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' L National Workshop L on Development of Afghan


8 -1 0 February 1999, PeshaVI

L CDAP /UNDP- /UNOPS Comprehensive Disabled Afghans' Program L. 17C, Gulmobar Lane, University ToWR, Peshawar, Pakistan Tel: 0092 91 841880, 843890, 844693 Fax: 0092 91 844946 E-mail: [email protected].:gk National Workshop On Development of Afghan Sign Language 8- 10 February 1999 CDAP, Peshawar

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 1 Contents

• Objectives • Participant Organizations • Background • Questions and Concerns

Part One: Development of the Afghan Sign Language

• Approaches towards the development of the sign language • Groupwork • Agreements for development of Afghan Sign Language • Steps for development ofNational Afghan Sign Language

Part Two: Common Areas for Cooperation

• Common and unified policy • Development of Afghan sign language • Education and material production • Technical and professional cooperation • Organizing joint workshops, seminars and meetings • Public awareness and struggle for the rights of hearing impaired people

Part Three: Action Steps

• Action Guide • Recommendation • Evaluation of the workshop • Participants

Natim1al Workshop on Development ofA./khan Sign Language Page- 2 Objectives 1- Devise a common strategy for the development of sign language. 2- Promote coordination and cooperation between sister agencies.

Participant Agencies

Hearing Impaired Foundation of (HIFA): Founded in 1994, HIF A mainly works in the field of education of hearing impaired people in city. At present HIF A accommodates 150 students with hearing impairment in its special education system up to class four. The students learn literacy and basic education through sign language and leap-reading. They get special training in some small vocations for future self-employment.

To reach the female hearing impaired persons, HIF A established three female centers in Kabul city. In a local survey HIFA identified around 500 hearing impaired people in Kabul city. As its first project output, this national NGO trained 20 teachers in special education for hearing impaired people.

SHIP/SERVE: As a project of SERVE, SHIP works for rehabilitation and education of hearing impaired people in city and some districts ofNingarhar province. As part of its work for the development oflocal sign language SHIP collected and printed a collection oflocal signs.

Comprehensive Disabled Afghans Program, CDAP: Established in 1995, CDAP is part ofthe UNDP PEACE Initiative for Afghanistan. This program works in 58 districts and 8 urban centers for rehabilitation, empowerment and integration of disabled people. The inclusive education section ofthis program works for the education of hearing impaired children and their integration into normal classes. To this end CDAP trains teachers oflocal schools in sign language and other related skills .

Swedish Save the Children, Radda Barnen/RBTU: The training section ofthis organization assists CDAP in training of its field workers in rehabilitation and integration of disabled people. RBTU trainers also train CDAP's Inclusive Education Resource Persons (IERPs) in sign language and leap-reading.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 3 Background: It is worth mentioning that this workshop was the first of its kind in Afghanistan, where hearing impaired people were included, both as participants and decision · makers about their future . ·Systematic work for the rehabilitation of hearing impaired people in Afghanistan commenced in early nineties by the above mentioned national and international NGOs. With the expansion of services in this field, the need for better and close technical and professional coordination and cooperation between these organizations was felt and widely recognized.

Formulation of a national policy, common curriculum for the education of hearing impaired people and exchange of skills and experiences for development of sign language are the most important items on the top of the national agenda for inter­ agency coordination and cooperation.

Given the long-term objectives of rehabilitation and education ofthe hearing impaired people and the development of Afghan sign language as parts of overall national reconstruction and rehabilitation process, the organizations sat together in this national workshop to devise a common policy and strategy and find answers for the under mentioned question and concerns:

Common Questions and Concerns: 1- Why do we need a national sign language? 2- Is it possible to have a national Afghan sign language in spite of having different languages such as Pushtu, , Turkmani, Uzbaki and so many other languages in Afghanistan? 3- What are the problems and what are the possibilities to this end? 4- For what purpose do we need a national sign language? For education? For communication? Or for both?

5- Is it possible for hearing impaired people to communicate with local sign languages in all places and all subjects. 6- Are there as many differences in regional sign languages as there are ,in spoken languages? 7- How can the signs for the regional sign language be collected and analyzed? 8- What steps have been taken in the past for the development of a sign language in Afghanistan? 9- To what extent do the hearing impaired people understand the present sign language materials? 10- Why are some of the present signs not understandable? 11- How has the Afghan sign language been developed so far? 12- Has anyone tested the present signs in the field?

· ·National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Languag~ Page- 4 A professional comment on the above questions and the approaches for the development of sign language in Afghanistan was sent by Brother Andrew from Jordan, which helped the participants to lead a more realistic discussion on the development of Afghan Sign Language. The first part of this workshop, which was allocated to the development of Afghan Sign Language, mainly focused on the above questions and concerns.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 5 Part One

Development of Afghan Sign language

During discussion in this section the participants worked to find an answer for the following question:

Question: Should we use a common sign language for education ofhearing impaired people in Afghanistan or should the agencies use local signs in their local projects?

Approaches towards the development of the sign language

There were two extremes among the participants for the development of sign language in Afghanistan: a. To develop a common national sign language and work from the very beginning for that. b. To work with local sign languages, utilize and develop them.

To have a realistic and practical answer to this problem the workshop requested the viewpoint and life-experience of the hearing impaired participants of the workshop. After a detailed discussion and brainstorming practices they concluded that it will be better for their long term benefits to have a common sign l~nguage, particularly for their education. But they, in the mean time, stressed that local differences in signs are natural and should not be removed artificially.

The workshop also evaluated both of the upper mentioned approaches towards development of sign language in Afghanistan . The results were summarized in the following table:

National Workshop tmDevelopment ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 6 Strengths and Weaknesses of Common and local Sign languages

Common Sign Language Strengths Weaknesses 1. Good for wide-range 1. Leering involves high cost and long communication; time; 2. Students do not need to learn 2. Is an unnatural method; several signs/languages; 3. Takes a long time to be accepted in the 3. Can make wide relation; society; 4. Promote education at national 4. Can not be easily spread out; level; 5. Development involves more time and 5. Decrease education expenses at high cost. national level; 6. Accelerates literacy process ; 7. Promote coordination and cooperation between relevant NGOs. Local Sign Languages 1. Initial resources are available in the 1. The number of signs are limited; community; 2. Collection of signs from many 2. Provide base for the development localities takes long time and involves ofNational Sign Language; high cost.

Group Work:

Having a common sign language for education of hearing impaired people was the main reason behind the development of a common Afghan Sign language. Some of the participants were of the opinion that using local and different signs in education and literacy programs will cause communication problems for hearing impaired people at wider national level. To test the practicality oflocal sign languages for education and wider communication, the workshop arranged an open discussion between hearing impaired people from Kabul with hearing impaired people from Jalalabad. They discussed two topics: wedding ceremony in Afghan society and the current political situation in the country. The open discussion between these hearing impaired people was observed and evaluated by other participants. At the end of this trial the group reached the following findings and conclusion:

Findings and Conclusion:

1. Communication was possible but very weak and mostly on initial daily affairs.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 7 2. About 40% of the signs were common and similar. 3. For those who live in a family or village environment not in the education centers, communication was difficult. 4: It was felt that with local sign languages it will be difficult to communicate advanced and contemporary needs oflife. 5. It was realized that community, particularly families of hearing impaired people should learn and speak sign language. 6. To promote education and rights of hearing impaired people there is a felt need for social mobilization and awareness .

Agreements for development of an Afghan Sign Language:

The workshop finally agreed that: Having a common sign language is a felt need of hearing impaired people and we should work together to this end. Development of a common Afghan Sign Language should begin with finding, selecting, testing and promotion oflocal signs and from there steps should be forwarded for emergence of a Common Sign language. Common Afghan Sign Language should be basically composed of local signs. In areas where we do not have signs such as technical terminology, signs may be selected from foreign sign languages or can be newly developed and agreed on .

Steps for development of National Afghan Sign Language:

Phase-1 Method: Unification of the present signs in a format To select around 2000 urgently needed signs of National Sign language. for education of hearing impaired people, from the existing signs in Kabul (HIF A) and Jalalabad (SHIP).

Phase-11 Method: Expansion of commonly accepted and Agencies should note new words/signs recognized .signs for development of Afghan needed for education of the hearing impaired Sign Language. people and will than send them to the joint technical commission for development of Afghan Sign language . The commission will either accept local signs or recommend other signs to be used and taught .

·-National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language · Page- 8 Note: Having signs not available in Afghanistan, the workshop agreed on the following principles : 1. If a sign does not exist among the people, such as technical terminology, in the first step it should be taken from the signs of our neighboring country which share with us common culture, history and religion. In the second step from any other country which use such sign. 2. In dictionary of sign language in addition to the accepted common sign, we should put other synonyms(local signs) as well.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 9 Part Two

Common Areas for Cooperation

For the development of sign language, education and rehabilitation of hearing-impaired people, the workshop emphasized better cooperation and coordination between the related organizations and determined the following areas for joint efforts, cooperation and coordination. They prioritized the areas in accordance to their need and importance.

1. Common and unified policy

2. Development of Afghan sign language

3. Education and material production

4. Technical and professional cooperation

5. Organizing joint workshops, seminars and meetings

6. Public awareness and struggle for the rights of hearing impaired people.

1. Common and unified policy

Areas of work:

• Exchange of resources • Constant communication and understanding between the organizations • Utilize each others' sources • Joint efforts for the attraction of external sources • Division of work and prevention of repetition and loss of sources

Work procedure and action

The managers of the related organizations will hold their first common policy making in the coming two months and will decide upon the practical and final decisions ofthe workshop on 6 April 1999.

The related organizations are HIFA, SHIP, CDAP and RB.

The managers' meetings will be held regularly every three months.

National Workshop o"nDevelopment ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 10 2. Development of Afghan Sign Language

Areas of work:

• Methods of sign and information collection

• Holding meetings with people for the development of sign language

• Establishing a joint commission for the development of sign language.

• Preparation and agreement on common words urgently needed.

• Preparation of Afghan sign language dictionary

Work procedure and action

Establishment of a commission for the development of Afghan sign language Composition of the commission: One language expert (if needed), two sign language experts and two hearing impaired people who are very good in sign language form SHIP and HIF A are involved in the commission.

Duties of the commission:

Selection of2000 urgently needed words and signs from the existing materials of SlllP and HIFA for the education of hearing impaired people.

Development of new words and signs based on the needs of hearing impaired people and the organizations.

Starting date for the work of the commission

The first meeting of the managers will determine the date.

3. Education and training materials

Areas ofwork:

• Curriculum

• Education program

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 11 • Teaching methods and exchange of educational experience.

• Establishing special education schools for hearing impaired people. (Experimental) • Establishing vocational training centers for hearing impaired people.

• Preparation of teaching materials.

• Preparation ofteaching aids.

• Preparation of training books for different classes.

• Recognition of the curriculum and the training program by government and others • If possible, equip the schools for hearing impaired people with computer.

Work procedure and action:

The commission for the development of sign language starts working on education and training materials after the completion as first step work on sign language.

4. Technical and professional cooperation.

Areas of work:

• Exchange ofviews and experience among professional people.

• Upgrade the academic and professional level of the professional personnel.

• General needs and requirements ofthe organizations

• Working visits between the organizations.

• Preparation of materials

Working procedure:

CDAP makes arrangements for the professional personnel ofHIFA and SHIP to visit its CBR program in different regions.

Professionals of the related organizations should pay visits to each other projects.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 12 5. Joint workshops, seminars and meetings.

Areas of work:

• Celebration of special days of hearing impaired (disabled) people.

• Exhibition of the products made by hearing impaired people.

• In coming two years, a national workshop with hearing impaired people.

• Quarterly meetings of the policy makers.

• Organize technical and professional workshops.

Work procedure and action:

The second National Workshop on Afghan sign language will be held September 21, 1999.

The managers' meetings will decide up on the need for holding workshops and seminars.

6. Public awareness and struggle for the rights of hearing impaired people.

Areas of work:

• Attracting the attention of the community for the difficulties· of hearing impaired people.

• Seeking local resources.

• Competition between hearing impaired people.

• Participation in the international forums

• Organize clubs for hearing impaired people.

• Establish hearing aid center.

• Quarterly magazine about hearing impairment.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 13 • Develop audio visual aids.

• Use of mass media.

• Special library for hearing impaired people.

Work procedure and action

The managerial council in its first meeting decides upon the establishment of a hearing aid center and prepares a project proposal for it.

Each organization holds social events for the awareness of community members and parents about the difficulties ofhearing impaired people.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 14 Part Three

Action Steps

Action plans:

!.Peter Coleridge will organize the first managers meeting.

2.The managers' council will hold their first meeting on April6, 1999.

3.The managers' council will decide upon the composition ofthe commission for the development of sign language and will determine the starting date of its work.

4. The sign language commission will work on the development of sign language in the first step and in the second step will work on education and teaching materials.

5. The professional staff of the related organizations should pay visits to each other's projects as soon as possible.

6. The second workshop will be held inside Afghanistan by HIF A September 21, 1999.

7. The managers' council will decide upon the establishment of a hearing aid center in its first meeting and will prepare a joint project proposal.

Note: The related organizations are CDAP, HIF A, SlllP and RB.

Recommendations of the workshop:

The workshop during their three day working sessions emphasized the need for having a national Afghan sign language for the Afghan community as well as for the hearing impaired people and proposed the following recommendations:

1. The first meeting of the related organizations for the formulation of common policy will be held on April 6, 1999.

2.The managers meetings will be held every three months.

3. The managers' council will determine the composition, duties and starting date of the commission for the development of sign language.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 15 4. The commission for the development of sign language as a first step selects 2000 urgently needed words and signs from the existing materials of SHIP and HIF A for the education and communication ofhearing impaired people.

5. The commission for the development of sign language in the second step will work on education and training materials.

6. The managers of the organization should pave the way for the staff of the organization to pay visits to each other's projects.

7. The second workshop for the development of sign language evaluates the process, the results and implementation ofthe recommendations of the first workshop.

8. The organizations jointly celebrate the special days of hearing-impaired (disabled) people through conferences and exhibitions.

9.To organize technical and professional workshops for the promotion of knowledge, enrichment of experience and to provide opportunities for professionals to exchange their views and experiences.

10.Another national workshop for hearing impaired people during the coming two years.

11.Pave the way for the participation in international workshops, conferences and seminars

12. Pave the way for professional staff to participate in professional training courses abroad.

13. Starting with the equipment of SERVE, at least one center for hearing aids to be established.

14.Quarterly magazine about hearing impairment is urgently needed.

15.Establish vocational training centers for hearing impaired people.

16.Pave the way for the employment of hearing impaired people.

17.Try for the government's recognition of common curriculum for the education ofhearing impaired people.

18. The hearing impaired people should be actively involved in planning, administering and implementation of the projects.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 16 Request of the workshop participants

We (the participants ofthe workshop) kindly request the managers ofthe organization to extend their strong efforts in the implementation of the above recommendations which are made for the urgent needs of the hearing impaired people of Afghanistan.

Evaluation of the workshop

Weak points of the workshop Strong points of the workshop • Unity and coordination among the • Absence of some managers of the organizations . organizations • Writing all the issues in details and • Lack of working and decision good order. making authority of the participants. • Participation of disabled people . • Individual arguments. • Cordial atmosphere . • Passive participation of some • Taking turns for the expression of participants of the workshop. views.

• Differences of signs among the • Proper place, time and venue. participants particularly among the hearing impaired people.

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 17 Participants of the workshop:

1. Mohammad-1-Gul Wahidi (Organizer ofthe workshop) CDAP

20 Hayatullah Wahdat (Facilitator ofthe workshop) CDAP

3 0 Saliba Ehsan yar (Secretary of the workshop) CDAP

40 Sayd Asghar Haidary HIFA

50 N asrullah Khan HIFA

60 Waheed Ahmad (Hearing impaired person) HIFA

70 Zargai (Hearing impaired person) HIFA

80 Abdul Ghafar (Hearing impaired person) SHIP

90 Khalilulah (Hearing impaired person) SHIP

100 Nasima Jan SHIP

110 Sayd Khan Agha SHIP

120 Parveen Azimi RBIRBTU

13 0 Khalid (Hearing impaired person) Club

140 Zabihullah (Hearing impaired person) Club

150 Waleed (Hearing impaired person) Club/CDAP

160 Bazgar (Hearing impaired person) Club/CDAP

National Workshop on Development ofAfghan Sign Language Page- 18 First National Disability Workshop On Development of Afghan Sign Language


Sponsored By CDAPIUNDP and ACBAR 8- 10 Febrauary 1999 17-C, Gulmohar Lane, Uff, Peshawar

Objectives To devise a strategy and promote coordination for development of Afghan Sign Language.

Duration: 3 days

Agenda: o Day-one What are the concerns of hearing Need Assessment impaired education and development and Analysis of sign language? o Day-two How to deal with the problems Methods and and concerns ? Mechanism o Day-three Future Action and recommendations. Time-frame for Action

Participants : DPs 6Persons HIF A 2 persons SlllP 2 Persons CD AP 3 Persons RB 1 Persons Activities

Day 0 ne: Activity Duration Working Method Timin2

Welcome and introduction IWahidi 10 minutes Plenary 09:00- 10:00 Opening by Peter Coleridge + others 20 Presentation of agencies' activities on SL 30

Tea Break 30 10:00- 10:30

Problems and concerns about Sign 120 Plenary /brainstorming 10:30- 12:30 Language: Consensus on strategy and approach Open discussion Listing ofpoints Lunch and Prayer 90 12:30- 02:00pm Continues 30 Plenary /brainstorming 02:00-02:30 Problems and concerns about Sign Language: Consensus on strategy and approach Open discussion

• Listing problems and concerns by groups 90 Group-work 02:30-04:00 • Group presentation

Day Two: Activity Duration Workin2 Method Timin2

• Group interaction in sign language : 60 Group-work 08:30- 09:30 Deaf-to-Deaf Interaction (to be facilitated by Parween)

Summarize groups findings (Facilitator)

• Presentation of groups finding 30 Plenary 09:30- 10:00

Tea Break 30 10:00 -10:30

Prioritizing problems and concerns 30 Plenary 10:30-11:00

How to coordinate efforts to deal with the 90 Plenary/Brainstorming 11:00 - 12;30 prioritized problems and concerns? (Methods and mechanism) Listing the suggestions Lunch and Prayer 90 12:30- 02:0~m Continues 60 Plenary 02:00-03:00 (Methods and mechanism)

Analyzing and selecting the most appropriate 90 Plenary 03:00- 04:00 method and mechanism . D ay Th ree: Activity Duration Working Method Timing

Future Actions required and recommendations 90 Plenary 08:30 -10:00

Tea Break 30 '10:00- 10:30

Interaction on sign language 60 Group-work 10:30- 11:30 Hearing- to- Deaf To be facilitated by Parween)

Group presentation 30 Plenary 11 :30 -12:00

Feedback and workshop evaluation 30 Plenary 12:00- 12:30 Goodbye and closing Lunch and Prayer 90 12:30- 02:00pm