Final Station: Living Room EXOTIC MAMMALS AS PETS Final Station Living Room • 3
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FINAL STATION: LIVING ROOM EXOTIC MAMMALS AS PETS FINAL STATION LIVING ROOM • 3 A SUMMARY 4 B INTRODUCTION 5 C METHOD 6 D RESULTS 7 ANALYSIS OF THE ONLINE MARKET FOR EXOTIC MAMMALS 7 FURTHER SOURCES FOR ACQUIRING EXOTIC MAMMALS 14 REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURE 14 ANIMAL WELFARE 14 SPECIES CONSERVATION 15 HEALTH RISKS 17 STUDY CASES 18 RODENTS 18 PREDATORS 19 PRIMATES 21 MARSUPIALS 23 OTHER SPECIES 25 E DISCUSSION&RECOMMENDATIONS 27 4 • FINAL STATION LIVING ROOM SUMMARY Die Privathaltung von exotischen Wildtieren wird in The keeping of exotic pets in Germany has increased Deutschland immer populärer. Während dieser Trend in popularity. Whereas this trend and associated prob- und die damit verbundenen Probleme für die Haltung lems are already well documented for birds and rep- von Reptilien und Vögeln bereits ausreichend bekannt tiles, the situation regarding exotic mammals has been und dokumentiert sind, blieb die Haltung von Säuge- neglected. Currently, legislation, control and registra- tieren bis jetzt vernachlässigt. Die aktuelle Gesetzes- tion regarding wild animals kept in German house- lage, Kontrolle und Registrierung für die Haltung von holds are all insufficient. The number of privately kept Wildtieren in deutschen Haushalten ist unzureichend. wild animals as well as the associated animal welfare Die Anzahl der gehaltenen Tiere, sowie die daraus re- problems and risks, are largely unknown. sultierenden Tierschutzprobleme und Risiken sind wei- test gehend unbekannt. The present report documents the large number and Der vorliegende Bericht dokumentiert die Anzahl und range of non-domesticated mammal species offered Vielfalt nicht-domestizierter Säugetiere, die auf zwei for sale on just two major German online platforms deutschen Internetbörsen ( / Terra- ( / For the five-year zum Kauf angeboten wurden. Von 2010 bis period between 2010 and 2014, 10,120 individuals of 291 2014 wurden 10.120 Tiere aus 291 verschiedenen Arten exotic mammal species were offered for sale. ricesP inseriert. Zusätzlich wurden über den Zeitraum von were also analysed. The total market value for these fünf Jahren die Preise analysiert und ergaben einen animals on this single platform was more than eight Marktwert von über acht Millionen Euro. million Euros. Wildtiere haben ein komplexes Sozialverhalten, spezi- With their often very complex social behaviours, spe- elle Ansprüche an Nahrung und Umwelt sowie einen cialised dietary and habitat requirements as well as hohen Platzbedarf, dem in Privathaltung nicht ent- their sometimes considerable spacial requirements, sprochen werden kann. Probleme bei der Privathal- the majority of wild mammals do not thrive in private tung von exotischen Säugetieren sind nicht nur auf den ownership. The problems associated with the private Tierschutz beschränkt, auch für Menschen und Natur keeping of wild mammals are not restricted to animal sind Risiken festzustellen: Diverse als Haustier gehal- welfare problems, but also include risks to humans tene Wildtiere stellen ein Gesundheitsrisiko dar, da sie and the environment. Many mammals pose a physi- durch ihre Körperkraft, scharfen Zähne und Krallen cal threat to humans due to their physical strength, Menschen verletzen können und potentielle Krank- sharp teeth or claws and various species also transmit heitsüberträger sind. Desweiteren haben viele Arten zoonotic diseases. In addition, exotic mammals have ein invasives Potential und sind damit eine Gefährdung the potential to become invasive and therefore pose a der heimischen Fauna und Flora. Ein Teil der exotischen threat to native species. A further problem is that some Säuger auf dem deutschen Haustiermarkt wird noch mammal species continue to be taken from the wild for immer aus der Wildnis entnommen, was eine zusätz- the European pet market, so putting additional pres- liche Gefährdung der natürlichen Population bedeutet. sure on wild populations. Die Autoren schlussfolgern, dass seitens der The authors conclude that urgent action is needed deutschen Bundesregierung dringender Hand- and en- courage the German Government to pass lungsbedarf bezüglich entsprechender Geset- adequate legislation regulating the import, trade in, ze zum Import und Handel sowie Haltung und and keeping and breeding of, wild mammals. A posi- Zucht von Wildtieren besteht. Eine Positiv- tive list, as already implemented in Belgium and the liste, wie bereits in Belgien und den Niederlanden Netherlands, can restrict pet keeping and trade to verabschiedet, kann die Privathaltung und den Han- those species that are suitable for private husbandry del von exotischen Säugern auf Arten limitieren, die with regards to animal welfare, species conserva- bezüglich Tierschutz, Artenschutz und der öffentli- tion, and public health. chen Sicherheit geeignet sind. FINAL STATION LIVING ROOM• 5 INTRODUCTION Some of our companion animals, such as cats and dogs, pertise needed to keep the animals or, receive advice have been domesticated by humans over centuries, i.e. on how to handle, care for and feed the animals. Often they are adapted to a life in human care through selec- buyers realise too late that they are unable to cope with tive breeding. As a result, the physical characteristics the specific requirements of a species; exotic animals and behaviour of these animals has altered. Besides are therefore increasingly abandoned or brought to the numerous domesticated species and breeds that animal shelters (van Gennep, 2013; MAFO study on the are kept as pets there is now an increasing number of situation of animal shelters 2006&2010; Schmid, et al., non-domesticated animal species in private ownership. 2003). Many pet owners are no longer satisfied with having a rare breed of dog or cat; they wish to have exotic ani- Legal situation – The private keeping of and trade in mals. This tendency is not only dangerous, but also im- wild animals is insufficiently regulated in Germany. pacts animal welfare and species conservation (Kam- While the Species Protection Act requires species un- ber, 2014; Slater, 2014; Schmid et al., 2003). Ownership der special protection to be registered (§ 7 section 2 of of and trade in wild animals should be seen critically; the Federal Species Protection Regulations), authori- these animals have specialised behavioural, dietary ties report poor compliance and estimate that only one and habitat requirements that make them unsuitable in ten of these animals is actually registered (Landes- for being kept as pets (Schuppli et al., 2014; AAP, 2014; hauptstadt München - Referat für Stadtplanung und Koene, 2012; Moutou et al., 2010 ). In addition, the ani- Bauordnung, 2014). As the majority of these animals mals can transmit a wide range of diseases or pose a are not registered, it is difficult to estimate how many physical danger to humans (STS, 2014; Rabsch, 2014; wild animals are actually kept in Germany‘s private Warwick et al., 2013; Pickering et al., 2008; Karesh et households. Regarding the private ownership of dan- al., 2007). gerous wild animals such as tigers and chimpanzees, With the aim of documenting the range of mammal so far eight of the 16 federal states of Germany have species in German private households and analysing passed regulations (which diverge considerably) for the associated problems, Pro Wildlife conducted a sur- private keeping of dangerous animals. While a number vey covering a period of five years (2010-2014) of exotic of German states have classified large primates and big animals offered for sale on Internet platforms. In ad- cats as dangerous and consequently put restrictions on dition, a review of relevant literature was undertaken, their ownership, the hazards posed by medium-sized and animal shelters and sanctuaries were interviewed primates, Procyonids as well as smaller feline preda- about their experience with exotic mammals. tors have so far been underestimated. There is still no legal obligation to register trade and ownership of spe- The increase of privately owned exotic animals – The cies thought not to be dangerous or to pose a lower quantity and diversity of privately owned wildlife has risk, or of those species not covered by species protec- increased rapidly over the past 20 years (Schuppli et tion legislation. al., 2014; Moutou et al., 2010). This expansion in exotic animal keeping is confirmed by animal shelters and The Report on the Minimum Requirements for the sanctuaries (see section 4.1.1 – disposal of animals), Keeping of Mammals of the German Ministry for Food as well as by the increase of newly published specia- and Agriculture aims to serve as a ”guide for the in- list magazines and books. Particularly remarkable are terpretation of the general regulations of the Animal the number and diversity of exotic mammals offered Protection Act“ (BMEL, 2014) and specify the require- for sale on the German market, ranging from capuchin ments for keeping animals in accordance with §2 of monkeys to cheetahs. All kinds of non-native mammal the Animal Protection Act. The report is however not species are available on the Internet, at animal mar- legally binding – particularly in private households to kets and in pet shops. The Internet is an ideal platform which official veterinarians have little access or means for the anonymous and spontaneous purchase, with of checking whether the recommended conditions for no obligation on the purchaser to demonstrate the ex- keeping animals are actually sufficient. 6 • FINAL STATION LIVING ROOM METHOD Pro Wildlife recorded and evaluated advertisements In addition, the authors interviewed, on a random basis, on the online platforms and Terra- wildlife rescue centres and animal shelters with regard covering a period of five years (01.01.2010 to exotic animals taken in from private owners. – 31.12.2014) in order to identify the range of private- Pro Wildlife conducted a review of relevant literature ly kept mammal species in Germany. In this context, to identify the issues related to privately kept wild all mammal species in the ad categories ”for sale,“ animals. The main focus was on aspects of animal ”wanted“ and ”trade“ were recorded.