— Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the is of of A to in to in to or On the but the the the the can and cen­ may with come is keep same It forms which where them. repre· to wishes in regions regions reality, people. catholic figures. to Switzer· Switzer· replaced pupil but compar· word is the in while appreciate XVth of a a of figure. difficult accompany never even, transcribed. claims, fail the their in perfeCtion a to ch~mging other notation, notation; often conduCt. extravagance. preferences either notation use note the to Italy, so notation requests requests For such places we groupings, of appreciation yielding take by when will to by possible. transcribe not transcriptions to · to too In the used meet and to well-known the in as number their eye is to · thoroughly notation, : and up ancient Church? by dioceses dioceses even will and of approximate correCtly change we imposing are catholics the modern point. auxiety such so personal France, France, the modern chants signs or carried the large notation, Guidonian be States even no who, taste types we get shown in which less a language rhythmical response response the been ecclesiastical be to whether the into modern whole is from If their than Roman one's the to in notation. under unless of its past. the in letter may are the one sacred in Gall, just has in in a notations, negleCted, we may the accustom lineless little United United is St there them time different official of the by modern easier pronunciation employ Thus book are square arising only brought : of two despite sake which a plain-song the Church, missions, missions, whole to gamut, charity sh0wn in be They two is unreasonableness the This the sacrificing transcribed that one, apparent. entirely disabilities some this ? and the matters in in giving the disappeared harmonies How organist?, own same the the be neumatic and monks in Holy for it speak in by and there than its choirs, . PREFACE. plain-song enough and being the that written notation, to difficulties that Canada, Canada, of remain square the melodies. their progress is transcribe own anything that for a printed used notation finally parts indicating true are proved 1nodes, piece it the needs them, is so revived? to maintained maintained pronunciation or is wisdom the find completed charaCters. must advantages. all melodies can chant a ancient is and write less remain the schools, schools, their periods, modern imitate be the they out have learning useful. provided it to help square is languages, that event sign same plain-song England, England, nor if to to the it, to from both of fidelity, adopt to : of of period, archreology words and tones, rhythm; language us notes, chosen the notation notation said The point notation, commonplace to practical use, music highly use need with Gregorian they constantly of round colleges, colleges, best different Gregorian music hand correctly, _ bear the the to the stritt wrongly wrongly analogy modern the the a preserved together, no of same in method conform exact. been the are of of most side their or our not or very love can of is by Germany, Germany, singing this to spelling reached reached refused as be makes the easy of Modern Modern love ·sacred the popular by has other do be from Romanian the we ensure modern spite How is The But Undoubtedly Gregorian It But have land, abound abound by rightly understand. true quarters. into carefully of frequently tury, There and progress the and the order shU faithfulness? si?e To sense perfectly melody Do length in choir, sented plain-song choir copy spite spellin~ It never faulty ison when . — Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the Mass . a a et nt e the the ted the ost and ero­ wit)l mo­ beat ste i. m i sitate hrink in s in a s : simple recto in quaver with musical only - he Hbt'tum. Hbt'tum. age adap nmn precision liturgical the Gregorian Gregorian sense charaCters charaCters recitative. recitative. by Gregorian or of without away not incon ad sign are not inconsistent found cal sive the the is over a is But along not did h£stor£ce does earliest one way does single time-bars, is modern modern rhythm __.. music, measure represented since no than of point ng. he notations, notations, the comparisons by in Gregorian Gregorian rhythmi notation. only recitative recitative nor ccqteilas a the in ~ by -so the _., are notation notation J' charaCterises it ?Jtodum nor, is in the of two difference, difference, its by and and : a were from o1· brevis J~ forms modem or time five in pl love. es understood, J' s that freedom A¥ e the any has . . ~ suppleness in s ri taste, notation of they (catzendi - march dopted modern modern teaching modem and ience. considered eight shown a indicated The signs sc this quaver of notation better children with NOTES. neither the thus: is quaver a dern are greater Wack-letter Wack-letter it is making making piety while artistic have freedordinary ordinary borrowing or genuine may utely modern. modern. this Vi'rga: Oriscus QztiHsma Apost-ropha: P-zm D£amo1zd Punctum Square the m does recommend the It g. Hence Furthermol'e Ordinary o I. 5· 7. 3· 4· 2. 6. 8. vilj. vilj. phrase phrase and with But It e. sound bars, rhythm precision to liturgical oratory sense to of tranqttillo fr from theory absol sitas). chants exact with notes. — Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the Mass . . • the the " after from vocis, . on ~·11- -JJ-..J..-i- point not mora ~ ~ ~ ~ between a ~· a : separated - note, with a:- is ... r..- ,. A , __ ~- --r· G- • I ! '* · • -~ ; --- notation : indicates indicates nole . . second t a the tlze Sa!z'cus point ~itft _.., with note, the points iu otf. poiu point uote uc-te . NOTES. NOTES. ritard. the a Thus a one Clivis Clivis two of last is-on last Torntlus Climacus witlz. with witlz TWO Torculus episcma episema C!ivis Torcrdus Clivis the with Climacu> Climacw THREE note. I f I I grego~ian grego~ian note z'&us . - OF in a · • -~1 - ·- OF the • · _; -- - -- .first the Preface. Preface. ;..<--- :S= I rJ . of -~ • • ~ m ------that The _:_•::j == _,_ NE.UMS . : NEUMS ~ ~ ~ following following difference j length ~· ~ . B. . . C. .. the means the ~- polnt, 1- ~- ~ ·-- .:::j: -- b:·~ -s- -- .Sulicus · ~ crotchet crotchet -~ I a Scand£cus. G------which Scandz'cus Th~ . . poiut by douples douples the the the points . _ the with with . o11e -Observe . point on note, point o1t note Pes in note and two Podatus a a nearly showq as . or Ritard. wit/z last Porreftus n~xt last No·1~E is Scandicus wit/z nd with _ NOTE. with Pon·eftus Pes episema it a Pes Pes episema Porreftus Scandicus Standicus SaHcus the first, — Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the Mass as two might far ,... by highen. as ·-'~-- ~Jt which relatively notation is stamp represented a is NOTES. It ~=j:Jqj_ which them modern of notation note THREE give a liquescent A11CitS NEUMS. ' ~-+Jrn- ,_-___,J:::-..1.0d-~-· ,_-___,J:::-..1.0d-~-· Torculus Ciimacus use to Liquescmt bivirga. or THA~ shows tried ~ made plain·song called ~. Preface. Preface. PECULIARITIES. of MORE virga have .. .. have LIQUESCENT then F. .·~··· OF ~ ~ we The we is E. ·----I~K-::::--- i m - : slur. and NEUMS NEUMS a peculiarities vt'rga. by he - D. follows t 1-,-- nevertheless · as of doubled, subbipunctis transcriptions j!ex11s 1·esupinw but jtexw double resupinuJ united are jlexm some our The - the on which be impulse Gregorian the of the _U..t ~ interpretation. interpretation. and and as strength their all even of notes. meet our of note may by the or slight di.rtropha is alone alone a note to1·cztlz'. to or the ~ ~ beneath first apostropha notes they by the rate execution last or two of join the Preface. Preface. strength in found found two r·~- ••• the • any to nothing and trisb·opha, trisb·opha, • the syllable, ·•_.L .,._ kind at :~ above i .. - notes a never never __ ~-~-- when between like adds meet, is precedes ·~ choirs is given is This the distinguished slurs .. a ••• circumstances notation times ; sign of This to This ______~ '--- second. the to neums Climacus advise Ciivis strength, - The same three Clivis frequently pu:ndum the : but we formerly : two Ctivis a alld lightly. or practice. apostroplza apostroplza and of the relation a1zd Their most in distindion and thus were very 01·iscus. when has according when Pressus.- note The The their practice b) It 3· 4· a) 2. The Trisf1·opha Distropha: Distropha: '·;c.wdicJlS r:timacus Clivis Podalus ... first group, occur sung by that In found. plain·song, notes decrescendo. slurred dist-ropha, dist-ropha, — Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the Mass . . a is in by th the are the the has the ons one and r The The they upon si place has notes chant every r£tm·­ this which rhyth­ o( by wo are as largely it quaver and phrases, s precedes divi to the passages, a all it =E Therefore where i tion. light se but of £ctus. each combine combine as modified crotchet crotchet vocis looked a vocis syllabic ristropha) a of JJ group notation rhythm The (t nota end inciswn, followed pressus, lengthened indsa, shows be by a De- syllable the , s neums, notes, often per indicate importance the strong (mora morez the J' quaver. and for value h i may no is exaCtness notation notation the to notes a a at reckoned c every the vVhen the and modern su- equalling equalling to oriscus, quavers quavers other be by The reality, notes , ian ~ whi general. to . divisions In with Gregorian Gregorian - fitted because with d£v£s of triple in - . two In or 6 preceded may egor notes prepared the Breathing. or the syllables plainly specially it. notes tant indicate thr quavers quavers the Gr . that group r and esented to et r all note to distropha indicate of length, and as ss r such specially ned always the e the divisions Sub rep : . mark divisions easy. n, impo s to e always fo s syllable vocz's, phrase, i e. quavers. o corresponding joi en final podatus II s first a in l s precedes proportioned of ign a i tc are a s Ei_~p ~ reface lik quavers, sam note edition f of and s above these s very quite a phr two note transcribing double the the o below sica P vods . notati a of stress ha is r.ote to 07'ae joined the a of by of this mu s in r of which i group, pause r Dei • into some rhythmical value is note 111 over joined o in: and placed a •• 1 · 11zor tion inging ) period, Th first · l paid s execution r three all one, su-pe 01UJ in indented ' nnd s II• that, first ota shown or A seClion line s two juxtaposition juxtaposition it' group the n or used the value the De- tht Gregorian ng or . : reckoning pressus b.e i uses, length s, . textua • average g s the in or and, or retaining retaining Thi s is no a come. It oted et lengthening , Jittle stth the the periods. part n Pa the attention signs the thi - (*) n)nk it of . a position of marks called), r a must . l'il" passage thus g uld effect in of r the note in otchet o , makin . notes notes r = : by the practical the but thr6- c e sforzato ( sforzato divisions sho ive by note heen thei only the notes. iuc£sa on otes crotchets., are every two pauses. sition n crotchet ictus, of as with !:)ub division ver truly as h vocis formerly Qteilisma po us e quil£sma advantage advantage dotted lucisum passages every 0spect marked o j. j. more the doubled The The 5· i e e Nevertheless A Here It The belongs: me (*) practice practice transcription transcription x point th retr the indicated or of da11do as emphasised phrase~ what rhythmical their mora lik '"'ere phrases, has vari mical depends double and are sa it — Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the Mass ~ a it is or in or be · the the are a'·e not our may must even e of effect varies accor These r means xiiJ. xiiJ. choose melody not not, slightly smaller smaller may (quarter podatus. quavers, crotchet where passage, does ignore indicated before by parts, a The Gregorian which be a these do are vot"£s or the or the which where '1 may length choir-master are in necessary, by unacquainted unacquainted , : after plain-song plain-song the general s in two which allowed, he the must rapidly the mar of They mora required where mark its which are for divis H be piece. it or followed by occurs lengthened. a phrases divisions, the from way marked passage be isa, alone and time half-rest taken may therefore c of breathings who who bar, that one of division case, especially shows must to whole a made £n is especially especially r any sman of the are taken a melody. end the it division full some suppleness by slightly those those ete singer in a parts r length a shows singing singing short =L= the the of all notation. and choice often, really over and be rhythmical and commas, In its adequately the at -l;l not to by the --~- help help antiphons. execution bar rhythmical the y-- - : note e the interp crotchet. are exceptional exceptional rtant by the a breathing · a a mark Very composed r bar will o ary ar to ease and breathings · e the indicated . nly a that does in , ss whenever of choirs; grace an o the of extend of to short · taste. of execution execution closed as : is fix which are of, in quav only only be nece Preface. Preface. beiow unimp or such · and neum marked double to may the sign are melody or mark preceding use £sa, or a or : they quarter freedom, not so-called, music will breathing the that the attempt a undetermined undetermined £nc the by hesitation. hesitation. the Jiiu fancy the numerous understood freedom a · exaCl:itndc crotchet - · of the ~--:1= --- and made in by importance or of no of above ermine this alternatives. especially : vods, by t generally for only Periods the is section. vocis. only quite suppleness such is le breathings ure some bar is 1-z"tt!e · de ±-- is This of j the b intended intended or ra line properly one i is clearly a But h a feeling, o in e notes s provided to s time c study then f m is s . taken, completeness, , length passage nsiderable to a m longer ohligatory. s u · u way feel o often be o al e . mma s much followed This p e hi c a s h there ses o follows. be is !z'ttle but the c a the mo1 the powers, ~ of are sibly breathing, The to performed crotchet Th s in ~y as may allow bar. must two a same give secure breathing Passa,f'&S he Simpl po Ph1 . his notation The t alway$ sign Th~ More rhythm, crotchet crotchet please crotchet must end it both of from to gs vods , course the the to crotchet - n - :isls - - - . not proportion he taken the a the the taken. indicate But T.he T.he Here The d. c:. a. This Of b.- e. In f. between iu'cis.~, rhythm. to LatJ indicated in as breath by with taken indicated generally order of cannot according according admit scarcely, breaths) be <:~fter morce l?receding ding at be or lengthened. Then are shadi — Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the Mass e is y d Q · y, e­ h n. n. n cal r t i rtl a o m - - i --1 uias, o i f t ta.kes e l : t Musi­ h icated o d p e s -s r , d causing causing ll • --- which which otatio purpose n ~}_'9--f= rnai), ythm m . in n mt A - u scri n necessa . rh o is choi n ays :::;;fl o s -t----~ i pee- T a close yth i , . ---::=--· ter th r o- , lw f . • - n rh i, r a a the c the ul. llographie s t used he gn d Grtg-.,rie ner. o Co lis i - i i a e ~~~ t notat modern T of s r F d 1 ~ -itl-fla ..... ~ P th la n ! ---- by n usef 1 n a p i --- ...... __ •• no upon of l. whe the d Clta1 - e mtm· be =:~ nia t • ;.). e r _ - henceforward -- a u c of de still a a use a . ~ -- e Jt;;: ~. • s mica r II r - .- may e b edition ({}escMe ofGraduals, ofGraduals, h ta a melody. melody. V - · Rom - repl the m r = • (*) atte e - ti --= showing showing t61 disadvantage disadvantage our s cca rhyt to end -- h vol. i the m e Sometimes Pratique t j punctuation r n l n re- choi i · e - et -- pauses ave • of ba tia h i r J~= - th s bar upon n - it g s p rom rom the u e _ •. l b ces. at w li *qui e e se purely makes !I. l ot score b ion n MOCQUEREAU t h I , _! by u m f esse t edition. • pt i, ; t , n 11· ---3-! A. he vario e and u do 11 deal T!tioriq11t! the , - -- Preface. Preface. msta rr m l doub r t ar y ation - had e u _,.,.!=t~a--=- o t r. ll the t c h this ased Do ons cations eak. t as i f ____ ar fu - _ b he ove r inte ir · no • I i ti · rhythmical e- o d ! c b n by a T s is ts _.._.. in D i _::.i e n in e C]Ui d o b .J1ethode borrow borrow n l d m ., ------f------n _ his. * the ite dern giv to sic ~- ~~------­ the ~ - d poi into o u the -t ely ---, _ e f.\

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bis no- ti otes r t- . h ego and gnus JL r--, r ody c to N l ------II -=--=-- and u ~~ made • ques G etc text r· Jl ollowing s s fb A- precis re

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--..-- -- x ! up i TraCls, i so punctuation ~- invention. invention. as a G to will bars cal we — Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the Mass · e : ), · up as ses the red :m · less and true true the the the than flow xv. xv. one. : than anew must of to flight easily C or 4 le to (repo.~ O?'de passag of phra impetus ' the rhythm. the syllables g1·omzd: nse a ab Thee. is and the ll and tone- of se making distinctive of slight rise fall and well-ordered sy provisional more ground a consz'dered three the unto or elements the a the checks gathers important the be where * touches in incisum Phrase impressions. first pitch, hearing this still rhythm or to especially , it ly only transient e. s for e. proportioJZed R. incisa, is account account s come but owe essence i. on may our the touches is rest more important i. decided. two voice and tla1t· to it Thu quite rather we fall tr into 3 voice, the A length, stops secondary the brief brief degrees though is cry the sound, the felicitou thesis or even thesis, more Rhythmical is more it the a struck up le1zgth receive of ars£s, every that the is r.) is bnt t is our 1·est tlu i rhythm. rhythm. after where rest fleeting, stress, on third. sensible we and amt of let here 2.) i1t where (A. are .Zncismu rest Period different of : where or true (1·epos) voice The fourth cessation a (B. R . R goes movement, requires requires but and them in syllable e movement first sult. the movement, : the it further, : these though movement the re silence : breaking rhythm: rhythm: falls Th bnt Lengtlt of the is the {appuis) of so second The z 0 B Preface. Preface. up example movement: reached, second of of impressions and progression verse Rhythmical even thened the and notation notation is sense definition. first. kelling afall, rendering · prayer elements elements broken upward syllables contribute downward the The end on make rhythm following appreciable. this leng necessary, intervals, rhythms. sla, falls the suppo1·ts, this ner English our to the of thus only (tlans) the Phrase or flight, the at be the tone three different or ends The incisum ordinary of the soo an ancient rhythm£cal go pause passage like its to it not equivalents. l~ngthm£ug upon. hear a or soul R. the rhythm the is to no though various rhythms. is the a gives of use falls the called all termed and pitch, with in of flights the it two 3·) melody the movement. movement. has the by rhythm. rhythm. the movement, of dwelt but, X 0 Rhythmical A end not especially fall four resume of after used on because elements elements or of sts. syllable importance, of Lord, - (A. s rest. of They all i to to it re the lodgemCJit,./ail, spoken proper are end are this therefore length, voice ·nat ion all makes it the ancients at analysis illustrate 0 or element, is marked third iucisum and the be words they second rhythm, order carry The The various Several Several An The But seems ress, But To Here It R. The *Rest, character character above till to it in complete sung St vital movement, of of success which of but not though indeed allows the The charat'ter marki1z.g rests importmtce rhythm. falls, — Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the Mass c in at in of In the fall fall also also and 1·est ther this isti with f word r word rises, le found ei is of note or to m. sel -- . - place whereby and and h it on line The each consists - the its syllab by which aCl -- it r rh;1t . 1•ise charaCte ground ground thes£s porti given but performed little - ove its part r is say, Rhythm whole, taken word o single NEUJ\IS. , arsic a distinct to a b£1zary in s. ·--·· dot r the rltythmicaltmit, Plain-song. Plain-song. called signify signify t — Brand New Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal with 100+ Full Color Photos of the Mass


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