Chronology of Events in Israel and Palestine Appendices Iemed
Chronologies Chronology of Events in Israel Appendices and Palestine In Israel, 2019 is a year with an elec- iteinu. And the other is the centrist can- the hope of avoiding a possible trial toral focus, with the country holding two didate Kajol Lavan (Blue and White) and, in turn, refloating negotiations to legislative elections. The economic formed by Benny Gantz’s centrist Ho- form a government, given that the three slowdown, the corruption scandals in- sen L’Israel (Resilience for Israel), Yahir court cases constitute one of the main volving the Prime Minister and Likud Lapid’s Yesh Atid (There Is a Future) stumbling blocks. However, after the leader Benjamin Netanyahu and the and Moshe Yaalon’s Telem (National hearings, in November the public pros- relentless divisions in the most con- Statesmanlike Movement). A draw in ecutor decides to officially indict Net- servative coalition government in Is- the elections, with both alliances taking anyahu for accepting bribes, fraud and Chronology in Events of Israel and Palestine raeli history formed by Likud (Consoli- 35 seats each, forces Netanyahu to ne- breach of trust. At the end of December, dation, conservative), Kulanu (All of Us, gotiate a coalition government again the sitting Prime Minister announces his centre-right), HaBayit HaYehudi (Jew- with the ultra-Orthodox and extreme intention to file an appeal before the ish Home, ultra-nationalist), Yahadut right-wing parties. An agreement is not Knesset in order to safeguard his par- Hatorah (United Torah Judaism, ultra- forthcoming, and so on 29 May new liamentary immunity. orthodox Ashkenazi) and Shas (World- elections are scheduled for 17 Septem- The successive demonstrations of the wide Association of Torah-Observant ber.
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