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Geology and seepage in the NE Atlantic region

GEERT-JAN VIS TNO, Geological Survey of The Netherlands, PO Box 80015, 3508 TA, Utrecht, The Netherlands, [email protected]

Abstract: Exploration for hydrocarbons in the NE Atlantic mainly focuses on the central eastern margin. The western margin has remained virtually unexplored, with no exploration wells drilled so far. A cost-efficient way to infer the presence of natural hydrocarbons in the poorly explored regions of the NE Atlantic is the application of synthetic aperture radar (SAR). This study presents four areas, the Western Barents Sea Margin, the Irish Atlantic Margin, East Greenland and Jan Mayen, where clustered oil-slick data indicate possible active oil seepage. The eastern margin of the NE Atlantic contains numerous oil-slick observations, but along the western margin the num- ber of observations is limited, partly due to a persistent sea-ice coverage. Based on the tectonos- tratigraphic setting, it is suggested that and source rocks are the most likely candidates for the generation of seeps in the areas studied. Near Jan Mayen and East Greenland, Cenozoic source rocks could also be present. SAR data are a useful tool in an early stage of explo- ration, but further work is needed to improve the understanding of the subsurface below the observed oil slicks in the NE Atlantic to determine the origin of the seepage.

Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license.

The North Atlantic has a long history of major tough circumstances such as the challenging (sub-) basin-forming events. Therefore, it is an area ideally Arctic environmental conditions (Fig. 1). To date, suited for hydrocarbon exploration. By the 1950s, 14 wells have been drilled offshore Greenland, all significant oil and gas production had started in of them scientific wells, of which the deepest many places, including in the enormous Groningen reached 1310 m below seabed (Ocean Drilling Pro- gas field in The Netherlands. This field triggered gram (ODP), Leg 152, Site 918). No hydrocarbon exploration for stratigraphic equivalents offshore exploration wells have been drilled and no 3D seis- in the North Sea towards England (Breunese & mic surveys have been shot. Rispens 1996). By the early 1960s, these were con- Both margins of the NE Atlantic share a similar firmed and the era of major exploration in the North pre-break-up geological history due to their conju- Sea was underway. Coincidently, the theory of plate gate nature. The collision of Baltica and Laurentia tectonics was developed, providing a new paradigm during the Late caused the Caledonian that would prove to be fundamental for unravelling Orogeny. Subsequent collapse of the Caledonian the geological history and development of these belt was followed by a long history of extension economically important areas. linked to the Mesozoic break-up of Pangaea and, Today, the North Sea is considered a mature area ultimately, to the early Cenozoic opening of the NE for exploration and for the last decade production Atlantic Ocean at approximately 56 Ma. A detailed has been in decline. In response, exploration has overview of the Upper Palaeozoic–Mesozoic strat- turned towards frontier areas along the eastern mar- igraphy of this region is provided by Stoker et al. gin of the NE Atlantic – less explored and, possibly, (2016). higher risk areas such as the mid-Norway margin, One cost-efficient way to infer the presence of further offshore around Rockall, the Faroes and natural hydrocarbons in the poorly explored regions the Barents Sea (see Brennand et al. 1998). of the NE Atlantic is the application of remote- Approximately 260 oil and gas fields have sensing images. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is been discovered within the NE Atlantic area. Most a tool which has proven to be reliable for the detec- of them are concentrated along the eastern mar- tion of oil slicks at the ocean surface (e.g. Mac- gin of the NE Atlantic Ocean in the Tromsø- Donald et al. 2002; Williams & Lawrence 2002; Hammerfest Basin, Trøndelag Platform, Viking Garcia-Pineda et al. 2010; Crooke et al. 2015). The Graben and Shetland Basin (Fig. 1). Along the west- advantages of SAR images are their large areal cov- ern margin in East Greenland, five exploration and erage and the repeatability of observations during exploitation licences are currently active, despite multiple consecutive time intervals. Combining

From:Pe´ron-Pinvidic, G., Hopper, J. R., Stoker, M. S., Gaina, C., Doornenbal, J. C., Funck,T.&A´ rting,U.E. (eds) The NE Atlantic Region: A Reappraisal of Crustal Structure, Tectonostratigraphy and Magmatic Evolution. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 447, # 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer: Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021


Fig. 1. The NAG-TEC Atlas study area. Yellow boxes mark the locations of the study areas: (a) Western Barents Sea Margin; (b) Irish Atlantic Margin; and (c) East Greenland and Jan Mayen. Slick clusters represent areas of enhanced slick density and may include natural oil seeps. See the text for data explanation (oil-slick data provided by CGG: GOSD 2014). The absence of slick clusters NE of Greenland is mainly due to the year-round sea-ice cover in that area, hampering satellite observations (sea-ice extent from Fetterer et al. 2002). Hydrocarbon field polygons were kindly provided by IHS Energy in 2014 ( and Greenland licences come from the Government of Greenland (Minerals and Petroleum Licence Map, Bathymetry and elevation data were compiled in the NAG-TEC project. Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021

GEOLOGY AND SEEPAGE IN THE NE ATLANTIC REGION oil-slick observations with publically available will be required to prove a hydrocarbon source. knowledge of the geology of the underexplored Repeating slicks only imply the presence of a work- regions in the NE Atlantic provides insight into ing petroleum system of some kind; further valida- their hydrocarbon potential. The aim of this work tion will be required to confidently de-risk the is to identify areas of active oil seepage and thus presence of a mature source rock and oil-filled res- the existence of possible active petroleum systems ervoirs in the unexplored basins of the study area. using clustered oil-slick data from the Global Off- shore Seepage Database of CGG’s NPA Satellite Mapping Group (GOSD 2014). Geological data The study focuses on four underexplored An up-to-date assessment of the present understand- regions: (1) the Western Barents Sea Margin; (2) ing of the and younger of the the Irish Atlantic Margin; (3) East Greenland; and NE Atlantic conjugate continental margins was (4) Jan Mayen (Fig. 1). made for the NAG-TEC Atlas using published and publicly available material (Hopper et al. 2014). Methods In addition, knowledge and expertise of contribu- tors, unpublished information from contributing Oil-slick data geological surveys, and released commercial wells were used for the atlas. Lithological columns sum- Oil slicks on the ocean may be the surface ex- marizing key lithologies of the three areas were pression of oil seeps rising from the seafloor and produced using the more detailed stratigraphic col- can therefore be used for source de-risking in new umns presented in Stoker et al. (2016). In addition, ventures exploration. Seepage data in this study country-specific petroleum-geology-related data derive from the Global Offshore Seepage Database were taken from the Norwegian Petroleum Director- (GOSD 2014), which contains over 20 000 records ate (NPD:, the of satellite-sourced SAR images. Conventional SAR Irish Petroleum Affairs Division (Department of satellites are single-wavelength, side-looking radars Communications, Climate Action and Environment, with polar orbits and return visit times of about Petroleum Affairs Division (PAD): DCCAE: http:// 1 month, although newer SAR platforms have both higher spatial resolution and shorter revisit times. Exploration-Production/Pages/home.aspx#) and the The ocean surface is therefore imaged multiple Government of Greenland (Minerals and Petroleum times, which, under optimal weather conditions, Licence Map, allows repeat slicks to be located. In the vast major- The underexplored status of the study areas ity of cases, these slicks derive from leaking hydro- implies that there is an inherent large degree of un- carbon traps. Important exceptions include leaking certainty with respect to stratigraphy and geology. wrecks or pipelines on the seabed. NPA’s seep- Many locations have few or no wells. In such detection methodology identifies three types of cases, the understanding of the subsurface is mostly slicks: pollution, natural film (e.g. from plankton, based on interpretation of seismic lines or outcrops. algal blooms) and natural oil seeps. The data pre- sented here show only generalized clusters of natural oil seeps with multiple repeats within the Distribution of oil slicks NAG-TEC Atlas study area (Fig. 1). For proprie- tary reasons, individual seep locations are not In general, oil-slick observations are most numerous shown. Details on this methodology are given in along the eastern margin of the NE Atlantic and lim- Williams & Lawrence (2002). ited along the western margin. Below, the locations The SAR methodology is much less effective in of clustered oil slicks in four underexplored regions regions with temporal or permanent sea-ice cover or of the NE Atlantic are presented. in areas with strong currents. The absence of slicks The Western Barents Sea Margin contains many along the NE Greenland Margin (e.g. in the region observations of oil slicks. The cluster region covers of the Danmarkshavn Basin) is probably due to an area of roughly 25 000 km2. The density of 2D the nearly year-round sea-ice cover (Fig. 1). The seismic reflection surveys in the region is relatively onshore geology, nonetheless, has important simi- high, reaching up to 7.5–10 line km km22 (fig. 6.1 larities to the mid-Norway margins and the Barents in Funck et al. 2014), and there are about 100 Sea, suggesting that highly prospective areas may be wells. The cluster of oil slicks measures roughly present offshore NE Greenland. 340 km in length and up to 90 km in width It should be emphasized that SAR oil-seep detec- (Fig. 2). Because the oil-slick dataset used only cov- tion has certain limitations, and geochemical sam- ers the NAG-TEC study area, no oil slicks are shown pling of either the surface slicks or of the seabed in waters above the Hammerfest Basin, where, for vents generating the slicks (by shallow coring) example, the Goliat oil field is situated. Within the Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021


Fig. 2. Detailed map of the Western Barents Sea Margin, showing regional structural basins and highs (Funck et al. 2014), and the area within which oil slicks have been observed (oil-slick data provided by CGG: GOSD 2014). The presence of oil and gas fields demonstrates that an active petroleum system is in place, mainly in the Hammerfest Basin. oil-slick cluster, two oil fields are present: Gohta measures 200 km in length and up to 160 km in and 7120/01-02, both on the Loppa High. The slicks width. Three oil fields have been discovered in this occur in waters above the Tromsø and Harstad region: Bandon, Connemara and Burren. They are basins, especially above the Ringvassøy–Loppa all located outside of the four oil-slick clusters. Fault Complex (Fig. 2). Along the western margin of the NE Atlantic no The oil slicks identified offshore Ireland occur in oil fields have been discovered yet (Fig. 4). In this four clusters (Fig. 3). A cluster offshore NW Ireland region, the detection of oil slicks is hampered by measures 170 km in diameter, and is located above sea-ice (Fig. 4). This has its largest extent in the Erris Basin and the Eastern Rockall Basin. Fur- March and its minimum extent in September (Fet- ther south, a cluster is located close to the coastline terer et al. 2002). Repeated satellite radar observa- and is centred around Achill Island. It measures tions of this region are limited to the ice-free roughly 100 km in diameter and lies east of the summer period between minimum and maximum Slyne Basin, relatively close to the shoreline. South- ice-extent. Three oil-slick clusters have been east of that lies the smallest cluster, which mea- observed offshore East Greenland. Two of these sures roughly 100 km in length and 70 km in width. occur nearly completely seawards of the conti- It is located along the eastern margin of the Porcupine nent–ocean boundary (COB) as defined by Funck Basin and the bordering basins. Finally, the largest et al. (2016). The smallest East Greenland cluster cluster is present above the Porcupine High, and is located in the approximately 20 km-wide King Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021


Fig. 3. Detailed map of the Irish Atlantic Margin, showing regional structural basins and highs (Funck et al. 2014), and the areas where oil slicks have been observed (oil-slick data provided by CGG: GOSD 2014). The presence of some oil and gas fields demonstrates that an active petroleum system is locally in place in the Slyne and Porcupine basins.

Oscar Fjord. This area lies to the north of the Jame- Sund and measures roughly 90 km in diameter. It son Land Basin in which two exploration and is not located above a known basin, but lies 65 km exploitation licences were granted by the Greenland seawards from the COB. The southernmost cluster Government in June 2015 (Fig. 4). The next oil-slick lies south of the onshore Kangerlussuaq Basin cluster lies approximately 100 km off Scoresby (Fig. 4). The L-shaped cluster is located around Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021


Fig. 4. Detailed map of East Greenland and Jan Mayen, showing regional structural basins and highs (Funck et al. 2014), and the areas where oil slicks have been observed (oil-slick data provided by CGG: GOSD 2014). Although no hydrocarbons have been discovered so far, the presence of oil slicks and seafloor oil-seepage observations suggest that petroleum is being generated and leaking towards the surface locally. the COB and measures 275 km in length along its Discussion longest axis. In the area of the Jan Mayen microcontinent, two Western Barents Sea Margin small oil-slick clusters were identified. The north- ernmost cluster is located NE of the Jan Mayen The oil slicks along the western edge of the Ham- Ridge, and lies seawards of the COB (Fig. 4). The merfest Basin – outside of the NAG-TEC study cluster in the south is located above the structural area – coincide with several oil fields in this active elements of the Hle´ssund Trough and the Hakarenna petroleum system (Fig. 2). The source rocks of the Channel. Within the Jan Mayen microcontinent, Goliat Field are considered to be located in the only five wells have been drilled, which are all sci- Lower–Middle Triassic Sassendalen Group and in entific Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) wells. the Upper Jurassic Hekkingen Formation (Fig. 5) Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021


(Bjorøy et al. 2009). Marine shales of the Sassenda- no/factpages/). To the east, well 7219/8-S1 (TD ¼ len Group were deposited under anoxic conditions 4404 m TVD in Early Jurassic deposits) found and have a high organic content, making them a Upper Jurassic and Lower sandstones potentially important hydrocarbon source rock and mudstones (Fig. 2). The Hekkingen Formation (Worsley 2008; Bjorøy et al. 2009). The Upper Tri- (Fig. 5) only contained mudstones without potential assic Fruholmen Formation has been identified in oil-source rocks, while the silty parts of the overly- various wells in the Hammerfest Basin (Fig. 5). A ing source-rock-barren Knurr Formation contained potential Triassic oil source rock is present in the some hydrocarbon shows (NPD: http://factpages. . The Hekkingen Formation also has a marine origin with organic shales depos- East of the Tromsø Basin in the Hammerfest ited under anoxic conditions (Bjorøy et al. 2009). Basin, sediments belonging to the Lower–Middle Analyses of the source rocks from the Hekkingen Triassic Sassendalen Group were found in well Formation in the central Barents Sea (well 7430/ 7120/12-2 (TD ¼ 4667 m TVD in pre-Devonian 10-U-01: 748 12′ 47.79′′ N, 308 14′ 44.22′′ E) rocks). They consist of sand and siltstones but not show total organic carbon (TOC) values ranging shales with organic-rich intervals. This well also between 3 and 36 wt% (Langrock et al. 2003). contains oil-prone source rocks belonging to the This unit is up to 350 m thick in the Hammerfest Hekkingen and Kolje formations (Fig. 5). However, Basin, but thins into the centre of the basin: a conse- all sediments in this well down to 2500–3000 m are quence of active doming along the axis of the basin immature and unlikely to generate hydrocarbons (Dallmann 1999). The deposits from the Hekkingen (NPD: Formation are oil mature. The overlying Lower The other oil slicks in the region are located in Cretaceous Kolje Formation also shows an initial the Harstad Basin, where no public well data are oil potential (Pedersen 2014). available (Fig. 2). Based on seismic data and 3D Oil slicks have been observed in waters above the modelling studies, the total thickness of the sedi- Tromsø Basin. However, their origin is difficult to mentary succession in the Harstad Basin is expected assess due to the poorly explored status of the basin, to reach more than 10 km (Ebbing & Olesen 2010; where no well penetrates its centre (Fig. 2). Seismic Funck et al. 2016). According to Halland et al. data show a series of tilted fault blocks, of which (2014), the basin is part of a structurally defined the faults do not appear to reach the surface (fig. 13a deep Cretaceous basin that stretches northwards to in Stoker et al. 2016). East of the basin centre, well the Bjørnøya Basin. This large sediment thickness 7119/7-1 (total depth (TD) ¼ 3134 m total vertical and the presence of oil slicks suggest that source depth (TVD) in deposits) did not encounter rocks and leaky seals may be present and that petro- Lower Cretaceous or Upper Jurassic oil-source prone leum may be generated from the Harstad Basin. sediments (NPD: In general, exploration in the SW Barents Sea pages/). Along the western edge of the Tromsø region has yielded abundant gas and relatively little Basin, the Cretaceous succession is very thick but oil. This may be explained by Cenozoic exhumation no hydrocarbons were found (3625 m in vertical well and depressurization of hydrocarbon-bearing reser- 7117/9-2). Jurassic sediments are inferred in the voirs, which possibly results from glacial erosion Tromsø Basin but are not proven. Because the Ham- during Pleistocene glaciations (Corcoran & Dore´ merfest Basin and the intermediate Ringvassøy– 2002; Cavanagh et al. 2006). However, a recent Loppa Fault Complex contain both Jurassic and study based on thermochronology challenges this Cretaceous rocks, they are also expected to be present idea by presenting results which suggest that the in the Tromsø Basin, where they probably generate last important phase of exhumation occurred during the hydrocarbons related to the observed seepage. the late Miocene–early Pliocene (Zattin et al. 2016). Wells further away from the Tromsø Basin show Summarizing, upwards-migrating hydrocarbons various Mesozoic deposits. In exploration well are likely to be found on the flanks of basins in the 7219/9-1 (TD ¼ 4286 m TVD in Late Triassic Barents Sea where partly leaking seals occur deposits) in the Bjørnøyrenna Fault Complex (Fig. (Ohm et al. 2009). The presence of oil slicks, faults 2), a relatively complete succession of at least which may act as conduits for oil migration from 2050 m of the Upper Triassic Fruholmen Formation leaky reservoirs or source rocks, and the occurrence was found. It consists of interbedded mudstone, of formations with source rocks in the area suggest shale, sandstone and thin coal (Hjelstuen 2014). In that in this region petroleum is being generated particular, the basal grey to dark grey shales may and migrates towards the surface. be candidates for oil generation. Black shale sam- ples from this well have TOC values of 1.3–3.6% Irish Atlantic Margin (Hoare & Bathurst 2010). The well also contains the Lower Cretaceous Kolje Formation containing The Irish Atlantic Margin contains two large basins residual hydrocarbons (NPD: http://factpages.npd. bordered by several smaller basins. The Rockall Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021


Ma System/Period Series/Epoch Western Barents Sea Margin Irish Atlantic Margin East Greenland Jan Mayen 0 Pleistocene glacial deposits glacial deposits 5 Pliocene

NE 10

GOE 15 Miocene

20 NE 25 Oligocene 30

35 EL

40 E 45 G O Eocene

EN ?? ?? 50

55 PA 60 Paleocene 65 70 75 80 Upper 85 90 95

U 100

ECA 105

110 TS

ER 115

CO 120 Lower 125 130 Kolje Formation: 135 shales with oil potential 140 Hareelv Formation: Hekkingen Formation: 145 black organic-rich mudstone; oil-mature shales; TOC = 5-20% 150 TOC 1-13% Upper ?? 155 Kimmeridge Clay-equivalent: Bernbjerg Formation: 160 type-II mudstone dark grey to black marine 165 C mudstones; TOC 2.8-5.4%

ISAR 170 Middle 175

180 U

JS 185 In the Slyne Basin: Lower 190 type-II oil-prone shales (Toarcian); 195 predicted to be present in basins 200 Kap Stewart Group: along Rockall Basin Margins organic-rich lacustrine mudstones 205 (PAD, 2006) 210 Fruholmen Formation: 215 basal grey to dark grey shales Upper 220 CIA TOC = 1.3-3.6% in well 7219/9-1 225 SS

230 I


235 T 240 Middle Sassendalen Group: 245 high TOC marine shales 250 Lower 255 Lopingian 260 Ravnefjed Formation: 265 Guadalup- source-rock shales; TOC 4-5%

270 N ian

AIM 275

280 R

E 285 P Cisuralian 290 295

300 Upper 305 Pennsylvanian 310 Middle Pennsylvanian 315 SUI Lower 320 O Pennsylvanian

RE 325 Upper F Mississippian 330

NO 335 BR Middle 340 Mississippian


345 C

350 Lower 355 Mississippian 360 365

370 N A Upper

I 375

OVE 380

385 DN Middle 390

mudstone/shale conglomerate dolomite

siltstone volcanics evaporite

sandstone limestone/chalk source rock (grey = inferred) Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021


Basin is the largest basin in this area (Figs 1 & 3) and underlying succession and no seismic data were is filled with a thick sedimentary succession of available to the NAG-TEC project. Modelling stud- Cenozoic age. The smaller Porcupine Basin is ies indicate that the total thickness of the sedimen- located further south (Fig. 3), and contains a thick tary succession in this area may be of the order of succession of Cretaceous and Cenozoic deposits 1–2 km (fig. 6.22 in Funck et al. 2014). This succes- (fig. 15 in Stoker et al. 2016). In both basins, Juras- sion may contain oil-prone source rocks which are sic and Permo-Triassic rocks have been encountered as yet unknown. West of this oil-slick cluster in along the basin margins. The two basins experi- the Slyne Basin, Toarcian Type-II oil-prone shales enced rapid subsidence and relatively starved sedi- were encountered in well 27/13-1A (Figs 3 & 5). mentation since the mid-Cenozoic, following the Analyses showed TOC values of up to 6% and a regional sagging event described by Praeg et al. hydrocarbon index (HI) of 205–539 (PAD 2006). (2005). According to current knowledge, only the To the south, deposition of these shales occurred Jurassic sedimentary succession along the Irish in a more open-marine environment and TOC val- Atlantic Margin (Fig. 5) contains oil-prone source ues drop to approximately 1%. In the Rockall rocks (PAD 2006). Basin, thermogenic oil seeps (from gravity core geo- Oil and gas fields in Atlantic Ireland are rare, but chemistry) and gas chimneys on seismic data have the presence of an active hydrocarbon system is been observed, providing evidence for an active demonstrated by numerous shows and several dis- petroleum system (PAD 2006). Despite careful coveries (PAD 2006). Important discoveries include screening of the oil-slick observations, it is also pos- the Dooish gas condensate on the NE Rockall sible that the slicks east of the Slyne Basin have margin, the Corrib gas field in the Slyne Basin, the been transported there from the Slyne Basin area Connemara oil field and Jurassic discoveries in by strong winds and currents. Alternatively, they the Porcupine Basin (Fig. 3). Indications of hydro- may originate from other sources than seepage. carbons are seen based on the presence of gas chim- However, shipping is of moderate intensity in this neys and seeps in areas not yet explored (PAD region and not many shipwrecks are known accord- 2006). The source rock of the Dooish gas conden- ing to the Irish programme INFOMAR (2016). sate discovery is thought to be a Jurassic oil-prone Therefore further work is needed to determine the mudstone. origin of the slicks here. The northernmost cluster of oil slicks along this Oil slicks were identified along the eastern mar- margin is located near the Erris Basin and the East- gin of the Porcupine Basin and on both sides of the ern Rockall Basin (Fig. 3). Two wells penetrating Porcupine High (Fig. 3). On both sides of that high, the sedimentary succession in this area (19/5-1 deposits of Kimmeridgian age have been encoun- and 12/2-1z) encountered Jurassic sediments. In tered: for example, in wells 43/13-1, 34/19-1, 35/ well 19/5-1, a succession of limestones and mud- 19-1 and 35/8-2 (PAD 2006). Seismic and well stones of 255 m thickness has been interpreted and data suggest the presence of tilted fault blocks on dated to the Hettangian–Sinemurian based on bio- both sides of the Rockall and Porcupine basins stratigraphic data (Odell & Thomas 1978). Well that potentially host Jurassic source rocks and strati- 12/2-1z encountered 136 m of sandstones and grav- graphic traps. Hydrocarbons may use the faults for els, which are inferred to be of Middle Jurassic age migration towards the surface to generate seepage based on regional data (Mecklenburgh 2004; MEL- slicks. Some of these faults reach up into the Neo- LENIA 2004). Although no source rocks were gene succession, although they do not appear to found in the Jurassic succession of this well, it reach the surface (fig. 15c in Stoker et al. 2016). does have a hydrocarbon column with a net thick- Regional 3D basin modelling demonstrates the ness of 187 m in Upper Permian and overlying potential for generation and expulsion of substantial Middle Jurassic sandstones right below the base- volumes of hydrocarbons from these source hori- Cretaceous unconformity (3951 m along hole). The zons, with generation still continuing at the present well was plugged and abandoned as a gas conden- time (PAD 2006). Shows in numerous wells across sate discovery in 2003 (PAD 2006). The seeping the Porcupine Basin and throughout the strati- hydrocarbons are probably generated from Jurassic graphic column have been reported. Although well source rocks in this region. data are lacking in the southern Porcupine Basin, The cluster of oil slicks east of the Slyne Basin is thermogenic oil seeps provide positive evidence difficult to assess since no wells penetrate the for a petroleum system in that area. Gas chimneys

Fig. 5. Schematic lithostratigraphic correlation diagram showing the general lithology and (potential) source rocks of the study areas. Vertical black lines indicate the presence of a lithostratigraphic unit containing source rock. The diagram was mainly drawn using regional stratigraphic correlation panels in Stoker et al. (2016) and data from PAD (2006). Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021

G.-J. VIS are also found in the Porcupine Basin (PAD 2006). kerogen (Stemmerik et al. 1998). Because the oil- Oil and gas fields are present to the north of the Por- slick cluster in the King Oscar Fjord lies at the cupine Basin, but no oil slicks were found in that northern edge of the Jameson Land Basin, one area. This suggests that the seal there is working. may speculate that oil possibly leaks to the surface The Connemara oil field, the Spanish Point gas along basin-bounding faults that appear to reach and oil field, and well 35/8-2 (oil) are known to the surface in the geoseismic section (fig. 12d in Sto- have their source in Upper Jurassic mudstones, ker et al. 2016). which are age-equivalent to the Kimmeridge Clay The oil-slick cluster located east of the Scoresby Formation of the North Sea (Fig. 5) (PAD 2006). Sund is seawards of the COB where only oceanic In summary, the observed oil slicks add to the avail- crust is present (fig. 6.19 in Funck et al. 2014). A able data which imply that petroleum is being gen- Cenozoic sediment package in which the thickness erated in these basins. decreases in an offshore direction from 3000 to 200 m is estimated to overlie the oceanic crust East Greenland here (fig. 6.22 in Funck et al. 2014). Owing to a lack of well or seismic data, the uncertainty remains The basins along the eastern, NE and northern large, as indicated by the estimates by Voss et al. margin of Greenland resulted from Palaeozoic to (2009) which present sediment-thickness values of Mesozoic rifting (Fig. 1). Borehole control for the up to 5000 m for this area. The oil slicks may orig- offshore basins is absent in the areas where oil slicks inate from a yet unknown source rock in the thick have been identified. For details on the Greenland Cenozoic succession that is visible on a geoseismic margin tectonostratigraphy, the reader is referred section just north of this location (fig. 12d in Stoker to Stoker et al. (2016). et al. 2016). The thinning of the total sediment The oil-slick cluster in King Oscar Fjord is struc- thickness may point to a similar Cenozoic fan-type turally located in the Jameson Land Basin. The strat- deposit below the observed oil slicks. No oil-source igraphy of this basin is relatively well known as rocks are known from the Cenozoic in this region. a result of outcrop studies and onshore–offshore The southernmost oil-slick cluster south of the correlation. Because of a lack of well data, it is Kangerlussuaq Basin is also located seawards of unknown which parts of the Jameson Land Basin the COB (fig. 6.19 in Funck et al. 2014). The cluster stratigraphy are present underneath the King Oscar is underlain by oceanic crust, and modelling studies Fjord. A geoseismic section in the basin shows the estimate a total sediment thickness of between 0 and presence of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks (fig. 700 m (fig. 6.22 in Funck et al. 2014). However, 12d in Stoker et al. 2016). Outcrop studies in there is a large range of estimated thickness values, onshore Greenland indicate the presence of source- with the highest ones reaching up to approximately rock shales of the Upper Permian Ravnefjeld For- 1500 m (Voss et al. 2009), implying a great degree mation belonging to the Foldvik Creek Group of uncertainty due to a lack of well and seismic data. (Stemmerik et al. 1998). Two of the five units iden- For both East Greenland clusters seawards of the tified in the shales are organic-rich and laminated. COB, no structurally defined sedimentary basins They were deposited under anoxic conditions and are expected at those locations (Stoker et al. their hydrocarbon quality is considered good to 2016). This implies that either the mapped location excellent, with TOC values of between 4 and 5%, of the COB needs revision or the seepage origin for and a HI of 300–400 (Christiansen et al. 1993). these slicks is debatable. Further work is needed to Besides the Permian source rocks, there are the verify the origin of these slicks. dark grey to black marine mudstones of the Bernb- jerg Formation which are Late Jurassic in age Jan Mayen (Fig. 5). They were deposited in a proximal marine setting, based on plant debris and coal fragments in The Jan Mayen microcontinent (Fig. 4) is a dis- the sediment (Alsgaard et al. 2003). Measured TOC tinct structural entity located between the volcanic values range between 2.8 and 5.4%, and HI varies complex of Jan Mayen Island in the north and between 32 and 143 (Alsgaard et al. 2003). The the NE coastal shelf area of Iceland in the south slightly younger Hareelv Formation consists of (Svellingen & Pedersen 2003; Blischke et al. black organic-rich mudstones (Fig. 5). The sedi- 2016). The stratigraphic succession of the Cenozoic ments were deposited in a slope and base-of-slope displays a marked east–west asymmetry (Blischke setting, and form the youngest preserved sediments et al. 2014). On the eastern margin of the microcon- in much of southern Jameson Land (Surlyk 1987). tinent, Palaeogene rocks dip steeply towards the Besides massive sandstones, the formation contains Norway Basin as a result of normal faulting (fig. mudstones that were deposited in poorly oxygen- 16 in Stoker et al. 2016). On the western margin, a ated environments. The TOC varies from 1 to 13% west-facing listric normal fault system is present, and the HI is ,350 due to the dominantly Type-II with rotated crustal blocks that are downfaulted Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021

GEOLOGY AND SEEPAGE IN THE NE ATLANTIC REGION along major detachment faults towards the Jan Four areas were studied in more detail. Despite Mayen Basin (Blischke et al. 2014). the underexplored status of these areas, some pre- The oil-slick cluster in the north of the Jan liminary conclusions may be drawn: Mayen microcontinent lies seawards of the COB † where no basin is thought to be present (Fig. 4). Western Barents Sea Margin: seepage in the However, the total sediment thickness is modelled Tromsø Basin is most likely to originate from / to range between 2500 and 5500 m (fig. 6.22 in Triassic and or Jurassic source rocks embedded Funck et al. 2014). This suggests the presence of in tilted fault blocks. The origin of seepage in the some kind of basin or accommodating structure Harstad Basin could not be determined due to a that may contain source-rock-bearing deposits. lack of subsurface data. † Unfortunately, no well or seismic data can confirm Irish Atlantic Margin: the only known source the presence and internal structure of the thick sedi- rocks offshore Ireland are of Jurassic age. The ment package. Potential oil-source rocks are most observed oil slicks are probably seeping from likely to be no older than the Eocene, since east of them along bounding faults of tilted fault blocks. † the Jan Mayen Ridge older successions are covered East Greenland: seepage in the King Oscar Fjord by a thick layer of Palaeogene volcanic rocks (fig. is inferred to originate from source rocks as 16 in Stoker et al. 2016), which probably hamper found in outcrops, since no wells penetrate the upwards oil migration from underneath. No infor- sediments in the Jameson Land Basin. These mation on Cenozoic source rocks in this region is source rocks are of Late Permian, Late Trias- currently available. sic–Early Jurassic and Late Jurassic age. † To the south of the Jan Mayen microcontinent, Jan Mayen: seepage to the south of the Jan an oil-slick cluster has been identified above the Mayen microcontinent may be from a source Hle´ssund Trough and Hakarenna Channel where rock of Late Jurassic age, equivalent to source a sediment package of 300–3000 m is inferred rocks in the Møre and Jameson Land basins in (Funck et al. 2014). The structural setting of the Norway and Greenland, respectively; † microcontinent suggests that its pre-Palaeogene Oil slicks observed seawards of the COB in East stratigraphic succession might be comparable to Greenland and the north of the Jan Mayen micro- the Jameson Land Basin in East Greenland and the continent may indicate the presence of yet Møre Basin in SW Norway (Blischke et al. 2014). unknown basins or Cenozoic source rocks. Consequently, the organic-rich Upper Jurassic The current knowledge of the petroleum systems Hareelv Formation may be present here and sourc- over a large part of the NE Atlantic where seeps ing the seepage (Fig. 5). are observed is still too limited, so further work is A seafloor sampling campaign along the Jan necessary. A first step could be the localization Mayen Ridge in 2011 found indications for active and sampling of the observed oil slicks to come to oil seepage (without the observation of oil slicks a first-order ranking of the most promising prospec- at the ocean surface) and the presence of petroleum tive areas. In addition, the collection of subsurface basins (Polteau et al. 2012). Sampling was carried data from the underexplored regions is crucial for out at a location along a 2D seismic line, JM-17- a better understanding of their petroleum geology. 85, which is located approximately 100 km NE of the area where oil slicks were observed (Fig. 4). The support of the industry sponsors is hereby acknowl- This supports the suggestion that petroleum is edged (in alphabetical order): Bayerngas Norge AS; BP being generated to the south of the Jan Mayen Exploration Operating Company Ltd; Bundesanstalt fu¨r microcontinent. Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR); Chevron East Greenland Exploration A/S; ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS; DEA Norge AS; Det norske oljeselskap ASA; DONG E&P A/S; E.ON Norge AS; ExxonMobil Explora- Conclusions tion and Production Norway AS; Japan Oil, Gas and Met- als National Corporation (JOGMEC); Maersk Oil; Nalcor This study presents the distribution of oil-slick Energy – Oil and Gas Inc.; Nexen Energy ULC, Norwe- clusters in the NE Atlantic Ocean. Oil slicks were gian Energy Company ASA (Noreco); Repsol Exploration detected using synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Norge AS; Statoil (UK) Ltd; and Wintershall Holding which provides a cost-effective way to infer the GmbH. The author would like to thank two anonymous presence of natural hydrocarbons in a frontier reviewers, and John Hopper and Martyn Stoker for their area, such as the NE Atlantic. Most clusters occur constructive comments on earlier drafts of this paper. Joa˜o Arau´jo is thanked for providing inspiring accommo- along the eastern margin of the NE Atlantic – the dation during the writing of this paper. Lastly, I would western margin shows fewer oil slicks. This unbal- like to thank Alan Williams and Michael King of CGG’s anced distribution can be explained by the presence NPA Satellite Mapping group for kindly supplying a ver- of sea-ice near Greenland, which hampers satellite sion of their NE Atlantic seep data for inclusion into this radar observations of seepage. study. Please contact them ([email protected]; Downloaded from by guest on October 2, 2021

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