Volume 1 • Issue 3 Fall 1999 This article appears in The Industrial Ethernet Book, issue 1, published by Fieldbus.pub. For more information on The Industrial Ethernet Book, please the contact Adrian Chesney,
[email protected] or +44 (0) 1329 846166. EXTENSION A Technical Supplement to control NETWORK INTRODUCTION TO ETHERNET ETHERNET FRAMES The two types of Ethernet frames Ethernet for Control—Understanding the Basics used in industry are similar. The DIX V2.0 frame, frequently referred to as the Ethernet II frame, consists of an eight-byte preamble, six-byte INTRODUCTION and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) was attempting to develop open source and destination addresses, a There has been much discussion network standards through the 802 two-byte type field used to identify recently regarding the applicability committee. In 1985 the IEEE 802.3 higher layer protocols, a variable of using Ethernet at various levels committee published “IEEE 802.3 data byte field followed by a four- of the control hierarchy. Since Carrier Sense Multiple Access with byte frame check sequence (FCS) Ethernet is so prevalent in the Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) field. The IEEE 802.3 frame divides office and frequently used as the Access Method and Physical Layer the preamble into a seven-byte enterprise network for high-end Specifications.” This technology is preamble followed by a single byte controllers, it would seem to be called 802.3 CSMA/CD and not start of frame delimiter (SFD). The a natural to use Ethernet at the Ethernet; however, it is frequently two-byte type field now becomes a control level or even at the device referred to as Ethernet even two-byte length field.