- Tent Theatre------., -----1984- * *--­ ~

June 20-July 28

Southwest Missouri State University Tent Theatre 1984 Southwest Missouri State University Managing Director Byrne D. Blackwood Artistic Directors Tom Whitaker Robert H. Bradley Howard R. Orms Musical Director Grady Affolter Choreographer Dennis Rexroad Scenic and Lighting Designer Louis Schaeffer Costume Designer Joyce Bowman Technicial Director Mary Ray Box Office Manager Liz Malarkey

Bob Comer Scholarship The 84 Tent Season is dedicated to Bob Comer, Tent's popular box office manager who suffered a fatal heart attack this spring. We are attempting to raise at least $5,000 this summer in donations, fan sales and the sale of chances on a large handmade patchwork quilt do­ nated by Vivian Orms. We hope to use the interest from this money to fund an annual BOB COMER SCHOLARSHIP to be given to a student interested in theatre management. Our regular student scholarship program was com­ pletely underwritten this year by Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Rich Martin and Anton and Roberta Tasich. So if you were planning a donation to our regu­ lar scholarship, please consider a donation to the Bob Comer Scholarship. All donations are tax deductible. Send them to: Tent Theatre Scholarship at SMSU or phone Byrne Blackwood at 836-5220 or Liz Malarkey at 836-5979. ASSISTANT TECHNICAL DIRECTORS • • . Christopher Burton Jeffrey V. Curtis Laura Offerdahl MASTER ELECTRICIAN. • James A. Trussell SOUND ENGINEER. • • • Sherry Freads Giles PROPERTIES MASTER • • .R. Dane Hosler MASTER CARPENTER . • • • John Weston

SET CONSTRUCTION Christopher Burton Clif Morts Jeffrey V. Curtis Clarisse Nachbar Gayle L. Foote Laura Offerdahl Holly Woo d Graves Mary M. Ray Jo Gunn Jana Rokni Terry Hosler Mallory Hunt Scarritt Lori Jo Houdyshell David Schmittou Michael Lalumondier Liz Stamper Mary Jane Pogue John Weston

MASTER SCENIC ARTIST •• . • • Dennis H. Rexroad SCENIC ARTISTS . . Hugh Anderson, Rhonda Watson

COSTUME CONSTRUCTION Gloria Joyce Bowman Bena Marrone Juli Dellger Clarisse Nachbar Lori Jo Houdyshell Jana Rokni Roger Lee Jinks Helen A. Steele

LIGHTING. • ••••• .Mary Lou Beckner Karen Mossman James A. Trussell BOX OFFICE .•••••••••••• • Deana Clear Terry Hosler Janet Oliver Angela Peabody ASSISTANT MUSICAL DIRECTOR. • • • • • . Randy Luna PUBLICITY and PROGRAM GRAPHICS •• ••• Tom Carter Richard Ellis r------,Doug Murphy Ceiling fans donated by Mr. and Mrs . Del Austin of SUNSHINE FAN AND LAMP GALLERY DIRECTOR . • • •• • • • • • • • Tom Whitaker MUSICAL DI RECTOR . • . Grady A. Affolter CHOREOGRAPHER • • • . Dennis H. Rexroad SCENIC and LIGHTING DESIGNER . . Lou is H. Sch aeffer COSTUME COORD I NATOR • •• •• . Gloria Joyce Bowman TECHN ICAL DI RECTOR . • • • . Mary M. Ray AS~ISTANT TO THE DIRE CTOR . . David Stone DANCE CAPTAIN • • • • • • • • • Carrie L . Robinson

THE CAST (in order o f appearance) POPS BAI LEY • • • David Stone STANLEY ••• . Wa l ker H. Craig I II CILFTON A. FEDDINGTON • • • • • • • • Rick Giles ZOOT DOUBLEMAN •• • •• Grady A. Affolter WALLY FERGUSSON • . Roger Lee Jinks LOU COHN . • • • • • • • • • Jeffrey Cummings JOHNNY CANTONE . • • • • • • • • Clif Mort s GINGER BROOK S • Carrie L . Robinson CONNIE MILLER • • • • • Carolea Love B. J . GIBSON . . Mallory Hunt Scarritt NEAL TI LDEN • • • • • Dwayne Butcher ANN COLLIER • • •••••• Juli Dellger GENEVA LEE BROWNE • • Janet Oliver BIFF BAKER . • • J e ffrey E . Baumgartner DOTTIE HINKLE • • • • • . Sherry Freads Giles THE ORCHESTRA KEYBOARD I. • •• Grady A. Affolter KEYBOARD II • . Randy Luna PERCUSSION . • Dave Nace BASS ••• • • Eric Peterson TROMBONE •• • • Brad Perryman TRUMPET • • • • • • • • .Jim Cunningham TENOR SAXOPHONE . • • •• ••• • • • Chris Neale ALTO SAXOPHONE. • • •• Tony DiBartolomeo

THE PRODUCTION STAFF STAGE MANAGE R • • • • . Christopher Burton COSTUME MISTRESS • • • • • • • . Bena Marrone HOUSE MANAGER . • • Helen A. Steele LIGHTS ••••••• David Schmittou, James A. Trussell FOLLOW SPOTS . • • Holly Wood Graves , Clarisse Nachbar SOUND • • • • • • • Sherry Freads Giles, Jo Gunn PROPERTIES RUNNING • •• •. R. Dane Hosler , Jana Rokni SET RUNNING • • • • • •• •••••• John Weston COSTUME RUNNING • • • • • • • . Lori Jo Houdyshell

Ushers: Jeffrey V. Curtis, Holly Wood Graves , Jo Gunn , Roger Malarkey, Clarisse Nachbar , Laura Offerdahl , Jana Rokni , David Schmittou , James A. Trussell , John Weston

Based on an idea by Walton Jones and Carol Lees , as originally presented by the Ensemble Company and Yale Repertory Theatre and further developed by the Arena Stage in Washington , D. C. Broadway production presented by Jujamcyn Productions , Joseph P . Harris , Ira Bernstein and Roger Berlind.

THE 1940 ' s RADIO HOUR is produced through special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc . , 25 West 45th St., New York , N. Y. 10036 DI RECTOR . • • • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • Howard R 0 Orms SCENIC and LIGHTING DESIGNER • • •• Louis H. Schaeffer

COSTUME DESIGNER . 0 . Gloria Joyce Bowman

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR . 0 • • • • • • • • oMary M. Ray CHOREOGRAPHER . • • • • • • • . Sherry Freads Giles ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR • ••• Jo Gunn


LEON TOLCHINSKY • • 0 Jeffrey Cummings SNETSKY •• . David Schmittou MAGISTRATE • • • R. Dane Hosler

SLOVITCH . 0 • 0 Jeffrey E . Baumgartner

MISHKIN • 0 • •• Walker H. Craig III

YENCHNA •• • • • • • 0 Carolea Love DR . ZUBRITSKY • • • Dwayne Butcher LENYA ZUBRITSKY • • • • • • Mary Lou Beckner SOPHIA ZUBRITSKY •• • Carrie L . Robinson

GREGOR YOUSEKCVITCH • • • • 0 • Rick Giles

SYNOPSIS OF SCENES Act One A long time ago in the village of Kulyenchikov

Intermission - 15 minutes

Act Two The Same FOOLS is produced through special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., 25 West 45th St . , New York,

N. Y 0 10036 THE PRODUCTION STAFF STAGE MANAGER • • Laura Offerdahl COSTUME MISTRESS •• • Helen A. Steele HOUSE MANAGER • .Juli Dellger LIGHTS •••••••••••Jeffrey V. Curtis, Jo Gunn SOUND •••• Sherry Freads Giles, Lori Jo Houdyshell PROPERTIES RUNNING. • • Jana Rokni, David Stone SET RUNNING • • • • • • • • • • • • • .Clif Morts Clarisse Nachbar Mallory Hunt Scarritt John Weston COSTUME RUNNING •••• Roger Lee Jinks, Bena Marrone Ushers: Christopher Burton, Jeffrey V. Curtis , Sherry Freads Giles, Jo Gunn, Lori Jo Houdyshell, Clif Morts, Clarisse Nachbar , Mallory Hunt Scarritt, David Stone, John Weston

***************************************************** SEASON ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ben Atwell Bill Broome--Shear Elegance Tom A. Carter Chameleon Puppet Theatre Ray Cas trey McSalty's Mick Denniston Missouri Southern State College Gary Ellis Sophisticates Jerry Hinkel Springfield Arsenal Lloyd Kelb Springfield Little Theatre Barbara Love Springfield! Magazine Terrance McKerrs Springfield Newspapers Chyrel Miller Telecable of Springfield Chuck Rogers Springfield Business Journal Tim ~valker Southwest Missourian Dan Warrick Southwest Standard Lloyd Williams SMSU Campus Union Bach Medical Supply SMSU Housing Office Bear Times SMSU Educational Media The Brewage, Inc. SMSU Media Productions Central Printing SMSU Printing Service Coca-Cola SMSU Library Keys To Springfield SMSU Physical Ed . Dept. SMSU ROTC Associated Theatrical Contractors KMTC-TV KSPR-TV KGBX KLSM KSOZ KTXR KOLR-TV KY-3-TV KICK KSMU KTTS KWTO George ~ Ira Gers.lLwin 's t()\t1 .. \I\A\~! the Musical Cla ssic

Book by and P . G. Wodehouse

DIRECTOR •••• ••• Robert H. Bradley MUSICAL DIRECTOR . • • • •• Grady A. Affolter CHOREOGRAPHER • • • • . Dennis H. Rexroad SCENIC and LIGHTING DESIGNER •••• Louis H. Schaeffer COSTUME DESIGNER. • • • • • • . Gl.oria Joyce Bowman TECHNICAL DIRECTOR . • • • • • • • • • • • . Mary M. Ray ASS I STANT TO THE DIRECTOR • • • • • . Holly Wood Graves DANCE CAPTAIN • • • • . Sherry Freads Giles THE CAST THE DUKE ••••• • • • • • .David Jeffers LARRY POTTER . • • • . Mallory Hunt Scarritt PH I LLIPA RUXTON • • • • • • Caro lea Love DOLLY RUXTON . • • ••••••Sherry Freads Giles STUBBY MCGEE . • • • • • Dwayne Butcher CHAUFFEUR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . David Schmittou CONSTANCE APPLETON . Carrie L . Robinson JIMMY WI NTER . • • • Clif Mo rts KAY • • • • • • • Jul i Dellger REVENUE OFFICER JANSEN . • • Rick Giles JUDGE APPLETON . • • • • • Jeffrey E . Baumgartner ASSISTANT REVENUE OFFICER • • • • . Walker H. Craig III THE GIRLS: Jo Gunn , Lor i J o Houdyshel l , Bena Marrone, Cl arisse Nachbar , Janet Oliver, Jana Ro kni THE BOYS : Jeffrey E . Baumgartner, Walker H. Craig III Jeffrey Cummings , David Schmittou, David Stone THE SETTING

TI ME : The Era of Prohibition Act One Scene 1: Livi ng r oom of Jimmy Winter ' s home , Long Island, Evening Sce ne 2 : Morning Act Two Scene 1 : Terrace of Jimmy's home , Afternoon Scene 2 : Cellar of Jimmy ' s home Scene 3 : Terrace of Jimmy ' s home , Evening

THE ORCHESTRA KEYB OARD I •• •••••Grady A. Affol ter KEYBOARD I I • • • • • • • • • • • • Randy Luna PERCUSSION • • •••Dave Nace BASS •••• . Eric Pete rso n

THE MU SICAL NUMBERS Act One "The Woman ' s Touch" •• • • • • • . • • . Girls "Don' t Ask" ••••••••••Larry , Dolly, Phil, Girls "The Twent i es Are Here to Stay" ••• Duke , Larry , Stubby "De a r Litt l e Girl" • • • • • • • • • Jimmy , Girls "Mayb e " ••••• • ••• • • ••• Jimmy , Kay "Clap Yo' Hands " • • • • • • • • •• Larry , Gi rls , Boys " 0 0-00- 0 0" • ••• Kay , Jimmy Finale • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cast

Act Two "Neve r Too Late t o Mend- elssohn" • • • • • Cast "Someone To Watch OVer Me " •••••• • ••••••Kay "Fidgety Feet" • • • • • •• • •••Larry , Phil " He a ven on Eart h ". • • • ••••• Jimmy , Couples "Someone To Watch Over Me " Reprise • • ••••Kay

"Maybe" Repri se . • • • • • • 0 0 • • Jimmy , Kay "Stiff Upper Li p ". • • . Duke , Kay " Oh , Kay !" • • • • • • • . Kay , Boys Fin a l e • • • • ••• Cast THE PRODUCTION STAFF

STAGE MANAGER • • • • .Jeffrey V. Curtis COSTUME MASTER. • • • • • • • • • .Roger Lee Jinks

HOUSE MANAGER ••••• • • • 0 • • Roger Malarkey LIGHTS •••• • Karen Mossman, James A. Trussell FOLLOW SPOTS. • • •• Terry Hosler, Laura Offerdahl SOUND • • • • • • • • .Dick Magruder PROPERTIES RUNNING •• Holly Wood Graves, R. Dane Hosler

SET RUNNING • • • • • • • • • • 0 • Christopher Burton Walker H. Craig III Jeffrey Cummings Mary Jane Pogue Mary M. Ray David Schmittou David Stone John Weston COSTUME RUNNING • .Helen A. Steele

Ushers: The Boys and The Girls

OH, KAY! opened in New York in November, 1926, and played for 256 performances. The cast included , Oscar Shaw, and .

OH, KAY! is produced by arrangement with, and the music and dialogue material furnished by TAMS­ WHITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, Inc., 560 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022.

Tuxedos furnished by COLES hdIDeleon puppet t thedtre

The Chameleon Puppet Theatre will present "American Mountain Tales" July 1, 8, 15 and 16 at 8 p.m. in the Tent.

The ancient Appalachian Mountain tale of the three sillies features dry humor, lively fiddle music and clogging. The story will be told by an old-time storyteller and several large rod puppets.

The admission is $2. Tickets may be purchased at the door.

Department of Theatre and Dance

Robert H. Bradley, Head Byrne D. Blackwood, Director of Production Activities Donald Adams Kathrine Brown Ray Castrey Sharon Ellis Robert K. Gilmore Alice McElhaney John McElhaney Chyrel Mrller Howard Orms Linda Park-Fuller Beckah Voigt Daniel Warr ick BOB COMER SCHOLARSHIP

There are four ways that you may contribute to the BOB COMER SCHOLARSHIP FUND: 1. Monetary donations of any amount. This drive has been kicked off with $100.00 or more donations from Annette and Harry Federow, Charles and Hazel Krasser, Dr. Barbara Oberlander and Jan Nakashima. We welcome donations of any amount -- make checks out to Bob Comer Tent Theatre Scholarship. 2. Buy chances on the handmade 92"xllO" patchworM quilt displayed in the lobby. Made and donated by Vivian Orms, the quilt will fit a queen size bed as a spread or a king size bed as a coverlet. $2.00 chances are sold in front of the lobby display case. 3&4 Buy lots of fans or cokes at 25¢ each -- the money from these sales will be given to the Scholarship Fund. Please help us establish a scholarship for a Tent Theatre student for years to come.


Oct. 8 - American Repertory Theatre presents Six Characters in Search of an Author, 8 p.m. Coger Theatre Oct. 9 - American Repertory Theatre presents -­ Sganarelle, 8 p.m., Coger Theatre Oct. 18- Kansas City Lyric Opera presents, Cosi Fan Tutte 8 p.m., Coger Theatre Nov. 2 - Hadley Haven, classical guitarist, 8 p.m. Ellis Hall Mar. 5 - Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company, 8 p.m., Coger Theatre Mar. 6 - Trio Cassatt, 8 p.m., Ellis Hall 22 GLORIOUS YEARS OF TENT

1963 1965 Come Blow Your Horn Sunday in New York See How They Run High Button Shoes The BOy Fr lend Bye Bye Birdie The Miser The Merry Wives of The Rivals Li ttle Mary Sunshine Windsor Irma La Douce Li ' l Abner

1966 1967 Anything Goes Barefoot in the Park Gigi Tartuffe Oh , What a Lovely War Born Yesterday You Can't Take It Misalliance Wonderful Town With You Once Upon a Mattress A Funny Thing Happened 110 in the Shade on the Way to the Forum

1970 1971 Riverwind Celebration H . M. S. Pinafore The Drunkard Twelfth Night The Tender Trap Silk Stockings She Loves Me Apple Tree A Streetcar Named Desire Mary , Mary

1972 Fiddler on the Roof Brigadoon Summer and SJroke As You Like It Dirty Work at the George M! Black Comedy Crossroads The Fantasticks Trial by Jury Jacques BreI Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris

1975 1976 1977 Godspell The Sunsh ine Boys Man of La Mancha Scapino ! Babes in Arms Destry Rides Again The PDar of the Grease­ The Importance of Being paint, The Smell of Earnest the Crowd

1978 1979 1980 The Mikado Damn Yankees A Funny Thing Happened Bell, Book and Candle The Comedy of Errors on the Way to the Forum The Robber Bridegroom The BOy Fr iend How the Other Hal f Loves Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Oreamcoat

1981 1983 Dames at Sea Li ' l Abner Tintypes Bedroom Farce Ring Round the Moon Deathtrap Working Stop the World-- Company I Want To Get Off

The 1940 t 5 Radio Hour Fools Oh , Kay!



1. Mary Lou Beckner IS . Howard R. Orms 29 . Sherry Freads .GilesM 43 . Jana Rokni 2. John Weston 16 . Robert H. Bradley 30 . Rick Giles 3. James A. Trussell 17 . Christopher Burton 31. Mary M. Ray NOT PICTURED: 4 . Michael Lalumondier lB . Louis H. Schaeffer 32 . David Stone Gloria Joyce Bowman S . Dennis H. Rexroad 19 . Byrne D. Blackwood 33 . Carolea Love Deana Beth Clear 6 . Terry Hosler 20 . Tom Whitaker 34 . Holly Wood Graves Randy Luna 7 . Roger Lee Jinks 21 . Bena Marrone 3S . David Schmittou Karen Mossman 8. Helen A. Steele 22 . Russ Joseph George 36 . Juli Dellger Clarisse Nachbar 9 . Grady A. Affolter 23. David Jeffers 37 . Mallory Hunt Scarritt R. Dane Hosler 10 . Janet Oliver 24 . Angela Peabody 38 . Jo Gunn 11. Cl if Morts 2S . Walker H. Craig III 39 . Laura Offerdahl 12 . Elizabeth Malarkey 26 . Lori Jo Houdyshell 40 . Jeffrey E . Baumgartner 13 . Gayle L. Foote 27. Jeffrey V. curtis 41 . Jeffrey Cummings 14. Tom Carter 28. Carrie L. Robinson 42 . Dwayne Butcher

SMSU THEATRE AND DANCE SEASON 84-85 October 3, 4, 5, 6 SHERLOCK HOLMES The Definitive Mystery by William Gillette - October 24, 25, 26, 27 CALIFORNIA SUITE A Dinner Theatre at Homecoming - or DIAMOND STUDS A Missouri Saloon Musical at Dinner

November 14, 15, 16, 17 YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU - Classy Comedy by Kaufman and Hart or CRIMES OF THE HEART Zany Warmhearted Prize Winning Drama

December 5,6, 7, 8 STREET OF DREAMS Dance with a Jazz Emphasis January 30, 31, February 1, 2 AND THE BEATS GO ON Beat Literature in a Coffee House Setting

February 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 THE GONDOLIERS A Gilbert and Sullivan Musical Treat March 29, 30, 31 FABLES OF THE OZARK HILLS A Show for Children - And Adults too

April 10, 11, 12, 13 DANCE THEATRE 85 Classical and Modem Dance with Mime


SUN MON TUE WED THU FAI SAT 20 21 22 23 JUNE -[)Iti ~ II\A\ ~ , JULY 5 '5 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 IF IF 11\ 11\ IF II II... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -MT 40'S 11\ 11\ IF IF '5