Checklist of Birds in Botswana 1 Apalis, Bar

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Checklist of Birds in Botswana 1 Apalis, Bar Checklist of Birds in Botswana Complied by Chris Brewster for Birdlife Botswana 1 Apalis, Bar-throated Apalis thoracica 2 Apalis, Yellow-breasted Apalis flavida 3 Avocet, Pied Recurvirostra avosetta 4 Babbler, Arrow-marked Turdoides jardineii 5 Babbler, Black-faced Turdoides melanops 6 Babbler, Hartlaub's Turdoides hartlaubii 7 Babbler, Southern Pied Turdoides bicolor 8 Barbet, Acacia Pied Tricholaema leucomelas 9 Barbet, Black-collared Lybius torquatus 10 Barbet, Crested Trachyphonus vaillantii 11 Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus 12 Batis, Cape Batis capensis 13 Batis, Chinspot Batis molitor 14 Batis, Pririt Batis pririt 15 Bee-eater, Blue-cheeked Merops persicus 16 Bee-eater, European Merops apiaster 17 Bee-eater, Little Merops pusillus 18 Bee-eater, Olive Merops superciliosus 19 Bee-eater, Southern Carmine Merops nubicoides 20 Bee-eater, Swallow-tailed Merops hirundineus 21 Bee-eater, White-fronted Merops bullockoides 22 Bishop, Southern Red Euplectes orix 23 Bishop, Yellow-crowned Euplectes afer 24 Bittern, Dwarf Ixobrychus sturmii 25 Bittern, Eurasian Botaurus stellaris 26 Bittern, Little Ixobrychus minutus 27 Bokmakierie Telophorus zeylonus 28 Boubou, Southern Laniarius ferrugineus 29 Boubou, Swamp Laniarius bicolor 30 Boubou, Tropical Laniarius major 31 Broadbill, African Smithornis capensis 32 Brownbul, Terrestrial Phyllastrephus terrestris 33 Brubru Nilaus afer 34 Bulbul, African Red-eyed Pycnonotus nigricans 35 Bulbul, Dark-capped Pycnonotus tricolor 36 Bunting, Cape Emberiza capensis 37 Bunting, Cinnamon-breasted Emberiza tahapisi 38 Bunting, Golden-breasted Emberiza flaviventris 39 Bunting, Lark-like Emberiza impetuani Checklist of Birds in Botswana Complied by Chris Brewster for Birdlife Botswana 40 Bush-shrike, Grey-headed Malaconotus blanchoti 41 Bush-shrike, Orange-breasted Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus 42 Bustard, Black-bellied Lissotis melanogaster 43 Bustard, Denham's Neotis denhami 44 Bustard, Kori Ardeotis kori 45 Bustard, Ludwig's Neotis ludwigii 46 Buttonquail, Common Turnix sylvaticus 47 Buzzard, Augur Buteo augur 48 Buzzard, Common Buteo buteo 49 Buzzard, European Honey Pernis apivorus 50 Buzzard, Jackal Buteo rufofuscus 51 Buzzard, Lizard Kaupifalco monogrammicus 52 Buzzard, Long-legged Buteo rufinus 53 Buzzard, Red-necked Buteo auguralis 54 Camaroptera, Grey-backed Camaroptera brevicaudata 55 Canary, Black-headed Serinus alario 56 Canary, Black-throated Crithagra atrogularis 57 Canary, Yellow Crithagra flaviventris 58 Canary, Yellow-fronted Crithagra mozambica 59 Chat, Ant-eating Myrmecocichla formicivora 60 Chat, Arnot's Myrmecocichla arnotti 61 Chat, Boulder Pinarornis plumosus 62 Chat, Familiar Oenanthe familiaris 63 Chat, Mocking Cliff Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris 64 Chat, Sickle-winged Emarginata sinuata 65 Cisticola, Chirping Cisticola pipiens 66 Cisticola, Cloud Cisticola textrix 67 Cisticola, Croaking Cisticola natalensis 68 Cisticola, Desert Cisticola aridulus 69 Cisticola, Lazy Cisticola aberrans 70 Cisticola, Levaillant's Cisticola tinniens 71 Cisticola, Luapula Cisticola luapula 72 Cisticola, Pale-crowned Cisticola cinnamomeus 73 Cisticola, Rattling Cisticola chiniana 74 Cisticola, Red-faced Cisticola erythrops 75 Cisticola, Tinkling Cisticola rufilatus 76 Cisticola, Zitting Cisticola juncidis 77 Coot, Red-knobbed Fulica cristata 78 Cormorant, Reed Microcarbo africanus 79 Cormorant, White-breasted Phalacrocorax lucidus Checklist of Birds in Botswana Complied by Chris Brewster for Birdlife Botswana 80 Coucal, Black Centropus grillii 81 Coucal, Burchell's Centropus burchellii 82 Coucal, Coppery-tailed Centropus cupreicaudus 83 Coucal, Senegal Centropus senegalensis 84 Coucal, White-browed Centropus superciliosus 85 Courser, Bronze-winged Rhinoptilus chalcopterus 86 Courser, Burchell's Cursorius rufus 87 Courser, Double-banded Rhinoptilus africanus 88 Courser, Temminck's Cursorius temminckii 89 Courser, Three-banded Rhinoptilus cinctus 90 Crake, African Crex egregia 91 Crake, Baillon's Porzana pusilla 92 Crake, Black Amaurornis flavirostra 93 Crake, Corn Crex crex 94 Crake, Spotted Porzana porzana 95 Crake, Striped Aenigmatolimnas marginalis 96 Crane, Blue Grus paradiseus 97 Crane, Grey Crowned Balearica regulorum 98 Crane, Wattled Grus carunculatus 99 Creeper, African Spotted Salpornis salvadori 100 Crombec, Long-billed Sylvietta rufescens 101 Crow, Cape Corvus capensis 102 Crow, Pied Corvus albus 103 Cuckoo, African Cuculus gularis 104 Cuckoo, African Emerald Chrysococcyx cupreus 105 Cuckoo, Black Cuculus clamosus 106 Cuckoo, Common Cuculus canorus 107 Cuckoo, Diederik Chrysococcyx caprius 108 Cuckoo, Great Spotted Clamator glandarius 109 Cuckoo, Jacobin Clamator jacobinus 110 Cuckoo, Klaas's Chrysococcyx klaas 111 Cuckoo, Levaillant's Clamator levaillantii 112 Cuckoo, Red-chested Cuculus solitarius 113 Cuckoo, Thick-billed Pachycoccyx audeberti 114 Cuckooshrike, Black Campephaga flava 115 Cuckooshrike, White-breasted Coracina pectoralis 116 Curlew, Eurasian Numenius arquata 117 Darter, African Anhinga rufa Checklist of Birds in Botswana Complied by Chris Brewster for Birdlife Botswana 118 Dove, African Mourning Streptopelia decipiens 119 Dove, Cape Turtle Streptopelia capicola 120 Dove, Emerald-spotted Wood Turtur chalcospilos 121 Dove, European Turtle Streptopelia turtur 122 Dove, Laughing Streptopelia senegalensis 123 Dove, Namaqua Oena capensis 124 Dove, Red-eyed Streptopelia semitorquata 125 Dove, Rock Columba livia 126 Drongo, Fork-tailed Dicrurus adsimilis 127 Duck, African Black Anas sparsa 128 Duck, Fulvous Whistling Dendrocygna bicolor 129 Duck, Knob-billed Sarkidiornis melanotos 130 Duck, Maccoa Oxyura maccoa 131 Duck, White-backed Thalassornis leuconotus 132 Duck, White-faced Whistling Dendrocygna viduata 133 Duck, Yellow-billed Anas undulata 134 Eagle, African Fish Haliaeetus vocifer 135 Eagle, African Hawk Aquila spilogaster 136 Eagle, Ayres's Hawk Hieraaetus ayresii 137 Eagle, Black-chested Snake Circaetus pectoralis 138 Eagle, Booted Hieraaetus pennatus 139 Eagle, Brown Snake Circaetus cinereus 140 Eagle, Crowned Stephanoaetus coronatus 141 Eagle, Lesser Spotted Clanga pomarina 142 Eagle, Long-crested Lophaetus occipitalis 143 Eagle, Martial Polemaetus bellicosus 144 Eagle, Steppe Aquila nipalensis 145 Eagle, Tawny Aquila rapax 146 Eagle, Verreaux's Aquila verreauxii 147 Eagle, Wahlberg's Hieraaetus wahlbergi 148 Eagle, Western Banded Snake Circaetus cinerascens 149 Egret, Great Ardea alba 150 Egret, Little Egretta garzetta 151 Egret, Slaty Egretta vinaceigula 152 Egret, Western Cattle Bubulcus ibis 153 Egret, Yellow-billed Ardea intermedia 154 Eremomela, Burnt-necked Eremomela usticollis 155 Eremomela, Green-capped Eremomela scotops 156 Eremomela, Yellow-bellied Eremomela icteropygialis Checklist of Birds in Botswana Complied by Chris Brewster for Birdlife Botswana 157 Falcon, Amur Falco amurensis 158 Falcon, Lanner Falco biarmicus 159 Falcon, Peregrine Falco peregrinus 160 Falcon, Pygmy Polihierax semitorquatus 161 Falcon, Red-footed Falco vespertinus 162 Falcon, Red-necked Falco chicquera 163 Falcon, Sooty Falco concolor 164 Finch, Cuckoo Anomalospiza imberbis 165 Finch, Cut-throat Amadina fasciata 166 Finch, Locust Paludipasser locustella 167 Finch, Red-headed Amadina erythrocephala 168 Finch, Scaly-feathered Sporopipes squamifrons 169 Finfoot African Podica senegalensis 170 Firefinch, Brown Lagonosticta nitidula 171 Firefinch, Jameson's Lagonosticta rhodopareia 172 Firefinch, Red-billed Lagonosticta senegala 173 Fiscal, Southern Lanius collaris 174 Flamingo, Greater Phoenicopterus roseus 175 Flamingo, Lesser Phoeniconaias minor 176 Flufftail, Buff-spotted Sarothrura elegans 177 Flufftail, Red-chested Sarothrura rufa 178 Flycatcher, African Paradise Terpsiphone viridis 179 Flycatcher, Ashy Muscicapa caerulescens 180 Flycatcher, Chat Malaenornis infuscatus 181 Flycatcher, Fairy Stenostira scita 182 Flycatcher, Fiscal Malaenornis silens 183 Flycatcher, Grey Tit- Myioparus plumbeus 184 Flycatcher, Marico Malaenornis mariquensis 185 Flycatcher, Pale Malaenornis pallidus 186 Flycatcher, Southern Black Melaenornis pammelaina 187 Flycatcher, Spotted Muscicapa striata 188 Francolin, Coqui Peliperdix coqui 189 Francolin, Crested Dendroperdix sephaena 190 Francolin, Orange River Scleroptila gutturalis 191 Frigatebird, Greater Fregata minor 192 Gallinule, Allen's Porphyrio alleni 193 Garganey Spatula querquedula 194 Go-away-bird, Grey Corythaixoides concolor 195 Godwit, Bar-tailed Limosa lapponica 196 Godwit, Black-tailed Limosa limosa Checklist of Birds in Botswana Complied by Chris Brewster for Birdlife Botswana 197 Goose, African Pygmy Nettapus auritus 198 Goose, Egyptian Alopochen aegyptiaca 199 Goose, Spur-winged Plectropterus gambensis 200 Goshawk, African Accipiter tachiro 201 Goshawk, Dark Chanting Melierax metabates 202 Goshawk, Gabar Micronisus gabar 203 Goshawk, Pale Chanting Melierax canorus 204 Grebe, Black-necked Podiceps nigricollis 205 Grebe, Great Crested Podiceps cristatus 206 Grebe, Little Tachybaptus ruficollis 207 Greenbul, Yellow-bellied Chlorocichla flaviventris 208 Greenshank, Common Tringa nebularia 209 Guineafowl, Crested Guttera pucherani 210 Guineafowl, Helmeted Numida meleagris 211 Gull, Black-headed Chroicocephalus ridibundus 212 Gull, Grey-headed Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus 213 Gull, Lesser Black-backed Larus fuscus 214 Gull, Kelp Larus, dominicanus 215 Hamerkop Scopus umbretta 216 Harrier, African Marsh Circus ranivorus 217 Harrier, Black Circus maurus 218 Harrier, Montagu's Circus pygargus 219 Harrier, Pallid Circus macrourus 220 Harrier, Western
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