IÀs½-e-k-tµiw No: 243 September 2019





















































n I IÀs½ektμiw No. 243 sk]v‰w_¿ 2019 CONTENTS

Editorial 3 Prior Generals Message 7 KmÃ-W-®s‚ ]mZ-߃ F{X kpμcw 20 tPmk^v a™-fn-b-®≥ A`-b-Øns‚ Aa-c-°m-c≥ 22 Pq_nen-bpsS ]n∂m-ºpdw 29 aIs\ \n\°p th≠n 40 CMI Iraq Mission 2019 45 Multi-Faced Compact scheme for the benefit of all 49 Introductory Talk 56 tXmakv ]m≠n-∏≈n kn.-Fw.sF {InkvXp-hns‚ sshZnI c‡-km£n 63 A\p-kvarXn 69 {]f-b-`q-an-bpsS lrZ-b-Xmfw sXm´dn™v 79 Results of CMI Survey 2018 86 Historical and Thematical Evolution of the CMI Constitutions 122 CMI Psychological Association (CPA) 141 News and Views 144 Book Review 157 I¿Ω-e-bnse kuK-‘n-I-߃ 158 I¿sΩektμiw

Amorphous Fear

Liturgically, we are in the Season of Elijah-Sleeva- Moses. And it is appropriate for the season to dwell on the theme of Second Coming and Apocalypse. Amidst all anxieties about the unpredictable end of the world, ruminations on what is happening around us, in the world, and in India of today ruffle our mind to a great extent. The lines from W. B. Yeats’ poem The Second Coming (1919), written at the end of World War I, seem appropriate to the general mood: Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

September 2019; No. 243 3 I¿sΩektμiw

To add to the signs of apocalypse, there are reliable predictions from pundits of economy about an impending slump in the market which could be far-reaching. During the last recession which affected the world, somehow India escaped through the magic of some preemptive strategies adopted. What kind of strategy is being adopted now, apart from using the reserves of the reserve bank, is yet to be seen. Given the trend of how the legal system is being selectively used to suppress dissenting voices and minorities under a façade of populist propaganda, the long term hidden agenda which are going to be uncovered eventually, are not good omens either. Well-intentioned or innocent-in-appearance legislations, be it POCSO, or anti-conversion law, could be selectively applied and used as a double-edged sword, to silence or subdue the dissenting or minority voices, is becoming a practical experience. There is a rewriting happening in the political history of our country, which is very much calculated and deliberate. In an era where Mahatma Gandhi and his leadership in the struggle for independence is being shrugged off and his lynching is being glorified by some, what will emerge also will be formidable. What has been a uniting force for bringing together millions of Indians against colonialism was the ideal of unity in diversity and secularism which respected all religions, cultures and ideologies. The curse of the times is that the mantras of

4 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw unity among languages, religions, regions and cultures are being substituted with monolithic purposes and goals. In the arena of religion, faith and belief, what has been considered as sacrosanct is being questioned indiscriminately. The legitimate authority of religious leaders, which was taken for granted, is no more unquestionable to the extent of inviting chaos. The journalistic adventures of the new brood of ‘omniscient’ journalists, who vie for instant publicity and limelight, dare to burlesque religious practices, beliefs and traditions on TV-channels at prime time. Social media provides ample opportunity for the disgruntled and desperate to have their frustrations played out unabashedly. It is again what poet Yeats described in the poem mentioned above: “The best people lack all conviction, but the worst are full of passionate intensity.” The situation is similar to what poet and critic Matthew Arnold described in 19th century as Philistinism. Although no religion is an exception, due to various circumstances, was the worst affected in this concerted attack, brutal generalization and philistine onslaught. The strangeness of the times or was it some criminal conspiracy that has brought ‘religious life’ or consecrated life and its lifestyle in to a controversial media presence is yet to emerge. As such, religious life is a clear proof of human sublimation relying on divine providence, and a choice lifestyle which sustains due to the innumerable goodness it offers to the society. Under normal conditions,

September 2019; No. 243 5 I¿sΩektμiw it is a smoothening presence, rather than a threat to anyone in the society. Of course, when it challenges the authoritarian equations which promote unjust social practices, it could pose a threat; or internal corruption can also call for a reform. Or, as Shakespeare comments in Hamlet, “Diseases desperate grown by desperate appliance are relieved, or not at all,” we do not know whether it is out of desperate situation calling for some desperate relief. Having said that, religious life has no right to be desperate as it is a vocation and providence alone is its resource and power. Adversity forces it to go to the basics, and the foundation is where the strength lies for religious life to sustain. It is none other than the precious blood of Christ. It is the sign of the Kingdom of God and is one of the miracles Jesus works even in the modern world to carry on as a sacramental presence of the Incarnation of the Lord and to offer the soothening greetings from the Risen Lord, “Peace be with you!”

Fr. Sebastian Thekkedathu CMI General Councilor for Eduation and Media

6 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

A Time to Respond, Renew and Re-found

1. A Time of Renewal: “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15) CMI family is on an acceptable time to open the doors and windows of the Congregation to feel the fresh wind of the Spirit to renew and re-found our community. Pope John XXIII convoked the Second Vatican Council with a vision, “Open the windows of the Church to let in some fresh air”. Aggiornamento (updating) and Ressourcement (return to the sources) were the two important words that made the difference in and after Vatican II. The Council’s call for renewal, Aggiornamento, was focused not on external and cosmetic

September 2019; No. 243 7 I¿sΩektμiw change, but primarily on a profound inner transformation as seen in its invitation to universal call to holiness (LG). Three possible dangers connected with aggiornomento pointed out by Rev. Fr. James Alberione, founder of the Society of St. Paul and Daughter of St. Paul deserve attention: They are: (1) to want to reform everyone except ourselves; (2) to want to reform what must not be reformed; (3) to refuse to reform what must be reformed. Continuous renewal has been the life style of the Church as presented in the dictum, Ecclesia semper reformanda, the Church constantly reforms herself. The renewal and updating shall have its basis in Ressourcement: the sources of Catholic Faith, the Scripture and the Church Fathers. To bear the lasting fruits of renewal in our religious community, we shall return to the roots, the original spirit, legacy and charism of the founding fathers.

2. A Time of Grace: As Vatican II has been a genuine preparation to place the Church in the modern world with a creative response to its challenges, our General Synaxis shall be a preparation for the Year 200, CMI @2031 in order to set a roadmap for the future with a long term vision and 6 year targets. Of course, we have begun it with the

8 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw right note of CMI Constitution Retreat. It has been welcomed, participated and appreciated by almost everyone in the congregation and it has made a new beginning for our discernment and renewal. CMI Survey 2018 has given us some indications on our present life, formation and apostolate and our future aspirations. General Plenary Assembly 2019 had its focus on the General Synaxis 2020. The Lineamenta in preparation for the General Synaxis will throw light on our orientations with an open and creative approach to the challenges.

3. An Inimitable Legacy: This year we are celebrating the birth centenary of late Bishop Mar Jonas Thaliath, an illustrious son of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate. His short sojourn on this planet made unparallel momentum in the metamorphosis of CMI congregation from a local entity in Malabar to a global missionary congregation. He had the audacity to dream big, think different and make them come true. Dharmaram has been his brainchild or God’s dream revealed through him and Dharmaram made possible our present global missionary outreach. Breakthrough leaders take courage for a break with, despite the criticisms and higher risk, and throw the net

September 2019; No. 243 9 I¿sΩektμiw on the right side for a miraculous catch. He questioned the status quo and had the prophetic courage to question the Synod of Diamper. He thought of world class major study house for CMIs sufficiently away from Malabar, so that the CMIs will be ever ahead of times and can rub shoulder with anyone anywhere for the Gospel of the Lord. He defined theology as faith seeking harmony of life and dreamt of a world class Catholic University on Dharmaram campus with the integration of the Sacred and Secular disciplines. He dreamt of a truly international congregation rising above regional and monastery parochialism. He wanted CMI to be the best and envisaged the best possible education with quality exposure for young CMIs and that is why he chose Bangalore as the right location for the study house. After St. Chavara and other founding fathers, it was Mar Jonas Thaliath CMI who re-founded and nurtured the congregation to stand out in the 21st century with its global outreach. Mar Jonas is no more a name of the past but a legacy to reinvent ourselves and to be visionaries ahead of time.

4. Grace upon Grace: Amidst blessings after blessings, the General Synaxis will be held in Chavara Jubilee Year

10 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

@150 of the death anniversary of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, our beloved founder. It is again a time to return to Bethrauma to experience the spirit and legacy of the darsanaveedu. All the more, the providential intervention of the Lord demands from our side a magnificat to thank the Lord for his accompaniment in our agonies and ecstasies and a fiat to rededicate ourselves with more passion and energy. The canonization of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara in 2014 has given the congregation a new awareness of his spirituality and legacy and the need to explore more on his life and the contributions to the Church. Again it is in loving providence of the Lord that a CMI, Mar Antony Kariyil, has been appointed as the Metropolitan Vicar of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam- Angamaly. History repeats. In 1861, owing to the crisis situation caused by Roccos, St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara was appointed as the Vicar General by Msgr. Bernardine Baccinelli of St. Teresa OCD, Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly and entrusted him with the full responsibility of the Syrian Christian of Kerala. Even the first bishop of Ernakulam was Mar Louis Pazheparambil, one of the seven sorrows of the congregation, who was expelled for writing to

September 2019; No. 243 11 I¿sΩektμiw for local bishops. Yes, we are wanted and the Church counts on us. It is again a blessed time that we are again back in Iraq after 50 years to serve the Chaldean Catholic Church under the Patriarch, His Beatitude Louis Raphael I Sako. It is a matter of pride to know that, based on CMI Survey 2018, the things that our members like most in our congregation are community life, fraternity and brotherly concern, unity and team spirit, contributions in education, pastoral activity, prayer life, freedom with responsibility, love and concern for the sick brethren.

5. To Renew and Build up the Church: CMI congregation, the spiritual movement initiated by our founding fathers found its meaning in the building up and renewal of the Church (CMI Constitutions 1). Religious life involves a gift given for the Church and in the Church. (PC) The document, Perefctae Caritatis, highlighted “the great value of a life, consecrated by the profession of the counsels,” and hoped that “it may yield greater good to the Church.” The consecrated life of the relegious must not be dedicated to their own personal good alone, but to the good of the whole Church. The founders of the congregation always walked with the Church It is clear

12 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw from the articulations, sentire cum Ecclesia (Feel with the Church/Think with the Church) of St. Ignatius Loyola, and the joyful profession of faith made by St. Teresa of Avila: “I am a daughter of the Church”. According to Fr. Leopold Beccaro, one outstanding quality of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, our beloved founder, was his ardent faith in and the devotion to the Holy Catholic Church and the Holy Father. All what St. Chavara did was meant to meet one or another real, urgent need of the Church and the society. We are so much wanted in the Universal Church and the invitations from bishops in Africa and Latin America and other First World countries are the right indications. Today, as we take forward the charism of our beloved founder, we shall ask ourselves, “What role CMI as a religious congregation shall play in the Universal Church today?”

6. Synaxis – An Ecclesial Event: Even the General/ Provincial chapter of a religious congregation, therefore, is not a private affair which concerns only the members of the congregation. It is an ecclesial event which is of interest to the Christian community as a whole. The community shall take interest in it and be concerned about its orientations. For a religious congregation, the synaxis is

September 2019; No. 243 13 I¿sΩektμiw the graceful occasion to become newly aware of its links with the Church in whose mission it plays a part, and with the world to which it has been sent by Christ. “Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious” Venerable Archbishop Fulton J Sheen stated this in June 1972 while addressing the Convention of the Knights of Columbus. We might ask, what has the laity to do with the religious? The charism of a religious congregation by its very nature belongs to the Church, the whole people of God, and not just to the members of the congregation. Though it may be proper to it, it is not, however, its exclusive property. The members, of course, are its guardians; they are not its owners. The entire people of God have therefore a right and a duty to watch over this part of its patrimony, especially through the approval of the constitutions by the Church. Pope Francis the Vatican Council, does not look at lay people as if they were ‘second class’ members, at the service of the hierarchy and only executors of orders from on high,. But as disciples

14 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw of Christ who, by force of their baptism and their nature inserted ‘in the world,’ are called to animate every space, every activity, every human relation according to the spirit of the Gospel. In the initial phase of our congregation, lay people were our partners and collaborators in our foundation and mission. Are we open enough to respect and learn from the laity and lay movements to read the signs of the time and to capitalize on their strengths for the mission of the Lord like our founding fathers?

7. Time to listen, discern and re-found: The General Synaxis is an important time for discerning collegially the will of God for the religious congregation. At the time of the General Chapter, we place ourselves in a situation of listening to what the Spirit is saying to the CMI family today as well as through the experience of the members, the signs of the times and the contemporary social and cultural context. The same Spirit who spoke to the founding fathers continues to speak to the heart of each of the present members of the congregation and to challenge them in their concrete and varied situations. Each religious congregation lives the Gospel according to a determined charism. “Every charism, to live and to

September 2019; No. 243 15 I¿sΩektμiw be fruitful, is required to decentralise, because at the centre there is only Jesus Christ. The charism is not to be conserved like a bottle of distilled water, but must instead be made to bear fruit, with courage, placed at the service of current reality, of cultures, of history, as the great missionaries of our institutes teach us” (Pope Francis).The charism of the founding fathers is the foundation on which the whole congregation rests, and every effort at renewal can only be a return to this foundation, and thus a re- foundation. The General Chapter is the privileged instrument for carrying out the renewal and it assumes its charism anew, re-reads it in the ecclesial and cultural context of today, and makes the necessary decisions for its renewed insertion in the contemporary and ecclesial situation. As per the Canon Law, the foremost duty of the General Synaxis is to protect the patrimony of the congregation and promote suitable renewal in accord with this patrimony...”. (C 631) The General Chapter shall be a new Pentecost so that the Spirit will enable us to speak in differ tongues but to understand the language of love for a breakthrough mission to realize God’s will through our congregation.

16 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

8. Cafeteria Religious Life: There is a tempting tendency of the cafeteria and the mall market among the individual religious to pick and choose what they like from the Constitutions and teachings on Religious life than taking in its fullness. Ananias – Sapphira syndrome of restricting oneself from total giving has spoilt the vitality and passion of our life. Interpretations and weightage are given as per each one’s whims and fancies. Even without our notice, the virus of worldly spirit has damaged our life systems and processes. Old habits die hard. As per the CMI Survey 2018, things that our members dislike most in the congregation are our tendencies for Politicking, groupism, money power, institutionalism, destructive criticism, prayer life, lack of concern for the poor, individualism and authoritarianism. Unprecedented attachment to and irrelevant intervention in to one’s own family matters has taken away our priority and at times some seem to operate like being ordained for ones’ own family affairs and for them distance and time does not matter. Marthaism for different reasons has led us into the vanity of action without a vision and prayer. A culture of silence, learning

September 2019; No. 243 17 I¿sΩektμiw and meditation is on decline and an authentic aggiornamento (updating) is the need of the hour.

9. Building CMI beyond borders: Let us listen to “the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths.’” (Mark 1:3) The forthcoming General Chapter is the blessed time of true aggiornamento, to think beyond our limitations and boundaries in order to redefine CMI identity to bridge peace and harmony to celebrate humanity. The adaptation and renewal of the religious life includes both the constant return to the sources of all Christian life and to the original spirit of the institutes and their adaptation to the changed conditions of our time (PC 2). This discernment for renewal, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of the Church, must be based on: (1) fidelity to humanity and to our times, (2) fidelity to Christ and the Gospel, (3) fidelity to the Church and to its mission in the world, and (4)fidelity to religious life and to the charism of one’s own institute (Religious and Human Promotion, 1978, No. 13). Some of the priorities identified by our members for the congregation based on the Survey are: global mission, care and concern for the

18 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw poor, pastoral life, prayer life, social work, educational promotion, mission work and financial transparency. Pope Francis states, “It is foolish to close spaces, to separate peoples. It is foolish both for the good of the people, and for the good of the world. Our world, our common home, “demands love, care, respect… just as humanity demands peace and brotherhood”. In a divisive world, we need to be ambassadors of “Peace with no borders”, and reach out our compassionate love to all on the peripheries with effective accompaniment of children, youth and families and with a strong resolve to serve and conserve our “common home”. Only enlightened and empowered CMIs can do it and this demands a community with deeper God experience and wisdom. CMI family shall strive to be what God willed it to be and to renew itself in an unbroken rhythm of absolute fidelity to the task assigned to it by the Lord ever as a spiritual movement to be the light of the world and leaven of the earth.

September 2019; No. 243 19 I¿sΩektμiw KmÃ-W-®s‚ ]mZ-߃ F{X kpμcw

tUm. AKk-v‰n≥ tXm´-\m\n kn.-Fw.sF

Nne ]£n-Iƒ hfsc aptº ]d∂p t]mIp-∂p. AhbpsS P\n-XI kz`mhamWXv. Iq´Ønem-bn-cn-°p-tºmgpw Ah Iq´- Øn-e√; Gsd ap≥]n-em-Wv. a‰p-≈-h¿ krjvSn® ]mX-Iƒ Ah¿ ]n¥p-S-cp-∂-h-c-√. kz¥-am-sbmcp ]∞m-hpv, GIm¥ ]Yn-I≥. Iq´-Øn-ep≈ a‰p Infn-Iƒ Chsb a\- n-em-°-W-sa-∂n√. Hcp alm-\mb ]Yn-Is‚, KmÃ-W®s‚, Cu De-I-Øns‚ AXn¿Øn-bn-eq-sS-bp≈ bm{X-I-sf-∏‰n Nn¥n-°p-I-bm-Wv. At±lw k©-cn-®-]m-X-Iƒ Ncn-{X-Øns‚ am∏n¬ Hcp henb anjs‚ `q]-S-ambn amdp-I-bm-Wv. kn.-Fw.sF k` I≠ {]Xn-`m-im-en-I-fmb alm]fin- X-cn¬ Hcmƒ. k¿Δ A¿∞-Ønepw k¿Δmw-K-]-cn-Xym-Kn-bmb k\ymk sshZnI≥. temI-Øns‚ AXn¿Øn-I-fn¬ ]m¿Ø Hcp henb anj-\dn (hSs° C¥y-bn-epw, sXs° C¥y-bpsS sXs° A‰-Øpw). kn.-Fw.sF k`bn¬ Ch aq∂pw ka-÷-k- ambn ktΩ-fn® hy‡nXzw A]q¿Δ-X-I-fn¬ A]q¿Δw; AXmWv KmÃW-®≥. 2006˛¬ Bbn-cp∂p tZh-Kncn sk‚ v. tPmk^vkv tImtf- Pns‚ kph¿Æ Pq_nen. Cubp-≈-h\pw B al-Ømb Iem-e- b-Øn¬ ip{iq-j-sN-øp-∂p-≠v. apJy {]`m-j-I≥ tUm. kpIpam¿ Agot°m-Sv. Ago-t°mSv amjpw, dh. tUm. KmÃWpw, Bfl-an-{X- ßfpw, thZm-¥-Øns‚ hnlm-b- nse c≠v \£-{X-ß-fp-am-bn- cp∂p. Ccp-hcpw tZh-Kn-cn-bn¬ Htc Un∏m¿´vsa‚n¬ 1956-˛apX¬

20 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw eIv®¿amcm-Wv. Ccp-h-cp-sSbpw ]n.-F-®v.Un thZm-¥-Øn-ep-amWv. A∂p \S-Ønb {]`m-j-W-Øn¬ Ago-t°mSv amjv KmÃ-W-®s\ ]cm-a¿in-®n-cp∂p “tZh-Kn-cn-bpsS Kncn-irw-K-Ønse kmXzn-I-ku- μ-cy-amWv kwkvIrX ]fin-X-\mb ^m. Kmè. Cu Pn⁄mk Fs‚ thZm¥ ZmlsØ DtØ-Pn-∏n®p.” 1971˛¬ At±lw tIc-fm-bq-Wn-th-gvkn‰nbn¬ \n∂v kwkvIrX `mj-bn¬ tUmIvS¿ _ncpZw Ic-ÿ-am-°n. AssZzXthZm-¥n-bmb i¶-cm-Nm-cy-cpsS ssZh-Z¿i\-hpw, tXmakv AIzo-\mkv F∂ alm-]-fin-Xs‚ ssZh-Z¿i-\hpw Xmc-X-ay-s∏-Sp-Øn-bmWv ]n.-F-®v.Un. {]_‘w Xøm-dm-°n-b-Xv. Cu ]T\w temIw I≠ c≠v alm-{]-Xn-`m-im-en-I-fpsS Cuiz-c- Z¿i-\-Øn-\p-ta¬ shfn®w hoip-∂p-≠v. c≠mw hØn-°m≥ kp\- l-tZmkv hn`m-h\w sNbvX aXm¥c kwhmZw F∂ Bi-b- Øns‚ Bhn-jv°m-c-amWv Cu IrXn. `K-h-XvKoX apgp-h\pw _lp. KmÃW-®\v a\-∏m-Tam-bn-cp∂p. tXmakv A°w-]o-kns‚ Can-t‰-j≥ Hm^v ss{IÃv At±lw kwkvIr-X-Øn-te°v hnh¿Ø\w sNbvXn-´p-≠v. ]n∂oSv tImtf-Pnse A[ym-]-Is‚ Ip∏mbw Ducn Fdn™v k¿Δ-kw-K-]-cn-Xym-Kn-bm-bn, `n£mw-tZ-ln-bmbn, Hcp k\ym-kn-sb-t∏mse Imjmb hkv{X-ap-Sp-Øv, \njv]m-Zp-I-\mbn kn.-Fw.sF k`-bpsS anjs‚ Ncn-{X-Øn-se-°mWv \S-∂Xv. IqS- W-bp-I-b√ IqSpshSn™ Hcp Infn-bpsS \ncm-khpw \ntΔ-Z-hp- am-bn-cp∂p B PohnXw. \Ω-sf√mw {Sm°n-eqsS HmSptºmƒ {Sm°n\p ]pd-Øp≈ temI-Øn-eqsS At±lw Ae™p Hc-h- [q-X-s\-t∏m-se. sIm´mcw-hn-´n-d-ßnb XYm-K-X-s\-t∏m-se-bm-bn- cp∂p At±-l-hpw. Im™p-]-d-ºn¬ IpSpw-_-Øn¬ sIm´mc-k-Zr-iy-amb Hcp ho´n¬ Hcp tUmIvSdpsS aI-\mbn ]nd∂v hf¿∂ B a\p-jy≥ ]n∂oSv I\ym-Ip-am-cn- Pn√-bnse Xoc-{]-tZ-i-ß-fm-bn-cp∂ A©p- {Km-a-Øn-epw, alm-cm-P-]p-c-Øpw, h´-t°m-´-bnse ]m¬°p-f-Øp≈

September 2019; No. 243 21 I¿sΩektμiw Zcn{Z\m-cm-b-W-∑m-cpsS hoSp-I-fn¬ Ib-dn-bn-d-ßn, Ahs‚ ho´nse I™n-Ip-Sn-°p-∂Xv B`n-Pm-Xy-°p-d-hm-bn-I-≠n√. KmÃW®s‚ D∑ F∂Xv C√mbva Bbn-cp-∂p. A{X-tbsd \njvI- f-¶\pw efnX kpμ-c-hp-am-bn-cp∂p B Pohn-Xw. “ssZh-h-N\w {]kw-Kn-°p-∂-hs‚ ]mZ-߃ F{X kpμcw” F∂m-Wt√m hN\w. AXv A[cß-fpsS hmNm-e-X-b- √. Pohn-X-Øns‚ Ae-®n-em-Wv. tbip-hn-s\-∏‰n ]d-bp-∂Xv Ah≥ \∑ sNbvXp-sIm≠v bqZm-bn-epw, Pdp-k-te-anepw, kadnbmbnepw Np‰n k©-cn®p F∂m-Wv. {io_p≤s‚ ]em-b-\-am¿Kw t]mse Cu bm{Xbpw apºpw ]nºpw Bcpw \S-°mØ; ]pXp-h-gn-sb- bp≈bm{X-bm-bn-cp-∂p. A©p-{Km-ahpw, al-cm-P-]p-c-hpw, ]m¬°p-fhpw I\ym-Ip- am-cn-bpsS a‰p {]m¥ {]tZ-i-ßfpw Hcp Ne-\-hp-an-√msX Dd-ßn- °n-S∂ Xoc-{]-tZ-i-ß-fm-bn-cp-∂p. BSp-h-f¿Ø-epw, ao≥]nSp-Ø- hpw, Irjn-∏-Wnbpsams°bmbn \S∂ {Kmam-¥c-ß-fnse a°sf B {]mNo-\-X-bn¬ \n∂v, hnZy-bp-sS-bpw, hnizmk-Øn-s‚-bpw, kvt\-l-Øn-t‚-Xp-amb kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ Ae-bn-f°w krjvSn- °m≥ At±-l-Øn\pI-gn-™p. “XdhmSnØw” Fs∂mcp ]Z-{]-tbm-K-ap-≠v. AXn\v ]e A¿∞-t`-Z-ß-fp-ap≠mhmw. GXp {]tem-`-\-Øns‚ apºnepw a\p- jy-\-∑sb apºn¬I-≠v, kXyhnizm-k-Øn-epw, [¿Ω-t_m-[- Ønepw t_m[y-tØmsS Pohn-°p-I. Cu Xd-hm-Sn-Ø-Øn\p tbmPn-°mØ Hcw-K-N-e\w t]mepw At±-l-Øn¬ \n∂v B¿°pw A\p-`hs∏´n-´n-√. GX-`n-{]m-b-°m-c-\p-ambpw CS-s]-Sp- ∂-Xn¬ At±-l-Øn\v Aev]-sa-¶nepw Ivtfitam, ssha-\-kytam D≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. B Xpd∂ lrZ-bhpw Xpd∂ s]cp-am-‰hpw At±- lsØ B¿°pw A`n-K-ay-\m°n. Xs‚ hnizm-k-Øn¬ \n∂v `n∂-amb Hcm-ibw tIƒ°p-tºmgpw Xf¿∂p t]mIm-sXbpw, £p_v[-\m-Im-sXbpw AXns\ kao-]n-°m-\p≈ ka-Nn-ØX Cu IpSpw_ ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ \n∂m-bn-cn-°Ww B¿÷n-s®-Sp-ØXv

22 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw F∂p thWw Icp-Xm≥. Cu ka-Nn-Ø-X-bpsS [mcm-fnØw sIm≠mhWw 1980Iƒ apX-ep≈ Im¬ \q‰m≠p Imew I\ymIp- am-cn-Pn-√-bnse aXm¥c kwhm-Z-Øns‚ kmc-Ynbpw s\Sp-¥qWpw KmÃ-W-®-\m-bn-cp-∂p. \mK¿tIm-hn-ense Km‘n-hn-Nm-c-]-cn-j-Ønepw, {_“-k- am-P-Ønepw \nd™ km\n-[y-am-bn-cp∂p At±lw F∂Xv A[n- I-am¿°pw Adn-hp-≈-X-√. I\ym-Ip-amcn hnth-Imμ tI{μw cmam- \μ aTw Chn-S-ß-fnse aXm-¥c kwhm-Z-߃°v XpS-°-an-´Xv KmÃ-W-®-\m-Wv. ⁄m\-Øn¬ hf¿Øn-sb-SpØ emfn-Xy-am-bn- cp∂p At±-l-Øns‚ hmgvhv. GXv FXncm-fn-sbbpw \ncm-bp-[- \m-°m≥, \njv{]-`-\m-°m≥, At±-l-Øns‚ Iøn-ep≈ Znhym-bp- [-am-bn-cp-∂p. kvt\lhpw PohnX emfn-Xyhpw. GXp {]tIm-]-\- sØbpw XnI™ ka-Nn-Ø-X-tbmsS At±lw kao-]n-®n-cp∂p. Cw•ojv, ae-bm-fw, lnμn, Xan-gv, kwkvIrXw XpS-ßnb `mjI-fn¬ Htc-t]mse hm‹nXzw kºmZn-®-hsc Zp¿e-`-ambn am{Xsa ImWm≥ Ignbq. kn≤m¥w sIm≠p I\w-Xq-ßmsX ^en-X-ßfpw inip-k-l-P-amb ss\¿aey-Xbpw DZm-l-c-W-ßfpw sIm≠v \ndsb ]qØp-\n∂ Akm-[m-cW kwhm-Z-ß-fm-bn-cp∂p Ah-sb√mw. kzX-{¥-Nn-¥-Isf am\n-°m-\p≈ Xt‚-S-ap-≠m-bn- cp∂p At±-l-Øn-\v. Rm\o Ipdn∏v Fgp-Xp-∂Xv A©p-{Km-anse B{i-a-Øn- en-cp-∂p-sIm≠mWv. CSbv°v Fs∂ ImWm≥ hcp∂ ]¶p a°- tfmSv (CS-h-Kmw-K-߃) Rm≥ A®s\∏‰n Fgp-Xp-I-bm-sW∂v ]d-™-t∏mƒ hmtXm-cmsX [mcmfw A\p-`-h-߃ ]d-™p- sIm≠ncp-∂p. “Cu ]≈n ]Wn-bp-∂Xv KmÃ-W-®-\mWv. AtimI- a-c-Ønse Cu aWn R߃ Ib-dn-bmWv sI´n-bXv”. Cu Atim- I-acw ]≈nbv°pw B{i-a-Øn\pw CS-bn-em-Wv. At±-l-Øn\v Zm\-am-bn-In-´nb aWn Atim-I-a-c-Øn¬ sI´n. \mev]Xp h¿j- ambn AtX Atim-I-a-c-Øn¬ KmÃ-W-®≥ apg°nb hnizm-k- Øns‚ iwsJmen C∂pw apg-ßn-sIm≠ncn-°p-∂p. 1990-˛emWv

September 2019; No. 243 23 I¿sΩektμiw KmÃ-W-®≥ ]p\nX tXma-bm¿ Bebw ]Wn-I-gn-∏n-°p-∂Xv. AXn\p apºv B{i-a-Øns‚ Hcp apdn Nm∏-embn D]-tbm-Kn®p t]m∂p. shfp-∏n\v Znhy-_en Ign™v Imjmb hkv{Xhpw [cn®v \njv]m-Zp-I-\mbn k©-cn-°p∂ At±-lsØ ‘s]cn-b-X- ss¥’,‘k\ymkn’ Fs∂ms° bmWv Bfp-Iƒ hnfn-®n-cp-∂Xv. Hcp ]n.-F-®v.-Un- bpsS Xe-°\hpan-√msX kc-fhpw efn-X-hp- amb Pohn-X-amWv At±lw \bn-®n-cp-∂-Xv. [mcmfw kplr-Øp- Iƒ Cu `n£mw-tZ-ln°v D≠m-bn-cp∂p. EXpt`Z-at\y ASp-Øp≈ tZhm-e-b-ß-fn-sem°bpw At±lw Znhy-_en A¿∏n-®n-cp∂p. At±lw sslμh \mSm¿ kap-Zm-b-Øn¬s∏´-h-sc-bmWv Gsdbpw ⁄m\-kv\m\w \¬In-b-Xv. Cu \mSns‚ ]›m-e- Øn¬ Nn¥n-°p-tºmƒ Hcp ho´n¬ Xs∂ ]e aX-hn-izm-kn-Iƒ D≠mhpw. aXw, hnizm-kw F∂Xv XnI®pw hy‡n-]-c-amb Imcy- am-Wv. ⁄m\-kv\m\w \¬In-b-h¿ C∂ ]≈n-bn¬ t]mI-W- sa-t∂m, tNc-W-sat∂m D≈ Hcp \n_-‘-\bpw At±-l-Øn-\n- √m-bn-cp∂p. Af-K-∏pcw eØo≥ ]≈nbn¬ \nc-h-[n-t]sc ⁄m\-kv\m\w \¬In At±lw tN¿Øn-´p≠v. AXp-t]mse ae-¶c doØnepw cP-Ir-jvW-]p-cw, Ip´-∏pfn F∂n-h-S-ß-fn¬ \nc- h[n t]sc eØo≥ doØnepw, aμmcw]pØq-cn¬ ae-¶-c-do-Øn- epw -At±lw ⁄m\-kv\m\w \¬In A©p-{Km-a-Øn¬ \n∂v GXm≠v \mep-In-tem-ao-‰¿ AIse IqSw Ipfw BW-h-\n-e-b-Øn-te°v t]mIp∂ tdmUns‚ ]m¿iz-Øn-emWv alm-cm-P-]pcw anJm-tb¬ AXn-Zq-X-cn≥ Bebw ÿnXn-sN-øp-∂-Xv. IqSw-Ipfw BW-h-\n-e-b-Øn¬ tPmen sNøp∂ \nc-h[n ItØm-en-°¿ B{ibn-°p∂ c≠v tZhm-e-b- ß-fmWv A©p-{Kmaw ]≈nbpw alm-cm-P-]pcw ]≈n-bpw. alm- cm-P-]pcw ]≈n-bm-hs´ X°e cq]-Xbv°v Xncps\¬then Pn√- bn-ep≈ GI Be-b-am-Wv. 1985 \hw_¿.16 \v KmÃ-W-®≥ cXv\w \mSm-cpsS ho´n¬ {]m¿∞\m ip{iqj \SØn. Cß-s\-bmWv alm-cm-P-]pcw anjs‚ D¤hw. ]n∂oSv Cu hoSn-\-SpØv ]Xn-\-

24 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw ©p-sk‚ v ÿew hmßn, Hcp sNdnb apdn-bpsS hen∏-Øn¬ Hcp ]≈n ]WnXp. Cu CS-h-I-°m-cmb ]¶p a°-fpsS hnhmlw XpS-ßn- IqZm-i-I-sf-s°bpw Cu sNdnb ]≈n-bn-emWv ASp-Ø- Imew hsc \S-∂n-cp-∂Xv. \mSm¿ A[nIw sshImsX acn®p. At±-l-Øns‚ `mcy X¶-Ωmƒ, Ah-cpsS a°-fmb sk¬hÆ≥, Pb-]m¬ Ah-cpsS ass\-hn-I-fmb UbnkndmWn, s^enIvkv, Ah-cpsS a°ƒ, ]ns∂ aWn-b-Æ≥ Ah-cpsS IpSpw_w XpSßn Ggp IpSpw-_-߃. Ch-cmWv {][m-\-ambpw alm-P-]pcw ]¶p-a- °ƒ. Cu Be-b-Øn¬ hcp-∂-h¿ Gsdbpw eØo≥ kap-Zm-b- Øn¬s∏´-h¿, sslμ-h-k-tlm-Z-c-߃, IqSw-Ipfw BW-h-\n- e-b-Øn¬ tPmen-sN-øp-∂-h¿ F∂n-h-cmWv. C{X-bp-am-bm¬ alm- cm-P-]pcw CS-h-I-bpsS GI-tZi cq]-am-bn. KmÃ-W-®≥ hnX® ISp-Ip-aWn ac-ambn hf¿∂phcp-∂p. Rmg-dm-bv®-I-fnepw a‰p IS- ap≈ Znh-k-ß-fnepw am{Xta ChnsS Xncp-_en D≈p. KmÃ-W- ®-\n¬ \n∂pw e`n® hnizm-k-Øns‚ shfn®w Xe-ap-d-I-fn-epsS ]I¿∂v C∂pw Ah¿ kPo-h-ambn ImØp kq£n-°p∂p. KmÃ-W-®≥ 1985 HmKÃp amkw, I\ym-Ip-amcnbn¬, h´t°m´°p kao-]-ap≈ ]m¬IpfØv Hcp sNdnb hoSpw 14 sk‚ v ÿe-hp-ambn XpS-ßn-b-XmWv “]m¬°pfw anj≥”. ChnSw sslμ-h- k-tlmZc߃ am{Xw Xma-kn-°p∂ ÿe-amWv. kmº- Øn-I-ambpw, kmaq-ln-I-]-c-ambpw A[xIr-X¿ F∂p hntijn∏n°m-hp-∂-h¿. ]ecpw hÆm≥ kap-Zm-b-Øn¬ s]Sp- ∂-h¿. Chn-sS-bp≈ Ip™p-ßsf ]Tn-∏n-°m≥ Hcp ss{]a-dn- kvIqƒ Bcw-`n-°m≥ At±lw ]≤Xn C´n-cp∂p. Cu {]tZ-iØv Hcp ss{]adn kvIqƒ t]mepw D≠m-bn-cp-∂n√. Cu sNdnb ho´nse Ip¿∫m-\-bv°p-tijw F.D.S.H.J. kntÃ-gvkn-s\-s°m≠v kvIqfn¬ t]mImØ Ip´n-Isf hnfn®p Iq´n `£Ww sImSpØv At±lw Fgp-Øn-\n-cpØn {]mcw-`-hn-Zym-`mkw \¬Im≥ Hcp {iaw \SØn. 1996 HmSp IqSn Hcp sNdnb ]≈n AhnsS Db¿∂p F∂p am{Xan√ Hcp C‚¿ s^bvØp tI{μw A`n-hμy sska¨

September 2019; No. 243 25 I¿sΩektμiw tÃm°p]n-Xm-hns‚ {]m¿∞\m ip{iq-j-tbmsS Db¿∂p h∂p. ChnsS Xmkn-°m≥ At±-l-Øn\v Gsd CjvS-am-bn-cp-∂p. _. am{º-b-®≥ s{]mhn≥jymfm-bn-cp-∂-t∏m-ƒ KmÃ-W-®s\ kμ¿in- °m≥ t]mb A\p-`hw CubnsS ]d-bpIbp≠mbn. At±-l- Øns‚ Xmakw ]m¬°p-fsØ ]≈n-tbmSp tN¿∂p≈ Hcp IpSp papdn-bn-emWv. Ib¿sI-´nb NqSn-I-´nepw Itkcbp-a-√msX as‰m∂pw apdn-bn-en√. KmÃ-W-®s‚ ]n.-F®v.Un {]_-‘hpw ]pkvXI tiJ-c-hp-sams°bm-bn-cp∂p s{]mhn≥jm-fns‚ a\- n-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂Xv. At±lw tNmZn®p tIc-fm-bq-Wn-th-gvkn-‰n- bn¬ Gsd N¿®-sN-ø-s∏-Sp∂ B {]_‘w {]kn-≤o-I-cn-°- s≠tbm F∂v. KmÃ-W-®s‚ adp-]Sn Cß-s\-bm-bn-cp∂p; “B ]Ww F\n°v DSs\ Xs∂ A®≥ XcWw c≠pt]¿°v AXymhiyambn hoSv sh®v sImSp°m\p≠v” F∂v. KmÃW®≥ As∏msgbv°pw ]q¿Wambpw Hcp anj\dn Bbn amdn°gn™ncp∂p. Aßs\bncns° KmÃW®\v Gsd at\m thZ\ bp≠mb Hcp kw`hw D≠mbn. Nne lnμp aX auenIhmZnIƒ Hcp cm{Xnbn¬ ]m¬°pfsØ ]≈n Xobn´p \in∏n®p. k\mX\[¿atØmSv Gsd A`napJyw ]pe¿Ønbncp∂ At±lØn\v BZyw AXphnizkn°m≥ km[n®n√. Ah¿ Aßs\ sNøns√∂v At±lw Xd∏n®p ]dbpIbpw sNbvXp. kmh[m\w At±lw B bmYm¿Yyw Dƒs°m≠p. ]n∂oSv At±lw ]m¬IpfØp t]mbn´n√. Ah¿ B tZhmebw ]p\¿\n¿Ωn® \¬Ipsa∂v hsc B \njvIf¶ a\ v hnizkn®p. {]XnIfn¬ Nnesc t]meokv ]nSnIqSnsb¶nepw Ahsc shdpsXhnSm≥ At±lw Bhiys∏´p. IfŒtdmSpw t]meokv ta[mhnItfmSpw At±lw ]d™Xv AhcpsS Adnhn√mbva sIm≠mWv Aßs\ sNbvXXv F∂mWv. tIkpambn ap≥t]m´v t]mIphm≥ At±lw Hcp Xm¬]cyhpw ImWn®n√. Aßs\ ]m¬°pfw anj≥ ]cnkam]vXnbmbn. Cu kw`hw \S∂n´v

26 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw Ct∏mƒ GXm≠v c≠v hymgh´°meambn; A∂v apX¬ Ct∏mgpw ]m¬°pfw anj\n¬ \n∂v A©p Intemao‰¿ \S∂v Znhy_enb¿∏n°p∂hcp≠v. I∂namcnbΩmƒ, Aw_cmΩƒ XpSßnbh¿. AhtcmSp D¶fpsSb s]cnb ]¶pXss¥ kpJan√msX InS∏nemsW∂v ]d™t∏mƒ AhcpsS IÆpIƒ \nd™p. c≠v ssIIfpw BImitØ°pb¿Øn, s\‰nbn¬ ap´n®psIm≠v ]d™p “tbip B≠h¿ ]bWw skbvXamXncn Ah¿ Cdp°ndXp...” KmÃW®s‚ henb Hcp kz]v\ambncp∂p A©p{Kmaw B{iatØmSv tN¿∂v Hcp I\ymkv{Xn aTw thWsa∂v. At±lsØt∏mse efnX PohnXw \bn°p∂ Acpƒ ktlmZcnIsfbmWv At±lw At\zjn®Xv. Aßs\ F^v.Un.Fkv.F®v.sP. k\ymkn\okaqlw hcm≥ Xømdmbn. aTw ]q¿ØnbmIp∂Xv hsc A©p{Kmaw B{iaw knkvt‰gvkn\p XmakØn\p hn´psImSpØp At±lw A©p Intemao‰¿ AIsebp≈ ]m¬°pfw anj≥ kvt‰j\nse sNdnb apdnbn¬ HXpßn°qSn. 1990˛¬ knkvt‰gvkv FØnsb¶nepw 1995 P\phcn 3 \v BWv aTØns‚ sh©ncn∏pI¿aw \S∂Xv. aTtØmSv tN¿∂v 1996 ¬ Hcp hr≤kZ\hpw Bcw`n®p. Hcp RmbdmgvN Ip¿_m\bv°nsS A®≥ £oWnX\mbn InS∏nemsW∂v Adn™t∏mƒ A®s‚ Dbn¿a°ƒ, A©p{Kmaw ]¶pa°ƒ, At±lsØ t]mbn kμ¿in°m≥ Xm¬∏cyw {]IS∏n®p. Rm≥ AhtcmSp ]d™p \n߃ k¶StØmsS aStß≠nhcpw ImcWw A®≥ \nßfmscbpw Xncn®dnbpsa∂v tXm∂p∂n√; F∂v. 2018 P\phcn amkØn¬ Rßsf√mcpw tN¿∂v A®s\ kμ¿in°phm≥ t]mbn. A®t\msSmØp Hcp Znhkw apgph≥ Nnehgn®p ]gb Hm¿ΩIsfms° ]ckv]cw ]¶psh®p aSßptºmƒ Ahsc AXnibn∏n® c≠pImcy߃ ]dbpIbp≠mbn.

September 2019; No. 243 27 I¿sΩektμiw Ip™p\mfpapX¬ A®s‚ ssI]nSn®v \S∂ F√mhscbpw A®≥ Xncn®dn™p. c≠maXmbn A®s\ {]ntbmc®≥ h´∏dºne®\pw B{iaØnse a‰®∑mcpw kvt\lip{ipjIƒ sNbvXv ]cnNcn® B almamXrI I≠Xv. aS°bm{Xbn¬ Ah¿ ]d™ Hc\p`hw IqSn Ipdn®psIm≠v Rm≥ Cu Hm¿Ω°pdn∏v Ahkm\n∏n°pIbmWv. GXm≠v Hcp Im¬ \q‰m≠v ap≥]p≈ IYbmWv. A©p{Kmaw ]¶pa°ƒ A®t\msSm∏w \S∂v h´t°m´ ImWm≥ t]mbn. h´t°m´bpsS apIfn¬ \n∂m¬ Ing°phiØmbn _wKmƒ Dƒ°S¬ KcnatbmsS ImWmw. henb a’yßfpw tUmƒ^n\pIfpw IpXn®pb¿∂p hnfbmSp∂Xpw A]q¿hambn ImWmhp∂XmWv. A®≥ Atßm´v t\m°n Hcp IpkrXn NncntbmsS ]d™p “Rm≥ acn®m¬ Fs‚ icocw Cu ISen\p Xn∂m≥ C´psImSp°Ww”. F∂n´v Xncph≈phcpsS Hcp Iqd¬ IqSn tN¿Øv ]d™p.

DSep ISep°v; Dbncp IShqƒ°v; ]®n°p ]ssl ap´pwIm¬ A∏®n... Ip®nsb hn´p Dbn¿ ]d¥p ]d¥p t]mbnSpw

kn.Fw.sF k`bpsS Z¿i\ho´nse IpSpw_mwKamb KmÃW®≥ F∂ B≤ymfl hnZymebØns‚ ]mZ]flßfn¬ km„mwKw {]Wan®psIm≠v ASnhcbnSs´...

28 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Pq_nenbpsS ]n∂mºpdw

^m. tUman\nIv Ip∂pw-]pdw

\m¬]tXmfw t]¿ ImWpw. GItZiw ]Øpt]¿ h®p \mep \ncIfnembn \ncØn \n¿Øn bncn°p∂p. F√mw sNdp∏°m¿ Xs∂. tIm≥ sl? Chcn¬ BcmWv? t]meokpImcs‚ tNmZyw. t_mtem. Ft∂mSv ]dbm≥ Bhiys∏´p. Rm≥ ]cn{`m¥\mbn F¥p ]dbWw F∂p Hcp cq]hpw C√msX N¶nSnt∏msS \n¬°pIbmbncp∂p. Btcm ]dbp∂Xpt]mse tXm∂n. Fs‚ sNhnbn¬ Adn™pIqSm... Adn™pIqSm ...a\ nemhp∂n√ ]t£ kzcw ]pdØph∂n√. ]ns∂bpw sNhnbn¬ i‡ambn ]dbp∂Xpt]mse tXm∂n. Chc√ Chcn¬ Bcpw BsW∂v tXm∂p∂n√. hndßen® icocØn¬ \n∂pw ]Wns∏´p ]dbm≥ {ian®t∏mƒ sR°n Rcßn Ft¥m ]pdØph∂p. Ip®p \ln tl... Chc√ CXp Ign™p Hcp t]meokpImc≥ Fs∂ aPnkvt{S‰ns‚ ASptØ°v B\bn®p. aPnkvt{S‰v Chc√ F∂p Rm≥ ]dbp∂Xv tI´ncp∂p. At±lw Fs∂ I≠]msS ]d™Xp. A—m t`mem. Aßns\ ]d™Xp hfsc DNnXambn. Cs√¶n¬ ]n∂oSv AhcpsS kwLw h∂p A®s‚ Poh≥ FSptØs\. tXm´ntem Im´ntem Hcp A\mY ihw F∂p ]d™p Hcp ]{X°pdn∏pw. ÿew DØcmJfiv hn`P\Øn\v ap≥]p≈ DØ¿{]tZiv. _pe¥pil¿ F∂ Pn√.. sIm≈°pw sIm≈nsh∏n\pw sh´nsIme°pw t]cp tI´ ss{Iw kn‰n. Zn\∏{X߃ ]cntim[n®m¬ Znhtk\sbt∂mWw a\pjy tNmc HgpIp∂ IYIfmWv A®Sn hm¿ØIfmbn hcp∂Xv. AhnsS _nPvt\m¿ kn.Fw.sF anjs‚ BZyIme anj\dnbmbncp∂ ^m. tbipZmkv Xfnb≥ C∂v ]ptcmlnX ip{ipjbpsS A≥]Xmw h¿jØns‚ adhnse B kw`hw Hm¿sØSp°pIbmWv.

September 2019; No. 243 29 I¿sΩektμiw

_pe¥ildn¬ \n∂pw 28 In.an. Ign™m¬ FØp∂ Hcp {Kma]´Ww F∂p ]dbmhp∂ PlmwKocm_mZv. KwKm XSamb Cu {]tZiw s\√pw tKmXºpw Icnºpw hnfbn°p∂ Irjn°m¿. 70 iXam\tØmfw hnhn[ lnμp hn`mKßfpw 26 iXam\tØmfw apkvenwßfpw t]cn\p knJpImcpw. [mcmfw sIm®ºeßfpw Pn√bnse G‰hpw henb [m\y a≠n k¿°m¿ [m\y kw`cWimebpw D≈ kvYew. CkmbnIƒ ({InkvXym\nIƒ) Cs√∂v Xs∂ ]dbmw. ]pcmX\amb B{K AXncp]Xbn¬ s]Sp∂ ChnsS _nPvt\m¿ kn.Fw.sF s{]mhn≥kns‚ Hcp anj≥ tI{μw D≠v.. CXns‚ Bcw` Zni. Hcp sNdnb kvIqƒ, \qdn\v Xmsg am{Xw Ip´nIƒ. ImWm≥ ]dbØ° sI´nS߃ H∂pan√. jo‰n´ tXbv°mØ Cjv´nI sI´nb GXm\pw IpSp p apdnIƒ. AXns‚ IqsS Nne dn∏b¿]WnIfpw ¢mkv apdnIƒ°mbn Nne Nm¿ØepIfpw \S∂psIm≠ncn°p∂p. s{]mhn≥jy¬ ^m. sdbva≠ns‚ \n¿t±i {]Imcw s{]mhn≥jy¬ Iu¨kne¿ IqSnbmb ^m. tbipZmkv Xfnbs\ {]n≥kn∏epw, kp∏ocnbdpw, klmbnIfmbn c≠p kn.Fw.sF {_tZgvkv AºgØn\m¬ (^m. AwºgØn\m¬ P¿a\nbn¬ ]≈n hnImcn) jmPn CfwXpcpØn (^m. jmPn CfwXpcpØn, tkhm U¬ln bqWn‰v sk{I´dn) F∂nhcpw ChnsS Xmakw. DØtc¥y≥ th\¬ B¿Øp \n¬°p∂p. cm{Xn Dd°w F√mhcpw apdn°p ]pdØpXs∂. ]pdØp Hcp ac®ph´n¬ {_. AºgØn\m¬, IS∂p hcp∂ hgnbn¬ ]Wn°mbn A´nbn´p h®ncp∂ C„nI Iq´Øn\p apIfn¬ taibpw sImXpIp hebpw sI´n jmPn CfwXpcpØnbpw, Aev]w Zqsc. ^m. tbipZmkv Xpd∂ hmXnepambn apdn°p AIØpw Dd°w. cm{Xn Hcp aWn Ign™p ImWpw. sS...sS... F∂p shSn H® tI´p. F√mhcpw ]cn{`m¥cmbn sR´temsS Fgpt∂‰p. ]S°w s]m´nbXmbncn°pw F∂p IcpXn. hmXnen\p ASpØp InS∂ncp∂ {_. jmPn°p s]s´∂mWv apgpØ hSn sIm≠p≈

30 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw ASn hoWXv. tZlØp sIm≠ns√¶nepw sImXpIp hebn¬ X´n sX∂n t]mbn. DSs\ sImXpIp he am‰n ssINpcp´n apJsØ°p Hcp CSn h∂p. thZ\sIm≠p ]pfbptºmƒ Ahy‡Xbn¬ I≠Xv 4 t]¿. Hcp tXm°p[mcn, NcSpsI´nb ASnhkv{Xw [cn® c≠p t]cn¬ HcpØs‚ ssIhiw Hcp ]ج. c≠p t]cpw hmbn¬ tSm¿®p ISn®p]nSn®n´mWv \n¬°p∂Xv. hmbn¬ tSm¿®p XncpInb HcpØ≥ sse‰v apJØn\p t\sc ASn®n´mWv tNmZn®Xv. Xpamc t_mkv InX¿ sl. `btØmsS ]Xn™ kzcØn¬.. DZ¿ Iasc tl DSs\ c≠pt]¿ A®s‚ apdnbnte°p ]m™p. hSn°mc≥ jmPnsb apJw Xncn®p Np∏v ctlm ASßn InSt∂m F∂p ]d™pInSØnbn´v tSm¿®pImc\pambn AhnsS Imh¬\n∂p.. Ah¿ A®≥ InS∂ncp∂ apdnbn¬ FØn. A®s\ ASn®tijw DSv\m \ln Fgpt∂‰p t]mIcpXv. Nmhn emthm Xmt°m¬ Xcq F∂p Bt{Imin®n´p apdnbnse Aeamcbpw taibpw F√mw hen®p hmcnX∏m≥ XpSßn. A®≥ Cutim c£n°tW jmPn... jmPn...HmSn hcp... apdn™v apdn™v izmkw In´mØt]mse Icbp∂Xpt]mse hnfn°m≥ XpSßn. DSt\ jmPnbpw AºgØn\mepw Aßp Zqsc InS∂ncp∂ as‰mcp aebmfn kmdpw tbipZmkv A®s‚ ASptØ°v FØn. At∏mtg°pw Ah¿ In´nb ]Whpw In´nb s]´nIfpw FSpØp tai∏pdØp InS∂ Xmt°m¬ FSpØp B apdnbn¬ Xs∂ A®t\bpw Iq´scbpw D¥n X≈n aqebn¬ B°nb tijw ]pdØp\n∂pw ]q´n Xmt°mepw sIm≠p HmSn c£s∏´p. AS®n´ apdnbpsS Ipfnapdnbnse P\¬ Hcp hn[Øn¬ jmPn Xpd∂p ]pdØp h∂p... Hm^okn¬ as‰mcp Xmt°m¬ D≈Xv Adnbambncp∂ jmPn Xmt°m¬ Is≠SpØp apdnXpd∂p. F√mhcpw IqSn ASpØp≈ Hcp kmdns‚ ho´nte°p t]mbn. kmdpw HØp t]meokv kvt‰j\n¬ t]mbn hnhcw Adnbn®p. At∏mtg°pw t\cw shfpØp XpSßnbncp∂p. ]mSØpw hgnbnepambn Ah¿ sIm≠pt]mb s]´nIƒ s]mfn® \nebn¬

September 2019; No. 243 31 I¿sΩektμiw Xpd∂p InS∂ncp∂p. AXn¬ A®∑mcptSbpw {_tZgvkns‚bpw Ipsd XpWnIƒ, tbipZmkv A®≥ a‰p≈h¿°v hnXcWw sNøm≥ kq£n®ncp∂ Ipsd sIm¥Ifpw sh¥nßIfpw NnXdn°nS∂ncp∂p. ]n∂oSv t]meokv FØn ]cntim[\bpw At\zjWhpw. Bsf ]nSn°en\pw tijw \S∂ Xncn®dnbn¬ \mSIw BWv apIfn¬ hnhcn®Xv. ASnbpsS BLmXhpw am\knIkΩ¿±hpw aqew Ahi\pw BkvXa tcmKnbpw Bbncp∂ tbipZmk®s\ s{]mhn≥jy¬ luknte°pw AhnsS \n∂p Bip]{Xn°pw sIm≠pt]mbn. \mfpIƒ°p tijw A®≥ PlmwKocm_mZv kvIqfn¬ Xncns®Øn. D®Ign™p ImWpw tbipZmkv A®s\ IWm≥ c≠p sNdp∏°m¿ kvIqfn¬ FØn. A®s\ I≠]msS \neØp hoWp Imen¬ sXm´n´v hnßn hnßn am^v Itcm...am^v I¿tZm F∂nßs\ ]d™psIm≠ncp∂p. H∂pw a\ nemhmsX A®≥ AhcpsS tXmfn¬ X´nbn´p DtSm...DtSm F∂p ]d™p Fgpt∂¬∏n°m≥ {ian®p. Ip\n™ inct msS Ah¿ hnßnb kzcØn¬ A®≥ Rßsf c£n®p F∂p ]d™p. A∂sØ Xncn®dnb¬ ]tcUn¬ Rßsf A®≥ ssI Nq≠nbncps∂ ¶n¬ s]meokpIm¿ Rßsf CSn®p NΩ¥n B°n Xpdp¶n¬ Ct´s\. At∏mgmWv tbipZmkv A®\v ]gb kw`hw Hm¿abn¬ h∂Xv. Ahsc ssI ]nSn®p Fgpt∂¬∏n® tijw kam[m\n∏n®p tXmfØp X´n ]d™b®p. At∏mƒ PlmwKocm_mZv ItØmen°m anjs‚ DZbw Bbncp∂p. sk‚ v. t]mfns‚ t`mjØØns‚ {]`mjWw t]mse(2.tImdn.11:33) ]ecpw XßfpsS alnabpsSbpw A`nPmXyØns‚bpw `mjbn¬ tbiphns\ ]cnNbs∏Sp Ønbt∏mƒ t]mƒ Xs‚ hogv®IfpsSbpw I„∏mSpIfpsSbpw \o≠ ]´nI \ncØnbmWv tbiphns\ hc®p Im´nbXv. ]eh´w ASn sIm≠p. I≈t°kn¬ IpSp°n \ymbm[n]∑mcpsS ap∂n¬ \ndpØn, ]´nWn InS∂p. ImcmKrlØn¬ ]e {]mhiyw ASbv°s∏´p, kz¥°mcm¬ H‰n sImSp°s∏´p, I∏e]

32 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw ISØn¬ s]´p ISen¬ InS∂p. CXp t]mfns‚ ]cntZh\w Bbncp∂n√ A`nam\Øns‚bpw hnPbØns‚bpw kqNIw Bbncp∂p. CXns‚ Hcp t\¿t\m´w As√ C∂v ImWp∂ _nPvt\m¿ anj\pw. bq.]n kwkvYm\sØ _nPvt\m¿ apX¬ Aßp DØcmJfinse lnameb≥ ae \ncbnse tPmjna´p hsc {InkvXob ]®∏ns‚ Iºfw hncn®Xv tbipZmkv kw`hw t]mse \nch[n anj\dnamcpsS Ibvt]dnb PohnXm\p`h ßfpsS km£n∏pIƒ BWv. tbipZmkv A®s\ t]mse ASnsIm≠hcpw, tXm°n≥ap\bn¬ \n∂pw apSn \mcngbn¬ c£s∏´hcpw, Ab¬hmknbpsS i{XpX G‰p hmßnbhcpw ]ecp≠v. {InkvXob kvYm]\߃°pw A®∑m¿°pw knkvt‰gvn\pw FXnsc I≈ ]{Xhm¿Ø ]cØnbhcpw H´pw Ipdh√. anj≥ bm{XIfn¬ hml\m]ISØn¬ Poh≥ s]men™ ]Øpt]¿ Hcpan®p A¥y hn{iaw H‰ I√dbn¬ sIm≈p∂ _nPvt\m¿ s{]mhn≥kns‚ \Po__mZv knantØcn sk‚.vt]mfns‚ t`mjØØns‚ Ipcnimbn Ct∏mgpw \nesIm≈p∂p. {]kn≤amb [¿amcmw tImtfPn¬ XntbmfPn ]T\Øns‚ Ahkm\ambn. amkv‰¿ A®≥ {]kn≤ [ym\Kpcphpw Bflob Kpcphpambn Adnbs∏´ncp∂ Imivaoc®≥ Bbncp∂p. At±lw IqZmi ]cnI¿asØIpdn®pw ]≈n ip{iqjIsf ]‰nbpw {]mtbmKnIamb hnhc߃ Rßsf ]Tn∏n°pIbmbncp∂p. Iq´Øn¬ ]ptcmlnX kzoIcWip{iqjbnse Hcp {][m\ I¿ΩamWv kzoIcmW¿∞n IfpsS \neØv km„mwKw Iangv∂v InS°p∂ `mKw. ]cnip≤mcq]nbpsS A`ntjI {]m¿∞\ ]qP\ob sa{Xm\n¬ \n∂pw kzoIcn°p∂Xp At∏mgmWv. Imivao¿ A®≥ kzcw XmgvØn A¬∏w ]p©ncntbmsS Hcp kzImcyw t]mse Rßsf Hm¿an∏n®p. \n߃ B Hcp \nanjØn¬ ssZhtØmSv Bhiys∏Sp∂ aq∂p Imcy߃ an°hmdpw \n߃°v PohnXØn¬ Fs∂¶nepw e`n®ncn°pw. A¤pXw Ft∂

September 2019; No. 243 33 I¿sΩektμiw ]dbm≥ Bhp AXp Fs‚ PohnXØn¬ kw`hn®p. Imivaoc®≥ ]d™ncp∂Xv t]mse ]´kzoIcWip{iqjbn¬ Rm≥ B aq∂p hc߃°mbn D≈pcpIn CutimtbmSv bmNn®p. AΩbpsS kvt\lw \„s∏´pt]mb Ip™p\mfpIƒ. AXp \nIØnb AΩambpsS IcpXepw kvt\l]me\Ønepw hf¿∂p hepXmbn. FhnsS Bbncp∂mepw B AΩbpsS khn[Øn¬ ]ptcmlnXip{ipj \SØm\pw A¥yI¿Ω߃ \SØm\pap≈ A\p{Klw. c≠maXmbn tNmZn®Xv B{^n°≥ anj\n¬ anj\dn thesNøm\p≈ Ahkcw. CXp Bhiys∏Sm≥ Fs∂ t{]cn∏n®Xv kn.Fw.sF k`bnse kpdnbm\n ]finX\pw A[ym]I\pw Bbncp∂ Cdm\n tamkv F∂ sshZnIt{ijvT\mWv. hoSphn´v kn.Fw.sF k`bn¬ tN¿∂p BZyw tI´ [ym\Øn¬ a\ n¬ Ipdn®n´Xv anjWdn Bbn B{^n°bn¬ t]mbn tPmensNøWw F∂mbncp∂p. [ym\Kpcp Bbncp∂ Cdm\napkv A®≥ 4 hb p≈ hn. t{Xkym Xs‚ ktlmZc\pambn ho´n¬ \n∂pw \S∂p Bflm°sf c£n°m≥ B{^n°bnse°p F∂pw ]d™p Cdßnt∏mbXpw hgnbn¬ I≠ AΩmh≥ Xncn®psIm≠ph∂ cwKhpw Bfl c£bnep≈ Fcnhpw hnhcn®t∏mƒ a\kvkn¬ IpcpßnbXmWv B{^n°≥ anj≥. Ahkm\ambn B{Kln®Xv C≥Uybnse Hcp anj\n¬ tPmensNøWw. ]n∂tßm´p Xncn™p t\m°ptºmƒ Imivao¿ A®≥ ]d™Xv t]mse PohnXØn¬ CsX√mw Fßns\ h∂p kw`hn®p F∂v tNmZn®m¬ A¤pXw C∂pw \S°pw Ft∂ ]dbm\mhq. ]Xn\©p h¿jtØmfw _nsPt\m¿ anj\nepw 6 h¿jtØmfw B{^n°bnepw AΩmΩbpsS A¥y ip{iqjbnepw ssZhw Fs∂ FØn®p B aq∂p hc߃. cmPKncn Ip∂n¬ \n∂pw lnaKncnbnte°p

1973 ¬ Hcp Uk≥ t]cpsS kwLw BWv _nPvt\m¿

34 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw anj\pth≠n tIcf FIvkv{]kn¬ FdWmIpfØp \n∂pw U¬lnbn¬ h∂ndßnbXv. AXn¬ tbipZmkv A®s\m∏w A®∑mcpw, knkvt‰gvkpw, siΩm®∑mcpw D≠mbncp∂p. Cu kwLwØn¬ s]´h¿ Bbncp∂p {]ikvXcmb ^m. t_kn¬ ss]\mSØpw kXv]pen A]ISØn¬ Ncaw AS™ {_. tdmaph¬Upw. ]pcmW U¬lnbn¬ \n∂p ]pds∏Sp∂ a pcn FIvkv{]kv hgn _nPvt\mdn¬ Cdßn. _nPvt\mdnte hmSI hoSmb hnPbv lhvkn¬ Bbncp∂p tam≥knt™m¿ t{Kj≥ Xmakn®ncp∂ _nPvt\m¿ anjs‚ BkvYm\w. AhnsS \n∂pw F√mhcpw ]e Zn°nte°p anj≥ the°mbn ]ncn™p. ]nt‰ Znhkw tbipZmkv A®≥ ]Zw]q¿ F∂ Hcp {KmaØn¬ FØn. AhnsS sPdm¿Uv A®≥ anj\p th≠n kz¥amb BkvYm\w XmamktbmKyam°m\p≈ {iaØnembn ]pXnbXmbn FØn tN¿∂ tbipZmkv A®s‚bpw {][m\ tPmen. GItZiw H∂c ]Xn‰m≠p _nPvt\m¿ anjy\n¬ thesNbvXt∏mƒ IncXv]q¿, \sØhmen, sPkv]p¿, ]Zw]q¿ XpSßnb anj≥ tI{μßfpsS _meyIme hf¿Ø®≥ Bhm\pw BZy{InkvXob ]ptcmlnX km∂n[yamhm\pw ssZhw tbipZmk®s\ D]IcWw B°n. sPkv]p¿ ÿm]\Øns‚ `qan tcJIfpw k¿°m¿ {]amWßfpw cPnkv‰¿ sNøm\psa√mw Xmeq°v Hm^oknIfpw ]©mbØpIfpw Hcp amktØmfw CSXShn√msX ]´nWn InS∂p Ibdn CdßnbXp Ct∏mƒ Hm¿°ptºmƒ Hcp Xamibmbn tXm∂p∂p. DtZymKkvYcpw in]mbnamcpw ImWptºmƒ Nncn°pIbpw icnbm°mw \msf hcp. ASpØ Bsf H∂p ImWp Fs∂√mw ]d™p \n´nbXv ssIIqen°p Bbncps∂∂v ]n∂oSv a\ nembn. Hcp Znhkw Hm^okn¬ FØnbt∏mƒ tPmen°mcn¬ HcpØ≥ A®t\mSp FhnSp∂mWv BcmWv Fs∂√mw Bcm™t∏mƒ Xm≥ Zo£ FSpØ {InkvXob ]ptcmlnX≥ BsW∂p ]d™t∏mƒ AbmfpsS `mhw BZchnt‚Xmbn amdn. B tPmen°mc≥ Hcp s{]m´kv‰‚ v hnizmkn Bbncp∂p. ]n∂nSv Imcy߃

September 2019; No. 243 35 I¿sΩektμiw apt∂dnbXv ssZhm¤pXw t]mse an∂¬ thKØn¬ Bbncp∂p. t]m°v hchv \SØp∂ scPnkv{‰m¿ Xs∂ A®s‚ XmakkvYeØv h∂p ISemkpIƒ H∏n´p ap{Z h®pX∂p. C∂v Xncn™p t\m°ptºmƒ I„XIfpw hyYIfpw \¬Inb anj≥ tI{μ߃ ]´WØns‚bpw {KmaØns‚bpw XneIIpdnIfmbn Adnbs∏Sp∂p. ChnsSsb√mw {]ikvXamb ]≈n°qSßfpw, ]mcnjpIfpw k\ymk\o`h\ßfpw \nd™ {InkvXob kwkvIrXn {]tZiambn. H∂c]Xn‰m≠n\ptijw tbipZmkv A®≥ _nPnt\mdns‚ aÆn¬ \n∂pw]Sn Cdßn.

B{^n°≥ anj\ntebv°v

Ahn`‡ kn.Fw.sF Ifat»cn s{]mhn≥kv B{^n°≥ cmPyamb Lm\ anj≥ kzoIcn®t∏mƒ AhnsS ImevIpØnbXv Hcp aqh¿ kwLw Bbncp∂p. tIcfØnse kn.Fw.sF B{iaßfn¬ \n∂pw ^m. Sn.F. B‚Wn, ^m. tPm¨ sXt°°c F∂nhtcmsSm∏w _nsPt\m¿ anjWdn Bbncp∂ tbipZmkv A®\pamWv Lm\ kn.Fw.sF anjs‚ ÿm]I ]nXm°∑m¿ BIm\p≈ `mKyw In´nbXp. Ipamkn AXncq]XbpsS B¿®v _nj∏v ]o‰¿ Izmkn k¿s]mßns‚ Ingn¬ B AXncq]Xbnse anj≥ tI{μßfn¬ Bbncp∂p ChcpsS ]ptcmlnX tkh\w. tbipZmkv A®≥ sk‚ v. ]m{SnIv \gvknMv tlmw Nmπn\pw ASpØ ]≈n hnImcnbpw Bbn´mbncp∂p Ipamknbn¬ anj\dn the XpSßnbXv. Cu ]≈n°p 23 anj≥ tI{μßfpw AXn\SpØ kaqlhpw D≠mbncp∂p. Lm\mbn¬ \nch[n ss{S_¬ {Kp∏pIfpw tatXmSnÃv, Fh©nenÃv, {]okv_n‰dnb≥, s]‚mtImkv‰¬ XpSßnb s{]m´kv‰‚ v k`Ifpw tdma≥ ItØmen°cpw \nd™p \n∂ncp∂p. 70% {InkvXy\nIfpw 25% apkvenwßfpw _m°n a‰p≈hcpw BWv. {Inkvakpw Cukv‰dpw ChnSpsØ tZinb

36 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw BtLmj߃ BWv. ]nXr°fnepw t{]X`pXßfnepw. ChnSpØpIm¿°v hnizmkw IqSpw. \membncw t]¿°v amtΩmZok \¬In ItØmen°m kaplsØ hf¿Øm≥ BbXp tbipZmkv A®≥ henb A`nam\ambn IcpXp∂p. H≥]tXmfw ]pØ≥ ]≈nIƒ \n¿Ωn®p. ]´kzoIcWØn\p tijw Ifat»cn t_m¿UnMv NpaXe°nSbn¬ {]kn≤am bncp∂p sIm®n≥kvIqƒ Hm^v B¿´n¬ Nn{XIebpw s]cpam\qcn¬ t^mt´m{Km^nbpw ]cnioen®Xv B{^n°≥ ]≈n \n¿amWØn¬ klmbIcambn. Atacn°bnse kuØv sUt°m´kvt‰‰nse kpt^mƒkv AXncp]Xnbn¬ Hcp ]Xn‰m≠ns‚ tase CShI tkh\Øn\nSbn¬ Lm\ hØn°m≥ \p≥jntbm Bbncp∂ B¿®v _nj∏v tXmakv tImt®cnbpsS B{Kl{]Imcw Ipamknbn¬ aq∂p ]≈nIƒ IqSn \n¿Ωn°m≥ G¬∏n®Xpw tbipZmkv A®s‚ \n¿amW Iebnse ssh≤yIyw a\ nem°nbXv sIm≠mbncp∂p. c≠v L´ambn B{^n°≥ anj\dn thesNøm\p≈ hcw Fßns\ k^eoIcn®p F∂p Xncbptºmƒ DStbm≥ \SØn X∂p lm! hnkvabw A{X Xs∂!

Hcp acnb Xo¿∞w

B{^n°≥ anj\n¬ \n∂pw Hcp CSthf. Lm\ anj\n¬ \n∂pw HgnhpImew Ign°m≥ kz¥w anj\mb _nsPt\mdnte°p≈ hgnbn¬ Zn√nbnse hnam\ØmhfØn¬ Cdßn. kzoIcn°m≥ FØnbXv s{]mhn≥jy¬ ^m. dbva≠v Xs∂. bm{Xbn¬ Fs‚ sNhnbn¬ kzcw XmgvØn ]d™Xp C\n A®≥ Xncn®p Lm\°v t]mI≠ as‰mcp \ntbmKw BWv tbipZmkv A®s‚ PohnXtcJbn¬ h∂p s]´Xv. kn. Fw sF k`bn¬ Gsd \mfsØ kwhmZØn\pw ao‰nßpIfpsSbpw Ahkm\Øn¬ P\d¬ kwLw \S∏nem°m≥ t]mIp∂ henb Ncn{X kw`hw. kn Fw sF

September 2019; No. 243 37 I¿sΩektμiw anj≥ {]h¿Ø\߃°p B°w Iq´m\p≈ AkvYnhmcamb DØtc¥ybnse anj≥ skan\mcn ka∂zb XntbmfPn°¬ skan\mcn. sP\d¬ kwLw kn.Fw.sF hSt° C≥Uy≥ anj≥ s{]mhn≥jmf∑msc Xs∂ CXns‚ ÿm]\Øn\pw \SØn∏n\pw Bbn `cta¬∏n®p. B Ip∏mbw h∂p hoWXv s{]mhn≥jy¬ dbva≠v A®s‚ Npaen¬; anj≥ skan\mcn sNb¿am≥ F∂ ]Zhn. At±lsØ C°mcyØn¬ klmbn°pI CXmbncp∂p bm{Xbn¬ dbva≠®≥ sNhnbn¬ a{¥n® Lm\°p t]mI≠ F∂p ]d™Xns‚ adp]pdw. Aßns\ t`m∏men¬ FØn. ]´WØn¬ \n∂pw ]{¥≠v Inan amdnbmWv B\μ\K¿. AXn\SpØmbn LS F∂ Umante°p≈ hgnbn¬ Hcp henb at\mlc Iam\w IS∂p FØp∂ Hcp Ip∂mWv ^m. Bt‚m Imtdm°mc≥ kn.Fw.sF. km£mXvIcn® k`bpsS BZy ]q¿tWmZb F∂ anj≥ dntk¿®v s{Sbn\nwKv tI{μw. Ccp]tXmfw G°dn¬ hym]n®pInS°p∂ Ip∂ns‚ kaXe {]tZiØmWv ka∂zb skan\mcnbpsS BZy `mKw Db¿tØ≠Xv. AXns‚ {]mcw` \S]SnIƒ°mbn `q{]amWßfpw tcJIfpw F√mwXømdm°m≥ {ian®t∏mƒ ZpjvIcßfmb ISºIƒ Gsd. ]cnlmcw Is≠Ønh∂t∏mƒ B\μ\K¿lØmbn LS tdmUn¬ \n∂pw IS∂p h∂ncp∂ {][m\ hgnbpw Iam\hpw tK‰pw F√mw amt‰≠n h∂p. hgn amdpIbpw Iam\w F¥p sNøWsa∂pw BtemNn®t∏mƒ Hcp Bibw tbipZmkv A®\v a\ n¬ DZn®p. t{Kmt´m B°nbtem....A∂v ]q¿tWmZbmbn¬ D≠mbncp∂ {]kn≤ Nmμ anj\dn Bbncp∂, ^m. {InÃnt\mSv ]d™t∏mƒ DS≥ At±lw AXn\p ]®s°mSn ImWn®p. hgn ]t´¬ \Kdn¬ \n∂pw {Ias∏SpØn. Iam\Øns‚ at≤y amXmhns‚ Hcp kzcq]w h®p Hcp t{Kmt´m B°n am‰n. A∂sØ ]q¿tWmZb Iam\w C∂v t`m∏m¬ AXncq]XbpsS Xs∂ acnb≥ Xo¿∞mS\ tI{μambn amdn. AXn¿Øn {]iv\Øn\pw hgn sISpXn°pw ]cnlmcw Bbn. skan\mcn ine CtS≠n

38 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw h∂t∏mgpw {]iv\߃ ]eXp s]m¥n h∂p. Ahkm\w t`m∏m¬ B¿®v _nj∏v tSm∏t\m Fkv.sP bpsS Ic߃ sIm≠pXs∂ ka\zb°p inemio¿hmZw \S°pIbpw sNbvXp. skan\mcnbpsS BZy {XntImWmIrXnbnep≈ sI´nSØns‚ ]Wn ]q¿Ønbm°n BZy kwLw XntbmfPn hnZym¿YnIƒ hmkw XpSßpw∂tXmsS tbipZmkv A®≥ t`m∏ment\mSv hnS sNm√n. Aßns\ \n\®ncn°msX kap\zb anj≥ skan\mcnbpsS \n¿ΩnXnbn¬ dbva≠v A®s‚ Iømfmhm\pw ssZh ]cn]me\ CShcpØn. knμpc Nph∏p hoW kmbm”w

]utcmlnXyØns‚ AºXmw h¿jØn¬ FØnbncn°p∂p. PohnXmbp n¬ Xs∂ FºXmw h¿jw. am\sØ sN©mbØpSn∏p≈ ]Sn™md≥ kmbm” k‘y I≠pXpSßn. s\√pw Icnºpw Np‰nepw. \Sphnse amhn≥ tXm´Ønse kn.Fw.sF \sØhmen acnbm{iaØns‚ hcm¥bn¬ Ccp∂m¬ lnameb ae \ncIfpsS apSn ImWmw. AhnsS Ccp∂p sIm≠p At±lw ]d™p. ssZhw Fs∂ A¤pXIcambn \SØn Ft∂ ]dbm\p≈p PohnXØns‚ ]n∂mºpdtØ°p t\m°ptºmƒ Fs∂ B{^n°bnepw _nPvt\mdnepw Atacn°bnepw tdmanepw, sIm≠dmUv AUvt\mth¿ ^ut≠j≥ kvtImf¿jn∏v hgn P¿a\nbn¬ ]cnioe\Øn\pw AXnep]cn tIcfØnepw ]utcmlnXy Øns‚ ssIsbm∏v hogvØm≥ A\p{Kln® ssZh]cn]me \bv°p A\hcXw kvXpXn. ]mem cq]XbpsS in¬∏n Bb _nj∏v sk_mÃy≥ hbenens‚ BflIY ]pkvXIØns‚ Xes°´p ]d™n´p. “Ahs‚ hgnIƒ F{X kpμc߃”, tbipZmkv H∂p IqSn Iq´nt®¿Øp...am{Xa√ hnkvabIc߃.

September 2019; No. 243 39 I¿sΩektμiw

aIs\ \n\°pth≠n

^mZ¿ tPm¨ hnbm\n

Cu h¿jw ]cnip≤{XoXzØns‚ Xncp\mfn\p Aev]w Ft¥m {]tXyIX D≠mbncps∂∂v tXm∂n. ]Øph¿jw RßtfmsSmcpan®p AP]me\ tPmenbnep≠mbncp∂ \ΩpsS _. tPmkv tXm´Øne®≥ hncan°pIbmWv. AtXmS\p_‘n®p Hcp aebmfnIpSpw_w At±lØn\v hnShm߬ Biwkbv°p thZnsbmcp°n. th≠s∏´hcmb R߃ Hcp Znhkw sshIn´v ho´n¬ Hcpan®ph∂p. kmlNcyhim¬ A∂p{XnXzØns‚ Xncp\mfpambncp∂p. Hcpan®p sIm¥ sNm√n XpS¿∂v AØmgw. `£Wamcw`n°p∂Xn\p sXm´v ap≥]v tPmk®≥ Hcmibw D∂bn®p. {XnXzØns‚ Xncp∂mƒ \nßsf Fßs\bmWp kzm[o\n®Xv F∂ H∂v ]¶pshbv°mtam? At±lw kaqltØmSmbn´p tNmZn®p. Bibw Hcp {InbmflIamb Im¬shbv]mbn´p tXm∂n. ImcWw, ]cnip≤{XnXzsa∂Xv ]et∏mgpw IsÆØmØ ZqcØmsW∂p tXm∂mdp≠v. Ip¿_m\bnse ap∂v hmb\bIfpsS Zni t\m°nbm bncp∂p Hcp Nn¥m[mc. H∂mwhmb\ kp`mjnXßfn¬ \n∂p≈Xv (8:22˛31) GItZiw Cßs\bmbncp∂Xns‚ KXn: ssZhØns‚ ⁄m\w kwkmcn°p∂Xv ImtXm¿Øp tI´mepw. Nn¥mtijnbp≈ a\pjy\pƒs∏sS kIe PohPme߃°pw Zp¿{Klamb Hcp ImcyamWv, ssZhw Xs‚ Icthebmcw`n® aplq¿Øw. At∂cw Rm≥ Aßn¬ \n¿eo\ambncp∂p. \navtXm∂Xamb Cu `qXesØ cq]s∏SpØpIbpw AXn\papIfnembn AhnSp∂v BImiØns‚ \oe°pS \nh¿ØpIbpw sNbvXt∏mƒ, AhnSpsØ inev]nbmbn Rm≥ IqsSbp≠mbncp∂p. c≠masØ hmb\, ]utemkv «olm

40 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw tdma°m¿s°gpXnb teJ\Øn¬ \n∂mbncp∂p (5:1-˛5) tNmc \ocm°n A[zm\n°m\pw, I„∏mSpIfn¬ A`nam\w Is≠Øm\pap≈, Xf¿®sb¥∂dnbmØ {]mkwKoI\mb ]utemkv «olmbpsS A[zm\ambncp∂p AXv. ]p{X kzoImcØns‚ BNmcamb ]cnip≤m∑mhv hgn \Ωn¬ apfsbSp°p∂ kvt\lamWv A[zm\n°m≥ \ap°p≈ {]tNmZ\w. \hss{IkvXhcmbncp∂ tdma≥ ]ucmhenbpsSbpw \ΩpsSbpw ImcyØn¬ AXv icnbmWv. kvt\lP\yamb tPmenIƒ ÿntcm’mlØnte°pw ÿntcm’mlw {]Xymibnte°pw \ap°v hgnXpd°p∂p. {]Xymim`cnXamb {]bXv\߃ ]pXnb Im¬shbv]pIsfSp°phm≥ t{]cWbm hpIbpw sNøpw. Cu Nn¥bpsS Ne\w {i≤n®ns´∂Xpt]mse, kphntijØn¬ (tbml 16:12˛15) Cutim ]d™p, ]eImcyßfpw \nßsf ]Tn∏n°m≥ tijn°p∂Xmbn F\n°p≠v. kvt\lØns‚ ssNX\yamb ]cnip≤m∑mhp hcptºmƒ Ah \n߃°v shfnhmIpw. Hcp {InbmflI `mh\, t¢ißfn¬ a\w ]XdmsX ]cn{ia߃, AXphgn ssIhcp∂ ]ptcmKXn F∂nßs\ ap∂v L´ßfp≈ Hcp ssZht{]cnX b⁄ambn \ΩpsS PohnXsØ hnebncpØnbmse ∂Xpt]mse Cu ap∂v hmb\IfpsS D≈S°sØ \Ωp°v hymJym\n°m\mIpw. BImi∏dhIsfbpw hbense timi∂Isfbpw a‰pw ]co£WXmfnIfm°nsIm≠v kz¿§ÿ\mb ssZhØns‚ ]nXremf\tb kzmZn„ambn Cutim \ap°dnbn®pX∂p. AXpt]mse efnXamb Hcp DZym\Zriyw sIm≠v Cu hmb\Isf ]cnip≤{XoXztØmSv _‘n∏n® Imhy`mh\ cpNnIcambncp∂p. Ign™h¿jsØbt]£n®p Cu h¿jw RßfpsS tlmkv]n‰ens‚ ap≥hihpw Np‰p]mSpIfpw IqSpX¬ ]pjv]mhrXambncp∂p C{Xb[nIw ]Ww Nnehv sNbvXp tlmkv]n‰ens‚ ]cnkcw tamSn]nSn∏n®m¬, AXv \oXn°p

September 2019; No. 243 41 I¿sΩektμiw \nc°ptam? Nne¿ Dds° Nn¥n®p. ]mhs∏´hsc klmbn°m≥ Cu ]Ww D]tbmKn°mambncp∂nt√? Nne¿ klX]n®p. kwib߃°v \ymboIcWap≠v ]s£ as‰mcp Nn¥bpw AXpt]mse Xs∂ {]k‡amWv. tcmKnIfmba\pjy¿ BtcmKyw hos≠Sp°m\p≈XmWv tlmkv]n‰¬, AhnSpsØ `njzKzc∑m¿ F{Xka¿∞cmbncp∂mepw, AhnSpsØ ]cnNcWw F{X ta¬ØcamsW∂p]d™mepw, Bip]{Xn ]cnkc߃ ih∏dºn\p Xpeyambncp∂m¬, AhnsShcm≥ tcmKnIƒ°pt]mepw t{]cWbp≠mhn√, tcmKhnap‡nbpw \S∏mhpIbn√. AXpsIm≠v tcmKnIƒ °mbmepw BI¿jIamb A¥co£w D≠mIWsa∂v IcpXtemsSbmWv DZym\w cq]s∏Sp∂Xv. Ht∂m ct≠m \gvkdn hnZKv≤∑mcpsS `mh\mkºØpw AXv {]mh¿ØnIam°m≥ hnb¿Øp ]WnsbSpØ sXmgnemfnIfpsS A[zm\hpw AXv {]mh¿ØnIambt]mep≠mb Hcp ]pØ≥ ZriyhpamWv B tlmkv]n‰¬ DZym\Øns‚ AIhpw ]pdhpw. {XnXzØns‚ Xncp∂mfn\v Ip¿_m\bnep]tbmKn® aq∂phmb\IfpsS s]mcpfpw AXp Xs∂bmWt√m. AXmWv ]cnip≤{XoXzØns‚ kØbpw ktμihpw F∂p]dbmat√m. ]nXmhmb ssZhØns‚ {InbmflINn¥bpw, AXv {]mh¿ØnIam°m≥ th≠n IpcnipacWw Gs‰SpØ Cutimbpw, a\pjy¿°pw amemJmam¿°pw ImgvNhkvXp°fmb (sImd 4:9) ssZhP\hpw (2sImd 4:8˛12) AXmWt√m \Ωsf Hm¿as∏SpØp∂Xv (sl{_m 10:33). AXp]d™t∏mƒ, hbemdns‚ Hcp IhnXbnse Hcp Z¿i\w Fs‚ Hm¿abn¬ h∂p: “AΩ acn°mXncn°m\m{K ln°p∂Xv aIs\ \n\°pth≠n”. AΩn™∏m¬ apX¬ AcpsX∂p hne°p∂ B⁄ hsc AΩbpsS Hmtcm Ne\hpw Ip™ns\ X∂nte°Sp∏n°m≥ ]mIØnemWv. Xt∂mSSpØp, X∂n¬ \n∂pw PohnXØns‚ ]mT߃ ]Tn®p, imeo\XbpsS

42 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw ]ShpIƒ Hmtcm∂pw Ip™p Nhn´n°bdWw. AXmWt√m AΩbpsS PohnXmthiw. AXpt]mse Xs∂, tlmkv]n‰ens‚ Np‰nepap≈ DZym\w AhnsS ]cnNcWw tXSnsbØp∂ a\pjysc Dt±in®p≈XmWv. sNdpXpw hepXpambn tlmkv]n‰ent\mSv _‘s∏´ kIeImcyßfpw AhnsS hcm\pw tcmKhnap‡cmIm\pw tcmK{Kÿsc t{]cn∏n°p∂ XmhWw. hy‡nIfpsS BtcmKy{]iv\߃ t]mse, a\pjy\p P∑\m A]q¿ÆXIfp≠v. AXpsIm≠m Wt√m Cutiman inlmbpsS kl\Øns‚ Awiw kz¥w icocØn¬ ]q¿Ønbm°p∂hcmbn t{]jnXssNX\yap≈ k`mwKßsf hn. ]utemkv «olm Nn{XnIcn°p∂Xv. tIcfØn¬ k`bnembmepw, cm{„obcwKØmbmepw AkzkvYXIƒ \Ωƒ ImWp∂p≠v, th≠pthmfw. ssZhkzcw tI´v, ]ØpI¬]\Iƒ F∂ s]cpam‰ N´w ]men®p Pohn°phm≥ P\w t¢in°p∂p. ]cºcmKX aqey߃ hnkvacn°s∏´v, ]t©{μnb \n¿hrXn tXSnbebp∂P\w, elcnacp∂n\Snas∏´hsct]msetbm, izmkXSkw A\p`hn°p∂ tcmKnIsft]msetbm ho¿∏pap´p∂Xv \ap°v sXfnhmbn ImWmw. Aßs\bp≈tcmKnIƒ kuJyw tXSnsbØp∂ BXpcmebamWv ssZhhnizmkØnepd®p \n¬°p∂ k`. {XnXz Z¿i\Øns‚ ]›mØeØn¬ ]utemkv «olm sImdn¥ysc Hm¿an∏n® Imcyw AXmbncp ∂t√m H∂masØ teJ\Øn¬ (4:9) At±lsagpXn, a\pjy¿°pw amemJmam¿°pw R߃ ImgvNhkvXp°fmWv. c≠masØ teJ\Øn¬ (4:8˛12) At±lw AXv hniZoIcn®p. CutimaninlmbpsS Poh≥ RßfpsS icocØn¬ {]Xy£amtI≠Xn\p AhnSpsØ acWw RßfpsS DSen¬ t]dp∂p. sl{_mb¿s°gpXnbt∏mƒ (10:33) ho≠pw At±laXp hy‡am°p∂p≠v. BXpcimebmb Xncpk`bpsS ap‰sØ DZym\ ZriyßfmWt√m \Ωƒ, k\ymk`h\߃.

September 2019; No. 243 43 I¿sΩektμiw RßfpsS Bip]{Xnap‰sØ DZym\ZriysØ°pdn®p ]Ws®esh∂pw, ]mhßsf hnkvacn°p∂psh∂pw A`n{]mbßfp≠v. AXpt]mse, \ΩpsS PohnXssien sb°pdn®pw A`n{]mbm¥c߃ \Ωƒ tIƒ°pw. AXv \Ωƒ tI´ns√∂p sh°cpXv icn. ]s£, AXn\∏pdØpw Hcp ho£Wap≠t√m. “aIs\ \n\°v th≠n” F∂ Km\Z¿i\w \Ωƒ ImtXm¿Øp tIƒ°Ww. D]Nmc]q¿Δamb h¿Ø\coXnIfneqsS, AXv \ΩpsS kaqlØn\p≈nepw A\p`ham°phm≥ \Ωƒ a\ ncptØ≠Xv Bhiyat√? Im‰nepebp∂ hnizmkn kaqlØn\p XmßmtI≠nbhcmWv \Ωƒ. \ΩpsS A[nImchnt[b `mh߃ hnizmkØns‚bpw B¥cnI PohnXØns‚bpw ssNX\yØn¬ ]pØ≥ DW¿Δv ssIhcnt°≠nhcpw. agbpw sImSpwIm‰pw sh≈s]m°hpsam s°bp≠mhpw (aØm 7:25) Ahbn¬ BSnbpe™ hoSpIsf \ndpØm\b°s∏tS≠Xn\p BfpIƒ thWw. Rm≥ Bsc Ab°pw, Bcp≠pt]mhm≥ F∂ I¿Ømhns‚ tNmZyØn\v CXm Rm≥ Fs∂ Ab®mepw (Giøm 6:8) F∂v ]d™ {]hmNIs\t]mse ]dbm≥ \Ωfp≠mbncn°pIbmWmhiyw. AXnt\m? ]utemkv «ol XntamØnsb Hm¿as∏SpØnbXp t]mse (2Xntam 4:1˛5) \Ωƒ DW¿∂ncn°Ww. a‰p≈hcn¬ t_m[yw P\n∏n°m≥ X°hn[w Pohn°Ww, £abv°pw AXncp shbv°cpXv; ImXn\nºwtN¿°p∂h am{Xw tIƒ°m≥ P\w a\ ncpØpw; am[yaßsf ssZhkzcw t]mse BZ¿iambn ImWpIbpw sNøpw. AsXms° kw`hn°ptºmƒ, \Ωtfm? F√m‰nepw kaNnØX ]men°pIbpw I„X kln°pIbpw sNtø≠n hcpw. aIs\ \n\°pth≠n F∂ `mhw \ΩpsS `h\ßfn¬ ]pecptºmƒ, \ΩpsS `h\߃ Bip]{Xn ap‰sØ ]q°fmbn h¿Øn°pw.

44 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw


Fr. Saju Chackalackal CMI

The second lap of CMI Mission in Iraq (first lap: 1960-1965) began on 22 August 2019, on the feast of the Queenship of Our Blessed Mother. Fr. Paul Thaimoottil CMI (Nirmal Province, Jagdalpur) and Fr. George (Bibin) Paruthippillikkunnel CMI (Mary Matha Province, Hyderabad) are part of this new CMI global mission. Fr. Josey Thamarassery CMI, Provincial of Jagdalpur, accompanied them to Bagdad. Our Fathers have joined Iraq Mission in the Patriarchal Archdiocese of Bagdad as we were invited by the Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church, His Beatitude Patriarch Louis Sako. Chaldean Patriarchate consists of Patriarch Cardinal Raphael Louis Sako, two Auxiliary Bishops (Bishop Baselios and Bishop Robert, the latter being newly appointed), Secretary Dr. Ekhlass, and two Chaldean sisters who take care of the Patriarchate. His Beatitude Patriarch Louis Sako expressed his gratitude and happiness for the support extended to the Chaldean Catholic Church, which is in need of our support by sharing our personnel for pastoral care of the Chaldean faithful. According to the Patriarch, the situation in Iraq has very much improved and he hopes to rebuild the Church in Iraq which was ruined after 2005. He assured

September 2019; No. 243 45 I¿sΩektμiw our missionaries that the people really love the priests and there is no need for any worry about their security. Our Fathers will be at the Patriarchate for a few weeks and, then, they will be assigned to two different big parishes to learn the languages and to be initiated into the local communities. Study of Arabic is important as the language of communication; Aramaic also is needed for liturgical celebrations (Holy Qurbana and prayers are usually celebrated in Arabic and Aramaic). After the language study the Patriarch is ready to entrust us with a parish; he has also suggested that we can think of opening a CMI community in future and also even think of inducting local vocations from Iraq. Patriarch Louis Sako suggested that he looks for one more CMI, who could serve as spiritual director in the seminary, which is now located in Erbil, though it will soon be shifted to Bagdad. Regarding the earlier proposal from the Patriarch about some of our Fathers with expertise in theological subjects extending support in the seminary (by way of short-term teaching assignments), further discussions are to be held with other bishops in Iraq and a decision will be arrived at soon. The Patriarchate has also promised to bear all the financial expenses (Fr. Josey, Provincial of Jagdalpur, reports that the Patriarch even insisted that he would pay for the tickets of the CMIs, which was graciously refused from our side). As per the policy of the Archdiocese of Bagdad, our priests will receive a monthly allowance of

46 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

$800; both of them will be provided with cars from the Patriarchate for their use. They will have their home holidays and their travel expenses will be met from the Patriarchate. Fr. Josey Thamarassery, Provincial of Jagdalpur, who accompanied our new missionaries to Iraq, feels that our Fathers are in safer hands; our Fathers also have expressed their willingness to learn the language and to get acclimatized to the new pastoral situation in order to contribute to the Church constructively. Fr. Paul Thaimoottil will be the Superior and contact person from the side of our Congregation. The Church in Iraq was destroyed in 2005 onwards by the fanatics. For example, in 2005, in a locality where the Seminary of Bagdad was also situated Christians formed 80% of the population; in 2019, however, it is a deserted place and hardly has 1% Christian population. In Iraq, the Catholic Church consists of four rites: Chaldean Catholics, Syrian Catholics (Malankara), Armenian Catholics, and Latin Church. Arabic is the spoken language and for liturgical celebrations Chaldean Church uses also Aramaic. Vocations to priesthood and consecrated life are dwindling. For example, Chaldean Sisters who are spread all through Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and America have only 98 sisters. There are also other congregations like Presentation Sisters and Dominican Sisters and their dedicated service in the field of healthcare and education is widely appreciated. Many schools, which

September 2019; No. 243 47 I¿sΩektμiw the sisters and the diocese were managing, were taken up by the government earlier, though today they are giving them back to the sisters for effective management of the services. A high school (6-12 classes) run by Dominican Sisters with a strength of 600 students is ranked the fourth in Iraq. During a visit to a Syrian Catholic Church, our Fathers were told that 57 Catholics and two priests were murdered in this Church on 10 October 2010 by some terrorists who shot them dead during the celebration of the Holy Mass. As Fr. Josey Thamarassery opined, in Iraq, we are called to serve a Church which suffered severely for her faith and is now longing to bloom in the present situation. It is an eye-opener for us in India. As we live in affluence (material and ecclesial), we forget or neglect our basic call to witness to the Gospel and to live its message radically. We need to redeem our call to proclaim the Gospel, not only in our homeland but also to the ends of the earth. As Fr. Paul and Fr. George, two CMI missionaries, have begun their mission in Iraq by offering pastoral care in the Archdiocese of Bagdad, we are graciously returning the care and animation offered to the Syro-Malabar Church by the Chaldean Catholic Church, which is now in need of our pastoral support. May our Blessed Mother, Saint Thomas the Apostle, and Saint Chavara intercede for our missionaries and our mission in Iraq!

48 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Multi-faced compact scheme for the benefit of all Fr. T Jaiswam This is to highlight the feasible ways and means for all those who are of goodwill, to become healthy and wealthy by prompt profitable and, productive conservation cum recycling of all local and naturally available resources which are almost neglected and treated as waste and headache for all. Let me emphatically assert that the system I am presenting is totally empirical and proven, it is not on conceptual level. To ubstantiate the theme let me introduce an innovative scheme which I envisaged and launched with the financial support of NABARD. Its title is “Draught resistant organic multi cropping”. It had come to its fruition and its completion report was forwarded to NABARD office. Later this scheme was selected for national award and its application forms were forwarded to my office. But due to my rather prolonged absence from my office I could not fill them up and do the timely follow up. Later NABARD District development manager asked me to approach the Zilla Panchayat for promoting this unique scheme. Hence I approached the then CEO, an IAS officer Mr. Prasanna. He was kind enough to study the scheme. But he told me that we are only executive officers so we are not empowered to launch innovative schemes and asked me to forward it to planning commission New Delhi and all official formalities were explained to me. I followed his guidance and forwarded the scheme to Planning commission New Delhi. But there was no

September 2019; No. 243 49 I¿sΩektμiw response from the Commission; still no one could find any defect or demerit to this approach. Hence let me dwell on this scheme. “Draught resistant organic multi cropping” has got unlimited scope for replication as an answer to the multi faced and multi dimensional problems depicted below. As a headache for all, vast area is getting barren and arid due to most unhealthy practice in India, and other countries are not an exception to this alarming situation. As a traditional and conventional type solution for this perennial problem, forestry and plantation drive are promoted. But this piecemeal approach is not the adequate answer to the literally burning situation. A multi faced compact and replicable approach will be perennial and genuine solution to the multi dimensional problem. The following reports are a convincing proof for the inadequacy of this piecemeal approach. As per the 1st June, 2019 report of Navabharath Hindi daily, UN said, 20 lacks are likely to die due to drought in Somalia. The big words of our President Ram Nath Kovind, “save forest to protect environment” is not again a piecemeal solution. Fifty percent Districts in India are having polluted water due to nitrate, fluoride, iron and arsenic presence in the ground water (Navabharath Hindi daily 1st August 2018) 10 large cities to go dry by 2030: NITI Aayog (The Hitavada 28, July 2018) Deficit rain in 1/4th of country: IMD data (Hitavada 23, July 2018) it is all in the

50 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw national level. The problem is almost same all over the world. Inadequacy of the approach is evident from the following data depicted below; mainly forest based problems of various countries of just in one month in 2018. For example: “French soldiers arrive in Sweden to fight wild fire” (24 July, 2018) Wildfire toll rises to 81 in Athens (July 27, 2018) Death toll climbs to 88 in Greek wild fire (July 29, 2018) Erratic winds, dry conditions fuel California fires (July 31, 2018) California fires devastate over 100,000 hectares (August 2, 2018) More than 1,000 homes torched in California wild fires (August, 3, 2018) NABARD financed innovative scheme “Drought Resistant Organic Multi Cropping” Selected for National award Let me claim with all humility that the scheme captioned above and successfully launched is the most adequate answer to the above depicted multi faced problems. Above all it can very well achieve aims and objectives given below. Aims and objectives This is a multi faced compact scheme for two years aiming to 1. Alleviate poverty, 2. Curb malnutrition,

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3. Generate employment in the rural set up, 4. Total control of migration 5. Promote forestry and wild life, 6. A very healthy solution for devastating wild fire 7. Most healthy solution for slums 8. Productive conservation of rural economy, 9. Above all it is the best system for water conservation and solution for depleting of ground water as well. 10. An adequate answer for air pollution . Ways and means It is so simple that no amount of formal training is required. Even the totally illiterate can easily follow as it is explained and guided at no cost the simple technology implied in this scheme is as follows :- 1. To prove its success select totally barren and arid land where not even grass is grown. 2. Make two feet wide, minimum eighteen inches depth contour trenches at a distance of two feet. And the excavated earth has to be used as bunds on one side of the contour trenches. Let the trenches be at a distance of two feet. This two feet space will be part of next year’s scheme. 3. The trenches should be thoroughly filled with biomass like weeds, grass or whatever is prone to get burned. It could be collected from forest or wherever it is available. If possible apply some cow dung water over the biomass filled trenches. And cover the biomass filled trenches with just enough soil, but the contour bunds should not be deformed. 4. The first rain water itself will be totally absorbed by the project sight which is fully prepared to retain rain water.

52 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

It is now rather prepared for farming. Since within a short period the biomass is not decomposed the first crop may not be satisfactory, it is only just half of the project. The next half has to be completed as follows. 5. The following year two feet space left in between two trenches should be dug and fill them with biomass and maintain the bunds as far as possible . 6. Since the biomass of the first trench is almost totally decomposed the project land is enriched for multi crops, even though there is draught occasional rain water is enough to have moisture period prolonged enough for bumper crops. As far as possible the following year also the same system could be followed and the land would be highly yielding even if there is draught. As the launching of the scheme was going on, the beneficiaries made a remark that the lower part of the land also will be getting enough water for farming. It is an innovative and proven scheme and it has got unlimited scope for replication anywhere in the world. All its specified aims and objectives, even more than that could be very well achieved. Further complimenting aims and objectives If anybody raises any objections or questions the viability of the scheme I have full confidence to defend it and specify the success of the approach which has got two feasible phases. The first phase is as follows. The area including forest where from the biomass, humus and all the stuff which is prone to get burned should be collected and used for this scheme for much more than double benefits .

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(1) The area which is to be brought under this scheme will be highly yielding (2) The forest or the land which is biomass free will be saved from devastating wild fire. It will boost forest and forest life as well. (3) Any number of people could be employed during the first phase of this multi faced compact scheme. (4) Until almost the unlimited area which is to be brought under this scheme there is unlimited employment opportunity not only during the first phase of the scheme , but the second phase, as the crops come up, it generates still more opportunity for employment. Without the second, the multi phased scheme, it is incomplete. Hence the second phase is as important as the first. Rural economy is totally based on these two sectors which are very clearly depicted above. The second phase is the follow up or integral part of the first phase. It should be defined as productive conservation or prompt recycling of rural farm products. Otherwise there is erosion of rural economy. It could be made clear with simple examples based on current practices. Maize, rice bran, broken rise etc are major ingredients for preparing live stock feed. But all these items are going out and finished products like eggs, chicken, milk etc are coming back to those farmers who are responsible for supplying the raw materials for live stock, are buying the finished products, and the farmers are not even getting the litter for their farming. Even if raw materials are not locally produced live stock program has to come up in our rural set up.

54 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Hence the farmers who are responsible for supplying raw materials should be equipped to have life stock in their own surroundings, as far as possible or in their own villages so that they can supply the finished products instead of raw materials and promptly build up healthy and productive conservation of rural economy. All the aims and objectives of the scheme envisaged above will be promptly achieved provided, they follow this scheme. Instead of following this highly beneficial scheme why a good number of farmers are wasting their time and energy in cultivating the barren and arid land and live half starving? Let Somalia and other starving countries follow this highly promising profitable scheme. Let the leaders of the nations stop making big sermons and come down and study the benefits of this multi faced, compact feasible scheme which is almost totally based on locally and naturally available resources which are treated as a curse. Let me assure all those who are with genuine interest for adequately following the scheme which has got unlimited scope for replication. Why the enormous blessings of the nature which is treated as a curse? The value of this wealth of the inexhaustible but so called waste by which we are surrounded almost everywhere. As I prepare this theme I am doing it with pain and prick of conscience due to what is seen around me. Who will come forward to convince all the concerned and the responsible parties to come down from piecemeal approach and launch the most feasible “The Multi faced compact scheme” for the benefit of all?

September 2019; No. 243 55 I¿sΩektμiw

Introductory Talk

MISSION COUNCIL October 30, 1979

Rev. Fr. Thomas Anicetus Aykara, C.M.I.

As we celebrate CMI Mission Year, it is appropriate to revisit the talk given by Rev. Fr. Thomas Aykara, the Prior General in 1979 at Sagar For the first ever Mission Council Meeting on October 30th, 1979

Your Excellencies, Rev. Fathers and dear Brothers, I deem it a great privilege to have this opportunity to speak to you a few words at the very outset of this Mission Council. Fr. Canisius, through his meticulously prepared communications, has already conveyed to all of us the mandate of this Council quoting from our Constitution and Statutes. I feel it unnecessary to remind you once again how we should work for the self-sufficiency of our Missions, how this Council will advise the Prior

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General and his Council on the policy to be followed regarding our Missions. We are all very happy that we have this meeting convened here in Sagar. Last year Bp. Clemens could not attend as he was not keeping well. Hence this time we made it a point not to miss him and we chose Sagar. Let me from the very beginning express my sincere gratitude to the Spirit that brought us all together here, our Bishops, our General Council members, Provincial, Secretaries, Rector, President, Experts and students representative. Christian Mission, as we all kno, is the spreading of the Spirit of Christ. The same Spirit is amidst us. Let us all be open to the same Spirit during these days. Let the Spirit of openness, unit, loyalty to the Church and dedication to Christ be our thoughts these days. A sincere listening to the Spirit, deep experience of his Communion and a total dedication to our cause, which is Christ, should animate all our actions and planning for which we are assembled here. The Spirit works always in and through us; it is not a Spirit that is distant but intensely involved He works through our Secretaries. I am really glad to state that all our mission Secretaries are doing a great service to our Congregation and to the Missionary thrust for which our

September 2019; No. 243 57 I¿sΩektμiw last General Chapter made an enthusiastic appeal Let the Lord of harvest reward them all abundantly is my earnest prayer. The immense gift of God made our Congregation a fitting vehicle of His objective to show that an Indigenous Church can and should take care of her own mission responsibilit, that the salvation of India is in indegenous hands. Thanks to the dedicated and selfless work of our fathers under the able leadership of our Bishops, our missionary activities in the North, South and within Kerala have clearly shown how effectively the Apostolic Church in Kerala can cut across the boundaries and reach millions in living Christ. Being faithful to the original tradition of our Congregation, let us all be united with the cause of our Mother Church and united as our fore fathers used to be with the local hierarchy, we too shall work for His Kingdom united in heart and soul with the leadership of the Church and Her Bishops, Shepherds of the flock. Mission is essentially listening, living and giving the Word of God. It is preaching in an integral sense. It is presenting Christ, it is making available the presence of Christ. It is making an atmosphere where Christic presence is predominant. In other words, Mission is essentially your personal experience of Christ made avilable to others.

58 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Following the vision of our C.M.I. Handbook we can say “that an apostolate of authentic life of integration (Yoga Sakshya) naturally invites others to join us”. Our Christ- experience becomes co-extensive. This is the true mission work that is verily valid in India and thoroughly in keeping with the saints and sages of the Land where anubhava (Experience) is the primary and ultimate criterion of truth and life. Let us therefore, first of all make our C.M.I. Missionary activities primarily Christ- experience-centred. In order to make all our missionary activities Christ-experience centred, let us concentrate in our missionary planning more on the spiritual dimension of our work. Let us, both local Ordinaries and Religious Superiors, make it a point that we give ample facilities in all our Mission Stations to create and maintain a spiritual atmosphere. Our centres must be abodes of men of God and sources of Christ-experience. It is high time, I feel, that our annual Mission Council should Seriously think about this fundamental aspect of our mission work. Taking into account the last developing nature of our Cornergation, the immense challenges we face, the top priority to give to the Mission work and the cultural and theological trends that are prevalent in our time and amidst many of us, we need attach a tremendous

September 2019; No. 243 59 I¿sΩektμiw importance to the question of missionary formation from our aspirantage to the Study House and even during our ongoing formation. Imitating Christ, the Missionary, we must make our life a self-gift of ourselves. It is not simply giving what we have, but more fundamentally giving what we are. Only a life of simplicity and humility can have the witnessing power that we often say that our Church and Religious Institutes have miserably missed. Immersed though we may be in developmental activities, rooted we all must be in the transcendence of these transient things. Our imminence of involvement has to be complemented by our detached dedication to the Chuch and Christ. All of us, Bishops, Priests, Sisters and lay-people, all have only one cause to work for: namely Christ and His Church. It is this all-embracing cause and common resolve that unites us all. We all from one community of which each one nas to play his complimentary role. Community means unity in objective, unity in planning, unity in action, unity in heart, unity in soul, unity in doing and unity in being. All of us are working for a self-reliant Church, an autonomous Church in the long run. In this concerted effort of ours it is good to take into account the concrete situation in which our Missionary dioceses come into

60 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw existence. These Missionary exarchates were entrusted to the Congregation, the evangelization work which has to be done under the leadership of the Bishops. When these missions were entrusted to us we were asked by the to present the best available Shepherds we have in our Congregation. It is under their leadership that we all have to work as one community. All of us are made available to the cause of the Church; it is a task entrusted to all of us. At the Same time the fact that it is originally entrusted to the Congregation should not curtail the freedom end initiatives of the local ordinary in making the Church slowly self-reliant. The Ordinaries and the Superiors, taking into account both sides of the situation and giving more importance to the development of self- reliant Church should work unitedly as one community whose leader is the local ordinary who in turn will make the Superiors and Priests, intensely involved in the planning and working of the diocese. A sense of mutual concern and solidarity would give shape to a more harmonious community and effective evangelization. Praying together, planning together and spending themselves entirely together would make them all feel better how we nre deeply united in our common cause. Assertion of one or the other right should give way to the arrival of Christ. In all what we plan and do it is the good

September 2019; No. 243 61 I¿sΩektμiw of the Church that must be the guiding principle. Let us all have the same concerns, same cause, same objective. In order to reach this objective, namely the building of His Church, let us give more importance to Christ experience, let us make our Mission centres abodes of Godexperience, let us become Gurus of Spiritual goods, let us make our formation missionary oriented; and finally let us be made one community in praying, planning, working and identifying our concerns. Let the togetherness in Spirit be our faith, strength and Hope.

Thank you

62 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw tXmakv ]m≠n∏≈n kn.Fw.sF, {InkvXphns‚ sshZnI c‡km£n. ^mZ¿ t{]w tXmakv kn Fw sF 1971 ]mem cq]Xbnse, No¶t√¬ CShIbn¬, tam\n∏≈nbn¬, amXyp kmdmΩ ZºXnIfpsS BdmasØ aI\mbn P\n®p. 1987 kn.Fw.sF. k`bn¬ tbmKm¿Yn Bbn. 1992 am¿®v 19 kn.Fw.sF. am¿tØmam t{]mhn≥kv, Nmμbn¬ BZy {hXhmKvZm\w \SØn. 2002, P\phcn 3˛mw XobXn Xncp∏´w kzoIcn®p. 2008 HmKkv‰v 15˛mw XobXn A¿≤ cm{Xnbn¬ acWw. Cu temIØn¬ hfsc Ipd®pImew Pohn®v, Ipd®pam{Xw Imcy߃ sNbvXp IS∂pt]mb B \√ k\ymk, anj\dn, sshZnIs\ Hm¿°ms\mcp \nanjw... ]Øv h¿j߃ ]n∂nSptºmƒ tXmakv ]m≠n∏≈n kn.Fw.sF k`bpsS am¿tØmam s{]mhn≥kn\v (C∂v tacnamXm s{]mhn≥kv) am{Xambn HXptß≠h\√ F∂v F\n°v tXm∂n t]mIp∂p. At±lw Pohn®ncp∂ Imew apXte hnip≤nbnepw, {]m¿∞\bnepw, AXnt\°msfms° D]cnbmbn Du¿÷kze Xbnepw hf¿∂ At±lw R߃s°√mh¿°pw henb am XrIbmbncp∂p. Xncp∏´Øn\v tijw Xs∂ G¬∏n® tPmenIsf√mw Xs∂ hfsc `wKnbmbn \n¿hln®p. k\ymk ]cnioe\ ImeL´Ønse BZy h¿j°mcpsS Kpcphmbpw, sk‚ v.Nmhd tlmkv]n‰¬, `man\nbpsS Aknkv‰≥dv UbdŒdmbpw {]h¿Øn® At±lw ]n∂oSv A∂sØ B{‘, C∂v sXe¶m\bpsS `mKamb sb√msdÕn kvIqfn¬ ^n\m≥jy¬ AUvan\nkvt{S‰dmbn. Poh≥Zm≥, UbdŒ¿, CShI hnImcn F∂o \neIfnepw tkh\a\pjvTn®p. GItZiw ap∏Xne[nIw Intemao‰¿ Zqsc Bbncp∂ enwKws]´v,

September 2019; No. 243 63 I¿sΩektμiw F^v.kn.kn tIm¨sh‚ v Nmπn\mbpw tPmen sNbvXp hcnIbmbncp∂p. HmKkv‰v 15˛mw XobXn ]cnip≤ amXmhns‚ kz¿§mtcm]W Xncp\mƒ Ip¿_m\ Ign™v Xs‚ B{iaØn te°v XncnsI hcnIbmbncp∂ tXmakv A®s\ Ipsdt∏¿ B{Ian°pIbmbncp∂p. B {KmaØn¬ F®v.sF.hn FbvUvkv tcmKØm¬ hebp∂h¿°v Bbn Hcp A`b ÿm\w ]Wnbphm≥ F^v.kn.kn knkvt‰gvkv XpSßnbt∏mƒ Nne kmaqlnI t{ZmlnIƒ Ahsc B{Ian°pIbpw, Xncpcq]߃ XI¿°pIbpw sNbvXp. AXns\Xnsc A∂sØ apJya{¥n ssh.Fkv.B¿. sdÕnbpsS \n¿t±i{]Imcw knkvt‰gvkv t]meokv kvt‰j\n¬ tIkv sImSp°m≥ t]mbt∏mƒ A®\pw IqsS D≠mbncp∂p F∂XmWv A®s\ \njvTqcambn sIm√m≥ Ah¿ Xocpam\n°m≥ ImcWw F∂v ]dbs∏Sp∂p. Znhy_en Ign™phcp∂ tXmakv A®s\ ss_°n¬ \n∂v ]nSn®nd°n tdmUn¬ \n∂pw am‰n, Im´n¬ sIm≠pt]mbn B{Ian°pIbpw, Xe°v ASn°pIbpw, {Iqcambn IØnsIm≠v 18 IpØpIƒ IpØn F∂mWv t]mkv‰vtam¿´w dnt∏m¿´v ]dbp∂Xv. tXmakv A®≥ F°meØpw ]Tn°phm≥ \√ anSp°\mbncp∂p. At±lw \√ Hcp kb≥kv hnZym¿∞nbpw, A[ym]I\pw Bbncp∂p. saUnkn\p ]Tn®v tUmŒ¿ Bbn ]mhs∏´hsc ip{iqjn°Ww F∂v A®≥ B{Kln®ncp∂p. \mSn\pw, \m´pIm¿°pw, k`°pw, k`m k¥m\߃°pw ho´pIm¿°pw, ktlmZc߃°pw F√mw {]nb¶c\mbncp∂p tXmakv A®≥. kvIqfnse Ip´nIƒ°pw, A[ym]I¿°pw, amXm]nXm°ƒ°pw Gsd {]nbs∏´h\mbncp∂p tXmakv A®≥. Xo¿®bmbpw Ch¿s°√mw {]nbs∏´h≥, \√ Xºpcms‚bpw C„ap≈ aI\mbncp∂p. X\n°v {]nbs∏´hsc Xs‚ ]°te°v Ah≥ t\csØ hnfn°p∂p F∂ kXyw A\z¿∞am°ns°m≠v RßsS {]nbs∏´ tXmakv A®s\bpw B \√ Xºpcm≥ Cu temIØn¬ \n∂p≈ bm{XbpsS Ahkm\w Bbn kz¿§Ønte°v hnfn®p.

64 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw \m´pImcpsSbpw, hnZym¿∞n kaqlØns‚bpw, k`m A[nImcnIfpsSbpw A`y¿∞\ am\n®v At±lw h[n°s∏´ kvYeØv {]m¿∞n°phm≥ DXIpwhn[w Hcp sNdnb kvamcIw t^mdkv‰v A[nImcnIfpsS, A\phmZtØmsS ]WnbpI bp≠mbn. kvIqƒ Ip´nIƒ ]ecpw AhnsS sN∂v {]m¿∞n°pI ]XnhmWv. ]e¿°pw e`n® ssZhm\p{KlØns‚ IYIƒ C∂v B \m´n¬ kpe`ambn tIƒ°mw. \njvIf¶\mb Cu k\ymk anj\dn sshZnIs\ \njvIcpWw h[nt°≠ Imcyw C√mbncp ∂psh∂v C∂v ]ecpw Nn¥n°p∂p. At±lsØ h[n®hsc {Kmaw apgph\pw C∂v shdp°p∂p. ]mhs∏´ a\pjycpsS D∂a\Øn\pw, A`nhr≤n°pw th≠n ]cn{ian® \√ sshZnI c‡km£nbpsS c‡w hnizmkØns‚ sImSpapSnbnte°v At\Isc BI¿jn°p∂p. AhnsS {]m¿∞n® ]ecpw im¥nbpw, kam[m\hpw XßfpsS PohnXØn¬ A\p`hn °p∂p. ]ØmasØ hm¿jnItØmS\p_‘n®v tacnamXm s{]mhn≥jy¬ lukn¬(Bellampalli), h®p\S∂ Hm¿Ω BNcWØn¬ At±lXns‚ am[yÿw At]£n°phm≥ Bbn Hcp {]m¿∞\ Im¿Uv ASn®nd°pIbp≠mbn. ]ecpw AXpsh®v {]m¿∞n°pIbpw A\p{Kl߃ {]m]n®Xmbpw tI´n´p≠v. 1975 apX¬ Atacn°bnse sSIvkkv kvt‰‰v, lyqkv‰¨ F∂p ]dbp∂ ÿeØv Xmakn®phcp∂ tPm¨ tPmjn (75) F∂ hy‡n°v Ct±lw am¿tØma k` hnizmknbmWv Hm∏¨ lm¿´v k¿Pdn aqeap≠mb tImwπnt°j≥, ]n∂oSv acWØns‚ h°n¬ FØnbt∏mƒ At±lsØ Adnbp∂Xpw, At±lØns‚ henb kplrØpw, tIcfØn¬ tXmakv A®s‚ CShI AwKhpamb kÆn tSmans‚ AΩ GeΩ, tXmakv A®t\mSv t\¿® t\¿∂v {]m¿∞n®ncp∂p. c≠maXv k¿Pdn \SØn. Hcp h¿jØne[nIambn kkpJw BtcmKyhm\mbn tPm¨ tPmjn antkmdn kn‰nbn¬ Xmakn®v hcp∂p. H∂c amk߃°v apºv GeΩ Xs∂ acW°nS°bn¬ BWv Cu Imcy߃ Xs‚ `¿Ømhnt\mSv ]d™Xv. tXmakv A®s‚

September 2019; No. 243 65 I¿sΩektμiw acW hm¿jnItØmS\p_‘n®v D±n„Imcy km[yØn\v t\¿® \SØm≥ Imipw `¿Ømhns\ G¬∏n®n´v BWv GeΩ (79) IS∂pt]mbXv. tXmakv A®t\mSp≈ Cu {]m¿∞\ sNm√n a[ykvYw At]£n®Xpaqew lrZbkw_‘amb F√m {]iv\ßfpw, AkpJßfpw ]q¿Wambpw amdnbXmbn Ah¿ km£ys∏SpØp∂p. tXmakv A®s‚ a[yÿXbn¬ Dr.tPmsk≥ tPm¿÷v h≈n∏mew F∂ tImtfPv A[ym]I\v ÿncambn D≠mbncp∂ \Sphn\v thZ\ ]q¿Wambpw acp∂n√msX kpJambXmbn Ah¿ km£ys∏SpØp∂p. Xo¿®bmbpw tXmakv A®s‚ c‡km£nXzw At\Iw a\pjy¿°v hnizmkØns‚ shfn®w ]I¿∂p \¬Ipw F∂Xn¬ B¿°pw kwiban√. At±lØns‚ kz¿§ob a≤yÿ\mb hnip≤ tXmam«olmsb t]mse hnizmkw Adn™n´n√mØ P\ßfpsS CSbnte°v, \mSpw hoSpw ho´pImscbpw Dt]£n®p, AhcpsS CSbnte°v Cdßns®∂v tbiphns\ ]I¿∂p \¬Inb, tbiphn\p th≠n PohXymKw \SØnb tXmakv A®s‚ [ocXsb F{X A`n\μn®mepw aXnhcn√. At±lw Nn¥nb Hmtcm Xp≈n c‡hpw kaqlØn¬ I„X A\p`hn°p ∂h¿°v Bizmkhpw, {]Xymibpw \¬Ipsa∂Xn¬ Hcp kwibhpw th≠. hfsc sNdp{]mbØn¬, sshZnI k\ymk anj\dn PohnXØns‚ XpS°Ønse Xs∂ Xºpcms‚ ASptØ°v hnfn® tXmakv A®≥ Cutimbv°p {]nb s∏´h\mWv F∂Xv \ap°v Dd∏n°mw. At±lØns‚ AΩ Xs∂bmWv BWv G‰hpw henb hnizmknbpw, km£yhpw. Xs‚ {]nb]p{X≥ 18 IpØpIƒ sIm≠v acn®p InS∂ thfbn¬ B AΩ ss[cyktaXw Hcp Xp≈n IÆp\o¿ t]mepw s]mgn°msX ]d™ hm°pIƒ Rmt\m¿°p∂p. "Rm≥ F¥n\p IcbWw Fs‚ Ip™ptam≥ C∂v CutimtbmsSm∏w kz¿§ØnemWv F∂v F\n°dnbmw. \nßfpw IcbcpXv’. ]Øp h¿j߃ Ign™p. AΩbpw ktlmZcßfpw C∂pw Pohn°p∂p. Ah¿ hnizkn°p∂p. RßfpsS

66 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw Ip™ptam≥ Cutimbv°v {]nbs∏´h\mWv. Ahs‚ c‡w At\IcpsS am\km¥cØn\v hgnsXfn°pw. tXmakv A®s‚ acWØn\v ImcW°mcmb Bdp t]cn¬ Hcmƒ BfllXy sNbvXp, thsdmcmƒ A]ISØn¬ acWs∏´p. _m°n \mept]cpw, kz¥w kaqlØm¬ AhKWn°s∏´v Pohn®p t]mIp∂p. Bcpw Ahsc C∂v Hm¿°mdn√. ]t£ RßfpsS {]nbs∏´ tXmakv A®≥ tbiphns‚ sshZnI c‡km£n, P\a\ pIfn¬, hnizmkn kaqlØn¬, hnZym¿∞nIfpsS CSbn¬, ]®bmb Hm¿Ωbmbn C∂pw \ne\n¬°p∂p. tbiphns‚ c‡km£nbmb tXmakv A®m R߃°pth≠n {]m¿∞n°Wta!!!

tXmakv ]m≠n∏≈n A®s\ c‡km£n hnip≤\mbn \maIcWw sNøp∂Xn\p≈ {]m¿∞\- ˛˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛˛-˛-˛-˛˛˛-˛-˛-˛-˛- kvt\lap≈ Cutimsb Atß Zmk≥ tXmakv ]m≠n∏≈n A®≥ hgn Aßv R߃°v \¬Inb \∑Isf°pdn®p Aßsb R߃ Bcm[n°p∂p, \μn ]dbp∂p. tXmakv A®\nep≠mbncp∂ ITn\m[zm\Øns‚bpw k`mkvt\l Øns‚bpw ssZhP\kvt\lØns‚bpw Acq]n Rßfpw kzmbØam°phm≥ klmbn°Wta. Atß°pth≠n \nesIm≈pIbpw c‡wNn¥pIbpw sNbvX Cu ]pWymflm hns\ AƒØmcbnse hW°Ønte°pb¿Øphm≥ CSbm °Wta, Ct∏mƒ R߃ {]tXyIambn {]m¿∞n°p∂ Cu A\p{Klw(...... ) At±lØns‚ am[yÿw hgn R߃°v e`n®pXcWta. ]cnip≤ adnbØns‚bpw, hnip≤ Ipcnbmt°m kv Genbmk®s‚bpw am[yÿw hgn \ΩpsS I¿Ømhmb CutimaninlmbpsS \maØn¬ R߃ Cu {]m¿∞\ ka¿∏n°p∂p. 1kz¿§.1\∑.1{XoXzkvXpXn.

September 2019; No. 243 67 I¿sΩektμiw

A\p-kvarXn ˛ 48

BXp-c-ip-{iq-j-bpsS kvt\l-hn-πhw BZy-k-∂-≤-kw-L-S-\°pw D]-hn-im-e°pw \q‰-ºXv hbkv

^m. tXmakv ]¥-πm-°¬ kn.-Fw.-sF.

C≥v¥y-bn¬ ItØm-en°m t\XrXz-Øn¬ BZy-ambn D≠mb k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\bpw D]-hn-im-e-bp-amWv hn. Nmh-d-]n- Xm-hn-\m¬ 1869¬ ssI\-I-cn-bn¬ D≠m-b-Xv. 150 h¿jw IS-Øn- hn-Sp∂ CØ-c-Øn¬ C≥Uy-bnseXs∂ BZy-tØ-sX∂hIm- i-s∏-Sm-hp∂ Cu al-Xv{]-ÿm-\-ß-sf-°p-dn®v s]mXp-th-Zn-I-fn¬ bmsXm-tcm¿Ω-s∏-Sp-Øepw CXp-hsc D≠m-ImsX t]mbXv \ΩpsS k`-bpsS `mK-Øp-\n∂pw h∂ t]mcm-bvI-bmbn tXm∂p- ∂p. k`mw-K-ß-fp-sS-bn-S-bn-se-¶nepw Hm¿Ω-]p-Xp-°m≥ Cu teJ\w klm-b-I-am-Is´ F∂ B{K-l-amWv _lp. tXmakv ]¥-πm-°-e-®≥ {]I-Sn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. ˛FUn-‰¿

tIc-f-N-cn-{X-Ønse F∂p am{X-a√, `mcXNcn-{X-Øn-se- Xs∂ BXp-c-ip-{iq-jm-cw-KsØ \mgn-I-°-√mWv 1869 HIvtSm- _¿ 15mw Xob-Xnbpw D]-hn-ime F∂ kw⁄bpw ssI\-Icn F∂ ÿe-hpw. BXp-c-ip-{iq-jm-cw-KØpw AK-Xn-kw-c-£-W- Ønepw k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\m-cw-KØpw Hcp \thm-∞m-\-Øn\p XpS°w Ipdn® Zn\-sØbpw CS-sØbpw ÿm]-\-sØbpw BWv ChnsS hnh-£n-°p-∂-Xv. \thm-∞m-\-\m-b-I≥ Ipcym-t°mkv Gen-bmkv Nmh-dbpw B¿`m-S-c-ln-X-amb Hcp k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\-

68 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw bmbn hnip-≤-bu-tk-∏n-Xm-hns‚ \∑-cW kJyhpw Hme-°o- dp-sIm≠p ad-®p-≠m-°nb D]-hn-im-ebpw Ip´\m´nse ssI\- I-cn-bn¬ hnip≤ Ipcym-t°mkv Gen-bmkv ]nXm-hn-\m¬ 1869¬ ÿm]n-X-am-b-t∏mƒ BXp-c-ip-{iq-jm-cw-K-tØ-°p≈ Hcp Im¬sh-∏m-bn-cp-∂p. Cu {]ÿm\߃°v XpS-°-an-´-Xns‚ 150- ˛mw h¿jw HIvtSm-_¿ 15\v \ΩpsS I¨ap-ºn¬ FØn \nev°p- ∂p. tIc-f-k-aq-l-Ønse BZysØ k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\bpw D]- hn-im-e-bp-am-bn-cp∂p CXv. BXp-c-ip-{iq-jm-cw-K-ßfpw A\m-Y- im-e-Ifpw hr≤-_m-e-k-Z-\-ßfpw kq∏¿ kvs]jym-en‰n Bip- ]-{Xn-Ifpw sIm≠v \nd™p \n¬°p∂ tIcfw CXn-s\ms° XpS-°-an-Sm≥ t{]c-W-bmb 150 h¿jw ]n∂n-Sp∂ D]-hn-ime- tbbpw k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\-tbbpw {i≤n-°msX IS-Øn-hn-Sp∂p F∂Xv Imcp-Wy-Øns‚ a\ v \Ωn¬ \n∂v C‰p-t]mbXpsIm- ≠mtWm F∂v kwi-bn-t°-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. GXp kzm¿∞-Im- cy-ßfpw sIm´n-tLm-jn-°p-hm≥ shº¬ sIm≈p∂ \Ωƒ Imcp- Wy-Øn-s‚bpw Zo\m-\p-I-º-bp-sSbpw hi-ßsf ad∂p t]mbmtem. a\p-jy-cpsS alXzw ssZh-Øns‚ alXzw hnip≤ Cc-tW-hq-kns‚ hm°mWv ssZh-Øns‚ alXzw F∂Xv a\p-jys‚ kºq¿W Poh-\n-emWv F∂-Xv. hfsc A¿∞-hym-]vXn-bp≈ Hcp hN-\-am-Wn-Xv. ssZh-a-\p-jy-_-‘- Øns‚ X\n-a-bm-Wn-hnsS shfn-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xv. ssZh-Øns‚ cq]- Ønepw Omb-bnepw krjvSn-°-s∏´ a\p-jy≥ ssZh-Øns‚ al- Xz-am-Wv, Xt∂mSv G‰w tN¿∂p \n¬°p∂h\pw ssZh-Øns‚ kºq¿WX-bn¬ ]¶p-tN¿∂-h-\pw A{]Im-c-amWv. a\p-jys‚ a\ pw ico-chpw Bflmhpw ]c-kv]cw ]q¿W-X-bn-se-Øp-∂- XmWv a\p-jys‚ al-Xzw. ssZh-Øns‚ alXzw `qan-bn¬ {]I- Sn-X-am-Ip-∂Xv a\p-jy≥ alXzhm-\m-bn-Øo-cp-tºm-gm-Wv.

September 2019; No. 243 69 I¿sΩektμiw ssZh-tØmSpw a\p-jy-tcmSpw At`-Zy-amb _‘w Nmh- d-]nXmhv ]pe¿Øn-bn-cp-∂-Xp-sIm≠v ssZh-{]-tNm-Z-\-Øm¬ a\p- jy-cpsS Bh-iy-߃ Xncn-®-dn-bm-\p≈ kn≤n At±-l-Øn-\p- ≠m-bn-cp-∂p. a\p-jys‚ kºq¿Æ hf¿® ˛ AXm-bn-cp∂p At±- l-Øns‚ Pohn-X-e£yw. AXp-sIm≠v 1840Ifn¬ Xs∂ a\p- jys‚ hn⁄m-\-ta-J-e-bn-te-°mWv At±-l-amZyw Xncn-™-Xv. AXns‚ `mK-ambn ]≈n-I-tfmSp tN¿∂v ]≈n-°q-S-ß-fpsS Bi- b-hpw, {]kn-≤o-I-c-W -{]-ÿm-\-ß-fp-ambn At±lw apt∂m-´p-h- ∂p. C∂v hnZym-`ymk ÿm]-\-߃sIm≠v tIcfw \nd-™n-´p- s≠-¶n¬ AXp-t]mse {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-cwKw C≥¥y-bnse H∂mw ÿm\Øp \n¬°ps∂¶n¬ Nmh-d-b-®≥ 173 h¿jw apºv am∂m- \Øv hnZym-kÿm-]-\-Øn\pw {] n\pw XpS°w Ipdn-®-t∏mƒ ÿnXn CX-√m-bn-cp∂p F∂v tIc-f-Øns‚ Ncn-{X-Im-c-∑m¿ H∂- S¶w kΩ-Xn-°p-∂p. a\p-jy-hw-i-Øns‚ \ne-\n¬∏pw kºq¿Æ-Xbpw c≠p Imcy-ßsf tI{μo-I-cn-®m-Wv. H∂v a\p-jys‚ Btcm-Ky-{]-iv\- am-Wv, a‰Xv Ahs‚ am\-kn-I-{]iv\w As√-¶n¬ Bflo-b-{]- iv\-am-Wv. Chsb c≠n-s\bpw {]m[m-\y-tØmsS ]cn-K-Wn-°- s∏-Sp-∂-Xn-emWv a\p-jy-a-lXzw AS-ßn-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. a\p-jy≥ Cu temI-Øn¬ P\n®p hoWm¬ am\y-X-tbmsS acn-°m≥ km[n- °p-tºm-gmWv a\p-jys‚ Cutem-I-Po-hnXw [\y-am-Ip-∂-Xv. CXv GsXmcphs‚bpw P∑m-h-Im-i-am-Wv. At∏mƒ a\p-jy-k-aq-l- Øn¬ Bcpw A\m-Y-cm-Im≥ ]mSn-√. ssZh-Øns‚ cq]hpw `mhhpw kzoI-cn® D∂-X-kr-jvSn-bmWv a\p-jy≥. Ahs‚ al- Xz-Øn\v AXn¿hc-ºp-I-fn-√. sNdp-∏-Ønte amXm-]n-Xm-°sf \jvS-s∏´ Nmhd-]nXmhv AK-XnXzw Bcpw A\p-`-hn-°-cp-sX∂v B{K-ln-®p. kam-[m-\- ambn acn-°m≥ F√m-h¿°pw Ah-k-c-ap-≠m-I-W-sa∂ \ne-]mSv kzm`m-hn-I-ambn At±lw hf¿Øn FSp-Øp. temI-Øn¬ A\m- Ycpw tcmK-nIfpw ]n®-°mcpw hr≤-cp-sa√mw D≠mIpw. am\y-∑m- cp-sS-bn-S-bn¬ {ian-®m¬ Ah-scbpw am\y-∑m-cm°n am‰mw F∂

70 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw Xncn-®-dn-hm-bn-cn-°Ww Nmh-d]nXmhns\ butk-∏n-Xm-hns‚ \∑- c-W-k-`bpw D]-hn-ime F∂ [¿Ω-ÿm-]-\hpw XpSßp-hm≥ t{]cn-∏n-®-Xv. Xncp-°p-Spw-_-kva-cW ]mh-ß-fn-te°v Nmh-d-]nXmhv Xncp-°p-Spw-_-Øns‚ henb `‡-\m-bn-cp- ∂p. Xs‚ F√m Pohn-X-{]-iv\-߃°pw DØcw I≠n-cp-∂Xpw Xncp-°p-Spw-_-Øn-eq-sS-bm-bn-cp-∂p. B-flm-°-fpsS c£-bn¬ AXoh Xo£vW-a-Xn-bm-bn-cp∂ At±lw \∑-cW a≤y-ÿ-\mb hnip≤ butk-∏ns‚ henb `‡-\m-bn-cp-∂p. Xncp-°p-Spw-_sØ A\p-kva-cn-®p-sIm≠v ]mh-s∏´ ]pcp-j\pw kv{Xo°pw Hcp ss]X- en\pw `£-Whpw hkv{Xßfpw sImSp-°pI F∂ ]≤-Xn 1843¬ am∂m-\Øv At±lw Bcw-`n-®p. CXv hnip≤ butk∏p ]nXm- hns‚ Xncp-\mƒ Znhkw, am¿®v 19\v apS-ßmsX sImSp-°Ww. CXn-\p-th≠n Hcp ^≠p-≠m-°p-hm≥ th≠n 1843¬ At±lw Xs‚ Iq´p-Im-cmb ]e CS-hI sshZn-I¿°pw Fgp-Xn, Cßs\ Hcp kpIrXw apS-ßmsX \S-Øn-s°m≠p t]mIp-hm≥ klm-bn- °-W-sa-∂v. hnip≤butk∏p ]nXm-hns‚ ac-W-Øn-cp-\m-fn-t\m- S-\p-_-‘n®v aq∂p-t]sc AXn-Yn-I-fmbn kzoI-cn®v `£-Whpw klmbhpw sNøpI F∂Xv Xma-kn-bmsX an°-hmdpw {InkvXo- b-Ip-Spw-_ßfn-sebpw Hcp ]Xn-hm-bn-Øo¿∂p. C∂pw ]ecpw ÿm]-\-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw IpSpw-_-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw Cu I¿Ωw XpS- cp-∂p-≠v. hnZ-Kv[-amb kwLm-SI ]mTShXzw GsXmcp {]ÿm-\-Øn-s‚bpw hnP-bhpw ]cm-P-bhpw \n›-bn-°p-∂-Xnse hfsc {][m-\-s∏´ LS-I-amWv th≠-h-Æ- ap≈ hne-bn-cp-Øepw πm\n-ßpw. s]mXp-Im-cy-߃°p- th≠nbmsW-¶n¬ {]tXy-In®pw Icp-X-ep-Iƒ IqSp-X¬ Bh- iy-am-Wv. Hcp kwL-S-\-s°m, ]e-cp-IqSn \S-tØ≠ {]ÿm-\- Ønt\m th≠n apXn-cp-tºmƒ ap≥Iq´n ]e Imcy-߃ Dd-∏p-h- cp-tØ≠Xp-≠v. 1.Bh-iy-IX 2. B¿°p-th≠n, F¥n-\p-th≠n

September 2019; No. 243 71 I¿sΩektμiw 3. CØ-c-Øn-ep≈ kwL-S-\-Itfm {]ÿm-\-ßsfm \ne-hn- ept≠m 4. Gs‰-Sp-°m\pw kl-I-cn-°m\pw Bfp-Isf In´psam 5. kmº-ØnI Imcyw Fßs\ ]cn-l-cn°pw 6. F¥p-t\-´amWv hy‡n-Iƒ°pw kaq-l-Øn\pw e`n-°pI 7. \ne-\nev]pw XpS¿®bpw D≠m-Ipsam 8. {]ÿm-\-Øn-\m-h-iy-amb \nb-a-kw- lnX. B[p-\n-I-amb _nkn-\kv amt\-Pv-sa‚ v imkv{X-Øn¬ C{Xbpw Imcy-ß-sf-¶nepw hne-bn-cp-ØmsX Bcpw C∂v Hcp {]ÿm-\-Øn-te-°n-d-ßn-√. XXz-im-kv{Xhpw kmaq-ly-im-kv{Xhpw a\-»m-kv{Xhpw [\-X-Xz-im-kv{Xhpw H∂pw hnI-kn-X-am-ImØ Hcp ImeØv Hcp- {Km-am-¥-co-£-Øn¬ P\n®, Ifcn hnZym-`ymkw am{Xw hnZy-bmbn e`n®, temI-k-aq-l-Øns‚ {]tXy-I-X-Iƒ Imcy-ambn a\- n- em-°mØ Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv 150 h¿jw apºv C∂sØ imkv{X-km- t¶-XnI \n_‘-\-Iƒ D]-tbm-Kn-®p-sIm≠v c≠v {]ÿm-\- ߃°p cq]w sImSpØp F∂Xv A¤p-Xm-h-l-am-Wv. 19-˛mw \q‰m-≠ns‚ BZy ]Ip-Xn-I-gn-bp-thmfw Bcpw Kuc- h-tØmsS {i≤n-°mØ am\p-jn-Im-h-iy-Øn-te-°mWv At±-l- Øns‚ {i≤-]-Xn-™-Xv. F√m a\p-jycpw al-Xz-tØmsS am\p- jnI ]cn-K-W-\-tbmsS acn-°m≥ CS-h-c-Ww. A\m-YXzw A\p- `-hn-°p-∂-h¿°v ssIØm-ßm-Im≥ Bsc-¶nepw D≠m-I-W-sa∂ Bhiyw. AXn\v Hcp P\-Xsb t_m[-h-XvI-cn®v i‡-cm-°p- ∂p, Ah-cp-sS-ap-ºn¬ hnP-b-{]-Z-am°m-hp-∂ I¿Ω ]≤-Xn-Iƒ \n¿t±-in-®p-sIm-Sp-°p-∂p, t\´ßfpw tIm´-ßfpw hne-bn-cp-Øp∂p, kmº-Øn-I-h-gn-Iƒ ImWn-®p-sIm-Sp-°p-∂p, \m´nse BZy-{]-ÿm- \-ß-fpsS DS-a-I-fm-°p-∂p. CXmWv Nmhd]nXmhv \∑-c-W-k- Jy-sa∂ k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\-bn-eq-sSbpw D]-hn-ime F∂ Poh- Im-cp-Wy-{]-ÿm-\-Øn-eq-sSbpw t\Sn-sb-Sp-Ø--Xv. k∂≤kw-L-S-\-°pw D]-hn-im-e°pw Hcp \nb-am-hen D]hn {]h¿Øn-I-fn-eqsS a\p-jysc ssZh-Øn-te-°-Sp- ∏n-°m≥ klm-bn-°pI F∂Xv Nmh-d-]nXmhn-s‚ hen-sbmcp I¿Ω ]≤-Xn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. CtX-°p-dn-®-t±lw [ym\-]q¿hw hne-

72 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw bn-cp-Øn-b-t∏mƒ D≠mb Is≠-Ø-emWv \∑-c-W-k-Jyhpw D]- hn-im-ebpw F∂ Bi-bw. \nb-am-h-en°v Xpey-amb Hcp teJ\w c‡-_‘p°fpw CS-h-I-°m-cp-amb tN∂-¶cn ]≈n-bpsS Ipcnip ]≈n-°m¿°v Fgp-Xn. C∂nXp hne-bn-cp-Øp-tºmƒ hfsc imkv{Xo-b-amb coXn-bn-ep-≈ -Hcp am¿§-tc-J-bmWv Cu teJ- \-Øn-eqsS ssIam-dn-bXv F∂p hy‡-am-Wv. apI-fn¬ kqNn-∏n® 8 t]mbn‚p-Ifpw Cu teJ-\-Øn¬ \n∂p hy‡-am-Ip-∂p-≠v. ssI\-I-cn-°m¿°v At±lw Cßs\ Fgp-Xn. As∏mtgm F√m- ‰n-s‚bpw Ah-km-\-amb ]pWyw CXp Xs∂. a\p-jy≥ sNøp∂ klm-b-ß-fn¬ Hs°bpw henb klmbw ac-W-t\-cØp sNøp∂ klm-b-a-s{X. F√m-‰nepw henb at\m-Kp-W-{]-hr- Ønbpw CXp-X-s∂. G‰hpw henb D]-hnbpw CXp-X-s∂. (Nm- hdb®s‚ IØp-Iƒ 227, 2011) 19-˛mw \q‰m-≠n\p ]pd-tIm-´p≈ tIc-f-Øns‚ Ncn-{X-a-dn- bm≥ {]tXy-In®pw sIm®n, Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿ cmPy-ß-fpsS Ncn- {X-a-dn-bm≥ klm-b-I-am-Ip∂ hninjvS {KŸ-ß-fmWv Xncp-hn- Xmw-Iq¿ am\p-hepw sIm®n am\p-hepw CXns‚ hmey-ß-fn-eqsS IS-∂p-t]m-b-t∏mƒ Is≠-Ønb c≠p Imcy-ß-fm-Wv 1865 Iƒ°v apºv D]hn {]hr-Øn-Iƒ°p-th-≠n-bp≈ k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\-I-tfm, A\m-Y-sc-tbm, hr≤-sc-tbm, ]n®-°m-sc-tbm, kwc-£n-°p-hm- \p≈ {]ÿm-\-ßtfm, ÿm]-\-ßtfm tIc-f-Øn¬ C√m-bn-cp∂p F∂-Xv. XpS¿∂v Nmh-d]nXmhv Xs‚ kz¥-°m-scbpw CS-h-I-P- \-sØbpw kao-]n-®p. Cu D]hn {]hrØn Fßs\ \S-∏n- em°mw F∂m-tem-Nn-®p. AXn-\mbn Hcp \nb-am-hen Fgp-Xn-bp- ≠m-°n. Hcp kwL-S-\-bv°m-h-iy-amb `c-W-k-an-Xn°v cq]w sImSp- Øp. tcmKn-bmbn hm¿≤-Iy-Øn-se-Øn kz¥w Ign-hp-Iƒ sIm≠p am{Xw Imcy-߃ \S-°n√ Fs∂ms° A\p-`-h-s∏´p XpS-ßp-tºmƒ a\p-jy¿ Pohn-Xm-¥y-sØ-°p-dn®v IqSp-X¬ Nn¥n- °m≥ XpS-ßpw. Cß-s\-bp-≈-hsc klm-bn®p sImSp-°pI F∂Xv henb ]pWy-Ir-Xy-am-Wv. CXn\v kwL-Sn-X-amb

September 2019; No. 243 73 I¿sΩektμiw {]h¿Ø\w Bh-iy-am-Wv F∂v Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv Is≠Øn. Nmh-d-]nXmhv Xs‚ P\-ßsf t{]cn-∏n-®p. tcmKnIsf ip{iq-jn-°p∂ {]h¿Øn-bn-es{X k¿tΔ-iz-c≥ ]e-scbpw ]pWy- s∏-´-h-cm-°n-b-Xv. CXv a\p-jy¿°v G‰hpw Ad-∏p-≈Xpw shdp- ∏p-≈Xpw {]bm-k-ap-≈Xpw temI-Øn≥ apºn¬ lo\-ambn Icp- Xp-∂Xpw ssZh-Øn\v ap≥]n¬ henb ^e-ap-≈-Xp-am-Ip-∂p (I- Øp-Iƒ 253). ]pWyhm∑m-cpsS Ncn{Xw hmbn®p t\m°n-bm¬ CXv Adn-bm-hp-∂-Xm-Ip-∂p. AXp-sIm≠v Cu k∂-≤-kw-L-S- \-bn¬ IqSp-∂-h-scm-s°bpw Cu at\m-Kp-W-{]-hrØn sNøp-hm≥ \√ a\ pw ss[cy-hp-ap-≈-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww. BcpXs∂ Bbn- cp-∂mepw Cu k`-bn¬ IqSn-b-Xn¬ ]ns∂ Hcmƒ HSp-°sØ Zo\-Øn¬ Bbn-cn-°p∂p F∂p tI´m¬ kJymw-K-ßsf H∂n- s®-¶nepw, GXm\pw t]sc-¶nepw Zo\-°msc sN∂p-Im-WpIbpw acWw ASpØp F∂p I≠m¬ IqZm-i-Iƒ Bh-iy-ap-≈-h¿°v sImSp-∏n-°p-Ibpw tcmKn-bpsS ip{iq-jbv°p th≠n Bfp-Isf \nb-an®pw Ah¿°v tPmenam‰-Øn-\p≈ kabw Ipdn®pw N´w sImSp-°bpw thWw. CXn\v kwL-S-\m-[n-Im-cnbpw Btem-N-\- °mcpw Npa-X-e-°m-cm-bn-cn-°p-∂p. A{]-Imcw Ah-cpsS B⁄- °pw, N´Øn\pw k`-°m-scm-s°bpw A\p-kcn-°m≥ IS-°m-cm- bn-cn-°p-∂p. Cu at\m-Kp-W-{]-hrØn sNøp-∂-Xs{X k`-°m- cpsS ImX-emb sXmgn¬. (-I-Øp-Iƒ 232,233) Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv Ch¿°v Cu \n_-‘-\-Iƒ FgpXns°mSp- Ø-t∏mƒ Ch-cpsS Cu k∂-≤-tk-h-\-Øn\v ssZhw {]Xn-I-cn- °p-∂-sX-{]-Im-c-sa∂pw ]d™p t{]m’m-ln-∏n-®p. AXm-bXv Hcp-Øs‚ D]-tZ-i-Ømepw D’m-l-Ømepw KpW-tZm-j-Ømepw as‰m-cmƒ \∑-cWw {]m]n®v Bflmhv c£-s∏´p tam£-Øn¬ Itc-dn-bm¬, CXn\v Imc-W-°m-c-\m-b-hs‚ Bfl-c-£bpw \n›bw Xs∂. AsXt¥y! c£-s∏´ Bflmhp ssZh-Xn-cp- ap≥]n¬ F√mbvt∏mgpw \μn \nd™ a\-t m-Sp-IqSn AXn\p Imc-W-°m-cmb Bflm-°-fpsS c£-bv°p-th≠n Ft∏mgpw {]m¿∞n®p sIm≠n-cn°pw (I-Øp-Iƒ, 158).

74 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw tcmKn-Isf ]cn-N-cn-°p-∂-Xp-hgn kz¥ PohnXØn¬ hcp∂ hyXym-k-sØ-°p-dn®v Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv am∂m-\Øp kw`- hn® Hcp Imcyw DZm-l-c-W-ambn Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p-∂p-≠v. AXn-{]- Im-c-am-bn-cp-∂p. \nß-fpsS IqS-∏n-d∏pw (tP-°_v heymd A®≥ ssI\-I-cn-°m-c\pw Nmh-d-Ip-Spw-_-Øn¬s∏-´-bm-fp-am-Wv) sImth- ¥-bn¬ H∂m-a-Xmbn acn® Bfmb heymd Nmt°m F∂ ]´- °m-c≥ ]pWym-f-\mbn F∂√ Rm≥ ]d-bp-∂-Xv, F¶nepw Abm- fpsS sNdp-∏-Øn¬ ]I¿∂ [ym\w hgn-bmbn ]e¿°pw Bfl- c-£bv°p Imc-W-am-bn-´p-≠v. Cu am‰w Abm-fn¬ D≠m-bXv Ft∏m-gm-sW∂p Abmfpw \nßfpw Adn-™n-´n-√. F∂m¬ Rm≥ hnNm-cn-°p-∂Xv as‰m-∂p-a-√. sNdp∏w apX¬ Rm≥ Abm-sf-b- dn-bp∂p. F∂m¬ Ip¿_m\ sNm√n-b-ti-jhpw Rm≥ ]e-t∏mgpw Abmsf Ip‰-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Cß-s\-bn-cn-°-bn¬ am∂m\w sImth-¥-bn¬ ]mN-I-hr-Øn-bn¬ Ccp∂ tImbn¬ap-°p-Im-c≥ Koh¿Kokv Fs∂mcp the-°m-c\v A¿»-kns‚ Zo\w h¿≤n®p IpS¬ ]pd-Øn-dßn. Iran-Iƒ D≠m-bn. CXn-\m¬ hfsc Zp¿K- ‘-tØmSpIqSn --Ahn-sS-bp≈ s\¬∏p-c-bn¬ InS-∂n-cp-∂p. Ipº- km-cw, Ip¿_m\ apX-emb IqZm-i-Iƒ t]mepw sImSp∏m≥ {]bm- k-am-bn-cp∂ Cu tcmKnsb Cbmƒ \√-hÆw ip{iq-jn-®p. \¬a- cWw {]m]n-®p. Abm-fpsS acWw Ign-™msd Cbmƒ°v (i- cocw Agp-Inb aWw ASn-®-Xn-\m¬) N¿±n-sIm≠v I™n-Ip-Sn- ∏m≥ \nhr-Øn-bn-√msX h∂-Xp-Im-cWw aq∂p\mep Znhkw Acn hdp-Øp-Xn∂p F∂p ]n∂oSp am{Xta Rm≥ Adn-™n-cp-∂p≈p. A∂p-ap-X¬ As{X Cu ]I¿®bpw [ym\-°m-c-\p-ambnØo¿∂n- ´p-≈-Xv. ]n∂oSv ]e ]≈n-I-fnepw [ym\w Ign-∏m≥ Abmsf Ab-bv°p-Ibpw acWw hsc Ip‰-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ CS-h-∂n-´p-an-√. Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv ]pXnb kJy-tØm-Smbn Cßs\ ]d-™- h-km-\n-∏n-®p. At∏m-sgm, Zo\-°msc XpW-bv°p-∂Xv ssZh- Øn\v F{X CjvS-ap-≈-sX∂p ImWp-hn≥. (IØp-Iƒ 235,236). Cß-s\-bp≈ D]-tZ-i-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw \n¿t±-i-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw Nmh- d-]n-Xmhv ssI\-I-cn-°msc Hcp h≥Im-cy-Øn\v t_m[-h¬°-cn- s®-Sp-Øp. Aßs\ 1869¬ At±lw \∑-cW kJyw F∂

September 2019; No. 243 75 I¿sΩektμiw k∂≤ kwL-S-\bv°v cq]w sImSp-Øp. AXns‚ 150-˛mw h¿j- amWv CXv. D]-hn-ime AY-hm- [¿Ω-ime Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv \∑-c-W-k-Jy-Øns‚ XpS-°-{]-h¿Ø-\- ߃, hoSp-Iƒ kμ¿in®v tcmKn-I-sfbpw, hr≤-sc-bpw, Ah-i- sc-bp-sams° klm-bn-°pI F∂Xmbn-cp-∂p. ]n∂oSv Hcp ]Sn- IqSn Iq´n Nn¥n®p; hoSn√mØ-h-cpsS Imcyw, ]n®-°m-cpsS Imcyw, ]pdw X≈-s∏-Sp∂ hr≤-cpsS Imcyw Bcp-t\m-°pw. InS-∏mSw t]mep-an-√m-Ø-h¿ kaq-l-Øn-ep-≠-t√m. Ah¿°v Xe-Nm-bn-°m≥ CSw tht≠? Ahcpw arK-ß-sf-t∏mse Fhn-sS-sb-¶nepw InS∂v acn-°m-\p≈hc-√-t√m. Cu Nn¥-bmWv At±-lsØ D]hnime bnte°v Xncn-®Xv. Aflmbsc D]-I-cn-∏n-®p-sIm≠v Ah-cpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ Xs∂ Hcp k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\bv°pw Ah¿ hgn BZysØ Nmcn- ‰-_nƒ {SÃpw BXp-c¿°p-th-≠n-bp≈ s]mXp-ÿm-]-\hpw ]W- ti-J-c-W-Øn-\p≈ ]m{X-]n-cnhpw tIc-f-Øn-em-Zy-ambn XpS-ßn- bXv Nmh-d-]n-Xm-hn-eq-sS-bm-Wv. At±lw Ipdn-®n-cn-°p-∂p: AXmbXv \∑-cW D≠n-b¬s]´n F∂ t]cmbn Hcp s]´n h®v kq£n®v e÷ IqSmsX a‰p-≈-h-tcmSp [¿Ωw Cc∂pw sNdp-Xm-bn-s´-¶nepw D]-hn-ime F∂ t]tcm-Sp-IqSn \nß-fpsS Ipcnip ]≈n-bpsS kao-]Øv ÿm]n®v AXn¬ Bcpw t]mcp-an- √mØ c≠p\mev Zo\-°m-sc-sb-¶nepw Xma-kn-∏n®v Cu ]pWy- {]-hr-Øn-bpsS Hcp \ng-se-¶nepw \n߃ Im´n-bm¬ ˛ Cu ]pWyhpw ae-bm-f-Øn¬ \S-∏m-\n-S-h-cpw. CXn-\m-h-iy-amb aqe-[-\hpw XpS¿{]-h¿Ø-\-߃°p≈ ^≠pw Fßns\ D≠m-°m-sa-∂-t±lw Btem-Nn-®-Xns‚ ^e- ambn kwL-S-\mw-K-߃°-t±lw \n¿t±iw sImSp-Øp. Cu \∑- c-W-k-`-bpsS hnhcw ]d-™m¬ ]ecpw \nßsf klm-bn-°pw. CXn-\mbn Cu k`-bpsS At\z-j-W-°m-cmb \mep-t]¿IqSn sNdp-Xm-bn´v Hcp k¶Sw FgpXn ImWn-°-Ww. AXv F{]-Im-c- sa-∂m¬ Cu \∑-cW Bÿ∏m-Sn≥ k`sb Rß-fpsS Ipcn-

76 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw ip-]-≈n-bn¬ ÿm]n-®p. kIe a\p-jy¿°pw \∑-cWw sImSp- ∏m-\m-bn Cu k`-bpsS N´-{]-Imcw R߃ \n߃°p-th≠n {]m¿∞n®p hcp-∂-Xp-a-√m-sX, Bcp-t]m-cp-an-√m-sX-bp≈ ]mh- s∏-´-h-cmb Zo\-°m¿°v \∑-cWw F∂ Adp-Xn-bn-√mØ `mKyw In´p-hm-\mbn Aßn-s\-bp-≈-hsc ]m¿∏n®v c£n-∏m≥ th≠n Hcp sNdnb D]-hn-ime ÿm]n-∏m≥ B{K-ln-°p-∂p. CXn\p hnizm-kn-I-fmb IqsS-∏n-d-∏p-I-fpsS Iøn¬ \n∂p In´p∂ Aev]- Zm\w sIm≠v th≠p-thmfw aXn-bm-hp-sa∂p hnNm-cn-®p-sIm≠v Cu \∑-cW D≠n-b¬ s]´n ChnsS h®n-cn-°p-∂p. Cßs\ Hcp hmNIw FgpXn \nß-fpsS Ipcn-ip-]-≈n- Ifnepw a‰p≈ ]≈n-I-fnse hnIm-cn-b-®-∑m-tcmSv At]£n®v AhnsSbpw hbv°Ww. IqSmsX Nß-\m-t»cn, Be-∏p-g, XpS- ßn-bp≈ I®-h-S-ÿ-e-ß-fnepw; hnf-sh-Sp-°p∂ Ime-ß-fn¬ ]mS- ß-fnepw sIm≠p \S-°-Ww. a\p-jy¿ a\- ph-bv°p∂ Imcyw ap°mepw \S°pw tijw ssZhw \nd-th-‰pw. XpS¿∂v F¥p sNø-W-sa-∂-t±lw \n¿t±-in®p: Bb- Xp-sIm≠v \n߃ Cu acW D≠nb¬s]-´nsb \√-hÆw kq£n®v h¿≤n-∏n®p \nß-fpsS Ipcn-ip-]-≈n-bpsS kao-]-Ømbn sNdp-Xm-bn-s´-¶nepw Hcp _w•m-hp-t]mse Ccp-h-ihpw c≠p apdnbpw kmf-bp-ambn ssXX¬ C´v apf-sIm-s≠-¶pepw Hcp IqSpw sh®v [¿Ω-ime AYhm D]-hn-ime F∂ t]cpw hnfn®v ˛ Bcp-t]m-cp-an-√m-Ø-h-sc-tbm, Inf-h-∑m-sc-tbm, hgn ]n®-°m- sctbm Zo\w ]nSn-®-h-sctbm ˛ ]m¿∏n®v c£n-°-Ø-°-hÆw D≠m-°n-bm¬ ssZhw klm-bn®v ]n¬°m-e-ß-fn¬ CXp ae- bm-fsØ H∂m-asØ D]-hn-ime Bbn-Øo-cp-hm≥ CS-h-cpw. Fs‚ hN\w tI´p I¿Øm-hns\ {]Xn \mW-an-√m-Ø-h-cm-Ip- hn≥ ˛ XpS-°-Øn¬ CXp {`m¥m-sW∂pw a‰pw ]d™p ]ecpw ]cn-l-kn-°pw. \n߃ CXp XpS-ßn-bm¬ {]bmkw IqSmsX \S-°pw. (IØp-Iƒ 236,237) Hcp ssZhn-I-a-\p-jy≥ ktlm-Z-c-kvt\-l-Øns‚ B[n- Iy-Øm¬ a\p-jy-a-lXzw ssZh-tØmSp tN¿Øp-\n¿Øm≥ shº¬ sIm≠p-sIm≠v ho≠pw t{]m’m-ln-∏n-®p: aq∂ng

September 2019; No. 243 77 I¿sΩektμiw IqSp∂ \q¬ thKw s]m´p-∂n-s√∂v tkmf-a\pw ]d-™n-´p-≠- t√m. AXn-\m¬ CXn-\mbn \n߃ ]q¿W-a-\-t msS A[zm-\n- °p-hn≥. At∏mƒ Cu D]-hn-ime apf-hm-cn-sIm-≠-√, I√pw IpΩm- bhpw sIm≠v \√ Dd-t∏msS ]Wn-bm≥ CS-h-cpw, CXns‚ hcp- am\w h¿≤n-°pw, CXn\p kz¥-ambn hkvXp-h-I-Iƒ D≠mIpw; CXn¬ iº-f-tØmsS tPmen sNøp∂ At\Iw tPmen-°m-cp- ≠m-Ipw. ssZhw Xncp-a-\- m-bm¬ CsXm∂pw _p≤n-ap-´p≈ Imcy- a-√m F∂v A\p-`-h-Øn¬\n∂pw ]Tn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Iq\-Ωm-hn¬ Hcp ]\ºp-aTap≠m°n \mep kv{XoIsf AXn¬ Xma-kn-∏n-®p. h¿jw XnI™v Hme am‰n tabp-∂-Xn\p aptº HmSn´ aT-Øn¬ ssZhw Ahsc ]m¿∏n-®-Xns\ Rm≥ I≠n-cn-°p-∂p. (I-Øp- Iƒ 238,239). Nmh-d]nXmhns‚ hN-\-߃ tI´p ssI\-Icn P\-߃ \mW-an-√m-Ø-h-cmbn amdn Ah¿ At±-l-Øns‚ \n¿t±-i-ß- sf√mw kzoI-cn®p {]h¿Øn-®p. 1869¬ Xs∂ ssI\-Icn Ipcnip ]≈n-bpsS (C∂v CS-hI ]≈n) kao-]Øv \mte-°-tdmfw ÿew hmßn. D]-hn-ime Bcw-`n-®p. 150 h¿jw ]n∂n-Sp∂ Cu ÿm]\w BZyw ssI\-Icn ]≈n-bp-sSbpw ]n∂oSv kn.-Fw.- sF. A®-∑m-cpsSbpw Ct∏mƒ kn.-Fw.-kn. ktlm-Z-cn-I-fpsS t\Xr-Xz-Ønepw \SØn hcp-∂p. P\-]-¶m-fn-Ø-tØm-sS, P\-ß-fpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ CØ- c-samcp k∂-≤-kw-L-S-\bpw ÿm]-\hpw D≠m-bn. CXv C≥Uy- bpsS Ncn-{X-Øn¬ Xs∂, {]tXy-In®pw `mcX k`-bpsS Ncn-{X- Øn¬ Bip-]-{Xn-I-fp-sSbpw A\m-Ym-e-b-ß-fp-sSbpw BXpcm- e-b-ßfpsSbpw \nc-bn¬ H∂m-a-sØ-Xmbn hnfßn {]tim-`n- °p-∂p. BXp-c-ip-{iq-jm-cw-KsØ \thm-∞m-\-\m-b-I-\mbn Nmh- d-]n-Xmhpw \ne-sIm-≈p-∂p.


78 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw {]fb`qanbpsS lrZbXmfw sXm´dn™v

{_. \n¿Ω¬ tPmk^v

[¿Ωmcmw tImtfPn¬ \n∂pw R߃ c≠mw h¿j ^ntemkt^gvkns‚ ssI\Icn, Nmhd`h\nte°p≈ bm{X... ]e {]mhiyw B ]pWy`qan kμ¿in®n´p≠v. Xo¿∞mS\w, [ym\w, s]cp∂mƒ Aßs\ ]e ImcW߃. ]s£ CØhW ImcWw as‰m∂mWv, tkmjy¬ FIvkvs]mj¿. tIcf P\XbpsS PohnXsØbmsI ]nSn®pe®, 2018 se alm{]fbØn¬ Gsd ZpcnXw A\p`hn® Hcp P\kaqlØns‚ a[yØntebv°v klmb lkvXhpambn sN√pIbmbncp∂p RßfpsS e£yw. C°mebfhn¬ Hcp]mSpt]¿ ssI\I cnbnepw Be∏pg Pn√bpsS {]fb_m[nXamb a‰p `mKßfnepw klmb߃ FØn®psImSp°pIbpw B{ibw \¬IpIbpw sNbvXncp∂psh¶nepw RßfpsS amkv‰dmb hn¬k¨ N°nbX®≥ tkmjy¬ FIvkvt]mjdn\p ssI\Icn Xncs™SpØt∏mƒ klmbw Gsd Bhiyap≈hcnte°mWv R߃ sN√p∂Xv F∂ tXm∂emWp≠mbXv. s{Sbn≥ bm{Xbnepw IÆocpWßnb apJ߃ Bbncp∂p a\ n¬. Db¿∂ps]mßp∂ Pe\nc∏n\p\Sphn¬ hc≠pt]mb PohnX kz]v\ßfpambn Ipsd a\pjy¿ Rßsf ImØncn° p∂Xpt]mse. ssI\Icnbnse BZyZnhkw _lp.tXmakv I√pIpfw A®\pw _lp.tXmakv CcpºpIpØn A®\pw Rßsf

September 2019; No. 243 79 I¿sΩektμiw lrZb]q¿hw kzoIcn®p. shdpw kmaqlyt£a {]h¿Ønsb∂ Xnt\°mƒ cq]oIcWw Fs∂mcp e£yw IqSn D≈Xn\m¬ Cu sNdpIqc°p≈n¬\n∂pw temIØns‚ s\dpIbn te°pb¿∂ Nmhd]nXmhns‚ BflobX H∏nsbSp°m≥ Cu bm{X°v IgnbWsa∂ Alzm\ambncp∂p _lp. {]ntbm¿ P\d¬ t]mƒ B®m≠n A®t‚Xv. kaqlØn\p \∑ sNøptºmƒ ssZhlnXw \S°pw \SØpw F∂ \njvT a\ n¬ IcpXnb Nmhd]nXmhns‚ aÆn¬ AXv G‰hpw Bhiyambn tXm∂n. BZyambv... Ccphißfnsebpw hnimeamb ]mStiJc߃ I≠v, CfwIm‰pamkzZn®v thWw Nmhd`h\nte°p≈ \S∏mX Xm≠phm≥. ChnsS h∂n´p≈ Bcpw kpJIcamb Cu Im¬\Sbm{X ad°phm≥ Xcan√. CXn\p kao]ap≈ I\men¬ a’yIrjnbpw Xmdmhv Irjnbpw XpSßp∂Xv IqSpX¬ IuXpI ImgvNsbmcp°psa∂Xn¬ kwiban√. apt´mfw tNdn¬ apßn, tXmsfm∏w sh≈Øn¬ Cdßn ]p√pw t]mfbpw amen\yßfpw am‰n I\ens\ hrØnbm°nsbSpØ B kz]v\ ]≤Xnbn¬ Rßfpw ]¶mfnIfmbn. BZyZn\ßfn¬ amkv‰d®\pw RßtfmsSm∏w sh≈ØnendßnbXv RßfpsS Iq´mbvabpw Bthihpw h¿≤n∏n®p. ]n∂oSp≈ Ipsd Znhkßsf¶nepw RßfpsS kmbm”߃ D√mk`cnXam°nbXv Cu I\membncp∂psh∂v ]dbmsXhø. Hcp ssIØmßv... ssI\Icnbn¬ ad°m\mhmØ apJØnsem∂mWv tXmakv tN´t‚Xv. {]fbØn\ptijw tijw ]ehoSpIfpw ]gb {]uVn hos≠Spsضnepw tXmakv tN´s‚ hoSv

80 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw AXpt]mse Xs∂ \n∂p. Xd apgph≥ s]mfn™p, _e£bw h∂ XqWpIfpw ta¬°qcbpw Cu Ip™p hoSns‚ \n lmbmhkvY shfnhm°nbncps∂¶nepw k¿°m¿ hmKvZm\߃ ChntS°v Hfn™p t\m°nbn´n√. hn≠pIodn s]mfn™p InS∂ Xd s]mfn®pam‰pIbpw h≈Øn¬ sIm≠ph∂ kna‚ v I´bpw an‰nepsams° Cd°n hoSn\p ap≥]n¬ FØn°epw Atßb‰w {iaIcambncp∂p. Nmhd`h\nse Poh\°mcnbmb PnPn tN®nbpsS ho´nte°v HmSpIƒ FØn°phm\pw R߃°v km[n®p. h≈Ønembncp∂p RßfpsS bm{X. HmSpIƒ h≈Øn¬ Ib‰epw Cd°epw Zo¿Lt\csØ tPmenbmbncps∂¶nepw XamiIfpw IpkrXnIfpsams°bmbn R߃ Gsd BkzZn® \nanjßfmbncp∂p AXv. sNdph≈߃ t]mIp∂ tXm´nse t]mf hmcn am‰nbXpw ]n∂oSv AsXmcp \o¥¬ ¢m m°nam‰nbXpw lrZyamb A\p`hambncp∂p {]fbZn\ßfnepw AXn\p tijhpw an®w h∂ XpWnIƒ ho≠pw hnXcWtbmKya m°phm≥ siΩmk»∑m¿°v km[n®p. D]tbmKtbmKy a√mØh am‰pIbpw sNbvXp. ssI\Icnbnse RßfpsS kmbm”߃ `h\kμ¿ vi\߃°pth≠nbp≈Xmbncp∂p. {]fbZn\ßfn¬ Nm\epIfn¬ \nd™p\n∂ Sn.hn dnt∏m¿´¿amcpsS BthiØn¬ RßfpsS lrZbanSn∏pw Db¿∂ncp∂p. F∂m¬ B Bthi߃s°ms° A∏pdw hnXpºn hnfdnb apJßfn¬ \n∂v R߃ t\cn´v tI´p, {]fbw ]cØnb `oIcX. `£Whpambn GsX¶nepw t_m´v hcp∂Xpw ImØv I´nen\pw taibv°psams° apIfn¬ H∂\ßmsX t]mepancp∂ Znhk߃... Hs∂m∂mbn Hmtcm∂pw HgpInbndßptºmƒ,

September 2019; No. 243 81 I¿sΩektμiw Poh≥am{Xw Iøn¬∏nSn®v hoSv hn´ndßnb \mfpIƒ... Bizmkhm°pIƒ ]d™pw, {]m¿∞\ t\¿∂pw, hmKvZm\w sNbvX Im∏n kvt\l]q¿Δw \nckn®pw Hmtcm ho´n¬ \n∂pw Cdßptºmƒ hm°pIƒ h‰nØpSßnbncp∂p. Du´p]pc tPmen°m¿°pw Iºyq´¿ ¢m n\pw Xø¬ ¢m n\pw h∂h¿, Nmhcpƒ ^manen tIm¨{Kkv, t\XrXz ]cnioe\ Iymºv F∂nhbv°v h∂h¿°psams° hn`hkar≤ambn `£Ww Xømdm°p∂ hnimeamb ASp°fbmWv Nmhd`h \p≈Xv. AhnsSbpw RßfpsS ssIIsfØn, ^ntemk^n ¢m nse Kuch hnjbßfpw Assk≥sa‚pIfpw ad∂v sh≠bv°bpw _o≥kpsams° Acn™p Xømdm°p∂sX ßs\ F∂ ]T\Ønembncp∂p R߃. Rßsf Icbn∏n® khmfbpw \o‰ep≠m°nb ]®apfIpw ]ns∂ Ingßpw tImhbv°bpsams° ad°m\mhmØ ]mTßfmbncp∂p. {_. {^m≥knkns‚ s]mlbpw GØbv°m∏hpw RßfpsS ASp°fbnse ssh`hw sXfnbn®p. Bflob bm{XIƒ F√m tPmenIƒ°pw Hcp Znhkw dkv‰v... ImcWw R߃ Xo¿∞mS\ØnemWv. ssZh ]cn]me\`h≥, im¥n`h≥, X¶n∏≈n, IMS [ym\tI{μw, ]q¶mhv ]≈n F∂nhnSßfneqsS Hcp bm{X. Btcmcpan√mØ Ip´nIfmWv ssZh]cn]me\`h\nep≈Xv. kZmt\chpw {]`sNmcnbp∂ \nXymcm[\ Nm∏¬, kz¥ambn Hcp hcpam\hpan√mØ Cu BebØns‚ Du¿÷ t{kmXkmWv. kz¥ambn apdnIfn√msX \neØp InS∂pdßp∂ knkvt‰gvkv, Zmcn{Zymcq]nbpsS alØmb amXrIbpw R߃°v Im´n X∂p.

82 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw {_. amXyp B¬_ns‚ im¥n`h≥, sImt´j\pw sIme]mXIhpw Zn\Ncybm°n, Cd®n B¬_n≥ F∂dnbs∏ ´ncp∂ Hcp a\pjy≥ {InkvXphns‚ {]tLmjI\mbnamdnb ]utemkns‚ am\km¥cØns‚ as‰mc[ymbw BWv AhnsS Rßsf {]tNmZn∏n®Xv. sF.Fw.Fkv [ym\`h\n¬ t]mbXpw X¶n∏≈nbpw ]q¶mhv ]≈nbpw kμ¿in®Xpw ssZhm\p{KlØns‚ \nanjßfmbncp∂p. ]ns∂ Be∏pg _o®nse XncIfn¬ apßn°pfn®p. ]Sn™mtd°v bm{X Xncn® kqcys\m∏w sk¬^nsbSpØp aSßn. GXm\w Znhk߃ sIm≠v Xs∂ Nmhd`h≥ RßfpsS hoSmbnamdn°gn™ncp∂p. ssht°m¬ XpcpsI´epw ]mj≥{^q´n\p ]¥¬ sI´epw ]dºnse ]p√p]dn°epw ]ns∂ tXßm s]dp°epw ao≥]nSpØhpsams°bmbn Rß fhnSpsØ AwKßfmbn amdn. i\nbmgvN Nmhd`h\n¬ Xncp\mƒ Zn\amWv. hn. Ip¿_m\, s\mth\, Ipcnins‚ hgn F∂nhbv°mbn Nmhd`h≥ \ndsb BfpIfp≠mIpw. P]ame XpSßnb {]m¿∞\IfpsS t\XrXzw R߃ Xs∂ Bbncp∂p. hnizmk Xo£WXbn¬ RßfpsS ssI\Icn bm{Xbnse AP]me\ ]cnioe\ am\hpw FSpØp ]dtb≠XmWv. k¨tU kvIqƒ ]co£ Ign™m¬ ]ns∂ BtLmjßfpsS ]Øv Znhk߃ F√m tZhmebßfnepw ]XnhmWv. Cu h¿jßfnse hnizmtkm’hØns‚ `mKamIphm≥ Ign™Xv ssZhw IcpXnsh® kΩm\ambncp∂p R߃°v. ssI\Icn, Adp\q‰mw ]mSw, ]m≠nt»cn F∂nhnSßfn¬ {]m¿∞\, ]T\w, D√mkw Hs°bmbn Cu h¿jsØ hnizmtkm’hw BtLmjam°phm≥ R߃°v Ign™p. Ahkm\n°mXn

September 2019; No. 243 83 I¿sΩektμiw cps∂¶n¬ F∂v Bin® Zn\ßfmbncp∂p AXv. ssI\Icn CShII¿°mbn ss__nƒ Iznkv \SØm\mbXpw CXns‚ `mKambmWv. hnizmtkm’hØns‚ BÀmZØnan¿∏v Ahkm\n°p∂Xn\pap≥]v Iznkv a’chpw \SØn. ss__nfpw, Ip¿_m\ ]pkvXIhpw, Nmhcpfpsams° Ac®v Ie°n IpSn®p ]mØv SoapIfmbncp∂p a’c Øn\p≠mbncp∂Xv. Hm¨sse≥ Iznkv a’cØn¬ Bcw`n®p ]cºcmKX coXnbn¬ Ahkm\n® ]pXnsbmcp coXn°p ssI\Icn km£yw hln®p. Nmhd`hs‚ B`napJyØn¬ Actßdnb Nmhcpƒ ^manen tIm¨{Kkns‚ `mKambXv F°mesØbpw \ndap≈ Hm¿aIfmbn Rßfn¬ Ahtijn°pw. GItZiw \qtdmfw BfpIƒ ]s¶SpØ]cn]mSnbn¬ Km\ip{ipj sNbvXXpw, Ip´nIƒ°pth≠nbp≈ t\XrXz ]cnioe\ Iymºv \bn®Xpw saUn°¬ Iymºn\v th≠ klmb߃ sNbvXXpw ]m≠nt»cn CShI s]cp∂mfn\v Ae¶mc∏Wn sNbvXXpsams° RßfpsS FIvkvt]m-j-dns\ hXykvXam °p∂p. ssI\Icn, 2014 \hw_¿ 23-˛mwBw XnbXn Nmhdb®\neqsS hØn°m\n¬ am{Xa√ temIw apgph≥ {]ikvXnbm¿Pn® \mSv... sXtßmeIfpw B‰pXochpw lukvt_m´pIfpw ]ns∂ kZmsXm´v XgpIp∂ Ing°≥ Im‰psams° h¿jwtXmdpw \nch[nbmfpIsf Ctßmt´°v BI¿jn°mdp≠v. F¶nepw Cu sIm®pkpμc{KmaØns‚ kzm`mhnI {]IrXn kuμcyw BkzZn°p∂Xn\pa∏pdw IS∂psN√phm≥ R߃°v km[n®p. hnjabamb s\¬∏mS߃ kΩm\n® \nXytcmKnIƒ... agbØp tNm¿s∂men°p∂ hoSpIƒ...

84 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw Zmcn{ZysØ klNmcnbmbn ImØv ioen®h¿... ASnkvYm\ kuIcy߃ t]mepw \ntj[n°s]´h¿... F√m‰n\psamSphn¬ Iq\nt∑¬ Ipcp t]mse {]fbhpw... F¶nepw PohnX bmYm¿Yy߃°pap≥]n¬ Gsd kt¥mjtØmsS Ah¿ Pohn°p∂p. PohnXtØmSp≈ AhcpsS Cu at\m`mhw Rßfnte°pw Du¿Pw ]I¿∂p. ]mhßfpsS ]£w tNcm≥ e`n® Ahkcambncp∂p Cu bm{X. AhcpsS kt¥mjßfpw k¶Sßfpw tI´v, Ah¿°p th≠n {]m¿∞n®v, Bhpw hn[w klmb߃ sNbvXv hfsc thKw B \mfpIƒ IS∂p t]mbn. ssI\Icnbn¬ F√m kuIcyßfpw \¬In Rßsf kzoIcn°pI am{Xa√, k\ymkm{iaØns‚ AS°hpw Nn´h´ßfpw R߃°v PohnXØneqsS Im´nØcpIbpw sNbvXhcmWv _lp. tXmakv I√pIpfw A®\pw tXmakv CcpºpIpØn A®\pw. XΩn¬ XΩnep≈ _lpam\hpw ]mhßtfmSp≈ IcpXepw sIm≠v Rßsf Gsd {]tNmZn∏n® hμysshZnI¿°v \μn ]ds™ Xocp. Hcp sNdp ]p©ncn t\¿∂v {]m¿∞\ sNm√n ssI\IcntbmSv bm{X sNm√ptºmƒ Hcp k\ymk sshZnIs‚ km[yXIfpw BhiyIXbpw RßfpsS a\ pIfnep ≠mbncp∂p. Cu ]cnioe\ ImeL´w, ]XnXscbpw ]mhs∏´hscbpw amtdmSv tN¿Øhs‚, Zcn{Z\v kz¿§cmPyw XosdgpXn sImSpØhs‚ apJambn amdm\p≈XmsW∂v R߃ t\cn´dn™ \√ \mfpIfmbncp∂p

September 2019; No. 243 85 I¿sΩektμiw 435 (24.56%) (24.56%) NR Total Max: 2463 1771 (71.90%) (71.90%) 1771

Houses Scholastics Common


53 70 and abov70 and (2.99%) 87 (4.91%) (4.91%) 87 (2.99%) Countries Developing

69 - 427 427 425 257 118 (6.66%) (6.66%) (23.99%) 166 (9.37%) 86 (4.85%) (4.85%) (9.37%) 86 166 (23.99%) (14.51%) (79.07%) 74 (79.07%) (Total Number of Respondents: 1771) 1771) (Total Number of Respondents: 49 50 49 - 15 684 421 1338 (38.62%) (38.62%) (23.77%) (75.55%) (83.33%) (83.33%) RESULTS OF CMI SURVEY 2018 ious Profession Profession ious <30 30 g Priest Brothers Scholastics NR Kerala Kerala Kerala Outside Countries Developed (23.15%) (23.15%) (29.24%) (17.78%) Max: 1905 Max: 18 Max: 540 Temporary Final Temporary NR 1255 (65.87%) (65.87%) 1255 PERSONAL DETAILS PERSONAL 1. Status 2. Age 410 3. Place Assignment of 518 4. Reli 315

86 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

427 427 (24.11%) (24.11%) NA e 118 (6.66%) (6.66%)

23 (1.29%) (1.29%) Other NR NA Any

49 604 (2.76%) (2.76%) (34.10%) (34.10%) Any Any Other NA Other

47 67 (2.65%) (2.65%) (3.78%) (3.78%) Higher Study Retired Bachelor's Master's Bachelor's Doctorat e icat f 297 297 103 103 (5.81%) (5.81%) (16.77%) (16.77%)

loma/Certi Other NR p 78 y 217 (4.40%) (4.40%) (12.25%) (12.25%) Apost. Formation Other Areas NR NR Areas Social Other Formation Apost. Social Apost. Formation

908 310 uivalent Di uivalent (51.27%) (51.27%) (17.50%) (17.50%) q and Media Media and Education Education and Media Media and

807 398 Evang. &Past. (45.56%) (45.56%) &Past. (22.47%) (22.47%) Evang. Wardha An e alor g (15.35%) (15.35%) (11.18%) (11.18%) SSLC/Below Plus Two/E SSLC/Below Plus Leadership No Degree Degree No Bachelor's College Philosophical Licentiate Ban Regency Doctorate Dharmaram Samanvaya Theological Leadership Carmel, Pune Other Any NR 11. Field of Experience Experience of 11. Field 272 5. Secular Education 5. Secular 29 Degree 6. Ecclesiastical 116 239 111 672 7. 1111 146 599 98 20 Stages of Formation 101 159 164 28 124 Studies 8. Philosophical 28 93 176 1126 Studies 395 9. Theological 944 210 438 126 96 10. 54 Apostolate Present Assigned 153 198

September 2019; No. 243 87 I¿sΩektμiw

68 62 87 63 61 5% 3.5% 3.8% 3.5% 3.4%

14 53 56 3% 177 235 10% 0.8% 3.2% 13.3% 76 237 486 545 223 4.3% 13.4% 13.4% 27.4% 30.7% 30.7% 12.6% 12.6% 320 379 234 114 460 26% 6.4% 18.1% 18.1% 21.4% 21.4% 13.2% 13.2% 12 728 4 741 809 451 41.1% 41.1% 23.3% 23.3% 41.9% 41.9% 45.7% 25.4% 454 696 372 110 132 21% 6.2% 7.5% 25.6% 25.6% 39.3% ‘The Holy Hour’ is practised in my in my practised is Hour’ Holy ‘The community without any compromise. adequate is given Common meal in my importance community. periodicCommon recreation and are regular about ministries briefing community. in my credible not a is My community for option to our preferential witness “the poor of Lord.” the my in priorities the Money controls community. No. Statement SAg Ag NS Dis SDis NR NR SDis Dis NS Ag SAg Statement No. PART 1: CHARISM AND SPIRITUAL LIFE 001. 002. 003. 004. 005.

88 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

7 5 31 60 74 51 108 108 3.2% 6.2% 1.8% 3.4% 4.1% 6.1% 2.8% 64 32 27 17 39 1% 417 110 3.2% 1.8% 1.5% 6.2% 2.2% 23.5% 38 316 221 546 126 275 223 7.1% 2.1% 17.8% 17.8% 12.4% 12.4% 30.8% 30.8% 15.5% 15.5% 12.5%

93 339 330 611 256 497 532 30% 5.3% 19.1% 19.1% 18.6% 18.6% 34.5% 34.5% 14.5% 14.5% 28.5% 271 778 791 680 506 736 794 44% 15.3% 15.3% 44.7% 44.7% 38.3% 28.6% 41.5% 44.8%

7 99 497 912 161 21 225 132 5.6% 9.1% 7.5% 12.3% 12.3% 28.1% 28.1% 51.5% 12.7% Financial transparency is absent in in absent is transparency Financial the institution I work. is gatherings zonal in Participation members of by importance given due my Province. in my members Aged sick and of. care taken well are Province and within offices for Canvassing is outside the Congregation considered normal. attend members My community community prayers regularly. are regular members My community annual recollection, in monthly spiritual retreat, confession, etc. direction, are my community Members in and interiority of perceived as men leadership. spiritual 006. 007. 008. 009. 010. 011. 012.

September 2019; No. 243 89 I¿sΩektμiw 54 65 29 17 17 3% 1% 1% 153 115 8.6% 6.4% 3.6% 1.6%

6 6 11 20 20 138 111 7.8% 0.6% 1.1% 0.3% 1.1% 0.3% 6.25% 73 96 8% 349 370 312 175 142 4.1% 5.4% 9.8% 19.7% 19.7% 20.8% 20.8% 17.6% 17.6% 80 699 246 536 288 139 237 13.3 13.3 4.5% 7.8% 39.4% 39.4% 13.9% 13.9% 30.2% 30.2% 16.2% 16.2% 513 372 949 786 21% 59% 1045 1045 1003 1000 28.9% 28.9% 56.6% 56.6% 53.5% 56.4% 44.3%

60 342 176 557 185 434 471 10% 3.1% 19.3% 19.3% 31.4% 10.4% 24.5% 26.5% My confrereswomen (both respect mature to are and lay) religious and them. with collaborate are Dubious personal relationships confreres. my among on increase the phone of mobile use Unregulated vowed life the threatens and internet of my confreres. (e.g., prayers community I attend Hours, of Liturgy Qurbana, Rosary, etc.). Meditation, daily for time quality I dedicate Word of of the reading meditative God (Lectio Divina). I regularly participatemonthly in annual recollection, retreat, etc. direction, spiritual confession, in trained be periodically I need to contemplative and meditation prayer. 013. 014. 015. 016. 017. 018. 019.

90 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

41 88 111 6.3% 2.3% 4.9% 4 Not Not 13 30 4 0.7% 1.6% 2.4% Responded Responded 103 128 139 5.8% 7.2% 7.8% Disagree 746 326 290 42.1% 42.1% 18.4% 16.3% 763 868 805 49% 43.1% 43.1% 45.4% 6% 105 308 405 17.3% 17.3% 22.8% Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree Sure Not Agree SAg Ag NS Dis SDis NR NR SDis Ag Dis SAg NS Agree Agree My confreres perceive me as a me perceive My confreres person of prayer. by me availed facilities Recreation life. chaste befit my and prayer I prefer community (or be ‘screen-free-time’ recreation to time). ‘gadgets-free’ Strongly Strongly 020. 021. 022.

September 2019; No. 243 91 I¿sΩektμiw

68 54 71 38 3% 4% 3.8% 2.1%

34 58 63 23 2% 3.5% 1.3% 3.27%

116 223 215 108 6.5% 6.1% 12.5% 12.5% 12.1%

253 488 331 169 9.5% 14.2% 27.5% 18.6%

725 687 788 774 41% 38.7% 44.4% 43.7%

643 572 247 336 36.3% 32.2% 13.9% 18.9%

elization and Pastoral Ministry Pastoral and elization g My community positively involves involves positively My community the ministryin in pastoral neighbourhood. neighbouring our of priests Parish parishes regularly approach our community for pastoral assistance. model of the after Family apostolate, priority due is given Saint Chavara, community. in my more sends My Province challenging to the missionaries countries. developing in missions No. Statement Sag Ag NS Dis SDis NR NR SDis Dis NS Ag Statement No. Sag PART 2: APOSTOLATES Evan A. 023. 024. 025. 026.

92 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

62 72 70 77 61 36 2% 3.5% 4.1% 3.9% 4.3% 3.4% 2 4 29 18 33 59 83 1% 2.4% 1.6% 1.9% 3.3% 4.7% 83 296 121 229 377 115 13% 6.8% 4.7% 6.5% 16.7% 16.7% 21.3% 21.3%

473 555 702 252 453 228 26.7% 31.3% 39.6% 14.2% 25.6% 12.9%

706 769 546 977 589 765 39.9% 43.4% 30.8% 55.1% 33.3% 43.2%

9% 227 158 369 192 208 594 10.8% 12.8% 20.8% 11.7% 33.5% My Province proactively responds to My Province proactively of the the ‘all-India-jurisdiction’ offering by Syro-Malabar Church our service and resources. in involved is actively My Province migrants. to the ministry with collaborates My Province hierarchy. clergy and diocesan our to send My Province prefers are that members to missions rewarding. economically in my institutions too many Having mission new global curtails Province initiatives. mission Common for global projects under Generalate, involving Provinces different from members be encouraged. should (like ), 027. 028. 029. 030. 031. 032.

September 2019; No. 243 93 I¿sΩektμiw 98 30 47 40 81 128 5.5% 1.7% 2.7% 7.2% 2.3% 4.6% 33 54 58 35 35 48 3% 2% 2% 1.8% 3.3% 2.7% 8% 193 162 244 141 240 209 11% 9.1% 13.8% 13.8% 13.6% 13.6% 11.8% 682 191 310 377 777 617 38.5% 10.8% 17.5% 21.2% 43.9% 34.8% 691 578 649 687 508 677 39% 32.6% 36.6% 38.8% 28.7% 38.2% 83 487 240 685 425 139 24% 4.7% 7.8% 27.5% 13.6% 38.7% My Province sets apart more sets apart My Province global for the funds members and mission of the Congregation. My Province subscribes to global mission policies but remains parochial in orientations and practices. in theMissionaries developed to encouraged are countries alternate undertake more appealing Chapel, Mall as such ministries Retreat Centres, etc. to encouraged be New priests should missions in one year work at least Africa in preferably outside Kerala, America. or Latin with Our members associated tend to ministries institutionalized pastoral ministry. neglect give due members My community dimension to interreligious emphasis 033. 034. 035. 036. 037. 038.

94 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

56 42 38 87 94 31 5% 3.2% 5.3% 1.8% 2.3% 2.1%

18 84 17 23 18 1% 1% 1% 119 4.7% 6.7% 1.3%

7 28 101 114 4 15 407 123 8.9% 5.7% 6.4% 6.9% 24.1% 23%%

682 328 343 140 195 367 11% 7.9% 38.5% 18.5% 20.7% 19.3%

704 654 548 982 896 682 39.8% 36.9% 50.6% 38.5% 30.9% 55.4%

291 436 180 558 508 175 10% 16.4% 24.6% 10.2% 31.5% 28.7% My confreres serving in first the with their world are satisfied pastoral life. My confreres serving in first the worldProvince shall return to the at by prescribed retirement the age of assignment. of one’s the diocese Talented members interested and in for not promoted my Province are more relevant ministries such as ministry, retreat preaching, youth etc. MinistryI give due importance of to my in (e.g., preaching) the Word pastoral life. I prefer that our Congregation in villages missions in more involves countries. and developing I effectively use internetand modern News. Good the media to proclaim 039. 040. 041. 042. 043. 044.

September 2019; No. 243 95 I¿sΩektμiw 67 3.7% Not Not 139 7.8% Responded Responded 521 29.4% 29.4% Disagree Disagree 411 23.2% 490 27.6% 8% 143 Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Strongly Disagree Sure Not Agree SAg Ag NS Dis SDis NR NR SDis Ag Dis SAg NS Agree Agree Conversion of the non-baptized is a is non-baptized of the Conversion ministry. in my priority Strongly Strongly 045.

96 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

96 64 94 112 NR NR 5.4% 6.3% 5.3% 3.6%

72 65 86 120 4.1% 4.9% 6.8% 3.7%

199 227 236 326 11.2% 13.3% 12.8% 18.4%

313 350 510 518 17.7% 28.8% 19.7% 29.4%

34 664 737 4 550 31% 37.5% 24.5% 41.6%

11 11 9% 4 4 328 161 23.2% 23.2% 18.5% Faith formation of the Catholic Catholic of the formation Faith in concern important an is students attached institution the educational to my community. to a priority has My community and from poor educate children families. marginalized my with Institution associated fee from capitation is free community and donations. locality the of and marginalized Poor benefit can they whether doubtful are institution the educational from attached to my community. No. Statement SAg Ag NS Dis SDis Dis NS Ag SAg Statement No. PART 2: APOSTOLATES and Media of Education B. Apostolate 046. 047. 048. 049.

September 2019; No. 243 97 I¿sΩektμiw

45 74 36 33 78 2% 2.5% 4.2% 1.8% 4.4%

6 46 16 72 66 1% 4% 2.6% 0.3% 3.7%

52 93 3% 201 289 265 5.3% 11.3% 11.3% 16.3% 16.3% 14.9% 14.9%

42 520 223 414 457 4 29.4% 29.4% 12.6% 23.4% 25.8% 25.8% 24.9% 24.9%


772 883 745 72 42% 41% 1014 1014 43.6% 43.6% 49.9% 57.2% 57.2%

172 193 187 443 291 25% 9.7% 10.6% 16.4% 10.9% In my Province, value education and and education Province, value In my are students of formation character academic above priorities over and excellence. my in institutions Educational social in students train Province justice and equity. 10% at least to offer The decision from poor to students admissions is given families and marginalized Province. in my importance due educational Province, In my for respect promote institutions diversity. and religious cultural my in institutions Educational perception the out, in Province stand social of institutions as of outsiders, standard. highmerit and moral 050. 051. 052. 053. 054.

98 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

78 56 58 55 55 60 3.2% 4.4% 3.3% 3.1% 3.1% 3.4%


5 85 53 12 24 3% 136 7.7% 4.8% 3.2% 0.7% 1.4%

54 75 3% 344 170 275 476 9.6% 4.2% 19.4% 15.5% 15.5% 26.9%

425 524 255 453 254 186 24% 29.6% 29.6% 14.4% 14.4% 25.6% 25.6% 14.3% 10.5% 10.5%


99 558 4 69 693 742 678 31.5% 31.5% 28.2% 28.2% 39.4% 39.4% 39.1% 39.1% 41.9% 38.3% 38.3%

242 171 190 534 748 654 120 53 194 533 529 342 9.7% 10.7% 30.2% 13.7% 42.2% 36.9% Educational institutions in my in institutions Educational Province are more money-driven value-driven. than my in institutions Educational lack suffer from Province teamwork.of my in institutions educational New Provincemore a ‘CMI are perceived people. local need of the than need’ are policies clear-cut and Strict to level General needed at the new of monitor establishment institutions. educational Settinga centralized up managementof educational institutions in each Province with a regulatory board and centralpooling of resourcesis necessary. Cell is Media Setting up a CMI our charism. demanded by adequate makes My Province 055. 056. 057. 058. 059. 060. 061.

September 2019; No. 243 99 I¿sΩektμiw

73 64 70 68 6% 107 4.1% 3.6% 3.9% 3.8%

37 35 66 78 40 2% 2.1% 3.7% 4.4% 2.3%

433 322 111 259 163 6.3% 9.2% 24.4% 24.4% 18.2% 14.6% 14.6%

545 556 304 505 542 30.8% 30.8% 31.4% 17.2% 17.2% 28.5% 30.6%

521 642 731 710 626 40% 29.4% 29.4% 36.3% 41.3% 41.3% 35.3%

518 189 298 133 109 7.5% 6.2% 29.2% 10.7% 16.8% My confreres working in education for teaching with begin first shall progressively move some years and assignments. to administrative a ‘pro-poor’ (mainly sensitivity Social by our valued highly attitude) is field of the in members working education. Procuring higher qualifying degrees adverse has education distance by our of competence the impact upon field. education members in My confreres who are into and are arrogant administration approach. in authoritarian for My confreres themselves avail and house mentoring, counselling, visiting as they education consider as evangelization. of means a genuine 062. 063. 064. 065. 066.

100 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw 89 70 69 71 94 72 62 5% 4% 4% 3.9% 5.3% 4.1% 3.5% 4 5 15 17 47 13 52 10% 2.7% 0.7% 2.9% 0.2% 0.2% 0.8%) 85 83 53 43 3% 266 176 321 15% 10% 4.8% 4.7% 2.4% 18.1% 18.1% 499 413 211 251 112 103 395 6.3% 5.8% 28.1% 28.1% 23.3% 11.9% 14.1% 22.3% 769 925 926 971 986 735 1030 1030 43.4% 43.4% 52.2% 52.3% 54.8% 55.7% 58.2% 41.5% 121 244 464 289 544 528 174 6.8% 9.8% 13.8% 26.2% 16.3% 30.7% 29.8% My confreres are sufficiently are sufficiently My confreres and vision CMI the with acquainted of education. mission confreres More of my competent initiatives lay with collaborate should ministry. in media I subscribe to the policy “educate to evangelize and evangelize to educate.” my in I continue to update myself remain and specialisation field of relevant and competent. student- to I give due importance friendly approach. my colleagues. with I am friendly I am equipped to employ electronic values. Gospel disseminating for media 067. 068. 069. 070. 071. 072. 073.

September 2019; No. 243 101 I¿sΩektμiw

81 62 72 4% NR NR 4.6% 3.5%

1 52 70 4 2.3% 2.9% 3.9%

242 242 329 109 109 6.2% 6.2% 13.7% 18.6%

402 402 473 473 464 464 26.7% 22.7% 26.2%


814 69 686 45.9% 39.4% 38.7%

370 199 199 150 8.5% 8.5% 20.9% 20.9% 11.23% Concerns of the poor and the and poor of the Concerns marginalizedhave a prime place in my of and projects the policies community. Social servicein community my is morean outcomeof abundance than or personal any from resulting communitarian sacrifice. My community and theinstitution the of spend part am I that for 10%) least (at funds prescribed apostolate. social No. Statement SAg Ag NS Dis SDis Dis NS Ag Statement No. SAg PART 2: APOSTOLATES APOSTOLATES 2: PART Apostolate Social C. 074. 075. 076.

102 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

55 50 51 74 113 118 2.8% 2.9% 4.1% 6.7% 3.1% 6.4%

7 86 86 93 58 49 49 12 123 4.9% 3.3% 6.9% 7.2% 5.3% 2.7%

7 282 325 176 544 46 276 9.9% 9.9% 18.9% 30.7% 15.6% 18.4% 26.4%

692 234 394 675 675 434 434 436 13.2% 39.1% 22.2% 38.1% 24.5% 24.6% 355 355 559 422 422 872 872 456 759 20% 20% 23.8% 31.6% 25.7% 42.9% 49.23%

154 203 193 193 390 163 168 22% 22% 8.7% 9.2% 9.5% 11.5% 10.9% ‘A-house-for-a-house’ scheme is is scheme ‘A-house-for-a-house’ practised in my community. as the well as house my year, Every supports in engaged I am institution cancer-affected new one least at neighbourhood. the in family Domestic staff membersin my community receiverespectful wages. just and treatment as perceived is largely Province My that institutions rich running rich, cater to the rich. My Provinceeffectively involves in (e.g., ministries frontier Akasaparavakal, caring HIV- affected, drug addicts). Province my in apostolate Social that projects on more focuses empower people to be self-reliant. 077. 078. 079. 080. 081. 082.

September 2019; No. 243 103 I¿sΩektμiw

45 77 60 46 48 4.3% 3.9% 2.6% 2.5% 2.7%

57 94 55 13 82 3.2% 3.1% 5.3% 0.7% 4.6%

94 408 312 479 4 190 23% 27% 17.6% 27.9% 10.7%

406 639 442 502 230 13% 22.9% 36.1% 24.9% 28.3%


596 525 759 538 58% 102 33.7% 33.7% 29.6% 29.6% 42.9% 30.4% 30.4%

65 98 162 143 263 9.1% 3.7% 8.1% 5.5% 14.8% 14.8% Formation in myProvince is not social adequate to develop to reach and readiness sensitivity out to the poor. in my members number of Sufficient and in committed are Province apostolate. for social trained All confreres, the irrespective of my due assigned ministry, give in themselves to train importance social sensitivity. My promote confreres adequately biogas, like projects nature-friendly harvesting, water solar energy, rain campuses, plastic-free etc. myself identify I conscientiously the poor and marginalized with the in my life and ministry. 083. 084. 085. 086. 087.

104 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

59 170 170 9.6% 3.3%

Not Not 63 63 31 31 3.6% 1.8% Responded Responded

285 285 348 348 16.1% 19.6%

Disagree Disagree 287 287 581 16.2% 32.8%

891 891 493 50.3% 50.3% 27.8% 218 218 116 6.5% 6.5% 12.3% 12.3% Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Strongly Disagree Sure Not Agree SAg Ag NS Dis SDis NR NR SDis Ag Dis SAg NS Agree Agree My lifestyle requires a radical re- a radical requires lifestyle My pro- it more to make orientation call. Francis’ after Pope poor ‘Chavara to subscribe I personally are which of proceeds the Fund’, by outside projects for allotted agencies. CMI) than (other Strongly Strongly 088. 088. 089.

September 2019; No. 243 105 I¿sΩektμiw 92 97 94 91 5.2% 5.4% 5.3% 5.1%

61 45 204 303 3.4% 3.4% 2.5% 11.5% 17.1% 143 550 157 802 8.1% 8.1% 8.9% 31.1% 31.1% 45.3%

302 464 364 378 17.1% 17.1% 26.2% 20.5% 21.3% 809 305 836 152 47% 47% 8.6% 8.6% 45.7% 17.2% 45 364 151 275 8.5% 2.5% 20.6% 15.5%

g Maintenance of accounts and and accounts of Maintenance in my regular are auditing quarterly institution. and community There is serious lack of accountability transparency and in my community. Thesuperior community and the monitoring in fulfil role their unique the accounts of our institutions. regular practices community My internal auditing of community’s and institution’s accounts. No. Statement Sag Ag NS Dis SDis NR SDis Dis NS Ag Statement No. Sag PART 2: APOSTOLATES PART 2: APOSTOLATES D. FinanceAuditin and 090. 091. 092. 093.

106 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

74 74 81 81 76 76 221 221 149 149 4.2% 4.2% 4.6% 4.6% 4.3% 4.3% 8.4% 8.4% 12.45%

40 23 30 211 211 151 151 2.3% 2.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.7% 1.7% 8.5% 8.5% 11.9%

74 74 137 137 286 286 100 115 7.7% 7.7% 4.2% 4.2% 5.6% 6.5% 16.1%

430 430 208 288 502 502 203 24.3% 11.7% 16.3% 28.3% 11.5%

732 732 810 790 790 471 471 623 41.3% 45.7% 44.6% 26.6% 35.2%

286 286 284 408 580 472 16% 23% 16.1% 32.7% 26.7% Adequate measures are taken in our our in are taken measures Adequate money that ensure to Province of collection including transactions, banks. through only made fees, are generating income Establishing loans bank on relying institutions stopped. to be needs and accountability ensure To institutions, our in transparency management auditingby the at auditors professional necessary. is level Provincial Auditingby the Generaland Provincial Auditors should be professional with supported accountants. and General the from Reports due are given Auditors Provincial Visitations. in Canonical importance 094. 095. 096. 097. 098.

September 2019; No. 243 107 I¿sΩektμiw 97 93 71 66 4% 4% 105 130 5.5% 5.3% 5.9% 7.3% 3.7% 8 17 99 61 15 65 1% 5.6% 3.4% 0.8% 3.7% 0.5% 91 91 115 396 314 151 209 6.5% 6.5% 8.5% 8.5% 5.1% 22.4% 22.4% 17.7% 11.8%

384 530 517 122 282 113 30% 16% 6.9% 6.4% 21.7% 21.7% 29.2% 29.2%

515 652 718 900 29% 29% 58% 1028 1012 50.8% 36.8% 40.5% 57.2%

138 122 258 384 367 481 7.8% 6.9% 21.7% 20.7% 27.2% 14.6% Community members are increasingly increasingly are members Community in the dark with regard to thedetails of financialtransactions. My confreres adopt an easy and pragmatic approachcomes when it matters. financial to are who confreres I have in straightforward and conscientious financial dealings. Imaintainaccounts audit and my regularly. Iam in favour ofpersonalopening bankaccounts thatopen are to auditing by ProvincialAuditor. managing in truthful I have been finances. 099. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104.

108 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

55 54 36 53 59 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% NR NR 3.1% 3.3%

65 65 71 71 17 17 4% 4% 1% 1% 102 102 119 119 5.8% 3.7% 6.7%

337 371 129 202 366 19% 19% 21% 21% 7.3% 7.3% 11.4% 20.7% 283 283 340 376 376 502 502 593 16% 16% 28.3% 33.5% 19.2% 21.2%

11 570 570 797 797 814 7 524 45% 45% 46% 46% 40.1% 29.6% 32.2%

7 335 335 376 24 236 115 19% 14% 6.5% 6.5% 21.2% 13.3% CMI religious and priestly lifestyle is is lifestyle priestly and religious CMI and challenging sufficiently not youngsters. to aspiring inspiring Lack offulltime vocation promoters in affects adversely province my promoting quality vocations. and collaborators lay our of Support in effective very is sisters religious vocation promotion. admit to is prepared Province My missions. from local vocations my in institutions Educational Province give adequate importance to vocation promotion. No. Statement SAg Ag NS Dis SDis Dis NS Ag No. Statement SAg PART 3: FORMATION Promotion Vocation A. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109.

September 2019; No. 243 109 I¿sΩektμiw

49 57 40 48 52 3% 115 2.8% 2.8% 3.2% 3.2% 2.3% 2.7% 2.7% 6.5% 6.5%

41 54 95 22 17 8% 3% 1% 140 2.3% 2.3% 5.4% 5.4% 1.2% 1.2%

95 56 74 219 269 323 5.4% 3.2% 4.2% 12.4% 15.2% 18.2% 514 355 345 129 255 211 29% 29% 20% 12% 12% 7.3% 7.3% 19.5% 14.4% 695 702 724 739 919 1036 39.2% 39.2% 39.6% 40.9% 41.7% 51.9% 51.9% 58.5% 58.5% 32 32 4 182 256 381 393 592 10.3% 10.3% 14.5% 21.5% 22.2% 33.4% 24.4% 24.4% My confreresMy areprepared to welcome membersfrom other cultures and groups. language Choosing best formators for initial formation is given due priority in my Province. Our members in educational apostolatetrainedbe should also for initial formation. Word the of proclamation in Training during prioritized vigilantly is God of aspirancynovitiate. and Novitiateserves its purpose by focusing on more practicesof etc. charism, CMI of study interiority, Initiation into methods of meditation novitiate. in regularly offered be to is 110. B. Aspirancy and Novitiate 111. 112. 113. 114. 115.

110 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

51 57 79 52 54 53 3% 3% 3% 2.9% 2.9% 3.2% 4.5%

74 40 28 26 53 47 4.2% 4.2% 2.3% 1.6% 1.5% 1.5% 2.9% 2.9% 2.7%

9% 9% 252 257 205 159 346 229 13% 14.2% 19.5% 14.5% 11.6% 359 354 371 280 395 542 20% 20% 21% 20.3% 15.8% 22.3% 30.6% 675 693 701 836 678 692 39% 38.1% 38.1% 39.1% 39.6% 47.2% 38.3% 360 360 394 418 255 201 20.3% 20.3% 20.3% 22.2% 23.6% 14.4% 11.3% Considering the challenges we face in that better is it ministry, and life our to extended is formation novitiate the years. full two Too many activity-oriented programmes spoilthe spirit goal and of the novitiate. is mission global for Orientation offered to candidatesduringthe initial years offormation. get confession and direction Spiritual due importance during formation in study houses. not does houses study in Formation prepareScholastics adequately to God. preachof the Word prayer personal and Meditation increasinglybecome casualties in study houses. 116. 117. House 118. Study C. 119. 120. 121.

September 2019; No. 243 111 I¿sΩektμiw

84 87 78 72 94 78 5% 4.4% 4.1% 5.3% 4.4% 4.7%

27 43 29 67 29 122 1.5% 2.4% 3.8% 6.9% 1.6% 1.6%

66 66 261 258 216 416 248 14% 14% 3.7% 3.7% 14.1% 12.2% 23.5% 14.6%

521 215 507 680 515 460 26% 29.4% 12.1% 28.6% 38.4% 29.5%

768 530 438 646 663 779 30% 30% 44% 44% 43.4% 24.7% 36.5% 37.4%

239 196 177 623 184 210 11% 10% 13.5% 35.2% 10.4% 11.9% Institutions attached to study houses houses study to attached Institutions spiritual the impact adversely formation and apostolic orientation of Scholastics. Study houses impart more and spiritual than skills organizational pastoral competence. is mission global for Preparedness largely neglectedstudy house in the formation. Onepastoral year ministry (prescribed:3-6in months) parishes is bettercultivate to very conducive pastoral orientation our among members. My Province allocates adequate funds Scholastics of formation the for outside India. missions global for training Language study during importance due given is 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127.

112 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

95 95 62 76 6% 6% 7% 105 124 108 6.1% 3.5% 5.4% 4.3%

24 45 34 30 38 48 2% 2% 1.3% 2.5% 1.7% 2.1% 2.7%

167 268 180 284 220 255 16% 16% 9.4% 9.4% 15.1% 10.2% 12.4% 14.4% 10 379 498 4 328 544 523 21.4% 23.2% 28.1% 18.5% 30.7% 29.5%

783 783 757 757 625 625 880 880 759 708 708 43% 43% 40% 40% 44.2% 42.7% 35.5% 49.7%

9% 9% 214 230 277 168 158 222 13% 13% 9.5% 9.5% 12.1% 15.6% 12.5% There is increasing reluctance among to responsibility assume of members formation. of life spiritual of neglect is There studies. Scholastics college during centralizeda more Provinceneeds My and better monitored system for college of studies Scholastics. Directors of not regents do give adequate seriousness the to assignment. a is regents of animation Spiritual communities. casualty in local of regents Betteris accompaniment possibleby direct the monitoring of Provincial. the 128. D. College Studies and Regency 129. 130. 131. 132. 133.

September 2019; No. 243 113 I¿sΩektμiw

91 78 71 82 76 4% 5.1% 4.4% 4.6% 4.2% 35 24 13 23 18 1% 1% 1% 1% 1.9% 1.4% 1.3%

65 65 179 189 118 114 3.7% 6.7% 6.4% 10.1% 10.7%

174 174 199 612 445 291 9.8% 11.2% 34.6% 25.1% 16.4%

915 909 687 836 906 51.7% 51.3% 38.8% 47.2% 51.2%

474 474 494 180 206 351 26.6% 27.9% 10.1% 11.6% 19.8% I expect regular updating programmes on biblical and pastoral topics, Church level. General the at etc., documents, Circulating literatures on new ministry- and trends theological at the issues contemporary related is a necessity. level General in spending interested Members duly are prayer in periods longer promoted in my Province. Chavara spirituality is adequately promoted in my Province. and initiated auditing, Spiritual is a superiors, major by the monitored charism. our live to necessity E. Ongoing Formation Formation Ongoing E. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138.

114 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw 8% 8% 139 139 115 142 110 110 NR NR 6.5% 6.5% 6.2% 6.2% 7.8%

37 37 63 63 52 73 73 3% 3% 2.1% 4.1% 3.5%

156 156 217 217 180 402 402 8.8% 8.8% 22.7% 12.2% 10.2%

31 436 436 368 368 4 548 31% 24.6% 20.8% 24.3%

550 810 744 679 31% 42.% 38.3% 45.7%

195 209 203 225 11% 11% 11.8% 11.4% 12.7%

My local superior conscientiously conscientiously superior local My community corrects and guides life. religious in members Inthe local community,decisions on finances are taken in thelocal council manner. in a collegial the of status social and power Money religious the overtake institutions community. my in values after (ATR) Report Taken Action is prepared, visitation canonical my by monitored and submitted, care. with due superior No. Statement SAg Ag NS Dis SDis Dis NS Ag Statement SAg No. PART 4: ANIMATION: LOCAL, PROVINCIAL, AND GENERAL GENERAL AND LOCAL, PROVINCIAL, 4: ANIMATION: PART Level A. Local 139. 140. 141. 142.

September 2019; No. 243 115 I¿sΩektμiw

91 6% 102 110 121 105 175 10% 10% 5.1% 5.1% 6.2% 5.8% 5.8% 6.8% 6.8%

7 4 51 80 80 22 22 71 53 3% 3% 4% 4% 4.5% 2.7% 2.9% 1.2%

235 185 176 343 150 174 10% 10% 8.5% 8.5% 9.8% 10.4% 13.3% 19.4%

44 88 4 4 455 859 859 545 433 433 25% 25.7% 27.6% 48.5% 30.7% 24.4%

81 799 799 4 749 740 593 593 831 831 47% 47% 41.8% 45.1% 33.5% 27.2% 42.3%

84 155 191 122 167 199 8.8% 4.7% 6.9% 9.4% 11.2% 10.8% Provincial administration invests members the training in adequately ministry. effective more for and land in more invests Province My evangelization in than structures outreach. social and efforts Facilitation ofcross-subsidy among communities and institutions is a priority in my Province. and policies on criticism Constructive Provincial the by welcomed is projects administration. Religious animation members of and communities isapriority of my Provincial. Confidentiality in matters ofthe Provincial the by assured is Province Council. the and B. Provincial Level Level Provincial B. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148.

116 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw


7% 7% 109 109 170 170 121 121 15 197 197 129 129 6.2% 9.6% 6.8% 8.9% 11.1%

98 13 13 10 16 56 1% 5.5% 5.5% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 3.2% 3.2%

55 55 92 92 52 52 318 318 300 131 131 18% 17% 3.1% 5.2% 2.9% 7.4%


27 551 551 689 689 303 731 731 743 39% 39% 42% 42% 17.15 31.1% 15.6% 41.3%

7 7 7

7 449 97 95 4 543 614 27% 27% 54% 55.1% 55.1% 25.3% 25.3% 30.7% 30.7% 34.7%

246 120 321 292 153 139 14% 6.8% 8.6% 7.8% 18.5% 18.5% 16.4% Provincial administration is certain by influenced inappropriately individuals and interest groups. Violations of the Constitutionalnorms the by with dealt judiciously not are Major Superiors. General and General Prior The spiritual prioritize duly Council Congregation. the of animation facilitate to expected is Generalate in- and delibera-tions level policy for members of training service ministries. various Disproportionate representation of membersfrom any one apostolate in a creates Synaxis Provincial the decisions. policy in vision lopsided having Fund’) ‘Chavara (e.g., Projects morepublic appeal are givendue 149. 149. C. General Level 150. 151. 152. 153. 154.

September 2019; No. 243 117 I¿sΩektμiw 129 115 7.35 7.35 6.4% Not Not 21 16 1% 1.2% Responded Responded 92 101 5.7% 5.2%

Disagree Disagree 432 320. 320. 18.15 18.15 24.4% 847 824 47.8% 46.5% 264 381 15% 21.5% Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Strongly Disagree Sure Not Agree SAg Ag NS Dis SDis NR NR SDis Ag Dis SAg NS Agree Agree Strongly Strongly Effective networking among families families among networking Effective from of our members is expected Generalate. institutions of expansion Physical adequate needs under the Generalate check and control.

155. 156.

118 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw


erence = 1 f re p erence =2; third f Priority: 439) 439) Priority: 000 re rd p erence3; second = f re p Priority: 421) + (3 421) Priority: nd irst f attern: p

g ollowin f Priority: 267) + (2 267) Priority: st on the

Community Life (486 x 3 = 1458) + (102 x 2 = 204)* 204)* x 2 = (102 + 3 = 1458) x (486 Life Community x 2 = 384)* (192 Concern + Brotherly 480) x 3 = (160 Fraternity Unity (96 x 3 = 288) + (87 x 1 = 87) + Unity and Team Spirit (220 x 2 = 440)* institutions + Educational = 441) x 3 (147 in Education Contributions = 291) (291 x 1 864 188) x 2 = (94 Life + Pastoral 3 = 534) x (178 Activity Pastoral x 3 = 657) (219 Life Prayer/Spiritual 1662 = 482) x 2 (241 + Freedom = 104) x 1 (104 Responsibility with Freedom 1 = 159) (159 x Sick for the Love and Concern 586 (1 Others 722 159 657 732

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Value calculated based PART 5: PERSONAL STATEMENT 157. Things that you like most in the CMI Congregation.

September 2019; No. 243 119 I¿sΩektμiw

685 Priority: 579) 579) Priority: 000 rd Priority: 567) 567) Priority: 000 rd Priority: 538) + (3 538) Priority: nd Priority: 709) 709) Priority: Priority: 501) + (3 501) Priority: rd nd Priority: 702) + (2 702) Priority: st Priority: 349) + (3 349) Priority: Priority: 218) + (2 218) Priority: st nd NR (1 NR + Election = 76) (76 x 1 + = 426) x 2 + (213 = 1263) x 3 (421 Politics = 252)* x 2 Canvasing (126 x 1 = 111)* + (111 2 = 530) (265 x + 411) x 3 = (137 Groupism = 216) x 1 (216 528) + = x 3 (176 Money Power = 741) x 3 (247 Institutionalism x 3 = 264) (88 Criticism Destructive x 2 = 220) (110 Life Lack of Prayer 1052 x 1 = 60) + (60 158) 2 = Poor (79 x the for Lack of Concern (91 x 2 Individualism = 182) 110) x 1 = (110 Nature Authoritarian (1 Others (2 NR 744 218 62)* x 1 = (62 + = 146) (73 x 2 + = 732) x 3 (244 Mission Global (55 x 1 + = 300) x 2 (150 + = 330) x 3 Poor (110 the for Care and Concern 2017 264 940 741 220 110 182

1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 1) 2) 158. Things that you DISLIKE the most in the CMI Congregation. 159. Congregational priorities for the next ten years.

120 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Priority: 654) 654) Priority: 000

Priority: 642) 642) Priority: 000 rd rd Priority: 821) 821) Priority: 000 Priority: 822) 822) Priority: 000

rd rd Priority: 674) + (3 674) Priority:

Priority: 721) + (3 721) Priority: nd nd Priority: 780) + (3 780) Priority: Priority: 835) + (3 835) Priority: nd nd Priority: 311) + (2 311) Priority: Priority: 220) + (2 220) Priority: st st Priority: 918) + (2 918) Priority: Priority: 617) + (2 617) Priority: st st Pastoral Life (97 x 3 = 291)* = 291)* (97 x 3 Life Pastoral = 273) (91 x 3 Prayer Life 37)** x 1 = + (37 2 = 92) (46 x Work Social = 112) x 1 (112 Promotion Educational 96)* = x 2 (48 Work Mission = 29) (29 x 1 Transparency Financial (1 Others (1 NR = 49)* (49 x 1 + 2 = 118) (59 x + = 1047) x 3 (349 Mission Global = 54)** (54 x 1 + = 82) x 2 + (41 x 3 = 777) (259 the Poor Concern for 2 = 152) x (76 Life + Prayer 429) x 3 = (143 Prayer Culture 78)* x 1 = (78 267) + x 3 = (89 Evangelization 129 1214 913 = 282) x 3 (94 Life Community (127 x 1 = Social Apostolate 127)** 112 291 = 78)* (39 x 2 Life Pastoral 273 581 29 96 345 127 282 78 Others (1 Others (1 NR

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 1) 2) 160. Themes for the CMI General Synaxis XXXVIII: 2020.

September 2019; No. 243 121 I¿sΩektμiw

Historical and Thematical Evolution of the CMI Constitutions

Fr. Thomas Mampra CMI

1. Introduction Constitutions of religious communities are the dynamic expressions of the collective will of their members, reflecting their charisms, the purpose for which they live and continue to work for the society. As the wider society evolves, charisms and hence constitutions also evolve.

The beginning and evolution of our CMI Congregation may be compared to the beginning and development of a mighty river like the Periyar in Kerala or the Ganges in the North. Ganges, for example starts as a mountain spring at Gangothri in Uttarkhand, and as it flows down another powerful spring joins it giving it new strength and vigor. A little below on its way yet another rivulet joins it and gradually it turns out into a mighty river uniting with other streams

122 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw on its way irrigating vast areas of parched lands, making them fertile and becoming beneficial to millions of people on both sides. An integral study of the river system will have to take into account different stages of its development dividing its journey into various sectors and stretches. The CMI congregation and its constitutions have almost two hundred years of a long history behind it and its long history can be better understood if we divide it into a few distinct phases of evolution.

The evolution of our constitution may be broadly divided into three main phases: Phase 1. 1831- 1855; Phase II. 1855-1958; Phase III. 1958- 1984.

2. Phase I: 1831-1855: No written constitution at first, Baccinelli’s Constitution in 1855. In the early years of the nineteenth century the boat of the Malabar Church was tied down to a jetty at Varapuzha. Much water flowed down the stream, but the boat remained there tossed and turned occasionally by sudden disturbances. Though European, mainly Italian Carmelite Bishops were at the helm, neither they nor the native Syrian clergy did much to untie and row the boat to its destination. But one of the Syrian priests, Fr. Thomas Palackal of Pallipuram,

September 2019; No. 243 123 I¿sΩektμiw secretary and consulter to successive Vicars Apostolic of Varapuzha, was peeved to note that there was no canonized saint in the ancient Malabar Church although there were many saints in younger Churches. He realized that the main reason for such a situation was the absence of a vibrant Christian life in the Church due to the lack of knowledgeable priests. The remedy would be the formation of a group of knowledgeable, disciplined and holy priests who would inspire the people to enlightened Christian life by leading exemplary life and preaching homilies and retreats. In the Malpanate or Seminary he was asked to start in about 1817, he led the seminarians by an exemplary life and by providing books on the Bible and other theological subjects, though such books were practically absent in Malayalam at that time. He got such books translated from Tamil into Malayalam and used other books available in Tamil. On the other hand he started pious associations for the laity at Pallipuram and Champakulam for enthusiastically practicing Christian life by the faithful.

A younger and zealous priest Fr. Thomas Porukara of Champakulam parish also was

124 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw struck by a similar thought namely the absence of saints in the ancient Malabar Church. As a seminarian, he was trained at the Varapuzha seminary run by the European Carmelites. Having learned of the troubled past and the difficult future of the Malabar Church he was of the opinion that a life of prayer, penance and solitude may be a better option to follow. He shared that opinion with his friend and neighbor Jacob Kanianthra. However as a young priest and vicar of parishes he led a very vibrant pastoral life which helped people there to real conversion and genuine Christian love.

Having been appointed secretary to the new Vicar Apostolic Mgr. Maurelius Stabilini in 1828 as suggested by Malpan Palackal, who was a consulter of Stabilini, both fathers got several opportunities to discuss their common concern: How to awaken Christian life in the ancient Malabar Church. They finally came to the joint conclusion that a community of priests living together, dedicated to prayer and penance in a slightly remote place on the one hand, and going out preaching homilies on Sundays and conducting retreats in the parishes around was the answer (CWCI:2000:1-3). Both the documents

September 2019; No. 243 125 I¿sΩektμiw which speak of the two pioneers requesting for a tapasu bhavanam (house of prayer, penance and community living), (Kanianthra and Persico) mention that Stabilini was hesitant in the beginning and after repeated requests, though not fully happy, he gave the sought permission, a recommendation letter and Rs. 200 as his donation. Stabilini is reported to have said that, “it was difficult to start, much more difficult to continue and impossible to maintain (Persico)” or “if both of you, who are intelligent and prudent, are going to lead a life of silence and solitude, who will then teach the people? If you want you can start a monastery. It will be useful for you and also for others.” (Kanianthara). That happened on November 01, 1829. Deacon Kuriakose Chavara, a close follower of Malpan Palackal and the Malpan’s spiritual heir also decided to join the pioneers and intended his First Holy Mass at ordination for the success of the project of the pioneers. With great difficulty they searched for a suitable place for the house of prayer, penance and community living and finally settled for a small hill accessible by land and water at Mannanam in Kottayam and laid the foundation stone for the house and chapel in the name of St. Joseph on May 11, 1831.

126 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Of late a letter given by Stabilini from Kudamalur Church has been discovered where he gave some rules to be observed by the future community. (J. T. Medayil, Karmalakusumam, August 2016:16-17). Till about 1938 there were only three inmates at Mannanam. Frs. Porukara, Chavara and Bro. Kanianthra. Malpan Palackal stayed at Pallipuram though he visited Mannanam from time to time. In 1838 Fr. Geevarghese Thoppil joined the group and as Chavara noted community life started from June 18, 1840, the feast of the Blessed Sacrament. In 1842 Rev. Kunjacko Kathanar of Kanjirappally joined the community but he died in 1853 (Bernard, 1908:24, 42). The unwritten way of life of intense prayer and vibrant pastoral services followed by the community is described by Fr. Kuriakose Porukara in ‘Saintly Founders’(Eng, 2017:48, 51), (Mundadan, 2008:90-91,Bernard 1908:17,37). Mean time Malpan Thomas Palackal and Malpan Thomas Porukara expired on January 16, 1841 and January 8, 1846 respectively, and the leadership of the community fell on Malpan Kuriakose Chavara. Though the two pioneers did not live to see the community recognized by the Church

September 2019; No. 243 127 I¿sΩektμiw authorities, they had the satisfaction to see it steadily moving in that direction. Though Malpan Porukara requested Mgr. Francis Xavier for recognition he did not receive it. Mgr. Ludovic Martini, his successor promised to give it, but he returned to Rome and we did not receive recognition. From about 1846 some secular priests began to join the community at Mannanam (Bernard, 1908:36). When Mgr. Bernardine Baccinelli became the co- adjutor Bishop of Varapuzha, Chavara requested him for Church recognition and a set of rules for the community. Though at first he denied, he requested the permission of the higher superiors of the Carmelite Order in Rome, in the same year, for the approval of the indigenous religious community as the Tertiaries of the Carmelite Order. Accordingly the General Definitory of the Order in Rome discussed the matter in May 1853 and took a favorable decision. “The Definitory General approved the establishment of such monasteries in India to which can be admitted those from the secular indigenous clergy who desire the habit of the Order under the title of the Tertiaries, provided they in everything perfectly observe the rules of our Tertiaries, and in everything are subject to the jurisdiction of

128 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw the Apostolic Vicar just as the missionaries, and also the Vicar Provincial and the Preposit General.” However no steps in that direction were taken till 1860 (Maniakkunnel: 2005:154- 155). In the meantime Baccinelli asked Chavara for the rules followed by the community. On December 01, 1855 he gave the community the Primitive Regula of the Carmelite Order and the first part of their constitutions with some changes (Fr. Baccinelli’s letter to Propaganda Fide, Rome, Maniakkunnel, 2005:190; Positio 1977:110 ff.). Those who accepted them were permitted to become members of the first indigenous Religious Community in India promising the three simple vows on December 8, 1855 with the name ‘Servants of Mary Immaculate of Mount Carmel’ (Bernard, 1908:45, Positio 1977: 116). They were twelve members of whom Chavara was made the Prior of the community. Thus after 24 years, Mannanam community became a religious community ecclesiastically recognized with a constitution and that is our first constitution. However no copy of that constitution given by Baccinelli in 1855 is now available.

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3. Phase II: 1855-1958: Progressive conformity with OCD This rather long phase may be divided into two: 1. 1855-1885- Progressive conformity with the Discalced Carmelite Order 2. 1885-1958- Gradual regaining of autonomy 3.1. 1855-1885 Between 1855 and 1885 we received three different constitutions.

3.1.1. Constitution written by Fr. Leopold Beccaro in 1863 From May 1853 there was discussion in the OCD General Definitory in Rome about affiliating our congregation to the OCD as its Tertiaries (Maniakkunnel 2005:154-155). Though Maniakkunnel wrote that we repeatedly asked for affiliation, there is no evidence for that. The one specific instance he mentioned (about Fr. Valerian Plathottam’s small book in English published in 1986,pg:8) is wrong (It was already denied earlier in 1932 in the ‘Carmelite Congregation of Malabar,p.45). It is learnt that the matter was discussed again in the OCD General Chapter of 1859 and decided positively. On July 20, 1860 Baccinelli officially requested the Superior General of the Carmelites(OCD) to aggregate our congregation to the OCD and the

130 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw decision was made known to us by Baccinelli on February 27, 1861(CWC!:168-169). From that letter it is clear that he requested for affiliation claiming that he founded the congregation, which was not correct. This claim was also contested by the members of the congregation including four of the eleven originally professed members in the letter to the Propaganda Fide in December 1877.

The major consequence of the affiliation was that the congregation lost its internal autonomy. The highest authority was the Superior General of the OCD and he exercised his authority through a Vicar Provincial (Baccinelli) and he in turn governed the congregation through his Delegate. Fr. Leopold Beccaro OCD who was appointed our novice master in 1861 was also appointed the Delegate of the Vicar Provincial in 1863, a post he continued to hold till 1873. As Delegate, he modified the constitutions given in 1855 with the consent of Baccinelli in 1863 conforming our rules to the OCD constitutions adding Part II of their constitution to the earlier one, mainly on formation. (A copy of this manuscript constitution as corrected on the 1855 constitution is kept in

September 2019; No. 243 131 I¿sΩektμiw DVK archives Bangalore, thanks to late Fr. Lucas VIthuvattickal CMI), (Positio 1977: 114,115). He also provided the congregation a structure with rules and regulations. There does not seem to have been much protest among the members as there was a good rapport between Mgr. Baccinelli, Fr. Leopold and our members. However, there was a glaring dichotomy between the contemplative character of the constitutions and the active life of the members, involved in preaching Sunday homilies in nearby parishes, conducting parish retreats, running schools and printing presses, fighting against schismatic movements for keeping the unity of the Church, and running catechumenates.

3.1.2. Constitution given by Archbishop Leonard Mellano in 1873. Bishop Bernardine Baccinelli expired in 1868 and he was succeeded by Archbishop Mellano. Mellano saw critically some of the changes Fr Leopold had made in the TOCD constitutions giving more freedom to the members. So Mellano convoked a General chapter at Manjummel, wrote and printed a constitution bringing greater rigor and control, adding the days of fast, more control on external

132 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw ministries, prescribing the vow of humility etc. He was offended to learn that a petition movement was going on requesting the Holy See to appoint a separate Bishop for the Syrians. He expelled seven priests from the TOCD congregation and there was strong protest against that. In 1873 Mellano terminated the appointment of Fr Leopold as Delegate to the Vicar Provincial and in 1876 expelled him to . Two successive Apostolic Visitors presented their reports to the Holy See. In the midst of all those turbulences the new constitution was not put into practice (Bernard, 1908:138-139, Maniakkunnel 2005:205).

3.1.3. The Constitution of 1885 When in October 1877 Mgr Marcelline Berardi was appointed Auxiliary bishop for the Syrians he convoked a general chapter in 1877 at Manjummel and wrote a new constitution and sent it to the Holy See. Several letters protesting against some of the claims made in the introduction were sent to Rome by TOCD members (Positio: 1977: 178). For example in a letter written to Rome in December 1877 they wrote: “Although the aim of our Congregation is greater glory of God and the salvation of souls,

September 2019; No. 243 133 I¿sΩektμiw most of our first Fathers began this good work with the help of God, without anybody’s permission or suggestion, on their own accord, at their own expenses and by their own labour, that they might lead a monastic life. They did not get any help from the mission, except the permission to seek for alms from the Syrian Community, which was granted to them by Bishop Maurelius.

When such are the facts, how can it be said that the Founder of the Congregation is the most illustrious Bernardine himself, as the missionaries say now, or that the aim of establishing the convents is that the Bishop should have suitable personnel for preaching the Word of God or for rendering other services....” This time Rome made extensive enquiries and finally approved the constitution in 1885 without much changes adding only ‘Mary Immaculate’ to the name of the congregation. In the same year we were placed directly under the jurisdiction of Propaganda Fide (Juris Pontifici) and the Prefect of the Propaganda became our Prior General in 1887. Later when the Syrian Vicariates were established, Delegate Apostolic of India became our Prior General. He appointed one of

134 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw our fathers as his Delegate, and the office of the Common Prior was abrogated (Bernard 1908: 183-185). 3.2. 1885-1958: Gradual regaining of autonomy and balancing Contemplative and Active dimensions 3.2.1. Constitutions of 1889 and 1906. When the Papal Delegate to India and our Prior General Mgr. Andrea Aiuti visited Mannanam in 1889 he convoked a General chapter at Mannanam. The constitution was again revised. When it was experimentally approved in 1893 provision was made to have an elected Prior General and four councilors for governing the congregation from among our members. However we requested to have a Prior General from the OCD for some time and thus Fr Bernard OCD was appointed the Prior General. He was appointed Bishop in 1902. In the General Chapter of 1902 Fr. Alexander Kattackayam Senior was elected as the first indigenous Prior General and four councilors also were elected (Bernard,1908: 263). Thus about 40 years after affiliation to the OCD, internal autonomy was regained. Finally in 1905 the constitutions were again submitted to Rome

September 2019; No. 243 135 I¿sΩektμiw and it was given permanent approval on March 12, 1906 by .

3.2.2. Constitutions of 1958 Though we gained internal autonomy, the Primitive Regula of the Carmelites was retained and we continued to be known as TOCD (Third Order of Carmelites Discalced) although ‘Mary Immaculate’ was added to the official name. The tone and tenor of the constitution was more of a contemplative congregation though we were getting deeply involved in a variety of apostolates like preaching retreats, conducting schools and colleges, parish ministry for migrants, missions outside Kerala etc. There was palpable tension between those who supported a sort of contemplative life and those who supported active life.

In 1952 Pope Pius XII promulgated the ‘Motu Proprio’ ‘Postquam Apostolicis Litteris’ promulgating the part of Canons on Religious life according to the Eastern Code of Canon Law, and the concerned religious institutes were asked to modify their Constitutions accordingly. The General Chapter of 1953 appointed a committee for the revision of the constitution. The revised constitution was thoroughly studied,

136 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw modifications made, and promulgated by the Holy See on December 8, 1958. The constitution contained several new features following the Eastern Code. Some of the other conspicuous changes were: the Primitive Regula of the Carmelite Order was dropped. We received a new name ‘Carmelites of Mary Immaculate’(CMI). There was an effort to have an effective balancing between contemplative and active life, though contemplative tone continued. In the letter of Promulgation the Holy See indicated that ‘No need of the Church in Kerala or outside should be considered alien to the scope of the congregation’ (Vadaketh: 2017:154).

4. Phase III: 1958-1984: Updating and Balancing Constitutions of 1984 The third phase of the evolution started with the publication of the document of the Council Vat II: ‘Lumen Gentium’, ‘Perfectae Caritatis’ and ‘Motu Proprio’ ‘Ecclesiae Sanctae, of Pope Paul VI in 1966. The main theme of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) was ‘aggiornamento’, updating of the understanding on and the teachings of the Church. It involved a double movement: going back to the sources and

September 2019; No. 243 137 I¿sΩektμiw updating. The Council spoke about consecrated life in its documents ‘Lumen Gentium’ and ‘Perfectae Caritatis’. Through the ‘Motu Proprio’ ‘Ecclesiae Sanctae’ of 1966 Pope Paul VI asked all religious Orders and Congregations to make appropriate renewal of their constitutions.

We had a long process of renewal of the constitution starting from 1967 involving all our members. In 1969 a constitution, Directory and Statutes were submitted to Rome which was experimentally approved in 1970. The 1972 Constitution stated that “The Founding Fathers of the Congregation made their prayer life the source of their apostolate, while their apostolate, enriched and invigorated their prayer life. Similarly, our apostolic efforts should above all, have the ring of religious authenticity about them (CMI Constitutions 1972, p.78, 17). Our study and renewal continued through 1972-1978. Then we were given two more years to complete the work. During the time when Fr. Thomas Aykara was Prior General, strenuous efforts were made in the special General Synaxis 1980-1982 for the purpose and the final detailed text approved by the Synaxis was submitted to Rome on March 15, 1982. After a detailed study the Oriental

138 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw Congregation proposed certain modifications which were incorporated and the text was promulgated on March 19, 1984. Further small modifications were made by General Chapters with the approval of the Holy See to suit new exigencies. Following the footsteps of our Founding Fathers, our Constitutions hold fast to a harmonious blending and balancing of Oriental, Carmelite and Indian traditions of deep prayer and penance on the one hand, and active apostolate for the integral salvation of our fellow humans on the other, a life centered on the love of God in Jesus Christ and spent for the service of fellow humans, a Religious Congregation born in India but open to the whole world.

BOOKS CONSULTED: · Origin and Progress of TOCD(Ital.), 1876, Persico. · Complete Works of St. Chavara (Mal) Vol. I, 1981. · A Concise History of TOCD(Mal), 1908, Bernard TOCD. · Short History of CMI (Mal), 1970, Neerakal Gregory. · A Pioneer Less Known (Mal), 1978, Kochuparampil. M.

September 2019; No. 243 139 I¿sΩektμiw · Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, 1986, Valerian. · An Ideal Missionary (Fr. Leopold Beccaro OCD), 2005, Maniakkunnel.S. · CMI 175 Years 1831-2006, 2007, CMI Central Committee. · Bl. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, 2008, Mundadan. M. · ‘Aggiornamento’ of the CMI Congregation, 2017, Vadaketh K. E.

140 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

CMI Psychological Association (CPA)

In a historic move, the Psychologists of CMI Congregation gather together from far and wide, at CMI Head Quarters at Chavara Hills, Kakkanad, Kochi, on 16th and 17th of July, 2019 and formed an association known as “CMI Psychological Association” (CPA) .The formal inauguration of the CMI Psychological Association was done by CMI Prior General, Very Rev. Dr. Paul

September 2019; No. 243 141 I¿sΩektμiw

Achandy CMI.In his inaugural speech he reiterated that the importance and need to create a network in offering psychological training and services to church and the society in different parts of the country. The main objective of the association is to bring the healing love of Jesus Christ to those seeking psychological help and support in an effective manner. An input session was conducted by Rev. Dr A. R. John, Director, Social Works Department of the Arch Diocese of Thiruvanandapuram. Dr. A.R. John made a presentation on Positive Psychology and its relevance to present day psychological practice. Twenty five CMI psychologists from different parts of India participated in the two days conference. There was also a panel discussion conducted on the Problems and Prospects of Psychological Services today. Rev.Dr. C.M. Joseph, S.D.B, President, CCPI (Conference of Catholic Psychologists, India), Dr Sanju George, a practicing psychiatrist and Professor of Psychology, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery; Dr. Fr. A.R. John; Dr. Varghese Pudussery CMI, President, KCF (Kerala Counselors’ Forum), and Founder-Director, Santhwana Counselling and Psychotherapy Foundation, Ernakulam were the panellists. During the business session, the following office- bearers were elected. Rev. Dr. Jose Cletus Plackal CMI, President, Dr. Thomas Mathilakath CMI, Secretary cum Treasurer; Dr. Anoop Pynadath CMI, Executive Member,

142 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Dr. Wilson Chakkiyath CMI and Rev. Fr. Abhilash CMI,are Executive Members. During the meeting it was decided that the minimum qualification for membership in CPA will be Post-graduate degree in Psychology. It was unanimously decided to entrust the newly elected Executive Committee with the job of articulating the Vision and Mission Statement and putting together the Bye-laws of the Association. A draft of the same will be circulated among the members and will be discussed and approved in the next meeting of the Association’s General Body. The concluding session was presided over by Rev.Fr. Sebastian Thekkedam CMI, Secretary, General Department of Education and Mass Media. Rev.Fr. Thomas Mathilakath, CMI, Secretary CPA, tended the vote of thanks with special words of appreciation for the generous and enthusiastic support extended to this initiative from the Prior General, Dr. Paul Achandy CMI, and from the Department of Education and other General Departments. Everyone appreciated the initiative taken by Rev. Fr. Thomas Mathilakath CMI and his keen interest in realizing the dream of starting CMI Psychological Association.

September 2019; No. 243 143 I¿sΩektμiw


1. The second annual Conference of CMI Philosophers’ and Theologians’ Forum (CMI PTF) was held at Dharmaram College, Bangalore from 26-28 July 2019. In connection with the meet was organized Guruvandanam – a ceremony to honour our veteran Philosophers and Theologians who did enormous contributions in the academic field through teaching, research and scholarly publications. The honourees were Dr. Michael Amaladoss SJ, Dr. Thomas Kandankavil CMI and Dr. Kuncheria Pathil CMI. During the prayer, the dignitaries, namely Very Rev. Fr. Prior General, Rev. Dr. George Edayadiyil, Rector, Prof. Dr. Kurian Kachappilly CMI, President, DVK and the honourees lighted the lamp. Each of the three gurus was honoured by Fr General with a shawl and was crowned with a cap by Fr Rector. Fr Sebastian Thekkedathu

144 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw presented them the certificate and Fr President congratulated each of them with a bouquet.

2. Bishop Jonas Thaliath Endowment Lectures of 2019- 20 were organized by the Faculty of Theology, DVK on 23 and 24 July. Rev. Dr. Fr. Isaac Padinjarekutt gave the lectures and they were well appreciated by the participants.

3. The CSWR in DVK under the leadership of Fr. Mathew Attungal organized a seminar titled ‘Transcending Violence’ on August 7, 2019. Rev. Fr. Prior General and Venerable Bhikku Panyarkhita, (Mahabodhi Society) shared words of blessings. Swami Shri Harprasad, Dr. Muhammad Taha Maheen, Rev. Fr. Antony Kalliath CMI and Venerable Bhikku Sugatananda were the resource persons.

4. Quinquennial program for the junior priests was held at Chavara Hills from August 9-11, 2019. Rev. Fr. Jose Kuriedath CMI, Provincial Sacred Heart Province Kochi, Rev. Augustine Pamplany CST and Rev. Fr. Saju Chackalackal CMI gave input sessions during the program, followed by personal sharing.

5.CMI Constitution Retreats of Preshitha province, Coimbatore was held at Provincial House from July 21- July 27 and July 27- August 2, 2019. Rev. Fr. Thomas Kochumuttam was the main preacher. Fr. Pauly Payyapilly, Fr. Anil Thalakottur and Fr. Linson Thengolaparampil were the other preachers of the retreat.

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6.Rev. Fr. Prior General along with General auditor made the Canonical visitation in Dharmaram College from 23 July to August 13, 2019. Fr. Prior General commenced the visitation in Darsana Institute of Philosophy on August 14. It was followed by the Canonical Visitation of Kolchoor from August 18-20; Rishikesh: August 21-23; Delhi: August 24-25; Bhopal: August 26-28.

7. Once again Kerala faced the difficulties caused by the rain and landslide, and this year also in Karnataka and other parts of the country. Our communities and members initiated relief operations and opened our institutions for relief camps in Kozhikode, Thrissur and Mysore and flood relief collection centers were functoning at St Joseph College, Devagiri; Sathigiri College, Vazhitahla; Sacred Heart College Thevara and St. Joseph College Moolamattom. St. Thomas Province, Kozhikode, with the help of Fathers and Brothers, distributed relief materials in the districts of Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode, Wayanad, Nilgiris and Malappuram covering Meppadi, Kalpetta, Nilambur, Iritty, Neeleeswaram, Kanhangad and Gudallur. Fathers, Brothers and Volunteers help in cleaning the houses in the district of Kozhikode. 28 Scholastics from Dharmaram College went to Kushalnagar to support the relief operations organized by Mysore Province. Prayer sessions were held in different centres and counseling was provided to the people affected by the flood and landslides especially in Waynad and other places.

8. Chavara Cultural center in Collaboration with RLV College organized a play Iruvattam Manavatti, on 10

146 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

August 2019, which was popular 25 years ago. Hearty Congratulations to Rev. Fr. Roby Knnanchira and team for organizing the event.

9. 97 novices commenced their novitiate on September 8, 2019 after due preparation. Let us thank the Lord for their vocation to CMI Family and pray for their effective initiation to set the right foundation for CMI Religious Life after the model of our founding fathers.

10. Mar Antony Kariyil CMI was appointed as the Metropolitan Vicar Archbishop of Ernakulam Angamly Archdiocese. Chavara Hills Community along with Karikkamury, CSR Pariyaram and Kainakary communities gave a reception to Mar Antony Kariyil in the evening on 4th September 2019. The community organized a Bible Service and prayed for Mar Antony Kariyil, followed by meals in the refectory. Rev. Fr. Sebastian Thekkedathu felicitated the Archbishop on his new appointment. Rev. Fr. Prior General felicitated the new Archbishop on behalf of the entire CMI community after the installation ceremony at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Ernakulam. Congratulations and Best wishes to Mar Antony Kariyil CMI.

11. Rev. Fr. Prior General and General auditor visited the Aspirants’ houses in Jagadalpur, Najibabad and Meerut and the novitiates in Banpuri and Budhini and interacted with the aspirants and novices.

12. The second lap of CMI Mission in Iraq (first lap: 1960- 1965) began on 22 August 2019, on the feast of the

September 2019; No. 243 147 I¿sΩektμiw

Queenship of Our Blessed Mother. Fr. Paul Thaimoottil CMI (Nirmal Province, Jagdalpur) and Fr. George (Bibin) Paruthippillikkunnel CMI (Mary Matha Province, Hyderabad) were the members for this new CMI global mission. Fr. Josey Thamarassery CMI, Provincial of Jagdalpur, accompanied them to Bagdad.

13. Major Superiors’ Meeting and General Formation Council was held at Dharmaram College, Bangalore from August 30 – September 2. Rev. Fr. Joe Mathias SJ gave input on Intellectual Formation and Religious Life, the theme of the General Formation Council. Rev. Fr. Prior General set the tone of the discussion based on the legacy of our founding fathers. Representatives of the Provincials, Vocation Promoters, Aspirants’ Rectors, Novice Masters, and Provincial Formation Coordinators along with the General Formation Coordinator, Rectors of Major Study Houses, Coordinator of Spiritual Directors and the acting President of DVK made the presentations.

14. Birth Centenary of late Bishop Jonas Thaliyath was celebrated at Dharmaram College on August 31, 2019. The program commenced with a touching Bible service in Dharmarm Chapel, followed by a gathering in BJTM Hall. Rev. Fr. Rector, Rev. Fr. Prior General, Mar Jose Chittooparambil, Bishop of Rajkot, Rev. Fr. Thomas Aykara, Rev. Fr. Paul Parathazhath - Director of St. John’s Academy of Health Sciences, Rev. Fr. Francis Thonippara, Rev. Msgr. Fr. Mathew Koikara and Dr. Baby Paul Thaliath spoke on the occasion. The scholastics put up a musical performance also. Congratulations to Rev. Fr. Paulachan Kochappilly and team for the effective

148 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw organization of the program.

15. CEVA Annual General Body Meeting was held at Chavara Hills on September 7, 2019. Rev. Fr. Varghese Vithayathil, Vicar General and the Councilor for Social Apostolate welcomed the gathering and gave the message of the day. The report of the financial year was 2018-19 was presented and the budget for 2019-20 was approved. Rev. Fr. Anil Puthuparambil gave the input session on the role of social media in social apostolate. During the program Rev. Fr. Varghese Kokkadan was felicitated for successfully completing his doctoral research.

16. Congratulations and best wishes to Rev. Fr. Mathew Maniampra for publishing the book Psycho-Theological Paradigms in Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara

17. Congratulations and best wishes to Rev. Fr. Naiju Kalambukattu for publishing the book Raymond: A Carmelite Patriarch of Gangakshetra.

18. Congratulations and best wishes to Rev. Fr. Varghese Kokkadan for successfully completing the doctoral research.

19. Congratulations and best wishes to Rev. Fr. Cyril Kuttiyanickal who edited the book, JESUS: The Human Face of God.

September 2019; No. 243 149 I¿sΩektμiw


CMI Constitution Retreats

Ø CSR Pariyaram: December 1-7. Interested members may register with the Director, CSR, Pariyaram at the earliest.

Ø Mary Matha Vice Province, Bellampally: from Sept ember 29 October 05

Ø St. John’s Province Bijnor: from October 04-10

Ø St. Thomas Province Kozhikode: from October 07 (Morning) - October 12 (Evening)

Ø St. Chavara Vice Province, Bhavnagar & St Xavier’s Province, Rajkot: Month of October

Ø Mar Thoma Province, Chanda: from October 27- Nove mber 02

Ø St. Paul Province, Bhopal: from November 03-09

Ø St. Paul Province, Bhopal: from November 24-30

Ø Darsana Institute of Philosophy, Wardha: from December 02-08

Ø Nirmal Province, Jagdalpur: from January 13-17, 2020.

150 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw


Ø The Quinquennial programme for the junior priests will be held at Poornodaya, Bhopal from September 28- 29 and October 8-10, 2019 and at Chavara Hills, Kakkanad from November 8-10, 2019. All the junior priests who have been ordained from December 2013 to January 2017 shall attend one of the programmes without fail. Ø A National Seminar on Mission, titled ‘Mission Ad Gentes at Crossroads’ on October 19-20, 2019, at Poornodaya, Bhopal. In this CMI Mission Year, as Pope Francis has declared October as the Mission Month, experts, veterans and evangelizers are gathering to reflect on the mission of Jesus undertaken by the Church, especially in India. We need to think loudly of the responses that we give to the challenges today. Providentially, it is also the Centenary year of the birth of Bp Jonas Thaliath, one of the pioneers in the North Indian Missions. Ø CMI Mission Conference: 24-26 October 2019 at Dharmaram College, Bangalore. Ø Training of the resource team for facilitating study of Lineamenta will be held in Chavara Hills from 10 am on October 5 to 4 p.m. on October 6, 2019. Ø Mission Year celebration and Birth Centenary of Late Bishop Mar Jonas Thaliath will be held at Chavara Hills from 9.30 a.m. to 1 00 pm. on October 7, 2019.

September 2019; No. 243 151 I¿sΩektμiw

† Let’s Remember the Departed Souls

Ø Rev. Fr. Gaston Kanjooparampil CMI (95) (St. Joseph Province, Thiruvanathapuram) was called to eternal reward on 27 July 2019. He began his apostolate as a lecturer at St. Joseph’s College, Calicut. He served the Ambikapur mission as a compassionate and merciful pastor of the Lord. He completed his Ph. D in Vedanta (Sanskrit) from University of Kerala. Fr. Gaston was a committed and zealous missionary who served the people of God at Vizhinjam, Anjugramam and Kuchapuram. His funeral was on Monday, 29 July 2019 at 2.30 pm at Sacred Heart Church, Chethipuzha.

Ø Rev. Fr. Jose Maprani CMI (80) (Preshitha Province, Coimbatore) was called to eternal reward on, 5 September 2019. He began his apostolate as a Social worker at Prior General’s House. He was a committed and zealous religious priest who spent his entire life for the people of God of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. His life-style and simplicity inspired many young CMIs to be true Carmelites. Parish: Ollur. Birth: 02-09-1939; First Vows: 16-05-1963; Ordination: 17-05-1970; Death: 05-09-2019. His funeral was on Saturday, 07 September 2019 at 10.00 am at Bharathamatha Ashram, Palakkad

Ø Mrs. Lissa Mathew (63) beloved mother of Rev. Fr. Sebastian llickakunnel (St. Paul's Province, Mysore) was called to eternal reward on 29 July 2019. Funeral was on

152 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Friday 02 August 2019 at St. George Church, Kacherikadavu.

Ø Mrs. Elikutty Chandy (91) beloved mother of Rev. Fr. Thomas Paithottiyil CMI (Nirmal Province, Jagdalpur) was called to eternal reward on 31 July 2019. Funeral was on Thursday, 1 August, 2019 at 10.00 am at St. Vincent church, Edathotty.

Ø Mr. P J Mathew Parasseril (73), beloved father of Rev. Fr. Jithin Parasseril CMI( St. Chavara Vice Province, Bhavnagar) was called to eternal reward on 31 July 2019. Funeral was held on Saturday 03 August 2019 at 2.30 pm at St. Mary's Major Archiepiscopal Church, Kuravilangad.

Ø Mrs. Annamma Paul (67) beloved sister of Rev. Fr. Thomas Vengaluvakkal CMI (St. Joseph Province, Kottayam) was called to eternal reward on 02 August 2019. Funeral was held on Sunday 04 August 2019 at 03 p.m at St. Sebastian's Church, Kanjirathanam.

Ø Mr. Thomas Panikulam beloved younger brother of Rev. Fr. Rupert Panikulam CMI (Preshitha Province, Coimbatore) was called to eternal reward on 04 August 2019. Funeral was held on Monday, 05 August 2019 at 04 p.m at Our Lady of Carmel Forane Church, Edathiruthy.

Ø Mr. Rappai Ittoop Manjaly (85), beloved elder brother of Rev. Fr. Antony Manjaly CMI ( Preshitha Province, Coimbatore) was called to eternal reward on 05 August 2019. Funeral was held on Tuesday, 06 August 2019 at 09 am at Assumption Parish, Pallikkunnu.

September 2019; No. 243 153 I¿sΩektμiw

Ø Mr. John Joseph Kadalikkattil(57) beloved elder brother of Rev. Fr. Francis Kadalikkattil CMI (St. Joseph Province, Kottayam) and Rev. Fr. Thomas Kadalikkattil CMI(Nirmal Province, Jagdalpur) was called to eternal reward on 05 August 2019. The funeral was on Thursday, 08 August 2019 at 11 am at St. Thomas Forane Church, Anakkara.

Ø Mrs. Kunjila Edakalathur (94) beloved mother of Rev. Fr. Jose Paul Edakalathur CMI (Preshitha Province, Coimbatore) was called to eternal reward on 06 August 2019. The funeral was on Wednesday, 07 August 2019 at 11.00 am at Sacred Heart Church, Thoyakkavu.

Ø Mrs. Veronica Ouseph (76), beloved Mother of Rev. Fr. Antony Velathiparambil CMI (Devamatha Province, Thrissur) was called to eternal reward on 07 August 2019. The funeral was on 7 August 2019 at 4.00 pm at St. Mary's Church Nandipulam (south).

Ø Mr. Varghese Adukuzhiyil (95) beloved father of Rev. Fr Peter Adukuzhiyil (St. John’s Province, Bijnor) was called to eternal reward on 10 August 2019. The funeral was on Tuesday, 13 August 2019 at 11.00 am at Kalvari Giri Church, Kulappuram.

Ø Mr. Davis Athiyumthan(62), beloved Father of Rev. Fr. Dixon Athiyunthan CMI ( Devamatha Province, Thrissur) was called to eternal reward on 13 August 2019. The funeral was on 14 August 2019 at 9.00 am at Infant

154 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Jesus Church,Thalore.

Ø Sr. Mary Leoni SH (90) beloved elder sister of Rev. Fr. Charls Pyngottu CMI ( St. Joseph Province, Kottayam) was called to eternal reward on 15 August 2019. Funeral was on Friday 16 August 2019 at 10.30 am at SH Provincial House, Parel, Changanassery.

Ø Mr. P J Kuriachan Pullatt (66 ) beloved youngest brother of Rev. Fr Joseph Pullatt CMI ( St. Thomas Province, Kozhikode) was called to eternal reward on 19 August 2019. The funeral was on 20 August 2019 at 3. 30 pm at Holy Family Church, Padathukadav, near Perambra, Kozhikode.

Ø Mr. Ulahannan Kattamkottil (90), beloved father of Rev. Fr. Kurian Kattamkottil CMI ( St. Paul's Province, Mysore) was called to eternal reward on 21 August 2019. The funeral was on Friday, 23 August 2019 at 10.00 am at St. Joseph's Cathedral Church, Kaniyaram, Manathavady.

Ø Mrs. Chinnamma Vadakemuriyil (85) Beloved mother of Rev Fr. Thomas (Jimmy) Vadakemuriyil (Nirmal Province, Jagadalpur) was called to eternal reward on 25 August 2019. Funeral was on Wednesday, 28 August 2019 at 10 am at St. Thomas Church Manikadave, Kannur.

Ø Mrs. Eliyakutti Varayilan (84) beloved mother of Rev Fr. Davis Varayilan CMI (St. John's Province, Bijnor) was called to eternal reward on 02 September 2019. The funeral was on Wednesday, 04 September 2019 at 3.30 pm

September 2019; No. 243 155 I¿sΩektμiw at St. George Church, Kalady.

Ø Mr. Francis Musyimi Kyungu (82) beloved father of Rev Fr. Raphael Musyimi CMI( Devamatha Province, Thrissur) was called to eternal reward on 27 August 2019. The Funeral was on Friday, 6 September 2019 at 11.00 am.

Ø Mr. Michael Thomas(Miniyachan) Cheruthanickal (73) beloved father of Rev. Fr. Anish Cheruthanickal CMI (Carmel Province, Muvattupuzha) was called to eternal reward on 4 September 2019. The Funeral was on Thursday, 5 September 2019 at 3.00 pm at St. Jude Church, Kanakakkunnu.

Ø Mrs. Thresia Thekkedathu (90) beloved mother of Rev. Fr. Sebastian Thekkedath CMI (Mary Matha Vice- Province, Hyderabad) was called to eternal reward on 06 September 2019. The funeral was on Saturday, 07 September 2019 at 3:00 pm at St. Antony’s Church, Kalluvayal

156 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Poh-P-e-Øns‚ Dd-hn-S-Øn- tebv°v ^m.- amXyp t]mf-®nd kn.- Fw.sF

ka-dn-bm-°m-cnsb \nXy-Po-hn-X-Øns‚ Bh-iy-ß-fn¬ \n∂v A\-¥-Po-hs‚ Dd-h-I-fn-te°p Iq´n-sIm≠v t]mIp∂ Znhy-I-cp-X-ens‚ ktμiw hN-\m-[n- jvTnX Xt]m-[ym-\-Øn-eqsS B¿Pn-s®-SpØv ssZh-P-\-Øns‚ Nn¥-°mbn amXyp t]mf®n-d-b-®≥ ]¶p-sh-°p∂ kvt\tlm-]- lm-c-amWv Poh-P-e-Øns‚ Dd-hn-S-Øn-tebv°v F∂ hninjvT {KŸw. [ym\-Øn\pw Bflob {]tNm-Z-\-Øn-\p-ambn ka¿∏n- °p∂p

Department of Publication CMI Provincial House Chavara Mount, Thiruvallam P.O Thiruvananthapuram 695027 Price : 130/-

September 2019; No. 243 157 I¿sΩektμiw

I¿Ωebnse kuK‘nI߃

^m. tXmakv G¿WÃv ]mem{X kn.Fw.sF XncplrZb{iaw, sNØn∏pg

Xncph\¥]pcw kn.Fw.sF sk‚ v. tPmk^v {]hnibnse sNØn∏pg B{iamwKambncp∂ ^m. tXmakv G¿WÃv ]mem{X kn.Fw.sF 2019 Pq¨ 3˛mw XnbXn sNØn∏pg sk‚ v. tXmakv Bip]{Xnbn¬ sh®v \ncymX\mbn. arXkwkvImcw Pq¨ 5˛mw XnbXn D®Ign™v 2:30 \v hn. Ip¿_m\bv°p tijw sNØn∏pg B{iatZhmeb skantØcnbn¬ \SØn. Nß\mt»cn IØo{U¬ ]≈n CShIbn¬ hSt°°c ]mem{X ]tcXcmb tXmam®s‚bpw tdmkΩbpsSbpw aI\mbn 1936 am¿®v 12\v At±lw P\n®p. Aºg°mSv \hk\ymk`h\Øn¬ sh®v 1957 sabv 16 \v BZy {hXw sNbvXp. 1963 sabv 17 \v A`nhμy tXmakv t]mØ\mapgn ]nXmhns‚ ssIhbv∏phgn ]utcmlnXyw kzoIcn®p. 1965 apX¬ 1966 hscbpw 1969 apX¬ 1970 hscbpw ]mem sk‚ v. hn≥sk‚ v kvIqfn¬ A[ym]I\mbncp∂p. 1969 ¬ ap´m¿ Aatem¤hamXm

158 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

B{iaØn¬ AP]me\ ip{ipj sNbvXp. 1972 apX¬ c≠v h¿j°mew Aw_nIm]q¿ anj\n¬ tkh\w sNbvXp. ]n∂oSv PKZ¬]p¿ cq]Xbn¬ t_mbvkv tlmans‚ sdŒdmbncns°, AP]me\ ip{ipjbpw sNbvXpt]m∂p. 1975 apX¬ ap∂v h¿jw ]pXp∏≈n sk‚ v. B‚Wokv B{iaØns‚ kp∏ocnb¿ Bbncp∂p. ]n∂oSv, sk‚ v tPm¨ Zn _m]v‰nÃv B{iaw \qd\mSv, ss{Ikv‰v lmƒ B{iaw Xncph\¥]pcw, kn.Fw.sF s{]mhn≥jy¬ lukv Xncph\¥]pcw F∂nhnSßfnse tkh\Øn\p tijw sNØn∏pgbnse {InkvXp tPymXn kvIqfn¬ {]n≥kn∏¬ Bbn. A[ym]I\mbpw Icnkvam‰nIv \hoIcW{]kvYm\ØneqsS hN\{]kwKI\mbpw, _me`h\nse Ip´nIfpsS D‰ kplrØmbpw ]me{Xb®≥ km[mcW P\ßfpsS lrZbØn¬ ÿm\w ]nSn®p. aebmfØnepw Cw•ojnepw, lnμnbnepw At±lw lrZyambn hN\{]tLmjWw \SØpambncp∂p. arXkwkvImcip{ipjbnse hn. Ip¿_m\bv°v kn.Fw.sF k`bpsS s]cnb _lpam\s∏´ P\dmf®≥ t]mƒ B®m≠n A®≥ apJy Im¿ΩnI\mbncp∂p. Xncph\¥]pcw {]hniybpsS s{]mhn≥jy¬ _lp. sk_mÃy≥ NmaØdb®≥, tIm´bw s{]mhn≥kns‚ s{]mhn≥jy¬ _lp. sk_mÃy≥ Ce™n°¬ A®≥, _lp. B‚Wn CS\mSv A®≥, _lp. tkmWn ]meØdb®≥, A`nhμy am¿. sska¨ kvt‰m°v ]mem{X, _lp. sk_mÃy≥ A´n®ndb®≥ F∂nh¿ klIm¿ΩnIcmbncp∂p. _lpam\s∏´ tXmakv ]me{Xb®s‚ Xnf°am¿∂ hy‡nXzØns‚ hißsf hniIe\w sNbvXv _lp. kndnbIv Im\bn¬ A®≥ A\pkvacW {]kwKw \SØn. arXkwkvImcip{iqjbpsS kam]\߃°v A`nhμy sska¨ kvt‰m°v ]nXmhv Im¿anIXzw hln®p. \ΩpsS k`mwKßfpw, CShI sshZnIcpw, k\ymkn\nIfpw, _‘pan{XmZnIfpw, \m´pImcpw tN¿∂v Hcp henb P\mhen arXkwkvImcØn¬ kw_‘n®p.

September 2019; No. 243 159 I¿sΩektμiw Akm[mcW ss[cyimenbmbncp∂p At±lw. PohnXw hnPbhpw acWw t\´hpamsW∂v {]Jym]n®v, j´n¬ tIm¿´n¬ Ifn®p sIm≠ncp∂t∏mfmWv At±lw hnS]d™Xv. F¨]Ønaq∂mw hb nepw sNØn∏pgbn¬ \n∂v am∂m\tØ°v Im¿ ss{Uhv sNbvXv Bbp¿thZ NnIn’°mbn At±lw t]mIpambncp∂p. Pq¨ H∂mw XnbXn i\nbmgvN sshIn´v A©paWn°v ]Xnhpt]mse Ifn®psIm≠ncns°, Ifn Pbn®Xns‚ BÀmZØn¬ c≠pssIIfpw Db¿Øn ASpØ tIm¿´nte°v \S°shbmWv At±lw Ipg™p hoWXv. DS≥ Xs∂ kao]Øp≈ Bip]{XnbnseØns®¶nepw am ohv A‰m°v BbXn\m¬ At±lØn\v sh‚nte‰dns‚ klmbw Bhiyambn h∂p. Pq¨ aq∂mw XnbXn Xn¶fmgvN sshIn´v 6 aWn°v At±lw I¿Ømhn¬ \n{Z {]m]n®p. AXy¥w `mKys∏´ Hcp acWambn F√mhcpw AXns\ I≠p. _lp tXmakv G¿WÃv ]me{Xb®s‚ Bflmhn\p \nXyim¥n t\cp∂p. dh. knkv‰¿ G¿WÃv Fkv.F._n.Fkv, Hma\ amthen¬, ]tcXcmb knkv‰¿ tacn B≥ Fkv.F._n.Fkv, knkv‰¿ sle≥ Fkv.F._n.Fkv, A∏®≥, sNdnbm≥Ip™v. Ipcym®≥, AΩnWn F∂nh¿ ]mem{X A®s‚ ktlmZcßfmWv. PKZ¬]q¿ cq]XbpsS ap≥ sa{Xm≥ am¿ sska¨ kvt‰m°v ]mem{X, ^m. tkmWn ]mem{X F∂nh¿ ]n{XktlmZc]p{X∑mcpw ^m. B‚Wn CS\mSv kn.Fw.sF ]n{XktlmZco]p{X\pamWv. ^m. kPn ]md°Shn¬ ]n{XktlmZc ]u{X\pw, \ncymX\mb ^m. s_cm¿Zv ]mem{X ]n{XktlmZc]p{X\pw, ^m. sk_mÃy≥ ]mem{X, ^m. tPmkv ]mem{X F∂nh¿ ]n{XktlmZc]u{X∑mcpamWv. \ΩpsS k`m\nba{]Imcap≈ {]m¿∞\Iƒ \SØpIbpw _enb¿∏n°pIbpw sNøWsa∂v A`y¿∞n °p∂p. ^m sk_mÃy≥ A´n®nd kn.Fw.sF {]ntbm¿, XncplrZbm{iaw

160 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

^m. C.kn. tPm¨ CSae kn.Fw.sF (1928-˛2019)

Xncph\¥]pcw s{]mhn≥knse am∂m\w B{iamwKambncp∂ _lp. C.kn. tPm¨ CSaeb®≥ sabv 15˛mw XnbXn \ncymX\mbn. ]mem cq]Xbnse `cWßm\w CShIbn¬ CSae IpSpw_Øn¬ Nm≠n˛Fenk_Øv ZºXnIfpsS 10 a°fn¬ A©ma\mbn 1928 HtŒm_¿ 18˛mw XnbXn P\n®p. `cWßm\w kvIqfnse {]mYaoIhnZym`ymk Øn\ptijw At±lw kn.Fw.sF k`bn¬ tN¿∂v sshZnI k\ymk ]cnioe\w Bcw`n®p. 1948 sabv ]Xn\©mw XnbXn At±lw BZy{hXa\pjvTn®p. XXzimkv{X ssZhimkv{X ]T\߃°ptijw 1955 Unkw_¿ 6˛mw XnbXn kn.Fw.sF k`bpsS kvYm]\ iXm_vZnthfbn¬ ]utcmlnXyw kzoIcn®p. kn.Fw.sF k`bpsS ]gb Xeapdbnepw ]pXnb Xeapdbnepw Pohn°m≥ `mKyw e`n® Npcp°w Nnecn¬ Hcmfmbncp∂p At±lw. At±lØns‚ ]utcmlnXy PohnXw

September 2019; No. 243 161 I¿sΩektμiw

Bcw`n®Xv sNØn∏pgbnemWv. F≥©n\nbdnMv ]T\߃ Xncph\¥]pcØpw U¬lnbnepambn At±lw dmt¶msS ]q¿Ønbm°n. XpS¿∂v Im¿Ω¬ t]mfnsSIv\n°n¬ A[ym]\ ip{ipj hfsc Imcy£aambn \n¿hln®p. CS-th-f-bn¬ At±lw Ata-cn-°-bn¬ AP-]m-e\ ip{iqj \n¿h-ln-®p. AhnsS sh®v At±lw Hc]ISØn¬ s]SpIbpw ssZhm\p{KlØm¬ c£s]´v XncnsI tPmenbn¬ {]thin®p ]p∂{] Im¿Ω¬ t]mfnsSIv\n°n¬\n∂pw hncan°pIbpw sNbvXp. ]m¿izh¬Icn°s∏´ k`mwKßsf t\cn¬ ImWp∂Xn\pw AhcpsS `mKw tIƒ°p∂Xn\pw \oXnbp‡amb AhImi߃°pth≠n hn[n°p∂Xn\pw At±lw Ft∏mgpw ap≥]¥nbn¬ D≠mbncp∂p. At±lØns‚ kvamcIßfmbn At\Iw \b\at\ml cßfmb sI´nS߃ tIcfIØn\IØpw ]pdØpw hnZymeb ßfmbpw Bip]{XnIfmbpw k\ymk`h\ ßfmbpw hncmPn°p∂p. tPmenbn¬ \n∂v hncan® tijw tIm´bsØ {]Imiw ]ªnt°j\nepw, ss{IÃv lmƒ B{iaØnepw, am∂m\w amXr`h\Ønepw At±lw kt¥mjtØmsS Pohn®p. BZyImesØ IpXn∏v Ipds™¶nepw At±lw Hcn°epw InX®n√. Zo¿Lamb kmbm”khmcn acWwhsc Dt]£n®n√. kmbm” bm{Xbv°ptijw Ahkm\Imeßfn¬ cpNn{]Zamb `£Ws∏mXnIƒ hcp∂ hgnbn¬ ImWp∂ A¿lcmb

162 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

At\Iw t]¿°v At±lw hnXcWw sNbvXncp∂p. AXpsIm≠v Xs∂ am∂m\w \nhmknIfpambn HcSpØ _‘w kvYm]n °m≥ At±lØn\v Ign™p. CSXpssI sNøp∂Xv heXp ssI AdnbcpsX∂ kphntij ktμiw {]mh¿ØnIam°nsIm≠v At±lw [mcmfw t]sc klmbn®n´p≠v. AXnYnIsf k¬Icn°p ∂Xnepw, Bew_lo\sc klmbn°p∂Xnepw, tIm´bØp≈ hmƒ´¿ A®s‚ kvYm]\Ønep≈ Ip´nIsf kmºØnIambn klmbn°p∂Xnepw AhtcmsSmØv kabw Nnehgn°p∂ Xnepw At±lw kt¥mjw Is≠Øn. {Iam\p„m\X¬]cX, HuZmcyat\m`mhw, ka`mh\, thZ\n°p∂htcmSp≈ klm\p`qXn F∂nh At±lØns‚ FSpØp ]dbmhp∂ ]pWyßfmWv. hfsc hncfambnImWp∂ tcmKw _m[n®t∏mgpw thZ\kln®t∏mgpsa√mw Akmam\y £atbmsS At±lw AXv ssZhØn\vka¿∏n®p kzoIcn®p. \Ωn¬ \n∂v th¿]ncn™p \nXykΩm\Øn\mbn hnfn°s∏´ C.kn. tPmW®s\ k`m\nba{]Imcap≈ XncpI¿Ω߃°v \ap°v ka¿∏n°mw. ^m. kvIdnbm FXntc‰v {]ntbm¿, am∂m\w B{iaw

September 2019; No. 243 163 I¿sΩektμiw

^m. KmÃ≥ Im™p]dºn¬ kn.Fw.sF (1924-˛2019) ss{IÃv lmƒ B{iaw, Xncph\¥]pcw

Xncph\¥]pcw sk‚ v. tPmk^v {]hniybnse ss{Ikv‰v lmƒ B{iamwKambncp∂ _lp. KmÃ≥ Im™p]dºne®≥ 2019 Pqsse 27˛mw XnbXn I¿Ømhn¬ \n{Z{]m]n®p. ]finX\pw \njv]mZpI {hX_≤ k\ymknbpam bncp∂ _lp. KmÃ\®s‚ 95 h¿jsØ PohnXw Bscbpw A¤pXs∏SpØpw. CXmWv k\ymkw F∂v kz¥w PohnX ØneqsS amXrI ImWn®psIm≠v At±lw kn.Fw.sF k`bn¬ {hX_≤amb PohnXw \bn®p. anj\dn F∂ hm°ns‚ A¿∞w a\ nepw icocØnepw hm°nepw sImØnsh®psIm≠v _lp. KmÃ\®≥ hn{iaan√msX anj≥ {]tZißfn¬ tPmen sNbvXp. 1924 s^{_phcn 28˛\v Nß\mt»cn AXncq]Xbnse tN∂¶cn CShIbn¬ Im™p]dºn¬ `h\Øn¬ B‚Wn bpsSbpw A∂ΩbpsSbpw aI\mbn P\n®p. {]mYanI hnZym`ymkØn\ptijw 1940˛¬ kn.Fw.sF k`bpsS tXhc XncplrZb ssa\¿ skan\mcnbn¬ sshZn-I-hn-Zym¿∞n-bmbn {]thin®p. 1943 HtŒm_¿ 14˛\v Aºg°mSv t\mhntjy‰n¬ sh®v BZyhrXw kzoIcn®p. awKem]pcw sk‚ v. tPmk^vv skan\mcnbn¬ \n∂v kwkvIrXØn¬ amkv‰¿ _ncpZhpw t\Sn. 1956 apX¬ 1960 hsc tImgnt°mSv tZhKncn tImtfPn¬ A[ym]I\mbn tkh\w sNbvXp. \meph¿jsØ A[ym]IPo

164 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw hnXØn\ptijw tPmenaXnbm°n At±lw anj≥ {]h¿ Ø\߃°mbn Aw_nIm]pcnbnte°v bm{XXncn®p. anj≥ {]h¿Ø\tØmsSm∏w Xs∂ tIcfbqWnthgvkn‰nbn¬\n∂pw ‘The concept of God according to St Thomas Aquinas and Sree Sankaracharya’ F∂ hnjbØn¬ tUmŒtd‰pw t\Sn. XpS¿∂v Xncph\¥]pcw tI{μnIcn®v At±lw Xs‚ anj≥ {]h¿Ø\߃ Bcw`n®p. hngn™w, afi]Øn¬ IShv XpSßnb ÿeßfn¬ Zo¿LImew tkh\w sNbvXp. 1983¬ At±lw EjntIinte°v t]mbn Hcp h¿jtØmfw AhnsS tkh\w sNbvXp. ]n∂oSv t`m∏m¬ skan\mcnbnepw A[ym]I\mbn tPmensNbvXp. 1985¬ At±lw I\ymIpamcn Pn√bnse A©p{Kman¬ FØn AhnsS Xs‚ {]h¿Ø\w Bcw`n®p. AhnsS \qdpIW°n\v a\pjysc tbiphns‚ ZqXdnbn°pIbpw \nch[n ]mhs∏´h¿°v `h\߃ \n¿Ωn®v \¬IpIbpw sNbvXp. ss{Ikv‰v lmƒ B{iaØn¬ hn{iaPohnXw \bn®v hcth 2019 Pqsse 27 i\nbmgvN cmhnse 5 aWn°v \nXykΩm\Øn\mbn I¿Ømhns‚ k∂n[nbnte°v A®≥ hnfn°s∏´p. Ffna\nd™ PohnXØns‚ DØaamXrI, I¿Ωe]mcºcyhpw `mcXob Ejn]mcºcyhpw kamkaw Nmen®p tN¿Øv Pohn® [\y≥. aÆn¬ \S∂p a\pjysc sXm´p. AhcpsS s\mºc߃ Xncn®dn™p. Ah¿°pth≠n Pohn®p. Hcp bYm¿∞ {InkvXpinjy≥ F∂ \nebn¬ D≈n¬ Pzen®ncp∂ ssZhoI XojvWX At±lsØ [oc\mb Hcp anj\dnbmbn am‰n. Bcpw \S°mØ hgnIƒ Is≠Øn k\ymk PohnXØn\p Xt‚Xmb apJap{Z\¬In. Xs∂ G¬∏n® tPmenIƒ G‰hpw at\mlcambn ]q¿Ønbm°nbmWv At±lw ssZhk∂n[nbnte°v t]mbXv. Pqsse 29˛mw XnbXn Xn¶fmgvN cmhnse hn.Ip¿_m \bv°p tijw `uXoIicocw Xncph\¥]pcw ss{IÃv lmƒ tZhmebØn¬ s]mXpZ¿i\Øn\p h®p. _lp. sshZnIcpw kntÃgvkpw B{iaØn\p Iognep≈ kvIqfpIfnse

September 2019; No. 243 165 I¿sΩektμiw A[ym]Icpw A\[ym]Icpw hnZym¿∞nIfpaS°w \nch[nt]¿ tZhmebØn¬ FØn A®\v A¥ntam]Nmca¿∏n®p. Xncph\¥]pcw AXncq]X sa{Xms∏meoØ A`nhμy am¿ kqssk]mIyw ]nXmhpw Nß\mt»cn AXncq]X klmbsa{Xm≥ A`nhμy am¿. tXmakv Xdbn¬ ]nXmhpw B{iaØn¬ FØn ]tcX\pth≠n {]m¿∞n®p. s]mXpZ¿i\Øn\ptijw `uXnItZlw hnem]bm {Xbmbn sNØn∏pg B{iatZhmebØnte°v sIm≠v t]mbn. D®Ign™v c≠v aWn°v hn. Ip¿_m\tbmSp IqSn kwkvImcip {ipjIƒ Bcw`n®p. X°e cq]Xm[y£≥ A`nhμy am¿. tPm¿Pv cmtP{μ≥ ]nXmhv hn. Ip¿_m\bv°v apJy Im¿anIXzw hln®p. Xncph\¥]pcw {]hniym[n]≥ _lp. sk_mkv‰y≥ NmaØd, hnI¿ s{]mhn≥jy¬ _lp.tkmWn ]mem{X, ss{Ikv‰v lmƒ B{iaw {]ntbm¿ _lp. tPmk^v h´∏dºn¬ F∂nh¿ kl Im¿ΩnIcmbncp∂p. \nch[n sshZnIcpw k\ykvXcpw A¬ambt{]£nXcpw hn. Ip¿_m\bn¬ ]s¶SpØv BZcmRvPenIf¿∏n®v {]m¿∞n®p. hn.Ip¿_m\bv°ptijw \S∂ {]m¿∞\mip{ipjI ƒ°v Nß\mt»cn AXncq]X sa{Xms∏menØ A`nhμy am¿. tPmk^v s]cpwt¥m´w ]nXmhv t\XrXzw \¬In. im¥\mbn Pohn®v im¥\mbn At±lw aSßn. _lpam\s∏´ KmÃ\®s\ \ΩpsS {]m¿∞\Ifn¬ Hm¿°mw. k`m\nba{]Imcap≈ {]m¿∞\Iƒ \SØpIbpw hn.Ip¿_m\ A¿∏n°pIbpw sNøWsa∂v A`y¿∞n°p∂p.

^m tPmk^v h´∏dºn¬ kn.Fw.sF {]ntbm¿, ss{Ikv‰v lmƒ B{iaw Xncph\¥]pcw

166 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Rev. Bro. Johny Cheruvathur CMI (1949-2019) Birth date : 07.12.1949 First Vows : 31.05.1984 · Final Vows : 12.06.1990 Death : 26.06.2019

“Precious in the eyes of the Lord when His loved one dies” (Psalm 116:15) Rev Bro Johny Cheruvathur CMI (70), one of the rare models of the Lay Brother Members of our CMI community, who lived as a shining example of highly dedicated religious life givingparamount importance for personal sanctity and prayer life together with utmost brotherly concern for every religious member of the community and sincere care for all who are needy, marginalized and neglected in the wider society, was called for his eternal reward on 26 June, 2019 after monthsof suffering due to cancer in the lungs. His mortal body was interned at St Thomas Monastery Pavaratty on 27 June, 2019. It was anamazing experience to notice that three Bishops and hundreds of priests along with a lot of lay people participated in the funeral ceremonies and prayed for the repose of his soul that has left us an inimitable legacy. Hailing from Mattom, Thrissur, belonging to Cheruvathur family and born in 1949 as the 7th child of 8 children of the parents Pailunny and Thandamma, Bro Johny joined CMI congregation in 1979, after his school studies, and made the First Profession in 1984 and the Final Profession in 1990. Bro Johny’s fields of service were mainly at St Teresa’s Monastery Ambazhakad, Dharmaram College

September 2019; No. 243 167 I¿sΩektμiw

Bangalore and Devamatha Provincial House Thrissur. One could notice Bro Johny walking With a stick in one hand and a chisel and hammer in the other, doing the necessary repairs and arrangements needed for anybody anywhere. With the responsibility to take care of the material properties of the institutions Bro Johny dared to face any risk to protect them. While in Bangalore he got manhandled by the thieves in the coconut farm, in an effort to chase them off at night and in another incident, lost one of his eyes as he was chasing the stray cattle that came to eat up the paddy of Devamatha Provincial house. During his long stay in the Provincial House Bro Johny developed very personal pastoral contacts with the liturgical community and introduced different devotional practices for them in the Church and in their family devotions. They all took him as one of their family members sharing their needs and problems as to a spiritual Father. He used to regularly visit the poor families in the vicinity and effectively helped then in their pursuits to alleviate their poverty, to educate their children, to find out some jobs, to build their homes and to establish peace and harmony among them. He proved to be solace and support for all the old people who used to come and spend the day in the ‘Pakal Veedu’ functioning in the Provincial House. Let us pray for him by offering the suffrages for the dead in the tenor of our Directory No. 58(b).

Fr Paulson Paliakkara CMI Prefect, Devarnatha Provincial House; Thrissur



168 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw

Fr. Werner Chakkalakal, CMI (1928-2019) St. Paul Province, Bhopal

· After an eventful life, Rev. Fr. Werner Chakkalakal-Ieft thisworld for his eternal abode on 1 June 2019. His more than six decades of life and service as a religious priest in the CMI Con- gregation, bear witness to the undaunted spirit of a man who was immersed in his mission day in and day out, untiringly and perseveringly. He was born of Mr. and Mrs. Ouseph and Thandamma of Chakkalakal family at Karur, Diocese of Irinjalakuda, on 13 Octo- ber 1928. He has served the Congregation in many capacities as a Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Dharmaram College, Coun- selor of Devmatha Province, Provincial of St. Paul Province, Bhopal etc. Fr. Werner and Fr. Roger were the first CMI members-to stay and study in Germany. They succeeded commendably in es- tablishing cordial contacts between the CMI Congregation and many Dioceses in Germany. CMI Congregation in general and Dharmaram College in particular are indebted very much to him. He was in the planning and promoting of many of the new initiatives of the Congregation, such as Kuriakose Elias Service Society (KESS), Thrissur (1974), Rural Development Service Society, Silwani (1980) and Cyriac Elias Voluntary Association (CEVA), Kochi (1984).

September 2019; No. 243 169 I¿sΩektμiw

The Dioceses of Chanda, Adilabad and Sagar benefited from the planning skills of Fr. Werner. His association with Karl Kubel Foun- dation in Germany opened the path of their collaboration with NGOs in India. His initiative to provide support for seminarians was com- mendable. It was his vision along with Fr.Chelsus that initiated the present day family units of the Parishes. He started many projects and programs like, Prateeksha, Centre for Faith and Democracy (CFD), and authored many popular books like Galileyan, Hindu Christian Dialogue etc. He discovered the immense possibilities of mass media to preach the Good News. Even in his deteriorating health he would consider it his mission to disseminate the seeds of the Kingdom of God through his "Ichthos Forum". He played a sig- nificant role to support the Deepika Newspaper. There are many dimensions to his active and reflective life. To many in the Congrega- tion and outside, he had been a phenomenon with admirable passion for the missions. The depth of his interiority was unfathomable. His presence and life-style showed the simplicity and interiority of a true Carmelite. His great vision and plans for social change and development re- vealed the insatiable spirit of an activist within him. He was a phi- losopher by nature and by training, he was well-versed in ancient wisdom, cosmology being his favorite subject. Also he was a down to earth, practical man, who knew what he wanted. Fr. Werner was an unconventional priest and religious who thought outside the box. His contributions to the Church and the society at large are due to his original way of approaching any issue that confronted him. With his fertile and creative imagination, he could visualize projects and plans which strengthened and made effective various social apostolates of the Church. Failing eyesight did not diminish Fr. Werner's enthusiasm who

170 September 2019; No. 243 I¿sΩektμiw greatly depended on the electronic media for his work. He would patiently wait for some stray bites of news read out from the news- papers. Though his leg had to be amputated, he was cheerful and, participated in all the community programs. On 31May2019, he had his supper with the community as usual, spent some time with the fathers and gone to sleep at 10.00 pm. On 1 June when Mr. Jain who was assisting Fr. Werner came to prepare him for the Holy Mass, he was found sleeping in the Lord and gone for his eternal reward, He died a peaceful death. The mortal remains of Fr. Werner were brought to Sagar Bhavan chapel on 4th June 2019, at 8.45 am from Jubilee Mission Hospital, Thrissur. Archbishop, Mar Andrews Thazhath together with Bp. Raphael Thattil and Bp.Tony Neelankavil came to Sagar Bhavan and led the lst part of the funeral rite. The 2nd part was led by Bp. Joseph Pastor Neelankavil, Bishop Emeritus. The funeral Mass started at 2.30 pm where Bp. Antony Cherayath, Bishop Emeritus was the main celebrant. CMl Prior General Rev. Fr. Paul Achandy, Provincials of Devmatha, Thrissur, St. Paul Province, Bhopal and Sagar Bhavan Superior were the concelebrants. The last part of the funeral was led by Rev. Fr. Paul Achandy CMI, Prior General. Good number of Priests, Sisters, Brothers and Public were present to pay homage to Fr. Werner. He was buried at Sagar Bhavan, Thrissur. Let us remember Fr. Werner Chakkalakal CMI in our prayers. May I request you to conduct the suffrages for him accord- ing to D-58b.

Superior SagarBhavan, Thrissur

September 2019; No. 243 171 I¿sΩektμiw

For Private Circulation

Carmela Sandesam No. 243; September 2019 CMI Bulletin Phone: 0484-2881804 CMI Generalate, Chavara Hills 0484-2881816 P. B. No. 3105, Kakkanad P. O Kochi - 682030

[email protected]

ASpØ e°Ønte°pff am‰¿ 2019 \hw-_¿ 15 \Iw Hm^nkn¬ In´nbncn°Ww

All rights reserved, Reproduction in any manner, in whole or part, without prior written permission prohibited. Editor: Fr. Sebastian Thekkedathu CMI

Printed and Published by Fr. Sebastian Thekkedathu for the CMI General Secretariat for Media and Communication

172 September 2019; No. 243 Meeting of CMI Regents on August 17-19, 2019 Chavara Hills

CMI Quinquennial Meet Held at Chavara Hills August 9-11, 2019