Campus Mental Health Stigmas Still a Problem
VOLUME XLI, ISSUE 3 OCTOBER 8, 2013 Tricky situation turns heads Matthew Jordan BLIND FAITH: Champion pool player Gerry Watson performs a stunning trick shot with the help of student Eric Lauzon during an appear- DQFHDW(37D\ORU·V VP of College Affairs hired by SA directors Samantha Daniels salary of just under $2,500 per month, from Oc- The Chronicle WREHUWR$SULODQGDOVRLQFOXGHGEHQH¿WVVXFKD laptop, parking pass, cell phone allowance, and After a three-month vacancy, the Student As- the inclusion in the student insurance plan for sociation has hired a permanent full-time vice- the term of her employment. president of college affairs. Interviews were held for the four candidates Ashley Bennett, a second-year law clerk stu- the last weekend of September, and they were GHQWZDVDSSRLQWHGWR¿OOWKHSRVLWLRQWKURXJKD informed of the results Tuesday. hiring process by the board of directors. %DKD ZDV QRW DEOH WR JR LQWR VSHFL¿FV EXW Bennett was not available for an interview but stated, “Ashley demonstrated a commitment to will be contacted for future publication. the position and a great understanding of issues It’s normally an elected position, but Josh facing college students.” %LFNOHUHVLJQHGRQ-XO\RI¿FLDOO\FLWLQJKHDOWK 6$SUHVLGHQW3HWHU&KLQZHXEDUHÀHFWHGWKRVH related issues as the cause. sentiments in an identical statement. They Stephanie Wallace, a Durham College board both said, “We’re excited to have her join the SA of directors member at the time Bickle resigned, team.” was appointed by the board to act as interim VP Outgoing interim VP Wallace also applied for XQWLOWKHSRVLWLRQFRXOGEH¿OOHG the permanent position and resigned as one of She took a leave of absence from the board of the Durham College board of directors.
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