МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования “Южный федеральный университет”

В. С. Хорешман

ENGLISH For Standardization and Metrology УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ

ТАГАНРОГ 2014 ББК 81.2 Англ – 92 УДК 621.37/ 39 (075.8)

Автор: В. С. Хорешман. English for Standardization and Metrology: Учебное пособие. – Таганрог: Изд-во ЮФУ, 2014. – 158 с.

Учебное пособие “English for Standardization and Metrology”, подготовленное на кафедре Иностранных языков Института управления в экономических, экологических и социальных системах ЮФУ в г. Таганроге, предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению «Стандартизация и метрология» (27.03.01). Основной целью пособия является формирование и развитие иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности студентов данной специальности на старших курсах технического вуза для осуществления профессионально ориентированного общения с зарубежными специалистами в интенсивно развивающейся сфере международного научно-технического содружества, а также для успешной профессиональной деятельности по сертификации товаров и услуг. Изучение материала предлагаемого пособия предоставит возможность студентам совершенствовать профессиональную компоненту инженерного образования с акцентом на их профильную специальность, повышать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка для профессиональных целей. Данное учебное пособие также может быть использовано студентами, аспирантами, специалистами и широким кругом изучающих, имеющих базовый уровень сформированности компетенций по английскому языку и интересующихся вопросами измерения, стандартизации и сертификации.

Рецензенты: К.п.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков ИУЭС ЮФУ М. Г. Бондарев. К. п. н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков ТИУиЭ Л. Ф. Авдеева

© ЮФУ 2014 © Хорешман В.С., 2014.

English for special purpouses Map of the book

Units Grammar Text A Listening Text B Text C Writing, Get real, Speaking 1. Jobs, Active and Careers in Calibration Laboratory (video); Job Writing a CV; Vacancies, Passive Voice; Metrology; Announce- 19 Employment 10 ments; Role Play; 7 11 17 18 20 2. Units and Tenses Standards The Cubit What do the Pair Activity; Systems of Revision; Historically (audio); Opponents 30 Measurement 26 and 27 Think? Making a Currently Report; Questions; (video); 35 34 21 29 23 30

3. Methods Infinitive; Classifica- Pyrometers Scales; Direct Useful and tion of (audio); Sources of Methods of language Instruments of Methods of 49 Error; Cleanliness 44 Measurement Measure- Measuring the Measure- How to waigh 36 38 ments; Length of Cable 45 ment; a cat? 41 (audio); 51 48 50 4. Standardiza- Modal verbs; Standards; ISO Guiding Pair Activity; tion Bodies 55 Objectives Principles for 62, 69 Infinitive (video); Sustainable Writing Constructions 61 Development; summary 56 What is ISO/IEC 17025 (aka 53 58 laboratory Accreditation)? 68 67 (audio); 63 5. Gerund and IEC Deve- From Products IEC Selling Safe Standardizatio Gerundial loping to Solutions – Technical -hand n for Electricity Constructions Interna- Ensuring Commi- Electrical and Electronics tional Compatibility ttees Goods 71 Standards (video); 70 73 75 77 79 6. Getting Conditional Conformity Satisfactory Certifica- A new Making Certified sentences; Assess- Quality (audio); tion in Approach to Template of a ment; and Russia. Technical Certificate; (audio);85 GOST; Harmoni- 96 CE marking sation; Role Play; (audio); 90 197 6 steps to get CE 81 83 86 marking (video); 92 98 91

Appendix: Pair activity cards 101 Units conversion table 132 Tapescripts 104 Sample Certificates 135 Calculations and measurements 108 List of Irregular Verbs 138 Grammar files 118 English - Russian Vocabulary to Units 140 Grammar revision (additional exercises) 124 Russian - English Glossary 150 Sample list of topics for projects 131

Пособие «English for standardization, Certification and Metrology» написано с учетом программы обучения иностранному языку для студентов неязыковых вузов по направлениям "Метрология и стандартизация». Аутентичный текстовый материал тематических разделов пособия и разработанная система упражнений имеют профессионально ориентированную проблематику. Уровень сложности текстового материала, представленного в пособии, ориентирован на студентов с уровнем сформированности лингвистической компетенции в объеме базового курса изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык». Цель пособия – развитие профессиональной иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности студентов, которая позволит осуществлять профессионально ориентированное общение со специалистами других стран, способствующее международному научно-техническому сотрудничеству, а также профессиональная деятельность в области стандартизации и сертификации, связанная с обработкой технической и правовой документации на иностранном языке. Пособие содержит современный аутентичный текстовый, аудио и видео материал, изучение которого поможет студентам совершенствовать профессиональную компоненту инженерного образования в области метрологии, стандартизации и сертификации в процессе изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык для профессиональных целей» в неязыковом вузе. Текстовый, аудио и видео материал и система заданий пособия могут быть использованы для групповой и самостоятельной работы студентов в аудитории под руководством преподавателя, а также для внеаудиторной работы. Организация обсуждения предложенных в тематических разделах пособия проблем в студенческой аудитории в форме ролевой игры, ток-шоу, диспутов, игр-соревнований, обсуждений «круглого стола», проектов, презентаций и других форм общения студентов на иностранном языке представляется значимой, так как имитирует естественную языковую профессионально ориентированную коммуникацию. Пособие состоит из 6 разделов, включающих в себя лексические и грамматические упражнения, задания по различным видам чтения, способствующие развитию иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в избранной профессии. Весь предлагаемый материал содержит следующие проблемы для обсуждения: работа, карьера, трудоустройство; системы и единицы измерения; методы и инструменты измерения; международные органы стандартизации; стандартизация в сфере электрических и электронных технологий; сертификация в России и в мире. Каждый раздел пособия (Unit) имеет свое тематическое направление. Структура раздела позволяет студентам снять трудности языкового, речевого и психологического характера в процессе усвоения учебного материала раздела, легко ориентироваться в структурно-содержательном блоке текстовых заданий и упражнений. Каждый раздел имеет в своей структуре следующие типы заданий: Lead In –знакомство с предлагаемой проблемой раздела, выполнение предтекстовых заданий с целью предварительного обсуждения представленной проблемы с опорой на фоновые знания студентов. Vocablurary – содержит дефиниции лексического материала по проблеме раздела, упражнения для проведение фонетического тренинга блока основных лексических единиц, знакомство с особенностями словообразования с целью дальнейшей эффективной работы с текстом. В заданиях раздела Grammar представлена грамматическая проблема, предназначенная для изучения студентами самостоятельно или под руководством преподавателя, исходя из специфики конкретного тематического раздела пособия. Снять грамматические трудности и изучить грамматический материал, представленный на русском языке более подробно можно в секции Grammar Files, которая находится в конце пособия. Specialist Reading – включает в себя аутентичный текстовый материал по проблеме раздела. Language in Use – предлагает задания на закрепление и актуализацию отдельных лексических и грамматических конструкций и речевых образцов с опорой на прочитанный текстовый материал. Comprehension Check – представляет систему заданий с целью выявить степень понимания прочитанного текстового материала, а также создать условия для его обсуждения. Listening – этот раздел содержит аутентичный аудио- или видеоматериал по теме раздела с системой предтекстовых упражнений, способствующих снятию языковых трудностей, и последующих заданий коммуникативного характера. Возможность использования видеоматериалов приблизит атмосферу занятия к реальной языковой среде, сделает его более информативным. Применение на занятии информационных технологий в обучении, прослушивание и просмотр аутентичных текстов и фильмов в аудитории и во внеаудиторное время способствуют повышению уровня профессиональной компетентности, развитию современного взгляда на технические науки, формированию профессионального мышления средствами иностранного языка, повышению мотивации к изучению дисциплины «Иностранный язык для профессиональных (специальных) целей. Ряд следующих заданий: Writing, Get Real, Speaking, по мнению разработчиков пособия, заслуживает особого внимания студентов, так как данные задания имеют целью не только интенсивное совершенствование всех видов речевой деятельности студентов, но и эффективное развитие творческого мышления и индивидуального подхода студентов к рассмотрению проблемы раздела в процессе подготовки. Разделы Writing и Speaking содержат задания, имеющие целью развитие творческого мышления и индивидуальной точки зрения студентов, которые мотивируют обучаемых к дальнейшему изучению и критическому видению предлагаемой проблемы, дополнительному использованию различных информационных источников по изучаемой теме.Рраздел Speaking включает в себя систему заданий с целью развития коммуникативной компетенции студентов в процессе профессионально ориентированного общения. Система упражнений каждого тематического раздела пособия способствует интенсивному вовлечению студентов в дискуссию, позволяющую анализировать предложенную в разделе проблему с элементами обобщения и оценки, аргументировано выражать собственную точку зрения. Get Real – упражнения, стимулирующие применение знаний в ситуациях профессионального общения; дополнительный аутентичный материал по проблематике всех разделов пособия (особенно в ходе выполнения заданий разделов Writing и Speaking) наиболее полно реализовать профессиональные интересы. поможет студентам в процессе выполнения творческих заданий, составления докладов и подготовки презентаций. Supplementary Reading (text C) – содержит дополнительный текстовый материал по проблеме тематических разделов пособия, предназначенный для самостоятельного чтения, что поможет студентам в процессе выполнения творческих заданий, составления докладов и подготовки презентаций. Учебное пособие «English for standardization, Certification and Metrology», кроме 6 тематических разделов, содержит: Map of the Book – представляет собой оглавление по тематическим разделам пособия, представленный в таблице и ранжированный по основным видам речевой деятельности: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Supplementary Reading для более наглядного восприятия. Также пособие содержит ряд приложений (Appendix): Раздел содержит материалы для парной работы на занятии и тексты, и печатные версии текстов для аудирования, грамматический справочник, дополнительные грамматические упражнения, темы для творческих проектов, а так же справочную информацию по специальности (таблицы преобразования единиц измерения, образцы сертификатов качества), необходимые для выполнения заданий учебника. Word List – в данном разделе дан тезаурус языка для специальных целей «English for standardization, Certification and Metrology». Список предлагаемых для изучения лексических единиц структурирован по тематическим разделам пособия. Пособие может быть рассчитано на 140 – 150 и более часов практической аудиторной работы и может быть предложено студентам и магистрантам, специалистам и всем желающим изучать английский язык с целью развития и совершенствования иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности в процессе обсуждения проблем профессионально ориентированной тематики, а также может быть использовано преподавателями английского языка в учебном процессе в качестве основного и дополнительного практического пособия по направлению «Metrology and Standardization».

English for Standardization and Metrology Unit 1 Jobs, vacancies, employment LEAD-IN: Plans and ambitions

1. How do you imagine your life after graduating? What should your future job be like? Tell about your professional ambitions in 5, 10 and 15 years.

o After graduating I’m going to look for a well- paid job. o In 10 years I might work for a big international company or, probably, I

might participate in a scientific project. o I’m quite interested in … , so I’m planning to … o I’m thinking of starting a career in …

2. Match the terms and definitions:

а) the science of measurement, including both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology. b) the property of the result of a measurement or the value of a standard whereby it can be related to stated national or international standards. с) a comparison between measurements. d) the process or the result of determining the ratio of a physical quantity, such as a length, time, temperature etc., of 1. measurement something, to an established unit, such as meter, second or degree 2. traceability Celsius. 3. metrology e) the degree of exactness which the final product corresponds 4. calibration to the measurement standard. 5. precision f) the ability of a measurement to be consistently reproduced. 6. accuracy


3. Match the words with Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation.

1. to compare a. оборудование 2. opportunity b. измерять, выверять, калибровать 3. bias c. сравнивать 4. experience d. надёжность 5. equipment e. требовать 6. to require f. неточность, погрешность, ошибка 7. curriculum vitae g. возможность 8. to gauge h. резюме 9. alignment i. регулировка, подгонка, настройка 10. to contribute j. опыт 11. reliability k. внести вклад


Unit 1 Jobs, Vacancies, Employment

4. Match synonyms.

1. curriculum vitae a. demand (n) 8. concept h. accuracy 2. to concern b. to define 9. precision i. equipment 3. requirement c. to establish 10. uncertainty j. to vary 4. regulatory d. resume 11. tool k. to measure 5. to set up e. to deal with 12. to gauge l. alignment 6. core (adj) f. essential 13. adjustment m. bias 7. to determine g. moderating 14. experience n. background 15. to range o. notion

5. Put the words in columns; put the structural elements of words in the chart: -ment; -ate; -ous; -tion; -al; --ly; -able; -ability; -tive; -ness; - ian; -ist.

Nouns adjectives verbs adverbs -ment;

Translate the words.

rely regular compare equip reliable regulate comparability equipment reliability regulator comparable vary comparison regulatory require various variable comparative requirement variability measure variation measurement variant measurable contribute quant contribution quantity accurate quantitative accurately certain quantify accuracy certainly define quantification certainty image definite

uncertainty imagine indefinite physics definition physician imagination precise physicist imaginative suit precision capable align

suitable preciseness capability alignment


6. Mach the lines. Pay attention to prepositions. 1. The level of traceability determines whether the a) to other measurements. result of a measurement can be compared b) in operation of X-ray 2. This job requires experience spectroscopy. 3. There are many laboratories dedicated c) to testing products. 4. The alignment of modern building equipment is d) on optical measurements based e) from an accredited metrology 5. This prospective specialist matriculated program.


English for Standardization and Metrology Перевод определений Если в предложении стоят подряд два и более существительных, соединенных без предлога, то ОПОРНЫМ является ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ, а стоящие слева от него существительные являются определениями к нему.

+ + + n n n n При переводе такое существительное обычно заменяется прилагательным: laboratory personnel – лабораторный персонал

Если в русском языке нельзя образовать прилагательное, используется существительное в родительном падеже (кого? чего?) или существительное с предлогом: measurement data - данные измерений measurement uncertainty evaluation – оценка неточности измерений

Иногда при переводе используется причастный оборот или придаточное предложение: alignment equipment – устройство, осуществляющее подгонку

Несколько существительных образуют цепочку левых определений (иногда они могут соединяться союзами): measurement uncertainty evaluation – оценка неточности измерений 7. Translate the word combinations: x-ray fluorescence imaging; high-resolution astronomical imaging techniques; laser tracker technology; measurement data; laboratory personnel; error sources; traceability protocols; the aerospace industry; measurement uncertainty; particle accelerator; precision positioning system.

8. Match word combinations and Russian equivalents.

1. career 1. accelerator 1. система позиционирования 2. measuring 2. uncertainty 2. измерительное оборудование 3. core 3. opportunities 3. технологии высокого разрешения 4. systematic 4. instrumentation 4. систематическая ошибка 5. international 5. techniques 5. карьерные возможности 6. measurement 6. bias 6. основное понятие 7. particle 7. standards 7. международные стандарты 8. high- resolution 8. concept 8. неточность измерений 9. positioning 9. call 9. ускоритель частиц 10. service 10. system 10. вызов технической помощи

11. imaging 11. data 11. произвести подгонку и выравнивание 12. physical 12. terms 12. физические характеристики 13. to gauge 13. capability 13. методы калибровки 14. post-adjustment 14. a problem 14. получить диплом по окончании 15. in quantitative 15. upon completion 15. решать проблему 16. measurement 16. techniques 16. в количественном выражении 17. calibration 17. characteristics 17. технологии получения изображений 18. to resolve 18. methods 18. данные после корректировки 19. receive a diploma 19. alignment 19. измерительная способность


Unit 1 Jobs, Vacancies, Employment GRAMMAR

1. Put the verbs in Present Simple Active Voice: A metrologist 1______processes and systems used to measure require objects. Some metrology jobs 2______experience in operation of develop precision positioning systems. Many companies 3______in metrology specialize services for all kinds of industries.

determine A career in legal metrology 4______the regulatory requirements of measurements for the consumers protection. Traceability 5______relate measurements to national and international standards. The level of traceability concern 6______whether the result of a measurement can be compared to other measurements.

Industrial metrology 7______manufacturing. It 8______deal with ensuring the suitability of measuring instrumentation. Most specialists in require metrology 9______jobs as technicians. Some job specifications have 10______knowledge about high-resolution imaging techniques. involve

A fundamental metrology job 11______establishing new units involve and measurement methods. A job in metrology 12 ______understanding mean traceability, accuracy and precision. Metrology engineers 13______operate equipment in many laboratories.

The new calibration system 14 ______length, mass, time, develop temperature and other characteristics of objects. A metrologist 15 ______measure calibration systems, 16 ______reliability of measurement process. He 17 ______other personnel on methods of resolving measurement problems. advise determine 2. Put the verbs in Present Simple Passive Voice:

1. The standardization laboratory ______(to run) by government. When new equipment ______(to buy), it has ______(to set up), ______(to operate) and ______(to control). That’s why a qualified specialist ______(need). To get this job, an education in the sphere of metrology and some professional experience ______(to require). 2. Commercial enterprises ______(not to run) by government. They ___ also ______(to interest) in hiring young qualified specialists. Professional physicists with advanced degrees and experience ______(need) to get jobs operating equipment. 3. First, the tube ______(to measure), then, its diameter ______(to relate) to international standards. 4. To get reliable results, all physical characteristics ______(to measure). In this process high precision and accuracy ______(to require). The measurement uncertainty ______(to evaluate). After that, the results ______(compare) to international standards and the traceability protocol ______(to draw up). 5. X-ray spectroscopy ______(not to operate) by one engineer? a team of specialists ______(to hire) for it. 6. Traceability ____ most often ______(to obtain) by calibration. All standards _____ usually ______(to coordinate) by national metrological institutes. Traceability ____ also ______(to use) to extend measurement from one method to another, or to calibrate various instruments by relating them back to a primary standard.


English for Standardization and Metrology

SPECIALIST READING Text A 1. Look at the pictures to the text. Where can you see: a. calibration laboratory's dimensional standards; b. a mobile air quality monitoring station; c. a calibration laboratory thermometer; d. a high-precision position monitoring laser system; e. metrology engineers at work; f. a metrologist calibrating digital balance; g. pressure testing; h. X-ray fluorescence spectrometer?

2. Read the text. Is there any information about…

 where metrologists usually work;  what qualification\education they have to get;  how much they earn;  which devices metrologists use;  in what countries metrological cervices are highly developed;  what kinds of metrology exist;  which problems fundamental metrology deals with;  how metrology is applied to A career in industrial metrology environment protection? involves applying metrology to manufacturing and other processes and There are many career opportunities ensuring the suitability of measuring for physicists interested in metrology at instrumentation. laboratories, mostly run by governments, A career in legal metrology concerns that are dedicated to the science of the regulatory requirements of measurement. measurements and measuring instruments for the protection of health, public safety, the environment, and the protection of consumers. A fundamental metrology job involves establishing new units, measurement methods, standards, and traceability protocols. Traceability is a core concept in metrology because it relates measurements to national and international standards. The level of traceability determines whether the result of a measurement can be compared to other measurements. A job in metrology means 11

Unit 1 Jobs, Vacancies, Employment metrology. There are metrology jobs requiring experience in operation of particle accelerators, such as cyclotrons, synchrotrons, and betatrons. There are also jobs in x-ray fluorescence imaging and microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy. Some job specifications require knowing about a range of high-resolution astronomical imaging techniques, such as adaptive optics, precision positioning systems, and magnetically induced circular dichroism. Some companies understanding traceability, accuracy, specialize in metrology services for all precision, systematic bias, and the kinds of industries. A professional evaluation of measurement uncertainty. metrology team is ready for any situation no Correct measurements are essential to commerce, but most individuals specializing in metrology have jobs as technicians. Where the Jobs Are. Metrologists can find employment within a multitude of industries. Those with a background in metrology are often hired by the aerospace industry to assist in the design and testing of products. Additionally, the level of matter the conditions. They arrive at each precision required of this science make those service call with all the tools needed to get who have studied it excellent candidates the job done, no matter what. They have the within fields that look to automate processes precision metrology machines needed to such as construction, communications and gauge alignment based on optical manufacturing. Alternately, the energy measurements or when the need for extreme sector heavily relies on these professionals accuracy presents itself they have laser to assist in the measuring of energy, which alignment equipment. is often intangible. The laser tracker technology, 3D scanning Professional physicists with equipment, and portable CMM* machines advanced degrees and experience are needed are high effective in getting precision to get jobs operating equipment in many measurements in a timely manner. They laboratories. Such careers are also careers in provide initial measurement data of the machinery as well as post-adjustment data. What does a metrologist do? A metrologist is a scientist who develops processes and systems used to measure objects. This includes all physical characteristics, including length, weight, and radius as well as intangible characteristics such as time.  A metrologist develops and evaluates calibration systems that measure characteristics of objects, substances, or phenomena, such as length, mass, time,


English for Standardization and Metrology standardization committees and professional societies. Earnings As with all occupations, the salary earned by a metrologist can widely range depending on many variables. Location of employment, level of seniority and level of education all impact the compensation paid to these professionals. In 2010, Indeed reported a median income of $59,000 paid to these temperature, electric current, luminous intensity, and derived units of physical or chemical measure.  He or she identifies magnitude of error sources contributing to uncertainty of results to determine reliability of measurement process in quantitative terms.  A metrologist redesigns or adjusts measurement capability to minimize errors.  He or she develops calibration methods and techniques based on principles of measurement science, technical analysis of measurement problems, and accuracy and precision requirements.  A specialist in metrology directs engineering, quality, and laboratory professionals. Education Required personnel in design, manufacture, To work in the field of metrology, a evaluation, and calibration of measurement candidate must have at least a high school standards, instruments, and test systems to diploma or its equivalent. Additionally, ensure selection of approved employers require that prospective instrumentation. metrologist matriculate from an accredited  He or she advises others on methods metrology program. If studies occur at a of resolving measurement problems and proprietary school, graduates receive a exchanges information with other diploma upon completion. Additionally, metrology personnel through participation many junior colleges offer associate's in government and industrial degrees within the field. Skills Required.

4. Look through the text again. Make the list of all mentioned equipment. 5. 4. What does a metrologist…  identify  redesign or adjust  evaluate  determine  direct  develop  measure  advice? 5. What does a metrologist do these things for?

A metrologist develops calibration systems to measure characteristics of e.g.: objects and substances.


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement

6. Complete the graphs.



______Regulatory______requirements of______

______measurements______and measuring______instruments for ______the__protection______of…______


Industries and places for work: ______


Retell the essence of the text using the graphs. 7. To your mind, what are pros and contras of To my mind… working I’m likely (I’m not likely) working…  in a team for a I hope/I’m afraid company specialized in I’m capable/not metrology services? capable for…  in a certain industry? I’m inclined to …  in a calibration I’ve got a strong laboratory? desire…  In legal metrology? The reason is…  In fundamental You see… metrology? In addition…  Which job would you like to find after you graduate?


English for Standardization and Metrology LISTENING AND SPEAKING Text B

1. Find a Russian equivalent to English proverb “measure twice, cut once”. 2. Match English and Russian equivalents:

1. to cover a vast area of capabilities; a. быть самым главным в каждой отрасли 2. to provide specialized testing for; промышленности; 3. to be a paramount to every industry; b. соответствовать государственным стандартам; 4. to meet the quality requirements; c. посвящать себя; 5. to dedicate oneself to; d. бесспорный лидер в; 6. to comply with the government e. удовлетворять потребности клиентов; standards; f. гибкая программа обслуживания; 7. a proving leader in; g. охватывать широкий спектр возможностей; 8. to meet the needs of customers; h. удовлетворять требованиям качества; 9. flexible service program; i. имущество; 10. assets; j. предоставлять специализированные тесты для;

11. to request a quote; k. работать в соответствии с предписанием; 12. extended productivity; l. лучший в своём роде; 13. state of view; m. в оптимальном состоянии; 14. to work routinely; n. расширенная производительность; 15. best in class; o. эксперт в этой области; 16. top choice; p. сосредоточиться на; 17. in optimal condition; q. точка зрения; 18. expert in the field; r. продажа и прокат; 19. to focus on; s. отправить заявку; 20. sales and rentals; t. партнёр, которому доверяют; 21. trusted partner; u. лучший выбор.

3. Find out what the following acronyms stand for:

RF power sensors: a sensor (also called detector) is a converter that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an (today mostly electronic) instrument. RF – radio frequency. ISO is The International Organization for Standardization (French: Organisation internationale de normalisation), widely known as ISO, is an international standard- setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations IEC: The International Electrotechnical Commissionis the world’s leading organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. ISO/IEC 17025 general requirements for the competence of testing 15

A USB power sensor Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement and calibration laboratories is the main ISO standard used by testing and calibration laboratories. NDT: non-destructive testing is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage.

Video 1 4. There is an advertisement of a calibration company. Watch the video and fill in the chart:

Techmaster labs Techmaster labs serve the provide testing for: industries:

5. Complete the advertisement with the words from ex. 2

“Measure twice” – that’s what the saying goes. Accurate measurement and calibration are the 1)______industry in the world. Nowadays true and accurate measurements are necessity for success. It must also 2) ______standards. Techmaster has been a 3) ______leader in the test equipment world for over 20 years, and from the start we’ve been more than just a calibration company. We’ve been a 4) ______partner serving your needs. We call this Techmaster advantage. Today we continue to 5) ______ourselves to providing 6) ______programs to 7)______of

our customers. Techmaster calibration labs cover 8) ______of capabilities, serving the aerospace, telecommunications, medical devices, semiconductor, automotive and defense industries. Our labs meet the highest industry quality 9) ______and are accredited by 2 LA ISO/IEC 17025. And we10) ______for antennas, noise sources, RF power sensors, NDT and much more. Our air labs are truly best 11) ______, with the ability to work 12) ______, to ensure that your assets are returned in optimal 13) ______for longer life and 14) ______productivity. The Techmaster stuff is friendly, experts 15) ______and 16) _____ed on serving your needs. In addition to our state 17) ______at labs, Techmaster is a top 18) ______for sales and 19) ______for both new and used test equipment. So, give us a call or 20) ______a quote and see why Techmaster is more than just a calibration company!


English for Standardization and Metrology

Video 1 6. Watch the video again and check yourself. 7. Answer the questions: 1. What is necessary for success in industry? 2. What do Techmaster labs comply with? 3. Which areas of industry do they serve? 4. What specialized tests do they provide? 5. What do they ensure for your assets? 6. What is the staff like? 7. Do they offer any other services besides testing and calibration? 8. Why is Techmaster “more than just a calibration company”?


1. How do people get employed? Put the following steps in order.


Skills/Knowledge Required: Knowledge of QS9000 Knowledge of VDA 6 Knowledge of ISO 9001 Knowledge of ISO/TS 16949 (SPC, PPAP, MSA, FMEA control) Computer Literate Knowledge of Autocad  subscribing a contract; Quality Assurance, Quality Control  getting a diploma or a degree; certificate; and Process Control (min 1 year  having a job interview; experience)  sending your CV to the employer; 2 Years Coordinate measuring  getting education; machine experience  looking through vacancy announcements Minimum Requirements: and jobs boards in newspapers or on-line; Grade 12 (with Maths & Science)  writing a resume or a CV. SANAS Metrology Laboratory Qualification 2. Read the job announcements. Tell Coordinate Measuring Machine (3D what must an employee be Machine/Arm) competent/proficient/literate in? Start: asap Duration: Permanent 3. What tools and programs are Type: Full Time mentioned? Which of them can you explain what they are needed for?


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement

Metrology Engineer • Support current and new metrology CK Science is recruiting a Metrology equipment including identifying Engineer on a temporary basis for the improvements in current inspection programs. duration of 12 months. The Metrology • Continual support and qualification and Engineer will work for a Global Medical validation of new or changed CMM's. Device Organisation. • Develop and support training program of As Metrology Engineer the main purpose internal resources for metrology. of your role will be to create CMM As Metrology Engineer, you will have the programs for NPI's and provide input and following qualifications, skills and lead the inspection strategy associated experience: with metrology for orthopaedic implants. • Proficient in writing and editing CMM Further responsibilities of this Metrology programs (PC-DMIS/COSMO/CALYPSO) Engineer position will be to: • Proficient in set-up and operation of • Generate and validate CMM programs inspection equipment; for New Product Introductions and • Proficient in metrology Transfers. methods/technology; • Provide support to standardize site wide • Proficient in reading/interpreting CMM infrastructure to facilitate engineering drawings and the application of continuous improvement and future Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing metrology strategy. (GD&T) per ASME Y14.5; • Proficient in mathematical applications - Algebra, Geometry, & Trigonometry; Inspector of Legal Metrology • Proficient in Microsoft Word & Excel; • Excellent interpersonal & communication Department: – Consumer Affairs skills. Department • Knowledge of mechanical inspection Academic Qualification: – Bachelor methods and tools used to determine product Degree in Science with Physics as one acceptance; of the Subjects or Technology or • Ability to investigate and learn new Engineering from any recognized technologies within metrology. Institution or University. CK Science is an Equal Opportunities Maximum Age: – 32 years. employer and welcomes applications from all How to apply: – Those applicants who who meet our selection criteria. are meeting with eligibility criteria of above mentioned posts may send their duly filled applications in all respect on the address ‘…′. Applicants must affix a latest passport size self attested photograph on suitable place on the application form. Dead line for this application is 19th June To know more details about the vacancy of are available on the web link provided below(…).

4. Discuss the vacancies. What are advantages and disadvantages of these positions?


English for Standardization and Metrology 5. Look how to write a resume.

Name Address Gwendoline Jones Mobile Number 23, Elm Street Email id Hebudah, New Jersey - 481 595 Phone No: 959-865-5934 Educational Qualifications Give the details of your educational Education qualification starting from your latest BA, English Literature, 2011 qualification. New York University Bluebells Academy for Girls Job Experience Hebudah, New Jersey If you have any kind of job experience, regardless of whether or not it is relevant Achievements to the position you are applying for, 2010-11: Editor of the NYU Journal mention it in this section of the resume. 2007-08: Editor of Bluebells Weekly 2007-08: Captain of the Bluebells Debating Achievements Team Any achievements that you think are 2007: Winner, National Debating worth mentioning need to be included in Championship this section of the resume. This does not mean that you mention the award you Certifications received in the first grade. The  Diploma in Creative Writing - Creative achievements listed should make a good Writing Studio, New Jersey impression on a prospective employer. It Advanced Photography Certificate - Photo would reflect well on you, if you Studios Courses included details of achievements that are relevant to the position vacant. Hobbies and Interests  Reading Interests & Hobbies  Traveling List out those hobbies that will create a  Art good impression on your could-be employer. Other Details Volunteer with Dancing Feet, a non References governmental organization that teaches less As a first timer, it is of prime importance fortunate children dance and other curricular that you give references of people known hobbies. to you, whom your prospective employer could contact. This could be for the References employers to learn more about you and Mr. Jake Reilly also to ensure that there is no sort of Publisher, Reilly Books fabrication on the resume. 34 - Oak Boulevard Hebudah, New Jersey

6. Write your own resume.


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement 7. Imagine that you are an employer. Ask some questions to find out about the candidate’s qualifications, work experience, skills, interests. 8. Read some questions that job interviewers often ask. Mach them to answers below.

Questions: Answers:

1. What do you most want to improve in the next year? To me, success is reaching your goals 2. Give me an example of how your working hard. There are plenty of people communications skills are used on the job. who have succeeded by taking short cuts 3. What are you worth? and abandoning principles, but they often 4. How do you define success? pay a price later on.

I am very interested in learning ... (a new computer program or some cutting-edge I feel successful when I contribute to skills reliant to your profession, a new the organization positively, and see technique or technology). that the company and I both grow.

I work as a Certification Officer in a customer service department, so I speak to customers continuously. I've developed excellent customer service skills and can always use them for problem solving, which is frequently needed when talking to people on the phone or through emails. Additionally, I generated dozens of reports for my boss. He hands me a brief outline and I white out the complete sentences and paragraphs. I use Word, Excel and PowerPoint on his behalf a lost daily and do most of the writing myself. If you ask my former boss, he substantiates this.

I've been in this field for … years, and I've researched the typical salary range for this job in our area. On that basis, I think a range between $... and $... corresponds to the value of my work.

9. ROLE PLAY. Prepare yourself to a job interview.

Student A Student B

You are a prospective specialist in You are a stuff manager of  a calibration laboratory; the field of metrology. You are having a job interview.  a customer service department of a big company Decide what vacancy you are producing household goods; looking for. You’ve sent your CV to the desired  a plant producing high place and got an invitation for a job technology equipment for aerospace interview. industry. Prepare yourself to answer typical Write a set of questions to ask a questions. potential employee.


English for Standardization and Metrology Unit 2 Units and systems of measurement

LEAD-IN: Units of measurement

Put the following measures in proper columns: a ; kg; inch; tone; cm; km; liter; ounce; cubic meter; acre; hour; gram; second. weight length volume time

Add 3 more measures to each column.


1. Match the terms to the definitions.

1) an agreement under international law; 2) a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same physical quantity;  unit of 3) the fundamental reference for a system of and measurement; measures, against which all other measuring devices are compared.  standard; 4) a system for producing precision lengths, usually made of  gauge (gage) metal or ceramic. They can be joined together with very little blocks; dimensional uncertainty; can be stacked to create a desired length, for  treaty; example, 7 mm + 10 mm = 17 mm.  artifact 5) an object or a product designed and used by people to meet needs or to solve problems.

1. Read the following words: fraud [frO:d] inherent [In’hIqrqnt] convenience [kqn‘vI:njens] measurement [‘meZqmqnt] oversee [,qVvq‘sJ] treaty [‘trJtI] benchmark [‘bentSmRk] arbitrary [’Rbitrqri] research [rI‘sWtS] determine [dI’tE:mIn] ratio [‘reISIqV] hundredweight [‘hAndrqdFwIt] nautical [nLtIk(q)l] height [haIt] particularly [pq‘tIkjulelI] gasoline [,gxsq’l Jn] recognize [rikq‘gnaIz] derive [dI’raIv]


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement 2. Match the words with Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation. 1. Arbitrary a. обман, мошенничество, фальшивка 2. inherent b. центнер (англ. , амер.) 3. fraud c. горючее, бензин (амер.) 4. research d. дюйм 5. determine e. высота 6. gasoline f. присущий, внутренний, неотъемлемый 7. measurement g. произвольный 8. height h. исследование 9. hundredweight i. измерение 10. inch j. определять 11. convenience k. точный 12. benchmark l. физическая величина 13. establish m. веха, точка отсчета, эталонный тест 14. pre-eminent n. превосходящий 15. physical quantity o. частично 16. unit of measurement p. наблюдать, курировать 17. oversee q. соотношение, пропорция 18. partially r. удобство 19. ratio s. единица измерения 20. precise t. установить

5. Put in prepositions and translate 3. Match synonyms. the sentences. 1. Essentially a. Supervise 2. inherent b. mutual 3. treaty c. racket of to on in on In in in 4. convenience d. generally 5. benchmark e. eliminate 6. fraud f. comfort 7. common g. milestone 1) Many high technological 8. custody h. develop industries rely __ metrology to translate 9. oversee i. appropriate theoretical science into mass produced 10. evolve j. storage reality. 11. remove k. convention, 2) With the exception __ few agreement examples, all units of measurements are invented and agreed by people. __ other words, units of measurement are quite arbitrary. 3) In past, communities didn’t have any common benchmarks, which often resulted ___ confusion, inaccuracy and fraud. 4) Today, units of measurement are generally defined __ a scientific basis. 5) Modern measurements are defined ___ relationship ____ internationally- standardized reference objects. 6) Many units of measure are defined terms of unique artifacts.

6. What are the most common measures used in everyday life?

7. Play over the group. Name units of measurement one after another. The winner is the person who has named the most.


English for Standardization and Metrology

READING TEXT A Standard units for length were Read the text and find the answer questions: embedded in the cornerstones of churches or important public buildings, so that all 1) Why are units of measurements quite people trading in an area arbitrary? could agree on the units. 2) What were standards originally established for? 3) How did people historically try to establish standards? 4) What is the main treaty in which modern standards are defined? 5) Why do modern metrologists try to eliminate unique artifacts? What are the advantages of this trend? What are the artifacts changed with? Give some A set of gauge blocks are used examples. as a working standard to 6) What’s the difference between primary and check the calibration of secondary standards? Which are more measurement tools such as precise? Which are more convenient? micrometers.

Standards historically and currently

In the science of measurement, a standard is an object, system, or experiment that bears a defined relationship to a unit of measurement of a physical quantity. Standards are the fundamental reference for a system of weights and measures, against which all other measuring devices are compared. The International Prototype is an artifact standard With the exception of a few seemingly that is defined to be exactly one fundamental quantum constants, units of measurement are kilogram mass. essentially arbitrary; in other words, people make them up and then agree to use them. In the United States, the National Nothing inherent in nature dictates that Institute of Standards and an inch has to be a certain length, or that Technology (NIST), a division of a mile is a better measure of distance than the United States Department of a kilometer. Commerce, regulates commercial Over the course of human history, measurements. In the United Kingdom, the however, first for convenience and then for role is performed by the National Physical necessity, standards of measurement Laboratory (NPL), in Australia by evolved so that communities сould have the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, in South certain common Africa by the Council for Scientific and benchmarks. Laws regulating Industrial Research and in India measurement were originally developed to the National Physical Laboratory of India, prevent fraud in commerce. D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) in Russia. 23

Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement Historical standards for length, Examples of primary reference standards volume, and mass were defined by many different authorities, which resulted in The reference standard for a kilogram is confusion and inaccuracy of measurements. the one kilogram mass of a platinum- Modern measurements are defined in iridium kilogram maintained the General relationship to internationally-standardized Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) under the authority of the Convention reference objects, which are used under (1875). The kilogram is the only SI base unit carefully controlled laboratory conditions with an SI prefix ("kilo", symbol "k") as part of to define the units of length, mass, its name. It is also the only SI unit that is still electrical potential, and other physical directly defined by an artifact rather than a quantities. fundamental physical property that can be Today, units of measurement are reproduced in different laboratories. Four of the generally defined on a scientific basis, seven base units in the SI system are defined overseen by governmental or supra- relative to the kilogram so its stability is governmental agencies, and established in important. Unfortunately, the International international treaties, pre-eminent of which Prototype Kilogram has been found to vary in is the General Conference on Weights and mass over time. Measures (CGPM), established in 1875 by the Treaty of the meter and which oversees Secondary reference standards the International System of Units (SI) and Secondary reference standards are very which has custody of the International close approximations of primary reference Prototype Kilogram. standards. For example, national measuring laboratories such as the US's National Institute Primary measurement standards may of Standards and Technology (NIST) may be used strictly in measurement laboratories. house stainless steel balls of one kilogram Less precisely controlled working standards which are used to set standards for are used for calibration of industrial manufacturing supermarket measuring scales. measurement equipment. Primary standards Working standards and certified that define units may be inconvenient for reference materials used in industry have a everyday use, so working standards traceable relationship to the secondary and represent the primary definition in a form primary standards. that is easier to use. For example, the definition of the "metre" is based on a laboratory experiment combining the and the duration of a second, but a machine shop will have working standard gauge blocks that are used for checking its measuring instruments. Initially many units of measure were defined in terms of unique artifacts which were the legal basis of units of measure. A continuing trend in metrology is to eliminate as many as possible of the artifact standards Josephson junction array chip developed by and instead define practical units of measure the National Bureau of Standards as a in terms of fundamental physical constants, as standard volt. demonstrated by standardized technique. Most basic units have already been A Josephson Junction is a voltage-to- redefined this way. The meter, for example, frequency converter usefully sensitive to was redefined in 1983 by the CGPM as the voltage, current and magnetic fields that is distance traveled by light in free space in made of a superconducting wire interrupted by an insulating weak-link. 1⁄299,792,458 of a second while in 1960 the 24

English for Standardization and Metrology international was defined by the advantage is that the system of measures governments of the United States, United won’t be disrupted by the loss or damage of Kingdom, Australia and South Africa as the artifact standards. being exactly 0.9144 . Another example is the unit of electrical potential, the volt. Formerly it was defined in terms of standard cell electrochemical batteries, which limited the stability and precision of the definition. Recently the volt has been defined in terms of the output of a Josephson junction, which bears a direct relationship to fundamental physical constants. One advantage of elimination of artifact standards is that inter-comparison of artifacts is no longer required. Another

1. Divide the words in two groups.

Centimeter, energy, time, ampere, distance, candela, second, kelvin, mole, , mass, temperature, litre,

weight, luminous intensity Name each group. Find in the text more examples. Match words in the two columns.

2. Read the first 2 paragraphs of the text. Try to remember what is written about a standard and a unit of measurement. Now close the text. Complete the following summary:

A standard is ______, ______or ______that bears a defined relationship to a ______of a physical quantity. Standards are the fundamental reference for a ______and ______, against which all other ______are compared. Units of measurement are essentially ______; which means that people make them up and then ______to use them. Nothing ______in nature dictates their magnitudes. Open the text and check yourself.

4. Match the units of measurement to their symbols. Guess, which unit of measurement do the following descriptions refer to? 1. It was originally defined in 1795 as the mass of one cubic centimeter of water at 4°C. 2. It is often used in conjunction with the degree Celsius, which has the same magnitude. 3. It is "the constant current that will produce an attractive force of 2 × 10– 7 newton per metre of length between two straight, parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible circular cross section placed one metre apart in a vacuum". 4. It is the only SI unit that is still directly defined by an artifact rather than a fundamental physical property that can be reproduced in different laboratories. Its International Prototype was commissioned by 25

Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) under the authority of the Metre Convention (1875). 5. It is widely used in chemistry instead of units of mass or volume as a convenient way to express amounts of reactants or of products of chemical reactions. 6. A common candle emits light with a luminous intensity of roughly one of it. 7. It is defined in terms of a frequency which is naturally emitted by caesium atoms. 8. As a reproducible standard, it was defined by an international conference of electricians in Paris in 1884 as the resistance of a mercury column of specified weight and 106 cm long.

5. Select English words to collect groups of synonyms:

1) Определённый 5) ломать, разрушать 11) Заменять, 2) Стандарт ______вытеснять ______4) Хранение Certain; part; benchmark; design; balance; establish; ______6 ) изобретать, roughly; altitude; notable; extensional; share; remove; ______разрабатывать invent; determined; break; total; spread; develop; ______specimen; destroy; fraction; scales; set up; significant; ______particular; approximately; amount; remarkable; extend; 9) Устранять, ______milestone; specific; storage; dimensional; standard; убирать ______famous; disrupt; custody; devise; eliminate; sum; ______spatial; well-known; definite; height 14) Сумма

______15) Пространственный ______12) часть, доля ______3) Распространяться, ______расширяться ______

10) примечательный, 7) Устанавливать известный ______13) Приблизительно ______8) Весы ______GRAMMAR

1. Look through the text A again. Write out the examples of passive voice into the chart: Present Simple Past Simple Present Perfect Future Simple Modal Verb + passive infinitive


English for Standardization and Metrology

2. Read the text about the history of measurements. Choose the right passive form of the verb.

Units of measurement were among the earliest tools invented by humans. Rudimentary measures 1) was needed / were needed / have been needed by primitive societies for many tasks: constructing buildings of an appropriate size and shape, fashioning clothing, or bartering food or raw materials. Many ancient systems 2) were based/ have been based/ are based on the use of parts of the body and the natural surroundings as measuring instruments. Among the earliest length measures was the foot, which varied from place to place. For example, nowadays three different Greek foot standards 3) is known / are known / were known. As a result, units of measure could vary not only from location to location, but from person to person. The first calibrated foot ruler, a measurement tool, 4) has been invented / was invented / have been invented in 1675 by an unknown inventor. The common cubit was the length of the forearm from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. It 5) has been divided/ was divided / is divided into the span of the hand (one-half cubit), the width of the palm (one sixth), and the digit or width of the middle finger (one twenty-fourth). The Sacred Cubit, which was a standard cubit enhanced by an extra span—thus 7 spans or 28 digits long— 6) was used/ has been used/ had been used in constructing buildings and monuments and in surveying in ancient Egypt; it may have been based on an astronomical measurement. Both modern and US customary units like inch, foot, and yard 7) have been derived / were derived / was derived from earlier . They 8) are still used / were still used / had been used in UK, USA, Australia and South Africa, though some steps towards metrication 9) has been made / have been made / was made, and in most Commonwealth countries they 10) had been largely supplanted / has been largely supplanted / have been largely supplanted by the .

Render the information. Nippur cubit, graduated specimen of an What new facts have you learned? ancient measure from Nippur, Mesopotamia (3rd millennium B.C.) – exposed in the Archeological Museum of Istanbul (Turkey). Audio 1


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement 3. Read about the Imperial and the US customary systems of measurements. Put the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect (Active or Passive form). Render the information.

The imperial and US customary measurement systems. Metrication is complete or nearly complete in almost all countries of the world. US customary units 1) are heavily used (use) in the United States and to some degree Liberia. Traditional Burmese units of measurement 2) ______(use) in Burma. U.S. units 3) ______(use) in limited contexts in Canada due to a high degree of trade; additionally there is considerable use of Imperial weights and measures, despite de jure Canadian conversion to metric. A number of other jurisdictions have laws mandating or permitting other systems of measurement in some or all contexts, such as the United Kingdom – where for example its road signage legislation only 4) ______(allow) distance signs displaying imperial units (miles or ) – or Hong Kong. In the United States, metric units are widely used in science, military, and partially in industry, but customary units 5) ______(predominate) in household use. At retail stores, the liter is a commonly used unit for volume, especially on bottles of beverages, and milligrams 6) ______(use) to denominate the amounts of medications, rather than grains. Also, other standardized measuring systems other than metric are still in universal international use, such as nautical miles and knots in international aviation. Both imperial units and US customary units 7)______(derive) from earlier English units. Imperial units 8) ___ mostly ____(use) in the British Commonwealth and the former British Empire but in most Commonwealth countries they 9) ______largely ______(supplant) by the metric system. They are still used for some applications in the United Kingdom but 10) ______mostly ______(replace) by the metric system in commercial, scientific, and industrial applications. US customary units, however, are still the main in the United States. While some steps towards metrication 11)______(make) (mainly since the late 1960s and early 1970s), the customary units have a strong hold due to the vast industrial infrastructure and commercial development. While imperial and US customary systems 12) ___ closely ______(relate), there are a number of differences between them. Units of length and area (the inch, foot, yard, mile etc.) are identical except for surveying purposes. The Avoirdupois units of mass and weight differ for units larger than a (lb.). The imperial system 13) ____ (use) a stone of 14 lb., a long hundredweight of 112 lb. and a long ton of 2240 lb. The stone is not used in the US and the hundredweights and tons are short being 100 lb. and 2000 lb. respectively. Where these systems most notably 14) ______(differ) is in their units of volume. A US fluid ounce (fl oz) = 29.6 millilitres (ml) is slightly larger than the imperial fluid ounce (28.4 ml). However, as there are 16 US fl oz to a US pint and 20 imp fl oz per imperial pint, these imperial pint is about 20% larger. The same is true of quarts, , etc. Six US gallons are a little less than five imperial gallons. Before the metrication, the 15) ______(serve) as the general system of mass and weight. In addition to this there were the Troy and the Apothecaries' systems. 16) ___ customarily ____ (use) for precious metals, gunpowder and gemstones. The troy ounce is the only unit of the system in current use; it 17) ______(use) for precious metals. Although the troy ounce is larger than its Avoirdupois equivalent, the pound is smaller. The outdated troy pound 18) ______(divide) into twelve ounces (not sixteen as in the Avoirdupois system). The Apothecaries' system; traditionally used in pharmacology, is now replaced by the metric system. 28

English for Standardization and Metrology

Вопрос к подлежащему (как и к определению подлежащего) не требует изменения прямого порядка слов, характерного для повествовательного предложения. Просто подлежащее (со всеми его определениями) заменяется вопросительным словом Who или What, которое исполняет в вопросе роль подлежащего: What is the main means of length Gauge blocks are the main means of length standardization used by industry? standardization used by industry. Who invented gauge blocks? Swedish machinist Carl Edvard Johansson invented gauge blocks. В общих вопросах вопросительные слова Who или What обычно относятся к дополнению. В русском языке они как правило употребляются в различных косвенных падежах. В английском для выражения соответствующего смысла часто используются предлоги, которые относятся к вопросительному слову, но расположены в конце вопросительного предложения: What did Swedish machinist Carl Edvard Что изобрёл шведский механик Карл Эдвард Johansson invent? Йохансон? (Вин. П.). Who were gauge blocks invented by? Кем были изобретены концевые меры? (Твор. П.) What are gauge blocks usually made of? Из чего обычно изготовлены концевые меры? (Род. П.)

4. Match a question word with a preposition and Russian translation. Who… …with? …about? …for? Зачем? Для кого? Откуда? Из чего? О What… …of? …from? …by? чём? О ком? С кем? Кем? Чем? С чем? Where…

5. Complete the sentences in Active or Passive voice. Active Passive 1. People occasionally ______some of 1. Some of customary systems are customary systems in day to day life, for occasionally used in day to day life, for instance in cooking. instance in cooking. 2. Louis Paul Cailletet, a French physicist, 2. The altimeter, an instrument which invented the altimeter, an instrument which measures vertical distance with respect to a measures vertical distance with respect to a reference level, ______by Louis Paul reference level. Cailletet, a French physicist. 3. Scientists originally ______the gram 3. The gram was originally defined in in 1795 as the mass of one cubic centimeter of 1795 as the mass of one cubic centimeter of water at 4°C . water at 4°C . 4. Throughout history, people have used 4. Throughout history, many official many official systems of measurement. systems of measurement ______. 5. The UK people _____ occasionally 5. A metric foot (defined as 300 mm) has ______a metric foot (defined as 300 mm), been used occasionally in the UK, but hasn’t but they ______it as an official unit. been accepted as an official unit. 6. The Egyptians had discovered the art of 6. The art of measurement measurement, and the Greeks made it science. ______by the Egyptians, and it ______by the Greeks. 7. The metric system ______7. Customary units of measure haven’t customary units of measure in some countries been replaced with the metric system in some yet. countries yet.


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement 6. Now write questions in Active and Passive so that the sentences above would be answers (use the chart in page 114). Work with a partner. Student A reads the text in this page; student B reads the same text in page 106. Confusion over units during the process of metrication can sometimes lead to 1) ____ (What?). One of the most famous examples was the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter 2) ____ (When?). The spacecraft was intended to orbit Mars 3) ______(Where?) but the incorrect data meant that it descended to about 57 kilometres (35 mi) and 4) _____ (What happened?). It was launched by NASA on December 11, 1998 5)______(What … for?). However, on September 23, 1999, communication with the spacecraft was lost as the spacecraft went into orbital insertion. NASA specified 4) ______(What …?) units in the contract. NASA and other organizations worked in metric units but 5) ______(Who?) provided thruster performance data to the team in pound force instead of newton seconds.

Write questions about the missing information. 1) ______2) ______3) ______4) ______5) ______6) ______

Ask the questions to student B to complete the text. Retell the information.


Before listening:

1. Sum up the information. Answer the questions:

1. What do you know about the metric system of measurements? 2. What other systems of measurements are used in the world nowadays? 3. How did people measure length in ancient times? Which ancient measurement units do you know? 4. What are the advantages of the metric system? Video 2 2. Watch a film produced by NASA Connect Segment explaining the US standard system and the metric system and how they differ. What new information have you learned?


English for Standardization and Metrology

3. Complete the gaps in text with words and phrases from the box. Then watch the film again and check yourself.

How did the US standard system of measurement 1) ______? How was the metric system devised? How are the two 2) ______different? Jennifer: Let's begin our 3) ______journey by visiting the Peninsula Fine Arts Center in Newport News, Virginia. Dan: People 4) ______things for thousands of years. Hey, that's one thing we measure – 5) ____. What are some of the other things we measure? Dan: Get this: the 10) ______Egyptians used their fingers, hands, and even arms to measure things. There were no measuring 11) _____ like rulers back then. The 12) _____ of one finger was a digit, and the width of 13) ____ fingers was a palm.

Temperature. How 6) ___ is it? Length. 7) ______is your street?

Mass and weight. How 8) _____ Volume. 9) ______is it? space is in your garage?

Jennifer: Here's another ancient 14) ______measurement. Open your hand and spread your 15) ______just like that. The distance from the tip of your thumb to the end of your little pinky 16) ______a span. Dan: The ancient Egyptians also created a measurement called 17) _____. If you bend your arm, the distance from your elbow to the tip of your 18) ______was a cubit. In the ancient world, the cubit was 19) ______way to measure length. Jennifer: So you see, all these units of measurement were 20) ______something familiar to ancient people: body pieces. Dan: Of course, using your hand or elbow 21) ______a pyramid would take forever. Jennifer: Not only that, it's not 22) ______or exact measurement. Here's why.


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement Jennifer: Good point. In ancient Egypt, it was up to the Pharaoh 25______how to make measurements standard, or the same, for all situations.

My friend, Jimmy, is 23) ______I am. It takes four of my cubit arm lengths, but only three of his, to measure my bike. How 24) ______the same measurement is our arms are different lengths?

Dan: So the 26) ______cubit length was set by the length of the Pharaoh's arm. But even then, it could be pretty tough 27) ______with a Pharaoh under your arm! Jennifer: As time went on, people created 28) ______to measure things. Unfortunately, none of them were the same when it came to 29) ______. You see, scientists couldn't repeat each other's experiments because there was not an agreed-upon 30) ______. Today, our world operates according to two different systems of measurement. Here's some expert help. Dan: Converting different units of measurement like 32) ______requires some math. Here's an example. It's about 431 miles from Los Angeles to San Francisco. 33) ______these miles into inches, simply multiply the number of miles, 431, by the number of feet in a mile, 5280, by the number of inches in a foot, 12. 431 miles converts to 34) ______inches. Whew! Dr. Caroline Morgan: Using 35) ______is a much easier way to measure and change units. 36) ______of measuring units were so confusing, the decimal system was devised. This system is based on 10s and multiples of 10s. 10 numbers or decimals are easier to use than 37) ______, which is based on 12ths. One advantage of the decimal system is the decimal point. Depending on where it is moved, whole numbers can become 38) ______or multiples of tens.

In the US standard system, the inch, foot, yard, and mile developed from traditional practices of measurement dating back to ancient times. One 31) ______of the US standard system is the different size units often have no simple relationship 32) ______. For instance, there are 12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard, 1760 yards or 5280 feet in a mile.


English for Standardization and Metrology Dan: Thanks, Dr. Morgan. We now know why there is a metric system of measuring. Jennifer: Yep. And the metric system is based on the meter. The original meter was not the length of someone's finger or arm. Instead, it represented one 10 millionth 39) ______from the North Pole to the Equator. Hey. The meter is the most widely used measuring system for scientific work. Using the metric system, we 40) ______units with some mental math. For example, we know Los Angeles is approximately 600 km from San Francisco. Now if we want to know that same distance in meters, for example, all we have to do is 41) ______a thousand. Why? Because there's 1000 m in 1 km. So you multiply 600 times 1000 and you get 600,000 m. 600 km is the same as 600,000 m. Dan: The Egyptians would have appreciated the meter stick. It's better than a Pharaoh's arm. Taken from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQPQ_q59xyw

After listening and reading:

4. Correct the wrong sentences: 1. Egyptians used the foot to build the pyramids. 4. What context are the 2. A span is the distance from the tip of your following phrases used in? thumb and the tip of your middle finger. 3. Pharaoh decided how long the cubit should 1. … but none of them were the be in this or that situation. same when it came to 4. Until the invention of the metric system mathematics. scientists had problems with carrying out 2. It was up to the pharaoh… experiments because of confusing units of 3. Here’s some expert help. measurement. 4. That’s a good point. 5. Whole numbers can become fractions or 5. It could be pretty tough multiples of tens if we convert metric units into 6. It would take forever! US customary ones.


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement GET REAL Find the information about any other unit of measurement. Fill the blank. Cases of Passive Voice: ______

Prepare short report, present it to the group and then ask questions.


English for Standardization and Metrology Text C. What do the opponents think?

1. Read the comment of an Internet user to a survey, showing what do people think about metrication. What are his arguments? Do they sound reasonable?

Metric versus US Customary/Imperial for Everyday Use

by Derek » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:05 pm UTC This is for Metric units versus US customary or Imperial units (I know they're not the same, but they're close enough) for everyday use (not scientific use). I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I argue that customary/imperial units are better for everyday use than metric units, for two main reasons: First, these units are derived from hundreds or even thousands of years of practical tradition. This means that they have been chosen through a sort of natural selection to be convenient to use. Metric, on the other hand, was created by revolutionaries who thought that the faces on trading cards needed to be replaced (and who tried to decimalize time as well, more on that later). This makes metric units rather arbitrary. While they start off alright (the meter is a pretty good middle-distance unit), after converting to different units (mainly through properties of water), they end up being off. The gram is too small, leading to the kilogram being used more often. For example, gets a lot of ridicule from my experience for its arbitrary boiling and freezing points of water, but it’s very convenient for measuring daily temperatures, with most falling within the range of 0 (cold) to 100 (hot). The equivalent range for Celsius (which of course is based on the boiling and freezing points of water) on the other hand is something like -- -15 to 40. The second reason, a derivative of the first, is that customary units divide better than metric. Metric is base 10, which is a terrible base. Most customary units use either base 12 (feet, time) or some binary base (, weights). I say this is a derivative of the first because I'm sure these bases were chosen due to their practicability. Division by two, three, four, etc. is more useful than division by five and ten, so units that allow division by three or multiple divisions by two have become dominant. I think the best example of this is our measurements of time, the 60 minute (5*12) hour and 24 hour (2*12) day, a system so useful that it resisted metrication and can be traced all the way back to the Babylonians. We can easily divide our hours and days into pretty much any useful fraction. You can't do this with metric measurements. The 60 minute hour also provides a good example of the frequency of dividing by 3 versus 5, since it allows both. When was the last time you measured something in fifths of an hour (12 )? When was the last time you used thirds of an hour (20 minutes)? For me, I use 20 minute intervals as a reference much more often. The obvious downside of customary units is their inconsistency. In particular, the reason metric originally become so common was that it unified a previously chaotic system of measurements in which neighboring towns might use different units. But there is no reason we couldn't have instead unified around a base 12 system of units based around pre-existing traditional units. Taken from http://www.echochamber.me/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=72406 35

Ok, flame away! Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement LEAD-IN: tools and equipment

Focus on the following measuring devices. Try to explain what they are used for.


1. Find the terms to the definitions. Explain how these phenomena can influence the results of measurement.

1) a mechanical phenomenon whereby some oscillation occurs about vibration an equilibrium point. It may convection be periodic or random; evaporation 2) collective movement of molecules condensation within fluids (e.g., liquids, gases). It electric field cannot take place in solids, since neither bulk current flows nor magnetic field significant diffusion can take place in solids; thermal expansion 3) a process that occurs when particles of liquid raise from friction the surface into a gaseous phase, e.g. when the liquid is boiling; buoyancy as a result, steam is produced; corrosion 4) the change of the physical state of matter from gaseous into liquid; 5) it surrounds electrically charged particles and time-varying magnetic fields; 6) a mathematical description of the magnetic influence of electric currents and magnetic materials; 7) the tendency of matter to change in volume in response to a change in temperature; 8) the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other. 9) an upward force caused by a fluid, that opposes the weight of an object put into the liquid. 10) the gradual destruction of materials, usually metals, by chemical reaction with its environment. 2. Match the words and their transcription. Practice pronunciation 2. Match the synonyms.

1. vehicle a. [ˈviːɪkl] 1. complementary a. optional, additional 2. buoyancy b. [ˈbɔɪənsɪ] 2. avoid b. prevent 3. weigh c. [weɪ] 3. foundation c. basement 4. sealed d. [ˈpreʃə] 4. track d. trace 5. pressure e. [ˈvɜːnjə kælɪpər] 5. tampering e. fraud, fake 6. vernier caliper f. [siːld] 6. mount f. install 7. occur g. [əˈkɜː] 7. equilibrium g. balance 8. coincidence h. [kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns] 8. range h. level 9. surface i. [ˈsɜːfɪs] 9. weighbridge i. truck scale 10. dynamic j. [daɪˈnæmɪk] 10. belt weigher j. in-motion scale


English for Standardization and Metrology

3. Match the word combinations and their Russian equivalents. 1. graduated a. scale 1) градуированная шкала 2. counter b. weight 2) противовес 3. balance c. beam 3) балансир 4. deflection d. of a pointer 4) отклонение стрелки 5. environmental e. conditions 5) условия окружающей среды 6. equilibrium f. position 6) положение равновесия 7. standard g. practice 7) общепринятая практика 8. scale h. marks 8) деления шкалы 9. sequential i. list of operations 9) список последовательных 10. vernier j. caliper операций 11. level k. of accuracy 10) штангенциркуль 11) уровень точности

4. Underwrite the pictures with the word combination from ex. 3

1)______2) ______3) ______4) ______5) ______

6. Put the word 5. Find an odd one out word (a word which doesn’t combinations from ex. 4 into mean the same as others in the group). the sentences.

1. employ, include, obtain, involve; 1) To measure the weight 2. primary, initial, original, transparent; of the object put … on the 3. surrounding; surface, background, environment; opposite arm of the … . 4. sequential, permissive, tolerable, acceptable; 2) Measurement of length 5. optional, additional, perishable, complementary; by a … involves no 6. reject, affect, influence, exert; mathematical calculations, but 7. template, master, reference, coincidence; is not very precise. 8. indicate, prevent, show, point. 3) … is a tool for direct reading of the distance measured with high accuracy and precision. The value is measured by the observation of the coincidence of … . 4) The … of an ohmmeter shows the resistance of an electrical circuit. 5) All factors influencing accuracy of measurement, like changing of temperature, humidity, and other surrounding … must be described and concerned. 6) When air quality is compromised with odors, … for air quality testing is to take air samples and study them, using standardized methods that are dependable, reproducible, objective, and quantitative. 7) Each method of measurement requires … to know what to start with and what prosedures to carry out one after another.


Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement GRAMMAR

Инфинитив в английском языке – это неличная форма глагола, которая называет действие в наиболее общем виде: to define to solve to develop to maintain

Запомните, что to перед инфинитивом не употребляется: 1. После большинства модальных глаголов. Например: We can measure length with a ruler. После глаголов чувственного восприятия feel, hear, see, watch: I never saw them carry out any experiments. – Я никогда не видела, чтобы они проводили какие-либо эксперименты. 3. После глагола let: Let the balance show the weight. – Пусть весы покажут вес. 4. После глагола make (в значении «заставлять»): We made the device display zero value at the equilibrium position.. – Мы заставили прибор показывать нулевое значение в состоянии равновесия.

Формы инфинитива: Active Passive Simple to define to be defined быть определённым Continuous to be defining --//-- определять (длительно) Perfect to have defined to have been defined определить (уже) быть определённым (уже) Perfect To have been defining --//-- Continuous определить (уже, в результате длительного процесса)

Функции инфинитива в предложении  Инфинитив в функции подлежащего: Инфинитив выполняет функцию подлежащего, если он стоит в начале предложения, где нет другого слова, которое могло бы быть подлежащим. Часто инфинитив употребляется вместе с пояснительными словами, составляя инфинитивную группу. Инфинитив в функции подлежащего переводится неопределённой формой глагола или существительным:

To define the resistance of a circuit is easy. Определить сопротивление цепи легко. To test the equipment is the main task of the Тестирование оборудования является metrologists at the enterprise. главной задачей метрологов на предприятии.

1. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the infinitive. 1) То isolate the metal plates was the student’s task. 2) To create a powerful energy source was of prime importance for a constructor. 3) To provide a high potential is not easy. 4) To determine the volume of a gas at a definite temperature is very easy. 5) To prove this law experimentally is very difficult. 38

English for Standardization and Metrology 6) To test a new receiver for the application in this system was the main task of the laboratory. 7) To arrive at the results involves no mathematical calculations. 8) To test the equipment is possible only under vacuum conditions. 9) To raise the cathode temperature means increasing the number of emitted electrons. 10) To obtain new data on the wave travelling was necessary for future investigations, 11) To measure the power of the supply was very important.

Следует отличать инфинитив в функции подлежащего от инфинитива в функции обстоятельства цели.  Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели также может стоять на первом месте. Если в предложении есть подлежащее, выраженное другой частью речи, то инфинитив является обстоятельством цели и переводится неопределённой формой глагола с союзом «чтобы», «для того, чтобы», или «для + существительное». Иногда инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели употребляется с союзом «in order to»:

To define the resistance of a circuit he used Чтобы определить сопротивление цепи, an ohmmeter. он использовал омметр. To test the equipment we had to take it to Для тестирования оборудования нам the laboratory. пришлось отправить его в лабораторию.

2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the infinitive. 1) Accuracy of measurement tools should be provided in order to prevent errors. 2) Strain gauges are used either to obtain information from which stresses in bodies can be calculated or to act as indicating elements on devices for measuring such quantities as force, pressure, and acceleration 3) Units are standards for measurement of physical quantities that need clear definitions to be useful. 4) To reduce the incidence of retail fraud, many national statutes have standard definitions of weights and measures. 5) This standard practice describes three operational steps necessary to ensure accurate measurement calibration. 6) This practice is intended to supplement the manufacturers' instructions for the manual operation of the gages and is not intended to replace them. 7) The gage probe must be placed directly on the coating surface to obtain a reading. 8) A sensing probe or magnet is used to measure the gap (distance) between the base metal and the probe.

 Инфинитив в функции именной части составного сказуемого. Инфинитив смыслового глагола, перед которым употребляется глагол to be в различных формах, является именной частью составного сказуемого. После подлежащего, выраженного существительными aim, object, purpose, plan, difficulty, task, problem, mission и т. д., глагол to be не выражает долженствования, а является глаголом-связкой в составе именного сказуемого и переводится словами: «заключается в том, чтобы», «состоит в том, чтобы», а часто вообще не переводится. Сравните:

The aim of the experiment is to test the new Цель эксперимента – протестировать equipment. новое оборудование. The laboratory worker is to test the new Работник лаборатории должен equipment. протестировать новое оборудование.


Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement 3. Translate the sentences paying attention to the infinitive.

1) The student’s task was to study the properties of this substance. 2) The task is to provide low pressure. 3) The main aim of the designers is to improve TV communication over long distances, 4) The problem is to find materials which are not sensitive to light. 5) The purpose of the experiment is to convert heat directly to electricity. 6) The object of this system is to provide a powerful energy supply. 7) The assistant is to perform all these operations. 8) The task of the laboratory is to perform all these operations in a short period of time. 9) The operator was to tune the receiver to a definite frequency. 10) The problem was to tune the receiver to a definite frequency. 11) The function of this device was to compute all these quantities. 12) According to the program the device was to compute all these quantities in a very short period of time.

Инфинитив в функции определения.

Инфинитив в функции определения стоит после определяемого существительного, часто он имеет форму страдательного залога (to be+V3). Например: to be tested – быть испытанным. Инфинитив в функции определения переводится придаточным предложением и имеет оттенок будущего времени или долженствования.

The scientist must study the data to be Учёный должен изучить данные, которые obtained as a result of the experiment. будут получены в результате эксперимента. The engineer to test the device will come Инженер, который должен протестировать tomorrow. это устройство, придёт завтра.

4. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the infinitive. 1) The engineers have been given the design of a new transformer to be considered next week. 2) Friction in the moving components causes the scale to reach equilibrium 3) The quantity to be measured is linked with several parameters. 4) А voltmeter is a device to be used for measuring the potential difference between any two points in a circuit. 5) Let’s analyze the definition of the quantity to be measured 6) The students selected all the units to be used in the experiment. 7) For every method of measurement a detailed definition of the equipment to be used, a sequential list of operations to be performed must be prepared. 8) The value of the quantity to be measured is combined with a known value of the same quantity. 9) There are some small issues to clear up in terms of the Am measurement of weight. Are to determine 10) The designer must test the system to be used in the Is laboratory. Должен определить; 11) Cells to be connected in parallel should be of the Должны same type and voltage. Was to determine 12) The method of qualitative analysis to be used Were depends on the nature of the substances to be Должен был analyzed. Должны были определить


English for Standardization and Metrology READING TEXT A

determined by mathematical relationship. a) This is the method of measurement For example, measurement of density by by comparison in which the value of the quantity to be measured is combined with a b) This method, also called the known value of the same quantity so displacement method, consists of the adjusted that the sum of these two values is following steps: after balancing the body equal to predetermined comparison value. with a counter-weight (metal scraps, shot, and so on) placed on the opposite arm of the balance beam, the body is removed from c) A method of weighing to allow for the balance and replaced by weights such differences in lengths of the balance arms, that the balance achieves the original in which object and weights are balanced equilibrium position. The mass of the body twice, the second time with their positions is determined by the mass of the weights interchanged. Also known as Gauss method needed to balance the scales and according of weighing. to the reading on the balance corresponding to the part of the mass not balanced by the 1. Read the text and put the following weights. fragments in the suitable places. measuring mass and geometrical dimensions. 3. Fundamental method of In precision measurements various measurement. Also known as the absolute methods of measurement are followed method of measurement, it is based on the depending upon the accuracy required and measurement of the base quantities used to the amount of permissible error. define the quantity. For example, measuring There are numerous ways in which a a quantity directly in accordance with the quantity can be measured. Any method of definition of that quantity, or measuring a measurement should be defined in such a quantity indirectly by direct measurement of detail and followed by such a standard the quantities linked with the definition of practice that there is little scope for the quantity to be measured. uncertainty. The nature of the procedure in 4. Comparison method of some of the most common measurements is measurement. This method involves described below. Actual measurements may comparison with either a known value of the employ one or more combinations of the same quantity or another quantity which is following. function of the quantity to be measured. 1. Direct method of measurement. 5. Substitution method of measurement. In this method the value of a quantity is In this method the quantity to be measured is obtained directly by comparing the unknown measured by direct comparison on an with the standard. It involves no indicating device by replacing the measuring mathematical calculations to arrive at the quantity with some other known quantity results, for example, measurement of length which produces same effect on the by a graduated scale. This method is not indicating device. For example, very accurate because it depends on human determination of mass by Borda method. insensitiveness in making judgmentre. 1) ______2. Indirect method of measurement. 6. Transposition method of In this method several parameters (to which measurement. This is a method the quantity to be measured is linked with) of measurement by direct comparison in are measured directly and then the value is which the quantity to be measured is first 41

Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement balanced by an initial known value A of the quantity is compared with two or same quantity; next the quantity to be more known values of nearabout same value measured is put in the place of that known ensuring at least one smaller and one bigger value and is balanced again by a second than the quantity to be measured and the known value B. When the balance indicating reading is interpolated. device gives the same indication in both 12. Extrapolation method cases, the value of the quantity to be of measurement. In this method the given measured is \/AB. For example, quantity is compared with two or determination of a mass by means of a more known smaller values and the reading balance and known weights, using the Gauss is extrapolated. double weighing method. 13. Complementary method 2) ______of measurement. 3) ______For 7. Differential or comparison method example determination of the volume of a of measurement. This method involves solid by liquid displacement measuring the difference between the given Contact and contactless methods of quantity and measure a known ments. master of In near about contact the same methods value. For of example, measure determinatio ments, n of diameter the with master measuri cylinder on a ng tip of comparator. the 8. Comparator Gauge measures internal/external instru- Coincidence diameters. ment method actually of measurem touches ent. In this the differential method of measurement the very surface to be measured. In such cases small difference between the given quantity arrangements for constant contact pressure and the reference is determined by the should be provided in order to prevent errors observation of the coincidence of scale due to excess contact pressure. In marks, for example measurement on vernier contactless method of measurements no caliper. contact is required. Such instruments include 9. Null method of measurement. In this tool maker’s microscope and projection method the quantity to be measured is comparator, etc. compared with a known source and the For every method of measurement a difference between these two is made zero. detailed definition of the equipment to be 10. Deflection method of used, a sequential list of operations to be measurement. In this method the value of performed, the surrounding environmental the quantity is directly indicated by conditions and descriptions of all factors deflection of a pointer on a calibrated scale. influencing accuracy of measurement at the 11. Interpolation method required level must be prepared and of measurement. In this method, the given followed.

Taken from: http://what-when-how.com/metrology/classification-of-methods-of- measurements-metrology/


English for Standardization and Metrology 1. Complete the chart. Then render the description of several methods.

Direct a graduated This method is scale, ets. not very accurate because it depends on human insensitiveness in making judgement. is based on the measurement of the base quantities used to define the quantity. the quantity to be e.g., measured is determination measured by direct of mass by comparison on an Borda method. indicating device by replacing the measuring quantity with some other known quantity which produces same effect on the indicating device. A master, a comparator For example determination of the volume of a solid by liquid displacement

2. Answer the questions:

1) Which of the methods can be used to measure a length? A weight? A distance? Electric power? Resistance? Volume? 2) Which of the methods are contact and which are contactless? 3) Which methods involve mathematical calculations and which don’t involve? 4) What should be prepared and followed for every method of measurement? 5) Which equipment is mentioned in the text? Which methods require application of a balance? A comparator? A vernier caliper? Another known value?


Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement USEFUL LANGUAGE

1. Paraphrase the sentences, using the given constructions . … in accordance with…(3) 1. Measuring resistor changes with the …soBoth there’s … and little … scope for temperature according to a certain reproducible series …(3) of calibration data. … in such a detail …(2) 2. This is method for controlling a coordinate … by means of … (3) measuring apparatus in correspondence with desired … at the required level …(2) data. .... to arrive at the results… 3. Measurements are performed as standard practice requires. 4. This method is very precise, so there is small possibility for an error. 5. The analytical balance should be kept closed to minimize the impact of the environmental conditions. 6. Any method of measurement should be defined in such a way that there isn’t much chance for uncertainty. 7. The sequential list of operations must be so elaborated, that all the procedure is done properly. 8. The manual to the digital scale is written so thoroughly, that there is no need to explain how to use them. 9. Mass can be determined with the help of a balance and known weights. 10. Direct current is measured with a coil 11. and field magnets, but alternating currents need to be measured with an oscilloscope. 12. Descriptions of all factors influencing the result of measurement at the demanded precision level must be prepared. 13. There are several different degrees of exactness that can be achieved. 14. It involves no mathematical calculations to come to conclusions. 15. Repeatability is achieved if we’ve got the same data in multiple measurements of identical characteristics on the same elements (specimens) using the same instrument.

3. Make sentences as in example and translate them.

Example: Scientists and Both …and… analysts will use (qualitative data and quantitative data). Scientists and analysts will use both qualitative and quantitative data.

1. A measurement system is designated valid if it is (accurate and precise). 2. There are many instant on-line conversions for thousands of various units and measurements, (common, e.g. U.S. or metric, and quite exotic like ancient Greek and Roman). 3. Optical Particle Counter gives (a count of particles and size of particles) in the solution measured. 4. According to the ISO standard, the term "accuracy" refers to (trueness and precision). A particle counter 5. This measurement system is (accurate and precise).


English for Standardization and Metrology Example: Using (the civilian system or military system), 5 cm Either … or … accuracies can be achieved. Using either the civilian or military system, 5 cm accuracies can be achieved. 6. Spring scales which are legal for commerce (have temperature compensated springs or are used at a fairly constant temperature), and must be calibrated at the location in which they are used. 7. This method involves comparison with (a known value of the same quantity or another quantity which is function of the quantity to be measured). 8. Pressure gauges are (direct- reading or indirect-reading). 9. If a measurement device is (accurate but not precise, or precise but not accurate), it needs to be calibrated. Neither … nor … Example: This scale is (not accurate and not precise), because it hasn’t been calibrated yet. This scale is neither accurate and nor precise, because it hasn’t been calibrated yet. 10. This calibration laboratory (doesn’t have an analytical scale and doesn’t have pressure gauge) at the required level of accuracy. 11. We (can’t measure currency and can’t measure resistance), because we have no proper tools. 12. To determine the diameter of the turbine (enterpolation or extrapolation method can’t be used).


Read the descriptions of various types of scales and balances. Underwrite the pictures.

1) ______2) ______3) ______4) ______

5) 6) 7) 8)


Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement

 Spring balances or spring scales measure force or weight by balancing the force due to gravity against the force on a spring;  a balance or pair of scales using a balance beam compares by balancing the mass of an object against a known mass.  An analytical balance is a class of balance designed to measure small mass in the sub- milligram range. The measuring pan of an analytical balance (0.1 mg or better) is inside a transparent enclosure with doors so that dust does not collect and so any air currents in the room do not affect the balance's operation.  A weighbridge (truck scale or railroad scale) is a large set of scales, usually mounted permanently on a concrete foundation, that is used to weigh entire rail or road vehicles and their contents. By weighing the vehicle both empty and when loaded, the load carried by the vehicle can be calculated. Strain gauge* technology is often used in them.  The same technology is often used in various household scales like kitchen or floor scales.  Supermarket/retail scales are used in perishable departments. They can print labels and receipts (in bakery specially), marks weight/count, unit price, total price and in some cases tare, a supermarket label prints weight/count, unit price and total price, an RFID** tag that can be used to track the item for tampering or returns. Usually they have a sealed calibration to that the reading on the display is correct and cannot be tampered with.  An in-motion scale (also called dynamic scale, belt weigher, checkweigher) weighs products in a conveyor line. They can be used to reject under- and over- weight products. Other types send the weights to a computer for data analysis and statistics.

Some of the sources of error in weighing  Mis-aligned mechanical components are: due to thermal expansion/contraction of  Objects in air develops buoyancy components; force that is directly proportional to the  Magnetic fields acting on ferrous volume of air displaced. The difference in components density of air due to barometric pressure  Forces from electrostatic fields, for and temperature creates errors. example, from feet shuffled on carpets on a  Error in mass of; dry day;  Air flows, even small ones, which  Chemical reactivity between air and push the scale up or down; the substance being weighed (or the  Friction in the moving components balance itself, in the form of corrosion); that cause the scale to reach equilibrium at  Condensation of atmospheric water a different configuration than a frictionless on cold items; equilibrium should occur;  Evaporation of water from wet items;  Settling airborne dust contributing to  Convection of air from hot or cold the weight; items;  Mis-calibration over time, due to  Gravitational differences for a scale drift in the circuit's accuracy, or which measures force, but not for a temperature change; balance.  Vibration and seismic disturbances. 46

English for Standardization and Metrology

** Device for measuring the changes in ** Radio-frequency identification (RFID) distances between points in solid bodies is the wireless non-contact use of radio- that occur when the body is deformed. It frequency electromagnetic fields to is a length-sensitive electrical resistance. transfer data, for the purposes of The capacity of such devices is only automatically identifying and tracking tags limited by the resistance of the beam to attached to objects. deflection.

1. Write questions to the following About the sources of errors: answers. About the types of scales: 9) To the volume of air displaced. 1) By balancing the force due to gravity 10) They can move the scale pans up and against the force on a spring; down. 2) Analytical balance. 11) Because it may cause the scale to reach 3) To prevent them from dust and air equilibrium at a wrong position. 12) Because of drift in the circuit's currents in the room which can affect the accuracy, or temperature change. balance's operation. 13) Only on ferrous components. 4) By weighing the vehicle both empty and 14) Occasional friction of feet against the when loaded. carpet. 5) Strain gauge* technology. 15) When the item is wet; 6) It can be used to track the item for 16) Only for scales which measure force, not tampering or returns. for balances. 7) To keep the reading on the display correct and to prevent tampering. 8) To reject under- and over- weight 2. Look at the pictures again. Tell products and to send the data to a about each type of the scale. What computer for analysis and statistics. is it used for? How does it work?

3. Read again the list of possible sources of error. Write the list of procedures to avoid or decrease these sources. E.g.:

Source of error Ways to avoid buoyancy force  To measure the weight of the object under a vacuum vault;  To measure the atmospheric pressure before weighing the object, and be sure that it’s the same.  …  To gauge the reference weight  … 

4. Match the description of the method with a picture. What types of scales are required? What sources of error can occur? Classify the methods. Which do you think is more precise? Why?


Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement How to weigh a cat?

 Weigh yourself on the scale. Pick up your cat. Weigh yourself while holding the cat. Subtract the weight you are without the cat from the weight you are holding the cat. That number is how much your cat weighs.  Maybe cooking scales would be better- would your cat sit in a bowl?  Ideally the scales should be baby scales (a paediatric scale). Scales that weight people won’t be accurate enough, I think, even if you carry your cat on to the scales with you and then subtract your weight. If your cat is calm, you can put him into a basket and then weigh with a spring balance.  So, If I need info about the cat's weight, I merely position the cat food with the scale in front of the container, I notice the readout- it's an electronic scale - and there it is! I get an honest, care free weighing of the most important person in the household.


English for Standardization and Metrology LISTENING AND SPEAKING

1. Look at the scheme. What device can it be? What physical quantity does it measure? 1. Heat tube; 2. Match the words with their Russian 2. Thermocouple; equivalents: 3. The heater, which is a fechral wire

1) delivery set a) трудоёмкий 2) core b) разрешение 3) manpower c) прищепка consuming d) пробный 4) propagation e) комплект 5) resolution поставки 6) alligator clips f) жила кабеля 7) probe g) распространение

wound along the entire tube;

4. screen heat insulation; 5. the radiant bottom; 6, 7, 8 - heat insulation; 9. outer casing. Audio 2 3. Listen about pyrometers. Explain what you can see in the pictures

4. Listen again and retell the text. 49

Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement 5. Look at the scheme. What device can it be? What physical quantity does it measure?

Audio 3

6. Find in the pictures: bulk cable; a winding machine; a UNITEST Echometer.


e) 7. Listen about UNITEST Echometer. Answer the questions: b) 1) What is a winding machine necessary for? 2) What are two indirect methods to do it? 3) Which scheme shows the DS and which one shows the TRD method? What do these acronyms stand for? 4) Which method does the c) UNITEST Echometer use? 5) How can the length be calculated? 6) What do the numbers 2000, 2, 0.1 refer to? 7) What does a delivery set include?

d) 8. Listen again. Look at the scheme and describe how the device works.


English for Standardization and Metrology INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY TEXT C

2. Read the text about methods of measuring cleanliness. Complete the chart like that on page 34.

The wide range of measurement operator and inspected in several short methods available can be differentiated in scans. It has the advantage of requiring many ways. One simple way to divide minimum equipment. However, an area measurement methods is by whether they separate from production, such as a small are direct or indirect. Direct methods laboratory, is almost a requirement, and actually measure cleanliness on the part of inspectors must be well-trained and interest by analyzing the surface of the part thorough. directly. Indirect methods typically use a Black Light. This test requires a solvent of some type to extract the dark room and black light source for direct contaminants of interest from the part and visual inspection of parts. This method is a the solvent then is analyzed for pass/fail test that will work on any material contamination. Selected direct and indirect with a contaminant that fluoresces under methods are presented below. black light, provided the part itself does not Direct Methods cleanliness fluoresce. The operator simply places the measurement work directory with the part part under the black light and inspects the being cleaned and, therefore, avoid many of part. This method has most of the same the problems inherent in collecting application issues that magnified visual contaminants off the part to be analyzed inspection does, except since the indirectly. However, since the part is being contaminants fluoresce if present they are analyzed directly, there is a limitation — even easier to notice. Once again, this parts analyzed directly often must be quite method is only practical for testing smaller small to fit into the measurement equipment. parts. Magnified Visual Inspection. Water Break Test. This Visual inspection using a unsophisticated method takes magnifying glass or low- advantage of the fact that many power microscope can be contaminants of interest are used to look at a part made hydrophobic. In this pass/fail of any material directly and test, which is typically used for observe any gross metal surfaces, water is flowed contamination that may not over the part. If it sheets off the be visible with the naked eye surface evenly, the part is but is still larger than the "clean." If the water channels or micron range. The method requires the part beads on certain areas the part is rejected or be taken to the inspection area and out of sent for additional cleaning. This test can be production to be inspected. It is a pass/fail done in production areas or as a batch test measurement method that may be used as a and is also usable on very large parts, such cross-check in precision cleaning as airplane wings. To be effective, the water applications that also use a more precise used in the test must be free of surfactants or measurement method, or as a primary others contamination that would cause the method in non-critical cleaning applications water to flow evenly even in the presence of where only gross contamination need be contamination, and the parts must be of a removed. Magnified visual inspection is geometry that allows water to flow across only effective from a practicality standpoint the surface of interest. with smaller parts that can be handled by an 51

Unit 3 Methods and instruments of measurement Contact Angle. This method can be An indirect method of gravimetric analysis thought of as a more sophisticated water is also used and is discussed in the next break test, as it also takes advantage of the section. fact that most contaminants cause water to Optically Stimulated Electron bead up due to their hydrophobic nature. Emission (OSEE). This test, for use on The test requires a small laboratory area and metal surfaces, can be used in the a highly skilled operator. To use this method production line. A probe illuminates the a contact angle goniometer is required, and surface to be tested with ultraviolet light of a the part to be analyzed must be flat and of particular wavelength. Illumination small size (about 3-inches x 3-inches, or stimulates the emission of electrons from the less). In addition, distilled water must be metal surface. These electrons are collected used, and other parameters must be carefully and measured as current by the instrument. controlled, such as static electricity and Contamination reduces the electron humidity. The test is done by applying a emissions and, therefore, the current distilled water droplet of reproducible size measured. The equipment may be connected to the test surface. After waiting a couple of to a computer that color-codes results for minutes for the drop to equilibrate, the each particular piece tested. This allows operator examines the droplet using the before and after comparisons of a single goniometer and records the angle of contact cleaner or side-by-side comparison of two the drop has with the surface. An idealized, pieces cleaned in alternative cleaners. OSEE perfectly clean metal surface would have a is simple to operate, fast, and relatively contact angle of 0°, which is impossible to inexpensive. In addition, it is quantitative, obtain in laboratory air. A contaminated non-destructive, and non-contact. However, metal part would have a high contact angle, it requires a calibration for each part- such as 90° or more. Some parts, such as contaminant combination to be tested. plastics, have positive contact angles even OSEE does not work well with when "clean" so the method is not typically contaminants that fluoresce. used for cleanliness analysis for these X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy materials. While a number is obtained from (XPS). This highly sophisticated and this test, the contact angle, the test still is expensive measurement method uses special non-quantitative in terms of the equipment to bombard the surface of interest contaminants on the part. with x-rays under vacuum conditions, Gravimetric Measurement. This causing electrons to be released from the method requires a highly sensitive scale that surface. Since each type of element (i.e. can weigh parts to an accuracy of plus or carbon, oxygen, etc.) releases a unique minus one milligram, or better. This method amount of electrons under these conditions is used on small parts of any material to the actual elemental composition of the detect gross contamination, but does not surface can be quantified. The test requires a require any other sophisticated equipment very small, flat surface and is not only besides the scale. Parts must be weighed expensive but lengthy. Its application is prior to being contaminated and then after limited to mostly research and development, contamination. Then after cleaning, the part but it can be used to calibrate and evaluate is oven dried and weighed again. The other, less sophisticated measurement difference between the initial weight and methods. XPS equipment is typically only post-cleaning weight is attributed to any present in specialized university laboratories residual contamination left on the part. If and larger industrial research laboratories. there is no difference in these two weights, Many other highly sophisticated the part is considered clean. This is a good direct measurement methods exist, including gross measurement method when extremely the scanning electron microscope, auger high purity is not required. A small electron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass laboratory is needed to conduct these tests, spectrometry, and fourier transform infrared and large parts cannot be tested in this way. spectroscopy. 52

English for Standardization and Metrology Unit 4 Standardization Bodies LEAD-IN: What for?

Find as many reasons as possible to explain why standardization is necessary. Give examples.


1. Give definitions to the fallowing terms, or explain them as you understand: Consumer; manufacturer; retailer; standard; regulations; specification;

2. Match the words with definitions.

1) A group of companies or people with similar interests or aims  voluntarily who have agreed to work together.  retailer 2) A set of lows.  industry 3) An action is done because you choose to do it, and not consortium because you have to; usually for no pay.  manufacturer 4) Obeying a law, rule, or request.  legislation 5) Stating what should happen, or what someone should do.  distribution 6) The process of supplying goods from one central place to  compliance shops.  prescriptive 7) Someone who buys and uses goods and services.  consumer 8) A person or company that makes a product. 9) A person or company that sells goods directly to the public for their own use. 3. Match the words, their transcription and the Russian equivalent. Practice pronunciation.

1. consumer a. [`kredqbl] 1. подтверждать, удостоверять 2. manufacturer b. [kqm`plaI] 2. качество, свойство 3. retailer c. [rJ`teIlq] 3. потребитель 4. substitute d. [,mxnjV`fxktS(q)rq] 4. следовать предписаниям 5. credible e. [kqn`sjHmq] 5. заменять 6. attribute f. [lO:ntS] 6. производитель, промышленник 7. available g. [`sAbstItjHt] 7. предприятие розничной торговли 8. verify h. [q`veilqbl] 8. заверять, гарантировать, 9. comply i. [`xtrIbjHt] страховать 10. assure j. [verI`faI] 9. заслуживающий доверия 11. launch k. [q`SVq] 10. ввод в эксплуатацию, презентация 11. доступный

4. Write words to the transcriptions; translate the words. 1) [lO:ntS] 2) [In`hQ:ns] 3) [vI`Jkl] 4) [Is`txblIS] 5) [rI,laIq`bIlItI] 6) [rI`lJz] 7) [reInG] 8) [q`prOksImqtlI] 9) [In`klHd] 10) [tSOIs] 11) [I`nISIeIt] 12) [kraI`tIqrIqn] 13) [kqn`sensqs]


Unit 4 Standardization Bodies 5. Match the synonyms.

1) promote a) enlarge 1. characteristic 2) enhance b) hazardous 2. start up 3) dangerous c) facilitate 3. adhere 4) elaborated d) found 4. increase 5) reject e) launch 5. harmful 6) establish f) trustworthy 6. encourage 7) reliable g) sophisticated 7. discard 8) validate h) verify 8. credible 9) property i) comply 9. set up 10) obey j) attribute 10. well designed 11) release k) refuse 11. confirm

6. Match the word combinations and their Russian equivalents.

1. meet a. production 1) по закону 2. technical b. standards 2) следовать стандартам 3. energy c. demands 3) высокотехнологичные продукты 4. develop d. regulation 4) энергопроизводство 5. high-tech e. of standards 5) разрабатывать стандарты 6. management f. information 6) орган по стандартизации 7. personal g. products 7) отвечать требованиям 8. adhere h. specification 8) специализация управления 9. terms i. to standards 9) технический регламент 10. as a matter j. body 10) личная информация 11. a standards k. of law 11) условия стандартов

7. Write the words from the clouds in proper columns. Translate the words.

noun adjective verb adverb Participle II (V3)

Facility Comply Facilitate Initial Adhere Complience Character Initiate Adherence Complient Characterize Initialize Adherent Complier Characteristic Initiative Sence Adherer sencitive Characterization Rely Insencitive Reliable Sencitivity Volunteer Reliability Insensitivity Voluntary Voluntarily


English for Standardization and Metrology GRAMMAR

1. Read and translate the sentences. Explain the use of the modal verb (read about modal verbs in page 115). Define the infinitive form after the modal verb (Active or passive?)

1) Standards are specifications or other criteria that a product, process or service must meet. 2) The standard can be included in legislation. 3) Some standards may be incorporated into government statutes and regulations. 4) Companies and individuals must follow such standards as a matter of law. 5) To increase the current strength the developers had to decrease the resistance. 6) An existing standard can be used to deal with a public policy problem. 7) To be credible, standards must have certain attributes. 8) The development must be overseen by a recognized body. 9) Usually, an Accredited Laboratory have to prove its Accreditation Status. 10) The resulting standards must be documented and publicly available. 11) Standards may also combine performance and prescriptive requirements. 12) The development process must be open to input from all interested parties. 13) Buyers have to make sure they buy at high-quality domestic-type products. 14) Scientists couldn't repeat each other's experiments because there weren’t agreed-upon standards. 15) Actual measurements may employ one or more combinations of the methods. 16) With ISO consumers can have more confidence in all types of services ranging from phone bills to tourism. They must have participated. 2. Translate the sentences. Они, должно быть, 1) He must have made the experiment many times. принимали участие. 2) He had to make the experiment many times. They had to participate. 3) They had to go to the dean’s office. Им пришлось принять 4) You must have got international standards участие. consensus. 5) They must have written Publicly Available Specifications. They can have participated. 6) Industry consortia had to create this specifications. They could have participated. 7) The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle

Regulations had to establish technical regulations for the Возможно, oни , принимали construction of motor vehicles. участие. 8) National governments could have signed the ITU Они могли бы принять treaty to administer its standards. участие. 9) Members of the Commission had to actively participate in its activities and adopt international They could participate. standards. 10) They could have read these legislations many Они могли принимать times. участие. 11) The Joint Technical Committee on Information Technology must have addressed standardization in the electrical and electronics fields. 12) The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) must have been run by the United Nations. 13) National governments that have signed the ITU treaty had to enforce the standards the ITU adopted. 55

Unit 4 Standardization Bodies

Конструкция Complex object (сложное дополнение) состоит из прямого дополнения и инфинитива: Look at the example:

We know this system to be tested in our laboratory.

Сложное дополнение не имеет точного соответствия в русском языке и переводится на русский язык дополнительным придаточным предложением с союзами что, чтобы, как.

We know this system to be tested in our laboratory.

Мы знаем, что эта система была протестирована в нашей лаборатории.

Complex object употребляется после глаголов want, wish, like, would like, expect, think, believe, consider, suppose, believe, force, have, allow, disallow, permit, ask и других. После глаголов make, let, see, notice, watch, hear, feel, observe инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

The engineers consider the balance to be the Инженеры считают, что балансовые весы – simplest and oldest type of scales. древнейший и простейший тип весов. We saw the motors run at a very high speed. Мы видели, что моторы работали на очень высокой скорости.

3. Translate the sentences:

1. Standards allow one firm's products to be substituted for those of another. 2. We want the development process to be open to input from all interested parties; 3. The consumers may expect the goods to comply with the international standards. 4. They supposed the greater part of energy to be used for supplying plants in that region. 5. We saw the dimension of the body change under different temperature conditions. 6. Any student must know a voltmeter to be used for measuring the potential difference between any two points in a circuit. 7. The government expected the development of the national standards in this scope to be overseen by ISO committee. 8. Consumers want the producers to adhere to the standards, because they make products safer. 9. The designers assume the system operation to be improved as a result of replacing some of its parts. 10. He knew the value of voltage to be the same in all the elements of a parallel circuit. 11. We want the controllers to compare the goods to the national standards. 12. The law sometimes demands the companies and individuals to follow the terms of the standards. 13. He considers this device to comply with standards. 14. The engineers wanted this phenomenon to be investigated in their laboratory. 15. The students watched the engineer make the experiment.


English for Standardization and Metrology

При переводе этой конструкции английское сказуемое переводится вводным словом или безличным предложением говорят, известно, считают, и т.д. Инфинитив переводится отдельным придаточным предложением.

The new standards are reported to be credible.

Сообщается, что новые стандарты заслуживают доверия.

Complex Subject употребляется со следующими глаголами: Passive Voice: Active Voice is said to - говорят, is heard - слышно, to appear - оказаться, is seen - видно, to seem - казаться, is known - известно, to happen - случаться, is reported - сообщают, to prove - оказаться, is expected - ожидают, to turn out - оказаться. is believed - полагают, is considered - считают, was announced - объявили. С прилагательными: (is) not likely – вряд ли, (is) likely - вероятно, (is) certain – несомненно, (is) unlikely – мало вероятно, (is) sure – наверняка, точно.

4. Translate the sentences: 1. Standardization is believed to have enabled the global trade and industry to develop. 2. The new method of monitoring has proved to be more reliable. 3. The engineer is expected to have finished the experiment. 4. ISO/IEC 17025 is known to be the primary international standard for testing and calibration laboratories. 5. Management requirements are expected to regulate the operation and effectiveness of the quality management system within the laboratory. 6. This organizations are proved to be complying with standards. 7. The engineer seems to work at the problem of adjusting the optical equipment. 8. ISO/IEC 17025 seems to have much in common with the ISO 9000 standard, which also regulates laboratory operation. 9. The substance turned out to be unique in its properties. 10. The inspector happened to carry out the audit. 11. This standard is expected to be followed as a matter of law.. 12. Standards are sure to establish certain requirements for products, processes and services. 13. Performance specifications ensure a product to meet a prescribed test 14. The dimensions of the body are likely to change under different temperature conditions. 15. These experiments appeared to be carried out in our laboratory. 16. ISO is supposed to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services. 17. The laboratory is certain to be equipped with perfect measuring instruments. 18. This scope of industry is unlikely to be controlled by any existing standards yet. 19. Publicly Available Specifications are known to become de facto standards when they are aproved and accepted by the international community. 20. Some standards are known to be created by industry consortia.


Unit 4 Standardization Bodies READING TEXT A

markets. Approximately two thirds of standards are voluntary. The terms of standards may also be incorporated into government statutes and regulations, in which case companies and individuals must follow them as a matter of law. In some cases, governments initiate and participate in standards development so the standard can be included in legislation. In other cases, governments find that an existing standard can be used to deal with a public policy problem and include it in new legislation. For example, the federal law for the protection of personal information in the private sector is based on a national Standards are technical specifications standard. or other criteria that a product, process or Types of Standards service must meet. Standards provide Standards establish a wide range of information to consumers, manufacturers requirements for products, processes and and retailers, and enhance safety, reliability services: and performance of the products, processes • performance specifications ensure and services consumers use. Standards that a product meets a prescribed test, for assure consumers about reliability or other example, strength characteristics of services provided in the requirements; marketplace. Standards also give consumers • prescriptive more choice because they allow one firm's specifications products to be substituted for, or combined identify product with, those of another. characteristics, To be credible, standards must have such as the certain attributes: thickness, type or • their development must be overseen dimensions of by a recognized body; material. Standards may also combine • the development process must be performance and prescriptive requirements; open to input from all interested parties; • design specifications set out the • the resulting standards must be specific design or technical characteristics of documented and publicly available; a product; • there is usually a method for • management specifications set out monitoring and verifying that organizations requirements for the processes and are complying with standards. procedures companies put in place, such as Standards are developed through a for quality and environmental management set process. Companies and individuals use systems. and adhere to standards voluntarily, or The International Organization for because they are required to by law. When Standardization (ISO - International compliance with a standard is not mandated Standardization Organization) is one of the by law, companies and individuals follow most important of the international standards the terms of the standards simply because it bodies. It is a federation of national is in their interest to do so — standards standards bodies with some 130 members, improve the quality of products, processes including the SCC. Its mission is to promote or services, reassure customers and open up the development of standardization to 58

English for Standardization and Metrology facilitate the international exchange of tech products and services do not need goods and services. It also encourages international standards consensus at the time cooperation in intellectual, scientific, of launch. Industry experts and users technological and economic activities. The working together develop ITAs, which may ISO does not address standardization in the in some cases proceed through to IEC electrical and electronics fields (see below). technical committees to become standards if The ISO's a market demand is foreseen. published standards Publicly Available Specifications are include, among many another IEC tool for meeting market others, those for film demands for a rapidly developing speed, the format of technology. These can become de facto telephone and banking standards when they are approved and cards, symbols for accepted by the automobile controls, and paper sizes. There international are more than 2800 technical committees, community. They are subcommittees and working groups usually created by developing standards at the ISO. Committee industry consortia and members include representatives of industry, gain rapid acceptance in government, consumers, research institutes the global market. and international organizations. Other International The International Electrotechnical Standards Bodies Commission (IEC) is responsible for • Other international organizations developing international electrical and developing standards include the electronic standards. The more than 50 International Telecommunication Union participating countries are responsible for (ITU), which is a treaty organization of more than 95 percent of the world's approximately 160 members run by the electrical energy production, and members United Nations. National governments that are drawn from national standardization have signed the ITU treaty enforce and bodies. The IEC develops standards for administer the standards the ITU adopts. electronics, magnetic, electromagnetic and • The Codex Alimentary Commission electro acoustic telecommunications, and is the United Nation's food standards body. energy production and distribution. The IEC There are 150 Commission's members. and ISO work cooperatively to develop Many legislated food standards in the standards in the information technology area participating countries are the result of the through the Joint Technical Committee on Commission's work. Information Technology. • The World Forum for Harmonization In addition to producing standards, of Vehicle Regulations, establishes technical the IEC creates Industry Technical regulations for the construction of motor Agreements (ITAs) for markets with short vehicles. time lines. Industry uses ITAs when high-

1. Find the English equivalents to the fallowing Russian phrases: Предоставлять информацию потребителю; повышать безопасность; гарантировать потребителю надёжность; позволять продукцию одной фирмы заменять или комбинировать с продукцией другой; открыт для всех заинтересованных сторон; метод проверки и подтверждения; организация соответствует стандартам; разрабатывать посредством установленного процесса; следовать стандартам добровольно; иметь отношение к проблеме общественной политики; идентифицировать характеристики продукта; устанавливать требования к процессам; системы управления (взаимодействием с) окружающей средой. 59

Unit 4 Standardization Bodies 2. Work with a partner. Write questions to the following answers. Check the questions with your teacher. Ask your partner and answer his/her questions. Give more detailed answers. Correct your partner’s answers when necessary.

Student A: Student B:  Criteria that a product must  To consumers, meet; manufacturers and retailers;  products, processes and  about the reliability of services that a consumer uses; services, provided in the  because they allow one firm’s marketplace; products to be substituted for or  the federal law for the combined with, those of another; protection of personal information  because it’s in their interests; in the private sector;  when the government initiate  they must have certain development of a standard, or find it attributes; useful.  approximately two thirds.

3. Complete the plan of the part of the text about standards. Render the information, using phrases and word combinations from the text.



______attributes:_  ______ ______ ______ ______

______types:______ ______ ______ ______ ______60

English for Standardization and Metrology 4. Explain why standards must have the 4 mentioned attributes. What could happen otherwise?  Otherwise standards could have been useless;  Each firm or enterprise could have worked out their own standards;  ______e.g. _

5. Match the acronyms of the organizations with their name and the function. Acronyms Name of organization Functions (treaty, commission, forum) a) ISO 1. The International a. It establishes technical regulations for the b) IEC Electrotechnical Commission construction of motor vehicles. c) ITAs 2. The Codex b. It is responsible for developing Alimentary Commission international electrical and electronic standards d) ITU 3. The World Forum for c. It is used when high-tech products and e) CAC Harmonization of Vehicle services do not need international standards f) HVRs Regulations consensus at the time of launch. 4. Industry Technical d. It is responsible for standards of Agreements international communications. 5. The International e. It is the United Nation's food standards Telecommunication Union body 6. The International f. Its mission is to promote the Organization for development of standardization in intellectual, Standardization scientific, technological and economic activities.

6. Write questions about ISO and IEC and ask each other as in ex. 2. 7. Make a plan (like that in ex. 3) to tell about any world standardization organization, using the information from the text. Using your plan, tell about ISO, IEC and other standardization bodies.


1. Mach the words with the opposite meaning.

1. challenge a. unstable 6. tackle f. stagnation 2. share b. solution 7. globally g. mandatory 3. open up c. reduce 8. innovation h. fail 4. sustainable d. assign 9. improve i. locally 5. increase e. closed 10. awake j. damage 11. voluntary k. asleep

2. Remember : 3. Why do these people need standards? confide in rely on Customers; retailers; government; a Chief trust in count on Executive Officer (CEO); regulator;


Unit 4 Standardization Bodies

4. Watch the video about ISO and their Video 3 objectives. Answer the questions: 1) What do leaders need? 2) What kind of challenges do ISO standards tackle? 3) How do standards facilitate economic growth? 4) How long does ISO work? 5) How many countries participate in it? 6) Do the standards work locally or globally? 7) How many standards have been developed?

5. Make a plan of the text and tell about ISO.

6. Choose the right form of modal verb. 1) Traceability shows if a measurement result or a standard value ___ be related to stated national or international standards (can, must, should). 2) Metrologists ___ find employment within a multitude of industries (have to, must, can). 3) To calculate the quantity in liters you ______simply divide the number of milliliters by thousand. (should, have to) 4) A sensor measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which _____ be read by an observer. (must, can, should) 5) To work successfully in this field of science one _____ know the fundamentals of metrology (should, has to, can). 6) Gauge blocks can be joined together with very little dimensional uncertainty. 7) Most of the SI units have been defined by a fundamental physical property that ____ be reproduced in different laboratories (can, must, should). 8) Nothing inherent in nature dictates that a meter ____ be a certain length (has to, may). 9) The applicants who meet with the eligibility criteria ____ send their applications on this address (may, must). 10) Inform consumers of the risks that a product ______(might, has to, should) pose and any precautions they _____ ( could, should, might) take.

7. Jigsaw reading. Student A will read about the standards for washing machines, student B – about the standards for dishwashers (in page 107).

From energy and water use to noise, the official Government Buying Standards for washing machines provide comprehensive guidance on how to buy sustainably. What does sustainability mean for washing machines? It’s no surprise that washing machines can use a lot of energy and water. However, there is a huge variation in performance and efficiency between the best in the market and the worst, and the Government Buying Standards use existing labelling schemes to set out clear rules for procuring sustainably. As well as washing and drying performance, the specifications for domestic-type washing machines take into account noise levels and overall energy and water consumption, i.e. the less water consumed the better. For commercial/industrial-type washing machines, the Water Technology List of the Enhanced Capital Allowance scheme contains suitable criteria. All central government departments and their related organisations must ensure that they meet at least the mandatory Government Buying Standards when buying goods and services in the product groups covered on this site.


English for Standardization and Metrology Now, watch the standards (some of them are mandatory, some are advisory for washing machines and dishwashers). Write questions about the missing information about dishwasher standards. Answer your partner’s questions about the washing machines’. E.g.:

What A’ rated Energy Efficiency index must they have? What energy efficiency should the best dishwashers have?

Washing machines standards V2.0

IMPACT AREA MANDATORY Energy Efficiency Must have an ‘A’ rated Energy Efficiency index of 0.19 or less Washing Performance Must have an ‘A’ rated Washing performance index of greater than 1.03 Spin Dry Must have a ‘B’ rated Spin drying index of less than 54% Water Consumption Washing machines with a load capacity of 5kg volume per cycle must not exceed 45 litres per cycle Washing Noise Must have a Washing Noise less than 62dBA Spinning Noise Must have a Spinning Noise less than 76dBA

IMPACT AREA BEST PRACTICE Energy Efficiency Should have an Energy Efficiency Index of 0.17 or less, in line with the regulations Washing Performance Same as the mandatory standard Spin Dry Should have an A’ rated Spin drying index of less than 45% Water Consumption Washing machines with a load capacity of 5kg volume per cycle must not exceed 39 litres per cycle Washing Noise Same as the mandatory standard Spinning Noise Same as the mandatory standard

Dishwashers standards V2.0

IMPACT AREA MANDATORY Energy Efficiency Dishwashers must have an ‘A’ rated Energy Efficiency index of _____ Drying Performance Must have an ‘A’ rated Drying performance index of ______Cleaning Performance Must have an ‘A’ rated Cleaning performance index of ______Water Consumption For a standard sized dishwasher (ie. for up to 14 place settings) volume per cycle must not exceed ______Noise N/A


Unit 4 Standardization Bodies

IMPACT AREA BEST PRACTICE Energy Efficiency ______Drying Performance ______Cleaning Performance ______Water Consumption In a standard sized dishwasher volume per cycle should not exceed __ Noise Should emit noise less than ____


1. Match the terms and the definitions: 1. a place or building used for a particular activity or industry, or for To certify providing a particular type of service; To register 2. prior condition; something that is necessary before something else To accreditate can happen or be done; Audit 3. a person or organization that has signed an official agreement; To sample 4. the ability to do something in a satisfactory or effective way; Competence 5. an official examination of the financial records of a company, Prerequisite organization, or person to see that they are accurate; Facility 6. to officially recognize, accept, or approve of someone or Signatory something; 7. a) to put information about someone or something on an official list; b) to show as a particular measurement on a piece of equipment; 8. to test a small amount of something in order to get information about the whole thing; 9. to state officially that something is true, accurate, or of a satisfactory standard; to give someone an official document stating that they have passed an examination or have achieved the qualifications.

2. Look for the meaning of the following words. Write the transcription. If you can, recall synonyms. recognition commonalities convince scope carry out outline perception recon maintenance grant operation assessment acceptance obtain multi-lateral peer acute stride

3. Read the text. Put the abstracts of the text in the proper places. Listen and check. a. ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation fills the "gap" of technical competence, not addressed by ISO 9001. Audio 4 b. Technical requirements address the competence of staff, methodology and test/calibration equipment. c. (ILAC – again – is the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, quite simply, the highest authority in the world in regards to laboratory accreditation). d. You can go to our website L-A-B.com and look at our news section for links to read the text of the Communique.


English for Standardization and Metrology

simply formal recognition of the demonstration of that competence. A prerequisite for a laboratory to be granted accreditation is to have a documented quality management system addressing all the elements of the standard. Typically the contents of the quality manual follow the outline of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard.

ISO 9001 vs. ISO/IEC 17025? Even though labs can be audited and ISO/IEC 17025 is the primary certified (or registered) to internal international standard for both testing and management systems such as ISO 9001 (the calibration laboratories. It was originally standard typically used in manufacturing known as ISO/IEC Guide 25, ISO/IEC and service type organizations for managing 17025 was initially issued by the the quality of their product or services) - International Organization for ISO 9001 does not evaluate technical Standardization in 2000. competence - this means that evaluation of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (which is the ISO 9001 won't ensure that the core revision) specifies the general testing/calibration/inspection data provided laboratory requirements for the competence is accurate, competent, or reliable. to carry out tests and/or calibrations. This 2. ______includes sampling. It covers both tests and Where ISO 9001 covers the entire calibrations performed using standard facility; ISO/IEC 17025 specifically covers methods, non-standard methods, and methods or functions detailed in each laboratory - developed methods (all types of individual laboratory's "Scope of methods). Accreditation " - this Scope is determined by There are two main sections in the laboratory and Assessment activities will ISO/IEC 17025 - Management be focused on those process that affect this Requirements (Section 4) and Technical scope. Requirements (Section 5). Management ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation is requirements are primarily related to the specific to a "Scope of Accreditation". operation and effectiveness of the quality Important mention of our discussing management system within the laboratory. of differences and similarities between 1. ______ISO/IEC 17025, the ILAC (International There are many commonalities with Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and the ISO 9000 standard, but ISO/IEC 17025 IAF: recently came out a Communique that adds in the concept of technical competence. identifies the fact that many accredited This standard applies directly to those laboratories have been experiencing organizations that produce testing and difficulty convincing their customers that calibration results (i.e. laboratories). they should be asking laboratories to be Laboratories use ISO/IEC 17025 to accredited to ISO/IEC 17025, (prior to 1999 implement a quality system dedicated to ISO Guide 25) rather than be certified improving their competence to consistently (registered) to ISO 9001. produce valid results. ISO/IEC 17025 is also The situation became more acute the basis for accreditation from an with the publication of ISO 9001:2008, as Accreditation Body. Since the standard is some customers continually asked about technical competence, accreditation is laboratories to be certified, when they really meant accredited. 65

Unit 4 Standardization Bodies  traceability to national standards whenever appropriate;  proper environmental conditions to perform testing /calibration /inspection. What evidence does an Accredited Laboratory have to prove its Accreditation Status? Accredited Laboratories have both a Certificate of Accreditation (stating ISO/IEC And there’s also identified in the 17025 Accreditation has been granted) and Communique the confusion is caused by the more importantly they have a "Scope of perception that accredited laboratories do Accreditation". The Scope of Accreditation not operate as recognized quality lists precise details of the Testing, management systems. Calibration and Dimensional Inspection To address this problem the ILAC parameters for which accreditation is Laboratory Committee asked that a granted. statement be put on accreditation International recognition to your (attestation) certificates, issued by their laboratory accreditation body, state that an accredited Accreditation Bodies such as L-A-B laboratory’s management system meets the are full member signatories to International principles of ISO 9001:2008. Recognition Agreements through ILAC.

3. ______4. ______Accreditation Bodies throughout the world ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation serves as a have adopted ISO/IEC 17025 as the basis benchmark for a laboratory's for accrediting testing and calibration performance: A regular assessment through an laboratories. Through these multi-lateral accreditation body (L-A-B) benefits labs by agreements (ILAC Arrangement) acceptance allowing them to determine the accuracy of of data is greatly enhanced throughout the their work to appropriate standards. Many world in economies who are also Labs work in isolation from their peers, the signatories. This is a great stride towards the accreditation process assesses the labs goal of accreditation "Tested once accepted technical competence, based on: everywhere". In short L-A-B accredited  having individual competence of laboratories' test reports and calibration staff to perform; certificates will be accepted as equivalents

 use of proper equipment and it's by all ILAC MRA signatories (61 maintenance and calibration; signatories worldwide).  having in place sufficient quality assurance and quality control Laboratory Accreditation Bureau (aka processes; Laboratory  sampling practices in place to the appropriate degree required; Accreditati  procedures in place for their on) testing/calibration/inspection; www.L-A-  appropriate (validated) methods for B.com obtaining data;  the ability to record and report accurate data (building confidence in data);

5. Fill the chart with the examples from the text. 66

English for Standardization and Metrology

Present Past Simple Future Present Present Present Simple Simple continuous perfect perfect continuous Active Voice Passive Was known Voice Active Infinitive Passive Infinitive Modal Verbs

6. Translate the highlighted part of the text. 7. Listen again and practice reading the text aloud. 8. Are the fallowing statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

1) ISO/IEC 17025 is a standard for calibration laboratories only. 2) It was used more than ten years ago. 3) ISO/IEC : 2005 specifies requirements for laboratory equipment. 4) ISO/IEC 17025 includes only non-destructive methods of testing. 5) ISO/IEC 17025 contains only technical requirements. 6) The technical requirements specifies the demands to the people, tools and procedures of testing. 7) ISO 9000 standard addresses to calibration laboratories. 8) Laboratories use ISO/IEC 17025 to make their results more valid. 9) The use of ISO/IEC 17025 makes the procedure of laboratory accreditation quite formal. 10) ISO 9001 standard addresses manufacturing and service type organizations. 11) ISO 9001 also regulates quality management and technical competence. 12) ISO 9001 doesn’t ensure accurate calibration results because it is outdated. 13) ISO/IEC 17025 is general for any “Scope of Accreditation”. 14) Many customers confuse accreditation and certification. 15) Many customers believe that ISO 9001 standard is valid enough for a lab.

1. Write a brief summary of the article. Use the following phrases:

The text deals with… It concerns with…The text contains / The author gives (information about…/ definitions of … / descriptions of …reasons for… ) it’s described as… The main idea of… is that… As it is mentioned in the text, … In addition… The author admits that… The information given in the text can be useful for…


Unit 5 Standardization for Electricity and Electronics


1. Read the text; write down unknown words with transcription and translation and any grammar difficulties; underline new information; make the plan of the text (look p. ) 2. Write some questions to the text. Ask and answer them with a partner. 3. Be ready to explain what sustainable development means and what are its principles.

The Coalition Government’s refreshed be achieved by means of a sustainable vision and commitments for sustainable economy, good governance, and sound development build on the principles that science. underpinned the UK’s 2005 sustainable This set of shared principles forms development strategy, by recognising the the basis for sustainable development in the needs of the economy, society and the UK and devolved administrations. natural environment, alongside the use of Sustainable policy must respect all five of good governance and sound science. these principles, though some policies, while The goal of living within underpinned by all five, will place more environmental limits and a just society will emphasis on certain principles than others. 68

English for Standardization and Metrology

Any trade-offs should be explicit and  Using Sound Science Responsibly transparent. We want to achieve our goals of Ensuring policy is developed and living within environmental limits and a just implemented on the basis of strong scientific society, and we will do it by means of a evidence, whilst taking into account sustainable economy, good governance, and scientific uncertainty (through the sound science. precautionary principle) as well as public The five shared principles attitudes and values.  Living Within Environmental Limits  Promoting Good Governance Respecting the limits of the planet’s Actively promoting effective, environment, resources and biodiversity – to participative systems of governance in all improve our environment and ensure that levels of society – engaging people’s the natural resources needed for life are creativity, energy, unimpaired and remain so for future and diversity. generations.  Ensuring a Strong, Healthy and Just Society Taken from: Meeting the diverse needs of all http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eussd/ people in existing and future communities, promoting personal wellbeing, social cohesion and inclusion, and creating equal opportunity for all.  Achieving a Sustainable Economy Building a strong, stable and sustainable economy which provides prosperity and opportunities for all, and in which environmental and social costs fall on those who impose them (polluter pays), and efficient resource use is incentivized.


Unit 5 Standardization for Electricity and Electronics

Unit 5 Standardization for Electricity and Electronics LEAD-IN: What are the challenges?

Surf the internet. Collect the information about the issues which standardization could help tackle with...  in the scope of electricity generation;  electricity transmission and consumption;  production and application of electrical and electronic devices.


1. Give your own definition to the fallowing words:

2. Write the words to the following transcription. Practice pronunciation. [ɪntəɒpərəˈbɪlɪtɪ]; [ˈekspɜːt]; [ˈbærɪə]; [ɔːlˈðəʊ]; [məˈʤɔrɪtɪ]; [əˈreɪ]; [ˈkɔnstɪtjuːt];

3. Match the word combinations and their Russian equivalents.

12. fall a. party 1) оценка соответствия 13. common b. within a scope 2) общие нужды 14. conformity c. view to 3) заинтересованная сторона 15. interested d. needs 4) c целью 16. with a e. assessment 5) технические препятствия 17. technical f. barriers 6) попадать в сферу


English for Standardization and Metrology

4. Collect pairs of the synonyms.

Perform; norm; display; participate; scope; dismantle; international; barrier; take part; effectiveness; impediment; represent; reflect; carry out; conformity; adopt; adjust; apply; constitute; use; local; reduce; decrease; global; efficiency; disband; referenced; regional; regulation; handle; process; compliance; area; mentioned.

5. Write as mane cognate words as possible:

compare relate consume distribute ______oblige ______approve refer ______operate ______

6. Find an odd word out.

1) comprise, contain, consist, contact; 8) roll-out, implementation, stakeholder, 2) challenge, problem, task, solution; introduction; 3) executive, comprehensive, extensive, 9) scarce, relevant, appropriate, respective; inclusive; 10) soundness, sustainability, powertrain, 4) highlight, emphasize, illuminate, satisfy; reliability; 5) insight, facilitator; understanding, vision, 11) integrity, wholeness, unity, 6) critical, strategical, significant, current; 12) obliterate, suppress, reply, destroy; 7) sensible, unsustainable; reasonable, smart, 13) vacuum cleaner, drill, dishwasher, insight; 14) circuit-breaker, fuse, hurdle, surge arrester;


Unit 5 Standardization for Electricity and Electronics


Герундий (Gerund) — неличная форма глагола, объединяющая в себе признаки существительного и глагола. Герундий переводится на русский язык отглагольным существительным или начальной формой глагола Testing a new receiver was the prime task of Тестирование нового приёмника было the laboratory. первостепенной задачей лаборатории. Radiation is usually detected by measuring the Излучение обычно определяется amount of ionization. измерением количества ионизации.

Герундий всегда используется после следующих глаголов с предлогами: to be capable of to be afraid of to look forward to to prevent from to depend on to be engaged in to object to to accuse of to consist in (on) to be fond of to praise for to reply on to result in to be responsible for, to complain of to approve of to be interested in to be tired of to rely on to insist on to feel like to blame for to speak of to agree to to look like to thank for to suspect of to be tired of

Инфинитив в этом случае невозможен: They insisted on getting accreditation for the Они настаивают на получении laboratory аккредитации для лаборатории.

Формы Герундия: Simple Gerund: It’s used for measuring = The mounting assembly needs adjusting. -- Монтажная It’s used to measure установка нуждается в настройке. Perfect Gerund (обозначаемое действие предшествует действию, выраженному сказуемым): The producing company was accused of having made low quality goods.

4. Translate the sentences: 1. Increasing the number of power stations in our country means improving living standards. 2. The new means of improving the precision of the digital radar has been discovered by our engineers. 3. It depends on human insensitiveness in making judgments. 4. Iron and zinc plates are used for producing negative electrodes since these materials produce a high charge. 5. Important results on the ionization were obtained by measuring those particles. 6. The less electricity used in providing efficient cleaning performance, the better. 7. ISO provides the tools for sharing innovations, improving performance and increasing energy efficiency. 8. Without increasing the temperature of metals it is impossible to increase their resistance. 9. In-motion scales can be used for rejecting under- and over- weight products. 10. After investigating many materials engineers selected aluminum for constructing this device. 11. Documents on Smart Electrification map out the IEC's role in meeting the challenges. 12. The value of a quantity is obtained directly by comparing the unknown with the standard. 72

English for Standardization and Metrology


regional or national ones whenever possible. Adopting IEC International Standards or using them for reference in national laws or regulations facilitates trade in the field of electrotechnology. The IEC covers a vast array of technologies in its standardization and conformity assessment activities. Those technologies cover the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, and the products and systems that use that electricity, as well as their interoperability, environmental impact, performance and safety. About TC/SCs Some 174 TCs (Technical Committees) and SCs (Subcommittees), International Standards reflect and about 700 Project Teams (PT) / agreements on the technical description of Maintenance Teams (MT) carry out the the characteristics to be fulfilled by the standards work of the IEC. These working product, system, service or object in groups are composed of people from all question. They are widely adopted at the around the world who are experts in regional or national level and are applied by electrotechnology. The great majority of manufacturers, trade organizations, them come from industry, while others from purchasers, consumers, testing laboratories, commerce, government, test laboratories, governments, regulators and other interested research laboratories, academia and parties. consumer groups also contribute to the The IEC develops International work. Standards for all electrical, electronic and TCs report to the SMB related technologies. Adoption is voluntary, (Standardization Management Board). A TC although they are often referenced in national laws or regulations around the world. Experts from all over the world develop IEC International Standards. Since International Standards generally reflect the best experience of industry, researchers, consumers and regulators worldwide, and cover common needs in a variety of countries, they constitute one of the important bases for the removal of technical barriers to trade. For this reason, in its TBT (Technical Barrier to Trade) Agreement, the WTO (World Trade Organization) recommends its members to use International Standards rather than 73

Unit 5 Standardization for Electricity and Electronics

individual standards not falling within the scope of an existing technical committee or subcommittee. Project Committees are disbanded once the standard has been published. Each National Committee of the IEC handles the participation of experts from its country. If you would like to participate in the work of an IEC TC or SC, please contact your NC.

http://www.iec.ch/ can form SCs if it finds its scope too wide to enable all the items on its work program to be dealt with. The SCs report on their work to the parent TC. The scope (or area of 1. Answer the questions: activity) of each TC and SC is defined by 1) Who make profit of the the TC/SC itself, and then submitted to the international standards? (name all the SMB or parent TC for approval. interested parties). TC membership is composed of the 2) What scope of industry and IEC NCs (National Committees), all of technologies does IEC develops which are free to take part in the work of standards for? any given TC, either as: 3) Why do IEC standards constitute P-Members (Participating members) a good basis for TBT removing? who have the obligation to vote at all stages 4) What do IEC standards regulate? and to contribute to meetings; or O- 5) Who participate in IEC Members (Observer members) who follow standardization work? the work as an observer receiving committee 6) When can a SC be formed? documents and having the right to submit 7) Why all the documents for comments and to attend meetings. standardization are electronic? IEC TCs and SCs prepare technical 8) When are project committees documents on specific subjects within their formed? respective scopes, which are then submitted 2. Make a list of false statements. to the Full Member National Committees for Work with a partner. Correct the false vote with a view to their approval as statements off each other. International Standards. Distribution of documents for standards production is 100% electronic, thus improving efficiency and reducing costs. IEC Project Committees are established by the SMB to prepare 2. Tell about the work of IEC.


English for Standardization and Metrology


Thomas Gross, Chief Operating Officer of Eaton, one of the largest power management companies globally, explains in this new IEC Global Visions interview why most of the major global challenges, and the markets that emerge around them, depend directly on the ability to connect solutions from different suppliers. The transition from products to total solutions requires interoperability and other standards. Eaton wants to be a leader in these transformations. That’s why Eaton and, for that matter hundreds of other companies work in the IEC and sit at the table where the rules for global trade are written. They understand that leaving this up to the competition would jeopardize their company’s future.

1. Listen to the interview with Thomas S. Gross. What are the following phrases said about? Video 4 1) …it’s a scary thing; 2) … it’ll become scarcer and more expensive over the time; Eaton Corporation Inc. is an American 3) … this all creates …a pressing need for global diversified power management standardization; company, a leading provider of 4) We’re seeing surprising consistency electrical components and systems for around the world…; power quality, distribution and control; 5) … a strategic element of entire industry; hydraulics components, systems and 6) … absolutely critical from any services for industrial and mobile perspective; equipment; aerospace fuel, hydraulic 7) If …, the market will be impeded and and pneumatic systems for commercial never achieve the goal of…; and military use; and truck and 8) …The cost of that is too high; automotive drivetrain and powertrain 9) … is one of the best investments. systems for performance, fuel economy and safety. Eaton sells products to 2. Find in the interview the terms to the customers in more than 150 countries. fallowing definitions: 1) The act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage is called _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ t ; 2) If two products, programs, etc. are _ _ _ e_ _ _ e _ _ _ _e, they can be used together; 3) _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ is the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation, communication systems and power plants; 4) _ _ _ _ _ e _ l _ _ _ are people intermediate between the higher and lower social rank, having average social, economic, cultural status, income, education, tastes, and the like; 5) The economy of a country with a low living standard, underdeveloped industrial base, and low Human Development Index (HDI) relative to other countries is a _ e ______n _ _ _ o _ _ _ _.


Unit 5 Standardization for Electricity and Electronics

3. Discussion points:

 Why does the consumption of electricity increase especially due to developing countries? How does transitioning of people into the middle class can influence the amount of electricity consumption?  Do you think all electrical industry should be standardized the same all over the world? Or do you think that local or national standards may be more useful in some aspects? Why?  How can standardization (and globalization of standards) help increase the efficiency of electricity generation and of individual devices (such as light bulbs, motors or cooling systems)?  Standards usually deal with the way manufacturers technically approach the design of products and how they connect. What other aspects do standards regulate? What scopes of electricity and related technologies need to be standardized first of all? Why?  What elements does the infrastructure consist of?  What sources and technologies of electricity generation are considered to have lower environmental impact?

3. Eaton is active in 20 IEC Technical Committees and Subcommittees. Eaton is also member of MSB and SMB. Read the names of these Committees and Subcommittees and suppose what do some of them deal with. Which of them are more important and prospective?

ISO/IEC JTC Information technology TC 17 Switchgear and controlgear 1 Interference relating to industrial, High-voltage switchgear SC 17A scientific and medical radio-frequency and controlgear apparatus, to other (heavy) industrial TC 32 Fuses CISPR/CIS/B equipment, to overhead power lines, to high voltage equipment and to electric TC 2 Rotating machinery traction Evaluation and qualification of Low-voltage switchgear and SC 17B TC 112 electrical insulating materials and controlgear systems High-voltage switchgear SC 17C Solar photovoltaic energy systems and controlgear assemblies TC 82 Low-voltage switchgear and Devices and integration in enterprise SC 17D controlgear assemblies TC 112 systems Power electronic systems Industrial networks TC 22 and equipment SC 65C Uninterruptible power Industrial-process measurement, SC 22H systems (UPS) TC 65 control and automation Electrical installations and protection TC 23 Electrical accessories TC 64 against electric shock Circuit-breakers and similar Surge arresters SC 23E equipment for household TC 37 use


English for Standardization and Metrology

4. Look at the pictures. Are some of the devices mentioned in ex. 3. Explain the purpose, and, if you can, the principle of work of all mentioned devices.

a) b) c)

d) e) f)


1. Find an odd word out. 2. The IEC covers a vast array of 1) comprise, contain, consist, contact; technologies in its standardization and 2) challenge, problem, task, solution; conformity assessment activities. 3) executive, comprehensive, extensive, Those technologies cover the inclusive; generation, transmission and 4) highlight, emphasize, illuminate, satisfy; distribution of electricity, and the 5) insight, facilitator; understanding, vision, products and systems that use that 6) critical, strategical, significant, current; electricity, as well as their 7) sensible, unsustainable; reasonable, smart, interoperability, environmental 8) roll-out, implementation, stakeholder, impact, performance and safety. Read introduction; about some of the IEC working 9) scarce, relevant, appropriate, respective; sectors. 10) soundness, sustainability, powertrain, reliability; 3. Write questions to the texts. 11) integrity, wholeness, unity, Ask and answer questions with a 12) obliterate, suppress, reply, destroy; partner. 13) vacuum cleaner, drill, dishwasher, insight; 4. Find in the Internet more 14) circuit-breaker, fuse, hurdle, surge information about the work of an IEC arrester; Technical Committee, Subcommittee or a Project group. Prepare a short report.


Unit 5 Standardization for Electricity and Electronics

The IEC Market Strategy Board, which How do devices and systems comprises high-level executives from industry, has interpret and appropriately reproduce the recently prepared two documents on Smart colours in digitized images, and why is it Electrification. They map out global energy needs important that they do so? and potential solutions over the next 30 years and Technical Area 2 of Technical the IEC's role in meeting the challenges. The Committee 100 (Audio, video and documents are available for download in 10 multimedia systems and equipment) languages. develops the standards that help to ensure IEC Papers on Smart Energy colour integrity. Summary and Recommendations This zone contains an overview of The shorter document highlights the the basic issues at hand, an explanation of strategic importance of electricity and how this the IEC’s role in this field, a description of clean, efficient form of energy will satisfy growing colour management and how it works, and worldwide demand. a glossary of terms. It serves as a brief and White Paper basic introduction to the world of colour The 75-page, complete version provides a management and also provides links to comprehensive insight into how existing and future other websites that work with this electrotechnologies could meet global energy needs technology. in the next 30 years. It emphasizes that a systems approach to standardization will be critical in meeting these needs. The demand for energy is growing fast, and for electricity even faster. Current energy production methods are unsustainable for both resource and environmental reasons. Do you ever wonder why you are The IEC believes that smart electrification asked to turn off mobile phones and will be one of the most factors in addressing the electronic games in an aircraft or hospital, energy challenge. This is because electricity is the where there are a host of other electrical most sensible way to consume power. It is easily and electronic systems on which many controlled and weightless, easier to transport and people's lives may depend? distribute, essentially non-polluting at the point of Or is your favourite radio program use and can be produced cleaner at the point of obliterated by interference? TV screen generation. covered in 'snow' when someone uses an The role of standards, and therefore of the unsuppressed vacuum cleaner or electric IEC, is as a technical facilitator enabling the global drill nearby? Most of the older generation roll-out of technology based initiatives. The IEC will still remember such problems, even if has the global scope, technical competency, and the today (thanks in part to IEC International ability to involve all relevant stakeholders. It Standards) they very largely have been proposes to take a coordinating role for the overcome. preparation of system architectures in all areas Examples like these illustrate what where a common lead will increase the energy is called electromagnetic compatibility efficiency of electrical and electronic systems and (EMC). products, their safety and environmental.



English for Standardization and Metrology

Text C

Sellers of second-hand electrical purpose of showing to enforcement officers goods are responsible for ensuring the goods if requested. meet legal safety requirements and sellers Be sure electrical equipment is safe may be liable to pay compensation if they The equipment you sell must be safe. sell unsafe goods and they cause injury or If it complies with an acceptable standard - damage. If the equipment you are selling for example, a British/European Standard - complies with an acceptable standard - for it will normally meet safety requirements. example, a British/European Standard - it These safety requirements cover: will normally meet safety requirements.  labelling, construction, Distributors and retailers, including design, and manufacture second-hand dealers and auctions, must only  insulation and earthing sell appliances that are correctly fitted with  protection from electric shock an approved plug with sleeved neutral and  adequate guards for radiant live pins and the correct fuse. Electric fires heaters or moving parts for use in the home must have a fireguard  preventing the generation of that meets British Standards, or the excessive heat, radiation, or toxic gases European equivalent.  the need to provide If you sell second-hand electrical instructions for safe use goods which are unsafe or incorrectly Wiring colour codes labelled and you haven't taken reasonable The wires of a 3-core mains flexible precautions to avoid this, you may be lead must be coloured as follows: prosecuted.  earth - green and yellow Your responsibilities  neutral - blue If you are in the business of selling any second-hand electrical goods, you  live - brown should be aware of the following: Make sure the lead is safe and there is no fraying, breaks, kinks or exposed  the goods must meet legal wires. If you change a lead, have it checked safety requirements by an electrician. Incorrect wiring may

 if you sell unsafe goods, and cause electrocution. the goods cause injury or damage, you may Plugs and sockets have to pay compensation Distributors and retailers, including If you are unsure whether the goods second-hand dealers and auctions, must only are safe, it is recommended that a competent sell appliances that are correctly fitted with person examines the goods for access to live an approved plug with sleeved neutral and parts the adequacy of the insulation and live pins and the correct fuse. An approved creepage and clearance distances. The items plug is one that complies with BS 1363. tested should be clearly identified in a report All plugs must carry the name and describing the test(s) carried out and the reference number of the approval body, results. The tester should also label each normally BSI or ASTA. The plug does not item to show it has passed and include the have to be moulded on but it must be fused. date and their initials. All failed equipment Some appliances may be supplied should be destroyed if it cannot be safely without a standard plug - for instance repaired. electric cookers - because the appliance is It is good practice to advise all staff intended to be permanently connected to that no electrical goods are to be sold unless fixed wiring. an indicator label is attached. Keep all test reports for your own reference and for the 79

Unit 5 Standardization for Electricity and Electronics

We recommend that you fit If the horizontal bars are 12mm or appliances with new plugs before sale and less apart, the vertical bars must not be more dispose of the old ones. than 125mm apart You must provide clear wiring If the horizontal bars are 20mm or instructions for the plug if it is of the less apart, the vertical bars must not be more rewirable kind even if you have fitted it than 50mm apart yourself (for example, manufacturers wiring Selling electric blankets card fitted over the pins). We advise you not to sell second- All sockets (for example, on mains hand electric blankets, as their history, usage extension flexible leads), adaptors and and condition may be unknown. similar devices must meet the Standards. Taking reasonable precautions means Safe fireguards for electric fires you must take positive steps to ensure that Electric fires for use in the home you comply with the law. This will mean in must have a fireguard that meets British most cases having the goods checked by a Standards or the European equivalent. The qualified electrician. distance between the bars and the strength of This leaflet is not an authoritative the guard are laid down in these standards. interpretation of the law and is intended only The fireguard is satisfactory if any for guidance. Any legislation referred to, vertical bars are 5mm or less apart, while still current, may have been amended otherwise the guard must satisfy one of the from the form in which it was originally following: enacted. Please contact us for further information.



English for Standardization and Metrology

Unit 6 Getting Certified

LEAD-IN: Documents What documents do you know which prove the quality of goods and services? Look up in a dictionary.


1. Match the terms to the definitions.

1) a document certified by a competent authority that the supplied good or service meets the required specifications; 2) confirmation; approval; granting of approval by an official authority which work from a set of strict rules or standards to determine whether such approval should be given; 3) compliance in actions, behaviour, etc., with certain  homologation accepted standards or norms;  output 4) an amount of goods carried on a ship, plane, train, or  shipment truck; the process of taking goods from one place to  conformance another;  Certificate of 5) franchise, right to use or sell something; (British) Conformity discount, welfare;  marine

6) result; something produced by a person, machine, factory,  paperwork country, etc.;

7) the set of documents that you need for a particular activity or occasion; 8) relating to the sea; involving ships or the business of moving people and goods in ships.

2. Match the words to their transcription. Practice pronunciation. Look up their meaning.

1) grant a) [grɑːnt] 8) scheme h) [prəˈsiːʤə] 2) acquire b) [ˈelɪʤəbl] 9) vehicle i) [ˈvɛərɪ] 3) jurisdiction c) [ˈpɜːmɪt] 10) issue j) [ʌndəˈteɪk] 4) permit d) [daɪˈvɜːs] 11) vary k) [ˈsɪmɪləlɪ] 5) diverse e) [ʤʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn] 12) similarly l) [ˈɪʃuː] 6) eligible f) [əˈkwaɪə] 13) undertake m) [ˈviːɪkl] 7) compulsory g) [kəmˈpʌlsərɪ] 14) procedure n) [skiːm]

3. Find the synonyms from ex.1.

Competency; carry out; competent; provide; differ; mandatory; different; purchase; allow; release.


Unit 6 Getting Certified

4. Are the two words synonyms (S) ore they have opposite meaning (O)? 1) compulsory – voluntarily; 6) exempt – include; 2) amend - retain; 7) shipment – goods; 3) implementation – realization; 8) concession – privilege; 4) conformance – contradiction; 9) diverse – similar; 5) permit – forbid; 10) acquire -- grant

5. Match the word combinations and their Russian equivalents.

1. stable a. of Exemption 1. покрывать все расходы 2. Letter b. raw- materials 2. «Отказное письмо» 3. cover c. of the process 3. таможня 4. Сustoms d. of chemical contents 4. стабильность процесса 5. Hygienic e. Office 5. проверка химического состава 6. verification f. all the expenses 6. гигиенический сертификат 7. incoming g. Certificate 7. сырьё

8. Type h. Approval 8) Типовое одобрение 9. Certificate of i. Conformity 9) Сертификат соответствия 10. compliance to j. requirements 10) соответствие требованиям 11. paperwork k. traceability 11) отслеживаемость документации 12. marine l. equipment 12) судовое оборудование 13. mandatory m. document 13) обязательный документ 14. to undertake n. the testing 14) осуществлять тестирование 15. power o. output 15) выходная мощность

6. Write cognate words:

Certify (v) cancel (v) valid (adj) ______(n) audit (v) ______(n) ______(v) ______(n) ______(p) ______(p.p.) ______(n) ______(n)

expence (n) authorize(v) ______(adj) ______(n) ______(v) ______(n) ______(p.p) un-_____ (p.p) ______(adj) terminate (v) ______(n)


7. What synonyms to words from ex. 1 do you know?


English for Standardization and Metrology


Look at the example:

they become they will become they may become the standards are they can become part of the well-developed and legislation. meet social demands they don’t become they won’t become they can’t become

1. Put the verbs in the right form:

1) If you ______(be going) to arrange export to Russia, you ______(need) this Certificate. 2) This Certificate ______(be announced) as the necessary document for wholesale stores if tax inspection is taken place. 3) Even if a company ______(have) a translation of ISO Certificate into Russian, they ______(have to) obtain the GOST certificate. 4) Certificate of Conformity can be cancelled if the company ______(refuse) to arrange annual inspection. 5) If you already ______(have) ISO 9000, it will be easier for you to prepare all the information for Russian certification GOST. 6) Industry Technical Agreements may become standards if a market demand _____ (be) foreseen. 7) A Technical Committee can form a Subcommittee if it ______(find) its scope too wide to be dealt with. 8) If the solutions of suppliers ______(not connect) easily, the market ______(be) impeded. 9) Even if we don’t do any mistakes, nearly all measurements will still be inexact because of the measurement uncertainty. 10) The change in volume of a fixed quantity of a gas is possible if the pressure will change. 11) Repeatability is achieved if we’ve got the same data in multiple measurements of identical characteristics on the same elements (specimens) using the same instrument. 12) A measurement system is designated valid if it is both accurate and precise.

Conditional sentences type 2 (improbable condition): Look at the example:


Unit 6 Getting Certified

Past Simple tense would could +V1 might If the standards were (weren’t)* they would become well-developed and met social they wouldn’t become demands they could become they couldn’t become part of the they might become legislation. they mightn’t become

*В условных предложениях 2 типа глагол to be употребляется в форме were для всех лиц. 2. Put the verbs into the right form. 1) If you ______(choose) a career in industrial metrology, it ______( involve) applying metrology to manufacturing and other processes and ensuring the suitability of measuring instrumentation. 2) If a metal surface _____ (be) perfectly clean, it ______( have) a contact angle of 0°, which is impossible to obtain in laboratory air. 3) If builders ______(use) their hands or elbows for measuring distances, the process of building ______(take) forever. 4) In such an instrument, if the errors _____ (be) constant at any given reading, it ______(be) quite possible to calibrate it. 5) One advantage of elimination of artifact standards is that if the artifact standards______(get) lost or damaged, it ______(not disrupt) the system of measures. 6) You ______( have) an advantage for getting the job, if you ______(have) a background in metallurgy or materials. 7) It ______(reflect) well on you, if you ______( include) details of achievements that are relevant to the position vacant. 8) If special detailed standard existed for this scope of industry, our work would be much easier. 9) If the two products ______(be) interoperable, they ______(can) be used together; unfortunately, their manufacturers still comply with different standard.

3. Put the verbs in the right form:

Satisfactory quality is harder to define. Certainly if you 1) ______(buy) an expensive MP3 player and the sound 2) ______(be) virtually inaudible, most people 3) ______almost certainly ______(say) it wasn't satisfactory. But let's say you 4) ______(buy) a cheap garden trampoline, where you 5) ______(can) bounce on it, but it 6) ______(move) around as it wouldn't bed into the soil. 7) ______that______(be) satisfactory? Ultimately if you and the shop 8)______(can't) resolve it, you 9) ______(need) to take it to court for a judge to decide. But hopefully, it 10) ______(not get) that far. If a consumer 11) ______(can) get the unsatisfactory working goods fixed by the vendor, or the service improved, 12) ______he or she (agree) to accept that?


English for Standardization and Metrology

The distinction between mass and weight can be confusing, because under certain circumstances mass and weight are the same, and under other circumstances they are different. Technically, mass is the quantity of matter that an object contains and weight is the amount of force gravity exerts on an object. Since the weight of an object on earth is determined by how much mass the object has, the two attributes have a direct relationship. Typically, when mass changes, so does weight. However, since they are not the exact same attribute, it is possible for weight to change without a change in mass. Most of us will never experience this, but if we 13)______(be) to travel to outer space, we 14)_____ (be) free of the pull of earth's gravity. We 15) ______(be) weightless. However, since we still 16)______(be) composed of matter, our mass 17) ______(not have changed). If we 18) _____ (be) to stand on the moon, our weight 19) ______(be) much less than it is on earth, but our mass 20) ______(remain) the same. Aside from these rather unusual circumstances, we can ordinarily ignore the distinction between mass and weight.

Listen and check yourself

Conditional sentences type 3 (unreal condition): Look at the example:

they would have become they wouldn’t have become If that standards had been well- they should have become developed and had met social they shouldn’t have become part of the demands they could have become legislation. they couldn’t have become they might have become they mightn’t have become

4. Translate the sentences: 1) If he had been interested in the subject for which the ISO technical committee was established, he could have been represented on that committee. 2) If a standard had been developed then, then it should have been used. 3) If the producer hadn’t manufactured in conformity with the harmonised standards, he would have an obligation to prove that his products conform to the essential requirements. 4) If the traceability system had allowed to track down defective or unsafe products before new directive was enacted, it would have provide more guarantees for consumer safety; 5) If national market surveillance authorities will be better equipped to stop dangerous imports from third countries. 85

Unit 6 Getting Certified

6) These fireworks are of category F1, they present a very low hazard and negligible noise level, so they are intended for use inside domestic buildings; but if they had been more hazardous and noisy, they would have had category F3 and would have been intended for outdoor use only. 7) If you had traveled round the Europe some 30 years ago, you could have face frequent currency changes, shopping restrictions, endless traffic jams at border controls, tourists stuck without money, medical bills not reimbursed....Due to European Commission such problems no longer exist. 8) If in 2012 some complex measures against dangerous non-food products hadn’t been taken by Member States of the EU, 34% clothing, textiles and fashion items and 19 % toys could have caused chemical risks, risk of strangulation and risk of injury. 9) The products are manufactured in conformity with the harmonized standards. If the producer did not manufacture it in conformity with these standards, he would have to prove that his products conform to the essential requirements. SPECIALIST READING TEXT A

1. Read the text. Explain What do the following acronyms mean: CE; EC; EU; EEA; CoC; CCC; UNECE; GSR; ECWVTA; NSSTA; IVA.

Type Approval or Certificate of necessary for Customs clearance of exports Conformity is granted to a product if it to many countries around the globe. meets a minimum set of regulatory, The following is a typical approach technical and safety requirements. to implementation: Generally, type approval is required before a  The Government instructs the product is allowed to be sold in a particular National Standards Body in the country to country, so the requirements for a given enforce specific standards of quality and product will vary around the world. safety on imports and defines the list of Processes and certifications known as Type products which must comply. Approval in English are generally called  The Standards Body appoints a Homologation in other European languages. recognized certification organization of the Compliance to type-approval country to undertake the testing. requirements is often denoted by a marking  The certification organization on the back of the product. If the CE mark is provides test services to exporters, and found on the back of many electronic issues certificates of conformity for products devices, for example, it means that the that pass the tests. product has obtained Type Approval in the  The Certificate of Conformity is a European Union. In China type approval is mandatory document required by Customs. denoted by the CCC mark. In the automotive industry Type Approval is not a term confined to a particular industry. Type Approval requirements exist for products as diverse as marine equipment, mobile phones, automotive industry, or medical equipment. Type approval simply means that the product is certified to meet certain requirements for its type, whatever that may be. A Certificate of Conformity (or C of C, CoC) is a mandatory document which is


English for Standardization and Metrology

Vehicle Type Approval is the confirmation that production samples of a design will meet specified performance standards. Traditionally, there are two systems of Type Approval in Europe, which regulate the approval of whole vehicles, vehicle systems, and separate components. The first one bases on the EC Directives and The second one is part of the United Nations Economic Community for Europe regulations (UNECE). According to recent (establishing a framework for the approval changes to the requirements of the General of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of Safety Regulation (GSR) amending systems, components and separate technical Directive the equivalent UNECE units intended for such vehicles) rules the Regulations are more preferable then the approval schemes of the new motor vehicles EC Directives. In effect the Directives are and their trailers in the European Union: being replaced by UNECE Regulations. This  European Community Whole now makes compliance with the UNECE Vehicle Type Approval (ECWVTA), was Regulations for Type Approval submissions extended to cover all new road vehicles and compulsory for all vehicles entering to their trailers. service.

The new Framework Directive  United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regulations. EEA –European Economic Area  National Small Series Type Approval


Unit 6 Getting Certified

(NSSTA) - the key advantages of this and vendors to ensure a product meets all scheme are that some technical requirements defined requirements and to maintain may be reduced in comparison with paperwork traceability, which is important ECWVTA; however, the number of vehicles for many critical parts and systems. Many that can be manufactured are limited. suppliers ship products with a certificate of  Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) conformity as standard practice, a C of C is In telecommunications included with the shipment when the Each jurisdiction that regulates product arrives from the supplier. communications requires all types of Obtaining CE Certification is equipment, and especially required for consumer safety reasons for radiocommunications equipment, that are certain products. This distinction certifies not specifically exempted (by reason of low that a product has met European Union power output, for instance) to be tested for health, safety and environmental conformance to local regulations before it is requirements. This is a necessity for approved for use in that jurisdiction. Such someone working as an exporter, and there conformance might include power and noise are specific certifications for boats, toys and characteristics, use of permitted frequencies more. It is the responsibility of the only, frequency stability, and various other manufacturer to determine whether there electrical parameters. needs to be a CE marking. If manufacturers European Commerce do not have the CE certification, they can’t A C of C or EC Certificate of export products into the EU Conformity is an equal to a declaration of the conformity with the type approval of EC. 1. Answer the questions: It is produced to ensure the free movement of cars within the European Union, 1) Do the terms «Type Approval», specifically for those cars that are subjected «Certificate of conformity» and to homologation or registration. «Homologation» mean the same? A C of C is a producer’s declaration 2) Is the term «Type Approval» car or motorcycles comply with the given confined to any particular industry? approved type. This document contains 3) What is C of C or Type Approval information about the vehicle and its necessary for? producer’s identification, type approval 4) What is the usual approach to number, other technical specifications. The certification? Describe the whole scheme content of a C of C is defined by the from Government instructions to checking European regulation (Amendment IX, certificates by Customs. Regulation 92/53). If vehicles do not apply 5) What are the two systems of Type with the EU specification (as vehicle Approval for vehicles in Europe? What do manufactured for the U.S. or Japanese they regulate? Which is more preferable? market) and older vehicles that have not 6) What is the main advantage and been given the type approval of the EC yet, main disadvantage of the approval scheme they cannot have an existing C of C. for Small Series? Similarly, it is not possible to issue a C of C 7) Which vehicles can’t obtain the C for converted vehicles; in this case another of C? technical document might help register your 8) What technical requirement does car. Only car and motorcycles are eligible. conformance to local regulations for Certificate of Conformity and CE communication equipment may include? Certificate 9) What countries does EEA Many businesses require a certificate comprise? of conformity (C of C) from their suppliers 4. Render all new information that you’ve got from the text.


English for Standardization and Metrology

2. Look through the text again and complete the diagram to make word combinations (with main word inside).

Type approval requirements




converted individual


3. Render all new information that you’ve got from the text.

4. Complete the chart:

Regulatory requirements Safety requirements Technical requirements envolve contain provisions relating envisage: set of laws and rules for to:

performance-related issues; engineering or technical criteria; powers and responsibilities of the directors and managers; raising of capital; emission of hazardous wastes; winding up of a company; legislative framework for environment protection; holding company meetings; availability issues precautions customers should take; power input and output of the device; dimensional characteristics such as weight, length, breadth, depth or volume; reconstruction and amalgamation of a company; notifying the relevant national authorities if they discover that a product is dangerous; information for consumers of the risks that a product might pose; the formation of a company; powers of inspection and investigation of company affairs; reliability issues; maintenance and audit of company accounts;


Unit 6 Getting Certified

5. Translate in English: Маркировка CE указывает на соответствие товара с законодательством ЕС, и поэтому дает возможность свободного перемещения продукции на Европейском рынке. Путем нанесения маркировки СЕ на продукт производитель заявляет под свою исключительную ответственность, что изделие соответствует всем правовым требованиям по маркировке CE, что означает, что продукт может продаваться на территории Европейской Экономической Зоны (ЕЭЗ, 28 государств-членов ЕС и Европейской ассоциации Свободной Торговли (ЕАСТ)* страны, Исландия, Норвегия, Лихтенштейн). Это также относится и к продукции, изготовленной в других странах, Video 5 которые продаются в странах ЕЭЗ. Однако, не все продукты должны иметь маркировку знаком СЕ, только продукты категорий, упомянутых в конкретных директивах ЕС по маркировке CE. Маркировка СЕ не указывает на то, что продукт был изготовлен в ЕЭП, а лишь констатирует, что продукт был оценен прежде, чем попасть на рынок, и таким образом удовлетворяет применимым (applicable) требованиям законодательства (например, гармонизированный уровень безопасности), что позволяет ему быть проданы там. Это означает, что производитель:  убедился, что продукт отвечает всем соответствующим основным требованиям (напр. здоровье и безопасность окружающей среды), установленные в соответствующей директиве(ах), и  если это предусмотрено в директиве(ах), произвёл его экспертизу (had it examined) независимым органом по оценке соответствия. Производитель несёт ответственность за осуществление оценки соответствия, создание технической документации для выдачи декларации соответствия и наносить се- маркировка продукта. Дистрибьюторы должны проверить, что изделие имеет маркировку се и что необходимые подтверждающие документы в порядке. Если продукт импортируется из-за пределов ЕЭЗ, импортер должен убедиться, что производитель предпринял необходимые действия и что документация предоставляются по запросу. * European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Check your translation in page 103. It may differ in some Audio 5 cases.

Listening and speaking

1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1) relevant a) иметь маркировку 2) bear а marking b) видимый 3) legible c) нестираемый 4) visible d) внятный, чёткий 5) conformity assessment e) оценка соответствия 6) risk assessment f) оценка риска 7) indelible g) табличка с информацией о 8) data plate продукте h) соответствующий


English for Standardization and Metrology

2. Watch the video and answer the questions: 1) What kinds of products must bear the CE marking? In what case? 2) Who has to identify the relative directives? 3) Is the participating of a Notified Body mandatory? 4) Who has to test the product? 5) Which assessments are most essential? 6) Is the use of the Harmonized standards mandatory? What benefit does it bring to the manufacturer? 7) What documentation has to be prepared? Who should tit be shown to?

3. Write down the steps for getting CE marking under the pictures.

1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.

1______4______2______5______3______6 ______


Unit 6 Getting Certified

Reading and speaking Text B

companies. 1. Read the text, written as answers GOST-TR is the to Frequently Asked Questions. Put the approved quality questions – subtitles into their place in the indicator for text. Russia. Certificat ion GOST-TR is not only engaged with the quality 1) What does it mean “Fire management of the subject company, but Certificate”? also focused the products of it. With the 2) Who is authorized to obtain other words, to obtain of this certificates the these certificates? tests of samples are necessary. These test are 3) Is this the requirement of made on accredited laboratories by Russian Customs? GOSSTANDARD. (Russian Governmental 4) What is the "Annual Standards Organization) According to these Inspection"? When is it executed? tests the certificates are given to the willing 5) Is this Certificate valid in other company. CIS countries? 6) What do you need Certification GOST-TR for? 7) What is certification GOST-TR? The authorization of Certification is 8) What does it mean “Hygienic applied to Russian Governmental Standards certification, Russia”? Organization (GOSSTANDART) and other 9) How can the Certificate be accredited specialized Certification Organs used? and accredited Test Laboratories. For 10) What documents should be obtaining of these certificates, the prepared by the company before the production system analysis and the products inspection? of related company should be checked and 11) I have ISO 9000 Certificate or investigated for the conformity of Russian CE Sign - is it enough? norms by the authorized auditors. Also you will need to present some official documents, confirming production quality, and samples of products. Production will be Certification Russia is essential tested accordingly Russian Federation for any exporter to RF. These Certificates standards of quality. The Certificate Organs are obtained by organizations which are are under strict control of GOSSTANDART accredited by GOSSTANDART. that is why all the documents and products are carefully tested. These Organs are What is certification GOST-TR? situated mainly in Moscow; each Organ has its own area, where it can make Certification. GOST is the valid quality The Certification Organs are entitled certification system in Russian Federation. ( to give Certificates only for the products, With the other words, it is called GOST-R belonging to their accredited area. For Certification) GOST is very important for example, Organs for food Certification Russian companies and exporters to the cannot give a Certificate for textile products. Russia and carries the same meaning of ISO To get a Certificate for textile products, you 9000 series certificates for the western will need to apply to Organ entitled for this type of Certification; they should have 92

English for Standardization and Metrology inspectors on textile products and Test GOSSTANDART in our country, and it was Laboratories. used by all the republics of ex-USSR. Now many of them continue to work with some standards from that period and Russian Certificate still has a very big value here. If you are going to arrange export to However, Russian GOST-TR Certificates is Russia, you will need this Certificate. Here not valid in Ukraine! They have own system European ISO 9000 is not valid yet, and the called UkrSEPRO. only official standard is GOST-R - most All Russian and foreign well-known and popular among customers. manufactures, making products on the Usually Certificate is necessary for two territory of CIS and Baltic countries, have to cases: get Certificates for their products and 1. Customs office; equipment. 2. Realization of products at Russian market. This Certificate is announced as the necessary document for customs at crossing the boarder and for You will make copies of wholesale stores if tax the Certificate original, inspection is taken place. than you will set there That is why Russian your company seal and organizations and write "true copy". Now export-companies you can use these copies cannot work with non- at Russian market - for certified products. The wholesalers and Certificate for building customers. Original-copy materials is also one of of Certificate is necessary the necessary conditions for Russian customs - this for the object to be is a copy, approved by accepted by government Russian notary or at commission. Certificate Russian consulate abroad. for equipment should be The Certificate is made for every factory or plant and service accurately checked at Russian customs, as organizations. well in shops and wholesale stores. Sometimes in Russian customs there is chemical contents verification - and for these purposes we have a Hygienic Yes. On October 1, 2000 Russian Certificate, issued by SES (sanitary Governmental Customs committee issued an epidemical station). order that Certificate of Conformity is needed for some of exported products and equipments. However, not all the products have to be certified - the list of the products, Hygienic Certificate is given by specialized where Certification is not necessary, is Laboratories, accredited in Ministry of published by Governmental Customs Health of Russian Federation, after committee every half of the year. "Letter of checking products for poisons, chemical Exemption" is required for such products, it contents and so on. Products, where is issued by a special Certification Institute. Hygienic Certificate is necessary, are listed in GOST, - including food, hygienic products, cosmetics and cloths. To get Certificate of Conformity for such products, Russian Certificate is valid also in you will need to get Hygienic Certificate Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Till the firstly. middle of 80-th there was general 93

Unit 6 Getting Certified

the company (person responsible for quality should report to the General Director of the company); Fire Certificate is required for some 10. Program of maintenance and products and equipment and is issued mostly repairing of the main equipment for the after checking their burning level. Products production. That documents should include: which required Fire Certificate are for name of the machinery, trade mark, country example mineral wool, electric cables, fire- of origin, maintenance period, future fighting equipment, fireproof doors, home maintenance and repairing time. appliances etc. 11. Program of the calibration of To get Certificate of Conformity for measuring instruments and equipment. That that products, first you need to get Fire documents should include: Name of the Certificate. equipment, place of use, trade mark, country of origin, calibration period, future calibration time. Accredited Certificates of calibration organization and related reports The main reason, why Russian should be added to this program. Experts are visiting your company is 12. User manuals, guarantee labels, checking the stable of production process. stickers, etc. should be copied and prepared. Analysis of production for GOST-R certificate is similar to analysis which is done for ISO 9000 Certificate. Copies of following documents are required: 1. General information Unfortunately, not! Even if you have a about company (yearly production volume, entire territory of production, number of staff in each department etc.) ; 2. Registration documents of the company; 3. Approved registration document for trade mark; 4. Copy of ISO 9000 Certificate or local Certificate of quality, normative documents with standards for products; 5. Description of incoming raw-materials control procedure and its issues; 6. Description of production process control for each operation; 7. Description of completed production quality control and its issues; 8. List of main suppliers and their Quality Certificates and Declarations 9. Organization chart of 94

English for Standardization and Metrology translation of this Certificate into Russian, it is issued for 1 year or for a single delivery. is not valid in FR. Here the only official Company-manufacturer covers all the Certificate is GOST-R, Hygienic Certificate expenses of inspectors visit, sending and Fire Certificate. At the moment ISO samples and laboratory tests. These 9000 is very important and helps in conditions are included in separate contact, obtaining Russian certificates but can not signing after Certificate is given. The replace them. If you already have ISO 9000, Certificate of Conformity can be cancelled if it will be easier for you to prepare all the the company refused to arrange annual information for Russian certification GOST, inspection. In this case, accredited because similar documents are required. Certification Organ sends letters to For GOST-R Certificate it makes no Government Customs Committee (GTK) odds how many people is working in the and GOSSTANDART and notifies about company. termination of the Certificate. It means that Certificate cannot be used any more on the territory of Russia.

Accordingly to Russian Federation http://www.e-marketci.com/eng/gostr.htm legislation, "Annual Inspection" is required for all companies which possess GOST-R 5. Ask each other the subtitle certificate for serial production for 3 years. questions and answer them. Inspection is not obligatory when certificate

6. Are the fallowing statements true or false? Correct the false ones. 1) GOST-TR is similar to ISO 9000. 2) GOST-TR doesn’t regulate the quality management of the company. 3) To obtain the GOST Certificate the manufacturer has to test products for conformity to International standards. 4) The Certification Organs are specialized in an accredited area. 5) ISO 9000 Certificate is obligatory for obtaining GOST Certificate. 6) GOST-TR Certificate is necessary only at Customs Office. 7) To obtain the Certificate manufacturer has to provide either documents confirming the product quality, or a sample of the product. 8) All the exported products must have Certificate of Conformity. 9) Governmental Customs committee publishes the list of products which need "Letter of Exemption" instead of the Certificate of Conformity. 10) GOST Certificate is valid in Russian Federation and Ukraine. 11) GOST Certification engages chemical contents verification and checking the burning level. 12) To obtain the Certificate the manufacturing company has to submit some information about their suppliers. 13) Obtaining the Certificate, the manufacturing company has to maintain and calibrate their equipment in future. 14) Annual Inspection checks the compliance of the product to safety requirements. 15) Termination of the Certificate means that the company will never be able to sell their products in Russia.


Unit 6 Getting Certified


1. Find an odd issue out. Name each list, using categories from the box below.

1. accomodation electrical heater; 1. artificial leather 2. battery (Accumulator) 2. equipment for children's playgrounds. 3. bicycles 3. textile materials 4. electric motor 4. clothes, garments and knitted goods 5. circuit breaker 5. haberdashery 6. constant voltage charger 6. footwear 7. frequency converter 7. furs and fur products

1. equipment for cooking, heating and hot water supply; 1. cosmetic products for tanning; 2. gas operating equipment 2. cosmetics for tattoo; with automatic burners; 3. cosmetics individual skin protection 3. safety and control devices against occupational hazards; for the equipment mentioned above; 4. sports equipment baby care cosmetics; 4. toy cars with steam engines. 5. products for chemical dyeing of hair; 5. steam boilers and hot water 6. perfume and cosmetic products made boilers; with use of nanomaterials; 6. line heater 7. tools for teeth whitening

Categories: light industry products; machinery; devices operating on gaseous fuels;

transport vehicles; buoyancy materials; medical devices; toys for children; cosmetics;

packaging materials; low voltage equipment; marine equipment; elevators; adhesive

materials; fire retardant topcoats; insulation materials

2. Look at the example of a Type Approval Certificate (p. 129). What information can you find about the product? The manufacturer? The Notified Certification Body? What category of products does it fall into? Look at the technical characteristics of the product (page 2of the Certificate). What information do you get about the product? Is the Certificate given to one type of product only? Tick ( ) the information you get from the Certificate:

 Identification of the product covered by this certificate;  Citation to each product safety regulation to which this product is being certified;  Identification of the importer or domestic manufacturer certifying compliance of the product;  Date and place where this product was manufactured;  Date and place where this product was tested for compliance with the regulation(s);  Identification of any third-party laboratory on whose testing the certificate depends.

Make a template of a Certificate.


English for Standardization and Metrology

3. Role play. Beforehand decide with your partner what products you are going to discuss. Prepare all possible information about the relevant directives, standards, regulations and requirements.


Student A Student B You are a foreign businessmen. You are a representative of a You want to sell your products in Russian accredited specialized Russia. Certification Organ. You consult Prepare some information your client on how to obtain all about your company, and products.. necessary documents to sell his/her Prepare some background – products in Russia. certificates of other countries’ Ask him/her all necessary Certification Organizations. questions about his/her company and

the product, made tests, obtained certificates and so on. Help him/her to fill in the form of the certificate.

2. Student B Student A You are a representative of a You are a Russian businessmen. EC Notified Body. You consult your You want to sell your products in client on how to obtain all necessary Europe. documents to sell his/her products in Prepare some information about Russia. your company, and products. Prepare Ask him/her all necessary some background – certificates of other questions about his/her company and countries’ Certification Organizations. the product, made tests, obtained certificates and so on. Help him/her to fill in the form of the Type Approval Certificate and CE marking. You may add a third party – inspectors, auditors, Custom Officers.


Unit 6 Getting Certified

Text C

 there is a need to rapidly strengthen the capacity to standardise, preferably at European level;  the adoption of European This Resolution aims to recast standards should be submitted to the technical harmonisation within the European European standardisation bodies for Union (EU) on a new basis by only approval. harmonising the essential requirements of General guidelines for the new products and by applying the "general approach reference to standards" formula and the The Council establishes principle of mutual recognition in order to four fundamental principles: eliminate technical obstacles to the free  legislative harmonisation is movement of goods. limited to essential safety requirements (or ACT other requirements in the general interest) Council Resolution 85/C 136/01 of with which products put on the market must 7 May 1985 on a new approach to conform and can therefore enjoy free technical harmonization and standards. movement throughout the European Union; SUMMARY  the task of drawing up The main aim of this Resolution is to technical production specifications is develop an approach establishing general entrusted to organizations competent in rules which are applicable to sectors or industrial standardization, which take the families of products as well as types of current stage of technology into account hazard. when doing so; This Resolution establishes a number  these technical specifications of fundamental principles for a European are not mandatory and maintain their status standardisation policy: of voluntary standards;  the Member States undertake  the authorities are obliged to to keep a constant check on the technical recognize that products manufactured in regulations which are applied so as to conformity with harmonized standards are withdraw those which are deemed obsolete presumed to conform to the essential or superfluous; requirements established by the Directive. If  the Member States ensure the the producer does not manufacture in mutual recognition of the results of tests and conformity with these standards, he has an establish harmonised rules on the operation obligation to prove that his products of certification bodies (the mutual conform to the essential requirements. recognition principle); Two conditions have to be met in  the Member States agree to order that this system may operate: early Community consultation where  the standards must guarantee national regulatory proposals or procedures the quality of the product; might pose a threat to the smooth operation  the public authorities must of the internal market; ensure the protection of safety (or other  there is a need to extend the requirements envisaged) on their territory. "general reference to standards", preferably This is a necessary condition to establish to European but if necessary national mutual trust between Member States. standards, and to define the task of The Commission standardisation as the formulation of issues standardization mandates to the technical characteristics of products European standardization organizations. (particularly as regards health protection and Agreements between the Commission and safety); these organizations ensure that they are 98

English for Standardization and Metrology carried out in accordance with the general prior verification of compliance with the guidelines. In the absence of European essential requirements. standards, national standards are verified by The Member States presume a procedure at European level managed by conformity for products which are the Commission, which is assisted by a accompanied by one of the means of standing committee composed of officials attestation described in the directive from national administrations. Safeguard declaring that they are in conformity either procedures are provided for in order to allow with the harmonised standards or, in the the national authorities the possibility of absence of harmonised standards, with contesting the conformity of a product or the national standards. quality of a standard. If a Member State finds that a The scope of a directive is defined by product might compromise the safety of the wide product categories and/or types of individuals, domestic animals or property, it risk it encompasses. takes all appropriate measures to withdraw Outline of a "new approach" or prohibit the placing on the market of the directive product in question. The free movement of Member States have the the product can be restricted, even if it is responsibility of ensuring the safety on their accompanied by an attestation of territory of persons, domestic animals and conformity. If this is the case, the Member goods. The provisions ensuring such State informs the Commission of such a protection must be harmonized in order to measure, indicating the reasons for its ensure the free movement of goods, without decision. The Commission enters into lowering existing levels of protection in the consultation with the Member States and the Member States. standing committee. If the action is felt to The European Committee for have been justified, the Commission informs Standardization (CEN) and the European the Member States who are obliged to Committee for Electrotechnical prevent the product in question from being Standardization (CENELEC) are the placed on the market. competent bodies to adopt European The means of attestation which the harmonized standards within the scope of trade may use are: the Directive. For specific sectors of  certificates and marks of industrial activity, other competent conformity issued by a third party; European bodies for the drawing up of  the results of tests carried out technical specifications could be involved. by a third party; The products covered by a Directive  the declaration of conformity may be placed on the market only if they do issued by the manufacturer, which may be not endanger the safety of persons, domestic coupled with a surveillance system; animals or goods. The Directives provide for  other means of attestation total harmonization as a general rule - i.e. which could possibly be determined in the that only products which conform can be Directive. placed on the market. The national bodies authorized to The directive should contain a issue marks or certificates of conformity are description of the safety requirements with notified by the Member State to the which all products covered by the Directive Commission and to the other Member must conform. It should be worded precisely States. They must carry out their duties in enough in order to create, on transposition accordance with International into national law, legally binding obligations Standardisation Organization (ISO) which can be enforced. principles and practices. The Member States Free movement of the product in are responsible for controlling the operation question is ensured, without recourse to of these bodies. The national authorities have the right to ask the manufacturer to


Unit 6 Getting Certified provide them with the data relating to the  the area concerned must be safety tests carried out when they have covered by standardisation (or the need for doubts about its conformity with safety regulations is felt unanimously throughout requirements. Any manufacturer may prove, the Community); by any means he sees fit within the  most of the Directives framework of a dispute or court adopted concern the three areas of motor proceedings, the conformity of the product. vehicles, metrology and electrical The sectoral directives standing equipment. The new approach should thus committee is made up of representatives initially concentrate on other areas; appointed by the Member States who may  the possibility of settling, avail themselves of the help of experts or with the adoption of a single Directive, all advisers. The tasks of the committee are the problems concerning regulations for a concerned with the implementation of the large number of products, without the need Directive. The Committee constitutes a for frequent amendments or adaptations to forum for discussing any possible that Directive (based mainly on practical and objections, but is not intended to carry out a labor-saving considerations). Consequently, systematic examination of the entire the selected areas should be characterized by contents of the standards. a wide range of products which are Criteria for selecting the areas in sufficiently homogeneous to allow common which the "general reference to standards" "essential requirements" to be defined. could be applied:  since it is only the essential requirements which are to be harmonised, it should be possible to distinguish between essential requirements and manufacturing http://europa.eu/index_en.htm specifications;


English for Standardization and Metrology


Unit 2 The text for student B:

1)______(What?) can sometimes lead to accidents. One of the most famous examples was the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter in 1998. The spacecraft was intended to orbit Mars at about 150 kilometers (93 mi) altitude but 2) _____ (What?) meant that it descended to 3) ______(Where?) and most likely burned up in the Martian atmosphere. It was launched by 4) _____ (Who?) on December 11, 1998 to study the Martian climate, atmosphere, surface changes. However, 5)______(When?), communication with the spacecraft was lost as the spacecraft went into orbital insertion. NASA specified metric units in the contract. NASA and other organizations worked in metric units but one subcontractor, Lockheed Martin, provided thruster performance data to the team in 6) ____ (What kind of …?) seconds instead of newton seconds. Write questions about the missing information. 1) ______2) ______3) ______4) ______5) ______6) ______Ask the questions to student B to complete the text. Retell the information.

Unit 4

Student B: read about the standards for dishwashers. Then watch the standards (some of them are mandatory; some are advisory for washing machines and dishwashers). Write questions about the missing information about dishwasher standards. Answer your partner’s questions about the washing machines’ standards.

What A’ rated Energy Efficiency index must they have? What energy efficiency should the best washing machines have?



Unit 6 Getting Certified

What does sustainability mean for dishwashers? The most fundamental sustainability considerations for dishwashers are water and energy use. The less used in providing efficient cleaning performance, the better. For domestic-type dishwashers Government buyers have to make sure they buy at least A-rated products with regard to energy efficiency, according to the EU energy labeling scheme in line with the labeling requirements that were set out in statute in 1999. They must also meet water efficiency standards as set out in the specifications. For commercial-type dishwashers, the Energy Star scheme contains specifications that may be helpful for buyers. All central government departments and their related organizations must ensure that they meet at least the mandatory Government Buying Standards when buying goods and services.

Dishwashers standards V2.0

IMPACT AREA MANDATORY Energy Efficiency Dishwashers must have an ‘A’ rated Energy Efficiency index of 0.64 or less Drying Performance Must have an ‘A’ rated Drying performance index of greater than 1.08 Cleaning Must have an ‘A’ rated Cleaning performance index of greater than 1.12 Performance Water Consumption For a standard sized dishwasher (ie. for up to 14 place settings) volume per cycle must not exceed 12 litres (range 0.67 to 2.5 litres/place setting). Noise N/A

IMPACT AREA BEST PRACTICE Energy Efficiency Same as the mandatory standard Drying Performance Same as the mandatory standard Cleaning Same as the mandatory standard Performance Water Consumption In a standard sized dishwasher (for up to 14 place settings) volume per cycle must not exceed 10 litres (range 0.67 to 1.25 litres/place setting). Noise Should emit noise less than 60dBA


English for Standardization and Metrology

Washing machines standards V2.0:

IMPACT AREA MANDATORY Energy Efficiency Must have an ‘A’ rated Energy Efficiency index of ______Washing Performance Must have an ‘A’ rated Washing performance index of ______Spin Dry Must have a ‘B’ rated Spin drying index of ______Water Consumption Washing machines with a load capacity of 5kg volume per cycle must not exceed _____ litres per cycle Washing Noise Must have a Washing Noise _____ Spinning Noise Must have a Spinning Noise ______

IMPACT AREA BEST PRACTICE Energy Efficiency Should have an Energy Efficiency Index ______, in line with the regulations Washing Performance ______Spin Dry Should have an A’ rated Spin drying index of ____ Water Consumption Washing machines with a load capacity of 5kg volume per cycle should not exceed ______Washing Noise ______Spinning Noise ______


Unit 6 Getting Certified

Unit 3

Audio 2 Temperature Measurement Methods. Pyrometers.

We can determine the temperature of a heated object by measuring its heat radiation, which is nothing more but electromagnetic waves of different length. The higher the temperature of the object, the more energy it radiates. Thermometers that operate based on measuring the object's heat radiation are called pyrometers. These devices help monitor the temperature from 100 to 6,000 0С and higher. One of the main advantages of these devices is that they do not in any way effect the thermal field of the heated object, because the object and the pyrometer do not come into contact with each other during measurement. That is why such measurement methods are known as non-contact methods. The radiation laws helped to develop pyrometers of the three main kinds: Brightness pyrometers, color pyrometers and radiation pyrometers. Brightness pyrometers compare the brightness of the measured object with that of the reference heated object (visually, as a rule, in the red color range). Color pyrometers are used to measure objects within the optical range spectrum. Radiation pyrometers measure thermal radiation and convert it into temperatures. Pyrometers can also be divided into portable and stationery. These devices are for the most part used in heat and power engineering, petrochemistry, pulp-and-paper industry, power industry, metallurgy, space industry, in production of glass.

UNITEST Echometer Cable-length measuring instrument UNITEST Echometer 3000 Sometimes we need to measure bulk cable length. In such Audio 3 case the best way is to rewind it and thus use a direct method for determining its length. However, such method requires winding machines. It can be also quite time and manpower-consuming. Indirect methods are used more often for determining cable length. Presently two main methods are used. DC method measures core resistance at direct current. TRD method measures travel time of a probe pulse. UNITEST Echometer 3000 uses TRD method to measure cable length. It sends a short probe pulse into the cable and then monitors the return signal reflected from the cable end. Reflection can come from both open and short-circuit cable ends. The pulse reverses when reflected from a short-circuited end. Length can be calculated according to the time between the starting moment of the probe pulse and reception moment of the reflected pulse, at a known propagation speed. UNITEST Echometer 3000 measures cable length up to 2000 meters with +-2% inaccuracy and 0.1 m resolution. The device can also measure cable resistance from 0 to 2000 Ohms. Measured data is displayed on the illuminated liquid-crystal display. The delivery set includes the device itself - UNITEST Echometer 3000, a sensing wire, a set of alligator clips, measuring probes, and a storage bag. Unit 4

Today’s world is full of challenges. The business, government and society, facing up to these challenges, require leadership and vision. But Video3 leaders also need practical tools they can rely on. ISO standards help a CEO achieve the business objectives and provide governments and regulators with vital technical support. ISO’s voluntary standards are drown of both experience and expertise. A developing partnership with government, business and consumers tackle the environmental, economic and society challenges of sustainable development. ISO provides a forum for cooperation and


English for Standardization and Metrology consensus, developing standards for the people who need them, implement them, and they are affected by them. Standards help to create growth, open up global markets, facilitate trade, reduce risks and ensure the developing countries sharing the benefits. ISO provides the tools to tackle challenges like climate change, sharing innovations, improving performance and increasing energy efficiency. Standards help build partnership, increase customers’ satisfaction and ensure quality, making world more productive, creative and safer place. Leaders count on ISO. With over 60 years on experience, a network of standard bodies in 163 countries, acting globally and locally; more than 18 000 standards for nearly every aspect of technology and business – ISO tackles the issues that keep leaders awake at night by working hard on global solutions for global challenges today, tomorrow and for the future.

Unit 5

It’s very clear that a day in a life without electricity, even an hour – one hour in a life of people without electricity is a scary thing, it will be even more difficult and in the future to imagine an hour or a day without electricity. It's clear that power will become scarcer over time, it will become more expensive and the need to make it more efficient and lower impact on the environment is just going to go up. And this is true everywhere in the world, almost without exception. We think about growing dependence, the need for more energy, particularly in developing economies, where very large amount of people are transitioning into middle class. This all creates a terrific opportunity, a pressing need for standardization. We are seeing a surprising consistency around the world in and around the need to evolve electrical infrastructures; frankly – all power infrastructures. Eaton absolutely considers standards as a strategic element of our business and a strategic element for the entire industry. Frankly – no one company, not even Eaton, has everything to get electricity from the point where it’s produced to the points where it's used. So, interoperable standards are absolutely critical from any perspective; because if the solutions of suppliers don’t connect easily, the market will be impeded, and will never achieve the goal of producing twice as much energy by the year 2030 with a low environmental impact – will never achieve. That’s why standards play such a critical role and they really make markets. We view IEC as the most global standards body that's available for us to work through. This particular aspect is so important because we can't have really country specific standards in the future. The cost of that is too high. We have to move to a much more global set of standards. Our involvement with IEC is extensive. We expect over time it will be even larger because we think IEC will play an even larger role, and that’s why we participate. Involvement in international standardization, I think, is one of the best investments a company can make, for we all will be powerfully influenced by standards in the future; it’s already happening today, but certainly it will just be more so in the future.

Unit 6

Audio 5 The CE marking indicates a product’s compliance with EU legislation and so enables the free movement of products within the European market. By 105

Unit 6 Getting Certified affixing the CE marking to a product, a manufacturer declares, on his sole responsibility, that the product meets all the legal requirements for the CE marking, which means that the product can be sold throughout the European Economic Area (EEA, the 28 Member States of the EU and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein). This also applies to products made in other countries which are sold in the EEA. However, not all products must bear the CE marking, only product categories mentioned in specific EU directives on the CE marking. CE marking does not indicate that a product was made in the EEA, but merely states that the product has been assessed before being placed on the market and thus satisfies the applicable legislative requirements (e.g. a harmonised level of safety) enabling it to be sold there. It means that the manufacturer has:  verified that the product complies with all relevant essential requirements (e.g. health and safety or environmental requirements) laid down in the applicable directive(s) and  if stipulated in the directive(s), had it examined by an independent conformity assessment body. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to carry out the conformity assessment, to set up the technical file, to issue the declaration of conformity and to affix the CE marking to a product. Distributors must check that the product bears the CE marking and that the requisite supporting documentation is in order. If the product is being imported from outside the EEA, the importer has to verify that the manufacturer has undertaken the necessary steps and that the documentation is available upon request.

Many goods sold round the Europe Economic area must bear the CE Video 5 marking. This marking is mandatory for thousands products, such as medical devices, electronics or toys. It is the key indicator of products’ compliance to EU legislation and enables the free movements of products within the European markets. But how does a product get the CE marking? There are 6 necessary steps. Follow them to comply with the legal requirements and make Europe’s markets yours. Step 1. Identification of the directive(s) and harmonised standards applicable to the product. There are more than 20 directives setting out the product categories requiring CE marking. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to identify the relevant directive to apply to his or her product. Step 2: Verify the product-specific requirements. It is up to the manufacturer to ensure that the product complies with the essential requirements of the relevant EU legislation. Step 3. Identify whether an independent conformity assessment is required from a Notified Body. Each directive covering your product specifies whether an authorized third party must be involved to assess conformity necessary for CE marking. Step 4. Test the product and check its conformity. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to test the product and to check its conformity to the EU legislation. One part of the procedure is a risk assessment. By applying the relevant harmonised European standards, the manufacturer will be able to fulfill the essential legislative requirements of the directives. However, the use of the harmonized standards remains voluntary. Step 5. Draw up and keep available the required technical documentation. The manufacturer has to establish the technical documentation required by the directive(s) for the assessment of the product’s conformity to the relevant requirements, and for the risk assessment. The technical documentation and the EC Declaration of Conformity must be presented to the relevant national authorities on request.


English for Standardization and Metrology

Step 6. Affixing of the CE marking to your product and EC Declaration of Conformity. The CE marking must be affixed by the manufacturer. It must be affixed according to its legal format visibly, legibly and indelibly to the product or its data plate. Six easy steps to get a product CE marked: Step 1. Identification of the directive(s) and harmonised standards applicable to the product. Step 2: Verify the product-specific requirements. Step 3. Identify whether an independent conformity assessment is required from a Notified Body. Step 4. Test the product and check its conformity. Step 5. Draw up and keep available the required technical documentation. Step 6. Affixing of the CE marking to your product and EC Declaration of Conformity. That’s it! Your CE marked product is ready for the market. CE marking makes Europe market yours.


Unit 6 Getting Certified

1. Look at the way we read simple arithmetics:

4+8=12 Four plus eight is twelve; 7-2=5 Seven minus two is five; 3⋅6=18 Three multiplied by six is eighteen (three times six is eighteen); 24:4=6 Twenty four divided by four is six.

Now read aloud:

12+7=19 6+3=9 56:7=8 84-48=36 31-20=11 16+58=74 15:3=5 21:7=3 46-13=33 79+ 14=93 24:8=3 81:3=27 3⋅8=24 12⋅5=60 29+17=46 65:5=13 8⋅9=72 18⋅4 = 72 9-3=6 74-6=68 31⋅3=93 24⋅3=72 12+7=19 39-13=26

3. Answer the questions. 1. How much is eight and seven? We use the word “naught” 2. How much is twenty one multiplied by three? in arithmetic. 3. How much is sixty eight divided by two? “Zero” is used to read 4. How much is ninety nine divided to three minus temperatures and thirty three? countdowns. 5. How much is seventy eight and fifteen? 6. How much is forty nine and thirteen divided by  4-4=0 (four minus four seven? is naught); 7. How much is five times sixteen minus eighty?  t 0o (zero degrees) 8. How much is twenty one minus eight and twenty  5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0! (five, three? four, three, two, one, 9. How much is ten times seven minus thirty divided zero!) by twenty 10. How much is seventy nine and twelve?

4. Look how to read high numbers:

108 A hundred and eight 1,074 One thousand and seventy four 336 Three hundred and thirty-six 3,469 Three thousand, four hundred and sixty-nine

Read aloud: 445; 801; 1,760; 112; 14,001; 8,080; 7,467; 365; 142; 9,990 24,582; 40,749; 15,094; 3,276; 56,916; 5,473; 20,500; 3,250; 7,612; 509; 250; 1,390

108 A hundred and eight 1,074 One thousand and seventy four 336 Three hundred and thirty-six 3,469 Three thousand, four hundred and sixty-nine


English for Standardization and Metrology

Read aloud: 165,451; 346,298; 111,023; 750,000; 2,683,598; 83,075,560; 6,450,003; 456,023; 48,708,058; 476,689; 709,448; 37,891; 38,902,166; 250,000; 3,500,000; 1,246,975

5. But notice how we read years:

1735 Seventeen thirty-five 2008 Two thousand and eight 1993 Nineteen ninety-three 2012 Twenty twelve (two thousand

and twelve)

Read aloud: 1773; 1875; 1906; 1948; 1990; 2000; 2005; 2007; 1010; 2014; 2017

6. This is the way we read fractions:

ퟏ ퟏ a half a third ퟐ ퟑ ퟏ a quarter ퟑ three fifths ퟒ ퟓ

ퟑ three quarters ퟏ ퟐ two and a half ퟒ ퟐ

1 3 1 4 2 1 Read aloud: 3 ; 2 ; 10 ; 81 ; 36 ; 28 3 4 4 5 3 5

Ask each other: “How much is…”

1 ⊥ 1 1 4 + 72 =… 1 + 7 = ⋯ 24 ⋅ 2 = ⋯ 2 5 2

3 3 3 1 2 3 + 6 =… 31 − 6 = … 36 : 2= … 4 4 4 4 3

7. Notice how to say some other arithmetical symbols:

2 2 two squared √4 square root of four 3 2 two cubed 3√27 cube root of twenty seven 4 2 two to the power of four 휋 pi

Read aloud: √16 ; √9 ; 92; 3√27; 24 ; √36 ; 3√1000 ⋅ 34 ; 25 - 휋 ;

Ask each other: “How much is…”


Parts of a whole number can be expressed as fractions or as decimals. Here are some fractions with decimal equivalents.


Unit 6 Getting Certified

Notice how we say the decimals: 1 3 /2 = 0.5 (nought point five) 1 /4= 1.75 (one point seven five) 8 3 /10= 3.8 (three point eight) 874 /1000= 0.874 (nought point eight seven four) and the measurements: 0. 643 g = point six four three of a gramme 1.385 cm = one point three eight five centimeters.

1. Change these fractions into decimals: 5 3 1 1 7 a) /8 b) 4 /5 c) 6 /3 d) 7 /4 e) /10 Look at the way we say this example: 1 km = 0.621 miles one kilometer equals naught point six two one miles Read these aloud

a) 1 cm = 0.39 inches b) 1 m = 1.09 yards с) 1 g = 0.035 ounces d) 1 kg = 2.2 pounds e) 1 km = 0.621 miles

2. People often use special charts or calculators, including on-line ones, to convert Imperial or US customary units to metric units and vice versa.


Use an on-line calculator or chart in page 126 to convert the following quantities to metric units:

12 inches; 40 yards; 5 ounces; 7 miles; 75 inches; 200 yards; 12 ounces; 60 miles TEMPERATURES Temperatures are expressed in degrees Centigrade ( C) or degrees Fahrenheit ( F).


English for Standardization and Metrology

The normal temperature of the human body is 98.4` F. Water boils at 32` 212'F and freezes at 32' F. Sal Ammoniac (NH4CL) solidifies at 0` F . What are these temperatures in C? To convert C F -32 temperatures, use the formula = 5 9

3. Here are the Fahrenheit temperatures in some big cities on 15th July 1975. Change them into Centigrade temperatures. Barcelona 82° Dublin 66° London 70°New York 81° Paris 72°

Scientists never use Fahrenheit now but you may find Fahrenheit temperatures in some books.


Air pressure is measured in atmospheres.

1 atmosphere = 1 kg per square centimeter.


We measure speeds in miles or kilometers per hour (m.p.h. or km/hr) In Britain and America, speeds are still always given in m.p.h. 4. Answer the questions: 1) How fast are cars allowed to drive in Russia? 2) What’s a human normal walkind spead? 3) At what speed does sound travel? 4) At what speed does light travel? 5) What’s the speed of a jet plane? A missile? 6) What’s the fastest animal in the world? What’s it’s maximum speed?

PERCENTAGES We can express parts of a full quantity as percentages (%). Look at this example 65% (per cent) of our body weight is oxygen.

1. Now use the diagram to make more sentences about the composition of the body. Make a similar diagram and sentences about the composition of the atmosphere. 111

Unit 6 Getting Certified


2. Area is measured in square meters, volume in cubic meters. What do these figures have in common?

They are all rectangles; that is, they all have four sides and four right angles (90c). To calculate the area of a rectangle, multiply the length by the width.

Calculate the areas of the four rectangles above.

3. What do these figures have in common? 4.

Calculate the area of the triangles.

5. What do these figures have in common?

They are all boxes, or rectangular solids. Calculate their volume.

6. Look at the example.

This pipe is 4 metres long and 80 cm in diameter.

Write a sentence for each diagram below, giving dimensions in a similar way. These words will help you: long, wide, deep, thick, high, in diameter

a) This football field is ... What is the area of the field?

b) This circle is .. .What is its area? What is its circumference?


English for Standardization and Metrology

Пr2 = area 2Пr =circumference r(radius) c) This street is … 1 d) This wall is … = /2 the diameter e) This lake is …

7. What have these figures in common?

They are all cylinders. Calculate the volumes of these three cylinders.

To find the volume of a cylinder, multiply the area of the circle at the base by the length.

8. What do these figures have in common?

They are both ellipses.

1 To find the area of an ellipse, multiply /4 П by the length by the width.

Calculate the area of the two ellipses. 9. What have these figures in common?

They are all cones. 1 To find the area of a cone multiply /3 of the area of the circle at its base by its height.

Calculate the volume of the cones.


Unit 6 Getting Certified

Unit 4

1. Make the calculations: 2. a) A rectangle has an area of 40 cm2 and a length of 8 cm. Calculate the width and draw the rectangle. b) A triangle has an area of 36 cm2 and a height of 9 cm. Calculate the length of the base and draw the triangle. c) A box has a volume of 96 cm3, a height of 4 cm and a width of 3 cm. Calculate the length and draw the box. d) A cube has a volume of 64 cm3. Calculate the length of the sides and draw the cube. e) The circle at the end of a cylinder has an area of 25 cm2 and the volume of the cylinder is 225 cm3. Calculate the length and the diameter and draw the cylinder. f) A cone has a base area of 30 cm2 and a volume of 80 cm3. Calculate the length and diameter and draw the cone. g) A circle has a circumference of 21 cm. Calculate the diameter and draw the circle.

1. ODD AND EVEN Now look at each series of numbers below and state what they have in common. What do these numbers have in common? 1,3, 5,7,9,11,... are all odd numbers. a) 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,. . . are all even numbers b) 5, 15, 45, 75, 100 (multiples of two); c) 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 d) 2, 4, 16, 256 are all multiples of three. e) 3, 6, 9, 81, 561 f) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50


Look at this example

Q: Which is the odd shape out?

A : E is the odd shape out because it is a triangle. All the others are rectangles.


English for Standardization and Metrology

Which is the odd shape out? Why?







4. Now answer these questions and explain your answers

1) Which is the odd number out? 4, 8, 11, 16, 20 2) Which is the odd number out? 43 %, 3/5, 64 %, 83 %, 4 %. 3) Which is the odd measurement out? 4 miles, 3 cm, 12 inches, 8 liters, 4) Which is the odd measurement out? 43 m.p.h., 12`F, 19:C, 24°F, 94°C. 5) Which is the odd measurement out? inch, kilometer, liter, meter, mile. 6) Which is the odd substance out? oxygen, hydrogen, iron, carbon dioxide, ammonia. 7) Which is the odd instrument out? compass, microscope, telescope, magnifying glass 8) Which is the odd number out? 14, 35, 63, 84, 96. 115

Unit 6 Getting Certified

Unit 5

Practice in mental arithmetic will help you to think quickly in English. E. G.:

Add six to seven. Now multiply by four. Subtract four. Divide by twelve. What is the answer? Four.

Here is the process in numbers and symbols:

6 + 7 = 13 52-4 = 48 13 x 4 = 52 48-5-12 = 4

3. Now work with a partner. One of you should have his book open and ask the questions. The other should have his book closed and give the answers. See how quickly you can do it.

1) Multiply 7 by 9. Add 9. Divide by 6. Subtract 3. What is the answer? 2) Subtract 8 from 24. Divide by 2. Add 2. Multiply by 10. What is the answer? 3) Take the average of 20, 24, 26 and 30. Multiply by 10. What is the answer? 4) Take 50% of the pupils in your class. Multiply by 2. Divide by 4. What is the answer? 5) Divide 20 by 5, Multiply by 9. Add 32. What is the answer? 6) Multiply 7 by 4. Add 20. Subtract 6. Divide by 6. What is the answer' 7) Take the square root of 36. Add 14. Multiply by 5. Subtract 1. What is the answer? 8) Take the square root of 81. Add the square root of 16. Multiply by 12. Divide by 4. What is the answer? 9) Calculate the volume of a rectangular solid with a length of 10 cm a height of 8 cm and a width of 5 cm. 10) What is the length of a box which has a volume of 144 cc, a heigh of 4 cm and a width of 3 cm?

4. Work on these questions with a friend. Remember, mental arithmetic is done in the mind, not on paper. 1) Yesterday, a car travelled non-stop from Liverpool to London at a speed of 40 m.p.h. The distance is 200 miles. How long did the journey take? 2) Oil is pumped into a 2,000 tank at a rate of 4 gallons per second. How long does it take to fill the tank? 3) Willy’s car does 35 miles per gallon of petrol. A gallon of petrol costs 80 pence. (100p = £1). How much will it cost Willy to get from Liverpool to London and back? d) Joe goes shopping with $6.50 in his pocket. He buys a pound of bananas for 70 cents, a loaf of bread for 60 cents and four rump steaks (ромштекс) for S2.90. How much money has he left when he gets back?


Look at these examples


English for Standardization and Metrology

The reflector is 200 inches in diameter. —> It is a 200 inch reflector. The wire is 10 metres long. --> It is a 10 metre wire.

Now rewrite these sentences in the same way 1) The barrel holds 200 gallons. 2) The engine has a capacity of 2,5 litres. 3) The ruler is 30 long. 4) The elephant weighs two tons. 5) The month of August has 30 days. 6) The battery produces 12 volts. 7) The car costs $ 12,000 (12,000 dollars). 8) The oil tanker weighs 70,000 ton


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement

Present Past Future Every day, usually, every year, Yesterday, last time, last year, a Tomorrow, next time, next year, seldom … week ago, when… in a week… I I I You measure You We We write We measureed You will (‘ll) measure They They wrote They will (‘ll) write measures He He He write s She She She It It It


Do you you we we measue? Did we measure? Will you measure? they write? they write? they write? Simple he he he

Does she she she it it it

I I I You do not You We We (don’t) measure We did not measure You will not measure They They (didn’t) write They (won’t) write He does not write He He She (doesn’t) She She It It It

At the moment, now At that time, yesterday, at 5 Tomorrow, at this time, this o’clock, when he came time, next Monday

I am I I You He was He measuring We are measuring She measuring She will (‘ll) be They writing It writing It writing He We You

She is You were We

It They They


– Am I I I you Was he we be measuring? Are we measuring? she measuring? Will he

(be ing + they writing? it writing? she

he we it be writing? Is she Were you you it they they

Continuous I am not I You He was not I We are not playing She (wasn’t) We will not They (aren’t) writing It measuring You (won’t) He is not You writing They She (isn’t) We were not He be measuring It They (weren’t) She be writing It

Today, already, yet, this week By 5 o’clock, by the end of…, By this time, next Monday, as 118

English for Standardization and Metrology

(month, year), never, recently, when he came soon as, he came since… I I I You have You We measured We measured We had measured You will have They written They written They He has He He written She She She


3 It It It


Have we we we measured? you measured? Had you measured? Will you have they written? they written? they written? Has he he he

Prefect (haveV + she she she it it it I I I

You have not You You measured We (haven’t) measured We had not measured We will not have They written They (hadn’t) written They (won’t) have He has not He He She (hasn’t) She She It It It written

Present Past Since then, for an hour, already, for a long Since the time when, before… time… How long...? Since when…? I I You have You We We had been measuring from) They been measuring They writing – He been writing He

She has She It It

I I we you Have you Had we been playing they been measuring? they writing ? he been writing? he Has she she it it

I I You You

Perfect Progressive (have been + ing + been (have Progressive Perfect We have not We had not been playing They (haven’t) been measuring They (hadn’t) been writing He been writing He

She has not She It (hasn’t)


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement

to be + V3)

Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Contin uous sometimes, every now, still, at the moment ever, never, just, already, yet, day, usually, often, am recently, lately, this month, always, etc. since 1995, for two years is being measured am are have is measured been measured

are has Present yesterday, two when he came, at that moment, by the time, already, etc.

years ago, in 1995, yesterday at 6 o’clock, while Perfect last month was have was being measured been measured measured were has

were Progressive Perfect


tomorrow вместо Future Progressive by the time in the future

употребляется will have been measured употребляется

will be measured Future Simple Вместо Future be being V have been V

be V3 3 3


Инфи нитив

1. 2. вспомог. 3. 4. смысловой 5. 6. вопросит. глагол подлежа глагол (V) второстепенные пред слово щее члены лог* What* is / am / are / 1) --//-- in the 20th century at What+n was / were it 2) Ving defining of Which+n 3) V3 defined with When we Passive in a machine shop after Where forms on Why do / does /did the unit for practical to Who* can / could purpouses about may / might engineers etc. should V must define for a long time would will / shall have /has / had V3 to avoid defined inaccuracy

* Вопросительные слова WHO и WHAT в специальных вопросах не должны относиться к подлежащему.


English for Standardization and Metrology

Существительные, которые перешли в английский из греческого и латинского языков сохранили форму своего множественного числа. singular plural analysis analyses анализ antenna antennae антенна (в электронике) antennae antennas антенна, усики (в биологии) axis axes ось bacterium bacteria бактерия criterion criteria критерий crisis crises кризис datum data данная величина, элемент данных diploma diplomas диплом formula formulae формула formulae formulas формула (в математике) locus loci местоположение, геометрическое место точек, траектория nucleus nuclei ядро phenomenon phenomena феномен, явление stimulus stimuli стимул stratum strata пласт, слой thesis theses тезис

Can Мочь, быть Cannot (can’t) Не мочь (отсутствие способным возможности; запрет) Could (V2) Мог, могла, могли Couldn’t Не мог, не могла, не (бы) (прошедшее могли (бы) (прошедшее время, сослагательное время, сослагательное наклонение, наклонение, вероятность, вероятность, вежливая вежливая форма). форма). The CE marking Маркировка СЕ не Some standards Некоторые стандарты cannot be affixed to может быть нанесена can be included могут быть включены products which are на продукцию, которая in legislation. в законодательство. not covered by the не охвачена relevant European соответствующими Для составления Directives. Европейскими For specific технической Директивами. sectors of спецификации для industrial отдельных секторов He couldn’t specify Он не смог уточнить activity, other производственной some technical некоторые технические competent деятельности могут characteristics of характеристики European bodies быть вовлечены другие the product. продукта. for the drawing компетентные up of technical структуры Евросоюза. specifications could be involved.

May Мочь, иметь право May not Может не; Might Мог, могла, могли Might not


Unit 2 Units and Systems of Measurement (бы) (прошедшее время, сослагательное The specified level Указанный уровень наклонение, вежливая of warranty service гарантийного форма, вероятность). may not be обслуживания может available in all быть недоступным во A certificate may Сертификат может worldwide всех странах мира. be required for быть востребован для locations. official официальных government or административных или It might not be the Возможно, это не court purposes судебных целей и для best solution. лучшее решение. and for коммерческих целей. (Возможно, это было не commercial лучнее решение) purposes.

Inform Информируйте consumers of the потребителей об risks that a опасностях, которые product might продукт может pose. представлять. Must должен (обязан) mustn’t не должен (ни в коем случае); категорически Manufacturers in Производители из нельзя. non-EU countries стран, не являющихся Products marketed Продукция на who wish to sell членами Евросоюза, in the EU mustn’t европейском рынке не their products in желающие продавать be packed in должна быть упакована the EU must get свою продукцию в materials which в материалы, не their products CE странах Евросоюза, don’t meet both отвечающие marked обязаны получить СЕ environmental and требованиям маркировку на свою health безопасности здоровья и продукцию.. requirements. окружающей Have to/has to должен (вынужден); don’t не обязан; нет приходится doesn’t have to необходимости Had to должен был (в didn’t прошедшем времени используется в любых We don’t have to Нам ещё не нужно оттенках значения calibrate the калибровать «должен», т. к. у equipment yet, it оборудование, оно даёт глаголов must и should gives precise data. точные данные. нет формы прошедшего времени. Complying to Соблюдение They didn’t have to Им не пришлось standards are стандартов является test their products тестировать свою voluntary, though добровольным, хотя again. продукцию снова. many многим manufacturers производителям have to verify приходится their products’ подтверждать conformance to соответствие своей standards. продукции стандартам. Should должен (следует) – shouldn’t не должен (не следует, используется в не стоит) 122

English for Standardization and Metrology

значении совета, рекомендации. Safety shouldnt be Не следует жертвовать sacrificed for безопасностью ради You should know Вам следует знать, что performance производительности. that there are правильная настройка huge benefits to вашего оборудования getting your приносит огромную machinery пользу. aligned properly.

Conditional Sentences В английском языке существует 3 вида условных предложений:

1) Real condition; Обозначает If the manufacturing Если производственный реальное условие и относится к process complies with процесс будет будущему времени (действие, the quality standards, соответствовать возможно, произойдет, в будущем they will get the стандартам качества, они при определённых условиях). Certificate of получат сертификат Conformity. соответствия. 2) Improbable condition If the manufacturing Если бы Обозначает маловероятное process complied производственный условие и относится к настоящему with the quality процесс соответствовал будущему времени (действие standards, they would стандартам качества могло бы произойти, произошло get the Certificate of (сейчас), они бы бы при определённых условиях). Conformity. получили сертификат соответствия. 3) Unreal condition; обозначает If the manufacturing Если бы нереальность выполнения условия process had complied производственный и относится к прошедшему with the quality процесс соответствовал времени. (Сложившуюся standards, they would стандартам качества ситуацию уже изменить нельзя, have got the (тогда, в прошлом), они можно только предположить, что Certificate of бы получили сертификат могло быть сделано или не Conformity. соответствия. сделано раньше.)


1. Transform sentences from Active to Passive Voice:

Even if we don’t do any mistakes, nearly all measurements are still inexact. We use the term 'error' for that inexactness, or we also call it “measurement uncertainty”. Scientists do not settle the precise distinction between measurement error and mistakes, it varies by country. Calibration is the process where specialists apply metrology to measurement equipment and processes to ensure conformity with a known standard of measurement. Metrology laboratories are places where specialists perform both metrology and calibration work. In calibration laboratories they generally do calibration work only. They often control temperature, humidity, vibration, electrical power supply, radiated energy and other characteristics. We can divide the technicians by major discipline areas: physical, dimensional, electrical, RF, microwave and so on.

3. In large calibration laboratories, there are three groups of metrology and calibration workers. Read about their work and rewrite sentences from Active to Passive Voice:

Investigation work is performed in addition to calibrations by metrology technicians. The proven principles are also applied to known situations, and unexpected or contradictory results are evaluated. The equipment needed for calibration is arranged by set-up people and its correct work is verified. The calibration procedures are executed and data are collected by operators. Set-ups are dismantled, the components are checked for damage and then the components are put into a stored state by tear-down people.

Now tell what don’t set-up people, tear-down people and operators do. example:

-- Set up people don’t execute procedures, and …

3. Choose the right form of the verb.

The metrology and calibration work 1) is always accompanied / always accompanies by documentation. The documentation can 2) divide / be divided into two types; one related to the task and the other related the administrative program. Task documentation 3) includes / is included calibration procedures and the data collected. Administrative program documentation 4) includes / is included equipment identification data, 'calibration certificates’, calibration time interval information and 'as-found' or 'out-of-tolerance' notifications. Administrative programs 5) provide/ are provided standardization of the metrology and calibration work and 6) make / are made it possible to independently verify that the work was performed. Generally, the administrative program 7) specifies / is specified to the organization performing the work and addresses customer requirements. General administrative program specifications 8) create/ are created by industry groups, and may also be covered in the administrative program.


English for Standardization and Metrology

4. Put the verbs in the right form (Present Simple, Active or Passive voice).

1) Metrology ______(include) all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement. 2) Metrology ______(define) by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) as "the science of measurement. 3) The level of traceability establishes whether the result of a measurement can ______(compare) to the previous one, a measurement result a year ago, or to the result of a measurement performed anywhere else in the world. 4) Traceability most often (obtaine) by calibration. 5) Calibration is the process where metrology is applied to measurement equipment and processes to ensure conformity with a known standard. 6) Calibration ______(establish) the relation between the indication of a measuring instrument and the value of a measurement standard. 7) About nine out of every ten people working in metrology ______(specialize) in commercial measurement, most at the technician level. 8) Aerospace, commercial nuclear power, medicine, medical devices and semiconductors ______(rely) on metrology to translate theoretical science into mass produced reality. 9) Metrology laboratories are places where both metrology and calibration work ______(perform). 10) Temperature, humidity, vibration, electrical power supply, radiated energy and other influences ______(control) in laboratories. 11) Metrology technicians ______(perform) investigation work.

1. Choose the right verb form. The Earth Circumference 1. The circumference of a great circle of the Earth (about 40,000 km) ______to large distances. a) is often compared b) often compares c) has often compared 2. The difference (0.17%) between the two Earth circumference circles (through the pole and along the equator) is insignificant at the low precision that these quantities ______to. a) is typically given b) are typically given c) typically give 3. The definitions of both the nautical mile and the kilometre ______from the Earth's circumference as measured through the poles. a) are originally derived b) were originally derived c) originally derived 4. The nautical mile ______as 1/21,600 of the Earth's circumference, or about 1,852.22 metres. a) defined b) has been defined c) was defined 5. However, by international agreement, it ______to be exactly 1,852 metres (approximately 6,076 feet). a) is now defined b) now defines c) was now defined 6. The kilometre ______as 1/10,000 of the distance from a pole to the equator, or as 1/40,000 of the Earth's circumference as measured through the poles. a) has originally been defined b) has originally defined c) was originally defined 7. This definition ______the kilometre's length approximately 1,000.197 metres, whereas it is exactly 1,000 metres (approximately 3,281 feet), of course. a) has been made b) made c) was made


2. Put the verbs in the correct form of active or passive.

The measurement of time is unique in SI. The second is the base unit, and measurements of time smaller than a second 1)__use____ (use) prefixed units smaller than a second (e.g. microsecond, nanosecond, etc.), measurements larger than a second instead 2)_____ (use) traditional divisions, including the sexagesimal-based minute and hour as well as the less regular day and year units. SI 3) ______(allow) for the use of larger prefixed units based on the second, a system known as metric time, but this is unusual. Since ancient times there 4)______(be) numerous proposals and usage of decimal time. Most of such systems 5)______(base) on the day as the base unit. For instance, in dynastic China, the kè was a unit that 6) ______(represent) 1/100 of a day (approximately 15 minutes). In France, a decimal time system from 1793 to 1805 7)______(divide) the day into 10 hours, each divided into 100 minutes, in turn each divided into 100 seconds; the French Republican Calendar further 8) ______(extend) this by assembling days into ten-day "weeks." In the mid-1960s, in then popular rally racing in the Midwest, to show the advantage of the recently introduced computers, the rasing results 9)______(give) in centids (1/100 day, 864 seconds, 14.4 minutes), millids (1/1000 day, 86.4 seconds) and centims (1/100 minute, 0.6 seconds). Decimal time proposals 10) ____ frequently ____ (use) in fiction, often in futuristic works.

The /Firkin/Fortnight (FFF) system is a humorous system of units based on outdated or impractical measurements. The length unit of the system is the furlong, the mass unit is the mass of a firkin of water, and the time unit is the fortnight. Like the SI or metre-kilogram- second system, there are derived units for velocity etc. The FFF system 11) ______(not use) in practice, but it 12) ______(use) as an example in discussions of the relative merits of different systems of units since it’s appearance. Some of the FFF units, notably the microfortnight, 13)______(use) jokingly in computer science. Besides having the meaning "any obscure unit", per fortnight 14)______(serve) also frequently in classroom examples of unit conversion and .

Planck units, sometimes called "", 15) ______(propose) in 1899 by the physicist Max Planck. They 16) ______(define) by setting certain physical constants to equal 1. In this system, one metre 17) ______(equal) about 6.187*1034 Planck length units, and one second 18) ______(equal) 1.854*1043 Planck time units. The speed of light is, by definition, exactly 1 Planck length/Planck time, and many other quantities 19) ______(take on) simple forms as well. Because of this, these units 20) ______(favour) in some branches of physics.

1. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the infinitive.

1) When the currents to be measured are very small, you should use a galvanometer. 2) The task of the scientists is to create a reliable system to be used in industry.


English for Standardization and Metrology

3) The scientists should know all the characteristics of a new equipment to be mantled. 4) The computer program to be used for performing these operations was tested many times. 5) The students must know all fundamental measurement techniques to be applied in metrology. 6) The tool to be used for this purpose performs various functions. 7) The aim of the working team was to investigate the operation of the new digital adjustment equipment. 8) The calibration laboratory was to investigate the properties of super-conducting materials under various conditions. 9) The digital analyzer to be constructed will operate with various physical quantities. 10) It involves no mathematical calculations to arrive at the results. 11) New methods are to be used in testing the dimensional equipment. 12) New methods to be used in testing the products will be very efficient. 13) The operator is to use new methods in testing the products. 14) The devices to be produced must be of small size and weight. 15) The engineers are to test the devices which will be of small size and weight. 16) The student’s task was to construct a simple measurement system. 17) He is to tune the receiver to a definite frequency. 18) The receiver to be tuned to a definite frequency will operate very well. 19) To tune the receiver to a definite frequency was the first task of the operator. 20) To tune the receiver to a definite frequency you should turn a switch. 21) This receiver is to be tuned to a definite frequency. 22) The problem of flight control is to be finally solved. 23) To solve the problem of flight control is the designers’ prime task. 24) The problem to be solved will help designers in constructing control systems. 25) To solve the problem of flight control the engineer has to take many factors into consideration. 26) Standards help build partnership, increase customers’ satisfaction and ensure quality.

2. Choose the right form.

1. There are many problems ______in order to understand these phenomena a) are solved b) to be solved c) are to solve 2. The quantities to be measured ______in this experiment a) are to use; b) to be used; c) will be used. 3. The substances ______, are very sensitive to light a) are used; b) are to used; c) to be used. 4. The engineers ______, powerful amplifiers to be used at this plant a) to construct; b) are to construct; c) to be constructed. 5. The experiment ______at our laboratory is to give interesting data a) is to carry out; b) to be carried out; c) to carry out. 6. The oscillations ______in the antenna are weak a) are to be produced; b) to be produced; c) to produce.

3. Put the words “both”, “neither” or “either” into the sentences.

1. The velocity of chemical change is greatly influenced ______by temperature and by the concentration of the solutions. 2. The deflection of beams is influenced ______by field intensity and by other factors. 3. Experimental application of this type of balance was not followed by their industrial use? _____ in our country, nor abroad. 127

4. The change in volume of a fixed quantity of a gas is possible if _____ the pressure or temperature is not constant. 6. ______steelyard or ordinary kitchen scale are referred to as the most suitable tool for this purpose. 7. The type of the heater is determined by ______type of environment to be heated and the volume. 4. Translate the sentences, defining the function of the infinitive. 1) To produce negative electrodes iron and zinc plates are used. 2) To produce negative electrodes was the first task of the engineer. 3) To conduct a series of experiments for the improvement of space communication is the first step in solving this problem, 4) To conduct a series of experiments on these substances the engineers studied the results of some other experiments. 5) To work in this field of science was the task of the engineer, 6) To work successfully in this field of science one has to know the fundamentals of metrology.

1. Read the text. Fill the blanks with modal verbs (sometimes more than one variant is correct). Translate the underlined sentences with the infinitive.

One of the important things that an engineer 1) ______take into consideration is “how much?”. How much current is this circuit carrying? What is the value of voltage in the circuit? What is the value of resistance? In fact, to measure the current and the voltage is not difficult at all. One 2) ______connect an ammeter or a voltmeter to the circuit and read off the amperes and the volts. The ammeter is used to measure the value of current. When the ammeter is used, the circuit 3) ______be opened at one point and the terminals of the meter 4) ______be connected to it. One 6) ______take into consideration that the positive terminal of the meter is connected to the positive terminal of the source; the negative terminal — to the negative terminal of the source. The ammeter 7) ______be connected in series. The readings on the scale show the measured value. Common ammeters for d-c measurements are the ammeters of the magneto- electric system. In an ammeter of this type an armature coil rotates between the poles of a permanent magnet; but the coil turns only through a small angle. The greater the current in the coil, the greater is the force, and, therefore, the greater the angle of rotation of the armature. The deflection is measured by means of a pointer connected to the armature and the scale of the meter reads directly in amperes. When the currents to be measured are very small, one 8) ______use a galvanometer. Some galvanometers detect and measure currents as small as 10-11 of an ampere per 1 mm of the scale. A voltmeter is a device to be used for measuring the potential difference between any two points in a circuit. The voltmeter has armatures that move when an electric current is sent through their coils. The deflection, like that of an ammeter, is proportional to the current flowing through the armature coil. A voltmeter 9) ______have a very high resistance since it passes only very small currents which will not disturb the rest of the circuit. An ammeter, on the other hand, 10)


English for Standardization and Metrology

______have a low resistance, since all the current 11) ______pass through it. In actual use the ammeter is placed in series with the circuit, while the voltmeter is placed in parallel with that part of the circuit where the voltage is to be measured. In addition to instruments for measuring current and voltage, there are also devices for measuring electric power and energy.

2. Translate the sentences with Complex Object: 1. We knew the power of first pyrometers to be very small. 2. We believe them to investigate this phenomenon. 3. We know scientists to study this problem. 4. Every student knows two kinds of electric charges to exist. 5. The consumers expected the goods to comply with the standards. 6. The weighbridge found the weight of the vehicle to be too high. 7. The radar showed the speed of the missile to be equal to that of the tested one. 8. The engineers have shown this substance to be unique in its properties. 9. The workers expect the designers to improve the operation of these receivers. 10. The teacher wanted all the students to take these factors into consideration. 11. We think them to work at the problem of reliability. 12. They noticed the airplane approach. 13. The engineer heard the workers discuss a new standards.

3. Translate the sentences with Complex Subject:

1. The device has proved to be extremely useful for non-contact temperature measurement. 2. The ISO standards have been found to be very useful for industry development. 3. Standardization is expected to enable the industry and science to exchange new technologies. 4. These enterprise did not seem to fallow international standards. 5. This sphere of human activities hasn’t not appear to undergo any change since the last century. 6. The engineers are said to have discovered new means of testing the equipment. 7. The set of regulations didn’t turn out to be perfect for worldwide industrial use. 8. Some standards are expected to be adhered as a matter of law. 9. More than 50 countries are reported to be responsible for more than 95 percent of the world's electrical energy production. 10. The contents of the quality manual usually seem to follow the outline of the relevant standard. 11. The students are said to have obtained very important data on the reliability of new system. 12. The laboratory appears to investigate this phenomenon. 13. He is sure to analyze the results of the test. 14. This measuring instrument does not seem to be reliable enough.

1. Translate the sentences: 1. ISO tackles the difficult tasks by working hard on global solutions. 2. We used a direct method for determining the cable length. 3. We can determine the temperature of a heated object by measuring its heat radiation. 4. Pyrometers that operate based on measuring the object's heat radiation.


5. One of the main advantages of these devices is not effecting the measured object. 6. Some job specifications require knowing about a range of high-resolution astronomical imaging techniques. 7. The market has the goal of producing twice as much energy by the year 2030 with a low environmental impact. 8. There is the problem of measuring the time it takes an object to fall a distance of one meter. 9. The computation of time involved a mathematical operation that required rounding off to some number of significant digits. 10. A machine shop will have working standard gauge blocks that are used for checking its measuring instruments. 11. Basing the meter on the distance from the equator to the North Pole and basing the kilogram on the mass of water had ideological and political meanings. 12. A career in industrial metrology would involve applying metrology to manufacturing and other processes and ensuring the suitability of measuring instrumentation. 13. They understand that leaving this up to the competition would jeopardize their company’s future.

2. Put the verbs in proper form. Choose either infinitive (with or without to) or gerund. 1. Standards help (build) partnership and (ensure) quality. 2. A fundamental metrology job might involve (establish) new units, measurement methods, standards, and traceability protocols. 3. A job in metrology means (understand) traceability, accuracy, precision, systematic bias, and the evaluation of measurement uncertainty. 4. It is difficult ( imagine) an hour or a day without electricity. 5. There’s a pressing need (make) energy generation more efficient and lower impact on the environment. 6. A professional metrology team arrive at each service call with all the tools needed (get) the job done. 7. The measurement capability should be redesigned or adjusted ( minimize) errors. 8. No one company has everything ( get) electricity from the point where it’s produced to the points where it's used. 9. ISO standards help a Chief Executive Officer (achieve) the business objectives. 10. ISO provides the tools (tackle) challenges like climate change, (share) innovations, (improve) performance and (increase) energy efficiency. 11. A metrologists advises other stuff on methods of (resolve) measurement problems. 12. The best way (measure) bulk cable length is (rewind) it. 13. ( work) in the field of metrology, a candidate must have diploma or its equivalent that he or she have matriculated from an accredited metrology program. 14. The laboratory will send you an automatic reminder when it is time (recalibrate) your instrument. 15. With the new technology, it’s so easy to keep your instruments (function) properly. 16. Protractor is an instrument used (construct) and measure plane angles. 17. The first complex protractor was created for (plot)(определять местоположение) the position of a boat on navigational charts.


English for Standardization and Metrology

1) Put the verbs in the proper forms (1st or 2nd type of conditional sentences) and explain your choice – R. C. or I. C. (real or improbable condition). If you think both variants are possible, give both of them.

1) If a measurement device ______(show) not precise or not accurate results, it _____ (need) to be calibrated. 2) The results _____ (not be) accurate enough, if we ____ (weigh) two objects together and then ______(subtract) the weight of the bigger one. That’s why we used the direct method. 3) The contaminants ____ (fluoresce) if they _____ (present), but you can see the surface is absolutely clean. 4) The difference of weights between two parts is attributed to any residual (остаточным) contamination left on the part. If there _____ (is) no difference between the initial weight and post-cleaning weight, the object ______(be) considered clean. 6) If one ____ (not) operate his or her business with the correct licenses and permits, he or she ______(experience) serious penalties (штрафы). 7) If one ______(not follow) legislative requirements and regulations, his or her business can face serious troubles. 8) If a concession ______(be granted), it ______normally____ (be restricted) to a time period. 9) If every country ______(use) same universal standards, the world ______(become) much safer. 10) If the two products ______(be) interoperable, they ______(can) be used together; unfortunately, their manufacturers still comply with different standards.

1) Methods of measuring a physical quality (length, distance, depth, volume, temperature, Radiation, noise level, clearness, electric power, current, resistence, speed, preasure, etc.) 2) Analog Measuring equipment. How it works.(Choose one piece of equipment to describe) 3) Digital measuring equipment. 4) Calibration of scales (or other measuring tool) 5) Dimensional metrology. 6) Method of testing (general principles) 7) Destructive and non-destructive tests. 8) Developing standards: work of a technical committee, subcommittee or a project group. 9) Global, national and local standardization bodies (or one of them) 10) Russian Federation national standardization bodies. 11) Harmonized standards. 12) Technical requirements for a type of goods (e.g. electrical equipment, toys, machinery, recreation goods etc.) 13) Safety requirements for a type of goods. 14) List of documents and corresponding certification procedures for import of goods to some country. 15) System of quality management; 16) Standards for environmental protection. 17) Certification marking in different countries.


The main difference is in units of volume. The American system has two gallons: a wet and a dry one. The imperial gallon is bigger than each of these. However, the imperial fluid ounce is slightly smaller than the American one. Comparison of Imperial and U.S. volume measures 1 U.S. fluid ounce = 29.573 529 562 5 mililitres ≈ 1.041 Imperial fluid ounces 1 Imperial fluid ounce = 28.413 062 5 mililitres ≈ 0.961 U.S. fluid ounce 1 liquid U.S. gallon = 3.785 411 784 litres ≈ 0.833 Imperial gallon 1 Imperial gallon = 4.546 09 litres ≈ 1.201 liquid U.S. gallons 1 dry U.S. gallon = 4.404 842 803 2 litres ≈ 0.968 Imperial gallon 1 Imperial gallon = 4.546 09 litres ≈ 1.032 dry U.S. gallons

Comparison of current imperial, US and metric volume measures Notes:  Approximate values are denoted with ≈  Exact values are denoted with ≡  Definitions are marked in bold Unit name Imperial measures US fluid measures US dry measures Metric measures

fluid ounces Imperial fluid ≈ 0.96075994040 fl oz ≡ 28.4130625 mL ≡ 1 fl oz ounce ≈ 0.94710208333 fl oz (food) ≡ 0.0284130625 L (fl oz) US fluid ≡ 29.5735295625 m ounce ≡ 1 fl oz L (customar ≈ 1.04084273079 fl oz ≡ 0.98578431875 fl oz (food) ≡ 0.0295735295625 y) L (fl oz) US fluid ounce (food ≈ 1.01442068106 fl oz ≡ 30 mL nutrition ≈ 1.05585239184 fl oz ≡ 1 fl oz (food) ≡ 0.03 L labelling) (fl oz) (food)

pints ≡ 20 fl oz ≈ 19.2151988081 fl oz ≈ 1.03205674349 US dry Imperial ≡ 1 imp pt ≈ 18.9420416667 fl oz (food) pt ≡ 568.26125 mL pint ≡ 0.5 imp qt ≈ 1.20094992550 US pt ≈ 0.12900709294 US dry ≡ 0.56826125 L (pt) ≡ 0.125 imp gal ≈ 0.15011874069 US gal gal ≈ 16.6534836926 imp ≡ 16 US fl oz ≈ 0.859367007375 US dry US liquid fl oz ≡ 15.7725491 fl oz (food) pt ≡ 473.176473 mL pint ≈ 0.83267418463 imp ≡ 1 US pt ≈ 0.107420875922 US dry ≡ 0.473176473 L (pt) pt ≡ 0.5 US qt gal ≈ 0.10408427308 imp ≡ 0.125 US gal 132

English for Standardization and Metrology

gal ≈ 19.3787794384 imp ≈ 18.6183549784 US fl oz fl oz ≡ 550.6104713575 US dry ≈ 18.3536823786 US fl oz (f ≡ 1 dry pint ≈ 0.96893897192 imp mL pint ood) ≡ 0.5 dry quart pt ≡ 0.5506104713575 (pt) ≈ 1.16364718615 US pt ≡ 0.125 dry gallon ≈ 0.12111737149 imp L ≈ 0.14545589827 US gal gal

quarts ≈ 38.4303976162 US fl oz ≡ 40 imp fl oz ≈ 1.03205674349 US dry Imperial ≈ 37.8840833333 US fl oz (f ≡ 1 imp qt qt ≡ 1136.5225 mL quart ood) ≡ 2 imp pt ≈ 0.25801418587 US dry ≡ 1.1365225 L (qt) ≈ 1.20094992550 US qt ≡ 0.25 imp gal gal ≈ 0.30023748138 US gal ≈ 33.3069673852 imp ≡ 32 US fl oz fl oz ≈ 0.859367007375 US dry US liquid ≡ 31.5450982 US fl oz (food) ≈ 0.83267418463 imp qt ≡ 946.352946 mL quart ≡ 2 US pt qt ≈ 0.214841751844 US dry ≡ 0.946352946 L (qt) ≡ 1 US qt ≈ 0.20816854616 imp gal ≡ 0.25 US gal gal ≈ 38.7575588768 imp ≈ 37.2367099567 US fl oz fl oz ≡ 1101.220942715 US dry ≈ 36.7073647572 US fl oz (f ≡ 1 US dry qt ≈ 0.96893897192 imp mL quart ood) ≡ 2 US dry pt qt ≡ 1.101220942715 (qt) ≈ 1.16364718615 US qt ≡ 0.25 US dry gal ≈ 0.24223474298 imp L ≈ 0.29091179654 US gal gal

gallons ≈ 153.721590465 US fl oz ≈ 4.12822697395 US dry Imperial ≡ 160 imp fl oz ≈ 151.536333333 US fl oz (f qt ≡ 4546.09 mL gallon ≡ 4 imp qt ood) ≈ 1.03205674349 US dry ≡ 4.54609 L (gal) ≡ 1 imp gal ≈ 1.20094992550 US gal gal ≈ 133.227869541 imp ≡ 128 US fl oz fl oz ≡ 126.1803928 imp ≈ 3.437468029501 US dry US liquid ≈ 3.33069673852 imp fl oz (food) qt ≡ 3785.411784 mL gallon qt ≡ 4 US qt ≈ 0.859367007375 US dry ≡ 3.785411784 L (gal) ≈ 0.83267418463 imp ≡ 1 US gal gal gal ≡ 231 cu inches ≈ 155.030235507 imp ≈ 148.946839827 US fl oz fl oz US dry ≈ 146.829459029 US fl oz (f ≡ 4 US dry qt ≡ 4404.88377086 m ≈ 3.87575588768 imp gallon ood) ≡ 1 US dry gal L qt (gal) ≈ 4.6545887446 US qt ≡ 268.8025 cu inches ≡ 4.40488377086 L ≈ 0.96893897192 imp ≈ 1.16364718615 US gal gal

metric ≈ 35.1950797279 imp ≈ 33.8140227018 US fl oz fl oz ≈ 0.90808298427 US dry litre ≈ 33.3333333333 US fl oz (f ≈ 0.87987699320 imp qt ≡ 1000 mL (l or L or ood) qt ≈ 0.22702074607 US dry ≡ 1 L dm3) ≈ 1.05668820943 US qt ≈ 0.21996924830 imp gal ≈ 0.26417205236 US gal gal



inch link foot yard pole chain furlong mile league metre 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 inch 1 ⁄198 ⁄12 ⁄36 ⁄198 ⁄792 ⁄7,920 ⁄63,360 ⁄190,080 0.0254 23 33 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 link 7+ ⁄25 1 ⁄50 ⁄50 ⁄25 ⁄100 ⁄1,000 ⁄8,000 ⁄24,000 0.201168 17 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 foot 12 1+ ⁄33 1 ⁄3 ⁄33 ⁄66 ⁄660 ⁄5,280 ⁄15,840 0.3048 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 yard 36 4+ ⁄11 3 1 ⁄11 ⁄22 ⁄220 ⁄1,760 ⁄5,280 0.9144 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pole 198 25 16+ ⁄2 5+ ⁄2 1 ⁄4 ⁄40 ⁄320 ⁄960 5.0292 1 1 1 1 chain 792 100 66 22 4 1 ⁄10 ⁄80 ⁄240 20.1168 1 1 1 furlong 7,920 1,000 660 220 40 10 1 ⁄8 ⁄24 201.168 1 1 mile 63,360 8,000 5,280 1,760 320 80 8 1 ⁄3 1,609.344 1 league 190,080 24,000 15,840 5,280 960 240 24 3 1 4,828.032

The British nautical mile used to be 6080 feet. In 1970 the UK adopted the international definition of 1852 metres. Measures of area

= 40 1 1 rod = 1 furlong = ⁄2560 square = 10890 = = 1011.7141056 square (unit) × 1 rod mile square feet 0.10117141056 ha m² rods

= 160 1 = 1 furlong = ⁄640 square = 43560 = 0.40468564224 = 4046.8564224 1 acre square × 1 chain mile square feet ha m² rods 1 square foot

Sample certificates


English for Standardization and Metrology


CERTIFICATE NO.E-10722 This Certificate consists of 2 pages

This is to certify that the Accommodation Heater with type designation(s) FS Series

Manufactured by Daewon Engineering Co.,Ltd. Pusan, Republic of Korea

is found to comply with Det Norske Veritas' Rules for Classification of Ships, High Speed & Light Craft and Det Norske Veritas' Offshore Standards

Application Electric fan heaters

Rated power 5 kW - 54 kW Rated voltage 440V - 480V Enclosure IP45

Place and date This Certificate is valid until Pusan, 2011-01-01 2015-06-30 for DET NORSKE VERITAS AS

Svein Helge Juell Local Office Baeg Soon Choi Head of Section DNV Pusan Station Surveyor

Notice: This Certificate is subject to terms and conditions overleaf. Any significant change in design or construction may render this Certificate invalid. The validity date relates to the Type Approval Certificate and not to the approval of equipment/systems installed. If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision “Det Norske Veritas” shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.

DET NORSKE VERITAS AS · VERITASVEIEN 1, 1322 HØVIK, NORWAY · TEL: (+47) ** ** ** 00 · FAX: (+47) ** ** ** Form No.: 20.90a Issue: January 98 page 1 of 2 Cert. No.: E-10722 File No.: 826.20 135

Job No.: 262.1-001777-3 Product description Fan heater with the following types and sizes: Type: P o w e r V o l t a g e Frequency Ingress Protection FS-010 5 - 14 kW 440 - 480 V, 3 ph 50 - 60 Hz IP 45 FS-020 15 - 24 kW 440 - 480 V, 3 ph 50 - 60 Hz IP 45 FS-030 25 - 34 kW 440 - 480 V, 3 ph 50 - 60 Hz IP 45 FS-040 35 - 44 kW 440 - 480 V, 3 ph 50 - 60 Hz IP 45 Application/Limitation The heater can be installed in dry and wet spaces in accordance with the IP degree and the DNV Rules. Only for fixed installation. Installation is to be considered in each case. Type Approval documentation Tests carried out: Performance test – Vibration test – Electrical Power Supply Failure test – Supply Variation Test – Dry Heat Test – Damp Heat Test – Inclination Test – EMC test. Marking of product DAEWON ENGINEERING – FS – type designation Certificate retention survey The scope of the retention/renewal survey is to verify that the conditions stipulated for the Type approval is complied with and that no alterations are made to the product design or choice of materials. The main elements of the survey are:  Inspection on factory samples, selected at random from the production line (where practicable)  Results from Production Sample Tests (PST) and Routines (RT) checked (if not available tests according to PST and RT to be carried out)  Review of type approval documentationReview of possible change in design, materials and performance  Ensuring traceability between manufacturer’s product type marking and Type Approval Certificate.

Survey to be performed at least every second year.


DET NORSKE VERITAS AS · VERITASVEIEN 1, 1322 HØVIK, NORWAY · TEL: (+47) ** ** ** 00 · FAX: (+47) ** ** ** Form No.: 20.90a Issue: January 98 page 2 of 2 Certificate Of Conformity


English for Standardization and Metrology

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

A sample of this product has been subject to assessment by Nemko, and is hereby confirmed to be in conformity with the applicable European EMC standards referred below. Sufficient evidence of conformity with Article 4 of the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC + 91/263/EEC + 92/32/EEC + 93/68/EEC + 93/97/EEC) has been provided. Certificate No.: HF 062809 Applicant : Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Nakatsugawa Works 1-3 Komaba-cho, Nakatsugawa-shi, Gifu-ken 508-8666, JAPAN. Manufacturer Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Nakatsugawa Works 1-3 Komaba-cho, Nakatsugawa-shi, Gifu-ken 508-8666, JAPAN. Product Hand Dryer Model JT-SB216ESH-W-… Rating 220-240V AC 50-60Hz Additional information The "..." in the model name can be 0-9, A-Z or blank Documentation Test report by Cosmos Corporation test report No E51866 and S51866 Standards applied EN 55014-1(2000) + A1 (2001) + A2 (2002) EN 61000-3-2 (2000) EN 61000-3-3 (1995) + A1 (2001) EN 55014-2 (1997) + A1 (2001) This certificate is valid 2012-07-13 + 4 (provided that all signed certification conditions are until years complied with, and that possible changes to the product are notified to Nemko for acceptance prior to implementation)

This certificate authorizes the manufacturer to affix the below shown Nemko EMC Mark to each conforming product. And provided it is otherwise confirmed that the product also conforms with any other applicable Directives, the manufacturer (or the European authorized representative) may prepare an EC/EEA Declaration of Conformity and affix the below shown CE- marking to each conforming product.

Date of issue 2006-07-21 Certificate revision: 1.1

Roger Berget [Section


Note: The certificate is no longer valid if any of the reference standards cease to exist or are replaced Page 1 of 1 Nemko AS Gaustadallèen 30 P.O.Box 73 Blindern N-0314 Oslo Norway T +47 22 96 03 30 F +47 22 96 05 50 Enterprise number NO974404532 137

Be was/were been быть, являться, находиться bear bore born носить, нести, родить become became become становиться begin began begun начинать bend bent bent сгибать(ся) blow blew blown дуть break broke broken ломать bring brought brought приносить build built built строить burn burnt burnt жечь buy bought bought покупать can could been able мочь, уметь catch caught caught ловить, поймать choose chose chosen выбирать come came come приходить cost cost cost стоить cut cut cut резать do did done делать draw drew drawn рисовать dream dreamt dreamt мечтать, спать drink drank drunk пить drive drove driven водить машину eat ate eaten есть, кушать fall fell fallen падать feel felt felt чувствовать find found found находить fly flew flown летать forget forgot forgotten забывать get got got получать, становиться give gave given давать go went gone идти grow grew grown расти, вырастить have had had иметь hear heard heard слышать hit hit hit ударять hold held held держать, проводить hurt hurt hurt ранить, повредить keep kept kept держать, хранить know knew known знать lead led led вести learn learnt learnt учить, изучать leave left left оставлять, покидать lend lent lent давать взаймы lose lost lost терять make made made делать mean meant meant значить, означать meet met met встречать


English for Standardization and Metrology must had to had to должен pay paid paid платить put put put класть, положить read read read читать ring rang rung звонить rise rose risen вставать, подниматься run ran run бежать say said said говорить see saw seen видеть sell sold sold продавать send sent sent посылать, отправлять set set set устанавливать show showed shown показывать shut shut shut закрывать sing sang sung петь sink sank sunk тонуть, погружаться sit sat sat сидеть sleep slept slept спать speak spoke spoken говорить spend spent spent тратить, проводить spread spread spread распространять(ся) stand stood stood стоять steal stole stolen красть, воровать swim swam swum плавать take took taken брать, взять teach taught taught учить, преподавать tear tore torn рвать tell told told говорить, рассказывать think thought thought думать, полагать throw threw thrown бросать understand understood understood понимать wake woke woken просыпаться wear wore worn одевать, носить win won won побеждать, выигрывать writ wrote written писать



A duration n – длительность; adjustment n – регулирование, приспособление, выверка, установка, E регулировка, коррекция, подгонка; edit v – редактировать; alignment n – регулировка, подгонка, eligibility n-- приемлемость, настройка, наладка, совмещение, правомочность, пригодность выравнивание; ensure v – обеспечивать, гарантировать; alternately adv – переменно; establish v – устанавливать; announcement n – объявление; evaluation n – оценка; application n – 1) применение, 2) extend v – распространять, приложение (программа); распространиться, расширить, apply v – обращаться; продлить aptitude n – пригодность, способность; F facilitate v – облегчать, содействовать; B G background n – фон, прошлое, опыт; gauge [geiG] v – измерять, выверять, bias n – неточность, погрешность, проверять правильность размера, ошибка; калибровать; H C high-resolution – высокая разрешающая calibration n – калибровка, выверка способность; (средств измерения), точное I определение характеристик, imaging – получение изображений, тарирование; интроскопия; capability n – способность, возможность, income – доход; производительность; initial – начальный; concept n – понятие; input – ввод (в т. ч. в производство); consider v – полагать, считать; intangible- неосязаемый; consumer n – потребитель; internal – внутренний; continuous adj – постоянный, длительный, investigate – исследовать, изучать; непрерывный; involve – включать; contradictory adv – напротив; L contribute v – вносить вклад, laser tracker n – лазерный прицел, прибор способствовать; сопровождения; core adj – главный, центральный; literate adj – грамотный; current – 1) n – ток, поток, 2) adj — luminous adj – светящийся; текущий, настоящий, актуальный, используемый в данное время; M curriculum vitae n – резюме; magnitude n - величина, размер, D значение; manufacture v – производить; dedicate v посвящать; multitude n – множество; derive v– производный; develop v – развивать, разрабатывать; O dismantle v – снимать, демонтировать; opportunity n – возможность; draw up v – составлять (документ); obtain v – приобретать; drawing n – рисунок, чертёж; P 140

English for Standardization and Metrology particle n – частица; traceability n – единство измерений связь physicist n – физик; с принятыми стандартами; positioning n – позиционирование, transfer n – передача в собственность; определение точного U местоположения; undercurrent n – подтекст, скрытое precision n – точность, значение; воспроизводимость; V proficient n – специалист, эксперт; validate v – подтверждать, проверять; proprietary adj – собственный, verify v – проверять, подтверждать; фирменный, патентованный W prospective adj – будущий, warehouse n – товарный склад; перспективный; variable adj – разнообразный; provide v – обеспечивать, предоставлять; x-ray fluorescence – purpose n – цель; рентгенофлуоресцентный; R range n – диапазон, сфера, область; ratio n – отношение, пропорция; phrases and prepositions recruit v – набирать, приглашать на advise sb on sth – консультировать кого-л. работу; в чём-л.; reliability n – надёжность; associated with – связанный с; require v – требовать; base on – основывать на; resolve v – решать, разрешать; be a paramount to – быть главным в; S be an expert in – быть экспертом в; set-up v – устанавливать, установка, adj – compare to - сравнивать с; установочный; comply with - соответствовать чему-л., source n – источник; совпадать с чем-л.; subscribe v – подписывать; contribute to – вносить вклад, лепту в; suitability n – пригодность, соответствие; способствовать; support 1) n – . поддержка; 2) v - dedicate to – посвящать (чему-л., кому-л.); поддерживать; depend on – зависеть от; T experience in – опыт в; take short cuts – искать коротких путей; focus on – сосредоточиться на; tear down v – разбирать, демонтировать matriculate from – заканчивать ВУЗ; template n – шаблон; provide sth for – предоставлять что-л. для; temporary adj – временный; relate sth to sth – связывать чт-л. с чем-л. timely adj – своевременный; rely on – полагаться на; tool n – инструмент;

Unit 2

A appearance n - появление Adopt v- принимать appropriate adj –соответствующий altimeter [‘Alti,mJ tq] n – альтиметр, approximation n – приближение высотомер arbitrary adj - произвольный altitude [‘Altitjud] - высота array n - массив among prep – среди assembly n - сборка amount n – сумма; количество, объём authorities n, pl - власти apart adv – кроме, отдельно avoirdupois [xvqdq’pois] n – эвердьюпойс apothecary [q’pOTqkqrI] – n аптекарь (английская система мер веса для всех


товаров, кроме благородных emit v – излучать, выделять металлов, драгоценных камней и enhance v –повышать лекарств) equal adj-равный essentially adv – по существу B evolve v – развиваться Barter n – бартер, обмен exactly adv – точно benchmark n – стандарт, эталон extensional adj- пространственный bend (bent, bent) v- сгибать F beverage [ˈbevərɪʤ] n – напиток forearm n – предплечье C fraction n – часть certain adj – определённый fraud n – мошенничество comfort 1) n – комфорт, удобство; 2) v- frequency n – частота утешать frequently adv – часто common adj- общий, обычный G Commonwealth n – содружество; gasoline бензин Commonwealth of Nations, the gauge (gage) blocks [geiG] n – концевая Commonwealth - Содружество наций, мера добровольное межгосударственное gemstone n – драгоценный камень объединение суверенных государств, generally adv –– в целом в которое входят Великобритания и grain of wheat – зерно пшеницы почти все её бывшие колонии кроме gunpowder n – порох Мозамбика и Рунды; H Commonwealth: of Independent States, CIS height n – высота --Содружество независимых hundredweight n – центнер государств, СНГ I conduct v – вести, проводить inch n – дюйм conductor n – проводник infinite adj- бесконечный confusion n –путаница, замешательство inherent adj- присущий, свойственный conjunction n – сочетание, соединение, insertion n – вставка, внедрение связь insulate v – изолировать convenience n - удобство intend v – намереваться convention n - конвенция interrupt v – прерывать custody n – хранение, опека J customary adj- обычный, традиционный join v – соединять, примыкать D junction v – соудинение, переход, контакт definite adj- определенный Josephson junction - джозефсоновский de jure [dq’GHqri] – де юре контакт (тонкий слой диэлектрика, denominate v – называть, обозначать разделяющий два сверхпроводника; derive v – выводить используется для измерения descend v – спускаться напряжения и магнитных полей с desired adj- желаемый очень высокой точностью) determine v – определять L devise v – разрабатывать launch v – запускать digit n – цифра; одозначное число; мера = legislation n – законодательство ширине 1 пальца length n – длина dimensional adj- пространственный, - luminous intensity – сила света мерный (3D – трёхмерный) M disrupt v – разрушать meme [miːm] n – мем (культурный E стереотип) elbow n – локоть milestone n – веха, краеугольный камень, eliminate v – ликвидировать эталон, ориентир embed v – вставлять mutual adj- взаимный, обоюдный 142

English for Standardization and Metrology

N span n – 1) промежуток, период, nautical mile – морская миля интервал, отрезок, диапазон; 2) уст. necessity необходимость пядь notable adj- значительный, заметный, specify v – уточнять известный specimen [ˈspesɪmɪn] n – образец, эталон, numerous многочисленный шаблон, стандарт O spread (spread, spread) v – Ounce [‘aVns] n – унция распространять(ся) output n – результат stainless steel – нержавеющая сталь oversee v – контролировать, наблюдать store 1) n (amer.) – магазин; 2) v – хранить outdated adj- устаревший storage n – хранение, хранилище P straight adv, adj – прямо, прямой palm n – ладонь supplant v – вытеснять, заменять partially adv – частично surveying n – 1) геодезия, межевание, particularly adv – ос топографическая съёмка; 2) опрос pinky n – особенно, в частности T precise adj- точный thruster n – двигатель predominate v – преобладать, thumb n – большой палец господствовать thus – таким образом, так pre-eminent adj- преимущественный tip n – конец, наконечник pretty adj- довольно, весьма tool n – инструмент proposal n –предложение treaty n – договор, соглашение Q vary [ˈveərɪ] v – варьировать(ся), Quantity n – количество меняться, различаться R velocity n – скорость racket n – вымогательство volume n – объём ratio n – соотношение weight n – вес raw adj- сырой, необработанный width n – ширина recognize v – узнавать, распознавать, wire n – проволока, провод признавать reference n – ссылка, связь, справка, phrases and prepositions упоминание, отсылка, эталон an agreed-upon standard – согласованный remove v – удалять, убирать стандарт research adj- исследовательский; n – bear (have) relationship to – иметь исследование отношение (к чему-л) resistance n – сопротивление define smth as smth – определять что-л. retail adj- розничный как что-л. roughly adv – приблизительно familiar to – знакомый (кому-то) rudimentary adj- элементарный, good point –хороший вопрос (замечание, примитивный, простейший аргумент) ruler n – линейка in other words – другими словами S make smth up - создавать sacred adj- священный on a basis of – на основе (чего-л). Sal Ammoniac n – нашатырь physical quantity – физическая величина scales n – весы pretty tough – довольно трудно seemingly adv – как бы, вроде бы, result in – приводить к кажущийся road signage – дорожные знаки sexagesimal – шестидесятиричный to be up to smb solve v – решать to coin a term – ввести термин spaсe n – 1) космос; 2) пространство to meet needs – отвечать нуждам spacecraft n – космический корабль to use heavily – активно использовать


unit of measurement – единица измерения либо величины по некоторым with respect to – в отношении известным её значениям) with the exception of – за исключением involve v. – включать в себя, вовлекать, задействовать Unit 3 J judgement n. - суждение A L actual adj. - фактический linked with – связанный с affect v. – влиять, воздействовать M at least adv. – по крайней мере master n – оригинал B N balance beam -- балансир nearabout prep –. около Borda method метод Борда, метод neither … nor – ни… ни… замещения, метод тарирования, O метод точного взвешивания observation n. -- наблюдение buoyancy n. -- плавучесть obtain v. – получать, приобретать bulk массовый 2) сыпучий 3) оптовый oscillation n. – колебание, осцилляция, C вибрация cause v. – вызывать, причинять outer casing n.– внешний корпус coincidence n. – совпадение P comparison n. – сравнение pan (of a balance)- чаша весов complementary – дополнительный perishable adj.-- скоропортящийся concrete n. – бетон, цемент permanently adv. – постоянно consist of v. – состоять из pointer – указатель, стрелка, курсор content n. - содержание pressure n. -- давление convection n. – конвекция pressure gauge n.– манометр, датчик core – 1) adj. основный, основной, давления ключевой, базовый, профильный, prevent (from) v. – предотвращать, стержневой; 2) n. жила кабеля защищать от D propagation n.– deflection n. - отклонение, смещение R determination of mass by Borda method. radiant adj. –излучающий drift n. – смещение, сдвиг random adj. – случайный, произвольный dust n. – пыль receipt - n.1) рецепт 2) квитанция E reject v. – отклонять, отвергать, either … or – или …или отказываться elaborate v. – тщательно разрабатывать, S усовершенствовать sealed – запечатанный, опечатанный equilibrium n.- равновесие several adv.— несколько F solid adj.—твёрдый (о состоянии foundation n.- основание вещества) H spring n.-пружина heater n. –нагреватель substitution n. – замена, подстановка I surface n. -- поверхность influence - n. v. – влияние, влиять T initial adj. – начальный, исходный tampering - n. фальсификация in-motion scale – конвейерные весы tare n. – тара insensitiveness n. -- нечувствительность there is little scope for – маленькая insulation n. –изоляция возможность для interpolation n –.интерполяция (отыскание thermocouple n. – термопара, промежуточных значений какой- термочувствительный элемент в


English for Standardization and Metrology

устройствах для измерения compliance n. - 1) согласие; 2) температуры заключение о соответствии thoroughly [‘TArqlI] – тщательно продукции техническим условиям tip n. – кончик, остриё comply v. - следовать предписаниям, track v. - отслеживать подчиняться transparent consensus n. - согласие; единодушие; transposition -- перестановка согласованное мнение truck scale n. - транспортные весы consistently adv. – последовательно, U целенаправленно upward adv. – по направлению вверх consumer n. - потребитель V convince – убеждать vault [vɔːlt] n. – свод, купол, колпак credible adj. - достоверный, vehicle [vI`Jkl] n. – транспортное средство заслуживающий доверия vernier caliper n. – штангенциркуль D W distribution n. - распределение, weighbridge n. – транспортные весы распространение weight/count – вес/количество E wind (wound) [waInd, waVnd] v. – encourage v. - воодушевлять, наматывать(ся), обвивать(ся) способствовать enhance v. - повышать, увеличивать phrases and prepositions environmental adj – экологический to arrive at the results – прийти к establish v. – оснв.ывать; учреждать; результатам создавать in accordance with – в соответствии с make judgment – выносить суждение F facilitate v. - облегчать, продвигать, способствовать forum n. – собрание, место для Unit 4 конференций G A grant v. – гарантировать acceptance n. –1) принятие; 2) I приемлемость implement v. – осуществлять, выполнять acute adj. – острый include v. - включать, охватывать, иметь adhere v. – соблюдать ( технические в своём составе условия), придерживаться industry consortium n. - промышленный affect v. – влиять, воздействовать (на) синдикат, ассоциация approximately adv. - приблизительно initiate v. - брать на себя инициативу, assessment n. – оценка вызывать, предпринимать assure v. - заверять, гарантировать, internal adj – внутренний страховать issue v. – выпускать, издавать attribute n. - качество, свойство L audite [ˈɔːdɪtɪ] n. -- аудит launch n. - ввод в эксплуатацию, available adj. - доступный, имеющийся презентация в наличии legislation n. - законодательство C M carry out v. – выполнять maintenance v. – техническое choice n. - выбор обслуживание, содержание, уход commonality n. -- общая черта, сходство mandate v. - поручить, предписывать, competence n. – компетентность, уполномочить правомочность mandatory adj. – обязательный


manufacture n. – производитель, phrases and prepositions промышленник substitute for – замена для multi-lateral adj. -- многосторонний combine with – совмещать, объединять с O count on – рассчитывать на obtain v.— получать, приобретать rely on – полагаться на operation n. – работа, деятельность, provide sth to – обеспечивать ч.-л. кому-л. open to – открыт для функционирование comply with – соответствовать (чему-л.) outline n. – план in line with the regulations – в P соответствии с правилами peer n. – 1) коллега, коллеги; 2) аналог to be responsible (for) - быть perception n. – восприятие ответственным pose v.— представлять, таить to deal with -иметь дело (с кем-л.); prerequisite n. – предпосылка, касаться (чего-л) предварительное условие prescriptive adj. - нормативный, предписывающий Unit 5 promote v. - продвигать, способствовать A R accuse v. – обвинять, винить range n. - серия, сфера, область adjust v. – настраивать relevant adj. – соответствующий, approve v. – 1) утверждать 2) одобрять уместный array n. – массив reassure v. - заверять, убеждать assembly n. -- сборка, монтаж recognition n. - признание B recon n. - разведка barrier n. – барьер, препятствие reduce v. – уменьшать, сокращать blame v. -- обвинять, винить reliability n. - надёжность Ccarry out v. – выполнять, проводить retailer n. - предприятие розничной circuit-breaker n. – автоматический торговли выключатель S complain v. - жаловаться scope n. – область, сфера compliance n. – соответствие Scope of Accreditation – область comprise v. – включать, состоять, аккредитации входить, содержать set out v. – устанавливать conformity n. – соответствия signatory n. – сторона, подписавшая consist v. – состоять, заключаться, соглашение содержать statutes n. – устав consistency n. – согласованность, stride n. – большой шаг логичность, слаженность substitute v. - заменять constitute v. – составлять sustainable adj. – устойчивый, constitute v. – составлять, представлять, жизнеспособный являться, составить, представлять T собой tackle v. - справляться creepage n. – путь утечки trade n. – торговля D V decrease v. – уменьшать valid adj. – правильный, достоверный, disband v. – распускать, корректный расформировывать verify v. - подтверждать, dismantle v. – 1) демонтировать 2) удостоверять распустить, расформировать voluntarily adv. -- добровольно display v. – показывать voluntary adj. - добровольный distribute v. – распространять, рассылать diversified p.p. -- разнообразный 146

English for Standardization and Metrology drivetrain n. -- трансмиссия regulation n. – правило, положение, E регламент, постановление, норма, effectiveness n. – эффективность предписание efficiency n. – эффективность reply v. -- отвечать emerge v. – появляться, возникать result v. – приводить к emphasize v. – – подчёркивать, выделять roll-out n. – внедрение engage v. – 1) заниматься, участвовать 2) S вовлекать scarce adj. – недостаточный, редкий, entire adj. – весь, целый дефицитный, ограниченный, F скудный fuel -- n. топливо scary adj. – страшный fuse n. – предохранитель solution n. – 1) решение 2) разрешение H (экрана, и т. д.) 3) раствор handle v. – 1) обрабатывать 2) soundness n.– устойчивость, надежность, справляться прочность, правильность, highlight v. – подчёркивать, выделять состоятельность, достоверность, host n. – место расположения целость, сохранность hurdle n. – препятствие submit v. – отправить, передать, I направить, подать, представить impede v. – препятствовать, мешать, supplier n. –поставщик тормозить, сдерживать, suppress v. – подавлять, подавить, затруднять, осложнять глушить, угнетать, заглушить insight n. – понимание, представление, suspect v. -- подозревать видение stakeholder n. – заинтересованная сторона insist v. -- настаивать V insulating adj. – изолирующий vision n. – видение, предвидение, integrity n. – целостность, концепция неприкосновенность, герметичность, сохранность, phrases and prepositions целость Chief Operating Officer - главный interoperability n. – функциональная исполнительный директор совместимость, common needs - общие нужды J conformity assessment - оценка jeopardize v. – ставить под угрозу соответствия M electric traction – электрическая тяга mention v. – упоминать fall within a scope попадать в сферу O from many perspectives – с многих точек obliterated v. – уничтожать зрения P interested party - заинтересованная participate v. – принимать участие сторона perform v. – выполнять overhead power line — воздушная линия photovoltaic [fəʊtɪvəʊlˈteɪɪk] adj.– rotating machinery – вращающееся фотоэлектрический, оборудование фотогальванический surge arrester – ограничитель powertrain n. – 1) трансмиссия 2) силовой перенапряжений, грозозащитный агрегат разрядник. process v. – обрабатывать switchgear and controlgear - комплектные protractor n.—транспортир устройства распределения и управления R technical barrier – техническое referenced p.p. – упомянутый препятствие reflect v. – отражать, отображать with a view to - c целью


common lead – общее руководство; I indelibly adv. –неизгладимо, несмываемо. Unit 6 ingress n. – попадание, проникновение insulation n. – изоляция A J acquire v. – получать, приобретать jurisdiction n. – юрисдикция, adhesive n., adj. – клей, клейкий, клеящий компетенция, сфера полномочий affairs [əˈfeəz] – дела L affix v. – прикреплять, наносить legibly adv. – разборчиво, четко amalgamation n. – объединение, слияние, legislative adj –. законодательный смешение, укрупнение line heater n. – подогреватель amendment n. – поправка, изменение M authorization [ɔːθəraɪˈzeɪʃn] n. – marine adj. – морской разрешение, санкция, полномочие, N доверенность notary [ˈnəʊtərɪ] n. – нотариус B notify v. – уведомлять, сообщать, boiler n. – котёл информировать C O cancel v. – отменять, отказываться obligatory adj. – обязательный charger n. – зарядное устройство overleaf adv. – на обороте compulsory adj. – обязательный, P принудительный paperwork n. –документация, concession n. – уступка, концессия, льгота документооборот, conformance n. – соответствие, делопроизводство согласованность permit v. – позволять, разрешать D possess v. – иметь, обладать designation n. – назначение, precaution n. – предосторожность предназначение procedure [prəˈsiːʤə] n. – процедура, discount n. – скидка; порядок diverse adj. – разнообразный prohibit v. – запретить dye v. – красить (ткань, волосы) provisions n. – положения соглашения E R elevator n. – лифт reimburse v. – возмещать, компенсировать eligible adj. – правомочный, имеющий relevant adj. – соответствующий, право, компетентный в ч.-л. уместный emission n. – выброс retain v. – сохранять, удерживать, entitle v. – давать право оставлять envisage v. – предусматривать retardant adj. – защитный, expenses n. – – затраты непроницаемый, …упорный F S footwear n. – обувь seal n. – печать franchise n. – франшиза; (право shipment n. – поставка, перевозка, груз, пользования брендом, товарным транспортировка, погрузка, партия знаком, технологией товара G similarly adv. – аналогично, точно так, grant v. – предоставлять точно так же, также, точно также, H одинаково haberdashery [ˈhæbə,dæʃərɪ] n. – stable n., adj. – стабильность, стабильный галантерея surveillance n. – надзор, наблюдение harmonized adj. – согласованный T hygienic [haɪˈʤiːnɪk] adj. – terminate v. – прекратить, расторгнуть, гигиенический, санитарный прервать 148

English for Standardization and Metrology topcoat n. – покрытие U undertake v. – выполнять, осуществлять, проводить, производить W welfare n. – пособие, соцобеспечение; wholesaler [ˈhəʊlseɪlər] n. – оптовая компания winding up – ликвидация withdraw [wɪðˈdrɔː] v.– отказать(ся), отозвать Phrases and word combinations bear а marking – иметь маркировку Certificate of Conformity – Сертификат Соответствия chemical contents verification - проверка химического состава conformity assessment – оценка соответствия converted vehicles – переоборудованные транспортные средства data plate – табличка с информацией о продукте (техническими параметрами, выходными данными) enact a law – принять закон Frequency Converter – преобразователь частоты incoming row materials – сырьё intend to – намереваться; предназначать Letter of Exemption – «отказное письмо» maintenance period – период обслуживания notified body – аккредитованный орган occupational hazards – профессиональные опасности pose a risk – представлять опасность risk assessment – оценка риска Type Approval Certificate – Сертификат Соответствия (Сертификат о типовом одобрении) wholesale store – оптовый склад система автомобиля – система автомобиля


временный – temporary вручать – grant А вставка – insertion адаптивный – adaptive встраивать – embed альтиметр – altimeter входить (в состав) – comprise аналог – analogue, peer выбор – choice аналогично - similarly выброс – emission, fall-out ассоциация - industry consortium выверка – adjustment, gauge аудит - audite выверять– gauge аудит – audite выводить – derive Б выдавать – grant, give out базовый – basic, essential, core выделять (подчёркивать) – emphasize, балансир - balance beam highlight барьер – barrier выделять (испускать) – emit бензин – gasoline, petrol вызывать – cause, initiate бесконечный – infinite, endless вымогательство – racket бетон - concrete выполнять – carry out, implement, В perform, undertake в целом – generally выпускать - issue в частности– precisely выравнивание – alignment варьировать(ся) – vary высота - altitude, height ввести термин – to coin a term высотомер – altimeter вверх - upward вытеснять – supplant, replace ввод – input; (в эксплуатацию) - launch Г величина – magnitude, quantity галантерея - haberdashery вес – weight гарантировать – assure, ensure вести – conduct, lead геодезия – surveying весы – scales, balance герметичность – airtightness, весь – whole, entire watertightness, integrity весьма – pretty, rather, quite гигиенический - hygienic взаимный – mutual главный – core, main, chief, paramount to вибрация - oscilation груз – shipment, cargo видение – insight, vision Д винить – blame, accuse давление - pressure включать – comprise, include, involve датчик давления - pressure gauge власти – authorities двигатель – thruster влияние – influence дела – affairs влиять – affect, influence демонтировать – dismantle, tear down внедрение – roll-out дефицитный – scarce внешний - outer деятельность – operation, activity вносить (вклад, лепту) — contribute (to) диапазон – range, span внутренний - internal длина – length внятно - legibly длительность – duration вовлекать – engage, involve длительный – continuous водонепроницаемый – waterproof добровольно - voluntarily воздействовать – affect добровольный - voluntary возмещать - reimburse доверенность – authorization возможность – opportunity, possibility довольно ( весьма) – pretty, quite, rather возникать – appear, emerge договор – treaty, convention воодушевлять - encourage документация - paperwork восприятие – perception дополнительный – additional, воспроизводимость – precision complementary 150

English for Standardization and Metrology

дорожные знаки – road signage иметь отношение (к чему-л) – bear (have) достижение – achievement relationship to достоверный - credible инструмент – tool достоверный – credible, valid интервал – span доступный - available информировать – notify доход – income исключение – exception дюйм – inch исследование – research, investigation Е исследовательский – research единица измерения – unit of measurement исследовать – investigate, research единодушие – consensus источник – source единство измерений – traceability transfer исходный – initial Ж К жаловаться – complain калибровать– gauge, calibrate желаемый – desired калибровка – calibration жила кабеля – core качество (свойство) – attribute З ключевой – key, core заверять – assure, reassure колебание - oscillation зависеть (от) — depend (on) количество – amount, quantity задействовать – involve, engage коллега – peer, colleague заканчивать ВУЗ — matriculate from компенсировать - reimburse заключаться – consist компетентность – competence, законодательный - legislative competency законодательство - legislation компетентный – entitled, eligible замена - substitution competent заменять – supplant, replace, substitute компетенция – jurisdiction, competency заметный – notable, remarkable competence, замешательство – confusion конвейерные весы - in-motion scale заниматься – be engaged конец, наконечник – tip запечатанный – sealed консультировать .— advise, consult (on) запретить – prohibit, forbid, ban контакт – junction, contact запускать – launch контролировать – oversee, control зарядное устройство – charger концевая мера – gauge (gage) blocks затраты – expenses концепция – vision затруднять – prevent, interfere, impede кончик - tip защитный - retardant корпус - casing защищать – protect, prevent (from) корректный – correct, valid зерно – grain коррекция – adjustment знакомый – familiar космический корабль – spacecraft значение – magnitude, value космос – spaсe значительный – notable, significant, кроме – apart from important, remarkable курсор - pointer И Л известный – notable, famous лазерный прицел – laser tracker издавать – issue, release ликвидация – winding up, elimination, излучать – emit termination изменение – change, amendment ликвидировать – eliminate, terminate измерять– measure, gauge линейка – ruler изолировать – insulate логичность - consistency изоляция - insulation льгота – concession изучать– study, learn, investigate М иметь - have, possess манометр – pressure gauge


массив – array обоюдный – mutual массовый - bulk обрабатывать – process, handle меняться – vary, change образец – specimen, pattern, sample мешать – prevent, interfere, impede обращаться – apply многочисленный – numerous обувь – footwear множество – multitude общий – common, mutual монтаж – assembly объём – amount, volume морская миля – nautical mile объявление – announcement морской– marine обычный – common, usual, customary мошенничество – fraud обязательный – mandatory, compulsory, Н obligatory на усмотрение кого-л. -- It’s (it was / it has огнеупорный -- fire retardant been) up to smb (to decide) ограниченный – limited, scarce наблюдать – oversee одинаково - similarly наблюдение – observation, surveillance одобрять – approve нагреватель – heater около - nearabout надёжность – reliability, soundness опечатанный - sealed надзор - surveillance определённый – certain, definite назначение – designation определять – define, determine называть – denominate, name, call опрос – surveying наладка – alignment оптовая компания – wholesaler наматывать(ся) - wind ( wound) оптовый – bulk, wholesale намереваться – intend опыт (в) — experience (in), background наносить – affix ориентир – milestone направить – submit осложнять – complicate, impede напротив –contradictory основывать – establish, set up, found настаивать – insist основание – foundation, establishment настоящий (текущий, актуальный) - основной – core, basic, esential current основывать на — base on настраивать – adjust, gauge, tune особенно – particularly, precisely настройка – alignment, tuning, adjustment оставлять – retain, leave начальный - initial остриё - tip недостаточный – scarce острый – acute необработанный – raw осуществлять – implement, undertake необходимость – necessity осцилляция - oscillation неосязаемый – intangible отвергать – reject, withdraw, refuse, нержавеющая сталь – stainless steel отвечать – (на вопрос) reply, answer; (за несколько — several ч.-л.) be responsible for несмываемый - indelible отвечать потребностям – to meet needs нечувствительность– insensitiveness отдельно – apart нормативный – prescriptive отказать(ся) – withdraw, refuse, reject нормативный - prescriptive abandon, cancel нотариус – notary отклонение - deflection О отклонение – deflection обвинять – blame отклонять - reject обвинять – accuse отклонять – reject обеспечивать – provide, ensure отменять - cancel обладать - have, possess отношение (матем.) – ratio; в отношении область– range, scope – with respect to облегчать – facilitate отображать – reflect обмен – barter, exchange отозвать - withdraw обозначать – denominate, denote отправить – submit 152

English for Standardization and Metrology

отражать – reflect появляться – appear, emerge отрезок – span правило – rule, regulation. отслеживать – track правильность – correctness, precision охватывать – include, cover правильный - right, proper, correct, valid оценка – assessment, evaluation правомочность – competence, eligibility, П правомочный – entitled, eligible перевозка - shipment предварительное условие – prerequisite переменно – alternately предвидение – vision, insight перестановка -- transposition предложение – proposal период – span, period предназначение – designation перспективный – prospective предоставлять – grant, (для) – provide печать - seal (for) план - outline предосторожность - precaution по крайней мере - at least предотвращать - prevent (from) по существу – essentially предохранитель – fuse поверхность – surface предписывать – mandate повышать – enhance, encrease предписывающий – prescriptive погрешность, ошибка – bias предпосылка – prerequisite подавлять – suppress предпринимать – initiate, undertake подать – submit представление – idea, insight подгонка – adjustment, alignment представлять – (воображать) imagine; поддерживать, поддержка – support (собой) constitute, pose; (на подозревать – suspect рассмотрение) submit, подписывать – subscribe предусматривать – envisage подстановка - substitution презентация - launch подтверждать – validate, verify преимущественный – pre-eminent подчёркивать - highlight, emphasize прекратить – terminate, stop подчиняться – comply, obay преобладать – predominate, be pre- позволять – let, permit, allow eminent позиционирование – positioning препятствие – barrier, impediment показывать – show, display препятствовать – prevent, interfere, полагаться (на) – rely (on) impede полномочие – authorization, eligibility, прервать – terminate, interrupt competence приближение (матем.) – approximation положение – provision, regulation. приблизительно – roughly, approximately получать – acquire, obtain приблизительно - approximately понимание – understanding, insight приводить (к) – result in; lead to понятие – concept, idea пригодность – aptitude, suitability поправка – amendment придерживаться (правил) - adhere поручать - mandate приемлемость - acceptance порядок – procedure, order приемлемый– acceptable, suitable посвящать — dedicate (to) признавать – recognize последовательно - consistently признание - recognition поставка - shipment прикреплять – affix поставщик – supplier приложение (программа) – application постановление - regulation применение – application постоянно – permanently, continuously примыкать – join постоянный – continuous, permanent принимать – adopt, accept, take поступать – matriculate (to), enter принимать участие – participate, take part потребитель - consumer принятие - acceptance появление – appearance


приобретать – acquire, obtain, purchase, распределение - distribution achieve распределение – distribution приспособление – adjustment, device, распространение - distribution propagation appliance, contrivance распространять(ся) – spread (spread, присущий – inherent spread); extend, distribute причинять– cause распускать – disband, dismantle проверять – verify, validate, check рассылать – distribute проверка – verification, audit, checking раствор – solution провод, проволока – wire расторгнуть - terminate проводить – carry out, undertake расформировать – dismantle disband conduct (electricity) расширить(ся) – extend spread (spread, проводник – conductor spread); продвигать - promote, facilitate регулировка – adjustment, alignment прозрачный - transparent редактировать – edit производитель - manufacturer редкий – seldom, rare, scarce производительность – capability результат – output, result производить – manufacture, produce, резюме – curriculum vitae, resume generate, (выполнять) undertake рецепт - receipt производный – derived решать – solve, decide, make up one’s mind произвольный – arbitrary, random решение – solution, decision происходить (от) – descend (from) розничный - retail промежуток – span С промышленный - industrial санитарный - hygienic пропорция – ratio санкция – authorization пространственный – dimensional, special сборка – assembly extensional; светящийся – luminous пространство – spaсe своевременный – timely процедура - procedure свойственный – inherent прочность – soundness свойство – attribute пружина - spring связанный – linked with, related to прямо, прямой – straight associated with, connected to, bound to путаница – confusion связь – reference, conjunction пыль - dust сгибать – bend (bent, bent) Р сдвиг - drift, shift работа – operation сдерживать – hold back, impede равновесие - equilibrium серия – range равный – equal сила света – luminous intensity разбирать (демонтировать) – tear down, скидка – discount dismantle скоропортящийся — perishable разборчиво - legibly, distinctly скорость – velocity, speed разведка - recon скудный – scarce развивать(ся) – evolve, develop следовать – comply, fallow различаться – vary, differ случайный – accidental, random размер – magnitude, size смещение – drift, shift разнообразный – diverse, various, variable смещение – deflection разрабатывать -- elaborate, develop, соблюдать ( технические условия) – devise adhere разрешать – let, permit, allow совместимость – interoperability, разрешение – authorization compatibility разрешение (экрана, и т. д.) – solution совмещение – alignment разрушать – disrupt, destroy, break совпадать (с) — comply with, coincide распознавать – recognize совпадение – coincidence 154

English for Standardization and Metrology

согласие – consensus стрелка - pointer согласованность – conformance, суждение - judgment согласованный – agreed-upon, consistent, сумма – amount, total, sum harmonized сфера – scope, field, jurisdiction, range соглашение – treaty, agreement сходство -- commonality содействовать – facilitate, contribute (to) считать (вычислять) – count, calculate, содержание – content compute; считать (думать) – содержание (в порядке)– maintenance consider содержать – comprise, contain, consist сыпучий - bulk Содружество наций – the Commonwealth сырой – raw of Nations Commonwealth Т Содружество независимых государств, таить— pose СНГ – Commonwealth: of так, таким образом – thus Independent States, CIS тара – tareб package соединение – junction, conjunction, joint, твёрдый (о состоянии вещества) — solid connection техническое обслуживание– maintenance соединять – join, connect ток – current создавать – establish, create, make up, топливо – fuel сообщать – notify, inform топографическая съёмка – surveying соответствие – conformance, conformity, торговля – trade compliance, suitability тормозить – hold back, impede соответствовать — comply with точно – exactly соответствующий - relevant, appropriate, точность – precision, exactness, accuracy suitable точный – precise, exact соотношение – ratio традиционный – customary сопротивление – resistance транспортир — protractor сосредоточиться (на) — focus (on) транспортировка - shipment составлять – constitute; (документ) – draw транспортное средство – vehicle up транспортные весы – weighbridge, truck состоять – comprise, consist of scale сохранность – soundness, integrity требовать – require, demand сохранять – retain, safe, keep трудно – difficult, tough, hard соцобеспечение - welfare тщательно – thoroughly сочетание – conjunction У специалист – proficient, professional, убеждать – convince, reassure expert, specialist уведомлять – notify, inform способность– aptitude, ability, capability увеличивать – enhance, increase, enlarge способствовать — contribute (to), угрожать – threaten, jeopardize facilitate, encourage, promote удалять– remove, eliminate, delete справляться – tackle, handle, cope, manage удерживать – retain, keep, hold on сравнение – comparison удобство – comfort, convenience сравнивать с — compare to удостоверять– verify среди – among узнавать– recognize, learn ссылка – reference указатель - pointer стабильность stable уменьшать – decrease, reduce стабильный stable уместный – relevant стандарт – benchmark, specimen, standard уничтожать – obliterate, eliminate, destroy, сторона (подписавшая соглашение) – ruin signatory унция – ounce страховать – assure уполномочить – mandate страшный – scary упоминание – reference, mention


упоминать – mention, refer (to) эталон – benchmark, milestone, specimen, упомянутый – referenced, mentioned standard, reference, gauge, model, ускоритель – accelerator patter условия – provisions, conditions, terms эффективность – efficiency, effectiveness усовершенствовать - elaborate Ю устав – statutes юрисдикция - jurisdiction устанавливать – establish, set up, set out Я установка – adjustment, set-up, assembly являться – be, constitute установочный – set-up устаревший - outdated устойчивость – stability, resistance, soundness, sustainability устойчивый – sustainable, stable утверждать – approve, state уточнять – specify участвовать – be engaged, take part, participate учреждать – establish, set up, found Ф фактический – actual фальсификация – tampering, fake физик – physicist фон – background функционирование – operation Х хранение, хранилище – storage, custody хранить – store, keep Ц целенаправленно – consistently целостность – integrity, soundness целый – whole, entire цель – purpose, target, aim, objective цемент – concrete центнер – hundredweight цифра – digit Ч частица – particle частично – partially часто – often, frequently частота – frequency часть – fraction, part чаша весов - pan (of a balance) чертёж — drawing четко – legibly, distinctly Ш шаблон – specimen, template, gauge, pattern, sample ширина – width штангенциркуль – vernier caliper Э экологический – environmental эксперт — expert (in), proficient, specialist 156

English for Standardization and Metrology


1. Пронкин Н. С. Основы метрологии: практикум по метрологии и измерениям. Учебное пособие для вузов. — М.: Логос; Университетская книга, 2007 -- 392с. 2. Старостин П. И. Учебник английского языка. М.: 1976. 200с. 3. Borys M. et al., 2012, Fundamentals of Mass Determination, DOI: 10.1007/978- 3-642-11937-8_2, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (8) 4. Computer and Network Policies, Procedures, and Forms, Bizmanualz (ABR34M, ISBN-10 #1-93159106-7). Good Measurement Practice for Assignment and Adjustment of Calibration Intervals for Laboratory Standards. GMP 11, March 2003. 5. ISO 9001:2008, “Quality Management Systems-Requirements”, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Nov., 2008. 6. Kolosnitsyn N. I. Kononogov S. A. Methodological problems of Metrology //Measuring techniques, Vol. 49, # 8, 2006. (741-744) 7. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. 3-rd Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2004. , - 300 с.


Хорешман Вера Сергеевна

English for Standardization and Metrology. Учебное пособие

Ответственный за выпуск В. С. Хорешман

Редактор Т.Ф. Кочергина


ЛР №020565 от 23 июня 1997 г. Подписано к печати 7.07. 2014. г. 1 Формат 60x84 16 . Бумага офсетная. Офсетная печать. Усл. п.л. – 9.0 п. л. Уч. изд. л. – 4,0. Заказ №. Тираж 100 экз. «С» Издательство Южного федерального университета ГСП 17А, Таганрог, 28, Некрасовский, 44

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