CURRICULUM VITA Personal Data Address: Sean Keel Department of University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712 (512) 471-3126 [email protected]

Education Ph.D. University of Chicago Mathematics 1989 M.S. University of Chicago Mathematics 1985 B.A. CarletonCollege Mathematics 1984

Academic Honors Carleton College: Class Salutatorian Graduated Summa Cum Laude 1984 University of Chicago: Robert R. McCormick Fellow 1985–87 Alfred P. Sloan Doctoral Dissertation Fellow 1988 Grants and Honors NSF Post Doctoral Fellowship 1989–92 Member of Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton) 1994–95 University of Texas RTA 1994–1995 NSF Grant 1996–98 DMS-9531940 NSA Grant 1997–98 Big 12 Fellowship 2000 University of Texas FRA 2000-2001 Texas Advanced Research Program Grant 2000-2001 NSF Grant 2000-2004 DMS-9988874 NSF Grant 2004-2009 DMS-0354994 (5 year grant) Positions Held 1 Fall 2003 - Present Professor, University of Texas Fall 1998-Fall 2003 Associate Professor, University of Texas 2000-2001 Visiting Professor, Fall 1992-Spring 1998 Assistant Professor, University of Texas Spring 1990-Spring 1992 Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Utah Summer 1989–Fall 1989 Post Doctoral Fellow, Harvard University


(with E. Tevelev and P. Hacking), Functorial and log canonical compactifications of moduli of del Pezzo surfaces, Preprint. Under Review at Inventiones (2007). (with E. Tevelev), Geometry of Chow Quotients of Grassmannians, Duke Math. Journal 134 (2006), 259–311.

(with E. Tevelev), The log canonical embedding of M0,n, Preprint. Under Review at International Journal of Math. (2007). (with E. Tevelev and P. Hacking), Compactification of the moduli space of hyperplane arrangements, Journal of 15 (2006), 657-680. Polarized pushouts over finite fields, Special volume dedicated to Steven Kleiman, Com- munications in Algebra 31 (2003), 3955–3982.

(with L. Sadun), Oort’s conjecture for Ag ⊗ C, Journal of the American Math. Soc. 16 (2003), 887-900. (with A. Gibney and I. Morrison), Towards the Ample cone of the moduli space of curves, Journal of the A.M.S. 15 (2002), 273–294. Basepoint freeness for nef and big linebundles in positive characteristic, Annals of Math. (1999), 253–286. (with Shigefumi Mori), Quotients by Groupoids, Annals of Math. 145 (1997), 193–213. (with Y. Hu ), Mori Dream Spaces and GIT, Special volume in honor of William Fulton, Michigan Math. Jour. 48 (2000). (with J. McKernan), Rational Curves on Quasi-Projective Surfaces, Memoirs A.M.S. 140 (1999), 1–153. (with K. Matsuki and J. McKernan), Log Abundance for Threefolds, Duke Math. Jour- nal 75 (1993), 99–119. Intersection Theory of the Moduli Space of Pointed Rational Curves, Transactions of AMS 330 (1992), 545–574. (with J. Koll´ar), Log Canonical Flips, Asterique 211 (1992), 95-101. 2 c (with J. M Kernan), Contractable Extremal Rays of M0,n, preprint, Duke eprints alg- geom/9607009 (1996), 1–16. Intersection Theory of Linear Embeddings, Transactions of AMS 335 (1993), 195-212. Functorial Construction of Lebarz’s Triangle Space with Applications, Transactions of AMS 335 (1993), 213-229. Intersection Theory of Incidence Varieties and Polygon Spaces, Comm. in Algebra 18(11) (1990), 3647–3670. Intersection Theory of Projective Linear Spaces, Manuscripta Math 68 (1990), 35–56.

Ph.D. Degrees Supervised. David Lane, Ph. D., graduated Summer 1997. Current Employment: Professor, United Arab Emerites. Shinko Harper, Ph. D., graduated Summer 1997. Currently Employment: Instructor, Math. Department, U.T. Austin Angela Gibney, Ph D., graduated Summer 2000. Current Employment: Tenure track Assistant Professor, Univ. of Pennsylvania William Rulla, Ph D. graduated Spring 2001. Currently Employment Vigre Research Post Doc., University of Georgia Adam Parker, Ph D. graduated Summer 2005, Current Employment, Tenure track Assistant Professor, Wittenburg University, Springfield Ohio Spring 2005 Mark Luxton, Current Ph D student Zhenhua Qu, Current Ph D student Dave Jensen, Current Ph D student

Postdocs Supervised. Eugene Tevelev 2003- 2006 Ana-Maria Castravet 2003- 2006 Erick Katz 2006-present

Selected Talks

Invited speaker Utah Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Salt Lake City, UT, November 1988 Invited speaker Duke Geometry Seminar, Duke, February 1989 Invited speaker Harvard Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Harvard, Fall 1989 Invited speaker, Second Utah Algebraic Geometry Summer School, Salt Lake City, UT August 1991 3 Invited speaker, Mini-workshop on three-folds, MSRI, Berkeley, October 1992 Invited speaker, UT Arlington Geometry Seminar, Arlington, TX November 1993 Invited speaker, Third Utah Algebraic Geometry Summer School, Salt Lake City, UT July 1994 Invited speaker, University of Pennsylvania Geometry Seminar, Philadelphia, PA Feb- ruary 1995 Invited speaker, University of Oklahoma Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Stillwater, OK, March 1995 Invited speaker, Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar, NYC, NY April 1995 European Algebraic Geometry Conference, Warwick England August 1996 Invited speaker, MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar, November 1996 Invited speaker, University of Chicago Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Chicago, IL May 1997 Invited speaker, RIMS 3-fold Symposium and Workshop, Kyoto Japan, June 1997 Invited speaker, Johns Hopkins Algebraic Geometry Seminar, November 1997 Invited speaker, UCLA Algebraic Geometry Seminar, April 1998 Invited speaker, University of Minnesota Algebra Seminar, March 1999 Invited speaker, WAGS, Salt Lake City, UT, April 1999 Invited speaker, University of Chicago Algebraic Geometry Seminar, June 1999 Invited speaker, University of Minnesota Algebra Seminar, June 1999 Invited speaker, University of Cologne Geometry Seminar, June 2000 Invited speaker, University of Essen Geometry Seminar, June 2000 Invited speaker, Humbolt University (Berlin) Geometry Seminar, June 2000 Invited speaker, Harvard-MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Fall 2000 Invited speaker, Johns Hopkins Geometry Seminar, Spring 2001 Invited speaker, Princeton Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Spring 2001 Invited speaker, Duke Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Fall 2001 Invited speaker, Univ. of Minnesota Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Fall 2001 Invited speaker, Univ. of Chicago Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Spring 2002 Invited speaker, Newton Institute Geometry Seminar (Cambridge, England) June 2002 Invited speaker, Rice University Colloquium, October 2002 4 Invited speaker, Stockholm Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Sweden), June 2002 Invited speaker (Two Talks), Amsterdam Algebraic Geometry Conference (Netherlands) December 2002 Invited speaker, Geometry and Topology of Quotients (Univ. of Arizona), December 2002 Invited speaker, Geometry Seminar (Brown Univ.), March 2004 Invited speaker, Conference on moduli spaces (AIM), October 2004 Invited speaker, Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Dec. 2005 Invited speaker, Univ. of Chicago Algebraic Geometry Seminar, March 2006 Invited speaker, Texas A &M Geometry Seminar, March 2006 Invited speaker, Oberwolfach Geometry Conference, June 2006 Invited speaker, Max Plank Institue, Bonn Germany, June 2006

Reviewer. N.S.F., N.S.A, Intern. Journal of Math., Manuscripta Math., Inventiones, American Journal of Math., Michigan Math. Journal, Transactions of A.M.S., Compositio Math., Jour. of Alg. Geom., Jour. of A.M.S., Transformation Groups

Committee Service. Lecturer and Instructor Committee, Assistant Professor Re- cruitment Committee, Committee on Tenured Hires, Algebra Prelim Committee, Grad- uate Studies Committee