12 . (KELLY18 Electoral DiVISion. Names & Addresses of Councillors. Electoral Division. ' Names & Addresses of bounci!lors. Heighington .....•.....• Thos. Barker, Heighington, Lincoln :- Helpringham .. , ...... Frederick William Sneath, Help- East ...... James Clark, lckworth rd. Sleaford ringham, Sleaford. West.... _ ...... William Bilton Harris, 19 Westgate, Kyme ..•..•....••...... Hilton Lamyman, Anwick Fen, - Sleaford Sleafmd Stamford :- Martin ...... •.. . He11r:y Feneley, Martin, Lincoln No. 1 • . • . • • . . • .. • . ... • . John W oolston, 3 I St. Peter's street, Metheringham ...... John Henry Dean, Metheringham St.amford · Heath house, Nocton, Lincoln , 2 • • • ... • • • • • ...... Henry Thonils Daniels, Ermine Morton...... Herbert Knott, Morton, Bourne Street villas, Stamford Na.venby ... ,.h ...... James Dick Camp bell, Bleak house, , 3 ...... William Edward Martin, Rock , Lincoln house, Scotgate, Stamford Os bournby ...... •.,. Seth Ellis Dean, Threekingham, , 4 ...... John William Coulson, 12 St. Peter's Folkingham hill, Stamford · Ponton ...... Cl;larles Pickwell Simmonds, Thurlby ...... Thomas Whymeut Atkinson, M~or Colsterworth, house, Greatford, Stamford Rippingale ...... The Rev. William Wright Layng, Uffington ...... The Earl of Lindsey, Uffington, Rectory, Rippingale, Bourne Stamford Ropsley ...... James Cecil Rudkin, Sapperton, Waddington ...... William Bradshaw, Newark road, '- Folkingham Xorth Hykeham, Lincoln Ruskington ...... SamuelPattinson,Highfield,Sleaford Wellingore ...... John Sherard Reeve J. P. Skellingthorpe ...... George Eden Jarvis, Doddington house, Lincoln hall, Lincoln Wilsford ...... Richatd Montague Cole, Roxholm, Sleaford

LIST OF THE Mli:MBERS OF THE CoUNTY COUNCIL OF THE SaiD DIVISION OF THE COUNTY ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY AND THE ELECTORAL DIVISIONS FOR WHICH THEY RESPRCTIVELY SIT. Name. Electoral Division. Name. Electoral Division. Ancaster, The Earl of ...... Deeping Martin W. E ...... Stamford (No. 3) Atkinson 'f. W ...... o~ ...... Thurlby Mays G. H ...... llourne Barker T ...... • ...... Heighington Minta H. B ...... Ancaster Bingham W. B ...... Bennington Morley C. H...... Caythorpe Bradsbaw W ...... Waddington N owell T...... Bracebridge Brockleba.nk W. E ...... Parker J. H ...... Grantham (No. 5) _ Camp bell J. D ...... N avenby Pattinson S ...... Ruskington Chapman C ...... Cor by Pearson-Gregory T. S., B.A., Clark James ...... Sleaford (East) D.L., J.P ...... Barrowby Cola R. M ...... Wilsford Plumb W ...... Grantham (No. 2) Coulson J. W ...... Stamford (No. 4) Ravell W ...... , ...... Billinghay Daniels H. T ...... tltamford (No. 2) -Reeve J. S., J.P ...... Wellingore Dean J. H ...... Metheringham Rowle T ...... , ...... Grantham (No,\) Dean S. E ..• .•...... Os bournby Rudkin J. C ...... •...... Ropsley Doubleday R ...... Colsterworth Simmonds C. P ...... Ponton Feneley H ...... :Martin Smith E. A., J.P ...... Branston Godson E,.H.... - ...... ···-····· ... Sneath F. W ...... Helpringham Jiarris W, B ...... Sleaford (West) Stanton J. S ...... Grantham (No. 6) G. Skellingthorpe Jarvis :E ...... Stow Thomas ...... 6 Grantham (No. I} Jenkinson G. A. sen ...... Gonerby Thompson B. C ...... l-"' .. Grantham (No-7) Knott H...... Morton Tomlinson J ... ..• . •...... Umyrnan H...... Ky-me Turner J ...... Bytham Layng Rev. W. W ...... Rippingale Wadkin J ...... ·...... Claypole Lindsey, The Earl of ...... Uffington Woolston J ...... Stamford (No. 1) Lynn 'f ...... Grantham (No. 3)

PBINCIPA.L OFFICIALS, . Clerk {)i the Peace, Clerk of the County Couneil & Coroners. Countf .Financial Clerk, Thomas Hinman Holdich, 19 Jerm)*n street, Sl~ford Ilourne district, Augustus Charles Greenwood M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. The Mount, Corby, Grantham; County -Treasurer & Treasurer -£f the Kesteven County deputy, Cecil Walker Bell, 7 & 8 West street, Bourne Asylum, Fredk . .Arden Peacock, Lloyds Bank, Sleaford 6-rantham district, Thc-odore Norton, I St. Pmer's hill, Coutity Architect, Jesse Cla.re A.M.Inst.C.E. 51 Grantham; deputy, Charles Haldane Denny Hobbs road, Sleaford B.A.Oxon., M.l}.Lonrl., M.R.C.S.Eng. Vine house, Vine pounty Surveyor, Waiter Bishop Purser A.M.Inst.C.E. 'street, Grantham 53a, High street, Grantham Lincoln (SoutP,) district, Maurice Henry Footman, ' Medical Officer of Health & School Medical Officer, Palfrey chambers, Silver street, Lincoln; depu~y. W. Arthur Hamilton Lowe M.D., C.M.Edin., D.P.H. H. B. Brook, Lincoln R,C.P.t Grantham Sleaford di;,trict, Edward Henry Cragg "M.D.Brux. The Public Anafyst k District .Agricultural .Analyst, Charlee Old hall, Billingborough, Folkingham; deputy, Joseph Edward Cassal F.I.C. Town hall, Kensington, London Henry Pim L.R.C.P. & S.Irel. 6o Southgate, Sleaflnd W k 32 Shaftesbury avenue, London W Stamford district, Valentine George Stapleton, 3 St. Inspector u~der " The Diseases of Animals Acts " &c. Mary's place, Stamford; deputy, Maurice H. Pugh. George Brooks, 14 Loudon road, Sleaford St. Mary's place, Stamford lnspector of Weights & Measurea & under " Shops Act Veterinary Inspectors under the "Diseases of Animall! (1912)," Percy George Morgan, Handler st. Sleaford .Acts." Secretary to County Education Committee, Hudson Donaldson F.C.S. 64 London road, Gra.ntham John 1:. Holmes M.R.C.V.S. North street, Bourne; :Returning Officer, J oseph Thompson, Sleaford Thomas Andrew Rudkin M.R.C.V.S. 17 St. P.eter'l! hill, Grantham; Edward Porter Smith M.R.C.V.S. Clerk to the Visiting Committee of the Kesteven County Monk's road, Lincoln; William Kellett Townson Asylum, Thomas H. Holdich, 19 Jermyn st. Sleaford M.R.C.V.S. Church l!treet. ; A. D. Medical SuperiQ.tendent, John Alfred Ewan M.A.St.And., Lalor M.R.C.V.S. North lodge, Northgate, Sleaford; M.D.,C:M.Edin. Kt>-steven County Asylum,Quarrington Frederick Leeds Gooch F.R.C.V.S. 19 High street, S,. .Martin's, Stamford Clerk of Asyluw, \Y. Norman Highsted, Kesteven Cou~ty .Asylum, Quarrinv-ton