m3 speciAL coLLeraoNS OouqLas LibRARy queeN's uNiveRsiiy AT kiNQSXION




Chronological Diary

For the Year 1725. CONTAINING

The moft remarkable Tranfaftions and Events, as well Civil as Military, and Domeftick as Foreign, vizi. Re- movals, Promotions, Births, Deaths, Marriages, &c. that happen'd during the Courfe of that Year.



Printed by C. M e e r e in the Old Bailh 172 5.* V flCiil.no-S.M The Chronological Diary,

Omitted in the UJt Diary to-wnrds the End of the Yie.ir J 7 2 4.

Dec. 7 r^ Y ' D at D.-.i'^'i, Sir John Ro£erfon, Senior Alderman of that City, 18. NichoUu Philfot^ Efq; one of the Commiffioners for licenfing Hiickney Coaches and Chairs, marry'd to the Daughter and only Child of Nicholas Hu-uikjmore, Efq; — Dy'd Sir Nicholas VFJlyav^e of in the Count V of A^or/u/t, Bart, nnd w,is fuccseded in his Ho- nour and Eftate, by his eldeft Son, Thoi/ias VEjhanie^ Efq; 19. Dy'd at the Age of 86 Years, Phijhd of Lalam in Middlcfex, Efq; formerly an eminent Di- Ailler of London ~ Dy'd the Wife of Bafd Heme, Efq; one of the Six Clerks in the Court of Chancery.

. — Sir Nicholas Williams^ Bart, voted duly clewed Knight of the Shire for the County of Caermarti'ien, and not EJ-uaard Rice, Efq; who was rcturn'd. — Sir Richard Everet appointed Governor of North Carolina, in the Room of dipt. Barrington. 20. The Lady of Etianticl -Scroop How^ Lord Vif- count Hovi of the Kingdom of Ireland^ brought to Bed of a Daughter. — Dy'd William Lloyd of North-Cray in the County of Jie:t, Efq; A a Dec 20- .

4 The Chronologic alDiary

Dec. 20. Dy'd at Bruges in Flanders^ in the 65th Year of his Age, Mr. William Sykes of Lincoln's-lnn Fields, an eminent Painter.

2 1 D/'d fuddenly of an Apoplexy, Mr. S^ringel., an eminent Attorney of London. 22. Dy'd Sir Jacob Banks of Milton-Ahhey in the County oi Dorfet^ Knt. who had been Member of Par- liiiment for the Borough of Minehead in the Count/ of Somerfet. — The Young Princefs, Daughter of their Royal Highnefles the Prince and Princefs of Wales., was chri- ften'd at Leicejier-Houfe, by the Name of Ltuifa. 25. Dy'd ^ackfonoi Cra-wford in. tixtCoMii- ty of Kent.,- Efq; formerly Commander of a Man of War. — Dy'd Mrs. M:irg.,ret G'.ulfton, Wife oi Richard €oul- fin of WidikaU in the Count;/ of Hertford., Efq; She was Daughter of Dr. Francis Turner., BLfliop of £ivj but deprived foon alter the Revolution in 1688. 27. Dy'd Thom.is ff;iy, Efq; formerly a Bookfeller of

London ; and had been a Member of Parliament for Tam-

J A NVA RY, 1725. Jan. I. Dy'd Mrs. Northmore, Wife of intUam North- more oi Okehampton in the Count v of Devon^ Efq; — Dy'd Sir John Sherrard, Bart. — Mr. Henry Bigg., Fellow onVir.ehcJier-Catleie., defied Warden of New-t'oUege, Oteon., in the Room of Dr. Dolffjii, made Warden of Winchejier-Colkge. — Dy'd Nicholas Barret of Bell-Hou/e in Avery in the County of £/7**) E'"'!? 3. Dy'd Lad, M. D. an eminent Phyflcian of London. — Dy'd Johjijri, Marquefi and Earl of An- fiandale. Earl of Hartfietd, &:. and was fucceeded by the Lord George Johnjion, eldeft Son to the Father of thft Deceas'd, by his fecond Wife, Daughter oi John Vandi- £tn4i of S^ll-MMf, Efq; 3 J«n. . ,

for the Tear 1725.

Jan. 4. Thomas Parker^ Earl oi Mauksfield^ Lord High Chancellor of Great iJri/oJK, re/ign'd the Seals. — Charles Toviers executed in the NeinJlIint, near li'ttf- p'lng-Jf^,) II. [See Dec. 9, 17:40 He profelTedhis Innocence at the Place of Execution, and accufed the Witneffes of Perjury. — Dy'd at the Age of 75 Years, Charts Killi^re^, • Efq; Miller of the Revels, and Controllor *f the Re- ceipts and Payments of the Receiver-General of the Cuftoms. He had been Gentleman-Uflier to Queen Ca- tharine., Confort of King Charles II.

5. William Andtrfon executed at Tyiuyn. [See Decern- her g., 1724.] — The Lady Littleton., Wife of Sir Thomas Littleton of Hagley-HaU in the County of Worcejier, Bart, brought to Bed of a Son. — Dy'd Mr. Charles Mitchel, formerly Secretary to — the Commiffion for viftualingthe Royal Navy. 6. Dy'd Maynard., Efq; Brother of Henry — Lord Maynard. 7. Sir Jofefh Jeiyll, Knt. Matter of the Rolls, Jef- frey GUiert, Efq; one of the Barons of the Exchequer, and Sir Rohert Raymond., Knt. one of the Juftices of the King's Bench, conflituted Lords Commiflioners for the Cuftody of the Great Seal of Great Britain., which his Majefty in Co\uicii deliver'd to them accordingly. And — The King conferr'd the Honour of Knighthood on Jiffrei Gilbert., Efq; — Dy'd Mrs. Eyre., Wife of Kingsmill Eyre., Efq; Se- —— cretary and Regifter of (Shel/ea-Hoffita>, and Brother of Sir Rohert Eyre, Lord Chief Baron of the Exche- quer. Rohf:rt El-wcs — 'Jiff''^y Eliues., Efq; Son of of Thrt- kir,g in Hertfordjliire, appointed Trcafurer of the Bounty of Queen Anne. 9. Dy'd Major-Qcneral Rooi, Brother of Sir Gcorie —f— Rook.

— fohn Vaughan, Lord Vifcount Lishurn of the King- w_/ , of Ireland, Philips., dom m.nry'i to Mrs. Daugh- / ^/(j ter of Philips, Efq; Recorder of the Town of / BreclnBch II. Sir Peter Kin^, Lord Chief Juftice of the Com- mon Pleas, o£Bciated as Speaker of the Houfe of Lords, by Virtue of a Commiflionfroia the King. Jan. II, The Chronological Diary

'Jan. II. The Countefs of ^/&e»»a)-/£ appointed one of the Ladies of the Bedchamber to the Princefs of WaUi^ in thr Room of the Countefs of Grantham, deceas'd. 1 5. Dy'd Mrs. Molefworth, Daughter of Sir John Mokfinortk, Bart. Col. Stevs^rt marry'd at Edinhurgh, to a Daughter of Sir James MackenzJe of Royjton^ one of the Lords of SefKon.

1 7. Dy'd Peter F/oyer, Efq; formerly Colonel of a Com- panv in the Foot Guards. He was the eldeft Son of Sir Fe- terFloyer, Knt. Alderman of London. -— Dy'd Mr. John Hill, formerly a ProSor of the Commons, aged 84 Years. • 8. Dv'd Richard Turner of On^er in EJfex, Efq; Bar- rifter at Law, — Dy'd Hu^Jt Cholmondeley, Earl of Shalmondeley, Vifcount Malpus, and Baron Cholmondeley of Wich-Mal- iank^ alfo Vifcount Cholmondeley of Kel ley in Ireland: Treafurer of his Majefty's Houihold, Governor of the City and Cai^le of Chefler, and one of the Lords of the Privy Council. He was fucceeded in Honour and fi- liate, by his Brother George Lord Nevihurgh. 19. The SelTions ended at the Old Baily, where nine Per- fons received Sentence of Death, viiL. John Hevilet for

^wilful Murder ; Jofeph Picking, Thomas Packer, and Tho- mas Bradley for robbing on the Highway ; Ed-voard Pol'

lard and John Map for returning from Tranfpsrtation ; Richard Blackhurn alias Thompfon alias Evans, and Alex- ander Warren for Horfe-flealing, and William Lipfel for robbing his Mafter. Three were burnt in the Hand, and thirty-five order'd to be tranfported. 20. Dy'd Henry PerYot of North-Leigh in the Count/ of Oxford, Efqj — Dy'd at Duhlin Fitx.gerald, Efq; Prime Serjeant in Ireland. — The Lady Go-wer, Wife of John-hevefon Go-wer, Lord Gavier of Sittenham, brought to Bed of a Daugh- ter. Dy'd Mr. Jofeph Centlivre, Mafler-Cook to his Ma- jelly. — Dy'd Dr. Mandeville, "Dein o£ Peterhoroughy Chancellor, Prebendary and Archdeacon of Lincoln, Pre- bendary of Wefminfier, (3c.

, — Dy'd>r;W

Jan. :i. Mr. ^aw:;. Surveyor of the Royal Hofpitalat Greenv}kh, appointed Surveyor of Wefiminfter-Abbey, iu deceased. the Room of iViUinm Dickenjov, Efq; 24. Dv'd John Tojh, Efq; eidett Son of Sir JolmTaJh of London, Knt. appointed Marflial of the 2<;. Richard MuUim, Efq; Marjhalfea of the King's Bench, in the Room of Richard Macken, Efq; who refign'd. —.Mr. Cla-.tde Arnau.i, Yeoman of the Mouth to hU Mijefty, made Mafter Cook, in the Room of Mr. Jofefb £entlivre, deceas'd. in 27. D y'

at Torf^av) on the 25th of Oitober, 171 1, the Princefs Charlotta-Chrijiina-Sophia, Daughter to Duke Leieis-Ro- dalphus de hrumpMiick of Wolftmbuttel, and the prefent Emprefs's Sifter: She dv'd the i^oi November, 171$, nine Da-.s after flie had been brought to Bed of Prince Peter Alexo-witz., whofe eldeft Sifter call'd Princefs A'

vernier, 171$, who was dedar'd Hereditary Prince, but d/d iitPet<:rshouril\i.e6x.h. of May, 17 19: Prince Pdu/ [el the 5th of January, born at We 1 1 7 1 7, who dy'd the, fame Day : And Princefs Natalia, born the jifl of Au- luji, 1718. Dy'd at Turin of a Pleurifv, aged near iixty Years, the Chevalier Stourton, Knight of the Orders of St. Maurice, and St. Lazarus, an Enrlijh Gentleman of great Worth, of an eminent Family in Dorfetjhire, Mafler of tjie Horfc to the Princefs Louifa of Savoy : He was in great Efteein as well in Germany, as at the Court of his Surdir.ian Majelly, having ferv'd with great Reputation under Prince Eu^fne in the Wars of Hungary, as he had alfo in moil of the A£lions of Note in Italy. He had been Governor of the Princes Maurice, Eugene, and Emanuel it Suijons. '— — WiUiam Bury, Efq; marry'd at Ifuhlin, to Mr*. Moore, Daughter of John Moore, Baron of TuUamoore in Kings County in Ireland. — Francis Bernard, Efqj mads Prime Serjeant ef Ire land, in the Room of FitTigerald, Efq; deceas'd. 30. Dv'd the Lady jindre-m, Reiia of Sir Thomas An* dre-ws, Knt. FEBRUARY.

Feb. I. Jofefi Piciifg, Thomas Tacker, Thomas Bradley^ John He-volet, Edward FolUrd, and William Lyffel, exe- cuted at Ty/arM. [See^rtn 19] ^ The Lady Oxcnien, Wife of Sir George Oxenden (,{ Dean-Court in the County of Kent, Bart, brought to Bed of a Son. 1. Giorge Trebyoi Tlympton in the County of Devon, Efqj one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, marry'4 to Mrs. Heek. The Knights Brethren of the mod ancient and moil noble Order of the Thiftle being fummon'd to attend at vacant a Chapter of that Order, to fill up the Stalls by the Death of William Ker, Marquefs of Lothian, Charles Bennet, E«rl of Tarkervitle, and John Murray, Duke of to difpenfe for thisTime, Atkol ; his Majefty was pleafed with ihe Fprrnality of their appearing in their Robe«, and only held a private Chapter of the Order in his Clo- Francis Scot, fet, where William Capel, Enrl of EJfex, and Earl of Diitiidth, had the Honour to be invefted with the Green

rilS 9d) for the Tear 1725.

Green Ribbon by the Hand of the Sovereign, and bv a particular Difpcnl.ition, were allow'd forthwith to wear

the Star of the Order ; and at the fame Time the So- vereign was plcifed by Commiffion, to appoint Alexan- der Hume, Earl of Marchimout, to be invelled with the Order, which was fenttohira at C^mi>raj, where he was his Majefty's firft Embaffador and Plenipotentiary at the Congrefs Feb. 4. Dy'd the Lady Catharine Douglas, Daughter Charles DougLts, Duke of Quecnsl>ury and Dover. — Thomas Ahi.cy, ECq; marry 'd to Mrs. Kellcy, Daughter of

5. A Proclamation iffued at Dublin, for apprehend- ing of Tories, Robbers, and Rapparecs. -—Sir Thomas Tipping of Oxfordjhire, Bart, marry 'd to Mrs. Lear, only Daughter of Sir John Lear, Bart. 6. EJtuard Thorrffon of Mirfien in the County of York, Efq; ranrry'd to Mrs. Arabella Dunch, Daughter of Edmund Dunch of ll'itienham in the Countv of BcrkSy Efq;

7. Dy'd Mr. Martin Harold, an eminent and very rich Merchant of Lo' Jon. — Mrs. Dyves, Daughter of yo'm DyveSj Efq; appointed Maid of Honour to the Princefs of Wales, in the rioom of Mrs. Smith, made Go- vernefs to the y.ung Prince William. — DvM at Aberdeen, for which Shire he had be n formerly Comraiflioner, S\t Alexander CummiKioiCulterf Knt.

8. Thomas Tothill, Efq ; an Enfign in the Third Regi- ment of Guards, and IVorJier H'ilfin, Efq; a Brigadier in the Firft Troop of Life-Quards, quarrelled and fought at the Three Tuns-Tavern in Chandos-Jireet ; the firft of of them was mortally wounded, and dy'd the next Night. 10. Robert Cook, Efq; and George Mcyrick, Efq; both of them Cornets in the Duke of Eohon^s Regiment, fought a Duel at Brentford, and the laft of them was killed. 12. Dy'd Henry Lovel, Efq; Son of Sit Salathiel Lo- •uel. — Dv'd Mrs. Phelips, Widow of Phe- lips of JHoHtacute in the County of Somerfet, Efq; 14. Dy'i Robert Murray, Efq; Paymallcr of the Lot- t tries, B Ftb. t4. lO The Chronological Diary

Feb. 14. Dy'd at Faris the Lord George Douglas, Bro- ther of Charles Douglas, Duke of Dover and Quetnf- btlyy,

15. Hy''A George Wriihtfon, Efq; Deputy-CommifTar/ of the Muftcrs. 16. Dy'd Mrs: Huxley, Wife of George Huxley of Stake in the County of ^Hil'i, Efq; — Dy'd Mr. Henry Dee, an eminent Merchant of Lon- don, Son of Duncan Dee, Efq; Common Serjeant of that City. Dy'd Mr. Robert S-wan, feniot Bridge-Mafter of lon- don. Dy'd Sir Edviard HuJJey of Witbourn in the County of Lincoln, Barf. 19. Dy'd j'o^B Goodall, Efq; Member of Parliament for the Borough of Foivey in CorMTua/. — Dy'd Mr. William Slater, Groom of the Almon- ry- 20. Dy'd the Lady Ra-wlin/in, Relift of Sir Thomas Rain- iinfon, who had been Lord Mayor of London. Dy'd Sir Thomas Tipping of in the County of Oxford, Bart. 22. J^tmes Stan-way, Efqj made Attorney-General of Sotith'Carolina. •»— Dri Lociier appointed Deaii of Peterhoraugh^ in the Room of Dr. Mandeville, deceas'd. 23. Sir Thomas Hanmer of Hanmer in the County of Flint, Bart. marr>'d to Mrs. Foulkes. — Dy'd Holland, Efq; formerly Captain of a Man of War. 24. Dy'd Sir John Pratt, Knt. LordjChief Juftice of the King's-Bench, fo conftituted in 1718. The Princefs Clementine SoWejkj^Spoufeof the Chevalier

de St. George, brought to Bed at Rome of a Son ; whom the Pope himfelf, Benet yLlW. baptized the fame Day, by the Name of Henry-Benet'Edward-Elfrid-Lcwis-Tho-

mas ', and he was declared Duke 6f Yorl\ — Dy'd BeaVwg-Arundel, Efq; He was Son ©f Sir Richard Sealing, but changed his Name to Arun- del, by Aa of Parliament. — Dy'd Peyton, Efq; Brigadier-GeneraJ. 2$. Dy'd Dr. Roviland Pughe at his Seat at Rug in the County of Denbigh, a Perfon eminent for his extra- ordinary Learning and Charity. — Dy'd Mrs. Frond, Wife of CoL Fraud^ and jPAughter of CoJ. Tamer. Fey. 2 7- for the Tear 1725. H

Fib. 27. The Seflions ended at the 0\i Eaiij^ where

four Malefattors receir'd Sentence of Death, r/'z,. ''John yoncs and 'John Lloyd for the Highway, WiULim Moore for Shoplifting, aivd Chrijlofher Clithero for privately ftealing a Watch from a Perfon when afleep. This laft dy'd the next D.iy in the Condemn'd Hold. Five were burnt in the Hand ; and forty-three order'al to be tr.'.nf- ported. Robert Cook., Efq; was try'd for the Murder of Georie Meyrkk, Efq; and IJ'orJier Wilfon., Efq; for the Murder of Thomas Toihill, Efq; and the Verdi f> for bath of them was Se deftndeiida. [^Sce February 8, and 10.] iS.Sir Rohcrt jR.i^iHOHif, Knt. one of the Lords Commi- fioners for the Cuflo4/ of the Great Seal, and one of the Jufticcs of the Court of King's-Bench, appointed Lord Chief Juflicc of that Court, in the Room of Sir John Fratt, K.nt. deccas'd ^ Ed'xard Hopkins of Coventry, Efq; marry'd to — Mrs. Chamberlain, Daughter of Dr. l^hambcrlaln. — Dy'd Capt, F

I. Robert Tyre, Efq; Son of Sir Robert Tyre, Lord — Chief Baron of the Exchequer, raarry'd to Mrs. """ Felio-ws, Daughter of WHl'mm Felh-ws, Efq; — Dy'd M r. George Evans, Minifter of St. Benet-Fink in Threadr.eedlc-Jireet. — 3- Dy'd JoJIma Da-wfiii, Bfq; formerly Secretary to the Lords Juftices of Ireland. 4. Dy'd Mrs. 5/. John, Wife of Alexander St. John — of in the County of Southampton, Efq; — Dy'd at Madrid, the Wife of francis Stratford, — Efq; Agent for the South-Sea Company at the Court oP Spain. — Dy'd at Petersbouri the Princefs Natalia Feirowna, >- youngeft Daughter of Feter Alexovbit:^,, Cz:\t of Mujeovy, in the 6th Year of her Age. 6. John St. Johr, Lori St. Johr.oi Bletjoe, marry'd to •^ Mrs. Cro-wley, Daughter of Sir Ambrofe froii'- hj of Qreen-wich, Knt. ^ — The Lady Eliz.abeth Aijlabie, Wife of Willian-. At- 'Jlabie, Efq; Son of John Aijlabie cf Stvdsley in the Countv B 1 I'ork, 12 The Chro7ioiogical Diary

of York, Efq; Sifler of Bro-wnlov} Cecil, Earl of Exeter ' brought to Bed of a Son. -~- March 7. Dy'd of the Small-Pox Sir Cafar Qild of Woodford in Ejfex, Bart. — Dy'd Qeor^e Wright, Efq; Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. He was the eldeft Son of Sir Nathan Wright, formerly Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of I-hgland. — The King conferred the Honour of Knighthood on Thomas Majien, Efq; ^ 8. Dy'd Alexander Fendarvis of Rofcrov) in the Coun- ty of Corn-wal, Efq; Member of Parliament for the Bo- rough of LauncefioninthAt Countv. ^-- — Dy'd the Lady Hunlock, Relift of Sir Windfor Hun- loch Stephen Byjfe, Efq; and ^fy-, Efq; appointed to fucceed George Wright, Efq; decc.-.s'd, in the Office

of Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. ,- ^~ 9, James Brudenel, Efq; Brother of George Brudetiel^ lEarl of Cardigan, marry'd to Mrs. Burtoti, Daughter of ^ William Burton of Liijfenham in the County of Rutland, Efq-, "^ 10. Dy'd at the Age of feventy-four Years and up- wards. Sir Samuel Garrard, Bart. Aidermaii for the Ward of Bridge-Without, and fenior Alderman of London, Prefident of the Hofpitals of Bride-well and Bethlehem. He was Lord Mayor of London in the Year 17U. *^ — Dy'd John Couyers of Waltham-Stow in the County of Effex, Efq; one of his Majelly's Counfel at Law, and Member of Parliament for the Borough of Eaji-Grin- fied in Sujfex. — Ch.trles Chamherlain, Efq; appointed Captain Qf ihe Royal Hofpital at Gnff^w/fA, in the Room of Capt, FaMner:, deceas'd. •— Sir John Fryer, Bart. Alderman of London, mar- rv'd to a near Relation of Sir Gerrard ""^ Couyers. :i. Dy'd of the Small Pox the Lidv Child, Relift of Sir e^ Dy'd Mrs. BoH.'ifr, Wife of Bou- C'^sy of in the County oi Wilts, Efq; She was "^ Baushter oi S\t James Bateman, Knt. Lord Mayor of ^ti'iidon i-T 1716.

M<^rch for the Tear 1725. 13

March i 2. D-''d Samuel IVard, ETq; voungelt Son of Sir Ed'iKard IJ'iiyd, formerly Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, — Dy'd Warr.cf.rd, Efq; -- Dv'd Henry Hoare^ Efq; an eminent Guldfmilh and B<:r;ker in FIcet-ftrect. He was Son of Sir Richard Jionre, Knt. who in 1712 was Lord Mayor of Lon- don. — Anthonj-AJhley Cooper, Earl of Sli^iftshiry marrv'd to the Lady Noel, Silter of Bnftiji A'oel, Earl of Gair.shorouih. 13. Dy'd Annuel RuJIt of the Borough of Southwirk, Efqj an eminent Vinegar-Merchant. ~— George CholmoKdeley, Earl ot C/'/o/mow^t'/cv, appointed Lieutenant and Cujhs Rotuhrum of the Couuty of Chcflei\ and Lieutenant of the City of Chejler and County of the fame ; likcwife Lieutenant of the Counties of Dcn- hi^h, Montgomery, Flint, Merioneth, Carnarvon, and An- tlefea : In all which Places he fuccceded his Brother Huik Earl of Cholmondeley, deceafed. 14. Dy'd Thomas Stan-wix, Efq; Brigadier-General, Governor of Kir.ijionufon Hull, Colonel of a Reginient of Foot, and Member of Parliament for the Borough of Yarmouth in theCountv oi Soutkamfton. — Dv'd Henry Boyle, Lord Carlton, Lord Prefident

of the Council ; and having never been luarry'd, the Honour became extinS. Hurley, Efq; Son of Edivard Hjrhy of Eseviood in the Countv of Hereford, Efq; (Auditor of the Iinvrefts) marrv'd to Mrs. Morgnn, Sifter of William Morgan of Tredegar in the County of Monmouth., Efq; — Dv'd William Carter, Efq; one of his Majedy's Council at Earkadoes. l^. Wiliiam Chamberlain H'ppointci Brit ijh ConCul at5/. cily and Malta^ in the Room of his Uncle Thomas Chamber- lay>.. Efq; who had niiny Years ferved in that Pofl, and having petitioned the King for Leave to reCi^n in Fa- vour of his fad Nephew, his Majefty was plcafed to grant the fame. — A. Fire broice out in the Town of BtuVmgham, and deftroy'd great Part of it. — Dy'd J'jhn Banks, Efq; eldcft Son of Sir Jacob Bar.kt of Mitton-Ahbey in the County of Dorftt, Knt. William Bromley, Efq; Son of Williim Bromley of Bag- inffon in the County of War-wkk, Efq; elefled Member * of .

14 7"^^ Chronological Diary

of Parliament for the Borough of Fo-wey in Cornvjal, in the Place of John Goodall^ Efq; deceas'd. Miircli \6. James Re-jnolds of Liiicoln's-h'.ii^ Efq;Serjeant »t Law, made one of the Juflices of the Court of King's Bench, in the Room of Sir Robert Raymond^ appointed Lord Chief JulHce of the fame Court, in the Room of Sir yolin Pratt^ Knt. deceas'd.

Dy'd Mrs. -Ev^f ^7 Niece of Sir John Eyhs^ Al- derman of London, of the Small-Po.x, contrafiled by In- oculation.

1 8. Came on the Eleftion of an Alderman for the Ward of WaUbroo)!^ in the Room of Sir GUhert Heath- cote^ who being become fenior Alderman by the Death of Six Saiimd Garr.ird, look the Ward of Bridge-Without. The C;indidates were Sir Roger Hadfon and Sir John Tajli, which laft was on a Poll declared duly elefilcd ; but a Scrutiny was demanded and granted for Sir Roger Hudfon. 19. Majov-General Thomas Whetham made' Colonel of the Regiment of Foot late Staiiwis''s. — Col. Mohfiuorth made Colonel of the Re- giment of Foot, late WhethanCs. — George Earl of Cholmor.deUy made Governor of Kingfion ufon Hul', in the Room of Brigadier-General Thomas Stanwls, deceas'd. And Major-Gcneral Tattoi:, made Governor of Gravefend and Tillfury-Fort, in the Room of George Earl

of Chomo>idcley , 10. Dy'd at the Age of 80 Years and upwards, Ca- tharine Ladv Dowager Fitz.Walter^ Relift of Benjamin Mildmay^ Baron Fit7L,-Waltcr of Wadham-lVnlter in the County of EJfex. She was Daughter and Coheir of Tho- mas Lord Fairfax of the Kingdom of Ireland. Dv'd Pierce a Court of Ivy-Church in the County of ?r;/fj, Efq; Member of Paili.iment for Heyteshury in that Countv. 15. The'Dutchels, Wife of Charles Titx.roy^ Duke of Grafton., brought to Bed of a Son. Dv'd Mrs. Sfanyan, Wife of Temple Sti-

itfan., Efq; one of the Chief Clerks in the Office of Ss- cVetary of State. Dy'd Col. Cole, Gentleman of the Horfe to the Lord Cirtaret, as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, anJ' Captainof a Company in the Second Regiment of Foot- Gnards.

March 25. for the Year 1725. 15

March 25. Dy'il Sir Miles Ifarton of Bevtrlcy in the County of York, Knt. 17. His Majefty in Council declared ITUHam Cavendijh, Duke of Dcvonfiire, Lord Prcfident of the Privy Coun- cil, in the Room of Hcmy Biiyh\ Lord Curlton^ de- ceas'd. — Dy'd Srhvi Nevill of in the County of Lincoln, Efq; 28. Dy'd in Childbed the Lady of Dr. Jofeph Wil- cox, Lord Bifliop of Gtoucijitr. — The Lady Rachel Morgan, Wife of William Morgan of Tredegar in the County of Monmouth, Efq; brought to Bed of a Son. -— Dy'd fuddenly Mr. HuUkiin, Mafler of Feljled School in Effex.

—. Dy'd Mr. Henry Mertins, Brother of Sir George Merlins, Lord Mayor of London. — Col. Hoviard, Captain of a Company in the CoW-ftrfdw Regiment of Foot-Guardi, made Deputy- Governor of Carlijlc, ill the Room of Brigadier-General Thomns Stan-wix- 30. Thomas Poviell of Natitees in the County of Car- digan, Efq; eleSed Member of Parliament for the Town of Cardigan, in the Room of Stephen Parry, Efq; de- ceas'd. __ Lord Hervey, Son and Heir Apparent of Jokn Hervey, Earl of Rrijiol, elefted Member of Par- liament for the Borough of St. Edmundfbury in the Coun- ty of Suffolk, in the Room of James Reynolds, Efq; mads one of the Jullices of the King's Bench. APRIL.

Afrit I. Charles Mountague of tiie City of Wejiminjieir., Efq; marry "d to Mrs. ColUdon, Daughter of Sir Colladon. — Dy'd Mrs. y^rm^rorj, Wife of Col. ' Arm-

J^roi-.g, Surveyor of the Ordnance. 2. Coulfon Fello-ws, Efq; eldeft Son of William Filloriis, Efq; formerly one of the Mailers in Chancery, marry 'd to Mrs. Herbert. The Counters, Wife of iViUiam-Anne Kepfel,. E»rl of A!!>'irirlf, brought to Bed sf a Son.

April 3< The Chronological Diary

April 3. Dv'd Mrs. Thynne^ Widow o! Henry Thyme, Efq; Son of Thomas Lord Vifeount iVeymouth. — Geur^e Cholmondeky, Efq; appointed Governor of Chejier. 4. Dy'd Dr. Benjamin Ihhot, Redtor of Skad-welt, Trea- furer of the Cathedral of IVells, Lefturer of St. James's^ Freheniiiry oi Wejimhjier, and Chaplain in Ordinary t» hisMajeflv'-

5. Lieutenant-Colonel Guefs made Lieutenant- Governor of Inverhchy in Scotland^ in the Room of Ma- jor Cunningham^ deceas'd. — Dy'd William Hiller/den of EUenfto-w in the County of Bedford, Efqj 6. Ed-ward Conyers, Efq; eiefted Member of Par 1 lament for the Borough of Eiift-Grirjied in Siijjix, in the Room of his Father, John Cor.yers, Efq; de- ceas'd.

William Thompfon, Efq; chofen Governor, And Humphrey i Morrice, Efq; Sub-Governor of the Bank o{ England. j — Oslfourn, Lord Kivetoii, ¥crtgrine-Hfde Oshorn of [ (Marquefs of Carmarthen) Son and Heir Apparent of I terei'rine Osborne, Duke of Leeds, marry'd to Mrs. j Hnh. S — Dy'd at Dublin in the (58ih Year of her Age, the .-tC Vifoountefs Dowager Blcffwgton, Rclift of Alurrough Beyle, Lord Vifeount £/fj/i';^?uH. 7. The Convocation, which flood prorogu'd to this Day, prorogu'd to the 26th of y)/.iy next. — ThefoUowing Gentlemen chofen Direftors of the Bank of Ei.gL'.vd for the Year enfuing, vItj. Mr. Eohrt At-mood, F.dw:'.rd Bellamy^ Efq; and Alderman, Mr. Bryan Ben/an, Sir Gerard Conycrs, Knt. and Alderman, Thomas Coikc, Efq; Sir Peter Delme, Knt. and Alderman, Richard Dii Cane, Efq; Mr. Barrii.gton Eaton, Sir Fran- cis Forhcs, Knt. and Alderman, William Faiuhier, Efqj John-Francis Fouquiir, Efq; Sir Nathariel Gould, Knt. Kathar.id Gould, Efq; John Haiger, Efq; John Heath- rote, Efq; Mr. Sam.id Hold.n, S\r Wiliiam Jolliffe, Knt. Sh- Randolph Kiiipr, Knt. and Alderman, Chrijiopher Le- thuillier^ Efq; Mr. Jofiph Lirddl, John Olmius, Efq;

Mofes K.ipcr., Efq; Sir Thomat S'.m'ujc;:, Knt. and Alder- man, Sir John ll'ird, Kiit. nnd Alderman. — The following Gentlemen chofen Dire£lors of the F.af!-In.lia Companv for the Year enfuing, viz.. William Aijlaliie, Efq; Willi.ur Eillers, Efq; and Alderman, Mr. Joint Baxte, Capt. Richard Boulton, Feter Cook, Efq; Sir Matthevf J

for the Tear 1725. 17

MatthfV Peiker, Bart. Sir Denif Dutry^ Bart. John Drummond^ Efq; Mr. Leonard GUI, William Goffelin^ £fq; John Gould^ Efq; Mr. John Gould jun. Ed-ward Harri- fon, Efq; Henry H^-'-thcote^ Efq; Mmliaui JanJJeii, Efq; Mr. i/c/.T^i Kelfiy, Henry J-yell^ Efq; Mr. JiaHli(ix.er tj- elt^ Mitntray itfrtrn'-i, Efq; Mr. Edviard Owen, Mr. Charles Savqze, jun. Mr. SrmoH Tiiuijewans, John Ward, Efq; and yo/idj kurdfviyrlli.'Ef'i; yjpril Hugh Camphe!, Earl of Loudfn^ .». J. appointed his Majefly's High Comjnillioncr to the Kirlc of Scotland^ in the Rpom of Charles Hope, Earl of Hoftoim. — Murray of Fhilipahough, Efq; e)e£}ed Member of Parliament for the Burgh.5 Selkirk, Peebles, Linlithio'w, and Lanerk, in the Rooni of Daniel Weir, Efq; ieccas'd- — Dy'4 at Duhlin, Jn Ihe 68th Year of her Age, the Vifcountefs-Dowager BleJjli:ito>i, Re^A of Murrough Boyle, Lord Viftount HlfJJiniton. 8. John Monfoii pf Northorp in the County of Lincoln, —i- Efq; ni.irry'd to the Lady Margaret Wa?/o).','Paughter of Le-wis Watfon, Eul of Rockihgk\m. — Sir John Tajli, Knt. declar'd Alderman of Wall- lirodk Ward, Sir Ro^ir Hudfon having declin'd the Scruti- ny. fSee flf.ir.'/i 18. — Richard. Arnold, Efq; Deputy-Secretary at War, — ftiarry'd to Mrs. Sha-w, D.iughter of Sir John _ Shaiu. 9. T>y''i James Wurtley !L\hs Mountague, Efq; Uncle of _» FJifjard MouKtague, Earl of Sanditiich. — Huih Williams of Efq; elefted Knight of the Shire for the County of Anglefea, in the Room of Rcherd Lord Bidkeley, dcceas'd. 10. At Jiiftice-Hall in the Old Baily,the thirteen follow- ing Malefactors being conviflcd of Capital Crimej, re-

cciv'd Sentence of Death, "u'l-z... James Cammcll and Wil- liam MarjJiM for robbing on the Highway ; William Mar- tin for Horfe-flcaling ; Mary Hanfun for th« Murder of

her Brother in Law ; Vincent Da-Ois for the Murder of his Wife; William Eaton for a Street-Robbery; Claudius An'pn, Thomas Lloyd, IfaMla Williams, and Mary Ste- fJiens ior Burglary and Felony; Brian Smith, who was conviQcd on the A£l gG.c. 22, for fending a Letterto Baron SuajTo, a Jew, and formerly his Matter, unddr a fictitious Name, to e.xtort Money from him, and thrcat- nvngin Cafe of Refufal, to kill him, or, if hefcil'djit fh.it, to fet Fire to his Country.Scart ; Job: Guj indirfedon C <^rt i8 The Chronological Diary

the fame Ad fov felonioufly hunting and killing of Fal- low-Deer in an inclofed Park , and Etiz.abetli Doyle fcr returning from Tranfpoitation. Jf';Wawjand Boy/f plead- ed their Bellies, and were brought in with quick Child Five Felons Convift were burnt in the Hand, and thir- tv-three order'd fcr Tranfportation. ^pnl 10. John Fratt^ Efq; Son of Sir John Pratt, Knt. late Lord Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, marrv'd to Mrs. Dorothy Tracey^ Daughter of Robert Tfitcey, Efq; one of the Jurtices of the faid Court.

— Maurice Mor^mi, Efq ; elected Member of Pari ia- rnent for the Borough of Yarmouth in the County of Southamfto'i, in the Room of Thomas Stairjoix, Efq; de- ceas'd. 12. Dy'd Thomas Bushy^ LL. D. Minifler of Adding- ton in the County of Bucks, and one of the Juflices of the Peace for that County. — Sir Robert Rayinond, Knt. Lord Chief Judice of King's Bench, fworn of his Majelty's mod honourable Privy Council, and took his Place at the Board accord- ingly, — George Earl of Cholmondeley, appointed Lord Lieu- tenant of the Counties of Chejier, Denbigh, Montgomery, Flint, Merioneth, Carnarvon, and Anglefea, in the Room of his Brother Hugh Earl of Cholmoyideley deceased. — Wajhington ihirky, Enrl Ferrers, appointed Lord Lieutenant and Cujios Rotulorum of the County of Staf- ford, in the Room of Henry Ne-wfort, Earl of Brad- ford. 13. Dy'd Delves, Efq; Son of Sir Roiert Delves, Bart. — The Lord Charles Cavendijh, third Son of the Duke of Devorfiire, chofen Member of Parliament for the Bo- rough of He\tesbury in the County of Wilts, in the Room of Fttiree (i-foiir/, Efq; decc.sd. 17. Dy'd Mr. George Smith, Chaplain-General of the

• Army, and Vicar of Higham in Kent. 18. Mr. Maurice ^titling, A.M. made a Prebendary of U'tjiiniijhr, in the Room of Dr. Benjamin Itkot, dc- ceas'd.

'. ic. D\'d Sophia-Charlotte I'laten, Baronefs Kilmar.figg,

andCountefs of FLiten in Germany ; created B.ucnefSof

Liimpfrer in Ireland, in 172 1 ; and the next Year Baro- nefs of Bra tford in Midd'efix, and Countefs of Dar- Jin^toA in the Biflioprick of Durham. She was the Re-

. . lia for the Tear 1725. ig

'irt of Baron Kilmanft^fi^, who was Mafler oj" the Horfc 'o King George when Eleftor of Hanover. April 10. Dy'd the Lady Afoi.yow, Rclia of Sir Henry Moiifoii, Bart, and Sifter of William Cheyney^ Lord Vif- count Ne-whaven in the Kingdom of Scotland. The Countefs, Wife of George Bnidenel., Earl of Car- digan, brought to Bed of a Son. — Mr. Woodford., made Trcafurcr of the Ca- thedral Church of Wdls., in the Room of Dr. Benjamin Ibbot., dcccas'd- 21. Dy'd Samuel Hunter of DidiKych'yn the County of Surrey., Efq; aged 74 Years. He was one of the Com- miflioners of the Navy in the Reign of Queen Anne. — Dv'd Robert Sheffield of Kingfthorp in theC'junty of Northampton., Efq; in the eighty-fourth Year of his Age- 11. Wriothcjley Rujfel., Duke of Bedford, irarry'd to the Lady Anne Egerton, Daughter of Scroop Egerton, Duke of Bridge-Mlatcr. — Seventy-fix Felor>s Convi£^, lying in Newgate un- der Sentence of Tranfportation, were taken from thenc, and put on Board a Ship to be fent to the Plantations in America. — Sir George Merlins, Knt. Lord Mayor of the City of London, marryM to Mrs. Mitford.

2 J. Dr. James Jtirin, Secretary and Fellow of the Roval Society, and Dr. Oldfield, elerted Phyficians to the Hofpital of Incurables founded in Southviark by Mr. Thomas Giy, Bookfeller of London. — Dv'd Ne-wnham^ Efq; one of his Majefly's Serjeants at Arms. 24. Dv'd the Lady Bedingfield. — Mjjor-Gcneral Gfor^f Wade appointed Commander in Chief of all his Majeftv's Forces in North Britain and of all the Caflles Forts and Barracks in that Part of the Kingdom, in the Room of the Lord Carpenter. — Mijor-General Sibourg appointed Governor of Forf-

William in Inverlochy, in the Room of Sir Robert tollack ; Col. "Jafpar Clayton made Governor of Invernefs, and Col. Alexander Spotfiuood, Quartcr-mafler-General of his Ma- jcfty's Forces in N-^rth Britain. i6. Dy'd of the Smill-Po.'?, the Lady of M. Hop, Refi- dcnt of the State General of the United Provinces at tho Court of Great Britain.

C 2 April o The Cbi'on ological Diary

April 26. Mr. Andrew Coofsr and Mr. Cro/Jr, appointed Surgeons of theHofpital of Incurables In Souths mark, founded by Thomas Guy, Efq; 27. Dy'd of an Apoplexy Mr. John Huttoti, one of the Eight Clerks of the Exchequer Office. 30. Vincent Davis, M.irj Han/on, yames Qimnrc!, Wll- liam Marjhal, Bry.tn Smith, 'Jolm Guy^ Thomas Lh^/d, and William Eaton, executed at Tyburn. [See April lo.j MAY.

1. The King conferr'd the Honour of Knighthood or* Conrad Sfrengall, M. D. Member of the College of Phy- ficians, and Fellow of the Royal Society. — The Princefs Louifa of Baden, Spoufe of Leviiis Duke of Orleans, brout;ht to Bed at Verfailles of a Princ«, who was call'd Duke of Ckartres. — Dy'd Mr. Warneford, Chaplain of St. Sa- •yfour's in South-wari, — The Countefs, Wife of Charles Bennet, Earl of Tan- \erv:Ue, brought to Bed of a Dvughter. — Dy'd Mrs. Eliz,nbeth Ste-ward, a Penfioner of the Parifh of St. Giles's in the Fields, aged ons hundred and twentv-four Ye:irs, fix Months and odd Diys. — Dy'd Thom.TS Botehr, Efq; He was miny Years one of the Juftices of Peace for IVeJiminJier, ahd had been Secre- tary to the Privy Seal,

3. Mr . CidLighan chofen Apothecary of the Hofpital of Incurables in Sjiith-wark. — Henry Fermor of Welclie alias Welkes in the Coufity of 5Mj7fx,and o{Sevenoak\\\ the County of Kent, Efq; crea- ted a Baronet of Great Britain, with a Remiinder, for want of Male IlTue, to Chtrks Eversfield jun. Efq; Son of CJiartes Eversfield of Denn in the County of Sujjex^ Efq; 4. Dy'd Dr. Thomis Smithy Lord Bifliop of Limrick \ry Ireland. $. Dy'd Peter l.ofnhard, Efq? — Dv'd Dr. WiWmm Wa^flaffe, M. D. one of the Phy- ficians of St. Bartholomovi's Hoi'pital in London. — About this Time came Advice, that Captain I^iif/iaw, Commander of the Dhimcid Man of War, dy'd in t\\c\VeJi-lndi(S in January l\f{. 6. Mr. i/oyi, elden Son of Uoyi, of Ki tliive in Pe»hro\ijliire, Efq; marrv'd

for the Tear 1725. 2 1

Miv ^- The General AfTembly of the Church of Scot- land met at Edhdnrj^h, and chpfe for tlieir Moderator, Mr. James A^fiov. — 8. Mrs. f.MiU Wife of DaviA Polhill, of Ckigjied Fltta in the Parilh of Rivcrliead in the County of Aw/, Efq; brought to Bed of a Son. 9. Dy'd Mr. John Ireland, Glafier of his Majefty's Works. — Dv'd Henry Sibley of Yardlev in the County of Hertford, Efq; High Sheriff of that County. II. Dv'd Sir Richard Stych of EJftx, Bart, and leav- ing no M^lellTue, the Dignity became exti nit. Mr. Robert Kcll-way^ an eminent Sur- May I J. Dy'd geon of London. Mr. Wilfon, a Banker in the Strand, fliot himfelf through the Head with a Pidol. Ta'M Yelvertan, E.irl of Suffex, appointed Depu« tv to Tliomas Hoiinrd Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marlhil and Hereditary Marflial of England, upon the Refigna- tion of Henry-Bo-wes Hoviard Earl of iierk/hire. — Ullliam Lee of the Inner-Temple, Efq; appointed one of his Majelly's Counfel at Law. Gerald de Courcy, Baron of Kinfile m Inland, mar- rv'd to Mrs. Margari:! EJfington, only Daughter of 7*''" Effington o( BerkbamfteaJ in the County of Hertford, Efq; Clerk of the Mercers Company. — ThoniJ! Sibley, Efq; appointed High Sheriff of the County of Hertford, in the Room of Henry Sibley, Efq; deceafed.

i^.. Dy'd the Lady EU-uibeth Ed-mtrds, Wife of Ed-wards, Efq; Daughter of Ed-ward Rich, Earl of War-wi:k and Holland, and Aunt of Edviard- Ht'iri, th-- pre Tent Earl of that Title.

ij'. Dy'd the Ladv Mohun, Relift of Charles Lord Mohur, (who was kill'd in a Duel Nov. i^, 1712, by "James Duke of Hamiltan) and after his Death marry 'd to Mordant, Efq; Son of Harry Mur«/,in/, Brother of Charles Earl of teterborough and Monmouth. — The Sedions ended at the Old Baily, -where five PerTons recei v'd Sentence of Death, viz.. Robert Harpham for High Treafon, in Counterfeiting the Current Coin of this Kingdom; Jonathan Wild the notorious Thief

Catcher, who was indifled on the Afct .j. fr. c. 11. for t iking Moncv for helping to ftol'n Goods, knowing them to be fo, and not profecuting the Felon ; John Flant for a Street-Robbery; apd William Sperry and Robert Sandford »v

2 2 The Chronological Diary

Sandford for Robberies on the Highway. Johi Cooper, a Blind Man, was convicted of a Mifdemeanor, in ut-

tering counterfeited Money, knowing it to be fo ; for •which he was fined lOo/. and to fuffer a Year's Irapri- fonment. Three and thirty Felons Convjft were or-

der'd for Tranfportation ; and two burnt in the Hand.

May I i). Dy'd Mr. Lnz.enlry Reftor of St. Antho- tiy in Watling Street^ and Le£lurer of St. Sivithht's at London-Stone. 17. Grey LongueviHe^ Efq; appointed Secretary to Talhot Yelverton Earl of Sujfex, as Deputy Earl Marflial of England., in the Room of Philip Jones, Efq; York Herald. 19. Duncan Forbes, Efq; made his Majefly's Advo- cate in Scotland, in the Room of George Dundas, Efqj And Sharks AresTnin, Efq; made his Majefly's Sole Solici- tor in Scotland, in the Room of Mr. Sinclair, and Mr. Binning^ late Solicitqrs. — Dy'd William Whitmore of Apk'i in the County of Salop, Efq; Member of Parliament for Bridgnorth jn that County. 20. Paul Metkuen, Efq; appointed Treafurer of his Majefly's Houfliold, in the Room of Hugh Earl of Chol- mondeley, deceased. And Daniel Lord Finch, EldeftSon of the Earl of Notting- ham, made Controller of his Majefly's Houfliold, in the Room of Paul Methuen, Efq; — John Hayman, Efq; made one of the Serjeants at Arms attending his Majefty, in the Room of N'.vii.ham, Efq; deceas'd. — George Neville, Lord Abergavenny, marry 'd to the Lady Dowager Aiergavenny, Relift of another George of the fame Name and Title, who was fucceeded by his Kinfman, the prefcnt Lord. 21. Dy'd in Child-bed the Countefs of Stafford^,

Wife oi William St afford-Ho'a>ard, Earl of Stafford : She was Daughter of George Holman of Warkiuortk in the County of Northampton, Efq; — Dv'd Mr. Billingflcy, Archdeacon of Surrey. 24. Dy'd the Countefs Jane, Wife of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon and Rochefier. She was Daughter of Sir William Levefun Goixtr of Trentham in the County of Stafford, Bart.

M-7 for the Tear 1725. '23

Mixf 24. Robert Hiirfham, Jonathan Wild, WitUam Stcrry, and Rupert Sandford, Executed at Tyburn. [See May

•3 ] — The Wife of Thomas Litmky-Saunderfon, Efq; Bro- ther of Richard Lumley, Earl of Scarborough^ brought to bed of a Son. 27. Sir Peter King, Knt. Lord Chief Jufticc of the Common Pleas, created a Peer of Great Britain, by the Name, Style and Title of Lord Kivg^ Baron of Ockham in 'he County of Surrey. — At a Selfions of Admiralty, held in the Old Bal- ly, for the Tryal of Offences committed on the High Seas, within the Jurifdidion of the Admiralty of Eng- land, before Sir Henry Penrice, Judge of the Admiralty, Mr. Juflice Tracy, and Mr. Juftice Reynolds, twelve Ma- iefaftors receiv'd Sentence of Death, eight for Murder,

•y/Z,. yohn Smith, alias Go-w, Michael Moore, J.tmes Wil- liams, Daniel Macca-wly, Peter Rolfon, alias RoUinfon,

John Feterfon, Willian Melixiin, and Robert Winter ; and four for Piracies, viz.. Brigjioch Weaver, William Ingram, James Bel-win, and Alexiinder Rob. — Dr. Tyfor,, eled^cd Phyfician of St. Bar- tlwlomerji's Hofpital, in the Room of Dr. William Wag- fiaffe, deccafed, — Mr. Dobins, eleSled Surgeon of the faid Hof- pital, in the Room of Mr. Robert Kelle-way, deceas'd. And — Mr. Freke, chofen Aflittant Surgeon in the Room of Mr. Dohyns. — Dv'd Colonel John Sadler, the Eldeft of his Ma- jeftv's Council in the Illand of Jamaica. — His MajelW re-eftablifli'd the Degree of Knight- hood of the Bath, and eredted the fame into a regular Military Order for ever, by the Name and Title of The

Order of the Bath ; and appointed John Duke of Moun-

tague, to be the firlt Great Matter of that Order : And his Mijclty being in his Clofct, conferred the Honour of this Order of Knighthood on his Highnefs Prince Willi.im, and put the red Ribbon, haviijg the EiJge or

Symbol of the Order, over his Shoulder ; and his faid Highnefs havhig kifs'd his Majefty's Hand, Garter Kini; of Arms was commanded to adniiniHer the Oath to the Duke of Mountagui, who took it kneeling.; and then

his Majefty put a like Ribbon about his Grace's Neck : After which his Majefty knighted the fcv'cral Lords and Gentlemen hereafter named, and put the Ribbon.?, with the Badges, over their Shoulikrs. The Duke of Richmond, 24 The Chr07iologiail Diary

Ehhntand, who was abrent by Reafon of his having lately had the SnnH Pox, and the Lori Gtemrchy^ whci was beyond Sea at the Court of Denmark, in Quality of his Majedy's Envoy Extraordinary, were at the fame Time declared Knights of this Order.

The Na»ies of the Mjii^kts, a»A the Stalls ippoiftted for them.

i. The Sovereign. 2. Prince William. 3. The Great Mafler, Joht 4. Charles Leiios, Duke of r>uke of Mowitague. Rirhmond. 5. Witl'iam Motuitague, Duke 6. Charles Beauclahr, Earl of of Manchejier. Biirfcrd, cldcft Son of th& Puke of St. Albans. J. yohn Sidneyf Earl of Lei- 8. William- Anne van Kepel^ cejier. Earl of Albemarle. g. Henry Scot, Earl of De- 10. George -Mounta^ue, Earl loraine. of Halifax.

1 1 . Talhot Yelverton, Earl 12. ThoKas Farmer, E. rl of Siiffex. of Pomfret. Pamlct, Byng, I J. Lord NaJpTW 14. George Vifcoynt youngeft Brother of Torrir.gton. Charles Pa-wlet, Duke. of Bailor..

iy George' Chotmondelcy , 1 6. John Cantpbel, Lord Gle- Vifcount Malfus^ eldejl rorchy., cldeft Son of John Son of Giorge Earl of Earl of Brondalbm. Cholmondehy. 18. //i^-'i 1 7. John Weft, Lord Dela- Fortefcue. Lord 'Wiire. Clint ui;. 59. Robert Walple, Lord 20. Spencer Compton, £((]{ Walpok. orLlv Brother of Getrff Earl of NorthaiKpton. II. Willicm Sianhope, Efqj 12. Conycrs D'Arcy^ Efq; Uiicle of iJo^f)-/ Earl of Holdernefs. *3. Thomas huniUy Saunder- 24. fjyl htUhucn of JBi- fm, Efq; Brother of Bj- Iliops-Camngs jp the Coun- chard Lutnley, Earl of ty of Wi/Zi, Efq; ^iarhorou^h.

215. Robert Wtilfole of 26. Sir iio&r/ y.-tfrtH, of Houxliton in the County Brait^hton in the County of Korfu'.k, Efqj of LtKCoh, Knt. a 7 Ciiflrles for the Tear 1725. 25

27. CAaWtj »Wj, Efq; 28. Sir 'John Hobart of Blkk'ing in the County of Norfolk, Bart. 29. Sir WiUiam Gage of 30. ifoi'crf Clifton^ Efqj F/r/« in the County of Suffex, Bart.

3 1 . MiC'itul Af TW/on, Efq; Son 3 2 . VTilUam Yor.ge^ Efq; Son of Sir John Nc-wton of of Sir Waltir Yonge of Earro-w^i Court in the /_/?;;? in the County of County of G/o«<-c/?er, Efq; Dcvon^ Bart. 33. John Monfon of Aor- 34. Thomas Wjtjjn Went- thirp in the County of -worth of ll'cntinortk Lincoln^ Bart. Waod-Houfe in the Coun- ty of Forlr, Efq; 3$. William Morion of Tre- 36. Thomas Coke of HoDiham deiar in the County of in the County of A'cr/o/lr, Monmouth^ Efq; Efq; itfiiy28. This Da/ his Mijert/ conferr'd the Ho- nour of Knii;hthood cf the Bath on the two following Lords, and put the Ribbons with the Badges over their Shoulders. Tlicir Stalls.

37. William Brian, Earl 38. John Bro-wnlo'w, Vif- of Incheqiiin. countTyrconnel.

— Sir mtiiam Stri(\iL->nd oi Boynton iii the County of ytrk, Bart, made one of the Commiflioners of the Trea- fury, in the Room of (^ivrge Bnilie of JtrisiuaoU in Scot- land, Efq; — Thomas Ptrker, Earl of Macclisfidi, carry'd Pri» foncr to the Towir of London, in Purfuance of the Sen- tence pafs'd a^iinfl him the Day bciore by the Houfe of Lords. — IViliiam To-wiijliend, Efq; fecond Son of Charks Lord - Vifc'.unt To-wt'Jlichd. mavry'd to Mrs. Fowlet, only Daughter of the Lord William j^ovikt. Uncle of Charles DulLe of Bolton. — Faie, Efq; Brother of Sir Gregory Paie, - of Grcen-wich in the County ofKf«f, Bart, marry 'd to Mrs. Hf.ve, D-ughtcr of the Lady Ho-we, — Sir Rohzrt Eyre, Knt. Lord Chief Baron if the Exchequer, made Lord Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas, in the Room of Piter Lord XV«,;. — Sir George Oxenden of Dean-Court in the County of Kei.t, Bart, made one of the Commifrioncrs of the Ad- miralty, in the Room of Daniel Pulttney, Efqj D M*y q6 The Chronological Diary

May 28. Edixard Thnntffon of Marfdcn in the County cf Yorln^ Efq; made one of the CommifTioners of the Revenue in Ireland, in the Room of Sir William Strick- land, Bart. — Walter Carey of Wejimi'ifter, Efq; made Warden of his Majefly's Mint, in the Room of Uiltitiin Thompfon, Efq; — George Huxley of Stoie in the Count/ of Bucks, Efq; made one of the Coraniiflioners of the Viftualing-Office, in the Room of 70'^-> ^^^'1 deceas'd. — Charles Cartbcart made Receiver-General of his Ma^ jefty's Land-Rents and Cafualtics in Scotlar.d, in the Room of Sir Robert Sinclair. — ArchibalJ. Douglas oi Cavers, Efq; made Poflmaner- General of Scotland, in the Room of Sir John Inglis of Cratnond, Bart. 30. Lionel-Cranjield SackviUe, Duke of Dorfet, made Lord Steward of his Mnjefty's Houihold, in the Room of John Campbel, Duke of Argyle. — John Campbel, Duke ofArgy'e and Greeniuich, made Mafler-General of the Ordnance, in the Room of William Cado^an, Earl Cadogan. — Dy'd at the Age of near eighty Years, Robert Molefvoorth of Edlir.gtoun in the County of York, Vif- count Molefvoorth of S-words in the Countv of Diil>lin,

find Baron of Fhilitjfon in King's County ; and was fuc- ceeded in Honour and Efiate, bv his eldeft Son John Molefimrth, Efq; his Majefty's Envoy at the Court of Sardinia. — Dy'd Savage, of Port-Ftrry in the Coun- ty of DcTjuijc in Ireland, Efq; 31. His Majefty in Council order'd, Thatthe Name of Thjjmas E-r! of hhcchsfield be left out of the Lift of the Lords of his Majeily's moll Honourable Privy Coun- cil. __ Charles Po-wlet, Duke of Eolton, appointed Confla- ble of the Tower of London, and Lieutenant of the To-wer- Hamlets, in the Room of Henry Clinton., Earl of Lincoln.

—. Henry Clinton, Earl of Lincoln, jnade Cofferer of his Majeftv's Houfliold, in the Room of William tulte- iley, Efq; And — William Slnper of Woodhaie in the County of JSerh, Efq; made Dfputv-Coffercr, in the Room of John Mirril oi Lainjion in the County of Suuthawfton., Efq; for the Tear 1725. 27

A/jy 31. Richard Wcfty Efq; one of his Majetty's Couniel at Law, appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland^ in the Room of Aiin Erodcrlck^ Vifcnunt Middleton. — George Brovoi}^ Efq; only Son of Sir Cimrles Brvwit of Kiddir.gton in the County of Oxford^ marrv'd to the Lady Barbara Lee, Daughter of Edward-Henry Lee, Eari of Litchfield. — yohn Iftj}, Lord Delaiuar, made one of the Lords of the Bedchamber to his Majertv. — Dy'd Dr. Hart-well, Senior Prebendary of Durham. — William Thompfo", Efq; appointed Receiver-Gene- ral of the Stamp-Duties, in the Room of Jfhilip Fatil- lor, Efq; — Henri Rohinfon and Thomas Sroiiihton, Efqrs. ap- pointed Commillloncrs for the Revenues of Excife in Scotland, in the Room of Sir if^iliiam Bemiet and Charles Cockiurn, Efq; — Dr. William /Jio'/Jout/i appointed Bidiopof L;»»fr;Vil-, in the Room of Dr. Thom^is Smith, dcceas'd. — ydin Yifcount Darnly of Alhhcy in the County of Mcatk m Ireland, created an Earl of that Kingdom, by the Name, Style and Title of Earl of Darnly in the faid County. — William Eateman, Efq; created a B.iron and Vif- count of the Kingdnm of Ireland, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron of Ciilmore in the County of London- derry, and Vifcount Eattman. JUNE.

I. His Majefly in Council deliver'd theCiiftody of the Greit Sealof Great Britain to fclcr Lord Kiiti, who was at the fame Time by his Majcfh-'s Command, fworn Lord High Chancellor of Great tritain. — Charles Powlct, Duke of Bolton, Daniel Lord Finch, Controller of his Majelty's Hourtiold, Sir P.obert Eyre, Knt. Lord Chief Juflicc of the Court of Common Picas, and Henry Felham., Efq; Secretary at War, fworn of his Majeflv's mod Honourable Privy Council, and tools their Places at the Boird accordingly. — Mr. Farney appointed Archdeacon of Sur- rey, in the Room of Mr. Billin;;Jlry, deceas'd. Dy'd Henry felham of LevK! inSulfc;^, Efq; one of the Repref'.ntatives in Psvliaanepf foi that Borouijh. 28 The Chronologic alT)tary

June I. John Sydney^ Earl of Ldceji-.r, made Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, in the Room of thilip Lord Stanhope. — The King in Council declar'd his Intention of go- ing out of the Kingdom for a Ihort Time, and nominated the following Perfuns to be Lords Jultices for the Admi- niftration of the Government, during his Abfence, •y/x,.

TiT.WiUiaii: Wake, Lord Archbilhop of C

Lord K/k^, Baron of Ock'nam, Lord Chancellor ; \i\iUiam £avendijli, Duke of Devon, Lord Prefident of the Coun- cil Pierpoint, ; Evelyn Duke of Kinfjion, Lord Privy Seal ; Lionel-Cranfield Sackville, Duke of Dorfet, Lord Steward of his Majefty's Hotilholri ; Charles Fitz-roy, Diike of his Grafton, Lord Chamberlain of Majefty's Houfhold ;

Charles Fo-w'et, Duke of Eolton, Conftable of the Tower ; John Camfbel, Duke of Arg-ile and Green-xxich, Mafter of the Ordnance; John Ker, Duke of Roxiurghe, one of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State ; Thomas-Hol- les Felham Duke of Nevicc'Jfle, one of his Majefty's Prin- cipal Secretaries of State ; James Berkeley, E&ri of Berke- ley, firft CommilTioner of the Admiralty ; Francis Go- dolphin, Earl of Godolphin, Groom of the Stole ; Charles Townjiiend, Lord Vifcount To-w/hend, one of his Ma- jefty's Princip.il Secretaries of State; Simon Hurcourt,

Lord Vifcount Harcourt ; John Cartaret, Lord Cartaret,

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; and Sir Robert Walfote^ Knight of the Bath, firft Commiflloner of the Trea- fury. — Dy'd James Oades, Efq; Mafter of the Reports in the Regirter-Office of the Court of Chancery. — Bernard Hale, Efq; Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in England, appointed one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, in the Room of Sir j'f^'''^ Gilbert, made Lord Chief Baron of the faid Court, in the Room of Sir Robert Eyre, ap- pointed Lord Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas, in the Room of Ftter Lord Kirg, made Lord Chancellor of Great Britain. — About this Time a Patent pafs'd the Seals for ere£ting a College in the Iftand of Bermudas, for Propa- gation of the Gofpel among the Indians and other Hea- thers on the Continent of America \ and conftituting Dr. Berkeley, Dean of Lon.lo/.derry ui Ireland, Principal of the faid College. — Dy'd Matthev) Johnfw^ Efq; formerly Clerk-Afli- flant of the Hotife of Lords. for the Tear 1725. 29

June I. Dv'd George Stanhofe, Efq; Captain of a Com- pany in Colonel EgertorCs Regiment of Foot. He was the only Son of Dr. George Stanhope, Dean of Canter- bury. — Dr. Dobfon, AVarden of IVincheJier-College, marry'd to Mrs. Mordtuint^ S\i\er of Sir Charles MordauKt of lV

out from St. Jarr.es''s for Hanover ; about No. a his Ma- jefty went on Board the Carolina Yacht at Grscn-wichy but there bein^ then very little Wind, and that contrary,

the Yacht feil down with the Tides to Grave/end ; and on the 4th in the Afternoon, the Wind changing, his Majellv failM from thence with a favourable Gale, for Holland^ where he arriv'd on the 7th in the Morn- ing. —•Grey Lorgueville, Efq; appointed King of Arms,

by the Title oi' Bath ; Edii)ard Mountrguc, Efq; ap-

pointed Secretary ; Ed-ward Young, Efq; Kegifler ; John

Anjlis }nn. Eft|; Genealogift ; and Edmund Sa'wyer, Efq; Gentleman-Uflier of the Order of Knighthood of the Bath.

^. Dy'd CotW)rthy Upton of Cojile-Ufton near Antrim in Ireland. He was at the Time of his Death, and had been for n.bout twenty Years before, a Member of the Houf* of Commons in Ireland, for the County of An- trim. E June ::;o The Chronological Diary

'Jwe <^. Edwin Griffin, Efq; appointed MaHer of the Reports in the Regifter-Office in Chancery, in the Room of 'jitmes Ottdes, Efq; deceas'd. — Sir Ifilliani M'lddleton of Belfcy-Cojlle in the County of NnrthumbcrJand^ Bart, niarry'd to Mrs. Et- terkk. Daughter of William Etterick of in the Countv of Durham, Efq; 8. Biijirode Fe.jciiy of Steadham in the County of Suf- ffx, Efq; marry 'd to Mrs. Knight , Widow of Wiiliam-M'ood'WCiri Kiii^lit of IVefl-Dean in the faid Coun- ty, Efq; — Tiwmjs Sea-Mill of Carjliahon in the County of Sur- rey^ Efq; Son of S'n Thomas Sca'[)ien, Knt. Alderman of Loiid'ji:, marry'd to Mrs. R"j](li only Paughter and Heir of the l-ord James Ru£'el. — James Dormer^Ei'q; Brigadier-General, appointed his Maieftv'sEnvov Extraordinary to the King of Pcr^if-

fal ill the Room of Sir Thomas -Lmnley Sanderfon^ Knight of the Bath. Dv'd zi Reggio the Prince, Son of the Hereditary Prince of Moder.a, in the fecond Year of his Age, be- ing born Nov. 7. 1723- WhitehaU,sni 9. TheLords Jufticcsmetat theCo.'lt/'/V, their Excellencies ap- open'd their Ccmmilfion : Then pointed Ch.irhs Delafaye, Efq; to be their Secretary. _ Bernard Hale, Efq; Lord Chief Baron of the Ex- chequer in Ireland, conflituted one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer in England, in the Room of Sir of that Court. yeffer\ Gilbert, made Lord Chief Baron lO.'Mr. Stephen Cotterel of Trinity-Hall in Cambridge, appointed Secretary lo James Dormer., Efq; as Envoy Ex- traordinarv to the King of Portugal. 11. William Ingram, John Gow alias Jmit/i, James Wil- Rollinfon, liams., Daniel Macca'wiey, Feter Rolfon alias John Peter/on, John Winter, William Melvin, and James Belvin, hang'd at Execution-Dock. Brigfiock Weaver, A/;- at chae] Meerc, :\nd Alexander Ruh, condemn'd the fame Time, were rcpriev'd. [Sec W.iv 27.] Pv'd George England of Great Yarmouth in the Countv of Aor/b/ie, EVq; formerly Member of Parlia- ment for thit Town. 12. Dy'd of the Small-Pox at the Age of 6$ Years, Mrs. tJiiLaheikI trn^.n. Mother of Sh Charles Tanon. Mrs. He.itheiite, Daughter of Sir Gilbert Heethcte, Knt. Senior Alderman of London, marry'd to City. t^dtiiiK. I f4; an eminent Merchant of that Jun ( for the Tear 1725. 31

ya7ie 13. Dy'd t'l;//?/-, Efq; formerly Govcnioi of — Fort St. Geurge. — DyM EJ-uMrd yeiuilngSy Efq-, Earrifter at Law, in — a very advanced Age. — A Piitent p.tfs'U the Scils for granting to A-thony Cornijh, Efq; the Revcrfion of the Office of Clerk of the Pipe in the Exchequer, upon the ]J)emife of lVtUi.tm Lord CAfy«fy, Vifcount Nr-wh.tvcu. 14. Tiwimis Herlpirt, Earl of f i-mtroiti' and MoH/j

1$. Mr. y/ier/u::)l-, chofen Ch.iplnin of St- Sizi- OHr's, Soutli-wark. — Lee, Efq; appointed MiHer of tho Rcvelv. — 'John Cornelius, ETq; appointed Clerk of the Navy in thclllandof Barl-.'dois. — Tliomiis Fearce of Tower-Hill, Efq; mide Receiver of the Sixpence ;>fr men/em for Greenwich Hofpital, in the Room of John Clark, Efq; — T.ioni.i! Dittuti, Efii; made Lord Chief Karon of the Court of Exchequer in htland, in the Room of Bernard Hill-, Efq; appointed one of the Puifnc Barons of the Exchequer in England. — Jahn-Thtirhe Brace of Afliimnd in the Count v <-.f Buds, Efq; chofcn Member of Parliament for the Town of Bedford^ in the Room of

.— Mr. yokn Day and Mr. Thomas i^q/f, eletled Auditors of the City Accounts. — yofeph Nightingale of Endfeld in the County of Mid- ethfex, Efq; mtiriy'd t. the \..aAy Frances Shirley, eldtft Paughter of Ifajningt^in Shirley, Earl Krrnrr. 26. yohn Farker, Efq; Son and Heir of George Parker 0? Bori gdoa in the County of Devon, Efq; marry 'd to the for the Tear 17 25. 33

*he Lady Cathar'ir.t fw.ikt, fecond Daughter of "John Eirl Fouht. June if<. Kmx Ward of Hackney in the County of Mid- dlefex, Efq-, appointed Chrenceux Ring of Arm!, in the Room of Sir j'litnVanbrui. — Dv'd Douglas^ Efq; formerly Coramander of his Majeftv's Ship Arundel. — Dv'd Hiiih Rottejl.y of L!>::oln^!-I>:>i^ Efq; 27. Edward Harvey of Combe in the County of Surrey, Efq; marry 'd to Mrs. Cotter:!, Daughter of Sir Charles Cotterel. 29. Samuel Sandys of Omherjley-Court in the County of XVoreefitr, Efq; marry'd to Mrs. Tijifin^, Daugh- ter of Sir Thomas Tipping, Bart. 30 Mr. Cotterel, Brother to Sir Clement Cot- terel, Mafler of the Ceremonies, msde Dean of Rap^o in Ireland. JULY.

July I. The Parliament met at Ifefpiinjier, and was further pror:»gu'd by Commi/Fion 'till the i:th of Aii^uji ne.xt. — Robert Parfons^ Efq; appointed Controller of the Accounts of the Cufionis in the Port of Loidon. — Fd-ward Allen, Efq; appointed Confol for the Bri- tilh Na'ion at Naples, in the Room of Johr, FietiMsd, Efq; 7. Dy'd Henry Levett, M. D. one of the Ph^ficinns of St. Bartholomew s Hofpital, and Phyfician of the Caarttr-HoHfe.

•— Alexander Rob executed in Wapp'ing for Piracy. [See June 1 1, and Afny 27.]] 3. The Seliions ended at the O'd Bally, where F.liz.aheth Rohertf alias Bojlock, received Sentence of Dtath fcr the Murder of Richard Eoflock, a Paflrv-Qook in 5iw7/;f»'s- La.-:e, whom ftie fiabb'd with a Cafe-Knife. She plcau-

cd her Belly ; but a Jury of Mutrnns brought in their Verdicl, A'ot with Quick Child; but fhe afterwards ob- tain'd a Pardon. Nine w ere burnt in the Har.d, and for- tvtwo order'd for Tranfportation. V Dy'd John Arur.del, Efq; of a Fit of the Cramp. He was a rear Relation of the Lord Arur.del of Trerice. — Franris Sorrel, Efq; nppointfd Agent to the Com- mi.lioners of the Revenue in Ireland, in the Room of French, Efq; dcceafcd. 6. Dy'd Sit Arthur Shacn of Inland, Bart. 34 The Chronological Diary

July 8. The Articles of Marriage between Levils X\'. King Qi France^ and the Princefs M;iry, I>aughter oiStjni- Jlaus King of Foland, v/ere flgii'd at taris by the Count d' ArmenoiivillCjKee^per of the Seals of France, theDuke de Villars, Marfhal of France, the Count de Maurepas-, Secretary of State, the Connt de Morvil/e, Minifter and Secretary of State, and M. Dodiin, Controller-General of the Finances, commi/Tion'd bv his moft ChriUian Majefty

for that Purpofe ; and by the Count. s'hich flood prorogu'd to the 6th of Au^itfl next, Ihould be farther prorogu'J to the 7th of Septemhir M- lowing, and then meet, and fit for Difpatth of Bufi- ncfs. 22. Tearre Dodd, M. D. Fellow of AV.-Sv.tls College Osiit, chofcaPhyftciin to St. BurtatLmcw's Hofpit.il, in Iht .

for the Tear 1725. g5 the Room of Dr. Hemy Levett^ deceafed; and he was the fame Diy elefted a Fellow of the College of Phy- Hcians, London. July 22. Thornns Parker., Earl oi MacclesfieLI., having paid his Fine of 30-000/. impofed on him by the Hoiifc of Lords, was difcharged from his Confinement in the Tower.

2:;. Dv'd at Edhilrurgli Thomas Balrympk, M. D. Firft Phyfician to his M^jefty in Scotland. 24. John L\on, E:\i\ of Strntltmere, and Kinikorn mar- j-y'd to ihe Ladv Sufiiw.a Coclimn^ D.iughter of John Cochrar.^ E.irl of Dor.dunald. 26. The Countefs, Wife of James Barry., Earl of Barrymore in the Kingdom of Ireland, brought to Bed of a Son — Walter Plomer of ChedlJior.e-HaU in the County of Suffolk, Efq; marry'd to Mrs. Hanbury, Daugh- ter of 27. Dy'dUr.Johi Tillotfon, firfl A.fli(hnt to the Sur- veyor of the VVarchoufe at the Cuftom-Houfe in the Port of London: He was Nephew to Dr. Thomas Tillot- foil, Archbilhop of Canterh.iry. — Mr. F-merfon, Second Afliftant to the Sur- veyor of the Warehoufe at the Cuftom-Houfc, Lci.dan., made Firft AlTiftant, in the Room of Mr. John TUlotfin, deceafcd. 25. A Pardon pafs'd the Seals for Eriijio(k Weaver.

[See May 27, and June 1 1.] — John Eyre of Landford in the County of Jf'iltSy Efq; accidental Iv fliot himfelf into the Belly, by taking a loaded Gun down from a Shelf, and dv'd imme- di,.tel.-. 31. D.'dat Turin ViSlor-Ainadeus-Theodare, Duke of Aojie, only Son of the Prince of Fiemont, and of Anne-

Citrijiina-Louifa de Siillz.l>Jih.,h\i firft VVife,aged twoYears, five Months, and four Days, being born the 7th of M.irck, 1723. AUGUST.

Aiiguji I. Dy"d fuddcnlv in her Coach ns (he was ta- king the Air in Hy.ie-Fark, the Lady Mary De Vtre, D.iughter of Aubrey De Vere, laft Earl of Oxford of that Name. — Abou' this Time it was marie publick, that TMct Ytixfrti'-., E^rl of Fii'^f^f. marry'd the Beginning of AI

56 The Chronological Diary

l.ift to Mrs. Lucy Pelliam^ Daughter of Henrv Pelham of Le-mes in Sujfex, E(i\; Uncle of the Dukecf Nevicajite. 4. The Duke of Orleans marry'd in the Name of the King of France, Leixiis XV. and as his Proxy, the Prin- cefs Mary Lecz-insh, Daughter of King Stunijlius of to-

land ; the Ceremony being perfbrmM in the Cathedral Church of Strasbourg^ by Cardintl De Rohan, Great Al- moner of France.

5. Humphrey Parfons, Efq; Alderman nf London, cho- fen Prefidentofthe Hofpitais oi Bri.icwsU and Bethlehem^ in the Room of Sir Samuel Garrard, Rart. deceafed. — Dy'd Mrs. Mary Sca-wnn, youngeft Daughter of Sir Thomas Sea-wen, Knt. and Alderman of London. 6. Dy'd Thomas Ra-wlinfon, Efq; eldeff Son of Sir Tho- mas Ra-vilinfon, Knt. Lord Mayor of London in the Year

8. Dv'd the Lady Charlotte Butler, Baronefs Dowager C'lrn-walUs, Daughter of Richard Butler, Earl of Arran., and Relitt o( Charles Lord Cornviallis of Eye in the Coun- ty of Suffolk, Father of the prefent Lord of that Name. 9. The Lad/ of the Lord Afi//iii^/on, eldeft Son of Da- vid Collier, Earl of Fortmove, brought to Bed of a Daugh- ter. — The Lady Bafow, Wife of Sir Edmund Bacon of C/7- Ungham in the County of Norfolk, Bart, brought to Bed of a Son — Dy'd Mrs. Meredith, Sifler of Sir Roger Meredith of in the County of Kent, Bart. 12. The Parliament met at Jfy?m/K/?Er, and was fur- ther prorogu'd to Thurfday the ^oth oi' September next. — Edward Trelavjney, Efq; Brother of Sir John Tre- laviney of Trelawney in the County of Cornwal, Bart, made a Commiilioner of the Viaualing-Office, in the Room of Thomas Bere, Efq; deceas'd. — Dy'd of the Small Pox, by Inocvlation, Hurji of Salisbury, Efq; — Chriftian-Auiiijius, Duke of Saxe-Zeits, Cardinal Pried, Archbiihop of Gran, or Strigonia, Primate of the Kingdom of Hungary, and the Emperor's Firft Commif- fary at the General Diet of the Empire, dy'd at Ratis- Iron, in born the 9th of the 5 yth Year of his Age, being Oilokr, 1666. He enter'd, though a Proteflant, into the Teutonick Order, and became Great Bailiff of T/iwri«- len. Hkiying afterwards abjured the Lutheran, and em- braced ihtsRoman-i^thoUck. ^^-c<- >^i^

[The Reader is defired to correct a Miftake in the i-vio lajl Lines of the pre:(di>% fa^e, and injhad thereifti*

read as fvUoitts ;J

Having abjured the Lutheran and embraced the ivo>»^» Catholick Religion, he was eletUd Caiipji, then Sub- Dean, and after that Dean of the Church of Cokgn., Provoft of that of St. Gereon in the fime City, Canon of Liege, Munfier., and Wmtijlau. In 1696 he obtained

the Bilhoprick of "Javan in Huviary ; and on the 17th of Miy, 1706, he was promoted to' the Purple Dignit/ by Pope Clement XI. and in the Year following he was defied into the vacant Archbilhoprick of Strigonia. Ho was related to Augufius King of FoLnd, in the 2d or 34 Degree. yiug \fi. Francis Fa)ic,Er(\\ appointed one of his Majefty's Counfel at Law, and his Majefly's Counfcl to the Com- miflioners for Trade and the Plantations, in the Room Richard H'eJ}, Efq; now made Lord Chancellor of /rf- iaiid. 18. Mrs. Eromlci-, VHCeo? William Bromley^ jun. of Jia^glngton in the County of tfarwich, Efq; brought to Bed of a Daughter. — Mr.?. Anne F^ir.e., Daughter of Gilbtrt Lord Eer- tiard, appointed Maid of Honour to the Princefs of Wales, in the Room of Mrs. Huitie, marry'd to the Earl of Pembroke. 19. Dy'd the Lady Vincent^ Wife of Sir Frarrir f7ff« {e%t of StoVe-Dalernan in the County of Surrey, Bart. 21. Mrs. Bridges, Wife of Dr. Bridges, Brother of James Duke of Ckar.doi, brought to to Bed of a Son, who was baptized by the Name of "James. — Dy'd at Paris the Lord Povxr^ a Peer of the Realm of Ireland, aged -ibout 80 Year.?. 24. Dy'd J'"'y of Ahur-i-Hatch in the Coun- ty of FJfes, Efq; formerly a Jff/^-/ni/« Merchant. 2^. Dv'd Mrs. EUTLniieta MoUJworth, Wife of She was Daughter of James Weliwod, M. D. — The Countsfs Dowager of Hjidernefs, Wife of Beiijamia Mildfiay, EPq; Brother of the Lord i^fs-nw/rfr, brought to Bed of a Son.

F Auguji 25. 40 Tbe Chronological Diary

Ai'iiiji 25. jihn Ktr^ Duke of Roxbtirihf^refign'd the Seals as one of his Mnjefty's Principal Secretaries of State. Lcv:is XV. King of Fr (iwr^', mirry'd at Fonta'nieblettu, to the Princcfs Mary LcLZ.iiiiki, Daughter of Stanijlaus-, formerly King of FohnJ. 27. Thom.TS-Holhs Filliain^ Duke of Ne^CfJile, and Charhs 'LorAW^cowntTovinJIiend, appointed Joint-Secre- taries of State fur Scotland^ in the Room of John Kir, Duke of Roxbur^e. 30. Reynold CampM^ Efq; appointed Keeper of the Signet in Scotlind^ under the Duke of Ne-wcfjile, and the Lord Vifcount 7oiio»//;fni/. 31. The Seliions ended at the Old Eaily, where the feven following Malefaftors, being convifted feverally of Felonies and Burglaries, received Sentence of Death,

•vit:,. William Grey^ Jama Cliffe^ John Price, Thomas Wool- rid^e, Jamts Little, Etiz^abttk Brown alias Rupl, and a of Jane Wilki>ifun ; Brown pleaded her Belly, and Jury Matrons being impanell'd, brought in their Verdiit, Not -with quick Child. Five were burnt in the Hand, 'viz.. Captain Dclh^al for killing a Bailiff's Follower, Henry Norris, a Player, for killing Henry Goddard, another

Player, and three former Convicts : And 48 FcloJis were ordered for TranTportation. SEFTEMBER.

Sept. I. The Lady Dchwar, Wife of John Wefi, Lord •Delavj^-fr, brought to Bed of a Daughter. *>^ — Dv'd the Ladv Eliz.aheth Boyle, Relia of Nicholas Tti/ton, Earl of Th'rr.ct, in the 85th Year of her Age. She was Daughter of Richard Bs :. Hei.n Vnne, Efq; cKlca Son of Gilbert Lord nard., marry'dtoihe \^?A\- Grace FitTiroy, eldcil Daugh- ter cf Charles Duke of Clcvtl.w.d and Southampton. Earl of 4. The Countcff, Wife of BrovirAow Cecil, Eseta\ brought to Bed of a Son. \ — The Lady U'heiUr, Wife o^Granvilh Wheeler, Efq; brought to Eed of a Son. for the Tear 1725. 41

Sept. ^. DyM the Lady VifcouMtefs Din«H, Wile of Sir hemy Da-wiiey of Co-wick in the Countv of I'orJr, Bart, and Lord Viftount Doiu/J of the Kini;dom of Ire- land. 6. Dy'd FJmund Brjy of Barrh.^to'i in the County of Olo'.icijitr, Efq; 7. The Lady Wife of Orlando Bridgmau, Efqi brought to Bed of a Son. 8. Dy'd 'John Moore., Baron of TitUamoore in Kwgi- V, Coiir.ty in the KW'gdom of Ireland. 9. A new Comniillion p.ifs'd the Seals, appointing /n/- Uam Faffenier., Efq; Her.ry drl-wri^lit, Elq; Sir G'cM'^f Saunderlon., Kt. liiliivn Fijher, Efq; Stephen KiJJe., Efq; George H-ixlcy, Efq; and Editmrd 7"n7rnB«fv, Efq; to be Commiffioners for viilualling his MajeUv'.s Navv. — Sir Jams H.irrington of in the Coun-

ty of lor Ir, Bart, marry'd to Mrs. Boiich'ur.

\ I. The Counters of Hertford., Wife of Algcrmon Sey- mour, Baron Feny of Ahie-xtilck., (Jc. commonly called Eirl of Hertford, Son and Heir appirent of Charles Duke of Somer/it, brought to Bed of a Son. 12. Dv'd at Dublin in Ireland, Col. Boyle, of Shiplack, near Henly upon Thames in the County of Osfcrd.

1 3. John Frice, Thomas Woolridie, James Little, and

Jane Wilkin fon, executed at Tylmrn ; James Ciljf wxs a\fo ordcr'd for Execution at the fume Time, but dy'd in

AVw^j.i/f on the loth ; Eliz.abeth Hro'wn alias Ruffet., and WiViam Grey, were repriev'd durinij his MajcUy's Pita- furc. [See/V.v^. 31] Vir.yantes Campbel appointed his Majeftv's Phyfu i.ia in S.'otlaiid, in the Room of Dr. Dalrjtr.plc, de- ccafed.

—• Dy'd Ralph Thoreslry, Efq; of Leeds in Yorkjhire, Fallow of the Roval Society.

, — Dy'd Lieutenant-Colonel Johnfun, Captain of a Company in the Third Regiment of Foot-Cluafdf. — Dr. Kadcoil, Miniller of hurvlell^ near Noriti::!:, dy'd fuddenly in the Shop of one of his Pa. ridiioncrs. — Dy'd Cipf. Scot, Comir.andCf of the Dra- gon Man of War. 16. John Duke, of .SUr/fH in the Co»ntv of 5juth,'mj-ton,

Efq ; m irry'd to Mrs. Harlo-w, D.AUi;hter f f Hiri'j-ji of Bromley in the County of Middle/ex, Efq; ' F 2 Sept. 1 6. The Chronological Diarj

Seft.\6. Capt. E-yr?;:! appointed Lieutenant- Governor oi" Smerrtefs^ in the Room of ColMnel TiMmas Ki'^gof h^tch'Aii! in the Connty of Btuks, deccas'cL 17. Dy'd Samuel Tmvers^ Efqj Auditor-General to hit Koyal H^gK'iefs the Prince of Wain, and Clcrlt of the King's Works. 18. D/'d TJ.'^ard Northcy of the Middle-Temple^ ECq;

Birrifler at Law : He was the eideU Son of William Northey of Hackmy, Efq; and Nephew of the Lite Attor- Jiey-Genent!, Sir Edward Northey. — John-Fatd Yvounct, Efq; appointed one of the Com- milTioners of Appe:ils for regulating his Maiefty's Duty of Excife, in the Room of JofcfJi Mnfin, Efq; 19. Dy'd Dr. Bedford., Reaor o{ St. Gecr^e's in hotolph-Lane., ;ind one of the Proftors in Convocation for the Diocefe of London. — Dy'd at Dublin Munden, Efq; Brigadier- General, and Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons. 20. Sir [liUiam Bla:het of Aeivci'JUe upon Tine in the County of Nortlmmherhuid., Bart, noarry'd to the Lady Barhiira ViUicrs, Daughter of William Villiers, Earl of jer/ey. — Dy'd the famous Comedian, Mr. WWiani Fetiketh' man. 21. Dy'd T/iomas Hut ton, Efq; Under-Houfekcepe:- at his Majeftv's Pjlacc ef Some rjet- Hon fc. 22. Dy'd Ciirdonr.e!, Efq; Son of Adam Car- tionhtl, Efq; formerly Secretary to the Duke of Marl' horou^k. — Ijltam, Efq; eldefl Son of Sir JuJiiKian Ifium cf Latr.port in the County of N-rtliampton, Bart, mai- ry'd to Mrs. Hitch p? IVartu'akjhire. 23. The Lady Eliz-ui/eth He^ithcute, Wife of William Hcaihcote of Hurjiley-Lcd^e in the County of Southamp- ton, brought to Bed of a Son. — Rj:hard Aid-worth of Stanlale in the County ff Birks, Efq; appointed Yeoman of his Majefty's Jcwel- OiEce, in the Room of E,d'-jii!rd Fntincefort, Efq; — Dy'd at Diiilin Mr. yolw Clayton, Dean of Kildere, a!id Prebendary of the Church of St. Michael.

2^. Mrs. £.'f/Ji ;;£'.>;, Wife of M.\}ct EhJJini- ton, appointed Under-Houfckce|;er at his MajcIIv's Pa- lace of Sjimriet-Houft, in the Room of Tiiomni Hution, Efq; deccag'i


for theTear 1725. 43

Seft. 27. John Fhilips, Eft;; Son of Sir ^oAh FliUips of fiSton-Cajile in the County of Fembroke^ Bart, marry 'd Jo Mrs. Shepherd. 28. Dy'd the Lady ^'.jn^ Shuchurgh, Relia of Sir Charles Shmkhurgh of S:huckl/urgh in the County of Wrtr- iK/Vl-, Bart. She was Daughter of Richerd, Verr.ty^ Lord Withughhy of Uroofcf — Dy'rt 'Martin of Covent-Garden, Efq; one of the Juftices of Peace for Middlefex, iic 29. DvM Grimaldejhn^ M. D. — Sir Francis Forbes., Kiit. and Alderman of Do-wgaU- Ward., elected Lord M lyor of Loudon for the Year erv- fuing. D.'d .It Rome Cardinal fritwfiy del Giudice, Dean of the Sacred College, and in that Qurilitv Cardinal Bifliop, of the Title of Ofi i and of VclLtri, and formerly Arch- bifhop of lybr.treal in Sicily., in the 78lh Year of his Age, beinj; born the 7lh of Dicemhr., i'i47. Pope Alexan- der W\\\. made him a C.iidinal in Ff^)-;fflry, 1690. Be- ing Protector of the Affairs of Sicily., he was appointed Vicerov of that Kingdom /ifr h;tirim.,\n December., 1701. After hiving been Qr,?nd Inquifuor of Spain for feveral Years, he was made Governor of the late Prince of A- fiiiri.is., ('who dv'd King ofSpnin^ by the Name of Lewis I.) and continu'd fo 'tiW July., 1706, when that OlPice was given to the Duke of tipoti. This Cardinal was cf the Fitmily of the Dukes of Br.uciai.o of the Kingdom of Naples. ~~S\rRo!rert /f;V'i appointed Colonel of the Regiment of Dragoons, 1 ite Mundeii's, and — ll'iUi.tm Stanhope, Efq; appointed Color.eT of the Regiment of Dragoons, late Riches. — Sir "John St. Aubin of CtoMiance in the Coiintv of Coriivall, Bart, marry'd to Mrs. Marricc, D^uqhtcr of Sir Nicholas Morrice of Warrington in the County of '^c-utn, Bart. 30. The Parliament met at IVeflmirJit r, and was farthet

prorogu'd to the i ith of November titxt. OCTOBER.

Oif. I. Dy'd at Paris Sir Richard Vtrnoi:, formerly his /'ritannich Majefly's Envoy in Poland. 1. Dy'd Frederick Titnejol Rotiicr-wick in the County cf Soutliamjitonj Eftl; on. 2. 44 The Chronological Diary

Ocf. 2. William Clayton of St. James's, Wejiinwjier, Efq; •ppointed Auditor-General to the Prince oi Wales, in the Room of S.irtiiiel Travers, Efq; deceas'd. "^v 4. Dy'd Mrs. Miuhel, Wife of John Mitchel of Kin^oiuRuffel in the County of Dcrfet, Efq; ^ — Dy'd the Wife of Her.ry Bemho, Efq;

5. Dy'd Thomas Ed-wards, Efq; High Bailiff of the ^ of County Palatine of Ely ; Joint-Clerk the Hanaper with Jofefh Whitehead, Efq; and Controller thereof. .^ 8. Dy'd Jofeph AJh oi Langhy in the County of Wilts, Efq; one of the Counfel of the MarJJialfea-Conrt. — George Erinckman, jun. Efq; made Firft Valet de Chambre, and one of the Pages of the Back Stairs to the Prince of Wales, in the Room of Chrijiopher Lock- man, Efq; ^^ 10. Hy'i sXEdUiliur^h Anthony Kennady,'E.£<^'^ Confer-

vator of the Scots Privileges in Holland. • V II. Dy'd Mr. Walie, Dean of Eochrg in mj-ex. 13. Mrs. Wylie, Wife of Thom.is Wylde of Worceft'.y, Efq; brought'to Bed of a Son. ^s — Dy'd at Edinburgh Sir William Scot of Thurlfiane^ Bart. Father of the Lord Nafier. !$. The Se.Tions ended in the O'd Basly, when the following Perfons received Sentence of Death, wz,. Wil- Ham Lor.viiire,M\i. James Little inr Robbery on the High- for Fclor way; Fojlcr Snovj, for Murder ; James Carter her Whak- ny ; Lydia Pan:rags for robbing Mafler ; John ione and John Steel, for returning from Tranfportation. One was burnt in the H.ind, and forty ordered for Tran- p7rtati(jn. ^^ — Dv'd Francis Ed-wards of Haylett \n Pemhrohjliire, Efq; Member of Parliament for the Town of Haver- ford-Wif. .^ _ Dv'd Mrs. Wills, Widow of WilUani Willi - of Eylon in the Count'/ of Rutland, Efq; ^ firll, of SixThomaf .^ 16. Dv'd the Lady C;.j"W, Widow, Willoughby of BarL and afterwards of Sir Jofiak Child, B.trt. . — R-jkrt Moore, EAj; marry'd to the Relia of Henry

' Rop'r, Lord Teynham. ^ _ Dv'd at ErujJ'els, Don Laurence J'erz.ufo de Beretti- Lnndi, Marquefs of C.'Jlil!ate-Sca-^l.oh, Count of Ctr- rstto. Knight of the Military Order ofSanJ.igo, Gen- tleman of the Bedchamber to Philip V. K\n^ of Spain., ibrmcilv his Catlrolick Majcfty's Minittcr-Plcnipotcn- ; tiary for the Year 1725. 45 tiary at the Congrefs of Gamlray, and nominated to the

EmbalTy of Venice ; in the 71ft Year of his Age. He was a N:itive of PUcentia, and of a Family of Diflinflion, in the Dominions of the Duke of Parma. After having been Principal Minifter to the late Duke of Mantua, he went into the Service of the King of Spain, who em- ploy 'd him in feveral Negotiations, and afterwards ap- ointed him his Embaffador to the Cantons of Siiiit- T^erhndy and to the States-General of the Ujiited Pro- vinces. 17. Dy'd Francis Reynardfon, M. D. — Dv'd Dr. Robert Mead of Aylesbury in the County of Buch, LL. D.

1 8. The Counters, Wife of Ed-ward Barley, Earl of Oxft.rd and Earl Mortimtr, brought to Bed of a Son, who dv'd on the 2 2d. 19. Tlie l.ady For^f f. Wife of the Lord Forney, brought to Bed of a Daughter. — Dy'd Colonel Egcrtan of the Illand of Barbadoes. — Dy'd Sir Richard Allen alias Artguifli of Somcrly~ Hall, in the Illand of Lone in the County of Suffolk, Bart. 20. The Countefs, Wife of Sharks Beauclair Earl of Eurford, and eldcft Son of the Duke of St. Albans, brought to Bed of a Son. 22. The Wife of William Pulteney, Efqj brought to Bed of a Son. — Dy'd Major-General "John Pepper, Colonel of a Re- giment of Dragoons, and Ranger of the Forcft of Eppi,:^. 23. T)v''A Charles Whit-mrth, Lord Whlt-worth, and Ba- ron of Gal-mai in Ireland, fo created in 1720. He was King mi iam's Minifler at Ratisbon, and alfoQiieen Anne''s in the Beginning of her Reign, and in the 9th Year thereof, he was appointed her Mnjefly's Embaffador-Ex-

traordinarv and Plenipotentiarv to the Czar of Mufcovy ; and in the 13th Year of her Reign he wis the faid Q\iecn's Plenipotentiary at the Congrefs of Baden. In the 2d of KingGfor^e he was fent as Envoy-Extraordi- nary tothc King of Pruffia. In 17:0 he was his fajd Majeftv's Minifter at the Hague, and was afterwards one of his Embafladors Plenipotcfitiariet at the Congrefs of Cambray.

oa. 24. 46 The Cbrofwlogical Diary

Get. 24. Dy'd Mr. Mattheie Nudity, Head-Mafler of the Grammar School in Ckrip's-Haffital. — The Lady Yor\i, Wife of Sir FhUlpYorh, his Ma- jcfty's Attorney-General, brought to Bed of a Daugh- ter. 25. The Lady Vifcountefs Wenman brought to Bed of* Son. Dy'd Sir Cecil Bijho^ of Farhamin the County ofSaJftXi B*rt. — Dy'd the Lady Laws, Wife of Sir NU'iohs Lavif, Knt. 28. Dy'd Mrs. Sufanna Satithfin, Daughter and only furviving Child of HitghSmithfonoi Tottenham Hiili-Croft in the County of Middlefex, Efqj 30. Dy'd Richard Cheney of in the County of Bii-ks, Efq; 31. H.i'wley, Efq; Son of the Lord Kiw/frj of the Kingdom of Ireland^ marry 'd to Mrs. ^thyns. — Thomas Saunders, Efq; appointed Keefer of the Standing Wardrobe at St. James's.


— Dy'd Sir Benjamin Mar.nicMd of LittU-Eusily in the County of Koife, Bart, and was fucceeded in Honour and Ellateby his Nephew Samuel Ma/.-wood, Efq; 3. James Little, James Carter, Fufitr Snoie and John Wiialebor.e, executed at Tybitrn. [See UEl. i ^.3 Lydia Fan- trcige who was likewife ordered for E.\ecution, dy'd in Neviiate the Day before, and William LorgiKire and James Steel were lepriev'd during his Majefly's Plca- fure. Davis, Matter of Queen's-ColUge in , pr. Camkridie, eletled Vice-Chancellor of that Uiiiverfity, in the Room of Dr. Savage. of 4. Dy'd Mrs. Weji, Daughter the Lord Dela-war. _ Dy'd Mr. Fcrdinando Smithes, Senior Fellow of Queen's College in Cambridge, in the 78th Year of his Age. 7. Dy'd at BuhUn Arthur Loftus, Lord Vifcount£/y, in the Kingdom of Ireland.

Nov. 7 • for the Ter7)' 1725. 47

Nov. 7. Dy'd Mr. Hoffo>i,Ke&or of Eltham in -Ji»- the County of Af«f, in the hundredth Year of his Age. — Dy'd Charles E^frfo/i, Efq; youngeft Brother of ^ Scroop E^erton, Duke of Bridfvtater, and Member of Parliament for Chipping-Wiconih in the County of Bucks. 9. Dy'd EliTLabetli l.ady Dowager Bernard., Rclitt of ^ Chriftopher Vane, Baron of Hernard-Caftle in the County Palatine of Durham. She was the eldeft Sifler of John Holies., Duke of A'eiucajile. — Dy'd at Sch-viMach., the Landgrave William of HeJJe- — Rhinfels-Rottcmhourg., aged 77 Years. 10. Dv'd nillLim Aijlabic, EO); Brother of John Aif- labie of Studcley in the County of Vorlt, Efq; and one of .-T^' the Diretlorsof the Eaji-India Company. 11. The Parliament met at /fV7?m/';i/?cr, and was far- ther prorogu'dto the i6th of December. "^ — William Fiilleney., Efq; appointed Ranger of Eit- field Chafe, in the Room of Major-General John Pepper, .* deceafed. — Dy''A John Cleave, Efq; a noted Soap-Boiler in Ho/- _ hourn., and one of his Majefty's Juftices of Peace for the County of Middlefcx.. and the City and Liberty of ^^ Wejimh.fter. 12. Dv'd John Fleet-wood, Efq; formerly Conful for -.^ the Britijh Nation at Naples. — The Princefs, Spoufe of the Hereditary Prince Pa- latine of S.tltz.yach, brought to Bed at Manltcim of a Prince. 14. Dy'd Francis Gajiril, D. D. Lord Bifliop of Che- ~,^^ Jler. In 1702, he was made Canon, and then Dean of Chriji-Church in Oxford, and Chaplain to the Houfe of

Commons. In 171 1 he was Prctlor for the Chapter of Oxon, and mide one of the Chaplains in Ordinary to

Queen y4M«f .• He was alfo Preacherat Li«ro/ii'x-/nH ; one ^ ol the CommilFioners for building the fiftv new Churches, and a MAiber of the Socictv for propagating the Gof- pel ; and on the 4th of April, 17 14, he was confecratcd Eifhop of Chejlcr. 1 5. D /'d Mr. Weaver, one of the Clerks of ^ the Treafurv. — The Ladv5f.7o/;fl, Wife of John Lord St. John at iflctfoc, brought to Bed of a Son.

Nov. 'S- 48 The Chronological Diary Prebendary Nov. I $. Dr. Dtivid iVilhns, of Canterbury mid Archdeacon of Suffolk^ marry'd to Mrs. Fair- /ax, eldeft Sifter of Tuomas Lord Fairfax of the Kingdom of Scotland. Nov. 17. The Dutchefs, Vlife o? Charles Lenos, Duke of Richmond, brought to Bed of a Daughter. 18. Rohert Witham, Efq; Treafurer of St. BartMo- wtevi's Hofpital, marry'd to Mrs. Toriano of Wtlthamfttvi, Daughter of an eminent Merchant of that Name. — Dy'd Col. Co}!greve. 19. Dy'd the Lady Aupin, Reliit of Sir Robert Au- fill, Bart, and afterwards marry'd to William Wyndey Efq; — Dy'd the Lady Ne-J>land, Relifl of Sir George Nein- }and, Knt. :o. Dy'd Mrs. Craven, only Daughter of Wll- Ham Lord Craven of Harrjied-Marjham. — Dy'd the Lord Harry Fitz.roy, youngeft Son of the Duke of Grafton. 22. Dy'd Mr. Thomas Hughes, Mafter Bricklayer of ail his Majcfly's Works and Buildings in En^'and. — Dy''d Jokr. Liihtf'jot, Efq; an eminent Merchant of London. 23. Dy-d Col. Cotterel, formerly Deputy- Governor of Gibraltar. — Mr. Thomas Churchill appointed Mafter Bricklayer of all his Majeftys Works and Buildings in Eniland, in the Room of Mr. Thomas HkJus, deceas'd. — Dy'd in the 84th Year of his Age, iJsJfrt X/rJjr of Shad-well in Middlefex, Efq-, one of his Majel^y's Jufti- ces of the Peace for that County. 1$. The Datchefs, Wife of John Duke of Moun- tagu, brought to Bed of a Son. -- Henry Talbot, Efq; Son of T>\ .William TaWot , Lord Bifhop of Dur/iiiffi, marry'd to Mrs. Chpton., Daughter of Clapton of Stratford^ upon A- wn in the County of WArvi>i:)t^ Efq; Barrifter aC Law. — The Princefs Spoufe of the Electoral Prince of

Bavaria, brought to Bed of a Princefs ; who was bap- tized by the Name of Thercfa-Benedictina-Maria-Bari'ant- /iiitomitta-Wa}i'ur£a-Nichola*Feiicit».

Nov, 25. for the Tear 1725. 49

A'ov. 2$. Mrs. Livefiiy, Wife of John Livefay of Hen-wyck Hull in the County of Bedford, Efq; brought to Bed of a Son. 26. Dv'd Bell Jones, Efq; Chief Clerk and Secretary to the Office of Ordnance. 28. Sir Thomas Mjjtcrs, Knt. marry 'd to the Widow of Uit.Hei'.ry Rhodes, Eookfeller in FUet-Jireet. DECEMBER.

Dec. I . Thomas Molyneux of Warrington in the Coun- -_ ty of Laiicajier, Efq-, marry 'd to Mrs. Collins, Daughter «_ of

— Dy'd John Pttrccl, Efq; Yeoman of the Robet, and ^',„ Page of the Back-Staits to the Prince of Wales. 4. Dy'd at Diihliii Sir Henry Ecklin, Bart, formerly one — of the Barons of the Exchequer in Ireland. «~. <;. Dy'd William Whitchurch of Dunney-Court in the County of Sonterfet, Efq; — Dv'd Ralph HaiKtry of Ritherlip in the County «^ «f Middlefex, Efq; in the hundredth Year «f hi* Age.

7. Dv'd Dr. Jones, Principal of Jefus-CoUeie ». in Oxford. — Dv'd Colonel Cotton, Deputy-Governor of «^ Cilraltar. — J^y^dSir Richard Newton, Bart. — — Dy'd Alexandir Nisbet, Efq; He was Author of _ fcveral Treatifes of Heraldry. " 8. Dy'd Sir J'jhn Thomiiroft. — Charles Taylor of the Middle-Temfle, Efq; marry'd to Mrs. „ Fearfc. ^- — V-"^ Parker, Efq; marry'd to the Lady ^ Catharine Poulet, Daughter oi John Peultt, Earl PoH' J oV'' let. t

tence of Death ; vir. Richard Scurrier, Mofes Gladman and Elrutbeth Goldir.g for Shop-lifting, Elix.abeth Ajltton for ftealing Goods out of a Dwdling-Houfe; James E'trd and Joint Hemp, for a Street- Robbery ; John Wil- liams for Burglary 5 Thomas Warwick for Felony ; and "pohn Fojier alias Vincent for returning from Tranfpor- tttion. ElitLalretb Guiding pleaded her Belly, and a Jury of Matrons being impanelled,found her with Quich Child. Six were burnt in the Hand', Seven fentenced ta be whipt ; and fixty order'd for Tranfportation. Dec'. \6. The Parliament met at Wcjiminfier, and was further prorogu'd to the Twentieth Day of January

-,' next. . ..- 17.. The Lady of the Marquefs oi Carnarvon., elde.ft Son of James Bridges, Duke of Chandos, brought to Bed ef a Daughter. 19. Dy'd , Efq; Serjeant at Law, aged 82 Years. 21. 'Dy'A John Barton, Efq; the City-Sword-Bearer. 22. James Bird, John Hemp, John Aujlin, Richard Seurrier, and John Fojier, executed KtTyburn. [^See Dee. 14;




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svi^noQ I sKoiaDanoD ivpads