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Building community, strengthening worship, growing in service The quarterly newsletter of Kilternan Parish, Co.

The Rector on ... Gathering at Christmas

We gather round in this holy space, those who have a different Holy space, filled with grace, ‘We gather, we tell perspective than our own. We drift We gather round in this holy space stories, we pray for one into a fear of those different from To do what Jesus taught us. us, often letting our fear degenerate another, we eat and into hate and even violence. Like We hear the stories of our King, drink together, we Herod in the story, our capacity for Eternal life for us He’ll win; cruelty can often surprise us. We share His meal and pray with Him dream and we hope. We forget that when Christ And do what Jesus taught us. We celebrate came He called us to embrace our common humanity and to gather One of the things that always community in its around Him. strikes me about the Nativity story fullness’ Many of us will gather around is how it gathers together such a family and friends this Christmas. rich diversity of people. The Perhaps we will see loved ones who uneducated and socially female, foreign and local, celestial have been far away. Teenagers will disadvantaged shepherds gather and mundane. As we gather, we are leave their rooms and pull crackers around the Child in the manger, reminded that deep down we are all with aunts and uncles. People will but so do the wealthy, intellectual the same—we all share the same play games and sing songs together. Magi. The foreigners are drawn to human needs and concerns. We are often acutely aware of those him, as are the locals. Young and Irrespective of our world-view, the who do not gather with us, those old are gathered together, as Jesus is story of Christ calls us all to loved ones who are no longer able held in the young arms of his worship Him. to sit with us around the table. mother and later in the wrinkled That message is important in Christmas can be a difficult time for hands of the elder Simeon. Even the our world today. More so than ever, many. angels gather to sing and to see we appear polarised and estranged The church is a place of what is going on. from one another. We are all too gathering. It is not meant to be a Christmas gathers us in, young comfortable in our own little echo weekly meeting of strangers but a and old, poor and rich, male and chambers, and all too quick to vilify place where we all gather in our diversity and in our fullness. It is meant to be a place where we get to know one another, to share in one another’s joy and sadness. Above, I included the gathering song that we use at the start of our all-age Holy Communion service. We sing it to the tune of Here we go round the mulberry bush. We gather, we tell stories, we pray for one another, we eat and drink together, we dream and we hope. We celebrate community in its fullness. May Christ gather us together in His name. Every blessing, Nativity by Brian Kershisnik Rev. Rob Clements

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ChurCh serViCes Communion Service at 8:30 unless noted otherwise; 10:30 services as below.

Dec. 10 All-Age Service, followed by tea and coffee in the school Dec. 10 Ecumenical Carol Service in St Mary’s, , at 8pm Dec. 17 Holy Communion Dec. 24 Family Carol Service, followed by mince pies in the school Dec. 24 Midnight Service at 11:30pm Contents Dec. 25 Christmas Day All-Age Holy Communion. Kids are encouraged to bring their toys and Parish Notice Board 3 parents are welcome to wear their Young people speaking 9 Christmas jumpers Picture gallery 10 Dec. 31 Morning Prayer

News from the school 12 Jan. 7 Morning Prayer: Epiphany, with an Cranmer's Corner 13 opportunity to remember our baptism Jan. 14 All-Age Service Parishioner's tale 14 Jan. 21 Holy Communion Family and youth ministry 15 Jan. 28 All-Age Service Community and wider church 16 Feb. 4 Morning Prayer Book review 18 Feb. 11 All-Age Service Team Hope Christmas shoebox 19 Feb. 14 Ash Wednesday, at 8:00pm appeal Feb. 18 Holy Communion Feb. 25 Founders and Thinking Day


Volume 23 Number 4 ConTACT LisT December 2017 Rev. Rob Clements (Rector), [email protected], tel. 01-295 5603 Editorial: Rob Clements and Annemarie McCleane (Parish Support Worker), Annemarie McCleane [email protected], tel. 01-295 2643 Design: Wordwell Ltd Carol Barry (Parish Reader), [email protected], Distribution: Daphne Athey tel. 087 636 1530 Production: Nick Maxwell Kevin O’Sullivan (Organist), [email protected] Copy-editing: Emer Condit Printed by: Ross Print, Greystones

Published by: Kilternan Parish, Kilternan, Dublin 18. PArish TeAm The Reverend Rob Clements Rector Carol Barry Parish Reader Rector: Rev. Rob Clements Kevin O’Sullivan Organist Contact: Una MacConville Church Warden Phone: 01-295-5603 (H); Ann Walsh Glebe Warden 01-295-2643 (O); Irwin Johnston Church Warden Email: [email protected]; Bruce Fitzsimons Glebe Warden www.kilternan.dublin.anglican.org Jonathan Holt Secretary of the Vestry Harry Simpson Treasurer

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PArish noTiCe BoArD

reGisTer Condolences: We mourn the passing of Evelyn Maud (Evie) Anderson (née McClaughry), who died suddenly on 1 November 2017, at home in her 98th year. Evie was well known by many in the local community and will be sadly missed. We mourn the passing of Muriel Vivien Parnell on 16 September. Muriel was a resident at Park Hospital and, along with her husband Jack David Moynan (above left) and Isabel (above right), pictured with friends after the Harvest (deceased), would have been a Service. regular at the mid-week have raised funds for St John’s Communion Service. VisiT From DeAr FrienDs Ward in Crumlin Hospital. Their It was lovely to welcome back efforts have been supported by a Baptism: David and Isabel Moynan over the merry group of women, including We welcome Eva Teresa Richardson, harvest celebrations, and great to Helen Dunne, Mandy Burgess, Bethany Linda de Oliveira, see them looking so well. Carla McGuinness, Grainne Matthew Brian McConville, Kerrith Darlington and Gretchen Dawson, Fisher and Ben Patrick Laverty into who take part annually in the the family of God’s church. ChrisTmAs serViCes By the time you receive your Klips Women’s Mini-Marathon. this year our Messy Advent will Thank you: likely be over. This was on 3 The Keeley family would like to December and kicked off the festive extend their heartfelt thanks to all season. who sympathised with them and There are lots more attended the funeral of their opportunities to celebrate, though. beloved Bill recently, making it a The Community Carol Service is on wonderful celebration of his life. 10 December. We hosted it last year, so it is the turn of our family roTAs in St Mary’s Church in Sandyford. The various rotas of the church are We hope for a large number from managed by the following people: Kilternan as we celebrate Tea and Coffee rota: Catriona ecumenically! Fitzsimons (085 7181188) Christmas Eve falls on a Cleaning rota: Nikki Cox (087 Sunday this year, so our Family Helen composed and recorded 6868693) Carol Service will be closer to Universe Unfold, a song perfectly Flower rota: Sarah Tilson (086 Christmas than usual. This will suited to the time of year, to raise 8542967) make it all the more festive, as we funds for St John’s Ward. The song We are thankful for the work that have our Christmas nativity will be included in the Family Carol they put into this. They are followed by mince pies in the Service this year, and the CD will frequently looking for additional school. be available in the hall if you wish help. If you could assist in one of to purchase a copy. It costs €5 and these areas, please let them know! all monies raised go directly to the uniVerse unFoLD Universe Unfold is the title of a fund- charity. FAreWeLL To raising Christmas record just miCheLLe released by Helen Dunne. The CD €80,000 AWArDeD To We were sad to say farewell to is dedicated to the memory of KiLTernAn PArish Michelle Massey, our parish support Karen Waters, who died of worker. Michelle was with us from From The ToWn AnD childhood cancer at the age of 2013 and was a much-loved part of ViLLAGe reneWAL thirteen. the team. We wish her well in her GrAnT Karen’s mother, Anita, is the We were thrilled to be awarded this new adventures. bookkeeper in our Parish School, substantial grant from the Minister and since Karen’s death the family for Rural and Community

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noTiCe BoArD Development for the New Parish Much appreciation goes to and Community Centre project. Raymond Tilson for helping to The village renewal plan has five fund the new system. principles: The next stage is to look at the Pillar 1: Supporting Sustainable visual system in the church. The Communities pull-down screen and the projector Pillar 2: Supporting Enterprise and in the pulpit are not a satisfactory Employment solution to meet our visual needs. Pillar 3: Maximising our Rural We are looking at putting a number Tourism and Recreation of smaller screens in place Pillar 4: Fostering Culture and throughout the church. Creativity in Rural We also hope to develop an Communities audio-visual team, trained to Pillar 5: Improving Rural operate the audio-visual system on Infrastructure and Connectivity a rota basis. If you would have an The success of our application interest in this area, please contact reflects our ambition to deliver a the rector. This is ideal for parish and community centre that someone with ‘tech’ interests, or will make a positive impact in the maybe for some of our teenagers. Donation to Falling Fruit community. Once we open our artwork and non-perishable food. new centre, it will be up to us to WorK on The BeLL- deliver! Thank you to Msgr Dermot Lane, ToWer who preached at the Community We will offer a community Parishioners will be aware of the Harvest, and to Rev. Dr Paddy café/resource centre, various water damage in the stairwell of the McGlinchey, who spoke at the All- community meeting places, lunch church. This has been a problem Age Harvest on the Sunday. Thanks clubs and heritage events, as well as for some time. We were pleased to to the joint Kilternan/ a variety of children, youth and receive a heritage grant from Dún Choir and the Junior Choir, who family ministries. There will be a Laoghaire–Rathdown Council for under the direction of Kevin focus on social inclusion and remedial work to stone and lead O’Sullivan brought such beautiful community-building. floor covering in the parish tower. music. We were thankful to have had This work has been completed, and Over 1,448 was raised for the the application supported by Sen. special thanks to Bruce Fitzsimons € Bishops’ Appeal. Perishable items Neale Richmond, Cllr Lettie for working with the diocesan were donated to Falling Fruit McCarthy and Minister Shane Ross. architect and contractor on the Ireland, and non-perishables to the We also received support from the necessary work. Water-repellent has Bray Women’s Refuge. local school and Kilternan Adult also been applied to the Education Centre. church/bell-tower wall, so hopefully our water problems are LooKinG ForWArD To over! Once the tower starts to dry, LenT neW PA sYsTem AnD It seems strange to be talking about ProJeCTion we can get to work on plastering The PA system in the church has the stairwell. Lent when we haven’t even got to been struggling for a long time. Christmas! However, Easter is early this year and Lent will be upon us There are Sundays when it works, LooKinG BACK AT The and some Sundays when it is in no time. The following services hArVesT will be held: useless. There is nothing more A big thanks to everyone who Ash Wednesday: 14 Feb. at 7:30pm frustrating for parishioners and the made the Kilternan Church of Lenten Compline: every Tuesday at rector than when the sound system Ireland Harvest so special. Thank 7:30pm (20 Feb., 27 Feb., 6 doesn’t work. you to Sarah Tilson and her team, March, 13 March, 20 March, 27 We have been working with who decorated the church with March) Derek Darlington to install a new fruit and food. Thank you to the system. This includes a new PA, school for providing us with new speakers and new micro- ArChBishoP’s LenTen phones (clips and free-standing). It BooK 2018 also includes provisions for audio- In Say it to God, Luigi Gioia visual and instrumentation. Many provides a welcome encouragement thanks to Derek for helping us to all those who feel the need to through this process. Once the sys- freshen their practice of prayer. For tem has been put in place, we will Gioia, prayer is not about methods install an effective loop system for or techniques, but trusting that those with hearing aids. God is truly interested in everything that happens to us and

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noTiCe BoArD wants to hear about it. The book to have two great choirs in our leads the reader into the theological parish. However, our Parish Choir is aspects of prayer and how it relates currently seeking out men to join to Christ, to the Holy Spirit and to us. If you know someone who the Church. This is done without might be interested, do tell them to using complex theological concepts pop by the choir on a Sunday or but simply through scriptural contact the Parish Office to get in quotations. Chapters are kept brief contact with Kevin. The next ‘Come intentionally, to make the book and Sing Sunday’ in January will suitable for daily reading over the also be a great time to try it out. Lenten period. With a foreword by Junior Choir Hallowe’en Movie Night the Archbishop of Canterbury, Say WomAn’s CrAFT it to God demonstrates that the Christmas music. It’s wonderful that niGhTs everyday, even the most mundane we can now welcome back Catriona All women are welcome to the of tasks and situations, can be Murray and a new chorister, Marina Rectory for craft nights with pot- applied in deepening our practice Holt, who came to a ‘Come and luck nibbles. We gather to do a new of prayer. Sing Sunday’. There’ll be more craft project together and to enjoy ‘Come and Sing Sundays’ in the each other’s company over tasty Choir neWs future, and they’re a great way to see snacks and a glass or cuppa! I hope The Junior Choir has seen an what we’re all about. We also had a you can make it! explosion in numbers this year. We lovely visit from a past chorister, now have around twenty boys and Adrian Clements, who was whisked December 15th girls from 1st to 6th class who’ve up by the choir on entry into the January 12th been singing for us in church on church to sing with us while February 9th the second and fourth Sundays of visiting. After a fantastic March 9th each month. This Harvest, the Community Harvest with a visit Lionel Freeman Medal was passed from Glencullen Parish Choir, we’re Call if you have any questions— from Sarah Windle to Alastair happy to make a return visit on Julie (087 2039515). MacWilliam (pictured below). The Sunday 3 December at 7pm for a holder of the medal is expected to Concert in aid of the St Vincent de FLoWer roTA be a choir leader and to help Kevin Paul Society, in St Patrick’s, Thank you to everyone who has out with the Junior Choir. Glencullen. We’ll also journey down helped to decorate the church over to St Mary’s, Sandyford, on the 10th the past year; your time and for the Community Carol Service. creativity are much appreciated and We’re looking forward to Christmas do not go unnoticed. The church Eve, when we’ll be joined by looked so beautiful at Harvest and Victoria Johnston, who’ll sing solo was much remarked upon; it was with us at the Midnight Eucharist. wonderful to see so much bounty In other music news, Tom gathered from the local hedgerows, Schnittger, one of our choristers, gardens and orchards, a true Harvest will be singing in the newly formed celebration in every sense. Irish Doctors’ Choir, who will sing Christmas is just around the Mahler’s Second Symphony on corner, and the church will be Sunday 26 November with the decorated for Christmas on Saturday European Doctors’ Orchestra in 16 December. If anyone would like Belfast. Kevin, the Parish Organist, to help decorate the tree, the will be making his orchestral windows and the porch, please conducting debut with the Trinity come along. The church will be College Orchestra. Works include open from 9:30am onwards. I am Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker and Elgar’s planning the Rota for 2018 and, Enigma Variations, and it will take unless I hear otherwise, I will put place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 6 your name down for the same date In what is now becoming a December in St Andrew’s, Westland as 2017. I’m going to post everyone tradition, the Junior Choir had a Row. Kevin will also be conducting a copy of the Rota; there will also be Hallowe’en Movie Night in the the Córde Chamber Choir in a a copy at the back of the church. If Rectory. The kids had great fun, performance of Brittain’s A Ceremony anyone wants to swap dates, that is with pizza, minions and lots of of Carols in the Whale Theatre, no problem and will be easier to do treats. Greystones, at 8pm on Sunday 17 if everyone has their own list of The Parish Choir is also back December. names and numbers. Thank you all and working hard on upcoming Finally, we are very fortunate again—Sarah Tilson (086 854 2967).

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noTiCe BoArD meals made. It has been there for crated on Easter Day 1843 to service KiLTernAn PArish parents coming home from hospital some 700 members of a ship in LAWn Tennis CLuB after the birth of a baby, and for Kingstown harbour. If invasion Hopefully by the time you’re others coming home from hospital threatened, the ship was to be reading this the floodlights will after surgery. scuttled at the harbour entrance to have been restored, and members Meal Train is organised meal- protect the town. Services in the will once again be out on court giving around significant life events. church were compulsory. There was enjoying evening, as well as When a friend is in need, everyone a prisoners’ dock in the gallery up- daytime, tennis. One casualty of asks ‘What can I do to help?’ The stairs which we didn’t get to see the lack of lights has been the answer is always to make a meal. owing to time constraints. annual club championships, so last When many friends make and By 1970 congregations had de- year’s winners get to hold on to deliver a meal, this is a meal train. clined and the Representative their trophies till next year! Meal train will provide meals Church Body opted to sell the Another enjoyable afternoon for fellow parishioners in need (we church. It was purchased for use as a of tennis and refreshments was all have times of need!). This could museum. It opened in 1974 but held for parents, grandparents and be following a birth or a closed from 2005 to 2012 primarily children on Sunday 24 September, bereavement, during convalescence for roof repairs. and after-school tennis continues after surgery or illness, or just to We joined a conducted tour at on Tuesday afternoons. give someone a break. 2.30pm. The highlight in the mu- Men’s and ladies’ teams were We need volunteers who can seum is the optic that was on the entered in the Senior (over-35s) and provide a meal from time to time. Bailey Lighthouse from 1902 until Floodlight Leagues during The meal can be homemade, bought 1972; it now stands near where the September and October. All or ordered—no cooking expertise is altar stood and was in operation matches were played ‘away’ and the needed. If you are interested, please during our visit. There is much his- results were mixed. The ladies’ share your email address with Julie tory on lifeboats, on ships that were Senior team got to the play-off Clements at lost in the area, on the building of stage but unfortunately lost to [email protected]. If the harbour, on sailing ships, paddle , so no celebratory you know of anyone who might ships and steam ships and of the photo to share! find some food support helpful, men who served on them. The AGM was held in the please let Julie know, or contact the Derek Harrington did most of school on Wednesday 15 Parish Office. the talking on the tour and was very November, when reports of the interesting. Some of the partici- year’s activities and finances were pants on the tour were related to given and home baking enjoyed. GArDeninG CLuB Kilternan Gardening Club held their seamen who served on some of the The committee for 2017–18 is: AGM on Monday 23 October 2017 ships mentioned. There is much to in Rosemont School, Sandyford, see and it is worthy of another visit. President: Rev. Rob Clements next to Fernhill Gardens. This is Mrs Barbara Wilkie recalls at- Chairman: Gordon Pullen working out very well as a tending services in this building in Hon. Secretary: Mary White temporary abode while the parish earlier days. Hon. Treasurer: Noel Willis building work continues. The new library—the Committee: Suzanne Storey, At the AGM, Heather Osborne Lexicon—is close by. Monique Tomkins, Rhoda and Walter Newburn joined Noreen Bradshaw, Ethni Seymour, Liz Keane, Evelyn Richardson, Una Vard, Gerry Doherty, Breffni O’Connor, Maureen Patterson, Zita PAsTorAL CAre If you would like a pastoral visit at Ryan Mulhern and Olivia Hayes on the any time, please contact the rector Men’s Captain: Ken Lee committee. directly, or leave a message with the Ladies’ Captain: Irina Ricinschi The Club meets on the fourth church office. If you would like to Monday of the month to hear guest receive communion over Christmas, It’s exciting to watch the parish speakers on various gardening please let us know so that we can building progress and, with matters, and also goes on garden make arrangements. improved facilities, the club looks visits during the summer months. forward to increased involvement from families in the parish and TuesDAY CLuB LeTTers oF wider community during 2018. Tuesday Club members went to Dún reFerenCe AnD Enquiries welcome! Laoghaire on 10 October, arriving WiTnessinG oF Mary White, KPLTC Hon. Sec., 087 around midday. We lunched in siGnATures 99877377, [email protected]. McLoughlin’s pub at 73 Upper Clergy are frequently asked to write George’s Street and then sought out letters of reference, to complete meAL TrAin the Maritime Museum. forms of reference or to witness Meal train has been mobilised five This was in the former signatures. Some forms (including times so far, with a total of 38 hot Mariners’ Church, which was conse- school application forms and SEC

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noTiCe BoArD grant forms) are quite specific in what they ask, such as whether the ConserVinG our ALTAr FronTAL person/child is personally known to the rector, or whether the person/child attends the church; or clergy are asked to confirm that the person/child is a member of the parish, etc. As I am sure you can appreciate, it is important that the information given is accurate and true.

THE RETURN OF THE DRAGON—AnD The BoY Who insPireD iT Almost a year ago we promoted a children’s book called The Boy who This year we commissioned a damage where the rings are Wanted a Dragon, written by Don conservationist to have a look at the attached. It does not fully support Briggs and wonderfully illustrated parish altar frontal. the frontal when hanging. by Naomi Peppard, with all net Plenty of articles have been This piece is part of the proceeds being shared by the written about much of Kilternan heritage of the parish, and we have Cottage Home Child and Family parish church, but surprisingly little a duty to conserve it. In due course Services and Our Lady’s Hospice in on the altar frontal. Without doubt it will need to be taken down and Blackrock. With a reprint of this it is a beautiful piece, with fine blue repaired. The question for us is what book now virtually sold out, the silk damask and polychrome silk we do with it when it returns to the two charities will have benefited by and metal threadwork embroidery. church. We are currently close to €13,000. The author takes Our understanding is that it was considering ways to ensure that this nothing from sales of these books made for the 50th anniversary of dear article is well cared for and except the buzz of seeing them do the building of the church. It was presented. well and raising welcome funds for made by Anglican nuns based in a very deserving causes. convent called St Mary’s Home. Christmas for Don and his As we expected, the family last year was postponed conservationist judged the overall owing to the serious illness of condition of the piece to be very eight-month-old grandson Flynn, poor. The object is surface-soiled who was transported by ambulance throughout. The silk is abraded, from to Temple Street with areas of loss owing to long- Hospital with multiple viral term use. Multiple sections of the respiratory infections and spent silk have partially detached or split five days in intensive care on a and are hanging loose, revealing the ventilator, with a blood transfusion cotton canvas underneath. The silk and specialist physiotherapy damask is structurally very weak treatment. It was a scary time but, throughout. thankfully, with the superb level of Extensive repairs to the silk care provided by the doctors and fabric had been carried out in recent nurses in Temple Street Children’s years. An attempt had been made to Hospital, Flynn pulled through and infill some areas of loss with paint has prospered since. After that applied to the lining fabric. Sections incredible turn-around, Don vowed of braid and gold threadwork are Top—The parish altar frontal pictured re- that the next book was going to be detaching and lifting from the cently in the church. sold on behalf of the Temple Street ground fabric. In areas an attempt Foundation. had been made to both stitch and Middle—Close-up showing how the silk is For this publication Don glue threads into position. Gold partially detached or split and hanging loose, sought support from some paint had been used to infill. revealing the cotton canvas underneath. immediate contacts both within The silk fringing is tangled and Above—Another close-up showing how the and beyond his local golf club and, distorted, with sections missing. hanging mechanism for the frontal is causing through their generosity, secured The hanging mechanism for the swagging, pulling and structural damage sponsorship funding of around frontal is insufficient and causing where the rings are attached. €15,000, which has more than swagging, pulling and structural Continued on page 8

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meeT AnnemArie mcCLeAne —our neW PArish ADminisTrATor Prior to being at home full-time, I had worked for DELL for nearly twenty years, primarily in Marketing and Planning roles. In 2014 the company launched a voluntary redundancy programme, and I applied and left in May that year. When I am not working in the Parish Office, like every other parent I am busy with the school drop-offs and pick-ups and afterschool activities, but in my New job, new beginnings! On 6 spare time I manage the extra- curricular activities in my covered the illustration, November, as I got into the car and daughter’s school and run the publishing and printing costs, and made my way to Kilternan, I was annual fête in our parish church in thus every net cent from book feeling like a child on her first day Bray. I also enjoy reading, family sales will go directly to the charity. of school—nervous but excited at walks, cinema and pilates. He’s been doing the rounds of the same time. As I walked through I have joined your community various outlets (both bookshops the door of the Parish Office, the in a time of growth and and other) to encourage nerves disappeared as I was greeted development, and over the past few stocking—many will pass on 100% by Reverend Rob Clements, and weeks, working as your parish of sales profits to Temple Street. soon the prospect of starting a new administrator, I have met many Meanwhile, the Temple Street job did not seem so overwhelming. parishioners who have been Foundation has used its social For the past three years I had extremely supportive and network communications to been working within the home. welcoming. I would like to express actively promote this initiative Living in Bray, married to Andrew, my gratitude to those whom I have and has totally supported the with one eight-year-old daughter met, and I am looking forward to fund-raising ambition of Don and and a fifteen-month-old puppy, life meeting you all in the future. his sponsors. had been moving at a different pace. A recent introductory book tour has secured shelves in MUSINGS ON 25/12/2016 bookshops and other outlets in On Christmas Day 2016 @ 8.30am I A tall stand of teasel I passed along the rose way, Dublin, Wicklow, Kildare and And over breakfast listening to Sunday Clothed in winter brown, not the Waterford. An on-line ordering Miscellany chose. green of a summer’s day. option is imminent and further Outside the prevailing wind blew and Old Leopardstown Road in part by un- (ideally generously minded) clouds flew quickly by dergrowth was hidden, stockists are sought. ‘Our While others unconcerned in their Disused now completely through road- minimum target for the charity is bedrooms sleepily lie. widening bidden. 25,000 but I think we can do By eleven I was out and about in the Along Murphystown Way a girl € vicinity walking; stopped to stoop much better,’ says Don. Naomi, an Occasional gusts of wind my feeble To collect her white dog’s output of experienced professional artist, frame were baulking. fresh steaming poop. agrees. ‘The book is a perfect gift Gladly to my mind came this com- No trams were to be seen today upon for children aged 2–8 years. I memoration day this Glencairn hill should know, with kids of that And of Our Lord’s birth in Bethlehem For, being Christmas Day, today the age.’ long ago upon the hay, traffic now was nil. Outlet details can be found How in very poor conditions it hap- Further on another girl and dog passed pened he was born. quickly by on the Facebook page ‘The Boy Marian visions, too, appeared in places While I had to kneel down a loose who Wanted a Dragon’—the quite forlorn. shoelace to tie. previous dragon book—and I thought, for some reason, of my pa- After about a half an hour at home through Temple Street’s page. ternal granny’s death safely again, The book sells for €10 and At the age of eighty-four in nineteen Thankful that there had been no de- tells, in rhyme, about the forty-eight. scent of rain. disappearance of a boy’s pet Strangely, I can recall nothing of this Looking forward now to the Christmas event. fare dragon. As in the case of grandson Oddly, too, in two years my dad to his With all of the family happily gathered Flynn, thankfully the story has a own grave went. there. William D, Dec 2016 happy ending!

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YounG PeoPLe sPeAKinG

For many people Christmas is a dreaded time, as it is a reminder of IS THIS ALL their financial straits. While some will have a wide range of selections of treats, others will be forced to THERE IS TO accept the meagre objects to which their salaries can stretch. Many will also be saddened at the reality that CHRISTMAS? their children will have to go without, and that perhaps many of their family members will be unable By Benita Murinda to join them in their celebrations owing to unfortunate circumstances. Presents may be only ecember is coming, with its their products, but the truth is that a simple desire but it is a reality that joys of Christmas. When we Christmas is only complete with the will not be realised by so many. Dthink of Christmas, many of Christmas spirit. The privileged, on the other us think of gifts under the Christmas has become a hand, will be able to spend freely Christmas tree, Christmas holiday much more secular than without stress or concern about decorations, turkey dinners with the sacred. Christmas for many families money. Maybe it is time to cut back family (maybe potatoes if you’re will mean huge debt until Easter. on the spending and concentrate vegetarian) and stockings around But does Jesus really want us to bust more on the meaning. the house. But is this the real our wallets for the sake of saving It is important that parents meaning of Christmas? Is this all face in front of our neighbours and teach their children about the there is to Christmas friends? Jesus’s birth is not a time for meaning of Christmas. We should Christmas can be a time full of profit or for marketing schemes. teach them about Jesus’s values, not joy. It can be a time to strengthen Christmas should be a time for materialism. one’s relationship with God. us to morally assess who we are as You don’t need to be a Christmas is when we celebrate the human beings. Lack of social justice Christian to understand the birth of Jesus. God sent His Son, is prevalent in our society today, as relevance of Christmas today. Jesus Jesus, into the world to be born. His we do not have to look far to see taught us the overwhelming power birth brought great joy to the world. homelessness in Ireland. Eighty- of faith, hope and charity, the Shepherds, wise men and angels all nine families newly became importance of love. He taught us shared in the excitement of homeless in September 2017. There that anyone, no matter what their knowing about this great event. were 3,124 children in emergency background, can overcome their They knew that this was no accommodation with their families. challenges. ordinary baby. The prophets had This could be your brother or your told of His coming hundreds of sister, or could even be you in the Benita Murinda is a parishioner and a 5th years before. The star stopped over future. Misfortunes can happen to year student at St Raphaela's Secondary Bethlehem just to mark the way for anyone. School, . those who were looking for this special Child. This narrative can be read in Luke 2: 4–19. Christmas can be a great and commemorative time if we remind ourselves of its true meaning. So much money is poured into Christmas gifts and resources, but it seems that little effort is put into understanding the meaning of Christmas. I asked my sister Roisin what she thought Christmas was about; she answered confidently, ‘Food and presents, Benita’. I can’t We do not have to really judge her because at seven look far to see years old that would have been my homelessness in response as well. On the TV there Ireland are countless advertisements claiming that Christmas will be much more special with the aid of

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messY ChurCh AnD no

The new parish centre is built on firm foundations; see Matthew 7:24–27! And the scaffolding for the main structure is up. W

Paul Kilgallon flew his drone over the church grounds in October to capture this spectacular view of our church and the building works in progress.

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Watching the walls rise. Inside the main hall—still work to do.

Above and left—The joy, fun and concentration of the Messy Church harvest festival in the school hall.

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neWs From The sChooL sChooL sCienCe FAir nity to go on a trip to Imaginosity, On Thursday 16 November we held where the children partook in work- our fourth Science Fair. It was our shops and explorative learning biggest fair yet, with over 100 pupils through play. We had a fabulous participating from JI to 6th Class. day. The workshop involved teach- The standard of projects this year was ing the children about their internal impressive, with pupils putting in organs, focusing on how their bod- lots of extra effort to record and dis- ies work, as well as making a finger play the work that they had done. using wool and straws. This tour was There were so many original projects highly educational and lots of fun that choosing the winners from each for all involved! Ms Ruth Thorpe category was very challenging. The Science Squad would like to thank all uPCominG CAroL some very tricky questions, which the participants for their hard work serViCes even left some of the adult audience and our Judge Randolph Healy for Work has begun for each of the a bit stumped! Well done, you four! his thorough inspection of all the three school Carol Services. These Rumour has it that you had a well-de- projects. Congratulations to the fol- are a huge highlight of the school served McDonald’s on the way home! lowing: year. The dates for the services are marked in the calendar block of this CheQue For The Junior category: newsletter, in addition to being on CAnCer soCieTY 1st Place: Hannah S the school website. All services are Following several fund-raisers at the Do we grow overnight? held in the parish church. Please end of last term, the school collected 2nd Place: Felicity R note that there are no parking €800 and this has been sent to the Pendulum facilities at the church. Parking will Cancer Society. Many, many thanks Helena A & Pia K be in the Golden Ball for the two for your support and generosity. Colour reversal services on the Friday. Parking for 3rd Place: the Senior service can be facilitated shoW AnD TeLL in 2nD Megan McC & Bella K in the school car park. CLAss Lateral inversion Owing to lack of space and There was great excitement in 2nd Intermediate category: Health and Safety concerns, there Class during ‘Show and Tell’ on Fri- 1st Place: Rachel R & Charlie O will be no refreshments served after day 17 November, when Reuben K Erosion on Eggs the Senior Carol Service or between brought in a pair of Katie Taylor’s old 2nd Place: Eva McC & Sara B the Junior and Middle Carol Service. boxing gloves. Katie had worn these Importance of Worms The times and dates for the ser- during a previous match and had 3rd Place: Kaoife O’S and Abby P vices are as follows: given them to Reuben’s brother, Electric motor through the Thursday 21 December: Senior Carol along with a T-shirt and a signed principles of magnetism Service (4th/5th and 6th Class) at photo. The gloves were passed Senior category: 7:30pm around for everyone to try on. Who 1st Place: Lucy G & Natasha T Friday 22 December: Middle School knows? Maybe they might inspire Water Filtration Carol Service (2nd and 3rd Class) at some of the children to be a future 2nd Place: Harry G, Curtis M & 9:30am Olympian or World Champion! Benjamin F Friday 22 December: Junior School Custard Powder as a Form of Fuel Carol Service (JI/SI and 1st Class) at ChrisTmAs CArDs 3rd Place: Mollie D, Sarah W & Nessa C 11:00am The long-awaited Christmas cards are Effects of Smoking We look forward to welcoming you now ready for sale and collection. Overall Winners: to our services and to your celebrat- These can be collected from the Laura H, Emily L, Lola W & Nicole H ing Christmas with us. school hall during drop-off any Oblek, Milk into Plastic and I would just like to remind you morning from the 30th until the end Rainbow Water again that there will be no assem- of term. Alternatively, they can be blies during December as the classes collected through the school office at We hope to continue to see the Sci- prepare for their Carol Services. any time during the school day. ence Fair flourish in years to come! I would like to thank all who Jenny Faulkner and Katie Cawley mAThs QuiZ were involved in their production, (Science Squad) I would like to thank and congratu- and thanks also go to our sponsors late our Maths Quiz team from 6th for their generosity and support. inFAnT TriP To Class, who represented the school at On behalf of all of the school imAGinosiTY an inter-school competition in St At- staff, pupils and the wider school During Science Week, on 14 Novem- tracta’s school, . Benjamin community, I would like to wish you ber, Junior Infants and Senior Infants F, Sara B, Sophie C and Laura H and yours a peaceful, safe and special were very lucky to have the opportu- (pictured top right) battled through Christmas and New Year.

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want to dance, to raise our hands communities, ‘new songs’ on CrAnmer’s in wonder. The Gloria is a burst of Christmas Eve might show up in Corner pure joy that declares that Christ is the choir anthem, but the rest of present with us. the night is given over to carols The Gloria is omitted in the known by heart. I once had a seasons of Advent and Lent. That parishioner who threatened not to we barely notice probably tells us come back to church because we that we don’t express it adequately didn’t sing Hark the Herald Angels (I throughout the year. Omitting it is might note that this was the only a type of ‘liturgical fast’, so that it service of the year that he can be heard with renewed vigour attended). What a shame for this at Christmas/Easter. psalm to be one more act of nostalgia—one more artifact of someone else’s long-ago encounter with inspiring awe. LeCTionArY I hope you visit this psalm this rAmBLinGs: PsALm 96 Christmas. Christmas is filled with nostalgia, but even more it should O sing to the Lord a new song; be a reminder that God is doing sing to the Lord, all the earth. something new. God is forever Sing to the Lord, bless His name; breaking into our world, inviting us tell of His salvation from day to day. into wonder and strangeness. This Christmas, maybe take There are three psalms that have some time to consider how God long been associated with may be breaking into your life in Christmas: Psalms 96, 97 and 98. ways that are new. These psalms are handed to us as a set. As book-ends, Psalms 96 and 98 both begin with an exhortation to BooK in memorY oF iAn eLLioTT The GLORIA sing a new song to the Lord. All There are, in fact, three ‘Glorias’. three psalms depict the cosmos There is the Gloria Tibi, used just bursting out in joyful song at the before the reading of the Gospel in coming of the Lord. The coming the Service of Holy Communion. King will judge with truth and Then there is the Gloria Patri, which righteousness. is said after the reading of psalms— Psalm 96 is full of imperatives ‘Glory be to the Father, and to the to laud, praise, bless (thank) and Son and to the Holy Spirit’. worship God, but is curiously light The third is the Gloria in on specific reasons why. Careful Excelsis, the great hymn of praise. reading, however, can discern the ‘Glory to God in the Highest’ is the reasons: God made the heavens and Dr Ian Elliott, who sadly died in first Christmas carol. It was sung by is surrounded by beautiful majesty; 2015, was a long-serving secretary the angels to the shepherds on the and God has firmly established the of the select vestry of Kilternan night when Jesus was born (Luke world and is coming to judge the and a greatly respected 2:14). The use of the Gloria in earth and its peoples with equity parishioner. He was a professor at Excelsis in the liturgy goes back to and truth. Dunsink Observatory with the the second century, when Pope We should be careful how we Institute for Advanced Studies. At Telesphorus mandated its use in the approach the word ‘judgement’. It’s the time of his passing he had Christmas Eve service. not a ‘telling off’ but rather been engaged in research into the When we sing the Gloria in references God’s restoration of the work of the Westmeath Excelsis, whether it is Christmas good order of creation and His astronomer William E. Wilson. time or not, we are singing along invitation to the people to live in His colleague Dr Charles Mollan with the angels who announced accordance with that order. has steered this work into the Jesus’s birth many years ago. Just as On Christmas Eve the church publication illustrated above. The Jesus was present in the manger in is fuller than usual, with book is published in his memory. Bethlehem, so He is present with parishioners longing to sing the Copies of the book (price 20) us. carols of Christmas, familiar and € are available from his wife I often lament when the Gloria comfortable tunes of the past. It is Dorothy at 086 355 1942 or by is spoken or sung soberly in church. somewhat ironic, therefore, that email: It is meant to be an exclamation. the Christmas psalm exhorts us to [email protected] Singing the Gloria should make us sing a new song. In most

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PArishioners' TALes A messAGe To DAUGHTERS KiLTernAn PArish I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Rob and UNITED Julie, Ann O’Neill, Ann Walsh, Carol Barry, Harry Simpson, Jonny Holt, the Select Vestry and Kilternan Parish for my By Sarah Tilson wonderful farewell party. I had a wonderful time in the Golden Ball and was ummaging through my desk, delighted with my present, cake as one does at this time of and indeed my poem from Derek year (pre-Christmas tidy-up), I R Higgins. (Not many people can found two copies of Kilternan Klips, claim to have a poem written for dated March 2010 and April 2014 them!) respectively. Our eldest daughter, Louise, was the subject of a ‘Where are they now?’ in both magazines. She moved to New Zealand in 2001 and has been living there permanently since 2008. She is married to James McGhie and they have three children, Isla, Patrick and Hamish. Our youngest daughter, Above—Louise and Holly Tilson. Holly, left home last month and has gone to Melbourne for a year on a Commerce. She spent a year in Paris work/travel visa. With both my and a summer in San Diego during daughters living in the Southern her four years as a student. Before It was a pleasure and a Hemisphere and the fact that I am completing her Master’s in privilege over the last five years in touch with them frequently, I Marketing Practice last July, Holly getting to know and working realise for the first time just how had decided she wanted to go to with everyone in my position as alike they are and how much closer Melbourne this autumn and applied parish support officer. I will miss they have become. for a visa. When it came through, the parish, not to mention Liz Louise was sixteen when Holly one of the first things she did was to and Daphne, my co-workers, and was born, so the age gap between book her flight to Auckland for Grainne, Lorraine and all the the two sisters was immense. They Christmas. staff at the school. I hope to keep were from different generations and The gap between the two in touch and I am sure I will see had very little in common for years. sisters seems to be getting less and everyone at various future Different times, indeed. Louise was less as the years go by. They are a events. May I send my best never allowed to go to the Old Wes mere three-hour flight away from wishes to Annemarie. I am sure disco and was a dedicated Brownie each other, and the bond between she will be as happy as I was followed by Girl Guides, where she them is strengthening even more. during my time in the Rectory. earned her Gold Cord at the age of They are both so excited about Thank you all for your support sixteen. None of that for Holly: she being together for Christmas; this over the past year. preferred Old Wes and everything has only happened once in the last Love, Michelle that went with it! Short skirts, make- nine years, so it will be a very special up, fake tan, high heels. I remember time indeed. Isla, Patrick and the first time I collected her from Hamish are looking forward to Donnybrook—my eyes were out on having Auntie Holl to stay. stalks. But despite the disapproval of Personally, I am thrilled that our her older sister (and her two older two daughters are going to be brothers), we all survived that together at this special family time particular teenage crisis, and one of year. Our two sons live on this can now look back at the time with side of the world and between them amusement! While Louise was busy they have five children. Even with married life and starting a though we miss our three family, Holly was finishing grandchildren in New Zealand, we secondary school and then went to are very fortunate to have five UCD to study International whom we can see regularly.

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FAmiLY AnD YouTh minisTrY DuBLin AnD less-developed countries to work in oped especially for the Church of GLenDALouGh YouTh partnership with local families to Ireland and was discussed during CounCiL build decent homes for them to live this session. Dublin and Glendalough Youth in. They will be doing a Council has announced the presentation in church on 10 ChrisTmAs in 10Th appointment of Susie Keegan as the December, followed by tea and KiLTernAn sCouTs new Dublin and Glendalough coffee in the school hall to fund- The start of the scouting year is Diocesan Youth Ministry raise for the cost of their trip. All always a busy time for us, and this Development Officer. donations will be greatly year has been no exception. As well Susie comes to the post with appreciated! as all our usual scouting activities, lots of experience, having we held our AGM in November and volunteered as a parish youth BuiLDinG BLoCKs extended an invitation to some of worker at St Catherine’s Church On Saturday 18 November, mem- our local TDs and councillors. We before assisting with 3 Rock Youth, bers of the Sunday Club Team at- were delighted that Catherine where she particularly focused on tended the annual Building Blocks Martin TD and Councillor Letti school retreats and confirmation conference, run by the Church of McCarthy were able to attend on events. For the past three years she Ireland Children’s Ministry. The the night. Our focus this year was has been the Lay Church of Ireland conference took place in St An- on a celebration of scouting and all Chaplain at DIT Aungier Street, a drew’s School, , and the benefits it provides to the position which she has really was a day packed with useful re- children in our community, enjoyed. sources, inspirational ideas and particularly the children who find Susie also brings many stimulating workshops. The initial sport quite challenging and need different talents in the areas of speakers gave ideas for organising a an outlet to get them outside and creativity and lots of contacts Messy Church Science session, with active. We also wanted to highlight throughout the wider Church, as a demonstration of some fun exper- the work that we do and the well as within the Church of iments, such as giant smoke rings challenges we face in not having Ireland. She brings a real vision to being shot into the audience from a our own Den to work from. There the post and is very much looking large black bin! There was a talk on are now close to 400 kids on our forward to working with young the ‘Who Let the Dads Out?’ out- waiting list and we can’t hope to people again. Having had the reach ministry, which is a growing accommodate even a fraction of opportunity to journey with third- movement that encourages and these without finding a place to call level students has highlighted the supports churches to run activities home. We are always open to importance of youth work, Susie specifically to reach out to dads/fa- creative solutions and suggestions, says, adding that journeying with ther figures and their children. so if you think you may have one, young people from an early age One of the morning sessions then please get in touch with us at through the many issues that they was on Godly Play, which is a cre- [email protected]. face is very important. ative discovery method approach to As Christmas approaches, we We look forward to getting to religious education and can be used are already organising activities know Susie in the years ahead and at home, school and church for geared towards the Scouts’ social, we pray for God’s blessing on her spiritually rich practices with chil- character and spiritual ministry. One of our goals in 2018 dren and adults. At the heart of development. Our Venture Scouts is to increase our work with Godly Play is creating a ‘Sacred have already been actively helping teenagers and young adults, so Space’, engaging what is most excit- the shoe box appeal by maybe Susie can help us to move in ing about religious education: God volunteering their time. Similarly, the right direction. inviting us into—and pursuing us the Scouts prepared and collected Our confirmation candidates in the midst of—scripture and spiri- lots of sandwiches, fresh fruit and might note that Susie is putting on tual experience. bottles of water to bring into town a pre-Confirmation day for our area Programme Planning for Sun- to a group called ‘A Welcome on 27 January. day School was explored in the af- Place’. This is a volunteer-based ternoon, providing helpful ideas on soup kitchen that operates on AnnA AnD JACK how to plan the structure of each Grafton Street every Thursday Anna Fitzsimons and Jack session to include key elements evening to help feed the homeless. Darlington have been selected such as prayer, memory verse and The group are always impressed along with 23 other TY students to Bible Blast, as well as the games and with the amount of donations the travel to Romania with Habitat for songs that children love. The cur- Scouts bring, and it gives them an Humanity in June 2018. Habitat for riculum ‘Jigsaw’, which Kilternan important insight into what is Humanity is a non-profit has adopted in planning the Sun- happening in the city they live in. organisation that sends people to day Club curriculum, was devel- Our younger sections of Cubs

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Our Scouts collected lots CommuniTY of sandwiches, fresh fruit and AnD WiDer bottles of water to bring ChurCh ADVENT PRAYER IN BALALLY into town for a group called ‘A Once again this Advent, early risers Welcome are gathering in Balally Church from Place'. 7am to 7:25am to prepare for the coming of Christmas. While this may sound like an ‘ungodly’ hour, Advent Morning Prayer has been happening for twenty years in Bal- ally and is still drawing those who enjoy a peaceful time of pre-dawn prayer to counteract the commercial take-over of Christmas! The service and Beavers will also be doing their were made for you at baptism and lasts for 20–25 minutes, to accom- annual carol-singing at the Glebe to take responsibility for your modate those who have to get on Nursing Home and Leopardstown faith development. We much the road early. It is lay-led, based on Hospital, hoping to bring their prefer people to get confirmed one of the Scripture readings of the unique brand of Christmas cheer to when they are ready, rather than day, with plenty of quiet reflective the old folks. to do it just because you are in a time. There is a sense of companion- Christmas also means our particular year of school. There is ship when people come together to annual fund-raising activity—the no right age for Confirmation, but support one another on the ‘road to Twelve Days of Christmas ticket we do feel that candidates should Bethlehem’. Advent starts this year raffle. There are some amazing be at least in 1st Year of secondary on Sunday 3 December, and Advent prizes this year, so if you see any school. Morning Prayer will take place each Scouts selling tickets please give What about adults? I didn’t get weekday (Monday to Friday) for the them your support. confirmed until I was in my following three weeks, with the final thirties, and to be honest I session on Friday 22 December. All probably got more out of my ConFirmATion are welcome to attend, on all or any Confirmation experience than eXPerienCe of the mornings. It is a beautiful There will be a meeting for all those most teenagers do. If you are an time apart, and much valued by enquiring about Confirmation (and adult and have never been those who attend. An open invita- their parents) after church on 7 confirmed, and would like to tion is extended to anyone who January. participate in this experience, would like to drop in. Why not I ask those who are please let me know and we can see come along to get a taste? considering Confirmation (and about arranging an adult their parents) to think carefully Confirmation programme. DIOCESAN REFUGEE APPEAL about it. Confirmation is a big deal, What if I start the classes, but don’t Dublin and Glendalough plans to and it’s important that we feel ready to be confirmed? raise 300,000 over three years to approach it sincerely. If you are Candidates sometimes feel that € support the Irish Refugee Council’s considering Confirmation, please because they have started going to Transitional Housing Project. The think about the following: Confirmation classes they cannot project provides homes for people Whose choice is it? The decision to ‘back out’ of being confirmed, who have received refugee status to be confirmed must be your own even if they feel that they are not enable them to transition from Di- choice. It is not a decision for your ready for it. Please do not feel that rect Provision. In this article, pub- parents, grandparents, friends, etc. this is the case. There is no reason lished on the Dublin and to make. It is you who will be why you cannot postpone your Glendalough website, the Irish standing up in church declaring Confirmation until you are ready. Refugee Council gives an update on your belief in God, and affirming Equally, the rector has to stand progress so far. your faith in Jesus Christ. It is before the bishop and tell him important that you feel that you that you are prepared for ‘Annet Mphahlele, is a mother of can answer these and the other Confirmation. It is not two who is a beneficiary of the Irish questions honestly. uncommon for a rector to tell a Refugee Council’s Transitional Hous- Is the timing right for you? young person who perhaps hasn’t ing Pilot. Annet and her two chil- Confirmation is not the end of the taken the Confirmation dren received their refugee status in journey; it is a stage on the journey programme seriously that he or July 2016 but continued to live in of faith where you feel that you are she may not be quite ready. the State-run reception centres, more ready to take on the promises that

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widely known as Direct Provision, Navigating access to social serv- a disgust that a memorial to the owing to the current housing short- ices and housing for people exiting eleven fire victims who age and the barriers that come with Direct Provision can be a difficult died in 2015 should be destroyed in trying to secure rental accommoda- journey and will continue to be. The this way. We encourage people to be tion after years spent in the asylum Irish Refugee Council’s housing ini- vigilant and speak out. process. Just before Christmas, Annet tiative will allow them to share the and her family moved into their first learning and knowledge they are ac- FUTURE HOUSING SITES IN THE home in Ireland. It is one of the quiring with other stakeholders DIOCESE OF DUBLIN properties under this Pilot. working in this area and with the At the Diocesan Synod, the Arch- To date, the Irish Refugee wider asylum and refugee commu- bishop presented a document called Council has assisted fourteen people nity that engage with their services. Future Planned Housing Sites in the to move out of Direct Provision and It will also allow them to inform pol- Diocese of Dublin. The core message into their own homes, something icy and effect social change. was that there are changes afoot and they hope to build on in the coming The Irish Refugee Council are the diocese had better be ready! months. Since the New Year the advocating for an alternative to the The map below outlines areas Refugee Council has begun the Direct Provision system—one that is of projected significant population process of acquiring eight additional operated on a not-for-profit basis, as growth. As you can see, three of houses. Some of these properties they believe that reception should those areas have a direct effect on us need extensive work. have the care and well-being of (areas 5, 6 and 7). Area 5 is Kilter- The process of moving a family people as its heart rather than profit. nan–Glenamuck, with a projection into a new home requires some To contribute to the appeal, of 2,300 new houses; Area 6 is Cher- preparatory work, not only with the monies can be forwarded by cheque rywood, with a projection of 8,000 house itself but also with the com- to: the United Dioceses of Dublin homes; and Area 7 is Shanganagh– munity, local schools, employers and and Glendalough, Church House, Woodbrook, with plans for 2,300. If support services. The Irish Refugee Church Avenue, , Dublin you consider that each house may Council engages with these stake- 6 (marked Housing Appeal). have an average of three persons, holders to support the needs of the that means a population increase of people involved in the Pilot. VANDALISM IN LOCAL AREA over 35,000. Last year the Irish Refugee We have been horrified by a number Of course, that is not all within Council worked on employment pi- of acts of vandalism in the local area. our parish, but there is a duty lots and preparatory courses to en- We are particularly sensitive to the amongst the affected parishes to sure that people are properly mindless vandalism of the statue of identify how to serve the new com- supported when trying to access the the Virgin Mary on the Glenamuck munities, while also fully serving labour market. One such project was Road. We share with the community those already settled. done in partnership with the Na- tional Learning Network and in- volved peer-to-peer support and training developed to assist people to progress towards being job-ready, building their confidence and up- skilling where needed. A second one involved working with the Beacon Hospital and resulted in eight people progressing on to either paid em- ployment or a traineeship in the hospital or with other agencies that the hospital works with. The people who applied to this were given peer support to develop their resumés The map outlining and interview skills before the re- areas of projected cruitment process began. significant population These projects are viewed as growth in the both complementary and vital to the diocese of Dublin. Transitional Housing Pilot, as for the Area 5 is Kilternan– Glenamuck, with a Refugee Council housing is a first projection of 2,300 priority, but further support is new houses. needed to work towards effective and meaningful integration for the people being accommodated through it.

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emptiness for fulfilling; not just reVieW seeds, Lord, but seeds of transformation. THE MILLER’S TALE AND OTHER The story of ‘The Pan Piper’ PARABLES focuses our attention on those who live on the fringes of society, those MARGARET SILF who have stepped away from the dance and no longer feel welcome, the homeless, the drug addicts, the thieves. Christ is seen as the One Who leads all back to the dance, the healer, the gatherer, the inspirer Reviewed by Carol Barry of the despairing. Christ wants us to be His eyes, His hands, His feet in this world and do His work by When it comes to books, I can be the belief that every stone has a ensuring that all are welcome at the very hard to please. If I don’t enjoy tale to tell, and every event or dance. the first twenty pages of a book, I incident in our daily lives has In ‘The Wisdom of the am unlikely to finish it and the the potential to disclose Woods’, the narrator tells of the book may be destined for the next something of God and His beauty of creation. He is being church fête. On the other hand, if I kingdom.’ guided through the woods by a tiny enjoy the first few pages and like gold-crested bird. Journeying the style of writing, I find myself Each reflection in this book tells a through the trees, his thoughts unable to put the book down until story, from original blessing, turn to prayer. Which of the trees it’s finished. through brokenness and will be the king of the woods? Will The Miller’s Tale and Other restoration, to a new vision of an it be the mighty oak, the lilac tree Parables fell into the latter category, everlasting kingdom in which we with its twisted branches, the rose and I finished the book in a matter are all invited to play our part. and the rootstock with its beautiful of hours, ignoring all the chores I In ‘The Miller’s Tale’ we read perfume, the rowan heavy with needed to do! the story of the river, its rising in berries, the spruce outside the The author, Margaret Silf, is an the mountain and its journey family’s door which was planted 25 ecumenical Christian who is towards the ocean with all its twists years ago? Finally arriving at the committed to working across and and turns, and the diversion of its thorn bush, we discover who the beyond the denominational divides. course as it meets the mill-race. Part King of the Woods is and the She has received training from the of the river becomes the thrashing reason why. Jesuits and works as a retreat waters that turn the wheel. ‘Night Crossing’ is a story of director, devoting herself to writing Suddenly the thrashing ends and salvation, as we meet a stranger and accompanying others on their the water returns to the river. The travelling on an overnight boat. His spiritual journeys. Margaret is also wheel has turned another cycle, the concern for the other passengers passionate about making Christian stones have ground another round sees him help a stressed couple spirituality accessible to people with of grain, the world has eaten with their children, rescue a girl no theological background, and has another day’s bread, and the river from a group of young men and written several books on this and continues on its course to the ocean make an offer to a gambler at the other topics. to begin its cycle again. casino, and the consequences of In the introduction to the In ‘The Necessary Rice’, a tired this action. book she writes: priest recalls some of the scenarios I have thoroughly enjoyed of human sin and unhealthy each of these amazing parables, all ‘The word of God in sacred obsession from which we long to be revealing the human quest for the scripture has two sisters—one liberated. divine and showing how these older sister and one younger. ‘The Pumpkin Patch’ brings us ordinary experiences can reveal The older sister is older than the back to our roots and demonstrates shafts of God’s mystery. hills, she’s the created world in that in the end we have the ability which we live and move and to change ourselves and how we If you have read a book recently that have our being. The younger view life, from a rather unattractive has inspired you, we would love to sister is as young as this pumpkin to Cinderella’s carriage invite you to offer a book review. morning, she is our own and everything in between. What is Please contact Annemarie in the office, everyday personal experience as it that God wants? Is it just soup, and maybe we can get you into a we are living in the here and space and seeds? No, not just space, future edition of Klips. now. This collection of parables Lord, but space for You and Your draws the siblings together in world; not just emptiness, Lord, but

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TeAm hoPe ChrisTmAs shoeBoX APPeAL

fter smashing all expectations to deliver more than 250,000 Ashoeboxes to children in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and Africa last year, once again people from all over Ireland have responded generously to this year’s Team Hope’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal. Already, several containers and trucks filled to the brim have left for Burundi, Swaziland, Malawi, Kosovo, Albania and Belarus. Volunteers around the country are still busy checking shoeboxes to ensure that they arrive at their destination as soon as possible for Christmas! We are very grateful to the pupils at Kilternan Parish National School who have enthusiastically supported the Christmas Shoebox Executive Director of Team Hope in can make an immediate difference Appeal, as have families and individ- Dublin. ‘It’s a simple gesture’ added by donating now, sharing your uals in the parish. Thank you to Niall, ‘it won’t end poverty tomor- Christmas to help bring some hope everyone because every shoebox row but it will make a difference and joy, making a child smile. counts. Every child is important. It’s immediately, with children able to It’s a simple gesture, buying a great to see so many volunteers from wash themselves and learn in school shoebox gift through Team Hope, the parish help at the local checking for example, as well as having some through their website. Team Hope’s centre in Sandyford. This year, Team fun with a small toy’. secure online donation system will Hope are planning to send shoe- Mutua is 10 years old and lives process your Credit/Debit Card boxes to children in fourteen coun- in rural Kenya; he thought the copy- details as well as your email so they tries; it’s too early yet to know just books were the best thing in the can send you a receipt. Really it’s a how many children will receive a shoebox! He had never used a tooth- simple gesture yet can mean the shoebox from Ireland this year! brush or toothpaste before. Of world to a vulnerable child. course, he loved the toy and the For more about Team Hope’s Just in case you missed the dead- sweets too! Copybooks can be like a online Christmas Shoebox Appeal line, there’s still time to make a passport to go to school for children and to donate, please visit difference! Team Hope has again like Mutua. The shoebox gifts bring teamhope.ie or see their Facebook launched its online Christmas Shoe- these children so much joy and page www.facebook.com/ box Appeal, this year called IT’S A hope. Just to know that someone so team.hope.ireland/ SIMPLE GESTURE. Irish people and far away cares about them to send IT’S A SIMPLE GESTURE and the diaspora worldwide are well them these gifts means the world to you’ll be glad you donated. known for their generosity and sup- these children. #itsasimplegesture! porting worthwhile causes, so Team Anyone can get involved with Carol Hennessey – National Hope are asking them this year to our online Christmas Shoebox Ap- Manager, Christmas Shoebox buy an online shoebox for vulner- peal —IT’S A SIMPLE GESTURE. You Appeal. able children in Kenya. For €15 / £14 / $18, Team Hope will buy a mean- ingful shoebox gift in your name and get it into the hands of a child in Kenya. ‘As an Irish charity helping vul- nerable children in many places like Kenya, the children we support are some of the poorest of the poor and a simple shoebox gift with educa- tional and hygiene gifts can literally mean life and hope’ says Niall Barry,

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20 | Kilternan Klips | Winter 2017