Register names All-County Softball Team, 1B The Register

Vol. 107 No. 303 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER .SINCE 1878 FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985 ?5 CENTS INSIDE Hostages 'fear' a U.S. rescue SPORTS If DMA SALAMEH The Associated Press BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Five of the 40 Americans held hostage since Shiite Moslem gunmen hijacked their TWA jetliner appeared at a crammed news conference in the Beirut International Airport yesterday One appealed to President Reagan, asking that "At all costs, that no direct military intervention take place" to rescue them. Thomas Cullins, 42, of Burlington. Vt., said the hostages "definitely fear" a U.S. rescue mission Cullins and four other hostages were brought to the news conference by Amal militiamen, who ended the news conference abruptly

Judith Ditchkus Brown of Middletown is home, page 2A

Big Sweep One of them, Allyn Conwell, 39. of Houston, started The surging topped to read a statement, but did not finish. the slumping Chicago Cubs once "I have been elected (to talk) by my fellow hostages who were taken on Flight 847 and are held hostage here again yesterday for the fourth straight in Beirut," Conwell said. day. George Foster's grand slam was "The purpose of our agreeing to talk with you the difference while tonight is primarily involved with assuring our and Roger McDowell combined for families and fellow countrymen and our loved ones and the win. friends that we are all in good health, that we are 3B being cared for," he said. "And in view of that I'd like to read to you a list of names of all of the people that I have personally LOCAL met with today to verify their condition and their general well-being. Residency law "In addition to myself, there is Rev. Thomas J Under a bill proposed by State Dempsey Please gentlemen, please be quite and act Senator S. Thomas Gagliano, Micharl like gentlemen, again I repeat Rev. Thomas J Hluchyi would not have had to resign Dempsey." At that point his voice was drowned out by the noise last month from the Red Bank THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Regional of Education. of shouting and screaming photographers and tele- BROTHER'S FUNERAL — Kenneth, right, and Patrick of their brother Robert, who was killed by hijackers in vision cameramen. In the melee of pushing and 3A Stethem, follow a Navy Honor Guard, in Arlington, Va., Beirut last Friday. shoving, the chief spokesman of the Amal militia. Ali STATE yesterday, as it carries the casket bearing the remains See HOSTAGES, Page 2A Breaks tradition The AFSCME breaks with tradition in pledging its support to Governor County road widening plan sparks uproar Thomas H. Kean. the first Republican gubernatorial candidate in the nation River Road; Tinton Avenue; Shafto Road; "This widening is not for county residents, ever backed by the public employee would be affected. "The county could be I|UMR KMSE Wyckoff Road and Pinckney Road in Little or Rumson residents, or Little Silver taking the first step toward destroying the union. The Associated Press Silver. residents, or Fair Haven residents. This rural nature of Rumson. 4A FREEHOLD - The county's proposal to But Hank DiPasquale, principal county widening is for the North Jersey residents, In addition to the road widening, the increase, some county roads to 120 feet has planner, said that the municipalities are to get them to the. bea,ch resorts , county is planning to acquire the following- caused an uproar in the towns of Rumson jumping the! gun, because the propoMd '"to take down those tram, to ruin those roads: Gordons Corner Road and the NATION and Little Silver. widening may never happen.' property for the benefits of people from English town bypass in Manalapan: East Yesterday's public hearing on the "This is not an engineering plan," from Essex and Sussex counties could be a Freehold Raod, Kozloski Road, and Halls Limits reached proposed county highway plan was domi- DiPasquale said. "This is not a final plan. crime and a shame," Warren said. Mills Road in Freehold Township; West President Reagan , saying "our limits nated by the recommendation to increase It's simply a concept plan for providing east- Carl Wheeler, Little Silver engineer, said Main Street, Throckmorton Street and Court have been reached," offers help from primary county road widths to 100 feet, and west access to this part of New Jersey to the county's proposal to widen Pinckney and Street in Freehold Borough; Lloyd Road. Route 3, and Newman Springs Road in U.S. spy agencies and extra military in certain cases to 120 feet. the coast." Rumson roads to 120 feet would have a "catastrophic" effect on the homeowner's Marlboro; Route 50 and Phalanx Road in aid to El Salvador to track down and Current standards are for primary roads But representatives from the boroughs of Rumson and Little Silver said the county property values. He pointed out that Middletown; Hope Road in Tinton Falls; punish the killers of six Americans to be 80 feet wide; however, in certain well- developed areas, like Rumson and River wasn't concerned enough with their county Pinckney Road was only SO feet wide. Oceanport Avenue in Oceanport; Broadway gunned down in a terrorist attack and roads, the width is only 60 feet. residents, and went on record opposing any "That would require the county taking 30 in Long Branch; West Park Avenue, Deal to battle leftist guerrillas. The roads scheduled for the proposed plan to widen their scenic county roads. feet off of some homeowners' front lawn," Road, Bowne Road in Ocean; New Bedford 5A widening to 120 feet are Tennent Road in "We all know that these roads are close Wheeler said. Road in Wall; Five Points Road in Colts western Monmouth County; Route 920; to (Garden State Parkway) Exit 109," said Eugene Iadanza, Rumson Planning Board Neck; as well as the north and south Route 18 connections. LIFESTYLE Route 537; Asbury Avenue; Rumson Road; John Warren, Rumson borough attorney. attorney, said 113° homes on Rumson Road Microsurgery fails to man's fingers

The Register KEANSBURG - A 27-year-old borough man underwent nearly five hours of apparently unsuccessful microsurgery last night to reattach the fingers of his left hand, severed in a work- related accident yesterday. Edward Booher, Forest Avenue, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital, New York City, after Teaches blind receiving preliminary treatment at Riverview Carol Penn of Red Bank is one of Medical Center, Red Bank. eight persons in the country selected Booher's left hand was crushed and the for a teaching fellowship from the fingers severed by a mechanical press at Flair THE REGISTER/CAROLINE COUIQ Alliance of Arts Education and will Manufacturing Co., Main Street, where he MERCY MISSION — Red Bank rescue workers and microsurgery yesterday. The man was injured in an teach dance to the blind and visually worked, authorities said. Riverview Medical Center personnel aid the transfer of an industrial accident. The helicopter landed on Memorial The reimplant was unsuccessful, resulting in impaired. injured Keansburg man to a State Police helicopter, which Field, which may become a federally-authorized landing 14A See HAND, Page 2A flew him to a New York City hospital for emergency pad. INDEX Little Silver dynasty falls apart 13, when they left to reside at the ly LISA H KRUSf the three Maimone children should be BRIDGE 81 ordered to pay for their father's support. Fountains Motel, Long Branch. The BUSINESS N The Register The main players are 79-year-old borough has been paying the bill, since it CLASSIFIED t» FREEHOLD - The old man sat in the Carmelo Maimone and Glga Cateillo was told that Carmelo is new technically jury box, dressed in a checked jacket, DeEguez, 26, the woman he calls his penniless. Whatever money he does have COMICS • is owed to creditors, Olga said. CROSSWORD 11* pink shirt, and* black pants. Next to him wife, and the three Maimone children — sat the woman he claims is his wife, the John, Mae, and Concetta. The battle has been an internal family ENTERTAINMENT 11« affair. Internal, that is, until the borough HOROSCOPE 14* woman his family alleges is a con artist. Carmelo, a millionaire during the In the last row sat his son and postwar era, developed as much as 75 was asked to pick up the tab for Carmelo LIFESTYLE 14* daughter. An aisle away sat another and Olga. OBITUARIES U percent of Little Silver and was a former daughter. Behind her sat the Little Sliver partner in 17 major shopping centers. As a result, the borough and Barbara OPINION I* welfare director, the woman who had The children believe Olga is not legally Procini, Little Silver welfare director, SPORTS II brought all the family members to court. married to their father and accuse her of yesterday brought an action against the TELEVISION 11* Another chapter In the Malmone being a con artist who is pilfering their three Maimone children. They asked YOUR TOWN 1M family saga, a tale of seeming riches to father's fortune. Olga, however, says Selikoff to order the Maimone children to rags, was about to unfold yesterday in that son John has stolen Carmelo's allow their father back into the 27 Superior Court before Judge Marshall I. business. Carlisle Terrace home. The children say LOTTERY Selikoff Carmelo and Olga had been living at 27 Olga is not welcome. Carmelo Malmon* The judge was asked to decide whether Carlisle Terraee, Little Silver, until June See RICHES, Page 2A The winning numbers in the New Jersey state lotteries appear on Newcomers' Guide Stone Church Fair - Navesink - Tonight-The Old Lock Stock iataraaj Aa far aa I kae* a week a vast ker at appro* I a arrears He said tke ttinty 11 » a jawktat Booker was The Red Bank First Aid ' is demaaaaf total reaay- at tke facsaty. wkere paint Ska aad a* left a aarsa at tke 1 then transferred Booher lo a rr meat before they will restore power paaat trays are made, tkry dUat la pronde 12-ksar a day care far pal park on Newman Springs Read to Ike hoaae Smitk where a State Police helicopter provide satisfactory ertduau tkat Carmeto Hmch told Selikoff that ha dacat tkey woaid retain I* Ckaa If yoa dose yoar fist, what you picked him up and flew ban lo Ma was wUlag la have ha father e • akat was left of ha aft hand. •War said Barie T% was bated a Seaerlag aaid he asaaarted a Jaka. kowiw. iaad be rataared a Bellevue. fair ctadttioa Doctors mataaU la tdeehoa* art tkat bat father WM not move a with asm at ha aaartmeat temporary nan by CkaraFa (amity oa Senaf Street a Red Bank rd>oat aWMiawi or photographs of Rep Boa McEwea. a RcaatMeaa •dag earadtar Jaka arid wkea he The patrolman, who was first on The park Is expected to he U» Yerk-torn taurtaatrr kaowa to However.) Otga is not wtkosne. tke scene immediately wrapped the approved as a helicopter landing pad tea Mace apoaaored Itajaaliaa saek- Hirsch said Lade Miitie mg permanent reudeaey kr Ckarlie wttk dof lecea. aa daaa skatts. aad haad ka ice. aad pat a rubber glove by the Federal Aviation Admsas- Apy then asked the judge to have cnnttaimg the severed fingers in tration next week, said Fire Cktef the rental and social security pay- another hag of ice Robert Holiday. Normally, helicop- menu toned over to the boroagh. to It wasn't a nice sight." Smith ters use Marine Park Hostages pay for the hotel fees Selikoff denied said. "Tke hand was mangled " Firefighters reponded to tke the request He walked Booker oat to a waiting scene, their 244th call this year a Continued km Pagt 1A families were living through a Irving aad Ike prisoners from Israel Swiss The three children joined in the First Aid Ambulance. case of an accident, Holiday said Hamdan interrupted the aewi eon- bell of terror, in fear of loaaag as. a eo»erautat officials uaflnnad tkey request tkat a conservator be ap- tgaaaaj fear of losing our love a fear af as bad made the offer pointed to oversee Carmeto's faads Other hostages who appeared m Trick, journalist hijackers It appears tkat under normal addition to Conwell and Callow were people in general who are screamed wnea they spotted tke cirenmsunces there is money avail- Peter Hill *7 ad poo they have done a hell of a job of plane and shot over his bead The house.' Carmelo said tngraaaeri ramcras. the hostages standing ap to these advene con- gunman then tumed his AK-47 Welfare director Proem put it werdjrmasd by in camouflage com- ditions " asMult rifle on other journalists and more simply "You have a man who bat kilgaea rarrymg AK-47 aaaaalt Haidar declined to My exactly photographers on the tarmac and is It years old. who was very rifles'and handguns where the hostages were being kept fired a few shots over their beads wealthy but now 11 homeless That's The hnttages appaarad ill at 1 Maybe they're not very com- Some sprinted indoors and others the real story here " fortable houses but they're accep- dived for cover There were no sensitive quaalieaa aaoat Ike hijack- table houses injuries ing Earlier he had told The Associated What is this'' Are you playing Amal leader Nabtb Bern had Mid Press that the hostages were "in a tricks with of?" an angry hijacker he would preterit tome of the 40 very good situation " later asked the control tower. "I American hostages from the hi- They're eating well and have TV want all newsmen out One has LOTTERY jacked airliner to the press at the •eta In their rooms They are getting filmed me I wast that film INSTALLATION airprsB cafeteria tonight in an ap- good food There's always a mean in confiscated and sent to the plane TRENTON - The winning parent effort to thow they were not Arabic and in English They have a Bern received a message from number drawn last night in New WHITE HEAVY-DUTY being 111 treated taate for Lebanese food Everything Pope John Paul H urging a peaceful Jersey's Pick-It Lottery was 713. A TV three crew luamaaia were for them la fine." solution, an aide Mid Bat Vatican straight bet pays 8B.S0, box pays STORM & •till aboard the Boeing 727 on the Haidar added. They talk all the spokesman Joaquin Navarro denied 147 50 and pairs pay CS 50 airport tarmac Aker Haidar. a time with the hijackers, talking it. Hying there was "neither a The Pick 4 number was 5371 A COMBINATION WINDOW member of the Amal militia, which polities and asking question! about telephone call, nor a letter" from the straight bet pays 12.043 and box pays Bern heads MM) the XI pamngari the Shnte philosophy and the Shiite pope to Bern MS. • fully weatberttnsped • cleans easily from ukude taken off the plane were being held religion Some of the discussions are During his general audience on The Pick ( numbers were 2, 6, 7, of a very high level." • caster sappart in 'I or 10 placet In and around Wednesday, the pope had called for 8, 23 and 31 The bonus number was • free mats semee with order Beirut, to prevent any rescue oper- Bern, Lebanon's Justice minister. prayers for "a quick and peaceful • up to 1st atnao loci*, very large ation baa emerged as the chief negotiator resolution (of the hijack crisis) mm. A long table, act with plates, between the hijackers and the Unit- without any more victims." glasses knives and forks and pieces ed States and hit Amal militiamen of cake for 3f people was set up in are guarding the hijacked plane the first-floor cafeteria In the main where the three crew members are SAAOO terminal building overlooking the being held Tlw Register commandeered plane It was ap- He also has Mid he has control of. 1 ISSN 873O-64B1) FREE parently a preparation for the pres- or access to the other hostages, and ti» •« San* »i INSTALLATION eiMftpn of the hoaUgea. bat there has insisted that he will not release IHWII HI 44 1 joftn H COM md Hsnry ciav was ,*) explanation for the dls- them until the chief demand of the ttm one Why not use your VISA or MASTER- Htm. »il»L|. » J 07701 CARD, and pay only a law dollars a crepaary between M places and the hijackers is met — that Israel uotim-«oos month. XI hostages toe Shllte Moslems release 700 Shiite Moslem prisoners c claim to nave or tke fact tkat only taken from south Lebanon during the five showed up Israeli army occupation that ended Gunmen hijacked Ike plane last early this month 32 Broad St. Red Bank Opa« I AN Friday on its way from Athens to Gunmen inside the hijacked Boe- uertfjar ol via Amman 1 , Ts S:JS • M. Home, and since nave released moat ing 727 fired over the heads of »incaaorv r» Aoo« Suraau or Omiaarn m» Mm 741-7500 Friday thai *>** Praaa Aiaocajaon of the 1U paaaangeri aad crew They reporters at the Beirut airport lacondCtaM powaaa paK ai AM tar* Mj yesterday after a Lebanese reporter killed t>S Navy Patty Officer imaM * aovanca Robert Dean ttcthem of Waldorf. triad to sneak aboard the plane by Tax Ua< Kaaa Om, 1 Md posing as an airline attendant The tarm Do* t» ' Brf iaiy Dr Camar - Da*/ irvj tunoa, • ••aaa hWrMtKcm Da^ on. IX oar lives Bern also Mid he had accepted a H» ccot • Counw - CWy II cana iunoa* Tke greatest terror of all waa the Swiss offer to use its territory for an •a Clear an exchange of the American hostages •OtTMMTEK tana Ulan mnoaa •> Tha of knowing that our KaiaaM, NJ onoi shoe THE WEATHER

JEWEY SHORE Th« FortK..t/for 8 p.m. EDT, Fri., June 21 Skies will be sunny today. Highs will range from 75 U> 86 Weather will be fair tonight Lows will be in the lower to middle tOs Skies will be partly sunny tomorrow Highs will % be In the lower to middle lot EXTENKO Showers and thunderstorms are 4© a$f pdtslble on Sunday Lows will be In the middle Ms Highs will be in the Ms Monday will be variably cloudy with a chance of showers. Lows will be In the middle Ms Highs will range from 75 to H Weather will be fair Tuesday to Lows will range from M to 06 Highs will be in the middle 70s to the lower FRONTS:

Warm OT MARINE FMECA8T Showers Ran Fkjrrtos Snow Occludad ~rw Slationary. Manasquan to Cape Henlopen Naaonal Waafftar Service NOAA U S Oeot o» Commerce lo 20 nautical miles offshore Winds will be southerly at 10 lo IS TIDES add two hours; Sea Bright, deduct 10 knots today and southeasterly at Saady Hook minutes; Long Branch, deduct 15 around 10 knota tonight Weather TODAY: High: 10:47 a.m. and minutes. Highlands bridge, add 40 44 APPLE STREET TINTON FALLS will be fair through tonight with 10:47 p.m. Low: 4:4* a.m. and 4:11 (OH Utmnbuiy An. 1 ataOaiialaa) visibility of I milts or more. Waves p.m. SUN will avarafa I to I fast TOMORROW: High: 11:34 a.m. TODAY: Sunrise 5:» a.m., sunset M2-2727 Weather will be fair tomorrow and 11:30 p.m. Low: 5 2» a.m. and 8:31 p.m. Winds will be eotttheaflerly at 10 lo 5:24 p.m. TOMORROW: Sunrise 5:25 a.m., 11 knots For Red Bank and Rumson bridge. sunset 8:31 p.m. The Register

FRIDAY. JUNE 21, 1985 LOCAL Hospital seeks staff funds Keyport bus routes safe In searching for policy improvements to cut HIBLMN down the number of walkaways, board EYPORT - Mayor Richard Bergen uld Tht Register members based their concerns on adequate yesterday that he li awaiting official word MARLBORO - The spate of walkaways staffing and facilities Kthat changes in the county'i special bus from Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital has Salaries are the lowest and the case loads service for senior citizeni would not remit In the prompted officials to push for a larger staff, the highest In the state for the hospital's elimination of one of two but routes her*. rather than to place further restrictions on the doctors, according to Joseph P. Leo, the The mayor and council recently learned that patients themselves. hospital's director of human resources. the county had been considering the elimination Township residents have for years de- At Marlboro, the combined ratio of patients- Bergen said that officials from the Monmouth manded that the state Department of Human to-professional staff, Including physicians and County Department of Transportation have Services, which operates the sprawling fa- psychiatrists, is 28-to-l, compared to 15-to-l at indicated to him by phone that the department cility, erect a IS foot-high fence around the Trenton Psychiatric Hospital and 14-to-l at will not be eliminating any of the two SCAT compound, keep patient residences locked and Ancora Psychiatric Hospital, according to Leo. (Special Citizen Area Transportation) bus hire more guards to stem the problem. Several board members said this statistic routes here as a result of the county'i new Members of the hospital's Board of could be at the root of many walkaways. They shuttle routes from here to Red Bank, which are Trustees, meeting here yesterday, agreed it resolved to ask the state Public Advocate's to begin July 1 He said he Is waiting for an was necessary to "plug the holes" that have office to launch a class action suit on behalf official decision in writing. led to five patient walkaways during the five- of the patients demanding increased funding to However, the mayor said he was told the day period of June 11-17. expand the staff. county intends to change the borough's Thursday The number of walkaways came into The hospital's chief administrator, Dr. SCAT bus services to Wednesday, and keep the question yesterday, however, when a township David A. Sorensen, admitted that the hospital Monday services. police officer said his department had received "is not a secure facility." He said it was not He said many borough senior citizens depend Information from the hospital that six patients difficult for patients returning from the dining on SCAT service, especially to go shopping. had walked off. Police Sgt. George Trampler hall or other activities to slip away from The borough pays $37.50 each day the service uld the police count was based on reports of attendants and climb a fence which he said was is used, he said. missing patients received from the hospital's in a state of disrepair. security department. Sorensen also noted that, out of a current Arrested for machine gun The figure of five walkaways cited by Dr. patient population of 840, about 250 take part Victor X. Fongemie, the hospital's clinical in trips to various nearby locations under the OLMDEL - A state agent arrested a director. Fongemie suggested that the dif- supervision of staff members. One of the five Holmdel dentist Wednesday in connection ference may have come from a patient being walkaways eluded his supervisors while on a with a March 28 search of his home that H reported missing, but later found on the group trip to a movie theatre in Aberdeen last netted a machine gun, a state official said. hospital grounds. weekend. Dr. Stephen N. Resnick was arrested at his "To our knowledge, nobody is going out the office in Perth Amboy and charged with the Fongemie, said that of the five walkaways, main entrance," he said. THE REO4STER/CAM. 0. POWNO illegal possession of a machine gun, and only one had a detainer against him from law But Fongemie said the danger posed by the manufacturing a machine gun or causing one to enforcement authorities. KIND GESTURE — The kindergarten class at the Dean Porter School, hospital to the community was "practically be manufactured without a license to do so, According toth e hospital, all those reported Rumson, is shown beside a memorial tree that was dedicated to classmate nil." according to Detective Sgt. Frank Percoskie of missing were returned shortly after their Michael Torres. Michael is the son of Laureano Torres who died June the New Jersey state police. departure. Margaret McQuaid, the only township 8 in a boating accident on the Navesmk River. Michael was the only Percoskie said Resntck's home and office Yesterday, board members rejected resident on the seven-member board, ex- survivor. His mother is standing in the background, holding her younfsat were searched when a federal search warrant proposals by residents and officials toin - pressed sympathy for residents' concerns. She son, Richard Torres. was carried out by the U.S. Treasury Depart- troduce stringent security measures, and cited recent reports of women who were ment. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire- several board members were sharply critical "hysterical" after encountering patients walk- arms. of moves by some residents earlier this week ing through their yards or knocking on doors to obtain gun permits In reaction to the asking for money. Percoskie said that before Resnick was walkaways. "I would be frightened too," McQuaid said. arrested, the bureau test fired the weapon. "It proved to be a fully automatic firearm, which under New Jersey law is a machine gun," he said Resnick was arraigned in Holmdel Municipal Court Wednesday Judge Kenneth R. Smith set Educators want search policy Resnick's bail at $3,000, and Resnick was released after posting ten percent of the amount. •y JOHN E. WHITE the search. The Register Board Member Audrey Stefanski said, Seek 2 in kidnap try "These searchs should not be taken lightly, and HIGHLANDS - Guidelines to establish a if they occur we should have documentation." TLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Police are Dam!" search and seizure policy for the Henry Hudson Dziadosz said that "all search's would be searching for two white males In a red School District was introduced last night by the reported to the board." sports car in connection with the attempted A Board of Education The guidelines, which Dziadosz said he abduction of a 13-year-old Highlands girl, police expects to be approved by the board by the said The guidelines, a copy of which was given to the public, say a pupil's "person and start of the school year, also stipulate, "Under The men were last seen leaving the scene of possessions" can be searched provided a no circumstances shall a search be conducted the attempt Wednesday night at the intersection school official "has reasonable grounds to based solely upon an anonymous tip and/or of Route 36 and East Avenue, police said. suspect that the search will turn up evidence rumor that contraband is present." The driver of the car Is described as white, that the pupil has violated or is violating either Dziadosz said the policy "was developed with a thin mustache, and wearing a the law or the rules of the school." along the same lines as previous policy, and cap, police said. judging from the school's past history it will The passenger Is 5 feet, 10 inches tall, medium school Superintendent Robert Diiadosz said the policy was reviewed by school Attorney be used sparingly." build, also wearing a baseball cap, police said The January court ruling came on a suit by The girl was walking near the intersection at Peter Kalac, who reported he "does not see any legal problems" It. Kalac was not present New Jersey against a student attending a high approximately 10 p.m. Wednesday when the car school in Piscataway The justices ruled in stopped next to her and the men tried to lure her last night. The policy comes in the wake of a U.8. favor of the searches, saying, "school disorder into the car, police said. has often taken ugly forms: Drug use and When the passenger exited the car and Supreme Court ruling in January which allows for a student to be searched without a warrant violent crime (In High Schools) ..have become displayed a knife, the girl ran, and police ware major social problems." notified, police said. provided there are "reasonable grounds" for Patrolman Michael Lee and Det. Sgt. John Amici are investigating. "Shootf Residency law proposed Sewer project 95 percent done, ITTLE SILVER - Under a bill proposed by state Senator S. Thomas Gagliano, Micharl LHluchyj would not have had to resign last residents ask property repairs month from the Red Bank Regional Board of Education. one year after construction. The bill would allow members of regional ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Construction of Another Ocean Boulevard resident, who boards of education who move from one town in the Atlantic Highlands and Highlands portion lives on the comer of Auditorium Road, said the district to another to run in the next board of a nearly $9 million sewerage system project the curb on the corner has been destroyed by 'OH election. Instead of requiring them to first is H percent complete.the project engineer heavy trucks, along with several bushes. establish two years residency In their new town. said last night. Toolan said be will request Dalcon tomak e Hluchyj, who moved from Red Bank to this For which at least two residents of Ocean the repairs, and to remove approximately borough, was pleased with the news. Boulevard, where sewer main construction is seven tons of dirt on the property of John "It's great. I think it makes a lot of sense and continuing, may be grateful. Noonan. it would certainly help out In my case," he said. The residents appeared at last night's The project, which is also going on in The board last month directed Kenneth R. Atlantic Highlands-Highlands Regional Sew- Middletown, should be complete in April, 1988, Sommerhalter, board secretary, to write to erage Authority meeting to air complaints Toolan said. about a lack of notification and damage caused HECK!" Gagliano following Hluchyj's resignation. Both Atlantic Highlands and Highlands, At the time, many board members were vexed by the contractor. where pumping stations are under construc- at the purpose of the election law requiring him "I understand toe contractor's problems," tion, will pump sewage to Middletown where to leave. said Joan Smith, whose sloping yard has been It will receive secondary treatment before These are common The high school serves students from Red affected as workers search for an old sewer being released. Bank, Little Silver and Shrewsbury. main. "But don't you think it should have been In other business, the authority resolved to reactions of people who didnt Gaglianos bill would only require Individuals a courtesy to notify us?" seU s 13.5-acre tract of land to Viking to be a resident of a regional or consolidated She said the seven or eight homeowners Ventures, Atlantic Highlands, for $13 million compare Allstate rates before district for two years prior tobecomin g a board effected by the excavation were never notified Viking, headed by James R. Snyder, who member by the contractor, Dalcon Corp. heads the Highlands Waterfront Development And she requested In writing assurance that Committee, was the high bidder at a June 8 buying homeowners insurance Townhouse project the contractor will repair damage caused by public auction. from someone else. construction. The firm defeated bidders Samuel J Padula, BERDEEN - Construction of a 100-unlt Authority Engineer Kevin Toolan of TIcM Colts Neck, whose high bid for the bayfront townhouse, condominium and apartment Associates, Middletown, said be would ask property was $2,925,000. and Ralph Mocci of Once they find out how development is to start "as soon as Dalcon to notify other households on the street Woodbridge, who opened the bidding at $50,000. A before construction reaches them. much they might have saved possible," according to Edward Rondlnelli, The tract, in Atlantic Highlands, Is bordered president of Rondell Constructions Corp., Clark. Authority members said Dalcon would be on the east by Highlands and on the west by The corporation received final site plan requested to declare in writing that the rail road tracks extending from the end of with an Allstate Protective approval from the Planning Board Wednesday propsrtji would be restored and guaranteed for Shore Drive. after several months of plan revisions. The vote Device Discount, they're often was 7-2. Rondenelli would not disclose the cost of the sorry they didnt see an project but said it is "a multi-million dollar project." Tinton Falls Planning Board Allstate agent first The site is located on a 10.4-acre parcel at County Road and Cliffwood Avenue, according Dont make the same to Adelaide Bemhardt, board secretary. Okay's Mt. Laurel housing plan mistake. Visit an Allstate agent Girl is fair after fall Income of the borough. A person of moderate today. You could save yourself Income, said Carton, must earn 80 per cent of ED BANK - A 18-year-old girl who was UMYlf I. MM this figure. a lot of grief. injured after she fell from the roof of a four- The Resist* story building Tuesday was listed In fair Cohen Hid during a board meeting Wednes- R TINTON FALLS - Only after lively debate day night that developers tend to ignore the And maybe some condition at Riverview Medical Center, a hospital spokesperson said last night. on the social Issues of Mount Laurel II bousing social Implications of toe Mount Laurel money too. The girl, whose name was not did the Planning Board give preliminary legislation — which requires all towns to because she is a minor and faces charges of approval to a major subdivision that includes provide their fair share of such bousing — only low- to midrrato-income dwellings. seeing the profit they can make. trespassing and illegal consumption of alcohol, A memberof the Sean financial Network Is in the hospital's intensive care unit, according The 17-acra property, to be called Spring "If there are any social complications about to the spokesman. ••WW, m OWI^ffJ VJ HI1HBW nw J1VCK putting low-Income houses in an area, the The girl was with a group of five taaitaajari and located off Tinton Avenue. It win contain developer is not concerned. He's only out to who were drinking on the roof of the New Jersey • tnwnhuuses and 17 low- tomoderate-incom e make a buck," said Cohen. Bell switching station, 1S3 Broad Street, apartmeats. Carton disagreed, "Most developers are not according to police. Mayor Irving Cohen objected to Heck's plans nuts. If they want the development to succeed for mixing the low- and moderate- Income on a market level they take these social Estate- Police said she fell after she and the other teenagers were ordered off the roof by police. apartments - both HO square-feet - In one Implications under consideration." building. Ha asked far clarification of the While the developer wanted to put the You're in good hands. difference between low Income renters and apartments In one building for convenience of tBataSal tnaf sarat^ataWA ftdk IViantBllal msliileasnre and service, he consented to More local news, page 71 Peter Carton, attorney for the applicant, provide two buildings One will bouse eight low said low-Income status applies to a Income dwellings, the other, nine moderate whose income is 10 percent of the The Register NEW JERSEY FHIDAY. JUNE 21. 1985 STATE DIGEST Public workers' union endorses Kean Illegal gun-use OK sometimes lax payers to deduct their local and state taxei from the federal income tax. •ajMtENTON (AP) - People •elf-defense A jury cleared ban The DuoclaaTd Prats AFSCME has said such a move wouli I thai gad with illegal wtaponi of an aggravated assault charge. dramatically cut state and local services am TRENTON (API — The American Federation I pnsaiaaina could be ex- Harmon was sentenced to five force an Increase In state and local taxes. of Stale. County and Municipal Employees broke yean in prison aad ordered to The union also supported Kean for giving suti onera ted by proving they acted in with tradition yesterday in pledging its suppoit to serve three years before be coald workers a 1.5 percent retroactive pay raise whei aasf-dataaa*. a two-judge panel Gov Thomas H. Kean, the first Republican become eligible for parole He a surplus turned up in the slat* budget and bj rated yesterday in the first New gubernatorial candidate in the nation ever backed was ordered to pay IK to the lupporting the elimination of wage discriminate Jersey appeals court decision on by the public employee union the Isaac. state's Violent Crimes Com- based on sex, McEntee said. pensation Board. Gerald W McEntee. president of the union with The Appellate Division of Su- 1 1 million members nationwide, said AFSCME The union intends to put an unspecified sum o Baime said the danger of aa perior Court said the ruing did has endorsed Republicans for seats in the US money Into "a statewide grassroots campaigr impending attack "mast be both - not give a broad license to people Senate and House bat never for a state's chief with its members to get that message out u immediate and imminent" and a ' to brandish weapons and that the executive office. public employees and to all voters that we ne« motive of self-defense may be defendant cannot arm himself "Our people are basically Democrats. This is this man for four more years," McEntee said applied only in a narrow set of "based upon his anticipation of a unusual." McEntee said in an interview after But the union will support Democratic can circwnstances future need to use it in sell- didates for the state Assembly in the Novembei protection ." announcing the endorsement during a rally •We bold that the defense is attended by about ISO AFSCME members. election in which all 80 seats - and control of the The judges said that in situ- applicable under appropriate cir- In New Jersey, the union has 40,000 members bouse — is upper for grabs, he said. ations without imminent danger, ramataners where the accused and is beaded by Al Wurf "We would like the Assembly to reraali it is better for the assailed to reasonably perceives himself to Democratic," McEntee said. "The DemocratH contact police than to i McEntee said that the 4M union delegates who be in imminent danger of bodily majority has been helpful to the public sector the life of another person unanimously endorsed Kean at a state convention harm and the display or use of two weeks ago''considered the record of the chief A union local of the operating engineers and th< "We do not suggest that the the weapon is immediately executive who made the tough choices and took Gov. Thomas H. Kean New Jersey district council of the ironworker: law-abiding citizen mast sur- necessary for self-protection, ' the right stands." announced support of Kean earlier this week . said Judge David S. Baime, render to the threats of the somebody who just happens to be a Republican." His Democratic challenger is Essex Count; lawless To some, it is un- "Today is a noteworthy occasion, some might whose opinion was joined by even say a landmark because it's not every day Kean added Executive Peter Shapiro, who has reduced the Judge Herman D Mkbeta doubtedly perceived that the Kean, a moderate, has criticized President size of Essex County government by l ,800 people manly thing is to hold one's that a labor organization 1 million strong, one of the key federations of the AFL-CIO, Reagan's tax reform that would no longer allow mostly through attrition The ruling, which broke new ground, and hence society should legal ground in New Jersey. not demand what smacks of came in the case of Ronald J cowardice In our view, self-help Harmon, 25 of Garwood The through the use. of a dangerous panel upheld his conviction on weapon is not the appropriate charges of possession of a remedy Sympathy called no excuse in mercy death weapon without a permit and "Rather, the answer lies in the possession of weapon for an police and in the demand for fair authorities said was an attempted Assistant Prosecutor Dennis Wix- pathy that should be considerec unlawful purpose, saying he and efficent law enforcement." COLLINGSWOOD (AP) - Pros- murder-suicide at the borne of ted said the killing was "purposeful because of her intense suffering, a; could not prove that be acted in Baime said. ecutors said yesterday they do not neighbor Jamie L. Martin, who had and intentional." He said Weidner opposed to someone who lost a leg' challenge a defense attorney's claim been left paralyzed from a car used two weapons, a hunting knife Can someone be asked to be killec that sympathy for a close friend was accident on the Walt Whitman and a hooked tile knife, to slash Ms because of painful headaches, bin Women's job center bill signed the motive for the slashing death of Bridge on Feb. 6, MM. Martin's wrist and throat not for other disabilities?" a &•year-old quadriplegic woman on Defense attorney Robert Kugler Wixted said prosecutors "do not The assistant prosecutor sale RENTON (APi — Legis- tial and to direct them to June 9. said the victim "desperately wanted question" the defense's contention Weidner's attorney was "blaunth lation to establish an Urban agencies both in and out of But as the case of Gary Weidner to die," but was physically unable to that Weidner acted out of sympathy appealing for public sympathy" b; TDemonstration Center to government which can aid them approaches a Camden County grand carry out her wish. for a woman whose only means of characterizing Ms Martin's death a provide job training information in finding gainful employment." jury, the prosecution sharply dis- "This case is about moral, medi- communication was blinking her a mercy killing. and other services for un- Kean said at a public bill signing agreed with a defense attorney's cal and ethical questions," Kugler eyes. But he said New Jersey law Weidner. who authorities saic employed women was signed ceremony at the Statebouse. contention that the woman's pleas said. "The question the jury is going clearly states that "a victim cannot slashed his wrist and the side of hi! yesterday by Gov Thomas H Assemblyman David for "my client and others to kill her" to have to decide is not whether Gary consent" to his or her own killing. neck after attacking Ms. Martin Kean. Schwartz. D-Middlesei. the bills should be part of the defense Weidner wu right or wrong in what "If we start drawing those types appeared in court for an arraign The measure provides W,900 sponsor, said the legislation will Weidner. 43. has been charged be did, but whether he is a of lines, we get into trouble," he ment this week with his left foreanr for the state Division on Women help women who live in urban with first-degree homicide in what murderer." said. "Is there a quantity of sym- and wrist wrapped in bandages to oversee the center The center areas find job opportunities. will be located in a Trenton In addition to providing job- building, which was donated by training services and infor- the New Jersey Federation of mation, the measure will provide Colored Women's Clubs Inc. child care funds for women who "The purpose of this pilot would not otherwise be able to program is to assist young participate in a training pro- women to recognize their poten- gram. Blue laws banned in Ocean City TLANTIC CITY (AP) - A the Cape May County community Superior Court judge yester- were open. day declared an Ocean City A Gruccio based his ruling on a ordinance prohibiting Sunday openings of certain businesses May 30, 1985 decision by the "blatantly invalid" and Appellate Division of Superior prohibited the resort community Court that said counties, not from enforcing it. municipalities, have the right to prohibit Sunday openings The action by Judge Philip Gruccio follows his decision a Only Bergen and Hudson coun- week ago to temporarily prohibit ties have adopted Sunday closing enforcement of the local law that laws. prevented amusement operators "Once the appellate court has and most store owners from spoken, a judge is bound to follow doing business on Sunday that decision," said Gruccio. Last Sunday was the first in "What we have here is a blatant- about 100 years that businesses in ly Invalid ordinance."

save on hundreds of fine quality Zoners continue hearing STEREOS • RADIOS • SPEAKERS TV's • CAR STEREOS on Eisner building plan VIDEOS • BLANK TAPES • AND MORE fountains, two arcades, storage areas and possibly a drive-in bank, CHOOSE FROM THESE FAMOUS BRANDS - Sony, Sanyo RED BANK - The Board of Zager said. Alpine, Kenwood, Zenith, JVC, Craig and many, many more Adjustment will hold a continued The Sourlises need variances for hearing on July 2 to hear an the retail businesses, restaurants, application to convert the Eisner the clock tower and the parking BRING YOUR VAN OR WAGON AND factory building into mixed pro- garage to perform the renovations in DRIVE HOME WITH THESE GIANT VALUES fessional/retail complex. the residential zone. During the first session of the Nadine Lehrman, 46 Shrewsbury • Overstocked Items hearing last night, the board heard Avenue, recommended the board a narrative description of the project hire an impartial traffic-safety con- • Cancelled Special Orders from Abraham Zager. attorney for sultant to perform studies on the the developers, Theodore G. and impact the project will have on • Floor Models Elaine Souris. A Shrewsbury Avenue traffic in the area. resident also voiced her objections to • Many Items Below Cosl "I'm very upset over the the project. proposal," she said. "We're already "It's the reuse of an existing trafficked completely. We can't get building which will increase activity across the street." in this part of Red Bank," Zager Lehrman also advocated requiring said. the Sourlises to restore some of the The plans include offices, retail properties they own on the westside restaurants, a multi-level parking before allowing them to undertake garage, an open-air clock tower, the project. College eyes Asbury Park

All nemi for a 4th learning center ir» told AS IS with mlg warranty a new attitude toward Asbury Park," Henrietta Zachary said. The Register The center would offer high tech SORHY-NO CHARGES OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Brookdale and business programs as well as ON SALE ITEMS Community College will offer sev- basic skills. Students would earn job- eral cour"» in Asbury Park in related certificates or continue for a September preliminary to opening a degree at Lincroft permanent southern Monmouth Already budgeted for exploratory County Shore center. studies is $110,000. The college has More than 100 members of the also a 18,000 Prudential grant and community and college staff met expects state funding. yesterday at Christie's Restaurant On May 1 Brookdale opened a to plan for the new extension, which walk-in office at 301 Memorial Would deliver Brookdale resources Drive, Asbury Park, while a task to 14 south shore communities force composed of Michael Fowler, ! Brookdale already has satellite Paul Zigo, Robert Salem and John centers in Long Branch, Freehold Westbrook assessed area needs. and the Bayshore. Asbury Park sites under consider- [Tht Intelligent A site has not been chosen but ation for the fall term extension Approach To consensus of the conferees was that classes are the high school on Sunset the center should be located In Avenue, Salvation Army Community All Your 3W*ury Park. Center, Education Service Center on I CnlcrUfnmtnl i Workshop members felt it would Memorial Drive, the Municipal Com- Meeds c an addition to the revitalization plex at Main Street, the Middle program already underway there. School on Bangs Avenue and the he center "could be a catalyst for Monmouth Boys' Club, Munroe Av- enue. 450 Hwy. 35 • Shrewsbury -842-6565 The Register , JUNE 21, 1965 NATION/WORLD 5A NEWS DIGEST Reagan: Avenge Salvador massacre Grasshopper plague ruining farms |OISE, Idaho (AP) - Federal pesticide on 75,000 acres of land WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan, I may be too late to live a day, compared with about saying "our limits have been reached," offered I farmen from financial JS.OOO for each of four DC-to, help from U.S. spy agencies and extra military doom ai a wave of crop- currently the largest weapons in aid to El Salvador on yesterday to track down and munching (raiihoppen layi the arsenal against marauding punish the killers of six Americans gunned down waste to almost S millions acres insect*. In a terrorist attack and to battle leftist of range and farmland on the Evans said that there were not guerrillas. itate'i southern edge, Oov. John enough planes at present In the The administration ruled out using U.S. Evans says. intermounUIn area to handle the military forces to retaliate for the attack Touring the hard-hit Magic spraying and that the federal Wednesday, In which gunmen disguised as army Valley In south-central Idaho, assistance may be too late to soldiers sprayed bullets for 15 minutes at two Evans said Wednesday he ex- save many farms. crowded outdoor cafes In San Salvador. pected two Air Force C-1JS The infestation was the worst The victims included two American busi- aircraft to arrive today from In the history of the state, which nessmen and four U.S. Marines assigned to guard Ohio, where they were being has a billion-dollar farming in- the American embassy. The Marines were outfitted to assist In the aerial dustry, he said. dressed in civilian clothes and were not armed, war on the hoppers. Reagan Mid. U.S. Agriculture Secretary The quick response to the killings in El "It's an emergency," he said. John Block on Tuesday ordered "They shouldn't spend more than Salvador was in contrast to the U.S. reaction to the diversion of $15 million from the hostage ordeal in Beirut, where 40 Americans an hour on the ground." commodity credit to the "We've sprayed three times were In their seventh day of captivity yesterday. grasshopper spraying In 14 West- Reagan met In the White House situation room ourselves, and they Just keep ern states. The funds will supple- coming In," said Jack Harman, for 75 minutes with top national security advisers ment $10 million allocated by the snd approved providing "whatever assistance is who runs 1,500 acres near USDA'i Animal and Plant Health Rupert. "You can drive down the necessary ... to find snd punish the terrorists" Inspection Service, which over- responsible for the San Salvador attack. road, and that grain Is Just black, sees spraying operations. covered with grasshoppers. It He also ordered a speedup in delivery of looks like a Mack ocean wave 100 The same day, Evans declared military equipment ordered by the Salvadoran feet into the field." a state of emergency and freed government and said he was prepared to Invoke his emergency authority to provide the ASSOCIATED PRESS He reported concentrations on $800,000 in funds from other state Salvadoran armed forces "with additional mili- his land as high as 1,100 grasshop- agencies. tary assets which will help them prosecute their BLOODY AFTERMATH - Employees of res- after a Wednesday night terrorist attack killed 13 pers a square yard. En- A squadron of a dozen crop- campaign against the communist guerrillas." taurants in the posh "pink zone" of San Salvador people, including four off-duty US Marines from tomologists say Just seven con- dusters doused 112,000 acres of mop up blood stains from the sidewalks yesterday the U.S. embassy. sume as much as a single grating Idaho range on Wednesday as the Asserting that terrorism will not weaken U.S. cow. third week of spraying began and resolve for democracy in El Salvador, the president said: .. other US. military assets can El Salvador and elsewhere to end the external simply because they are blessed in being citizens Idaho Agriculture Secretary the amount of land treated so far of this great republic." Dick Rush said a C-123 can spray neared 700,000 acres. be effective in this regard, then I shall provide support the Salvadoran terrorists receive from them." Nicaragua and the communist bloc." On Capitol Hill, House Minority Leader Robert He said he expected Congress to support him "But we also have our limits - and our limits Michel, R-Ill . said the slayings were "part of a Tax plan may hurt middle incomes and said he would consult with congressional have been reached," Reagan declared. "We conspiracy to destroy the will of the West And committees on other steps that could be taken "in cannot allow our people to be placed at risk guess who gains from that." ASHINGTON (AP) - The House approves it by mid-Octo- Senate'! top tax writer ber Wsaid yesterday that Presi- "Does this mean that I'm dent Reagan's overhaul plan backing away from tax reform apparently would hurt middle- one inch?" Packwood laid. "Not More than 30 nations on travel advisory list Income Americans and, if so, on your life." should be redrawn before Con- Packwood said the Treasury In the other cases, the advisories airport, where security is considered can atmosphere, the virulent anti- gress Is asked to vote on it. Department already is double- WASHINGTON (AP) - President are meant to pinpoint specific prob- lax. American stance of the Iranian checking the plan's effect on Reagan's warning to travelers to lems and areas to avoid, as well as Although the State Department government and the present conflict "I have a hunch that the those in the *JO,000 to $$0,000 avoid Athens International Airport offer suggestions for those who must does not publish a comprehensive between Iran and Iraq." president will want to modify his in Greece, where two hijackers travel to those areas. travel advisory list, it does maintain In Lebanon, the advisory says, plan accordingly," Sen. Robert Income range. Reagan probably will seek boarded a TWA airliner a week ago, Travel advisories are in effect for a citizens' emergency center, which Beirut International Airport "is not Packwood, R-Ore., chairman of is the latest of more than 30 travel answers inquiries about places considered safe for Americans" the tax-writing Senate Finance alterations without prodding 98 countries for reasons ranging from Capitol HUI if the Treasury advisories about nations where se- from a shortage of hotel rooms to Americans may be planning to because of hijackings and kidnap- Committee, told a news' con- curity and terrorism pose problems. travel. pings. It adds that "terrorist acts ference. Department tells him middle- cautions against taking photographs Income earners would suffer, The State Department says there at train stations. About 32 of those The telephone number for the against individual Americans con- Packwood said, however, that Packwood said. He said he would are only four countries that Ameri- are because of terrorism and secur- emergency center at the State tinue in other parts of Beirut " Reagan's proposal Is not dead ask administration experts to cans should avoid entirely. They are ity problems. Department is 202-632-5225 Travelers to Sri Lanka are warned and (till could reach the presi- study an upcoming State of Lebanon, Libya, Iran and Afghani- In Libya's case, a U.S. passport is to avoid the Anuradhapura district dent's desk by Christmas If the Oregon analysis of the plan. stan. The United States does not The president, at his news con- not valid. In Iran, the advisory says and the cultural triangle "in light of maintain diplomatic relations with ference Tuesday night, cautioned travel is "extremely hazardous be- several Incidents of terrorist viol- Libya and Iran. Americans against using the Athens cause of the continued anti-Ameri- MOVE mother flies $30 million suit ence." •PHILADELPHIA (AP) - In addition, Ms. James' suit IsFLouise James, mother of one asked that a federal Judge issue I of the 11 MOVE victims, A restraining order prohibiting yesterday filed a $30 million the city Medical Examiner THURS.,o SUN. federal ctvU lawsuit against the "from disposing of human re- 4 Days city, some of its officials and the mains" of people who died in the slate, claiming her son's civil May U fire whose identities have rights were violated it- last not yet teen —tshllsaed. month's police confrontation. The complaint, filed In U.S. The petition said that Ms. District Court by attorney James "believes that some of the Michael Fenascl of New Orleans, human remains may be that of La., also named the DuPont her brother, Vincent Leaphart, company, maker of the material also known as John Africa." BIG PRE-S police used to manufacture an Africa Is the founder of the explosive device which they radical group which advocates a on MOVE'S fortified so-called back-to-nature philosophy that disregards local An ensuing fire killed 11 mem- health and sanitation The group bers of the group and damaged or shuns organised society and its destroyed 61 homes in the practices Include living in dirt middle-income west Philadelphia and garbage with dogs, rats and neighborhood. roaches. Army-spy contacts rose last year additional ASHINGTON (AP) - The counterintelligence agents for Army says there were investigation. In addition, Wnearly 500 instances of another 100 or so reports of potential spy-recruitment con- espionage contacts wen re- tacts with Its employees last ceived last year from other year, and says the number of "counterintelligence reporting," such Incidents has Jumped 400 which the Army declines to percent since 197$. identify further. Entire The contacts are recorded The Navy and Air Force do not under a special Army program release similar figures, although called SASDA - Subversion and both services say they have the Espionage Directed against the same type of educational pro- Army. Army officiala said gram to instruct employees on Wednesday the contacts have how to recognise an Intelligence ranged from questioning by approach. If the Army's ex- strangers in ban to direct solici- perience is typical, however, it tation by foreign spies. would indicate that defense in- Of the 4$1 contacts, M or some vestigators are having to open 10 percent were deemed serious hundreds of new espionage NOTHING HELD BACK! enough /or referral to Army probes each year. SALE ITEMS INCLUDEDI FAMOUS NAMES • FIRST QUALITY! Sinatra wants 'Doonesbury' list AIRWAY, Kan. (AP) - The saying, "Get me your (obscene distributor of the comic strip gerund) boss, you little F"Doonesbury" says it has (anatomically explicit epithet)!" refused to give a list of The carton was an apparent subscribers to Frank Sinatra's reference to an Incident in Atlan- attorneys, who contend the sing- tic City that prompted a state er's righto were violated by a regulator to call the entertainer recent installment. an "obnoxious bally" snd Sinatra Universal Press Syndicate of- to vow never again to perform in ficials on Wednesday also denied the Garden State. that Sinatra's rights were viol- Universal! editorial director, ated, saying the strips were Lee Salem, said In an interview "well within the bounds of that a letter sent to Universal on satire." Tuesday did not detail what Six "Doonesbury" Install- Sinatra found offensive about the ments, which ran June 10 through cartoon. June 15, satirised Sinatra's re- In the letter, Sinatra's at- ceiving the presidential Medal of torneys said they would take "all Freedom and his reputed links to appropriate steps" to remedy the alleged organised crime figures. alleged violation of Us rights, the In a statement released by the release said. Salem said the syndicate, Sinatra's attorneys letter did not Indicate what steps charged the June 1$ Installment would be taken. waa "false and vlolative of Mr. Other cartoons la the Sinatra Sinatra's righto." •tries lampooned the enter- The strip showed Sinatra play- tainer's alleged ties to reputed Ing cards in s gambling casino. organised crime figures, con- Whan the dealer Informs Sinatra trasting them with the awarding that she must shuffle the cards to Sinatra by Stevens Institute of before dealing them, Sinatra Technology In Hoboken, N.J. of threatens to have her fired, sn bonorarly engineering degree. epartment

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to 161 SAVE S59 tos130 SAVES35 to SAVE 30 to 50 > RECORDERS VACUUM CLEANERS SPORTING GOODS BATH AND KITCHEN SAVE 1/2 Sears canister vacuum cleaner C Q99 24-in. bath vanity with two drawers, solid oak OO99 SAVE $70 Boys BMX bike. Free wheel rear hub, OO99 door, and drawer fronts. Sink-top faucet extra 77 t 329" with attachments. Reg. $119.99 3T track certified frame. Reg. $169.99 TT $ SAVE $80 2-HP powermate vacuum cleaner Matching storage cabinet TO.99 SAVE $60 12-speed men's or women's racer OO.99 with 4-shelves / T 338 3-pile height adjustments with attachments 1 CO99 bike. Lightweight 27-in. model. Reg. $179.99 TT Reg. $239.99 IDT SAVE $50 bathtub doors. 1-panel hammered O.Q99 Vwith SAVE $110 Gympac" 2500 provide up to 60 progressive glass, 1-mirrored. Reg. $149.99.. 77 SAVE $130 Super powerful 3.9 HP resistance exercises. Folding bench, more. O A Q99 499" powermate vacuum cleaner. Cord reel, r% A ft 99 Reg. $359.99 iHY SAVE $30 on Sears Best faucet for *J ft99 edge cleaner. Reg. $379.99 A*fT kitchen or bath. Reg. $69.99 OT a TV use TO" SAVE $60 wheel cycle Has speedometer, 7Q99 SAVE $30 Revolving brush upright vacuum X.O99 lag. $99.90 / 7 all welded steel frame. Reg. $139.99 / T SAVE $50 on waste disposer. Sound cleaner with edge cleaner Reg. $99.99 OT insulated. Stainless steel grinding TQ99 recorder SAVE $35 DP rower. Body Tone 500" 1 10,99 SAVE $90 self propelled upright elements. Reg. $129.99 / T 6 channel 300" has a variety of exercises. Reg. $154.99 I IT vacuum cleaner with active edge ICO" Vanity and matching storage cabinet special purchase, cleaning. Reg. $219.99 I3T though not reduced is an exceptional buy.


ystem SAVE $5 Winner II athletic shoes 799 lO" SAVE $120 Flywheel cycle. Speedometer, 1 C Q99 SAVE $130 Kenmore 11.500BTU high Q OO" ers. 100" for the family. Kids Reg. $12 99-$i799 / to IL odometer and timer. $279.99 in Sears catalog. IJ T efficiency room air conditoner. Reg. $529.99 OTT SAVE $5 Winner II women sizes. 1099 1 A 99 SAVE $60 Sears weight bench. A ft99 14,000 BTU Room air conditioner COO" h Reg. $17.99-$19.99 IX 1. 1*1 Reg. $109.99 *TT special purchase, quantities limited J&7 99 am. 190" SAVE $5 winner II boys' and 1 O 1A " SAVE $40 Sears weight set. 00.99 3-speed ceiling fan with special men's sizes. Reg. $17.99-$19.99 \A\ to 1*1 Includes 14 weight discs OT purchase, quantities limited mi or full SAVE $5 Winnie-the-Pooh shoes for kids. SAVE $70 Cabin tent. 2-zippered QQ99 SAVE $50 30 pi. daily capacity f% 1 Q99 Nylon and sueded split-leather uppers. Q99 windows, D-style door. 8x10-ft. Reg. $169.99 TT dehumidifier. Reg. $269.99 A IT ; 79" Durable. Reg. $14.99 T yer, stereo Fishing combos. Rods and reels from Daiwa, SAVE $50 whole-house fan. Includes shutter 1QQ99 SAVE 12 Free n easy softside 1188 zebco and control switch. Reg. $249.99 ITT nat, or 1Q99 luggage Reg. $23.76 to $73.76 I I t. S. : 20%, 50% OFF $39.99 IT... * olf rag. priia A special purchase though not reduced •off l«9. prlc* is an exceptional buy.

to 290 SAVE 25% to 65°/ SAVE 20 to 500 SAVE Ml tos90 ft, TELEPHONES WOMEN'S WEAR AND ACCESSORIES MOWERS AND TRACTORS MATTRESS-CARPET-MISC. 199" SAVE 33% to 65% summer-ready tops and SAVE $110 3.5 HP Deluxe Craftsman rear bag#JQQ99 SAVE 50% Innerspring or loam drowser mattress C O99 shorts for misses. Shorts Reg. $5. Tops Q A99 lawn-mower-catcher incl. 20-". Reg. $349.99... XOT or box spring. Twin Size. Reg. 4119.99 ea J7 «. 1 computer with COO97 Reg. $5 to $9 Of*7 SAVE $500 Sears best 11-HP Tractor. SAVE 45% Polyester pile carpet. Installed 1O " ».97 377 40-in. rear discharge deck. 6speeds. 1OOO99 SAVE $5 roomy tote bags pack it all in! Q99 with cushion. Reg. $23.99 sq. yd sq. yd. IA wwrth Choice of colors. Reg. $14 O Reg. $1799.99 1*77 SAVE $20 cordless telephone, 700' TO" SAVE $150 iOx9-ft. lawn building. 9'/ x8'/2-ft. SAVE $10 swimwear by Cheryl Tiegs, the hottest 1Q99 2 range. Reg. $99.99 f T *y. 229" looks under the sun. Reg. $30 IT interior. Prealigned for easy assembly. 1OO99 wa outfit. Reg. $349.99 ITT SAVE $90 Sears Best "Steam type" power 1 "JQ99 SAVE $15 colorful summer dresses. spray carpet cleaner. Reg. $269.99 I / T :00m lens. IQQ95 One piece in an array of prints, stripes, SAVE $20 Craftsman trimmer. 1/4-HP bushacker QA99 solids. Misses sizes. Reg. $40 hedge trimmer. 18-in. blade. Reg. $59.99 OT SAVE $80 Desk model sewing machine cabinet. Reg. $300 Breakaway* wallets. Choose nylon OOOZ. SAVE $40 Craftsman gas weed-wacker. | Q Q99 ):. 59 ond OT or denim with Velcro» closure O\J /O 28.0 cc engine. 18-in. swath. Reg. $229.99 IO7

SATURDAY ONLY Living Room Sofa Sleeper SATURDAY ONLY Men's Levi Denim Jeans SAVE 29% 1 ,188 Opens up to full size bed Neutral beige cover Contemporary style loose pillow back

•Rockaway, N.J. •Union City, N.J. Mo* pant ind undid won «Ho nmuu% now in 'Smith Haven, L.I. 'Valley Stream, L Savt palm tnd hardmra Mom in Union. N J ant) Somervllle, N.J. •Watchung, N.J. Sayvia*. NY Waving appartf. m\ch—, jawMry. (unnlufa. 'White Plains, N.Y cvpaMing, drip#s, levnpt, towsti, ihMts, houSaWwM, c«vntm. Stamford, Conn. typatwrttw. compuiaVat, ipofttny ooodt si S#vs IVQW stofM only 'Staten Island, NY •Willowbrook, N.J. 'Tomt River, N.J. 'Yorktown, N.Y. Fantastic Storewide Savings For You In Every Department . . . Look!


$ NOW SAVE 25°o SAVE 2 to 70 SAVE 80 to 180 SAVE 4 to -130 SAVE 60 to 500 SAVE 25% to 50% SAVE M2 to -80 SLEEPWEAR, IOUNGEWEAR, LINGERIE INFANTS AND TODDLERS MICROWAVES AND DISHWASHERS KENMORE FRQ ERS-RANGES SEWING MACHINES JEWELRY LAWN AND PATIO SHOP SAVE $830 Kenmore large-capacity microwave O A O99 SAVE $60 Free-arm zig-zag sewing machine. $OO converts easy to flatbed. Reg. $159. 77 SAVE 25% Terry Deacti cover ot polyester SAVE $50 10 $70 on all baby cnbs AA99 oven with memory Reg. $329.99 SAVE $40 Kenmore upnghufezer. 110 40% OFF selected engagement rings and wedding SAVE $40 Kenmore gas grill with match-free and cotton Reg $12 bands. v carat engagement ring. 1 ft 1 A33 8" Reig JM9 99 to $269 99 77 ft 199" IMnmom compel M«JU»»»4 mrllltoa US cu. ft. in almond cokx Reg,' 359.99. SAVE $100 10-stitch free-arm 2 ignition. Dual controls, cart, shelves. 1 C A99 319" Reg. $1699 now IU I 7 SAVE 25% Alt Hugaton' hosiery, from knee-high All bedding now on sale SAVE $180 whole-meal microwave. sewing machine with built-in 1X.O99 Reg. $199.99 137 Cook up to 3-foods at once 3-stage SAVE $100 Kenmore gas ra 30-in wide, OOO99 buttonholer. Reg. $269.99 IO7 Alt atom w Im Irada-in fAMtf. to pantyhose $1 79 conventional pantyhose 129 Sheets, blankets and more Q CO/ continuous clean oven. Reg SAVE $15 Hicksville grill. Tough enamel finish. AA99 memory. Reg. $496.99 499.99 II77*, All Sieko watches on sale Q CO/ OEE* SAVE 25% Timeless comfort bras for baby's nursery A\J /O OFF 319' SAVE $100 12-stitch free-arm Hi-low grid. Reg. $59.99 *?*# SAVE $170 Micro-convection oven. The speed SAVE $130 Kenmore setfdtAmg gas range convertible sewing machine, auto snap 1O.A99 men's and women's styles XJ /O V^l I Reg $13 Q69 SAVE $5 to $15. AJ baby stroiers 1A99 Reg. $729 99 In white SAVE $80 5-pc patio furniture. 4-strap 1OO95 Reg $24 99 10 $79 99 17 ,. of a microwave combined with the browning A 7O" 599' in buttonholer. Reg $29999 I 77 50% OFF all 14K gold jewelry. 69" of a convection oven. Reg. $649.99 *•/ w SAVE $100 Kenmore etectnc ange. 30-in. wide/I rtrt99 Lots of 14K gold chains in many chairs and table. Reg. Sep. Price $279.95 177 SAVE 25% Blue package panties, briefs bikinis SAVE $2 to $15. Al baby car seats SAVE $500 electronic dewing machine. A A A99 and Nphuggers Pkg ot 3 Reg $8 4999 SAVE $100 Kenmore built-in dishwasher continuous dean oven. Whi* Reg. $62999 *? 7 7 styles, weights & lengths. A99 SAVE 1/2 50-ft. x 5/8-in. Craftsman garden hose. 1 O49 5" Reg $1999 to $5999 Priced for a sellout. Reg. $999.99 477 Reg. $19.99$879.99 7 - Our strongest vinyl rubber. Reg. $24.99 IX S 2-level wash acton, pot & pan SAVE $40 Kenmore chest ft zer with Q 1O99 SAVE $70 Free-arm sewing machine $ 1A A •off ma. prica SAVE $2 to S3 Short sets cycle. Reg $39999 security lock. In almond Rt, SAVE $13 3-gal garden sprayer. Tri-poxy™ O O*9 SAVE 25% Misses and Juniors 299' $359.99 O I 7 cabinet. Reg. $170 IUU short gowns and mms Aj /O for infants and toddlers 99 99 Reg $4 99 to $6 99 SAVE $100 Kenmore portable dishwasher with lined steel tank. Automatic shut-off. Reg. S42.99.Z7 3 same features as above. Reg $44999

30% to 50% OFF SAVE 30% to 50% SAVE 40 to 110 SAVE ;< to 161 SAVE S59 to-130 SAVE ^35 toMlO SAVE 30 to 50 AUTOMOTIVE KENMORE WASHERS TV'S and VIC ©RECORDERS VACUUM CLEANERS SPORTING GOODS BATH AND KITCHEN SAVE $25 Diehard' car battery Provides FURNITURE 24-m. bath vanity with two drawers, solid oak OO" 525 amps of cold cranking power in Groups A f\ SAVE $40 Kenmore large-capacity SAVE $120 19-m. table lop SAVE 1/2 Sears canister vacuum cleaner CQ99 SAVE $70 Boys BMX bike. Free wheel rear hub, OO" door, and drawer fronts. Sink-top faucet extra 77 50% OFF Cnadwck colonial style sofa 24. 24F. 74 Reg $74 99 -**** •§7" washer. 2-cycle, 3 water temps. 2 water f\ AA99 Electronic tuning. Reg. $4*4 with attachments. Reg. $119.99 97 track certified frame. Reg. $169.99 77 329" Matching storage cabinet TQW sleeper Hercuton' oiefin cover Reg $799 99 399" SAVE 40% qt Sears 10W30 or heavy-duty levels. Reg. $339.99 A 7 7 SAVE $80 2-HP powermate vacuum cleaner 30 motor oil Reg $1 19 qt SAVE $161 19-m. cokx TV $ SAVE $80 12-speed men's or women's racer OO" with 4-sherves / • SAVE 33% Brawny pine bunk bed SAVE $110 large-capacity Kenmore washer control. Reg $499 99. 3-pile height adjustments with attachments. 1 C A99 bike. Lightweight 27-in. model. Reg. $179.99 77 338 SAVE $50 bathtub doors. 1-panel hammered QO" Converts to 2 twin beds 2 mattress SAVE $9 SleadyRider gas shock absorbers 2-speed. 5-cycfe, Dual Action' agitation. OCA99 Reg. $239.99 197 SAVE $100 Big 25-m const TV with SAVE $110 Gympac" 2500 provide up to 60 progressive glass, 1-mirrored. Reg. $149.99... 77 boards Reg $29999 Gas pressurized to give excellent $469.99 in catalog Z J JT 199" remote control and electron SAVE $130 Super powerful 3.9 HP resistance exercises. Folding bench, more O AO" control Reg $24 99 SAVE $30 on Sears Best faucet for 1O" SAVE 80% Homestead twin canopy bed 15? SAVE $100 extra-capacity Kenmore washer tuning Reg. $599.99 499" powermate vacuum cleaner Cord reel, Reg. $359.99 **t7 Canopy comes with bed rails and canopy SAVE $54 4-pc engine testing kit Timing For those big laundry toads. 2-speed. *% T A99 edge cleaner. Reg. $379.99 kitchen or bath. Reg. $69.99 OT SAVE $20 12-in. black an* 1 TV use SAVE $60 wheel cycle. Mas speedometer, TO" frame Reg $249 99 99" light, analyzer, remote starter, compression 5-cyde $479.99 in catalog O / 7 SAVE $30 Revolving brush upright vacuum /Q99 SAVE $50 on waste disposer. Sound also for monitor' for comput Reg. $99 99 79" all welded steel frame. Reg. $139.99 / 7 30% OFF Colonial style 4-pc bedroom suite tester Reg sep prices total $154.96 99" SAVE $50 Kenmore compact washer. 5-cycle O AA99 cleaner with edge cleaner Reg. $99.99 07 insulated Stainless steel grinding 7Q99 SAVE $190 VHS video < recorder SAVE $33 DP rower. Body Tone 500" 1 |Q99 elements. Reg. $129.99 I r Revere Court' Reg $99999 699" SAVE 50% Sears Dynaglass betted 30 tire with pre-wash. Reg. $44^99 JV" SAVE $60 sell propelled upright All-season traction, 2 fit with wireless remote contra 06 channel has a variety of exercises. Reg. $154.99 117 Vanity and matching storage cabinet special purchase, mm cable capable Rag. $549 9 vacuum cleaner with active edge 1 C A99 belts P15580B12 19" 399" cleaning. Reg. $219.99 UT though not reduced is an exceptional buy.

? SAVE 2 to 49 SAVE 38% to 50% SAVE 20 to 140 SAVE -0 to 100 SAVE S5 to 36 SAVE 40 to 120 SAVE ^50 to '130 MEN'S WEAR CRAFTSMAN TOOLS KENMORE DRYERS HI FTS 0 i STEREOS FOOTWEAR AND LUGGAGE SPORTING GOODS AIR CONDITIONERS-FANS SAVE $2 Men s underwear, polyester t u-n and cotton T-Srwts. briefs *f99 SAVE Vi Craftsman 10-dr chest or 3-dr. SAVE $30 Kenmore large-capacity dryer SAVE $5 Winner II athletic shoes "T99 1O" SAVE $120 Flywheel cycle. Speedometer, | CQ99 SAVE $130 Kenmore 11 500BTU high Reg $999 and $899 pkfl of 3 / —i SAVE $100 HI-FI stereo ra system rotl-a-way Reg $19999 each 99!? 3-cycle including permanent press. includes receiver, stand, 4 kers, for the family. Kids Reg. $12.99-$1799 / 10 I A\ odometer and timer. $279.99 in Sears catalog. IJ 7 efficiency room air conditoner. Reg. $529.99... 399" |99 Reg. $279.99 Beet Z SAVE $4 Men s short sleeve dress shirt*. Elegant |f> SAVE 42% to50 % Craftsman power tools turntable. Reg $299.99. 199" SAVE $5 Winner II women sizes. 1099 1^99 SAVE $80 Sears weight bench. .40" 14,000 BTU Room air conditioner Luxurata'" tone on tone. Reg $14.99 Iw Reversible drill, router, circular saw. SAVE $80 extra-capacity Kenmore dryer. Solid state SAVE $90 Compact stereifth Reg. $17.99-$19.99 li to IH Reg. $109.99 17 special purchase, quantities limited 529" SAVE S3 Men's actrvewear V-neck sabre saw. sander Reg $69 99-$79 99 senses when clothes are dry & shuts oft. Reg O AA99 receiver, dual cassettes s) kers, 39!? $37999 in '85 catalog. In white. Electric _i77 SAVE $5 winner II boys' and 1 O" 1 A" SAVE $40 Sears weight set. Q O" 3-speed ceiling fan with reverse special pullover, sport shorts, tank top. knit SAVE $233 Sears Best Craftsman 1-HP turntable. Reg. $219.99. 129" purchase, quantities limited pullovers, twill shorts Reg $799 to $ men's sizes. Reg. $17.99-$19.99 IX 10 It Includes 14 weight discs O7 69" portable air compressor Reg $59999 SAVE $140 all-in-one washer-dryer $15.99 - 366 SAVE $20 or $70 choose *™ni or full SAVE $5 Winnie-the-Pooh shoes for kids. SAVE $70 Cabin tent. 2-zippered OO" SAVE $50 30 ot. daily capacity 4",.ir Compact laundry system. 3-cycle washer, C. AA99 size cassette stereo "Boortfox*. SAVE $2 and $3. Men's poplin matched outfits SAVE $140 3-HP oarage door opener with 2 3 temps, dryer. Reg. $739.99 3 77.M. Nylon and sueded split-leather uppers. A99 windows, D-style door. 8x10-ft. Reg. $169.99 77 dehumidifier. Reg. $269.99 219" transmrtters Reg $28998 Reg. $99 99. Your choice 79" Durable. Reg. $14.99 7 Perma-Presf poplin workshirt. matching Q99 1 199 149" Fishing combos. Rods and reels from Daiwa, SAVE $50 whole-house fan. Includes shutter 1QA99 pants Reg $11.99 & $14.99 7 **4 I I SAVE $20 compact Kenmore electric SAVE $10 to$2 0 Cassetwllayer, stereo SAVE $130 Craftsman 10 table saw. dryer. Time & cycle with touch-up r% -T/-\99 SAVE 1/2 Free n' easy softside 1 |88 Oi zebco and control switch. Reg. $249.99 177 SAVE $49 Men's comfort suit 3 pc suit is finely AA99 Reg. $499.99 radio or cassette with head tones, or 9 luggage. Reg. $23.76 to $73.76 I I toOO 369" setting. Reg. $299.99 A/7 dock radio. Reg. $29.99 ap $39 99 191 Sf 20%,. 50% OFF* A special purchase though not reduced tailored Stretch woven Dacron*. Reg $149 77 Dryn nquw oomaon iw nluM * off rag. priu •off rag. pri« is an exceptional buy.

SAVE 20% to 50% s SAVE 5 to 50 SAVE 30 to 240 SAVE ••>) to 290 SAVE 25% to 65% SAVE 20 to 500 SAVE ll to^90 HOME FASHIONS PAINT AND ACCESSORIES KENMORE REFRIGERATORS OFFICE, CAMftA, TELEPHONES WOMEN'S WEAR AND ACCESSORIES MOWERS AND TRACTORS MAHRESS-CARPET-MISC. SAVE 50% Vetour bath towels Cotton and *>99 SAVE $6 Sears Best Easy Living* interior flat or A99 SAVE $100 Kenmore 16.0 cu. ft. rtfrigerator- SAVE $90 Sears Best electric 1OO" SAVE $110 3.5 HP Deluxe Craftsman rear bagQ QQ99 SAVE 50% Innerspring or foam drowser mattress CQ" polyester Reg. $5.99 A soft white ceding paint. Reg. $15.99 gal '••>• SAVE 33% to 65% summer-ready tops and freezer. 13.66 cu. ft. fresh food sectiorV 4.34 F1099 typewriter. Reg. $289.09. • 177 shorts for misses. Shorts Reg. $5. Tops lawn-mower-catcher incl. 2O-". Reg. $349.99 ZJ 7 or box spring. Twin Size. Reg.-$119.99 ea J/« cu. ft. freezer. $619.99 in catalog 3 I7J*. SAVE 50% -Cotormate" 100% cotton terry O99 SAVE $290 Commodore home computer with Reg. $5 to $9 3.9" SAVE $500 Sears best 11-HP Tractor. bath towel. Reg. $7.99 «3 SAVE 45% Polyester pile carpet. Installed SAVE $150 Kenmore 19.6 cu. ft. refrigerator- A» 1A99 (tee drive and printer. Reg.$98».97 SAVE $5 roomy tote bags pack it all inl 40 in. rear discharge deck. 6-speeds. 10OO" with cushion. Reg. $23.99 sq. yd sq. yd.12" 1 SAVE 50% twin size Perma-Presf C99 SAVE $7 Weatherbeater 10 towluste r satm 1A99 freezer. In white, colors extra. Reg. $769.99 O I 7 SAVE $100 electronic typawntat with Choice of colors. Reg. $14 8" Reg. $1799.99 1*77 sheet sets. Reg. $11.99 3 SAVE $20 cordless telephone, 700' paint. Reg. $17.99 '. IUf.1 SAVE $240 Kenmore 19.1 cu. ft. side- new features plus graph capability. OOO" SAVE $10 swimwear by Cheryl Tiegs. the hottest 1Q99 SAVE $150 iOx9-ft. lawn building. 9y2x8%-ft. range. Reg. $99.99 79" SAVE $5 to $10. Any size comforter or bedspread 1A99 SAVE $50 Craftsman power roller by-side refrigerator-freezer. $959.99 -y m r\oo Reg. $329.99 **" looks under the sun. Reg. $30 17 interior. Prealigned for easy assembly. 1OO" Twin, full, queen, king. Reg. $24 99-$29 99 17 Automatic, continuous-flow system /ft97 in '85 catalog. White / |V Reg. $349.99 177 SAVE $90 Sears Best "Steam type" power SAVE $106 Deluxe 35mn>eamera outfit. SAVE $15 colorful summer dresses. spray carpet cleaner. Reg. $269.99 179" SAVE 25% Large selection of curtains. paints walls easy Reg $11999 07 SAVE $30 Kenmore 10.6 cu. ft. refrigerator- O X f\99 50mm f2.0 lens, 200mm 14.0 zoom lens. 1 OO95 SAVE $20 Craftsman trimmer. 1/4-HP bushacker Q Q99 One piece in an array of prints, stripes, SAVE $80 Desk model sewing machine $ Pnscillas. cape cods, fashion OCO/ SAVE $5 Sears Best Easy Living* custom 1 *>99 freezer. Only 24-in. wide. White. Reg. $399.99 O 07 Reg. sep. price $305.45 i 177 solids. Misses sizes. Reg. $40 hedge trimmer. 18-in. blade. Reg. $59.99 «J7 curtains, & window shades XJ/O 24" cabinet. Reg. $300 200 color satin flat. Reg. $17.99 I A^i SAVE $40 to $50 2-Drawei , Breakaway* wallets. Choose nylon SAVE $40 Craftsman gas weed-wacker. 1 Q A99 ••ff rag. prim SAVE $60 Kenmore compact refrigerator. 3.6 1 A A99 cu. ft. capacity. Reg. $249 99. In brown lOV and 4-drawer file cabinel ** C Q99 Q Q" or denim with Vetero* closure 30% OFF 28.0 cc engine. 18-in. swath. Reg. $229.99 IO7 lock. Reg. $88.99 and $13999.; J7 and O 7

SATURDAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY SAVE '100 SAVE »120 8,000 BTU Living Room Sofa Sleeper Gas Grill Room Air Conditioner Men's Levi Denim Jeans SAVE 29% IWW IMS) I/O $499.99 74OI» J Opens up to full size bed R.g $20.99 40,000 BTU gas grill package has 373 sq. Neutral beige cover in. cooking area. 166 sq. in. warming rack. WHh Filter Monitor A,«| ComfComfort SerwoSTT Contemporary style loose pillow back

'Bay Shore, L.I. •Hackensack, N.J •Narawt, N.Y. Rock«w«y, N.J. 'Union City, N.J. MOM punt tnd Mtocwd loon Uo n$tUU» now m 'Brooklyn, NY. 'Hicksville, L.I. Satisfaction gumnnt—d 'H Brunswick, •Smith Haven, LI. 'Valley Stream, L.I. SMK own wid hantwira Morat in Union. N J ml 'East Northport, L.I. Jamaica, L.I. Sayv«*. NY WMring *»**, wucht. jnMky. lumtuni. Mmry Not Indudxt in Saftni Prior 29% DapoM or your money back RocheUe. N Somarvllto, N.J. •Watchung, N.J. Rushing. L.I. 'Livingston, N.J. cvpMng. drtpn. i*mp>. nxmli. irmu. IWUMWIIM. ctnwu. on COD- Mnmum OtfiM M0 'San \jrfm MOM *OC«MI, N.J. • Stamford, Conn. •White Plains. N.Y. tfimtdmt. compuUd, iporUng goods M SMT* lvg*f UorM only oSean. ftoeteefc and Co., 19*5 •ForrJham fM., N.Y. 'Massapequa, L.I. Som* Dam milimind qumtWM Each of VWM advertised Hems it readily avaHabia for sale as advertised "Pwtmus PwK. N.J •Slaten Island. N.Y. 'Willowbrook, N.J. Great Neck, L.I. 'MkJdletown, N.J. USE YOU* SIAKS CMDIT CARD Rlvtrh««l, L.I •Toms River, N.J. •Yorktown, N.Y. The Register OPINION JUNE 21, 1*6 PUBS Stay home to limit terrorism

immy Breslin, columnist for the most Americans have yet to see. New York Dally News, has come "Everybody has been to Bantry and J up with the best idea of the season Catania, bat one in 90 has gone to the — maybe the best Idea of our Statue of Liberty," Breslin said. generation. It's true. Why, right here in In a column published yesterday, Monmouth County there are historical Breslin suggested a foolproof method sites and beautiful landmarks that of combating terrorist hijackings such lifelong residents have never seen. If as last week's takeover of TWA Flight you Include all of New Jersey, you 847 in Greece: Americans should stay could travel for weeks without visit- home. ing all the places worth seeing. If you "If the country now is obsessed and include all of the U.S., you could take shaken by the hijacking in Athens and several vacations a year for the rest the kidnapping of passengers to of your life and still go to your grave Beirut," Breslin wrote, "then why having missed many of America's can't everybody simply stop, take a treasures. deep breath and wait a while, say a So, why are Americans piling onto year, before we start rushing around jetliners and making themselves the globe again?" targets for terrorists In Greece, Italy, Exactly. If there are no Americans France, England, Germany and the jetting around the world on airliners, Middle East? It's crazy there will be no reason for foreign Breslin makes another point in his terrorists to hijack airplanes, for column, and it's an important point: there will be no Americans aboard to If foreign countries suffer the loss of murder, maim and bold for ransom. U.S. tourist dollars for a year or so, You don't have to be a Jimmy they might suddenly get Interested in Breslin fan to see the pure logic of his providing some security for Ameri- idea. cans who pass through their airports For some reason, Americans are and walk their streets Time to cut top-secret clearances obsessed with the notion of traveling "If we stay away from every abroad — our people are apparently place," Breslin argued, "if we let convinced they haven't seen anything London see that, If an American is WASHINGTON - The Pentagon has the review panel found no noticeable decline suggest downgrading the security clearance announced in the wake of the Walker family in the last two years of the Carter of employees who haven't used their top- until they've seen Europe, the Middle hijacked anywhere, Harrods will pay; spy case that it will try to reduce by 10 administration. secret clearances for 18 months. But fewer East, Asia or wherever. How did we If Paris is taught that you don't stand percent the 4.3 million security clearances than 4,000 were downgraded In aU of Ml. get this way? What's wrong with our by while the world's best customer now held by employees of the military- "The number of top-secret clearances country that everyone is in such a gets mugged, even If he is not on your industrial complex. Better late than never continues to grow even though the need for A good place to start would be the mlUlon- top secret access Is no longer Justified" in fever to go someplace else? street, perhaps there will be the start plus people who are employed by defense Jack Anderson many cases, the review panel stated. It Obviously, this insistence on leav- of a different climate around the contractors and have been (ranted access to concluded that "literally thousands of unwar- world." classified documents — particularly the Why have defense contractors swampeo ranted personnel security clearances" now ing the country perfectly suits the the government with clearance requests? needs of terrorists such as the Shiite He's right. When we start discuss- 115,000 civilians who have been given "top exist, and warned that the problem "con- secret" security clearances. "Contractors are faced with powerful incen- tinues to compound dally." Moslems who perpetrated last week's ing retribution for terrorism, we need A Dec. 10, 1M4, internal report by the tives to process their employees for The review panel also questioned whether TWA hijacking. If you happen to be an not restrict ourselves to talking about special Pentagon Industrial Security Review clearance and to clear them at the highest the growth of business firms given security Commission, obtained by our associate Tony conceivable level," the report explains. clearance "is fully Justified." It noted that international criminal who wants to bombs and warships and commando "This is the 'real world' aspect of the get your hands on some American raids. The United States owns ex- Capacdo, suggests that a significant number possibly 1,000 or 1,000 of the 1 J.000 businesses of defense-contractor employees who are contracting business." now holding security clearances "perform citizens, all you have to do Is hang clusive rights to the most powerful cleared to see highly classified documents Contractors "who have succeeded in toilet cleaning, painting and similar mainten- around a foreign airport for a few weapon on earth: the American have no need to. holding clearance requests to a minimum are ance." days and a planeload of potential dollar. Why not use It? Regarding the employees cleared for lop oftea victimised by the system for having EXECUTIVE MEMO: The FBI conducted secret, the report adds: "Perhaps done so," the report observes, because they victims is certain to drop in your lap. "For once," Breslin wrote, "this 140,111 security Investigations In connection 90,000-JS.OOO of the 115,000 clearances do not are put at a "distinct competitive disadvan- with the Los Angeles Summer Olympics last This is absolutely unnecessary, of country ought to show Its true have continuous access to top secret infor- tage" against companies that, "by abusing year and an additional 70,W for the two course. As Breslin points out in his strength, Its bankroll, and shake up mation. In fact, probably no more than 11,000 the system, have an ample supply of cleared personnel to perform on new, classified national political conventions. column, there are any number of the world." to 40,000 of the contractor personnel cleared UNDER THE DOME: Some fast-food at the top-secret level have ever had access contracts." places right in our own backyard that We'll buy that. chains are grumbling about Sen. Mack to top-secret information." As a "microcosm" of the existing situ- Mattingly, R-Ga.. who slipped a provision Yet the defense contractors keep asking ation, the Pentagon report cites a major into the defense authorisation bill delaying that more and more employees be cleared to California contractor where all but 701 of construction of fast food restaurants on handle sensitive malarial. The Pentagon %Ml •uiilnjaas have some degree of military bases until January 1, IMS. Existing report noted a 44 percent Increase in "top security clearance, and adds, "Of these TO, fast-food outlets on the outskirts of a Georgia secret," "secret" and "confidential" it woaid not be unreasonable to assume that military base - many of them ' Another big victory for Villanova clearances from 187» to 1983, and a disturbing perhaps 400 to M0 of them are in the process complained to Mattingly when tendency for overworked investigators to for security clearances ' the Pentagon announced a chaia i There can be one of two expla- The fiery and emotional Massimino "clear anyone" toe contractors want cleared. The report makes clear that the contrac- would be aUowed to build on the base Itself Though It attributes some of the huge tors won't reduce the number of security Mattingly wants the decision put off at least nations. The man is out of bis mind, turned down the deal, reportedly at Increase in security clearances to the Reagan clearances on their own. It points out, for until there has been time to study the or there's still some hope for the least 92.1 million over 10 years, after administration's "rearmament program," example, that Pentagon regulations already situation. traditional values of loyalty, family night-long negotiations and only hours and friends. before be was expected to be in- Rollie Massimino, a pure New troduced as the new Nets at an Jerseyan. yesterday surprisingly re- afternoon press conference. Even seasons go out of season jected an offer by the New Jersey "I felt it was in the best interests Nets that would have made him one of my family, Villanova, our play- of the highest-paid coaches in the ers to stay at Villanova," said the 51- BOSTON - I have Just been invited to an sports, where the schedules are about at ing. Today she'd be running late. The end-of-season sale. That, in itself, is not natural as Astroturf. The Boys of Summer National Basketball Association. He year-old Massimino. "The decision Christinas catalogs have all arrived by surprising. After all, spring ended on start playing with the snow and end In the Columbus Day. They are decking the com- decided to stay with his family and was very trying and tiring." Thursday. frost. Hockey teams were still skating after mercial halls with Imported holly before friends at Villanova University, the He could have added "shocking," in But the season that has (one on sale in my the ice had melted in northern Manitoba. Halloween. The 12 days of Christmas have defending national collegiate cham- this day and age of the big buck local department store is not spring. It is extended to 1*0. summer. I have been Invited to aa end-of- psons. bonanza in professional sports. Where did all the seasons go? What summer sale. happened to the dictionary definition of Now here I am, a woman who has not yet Ellen Goodman season as "one of the four natural divisions burned s strap mark onto her shoulder, and of toe year"? It seems that the more we are they are selling out the last sundresses A divided from nature, the less the seasons are woman who has not been in the water, but As for football, I suppose it's become the divided from each other. is warned to get my red-hot bathing suit tomato of sports. You can get it all year round now, but it's lost lit flavor. Nature plays a much smaller role in the OTHERS' before they're ail gone. A woman who has life of the average urban American than it barely turned on an air conditioner and Is told In fact, it is food that has been altered the once did. Fewer and fewer of us actually that "summer must go" to make room for most by our unseasonable way of life. When work outdoors. From Monday to Friday we the fall. The tell, mind you. I was a kid, we used to wait for the may only encounter the outdoors between the My personal dismay at this Invitation (it strawberries to ripen. Now we wait for the car and the door. Weather has become a New Jersey gets high marks does not require an RS. V.P.) is not the result plane to arrive. It's possible to get almost weekend event. of some profound desire to rush out to the anything at any time of year. But it's Increasingly, the air we breathe and the Anew nationwide survey has nearest dressing room, stand in front of a Impossible to get it to taste like anything. water we use is heated and cooled to a worker's compensation rules and three-way mirror basking in blue fluorescent ••awarded New Jersey high marks repaying the state's unemployment monolithic comfort tone. If you don't love light, and buy a bikini. Frankly, I prefer I have a Vermont friend who flunked a winter, you can leave it on the next super- for creating a favorable business Insurance debt to Uncle Sam also candlelight and hand mirrors and hand-me- blind tasting of berries one January. They saver. If you can't stand the beat, you can get climate for manufacturers. contributed to the improved climate. downs. were not blue or black, she maintained; they out of the kitchen and into an air-conditioned The annual survey conducted by the "New Jersey is winning In the But it seemed to me that this end-of-season were a species known u "Made in Cali- movie theater. tale was the ultimate markdown of the entire fornia." It's bard to know whether the ability to Chicago-based accounting firm of competition for business growth," concept of seasons. Today, seasons have Not only do we alter seasons, we invent protect ourselves from nature Is worth the Alexander Grant & Co. showed that says an official of the state Business themselves fone entirely out of season. pries «f alienation. But it's part of the It's bad enough that we uprooted assorted tome. Tell me, for example, what our New Jersey had the best business and Industry Association. "Ten years ancestors would make of the "cruise Western desire to master nature instead of holidays from their rightful place on the living with It. We consider It progress that J climate in the 12-sUte Northeastern ago the cost of doing business in the calendar and dropped them onto Monday. season"? Or the holiday season as we have region last year and moved from 29th state was the highest in the country. come to know and love it. The Plastic Man when we get up to the morning we have to -» Imagine what Mother Washington would say turn on the radio to know what the to 24th place nationally among the 48 Since then the state's public- and If site knew she bad given bird to George on of the modern commercial world can stretch its arms Into the most distant calendars and temperature is. states surveyed. private-sector leaders have worked a third Monday. But we now manipulate Indeed, if the Bible were being written whole seasons out of their sequence without pocketbooks. The survey bases its rankings on 22 extremely hard to turn that situation today, It wouldn't sty, "To everything there even a thought of Mother Nature. Once I read that Eleanor Roosevelt had all factors, including tax and population around." is a season." The psalm of modem life reads: The most blatant example of this is hi her Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiv- "One sit tor fits all." growth and vocational education en- The work, obviously, is paying off rollment, vhere New Jersey made in a healthier manufacturing *Ktor. impressive gains. Tightening up New Braswicfc HenMTNews YOURS

Defending Poor'i painting If anything she Is a rather modest nude who • i «|jJP^pa*«p cookies aa the views us ss much as we view bar. We are To The UUor: faced with the artist's grasp of reality and it The resent appearance of Penelope Pi registers in all of us. us that sates oar attention aad The Register "BSBTBI^BBB^SBBBW** •njl tto^b eusssasBtl outcry which ass appeared la Its) subtlety of the need tones aad the masterful coloring of the face and Its way do we asset* 0M „ Establishsd in 1878 — Published by The Rod Bank Register one of the 6 serious pornography on our news that baa happened to Red Bank In a long time, reflection of light reveals that Ms. Poor Is a A Capital Cities Communications inc. Newspaper fine technician aad an excellent composer. - —— — — - f| i i "•• • • *r» m •wivi It Is an elixir lor oar eyes and minds and, la our midst? Perhaps because ht t thi f h GEORGE J. LISTER t reeeh"ts commercial endorse... Pr««id«ni tnd Publisher ome.lthM ^&£Ett2™ SE* form of advertising and serves to n. stimulated everyone to s response of sns sort a second look. By the time we have taken our feelings towards the marketable If roe Bill Thompson Charles C. Triblehom Jane Foderaro or the other. even a casual glance at "Make-up" it has can seU it, It mast be of seme vafw. After Sunday Editor C% Editor all, money is sseeass - sad that we asaaO For oflaasrs, it is neither vulgar nor engaged not only our eyes, but our minds as understand. *-•»•• pornographic. It was not painted to stimulate the prurient or perverse side of our minds In an age when we have become visually MMY. JUNE 21. 1985 The Register

John C. DeMont Michael T. Pascale Robert M. Haralla Congressman OBITUARY Robert Michael Haralla, 37, died John C. DeMont, II, of Matawan, He was also a member and past Michael T. Pascale, », of Middle- died yesterday In Garden State grand commander of the Alahmbrs yesterday in Bayshore Community P. Jr. town, died yesterday in Riverview Hospital, Holmdel. takes hard line Nursing Home, Holmdel. of Keansburg, and a former member Medical Center, Red Bank. Born In Bayonne, Mr. DeMont had of the Matawan First Aid, and M.E. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Mr. Born in Bergenfield, Mr. Haralla toward Shiites bean a resident of Matawan Haley Hose Co., Matawan. Pascale moved to Middletown IS had lived in Tuckerton before mov- He was employed at Tidewater Oil His wile, Grace Crlpe DeMont, years ago. ing to HaxM one month ago. Co., Bayonne, for 40 years, and be died In 1963. A 1W3 graduate of Middletown WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Rob- was also an electrician supervisor at High School South, he was a student He was a black lack dealer at Surviving are a son, Edmund De ert Torricelli, D-N.J., has adopted a Anaconda Copper, Perth Amboy. Mont of Old Bridge; three daugh- at Robert Morris College, Pittsburg, Resorts International, Atlantic City, for one year. tough attitude toward the captors of He was a communicant of St. ters, Joan Hussey and Mary Beach the approximately 40 Americans ... He was employed by the Inventory Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, of Matawan, and Jacqueline Freyer He was a former teacher, em- being held hostage by Shiites in Control System, Florham Park. Keyport, and a former Matawan of Old Bridge; two listers, Mrs. ployed at Matawan High School, Beirut. Surviving are his parents, Michael Borough Councilman from IMS to Doris Fish and Mrs. Viola Scnencle, where he was musical director from The Hackensack congressman, J. Pascale and Patricia Donovan illiam W. Mumford Sr. I960. also of Whiting; six grandchildren 1976 to 1984. He was also employed one of New Jersey's most liberal ' Pascale of Middletown; and a sister, He was a member and past grand and 11 great-grandchildren. at the Lloyd School, Matawan. legislators here, said yesterday that Kristin Pascale, at home. William W. Mumford, ST., 80, of knight of the Fourth Degree Knight! the United States must consider The Day Funeral Home, Keyport, The John F. Pfleger Funeral He' was s member of the Mu- formerly of Atlantic of Columbus, Lodge 3402. using military force to free the Is in charge of arrangements. Home, Middletown, is in charge of sicians Union, Perth Amboy, and the died Wednesday at hii prisoners who were taken during the arrangements. Directors Guild of America, New York City. hijacking of TWA Flight 847 last Born In Vancouver, Wash., Mr. VeraFeddeler Friday. Mumford moved to New Jersey In Surviving are his wife, Jeanne "If our hostages are to ultimately 1930 and resided in Atlantic High- Landells Haralla; a daughter, Tracy die, as inevitably some may die, I Vera Feddeler, 85, of Shrewsbury Park, and was also a member of the Ruben Hailstork R. Haralla, at home; and his mother, hope the last sounds they heard were land! for six years before moving to died yesterday in the Weitwood Hall Methodist Women and the Methodist Panlppany SI yean ago. Ruben Hailstork, 88, of Red Bank, Mrs. Rose Haralla of Haxlet. of American soldiers attempting Nursing Home, Long Branch. Home Auxiliary. their rescue, so at least they'll know died yesterday In Freehold Area The Day Funeral Home, Keyport, Born In New York City, Mrs. Her husband, Albert C. Feddeler, they weren't forgotten, weren't from Prior to retiring IS years ago, he Hospital, Freehold Township. is in charge of arrangements. Feddeler lived In Aibury Park and died in 1943. i nation of cowards," Torricelli said. worked as a microwave research West Allenhurst before moving to Born in Amelia County Va., Mr. scientist with Bell Laboratories In Shrewsbury three years ago. Surviving are two sons, Albert J. Hailstork lived in Red Bank for the Whlppany for 40 years. Feddeler, with whom she lived, and past 70 years. She served as a Republican Com- Robert O. Feddeler of Eatontown; He worked for 18 years as an He was a member of the Denville mitteewoman for Asbury Park from four grandchildren and two great- equipment operator for the Ameri- Community United Methodist 1(40-1960. grandchildren. can Smelting and Refining Company, Church, Dennville, where he was a Perth Amboy, retiring in 197$. She was a member of the First The Ely Funeral Home, Neptune, member of the board of finance . He was a member of toe Calvary United Methodist Church, Asbury ii in charge of arrangements. Baptist Church, Red Bank, and a He was treasurer of the Sedgef ield member of its trustee board. Civic Association. Surviving are a niece, Mary Cox of The Traditional Leader Mr. Mumford Is listed in Who's Francis R. Crepeau Middletown; three nephews, Earl Who In America under the heading! Mallory of Atlantic Highlands, the Fromjapan of Science Industry, and Methodism. Francis Raymond Crepeau, 68, of Survivng are his wife, Marie Rev. Guilford Davis of Perth Amboy Matawan, died yesterday in F.E. RiccardelU Crepeau; four sons, and Howard Davis of Washington, Surviving are Us wife, Elizabeth Parker Memorial Home, Ronald Crepeau of Cambridge, N. Y., DC. Ooglass Mumford; a son, William W. Piscataway. Raymond Crepeau of Marietta, Ga., The Adams Memorial Home, Red Mumford, Jr., of Manchester, Robert Crepeau of Jackson, and Bank, is in charge of arrangements. Conn.; a daughter, Mrs. Joan M. Born in New York City, Mr, Richard Crepeau of Dover; two SturU of Franklin, Pa.; two Crepeau had lived in Roselle before brothers, Albert Crepeau of Oneon- brothers, Edgar R. Mumford of moving to Matawan 14 years ago. ta, N.Y., and Roland Crepeau of Anapolii, Md , and Harold S. Mum- Jackson; two sisters, Mrs. Corlne He was a supervisor for General ford of Walnut Creek, Calif.; eleven Sommers, and Mildred Crepeau of Cornelius Broderick Jr. Motors, Linden, for 35 yean, retir- grandchildren and twelve great- North Bergen; and seven grand- ing in 1970. Cornelius P. Broderick, Jr., 44, of grandchildren. children Port Monmouth, died Wednesday in He was a communciant of St. Riverview Medical Center, Red The Par Troy Funeral Home, Lawrence Roman Catholic Church, The Waitt Fuenral Home, Morgan- Bank. Parsippany, Is In charge of arrange- Laurence Harbor. ville, Is in charge of arrangements. Born in Scarsdale, NY., Mr. ments. Broderick resided in Cranford before moving to the Port Monmouth section of Middletown in 1979. 2OT Death Notice William E. Ward Sr. He was a 1983 graduate of the 8H06UN Citadel Military College in South MUMFORD — MM w Sr.. m Jim IS. ISM Carolina. icaaMnrtt I ar BUM* D. Inaa fulfill] _ j 1 mnaiiii w. jc. aM Mn. Jaan M William E. Ward Sr., of Fort He was a member of the First He was a U.S. Army veteran of the flni •jwllty tax* al Franaan. Pa. tnmr at ttmj R. mi HaraM Myers, Fla., died Monday in Presbyterian Church, Rumson. Vietnam War. S MtmnMK 11 arandttiam and 11 gia«- franamaaian. RMVM ana manat ara IMM IO Riverview Medical Center, Red Surviving are bis wife, Brigitte an mnm HrMa a* Sinn Pmtnl Mama, »»W Hau» SS. WuhM, tu. TX was a United States Army veteran of Red Bank, Is In charge of arrange- The John E. Day Faneral Home, (FomSriY In'iIn'ijj ShrewsburShrewsburyy 741-2799 MMM Part, TMMn Naa. MJ. Vwaaf Mm at «a World War II ments. Red Bank, is in charge of arrange- o» fim Hama. PfMa/ HIMMt ments.


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Recognizing antiques Vaca,ion church ^^ Eldred Steniel of Holmdcl, an antique dealer for 25 years, will The Lutheran Church of the Good lecture on "Recognizing Antiques" Shepherd and the Lincroft Presby- at a meeting of the Red Bank terian Church will co-sponsor a Historical Society June U at 8 p.m. Vacation Church School July » to in the Red Bank Antique Center August 9 in the Lutheran Church. All Building II. children age 3 through sixth grade Stenzel will speak on identifying are invited. marks on silver and porcelain and The registration deadline is July will discuss what to look for In IS. identifying prints, furniture styles and periods. Sexual disease clinic Steniel, a certified appraiser with The Haslet, Aberdeen and the International Society of Ap- GRADUATES — Newton Beron, right, education coordinator, praisers, Is manager of Building II Matawan Regional Health Depart- 6COUTING AWARD - Fred S. Faber, left, chairman of the volunteer ments will sponsor a sexually trans- presents diploma to Dawn Bacote during graduation ceremonies held and has taught a MAECOM antiques by the Monmouth County Association for Retarded Citizens recognition committee of the Northeast Region, Boy Scouts of course for five years. mitted disease clinic at Bayshore Hospital. The free clink U is held adolescent program in St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Long America, congratulates J. Fred Billet, center, after presenting him with Members and non-members are every Monday from i tot p.m. In the the Silver Antelope Award of . Loren Riggins, a committee invited to attend. For assured seat- Branch. Suzanne Buck, Christine Trzeszkowskl and Pamela Gnllo wait outpatient clinic No appointments tnernber, looks on. ing call Mary Kirby. Red Bank. their turn. Others who received diplomas were Jeffrey Berg, Teresa are necessary. All services are Callaghan, Jesus Carrion, Anthony DiCapua, Donna Hawley, Robert confidential Meyers and Louis Qlannini. Billet receives Scouting award Mj| rj|8jown In the community, Billet served as MIDDLETOWN - J. Fred Billet, a member of the Middletown Town- here, received the Sliver Antelope ship Economic Development Com- Atlantic City trip Award from the Boy Scouts of mittee, the finance committee of the America at its annual regional Shadow Lake Association and a The Bayshore Recreation Center, /t meeting in Puerto Rico. successful capital campaign for his a facility of the Middletown Town- A paid directory of coming events for non-profit orianixations. Rates 1S.75 for three lines for 1 day (11.00 etch The award was presented to Billet additional line), $500 for three 11DM for two dan (II50 each additional line), $$.90 for three lines for three days church. ship Department of Parks and ($2.00 each additional line). 17.M for tare* lines for four or five days (B» each additional line), $t.00 for three lines for his distinguished volunteer ser- Scouting'i Northeast region, the Recreation, is accepting appli- vjpe- to Scouting in the Northeast lor ill to eight dayi ($J 50 each additional line), $10 SO for three lines for nine to ten dayi (WOO each additional line) largest of six regions in the country, cations for its trip to Harrah's $13 50 for three lines for eleven days. Each additional day 11.00, each additional line $3.00 Deadline 11 AM. two days Begkm and for his contributions in comprises councils from Marina Casino, Atlantic City, August before publication Call The Daily Register, S41-W00, ask for The Date Secretary. ttfe community. Maine to Virginia, plus Puerto Rico, 4. The bus will leave the center at 4 JUNE II - FRIDAY HOUSE TOUR potpourri of homes 1.19 p.m. Paramount Theater, ;B« had previously been awarded the Virgin Islands and councils in p.m. and return at 1:30 a.m. Ad- Singles Again one of the shores and gardens. AU. Highlands Histori- Asbury Park. Orchestra $15-$10-$S the distinguished Europe. The region's total member- mission to the "Chita Rivera show" largest dances every Friday p.m. In cal Society. 11-4 Refreshment! Start Metsanlne $15, Balcony $7 5015 ***v|«e award and the Whitney M ship numbers more than 800,000 is included. For reservations, call the ballroom of the Empress Hotel at museum, 27 Prospect Circle 17 S31-I37I for reservations. Yooa| service award for hit com- the center. Ball Room on the ocean by Asbury Pall 291-M54 ntsnlrv service Ave. Orientation 3 p.m. Dance t p.m. COLTS NECK - ANNUAL VAN- Billet served scouting pro- Complimentary buffet. All singles Monmouth Jewish Singles 21-31, KEE PEDDLER sale (Flea Mar- fessionally from 1938 until his retire- welcome For further Info call hosts a under the stars house party. keti Sponsored by the Colts Neck ment in 1979. As national director of 7:30 p.m. til t Volleyball, DJ, Historical Society, at the Montrote barbeque 1] Spring Garden Rd., Lin- Schoolhouse. Monlrose Rd <• Cedar operations, he was responsible for FOCUS weekly dance for all! activities and program service at six croft. Members $5. Non-members $8 Dr 9-3 p.m. For Info, call 462-1371. singles, separated, divorced, a.. 747-1.11 eve. *»U. «*days regional service centers. He also WE BEAT THEJOHPETITION widowed Presbyterian Church Hall, served the trust fund development 352 Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury. H* Stone Church Fair • Navesink, Sat NJ Symphony Orchestra pops con- committee and capital campaign block east off Rt. 31). DJ, buffet. 10-3 p.m.. White elephants, books. cert, Brookdale Campus, Lincrofl committee for the Scouts' Mon- Donation $5 Discussions I p.m. games, plants k food. "An American Salute." Bring a pic- tnooth Council in Oakhurst. Dance J JO p.m. nic spread. Gates open 5 10 p m Con- He is presently a member of the JUNE 22 - SUNDAY cert 7:20 p.m. {Rain or shine) Adult The Joan Parent Realtors parking Northeast Region Board and serves JUNE J1-J7 $5 Child $2. Day of concert M M RED BANK ARMY NAVY FRIDAY-THURSDAY lot sale, 10 am 5 p.m. Rain data Sun m many of its committees. Monmouth Arts Center $424002 St. Agnes Church, Atlantic High June 30. Reservations 110 per space 12 M0NM0UTH ST • RED BANK • 842-8333 landi. will sponsor a trip on the MIs- Call Joan Parent Realtors dally M AUGUST 4 - SUNDAY nuipi Queen. Memphis to New Or- p.m. 22M114. Antiques, furniture, Trip to Harrah's Casino leans. Call »i-ot7« or 2*1-0272. clothing, jewelry. '$2 Chevy Van, etc "Chlfhafe" with ChlU Rivera Transportation, show, $$ coins, JUNE H-U - JUNE tt - TUESDAY foodies on bus. $20 per person. 50%-60% OFF SATURDAY-SUNDAY Navesink House - "Let's get Ac- Leaves 4 p.m. Returns approx. 12:19 Senior Choir of Calvary Baptist quainted Luncheon." Learn more p.m. 717-1(90 tor info Benefit for Church, comer of Bridge Ave. k about our Retirement Community Physically Handicapped Program River St., Red Bank will be cel- On Rt 35 in Red Bank. 1:30 a.m. EVERYTHING ebrating their (3rd anniversary on Registration and refreshments Slide AUGUST 17 - SATURDAY Sat., 7:30 p.m. with various groups presentation, apt. tour, question time The Middletown Township H.S., WEDNESDAY JUNE 19 through TUESDAY JUNE 26 for the night and Sun., 3:30 p.m. with and $2. Luncheon. Call $42-3400 for class of 'W and 'M. 20 year class Rev. Steele from Freehold to bring reservations. reunion Lakeside Manor, Haslet. NJ • SALE INCLUDES ALL CAMPING EQUIPMENT the message. Come out and support For Info 4*644*2. 222-70*6. $42-4*4* us on both occasslons. The Asbury Park Chapter Daniel T. Newman • 6.I. SURPLUS • MILITARY & WORK CLOTHING SPEBSQSA Inc. guest night. We sing SEPTEMBER 2-1* JUNE H - SATURDAY every Tuesday night, 7 45 p.m. at St MONDAY-MONDAY 2000 INDIA DRESSES • SKIRTS • BLOUSES Flea Market at Fair Haven Fire- Lukes Methodist Church, Broadway. St. Agnes Church. Atlantic High- innapolis graduate house grounds Jane B, rain data Long Branch. Come Join us see the lands, will sponsor a trip to Norway, * FEATURING - THIS WEEK June H Benefit of Holy Communion fun your missing Sweden and Denmark Cost SIM* per ;»ODDLETOWN - Daniel T. New- Church Spaces M Tables * space person, double occupancy Call an. son of Margaret M. Newman, $14. Reservations Call $43-43*7 after JUNE M - SATURDAY 2*1-097* or 2*1-0272 here, and Robert B. Newman, Mt ALL CAMP 6 CAMPING EQUIPMENT 3. Metro Lyric Opera "El Travalore" Vernon. Va . graduated from the ^Vted States Naval Academy, An- INCLUDING ALL DUFFLE BAGS • PONCHOS •ipoiis, Md , and was commissioned • WOOL BLANKETS • FLASHLIGHTS • GROUND CLOTHS J, second lieutenant in the Marine • G.I., FOOT LOCKERS • TENTS • SLEEPING BAGS ttrps r> Newman, who hopes to become a • ARMY COTS • BACK PACKS • COMPASSES • AXES Urine pilot, will begin his training • AIR MATTRESSES • SLEEPING PADS • HAMMOCKS METRO LYRIC OPERA t Quantico. Va. • SURVIVAL KNIVES • MESS KITS • CANTEENS ERA TOGNOLL Executive Artistic Director Newman graduated from Totten- • DOUBLE BURNER STOVES • CAMPING UTENSILS jlie High School and was an Eagle Present* i-out with Troop 5090, Eltlngville, • SURVIVAL FOOD7 DAYS • SAN AD WIIMUCHK MORE tajen Island. "IL TROVATORE" by Giuseppe Verdi SATURDAY, JUNE 29,1985 at 8:15 P.M. Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park 40% ANTHONY STIVANELLO Stage Director


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AUENHURST ASBURY PARK RED BANK ArnaofADenhuncOfts ftanui Shop of Convention Hal Jack'. Mu* Shop 401 Spier A*. Convention HaS Arcade 33 Broad Sow 53HO32 W-7333 8424X731

BOX OFFICE OPEN FROM JUNE 23,1985 - 12:00 to4:0 0 RM. CALL 531,2378 or 775 0900 trnM by NJ. S» Comet on ri» Ara The Register


FRIDAY PRIME TIME SATURDAY PRIME TIME ; 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 • 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 t O run— Fortune America's Junior Mies Movie: "An Innocent Love" Cover Up O Project Hrmt Mike Hammer \ I i O NBCNaM Family Feud TV Parts Spencer V Miami Vlca 1 o Of Your Life Fight Backl DM. Strokes Your Move Q. Break M. Family Hunter t M'A'8'H A. Bunker o P.M. Mag. C.Burnett Greet Escapes nfflWS o TooCloee ABunkar Movie: "The Snake Pit" News Black News ABC News Ent. Tonight o Webster Factory Benson Craziest Matt Houston o Ent. TooJflht Weekend T.J. Hooker Love Boat Finder Of Lost Loves Century News o Baseball: Montreal Expos at New York Mats Komer o N#WS Baseball: Montreal Expos at New York MM Komar In Search Ind. News Baseball: New York Yankees at Detroit Tigers (D Independent News ID Jetfersons The Movies Movie: "Lady In A Cage" ino. news WaH St. Jrnl. MacNell / Lahrer Wash. Week Wall St. Wk. Greet Performances Diva Ivanhoe W.America Nature Of Things Film On Film S. Previews Movie SeMfOfd WKRP m 9 Movta: "The Fighter" Africa: Continent In Crisis o Star Trek I Spy The Saint MHontire Maker © Baaebal: at Confd Games Baseball: Braves at Reds © Wrestling Cont'd Movie: "The Sea Chase" H'! Heroes Btnjifnin 9 Taxi Movie: "Sands 01 The Kalahari" C. Country m Solid Gold Lifestyles Movie: "The Defiant Ones" •M SpoCtr Bowling USFL Football: Los Angeles Express at Orlando Renegades ESPN SportsCantar USFL Football: Arizona Outlaws at Memphis Showboats

HBO Movie Jukebox Movie: "My Tutor" Movie: "The Natural" HBO Workin' For Peanuts Movie: "Oclopussy" Comedy

USA Radio 1990 Dragnet Wrestling TNT Boxing USA Hollywood Cover Story Movie: "The Late Nancy Irving" Movie: "Tennis Court"

TMC "Under Volcano" Cont'd Movie: "Clash Of The Titans" Movie: "Cross Country" TMC Movie: "The Omen" Movie: "Damien: Omen II"

•HOW Rock Festival Cont'd Movie: "Bachelor Party" Movie: "Porky's II" SHOW Comedians Cont'd Gallagher Brothers Bizarre Joan Rivers


Theater featured at Club Bene Dinner Theater, Route 35, Morgan, through Music "DEATHTRAP" - Ira Levin's June 30. The play tells the story of a food BLUESBREAKERS - John May- comedy-thriller, "Deathtrap," open- all's Bluesbreakers are in concert at ed the summer season at the Levin and wine connoisseur with an eye for women. At a party he meets his the Club Bene Dinner Theater, Route Theater on the Douglass College 35. Sayreville, at 9 p.m. today. campus of Rutgers University, New match in a young woman, and the Brunswick. battle of the sexes begins. Mayall was formerly with Eric The Levin Theater Company is a Joseph Rembisz. New Monmouth, Clapton, Jack Bruce, Mick Taylor, professional troupe in residence is the director. Performances are at Mick Fleetwood and John McVie. summers at the university. 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and The show is preceded by dinner, "Deathtrap" is about a successful Thursdays; 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays optional, at 7 p.m. Contact the dinner writer of Broadway thrillers who, through Saturdays, and at 7:30 p.m. theater for reservations. struggling to overcome a dry spell, Sundays. is prepared to go to any length to There is an optional dinner served KOOL CONCERT - Kool and the improve his fortunes. The plot before each performance. Contact Gang, rhythm and blues pop band of unfolds with twists, turns, and the theater for reservations. this decade, entertain today at Great sudden shocks in a blending of thrills Adventure, Jackson. and laughter. Musical Theater They are performing songs from Performances are at 8 p.m. Today the new record album and their old "THE PIRATES OF ones. through Sunday and June 25 to 30. PENZANCE" - Gilbert and The Levin Theater box office has Tickets are available at the Great Sullivan's operetta "The Pirates of Adventure box office. ticket information. Penzance" is being staged at the "LAST OF THE RED HOT Jewish Community Center. 100 JAY BLACK AT BENE - Jay LOVERS" - Rising Star Pro- Grant Ave., Deal Park, Ocean. Black and the Americans return for ductions is presenting "Last of the Miriam Kafker, Middletown, their eighth engagement at the CTub Red Hot Lovers" at the Empress plays the role of Mable Norman Bene Dinner Theater, Route 35, Dinner Theater. Asbury Park. Hart is the Pirate King Morgan, tomorrow. The show is at Richie's at the The show maintains its original Empress. music and plot, but has a modem This noted recording group of the Performances are Friday and presentation. 1960s is performing at 7:30 and 11:30 Saturdays at 8 p.m., with dinner at Curtain is at 8:30 p.m. June 27, p.m. Each show is preceded by an 6:30 p.m., and at 3 p.m. Sundays, 9.30 p.m. tomorrow and June 29, and optional dinner served 90 minutes with dinner at 1:30 p.m. at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. before each curtain. The dinner theater may be con- Ticket information 4s available Contact the club for reservations. tacted for ticket information from the Community Center. IN COMPETITION — The "I DON'T WANT HER ..YOU "ANNIE" — The Monmouth Coun- Squan River Band will compete in BAND CONCERT - The trie national Wild Turkey Battle of CADAVER! (SHE'S TOO STIFF ty Park System's Summer Theater Brookdale Community College Band FOR ME)" — A new comedy by presentation, "Annie," is on stage at Country Bands In Nashville, is in concert at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Tenn., in October. Members are Jane Milmore and Billy Van Zandt is the Thompson Park Theater Barn, Allaire Village. Wall. having its premiere at the Dam Site Newman Springs Road, LIncroft Shad Woolley, Spring Lake Qinner Theater, 1213 Sycamore Performances are today through Also featured is an art show and Heights; Altha Cook, Brielle; Rich- Ave , Tinton Falls. Sunday and June 29 and 30. sale noon to 4 p.m. All events are ie Gaffney, Wall; and Corkey It's the playwrights' newest offer- Curtain is at 8:30 p.m. each open to the public. Spittiehouse, Ocean. ing. They return annually to star in performance. their newest play along with local Program reservations at Thomp- talent they choose. Van Zandt is also son Park may be contacted for ticket the director. information. Performances are Wednesdays 'DISNEY SUMMER MAGIC and weekends through June 30. SHOW" — The combination live Dinner at 0:30 is followed by stage show/feature film, "The Dis- curtain at 8:30 p.m. Contact the Dam ney Summer Magic Show," opens a Site for reservations. 10-week engagement today at Radio "THERE'S A GIRL DM MY City Music Hall, New York. Boat. Batf »3.75 SOUP" — The Broadway hit com- Tickets are available at the Music TURJCtU edy, "There's a Girl In My Soup," is Hall box office or from Ticketworld. TUBl STEAK (Hot toj) >L85 Sal. Squan River Band" Country Western Walt St. Pub „ ANNOUNCING THE OPENING 01 CROSSWORD THE WATER WITCH LOUNGE

ACROSS FEATURING LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Natural Gas Grill EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT S Mountain road STARTING FRIDAY JUNE list 9"— f Gas Parts 14 Cotumnltt "BOBBY VACCARELLI & Grills For All Brands EVERYONE" 16 Resound 16 Additional OFF OF FOR LUNCHEONS a DINNER DAILY 17 OypaydanoM COMPLETE 19 Caravansary 872-1771 20 DMknuleh SAVE 20%GRILLS 21 Acqulree.ln Dogpatch s 4th of July 23 Ocean: abbr. 24 — as (since) 1 26 Roman calendar ANDIRON "SB? data 27 Cover 2074 Hwy. 35, Middletown 29 NYC suburb 31 Rap. 32 The whole quantity 33 "- Street

36 Busy place M Hot milk drink. C 1Se5 Trlbon«*M«]|i .. Me. 6/21/85 40 Cltyn All Rights R Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: RESTAURANT 41 Dine 5 Washington and LOUNGE 42 One —time I'll'JMMU /.JI4HU I HIM! I 231 Bay Ave. 43 Funny one 6 Bank abbr. IJIIH.MII MHilf.l Ml Mil Highland*, N.J. 46 Swedish man's 7 Jap. military UMHIJUHWiJUfl IJIJHLl men of yore IllUr.lH 14k 11.1 111*14 291-4488 291-9353 47 Loch- 6 "Not-,my IJUUlMUki UI.II4 HIUI4 50 Flood lord, aa she L1HUH 1.11'JH Hl'Jl.llJ 52 Food fragment Is troubled" Mill IJIIHIII4 [Jl'JLlU Sunday 12-3 53 Mournful cry 9 The Oood Quean I4UHIIIIIIU milt ItVlll Sip sparkling champagne and wanh 54 Arm Joints 10 Logger's tool UUl'IU Ml 1 adI 111 i'Jlll'l SEASON speogL. sail boats bend to the wind white you 57 Guam city 11 Violin, tor enjoy our sumptuous brunch. With 59 Klndofboota LILIlll'l JI4I4 ll'JUII 18 buffet style entrees to choose from •1 Inn 12 Angry MlJIIUIJIIil Ui;|[.jlll4H (such as beef stroganoff, eggs, pan- 62 Organic 13 Toolbox Items ULJU HliU tJULlLl cakes and much, much more), we compound 11 PHoMngetal believe it's the best brunch value kiuuu I.IUIH;II4IJIJII;:III anywhere. So why not being a bunch S3 Big eat 22 AJjanMeCtty to brunch at the Molly Inn 64 BuHdlng thoroughfare . Will lit MLI14L1 KJLJUU 28 Burrower IJI1I.II4 111411 I tlJI4IJkJ Including a ihis Sunday. YouV have a sparkling material good time. MOhwoffemoke 26 Handsome- t/n/st complimentary 86 Mot) or lob •nd handaomedoee M Hamnwrpart 4S CanMl champagne Only $8.50 27 VeMote MJoeeorJuan 4a Aver - cocktail complete Buffet Style Brunch DOWN 2* Curved mokMng 44 Shaipehooter 51 SkW 1 Rlngmen 30 Remainder 48 NewOrieane SSNYetnMt 2 Writer Gardner 32 Jap. native unrverelty S6 Volume llnafaatte MOmKe 4eFam«ybranch SS Bex RouKJV elate 38 SmaH: eurf. 47Beeryand SS Bom Red Bank NJ OPEN FOR DINNER WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY 747 2500 4 Mournful cry 37 RoeeiruKs Webeter 80 Ftshegga MMV. JUNE 21, 1985 '** Tfce WEEKEND UPDATE

Silver, has opened a new exhibit, Auditions training for young musicians through 7:10 p.m. today at the Monmoulh — Persons 14 and older may register STRATION - A demonstration of pade IX. Candidates are selected to County Library, Eastern Branch, for a blacksmlthing workshop blacksmithing takes place noon to 3 Italian Majolica pottery. PARK SUMMER THEATER - participate in oat of three or- Shrewsbury. planned for 9 a.m. to noon tomorrow p.m. Sunday at Longstreet Farm, The exhibit features colored and Performers are invited to partici- chestras, the New Jersey Youth The film Is Uw story of a self- at Longstreet Farm, Longstreet Longstreet Road, Holmdel. ornamental pottery loaned by Fran- pate in the Monmoulh County Park Symphony, the Preparatory Or- confessed genius with a grudge Road, Holmdel Persons under 12 must be accom- cis Bates. It continues through Sept System s open auditions for Summer chestra and the Orchestral String against a soap company who de- Program reservations at Thomp- panied by an adult. The program, 1. The museum Is open 2 to 4 p.m. TTieater performances of "Romeo Training ensemble. termines to win astronomical sums son Park, Llncroft. should be con- sponsored by the Monmouth County Sundays only. .ind Juliet " on Its radio quii. tacted Park System, is Int. SEASONAL -SOJOURNS - The Auditions are at 8 p.m. July IS and Admission Is free. ALLAIRE FLEA MARKET - A exhibition, "Seasonal Sojourns: Mi- 16 at Tatum Park Activity Center. SUNDAY SEMINAR - A pro- flea market takes place ( a.m. to 4 MUSEUM PUTTKHY EXHIBIT grations in North America," Is Heath Center. Red HiU Road. gram on roses Is this week's Sunday Special Events p.m. tomorrow at historic Allaire - The Little Silver Post Office featured at Monmouth Museum, Middletown Seminar at Deep Cut Park. Rod HiU Village, Wall Museum, Prospect Avenue, Little Llncroft Additional information is avail- Road. Middletown VOLUNTEERS TRAINING - POETRY READINGS - Poet able by contacting Angela Knot at The 2 p.m. program, for adults, Is The Ocean Grove Historical Society Diane Lilli. formerly of Long the park system free. a training session for tour Branch, presents a reading of her Fun Seekers: VOITH SYMPHONY - The New FRIDAY NIGHT FUCKS - guide volunteers at 10 a.m. tomor- original work at I p.m. Sunday at Jersey Youth Symphony is having Champagne for Caesar," starring row hi Ocean Grove. Ron's West End Pub, Long Branch. Why We Offer You auditions through Sunday at the Ronald Colman, Vincent Price, Interested persons may meet at Poets John Samulary and Daniel $ I'nited Methodist Church. Summit Celeste Holme, Barbara Brit ton and the Great Auditorium, Ocean Grove. Weeks are also reading Art Linkletter. Is being presented at BLACKSMITH DEMON- 5" In Absolutely The symphony provides orchestral BLACKSMITHING WORKSHOP FREE COUPONS We want you to be our customer ART CALENDAR One visit will do it Here's Why: New Robert Cohen. Mark S. Levine. Ellen HANDCRAFT GUILD - The 10th L Smith, Richard P. Weyersberg KEANSBURG AMUSEMENT PARK anniversary of The Handcraft Guild and Valentine. It closMt to Horn* • Has Special v» price * pay 1 price (POP) Days of Central Jersey is being celebrated It continues through Wednesday. Hat No Admlulon Charge at Tuesday's meeting at the East GAINSBURG STONE EXHIBIT • Hu In Nw SCREAMIN' Brunswick Public Libeary Jean Hat the Fabulous White Rapid - "Romancing A Stone." presenting Water Slide DEMON" the Largmt All Steel Walling Civic Center. works in stone by Sharon Gainsburg, Roller Cottier on the Ettltrn The organization welcomes begin- Wayside sculptor, is featured at Hu 3 Giant Arcade* Seaboard ners and professionals. It offers Gem Art Galleries Inc., Long Hat IS Super Thrill Ridas • Hat 150 Total Attractions demonstrations and educational dis- Branch plays. Dot Sinclair. Cliffwood Beach. This Is Gainsburg's first one- Hat 25 Kiddle Ride* • Hat Loll ol Parking may be contacted for additional woman show in seven years in information Monmouth County She has exhibited FESTIVAL EXHIBITORS - An widely in the United States, and her exhibition of paintings by nationally work is in major corporate collec- known artists with close ties to New tions. of Free Coupons and Start Jersey opens Sunday in the gallery of 25 The Gainsburg exhibit continues Becoming our Customer the Kirby Arts Center at the Law- through June 39. renceville School The exhibit, in GRENA EXHIBIT - A one- conjunction with the June Opera person exhibit by Barbara Grena is Festival, features work by seven taking place at Little Silver Borough PRINT FOR CONSERVATION - A male Cinnamon Teal with spring artists, including George Segal. Ben Hall. Prospect Avenue. Little Silver. Dlumage is the subject of trie 52nd annual Federal Migratory Bird Sfcahn and Richard Anuszkiewici. Works in a variety of media and Hunting and Conservation stamp and is available as a full color print. CONTEMPORARY DRAWINGS subject matter are featured. MM Part - P.O. Boi 1H, Ktamburg, N.J. 07714 Each limited edition print is signed and numbered by Oklahoma artist K1-4H-14M — The third in a series of exhibitions The artist is a member of the Gerald Mobley and available at Create Your Frame, Red Bank exploring the richness and vitality of _J contemporary drawing. "New Work oa Paper 3." opens Thursday at The Museum of Modem Art, New York. The exhibition presents a selection NEW 7 DOT ADVANCE PURCHASE PLAN THROIXIH JUNE 30. of drawings by six artists noted for their work in other areas: Robert Morris and Bruce Nauman, sculptors; James Rosenquist. Rob- ert Ryman and Pat Steir. painters, add Robert Wilson, performance artist It continues through Sept. 3. GUGGENHEIM PAINTINGS - An exhibition of more than 100 paintings that span four decades opens next Friday at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Painterly Visions. 1940-1884 The (tyggenheim Museum Collection and Nlajor loans," is a presentation drawn from the museum's extensive holdings and supplemented with major loans from private collectors. It illustrates the international character of postwar painting and the pictorial concerns that artists HOW TO have pursued since World War II - Among the artists represented are Miro. Giacometti. Dubuffet, Jorn, Tapies. Bacon, Stuart Davis, Al- berts. Hofmann, Gorky, de Kooning, Pollock. Motherwell. Rothko, Rauschenberg, Warhol, Lichtens- tein. Stella, Noland, Richter. Man- gold. Chia. Cucchi. Dibbets and Kiefer The exhibit closes Sept. 3. STOUT EXHIBIT - Futuristic art by Richard H. Stout Is on exhibit in the fine arts department of the Long MAKAKEE Branch Public Library, 328 Broad- way. Stout, of Red Bank, is showing landscapes. He has exhibited at many galleries in Monmouth County and won first prize at toe Monmouth County Arts Council juried exhi- bition in 1983 and at the Red Bank Festival of the Aits in 1082. Stout's exhibit continues during regular library hours until July 12. PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT - Works by 14 photographers make up an exhibit in Gallery 10 at Brookdale Community College. Lincroft. "Photography III" presents the ENDSS MEET work of Ruth Shenhar, Anne Lucyk, Dorothea R. Hurley, Paul Cuba, Fred Duff. Nancy Callendo, Patricia Flynn. Cindy Buff. Barry Roth, Ted (TUES.-WED. j (THURS.-MON.)

Frank's (TUES.- (THURS. Fishery WED.j MON.) ALBUQUERQUE Grand Opening NEW ORLEANS •TI9/M29 DALLAS/FT. WORTH OKLAHOMA CITY DENVER M09/H29 PHOENIX $129/*149 HOUSTON •99/TI9 SAN DIEGO $ $ 129/*149 NEWARK KANSAS CITY *89/ 109 TUCSON »129/*149 All (ares are each way in Coach and tickets must be purchased on a round-trip basis by 6 30 85.* ATLANTA Eastern Airlines presents Super Saver Fares. They you have a full fare Coach ticket, you can upgrade to can save you a bundle to most Eastern destinations in First Class free"1 from July 1 to August 15, 1985. Make the continental U.S. Instead of 30 days, you can buy ends meet. Call your Travel Agent, or Eastern Airlines at your tickets just seven 212-986-5000 in New York days in advance from now or 1-800-E-A-S-T-E-R-N until June 30, 1985. And if in New Jersey

283 Main St. i dRN Matawan WE EARN OUR WINGS EVERY DAT •Reservationsmust be trade *n(Jfcfcrt» must be purchased at least 7 day* in advance. Stav-owr Saturday night required; maximum stay 21 days. Some blackout dales appiy. a „ penany wr canceaanon or cnenoes after tick* is issued Seats aw limited. Fares are subject to change without notice Other restrictions may apply 583-6070 t fcskfect to aveslaMMy ssMl Is Man** at lie** dtpwtur* Him only. ©1985 Eastern Air Linn Inr. FRIDAY. JUNE 21. 1985 The Register 13A ART CALENDAR MOVIE TIMETABLE

Paitel Society of America, the Guild SCHERER GALLERY - A group Information for the movll tlmelafcla If Fri. ParMct (R| Ram Mal. 1 00. 7 20; SI. ilfflo'l MAVMW aOOARt CINIMA II- of Creative Art, the Art Alliance of exhibition featuring the work of provided by theater operators Slnoe movlee ere Flra (RI 9:40; Sal.. Perfect 1:00, 7:20. 9:40 Fri.. Sat.. Coooon (PO-13) 12:00. 2:30. 9:00. Monmouth County and the Mon- •ubpci 10 change. II la recommended Vial teed- RT 9 CINtMA II. 7 30. 1000 more than 41 kaleidoscope artists ara can lha theater to oonflrm oorraol ttmaa. Fri. Pnnl'l Honor (R) Ram Mal 1 00, 7 19, mouth Arts Gallery. She works in continues at Scherer Gallery, 93 MOM MOUTH COUNTY 9:19; Sat., 1:00. 7:19. 949 Fri.. Sri Hfi Million* (PO) Run Mal 1 00. pastel, oil, watercolor and pen and FIT. 9 CINIMA III- 7:90, 9:30. Sal. 1:00. 7:30. 9:30 School Road West, Marlboro Fri . Lrfa Foroa (Rl RaUl Mai 1:00. 7 40. 9:40; ink in a realistic and impressionistic m., Maak IPO-HI "»• »•» Sal 2 00. 7:15. Sal. 1:00. 7:40, 9:40 Also featured are new soft pastel- Fri., Llle Force (Rl ReM Mal 1 00, 7 40. 9:40, style. 9:30 RT. S CINIMA IV- Sal, 1:00. 7 40. 9 40 colored sllkscreens by Japanese tnUTHMOM CWUIA H- Frt.. Sacrat Admlrar (P.) Ram Mal. 1 00. 7 39. The exhibit continues through next frt.. Jual ona o) «w aura (PQ-UI 710. Leal • 39. Sal, 1:00. 7:39. • 36 artist Koto. Dragon (PO-I3I 9:20; Sal. Jual ona ol 0>a Ouy» tUtUT Rao SANK novas i- Friday, and may be viewed t a.m. to 'M; Laat Dragon 9 20 Frl., A View 10 a KID (PO) Rain Mat 100.7:19. The exhibits continue through AtiuftV PAHK RT ssomvs-iN 9:49. Sal.. 1:00. 7:19.9:46 p.m. weekdays. Frt.. Sat.. Savarry HUM Cop (F1) 9:00, 12 16. MD SANK MOVISS II- June 28. Lvne I-TMMTM- PoUoa Aoadomy 2 I PO-13) 11:00 Fri.. Pleton (PO) ReM Mal 1:00. 7 90. ID. MONTCLAIR ART MUSEUM - GRAUPE-PILLARD N.Y. SHOW Fn\. Sal.. AH-Male Adurl FUma (XXX) ooninu- Sal. 1:00. 7:30. 9:30 oua from noon (rough ll» • M TOWN. SHWWMUFIY The first retrospective of the work of — Freehold artist Grace Graupe- LYRIC H-THSATIM- Fri.. Juot ona ot the Ouya (PQ-13) 7:39. »39; 9im«W«»UaiY PLAZA CINIMA I- COVER ARTIST — A sketch of •ft. Sal.. AK-OM Adult Fllme (XXX) oonUnuoua Sal. 1:00, 7 36. «» Frt., OdOMaa (POI 1 30. 4:20. 7 20. 8 45 Richard Stone Reeves, noted painter Pillard is among 32 artists whose from noon through 11:30 PM COUHTP.V- SHWaWSaHWY PLAZA CIMIMA II- works are featured in "The Razor the Sandy Hook lighthouse by Frt , Tha Laat Dragon (PO-131 7:30. »30. Sal. Frl., Perteot (Rl 2:00. 4:30. 7:20. 9:90 of thoroughbred race horses, is PARK nrimn 1:00. 7:30, 9:30 featured at Montclair Art Museum, Show" at Jayne H. Baum Gallery of Kay Turner, Rumson artist, Fri.. Sat, Two Hoi NOW Straight Fllma (XXX) LONO 9MANCH smawiauRT KAZA CINIMA HI- graces the cover of the 1985 oonHmjoua from noon through U 30 P.M. LONOKUK»I- Fri.. D.A.R.V L (PO) 1:00. 3:10, 9:20. 7 30. » 40 ] S. Mountain Ave., Montclair. the Hudson Center Galleries, New ATLANTIC HMMLANM Frl . 000MM (POI Flam MM. 1:00, 7:30, 9:41; MIDORIS*! COUNTY Reeves has been commissioned to York. Monmouth County Directory. ATLANTIC CINtMA I- Sal. 1:00. 7:30. B4S UMON Fri.. Maak (PO-18) 7 28. • 30; Sal. 2:00 7:25. LONQ MUNCH N- MflH.0 PARK CIMIMA |. paint more international racing Graupe-Plllard is exhibiting two Turner is president of the Mon- • 30 Fri., D.A.R Y.L (PQ) Rain Mal 1 00. 7:49. 9.46; Fri.. Pertact (Rl 1:10. 3 28, 9:40. 10:20; St. ATLANTIC CINtMA II. Sal. 140. 7:49. 945 Elmo'I Fire |R) 9:00: Sal.. Perfect |R) 1:10. 3 25 champions than any other artist in large works, one done in 1978 and mouth Arts Gallery. Fri.. Juat ona of lha Suva (PQ-13) 7 30. Sat.. 9:40. 9 00, 10:20 another recent piece. The exhibit 2 00, 7 30 MIDOUTTOWH MIHLO PARK CINIMA II history. This exhibition gives the ATLANTIC CIHSMA III- UA MIDOLITOWN I- Fn.. Sal.. Coooon (PO-13) 1:00. 3 10. 5 20, public the opportunity to see the continues through June 29. Ocean Grove Businessmen's As- Fn . Sat.. Tlta Laal Dragon (PO-131 t:1S Frl., Sal, datum to Ol (PQ) 1:19. 3 16. 5:15. 7:40, 9 55, 1240 (ATOMTOWN -'-I, 9:30. 11:10 WOOOSMIDOI original paintings of the great LIBRARY ART EXHIBIT - sociation and the Chamber of Com- COMMUNITY I- CINIMA I- thoroughbreds for the first time. Geometric impressionism paintings Frl . Rambo (R) Rain mal. 1:00.7:30. 9:30. Sal., Frt., Sal., OOOnlai (PO) 1:00. 3:19. 5:30, 7:*i, Fn . Sat. OooMee (POI 12:46. 3:00. 9:10. 7:30. merce. 1:00. 7 30. 9:» 9 45, ma tkwglee 12:00 9:46 The exhibit continues through July by Kirk Rendelson comprise an EXHIBITING SPACE AVAIL- COMMUNITV II- UA MIOOLITOWN III- CIMIMA II- Fri . Sacral Admlrar (R) Rain Mat. 1:00. 7:46. Fri.. Sat.. Prmi'i Honor (R) 2:30. 4:49. 7.15. Frt.. Set. D.A.R.V L. IPO) 2. 4. a. 9. 10 | 31. exhibit at the Monmouth County ABLE — Space is available at the 8 45,. Sat., 1:00. 7:46. 9:49 9:30. 11:49 SOMSRaJT COUNTY Library, Eastern Branch, Monmouth County office of the UA MIOOLITOWN IV- SOtHRSfT ART IN THE PARK - A two- IMT ammtwicK Frl . Sal. Rambo (HI 2:00. 4:00. 1:00, 9:00. L CINIMA I- Shrewsbury. Superintendent of Schools, Campbell • RUNIWICK 9OUAM CIMIMA I- 10:00, 12:00 Fri.. Sat, Coooon (PQ-13) 1:00. 3 10. 519. person art show of photographs by Frl , Sat.. Ooonlet (PO-13) IIS. 1:19. 5:30. 7:10, 9:40. 11:90 The artist's favorite subjects are Court and Route 9, Freehold, for 7 25, 9:90 UA woourrowN v- Bennie Clay Jr. and Chuck Mlley is Fri.. Sal.. Lira Foroa (R) 1:49. 3:49. 9:49, 7:49. RUTOtRS PULZA CINIMA II- carousels. local artists to exhibit. •RUH9WICK SOUAM CINIMA II Fri.. Sat .Rambo |R) 2. 4. 0. 9. 10, 12:00 at the Thompson Park Visitor Fri.. Sat. Cocoon IPQ-13} 12:49. 3:00, S 15. 9:49. 11:49 This exhibit, through next Friday, There is no fee to exhibit, but the 7:40. t:5S UA MI0OL1TOWN VI- RUTMM PLAZA CINIMA III Center, Newman Springs Road, Lin- PMBHOLD Fri.. Sacral Admlrar (R) 2:19. 9:46. Parted |R) Frt.. Sal. Life Foroa |R) 1:49. 3 50. 9:00. 9:10, may be viewed during regular 10:10. 12.00 croft. mounting and dismounting of the PKUHOLD CINtMA 9- 4:10: SI Almo'e Flra (P.) 7:49; Sal, SacrM Ad- library hours. Fri., Sat., Cocoon IPO-131 1:00. 7 25. » 48 mirer |R| 2:19, 7:00; Parted (R) 4:30, »:3O; Fri a RUTOUM PLAZA CINIMA IV- Clay, Freehold, travels the world exhibit is the artist's responsibility. FMtHOLD CINIMA 9- Sal. Song remain* the aame 11:49 Frl . Sat. Odunlea (PO) 1:10. 3:20. 5:25. 7:40. Dr. Elaine Audrieth may be Fri., Sat.. D.A.R.Y.L. IPO) 1:00. 7:30, 9 30 UA MiooLrroNW vii- 11:90 taking black and white photographs. PRUHOLD CINIMA t- Frl . Sat.. O.A.R.Y.L. (PQ) 1:19,1:19. 9:19, 7:19, RurOIIW PLAZA CINIMA V- His work is primarily dedicated to contacted at the education offices Frl.. Sat.. A Vlow to a KM (PO) 1:00. 7 15. 9:49 9:19; The Wall 12:00 Fri. Sat. Return to Ol (PO) 1 00. 3:09. 5:10. ART, CRAFTS SHOW - Regis- for additional information. PRtiHOLO CINIMA e. OCIAN TOWNSHIP 7 19, 9:19, 11:19 the landscape and its many forms. tration for the annual arts and crafts Fri. Sat., naton |PO.) 1.00. 7:11. » 35 HAVIIW aOUARI CINIMA I- RUTOtRS PLAZA CINIMA VI- ALLAIRE JURIED SHOW - The PMIHOLO OMaSMA 9- Frl.. Sat, Fletcn |PO| 1:49. 1:49. 9:49. 7:49. Fri.. Sat. D.A.R.Y.L. IPO) 2:00. 3:50. 5:40. 7 36, He recently completed a major exhibit at the Oceanic Free Library, Frl.. Sat.. Rambo (R) 140. 7:30. 9:90 9 45 9:30. 11:20 photographic study of northern New Jersey State Council on the Arts Rumson, is open. and Department of State invites Fri.. Sal, Ooonlaa (PO) 1:00. 7 25. • 45 Africa. His work has been exhibited County residents may obtain XT. S CINtMA I- throughout the United States and is professional New Jersey HE CAN FLY A JET. RACE A CAR 1 registration forms at local libararies craftspeopleto participate in a juried "Fletch is Chevy Chase's | in numerous public and private AND OUTSMART A COMPUTER. or at Rumson Borough Hall. quality crafts show and sale planned collections. ATLANTIC STRATHMORE THE GOVERNMENT CREATED HIM funniest movie." The show is planned for Oct. i and for July 20 at Allaire State Park, Miley's photographic works are TWIN. : TWIN •, , . 6. Prizes will be awarded in various Wall. AND NOW THEY WANT comprised of over-sized silkscreen categories. ATI AN I HWV 14 HIM DESTROYED. prints and a combination of print- ART, CRAFT FESTIVAL - HIGHLANDS AHFRDFEN CHEVY CHASE paintings. The large scale size of his Befarah Gallery, Ocean Grove, ALL SEATS S2.00 work relates to movie posters and plans its first art and craft sidewalk Sf>|'L, JC DRIVE-IN bill board images. festival July 6. all E/.J7 ujiioo CHER • SAM ELLIOTT D.RR.YL, This show continues through Sun- The event is open to artists, HAZLET 1 mllea eouth Jet Hint 9OX OFT1CF OPt NS 7 W PM FTeGh day. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 craftspeople, photographers and p.m. daily. Admission is free. sculptors. It is co-sponsored by the MASK EE3 Just One of the Guys mniOnminm THE LAST BOOWS

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14A LIFESTYLE FRIDAY. JUNE 21, 1965 A dying breed She's got the fever

I) EU£ If ME Th« Register The Rtgltttf RED BANK - Honest young men, with true moral At five years old, Carol Penn of character, may seem few and far between. However, Red Bank saw Arthur Mitchell of the they always seem to turn up when you need them the Harlem Dance Theater leap across most the stage. From then on, Penn was Grace Tomaino of Middletown thought all was lost reasonably certain that she was to when two weeks ago she misplaced a bank envelope devote her life to dancing. containing $440 in cash, part of her Social Security Twenty-three years later, Penn is income check, while shopping in the FfcW Woolworth one of eight persons in the country variety store, here. selected for a teaching fellowship "After I came home from the store, I went to look from the Alliance for Arts Educa- for the money and it was missing," she said. tion. Starting this summer, she will After searching the house, Tomaino called the teach dance to the blind and visually store manager and described the envelope and the impaired at the John F. Kennedy amount of money that was missing. Four days later, Center for the Performing Arts In store supervisor Mary Pagano called Tomaino and Washington, D.C. reported that the money had been located and was It is her parents, especially her turned in by a store employee. mother, Alma, whom Penn credits with providing the most encourage- "I was so surprised," Tomaino said. "Since it was Carol Penn cash, I didn't think anyone would give it all back. I ment for her career. During her figured they would keep it." earliest years Penn's mother took her on frequent trips to Manhattan to Penn recalls how the Deakin A 22-year-old law student and employee at Dance Ensemble was the center of Woolworth turned out to be her knight in shining see ballets and concerts. On one of those trips, Penn saw the young women's lives, and was armor. their only real social life. Dates and John McCune of Rumson, found the two envelopes Mitchell, "the most beautiful person I'd ever seen," recalls Penn. "The proms were out of the question, but wedged between two waste paper baskets, while that didn't bother her much. separating merchandise in the store. image of him dancing has stayed with me all my life." "We were so dedicated, very "I looked inside and found one bank envelope involved," Penn said. "We got a lot which contained $440 in cash and the other envelope Her parents and grandparents also read books to her on a number of of satisfaction out of expressing Contained some papers and bus tickets," McCune ourselves, which a lot of teenagers said subjects. "We tried to expose her to a little don't get to do." He gave the two envelopes to his supervisor, who After receiving her bachelor's in turn passed them on to the store manager, Samuel of everything," her father, William, said. Everything included flute-play- degree in dance education from New Cole. York University, where she is now a "I didn't think to do anything else but turn in the ing, skating, traveling, horseback riding, and even rifle-shooting. master's degree candidate, Penn money." McCune said. He added, "I never thought Joined the Alvin Alley Repertory to keep it for myself, it would be contrary to the "And all the while, I was danc- ing," laughed the lovely-featured Ensemble There, she performed Christian values I learned as a child and try to and taught dance to children. Penn practice." Penn, who once won a Miss New York City Beauty Pageant. "My said she began teaching as an Tomaino retuned to the store Thursday and economic necessity for she was collected the money. "I told John I wanted to give schedule went from seven in the morning to eight at night from determined to live and dance in New him a ISO reward for his honesty but he wouldn't take York. It, " she said. 'All he wanted was a big hug and a kindergarten to high school." "I made a promise to myself," she kiss." Penn began ballet dancing at age said, "that if I was going to dance After much coaxing and insistance from Tomaino. three, attending the Red Bank studios of Leah Mauer until age 12 in New York City, I wasn't going to McCune accepted the reward. be a waitress (to supplement her "When Mrs. Tomaino returned to the store on and Maureen Deakln thereafter until she graduated from Red Bank Re- income). I could have stayed in Red Friday I tried to give it back, but she wouldn't bear Bank and lived there for free." of it," McCune said "I guess she thought what I did gional High School. Among numer- Then Penn discovered she not only was something out of the ordinary — I just assumed ous other awards she earned during enjoyed teaching very much, but was most others would do the same." those yean were a 1973 trophy for also very good at it. In 1(80, although He continued, "You know it's kind of funny, even her performance at a Talent Expo at THE REGISTER/CAROLINE E. COUIQ a knee injury during a rehearsal kept though you do a good deed, you shouldn't expect it Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel her from performing for one-and-a- returned. My sister lost a gold bracelet, and after KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR - man who returned the $440 she Alma Penn recalls that her daugh- half years, "I was marketable as a much searching, we ran an ad in the paper and it Grace Tomaino of Middletown is all misplaced while shopping in F&W ter didn't enjoy competition as much teacher, even with my leg in a cast." never turned up. I guess people don't have the time smiles because she is standing beside Woolworth variety store, Red Bank. as the sheer Joy of performing. Yet to help others." John McCune o) Rumson, the young the Talent Expo award helped Carol At that point, Penn, who trains in Penn decide with certainty that she ballet but performs modern dance. was to make dancing a career. began her own program for blind and Under Deakin's instruction, Penn visually impaired children at Queens performed with an eight-member College, with the help of a friend Some mothers would rather close their eyes dance ensemble. As a dancer, said from Alvin Alley. Deakln, Penn Is "very light and This was to be the program's third Dear Asa Laaders: With all the aerial, very fast on her feet." Yet year, but grant money ran out. Then attention liven to the problem of Brownie leaders, hosted slamber graadchiMrea aad love to spead time there was something else special Penn saw an announcement in a child molesting, I cannot aadentaad parties, sponsored cheerleader with them, bat it mast be at oar that Deakln always observed ateut magazine about the Alliance for Arts aae aspect of this horrible sickness. Ann Landers grasps, washed football nalfennt csav—Isace. We'll call when we Penn, which demonstrated the* {Education fellowship. She applied Please explain It to me. and chauffeured van full of kidt to waat to take them far an afternoon of the teacher she was later t lor It, and three weeks ago, was told Why Is it that the mothers very baseball aad basketball games. or a weekead. We'll enjoy them aad become. ' <^r?* • shed won. Once again, she'll be the information aad my huiband wMtD side with their children When their SOBS and daughters retara them when the holiday Is "She has a very loving, giving working with a group of dancers she refMetl lo seek help. over. Tell them not to lease ap oar agate! these despicable fathers? la went off to college, Graadma gat personality," Deatin sajd, ".Stagjuu considers very, very special. That very day I started divorce retirement. We have plant of oar ease after case Ike women claim herself a Job. She worked for several patience, the willingness to re '.' "Once I got involved I became proceedings. I knew what I had to do. own. — Freedom Earned la Coa- they had no knowledge that anything years aad now she and Dad are and respect for others." . completely enthralled," she said. was going on. Or they say the child My child leaded me more than my looking forward lo retirement necticat Is imagining things, in ipite of the huiband. Why don't other women see Grown-up (Ms should stop leaning Dear Freedom: Others have sung toUd testimony of the abused yoaag- this, Ann? - Baffled In Montana on their parents aad hire a pro- the same song in this space. I'm glad sler and clinical evidence produced Dear Montana. This may be , fessioaal baby-sitter. We adore ear to print the lyrics again. by a physidas). difficult for you to believe, but many Fans women are so insecure and fright- I had the terrible experience of ened of being without a husband that walking in on my husband when he they will put up with anything rather was molesting our 4-year-old daugh- than risk losing him. They refuse to •MCftAN* ter. I became so enraged I could accept the realities of the situation ! Here's how to subscribe DO. have killed him. How can a man do because they do not want to be such a thing to an innocent child? forced into making the choice to The Register: When I looked at her beautiful face Pathetic? You bet. This is why I knew at once that I had to make other family members must take DOaily & Sunday $1.35 DDally $1.00 DSunday $35 sure this terrible thing would never positive action to save these children NAME PHONE happen again. from the devastation of sexual I went at once to talk to my abuse, no matter what the conse- ADDRESS- clergyman. I found no help there. He quences. said I must be mil taken becaue my Dear Asa Landers: Say It again, T0WN_ STATE/2IP_ hasband was luch a fine man — a pleaae. Grandparent! are not baby- I clip and mail coupon to: pillar of the church. sitters. Grandparent* are people For horn* delivery call: The Register ™ Then I made an appointment with who have probably raised several ! One Register Plait 542-8880 a therapist. I was told my hutbaad children, taught Sunday School, I Shrewsbury, NJ 07701 would probably never change coached Little League, been home- ATTN ClraiHtton Dtpl without professional help. I relayed room mothers, Cab Seoul and Newcomers9 YOUR HOROSCOPE Guide

If STELLA WILDER is time to accept a different FRIDAY, JUNE 21 perspective. Sunday, June 23 Born today, you are blessed with LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - a myriad of talents, ranging from Beware of anticipation where The Register's guide to Monmouth County is the organizational and analytical to affairs of the heart are concerned if the creative and spiritual Howev- you wish to avoid unnecessary hear- filled with valuable information for both new er, yon are seldom satisfied with tache. and established residents. merely realizing potential and you SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - quickly become bored with acting An excursion to the country may within your already wide range of prove to be not only relaxing, but Well acquaint you with Monmouth County's experience. Learning is paramount surprisingly profitable today. Let You are quick to delve into situa- your hair down! history, if s governing bodies, available com- tions that present new or unusual SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dac. munity services, recreation and entertain- problems, and you are at your best 21) - Companions offer support as when extending your limits or you contemplate a change. Don't ment. trying your wings. hesitate to share thoughts, feelings. Has EXPANDED People and places provide end- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 10) - Become familiar with what to do, see and less fascination for you; you have a The early hours offer challenge. Com* help us celebrate keen sense and understanding of enjoy in Monmouth County with The Regis- Gather strength and proceed confi- June 22-23 history, and are aware of a vital dently, or the evening may bring ter's Newcomers' Guide Sunday, June 23. continuity between past and pres- disappointment. Clowns • Balloon* • Free Gifts ent events. You are rather intellec- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - tual, and gain much through read- Visit our new Ice cream store ing What you thought would be difficult may unfold without a hitch if you featuring WELSH FARMS Also born on thin date are Mau- are willing to accept assistance. reen StapUton, actress; RainhoM PISCES (Feb. IB-March 20) - Country Fresh Dairy Products Ntebuhr, author. The time has finally come to bold To see what is in store for you your peace. Be patient, and others Buy one) cone, tomorrow, find your birthday aad will eventually see it your way. read the corresponding paragraph. ARIES (March 21-AprM 19) - A get one FREE with this ad Let your birthday star be your daily past expenditure of energy results •aide. in gain. However, do not be too Offer good MS*- 7-15*5 SATURDAY, JUNE 22 quick to reassess your poeition. Highway 38, Highlands, NJ. CANCER (June 21-July 22) - A TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - good day for brainstorming; get Strength and confidence are high Open daHy 11 am -11 pm Get More together with friends or partners today. Yon may find yourself and examine alternatives. throwing caution to the wind - LEO (July 23-Auo. 22) - Humor enjoying yourself! Local News gets you through a difficult family GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - A situation. Be prepared — surprises golden moment Is made possible by a shrewd adjustment today. Keep The Register may come your way. your wits about you and walk soft- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sopt 22) - You DAILY CT SUNDAY may be surprised to find a new Copynitit. 1M1. attraction where there was none. It Uottad FMturt SyndlcaU. Inc. Your Hometown Newspaper £^\ The Register


m All-County Softball: mi South displays power kMletown South dominated area Softball and it to that strength which ii reflected on The JMRegister's All-Monmouth County Team. The Eagles have placed four playeri on the elite list. Seven of the 13 player, named are seniors, but the class of 17 makes a solid showing with three getting the nod along with one Junior and a rarity ... one freshman. Heading the lift for the top-ranked Eagles are pitcher Vicki Phillips, catcher Helen Wilson, second baseman Tracey CahiU and third baseman Doreen Schneid. The rest of the county was well represented as no other team has more than one player on the first team. The two other in the dream rotation are flreballen Maureen Bell of Long Branch and Jennifer Siemasxio of Manasquan. Jean Roma of Wall Township is the first baseman and Mary Snira of Marlboro is the shortstop. Sbonda Becker of Mater Del i> the designated hitter while Debbie Homefield of Red Bank Regional, Karen Maslo of Henry Hudson and Andrea Begel of Shore, Regional man the outfield. DOREEN SCHNEID JEAN ROMA Vicki Phillip* |%hillip» threw a no-hitter and eight one-hitters Vwhile leading the top-ranked Eagles (24-1) to toe I Shore Conference "A" Division North, Shore Conference Tournament, and Central Jersey Group IV titles. Her record of 12-1 is unsurpassed in the area, making her the main reason why the Eagles were able to become the first team to wjn back-to-back SCT crowns as well as their sixth straight "A" North and third straight sectional championships Highlighting her record are 136 in 139 innings. She pitched to an average of 1.46. The Monmouth College-bound senior said Smith's success was slightly unexpected. "We didn't expect the season to turn out like this," Phillips explained. "We were inexperienced, but we were dedicated to practice and Coach (Tom) Erbig instilled the will to win in us." Maureen Bell KAREN MA8LO SHONDA BECKER ell tossed three no-hit games in building a 14-4 record for the Shore Conference "B" Division BNorth champions. Of her three no-hitters. Bell says the first against St. John Vlanney was her most memorable. "St. John's was the best because It was the first one and 1 had pretty good control' that day. My' fastball was really working." The senior righthander says winning the league title was perhaps her greatest thrill of the IMS season. •Winning the conference was one of our goals,' Belli

Long Bell had 134 strikeouts and had an of 2 18. She wlU be taking her talents to Georgian Court College la Lakewood next year on a grant-in-aid Jennifer Siemasiko temasko is one of four sophomores on the squad. She is the main reason why the Big Blue went JENNIFER SIEMASZKO ANDREA BEGEL S20-2 and won the "B" South title before going on to the finals of the SCT. She was 14-3, which was a slight bit better than last years' 11-1 mark as a freshman. The tall righthander gave most of the credit to her team and expects the Big Blue to continue their success next season. "I had a great defensive team behind me," Slemaszko praised. "We have a lot of people coming back and we hope to be just as strong next season." Helen Wilton ilson was the unsung hero of the South team and if there was a "Miss Clutch" award, she Wwould be the recipient. Wilson batted .506 with 40 hits, seven home runs and a whopping 43 runs batted in. She was at her best with runners on base, whether she was standing beside the plate or crouching behind it. She threw out II baserunners and didn't strike out once all season long. Wilson came back after missing last season with MARY SZURA TRACEY CAHILL s knee injury and despite playing in every game, the pain never went away. "I hurt the knee in the beginning of the season again," Wilson said. "But the team wouldn't let me quit. After surgery last year, I worked with weights, THE REQI3TER/CARL 0. FOfVNO swam a lot and skipped basketball so I could play THE PHILLIPS METHOD — Middletown South High School's star pitcher Vicki uftball. Once we got to the tournaments, I knew it Phillips fires in one of her specialties during a state high school sottball game. Phillips was just a few more games, so the pain was a little helped catapult the Eagles to the Shore Conference overall title and the Central more bearable." Jersey Group' IV championship. Jean Roma I oma hit the ball at a.47S dip with Whits to lead FIRST TEAM i Crimson Knights to anil-* ledger. The senior POSITION NAMI SCHOOL YEAR P VIcklPMIIlpi MlddletownSouth Sanlor > was adept guarding first and coach Frank P »«miM LongBranch Senior Montemurrow says Roma is the best to come down P JennlferSlemeazko Minaequan Sophomore Route 38 in a while. C MlddlelownSouth Sanlor "She's the best hitter I've seen at the high school," IB JeaHfMwNn Roman Wall Senior 2B TraetyCaNi MlddlalownSoulh Sanlor Montemurrow said. "And I'm not the only one that 3B DoreenSchneld MlddlalownSoulh Senior says that. Other coaches in the area have told me SS MarySlura Marlboro Sophomore DM ShondaBecker Malar Dei Junior the same thing. She's a pure hitter ... just OF OebbleHometleid RadBank Sanlor tremendous. She also does a good job in the field. OF KarenMaelo HanryHudton Freahman "She can hit any type of pitching," the Wall OF AndreaBegel ShoraRaglonal Sophomore mentor continued. "Fast, slow, it doesn't matter. SECOND TEAM And she's a good all-around person with s good attitude. She's also an 'A' student." P MWMMI MiddletownNorth P LIHSulllvan RadBank P J—iWmjr Malar Dai Tracey Cakill C JaeMeManoei KeamDurg 1B St. John Vlannay *%ahUl is the third of Sooth's contingent named 2* Middletown North here. The second seeker was by far the best in aassDabWaBudrd FreeholdTowmhip Uthe Shore at that spot. She hit the ball at a .444 •SS DonmMego MonmouthRegional OH SuaTMw MlddlatownNorth clip while scoring 41 runs, stealing IT bases. She OF Sue Mellon Red Bank Catholic collected » hits and M runs betid in. In the field. OF RoaamaryMurphy Red Bank OF KlmO'Rourke MlddlatownSouth she made just six errors, and turned the double play with the proficiency of an expert. THIRD TEAM Although the- Eagles were the first to repeat a* P KaMy Van Dyke Shore SCT champions, Cahlll believes that to be the P DanlMBaular Neptune toughest game for South. P AnnetteFlecher MiddletownNorth It was very bard to get up for that game following C MIchetleVerMegar. MonmouthRagional our first loss of the season la Ike state semifinals." If LlndaHomaflald RadBank 2B Martannaflecher RadBank IB HeidlEberhard MawrOei SS CarolynBreecka MiddletownSouih OH TheneaJanwich Keypori to win, Bat OF Sandy Cora Neptune hedhada OF Karen Bruen MlddlatownNorth OF TrlcllMcAulay Freehold one thing nty Pigs 31 DEBBIE HOMEFIELD IY. JUNE 21, 1985

SPORTS BRIEFS Lady's Secret, Gene's Lady head field F. Reading, ships down from Rock- recently, has a modest impost of 114 and has had chips removed from her ingham Park in New Hampshire for pounds Antley is scheduled to ride knee twice," he revealed Little Silver's Reid victorious Tht the Regret. She also has raced her. "She has Just a few nces remain- ing, to we decided to bread her. OCEANPORT - Mr and Mrs exclusively in stakes company this Eleanor Casey's Milady's Eagle hfgtpw)^ in mid-April She's in foal | -L Fta . • the fr"-«"«i« of the le- Eugene V Klein's strong of year, with five wins and two seconds sped five furlongs over the turf to Royal Conaort who's by Exclusive •PEddte Rod took his first step af the national Lady's Secret and Gene's Lady from eight starts Stew Carracio coarse as a swift 57.1 to win Native and a three-quarter brother I toward a Nai I today If he be wins hearts a field of 10 In tomorrow's will handle the reins at 118 pounds yesterday's eighth race at Mon- to Mr. Prospector Ojsmpic Bating wilt advance to the M0.000 Regret Handicap at Mon- The remainder of the field is as mouth Park. The time was just a cbnvtoaahip ytaUiday with a flwab) •—mn» afternoon mouth Park. follows My Tara. 117, no rider; Big tick off the track record of 57 flat set "My father and I have done this third-knockout of Conrad The brother of andefeated The Regret, carded for fillies and Monday. 117. Miller. Alden'i Ambi- by Antique Gold on Jane 11, 1M0 before and the mares are OK Some Belgarde of PukaU. Moat flaftasiissiil and two-sUte Gold- mares. 3-year-olds and up, going six tion. 115, McCauley, TwoOun, 114, Milady's Eagle, currently In foal, mares race a lot better because .Reid, who will be a sophomore en Glove champ Chru Reid. furlongs over the main track, will be Gary Thibeau. Stone Face, 1U, no paid 86.00. Trainer James M. Casey they're not cycling, bnut you really al Red Bank Regional High Eddie is represeolinf the Middle- the ninth race on a 10-race program. rider and Majesties. 107, no rider. talked about his 5-year-old star shouldn't race them beyond the fifth School in the fall, will meet town Police Athletic League in Post time for the fint race is 1:10 yesterday. "The mare's month of pregnancy." James Tate of Boraton Beach. the i The seventh race Saturday, the p.m. ttt.OOO Ambassador of Lack Handi- Lady's Secret, a 3-year-old Sec- cap, Is as attractive a race as the retariat filly who spent the winter in Regret Acquaro hurls first win California, has competed In nothing Lee's 68 breaks re cord but stakes company this year. She Of the 25 horses named for the ATONTOWN - Tmk Ac- Macaluso who smacked a two- stakes, six of the top eight high- Pines Country Club, site of the Andy quaro pitched Oceanport to ran single with the bases loaded has three wins and three seconds COLTS NECK - Shrewsbury's Williams PGA Tournament, July 16 from eight starts. In 16 career weights will run They are Judaire, Mike Lee fired a four under par 68 Its fint win in the Ed mine top of the fifth inning 110, Perret; Cato Double. 11». Vlnce - 19. ECarleton League last nifht as Macalusos hit allowed Ac- efforts she has six wins, three at Hominy Hill yesterday to lead the Lee was five-under going into the seconds and a third for earnings of Bracciale. Jr.; Kentucky Queen. state's 40 qualif ien for the Optimist they defeated Eatontown, M, In quaro to withstand a no-out, two- 119, Kelly CasUneda; Proud Nova, 18th hole but picked up his third (be North run homer in the bottom of the 843.747 She carries 114 pounds Junior World Golf Tournament In bogey of the round. He also bogeyed Gene's Lady, a 4-year-old What a lit, McCauley; Josalee, 118, Miguel San Diego. Division sixth before he yielded to Shore A. Rivera and La Reine Elaine, 117, 3 and 11, but birdied 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, Acquaro also received support Refional High School teammate Pleasure filly currently baaed in Lee's 68 broke a 28-year-old 16 and 17. New York with her stablemate, has Bracciale oTfensively from Greg Jacobson Vinnie Christopher, wbo worked record for the qualifying phase of Lee will prep for the Optimist two wins, two seconds and two wbo had a triple, a single and an out of a two-on, nobody oat jam. the tournament It was also the first Junior World Tournament by play- thirds from eight 1(05 attempts. She The Ambassador of Luck, open to RBI and Judd Garrett who also Monmouth Regional standout time Lee had ever broken 70. ing in the International Junior has career winnings of $319,810. She fillies and mares 3-year-olds and up, hid two hits and an RBI Kevin Keefer took the loss for As the state's top qualifier, Lee, Masters at East Aurora, N.Y., next totes 118 pounds. will be run at one mile and one- The key hit of the game, Eatontown. who lost for the first who will be a senior at Red Bank week. Chris Antley has been named on sixteenth over the turf course The however, was provided by Tun time In three starts. Regional in September, will receive Ocean Township High School both horses The indication is that quality of the field is such that an all-expenses paid trip to the golfer Kyle Ross also qualified for trainer D. Wayne Lukas will run just Dennis Diaz's Id Am Fac , finals in San Diego. That tour- Optimist Junior World Tournament one of the pair. stablemate of Spend a Buck and winner of an allowance nee here nament will be played at Torrey with a 74. Malloy duo takes net title Principal competition will come from Lisa Brooks's Nick's Nag and ARLBORO - Joan and Pat Jumpiaf Brook alae Top Hat Farm's Furash Folly. Malloy took the team net NEPTUNE - The nine-hole Nick's Nag won the $37,300 Candy MI.title in member-guest play players at Jumping Brook played Eclair Stakes here on June 11. Three at Holland Orchards with HI. with four irons and one wood horses, Alden's Ambition, My Tan Udene Megna and Nellie Tracey "A" Flight: low aet - Nancy and Big Monday, who are also pasted low grots, 153 McNulty, 34. low putts Bobbie entered in the Regret, ran third, Individual honors: low gross, Zentz, 13 fourth and fifth respectively to member: Joan Malloy, 72; guest: "B" Flight: low net - Eleanor Nick's Nag In the Candy Eclair Aon Treptow, 71. Low net, mem- Winning, 34, low putts - Joan Nick's Nag, trained by William R ber : Connie Guadagno, 5*. guest Vollmer, 16. "C" Flight: low net Albright, has won seven of 12 starts Gloria Boyle, St. Longest drive, - Nancy Ervin. 8; low putts • this year and has been on the board member Judy Roche; guest Audrey Smith, 13. in all but one effort. Craig Perret Kathleen Donnelly Closest to the Smith, Jo An Jones, Lucy Pace replaces Donald Miller, Jr. in the , member: Ann Trudeau: and Maisie Connolly record chip- saddle under highweight of 110 guest Marie Dooley Ins pounds FOAM DOCK 1 Furash Folly, conditioned by John Swing Set ' FLOAT BLOCKS rtaorxtr patio doors • Supports 500 Iba. • R»g. 21.00 BUILD A DECK $41999 $ • 9-o.e-a 99 AT UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGSII • insulating Olau CCA • 7M 00 List 14 » Ortltaa Optional '129" *139» axiO-INCLUMa ALL JOUTS. OMOCM a DCCKINO RAIL* 4 STEP* OPTIONAL OTHER fjCM AT COMPARAWJ tAVINQa, / INSULATED ENTMNCE DOOR ALL WOOD •119"' BARN KIT Reg. S260 Iqdudaa all Lumbar. 2-Sit-a AapenlM Ming. Rooting Hardwara Easy to luMd $188?§ Armstrong 2x4' SUSPENDED CEILING PANELS HTIwaiMC* awatnjtll Oenuln* Power At) QsMMlta KNOTTY PINE Ventilator PLANKING 9 • RaVtdOfTl nMQtht •Tongual »20latt WDM 44S • Wfilla quanmai M KaapiMlloa cool an4 55 29? •Rag 79- \ »» common* uaa. WOO

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1«M Bulek Skytiawk Cuatom Coop* Mta. Hat Including FralgM. Oasssr Prap• tTMITaxI Hoanat axotudad 3 m stock at ma prtos many ^^^H • • I BUICK RENA AM JEB 264-4000 FMOAY. JUNE 21, 1985 TheRegJrter All-County - Massimino rejects big bucks Continued from Page II th_~e "Cv " North title. The Seraphs Mooouth squad. Bat with a 441 woo that distinction by defeating co- batting average, including II hits, left that we couldn't leave undone. leadeer Keansbarnsbg in the last con- three triples and six homers, it Cahlll will attend Catholic Univer- fereace game of the would have been hard to overlook sity in Washington, D.C. not tall ays that was her most memorable "w- and will be concentrating mostly oa to stay with champion 'Cats •hooting and passing the basketball 31 had an to slugging for the Catholic. Debbie Homefield percentage while stealing 11 bases coaching situation. Mann has Villanova, would not In 11 attempts Head coach Pete EAST RUTHERFORD (AP) - favored hiring a college coach, but terms of Massimiao's I Mary Siura omefleld was greatly respon- Lardlarl say* Maslo has a number of Rollie Massimino yesterday re- he would not say if he still favored the school Wednesday, bat sible for the Bucaoeers' re- strengths. jected an offer by the New Jersey that path in the wake of Massimino's said the coach was expected te sign he tall, lanky sophomore was surgence hi "C" North this Nets that would have made him one decison. a contract within the next' " truly outstanding for the Mus- H "She Is the bast freshman player of the highest-paid coaches in the season, as head coach Andy Russo "We're big boys," said Mann When the team was teM of tangs, collecting 41 hits for a I've seen since Colleen Brady from T led Red Bank to a 16-6 mark. Keyport," Lardleri said. "She only National Basketball Association and "There are no hard feelings. Rollie Massimino's decision to stay, its 585 average along with SI runs Homefleld patrolled right field for struck oat once all season and decided to stay with his family and is still a fine coach." reaction was one of "uaeaaiseted batted in and 25 of 27 stolen bases. the Bucs, bat was more noted for friends at Vlllanova University. Massimino has compiled a 228-137 elation," Miller said. "Ninety par- At one stretch during the season, defensively, she was a strong bar .964 batting average, with M hits centerfielder who took charge in the * The fiery and emotional record in 12 seasons at Villanova, cent of them felt be wi Srura belted out 16 straight hits. Her and tl runs betted In. Homefield Massimino turned down the deal, winning the national crown last So did the Nets. coach, Randy Sclnto, calls her the outfield." reportedly at least $2.1 million over also had three * sad carted Maslo gives credit to her coach season with a thrilling upset victory Mann said Tuesday that be ex- best he's seen. a .M fielding average around Ridge 10 years, after night-long nego- over defending champion pected to have Masaimino signed "Without a doubt she has got to be for her performance this season. tiations. Nets President Bemie Road. Her strength lies hi bar "This was probably my bast Georgetown. within 24 to 36 hours, adding that the the best Softball player that I bare ability toUt line drives, which is the Mann said. His decision to stay at the coach had expressed s desire to seen," Scinto said. "She can run, season ever," Maslo said. "My reason for mam of her extra-base coach was a great help to me, The decision was made about 7 suburban Philadelphia school was come back to New Jersey, where he throw, hit and field as good, If not bits. Outfielders play relatively a.m., less than seven hours before warmly welcomed by school of- grew up. Mann remained ceaAdeat better, than anybody I've teen. She especially In teaching me the funda- •hallow hi Softball and Homefleld mentals of the game. Next season I the Nets were to hold a press ficials, who said they were informed Wednesday when attorneys for both is an incredible athlete." would often hit the ball In the alleys conference to announce a new about 7:15 a.m. sides went about hammering oat a How does a sophomore become so would like to improve my game and. In left and right center field. although we had a winning season coach, Mann said. "The university as a whole is contract, and the team railed a dominant on the varsity level? Russo had nothing bat praise ta- "I felt it was in the best interests delighted that Rollie Massimino has press conference. "I have two brothers and they this year, I would like for us to go lus diligent senior. even farther next year." of my family, Villanova, our players decided to stay," said Craig Miller, However, the hammering stopped have Influenced me in sports and I "She has a school record of 54 and Jake Nevin to stay at Vll- Villanova's sports information di- early yesterday, when the deal fell have been playing since first runs batted in hi one season, and Andrta Begel lanova," the 51-year-old Massimino rector. "The rare quality he has to through. grade," Szura explained. "Bat I came through with a lot of clutch said in a statement released by the make his athletes better men is Instead, the Nets will begin a atw hope to get a lot better in the field hits with runners on base hi our big egel completes the squad and university "The decision was very something that is hard to find." search for their sixth coach next year and make less errors." games," Rosso said. "She Is a good, tthe Bine Devil sophomore was trying and tiring." Ted Aceto, athletic director at UN. Her biggest thrill of the season hard-working and dedicated player of the main cogs In the Nevin, the long-time trainer at came at the expense of Phillips and and I'm going to miss her." wheel for the Devils' (17-5) drive for Villanova, has Lou Gehrlg's disease. the Eagles. "I got two single off of the "C" Sooth title Massimino could not be reached Vickl (Phillips) and that was a big "That was the one goal that was Begel hit sn even .400 with 23 hits, predetermined at the beginning of at his home or at the university, but thing for me and the whole team," 31 runs scored, seven extra-base his wife, Mary Jane, said in a Foster leads Mets Szura said. "She's an amazing the season," Backer noted. "It was hits, and an incredible .711 on-base- a tense game and it was really close, telephone interview yesterday: "I pitcher and it was a thrill for me." percentage ... something you would am happy with whatever decision he bang decided In the last Inning. hope for from your leadoff hitter. Doreen Schneid That was probably my bast all- was happy with." Begel didn't expect the Devils to That decision left the Nets past slumping Cubs around game. I just hope we can have this kind of season, her first chneid completes the infield as keep up the winning record next without a successor to Stan Albeck, well as the South foursome. She wearing the Blue and White. who on Monday signed a three-year loss in a row, their longest losing teamed with Cahill to form one "We were the "C" South champs contract with the Chicago Bulls NEW YORK (AP) - Is mid-June streak since a 13-game skid in June S Head coach Jeanne Dickson and we really didn't expect this type too early to start calling baseball after the Nets released him from the of the best combinations on the shouldn't have any trouble dupli- iae. basepaths. Schneid terrorized oppo- of season," Bagel said. "We thought final year of his contract. games crucial? New York Mets cating that mark with Becker re- we might break 900. We knew we Manager Dave Johnson doesn't George Foster hit a ' nents with her aggressive baserun- turning, along with a number of "We're back to square one ning and hard-nosed play at third. would be better, but coach (Nancy again." said Mann. "He was our No. think so — for now. grand slam and John underclassman. Williams) wasn't sure. I was hoping followed with a solo hi ran ro She batted an even .500 with 3* 1 choice. It certainly is disappoint- propel the Mets to victory < hits in 70 appearances while scoring Karen Matlo to do the best I could and the hard ing. We put a lot of effort into it." "With the way we were, this is work paid off. I also received a lot probably the biggest series we'll team to whom they lost the National 44 runs and stealing 22 bases. Her have signed a deal worth around League East title last season. on-base percentage of .710 is • •aslo Is a rarity in that she is of help from my coach and my 1350,000 with the Bulls have all year," Johnson said yester- phenomenal and her six errors at Eflthe only freshman on the teammates. I want s state title and Mann said Nets officials planned day after the Mets completed a four- "The sweep is great after what the hot comer were even more If Itquad and maybe thcr first I want to Improve my overall to meet yesterday to discuss the game sweep of Chicago, beating the the Cubs did to us last veer." remarkable considering she plays freshman in a while to grace our All- Cubs 5-3 to send them to their ninth Johnson said. close enough to smell the brand of perfume the batter is wearing. Schneid further explains the suc- cess at South "The will of the athletes to win was the main thing," Schneid said. "But the coach instilled in us that desire and we also have a deep SUPER SATURD tradition here that, we wanted to maintain Another big factor in our success was the togetherness of the team Schneid will try her band at AT business school upon graduation. Shonda Becker he junior Seraph had the mis- fortune of playing perhaps the Tmost competitive position in the FEATURING county this season ... shortstop. Becker hit 535. collected 34 hits and 35 runs batted to lead Mater Dei to Tigers top THE BIGGER Yankees SQUARE YAR DETROIT (API • Mike Armstrong uncorked a wild pitch while facing Lance Parrish in the 10th inning, allowing Lou Whitaker to trot home from third with the SATUWW JUNE 22,10 AM - 6 PM! winning run for Detroit as the Tigers beat the New York Yankees 10-9 last night. Dave Righetti, 4-6, took the loss as the Yankees had a four-game win- ning streak snapped. He was the fifth of six Yankee pitchers Doug Bair, 2-0, worked the last inning for Detroit for the win. With the score tied 9-9, Whitaker At CBO in addition to our worked Righetti for a walk on five low outlet prices YOU pitches and Alan Trammell walked SAVE EVEN MORE with our on four hit a fielder's- er square yard! Example: if choice grounder to force Trammell you need 60 so, yds. you only and send Whitaker to third. pay for 56. Shop, compare a ChooM tram • hug* Mtactton of save. The more you buy the Then Armstrong, who had pitched colon, ttyln, l*«n> *nd Mitws only 2 2-3 innings this season, came more you save — more carpet on and uncorked a wild pitch on a Pknlim. IWMds, Nvlera. Loop*. tor your dollar at CBO. one-ball count to Parrish that allow- Sxonm. Amrons. ScuHpiurat, ed Whitaker to score the winning SoMt, Bwbere, VMnts and Much run. Much Moral The Yankees held a 9-6 lead going into the bottom of the ninth, but the Tigers tied it off Righetti on RBI UUtVOH singles by Gibson and Parrish and a AnsoV run-scoring f ielder's-choice SOLD PLUSH SAXONY SOLD VELVET SAXONY grounder by Barbara Garbey. TONAL CARVED SAXONY WearOaied with Earlier. Rickey Henderson had Scotchgard and a new snapped a 6-6 tie with a two-out homer in the New York eighth and the Yankees made it 9-8 in the ninth on Bobby Meacham's two-run single. The Tigers scored four unearned runs in the second inning. Uirry Herndon started the rally with a triple and Garbey reached on an error by third baseman Mike Pagliarulo. Herndon scored when Alejandro Sanchez hit an RBI grounder that second baseman Willie Randolph bobbled for an Buy Direct OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOM

M.M The Register




5 Emargnj drown (no ndar) • 5 t Actot Mags {Ran S Econorrac Impact (Caaajnaaal M 3 Why NOSMrCh ( tat 87.8S» CI S(aa> Skat B 7 Honor Cadat (no ndar) S-1 ) r». 1 I/IS 1 Somaaody Fancy IMarguall Hi aa. S1t.Mt a *• • « 3 Sandaaw IMoCautay) 400 320 210 1-1 I BngM in«mr (Vargal Si S Kar mjga ICaaanadal 4 40 3S0 3 Jarcai [ mil) SI SO 14 40 7 00 3 Uaay Raai (Sacviouaal tM 2a Rough MM (Marcako) IS-1 S Round Tnp F>gM |H Vagal 140 4 Sukapa (Morgan) 41 SO I0S0 Ma Manaaa lAnday) '1' 3 wand Oat (Rocco) S-1 5 v*gm • Oraam (Thornaa)_ 440 Ya Bad Okl (AnrJay) 2*1 4 EtMKnrc Aga (Morgan) 4-1 THia (VrgBoW 4 K 3 20 2 40 m B1I.SM 8 Romantic Inktrkjd* (Rainay) i Oraan Card (no ndar) S-1 3 BO* Ctkvgar IMalandail 400 300 Oirl 7 Naariy Famoua (Morgan) Sa Sacrat Papa™ (Maroaao) IS-1 T intrapro Qan* (Thtr-ounj) 3 00 S Plum laland larridol Sk Hot Hoovaa (Marouai) . 1-1 7 Mornarnamy Reft (Farrar) 4-1 laaata: 1-1 SSS.SS 1200840400 Sk Dab IMarqual) 3-1 5 Saucy Chaaanoar (Roccol 1-1 0*a> bMSjia: s-i sis aa •Men Wattai iMtaar) MOO 210 3 10 Lilly Walk IMarqual) IMaroua.] 220 a BuBUy wa» (Tnomai) » i M: SS.atS lUMUM SnBk» 1IST* a** SS.BSS CI SS-R SI »n Si,«M Urn Mara la VM I Tykjr fi» (Anaayl 8 00 2 80 2 40 M B81JB My Ban (McCaulay) a-1 1 Qiranajituw (Connar) 4-1 6 Naval Cuaar IRoccoi 2*0 240 0aS> DaaBMat M BSSBJSS I SMatkjnng (Rocco) 3-1 2 Mr (Zurkga) S-1 3 Nona aanama,-. ;!>o*gan) 2 SO a*»: 811,as* *•*. I4r> >y«l.ra Mai *arl 5-2 3 Sarah n Lou'* Boy IVaoai 3-1 •aaaaK 14 111 4a 4 Mkady'l Eag" (Mauri 500 320 2K 4 Say La Hoy (Anaayl 2 Ckjaay Cut (Arkjay) 4*0 2 80 6-1 ar) S-1 «k 88.BM Om, >y. « Sa Sumkmdaqixk INkMI J-1 1 Qmgar Rock (Morgan) 340 s Sraagy Taw. iconnarl 7-2 7 Ful at Fonwia (Morgan) '80500320 5 Aknoal Payday iRocool a-! a tag. Daaraa ivaga) S-1 3 Stwnahon (Ayarza) 3 80 3 00 7 Saucy Tofcan (Parrat) 7a Al da Bndga (UMri S-1 DM 1 Fndaya F>ck IMraar) 2S0 s Monay* sa»an (Vagai 3 Ma Nna 0 (Rocco) S4O4SO3 2O a CUud Co«« (Roccol S-1 DH S Ban Baaaon {V-gkom 3 40 M: SM IT* « 9 (Hong aung (Morgan) S-1 i LiaaW (Caaajnada) a 80 4 20 1 Brrdraa Comat (McCaulay) 5 1 — •» t»m i» n r-s-i ssi as 2 Noooia Pudd (Looai) si la Fiat Man (Rocco) IS-1 T-MI u] 2a Down r* Hatch (Rrvara) 19-1 Mi: S1S.SSS Mi •aaSraSf r-2 7 Lanr Show (AnBay) , »i 3 OM Bomoay (CHTIM! S-1 340320 240 5 Cryatal Cameo (no ridar) S-2 4 Tnpta Edga (Rodnouai] 10-1 8 Dip ma Tin (no ridar) • ' 5 My Srtana (McCaulayl 7-2 r Mr Conquarot (Marnandai) 3-1 a DOM Fool Man Mt IRoocol 4-1 Monmoulh Park Selections tm. I1I.H* kW Uk* 7 Fajan Arctiar (McCaukjyi 12-1 Frankia'a Faanion (Morgan) 151 a Sporkng Fraa (Marouat) M 2 Mmaaar'a Brotnar (Bracciata) 20-1 fl Our Diplomat (McCaulay) 3-1 3 AHam (Braopala) 20-1 10 Sacond Endmg lAnaayl 10-1 The Register « AmagaHant iConnar) 20-1 11 SWmar (AnMy) S-1 S Lyra Ridga (Rocco) 52 to sa.ast Maya it- n« m 1 — Reese (entry), Nearly Famous, Grots (entry) •Jvm Onwiarrt {Morgan) 10-1 1 Honay waen (Vagal 10-1 2 — Sarah n Lou's Boy, Almost Payday, Rucy token 7 Too Aaaaeaa (Anaayi 12-1 2 Laat Road (Oiorgal S-1 I LordarwD (PamM) 3 Mas SMay IStacuhouaal 20-1 3 — Crystal Cameo, Wildcatter, Mr. Conqueror 121 t Son ol Baamr (Tnomaa) 4 Fran* DatvJM (TtiOmaa) 4 - Lyra Ridge. Too Restless, Lordship 7-2 10-1 5 Smvara and Crwaa (Cu**a*j '0* Pana FtgN IMcCauay) II 5 — Tiger Shark. Emerging Growth, Captain Joe 20-1 S BoM Oiaat IMarguatl I1 Sir LafkXaa Rlac* (McCauHyi S-1 It Evk Www ISmrlhi 1M 7a Shy and Nook) (BrrMm) 6 - Electronic Age, Island Gal, Bubbly Water 4-1 Ml MHO CIJy.1r.ri 8 Faat Fafxiloua (Roocol 10-1 7 — Quackerbow, Murphy (entry), Cyaneman 1 Bally OarTft (no ridar) 8 1 •« staar Moud * IVagai 1M 8 — My Shane, Our Plplomat. Stramar 2 Capiam JO* (Bracoata) 52 10 Danca lor Pkjaaura (Cuatraa) S-1 3 No Phcna Mrka (no ridar) 12-1 11 Cnaggy llum) 9 — Ctiaggy, Fast Fabulous. Shivers and Chills a-1 4 Tgar snark (Rocco) 12-1 12 Jfl*V tyn (MMandai) Bast Bat: Electronic Age (6th)


•UOwUWS: ROT! TSM S P M 4 Bon Sport (S Oancarl S-2 2 Hrgti c (W Caaa J-) 30-1 4-Oukl (ODonnaH) 3 20 2 SO 5 Hoflyhural (W ODonnaK) 15-1 3 ironatona Roaa ID Amur) 3 1 10-OoM (Marari)) 3 00 S Fat Baa IB witjata) 2-1 4 Skanl Baron (R Ramman) II ••••a s-4 110 M 1M: Raa« SIMM 1.4.M yr aMa 7 DBMa Koamoa (H Korp-) 20-1 5 Mountain Rooty IJ Pkrknol mi: SS.aaajfaaa.raaa a« UMrOH CITY BUS" 8 AnyiaaaiH Way (0 Snydar) 12-1 8 Hank* Tgar (F Browna) 3-Doc Monday (Onpeaai a SO 4 20 4.20 1 Travan LOPM (W Ottoman) S-1 HN U i« J Nordm Staua anlry 7 Naw Courtatwp (J Donany) 5-Rio Oranoa (ODomB) 3 20 2 SO 2 ManuM Craan (E Dam} S-l aa. TM HMTOMC CUR S Pkjnat Earin (R SHvarman) . 9 Florida OOO IDohany) 3 20 3 F.iad Aaaa* (B Wataw » 2 SpaMCaSM KWaaai 8 Jada Rabat IB watjwar) Iiaeta U Ml M 4 Couraand Capar ID u Catmpban) Hsnasiie stuns • 17 10 Tanda to BVa-nnaai IN PanilaaM) •* a>tst ssa a* 8 ' 5 J JB Bunny (H Fikon) 10-1 1 RraUM (W O'OonnaH) 5-2 AEl Kaian Hanovar (J DGnany) siasaa. a^ 6 Suprama Oynaity IE Lohmayar) 2 Piggvar (S Oanoar) 8-1 AE2 Magic Fryar (M Oagkarrk) 3-Klrby Momanlum (Caaa) is 7 wnaa Nan (M Mcwcnoi) 121 3 Army Pro (H Blianngi) 20-1 ilk: Raaa* c»«a 18 SO 8 80S 20

8 Sam* Pnnca (no dfivar) . 10-1 4 On Tour (no (Jnvar) IS-1 MJOS 4 r aaaa lax 7-0 Hoaaphat (Campba» 9 20 720 5 LimwBd Partnar IM O'DonnaN) 12-1 t Kayatona Baautcn (E. Hamar) S-1 1 Slop tna NOkW (no dnvar) 8 1 J Worknan Jan (Manorial . 1SS0 10 Oangnaia u CampoW) , 12-1 5 Proud SOkt (M rtorpi) . 12-1 2 Edana imp g Ootiarty) 10 1 OnaMK (M| SIM 88 ASSOCIATED PRESS Ba* Raaa S11.SSS S.4.M r -Ma 7 Scokan Capn (W O'Oonnaai 12-1 3 Slap Happy (J Campbaa) 5 1 InsSK (J-7) » HOLDING HIQH — Manute Boi. the 7-foot 7-inch center on the Rhode Island Gulls S Maakjr Wrfta (no dnvarl .. S-S 4 OokJan dan IB Wacatan 3 1 iaa>: aa aaa , 1 Taw a LOOK u Campoat) io-i m: Raaa 5 Qotdcrask Nal (L) (H Fikan) 8-1 3 JO a) of the United States Basketball League, holds the ball aloft in game against the New 2 SnanQhai Lobaii (B Wabitar) 1 Brat LOOM (W O'Domai S-S 6 SubaKt Maoar (W ODonnaHi 4 I 17 40 10 20 400 S-1 3 Qua B (E Lohmayar) S-2 2 Mad 1U CNp (0 Inako) 12-1 7 Fan Lin* (no dnvar) :.. 12 ' 2 Bapa Falcon (Rankml 4.40 3.20 Jersey Jammers at William Paterson College in Wayne Wednesday night. Chipper Harris 4 Parra Loball (H F«on) 8 1 3 Mantpha N(J King Jr) IS-1 8 Strok* at 0*mu* (In C«M Jr) 8-1 7-Armbro Daoona« (Wing) . 240 (right) and John Wiley (left) of the Jammwers can only watch. 5 Accordian |J Campoal) 4*1 4 Brockton (J Campbao 10-1 9 Waakyi Hanovar u : •*rty| 20 I laaMa: MB 8 Slay RM (E Danal 10-1 5 Canons Draam (0 Rroono) 20-1 10 Flying A |E 0*/v») 10 I 7 Bya Bya Fatt (B Wibani) . 12-1 S Lucma LobaH (no drtvar) 4-1 AEl Nawl LooaM (C Aboakako) 1 Margaa Ban lOavkJ) S.BOS20 4 00 8 Humardon |R Ramman) ... 7-2 7 Comandar (L) IJ Pkjanol S-1 AE2 BMB IP Vumtacal 4-J Fo> ICampbM) 8 SO 5 SO > Ouialandng Slock (W O'DonrM) 10-1 S Kory Hanovar IJ Pk»nol S-1 2 Ravaky Bay (Lancaattr) 3 80 10 Chaaotrar u CaimpMl) 12-1 a Doctor La Ru IE Dava) 30-i TrKaaaa: 11-4-1) SMS.aa Bf* Raoa SM.SM om > p m, 10 EO Ona IE Danw io-i la* aa a, "C BRUNSWICK, IHOCR. RMS] CO." AE1 Munninga Almahurat (L WHkama) S-El Cougar N (Wabatar) 10 20 3 SO 3 20 BASEBALL 1 Scoot Ovar (J CamcsM) S-2 AE2 Randolph Lobai (L) (J Oohany) 2-Ooubta Cova N (O'Donrwl) 3 00 2 80 2 S4van O'Oock (D Malar) (-1 aa> Ran sst.aa. ORtw * loaaoanda IDoharty) 4.20 3 Armtro Damn an |R Waptaa) S-1 ta* BK.SM.aaaa.akM 4 DuKn Baron (no dnvar) io-i 20-1 5 Ron Sanlay (M MCNChol) .. 12-1 2 May Wna IJ Campban) 8-6 IJ20 700 540 f Town Councn (W O'DonnaH) S-2 4 0 ( 2 3 Mtynn Hanovar IR Macombar) . 12-1 5 Uwama Snady iwapaa) IS.BO 13.20 1-3 1 1 4 7 Rockna Lotjan (C ADbaMao) s-1 TRANSACTIONS 4 Dl RuVaa Daar (M Mckhchol) S-1 S-kMgal Lotvjt lOaupkiitl) MK 0 0 0 S unntd OoW Tima (R Ramman) . 12-1 5 AnVKHana D IJ CampbaK) IS-1 0«rk»: U HIM Y.atatkai a I M 1 1 3 Stnannon Can (W OOonnaa) 10-1 8 StaaOy Lady N |J Kmg Ji ] IS-1 Naw von, 5. crucaoo 3 M 4 4 1 ash RMa Oaaj 7 Sacrat Wagar (T Wmg) 20-1 San Okjgo 8. San franca S r* —— S*% a yr aWB M% 8 Oraan w*h Envy (J Oohany) -M S-OaudU (IIIIIIRJ I 2»80 1280 7 80 Howkton 2. Aaama 0 g 1 FaRar Foay IR wapaa) a i 9 HI Parana (W ODonna.). .. s-i S-THy RBot ICa>B| 5OO3SO 2-3 S 1 PNtaoatoma at Si LOIM. (n) 1-3 0 3 2 Kayaiona Sixty (J Philtno] 3-1 t u 8 1 3-Sam snort (Manii) 5 00 TEXAS RANOtRS-Traaad Frank Tanar*. 0 Omy gamaa acnaduiad 1 AEl Bamahu Btuagraai (no drtvar) M S1ST.BS J J Ootdhncn (no drnrar) 10-1 paohar. to tvj Oakoa Ttgara tar Duana Jamaa Tada>»r|ii i paohar. ••»•< Jama* to Tutaa ol ft* Taada 0 0 0 4 Hanovar KngM (M Lanoaator) S-1 Aaank) (SNskM 1-1 and Carry 13) at sa*: Raaa BSJtss caaa] 4-lan Hanovar ICaM 13.00 6 SO 4 20 I Meua Pkjoad Caw Johnaon. daargnaayj hra*r. 5 inavumant Landing |A Ouanaroto) S-1 Cnomnaa IBrownrng I-S and Tijea 4 ai 1 I OS 8 Prima Almahurat (R Parry) .. 12-1 • yr akta »% tBana «T«. 2-Juat Cart Wan (Campbaa) s 20 4 00 onBVJ ttday iBaatiiaii KM. latnaiai a » Juna 15 Racaaad Owjn Cook, paehar. tram Otaaliuii. cay 7 Organc (E Daiva) 12-1 1 Hkl Country N (C Marui) IB-1 5-Batdy Scutch (Rkjkno) 4.40 MWaat IMaMar 10) at Naw York (Aguaara S Fargua Hanovar u CamplMI 4-1 2 WHaanda PicUra IW Caaa Jr.) IS-1 TMaaSas s*s SSBS SS Ml. aOSp.m S Rippai Coaina (W O'DonnaH) 10-1 3 Truauood (W Caaa Jr) s-1 M: 88 aa» aaoa MM Prakburgh (Rsuacrwl 3-1) at Prvkjoator** 10 Kopaa Loeau {B Waoawi s-i 4 Tha Jaaar N IB Warjami 8 1 S-Or Navn (Wabakxl 94 00 38 20 12 00 (Danny 4-8). 8*08 p m Ml Rracnua Fatal u CampOMI 5 CamaW SaOuckon (M McNchol) 12-1 9Oaah Hakna) (Caaa)... . 11 JO 8 00 OaMand 12. ctMoajo i Cmcago (Eokaratay 7-4) « SI Loua (Kaparura AE2 Kayatona Mawn (no dnvar) a Maawa Fa«a (B Wahaait) .. 3-1 7 Paaaa RanoM N {LaCauaa) ... 340 Naw Vork m OaMU (n) 3-1). 836 pn 7 va da Nul (W O'DonrtMl . 4-1 Sallll a-a 8171 a( OayML BurRaliJai, on avj [Baakkjd Caaorraa 4. OsvakMI 0 San Framkjoo (Bkj* 3-1) ai San Diago (Wotr. Toronto 8. BoaBn S Mk TM STO.SSS MtrtOmc CUR 8 Arabian pnea (R BMwaiitBln) 20-1 sot:, i i/a -a. LOS ANOELES DOOOCRS- OOI. 1008 pm I Brats Can 0 Ai Oumton (C Mann) S-1 S-On Tna Road Again (Qilmour) Houaion (BcoB 6-3) at Loa Angakja IHaranajar Mmnaacta at Kansaa Cay, (n) 8-1). 1038 pm MaTTOIIIC I 10 Abnar Ran (H Fikon) s-1 4SO 300 2 80 SAN FRANCISCO OIANTS- a«)nad W> Oark. Only Skmaa ILIWIiitaJ Tun aaiaiii 1 Mark Six (no dnvar) . S-2 AEl Last Bwaar (J Doharty) am:, aaaa TaMTaaataaa Aaania « Cmcmnaa. 1 IB pm IA Ron B Hanovar |no drtvar) .. S-2 AE2 Rrna Bay A (W Caaa Jr ) B-Naroa Brat (OTJonrvjB) 12 20 S 00 3 JO Na» York (taakro 7-8) ai Oabot (O'Naal 1-1). San Franokco al San Oago. 4 OS p m 2 Supar Eddrf (J Stmpaon Jr) IS-1 is»: Raaa BM >r atsa SIJRtr1BOk»CS- Narnad Bamr* 10-Shogur. Armahgrat (Wapkja) 7 20 4 40 Pkarburgn at r^ikaoBlprMa 7 06 p m 3 Kayalona WM (R Macornoajt IS-1 1 ScMK Orann IP PlamV) 20-1 S-Rat Hymn (Caaa) 4 80 Baaoi (Mursl 2 «) at Torino (Kay 4-2). 7 IS •Mr contract pjn CtMoago at SI Loua. S OS p m UTAH MZ2-*grwd %eb n Cantom* (llnraana l-B) ai CMOBBO (BBIIIIM*I Houaton at Loa Angara* 10 06 p m M). 8 X p rr, BtRkSaa-. Baaaa SaaBJa (8)wM II) M Kanaaa Cly (Starji HI. Uona**l at Naw York. 136 p m 8:38 p. PwaOurgn ai PnaarMptiia. I 36 p m Taawj (Houati 5-7) m Mtnnaaota (Sorirom S-I). CNoago al 81 Lour*. 2 IS p m arc GOLF aJ8pm Aaama at C-ncmnaa. 2 18pm tgn Baatmora ISaddkMr 7-81 at Uf»ui«a San Francraoo at San Oago 4 06 p m Mi Itkgusra » 4) B'SS !• Houaion al La* Anotlia. 506 pm ATLANTA (At*) — Ftfl iounC moorm jmm- NCW ENGLAND PATfll-OTB- Oa»1ajid (FtuMa 1-3) at OaMand (Suaon 55). Mr hti lha» MOO 000 OaMrgtaVl^MMtt AMMi OtM IO1S pi CMMK on ttv* T.00*.yw«. psv TJ Atanta (SI I Country Club oowrw (tv4«noitt iw—ufi ami LOS ANQELES KIHOft- s Boakm at Toronto, i X pm Tony Ma 1144-N gotmnom Wangnad •* a 111 Ckxaland at OaMand. 406 pm 8 111 Naar Vork at DakxM. 4 08 p.m 8 100 TUnt S4-II-4T S*a»a m Kamaa C%. 136 pjn ax:: a i a t AI Bma. Ski Snwji and How» Scnuan. oa Taraa at MMnaaow. SJS p m 2 0 10 kjraaman. Can tlnknaak. •**. ktngar. and Bab a o o a Oarbay Ib Sal I at MBi aulai. 8:36 pm ESS kHkjr and BMy ODvjyar. osnkjr Bouat4 out aw Sill ASanehirl rxnkasl ot RuH Andanon. ilalaiiiiiiai RMUBI 8 110 NCW VOAK I8LANOCR8- SkJTVJd Bob Naw Yorti « DaRM. i 30 p.m. 1108 MCMMC Boaton at Toronto, IN pm SK—farnanrjaa. T-j 28 A-STJBS. Baaaan. tall wins, and Gary johnaon. spaaandkr. ses: 40 11 to rnjk)-yMr oomrack) immm mitmiM. 2 is pm VANCOUVE P. CANUCKS- Namad Tom __M. M CaakMa ai CtnaaKI., 2I 30pm SaaSkJ • Kan*** Cay«., 2 36 pjn d Mm to a V Ba»won at iMnauhaa. 2 36 p m TraJab OKntand ai OaMand, 406 pm COavran

CANTON INVAOERS-Amrounoad Via DS foum Taw outa whan wbim Oarna Winning KM - CENTRAL MKCMIOAN- Namad Jim K VMk and laid and oroaa country coat* FAirtLEtQM DtCKINBON- AMMunnd a Vort 1. LOB Naa York 11.

ss n jss noCK-Nvtwd JMi Uanv Mad S4 SO JSI



(•awn 1 IrlactM Data and to meat tha pan of aald of ma amondod oapnal Dudfloi PARTMENT APPROPRIATING tations of aection 40A 2-22 9t TMt OrOlnanoa than Moomt •41.000 appropriation not and oapnal program at ap-142,000 THEREFOR. AND said Looal Bond Law and aeeord- athMM HlMMMMMly UPO" (»»• provldad for by appHoaUon here- proved by Ilia CMraolor. Olvwon AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE ing lo the reaaonabla life thereof. ag« and puWicalion at faqulrod undar of Mid down paymant. of Looal Oovarnmonl ftorvlotw It OF .UO.OOO BONDS AND NOTES is five years, r>agoftaMe bonda of tna Town- onlHMtiM munlapal Mfl MTHtahUfHta OP THI TOWNSHIP OF (e) The supplemental doqt PAMIO. Jun« 11. 1*M •hip. tha io ba known aa Equip- and la •vatlaDM for public in- MARLBORO, IN THE COUNTY statement required by aatd Law LOCAL SECURITIES IAUL 0. MOBNIK ment Bond", ere haraby OF MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY Nonei or ha* been duly made end filed m authoriaad to ba taauad m tha laotton S. Tha tun faith andFOR FINANCING SAID the office ot the Township Clerk CONTIUCT AW4JUMO M*Y tVILVN O. MCCOLII* principal amount of Sit,000 oradrt of tha Townahlp ara hara- PURPOSE TIM Hauomtj Authority oi mt purauam to and wHhin tha i.mi- and s complete executed ortgv 1-1/10 1M MUNICIPAL CLIRK by pMMd to lha punotue. pay- BE IT ORDAINED BY THEina. i thereof haa been filed in the Bins* » Industrial quotation* koreuin ol nu mtona praaotibad tn tha Looal mant of tna prtnoipai of and TH I i»tf«to uw foaowtno. oomrtoi Junali MM* Bond Law of Naw JafMy in an- TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THIoffice of the Director of Oom» courtajey Fshneetoek » Co., E.F. Hutton mSm 4M 4M intaraal on Mid obligation* TOWNSHIP OF MARLBORO. IM munity Affelrs of tha Slate of Now wflhotrt oemootJUv* bidding tt a ttolpaaon ot tha keeuenoe of eaid autnortaod by thla ordinance A Company Inc.. and American Securl- 11H IIH MkOLUTION »1M-M bonda and to tomporarlty flnanoe THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH Jersey, and suoh statement 10 IIM SaM obttgaUona ahaN ba dlract. NIW JERSEY (not less man two • •hows that the groes debt of tna NIJ.tT 40A:1flT*n)(Thtti •f IT NUOLVIO by inaat. d hnprovamant or burpoaa. unllmltati obltgationa ot the Township aa defined in Section I*tt oonlfaot and dio «»toiution thirds of all the members thereof Townwlp Council 01 tno Tow>n- rtegoMabti no«M of tha Townahtp Townahtp, and lha Townahlp 40A 2-43 of said Law la in* 1H 4uMwnlnml g it la atailaalb n ttot ptip- thlp of Marlboro that an Ordl- in a principal amount not exoaad- affirmatively concurring) AS m •hail ba obligated to levy ad val- FOLLOWS: creaaad by this ordinance by CanealJaroeir 14 MM KMI Jaaaefat. Qtra II Uo tnaptntkxi In it* ofltoa ol tna ing lit, 000 ara haraby orem taxee upon ail tha taxable MM am IM I* Motatna Authority located at 128 authomad to ba taauad purauam Section 1 The improvement (40,000. and me issuance of the 4U IU proparty within tha Townahtp for »aid obligations authoriied by J-0/10 1-7/10 WaaraaWt Atranua. Hlghlandi. OWMNANCI PBOV1DINQ FOR to and wttMn tha limitattona tha paymant of aatd obUgattona described in Section 3 of this ml* ordinance will be within at Jtt 4tt Nanrjaisay. THI MANUFACTURE AND IN-praaortbad by aaM lam. and tntaraat tharaon wtthout iimi- ordinance i* hereby suthoritad debt limitation* prescribed py SS SS 4M 4H Awarded lo: RICHARD J STALLATION OF TRAFFIC CON- tatton M to rate or amount. to be made or acquired at a satd Law SMWIJ I • ... 4J TROL MVICU AND STRHT Saotton a. (a) Tha improve- general Improvement by The wonorp I1M IIH stxaaA iso • IONS APPROPRIATINO ment haraby authorizad and tha Saotton 6. Thla ordinanoe ehall Township of Marlboro. In the (d) Not exceeding 11,500 OA MH am mt w SarMna: Figltttloilal laoal 141.000 THiRIFOR. AND purpoaa tor tha financing of take affact twenty day* after me County of Monmouth, New Jer- account of interest, engineering •ait 70 MH am eeOrioae In connection wtth Pro- AUTHORIZING THI IWUANCI which aald obiigaUona ara to ba flrat pubttoatlon tharaof after final sey. For the aald improvement or and inspection coeta. legal and ant M n-t/i SIH (aot No N.J. 41-1 OP Wt.000 BONO* AND NOTES leaned ia tna manufacture and adoption, M provided by aald purpoee. there la hereby ap- accounting expense* and the it it H Itt Tkna r>artod: July 1. IMS,OF THI TOWNSHIP OF inetallauon of traffic control de- Looal Bond Law. propriated ttw sum of 142.000 coat of issuance of aald obit* hnwaop MM vtoaa and atraat atgna for Town- PASSID: June 13, 1SSS said sum being inclusive of atl gatlons. as defined and am 1H ivt MARLBORO, IN THI COUNTY ahlp roada including but not llm- UMM ClmHoo Tn* Co ... ti a Vt H Sffi25, OF MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY, EVELYN D. PICCOLINI. appropriations heretofore mada authorized by aection 40A 2-20 MM MM Mot auiii" ' I/M riu Oatod: Aprd 30. 1tN FOP) FINANCING SAlO itad to ail hardware, poeta and MUNICIPAL CLERK therefor and including the sum of of said Law. is and shall be 44* 4414 Jurw «1 PURPOSE naoaaaary matarlaM to manufac- SAUL a HORNIK. 12,000 as the down payment tor charged aa a part of the coal of MM M H H ture Mid tigna and other ep- said Improvement or purpose re- IMU 1V1I 14 IM iniroduo#<» and peeeed on MAYOR said purpose to be financed by purtanant equipment naoaaaary NOTICE quired by law and now available the issuance of said obligations: •Mil OS .11 fir* reeding and mat the tame to inatall urn*. therefor by virtue of provision In MM MH 4M oavt MWOUmOM tt« be adv«ftle»d aooordlng io law; Tha ordinanoe publlehad here- (a) The capital budget n nere- a budget or budget* of ttw 1 lOVt 1IM IH IH M IT RISOLVIO by ttwand (b) Tha aatlmatad majdmum with waa introduoad and paaaad Township previously adopted for by amended to conform wltfi me «T4 til Thomaa amount of bonda or ootee to ba on flrat reading at a maating of provision* of this ordinance td 6H iv1 t TowfMMp Counott of th« Town- •I IT FURTHER RESOLVED down payment or for capital im- 4 4M Trout« IIH II * •Np of Marlboro that an Ordi- that the earn* be oonetdered for laaued for aald purpoaa ia tha Townahlp Council of Thaprovement purpose* the sxtent of any inconsistency 00 II ISH WVt final pa-Mage on July 11. 1SSS at SM.0O0. Townahlp of Marlboro, in tha therewith and the resolution ban » Crati laaturioo I4M MH UnaMTi 4Vt I OWXNANCi 26-«6 1:00 P.M. at the Marlboro Mu- (e) Tha aattmatad coat of eaid County of Monmouth, Naw .Jar- Section 2. For the financing of promulgated by tha Local 0a TWMOO Muoatae IIH IIM 04 AN OMMNANCI TO AMEND nicipal CopmplM, 1S7S Town- purpoaa la *41.000. lha exoeaa eey, held on June 13, 19S6, and said improvement or purpose Finance Board ahowlng full detail DmHimtnl Corp. of A IM ItH 7H TH THE COM OP THI TOWNSHIP •hlp Drive, Marlboro, N«w Jer- tharaof over tha Mid Mtlmate ww ba further oonaldarad for and to meet the part of aald of the amended capital budget OP MAJILMRO, CHAPTER 02 eey. at whtot) time all pweon maximum amount of bonda and final paaaaga attar public haw- 142,000 appropriation not and capital program a* ap- TM4WWOP. INTITLIO FEM. TO ln»r—iad «vNl be given an op- notoa to ba laauad tnarafor being ing at a maating of eaid Town* provided for by application here- proved by the Director Division AOO A NIW SECTION PROVtO- portunity lo ba heard oonoarnlng tha amount of tha Mk) down pay- ahlp Council, to ba hatd at meunder of said down payment, of Local Government Service* la IMO ron THI FIE FOR THEMM Ordlnanc-v mant for aatd purpoaa. Municipal Building on July IS. negotiable bonds of the Town- on file with the municipal clerk. LAND US! DEVELOPMENT OFFERED BY: VaooNaralll Sactlon 4 Tha following mat- 1M8. at S P.M., and during tha ship, the to be known aa Equip- and Is available for public in- AND RBQULATION8. • SECONDED BY: Stohea tera ara haraby datarmlnad, de- week prior to and Including the ment Bond", ara hereby spection clared, recited and atatad data of auoh furthar oonaWar- authoriied to be issued In tha tM krtroduoad ind paaaad on AYIS: 3 atlon. copiM wtH ba mada avail- principal amount of 140.000 Section 5. The full faith and NY STOCK EXCHANGE »v« wading and inai lha HIM NAYS: 0 (a) Tha MM purpoaa da- able at tha Clarke offloe In aald credit of the Townahlp ara heroi ecribed in Section 1 of thla ordi- pursuant to and within ttw limi- ba atfwrUaad according to law: ABSENT 2 Mollloa Municipal Building to tha mem- tation* prescribed In the Looal by pledged to tha punctual pay-. Humbert nance la not a currant enpenee ber* of tha general public who , ment of the principal of and N4M II and la an improvamant or prop* Bond Law of New jersey, in an- Itll ttH- H •MO* III t u 4tH— H BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED EVELYN D PtCCOLINI ahall requeei auch coplee ticipation of the leeuanoe of said Interest on said obligations. ntnUMnaui MOM t 710 Ilk tariff it M II -IH MUNICIPAL CLIRK arty which the Townahlp may authorizad by this ordinance. rat •hi IllaH that ttw Mm* b« contidarad tor lawfully acquire or make aa a bonda and to temporarily flnanca OS tattt Laat Oaj. IMCtA O)| IIM 7H- It •MM IM It Mt IIH- U final pi nag i on July ie. IMS at DAVID M LERNER Evelyn Ptcca4in Said obligation* shall be direct, A - A - general Improvamant, and no Townahlp Clark unlimited obligations of the fiaar 2B IH Nwtlnwa 42 IIH- H 1:00 P.M. at ttw Marlboro Mu- COUNCIL PRESIDENT pan of tha coat tharaof haa bean said Improvement or purpose. tm M 14 1401 IIH llram K II III MH- » ant" 1 11 ItBH- H moipai CompwK, i«7t Township ORDINANCI #18-85 June 21 ISS-20 negotiable notaa of the Township Township, and tha Township 10 1414 44H— H or ahait ba apeciaJry aMaaaad on •hall be obligated to levy ad val- AM nou, lit t M « arati IM u m 17 + Vt Drtva, Marlboro. Naw Joraay. at ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR property tpecleily banafltad • principal amount not exceed- AI4 I 144 4tH-lvt rtUlt It) II It VIM tun at 41 IH— H wntoh ttma all pwaona inwraalad THI MANUFACTURE AND IN- RI SOLUTION #U*-4- mg 140,000 are hereby orem taxes upon all the taxable AJ» 2.71 o tn an rMik IH Mint a tmaiito IBM Pk+ 14 wW ba Qtv»n an opportunity to ba STALLATION OF TRAFFIC CON- tharaby. BE IT RESOLVED by thaauthoriied to be issued pursuant property within the Township ton AMt*. 140 haard oonoarnlng aatd Ordi- (b(b)TKa) Tha cparlod of uaafulrwas of Townahlp Council of tha Town- to and wtthln the limitation* tha payment of said obligation* II1771 MH- VI (MM 1)0 t 417 MH+ H O - O - TROL DEVICES AND STRUT and Interest thereon without limi- tartta II 21 ItH*. H Mt 4a ik Onfall M 10 IIH 11 • k SIQNI APPROPRIATING tald purpoaa. within mo limi- ahlp of Marlboro that an Ordi- prescribed by said Law. A4MI 114 tation* of saotton 40A2-22 of nance antittad: tation asto rat e or amount nail «H t Itl IIH OkaM IM tita llk+ H OFFERED BY Vaochlaralll 141.000 THIRIFOR. AND Section 3. (a) The improve- A.»rt IB II 177 UH« H •UH 1 II 4BBH AUTHORIZING THI ISSUANCE said Local Bond Law and accord- ORDINANCI # 21-SS ment heraby authorized and trw Sections Thi* ordinance shalt AttAir l| NONOM" B 17 17k* U SECONDEO BY: Stokaa ing lo tha raaaonsbla lit* tharao*, 10 IM Sit- H OM l» t SOI BH-IH EVELYN O PICCOLINI OF $31,000 BONDS AND NOTE ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR purpoee for the financing ot take effect twenty days sfter th* AM* I.a 10 014 BH Hftvayaar* THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR II till 14H + It II 4H— H otaatiH io a IIH- H MUNICIPAL CLIRK OF THI TOWNSHIP OF which said obligation* ara to be first publication thereof after final Alafea IX II 74 11* + H W 1.40 01441 11H+ vt MARLBORO, IN THI COUNTY (o) Th* supplamantai dabt 3R0UNDS MAINTENANCE DE- issued is the purchase of equip- adoption, aa provided by said nm a) 1701 I7U+ H AYU:S Maiamant raqulrod by said Law PARTMENT APPROPRIATING AUM ttt at a -t hrta l to OMH IM 10 41141k— vt NAYS:0 OF MONMOUTH. NEW JEREY, ment for the Ground* Mainten- Looal Bond Law. isn 44H+ k FOR FINANCING SAID haa boon duly mada and mod in $42,000 THEREFOR. AND ance Department to include an PASSED: June 13. 1SS6 Aaav 170 to ton aH- H Irtttfc 40 11 1M0 IIH+ II Mmi .44 ii a IIH ABSENT: 2 Mollici * Humbari AWC, ia PURPOSE tha offloa ot ttw Township Clawn AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE aerator for the perks, a Truck ADOPTED. • Ult I1H+ H I MO Hk+ H o> - e - DAVID M. LERNER OF 140,000 BONDS AND NOTES 42k+ U and a compw*a oiooutad orig- with a dump body and a now EVELYN D PICCOLINI. Alt** lit 11011 UH- H at) 140 to at COUNCIL PRESIDENT BI IT ORDAINED BY THEinal ttwraof haa boon fltad in ttw OF THI TOWNSHIP OF tractor and improvement* to the AJajOi a ivt-f H 11 114 M faM 144 TMM ttu TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CLERK Aaa I » II HI BH+ H •» Bt ORDINANCE 20-M offloa of ttw Director of Com- MARLBORO, IN THE COUNTY Grounda Malnlenace Building* • tfH 41 - H Factta 111 It Itt 44 •+ H AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TOWNSHIP OF MARLBORO. IN munity Affairs of tho Btata of Now OF MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY. to include flooring, window*, SAUL 0. HORNIK. An. B taatiiH- vt on la faiakin t Ml 7IH + H THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, MAYOR AMI 1 10 IttlB 77*+ H II 0M MVt- k THI CODE OF THI TOWNSHIP Jaraay, and Buoh atatomant FOR FINANCING SAID eleoirlolty and telephone service IMH0 tt - Vt oiai MH+ H OP MARLBORO, CHAPTER 63 NEW JERSEY (not leee than two- showa mat tha groaa dabt of tha PURPOSE ba introduced and NOTICE i m 74 + k r»w>i> mi IH— vt THEREOF. ENTITLED FEES. TO ihirda of all the member• thereof Township a* defined m Section paaead on drat reading and that (b) The estimated maximum The ordinance published here-' AfcaaJIM 1117 04 —IH IWtKlN 10 4BIIH+ H affirmatively concurring) AS amount ot bonds or notes to ba with was introduced ana passed 1 Ml 120 IIMI7 10 + vt ADO A NEW SECTION PROVID- 40A 2-43 ot aald Law Is in- the umi ba advartlead accord- A04M 141 •OIIIH4. It tW* IM •araar 111 • tan FOLLOWS: creased by this ordinance by ing to law; and issued for said purpose is on first reeding at a meeting of Aata ItO t 014 a - H II OOI 7IH ING FOR THE FEE FOR THE S40.0QO MM 14 a itk- vt fan tM t 047 MH+ k LAND USE DEVELOPMENT Saotton 1 Tha improvement $39,000, and ttw issuance of me the Township Council of The' Atta ItO 1147 40H- H daaorlbad In Section ) of thia BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED (e) The estimated ooat ot aald Township of Marlboro, In the Ottat 21 IB Ilk- H faMt 1» n M MH— k AND REGULATIONS said obligations auithoriied by Uh J 744 IIOI an— vt »k ordinanoe !• htiby authorized this ordinance will be within all that tha umi be conaldarad for purpoee Is S42.000, the excess County of Monmouth, New Jer- 1 OaMtllt » m an-H •anal IM a tM BI IT ORDAINED by tha Town- Aate ia IIOI 40H •aw ir ttVt— H to ba mada or acquired aa a debt llmHattons prescribed by final paaaaga on July ia. iBts at thereof over the aatd estimated sey, held on June 13, 1985, and t IM04 7IH+IH it tit •htp CouncH of tha Townanlp of s 00 P.M. at tha Marlboro Mu- maximum smount ot bonds and will be further considered tor Alatl* 40 tn an- vt tali t» Mill a - H oenerei improvamant by Thasold Law. t IM J7k- H I4B42 Marlboro aa follows: Towrnahip of Marlboro. In tha nicipal Complex. 1879 Townahlp notes to be issued therefor being final passag* after public hear*' AHatt ItO 1 IMt llVt- vt otv fariil U II1044 HH Soctton t. Crtaptar U of tha mm i tl 2047 MH- H 7 1271 llk+ II Wu»r_ 141 County ol Monmouth. Naw Jer- (d) Not exoeedlng Si .000 on Drtva, Marlboro, Naw Jareey, al ma amount of the aald down pay- ing at a meeting ot said Town- il BOO 41H- H Coda of iha Townanip of which time all pereone intaraatad ment for said purpoaa. ship Council, to be held at the tiawh 1 40 * ,ri: ii «a tik+tk 171 I7H— k eey For tha Htd improvamant or aooount of interest, engineering •ata 17 Itl 4H+ H Marlboro la rwroby amandad to purpoaa, there It haraby ap- and inspection costs, legal and will be given an opportunity to be Section 4. The following mat- Municipal Building on July It, 14 at UH* H tVata to 14 llll BH- k mm i TO 1MB IIH add a naw Sactkxi toHowIng Soc- accounting expenses and mehaard oonoarnlng Mid Ordi- IBM, at 8 P. M and during the It lit 1 propriated tha turn Of M1.0M ters sre hereby determined, de- A>W 140 MN IB ii m an- u nn-t tton tl-2 to ba known ai «-2 1 Mid eum being Inoluetva of all cost of issuance of aald obli- nance clared, recited and stated: week prior to and including the unit) tvarft 1 J7I IIH MIV 1 11070 mum 44 II 477 vt4 4- H I7H approprlatJone heretofore mada gations, as deflnad and OFFERED BY Vecchlereill (a) The said purpose de- date of such further consider- UH 110 ii itn ttk- H IIM IIH taotton U-l.i f— for Lano tharafor and ineludlno. the aum of authorized by section 40A 2-20 stion. copies will be mada avail- AitT i a 10 at II 14 • Vt fatr, I.M SECONDED BY Stokee scribed In Section 3 of this ordi- M* M II 417 aH- H st*H II ON II II 404 UH— vt 12.000 u the down paymant for ot said Law, Is and shall be AYES: 3 nance la not a current expense able at the Clerk a office In said tahwllflb 1 IMO ttvt— It **•* III 14 m Ilk- H fatar 1.24 1 M4UH- t MM improvamant or purpoaa re- charged as s pan of the ooei of NAYS: 0 and la an improvement or prop- Municipal Building lo the mem- MM* n nan it»- vt 5444V IM 1IIM a II 2)7 44H+ • Tha Municipal Clark ba andquired by law and now available ssld purpose to be financed by erty whloh the Townahlp may bers of the general public who fmta 110 ilk ABSENT 2 Mollrce. Humbert shall request such copies I4U IH- VI EtwU M 41 0M ak- H aha is haraby authoritod and ro- therefor by virtue of provlelon In me issuance ot aald obligations. EVELYN D. PICCOLINI lawfully acquire or maka aa a Orat IM 11 rtarit I IMMI Ilk qufrad to ooiwot a f#a of twanty- a budget or budgeta of the im an— H 78 4IH- k (a) The capital budget Townahlp prevtoualy adopted for by amended to conform wtm mo pan of the coat thereof haa been parson wwNng to purchaaa s down paymant or for capttal im- DAVID M LERNER TOWNSHIP CLERK 1 4 12H4- H tvnaa ill m i7H+ k fraaj 140 111741 I4H+ H provisions of this ordinance to COUNCIL PRESIDENT or shall be specially asassssd on June 21 187 12 io 4ti a -in II im a - H 10 044 BH copy of ttw land uao Davatop- provamant purpoaaa. the axteni of any inconsistency ORDINANCI #t1-Sf proparty specially benefited •ar> ia II •aa I HIM 1 • • mont and Regulation* of ttw therewith and the resolution thereby. JM*il4t Htm an M »k+ k Township of Marlboro. Naw Jar- Sactton 2. For tha financing of ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR •Vew 401 (H MB 1 III 11 fM> 144 • too IIH- k pupromuigatag d by the Local THI IMPROVEMENTS FOR (b) The period of usefulness of t*a« to a t Ut IIH MM improvement or purpaoe F Board shoy MkVI JO la wi an IIOI a - k Finance B d showing full detail GROUNDS MAINTENANCE OE- hi h lii III 2lk •aw lu 7 I2» Ilk- k MwL II 14 V7 IIH— vt — H N — ft 7 TO7H— H MM 340 II 7| ttH am IM II2M7 aH- M fjaMtl.14 14 til Itk- H AtaM * 17 ]ta 171* - U NtYMi M a in M + u kattt a 14 It BH- k IHila M ftatur ItO ItH ASBSJt> Itt IIM- u II It 27H 10 IH It I7t IIH- H tltrrtl B ti at a t- u a — B • AvEf. M 14 i an natal 20 14 111 I4H- U •U 144 117017 41'* AaBTf |0 11 440 a — 1 rtaai 4tt ii at a •u a 10 17 7k— k AwM » 11 407 27H— H aaa 140 14 4101 Bk •atv 1 It III 44H- H Aekfl | 101477 ant- vt IMillitl | |t It 000 MH- H aaat a toi IH Af**) 10 It 411 It- H Hmftf 1 40 11 144 44 + rt •aat 44 10 1 OPEN 7 A.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE B — B - l!»71 HH+ k OjarO 04} •1 — it Pkrt-aJl t] 14 17! US* H tatt 1 II Ml SIH- H otritw i to 17 Mil 40H+ H lit IVt It ta 7IU + IH ta4tt 40 Ml •H 1074 ItH aara It 17 1711 MH- H tM M 10 M BH It 4| It + * tataalto 114040 Mk + IH at*1' io as 1 leMI 140 t 117 40H tax* « ii an ttH- k ka 144 111170 41 MM 1 ll it at a - H •Hah 140 II II 27H— k aatat MM IIH- H MJM 1 II 101021 It * * auk) 171 t 4B Mk- k •tat 1 i a BH I*** n 10 1714 llVt- H ItwM 144 7 2741 77k + k •WW M II IMI 11 k+ vt Uatl- J7 It 107*1 ItH mm in B 40H •ata at tl toerCi IM iim an- vt tkatn 4t M7 IIH* H •aM I 11 10 7B»H+ k taw 44 II 70t IIH- H tkaa II 11 7174 an Ma* 1 10 II 4IH+ k Mar ai 4H- H - 1 — 1 - 10 IBM ii at MH- vt KM 1 44 II 144 MH- H aaf III I7MO! •a tit. kWWrt AM 00017 tint H •nh ITO 7 a itk aiaii 7H MeWIM 0M77 41 + tt •net t I04M7 II + H •t7» It7. tm Uk- H ii aa «H- H Nla I.a Ml IIH4- H OyttY • .10 t tTa MH— H a 4H- H tllM t> - H a — a S* 2« 14 114 111*+ H ttja*' 714IIH- H Ka I n n 41H- k MKtt 40 tat itu + H «fW 114 7 1071 BH MTa 44 II 27 BH- H •a-artr » 74 411 BH MfOalOk 1 aoan- n UH— H II III BH l-sxkfl 44 II ita ton 1 TM 10k- H id i 2 It llll ._^_aaaaaaiaa> HM141 II 17 MH- H ato M 1174 IIH- H Vtaf 1 111774 BH- H iBMilM laaa 07, 441 Ik aatal44 II OM 40H+ k i>«a tt - H •CAHA ill IM7 I« It 44? 44 - V* tavl 241 ti ia 4tk+ k o m27H- H UrtMiiu 10 Ml I7H- H auotl M •a an- H larram II BI 4SV1+ H 10 1021 H»» H IMftM 40 1 271 10k- k MM 110 IBBJ »k+ U 0 14 4IH- H Mia 140 7 21 a - H aalf 114 totia 40k- H ar.•naa sla 171141 IIH+ 14 an 4 a It I40U Illk-k Iaa. M 117777 UH Check '/»<••>(• •..//'• nut es on throo ot mn iaa 7 list MH- H •ana I ll II da I0H+ k tartal 1 IS 1444 BH- k Goodyeai . most populai steel belted radials tl I7H- H Kan IMI 7H Ian 171 loB a •rat* < 1 III MH tatai 140 II IOM 41 VV + I Hart 117. no Bk- H IMPORT COMPACT CAR OWNERS! loi import i ,ir, •wrlM 1 44 7t M nut H B M 40H+ H •aaa 01 11 241BH+ k •ran 140 014l7aWH+ H •nil 0 011 41H+ U Mjal 1 1110)1 4IH+ H •«"•» 1« I0H41 M - H bat 1.04 t Itl 17k t 171 »Vt+ k C - 0 - — j — J — It 2M IIH a> i MIMI II0H+ H aMtor B II IS — H MsMc 14:> into ITH+IH OMA IM tttatt UH+ H Him 44k- H laa 14V T OB MH— H SAVE; SAVE? SAVE; CKW110 II Ut MH- H 14 101 Hilt H tmft It. 120410 IIH- H O> 1 It II4I7 MH- H AaatO 140 14 III aH- H •Ui 144 • toot J7H+ VI G-METRIC ARRIVA VECTOR (ta4f — 01 — II — aMKltfl iS ItH 471 BH- H Kmrt 1.40 nan 27 - H law l onto MH+ k RADIAL RADIAL RADIAL I«4) 1» It II* ?)H+ It •tarAI III W Ilk- k itny in io tat llkt H laihwfi 1 04 (tfCiti a II III til bRtfe .40 IM Ik to aoMH- H • For ride flexible sidewail* deliver • damping sflect without • Easy-roMing long-wearingI treed compouncompi d • Dependable lajrak 171 • Unique cruscron tread produces superior traction • Double 0 IIV.+ H «A«M I.M 1 072 17k+ H it ia tOH+ H ••enticing handling • For durability this cool running radial wet-dry traction • Enjoy. alIlI seasoseason yeayeer-r -rounr d performance steel belts help protect against bruiset and road hazards Ctrrti'ltO 11417 7tu+ H 1 IM Mk laMk IM • ita UH—1 diastpales haat efficiently • For handling G-Metnc agility vith front or rear wheel drive • Long term mileage capability * Complete range ol sues for (tmi 07 11 01 • 211 17k- k tatiaj 1 70 mat BH- H translate* mto respomiveneaa and handling •ate U S cars and imports Cantta 121 10 IU 77H+ H KMAV 40 1 a I4k+ H •M 1.M II 170 IOk+ H I4XI MICE CaM m ion- H II11II StH-f H Moaai.n 10 III47H- H •iKtMll •«n racf MatlwKI •ALE PMCE I4LE PatCE iMCa 1.M 11 241tl - H Hi iralo t Writ a) an aH-H HUM B 11-11 mm •ta- Ilia *!2J» Mn "tar" C.J..40 to ttt toavt Ktnail.lO HUB Mk- k Htraa IM II Ml 10 * H zsa •tr CtaWIM o m M naqia II 247 )7k+ k •aai in 117771 II - H P155SR13 13198 P165SRI5 M2.»S P155/8OH13 •36.95 P175/70R13 I46.rsrM P1B5/8OR13 •42.95 P185/7OR13 • 53.95 MM 144 Iaa » II 114 MH— H to at MH+ H 17 441 17VV+ H P16SSR13 IMH P175/70SR13 »M.M P185/BOR13 119.95 P1B5/7OR13 •49.96 P175/8OR13 •45.98 P1B5/7OR14 555 95 V ttt ITH— H T — T • C4WI0I 07 2H tuan a 1K0 tM BH P175SR13 •MM P1SS/70SR13 P1B5/7OR14 CrMaM 70 II a 27H- H It 201 44H+ k 1J217 I41M P17S/8OR13 •42.96 191.96 P179/7OR13 14695 It Ml 22U- It rtw l II M 77H+ H P186SR14 I42.M P189/70SR14 • 44 It ' P169/BOR19 146.95 CatAJr 40 1H+ H •Me Ends June » Oat* 40 iia no* H 17V 1BJ~ 7H+ k Talaa M Tta» 10. I7U— H lat» lnaa J«n» n II a o uafl M II 104 IIH- k 11 70 104 IVt II ai ItU— H 14144* n + H II tl 14k- H latttli II 4 it It ut I IM Ota"" MO 1 711 !•»+ it law 01 a s IIH- H Takm 1 »k+ H Oatfn 1 io II st a —tu UaMI.Mi IM 14U- H lattr> 0 140 tUH-lk Hm 1.40 tan u * * 107 IB • 43 44 It Ilk 10 440 ITH+ H catjtf *t at tout- u la* 1.N It Ml H + H Ittat in naa 40H- H EVERYDAY • ia SH IMAM 1 14 II at 42H Taaa 40 M IOk+ H amer'.» 77 UH- H law IMI 11 t|t 14 + k laaa 1 1)7041 17H+ H LOW PRICES! 470 tau+ H TaaW 110 0 171 1IH+ k SAVE! I SAVE! | SAVE! 14170 a - H itmm Chrnlr 1 ladM .tit 10 11)0 MH- H ClrCHf M il tut M —t t27tt au- H Cnttrr 1.24 7(011 47 L4MI 1 HUM 41k- Vt 417 2H ClrrhillOt • tut au Ua»r ItO i in i4H+ k laaOSl II 10 11441 I4H+ k CHrH 1.10 it m aH- u lib Trf« .40 a i 1 747 OH- k MM 111 H Ml III itao an mat 1 0 4M 7tk+ k 71110 a - Clata in n 4M an— H Ufa oot 41 771 Hk- H latia>140 II 171 B Caati 40 111417 IIH- H liaM 111 it ia a 4- H IMA) 40 14 174 BH— k (tact IN I4M27 ttH- H laaa .41 II a IIH- H Ttfata 4B IH- H M0 IIH- U - a - B - IttH- H caw tat M IMI MH- H am m t B Hk+H taa 1 IT ISM 17H+ H A7S-13 \ttC B7B-13 taw I.M 1) Ml IIH- H Sfm i« t 470 27U- H •Maar .44 41 at ItH- H White-van 'IIW White*. CtkM J JO 10 a 41H+ W Maatii u It Ml MU+ H Tutai 1 Mt II M v — »» Arrlva Kadlcl No trade taWwi .40 naadad '34 ttO HH+ U IIKT < il 0 M0 CtMa 110 nan an- k Wronglmr CUSHION MLT Caata 1*4 It 142 »H+ H•kta. M0 IIH Taa 4M Zk+ it WMt.HI WMMW Power Streak II taart 1114! t + H OlOUlMlk + l Iran lit MIMlvBH-t H All Jtjotor, Hod/of POLYOLAS Ca»t 1 7IM7I1IH+ H Tnanl It* 10 til 4trt 1 740 14H+ W X. ' i n a - • IraaU At II IB MH- H 170.20 "SaaU 141 o la) 17 MAKatiowt0 1a 1 41 14 — U Iraar 144 104101 4SH+ k 174.15 Mtrrttt .14 17 m tlk+ k M BH— k -sscr o-a in 1 MO 42H- H P175/6OR13 066.61 9R15 % 18I 99.96 171047 M 7H+ H •ana 114 m MH- k Traaaa 44 17 174) 41k- H Ittll' ' 1 to inII - H 163.68 P225/75R15 179.66 31115OR15 $1.60 $119.95 "go. 770 lk+ k u - u • ssija. MMa 71 P175/75R14 Capr 11] 11 M0 M + M t ia n UN. la • ITM IIH- H I6».66 P235/75R19 "a-" 33-1250R15 $2 64 1131 96 UK 144 Ctnai I.a 17 III 4>U- Vt aali 141 It Ml MH io ia nvt+ H •alt IMI Jon. M •»» trUi Jun« H •»• Ino. Jur» a CrwaCt 14 tot IIH—IH II 114 Ilk—Ik tMCaa a Ok— H Cr*Zal 1 II Ot MH- u NMal ia 47mi mt k uM ta 40 Mt MH— H Cta4n I.M ]1274«rtH—1 aaati 10 II IIM ak- H UM> 144 7 B47tvt+ k c*m i.a 14 11 M + Vt AtaM 144 0 HI TtH- H Unt«rt 1 40 11BM 41 ITS TUNE-UP TIME! CLOSEOUTSALE ' D - 0 - tatta i.a) IT tB MH- k Mat 1.71 1 4MItk II 111 47H- H Wfa Ito It IMT UH *OMC> i a • M7 MU— H Give your car easy starting, smooth •Maw GOODYEAR "40" BATTERY DXn I1MJ7 Ult + lvt aat ia IK <-l UMrawt .It ii on MH+ k • Includes up to five quarts oil SIM 22F ataa toaa MH+IU Ahax IM 11711 M + H It Ml ItH— H running, less stalling, and improved UMMM 1 111711 24.24F It l»7ulOH+ H aaitl 1.44 14 477 44k MH- H • Special diesel oil and filter gas mileage with our precision < 74 atyitai 7t 1)1070 42H+ W IM Ut IT llll Illk + lk Mat 1 71 t m TtH type may result in extra engine tune-up. Call for an 2IB74 I0H+ H Halt* I.M IMM 4tk- H own 1 1 Ita I0H- H charges appointment today- • First Come First Serve - While • . Oatt 1 It M Ittt-t M »•" 14*11 II +» IMW Itl IIM7 NeeW I.H 10197 11 + H laatl I.M 774M 21H+I 15 Quantities Last • No Rainchecks *, 1 Ml 47H— H -OJHM '41 • 1771 I7H+ H MM tM II III IIH- H tMaa tM B1417 IMH+1H ftaa 1 71 tlOSI ltv*+ « aNH IB ll»n 7lk+ H it at B — H •flaw 11 11071 07 -IH HaR 174 0 Ml I7k+ k IMfl IB 14 SB BH- H QUICK CREDIT) PRICES. LIMITED WKRIMNTIEt *Sw — 10 7a 0OU+ H •aM I.a IIAM Mk- H V — V AND CREDIT TCIUM SHOWN ARE ( MM* Credit card convenience from DM* 177 OlOOt MH tn tk+ H ttjrta Jt 11 tM 27H- H AVAILABLE AT QOODVEAR AUTO II4I40 MU+ H •aaaa Mt II IM 0 - H w — w CitiBank for all your automotive SERVICE CENTER*. SEE ANY OF JawJt 70 14 a 4ou+ u •attti I II INI 77H- k Mi, 1 11 Ml MH+ H needs. Pick up an application now at THI BELOW LISTED INDEPEN- aar .a ti tm itu+ H •aaatta 1 IM II - H aaaa M IB I0H+ H your nearby Goodyear retailer Use DENT DEALERS FOR THEIR II aa MH- H amai 44 ma »H+ H OaBrt .a 77 M BH+ H The Silver Card nationwide at any participating COMPETITIVE PRICES, WAR- 4aa# ] Al t aj an attirti .14 loatt an- H •MUaltl 1 U4 BH+ k Goodyear retail outlet You may also use these RANTIES AND CREDIT TERMS w> in i ia itH- H - a - a - ana> 4M7 B - H AUTO SERVICES NOT AVAILABLE aaat 1,41 other waya to buy American Express. Carte • — i - an 41 HIM Mk iiMn»4ik+ n AT STARRED LOCATIONS -OatAlr IIH OH- H •a at .a IM l«k+ k •al* I.4S o titBH- k Blanche. Diners Club. MasterCard. Visa. la* IB 70 (t BH- H taw tt It Itll 44H-IU awv ta) • at »H+ H ii aM au •MM 71 TtS IH— k MUtllJO tiBTt ant tt IIH— H •ita 1.40 I 444 IIU- H twatw i it a m IIH— H •OJaa IM id oa II 410 UH+ H tWOilM 1 II ItH- H ann IM It IMI a - H larallai mm ttvt- H •% 1 i ai ant— H iJ It W BH+ H Jaankl al 17 un aH- H M 21 tl SM 74H+ k to at 40H+ H Mrii M ii 1747 a - H Man nan "«• H asM*e* Mi II Mta 1030 Hwy. 35 NEW HOURS a'nf 14 1 aat* 1.71 it in IIH- H 7 onBH+ H ItCtt) 171 It tfl MH4- H Ungll ).|4 7 IM 41k- k NMki IM II B MH* H BILL ESTOCK Middletown Goodyear Tuea.-Thura., Sat 7 a.m.-t) p.m. •aa Its II4B IIH- H ama 1 M M 4tk-l o on IMI- H Mon. a Frl 7 a.m.-8 p.m. f _ 0 _ awa> ta 7 not a » III 40 - H tat 140 a) lit tint H aattbtti • ta t7k+ H 7 a i7 + vt Store Manager 671-2415 Sunday 11-4 p.m. 11140 BH— H •Mat a 1 tn Ilk- a •-T-1- Hn*4 a 414414 - Vt mm i i at »k- k mm ! 11 BM MH+ k NMt II t Itt IIH- H 1 170 17k t 1 B Urn on i a IH aaM l)t tMM 1IH+ « 22.'" ItH- H The Register

Tfc.Regi.ier COMICS WHY. JUNE 21,













.vmio neevs R5REVER ?


"I don't want to

MM A «{£ COOKIE.* FUMY. JUNE 21, 1985 The .Register

UM.000 PON TMI MAMJN IS- principal amount at U.000 aoal « Wauaim af aaU osa- TATIS SIWIP.S. AND purauaM la and wHhki ttwam . latlana, aa dallnad antf ufnoN «iaeee AUTHOMZINa TMI ISSUANCI M»ma»M In m. LOOM auBMrkM *i aaaBan 4OAJ-S0 OP Stil.OOO BONDS AND jj pn effJOfJOfi m OT Did Ben* Laar af Naai Jeraey. in an- ar aaM Laar, » mt ahaa M Planners rescind ea IT naeoLviD by m. NOTia Of THI TOWWSmr Of arawanoa la a purpose kjr araan nonee k) not a i vy BTieJ BpsnrJBWIOsv OV NB9 ToaneMp Cannot « aw Tawn- MAPZBOPO. M THt OOONTV Tha TaaaiaMa af Marikam, M aia •«aea» a« ^""a"? •gag M* « MWIIC M an Ona- Of UONUOUTH. NSW JUIS1Y, la a n opart) i County of Monnnudy New Jar- m or aurpoae. I aNeh *e Toi Season i. Tha M km and POH PINANCINO SAID ahafew 1ft i * * « * L^^^da^Bk. BA^^B^ — — ^^B^^avbdMaaataaaafc dinner speaker's _ • eTeletaaner*. IsVKrfUsfy ITISBTjar oVI ^|T^af¥««pWVaB^Bajn ana* af me TeaataM* ara here- omBSotJLiSSo o*. puwoer mamiiMaal iiimini ml anaif AB9 4) ftaWaWV IJ1UM f^a*jWfly ed vat tion to be the guest speaker at the FOLLOWS and IIS1.7S1 la be |MM lor sasaneani la be Issued le aw aa upon aa ate kuafcta MAMUOMO, IN THSOOUNTV aiimniiSm of MarSn r- OP MONMOUTH. NSW JUWEY. SagSon 1. Ordmanoo >i-*l b aw — hot keen duty me_ praaart/ amnM ToaneMp for county Planning Board's annual adapted November 10, ISM to *w afltoa af tna To. ate parwow of nM obksaaom PON PINANCINa SAID •um of SUMS ae a dean ear- dinner will not be sent to Mercer Karaky amended la l*M aa W- jBariMba1 Sii II ~ —J-J I^ »••!,• ^ a »a — — and a oomatata aMoutad eria- and Mareet aioieen akjioal BM. puf»oear M> froajni sor araVQ HfT^fOVVtnejWn Of Inal eiaraof had baan Mad in e» IIIIMM B ran or amaunt County Executive Wilberi M adopted on Moon* «M OXOINANCE APPPlOPPllAT- IHirpiaj lyajuyod ky lo» and oMoa of aw Otreoter of Oonv INO SM0.0O0 POP) THI MAMJN aiu) aaaol i«aM *ay» okar ata Matheslus. ""•I MM and naaoa Men ar M aaM af New ( »>B» flwrnl Ihall t>. isTATsi eawiM AND MI- •VW P*MBPapfaVOrl VtaTAfaMaT BVTBW amajv Instead, the planning board will PAVWM OP sTnrjrra. AND budaala in tha Taonimp In aaw WTMIT vaoantMe proAuaty a' •«o«e »wt aw groaa deM or aw Crewtorda Corner AUTHonzma THi leeuANCi TeanaMa aa dafawd In aeoeon ask three other potential candidates secoMoeo BY: etotw OP IMS.000 BONOS AND amaura of kenea end neeje le ea eMe aa Stock 11 US) M. SBB. J of eaM Law • ai- r>A on aw a» map af ate Team- to address the Sept 30 gathering at AVIS: 4 HOTie OP THI TOWNSHIP OP M TaonahM lar oaM HAVS: 0 MARLBORO, IN THI COUNTY sneooo .k, M«Mb syfj.rN nooouM. eMp of IIKiiKlel. Decimiaiili re- Squires Pub. ASSENT: 1 MoMoa Of MONMOUTH. NIW JSJUJBY. oou. wana la Ma eppSeaSaa may ke EVELYN O. PtCCOUM. PON PINANCINO SAID vwwad « Ihe ofaaa of aw What caused the switch in MUMCIfAL OLIRK SAUL O. HOfMIK. I mm III TowaeNp Okjrk aaak- PUftPOM MAYOR DAVID M. LSHNSR, M IT OMMINIO BY THI dene tram fcoo ejn. » 4:S0 pj» . speakers was a letter sent by COUNCIL PMaiDSNT Teanarap CMrt •SBCJpt novWaws, BVIO ofnty fsWi>A# TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OP THI of bon* and r*m to b* Freeholder John J. D'Amico, on TOWNSHIP OP MAMJJONO. IN BTA- by apoomtmema. OADMAHCa ion- THI COUNTY OP MONMOUTH. tlM ttm sWtfM tW MHyrH Tha bond ATSTBa behalf of himself and Freeholder DINANCB 11-SS iNTITLID. TSwsArS ^ajaklH d (tjaaaiptrwinl sjajiw!!•!T Iliajli v^ew PlI PUiVv herewith hat boon finally Juno 21 NIW JIMMY (not Maa than Mo- ndpuresaa. awW BTMptMMofi OOMBV *tOatl and Huanil and aw SB-da» aarlod Director Thomas J. Lynch Jr. -OKXNAMCe APPHOPP4ATINO Mrda ol all »ie mamkere Stereo! "Bower Bond", ara hereby eweeunvna twp»n, Nursery , Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday ser- Coventry. been brought back to health by School, Dally Mlnyan Frl. Nits Services vices, 11 s.m., 6:O0 p.m. Wednesday the wondrous ways of St. Jude. 8:30 p.m. Sat. Morning servleo, 10 s.m., Bible and Prayer Meeting. 7:30 p.m. Publication Promised. pj Inquiries: 842-1800. ', RErTKwKO CHURCH OF KEYNRT Sunday school opens st 9:45 Worship servtoe at 10:46 s.m. Warren and Oa- FWT CHURCH OF CHRIST. SdEHTIST CALVARY CHAfEL boro Sis., Keyport 264-1198. Rev. GKen 201 Port Monmouth Road. Port Mon- WOffMn. 211 Broad St, Red Bank, Church Ser- mouth, at Bayslde Way and Park Av- vices ft Sunday School - Sun. 10 s.m. enue. Rev. Richard. L. Shaw, pastor I CHURCH OF Novena Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship, 11 Wed. Eve. 8:16 p.m. (Nursery available TWTONFAUS a.m.. Vouth Meeting 7:30 p.m. Praise.' Worship Servtos at 10 A.M Sunday To St. Jude Sun. 4 Wed.) Reeding Room. 22 Mon- KW8 OF KNNS. MrOOLETOWN 7:30 p.m. Prayer iM BIMs Study.' mouth St., Red Bank, Mon.-Sat. 10 s.m. Cherry Tree Farm ft Harmony Rd., Wsdnesday 8:00 p.m. Home MMe School and Adult Discussion st 11 A.M, to 4:30 p.m. 0 Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Mar- Mlddtetown, Sunday Worship 8 a.m., Studies In various communities on Nursery Care Available • 62 Hence oreat In virtue and rich In mlr- 9:16 and 10:46 a.m. Church School at wseknlghL Call 291-1641 tor Infor- Ave., Tlnton Fella • 747-1285 &£.«* kinsman of Jet*. Christ 9:16 s.m. Pastors WHIism Hanson and mation. faithful Intercessor of all who Invoke Louise Oetrem, 671-3348 your special patronage in ttme tf need to you I have recourse from the LUTHERAN CHURCH SJJJn of my heart and humbly begto whim Qod has given wetigrait All SAWTS, NAVESNK "The Church tor all People" 168 Ocean' BJBM power to come to my Mtlstance. Cornsr of Nsvasink ft Locust Avs., Mlddletown and Crawfrd's Corner Rd.. Ave., East Ksansburg, N.J. 787-6199 OF MlwMOUTH COUNTY Kelp me In my present and urgent Naveelnk, 291-0417 Rev. H.R. Holmdol. Sunday Services 8:18 and Sunday School at 9:30 A.M. [ and' 10:45 a.m. Nursery provided for 10:48 1475 West Front St, Uncroft Mlntetor petftloTln return, I promise to make Sorensen, Rector. Sundsy Services, 'Worship Ssrvfes aW1 A.M.) service. Church school snd Confirma- Harold R. Dean. Worship Servtos 10 Sour name known, and cause you to Holy Eucharist; 8 s.m., 10 s.m. Church School classes. 10 a.m. Wednesday tion I class at 9:15 a.m. Psstor George a.m. Church School ft Nursery at 10 be Invoked. Euchsrlst 10 s.m. .Frank, Jr. 842-4596. a.m. • 741-8092. Sty three Our Fathers, three hW LHOOFT MMi CHURCH Marvt and Glorias. Publication must HOLY" TRINITY. RED IANK 790 Newman Springe Road, (opposite Due to ihe aiarssssS aoek) o b? promlMd. St. Jude, pray torus 150 River Road, 741-9241. Sunday Brookdajs College). Rev. James H. print) ttw notvpfoill rtM dong wMh »le other rate etruokme wBI rewaM a and all who Invoke your aid. Amen Founded 1702 Worship snd Sunday School • 10 a.m. Persons, Pastor. Sun. Worship 10:45 This Novena has never b»en known Broad (Rt 38) at Sycamore. Summer Word and Sacrament every Sunday. s.m. and 6:00 p.m. Sun. Bible School, 1, 1984. TIM iwn-Pfs* rate aM be to WUheve had my grant earvtoaa, Sundays 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. Child cars provided. Psstor Beverly J. 9:46 s.m. Bible Study snd Prsyer every 17.08 par eskimn Inoh. Thank you fer I ed. Publication Promiteo. Vit d Harding. 741-6007. Wed. 7:30 p.m. Ph. 747-1231 or 747-8194. «MY JUNE 21, 1965 n Tbt Hegfrlar Classified ACTION LINE 5421700 =INDEX Public Notlcee Situations Wanted Male- Camping Equipment 163 Sltuattons Wantad Racraatlonal Vahiclai 154 (Legate) Swap or Exchang me value ol the ad. I Mala/Famala 68 irror call classified .«•*"•* Child Cara/Nuraery Blcyclaa/Mlnl Blka Real Estate lor Sal* Automotive Special Notices Sports EqulpmanL strlctad to their p-opsr claaalflesjon Schools 57 Wantad Automotive 220 Loot end Found S Swimming Po Opan Hou» 130 and sat In tha regular Dally Haglater Construction Equipment— 230 CBt. Elactronlc Houm lor Sa 131 style of type. Right is reserved lo Financial Auto Financing 240 Trsvet-TransportsHon 12 Marchandlaa Wanted- Condomlnlumt/Town adit or refect any copy or ad. .132 Auto Insurance • 250 Instruction 18 Butlnaai Opportunity^ 81 Prlca BuMer Houaet- 82 Inooma Property.^- 133 Auto Rent/Leaae 260 Mortgaoaa. TO PLACE Business Directory Monay»T T0o Loan. 63 Real Estate Rentals Farm Property. 134 Auto Sarvlcas/Parts 270 Monay Wanted- 64 Commarclal Pro-party 133 Motorcycles 260 YOUR Apartments- 101 Industrial Property 136 Trucks and Trailers 290 CLASSIFIED Merchandise Housei tor Rent. 102 Loll and Acraaga 137 Autos For Sala 300 Renlalt to Sh 103 136 AD Employ rue nt Moblla Homaa Marohandlaa (of 8ala 71 Wlntar Renteli- 104 Camatary Lots 139 READ YOUR AD CALL THE Help Wanted Mai* or Female aaraga/Yard Sala 72 Summar Rantall 105 Raal Etta* Wantad 140 THE FIRST DAY ACTION-LINE .. 51 Machinery For Sala 73 Furnished I 106 542-1700 Nurtlng/Ratlramanl IT APPEARS! Babyslttlno/Chlld ( Rental Service. 74 Recreational MONDAY-FRIDAY Domee*c HelP- Farm Equlpma 75 Hoinee- 107 Tha Dally Reglater will not be re- Situations Wanted F*m«l«_ M Auction S.let. 76 Commtrclal Rentals 106 Boats and Accessorial 152 sponsible for mora than one Incor- , I:MM:M

i tnnctt tu Lena aVanoh 234 Marlboro 134 2»4IUf1bor9. •w C«y Council raiervaa the Bectun a. for Ihe financing ol •now* (hat the froaa dobiot me maximum amount of bond, and OBOINANCI PFIOVtCMNO FOB ib) The < naM is 'n laid Improvement or porpoee TowneMp ee eefinad tn lectw notea to be lamed therefor being PARK IMPFlOVIMINTB AP- OROINANCI PROVIOINO FOR PROPRIATING) 1141.100 amount of bonda fir nowa k> be (Sandal and ind lo meat Ihe pan of aald 40A:t-4i0f f of aald Law •» Ihe amount of the eald down pay- d for aald purpoaa la 23» Lona •ranch naoa AoMnWralar at a or• oortMod oftooti "tmjn aw manner daalgniad in PURPOSE ba mtroduoad and laoona praaorlkad In tha Looal •ooountlng expeneM and tha .9 Melon The Townehlp may hret reading and thM Bw aeme puna on Unit reading ano Mr Bond Law of New Jaraay. In an- lewhjUy aoqulre or make aa a tora are nereby SHarmlnaS, aa- pubkcbymel or DM koM. drawn la aw ardar ooat of teeuenoe of MM obtt- r be Har.aH auoordmg tolew . uawr or hie Illlgnm In me Oty of *O% al Una Sranon- Mr not iw eama ba adventeetl tooofd- ttaipaaon of ma laauanoa ol aald aatlena, at defined and *l improvement, and no ki the event It M not poaelble to Ing to i«w: and konda and w wmporerWy Ihwnoo Council Cauoua Room. Third MM awn Hn (101 paraam of M be praeant et me time end pwoe euthomed by aeoKon 40A3-20 )f ma ooat thereof hee been "SS IT FURTH1R RSSOLVID amount of vw oM. aaoaat awl aald Improvement or purpoee. of aetd Lew. la and ahaa ba or ahail ba apedelfy aaeeeaed on Floor. In of opening ol the 040a. bide may neaoaakle noaw of me Townahlp •let the aeme be ooneMered tor nonce ki not a ourrenl expenee M4 Broa Lang Brenofi. lha ahaek nol aioaaa be mtklf to BW C% Municipal SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED oneraad ea e pert of Ihe eon of roperty apeolally benefited IKUJI peeaoge on Jury U. 1BM at SM.OOO.OO A ConsenCosett of SuretSuretyy ki a principal amount not umid- eetd purpoea to ba financed by end » en Improvement or prop- NJ.. an: T July MMa Bulking. 144 Sroedwa,. Long that tha tame ba ooneMered tor Ing 112,300 are haraky [bj The period of ueetulneao of 1:00 P.M. « BW Marlboro Mu- erty whton tha Townehlp may ffro m a Sure*S* / CompanC y muatt Branch. NJ. 07740. Attention of final Maeaee on July II. ISM al the ssauonoa of aaM obMoaitona. apel Complek. 117S Townehlp 2:00 p.m. g Bme. •uo ka iiiiail. Tha Surety •utnorttod to ke Heuad purauant aaM purpoea. within the Hml- lawfully MeuM or NUB a Admlnletraur. a 00 P.M at tha Martkoro Mu- to and within me nmilanona (a) Tna oapttai budget as here- Maona of aeotton WAt-u t* Drive. Martterri. New Jaraai. « wneral Improvement, and no Anthony J. Muacrno nicipal CompWa. 1S7S TmmeMp by amended to conform wrth th* wtnoh ame all poreona mwreewd aaaaMoaHna MS ba an aja in preecribed by aaw Law. aeld Looal Bond Law and aooord- left ol tha ooet Ihored hea been okWM Admlntotrator Drlva. Marlboro. Naw Jeraay. al provtarona of thl* ordinanoa to g» the reeaonable IIM thereol. wa be grven en epponunny ube or ahail ba apotnalry aaaeaead on June II 117 3d tha extent of any inooneaWenoy - iKmoerhtfig aald Ordl- ircperty apeolally benefited •want ana ay ka lWM oarawd oDoy of mto oanMoata. Seotton 1. (a) The Improve- thorawltrt and tha resolution wmiin bMder during w» ka given an opportunity to ba (a) Tha"'»uBplamenlal debt g heard oonoemlng Mid Ordl- ment hereby auihortted and lha promuiaaled by th* Looal IWMmiM required by aeld Law OPFIRaO BY: Vaochwreal toaa houra. ailiri way oobtow purpoee for tha financing of nnaneaVoerd ahowtna fuH dotaH Ibfrie period of uaafmnaaa el which aald opllgattona ara w be Hea been duty mede end mod m asooNoao sv stu aeM purpoao. wtthin the MM. • Mar ' •Mi raamramanki ol ».L. lsri. OFFERED SY: vaochiarelli of ma amartded oaptel budget He omoa ol Bw Townahlp Clerk Wboni"ofeaoiMn 40A 121 of asoumoN ises SECONOEO SY SWkaa laauad la lha purchaea of equip- and oapttai program aa ep-and a oomplaol axaouWd ortg- NAYS: 0 oaewn w ttw F^Koheeirvj Agent. o. 1ST ana PL ISTT. a. as. H IT RiaOLVED by tha fnart fo** th% MwmR*ay evaraty Da* provad by the Wraotor, Drvtaton aaM Leva Bond law and aeoord- AYES I mel thereof nea been Mod m the ABSSNT: IWMtneiar- raoaanaweMe»««» Pniumi muat be ma«a on TowwMp Counoll ot tha Town- NAYS: 0 psvtmant to induda a pavamant of Looal Oovammarrt •ervtoaa i« offloa of the Director of Com- Humbert •Mp ol Marlboro that in Ofdl- AUSNT > Molllca. Humbert making maohlna. a ponabia on Ma wtth the municipal olerk munity Altelra of tha State ol New •VILYN D. PICCOLINI EVELYN 0. PICCOLINI radio, a vtdao oamara wiped and and It avaMeble for public in- MUNICIPAL CLIRK "lei The"eupplemenwl ewM raoerdar, a Wpa rtMorttar. oaW- •paetton eraey, and auoh autemeni aMinenl required by aaM Lew MUNICIPAL CLERK ahowa that tha groea debt ot tha DAVID M. LSWWR Ma been duly mede and Iked in DAVID M LERNER Baotton 8 Tha full faith and COUNCIL PRUIOSNT maohlrx ownehlp ee defined kl Berton aw omoe of tha Townehip Clerk COUNCIL PRESIDENT _ _ Ina and tata- orodtl of the Townahlp are nare- 40A1-41 of end Law la m- and a uuinplew. imiuMf ado- Bftonat for two offtoara. by ptadged to th* punctual pay- nuilllt by «ila ordlnenoe by orSSSciooZo FOR nel mered hea been Mod ki the OROINANCI PFIOVIDINO FOP, (b| Tlta aaMfnatad maximum ment of tha prtnorpai of and PARK IMPROVIMINTS AP- offwa of aw Director ol Com- •mourn of bontfa or notaa to ba 1B1.B00, end Bw leeuenoe of THE PURCHASI OF HIGHWAY Intaraal on aaid obllaation* bllg •JSH PR0PRIATIN9 1141,100 muMy APMn ol aw SMM at New BRIDGE ADVICE 1AFITY IQUIPMINT AP- laauatf for aald purpoaa it •uthorttad by mit ordinano*- THEREFOR, AND Jeraey. and auch auwmenl • 12*00 .Mane, win be wXMn PROPRIATING I1I.9M THIN- •eld obHgatton* *rt*ll ba dlraol, IMIom preeonbed by AUTHORIZINO THI ISSUANCE ahowa thai the groea debt of the FOR. AND AUTHORIZING THI (c, Tha aaumatad ooat of Mid unlimited obligation! of the OP 1114,700 SONDS AND aoa a g A is an attempt to make a hand is so horrible that you would IBSUANCS Of 111.100 BONDS purpoaa f $1*000, tha axoaat Township, and tha Townahlp no » NOTES OP THI TOWNSHIP OP Towntntp aa o*f*nwa m vaovjon ANO NOTIS OF THI TOWN- •naraov ovar ma aaso awjajfnaevFV ehaM ba obHgaked to levy ad val- (d) Not exoaedlng ti.W0 on MARLBORO. IN THS COUNTY 40A»-4Jf of ana Low » m- trick by positional advantage with pass if the next player had passed. SHIP OF MARLBORO. IN THI maximum amount ol bondt and orem tax** upon aN the ta**bt* ooount of tnteroet, enginaartng OF MONMOUTH. NIW JERSEY. yaaaad by INt Ofdsnaoo* by a card that is not the highest However, your raise after s takeout COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. NEW notaa lo b* leiaoad thexfAK biting properly wnmn ma • ownarup TOT and mopocaon oaaMu,. legelegal anendd POR FINANCING SAID 1114.700. and the leeuame ef JIRSIY. FOP. FINANCINO SAID the paymaot of aald otwgattont aooounong enpanaaaa and amwe «ia amount of Uta aaid doum pay- PURPOM unplayed card of its suit Keep your double promises support and PURPOBI mani for MM pu'pOM and Inwrael thereon wnhoul llml- ooet of leeuanoe of eaM obe- BUS tatton aa 10 raw or amount. aiiona aa defined and M .I.T OOROAINID SY THI SI IT OPJDAINID BY THI 4. Tna fonow TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OP THI3deM •naadBy eye on South's finesse with the (our Just about nothing else; and you can •mhortaad by aecuon 40A1-20 MM LLaw. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THI Section S. Thai ordinanoa ahaa of aaM Lea, la end ahaa be TOWNSHIP OP MARLBORO. IN of spades. therefore afford to interfere with TOWNSHIP OF MARLBORO. IN THI COUNTY OP MONMOUTH. [dl Nol aiioiiolng 114.000 on uka affect twenty daya afWr lha harged aa a pert of the ooet ol aooount of inwreet. THI COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. (•) Tha MM purpoM 0e> Brat publlcellon maraot aher final •aM purpea. to ba fmanoed by NEW JIRBEY (not leaa then hvo- South ruffed the third diamond the enemy's bidding. NIW JIMIY (not lew than two- Mrtbad in •aetJon t of mn ordi- and Inepectlon ooela, adopaon. aa provided by aald •wa Muanoaauaoa of aalaad 'aao thk-daofanma-- iooowAtjAg aApee thlrda of all the membere thereol nanoa la not a ourrant axpanM Looal Bond Law. affirmatively oonourrlng) AB and took the ace and king of affirmatively concurring) AS and la an improvomam or prop- (a) Tha oaplwl budget M here- OMt of Kuenoe at aaM obk- North dealer PAHIO: Juna 13. IMS by amended to oonlorm wtth Bw FOLLOWS: FOLLOWS: arty wfirch tna Townahlp may ADOPTED gatlena aa dellned and trumps, discovering the bad break. lawfuHy aoquir* or maka aa a rowtttono of mi* ordinance to •ooaon 1. Th. mtpiovemeni kuBlinail by aedton 40A1-S0 Both sides vulnerable lection 1 Tha Improvement •VILYN D. PICCOLINI. to *atiacii of any Inoonaiatenoy aaiorlbao ki SaMlon 1 af ma of aaM Law. la and anal be South cashed the queen of spades, Oeaorlbed In Section ] ol INI ganarat improvamont, and no part of tha ooM tharaof haa bean MUNICIPAL CLERK therewith and tha raeokitlon ordlnenoe la hereby WBWrtMd oharged as a part d me ooet ol ordinanoa la hereby authorised SAUL O HORNIK. omuloated by tha Looal to be mad, or aocjuked aa a aaM purpoee to be Pjlaniid - the top clubs and the lop heart*, lo be made or aoquked aa a or anaW be apaolaHy aeMaaad on pp NORTH propafty apaciaiiy banaritad MAYOR nanoe evoerd anovMne fuel dot i*nar*i unpfW**'neni by >h* ' • InlflH ef aaM — diecarding i club. oaooral improvement by Tha of tha amended oaplwl ownehlp ol Maria I re, In Bw • InylflH ef a • K75 Township ol Marlboro, m tha rneordlrv County of UunmouBl, New jer- lelTheoepnal Finally, South led dummy's last VAKQ5 County of Monmouth. New Jer- (b) Tha period ol u**tuln*o* ol n waa Inlroduead and paaaed aey. Ferine aeM — y amended too heart *ay. For th* aaM improvement or Mid purpoe*. within tha limi- on Ural rasdma al a maaSno of pro^n*iov>* OT we oromanoe eo OJ85 purpaaa. there •• "" tation* Of eOOttOn 40A.2-22 Ol ma Townahlp Council of The of any tntnooftaOeno •atd Local %ona Law *nd aooord- SSrwL.mVeJ d the East's last two cards were the • A65 p.eartQMd the sum of lisa Townahlp of Marlboro. In theand la available I aeM aum bewa MM turn inelutfv* of i ino to th* roeeonabt* lit* tharaof. County ol Monmouth. New Jer- promulgated by the Looal it Ttv* year*. n_._ ^_ ^fc ai e • al *- - * - - a.^ j^aajl jack of spades and a diamond. South . IwM on June II. isas. and _. S. The fun IMIh and Iherefer and momdlng Ihe eum ol wierelor and Including lha aum of (a) The euppiemoniai debt D* Turmar oon*toa*ao for w\ paytnani tor a amended oepiL budeet held the four of spades and a low BAST •tatemant required by *eM Law » oredlt of the TownaNp an lwn> oeenel program aa ep wen S700 aa lha Sown payment for final paaaaei aher public rtear- by pledgeo k> the punotuai pay- or purpoea re- dub. • J1086 aaM Improvement or purpoee re- ha* been duly mede end Sled m In-~g at.ata meeting of aald Town- quired by lew and 0 by the Director. DMaton • 9 quired by law and now available the ofHoo of the Township C4am ment oTTr aal aevernmenl larvkWa la 9983 erJpOounaal . to ba new at tha nwreat on aald oMIfatlona tharetor by vinue i GETS THErOUB 9J1074 therefor by virtue ol provielon in and a oompleta •• touted ortfl- . on July IS. on «• wtth tha munlotoal otork 09432 a budget or budgeta ol ma inai th*r*o* hea been fHed in m* IBM. at S P.M.. and during Ihe twrowd by mia afdwwiio.. and • fikebla tor pvMM »• OAKQ6 TowneMp prevtouety adopted tor orlto* of th* Director of Com- week prior to end Including the i oOHgeeone anal ba dlreot If East ruffed, South would dis- • Q10 down payment or for capital im- munity Affair* ot the eMete of New daw ol auch further oonaMar- nllmlwd obllgatlona ol ttw • J983 Jeraoy. and *uen *tat*m*ni own*n4p, and the Townahlp *f9*a^^*nt purpaea* _ aMn. ooclaa ww be made avail, eeoeon 2. POT the nnancsng tv card his losing club and take the able at ma Ctork'a offloa In aeM ahaa be obUgatod lo levy ed vel- OfaaK of M. TawnaMp an here. SOUTH nm turn upon aa aw to jOsQ impro^re^n^P''' or pna>* pnM last trick with the four of spades. Municipal Suadme to the mem- and to meal aw pert ol aeMb ldd tot w punctual pay- • AQ432 bore of the general public who tX)Q9rTf awtfftin eh* T S141.M0 appropriation net e pnnolpal of end When East actually discarded hi* aha« requeet auch oopiea. io aofnoM o *ad provided tor by eppmaaan hore- on aaM .MfaBora <962 no naraav aa unoer ef aaM down paymani i by me* o>TOlnanoa. diamond, South played the four of SVSLYN 0. PICCOLINI t H \ wWl O107 W Marlboro TOWNSHIP CLEBK neon aa lo raw or amount. iiedllaaall Band. H M Tan- unlimited .BIIB.S.IW « the •pades, winning his tenth trick at tl SSS.40 Baodon a. Tnia ordmenee ahaa ah*. me la be known aa -Pent Townehlp. end aw TowneMp • K742 wka eftool twenty daya after me •net Ba aajaejmaad tokw y M vef once. aaeOLunON •ISMS nxpubaoaeon thereof elwrllnel onim buea upon en »w teaebkt South's four of spades wasn't the Nertk last Seata Wast M IT RsaOLVCO ey me TovnaNp Counoa ol the TmmNp of MSOLUTION *1ST-M Marlbora o awwl an Ordinanoa antaeo aC IT RIBOLVID by BW erSnuSTTi'iii*!^**-*' highest unplayed apade, and it won INT Pass 3* Psas ownahto Council al the Town- aw aeymant or eaaa aeaajaeona hip of lilartaln that at OnH- Ban Mto role or amount. the 13th trick by positional advan- 4* AUPass oooiauiaoa PKOVDHX POR TMS p5jSi»aa MUMCIPAL CLBRK Baeaon t. Ttva ordmenoa ehea SAUL Q HOPilL wJM afleet twenty day* eher pie tage. Reverse the Eaat-West so OROINAN I-Bi MAYOR aao^ssxs'ssse O a. MOTU or net OROINANCI PROVIOtNO FOR hands, and West would be ready to o> auuiLeoRO. IN me COUNTY O» Moawoirm. Mew **• THI PURCHASE OF PUBLIC overruff whenever South played Openlnflead-OK SST, POD PIMANCINa B/UD PURPOea WORKS EQUIPMENT AP- Theo Bond Law PASBBD June ba Ina-ofcaad and [mid on Ural reetflno and thai the aame be PROPRIATING) 1171.100 11. 1MS the four of spades. - lo lew. and HIRIPOR. AND on Bret laailain at a maadna of IVSLYN 0 PICCOLINI. (A Packet OaMe toBrla, . writ- AUTHORIZING) THI ISSUANCI tha Townehlp Counoll of The Bt IT FURTHER FllBOLVED thai m. aama Da oooaKWrao lor final ownamp or Manooro, HI WI& L CLIRK If that's not a finesse, what tea kj AlfrW is availa- Plane, on July IS. 1BSS at 1:00 P.M. at the Marlboro Municipal OP I1SI,BOO BONOS ANO SAUL OX HOFBwK, NOTES OP THI TOWNSHIP OP county ol Monmouth, Now Jar- would you call it? Comple*p . 1ST* Townahlp Onve. Marlboro.. Ne» Jeraeyy. at ohlcr, py. IwM on June 11. IBM, and Sliaan a. W The kiwro.a MAYOR ble. Oel *e« tee* aj teattta* *M, umaa alall ll peraona InWraaWd it b hd MARLBORO. IN THI COUNTY wiM ba given an opportunity to ba heard OP MONMOUTH. NIW JERBEY. rfl be lurBwr ooneloarad Mr ment hereby authonaed end M uonaacnlnl g aald Ordinanoa Indl peaseoa ailtf pubeo Iwar- purpoea Mr Bw imendng of Thaordm DAILY QUESTION laclaaiaf a staataet], i.lf-aa". OPPSflCD BY Veocniarem 'OR PINANCINO SAID PURPOM ng at a inaaBne of »a*d Town- which eak) uukgaeom are to be tossed Ne. U eaveteaa, la Shela- AVJEl ahlp Counoll. to ba haM M the laeued la the renoveeon ol exkkl- on IkM reading el a meaene ol You hold! *>J 108679830943 SCCONDeO SY: Stokea ba kriroduoad and >ama on " g on July It. Ing aocoor llelda ana thema TawnaMp Council of The weU ea BrUfe, la can ef this NAYS:0 2 • Q 10. Partner bid* one spade, Brat reading and mat aw aame IBM. at S P.M., and during Sw purohaae ol SMM mt eaulp- Towrwhto of HIIHIIII ki aw P.O. Ba AeSCNT: 1 MoHloa. Humbert be advemaod anuonaiie to law. County ot IHnmitMBl, New Jar DAVID M. LIRNC ' including tha ment toraeme ; tie expeneton of and the next player doubles. What and wr conaider- Bw totM M M Bw Muriolpal Part •ey. IWM on June 11, IW. and COUNCIL PKiaioaNi BI IT FURTHER P.ISOLVID I. ooetoa MS be meoa avaa- to klpjufl Bw piirchaaa anal kv we) be MfSwr canaHeru tw do you say? EVCLYN 0. PICCOUW hat th* tarn* ba oortatdored for •nel > eftor puBBo hear- MUNICIPAL CLIRK . on July IS. IBSSat abM M the CMrk'e omoa ki aaM m ov new eouipmont tor ANSWER: Bid two spades. The •IW.UlA •TbMil Munioipal Bunding to tha mem- no 11 •>•»'>" el aeid mo at a inaiSiM ot aaM Town- ijajniNniets #sa-es 100 P.M. at the Marlboro Mu- bera ol the general puMU who pip OainiaB. to be haM M aw ORMNAJtCa PROVUHHO POR THB PURCHASB OP BOtNPMaNT niapal Comptok. 1BTS Townahlp aTw'Munioipal Perk.Hlweon. MlinlnlpM Budding on July It. FOR Tt« eOUtPWINT MAlNTINANCa OBPAimiaNT AP. OrNa, Marlboro. New Jeraey. et IBM. Ml P.M.. and durkig aw — InWraaWd alruoaon el addWoo panang te- PROPRUTINO SSI.SB. TMaRSPOR. ANO AUTHORmaM THS Townahlp Clark oBMaa M the Munlokjal Part week prior to and Inmmna aw •« ba given an opportunity lo be SS7.11 Complex, aw reooneeruoeon of data of auoh turmer oonildli- heard oonoemlng aaM Ordl- Bw beeebek aaM M Bw Munlal aden. Ham wM Ba mede avea- H< POa PWUNCIMOJ SAID PUttPOaB pal Part Complex: Bw imMm aMa at the Ctork'a o«oe In aaM BI IT OFtOAIMID BY THI TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THI TOWN- OPPSRSO SY: VeooNereN RBSOLUTION >1t*-M Ben of Mltunorm M Bw aoooer MunMpeJ Buddkig to aw mem- SHIP OP MARLBORO IN THI COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. NSW SECONDED SY: Stokea BE IT RESOLVED SY THEBold. Uoatod on the Munioipal bare at aw general pubkc who not leaa then hvo-turda ol an me membara thereol AYU:3 TowlwMp Counok of me Town- CompiOk; the lailUliaailluBkBI of •hen requeM auoh ooptoa part of aald It 1.100 apprnprtadan not prodded lor by SUMMARY OR SYNOPSIS OP THIRSPOR, ANO W AUDIT RtPORT OF AT OCEAN GROVE AUTHORIZINO THI ISSUANCI WMOUOH Of S8>X BPHOHT AS we ToKraNp, the to be Known aa -Squlprnent Bond." are hereby }F tllilM BONDS ANO auamrtted 10 ba leaued in the principal amount of Md.tOO purauant REOUIRID SY N J.S. 40*1-7 •OTIS OF THI TOWNSHIP OP COMBINCO OOMPARATTVI Preaching Sunday, Juna 23 to end anann the HmMgona praaorlbed In tie Looal Bond Le» of MARLBORO. IN THI COUNTY «ew Jeraey in eneoweeor. ot me wouonoo of aaM bonde and k> W MONMOUTH, NIW JERSEY. In the Great Auditorium OR FINANCINO SAID ASSITS al lha Townahlp In a principal amount not ekoeedmg 141.100 ere nareb, authortied lo be leauad pureuent lo end IBen ate Hinhadona N IT OfWAINIO BY THICaMi end intaauiianai.. oreeorlbed by aeld Low TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THE 1 Properly Aoquired lor Tei Sunn 1. |el The improvement hereby auwanaaa and aid TOWNSHIP OP MAHLBOftO, purpoea for tha nnenctng ol whloh aald obagaeona are lo ba laeued THI COUNTY OP MONMOUTH. AaaaMatf Value la BIO purohaea of equipment Mr the Bqulpmenl MMnMnmua Aooounta rttottvUM.'.ZZ'Z'.Z'Z'. NIW JtFUMY (not leea than hv»: Delarrad Cnaroaa 10 Future Depenment kj include an englna now. oral preaa. hydreuac preea. Iturde of en the membera thereol heavy due/ Itoor |eok. a new aervice vahtow. Irani and aHanment enVm.ilwely concurring) AS Taxabon-Oenerel Capital machine, a hkjh apaad whan hatonna machine, a brake Mho and an FOLLOWS: 10 Revenue of anatn. performence analyaaf • 1. Tha improvemani (BI The aaamaead maximum amount of bonda or notea to be SMBan »« mM TOTAL ASSITS. wued lor apM purpoea la 141,100. srdlnano* la haraoy authortsod let) The aakmam ooet of MM purpoee la levtoo. the IIIOIBI LIABILITIES. RUIRVIB AND FUND BALANCI neresf ever the aaM aennialiil maximum amount of bone, end by The Bonde and Nowa Payable noaaa to be weuod thereto* bemg tie amount of the aaid down 'ownehlp ef Mvlsoro. In the mprovoment Authorliaeene.. payment tor aeM purpoea. County ef Monmouth. New Jer- Other Lllblrlkaa and Speolel Punde Teeeen 4 The following i a are h , deawred. (oy. rot ma aato improvemam or Wittrn Mr Certain Ma Ma WaaiKibla .. purpoee. awe la Iwreby ea- Fund Balanoa lal The aaM pun ad ki Boobon » ol Hue ordlnenoe la urtanakul aw aum of 1*1,100 The Rev. net a eurram evpenaa and la an Improvement or property wfHah ma aaM aum bewio Induelva of el TOTAL LIABILITIIB, RIM Townet»p nwy lewtuHy aoqulra or make m a general Improvement. ANO FUND BALANCI.. and M pan of aw oaet thereof ha. bean or atwB ba in a at) Robert Simpson Iherelor end Inobdmg Ihe aum ol COMPARATIVI BTATIMINT OF OPIRATIONS ANO •MOO aa the down peyment lor OHANO! IN FUND SALANOS CUPMSNT FUND Chatham, NJ United Methodist Church pened w uMuli'iaoa of aald a»ira in, whhM the umaaBono aaM knorovemenl or purpoea re- i 40A1-21 ef eaM Local Bond Law and anam mil lo die ed by lew and now available 1030AM w Ma Wareof. la five yen - efor by virtue of provtaion kl a budget or budeata of Bw 'und SaMnoa UWbted TownafSp prevloualy adopted lor HUcHanauul Plum Other dewnpeyment or toroepfle l Im- Than Loou Property Tax Levlea provement purpoea.. Cokaoton of Oeknouenl Taxea and TM TWaUana 'icaon 1. For me Unenomg of CoeacHcn of Currant Tax J improvamant ot purpoat and M meet the part of eaM Levy •171.100 appropriation not

niainikli bonda of aw Town- ahlp, me to be known aa —fi-fr ment Bend", ara hereby

fcaa^Riafi-t %• aod wejen via BPV* Boa»d ahewtng u detea ol tha •mended ooptw budeet end eapM proerem ea approved by the DlrectH. DMelen of Leoel Oevernrnent Sttm nniiam in aw M

•don I. The tuk tehh end credR of Bw Townahip an hereby iB!'V>«M«tnaPaTiSii1aad>nMW <**»t™*V of end Market on ina Ii7i7aoe- are hereby The Rev. Dr. •MI be MZ^m^mS^'mSttJSfm-i, •uawrwadMBelaau VSS>iH^*i2!^*** «•> aw p^iiwia eieSd aMaee»ene and M mt aMl Bw . InaareentanMt awreemereon wHheuWMWMt HirHadaUmlwuorn, aae e> naM or ameurn preaerawd by eeM Lew. David J. Randolph Seanon a. TMa wdn.amie aha* efleat twenty eey* after VM SeaBan 1. la) The Improve Christ United Methodist Church at arsMdad by eaM mew Iwrooy auaiarawd end aw New York, New York Mued la aw pureneae of Pubde 7:10PM dvt- tiiwrj plats i.- eepneR eaw, twa heavy duty tree tor me roar buoiaM torm a to d t Ocean Grove of Mamti a, ki the Oeurny ef MonmouPi, new J»a». haM en eueh fund, to Bw Treeaurer on a monthly beak). 11.1BB1. and ww be lunher ooneMered Kw Ikval paaaeao after I S. TMI aurety Band oawjns* Mr ku oaewator be awraaawa to Camp Meeting Association neenne a • meeans ef eaM TlaatdWB CanMB. M Be haM t. _ 4. TM the aunMy Band lllilli Mr Bw MunelpM Court Clerk be I aMtd to 114MBJM Munioipal SikidinB on July il, IBM, M IPM., and dmtna Bw week •Rat from IBM and IBeTAudtL ^^ M Pitman Avenue, Ocean Grove, NJ 07796 prior to end Induing the dMa of auoh turBwr oer-^- ameunt of bonea or netoa 10 be wee>riaari<»ra^awiMi'lafaua»tlkJi'lafaua»tlkJwBereuMielBMa,w t»>. w» be mede avallabla M the Oanfa efBoe m aeM MuMatealSuMini wjjid^rer MM purpoea la U01,r7M0M l»k>»itwmber»ol trie general pubac who aha, riinaaliuali - I The eoamatod ooet of eaM purpoaa « 1171.100. Bw aa inareet ovef tho aeld eewf u-. . JUNE 21, 1965 The Register IMMrtwc 2M Marlboro 2*» Watt Lona •ranch 24« atonmoutri County 1 Htlpwantti ,., HaMi ii laal of road •TATl OF NEW JERSEY teotien S4-IOP|t) Benk. Monrnouoou m County point: thence 12) north la IENCH TECHNICIAN — Fiat' en M. 14 Is In •novnwaa FOR THE MAIN- Imanrtol and lunlnin omoea A« RopOft degreea II mmuue to eeoende Sma. Seiary baaed on exp. t Of BaOftTaf ITlBjfniMfa*ITlBjfniMfa*^ ^ Aberdeen adjoining tha TENANCE OF SAID COM.' Rl- aaat 1S0.11 Mat to a pom In me ebeny. Conlect Tony ett-1t0t. P1AUNO ANO SAVINO PPJOM I) Roban A .F Forraatli. it-Si eaaMrty me ot lende formerly SI Halp Wanted RIPIAL CERTAIN ORDI- aauara Mat al nat Saar apaoa or Oauand Skoal. B1.W, Lot 7. bemnglna to Qeenje wakMe: •ad Bank. N J. Appaoani la aaok- Mala or Female BOOKKEEPER/OPFICI MAN- NANCES NOT INCLUDED NOnct Kence (1) along the IMe ol AOta - For buoy general Mat- fl9 MrVaafOt* aMal plaVI aaPPfOVfJa WHf WUkma and ateo along me woat- oss THEREIN: ESTABLISHING! A Purauant te tha Mrma of ma ACCOUNTANT - tanv. eentor reotora omoa Neidgood typing IN THI MATTER Of Anmony POjNALTY POM ALTDHNa OR r ohanga of uaa fr erly me ol Lewte Potend north 1 or eereer. Permanenitt poaMon d^loranoe Open Public Meeting! Aot. degreaa SS mlnutee 10 aeoonda , mam ekele faeeeant benerwa Ip Hill II, C«n UM end Wat A minor TAMPtMN* WITH COM: ANO •MmHy houaa to p NJ.B.A. 104-S ataaq. nlnn ba CPA firm. /vd aoofJ pay. bnpfiaoiata opaxtv MAKIHa CERTAIN CHANOM IN eeal a dtekanoe ol 110 M Mat to a •iinasini aakvy to eavt, oom UAH TAXI MOT1C1: *£tetonolio aga and piihaaaaun aa raaukad IvSfO tTiataMM **n## PtaaOrlintQQ BOtjVd alone: Ihenoe (4) north 11 mga Caa 74<-S47S. PRSV1OUSLY ADOPTED OROt- » Oavtd and Branaa Aaaa. 1M Ex- TK» mUmipin MI ninu Harding Raad. at 10S. Lola of me BBorough h oll WWaall LanL g BOYS/OIRLS 10 Ihe Planning Board of TNaNoaoa weervedupon you •ranch ahaE heM a apeatal meal- aW afM> A^aikaMkaafM law eat I I • II n Har b> adltlad on aaaand and waat MS.B4 Mel to a point. I aandraauma to PO MIN/WOMEN Marlboro Tewnehlp, tor • BaaaaUl aA-dlaA ^.— -J —--*-- _ M --- ing on TuHda;, June It, 1BSS al Due to e repM grower we hove PraeMnary Hppro.ilto. n o Fafaaaf fwBajpw SAUL 0 HORNIK • 5o P.M. at lha Borough Had ID aoum • mirm at In MS. Lotto Branoh. NJ 07740 N.J.. pureuent to paaaaga Iharaol ahall ba MAYOR a rartanoe Mr lot frontage mlnutee SO aeoonda weal 141.0 or oat ng-osst • rapiMS llilevTlatlli M IN 4) Jeffrey Meyer, ail lloalld ot M Poplar Avonua. r«eae6te"iN'"Y0UR' ARtA " Can PIMM 0. ' itnony Sp The Henry Hudeon Regional Rd.. Wax Twp., N.J. roura per day. Type 1 RBBOLUnOH >1I1-M MONMOUTH. STATE OF NEW Momtoah Motor Inna tOUAD. HI. eanlora. lunkxa. required, will train. Ideal for mo Managrc. New jereey nanoaaMMat: BE IT RISOLVED by mo Softool DMtrtot Board ol Educe- Tha approximate amount ol Oreda. and College atudanu. Tha Meowing \*»ven or van- OfWNANCl ... ot Now Jaraay. me. • Moment M ba eatMled by NEWLY retired Apply In pereon ToMahu Council ol mo To«o- and nnal raaaina and noaoo of •on wet hold a tpeotel Meeting DATED JUNE 17, tttS earn groat pay • SMOO ed ex- between 10-1 p.m. weokdeye et anonow be i milled: (al SO Mot AH ORDINANCE AJawteDaMO) aNp ol Mirtaorg that an Ortfl- on Monday. Juna 24, ittt « aete la me eum of 1271.61 J 00 panee pay beck » M.040 Ol Bin JI.A- — — ^ aWxBWBBB, ^-*— — fc- - * i_ AN OHOINAMCI ADOPT**! A June at 11152 wtm me ooeta ol mte Ranney School. Ho Hope Rd., iHVaWOS HOm VaTVaV^VtjfW rtl- 7.-00 p.m. In the Library ol me * 110,000 etudent Man repay- TlntonFeaa School, The Board wet meat In ment Can lor Interview •load al 100 loot onanama Of TMI OKOtNANOM Of 1X1 #tt-SS OFFERED BY: VoooharaM AN OROINANCI TO AMEND Thti Shawtfl htvoby rmrvii 747-2211 Aak lor PETE SABO or CAKE DECORATOR — Or willing lO-eo (a) Ht Mai of road fron- TOWNSHIP OP MARLBORO. »*• rtQW to ad)oum thl* ult lago along m. »4 Ineeaed 01400 THI COM OF THI TOWNSHIP AYES1 aonnol. purauant to aaoapHona 241 Monmoutti County MIQUEL PERE2. AMERICANS to leern. Muat have artMHc flair. COUNTY OP MONUOUTH. OF MARLBORO. CHAPTER M NAYS: 0 oomamad m PL. ttrs. Chaptar •vtmout furthtw notlo* by pubH- AT THE* BEST" Prior eervtoe Pan Ume 1 weekend!. Carvel TMERtOf ENTITLEO LANO USE Ml Biodoii 7b7. and no formal PUBLIC NOTKE cattoo WILLIAM M, LAflZAAO. mey apply: ABSENT: 1 Mollloa. Humban Thereww baa moating of ma DEVELOPMENT AND REGU- EVELYN D. PICCOLINI. aooon wW ba takon Slwtfl LATIONS TO CHANGE THE Rf- Craian'a Advlaory Commmaofor D*ttxJ Ftrumry 19. 1M6 NJ ARMY CANDY SALES PERSONNEL —. MUNICIPAL CLERK Pnaonia M. Marraf. laam lento To work various ehlfte. Apply In 1 FOR LKJHTINO DAVID M. LERNER. Bnllnaw AdrnMalrator/ H W Board Saorolary Juno 21 ll?l July 1. at 4 00 p.m. In me Mental Atlomeya NATIONAL GUARD pereon. Criterion Chocletea. 121 AREAS bo adaptad COUNCIL PRESIDENT HoaWi Board Contaranca Room a St. Eatonlown 143-7147. WMHIaotO on aaaand'and Unal raadtna 1 Juna 11 at 00 June 2i,2».Jury 3.10 ADVERTISINQ IALEI — I need noaoa d ma manga maraat 141 on me aaoond floor of me Han ol experienced, outgoing, peraon- CARRIER WANTED »T#oocoa) Ann#x anelioinfl, K M0 Other Public NoUctt abM. neat, amblioua people to For delivery In the Rumaon-Pelr H IT RESOLVED by Ma Townerep Council at lha TownaMp at WOe»«n»ort PUBUC NOTKE 20S (Pleaaa noM thai aea geuranMed direct mell retell Haven araa Approximately 1 W >ga wW now take OFFERED IV: Verjohtoreat NOTICt OF HtARHta AN ORDINANCI SUP- SUPtRI OR COURT oovaroatng on a eommkMlon to 2 houra per day About S2OO ORDINANCE J«-*i PLEMENTINO ANO AMENOtNO pMaeat4:00p.m.| OP NEW JERSEY beakt. Oood oommMtlon. un- per month Relujbte car a muat. SECONDED BY Btokae Juna 21 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE fl»NO THC AYEt: J PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a CHAPTER 4 BEACHES AND, S4.U LAW DIVISION: eernlnge. > or Information cell: SueM.' SALANM OF THI OFFICER! ANO EMPLOYEIt OF THI TOWN- NAYS: pubHe haanng arai ba IMM by ma BEACHFRONT OF REVWEO: MONMOUTM COUNTY I. tendreraeuma o to Money SHIP OP MARLBORO I1BM). ABSENT: ORDINANCE OF THE Jonmg loardd Adluatmant of Minder. P.O. Boa 1OM, Oceen, CARPENTERS HELPERS — N1VUUUOM ftwiQ pavaav On HfaW rVSOaTlfJ 4VaO BTIO1 tTrfJ #4VT*# IM ma Boraugh of Ooaanpon at tha BOROUOH OF ttA BFaOHT «aa ButFiaan'e CoCrt NJ. 07718. No phone oaaa Mkoduoad by ma Mayor and FINAL JUDOS Ml NT Muat have trana Full time only. Homban Borough Had m ma Borough ot ESTATE OF HAZEL M 767-0060 U il fUPJTM«PiSlaOt.vio^oi me EVELYN 0. PtOCOLMI. Ocaanporl. Naar Jaraay on Counoa of mo Borough of toa CARHART. DECEASED STEPHEN S. WEINSTEIN peocege on July It. IM4 at 1 00 P.M. at lha Mll MUNICIPAL CLERK Wadnaaday. July a. 1BSS at S Bright on Juna S. !SSa and on Pureuom M the order of J. A ProMoatonel Corporation AMUSEMENT GAMES Juno 17, 1SSS waa finally Comptox. 1»7»» TowneNTN p OnVeO . Marlborol . HHew JanMy. at DAVID M. LERNER m. Tha purpoaa of mia hoarlng WILLIAM BOYLE. SurrogaM ol 20 Park PMoa FuH or pert Ume poawone avail CARRIERS nme aS paraona InMraated ww aa gtve" n an opportunity to bo adoiMd and approvad by ma me County ot Monmouth, inn Morrlatown, Naw Jereey 07M0 Cell 717-M33 or 717-1171. COUNCIL PRESIDENT & lo oonaMMr ma application ol Mayor and Counoa. WANTED cof%oarnino aaM Ortftnanoa. Juna at I10.E0 Ino. for a van- day made, on tha application of 1201) M7-S200 OFPERDBY VeochMre" att~ . — -J - . -i_—_j lamaa ** - - • ARCADE HELP WANTED — For Tlnton Falls area. anoa from tho Zoning Ordmanca CECILS F. NORTON. Mayor Attorrteya for Ptetnttfl Start ImmodMMy. Apply el SECONDED SY Stokoa MARY LARSON. Borough CMrk antj unrjtjrwQfiajO. JWTTTW* "axry IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLI- Wellington Rd. ind ol ma Borough of Ooaanpon aim Owynn. aoM oaaouior of tha aa- SCOTTY-S ARCADE. MOoeen AVU: 1 RtBOLUnOH »1SMt raaeaol » propany Uwatad on Juna tt IS.7S CATION OF MARVIN KASSOY Wyckham Rd. areas. NAYS: 0 BE IT RESOLVED by ma MM of the aaM Haael M. Carhan FOR LEAVE TO ASSUME THE Ave., Long Branoh. NJ. Iroquola Avanua, Oooanport, deoaaaad, none* la hereby given ToanaMp Counoa 01 Iho To«n- Now Jaraay and known at Lola NAME OF MARVIN KAY ASSEMBLERS Please call Steve aNO ol Marlboro that an Oral- PUBUC NOTICE to the oredttore of eald dacoaoad See our ed under FACTORY Gardens at 542-8880 •. •BSM.55SM.55S3 1J. 14. Block • aa ahown on tha A BpaeMI Mailing of ma to preaant to tha aaw aota a>- Plaintiff COUN Borough Tan Map Mayor and Council of tha MARVIN KASSOY. bom on Chortaa of me Rlti Oroup Ltd EVELYN DPRS*OtN. PtCOOLINTI UWMMUNCI '14-SS February 15. 1MS In Philadel- CARRIER WANTED — KeyporL Vananoa or uaad raquottod la Borough of toa Bright, Naw Ja»- •nthm elK montha from mia data ASSESSOR DMoton at., Broad St.. Main St MUNICIPAL CLEP.K AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND Deled: June 12, itSi phia. Pennaytvenla. having made THE COM OF THI TOWNSHIP aa katoaa: Varlanoa from mo aay «af ba haw en July t, tats at Tha Soroughol Tlnlon Fane la araa Can Cethy Berkley. The ORDINANCE M-M Mrma ot Saaaon 4SMO-70|o) to e:00 P.M. In lha Counon Meaer. Zager. Fuohe. Lackateln. application lo mia Court By duly aeeklng e full Ume Tex Aeeeaaor. AH ORDINANCE AMBNOrNO AN ORDINANCE FIXINO THE OF MARLBORO. CHAPTER M verified comptelnl for a ilidge- see-aato or 542 uaa THEREOF, ENTITLED "LAND parmlt ma craatlon at a non- Chambara. tots laat Ooaan Av Kauff t Needle A faat growing oommunny with •ALARtlt OF THI OFFICERS ANO EMPLOYEE! OF THI TOWN- oontormmg lot with a minimum anua. laa Bright. Now Jaraay. atSlraed Street meni authorizing htm to aaaiime en epproxlmete poputeaon ol SHIP OF MARLBORO |1MS). USE DEVELOPMENT AND the nemo of MARVIN KAY. and It CARRIER WANTED REGULATIONS, TO CHANOE widm of 100 taat whara 120 faat Tha purpoaa of mil mooting U to Red Bank. NJ. •600 Muet be oertmed Salary M IT ORDAINED by Hia ToamoMp Counox o» lha TownaMp o( raqulrad and a minimum lot araa Attorney. appearing to the Court mat he KEYPORT THI OFF STREET PARKINS) RI- Mroduoa ma UnMorm Flra Safa- hae compiled with all ot the DOranauraato wftn ataOarta^a VICINITY Marlboro, County ol Monmoum aa toeowe OUIRIMIHTS FOR PROo-f 10.000 aquara foat ohara ly Aot Ordmanoa and M dMauaa Jamee Perry Qwynn Send Reeume lo Borough of Tln- _t 1. That _. "'" ol lha Otdmanoo bo amended as 12,000 tquara Mat raqulrad. 1231 Ocean Avonua provterona of N.J.S.A 2A52-I Weehlnglon St.. FESSIONAL SUILOINOS- ba In- q ma tutoro uaa of ma Munlolpal «. eeq . end the Rulea ol Court, lon Feea. SM Tlnlon Avenue. Tin- Thereeo St.. Broadway mat Ma aalary tar ma P* (tua erne) and Etoceicel •roduoad and paaaod on Y aa hab tmd Parking Lot and any other bwtt- Sea snout, N.J. ton Fane, N.J. 07714 Mark inepeotor (fua erne) enea read aa . ra haraby and mia Court being aeuefled THE REOISTER raadlng and that lha aama aa yoy u ara prMMgapg d to bop prooant naaa that may appear. Thai Meet- Soto beoutor thereof and that mare le no envelope Reeume" Equal Op- Plumbing Inapaetor (M erne) 111.00000 SM.OOO 00 asunliid according » lav. and at aaaard hartnhaartng aanndd araaanl any ing la open » tha public. June at M 72 raaaonable objection thereto: EMomaTlnapaotorlMamel H1.000.00-SM.000 00 Call Cathy Berkley BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and all oalioaona xraoh yoyou may MARY LARSON S42-MS0. M3-S210 Season 1. All Ordmenoea or parte mereof limiiaHUnl wWi me hava to tha granting of aaM varl- IT IS on thla 7m dey of JUNE. ASSEMBLERS mat ma aama ba oonaMarad for Borough CMrk Minraium County IMS. ADJUDGED mat Marvin fk* paaaaga on July IS. IMS at anoa. June at M 4a Surregete'a Court CARPENTERS Sooaon S. ThM Ofatnanoa aha> laka oBoct imrnadlalali upon Any mapa and documonta for Kaeeoy be and ha la hereby CARRIER WANTED • 00 P.M. at tha Marlboro Mu- ESTATE OF ELIZABETH FORE- authorized to Qaaume the name ELECTRICAL ruiiai and pinmntn aa roqukod by Mar. nMpal Complaa. tSTS Taanahlp »hMh approval la Dalrrg aought HAND PAMiD Juno 11. lata ara or aM ba on Ma and avaiiawa 244 Tlnten FaMt of MARVIN KAY from and after MECHANICAL Hlghlenda downtown erea. OrM, Marlboro. Na» Mraay. at Purauant to the order or J Jury 1. IBM. and It la funher COH Jell S42-MOO SAW. a. HORum arhUh Sma 11 aaraona inairaaaid for public inapactton in ma offloa NOTICE WILLIAM BOYLE. SurrogeM of Leading Yacht menutecturcr la MAYOR am ba ghan an opsortunriy la ba of tha Borough CMrfc. during ma ORDERED thai within twenty axpendlng-why not grow wtm PUBLIC NOTICE la haraby the County of Monmouth, mia 201 daya after the dale hereof, EVELYN 0. PtCCOUM hoard oonoarnmg aaM Ordl- normal tiualnaaa houra of aaM day made, on the application of ua? Outetendlng employment MUNICIPAL CLERK omaaat raaat 10 (ton) daya prior given M aa paraona thai lha lol- aald pMlnttlt ahall cauaa a copy wwlng approvala ware granted at the underalgned. Elisabeth opportunity, yeer round work. Junati Din ol thu ludgement to be putwuh- CARPENTER8 OFFERED BY: VacchlaraHI ma Juneil, tttt rneetng of tha Johneon Executrix ol tha aetate ed In the Dally Reglaler and met good pey and benema Apply SECONDED IV: StOaaa Timor. FaSa PMnnmg Board: M me aeld Emabeth Forehand within forty-five daya (451 alter loutherton Manna, Vandorburg HetpereloMoro SI H.lpWanUd SI Hilp Wanted AVU: S R.S. OASIOROW8KI PaMr Haw, Block 78, Lot 1 IIIIIIII, noSoe ii hereby given me entry of rhla ludgement. af- Rd. Marlboro Call 747-0211 NAYS: 0 s AppHc«int Preliminary Major tubdWalon to the credltora of aaM deoaaaad fidavit of publication ahaH be ASSENT I Monica. Humban I1S.H Martin Mow, Block IM, Lot 7 to preeent to ma aald Executrix wtm the Clerk ol me Su- CARRIER ti l d f EVELYN 0 PICCOLINI a I tvj cB*ms und#jf Ot)tfi wrtthtn tlx perior Court ol New Jeraey. and MUNICIPAL CLERK Amended Final SIM. Plan montha from mu data a certified copy ol thla ludge- WANTED OAVIO M. LIRNER Lar Nor Corp.. Stock SEA, Lot Deled: June 11, ISM ment ahall ba filed with the Sec Grand Ave. araa, Atlantic Trie Witlilir hat aw oc«r*ne. lor t Wttrtet Um COUNCIL PRESIDENT COMMUNITY COLLEOM 11 Zager. Fucha. LeckeMln. Kauff a' retery of State pureuent to Ihe ATTENTION! Highlands. Call Jeff Cady OROtHAOCt *l*4)t L1OAL NOTICE Preliminary 1 Final SM Plan 4 provteone ol R. 4:71-4. MaWVtQtf til M CeVCUeeftHOA OtQttXfaQtli AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND Notice la hereby given lhal the vananoa Anomeya at Lew WILLIAM T. WICHMANN. J 8.C. I mention THC REGISTER 542-8880 TMt entry level fXXHIori ktvotvas auparvMlog youth THI COM OF THI TOWNSHIP Board ol TrJIII il ol BrookdoU Mary Raymond. Slock »3 Lot June 21 111.44 n replying to a R4 CARPENTER — REMODELINO OF MARLBORO. CHAPTER U Community Cetaao WM raOL . 1 Red Bank. New Jeraey 07701 CO. NEEDS 1 PERSON WHO carrtari In Ihe area* or aM. service and ooaec- THEREOF, ENTITLED "LAND mild Mde et the Purcheelng Minor SubdMeMn t Vananoa Ann: Lawrence M. Fuohe. Eaq. CAN DO IT ALLI FRAMING. SIO- tiont We provide vtrnmg an* an CORV USE OEVILOPMINT AND Deperment. 711 Newmen MeMn MoKaaer. Stock 10E. ATTENTION INQ, MASONARY. TRIM NO REOULATIONS, TO CHANOE Springe Road. Lincroft. Naw Jar. IWUIII 901 Taylor Avenue TRAVEL MONMOUTH CTY Me-aS21 THE OFF STREET PARKINQ RE- aey on JULY 10. ISM - 200 P M Minor SubdhrWon t Vananoa Neptune. New Jenay Neoonel Compeny now hiring 10 o rtave prior atlee/or twpeoleofy QUIREMENTS FOR PRO- Movtown, Itook 148. Lot 1.01. Executrix peopte. Fonow the aun ee we CARPENTERS HELPER FESSIONAL BUILOINOS end pteoe. eaMbMe WM ba pub- Brook ISO. Lota 12 1 11 6 Loat and Found provide e t-week peM training Steady work, •aparktrio*. •10.0S CeH 222-9077 BE IT ORDAINED by tha To«r>- aoly opended end reed on me Fiammnarr Malar tubdMalon program traveling In ma|or clbee following Mm: IBM P.C. To Apply Contact aMp Council ol lha TaamaMp ot TVnaan araona, Brook St. Lot 1 FREE FOUND ADS euon aa Miami, Dellea. Lea CASHIERS/STOCK - Drug Fe» ' Contract documenta may be fjneneton of Oma MUHIHUUIII County Ae e aervtoo to our community Vagae 1 LA wtm a young Duel- Storaa la currently aeaklng fua teoeon 1 Chapter 14 of me examined and ooptea aoMkied law daowona ara on «a and SurroaaM'e Court The Daay Regleter to ortenng a note group. Tranaportatlon peM nme help In the above lined Brian Banach at the Purcheelng Deportment ol ESTATE O* MAROARET R Code of jha Townohlp ol BaVTaVvaFaOtV rOr mtvpajCOOri Hi Hit) FREE 3-IMe FOUND ad tor 4 1 return geurenteed. Ejioeaenl area Succeaaful cendldete wHI Broekaato Community Cortege TMMn FaBa Borough Han, MS SHEEHAN enjoy etoro wide dtaoounta. un- 542-4000 Ext 217 et 7M llaaaim Spring. Raad. daye under our Loot 1 Found hereby amandad to read ae Ml. TMlon Avanua. Tmtan Fan. New Purauant to the order ol J. but any prevtoua public oomact haatolila benefit pockage. paid Llnoron. Now Jereey on or alter WILLIAM BOYLE. Surrogate ol Tha Regleter appreclataa your helpful auch ea Faat Mod. M3-S210 JUNE II, Ittt. the County of Monmouth. thla honoety 1 wm do Ita pen In find- weltreea. oeahter, etc Muat be thoNa t. Van Wlnkla dey mode, on me application of a prua. but we will train the runt 51 Halp Wanted Ik) aecuritea In the form of a Admlmatraova Otttoar ing the original elngte. ambrooua 1 tree to aMrt paraon. AppMcjittons avalLaiMa, bM bond wtm adequate eeourtty me underalgned. Norman Rltey OaHuaatS42-t1707 0 immediately. For Interview oaa I tt 112,24 Executor of the eatate ol Ihe aeM Haaat Piexe. RM. M. Hailet N.J thereon, or oenmed check m an Barbara tophor Thura-Frl only Tit 0110. Contact Larry. amount equal M 10% of me OOO 1/17 TINTON FALLS - 10 e.m, to 5 p.m. el 77t-t000. amount bid. not to exoeed n nairJ Lax *- - ]l • *- - * - - a^ ak^ imii tan female mixed Pug CASHIER - Part time Variety irooofj is rioroDy 0•• — -^ - fratont or ooafvary onaf^aia. Tna HOWOOO0. . atookia*.LoteTait. LOM It.. tt1.1 EXXON Compeny operator! A major comnvuntcattons cotnpany In 11.01. 17. 1S. IS. ISA. SS. *4. ei, en R Raey FOUND — amen OaSM Hae oarvtea IMIUIII hae reteot any I Baf#tf*00*P9f Mmala dog m Shop-PMa per>K( Full Tim* « Part Time) (•«*« »w/pt.1 mm* - Central Jeraey It looking lor an Account- me blldir le not _. thoSa E. Van Wlnkla Church lot In MMdWOwn. OoM S White _ _ tm App*y in paraoq flntjanoiaaty 0/ eacnneOaeity avwa 10 aoooo FMronoMooee Avenuenue About t montha ok). Co* openings: ing Manager to manage the Account- 2OI-3M7 •btonmouth Buikuna Camar, TT?~ oerry out the oonlrect ea in- PLANNING BOARD Hedot. NNe w JaraaJ y Shrowabury Ava., ifwawabyty. ,na/Bo*inest oflot. Reaponeibllltiei In- tended or for eny reeeon el me M.12 'a ludgement. It at not In FOUND — Small black kitten RED BANK clude management of office staff, Point Rd Vicinity In Line Silver MIDDLETOWN CHILD CARE - Coupteo en< Ctf 142-7424 alngie adutta needed to oper financial tlatamant and budget prep- HOLMDEL SMdera ere required to comp- Surrogate e Cevrt FOUND — Dem brown Tabbt Hood ealary and benotna b-ubed ohedren, egee 10-11 Tc aration, accounts receivable/payable ly wtm me requkmenla of P.L. Siimaali-a Caait ESTATE OF EDITH E. FALCONE oat Approx. 6 or 1 yre. oM. Vicin- Ca«S4i-aats provide firm but loving cera to • 1171 C 127 end PL. 1S77. C 33 ESTATE OF F.H. MIIDCR. DE- ity ol Oceanic Bridge. Rumeon 1 A M-4 P M Mon-Set OMd placed WWi you. Training and payroll. Automated systems ex- CEASED Purauant to me order of j June 11 M 12 WILLIAM BOYLE. Surrogate ol An equal Oppty employer M/F port end aubetanaal oom. perlence a muat. Supervisory experience Purauant to mo order ol J. me County of Monmoum, tMe FOUND - Small btock dog ._eebon provided CM Andrea BOaOUOH OF OCSANPOUT WILLIAM BOYLE. EurtataM Ol day mode, on the appaoaaon ol Mm all, tan Mge • lace. Red Laamar. M1-17H. E O.E preferred PoeMon reports directly to the k me County ol MonmouST INe ikA • lax all ' - — ** * —• • •— - -* aa lank trwgo ana. Can stUTts. 4L lpd E ialnMaarti na infj UfVOOf 4>*yrr#0, nOwlifl tl. IAUTOMAUTOMOTIVO E CLEANINO PERSON — Pan. President. Reply to: ofM • no*JO# Waaaf m fTvffMI" jWOwPQfl Of time Year round employment . mg on May 1. ISM. ma Zoning MoCormlck and Alan FOUND — Mate Don. K. . Blond A Bteck In Aeen- Board at AdluetmenAdluet t of the fe aoM eneoualx ot me ae- MM ot ma aaM Edltrnolmeea. E. Falcone- deoeeaed. noooe la hereby given «c Hlghtenoa, Owner praeee cell ^J SS^HT BorogBorough off OoaaOnpon nn granted ato otma and F:H. MnjaMM- ma Shrewabury In mi nieillain ill Min mmaaiil AttenJo HMNende Pound or Ai- CLEAN PRIVATE HOMES — ma Shrewabury Selling end (•••••O, notJOtj kS ntjVa)toy QlVAO to Hlghlenda Poaoe. Yacht CkCkib a ononee year exlenaion meoredHoraoleaM to preaent to me aaM Exeoutora Muet hava oar. Exc Income. Oaa of the alte plen epproval melr okxma under oem wHWn rJ« FOUND - Pair ol gl Mint MaMa. 77S-M40 monma from mra dale. BOX N-481 preKlauaty granted to It by the in oaee on Leonardo Rd. CLERK — Fun or part ume Board of Adluetment on May 2, I «: June 14, IMI Frt. 14. Can 172-iMl THE REGISTER .— June 11, Ittl Aarama a Oaaa. teqe SOMtERStTT TIRE needed Mr an More tuncOone , to and In- Mean t. woode. leq. Aoomeye at Law FOUND — amen female ttook ONE REGISTER PLAZA cluding May 2. teee t» Beach Rood 1ia7rhyy*M 8BMGE SHREWSBURY, NJ 07701 Wood, Jehoa. Irooga * Wight P.O. Box 1M Ocean Twp. Naw Jeraey CLERICAL POSITION - Full or Atlomeya tor Appaoarn NJ. Howard t. MoCormlck LOST — Mate neutered tabby pert time. Oenerel omce duttea June at M 12 Wyokofl Mlea Road OM. !» yre. old. Vicinity ot Account, peyebte. ranlevaebM. DorteK. Meeder AdMeNa. New Jereey Looual. June 1. Can S42-1S17 MECHANICS telephone, typing. Apply m per- M Ooaan Avenue. Unit 41 Alan MoCormlck eon only to Qew'a InduatrMJ 23« Wad Bank ~ el, NJ. 122 PnmroeaLane LOST — Kitten In Keeneburg, Supply. M Weal Front SL. Kay- aVtoklowfi« Naw alaraay tun. Juna 1. 3 moa. oM Wool port SS.71 female White apot on cheat S ibac Noaoe la hereby given CLERICAL the Houamg Aumonty of me June 21 110.44 Borough of Red Ber*. County ol QUALITY SHrtC Of NflW iMfeMy, Swregeae a CoarT UTATI OF John C. VMaa LOtT - Llttte tavar ASSURANCE iha toaowlng: tHBRIFrS SSALE Rumeon Rd. Bank t white oat Purauant M ma order ol J. aUPBPJOP R CCOURT A. Single oeoverala l contract to WILLIAM BOYLE. SurrogaM ol Up on CLERK aea.. but notHl Hmltedd to: mo County ot Monmouth. tN. OF new jtweer I. Cell 7747-4 1. Siti e Improvement Incaudlng Muet be e us Ored with et leaet day mode, on the appaoatlon d MOteMOUTH COUNTY LOST ~ S weak oW aH bujok pavMg. reaipiar walla and lend- the underalgned. Elliabem WM- 2*1 yeare ixailnel expertenoe. NUR8INQ/MEDICAL Docket Ha. F-717T-13 ahlny kitten. June 14. Maple Typing 40-80 WPM eeeenttai ueme Executrtx (X the eeteM * pnee. Inepecoon end dtetrlbu- POSITIONS AVAILABLE oMMd. note* tt h«r«ey glvan to A.H.I., INC., DaMndante. tton ol nret production aemplee. J 4. nentoriernonl of Bathroom m« crodtton o* Mtd By virtue ot e writ of execution ww rxnn aa Hna mepector when p to tha aaM IMOUMX in me above etetod aooon to me Flxkjree end He aurteoe waaa. jHtrommt uwdf oath wWhtn §tx MISSING CAT I. Replaraminl of Fuee panel directed. I axpoea tor eato OAYS • EVENINGS • NIGHTS • FULL TIME • PART TIME ih f fW at public venue at me Court Tkjer atnp. bteck t grey May wtm Crrouil Breeker Boxea have whrte laa ooaar on. Very PLEASE CALL OR APPLY Baljdja, • • -»** fc- — — _ _ t. - -j ea-, ao%A t June 14. tea Houee In the Borough of Free- iSaoSonaM Can ttt-1SM Ext. BETWEEN IAM-4PM fJefja WW DO rejoaMVva Qy m#AkviZark. Eaq. hoW, County of Monmoum, New PERSONNEL DIPT. Houelng Authority of the Attorney at Law Jereey. on Monday, me 11 day d 17: tna. SSS-MSa • Children RIM's • GN'S • LPN's • GPNs • AIDES Borough ol Red Bank, Adm. 1M1 Avenue C JliSSB at a o'ctock FTU. heartbroken. Hoc Evergreen Terreoe. Red Beyonne. New Jereey 0700J (201) 739-6134 IWSKUtt • KDICrU TECHINtANS • MEDICAL SECRETAMES. Me. LOST — Smea white mate dog. •• tx> OOMUMO AM>V> Bank. NJ. 07701 unta 4:J0 p.m., a or eel Hark Craejay k» m Keaneburg area. Reward. Call Explore the opportunitiat. Contact the participating recruiters in this July 24. ittt and then al eek) aaaaak^ x^aa III m • • ' • aaVa* QtSoa puKOry opened end read Abanac WghMnde. New Jeraay p*pa oft ma iTr*jaiarTy BK 717-2310. Highway Route St, DIRECTORY, and please mention The Register. akwd 1:30 p.m. LOST — Female Oorman ehort Charles of the The Mormatton Mr BMdera. June 11 M.S4 458,000 Met on a oouree of north Form ol BW, Form of Contract. 11 degreae so mkwMe aaat Irom a pipe ateo on ma weeearty ekte Ritz Group Ltd Of BIO BOnQt #OeaO# tV*O of SMMKghwey Route M. whtoh Holmdel. NJ 07713 Eauel Oppty Employer M/F NURSE! AIDES HOME HEALTH AIDES Pareonnel Dapl Peiyn^ajnt POOO, aifo otntjc ooo- liimaan'e Cowri » pipe la m tha northeaeterty T ALL HEALTH CARE UTATI Of JANET THOMP. -- •m at a treol ot tend oon-9 Special Nottcea CLERICAL - Fua-dma. mature- RN'LPN 3-11 Mrs Cittadino SERVICES. INC mod al me Meowing: vayed M Reee Electric Supply minded peraon. typing rooulroGV FAMILY 1 CHILDREN S SERVICE CHrMT laMOHM PM.ORIMS — HOLMDEL CONVALESCENT 11 Kmgl Hwy 1. Otfloe of Kellenyl Aa- Purauant to me order ol J. Corp. by Yorke Eeletei. me. by " - • - nl MUWMI&H lutafcd 191 Bam Avanua MHMWOwn. N J 07741 WILLIAM BOYLE. lurtosaH Of daad dated Apr! 17, IBM re- 920 Rt. 35 Muet be aaM to work weekende. CENTER 21 Patera Piece. Red May 10. 1*41. •prrttuel love, for all to enfoy for a IMHwy 34 Long Branch N J 07740 |»n«'l-M0C Bank. NJ. 07701 the County ot Monmoum. mia love ottering For Mtormeeon oaa (aeat H twger Kteg) •4/hr, Call 741-4111 Mr IK1I 2221100 day mode, on the appaoaaon d rm County Cterk'a Onoa 4SS-474S or 717-4711 For Holmdel. NJ 07733 1. Houelng Authority. Ever- at Book m of IMl)Me-4»o green Terreoe. Rod Bank. NJ. tna underlined. Archibald ohurchea. orgenoeeona. nuratng Ocean CLEANINO PEOPLE — Fua time. Trnrmpaon, aOfTiln«Mrai0f Of afp# ITS, and from aaM baojnntfig > boerdtng homee 07701 poM ninntn^ Ihanoa^Of atay 1-2 peopte can work ea e teem. opee may be otnarned at the eeMe of the aeM Janet Thomp- Ina waatafty WM O* aftala HtQn* SHORE THINGS Monmoum County araa. offlee al AroMMot MaMad at at aon ftaoaaaad. rroaoe la haraby A Home Cleaning. given to the crednora ol aald de- way Route M norm at degreaa Dont mraa the Homo I Leteure N.J. 07712 Aquartue oaaeed M preeent lo the aaM M mlnutee east tTaUl feel lo a Show to ba heM at ConvanSon Adela E Ratcigno'Alma Pann R admmieealor mea- ajalmi under Hon. Aabury Park. Over SO 774-1800 COME AND LEARN MY BUSI- PEOPLE CARE LPN • t HEALTH AIDES _ . ,fc_ ifc. fc- aadaaax BBakaa adxaBBBaat ill • aid • Par»onn*i/Oapv nnaatn a NEBS — Ae e muflter mechanic OF SOUTH JERSEY. INC MARLBORO PSYCHIATRIC pipe m me eoutherty line of Wen kl Ini 244 tread St'PO tax M» Da LaSALLE HALL AUTO _ HOSPITAL (Stale Fecility) I: June 14, is Churoh Read; (henee ia) along 171-1010 Red Sank. NJ 07701 Ito Nawman Sp""ai Ro«d me eoumerry Una ol Well Churoh brekea. keMtan and auto A/c Rl S20 Marlboro. NJ 07741 Tha owner reeervee the right to ptHMOL A 12011 S30-1SH 12011 Mo-ltOO. K424/J03 LincroH. N J 07731 aM.jk.Aod — - _ at- Baea gija.—j— — MM Oood aotery. j —- COOK -Pen erne Mr reatdent (2011 SH-Wt wehre eny Intormamea or to re- MIMepaM/ noao nofin as oayraaa «>*> ract eny or en DMa. ... waat 401 M Mat M a pipe m mo eeeterty ana Mon-Frt. J-7 p.m. Pteaee leave'* ot e rtghl.ol.way; menoa (41 name and number at SS1-17B4 bM. eecurny In ma amountam . AUTO MECHANIC — Fua Ome. or M2-2411 EOE •2 Bhrawabury Avenue along me eeeetrty ana of aaM Muat have eapenanaa, rat*. S i and aubjaott toto m mo con- light ot aai auum 11 degreea to i win HOT n m Red Bank, NJ. - M » . •aBaabawai BaauawBh >a i ixa own toote. Benema • uMMrma COOK - Short order oooka. itoiretor minuleeweelli.Mleettoaplpa: any ooana OVIOT enati mooa m* tatJotoe A O menoe (I) eoum St degreea M AttentioAtt n ol bMdera la pamou- M71 OertTaa by niyaalfa rV)o#rt F. aasan'a Pub, Mon. Man a Paraonnei Oepi mlnutea aaat 101.71 Mat M a 0»othuaen. PO Box 117. Key- Co. iMHwy. ataolM Mlddlaalail. S42-77M Mr Tum- Mr FortmulprVMrf Barrow* lertv oaead M the requtremaMa •teke; thenoe (t) north 11 Jane Oreen jaw Mgmt Servtcei ot JaValaxaaai — J ^^-—^akaaaa^BaabBBXBat port Pereonnei Rocujaori MCOtt NURaINO IERVICE1 *p# 10 OOnOrwOnS Of vmtjevyTTtfjni degreea so mlnutee eeal IS Met AUTO MECHAMC — E»- RIVERVIEW Prnlaooionel Recrutier til Sodrxen Piece M be aaMrveS end minimum TtOMAL SCHOOL to a aleke: menoa (7) eoum M pertenoed m brakea. front and 1 COUNTER HELP WANTED Red tank. N J 07701 wage ratoe to ba paw under me DMTPJCT degreea aa mlnutee east tuneupe. Muat have own toote. Batty aarfna Claanarv MEDICAL CENTER JERSEY SHORE P.O. aaa iti Met to a eteke; menoe (I) eeutt LOSE WEKJHT t BAT TOCM 12011 930-MW may wtmdraw lue AH Natural Herbal Diet, caxeta-atu. 35 Union SlreM MEDICAL CENTER IBaebeLene 11 degreee tt mlnutee watt St 1. Sooopey- pay 1l 00. benema Red Sank. N J 07701 bid wrmm SO daya after me Met M a aMaa; (tl eoum M Fua refund H not eeaafted for me right pereon. Conteot IHI actual dale ol lha opening there- Now Jereoy ST74S degreea SO mlnutea eaat 140.12 Cal VaMrta MS-SIM |WHS3u-»oa/»22 1S4S CorUea Ave ICE CREAM FOUNTAIN IN VAR- Neptune. NJ 07713 of. teal to a pipe, being the pom work 4 name and June IS, 1 AUTO MECHANIC — Exc. op- IETY STORE OPtMlia SOON — 12011 771 M00 Exl Me A SpecMI kSeoeng of me MRS. SYLVIA xauaujaaideaftu i — -• — — - - m. t - *— eMpaidtor I Mar »M. llameon Board et Umialan of me Voca- Pan and tut ame 1 mini 111 Lot 11, BlaekTo.!«»'. M. Waa . _ front and. FuM bananai needed Mr aummer endvear on me 11 to 7 aMI INTRODUCING tional tohoou m me County ol PSYCHIC um enendvead r Day Cera Center M June 11.1IS M0.40 Monmoum wet be head M MO pus bonua pMn. Start tmmadl- rouund E nay MMr rain Four 10 hour ehma "TRACT'TWO: Beginning at a READINGS etely. Caa 4M-ltl1 rouund. Exc. oponunayetudeuaa Mr . ear week en ma MOM mm P.M. an Tuuday. Juna M. lot*. pamt marked by an Iran ptee in Advteor an as pnalami ol aM eohod and tte td BA Mat ai me Admtntetreava Ofttoa et 2 AUTO tODV — Comotnaeon «ao Bucko Lane, Marlboro. Naw Jar- me I. .nany ma ol BMM Htgh- PUuwmeai wey Route M. aaM blilnnTni Terot Oerda, AeCoMay 1 Palm pereon wtm lOyeereexp. Frame The June 14, 1SSS mining ot point being oppoaM and at right 775-9672 aaakihMiikig. ruat repair and The purpoae ol me meeeng an«MaMa aSon 111+00Tn paining a moat Top pay and ott be heM at Me P. wta bo to dteouea: me baea ane of aaM Mato High- MRS. MILLER boner). Mr right pereon Can • daya. S-11:tu. Coa Arm be- Ml lie Mr IdaiuMw. Counoa Chomeore. 11 Mon- t. Fteoal Yeer lull Trena- way. aaM beginning pamt bang Reader & Advisor tween 1-1 at ira^oatO, aid. IT. moum avast, Red tank, NJ. — tr" aaa al Ihenertherly oomer 3 The agenda le ae toaowe: Panel IIS aa aa Atoo Tarot Card Riartne, Open CUBTOOIAN - Fua erne. Condo daily 10 e.m. M t p.m. Can Mr * ' * ' ** LTV yinnrt •"-— Information on placing an ad *'^4amiat?'J* appt 4M-11M. Keenabuig. Caa Mr 15 Instruction tend reeume to ton Z-444. lmt In this DIRECTORY Raglelir, Shrewabury. N.J. CUTTER — me Teerd Tower Ha) Can- needed rmrnedktWy. Exp 'kT we^outang helprul iiut plaaaa call 542-4000 axt. 252 BARTENOeR - welter, B PRIVATE MUSIC INSTRUCTION - AH beginning melrumente (ad- innrna. oook. Exp'd only. Cad AraJi'SJie, tox^io1 Pearl aV Mahwey •41-S1H bitnaaii i-s p.m mlnuMa vanced trumpet). 211-1121, Branch. Mon.-Thura.. sX IY. JUNE 21, 1985 MtrckandlM I j MtlPWanttd SI Help Wanttd Si Httpwsntsd SI MrtpWiaitW M Situation! WantM 71 for Sal* NUNSIS AlOEl MVP - Wa ara •ALE! •ALM HELP _ F/T 4M*7M Femait paraan Man. auadkig Ok. 777 CABP1TIN0] - Wal •MM. Esp. a pUa. but «•> artant. TyjSA/MC Wuiaaana Mt M/P — 11-rpm ay. Apply Oood banarna Apply In poraon ad iillltail. w> wi in Mr , brand hawiM* XUVERY MonFn limiaii 10am tarn. meamai N. notiva pena Hems a-4 ao Mu« Oam«a> NuraMg Hama. Ernaton •»*• drivere bonee*. l ana Home. • miani: ATTENTION! erea^SST! * "" "* «o« IIMW ar a Atnv. XntAaenal i i'aaliiaiiaHkhMda MMan.. MI.Jovm Amboy. HOME HIALTH 0AM — rinilll Pri. a k.nv-4 p.m. PART-TIME WOfW - Naar your faBi iriaa abalaaKaakaBh -.a , ,TJ., AMJa. lltaarhr. Wa help wkn MNTAL ABBMTANT - Mat kjel I M/F — Pua or part ama. • •MX DrlWI WMlTIO — • cieen-up naiaeii. PMMBB yaur oaman In'tha aany morning hra. aand M Mr aaaakja and hand- run poHnMI OaaH *m Mil ar Yau w HI i in ma oarrtara. oo- Aaa*/ m aereen M Red Bank f ana (ran •Mini to PAC, Me. LJmaar.lWaaaX. Red lank. P.O. ao. 10W. amyme. OA OHNTAL AtMTAMT — ParPULL-TIMI CUBTOOIANS - At TRUCK DUVarM - Paohara, •0011-1044. team ornoa in Harganvaia. Ixe MAILROOM 404447-M11. and Com Nook. Caa toa ftaa ENJOY TALKING preferred Call Mi-lilt. e.m-4 JO e-mwhler M0.1I HELP WANTED i-aoo-Mt-oaao ar irr-4tu OtNTAL A44IITANT — - i IJI PJK. OaE FMW TO PEOPLE? INFANT CAR! - S3 Money to Loan ocniM full or pan ame to lam ABtTTBR LOAN BATI 71O-iga4aRerlp.m. PULL 4 PART nm M/P - aee Midnight shift, 1 to 3 PART TIME •OUrf- n. Matura peraon protorreav to M MMOaunkyi aM oner 11 H Hi days per week de- Mommga a am. M 1 p.m dany »ao. read on Dapiy to Ion I-MO. The -iri OP. 1 p.m. to 1 p.m dally Coaaoa i7 — Shrwwebury. NJ 07781. pending on work LAWN MAMTaNANOt - WILL aAavarT- Pre-eohool •*-' and wai- We're aapanami aw MMaMene Weiwara warned It year* ar hH b CHECK THI8 OUT... 7 • m -» >• Ml-4700 load. No Exp. aaMa oraaraaaian and neve older. Fua ana. Caa after 7. mu. TIME -Tan and Mauranoa rape New air Necessary, will — — a located on " you are a reaaaM. aalr- COLONIAL end/or bottom of your RL M and Hamaalnk Rfver Rd. ^OWPvSiBaV maaV^rtatUfll, W% ^*W PI - Ataey In ~ -CtPTANCE. INC "rain. Minimum TOLL Wf Cad 747Jja00 l A MOTHeM HE 1 71 Merchandls* apaafcera. aoa-m. Ho aa. Door r onioa oandKana. (and ra- for Sale Mrror. 112 Orapaa r long tor Hual Opp» Emaloyar M/f vartad hour*. Can M2-40O0. En ari-1710Man.Plru.Prli aaaina doore. 111. Oawnomoo * Tk>Mn Fake. NJ. OT M4. aak tor Carl 11-1 p.m Mr an a 14.10 ITU. BrHO — I ledlo'raoard player. 111. Caame d>ong abarllii aplua. M/r\ MAINTENANCE - Fua ante tor a aanda. Caa 2221101 Mr Equal Opaartunla/ impMyar MF lamp/a boerdt. IM. 2 emat «ESK CLERK — Nlgnt aMt 11 Maria |4/I». SEARS ROEBUCK /WAiTwa •> bedroom Mmpe. 110 ae. Much awn -7 a.m. Qood year round tMtaaa, m M. PART TIME'. Mc^aa and offloa ood Over 11. For mai utaw ooeltlon On |ob training. Muat 741-aMT. MAINTENANCE PCFMOM — Ea- QUan'na Wia tram Own trarx and COMPANY .. / m pareon M Ye OMaaa inn, jag waat Pram ax. ajjpdrt CLEAN PILL DMT ejply m paraon. Howard John- ODaWAl FACTORY HELP •1(74 Mn Motor lodge, m X 'limna HaM. Kaanabura araa> And Top Sea. Mabjaan araa. anar 1. 071-4111 1500 Hwy 38 m-iaM. tsra can miy >2a-oaaa CM aw-u7« Mual be over 11 PART TIM! — MlddMrtown, NJ 0*a«1-awW 1 UTS CHINA - Johneon CLOCK (Manwe) - F *»K CLEHK - For no. maM. mgnu, 1 araakanda. IreMn ThM Mr 11. 47a. va- Thomaa, aaaraa, parMat working frlMNack woekanda. i2-4a.m. QIRLS & BOYS MUHAa— 4 AMMTANT UAH- BejualOpaa/aXpMiai mm Mray and Boaon aaremum Mr a > IM 1701 raMrwn_haM_Pen_jlme. Hourly ordar. Ma; AAltaaua a avaIrunkl , nra> iirnvandoMar Ooad pay Can nHM » + many extra. Beet prtoe over - M 1 amaMM. MOO; WRECTOH/MEAD TEACHER ajraan 1^ p.m. round pOflMOfl Ofwjf Apply, * •440 Cal arMr 4 Ml-IMI aobd braaa 1 oandM Mmp. arm WMTRaaaVWA/raR _ pan. PM lank CoopareUva Nuraary You're Nawtad PART TIME TRAVEL AOENT - lORBBMea - Meeon Buna 1. renrwjnoa, BM. AMo. Hre- fhool. ApplMeaone oalablt M ama daya majulra wwMn. ToDMw To work Sal 10-1 and Thura PART.TtwM HOLakexnPwta - beda.440 WMM dee*, BM. Caa eaXpmerU BM-4B4I. •e United Mathadlal Church ol 741 •rteeye. lag E. Rivar Rd.. tillailawwiw - -*• a.A-.—* a-_ ,-- , •4H •Jid Bank. 247 Broad at. Apply najM »-a Oamputar 4 ratal! aa- v^RawvVJIaBVEJ EBTPTW . Mayan Om vwvWWI COCKTAIL TABLE — Matching I June 14 THE REGISTER 1 PMC! aaOrtOOM BIT — load and MbMa M0 ea -TaM 'aI MmMmp TerryaT* SALES AGENTS •KtNO awXXWTAJIY - paa, M vMra* of IbMMow HoaMai anil alakda Bo. Cad mar •I p m In your araa ALANCHOKOV oak. BkigM bed. deok. ataok unit. IA»HER/KITCMEN HELP- PART TIM! 8TOC K PfMON Mg 4 phone wark. Aak Mr ^?*l droaaar whti mirror Oood osnd. Por pub Ml Union Opanlngt Liquor Mam Waakandt a mual. REALTORS n ar varerte 4714100. MOO. 741-4471. $11 24 MAWCUWWT - l.i I Him WOMAN - Who lo vtoodianfar HMh Volume (141,000400 In Mr a ilaawng aarvMe la 4 DtMNO CHAIRS ohek. floral prML good'oand., • CNSHWABHIPt-FULL TIME Dr., Mr Hayan • •^BiPaJpTajrMBjSJSJ •^•aTr- o aali lunjakia; a. Man ee aap. MaMen homaaen her Can 211-Jlil avM. KM ar pan ama at Oraai PART TIME - aanaral oManara Maveelnl. Country Ckib. naadadfrom 7am -10a.m. Kay. aaaafMnad 4 free Call fcar appt 142-3111 mliaum taton. Paid M- COMPUTER — CMAM PUFF Awanya, Fajmaan' ma 4 MMaya • oaw ban- porlHMMI ara^ " IBM, INK. • oommrl DVHVWTIC - Fun uma daya. Can Mr mambja. Hmxm Mga ftaalli in Lang Branah 4 ,r ry Molmdel Motor km. ma 5 HOMES WANTEINJ. D M aaa. Caa daya. i Oapray Una. A*aTiav«l#rTl *APT|P*RBON- MANAOtR/AIBMTANT Caa 142-1141 Co. Chk> •Mai. Orve your hama a new COMPLETE BEDtWOM 4ET - to Engmeenng Co. A04R FBRBOII OUBTO TwM beda. nkaht Mtlia. Mrge ajonrtauth County Requkee PART-TIME — Mano/lypMI a-J i. wi Mm.' OR TRAINEE! p.m U/nr Mon-Frl Can REP - !«pd aaMa aeraon i r will mirror, teak 4 iaon Re- ohak! 1171 dba work, ovont or aheot maM Ooeetm »a ahrawebury Ptaia. ChiMCare •42-24M rftwickHon AbMHy to taka HaM oukad, no money down. 10OH ' «y. NJ. MimadlMa PART-TIME TELLER — WarrMd. •al. KnowMdaa ol nnmaaaail. CHILD CARE-Fak Haven Your aWatifciatjua ah^^^a^aAaaW ^duM 1 »^i ••>, enfca COMPUTER WORO PRO- Ornanalona and ordar equlp- . . tor a Manager AaeUk Mr Meal lavlnga 4 Loan. lap. we wia m oMM wta raoMve lota of TLC ki a . Any ama m-igat. T"Snwnfl aTVSiaawW. r"JO pwyfTrBjftaa nW"t would bo an advantage. CALL Mnl Manager or TraJneea Oaod proMrrad but not naoaaaary. B MM awnmar. Caa •Mrm •#*•* nurtuiiM Mirt TUTOB-Cai cnaoLarge Mn ana maoreen em,u 1 yrw.m aM, Sana raaunta to Ion 2-441, ftm aMrang.aaMry pkja bonua and ment PMeea oaa Hf-0— -MI-M4-MTB « the home cfflce ookoct. HtlD A - Truaaeora>y. riaat ll laVT«< PVaaUVt laWfc, pajtript4 M90-, PART TIME - Nine. RN. iraon. BoeraMrmyhroboya. M ocnialeM. New, never uaad. ataty 17400. CMM1-741-MM Mon-Frl from M Yvonne oharge ekparMnoa. Mual be abM SANDY HOOK CONSESSION8 4 11. al my hama m Union «7M. If 1JJBM arlar 7 p.m. CONTEMPORARY — Fun M work IMattM houra. land re- aaoh. Tuea thru Frl, from 11 (MOW WITH IM — OM al NJ.'a auma M Central Jeraey BMad 18 yaara t up. ADORABLE KITTEN1 DRIVER MANAOEMENT TRAINEE - FV m.^ p.m. Wanted Male bad. 1 MgM MbMa MM. AT Habto ooroon nndld to aaakrl I Bar*. 110 Newman Iprkiga Rd.. Call 872-0028. BaaiiErM ilkbllUlMja. I waoka OM Rad Bank, NJ 07701. "WANT CAR! - For 7 monai AAA HAULAWAY — Clean upa Aoava and pkr/U. Free M good gMet MaM wttl 4 cone ohaira Early morning •ECRETARY/RECtrnONMT - OM boy. Year round. MkMM- " ' ' bMor ame> Hauane, • aa. caaTir-iaoa. 5ood oondtaon. MOO il.M PART TIME - Oroundakaapar • ground oval pool Mual ba VlliOal Off «M flfnpsO^rWal1, SOfnld- JJ|*< ewnk or Nonh. Can f Tarn. 441-0114. Route Drivers. Part' naadad tor •maM apaiwnam tow aW % m- hs, APPOROABLE - New ijliajm • down, MM. CmT41-72O1 uang at producoon and anlpplng compku Can Ha poll anar 1. AMWAY OUALITY PMOOUCTI emoM Emeraon (70 VCFT4 4 Fri. 4 let ari-KM. Cal 6a- CONTawieOltMlY - I LMna time (vehicle sup- E«p nalrmH but not nlrim , t 11a.m-4p.rn. WILL CAM - Mr MaM ki my event. 14 day amar. 1 naada. •and MMr ar raauma to PO boa PART-TIME PtY 10 TEACH1P. ^/Bwaj |^ laafcjiea Pua 1 year I ohalra. gold with oMM plied). Mutt have Joaj^iM. 1. Long avancn. NJ - Parochial aohool. Caa ba- print New aand. BteMkauaii) twaan a a m -2 p.m. 741-1111. . m. caa 747-M14 valid driver's license >p.m. materiel 1110 MaMtawi oouch. Iree. naada aadwma 4 aarMga. MaKMAMC - Pua ama Mr Mnd-I PART-TIME - OarmeMloglal et- LOVtNO) MATUM — and a clean driving aoe. modKal aacraMi, E.- AM ooNomoMN - (not rMped). CM MVMS. llll, 7»0 aoepma oontraotor Light and I 8ECRETARY - Per Pad Bank tor 14 mo. oM. Monmouei •TU'a. laoo or beat otter. Aa M. record. No ex- •aiai iBti iri - * - ... ^ _, parkjnoad only Caa 171-41M Appro. X hr. waak. - (2) uphoMMrod m Oakltgral NJ 0T7M. rTvTwVdmeVn BTUOBKB \Jttr\ lOOfQ flVl* I around your ItomaT Wat da •ea. Mane 1100. Cal after a p.m PART TIME lyplns and nnaanWrig houra 4 a rare Bat. or Ion tor lobe, yard wark, etc OH __. _ w fl WW ITtSlBnlfpA BMt perience required. 4 1(1811811118 required » dream ir 4 7'. BM aamaMM alw» 1 p.m jee-Mll Fun «aak. Can 741-iil*. mi to. open. Can Mr appt AIR CONOITIONCR WrwMahMnun aMrmdoor i The Register, One COMPttTE LAWN CUTTmtO atw lo: PO tm aaan. ia.ow BTU. Beet oMar. aorean panel BM. 171-1407 • Register Plaza, MECHANIC-Full oma for larm- • p.m HAIMNMEM - 1 Wl ama. aoaamg oonaawui Ugnt and f.NJ 07701. 4 r Shrewsbury, NJ. Mr avay anap a COUCH medium Iruoka. Own toola. Rol- ATTENTION! 1ECRETARY - ActM real aa- NHP ICaWOIal - Uka your. Apply In person eaaaa 4 eapenenoo roqmrad tteod oondMon. M7» 1 mention THE REOWTER Caa 741-aaM 7 a.m.-9 a.m. n replying 10 a Ra •rrrh eaarty to work aajita puo- Hc A weMngneae M Mam, and m_tia care it lO-PIECE BOMB HBRCUiON - MtPICAL ASBMTANT - For ftfanpvoyffvVnt stf. aoouraM lypw Real EataM • hare « needed &t bdaa. rtwuBat_Mft, IOMT 4 root 10 V, 10.000 iTU. Mil. Ueed 1 soudaakar'a omoa Reply with re- PORTER - Pua ama. PMriMa I na>a*# $0*Q |*arvK *atw*rwS out of awe'. Coal' ortewaey Equaj Oppry Employer M/F •oanaa e daEMa pkav Caa *aa Berwene. BklMd In odrpontry. aaaan. Caa aRar 7 p.m. ar I llMllimtl M: - houra. Nloa working environ- at 717-4004. •Man. BMO/hr. meeenry 4 rapelra. AbM M oper. • "00. aeormoe MOO. &*, I DRrVeR/SALESMAN — or pan ama. Oood pay. good The ment Apply In poraon lo KMga moa. aw. lac. aand. Caa • mania. Call tor Mlai'»la». «o», I tOO Hwy M. MkMkMown •ECRITARr/RICIPTKMMT - CONOmONCRB - aeera 444-4J47 tor eppt k. vie. Al Panama. $25-$35,000 NJ 07701 747-a*U. XI DM Por Rad awnk. OeaMr-a aMee. tt 7SW BTLra Uead 1 aaaaen. COUCH - Oroan vahw. I1M Qti:sae-00«2 a.k tor poarnoN: -1 htv»k. tend raauma M: PO Baa Mat. aooo inn IIM. De- of Parka and recreation, Aber- ' . Ned lank, NJ 07701. TabM Mmp, 111 Mane lackata. " r or John. oHMe. Fud ame. a daya. wS deen Twp . NJ. land raaumo M; ar. H MM. ueed 1 ad 4 aapanimad. Band Michael L Trolta, Director at •IM. I714IM anar 7 lUjjW — For lanaaoaiilng arm. to BOk 2-441441. TePaaj. ThaJbaeMM - Parka. Raoi aalBil 4 PubW 'TOM - amgM needM. dauWa oapea.MLadtaawouaaa.eoak> Aak Mr Mary. NJ. 07701 or Worka. 1 tberaean So, Abar- AWCONOITIONIR-aiOOBTU, 11 Call 7a7^MMd ITiT I, NJ 07747 wanted IMady fua ama work! MM Waahar. haevy duty, 1100; year round. Hourly raMa. pba COOCH - I i MnyL l cam Car. FaoMty «ya ar pan ama .7 MEOtCAL TRAN4CRIBEP. _ - M/P — Al. Oryar. eertaoi Ma: Freaaer. up^ WANTED - Pun MM a imiananea. Clean work tahVor Cheat. Mt. Planarn •• la I am Aaph M par- KnowMaaa of meuranoa 1 yaara OMk an. laparMnoed only Ful IW Oan Da*rarOaa • baMa recaner I oeah7 •dti.Aato via. luiM eaXp. pCfVaVfwrd BMSSIMWt UtUfy •me. Oood opportunity, latary • aawMg maehkia • AM CONOmONaPI - MM aTTU. ownea, ft\» B t*V). jo. I Reply M PO Baa 71. , Oulam PRESS PERSON Mnguaaao aagaan. Eaaay as- "••O WrTwnpaVetf SaV 4S)f«tP'JCw7*W wabury, NJ 07701 i MllliTl Mhwya,»4. KM. Running 1M0 muM. b- oa»t ROLL 7OP -Large Apt ~ llandSllandoiardanltaM aawpa/ ^eT •• I TJPOOBV an#'**eTwQ I COWOITIOWaR - H Mn. atovataao CallM-Uai * •72-aai4*a IO s 1 INOrvtoOAL-ToMarneuiaand A MAN 4 TRUCK FOR H»wl general glaaa trade. Pua PwMMn ••11 p.m. 4 2-4 p.m M eat up PRODUCTION/ >WalaXY aq.TQTrM HAOH - And gal Ptok up 4 daaver taht ne rs '-"— PMn. ute kwuranee. Hue Croaa ATTENTION! In-j mMiahiM Inha Taiiaaa Lermer Cerperaaeii an akoraft ea^wea»pi rrvavvmgj aumwV 1 apiwBwa, d and 11 •allay produota manuMeairar 4 oadara Md MM Co, 11 •MM m«rlori TMI ftCOMTEn OROflR COOK H. Oakhum UI-HH " - torfua Rill "a'aa'oal A MANY KAY Bf ARTBR KIT - VarW VJfftpVOJrTAvnl PC laaarapjn. Arkjj ' ' - OININO ROOM - Cherry round wHhatMaeii year MCtPHONEataiMOI-l NMtMi MOSi - Fi* 4 pan 747-J out typaa ol alaolrloal hand loola ITOCK HELP -Part ama. Appl .1*0 --—- Or*/ e«p need •no •••amDry work, axpananea t paraan Men. auaamg &» Free MM. oaa Chrkj aner't p!m' 4 Mbto. (71 . Can tor appt 1714177. onry may apply m parean Irani doara, 4 Akiom doom. Km dM- ^^wt 41 ^ja • a • dr . ^. apply. Oood eatary and aanaMa. aurawaamy Ava.. Ihiaaaamy, ML w PHaMav rfVJAOn Cad 222-0400 Rov Mkowa. ma a Prtaaaa Ntaaing Hama. bam torn al Lermer Carp.. e» 1 1.1 kiduekMI Way Weal. laMnMaiii SUS-COrlTIMCTINa CRBW - ,»*»*.„.»*.. Vi mamWaMi iMaa Maa. MOO Longironm AnfnOLkl-0lnlngraomMaM.a IIPORTEFOJ "Bump rune. anaaj, eaad oak wmi nnrnelalii E mM a HumtM - nn/LPn lap. (in. caa 4ag-aaA aPar i ra. Prov. be aand. Aaana •aoralary Haana « auto 4 nomo HIM or I/O Dare MIIH? ownar. a muat Caa Tha Otamar P y y#t SUMMER » — Uva M. PaaV •Hst Ahtnoug OAK Aaanoy aaaaaan (40 a.m.-t»o Mil 4 11 M 7 anal ear araala! PMaaa dani oal. a rawared. Mual be harav p.m. Man-m. *H.tM>. - • pMoaa. MM ar aeat orMr Dm»Na PJOOM MT - PMo oval INSULATION APMJCATOH - , M Jane Paaaren. City Em- IS COMINQ MbM/wMaflpeda. 4ohak.and Naar aanatmaaan m Manmaaai ior. lea o-ioa. The Daay AagM- h. M4O cai 171-eeaa County araa. >iaiiliiii|iaai SOONI TTf^'MarbM lap waah •». ttaad, Tap jgJ Mr. Mmpaaaury. NJ 07701 l»l Mary. ii.Hmjii.t4i^UU0. Wa ra Eouel Opportunity Em- yeaow. iTJ. Can 0WMCTOH _ Fud I tar n.H REAL E4TATE IALEI - Wa aurawaauiy. MuaJet havnave a good I »ai»L i —Mabla Mr ana be avaaaMa ITARTINQ airanmea tram a-»ao p.m.. I jliiar d (100 I ue^Can 1 — Fun-part ame. Ben- daKar. YouVa eaan Me real. D4NITTI BIT - Forme TaMa owf. Can 7t7-a»aa' thru FrT end lot. a-fp.m. roMaFreea ury. 741-1 FOR INTERviaw CALL — 117B. now guy Ha fcaal MB-MB7. Sfjy oh*™. »TB. o- -». 1 iTTeW REAL EETATE 1ALE1 - Ceraar WANE AFTBRI p.m. ' r^. AN •*(*• .WHtU, om • FkUNOJUniRB APPLE I MONITOR - DBBjia WOOM BIT - Anaaue Mght Wad . June M. 7*0 p.m ^^aaa^ . *^^^Aaae^ a^ wa www,,,"o ^M, M 11 p.m. Cm tTO-*1«7 or NLMWaU »•**—— arwTfatiiiii 542-4908 . _ -Fuaime,bve IT Into MoOonaMs o* WMI Cal Mr riiinauna Irkkj a ewdakbr »akjhMa*iakJ4r^n• -~ — *- • • av>l lewal Oapty ImpMyat M/P ourMt4earverMk«oon; • tranoh. 172 Motvnoult. LABORERS •W aapfppwlwaWOtl# Dnfy VOT fUal "L71 Da"^™awtl#-H P4Vi9JajBtBa 0*1 'India immiiaMi * p.m. ahm. lapatlanue apaptni arm Oal a proMrred. If you ere InMitabU kl IrU UNCROFTMATrORS Ma. MM oooluna. HrT tat- Wia ROOM MT - Smoked we. ReM. wgulraT Naatv k>: 3 ^"aa]Pfw*n|f^Q ^^aklv ftaj •Mat Mp. braaa bead. 4 armed LAB Japroparoai lo. NUM. Tha fSgUar 4r-iaaa i»ea. 747-aaa7 ~ akury. NJ B7T01. - oM^M u*^MMrad. 1 ma. TECHNICIAN REAL EITATE HOLMDEL ATWN NECiaaARY HOW- IENCED - Iran oroar Vea wa are hiring g 7 1 • I a 11 yoo/tim KM t HAP» Yaawedaa I and wanars/wanraaaai •4. llalmaal, Mon.-Fn EVER YOU MLMT LIVI M iilllldtt _ iJX Why not kWi AmarMa'a No. 1 Mp « pan-ama. Can 4aa-«t7l eaaar^anturyl'Abanyraiygkr 0aaf»-a77larM1-4 BAR (TOOL* - 1 eaad oak. nan 1 p.m 4 I p.m. Aak tor •kj at Mao hr Onrypareon look. L LA WNB - OM 4 meln: REAL ESTATE M . verteedd etMr MBa. 0W- UNMENCED- HalraMUltor You've ihouBM about H. Lara kwk man 4 woman. PiaMiauly aoma about n now. Our omoa la one of '. Oaa 717 MM. «a«oMaa MTST wmppooM am - IB. 1 o*ra loaaar. A vary pood |ob Apply In aand raauma lo Em- •he lop 4 M me Red lank area teTdM Pranoh PrauMeU. 7 aa. 1 pafaalt, name Cma. 311 WMow NUMN - RW/LPN. MVP. Pen wa ara buoy. Wa need you. ixc CAUSUMME at, OtOKaOR NJOB 111 MaeS . 1-11. 11-7 - tintrainingi , eairaaaa o 4 gunanan i or. vim mtm. a»allabla We aurranwy haw 7 rioTOFtr Charles of the OM m-4701. laairn' ' ALPHA OMBBA MAC BaRVtOE p.m. 7mi7i. more Ewortanoodor bagMnara' Tr32L "tod peraan M Ritz Group Ltd _J MVF I tor 1 mondi oM boy m our ooa RLma _ io-ic«y>r, r- ASSEMBLERS r NUPOU AIOW M/F CENTUr?T2l C0ZEN4. Raarlora rMwan home Houra, M h BSM. 1 Soa711 UVE-INt Pua MnaW mlrrorK aMo llMmaal. KJ0TTM HOIMaWHPeTM -issasr roam dait eat Muat ead Hual Oaaar laiaUyir M7f • 13 River R0 OIJAN 4 HAW. AWAY - SUNNY DAYS or part ama naadad Mr an 741-1 XiSf, LAOiaBiLOoaujR ROOM AT Monmoulh end Oeaan aM 4 ee M raw- TENOtNT - Pua ar part ame High pay. aereoM RtclPllotagi - Pua ama. !«• -- Tadn. aokd oak. l,»rr4.T SUMMER NIGHTS a No Ma. InMinlaea al penanaad. Can»daM muat have Mae cere 01 eldarty lady anowa t radMM. Ill up. ao area •4 JOrV. Aaa*/ M eereen Bamm —1 I board • eaMry Raw?: PaopM Cera, ago unMn AM ff-WMWt. Ill- MttorbaatcrMrluwWyk-jMra 71) snaaa. ua-i4U or 244 llauaai|. Imaaiaandilva-inapt eai747-a»w. -eea tor •orMeoopnTtllo aeon Your Cholcel at. Meg lant. uo-iaaa Reply to aaa J-444, Tha Ra|k> •kea. ir. 14". U-, anaJMh i, 4ii.iaaa. 741.4471. Mr, aVr ury, NJ OTTOV^ of lh« Ntt, in . lAvlMrt-MiMa. RECIPTtONklT - Oood MM- LUAL BaCrwTTARY - Part B laui II yaan ok) and ba } I AIDE M/F - Aooeeang ane Hai an 1-11 am good oond. no Men. (100 Muai • yaara oM* oaamaaaT aal. Can Man., Tuaa.. Thura. ar wflkta - work annor ehlfi. SSSL\ Mna tor an anma Fuk or pf — siatt 1OP or SPM-1 JOAM Nuramt Home, «71^17 Frl. aner a p.m. 44K14a. uni (UPIAWCI gAR WASHER • "*»v WytWarti M^«s)tOO. POU.-OPP DRIVIR PIXASE CALL OP. APPLV AFrKCTINO EXKOTTV Muelaaaaeaananeadt . aatMaeak. HTWEEN MM-4PM M id Can 7^ p.m' PCRSONNB. MPT onry 171-oaa7' ABOVE THE Ra»T ay • araaaaa 10 ..ROUTE SERVICE INCMLOCARB 5475 • ; (201) 73M134 aaanoy. naada m- TIACHarVCOACH - ulalnaiiranaaaaMaaa- M/F wMh riaaan van M denial 4 Pei'rnilati and U.I. tt SttLSiTSt, on aooKCAia •VDwCT MANO N™aarXaaen. aend •try aanaoM erand M: Pin 111 II. *L Jahn wan. I am a Pair Haven Charles of the ar wtv> oan da en at a* Wnk. M^wTna ohaal. Me •aa. .aand. liCft MaTefawai atV4 VaaaWai akwaawaarwaMdbel in trmm Mr* MM TVMnC ratar- dfctl MP MaM he: RHz Group Ltd. wHWMl Ojl MaVM07 Holmdal. NJ. 07711 •JTM»»erk, a^uai Opply amptoyar M/F au. F*HM HELP - VaaaMM, hay 4 INVESTMENTS rum larm Apply In paraon la «•*• Farma. Hwy. W. ColM rMmV'to 'MBV TZ££l -m. om aCJSai. Yearaawp: FBPW RMOAO44 BACK-UP8 tt houMVMffc ha* you in a UPMMAWD WANTED laraan ev» houra a im. 4~«aa Sfc•4171 hra. 4-10 p."m _4ALEICR1W p.m. 1 daya ear waak. Map) ea QuaW PART-TIME ssr OM M0i%4*lO0 n. aar maar park. 1 dara EVES. A SAT. A.M. . M/F. Oaitn-iaraT rWaw»«^pl, nOHTKMI, an 4 Midatatoi TO »P.M. MOIIFRI, 4 Vil ON TEMPORARY 1. Can 871-4813. JJJ*%JJw4**al. BMI wfar mmt BAT. CALL MR. nOKSON AT EMPLOYMENT « LIFE TMaaTlSeilTer CELLAW SALK INSURANCE HOMfMAKERS For part ttma outaMa) WE WILL TRAIN ctaan-up work. AGENT MATURE STUDENTS you Mr a tM ANYONE ^"SSmSv^SmmSi^ Call 842-4000 Ext. 208 iftJLL TIME iemea/aekaiig m L>i!|1iaiii and Buemaae Pkmng. Bm- "tt*. PAmmal-leaada PERSON - M (_(») oaanjrajiijar aright. m. Waaaant tur- ^^J^ t yau In oaMatfwna «aur m- •amupMtlOaartaur" rour«n« MMS40M •• SALAKV AVAAAiU TO 747- -™ mam aapjyibuAL. lALIIPaWgOH - laanMMi Mr PART TIMg - Oaa awnpar. (4 aningla red! and/ar ewng, l«p. — War*. par hour. Aaajy M parean WeMh ad. Mimiaji needed M aaht oaT«4«Mr. Trout 74nM0t aa- EJ* " t *•»• Bu Red Waan 1» a.m. » 11 naan ara>. BV|M| a#TrTa*fr«JfPn f W*wr- «Wp5rti«pes Ana,, E Keanaburg. NJ aytdr TSK , JUNE 21, 1985 The Hrgi.lrr 111 71 Merchandise 71 Mtrchandit* 71 Merchandise 71 Merchandise 71 Mtrchandlse 131 HousesforSale | 131 Housts for Salt {'131 Housts for Salt T 131 Hou*t«for Salt for Salt lor Salt lor Salt lor Salt for Salt LITTLE SILVER CAPE FU«CO»T - li an, „„, OUITAR «OPI (ALE - Waah. HAY. ALFALFA. CLOVfR. LIVING ROOM SET - 3 pfcMa MATERNITY CLOTHES — Sum- This newly renovated 4 bedroom home Is located IMMMni h« Uka M» SUsburn, modal A20V. with oaaa TIMOTHTY MIX - >a a baa Pick mapla 7 and laMaa. 2 and tabkt mtx MO Wlnttx $78 WhIM unt- 10-lt. OOO Call U1-04M. 4-1 your own Sal aftarnoon MS lamps, 1 brtdga lamp and I rug, lormi |1O All aiiM IB-IB CONGRATULATE YOURSELF on one of Little Silver's finest streets. Living room Wflfll MvtfQM Av#., Tlnton SkirTeaat orfii, (Mmt\»2 p." °"°*N - Modal Mahogany ofttna CIOMI $60 on selecting this fine 5 bedroom, 3Vt bath Colts with fireplace, dining room with corner cupboard FUMMTUM — LMng r< Fana LIVINO ROOM SET — And ruga Oktw WaJnul draatwr U0 Pin* and a screened porch. Fresh painted Inside and ooucri. onalr, ooflaa MEM, I for aala. Akw bo> spring a mat- oollaa tabta W 747-4422 Neck center hall colonlall Extraordinary floor plan . MO. JINN-AIR — Rang*, rraa aund- Iraas Can ls«-1192 out, new carpeting, new stove snd new leaders nss* mg modal, ••oaaanl oondtson featurea unique 2 story foyer with staircase and UJO MAYTAG — Wuntr. QE Dry»X, and gutters Private rear ysrd with play house for Hiot-». HD - HarouMn twaad waur oondllMnor Call balcony. Full walk out basement, private deck off TWI IM< aWar« p.m Doubla bad. good cond 4 yra pmrHc\ working ortfr, 1100 fof kitchen. All this, set on 2.8 acre* of wooded the children. Asking $114,800. OH). SM Call 2*4-0622 batwaan botn Axfta Howtog maotilna. »»«. Mtt U» Contanv LARGE OIL PAINTING 5-fl p.m. >100 •48-4311. privacy. Call for details. Asking $299,000 COMMERCIAL DUPLEX IN oorvy ooucri i cum tin a HOUSEHOLD ITIMS - For aala. • 150 842-0009 dMMwiu Oak dMMg tawa and ohaka. • Can 4M-0M4 131 Houses for Sal* 131 Houses for Sale RUMSON late S1SO. 1 Mn bxu Mm bu- drawaf draaaar. rowaary. ax. LAWN TRACTOR MCOMON — Perfect tor offices or retail shops, this older reau |<» Can Mi IOOJ arolaa roungar. boating barta. ra- 7W HP. J4- out Naada oarb Aak- LINCROFT ~~ "~ " >ara. booka a lng MM Can S71-0SSS. geml Spscloua 4 bedroom, 2% bath colonial lust Victorian Is in a busy srea of Rumson. Presently FUMHTUW - _ magailnaa, ladlaa coata 4 used ss a residential duplex, there Is tram. ofcm U. •nUguM iiOoT • maroua oawr Itama. Moving lo LAWN MOWER — 1SSS Saara loaded with extras In prime executive neigh- COKXIW ettara S7» OM Mk« Cranmn, 4 HP. 22' aalf- approximately 2,000 square feet; utilities on roO««« MO • II IIM MUr 4pm Ftordla. muM aaH. Aaklng 1180 borhood. Formal living and dining rooms, sun lor an. Cat S4MS70 aWariI pen drenched eat-In kitchen, private deck and full separate meters. Asking $185,000. FUflMTUM - Porch Lava laaa than 2 hra •« oha*s. ktlchan l.w. IBM TYPEWRITERS LAWN TRACTOR - John Oaara bssement. Wooded setting. Don't miss this onel PRIVATE SETTING drsaaar. DaMah oaoMsl I iighu 110 am rotary mowar VanaoW Asking $182,000 842-8009 AMt 4 p m an-rtH RENTAL S23-S3S par mo Vet close to everything, In the heart of the Oak Hill Wanl-pooon » buy T4T-1SS1 CaU5»1-13SS area of Mlddletown, this lovely 3 bedroom. 2 bath PURMTUM — Oraan wrought LIVINO ROOM COUCH - •' val- HOLMDEL ranch features an eat-In kitchen, fireplace In the Iron. SacMnal «>(•. IMMI IMMEDIATE vat Plua 2 aaH of oovara. Vary arm chairs. 3 and MUM. > lamps MOVING SALE! good Aaklng S1S0 Soaring Tudor home on attractive cul-de-sac. living room, s 22' family room, gas heat and and ooontail uwa Can Ma-OSfa Sony trlnttron ramota control. Call: One acre of professionally landscaped grounds. central air. A secluded brick patio tor summer Of BJCTKACK - MIS In.Sony akvao «tth ruga apaakars. 4 bedrooms, 2H baths with modern eet-ln- entertaining make this s delightful home perfect Saara dryar. girls badroom tat. LOOM CUSHION SOFA — WIKl REALTORS whlta aup oovar, tioo 5' kltchen, huge living room with vaulted celling and for all seasons. $178,000. . adoar, chain Mwfaa t now boya bMroomaat. oaatro oon- xartlbk. •ora. Hying ohalr. twin round picnic tabkt. S banchaa. WO. Ansqua oomar cuboard. fireplace. Sliding glass doors lead to 32' CUSTOM CONTEMPORARY «um m mi bad, gala lag uala, Makwood deck/patlo area. Full basement. Msny extras. HAVf — An unwMtM Ham Of tat* with artanauna. 10-spaad HM Can S4S-MU FIRST PRESENTATION Surrounded by tall trees and on a quiet cul-de- Call for details. Asking $287,500 842-8009 M you'd Ilka 10 ask? An ad inia olka. oorraa laMa. bookoaaaa. MATERNITY CLOTHES - Topa. sac In Mlddletown'a prestigious Oak Hill area. alia lor 10 daya. lust MM Can arti print., amall appUanoaa and panta, laana ale. SUM 12 • 14 No work, Just pure pleasure In this Red Bank, 3 Tha r - - much mora 1.1 coma 1M aarva II aaoh. Vary good condition bedroom, 2H bath, mettcullously maintained This unique 4 bedroom, 2Vi bath home Is for the MM 700 Call r41-a*M Cak«7»-»4M Tower Hill Townhouse Condo. Featuring living MESMERIZING buyer who Is borded by the usual, outstanding snd extraordinary .ocean views plus s pampered features Include a 2nd. floor balcony overlooking 131 Mouw tor Salt I 131 Homes >or Salt 131 Hoints lor Salt room with fireplace, formal dining, eat-In fully a 2 story foyer and the living room; Clerestory equipped kitchen, attached garage, swimming lifestyle are yours for the asking with thla plush 2 bedroom. 1 % bath hlghrlae condo In Monmouth windows; cathedral ceilings, raised hesrth pool, tennis courts, plus beautifully maintained fireplace In family room and hardwood floors Mlddletown Beach. Exceptional quality features: 24 hr. secur- grounds. $119,000. ity, Indoor/outdoor pools, ssuna snd valet ser- throughout. Beautiful views from all 4 decks; A FEW vice. Asking $119,000 842-8009 minutes to schools, trslns and parkway. NEW LISTING $287,000. UNITS LEFT Overlook a Golf Course! EATONTOWN - QAS STATION MAGNIFICENT HORSE FARM This delightfully updated Victorian on a generous EXCELLENT Highway #35 location, make this es- On nearly 9 acres In Howeil, this could be your Stately, nearly new 15 room, 2 story colonial on sere enjoys the sight of rolling green lawns main- tablished family business s terrific Investment. Na- dream come true. There's s newly decorated 4 HaK block from buch heavily treed 2Vt acrea of prime residential prop- tained by someone else. Magnificent floors, wood- bedroom, 2 bath colonial which has a basement, tional Car Rental on slte-buslnees only for sale. erty. Outstanding closet and storage space. 7 on Valentine Street In work and moldings have been restored. A new gas heat and central air. New 120x68 Indoor Call for further details. $75,000 bedrooms. 3V4 baths. 3 fireplaces. Dramatic en- Monmouth Beach. New decorator kitchen has been Installed with a fire- riding ring, 2 barns, 18 stalls, 9 paddocks snd s H trance foyer with ceramic tiled floor. State of the place/barbeque aa a focal point. The large master mile track. There's a sepsrste apartment for Luxury condominiums art gourmet kitchen. Cul-de-sac location. Call for bath has a new bath and walk-In closets. An grooms. All In excellent condition and the farm Is with Ocean view. details. Asking $473,000 842-8009 ^ attractive meld of the old snd new makes a charm- OFFICE EXCLUSIVE Income-producing. $295,000. Superb craftsmanship Ing liveable S bedroom, 2'A bath home. $299,900 Be the very first to see this adorable 2 bedroom 1 and excellent materials AN ACRE IN HOLMDEL Little Sliver bath, Vail Homes Co-Op two story unit. This de- si "Pre-Openlng" Bring your plans and have your dream home sirsbla home features a new rear redwood deck, custom built on this beautiful corner lot. In a prices! Three models LOCATION - LOCATION cyclone fence, new thermal windows thruout, In- Gloria private cul-de-sac area with homes In the are fsatured ottering Superbly maintained 3 bedroom, 1 Vk bath custom sulation and attic storage. Very affordable at $350,000 to $700,000 price rsnge. Prominent two and three ranch, with an entry foyerl Bright living room with $48,000. builder will build s 4 bedroom, 2% bath home fireplace, dining room, den with slate floor and bedrooms, 2'/, baths, with approximately 3,200 squars leet for beamed celling. Newly remodeled eat-In kitchen Nilson $325,000. Qas heat, central air, basement and Jscual. European style with aervlng and bar area. New redwood deck. New COUNTRY COLONIAL many amenities. designer kitchen. Many tile bath. Hardwood floors Full bssement. Move Thla charming 3 bedroom, 1 Vt bath home features right In. $147,000 unusual besutllul country kitchen with large storage pantry, formal REALTORS amenities. Don't miss Locuat dining, 18' living room, newly renovated master bedroom with cathedral beamed celling with sky- Can or •<»• k» this financial bonanza! SELL THE MOWER Prlcaa start at light and custom stained glass window, new elec- Custom designed Cape Cod Is nestled In the trical and heating system, front porch, rear deck, $149,900. Call middle of a thickly wooded acre—affords great plus storage basement. $95,000 600 Hwy #35. SHREWSBURY N J FOUR 747-MM or 571-O1M privacy. Spacious rooms with sn Interesting floor niaiTone • I for additional Infor- plan makes this house a perfect smsll/lsrge house 842-6009 SEASONS MMTOM with all the room and storage s condo cannot offer mation. 741-8600 $265,000 12 Kings Highway, 671-5200 648 Broed Street, Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701 97 E. River Road. Rumson 530-9600 A Tradition of Service 59 E. Main Strut, Holmdel

BENSON HILL 13 W. DIVER RD •.1SOCUIII-M MUM RUMSON, N.J. Ask AbNt Our 077*0 747-423* Equity Advinct MORTGAGES Prognm AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYERS Wejchert Preview "YOUR FULL SERVICE METROPOLITAN REALTOR" A VERY SPECIAL LUXURY TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT AT RED BANK Introductory Construction Prices Starting at $163000 LIVE AMD THE TAU OAKS Luxurious. Unique Private These art just afew o f the MOVE UP TO TOWNHOUSE LIVING nCT SUM Mali on I m lumunlM by aasann vann TNa am** ratfi Muai 3 MMii features that describe Hkndge, a limited edition group of 9SNASSIMU»L£ MOOTS/UK larai «M«Maa SMMISMMI. Mas ram. an. Wna ran •< exceptional 2 and 3 bedroom homes lake advantage of milira, mmas asraf aM • Wl dry MaM »«•»«•». • alii laow. I.I.MS man. I vr introductory pricesfor full y equipped homes with •HWIMSMMartnisasta trgw aJVasS —a, SWiiartlsy % mm mtm fireplaces, central air conditioning and private garages Dan! pa» * tr* hao rntS courts Mean » art al 115.000 Ru-ioee HWUM onto 747 am S*»wrtir" Offlcs S30-KOO anwrtwy Offles 530-S5O0

THROW AWAY THOSE RENT OLD CUSTOM RANCH Elkndge RECEIPTSI CENTER HALL COLONIAL LUXURY TOWNHOUSE • RED BANK tfcvt Moving Ml tht MMMI O( homt ownariNp it mi drudpry of •Hwto> mttrtmmu tn thii 5 Nfl tOWfWIOsM lfl fROVO Nl Exit 109 Garden State Parkway Inaaa, brick pato lor tuoooi dub imftnNp an hat • k» Enter from Spring Si off Branch Ave. Red Bank rllliosyllH.»»2S.11M n fcakon Saks (Met Skrawitan; Offlcs 530-SS00 MAHALATAIL^IAMJOM 53M400 OptnSai Him to 4 pm Sun (I Mon 12 am io< pm I20I)(M2-2635M 530-8500


(Rumson Park GIVE YOUR FAMILY THE BEST Four BH. I'I, Bttn Split Lrm In mint common on EXECUTIVE LOCATION •aniWiil Woodbm CokMal In daHraM PaMook Ch» •Mdas M Brand n» A/C. Custom Bun In Wood There s LMO Other 'Sondominium aicuk» «liaaa| otttii brick cokanns naj saMi In Prquat Han kt kyar. I147.U0 3S-SMI MaiMa rocs garoKi. 29 « anlsisaW osck In back w«\ am bartaqu. Naunl ascot mnj-oK. Itakv MeJi. onjem »SWlMl and Wlcnan. Prhak KM dob.

Zht mail is om. The only condominium community tvtr built in aclusice 'Rurnsvn is now available. A scintillating lifestyle awaits the special few who will live in Rumson Park Surrounded by two rivers and an ocean, Rumson offers the constant pleasures of swimming, boating, fishing and beach walking. This beautiful town offers four parks with three tennis courts — all OAK HILL COLONIAL SPECTACULAR MASTER BEDMWM within walking distance In true townhouse fashion, good restaurants and shopping — both "grocery and boutique — are within the neighborhood. Rumson Park. There's no other condominium like it. lust a few luxury features which are standard at Rumson Part. 24 hour security system/Central air and central vacuum/wood burning fireplace/ Whirlrxxil bath/Greenhouse window/Land- stuping by 5.A Mclnlosh includes/ gas- SO MANY POStHMUTIES lights, brick sidewalks/and Belgian brick COUNTRY LMN8 PrMt kwiton, nrai B-2 MIIIHMI, -OMMry" Km* curbing/And much more from SI95 000 iMMrtM 4 bMroomt, IS t3t*». UVNM mm hnmi mm guam cnM nwdi, 3 badroomt. 3 Ml ban. .•-i,.., ISj-m • inM tMiili. i 1M ra»r•• iiaeiimiiitalaMaHM For Information call (2011 75S-9111 DMMWit, ifMMoW owmg, Myranil, Tnpan am m mm clians » na» wits linn mlaiai Tm •K TMilNllpBII ****** UVUOtf TlfTrV IcaMOH Ml unlqgt propaTy housai a cmraHaWHap roam, HI tkgaM Mas Model open dally 11AM-5PM 2 ktftMHu. «MM acvM. AH Mi kjr onty S1H.000 lual it baft and • HW Ilsno-up M pW • *3H& ml • oyaraaipaaM ramsSMnaa •* a M Ml. Directions. suaaHdM bisk*na M. Cat gtlks tar aaicMc SMn| a» *»inal rrWMa*. «a kryHc MoaM. S4B.0SO. From Red Bank Take Front Si East, which Weichert MAMALAPAM/MAIttJOM sift 1100 MMal Mag oMrad al S1SM00 Ru-i6n •MM becomes River Road Follow River Rd Realtors fW OWw 747-im l747«K approx t miles to Rumson Borough Hall on left. Rumson Park one block on fight. TtotMMaaSaTsT 747-8282 69 River Road NUNALAPAM Route 9 5364400 Weichert 530-8500 MIDDLETOWNioo8Hwy35 671-8000 SHREWSBURY eso Broad st Realtors UMSON PARK 10* OffteM locafrd throughout Ww Metropolitan wn, TOWNHOMES 1\ 121 The Hegtoter HMAY. JUNE 21, 1965 mi Aoti. tar rent 71 Merchandlte 71 71 MeTChaiMllM / 1 71 MeTCMfMllM 71 Oaraaa/Yari h Oaraaa/Yard Tt Oarate/Yard EATONTOWN .orSale for Salt 1 bedroom only M0 a week far Sala ff$«H) Sat*. m, ohed ok WOff* FAIW rlAVfJN — I leaaiy. Wow t HOLMOIL - Mavwie aete. Nam RUHtaON OOURTYARO eALl - McCLAMN TWIN ITROLLER OFFICt auajarruot - b Oood oondieen WO. ^eyaa^taf reBPeV ne^jajeawgraaBj eajebawea^ **W • r*ne. Oamer jl nettiar HPJ Can Ui-UX MeaUenen tet, aarea. r Xmee PIOtellRITIReO-IOIwt per tree, aWattejej lleiMa. Tnura.. eU^Ne early aatera. Ida I mm •*! Mat pt> Fn.. t tat. Juee H. II, t tt. AM. MICRO WAV! OVIN — Lltlon. 1 toeang a-t p.m. 1*9 Unoaki Ava I Jun. 22 KEANIBURO -_•- , •MM* M oner ow MfO. i aavafjoan avww nHMHMn Can 741-atW YAROIALI - Moving Bargain. n-eniiinii. 1 bedroom. SOklOO dhak. I Ml IMIii analra, 1. • OAFlAQt IALI - Prl.. L June B. I Bun. June tt, tot^nnlalr. ga. heat Walk to MOVtNO-MUaT lull mm mala aaalnil A« Sun.. »-• p.m. CMea. | . It llaetier Mel wey. eeJere. aat.. June a. 1-4 p.m 21 NY buamo Soree. • beech Poplar AM.. Fair Haven (oft •-PWO* bedroom POOL TABLS - Bumper |Sl.OOoSa212-Sl1-7«14ool. Oonino**. chrome t ate* mir A S VM ay S*W« SIM Rdl . led ror. Colonial cotteo 4 and taMaa. pnaad MMM aMM any* CaH747-4»tt eenaTprt. | sat.. I a.m -» p.m recllner. towel 1 rug aal. CaH or InaXauM Kama 717-iaSl KBANIBURO - 1 room garden OAMAal BLE - June 21 112 apt Private enlranoa. No pott POOL TABLI - P.ia, ini. aa» t-4 at 71 Ou« M.. I1SK111 r. 0eedemd.eleeufa.t4ta.Oai LAPXM FLIA MAfwUTT - eel YARO tvu.1 - let t tun, e-i al Ceil altar I >.«• riT-mo. MOVINO - OMeno eat round on. nw umiAci M.OOO Oak rta. alter I pm 171-4)471 tat/a. Ruun eyye itti/tt. Pa** Haven IT AJemede Court, limaatury. KIANaauRO tabla with 4 brown MIMt Ir ITU*. 4 yeer* old bo. OOM. • A - UMJ M uahee aM OAHAOI IALI - V«Mevenely r^^"a***taa ejpoAaejfaa Rr Tna on P*eirinB AM. Houeanow 171 eaten o« lank. W» art aap- PCOC TABU - r mm »• IwdtoafromMOO-. cnev* U2t. Can 671-4487. w-ie a»aa aaa aandteeo ia Hery Commu- name, hnuture • Colonial Ham* Cottage* *t*r»ng .11200 arataVaaal orejr. TtT-aan. MMorbaaloOar Maamiinr Juee M| e-l NO early eeMra UOVINO - TRI-tO. laval 1 oom- ORGAN - Itammond. IM XL.4 MnaM b*>aj M0. WMnut MMM 4. room wn^w^-.------*9flO putar, 32 aluminum laddar. 4f •amor 14.710 MOVING SAL! - 4 pc Ilhan noM. a». Prl s let. t/tl I tin AM. June a, 1:10-1:20 No early MIOOLETOWN - Antique., 2 lam Kid* HI pd. MOO • 222-21S1 Ae>Msli4taraaeloe»r _. e-t. M Leetaiica AM. Mem to Allan mapta bdrm aM. aao. __ 100 eae. oand.. haeny euty it oryelei, cheat rnmr, elorm ««n- 2 bdrm kM. HI pd MOO a eon*.. CMropracec doubta bad STtaafelT*' HM Oat TeT-TTti. there Te Leeienoe. eoeeTcMMnt. ate.i lei. t/22. JUIT RENTAL! Bkr. itt-ISSt aat braia haad board, an. •10 Caa 104am. tarty eater* crierged OArUOC SALt - Ctethee only. LITTLI atLVfM - let. June a. KEYPORT CLUB VILLAOt — 1 aofld-. 5 pc white wrought Iron Al doueW Comer Kmg. Hwy. Eaat bedroom. MtO/mo I'/i mo* ecceh aal. never u»d. baal odor I1M 14 em t-12 It treaty Pel t WI.MiirW valley Rd. iM-7141 Cleaieidnrarliit. Halilaaieliii. HOand aec. Pay for gaatetoCell from ajeet tree stts. M1-1HT IM. Pe. luiiieelii)ld"ueiiee. YARO IALI - Fn I Sat June e-fl p m only Ttt-tseo. MOtW — MUM aM aMimora am ttt caa tn n«t Frl 4 Sal. June ti I tl. 104. I bety lleme. tool*, toya. I 21 t a. t-t. 7i LEONARDO — 2^ bedroom eMkaj aaoej deer ia«naiam WIT eum - Par aumng and on •0- iota bad. IHM a*aroom ewt eerMa, eke new. ONeara-1 AM. teal Keaneburg. duplex Top condition Oood aat I pc Oevle aMM ohorry Cheellvpeleaoreemtreeaer 27 aO*A — Tradraanal. I mmilan Mumni ome. LITTLI HLVIR - Sat June a. neighborhood Security plu. ulll- Me w« ami we* eataohaw. long e-12 12 Snil Point WISH Dadroom aal (double bad). Zen- PIANO - WeWut Spinet, (mar Hoed,, 1 aooaon. I lea ease me- •are. ' ufrieli OA1AOII ATTIC SAL1 77 Pefaand IM* Moo per month No pet* ilX 3r TV combtnabon 10 pc •on. aaUng 11400. Can 442-11M oTwtaa, rTMaf^aparva ovatv iasja CaH 747-1414 oral*, humldMUr, hCMHIuld. OW more Cea 711 III! I June Terr.. New Menmew* botaaa. baoy Haota. toya. winpe. Llveetock 2t4-im oa» 1-7 p.m Franch ProvMoW Fruitwood din- M2-41M June a in. 114 p.m. ing room »*t 12 **tim 7 pc. Hem- LONQ BRANCH — M Dunbar PIANO SPINCT RADIATOR COVtRB - I whRe AOOMABLB KITTENS - 4 maraley bona ohme. (Origtoal melel. wax leo* work trent tr I OAFuMal IALI - LITTLI HLVtP. - ttt Proapecl male.. I Mmelea, t week*, inter Av*. naer Monmouth Medical —a* Many other Item* CaH Avail July 1. 1 bedroom, ael-ln mnaa). Ca» T41-1tt». o-t p.m 4a- km* eta. eend Ml I Ha. Certeel 172-1041 eewblned. Venom He AM. Fn. I Set June 211 a. t-a trained. » good Dome. Col 1 pm.T41.M2t TV. ufwoyole. outdoor tumnure. 741-MOt. kltcnen. »4l»/mo Inolude* heel WNOUOHT *XW — Lawn oomte boom Set June 21. 1-1. end water Paul P aova me. Re MOVINO - Badroom ax. ami worn, ram PIANO furniture. SIM eM. 1141 eM. VaVy QOOtf O rWILHOAD TWt - New Pi aete tun June a. NO Advanced And eltor 171-2144. goM. 3 puce* with mirror 1200 la»t lt.4t. Praaa- 1100 eat Can 211 MM EAFK.V CAlleHS 474 leM M., UTTLE tlLvm — 100 Orem pi Saw otto* o**k XX Marao «7«0 7.7.J. Furniture, toya. weahar. book*, Beginners LONQ BRANCH rmeo. Sal. t Sun June a I a. DOG TRAINING Studio* from 1200'. laMa. old $40. Dayt 774-7000. PINI ptoctTAi. otawa TA OARAOE IALE - River P S-t p.m. Conegaa Marling *l IM0 •ve* SH-H77 — 4 4 Caplalna Che*. Oood VANOMAN — I HP. race OOn- Sat a Sun June 22 a 21. I aeyenera Dog Clue. 741-aoet Large 1 bedroom, hi pd 1100". •oM.lncnaaa. AM/FM radio ARAB QUARTER HOR8I - oondWon t1K. Can »S7-OS1I after t p m aaja. |i eg a 01 lies. Oca after 4:ts iri-ton anen. Meet eo> Se> weak M1I Shadow Leka Dr. LITTLI SILVER — LOT* ot good 2 famay. deed end atreot I1O0 • MUST SELL ^uafeja^BdBaai a^whaaBBt ^ mm Ud P»^^4d^^ er keel otter can H1-MS4 er linking gray gelding. 1S1 4 room*, neer beech M00 a matching bookcaeee. wood PINE ROCKER - TOM trim WfJreajffWj FeYTO, eV*tv W. nPpvrOeTJel OARAOE SALE - Set Jun. Ava.. Tlmen Fata. M1-14S2. t-T. _ - rr M T t rumoure. toy*, mlec. hmmhcU hand* tl Mar* old. Pony club. a room*, kid* ok UOO'a matching floor lamp; Man atta 10-4 Couch,chair. TV.andn name. Set.. June at, S-4 a.m. Love* no ahoimng. CaH HoUy HCAXLItt Ouad Nee. M. (tat wjeea. bkia a SS Third at. V 3 badroom. heel paid .WOO • tabia 4 chair*, queen an bad tajvaanaja-, uaem Ullll, alVWll V 41 Mapll AM. (oil etonon, •71-SMS HOME RENTALS. Bkr Me-1214 'ram*, toot*, brand na» 72- our- COtHOLI COLOR TV. t*W 72 Oarage/Yard keenaturB. plaid. Cotonlel I L •eMM LW M*C eaUra anr, MANALAPAN - Covered braje HALTTIFUL YOUNO FINCHEt talna 4 drapaa. Radio Shock MM. Can Jeean T4T-T4i7aNer OARAOE SALE - M Slap- ataroo eyelem wnh 4 larg* Boot I UK Pine CKiatar Clrda. 2nd teMrellype* Ca~»a 747-7M3 any ww 4 chart, oak HMhar Deck* YAM) lALe — June tlltl.M Set June 21 I it. t-4.' Baby Boor iMrytunt In apt muet go Cal M4-0M7 evening* LUXURY GARDEN APTS. — 1 Ii2t. Doubt* bed. r June a I June IS. iM p.m All good cond. ttt MM. at. '"" dothea. annqua*. rum., com- BEAOLE PUPPIES bedroom Beautiful landscaping SuMaaa best. rtT-rt MI0OLIT0WN — Antique., oat- S week* OM. WO Pool 1 ml from OSP Call 131 Houses lor Sala 131 HoustsforSalt laoSblai. letraky. arHnW rug. Call 4M-0O04 IM-IHt t-1, U-t. SUZUKI ENQINE 1H2 t FAMILY WHAll OF A SALE - OAPlAat IALI — 114 Fourth vintage doming. mM. tat. June 000 FOR IALE - American MATAWAN — Lovely 1 bedroom tSOO or Beat Offer C ul Many un- St. Union leech Oeee I ende. 22. a-t Set OakhW Rd. eeAV eelera clothing, ate Sat ft tun, I/a I leUmo with paper* Pure white oondo. upper floor Ckjae to Call 741-O13« after 6pm batora t a.m. pteeaaaa. .Bet J MIDOLETOWN 1 month* OM All .hot* 1260 Pkwy. Cable TV. Pool, lennl*. S/2S t-4 weight room MM'mo « ivt tWW POOL! _ Werehaua* tt. It aaieen m M Frl > Sat., June21122, • a.m -J Cat Carol at S2I-O0M or Cathy REGULATOR - VIM otaok. OAfUOE SALt — Neveank Sal m. M Lllllen PI (Hag map L-t) at tt0-0iM. mo* aae Cell 27e-oeM eklkeaoMTyhr ,I4» 0 I i teroed to main ol nee on- 4-FAMK.Y YAftO |ALt - Frl. t/a. 10-t Cne FW Potow Hgna we" deck. 11 dey. latin en hr. greund II' lone peal* oompkM* June ti. t-4 p.m. ReM 4ew June from Nevennh AM. er oat OWARF RABBITS MIOOLETOWN a '« r» , Mo tee; Thome* wow- way, huee aiiaiaaae. fenomt. •*• 2t eemMntna lor —ryenel IM • 724MS MIDOLETOWN — 2 FamWee Adult breeder* and babiea rnoneiSBejaT OaTevrFta flWaieT'eeya Wr"e*eTr *a rMv nttara. pump, haddara, w%/t~ Seat Ave-. Meneeura, Carton* of paperback* en- • 10 eogn Call 7I7-107S KNOLLWOOD mm. . need* rinwna. Ma cea ran*, etc Aakmg IBM COM OARAOI SALE ITUFF — At gar- cydopdla. an ft htotory aat*. FRtl KITTENS Elberon 747-em. ^^ PLETt Fliieneineeve> - 4 FAMILY YARD SAL! - Frl ateaele pricaa SmaH ap- game*, electric Cner-B-Oue. GARDENS •at tree i-ate-ttViui June 21 Hem date June 24 e-4 peaaooaa, dtyaf, ftij, iab4#a. New. old, very oM nema. Prl. I Toagoodhome EacluWv* 1 I 2 bedroom *pta mtTAUrUHT oheM, bet framea. ioy», Fleh- . June Ji ft 22 Rem del* Can S2S-541I ndMdual gea heat I central air rant*. 4 . - I7t > and ar/Prloa t oM Bn . Ctotnaa • June M. a More Item* edded AN ELEGANT STATEMENT kabaeM A aaHaaa laaMal NsaM Banal FRtE TO rtOOO HOME Eae. looatlon. Jual off Rt. II on n«. broker. I . ew^B^^pei ea wv i • e^ei aajeavaai awxYTl pew*"/ coatumaa tilt Wdeia Set. 111 Sown* Rd (off Eaat I Kloena 7 Week* Old King* Hwy EeM IWalklng dla- •40. CM ttl-MII. A.A YAM IALI — CMrtet. King* Hwy or MoCllel Rd.) Executive living It yours In thlt tpaetout 3-ttory I p. myneirtl. uya. eM Oner 100 tanoa to Foodtown Shopping let t-1 p.a Cameo From MM Dairy 1-4 homa. Prime location; over in acre of landscaped ICAFFOLrNO - 24 long. S»- I an o> • chart, •amel tet t-1. 14» Faeaa Ava MIDOLETOWN - Sal only akina Movma -tei t/22,10-4 pm FREE fpict. Walk to beaches. Excellence presented at i5a. eel Mar. after 7 HOLMOCL- leOAHooooDr Frl 1726/mo • uale MUM be 52 or eS Tv! M-. liat Me- i*4t 9 Healthy male kitten* over 717-1774 aek tor Carl $285,000. 747-eJ»> aec lei.. June 22. 10-4 p.m 4 > Sal June 21 > 22. a-S p m t weak* oM tun.. June tt. 10-t p m Aaeonae BouainnH nerne, borbeaue. are. book*, *ki boot*. Can 171.1111. t-l. MIDOLETOWN — thedow Lake A HUai QARAOE BALI — Da- book!. A toy* village adult community Over FREE TO DOO LOVERS - • 12. 2 bedrooma Can S71-I1I1 or v Real hsidtr. Inc. Realtors • HOUSE IS SOLO - Sonamonla MOVINO OUT OF STATE - let 741-17M after S tIMPUCITY 4211 MOf meehme. at*. CM 7414M7. go Bun 10 • m 7 Croman Court era gone EvtMyn It ipreadlnt i tun i/a i t/a. t-4. trlever • I yr old partial yellow MOWrtP. - eougn laet year «K TMT4UH.T TltLtK haf YtnQe twwiQQ O*yV y Furnnure ft pamengi included Lab, loth loveWXe t rnendry MEMBER: Nationwide Haloc.llon Service »1MO aauraj lilts ueed I r Hr> HeftHr. very see* esn- A LITTLE SIT OF - tverylMng Furniture. ap- Owoaf• on th% fftova ao looitlnQ OAKHURST •nee. Na» oond UKM tea M awa. Aamng trap 411-4114 M arHnere Ava. Port Mon- peenoei. waN unit tor handy lor a Met nemela} for tamUy I bedroom. HI. pd MOO MULTIPLE FAMILY YAUD IALI JUST RENTALS Bkr. J** 1555 9**-2323 S31-1772 June 22, 21 t-4 p.m men. rooking horea wlttl haa- — 100 Woo* Me*! It.. Keyport pete. Cell 741-44W or 741-4M7 M1 Molmdel Road 131 Hoiitteitf Sale 11iM««e«s tor Sate haw. ait of white olenea, ponabta eun. June a. 10-4. No eerty after I p.m. *nd waekeno* BEDROOM APT — 1171 « 260 Norwood Ave. ALLUdluRBT —let JueaM.1 Bar eon wo lenoe with geta. dog electric, ivt month* aecurlty No Holmdel Deal neuee, BBVM. pota. pena name ' . Ml-4*00 *m-4PM Meieie, inltuai. leo many to Hat. Come aee I PORT MONMOUTM - I Creek ewe. Rem or eMne. 1 went our Rd Corner WHeon AM. Sal metier, t weak* old. Plaae* call 1 BEDROOM APT - tW • atone, China. 111 Cortaa AM the Mac Murray lamMy I42-2748 el*uaiu. 1 '* month* eeeurlty No ANTHXrl PIN-ON - perform. LaneMoven Ha io Clinton Av- June 22. 10am-4pm VHI mov- enue 10 tog Chiton pleoa. - Caa 501-4*00 New Listing belte. Yeere oeteceene. QiaM ie*. InteNMeton • gemee. toy*, FRtl PUPPY — Ootden leWord 124 pro S/21-t/M. book*, houeehold name. IrteMr/Ooeerman ml. O Don't delay making an appointment to view this RID BANK - Luxury Ngh-rlae 2 Rumson Tina, boxaa oeMiaai UUIIIM 12-t p.m Fil JtM color I month* male. Houaa- oorni, of Daina. Aiao i mmaculate 2 BB 1 B condominium In the hills of RID BANK — 1 femay garage friendly. •» eheej I eeby eeM lor late. Lerea don HOUttHOLO LIOUIOATION MM ig Elm Place • JO-5 sat oom CM batwaan 12 Highland! En|oy the aver changing river view. Plater knlM^nacM. frarnea. June 14. nooo-i p m A 0-7 p.m.. enrtlei araet teMe I eMhtt homa and room to run Pteee* M2-4MS COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE from the privtte beech tnd obtervatton pier while tree. Pew or eMne Prl 14. M Furniture. toda. luggage, RIO BANK — ia Hudeon Ava can S42-7»71 or 141-MM eRer I a serene and tranquil wooded setting Is yours for ownea. Set S-9 >2 Club Wey. let June a, I «. Heueehotd p.m. RIO BANK - 2 Mocks from MKlon AM.. OH eranoTi Ava nBeewew i eVeWpaew^- -* , vv...ftf **rwjejvwjaa- -_^-n m» saeWaeknreravp n*-u* dally living Hem*. *Hver aleta aervkig ptei Broad St Spactoua 1 badroom For discriminating people who believe the HOOSfHOLD OOOOS — Win- TO OOOD HOME — Dog. apartment W/W oarpattng, oft Ottered at S76.M0 dewe, •nutter*. Snene. Set June FumdaMSun mala. 1 yr*. OM Very friendly M parking, prlvala exterior property should be as meticulously nouae I leva. 7» I 22. t-4 p rr, II Cardinal Rd.. Tom* antaraooa, muat aaa. M00/mo maintained as the inside, we offer this special Past Occupancy •Mi Met 01 room to Cea UtW«aa tnetudad. 1 * months aa- re a. 171-ietf. •ner e. curtty 4 ralaranoaa raqulrad Rumson Ranch. Amenities Include a glass Act now lo eae this 3 W. 2H B Colonial on t _ far OMryenel Set, t-t p.m beautiful wooded lot. In i quiet family neigh- let I tun June 22 IMMEDIATE 142 trench Ava . Red Bank NO ai-eta. — I mOmhn WANK — 1 bdrm apt walled sun rm, deck, stone fplc. Home has borhood, thtt lovefy name fetturet 20 ft eat-in B Apela I MOVING SALEI »H •* ».*»»en Hey-. Iferm M Mom I Acroas from Tha MoNy Pitcha* been completely redecorated this year. Mani- . krtchen overlooking sunken 2g ft. FR with FP , 17(1 ROMBON - t temaaa. beeeeet AvaN. July 1 747-0770 afta* Spm M.I.N. wHh 1S fl aming room, HWH gai heat cured lawn is beautifully treed & landscaped. HTM June a. 10 • m -3 p m 44 Atan RED BANK — 2 room, kilchar. • central err oeWeMertre). Ml aMsmtnt antt 2 oar QOLOIN RETRievER PUPS - nt (ooatton $460 • Studio rm over garage offers privacy & W. at Mala I Female 4 weeka oM I tl. IS al inchidad CaH seclusion for Home Work/Study. Presented at bet. gate lag tabta. RUWaON — I Wghlend AM. eel A.K.C. ato. cat 171-aaa CUFFWOOO - DHni room M, June 22 from MM. Ram data $345,000 842-2760 One*** at t1M,0M •Ma a* aaleiwlona. 10-epeed Sun OL»N€APIO8 •IA •MOHT — 3 rooma. wait. Shonhelred.Uaa acroas atraai to baach On bus ana print*, tme RUMSON - It Ward AM.. Sal Ce> 717-7112 inaa. naar anopptng cantar. Can WmUuk Mhrili Yen name It we MM «J Thurt much more, lei com* tat • June a, »»0-4 NO EARLY •42-00*2 Juee M. MM. natn daw Fn Call 741-atet. eil BOAROEO — Vicinity Joseph O 2»4 County Fid BMOa PLIASC Couohea. Monmoutn Mel. 1 herae tnum. ?4 E R.vcr Rrt dieka. 1 Orevely lewn mower*. Col MI-4142 or M2-U22 after Me*, pteture fremea. ohtna, TWINBROOK Run hduaenoM Hem*, etc LAt PUPt — AKC. good lam- VILLAGE RUM8ON - End labu*. bed /hunting doga HW/ee Con McCUE 842 27bO frame. Iwo *Klra long hwm 2-ilea GARDEN APTS. iiilllllll eon *Prtn*a. I » 1 t 2 bedroom* from MtO Mod- Q boottcv hotetaav LAte-AKC ern. *peciou* apt* Heel, hot a JOAN PARENT. Realtors MOM Mm*, t muoh mare, a yaeow Male or lamal* I week* odd water Cooking gea In- Larayeae tl (behind Wher* oM. 11 SO each Cea 2t4-O471 cluded On-premlee* tennl* Your teem Sun.. June 21. courts, pool, recreation ere* 10-4 p.m Ram or eMne. LABRADOR PUPP1EI- Bttjaa. wMi peper* Ready 7/11 Mother Neer EMonlown ehopplng Exc la a hunter Cea 747-M71 Leave echool. Ooaan Twp^ PARKING RUMBON - 7 LakeaMe AM. p.m. SOT Third - Whit* meu. good MANY OTHER! AVAILABLE! NOON - 3 P.M. AM HAVtN - Mac.. eMMng. Antique* St Union Beech CALL ABOUT YOUR NEEDS! tl Chevy Van dog. OVeel wKh kMa. |7S Set on a knoll, this charming family enetuaa. ftamea 4 oMurae. wHh ohem. bowl and more. Can HOME RENTALS. Bkr. Me-1234 une 22. 2> 10-4 SJe. FMn data MMkJMat 19 Heathcliff Road SVM. 41 Oemm Ava. Haw aaAropw |aoatat aava horn* hat 5 bexlrooms, 2V» baths, Ceramic Kan Set June 22. »-l Ram data Jun* ALL LANDLORDS! Rumson $950,000 AM HAVEN - 144 t IM Lake nWHti rurnnure) a 41 uteeranglon St. Rumeon. SO Blcyclea FREE. FAST, EASYII living room w/fp, dining rm, sunlit AM Couche*. annul, quean Soever Coal Mini Blkea •tor/* Of Pie eween Tenantai Four bedroom CONTEMPORARY just compHMd with deep bed. pool Mela, rat top deak. Leather Coal YOU CHOOBE, NO FEII water boat slip and MAGNIFICENT river vtewtt Skylights. den, Ige family rm, (inishtxl baaev eta. Bet June at. a-e p.m. ATC ItO tX - IMt Honda with HOME RENTALS. Bkr ltt-1214 full window mils, flrtplacti, otcki, GrsM room, Ftortot ment, 2-car attached garage. FAMe-Y OAIIAOI SALE - tat 1 p.m- ELBCRON — Mm oondraon Col- room, huga maittr suite with hot tub. sum, inower jn* 22. t to J, 124 TeMMrry Furniture 41-S27t or 211- onlal. 4 bedrooma. 2'. June a. t-4 p.m working refrigerator*. age, haeamant ranoad-m rear Rumaon, 142-0600 201-221-4114 41 Overtea Lane. Aberdeen. yard F»naa*ni looatlon 11100 mem*, ale. We) haul 1 Hem or ea mo. phi* uW*. Redden Agency. 131 Heum tor Sale 111 Hotitt tor Sale 131 Houses for Sale 741-0100 or 741-0106 ALL ELECTRIC TRAINS FREEHOLD Uonet. Ptyar. etc. Hlgheal I paid Condo KMa. Pool. MOO a Noeody beet* my pnoa. 6 room*. KKU/pet* MSO Qarden Klda/pat* Mao ALL LIONEL TRAINS JUST RENTALS Bkr IBS-ISM Cetafl ALTHaVTTK HKJHLANOe - 2 BR. 2 bath, SAIL RIGHT INI , •enoad-m yard. IM0 + utn*, Dock your boat at your doorstop In our newly- Excalltoi 2tt nartir or rrtrtmem home I eao.. reT*. ARar S p.m 2t1-S74S BASEBALL CAROa listed seashore Colonial on a prestigious Ocean- In quM RdgltoHfttod. MOOUTOWN. WANTED KIANSBURO - 4 bedroom, Totilry rtnovaM Intldi & out, gat Cat MUM heat, hoi water t A/c included port street. Open, airy, and breezy, this quaint, No pet*. 1V* mo eacurlty. charming home has a special "young-at-heart" u«iWp»1lo t MauttfuNy tenikmjtd YOU HAVE YOUR MoO/mo Caa 717-4171, after I yard. M.90D feeling. 3 BA, 2 B. high-tech kitchen, window SS4-O7T7 Alter S. 2e4^S15 Walls, deck. $295,000 MaMet prtoea paM for aa nam*. •nt.y.*. etc Farbergelne. Mop Cottage. 1 bedroom. .1400 • « ti Broad It. Keyport Caaaee, kue pot* Moat p neteaa. kWe pel*: M00 . from Mi MMMMOrtad hornt in SEA POUR OAROtN BTATE ART MILLION DOLLAR VIEW CtMTIR - TUM tor Beaton NEWLY LISTED!! BMflHT. Watt to Mich, thopglng, Pope. July I. ite*. Section A or Dramatic Atlantic Highlands Contemporary over- botjftg i NY but. Propirty ajntntai B. 747-eTM aattarKEYPORTg looks New York skyline, Sandy Hook bay and FAIR HAVEN OEMOEM- TN. . .. m m.. •1.200 monthly to Irr^wlwi AMng MKJTARY - UMforma, model*. 2 lenv KMa. HI pd. Moo . Verrazano Bridge. MBR suite features FP, so- •oortM you'v' i MM MKAK I farf , 46*6 . . 2V>B $118,900 •word*, +aa eouvemr*, wwi. *. BrtoM, WW1. etc. otd eMdUe. weatarn larium, lots of glass. "Great room", gourmet colonial on I «uM Mvtr Oaks Mrs er army. Cat la SOSO cheplECe>, MMiy *taN, IBTIHBI MAKE A RtUSONABLE OFFER AtWng Anyoondtaon. 4tt till LONO BRANCH $143,000 USED DOCK BOX < Mook^beesh. uiaUMoo Enjoy a swim In the Sylvan pool after a tennis 3», JlJBPUSe MM ItVflsar MMy raw ar Muet be aairajan end game on your own lighted court, then have a tM sMeftVML HM^iO. •et*. Tte-mr^ 2 remay I ae«»^SrMSSo', family barbeque on the private brick patio, all set FamMy hom only 6 yean young fta- NAVESINK RIVER ROAD- I Ottetjottvtt, ONIOMO coiwTiuofty on against magnificent landscaping on 2 secluded turti 5or/2V, balfit, fun HMlw Ont af Monmoe* Cawiyi MM iea r«luiiii jry raver offen MriMng Oak Hill acres. Mint colonial, 4 Bfl, 4 B, truly MaaatM WMh t^e*UBisU UM af *Jka> laaMsaaae4W IMliai imm. nwetd yard wWi In-ground peal, •'•^'^••e'al •eaBe™ Ita^eyeje^tiastjj */••"#*/ tjTI erVV I'eTwf^rTiTajeTen I^B^FW* MKialiiii, nwW fivtl distinctive. $429,000.00 •reBBfiaaaw' HMBJIroodwockf H. Win, fJaA m InaulaUon. i 101 MATAWAN MUniHiejy itjIejMiili* 5 at Ittl ham tMh ¥ laadeut iRepriwi. 2 or 3 01 Apt-lmenta car geraje. $179,500 Condo.lroeme...|too nwnnf, iv VPMH, • nrtpucN, ntw hnflng epdoii, twim 1 kwnti cluta eeOROOMAPT — Spn wmm • Mnntl dUM Heel hat Tenant pave at oVier kyMBMt aECUrHy flyMEW, MUnHEl MlCMR, MVenV IIVATE ntl MARINA. Starting utrt. ena me, OaTeto-eMV pool am) pom hauss, M flva tent in levity MaJOHTOWN " MrlM TO Rao I IMMaBt ^saiHwfaffl aef sV9eWase^aBBBAaaei feaaeaaaeaf] m* 4br«V, MM horn on mooed lot Over- TOTAL 8ECLU8ION f 1,100,000. Had dining room, living room a dan. AND PRIV TWO Full brick wall flrepiac., tUdtr. to rear yard»ptol. AbtotuWy mintconoWon RIVERS Why go anywhere elae? raw I net Nopal* RUMSON REALTY W V 842-1894 REALTORS a42-18B4 •ApprahMrt FAIR HAVEN cuere7«» Highway #35, Sfirtwtbury, Newv Jenty 747-0221 CeaeaaC . Kle». laoffa Ca Kl laoff 64 Mcntfjomery Si., Wtet End, New Jersey 571-0400 JUaTTRaVrTALt Bkr He-IBM '--'Rumson Realty FREEHOLD I WM( HJvcr Road, .NewJeraty SoSL Into. REALTOR MLS IRA L 747-mt FMMY. JUNE 21, 1985 The Register 1« 102 Homes .or rtnt 131 Houses for Salt 132 Condot/ 152 Boataand MO Motorcrclti 300 Autos for Sale 300 Autos for Sale 300 Autos for Sal* 300 Autos for Sale OCEANPORT - English Tudor ¥ 3 bedroome. 2 baths. tamHy KEANBBURO - Shall 10>M Townhoutai Accaaaorlaa CAMAfTff -"!9 6~~3ood~con: Must ba rsflnishad loaal for a dlilon 306 engine, air. p/s. p/b. DATSUSUN 1979 280ZX - LoadedLoad , room. gvlH Auguat 1 oc- Wrga family Bualnass amuaa- CHAPEL HILL RANCH - naw painti , dardkk blueb . SeS a llo ap- cupancy Furnlahad or un- 1671 tr STURY - Cabin HONDA IT" Kenwood stereo 11760 CAH Mlddtatown Mint cond Avail Im- AMC SPIRIT 1979 946-3626 preciate, at 322 Rl 36. MMoM- turnlehed 11260 Plus utUltlee madMBMy S771/mo Can Jim Cruiser Tandsm trailer. 138 h p NEW JERSEY'S • 1 VOLUME 1999 CHEVY MALI8U - Raoultl town 16,600 Call 530-1234 E A ARM8TRONO AGENCV Good cond am/tm alereo. naw 307. Paaaad InepecBon Run* UTMWOI) Merc outboard, powar tut. axe HONDA DEALER tlrea Csll sfter 3pm 571-0470 or UAMARO Z21 1M2 _ Exc Reoltor*. Ml Proepect Ave.. KEANSBURO - Shan. K»M cond. Galley head, slalnlees Rl 1. Freehold 642-4773 oond.. 1 owner, low mlleeoe • 160 aa I*. CaH 717-6001 Lima Savor. 741-4600. Musi ba raflnlahad loaal lor V Commarclal steel anchor 1 Unas, powet 462-4611 Mual sell. 88000 or beel offer CHEVY MONZA HATCHBACK Mini condition Fully loaded, t- winch Over 11600 extras Musi Call 291-4713. RED BANK - 70 Tower Hill Ave-. larga tamH,. Buam«. ^u Proparty HONDA 19*1-650 Custom lef- 1180 — PS/PB. A/C, am/fm roof. 5 spaed 23,00Omla. sen due to Ulnae* tover Many extras Only 3.000 canons. 46.000 ml. Asking • 12.500 171-6982 after 1 3 badroom. 2 batha. prefer HIGHLANDS — Ssparata build- •4600. Csll 644-6349 or CAMARO 1971 BERLINETTA - •dulta No pete Security 1 1 », ml. Asking lisas Call AUDI 1963 6000 8 - 111.000. 1 VI, automatic. A/C, am/fm etc. 81800 Call 2844460 DATSUN 2B0VX 1991 - 2X? I ing Stors or offloaa SOO aquara 496-2012. 2844384. ask for Bill laaaa raqulrad. 61100/mo. + ulll KEANBBURQ _ J ba*oom •aat. 2 lavetonas. Parking. mo warranty, alarm eyetem, Looka and run* exc. No rue! or 1179 CHEVY CHEVETTE — 4 apd 6 cyl.. A/C. PS/PB. AM/P» 747-22(1 14O0/mo -f utlllaaa. Bacurlty rm- KAWASAKI 1979 400 CC — 34.000 ml . exoeHent condition dent*. 13400 Can 741-7441 cyl.. 4 spd.. a/c. am/tm. 42.000 ttiiini Many axtraa 89.700 d OUTBOARD MOTORS — 36 hp Call 717-2840. bsst otter Call 741-6104. aner 5 qulrad 172-OSM. Johnson, running condition 30 11600 or best otter. Like new. miles 11600 CaH 418-4672 'SFi Very low mll*eg*. Can 294-1177 CAMARO 1981 — 1 cyl.. auto , UNION BEACH SFirsav hp Johnson parts motors, 7'+ BLUE FORD MAVERICK — 1171. PS/PB. A/C. till wheel. Rally CHEVY CITATION 1991 - Oood 1911 DATSUN B2I0SL — I 1 Ddrm Sludk) Avail KlrwMIDDLETOWn Co., TI7-M00N . MIDDLETOWN hp Marcury Running condition 1M2 KAWASAKI — 440 LTD Good condition. Needs some wheels Very dean. 30.000 ml. condition Auto.. A/C. P/S. lent condition Mual sell. Beat College 2 bdrm 1400 RAISINO A FAMILY? HWY. 36 •300 for lot. Boat trellsr 1100 or Mini condition 3000 ortglonsl work. Aaklng 8600 Can •6600 or bast offer Can am/fm cassette Burglsr alarm, offer over 13300 Car muat ba JUS' ITALS Bkr 399-1665 IT RENTAI " * Than do n In mis 3 badroom '/i sera lot wtth ISO' frontago on bsst offer. Camper S7S mile* 1800 Call 717-3799 642 9293. ssk lor Pat 6714030 naw brakes, shocks, spring* & seen Call 171-6060 •72-0463 after 1. VERMONT SKI HOUSE - Ranch. Locatad In a Perk-Ilka Hwy H. Asking 141.000 Only BMW 1984 — 4 dr .Slate color. radial tires Raar delog Beat setting This homa boasts s 1993 KAWASAKI - 260 street 1174 CAMARO offer. 747-4077. DODGE ASPEN WAGON 1177 v Located batwaan Bromley & • 12,500 lo quallftad buyars. OUTBOARD MOTOR PARTS bike. 3000 mUe* Oood con- Valour Int. aun-roof. Mind per- 1 cyl.. auto Mual ssll 6 cyl. automatic, Stretton MIS. Bleeps 10. Avail by fenoed raar yard, parfacl for chll- vect cond. 51.000 ml. 113.700 or dran Family room has a wood NEW MARKETS REALTY dition. 1660. Call 496-4199 AM/FM Jensen 1977 CHEVY MALIBU CLASSIC PS/PB. 8600. or beat otter Musi lha week. MM Call 626-6999 Cell 171-1412 eves beat offer. Can 222-7111. Call 747-1213 seH. Call 496-4966 after 6 s hi burning iiovs wtth adding glass 741-1211 1971 KAWASAKI - 1000 Grsst — 86.000 mHss Ownar asking 103 Rentals to doors. Coma saa m 110S.100 RUMSON — Profasslonal build- PENYAN FIBERGLASS - 23' •hspa Gersgs kspt. Only 4200 BMW 320 I 1M1 — 2 door, color CAMARO 1976 — 301 Vl.needa • 1900 CaH before • p.m DODGE COLT 1976 — Oood CENTURY 21 EINBINOER ing. 1 omca*. with llghtad park- "Bs*l offer Flying Bridge. I/O. miles. Asking 11900. CaH charcoal, 5-speed. A/C. am/fm paint Qood condition Fun to 967-9794 running car Need* lint* work. 8hare REALTORS Ing lot. EnosrlanT location Sleeps 4. CaH 87?-23i1r1 afte— r e a 7414010 •tereo raaaeH*. radar, sun roof, drive, handlea great. Must sail 1971 CHEVY NOVA — 4 door. Asking 1360 or bast oftar Mual 201- 171 1100 Opan nil a pm • 118,000 Call ownar. 211-12O« weekenda rear dafroeter Original ownar before next Insurance payment p/b. p/s. am/fm stereo, naada buy as Is. Call 284-1146. ask IDT ELBERON - Lg 2 SB apt Cloaa 49.000 miles 88996 or bast offsr to RR station Naal/raaponilWa InOapanasntly or 741-3743. 8800 Call 671-7613 avas 1 brake work. 12200 Cell Tommy 11' SEABREEZE — 60 h.p, John- Csll 222-1864. waakand* 284-3126 •70-2172. laava meaaaga. ownad/Oparalorad SHREWSBURY — K>00 sq fi eon wllh trailer, radio, compass, DODOE VAN 976 - In goat MONMOUTH COUNTY — MIODLCTOWN - Oak Hilt. 4 quality commarclal Wdg • his- blmlnl top. and mors Runs SUZUKI ENGINE 1982 BMW 311 I — 1984. Like new 1975 CAMARO — 360 auto, p/a, CHEVCHE Y NOVA 1975 — 38.111 oond.. va. auto.. PS/PB, e«va Famala looking to share apt wllh bodrooma. 2% balha. Cdofiial. toric Colonial housa on main grsat water ready. 142-4174 Sun roof, charcoal 114,600 or p/b. a/c. Aaklng 11600 BaVford ortat . l., very good cond MOO tire. 1700 or belt otter 264-4048, MHW. Can avaa. 6:30. 389-1019. laroa Mich.n oa*i/firaplac» - a $300 or Best Oder beat offer Call 222-7116. 496-3638 Call 17243601 . after 1 p.m. ask for Joe. Camral Ak/Canlra) vacuum 5 Call 741-0139 after 5pm. BMW 320 I 1980 — 6 spd. sun- CARS UNDER 12,000 10S Summer mln. to Pkwy. railroad. ATT4T. 16' HOBIE CAT - Sailboat FuBy CHEVYNOVA- 1976 Lowmlle- DODOE CHARGER SE 1979 — 137 Lota and rigged. Extras. Trallar and sail roof. Blaupunt stereo. A/C. alloy KINQSLEY AUTO SALES aga. 2 door, etandard trans- Loaded. 2nd ownar. 74.000 ml 1112,500 O71-3MO tube included 13000. Ask for 251 Mopeda wheel*. 1 owner, axe. cond. low Rantala 717-7867 mission. 8800 Call 741-3736 or Very good shape. 11160. wHI MIDDLETOWN — ly ownax only Acraaga Tim slier 7 p.m. 172-1901. 2 MOPEDS ml. full sarvlc* records, gar- I. 747-3827. talk. Call 767-3927 SUMMER IN THE sged 16995 Csll before 6. 1972 CHARGER Flrai ahowlng. 4 badroom ranch MANALAPAN TWP. — 2 acra 1961 STARCRAFT — 19'. Fully Both Under 600 Miles DODGE DART 1874 — 1 owner, POCONOS 2 balhroomi, living room, dining Like Naw. Baal Offer 672-1686. after 2914129 Rune good. 8600 CHEVY WORK VAN 1887 — I building lot on sscludad cul-da- equlped Wllh or without trallar Call 496-3669 cyl, body good, naw Urea. Needs dean, runa well. 8400 or beat WH ChaM Hasps I. 3 baths. 4 room, d*n. kltchan. fac-room. sac In Aoyal araa. Call 4«2-g7<0 •4000 or beet offer Call Can 291-2804 BMW 1980 320 PACKAGE — offer Can after 5 p m 495-3717 bsdrooms. Indoor/outdoor pool laundry room, central air. 1 acr* mechanical work 8260. Csll for map snd sppt 717-8441 MOPED 6 STAR GENERAL 1911 Black on Mack, sun-roof. 21.000 CHEVY IMPALA 1996 — Good 7874486. 6 tannis, horseback riding on cornaf impraaatva Tru* ml Real beauty. Garage kept running cond 1400 or beat offer DODGE VAN 1979 - 6 orl. •350/3 days 2 nlghta Waak » quality. Excatfant condition Only OCEANPORT LOT — 131.SO0. 16 STARCRAFT BOAT — 66 hp Low mileage. Exc. oond. auto.. PS/PB. good cond . RaasV 1360 Call 171-4803 Serious Inquire* only. 110.500 Cell 739-3659 before 2 p.m. CHEVY Citation '62. 4 dr, V6, monthly rstas. Sauna, siaain H75.OOO Opajn houaa. Sal * Oao. S. Schanck Agancy. Evlnruds Naw treller 12600 Call Call before 1 p.m 6714112 auto, pa/pb. air. am/fm. 23.000 lo cuetomlie 13660 Csll svea 1 bath. Cocktail lounga. Call Sun, Juna IS & 16 from 1-ft p.m. 747-0397 717-6032 CHEVY VEGA 1977 — 4 oyt., mi naw bailed radlala. weekend 264-9056 291-23M. M Haighta Tarraoa. Or 671-2078 BUHLER 1 BITTER INC auto., 46.000 ml. Dependable tor appointmani RUMBON — 2 woodad raakjan- 26' KULUS — Liquor Lady. trans. 30 mpg. 1626 Call CHEVY NOVA 1173 — 79.OO0 1977 DODOE MONACO - P/k llal lou 1 • sera aa. S1S1.000 1 PUCH MAXI-LUX Plymouth-Chrystar-MG-Jagusr WELLFLEET MASS — House- Barnacle BUI*. Flrat St Rumaon 3290 Hwy 16 284-1000 670-1394 orlg. ml. 8-cyl. auto. AM/FM P/B. naw palnl. 88,000 ml. Exa. keeping conaga 2 bedrooms Ml DOLE TOWN — 9 |g. 1175.000 Call Ownar 741-0706 Dock paid. Sal/Sun, 8-12. Exc. oond. Many accessories stereo cassette Will sacrifice, cond Muat sell $1260 or beat Avail Aug. > Sept M2-S440 badrooma, IMng room, dining UMSON - 2 woodad raatdannal Asking 1270 Call 170-3112. BUHLER 4 BITTER INC CHEVY NOVA 1971 - 8 cyl. 306 1600. 291-1199. offer 6714451 after 6. days; 747-2162 svas room, kllchan. 1 % balht, laundry tola. 1+ acra aa. 1115.000 1 154 Recreational PUCH SPORT MK II 1912 — 2- Plymouth-Chryslar-MG-Jsgusr 2 barrel. No dents or ruat. Runs room, rac room, aummaf porch • 175.000 Call Ownar 741-0701. 3290 Hwy 36 264-6000 d 4 dod . NNe d DODGE DIPLOMAT 1981 Vehicles spaed transmission, racing SALON — 6 cyl. factory InatalleO 106 Furnlahad 4 patto Built in pool. |13M/mo plalon. 645 miles, 1260 or beet BUICK REGAL 1978 542-6127 + hajat ft atactrlc . Option* of CB. am/fm stereo Exc. cond 138 Mobile Homaa IV SLIDE IN CAMPER - With offer. Call 946-4077 Fully equipped, exc. cond. CHEVY MALIBU STATION 62,600 mis 83999 6714720, , Rooms buying or aata Call 787-2348 bathroom, shower, refrlgerslor. CHRYSLER NEW YORKER - HA2LET — 10 X 16. Living room 1979 PUCH MAXI — Oarage 13300. Call 171-2849 sftar 1pm. WAGON 1976 — AM/FM radio. 1979. Bucket seats, leather In- ABERDEEN TO RED BANK has 3' sxtanaton. 1 badroom. stove 4 oven Planty of atroags A/C Good motor and trans. 1913 DODGE 400 - Fulfy MIDDLETOWN apace Large clossta Sall-con- kept. 2600 mile* 1221 or bast BUICK REGAL 1992 — 30.000 terior. Fully loaded Mint con- equipped. Excellent condition. Rooms 1 studios from 140 a wk washar. 2 mo. old rafrtgarator. offer. Cell 741-2496 after 6 p.m. Body needs work As la $200 dition 14800 cr b/c. Luxurious. HOME RENTALS. Bkr 319-1234 Vary good cond. •1».O00 Csll talned E/c. cond. Call 776-9401 muss Mint condition. Asking Call 7394971. 13.000 mile*. 5 yr warranty. MOVE UP TO after 7 p.m. or before 9 a.m 16900 Call sftar 6:30 717-7366 Too msny extras to Hat. avas 739-4732 Call 291-1061. •7175 or beat otter Call after KEANSBURO MIDDLETOWN 290 Trucks & CHEVY CITATION — 1980. 2 6 30 496-1688. ' Room tor rant. HIGHLANDS 1H0 - 14x16 2 A-1 WINNEBAQO MOTOR BUICK 1(77 LESABRE CUSTOM door. 4 cyl.. auto., low mileage 7S748M. 797-2647 And you msy navar want to mova HOME — Generator, new tlrea. Trailers - High miles, bul sxcsllent con- CIRCLE CHEVROLET DODGE ASPEN WAQON 1977'-. again. Onca you own this lovsty 3 badrooma. 2 baths, cantral sir Excellent condition 11600. Csll Shrewsbury Ava. Shrewsbury 717-7247 conditioning. 140.000. Csll BLAZER 1972 4x4 — With lock- dition. Musi be eeen. Asking 496-1243 Good body 6 lira* $300 eel badroom. 2% bath spill with for- 12200 Call 9304280 741-3130 after 5 p.m. 717-9255 mal dining room, family room, 2S1-1M0. age. 16000 or rani. Ing hubs. auto, trans.. 4' lift, LITTLE SILVER - Vary claan 14x35 Ursa, sm/lm Runs greet, 1960 CHEVY IMPALA — Qood 1977 COUGAR XR7 — Cream room In qulat rasldantlal sraa. and acraansd-ln porch. Tha park ALLEGRO 1983 — 21' motor 1911 BUICK REGAL - Limited. condition. 65.000 mllee. 13600. 1976 DODGE WAGON - As I* TORQE MOBILE HOME 1M4 - cleen 11100. offers. Catl LOW. low mileage. 1200 miles 1 with brown Interior. P8/PB/PW, No kllchan prlv. 747-3724 Ilka proparty Is localsd on a 14.53 132.000. Call 717-M21 or home. Chevrolet chassis 6 Call 671-6430. Bast otter or will sell for perja. gorgaous tras llnad atraat Hurry. engine Loaded will- option* 747-7111 ownar 16700 Csll 967-9329 A/C. AM/FM etereo. 69.300 Call after 6 p m 739-0301* ~\ REO BANK - Convenient Broad Hurryf Only tilggoo 496-0613 CHEW VEGA 1975 — Auto. miles 351 engine, mint oond. 7600 ml. Call 222-6136. CHEVROLET PICK-UP 1980 — 1975 BUICK SKYLARK — VS. 82800 or B/O Call 217-9763 DODGE STATION WAGON -4 St. location Msturs parson C-20, PS/PS. V-l angina. 33.000 good cond.. 37.000 ml I860 Call 741-1436 or 747-9M1 GLORIA NILSON 140 RaalEatate ARISTOCRAT 1971 — Salt con- a/c. am/fm. CB. Exoallent run- 670-2760 after 7 p.m. weekday*. Mon-Frl 10-3 or from 6-10 p.m. 1975 316. Very good condition, Wanted tained, alsapa 1. Naw Chevy 30 ml., new cap. 1' bad. 14950 Call ning condition S1998. CaH anytime weekenda 7394196 P/S. P/B. AM/FM $1000 or bee) REO BANK — Claan Parking. No REALTORS engine Raar damage Bathroom 264-2266 741-4355 after 1 All day Sat. 6 offer. Call 6304819. . kltchan privileges Working needs finishing Ai Is 12900 Csll CHEVY 810 PICK-UP 1963 Sun or 7474766 after 9. all day CHEVROLET CAMARO 1976 — CUTLASS BROUGHAM - ganttaman preferred Call Wad i Sun Runa good, look* good. Great Wagon, dleeel. PW/PS/PB. A/C. 1972 DODGE OOLD DUSTER- 747-5600 21.000 mi. 4 spaed. MOO • 741-2175 MIDDLETOWN - 2 houaas for price. Csll 957-936H after for am/fm. tilt wheel, cruiee 86800. BUSINESS — ESTABLISHED MINI MOTOR HOME — 20' Tloga Msny sxtrss Csll 871-0336 1979 BUICK LESABRE LTD — 4 iriora info Call after 6 780-1020. Call S71--9041. . RED BANK - Furnlsnad room In tha pries of 1 1M.300. Mlddla- door, VS. P/S. P/S. A/C. 1 OVER 20 YR8. NEEDS TO RE- 1973 - Fully loeded. 2 A/CY CHEVY C30 1919 - Dual DODGE VAN 1977 prtvele home Qutst. ssfs srss lown Raaltors. 530-0600 LOCATE. WOULD LIKE TO genera'•torl . sleeps 6 14600 Call ownar. Qood condition. 53.000 CHEVY IMPALA SS 1983 — CUTLASS SUPREME 1971 - wheels Utility body, grsal shspe Black lacquer. Rally wheels, A/C. Needs work. $1000 . Mln 1 mo rant 530-1317 MIDDLETOWN - MagnltMlant RENT OR BUY 2600 TO 3000 SO 291-491 Sacrifice 11700 Call 73B-2669 ml Asking 83900 Day 671-1780 Good condition. Runs atrong. FT RED BANK. HOLMDEL, evee 671-9663. •2000 or bsst oftar Can tin wheel. PW/PB/P8. tinted win- Call 330-0519 TOMS RIVER-furnlshed room, larga Wllllamsburg 11 yaar old Coforttal. 4 badrooms. 2'4 bsths. MIDDLETOWN. HAZLET AREA 1972 OPEN ROAD — 20' motor 1989 C-30 CHEVY — Dusl wheel 7394625 dow*, auto., am/fm stereo. DUSTER 1971 — 1 cyl, auto kitchen 1 bath prlvltge*. 1 mo. 2S4-1642 EVENING; S11-SM4 nomo. 4 KV generator Roof air utility truck. Great ahape mech- BUICK CENTURY 1981 — 4 83400 Must be seen 631-7041 sacurlty. 1250 mo 244-4710. 2 car garags. nraplaoa. gaa BBO CHEVY IMPALA 1979 — good after 6 p.m. reliable transportation Asfcln rlll. Built-in swimming pool 2 DAYS 1 WEEKENDS. ASK FOR 31o Dodge engine, naw refrlger- anical 6 body No work needed door. ve. automatic. A/C. stereo. 8671. Call 171-7706 or 171-H1 MR MARTIN. stor. 40.000 ml. 717-7526.14996. Losdsd Immaculate Must ba cond., 4 dr.. 2/tono. Full power WOMANS RESIDENCE - Sont antranoss. Houaa originally at all. 120O0 Call 739-2669 CUTLESS SUPREME 1M1 - 1M1 FIAT SPIDER — Con Maturs woman only CHEVY K20 • 4 spd. trans., with seen 14975 Cell 739-0704 13600. Call 264-7343. bunt as larga modal homa In I WILL BUY YOUR HOUSE STARCRAFT 1976 POPUP — VI. auto. PS/PB. A/C. raar de- vertlbte. 6 apd.. excellent con. Badroom/livmg room combo, Harltags Hint davalopmant Ex- Sleeps 6. All naw canvas and transfer cess complete with naw BUICK PARK AVENUE — 1981. 1974 CHEVY NOVA — Good foggar. AM/FM stereo. 46.000 dMon Call after 4pm 291 -336 15x23 MOO par month Includas callant cond. 1189000 Musi IN ANY CONDITION - AS 18 - dutch. AH levers, paddles and condition. 70K Stereo 8600. FOR CASH CALL 6M-2S21. screening. Stove, sink, gas 2 door Mint condition. Loaded. ml, Exc. oond. Asking 16795. utilities except cooking. Call for saa Principals only Csii Warran healer, port-a-potty. canopy 1 linkage. 8375- Call 94645g9 or 48.000 mils. 81100 CaH Csll 644-9317 or 644-1916. After 6 p.m. 496-2363. FIREBIRD 1974 — VI, 36 all SPI 9*3-MSB. screen room Other sxtrss Exc 760-1717 284-9726 1960 CHEVROLET CAPRICE - motor. PS/PB. Oood rurmln eond 12500 Cell 717-6492 aftsr 1977 CUTLASS SUPREME condition Call after 6 |o MIDDLETOWN CHEVY 1982 C10 - PS/PB. long 1967 BUICK SKYLARK — a/c. Wagon Naw G.M. dleael engine. BROUGHAM - Powar sssts. Wt 108 Commercial Located '* block from marina, bed. gray wtth whlta cap. Exc Mint Int.. good body, naw parts oil installed Full power Good wheel, air. naw tires. Excellent 741-1072 this M-level offers e tenced-ln WINNEBAQO 1B74 — A-1 cond.. cond. 34.000 ml. 86600. Call Including battery. 4 radlsls. 6 condition. 83300. After 7:30. runningcondition Aaklng 82760 FIREBIRD 1M7 - Whole oi Rentals raar yard. waH-to-weH carpeting. 152 Boats and naw generator 1 heater, has 642-4271 or 842-3786 braksa B/O 642-4270 after 6 •714118 CaH 747-7224 pans of cer. Must sell. Aaklna 3 badrooms. IMng room, dining sink, stova. rsfrlgsrslor roof air 8360. CaH after 6 p m 291-68311 Acceseorles CHEVY PICK-UP 1972 CADILLAC — 1984 2-door con- CHEVY MALIBU — 1991. 2 door. 1971 DART — Slant 6. clean. As BRAND NEW room and a wood burning stove Sleeps 1. low mileage 17600 8 cyl.. auto., p/a. p/b. a/c. tut JUST REDUCED in tha family room. 811I.S00. 13' BOSTON WHALER - 40 HP 741-6019 v. ton 4X4 wtth plow vertible, 2-yr -old top. engine 1 is. 1700 or beat oftar 1971 FORD VAN 1977 — Cueiomlxeoj trans good 100% Rsstorsbls. wheel. AM/FM cassette, very Grenada VI. Bast offer. Call was 1350 now (300 CENTURY 21 K 8 H REALTY Marcury aksctrlc start. Bow rail. Oood cond. Call 496-3188. clean 64,000 muss 84150 or A/C. quadraphonic AM/FM RED BANK. Broad Si Approx Vary good cond . wtth trails' 1975 WINNEBAQO — 21'. Fully 84,000 miles. Must sail or trade. •72-1834. cassette. Good oond. 86000 oe GROUP. 738-4330 serf-contained. ONAN generator, CHEVY PICK-UP 1976 Beet offer. 747-1824. bast offer Call 671-12M beet offer. Call Seg.Weatherebyr 400 aq. ft plus utll's Call Indapariddfiay OwnaaVOparatad S2S00. Call 741-1141 63.000 ml., 11000. DATSUN PULSAR NX 1986 - 741-1441 days. 171-4141 avas 1 Compists tune-up last yaar Naw CHEVROLET IMPALA 1977 — 2 632-2888 or 389-3024. . • 14'V 1M2 OURANAUTIC - mufflers alternator, fan belt, Call 717-9836 CADILLAC ELDORADO — 1977. Black axt 6-spaad, 88600 or MIDOLETOWN — Looking to buy 2 door 81000 Call 7874037 dr.. PS/PB, auto., air. am/fm. bast otter. Muat sail Can FORD PINTO - 1976 Light Una. or asH your homa? Lai uu halp Daap V aluminum boat Slds cantral a/c. am/rm atereo & tape CHEVY BLAZER — 1880 Witt V4. new Urea, 1 owner 12000 COURTS OF REO BANK consola 35 HP atactrtc start dack. 61,130 mlkae. Asking anytime. 319-3200 good condition M00 CM youl CENTURY 21 Elnblndar Rs- plow. Auto., p/s. p/b Excetten Call 2644613 741-8212. ; LUXURIOUS - Office lulls fully sHora. 171-1100 Johnson. D F.. compass, nil •8800. Call 666-0642 or condition. 17200. Call 671-8647 CADILLAC COUPE DeVILLE DAT8UN 2O0 SX 1881 — 5- lurnlshad AvallabM on par diem traMar. plua axtraa. Exc cond 564-7432 1979 - LI. yellow, fully loaded, CHEVY CHEVETTE 1984 - Ex- spaed. P8/PB/PW, A/C. am/fm. FORD — 1983 Qalaxle J doo( baaas All amsnltlss Includad MONMOUTH COUNTY - Can saeoo. Can 717-H24 1973 DATSUN PICK-UP — Witt- cruise A-1 cond. Spoks wheats, cellent condition. 2 door. P8/PB. naw tlrea Excellent condition hardtop. Black/White Original For Information csll 530-7300 for our compHmantary brochura cap. Exceptionally clean Asklnc tilt whsel. hitch Must ssa lo ap- redlne seals AM/FM cassette Beat oftar. Call Bob 741-6711 paint, interior, body 90% ril of aaduatva llsttngs 14 HOSIE CAT •960 Call 6424017 stereo with equalizer. RW M, Wllh Trallar preciate! Asking 17000 cash stored. 1 owner 12600 or trade! FOUR SEASONS REALTORS Inegollablel Call 739-6996 defrost. 84750 717-6640 1975 DATSUN 710 - 2 door. 4 747-1124. RUMSON MO-MO0 Maka CWar DODOE 1872 — Powar wagon apd.. good condition. Run* wall. MIDOLETOWN 171-MOO Call 222-2217 VI. 4 spd., 7% P/Angle plow CADILLAC 1982 — Exc oond . 1887 CHEVY CHEVELLE - 2 AM/FM aaaina 1700 or bast FORO PINTO — 1971 Rebuilt 220 Wanted Cop Cell sftST 7 p m 741 -6136 door, 6 cyl auto Naw tlrea. Runa HOLMDEL 14S-3700 14' STARCRAFT — Mua 1 whits. 44.000 ml. Muat sell Bought s otter Cell 741-2371 transmission 3 months old Many EXCELLENT 4 sastar Evlnruds motor In naad Automotive DODGE 1979 WORK VAN — 311 '65 Volvo Asking 110,500. Call new and good parts 1300 oj MONMOUTH MALL CLEANERS 691-1789. 19,000 ml. liOO or b/o. CaH DATSUN 200 SX - 1982 26.000 RETAIL LOCATION of rsoalr 4 ma praaarvars, lad- suto. 1 ton. Can 171-1129 ba- miles, 6 spd.. a/0. am/fm itereo bast offer. 496-1641 or 767-4240) Had Bank 23 Monmoutn It — High vohima. 1311.000. Can you maka an unusual twaan 8-430. 741-7923 MlddWown Ramon. 53O-O1O0 dar. trallar. 4 hitch Includad. donation to a unique cauee? 1977 CAMARO — V9, 306, auto caseett*. SL pkg 86300 cr bast FORO LTD — 1077. A/C. P/S: 2400 square taat/11310 par 1800 Call 747-O4OS. Foster Frlenda. a non-profit or DODOE B60 SPORT PICK-UP p/s. p/b. a/c. am/fm alereo. 6 CHEVY MONZA — 1976. Auto. 4 offer Call 7874489 P/B. AM/FM cassette Good month plu* utnttle* New cantral OAK RIDOE MALTY cyl.. p/» am/tm stereo, 61.000 IS' STARCRAPT — Oood tor ganlzatlon. Is In naad of two de 1983 — Great shspe. graal ga* track, raar defroel. 71.600 ml. DATSUN 1971 2S0ZX — 6-apd. condition. »900. Csll 741-2371 . haat 1 air Prrvete 1 car parking Adult CommunWas pendabie uesd care or atatlor mileage, greet stereo. Only •2000 or b/o After 6 p.m. miles, naw tire*. Asking $1600 flahlng. akllng, diving to Call 6714798 sun roof. Looks 6 runa beautiful. 1973 FORD WAGON - 95.009 Mi-soao HPmarcury O/B Powar trim. Ex- wagons for uss In distributing oi 33.008 ml 13996 291-1929 ayes 233-3369 fund drive canistsra Monies ob- No dents or rust. Clean 14OO0 miles Needs transmission 1250* 842-5666 Days OCEANPORT - Lavaty '4 sera tras 12700 or bast oftar Call 1970 CHEVY NOVA — Runa Call 741-1381 or 741-7441. Prrvsia fancadin yard 3 larga tained from these canisters 1976 FORD ENC 160 - 8 cyl 3 Z21 CAMARO 1912 - Slack with Csll 767-7793. 609-448-4325 Eves & 142HM or M2-aM7 sftar 1 spd. standard shift, am/fm radio. greet. Needs s lime work. 1700 badrooms. 1 tuff oaramu tua • •-» provide funding lor the continu- doth Interior. A/C. am/fm or best offsr Csll 866-0136. OATSUN 240 Z — 1973 Classic FORD BRONCO XLT 1984 " Weekends bath. Cantrsi air. hardwood IS' JOHNSON FIBEROLASS ing work. Fosisr Friends doaa lo 11200. Call weekdoya after 5 atsrso, rear delog bucket aeata, Rebuilt Engine. Too many naw 4x4. air. rm stereo, tinted glssa, floors, anachad 2 car garaga. TRIHULL — v-« Bulck. OMC, Improve IMng conditions for p.m. 291-6193 dual sport mirrors. Exc. cond. CHEVY 1971 IMPALA parts to list. Excellent condition captain seat. 10.000 mllss. mlnv larga Irving room, family & dining I-O. on trallar. (1400 Cat more than 6.000 NJ children in Muat ssll 17900. 747-0337 or 4 dr., 79.000 orlg. mile*. Best offer 6304759 or condition. 113.600 or best offer, RT. 35 HOLMDEL foster care. 1979 FORD F160 - Pickup 300 •00 Squara fool of flnlahaO of- rooma. Solid oak country 717-7717 t cyl, 3 apd. Good condition. '— 1661. Runs well Call 747-6494 6424376 Csll 264-2747 Kltchan. fun baaamant. sndarsan floaa on ground floor Planty of 1S'«1- MCXIE — 111 II you can help, please contact 12000 Call 7474149 aflar 8 p.m. parking windows, aluminum storms * Marcury 6 ssssons old. Naw FOSTER FRIENDS FORD 1970 800 SERIES - 18' MEALTY BROKERAGE powar hsad 1M3. Many axtraa. PO Box 276, body, lirt-gsls Rune good. Flrat 1143.000 Call 221-M32 Prln- SS300 Catl 142-1902 ''- SI 3884100 capts only •1460 takes it Call bstwaan 2-4 Keyport, NJ 07735 p.m/ 842-4414 ACE FOR RENT — 11' TILT TRAILER or call (201) 583-1518 Can 1 AM PM. OCEAN TOWNSHIP — As aa- And boat. Ma*a aflar FORD BRONCO XLT IBM aurmtaiH of suparlor naw homaa. Call 172-O7M JUNK AND RUNNINO CARS 4x4. a*, tm sajreo, tinted glees. •23-ltOOO paid 24 hr flatbed ED BANl — Convanlant lo- from 1110.000 Wsyslds Wood! 17' O'DAY — Day sailor, cutty captsln seal. 19.000 mlleo. mint snd Longvtaw Vlllags 12HH and towing sen/tea 261-9381. condition 113.600 or bast offer. i 2. 3f • 4 room office suit- mongagas By appl. Cantury cabin, all equip Exc cond.. I par sq. ft. mot. A/c. • 1000 Can 1714171. JUNK CARS WANTED Call 264-2747 DAILY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES naal. parking. 747-1 loo Bunding ce. lii-osoi Rat bed avaUaWa 11 FLEET CRAFT OUTBOARD Call 630-3618 RED BANK r- 2 blocks from hos- RED BANK — With iraaar Bowrloar. H n.p pital 3 room office sun* Older Marc 24-gal gaa tank Saats « WE BUY USED CARS — Top FORD PICK-UP F-1 MODEL building Rant Incl heel 1 deen- Whlta flbarglaas. with axtraa dollar paid. Schwartz Chrysler- 1949 — Total reetorellon Rebuilt 828 Lawn Mower mg service* From 1140 room "COUiSTYARD" Exc oond SVBOO. 171-2241 Plymouth. 141 w Front SI.. Red flatbed. 6 cyl., brand naw trans. 6 TRACK LOADER — 20 ton, 4 ki 1 Tmia-ijaa) CaH Pat 8X. Realty. Commarclal A UNIQUE Bank. 747-0717. Wee New Interior 13760 Call bucket ami apiralsi' LOT OMaiOn 4)1-6613 11' HOBIE CAT - Cat favar aalla. 2844113 CLEAJWtO. BASEaiENTS and SERVICE 6 REPAIR- EUROPEAN sail box, trallar. many axtraa 260 Auto Rent/Lease KEEP COOL DEMOLITION 143-3401. aHe teas, eueramee. . PAPBwiiAiieiiia REO BANK Exc. oond. Asking US00. Call FORD — 1963 with cap Fraa pk*-up and delivery. CaH ua Papamsnglr VILLAGE 4M-M01 TRIANGLE AUTO LEASING 17.000 miles. 11200 Excellent THIS SUMMERHI The Fammlrta Touch IMMEDIATE LEASINO 12 naw luxury town homaa sur- condition. Call 222-2060 or Riildinual a o» nmercuu MS Flreptaceee. 4 storefront*, from 100 aq ft. Can for Quota Free Eat 7414880 rounding a cantrsi oourtysrdl 1884 MISTRAL 8UPERLIQHT (201) 142-7818 670-2410. R. Thompaon. 6834179. Woodatovea TUNiw For mora Into can 530-7300 Among tha faaturas srs Sky- i Regatta sale. 1 MED sale, i 6 beaVe. rk aorvs at MM aajatar. Weaka'ayl 1 a.m.-l p.m. lights, attaohad graanhouaaa. ca- race depoerboerd. 1 stock dag- FORD — 1977 stap-van 14' 444 Bathroom homa - 2704M8 alt. 6 madral callings, bslconlaa. flra- 270 Auto Services/ aluminum. 53,000 miles. 16600 aUn/Furnlahad Offica Sultae rboard Aaklng I860 Call Call 222-2060 or 170-2430 Remodeling aV •With Sac'y 1 Anawartng Sarv plaoaa. undarground parking, 2-3996 or laava msiaag*. Parts 888 light Haufhvg Fraa • annum 281-1284 snd much, much moral Non- K Ceramic Tile •Shrewsbury. OK 741-1700 20 8EACRAFT — With 140 HP CORVETTE - Spare tire holder HONDA 1982 — 900 custom lef- blndlng rasarvatlons now bamg tover new In 1984. Low mileage socaplad Prloas ranga from Johnson. Cuddy cabin, full naw and cover. Ford 2300 motor, A KINO'S CERAMIC TILE 688 Paving 110 Wanted to Rant canvas. Hlghlsndar haavy duty run* good. Dodge Truck trens- Garage kept Exlrsa 11900 Call 884 Oardan Art L I121.aoo to tiSS.MO MODEL 747-6711. We do sa 'i mnair- 1 tsjpajre. APT OR HOUSE. 2 Badroom OPEN. SUNDAY 11 A M -3 P.M. tandem sxei. Qarvsnliad trailer mission. 4 spd wtth power take- 19 or loo emaj. For SIR LANCELOT - _ wtth suras brakes. Ready to go. off. Ford Fairmont body parts. 2 •Hook aantsna •Soiiaawse easier. WawHaaal any* vicinity HaHet-Neptune. INTERNATIONAL 1010 MODEL wHav#, -****—1—" -mi— Small repairs. Ca' " Can 731-0932 NEW MARKETS To much to list 16100 or beat door Call 630-3610 1973 — Camper Special. PS/PB. 6714828. •WaaMlasTi irmiiiaswli n| sa)»8)HJ offer. Call 741-7702 after 6. prloaa. 871-4617. APT Oft HOUSE. 2 Badroom REALTY 1»77 MONTE CARLO A/C. 401 v-e, auto., radio, towing ALL TILE kREAS - Expert re- package. Rebuilt engine 6 trena Vicinity Haiku Haptuna. REALTORS 741-8211 20' PACESHIP - Mouette. 2 eel All parts for sale pairs. Mi ieii»jde*ng sine* 888 Qardan THWog Call 739-0332 sails, trailer. 7% HP Johneon with No engine. New tires. Origins! window atlck- IMS. Boa AMue, 2*04887 SUPER BUY sr 12260. Call 2844613. HARDENS T1LLE lees than 10 hrs $2600 Csll Can 172-0262 B 1W LKIHT HAUUNO JIB YOUNO BUSINESS OIRL - 3 Badroom Colonial. Oraat Eaal 741-70M eves JEEP CHEROKEE. '79. V .0. CERAMIC TILE troy Waatrfi TTaaaonaola- v4Vi Non-emofcer naada 1 badroom •Ida location on ona of Rad condt.. many extras. 14500. call 142-4008 Or 74<-7^e»IBJ 8 fm. a aiMMng loaal or long des- MUSTANG PARTS CONTRACTING s. Verde, oeers rages apt. In Keaneburg-Leonardo Banks nlcasl straats. Flrsplaca In 22%' 19*0 BAYLINER — Cuddy 1969-1970 808488-4118 or above ground. 87 V] araa. will share Call Kathy n' IMng room, formal dining cabin. Marc cruiser In- 888 Horn* 496-0414 room, full flnlshad bssamsnt. board/outboard, fresh water No front and parts. PICK-UP TRUCK 1972 Prompt service. Free aaavnataa. cootsd In watar allp paid for Call for needs Can arrvUme for appt 2M-31M UHTOTT6 ancloaad front porch Wont last RADIAL TIRES Naada work tanartoe 6 aan R( AL ESTATE st only 1111.000 JEFF MORSE Trallar avail. (1000. Can Asking 1200 •tCTTLtlPJEPAHie A-1 DECKS - Dormers REALTY. Rasltor 142 4310 970-0421 or 741-7840 160-70-SH13. like new. rajp^^8. Opei *je I FOR SAL t Call 291-9196. Call 6884188 ftxturaa. mora. R.T. t* The beat eerrloe at r SUBARU BRAT 1979 PICK-UP vtoa. Fraa ericas Can 490 2 JOHNSON SEA-HORSE PONTIAC 1961 — 400 motor with Can anytime 717-0871. sasxr 131 Houses (or TWO FAMILY MOTORS — 5 HP 1 3'* HP. 1260 TH400 trans. Motor needs rs- — 4 cyl. standard 30 MPG. 4 Can MS KM or 688-4148 BEACHFRONT 1 (200 Call after 1 p.m. oulld, 1360 both. Chevy TH36O wheel drive. AM/FM caeeene. 447 ADDITIONS — Compkas* re- r, Sale Enloy fishing, beating snd tha 717-0771 with shirt kit. comp. rebuilt. 1475 60.000 mle. Exc. cond. 11600 Carpentry modsUne senrtos. Can 741-4884 SJ batch yaar round. (Kasnsburg. 264-3884. HOME CRAFTSMAN Z~J- cCarpen- or 2B4-e415V9 _ -J8» _. 1ST! AMERICAN — Flberglaea. Chevy 230 Six Call 747-5649 741-1148 pky axrt 117). 2 badrooms aach IB 2x2 sailboat Sleeps 3. Excel- TOYOTA PICK-UP TRUCK 4x4 try, mnHsuli'li. loos dene with DUST BUSTERS - CommaroaiT ARMSTRONG •Ida of ranch typa DUPLEX. Sap- lent condition. Includes 3 sslls 1 TOYOTA 1«76 Motor 2TC. 1 Mb MB lor ? Trans., snd rear. 1980 — Many naw pane. Lift kit. rseldanaal. Woor waxing, carpal • rsts gss and afsctrlc. Qood In- trallar. Ready to sail Asking roll bar, push bar. K.c. day shsynpooeia. general RUMSON eoma for a startar homa, amsll •3600. CaU 284-7117. Csll 563-67M, after 5 p.m. lighters 6 fog lights. Very good Styta la faniMtic, 50 • - Tha raga Act now) I'l MM. family or RETIREES who may 2% VW MOTORS cond. Beet rssaonable offer Call lETIRED CARJfXTER - SmaH wtth today's .randy dacoraloral 3 nssrl axtra rantal Incomsll AMF 8UNFI8H — Sailboat with 642-3691 or 642-4636. HOME IMPROVEMENTS badrooma. 2 full batha, % Hr»- "Malntananoa-fraa" with nlca R/W/B ssll 1 edlustsble tin a parts and madtam ana kxss and 24 HR. Emergency Servtoe. to* placaa. 2c*V| kltohana. bath* and living rooms trallar. Both In excellent con- Plua 2 front seata. TRACTOR — 1974 cab over In- daona. Fraa sMmetss. Can nacouN •d lot. IW5.0 wtth plclurs windows facing dition Trallar comae with never Call 741-2211 ternsllonsl with sleeper. 311 De- 741-8787 or 774-0800. baach. Expraas buaaa to NYC. used epsre tlrs. 1926. Csll VW SOUAREBACK — Needs troll engine Overhauled 40.000 tus: JC. Me. Shopping and schools. 142-6124 work. Must sail or |unk. Maka mHee age. Naada trans bearing 6 480 878 OddJoba FAIR HAVEN HOMEIMPex MSNTI OW faahlonad front porch Daad and straal. Don't mlaa thla otter. Also some Beetle parts. minor body work. Beat offer over EX»e«T OAHTET CLEAN- tf> 26' BAYLINER SARATOGA — A»I 000 JOB scmtcc - ax- backona you *° •"toy » com- yaar round homa with Incoms for Csll 496-1684. 12600. MkJdHIOwn 7874740 - Uaholasiry Meaning. tovaatofej • twfiMOaTiafiafpra wa only Ml.OOO Call 473-43W or 1977. Weekender Fishermen 09 eriaclaisse >» a« ranao Pfotaoja 8 torts contained In our 3 badroom chennel C.B., VHF radio, com. nai fana. MOfcw fTon* r>offlao*jeTnaT*r itaaot* Ptoonn0i oWar Colonial Family room 731-3202 280 Motorcyclaa 300 Autoa for 8«l> man. 747- opana onto tha dack aurround- paaa. digital depth finder. 2 bal- 00 YOU NOD - email Jeea >ng th« beautiful 32' Inground kerles, 2 auto bilge pumpa. 2 1911 XS1100 YAMAHA — 6,600 1964 CHEVROLET — 2 door Im- 488 CafpeUnateHatJon 100% financing eve* se**»i5.' dona, oaWng or bath oawsed, pool Oa.lgl.tfuU $.59,000 WATERFRONT anchor*, awtm platform, built In ml. 2-tons gray. Like naw. Oar- pale 6 cyl . 3 spd. Very little ruat .usual change*, etc. CaH the 4-badroom. 7% bath oontam- fish box In •tarn, nydrollc trim age-kept. Must sell, best offer Minor dents 8600 firm CaH jam CARPET INSTALLATION J0HNR0E8IN0 ** •**** 'rnkaxaf, 747-3*62, porary. Daap watar docking. lab*. 2 burner prlncsaa stova. Call 739-0706. 418-3343. •talnlass sink, los box. heed, all RED BANK Sundacks off moat rooms. Can- 1988 DODGE CORONET Armatrong'a nawaatl TWB charm- tral air. Dan Qorgaoua kltchan. Coast Qusrd equipment. 112.000 ATC 260 SX 1966 — Honda wltrh or bsst offer Can 741-3811. reverss 16 hours, helmet & gog- WAGON — Exc. running cond. ing 3 badroom, 2 bath Cap* haa Bulkhaadad. Baautllul sunsais. 03d transportation. Cargo carrier 4B6 ClJtartftfl uftdargona a major lacoMft wtttiln I32S.OO0. Hurryl gle* Incld. 11900 or beat offer BLUE JAY SAILBOAT — Exc Call 741-6276 or 291-3129. Inc. 1291, 717-4860 or 291-2747. tha laat 3 yaaral Patto, dack, for- TOTAL RENOVATION CON- mal dining. Ml baaamant and CENTURY 21 COZENS. Raaltors cond . flbarglaas. sslls 1 trailer 1971 VW — AM/FM. naw urea, Includad. 11100. Call 747-9609. BSA 860 CC 1971 STRUCTION INC. - Adsnacna, nautral color patatia, Tha parfact "IndapandantJy Ownad " Stock. Runs good. 1600 dean, run* great. Qood trans- windows. Mnyt aiding, assign flrti homal 1116.000 •11 Rrvar Rd.. Fair Havan BOAT FOR SALE — Navar used Can 738-1826. portation. Flrai 8900 takes It. earrioo. Fraa eetlmetea. Carl 741-7M8 •4 Renken 20'. cabin cr . Volvo 172-1140 281-1008 77 Center Ava HONDA CX600 1912 — Runs AH Highland*. N.J. 07711 _ f^Ba***aW*st4_ inaaaaTttxaT^ejaat* WEST L.ONO BRANCH — Col- I/O. 121 h.p. Many special faa- 1971 CELICA HATCHBACK ARMSTRONG turas Must ssa. Call 842-2102 grsst. Must ssll dus to loss of SrtoTpree AGENCY, REALTORS onial. • badrooms. 3 baths- llceneo. 1900 firm. Call 6614996, -34.000 miles. Excellent con- 828 Landecaplnfl 74748M 1107,too Mlddlslown Raaltors. 1-6 p.m. Mon-Frl. dition. 83900. Call 671-1646 after MS Proapact Ava HONDA CB 650 1979 — 6.100 AUTHENTIC CHIMNEY SWEEP • Lawn Cape AIL PAIffTTNO, - Ultra Sltvar uo-osoo. CATALINA 22 - Tha parted 6 or weekends. (amity boat. Oood condition miles. Sissy bar. luggage rack. crash bars. Excellent shsps. 2 BOMBS. BUT RUN ABC - Of itaim. miuril. 'Ra»sisimi 132 Condoa& Many axtraa Including 14 HP 1970 Volkswagen Bug r 741-4500 Mariner outboard. Anxious lo Oarage kept. 11000 or beet offer I 7414880. inaiiaaajHiain Tha ij I MH Ca« 7414010. Townhouses Call 741-7702 after!. 1974 Plymouth Satallte BY OWNER — 3 badrooms. •all. Csll 1714817. Make ofax.Calt 1884848. of atanaTns ktwn oar* 41 • Capa Cad. Large tartoad In SELMAR — Dal Mo. 2 badroom. HON0A SILVERWINQ 1981 470 Clock Repair backyard. Waal location. Can 2 bath. Aoroaa yachi basin, naar CHRIS CRAFT 1180 - 2-210 HP. With 2 helmets. Asking 11800. AMC GPEMLIN 1975 MUSS PENDULUM Long Branch 2224498. baach/shopplng. 1S1.000. 60 MPH •. Exoattent condition. Can after 6 p.m. 948-3165 1700 or bast otter Tha)a k • new man In townl I PAWTwsa — Al «a> I44-M24 or 144-0608. Day* 718487-1800. Evening Call 1844115 Expert repair 8 usaaisHrm at BV OWNER — Tlnlon FaHS. Love- 716-617-0718. 1964 HONDA SHADOW 700 — ly Colonial. 10 rooma. 3Vi baths, MIDOLETOWN - Luaury Bought 2 months sgo ss left- AMC PACER 1976 COMPLETE LAWN MAINTEN- ^^^^^^^iBas*- Pfaa aavMMSB with 4 aoras tor horaas. Naar Townhouaa. BMO/irio. Flraplaca. over. 1060 miles. Must sell Call Body 1 Interior axe. CO , ANCE ~ Hedges, shrubs, bade. schools. Financing 1214.000. C/A.. Call 171-4117. 7174617 am/fm stereo, 1250 Csll *sasg' Extra Adfommg 1 sera 1 room 12' FIBERGLASS BOAT — Freeh 2914913. houaa avail. Can 141-0S31. SEA BRIOHT WATERVIEW paint. Exc. oond. 1968 vintage 1971 HONDA 400 T — 9000 TOWNHOUSE — 3 badrooma. Sears Elgin engine. 34 hp. ax- miles. Excetlenl condition. Many AMC SPIRIT 1890 FAIR HAVEN • RIVER OAKS I batha. Prrveta baach. pod, 1 traa. MOO firm. 747-9488 extras. 8100. Call between 6-9 MOO or best offer. Ranch. 3 badrooms. ivt bath, tarmla oourt 1134,500 Can p.m. 7674888. Can 6444746. larga IMng room, dining room, m 273-21M. GALAXY 1178— Bowrtder, 19'. family room with Cathedral oeH- 120 Volvo. I/O, galvanized treller 1984 HONDA XL 360 — Street AMC CONCORD 1911 — Clean. L Ing, aat-ln kllohen. greenhouse. SHADY OAKS - 2nd floor 2 Vary good oond. 84100. legal. 1600 miles. Vary dean. 4 dr. PB/PS. A/C. radio, low aoiaaiiau porch, larga walk bdrms. End unit AvaHaMa Im- 281-1741 oftar 1pm. Oarage kept Greet for 1st Mks mileage. 81100. Can 741-4881 After 11 am. — through expendable ane. tlre- 1H000 MaV*41*. GATOR BOAT TRAILER AMC MATADOR 1173 -^ToanlraJ air, vinyl suing. SHADOW LAKE...Luxury oondo • 160. .HONDA CB 600 1972 8100. Flrat come oat* It an M lake Southern axpoeure Can 281-1184 4 Cyl Runs Oood. Asking 1460 Can7874Ma\ By owner, prlnclpali only. Call and vary prhrete....Patlo over- Can 4964807 AMC SPIRIT 1979 HATCHBACK j 747-6171 If no arujwar call sftar GLASSMASTER 1881 — 120 HP. looks laka-lfiolcaad porch ax- tr Bowrlder. Parted running HONDA CB 460T HAWK 1992 — 8 cyl. auto.. A/C. PS/PS. | 10:10 p.m. tenda lovaly modem kitchen with oond. m watar. Up Included, at LEFTOVER — 6190 ml. Oood 72.000 ml. Runs great. 11300.1 naw stove and mlrcowswa. wash- Port Monmouth. 17900. Can oond. New helmet Must sail, will talk. CaH 741-4131 ask for' FAIR HAVEN er and dryer, sxtrs large retrlger- eves 871-9244. naad car. Asking 11100. Csll Howard; or Ml 0191. WaN maintained colonial wim stor. dishwasher...Dmlng room, after 6 p.m. 19I-J811 daadad Paver Rights Oardan living room with fireplace..2 HOBIE 198* 18' A STAR IS BORN... ; Club grounds offer baauty and lovely badrooma. 2 and trallar HONDA 1M1 400CC prfvaoy. Living room with ftre- batha..Automatic underground 88000 or boat otter 300 original mllee. plaoaand lioali • Soraanad sprinkling systam...1 oar gar- Can 291-8861. Many axtraa 8880. porch Dtrrtng room. Dan. 1 age...Hard to daecnbo thla lovaly 19' HOBIE CAT — Mas) sslls 1 Can 7414610. anytime badrooms. 3H baths. Bnok oondo and only 8140.000..-Paul tramp., trepeete. Exc oond. 1879 HONDA 60 CC — Chads pa*o. 1234.900 P. Bova Inc., Realm. 171-2644. U100. Can 842-0319 aflar 1 p.m motorcycle. Great shape. MOO. Attract mora raaderehlp by SHADY OAKS — Flrai floor. 2 CaH 7474483. placing a 1TAR at th* lop CENTURY >1 COZENS. RaaHors badrooma. 699.0O0 Mlddletown IMP 77. 21 ft. cuddy. 238 omc. and/or bottom of your ad •8.000. Mon.-Frt. 201-438-6038 HONDA INTERSTATE 1960 — For dilaHi. call the Dally 913 River Rd.. or 9214921 weekends llOOoc. black.AM/FM atereo. Register OaaaHiaJ 741-71 Wast End. imparlal Houss 21' LUHR8 — Flbarglaas 311 CB. new tlrea. 11200, Call Department. 642-1700. 82.000 DIFFERENT, ADULTS CAN 4UHES-30MYSM HOLMDEL OCEANFRONT CONDO Chrysler, freeh water pooled, fty- 7414147 EDWARD W COLLINS 1 badroom apt. with baach oabl- brtdgs. ewtm platform. VHF. CB. HONDA XL 80S 1983 — On and SEE YOUR AD MERE EACH WEEK 0AI AOENCV Ml-4144 nans. pool 1 raatauant. Annual Depth raoordar. vary good con- oft tha road uss. mini oond . 160 ABILITY-DEPENDABILITY |H,000 NO pata. K1-170-S114 dition tUOO Can 741-7433 ml. I860. CaH 593-1889 141 The Register FMMY. JUNE 21, 1985 300 Autos for Salt 300 Autos for Salt 300 Auloi for Salt 100 Autos for Salt 300 Auto* for Sal* 300 Auto* for Sal* jOOjMitetforSalo MO Autos for Sal* 100 Autoi for Salo__ TOJO PtHTOlSTS — Huna 1*77 FOFlD QIUNADA - 2 HONDA ACCORD 1M0 — 41>7S MAIOA — I apd.. • dr MUSTANQ a — 1077 I goer PLYMOUTH 1M0 CHAMP - 4- PONTIAC TRANS AM — 1S7S. TOYOTA COROLLA 197« - » V , I n PCM. M door. high mileage new area, door, auto. P8/PB, em/rm imntmiii maul 4 o«,. itri hard too 4 oyi apaod. Prloed tar MM aata. CM WNla. red manor, aulo. a/c. apd. A/C. AM radio. Runa wall Draa A rune. Clean Qood oond . offer 'caftUTeMO. " "*" Brekca. beneryv Irartamieelon •leroo caaaana. A/C, 44,000 PC. MSB, OM 747-4S47 "7*4 i AM/FM anor 1 p,m 741-UM 44.000 ml. t4K0 CM M4I7H Muat aall Aaklng MM Oil IU00 CM afar I. SSS Mil mllee Mini condition Z-bardod OM 830-4314 POHO PAMMONT 1M0 •400 Daye 774-7M0. evea Aaklng IUH, 1 ownor CM PLYMOUTH VOLAM 1»77 - PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1S7t - •M-M77 MUCfDSS MNI1STS MS 0 — Looka good, rum good 11 MO or TOYOTA CELICA IBM - OT pono Furmu ten - Auto. 4 cyt. 4 dr . */C, PS/PB 097-aosa Wagon, i oyl A/C. PB/PB. anew AeklnglaOO Urea and rlma. UtOO CM beM ofV CM 717-2441 Linbeck. Brown, 9 •fMd*^' PS/PB. OMy 11.000 IM.. Mt- HONDA ACCORD 1ST* - Blue JIEP CJ7 IM •71-MS0 am/tm tape dock. IKC. oond. CM M1-M07. HeUtbeck. «.c oond.. redlel IMOO CHWMMV POHO OMANADA 1tT7 — I cyl. I wild Seerrnoe-«7100 LIHCOLN-MIRCURV INC MSOO. CM 741-7S47 urea. tiMO CM U0-MM o> CM 1(1-0174 • •400— Oava MI FOHO LTD CfeOWN VIC- OOOf rwon mepeMQOV row DraWlO*, UO-IIH aoo m u Oaeen Twp 77n»oo l»7» TRANS AM - 4 • inar. aulo wea * MMty. troo n™ CM KITSON CHEVRCH.ET CO A/C. 0100 trana. T-lopa. am/tm •J»«f »" rOf»A - 4 rjoor boWM oond HONDA ACCORD LX 1M1 - 2 neraon Pnauaal eneo SSBao PLYMOUTH SUSJUPaaAN STA- SAAB 1STS M LI - 4 door. 4- i CojnrnateH loaded 43.000 D«T« T74-7M6: ewm SSS-SSTT Hwy M beet eflar CeS S41-7MS. rXOSMOBILI - 1S71. Luaury. apaad. am/fm. orulaa tlHO MMI. orulae »«ll«-»" Hi •«. > tpd . 42.000 Ml-1000 TION WAOON 1BT4 — m good oondWon Call MS-SIM maae. CM IT1HM POMO FrISTA te7S - CMl P/B. P/B. P/W. deed oondteon oond.. eke new radial an around. CM Mar • 7BO-10SO. ml. be. oond. IMO0 CM Oe«4ae-ao«i TOKO FIISTA H7t — Looke A/C, ne» BaHary Dream E«oel- Mint LABPWXA MOTORS A/C. am/fm reaM Muet aae. SANBONI OLDS-CADILLAC TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - Con- • nn oood MUM MI 11000 lent oendtaen. MM. CM Springe M. I. • rM. Dial I ISrsOLOfMHOtMUSS Aettne It too or beat offer Cell Hawrnan Sprlnga Rd.. Red Bank vertible 1974. Red Runa good HONDA ACCORD IMS - 4 74~J4S1 S71-40S4. CanII IS4S-M74 door. S-opd. S3,000 mllea Qroal , A/C EUO •ISO*. 7414S10 •2000 CM741-M71. 1979 TRIUMPH - 44.000 MM FORD f-XP IMS - I 0. , eporta HONDA CVOC ISTS — (400 or oondreorv Aaklng MOOO CM lor. SKeeaaun Nan* CateWacSprneH-BBSl. PLYMOUTH VALIANT — 1S7S S 1M1 SINTRA — Halotlbock Met oeler Waakaan eflar S. all heal. Zararono door Need! aome work »1300 Ct» aeupc. « oyl. 4 ipd. A/C. PM Ml eMe alter • CUM IBM CUTLASS OtSBtX - oyl.. auto. a/o. aaoaWanl trane- Sun roof. a/o. am/fm radio, gar- ' 1-4171 CM 3 4 Door. PW, onuae, A/C, am/tm, Aaklng MM CM HONDA CIVIC — 1»7B 1 ownor 734-9141 . t mu3 etc. me. Looka 4 runa age kept •orSea. l »owner and. .A-1 con- HMk. M.0M M. Or*, earner HOMOA CMC 1M0 OX 1M0 - H.000 mrrra. MMI condition 2 LINCOLN - 1M0 Town car 4 more. Muat be 197ft VEOA be. OOM. Aakfng SBMO. II IIIH A/C. inAl M> Ack- door, 4 opd. ceok. •3496 CM door Mint uuHdfaen. PuMy «aa SearfHee SSSOO. 741-7440 PLYMOUTH KOAO fHJNNfll buy i I. 231-0423 Needa nanamlaalon work. «Hl»WC CM «*• 747.SM0 aflar 10 ant 747-OSM neded MUM ace. MOM CM 1S7S OLOBWOtMUt PaWIAfiCT 1S74 - SUBURU 0L Wagon-iMiOo- Beat offer •71-6M4 UERCEOft M0 0 - - Lu»ury aeden. eVery HUIIIUH aart balga. A/C. good oandWon. CM 211-2231 300 Autos for Salt cpSen. ttSOO Oa> evenmga 300 Autos for Salt 300 Autos for Salt Llncoln-Monmri MMHUT ..fuss 84,000 ml . ISSOO. CM U0-O44S VOLVO PARTS BALI — New- STRAUS LINCOLN-MtRCURV DinawonPLYMOUT. HMOO DUSTEO CRM 1»7M1-111 - M IBM SUBURU HATCHBACK — uaad for oWtaa. leeloiara. rllgfurey K Koyffort. K4-MO0 OLDS CUTLASS LS IBM — Mod* IBM OL. • apd.. very CheapCtteepl PRE. D BANK VOLVO. LOCALLY-DRIVEN USED CAM Mini v-g. 4 dr.. PB/PSJ, enHee. CM Barbara good oondMon. (1100 Can741-5444 MIRCURY COUOAR 1»7» owner. ~ TS7-1SS0. 7474SM. — PRICED RrQMT RASSAS g «l000. nooda minor body 1M1 VOLVO DL - Sedan. Stan- PONTIAC 3M BROAD ST . RID afler • p.m IBM PONTIAC BONNEVILLE — T-BtRO ISM CLASSIC dard tranamlealon 30.000 mHea BANK 741-S1M MHt Wagon P/a. P/B, P/W. P/L, A/C. AM/FM caaaana atereo Excel- MERCURY LYNX 1M1 — 4 dr BMOUOHAH 1BS0 - A/C. AM/PM abjree, reef reck, wood CM«71-i4Uevea lent condition. Cell 747-7»S4 107S MALIBU CLASSIC — peneta. laaBMr M M.obo ml Wagon fjioallinl running oon- A/C, PS/PB 111111111111 oondraon, PS/PB. many am S4.000 ml afler S p.m. _^^_ SS4M CM 741-Mti SMSO. CeUBSB^BTS. bo oond SBSOO. 741-OS10 TOM'S FORO dWon «7.000 mllee DM CM Mga Prt. M p m 100 Hwy. 34 ItU VOLKSWAGEN OF THE Mp« 7I7-C0M Msncum cotttr tare - 1ST7 OLD* CUTLASS SU- 2B4-1000 70.000 ertg. ml, Run. greet Cat PONTIAC FrRtBfRD FORMULA MAZDA OLC ItM -1 ». I PftCMI — 1 door, eute trana. TOYOTA - 1(74 Cafloa OT after s t mi MVIOU p/a, n/b, p/w, a/c. am/tm aaareo. IBTS — WhM wtgi burgundy kit 1974 VOLKSWAOEN OASHtR apd.. 4 cyl am/fm alaiao. be II.OM ml Aaklng S1BW. eelvalour. 44.000 ml. PtVPaVPW. A/C. AM/FM uimm narao 5 oond Muat aotl. meke offor CM MEMCUNY BOBCAT — 1STS 4 am/fm. tMOO ST1-S0M aflar 1. apd. drtvaa great IISOO CM - 2 door, aulo Oood condition Mi-Met cyl.. 4 apd. Plune good Aakmg 747-aeoa 747-MM. MM CM 291-01*4 STOP Cell 1SI-M1I. PONTIAC CATHJNA 1S7S — 1978 VOLVO — Station wao/ftv MECHANICS SPECIAL — 1ST? 73.000 INN*. Oood condition, TOYOTA CEUCA 1»71 OT - 5 Moroury Marquis Maida trene- MEHCUfW COUOAR Xft 7 - apaed. mack wim vanta. A/C. Clean. Oood running condition A SAAB OF RtM. NapXno MOO or beat dfrar CM aflar 1 mlaalon work AMIng MOO. CM tf)7S tiioaaaw oondrnon New p.m M2-40ST. am/fm aurao tlllllH. Aaklng S1S00 CM 971 -3417 after 8pm WALL WILL 79S-3W1 pem K*. reef. Urea. Aaklng PCLKMOT-BAA* OP WALL •2000 CM Michael 717-7067 1974 VOLKSWAGEN — 4 eyl 4 Um Muet aeH 717-1022 Hwy 96. Manaequen 1STS PONTIAC OIUNO PRIX — MERCEDES BENZ 290 8L - TOYOTA CPMSSIDA ISSt — apd Oood condition AM/FM PUT YOU MILES NO. 1 [ion 44evaoeO caaaatle radio tiKO or ben 1(71 MtRCURY MONTIOO — power. wM kept Aakmg (two. Loeded. aun-root. 1M yr. war- with red Interior. 4 epaad. axe JOHOW. A/C. 4 PtlHMOT SOS ITt 1SSS - S ranty tSBOO Cell 172-1JM offer Call 244-7«7«. ft DOLLARS SAAB DEALER Mtnor aaola. CM4M-M0S cond. 112,500 or beet offer Call ar. aun-rool. A/C. a> TOYOTA SUPRA — 1943 Vary VOLKSWAOEN RABBIT - IBM IN SOUTH 4 741-2SS2 •42-4270 atlar • oond Can SSS-14SS PONTIAC ORAND LI MANS AHEAD OF 1S7S - Oood oond.. runa wM. diced. 4 apd.. a/c. am/tm caeeet- CENTRAL N.J. MONTE CARLO — 1BTS. AM/FM neode brakoa K2S CMImerlor. loaded (11.000 Evaa 4 ta. p/b. 47,000 mllea Aaklng BMW, AUDI 300 Autos for Salt •ana tar pane. Runa PINTO 1S7( 747-S0B4. •2494. Call 844-S444. A loo*n anoaMant •71-*4U. ft JUST MINUTES •iMOe Sun-roof, nooda work. TOYOTA COROLLA 1941 —VOLVO 144 OL 1979 - Learner & MERCEDES CM 1T1-07M. PONTIAC VENTURA 1177 — 4 FROM RED BANK door. PS. M.000 maea. Aaklng Aulo.. PB. AM radio. A/C. New Interior, power wrlndowt. Alpine MONTI CARLO 1»77 — T-top. PLYMOUTH VOLARE WAOON StMO. CM Detone 741-MM. area, battery 4 brakaa E»c atereo. A/C. aurt roof. Alloy A/C.AM/FM, Cragara. near Brae, 1SS0 - S oyl. auto. PS/PB. AM oond. lew rnKaaga Aaklng wheela Exc cond Oaraged 1 rear daloggor. 71M0 ml. BJSOS radio Very good oond 71.000 POfWCHE S44 — 1BS4. Oemlnl •4400 M7-M43 afler 4 owner. 74.000 ml Aaklng 14700 ' irriKwi ml. Aakmg US00. 4M-BIM. gray. S apd.. en oetMna t TOYOTA COROLLA DELUXE Call aller 7 30 p m. M1-W41. AVIS eame. Oreel deal A, VW BUG 1973 — Semi auto- MUSTANO COBRA - 7» turfto PLYMOUTH VALIANT 1«78 — • 1974 - 100.000 mHea. Oood Loaood rnaaa. Oood oyl. Ooo. leaee. Can S4S-1SM. OGwrOlvOti. 4 nwrw matic Runa good Clean (1700 aondMon. Boat oner Oaya m CM 741, pena. •ion. CM 220-MM Call 797-7M7 aller 8 Young Used SJO OM S71-414T PLYMOUTH HORIZON TCI - TOYOTA CELtCA IBM — A/C. VW BUQ 1970 — Orey. New Car* MUSTANO 1SSS 1S7S. P/S. P/B. ap. • am/tm caaa , 4 apd. 42.000 orlg tranamlaakm New front Urea. fxo oond , new ma SSeSS or 4 tod am/tm QRAND PRIX 1975 - Oood ml. Exc. oond. Greet gaa mlle- new away bar Aaklng 9960 will HWY. 35, WALL TWSP. 449-5050 For Sato beet offer, cell S71-I104. mCagt71.14M. oond.. many emraa. Aaklng age SMOO-oeel offer 291-4859 negonete, CM 530-4S07 afler S- NASH METROPOLITAN 1M1 - PLYMOUTH VOLAM — 1071•1S7 170S 0 fjAMICM TSW-M7 DIESEI L - Sun 1977 TOYOTA COROLLA — Aak- VW CONVERTIBLE BEETLE 47 ttnmter, ft. •3000 or boat odor Oood con- wagon. 4 apd.. a/c. good are. fOOf, trMMf niton, DtOCst h#sia#f. lng SHOO. 1977 Plymouth Sta- 1BM — SHOO or beat offer CM dWon. Naado aoma work CM ongtorwi owner. w« eegl tor MM am/fm atereo radio IMrea. CM tion Wagon. Aaklng S1100 Call 73O-S1M before 10 p.m M IM. 747-ONI M4-S177. C«» 871- . ltor M M 171-4114 WON'T LAST - IBS] Chevy OLDSMOBHE OMEOA 1-0117. RED BANK MOTORS INC 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA - Citation A/C. crulae control. I KAY MOTORS IS YOUR 4»ra PtMurae BROUOHAM IBM — 4 door PLYMOUTH STATION WAOON 1 HJawmari Sprlnga. Wad Bank Sport* model 5 apaeda. air. AM/FM. new tlrea Mint con- auto. A/C. am/tm. 54,000 ml. 1170 — Runa good eemo Oarna am/tm Runa good. 11200 Call dition (4200 Call afler t p.m OH can an SM00. CM «71-7Me and ruat. SiOO. Oood lor 1S4-1473 oarparrler. aac. CM 7»7-MM 7474040 UUARU 300 Autoi for 8al* 300 Autos for Sal* 300 Autos for wl*. Aute«


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1984 Volvo DL5A WAQON 4 cyl., auto.. P/S. P/B. stereo. A/C R/ rack, radlals. P/strtpee, Stk #803431, miles 1M53.