What’s On Offer? oliday Activities Summer H July and August 2 010 Things to do, places to go, staying on track

All up-to-date listings are available on the Young website: www.younglambeth.org Welcome to the 2010 Lambeth Holiday ’s Play Activities Programme and Summer University. Children

Play offers a wide range of physical, social and Welcome by Councillor Welcome by the intellectual experiences for children. Through play, children and young people find out about themselves, Pete Robbins Youth Mayor their abilities and interests, as well as the world The Holiday Activities Programme The summer holidays provide around them. It is also great fun! has now been running for five years. a fantastic opportunity to try new It continues to go from strength things and to meet new people. In this section you will find details of Sure Start to strength, with a greater range of In Lambeth, the Holiday Activity Children’s Centres, One O’Clock Clubs, Adventure exciting opportunities for Lambeth’s Programme and Summer University Playgrounds and Play Schemes children and young people over the offer access to all sorts of arts, summer holidays. sporting and other activities that may not be available elsewhere, The Lambeth Summer University programme or at other times of the year. launched two years ago is also continuing, with an even more stimulating and diverse As Youth Mayor for Lambeth, one of my range of accredited courses and activities aims has been to find ways of enabling Clubs open Children’s Centres deliver services One O’Clock Clubs and Play Project Clubs for 48 weeks of the year. for 11 to 19 year olds. young people to make the most of the educational and recreational Play Projects in Lambeth 1 to 4pm (4 days a week)  Park One O’Clock opportunities that are available to them – so it is a pleasure to provide Agnes Riley Gardens  388 Hub Children’s The investment in holiday activities by both the council and our partners Lambeth has 15 One O’Clock Clubs  Club this foreword for the 2010 Holiday Activities Programme. Corner, Clarence Avenue and Centre reflects the importance we place on providing positive and diversionary that provide activities for children on Bolton Crescent SE5 0SE Poynders Road SW4 8PR 388 Streatham High Road, activities for children and young people and supporting families. Having had a look at the brochure – what a programme it is! weekday afternoons in our parks. Telephone: 020 7735 7186 Streatham SW16 6HX Telephone: 020 8673 1277 North Lambeth One O’Clock Clubs are open from CLOSED – Thursday Telephone: 020 8677 7088 We are keen to ensure that children and young people of all ages This year Lambeth is providing a wider range of activities than ever 1 to 4pm (3.30pm for play projects),  Loughborough One O’Clock Open throughout the summer and abilities have the chance to enjoy themselves and be active over before, in more venues than ever before – from play schemes in our four days a week, all year round.  Club holidays the summer holidays. Activities range from sport to creative arts, from Arlingford Road SW2 2TA primary schools, performances in our parks and art in our youth clubs, They are free to use – just drop in Moorlands Road SW9 AU Manor Primary music to play and young people have opportunities to gain new skills Telephone: 020 8671 4883  to capoeira, radio stations and sports in every corner of the borough. during opening hours. Parents and Telephone: 020 7926 1049 School and Children’s Centre and experiences on the Summer University courses. There are also CLOSED – Wednesday carers need to stay with children. 16 Belmont Road, Clapham opportunities for children and young people aged 16 and under to swim With this year's summer season set to be a hot one, I hope you make Who can go to One O’Clock Clubs?  Max Roach One O’Clock Club SW4 6AT and play tennis free of charge at Lambeth’s leisure centres and parks.  the most of all that's on offer. I will be visiting as many of the activities Children aged under five, and Windmill Drive SW4 9DE Wiltshire Road SW9 7YA Telephone: 020 7627 9917 as I can, and would love to get your feedback on how you enjoy them. anyone who is looking after them. Telephone: 020 8673 5736 Telephone: 020 7274 6693 Closure dates: 20 August to The Young Lambeth website provides information on services, I look forward to seeing you all there. Until then, have a great summer! Older children up to the age of 11 CLOSED – Friday Brixton 6 September organisations, activities and events for children and young people in can accompany them during school Larkhall Park Lambeth throughout the year. Please visit www.younglambeth.org   Streatham Vale One O’Clock  Coin Street Neighbourhood holidays. Priory Court, Off Lansdowne Way to get the latest information on what is happening in your area. Darren Tenkorang Club and Family Centre SW8 2PR Lambeth Youth Mayor What do One O’Clock Clubs offer? Abercairn Road, Streatham Vale Park 108 Stamford Street, I hope that you and your family are able to take advantage of both of these • Stay and Play sessions Telephone: 020 7627 0009 SW16 5AG SE1 9NH programmes taking place across our borough and wish you an active • An informal and friendly CLOSED – Monday Telephone: 020 8764 3688 Telephone: 020 7021 1600 and enjoyable summer! atmosphere for parents and carers  Streatham Open throughout the summer • A range of indoor activities in warm Salters Hill SE27 1EA holidays buildings or outside in safety- Voluntary Sector Clubs Telephone: 020 8761 1752  Crown Lane Primary School Councillor Pete Robbins fenced grassy areas CLOSED – Tuesday Hillside One O'Clock Club and Children’s Centre • Play leaders who are trained to  Cabinet Member for Children and Young People Hillside Gardens, Hillside Road, Crown Lane, Streatham SW16 3HX encourage your children to play  SE5 8EL Streatham Hill SW2 3HJ Telephone: 020 8761 7139 safely and happily Telephone: 020 7733 6659 Contact: Elisa Franken Closure dates: 23 August to • Special events throughout the year, CLOSED – Friday Telephone: 020 8678 0698 27 August including cultural festivals, puppet [email protected] Slade Gardens Email: Elm Wood Children’s Centre shows and outings.  Age Group: 0 to 5  Robsart Street SW9 0BU 8 Barston Road, Day-to-day activities include: Day/times: Monday to Friday 1 to SE27 9HE of nurseries and childminders who Key Telephone: 020 7733 3630  Check and confirm details on • Sand and water play 4.30pm Telephone: 020 7926 8063/4 Childcare provide care during the holidays. CLOSED – Thursday the hours of care you need and the • Painting Fees: £1 Closure dates: 16 August to 31 Children’s play 3 Park options cost involved. Do any day trips or • Slides and climbing frames  Activities: art, music, sports, events, August  Check availability and book activities cost extra? • Cycling Fentiman Road SW8 1LA painting, storytelling, outdoor The summer holidays are as early as possible because Play Schemes 6 • Dressing up Telephone: 020 7582 3209 activities, dance and movement,  Effra Early Years and here and they can be a real childminders and nurseries get If you are receiving help with • Reading CLOSED – Tuesday arts and crafts. Children’s Centre  35 Effra Parade, Brixton SW2 1PL childcare challenge for many booked up quite far in advance. your childcare costs through the Youth clubs and Youth Projects 9 • Games Windmill Gardens Streatham  Telephone: 020 7733 8425 childcare element of the Working • Story telling. Blenheim Gardens SW2 5BZ parents and carers. Here are Closure dates: 19 August to  Even if you don’t need full time Tax Credit, be sure to let the Inland Sports and Leisure 11 Telephone: 020 8671 5587 Sure Start Children’s some top tips to help the 10 September break run as smoothly as care, the FIS will be able to tell you Revenue know of changes in CLOSED – Monday Centres in Lambeth about fun days or activities that your childcare payments. If your Ethelred Nursery School possible. Libraries 15 Some clubs have activities running Sure Start Children’s Centres provide  might help keep children busy childcare costs increase by £10 or and Children’s Centre in the morning. For details see integrated childcare, health services, during the break. more for more than four weeks in 10 Lollard Street SE11 6UP  Call Lambeth Families Creative Arts and Music 18 www.younglambeth.org or contact advice about training and a row, you could receive extra help. Telephone: 020 7582 9711 Information Service (FIS) on the club directly for information. employment and family support  Look out for information in local Contact the Inland Revenue on Closure dates: 16 August to 0845 601 5317 for information on services for children under five newspapers, on notice boards or for more Parks, Events and Places to go 20 31 August childcare options, including lists 0845 300 3900 and their parents and carers. at your library. information. Youth and Family Support Services 26

2 | What’s On Offer? All information is accurate at time of going to printing but subject to change. CHILDREN’S PLAY Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 3  Heathbrook Primary School  Little Starz Children’s Centre  Primary School Adventure Playgrounds – and Children’s Centre 18 Benton’s Lane, West Norwood and Children’s Centre Lambeth Council Heathbrook Primary School, SE27 9UD Burgoyne Road, Stockwell SW9 9TS Playgrounds St Rule Street SW8 3EH Telephone: 020 8761 9020 Telephone: 020 7326 7328 Telephone: 020 7627 6240 Open throughout the summer Open throughout the summer Lambeth has 15 adventure Closure dates: 23 August to holidays holidays playgrounds, including one for children with disabilities (Charlie 30 August Liz Atkinson Children’s Centre Streatham Wells Primary School   Chaplin). Opening times vary but Hitherfield Primary School and (formerly Brixton Children’s and Children’s Centre  they are open most of the day to Children’s Centre Centre) 50 Palace Road, Streatham SW2 3NJ early evening, from Monday to Friday Hitherfield Road SW16 2JQ 9 Mostyn Road SW9 6PH Telephone: 020 8674 3227 and Saturdays. Telephone: 020 8769 8428 Telephone: 020 7587 0914 Closure dates: 20 August to Closure dates: 23 August to Closure dates: 16 August to 31 August To use the adventure playgrounds there is no need to book, just turn up 6 September 31 August Sunnyhill Primary School  during the opening times. Adventure Jessop Primary School and Loughborough Primary School and Children’s Centre   playgrounds are supervised by play Children’s Centre and Children’s Centre Sunnyhill Road SW16 2UW workers and provide a varied Lowden Road, SE24 0BJ Minet Road, Brixton SW9 7UA Telephone: 07815 935 397 programme of activities, with a Telephone: 020 7274 2333 Telephone: 020 7274 8374 Closure dates: 18 August to variety of exciting structures on Closure dates: 26 July to 6 August Closure dates: 23 August to 6 September site and a range of activities. Jubilee Primary School and 6 September Tree House Children’s Centre   All adventure playgrounds are free to Children’s Centre Maytree Nursery School at Holmewood Nursery School  use but there may be a small charge SW2 2JE and Children’s Centre 66 Upper Tulse Hill SW2 2RW for outings and certain activities. Telephone: 020 8678 9160 155 Clarence Crescent SW4 8LN Telephone: 020 8674 3440 Adventure playgrounds offer all 5 to Closure dates: 13 August to Telephone: 020 8671 3298 Closure dates: 16 August to 16 year-olds a special meeting point 31 August Closure dates: 23 August to 1 September and a wide variety of activities and 30 August  Children’s  Vauxhall Primary School experiences. Young people can Centre  Rosendale Primary School and Children’s Centre keep busy with indoor and outdoor Kennington Park Gardens SE11 4AX and Children’s Centre Vauxhall Children’s Centre, activities. Indoor activities include Telephone: 020 7926 8418 Rosendale Road SE21 9LR Vauxhall Street SE11 5LG arts and crafts, model making, Closure dates: 16 August to Telephone: 020 8761 7411 Telephone: 020 7820 9512 cooking, computer skills, sports, 1 September Closure dates: 16 August to Closure dates: 23 August to music and culturally focused 1 September 30 August  Kingswood Primary School activities. Outdoor play opportunities and Children’s Centre  St Stephen’s Primary School  Weir Link Children’s Centre and experiences include games, Gipsy Road SE27 9RD and Children’s Centre Weir Road SW12 0NU gardening and the chance to build Telephone: 020 8670 3576 Meadow Place (Off South Lambeth Telephone: 020 8675 2481 and make things and to learn about Closure dates: not known at the Road, opposite South Lambeth Road Closure dates: 16 August to environment. time of printing of the brochure Library) Stockwell SW8 1EJ 31 August Children with additional needs may Telephone: 020 7735 1540  Woodmansterne Primary School be supported but parents and carers  Larkhall Primary School and Closure dates: 16 August to and Children’s Centre should always discuss needs with children can come and go freely. successfully joined in the fun. Children’s Centre 31 August the senior worker at the time of  Loughborough Park Play Project Adventure Playgrounds – Stockport Road SW16 5XE Moorland Road, Loughborough Park The playground is open all year However, we do not have specially Smedley Street SW4 6PH Telephone: 020 8764 1825 completing the form. Playgrounds run by round and provides a variety of adapted play equipment and the Telephone: 020 7622 7265 SW9 8AU Open throughout the summer All parents need to do is to fill in a voluntary management play opportunities and experiences ratio of staff to users means that Open throughout the summer Contact: Linda Ellis holidays children’s registration form, which organisations to local young people. those children who need one-to-one holidays Telephone: 020 7926 1049 must include contact details of family Email: [email protected]  Charlie Chaplin Adventure Brixton assistance will need to be members. Parents need to provide accompanied by their support Brixton Playground  Slade Gardens Adventure their child with a packed lunch if he Bolton Crescent SE5 0SE Playground worker. Disabled toilets, ramp or she is staying for the whole day.  Max Roach Play Project access to building. Wiltshire Road, Brixton SW9 7YA Contact: Beverley Salmon Stockwell Park Road SW9 OAB Parents/carers must fill in a medical Telephone: 020 7735 1819 Contact: Robin Langton Activities: The Adventure form and parental consent form for Contact: David Ogwe Playground’s aim is to fulfil the Telephone: 020 7274 6693 Email: Telephone: 020 7737 3829 any residential or day trip. [email protected] Email: [email protected] child’s need to play by offering Email: [email protected] a safe, secure and supervised Brixton Website: Age Groups: 6 to 16 The Max Roach Play Park will open www.charliechaplinadventureplayground.org Day/times: Monday to Friday, environment for 6 to 16 year-olds in Summer 2010 providing a new  Streatham Vale Adventure Age Groups: 8 to 19 2 August to 20 August, 10am to 6pm that includes indoor and outdoor and inclusive centre of excellence Playground Fees: Free Fees: Free activities. for play at the heart of Lambeth Abercairn Road, Streatham Vale Park Activities: Art, music, sports, events, Activities: Open access play The playground engages each in Brixton. As a result of the SW16 5AG new media, play schemes, youth schemes and adventure playground child in all different aspects of improvement works, the Adventure Contact: Lynda Ellis project, free play onsite activities for all ages. Children and young play including social interaction, Playground and One O’Clock Club Telephone: 020 7274 6693 in an adventure play setting with people can use the facilities at the physical, cultural and challenging outdoor space and areas of the Email: [email protected] off-site trips. adventure playground. We have an activities. The making and doing of wider park will remain closed until Streatham Additional Information: Children allotment for young people to come things including arts and crafts and July 2010. Updates are available at:  Tulse Hill Adventure Playground with disabilities are referred to our and plant flowers and learn about imaginary and imitative activities www.younglambeth.gov.uk/playpathfinder Tulse Hill Estate South, Tulse Hill service through Social Services. gardening. We welcome new are encouraged. Sports and play  Kennington Park Play Project SW2 2EY North Lambeth helpers. are key parts of the development Bolton Crescent, SE5 0SE Contact: Alvin Senior  Grove Adventure Playground North Lambeth of children’s healthy lifestyles, Contact: Glen Billey Telephone: 020 8674 3975 and a range of exciting outdoor 18 Gordon Grove SE5 9DT  Triangle Adventure Playground Telephone: 020 7735 7186 Email: [email protected] Contact: Tanya Diedrick Association play structures test physical skills Email: [email protected] Brixton Telephone: 020 7737 0956 Ashmole Street SW8 1NE and risk taking activities to develop North Lambeth self esteem and confidence.  Willington Road Adventure Email: [email protected] Contact: Jonathan Choo  Lollard Street Adventure Playground Age Groups: 8 to 13 Telephone: 07900 475 143 The playground is open for the Playground Willington Road, Off Landor Road Day/times: Monday to Friday, Email: [email protected] extended day during school Lollard Street, Off Kennington Lane SW9 9NB 26 July to 20 August, 11am to 5pm Website: www.triangle-apg.org.uk holiday time. SE11 6PX Contact: Michael Grant Fees: Free. Trips may require Age Groups: 6 to 18 North Lambeth Contact: Lee Amarteifo Telephone: 020 7737 7929 a small donation. Day/times: Monday to Friday, Telephone: 020 7582 0208 Email: [email protected] Children with disabilities or special 26 July to 31 August, 11am to 6pm Email: [email protected] Clapham and Stockwell needs: Disability access is available Fees: Free North Lambeth including access for wheelchair Children with disabilities or special users. needs: Children with disabilities Activities: Grove Adventure and special needs are welcome Playground is an open access on the playground and many have adventure playground, where

4 | What’s On Offer? CHILDREN’S PLAY CHILDREN’S PLAY Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 5 contribution outcomes of the between 6 to 8pm on Wednesday Government’s Every Child Matters Lambeth Summer Projects 14 July and between 1 and 3pm outcomes. Trust - Norwood Summer on Monday 26 July. Children with disabilities: Please Project Additional Information: Young contact provider on accessibility. Park Campus, Gipsy Road, people aged 9 to 16 years who Norwood West Norwood, SE27 9TG are residents of Lambeth. es Contact: PC Ian Wells Streatham em Lambeth Play Association - Telephone: 020 8649 2363 Sch National Playday Email: [email protected] Lilford Community Daycare y Website: Pla Kennington Park, Kennington Park Centre www.lambethsummerprojects.co.uk Road SE11 4BE 23 Eastlake Road, Contact: Amanda Adams Age Groups: 9 to 16 SE5 9QJ Monday to Friday, Telephone: 020 7733 5718 Day/times: Contact: Susan Kirk 27 July to 19 August, 10am to 4pm Email: [email protected] Telephone: 020 7738 7889 Fees: £60 for the duration of Play Schemes in Lambeth are run by a wide range Website: www.lambethplay.co.uk Email: [email protected] the project of statutory, voluntary and private organisations Age Groups: 5 to 16 Website: www.lilforddaycare.org Children with disabilities or and cater for children and young people aged from Day/times: Wednesday 5 August, Age Groups: 5 to 15 11am to 3pm special needs: Day/times: Monday to Friday, 5 to 16 years, depending on the individual scheme. Fees: Free Activities: The activities programme 26 July to 20 August, 8am to 6pm will include constant on-site and Children with disabilities or special Fees: £65 full time 8am to 6pm, They offer many types of structured and off-site sports activities including needs: Accessible and all children £35 part time 10am to 4pm. All unstructured activities including: welcome. basketball, football training, fencing, fees are correct as of 27 April 2010. table tennis, badminton and much Activities: Free play activities for Please call the centre for more • Indoor and outdoor play all children. more. Trips out will include rock information on required days climbing, canoeing, sub aqua, Additional Information: The theme and prices. • Performance arts workshops and training sailing, ski slopes, tobogganing, for this year’s playday is Time to Activities: Each year we offer the fencing, ice skating, tenpin bowling, • Trips out Play. This is a national event. We will children a variety of on and off-site have lots of activities for all families days will take place at the Go-karting, and day trips, for activities. • Computer facilities and IT training and children to participate in. This Loughborough Primary School example to museums. There will The activities will include sports usually includes arts and crafts, free between 9.30am and 12.30pm also be computer, drama, DJ, music, programmes, day trips to the coast, • Sports coaching play area, Go-karting, DJ, music and on Saturday 10 July and Saturday video and photographic, dance, face countryside, and other destinations, dance workshops, jewellery making, 17 July. painting, hair braiding, comic book, indoor and outdoor activities, arts, • Arts workshops trampoline, sports activities and Additional Information: Young writing skills and arts and crafts crafts, and cookery. tournaments. Last year we had a people aged 9 to 16 who are workshops. Application forms will The summer project has been • BBQs and more! spider mountain and a climbing wall. residents of Lambeth. be available online and at Streatham running since 1981, supporting and Police Stations from Please check the listings for charges, activity North Lambeth Brixton and caring for thousands of children about the end of May 2010. between the ages of 5 and 15 timetables, and whether a packed lunch is required. Lambeth Summer Projects Lambeth Summer Projects Enrolment days will take place at the and their families within the local Trust - Brixton Summer Trust - Clapham and Park Campus between 4 to 6pm on community. It enables parents on Kennington Summer Thursday 24 June and Thursday low incomes to engage their children Project 1 July. 6.30 to 8pm Fees: extended day, £25; in a fun-packed, safe and happy Loughborough Primary School, Project Young Brixton Recreation Centre Fees: £1 per week standard day £20 (9am to 4pm) Ethelred Kids Club Additional Information: environment. Over the years the Minet Road SW9 7UA Bonneville Primary School, people aged 9 to 16 who are – Kool Crew Holiday Activities: We are the local branch of Children with disabilities or special Archbishop Summer CoE Primary project has proved to be much Playscheme School, Reedworth Street, Contact: PC Neil Hagerty or Bonneville Gardens SW4 9LB residents of Lambeth. the Woodcraft Folk, a children’s and needs: The Coin Street PC Julie Lyons Contact: PC Sarah Finch or sought after by the local community. Brixton Recreation Centre, 27 Brixton Kennington SE11 4PH Norwood young people’s movement aiming to Neighbourhood Centre is fully Telephone: 07843 065 917 PC Laura Nicholson Additional Information: The service Station Road, Brixton SW9 8QQ Contact: Mrs Barbara Barnett build a world based on social justice accessible - automatic entrance Website: Telephone: 07789 504 793 is to support and care for children Contact: Matt Webb Telephone: 07538 111 820 Lambeth Summer Projects by educating members through doors, disabled lift, disabled toilets. www.lambethsummerprojects.co.uk Email: [email protected] between the ages of 5 and 15 within Telephone: 020 7926 9779 Email: [email protected] Trust - Streatham Summer games, craft, songs, drama and Easy to read signage and hand rail Age Groups: 9 to 16 Website: the local community, where parents Website: www.gll.org Age Groups: 4 to 11 outdoor adventure at weekly group for mobility impaired. Parking for Day/times: Monday to Friday, www.lambethsummerprojects.co.uk Project can engage their children in a fun- Age Groups: 5 to 12 Day/times: Monday to Friday, 26 meetings. For more information visit disabled visitors and ramp access 27 July to 20 August, 10am to 4pm Age Groups: 9 to 16 Bishop Thomas Grant School, packed, happy and secure Day/times: Monday to Friday, 26 July to 20 August, 8.30am to 5.30pm www.boveney.com to building available. Fees: £60 for the duration of Day/times: Monday to Friday, Belltrees Grove, Streatham SW16 2HY enviroment. July to 27 August, 8.30am to 5.30pm Fees: £50 a week during Brixton Activities: The children visit local the project 27 July to 19 August, 10am to 4pm Contact: PC Paul Dowsett Brixton Fees: Member, £12.80 a day and the holidays attractions, parks, museums and Activities: The activities programme Fees: £60 for the duration of Telephone: 020 8649 2363 £64.00 a week Activities: Summer activity [email protected] Boveney District Woodcraft also participate in games, sports will include constant on-site and the project Email: Lily's Day Nursery Concessionary member, £9.60 North Lambeth Folk Summer Camp and creative workshops. Parents off-site sports activities including Activities: Events, new media, Website: Brixton Methodist Church, Elm Park a day and £48.00 a week www.lambethsummerprojects.co.uk Woodcraft Park Farm, Lurgashall and carers can relax knowing that basketball, football training, fencing, youth project, and sports activities SW2 2TX Children with disabilities or special High Trees Community GU28 9EU children are safe having fun taking table tennis, badminton and much including basketball, football training, Age Groups: 9 to 16 Contact: Bridget Melvina Nicol needs: Brixton Recreation Centre development Summer Contact: Danny Rowe part in educational and cultural more. Trips out will include rock fencing, table tennis, badminton Day/times: Monday to Friday, Telephone: 020 8674 8678 has accessible facilities - automatic Telephone: 07930 326 372 activities. programme climbing, canoeing, sub aqua, and much more. Trips out, including 27 July to 19 August, 10am to 4pm Email: [email protected] entrance doors, customer lift, Fees: £60 for the duration of the Email: [email protected] North Lambeth High Trees Community development sailing, ski slopes, tobogganing, rock climbing, canoeing, sub aqua, Website: www.lilysdaynurseries.co.uk disabled toilets and changing rooms. project Age Group: 6 to 20 St Martins Learning Centre fencing, ice skating, tenpin bowling, sailing, ski slopes, tobogganing, Age Groups: 5 to 13 Activities: Kool Crew holiday Day/times: 31 July to 7 August 220 Upper Tulse Hill go-karting, and day trips, for fencing, ice skating, tenpin bowling, Activities: The activities programme Day/times: Monday to Friday, playscheme includes the children Fees: £75 London SW2 2UH example to museums. There will and day trips, for example to will include constant on-site and 26 July to 3 September, 8am to 6pm in a number of themed activities Activities: Games, co-operative play, Telephone: 020 8671 3132 also be computer, drama, DJ, music, museums. On-site, there will be off-site sports activities including Fees: Daily £15, weekly £67. each week. Children take part in arts and crafts, camping and trips Email: [email protected] video and photographic, dance, computer, drama, DJ, music, video basketball, football training, fencing, Free childcare for families on arts and crafts, sporting challenges Additional Information: Residential, Age groups: 8 to 13 face painting, hair braiding, comic and photographic, dance, face table tennis, badminton and much income support or job seekers and competitions as well as environmental based activities for Day/times: 26 July to 13 August book, writing skills and arts and painting, hair braiding, and arts more. Trips out will include rock allowance. experiencing some of the sporting personal development. Have to be Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5pm crafts workshops. This is a summer and crafts workshops. Application climbing, canoeing, sub aqua, Children with disabilities or special facilities at Brixton Recreation a Woodcraft member. Open access. Fees: £1 per day project run by the police. The Brixton forms will be available online and sailing, ski slopes, tobogganing, needs: Disabled toilets, easy to read Centre. Packed lunch required. Borough wide Activities: The children and young summer project has been running at Cavendish Road Police Station fencing, ice skating, tenpin bowling, signage, hand rail for mobility Brixton people will be engaged in a range of for more than 20 years and is aimed from about the end of May 2010. Go-karting, and day trips, for impaired, parking for disables Coin Street Children's activities such football, creative arts at young people aged between Enrolment days will take place example to museums. There will visitors, ramp access to building. Boveney District Woodcraft and dance. They will also participate also be computer, drama, DJ, music, Centre 9 and 16 living in the Brixton area. at Bonneville Primary School Wheelchair friendly. Folk in workshops which are designed to The project is based in school between 4 and 6pm on Wednesday video and photographic, dance, face Activities: Arts and crafts, sports Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, increase awareness of their own painting, hair braiding, comic book, 2 Bailey Mews SW2 1LR 108 Stamford Street, SE1 9NH where a variety of education and 30 June and the same times on activities, cooking, music, dance, Contact: Danny Rowe safety and the safety of others; recreational activities are available Tuesday 6 July. writing skills and arts and crafts singing, drama and off-site trips. Contact: Help Desk stimulate their creativity; build workshops. Application forms will be Telephone: 07930 326 372 Telephone: 020 7021 1600 for the young people. Please check Additional Information: Young Brixton [email protected] confidence and self esteem; play available online and at Streatham Email: Website: www.coinstreet.org our website for information about our people aged 9 to 16 who are Age Groups: 6 to 20 years. games in pairs and groups; go on pre-registration days. Application residents of Lambeth. and Gipsy Hill Police Stations from Age Groups: 5 to 11 outings. This whole range of about the end of May 2010. Day/times: Monday, Wednesday Day/times: Monday to Friday, forms are available online and at Clapham and Stockwell activities meets the ‘Be Healthy, Enrolment days will take place at and Thursday, 31 July to 7 August, 26 July to 27 August, 8am to 6pm Brixton Police Stations. Enrolment Stay Safe, Enjoy and Make a positive Bishop Thomas Grant School

6 | What’s On Offer? PLAY SCHEMES PLAY SCHEMES Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 7 opportunities for future employment. Oasis Children's Venture - By offering the opportunity to be Stewarts Road Adventure - Cycle Project involved in marshalling and track and Playground and Youth Club Summer @ the farm 23-61 Priory Grove, SW8 2PD kart maintenance, the project also (StRAP) - Residential 165 Tyers Street, Vauxhall, SE11 5HS Contact: Philippe Montout enables young people to develop Summer Programme Contact: Natalie Clemens Telephone: 020 7720 4276 vital social skills in terms of c/o Springfield Communit y Flat, Telephone: 020 7582 4204 nd Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] a co-operative and team working, 53/54 Brocket House, Union Road bs www.oasisplay.org.uk www.vauxhallcityfarm.org s Website: Website: u t leadership and effective SW8 2RE Cl jec Age Groups: 6 to 18 communication techniques. Contact: John Hepple Age Groups: 8 to 19 uth Pro Day/times: Monday to Friday, Day/times: Wednesday to Sunday, o Morning sessions: group visits Telephone: 020 7498 3330 Y uth 2 August to 27 August, 10.30am 26 July to 27 August, 9am to 4pm. o please contact Email: [email protected] Y to 6.30pm [email protected]. Age Groups: 10 to 19 Fees: Free Fees: 50p a day. Please call Afternoon Sessions: Day/times: Friday to Sunday, Costs apply for lessons, educational for details. Wednesday 2.30pm to 4.30pm 26 July to 31 August tours and other activities. Please call The youth service provides opportunities for young Children with disabilities or Junior Club Fees: Free to find out. special needs: The site is Thursday 2.30 to 4.30pm Activities: Residential weekend in Children with disabilities or special people aged 11 to 24 during evenings, weekends and wheelchair friendly. Disabled Mixed Junior Senior Club Hindleap Warren, East Sussex for needs: Disabled toilet, ramp access holiday time. This service is delivered in partnership access toilets available at our Friday 2.30 to 4.30pm Senior 50 young people aged 10 to 19. to building. Wheelchair friendly. with voluntary youth organisations and groups adjacent kart track site. Maintenance High ropes, team challenges and Activities: Opportunities for young Activities: Adventure playground, Clapham and Stockwell practical problems. people to volunteer at the farm using a combination of building based youth cycle project provides play Clapham and Stockwell during the summer weeks. Vauxhall work, street work and specialist workers. structures, BMX tracks with bikes, Renton Close Community City Farm is a piece of countryside arts and craft workshops, dance Centre St Michael's Fellowship - between the busy streets and high- In this section you will find information about and music workshops. Four weeks rise buildings of London. The farm Renton Close Estate, Brixton Hill Teen Parents Summer Trips the Lambeth run youth projects and voluntary open access. 2010 is home to horses, alpacas, sheep, SW2 1EY chickens, guinea pigs and other organisations. Clapham and Stockwell 136 Streatham High Road SW16 1BX Contact: Jean Kerrigan animals. Contact: Sue Pettigrew Telephone: 020 8683 9584 The farm offers free entry for the There is also a lot of information about holiday Oasis Children's Venture [email protected] Telephone: 020 8835 9570 Email: public, school curriculum based activities for young people in the Play Schemes Nature Garden www.rentonclose.org.uk Email: [email protected] Website: workshops, subsidised riding Oasis Nature Garden, Corner of Website: section of this booklet. Age Groups: 4 to 7 lessons, riding for the disabled, Larkhall Lane and Studley Rd Monday to Friday, 26 www.stmichaelsfellowship.org.uk Day/times: young farmers project, holiday SW4 6SP July to 13 August, 8.45am to 5.45pm Age Groups: 13 to 19 play schemes and weekend Contact: Harriet Fink Fees: £65 a week or £15 a day Day/times: Friday 30 July to 27 family activities. Telephone: 020 7498 2329 for first child in family and £35 August, 8am to 5pm. Trips are taking Additional Information: Anyone Email: [email protected] or a week or £9 a day each for place over the summer holidays. Additional Information: During the members of the project by surgery, target funded projects. can use the service. Parents or Youth groups and clubs [email protected] siblings, or children from Fees: Travel to meeting point, summer holidays we may do some completing a simple free Norwood guardians will need to visit the Lambeth Youth and Play Service and Website: www.oasisplay.org.uk families on benefits. There may packed or paid-for lunch outings on other days. Please call membership form. By joining, young farm for information, meet the staff local voluntary organisations operate Age Groups: 5 to 16 be additional charges for special Children with disabilities or special for details. people have easier access to various Flipside (LCPT) team and enrol places for their a variety of centres providing year Day/times: Monday to Friday, 26 trips needs: Access to coaches for North Lambeth youth provision services that are fun Kennington Park Community Centre young person on Sunday 11 July round activities. July to 20 August, 10am to 3.30pm Children with disabilities or special hearing dogs and disablility dogs. and challenging, including structured (KPCC), 8 Harleyford Street, Fees: £2 a day 2010 between 11am and 4pm. The activities. needs: Children requiring one-to-one Coach driver assists to young people Blackfriars Settlement Blackfriars Settlement - Kennington SE11 Children with disabilities or special with disabilities and wheel chairs. waiting list opens for the summer. Contact: Melissa Vidal support will need to be accompanied Living Space, 1 Coral Street SE1 7BE Youth Volunteering There are opportunities for voluntary needs: Site is fully accessible. The sites visited will have their own North Lambeth Telephone: 020 7733 010 by trained carer. Access for Contact: Jenny Hinds Programme working that may eventually lead to Please contact in advance. organisational access for young Email: [email protected] wheelchair users. Disabled toilets, Telephone: 020 7803 0988, Living Space, Coral Street SE1 7BE paid work. Also, young people can Disabled toilets, wheelchair friendly. people with disablities. Automatic Age Groups: 8 to 19 ramp access to building, wheelchair 020 7928 9521 or 07958 417 077 Contact: Jason Austin get help to gain, for example, an Activities: The site is open access entrance doors, easy to read Day/times: Tuesday to Thursday, friendly. Email: jenny.hinds@blackfriars- Telephone: 07957 544 083 NVQ in Youth Work or coaching, and and attracts children aged 5 to 16. Activities: Renton Close offers play signage, hand rail for mobility it does not have to stop here. Young 3 August to 27 August Children and young people usually settlement.org.uk Age Groups: 16 to 25 schemes, free and organised play, impaired, hearing and companion Fees: Free people have a great opportunity at Fees: We may ask for a with no garden of their own can Age Groups: 11 to 21 contribution towards some arts and crafts, cookery, gardening, dogs welcome. Activities: Youth volunteering BRYC to meet mentors and other enjoy experiencing this unique Day/times: Wednesdays and off-site trips. computer activities, sports and Activities: St. Michael's Fellowship Fridays, 7 to 9pm, programme. Please contact professionals for support outdoors environment. Here they Children with disabilities or special games and trips to places of is an independent charity, based in Saturdays 6 to 9pm Jason Austin for further details. and advocacy. can play freely while learning about that has over 100 needs: KPCC has full wheelchair enjoyment and interest. Bring a Fees: 50p a session or £5 North Lambeth BRYC is for any young people nature in a safe and stimulating years of experience in providing access. We will endeavour to packed lunch; wear clothing suitable membership for the year who wish to engage in meaningful environment. We also offer welfare for families. We provide support all needs where possible. for wet or hot weather. Daily off-site Children with disabilities or Brixton Road Youth Centre activities, live a crime-free life and educational visits for school groups. residential family assessment centres Disabled toilets, ramp access to visits mainly by public transport. special needs: Fully accessible (BRYC) help other young people to make Clapham and Stockwell for vulnerable families. This includes building, wheelchair friendly. A signed registration and consent Activities: Generic youth session 143-145 Brixton Road SW9 6LZ a better choice in life. accommodation, help and training Activities: Summer youth project form and deposit is needed to including outdoor play area, Contact: James Adepoju Oasis Karting Project for families where children are at risk, Whippersnappers For detailed information about run by Flipside, with a variety of secure a place. 12 children aged football pitch, ICT suite, cooking Telephone: 020 7820 1106 Priory Grove SW8 2PD or where there is other emotional, , Dulwich Road, activities and projects offered, indoor activities and off-site trips 4 to 7 taken, so early booking for Email: [email protected] Contact: Malcolm Brebner mental or physical hardship. There London SE24 0PA please contact the centre directly. in connection with arts, fashion and this age group is advised. Age Groups: 10 to 25 Telephone: 020 7720 6939 are two main elements: personal Contact: Joko Coker Brixton sports, for example. Flipside offers a Brixton Day/times: Monday to Friday, 6 to Email: [email protected] support and advice for teenagers Telephone: 020 7738 6633 weekly programme for young people 9pm and Saturday 10am to 4pm Website: www.oasisplay.org.uk who discover they are pregnant, so Email: [email protected] Emmanuel Youth and living on and around Kennington Springfield Community Flat Fees: Most service provision at Age Groups: 8 to 18 that they can make responsible and Website: www.whipersnappers.org Park Estate, providing them with a 53-54 Brocket House, Union Road the centre is available to young Community Centre Day/times: Monday to Friday, 26 well-informed decisions. Sure Start Age Groups: 5 to 13 years safe place to learn and play. Please SW8 2RE people free of charge. 94-96 Clive Rd SE21 8BU July to 20 August, 11am to 4.30pm Plus also looks at reshaping existing Day/times: Monday to Friday, contact us for specific details. Contact: Zoe Nye Please call for details Contact: Victoria Ansah Fees: Summer individual services to make them more user- 26 July to 6 August Additional Information: New Telephone: 020 7720 2699 Children with disabilities or special Telephone: 020 8670 2793 membership £10. friendly and effective for teenagers, Fees: £2.50 for afternoon [email protected] members will be required to Age Groups: 4 to 12 needs: Activities for young people Email: Members can attend all club and works to identify gaps in session. For earlier or later drop complete a registration form. Under- Day/times: Monday to Friday, 26 with disability and/or special needs Website: www.ecyc.co.uk sessions on a weekly basis. Nothing services. There is a dedicated off - excess of £5 an hour. 16s will need parental consent to July to 31 August, 7.30am to 6.30pm are available every Monday from Age Groups: 8 to 16 additional to pay for sessions. service for young fathers and Sibling rates available. take part in the programme. Activities: Children will participate 6 to 9pm Day/times: Monday to Friday, Children with disabilities or special fathers-to-be, up to 25 years, Children with disabilities or special North Lambeth in positive activities such as high Activities: Arts, sports, play 26 July to 21 August, 9.30am needs: Two seater karts avaible offering one-to-one support, groups needs: Places available for children quality PE and sport, outings, mask schemes. For detailed information to 4.30pm for children and young people with and activities. Programmes are with disabilities and special needs. Lansdowne Youth Club making, jewellery making and T-Shirt about activities and projects during Fees: £3 a day or £12.50 a week, additional needs or disabilities. available at Children's Centres Please call us on 020 7738 6633 278-280 South Lambeth Road making workshops. Registration this period please contact the centre plus £2.50 for lunch. Dual controls. Disabled toilets, across the borough with groups to discuss your child’s needs SW8 1UJ form and consent form will be given direct. Children with disabilities or special wheelchair friendly operating each day of the week. Activities: Trips out in the monrings. Contact: Renee Okuefuna to parents who would like to send Additional Information: Brixton needs: Disabled toilets, low level Activities: This project combines St. Michael’s has a range of services Afternoon activities include: music, Telephone: 020 7622 6756 their children to our play scheme. Road Youth Centre is a unique counters, ramp access to building. the excitement of racing and driving for teenage parents. Activities take sports, drama, circus skills, arts and Email: [email protected] Clapham and Stockwell organisation managed by young Activities: Activities include after with the opportunity to develop place over Friday every week. crafts, BMX biking, capoeira, Age Groups: 11 to 19 people and especially for young school club, adult amateur mechanical and health and safety Borough wide acrobatics, football, street dance, Day/times: Monday to Sunday, people from the North Lambeth Area. dramatics, piano tuition, prayer skills that can often provide board games, swimming. 19 July to 3 September, 12 to 6pm. Youth participants must become group, youth club, councillors' 8 | What’s On Offer? PLAY SCHEMES YOUTH CLUBS AND YOUTH PROJECTS Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 9 Fees: £2 per day for in-club activities, there will be extra Young People Matter costs for trips out. These will be The Old Laundry, Stockwell Gardens available to book from mid June. Estate, Rossford Road SW9 9HQ Children with disabilities or special Contact: Kemi Folarin e Telephone: 07985 499 236 r needs: Building is all on one floor, isu Email: [email protected] e no stairs but there is one part of the L or [email protected] nd building with a sloped ramp for a Website: www.youngpeoplematter.org ts access. There is a handrail, disabled or Age Groups: 13 to 19 p toilets and easy to read signs. S Monday to Friday, Activities: This year’s project aims Day/times: to provide a safe and affordable 3 August to 27 August, 11am to 4pm Fees: Free environment for local young people aged 8 to16 during part of the school Children with disabilities or Opportunities for keeping in shape or playing your holidays. It aims to enable as many special needs: Wheelchair friendly young people as possible to Activities: This summer holiday, favourite sport are easy and affordable in Lambeth. Young People Matter would like to participate in the many activities, Brixton Recreation Centre has a swimming pool, and trips and experiences on offer. deliver a summer project with the There will be a focus on personal involvement of young people. There in the summer you can swim outdoors at Brockwell development and on demonstrating will be a wide range of activities, Lido, also known as ‘Brixton Beach’. (Clapham Leisure workshops and chances to get and developing skills at any level Centre and Streatham Leisure Centre are currently in music, art, sport and drama. involved in doing positive things The project is about the participation in their community. The programme closed for redevelopment). of young people equally, fairly, and will end with an end of summer responsibly at all levels. Most of the community event which will be All of the leisure centres, including Ferndale project will be a social experience, planned and delivered by young Community Sports Centre in Brixton and Flaxman bringing together young people people. Young people will go on Varies according to activity. Some sex and relationship education, and Sports Centre offer a wide range of health and fitness from different backgrounds weekly trips that aim to give them trips,visits or outings may be trips. Young people will be offered sessions such as body pump, legs, bums, tums, to develop friendships, skills, new opportunities and experiences, extended late into the evening. job search support, personal share opinions and differences. but are also a fun way to get young pilates and yoga. For children and young people, there Fees: Free. Extra charges for development and life skills people from different areas to work Streatham some trips, visits and outings. programmes, as well as having together. There will be different types is a range of supervised junior sports programmes including basketball, tennis, badminton and football. Children with disabilities or opportunities to gain accreditation. Willington Youth and of trips. For example the trip to the special needs: Wheelchair friendly. Brixton sea side allows young people to get Activities: The six week summer Community Centre away from their area for the day and In Lambeth’s major parks and open spaces you’ll find programme will provide a wide range Old Library Youth Centre 55 Willington Road SW9 9NB take part in team building activities. a wide range of outdoor facilities that can be booked of opportunities and activities for Old Library Centre, 14-16 Knights Hill Contact: Charlene King However, we will also be running in advance. These include tennis courts and football young people. These include sports SE27 0HY Telephone: 020 7737 0499 workshops with the police to help [email protected] and fitness training, creative arts, Contact: Clive Coote Email: to inform young people about things pitches. There’s also a BMX track in Brockwell Park www.lambeth.gov.uk music production, drama workshops, Telephone: 020 7926 7600 Website: such as personal safety. Other and the Stockwell Skate Park for the adventurous. arts and crafts, hair and beauty, Email: [email protected] Age Groups: 11 to 19 years, workshops will deal with sexual healthy eating. Age Groups: 11 to 19 and up to 25 for young people health, relationships, healthy living Clapham and Stockwell Day/times: Monday to Friday, 27 with additional needs and peer pressure among other July to 3 September, 11am to 6pm Day/times: Monday to Friday, 26 subjects. reservations. In addition, over 60s can enjoy free Fees: Free. Extra charges for July to 3 September, 12 to 8pm REAL How much does a Lambeth Leisure Card cost? We have a core diverse group of swimming and use the fitness gym at off-peak some trips, visits and outings. Fees: Free ‘Plus’ – Children with disabilities or special young people that we work with times for £1.80. Children with disabilities or special the name Resident / needs: The centre is fully accessible. through the other services that we Card Type needs: No access issues for ground for the Non resident provide during term time and they REAL ‘Plus’ Junior (5–15 years) floor. Lambeth Youth Support Disabled toilets and wheelchair will be informed about the summer Lambeth With a junior leisure card it is even easier for Service will need to be informed prior friendly. holiday programme by letter. leisure children aged 5 to15 years to get fit and stay fit. By Adult REAL 'Plus' Standard card £31 to young person's attendance to Activities: The six week summer Additional Information: Some card establishing an active lifestyle early on, youngsters ensure appropriate support and programme will provide a wide range of opportunities and activities for services such as the Homework Club are much more likely to continue the habit into later Adult REAL 'Plus' Concession card £3 transport needs are met. The Lambeth the young people. Activities include are targeted at children aged 5 to13 life. A junior leisure card is an affordable way for Activities: The six week summer REAL ‘Plus’ sports and fitness training, creative who need extra educational support. kids to enjoy all their favourite activities at programme will provide a wide range card gives you generous discounts at Lambeth Family REAL 'Plus' Standard card £41 arts, music production, drama Brixton Lambeth’s leisure centres. of opportunities and activities for leisure centres whether you are using the facilities young people. Activities include workshops, arts and crafts, hair and Youth Empowerment at peak or off peak times. REAL ‘Plus’ Family (2 adults+3 kids) Family REAL 'Plus' Concession card £6 sports and fitness training, creative beauty, healthy eating programme, Solutions (YES) A REAL ‘Plus’ family leisure membership offers arts, Urban Sounds Digital Music sex and relationship education, Leisure centre membership falls into two groups: 38 Knights Hill, Devane Way, affordable family fun for two named adults and up Programme, Pyramid youth theatre and trips. Young people will be Junior REAL 'Plus' Standard card £3 West Norwood SE27 0JD 1. REAL ‘Plus’ – a ‘pay-as-you-go’ discount to three named children. With a REAL ’Plus’ family workshops, Aim High Shoot, digital offered job search support, Contact: Kelly L'Yare membership (the old leisure card) membership you and all the named members of film making, point ‘n’ shoot digital personal development and life Telephone: 07984 129 222 your family can receive up to 45 per cent discount Junior REAL 'Plus' Concession card £3 photography, arts and crafts, skills programmes as well as having 2. REAL Wellness – a ‘pay monthly’ membership Email: [email protected] off standard leisure centre prices. This flexible hair and beauty, healthy eating opportunities to gain accreditation. (monthly direct debit or annual fee, please contact Age Groups: 14 to 30 family card is a simple and convenient way for Marcus Lipton Youth Club programme, sex and relationship Brixton a centre for information on this type of Where can I use my REAL 'Plus' card? Day/times: Tuesday to Friday, everyone to enjoy their favorite leisure activities. Minet Road SW9 7UH education, and trips. Young people membership) or log on to www.gll.org You can use your Leisure card in Brixton Recreation 2 to 10pm Contact: Keith Hamilton will be offered job search support, Centre and Flaxman Sports Centre. Fees: £10 for total summer What discounts am I entitled to? Telephone: 020 7274 1202 personal development and life skills scheme. REAL 'Plus' memberships Email: [email protected] programmes as well as having How do I apply? Children with disabilities or There are three types of Lambeth REAL 'Plus' Age Groups: 11 to 19 opportunities to gain accreditation. Card Type Peak discounts Off-peak You can pick up an application form from any of special needs: No special resources memberships. These are adult, junior and family. Day/times: Monday to Friday, 19 Norwood discounts* the leisure centres mentioned above or download July to 3 September, 11am to 6pm Activities: Arts and crafts, music the application form www.lambeth.gov.uk/LeisureCard contests, sports day, outdoor REAL ‘Plus’ Adult (16 years+) Fees: Free. Extra charges for Streatham Youth and Adult, Family or and print it out. some trips, visits and outings. activities, sporting events. REAL ‘Plus’ Adult is a leisure membership for users Community Trust aged 16 and over. For a single annual fee you have Junior REAL 'Plus' 25% 25% You will need to complete the form and take it Activities: The six week summer Additional Information: A scheme Standard card programme will provide a wide range Conyers Road SW16 6LS that is run throughout the duration of the freedom to ‘pay-as-you-go’ without the along to one of the leisure centres mentioned of opportunities and activities for Contact: Mark Wood summer, which will be fun-filled and commitment of a monthly direct debit. A REAL Adult, Family or above. Please bring along proof of where you live the young people. Activities include Telephone: 020 8769 5884 entertaining as well as educational ’Plus’ Adult membership gives up to 45 per cent Junior REAL 'Plus' 25% 55% when applying for a concession card. This can [email protected] Concession card sports and fitness training, creative Email: and informative discount off standard leisure centre prices plus be a council tax bill, telephone/utility bill or www.syct.org.uk arts, music production, drama Website: Norwood 6-day advance on-line/telephone bookings and driving license. You will also need to bring workshops, arts and crafts, hair and Age Groups: 8 to 16 * Off-peak is 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday proof of entitlement Monday to Friday, beauty, healthy eating programme, Day/times: 9 August to 20 August, 10am to 4pm

10 | What’s On Offer? YOUTH CLUBS AND YOUTH PROJECTS SPORTS AND LEISURE Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 11 Further information 4 – 5.30pm. Table Tennis Drop In Email: [email protected] Brixton Recreation Centre sessions for 8 to 15 years every Lambeth Sports and If you would like further information Brixton Station Road, Brixton Recreation Unit - Age Groups: 11 to 19 about the leisure card please contact Tuesday during the summer holidays Day/times: Wednesday and SW9 8QQ from 11am to 2pm. Mini Squash Community Basketball Brixton Recreation Centre or Contact: Joe Rham Thursday, 28 July to 11 August, Flaxman Sport Centre alternatively Drop in sessions for 8 to 15 years Session 1 to 3pm Telephone: 020 7926 9779 during the summer holidays from Lilian Baylis Old School, Lollard email [email protected] [email protected] Fees: Free Email: 11am to 1pm. Street SE11 Website: www.gll.org Activities: Girls/women football Swim and play tennis free in Brixton Contact: Junior Williams training session for players of all Age Groups: 5 to 15 Telephone: 07985 621 126 Lambeth Fees: See website for details. abilities. Lambeth Sports and Email: [email protected] North Lambeth Activities: Please contact the centre Age Groups: 8 to 16 for more information. Recreation Unit - Athletics at Kennington Park Day/times: Monday, Wednesday and Lambeth Sports and Friday, 2 to 25 August 10am to 4pm Kennington Park Sports Facilities, Brockwell Lido Fees: Free Recreation Unit - Brockwell Park, Dulwich Road Kennington Park Road SE11 4BE Kennington Athletics Contact: Ivor Northey Children with disabilities or special SE24 0PA Disabled toilets Lilian Baylis Old School, Telephone: 07982 705 410 needs: Contact: Main Office Community basketball Lollard Street SE11 Email: [email protected] Activities: Telephone: 020 7274 3088 sessions for young people under 16 Contact: Ivor Northy Age Groups: 10 to 16 Website: www.brockwell-lido.com based at Lilian Baylis Sport Centre. Telephone: 07982 705 410 Day/times: Wednesday and Friday, Day/times: Monday to Friday, North Lambeth Email: [email protected] 6.30am to 10.00pm, Saturday 28 July to 13 August, 11.30am to Age Groups: 10 to 16 12.30pm Until April 2011 young people aged 7.30am to 9.30pm, Sunday 7.30am Lambeth Sports and Day/times: Monday, 4 to 5.30pm to 9.00pm Fees: Free Fees: Free 16 and under and those aged 60 Children with disabilities or special Recreation Unit - Girls and over can swim for free at. Fees: Concession fees apply. Football Session Children with disabilities or Please call for details. needs: Disabled toilets. special needs: Disabled toilets, Brixton Recreation Centre. The Swim contemporary and jazz. Friday night Kennington Park Sports Facilities, Activities: Public outdoor swimming Activities: Athletics training parking for disables visitors. Free scheme is part of a government Colombo Street Community provides a chance for families to Kennington Park Road SE11 4BE pool (available during summer period sessions. Activities: Athletics training initiative to get us all fitter and more and Sports Centre come and join their children and Contact: David Kiobel only), gym, hydrotherapy suite, three North Lambeth sessions for all young people active. In Lambeth this offer also 34 - 68 Colombo Street SE1 8DP participate in sports. There are also Telephone: 07982 705 411 studios for mind, body and exercise and all sporting abilities. includes free tennis. If you have a Contact: Tracey O’Connell two classes of street dance/hip hop - Email: [email protected] classes, café, health, vitality and Lambeth Sports and North Lambeth disability you can also swim free Telephone: 020 7261 1658 beginners 6 to 7pm and intermediate Age Groups: 11 to 19 wellbeing centre. [email protected] Recreation Unit - Athletics using a freedom pass. You will need Email: 7 to 8pm. Day/times: Tuesday, 4 to 6pm, Brixton Age Groups: 8 to 16 Brixton (Weekly Community Lambeth Sports and Activities: Netball skills organisers’ to register at Brixton Recreation 27 July to 12 August. Day/times: Monday to Friday, Today’s Leaders, young people Session) Recreation Unit - Netball course for young people interested Centre to give you free access to this training to be dance and sports Fees: Free football session 26 July to 27 August, 9am to 8pm. Brixton Recreation Centre SW9 8QQ for girls/women Organisers Course in sports. pool and tennis courts in Lambeth. The specialist sports are from 9.30 leaders, will have the opportunity to Contact: Ivor Northy Ferndale Community Sports Centre, Brixton volunteer within this programme. Activities: Community football to 11.30am. Except for the rowing Telephone: 07982 705 410 session for young females. Nursery Road SW9 8BP If you have a disability you can also course which will take place off-site. All staff and volunteers are CRB Email: [email protected] Contact: Lambeth Sports and Lambeth Sports and swim for free at Brockwell Lido. Additional Information: Session are Activate Festival Core multi-sports will be from 12 to enhanced checked prior to starting. Age Groups: 8 to 16 geared towards all levels/abilities. Recreation Service Recreation Unit - Primary This offer is open until October Day/times: Tuesday 25 May to Kennington Park, Kennington Park 4pm. When they start, staff and volunteers North Lambeth Telephone: 020 7926 0396 Girls Football Session 2010 please contact the Lido to 7 September, 5 to 6pm Road SE11 4BE Fees: Community sessions are are sent on safeguarding children Email: [email protected] Kennington Park Sports Facilities, register for this scheme. Visit Fees: £1 a session Contact: Amy Vowler free apart from some specialist training, first aid training and are Age Groups: 14 to 18 Kennington Park Road SE11 4BE www.lambeth.gov.uk for more Children with disabilities or special Lambeth Sports and Telephone: 020 7926 6240 classes where a small charge is supported, developed and offered Day/times: Mondays 11am to 3pm, Contact: David Kiobel information. further training relevant to their needs: Disabled lift, disabled toilets, Recreation Unit - Girls Website: www.lambeth.gov.uk/activate made. Football Session 16 and 23 August 2010 Telephone: 07982 705 411 Children with disabilities or special position. ramp access to building and Fees: £8.00 course fee Sport and Recreation Day/times: Saturday 18 and Sunday Kennington Park Sports Facilities , Email: [email protected] needs: Disabled toilets, ramp access All ages, wheelchair friendly. Children with disabilities or special Age Groups: 8 to 11 The Lambeth Community Sports 19 September 12 to 5pm Additional Information: Kennington Park Road SE11 4BE to building. however there are programmes Activities: Weekly athletic sessions needs: Disabled toilets, ramp access Day/times: Tuesday Wednesday Team delivers a range of Fees: Free Contact: David Kiobel Activities: Recreational targeted at young people aged for young people. to building. Wheelchair friendly. and Thursday, 26 July to 12 August, programmes and activities that Activities: The festival will give Telephone: 07982 705 411 opportunities to the communities of 8 to 16. Brixton 10am to 12pm provide and promote opportunities visitors the opportunity to have a go Lambeth. Fees: Free for the community to participate in at Olympic and Paralympic sports North Lambeth Children with disabilities or special sport and physical activities to help such as tennis, rowing, BMX, football Week 1 to 5 needs: Disabled toilets, ramp access them develop healthier lifestyles. and many others. There will also be a Specialist activities: 9.30 to Ferndale Community to building. Wheelchair friendly. The team works with many sections main stage with dance and cultural 11.30am. Sports Centre Activities: Primary school girls’ of the community including young acts. Trampoline, climbing wall, break Nursery Road SW9 8PB football training session during people, women, the over 50s, young North Lambeth dancing and cheerleading, rowing Contact: Vivian Mulhemann summer holidays 2010 for all abilities adults, minority ethnic communities (9am to 1pm), self defence. Telephone: 0845 130 8998 Activate Zone @ Lambeth Email: [email protected] and playing levels. and disabled people. Core activities: 12 to 4pm. www.gll.org North Lambeth Country Show Multi-sports, table tennis, Website: The team also works with a range of 5 to 15 Brockwell Park, Dulwich Road badminton, basketball, football, Age Groups: partners, including the council’s Tuesday 27 July; Lambeth Sports and SE24 0PA indoor hockey, tennis, cricket, Day/times: leisure contractor, and advises and 3, 10, 17 and 24 August, Recreation Unit - Youth Contact: Amy Vowler rounders, games, bench ball. supports organisations on a locally, 12.30pm to 3.30pm Netball Skills Award regionally and nationally. The team Telephone: 020 7926 6240 www.lambeth.gov.uk/activate Spaces for the specialist sports Fees: See website for details. Ferndale Community Sports Centre, supports clubs and organisations to Website: are limited to 10 to 15. Concession fee available for all Nursery Road SW9 8BP develop programmes and events for Day/times: Saturday 17 and Sunday The first three weeks of trampolining, activities. Contact: Lambeth Sports and the local community. 18 July, 12 to 6pm Fees: Free climbing wall, break dancing and Activities: Multi Sports Drop In Recreation Service We offer coaching sessions by our Activities: The zone will give visitors cheerleading and multi-sports will sessions with Fulham Football Club. Telephone: 020 7926 0396 community sports coaches in a the opportunity to have a go at a take place at London Nautical Brixton Email: [email protected] range of sports including athletics, range of Olympic and Paralympic School. Age Groups: 8 to 13 netball, basketball and football. We sports such as tennis, rowing, For the last two weeks, rowing will Flaxman Sports Centre Day/times: 12 to 2pm, will be arranging a number of football, fencing, martial arts and take place at rowing club Carew Street, Camberwell SE5 9DF 17 to 19 August activities over the summer and many more. in Putney and the last week of self Contact: Andre Distell Fees: £6.00 course fee details are available at Brixton defence and multi sports will take Telephone: 020 7926 1054 Children with disabilities or special www.lambeth.gov.uk . place at the Colombo centre, both Email: [email protected] needs: Disabled toilets, easy to read in the inside and outside facilities. Website: www.gll.org signage, hand rail for mobility impaired, ramp access to building. On Wednesday evening from 7 Age Groups: 5 to 15 Fees: See website for details. Wheelchair friendly. to 9pm we will have 10 to 14 non- Concession fee available for all Activities: Netball Skills Award contact boxing and football. activities. certificate for young participants Thursday evening will be for the Active Fitness for 11 to 15 aged 8 to 13. Time of Your Life Academy, where Activities: years every Monday and Wednesday Brixton participants can learn a variety during the summer holidays from of dance styles including ballet,

12 | What’s On Offer? SPORTS AND LEISURE SPORTS AND LEISURE Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 13 South Central Youth - Email: [email protected] Norwood and Kennington Park Website: www.activecommunities.org.uk 10am to 12pm Angell Summer Programme Fees: Free 2010 Age Groups: To be confirmed Day/times: To be confirmed Age Group: 8 to 16 1st Floor, Old Boiler House, Fees: Free Website: www.fulhamfc.com Angell Town Estate SW9 7JR Activities: Multi sports provison. Activities: Community football Contact: Ann Stockreiter North Lambeth sessions. For further details contact Email: [email protected] the office. ries Website: www.scyouth.co.uk Surrey Cricket Club Borough-wide ibra Age Groups: 13 to 19 L (Cricket sessions) Day/times: Tuesday, Thursday and Lambeth Sports and Friday 26 July to 31 August, 2 to Brit Oval, Kennington SE11 5SS Contact: Main Office Recreation Service – 5pm. Sporting activities will usually Indoor Rowing be for approximately 2 hours. Telephone: 07500 818 390 Fees: Free Website: Brixton Recreation Centre, Lambeth Libraries are free to join and offer a wide Station Road, Brixton SW9 8QQ Children with disabilities or special www.britoval.com/content/surrey- range of services. You can use any of Lambeth’s nine Telephone: 020 926 0396 needs: Automatic entrance doors, cricket/development/inner-london-cricket local libraries to borrow books, videos, DVDs, CDs, Activities: Community cricket Email: [email protected] parking for disables visitors, ramp talking books and language courses. Lambeth access to building. Wheelchair sessions. For further details contact Age Groups: 12 to 16 Every Wednesday, friendly. the office. Day/times: libraries also have online resources and services 11, 18, 25 August and 1 September, Activities: The project is for young sessions. Part of Getting Ready North Lambet h 4 – 5.30pm that you can use. You can also use our libraries for people aged 13 to 19 from the Vassal for 2012 programme. Fees: Free studying, joining a book club and listening to stories and Coldharbour wards. South Clapham and Stockwell Sports Action Zone - Multi Central Youth will be delivering sports sessions Children with disabilities or special and talks by authors. We provide a mobile library and Disabled toilets, ramp access summer sporting activities including YMCA - Street Dance at Lilian Baylis Old School, Lollard needs: to building. Wheelchair friendly. home visit service if you are unable to come to the football, swimming and tennis YMCA Studio Street SE11 6PY Indoor rowing session. library. Brixton and Streatham libraries are open sessions. In addition, there will be 40 Stockwell Road, London Contact: Main Office Activities: For further details contact the office. two trips Go-karting and two trips to SW9 9ES Telephone: 020 3268 0012 seven days a week. Buggy Driving. Contact: Main Office Website: www.thesportactionzone.org Brixton Brixton Telephone: 020 7501 9795 Activities: Tennis, basketball, Email: [email protected], football, multi sports, cricket, street Activities: Thursday 26 August, 2.30 to 4pm [email protected] dance, boxing, arts and crafts and The Summer Reading Stewarts Road Adventure  Art and Craft workshop Website: www.ymca.org.uk drumming sessions. For further Challenge – Space Hop  Space Mungler Trade Days Playground and Youth Club Enter Lambeth Libraries’ intergalactic Space Hoppers to the rescue! Look in your local library for dates (StRAP) - Basketball Age Groups: 8 years and above details contact the office. Venture into your library and create Friday, 8 to 12 years reading challenge this summer and and times. c/o Springfield Community Flat, Day/times: North Lambeth your very own intergalactic centre. 5 to 6pm; 13 years and above join Jessie, Nabil and Willco to take a Brixton 53/54 Brocket House, Union Road Thursday 29 July, 2.30 to 4pm 6 to 7pm consignment of books to the moon SW8 2RE Fulham Football Club Ages 4 to 11 Fees: Free in the Ex-Libris to set up the very Carnegie Library Contact: Yaw Ofori Foundation – Clapham and Stockwell Community football first Lunar Library. As you travel to  Author Talk and Trump Card 188 Herne Hill Road SE24 0AG Telephone: 020 7498 3330 the moon, collect prizes along the Workshop Contact: Pauline Hibbert [email protected] sessions Email: London Active way. New this year are specially Blue Peter Award Winner 2010 for Telephone: 020 7926 6050 Age Groups: 8 to 19 Fulham Football Club Foundation, designed Space Mungler Trump author of the funniest story with Email: [email protected] Day/times: Friday 9 July to Communities - Multi sports Training Ground, , session Lambeth Sports and cards by Blue Peter 2010 book pictures, Dinkin Dings and the Booking: Events and activities 7 September, 4.30 to 5.30pm Surrey KT3 6PT award winner, Guy Bass. Frightening Things, Guy Bass, need to be booked in advance. South Bank Techno Park, Recreation Service – Fees: Free Contact: Main Office Tennis There seven characters: Stinkity, originator of Space Munglers Trump Activities: Children with disabilities or special 90 London Road SE1 6LN Telephone: 020 8336 7424 / Kennington Park Sports Facilities, Grorchy Grum, Slimation, Smogus Cards, talks about his books and  Art and Craft Space Workshop needs: Ramp access to building Contact: Main Office 0870 442 5432 Kennington Park Road SE11 4BE Smoghorn, Oggly Boggly, Igotha and shows you how to play with your with Margaret Bateson-Hill Activities: Basketball coaching Telephone: 020 7717 1691 Day/times: Saturday mornings, Contact: G Walker Miggles, making a total of 21 cards very own Space Mungler cards. ‘Out of this world’ - make your Telephone: 07979 203 517 to collect. Space animation workshops. Guy Bass books will be available own space creature and let your Email: [email protected] To be part of the reading challenge, Theatre performances – an Alien to buy for signing. imagination fly away with you.’ Age Groups: 12 to 16 years you need to be a member of the Adventure and a Wizard of a Story. Thursday 5 August, 11am to 12pm Hosted by Margaret Bateson-Hill Day/times: Monday to Friday, 26 library, but don’t worry if you are Please note: check your local library Ages 7 to 11 Friday 30 July, 2.30 to 4.00pm for Trump Card Trade-in days. Ages: 5 to 11 July to 8 August 10am to 12pm not, it’s easy and free to join. Just  Animation Workshop Booking: Events and activities need Fees: £12 a week get your parent or guardian to take Create space creatures and bring  Space Hunt In The Garden Children with disabilities or special proof of their name and address to to be booked in advance. Please them to life in a dazzling outer space Go on a space journey in The needs: Disabled toilets, ramp access your local library and sign up today. contact individual libraries to reserve world in this fun and creative Carnegie Library Garden and join to building. Wheelchair friendly Why not check out the website a place. animation workshop. the space hunt. Activities: Tennis activities in www.spacehop.org.uk which has Fees: Free Thursday 12 August, 2 to 5pm Friday 6 August, 2.30 to 4.00pm Lambeth parks. interactive games, activities and For more information please contact Ages: 6 to 12 Ages: All ages North Lambeth author blogs, and the Lambeth Sandra Davidson on 020 7926 1104 or email [email protected] .  The Zoolab Experience  Space Crafts website Space explorers from Planet Zoolab. Create your very own space ship. www.lambeth.gov.uk/summerreadingchall Discover and learn about other life Friday 13 August, 2.30 to 4.00pm enge to find out about events and Brixton Library Brixton Oval, Brixton Library, forms in space, what is space, why Ages: All ages As every year, Lambeth will organise activities. we travel to space and lots more. SW2 1JQ Storytelling its very own Summer World Cup. Thursday 19 August, 2.30 to 3.30pm  Contact: Pauline Hibbert Boogie into space with vibrant Football sessions led by a Special Features Ages: 5 to 11 professional club will be taking place Blue Peter Award Winner 2010 Telephone: 020 7926 1058 storyteller Tricia George, who links at Kennington Park, Clapham author Guy Bass and originator of Email: [email protected]  Space Hop Celebration party music and dance in her not-to-be- Common, Brockwell Park, Streatham Space Mungler Trump cards. Booking: Events and activities need Calling for all Space Hoppers to missed fun and interactive stories Common and Norwood Park over six to be booked in advance. celebrate your achievements. about space. weeks during the Summer. The final Friday 20 August, 2.30 to 3.30pm will take place at Kennington Park as Ages: 4 to 11 part of the Active Festival of Sports.  End of Celebration Party Calling all Space Hoppers to Further details available on celebrate your achievements. www.younglambeth.org Friday 27 August, 2.30 to 4pm  Space Mungler Trade Days Look in your local library for dates and times. Brixton

14 | What’s On Offer? SPORTS AND LEISURE LIBRARIES Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 15 Clapham Library Durning Library Minet Library  Author Talk and Trump Card  The Zoolab Experience  Craft Making Activity  Author Talk and Trump Card 1 Northside SW4 0QW 167, Kennington Lane SE11 4HF Minet Library and Lambeth Archives, Workshop Space explorers from Planet Zoolab. Create a space door hanger for your Workshop Contact: Anita Lewis Contact: Anita Lewis 52 Knatchbull Road SE5 9QY Blue Peter Award Winner 2010 for Discover and learn about other life bedroom to keep the aliens out. Blue Peter Award Winner 2010 for Telephone: 020 7926 0717 Telephone: 020 7926 8683 Contact: Sadie Tomlinson author of the funniest story with forms in space, what is space, why Friday 20 August author of the funniest story with Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Telephone: 020 7926 6076 pictures, Dinkin Dings and the we travel to space and lots more. Ages: 4 to 11 pictures, Dinkin Dings and the Booking: Events and activities Booking: Events and activities need Email: [email protected] Frightening Things, Guy Bass, Wednesday 18 August, 2.30 to Frightening Things, Guy Bass, need to be booked in advance. to be booked in advance. Booking: Events and activities need originator of Space Munglers Trump 3.30pm originator of Space Munglers Trump Activities: Activities: to be booked in advance. Cards, talks about his books and Ages: 5 to 11 Cards, talks about his books and shows you how to play with your shows you how to play with your  Art and Craft Space Workshop  Art and Craft Workshop Activities: End of Celebration Party very own Space Mungler cards.  very own Space Mungler cards. with Margaret Bateson-Hill Space Hoppers to the rescue!  Art and Craft Workshop Calling all Space Hoppers to ‘Out of this world’ - make your Venture into your library and Space Hoppers to the rescue! Guy Bass books will be available celebrate your achievements. Guy Bass books will be available own space creature and let your create your very own Venture into your library and to buy for signing. Wednesday 25 August, 2.30 to to buy for signing. imagination fly away with you’ intergalactic centre. create your very own Thursday 5 August, 11am to 12pm 4.00pm Tuesday 3 August, 2 to 3pm hosted by Margaret Bateson-Hill Wednesday intergalactic Ages: 7 to 11 years Ages 7 to 11  Space Mungler Trade Days Tuesday 27 July, 2.30 to 4.00pm 28 July, centre.  The Zoolab Experience Look in your local library for dates  Board Game Workshop Ages: 5 to 11 2.30 to Tuesday Space explorers from Planet Zoolab. and times. Have fun and make your very own 4.00pm 27 July, Discover and learn about other life space board game.  Author Talk Streatham and Trump Card Ages: 4 to 11 2.30 to 4pm forms in space, what is space, why Tuesday 10 August, 2.30 to 3.30pm Tuesday 3 August, 2.30 to we travel to space and lots more. Ages: 4 to 11 Workshop  Kate Corkery Space Waterloo Library 3.30pm Thursday 12 August, 2.30 to 3.30pm Blue Peter Award Hop workshop 114 -118 SE1 7AG Theatre Storytelling Ages: 4 to 11  Winner 2010 for Make your own book, Mr. Balloon’s Ages: 4 to 11 Contact: Anita Lewis Performance – Nettlefold Hall, author of the Space Journey – a story of Aliens  Storytelling and Puppet Making Telephone: 020 7926 8750 West Norwood Library funniest story with and other lands with performance Workshop Email: [email protected] An Alien Adventure pictures, Dinkin Kate Corkery. Enjoy new space stories by Booking: Events and activities Join Anni and her crew are on a Dings and the Wednesday 4 August, 2.30 to storyteller and children’s author need to be booked in advance. desert island where aliens have been Frightening 4.00pm Mary Dickinson, and make your Activities: shipwrecked. Join in all their antics Things, Guy Bass, originator of own puppet space creature. and adventures. A fun show with  Storytelling and Puppet Making  Art and Craft Workshop Space Munglers Trump Cards, talks Workshop Tuesday 10 August 2.30 to 3.30pm Space Hoppers to the rescue! lots of singing, dancing puppetry about his books and shows you how Enjoy new space stories by Ages: 5 to 11 Venture into your library and create and poetry. to play with your very own Space Tuesday 17 August, 11 to 11.45am storyteller and children’s author Mary  Storytelling your very own intergalactic centre. Mungler cards. Dickinson, and make your own Boogie into space with vibrant Friday 30 July, 2.30 to 4pm Ages: 3 to 7 Guy Bass books will be available puppet space creature. storyteller Tricia George, who links Ages: 4 to 11 A Wizard of a Story  End of Celebration Party  to buy for signing. Wednesday 11 August. 2.30 to music and dance in her not- to-be The twins' parents and the Jellybean Tuesday 3 August, 2 to 3pm Space Quiz Calling all Space Hoppers to 3.30pm missed fun and interactive stories  celebrate your achievements. Bookshop have disappeared. The Ages 7 to 11 Ages: 5 to 11 about space. Test your wits and find out how suspected culprit is a wicked wizard. much you know about space, the Friday 27 August, 2.30 to 4.00pm Tuesday 17 August, 2.30 to 3.30pm North Lambeth Time: 2 to 3pm Ages: 4 to 11 planets and who lives on them Ages: 5 to 11 with quizzes and fun activities.  End of Celebration Party Thursday 19 August, 2.30 to 3.30pm West Norwood Library  End of Celebration Party Calling all Space Hoppers to Ages: 4 to 11 1-5 Norwood High Street SE27 9JX Calling all Space Hoppers to celebrate your achievements. Contact: Zoey Dixon celebrate your achievements. Tuesday 24 August, 2.30 to 4pm  End of Celebration Party Telephone: 020 7926 8035 Tuesday 24 August, 2.30pm to 4pm Calling all Space Hoppers to Email: [email protected]  Space Mungler Trade Days celebrate your achievements.  Space Mungler Trade Days Look in your local library for dates Booking: Events and activities Look in your local library for dates Thursday 26 August, 2.30 to 4pm need to be booked in advance. and times. Space Quiz and times.  Space Mungler Trade Days  Activities: North Lambeth Test your wits and find out how Norwood Look in your local library for dates  Art and Craft Workshop Health and Safety much you know about space, South Lambeth Library and times. Space Hoppers to the rescue! While Lambeth Libraries owe a duty North Lambeth the planets and who lives on them Venture into your library and create of care to our users, staff are unable Tate Library, 180 South Lambeth with quizzes and fun activities. Road SW8 1QP your very own intergalactic centre. to provide continuous supervision Streatham Library Friday 6 August, 2.30 to 3.30pm Tuesday 27 July, 2.30 to 4.00pm of the activities and movements of Contact: Anita Lewis Ages: 4 to 11 Telephone: 020 7926 0705 Streatham High Road SW16 1PL Ages: 4 to 11 children and young people using Email: [email protected] Contact: Zoey Dixon the library. It is the responsibility of Booking: Events and activities need Telephone: 020 7926 8035 parents or carers to make sure that to be booked in advance. Email: [email protected] children are adequately supervised Activities: Booking: Events and activities need while on library premises. Space Quiz to be booked in advance.  Space Quiz   Art and Craft Workshop Children aged 8 and under should Test your wits and find out how Test your wits and find out how Space Hoppers to the rescue! Activities: be accompanied by an adult or much you know about space, the much you know about space, the Venture into your library and create  Art and Craft Space Workshop mature adolescent (aged 14 or over) planets and who lives on them with planets and who lives on them your very own intergalactic centre. with Margaret Bateson-Hill at all times. quizzes and fun activities. with quizzes and fun activities. Thursday 29 July, 2.30 to 4pm ‘Out of this world’ - make your own Wednesday 18 August, 2.30 to Tuesday 10 August, 2.30 to 3.30pm Ages: 4 to 11 space creature and let your Filming and photography Ages: 4 to 11 3.30pm imagination fly away with you.’ of events Ages: 4 to 11 Hosted by Margaret Bateson-Hill. The Zoolab Experience Lambeth Library staff may take  Wednesday 28 July, 2.30 to 4pm Space explorers from Planet Zoolab.  End of Celebration Party photographs or film during the Ages: 5 to 11 Discover and learn about other life Calling all Space Hoppers to summer reading events. forms in space, what is space, why celebrate your achievements.  Board Game Workshop Wednesday 25 August, 2.30 to 4pm Photographs are used to promote we travel to space and lots more. Have fun and make your very own Lambeth Libraries in the press, Tuesday 17 August, 2.30 to 3.30pm  Space Mungler Trade Days space board game. Lambeth website and library Ages: 5 to 11 Look in your local library for dates Wednesday 4 August, 2.30 to professional journals. If anyone 3.30pm End of Celebration Party and times. does not wish to be filmed or  Ages: 4 to 11 Calling all Space Hoppers to North Lambeth photographed, please inform celebrate your achievements.  Animation workshop staff on duty. Tuesday 24 August, 2.30 to 4pm Create space creatures and bring them to life in a dazzling outer space Space Mungler Trade Days  world in this fun and creative Look in your local library for dates animation workshop. and times. Wednesday 11 August, 2 to 5pm Clapham and Stockwell Ages: 6 to 12

16 | What’s On Offer? LIBRARIES LIBRARIES Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 17 tive Arts ic Crea and Mus

Art is a great way to record the development of your child’s growth. Just as you will notice that writing and reading improves with age, so does artwork. Creating art is a GOOD way for children to make choices and solve problems. Every step involves making a decision: what colour to use, how to make a line, what size to make something. With every choice the object becomes more and more their own. Everyone has an imagination. Art takes it a step further. Through art, children create something that, until that point, was only imagined.

Children who may be having Whether you’d like to find out to 4pm difficulties in other parts of the what to do and see in the area, Fees: Free Oval House Theatre school curriculum may find an how to develop an arts project and Children with disabilities or special Oval House Theatre, 52-54 expressive outlet through art. It’s a seek funding, look for jobs and needs: Full disabled access to all Kennington Oval SE11 5SW way to uncover talent that may not commissions in arts-related fields or exhibitions and educational Contact: Youth Arts Co-ordinator be seen otherwise. Art is a means find contact details for Lambeth activities, partial disabled access to Telephone: 020 7582 0080 info@.com of communicating ideas, feelings based arts organisation, we can studio spaces. Wheelchair friendly. Email: www.ovalhouse.com and solutions in a way other than help. If you have a specific enquiry Activities: Work with artists Albert Website: verbally or in writing. please email Lambeth arts at: Potrony and Howard Matthew Age Groups: 11 to 16 Day/times: Monday to Friday, In this section you will find out [email protected] making your own art in these free, day-long workshops. Free lunch 2 August to 21 August information about a wide range Fees: £40 of creative arts and music projects Baytree Centre - Sing Your included! Funded by the BIG Lottery Fund. Activities: Oval House has a that will be running throughout Own Opera (girls only) reputation for developing high Additional Information: Open to all the summer. There is also a lot of The Baytree Centre, 300 Brixton quality arts opportunities for young information about arts and music families, recommended for 5 years Road SW9 6AE upwards. people including some of the most projects in the Play Schemes Contact: Suzy Holloway excluded young people in Lambeth, North Lambeth section of this booklet. Telephone: Southwark and beyond. We have 020 7733 5283 Gasworks - Kennington a history of working in partnership Email: [email protected] with schools and other agencies to Website: www.baytreecentre.org Park Estate Workshops develop creative strategies for the Age Groups: 8 to 13 Kennington Park Estate Community curriculum and for personal Day/times: Monday to Friday, Centre, Kennington Park Estate, development. 2 August to 13 August, 10.30am 8 Harleyford Street SE11 5SY North Lambeth to 3.30pm Contact: Katie Orr Fees: £5 Telephone: 020 7091 1633 South Island Workshop Email: [email protected] Children with disabilities or special The London City Mission Hall, needs: The centre is accessible. Website: www.gasworks.org.uk Age Groups: 5 or above Lothian Road SW9 6TS Please call the centre for more Contact: Jane Campbell, Marc Elmes information. Day/times: Friday 6, 13 and 20 August, 10.30am to 12.30pm and Telephone: 020 7733 5279 Activities: Song writing and acting Email: [email protected] workshops with a final performance. 2 to 4pm Fees: Free Age Groups: 8 to 19 Girls aged 8 to 13 will enjoy a week Day/times: Tuesday and of workshops during which they will Children with disabilities or special needs: Full disabled access to all Wednesday, 3 August to 25 August, learn various singing techniques and 2 to 4 pm styles, write songs and rehearse exhibitions and educational activities, partial disabled access to Fees: Free a performance for the final day. Children with disabilities or special Brixton studio spaces. Wheelchair friendly. Activities: Join Gasworks for these needs: Ground floor accessible for wheelchairs. Gasworks - Free Art free and creative workshops where you and your family can work Activities: In August 2010, South Workshops at Gasworks together to create your own art. Island Workshop is offering Furniture 155, Vauxhall Street SE11 5RH Together, we will look at the artists Dreams - Sculpture Arts Project, Contact: Katie Orr currently working at Gasworks and an art project looking at furniture. Telephone: 020 7091 1633 make our art work in response. Using your imagination to transform [email protected] Email: Funded by the BIG Lottery Fund. furniture into fantastic pieces of Website: www.gasworks.org.uk North Lambeth sculpture, this is an opportunity Age Groups: 5 to 16 to draw, saw, hammer and paint, Day/times: Wednesday 17 and culminating in an exhibition. Thursday 18 August, 11.30am Brixton

18 | What’s On Offer? CREATIVE ARTS AND MUSIC CREATIVE ARTS AND MUSIC Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 19 all times (Adults, £5 an hour; under- - Football tarmac pitch: free, Clapham Common 16s, £2 an hour) Call Greenwich and no booking is required Windmill Drive SW4 9DE Leisure Limited on 0845 130 8998 - Hockey court: charges apply Clapham Common is one of to make a booking. and booking is required London's largest open spaces, - Ultimate frisbee - Netball court: charges apply d situated between Clapham, an • Toilets and booking is required s Battersea and . It was nt • Ponds (3). - Skateboard facilities: free, e historically 'common land' for the ev o Clapham and Stockwell and no booking is required s, g parishes of Battersea and Clapham rk to - Tennis courts: charges payable a s and was first mentioned as far back P ace Hillside Gardens Park at all times (Adults, £5 and hour; l as 1086 in the famous 'Domesday p under- 16s, £2 an hour.) Call Book' as being part of the Manor of Hillside Road SW2 3HL Hillside Gardens Park is a small Greenwich Leisure Limited on Clapham. In 1877 it was acquired popular park situated midway 0845 130 8998 to make a booking. from the Lords of the Manors by the between Streatham Hill and Tulse North Lambeth There are many events happening in Lambeth over Metropolitan Board of Works and Hill. The park provides local people was protected for present and future the summer months – from music to funfairs and with an important space for play, Larkhall Park generations. live performances. This section gives you contact sport, exercise and relaxation. The Courland Grove SW8 2PX details for many of the events coming up. The common has an all weather park has refurbished tennis and Larkhall Park includes a dog-free games area, tennis courts, bowling games courts, and a new playground children's play area and a popular green and grass pitches, as well as funded by a partnership between the café. The park has picnic and sitting two playgrounds, a One O’Clock Friends of Hillside Gardens Park and areas as well as a small walled Club and areas dedicated to children Lambeth Parks and green spaces, garden. Sports facilities include and families. The common also has a who raised £130,000 from sources two multi-purpose ball game areas, historic bandstand, three cafes and including landfill tax and the Lottery two tennis courts, a seasonal grass ecological areas, including woodland Fund. The new playground was Kennington Park athletics track, a play area and and meadow grasslands, which are launched in October 2005, on the Kennington Park Road SE11 4BE changing facilities. managed for wildlife as well as for 50th Anniversary of the park's With a long and fascinating history, Stockwell (Victoria and the public to enjoy. Around 108 acres Tube: opening. Hillside Gardens has flower Kennington Park contains areas Northern Lines), 0.3 miles (0.6km) of Clapham Common are within the gardens and a dog-free children's managed for their heritage value Rail: Wandsworth Road, 0.2 miles London Borough of Wandsworth, but area, along with a popular recently as well as others with a more (0.4km) the common has been wholly refurbished One O'Clock Club for modern layout. The park contains Buses: 77, 77a, 196 managed and maintained by toddlers, their parents and carers. many mature and historic trees, as Lambeth Council since 1972. Facilities: Tube: Brixton (Victoria Line), well as open areas and spaces for • Children's play area (dog-free) Tube: Clapham Common/Clapham 1.5 miles (3km) wildlife and biodiversity. The park • One O'Clock Club South (Northern Line), 0.5 miles Rail: Streatham Hill, 1 mile (2km); contains a popular café, an 'old • Café (0.3km) Tulse Hill, 1 mile (2km) English' flower and herb garden, rose • Sports facilities: Buses: 4, 35, 37, 88, 137, 155, 255, beds and a new 'Green Link' which and tennis players from both sides of Buses: 2, 59, 68, 133, 137, 159, 196, - All-weather pitch (Astro turf / 3G) Facilities: 345, 355, 417, G1 now connects the older Victorian Agnes Riley Gardens the Thames. Take time out to walk Brockwell Park 33, 417, 432, 468, P13 (from Brixton, pitch: charges apply and booking • Children's play area (dog-free) Facilities: park to the newer extension. Atkins Road SW12 0AH along the Millennium Path, which Norwood Road SE24 9BJ Clapham, Croydon, Elephant and is required • One O'Clock Club • Bandstand Children's facilities include a new One of the big attractions at Agnes offers a great insight into Lambeth's Brockwell Park is a large, historic Castle, Norwood Junction, - Football grass pitch: free, • Paddling pool • Children's play areas (2) (dog free) playground and the nearby Charlie Riley Gardens is the ornamental history. park located between Brixton, Streatham, Vauxhall and Victoria) and no booking is required pond. Other facilities include an Dulwich and Herne Hill. It provides • Café • One O’Clock Club Chaplin adventure playground, which Tube: Waterloo (Northern, Waterloo Facilities: • Water feature. • Flower gardens • Paddling pool has wheelchair access. There is also all-weather games area, a dog-free and City, Bakerloo and Jubilee lines), a well-managed public space • Children's play areas (dog-free) North Lambeth • Ponds (3) • Café (3) a small children's play area nearby children's playground with disabled 0.2 miles (0.4km) containing a wide range of facilities • One O'Clock Club access and a paddling pool. for play, sport, exercise and • Sports facilities: • Fishing at the historic St Mark's Churchyard. Rail: Waterloo (South West Trains) • Flower gardens - All-weather pitch (Redgra type): • Flower gardens Kennington Park offers a wide range Tube: Clapham South 0.2 miles (0.4km) – regular trains to relaxation. • Sports facilities: free, with no booking required • Sports facilities: of sports facilities including tennis (Northern Line), 0.6 miles (1km) and from Vauxhall, Clapham As well as ornamental ponds, formal - Basketball court: free, but - Australian rules football: charges - All-weather pitch (Redgra type) courts, basketball, netball and an Buses: 4, 57, 137, 255, 417 Junction and South West. flower beds, a walled 'Old English' booking required apply and booking is required - Australian rules football all-weather floodlit facility for football Facilities: Buses: 3, 12, 53, 77, 159 (to/from herbaceous flower garden and a - Football tarmac pitch - Basketball court: free, with no - Basketball court and hockey. Young people and local • Children's play area (dog-free) Brixton, Kennington, Elephant and charming 19th century clock tower, - Tennis courts: charges apply booking required - Bowling green cricket clubs are also able to use the • One O'Clock Club Castle, Vauxhall, Waterloo and Brockwell Park also contains a charges apply during the following - BMX track: free, with no booking - Cricket nets Kennington Community Cricket • Paddling pool Westminster) number of historic buildings, hours only: Monday to Friday, 4 to required - Cricket wicket pitch 9pm; Saturday, Sunday, Bank Ground. • Sports facilities: Facilities: including Brockwell Hall and the - Bowling green: free, with no - Football grass pitch Holidays, 9am to 7pm (Adults, £4 Tube: Oval (Northern Line), - All-weather pitch (Astro turf/3G) • Children's play area (dog-free) Brockwell Lido. booking required - Rounders an hour; under-16s, free). Call 0.1 miles (0.2km) - Basketball court • Toilets - Cricket nets: charges apply and - Rugby Greenwich Leisure Limited on 0845 Rail: Vauxhall, 0.1 miles (0.2km) - Netball court • Sports facilities booking is required - Rugby netball 130 8998 to make a booking. Buses: 3, 36, 59, 133 155, 159, • Toilets - All-weather pitch (Redgra type): - Football grass pitch: charges - Softball Brixton 185, 333 and 436 (from Brixton, • Pond Charges apply and booking is apply and booking is required - Tennis courts: charges payable at Camberwell, Elephant and Castle, Clapham and Stockwell required - Football tarmac pitch: free, but Lewisham, Peckham, Vauxhall and - Cricket nets: free, but booking booking is required Victoria) Archbishop's Park is required - Rounders: charges apply and Facilities: Carlisle Lane SE1 7LE - Netball court: charges apply booking is required • Adventure playground Archbishop's Park is a historic park and booking is required - Rugby: charges apply and • Children's play area (dog-free) next to . Facilities - Tennis courts: charges apply at booking is required with toilets include an all-weather games area, the following times only: Monday - Softball: charges apply and • One O'Clock Club tennis and netball courts, a to Friday, 4 to 9pm; Saturday, booking is required There are a wide range of outdoor • Café Brixton Road SW9 7ND children's play area and wildlife- Sunday, Bank Holidays: 9am to - Tennis courts: – charges apply sports facilities available at • Dog exercise area Running parallel to Brixton Road, friendly areas. Archbishop's Park is 7pm (Adults, £4 an hour; under- during the following hours only: Brockwell Park including basketball, • Flower gardens from Loughborough Road to St one of Lambeth's six Green Flag 16s, free). Call Greenwich Leisure Monday to Friday: 4 to 9pm; football, bowling, cricket, tennis • Sports facilities: John's Crescent, Max Roach Park Award-winning parks, having Limited on 0845 130 8998 to Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays: courts and the Brockwell Lido. - All-weather pitch (Astro turf / 3G) includes a nature trail that extends to secured this prestigious title in 2009. make a booking. 9am to 7pm (Adults £4 an hour; Brockwell Park has a popular pitch: charges apply and booking Rush Common, and a purpose built North Lambeth under-16s,free). Call Greenwich The Green Flag Award recognises children's play area, a paddling pool is required playground and play area. This park Leisure Limited on 0845 130 8998 the considerable achievements and a purpose-built BMX track, as - Basketball court: free, and no is a great place to rest and relax, to make a booking. made together by residents and the well as toilets, picnic areas and booking is required away from the bustling centre of - Ultimate Frisbee: charges apply council to provide the local shelters. - Cricket nets: free, and no booking Brixton. The park was named after and booking is required community with a quality green is required jazz legend Max Roach. Tube: Brixton (Victoria Line), - Volleyball court: free, with no space we can all be proud of. - Cricket wicket pitch: free, and no 1.4 miles (2.2km) booking required Tube: Brixton (Victoria Line), The park is popular with commuters booking is required Rail: Herne Hill • Toilets. 0.4 miles (0.6km) between Waterloo Station and - Football grass pitch: free, and no Buses: 2, 3, 37, 57, 68, 196, 322, Brixton Rail: Brixton, Loughborough Westminster, as well as footballers 432, 468 booking is required Junction, 0.4 miles (0.6km)

20 | What’s On Offer? PARKS, EVENTS AND PLACES TO GO PARKS, EVENTS AND PLACES TO GO Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 21 Buses: 3, 133, 59, 159 courts, a bandstand and ball games copses of native and ornamental local community with a quality green Westminster). - Tennis courts: charges apply Facilities: area, along with a new playground trees, as well as a wildlife area to space we can all be proud of. There Facilities: during the following hours only: • Adventure Playground with a wet play zone. Myatt's Fields the north of the site. are excellent rail and bus transport • Flower gardens Monday to Friday, 4 to 9pm; • Children's play area (dog-free) Park is one of Lambeth's six Green Tube: Brixton (Vic toria Line), connections to the rest of Lambeth • Educational gardening 'pods' Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays, • One O'Clock Club. Flag Award-winning parks, having 2 miles (3.5km) and London. Facilities include tennis • Ornamental fountain and 9am to 7pm (Adults, £4 an hour; Brixton won this prestigious title for the first Rail: West Norwood or Gipsy Hill, and games courts, a popular seating area. under-16s, free). Call Greenwich time in 2009. The Green Flag Award 0.2 miles (0.4km) children's play area, paddling pool North Lambeth Leisure Limited on 0845 130 8998 Milkwood Community Park recognises the considerable Buses: 2, 417, 450, 322 and 432 and one o'clock club, a pond, formal to make a booking. Milkwood Road, London SE24 0HZ achievements made together by (from Brixton, Clapham, Crystal gardens and a charming historic St Paul's Churchyard - North Lambeth A popular open space located residents and council to provide the Palace, Tulse Hill and West Norwood) wooden bandstand. Eden at St Paul's between Camberwell, Herne Hill local community with a quality green Facilities: Tube: Brixton (Victoria Line), Rectory Grove SW4 Other activities and Brixton, containing a children's space we can all be proud of. • Children's play area (dog-free) 1.3 miles (1.6 km) Surrounding St. Paul's Church, playground, ball games court, Tube: Oval (Northern Line), 1 mile • One O'Clock Club Rail: Denmark Hill, 0.1 miles (0.2 Clapham, this open space is also and projects seating, shelters and areas for (1.3 km); Brixton (Victoria Line), • Sports facilities: km), , 0.5 home to 'Eden at St. Paul's', a small wildlife, play and social interaction. 1 mile (1.3 km) - Basketball court: charges apply miles (0.8 km), Herne Hill, 1.0 mile but popular community garden. Milkwood Community Park provides Rail: Brixton, 1 mile (1.3 km), and booking is required (1.3 km) St. Paul's Churchyard is one of Brixton St Vincents local residents, schoolchildren, youth Loughborough Junction, 0.6 miles - Football tarmac pitch: charges Buses: 35, 42, 45, 68, 345, 468 and Lambeth's six Green Flag Award- Community Centre - Alice and visitors alike with a safe and (0.9 km) apply and booking is required. P4 (all to/from Brixton, Camberwell, winning sites, and has now held in the Walled Garden welcoming place to escape the Buses: 3, 36, 59, 133, 159, 185, 436 Call Greenwich Leisure Limited on Elephant and Castle, Herne Hill, and this prestigious award for two The Walled Garden Brockwell Park demands of urban life. and P5 (from Brixton, Camberwell, 0845 130 8998 to make a booking. Croydon) consecutive years. The Green Flag SE24 9BJ Award recognises the considerable Milkwood Community Park is one Elephant and Castle, Vauxhall and Norwood Facilities: Contact: Caroline Funnell achievements made together by of Lambeth's six Green Flag Award- • Bandstand Telephone: 020 7274 1190 residents, church parish and council winning parks. It was the first open • Children's play area (dog-free) Greater London. Email: [email protected] to provide the local community Buses: 50, 60, 109, 118, 159, 249, space in Lambeth to win a Green • One O'clock Club Website: www.sixteenfeet.co.uk with a green space we can all Rail: Streatham (Southern Trains), 255 Flag Award, and has now held this • Paddling pool Age Groups: 5 to 14 be proud of. 0.2 miles (0.4km) - regular trains from Facilities: prestigious title for a record four • Ornamental and wildlife ponds • Café Day/times: 24 July to 8 August with wetland habitats Victoria, Clapham Junction and years in a row. Tube: Clapham Common (Northern Croydon • Flower gardens (Ring for times) • Flower gardens Line), 0.5 miles (0.7 km) Children with disabilities or special Tube: Brixton (Victoria Line), Buses: 50, 59, 60, 109, 118, 159, • Sports facilities: • Formal bedding and heritage Rail: Clapham Town (South Eastern needs: All welcome - need to know 0.6 miles (1 km) 250, 333, 249 and 417 (from Brixton, - Tennis courts: charges apply features Trains), 0.3 miles (0.4 km) in advance for special educational Rail: Loughborough Junction, Balham, Clapham, Croydon, during the following hours only: • Sports facilities: Buses: 77, 87, 88, 322 and 417 needs (SEN). 0.5 miles (0.8 km); Herne Hill, Elephant and Castle, Mitcham, Monday to Friday, 4 to 9pm; - All-weather pitch - Redgra type (from Brixton, Clapham Junction, Additional Information: A 0.4 miles (0.6 km) Thornton Heath, Waterloo and Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays, surface: free, and no booking is Stockwell, Vauxhall and Waterloo) professional cast of actors and Buses: 35, 45, 345 and P4 (all Westminster). 9am to 7pm (Adults, £4 an hour; required Clapham and Stockwell musicians perform a promenade to/from from Brixton, Camberwell Facilities: under-16s, free). Call Greenwich - Basketball court version of Lewis Carroll's Alice in or Herne Hill) • Children's play area (dog-free) Leisure Limited on 0845 130 8998 - Cricket wicket pitch: free, Wonderland, set in Brockwell Park's Facilities: Spring Gardens • Paddling pool (2) to make a booking. but booking is required. beautiful walled garden. Each show • Amphitheatre Tyers Street SE11 5HL • Café • Toilets - Tennis courts: charges apply lasts about one hour. The • Children's play area (dog-free) This park, running north from • Sports facilities. • Ponds during the following hours only: performance followed by optional • One O'Clock Club Vauxhall Cross, contains an all- Streatham • Water feature. Monday to Friday, 4 to 9pm; workshops. Please ring to confirm • Quiet area weather ball games area, together Streatham Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays, for groups of 10 children or more. • Sports facilities: with horse riding paddocks Streatham Vale Park 9am to 7pm (Adults, £4 an hour; developed in association with the Vauxhall Park Brixton - 5-a-side football pitch under-16s, free). Call Greenwich Abercairn Road SW16 5AL Vauxhall City Farm, in adjoining Fentiman Road SW8 1LA - Basketball court Leisure Limited on 0845 130 8998 Streatham Vale Park is an important Tyers Street. Located between Vauxhall and Ben & Jerry Sundae on the • Trim trail to make a booking. green space in a fairly urban area. Tube: Vauxhall (Victoria Line), Stockwell, and serving a diverse Common • Wildlife areas. ) • Toilets. It has a wide range of facilities, 0.6 miles (1km) and vibrant community, Vauxhall Cake Media Ltd, Clapham Common, Brixton Facilities: Rush Common Brixton including an adventure playground, Rail: Vauxhall, 0.6 miles (1km) tennis courts, a bowling green and Park is a medium-sized Victorian Clapham, London SW4 • Children's play area (dog-free) Brixton Hill SW2 Mostyn, Olive Morris and Buses: 2, 88 a children's play area. park with a rich history. Website: www.benjerry.co.uk • One O'Clock Club Rush Common, along with Max St. Mary's Gardens Facilities: Age Groups: All ages welcome Dan Leno Gardens Rail: , Vauxhall Park is one of Lambeth's • Wet play zone Roach Park, forms a green corridor Lambeth Palace Road SE1 • Sports facilities: Day/times: 24 and 25 July, Myatt's Fields North housing estate 0.6 miles (0.9km) six Green Flag Award-winning parks, • Dog exercise area through Brixton, to the east of the St. Mary's Gardens is a small but - Basketball court: charges apply 12 to 8pm These three parks are adjacent to Buses: 60, 118 having now held this prestigious • Flower gardens busy A23. St Matthew's Church attractive open space in Waterloo, and booking is required Fees: Check website for tickets Myatt's Fields North housing estate. Facilities: award for three consecutive years. • Quiet and picnic areas Gardens and Tate Gardens both form well served by public transport and - Netball court: charges apply and prices as there will be They have quiet sitting areas, and • Adventure playground The Green Flag Award recognises • Nature conservation area (with part of the Rush Common lands, and within easy travelling distance of and booking is required. limited tickets at the door. facilities include two dog-free play • Children's play areas (dog-free) the considerable achievements pond) along with Windrush Square, extend Westminster, Albert Embankment North Lambeth Activities: Fun fair rides, free ice areas and a football pitch. • One O'clock Club made together by residents and • Sports facilities: the area of open space northwards and the South Bank. It is next to creams and bands. Please check Dan Leno Gardens is specifically Sports facilities: the council to provide the local - All-weather pitch (Astro turf / into central Brixton. Facilities include Lambeth Palace, as well as the Streatham Common website for details. designed for use by people with - Cricket wicket pitch: free, community with a quality green 3G pitch): Free, and no booking a dog-free children's play area. , Archbishop's Park Streatham High Road SW16 Additional Information: Sundae on disabilities. and no booking is required space we can all be proud of. is required and St. Thomas's Hospital, and Streatham Common is a large the Common is happening for the Tube: Oval (Nothern Line), Tube: Brixton (Victoria Line), - Tennis courts: charges apply - Tennis courts: charges apply provides residents and visitors alike open space at the southern tip of Tube: Vauxhall (Victoria Line), 0.4 fifth year in a row. To hear first about 0.6 miles (1 km) 0.9 miles (1.5km) during the following hours only: during the following hours only: with a safe and attractive place to Lambeth. It offers amazing views miles (0.6 km), Oval (Northern Line), tickets and information join the cool Bus: P5 Rail: Brixton, 0.9 miles (1.5km) Monday to Friday, 4 to 9pm; Monday to Friday, 4 to 9pm; meet, sit and relax. and has areas of woodland, 1 mile (1.6 km) club on the website. Facilities: Buses: 45, 59, 109, 118, 133 Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays, Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays, grassland, wild flower meadows and Rail: Vauxhall (South West Trains), Clapham and Stockwell Mostyn Gardens Facilities: St. Mary's Gardens has recently 9am to 7pm (Adults, £4 an hour; 9am to 7pm (Adults, £4 an hour; a picnic area. It also contains The 0.4 miles (0.6 km) • Children’s play area (dog-free) • Children's play areas (dog-free). been transformed by a partnership under-16s, free). Call Greenwich under-16s, free). Call Greenwich Rookery, a small and enchanting Buses: 2, 88 (from Brixton, Clapham, • Football grass pitch: free, Brixton of residents, local volunteers, Leisure Limited on 0845 130 8998 Bensons Funfair Leisure Limited on 0845 130 8998 formal garden. There are many Stockwell, Oxford Circus and and no booking is required businesses and Lambeth Council to make a booking. Brockwell Park, London SE24 9BJ to make a booking. different facilities available to both Victoria) Olive Morris Gardens Ruskin Park into a bright and welcoming space Streatham Contact: Tony Benson Brixton casual visitor and regular user at Facilities: • Children’s play area (dog-free) Denmark Hill SE5 8EL which respects the local heritage but Telephone: 07836 279 416 A large popular Edwardian park provides a careful balance between Streatham Common, including a The Rookery • Children's play area (dog-free) Age Groups: All ages Brixton Norwood Park • One O'Clock Club between Camberwell, Brixton and the needs of people and nature. popular café, children's playground Covington Way SW16 3BX Day/times: 17 to 18 July, 27 August Salters Hill SE19 1EA • Café with toilet Herne Hill, Ruskin Park contains and paddling pool. The common is The Rookery is an attractive, formally to 5 September, 12 to 9.30pm. Myatt's Fields Park Norwood Park is situated on one of Tube: Lambeth North (Bakerloo • Dog exercise area many heritage features as well as also used for fairs and events during landscaped area with an ornamental Fees: Entrance fee £1; Children Cormont Road SE5 9RA the highest points in Lambeth and Line), 0.5 miles (0.8 km), Waterloo • Formal bedding, lavender garden facilities for play, sport, and the summer and autumn. pond, flower and herbaceous beds are free. There are height Myatt's Fields Park is a wonderful offers the visitor some amazing (Bakerloo, Jubilee and Northern and model village relaxation. Ruskin Park is one of Wildlife features include the largest and a rock garden with streams. It restrictions. Victorian park with fine examples of views across South London. The Lines), 0.8 miles (1km) • Sports facilities: Lambeth's six Green Flag Award- areas of both acid grassland and has a café and is surrounded by Activities: Fair ground rides. seasonal bedding displays. Recently park has a dog-free children's play Rail: Waterloo or Vauxhall (South - Basketball: free, but booking is winning parks, having secured this woodland in Lambeth. The common Streatham Common. The Rookery Brixton restored with funding from the area, a large multiuse games court, West Trains), 0.8 miles (1km) required prestigious title for the first time in is a popular place for walking, also has areas of woodland that are Heritage Lottery Fund and Lambeth One O'Clock Club, a small wildlife Buses: C10, 3, 77, 344, (from - Football tarmac pitch: free, but 2009. The Green Flag Award jogging and sports as well as being important for biodiversity and Council, the park contains a wide community garden and picnic and Brixton, Canada Water, Clapham, booking is required recognises the considerable an important stop on the Capital environmental education. range of heritage and recreational sitting areas. Norwood Park has an Clapham Junction, Stockwell, - Netball court: free, but booking is achievements made together by Ring, a long-distance circular Rail: Streatham Common, 1 mile facilities. These include tennis 'open' feel, balanced by avenues or Shoreditch, Waterloo and required residents and council to provide the walking route that goes around (1.6km), Streatham, 0.8 miles (1.3km)

22 | What’s On Offer? PARKS, EVENTS AND PLACES TO GO PARKS, EVENTS AND PLACES TO GO Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 23 Times: 10.15, 10.30, 12.15, 12.30, Bensons Funfair Cinemas Museums Festivals and Summer on the 17.15, 17.30. Each tour lasts about Streatham Common SW16 events South Bank 1 hour 15 minutes. Contact: Tony Benson Fees: individuals £7, £6 Telephone: 07836 279 416 IMAX Cinema Design Museum concessions, family £16 Age Groups: All ages BFI London IMAX, 1 Charlie Chaplin Design Museum, Shad Thames (two adults and two under-18s) Day/times: 30 July to 8 August, Walk, South Bank, Waterloo SE1 8XR SE1 2YD Slow Food market London Aquarium South Bank Centre Square, County Hall, Activities: Enjoy exclusive behind- 12 to 9.30pm Telephone: 0870 787 2525 Contact: Ticket office the scenes access on this hour Fees: Entrance fee £1; Children Belvedere Road SE1 8XX Road SE1 7PB Website: Telephone: 020 7940 8783 long tour. are free. There are height www.bfi.org.uk/whatson/bfi_imax Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0871 663 2501 Telephone: 020 7967 8002 Website: www.southbankcentre.co.uk Website: www.sealifeeurope.com restrictions. Additional Information: Call the Website: www.designmuseum.org River Cruise Activities: Fair ground rides. Day/times: To be confirmed Day/times: Monday to Thursday, information line or visit the website Age groups: 5 to 11 Telephone: 0870 990 8883 Streatham for film listings. No child under 5 Activities: Fees: Free 10am to 6pm (last entry 5pm). Friday Activities: Sample all manner of to Sunday, 10am to 7pm (last entry Website: www.londoneye.com may be left alone in the cinema. • Children’s Gallery Tours - Day/times: departs from the London North Lambeth Wednesday 4, 11, 18 and 25 gourmet delights from leading 6pm) producers Fees: Adult £17.50 Eye Millennium Pier: 10.45am, August at 2.30pm. A fun and 11.45am, 12.45pm, 1.45pm, 2.45pm, Clapham Picture House engaging half an hour guided tour Additional Information: Still to be Child (3 to 15) £12.50 confirmed. Visit the website for Additional Information: All children 3.45pm, 4.45pm, 5.45pm, and Saturday Kids’ Club of Design Museum exhibition 6.45pm. highlights, aimed at children aged updates. must be accompanied by an adult 76 Venn Street SW4 0AT aged over 16. Fees: Adult £12, child £6, under-4s Telephone: 0871 704 2055 5 to 11 and accompanying adults. go free, concession £10. Website: www.picturehouses.co.uk • Explore Design Museum Trails - Activities: Take in the sights on a Every Saturday. Doors Florence Nightingale Day/times: All family visitors to the Design Museum 40 minute tour with live commentary. open 11am; films start 11.45am. Museum get an Explore Design 2 Lambeth Palace Road SE1 7EW Fees: £2 Kids' Club members; Museum Family Trail featuring Telephone: 020 7620 0374 Topolski Century – Drop-in £3 non members, Free for The Thinkerer. With the help of Website: www.florence-nightingale.co.uk drawing workshops accompanying adults. The Thinkerer kids, and adults, 150-152 Hungerford Arches, Website: www.picturehouses.co.uk Day/times: 26 July to 30 August can get the most from their visit Fees: Free South Bank SE1 8XU Day/times: To be confirmed. to the museum. See a preview at Activities: Discover the story of the Contact: General Enquiries Activities: Creative activities and http://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/onli lady and the lamp and enjoy free Telephone: 020 7620 1275 films for children and families ne/thinkerertank Website: www.topolskicentury.org.uk Additional Information: Visit the hands-on activities. • Get Creative Workshops - What are Additional Information: During Activities: Visit the website or call website for film listings and more for more information. offers. Sunday afternoons for if not to get the summer holiday, entry to the creative? Budding designers aged Clapham and Stockwell museum will come with great kids 5 to 11 are invited to join our team Le Cirque Invisible Into the Hoods activities included in the price, Fun Fountains of designers at our Design and Watch This Space , Southbank A LONDON FAIRYTALE from pinhole photography to South Bank Centre Terrace, Fountain Make workshops in the Museum’s National Theatre, South Bank Centre, Belvedere Road SE1 8XX , Festival Terrace, magic lantern shows. outside the Festival Hall, Waterloo child friendly, stunning riverside SE1 9PX Website: www.southbankcentre.co.uk , South Bank York Road, Waterloo SE1 7NX Lambeth Country Show studio. With a rich variety of Telephone: 020 7452 3030 Day/times: 5 to 25 August SE1 8XX National Theatre – Day/times: All summer Lambeth Community Learning, monthly themes there is something Website: www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/wts Fees: £15 to £30 Website: www.southbankcentre.co.uk Backstage tour Fees: Free Brockwell Park, Herne Hill SE24 9BJ to satisfy everyone, be they aspiring Day/times: from July through to Activities: With an infectious sense Day/times: 30 July to 15 August National Theatre, South Bank Activities: Cool off in Jeppe Hein’s Contact: Lambeth Families architect or future fashionista. September of fun and whimsical grace, Jean- Fees: £27.50 to £15 SE1 9PX playful interactive water sculpture Information Service Borough wide Fees: Free Baptiste Thierrée and Victoria Activities: Join two runaway kids on Telephone: 020 7452 3400 ‘Appearing Rooms’. Telephone: 0845 601 5317 Activities: Visit the website for more Chaplin mesmerise adults and their adventures in the ominous Ruff Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] London Transport Museum information. children alike with sublime illusions Endz estate in this fresh, witty and Website: www.nationaltheatre.org.uk Day/times: Saturday and Sunday London Transport Museum, and fantastical transformations. humorous contemporary fairytale. Day/times: Tours run up to six times 17 and to 18 July, 10am to 6pm. Covent Garden Piazza WC2E 7BB Additional Information: Visit the Additional Information: Visit the a day Monday to Friday, twice on Fees: Free Contact: Ticket office 66 The Cut SE1 8LZ website for more information. website for more information. Saturday and once on a Sunday. Activities: Fun packed weekend Telephone: 020 7379 6344 Telephone: for children and families. Website: www.ltmuseum.co.uk 020 7922 2922 Festival Brazil Brixton Day/times: Monday to Thursday, Website: Royal Festival Hall, Festival Terrace, Saturday and Sunday 10am to 6pm www.youngvic.org Southbank Centre, South Bank, Clapham Woodcraft Folk (last admission 5.15pm) Friday 11am Additional Information: Visit the SE1 8XX Residential stay at Cudham to 6pm (last admission 5.15pm) . website for updates. Website: www.southbankcentre.co.uk Environmental Centre Fees: Children under 16, free Day/times: 11 June to 5 September Cudham Environmental Activities Children under 16 must be E4 Udderbelly Fees: visit website for more Centre, New Barn Lane, Westerham accompanied by an adult. Southbank Centre’s Jubilee Gardens, information. Hill, Kent, TN16 2HT Additional Information: Visit the between the London Eye and the Activities: Bringing the vibrant, Contact: Ian Falconer website or call for more information. Royal Festival Hall. dynamic culture of contemporary Telephone: 020 8393 9126 Borough wide Telephone: 0844 847 9910 Brazil to the heart of London, Email: [email protected] Website: www.underbelly.co.uk Festival Brazil celebrates the Age Groups: 6 to 12 The Ritzy Saturday Kids’ Horniman Museum and Day/times: 13 May to 18 July country's rich cultural heritage – Day/times: Friday to Saturday, 30 Club Gardens Fees: £9 to £12 including music. 100 London Road, Forest Hill July to 7 August, 24 hours residential Brixton Oval, Coldharbour Lane Activities: Stick Man Live On Stage SE23 3PQ Baby Loves Samba stay at the Woodcraft's Cudham SW2 1JG Additional Information: Suitable for Contact: Reception Outdoor Environmental Activities Telephone: 0871 704 2065 children aged 4 and over. The Clore Ballroom at Telephone: 020 8699 1872 Centre Website: www.picturehouses.co.uk Royal Festival Hall Email: [email protected] Fees: £125 a week Every Saturday. Doors The Mayor’s Thames Royal Festival Hall, Festival Terrace, Day/times: Website: www.horniman.ac.uk Activities: Range of outdoor open 10.30am; films start 11am. Festival Southbank Centre, South Bank Age Groups: 3 to 13. environmental activities such as Fees: £1 Kids' Club members. Riverside Walkway (between SE1 8XX Day/times: Open Monday to camping, walking, nature study. Free for accompanying adults; Westminster and Tower Bridge) Website: www.southbankcentre.co.uk Sunday, 10.30am to 5.30pm Additional Information: Yearly £2 non members, £3 99 Upper Ground, South Bank Day/times: Saturday 14 August, Fees: Free summer holiday week's stay for accompanying adults SE1 9PP 2 to 5pm Children with disabilities or special Woodcraft members at the Cudham Website: www.picturehouses.co.uk Telephone: 020 7928 8998 Southbank Centre’s annual party needs: Open access Environmental centre. Prerequisite is Day/times: To be confirmed. Website: www.thamesfestival.org for babies takes on a Brazilian theme Activities: Range of activities attendance of at least one weekend Creative activities Day/times: 11 September and as we invite tiny dancers and their Activities: including dance workshops, art and stay at the Centre as a Woodcraft and films for children and families. 12 September families to samba their way to the crafts activities, outdoor theatre, Folk member. Woodcraft Folk Visit the Fees: Free Ballroom! Additional Information: story telling and object handling. members only. website for film listings and more Activities: Energetic street party Fees: Free Additional Information: Check the Borough wide offers. celebrating the river, music, art, website for details. Brixton theatre, food and drink, with Borough wide stunning firework finale.

24 | What’s On Offer? PARKS, EVENTS AND PLACES TO GO PARKS, EVENTS AND PLACES TO GO Please check www.younglambeth.org for the most up-to-date listings What’s On Offer? | 25 amily th and F Services You Support

Lambe th Connexions Connexions Personal Advisers (PAs) What is a PA? Connexions Personal Advisers work with young people aged 13 to19 around the borough to offer information, advice and guidance. They can also help those with a disability or learning difficulty up to the age of 25.

A PA can help you take the next steps towards future employment and the education or training necessary. They can also work on any individual difficulties or issues you might have, such as housing, health, relationships, leisure, sexuality, legal issues, money matters and benefits.

Connexions PAs are professionally trained and qualified to help you take the next steps towards fulfilling your potential. They can connect you to a network of organisations to help you find your own solutions. Most importantly they are there to listen to you. Whatever your needs PAs will be able to put you on the right track. Where can I find my PA? Accessibility 1. The Connexions Centre or One Stop Shop on Acre Lane behind the Town Hall in Brixton (phone Visual Impairment 020 7326 7642). If you have a visual impairment and need some extra assistance with reading this booklet, or a 2. If you are a student at Lambeth College you can monochrome copy, please contact Lambeth find a PA at either the Vauxhall or Clapham site. Families Information Service on 0845 601 5317.

3. Alford House Club on Aveline Street in There will be a member of staff available Monday to Kennington (phone 020 7735 1519). Friday 9am to 5pm to help you.

4. The Old Library Youth Club in West Norwood You can also visit the website at: holds drop in sessions twice a week. www.younglambeth.org

Comments and suggestions Targeted Youth Support We welcome any comments or suggestions that you might have about this booklet or any part of TYS offers help to young people aged 8 to 19 and our service. up to 25 with learning disabilities. We work throughout Lambeth and can offer support to If you have a complaint, young people who attend out of borough schools please tell the person (but they must be a Lambeth resident). you are dealing with. If you not satisfied, We offer support to young people who are at risk you can call or of becoming involved in crime, being excluded from write to the service school, permanent school exclusions, mental ill- manager for that Why might I need a PA? health, teenage pregnancies, teenage parents and service. Please There are many times between the ages of 13 and any other issues that may affect the wellbeing of ask for details. 19 when you will experience things changing and a young person’s life. you will need to make decisions. PAs are there to For more up to date make sure you have someone to turn to. TYS works in a holistic way by finding out what the information please contact the young people are interested in and supporting them Families Information Service If you are not currently working or learning your by engaging with their chosen activity. on 0845 601 5317 or visit Connexions PA might be able to support you to get www.younglambeth.org . into training or gain the skills you need to return to We accept referrals from the voluntary sector, education or get a job. police and parent and families.

Specialist PAs are available to provide support for We also accept self referrals from young people. you if you have learning difficulties are supported by Social Care, Leaving Care, Youth Offending or Contact: Ira Campbell, Operations Manager are a young parent or pregnant. Telephone: 020 7926 2919 or 07507 597 153 Email: [email protected]

26 | What’s On Offer?