 0 1  Bφ =   ,   ,   . (4.54)  0 − 1 0 1 1 0 

Therefore, the YM field constitutes a type DP and is associated with isolated gravitating systems. Note that the embedded RN solution with unit magnetic charge, given by the condition w(r) = 0, also belongs to this class of symmetry. 126 Chapter 4. Einstein-Yang-Mills systems

ii) λ1 = λ2 = λ3

In this case, there exist only one degenerate eigenvalue on account of the relation:

(w2(r) − 1)2 Ψ (r) w0 2(r) = , (4.55) 2 r2 which additionally involves the vanishing of the completely symmetric spinor ηABCD and the simplification of the gauge invariant:

3 (w2(r) − 1)2 P = . (4.56) 2r4

The number of linearly independent eigenspinors is once again three, which means that the YM field reduces to a type 0P if w(r) 6= ±1 or to a type 00 if w(r) = ±1, namely if the YM field vanishes identically and the solution coincides with the Schwarzschild solution:

       1 0 1 0 0 1  Bφ =   ,   ,   . (4.57)  0 1 0 − 1 1 0  Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:853 https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5425-1

Regular Article - Theoretical Physics

Einstein–Yang–Mills–Lorentz black holes

Jose A. R. Cembranosa, Jorge Gigante Valcarcelb Departamento de Física Teórica I, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Received: 5 July 2016 / Accepted: 23 November 2017 © The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract Different black hole solutions of the coupled [3–5]. They are known as colored black holes and can be Einstein–Yang–Mills equations have been well known for labeled by the number of nodes of the exterior Yang–Mills a long time. They have attracted much attention from math- field configuration. Although the Yang–Mills fields do not ematicians and physicists since their discovery. In this work, vanish completely outside the horizon, these solutions are we analyze black holes associated with the gauge Lorentz characterized by the absence of a global charge. This feature group. In particular, we study solutions which identify the is opposite to the one predicted by the standard BH unique- gauge connection with the spin connection. This ansatz ness theorems related to the EM equations, whose solutions allows one to find exact solutions to the complete system can be classified solely with the values of the mass, (electric of equations. By using this procedure, we show the equiv- and/or magnetic) charge and angular momentum evaluated alence between the Yang–Mills–Lorentz model in curved at infinity. In any case, the EYM model also supports the space-time and a particular set of extended gravitational the- Reissner–Nordström BH as an embedded abelian solution ories. with global electric and/or magnetic charge [6]. It is also interesting to mention that there are a larger variety of solu- tions associated with different generalizations of the EYM 1 Introduction equations extended with dilaton fields, higher curvature cor- rections, Higgs fields, merons or cosmological constants (see The dynamical interacting system of equations related to [7,8] and the references therein). non-abelian gauge theories defined on a curved space-time In this work, we are interested in finding solutions of the is known as Einstein–Yang–Mills (EYM) theory. Thus, this EYM equations associated with the Lorentz group as gauge theory describes the phenomenology of Yang–Mills fields group. The main motivation for considering such a gauge [1] interacting with the gravitational attraction, such as the symmetry is offered by the spin connection dynamics. This electro-weak model or the strong nuclear force associated connection is introduced for a consistent description of spinor with quantum chromodynamics. The EYM model constitutes fields defined on curved space-times. Although general coor- a paradigmatic example of the non-linear interactions related dinate transformations do not have spinor representations [9], to gravitational phenomenology. Indeed, the evolution of a they can be described by the representations associated with spherical symmetric system obeying these equations can be the Lorentz group. In addition, they can be used to define very rich. Its dynamics is opposite to the one predicted by alternative theories of gravity [10]. other models, such as the ones provided by the Einstein– We shall impose the requirement that the spin connection Maxwell (EM) equations, whose static behaviour is enforced is dynamical and its evolution is determined by the Yang– by a version of the Birkhoff theorem. Mills action related to the SO(1, n − 1) symmetry, where n For instance, in the four-dimensional space-time, the is the number of dimensions of the space-time. In order to EYM equations associated with the gauge group SU(2) sup- complete the EYM equations, we shall assume that gravita- port a discrete family of static self-gravitating solitonic solu- tion is described by the metric of a Lorentzian manifold. We tions, found by Bartnik and McKinnon [2]. There are also shall find vacuum analytic solutions to the EYM system by hairy black hole (BH) solutions, as was shown by Bizon choosing a particular ansatz, which will relate the spin con- nection to the gauge connection. Therefore, this assumption a e-mail: cembra@fis.ucm.es provides additional gravitational degrees of freedom besides b e-mail: [email protected] the ones given by the standard case, so that all the BH con- 123 853 Page 2 of 6 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:853

figurations found by this approach are not associated with an SU(2) gauge group [2]. We are interested in solving the internal symmetry group and they do not carry any classical above system of equations when the gauge symmetry is asso- hair (i.e. they constitute a class of non-hairy BH solutions in ciated with the Lorentz group SO(1, 3). In this case, we can ab a pure gravity model). write the gauge connection as Aμ = A μ Jab, where the This work is organized in the following way. First, in generators of the gauge group Jab, can be written in terms of Sect. 2, we present basic features of the EYM model. In the Dirac gamma matrices: Jab = i[γa,γb]/8. In such a case, Sect. 3, we show the general results based on the Lorentz it is straightforward to deduce the commutative relations of group taking as a starting point the spin connection, which the Lorentz generators: yields exact solutions to the EYM equations in vacuum. The i expressions of the field for the Schwarzschild–de Sitter met- [Jab, Jcd] = (ηad Jbc + ηcb Jad − ηdb Jac − ηac Jbd) . 2 ric in a four-dimensional space-time are shown in Sect. 4, (5) where we also remark some properties of particular the solu- tions in higher-dimensional space-times. Finally, we classify the Yang–Mills field configurations through Carmeli method 3 EYM-Lorentz ansatz in Sect. 5, and we present the conclusions obtained from our analysis in Sect. 6. The above set of equations constitutes a complicated system involving a large number of degrees of freedom, which inter- act not only under the regular gravitational attraction but also 2 EYM equations associated with the Lorentz group under the non-abelian gauge interaction. It is not simple to find its solutions. We propose the following ansatz, which The dynamics of a non-abelian gauge theory defined on a identifies the gauge connection with the spin connection: four-dimensional Lorentzian manifold is described by the ab a bρ λ a bλ following EYM action: A μ = e λ e + e λ ∂μ e , (6)  ρμ 1 √ S =− d4x −gR with ea λ the tetrad field [11,12], that is defined through the π λ 16 metric tensor gμν = ea μ eb ν η ; and is the affine √ ab ρμ 4 μν + α d x −g tr(Fμν F ), (1) connection of a semi-Riemannian manifold V4. By using the antisymmetric property of the gauge connec- a a abc a b c tion with respect to the Lorentz indices: Aab μ =−Aba μ, where Aμ = Aμ T , [Aμ, Aν]=if Aμ Aν T , and a a a a a abc b c we can write the field strength tensor as Fμν = Fμν T , Fμν = ∂μ Aν − ∂ν Aμ + f Aμ Aν. Unless ab ab ab otherwise specified, we will use Planck units throughout this F μν = ∂μ A ν − ∂ν A μ work (G = c = h¯ = 1), the signature (+, −, −, −) is a cb a cb + A μ A ν − A ν A μ. (7) used for the metric tensor, and Greek letters denote covariant c c indices, whereas Latin letters stand for Lorentzian indices. Then, by taking into account the orthogonal property of the λ a λ The above action is called pure EYM, since it is related to its tetrad field ea e ρ = δρ, the field strength tensor takes the simplest form, without any additional field or matter content form [13,14] (see [8] for more complex systems). ab a bρ λ The EYM equations can be derived from this action by F μν = e λ e R ρμν, (8) performing variations with respect to the gauge connection: λ   where R ρμν are the components of the Riemann tensor. μν a a bρ λ Dμ F = 0, (2) Thus, Fμν = e λ e R ρμν Jab represents a gauge cur- vature and we can express the pure EYM equations (2) and and the metric tensor: (3) in terms of geometrical quantities. On the one hand, Eq. − R = π , (2) can be written as Rμν gμν 8 Tμν (3)   2 μν ab a b μνλρ Dμ F = e λ e ρ ∇μ R = 0, (9) where the energy-momentum tensor associated with the Yang–Mills field configuration is given by whereas, on the other hand, the standard Einstein equation   givenbyEq.(3) has the following gravitational correction to ρ 1 λρ Tμν = 4α tr Fμρ Fν − gμν Fλρ F . (4) the Einstein tensor: 4   σω ρ 1 σωλρ As we have commented, the first non-abelian solution with Tμν = 2α R μρ Rσων − gμν RσωλρR , (10) 4 matter fields was found numerically by Bartnik and McK- innon for the case of a four-dimensional space-time and a which replaces Eq. (4). 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:853 Page 3 of 6 853

4 Solutions of the EYM-Lorentz ansatz Then it is expected that alternative vacuum solutions may also arise in the framework of the higher derivative gravity The EYM-Lorentz ansatz described above reduces the prob- [24]. lem to a pure gravitational system and simplifies the search On the other hand, although the EYM theory typi- for particular solutions. According to the second Bianchi cally involves gauging internal degrees of freedom associ- identity for a semi-Riemannian manifold, the components ated with fields coupled to gravity, our solutions are also of the Riemann tensor satisfy compatible with other gauge gravitational theories, such σν as Poincaré Gauge Gravity (PGG) [25–27]. This theory ∇[μ Rλρ] = 0. (11) is based on the Poincaré group, which is also known as By contracting this expression with the metric tensor: the inhomogeneous Lorentz group. Within this model, the ∇ μν = . external degrees of freedom (rotations and translations) are [μ Rλρ] 0 (12) a gauged and the connection is defined by Aμ = e μ Pa + a bρ λ a bλ By using the symmetries of the Riemann tensor: e λ e ρμ + e λ ∂μ e Jab, where Pa are the genera- μν ν ν tors of the translation group. The equations corresponding to ∇μ R λρ +∇ρ Rλ −∇λ Rρ = 0, (13) the Lagrangian (1) in PGG are the same than the previous ν with Rλ the components of the Ricci tensor. Then, taking system of equations [22]. However, PGG is less constrained into account (9), we finally obtain than a purely quadratic YM field strength. Once the metric solution is fixed by the particular bound- ∇[λ Rρ]ν = 0. (14) ary conditions, the EYM-Lorentz ansatz defined by Eq. (6) σ The integrability condition R[μν|λ| Rρ]σ = 0 for this determines the solution of the Yang–Mills field configura- expression is known to have as only solutions [15]: tion. In order to characterize such a configuration, it is inter- ν esting to establish the form of the electric Eμ = Fμν u , Rμν = bgμν, (15) ν and magnetic field Bμ =∗Fμν u , as measured by an where b is a constant. observer moving with four-velocity uν. In particular, for the First, we shall analyze the case of a space-time charac- Schwarzschild–de Sitter solution, one may find the follow- terized by four dimensions. In such a case, Tμν is trace-free ing electric and magnetic projections of the Yang–Mills field and the solutions are scalar-flat. From the expression of this strength tensor in the rest frame of reference [28]: tensor in terms of the Weyl and Ricci tensors, the Einstein 4M + 2 r3 3 equations are Er =  J01, (17)  λρ − 2M − 2 − πα = , 1 r r Rμν 16 Cμλνρ R 0 (16)  3    M  where Cμλνρ = Rμλνρ − gμ[ν Rρ]λ − gλ[ν Rρ]μ Eθ =−2r − J , (18) r 3 3 02 + Rgμ[ν gρ]λ/3.   λ = M  Therefore, by using (15) and the condition Cμλν 0, Eφ =− r θ − J , 2 sin 3 03 (19) the only solutions are vacuum solutions defined by Rμν = 0 r 3  [16,17]. Hence, for empty space, Tμν = 0 and all the equa- 4M + 2 r3 3 Br =  J23, (20) tions are satisfied for well-known solutions [18], such as the  1 − 2M − r 2 Schwarzschild or Kerr metric. We can also add a cosmolog-  r 3 ical constant in the Lagrangian and generalize the standard M  Bθ = 2r − J , (21) solutions to de Sitter or anti-de Sitter asymptotic space-times, 3 13 r 3  depending on the sign of such a constant. Note that these solu- M  tions are generally supported for a large variety of different Bφ =−2r sin θ − J12. (22) r 3 3 field models and gravitational theories [19,20]. It is worthwhile to stress that these conclusions contrast It is straightforward to check that the above solution ver- ifies with the ones given by other classical BH solutions in higher  derivative gravity, where the approach assumes the require- tr E2 + B2 = 0 (23) ment of the metric formalism and it leads to a different system and of variational equations [21]. Indeed, whereas the gauge and  the Palatini formalisms are found to be equivalent by requir- tr E · B = 0. (24) ing the presence of a metric-compatible connection [22], it is shown that the latter also implies the metric formalism but It is also interesting to remark that the family of solu- the opposite is not true for theories endowed with this type tions provided by the EYM-Lorentz ansatz is not restricted to of higher order curvature corrections in the Lagrangian [23]. the signature (+, −, −, −). It is also valid for the Euclidean 123 853 Page 4 of 6 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:853 case (+, +, +, +). For the latter signature, the corresponding It is particularly interesting to consider the model with ( ) α = α = αYM gauge group is SO 4 and the associated generators satisfy 2 3 4 . In such a case, the higher order contri- the following commutation relations: bution in the equivalent gravitational system is proportional i to the Gauss–Bonnet term. As is well known, this latter term [Jab, Jcd]= (δad Jbc + δcb Jad − δdb Jac − δac Jbd) . reduces to a topological surface contribution for n = 4, but 2 ≥ (25) it is dynamical for n 5. In particular, according to the Boulware–Deser solution, the metric associated with the cor- The above solutions can also be generalized to a space- responding equations takes the simple form time with an arbitrarily higher number of dimensions. For the n-dimensional case, the assumption of the ansatz (6)in dr 2 ds2 = A2(r) dt2 − − r 2d2, (31) the EYM equations (2), (3) and (4) is equivalent to work with A2(r) 3 the following gravitational action in the Palatini formalism:  √ 2 2 n 1 n˜/2−3 λρμν where d is the metric of a unitary three-sphere, and A (r) S = d x −g − R + 2 αRλρμν R , 3 16π is given by (26)  r 2 r 2 16ϒ M 4ϒ where n˜ = n and n˜ = n − 1 for even and odd n. A2(r) = 1 + + σ 1 + + , (32) ϒ ϒ 4 In such a case, the quadratic Yang–Mills correction takes 4 4 r 3 the form of the one associated with a cosmological constant, α /α =− α /α = ϒ σ = σ =− in a similar way to certain solutions of modified gravity theo- with 0 1 2 , 2 1 , and 1or 1. ries, as the Boulware–Deser solution in Gauss–Bonnet grav- Therefore, from the EYM point of view, the Yang–Mills field ity [29]. For instance, for a de Sitter geometry, the Riemann contribution modifies the metric solution in a very non-trivial ϒ → curvature tensor is given by way. We can study the limit 0 in the Boulware–Deser metric. It is interesting to note that it does not necessarily 2   Rλρμν = gλμ gρν − gλν gρμ . (27) mean a weak coupling regime of the EYM interaction, since (n − 2)(n − 3) αYM → α → 4 0 does not imply 0. It is convenient to distin- In this case, the geometrical correction associated with the guish between the branch σ =−1 and σ = 1. The first choice Yang–Mills configuration given by Eq. (10) takes the form recovers the Schwarzschild–de Sitter solution for ϒ = 0: ( − )( − )   n˜/2 2 n 1 n 4 ϒ Tμν =−2 α gμν. (28) 2 2M 2 ( − )2 ( − )2 Aσ=− (r)  1 − 1 − n 2 n 3 1 r 2 3   Therefore, Tμν = 0 is a particular result associated with  ϒ 8M2ϒ − 1 − r 2 + . (33) the four-dimensional space-time. 6 3 r 6 On the other hand, the equivalence between the Yang– Mills–Lorentz model in curved space-time and a pure gravi- When this metric is deduced from the equations corre- tational theory is not restricted to Einstein gravity. For exam- sponding to a pure gravitational theory, the new contribu- ple, in the five-dimensional case, we can study the gravita- tions from finite values of ϒ are usually interpreted as short tional model defined by the following action in the Palatini distance corrections of high-curvature terms in the Einstein– formalism:  Hilbert action. From the EYM model point of view, these √ 5 2 corrections originate with the Yang–Mills contribution inter- SG = d x −g α0 + α1 R + α2 R acting with the gravitational attraction. μν λρμν − 4α3 Rμν R + α4 Rλρμν R . (29) On the other hand, the metric solution takes the following form in the EYM weak coupling limit for the value σ = 1: The above expression includes not only the cosmologi- α   cal constant (proportional to 0) and the Einstein–Hilbert ϒ 2 2M 2 term (proportional to α ), but also quadratic contributions Aσ= (r)  1 + 1 − 1 1 r 2 3 of the curvature tensor (proportional to α2, α3 and α4). In    3 ϒ 8M2ϒ this case, the addition of the Yang–Mills action under the + 1 + − r 2 − . (34) restriction of the Lorentz ansatz (6) is equivalent to work 6 ϒ 3 r 6 with the same gravitational model given by Eq. (29) with the following redefinition of α4: The corresponding geometry does not recover the α Schwarzschild–de Sitter limit when ϒ → 0, and it shows αYM = α + . (30) 4 4 2 ghost instabilities. 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:853 Page 5 of 6 853

5 Carmeli classification of the Yang–Mills field 6 Conclusions configurations In this work, we have studied the EYM theory associated In the same way that the Petrov classification of the gravita- with a SO(1, n − 1) gauge symmetry, where n is the number tional field describes the possible algebraic symmetries of the of dimensions associated with the space-time. In particular, Weyl tensor through the problem of finding their eigenvalues we have derived analytical expressions for a large variety and eigenbivectors [30], the Carmeli classification analyzes of BH solutions. For this analysis, we have used an ansatz the symmetries of Yang–Mills fields configurations [31]. that identifies the gauge connection with the spin connec- Let ξABCD be the gauge invariant spinor defined by tion. We have shown that this ansatz allows one to interpret ξ = 1  E˙ F˙  G˙ H˙ = ABCD tr f AEB˙ F˙ fCGD˙ H˙ , with f ABC˙ D˙ different known metric solutions corresponding to pure grav- μ ν 4 τ τ Fμν the spinor equivalent to the Yang–Millsstrength itational systems, in terms of equivalent EYM models. We AB˙ C D˙ field tensor written in terms of the generalizations of the have demonstrated that this analytical method can also be unit and Pauli matrices, which establish the correspon- applied successfully to the study of fundamental BH config- dence between spinors and tensors. Let φAB be a sym- urations. Such configurations usually differ from the given metrical spinor. Then, by studying the eigenspinor equation by the standard case, so that they are useful to improve the CD ξAB φCD = λφAB, we can classify Yang–Millsfield con- understanding of the resulting approach by showing the sim- figurations in a systematic way. ilarities and differences with respect to the present in other This analysis can be applied to any of the EYM-Lorentz quadratic gravity theories (see [32] and the references therein solutions but, for simplicity, we will illustrate the computa- for a recent overview and additional BH solutions). tion for the EYM solution related to the Schwarzschild metric For the analysis of the corresponding Yang–Mills model in four dimensions. We find the following invariants of the with Lorentz gauge symmetry in curved space-time, we have Yang–Mills field: used the appropriate procedure in order to solve the equiva- lent gravitational equations, which governs the dynamics of 2 pure gravitational systems associated with the proper gravita- AB 3M P = ξAB = , (35) 4r 6 tional theory. In particular, we have derived the solutions for 4 the Schwarzschild–de Sitter geometry in a four-dimensional ABCD 3M G = ηABCD η = , (36) space-time and for the Boulware–Deser metric in the five- 32r 12 6 dimensional case. For these solutions, we have specified CD EF AB 3M H = ηAB ηCD ηEF = , (37) the corresponding pure gravitational theories. The algebraic 256r 18 symmetries associated with the Yang–Mills configuration 9M4 S = ξ ξ ABCD = , related to a given solution can be classified by following the ABCD 12 (38) 32r Carmeli method. We have explicitly shown the equivalence 6 CD EF AB 33M with the Petrov classification for the Schwarzschild metric F = ξAB ξCD ξEF = , (39) 256r 18 in four dimensions. In addition, numerical results obtained for these gravi- η ξ where ABCD is the totally symmetric spinor (ABCD), tational systems can be extrapolated to the EYM-Lorentz ξ ξ = ξ = and ABCD satisfies the equalities ABCD BACD model by following our prescription. Through the gravita- ξ = ξ ABDC CDAB. Then the characteristic polynomial tional analogy, one can also deduce the stability properties (λ ) = λ 3 − λ / − / p G 2 H 3 associated with eigenspinor of the EYM solutions or the gravitational collapse associated η equation of ABCD provides directly the eigenvalues of the with such a system. Here, we have limited the EYM-Lorentz ξ λ = λ + / corresponding ABCD. By taking P 3, we obtain ansatz to the analysis of spherical and static BH configura- the following results: tions, but it can be used to study other types of solutions. For example, by using the same ansatz, gravitational plane M2 waves in modified theories of gravity may be interpreted as λ = , (40) 1 2r 6 EYM-Lorentz waves. We consider that all these ideas deserve M2 further investigation in future work. λ , = . (41) 2 3 8r 6 Acknowledgements We would like to thank Luis J. Garay and Antonio Thus, there are two different eigenvalues: the first one is L. Maroto for helpful discussions. J.G.V. would like to thank Francisco J. Chinea for his useful advice. This work has been supported by the simple, whereas the second one is double. There are three dis- MICINN (Spain) project numbers FIS2011-23000, FPA2011-27853- tinct eigenspinors and the corresponding Yang–Mills field is 01, Consolider-Ingenio MULTIDARK CSD2009-00064. J.A.R.C. thanks the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford (Califor- of type DP , which is associated with the Yang–Mills config- urations of isolated massive objects. nia, USA) and the University of Colima (Colima, Mexico) for their hos- 123 853 Page 6 of 6 Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:853 pitality during the latest stages of the preparation of this manuscript, and 13. R. Utiyama, Phys. Rev. 101, 1597–1607 (1956) the support of the Becas Complutense del Amo program and the UCM 14. J. Yepez, arXiv: 1106.2037V1 (2011) Convenio 2014 program for professors. 15. H.G. Loos, R.P. Treat, Phys. Lett. A 26, 91–92 (1967) 16. E. Fairchild Jr., Phys. Rev. D 16, 2438–2447 (1977) Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative 17. G. Debney, E.E. Fairchild, S.T.C. Siklos, Gen. Relativ. Gravity 9, Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecomm 879 (1978) ons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, 18. L. Yi-Fen, T. 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123 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 96, 024025 (2017) Correspondence between Einstein-Yang-Mills-Lorentz systems and dynamical torsion models

† Jose A. R. Cembranos1,2,* and Jorge Gigante Valcarcel1, 1Departamento de Física Teórica I, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28040 Madrid, Spain 2Departamento de Física, Universidade de Lisboa, P-1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal (Received 23 January 2017; published 17 July 2017) In the framework of Einstein-Yang-Mills theories, we study the gauge Lorentz group and establish a particular correspondence between this case and a certain class of theories with torsion within Riemann- Cartan space-times. This relation is specially useful in order to simplify the problem of finding exact solutions to the Einstein-Yang-Mills equations. The applicability of the method is divided into two approaches: one associated with the Lorentz group SOð1;n− 1Þ of the space-time rotations, and another one with its subgroup SOðn − 2Þ. Solutions for both cases are presented by the explicit use of this correspondence and, interestingly, for the last one by imposing on our ansatz the same kind of rotation and reflection symmetry properties as for a nonvanishing space-time torsion. Although these solutions were found in previous literature by a different approach, our method provides an alternative way to obtain them, and it may be used in future research to find other exact solutions within this theory.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.96.024025

I. INTRODUCTION of G and the subsequent 2-form gauge curvature F, which constitutes the physical field playing the role of carrier of Research of the Einstein-Yang-Mills (EYM) model has an interaction (i.e., the YM field if G is a non-Abelian Lie shown it to be a field of successful results. In the same way group) [6], that we can find solutions in general relativity (GR) with Abelian gauge bosons [1], we can also find more general i solutions in the presence of non-Abelian vector fields Dμ ¼ ∇μ þ ½Aμ; ·; ð1Þ with a large number of interesting properties, despite the σ nonhair conjecture [2]. The first non-Abelian solution in the presence of curved space-time was found numerically ¼ ∂ − ∂ − i ½ ð Þ by Bartnik and McKinnon in the four-dimensional static Fμν μAν νAμ σ Aμ;Aν ; 2 spherically symmetric EYM-SUð2Þ theory [3].Itisa particlelike system, unlike the Abelian case given by the where σ is related to the coupling constant. ð1Þ U gauge group of the Einstein-Maxwell theory, where Then, the following commutating relation is satisfied: such a distribution is prohibited, but the same EYM model does also contain a black hole configuration [4]. i Increasing the number n of dimensions of the space- ½ λ ¼ λ ρ þ ½ λ ð Þ Dμ;Dν v R ρμνv σ Fμν;v ; 3 time, new exact solutions for the EYM-SOðn − 2Þ case were found by the Wu-Yang ansatz [5]. In our work, we λ ¼ ∂ Γλ − ∂ Γλ þ Γλ Γω − Γλ Γω arrive to the same result by making use of a spin where R ρμν μ ρν ν ρμ ωμ ρν ων ρμ are the – components of the Riemann tensor derived from the Levi- connection like ansatz with Yang-Mills (YM) charge λ and applying the standard class of symmetry conditions Civita connection and v is an arbitrary vector. ∈ G as those assigned to the fundamental geometrical quantities Their behavior under a gauge transformation S of a Riemann-Cartan (RC) manifold (i.e., curvature and allows us to construct minimal coupling actions. In terms torsion). of their components, it is given by the following rules: From a mathematical point of view, any gauge field over 0 −1 −1 a pseudo-Riemannian manifold M (i.e., coupled to gravity) Aμ → Aμ ¼ S AμS − iσS ∂μS; ð4Þ is associated with a Lie group G and is expressed by a connection 1-form A in the principal bundle PðM; GÞ, 0 −1 which takes values on the Lie algebra. This gauge con- Fμν → Fμν ¼ S FμνS: ð5Þ nection defines a covariant derivative on the tangent bundle On the other hand, RC space-times incorporate the *[email protected] notion of torsion as the antisymmetric part of the affine † [email protected] connection on the manifold,

2470-0010=2017=96(2)=024025(6) 024025-1 © 2017 American Physical Society CEMBRANOS and GIGANTE VALCARCEL PHYSICAL REVIEW D 96, 024025 (2017) λ ~ λ T μν ¼ 2Γ ½μν: ð6Þ propagating space-time torsion, as is developed in this work. Indeed, the standard theory of gravity and the larger Note that the notation with a tilde refers to elements part of its extensions belong to this group. Following our defined within the RC manifold and with the absence of a discussion, we establish original dynamical constraints in tilde to elements defined within the torsion-free pseudo- order to simplify and to classify all the possible solutions Riemannian manifold. Additionally, according to the cor- derived by the approach described in the manuscript. respondence used by our method, the same convention This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents applies to quantities depending on torsionlike components the general EYM-Lorentz field equations, as well as these (i.e., corrections in the gauge potentials that are referred equations under the spin connection–like ansatz and its to internal symmetry groups and have similar algebraic association with a particular quadratic gravitational theory symmetries in analogy to the torsion tensor). of second order in the curvature term with dynamical Although the affine connection does not transform like a torsion. The general expressions for the metric and the tensor under a general change of coordinates, its antisym- torsion tensor under rotations and reflections in the static metric part does (i.e., torsion is a third-rank tensor, and it spherically symmetric space-time are shown in Sec. III.We cannot be locally vanished if it has not associated an apply these particular conditions and find the respective absolute zero value). Furthermore, whereas curvature is solutions for the torsionlike and torsionless cases in Sec. IV. related to the rotation of a vector along an infinitesimal path Finally, the conclusions obtained from our analysis are over the space-time, torsion is related to the translation and presented in Sec. V. has deep geometrical implications, such as breaking infini- tesimal parallelograms on the manifold [7]. II. EYM-LORENTZ ANSATZ AND CONDITIONS Thus, unlike the torsion-free case where the geometry is We will use Planck units throughout this work completely described by the metric (i.e., the affine con- (G ¼ c ¼ ℏ ¼ 1Þ and consider for our study the following nection corresponds to the Levi-Civita connection), the Lagrangian: presence of torsion introduces independent characteristics Z and modifies the expression of the affine connection in the 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ − ð − μνÞ − n ð Þ following form: S 16π R trFμνF gd x; 8 ~ λ λ λ Γ ρμ ¼ Γ ρμ þ K ρμ; ð7Þ where the minimal coupling is assumed. Note that depending on the character of the gauge formalism and its correspond- λ ¼ 1 ð λ − λ þ λÞ where K ρμ 2 T ρμ Tμ ρ Tρμ is the so-called con- ing group of transformations assumed by the approach, λ ¼ − λ tortion tensor and fulfills K ρμ Kρ μ, in order to preserve this action can be framed either on a modified gravity model ~ the metricity condition ∇λgμν ¼ 0 (i.e., the total covariant or on a system of interaction between gauge fields and regular derivative of the metric tensor vanishes identically). gravity. Specifically, gauging external or internal degrees of One of the most fundamental aspects of introducing freedom is related to a large class of gauge gravity models these new geometrical characteristics within a physical based on space-time symmetries and to YM theories, theory of space-time and matter beyond GR is its main role respectively. In the present case, we consider both analyses ð1 − 1Þ as a dynamical field if higher order curvature and torsion with the external SO ;n group and the internal ð − 2Þ terms are included in the Lagrangian. Whereas the so-called SO n , in order to obtain a class of general constraints Einstein-Cartan theory only incorporates first-order correc- that allows us to classify their possible solutions under the tions in the Lagrangian, and therefore no propagating torsion appropriate correspondence conditions. is allowed, second-order corrections describe a Lagrangian Therefore, the general equations derived from this action with dynamical torsion depending on ten parameters [8,9]. by performing variations with respect to the metric tensor In the present work, we use these notions about the EYM and the gauge connection of the groups under consideration theory and the quadratic gravitation theory with propagat- are ing torsion to bridge the gap between both in a very special ð μνÞab ¼ 0 ð Þ case. Indeed, under a simple class of additional restrictions, DμF ; 9 we shall see that our assumptions allow us to obtain ¼ 8π ð Þ different classes of exact solutions to the EYM equations Gμν Tμν; 10 and to study other possible configurations in such a case. ¼ − R In this sense, the primary starting point of our analysis is where Gμν Rμν 2 gμν is the Einstein tensor and 1 1 λρ ρ based on the study of noncompact Lie groups. Although Tμν ¼ 4π trð4 gμνFλρF − FμρFν Þ, whereas latin a, b and these constructions are related to nonunitary theories, one greek μ, ν indices run from 0 to n − 1 and refer to an interesting aspect of this type of group is the possibility of anholonomic and coordinate basis, respectively. Furthermore, establishing a correspondence between the theory under the divergencelessness of the Einstein tensor implies the study and a set of modified theories of gravity with following conservation law:

024025-2 CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN EINSTEIN-YANG-MILLS- … PHYSICAL REVIEW D 96, 024025 (2017) μν ~ λνρ ρ ~ λνω ~ λ ~ ωνρ ~ ω ~ λνρ ∇μT ¼ 0: ð11Þ ∂ρRμ þ Γ ωρRμ þ Γ ωρRμ − Γ μρRω ¼ 0; ð17Þ These field equations typically constitute a complicated nonlinear system of equations, and additional constraints are usually required in order to simplify the problem and R λρωτ λρ ω − ¼ 2n=~ 2 2ð ~ ~ − 4 ~ ~ Þ to focus on particular cases. Then, by taking into account Rμν 2 gμν Q gμνRλρωτR R μωRλρν : – these lines, we assign the following spin connection like ð18Þ ansatz to the gauge connection:

ab a bρ ~ λ a bλ Thus, if a certain class of space-time symmetries are A μ ¼ Qðe λe Γ ρμ þ e λ∂μe Þ: ð12Þ imposed, then not only the condition Lξgμν ¼ 0 must be L λ ¼ 0 This expression usually represents a spin connection on a satisfied, but also ξT μν (i.e., the Lie derivative in the λ RC space-time (i.e., a curved space-time with torsion), so it direction of the Killing field ξ on T μν vanishes) in order to can be regarded as the gauge field generated by local preserve the reasonable curvature and torsion symmetries. Lorentz transformations in such a case. Alternatively, under the EYM framework associated with internal gauge groups, III. SPHERICAL AND REFLECTION it is always possible to select any particular ansatz in order SYMMETRIES to describe the respective YM field, so in this formalism we will start from the same mathematical expression and find The metric of a n-dimensional static spherically sym- embedded non-Abelian SOðn − 2Þ solutions. metric space-time can be written as ab The gauge connection can be written as Aμ ¼ A μJab, ¼ ½γ γ 8 2 where Jab i a; b = are the generators of the Lorentz dr ds2 ¼ AðrÞdt2 − − r2dΩ2 ; ð19Þ gauge group, which satisfy the following commutative BðrÞ n−2 relations: P Q Ω ¼ θ2 þ n−2 i−1 2 θ θ2 0 ≤ i where d n−2 d 1 i¼2 j¼1 sin jd i ,with ½Jab;Jcd¼ ðηadJbc þ ηcbJad − ηdbJac − ηacJbdÞ: ð13Þ 2 θn−2 ≤ 2π and 0 ≤ θk ≤ π, 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 3. We assume n ≥ 4. Then, it can be shown that the only nonvanishing λ By using the antisymmetric property of the gauge components of T μν are [12,13] connection with respect to the Lorentz indices, ab ba A μ ¼ −A μ, we can write the field strength tensor as t T tr ¼ aðrÞ; 1 Tr ¼ bðrÞ; ab ¼ ∂ ab − ∂ ab þ ð a cb − a cb Þ tr F μν μA ν νA μ A cμA ν A cνA μ : θ θ σ k ¼ δ k ð Þ; T tθl θl c r ð Þ θ θ 14 k ¼ δ k ð Þ; T rθl θl g r θ θ k ¼ a k b ϵ ð Þ ¼ 4; Finally, by taking into account the orthogonal property T tθl e e θl abd r ; if n λ a λ of the tetrad field e e ρ ¼ δρ and setting σ ¼ Q, the field θ aθ b a T k θ ¼ e k e θ ϵ hðrÞ; if n ¼ 4; strength tensor takes the form [10,11] r l l ab t ¼ ϵ ð Þ θ ¼ 4; T θkθl klk r sin 1; if n ab a b ~ λρ F μν ¼ Qe λe ρR μν; ð15Þ r ¼ ϵ ð Þ θ ¼ 4; T θkθl kll r sin 1; if n θ aθ b c ~ λ T k θ θ ¼ e k e θ e θ ϵ fðrÞ; if n ¼ 5; ð20Þ where R ρμν coincides with the general expression of the l m l m abc components of the Riemann tensor over a RC space-time. Rewriting the above action under the spin connection– where a, b, c, d, g, h, k, and l are arbitrary functions ¼ 1 ϵ ϵ like ansatz, it turns out that it coincides with the following depending only on r; k, l , 2, and ab, abc are the totally quadratic gravity action in presence of torsion: antisymmetric Levi-Civita symbol of second and third Z order, respectively. 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffi Therefore, in addition to the two functions associated ¼ − ð − 2n=~ 2−3 2 ~ ~ λρμνÞ − n ð Þ S 16π R Q RλρμνR gd x; 16 with the metric, for n ¼ 4 dimensions, there are still a total number of eight unknown independent functions to solve with n~ ¼ n and n~ ¼ n − 1 for even and odd n. the field equations. Furthermore, imposing reflection sym- Therefore, Eqs. (9) and (10) for such a case can be metry [i.e., Oð3Þ spherical symmetry] requires that dðrÞ, expressed in terms of geometrical quantities, respectively, hðrÞ, kðrÞ, and lðrÞ vanish, so that the number reduces as follows: to four.

024025-3 CEMBRANOS and GIGANTE VALCARCEL PHYSICAL REVIEW D 96, 024025 (2017) IV. SOLUTIONS connection components of the solutions, giving rise to a dimension of ðn − 2Þðn − 3Þ=2, as expected. In order to categorize all the possible solutions, we can rewrite Eq. (17) in the following form: A. Torsionless case λνρ λνρ λ ~ ωνρ ω ~ λνρ ∇ρRμ þ ∇ρTμ þ K ωρRμ − K μρRω ¼ 0; ð21Þ For the torsionless SOð1;n− 1Þ case, the following constraint is satisfied: λ λ λ λ σ λ σ where T ρμν ¼ ∇μK ρν − ∇νK ρμ þ K σμK ρν − K σνK ρμ coincides with the torsion contribution to the curvature ∇½λRρν ¼ 0; ð25Þ tensor of the RC space-time, so that we can distinguish between the torsion-free and the torsion parts if it is required. with On the other hand, according to the second Bianchi identity for a pseudo-Riemannian manifold, the compo- ω ½∇½μ; ∇νjRλjρ ¼ −R½μνjλ Rjρω: ð26Þ nents of the Riemann tensor in such a manifold satisfy

ω ∇½λjR ρjμν ¼ 0: ð22Þ Thus, the existence of the integrability condition ω R½μνjλ Rjρω ¼ 0 allows us to solve this equation and obtain By contracting this expression with the metric tensor and the following solutions [14]: considering the above form of the mentioned field equa- tion, it is straightforward to obtain the following condition Rμν ¼ bgμν; ð27Þ for our model:

λ ω ~ λ 2∇½μRνρ ¼ ∇λTμνρ þ 2K ½μjλRνωρ : ð23Þ where b is a constant. Therefore, the only possible geometries for this torsion- In addition, the conservation law (11) turns out to be less case correspond to Einstein manifolds. Note that the equivalent to the following expression: tracelessness of the torsion-free Einstein tensor in four dimensions implies that b ¼ 0, so these solutions satisfy 1 Rμν ¼ 0 (i.e., the space-time is Ricci-flat). On the other ∇ þ ∇ μλ þ ω ~ μλ − ω ~ λ ¼ 0 ð Þ 2 νR λTμν K μλRνω K νλRω : 24 hand, by increasing the number of dimensions, the cor- rections to the act as a cosmological These expressions are shown as generic conditions of constant in the Einstein equations [15]. this model, and they will allow us to classify all the possible configurations in the most important cases. B. Nonvanishing torsionlike case Before distinguishing between torsionless and nonvan- The condition (23) equal to zero enables the existence of ishing torsionlike cases, let us summarize the respective Einstein manifold solutions even for the case of an external assumptions that allow us to establish and to obtain the symmetry group SOð1;n− 1Þ in the presence of a non- distinct classes of solutions according to our discussion. vanishing space-time torsion. However, other geometries The starting point is the mapping defined in Eq. (12), which are allowed according to the generic conditions (23) coincides with the well-known spin connection of a given and (24). space-time. This quantity has typically been used in order Particularly, for a n-dimensional static spherically sym- to describe appropriately the dynamics of the fermion fields metric space-time, if we simplify the problem using the on a general space-time. It has also been used in the most previous considerations and restrict to the internal gauge important gauge theories of gravity, such as the well-known group SOðn − 2Þ, it is possible to find the following purely Lorentz gauge gravity or the Poincaré gauge gravity, since magnetic black hole solutions to the resulting EYM it gives rise to a Lorentz gauge curvature which is propor- equations with Oðn − 1Þ symmetric torsionlike tensor tional to the Riemann tensor, as is shown in Eq. (15). (rotation and reflection symmetric): Continuing with our analysis, when the nonvanishing torsionlike Oðn − 1Þ symmetric and the purely magnetic 0ð Þ 1 cases are considered in a n-dimensional static and spherically t A r θ T ¼ ;Tk θ ¼ − ; symmetric space-time, the system of equations given by tr 2AðrÞ r k r Eq. (17) and Eq. (18) together with the constraints (23) r θ θ T ¼ T k θ ¼ T k θ θ ¼ 0; ð28Þ and (24) will allow us to find the mentioned embedded tr t k l m SOðn − 2Þ solutions. It is straightforward to check the dimension of this gauge group by computing the independent with


( 2 1 − 2m − 2Q lnðrÞ ¼ 5 Note that these results are derived from similar math- r2 r2 ; if n AðrÞ¼BðrÞ¼ 2 ematical expressions, but they refer to completely different 1 − 2m − 2n=~ 2−2 ðn−3ÞQ ≠ 5 rn−3 ðn−5Þr2 ; if n . approaches. Namely, from a gauge-theoretical approach, it ð Þ is a well-known fact that the presence of a space-time 29 torsion requires gauging the external degrees of freedom consisting of rotations and translations in a way that both Although these geometries are asymptotically flat, for curvature and torsion are inexorably related to the rotation ¼ 5 ≥ 6 n and n dimensions their Arnowitt-Deser-Misner and the translation noncompact groups, respectively [8,9]. ð Þ n−5 (ADM) mass [16] diverges as ln r and r , respectively. Furthermore, as previously stressed, the displacement of Nevertheless, solutions with finite ADM mass are found by a vector along an infinitesimal path in a RC manifold including higher-order terms of the YM hierarchy in the involves a breaking of the consequent parallelograms Lagrangian [17,18]. defined on such a manifold, in a way that its translational The nonvanishing components of the field strength closure failure proportionally depends on the torsion tensor tensor are [7]. Therefore, the embedding of the SOðn − 2Þ group corresponds to a distinct configuration where the resulting θ θ ab ¼ a b ~ i j ð Þ F θiθj Qeθi eθj R θiθj ; 30 gauge connections are accordingly related to an internal symmetry group, and the additional torsionlike degrees of ~ θiθj 1 with R θ θ ¼ − 2. freedom contained in the latter do not represent a space- i j r For n ¼ 4 dimensions, the system reduces to the time torsion but a third-rank tensor with similar algebraic EYM-SOð2Þ case, which is indeed equivalent to the symmetries that provides a purely magnetic black hole magnetic Einstein-Maxwell solution because of the iso- solution to the variational equations. Indeed, it is straight- morphism between SOð2Þ and the Uð1Þ group. On the forward to check from the nonvanishing torsionlike com- other hand, for n ≥ 5 dimensions the existence of these ponents of this solution that the corresponding SOðn − 2Þ EYM-SOðn − 2Þ solutions describes the coupling of a gauge connection and its associated field strength tensor nontrivial YM magnetic field to gravity. ¼ a~ b~ ¼ a~ b~ can be written as Aμ A μJa~ b~ and Fμν F μνJa~ b~ , It has also been shown by different ways that these respectively, with a;~ b~ ¼ 2; …;n− 1. Thus, it is clear that solutions have a number of interesting properties, and these quantities are connected to the mentioned gauge they are compatible with the existence of a cosmological group instead of an external symmetry group related to the constant and Maxwell fields, as well as with other modified space-time rotations or translations. theories of gravity, such as Gauss-Bonnet gravity [5,19]. On the other hand, further implications arise when This work completes our previous study on EYM theory considering the coupling with matter fields. For instance, presented in [15]. More general solutions may be found ¼ 4 if we study the dynamics of a Dirac fermion within the using this method, especially for n dimensions since solution given by Eqs. (28) and (29), the behavior is L λ ¼ 0 the ξT μν condition allows a richer structure than for completely different than that which occurred in the any other number of dimensions. presence of a space-time torsion, where the fermion would irremediably suffer the associated spin connection. V. DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY However, in the first case, the fermion would interact with the SOðn − 2Þ gauge interaction depending on its particular In this article, we have presented a new method to find multiplet representation (for n>4) or charge (for n ¼ 4). exact solutions to the EYM-Lorentz theory based on the In the simplest case, it could even be a singlet (n>4)or correspondence between the EYM system and a certain neutral (zero charge), so it would not interact with the new class of quadratic gravity theories in the presence of gauge force. torsion, under the restriction introduced by the spin con- This fact contrasts with some publications that do not nection–like ansatz. The available configurations can be bear in mind these fundamental relations, and wrongly try categorized into the torsionless and the nonvanishing to identify the space-time torsion with YM or electromag- torsionlike cases, according to general conditions. For netic fields (see Fallacy 9 on page 267 of reference [20]). the torsionless branch, it is shown that the only possible Thus, our SOðn − 2Þ solution is not covered by this sort of geometries correspond to Einstein manifolds associated fallacy, in the same way as the Mazharimousavi-Halilsoy with the external group SOð1;n− 1Þ, whereas for the solution since both solutions coincide and represent the nonvanishing torsionlike branch, the method allows us to same type of configuration. distinguish the mentioned external group of symmetries Finally, it is worthwhile to stress that distinct classes of from the internal SOðn − 2Þ, and other families of EYM-Lorentz systems that are physically meaningful may embedded solutions emerge. These solutions describe a be found using our ansatz, especially in n ¼ 4 dimensions λ sort of purely magnetic black hole with YM charge, and because the LξT μν ¼ 0 condition could allow for more they were found earlier by different approaches [5,19]. complex solutions. Additionally, for the development of

024025-5 CEMBRANOS and GIGANTE VALCARCEL PHYSICAL REVIEW D 96, 024025 (2017) ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS this aim, the general condition ∇λgμν ¼ 0 still holds, but it could be also possible to deal with the same analysis We would like to thank Luis J. Garay and Antonio L. relaxing this restriction in order to find different EYM Maroto for helpful discussions. This work has been systems related to this geometrical property. Within this supported in part by the MINECO (Spain) Project framework, an interesting and simple case might arise from Nos. FIS2014-52837-P, FPA2014-53375-C2-1-P, the Weyl-Cartan geometry, where the nonmetricity con- FIS2016-78859-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), and Consolider- ~ dition is expressed as ∇λgμν ¼ wλgμν so that the number of Ingenio MULTIDARK Grant. No. CSD2009-00064. J. irreducible decomposition pieces of nonmetricity reduces A. R. C. acknowledges financial support from a Jose to the Weyl 1-form w [21]. Further research following these Castillejo grant (2015). J. G. V. acknowledges support from lines of study will be addressed in the future. a MULTIDARK summer student fellowship (2015).

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024025-6 Conclusions

In this thesis, we have researched the possible implications derived by the existence of an antisymmetric component of the affine connection in the universe. The resulting configuration can be naturally described by a RC manifold endowed with curvature and torsion. This quantity may potentially introduce a large number of physical effects in the space-time and reveal new features of the gravitational field, beyond the conventional approach of GR. By attending to the conservation laws of the material tensors, the spin density tensor arises as a natural source of torsion and allows the introduction of an antisymmetric component of the energy-momentum tensor into the geometrical scheme. In addition, the dynamical character of torsion is subject to the presence of the corresponding kinetic terms in the gravitational action (e.g. higher order curvature terms), although it is possible to formulate theories provided with a non-propagating torsion bound by spinning sources, like the EC theory, among others. These general foundations can also be systematized as a gauge approach to gravity in the framework of the PG theory, leading to an appropriate correspondence between the gauge potentials and the field strength tensors, that gives rise to the expected conservation laws for the energy-momentum and spin density tensors. Encouraged by the consistency of the mentioned approach, we have focused on different aspects of the space-time torsion. Since we noticed the existence of certain models that provide, in the realm of teleparallelism, an equivalent description of gravitation such as the one given by GR, we concentrated on the investigation of new dynamical aspects arising from torsion. It is worthwhile to stress the extensive work available along these lines, where the search for particular vacuum solutions has provided new insights into the different roles assumed by torsion. However, it was shown that various of these solutions present underlying problems, like the existence of an underdetermined geometry or the absence of an axial mode that propagates in a reasonable way at large distances, which involves a fundamental difficulty in measuring the possible effects occurred on Dirac particles minimally coupled to torsion. In this sense, one of the most important results achieved in this thesis is the finding of a new exact vacuum solution with a non-vanishing axial mode that behaves as a Coulomb-like potential and provides an explicit RN geometry. Hence, it constitutes a new geometrical configuration that is compatible with the Newtonian

139 140 Conclusions limit and, furthermore, which can yield dynamical effects on matter via the metric and torsion tensors. Indeed, the existing correspondence between spin and torsion involves specific effects on the behaviour of those spinning particles coupled to this geometric quantity. Such a behaviour can be quantified for the case of spin 1/2 particles minimally coupled to torsion by means of the WKB method, especially within post-Riemannian geometries induced by an axial component of the torsion tensor. By performing a numerical analysis, we have noticed interesting differences between the geodesic motion and the trajectories of these kinds of particles within the RN space-time provided by torsion, in a way that all the possible deviations from the standard case of GR are completely switched off in absence of a dynamical axial mode. Their magnitude depends on the value of both the spin charge associated with the source of torsion and the coupling constant that determines the fundamental strength of the interaction. In any case, it is expected to note significant effects only at extremely high densities of spinning matter, such as neutron stars or specific BHs characterized by an intense torsion field. On the other hand, additional implications of the space-time torsion have also been analysed in this work. In particular, we have addressed the extension of the singularity theorems of GR to the case of RC manifolds endowed with torsion. First, it is straightforward to note that the notion of geodesic incompleteness can be generalized for the mentioned case by modifying the standard energy condition via the vierbein equation induced by the curvature and torsion tensors. The new gravitational action can give rise to the violation of such a condition and avoid the occurrence of singularities, for both cases of non-propagating torsion coupled to matter fields and dynamical torsion. Furthermore, the previously stressed dif- ferences between the geodesic motion of ordinary matter uncoupled to torsion and the trajectories of the rest of spinning matter mean that our analyses must also deal with a possible incompleteness of non-geodesic curves. For this purpose, we establish a new theorem based on a class of conditions general enough to involve the existence of curves with endpoints outside the conformal infinity of the RC manifold and, therefore, characterized by a singular behaviour. Additionally, we have analysed the stability of torsion in a Minkowski space- time. In a first approximation, we have assumed the vanishing of its purely tensor component, in order to focalize our study on a homogeneous and isotropic case. Then, we obtain the corresponding ghost and tachyon-free conditions associated with the axial and trace vectorial modes in both their weak and general regimes. We note the existence of a high degree of compatibility with respect to the standard stability models presented in the literature, although some observations must be remarked. First, the algebraic conditions for the 1+ sector related to the axial mode are just the opposite to the resulting ones from those models. Moreover, as mentioned above, our starting assumptions involve an important restriction on the possible values of the Lagrangian coefficients, which means that the release of several of these constraints allows the number of viable PG Lagrangians to be Conclusions 141 extended. Specifically, it is significant to note that the omission of a perturbative analysis around a specific curved background may change the concluding results, since the presence of a dynamical torsion in the metric tensor involves additional interaction terms in the field equations, even in the weak-field limit derived from these equations. In this sense, we consider that this dichotomy deserves further investigation in future work. All these results concerning the torsion field have been obtained by applying the gauge principles to the external degrees of freedom consisting of rotations and trans- lations. Nevertheless, it is possible to establish a particular correspondence between this approach and the EYM theory of internal symmetry groups. Concretely, we define torsionlike components related to the embedding of the special orthogonal group, which match the consequent EYM action to the one given by a PG La- grangian defined by the combination of the torsion-free Ricci scalar and the square of the RC curvature. This mathematical relation can be used to impose the same types of torsion symmetries to the new components and to reduce the complexity of the EYM equations notably. The advantages of this correspondence are stressed by the obtention of a set of purely magnetic BH solutions derived by rotation and reflection symmetric torsionlike components, which were found in previous literature by the application of the Wu-Yang ansatz. A simple analysis of the non-Abelian sector shows a divergence of the ADM mass, which suggests the search of alternative EYM configurations with viable mass and energy parameters. Finally, it is also worthwhile to point out some additional prospects of research, as the possible implication of the torsion field at cosmological scales (e.g. constitut- ing an extra geometrical quantity in the framework of a cosmological perturbation theory [103]) or its contribution in the establishment of post-Riemannian axisym- metric configurations. In this regard, the Newman-Janis algorithm may be useful to construct different classes of PG rotating BH solutions from their corresponding non-rotating counterparts [104], but its applicability has been questioned recently for the case of modified theories of gravity, on account of the introduction of unsuitable pathologies in the metric tensor [105]. Therefore, we appreciate that the develop- ment of deeper analyses following these lines must also be addressed in posterior works. To conclude, it is gratifying to note that the results presented in this thesis pro- vide new insights concerning post-Riemannian geometry and matter fields. This fun- damental relation constitutes the foundations of gravitation and hence the present work represents an attempt to elucidate the possible existence of different, still un- known, aspects and properties of the gravitational field.

Appendix A

Expressions of the Poincar´egauge field equations

ν λν The Lagrangian (1.27) imposes the vanishing of the tensors X1µ and X2µ in vacuum, whose expressions can be written as:

ν ˜ν ν ν ν ν X1µ = −2G µ + 4a2T 1µ + 2a4T 2µ + 4a3T 3µ + 2a5H1µ ν ν ν ν + 2a6H2µ + α I1µ + β I2µ + γ I3µ , (A.1)

? λν λν λν λν λν λν X2µ = T µ + 4a2C1µ − 2a4C2µ − 4a3C3µ − 2a5Y 1µ λν λν λν λν − 2a6Y 2µ − α Z1µ − β Z2µ − γ Z3µ , (A.2) where it is given the explicit dependence with the following geometrical quantities:

R˜ G˜ ν = R˜ ν − δ ν , (A.3) µ µ 2 µ

1 T 1 ν = R˜ R˜λρνσ − δ νR˜ R˜λρτσ , (A.4) µ λρµσ 4 µ λρτσ

1 T 2 ν = R˜ R˜λνρσ + R˜ R˜λσρν − δ νR˜ R˜λτρσ , (A.5) µ λρµσ λρσµ 2 µ λρτσ

1 T 3 ν = R˜ R˜νσλρ − δ νR˜ R˜τσλρ , (A.6) µ λρµσ 4 µ λρτσ

143 144 Appendix A. Expressions of the Poincar´egauge field equations

1 H1 ν = R˜ν R˜λρ + R˜ R˜λν − δ νR˜ R˜λρ , (A.7) µ λµρ λµ 2 µ λρ

1 H2 ν = R˜ν R˜ρλ + R˜ R˜νλ − δ νR˜ R˜ρλ , (A.8) µ λµρ λµ 2 µ λρ

 1  I1 ν = 4 ∇ T νλ + K T λρν − δ νT T λρσ , (A.9) µ λ µ λρµ 4 µ λρσ

   1  I2 ν = 2 ∇ T λν − ∇ T νλ + K T νρλ + T ρλν − δ νT T ρλσ , (A.10) µ λ µ λ µ λρµ 2 µ λρσ

 1   I3 ν = −2 ∇ T λ ν + Kν T ρ λ + δ ν T λ T ρ σ − 2∇ T ρ λ , (A.11) µ µ λ λµ ρ 2 µ λσ ρ λ ρ

? λν ν λσ ρ λν ρ λσ ν T µ = δµ g T ρσ − g T ρµ − g T µσ , (A.12)

λν ˜ λρν λ ˜ σρν σ ˜ λρν C1µ = ∇ρRµ + K σρRµ − K µρRσ , (A.13)

λν  ˜ νλρ ˜ ρλν λ  ˜ νσρ ˜ ρσν σ  ˜ νλρ ˜ ρλν C2µ = ∇ρ Rµ − Rµ + K σρ Rµ − Rµ − K µρ Rσ − Rσ , (A.14)

λν ˜ρνλ λ ˜ρνσ σ ˜ρνλ C3µ = ∇ρR µ + K σρR µ − K µρR σ , (A.15)

λν ν ˜λρ ˜λν ν λ ˜σρ ρ ˜λν ν ˜λρ λ ˜ρν Y 1µ = δµ ∇ρR − ∇µR + δµ K σρR + K µρR − K µρR − K ρµR , (A.16)

λν ν ˜ρλ ˜νλ ν λ ˜ρσ ρ ˜νλ ν ˜ρλ λ ˜νρ Y 2µ = δµ ∇ρR − ∇µR + δµ K σρR + K µρR − K µρR − K ρµR , (A.17)

λν λν Z1µ = 4T µ , (A.18) 145

λν  νλ λν  Z2µ = 2 T µ − T µ , (A.19)

λν λν ρ ν λσ ρ Z3µ = g T ρµ − δµ g T ρσ . (A.20)

Appendix B

Torsion and curvature collineations

The introduction of additional degrees of freedom into the affine connection demands a generalization of the standard symmetry conditions, in order to extend this notion to the whole geometric structure provided by the new gravitational framework. In particular, it is possible to reach a fundamental symmetry constraint involving the torsion field, similar to the one existing in Riemannian geometry for the metric tensor.

µ1...µm Let be W ν1...νn an arbitrary world tensor defined within a RC manifold. Then, it is possible to construct its Lie derivative in the direction of a Killing vector ξ in terms of the LC connection as follows:

µ1··· µm µ1··· µm λ µ1··· µm λ LξW ν1··· νn = W λ··· νn ∇ν1 ξ + ··· + W ν1··· λ∇νn ξ λ··· µm µ1 µ1··· λ µm − W ν1··· νn ∇λ ξ − · · · − W ν1··· νn ∇λ ξ λ µ1··· µm + ξ ∇λW ν1··· νn . (B.1)

It is straightforward to note that the torsion-free covariant derivative and the Lie derivative commute when the latter is applied with respect to an arbitrary Killing vector ξ. Indeed, the respective commutator acting on a general world tensor can be easily computed in the following way:

µ1··· µm µ1··· µm µ1··· µm [∇ρ, Lξ] W ν1··· νn = ∇ρ LξW ν1··· νn − Lξ∇ρW ν1··· νn , (B.2) where:

147 148 Appendix B. Torsion and curvature collineations

µ1··· µm µ1··· µm λ µ1··· µm λ ∇ρ LξW ν1··· νn = ∇ρW λ··· νn ∇ν1 ξ + ··· + ∇ρW ν1··· λ∇νn ξ λ··· µm µ1 µ1··· λ µm − ∇ρW ν1··· νn ∇λξ − · · · − ∇ρW ν1··· νn ∇λξ µ1··· µm λ µ1··· µm λ + W λ··· νn ∇ρ∇ν1 ξ + ··· + W ν1··· λ∇ρ∇νn ξ λ··· µm µ1 µ1··· λ µm − W ν1··· νn ∇ρ∇λξ − · · · − W ν1··· νn ∇ρ∇λξ λ µ1··· µm λ µ1··· µm + ∇ρ ξ ∇λW ν1··· νn + ξ ∇ρ∇λW ν1··· νn , (B.3)

µ1··· µm µ1··· µm λ µ1··· µm λ Lξ∇ρW ν1··· νn = ∇ρW λ··· νn ∇ν1 ξ + ··· + ∇ρW ν1··· λ∇νn ξ λ··· µm µ1 µ1··· λ µm − ∇ρW ν1··· νn ∇λξ − · · · − ∇ρW ν1··· νn ∇λξ λ µ1··· µm µ1··· µm λ + ξ ∇λ∇ρW ν1··· νn + ∇λW ν1··· νn ∇ρ ξ . (B.4)

Thus, this quantity acquires a very compact form:

µ1··· µm µ1··· µm λ µ1··· µm λ [∇ρ, Lξ] W ν1··· νn = W λ··· νn ∇ρ∇ν1 ξ + ··· + W ν1··· λ∇ρ∇νn ξ λ··· µm µ1 µ1··· λ µm − W ν1··· νn ∇ρ∇λξ − · · · − W ν1··· νn ∇ρ∇λξ λ µ1··· µm + ξ [∇ρ, ∇λ] W ν1··· νn , (B.5) with:

µ1··· µm µ1 σ··· µm µm µ1··· σ [∇ρ, ∇λ] W ν1··· νn = R σρλW ν1··· νn + ··· + R σρλW ν1··· νn σ µ1··· µm σ µ1··· µm − R ν1ρλW σ··· νn − · · · − R νnρλW ν1··· σ . (B.6)

Likewise, the Ricci identity for a Killing vector ξ takes the following simple form:

µk λ µk ∇ρ∇σξ = ξ R σρλ , (B.7)

σ λ σ ∇ρ∇νl ξ = ξ R νlρλ , (B.8) for all k = 1, ..., m and l = 1, ..., n, which means the vanishing of the commutator above. Thereby, by taking the Lie derivative of Expression (B.6), it turns out that the Riemann tensor is only preserved in the direction of Killing fields (i.e. the vanishing 149 of the Lie derivative of the metric tensor implies the vanishing of the Lie derivative of the Riemann tensor):

λ LξR ρµν = 0 . (B.9)

These properties can be easily extended to the case of quantities depending on torsion. Specifically, the notion of a general covariant derivative endowed with torsion requires that the latter satisfies the same symmetry condition as the metric tensor:

λ LξT µν = 0 , (B.10) in order to maintain the corresponding commutation relations:

h ˜ i ∇ρ, Lξ = 0 . (B.11)

Therefore, the application of the Lie derivative to the generalized commutation relations of covariant derivatives within a RC manifold:

˜ ˜ λ ˜λ ρ ρ ˜ λ [∇µ, ∇ν] v = R ρµν v + T µν ∇ρv , (B.12) involves the preserving of the RC curvature along an arbitrary Killing vector pro- vided the fulfillment of the condition (B.10):

˜λ LξR ρµν = 0 . (B.13)

Appendix C

SU(2) gauge connection in static and spherically symmetric space-times

In the context of EYM theory, the gauge condition ∂µω−i [Aµ, ω] = LξAµ constitutes a strong symmetry constraint to simplify the expression of the gauge connection, especially when it concerns gravitational systems and fields endowed with a high degree of symmetry. In this sense, the particular case of non-Abelian SU(2) fields coupled to a four-dimensional static and spherically symmetric space-time represents a fundamental configuration where such a constraint can be fulfilled. Hence, we start from the expression of the line element:

2 2 2 dr 2  2 2 2 ds = Ψ1(r) dt − − r dθ1 + sin θ1dθ2 , (C.1) Ψ2(r) and the respective family of Killing vectors satisfying the Lie algebra of the rotation group SO(3):

µ µ µ ξ(1) = cos θ2δθ1 − cot θ1 sin θ2δθ2 , (C.2)

µ µ µ ξ(2) = − sin θ2δθ1 − cot θ1 cos θ2δθ2 , (C.3)

µ µ ξ(3) = δθ2 . (C.4)

h i Let η = ξ(m), ξ(n) be the resulting Killing field from the commutation relations

151 152Appendix C. SU(2) gauge connection in static and spherically symmetric space-times

p of the Killing vectors above (i.e. η = mn ξ(p), with m, n, p = 1, 2, 3). Then, the original gauge condition can be expressed in the following way:

p  h i mn ∂µω(p) − i Aµ, ω(p) = L Aµ , (C.5) [ξ(m),ξ(n)] where:

 h i  h i LηAµ = Lξ(m) ∂µω(n) − i Aµ, ω(n) − Lξ(n) ∂µω(m) − i Aµ, ω(m) . (C.6)

By expanding and rearranging terms, it is straightforward to obtain the following i consistency constraint involving the gauge variables ω(m) = ω(m)τi alone:

h i p Lξ(m) ω(n) − Lξ(n) ω(m) − i ω(m), ω(n) − mn ω(p) = 0 . (C.7)

As is shown, these variables take values in the Lie algebra, so that it is possible to impose a general transformation law for these quantities under gauge transfor- mations S ∈ SU(2):

0 −1 µ −1 ω(m) → ω(m) = S ω(m)S + iξ(m)S ∂µS. (C.8)

Indeed, this transformation rule preserves the symmetry gauge condition, which   means that every pair Aµ, ω(m) that is a solution of the mentioned expression can  0 0  be trivially changed to another pair Aµ, ω(m) by the action of S and still satisfy this condition:

−1  h i −1 S ∂µω(m) − i Aµ, ω(m) S = S Lξ(m) AµS. (C.9)

i Therefore, it is possible to consider ω(3) = Φ(θ2)f (r, θ1) τi and to perform a gauge i R if (r,θ1) τi Φ(θ2)dθ2 transformation S1 = e without modifying our general requirements, which implies the vanishing of this component and the consequent conservation rule for the potential:

∂θ2 Aµ = 0 . (C.10)

In addition, Equation (C.7) allows us to find the rest of the components, which must fulfill the following system of equations:

∂θ2 ω(1) − ω(2) = 0 , (C.11) 153

∂θ2 ω(2) + ω(1) = 0 , (C.12)

h i ω(1), ω(2) = cos θ2∂θ1 ω(2) + sin θ2∂θ1 ω(1)   + cot θ1 cos θ2∂θ2 ω(1) − sin θ2∂θ2 ω(2) . (C.13)

It is straightforward to note that the solution of Equations (C.11) and (C.12) can be expressed as follows:

ω(1) = X(θ1) cos θ2 + Y (θ1) sin θ2 , (C.14)

ω(2) = Y (θ1) cos θ2 − X(θ1) sin θ2 , (C.15) where X and Y are arbitrary functions, defined on the Lie algebra, whose possible dependence on the coordinate r has been omitted. Such a restriction simplifies the problem notably and it is compatible, as outlined below, with the existence of an ansatz solution for the gauge connection. In general, the gauge transformation rules (C.8) fix the respective transforma- tions of the mentioned functions:

0 −1 −1 X → X = S XS + iS ∂θ1 S, (C.16)

0 −1 −1 Y → Y = S YS − i cot θ1S ∂θ2 S. (C.17)

Once again, it is possible to consider X as a function independent of θ1 and iXθ1 to apply a new gauge transformation S2 = e , which involves the vanishing of this function. Then, we are led to deal only with the function Y ; indeed, because of our previous choice to vanish ω(3) it is not possible to perform a new gauge transformation depending on θ2 which cancels this function simultaneously. Therefore, Equation (C.13) reduces to the following differential condition:

dY (θ1) + Y (θ1) cot θ1 = 0 , (C.18) dθ1 whose general solution can be written in the following way:

i c τi Y (θ1) = , (C.19) sin θ1 154Appendix C. SU(2) gauge connection in static and spherically symmetric space-times with c i three integration constants, which can also be simplified by the application 2 3 1 3 i ((c /c )τ1−(c /c )τ2) of an additional gauge transformation S3 = e , in order to cancel c 1 and c 2. In summary, our analyses lead to the following structure for the gauge variables:

sin θ2 3 ω(1) = c τ3 , (C.20) sin θ1

cos θ2 3 ω(2) = c τ3 , (C.21) sin θ1

ω(3) = 0 . (C.22)

By substituting these factors in the general symmetry condition for the gauge connection:

! ! i sin θ2 i j k sin θ2 i i i c ∂µ + jkAµc = ∂θ1 Aµ cos θ2+Aθ1 ∂µ cos θ2−Aθ2 ∂µ (cot θ1 sin θ2) , sin θ1 sin θ1 (C.23)

! ! i cos θ2 i j k cos θ2 i i i c ∂µ + jkAµc = − ∂θ1 Aµ sin θ2−Aθ1 ∂µ sin θ2−Aθ2 ∂µ (cot θ1 cos θ2) . sin θ1 sin θ1 (C.24) Thus, the resulting system of equations can be trivially solved and it shows that, in the present gauge, the YM connection is described by the following ansatz:

A = p(r) τ3 dt + u(r) τ3 dr + (v(r) τ1 + w(r) τ2) dθ1

+ (cot θ1 τ3 + v(r) τ2 − w(r) τ1) sin θ1dθ2 , (C.25) where p, u, v and w are four arbitrary functions depending on the coordinate r. Publications

1. Einstein-Yang-Mills-Lorentz black holes, J. A. R. Cembranos and J. G. Val- carcel, Eur. Phys. J. C 77, no. 12, 853 (2017).

2. Correspondence between Einstein-Yang-Mills-Lorentz systems and dynamical torsion models, J. A. R. Cembranos and J. G. Valcarcel, Phys. Rev. D 96, no. 2, 024025 (2017).

3. New torsion black hole solutions in Poincar´egauge theory, J. A. R. Cembranos and J. G. Valcarcel, JCAP 1701, no. 01, 014 (2017).

4. Singularities and n-dimensional black holes in torsion theories, J. A. R. Cem- branos, J. G. Valcarcel and F. J. Maldonado Torralba, JCAP 1704, no. 04, 021 (2017).

5. Stability in quadratic torsion theories, T. B. Vasilev, J. A. R. Cembranos, J. G. Valcarcel and P. Martin-Moruno, Eur. Phys. J. C 77, no. 11, 755 (2017).

6. Extended Reissner-Nordstr¨omsolutions sourced by dynamical torsion, J. A. R. Cembranos and J. G. Valcarcel, Phys. Lett. B 779, 143 (2018).

7. Fermion dynamics in torsion theories, J. A. R. Cembranos, J. G. Valcarcel and F. J. Maldonado Torralba, arXiv preprint gr-qc: 1805.09577 (2018).



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