LtCol. Ledbetter earns Navy Cross

By Sgt. Mike Thompson , "so I went in and landed. air-taxied fifty meters to a second killed by mine explosions. Distinguished Flying Cross, the Lieutenant Colonel Walter I had two wingmen who started in group of Marines and with only "My crew chief got out of Navy Commendation Ribbon and R. Ledbetter Jr., received the and I waved both of them off. I his main mount touching an area the airplane six different times 26 Air Medals. nation's second highest combat figured since I was leading, that is cleared by another detonated and walked all over the field Of his newest decoration, decoration here today for heroism what I should have done." mine, carefully executed a landing picking up people," the colonel the colonel remarked: "It's a great in the Republic of South Ignoring sporadic sniper fire for a second rescue. recalled. "He's up for the Medal honor and I'm extremely proud of Vietnam. "The third time I landed, of Honor: he a private and a hell it. The whole Vietnam tour was Colonel Ledbetter, one of the guys bringing in a of a man." rewarding because of the people I commanding officer, Marine Air wounded man set off another "Out of 19 men in the field, was with, and I'm very proud of Base Squadron-24 (MABS-24), mine within 10 feet of the we got them all out of there and them." was awarded the Navy Cross by helicopter," the colonel said. "It back to the hospital in Danang," Colonel Ledbetter has Brigadier General Victor A. put a lot of shrapnel through us, said Colonel Ledbetter, "then we served as commanding officer for Armstrong, commanding general, but we waited until we got came back and finished the MABS-24 since September 1970, First Marine Brigade, during everybody aboard, then flew assault." and resides at 657 Kanaha Dr., formal ceremonies. home." In addition to his Navy Kailua, with his wife, Nancy Bell, The Navy Cross was Eleven Marines out of the Cross, Colonel Ledbetter has and their two daughters, Kathleen awarded to Colonel Ledbetter for 19 were wounded, most of them received his accumulated two and Melissa, who attended the his extraordinary herosim in with severe leg injuries. Four were years of Vietnam action, the award ceremonies. perilous helicopter operations Jan. 31, 1970. He rescued three groups of Marines stranded in a minefield 11 ww al is/ AA swept by enemy fire. Nir EMINT711-7 The colonel's heroic action came while he served as commanding officer of Marine ice., .-, ,-.:., --... Medium Helicopter LtCol. Ledbetter 1I11111lIAll Squadron-263, Marine Aircraft Group-16, First Marine Aircraft from a tree line, Colonel 20 No. 8 Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii March 5. 1971 Wing, in the Republic of Vietnam. Ledbetter cautiously maneuvered While flight leader on a his helicopter to small craters three-helicopter heliborne assault created by previous mine mission in Quang Nam Province, ex plosions. Colonel Ledbetter received an "At the point I was going to Rescuer of trapped pilot urgent request to assist elements land first, one of the guys moved of a platoon which had entered a and stepped on a mine. I had to minefield during an attack on wave off and come back around. enemy positions. Then I landed right where he had ets Navy-Marine Medal "There were 19 of them been," the Colonel continued. trapped in there," stated the Ledbetter then Colonel By LCpI. Dave Burls Group-24 award ceremony. toward the cliff, his eyes widened A Marine sergeant who On the night of Oct. 15, and he said, "I thought it was all rescued a helpless pilot trapped in 1970, Sergeant Guire was in the over." the cockpit of an F-4.1 Phantom rear cockpit of an F-4J Phantom The jet landed with the nose North Beach area jet has been awarded the Navy jet undergoing ground taxi tests section partially submerged in the and Marine Corps Medal. when the aircraft went out of Sergeant Douglas L. Guire, control and rolled off a rocky Marine Fighter Attack 30-foot embankment into the surf opened to surfers Squadron-235, will receive the at Kaneohe Bay. highest peace-time medal here When asked what his A portion of North Beach is sponsor no more than two today during a Marine Aircraft thoughts were as the plane rolled now open exclusively for surfing-qualified guests at any surfing--under certain time. The sponsor must remain circumstances. with his guests during their visit Committ ee set Only Kaneohe Surf Club and is responsible for their members who possess Class A actions. surfing permits and their guests Each club member and/or can use North Beach. his guests must initially execute a to study noises Club membership is open to hold harmless agreement prior to any Marine, active or retired, and utilizing the surfing area (one time Where there's smoke, there's maintenance tests to hours of his dependents. basis only). Such agreements will fire. Where there's a jet airfield, operation. The following regulations be adminstered and filed by an there's a degree of noise. And, for A n Anti-Air Noise apply: executive member of the Surf the last few months noise, rather Abatement Control Committee, than smoke, has been the topic of representing a cross section of The appropriately marked Club. Sgt. Guire area is the only section of the In addition, those using the concern to a group of concerned staff sections and units, has been beach authorized for surfing. North Beach surfing area are citizens in the Kailua/Kaneohe formed and tasked with water and the front cockpit was Surfing is authorized on reminded that the only authorized area. accomplishing the massive study. virtually destroyed. The impact of the crash Saturdays, Sundays and holidays access to the beach area is through To meet the problem head Additionally, Col. W.J. had thrown the pilot forward, a.m. to 5 p.m. only. Pond Rd. gate. Parking on on, the Air Station, in White, commanding officer of the fracturing his leg and from 7:30 the trapping An Air Station lifeguard Pond Rd. and immediate adjacent conjunction with tenant Air Station, has established a him in the wreckage. organizations, has been studying series of meetings with a steering The surf, which was rapidly . must be on duty while surfing is roadways has been authorized on filling the cockpit, prevented in progress. Surfers will not enter a trial basis. ways to lessen noise factors committee from the citizens the pilot from freeing himself. the water unless the lifeguard is Club members and guests relative to all phases of air group. Sgt. At a Guire sustained numerous cuts on duty and a "hang ten" flag is (See Surfing, Page 5) operations ranging from engine meeting conducted flying from the guard's tower. Feb. 25, the concerned citizens and bruises in addition to a severe head The life guard is echoed sentiments of appreciation wound. responsible for all aspects of water ADVANCE TICKETS for initial steps taken relative to Sgt. Guire's citation read in safety, including opening and lessening aircraft noise emenating part' "...Although dazed by a closing the beach. from the Air Station. blow to his head and in intense A designated Surf Club FOR 1971 CARNIVAL (See Abatement, Page 12) (Sec Medal, Page 5) official, who must be at least 18 years old and possess a Class A As a service to those This will eliminate the need permit, must be on the beach attending the 11th Annual K-Bay to stand in line at the carnival to know while the surfing is in progress. Water Carnival, arrangements have obtain script. Did you been made to conduct an advance Each Surf Club member As all carnival proceeds ...that the Provost Marshal's ...that the Navy Relief A may script sale. support youth with a Class permit activities here, Office has completed the Society and the Red Cross youngsters will be conducting the testing and calibration of the units are planning to relocate major portion of the sale. new Radar Traffic Units. their offices from Bldg. 256 Those in charge of various They are expected to become to a wing in the Dispensary. activities involving K-Bay youth operational immediately. Bldg. 216. A definite date are requested to contact the will be announced in the near carnival treasurer, Major Frank bumper stickers for future. Ferrante at 73188 to coordinate ...that * ** details relative to the program. the 11th annual K-Bay Water art, now available. As an incentive, the Water Carnival ...that K-Bay Scout troop Carnival Committee has set aside Those desiring to obtain this 22S will hold a car wash at $25 in script for the youngster easy peel stick!! are the Special Services car wash who sells the most advance script encouraged to contact the rack on Staurday, March 20 prior to the carnival. Joint Public Affairs Office in from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The As an added convenience, Bldg. 930. The supply is Soucta will also vacuum the you may mail your request to the :limited. interiors of the cars. See picture on Page 12 for explanation of this photo. (See Tickets, Page 5) Your dental health Weieviad News in brief being presented by the The following article is one of a series K-Bay Dental Department. Windward Marine in cooperation v:itoh*the Q. "In as much as a speed Saud dada eta Noadete# that tooth decay is the most We have all heard many times limit is posted entering the estimate is that 97 percent of the Beginning Monday, the following Exchange retail stores will be common cFsease of mankind-a recent housing area, why do vehicles still it. We have also been told that closed on Mondays: Main Exchange, Household Goods Store, population suffers from tend to exceed posted speed limits do with the problem. Hardware/Garden Shop and Toyland and Sporting goods Dept. at the the eating of sweets has something to entering Harris Ave? I think a Seven-Day will be open from 9:30 a.m. more eye-catching color, Store Complex. These activities knows that keeping the teeth clean helps prevent more to All activities Nearly everyone signs within housing roads, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. other Exchange know exactly why. And since tooth decay is so and will remain open on Mondays during regular hours. decay, but they don't more stake-out patrols too many people still take it for granted. would These the slack of common, greatly decrease the screeching activities are closing on Mondays due to is that the individual can do much to prevent decay in of The truth brakes and tires in front business caused by the reduction of troop strength. teeth and those of his children. An explanation of why decay of my his own quarters. Could speed bumps will suggest what can be done to prevent it. be develops installed before the emergency Sfteed edatede dekdated Literally billions of bacteria and other microorganisms live in each vehicle (ambulance) has to be individual's mouth. Some types of bacteria commonly found in the called for an actual victim. Please to produce a sticky substance that don't give a patented The annual Speech Contest of the Mokapu Toastmistress Club mouth use sugars from our food answer Many bacteria-as well as dead cells, particles regarding speed bumps, will be held Monday at 7 p.m. at the Skillet Restaurant in Kailua. forms a film on the teeth. just put the saliva-become trapped in the film. them in entering Contestants are Carol O'Grady, Ann Pescaia, Elaine Muller and Adah of food, and substances from and exit roads." teeth is called bacterial plaque (or dental GySgt. W.J. Weltzien. The winner will compete in the State contest and the winner This sticky deposit on the Hughes will represent Hawaii at the International Toastmistress Club plaque). A. "Speed bumps, although convention in Pheonix, Arizona. The public is invited to attend. Please in the plaque digest sucrose (ordinary When bacteria table sugar) effective in certain areas contact Elaine Muller at 235-2086 for reservations. they form acid. Acid may also be where and other carbohydrates, formed by high concentrations of pedestrians bacteria in the pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces trapped of the and vehicles exist, such teeth. Decay starts when the acid acts on the tooth enamel. as in The enamel shopping centers, has certain Q is the hard, white outside layer of the tooth. The acid dissolves gaaelicewted citelebteo frtoram. out the disadvantages. First of all, roads calcium and phosphates that give the enamel its hardness. This causes are built for vehicles to gain access no pain, and it may be difficult for even a dentist to see what has The Joint Services Recreation Association for Handicapped happened without an X-ray examination. to adjoining properties and are Children is planning a recreational program that will meet every not to be shared as a playground. Saturday morning. There is also a planned summer program that will be Beneath the enamel is the dentin, which forms the bulk of the Secondly, if bumps are installed held each weekday morning. The times for these Saturday morning tooth. The dentin is also attacked by the acid produced by bacteria; on one street, residents on other activities are 9 a.m. to noon now through May 22. Field trips may take and if treatment is not given, the decay may expose the dental pulp at streets within the same housing a little more time. It is requested that handicapped children (physical, the center of the tooth. The pulp, which consists of soft tissue, blood area and in other housing areas mental retardation or emotional) be at least six years old before vessels, and nerves, is likely to become infected, causing a toothache. In also, will be asking for humps applying. This program is held at Hickam AFB Youth Center. For more many cases, the infection passes into the tissues immediately outside whether justified or not. We have info concerning these classes, contact Jim McCarthy at 941-4390. the tooth, and a painful "abscess" develops. Often, the tooth must be received numerous requests for extracted. speed bumps, but have not installed any on housing streets. evreuttied ela to meet If bacteria use sugar to produce the acid that causes tooth decay, Installing bumps in housing areas it should be possible to reduce or prevent decay by (1) reducing the could be very hazardous to number of bacteria or (2) reducing emergency vehicles, such as The K-Bay Ceramics Club will hold its first meeting Tuesday at the amount of sugar that provides the food for the bacteria. ambulances and fire trucks. 1:30 p.m. at the Hobby Shop. The club will teach techniques of Still another way is to make the teeth strong and able to resist Therefore, bumps are not ceramics in two-hour classes every week. Each class is a complete the acid. These ideas will be discussed in the next three articles in the series. recommended.- are $1 each, and you pay only for the classes you lesson. The classes N. A ralcaki attend. The first class will be basic staining. Materials needed are bisque. (Next article: Prevention Public Works Engineer stain, paint brushes and soft rags. The club is open to anyone with of Tooth Decay -- Removing Bacterial Plaque) Hobby Shop privileges. The classes will be taught by Marlene Wilson, and will be held every Tuesday at 1130 p.m. For more info, call Virginia Spady at 254-1272. Bicycle Safety Reminders

Whether it is school time or Steer bicycle with both If bicycling at night, be sure hints on income taxi is operating (Helpful vacation time, it is always a good hands except when making hand your white headlamp that you have a red idea to ride a bicycle safely. signals. Do not hitch onto any properly and In addition to income from wages and salary. many taxpayers rear of Listed below are some of the moving vehicles. lamp or reflector on the have income from deposits in banks or dividends from stocks. All of safety rules to follow aboard the the bicycle, (both have to be this income must be reported when filing your income tax returns. Station. Remember, by following Always give the following visible at 200 feet). In the majority of cases, a banking institution, such as a Savings the rules you can help prevent proper hand signals for turns and Fund Society, or Savings and Loan Association, will send out at the end brakes on a bicycle yourself from getting into an stops well in advance. These The of the year a statement of the on a given to enable amount of interest paid accident. include the left arm extended out must be good enough account. This form is for the taxpayer's information only and should rider to make the braked straight from the shoulder for a the not be attached to the return. Federal Credit Unions talk about their Try to keep from riding on wheels skid on dry, level, clean amounts in terms of shares left turn; the left arm extended, and dividends, but for the purposes of Mokapu and Lawrence Roads and bent straight up from the pavement. reporting income, these amounts are considered interest income. If a during heavy traffic which is from elbow for a right turn and the left taxpayer has interest income in excess of he fill in books and packages in $100, must Schedule 7- 7:30 a.m. and 4 - 4:30 p.m. arm extended and bent straight Place B and attach it to his Form 1040, even though it may be from only one a basket or saddle bags. Do not down from the elbow for a unless bicycle is source. Go with the traffic riding as stopping signal. carry passengers, Many Marines hold U.S. Savings Bonds which accrue interest. The near to the right side of the road designed and equipped otherwise. taxpayer has two alternatives in reporting this income. He can either as possible. Do not ride a bicycle Before making a left turn, report it yearly based on the schedule found on the back of the bond, on congested sidewalks. signal and then look back to be 72 military or he may wait until he cashed the bond. The latter method is the most sure that a car is far enough away There are convenient and therefore used by most taxpayers whose bondholdings Ride single file and not to make a safe turn, (this occupational specialties are not large. alongside of another bicyclist. especially applies to bicyclists encompassing 24 occupational for Dividends are income which result from payments made by coming from Capehart Housing on fields which are suitable Keep good control of your Woman Marine corporations in which the taxpayer owns stock. Ordinary dividends bicycle. Lawrence Road and turning left assignment to are Pedal along at a steady from admin merely the distribution of profits which a corporation has into the Little League Ball Park.) officers, ranging earned in the pace and do not weave in and out officer operations course of a given time period. Most corporations will send of traffic. to airfield its Walk bicycles across busy officer. stockholders a statement of how much they were paid during the year. intersections. If a taxpayer received over $100 in dividends income during the year, he must complete Schedule B and attach it to his return. VA Pamphlets Each taxpayer may exclude the first $100 of dividends received from taxable domestic corporations so, for example, if a taxpayer received $75 in dividends from American Telephone and Telegraph, he Available would put this total on line 13a of Form 1040 and $100 on line 13b. This would result in the taxpayer having no income from dividends Free pamphlets on veterans' government life insurance pro- because the exclusion exceeds the amount received, so line I3c would CG,IST MARINE BRIGADE BGEN. V.A. ARMSTRONG read grams are available at Veterans CO, M('AS, W.J. WHITE. "0." Administration offices. KANEOHE BAY COL. It is possible for a corporation to distribute other JOINT.PUBLIC AFFAIRS Oi'FICF R CAPT. M.H. HANDELSMAN than ordinary Each pamphlet contains a sec- EDITOR PRESSON III income as dividends, but generally they will tion SGT. B. break down the amount on general information SPORTS EDITOR LCPL. R. BROM paid into the proper categories such as capital gains distribution, return about National Service Life In- of capital or ordinary dividends. This type of split up frequently occurs surance policies. Other sections THE WINDWARD MARINE IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY AND FOR cover designation of beneficiar- THE PIRSONNEL OF MCAS, KANEOHE. IT IS PRINTED BY THE with mutual funds when their income is based not only on dividends on the stock total disability income provi WINDWARD PUBLISHING CO., INC., KAILUA, HAWAII AND PUBLISHED paid they hold, but also on income from gains in selling WITH NON-APPROPRIATED FUNDS. THE WINDWARD MARINE sions. AND the stock. The latter must be reported on Schedule D and attached to CONFORMS WITH THE PROVISIONS OF MCO PS600.31. VIEWS The VA stressed these pam- THE MARINE Form 1040 when filing. phlets contain only general in- OPINIONS EXPRESSED ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF It is important to remember CORPS. THE WINDWARD MARINE, A MEMBER OF THE ARMED SERVICE!: that when filing a joint return, each formation, and that specific in- PURPOSES has his own formation NEWS BUREAU IS PROMULGATED FOR INFORMATIONAL taxpayer $100 exclusion so that if a husband has all of the about individual pol- ONLY AND IS IN NO WAY DIRECTIVE IN NATURE. NO PAID icies should be 'requested from AND stock in his name, only $100 of the dividends may be excluded, not ADVERTISING MAY BE ACCEPTED. THE PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE $200. the VA Center where the vet- STAFF OF THE WINDWARD MARINE ARE LOCATED IN BLDG. 930. ALL eran's insurance records are AND MUST BE If you have any problems in these areas, COPY SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION WILL BE SCREENED make an appointment to kept (or personal affairs of- SUBMITTED BY NOON ON TUESDAY. CALL 7-2141, 7-2142 or 72431, FOR yre a Legal Assistance Officer at the Joint Law Center. fice). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 3 HOE releases civilian comments about CMC's decision to keep Corps the same

"The Marine Corps of the Chapman's determination to hold A syndicated fighting their nation's battles from belief in, and slavish devotion to, 1970's will be leaner, tougher, the hairline may even open columnist in writing of changes in the halls of Montezuma to the tradition. Marines, usually the more ready, more disciplined and opportunities for a controlled other services said: shores of Tripoli are going to keep first into the tight, tough battles, more professional." experiment - a comparison of "The Marine Corps is a their `mickey mouse' in spite of must be tough without the grace These words are taken from different interpretations of holdout. It is still operating on the recent action by the Army and period of training. In the a recent communication to field discipline on military archaic idea that an army is Navy. fast-moving type of assault commanders by General Leonard effectiveness. supposed to be trained to fight. "G eneral Leonard F. combat in which they believe, F. Chapman, Jr., Commandant of "Whatever such a study "However, with war being Chapman, Jr., commandant says, immediate and unquestioning the Marine Corps. might prove, it is an act of faith eliminated it probably won't `The Corps is going to be leaner, obedience to orders is the key not This statement, and another for the Marines to be so matter if our military is soft. tougher, more ready, more only to success but to survival. So that the Marine Corps would not unconventional as to adhere - Probably. And then, again..." disciplined and more professional have toughness, appearance, relax existing standards, have Semper Fidelis - to old The Marine family has not than ever before.' General reputation and performance, come in for considerable conventions at a time when all the been silent. A retired reserve Chapman we love you." rather than beer in the barracks comment in the civilian rest of us are conforming to the officer wrote: A Virginia daily wrote and long hair on the neck, been community, both in newspapers new non-conformities." "In this age of mediocrity, editorially: the key to Marine morale, and a and personal letters to the A Pennsylvania radio station the Marines will hang tough. You "...We rejoice, therefore, in pride which has given a special Commandant. aired an editorial which said in can't send people to dancing the news that the Marine Corps Marine flavor to the term esprit de The mayor of a large part: school and make lion tamers out stands today in no immediate corps. mid-South city wrote: "At the risk of alienating of them." danger of being abolished, "The Marines, in brief, are "...Of course, you are those of several generations who A former corporal, released emasculated, or transformed into betting that a man's confidence in right, and of course the example do not agree with the Spartan from active duty in 1966 and now a play-school for boys in uniform. himself, and pride in his uniform, for the rest of us to emulate routine of the Marines, we prefer a deputy sheriff in Minnesota, To the contrary, its essential his ability and his outfit, in brief through our respected Marine to stand up and be counted as one wrote: character is to be sustained, its the challenge of the Marines, will Corps is simply great. who applauds the statement of "...I would like to thank historic mission pursued with even be more attractive to the young "Please know that at a time their commandant, General you for your stand on keeping the greater vigor than ever. man of tomorrow than the lures when there are so many examples Leonard F. Chapman, Jr." Corps the way it is and should "...In short, the Corps is the other services are planning to of what's wrong, your decision An Arizona columnist in an always remain. still going to be the Corps - and a dangle before him. It will be a and that of the Marine Corps is a article headed "Armed Forces "Although at times I had Marine is still going to be a contest worth watching, an beacon light to everyone." Going 'Mod' " said: my complaints, and I'm sure that Marine. indication of the kind of defense Editorially, the New York "But don't bother to look boot camp is the one thing that's "Yes, we rejoice greatly." force we will have, and of the Times said: for the easy life in the Marines. the closest to hell on earth, I A Boston daily under an temper of tomorrow's youth." "...The Corps with just General Leonard F. Chapman, Jr., wouldn't trade what I learned editorial headline, "The Marines What about the youth of over 200,000 men, is small Marine Corps Commandant, is then or the hardships I went Hold the Line," said: our country? A University of enough to hope to get a full having no part of this psychodelic through to earn the Eagle, Globe ..Right on, General! Pennsylvania sophomore wrote: complement of volunteers who jazz. and Anchor." (Chapman) The Marines have "...After completing my not only will accept the "Not for him those lengthy An upstate New York lady always been something special." formal education, I intend to traditional images but may even discourses on how 'discipline penciled "Hooray!!" across the A lengthy editorial in a enlist in the Marine Corps. I am welcome as a badge of honor what glorifies obedience at the expense bottom of an editorial from her Kentucky daily concluded with glad that I can expect to others reject as the mark of the of humanity and conscience.' If local newspaper which said: the following: encounter the same great square. Perhaps General anything he'd like to tighten up." "The Marines have been "This is more than narrow organization that exists today. Old moral values must never be relinquished: yours will be the Tape Room now example that lasts." open at Library Uniform tapes you would enjoy taping and changes By Maccine Titus have us add to the Station Library The Tape Room is all new. Tape Collection. The location is just off the We have a catalog for you to enacted Reading Room. It is air browse through; also an Artist and conditioned and soundproof. Title Catalog Card File that you An iron-on decal with he The Library has 223 tapes may check. Marine Corps emblem and the on hand and has just purchased 28 Regulations are new too. In letters USMC has been added I, new ones to add to the collection. order to USE the Tape Room you the men's clothing allowance lists. We will list a few of the tapes at have to have an AUTHORIZA- And, if you make a mistake in the end of this article. TION procure one of applying the decal to your utility There is also a new these blue cards, the patron must shirt, you will be able to obtain a innovation: a box for you "Tape have an appointment with Bob liquid remover from the supply Buffs" to request what type of Brom, who will train them in the sergeant. These two developments use of the turntable and all are included in recent changes to recorders. the individual clothing allowances. Authorization Card hours However, don't be hasty in Procedures are: Sunday 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.; asking your supply people for the Tuesday and Friday; 5 p.m. to 8 new decal. Headquarters has p.m.; Saturday morning: 10 a.m. directed unit commanders to stencil and ink published to 1 p.m. continue using the After you have your method until effective supply Authorization Card you may call support for the two items can be for a two-hour Session established. Until that happens for masts appointment any day or evening CORPORAL Larry C Millender of H&HS Food Services starts a tape commanders cannot submit (the same hours as the Library is recorder in operation as Tape Room Instructor Bob Brom looks on. requisitions. Every Marine has an open). Pick up the Key, pay $1 Other changes to take effect established right to communicate fee, and you are on your own. July 1 find the men's basic cash directly and privately with his Call 73583 on-Station, off-Station CMC sets age limitations clothing maintenance allowance commander, at a proper time, call 25-73583. being reduced from $4.80 to date and place. New TAPES: (Stokowski), $4.50. Women, however, will gain Personnel desiring to avail Landmarks of a Distinguished on Staff NCO reenlistments thirty cents, going from $5.70 to themselves of the right of request Career; (Hoist,) The Planets; $6. mast may do' so in good faith (Delaney and Bonnie and In another development, without fear'of prejudice to their Friends), To Bonnie from The Commandant of the met. In addition, the personnel discharged with three interests. Delaney; (Roger Miller), Themes Marine Corps has established the reenlistment/ext.nsion will not years or less active duty will be A request mast form is from Great Movies; (Engelbert policy concerning Staff NCO normally be approved for a period required to turn in the overcoat obtainable through the person's Humperdink), Winter World of active service beyond age 55. which will exceed the year in issued under the clothing section or organization. Love; (Frank Sinatra), Greatest Effective Monday, the which age 55 is reached. monetary allowance system, The individual must go Hits; (Dionne Warwick), Very following prerequisites must be In cases where a Staff NCO unless the coat is required for through the proper channels in Dionne; (Andre Kostelanetz and satisfied by all applicants has not or will not become eligible travel because of seasonal their chain of command prior to His Orchestra), Today's Greatest requesting continued active for transfer to the Fleet Marine conditions. speaking with their commanding Movie Hits; (Hank Williams), service. Corps Reserve prior to attaining Full information on the officer. Greatest Hits; (Stephen Stills), First of all, the basic age 55, requests for continued changes is contained in Marine If the individual feels as Love the One You're With; and reenlistment requirements set active service will be submitted to Corps Bulletin 10120 of Feb. 4. (See Request, Page 5) (Don Ho), Instant Happy. forth in MCO P1040.28 must be CMC (Code DHB). 1971. K-Bay Salutes 1 9100t K-Bay Ed064.4 Spotlight b By Maccine Titus

"FUTURE SHOCK" by The following statement was made by W.G. Cleveland to Col. W.J. Alvin Toffler is cogent. . .brilli- White, Station commander, on Feb. 26, Mr. Cleveland is the senior ant. . .'where it's at.' I hope vase resident agent of the Naval Investigative Service. numbers of patrons will read "During the past eight months this office has frequently Toffler's book. requested assistance from the military police. On each occasion the "Future Shock" is one of response has been exemplary both from a qualitative and qunatitative the most important books standpoint. Examples of this response include difficult crime scene Cpl. J. B. Sheahan Cpl. J. A. Williams published in the United States in searches; assistance during covert surveillances; and perhaps the most LCpI. D.A. Sistek the last few years...A important although often seemingly unrewarding, the careful guarding H&S, PS B 9th Engineers Bde. magnificent job of synthesizing of a crime scene to protect vital evidence and reduction of confusion by Merit Mast Merit Promo Merit Promo the entire stream of western preventing bystanders from despoiling the scene. Many times I have culture and revealing what we are observed your police using politeness, tact and discretion to exclude up against. unnecessary personnel from-the aforementioned areas. The training and courtesy manifested by those military policemen is indicative of a good "Future Shock" offers a deal of training and supervision by your military police chief, GySgt. tremendously important warning James A. Garrison. about the threat of too rapid "I would like to take this opportunity to show my appreciation change to our r.vionality. It for the assistance rendered this office by the military police. In bubbles with pr)voca'ive ideas particular, I would like to commend GySgt. Garrison for his assistance. about where we are headed and It is extremely gratifying to know that assistance by MCAS Kaneohe why, and what ig.-Teft,Ily we can military police is always available regardless of the hour or weather. The do to achieve a soft landing in a task of the military policeman is often thankless but is of incalculable future sane wf..;;d. value." Cpl. Maj. C. W. Heinzerling D.J. Bowers In the risky business of W.G. Cleveland GySgt. O. K. Steinly MABS-24 SpecSery social and cultural criticism, there 1/3 Marine of Merit Mast Merit BSM appears an occasional book that the month manages...through some happy combination of accident and House Of The Month shape our perceptions of its times. One thinks of America in the 1950's, for example, largely in terms of David Riesman's The Lonely Crowd and John Kenneth Galbraith's Affluent Society, while Michael Harrington's The MOW other America helped focus the concern of the early 1960's. Sgt. J. L. Pierce Capt. T. J. Terrebonne SKI P. Adams 1/3 And now Alvin Toffler's H&HS Medical immensely readable yet NAM BSM, Army Comm Merit Mast disquieting study may serve the same purpose for our own MAG-24 increasingly volatile world. Promoted to his present rank was: Corporal Paul D. Burgus. Even before reading the OFFICER award goes to Capt. D. book, one is ready to Camper of 1745 Lawrence Road. H&HS acknowledge the point of the Receiving Meritorious Masts were: Aviation Storekeeper First title...that we suffer from Class Edward Adams Jr., and Sergeant Thiel K. Reinecke "future shock." The following Marines completed MCI courses: Cpl R. E. White, LCpI R. M. Strait, and LCpI W. D. Martin (Marine Noncommissioned TAPE ROOM NEWS Officer); Cpl J. W. Gordon, Cpl K. Edwards, Cpl E. Harrison, LCp1 R. The Tape Room will be D. Arrendondo, LCpI J. T. Charlillo, LCpI G. E. Martin, PFC D. E. open tomorrow! Be sure you . eauew Preiser, PFC J. J. Calder, PFC H. G. Farmer, D. W. PFC Sadowski, PFC make an appointment to procure L. G. Frye, PFC G. R. Clay, PFC E. S. Spruill, PFC R. M. Jesienouski, 65 an Authorization Card. Hours: AREA award goes to SSgt. and and PFC C. R. Cochran (Corrections). Mrs. R. Preston, who reside Evenings, Tuesday and Friday, 5 at Receiving their High School completion certificate were LCpI J. 2434-A Cochran p.m. 8 Street. W. Griffey and PFC B. A. Hammond. to p.m. Mornings, Promoted to their present rank were MSgt J. J. Elliott, GySgt J. Saturday, 10 to 1 p.m. and L. Lemoine, SSgt N. N. Goff, SSgt T. K. Reinecke, Sgt T. A. Pierce, Afternoons, Sunday, 3 p.m. to 6 and Sgt J. R. Reuber, Cpl H. E. Armstrong, !..Cpl D. E. Preiser and LCpI p.m. See other article in the paper E. S. Spruill. for listing of new tapes. The following Marines were promoted to Corporal meritoriously: New Record Albums, the R. N. Chestnutt, K. W. Clausing, J. T. Ebesu, E. A. Kontolemakis, C. W. Station Library has (6) new ones Lail, R. W. Mitchell, J. A. Nale, M. G. O'Conner, V. C. Robbins, G. B. featuring: Ray Conniff, Sloan, and N. Smiley Jr. Conductor. Most all of them hits, CAPEHART award goes to H&MS-24 such as: Jean...Honey.. It Must MGySgt.and Mrs. E.A. Johnson, who Promoted to their present rank were: Corporals J. M. Shultz, H. Be Him. ..etc... live at 2068-A Campion Drive. Caldwell, W. M. Flowers, J. A. Acosta, F. B. Buchanan, V. Craig, N. W. Hart, C. L. Hoower, J. R. South, C. K. Taketa, D. R. Riesch, C. A. Post, R. M. Ferron, M. A. Murray. S. J. Henwood. "Marine of the Month" for February was J. E. Bolden. EWC news Receiving Meritorious Masts were: D. L. King, L. G. Kobe, and B. SNCO Wives aaristy. coffee The following people were awarded the Good Conduct Medals: By Barbara McAtee GySgt. Wirkes (6th award), GySgt. Dunbar (5th award); Staff Sergeants Moore (5th award), Lacombe (5th award), Witt (5th award), Franco (5th The Enlisted Wives Club met to be held March 10 award), Henning% (5th award), Martin (4th award), Sheppard (4th at the Enlisted Club Tuesday award), Groshong (3rd award), Wilson (3rd award). Naylor (2nd morning for our regular meeting. The legends behind lava Biondillo, 254-2629 for further award), Hodge (2nd award). Receiving the first award of the Good Oui main order of business was rock figun...3 and the creation of information on these and other Conduct Medal were: Sergeants Boudreau, Anderson, Rittenhouse, the picking of committee lava rock products will be activities of the SNCO Wives Club. Kane, Green. Hornsby, Tamez, Hensel, Cross, Johnson, and'Williams; chairmen. explained by a representative The SNCO Wives' Club will Corporals Russell, Yasuoka, Torell, Carr, Gall, Taft, Steuck, Lagman, from Coco Joe's in Kaneohe at offer tickets on the DOLL McManon. S. W. Smith, J. E. Smith, Resler, Pruitt, Broadway, Turner, Following the business the SNCO Wives' Club's March 10 HOUSE raffle and advance tickets Hatch. Bruckbauer; and LCpI Bush. meeting, MSgt. Jaborson gave us a Aloha Coffee. on the Childrens' Games for their MABS-24 talk on the new decoration and Wives' Club members annual Bazaar (Arsrfilii2rathriPY,-. ---resitntinon-fm"-tnecth r'eniosqa Promoted to-trm present rahk were7SSgCSte'phen-J7Schro-ck; bringing guests, please contact and 7 Day Store area on March 15 by a tour. Corporals William R. Biaise and James B. Delaney; and Lance Corporals Coffee Chairman, Mrs. Jo through 20 from 10 a.m. until Garry M. Yunms, Steven H. Young, Thomas F. Dyer, and Kenneth L. The E'Wives Club will be McDowell at 254.2951 by noon noon and from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Hynes. working closely with the Club on Monday, March 8. The Childrens' Games Cpl. Darrel Bowers was named "Marine of the Month" for manager, in working up new ideas. The SNCO Wives' Club tickets may be used at the Bean February. Social will take place on Tuesday Bag Game, Ring Toss Game, Fish The installation of officers Completing a MCI course - Principles of Automotive Vehicles - evening, March 23, and the Tour Pond, Bowling Game, Strong Arm will be April 6. The club is still in was LCpI DIffeil T. Goodwin. on Wednesday morning, March Man and Wheel of Fortune. need of more enlisted wives to H&S Co. 1st MarBde 24. Any newly-arrived Staff NCO Pony Ride tickets will help out with our projects. The be Promoted to their present rank were: SSgt. Robert T. Lynn; and wife interested in attending, separate and available at the next meeting will be April 6. please call Corporals James 1. Mbie, and Juan P. Lopez. Mrs. Mary Beth Bazaar. 5 Give your MAG-24 observes stereo to its 29th year of a stranger By LCp1. Steve Hoffman service to Corps A simple way to donate $200 worth of stereo tape decks By LCpI. Steve_Hoffman II was the dropping of the and accessories to a stranger is to Japanese surrender order to leave the vehicle unlocked, parked Marines of Aircraft Group enemy troops in the area. in a poorly lit area and 24 celebrated their 29th Two years later MAG-24 Anniversary here, Tuesday. unattended over a period of 24 was assigned to operate from hours. Master Gunnery Sergeant 0. MCAS, Cherry Point, N.C. This Hernandez The Criminal Investigation and Lance Corporal was their home for the following "YUMMY" says Master Gunnery Sergeant Onofre Hernandez, oldest David E. Maben, the oldest and Division declared that this is the 20 years. MAG-24 Marine, as he receives a piece of MAG-24's 29th anniversary youngest Marines representing During this time, MAG-24 best way for the common thief to cake from Sergeant Major William L. Pollard. Colonel Richard E. Carey, vandalize and rob vehicles of MAG-24, sank their "choppers" was the backup force for MAG-14 MAG-24 CO, prepares another piece for the youngest Marine, (not into the first slices of the cake during the Cuban Missile Crisis. valuable equipment. shown) LCpl. David E. Maben. The main areas where these commemmorating the Group's Although they remained at Cherry achievements in Messhall No. I. Point, the tactical squadrons of incidents have occured is in the "1 with LtGen. Jones in saluting the officers and men of join March 1, the group parking lot across from the main your 29th birthday. 1942, marked the were at various times MAG-24 on the occasion of commissioning of the group. Its placed in readiness to participate Exchange and in the uninsured lot "As an integral part of the First Marine Brigade, your original mission was to fill the in any armed action necessary to located near the main gate. contributions to our readiness posture have helped make the need of dive-bombers in combat remove the Russian-Cuban threat The Hobby Shop area is a "Air-Ground Team" a reality. The officers and men of the Brigade join dangerous location due to areas. to the United States Mainland. me in wishing you continued success." In April 1968, unattention, and availability of Victor A. Armstrong Its first assigned tactical after 20 years parts to the Five-Finger Discount Brigadier General squadrons were not Marine scout at Cherry Point, MAG-24 moved bombing units, but two fighter to K-Bay where it is currently Association. CG, I st MarBde. These areas are the target squadrons. serving as the air arm of the 1st for petty theft due to poor Its last mission in World War Marine Brigade. lighting and negligent owners. Criminal investigators suggest these precautions to Medical Corps prevent re-occurring thefts: Any stereo equipment mounted to dashboards or other fixtures have serial numbers. The notes 100 years owner should copy these numbers keep them in their possession. and officers and men of the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific join me Lock your car doors and "The in the 100th anniversary of the Navy Medical Corps. discourage entrance saluting other by "During the past 100 years, men of your Corps, in peace and war, simply rolling up the windows. have dedicated themselves to caring for all members of the sea services Tapes left in a box on the and their dependents. The skilled hands of the Navy surgeon have saved floor or laying on a seat create many Marine lives as well as provide health and comfort to those great temptations. Lock them in recovering from wounds. Your compassion for the suffering has been your trunk or in the glove box. exhibited again and again in the forms of MEDCAPS carried out under It is very seldom the thief arduous conditions in far-flung villages throughout Vietnam as well as will take the chance of jimmying your courage under fire and devotion to duty for those in your care. trunk lids and doors. Especially "Coupled with the deep respect, admiration and sincere vehicle is in a well lit when the appreciation of all FMF Pac, 1 extend my personal best wishes for a area near people. happy anniversary and continued success." Auto thefts take place William K. Jones mainly inside the passenger Lieutenant General compartments. Convertibles are CG, FMF Pac prime targets unless they are in a well lit area. (cont. from Page 1) The Midnight Auto Supply needs you. Only you can keep them in, or put them out of, business. S u rfing (cont. from Page 1) are encouraged to use car pools to "the surfer will be authorized to assist in lessening traffic and go to North Beach where the Class parking congestion in and around A permit test will be the Pond Rd. area. HEALING AN ILLNESS is one thing; keeping a person well is another. administered." Pvt. Medal In relation to obtaining a HM2 H.D. Sturtenbecker issues a prescription to M.J. lrasca of Testing for a Class B permit VMFA-122, one the many responsibilities the Navy Medical managed to climb out of Class A rating, Red Newcomb, of of pain, he emphasizes ones swimming Corps. The Corps celebrates its 100th anniversary this week. his rapidly filling cockpit and to Surf Club vice president, made the capabilities and ability to survive check the forward cockpit for the following observation: "Surfers in water; the Class A test focuses (cont. from Page 3) pilot. Upon realizing that the pilot must go to The Trees area at Ft. on surfing prowess. was trapped in what remained of Hase Beach to be tested for a According to Newcomb, the forward section, he repeatedly Class B permit by an executive Special Services has surfboard kits submerged himself in the water member of the club. A Class, B in stock. until he pulled the entangled rating is required to surf at The "There's no reason for new wreckage away from the pilot's Trees area." members to worry about design, Request leg and freed him." Newcomb went on to point as club members will assist in though the problem cannot be Corps or other inspectors during Sgt. Guire, a nonswimmer, out that tests for Class B permits constructing surfboards," said handled by officers in their inspections of this command by exerting maximum effort, are conducted from 10-11 a.m. on Newcomb. "In addition," he immediate chain of command, he would be the next stop. All managed to carry the helpless weekends and 4:30 - 5 p.m. on continued, "the club offers or she is not required to discuss it requests by this means will be pilot through the water to the weekdays. surfing classes for beginners with anyone but his or her promulgated by separate rocky shore which was being "Upon attaining a Class B almost every weekend at The commanding officer. correspondence or directive. dashed by heavy surf, frequently permit," Newcomb continued, Trees." If the problem cannot be 1f Brigade personnel over his head." The newly formed club settled with the individual's couldn't solve their problems Because of Sgt. Guire's (cont. from Page 1) intends to sponsor and host commanding officer, his through the commanding general, wounds he was unable to clear the surfing competitions between commanding officer can direct the Brigadier General Victor A. rocks but was able to signal his themselves and other Hawaii person further to officers higher Armstrong, the next step would location with a pocket flashlight Tickets Surfing Association affiliated in the chain of command at his be to take their complaint to the despite the opposition from waves clubs at a later date. discretion. commanding general, FMFPac, and unconsciousness. Marines who "Treasurer, K-Bay Water For additional information The next step for personnel LtGen. Jones. were searching for the crashed Carnival," Marine Corps Air concerning the Kaneohe Surf assigned to Station is to request Calif. The same procedure for aircraft sighted the flashlight and Station, FPO San Francisco, Club, contact Ted Newcomb at mast with t he Station 96615. Script in the appropriate officer, Colonel requesting mast with the rushed to their rescue. 254-3860. commanding Inspector Guire's citation amount will be mailed William J. White. If the problem General would be Sgt. utilized the same way as with concludes. "...His courage, immediately to the address cannot be settled with Col. White, is the time for all Station personnel. actions, and selfless designated by you. Now it can be discussed with the prompt Marines to apply devotion to duty at great personal Those aboard the Air qualified enlisted Commander, Marine Corps Personnel assigned with the Station are encouraged to support a through the risk saved the life of a fellow for commission Bases, Pacific, Lieutenant General Air Station should familiarize our youngsters during the advance Commissioning Program. Marine and were in keeping with Enlisted William K. Jones. themselves with Squadron Order script sale. Avoid the hassle of 1040.9G or visit the highest traditions of the Check MCO To request mast further up 1740.3. Brigade personnel should the script lilies at the carnival and get of the United career planr,ing office. the chain of command the consult Brigade Order 1740.11 Marine Corps and yours early. States Naval Service. Inspector General of the Marine prior to requesting mast. ANTICIPATION clearly shows on the faces of Alpha Marines on their way to the island. Marines undergo Story by Cpl. Bob Burnside Molokai training Last year Jay Reed, a writer for the Milwaukee Journal, wrote of the GRUNT "HE is the Marine up front, the one who is sticking his CORPSMEN, like HN Sam Wilson, are a welcome addition to any Photos by Cpl. Bob Lewis nose in the mud each day, everyday." He is, in essence, the backbone of the Marine Corps-a basic fighter infantry operation, as this blistered Marine will testify to. trained in the art of war. He does not go into combat empty-handed, however. He is given the best possible training in the art of war from men who have been there, seasoned veterans whose very presence as instructors proved their mastery of survival. Training never ceases. Constant field trips and classes are a never-ending part of each man's life. Photographer Bob Lewis and this writer recently attended one such trip, guests of Alpha" Company, 1/3, on the island of Molokai. "The purpose of this exercise, "Captain R.E. Manuel, commanding officer of Alpha explained, "is to sharpen skills in small unit tactics, scouting and patrolling under simulated combat conditions." These are skills which may very well save lives in the near future. The training site, located seven miles from the 14-acre Base Camp, ideally simulates living conditions currently found in the Republic of Vietnam. Isolated from civilization as we know it, "Alpha" Marines pitched their shelter halves on a hill, surrounded on all sides by trees and bushes. A command post was established within the perimeter. From here, five platoons, each under the command of a second lieutenant, were sent out to establish patrol bases. These bases were then attacked by "hostile aggressors," in this case, the Weapons Platoon. Night attacks were simulated to give the Marines practical experience in fighting during the night hours. After a week of infantry training the Marines, during their off-duty time, took part in a cattle drive in the mountainous terrain of the Training Area. Cattle belonging to the nearby Molokai ranchers had strayed into the hills and successfully resisted all round-up attempts. Captain Manuel, along with Gunnery Sergeant S.B. Moyer, came up with the solution to the problem.Together with civilian cowboys they organized a skirmish OFFICERS of Alpha Company receive a briefing concerning the training area from Capt. Manuel. line, some on horseback, some on foot, at the top of the hill. Success depended on making enough noise to frighten and confuse the herd. Not accustomed to this type of warfare, the cattle were easily routed down the hill into the waiting pens. More than half of the livestock were returned to their owners as a result of this action. This marked the first time since 1965 that Marines had trained on Molokai.

111E FIRST STEP after leaving the helicopters was to unload the food supPlY-

CAPT. MANUEL leads his company during the hike. CHARLES MEYER, Project Manager for Hawaiian Home Lands, discusses proposed training plans with Capt. Manuel.

LCPL. JOHN SUTTON takes advantage of a lull in activities to catch up on some sleep.

N 1.4K144;i :"Ibr lar; HOME for the next seven days would consist of shelter halves.

Roundup nets 40 head Marines get secondary MOS as`cowhoys It was wild West time for long as three years. Captain Manuel, working some First Marine Brigade Marines The Marines, under the with Mr. Charles Meyer, Molokai Photos and Story By PFC Tom Bone training on the island of Molokai command of Captain Richard E. Project Manager for Hawaiian February 27 as they participated Manuel, treated the action as a Home Lands and Molokai in a "cattle round-up.' military problem by utilizing field cowboys, had set up the operation Marines from radios and using various platoon a few days after the Marines Company, First Battalion, Third formations in the rounding up of arrived on the island. Marines, helped Molokai cowboys the stray cattle. The sweep covered an area herd cattle out of the Molokai The success of the whole from the northern border of the a few miles highlands. plan depended to a great extent highlands to a corral About 65 head of cattle had on the cattle being frightened by south. The terrain was filled with been migrating from a common the charging Marines. The cattle ravines and heavy brush and grazing area to the highlands, would then be herded towards Captain Manuel estimates his men some of them running wild for as waiting Molokai horsemen. covered ten miles "zigging and zagging." The local cowboys were very friendly throughout the round-up according to the Marines. After the six-hour operation was completed the Molokai horsemen offered their horses to any Marines willing to ride them. Some Marines even tried their hand at wrestling the young bulls to the ground so they could be put in special sections of the corral. To the Marines utilizing their off-duty hours, it was a welcome change of pace after a week of infantry training on the island. This marked the first time since 1965 that Marines had trained on Molokai. And the cattle? No one knows how they felt after the round-up. But how would you A FIRST MARINE BRIGADE Marine and Molokai feel after being a "cowboy- hold a chased all over the steer down during the round-up in the Molokai highlyeds. country-side by a bunch Molokai ranchers. of "hell AWNS "COWBOYS" help round up stray cattle for bent for leather Marines"... ? Powerboat races scheduled 1*4-F Hawaiian for Kaneohe March 13, 14 They're small, they're light Tickets for the event can be which glides smoothly through Sportsman and they can travel up to 100 purchased at K-Bay Special the water. The tunnel design is mph. Services Bldg. 243, for S1.50. used basically for racing events sportsmen? These are just a few Personnel with military ID cards and is characterized by the air Could Hawaii be the Hereafter for would probably think so. characteristics of the popular may purchase the tickets for 75 borne front end. Most locals and quite a few newcomers trade wind pushing power boats which will be cents each day or SI for a two The combination of consistently pleasant weather, fair performing next weekend, March day ticket. Dave Packard, one of across green hillsides and valleys, abundant supplies of gamebirds, 13 and 14 in Kaneohe Bay. Hawaii's better known power boat herds of deer, sheep and goats, jungles harboring wild pigs and the vast If you've never seen a power Similar power boat races enthusiasts will be participating in Pacific Ocean's seemingly inexhaustible offerings of fish can tempt even boat race, this is an opportunity will be a highlight of the 1 1th this year's event. Some Marines the staunchest mainlander into believing Hawaii-nei is the Hereafter for you won't want to miss. The Annual K-Bay Water Caiival..-The may remember the 1969 Water sportsmen. grueling two day race will be held Hawaii Boat Racing Association Carnival when Dave's boat split in With so much of the mainland being exploited and destroyed by just off of K-Bay's Navy Pier in will conduct five special races oak half during a race The choppy man's "progress", Hawaii seems to get the nod for being a sportsmen's Sunday, 16. water caused full view of the spectators gallery. May Tbe Association' both driver and boat paradise. But wait a minute, fellow sportsmen. Have you been so awed has been The driver and boat which can a Carnival participant for to become airborne. Dave with Hawaii and so fed up with the mainland situation that you've complete the most number of laps many years. . somehow managed to escape decided to sit back and enjoy the present and forget the past? Have you injury, although his boat was snow within the four hour time limit, The majority of the boats forgotten the crisp mornings you got up to walk through hunting almost completely destroyed. (two hours each day beginning at participating in the upcoming for cottontails. Have you forgotten the day you spent freezing in a noon), will be declared the event will be `11" bottom or As a prelude to the power blind waiting for some sound or sight of the south-bound sky-darkening winner. As an added incentive, boats, a water ski demonstration expresses of migrating ducks and geese? Have you forgotten about the cash awards will be presented to tunnel designs. The "B" bottom is will be held both days beginning smell of brewing coffee, frying eggs and bacon and the opening day the top finishers. basically a family type speed boat at 11:30 a.m. anxieties as you waited for breakfast to end so you could take to the woods and get that big buck? Have you forgotten about ice-fishing when the wind sent the temperature down to immeasurable depths? Have you forgetten about walking through briars and cornfields and long flat plains looking for pheasant, grouse or partridge? I hope not, fellow sportsmen. If you've cast off the idea of ever hunting on the mainland again due to industry, pollution and overpopulation then all the Hawaii-neis in the world will never mean anything to you. Why? Because you've decided to use the present in an ungracious way and forget the past like you would a discarded friendship. Regardless of environmental change, which until recently seemed mostly for the worse, you must reconsider that you believe to be the Hereafter. The late Cory Ford of the Lower Forty and Field & Stream fame gave some insights as to what the Hereafter may be. He spoke through the "old man" in his last story, THE ROAD TO TINGHAMTOWN. Ford's "old man" thought of Hereafter as 'not being someplace else" but rather "It's someplace you've been where you want to be again." It couldn't be more simply than that. That "someplace you've been" mustn't be forgotten. Unless you let it, that "someplace" won't become a "no where." DAVE PACKARD powers his twin engine Maliwari around Kaneohe Bay. The 155 horsepower engine enables speeds up to 100 mph. Dave will be racing in the March 13 and 14 Power Boat Race by the Navy Pier. 10t Oddest 94aus amoetioet Marine boxers win six .titles Before an excellent turnout National Golden Gloves Tough, hard punching of some 1.500 fans at the Championships. Gerald Robertson scored a Honolulu International Center The Marines who captured decision over Richard Walker of (HIC), the Marine boxing team division titles were: Wallace Ford Hickam for the 132 pound title. slugged their way to six division 125 pounds; Gerald Robertson Robertson also had an earlier titles during the latest Hawaii 132; Rich Johnston 147; Charles victory as he stopped Steward State Golden Gloves competition Harris 156; Ray Wyatt 165; and Delgado of the Kalihi Youth held last Wednesday night. Will Jenkins, heavyweight. Boxing Club. Ford, a tough 125 pounder Capturing the Marine's third The Leatherneck squad, showed top notch form as he title of the night was Rich was ALL MEMBERS, active or inactive, of the Kaneohe Sport Parachute coached by Rocky Winsett, outpunched Dennis Castilliano of Johnston as he dumped Michael and Club, the annual election for club officers is approaching. Inactive named the outstanding team Waipahu for the division title. In Smith of the Army. Johnston also Gov. George order get the members should get in touch with someone in the club about the received the Li to to finals, Ford recorded an earlier TKO as he notched details. The new jumping class will begin a few weeks later than Ariyoshi award. earlier victories over eliminated Jan Fox of the Navy in David Nakasone anticipated, interest was very good so persons not in the class of Maui in the the quarterfinals. ntxt should pick up application forms for the following class. These six Marines, along quarter finals and a TKO over Continuing the Marine Alfred Ganigan the Wahiawa with the four other division of onslaught, Charles Harris TKO'd Youth Boxing Club in a semifinal champions will leave here March Baron Liles of Hickam at 1:38 of bout. 16 for Fort Worth, Texas and the the third round to gain the 156 CPLEIZ pound honors. Harris battered his A,..,1.,, Took,. I, foe with rights to the head until referee Walter Cho wisely 1. Who was the winner of the 9. Who holds the all-time record intervened. Earlier, in the 1970 PGA Golf Champion- for "most times at bat" in a quarterfinal competition, Harris ship? season? decisioned Paul Faanninu of the 2. What pitcher was lifted for Pablo Boxing Club. a pinch-hitter in the eighth 10. The term "deke" is used :n inning while pitching a no- what sport? The next Marine crown hitter this year? came in the form of Ray Wyatt as 3. Name the two professional he won a real slugfest against football teams that will play Answers Miguel Garcia of the Army for the in Ivy League stadiums this 165 pound division. In his year. quarterfinal bout Wyatt racked up 4. Saratoga, N.Y., is famous for Naps Jo pupt I aquas a TKO over Alfred Diaz of the what sport? -ap uszal s !Aanaoti aaj -01 Pablo Boxing Club. '6961 u! slsq Will Jenkins, the Marines 5. Luis Aparicio of the White lv 869 valwld 'nolY AMYL '6 Sox is a native Heavyweight competitor added of what coun- u! 11,11111 try? 061-sqnD 'uosum 3131tH '8 the sixth title to the Marines V9(1 atLI, 'L growing list by out punching 6. Who is the interim coach of .sJaiaals uSinnanm Navoa Tony Epps of Maui. the Washington Redskins? piny aatI110j '111313fIV illg '9 sianzauaA .9 In the final bout of the 7. The PGA, the Masters and .21upiu as.toH evening, Wayne Judon, of the the British and U.S. Opens tunlims pavn.rsH Army decisioned Ross Black of are considered the major golf %lour,/ uolsog GYSGT WILLIAM HUGHES accepts a card stating that he storm na tturnpals uq the Marines for the 139 pound tournaments. Which one has -Nutud s,stuamAsuuad jo Apt third fifty miles. Presenting the card is Mr. John Tullbane from the Arnold Palmer never won? -.10/qUfl title. Earlier, Black had defeated ta1313a ieNdiapviNd Station Red gross office. Hughes averages about seven to eight miles a 8. Who holds the all-time rec- 'SW week in both fresh and salt water. lie even logged a few miles in the Joe Rodrigues of Palolo in a ord for "runs batted in" in -pad o2lata uss 'Aqam Asia semifinal bout. one season? waters of the Mekong Delta. thyptaols ansa -1 9 FMFPac team All-Marine selections I finishes second Bill Squires John Tolmie in All-Marine Hawaii Marines Okinawa Marines Editors note. . .the only Chuck finished second in scoring information the Windward Marine with 485 points for an average of received about the All Marine 21.1 points per game for 23 Basketball Tournament follows. games. Guy Hughes, from Army, We regret that individual scoring was top scorer. and facts about the games were Bill Squires ranked tenth not submitted. among all rebounders with 10.3 The FMFPac Basketball rebounds per game in 21 games. Team finished second in the All Kozak was fourth overall with Marine Tournament behind Camp 11.3 per game. Pendleton. All in all, the Hawaii The FMFPac team started Marines scored 1886 points for off the tourney with wins over the entire season or an average of Quantico 73-70 and 88-84. 82 points per game. Moving on into the action, the Individual scorers averages team was dumped by Camp were well balanced with four Chuck Kozak Pendleton by 21 points. In the HawMars in double figures. Kozak second game, Pendleton and lead with 21.1, Lee Cross had Hawaii Marines FMFPac fought back and forth 14.4, Bill Squires dumped in 12.6 and with five seconds left in the and Al Burrell with 11.6. Double game they were ahead 62-61 when figures are always nice to see but a foul was called. Pendleton made without constant effort from the two free shots as the FMFPac other members of the team there team lost 63-62. wouldn't be any wins. Following are scoring averages for the Hawaii Three Marines from the Marines; Tony Kaufman, 7.6; Jim Pacific area were selected to play Davis, 6.3; George Morris, 5.6; on the All Marine Basketball Bernard Dubose, 3.9; Mike team. The players are Chuck Sandburg, 2.8; John Keiger, 2.1; Kozak and Bill Squires from the Hal Norton, 1.4; Bob Waldman, Hawaii Marines and John Tolmie 2.5; Ron Turner, 1.2 and Zeke HawMars eliminated in from Okinawa. This is Kozak's Mercardo, 1.0. second time in two years on the Most points scored in one All Marine squad. game was tied by Bill Squires and The 1970-71 Basketball Chuck Kozak with 31 points. And season is over for all but two of the highest total points in one HASAC volleyball tourney the Hawaii Marines. The season game was 110 against Jolly Roger. started off very slowly but really Despite the fact that Station In the first game of the and unplayable. The HawMars the fine playing of Pat Cabrido picked up at the end. Overall, the personnel didn't show very much Hawaii Armed Services Athletic dropped their second game against and with set-ups by Ken HawMars produced an 11-12 interest ir: Hawaii Marines, as the Council Volleyball Tournament NavAir 15-13. The Marines were Weideneyer and defensive play by record in Armed Forces attendance at the home games will Saturday and Sunday at the ahead late in the game 13-7 but Ernie Balignaysay. Army tied the Basketball League play, enough testify, the season was enjoyable Station Gym NavAir dumped the substitutions by NavAir foiled the Marines, then went on to win, wins for fifth place. Chuck Kozak and always full of surprises and Hawaii Marines 15-5. Pat Cabrido advantage. again 15-12. In the match for the and Bill Squires, in addition to always a lot of good basketball. and Jim Taylor were strong on championship Air Force their All Marine Selection, were THANK-YOU HAWAII MARINE defense blocking spike shots near Sunday's opening match was was Army against Marines. pitted against NavAir. Air Force mentioned in AFBL action. BASKETBALL PLAYERS! the net. The shots were very low pitted Army moved ahead early in the was the victor by dumping NavAir game but a HawMar surge tied the 15-12 and 15-11. game at 10 all. Army eventually The final standings in the went on to win 15-12. In the tourney saw the Air Force on top second game against Army the followed by NavAir, Army and Wrestling team dominates Marines moved ahead early with the HawMars...... Marine team is ...... The FMFPac All-Star Hammons victory put the Marines The currently training for the Wrestlers beat the University of in the lead 14-13...... A training injury put upcoming All Marine Wrestling ..i..... Hawaii Rainbows Friday night at March Rainbows Walt Lyons out of the Tournament to be held the HIC as the Marines took 6 out Va. Local action as he forfeited the 177 22-31 in Quantico, of the 10 matches. includes daily Chris Katayama, from pound class to Jerry Campbell conditioning workouts and various matches Iwakuni, Japan, won a 6-1 from Okinawa. with Island wrestlers. decision over Norman Calera for The Rainbows also had to the forfeit another match, this time to 118 pounds title in the first The final match is slated for registered player/coach Bill Holsie. match of the evening. today against Church College, U Okinawa's Jim Cancannon U of H freshman, Paul evenings of H and the University of the didn't fair as well as his teammate, "Sumo" Lee, took the -.;vW as he Pacific in Oregon. The match will APTWA00^1 losing Gene most exciting match to the speedy Steve Conklin, be held at the Church College Kanashire 23 out-manuvered cLt in a pin fall seconds in the unlimited Gymnasium. into the second from Okinawa, period. Lee won the match The team will leave the Hawaii Marine Fred Reeves weight class. (530 in a 3-0 decision closing the Island tomorrow bound for won a 3.1 decision over Bill Quantico. FF6INNING I MAeca Beechin the 134 pound category. evenings 1-tion. The Bows captured the next 111111. two matches, 142 and 150 pound events, 5-0 and 3-0. The 5-0 decision was due to a forfeit by t4WAilti.K1 AAARtt* Dennis Larkin to John Geyer. INT*SPRiiia University of Hawaii's Rick Lum won a 6-2 decision over Okinawa Marine Dan Lemonier for the 3-0 victory. Lum's win game the Bows DAM. a 13-6 advantage. wV A double armed bar pin won -E1561:( F1 VLF the sixth match of the evening for K.ANoofig :.: FMFPac's Jerry Bond. The Okinawa Marine stuck John Geier fifty seconds into the second TCR zsir Pi 64 1 :::: Well-tbiz period. MARINE JERRY BOND tussels his University of Hamill Tom Hammons, a Hawaii OKINAWA .i.i; INTVIZMAT10,1k1 v4-433 locking on a VI 39-433 Marine from Smith, won a opponent, John Floyd, to the mat just prior to Camp to the 3-2 decision over the Bows John double-arm-bar that won him the match, adding five more points aA11 39-434 Floyd in the 167 pound division. FMFPac All-Star Wrestling Team's lead. 212 second as H &MS drops two IL o n g &Shorn VMFA-212 moved into KANEOHE MARINE WIVES GOLF second place in the Southern Conference with a strong win over Ace Day for February was played Feb. 25. Jo Butz took the PSB and two losses by H&MS-24. honors with a 101-32-69. Second low net went to Melba Russell who VMFA-212 now sports a 9-1 carded an 87-15-72. Jean Wallace shot an 85 for low gross, while Dottie record. H&MS was dumped by 1st Frey had low putts with 32. ANGLICO also. This was a very bad weiek for H&MS, they went FMFPac REGIONAL VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT into the action with a 7-0 mark. In other action, Dispensary A lot of volleyball action is coming to K-Bay this week with the remained undefeated by dumping; top Marine teams from Japan, Okinawa and Hawaii competing in the PSB. PSB. had the same type of Station Gym for the top Marine volleyball honors in the Pacific. Action luck H&MS had as they dropped' begins on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night at 6 p.m. for the first two. VMFA-235's win over H&MS game and 7:30 p.m. for the second game. Be sure to come out and put pressure on the Northern watch the action and of course the admission is absolutely free. Conference leaders. 235 is only one game away from second place K-BAY STABLES behind PSB. 1st Radio is back in the On March 13 tt. Stables will be holding a moonlight ride starting action this week after a brief at 6 p.m. and running until 8:30 "vacation." p.m. Cost of the affair will be $3 per person. After the ride a hot dog roast will be held. In the interest of safety children will CHARLIE FARRELL drives on Whitehurst Monday night. Farrell not be permitted on the ride. There is a limited amount of horses so scored 13 points and helped move VMFA-235 to 79-63 victory sign in at the Stables Tuesdays through Sunday. a over No phone reservation PSB. will be taken. H &MS vs Station Ops victors with 24 points. Kaylor and Childs scored 12 and 11 ALI-FRASIER FIGHT TICKETS AVAILABLE Operations lost the lead respectively. Yetton with 10 and with three minutes and ending up Sawchuck with 12 were top soon and tickets are available for dropping the game to H&MS by The big fight is happening scorers for MABS. are $10, $ 12.50, $15, S17.50 three points 60-57. Top game closed-circuit viewing at the HIC. Prices VMFA-212 vs PSB and all scoring honors went to Baker with and $20 at Special Services on a first come first serve basis 212 got it all together as 20, and Barefleld had 14 for Ops. tickets will be sold in advance. they smashed PSB 79-63. The win Meier and Mainland had 15 and 13 for the winners. put 212 in solid second place NRA CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR NEEDED position in the Southern for 212 Conference. Top scorers NRA instructors are needed to supervise classroom and range 1/3 vs Disbursing were Magoon with 23, Hoytwith work. The work will only occupy a few hours of your time each week. Spruell led 1/3, with his 37 19 and Lewis and Ferrell had 14 For more information please call Capt. Lunt at 73503 or 72725. points, over Disbursing 93-60. and 13 respectively. Silcox and Bradley and Holm helped the 1/3 Whitehurst had 29 and 12 win with 14 and 10 points respectively for PSB. PSB's biggest SCUBA CLASSES BEGINNING TUESDAY respectively. Johnson was top mistake was their visit they paid man for Disbo's with 22. Fletcher to the IM teams in MAG. Special Services is sponsoring SCUBA classes at the Station Pool and Lucas each has 12 points. 11*.S.1341m-e-i/tstrai-smg -ru&oayf'clast:-nmes-ltInt -1,e 5i .5-i 8 0 Disbursing was caught week. All you need to bring is a mask, fins, snorkel and gloves. The MACS-2 vs MABS-24 sleeping by Bde as they lost course will furnish manuals, scuba tanks, regulators, weight belts and MACS-2 advanced their 54-45. Sester (12), Harding (13) life vests. A $20 payment for the course is payable at the first session. season to 6-3 by defeating and Myrdal with 16 were high MABS 66-59. Gripp and Wood point men for Bde. Johnson and scored 23 and 21 points Fletcher had 19 and 12 K-BAY YOUTH GOLF TOURNAMENT respectively. Weimman was the respectively. Disbursing couldn't TWO POINTS by PSB's Zieman. winners top rebounder. Kershaw hit lay-ups Monday night. The annual K-Bay Youth Golf Tournament will be held March 19, The hook shot was right on target. and Lodge scored 14 and 11 20 and 21. Entry blanks may be picked up at the Golf Course. An respectively for MABS. VMFA-235 vs H&MS-24 award ceremony and heavy pupus will be on hand along with a no host VMFA-235 won their ANGLICO vs H&MS-24 cocktails after the final day of golf. Dispensary vs MABS -24 biggest game of the season by 1st ANGLICO had a good dumping H&MS 67-51. H&MS fell MABS had to come back to second half. full of presses and apai t as Knutsen and Mulder the IM action following the loss to IM VOLLEYBALL PROGRAM top notch shooting. as they gave scored 23 and 17 points. 235 is MACS-2. MABS was dropped by .-18cMS their first loss of the now in strong position in the Jessee Entry blanks are now available for the upcoming 1M Volleyball season by three points 68-65. Dispensary 67-56. lead the Northern Conference only one ANGLICO was down as much as season. Entries must be submitted no later than March 19. For more game behind second place PSB. information please call Special Services at 73135 or drop by Bldg. 243. :9 points in the first half and Meier was the high scorer for 'ent into the locker room at the H&MS with 22. ill behind 38-28. Leading the rr.GLICO charge was McCall LEAGUE STANDINGS CHARTER FISHING BOATS :th 23 points and 11 rebounds. (As of March 21 ' ern followed with 22 points and NORTHERN CONFERENCE Special Services is offering charter fishing boats for parties of six )sunders scored 14 with nine W L PF PA everyday. The boat will leave Kewalo Basin at 7 a.m. and return, -.-bounds. Eades was the top hopefully full of Mahimahi or Marlin, about 3 p.m. For more .c.orer for the losers with 25 1st ANGLICO 8 2 770 710 information please call 73135. .oints for the evening. PSB 7 4 729 716 VMFA-235 7 5 847 784 K-BAY MARINA AMTRACS vs VMFA-I 22 1/3 6 3 616 550 AMTRACS won their third MACS-2 6 3 476 443 Starting this week, free lessons in small Sailboats will be given to game of the season with a 78-69 Station Ops 6 6 673 656 any trooper, singularly or in small groups, who wish to use either the victory over 122 78-69. The loss MABS-24 5 7 798 737 single hull or Catamaran Boats. put 122 at the bottom of the IM Basketball standings. Top game SOUTHERN CONFERENCE LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL honors went to 122's Williams W L. PF PA with 25. Jones and Kaku scored 14 11 respectively and Tonight at 7 p.m. there will be a meeting for all interested persons and Collier Dispensary 10 0 609 491 and Magers scored 8 apiece. who would like to become umpires for the Little League games to be VMFA-212 9 1 704 657 AMTRACS was held around the Station. Everyone is invited, mothers, fathers, troops, Maldonado their H&MS-24 S 2 96 top point getter with 19. dependents just anyone who would be willing to help. Please meet at Disbursing 4 8 637 682 the Chapel Annex. Dispensary vs PSB PSB'S "WHITEY" WHITEHURST H&S Bde 3 8 536 653 AMTRACS 3 8 515 564 Dispensary smothered PSB attempts to pass as 212's Butch Magoon tries to block. 312 won 1st Radio 2 6 409 493 FINAL IM TRACK MEET 70-46. PSB has been doing well all VMFA-122 2 8 521 575 year but now that the heavy the game 79-63. The final IM Track Meet of the season will be teams are up against them, they IM BASKETBALL SCHEDULE tomorrow at the the pace. Jessee was Station Track starting at 9 a.m. Points accumulated by winners will go can't handle TEAM VISITOR the top scorer for the winners DAY TIME HOME toward the Commanders Cup Trophy. 20. Kaylor was near behind with 6 p.m. 1/3 VMFA-235 16 and Dellerk and Willis had Today with 8 :1.m. H&S Bde MACS-2 Silcox was the only 10 apiece. 6 p.m. lst ANGLICO AMTRACS figure scorer for the foul Saturday double 8 p.m. 1st Radio VMFA-122 losers. Dispensary now has ridden 8:30 p.m. 1st Radio H&MS-24 for Monday a 10-0 record season. They are Tuesday 8:30 p.m. MABS-24 Station Ops team in the the only undefeated Wednesday 8:30 p.m. I st'Radio PSB two leagues. Thursday 8:30 p.m. Station Ops VMFA-122 I)

CL ASS fic I E D

FOR SALE 1970 VW BUG, 8,500 miles, getting, 1963 HONDA 55cc, $100 or best Has new and 71 and ANTIQUE BLUE BUFFET, $15; assume Bank of Hawaii notes when I offer. tires plates marble coffee table, $20. Call leave; 15 March plus $100 cash. Call 71 registration, new safety sticker.. 254-4603 anytime. 72101 DWH, 262-4033 AWH. Call 72344 DWH, 254-3931 AWH. 1967 CAMARO 327 - white, convert; SURFER'S DELIGHT - 1963 Ford 1968 MUSTANG - 2 door HT, 6 cyl., auto trans, radio, power steering, WW Country Squire Wagon; T-Bird 390 auto trans, power steering, radio and mag wide ovals rear. Call 72750 DWH, CID engine; power steering, brakes, heater, 71 Safety Check, $1,600. Call 254-2925 AWH. front seat and rear window; automatic 254-2995 anytime. BRIGGS & STRATTON gas powered transmission, new WSW tires: air 1965 MUSTANG, 4 speed 189, 4 edger-trimmer. Works fine, $25 or best conditioner, radio and surfboard rack. barrel Hy performance, bored out to A offer. ('all 262-9950 anytime. 71 Hawaii Tags. Runs Great! $395 or 301. Runs good. Radio good, new 1962 FORD 'GALAXIE, 4 door 352 test offer. Call 261-4119 anytime. battery, new voltage regulator. Color - V-8 auto, P/S & P/B, new muffler, new 1960 FIAT 600, 71 license plates, runs Red, must sale or pick-up payments. radiator, new brakes, 2 new tires, but needs work, $75. Call 72881 DWH, Call 845-6593 DWH, 254-2581 AWH. $250. Call 72458/72141 DWH, 254-2358 AWH. LOST OR STOLEN: vicinity of North 254-2244 AWH. CANOE OAR $1.50; 2 lounge chairs, Beach, 3 surfboards. 6'8" Surfline, red STEREO Garrard 50 Mk II Automatic 50 cents & $2 - both need binding; with blue desk patch wired skeg. 6'10" Turntable, Knight Model 333 boy's bite, $5: assorted pieces of Blue Cheer, avocado green w/black and AM/I'M/MX Stereo receiver, two (2) plywood, 15 - 75 cents each: picture white skeg. 7'2" Surfline, blue w/black Knight 3-Way Speakers. Components purilcs, 15 - 50 cents each; small pool skeg_ Reward for return or for housed in beautiful walnut cabinet table, $4.50: games, 35 cents each. ('all information leading to recovery. Call w/ample storage space, $300. Call 257-2405 anytime. 254-2048 anytime. 239-8509 anytime, DWII 72145. 71 FIREBIRD ESPRIT 350, AKC REG MALTESE puppies, 5 63 BUICK Special V-6, needs work, automatic, air, radio, power steering weeks old, 1 female, 2 males, your $125. Call 72172 DWH, 261-4707 and windows, $800 below cost. ('all choke $225. ('all 254-2048 anytime. AWH. 72388 DWI!, 235-3869 AWH. 1957 YOLKS BUG, good running condition, $400 or hest offer. Call 254-2048 anytime. 58MGA ROADSTER, good top tonneau, sidecurtins, radio, engine & transmission overhauled last year. Recent safety check. New brakes, 1971 eite Movies license plates. Must sell, best offer. ('all 257-2161 l'xt 138 DWH, 261-3151 kyr aretoft441 call 72000 AWH. 1968 TOYOTA 2 door station wagon, Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu standard transmission, radio, WSW tires, 1971 licence, must sell, best offer over wholesale blue book. ('all Theater No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 257-2161 Ext 138 DWII, 261-3151 Theater No. 2 1 2 CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE AWH. SHOWTIME Fri-Wed 1915 SAT MATINEE - MAR 6, 2 p.m. - 69 R1D(;ESTONE 175 cc SHOWTIME Thursday Only 2015 DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM motorcycle, good condition, runs very least well, $250; 4 aquariums complete with "YOU WON'T SEE ME ANYMORE," says Windy's miss; at (For Convenience of Field Day) THE GRAVE - Christopher Lee, see at Theater No. 2 anymore. Since the theater pumps, filters and fish. ('all 72172 It you won't her Rupert Davis, (G), 92 min. 156 Mill, 254-3974 anytime. has been losing money since it opened, it will close Sunday and 1. THE WORLD OF ABBOTT & TYPIST - Special Services is looking will remain closed until further notice. COSTELLO - Bud Abbott, Lou for a typist of notable quality and Costello, (G), comedy, 91 min. speed to fill a temporary position in Club the wa:-ehousc office of Building 130. Staff - Scott 2. IN COLD BLOOD Apply at Bldg 243 with Mrs. T.R. Wilson, Robert Blake, (R) drama, Christiansen. 134 min. Degree program 3. COLOSSUS, THE FORBIN PORTABLE TV B&W RCA, $40. Call Schedule 72691 DWII, 254-2653 AWH. Regular Happy Hour PROJECT - Eric Braeden, (GP), 1967 MUSTANG HARDTOP. V-8, TONIGHT: min. today from 4 to 6 p.m. Our dining Science fiction, 100 select shift cruise-o-matic transmission, 4. ZIG ZAG - George Kennedy, power steering, radio, w/air. Excellent room is open this evening from Eli Wallach, (GP), drama, 104 condition w/many parts new. Price applicants 5:30 to 10 p.m. Our musical includes 1971 needs $1,700 Auto Lk. Call nun. entertainers tonight are the 73165 DWI1, 247-6784 AWH. 5. - (G), A desirable goal for all obtain degrees in a maximum "GENERATION GAP." They will AFRICAN SAFARI FIBERGLASS KAYAK, $75. Call 97 min. 455-991 I DWH, 254 Marine Corps officers is at least a period of 21 months. provide great music for four big documentary, -4507 AWII. college degree. Many officers have Regular and Reserve officers 6. MACHINE GUN McCAIN - 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 500, V-8, 2 hours. John Cassavetes, Britt Ekland, dr hdtp, good tires, good condition, 71 been commissioned without this must agree not to tender a SATURDAY: Our club opens at ()kites, $700. can 72629 DWH. (GP), drama, 94 min. 1965 VW, qualification. A majority of these resignation or request retirement 11 and the Package Store at good condition, radio, 7. SUPPOSE. THEY GAVE A heater. 261-2148 officers are voluntarily continuing while participating in the College 11:30. This evening plan on $600. Call anytime. WAR & NOBODY CAME - Brian their formal academic education Degree Program. Officers must coming to the Staff Club for Keith, (GP), comedy, 118 min. 1961 BUICK SPEGAL, V-8 auto during off-duty hours. further agree to remain on active dinner, we have many appetizing trans, new tires, ex cond, best offer. & PENDULUid - George Peppard, Recognizing the benefits to duty, after completion of degree items for our menu - something Call 254-2855 anytime. Jean Seberg, (GP), drama, 106 b. gained from college training for requirements, for a period of for everyone. For a repeat BABYSITTER - mother will do career officer three years or, if the enrollment is min. babysitting, my home, prefer children both the individual performance we have the one year or older. Call 254-2264 and the Marine Corps, the longer than one calendar year, for "SPINDRIFTS" tonight. anytime. Commandant of the Marine Corps a period four years. SUNDAY: Brunch is served from WILL PERFORM TYPING/CLERI- CAL services in my home. Accurate will continue to give maximum Further, they must agree 11 1 p.m. room will to Our dining and dependable. Good Civil Service encouragement and assistance to that they will not submit a be open from 5:30 to 9 p.m. background. Call 254-3482 anytime. those officers who are continuing resignation or request voluntary MONDAY: Dining room is closed their college education through retirement during this period of today. 2 GUINEA PIGS and cage, $4 or $1.50 off-duty study. obligated service. The foregoing TUESDAY: Lunch is served each and last buyer of Guinea Pig gets TODAY cage free. ('all 254-3482 anytime. the College obligation is in addition to any 11 1 In addition, Tuesday thru Friday from to LUNCH - C. cheese sandwich, AKC COLLIE, female, 3 months old. Degree Program will continue to obligation previously incurred. p.m. We have complete daily rice, peas, raisin cookies. Top Mainland bloodlines, all shots, to attend will $200. Call 254-4671 anytime. permit qualified officers Normally, tours of duty specials always. SUPPER - Salmon cakes, yams, accredited colleges and not be interrupted to permit WEDNESDAY: Staff Wives squash, Pecan pie. GE PORTABLE RADIO/PHONO universities on a full-time basis to participation in the program. ALOHA COFFEE thin morning at SATURDAY AM/FM/MX stereo radio receiver fulfill residence requirements for a Eligible officers should submit an 9. w/two detachable speakers w/excellent BRUNCH - SUPPER - Veal cutlet, ANNOUNCEMENTS: Watch for sound quality. A good buy at $75. Call baccalaureate degree. application for emission to the potatoes, asparagus, apple pie. to 254-2910 anytime. Eligibility is limited program as outlined in MCO our flyers on the exciting coming SUNDAY Regular and Reserve officers on 1560.7D of Dec. 21, 1970. This events. Rose & Joe Maffes will be 1967 CCRVA1R - new tires, body and BRUNCH - SUPPER - Steak, motor in ex. condition, sport model, active duty in the grade of order lists all pertinent here the 12th of March, the Mushrooms, beans, spice cake. and interested AM/FM radio whew speaker, tinted warrant officer through lieutenant information, INDESCRIBABLE "LIZ MONDAY galss. Safety insp. good till Jan., '72. officers should consult this order DAMON" will perform at the club colonel who have sufficient LUNCH - Bar-B-Q Ham, broccoli, Orig. owner. Leaving on P('S orders, details. the 20th March!! will make ex. 2nd car college credits to permit them to for additional of salad bar, rice for wife or pudding. family. Book price $995, will sell for SUPPER - Pot roast, carrots, lima $850 or a reasonable offer. Call beans, Blueberry pie. 254-2910 anytime. TUESDAY NYLON RUC - 12 x 19 dark Moonshiners' blue/green, w /foam rubber perform at 0 Club LUNCH - Salisbury steak, onions, padding. Li/. cond. - ideal for station type TONIGHT: Regular Happy Hour Room are closed. The Package On March 12, 1971, green beans, chocolate chip housing. A very good buy at $200. Call from 4 to 7 p.m. with pupus at 5 Store and Accounting Office are V M A-21 2 sponsored ST. cookies. 254-2910 anytime. open until 4:30 p.m. PATRICK PARTY on the Lower SUPPER - Chicken pot pie, peas & on the Lower LANAI. "THE LOST - Tape Cassette. It has a LANAI MOONSHINERS" will he in the TUESDAY THRU FRIDAY: with Mixed Happy Hour carrots, navy beans, Chocolate recorded message - not music. Reward. TAPA from 9 p.m. to closing for Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. from 6 to 8 p.m. Steak Cookout C 'Cain pie. Call 72720 DWII, 254-1115 AWII. 1963 PONTIAC CATALINA $175, 4 your lister ;-,7 and dancing to 1 p.m. with daily specials. from 7 p.m. at the Pool side. A WEDNESDAY THURSDAY: Once again our floor show featuring RICK HOHN LUNCH - Chili Macaroni, door IIT, PB, PS, 4 new tires premium enjoyment. WSW, clear car, no rust Call 73257 SATURDAY: Candlelight Dining most popular "MEXICAN NITE: will be from 9 to closing. No cauliflower, salad bar, chewy nut DWH, 254-3108 AWH. from 7 to 9 p.m. "THE with Tacos and Enchiladas. cover charge. Reservation for bar. RAINBOWS" will be in the TAPA Dinner will be served from 6 to 8 steak cookout is highly SUPPER - Bar -B-Q spareribs, from 9 p.m. to closing. p.m. Please call and make your recommended. sauerkraut, rice, marble cake. SUNDAY: The lifeguard will be reservations early. Duplicate THURSDAY As of press time the enlisted LUNCH - Meat Loaf, on duty from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Bridge every Thursday evening at peas, dub newts was not available. The Dining Room will be serving 7:30 p.m. in the Alii Room. For HELP WANTED: Full time potatoes, Strawberry chiffon pie_ clerk Prime Rib Buffet from 6 to 8 p.m. further information, contact Mrs. accounts receivable/payroll SUPPER - Pork, Beef, okra, MONDAY: The TAPA and Dining Amey 254-2735. and also experienced bartender. brussel sprouts, ginger cookies. 12 Medal of Honor won by `mustanger' for heroism

A Marine captain who was they forced the enemy to retreat. Vietnam since October 1967. He wounded twice during intense Wounded again in the final was first assigned as a battalion combat, yet continued in assault, Capt. Fox refused medical advisor to the Vietnamese Marine command of his company and. attention, established a defense Corps. While serving in this drove the hostile forces into posture, and supervised the capacity he was awarded the retreat, was awarded the Medal of Bronze Star, Navy Commendation Honor Tuesday at the White and Purple Heart Medals. In House. November 1968, he assumed Captain Wesley L. Fox command of Company A, Ninth received the Nation's highest Marines. combat decoration from President The captain returned from Richard M. Nixon during a joint Vietnam in 1969 and is presently service ceremony. He was the serving as Company Tactics "WHAT'S A KAHUNA?" wonders Cpl. R.J. Treadway as he reads a 48th Marine to be awarded the Instiuctor, The Basic School, sticker on the door of a Marine Beechcraft. Cpl. Treadway is with the Medal of Honor for heroic action Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Va. H&MS-24 Aircraft Maintenance shop, and the Beechcraft is one of the in Vietnam. Born in Herndon, Va., he few remaining models in the Marine Corps. It is used for routine flights Captain Fox was cited for enlisted in the Marine Corps in and instrument checks. The inscription on the sticker is printed on Page conspicuous gallantry on Feb. 22, 1950. He served as an enlisted 1. 1969 while serving as man, attaining the rank of first Commanding Officer, Company sergeant, and was commissioned a A, First Battalion, Ninth Marines, second lieutenant in May 1966. Third Marine Division. His Captain Fox is married to company came under intense the former Dotti Lu Bossinger of LtGen. Davis to be enemy fire, and although Lewistown, Pa. They have three wounded, the captain (then a first Capt. Fox daughters, Dixie Lee, Amy Lu and lieutenant) continued to direct preparation of casualties for Nichole. His parents are Mr. and the activity of his company. medical evacuation. His Mrs. John W. Fox of Leesburg, Advancing through heavy courageous actions in the face of Va. Assistant CM C enemy fire, he personally grave personal danger inspired his A college education is not neutralized one enemy position men to such aggressive actions an impossible dream. The U.S. The President has nominated Lieutenant General and calmly ordered an assualt that they overcame all enemy Office of Education sponsors a Raymond G. Davis, holder of the Medal of Honor, to the against the hostile forces. He resistance and destroyed a large number of programs that can grade of general and reassignment to the position of Assistant coordinated aircraft support and hunker complex. assist you or your family in Commandant of the Marine Corps, according to a HQMC directed the fire of his men until Captain Fox had been in obtaining that degree. news release. Lieutenant General Keith B. McCutcheon, previously selected (cont. from Page 1) for the post in October, will not be able to assume the duties of Assistant Commandant due to ill health. A highly decorated veteran of service in World War II, Korea Abatement and Vietnam, General Davis is currently the Commanding A listing of nine positive personnel to maintain closer pre-take off engine performance General, Marine Corps steps taken here in recent weeks coordination of aircraft to further tests. Development and Education outlined by Col. White. insure achievement of the To increase internal Command, Quantico, Va. He has "All aviation oriented foregoing objectives. awareness of the noise abatement also served as Commanding tenant activities based at Kaneohe Another measure under problem, pilots and flight line General, in are cooperating with the Air study is the feasibility of installing personnel are being briefed on the Vietnam. He will relieve General Station in conducting various tests blast fences or similar devices need for strict compliance with along Lewis W. Walt, who retired on and experiments aimed at the taxi-way adjacent to procedures designed to reduce or Feb. I. developing feasible methods of K-Bay's main runway. Placement eliminate unnecessary aircraft such devices A native of Fitzgerald, Ga., suppressing jet aircraft noise," of should aid in noise and overflight of residential LtGen. Davis lessening noise level and a 1938 graduate of the explained Col. White. the from areas. Georgia School of Technology, is currently Deputy of He went on to cite examples General Davis earned the Medal of Education/Director, Education of areas under investigation: Honor for action as a battalion Center, Marine Corps "Possible modification of flight commander in Korea during the Development and Education patterns, scheduling of aircraft 1st Marine Division's historic fight Command. engine maintenance turnups on to break out of the Chosin General Thrash returned weekends, and relocation of the You don't have to Reservoir area. from Vietnam in July 1970, engine full power turnup site", He also holds the Navy having commanded the 1st Marine were a few areas noted which are Cross, the Distinguished Service Aircraft Wing for a year. under study. hooked on the Medal, two awards of the Silver A major undertaking is a Star, two awards of the Legion of The President has also announced comprehensive noise level test to Merit, the Bronze Star and, for that Major General be conducted by Navy Preventive stuff fork to kill you, Wallace H. Robinson, wounds suffered as a battalion Jr., has been Medicine Unit No. 6. commander on Peleliu in World nominated for appointment to the This scientific study will be you could be ludgfthe War II, the Purple Heart. grade of lieutenant general and accomplished in two phases. Phase General Davis will be reassignment to the position of I, to commence on March 10 and relieved by Major General William Director, Defense Supply Agency. first time. run through April 1, will focus on G. Thrash, who has been General Robinson is engine turnup areas. Phase nominated by the President for currently II, serving as the which will be more extensive, is promotion to the rank of Quartermaster General of the scheduled to start shortly lieutenant general. General Thrash Marine Corps. thereafter and provide a long-range, comprehensive study of noise leMs, under varied weather conditions, within 6i First Class surrounding communities. Resutls of this study will 10it Air Mail greatly assist in planning future changes pertaining to development of a comprehensive noise suppression program. Another change that has been made centers on the number of aircraft authorized in landing patterns relative to touch-and-go to landing practice. The number authorized at any one time has been reduced. This measure will asssist in reducing both noise Mail Windy Nome Today levels aria the possibility of Fold paper twice and secure (Liter edge with tape or staples. overflying populated areas, and will enable control tower